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ONLINE SURVEY OF RAW MATERIAL COST AND YARN SELLING PRICE rd 33 SURVEY REPORT (DECEMBER 2015) SITRA THE SOUTH INDIA TEXTILE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION COIMBATORE ONLINE SURVEY OF RAW MATERIAL COST AND YARN SELLING PRICE (33rd survey comparing 74 mills data for December 2015) Report prepared by G.Santhana Krishnan S.Raj Kumar D.Shanmuganandam THE SOUTH INDIA TEXTILE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION COIMBATORE Vol.3 21st January 2016 No.9 *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP CONTENTS S. no. Particulars Page no. 1. Introduction 1 2. Methodology 1 3. Participation in the 33rd survey 2 4. Mills’ reference numbers 2 5. Highlights of the 33rd survey 3 6. 4 7. Food for thought: How the commercial performance of spinning mills fluctuated during the past 30 months? (during April 2013 – September 2015) – an analysis Overall Techno-Commercial Index (OTCI) 8. Trends 10 9. Movement of YSP,RMC and NOV of 13 different counts between months (April 2013-December 2015) Tips for mills to submit the data on time 10 8 10. Announcement 10 11. Acknowledgement 10 Table A: Average YSP, RMC and NOV of 38 counts and varieties of yarns Table B: Count-wise and mill-wise YSP, RMC, NOV, conversion cost, TCI, RMC as a % of YSP, yarn realisation, production/spindle (rotor) and yarn quality particulars Table C: Mill-wise counts and varieties of yarns marketed by the participant mills Table D: Movement of YSP, RMC and NOV in 13 different counts between months Table E: Mill-wise OTCI in November and December 2015 11 Count descriptions (for Tables A, B, C and D) 70 Model format to collect requisite data for 34th survey 71 Appendix 1: Graphical representation of movement of NOV during the past 30 months (April 2013 – September 2015) for the 11 counts 73 13 56 61 68 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP 1. Introduction The 32nd survey report (November 2015 data) was uploaded on 21st December 2015. As many as 74 mills had submitted data for the 33rd survey. 2. Methodology From each mill, YSP, RMC, conversion cost, yarn quality, yarn realisation and production per spindle/rotor data pertaining to December 2015, for up to 10 counts/varieties of yarns manufactured by them, were collected online. Data submitted by the participant mills were scrutinised and grouped. Necessary care was taken to ensure that data obtained from the mills were reliable. Counts have been grouped as follows and presented in the report. Grouping of counts OE Spinning Cotton Ring Spinning P/C P/V P Others - Carded/combed - Domestic/export - Hank - Hosiery - Single/doubled - Others Time frame : In order to present the survey report to the participant mills at the earliest possible time, SITRA has fixed the following time frame. Data submission by the mills online : During 1st to 7th of every month. Up loading of the survey report in the web portal by SITRA : On 21st of every month 1 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP 3. Participation in the 33rd survey Out of the 72 mills that had participated in the 32nd survey, 71 mills had submitted the data for the 33rd survey also. As many as 32 mills had participated in all the 33 surveys. Survey participation profile shows that about 76% of the mills are from the 4 southern States, predominantly (64%) from Tamil Nadu (Figure 1) followed by Maharashtra (12%). The remaining mills (12%) are from 7 other States and Union Territory (Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Gujarat, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Telangana and Uttar Pradesh). 12% 4% 3% Tamil Nadu Maharashtra 5% Andhra Pradesh Kerala Karnataka 12% Other states 64% Figure 1 State-wise participation – 33rd Survey 4. Mills’ reference numbers Reference numbers for all the participants are allotted by the computer purely based on the time of submission of their data. For example, if a mill submits the data as first among the total participants in a survey, its reference number in that particular survey will be 1. In the next survey, the same mill’s reference number would be different unless it submits the data first among the participants. This arrangement has been made to hide the identity of the individual mills. After log-in the web portal, the participant mill can see its reference number. 2 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP 5. Highlights of the 33rd survey Counts and varieties of yarns manufactured by the mills No. of mills that submitted the data : 74 Total no. of counts : 86 Total no. of counts and varieties of yarns - minimum per mill - maximum per mill - average per mill : : : : Counts covered : 7s (OE) to 135s (ring yarn) 227 1 10 6 Number of counts and varieties of yarns : 38 having 3 and above mills data Lowest YSP : Rs 79 per kg (10s OE-SHPR) Highest YSP : Rs 638 per kg (2/96s C-Comp.-Ex.) Material-wise number of counts and varieties of yarns No. of counts No. of counts and varieties of yarns No. of entries - OE (rotor yarn ) 6 10 19 - Ring yarn 46 164 364 Polyester cotton 21 32 34 Polyester viscose 6 13 21 100% Viscose 3 4 6 1 1 1 3 3 3 86 227 448 Type of raw material Cotton Air-jet yarn - 100% Viscose Others Total Table A shows the average YSP, RMC and NOV of 38 counts and varieties of yarns (Page no.11). Table B gives count-wise and mill-wise YSP, RMC, NOV, conversion cost, TCI, RMC as a % of YSP, yarn realisation, production per spindle/rotor and yarn quality particulars (Page no.13). Table C shows mill-wise counts and varieties of yarns marketed by the participant mills (Page no.56). Table D gives movement of YSP, RMC and NOV in 13 different counts between months (Page no.61). Table E Shows mill-wise OTCI in November and December 2015 (Page no.68). 3 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP 6. Food for thought How the commercial performance of spinning mills fluctuated during the past 30 months? (during April 2013 – September 2015) – an analysis Commercial performance is nothing but the difference between yarn selling price (YSP) and raw material cost (RMC: clean material cost) which is also known as net output value (NOV). Both RMC and YSP, to a large extent, are not under the control of the mill managements. Wide inter-mill differences in the commercial performance is a normal phenomenon in the textile industry which is due to the differences in the commercial efficiency, operational performance such as yarn quality and yarn realisation, and demand and supply. But, in the recent times, mills have been facing not only unprecedented fluctuations but also a steady decline in the commercial performance due to which many of them are finding it difficult to decide their optimum product-mix, so as to at least minimise the loss. Using the vast information that is available in the online surveys, an in-depth analysis of the long term variation in the commercial performance has been made in this note. Counts considered for the analysis The RMC and YSP data that were furnished by the mills in the last 30 online surveys (April 2013 to September 2015) for the following 11 different counts and varieties of yarns, were used for the analysis. 40s K 40s C-Comp. 30s CH 40s C 50s C-Comp. 40s CH 60s C 60s C-Comp. 80s C 100s C 80s C-Comp. Mean Deviation Inter-month variation (fluctuation) in the commercial parameters is expressed in terms of Mean Deviation. The Mean Deviation, which is also called as ‘Average Deviation’, is a measure of dispersion derived by computing the mean of the absolute values of the differences between observed values of a variable and the variable’s mean. The Mean Deviation can be estimated using the following formula. 4 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Mean Deviation (MD) = Where, = average of a variable, = variable and n = number of values Commercial performance during the past 30 months For month-wise average YSP, RMC and NOV data for the 11 popular counts that are related to April 2013 – September 2015, please refer Table D in the report. Graphical representation of fluctuations in the commercial performance (NOV) for these 11 counts is given in Appendix 1. Fluctuation in the NOV during the past 30 months During the past 30 months, the NOV had registered a high inter-month variation of 7% with the MD of individual counts ranging from 5% to about 9% which was mainly due to a very high inter-month variation (MD: 8.8%) recorded by the RMC (Table 1). Though the YSP had also depicted a high inter-month variation (MD: 6%), nevertheless it was about 30% lower than the variation that was recorded by the RMC. Table 1 Fluctuation in the commercial performance during the past 30 months (April 2013 – September 2015) MD (%) Count YSP RMC NOV 40s K 40s C 60s C 80s C 100s C 40s C-Comp. 50s C-Comp. 60s C-Comp. 80s C-Comp. 30s CH 40s CH 5.9 6.3 6.0 5.5 6.4 6.1 5.3 5.8 5.3 6.5 6.5 9.7 8.8 8.0 10.3 10.2 8.1 7.0 7.8 10.5 9.0 7.6 6.5 8.4 5.6 5.2 6.8 8.5 7.6 6.9 5.7 8.0 8.0 Average 6.0 8.8 7.0 Another interesting observation is that between counts, the inter-month variation (MD) in the YSP was within a narrow range of average ±1 percentage point (i.e. ranging from 5 % to 7%) whereas in the case of RMC, the inter-month variation between counts was high at average ±2 percentage points (i.e. ranging from 7% to about 11%). 5 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP From Table D and Appendix 1, the following inferences are drawn: - During the past 30 months, all the 11 counts registered a drop in the NOV. The overall drop was high at about 20% with the drop ranging from 16% (30s CH, 80s C-Comp.and 100s C) to 30% (40s C) between counts. In absolute value, the overall drop was Rs 30 per kg of yarn with the drop ranging from Rs 11(30s CH) to Rs 42 (100s C) in the different counts (Figures 2 and 3). YSP P YSP YSP YSP 93 56 66 118 P 67 82 112 27% drop 68 30% drop P 16% drop 150 YSP 66 97 P 85 200 149 P YSP 21% drop P 29% drop 250 22% drop Amount (Rs/kg of yarn) 300 NOV RMC 100 A13 S15 40s K A13 S15 40s C A13 S15 A13 S15 A13 S15 40s C-Comp. 50s C-Comp. 30s CH A13 S15 40s CH Count Figure 2 Drop in the NOV between April 2013(A13) and September 2015(S15) (40s K, 40s C, 40s C-Comp., 50s C-Comp., 30s CH and 40s CH counts) 450 YSP 400 P YSP P YSP 150 100 207 16% drop 247 NOV 141 19% drop P 174 110 19% drop 200 YSP 215 P 161 250 19% drop YSP 198 300 257 P 16% drop 350 136 Amount (Rs/kg of yarn) 500 RMC A13 S15 60s C A13 S15 80s C A13 S15 100s C A13 S15 60s C-Comp. A13 S15 80s C-Comp. Count Figure 3 Drop in the NOV between April 2013(A13) and September 2015(S15) (60s C, 80s C, 100s C, 60s C-Comp. and 80s C-Comp. counts) 6 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP - The huge drop in the NOV was due to the substantial fall in the YSP (by 13%, ranging from 10% to 16% between counts). Though the RMC had also registered a drop of 4.7% (ranging from 1% to 10% between counts), nevertheless, the great fall in the YSP had overshadowed this decline in the RMC, thereby causing a huge dent in the commercial performance. - Of the 11 counts, 3 counts viz. 50s C-Comp.,60s C and 60s C-Comp. had registered a below average commercial performance continuously for a longer period of 15-18 months which was invariably in the latter part of the 30 months. The remaining 8 counts did not show any clear trend in the movement of the NOV. All of them had depicted a mixed performance. Inter-month variation in the commercial performance on half-yearly basis An attempt was made to study the inter-month variation in the commercial performance on a half yearly basis in all the 11 counts (Table 2 and Figure 4). Table 2 Inter- month variation (MD %) in the NOV on half yearly basis Count April - Oct.’13Sept.’13 Mar.’14 April Sept.’14 Oct.’14Mar.’15 April Sept.’15 Overall variation (30 months) 40s K 3.1 5.5 1.7 8.7 5.9 6.5 40s C 2.8 6.4 9.8 5.6 8.0 8.4 60s C 2.1 3.1 5.1 3.4 3.3 5.6 80s C 1.6 2.0 3.3 2.9 3.5 5.2 100s C 2.2 2.7 2.8 9.1 1.7 6.8 40s C-Comp. 4.6 3.8 10.4 4.2 5.3 8.5 50s C-Comp. 4.9 1.8 5.6 3.0 1.9 7.6 60s C-Comp. 3.0 3.0 6.2 5.0 1.4 6.9 80s C-Comp. 3.3 1.7 4.1 2.4 1.3 5.7 30s CH 4.8 8.3 8.7 8.9 8.9 8.0 40s CH 4.4 6.1 7.5 8.6 5.7 8.0 3.3 4.0 5.9 5.6 4.3 7.0 Avg. 7 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP 6 5.9% 5.6% MD (%) 5 4.3% 4 4.0% 3.3% Apr.’15Sept.’15 Oct.’14Mar.’15 Apr.’14Sept.’14 Oct.’13Mar.’14 2 Apr.’13Sept.’13 3 Period Figure 4 Inter-month variations (MD %) in the NOV on half yearly basis (Average of 11 counts) During 2013-14, the inter-month variation in the NOV was somewhat low at 3.7% in both 1st half and 2nd half. But, in the subsequent year (2014-15), the intermonth variation was almost 60% higher at 5.8% (in both 1st half and 2nd half) as compared to the variation that prevailed in the previous year. In the 1st half of 2015-16, the inter-month variation in the NOV, however, registered a fall of 25% (MD: 4.3%). Of the 11 counts, only in 3 counts viz. 60s C, 80s C and 80s C-Comp. the difference in the MD amongst the 5 half-years was somewhat low at 2 to 3 percentage points while in the remaining 8 counts, it was almost 2 times higher at 4 to 7 percentage points. For example, in 60s C, the lowest MD was 2.1% (April-September 2013) and the highest MD was 5.1% (April-September 2014), the difference being 3 percentage points. In 40s C-Comp., the lowest MD was 3.8% (October 2013-March 2014) and the highest MD was 10.4% (April-September 2014), the difference being 6.6 percentage points. 7. Overall Techno-Commercial Index (OTCI) In the 31st study, a new parameter viz. OTCI was introduced with which the participant mills can monitor their overall techno-commercial performance, taking into account all the counts that are furnished by them in the online surveys, every month. 8 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP In the present study, 45 mills have furnished the count-wise production data using which the OTCI has been estimated for them. Mill-wise Overall Techno-Commercial Index (OTCI) 1 Mill ref. no.** 53 2 8 124 25 63 100 3 4 24 9 120 116 26 27 40 4 100 100 5 37 108 28 11 100 6 25 108 29 26 99 7 73 106 30 34 99 8 13 106 31 31 96 9 17 106 32 15 96 10 10 106 33 16 96 11 12 43 60 105 105 34 35 29 27 95 94 13 23 105 36 70 93 14 15 42 6 104 104 37 38 21 30 93 93 16 50 103 39 7 92 17 3 103 40 49 92 18 19 12 55 103 103 41 42 39 28 91 90 20 51 103 43 48 90 21 65 103 44 33 88 22 45 102 45 2 83 23 36 102 Rank* OTCI Rank* 124 24 Mill ref. no.** 64 OTCI 101 ‘*’ Based on OTCI ‘**’ For the 33rd survey Between mills, the OTCI varied widely from as high as 124 to a low of 83. In one-half of the mills, the overall techno-commercial performance in December 2015 was almost at par with their competitors’ performance (OTCI: 102 to 98). On the other hand, nearly one-fifth of the mills had maintained better performance (OTCI > 102) while another one-third recorded lower performance (OTCI < 98). The OTCI of individual mills in November and December 2015 is given in Table E. 9 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP 8. Trends Movement of YSP, RMC and NOV of 13 different counts between months Table D shows the average YSP, RMC and NOV that prevailed during the last 33 months (April 2013 to December 2015) for 13 different counts and varieties of yarns. The same data has been given in the form of charts in pdf in the web portal. Counts and varieties of yarns considered for the ‘TRENDS’ 20s OE 100s C 30s CH 40s K 40s C-Comp. 40s CH 40s C 50s C-Comp. 30s CH-Ex. 60s C 60s C-Comp. 80s C 80s C-Comp. 9. Tips for mills to submit the data on time The web portal ( is best viewed in Google Chrome (Ver.23.0 & higher) or Mozilla Firefox (Ver.16.0 & higher). Ensure that the requisite data are collected as per the enclosed model format, on or before 7th of every month. The model format is also given in the home page of the web portal. Mills can also edit the data that had already been submitted, till the midnight of 7th. Mills can contact SITRA staff, whose names and contact numbers are given in the web portal, for any assistance while submitting the data. 10. Announcement Data submission for the 34th survey (January 2016 data) commences on 1st February and ends on 8th February 2016. 11. Acknowledgement The Liaison & Consultation Division of SITRA, which is conducting this online survey, expresses its sincere gratitude to the managements of all the 74 mills for their participation in this survey. 10 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table A Average yarn selling price (YSP), raw material cost (RMC) and NOV S. no. Count 1. 20s OE 2. 10s OE-SHPR 3. YSP (Rs/kg) RMC (Rs/kg of yarn) Net out-put value Rs/kg of yarn Rs/spl. (or rotor) /shift 47.0 RMC as % of YSP No.of mills 67 4 106 71 35 85 61 24 79.3 72 4 16s K 137 107 30 9.7 78 4 4. 20s K 150 103 47 11.8 69 6 5. 30s K 161 106 55 8.8 66 5 6. 32s K 158 109 49 7.8 69 5 7. 34s K 159 107 52 6.1 67 4 8. 40s K 176 109 67 7.5 62 11 9. 2/40s K 201 105 96 9.7 52 3 10. 40s K-DHPR 191 102 89 8.9 54 3 11. 2/30s K-DHPR 185 107 78 11.6 58 4 12. 2/40s K-DHPR 202 107 95 9.1 53 4 13. 20s KH 138 111 27 8.2 80 3 14. 30s KH 158 113 45 8.8 72 3 15. 34s KH 170 108 62 10.3 64 3 16. 40s C 197 126 71 8.6 64 16 17. 60s C 244 126 118 7.5 52 18 18. 80s C 308 148 160 6.5 48 9 19. 100s C 383 174 209 5.8 46 6 20. 60s C-HT 329 124 205 7.3 38 3 21. 40s C-Comp. 209 127 82 10.6 61 10 22. 50s C-Comp. 247 129 118 10.6 52 10 23. 60s C-Comp. 294 146 148 10.1 49 16 24. 80s C-Comp. 384 175 209 9.0 45 9 25. 100s C-Comp. 411 158 254 6.8 38 3 26. 20s CH 160 117 43 12.8 74 4 27. 30s CH 177 122 55 11.2 69 9 28. 32s CH 182 118 64 11.0 65 3 29. 34s CH 196 123 73 12.4 63 4 30. 40s CH 197 125 72 9.8 64 6 11 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table A (contd…) RMC (Rs/kg of yarn) Net out-put value RMC as % of YSP No.of mills 49 6 S. no. Count YSP (Rs/kg) 31. 60s C-Comp.-Ex. 263 128 135 32. 20s CH-Ex. 158 117 41 13.0 74 4 33. 24s CH-Ex. 162 117 45 11.2 72 3 34. 30s CH-Ex. 171 116 55 10.9 68 5 35. 32s CH-Ex. 174 116 58 10.5 67 4 36. 40s CH-Ex. 196 119 77 10.1 61 3 37. 40s P/V (65:35) 163 105 58 9.5 65 3 38. 2/30s P/V (65:35) 164 108 56 13.5 66 3 Rs/kg of yarn Rs/spl. (or rotor) /shift 9.2 Note: Yarn selling price = Ex-mill price Raw material cost = Clean material cost 12 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B Count-wise and mill-wise YSP, RMC, NOV, conversion cost, TCI, RMC as a % of YSP, yarn realisation, production/spindle (rotor) and yarn quality particulars Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of rotor kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) Yarn quality RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Prodn./ rotor Count Strength CSP@ /shift CV% CV% (g) U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairiness Thin Thick Neps Total index Air-jet yarn 20 30s 203 142 61 245.3 100 - 70 30s AJ-V 93.0 4022 1.2 3.6 2300 9.8 1 20 18 39 4.3 Rotor yarn Domestic market 52 7s 97 71 26 135.2 100 - 73 7s OE 90.0 14 52 Avg. 10s 10s 10s 91 100 96 53 71 62 38 29 34 91.0 103.0 97.0 94 106 100 - 58 71 65 10s OE 81.0 90.0 85.5 2394 3550 2972 1.3 1.3 1.3 4.3 4.1 4.2 1550 2050 1800 10.6 10.3 10.5 3 1 2 12 39 26 201 20 111 216 60 139 7.3 7.7 7.5 62 66 64 12s OE 90.0 90.0 90.0 2683 2600 2642 1.1 1.2 1.2 3.1 3.7 3.4 1800 1950 1900 11.2 10.3 10.8 3 1 2 22 38 30 199 21 110 224 60 142 6.8 7.3 7.1 14 52 Avg. 12s 12s 12s 92 108 100 57 71 64 35 37 36 93.9 96.2 95.1 99 101 100 27 - 13 5200 1.3 3.2 2200 9.6 0 15 7 22 7.7 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of rotor kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ rotor Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 14 16s 102 53 49 77.7 100 - 52 16s OE 81.0 14 20 28 51 Avg. 20s 20s 20s 20s 20s 109 121 94 100 106 57 88 65 75 71 52 33 29 25 35 60.7 52.1 40.0 35.3 47.0 129 111 85 75 100 - 52 73 69 75 67 20s OE 90.0 89.2 90.9 83.0 88.3 1167 1579 1380 1410 1384 1.4 1.1 1.3 1.9 1.4 3.8 3.2 4.6 3.9 1650 1950 1550 1600 1700 11.3 10.2 10.8 12.4 11.2 5 1 3 16 6 23 24 34 73 39 336 0 70 103 127 364 25 107 192 172 5.5 6.0 5.1 5.3 5.5 14 10s 129 53 76 86.9 100 - 41 2/20s OE 81.0 1144 1.5 3.6 1850 8.5 0 6 100 106 6.4 14 33 51 57 Avg. 10s 10s 10s 10s 10s 91 79 87 81 85 53 61 62 67 61 38 18 25 14 24 105.0 69.7 108.5 33.8 79.3 132 88 137 43 100 23 - 10s OE-SHPR 58 81.0 2764 77 90.0 3870 71 83.0 4340 83 89.5 2415 72 85.9 3347 1.4 1.1 1.8 2.5 1.7 4.3 2.9 4.8 5.6 4.4 1550 1300 1700 1500 1500 11.4 11.8 12.1 13.1 12.1 5 17 8 10 31 74 75 60 288 165 36 163 324 256 119 233 9.5 5.7 6.9 7.4 1.0 - 1900 10.4 1 10 1 12 6.8 1586 1.2 4.2 1650 10.7 3 20 299 322 5.9 Export market 56 7s 95 70 25 134.3 100 - 74 7s OE-Ex. 86.0 14 5370 _____SITRA ***** 32nd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ TCI# no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of rotor (/spl.) kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** 52 52 56 Avg. 8s 10s 10s 10s 97 99 100 100 71 71 70 71 26 28 30 29 124.8 99.4 117.2 108.3 100 92 108 100 Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP - 73 28 - Yarn quality Yarn Prodn./ reali- rotor (/spl.) Count Strength CSP@ sation /shift CV% CV% (%) (g) U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairiness Thin Thick Neps Total index 8s OE-Ex. 90.0 4800 1.0 3.7 2050 9.8 0 20 9 29 7.3 10s OE-Ex. 72 90.0 70 86.0 71 88.0 3550 3905 3728 1.4 1.0 1.2 3.6 - 1950 1950 1950 10.2 10.7 10.5 1 1 1 34 16 25 18 2 10 53 19 36 7.3 6.1 6.7 Ring spun yarn Cotton carded yarn Domestic market 35 12s 127 107 20 9.5 100 19 84 12s K 85.0 477 1.5 3.8 2650 10.4 0 55 75 130 - 19 35 44 62 Avg. 16s 16s 16s 17s 16s 143 130 142 132 137 98 107 110 111 107 45 23 32 21 30 16.7 7.0 9.9 5.3 9.7 172 72 102 54 100 28 - 69 82 77 84 78 16s K 91.0 85.0 85.5 88.9 87.6 370 306 310 254 310 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.5 4.2 4.1 3.6 4.0 2800 2600 2450 2600 9.7 10.2 10.5 10.1 0 0 0 0 18 70 66 51 98 120 81 100 116 190 147 151 8.8 9.4 - 15 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 19 35 39 43 64 72 Avg. 20s 20s 20s 20s 21s 20s 20s 142 137 167 150 146 158 150 103 107 96 104 106 100 103 39 30 71 46 40 58 47 10.2 7.9 12.1 13.8 11.6 15.2 11.8 86 67 103 117 98 129 100 34 42 - 73 78 57 69 73 63 69 20s K 89.9 85.0 81.0 88.5 82.5 88.3 85.9 75 21s 168 111 57 13.2 100 38 66 21s K 87.8 231 1.4 3.5 3200 10.2 1 52 66 68 68 58 70 66 30s K 83.9 85.1 82.5 88.3 85.5 85.1 167 169 170 159 143 162 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.8 1.4 4.8 3.9 1.9 4.8 3.9 2600 2700 2550 2500 2600 12.4 11.6 13.8 12.2 12.5 10 6 38 20 19 300 147 444 520 353 702 1012 544 697 891 1373 580 1120 679 1051 66 31s K 85.1 136 1.3 2.4 2900 12.3 7 227 663 16 18 64 72 74 Avg. 18 31s 30s 31s 31s 30s 30s 31s 161 152 156 172 165 161 157 107 104 106 100 115 106 104 54 48 50 72 50 55 53 9.0 8.1 8.5 11.4 7.2 8.8 7.2 102 92 96 129 81 100 100 46 71 52 56 - 16 261 262 170 300 290 262 258 1.4 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.4 4.5 3.8 3.7 3.7 2.0 3.5 2800 2450 1800 2550 2800 2500 11.5 11.0 10.8 11.4 11.4 11.2 2 5 120 0 1 26 118 125 340 75 140 160 174 215 420 121 202 226 294 345 880 196 343 412 7.5 7.8 - 94 147 7.6 6.4 - 897 - _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP 18 32 43 64 74 Avg. 33s 32s 32s 33s 32s 32s 153 163 156 159 160 158 104 112 106 106 115 109 49 51 50 53 45 49 7.6 8.3 8.2 8.7 6.1 7.8 98 107 105 112 78 100 75 54 - 68 69 68 67 72 69 32s K 85.1 87.3 88.8 82.5 85.5 85.8 155 162 163 165 136 156 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.6 3.6 3.7 3.4 4.8 3.9 2650 2400 2550 2400 2500 11.9 12.0 12.0 12.9 12.2 7 6 15 28 14 190 254 225 660 332 663 860 655 915 390 630 740 1428 612 958 6.4 - 9 18 39 74 Avg. 34s 35s 34s 34s 34s 166 156 157 157 159 100 104 108 115 107 66 52 49 42 52 7.2 7.0 5.1 5.0 6.1 119 115 84 82 100 54 - 60 67 69 73 67 34s K 85.6 85.1 88.0 85.5 86.1 109 134 104 118 116 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.9 3.7 4.1 3.6 5.3 4.2 2400 2650 2300 2200 2400 14.4 12.3 11.5 14.0 13.1 73 10 60 48 528 713 1314 253 788 1051 810 1210 2080 530 904 1482 6.8 - 18 39s 170 104 66 7.5 100 - 61 38s K 85.1 114 2.1 4.8 2550 12.9 84 657 1621 2362 - 18 31 32 35 43 40s 40s 40s 41s 40s 177 175 179 165 172 104 107 112 107 105 73 68 67 58 67 8.2 7.5 7.8 5.9 8.1 110 100 105 79 109 89 74 - 59 61 63 65 61 40s K 85.1 85.0 87.3 85.0 88.3 113 110 117 101 121 1.9 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.5 4.6 3.4 3.3 4.0 3.8 2550 2450 2400 2500 2500 13.0 14.6 13.0 12.8 12.2 26 84 15 30 19 357 626 410 415 331 1186 1321 996 720 576 1569 2031 1421 1165 926 6.1 Yarn realisation (%) 17 Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) 47 59 68 72 73 74 Avg. 41s 41s 41s 41s 40s 40s 40s 182 190 177 175 175 174 176 111 113 114 100 107 115 109 71 77 63 75 68 59 67 7.5 8.5 7.1 8.3 7.4 5.8 7.5 100 114 95 111 99 78 100 88 64 - 40s K (contd...) 61 83.0 59 84.0 64 85.5 57 88.3 61 86.3 66 85.5 62 85.8 35 41s 174 107 67 6.8 100 74 61 18 43s 182 104 78 4.1 100 - RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 106 111 112 110 109 98 110 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.0 1.5 1.9 1.5 3.5 4.7 4.6 2.2 2.7 5.0 3.8 2700 2600 2450 2450 2400 2350 2500 12.7 13.5 13.3 14.2 14.6 13.6 13.4 18 58 40 70 90 40 45 314 426 398 611 617 720 475 996 1328 984 1468 789 1227 1289 1970 1231 1938 780 1540 988 1508 5.9 6.0 5.7 - 41s K 85.0 101 1.5 3.9 2600 12.5 25 375 750 1150 - 57 42s K 85.1 52 1.5 4.1 2450 14.4 59 497 1396 1952 - 98 1.3 4.7 2550 13.7 81 484 1125 1690 - 59 44s 185 113 72 7.1 100 - 61 44s K 84.0 18 45s 175 104 71 6.2 100 - 59 45s K 85.1 88 1.4 4.6 2500 14.2 81 587 1767 2435 - 49 46s 191 104 87 7.3 100 91 54 46s K 85.6 84 1.6 4.5 2300 13.5 52 380 955 1387 6.4 18 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 35 61s 200 107 93 4.4 100 149 54 60s K 85.0 44 50 Avg. 10s 10s 10s 167 166 167 110 107 109 57 59 58 14.3 15.3 14.8 97 103 100 - 66 64 65 2/20s K 85.5 85.0 85.3 250 259 255 1.1 - 4.0 - 2500 - 9.5 - 0 - 15 - 27 - 31 73 Avg. 15s 15s 15s 170 190 180 107 104 106 63 86 74 6.9 13.3 10.1 68 132 100 - 63 55 59 2/30s K 85.0 85.1 85.1 110 155 133 2.0 - 2.6 4.0 3.3 2450 3050 2750 13.6 10.9 12.3 9 0 5 300 72 186 310 227 269 619 299 13.3 460 - 84 110 109 101 1.4 1.6 1.5 5.2 3.7 4.5 2400 2300 2700 2450 12.2 13.8 11.5 12.5 10 15 0 8 208 436 130 258 124 410 291 275 342 7.7 861 421 13.1 541 10.4 47 1.5 4.5 2450 14.8 105 735 1090 1930 - 42 - - 9 31 73 Avg. 20s 19s 20s 20s 200 203 200 201 100 107 107 105 100 96 93 96 8.4 10.6 10.1 9.7 87 109 104 100 101 106 104 50 53 54 52 2/40s K 84.5 85.0 86.3 85.3 74 16s 146 115 31 8.1 100 31 79 16s K-SLUB 85.5 261 - - - - - - - - - 74 20s 149 115 34 7.4 100 34 77 20s K-SLUB 85.5 218 - - - - - - - - - 19 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** 74 30s 171 115 56 7.8 TCI# 100 Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 54 30s K-SLUB 67 85.5 139 - - - - - - - - - 40s K-SHPR 56 85.0 110 1.2 2.6 2550 14.2 33 502 945 1480 - Hank yarn 31 40s 190 106 84 9.2 100 92 73 9s 167 104 63 15.1 100 - 2/17s K-SHPR 62 85.1 240 - 3.3 2950 8.3 0 9 17 23 10s 157 115 42 8.3 100 39 2/20s K-SHPR 73 85.5 198 - - - - - - - 72 73 Avg. 20s 19s 20s 157 155 156 100 104 102 57 51 54 14.9 12.2 13.6 110 90 100 50 - 64 67 66 20s K-DHPR 88.3 85.1 86.7 262 240 251 1.3 1.4 1.4 2.0 2.4 2.2 2800 2500 2650 11.4 12.0 11.7 1 5 3 140 146 143 202 124 163 343 275 10.9 309 - 9 30s 170 100 70 8.4 100 - 59 30s K-DHPR 84.5 120 1.1 4.6 2450 12.5 12 252 525 789 20 26 14.3 - - 7.3 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP 9 72 73 Avg. 39s 41s 40s 40s 190 193 190 191 100 100 107 102 90 93 83 89 7.6 10.2 9.0 8.9 85 114 101 100 95 - 53 52 56 54 31 72 Avg. 10s 10s 10s 167 170 169 107 100 104 60 70 65 14.4 18.3 16.4 88 112 100 - 23 31 72 73 Avg. 15s 16s 15s 15s 15s 178 187 189 187 185 115 107 100 104 107 63 80 89 83 78 7.3 12.0 14.2 12.9 11.6 63 103 122 111 100 9 23 31 73 Avg. 20s 21s 21s 20s 20s 209 201 198 198 202 100 115 107 107 107 109 86 91 91 95 9.2 7.1 10.0 9.9 9.1 102 78 110 109 100 Yarn realisation (%) 40s K-DHPR 84.5 88.3 86.3 86.4 Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 84 110 109 101 1.0 1.3 1.2 4.4 2.2 4.5 3.7 2200 2450 2500 2400 14.9 14.2 14.8 14.6 159 70 72 100 2/17s K-DHPR 64 85.0 59 88.3 62 86.7 240 262 251 1.7 1.1 1.4 3.9 3.2 3.6 3050 3000 3050 8.4 8.9 8.7 0 0 0 11 15 13 18 28 23 54 83 86 74 2/30s K-DHPR 65 85.5 57 85.0 53 88.3 56 85.1 58 86.0 116 150 159 155 145 1.1 2.0 1.6 5.1 3.8 4.0 4.3 2900 2950 3050 2950 9.6 10.0 10.9 10.2 3 0 0 1 188 43 72 101 303 101 227 210 494 144 299 13.3 312 - 80 103 107 97 2/40s K-DHPR 48 84.5 57 85.5 54 85.0 54 86.3 53 85.3 84 82 110 109 96 1.4 1.0 1.6 1.3 5.2 3.4 3.7 4.1 2400 2650 2700 2600 12.2 8.8 11.5 10.8 18 20 0 13 208 218 130 185 154 260 291 235 380 7.7 498 421 13.1 433 - 21 678 905 1742 611 1289 1970 716 1159 1947 668 1118 1886 29 43 36 7.1 5.5 6.3 - _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 23 51s 205 116 89 5.3 100 90 57 50s K-DHCR 85.0 60 - - - - - - - - - 23 61s 227 116 111 5.3 100 115 51 60s K-DHCR 85.0 48 - - - - - - - - - 60s K-FHCR 50 85.0 43 2.2 5.7 2050 16.0 130 890 1430 2450 - 328 284 257 290 1.3 1.4 1.4 3.6 - 2500 - 11.1 10.4 10.8 2 0 1 121 71 96 125 110 118 248 181 215 8.3 8.2 8.3 38 60s 220 109 111 4.8 100 - Hosiery yarn 45 56 62 Avg. 20s 20s 20s 20s 140 140 135 138 107 105 120 111 33 35 15 27 10.8 9.9 3.9 8.2 132 121 48 100 34 42 46 41 76 75 89 80 20s KH 84.9 86.0 83.3 84.7 56 62 Avg. 24s 24s 24s 145 143 144 105 113 109 40 30 35 9.1 4.5 6.8 134 66 100 48 - 72 79 76 24s KH 86.0 88.9 87.5 228 150 189 1.4 1.5 1.5 3.5 - 2500 - 11.9 11.6 11.8 4 3 4 215 151 183 213 211 212 432 365 399 7.7 6.6 7.2 6 24s 152 111 41 10.8 100 47 73 25s KH 87.5 263 1.2 4.4 2300 10.4 1 74 161 236 - 22 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 16 29s 157 107 50 9.5 100 40 68 28s KH 83.9 189 1.4 5.0 2400 11.9 4 238 379 621 6.4 6 60 62 Avg. 29s 29s 30s 29s 163 163 148 158 111 107 120 113 52 56 28 45 10.8 11.3 4.2 8.8 123 129 48 100 58 43 66 56 68 66 81 72 30s KH 87.5 87.1 83.3 86.0 208 201 151 187 1.1 1.6 1.6 1.4 4.7 5.3 4.4 4.8 2250 2350 2300 2300 11.3 12.7 11.7 11.9 2 8 6 5 160 277 171 203 494 515 381 463 656 800 558 671 6.2 7.1 6.7 62 32s 147 120 27 3.8 100 86 82 32s KH 83.3 139 1.3 3.5 2150 12.1 12 208 467 687 6.6 6 16 60 Avg. 33s 33s 33s 33s 176 162 173 170 111 107 107 108 65 55 66 62 11.5 9.1 10.4 10.3 111 88 101 100 65 51 58 63 66 62 64 34s KH 87.5 83.9 87.1 86.2 177 166 158 167 1.5 1.4 1.6 1.5 5.2 4.7 5.4 5.1 2300 2400 2450 2400 11.9 12.1 12.9 12.3 7 7 7 7 266 227 360 284 699 577 628 635 972 811 995 926 6.9 6.2 6.6 126 1.6 4.8 2300 13.0 29 337 674 1040 6.3 118 2.1 5.3 2300 13.0 10 400 700 1110 6.2 68 39s 171 114 57 7.2 100 - 67 38s KH 85.5 60 39s 177 107 70 8.3 100 - 60 40s KH 87.1 23 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 45 10s 154 107 47 15.5 100 36 69 2/20s KH 84.9 330 1.1 3.6 2500 8.8 0 15 9 24 10.8 45 12s 163 107 56 14.2 100 41 66 2/24s KH 84.9 254 1.2 4.1 2500 9.2 0 22 14 36 10.2 32 16s 173 112 61 9.9 100 - 65 2/32s KH 87.3 162 1.1 3.7 2550 9.0 0 23 59 82 - Export market 35 12s 127 107 20 9.6 100 19 84 12s K-Ex. 85.0 482 1.4 3.5 2700 9.9 0 60 50 110 - 35 44 Avg. 16s 16s 16s 130 142 136 107 110 109 23 32 27 7.7 9.9 8.8 88 113 100 25 - 82 77 80 16s K-Ex. 85.0 85.5 85.3 335 310 323 1.5 - 3.6 - 2650 - 10.0 - 0 - 65 - 110 - 175 - - 44 20s 145 110 35 8.8 100 - 76 20s K-Ex. 85.5 250 - - - - - - - - - 44 11s 168 110 58 13.1 100 - 65 2/22s K-Ex. 85.5 225 - - - - - - - - - 24 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** 51 12s 180 109 71 15.3 TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP 100 - 61 2/24s K-Ex. 83.0 215 1.0 2.8 3400 8.3 0 8 29 37 8.5 164 1.2 3.7 2850 9.4 0 40 100 140 8.5 Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 51 15s 173 109 64 10.5 100 - 2/30s K-Ex. 63 83.0 51 18s 198 109 89 11.6 100 - 55 2/36s K-Ex. 83.0 130 1.0 3.1 3200 9.4 0 31 60 91 7.2 51 20s 200 109 91 10.4 100 - 55 2/40s K-Ex. 83.0 114 1.0 3.3 2950 9.8 0 51 125 176 7.3 67 61s 213 117 96 5.2 100 - 60s K-Comp.-Ex. 55 85.2 54 1.7 6.1 2700 13.5 57 461 1418 1936 4.2 136 107 29 11.5 100 24 16s KH-Ex. 84.9 395 1.3 3.4 2900 10.5 1 62 58 121 8.9 20s KH-Ex. 75 84.9 335 1.3 3.9 2700 10.6 1 81 91 173 9.2 Hosiery yarn 45 45 16s 20s 143 107 36 12.1 100 - 79 25 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 45 21s 146 107 39 11.5 100 - 73 21s KH-Ex. 84.9 296 1.4 3.8 2700 11.2 1 132 164 297 8.0 45 68 Avg. 32s 32s 32s 162 155 159 107 114 111 55 41 48 9.2 6.9 8.1 114 86 100 - 66 74 70 32s KH-Ex. 84.9 85.5 85.2 167 169 168 1.1 1.6 1.4 3.7 4.7 4.2 2500 2400 2450 12.0 12.1 12.1 5 6 6 212 212 212 534 374 454 751 592 672 7.6 7.1 7.4 Cotton combed yarn Domestic market 3 40s 175 112 63 7.6 100 - 64 40s SC 84.3 3 20s 197 112 85 11.4 100 - 57 2/40s SC 84.3 134 1.1 4.8 3050 9.0 0 14 36 50 8.0 19 13s 148 111 37 16.5 100 - 75 13s C 76.4 445 1.1 3.9 3150 7.0 0 5 9 14 8.6 19 16s 152 111 41 15.8 100 - 73 16s C 76.4 385 1.1 3.9 3050 7.1 0 6 14 20 8.0 26 120 1.4 5.0 2650 12.5 21 267 761 1049 5.7 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 64 21s 167 117 50 13.5 100 46 70 20s C 66.3 270 - - - - - - - - - 43 64 Avg. 30s 31s 30s 198 176 187 125 117 121 73 59 66 13.5 10.3 11.9 113 87 100 71 - 63 66 65 30s C 71.2 66.3 68.8 185 175 180 1.2 - 3.0 - 2850 - 9.7 - 0 - 19 - 55 - 74 - 6.5 - 60 75 Avg. 33s 32s 32s 192 198 195 121 123 122 71 75 73 12.6 10.5 11.6 109 91 100 49 61 55 63 62 63 32s C 72.1 69.1 70.6 178 140 159 1.6 1.5 1.6 5.3 3.8 4.6 2800 3250 3050 9.7 9.6 9.7 2 0 1 30 16 23 60 54 57 92 70 81 5.6 5.8 5.7 3 18 19 20 22 27 28 29 43 54 40s 41s 40s 40s 40s 40s 40s 40s 40s 41s 197 190 185 189 189 206 192 192 198 194 130 146 117 131 120 125 127 130 126 121 67 44 68 58 69 81 65 62 72 73 9.0 5.3 7.7 7.4 9.0 7.8 9.0 8.4 8.7 9.1 105 62 89 86 105 91 105 98 101 106 73 - 66 77 63 69 63 61 66 68 64 62 40s C 70.5 56.9 72.9 72.7 71.9 70.4 71.3 70.2 71.2 71.0 134 121 113 127 130 96 139 136 121 125 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.8 1.7 1.4 1.3 5.0 4.3 4.6 4.3 3.2 4.7 3.9 4.9 2800 2800 2800 2800 2750 2600 2800 2850 2750 10.5 10.1 10.1 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.4 9.9 10.5 3 2 0 2 5 10 2 1 2 33 25 23 60 59 48 39 26 40 121 77 88 125 225 101 124 65 106 157 104 111 187 289 159 165 92 148 5.6 6.1 6.0 5.7 5.5 5.7 5.9 5.0 27 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) 55 59 60 64 65 75 Avg. 113 105 119 105 100 114 100 67 72 73 82 - 40s 40s 41s 41s 40s 40s 40s 198 202 204 196 195 223 197 122 128 121 118 126 123 126 76 74 83 78 69 100 71 9.7 9.0 10.2 9.0 8.6 9.8 8.6 RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) 40s C (contd...) 62 70.0 63 67.9 59 72.1 60 66.3 65 70.1 55 69.1 64 69.7 Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 128 122 123 115 124 98 122 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.5 3.1 5.1 5.1 5.4 3.6 4.4 2850 2850 2800 2900 3150 2800 10.4 10.3 10.3 11.1 10.2 10.4 3 4 2 4 1 3 32 34 88 47 35 42 100 130 152 113 94 116 135 168 242 164 130 161 5.4 4.3 5.4 5.5 118 1.6 4.2 2650 10.4 2 37 174 213 - 55 42s 200 122 78 9.2 100 111 61 42s C 70.0 64 50s 221 118 103 8.7 100 96 53 50s C 66.3 84 - - - - - - - - - 32 51s 222 130 92 7.3 100 - 59 51s C 68.1 79 1.2 4.6 2650 11.6 15 76 101 192 - 32 64 Avg. 54s 55s 54s 227 230 229 130 118 124 97 112 105 7.4 8.5 8.0 93 107 100 107 - 57 51 54 54s C 67.8 66.3 67.1 76 76 76 1.4 - 4.3 - 2650 - 11.7 - 14 - 87 - 123 - 224 - - 28 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) TCI# 2 3 21 22 25 27 32 36 43 48 54 55 57 59 61 64 65 69 Avg. 60s 60s 60s 60s 60s 60s 60s 61s 60s 60s 61s 60s 60s 60s 61s 60s 60s 60s 60s 239 252 233 242 245 258 251 231 257 248 257 237 228 247 235 246 246 244 244 136 132 124 120 120 125 137 119 126 126 126 122 136 128 126 118 123 130 126 103 120 109 122 125 133 114 112 131 122 131 115 92 119 109 128 123 114 118 5.9 8.5 5.8 8.2 8.0 7.0 7.2 7.8 8.1 6.2 9.6 7.5 6.4 7.6 6.8 8.2 8.4 7.0 7.5 79 114 78 110 107 94 97 105 109 83 129 101 86 102 91 110 113 94 100 132 95 111 92 128 123 - 57 52 53 50 49 48 55 52 49 51 49 51 60 52 54 48 50 53 52 60s C 70.0 70.1 68.1 71.9 70.9 70.4 67.8 70.3 71.2 67.1 67.7 70.0 69.5 67.9 72.9 66.3 71.7 65.5 69.4 57 71 53 67 64 53 63 70 62 51 73 65 70 64 62 64 68 61 63 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.1 1.7 2.1 1.4 1.6 1.4 2.0 1.2 1.9 1.5 1.4 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.6 4.7 5.5 4.9 4.4 5.2 3.6 4.8 4.1 4.9 5.0 5.3 4.2 5.0 5.0 5.6 4.2 4.8 2500 2800 2350 2650 2600 2250 2550 2550 2750 2300 2650 2650 2550 2600 2650 2600 2800 2600 11.1 11.4 12.9 11.8 12.0 12.4 11.9 11.6 11.4 12.8 11.3 11.6 12.2 11.9 11.8 11.6 11.0 11.8 11 16 68 36 49 79 20 27 10 51 14 17 44 34 17 14 9 30 66 61 180 108 184 140 108 90 58 205 69 94 203 118 94 96 68 114 168 189 373 336 432 283 204 232 124 350 153 348 386 373 243 161 143 265 245 266 621 480 665 502 332 349 192 606 236 459 633 525 354 271 220 409 4.5 4.8 4.4 5.0 5.1 4.0 4.7 5.5 4.2 4.8 3.8 4.6 21 62s 260 144 116 6.1 100 - 55 62s C 67.3 53 1.6 5.1 2600 12.3 52 228 559 839 4.8 RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) 29 Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# 17 59 Avg. 105 95 100 55 69 68s 64s 66s 67s 70s 257 260 259 255 256 122 128 125 122 130 135 132 134 133 126 8.5 7.7 8.1 7.7 6.4 100 100 Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) 132 - 111 145 RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 47 49 48 64s C 68.9 67.9 68.4 63 58 61 1.1 - 4.9 - 2600 - 11.8 - 37 - 114 - 357 - 508 - - 48 67s C 70.0 58 1.8 4.5 2600 12.2 49 112 328 489 - 51 68s C 65.5 51 2.1 4.9 2650 12.0 33 134 225 392 - 43 1.4 4.3 2450 12.2 35 158 263 456 - 37 49 38 42 34 41 42 45 37 41 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.6 1.5 3.7 5.1 4.8 4.6 4.8 5.5 3.5 4.6 2550 2400 2650 2250 2800 2800 2550 2850 2600 11.5 12.0 13.0 12.5 12.6 13.2 11.9 12.4 20 35 103 52 53 97 25 55 99 128 172 150 155 153 86 135 324 278 495 430 380 324 183 345 443 441 770 632 588 574 294 535 4.1 3.9 3.3 4.0 4.1 3.4 3.8 2 72s 301 145 156 6.7 100 - 48 72s C 67.0 2 17 21 30 33 40 42 65 69 Avg. 80s 81s 80s 80s 81s 81s 81s 79s 80s 80s 316 320 315 314 272 303 303 314 318 308 155 143 144 181 121 145 145 154 145 148 161 177 171 133 151 158 158 160 173 160 6.0 8.7 6.5 5.6 5.1 6.5 6.6 7.2 6.4 6.5 92 134 100 86 78 100 101 111 98 100 183 169 186 167 173 171 161 173 49 45 46 58 44 48 48 49 46 48 80s C 66.0 68.8 67.3 67.6 64.0 67.0 67.0 66.4 67.3 66.8 30 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 21 92s 324 144 180 5.0 100 - 44 92s C 67.3 28 1.4 5.1 2500 14.0 198 444 1183 1825 4.0 13 30 Avg. 94s 94s 94s 354 360 357 147 181 164 207 179 193 5.6 5.7 5.7 99 101 100 212 - 42 50 46 94s C 66.0 66.6 66.3 27 32 30 1.7 1.4 1.6 4.8 4.9 4.9 2650 2550 2600 12.9 13.0 13.0 117 88 103 164 229 197 327 469 398 608 786 698 3.7 3.5 3.6 2 30 33 42 66 70 Avg. 100s 100s 101s 101s 100s 100s 394 395 371 371 384 385 383 183 185 162 145 188 183 174 211 210 209 226 196 202 209 4.9 5.9 5.6 7.2 5.7 5.5 5.8 84 102 97 124 98 95 100 227 225 231 - 46 47 44 39 49 48 46 100s C 65.0 67.6 67.0 67.0 61.0 65.0 65.4 23 28 27 32 29 27 28 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.6 3.9 5.1 4.6 4.1 4.4 4.4 2450 2550 2800 3050 2850 2750 2750 12.7 13.2 13.0 12.5 12.6 13.6 12.9 92 108 128 70 1 134 89 140 226 173 140 16 238 156 298 447 502 305 48 452 342 530 781 803 515 65 824 587 3.5 2.8 2.7 3.6 3.5 3.2 51 70 Avg. 105s 105s 105s 392 367 380 169 183 176 223 184 204 6.2 4.6 5.4 115 85 100 - 43 50 47 105s C 65.0 65.0 65.0 28 25 27 1.8 2.0 1.9 5.9 5.0 5.5 2700 2550 2650 14.4 14.2 14.3 306 254 280 444 336 390 994 1744 562 1152 778 1448 3.5 3.5 3.5 33 121s 477 162 315 6.0 100 285 34 120s C 67.0 19 1.5 - 2650 13.5 206 237 564 2.5 31 1007 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 14 20s 220 118 102 11.4 100 - 54 2/40s C 70.0 112 1.1 4.0 3250 8.2 0 7 18 25 7.3 3 68 Avg. 30s 30s 30s 304 290 297 132 137 135 172 153 162 12.2 9.6 10.9 112 88 100 - 43 47 45 2/60s C 70.5 65.8 68.2 71 63 67 1.0 1.4 1.2 4.5 4.4 4.5 3300 3100 3200 8.1 9.0 8.6 0 0 0 2 9 6 16 20 18 18 29 24 6.0 6.1 6.1 70 50s 447 183 264 7.1 100 - 41 2/100s C 65.0 27 1.0 3.5 3150 10.8 4 40 79 123 4.7 42 41s 239 121 118 9.2 100 115 51 40s C-HT 71.5 78 1.6 4.8 2000 10.6 0 70 250 320 3.2 27 50s 335 125 210 8.0 100 - 37 50s C-HT 70.4 38 2.2 - 2250 11.8 34 106 250 390 3.7 - 55s C-HT 50 72.0 49 68.0 50 70.0 69 58 64 1.6 1.7 1.7 5.0 4.8 4.9 2600 2300 2450 11.9 12.1 12.0 31 18 25 135 214 175 320 302 311 486 534 511 3.9 3.9 36 38 Avg. 56s 55s 56s 232 242 237 116 118 117 116 124 120 8.0 7.2 7.6 105 95 100 32 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# 17 27 69 Avg. 102 113 85 100 60s 61s 61s 60s 300 368 320 329 122 125 125 124 178 243 195 205 7.5 8.3 6.2 7.3 Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) 144 - RMC as % of YSP 41 34 39 38 Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 60s C-HT 68.9 70.4 67.3 68.9 42 34 32 36 2.5 1.7 2.1 4.9 - 2150 2250 2200 13.1 13.2 13.2 152 61 107 233 239 236 646 328 487 1031 628 830 3.9 - 28 1.7 4.7 2650 12.7 55 162 410 627 3.4 42 81s 421 145 276 7.7 100 - 80s C-HT 34 67.0 59 17s 190 128 62 15.9 100 - 67 2/32s C-ET 67.9 257 1.4 4.1 3650 7.8 0 3 8 11 - 59 35s 300 128 172 16.5 100 - 43 2/70s C-ET 67.9 96 1.4 4.5 3400 9.3 1 20 58 79 - 8 52 Avg. 30s 30s 30s 182 221 202 117 128 123 65 93 79 14.6 17.7 16.2 90 110 100 48 - 64 58 61 30s C-Comp. 70.7 68.0 69.4 224 190 207 1.2 1.1 1.2 3.5 3.9 3.7 3100 3300 3200 8.7 8.6 8.7 0 0 0 5 5 5 20 9 15 25 14 20 4.8 3.8 4.3 3 8 16 40s 40s 41s 208 207 200 130 117 119 78 90 81 10.5 13.2 10.4 99 125 98 68 84 63 57 60 40s C-Comp. 70.5 70.7 70.1 135 147 128 1.4 1.4 1.3 5.0 3.8 4.8 3100 3050 3100 9.9 9.6 10.4 2 1 2 26 18 44 71 45 112 99 64 158 4.3 4.2 3.7 33 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) 20 24 28 29 43 54 59 Avg. 84 119 92 91 109 93 92 100 85 57 - 8 14 15 24 29 43 47 52 62 64 Avg. 40s 40s 40s 40s 40s 41s 40s 40s 50s 50s 51s 50s 50s 50s 51s 50s 51s 50s 50s 200 255 197 196 210 202 215 209 242 246 230 284 238 247 252 257 235 240 247 131 147 127 130 121 122 128 127 117 125 118 147 132 131 126 128 145 118 129 69 108 70 66 89 80 87 82 125 121 112 137 106 116 126 129 90 122 118 8.9 12.6 9.7 9.6 11.5 9.8 9.7 10.6 13.8 10.2 9.1 12.1 10.1 10.6 10.0 11.5 7.7 11.0 10.6 130 96 86 114 95 100 94 108 73 104 100 87 131 114 91 - RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 40s C-Comp. (contd...) 66 72.7 129 58 69.9 117 64 71.3 138 66 70.2 145 58 72.9 129 60 70.2 122 60 67.9 112 61 70.6 130 50s C-Comp. 48 70.7 51 68.0 51 70.6 52 69.9 55 68.0 53 68.6 50 68.0 50 68.0 62 49.3 49 66.3 52 66.7 34 110 84 81 88 95 91 79 89 86 90 89 1.2 1.2 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.4 3.4 4.8 3.5 4.7 4.9 4.4 3250 3400 3100 3150 3050 3150 3150 9.8 8.9 10.4 9.9 10.1 10.7 10.0 0 0 2 1 2 5 2 28 6 50 19 24 37 28 76 17 123 68 70 89 75 104 23 175 88 96 131 105 4.2 3.2 3.6 4.3 3.7 3.9 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.3 4.0 4.1 5.2 3.9 3.7 4.0 4.8 4.2 3000 3250 3100 3350 3150 3300 3200 2950 3150 10.3 9.4 10.9 9.1 10.5 10.6 9.6 9.5 10.0 3 2 9 1 3 4 1 0 3 20 9 51 6 31 36 12 16 23 75 30 120 25 91 91 24 45 63 98 41 180 32 125 131 37 61 89 3.3 3.1 3.9 3.2 3.6 3.3 3.3 2.9 3.3 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) TCI# 3 8 14 15 24 25 29 33 43 47 49 55 59 60 62 66 Avg. 60s 60s 60s 61s 61s 60s 60s 60s 60s 61s 60s 60s 60s 61s 61s 60s 266 273 264 265 518 267 264 230 278 272 260 260 270 267 264 478 294 132 117 123 120 290 120 141 126 131 126 116 122 128 121 154 266 146 134 156 141 145 228 147 123 104 147 146 144 138 142 146 110 212 148 9.6 13.7 9.4 9.6 16.9 14.0 9.0 6.2 10.1 8.9 8.6 9.9 8.2 8.8 7.0 11.9 10.1 95 135 93 95 167 138 89 61 100 88 85 98 81 87 69 118 100 110 135 127 158 111 116 - 50 43 47 45 56 45 53 55 47 46 45 47 47 45 58 56 49 60s C-Comp. 70.1 70.7 68.0 69.8 69.9 70.9 66.7 62.5 68.6 68.0 67.6 70.0 67.9 72.1 56.3 68.6 68.0 72 88 67 66 74 95 73 60 69 61 60 72 58 60 64 56 68 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.1 1.2 1.7 1.6 1.3 1.4 5.5 4.2 4.2 4.8 4.3 4.9 3.7 4.1 4.1 4.2 5.3 5.1 5.1 4.5 4.6 3150 3050 3050 2950 4400 3200 3200 2800 3100 3250 2900 3000 2900 3000 3000 4150 3200 11.0 10.7 10.7 11.5 9.4 11.4 10.3 10.9 11.3 10.8 10.9 10.7 11.8 11.2 10.4 9.8 10.8 11 6 10 22 0 19 4 25 4 6 8 5 32 4 4 2 10 47 43 50 86 6 92 34 64 51 41 47 45 122 106 35 28 56 114 125 133 139 14 176 120 193 135 120 110 129 280 138 77 111 132 172 174 193 247 20 287 158 282 190 167 165 179 434 248 116 141 198 3.1 3.1 3.3 4.0 2.6 3.3 3.2 2.5 3.3 3.1 3.0 3.2 2.8 2.6 3.1 24 52 Avg. 71s 70s 70s 380 370 375 147 146 147 233 224 228 11.4 12.5 12.0 95 105 100 - 39 39 39 70s C-Comp. 69.9 67.5 68.7 49 56 53 1.0 1.9 1.5 2.7 - 3150 3600 3400 10.7 10.6 10.7 15 6 11 24 47 36 59 118 89 98 171 136 2.5 3.2 2.9 RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) 35 Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# 2 13 24 25 30 42 47 65 66 Avg. 80s 81s 80s 80s 80s 81s 81s 81s 80s 328 370 600 363 337 360 373 363 364 384 153 184 290 160 181 144 144 151 164 175 175 186 310 203 156 216 229 212 200 209 6.5 7.6 13.0 9.7 6.6 9.5 9.2 9.5 9.0 9.0 73 85 145 108 74 106 103 106 100 100 184 185 195 - 47 50 48 44 54 40 39 42 45 45 80s C-Comp. 67.0 66.0 69.9 64.6 67.6 67.5 66.0 68.0 63.2 66.6 37 41 42 48 42 44 40 45 45 43 1.3 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.1 1.6 1.6 1.4 4.3 4.1 4.3 4.8 4.5 4.0 4.5 4.4 2750 3700 4250 3450 3200 3300 3150 3150 3350 3350 12.0 10.8 10.1 11.5 10.6 11.7 11.6 11.4 11.0 11.2 38 10 5 20 6 20 28 14 11 17 115 47 13 62 35 70 78 60 49 59 261 114 33 149 109 180 245 117 124 148 414 171 51 231 150 270 351 191 184 224 2.7 2.3 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.3 2.8 2.6 2 90s 343 155 188 5.8 100 - 45 90s C-Comp. 66.0 31 1.5 4.0 2550 12.2 45 134 317 496 - 13 51 69 Avg. 101s 100s 100s 100s 469 375 390 411 186 152 134 158 283 223 256 254 8.2 6.7 5.4 6.8 121 99 80 100 272 - 100s C-Comp. 40 64.0 41 65.0 34 66.9 38 65.3 29 30 21 27 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.7 4.6 6.4 5.7 5.6 3750 2950 3100 3250 11.3 13.4 12.8 12.5 18 196 52 89 52 212 92 119 135 403 188 242 205 811 332 450 2.3 2.5 2.4 - 120s C-Comp. 36 67.6 20 1.5 5.3 2900 12.6 76 115 246 437 2.4 30 120s 512 185 327 6.5 100 Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) 36 Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 4/135s C-Comp.-Pll 28 65.0 16 51 34s 594 169 425 6.8 100 - 1.0 3.3 3000 7.5 0 3 24 27 5.1 17 30s 212 122 90 15.9 100 75 58 30s C-Slub 68.9 177 - - - - - - - - - 40s C-Slub 55 68.9 126 - - - - - - - - - 60s C-Slub 70.1 68.9 69.5 62 57 60 1.5 - 5.5 - 2550 - 17.5 - 205 1852 - 853 - 2910 - 4.4 - 17 40s 220 122 98 12.3 100 82 3 17 Avg. 60s 60s 60s 283 277 280 132 122 127 151 155 153 9.4 8.8 9.1 103 97 100 139 - 397 129 268 10.2 100 - 2/80s C-DHPR 32 66.0 38 1.4 4.6 3050 9.9 0 30 90 120 5.1 65 1.7 5.0 2350 13.1 17 245 315 577 - 33 1.5 4.9 2250 14.2 228 435 696 1359 - 47 44 46 Hank yarn 40 40s 38 50s 252 118 134 8.7 100 - 50s C-DHCR 47 68.0 57 91s 334 136 198 6.5 100 193 100s C-DHCR 41 69.5 37 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) 57 45s 375 136 239 6.7 100 244 38 60s 248 118 130 5.9 100 - 57 34s 273 136 137 7.5 100 110 40 42 Avg. 60s 60s 60s 303 303 303 121 121 121 182 182 182 13.7 13.5 13.6 101 99 100 119 126 123 57 50s 437 140 297 7.4 100 - 150 113 37 14.4 100 32 RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 2/100s C-DHCR 36 69.5 28 1.5 4.7 2650 10.5 3 71 193 267 - 60s C-FHCR 68.0 45 1.8 5.2 2300 13.4 56 325 365 746 - 55 1.3 4.3 2950 9.5 0 33 114 147 - 60s C-Comp.-DHCR 40 71.5 75 40 71.5 74 40 71.5 75 1.7 1.7 1.7 4.8 4.6 4.7 3000 3050 3050 12.6 11.4 12.0 18 14 16 132 121 127 340 311 326 490 446 469 3.5 3.7 3.6 2/100s C-FHCR-M 32 69.5 25 1.5 4.7 2800 11.3 9 111 197 317 - 16s CH 72.1 390 1.2 - - 7.4 0 4 8 12 8.4 48 2/67s C-FHCR 50 69.5 Hosiery yarn 34 16s 75 38 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP 19 34 71 75 Avg. 20s 20s 20s 20s 20s 158 155 163 162 160 116 113 117 123 117 42 42 46 39 43 13.1 12.8 14.5 10.9 12.8 102 100 113 85 100 41 32 31 35 73 73 72 76 74 20s CH 73.7 72.1 68.2 69.1 70.8 311 305 315 279 303 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.3 1.2 3.7 3.5 3.9 3.7 2900 2550 3000 2800 7.6 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.0 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 6 6 6 16 17 12 8 13 22 24 18 14 19 7.7 7.7 7.3 8.1 7.7 34 71 Avg. 24s 24s 24s 162 168 165 113 117 115 49 51 50 12.2 12.8 12.5 98 102 100 51 39 45 70 70 70 24s CH 72.1 68.2 70.2 248 250 249 1.3 1.0 1.2 4.2 - 2450 - 8.5 8.5 8.5 0 0 0 9 7 8 22 18 20 31 25 28 7.1 6.8 7.0 6 24s 169 126 43 11.5 100 49 75 25s CH 73.8 267 1.1 4.9 2750 8.1 0 4 15 19 - 34 26s 165 113 52 11.7 100 56 68 26s CH 72.1 225 1.3 - - 8.6 0 11 25 36 6.9 6 16 34 47 53 29s 30s 30s 30s 29s 180 174 170 185 185 126 121 113 129 116 54 53 57 56 69 11.3 10.6 10.8 10.2 15.5 101 95 97 91 139 60 54 66 - 70 70 66 70 63 30s CH 73.8 70.1 72.1 67.0 75.0 209 200 190 182 225 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.5 4.7 4.8 3.7 4.5 2450 2550 2950 2600 8.8 9.5 9.5 9.0 10.0 0 0 0 0 0 8 16 27 9 19 42 56 61 38 65 50 72 88 47 84 6.5 6.7 6.8 5.9 Yarn realisation (%) 39 Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) 56 60 66 75 Avg. 30s 29s 30s 29s 165 177 180 180 177 117 121 128 123 122 48 56 52 57 55 9.0 12.7 10.6 10.0 11.2 80 114 95 89 100 66 46 47 57 30s CH (contd...) 71 70.0 68 72.1 71 70.6 68 69.1 69 71.1 187 226 203 176 200 1.4 2.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 5.9 4.4 5.3 4.8 2450 2800 2650 2650 9.7 9.5 9.5 9.3 9.4 1 0 0 0 0 19 18 17 12 16 67 35 46 38 50 87 53 63 50 66 6.9 6.5 6.6 7.0 6.6 16 34 44 Avg. 32s 32s 32s 32s 178 176 192 182 121 113 120 118 57 63 72 64 10.3 11.0 11.8 11.0 93 100 107 100 58 72 65 68 64 63 65 32s CH 70.1 72.1 75.0 72.4 181 175 164 173 1.3 1.3 1.3 4.9 4.9 2600 2600 9.6 9.7 9.7 0 0 0 17 30 24 63 72 68 80 102 92 6.4 6.5 6.5 176 140 185 180 170 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.4 5.1 3.6 3.9 5.1 4.4 2550 2850 2450 2500 2600 9.3 9.5 9.6 10.2 9.7 0 1 0 1 1 16 14 24 40 24 73 50 78 72 68 89 65 102 113 93 6.7 5.4 6.2 6.1 165 157 161 1.0 1.3 1.2 4.3 4.4 4.4 2400 2600 2500 9.3 10.5 9.9 1 1 1 15 31 23 74 59 67 90 91 91 4.8 4.8 RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) 6 47 53 60 Avg. 33s 34s 33s 33s 33s 195 200 200 187 196 126 129 116 121 123 69 71 84 66 73 12.1 9.9 15.5 11.9 12.4 98 80 126 96 100 67 51 59 65 65 58 65 63 34s CH 73.8 67.0 75.0 72.1 72.0 6 65 Avg. 35s 36s 35s 196 180 188 126 124 125 70 56 63 11.6 8.8 10.2 114 86 100 71 79 75 64 69 67 36s CH 73.8 70.1 72.0 40 Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP 6 28 47 53 60 66 Avg. 39s 40s 40s 39s 39s 39s 200 185 205 206 191 192 197 126 131 129 116 121 128 125 74 54 76 90 70 64 72 10.3 8.2 8.9 14.0 9.1 8.3 9.8 105 84 91 143 93 85 100 81 62 - 63 71 63 56 63 67 64 40s CH 73.8 72.9 67.0 75.0 72.1 70.6 71.9 139 151 117 155 130 129 137 1.1 1.6 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.3 1.4 5.2 4.9 4.1 5.0 5.9 5.0 5.0 2300 2750 2600 2350 2550 2700 2550 9.7 10.2 9.8 10.4 10.3 10.3 10.1 1 2 1 0 2 2 1 21 33 22 45 56 32 35 98 115 62 88 92 83 90 120 150 85 133 150 117 126 6.1 6.5 5.0 6.2 6.0 6.0 43 41s 190 121 69 8.5 100 - 64 41s CH 73.0 123 1.3 3.6 2450 9.8 1 24 36 61 5.7 47 44s 213 129 84 8.2 100 - 61 45s CH 67.0 98 1.1 3.8 2650 10.3 3 27 86 116 5.8 28 62 Avg. 50s 50s 50s 215 213 214 131 137 134 84 76 80 8.9 6.1 7.5 119 81 100 122 - 61 64 63 50s CH 72.9 65.6 69.3 106 80 93 1.5 1.4 1.5 5.2 5.1 5.2 2700 2250 2500 10.8 11.3 11.1 4 13 9 49 62 56 197 127 162 250 202 227 5.4 5.3 5.4 59 59s 260 128 132 8.7 100 - 49 60s CH 67.9 66 1.3 4.7 2600 12.1 49 140 312 501 - 68 29s 279 139 140 9.5 100 - 50 2/58s CH 65.3 68 1.4 4.3 3050 8.9 0 10 21 31 6.2 Yarn realisation (%) 41 Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) 36 29s 267 119 148 11.8 100 - 2/60s CH 45 70.3 62 24s 190 131 59 11.5 100 - 10 36s 200 112 88 13.6 100 33 53 Avg. 40s 40s 40s 192 212 202 123 125 124 69 87 78 10.4 12.4 11.4 53 42s 217 125 92 62 45s 250 131 119 36 29s 309 119 190 Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 80 1.2 5.5 2550 9.0 0 6 19 25 5.6 24s CH-Comp. 69 69.1 195 1.7 3.5 2850 8.6 0 7 11 18 4.7 64 32s CH-Comp. 56 69.0 155 1.2 - 2800 9.2 0 13 42 55 4.6 91 109 100 70 - 40s CH-Comp. 64 67.0 59 70.0 62 68.5 150 142 146 1.2 1.0 1.1 5.2 - 2950 3000 3000 10.1 9.1 9.6 0 0 0 20 6 13 71 35 53 91 41 66 2.9 4.4 3.7 12.4 100 - 42s CH-Comp. 58 70.0 135 1.3 4.6 2900 9.7 0 17 64 81 4.0 13.1 100 - 45s CH-Comp. 52 69.1 110 1.6 4.5 2600 10.2 1 35 76 112 3.4 - 2/60s CH-G 39 70.3 80 1.1 5.2 2850 8.6 0 3 11 14 2.9 15.2 100 42 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index Export market 15 30s 172 118 54 9.3 100 78 30s C-Ex. 69 70.1 15 41s 195 118 77 9.5 100 80 61 29 40s 197 132 65 9.1 100 - 40s C-Comp.-Ex. 67 68.0 140 1.6 5.0 3100 9.7 1 17 57 75 4.0 4 - 200 124 76 9.8 100 - 41s C-Comp.-Ex. 62 71.0 129 1.3 5.5 3000 9.6 1 22 80 103 3.5 12 50s 248 120 128 12.5 100 113 50s C-Comp.-Ex. 48 72.0 98 1.2 4.4 3050 10.4 2 32 110 144 4.0 4 12 25 54 65 67 Avg. 61s 60s 61s 61s 60s 60s 270 266 263 267 265 244 263 124 126 120 126 132 138 128 146 140 143 141 133 106 135 9.6 10.8 10.4 9.7 9.0 5.9 9.2 104 117 113 105 97 64 100 135 102 146 - 60s C-Comp.-Ex. 46 71.0 47 68.5 46 70.9 47 67.7 50 69.5 57 66.5 49 69.0 66 77 73 69 68 56 68 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.6 1.7 1.5 5.5 4.5 4.2 4.9 5.4 6.3 5.1 2950 3000 3300 3000 3250 3050 3100 10.7 11.0 10.8 10.9 10.7 11.0 10.9 9 12 9 10 5 6 9 42 50 43 44 51 48 46 99 110 102 100 98 143 109 150 172 154 154 154 197 164 2.7 3.3 3.1 2.8 3.0 3.6 3.1 173 1.2 4.0 3150 9.7 0 28 103 131 5.9 40s C-Ex. 70.6 124 1.5 3.3 2950 10.5 2 50 128 180 5.3 43 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 67 78s 285 145 140 5.3 100 - 76s C-Comp.-Ex. 51 65.3 38 1.8 7.0 2900 11.7 24 83 244 351 3.2 67 81s 335 155 180 6.5 100 - 80s C-Comp.-Ex. 46 64.0 36 1.6 6.1 3100 11.6 22 78 238 338 3.0 4 - 428 204 224 9.4 100 - 82s C-Comp.-Ex. 48 71.0 42 1.3 5.5 3200 11.0 8 43 99 150 2.0 14 48s 638 212 426 14.1 100 - 2/96s C-Comp.-Ex. 33 71.0 33 1.3 4.4 4150 8.1 0 4 15 19 3.5 12 15s 170 114 56 20.9 100 - 2/30s C-ET-Ex. 67 75.0 374 1.3 4.0 3550 7.5 0 4 5 9 4.3 12 20s 180 114 66 19.5 100 - 2/40s C-ET-Ex. 63 75.0 296 1.3 4.0 3450 7.5 0 5 6 11 4.0 315 314 304 313 312 1.1 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.2 4.4 4.6 - 2500 2900 3100 2850 8.2 8.2 7.6 8.4 8.1 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 3 10 6 19 11 7 22 15 25 16 10 32 21 8.0 7.5 6.7 8.0 7.6 Hosiery yarn 10 19 54 56 Avg. 20s 20s 20s 20s 20s 160 158 162 153 158 113 117 120 117 117 47 41 42 36 41 14.8 12.9 12.8 11.3 13.0 114 100 99 87 100 48 46 - 71 74 74 76 74 20s CH-Ex. 71.0 72.9 71.7 70.0 71.4 44 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 45 21s 160 124 36 11.5 100 - 78 21s CH-Ex. 69.4 320 1.0 3.2 2900 8.6 0 9 16 25 8.4 10 54 56 Avg. 24s 24s 24s 24s 161 168 158 162 113 120 117 117 48 48 41 45 12.1 11.7 9.9 11.2 108 104 88 100 50 53 52 70 71 74 72 24s CH-Ex. 71.0 71.7 70.0 70.9 252 244 241 246 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.2 4.7 - 2450 2950 2700 8.4 8.5 8.8 8.6 0 0 0 0 9 6 12 9 21 9 27 19 30 15 39 28 7.9 6.3 7.5 7.2 71 26s 165 117 48 10.9 100 43 71 26s CH-Ex. 68.2 228 - - - - - - - - - 65 69 68 66 70 68 30s CH-Ex. 71.0 70.1 72.9 75.8 71.0 72.2 195 196 190 207 190 196 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.3 1.3 4.0 4.8 4.5 4.6 4.5 2400 2950 2800 2600 2750 2700 9.4 9.4 9.3 9.4 9.4 9.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 21 14 12 14 15 46 87 38 48 37 51 62 108 52 60 51 66 7.4 6.3 6.6 7.4 6.1 6.8 65 65 71 65 67 32s CH-Ex. 70.0 75.8 69.4 68.2 70.9 178 189 179 172 180 1.3 1.3 1.0 1.1 1.2 4.3 3.6 3.8 3.9 2400 2600 2650 2400 2500 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.5 9.6 0 0 0 0 0 20 15 17 14 17 48 58 61 65 58 68 73 78 79 75 7.1 7.1 6.9 5.9 6.8 10 15 19 37 54 Avg. 10 37 45 71 Avg. 30s 30s 30s 30s 30s 30s 32s 32s 32s 32s 32s 173 170 172 166 174 171 173 168 175 179 174 113 118 117 109 121 116 112 109 124 117 116 60 52 55 57 53 55 61 59 51 62 58 11.7 10.2 10.5 11.8 10.1 10.9 10.9 11.2 9.1 10.7 10.5 108 94 97 109 93 100 104 107 87 102 100 56 55 - 59 55 56 57 45 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** 15 71 Avg. 33s 34s 33s 178 179 179 118 117 118 60 62 61 9.8 9.8 9.8 TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP 100 100 100 65 61 63 66 65 66 34s CH-Ex. 70.6 68.2 69.4 164 158 161 1.2 - 4.0 - 2850 - 10.0 - 1 - 30 - 70 - 101 - 6.0 - 131 130 131 131 1.5 1.2 1.3 1.3 5.4 4.3 4.7 4.8 2700 2700 2700 2700 10.5 9.8 9.8 10.0 3 0 1 1 48 16 25 30 128 98 75 100 179 114 101 131 5.7 6.0 5.3 5.7 97 92 95 1.8 1.5 1.7 5.5 4.7 5.1 2450 2500 2500 11.2 11.0 11.1 6 7 7 46 45 46 113 96 105 165 148 158 4.1 5.2 4.7 Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 15 19 54 Avg. 40s 40s 40s 40s 195 186 207 196 118 118 120 119 77 68 87 77 10.1 8.8 11.4 10.1 100 87 113 100 77 - 61 63 58 61 40s CH-Ex. 70.6 72.8 71.7 71.7 65 68 Avg. 50s 50s 50s 209 218 214 136 139 138 73 79 76 7.1 7.3 7.2 99 101 100 94 - 65 64 65 50s CH-Ex. 67.4 65.3 66.4 4 - 205 130 75 10.9 100 - 40s CH-Comp.-Ex. 63 71.0 145 1.3 4.7 2750 10.2 0 19 34 53 3.3 36 26s 171 118 53 13.5 100 - 26s CH-Org-Ex. 69 71.7 254 1.3 4.5 2550 9.1 0 15 30 45 6.2 36 28s 172 118 54 12.5 100 - 28s CH-Org-Ex. 69 71.7 232 1.3 4.5 2500 9.2 0 17 39 56 6.2 46 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** 36 30s 177 118 59 12.9 TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) 100 - 30s CH-Org-Ex. 67 71.7 218 1.2 4.3 2500 9.5 0 16 56 72 6.1 179 1.1 5.1 2500 10.0 1 25 84 110 5.7 RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 36 34s 197 118 79 14.1 100 - 34s CH-Org-Ex. 60 71.7 36 40s 198 122 76 10.9 100 - 40s CH-Org-Ex. 62 69.7 144 1.3 5.2 2550 10.1 2 24 87 113 5.4 36 42s 201 122 79 10.5 100 - 42s CH-Org-Ex. 61 69.7 133 1.4 5.4 2400 10.2 3 26 93 122 5.7 Polyester/cotton blended yarn Domestic market Carded yarn 41 53s 170 96 74 6.0 100 82 52s P/C-K (70:30) 56 96.4 30 58s 177 99 78 5.3 100 88 58s P/C-K (70:30) 56 93.1 47 81 2.2 5.6 3650 13.4 50 436 920 1406 - 68 1.5 4.8 3600 13.5 53 402 637 1092 4.5 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) 11 30 Avg. 100 100 100 92 - 62s P/C-K (70:30) 56 90.3 55 93.1 56 91.7 69 64 67 1.6 1.6 1.6 6.1 5.1 5.6 3200 3600 3400 14.8 13.6 14.2 204 60 132 735 398 567 1129 2068 672 1130 901 1600 63 2.1 4.9 3550 14.0 88 491 1094 1673 - 64s 62s 63s 173 180 177 97 99 98 76 81 79 5.2 5.2 5.2 RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 5.0 - 41 65s 185 96 89 5.6 100 100 64s P/C-K (70:30) 52 96.4 41 67s 190 96 94 5.5 100 102 66s P/C-K (70:30) 51 96.4 58 1.9 5.3 3450 14.2 122 576 1238 1936 - 11 70s 178 98 80 4.8 100 - 68s P/C-K (70:30) 55 90.3 60 1.8 6.7 2800 15.6 318 908 1247 2473 - 63 15s 150 96 54 11.2 100 62 2/30s P/C-K (65:35) 64 86.0 208 1.5 3.8 5000 7.6 0 7 49 56 - 2.1 5.2 2750 - - - - - - 41 76s 271 96 175 7.7 100 134 74s P/C-K-Slub (70:30) 35 96.4 44 63 16s 139 96 43 18.2 100 27 16s P/C-KH (65:35) 69 86.0 424 1.3 4.0 4650 8.8 0 33 137 170 - 25 19s 144 108 36 11.9 100 - 20s P/C-KH (40:60) 75 85.8 330 1.8 4.4 3600 10.0 1 43 68 112 7.4 48 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) 25 63 Avg. 79 121 100 52 - 30s P/C-KH (65:35) 69 85.8 182 57 86.0 192 63 85.9 187 1.7 1.7 1.7 4.5 4.1 4.3 4050 4200 4150 10.2 10.2 10.2 1 1 1 51 130 91 90 249 170 142 380 262 6.2 - 2.0 4.8 3100 12.3 10 234 426 670 6.1 29s 30s 29s 157 167 162 108 96 102 49 71 60 8.9 13.6 11.3 RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 25 33s 165 108 57 9.9 100 - 34s P/C-KH (40:60) 65 85.8 174 25 49s 197 109 88 8.4 100 - 50s P/C-KH (40:60) 55 85.8 95 1.8 4.7 2950 13.9 69 532 111 712 5.1 Combed yarn 7 40s 165 97 68 9.7 100 - 40s P/C-SC (65:35) 59 92.5 143 1.3 4.7 3850 11.9 18 86 414 518 - 7 47s 182 97 85 9.5 100 - 47s P/C-SC (65:35) 53 92.5 112 1.3 4.9 3750 12.1 24 116 420 560 - 48 40s 185 97 88 9.1 100 - 40s P/C-C (67:33) 52 85.0 103 - - 3500 13.4 16 119 169 304 5.4 - 54s P/C-C (70:30) 53 85.0 2.1 5.7 3400 13.8 116 394 471 981 - 5 57s 175 92 83 5.8 100 49 70 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) 48 40s 340 97 243 9.2 100 - 41 56s 253 104 149 7.3 100 RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 80s P/C-C (67:33) 29 85.0 38 - 6.3 2650 15.9 401 703 875 1979 4.2 123 55s P/C-C-HT (65:35) 41 89.1 49 1.8 4.8 3300 12.8 31 264 471 766 - 1.8 4.8 3050 13.3 61 305 506 872 - 41 62s 263 104 159 6.8 100 147 62s P/C-C-HT (65:35) 40 89.1 43 71 20s 143 109 34 11.6 100 31 20s P/C-CH (52:48) 76 82.2 340 1.2 4.6 3400 8.3 0 12 23 35 7.1 71 24s 148 109 39 10.5 100 39 24s P/C-CH (52:48) 74 82.2 269 - - - - - - - - - 1.6 3.7 3400 10.1 1 52 53 106 7.0 1.5 4.5 3650 10.1 0 90 174 264 - Export market Carded yarn 25 20s 160 108 52 15.5 100 - 20s P/C-KH-Ex. (40:60) 68 85.8 299 63 22s 136 102 34 9.9 100 38 22s P/C-KH-Ex. (52:48) 75 86.0 292 50 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index Combed yarn 63 20s 139 110 29 9.3 100 32 20s P/C-CH-Ex. (52:48) 79 319 1.2 4.3 3800 9.5 2 32 72 106 - 71 30s 153 104 49 10.3 100 49 30s P/C-CH-Ex. (52:48) 68 82.2 211 1.2 4.5 3200 9.8 1 26 58 85 5.9 71 40s 171 104 67 9.6 100 71 40s P/C-CH-Ex. (52:48) 61 82.2 144 - - - - - - - - - 1.3 3.3 4450 7.5 0 5 30 35 - 63 15s 166 110 56 11.4 100 62 2/30s P/C-CH-Ex. (52:48) 66 204 4 - 178 107 71 16.3 100 - 30s P/C-CH-Comp.-Ex. (50:50) 60 84.0 230 1.3 4.5 3150 10.1 0 44 44 88 3.4 4 - 186 107 79 17.4 100 - 32s P/C-CH-Comp.-Ex. (50:50) 58 84.0 220 1.3 4.5 3150 10.2 0 60 60 120 3.6 4 - 198 108 90 15.5 100 - 36s P/C-CH-Comp.-Ex. (52:48) 55 84.4 172 1.3 5.5 3200 10.7 3 59 80 142 4.2 4 - 207 108 99 13.9 100 - 40s P/C-CH-Comp.-Ex. (52:48) 52 84.4 140 1.3 5.5 3100 11.0 7 75 99 181 4.0 51 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index Polyester/viscose blended yarn Domestic market 26 58 Avg. 58 15s 15s 15s 20s 133 127 130 129 108 105 107 105 25 22 23 24 12.5 12.5 12.5 9.7 100 100 100 100 30 - 15s P/V (65:35) 81 97.0 83 98.5 82 97.8 500 570 535 1.5 1.0 1.3 5.4 4.1 4.8 5300 4950 5150 7.4 8.4 7.9 0 0 0 6 10 8 16 20 18 22 30 26 8.1 - 31 20s P/V (65:35) 81 98.5 405 1.1 3.4 4600 9.1 0 14 25 39 - 251 255 253 1.1 1.2 1.2 2.7 4.3 3.5 4750 4300 4550 9.3 11.3 10.3 0 9 5 9 22 16 45 76 61 54 107 82 6.7 - 20 58 Avg. 30s 30s 30s 154 145 150 95 105 100 59 40 50 14.8 10.2 12.5 118 82 100 - 30s P/V (65:35) 62 97.5 72 98.5 67 98.0 7 20 58 Avg. 40s 40s 40s 40s 165 167 157 163 115 95 105 105 50 72 52 58 8.1 11.7 8.8 9.5 85 123 92 100 - 40s P/V (65:35) 70 96.9 57 97.5 67 98.5 65 97.6 161 163 170 165 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.5 4.2 3.9 4.3 4.1 4500 4100 3950 4200 10.0 10.4 11.9 10.8 2 4 28 11 16 15 31 21 102 86 92 93 120 105 151 125 5.6 - 7 46s 188 123 65 8.8 100 - 45s P/V (55:45) 65 96.9 136 1.8 4.3 3900 10.5 4 22 141 167 - 52 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) 7 26 Avg. 60s 60s 60s 206 197 202 115 108 112 91 89 90 7.8 7.4 7.6 103 97 100 - 60s P/V (65:35) 56 96.9 55 97.0 56 97.0 86 83 85 1.3 1.5 1.4 5.1 5.3 5.2 3850 3650 3750 12.8 12.0 12.4 44 30 37 80 70 75 573 110 342 697 210 454 4.4 - 26 46 58 Avg. 15s 15s 15s 15s 164 173 156 164 108 112 105 108 56 61 51 56 14.3 13.2 13.0 13.5 106 98 96 100 47 - 2/30s P/V (65:35) 66 97.0 65 97.0 67 98.5 66 97.5 256 217 255 243 1.4 1.1 1.0 1.2 5.4 4.6 3.6 4.5 5200 4800 5000 5000 7.4 7.6 8.0 7.7 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 2 6 8 10 8 9 8 12 10 8.1 6.1 7.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 3.8 3.6 3.7 5150 4750 4950 8.1 8.5 8.3 0 0 0 2 7 5 14 14 14 16 21 19 4.6 - RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 46 58 Avg. 20s 20s 20s 176 178 177 110 105 108 66 73 69 12.3 12.4 12.4 100 100 100 - 2/40s P/V (65:35) 63 97.0 186 59 98.5 170 61 97.8 178 46 30s 241 110 131 13.2 100 - 2/60s P/V (65:35) 46 97.0 101 1.3 4.7 4500 9.1 0 1 35 36 4.5 20 40s 181 91 90 11.3 100 - 40s P/V-HT (65:35) 50 97.5 125 1.6 5.1 4050 10.6 5 20 90 115 4.6 20 15s 184 124 60 13.3 100 - 2/30s P/V-D (65:35) 67 96.1 221 1.0 2.1 4450 8.0 0 2 39 41 - 53 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** 20 20s 215 124 91 12.4 TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) 100 - RMC as % of YSP Yarn realisation (%) Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index 2/40s P/V-D (65:35) 58 96.1 136 1.3 3.4 4100 8.8 0 14 57 71 - 1.5 5.4 4600 9.9 1 15 43 59 6.0 Export market 26 30s 131 99 32 7.7 100 - 30s P/V-Ex. (65:35) 76 97.0 240 100% viscose yarn 26 75 Avg. 30s 30s 30s 209 205 207 163 157 160 46 48 47 8.3 9.1 8.7 95 105 100 45 - 78 77 78 30s V 92.0 96.2 94.1 181 190 186 1.5 1.4 1.5 5.4 4.0 4.7 2600 2650 2650 9.8 9.0 9.4 1 0 1 13 2 8 25 18 22 39 20 31 6.0 6.2 6.1 119 121 120 1.5 1.5 1.5 5.3 4.8 5.1 2500 2450 2500 10.4 10.0 10.2 9 2 6 25 5 15 40 51 46 74 58 67 5.0 5.5 5.3 61 1.5 6.0 2100 11.2 12 18 159 189 4.4 148 1.5 5.0 2800 10.2 0 23 40 63 5.6 26 75 Avg. 40s 40s 40s 220 236 228 163 157 160 57 79 68 6.8 9.6 8.2 83 117 100 70 - 74 67 71 40s V 92.0 96.2 94.1 75 59s 298 157 141 8.6 100 128 53 60s V 96.2 20 40s 203 135 68 10.1 100 - 40s V-Ex. 67 93.1 54 _____SITRA ***** 33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table B (contd...) Yarn Raw Net out-put value Mill Actual selling material ref. count price cost Rs/kg Rs/ no. (Rs/ (Rs/kg of spl. kg) of yarn) yarn* /shift** TCI# Total conv. cost (Rs/kg of yarn) RMC as % of YSP Yarn quality Prodn./ spl. Count Strength CSP@ U% Imperfections/1000 m Hairi/shift CV% CV% ness (g) Thin Thick Neps Total index Yarn realisation (%) Other yarns 4 4 17 - - 30s 182 185 245 111 117 177 71 68 68 13.3 12.8 6.3 100 30s C/V-KH-Comp.-Mel-Ex. (99:01) 61 88.0 188 1.4 4.0 2650 10.7 2 125 275 402 3.3 100 30s C/V-KH-Comp.-Mel-Ex. (90:10) 63 88.0 188 1.4 4.2 2750 10.6 3 137 268 408 3.6 - - - - - - - - 100 78 30s C/L (93:7) 72 68.9 93 - Note: '*' Yarn selling price - raw material cost (Yarn selling price - raw material cost) x prodn./spl.(or rotor)/8 hrs. (g) '**' 1000 Mill's NOV (Rs/spl.shift) x 100 '#' Techno-commercial index = Survey avg. NOV (Rs/spl.shift) '@' Rounded-off to nearest 50 '-' Indicates data not provided/not applicable/unintelligible Yarn selling price (YSP) = Ex-mill price Raw material cost (RMC) = Clean material cost Figures given inside the brackets indicate blend proportion 55 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table C Mill-wise counts and varieties of yarns marketed by the participant mills Mill ref. Counts no. 2 60s C, 72s C, 80s C, 100s C, 80s C-Comp., 90s C-Comp. State Tamil Nadu 3 40s SC, 2/40s SC, 40s C, 60s C, 2/60s C, 40s C-Comp., 60s C-Comp., 60s C-Slub Karnataka 4 41s C-Comp.-Ex., 60s C-Comp.-Ex., 82s C-Comp.-Ex., 40s CH-Comp.-Ex., 30s P/C-CH-Comp.-Ex. (50:50), 32s P/C-CH-Comp.-Ex. (50:50), 36s P/C-CH-Comp.-Ex. (52:48), 40s P/C-CH-Comp.-Ex. (52:48), 30s C/V-KH-Comp.-Mel-Ex. (99:01), 30s C/V-KH-Comp.-Mel-Ex. (90:10) Tamil Nadu 5 54s P/C-C (70:30) Tamil Nadu 6 25s KH, 30s KH, 34s KH, 25s CH, 30s CH, 34s CH, 36s CH, 40s CH Tamil Nadu 7 40s P/C-SC (65:35), 47s P/C-SC (65:35), 40s P/V (65:35), 45s P/V (55:45), 60s P/V (65:35) Maharashtra 8 30s C-Comp., 40s C-Comp., 50s C-Comp., 60s C-Comp. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 9 34s K, 2/40s K, 30s K-DHPR, 40s K-DHPR, 2/40s K-DHPR Andhra Pradesh 10 32s CH-Comp., 20s CH-Ex., 24s CH-Ex., 30s CH-Ex., 32s CH-Ex. Maharashtra 11 62s P/C-K (70:30), 68s P/C-K (70:30) Tamil Nadu 12 50s C-Comp.-Ex., 60s C-Comp.-Ex., 2/30s C-ET-Ex., 2/40s C-ET-Ex. Telangana 13 94s C, 80s C-Comp., 100s C-Comp. Andhra Pradesh 14 10s OE, 12s OE, 16s OE, 20s OE, 2/20s OE, 10s OE-SHPR, 2/40s C, 50s C-Comp., 60s C-Comp., 2/96s C-Comp.-Ex. Tamil Nadu 15 50s C-Comp., 60s C-Comp., 30s C-Ex., 40s C-Ex., 30s CH-Ex., 34s CH-Ex., 40s CH-Ex. Maharashtra 56 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table C (contd…) Mill ref. no. 16 Counts State 30s K, 28s KH, 34s KH, 40s C-Comp., 30s CH, 32s CH Tamil Nadu 17 64s C, 80s C, 60s C-HT, 30s C-Slub, 40s C-Slub, 60s C-Slub, 30s C/L (93:7) Tamil Nadu 18 30s K, 31s K, 32s K, 34s K, 38s K, 40s K, 42s K, 45s K, 40s C Maharashtra 19 16s K, 20s K, 13s C, 16s C, 40s C, 20s CH, 20s CH-Ex., 30s CH-Ex., 40s CH-Ex. Maharashtra 20 30s AJ-V, 20s OE, 40s C, 40s C-Comp., 30s P/V (65:35), 40s P/V (65:35), 40s P/V-HT (65:35), 2/30s P/V-D (65:35), 2/40s P/V-D (65:35), 40s V-Ex. Maharashtra 21 60s C, 62s C, 80s C, 92s C Tamil Nadu 22 40s C, 60s C Tamil Nadu 23 2/20s K-SHPR, 2/30s K-DHPR, 2/40s K-DHPR, 50s K-DHCR, 60s K-DHCR Tamil Nadu 24 40s C-Comp., 50s C-Comp., 60s C-Comp., 70s C-Comp., 80s C-Comp. Tamil Nadu 25 60s C, 60s C-Comp., 80s C-Comp., 60s C-Comp.-Ex., 20s P/C-KH (40:60), 30s P/C-KH (65:35), 34s P/C-KH (40:60), 50s P/C-KH (40:60), 20s P/C-KH-Ex. (40:60) Tamil Nadu 26 15s P/V (65:35), 60s P/V (65:35), 2/30s P/V (65:35), 30s P/V-Ex. (65:35), 30s V, 40s V Maharashtra 27 40s C, 60s C, 50s C-HT, 60s C-HT Tamil Nadu 28 20s OE, 40s C, 40s C-Comp., 40s CH, 50s CH Tamil Nadu 29 40s C, 40s C-Comp., 50s C-Comp., 60s C-Comp., 40s C-Comp.-Ex. Tamil Nadu 30 80s C, 94s C, 100s C, 80s C-Comp., 120s C-Comp., 58s P/C-K (70:30), 62s P/C-K (70:30) Tamil Nadu 57 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table C (contd…) Mill ref. Counts no. 31 40s K, 2/30s K, 2/40s K, 40s K-SHPR, 2/17s K-DHPR, 2/30s K-DHPR, 2/40s K-DHPR State Tamil Nadu 32 32s K, 40s K, 2/32s KH, 51s C, 54s C, 60s C Tamil Nadu 33 10s OE-SHPR, 80s C, 100s C, 120s C, 60s C-Comp., 40s CH-Comp. Tamil Nadu 34 16s CH, 20s CH, 24s CH, 26s CH, 30s CH, 32s CH Madhya Pradesh 35 12s K, 16s K, 20s K, 40s K, 41s K, 60s K, 12s K-Ex., 16s K-Ex. Maharashtra 36 60s C, 55s C-HT, 2/60s CH, 2/60s CH-G, 26s CH-Org-Ex., 28s CH-Org-Ex., 30s CH-Org-Ex., 34s CH-Org-Ex., 40s CH-Org-Ex., 42s CH-Org-Ex. Kerala 37 30s CH-Ex., 32s CH-Ex. Gujarat 38 60s K-FHCR, 55s C-HT, 50s C-DHCR, 60s C-FHCR Tamil Nadu 39 20s K, 34s K Tamil Nadu 40 80s C, 2/80s C-DHPR, 60s C-Comp.-DHCR Tamil Nadu 41 52s P/C-K (70:30), 64s P/C-K (70:30), 66s P/C-K (70:30), 74s P/C-K-Slub (70:30), 55s P/C-C-HT (65:35), 62s P/C-C-HT (65:35) Tamil Nadu 42 80s C, 100s C, 40s C-HT, 80s C-HT, 80s C-Comp., 60s C-Comp.-DHCR Tamil Nadu 43 20s K, 32s K, 40s K, 30s C, 40s C, 60s C, 40s C-Comp., 50s C-Comp., 60s C-Comp., 41s CH Tamil Nadu 44 16s K, 2/20s K, 16s K-Ex., 20s K-Ex., 2/22s K-Ex., 32s CH Tamil Nadu 45 20s KH, 2/20s KH, 2/24s KH, 16s KH-Ex., 20s KH-Ex., 21s KH-Ex., 32s KH-Ex., 21s CH-Ex., 32s CH-Ex. Haryana 58 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table C (contd…) Mill ref. Counts no. 46 2/30s P/V (65:35), 2/40s P/V (65:35), 2/60s P/V (65:35) State Andhra Pradesh 47 40s K, 50s C-Comp., 60s C-Comp., 80s C-Comp., 30s CH, 34s CH, 40s CH, 45s CH Tamil Nadu 48 60s C, 40s P/C-C (67:33), 80s P/C-C (67:33) Tamil Nadu 49 46s K, 60s C-Comp. Tamil Nadu 50 2/20s K Tamil Nadu 51 20s OE, 10s OE-SHPR, 2/24s K-Ex., 2/30s K-Ex., 2/36s K-Ex., 2/40s K-Ex., 105s C, 100s C-Comp., 4/135s C-Comp.-Pll Tamil Nadu 52 7s OE, 10s OE, 12s OE, 8s OE-Ex., 10s OE-Ex., 30s C-Comp., 50s C-Comp., 70s C-Comp. Tamil Nadu 53 30s CH, 34s CH, 40s CH, 40s CH-Comp., 42s CH-Comp. Tamil Nadu 54 40s C, 60s C, 40s C-Comp., 60s C-Comp.-Ex., 20s CH-Ex., 24s CH-Ex., 30s CH-Ex., 40s CH-Ex. Maharashtra 55 40s C, 42s C, 60s C, 67s C, 60s C-Comp. Tamil Nadu 56 7s OE-Ex., 10s OE-Ex., 20s KH, 24s KH, 30s CH, 20s CH-Ex., 24s CH-Ex. Uttar Pradesh 57 10s OE-SHPR, 60s C, 100s C-DHCR, 2/100s C-DHCR, 2/67s C-FHCR, 2/100s C-FHCR-M Tamil Nadu 58 15s P/V (65:35), 20s P/V (65:35), 30s P/V (65:35), 40s P/V (65:35), 2/30s P/V (65:35), 2/40s P/V (65:35) Uttar Pradesh 59 40s K, 44s K, 40s C, 60s C, 64s C, 2/32s C-ET, 2/70s C-ET, 40s C-Comp., 60s C-Comp., 60s CH Tamil Nadu 60 30s KH, 34s KH, 40s KH, 32s C, 40s C, 60s C-Comp., 30s CH, 34s CH, 40s CH Tamil Nadu 59 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table C (contd…) Mill ref. no. 61 60s C Counts State Tamil Nadu 62 16s K, 20s KH, 24s KH, 30s KH, 32s KH, 50s C-Comp., 60s C-Comp., 50s CH, 24s CH-Comp., 45s CH-Comp. Karnataka 63 2/30s P/C-K (65:35), 16s P/C-KH (65:35), 30s P/C-KH (65:35), 22s P/C-KH-Ex. (52:48), 20s P/C-CH-Ex. (52:48), 2/30s P/C-CH-Ex. (52:48) Tamil Nadu 64 20s K, 30s K, 32s K, 20s C, 30s C, 40s C, 50s C, 54s C, 60s C, 50s C-Comp. Andhra Pradesh 65 40s C, 60s C, 80s C, 80s C-Comp., 36s CH, 60s C-Comp.-Ex., 50s CH-Ex. Tamil Nadu 66 100s C, 60s C-Comp., 80s C-Comp., 30s CH, 40s CH Kerala 67 60s K-Comp.-Ex., 60s C-Comp.-Ex., 76s C-Comp.-Ex., 80s C-Comp.-Ex. Karnataka 68 40s K, 38s KH, 32s KH-Ex., 2/60s C, 2/58s CH, 50s CH-Ex. Tamil Nadu 69 60s C, 68s C, 80s C, 60s C-HT, 100s C-Comp. Tamil Nadu 70 100s C, 105s C, 2/100s C Tamil Nadu 71 20s CH, 24s CH, 26s CH-Ex., 32s CH-Ex., 34s CH-Ex., 20s P/C-CH (52:48), 24s P/C-CH (52:48), 30s P/C-CH-Ex. (52:48), 40s P/C-CH-Ex. (52:48) Punjab 72 20s K, 30s K, 40s K, 20s K-DHPR, 40s K-DHPR, 2/17s K-DHPR, 2/30s K-DHPR Tamil Nadu 73 40s K, 2/30s K, 2/40s K, 2/17s K-SHPR, 20s K-DHPR, 40s K-DHPR, 2/30s K-DHPR, 2/40s K-DHPR Tamil Nadu 74 30s K, 32s K, 34s K, 40s K, 16s K-SLUB, 20s K-SLUB, 30s K-SLUB Tamil Nadu 75 21s K, 32s C, 40s C, 20s CH, 30s CH, 30s V, 40s V, 60s V Madhya Pradesh Note: Mill did not provide the data. 60 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table D Movement of YSP, RMC and NOV in 13 different counts between months 20s OE Month YSP RMC NOV 40s K RMC YSP RMC NOV RMC (Rs/kg (Rs/kg as % of (Rs/kg (Rs/kg as % of (Rs/kg) (Rs/kg) of yarn) of yarn) YSP of yarn) of yarn) YSP April ’13-March‘14 Average 135 96 38 71 214 136 78 64 Minimum 129 89 33 68 201 121 67 59 Maximum 141 102 43 74 224 152 85 69 April 2014 137 99 38 72 213 142 71 66 May 138 99 39 71 215 141 74 66 June 138 97 41 70 214 143 71 67 July 135 93 42 69 214 145 69 68 August 130 86 44 66 211 140 71 66 September 126 85 41 68 207 138 69 67 October 119 76 43 64 191 126 65 66 November 115 78 37 68 186 116 70 63 December 2014 112 79 33 71 188 112 76 60 January 2015 114 80 34 70 191 110 81 58 February 114 73 41 63 193 108 85 56 March 2015 116 81 35 70 195 110 85 57 Average 125 86 39 69 202 128 74 63 Minimum 112 73 33 63 186 108 65 56 Maximum 138 99 44 72 215 145 85 68 April 2015 116 80 36 69 194 110 84 57 May 120 78 42 65 189 115 74 61 June 123 78 45 63 187 116 71 62 July 114 73 41 64 191 115 76 61 August 119 75 44 63 183 112 71 62 September 111 68 43 61 179 113 66 64 October 105 66 39 63 180 112 68 62 November 105 61 44 59 177 108 69 61 December 2015 106 71 35 67 176 109 67 62 Average 113 72 41 64 184 112 72 61 April ’14-March‘15 April ’15-August ‘15 61 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table D (contd…) 40s C Month 60s C RMC RMC NOV RMC YSP (Rs/kg (Rs/kg as % of (Rs/kg (Rs/kg as % of (Rs/kg) (Rs/kg) of yarn) of yarn) YSP of yarn) of yarn) YSP YSP RMC NOV April ’13-March‘14 Average 239 152 87 64 286 156 129 55 Minimum 230 139 75 59 272 146 122 52 Maximum 247 167 97 69 293 169 136 58 April 2014 239 157 82 66 288 162 126 56 May 240 158 82 66 289 164 125 57 June 237 159 78 67 284 163 121 57 July 235 160 75 68 281 164 117 59 August 224 158 66 70 273 162 111 59 September 218 158 60 73 268 160 108 60 October 216 151 65 70 261 152 109 58 November 212 133 79 63 256 145 111 57 December 2014 213 131 82 62 256 138 118 54 January 2015 208 128 80 62 253 132 121 53 February 205 126 79 62 249 132 117 53 March 2015 206 123 83 60 248 128 120 52 Average 221 145 76 66 267 150 117 56 Minimum 205 123 60 60 248 128 108 52 Maximum 240 160 83 73 289 164 126 60 April 2015 210 124 86 59 248 129 119 52 May 212 127 85 60 253 132 121 52 June 212 132 80 62 250 133 117 54 July 207 132 75 64 247 134 113 54 August 201 130 71 65 242 131 111 54 September 199 131 68 66 241 131 110 55 October 197 127 70 65 240 130 110 54 November 198 127 71 64 241 129 112 53 December 2015 197 126 71 64 244 126 118 52 Average 204 128 75 63 245 131 115 53 April ’14-March‘15 April ’15-August ‘15 62 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table D (contd…) 80s C Month 100s C RMC RMC NOV RMC YSP (Rs/kg (Rs/ kg as % of (Rs/kg) (Rs/ kg (Rs/ kg as % of (Rs/kg) of yarn) of yarn) YSP of yarn) of yarn) YSP YSP RMC NOV April ’13-March‘14 Average 367 177 190 48 441 199 242 45 Minimum 350 158 181 45 429 178 220 41 Maximum 383 196 198 52 458 232 259 51 April 2014 368 191 177 52 450 235 215 52 May 369 193 176 52 455 235 220 52 June 367 192 175 53 452 234 218 52 July 362 199 163 55 453 225 228 50 August 358 196 162 55 453 218 235 48 September 357 185 172 52 444 217 227 49 October 352 174 178 50 440 211 229 48 November 343 161 182 47 432 188 244 44 December 2014 351 153 198 44 385 180 205 47 January 2015 333 151 182 46 373 187 186 50 February 325 148 177 46 366 178 188 49 March 2015 315 138 177 44 367 170 197 47 Average 350 173 177 50 423 207 216 49 Minimum 315 138 162 44 366 170 186 44 Maximum 369 199 198 55 455 235 244 52 April 2015 315 146 169 46 377 171 206 46 May 326 148 178 46 384 171 213 45 June 318 147 171 46 394 172 222 44 July 312 150 162 48 393 178 215 45 August 309 149 160 48 397 178 219 45 September 313 152 161 48 392 177 215 45 October 318 150 168 47 396 174 222 44 November 318 145 173 46 395 178 217 45 December 2015 308 148 160 48 383 174 209 46 Average 315 148 167 47 390 175 215 45 April ’14-March‘15 April ’15-August ‘15 63 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table D (contd…) 40s C-Comp. Month 50s C-Comp. NOV RMC as RMC NOV RMC YSP (Rs/ kg (Rs/ kg % of (Rs/ kg (Rs/ kg as % of (Rs/kg) (Rs/kg) of yarn) of yarn) YSP of yarn) of yarn) YSP YSP RMC April ’13-March‘14 Average 250 151 100 60 290 153 137 53 Minimum 246 135 90 55 275 136 125 48 Maximum 256 163 112 65 300 161 149 56 April 2014 251 158 93 63 293 162 131 55 May 252 159 93 63 289 165 124 57 June 249 160 89 64 285 164 121 58 July 243 162 81 67 285 168 117 59 August 235 162 73 69 275 169 106 62 September 231 162 69 71 278 165 113 60 October 228 152 76 67 275 164 111 60 November 221 139 82 63 260 149 111 57 December 2014 220 135 85 62 257 141 116 55 January 2015 219 133 86 61 255 137 118 54 February 214 129 85 61 259 140 119 54 March 2015 217 125 92 58 258 136 122 52 Average 232 148 84 64 272 155 117 57 Minimum 214 125 69 58 255 136 106 52 Maximum 252 162 93 71 293 169 131 62 April 2015 220 126 94 57 254 132 122 52 May 222 129 93 58 260 135 125 52 June 222 131 91 59 258 138 120 54 July 219 133 86 61 256 138 118 54 August 214 132 82 62 254 137 117 54 September 213 131 82 61 252 134 118 53 October 206 129 77 63 251 137 114 55 November 209 129 80 62 248 131 117 53 December 2015 209 127 82 61 247 129 118 52 Average 215 130 85 60 253 135 119 53 April ’14-March‘15 April ’15-August ‘15 64 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table D (contd…) 60s C-Comp. Month RMC RMC YSP RMC NOV (Rs/ kg (Rs/ kg as % of (Rs/kg (Rs/ kg as % of (Rs/kg) (Rs/kg) of yarn) of yarn) of yarn) of yarn) YSP YSP YSP RMC NOV 80s C-Comp. April ’13-March‘14 Average 317 157 160 50 410 187 223 46 Minimum 306 141 154 45 396 162 207 40 Maximum 329 169 174 52 427 216 247 51 April 2014 326 169 157 52 444 227 217 51 May 322 174 148 54 421 213 208 51 June 323 171 152 53 418 218 200 52 July 307 168 139 55 414 213 201 51 August 311 173 138 56 408 221 187 54 September 294 167 127 57 400 210 190 52 October 288 163 125 57 387 191 196 50 November 284 153 131 54 370 181 189 49 December 2014 288 141 147 49 366 164 202 45 January 2015 279 138 141 49 360 170 190 47 February 270 139 130 52 351 165 186 47 March 2015 273 134 139 49 380 185 195 48 Average 297 158 140 53 393 197 197 50 Minimum 270 134 125 49 351 164 186 45 Maximum 326 174 157 57 444 227 217 54 April 2015 275 135 140 49 363 156 207 43 May 280 139 141 50 379 165 214 43 June 284 139 145 49 369 165 204 45 July 284 140 144 49 365 163 202 45 August 283 138 145 49 364 158 206 43 September 280 139 141 50 368 161 207 44 October 281 137 144 49 365 157 208 43 November 272 136 136 50 361 159 202 44 December 2015 294 146 148 49 384 175 209 45 Average 281 139 143 49 369 162 207 44 April ’14-March‘15 April ’15-August ‘15 65 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table D (contd…) 30s CH YSP RMC Average 213 152 62 Minimum 204 137 Maximum 228 April 2014 RMC NOV RMC YSP RMC 71 233 152 81 65 53 67 224 135 73 59 167 70 76 244 164 93 69 221 155 66 71 239 156 83 65 May 220 155 65 70 239 157 82 66 June 215 153 62 71 236 158 78 67 July 210 151 59 72 229 155 74 68 August 204 152 52 74 223 154 69 70 September 200 149 51 74 218 152 66 70 October 188 140 48 74 205 145 60 71 November 186 132 54 71 203 143 60 71 December 2014 184 123 61 67 204 135 69 67 January 2015 188 121 67 65 204 131 73 64 February 186 125 61 67 202 129 73 64 March 2015 183 121 62 66 201 123 78 61 Average 199 140 59 70 217 145 72 67 Minimum 183 121 48 65 201 123 60 61 Maximum 221 155 67 74 239 158 83 71 April 2015 186 119 67 64 199 125 74 63 May 190 124 66 66 208 127 81 61 June 192 130 62 68 204 128 76 63 July 182 127 55 70 206 135 71 66 August 180 128 52 71 199 130 69 66 September 181 125 56 69 194 128 66 66 October 179 125 54 70 194 125 69 65 November 175 119 56 69 190 123 67 65 December 2015 177 122 55 69 197 125 72 64 Average 182 124 58 68 199 127 72 64 Month NOV 40s CH (Rs/ kg (Rs/ kg as % of (Rs/ kg (Rs/ kg as % of (Rs/kg) of yarn) of yarn) (Rs/kg) of yarn) of yarn) YSP YSP April ’13-March‘14 April ’14-March‘15 April ’15-August ‘15 66 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table D (contd…) 30s CH-Ex. Month YSP RMC NOV RMC (Rs/kg (Rs/ kg as % of (Rs/kg) of yarn) of yarn) YSP April ’13-March‘14 Average 214 149 65 70 Minimum 202 135 56 65 Maximum 223 162 74 74 April 2014 212 156 56 74 May 213 156 57 73 June 209 155 54 74 July 207 154 53 74 August 202 154 48 76 September 200 151 49 76 October 196 136 60 69 November 191 133 58 70 December 2014 191 122 69 64 January 2015 190 122 68 64 February 185 125 60 67 March 2015 188 123 65 65 Average 199 141 58 71 Minimum 185 122 48 64 Maximum 213 156 69 76 April 2015 182 118 64 65 May 183 123 60 67 June 183 124 59 68 July 183 126 57 69 August 184 127 57 69 September 179 125 54 70 October 173 122 51 71 November 169 117 52 69 December 2015 171 116 55 68 Average 179 122 57 68 April ’14-March‘15 April ’15-August ‘15 67 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table E Mill-wise OTCI in November and December 2015 S. no. November 2015 December 2015 Mill ref. no. OTCI Rank Mill ref. no. OTCI Rank 1 30 126 1 53 124 1 2 41 126 2 31 96 31 3 21 124 3 8 124 2 4 5 112 4 37 108 5 5 18 110 5 6 104 15 6 26 110 6 24 120 3 7 40 109 7 25 108 6 8 39 108 8 73 106 7 9 12 106 9 9 116 4 10 10 105 10 - - - 11 4 104 11 3 103 17 12 55 104 12 45 102 22 13 61 103 13 17 106 9 14 53 103 14 43 105 11 15 23 103 15 50 103 16 16 7 103 16 11 100 28 17 2 103 17 51 103 20 18 59 102 18 60 105 12 19 6 101 19 34 99 30 20 36 101 20 7 92 39 21 46 101 21 42 104 14 22 20 100 22 70 93 36 23 13 100 23 63 100 25 24 17 100 24 4 100 27 25 37 100 25 26 99 29 26 57 99 26 55 103 19 27 19 97 27 13 106 8 28 70 97 28 65 103 21 29 51 97 29 30 93 38 30 11 96 30 10 106 10 68 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Table E (contd…) S. no. November 2015 December 2015 Mill ref. no. OTCI Rank Mill ref. no. OTCI Rank 31 69 96 31 29 95 34 32 16 95 32 33 88 44 33 50 95 33 49 92 40 34 44 95 34 40 100 26 35 42 93 35 15 96 32 36 32 93 36 16 96 33 37 14 92 37 23 105 13 38 68 90 38 28 90 42 39 45 90 39 - - - 40 27 89 40 27 94 35 41 9 88 41 2 83 45 42 31 85 42 - - - 43 8 84 43 21 93 37 44 49 83 44 48 90 43 45 - - - 12 103 18 46 - - - 36 102 23 47 - - - 64 101 24 48 - - - 39 91 41 Total 44 44 44 45 45 45 69 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Count descriptions (for Tables A, B, C and D) AJ OE - Air jet spinning Rotor spinning Ex. K KH SC C CH G HT - Export Carded Carded hosiery Semi combed Combed Combed hosiery Gassed High twist V P/C P/V C/V C/L - 100% viscose Polyester cotton Polyester viscose Cotton viscose Cotton lycra SHPR DHPR DHCR FHCR - Single hank plain reeling Double hank plain reeling Double hank cross reeling Four hank cross reeling Comp. Mel Org. D M ET Pll - Compact Melange Organic cotton Dyed Mercerised Eli-twist Parallel 70 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP MODEL FORMAT FOR COLLECTING DATA FOR THE 34th ONLINE SURVEY OF RMC AND YSP 1. Count-wise average yarn selling price, raw material cost and conversion cost Month: January 2016 (Give for up to ten counts based on quantum of yarn produced) Counts* Particulars i) Actual count (Ne) ii) Ex-mill yarn selling price (Rs/kg)@ (YSP) iii) Avg. raw material cost (Rs/kg) iv) Avg. clean raw material cost (Rs/kg of yarn)# (RMC) v) Total conversion cost (Rs/kg of yarn)$ vi) Net profit/loss (Rs/kg of yarn) (CC) (YSP-RMC-CC) vii) Yarn realisation (%) (YR) viii) Production/spindle (or rotor)/8 hours (g) (P) ix) Yarn production (kg) NEW ‘*’ Please specify whether carded/combed/doubled/OE/warp/weft/hosiery/compact/SHPR/DHPR/DHCR/PV/PC/P/VSF/dyed/gassed/mercerised/high twist, etc. ‘@’ Please deduct expenses like commissions, ocean freight, inland freight, L/C usance interest, sales tax, etc. from the gross price. In the case of export yarn, suitably adjust the ex-mill price for various incentives like DBK, DEPB, FMS, etc. and also for exchange fluctuations. ‘#’ Weighted average cost of various components of raw material used including cost of waste added (if any), after taking into account price fetchable for waste and yarn realisation. ‘$’ Please ensure that count-wise total conversion cost, comprising of salaries and wages cost, power cost, stores and packing materials cost, administrative overheads, interest cost, depreciation and outside job work cost (if any), are furnished. If net loss, prefix –ve sign. Raw material cost (Rs/kg) Clean raw material cost = (Rs/kg of yarn) ___________________________________ Yarn realisation (%) x 100 – Overall selling price of different wastes (Rs/kg of yarn) 71 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP 2. Count-wise yarn quality (Final package) (for the same ten counts as per item 1) Particulars Counts Count CV (%) Strength CV (%) CSP U% Thin places (-50%) Thick places (+50%) Imperfections/1000m Neps (+200%) Total Hairiness index 72 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Appendix 1 Graphical representation of movement of NOV during the past 30 months (April 2013 – September 2015) for the 11 counts 100 NOV (Rs/kg of yarn) Count: 40s K 90 85 85 85 80 84 82 81 80 76 S.Avg: 75 70 71 67 66 65 60 50 April 2013 Aug. 2013 Jan. 2014 June 2014 Nov. 2014 April 2015 Sept. 2015 100 97 Count: 40s C NOV (Rs/kg of yarn) 91 90 90 86 86 80 S.Avg:81 75 76 79 75 70 68 65 60 60 50 April 2013 Aug. 2013 Jan. 2014 June 2014 Nov. 2014 April 2015 Sept. 2015 150 NOV (Rs/kg of yarn) Count: 60s C 140 136 136 132 129 130 S.Avg: 122 120 117 110 110 108 100 April 2013 Aug. 2013 Jan. 2014 June 2014 73 Nov. 2014 April 2015 Sept. 2015 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Appendix 1 (contd…) 200 198 198 NOV (Rs/kg of yarn) 192 Count: 80s C 192 191 190 180 S.Avg: 180 175 170 169 162 160 160 150 April 2013 Aug. 2013 Jan. 2014 June 2014 Nov. 2014 Sept. 2015 April 2015 275 NOV (Rs/kg of yarn) 257 Count: 100s C 259 250 244 239 235 225 S.Avg: 226 219 215 215 200 186 175 April 2013 Aug. 2013 Jan. 2014 June 2014 Nov. 2014 April 2015 Sept. 2015 NOV (Rs/kg of yarn) 125 Count: 40s C-Comp. 112 99 100 101 94 93 S.Avg: 91 85 82 75 69 50 April 2013 Aug. 2013 Jan. 2014 June 2014 74 Nov. 2014 April 2015 Sept. 2015 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Appendix 1 (contd…) NOV (Rs/kg of yarn) 150 149 142 141 140 Count: 50s C-Comp. 142 137 130 S.Avg: 126 125 120 117 110 111 106 100 April 2013 Aug. 2013 Jan. 2014 June 2014 Nov. 2014 Sept. 2015 April 2015 200 NOV (Rs/kg of yarn) Count: 60s C-Comp. 175 174 170 159 S.Avg: 148 152 150 138 141 130 125 125 100 April 2013 250 Aug. 2013 Jan. 2014 June 2014 Nov. 2014 Sept. 2015 April 2015 247 NOV (Rs/kg of yarn) Count: 80s C-Comp. 236 228 225 217 220 217 S.Avg: 209 200 214 202 200 187 189 186 175 April 2013 Aug. 2013 Jan. 2014 June 2014 75 Nov. 2014 April 2015 Sept. 2015 _____SITRA *****33rd Online Survey of RMC & YSP Appendix 1 (contd…) 80 NOV (Rs/kg of yarn) Count: 30s CH 70 70 67 67 67 67 64 S.Avg: 60 60 59 57 53 52 50 48 40 April 2013 Aug. 2013 Jan. 2014 June 2014 Nov. 2014 Sept. 2015 April 2015 100 NOV (Rs/kg of yarn) 93 Count: 40s CH 90 85 84 83 81 80 S.Avg: 76 74 73 70 69 66 60 60 50 April 2013 Aug. 2013 Jan. 2014 June 2014 Nov. 2014 April 2015 Sept. 2015 ***** 76 _____SITRA
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