目录 - Borla排气系统
目录 - Borla排气系统
2016 目录 »CONTENTS 4 6 8 10 11 12 14 44 46 47 48 49 50 53 54 55 About Borla Choose Your Sound Passion & Perfection R&D Update Borla Films Borla Induction Vehicle Applications European Applications Universal Tips Borla ProXS Mufflers Specialty Mufflers, Clamps & Tubing Borla Boomers, Hot Rod Kits & Polish XR-1 Raceline Apparel FAQs How to Use this Catalog ® ® ® ® ® ® »HOW TO USE THIS CATALOG See page 55 打造 激情 始自 从阿帕拉契闻名于史的乡村小道到蜿蜒曲 折的圣莫尼卡山峡谷,Borla与美国多姿多彩 的汽车业纵横交错。 我们在田纳西州约翰逊城占地 100 英亩的制 造和集散工厂拥有国内技术最精良的金属 工人。在我们位于利福尼亚州奥克斯纳德 的世界一流研发中心,您可以见到业内顶 尖的工程师和制造工。 我们是机车受好者组成的一个大集体,体 现在我们的产品、客户服务、行业领先的 百万英里质保和我们的文化中。Borla 员工 为您制造排气管,在技术支持方面为您提 供帮助。每逢周末,您还可以在赛道上, 竞速赛或越野赛以及汽车秀上看到他们竞 技的身影。 我们很自豪能够提供畅销全球的真 正“美国制造”产品。您到处都可以看 到,Borla 的创新精神和激情同我们无与争 不同于任何其他排气系统品牌,Borla排气 系统是从零开始逐辆车逐辆车设计的。每 辆轿车或卡车都有其独特的机械和声学性 ® 4 峰的排气系统一样引人注目。 ® BORLA® PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIES • 001 805-341-5778 • 001 805-246-6004 • www.borla.com.cn 质,这两者都要考虑到,我们花了无数小 时优化消声器本体形状、内部芯构造、流 体动力学等。 就许多应用而言,Borla 让您根据排气声音 的大小和特点享有众多选择 - 从低沉的隆隆 声到全力轰鸣声。关于我们专利声音技术 的更多信息,请参见第 6 页至第 7 页。 声”以外,通过 Borla 排气系统升级您的座 驾,不仅能提高动力和扭矩,改善燃油经济 性,延长发动机使用寿命,还能让赛车运动 形式高雅完美。 ® ® 我们近四十年从竞赛和街道性能学习到的知 识在每件出厂产品上都得到体现。除了被世 界各地机车爱好者认可的独特Borla“动力之 但 Borla 最能带给您的是每次转动油门把手时 的狂飚快感,每次换档时的咆哮动力刺激, 以及让心脏加速的澎湃声音。最重要的是, 我们知道我们制造的远远不止是排气系统。 ® 我们打造激情。 BORLA® PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIES • 001 805-341-5778 • 001 805-246-6004 • www.borla.com.cn 5 选择您 的声音 » 排气声无法仅仅用“悦耳”一 词来形容。它是汽车和驾驶者 之间的沟通渠道,是连接人与 机器的重要纽带。排气声提供 引擎转速的声音反馈,帮助驾 驶员作出档位选择或转速匹配 时油门输入等重大决定。 在 Borla, 我们对这一概念的理解远远胜过 任何其他排气系统制造商。通过专利技术 与计算机建模、丰富的原型制作和高级频 谱分析工具的结合,Borla 工程师逐车推出 排气系统,最好地提升我们产品目录上每 辆轿车或卡车的个性和性能。 ® TOURING S-TYPE ATAK 不轰鸣而高性能 直接动力 ATAK - “调声应用动力学” 声音:柔和咆哮声 Borla Touring 消声器采用单芯高流量设计,提高动 力,平添驾驶激情,声音低沉暗哑,仅比油门全开时 声音稍大。“沉睡者”车队的完美选择。 ® 声音:超强劲 声音:强劲 ® S-Type 是填充纤维丝、直通芯尺寸、孔眼排列方 式和圆柱形状的优化组合,每一次转动油门把 手,都能带来让人陶醉的 Borla “动力之声”。 ® 为确保最大程度耐用,每个 Borla® 消声器都采用优质奥氏体 不锈钢制作。 ® 我们有着合法上路车辆具备的最高 dB(分贝)级 别。ATAK 消声器芯的尺寸、数量和孔眼排列 方式 像图形均衡器一样逐车调节,以成形和聚集 声波,带来最佳高容量输出。 ® Borla® 工程师精心调整内芯的孔 眼排列方式、直径和其他特 点,逐车优化 ATAK 声音。 宽径芯和消声器壁之间的等距细 缝提供强劲喑哑的高性能之声。 ® 同时,我们认识到对于排气声的大小和特 点,每位驾驶员都有自己的喜好。这也是 为什么我们的许多应用都能具备右图所示 的三种声音技术之一。 美国专利号 8,439,159 B1 要倾听和比较适合各种热门车的 Touring、S-Type 和 ATAK 排气系统,请访问网 站www.youtube.com/Borla。您会发现 Borla“ 动力之声”技术如何让您感受声音的力 量。 ® 所有 Borla 消声器内部都充填相同的超耐用 多根连续消声复合® 纤维丝。 6 声波在通过多个芯壁和通过 芯壁偏转时产生衰减和调 整。 没有可能发生故障的多焊缝反射板或反射腔, 只有非常先进的直通设计,实践证明其流量超 过中空直通排气管。 声波 废气 声波 废气 声波 废气 分贝级范围 在整个温度范围内保持速度 分贝级范围 在整个温度范围内保持速度 分贝级范围 在整个温度范围内保持速度 BORLA® PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIES • 001 805-341-5778 • 001 805-246-6004 • www.borla.com.cn BORLA® PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIES • 001 805-341-5778 • 001 805-246-6004 • www.borla.com.cn 7 激情原动力 完美驱动力 流畅的心轴弯管 整个弯管部分保持原始管径, 让流量最大化。 精准配合 电脑控制的设计以及我们 与汽车制造商在配件测试 上的密切关系使得装上 螺栓便开轻松完成安装。 一流的结构 其他品牌采用压接或焊接消声器部件 方法的连接,Borla 则用采用更为可靠 的 Tri-Gas TIG 工艺将部件融接在一起。 ® 高品质 T-304 奥氏体不锈钢 T-304 不锈钢已被证明是业界最耐用的排气 管合金,不仅能确保有持续的展示外观, 而且使用 Borla 排气净化剂和抛光剂便能 轻松维护。 ® 百万英里 质保 这意味着每年 20000 英里,持续质保 50 年!而且每件产品 都得到我们的支持。 它如此高效, 能够真正提高燃油经济性 Borla 排气系统能提高巡航 速度时的燃油经济性。 ® 研 发 更新 BORLA 吉普用“CLIMBER”排气 系统提高离地间隙 ® Borla 的 Cat-Back Climber 排气 系统适用于 2012-15 吉普 JK 无 限 版,在车架梁上设有省去 回路的 Y 形管和减震座,带 来最大间隙和保护。系统具 有带来高性能音效的全尺寸 消声器,使得在车内感觉不 到嗡嗡声。Climber 是 Borla 五十多种 排气系统和集气 管的一员,用于从 81 CJ7 到 2015 牧马人的吉普车型。请 致电或登录网站了解更多。 ™ ™ Borla 在 COTA 赛道 Turner Motorsport/Borla BMW Z4 参加 COTA 赛 道 倍耐力世界挑战 赛的激烈场面。 ATOMIC ENERGY 配备有 Borla® XR-1 消 声器的 Ariel Atom 3® 跑车行驶在丰塔纳 赛车场高向内侧。 ® ™ ® BORLA 设立碳纤维生产事业部 ® 为响应对 Borla 碳纤维排气尾 嘴、速度叠加气喇叭及其他部 件的强劲需求,我们位于约 翰逊城占地面积 100 英亩的制 造和配送中心现在又迎来了全 面服务式碳纤维生产基地。凭 借工程研发、设计、原型制作 和制造方面的实力,Borla 计 划扩大碳纤维产品系列,以涵 盖车身钣金件、排气扩压器以 及各种各样其他汽车零部件和 附件。 ® /borla youtube.com ® 赋予全新 CAMARO SIX 以更强动 力、音效和风格 Borla 业内领先的工程师、设计 师和制作师已经为全新 Camaro Six 开发出猫背式(Cat-Back)和 尾段(Rear Section)排气系统、 集气管等产品。这些螺栓连接 式升级产品不久便会上市,能 够提升性能,增添驾驶激情, 减轻重量,提高燃油经济性。 整体式多级排气阀确保能 100% 兼容用户选择的驾驶模式和其 他工厂特色产品。 想要现在查看所有产品, 请下载 BORLA 产品目录 ® 您可以下载完整的 Borla 产品目 录, 方法是扫描封底上的 QR 码 或者登录网站 www.borla.com.cn。 ® 10 BORLA® PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIES • 001 805-341-5778 • 001 805-246-6004 • www.borla.com.cn 福特野马 GT 倾听并比较三款2.5" 消声器以及旨在优化 排气歧管声音和性能 的 3" 系统。 TORC 系列竞赛 Borla 自己的 Scott Douglas车队在得克萨 斯汽车赛车场 TORC 公开赛上赢得 Pro4。 谁是越野之王 紧张激烈 2015 KOH 赛 事的“重金属行 动”,Borla® 车队 最终赢得第二名。 喷油器 造型与动力 节气门位置传 感器 速空 气控 制 压燃油泵 高 LLEY 及其他 E , HO 多种选装件可供选择 配备“速度叠加” ,源自 气喇叭用 钢坯机加工 怠 FAS T 电镀 CU 典的 经 抛光 Borla Induction 此前为 TWM Induction, 为发动机制造商、赛车队、经典车爱好者和汽车改装厂带来六 十多年积累的一流进排气系统工程、设计和生产方面的经验。 ® 八个 55mm 钢坯 机加工节气门体 不同于只是简单地针对如今复杂发动机修改老式设计的其他套件,Borla Induction 节气门体套件专 为每一种应用特地打造。经典的发动机具有提前喷油优势,而现代发动机则具有结合成熟技术叠 加式喷射系统的复古外观。两者都能获得更大动力、气缸特定调节和速度叠加带来的惊异表现, 以及 Borla Induction 的经典声音性能。 ® 大容量 - 10 油轨 套件带 AN 接头 ® 作为真正的“美国制造”产品,Borla Induction 系列产品有我们出色的工艺和性能声誉为支撑。 豪 如需找到适合您特定进气需求的解决方案,请登录网站 www.BorlaInduction.com 或致电 1-877 GO Borla。今天就去发 现如何赋予您发动机经典的风格和赛车 血统的动力! 地 铸铝 歧管 制 造 自 ® 在美国 昔日速度叠加A系统的经典外观 辉煌竞赛时代最时髦的改装之一 --- 在每一个 Borla Induction 套件 中都得到体现。 我们还有各种化油式节气门体原装 替换件可供选择,包括韦伯 DCOE 及 其他等。 ® Borla Induction 的 GM LS3/L92 套件 燃油 喷射器 可调 燃油压力 调节器 ® 钢坯连杆套件 请访问网站 www.BorlaInduction.com 了解全部产品 适用于以下及其他热门车(包括法拉利、MG、VW、本田等) 雪佛兰 350 12 雪佛兰大缸体 简介! GM LS1/LS2/LS6 福特 302 BORLA® PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIES • 001 805-341-5778 • 001 805-246-6004 • www.borla.com.cn 福特 Coyote 福特 351 Windsor 6.1L Hemi 保时捷套件 Borla 的八管式进气系统给 予您原装韦伯化油器的经典 外观,同时结合了燃油喷射 系统的现代技术和性能。适 用于以下及许多其他热门发 动机: 雪佛兰小缸体 福特小缸体 BORLA® PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIES • 001 805-341-5778 • 001 805-246-6004 • www.borla.com.cn 13 EXHAUST SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Model/Group Years www.borla.com 1-877 GO BORLA TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # Model/Group »ACURA Years TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # E90/92 335i/xi Sedan 3.0L 335i/xi Coupe/Sedan 3.0L 335i/xi 3.0L 328i Sedan 2.0L M3 Sedan 4.0L M3 Sedan 4.0L M3 Coupe 4.0L M3 Coupe 4.0L M3 Coupe 4.0L M3 Sedan 4.0L M3 Coupe 4.0L (Titanium Exhaust) M3 Sedan 4.0L (Titanium Exhaust) M3 4.0L RSX Type S 2.0L 4CYL MT FWD 2DR 02-06 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.25" 2.25" 4" RD 8" Bright 2 Single Rear (R) 140002 »AUDI A4 Quattro 1.8T 4CYL MT AWD 4DR Quattro 1.8T/2.0T 4CYL AT/MT AWD 4DR 2.0L Turbo AT/MT AWD 4DR 97-01 02-08 09-15 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ S-Type S-Type S-Type 2.25" 2" 2.5" 2.25" 2" 2.5" 3.14" RD 3.19" RD 3.5" x 2.75" OV 10-14 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 3" 15 15 Cat-Back™ Downpipe w/o Cats S-Type S-Type 3" 3" 2.25" 3" 3.5" RD 00-02 10-14 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ S-Type S-Type 3" 2.5" 3" 1.75" 3.14" RD 3.5" RD 4.63" 6.75" 3.96" Bright Bright Bright 18 35 29 Dual Rear (L) 14845 Single Split Rear 140100 Dual Rear (L) 140315 R8 V10 AT/MT 2 DR USES FACTORY BEZELS Single Split Rear 140596 S3 2.0L Turbo AT/MT AWD 2.0L Turbo AT/MT AWD 4.5" Bright 29 Dual Rear (L) 140631 60562* 4.63" 5" Bright Bright 18 18 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Front Pipes Cat-Back™ Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section X-Pipe Touring S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.25" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" TBA TBA TBA TBA 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.75" 2" 2.75" 2" TBA TBA TBA TBA 2.5" 3.5" RD 3.5" RD 6" 6" Bright Bright 35 35 3.19" RD 3.5" RD 3.14" RD 3.5" RD 3.14" RD TBA TBA TBA TBA 5" 5" 5" 6" 5" TBA TBA TBA TBA Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Crbn Fbr Crbn Fbr Crbn Fbr Crbn Fbr 18 18 18 18 18 53 53 53 53 13-15 13-15 Cat-Back™ Diffuser S-Type 3" 2.25" 3.5" RD 6" Bright 18 Dual Split Rear 140511 77014 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 2.25" 3.5" RD 4.5" Bright 47 Dual Split Rear 140582 12-15 13-15 13-15 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ S-Type S-Type ATAK ® 2.75" 3" 3" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 3.14" RD 3.5" RD 3.5" RD 4.68" 6" 6" Bright Bright Bright 18 35 35 Dual Rear (L) 140509 Single Split Rear 140579 Single Split Rear 140580 14-15 14-15 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ S-Type ATAK ® 3" 3" 2.25" 2.25" 3.5" RD 3.5" RD 6" 6" Bright Bright 35 35 Single Split Rear 140579 Single Split Rear 140580 15 15 15 15 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Front Pipes Downpipe S-Type S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 3" 2.25" 2.25" 2.5" 3" 3.5" RD 3.5" RD 5" 5" Bright Bright 18 18 Dual Split Rear 140607 Dual Split Rear 140600 60557* 60563* Touring S-Type ATAK ® S-Type ATAK ® S-Type ATAK ® S-Type ATAK ® Single Split Rear 140246 Single Split Rear 140276 60503* Dual Rear (L) 140505 Dual Split Rear 11770 Dual Split Rear 11803 Dual Split Rear 11764 Dual Split Rear 11802 TBA 11882CF TBA 11883CF TBA 11882TCF TBA 11883TCF 60506* F10 M5 4.4L M5 4.4L S4 Quattro Twin Turbo 2.7L V6 AT/MT AWD 4DR 3.0L AT/MT AWD 4DR 07-10 07-10 07-09 08-12 08-11 08-11 08-13 08-13 08-13 08-13 08-13 08-13 08-12 F12 Dual Rear (L) 14902 Dual Split Rear 140403 M6 4.4L F30 S5 4.2L AT/MT AWD 2 DR 08-12 ™ Cat-Back S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 01-06 11-14 12-13 12-13 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Diffuser S-Type S-Type ATAK ® 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2" 2.5" 3.5" RD 5" Bright 18 Dual Split Rear 140391 4.25" x 3.5" OV 6.75" Bright 4" RD 7" Bright USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT 17 35 Single Split Rear 14957 Single Split Rear 140465 Single Split Rear 140473 77011 328i Sedan (N20) 2.0L 335i Sedan/Active Hybrid 3 3.0L (non SULEV) 335i Sedan/Active Hybrid 3 3.0L (non SULEV) TT Quattro 1.8T 225HP MT AWD 2DR 2.0L Turbo AT AWD 2DR RS 2.5L MT AWD 2DR RS 2.5L MT AWD 2DR F32 335i Sedan/435i Coupe 3.0L 335i Sedan/435i Coupe 3.0L F80/F82 »BMW M3/M4 Sedan/Coupe 3.0L M3/M4 Sedan/Coupe 3.0L w/valves M3/M4 Sedan/Coupe 3.0L M3/M4 Sedan/Coupe 3.0L E30 M3 2.3L /2.5L 87-92 Rear Section Touring 2" 2" 3" RD 6.5" Bright 25 Dual Rear (L) 11283 92-99 Cat-Back™ Touring 2" 2" 3" RD 6.5" Bright 18 Dual Rear (L) 14553 98-00 01-05 01-06 01-06 01-06 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ X-Pipe S-Type S-Type S-Type ATAK ® 2.25" 2" 2.5" 2.5" 2.25" 2.25" 2" 1.75" 2.5" 2.25" 3.15" RD 3.19" RD 3.14" RD 3.14" RD 5" 4.75" 5" 5" Bright Bright Bright Bright 20 18 18 18 Dual Rear (L) Dual Rear (L) Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear 08-11 12-13 12-13 Rear Section Rear Section Diffuser S-Type ATAK ® 2.75" 3" 2.25" 2" 3.5" RD 3.15" RD 6" 5" Bright Bright 18 18 Dual Rear (L) 11763 Dual Split Rear 11820 77010 E36 325i/328i/M3 2.5L/2.8L/3.0L/3.2L E46 323/328i & Ci 2.5L /2.8L 325/330i & Ci 2.5L /3.0L M3 Coupe/Conv 3.2L M3 Coupe/Conv 3.2L M3 Coupe/Conv 3.2L 14939 140084 140034 140394 60090* E82 135i 3.0L 1M 3.0L 1M 3.0L TIP EXITS SOUND LEVELS STOCK FULL DETAILS PGS. 6-7 TIP STYLES 2 17 18 TOURING S-TYPE ACTUAL PIPE CONTOURS VARY BY APPLICATION ATAK ® 20 25 29 35 47 SINGLE REAR (L) DUAL REAR (L) SINGLE REAR (R) DUAL REAR (R) SINGLE SPLIT REAR DUAL SPLIT REAR DUAL CENTER REAR QUAD CENTER SINGLE SIDE (L) DUAL SIDE (L) SINGLE SIDE (R) DUAL SIDE (R) SINGLE SPLIT SIDE 53 FOR EXHAUST SYSTEMS ON THESE TWO PAGES 14 1 RD:Round OV:Oval SQ:Square REC:Rectangular 2 Bright:Mirror-Polished Bright Chrome Black:Polished Black Chrome † In CA certified for '99 -'03 * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. FWD:Front Wheel Drive RWD:Rear Wheel Drive AWT:All Wheel Drive AT:Auto Trans. MT:Manual Trans. DR:Door 15 EXHAUST SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Model/Group Years www.borla.com 1-877 GO BORLA TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # Model/Group »CADILLAC 13-14 Rear Section S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 4" RD 8" Bright 35 Single Split Rear 11844 05-07 11-14 Cat-Back™ Rear Section S-Type Touring 2" 2.25" 2" 2.25" 4" RD 8" Bright USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT 35 Single Split Rear 140175 Dual Center Rear 11824 04-07 09-11 11-14 11-14 09-14 11-15 09-14 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Rear Section Rear Section X-Pipe S-Type S-Type Touring S-Type S-Type S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 5" RD 4" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 4" RD 4.5" RD 8.5" 6" 5.75" 5.75" 6.25" 5.75" Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright 35 35 18 18 35 18 Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Dual Center Rear Dual Center Rear Single Split Rear Dual Center Rear 07-10 15 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring 3" 3" 2.25" (x2) 2.25" 4" RD 4" RD 13" 12" Bright Bright 38 18 Dual Side (R) 140194 Dual Side (R) 140559 07-10 15 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring 3" 3" 2.25" (x2) 2.25" (x2) 4" RD 4" RD 13" 12" Bright Bright 18 38 Dual Side (R) 140205 Dual Side (R) 140560 06-09 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.5" 2.5" 5" RD 8.75" Bright 35 Single Split Rear 140178 07-08 09-14 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring 2.75" 3" 2" (x2) 2.25" (x2) 4.25" x 3.5"OV 4" RD 12" 12" Bright Bright 29 18 Dual Side (R) 140235 Dual Side (R) 140423 55-57 55-57 55-57 Manifold-Back Manifold-Back Header S-Type S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 1.65" w/H-Pipe w/H-Pipe 2.5" 10-13 10-13 10-13 14-15 14 14-15 14 Cat-Back™ Rear Section X-Pipe Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Rear Section Rear Section S-Type S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" CTS 3.6L V6 AT RWD 4DR Sedan 3.6L V6 AT RWD/AWD 2DR Coupe CTS-V 5.7L/6.0L V8 MT RWD 4DR 6.2L AT/MT RWD 4DR 6.2L AT/MT RWD/AWD 2DR Coupe 6.2L AT RWD 2DR Coupe 6.2L AT/MT RWD 4DR Sedan 6.2L AT/MT RWD/AWD 2DR Coupe 6.2L AT/MT RWD 2+4DR Coupe/Sedan 140126 140364* 140433 12662* 11809 11823 60524 ESCALADE 6.2L V8 AT RWD/AWD 4DR 6.2L V8 AT RWD/AWD 4DR ESCALADE ESV/EXT ESV/EXT 6.2L V8 AT AWD 4DR ESV 6.2L V8 AT RWD 4DR STS-V 4.4L SC V8 AT RWD 4DR »CHEVROLET AVALANCHE 5.3L/6.0L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR 5.3L AT 2+4WD 4DR BEL AIR 210/SB AT/MT RWD 2+4DR 210/SB AT/MT RWD 2+4DR 256/283/237/350 CID AT/MT RWD 2+4DR FACTORY STYLE TURN DOWNS 4" RD 8" 6.2L V8 AT/MT 2DR w/Dual-mode Quad tip exhaust 6.2L V8 AT/MT 2DR w/Dual-mode Quad tip exhaust 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR STOCK FULL DETAILS PGS. 6-7 3 S-Type S-Type S-Type S-Type 3.5" RD 3.5" RD 4.5" 4.5" Bright Bright 35 3 3.5" RD 4.5" Bright 35 USES w/FACTORY GROUND FX PKG 3.5" RD 4.5" Bright 35 USES w/FACTORY GROUND FX PKG Single Split Rear 140282 Single Split Rear 11776 60539 Single Split Rear 140526 Single Split Rear 140527 Single Split Rear 11845 Single Split Rear 11846 Part # 18 10 TOURING S-TYPE ACTUAL PIPE CONTOURS VARY BY APPLICATION ATAK ® 22 26 29 35 67-69 Manifold-Back 67-69 Header 84-92 Cat-Back™ 93-95 Cat-Back™ 95-97 Cat-Back™ 98-02 Cat-Back™ 98-02 Cat-Back™ 10-13 Cat-Back™ 10-13 Cat-Back™ 10-13 Cat-Back™ 10-13 Cat-Back™ 10-13 Cat-Back™ 10-13 Cat-Back™ 10-13 Rear Section 10-13 Rear Section 10-13 Rear Section 10-13 Rear Section 10-13 Rear Section 10-13 Short Tube Header 10-13 Long Tube Header 10-15 X-Pipe 14-15 Cat-Back™ 14-15 Cat-Back™ 14 Cat-Back™ 14 Cat-Back™ 14-15 Rear Section 14-15 Rear Section 14-15 Rear Section 14 Rear Section 14 Rear Section 14 Rear Section S-Type S-Type ATAK® S-Type ATAK® Touring S-Type ATAK® Touring S-Type ATAK® 2.5" 2" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 1.65" 1.75" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 3" 3" Adj Sys 3" Adj Sys 3" Adj Sys 3" Adj Sys 2.25" 3" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" S-Type S-Type S-Type S-Type S-Type S-Type Touring S-Type ATAK® S-Type ATAK® Touring S-Type ATAK® S-Type ATAK® 4.5" RD 5.75" Bright 35 4.5" RD 5.75" Bright 35 USES w/FACTORY GROUND FX PKG USES w/FACTORY GROUND FX PKG 4.5" RD 5.75" Bright 35 4.5" RD 5.75" Bright 35 4.5" RD 5.75" Bright 35 USES w/FACTORY GROUND FX PKG USES w/FACTORY GROUND FX PKG USES w/FACTORY GROUND FX PKG Single Split Rear 100414 17278* Single Split Rear 14888 Dual Split Rear 14464 Dual Split Rear 14555 Dual Split Rear 14780 Single Split Rear 140028 Single Split Rear 140348 Single Split Rear 140281 Single Split Rear 140280 Single Split Rear 140356 Single Split Rear 140330 Single Split Rear 140378 Single Split Rear 11774 Single Split Rear 11775 Single Split Rear 11788 Single Split Rear 11801 Single Split Rear 11794 17258* 17249* 60512 Single Split Rear 140530 Single Split Rear 140532 Single Split Rear 140531 Single Split Rear 140533 Single Split Rear 11847 Single Split Rear 11849 Single Split Rear 11851 Single Split Rear 11848 Single Split Rear 11850 Single Split Rear 11852 2.5" RD 7" Bright 22 3.8" x 3" SQ 6.75" Bright 26 3.8" x 3" SQ 6.75" Bright 26 3.8" x 3" SQ 6.75" Bright 26 4" RD 14" Bright 36 4.5" RD 5.75" Bright 35 4.5" RD 5.75" Bright 35 4.5" RD 5.75" Bright 35 4.5" RD 5.75" Bright 35 USES w/FACTORY GROUND FX PKG USES w/FACTORY GROUND FX PKG 4.5" RD 5.75" Bright 35 4.5" RD 5.75" Bright 35 4.5" RD 5.75" Bright 35 USES w/FACTORY GROUND FX PKG USES w/FACTORY GROUND FX PKG 12-14 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.75" 4" RD 7" Bright 18 Dual Split Rear 140494 12-14 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 2.75" 2.75" 4" RD 7" Bright 18 Dual Split Rear 140495 1.65" 1.75" 2.5" 2.5" 2.25" 2" 12-13 Short Tube Header 12-13 Long Tube Header 17258* 17249* CAPRICE CLASSIC 5.7L V8 AT RWD 4DR TIP EXITS SOUND LEVELS TIP STYLES Tip Exit CAMARO ZL1/SS/1LE Single Split Rear 100401 Single Split Rear 100402 17265 CAMARO V6 3.6L V6 AT/MT (except Dual-mode exhaust) 3.6L V6 AT/MT (except Dual-mode exhaust) 3.6L V6 AT/MT (except Dual-mode exhaust) 3.6L V6 AT/MT (except RS, Dual-mode exhaust) 3.6L V6 AT/MT (except RS, Dual-mode exhaust) 3.6L V6 AT/MT (except RS, Dual-mode exhaust) 3.6L V6 AT/MT (except RS, Dual-mode exhaust) TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product CAMARO V8 396/427 CID AT/MT RWD 2+4DR 396/427 CID AT/MT RWD 2+4DR 5.0L/5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR (inc. adapters) 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR (Single Cat.) 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR (Dual Cat.) 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR (does not fit conv.) 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR (w/o tips) 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR (w/o tips) 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR (w/o tips) 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR (w/o tips) 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR (w/o tips) 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR (w/o tips) 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR (w/o tips) 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR (w/o tips) 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR (w/o tips) ATS 2.0L AT RWD 4DR Years 36 94-96 SINGLE REAR (L) DUAL REAR (L) SINGLE REAR (R) Cat-Back™ (H-Pipe) DUAL REAR (R) Touring SINGLE SPLIT REAR DUAL SPLIT REAR DUAL CENTER REAR 3.5" RD QUAD CENTER 7" SINGLE SIDE (L) Bright DUAL SIDE (L) 10 Single Split Rear 14504 SINGLE SIDE (R) DUAL SIDE (R) SINGLE SPLIT SIDE 38 FOR EXHAUST SYSTEMS ON THESE TWO PAGES 16 1 RD:Round OV:Oval SQ:Square REC:Rectangular 2 Bright:Mirror-Polished Bright Chrome Black:Polished Black Chrome † In CA certified for '99 -'03 * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. FWD:Front Wheel Drive RWD:Rear Wheel Drive AWT:All Wheel Drive AT:Auto Trans. MT:Manual Trans. DR:Door 17 EXHAUST SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Model/Group Years »CHEVROLET www.borla.com 1-877 GO BORLA TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # Model/Group 15 15 Cat-Back™ Extension Pipe S-Type 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 Single Rear (R) 140645 60570 CORVETTE C4 C4 5.7L V8 AT/MT C4 5.7L V8 AT/MT C4 5.7L V8 AT/MT (Conversion Y-Pipe req.) 86-91 Cat-Back™ 92-96 Cat-Back™ 84-91 Rear Section 2.5" Conv 85-90 Rear Section 84-85 Conversion Y-Pipe 86-91 Conversion Y-Pipe S-Type S-Type S-Type 3" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" S-Type 2.25" 2.5" 2.5" 2.25" 2.5" 2.5" 3.5" RD 97-04 97-04 97-04 97-04 97-04 97-04 97-04 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Rear Section/ Pipes Only 97-04 Long Tube Header w/X-Pipe 97-04 X-Pipe Touring S-Type S-Type S-Type S-Type ATAK® S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2" 2.5" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2.5" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4.5" RD 4" RD 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4" RD 1.75" 2.75" C6 6.0L/6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift 05-08 S-Type 2.5" 2" 4" RD 7" Bright 47 Dual Split Rear 140128 C6 6.0L/6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift 05-08 S-Type II 2.5" 2" 4" RD 7" Bright 47 Dual Split Rear 140452 C6 6.0L/6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift 05-08 ATAK® 2.5" 2" 4" RD 7" Bright 47 Dual Split Rear 140453 C6 6.0L/6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift C6 6.0L/6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift C6 6.0L/6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift C6 6.0L/6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift C6 6.0L/6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift C6 6.0L/6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift C6 6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift 05-08 05-08 05-08 05-08 05-08 05-08 09-11 Touring S-Type S-Type II ATAK® 2" 2" 2" 2" 2.75" 2.5" 2" 4" 4" 4" 4" RD RD RD RDv 7" 7" 7" 7" Bright Bright Bright Bright 47 47 47 47 Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear S-Type II 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 1.75" 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 7" Bright 47 11814 11744 11815 11816 17260* 60089 Dual Split Rear 140440 C6 6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift 09-11 ATAK® 2.5" 2" 4" RD 7" Bright 47 Dual Split Rear 140414 C6 6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift C6 6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift C6 6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift C6 6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift C6 6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift 09-13 09-13 09-13 09-13 09-13 Touring S-Type S-Type II ATAK® 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 1.75" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2.75" 4" RD 4" RD 4" RD 4" RD 7" 7" 7" 7" Bright Bright Bright Bright 47 47 47 47 Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear C6 6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift C6 6.2L AT/MT incl. Paddle Shift 09-11 12-13 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" C4 5.7L V8 AT/MT C4 5.7L V8 AT/MT C4 5.7L V8 AT/MT 6.69" x 3" REC 5.63" 7.25" x 2.4" REC 5.75" 3.8" x 3" SQ 6.75" Bright Bright Bright 34 32 26 Single Split Rear 140082 Single Split Rear 14385 Dual Split Rear 11376 C5 5.7L V8 AT/MT C5/Z06 5.7L V8 AT/MT 6" Bright 19 Dual Split Rear 11134 60001 60002 6.75" 7" 7" 6.75" 6.75" 6.75" 8" Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright 29 37 47 29 29 29 35 Dual Split Rear Single Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Single Split Rear 140426 140017 140038 140039 140427 140428 12649 17259* 60087 STOCK FULL DETAILS PGS. 6-7 19 06-11 Z06/ZR1 7.0L/6.2L V8 MT 06-11 Z06/ZR1 7.0L/6.2L V8 MT Z06/ZR1 7.0L/6.2L V8 MT Z06 7.0L V8 MT 06-13 06-13 06-13 C7 6.2L AT/MT incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT incl Paddle Shift 26 Part # 29 TOURING Cat-Back™ w/X-Pipe Cat-Back™ w/X-Pipe Rear Section Rear Section Long Tube Header S-Type 3" 2" 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 19 Dual Split Rear 140191 ATAK® 3" 2" 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 19 Dual Split Rear 140422 S-Type ATAK® 3" 3" 1.75" 2" 2" 3" 4.25" RD 4.25" RD 6.13" 6.13" Bright Bright 19 19 Dual Split Rear 11761 Dual Split Rear 11822 17261* 14-15 Rear Section S-Type 14-15 Rear Section S-Type 14-15 Rear Section S-Type 14-15 Rear Section ATAK® 14-15 Rear Section ATAK® 14-15 Rear Section ATAK® 14-15 Rear Section S-Type 14-15 Rear Section S-Type 14-15 Rear Section ATAK® 14-15 Rear Section ATAK® 14-15 Rear Section ATAK® 14-15 Rear Section S-Type 14-15 Rear Section S-Type 14-15 Rear Section ATAK® 14-15 Rear Section ATAK® 14-15 Rear Section ATAK® 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 14-15 Long Tube Header 14-15 Front Muffler Touring 14-15 X-Pipe (Cat. Delete) 14-15 X-Pipe (Retains OE cats.) 14-15 Header to X-Pipe Adapter (Cat. Delete) 14-15 Header to X-Pipe Adapter (includes Cats.) 14-15 Diffuser 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 3" 1.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.25" 2" 2.25" 2.25" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2.5" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 4.25" RD 6.13" Black 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 4.25" RD 6.13" Black 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 4.25" RD 4.25" Black 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 4.25" RD 6.13" Black 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright Requires X-Pipe 60548 and an Adapter 19 54 47 19 54 47 19 47 19 54 47 19 47 19 54 47 19 Quad Center Quad Center Quad Center Quad Center Quad Center Quad Center Quad Center Quad Center Quad Center Quad Center Quad Center Quad Center Quad Center Quad Center Quad Center Quad Center Quad Center Use with factory manifolds 11855 11855BC 11874 11856 11856BC 11875 11862 11877 11863 11863BC 11878 11868 11880 11869 11869BC 11881 12669* 17289* 60558 60547* 60548 Use with 60548 60550 Use with 60548 60551 77015 11810 11766 11811 11812 17276* 60505 60533* TIP EXITS SOUND LEVELS TIP STYLES Z06/ZR1 7.0L/6.2L V8 MT C7 6.2L AT/MT w/AFM & NPP incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT w/AFM & NPP incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT w/AFM & NPP incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT w/AFM & NPP incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT w/AFM & NPP incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT w/AFM & NPP incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT w/AFM incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT w/AFM incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT w/AFM incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT w/AFM incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT w/AFM incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT incl Paddle Shift C7 6.2L AT/MT incl Paddle Shift CORVETTE C6 Cat-Back™ w/X-Pipe Cat-Back™ w/X-Pipe Cat-Back™ w/X-Pipe Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section Long Tube Header X-Pipe Cat-Back™ w/X-Pipe Cat-Back™ w/X-Pipe Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section Long Tube Header w/X-Pipe X-Pipe X-Pipe Tip Exit CORVETTE C7 CORVETTE C5/ZO6 C5/Z06 5.7L V8 AT/MT C5/Z06 5.7L V8 AT/MT C5/Z06 5.7L V8 AT/MT C5/Z06 5.7L V8 AT/MT C5/Z06 5.7L V8 AT/MT C5/Z06 5.7L V8 AT/MT C5/Z06 5.7L V8 AT/MT TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product CORVETTE C6 Z06/ZR1 (cont.) COLORADO 3.6L V6 AT 2+4WD CC SB EC LB 128" WB 3.6L V6 AT 2+4WD CC LB 140.5" WB Years S-TYPE 32 ACTUAL PIPE CONTOURS VARY BY APPLICATION ATAK ® 34 35 36 37 47 SINGLE REAR (L) DUAL REAR (L) SINGLE REAR (R) DUAL REAR (R) SINGLE SPLIT REAR DUAL SPLIT REAR DUAL CENTER REAR QUAD CENTER SINGLE SIDE (L) DUAL SIDE (L) SINGLE SIDE (R) DUAL SIDE (R) SINGLE SPLIT SIDE 54 FOR EXHAUST SYSTEMS ON THESE TWO PAGES 18 1 RD:Round OV:Oval SQ:Square REC:Rectangular 2 Bright:Mirror-Polished Bright Chrome Black:Polished Black Chrome † In CA certified for '99 -'03 * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. FWD:Front Wheel Drive RWD:Rear Wheel Drive AWT:All Wheel Drive AT:Auto Trans. MT:Manual Trans. DR:Door 19 EXHAUST SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Model/Group Years »CHEVROLET www.borla.com 1-877 GO BORLA TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # 1.4L/1.8L AT/MT FWD 4DR 15 Rear Section S-Type 2.75" 2.75" 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 19 Quad Center 11902 15 Rear Section S-Type 2.75" 2.75" 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 47 Quad Center 11904 15 Rear Section ATAK® 2.75" 2.75" 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 19 Quad Center 11903 15 Rear Section ATAK® 2.75" 2.75" 4.25" RD 6.13" Bright 47 Quad Center 11905 15 15 15 15 Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section S-Type S-Type ATAK® ATAK® 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2" 2" 2" 2" 4.25" RD 4.25" RD 4.25" RD 4.25" RD 6.13" 6.13" 6.13" 6.13" Bright Bright Bright Bright 19 47 19 47 Quad Center Quad Center Quad Center Quad Center 11908 11910 11909 11911 STOCK FULL DETAILS PGS. 6-7 10 18 17 TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # TOURING S-TYPE Impala (LS1 Swap) V8 AT/MT RWD 2+4DR Impala (LS1 Swap) V8 AT/MT RWD 2+4DR Impala Small Block V8 AT/MT RWD 2+4DR Impala Small Block V8 AT/MT RWD 2+4DR SS 5.7L V8 AT RWD 4DR ® 19 33 36 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 3.5" x 2.75" OV 4" Bright 17 Single Rear (L) 140352 1962 1962 1962 1962 94-96 Manifold-Back Manifold-Back Manifold-Back Manifold-Back Cat-Back™ (HPipe) Touring Touring Touring Touring Touring 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.25" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" RD TD 2" RD TD 2" RD TD 2" RD TD 4" RD 8.5" Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright 33 33 33 33 10 Single Split Rear Single Split Side Single Split Rear Single Split Side Single Split Rear 99-07 Cat-Back™ Touring 3" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 14824 99-07 99-07 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring 3" 3" 2.25" 3" 4" RD 4" RD 12" 14" Bright Bright 36 36 Single Split Side 14940 Single Side (R) 140014 07-08 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140231 07-08 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.75" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Side (R) 140230 07-08 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140232 09-13 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140340 09-13 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140341 09-13 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.75" 4" RD 13" Bright 36 Single Side (R) 140343 09-13 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140429 09-13 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140342 09-13 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140344 11-13 Cat-Back™ Touring 3.5" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140420 11-13 Cat-Back™ Touring 3.5" 3.5" 4" RD 10" Bright 36 Single Side (R) 140425 11-13 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3.5" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140437 QUAD CENTER SINGLE SIDE (L) 100405 100405 100409 100409 14504 SILVERADO 1500 4.8L/5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD EC SB (inc Z-71) inc. Classic 4.8L/5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD RC SB inc. Classic 4.3L V6/4.8L/5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD EC SB inc. Classic 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB(78.7") CC SB (69.3") 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 2DR RC STB (78.7") 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 2DR RC STB (78.7") 6.2L V8 AT 2+4WD 2+4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") 6.2L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") 6.2L V8 AT 2+4WD 2+4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") ACTUAL PIPE CONTOURS VARY BY APPLICATION ATAK 11-15 IMPALA TIP EXITS SOUND LEVELS TIP STYLES Years CRUZE (cont.) CORVETTE C7 Z06/ZR1 6.2L supercharged AT/MT incl Paddle Shift w/NPP, w/o AFM 6.2L supercharged AT/MT incl Paddle Shift w/NPP, w/o AFM 6.2L supercharged AT/MT incl Paddle Shift w/NPP, w/o AFM 6.2L supercharged AT/MT incl Paddle Shift w/NPP, w/o AFM 6.2L supercharged AT/MT incl Paddle Shift 6.2L supercharged AT/MT incl Paddle Shift 6.2L supercharged AT/MT incl Paddle Shift 6.2L supercharged AT/MT incl Paddle Shift Model/Group SINGLE REAR (L) DUAL REAR (L) SINGLE REAR (R) DUAL REAR (R) SINGLE SPLIT REAR DUAL SPLIT REAR DUAL CENTER REAR DUAL SIDE (L) SINGLE SIDE (R) DUAL SIDE (R) SINGLE SPLIT SIDE 47 FOR EXHAUST SYSTEMS ON THESE TWO PAGES 20 1 RD:Round OV:Oval SQ:Square REC:Rectangular 2 Bright:Mirror-Polished Bright Chrome Black:Polished Black Chrome † In CA certified for '99 -'03 * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. FWD:Front Wheel Drive RWD:Rear Wheel Drive AWT:All Wheel Drive AT:Auto Trans. MT:Manual Trans. DR:Door 21 EXHAUST SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Model/Group Years »CHEVROLET www.borla.com 1-877 GO BORLA TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # Model/Group 14-15 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140535 14-15 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Black 49 Single Split Rear 140535BC 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140536 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Black 49 Single Split Rear 140536BC 14-15 Cat-Back ATAK ® 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140537 14-15 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Black 49 Single Split Rear 140537BC 14-15 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140544 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140545 14-15 Cat-Back ATAK ® 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140546 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 18 Dual Side (R) 140550 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Black 50 Dual Side (R) 140550BC 14-15 ™ Cat-Back Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140538 14-15 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Black 49 Single Split Rear 140538BC 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140539 14-15 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140540 14-15 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140547 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140548 14-15 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140549 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 18 Dual Side (R) 140551 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Black 50 Dual Side (R) 140551BC 14-15 Cat-Back™ Touring 3.5" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140570 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3.5" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140571 14-15 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 3.5" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140572 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3.5" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 18 Dual Side (R) 140576 14-15 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 3.5" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 18 Dual Side (R) 140577 ™ ™ 6.2L AT RWD 4DR 6.2L AT RWD 4DR STOCK FULL DETAILS PGS. 6-7 TIP STYLES 18 29 Tip Exit Part # 35 TOURING S-TYPE 4.8L/5.3L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR 5.3L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR 5.3L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR 49 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 3.19" RD 3.19" RD 5" 5" Bright Bright 47 47 Dual Split Rear 11884 Dual Split Rear 11885 07-08 09-14 15 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring Touring 2.75" 3" 2.75" 2" 2.25" 2.25" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4" RD 4" RD 12" 12" 12" Bright Bright Bright 29 18 18 Dual Side (R) 140235 Dual Side (R) 140423 Dual Side (R) 140558 07-08 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 12" Bright 29 Dual Side (R) 140235 07-08 09-13 15 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring Touring 2.75" 3" 2.75" 2" 2.5" 2.25" 4" RD 4" RD 4" RD 13" 12" 12" Bright Bright Bright 18 18 18 Dual Side (R) 140193 Dual Side (R) 140424 Dual Side (R) 140557 06-09 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140206 11-14 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.25" 2.25" S-Type 2.5" 1.75" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.75" 2.75" 3" 3" 1.75" 2.25" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.75" 2.75" 3" 3" 2.75" TRAILBLAZER SS 6.0L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR »CHRYSLER 300 3.6L V6 AT/MT RWD 4DR USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT Single Split Rear 140448 300C 5.7L V8 AT RWD/AWD 4DR 5.7L V8 w/Eagle Head AT/MT RWD 4DR 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD/AWD 4DR 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD/AWD 4DR 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD/AWD 4DR 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD/AWD 4DR 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD/AWD 4DR SRT-8 6.1L V8 AT RWD 4DR SRT-8 6.1L V8 AT RWD 4DR SRT-8 6.4L V8 AT RWD 4DR SRT-8 6.4L V8 AT RWD 4DR SRT-8 6.1L/6.4L V8 AT/MT RWD 4DR ACTUAL PIPE CONTOURS VARY BY APPLICATION 47 Touring S-Type TAHOE ® 39 Rear Section Rear Section SUBURBAN 2500 6.0L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR ATAK 36 14-15 14-15 SUBURBAN 1500 5.3L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR 5.3L AT 2+4WD 4DR 5.3L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR TIP EXITS SOUND LEVELS TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product SS (cont.) SILVERADO 1500 (cont.) 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 6.2L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 6.2L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 6.2L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 6.2L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 6.2L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" Years SINGLE REAR (L) DUAL REAR (L) 05-10 Cat-Back™ 09-10 Long Tube Header 11-14 Cat-Back™ 11-14 Cat-Back™ 15 Cat-Back™ 15 Cat-Back™ 15 Cat-Back™ 05-10 Cat-Back™ 05-10 Cat-Back™ 12-14 Rear Section 12-14 Rear Section 08-14 Long Tube Header SINGLE REAR (R) DUAL REAR (R) Touring S-Type Touring S-Type ATAK® S-Type ATAK® S-Type ATAK® SINGLE SPLIT REAR DUAL SPLIT REAR DUAL CENTER REAR 5" RD Bright 39 USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT 4" RD 8" Bright 4" RD 10.5" Bright 4.5" RD 10" Bright 4.5" RD 10" Bright 35 36 35 35 QUAD CENTER 12" SINGLE SIDE (L) DUAL SIDE (L) Single Split Rear 140125 17256* Single Split Rear 140442 Single Split Rear 140443 Single Split Rear 140635 Single Split Rear 140636 Single Split Rear 140637 Single Split Rear 140305 Single Split Rear 140407 Single Split Rear 11832 Single Split Rear 11833 17250* SINGLE SIDE (R) DUAL SIDE (R) SINGLE SPLIT SIDE 50 FOR EXHAUST SYSTEMS ON THESE TWO PAGES 22 1 RD:Round OV:Oval SQ:Square REC:Rectangular 2 Bright:Mirror-Polished Bright Chrome Black:Polished Black Chrome † In CA certified for '99 -'03 * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. FWD:Front Wheel Drive RWD:Rear Wheel Drive AWT:All Wheel Drive AT:Auto Trans. MT:Manual Trans. DR:Door 23 EXHAUST SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Model/Group Years www.borla.com 1-877 GO BORLA TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # »DODGE 09-10 Cat-Back™ 11-14 Cat-Back™ 09-14 Cat-Back™ 09-14 Cat-Back™ 09-14 Cat-Back™ 15 Cat-Back™ 15 Cat-Back™ 15 Cat-Back™ 09-14 Long Tube Header 08-10 Cat-Back™ 11-14 Cat-Back™ 11-14 Cat-Back™ 08-14 Long Tube Header S-Type S-Type Touring S-Type ATAK® Touring S-Type ATAK® 06-10 Cat-Back™ 11-14 Cat-Back™ 06-10 Cat-Back™ 09-10 Long Tube Header 11-14 Cat-Back™ 11-14 Cat-Back™ 15 Cat-Back™ 15 Cat-Back™ 15 Cat-Back™ 06-10 Cat-Back™ 06-10 Cat-Back™ 12-14 Rear Section 12-14 Rear Section 08-14 Long Tube Header S-Type S-Type S-Type S-Type S-Type ATAK 2" 2.25" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 1.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 1.75" 2" 2.25" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 4" x 2.5" REC 4" x 2.5" REC 4" x 2.5" REC 4" x 2.5" REC 4" x 2.5" REC 4" x 2.5" REC 4" x 2.5" REC 4" x 2.5" REC Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 4" x 2.5" REC 4" x 2.5" REC 4" x 2.5" REC Bright Bright Bright 43 43 43 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 1.75" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.75" 2.75" 3" 3" 1.75" 2.25" 2.5" 2.25" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.75" 2.75" 3" 3" 2.75" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 7.75" Bright USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT 5" RD 12" Bright Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear 140316 140482 140297 140306 140384 140626 140627 140628 17256* Dual Split Rear 140286 Dual Split Rear 140435 Dual Split Rear 140436 17250* Touring S-Type Touring S-Type ATAK® S-Type ATAK® S-Type ATAK® STOCK FULL DETAILS PGS. 6-7 10 Tip Exit Part # USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT 4" RD 8" Bright 4" RD 10.5" Bright 4.5" RD 10" Bright 4.5" RD 10" Bright 17 39 35 36 35 35 Single Split Rear 140197 Single Split Rear 140448 Single Split Rear 140125 17256* Single Split Rear 140442 Single Split Rear 140443 Single Split Rear 140635 Single Split Rear 140636 Single Split Rear 140637 Single Split Rear 140305 Single Split Rear 140407 Single Split Rear 11832 Single Split Rear 11833 17250* 18 17 TOURING S-TYPE SXT/SE 3.5L V6 AT/MT RWD/AWD 4DR RT 5.7L V8 AT RWD/AWD 4DR SRT-8 6.1L V8 AT RWD 4DR SRT-8 6.1L V8 AT RWD 4DR SRT-8 6.1L/6.4L V8 AT/MT RWD 4DR ® 36 35 39 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 6" Bright 35 Single Split Rear 140449 05-08 Cat-Back™ 05-08 Cat-Back™ 05-08 Cat-Back™ 06-08 Cat-Back™ 06-08 Long Tube Header S-Type S-Type S-Type ATAK® 2.5" 2.5" 2.75" 2.75" 1.75" 2.25" 2.25" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 5" RD 4" RD 4" RD 7.75" 12" 8" 10.5" Bright Bright Bright Bright 17 39 35 36 Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear 03-05 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140070 91-96 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 2.5" 3.5" RD 7" Bright 10 Single Split Rear 15443 96-02 96-02 03-08 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring S-Type S-Type 3" 3" 2.5" 3" 3" 2.5" 4" RD 4" RD 3.63" RD 6.25" 6.25" 3" Bright Bright Bright 18 18 35 Dual Center Rear 140049 Dual Center Rear 14663 Single Split Side 140048 140197 140125 140305 140407 17250* NEON SRT-4 2.4L Turbo MT FWD 4DR STEALTH R/T V6 Twin Turbo AT/MT AWD 2DR VIPER GTS/RT-10 8.0L V10 MT RWD 2DR GTS/RT-10 8.0L V10 MT RWD 2DR SRT-10 8.3L V10 MT RWD 2DR ACTUAL PIPE CONTOURS VARY BY APPLICATION ATAK 11-15 MAGNUM TIP EXITS SOUND LEVELS TIP STYLES TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product DURANGO CHARGER SXT/SE 3.5L V6 AT/MT RWD/AWD 4DR 3.6L V6 AT/MT RWD 4DR RT 5.7L V8 AT RWD/AWD 4DR 5.7L V8 w/Eagle Head AT/MT RWD 4DR RT 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD/AWD 4DR RT 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD/AWD 4DR RT 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD/AWD 4DR RT 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD/AWD 4DR RT 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD/AWD 4DR SRT-8 6.1L V8 AT RWD 4DR SRT-8 6.1L V8 AT RWD 4DR SRT-8 6.4L V8 AT RWD 4DR SRT-8 6.4L V8 AT RWD 4DR SRT-8 6.1L/6.4L V8 AT/MT RWD 4DR Years 5.7L AT 2+4WD 4DR CHALLENGER SE 3.5L V6 AT RWD 2DR SXT 3.6L V6 AT/MT RWD 2DR RT 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR RT 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR RT 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR RT 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR RT 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR RT 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 5.7L V8 w/Eagle Head AT/MT RWD 4DR SRT-8 6.1L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 392 SRT-8 6.4L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 392 SRT-8 6.4L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR SRT-8 6.1L/6.4L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR Model/Group SINGLE REAR (L) DUAL REAR (L) SINGLE REAR (R) DUAL REAR (R) SINGLE SPLIT REAR DUAL SPLIT REAR DUAL CENTER REAR QUAD CENTER SINGLE SIDE (L) DUAL SIDE (L) SINGLE SIDE (R) DUAL SIDE (R) SINGLE SPLIT SIDE 43 FOR EXHAUST SYSTEMS ON THESE TWO PAGES 24 1 RD:Round OV:Oval SQ:Square REC:Rectangular 2 Bright:Mirror-Polished Bright Chrome Black:Polished Black Chrome † In CA certified for '99 -'03 * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. FWD:Front Wheel Drive RWD:Rear Wheel Drive AWT:All Wheel Drive AT:Auto Trans. MT:Manual Trans. DR:Door 25 EXHAUST SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Model/Group Years www.borla.com 1-877 GO BORLA TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # »FORD Model/Group Years TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # F-150 TRUCKS (cont.) CROWN VICTORIA 4.6L AT RWD 4DR 03-11 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.25" 2" 98-03 98-03 99-04 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.25" 2.25" 2.5" Bright 33 Single Split Rear 140360 14" Bright 14" Bright 10.75" Bright 36 36 24 Single Split Rear 14808 Single Split Rear 14925 Dual Side (R) 14872 F-150 TRUCKS 4.6L/5.4L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD RC EC SB 4.6L/5.4L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD CC SB Lightning 5.4L V8 SprChrgd AT 2WD 2DR RC SB 4.6L/5.4L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD EC CC SB 4" RD 4" RD 3" RD June04- Cat-Back™ Touring 3" 3" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 08 4.6L/5.4L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD EC CC SB June04- Cat-Back™ Touring 3" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 08 4.6L/5.4L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD EC CC SB 09-10 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Raptor 5.4L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD EC CC SB (67.0") 09-10 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 2.5" 4" RD 14" Bright 18 Raptor 6.2L V8 AT 4WD EC CC SB (67.0") 10-14 Cat-Back™ Touring 3" 2.5" 4" RD 14" Bright 18 Raptor 6.2L V8 AT 4WD EC CC SB (67.0") 10-14 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 2.5" 4" RD 14" Bright 18 Harley Davidson 6.2L V8 AT 4WD EC CC SB (67.0") 11-13 Cat-Back™ Touring 3" 2.5" 4" RD 14" Bright 18 Harley Davidson 6.2L V8 AT 4WD EC CC SB (67.0") 11-13 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 2.5" 4" RD 14" Bright 18 3.5L V6 Ecoboost AT 2+4WD 2+4DR EC STB 11-14 Cat-Back™ Touring 3" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 (78") CC SB (67.0") 3.5L V6 Ecoboost AT 2+4WD 2+4DR EC STB 11-14 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 (78"), CC SB (67.0") 5.0L AT/MT 2+4WD EC STB(78.8”) CC SB (67.0”) 11-14 Cat-Back™ Touring 3" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Bright 18 WB 144.5” 5.0L AT/MT 2+4WD EC STB(78.8”) CC SB (67.0”) 11-14 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 WB 144.5” 5.0L AT/MT 2+4WD EC STB (78.8”) CC SB (67.0”) 11-14 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 3" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 WB 144.5” Raptor 6.2L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD EC CC SB (67.0") 11-14 Long Tube Header 1.75" 2.75" STB (78") 5.0L AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78") WB 11-14 Adapter Pipe - for use with 140415, 140416 and 140517 to allow them to fit CC STB Trucks 156.5” Single Side (R) 140136 Single Split Rear 140137 Single Split Rear Dual Side (R) Dual Side (R) Dual Side (R) Dual Side (R) Dual Side (R) Single Split Rear 140291 140346 140404 140383 140404 140383 140438 Single Split Rear 140466 Dual Side (R) 140415 Single Split Rear 140416 Single Split Rear 140417 3.5L/2.7L V6 Ecoboost/5.0L V8 ATMT 2+4WD EC STB (78.8”) CC SB (67.0”) WB 145" 3.5L/2.7L V6 Ecoboost/5.0L V8 ATMT 2+4WD EC STB (78.8”) CC SB (67.0”) WB 145" 3.5L/2.7L V6 Ecoboost/5.0L V8 ATMT 2+4WD EC STB (78.8”) CC SB (67.0”) WB 145" 3.5L/2.7L V6 Ecoboost/5.0L V8 ATMT 2+4WD EC STB (78.8”) CC SB (67.0”) WB 145" 3.5L/2.7L V6 Ecoboost/5.0L V8 ATMT 2+4WD EC STB (78.8”) CC SB (67.0”) WB 145" 3.5L/2.7L V6 Ecoboost/5.0L V8 ATMT 2+4WD EC STB (78.8”) CC SB (67.0”) WB 145" 3.5L/2.7L V6 Ecoboost/5.0L V8 ATMT 2+4WD EC STB (78.8”) CC SB (67.0”) WB 145" 3.5L/2.7L V6 Ecoboost/5.0L V8 ATMT 2+4WD EC STB (78.8”) CC SB (67.0”) WB 145" 3.5L/2.7L V6 Ecoboost/5.0L V8 ATMT 2+4WD EC STB (78.8”) CC SB (67.0”) WB 145" 3.5L/2.7L V6 Ecoboost/5.0L V8 ATMT 2+4WD EC STB (78.8”) CC SB (67.0”) WB 145" 3.5L/2.7L V6 Ecoboost/5.0L V8 ATMT 2+4WD EC STB (78.8”) CC SB (67.0”) WB 145" 3.5L/2.7L V6 Ecoboost/5.0L V8 ATMT 2+4WD EC STB (78.8”) CC SB (67.0”) WB 145" 3.5L/2.7L V6 Ecoboost/5.0L V8 ATMT 2+4WD CC STB (78.8”) WB 157" 3.5L/2.7L V6 Ecoboost/5.0L V8 ATMT 2+4WD EC LB (96”) WB 163" 15-16 Cat-Back™ Touring 3" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140614 15-16 Cat-Back™ Touring 3" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Black 49 Single Split Rear 140614BC 15-16 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140615 15-16 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Black 49 Single Split Rear 140615BC 15-16 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 3" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140616 15-16 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 3" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Black 49 Single Split Rear 140616BC 15-16 Cat-Back™ Touring 3" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Bright 18 Dual Side (R) 140617 15-16 Cat-Back™ Touring 3" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Black 50 Dual Side (R) 140617BC 15-16 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Bright 18 Dual Side (R) 140618 15-16 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Black 50 Dual Side (R) 140618BC 15-16 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 3" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Bright 18 Dual Side (R) 140619 15-16 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 3" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Black 50 Dual Side (R) 140619BC 15-16 Adapter 3" Adapts Cat-Backs for CC SB to use on CC STB 60556 15-16 Adapter 3" Adapts Cat-Backs for EC STB to use on EC LB 60564 99-04 Cat-Back™ 99-02 Downpipe only 14 Cat-Back™ 12-15 12-15 13-15 F-250/350 17286* 5.4L V8/6.8L V10 SD 2+4WD RC EC CC SB LB 60554 DIESEL F-250/350 7.3L V8 Diesel AT/MT 2+4WD CC SB Touring 3" 3" 4" RD 13" Bright 36 Single Rear (R) 140050 3.5" 4" S-Type 2.25" 2" 3.19" RD 4.75" Bright 18 Dual Rear (R) 140525 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ S-Type S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 3" RD 3" RD 4" 4" Bright Bright 46 46 Dual Rear (R) 140454 Dual Rear (R) 140400 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 4.5" RD 5.75" Bright 18 Dual Center Rear 140504 60083* FIESTA ST 1.6L MT FWD 4DR Hatchback FOCUS 2.0L AT/MT FWD 4DR Sedan 2.0L AT/MT FWD 5DR Hatchback w/o sport package ST 2.0L MT FWD 5DR Hatchback TIP EXITS SOUND LEVELS STOCK FULL DETAILS PGS. 6-7 TIP STYLES 18 24 33 TOURING S-TYPE ACTUAL PIPE CONTOURS VARY BY APPLICATION ATAK ® 36 46 49 SINGLE REAR (L) DUAL REAR (L) SINGLE REAR (R) DUAL REAR (R) SINGLE SPLIT REAR DUAL SPLIT REAR DUAL CENTER REAR QUAD CENTER SINGLE SIDE (L) DUAL SIDE (L) SINGLE SIDE (R) DUAL SIDE (R) SINGLE SPLIT SIDE 50 FOR EXHAUST SYSTEMS ON THESE TWO PAGES 26 1 RD:Round OV:Oval SQ:Square REC:Rectangular 2 Bright:Mirror-Polished Bright Chrome Black:Polished Black Chrome † In CA certified for '99 -'03 * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. FWD:Front Wheel Drive RWD:Rear Wheel Drive AWT:All Wheel Drive AT:Auto Trans. MT:Manual Trans. DR:Door 27 EXHAUST SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Model/Group »FORD Years www.borla.com 1-877 GO BORLA TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # GT 05-06 Cat-Back™ S-Type 05-06 Header/Collector Muffler 05-06 Long Tube Header 05-06 Racing Pre-Mufflers 5.4L MT RWD 5.4L MT RWD 3" 1.75" 3" 3" 1.75" 3" 3" 3" 4.25" RD 4.25" RD 4" 4" Bright Bright 19 4 Dual Center Rear 140310 Dual Center Rear 12657* 17253* 60507 MUSTANG BOSS 302 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section Long Tube Header S-Type ATAK® Touring S-Type ATAK® Touring S-Type ATAK® Touring Touring S-Type ATAK® 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 1.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Black Bright Bright 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 49 36 36 Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear 140370 140372 11790 11789 11791 140514 140515 140516 11836 11836BC 11837 11838 17263* 94-95 99-04 99-04 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ S-Type S-Type ATAK® 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 3.5" RD 4" RD 4" RD 7" 12" 12" Bright Bright Bright 10 36 36 Single Split Rear 14445 Single Split Rear 140052 Single Split Rear 140446 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Rear Section Rear Section Front Muffler Downpipe w/o Cat Touring S-Type ATAK® S-Type ATAK® Touring 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 Use with 140584 for Touring sound Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear 3" 2.5"/2.25" 2.25" 1.65" 2.25" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2" 2.5" 2" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2" RD TD Single Split Rear 100412 17277 Single Split Rear 14139 Single Split Rear 14445 Single Split Rear 14834 Single Split Rear 140067 Single Split Rear 140458 MUSTANG COBRA 5.0L V8 AT/MT 4.6L/5.4L V8 MT (IRS) 4.6L/5.4L V8 MT (IRS) MUSTANG ECO BOOST 2.3L Turbo AT/MT RWD 2.3L Turbo AT/MT RWD 2.3L Turbo AT/MT RWD 2.3L Turbo AT/MT RWD 2.3L Turbo AT/MT RWD 2.3L Turbo AT/MT RWD 2.3L Turbo AT/MT RWD 140583 140584 140585 11889 11890 60560 60559* MUSTANG GT 351W V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 351CID V8 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 4.6L V8 AT/MT 4.6L V8 AT/MT 4.6L V8 AT/MT 1967-70 Manifold Back 1967-70 Header 87-93 Cat-Back™ 94-95 Cat-Back™ 99-04 Cat-Back™ 99-04 Cat-Back™ 99-04 Cat-Back™ STOCK FULL DETAILS PGS. 6-7 4 S-Type S-Type S-Type S-Type ATAK® 2.25" RD 3.5" RD 4" RD 4" RD 4" RD 7" 14" 12" 12" Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright 33 10 36 36 36 4.6L V8 AT/MT 4.6L V8 AT/MT 4.6L V8 AT/MT TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product 10 19 TOURING S-TYPE 4.6L V8 AT/MT 4.6L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT 5.0L V8 AT/MT ACTUAL PIPE CONTOURS VARY BY APPLICATION ATAK ® 33 36 05-09 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 05-09 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 05-09 Cat-Back™ w/X- S-Type 3" 3" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 Pipe 05-09 Rear Section Touring 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 05-09 Rear Section S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 05-09 Rear Section ATAK® 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 10 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 10 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 10 Rear Section S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 05-10 Long Tube Header 1.75" 2.5" w/X-Pipe 05-10 X-Pipe 2.5" (Note: Use with Cat-Back™ does not fit 17242) 08-10 X-Pipe 11-12 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 3" 4.5" RD 10" Bright 36 11-12 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.75" 4.5" RD 10" Bright 36 11-12 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 2.75" 2.75" 4.5" RD 10" Bright 36 11-12 Rear Section S-Type 2.75" 2.75" 4.5" RD 10" Bright 36 11-12 Rear Section ATAK® 2.75" 2.75" 4.5" RD 10" Bright 36 13-14 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.75" 4.5" RD 10" Bright 36 13-14 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 2.75" 2.75" 4.5" RD 10" Bright 36 13-14 Rear Section Touring 2.75" 2.75" 4.5" RD 10" Bright 36 13-14 Rear Section Touring 2.75" 2.75" 4.5" RD 10" Black 49 13-14 Rear Section S-Type 2.75" 2.75" 4.5" RD 10" Bright 36 13-14 Rear Section ATAK® 2.75" 2.75" 4.5" RD 10" Bright 36 11-14 Long Tube Header 1.75" 2.75" 11-14 X-Pipe 2.75" 2.75" 11-14 Over Axle Pipe 2.75" 2.75" 15 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 9.5" Black 49 15 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 15 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 9.5" Black 49 15 Rear Section S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 15 Rear Section S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 9.5" Black 49 15 Rear Section ATAK® 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 15 Rear Section ATAK® 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 9.5" Black 49 15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 3" 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 15 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 3" 3" 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 15 Front Muffler Touring Use with 140590 or 140591 to lower sound 15 Long Tube Header 1.75" 2.75" 15 Header Adapter (Adapts headers 17290 to 2.5" Cat-Backs) 4.6L V8 AT/MT 4.6L V8 AT/MT 4.6L V8 AT/MT 4.6L V8 AT/MT 4.6L V8 AT/MT 4.6L V8 AT/MT 4.6L V8 AT/MT TIP EXITS SOUND LEVELS TIP STYLES Years Tip Exit Part # MUSTANG GT cont. (cont.) 5.4L MT RWD 5.4L MT RWD Model/Group SINGLE REAR (L) DUAL REAR (L) SINGLE REAR (R) DUAL REAR (R) SINGLE SPLIT REAR DUAL SPLIT REAR DUAL CENTER REAR QUAD CENTER SINGLE SIDE (L) DUAL SIDE (L) Single Split Rear 140135 Single Split Rear 140382 Single Split Rear 140266 Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear SINGLE SIDE (R) DUAL SIDE (R) 11752 11750 11806 140318 140329 11777 17237* 60092 60510 140389 140370 140372 11789 11791 140515 140516 11836 11836BC 11837 11838 17263* 60513 60521 140589 140590 140590BC 140591 140591BC 11887 11887BC 11895 11895BC 140629 140630 60561 17290* 60566 SINGLE SPLIT SIDE 49 FOR EXHAUST SYSTEMS ON THESE TWO PAGES 28 1 RD:Round OV:Oval SQ:Square REC:Rectangular 2 Bright:Mirror-Polished Bright Chrome Black:Polished Black Chrome † In CA certified for '99 -'03 * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. FWD:Front Wheel Drive RWD:Rear Wheel Drive AWT:All Wheel Drive AT:Auto Trans. MT:Manual Trans. DR:Door 29 EXHAUST SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Model/Group »FORD Years www.borla.com 1-877 GO BORLA TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # 1967 4.6L/5.4L V8 AT/MT 4.6L/5.4L SC V8 AT/MT 05-09 05-09 Manifold-Back w/X-Pipe Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ w/XPipe Cat-Back™ w/XR-1 Cat-Back™ Rear Section Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Rear Section Rear Section X-pipe Over Axle Pipe Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Rear Section Rear Section X-Pipe S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 3" RD 6" Bright 3 Single Split Rear 100408 S-Type S-Type 2.5" 3" 2.5" 3" 4" RD 4" RD 12" 12" Bright Bright 36 36 Single Split Rear 140135 Single Split Rear 140266 05-09 Cat-Back™ w/XPipe 05-09 Rear Section 11-14 Cat-Back™ 11-14 Cat-Back™ 11-14 Rear Section 11-14 Rear Section 11-14 Rear Section 11-14 Rear Section 11-14 Long Tube Header 11-14 X-Pipe 15 Cat-Back™ 15 Cat-Back™ 15 Cat-Back™ 15 Rear Section 15 Rear Section 15 Rear Section 15 Resonator S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140176 S-Type S-Type ATAK® Touring Touring S-Type ATAK® 2.5" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 4" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 12" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" Bright Bright Bright Bright Black Bright Bright 36 36 36 36 49 36 36 Single Rear (R) Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Touring S-Type ATAK® Touring S-Type ATAK® Touring 2.5" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 1.75" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 4" RD 9.5" Bright 36 Add to 140587 or 140588 to lower sound Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Touring Touring 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2" 07-09 07-09 10 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-14 13-14 13-14 13-14 13-14 13-14 S-Type ATAK® S-Type S-Type ATAK® S-Type ATAK® S-Type ATAK® S-Type ATAK® 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 3" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 3" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 4" RD 4" RD 4" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 12" 12" 12" 10" 10" 10" 10" 4" RD 4" RD 4" RD 4" RD 6.25" 6.25" 6.25" 6.25" Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 18 18 18 18 Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear 140210 140480 11784 140389 140412 11798 11799 60513 60521 140500 140501 11830 11831 60540 MUSTANG V6 4.0L V6 AT/MT 3.7L V6 AT/MT 3.7L V6 AT/MT 3.7L V6 AT/MT 3.7L V6 AT/MT 3.7L V6 AT/MT 3.7L V6 AT/MT 3.7L V6 AT/MT 3.7L V6 AT/MT 3.7L V6 AT/MT 3.7L V6 AT/MT 3.7L V6 AT/MT 3.7L V6 AT/MT 3.7L V6 AT/MT 3.7L V6 AT/MT 3.7L V6 AT/MT TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # CANYON 428CID V8 4.0L V6 AT/MT Years »GMC (cont.) MUSTANG SHELBY GT500 5.4L SC V8 MT 5.4L SC V8 MT 5.4L SC V8 MT 5.4L SC V8 MT 5.4L SC V8 MT 5.4L SC V8 MT 5.4L SC V8 MT 5.4L SC V8 MT 5.4L/5.8L SC V8 MT 5.8L SC V8 MT 5.8L SC V8 MT 5.8L SC V8 MT 5.8L SC V8 MT 5.8L SC V8 MT Model/Group 11751 140375 140398 11793 11793BC 11796 11792 17272* 60517 140586 140587 140588 11891 11889 11890 60568 3.6L V6 AT 2+4WD CC SB EC LB 128" WB 3.6L V6 AT 2+4WD CC LB 140.5" WB 15 15 Cat-Back™ Extension Pipe S-Type 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 Single Rear (R) 140645 60570 99-07 Cat-Back™ Touring 3" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 14824 99-07 99-07 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring 3" 3" 2.25" 3" 4" RD 4" RD 12" 14" Bright Bright 36 36 Single Split Side 14940 Single Side (R) 140014 07-08 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140231 07-08 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.75" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Side (R) 140230 07-08 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140232 09-13 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140340 09-13 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140341 09-13 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.75" 4" RD 13" Bright 36 Single Side (R) 140343 09-13 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140429 09-13 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140342 09-13 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140344 11-13 Cat-Back™ Touring 3.5" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140420 11-13 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3.5" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140437 QUAD CENTER SINGLE SIDE (L) SIERRA 1500 4.8L/5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD EC SB (inc Z-71) inc. Classic 4.8L/5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD RC SB inc. Classic 4.3L V6/4.8L/5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD EC SB inc. Classic 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB(78.7") CC SB (69.3") 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD EC STB (78.7") CC SB(69.3") 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB(78.7") CC SB (69.3") 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB(78.7") CC SB (69.3") 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB(78.7") CC SB (69.3") 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 2DR RC STB(78.7") 4.8L/5.3L/6.0L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 2DR RC STB(78.7") 6.2L V8 AT 2+4WD 2+4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") 6.2L V8 AT 2+4WD 2+4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") THUNDERBIRD 3.9L V8 AT RWD 2DR 3.9L V8 AT RWD 2DR 02 03 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ STOCK FULL DETAILS PGS. 6-7 3 8.25" 8.25" Bright Bright 35 35 Single Split Rear 140008 Single Split Rear 140081 TIP EXITS SOUND LEVELS TIP STYLES 4" RD 4" RD 18 35 TOURING S-TYPE ACTUAL PIPE CONTOURS VARY BY APPLICATION ATAK ® 36 SINGLE REAR (L) DUAL REAR (L) SINGLE REAR (R) DUAL REAR (R) SINGLE SPLIT REAR DUAL SPLIT REAR DUAL CENTER REAR DUAL SIDE (L) SINGLE SIDE (R) DUAL SIDE (R) SINGLE SPLIT SIDE 49 FOR EXHAUST SYSTEMS ON THESE TWO PAGES 30 1 RD:Round OV:Oval SQ:Square REC:Rectangular 2 Bright:Mirror-Polished Bright Chrome Black:Polished Black Chrome † In CA certified for '99 -'03 * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. FWD:Front Wheel Drive RWD:Rear Wheel Drive AWT:All Wheel Drive AT:Auto Trans. MT:Manual Trans. DR:Door 31 EXHAUST SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Model/Group »GMC Years www.borla.com 1-877 GO BORLA TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # Model/Group (cont.) 14-15 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140535 14-15 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Black 49 Single Split Rear 140535BC 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140536 14-15 ™ Cat-Back S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Black 49 Single Split Rear 140536BC 14-15 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140537 14-15 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Black 49 Single Split Rear 140537BC 14-15 ™ Cat-Back Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140544 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140545 14-15 Cat-Back™ ATAK ® 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140546 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 18 Dual Side (R) 140550 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Black 50 Dual Side (R) 140550BC 14-15 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140538 14-15 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Black 49 Single Split Rear 140538BC 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140539 14-15 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140540 14-15 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140547 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140548 14-15 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140549 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 18 Dual Side (R) 140551 14-15 Cat-Back S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Black 50 Dual Side (R) 140551BC ™ 14-15 Cat-Back™ Touring 3.5" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140570 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3.5" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140571 14-15 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 3.5" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140572 14-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3.5" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 18 Dual Side (R) 140576 14-15 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 3.5" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 18 Dual Side (R) 140577 STOCK FULL DETAILS PGS. 6-7 2 Tip Exit Part # 17 18 TOURING S-TYPE 6.2L V8 AT RWD/AWD 4DR 6.2L V8 AT RWD/AWD 4DR 36 3.5" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140420 11-13 Cat-Back™ Touring 3.5" 3.5" 4" RD 10" Bright 36 Single Side (R) 140425 11-13 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3.5" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140437 07-08 09-13 15 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring Touring 2.75" 3" 2.75" 2" 2.5" 2.25" 4" RD 4" RD 4" RD 12" 12" 12" Bright Bright Bright 18 18 18 Dual Side (R) 140193 Dual Side (R) 140424 Dual Side (R) 140568 07-10 15 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring 3" 3" 2.25"(x2) 2.25" 4" RD 4" RD 13" 12" Bright Bright 38 18 Dual Side (R) 140194 Dual Side (R) 140559 07-08 09-14 15 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring Touring 2.75" 3" 2.75" 2" 2.25" 2.25" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4" RD 4" RD 12" 12" 12" Bright Bright Bright 29 18 18 Dual Side (R) 140235 Dual Side (R) 140423 Dual Side (R) 140569 07-08 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 12" Bright 29 Dual Side (R) 140235 07-10 15 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring 3" 3" 2.25" (x2) 2.25" 4" RD 4" RD 13" 12" Bright Bright 18 18 Dual Side (R) 140205 Dual Side (R) 140560 03-07 13-15 13-15 Cat-Back™ Rear Section Rear Section S-Type S-Type S-Type 2.5" 2.25" 2.25" 1.75" 2" 2" 4" RD 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4.25" x 3.5" OV 8" 6.75" 6.75" Bright Bright Bright 35 17 17 Single Split Rear 140080 Single Split Rear 11853 Single Split Rear 11840 12-13 Rear Section S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 6.75" Bright 17 Single Rear (R) 11828 06-14 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.5" 2.5" 6.69" x 3" REC 5.63" Bright 34 Single Rear (R) 140195 00-09 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2" 3.5" RD 4.25" Bright 2 Single Split Rear 14877 DUAL SIDE (L) SINGLE SIDE (R) YUKON XL 2500 6.0L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR YUKON XL DENALI 6.2L V8 AT AWD 4DR 6.2L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR »HONDA ACCORD 3.0L V6 AT/MT FWD 2DR 3.5L/2.4L V6 AT/MT FWD 2DR 3.5L/2.4L “Sport” AT FWD 4DR CIVIC 1.8L AT/MT 2+4DR RIDGELINE 3.5L V6 AT/MT AWD 4DR CC S2000 2.0L 4CYL AT/MT RWD 2DR ACTUAL PIPE CONTOURS VARY BY APPLICATION 35 Touring YUKON XL 1500 5.3L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR 5.3L AT 2+4WD 4DR 5.3L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR ® 34 Cat-Back™ YUKON DENALI ATAK 29 11-13 YUKON 4.8L/5.3L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR 5.3L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR 5.3L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR TIP EXITS SOUND LEVELS TIP STYLES TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product SIERRA DENALI 6.2L V8 AT 2+4WD 2+4DR EC STB (78.7”) CC SB (69.3”) 6.2L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7”) CC SB (69.3”) 6.2L V8 AT 2+4WD 2+4DR EC STB (78.7”) CC SB (69.3”) SIERRA 1500 (cont.) 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7)" CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7)" CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 5.3L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC STB (78.7") WB 153" 6.2L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 6.2L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 6.2L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 6.2L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" 6.2L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB (78.7") CC SB (69.3") WB 143.5" Years 38 49 SINGLE REAR (L) DUAL REAR (L) SINGLE REAR (R) DUAL REAR (R) SINGLE SPLIT REAR DUAL SPLIT REAR DUAL CENTER REAR QUAD CENTER SINGLE SIDE (L) DUAL SIDE (R) SINGLE SPLIT SIDE 50 FOR EXHAUST SYSTEMS ON THESE TWO PAGES 32 1 RD:Round OV:Oval SQ:Square REC:Rectangular 2 Bright:Mirror-Polished Bright Chrome Black:Polished Black Chrome † In CA certified for '99 -'03 * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. FWD:Front Wheel Drive RWD:Rear Wheel Drive AWT:All Wheel Drive AT:Auto Trans. MT:Manual Trans. DR:Door 33 EXHAUST SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Model/Group Years www.borla.com 1-877 GO BORLA TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # Model/Group TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Years Product Tip Exit Part # »JEEP »HUMMER CJ7 H2SUV/SUT 6.0L V8 AT AWD 4DR 6.0/6.2L V8 AT AWD 4DR Touring Touring 2.5" 3" 2" 2.25" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4.25" x 3.5" OV Single Split Rear 140037 Single Split Rear 140258 4.2L 6CYL AT/MT 4WD 2DR 4.2L 6CYL w/o Air Tubes MT 4WD 2DR 36 Single Split Rear 140166 4.0L 6CYL AT/MT 2+4WD 2+4DR 4.0L 6CYL AT/MT 2+4WD 2+4DR 4.0L 6CYL AT/MT 2+4WD 2+4DR 4.0L 6CYL AT/MT 2+4WD 2+4DR Bright Bright Bright 18 19 19 Dual Split Rear 140377 Dual Split Rear 140350 Dual Split Rear 140345 4.64" Bright 18 Dual Split Rear 140464 8" Bright 35 4.0L 6CYL/4.7L V8 AT 4WD 4DR 5.7L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR 5.7L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR (factory skid plate ok) SRT-8 6.1L V8 AT AWD 4DR w/o Hitch SRT-8 6.4L V8 AT AWD 4DR SRT-8 6.4L V8 AT AWD 4DR SRT-8 6.4L V8 AT AWD 4DR SRT-8 6.4L V8 AT AWD 4DR 03-06 07-08 Cat-Back Cat-Back™ 06-08 Cat-Back Touring 2.5" 2.25" 4" RD 12" Bright 09-12 10-14 10-14 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ S-Type S-Type S-Type 2.25" 2.5" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 3.19" RD 3.5" RD 3.5" RD 5" 6.63" 6.63" 11-13 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2" 3.14" RD 03-06 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.25" 2" 4" RD 13-15 13-14 Cat-Back™ Rear Section S-Type S-Type 2.5" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" ™ 12" 12" Bright Bright 40 39 81-86 81-86 Cat-Back™ Header Touring 2" 2" 2.5" RD 6.5" Bright 10 Single Rear (R) 14572 17053 87-92 93-96 97-01 93-97 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Header Touring Touring Touring 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 1.5" 2" 2" 2" 2.25" 3.38" x 3" SQ 3.38" x 3" SQ 3.38" x 3" SQ 6.75" 6.75" 6.75" Bright Bright Bright 13 13 13 Single Rear (R) 14200 Single Rear (R) 14453 Single Rear (R) 140071 17039 99-04 05-10 11-15 06-10 15 15 12-14 12-14 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Rear Section Rear Section Touring Touring Touring S-Type S-Type ATAK® S-Type ATAK® 2.25" 3" 2.5" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.25" 2.5" 2.5" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 4" RD 4" RD 4" RD 5" RD 5" RD 5" RD 5" RD 5" RD 14" 14" 14" 16" 7.25" 7.25" 8.63" 8.63" Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright 36 36 35 18 3 3 3 3 88-90 88-90 91-95 91-92 93-95 97-99 Cat-Back™ Header Cat-Back™ Header Header Cat-Back™ Touring 2" 2.25" 2" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.75" x 2.5" SQ 6.5" Bright 15 2.75" x 2.5" SQ 6.5" Bright 13 Touring 2.25" 1.5" 2.25" 1.5" 1.5" 2.25" 3.38" x 3" SQ 6.5" Bright 14 Single Rear (R) 14352 17062 Single Rear (R) 14364 17019 17034 Single Rear (R) 14728 97 Header 98-99 Long Tube Header 00-06 Cat-Back™ Touring 1.5" 1.5" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 3.38" x 3" SQ 6.5" Bright 14 17081 17236* Single Rear (R) 14924 00-06 04-06 Header Cat-Back™ Touring 1.5" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 3.38" x 3" SQ 6.5" Bright 14 17202† Single Rear (R) 140103 07-11 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.5" 2" 3.38" x 3" SQ 6.5" Bright 14 Single Split Rear 140217 07-11 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.5" 2" 3.38" x 3" SQ 6.5" Bright 14 Single Split Rear 140218 07-11 07-11 Cat-Back™ Rear Section S-Type Touring 2.5" 2.5" 2.25" 2" 3.38" x 3" SQ 3.38" x 3" SQ 6.5" 6.5" Bright Bright 14 14 140655 Single Split Rear 11755 1.625" 2.5" CHEROKEE H3 3.5L/3.7L 5CYL AT/MT AWD 4DR ™ »HYUNDAI GENESIS GRAND CHEROKEE 4.6L V8 AT RWD 4DR Sedan 2.0L Turbo AT/MT RWD 2DR Coupe 3.8L V6 AT/MT RWD 2DR Coupe SONATA SE 2.0L Turbo AT FWD 4DR TIBURON GT 2.7L V6 AT/MT FWD 2DR Single Split 140064 VELOSTER 14836 140158 140406 140245 140632 140633 11826 11827 WRANGLER 1.6L Turbo AT/MT FWD 2DR 1.6L AT/MT FWD 2DR USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT Dual Center Rear 140506 Dual Center Rear 11821 4.2L 6CYL AT/MT 4WD 2DR 4.2L 6CYL MT 4WD 2DR 4.2L 6CYL AT/MT 4WD 2DR 4.0L 6CYL MT 4WD 2DR 4.0L 6CYL MT 4WD 2DR 2.5L4CYL/4.0L 6CYL AT/MT 2+4WD 2DR w/o hitch 4.0L 6CYL AT/MT 4WD 2DR 4.0L 6CYL AT/MT 4WD 2DR 2.5L4CYL/4.0L 6CYL (inc. Rubicon AT/MT 4WD 2DR with or w/o hitch) 4.0L 6CYL AT/MT 4WD 2DR 4.0L 6CYL UNLIMITED (inc. Rubicon AT/MT 4WD 2DR w/o hitch) 3.8L V6 AT/MT 4WD 2DR (must remove left rear tow hook if equip.) 3.8L V6 AT/MT 4WD 4DR (must remove left rear tow hook if equip.) 3.8L V6 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR 3.8L V6 AT/MT 2+4WD 2+4DR (must remove left rear tow hook if equip.) 3.8L V6 AT/MT 2+4WD 2+4DR »INFINITI G35 3.5L V6 AT/MT RWD 4DR Sedan 3.5L V6 AT/MT RWD 2DR Coupe 3.5L V6 AT/MT RWD 2DR Coupe 03-06 03-07 03-07 Cat-Back Cat-Back™ Header S-Type S-Type 08-13 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 4.5" RD 7" Bright 37 Single Split Rear 140260 10-13 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.25" 2.25" 4.5" RD 7" Bright 37 Single Split Rear 140510 09-12 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 4.5" RD 7.75" Bright 8 Single Split Rear 140339 ™ 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 3.19" RD 4.5" RD 5" 7" Bright Bright 18 37 Dual Rear (L) 140093 Single Split Rear 140057 17221* G37 3.7L AT/MT RWD 2DR G37X 3.7L AT/MT AWD 2DR FX50 5.0L V8 AT 4+4AWD 4DR Q60 3.7L AT/MT AWD 2DR 14-15 ™ Cat-Back Touring 2.25" 2.25" 4.5" RD 11-12 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 4" RD 7" Bright 37 Single Split Rear 140510 11.25" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140478 QX56 5.6L V8 AT RWD/AWD 4DR TIP EXITS SOUND LEVELS STOCK FULL DETAILS PGS. 6-7 TIP STYLES Single Rear (R) Single Rear (R) Single Split Rear Dual Center Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear 3 8 10 TOURING S-TYPE ACTUAL PIPE CONTOURS VARY BY APPLICATION ATAK ® 13 14 15 18 19 35 SINGLE REAR (L) DUAL REAR (L) 36 Touring 07-11 Long TubeHeader SINGLE REAR (R) DUAL REAR (R) 37 SINGLE SPLIT REAR 39 DUAL SPLIT REAR DUAL CENTER REAR 17251* QUAD CENTER SINGLE SIDE (L) DUAL SIDE (L) SINGLE SIDE (R) DUAL SIDE (R) SINGLE SPLIT SIDE 40 FOR EXHAUST SYSTEMS ON THESE TWO PAGES 34 1 RD:Round OV:Oval SQ:Square REC:Rectangular 2 Bright:Mirror-Polished Bright Chrome Black:Polished Black Chrome † In CA certified for '99 -'03 * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. FWD:Front Wheel Drive RWD:Rear Wheel Drive AWT:All Wheel Drive AT:Auto Trans. MT:Manual Trans. DR:Door 35 EXHAUST SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Model/Group »JEEP Years www.borla.com 1-877 GO BORLA TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # Model/Group Years TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # »KIA (cont.) OPTIMA WRANGLER (cont.) 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 4DR 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 4DR 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 2DR 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 2DR 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 4DR 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 4DR 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 2DR 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 2DR 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 4DR "Dirt Sport" 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 4DR "Dirt Sport" 3.6L V6 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR "Climber" 3.6L V6 AT/MT 2+4WD 2DR "Climber" 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 2+4DR 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 2+4DR 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 2+4DR 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 2+4DR 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 2+4DR 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 2+4DR 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 Cat-Back Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section Rear Section ™ Touring Touring Touring Touring Touring Touring Touring Touring Touring Touring S-Type S-Type Touring Touring Touring Touring ATAK® ATAK® 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2" 2" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.25" 2.25" 2" 2" 2" 2" 3.5" x 3.28" SQ 8" Bright 3.5" x 3.28" SQ 8" Black 3.5" x 3.28" SQ 8" Bright 3.5" x 3.28" SQ 8" Black 3.5" x 3.28" SQ 8" Bright 3.5" x 3.28" SQ 8" Black 3.5" x 3.28" SQ 8" Bright 3.5" x 3.28" SQ 8" Black 3.5" x 3.28" SQ 7.88" Bright 3.5" x 3.28" SQ 7.88" Black "Climber" Turndown exit "Climber" Turndown exit 3.38" x 3" SQ 7.88" Bright 3.38" x 3" SQ 7.88" Black 3.5" SQ 8" Bright 3.5" SQ 8" Black 3.5" SQ 8" Bright 3.5" SQ 8" Black 41 48 41 48 41 48 41 48 41 48 Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Rear (R) Single Rear (R) Single Rear (R) Single Rear (R) Single Rear (L) Single Rear (L) Single Rear (R) 41 48 41 48 41 48 Single Rear (R) Single Rear (R) Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear 48 48 Single Split Rear 20160 Single Rear 20161 2.0L Turbo AT FWD 4DR 2.0L Turbo AT FWD 4DR 140459 140459BC 140460 140460BC 140461 140461BC 140462 140462BC 140479 140479BC 140634 140644 11818 11818BC 11834 11834BC 11860 11860BC 11 12-13 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ S-Type S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 2" 2" 3.14" RD 3.14" RD 4.64" 4.64" Bright Bright 18 18 Dual Split Rear 140469 Dual Split Rear 140464 08-14 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 98-07 Cat-Back™ Touring 2" 2.25" 4" RD 8.5" Bright 11 Single Rear (R) 14814 07 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 3.5" SQ 8" Bright 42 Dual Split Rear 140288 04-09 10-13 Cat-Back™ Rear Section S-Type S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.25" 4" RD 4.5" RD 8" 5.75" Bright Bright 35 3 Single Rear (L) 140121 Single Split Rear 11786 10-13 Rear Section S-Type 2.5" 2.25" 4.5" RD 5.75" Bright 3 Single Split Rear 11786 »LEXUS IS F 5.0L V8 AT RWD 4DR w/o Tips USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT Dual Split Rear 12656* LX470 4.7L V8 AT 4WD 4DR » MASERATI QUATTROPORTE 4.2L V8 AT(Duo-Select Trans. only) RWD 4DR »MAZDA WRANGLER TIP KITS 3 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 2+4DR 3.6L V6 AT/MT 4WD 2+4DR 12-15 12-15 3.5" RD 3.5" RD 5" 7" Black Black 2.3L 4CYL AT/MT FWD 5DR 2.5L Turbo 4CYL MT FWD 5DR hatchback MAZDASPEED 3 2.5L Turbo 4CYL MT FWD 5DR hatchback MIATA MX5 (For BORLA XR-1® Spec Miata Racing Systems, See page 50) 1.6L/1.8L 4CYL AT/MT RWD 2DR 1.8L AT/MT RWD 2DR 2.0L AT/MT RWD 2DR 90-97 99-05 06-14 Cat-Back™ Rear Section Cat-Back™ S-Type S-Type S-Type 2" 2.25" 2.5" 2" 2.25" 2.25" 2.5" RD 3.5" RD 3.19" RD 6.75" 6" 6" Bright Bright Bright 10 4 35 Single Rear (R) 14411 Single Rear (R) 11732 Single Split Rear 140169 04-08 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 2.25" 3.5" x 2.75" OV 5.5" Bright 35 Single Split Rear 140078 RX-8 1.3L 2CYL AT/MT RWD 4DR TIP EXITS SOUND LEVELS FULL DETAILS PGS. 6-7 TIP STYLES 3 4 STOCK TOURING 10 11 S-TYPE ACTUAL PIPE CONTOURS VARY BY APPLICATION ATAK ® 18 35 41 42 SINGLE REAR (L) DUAL REAR (L) SINGLE REAR (R) DUAL REAR (R) SINGLE SPLIT REAR DUAL SPLIT REAR DUAL CENTER REAR QUAD CENTER SINGLE SIDE (L) DUAL SIDE (L) SINGLE SIDE (R) DUAL SIDE (R) SINGLE SPLIT SIDE 48 FOR EXHAUST SYSTEMS ON THESE TWO PAGES 36 1 RD:Round OV:Oval SQ:Square REC:Rectangular 2 Bright:Mirror-Polished Bright Chrome Black:Polished Black Chrome † In CA certified for '99 -'03 * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. FWD:Front Wheel Drive RWD:Rear Wheel Drive AWT:All Wheel Drive AT:Auto Trans. MT:Manual Trans. DR:Door 37 EXHAUST SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Model/Group Years www.borla.com 1-877 GO BORLA TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # »MINI COOPER 02-07 02-03 02-03 04-06 04-06 07-14 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring S-Type S-Type Touring Touring 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 1.75" 2" 2" 2" 2.25" 4" RD 3.14" RD 3.15" RD 3.15" RD 3.14" RD 4" RD 7" 5" 5" 5" 5" 7" Bright Bright Bright 07-14 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 4" RD 7" Bright Bright 35 18 18 18 18 18 Single Rear (R) Dual Center Rear Dual Center Rear Dual Center Rear Dual Center Rear Dual Center Rear 140030 140027 140035 140119 140120 140518 11-12 3.5L V6 AT FWD 4DR Sedan 3.5L V6 AT/MT FWD 2DR Coupe 07-12 08-13 Cat-Back™ Rear Section S-Type S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 2" 2.5" 4.5" RD 4.5" RD Bright Bright 8 8 Single Split Rear 140450 Single Split Rear 11762 09-14 09-14 09-14 09-14 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Down Pipe Mid Pipe S-Type S-Type 2.25" 3" 3" 2.25" 2" 2" 3" 3" 4.5" RD 7.75" Bright USES FACTORY STOCK EXIT 20 Dual Split Rear 12658* Dual Split Rear 140326 60515* 60516 18 Dual Center Rear 140517 09-14 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2.25" 4.5" RD 7.75" Bright 37 Single Split Rear 140386 07-12 Rear Section S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 4.5" RD 7.5" Bright 8 Single Rear (L) 11783 04-15 Cat-Back™ Touring 2" 2" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 12" Bright 40 Single Split Rear 140079 1971 1971 Manifold-Back Header S-Type 2.5" 1.75" 2.5" 2.5" 3.31" x 6.69" REC 3.75" Bright 34 Single Split Rear 100407 17269 08-09 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 3.5" RD 6" Bright 18 Dual Split Rear 140287 04 05-06 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ S-Type S-Type 2.25" 2.5" 2.25" 2.5" 3.19" RD 5" RD 6" 8.5" Bright Bright 18 35 Dual Rear (L) 140077 Single Split Rear 140165 84-92 93-95 95-97 98-02 98-02 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ S-Type S-Type S-Type S-Type S-Type 3" Adj 3" Adj 3" Adj 3" Adj 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 2.25" 2.5" RD 3.8" x 3" SQ 3.8" x 3" SQ 3.8" x 3" SQ 4" RD 7" 6.75" 6.75" 6.75" 14" Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright 22 26 26 26 3 Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Single Split Rear 3.8L V6 Twin Turbo MT AWD 2DR 3.8L V6 Twin Turbo MT AWD 2DR 3.8L V6 Twin Turbo MT AWD 2DR 3.8L V6 Twin Turbo MT AWD 2DR Part # 7.75" 7.5" SENTRA Rear Section S-Type 2.5" 2.25" 4" RD 16" Bright 3 SE-R/SE-R SPEC V 2.5L MT FWD 4DR Single Split Rear 11804 TITAN 5.6L V8 AT 2+4WD CC EC SB 3000GT 91-99 Cat-Back™ S-Type 3" 2.5" 3.5" RD 7" Bright 10 08-14 Cat-Back S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 5" RD 8.75" Bright 3 Single Split Rear 140285 09-15 08-11 Cat-Back™ Rear Section S-Type S-Type 2.75" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 5" RD 4" RD 8.75" 8.13" Bright Bright 3 3 Single Split Rear 140334 Single Rear (R) 11782 15 Cat-Back »PLYMOUTH Single Split Rear 15443 BARRACUDA EVOLUTION X 2.0L Turbo AT/MT AWD 4DR ™ Barracuda 383 CID V8 Barracuda 383 CID V8 LANCER Ralliart 2.0L Turbo MT AWD 4DR 2.0L/2.4L AT/MT FWD 4DR »PONTIAC TRITON/L200 G8 GT/GXP 2.5L Diesel AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC SB ™ Touring 2.5" 2.5" NO TIP Single Rear (R) 140606 6.0L V8 AT RWD 4DR GTO »NISSAN 5.7L V8 RWD AT/MT 2DR 6.0L V8 RWD AT/MT 2DR 350 Z 3.5L V6 AT/MT RWD 2DR 03-08 3.5L V6 AT/MT RWD 2DR S-Type 03-07 True Dual CatBack™ Header 09-16 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.25" 2" 2.53" RD 4.5" Bright 37 TRANS AM/FIREBIRD Single Split Rear 140045 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR (inc. adapters) 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR (Single Cat.) 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR (Dual Cat.) 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR (Incl Ram Air) 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 17221* 370 Z 3.7L V6 AT/MT RWD 2 DR STOCK FULL DETAILS PGS. 6-7 3 2.25" 2.25" 4.5" RD 7.5" Bright 8 Single Split Rear 140313 TIP EXITS SOUND LEVELS TIP STYLES Tip Exit MAXIMA 3.5L AT FWD 4DR »MITSUBISHI GT VR4 V6 Twin Turbo AT/MT AWD 2DR Product GT-R MINI COOPER COUNTRYMAN S 1.6L AT/MT FWD/AWD 4DR Years ALTIMA MINI COOPER 1.6L FWD AT/MT 2DR S Series 1.6L SprChrgd AT/MT FWD S Series 1.6L SprChrgd AT/MT FWD S Series 1.6L SprChrgd AT/MT FWD inc. Conv. S Series 1.6L SprChrgd AT/MT FWD inc. Conv. S Series(07-13)/Conv. S/ Coupe S/ Roadster S 1.6L Turbo AT/MT FWD S Series(07-13)/Conv. S/ Coupe S/ Roadster S 1.6L Turbo AT/MT FWD TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Model/Group 10 8 TOURING S-TYPE ACTUAL PIPE CONTOURS VARY BY APPLICATION ATAK ® 18 20 22 26 34 35 SINGLE REAR (L) DUAL REAR (L) 37 SINGLE REAR (R) DUAL REAR (R) SINGLE SPLIT REAR DUAL SPLIT REAR DUAL CENTER REAR QUAD CENTER SINGLE SIDE (L) DUAL SIDE (L) SINGLE SIDE (R) DUAL SIDE (R) 14888 14464 14555 14780 140028 SINGLE SPLIT SIDE 40 FOR EXHAUST SYSTEMS ON THESE TWO PAGES 38 1 RD:Round OV:Oval SQ:Square REC:Rectangular 2 Bright:Mirror-Polished Bright Chrome Black:Polished Black Chrome † In CA certified for '99 -'03 * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. FWD:Front Wheel Drive RWD:Rear Wheel Drive AWT:All Wheel Drive AT:Auto Trans. MT:Manual Trans. DR:Door 39 EXHAUST SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Model/Group Years www.borla.com 1-877 GO BORLA TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # Model/Group Years TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # »RAM »PORSCHE 928 1500 928 USA 4.5L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 928 USA 4.5L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR 78 79-82 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ S-Type S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" RD 2.5" RD 8" 8" Bright Bright 25 25 Dual Rear (L) 140567 Dual Rear (L) 14276 2.25" 2.25" 4" RD 6.5" Bright 18 Dual Center Rear 140534 77013 5.7L V8 Hemi AT/MT 2+4WD RC EC CC SB 5.7L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC SB 5.7L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC SB 5.7L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR EC STB CC SB (through bumper) 5.7L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC SB (under bumper) For all models with factory single exhaust 5.7L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR CC SB (through bumper) 5.7L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR CC SB (under bumper) For all models with factory single exhaust SRT-10 8.3L V10 AT/MT RWD 2+4DR RC CC SB 981 CAYMAN/CAYMAN S/Boxster/Boxster S 2.7L/3.4L AT/MT RWD 2DR 3.4L AT/MT RWD 2DR 13-15 13-15 Cat-Back™ Diffuser S-Type 00-04 Cat-Back™ S-Type 986 BOXSTER S 3.2L 6CYL MT RWD 2DR 1.75" 1.75" 3.5" x 2.75" OV 3.96" Bright 29 Dual Center Rear 140115 Dual Center Rear Dual Center Rear Dual Center Rear Dual Center Rear 987 CAYMAN/CAYMAN S/BOXSTER/BOXSTER S 2.7L/3.4L 6CYL AT/MT RWD 2DR 2.7L/3.4L 6CYL AT/MT RWD 2DR 2.9L/3.4L 6CYL AT RWD 2DR 2.9L/3.4L 6CYL MT RWD 2DR 05-08 05-08 09-12 09-12 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ S-Type S-Type S-Type S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 4" RD 3.5" RD 4" RD 4" RD 6" 4.5" 6" 4.5" Bright Bright Bright Bright 18 18 18 18 11-12 Cat-Back™ ATAK® 2.5" 2.5" 3.5" RD 6" Bright 47 12653* 12654* 12659* 12663* 03-05 06-08 06-08 09-15 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ S-Type S-Type S-Type Touring 3" 3" 3" 3" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.5" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 12" 4" RD 14" 4" RD 12" 5" RD 15.25" Bright Bright Bright Bright 40 36 36 39 Single Split Side Single Split Rear Single Split Side Single Split Rear 09-15 Cat-Back™ Touring 3" 2.5" 4" RD Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140553 09-15 09-15 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ S-Type S-Type 3" 3" 2.5" 2.5" 5" RD 4" RD 15.25" Bright 12" Bright 39 36 Single Split Rear 140307 Single Split Rear 140308 04-05 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2.5" Bright 34 Single Rear (R) 140111 2.0L 4CYL AT/MT RWD 2DR 2.0L 4CYL AT/MT RWD 2DR 2.0L 4CYL AT/MT RWD 2DR 2.0L 4CYL AT/MT RWD 2DR 13-15 13-15 13-14 13-15 S-Type Touring 2.5" 2.5" 1.62" 2" 2" 2.25" 2.0L 4CYL AT/MT RWD 2DR 13-14 Cat-Back™ Rear Section Header Mid-Pipe Cat Delete Diffuser Bright Bright 17 5 Single Split Rear 140496 Single Split Rear 11839 17284* 60541 05-10 11-15 Rear Section Rear Section S-Type S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4.25" x 3.5" OV 7" 6.75" Bright Bright 17 17 Single Rear (R) 11743 Single Rear (L) 11813 2.0L 4CYL AT/MT RWD 2DR 2.0L 4CYL AT/MT RWD 2DR 2.0L 4CYL AT/MT RWD 2DR 2.0L 4CYL AT/MT RWD 2DR 13-14 13-14 13-14 13-14 S-Type Touring 2.5" 2.5" 1.62" 2" 2" 2.25" 4.25" RD 4.5" RD 7.75" Bright Bright 17 5 Single Split Rear 140496 Single Split Rear 11839 17284* 60541* 2.0L 4CYL AT/MT RWD 2DR 13-14 Cat-Back™ Rear Section Unequal length Mid-Pipe Cat Delete Diffuser 12" 6.68" x 3.31 "REC 5.63" 140068 140187 140275 140552 »SCION 970 PANAMERA FR-S 4S 4.8L V8 AT AWD 4DR Dual Split Rear 140599 997 NON TURBO 911 3.6L 6CYL AT/MT RWD 2DR NON TURBO 911 3.6L 6CYL AT/MT RWD 2DR NON TURBO 911 3.6L 6CYL MT RWD 2DR 05-08 05-08 05-08 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Race Headers S-Type S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 1.75" 1.75" 3.19" RD 3.5" RD 6" 6" Bright Bright 47 47 Dual Split Rear 140233 Dual Split Rear 140234 17240* 07-09 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.25" 1.75" 3.19" RD 3.96" Bright 18 Dual Split Rear 12651* 07-08 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 8" Bright 35 Single Split Rear 140304 05-08 05-08 Cat-Back™ Race Header S-Type 2.5" 1.75" 3.5" RD 4.5" Bright 18 Dual Split Rear 140272 17240* 997TT 911 3.6L 6CYL V6 AT/MT RWD 2.4L 4CYL AT/MT FWD 2DR 2.5L AT/MT FWD 2DR BRZ 991 911S/911 4S 3.4L AT RWD/AWD 2DR w/valves 911S/911 4S 3.4L AT RWD/AWD 2DR w/o valves 911S/911 4S 3.4L AT RWD/AWD 2DR 13 13 13 Cat-Back™ S-Type Cat-Back™ S-Type Long Tube Header 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 3.14" RD 3.14" RD 6" 6" Bright Bright 18 18 77012 »SUBARU 997S 911S 3.8L 6CYL AT/MT RWD 2DR NON TURBO 911S 3.8L 6CYL MT RWD 7.75" tC 997 GT3 3.6L 6CYL MT RWD 2DR 4.25" RD 4.5" RD Dual Split Rear 140523 Dual Split Rear 140524 17288* 77012 FORRESTER 2.2L/2.5L 4CYL AT/MT Dual Port Cylinder Head only 97-05 Header 1.625" 2.25" 2" 2.25" 2.25" 2" 1.625" 2" 2" 2.25" 2" 2.25" 17183* IMPREZA 2.2L/2.5L 4CYL AT/MT AWD 2DR/4DR/WGN 2.5L AT/MT AWD 4DR SEDAN 2.5L AT/MT AWD 4DR WAGON 2.0L AT AWD 5DR 2.2L/2.5L 4CYL AT/MT AWD 2DR/4DR/WGN TIP EXITS SOUND LEVELS STOCK FULL DETAILS PGS. 6-7 TIP STYLES 5 17 18 TOURING S-TYPE ACTUAL PIPE CONTOURS VARY BY APPLICATION ATAK ® 25 29 34 35 36 39 SINGLE REAR (L) DUAL REAR (L) 40 96-01 08-11 08-11 13-14 97-05 SINGLE REAR (R) Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Rear Section Header DUAL REAR (R) S-Type S-Type S-Type S-Type SINGLE SPLIT REAR DUAL SPLIT REAR DUAL CENTER REAR 4" RD 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4" RD 3.19" RD QUAD CENTER 8.5" 5.75" 6" 5" SINGLE SIDE (L) Bright Bright Bright Bright DUAL SIDE (L) 35 17 35 35 Single Rear (L) Single Split Rear Single Rear (R) Single Rear (R) SINGLE SIDE (R) DUAL SIDE (R) 14885 140324 140325 11843 17183* SINGLE SPLIT SIDE 47 FOR EXHAUST SYSTEMS ON THESE TWO PAGES 40 1 RD:Round OV:Oval SQ:Square REC:Rectangular 2 Bright:Mirror-Polished Bright Chrome Black:Polished Black Chrome † In CA certified for '99 -'03 * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. FWD:Front Wheel Drive RWD:Rear Wheel Drive AWT:All Wheel Drive AT:Auto Trans. MT:Manual Trans. DR:Door 41 EXHAUST SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Model/Group Years »SUBARU www.borla.com 1-877 GO BORLA TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Product Tip Exit Part # Model/Group 4.7L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC EC SB 4.7L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC EC SB 4.7L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC EC SB 5.7L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CrewMax SB Dblcab STB RC LB 5.7L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR CrewMax SB Dblcab STB RC LB 4.6L/5.7L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CrewMax SB Dblcab STB RC LB 4.6L/5.7L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CrewMax SB Dblcab STB RC LB 4.6L/5.7L V8 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CrewMax SB Dblcab STB RC LB IMPREZA OUTBACK 96-01 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2" 2" 4" RD 8.5" Bright 35 Single Rear (L) 14885 05-09 97-05 Cat-Back™ Header S-Type 2.5" 1.625" 2" 2.25" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 8.5" Bright 35 Single Split Rear 140123 17183* 01-07 Header 1.625" 2.25" LEGACY GT 2.5L 4CYL Turbo AT/MT AWD 4DR GT 2.2L/2.5L 4CYL AT/MT AWD 4DR/WGN w/o Oil Cooler GT 2.5L 4CYL Turbo MT AWD 4DR/WGN 17217* WRX/WRX STI 2.0L/2.5L 4CYL Turbo AT/MT AWD 4DR Sedan/WGN 2.0L/2.5L 4CYL Turbo AT/MT AWD 4DR Sedan/WGN WRX 2.5L Turbo MT AWD 4DR Hatchback STI 2.5L Turbo MT AWD 4DR Hatchback 2.5L Turbo MT AWD 4 DR Sedan 2.5L/2.5L Turbo MT AWD 4 DR Sedan 2.5L 4CYL Turbo MT AWD 4DR/WGN 2.0L 4CYL Turbo AT/MT AWD 4DR 02-07 02-07 11-14 08-14 11-14 15 02-11 15 Cat-Back™ Touring Cat-Back™ S-Type Cat-Back™ S-Type Cat-Back™ S-Type Cat-Back™ ATAK® ™ Cat-Back S-Type Header w/o Cats Downpipe 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 1.625" 3" 3" 3" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25", 2" 2.25", 2" 2.25" 3" 3.19" RD 4.5" RD 3.5" RD 3.5" RD 3.5" RD 3.5" RD 6" 7.75" 4.5" 4.5" 6" 6" Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright 18 37 18 18 18 18 Dual Rear (L) Single Rear (L) Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear 140053 140075 140312 140312 140418 140595 17217* 60555* Part # 00-06 00-06 00-06 07-08 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring Touring S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 4" RD 4" RD 4" RD 4" RD 14" 11" 11" 14" Bright Bright Bright Bright 36 11 11 36 Single Split Rear Single Split Side Single Side (R) Single Split Side 14817 14852 14854 140238 07-08 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140239 09-15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 4" RD 14" Bright 36 Single Split Side 140332 09-13 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 4" RD 14 Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140333 14-15 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.25" 2.25" 4" RD 14 Bright 36 Single Split Rear 140638 12-14 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2" 4" RD 6" Bright 35 Single Split Rear 140485 12-13 12-13 Cat-Back™ Down Pipe w/ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Downpipe w/o Cats S-Type 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 2.5" 4.25" RD 6.75" Bright 18 Dual Center Rear 140498 60552* S-Type S-Type 3" 3" 2.25" 3" 3.5" RD 4.5" Bright 29 Dual Split Rear 140643 60562* 08 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 4.25" RD 4" Bright 18 Dual Center Rear 140314 10-12 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 3.14" RD 5" Bright 18 Dual Rear (L) 140369 06-09 Cat-Back™ S-Type 10-14 Cat-Back™ S-Type 15 Cat-Back™ S-Type 15 Downpipe w/o cat 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 3" 2" 2" 2" 3" 3.19" RD 4" RD 4" RD 6.75" 6" 7" Bright Bright Bright 35 3 35 Dual Rear (L) 140248 Single Split Rear 140347 Single Split Rear 140597 60553 06-10 09-10 09-11 12-14 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ S-Type S-Type S-Type S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 3.19" RD 3.14" RD 3.14" RD 3.14" RD 6.75" 5" 5" 5" Bright Bright Bright Bright 18 18 18 29 Dual Rear (L) Dual Rear (L) Dual Rear (L) Dual Rear (L) 07-12 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 3.5" x 2.75" OV 4" Bright 29 Dual Rear (L) 140335 BEETLE 2.0L Turbo AT/MT FWD 2DR GOLF R 2.0L AT/MT AWD 5DR 13-14 Rear Section S-Type 2" 2" 3.19" RD 5" Bright 35 2.0L MT AWD 2+4DR 2.0L Turbo MT AWD 2+4DR Single Rear (R) 11843 »TOYOTA 2.0L MT AWD 2+4DR 2.0L Turbo AT/MT AWD 4RUNNER 2.7L 4CYL/3.4L 6CYL LTD AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR 4.0L AT/MT 2+4WD (except Trail Model) 96-02 10-15 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring 2.5" 2.5" 2.25" 2.5" 4" RD 4.25" x 3.5" OV 8.5" 7" Bright Bright 11 17 Single Rear (R) 14659 Single Rear (R) 140379 15 15 GOLF R32 3.2L V6 MT AWD 2DR CAMRY LE/SE/XLE 3.5L V6 AT FWD 4DR 07-11 Rear Section Touring 2.25" 2.25" 3.5" RD 6.5" Bright 4 Single Split Rear 11758 GOLF TDI 2.0L AT/MT FWD 2+4DR COROLLA S/XRS 1.8L/2.4L AT/MT FWD 4DR 1.8L/2.4L AT/MT RWD 4DR 09-13 14-15 Rear Section Rear Section S-Type S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4.25" x 3.5" OV 7" 7" Bright Bright 17 17 Single Rear (R) 11795 Single Rear (R) 11897 07-09 10-14 10-14 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring Touring 2.25" 2.5" 2.5" 2" 2" 2.5" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4" RD 4" RD 12" 13" 11" Bright Bright Bright 40 38 36 Single Split Rear 140200 Single Split Rear 140405 Single Rear (R) 140521 GTI 2.0L Turbo 4CYL AT/MT FWD 2+4DR 2.0L Turbo AT/MT FWD 2+4DR 2.0L Turbo AT/MT FWD 2+4DR 2.0L Turbo AT/MT FWD 4DR FJ CRUISER 4.0L V6 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR 4.0L V6 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR 4.0L V6 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR "Dirt Sport" JETTA 2.5L AT/MT FWD 4DR TDI 2.0L AT/MT FWD 4DR sedan TDI 2.0L AT/MT FWD 4DR wagon GLI 2.0L Turbo AT/MT FWD 4DR LAND CRUISER 4.5L 6CYL AT 4WD 4DR 4.7L V8 AT 4WD 4DR 95-97 98-07 ™ Cat-Back Cat-Back™ Touring Touring 2.25" 2" 2.25" 2.25" 3.38" x 3" SQ 4" RD 6.75" 8.5" Bright Bright 13 11 Single Rear (R) 14590 Single Rear (R) 14814 08-12 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.75" 2.75" 4" RD 12" Bright 36 Single Rear (R) 140277 95-99 00-04 05-12 05-12 13-15 13-15 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring S-Type S-Type S-Type S-Type 2.5" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.5" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 3.5" RD 4" RD 4" RD 4" RD 4" RD 4" RD 7" 14" 14" 14" 14" 14 Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright 10 36 36 36 36 36 Single Side (R) Single Side (R) Single Rear (R) Single Side (R) Single Side (R) Single Side (R) SEQUOIA 5.7L V8 AT 2+4WD 4DR 3.4L V6 AT/MT 4WD 2DR EC SB Pre-Runner 3.4L V6 AT/MT 4WD 2DR EC SB Pre-Runner 4.0L V6 AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC LB 4.0L V6 AT/MT 2+4WD 2+4DR CC SB EC LB 4.0L AT/MT 2+4WD 2+4DR CC SB EC LB 4.0L AT/MT 2+4WD 4DR CC LB 2.0L AT/MT FWD 4DR 14597 14945 140140 140160 140502 140503 TIP EXITS SOUND LEVELS STOCK FULL DETAILS PGS. 6-7 4 10 TOURING S-TYPE ACTUAL PIPE CONTOURS VARY BY APPLICATION ATAK ® 11 13 17 140397 140317 140317 140472 PASSAT/CC TACOMA 3 Tip Exit »VOLKSWAGEN XV CROSSTREK TIP STYLES Product TUNDRA (cont.) 2.2L/2.5L 4CYL non-turbo AT/MT AWD 4DR TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip (Details on Pg. 55) Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Years 18 29 35 SINGLE REAR (L) DUAL REAR (L) 36 SINGLE REAR (R) DUAL REAR (R) 37 SINGLE SPLIT REAR DUAL SPLIT REAR 38 DUAL CENTER REAR QUAD CENTER SINGLE SIDE (L) DUAL SIDE (L) SINGLE SIDE (R) DUAL SIDE (R) SINGLE SPLIT SIDE 40 FOR EXHAUST SYSTEMS ON THESE TWO PAGES 42 1 RD:Round OV:Oval SQ:Square REC:Rectangular 2 Bright:Mirror-Polished Bright Chrome Black:Polished Black Chrome † In CA certified for '99 -'03 * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. FWD:Front Wheel Drive RWD:Rear Wheel Drive AWT:All Wheel Drive AT:Auto Trans. MT:Manual Trans. DR:Door 43 » BORLA ® EXHAUST SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Model/Group Years Product (Details on Pg. 55) EUROPE FOR e1 EC - Type Approval issued by KBA Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt / Germany TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style Tip Exit Part # www.borla.com 1-877 GO BORLA Model/Group AUDI Years Product (Details on Pg. 55) A3 2.0L TDI 4CYL 136-170HP AT/MT FWD 2DR/4DR (Hatchback only) A3 1.6L FSI 4CYL 115HP AT/MT FWD 2DR/4DR (not for Sportback, Hatchback only) A3 2.0L FSI 4CYL 150HP AT/MT FWD (not for Sportback, Hatchback only) TT QUATTRO 1.8T 225HP MT AWD 2DR 03-09 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.25" 2" 3.14" RD 4.63" Bright 18 Dual Split Rear 1014008 03-09 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.25" 2" 3.14" RD 4.63" Bright 18 Dual Split Rear 1014010 03-09 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.25" 2" 3.14" RD 4.63" Bright 18 Dual Split Rear 1014011 98-07 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.5" 2" 4" RD 6.12" Bright 6 Single Split Rear 1014013 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-13 14 97-04 05-07 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ X-Pipe Spacer Kit Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring S-Type 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 4.5" RD 4.5" RD 5.75" 5.75" Bright Bright 35 35 Touring Touring Touring 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2" 1.75" 4.5" RD 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4" RD 5.75" 6.75" 7" Bright Bright Bright 36 29 18 Single Split Rear 1014035 Single Split Rear 1014031 1014032 60545 Single Split Rear 1014036 Dual Split Rear 13921 Dual Split Rear 1014018 03-09 05-09 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring 2.5" 2.5" 2.25" 2.5" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4.25" x 3.5" OV 7.13" 7" Bright Bright 29 17 Dual Center Rear 1014003 Single Split Rear 1014004 05-09 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.25" 2.25" 5" RD 16" Bright 39 Single Split Rear 1014000 04-09 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.25" 2.25" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 7" Bright 17 Single Split Rear 1014001 05-09 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.25" 2.25" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 7" Bright 17 Single Split Rear 1014002 05-07 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.25" 2.25" 3.5" RD 6.5" Bright 8 Single Split Rear 1014028 H2 6.0L V8 AT AWD 4DR H2 6.0L V8 AT AWD 4DR H2 6.0L V8 AT AWD 4DR H2 6.0L V8 AT AWD 4DR Tip Exit Part # 07-10 07-10 07-10 07-10 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring Touring Touring 3" 3" 3" 3" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 5" RD 5" RD 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4.25" x 3.5" OV 16" 16" 7" 7" Bright Bright Bright Bright 39 39 17 17 Single Split Rear Dual Rear (L) Single Split Rear Dual Rear (L) 1014023 1014024 1014025 1014026 03-09 Cat-Back™ Touring 3" 2.25" 4" RD 8" Bright 3 Single Split Rear 1014015 02-04 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.5" 1.75" 3.14" RD 5" Bright 18 Dual Center Rear 1014014 03-09 Cat-Back™ Touring 2.25" 2" 2.53" RD 4.5" Bright 37 Single Split Rear 1014012 03-07 03-07 06-09 10-14 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring Touring Touring 2" 2" 2.5" 2.5" 1.75" 1.75" 2" 2" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4.25" x 3.5" OV 3.14" RD 3.5" x 3.28" SQ 6" 6" 9.75" 5.38" Bright Bright Bright Bright 17 17 18 42 Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear 1014007 1014007 1014016 1014021 04-09 04-09 04-09 04-09 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring Touring Touring 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2" 2" 2" 2" 3.14" RD 3.14" RD 3.14" RD 3.14" RD 4.63" 4.63" 4.63" 4.63" Bright Bright Bright Bright 18 18 18 18 Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear Dual Split Rear 1014008 1014011 1014008 1014011 13-14 Cat-Back™ Touring 2" 2" 4.5" RD 5.75" Bright 45 Dual Rear (L) 1014034 13-14 Cat-Back™ Touring 2" 2" 4.5" RD 5.75" Bright 45 Dual Rear (L) 1014034 03-08 03-08 03-08 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring Touring 2.5" 2.25" 2.25" 2" 2" 2" 3.14" RD 3.14" RD 3.14" RD 4.63" 4.63" 4.63" Bright Bright Bright 18 18 18 Dual Split Rear 1014009 Dual Split Rear 1014010 Dual Split Rear 1014008 03-08 09 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring 2.25" 2.5" 2" 2" 3.14" RD 3.14" RD 4.63" 4.63" Bright Bright 18 18 Dual Split Rear 1014011 Dual Split Rear 1014029 MAZDA RX-8 1.3L 2 CYL MT RWD 4DR MINI COOPER Cooper S-Series1.6L 4CYL 163/170HP MT FWD 2DR GAS NISSAN 350Z 3.5L V6 280HP AT/MT RWD 2DR Coupé + Roadster CHRYSLER Crossfire 3.2L V6 AT/MT RWD 2DR 300C, 300C Touring C 3.0L CRD V6 AT RWD/ AWD 4DR 300C, 300C Touring C 3.0L CRD V6 AT RWD/ AWD 4DR 300C, 300C Touring C/TOUR 3.5L V6 AT RWD/ AWD 4DR 300C, 300C Touring C 5.7L V8 AT RWD/AWD 4DR PT Cruiser 1.6L/2.0L/2.2L/2.4L 4 cyl incl Turbo AT/ MT FWD 2&4DR & Convertible Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape1 Length Finish 2 Style HUMMER CHEVROLET Camaro 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR Camaro 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR Camaro 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR Camaro 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR Convertible Camaro SS 6.2L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR Corvette C5/Z06 5.7L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR Euro Corvette C6 6.0L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR Incl. Paddle Shift TIP & EXIT INFO — SEE IMAGES BELOW OPEL Signum Direct 2.2L 155HP 4CYL MT RWD 4DR Signum 2.0L Turbo 175HP 4CYL MT RWD 4DR GT 2.0L Turbo 4CYL MT RWD 2DR Convertible GT 2.0L Turbo 4CYL MT RWD 2DR Convertible SEAT Altea 2.0L TDI 4CYL 136-170HP AT/MT FWD 4DR Altea 2.0L FSI 4CYL 150HP AT/MT FWD 4DR Leon 2.0L TDI 4CYL 136-170HP AT/MT FWD 4DR Leon 2.0L FSI 4CYL 150HP AT/MT FWD 4DR SUBARU DODGE Charger SXT/SE 3.5L V6 AT RWD/AWD 4DR Charger RT 5.7L V8 AT RWD/AWD 4DR Magnum SXT/SE 3.5L V6 AT RWD/AWD 4DR Magnum RT 5.7L V8 AT RWD/AWD 4DR 05-09 05-09 05-09 05-09 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring Touring Touring 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4.25" x 3.5" OV 4.25" x 3.5" OV 7" 7" 7" 7" Bright Bright Bright Bright 17 17 17 17 Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear Single Split Rear 05-09 05-09 07 Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Cat-Back™ Touring Touring Touring 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 4" RD 4" RD 4" RD 12" 12" 12" Bright Bright Bright 36 36 36 Single Split Rear 1014019 Single Split Rear 1014019 Single Split Rear 1014019 BRZ 2.0L AT/MT RWD 2DR 1014001 1014002 1014001 1014002 TOYOTA GT86 2.0L AT/MT RWD 2DR VOLKSWAGEN FORD Mustang GT 4.6L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR Mustang Shelby GT 500 4.6L V8 AT/MT RWD 2DR Mustang Shelby GT 500 5.4L V8 MT RWD TIP EXITS SOUND LEVELS STOCK FULL DETAILS PGS. 6-7 TIP STYLES 3 Golf Mk5 1.4L FSI 4CYL 75HP MT FWD 2DR/4DR Golf Mk5 1.6L FSI 4CYL 115HP AT/MT FWD 2DR/4DR Golf Mk5 2.0L TDI 4CYL 136-170HP AT/MT FWD 2DR/4DR Golf Mk5 2.0L FSI 4CYL 150HP ATMT FWD Golf Mk6 1.4L TSI 4CYL 122/160 HP ATMT FWD 6 8 TOURING S-TYPE 17 ACTUAL PIPE CONTOURS VARY BY APPLICATION ATAK ® 18 29 35 36 37 SINGLE REAR (L) DUAL REAR (L) SINGLE REAR (R) DUAL REAR (R) 39 SINGLE SPLIT REAR 42 DUAL SPLIT REAR DUAL CENTER REAR QUAD CENTER SINGLE SIDE (L) DUAL SIDE (L) SINGLE SIDE (R) DUAL SIDE (R) SINGLE SPLIT SIDE 45 FOR EXHAUST SYSTEMS ON THESE TWO PAGES 44 1 RD:Round OV:Oval SQ:Square REC:Rectangular 2 Bright:Mirror-Polished Bright Chrome Black:Polished Black Chrome † In CA certified for '99 -'03 * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. FWD:Front Wheel Drive RWD:Rear Wheel Drive AWT:All Wheel Drive AT:Auto Trans. MT:Manual Trans. DR:Door 45 » UNIVERSAL Tip# 2 3 4 4 9 9 10 10 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 15 17 17 18 19 22 24 25 26 28 29 33 33 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 38 39 39 41 42 48 48 49 2 EXHAUST TIPS Description Inlet Outlet Length Installation Part # Single Round Rolled Edge Single Round Rolled Edge Angle Cut Single Round Rolled Angle Cut Intercooled Single Round Rolled Angle Cut Intercooled Single Round Angle Cut Single Round Angle Cut Single Round Angle Cut Intercooled Single Round Angle Cut Intercooled Single Round Intercooled Single Round Intercooled Single Round Intercooled Single Square Angle Cut Intercooled Single Square Angle Cut Intercooled Single Square Angle Cut Intercooled Single Square Angle Cut Phantom Single Square Intercooled Single Square Intercooled Single Oval Rolled Angle Cut Lined Embossed Single Oval Rolled Angle Cut Lined Embossed Pair of #35 Tips Dual Round Rolled Angle Cut Intercooled Pair of #9 Tips Pair of #11 Tips Dual Rd Intercooled w/Y-Pipe Dual Square Angle Cut Intercooled w/Y-Pipe Pair of #15 Tips Pair of #17 Tips Turn Down/Turn Out Turn Down/Turn Out Turn Down/Turn Out Turn Down/Turn Out Single Rect. Rolled Angle Cut (w/two inlets) Single Rect. Rolled Angle Cut (single inlet) Single Rd Rolled Angle Cut Lined Embossed Single Rd Rolled Angle Cut Lined Embossed Single Round Rolled Angle Cut Single Round Rolled Angle Cut Single Round Rolled Angle Cut Phantom Single Round Rolled Angel Cut Resonated Embossed Single Round Rolled Angle Cut (w/clamp) Stainless Steel Mount Clamp for 20249 (Tip #39) Single Square Rolled Angel Cut Pair of #41 Tips Single Square Rolled Angle Cut Black Chrome Single Square Rolled Angle Cut Black Chrome Single Round Rolled Angle Cut Black Chrome 2.5" 2.25" 2.25" 3" 2.25" 2.5" 2.5" 3" 2" 2.25" 2.5" 2.25" 2.5" 2.5" 2.25" 2.25" 2.5" 2.5" 2.15" 4" RD 3.19" RD 3.5" 4.25" 2.25" RD 2.5" RD 3.5" RD 3.5" RD 2.5" RD 2.5" RD 2.5" RD 2.5" x 2.75" SQ 2.5" x 2.75" SQ 2.88" x 3.38" SQ 3.38" x 3.0" SQ 2.5" x 2.75" SQ 2.5" x 2.75" SQ 4.25" x 3.5" OV 3.5" x 2.75" OV 8" 5" 6.5" 4" 6" 6" 9" 9" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 9" 6.5" 6" 6" 7" 5.63" 2" 3" 12.63" 2.5" 2.5" 3" 2.88" x 3.38" SQ 14" 14" Weld On Weld On Weld On Weld On Set Screw Included Set Screw Included Set Screw Included Set Screw Included Set Screw Included Set Screw Included Set Screw Included Set Screw Included Set Screw Included Set Screw Included Weld On Set Screw Included Set Screw Included Clamp Included Clamp Included Clamp Included Weld On Set Screw Included Weld On Set Screw Included Set Screw Included Set Screw Included Weld On Set Screw Included Set Screw Included Set Screw Included Set Screw Included Weld On Weld On Clamp Included Clamp Included Weld On Weld On Weld On Weld On Clamp On (18340) 20235 20236 20237 20251 20106 20107 20120 20122 20102 20103 20104 20115 20116 20132 20252 20112 20113 20155 20153 See #35 20143 See #9 See #11 20203 20233 See #15 See #17 20108 20109 20110 20140 20243 20244 20156 20154 20245 20246 20247 20248 20249 18340 20241 See #41 20160 20161 20162 3 4 2" 2.25" 2.5" 3" 1.78" 2.5" 2.5" 2.25" 2.25" 3" 2.5" 2.25" 4" 4" 2.25" 2" RD 2.25" RD 2.5" RD 3" RD 6.69" x 3" RE 6.69" x 3" RE 4" RD 3" RD 4" RD 4" RD 4.5" RD 4" RD 5" RD 9" 8.75" 9" 9" 5.63" 5.63" 6.25" 4.75" 12" 14" 7.75" 12" 14" 3.28" x 3.5" SQ 7.88" 2" 2.25" 2.78" 3.5" x 3.28" SQ 3.5" x 3.28" SQ 4" RD 10.5" 10.5" 14" 9 10 Weld On Weld On Clamp on Clamp on Weld On 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 22 24 25 26 28 29 33 34 35 »BORLA® PRO XS MUFFLERS Value-priced Borla ProXS mufflers share many of the hottest features of our performance line. Including high-quality T-304 austenitic stainless steel construction, street-commanding sound and our Million Mile Warranty. Sizes are available for import and domestic cars and trucks. ® Description PRO XS Center/Offset B E A D C B A E B C D 46 37 1 38 RD=Round OV=Oval SQ=Square REC=Rectangular 39 2 41 42 Bright=Mirror-Polished Bright Chrome Black=Polished Black Chrome 48 Case Size (C) (D) (E) Un-Notched Notched Part # Part # Oval Oval Oval Oval Oval Oval Oval Oval Oval 2" 2" 2.25" 2.25" 2.5" 2.5" 3" 2.25" 2.5" 2" 2" 2.25" 2.25" 2.5" 2.5" 3" 2.25" 2.5" 14" x 4" x 9.5" 14" x 4.25" x 7.88" 14" x 4" x9.5" 14" x 4.25" x 7.88" 14" x 4" x 9.5" 14" x 4.25" x 7.88" 14" x 4" x 9.5" 19" x 4" x 9.5" 19" x 4" x 9.5" 40344 40657 40357 40658 40358 40659 40359 40664 40665 400476 400477 400478 400479 400480 400481 400482 400483 400484 Oval Oval Oval 2.5" 3" 3" 2.5" 2.25" 2.5" 19" x 4" x 9.5" 19" x 4" x 9.5" 19" x 4" x 9.5" 40348 40670 40349 400485 400486 400487 2" 2.25" 2.5" 3" 2" 2.25" 2.5" 3" 14" x 4" x 9.5" 14" x 4" x 9.5" 14" x 4" x 9.5" 14" x 4" x 9.5" 40346 40351 40352 40353 400488 400489 400490 400491 PRO XS Offset/Offset E PRO XS Dual In/Dual Out Oval Oval 2.25" 2.5" 2.25" 2.5" 19" x 4" x 9.5" 19" x 4" x 9.5" 400287 400286 400492 400493 E PRO XS Center/Center Oval Oval Oval 2" 2.25" 2.5" 2" 2.25" 2.5" 14" x 4" x 9.5" 14" x 4" x 9.5" 14" x 4" x 9.5" 40347 40363 40364 400494 400495 400496 D C A B A B C D B D TIP STYLES FOR UNIVERSAL TIPS LISTED ABOVE. NOTE: LENGTH OF TIPS VARIES. ACTUAL MEASUREMENTS ARE PROVIDED ABOVE. Un-Notched 36 (B) Outlet Diameter E A C (A) Inlet Diameter Oval Oval Oval Oval B A PRO XS Center/Dual Profile Notched 49 BORLA® PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIES • 001 805-341-5778 • 001 805-246-6004 • www.borla.com.cn 47 »SPECIALTY MUFFLERS THUMPER 40057 » BORLA BOOMERS Borla universal specialty mufflers are designed for supreme street performance, featuring high quality 300 Series austenitic stainless steel, all-welded construction and more for increased horsepower and torque. Independent tests prove superior flow capability. ® A B E C Description Profile (A) Inlet Diameter (B) Outlet Diameter Case Size (C) (D) (E) Un-Notched Part # Notched Part # S-TYPE (Round) Round 2.5" 2.5" 10" x 5" x 5" 40842S 400497 D TRANSVERSE FLOW E B C ROCK-IT 40058 WAILTAIL 40061 A B ® Oval Oval 2.5" 3" Dual 2.5” Dual 2.5” 19" x 6.0" x 10.25" 19" x 6.0" x 10.25" 40477 40474 400498 400499 Round 3" 3" 24" x 6.75" 400436 400500 SPIT FIRE 40059 BLOW TORCH 40060 D A B C E HEAVY DUTY D »CLAMPS/TUBING Description STAINLESS SADDLE CLAMPS SINGLE BOLT STAINLESS STEEL 1.25” BAND CLAMPS ACCUSEAL® STAINLESS STEEL HALF MOON CLAMPS Diameter Radius Length Part # Description 2" 2.5" 3" 18220 18250 18300 2" 2.25" 2.5" 2.75" 3" 4" 18302 18322 18325 18327 18330 18340 2.36" (60mm) 2.75" (70mm) 18323 18328 Profile Inlet Diameter Tip Case Size Part # WAILTAIL Oval 2.25" 5" Round 14" x 8.5" x 5.5" 40061 BLOW TORCH Oval 2.25" 4" Round 14" x 8.5" x 5.5" 40060 SPIT FIRE Oval 2.25" 3" Dual DTM 14" x 8.5" x 5.5" 40059 Round 2.25" 4.5" Round 14" x 6.75" x 6.75" 40058 Oval 2.25" 4" Round 14" x 7.88" x 4.5" 40057 ROCK-IT THUMPER »HOT ROD KIT »CLEANER/POLISH 2.5” CUSTOM HOT ROD KIT STAINLESS BAND CLAMPS STAINLESS U-BENDS 2.25" 2.5" 2.75" 3" 2.5" 3" 18003 18004 18005 18006 6" 6" 8" Legs 8" Legs 19250 19230 Part # 10525 Part # 10512 Part # 21461 4 45 Degree Bends 2 Turbo XL Mufflers 4U-Bends 4 45 Degree Bends 2 90 Degree Bends 2 5-Foot Tubing Sections 4U-Bends Specially formulated for stainless steel exhaust systems! Quickly cuts through layers of dulling oxides to restore original finish while adding tarnish protection. 4Clamps 4 Universal Hangers STAINLESS STRAIGHT TUBING 48 BORLA® PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIES • 001 805-341-5778 • 001 805-246-6004 • www.borla.com.cn 2.25" 2.5" 3" 5" 5" 5" 30325 30350 30330 BORLA EXHAUST CLEANER & POLISH 2 90 Degree Bends 2 5 Feet Tubing Sections 2 3” Phantom Tailpipe Tips NOTE: Not for use on Black Chrome tips. 4Clamps 4 Universal Hangers BORLA® PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIES • 001 805-341-5778 • 001 805-246-6004 • www.borla.com.cn 49 »BORLA XR-1 RACELINE ® ® Borla XR-1 Raceline products are the choice of today’s hottest drag and oval track racers. Featuring a patented uninterrupted-flow design and multicore technology, Borla’s XR-1 mufflers actually outflow a straight piece of pipe in repeated testing. XR-1 race products are lightweight and constructed of high-quality austenitic stainless steel for track-tough durability. They meet the strictest noise requirements and use sound-absorbing stainless steel packing to protect against burnout. ® ® ® ® Description/Application Type Inlet Outlet Primary Tube INNER DIAMETER OUTER DIAMETER OUTER DIAMETER Case Size Diameter Part # XR-1® STAINLESS LONG TUBE HEADERS WITH “X” PIPE 97-04 Chevy Corvette 5.7L 05-08 Chevy Corvette C6 6.0L/6.2L 09-13 Corvette C6 6.2L 06-13 Chevy Corvette Z06 7.0L 11-14 Ford Mustang 3.7L V6 05-10 Ford Mustang GT 4.6L 07-10 Ford Shelby Mustang GT500 11-12 Ford Shelby Mustang GT500 40741 40536 Description/Application Type Requires X-Pipe 60548 + adapter 40728 Inlet Outlet Primary Tube INNER DIAMETER OUTER DIAMETER OUTER DIAMETER Case Size Diameter Part # XR-1® STAINLESS MULTICORE RACING MUFFLERS 2.75" 2.75" 2.75" 3" 2.25" 2.5" 2.5" 2.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 17259* 17260* 17276* 17261* 17272* 17237* 17238* 17273* 2.5" 2.75" 2.5" 2.5" 2.75" 2.75" 2.5" 2.75" 2.5" 2.75" 2.5" 2.75" 2.75" 3" 2.5" 2.75" 2.75" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 1.625" 1.75" 17249* 17289* 17252* 17256* 17275* 17250* 17256* 17250* 17256* 17275* 17252* 17250* 17286* 17253* 17242* 17263* 17290* 17243* 17251* 17288 Oval Oval 3" 4" 3" 4" 16" x 4.25" x 7.88" 23" x 5.5" x 8.5" 40575 400069 Oval Oval Round Round 3" 3" 3" 4" 3" 3" 3" 4" 16" x 4.25" x 7.88" 12" x 4.25" x 7.88" 16" 16" 400371 400372 400373 400374 Oval 3" 3" 34" x 8.5" x 5.5" Round Round Round Round 2.5" 3.5" 3.5" 4" 2.5" 3.5" 3.5" 4" 14" 16" 24" 16" 3.5" Oval 3.5" Oval 12" x 3" x 7.88" Shorty Shorty Shorty 2.13" 2.25" 2.38" 3.5" 4" 4.5" 14" 14" 14" 6.25" 6.75" 6.75" 40997 40976 40977 Standard Standard 2.25" 2.38" 4" 4.5" 20.5" 20.5" 6.75" 6.75" 40728 40703 2.5" 2.5" 14" 3.5" 40641 All full-bodied cars Rotary engine equipped vehicles Pre-Runner trucks WITHOUT “X” PIPE 10-13 Chevy Camaro SS/ZL1/1LE 6.2L V8 14 Chevy Corvette C7 6.2L 05-08 Chrysler 300C 5.7L V8 09-10 Chrysler 300C 5.7L V8 11-14 Chrysler 300C 5.7L V8 08-14 Chrysler 300C SRT-8 6.1L/6.4L 09-14 Dodge Challenger RT 5.7L V8 09-14 Dodge Challenger SRT-8 6.1L 09-10 Dodge Charger RT 5.7L V8 11-14 Dodge Charger RT 5.7L V8 05-08 Dodge Charger/Magnum RT 5.7L V8 08-14 Dodge Charger/Magnum SRT-8 6.1L/6.4L 11-13 Ford F-150 Raptor 05-06 Ford GT 5.4L RWD MT 05-10 Ford Mustang GT 4.6L 11-14 Ford Mustang GT/Boss 302 5.0L 15 Ford Mustang GT 5.0L 07-10 Ford Shelby Mustang GT500 07-11 Jeep Wrangler 3.8L 2+4DR 2013 Porsche 991 911S/911 4S 40575 All venues requiring highest flow muffler 6.25" 6.25" 400115 6.25" 6.25" 6.25" 6.25" 400024 40722 400261 40741 XR-1® STAINLESS SLIM LINE MUFFLER 40536 XR-1® STAINLESS COLLECTOR MUFFLER Full Chassied Cars (Accepted in NHRA, Brackets, Super Chevy, NSCA) Dragsters, Altereds, Roadsters XR-1® STAINLESS RACING BULLET MUFFLERS Midgets, Mini Sprints, Dwarf Cars FOUR IMPORTANT REASONS RACERS WIN WITH BORLA ® High quality austenitic stainless steel construction throughout for durability and reduced weight. Fully welded assembly. No crimping. Patented straight-thru, multi-core technology. US Patent #5,248,859 1. You fear what you can’t hear. Especially in any kind of breakout drag racing where you can “sneak up” on an opponent. XR-1® SPEC MIATA RACING SYSTEMS 89-93 Miata Spec NA 1.6L MT 94-97 Miata Spec NA 1.8L MT 89-97 Miata Spec NA 1.6L/1.8L MT 99-05 Miata Spec NB 1.8L MT 99-05 Miata Spec NB 1.8L MT 50 Header-Back (for more sound attenuation add 60537) Header-Back (for more sound attenuation add 60537) Rear Section Header-Back (for more sound attenuation add 60538) Rear Section 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 4" RD x 20" 4" RD x 20" 8.5" x 5.5" x 12" 5" RD x 20" 8.5" x 5.5" x 14" * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. 12665 12668 60537 12667 60538 2. Improved driver awareness. Drivers in all forms of racing can better tell what their cars are doing. 3. No loss in performance. Fact is, in some cases Borla’s patented XR-1 mufflers actually improved horsepower over a straight piece of pipe. ® 4. Reduced driver fatigue. Very important in many forms of competition. Patent #5,248,859 Insulated to reduce shell temperature for a cooler driver’s compartment to combat fatigue. Longer scavaging spike generates maximum power. Proprietary hi-temperature, corrosionresistant, sound-absorbing material and perforated core maintain low db’s and protect against burnout. *For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. 51 »BORLA XR-1 RACELINE ® ® Description/Application Type »BORLA APPAREL ® (cont.) Inlet Outlet Primary Tube INNER DIAMETER OUTER DIAMETER OUTER DIAMETER Case Size Diameter Part # D XR-1® STAINLESS SPORTSMAN RACING MUFFLERS All full-bodied cars All race venues requiring highest-flow muffler, space allowing Oval Oval Oval Oval Oval Oval Oval Oval 2.5" 2.5" 3" 3" 3.5" 3.5" 4" 4" 2.5" 2.5" 3" 3" 3.5" 3.5" 4" 4" 12" x 4.5" x 7.88" 16" x 4.5" x 7.88" 12" x 4.5" x 7.88" 16" x 4.5" x 7.88" 12" x 4.5" x 7.88" 16" x 4.5" x 7.88" 12" x 4.5" x 7.88" 16" x 4.5" x 7.88" Round Round Round 3" 3.5" 3.5" 3" 3.5" 3.5" 15" 15" 8" 40941 40942 40943 40944 40945 40946 40947 40948 5" 5" 5" Full Size 1.75" K F 40085 40086 40004S G E B (back) C XR-1® STAINLESS JUNIOR DRAGSTER RACING MUFFLERS 8, 9, 10 and 11 Second Bracket 3 Core B (front) 2.25" 13" 4.5” 40483 XR-1® STAINLESS TURNDOWNS/TURNOUTS Deflects exhaust from valence/body panels 4" 7" length 20146 I J L H A 40944 »XR-1 MARINE ® Size XR-1® STAINLESS WET/DRY MARINE MUFFLERS 400262 For performance boats up to 1200bhp Now adapted for marine use, BORLA’s patented high-flow multicore design is found in more winning dragsters, Baja Trophy Trucks and other elite racing venues than any brand. High quality austenitic stainless steel shell, inner cores, and sound absorbing filament, with mirror-polished finish. Color Part# 21013 B. MOTORSPORT LOGO TEE (MEN’S) High-end frequency-cancelling effect occurs as sound waves travel between multiple cores, leaving the pure “BORLA Sound of Power.” Small Black21195 Medium Black 21196 Large Black 21197 X-Large Black 21198 XX-Large Black 21199 Small White 21207 Medium White 21208 Large White 21209 X-Large White 21210 XX-Large White 21211 C. DISTRESSED LOGO TEE (MEN’S) U.S. Patent # 8,439,159 B1 52 Unique 5" step-up design increases the flow, with standard 4" installation. * For competition or off road use only. Not emissions, DOT, CARB or EPA certified. Not intended or applicable for use on public streets or highways. Medium Large X-Large Medium Large X-Large Medium Large X-Large Color Part# Charcoal21261 Charcoal21262 Charcoal 21263 Black 21264 Black 21265 Black 21266 Red 21359 Red 21360 Red 21361 Medium Large X-Large Medium Large X-Large White White White Black Black Black 21288 21289 21290 21291 21292 21293 E. EMBROIDERED POLO (MEN’S) Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large Black Black Black Black Black Red Red Red Red Red White White White White White Size Color Part# F. CHECKERED LOGO TEE (MEN’S) D. WIREFRAME LOGO TEE (MEN’S) A. BORLA EXHAUST LOGO PATCH 2" x 4" Size 21121 21092 21058 21055 21090 21125 21091 21059 21056 21126 21122 21123 21060 21057 21124 MediumWhite Large White X-Large White Medium Black Large Black X-Large Black Medium Red Large Red X-Large Red Black Black Black Black 21273 21274 21275 21276 21277 21278 21303 21304 21305 21235 21236 21237 21238 Black 21405 I. EMBROIDERED TRUCKER CAP Fits All Part# Small Medium Large Black Black Black 21285 21286 21312 K. DISTRESSED LOGO TEE (WOMEN’S) Small Medium Large Small Medium Large Small Medium Large White White White Black Black Black Red Red Red 21267 21268 21269 21270 21271 21272 21384 21385 21386 L. WIREFRAME LOGO TEE (WOMEN’S) H. EMBROIDERED BASEBALL CAP Fits All Color J. CHECKERED LOGO TEE (WOMEN’S) G. EMBROIDERED NYLON JACKET Medium Large X-Large XX-Large Size Red/Black 21373 Small White21306 Medium White 21307 Large White 21308 Small Red 21309 Medium Red 21310 Large Red 21311 BORLA® PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIES • 001 805-341-5778 • 001 805-246-6004 • www.borla.com.cn 53 »HOW TO USE THIS CATALOG »BORLA FAQs ® Q. Will I get better gas mileage? Q. Can I install a Borla system myself? A. Yes, a better performing engine uses less fuel more efficiently, increasing fuel economy under normal cruising conditions. Borla’s patented flow-through design and proper diameter mandrel-bent tubing evacuate the exhaust gases out the system much faster and at a much greater temperature than factory exhaust. This results in performance gains in HP when you plant your foot and fuel economy at cruising speeds. And, the bigger the vehicle, the bigger the engine, the bigger the load, the bigger the savings in fuel. That’s why UPS delivery trucks are Borla -equipped! A. Yes, many of our customers enjoy installing their Borla system. Just be sure you have good clearance and access under your vehicle, have the proper tools, observe standard safety procedures, and ensure the vehicle is secured by approved jack stands. We do, however, recommend you have a professional installer do the work, especially for a header installation. ® ® Q. Why does it cost more? A. The most commonly used metals in the manufacture of exhaust systems are rusty mild steel, aluminized steel or an inferior 400-series stainless. Borla uses only high-quality Austenitic stainless steel. It costs more than the other lesser grades of steel. To cut, bend and hand weld this grade of stainless steel takes special equipment too. Ask your local muffler shop if they can make a smooth, precision mandrel bend in a 2.50” 201 or 300 Series Stainless Steel pipe for you. You won’t find many that can, and it won’t be cheap. We also focus heavily on research and development to assure that the system fits, performs and sounds better than any other system on the market. Add to this pressure testing, our Million-Mile Warranty and the years of race winning technology that go into the systems made at Borla , and you will see why we have so many loyal, repeat customers. A Borla is actually very cost effective when you take into account the fact that most exhaust systems will need replacement within 18 months to 4 years while a Borla exhaust is designed to last the life of your vehicle. ® ® ® ® Q. What does it sound like? ® Q. D o I need to make any modifications to my vehicle to install the system? A. No. Our systems are designed to be completely bolt-on to your vehicle. Factory locations are utilized and all necessary installation hardware is included. Q. Is our product different from a ‘glass pack’ design? A. Yes. A glass pack is a muffler usually containing a cheap grade of loose fiberglass insulation in a louvered tube. A by-product of combustion is water which combines with the expelled gases forming a variety of very corrosive acids. These acids get absorbed by the fiberglass packing and attack the louvered core. This in turn causes the core to rust and blow out along with the other internals of the glass pack. All that is left is a loud, empty can. Genuine Borla mufflers, on the other hand, contain 300 series stainless steel perforated pipe wrapped with several layers of stainless steel sound absorbing material and a blanket of ceramic sound absorbing, high temperature material. The stainless steel inner construction, which is impervious to all corrosive acids, protects the ceramic packing from breaking down and getting blown out, so a Borla muffler never needs replacing. Also, a Borla muffler is the most effective sound-absorbing device for the size. CAT-BACK SYSTEM ™ 1 Find the Model and Year of your vehicle within the alphabetical applications. 2 View the exhaust systems & components available for your vehicle under the Product column. Descriptions of Borla exhaust products are on the left. Guides to their measurements are in the boxes below. 3 Learn how Borla Cat-Back or Rear Section exhaust systems will appear and sound on your vehicle by matching the Tip Style numbers, Tip Size, Shape and Length measurements, Tip Finish and Exit descriptions, and the Sound Level with the images and icons found within the color panels on the page. See example below for details. Any questions? Call us at 1-877 GO BORLA. Complete systems from the catalytic converter(s) back include connection pipe(s), muffler(s), tip(s) and necessary mounting hardware. REAR SECTION ® ® ™ ® ® ® Q. Are XR-1® exhaust products street legal? A. Yes, when selected for the appropriate application. NOTE: Borla exhaust systems are designed as bolt-on installations. Primary and Secondary pipe measurements are provided for informational purposes only. ® Kits include muffler(s), tip(s) and all the necessary mounting hardware. Primary(s) Secondary(s) X-PIPE / Y-PIPE Q. W hy is Borla exhaust so much better than the other guys? ® A. Borla Cat-Back™ systems have a deeper, throatier tone than stock. Our engineers take care in designing and tuning the systems with the mellow sound of power, aggressive yet not annoying. Picture yourself driving down the road and turning up the bass on your stereo system but not changing the volume. That’s what Borla sounds like! ® ® A. Why buy a wannabe when you can own an original? Borla has made a 33-year commitment and continues to lead the pack with patented technology, performance gains, quality materials, craftsmanship, a distinctive look and sound, and a Million-Mile Warranty. Whether you drive a Ferrari, Camaro, F-150, Jeep, BMW or Mustang, Borla is the exhaust your vehicle deserves. ® ® Q. W ill it void my factory warranty? ® Q. Is a bigger pipe and muffler system better? A. No, there has to be a balanced design to enhance the maximum engine output, exhaust gas velocity, and sound. If the diameter of the tubing is too large, the exhaust gas velocity will be reduced and rob the exhaust of thermal efficiency. Q. My new car came with a stainless steel exhaust from the factory! What’s the difference? A. Material Difference: Many new-model cars and trucks come factory-equipped with a low grade, 400-series stainless steel exhaust. These are an improvement from the old, rusty steel systems and are built to improve durability somewhat. Also, the inferior grade of stainless is the only cheap material that will last through the factory warranty period. But, ferritic stainless steels, which are part of the 400 series of stainless alloys, are magnetic, as compared to austenitic stainless steels, which are part of the 200 & 300 series of stainless alloys and are non-magnetic. Borla incorporates Austenitic stainless, which is superior for automotive exhaust because it exhibits higher hardness and yield strength as well as excellent ductility. And, the higher nickel and chromium content makes it much more resistant to corrosion. Because these austenitic alloys are higher-grade materials and harder to work with, they are therefore too expensive for the OE to supply. High quality, austenitic stainless allows us to back our systems with a Million-Mile Warranty - a Borla is a lifetime system! Performance Difference: Borla exhausts are also tuned to maximize the performance output of your vehicle and feature a more attractive and cost-effective package than stock. ® ® 54 Some of the engine builders who rely on Borla to give them the competitive edge are: Pat Musi, Greg Davis, Keith Dorton, Kenny Duttweiler, Ernie Elliott, Ryan Falconer, Tony Feil, Dennis Fischer, Earl Gaerte, Ron Hutter, Sonny Leonard, David Nickens, Roush Racing, Tony Gentilozzi, Ron Shaver and Robert Yates. ® A. No, some cars even have Borla systems as the OEM exhaust. All of our street exhaust products are 50-state emissions legal. Our headers are 50-state legal and C.A.R.B. approved. In fact, it is illegal for a dealer to deny you the OE warranty because you have changed the exhaust system. For more details, contact SEMA, the trade organization of the automotive aftermarket which has been instrumental in protecting such consumer rights, at www.sema. org, and they can refer you to the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act of 1975. ® Racing champs who know the benefits of running Borla’s and who trust Borla to give them the winning advantage by being the quickest and quietest include Kenny & Brandon Bernstein, Carl Renezeder, Turner Motorsports, John Mihovetz, Titan Motorsports, Brian Collins, Hot Rod Fuller, Paul Gentilozzi and Terrible Herbst as well as the American LeMans Corvette Racing Team, GM Racing’s Cadillac LMP Team and Team Lexus. Borla has been invited to participate in Toyota racing programs as well as Team Viper’s GTS-R, Team Escort, and Team Focus programs from their inceptions. Borla continues to win championships in everything from Sportsman drag racing to Baja off-road. Usually mounted after the catalytic converters, provide increased exhaust flow and sound benefits. Black Chrome HEADERS Tip Opening ® Tip Length Bright Chrome ® ® For over 15 years, Borla has participated in the design and build-up of many concept vehicles for Ford, Chrysler and Dodge as well as GM, TRD, Mazda, Nissan, and Lexus. Ford Motor Company chose Borla exhaust for their limited Cobra-R model. Ford’s national dealer training videos have featured Borla project vehicles. We developed complete exhaust systems (including headers) for the Shelby Series I, Bondurant Corvettes, Cadillacs & Formula cars, and Long Tube headers for the Ford FR500S Mustangs, the Frank Hawley and Roy Hill Drag Racing School cars as well as the Miller Motorsports Driving School Mustangs. Borla headers add power and torque while providing critical clearances and other features required by top engine builders. ® Enter this number in the “Search” field on www.borla.com to order your exhaust parts. ® ® Model/Group Years Product Sound Pipe Diameters Tip Opening Tip Tip Tip Level Primary(s) Secondary(s) Size & Shape Length Finish Style 08-11 Cat-Back™ S-Type 2.25" (x1) 2.25" (x2) ® Tip Exit Part # Single Rear (R) 12655 E82 135i 3.0L 3.5" RD 6" Bright 18 18 Top engine builders, top winning racers, car manufacturers and automotive enthusiasts worldwide recognize the difference Borla makes. You will too. ® Q. W here can I buy a Borla system? ® STOCK A. You can buy genuine Borla products from performance parts distributors, national mail order catalogs, local muffler shops, and car dealerships as well as direct from the factory. You can buy Borla direct from our website at www.borla.com or use our site to find a local retailer in your area. BORLA® PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIES • 001 805-341-5778 • 001 805-246-6004 • www.borla.com.cn TOURING S-TYPE ATAK ® SINGLE REAR (R) Match the Tip Exit with the icons in the orange bar. NOTE: actual pipe contour may vary. ® ® Shows the volume level of an exhaust system’s sound, relative to the stock exhaust and other Borla sound technologies. Learn more about them on pages 6-7. ® Match the Tip Style # with the images in the blue bar. NOTE: see “Tip Exit” icon for quantity of tips, and tip measurements for their actual size. BORLA® PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIES • 001 805-341-5778 • 001 805-246-6004 • www.borla.com.cn 55 PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIES INC. Borla 田纳西州 ® 公司/制造 地址:500 Borla Drive, Johnson City, TN 37604 Borla 加利福尼亚州 ® 销售/市场/研发/工程 地址:701 Arcturus Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93033 扫描二维码下载 完整的产品目录 (或登录网站 www.borla.com.cn) 001 805-341-5778 001 805-246-6004 www.borla.com.cn 零件号:21534 所有内容版权所有 © Borla Performance Industries Inc. 保留所有权利。美国印制。 ®
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