Auction 9-22-01 Catalog - Provincetown Art Association and Museum
Auction 9-22-01 Catalog - Provincetown Art Association and Museum
Provincetown Ar t Association and Museum ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT A U C T I O N Early Provincetown Art Auctioneer: James R. Bakker Mass. License #154 Saturday, September 22, 2001 7 pm Lot 46 Charles W. Hawthorne Preview Exhibition September 14 - 22, 2001 Daily Noon - 5 pm, Fri & Sat Noon - 5pm & 8-10 pm Conditions of Sale: 1. All property is sold “as is” and the auctioneer makes no warranty or representation of the correctness of the catalog or other description of the physical condition, size, quality, rarity, importance, provenance, exhibitions, literature or historical relevance of the property, and no statement anywhere, whether oral or written shall be deemed such a warranty or representation. 2. The auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid or raise not commensurate with the value of the lot, to withdraw the lot, or to reoffer the lot in the event of a disputed bid. In all cases, the auctioneer’s decision and record of final sale shall be conclusive. 3. At the call of “sold” by the auctioneer, title to and full risk and responsibility for the lot shall pass to the buyer. 4. All lots are subject to a 15% buyer’s premium and 5% state sales tax unless buyer has a Massachusetts sales tax exemption number. 5. Personal checks will be accepted only from buyers known to us. Makers of bad checks will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 6. All items must be removed and paid for in full on the evening of the sale or during the pick up hours of Noon to 2 pm on the day following, Sunday, September 23, 2001. 7. Our liability to the purchaser will not exceed the actual purchase price. 8. Bidding on any article(s) indicates your acceptance of these terms and any other which may be announced from the block at the time of the sale. Measurements in the auction listing are of the image and are in inches, height preceding width. Where no date is given no date is known. 2 1 Jessie T. Ames, Provincetown Hollyhocks, n.d., oil on board, 10 x 8", est. $400/600 12 May Austin Claus, Surf, Peaked Hill Bar, n.d., watercolor on paper sll 4 x 5", est. $400/600 2 Edith Hoyt Stewart, Provincetown Road, 1892, wc/paper sig. & titled verso, 9.25 x 7", est. $200/300 12.1 Bruce McKain, Houses and Heritage Museum, Winter, n.d., oil on canvas slr, 21 x 25", est. $2,000/ 3,000 3 John Hare, Lumber Wharf, Provincetown, n.d., watercolor on paper, slr 9.5 x 11.5", est. $800/1200 13 George E. Browne, untitled (Fishermen & Boats), n.d., etching slr 7.5 x 9.5", est. $200/300 4 Tod Lindenmuth, On The Mooring, c.1945, color woodblock print slr 7.25 x 9.5 imp., est. $500/700 14 Ora Inge Maxim, Hollyhock Lane (Provincetown), c.1930, metal relief print, 4.25 x 5.5", est. $300/500 5 Courtney Allen, Pearl Divers, n.d. oil on board, 5.5 x 14.5", est. $300/500 15 Xavier Gonzales, Insects #3, 1972, gouache on paper sll, 23 x 18", est. $400/600 6 Umberto Romano, House on Dune, 1921, oil/board slr, 10 x 10", est. $400/600 16 Ross Moffett, Truro Mother, n.d. black & white litho., 6 x 8", est. $200 7 Elmer A. Stephan, Provincetown, n.d., color pencil on paper slr, 9.25 x 7", est. $300/500 17 Sol Wilson, Breakwaters, ink, charcoal, 12 x 16", est. $300/400 8 Tod Lindenmuth, The Home Port, n.d. color woodblock print slr 8.5 x 6", est. $400/600 18 Nicola D'Ascenza, Beached, 1917, drypoint etching slr, 8 x 10", est. imp. $200/300 9 John Hare, Cape Cod Summer, n.d. watercolor on paper slr, 6.75 x 8", est. $400/500 19 William Boogar, 2 Seahorse Candlesticks, cast bronze, 4.5 x 4.5 x 4.5", est. $400/600 10 Raymond W. Perry, At Anchor, n.d. #26/1, woodblock print, 6.5 x 5.5", est. $200/300 20 Howard L. Rich, Indian Summer, Provincetown, 1968, watercolor (with book) slr, 14 x 20" vis., est. $600/800 11 Lucy L'Engle, In Provincetown, 1950, watercolor on illustration board slr, 13.5 x 13.5", est. $600/800 3 Lot 3 Lot 16 Lot 11 Lot 5 Lot 19 Lot 12 Lot 6 Lot 20.1 Lot 12.1 Lot 7 Lot 24 Lot 13 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 15 Lot 32 4 20.1 W.H.W. Bicknell, The Pool, 1924, etching sll, 12 x 9.5", est. $800/ 1,000 29.1 Philip Malicoat, Hotel De Sens, Paris, 1960, oil on canvas, sll, 29 x 36" est. $2,000/3,000 21 J. Merriss, The Sandbar Club, 1937, oil on board slr, 20 x 16", est. $300/500 30 Unknown, untitled, n.d., oil on linen, 19.5 x 15.24", est. $300/500 31 Charles Heinz, Red House, c. 1930, mixed media estate stamped, 9.5 x 11.5", est. $400/600 22 Sol Wilson, Night in Provincetown, n.d., oil on linen slr, 16 x 20" est. $2000/3000 32 Harold Haven Brown, Flowers in Blue Vase, n.d., color woodcut, slr 9.5 x 7.5" (oval), est. $300/500 23 E.B. Warren, Up Along, etching, 8.5 x 7.5", est. $200/300 33 Martha Dunigan, untitled (dunescape), 1964, ink on paper slr 14 x 16", est. $200/300 24 Edith Jane Bacon, untitled (Deer in a Forest), c.1930, white line woodcut (#4/25) sll, 12 x 9.5", est. $500/ 700 34 Reeves Euler, untitled still life (2 pears & apple), n.d., oil on board slr 10 x 14", est. $600/800 25 Ella B. Smith, The Captain Provincetown, n.d., oil on board, slr, label verso, 23 x 18", est. $400/600 35 Heinrich Pfeiffer, Chinese Garden, 1944, oil on canvas, sll, 22 x 24" est. $600/800 26 Gerrit Beneker, Ships in N.Y. Harbor, 1906, charcoal & colored chalk on paper slr, 18 x 12", est. $600/ 900 36 Karl Knaths, Cubist Head, n.d. oil & crayon on paper slr 10 x 7.5", est. $600/800 27 Karl Knaths, untitled (Rooster), n.d., watercolor on paper estate stamped 8 x 6" vis., est. $500/700 37 Agnes Weinrich, untitled (Abstract), n.d., oil on fiberboard, slr 9.75 x 7.75", est. $700/900 28 David Vereano, untitled (sinking ship), 1985, monoprint slr, 20 x 22" est. $400/600 38 D. Helm, The Old Methodist Church in Provincetown, n.d., pastel on paper slr, 14.75 x 10", est. $900/ 1,200 29 Harry Hering, untitled, n.d., oil on board, 13.5 x 17", est. $1,000/1,500 5 Lot 28 Lot 35 Lot 29.1 Lot 40 Lot 39 Lot 51 Lot 42 Lot 55 Lot 56 Lot 49 Lot 47 Lot 53 Lot 45 6 39 Donald Witherstine, Late Afternoon Provincetown, n.d., woodcut, slr 9.5 x 9.5", est. $200/300 stamped 6.5 x 8", est. $300/500 49 Ross Moffett, Women on Shore, n.d. black & white litho, 9 x 14" est. $300/500 40 Sol Wilson, Junction at Mt. Tremper oil on canvas, 24 x 36", est. $3,000/5,000 50 J. Floyd Clymer, Mission Town in The Hills, n.d., oil on canvas, 29 x 36" est. $1,000/1,500 41 Daisey M. Hughes, Provincetown Wharf, n.d., oil on canvas slr, 16 x 14" est. $600/800 51 Reeves Euler, untitled (3 nudes), n.d., graphite on paper, sll, 11 x 8" est. vis. $200/300 42 Tod Lindenmuth, Gull Flight, c.1970 oil on canvasboard, sll, 16 x 20" est. $400/600 52 Grace Swank, Abstract, 1939, pastel on paper sll, 11 x 9", est. $500/700 43 E.B. Warren, The Edge of the Dunes etching, 5.5 x 7.5", est. $200/ 300 53 Hanniah Harari, Geometric Abstract 1941, gouache, sul, 5.25 x 7.75" est. $600/800 44 Heinrich Pfeiffer, Provincetown Dock, n.d., oil on board, sll, 12 x 10" est. $600/800 54 Agnes Weinrich, untitled, n.d. pastel on paper, sll, 5.5 x 7.5" est. $400/600 45 Joseph Kaplan, untitled (sunset and rocks), n.d., gouache on paper, slr 21 x 29", est. $1500/2000 55 Sol Wilson, Bleak Shore, n.d., oil on canvas, sll, 36 x 24" est. $2,000/3,000 56 Joseph Kaplan, untitled (boats in a harbor), n.d., gouache on paper, slr 20 x 28.5", est. $1500/2000 46 C.W. Hawthorne, Town Square in Arles, n.d., watercolor on paper, sll 14 x 19.5", est. $3,000/5,000 57 William Littlefield, Mexican Plant, 1950, oil/board, 12.5 x 10.5", est. $600/800 47 M. Rogers Steele, Provincetown Wharf, c.1920's, oil on canvas, 20 x 16" est. $900/1,200 58 Mischa Richter, untitled (Elephant & Anteater), n.d., ink on paper, slr, 13 x 19.5", est. $400/600 48 Karl Knaths, untitled (doublesided) n.d., watercolor on paper estate 7 Lot 61.1 Lot 65 Lot 71 Lot 68 Lot 93 Lot 70 Lot 72 Lot 78 8 59 Harold Lund, untitled (Commercial St), c.1930, watercolor on paper, slr, 14 x 20", est. $1,500-2,500 69 Reeves Euler, Seated Nude, n.d. graphite/paper, slr, 9 x 5.5" est. $200/300 60 Raphael Soyer, untitled (seated nude), n.d., litho A.P.VIII, slr 15 x 17.5" (image), est. $400/600 70 Bonnie Whittingham, Backyard Provincetown, n.d., oil on canvas, slr 24 x 48", est. $900-1,200 61 William Freed, Boats, 1929, watercolor on paper, slr, 11.5 x 15.5", est. $300/500 71 Karl Knaths, Rooster in Landscape, 1968, mixed media (oil & marker on palete paper), 11 x 16", est. $800/1,200 61.1 W.H.W. Bicknell, untitled (country road), 1916, etching, slr 3 x 4", est. $500/800 72 Gregorio Prestopino, Metro, oil on board, slr (annotated "Paris") 27 x 21.5", est. $600/800 62 Alvin Ross, After the Shower, 1961 lithograph on paper, A/P, sll, 21 x 16" est. $400/600 73 Remo Farruggio, untitled, 1966, oil on board, sll, 10 x 14", est. $400/ 600 63 Ross Moffett, Provincetown Roofs, n.d., oil on board, slr & verso, 16 x 20" est. $1,000/1,500 74 Raphael Soyer, untitled (recl. nude) charcoal/paper, slr, 11 x 17" est. $400/ 600 64 Agnes Weinrich, untitled (Still Life w/Melon), n.d., oil & pastel on paper slr, 7.5 x 13", est. $400/600 75 Bertha Ried, Provincetown Dock, oil on linen, 24 x 21", est. $2,000/ 3,000 65 Reeves Euler, Portrait of the Artist's Mother, 1929, oil on board, sll, 22 x 18" est. $400/600 76 Heinrich Pfeiffer, untitled, n.d. oil on canvasboard, sll, 14 x 13", est. $500/700 66 Sol Wilson, untitled (Breakwater), n.d., gouache on paper, slr, matted & framed, 10.5 x 14.5", est. $1,000/1,500 67 Lena Gurr, Still Life, n.d., oil on board, sll, 16 x 20", est. $600/800 77 Agnes Weinrich, untitled (self?), n.d., watercolor on paper, slr "AW", 11.5 x 8.5", est. $400/600 68 Robert Beauchamp, Man in Green Shirt, 1994, watercolor on paper, slr 29 x 21", est. $700/900 78 Robert Beauchamp, Man and Red Wall, oil on canvas paper slr, 23 x 17" est. $700/900 9 Lot 82 Lot 87 Lot 88 Lot 89 Lot 85 Lot 94 Lot 83 Lot 99 Lot 91 Lot 86 10 Lot 100 79 Harold Lund, untitled (boats & dock), 1930, watercolor on paper, slr 14 x 20", est. $1,500-2,500 89 Umberto Romano, untitled (winter scene), n.d., oil on board, slr, 7.25 x 12" est. $200/300 80 Heinrich Pfeiffer, untitled (wharf, Provincetown), n.d., oil on canvas 24 x 34", est. $1,500-2,000 90 Raphael Soyer, untitled (figures on street), n.d. #262/300, litho/watercolor on paper, slr, 20 x 15", est. $600/800 81 Ferol S. Warthen, Green, oil on board, 29 x 19.5", est. $800/1,200 91 Gerrit Hondius, Portrait of a Clown, n.d., oil/paper, sul, 12 x 8", est. $600/800 82 Harold Haven Brown, untitled (clipper ship), n.d., hand-colored woodcut slr, 8" diameter, est. $300/ 500 92 Heinrich Pfeiffer, Evening Song, n.d. oil on board, slr, 13.5 x 12.5" est. $600/800 83 Sol Wilson, The Lagoon, n.d., oil on canvas, sll, 20 x 30", est. $2,000/ 3,000 93 Vaclav Vytlacil, Marina Grande, 1924 #13/15 ll, lith with colors, slr, 13.5 x 17" est. $200/300 84 William Freed, Exuberance, oil on canvas, sll, 24 x 34", est. $800/ 1,200 94 Hanniah Harari, The Toast, 1947 mixed media (Grisaille), slr, 5.25 x 6.25", est. $600/800 85 Reeves Euler, Portrait of the Artist's Grandmother, 1929, oil on board, sll, 24 x 20", est. $400/600 95 Sol Wilson, untitled, n.d., oil on canvas, sll, 24 x 20", est. $3,000/5,000 86 William Freed, Still Life with Mirror, n.d., mixed med., slr, 10 x 14", est. $400/600 96 Ross Sanders, untitled (grey abstract, organic), n.d., gouache on paper, initialed lr, 26 x 20", est. $300/ 500 87 Blanche Lazzell, My Wharf Stuido, c.1935, woodblock print, initialed in block, lr, 5.25 x 4", est. $200/ 300 97 Ross Sanders, untitled (grey abstract, geometric), n.d., gouache on paper, 26 x 20", est. $300/500 88 Robert Beauchamp, Self Portrait, oil on canvas, slr, 18 x 13", est. $700/ 900 98 Boris Margo, Tale of a Comet, 1965 cellocut print, slr, 30 x 22", est. $200/300 11 Lot 103 Lot 104 Lot 120 Lot 113 Lot 112 Lot 106 Lot 118 Lot 119.1 12 99 Karl Knaths, untitled, n.d., hand-colored litho, slr, 13 x 17.75", est. $400/600 $200/300 110 Marjorie Windust, From the Mountain Crest, 1962, oil on canvas, sll & verso, 30 x 40", est. $400/600 100 Frederick Judd Waugh, Docks at Provincetown in Winter, oil on board, slr, 24 x 36", est. $5,000/7,000 111 Agnes Weinrich, untitled (still life, sunflower), n.d., oil pastel on paper, sll, 12 x 9.5", est. $400/600 101 Karl Knaths, Studio Closet, n.d. watercolor & graphite on paper, slr, 8.25 x 10.75" vis., est. $800/1,200 102 Peter Hunt, L'Ete, n.d., color serigraph, slr, 20 x 16", est. $200/300 112 Paul Burlin, Composition, 1952, oil on canvas, sul, 32 x 26.5", est. $800/ 1,200 103 Florence Bradshaw Brown,Old North Church, n.d., woodcut, slr, 6 x 3.5", est. $200/300 113 Vaclav Vytlacil, Italian Fishing Boats, 1924, #7/15 ll, litho. with color slr, 14 x 17.5", est. $200/300 104 Florence Bradshaw Brown, Old Fairbanks House, Pepham, woodblock print, slr, 5.25 x 3.25", est. $200/300 114 Mab Pfeiffer, untitled, n.d., collage on board, slr, 12 x 9", est. $200/ 300 115 Ross Sanders, untitled (abstract), n.d., oil on canvas, initialed ll & lr, 32 x 24", est. $400/600 105 Helen Hunt Beneker, Lady in Pink, c.1930's, oil on canvas, slr, 24 x 20" est. $400/600 116 Sol Wilson, The Meadow, oil on canvas, 8 x 10", est. $1,000/1,200 106 Karl Knaths, untitled (harbor view), n.d., watercolor on paper, 15 x 10" est. $1,500/2,500 117 Hans Peter Hansen, Ganymede Playing for the Gods, c.1930's, graphite on paper, 7.25 x 7.25", est. $200/ 300 107 Hans Peter Hansen, Maiden Minstrels, c.1930's, graphite on paper, 11 x 8", est. $200/300 118 William L'Engle, 2.3.52 Weather Map, watercolor on paper, 14 x 19", est. $500/700 108 Gordon Hansen, Truro Hills, n.d., oil on canvasboard, slr, 16 x 20", est. $300/500 109 Eliza D. Gardiner, Circus Fans, b&w woodblock print, slr, 12 x 8.5" est. 119 Reeves Euler, Judy, n.d., graphite on paper, sll, 12.5 x 6", est. $100/200 13 Lot 124 Lot 129 Lot 132 Lot 139 Lot 135 Lot 128 Lot 140 14 Lot 141 119.1 Karl Knaths, Portrait of Helen, 1960-64, oil on canvas, 36 x 24" est. $2,000/3,000 130 Chaim Gross, Portrait of Emil Arnold Sketching, Provincetown, 1945 graphite, ink & watercolor on paper, slr, 15.75 x 21", est. $500/700 120 Raphael Soyer, Woman with Folded Arms, itho. with colors slr, 16.5 x 13.5" est. $200/300 131 Mab Pfeiffer, untitled (bird), n.d. mixed media collage, slr, 12 x 9" est. $200/300 121 Maurice Sterne, untitled (Balinese figure), n.d., graphite on paper, slr, 15 x 12", est. $100/200 132 Harry Shokler, Still Water (Provincetown dock), n.d., color serigraph, slr, 12.5 x 15.5", est. $200/300 122 Hugh Coulter, Wind Grass, 1962, oil on canvas, slr, 25 x 10", est. $200/300 133 Unknown, untitled (still life), n.d oil on canvas, from the studio of Reeves Euler, 20 x 24", est. $300/500 123 Blanche Lazzell, untitled (grinding wheel), 1952, gouache on paper, slr 12 x 15", est. $600/800 134 Marjorie Windust, The Family, 1978, acrylic on paper, slr, 13 x 20" est. $200/300 124 (Janice) Biala, Abstract with Dog oil on canvas, slr, 13 x 15" est. $400/600 135 Karl Knaths, untitled (two faces), n.d., black & white litho. on paper, slr, 12 x 15" imp., est. $400/600 125 Ross Sanders, untitled, n.d., oil on canvas, 20 x 24", est. $400/600 136 Martha Dunigan, Begonia, n.d. #2/10 woodblock print, slr, 14.5 x 8", est. $100/200 126 Albert Edel, Sunset in the Harbor, n.d., color etching & aquatint, slr, 4.75 x 7", est. $200/300 137 Maud Morgan, Abstract, 1969 silkscreen, slr, 23 x 32", est. $100/200 127 Bonnie Whittingham, By The Dory, n.d., collage, slr, 16 x 28", est. $400/600 138 Maria Piazenza, untitled (Provincetown), 1945, oil on board, slr 16 x 20", est. $200/300 128 Ora Inge Maxim, untitled (still life with doll), n.d., oil on canvas, slr, 20 x 16", est. $300/500 139 Tod Lindenmuth, Rafted Boats, c.1960's, oil on board (two-sided), slr 12 x 16", est. $600/800 129 Isaac Caliga (attrib. to), untitled (portrait of a woman), n.d., oil on canvas, 30 x 24.5", est. $400/600 15 140 Chaim Gross, Summer Fancy, n.d. #86/185, color litho, slr, 12.5 x 18" est. $200/300 Lot 143.1 Lot 151 Lot 143 Lot 151.1 Lot 149 Lot 156 Lot 150 Lot 144 16 Lot 159 141 John Hare, Harbor Mist, Menemsha n.d., watercolor on paper, slr, 12.5 x 10.5", est. $400/600 150 Chaim Gross, To Mabel...., 1965 graphite & watercolor on paper, slr, 17.5 x 13", est. $300/500 142 Louis K. Harlow, The House of Dr. Manette, c.1885, mixed media, slr (with original identification letter by artist) 9 x 8", est. $300/500 151 Minna G. Webb, The Old Lane, Provincetown, n.d., oil on canvas, sll 9 x 12", est. $200/300 151.1 Philip Malicoat, Yellow House with Trees, 1960, oil on canvas, sll 18 x 15", est. $2,000/3,000 143 Hananiah Harari, 2 Sketches for WPA Mural Study "New York Harbor" 1937, graphite on paper, slr, each 4 x 10.5", est. $600/800 152 Ross Sanders, untitled (abstract) n.d., gouache on paper, slr, 8 x 10" est. $200/300 143.1 Karl Knaths, untitled, monotype print (double sided), 12 x 15" imp. est. $2,000/3,000 153 Martha Dunigan, untitled, n.d., ink on paper, slr, 14 x 16", est. $200/ 300 144 Unknown, untitled (lighthouse), n.d., oil on board, 12 x 16", est. $400/600 145 Moses Soyer, untitled (seated woman), n.d., litho. #62/99, sll, 19.5 x 14", est. $200/300 154 Charles Heinz, Taking Aim, c.1920 charcoal on paper, slr, 18 x 12" vis., est. $200/300 146 Dorothy Lake Gregory, Red Coat, Frigate & Flowers, n.d., oil on canvasboard, slr, 16 x 20", est. $600/800 155 Fred Tasch, untitled (face), 1970 oil on canvas, signed verso, 25 x 18" est. $400/600 147 Hans Peter Hansen, Olympian Scale Study of a Nose, c.1930's, graphite on paper, initialed lr, 12.75 x 10.75" est. $200/300 156 Donald Witherstine, Messengers of the Sea, woodcut (Ed. 100), slr, 10.5 x 10.5", est. $200/300 157 Chaim Gross, Seasons Greetings, 1965, black & white litho., 22 x 14" est. $200/300 148 Mab Pfeiffer, Carnival #2, n.d., mixed media collage, slr, 12 x 9" est. $200/300 149 AFON, Rural Scene, c.1935, oil on board, estate stamped verso, 16 x 20" est. $600/900 158 Karl Fortess, P-Town (shoreline) n.d., graphite on paper, initialed lr, 8 x 14.75", est. $100/200 17 Lot 174 Lot 162 Lot 173 Lot 177 Lot 162.1 Lot 172 Lot 164 Lot 168 18 Lot 179 159 Tod Lindenmuth, Waves and Gulls, c.1960's, oil on board, slr, 12 x 14.5" est. $800/1,200 169 Bouchard, Pomp and Fantasy, 1980 collage, slr, 13 x 9.5", est. $100/200 160 Libbian Trynz, untitled, c.1970's oil on canvas, 24 x 30", est. $200/300 170 (E.B.?) Warren, untitled (flowers), n.d., mixed media on paper, slr, "Warren", 18 x 22", est. $200/300 161 Martha Dunigan, Prehistoric Picnic, n.d., woodblock print (#7/10), slr 8 x 10", est. $100/200 171 Martha Dunigan, Boat Ride woodblock print (#5/10), slr, 7.5 x 10" est. $1,200 162 Morgan Dennis, Town Crier, n.d., etching, slr, 5 x 3.5", est. $200/300 172 Ygan de Nagy, Boats at Dock, n.d. oil on board, 6 x 8", est. $300/500 162.1 Bruce McKain, Provincetown Harbor with Fish House, n.d., oil on board, slr, 20 x 24", est. $2,000/3,000 173 Albert Edel, Colonial Wharf, n.d. hand-colored etching, slr, 4.75 x 4" est. $200/300 163 Chaim Gross, He Who Saves A Life...,c.1968, litho., 14 x 10", slr, w/ testimonial, est. $200/300 174 Harold Haven Brown, Ship in the Harbor, 1920, color linocut, sll, 10 x 6.5" est. $200/300 164 Dorothy Lake Gregory, Alice and the White Knight, 1937, litho., slr, 11 x 13.5", est. $200/300 175 William Freed, untitled (abstract), c.late 1950's, oil on canvas, signed verso 14 x 11", est. $300/500 165 Coulton Waugh, Portrait of JFK, Dec. '63, oil on canvas, slr, 29 x 23" est. $500/700 176 Harold Haven Brown, untitled (cathedral), n.d., color woodcut, 6 x 3.5" est. $200/300 166 Gerrit Hondius, Women and Birds, n.d. a.k.a., Girls with Bird Cages, watercolor on paper, slr, 8 x 5", est. $200/300 177 Albert Edel, Cape Cod Cottage, n.d. color etching & aquatint, slr, 5 x 6.75" est. $200/300 167 Consuelo Eames Hanks, MCP, n.d. litho, #107/1500, 12 X 8.5", est. $100/200 178 May Moulton Cheney, Yellow, Queene, 1947, oil on canvas, 15.5 x 20.5", est. $200/300 168 Albert Edel, Sklaroff Wharf, n.d., color etching & aquatint, slr, 8.25 x 11" est. $200/300 179 Sam Miller, The Crazy House, n.d., woodblock print, slr, 10.75 x 8.25", est. $200/300 19 AFON ................................................. 149 Courtney ALLEN ................................... 5 Jessie T. AMES ...................................... 1 Edith Jane BACON .............................. 24 Robert BEAUCHAMP ............. 68, 78, 88 Gerrit BENEKER ................................. 26 Helen Hunt BENEKER ..................... 105 (Janice) BIALA ................................... 124 W.H.W. BICKNELL ................... 20.1, 61.1 William BOOGAR ............................... 19 ? BOUCHARD ................................... 169 Florence Bradshaw BROWN .... 103, 104 Harold Haven BROWN . 32, 82, 174, 176 George Elmer BROWNE .................... 13 Paul BURLIN ..................................... 112 Isaac CALIGA .................................... 129 May Moulton CHENEY .................... 178 May Austin CLAUS ............................. 12 J. Floyd CLYMER ................................. 50 Hugh COULTER ............................... 122 Nicola D’ASCENZA ............................. 18 (YGAN) DE NAGY ............................. 172 Morgan DENNIS ............................... 162 Martha DUNIGAN33, 136, 153, 161, 171 Albert EDEL ............... 126, 168, 173, 177 Reeves EULER ..... 34, 51, 65, 69, 85, 119 Remo FARRUGGIO ............................ 73 Karl FORTESS ................................... 158 William FREED ............... 61, 84, 86, 175 Eliza Draper GARDINER ................. 109 Xavier GONZALES ............................. 15 Dorothy Lake GREGORY .......... 146, 164 Chaim GROSS ... 130, 140, 150, 157, 163 Lena GURR .......................................... 67 Consuelo Eames HANKS ................. 167 Gordon HANSEN .............................. 108 Hans Peter HANSEN ........ 107, 117, 147 Hananiah HARARI ............... 53, 94, 143 John HARE ................................ 3, 9, 141 Louis HARLOW ................................ 142 Charles W. HAWTHORNE ................. 46 Charles HEINZ ........................... 31, 154 D. HELM .............................................. 38 Harry HERING .................................... 29 Gerrit HONDIUS ........................ 91, 166 Daisey M. HUGHES ........................... 41 Peter HUNT ....................................... 102 Joseph KAPLAN ............................ 45, 56 Karl KNATHS27, 36, 48, 71, 99, 101, 106, 119.1, 135, 143.1 Lucy L’ENGLE ...................................... 11 William L’ENGLE .............................. 118 Blanche LAZZELL ....................... 87, 123 Tod LINDENMUTH .... 4, 8, 42, 139, 169 William LITTLEFIELD ........................ 57 Harold LUND ................................ 59, 79 Philip MALICOAT ................. 29.1, 151.1 Boris MARGO ...................................... 98 Ora Inge MAXIM ........................ 14, 128 Bruce MC KAIN .................... 12.1, 162.1 J. MERRISS ......................................... 21 Sam MILLER ..................................... 179 Ross MOFFETT ....................... 16, 49, 63 Maud MORGAN ................................ 137 Raymond W. PERRY ............................ 10 Heinrich PFEIFFER ... 35, 44, 76, 80, 92 Mab PFEIFFER .................. 114, 131, 148 Maria PIAZENZA .............................. 138 Gregorio PRESTOPINO ...................... 72 Howard L. RICH ................................. 20 Mischa RICHTER ................................ 58 Bertha RIED ........................................ 75 Umberto ROMANO ........................ 6, 89 Alvin ROSS .......................................... 62 Ross SANDERS ..... 96, 97, 115, 125, 152 Harry SHOKLER ............................... 132 Ella B. SMITH ..................................... 25 Moses SOYER ................................... 145 Raphael SOYER ............... 60, 90, 74, 120 M. Rogers STEELE .............................. 47 Elmer A. STEPHAN .............................. 7 Maurice STERNE .............................. 121 Edith Hoyt STEWART ........................... 2 Grace SWANK ...................................... 52 Fred TASCH ...................................... 155 Libbian TRYNZ .................................. 160 UNKNOWN ......................... 30, 133, 144 David VEREANO ................................. 28 Vaclav VYTLACIL ........................ 93, 113 (E. B.?) WARREN ............................... 170 E.B. WARREN ................................ 23, 43 Ferol S. WARTHEN ............................. 81 Coulton WAUGH .............................. 165 Frederick Judd WAUGH ................... 100 Minna G. WEBB ................................ 151 Agnes WEINRICH .... 37, 54, 64, 77, 111 Bonnie WITTINGHAM .............. 70, 127 Sol WILSON17, 22, 40, 55, 66, 83, 95, 116 Marjorie WINDUST .................. 110, 134 Donald WITHERSTINE .............. 39, 156 20 Lot 127 Lot 130 Lot 170 Lot 165 COLLECTION CATALOG 152 pages, 66 color illustrations over 150 black and white illustrations. Listing of the 1,500+ works in the collection. Reprints of catalog essays on the history of the Art Colony by Kathi Smith and Tony Vevers $30 soft cover, $70 hardcover at the Museum Store or call 508-487-1750 21 Provincetown Art Association and Museum ABSENTEE BIDDING Please bid on my behalf at your auction on September 22, 2001 for the following Lot(s) up to the prices mentioned below. These bids are to be executed as cheaply as is permitted by other bids or reserves. PAAM assumes no responsibility for errors or failure to execute these bids. 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To ensure that you do not lose in this case, you may authorize us to increase your bid by one increment beyond your maximum bid to try to break this “tie” with the audience by checking the appropriate column on this bid form (PLUS ONE). 22 Provincetown Art Association and Museum Absentee Bid Form LOT # ARTIST MAXIMUM BID PRICE (EXCLUDING 15% PREMIUM) PLUS ONE NAME: _________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________ ___________________________________ PHONE _________________________________ MASS RESALE # ________________________ SIGNATURE: ____________________________ DATE: __________________________________ 23 Visit our Web site at (508) 487-1750 • FAX: (508) 487-4372 e-mail: [email protected]
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