
J UARY 25, 2014
HCST (Formerly APA Recr ation Center), North Bergen, New Jersey
In attendance:
Yoshisada Yonezuka Cranford Judo & Karat Center
Joseph Ahern
Hugh Hall
Chun-Mon Tsang
Long Island Sport Judo
Billy Martin
Empire Budokai
Robin Rosenthal
Nobuyoshi Higashi Kokushi Budo Institute o NY, Inc.
Shintaro Higashi
Lillian Tom
Andy Bhagwandat
Adam Marcus
Tech Judo
Clyde Worthen
Salama Salem
Alaine Abuan
Jeremy Abuan
Sam Ebrahim7adeh
Leonardo Victoria
0 server:
It It
Ulster Budokai
Mark Roosa
Bill Scribner
Anthony Carnal Carnal Judo
Chris Skelley
Jim Kinder
Dr. Mel Appelbaum NYAC
Yoichiro Matsumura NYAC/Kolcushikai
Celita Schutz
Tamara Hemingway
Cindy Simon
Jeff Wolfe
Lloyd Timothy Llamas Gentleway Masters
Ikuo Kamae
Princeton Judo
Cpry Cuomo
Stephen Friedman Oishi Judo Club
NY Dojo
Boris Munoz
Anthony Mercado Jamie Towers Judo
Kokushi Dojo
David Otani
1. President Yonezuka called the meeting to rder at 3:04 p.m.
2. Minutes of previous meeting distributed
Martin. Motion passed.
d read. Motion to accept minutes —Mr. A. Carnal. Second —Mr.; B.
3. President's Report — Mr. Y. Yonezuka
a. There were scoring system issues th the HJY promotion test. Mr. Yonezuka and Mr. Roosa made
guidelines. We implemented them at e last examination, which resulted in more consistent scoring.
b. The NY Athletic Club will host the N w York Open on March 2, 2014. The date was changed to allow the
It is anticipated that the following teams will compete: Canada,
Tokai University Team to participat
France, Germany, Russia, USA, and kai University.
1) There will not be enough time f r a clinic or workout with the Tokai Team, as they will arrive the
afternoon of March 1.
2) Perhaps we can host a (social ga ering) dinner for the Tokai team, Monday night, March 3. We would
pay for our dinner, but our Tokai gue is would eat for free. Motion for HJY to provide the money to cover
the cost of the Tokai team's dinner — . Y. Yonezuka. Second — Mr. A. Carnal. Motion passed.
3) Mr. J. Ahern will handle this.
c. Hudson hosted the July, 1993 USJF unior Nationals in Elizabeth, New Jersey. It was the biggest Junior
Nationals ever held. The outside yud shakai with the largest participation was Hawaii (50 th State). Now,
in July, 2014, they are hosting the J or Nationals, and Mr. Yonezuka feels like he owes them, that we
should help them. They also have a S I or National Championship at that time.
Discussion. Motion — Any HJY mem er placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in the USJF 2014 Junior Nationals will
receive, respectively, $500, $300, or 00 from the HJY General Fund. They will also receive money from
nezuka. Second — Mr. A. Carnal. Motion passed.
the Hudson Athletes Fund. — Mr. Y.
d. Motion to accept President's Report — Ms. R. Rosenthal, Second — Mr. Chris Skelley. Motion passed.
4. 1st Vice President's Report — Mr. B. Martin
a. 2013 Hudson Athletes Fund
1)Please see attachment
2) We took 20% of 2013 net income and p t it in a separate money market account.
3) We will do this again in 2014 with 2014 net income.
b. 2013 Hudson Cup shiai had 385 competito in 104 divisions on five mats. Income was $19,686, with
$5,839.40 in expenses.
1)Projected date of 2014 Hudson Cup is S ptember 21, 2014.
2) Cory Cuomo is organizing the tables, wi six or seven workers at each table. Each dojo is asked to
contribute workers to a table.
c. Mark Roosa was awarded the Ralph Reyes ward for refereeing.
d. Chris Skelley and Clyde Worthen are also r ceiving awards for their tremendous work on behalf of the
Hudson Athletes Fund
e. Junior Open — July 26 and 27, 2014 in Flori a
1) We are sponsoring a Juvenile B and an I Junior Team to this event.
2) To qualify you have to have been an H member for at least six months at the time of the team trials.
3) Team trials will be held the morning of e HJY Kata and Knowledge Exam in June, 2014.
4) If you qualify, but do not return the pap
ork on time, the second place person will go in your place.
5) You must be a USA Judo member in ord r to compete.
6) The competitor pays for their entry fee d back patch. Kasper will provide gis, and L. A. Smith warm-up
tops. Competitors will be sized for gis d warm-up tops after they win their place on the team.
7) Upon their return, when they prove they ere there and competed, we will give them $450.
f. Think about developing an online HJY new letter in the future.
g. Hudson Athlete Fund clinics are important ecause they bring the yudanshakai together in common cause and
also because they raise money to help the a ' etes. Each dojo should think about hosting a clinic.
h. We need more referees. We have 14 or 15 egulars, but we need more. Contact Billy Martin for information
about becoming a referee.
Discussion. Dr. M. Appelbaum — "We nee to have our dojos offer young people (13- 14- or 15-year-olds)
opportunities to practice refereeing in the d i jos. Then, send them to us, and we'll work with them."
i. Motion to accept First Vice President's Rep rt— Mr. Y. Yonezuka. Second — Mr. A. Camal. Motion passed.
5. 2nd Vice President's Report — Mr. A. Carnal
Regarding the kata and knowledge promotion am
a. Students should wear clean gis.
b. Uke should know how to fall. Pick a good e, if you want your student to pass.
c. Let us know if the candidate had surgery or as recent injuries BEFORE the test.
d. Candidates should know how to do the kata.
e. Mr. M. Roosa — "There is no excuse for fail g the knowledg6 exam."
Ms. C. Schutz — Discussion regarding her stude ts' experience at the last HJY kata and knowledge exam.
Mr. B. Martin — We look at the candidate's co etitive record and the scores of the two judges.
f. IJF competitors — If you win in Junior Schol tics you automatically qualify for Jr. Worlds and Jr. Pan Ams.
1) You have to buy new gis for the Nationa s and for international competition.
g. Motion to accept Second Vice President's port — Ms. R. Rosenthal. Second — Mr. B. Martin. Motion
6. Treasurer's Report — Mr. J. Ahern
a. Treasurer's Report distributed and read. D scussion.
b. We have received $19,200 from Chase s ce 1999. Now, an organization can apply as many times as they
wish. We applied 4 times in 2013, and ha already received $3,000. Another $1,000 has just been granted.
c. CD balance is $65,368.75.
d. Interest rates are still low, so this reflects our 2013 income.
e. In 2011, our net income was $6.136.69. ( ur income Of $36,796.43 minus expenses of $30,659.74.)
Half of our net income is from Chase.
f. The Athletes Fund had $22,641.86 on Dec mber 31, 2013.
g. We bought three CARE systems in 2013. wo were repurchased by NYSJI and NMI.
h. Motion to accept Treasurer's Report — Mr. M. Roosa. Second — Mr. Y. Yonezuka. Motion passed.
7. Secretary's Report — Ms. R. Rosenthal
a. The Hudson Athletes Fund workouts d clinics are great, and all yudanshakai members should turn out and
enjoy the various opportunities right -re in our area. I
b. Motion to accept Secretary's Report Mr. A. Carnal. Second — Mr. B. Munoz. Motion passed.
8. Promotion Chairman's Report — Mr. B. M. in
a. The HJY Promotion Committee approved the following promotions in 2013: 16 to shodan, 3 to nidan, 4 to
sandan, 3 to yodan, and 1 to godan.
b. Requirements include:
1) Shodan — Membership must be curr nt plus the previous year.
2) Nidan and higher — Membership m st be current plus the three previous years.
3) All candidates for promotion must ave current membership and background checks that are up to date.
"Anyone brown belt and above sho Id have a backgrOund check."
4) Make sure candidates fulfill all po t and time in grade requirements before applying.
c. Take Safesport online course in order o fulfill that requirement to become a coach.
Mr. A. Carnal — You need to have a U A Judo coaching card in hand in order to coach matside at national
sankyu, riikyu, and ikkyu promotions. This is for Mr. Martin's 1 st,
d. We are compiling an online database
to make it easier for him to process pa erwork. There is no fee for the senseis who submit this informatio
e. The Promotion Chairman will not acc pt promotion applications after the deadline date. If your applicat n
is late, you will have to wait six mon for your paperwork to be processed.
2013 HJY Promotional Shiai.
f. We started a Novice Division at the au
Mr. Martin is working with Mr. C. Cu mo to train eight to ten people to be table workers at shiais (partiallarly promotionals). One will work th table and one will do the pool sheets. These are important jobs, a4d
this will ensure that competitors are tr ated fairly.
h. Motion to accept Promotion Chairper on's Report — Mr. C. Cuomo. Second — Mr. B. Munoz.
9. Registration Chairperson's Report — Ms. L.
a. We have 28 clubs registered at this t .
b. Our fiscal year follows the school y
from USJF in August.
c. Payment problems occur when mem
this time, USJF is having major sta
Ms. Tom.
d. Life members must sign up annually.
need to pay $35.
e. Mr. Yonezuka — "You have to be a m
f. Motion to accept Registration Secre
e, with 821 active individual members as of December 1, 2013.
ar. Registration starts September 1. You will receive a club packet
ers send payment to the National Office instead of to Ms. Tom. At
g issues, so be certain to pay promptly and to send individual fees to
If you aren't paying insurance with another judo organization, ybu
mber of USJF."
's Report — Mr. B. Martin. Second —Ms. R. Rosenthal. Motion
10. Old Business - None
11. New Business
a. Mr. J. Bassano - Official Hudson Judo Yudanshakai website question
Discussion — John Bassano is the We master. Mr. B. Martin has a website to get his information out more
quickly. All forms and calendars are n Mr. Martin's site, but it does NOT
replace the official www.HudsonJudo ora website.
Mr. Y. Yonezuka and Mr. J. Ahern — e will maintain the official website, with Mr. J. Bassano as Webmaster. However, we will link the tw websites.
b. Mr. J. Bassano — Placing a Novice ivision in the HJY Promotional Shiai
Mr. B. Martin — We already institut d a Novice Division in Autumn, 2013.
c. Mr. J. Gonzalez — Establishment o Teacher Certification Program
Mr. Y. Yonezuka — To do this thro gh USJF is complicated, including spending four or five days in
California. You can reference the SJF website for the event.
Presently, one can teach unimpede uncertified. It is not a good idea for us to offer self-defense teaclit .
certification, because HJY could then become liable in certain situations.
and parameters
Mr. B. Martin — Your HJY members p has to be up to date. Criteria:
1) Participation in HAF events
2) List of tournaments that are eligi le for awards. This is on .
Mr. C. Worthen — Our policy is very exible, as we are here to help the athletes through reimbursements
or awards. We provide good events eaturing great workouts with a variety of high quality instructors,
including Olympians.
3) There are nine people on the Co
4) Non-elite athletes can apply up t three times each year for a maximum total of $1,000.
5) There is no limit for elite athletes as they have more expenses than a regular athlete.
g. Athletes need to attend Hudson Athletes Fund events to get
6) Mr. Martin keeps track of eve
points to qualify to receive the m ney. Each point is worth $100.
7) This is for small children all the ay though seniors and masters.
Mr. A. Carnal — "We give our athletes more than T,LJSA Judo gives some of the elite athletes."
Discussion — Ms. C. Schutz says she annot cut the rates for her summer judo camp and wants HAF to
fund some students' attendance.
Mr. Y. Yonezuka — Students who e HJY members and have attended HAF workouts will receive
money through the HAF per their po is and the tIAF disbursement policy. Mr. B. Martin — "We don't
turn people away from HAF workouts because they emit pay."
e. Mr. C. Worthen — Motion to give Mr. . Martin $500 towards his out-of-pocket expenses in the service
of HJY and HAF. Scond — Ms. R. Ro enthal. Motion passed.
d. Mr. R, Hernandez — Hudson Athletes
12. Election of Officers, Promotion Board, Promo ion Secretary, and Registration Chairperson
a. Officers and Registration Chairperson
Motion that we maintain the same Hudson udo Yudanshakai Officers who are currently serving — Mr. B.
Scribner. Mr. C. Skelley — Second. Motto passed.
b. Promotion Board
1) Mr. Y. Yonezuka — This is an important osition. If a Promotion Board member is absent two or three
times during the two-year term, we will liminate that person from the Promotion Board.
2) Nominations — See list below. — Motion o close nominations — Mr. A. Carnal. Second — Ms. L. Tom.
te. Motion passed.
We will keep all, including one as an alt
Hudson Ju t o Yudanshakai Officers
1st Vice President:
2nd Vice President:
Registration Chairperson:
Mr. Yoshisada Yonezuka
Mr. Billy Mart
Mr. Anthony
Mr. Joe Ahem
Ms. Robin Ros • nthal
Ms. Lillian To
Bo rd of Examiner
Board Members:
Mr. Billy Mart
Mr. Mark Roo a
Mr. Anthony C al
Mr. Moto Egu
Mr. Stephen F edman
Mr. Nobuyoshi Higashi
Mr. Shintaro H gashi
Mr. Ryohei K okogi
Mr. Lloyd lamas
Mr. Yoich o Matsumura
Mr. Shiro ishi
Ms. Robin Rosenthal
Ms. Celita Schutz
Mr. Kiyos • Shiina
Mr. Katsu Watanabe
Mr. Clyde orthen
Mr. Yoshi ada Yonezuka
13. Motion to adjourn — Mr. B. Martin. Sec s nd — Ms. L Tom Mr. Y. Yonezuka adjourned at 5:15 pm.
espectfully submitted by
obin Rosenthal, Secretary
arch 1, 2014