Network Listings - Society of Ortho
Network Listings - Society of Ortho
General Information The Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® is a non-profit, professional, mutual benefit association incorporated for the purpose of promoting Ortho-Bionomy and overseeing the Practitioner and Instructor Training Programs. Association Francaise d’Ortho-Bionomy For Information Contact: Catherine Grimal 11, rue Alphonse Terray F - 38000 Grenoble Tél. 0033 476 7000 34 [email protected] The Society of Ortho-Bionomy® Membership and Skills Network Directory is published yearly as a membership publication of the Society of OrthoBionomy International, Inc. The Society’s world-wide address is: Society of Ortho-Bionomy International 5335 N. Tacoma Ave. #21G Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 Deutsche Gesellschaft fu rOrtho-Bionomy For Information Contact: Jutta Niedernhöfer Dorthausen 17 D - 41179 Mönchengladbach 0049 2161 573 573 [email protected] 800-809-3747 (Toll free in the US and Canada) 317-536-0064 (Local and International) 317-536-0065 (Fax) Associazione Culturale Italiana di Ortho-Bionomy For Information Contact: Marco & Corinne Sala Via Buonarotti 25 I-20078 San Colombano a Lambro/ MI Tél: 0039 0371 200 731 [email protected] [email protected] Society Office Hours: Monday 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM Eastern Time Thursday 1:00PM – 6:00 PM Eastern Time Swiss Association of Ortho-Bionomy For Information Contact: Michelle Litzistorf Case postale 66 CH - 1000 Lausanne 22 Tél. 0041 21 646 80 82 infos@ortho-bionom-ch-ch Society Office Staff: Danyell Wiley, Office Administrator Keri Brown, Member Services Heather Spinner, Member Services Ortho-Bionomy News: The Society publishes a quarterly newsletter as a membership publication. Association of New Zealand Ortho-Bionomist inc. For information contact: Mike Maclarn 1177 Maungakawa Road RD4 Te Miro Cambridge New Zealand Tel. 07 827 7118 [email protected] Affiliated Organizations : Ortho-Bionomy-Österreich For Information Contact: Andreas Weissenbacher Hauptplaz 6 A - 3493 Hadersdorf Austria Tél. 0043 2735 5051 [email protected] Society of Ortho-Bionomy Australia For Information Contact: Deborah Benson 21 Government Rd. Nords Wharf, NSW 2281 Australia 2 4976 1914 (Home) / [email protected] •1• Ortho-Bionomy Association of Canada For information contact: Mary Thiessen 19 Minikada Bay Winnipeg, MB F2C-0G9 Tel. (204) 222-1888 Fax (204) 222-1652 [email protected] General Information Ortho-Bionomy European Association of Teachers For Information Contact: Marianne Volery-Perretten (President) Rue Charles Humbert 4 CH - 1205 Genève Switzerland Tél. 0041 22 328 53 52 [email protected] Odile Ciny (Secretary) Montbernier F - 71170 Coublanc France Tél. 0033 382 26 3400 the web site for Europe is: Phase Seven Foundation For Information Contact: Deborah Wenig P.O. Box 18426 Reno, NV 89511 (775) 324-2290 (Business) (775) 849-3377 (Fax) .. Deutsches Institut fur Ortho-bionomy Klaus Weber & Michaela Wiese Buttenwegle 10 D - 72108 Rottenburg Tél. 0049 7472 247 96 [email protected] [email protected] Go to SOBI store at to order •2• Contents Board of Directors............................................................................................................4 Society Calendar for 2009-2010 ...........................................................................................4 Mission Statement ...........................................................................................................4 The Development of Ortho-Bionomy®....................................................................................5 Membership Categories.....................................................................................................7 Trademark Guidelines .......................................................................................................8 Code of Ethics.................................................................................................................9 Overview of Practitioner Programs ......................................................................................10 Description of Classes .....................................................................................................12 List of Instructors and Practitioners .....................................................................................14 Membership & Network Listing ..........................................................................................18 Australia .....................................................................................................................46 Canada .......................................................................................................................48 Germany .....................................................................................................................49 Jamaica ......................................................................................................................49 New Zealand.................................................................................................................49 USA ...........................................................................................................................18 OBEAT Instructors...........................................................................................................50 Member Index by Last Name .............................................................................................52 Bylaws of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. .........................................................60 Copyright 2009, Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. •3• Mission Statement of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International The purpose of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International is to promote the practice, advancement and evolvement of Ortho-Bionomy. In our organizational process, we aim to reflect principles of Ortho-Bionomy and to encourage the creative expression of Ortho-Bionomy as an art. To accomplish this mission, we will: • Set standards for Professional Training Programs; • Regulate the Registration of Practitioners and Instructors; • Promote public education and awareness; • Provide professional services and support for Society members; • Establish professional standards and ensure compliance with the Trademark Policy and Code of Ethics. Board of Directors and Officers Arthur Lincoln Pauls, D.O. (1929-1997) Founder Board of Directors and Officers: Ellen Williams Board Member, Treasurer Miranda Monkhorst Board Member, Membership & Resources Carole Poffinbarger Board Member & President Ann Shinall Board Member & Vice President Nancy Reich Board Member & Trademark Officer Kalpesh Patel Board Member & Conference Coordinator Leslie Langnau Board Member, Secretary & Publications Editor Society Calendar 2009-2010 May 15, 2009 June 1, 2009 June 15, 2009 June 15, 2009 July 1, 2009 September 1, 2009 September 15, 2009 October 1, 2009 December 1, 2009 December 31, 2009 January 15, 2010 March 1, 2010 March 15, 2010 March 15, 2010 April 15, 2010 Board Election Ballots Mailed to Voting Members Newsletter Submissions Due Board Election Ballots Due Materials for PRC/IRC Due Board Election Ballots Counted Newsletter Submissions Due Materials for PRC/IRC Due Board of Directors Term Begins Newsletter Submissions Due Deadline for changes for Directory Call for Nominations for the Board of Directors Newsletter Submissions Due Board Nominations Received Materials for PRC/IRC Due Board Nominee Statements Due •4• The Development of Ortho-Bionomy® by Luann Overmyer O rtho-Bionomy is a system of working with innate reflexes. Ortho-Bionomy bodywork introduces the concept of self-correcting reflexes as the basis for stimulating structural balance and client awareness. Gentle positioning is used to relieve joint and muscle pain and reduce stress. The work is non-forceful and indirect. Through the action of the proprioceptive nerves, natural self-corrective reflexes are stimulated, allowing the client to sense the releases and relaxation of patterns of tension and distress. Due to the gentleness of the techniques, acute pain can be addressed as well as chronic conditions that require more of an on-going process of rehabilitation. The client feels a part of the healing process and is encouraged and empowered to awaken to the potential within him or herself. Developed and founded by Arthur Lincoln Pauls, a British osteopath, Ortho-Bionomy has its roots in osteopathy. Osteopathic principles emphasize structural alignment and unimpeded circulation of blood and lymph for physical health. In 1964, an American osteopath, Lawrence Jones, published an article titled Spontaneous Release by Positioning. Jones found that by slowly and carefully exaggerating an abnormal bony posture in such a way as to make the patient maximally comfortable, an amazing process unfolded. The patient treated in this gentle fashion spontaneously relaxed those muscles whose spasms had been keeping the bones in an abnormal position without force and without cracking or crunching. As a Judo instructor, Pauls had often visited an osteopath for structural manipulation treatments. Although helpful, the beneficial effects did not last. In order to understand more about how structure could be corrected and how function could be lastingly restored, Pauls became a student of osteopathy. Here he encountered the article by Jones that intrigued and impressed him and led to his dedicating himself to the principles of non-force manipulation as his life’s work. Recognizing that spontaneous release by positioning works by exaggeration of the lesion, Pauls theorized that the greater the exaggeration, the longer the release time. While working with someone whose pain prevented him from using the standard Jones’ techniques, Pauls discovered that subtle exaggeration with slight approximation of the articulate facets reduced the release time to 30 seconds. This became Phase Four of Pauls’ research. By 1976 Pauls had developed the Phased Reflexed Techniques of Ortho- Bionomy. The term OrthoBionomy means “correct life study” or “science of laws pertaining to life.” Pauls defined the techniques as “the correct application of the natural laws of life.” Originally the term “phased” was used because the techniques were developed in stages. Phase One was Jones’ work, Phase Two and Three were early attempts that proved impractical and difficult to demonstrate to others. In addition to referring to the development of the techniques, time and experience has shown that the term “phase” actually describes the onion skin effect of the work. People release in phases, and at a pace that allows their body to support the structural changes. The term “reflex” is used because Pauls believed the self-corrective reflex to be the key factor. While Jones demonstrated that force is not necessary for correction, the Phased Reflex Techniques recognized and further developed the potential for self-correction through increasingly subtle exaggeration and slight approximation. Arthur Lincoln Pauls •5• The Development of Ortho-Bionomy® These techniques educate the client through awareness and active involvement to understand how to recognize which positions relieve the pain, and how to find the optimum position to stimulate self-correction of the reflex arc that perpetuates the pain cycle. This is especially important when the client’s compensations become incorporated into the body’s proprioceptive understanding. The proprioceptors are nerve endings that give information concerning movements and position of the body. They are located primarily in the muscles, tendons and labyrinth of the inner ear. Proprio means “of one’s own.” Through the proprioceptive system, the person integrates their physical, emotional and mental experiences into their own movement patterns. In the case of compensations from injuries, a person may proprioceptively incorporate the trauma pattern into his or her functioning. For example, a woman has an accident that injures her normal, healthy structural pattern of movement, yet she adapts to the trauma and develops patterns somewhat more limiting, yet still functional. Pauls found that if you follow the movement patterns inherent in the tissue and are guided by the person’s own proprioceptive movement, they will come to selfcorrect their own structural faults with your support. At the same time, they can also release emotional and mental trauma that was generated by the injury. This work he called Phase Five. He developed Phase Five techniques to allow the person to direct their own self-correction while the practitioner follows and supports their autonomic proprioceptive movements. Pauls described this technique of self-correction as a mentally-patterned, proprioceptive, neuro-etheric, muscular reflex. He also found that these patterns could be sensed by his proprioceptive nervous system even if he wasn’t touching the person. He found that the self-corrective reflex could be stimulated within the person by working with his hand away from the body. This method he called Phase Six. Phase Six proves useful for those whose trauma seems to be incorporated into their energy system. Yet, these reflexes can also correct the person’s structural faults, as well as bring them to a clearer understanding of the “accident” or injury. Since the techniques are non-force and non-traumatic, the client has the opportunity to consciously remember the original incident that caused the tension, and to recognize the position that releases the pattern and pain. Unlike rapid adjustments that try to correct the lesion before the person has a chance to realize what is happening, Ortho-Bionomy allows the timing to be a vehicle for consciousness. During the positioning the person can experience what causes pain, tension and stress and what relieves it Pauls looked upon this work as an “education of the structural faults of the body.” In his writings he said, “Remember (that) most manipulative practices are based upon forceful approaches. It has been proven that the body responds better when it is given the corrective motive for change. Change can only come about when the instincts of the body are summoned up in such a way that the body does not resist this change. Anything beyond this is force, which when applied too much, leads only to rebellion of the self instead of a re-unification of the harmonic whole.” Copyright 1998 Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. Luann Overmyer is a Registered Advanced Instructor of Ortho-Bionomy. •6• M Membership Categories embers of the Society play a very important role in the development of organizational policy and the election of Board members. There are several levels of membership based upon training. All of our membership levels are for one year. Members are mailed a renewal form prior to their renewal date. For international membership information and rates, please contact the Society’s office directly. STUDENT MEMBER: Student Members receive a subscription to Ortho-Bionomy News, a listing in the Ortho-Bionomy Directory where they can participate in the membership skills network, discounts on classes that they repeat (not available in all areas or for special trainings such as residentials or intensives), discounted advertising rates in the Newsletter and the Directory, and the opportunity to purchase Society merchandise such as T-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. There are no prerequisites for Student Membership. There is a specific Student Membership Form which must be completed and sent in to the Society office. –Annual dues for Student Members are $55. ASSOCIATE MEMBER: In addition to the benefits of Student Members, Associate Members are permitted to use the term “Ortho-Bionomy®” in their description of modalities with which they work, and they may vote on general Society issues and participate in the election of Board members. Associate Members also qualify for membership with Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP) at their “Practitioner” level at a discounted rate. Individuals are eligible for Associate Membership when they have completed the following requirements: 112 units of Ortho-Bionomy instruction consisting of a minimum of 32 units of Basics/Phase Four, 16 units of Phase Five, and 16 units of Phase Six; completion of an evaluation session with a Registered Instructor; receipt of a session from a Professional Member; and payment of Associate Member dues. There is a specific Associate Membership Form which must be completed and sent in to the Society office. After being accepted as an Associate Member, individuals must submit proof of 16 units of Ortho-Bionomy continuing education every two years. –Annual dues for Associate Members are $85. PROFESSIONAl MEMBERS: Professional Members include all of the Practitioner and Instructor Members of the Society. Professional Members may use all of the Society’s Registered Trademarks. In addition, Professional Members qualify for the “Professional” level of membership with ABMP at a discounted rate. Contact the Society office if you have any questions. •7• PRACTITIONERS: PRACTITIONERS have successfully completed the Society’s 500-hour Practitioner Training Program. Advanced Practitioners have completed an additional 502-hour Advanced Practitioner Training Program. Basic and Advanced Practitioners are required to have 16 hours of Ortho-Bionomy continuing education every two years. –Annual dues for Practitioners and Advanced Practitioners are $135. INSTRUCTORS: INSTRUCTORS have completed extensive training and apprenticeship programs for each of the various levels. An “Associate” designation indicates that the individual is in the process of completing the requirements for that instructor level. Instructors must also submit evidence of Ortho-Bionomy continuing education. Instructor members must co-teach or be observed teaching every two years. –Annual dues for Instructors depend on their Instructor level: • Associate Instructor: $150 • Instructor: $215 • Associate Intermediate Instructor: $215 • Intermediate Instructor: $235 • Associate Advanced Instructor: $235 • Advanced Instructor: $250 T Trademark Guidelines REQUIRED STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP AND REGISTRATION : All flyers, brochures, class outlines, class manuals, handouts or any other materials that contain any of the Society’s trademarks must also include a statement of registration and ownership in a conspicuous position, usually on the first page containing the trademark. Use one of the following forms or combinations, depending on which trademark used: he Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. owns these registered trademarks: Ortho-Bionomy®, Society of Ortho-Bionomy International®, and the Sand Dollar design. The Society encourages its members to promote their individual Ortho-Bionomy practices in ways that maintain the integrity and reputation of the Society’s programs and services. STUDENT MEMBERS: Student Members cannot use any of the Society’s trademarks. • Ortho-Bionomy® is a registered trademark of the ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Associate Members can use the term Ortho-Bionomy in promotional literature by listing “Ortho-Bionomy®” among the bodywork modalities that they practice. Associate Members can also state that they are members of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International®. They cannot use the Society’s trademarks in any way that suggests they specialize in, or exclusively practice, Ortho-Bionomy or in any way that suggests they have completed the Society’s Registered Practitioner Program. They cannot use the words “registered,” “practitioner,” or “instructor” in conjunction with the term Ortho-Bionomy®. Associate Members cannot use the Sand Dollar trademark. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS: Professional Member can use the trademarks Ortho-Bionomy®, Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® and Sand Dollar design in promoting their Ortho-Bionomy practice or teaching. Practitioner Members can also use the phrase “Registered Practitioner of Ortho-Bionomy®” in promotional literature. Instructor Members can use the phrase “Registered Instructor of Ortho-Bionomy®.” The Sand Dollar trademark may be used in any size, but it may not be modified in any other way. The Sand Dollar trademark must always be accompanied by the symbol “®”. In order to ensure that Ortho-Bionomy training meets the standards of the Society, Instructor Members must submit their instructional materials to the Society for review and approval. Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. and is used with permission. • The Sand Dollar design is a registered trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. and is used with permission. • Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® is a registered trademark that indicates membership in the Society, and it is used with permission. • Ortho-Bionomy®, and the Sand Dollar design are registered trademarks of the Society of OrthoBionomy International, Inc. and are used with permission. • Ortho-Bionomy®, the Sand Dollar design, and Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® are registered trademarks of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. and are used with permission. Professional and Associate Members can use OrthoBionomy® on business cards without a statement of registration and ownership, although they must always use the symbol “®.” USES OF THE SOCIETY’S TRADEMARKS REQUIRING LICENSING AGREEMENTS: The Society must approve, in writing, any use of the Society’s trademarks other than those listed above. Uses requiring authorization include instructional materials, video or audio tapes, merchandise, such as T-shirts, buttons and pins, and any other use not listed above. •8• Code of Ethics As a registered member of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® I agree to uphold the highest standards of professional behavior, guided by the Code of Ethics stated below. 1. The philosophy and concepts of Ortho-Bionomy shall be the guiding principles in my work with clients. 2. I will at all times render the highest quality of services possible for the well being and benefit of my client. 3. I will only offer skills or services in which I have specifically been trained. For issues that fall beyond the scope of my practice, I will refer clients to other qualified professionals. 4. To protect the privacy of my clients, I will keep all communications, clients’ records and client identity confidential. 5. Recognizing the vulnerability of the client in a therapeutic relationship, I will maintain the highest standard of professional conduct. I will show regard for common legal, moral and ethical standards. 6. To preserve the integrity of Ortho-Bionomy, I will make a clear distinction between Ortho-Bionomy and other modalities that I use. 7. I will bring to the notice of the Society any action of another member that appears to be ethically inappropriate or contrary to standards set by the Society. 8. I will use all Society trademarks only in accordance with the current established guidelines. Failure to follow guidelines will lead to suspension of said trademark use. 9. I will endeavor to improve my technical skills and professional standards through continuing educational training. 10. I will uphold professional relationships, never slandering a member of the Ortho-Bionomy community or the allied professional community. 11. Anyone in my employment will abide by the policies and trademark regulations set by the society of Ortho-Bionomy. 12. I will display a copy of this code of ethics in my work area where it is clearly visible. 13. I understand that transgression of the Codes of Ethics may result in the surrender of my membership. •9• T Overview of Registered Practitioner Programs he Society has developed and oversees two professional training programs for Ortho-Bionomy Practitioners – the Registered Practitioner Program and the Registered Advanced Practitioner Program. Both programs are designed to give students a thorough understanding of the principles and philosophy of Ortho-Bionomy in addition to providing extensive hands-on experience in both classes and supervised practice. Students choose an Instructor as an advisor as early as possible in their training Registered Practitioner Program This 500 hour program is designed to give individuals a thorough understanding of the art and practice of Ortho-Bionomy. The focus is on developing within each student the hands-on application of the principles of Ortho-Bionomy. The Program is designed to prepare the Practitioner to present and demonstrate Ortho-Bionomy in their own practice and community. Entrance Requirements: 1. Completion of one Phase Four / Basic workshop; 2. Receive two sessions from a Registered Instructor or a Registered Practitioner; 3. Current membership and payment of the Practitioner Program Enrollment Fee of $100. Program Curriculum (Units approximately equal to one hour, 16 units per weekend): • 64 Units Phase Four (Does not include the 16 units taken as an entrance requirement) • 16 Phase Five • 16 Phase Six • 16 Postural Re-Education and Post Techniques • 16 Isometrics • 16 Exploration of Movement Patterns • 16 Chapman’s Reflexes • 16 Ethics and Emotional Issues • 16 Demonstration Skills • 16 Elements of a Successful Practice (Practitioners with the required level of experience may also serve). The advisor assists the student while they complete their curriculum through one-on-one discussions as well as feedback and evaluation sessions. To obtain more detailed information on the Practitioner Programs as well as application and documentation forms, contact an Instructor, area coordinator, the Society office or download forms from the Society Website at: • 32 Anatomy and Physiology • 16 Elective • 40 Residential (five day minimum) • 16 Practitioner Training Seminar • 18 Study Groups (six three-hour study groups minimum) • 20 Tutorials • 150 Documented Sessions (Supervised Practice) 503 Units Total to Complete Program (includes Evaluation Sessions) Evaluation Phase 1. Three Sessions given to different Instructors or Advanced Practitioners (at least one must be given to applicant’s advisor); 2. A demonstration of Ortho-Bionomy given as an introduction to your practice, to a minimum of four people, and observed by an Instructor; 3. A short written essay (at least one page) on what the philosophy and principles of Ortho-Bionomy mean personally and professionally to applicant; 4. Payment of the Practitioner Program Registration Fee of $150. For Complete details about the Practitioner Program, the Practitioner Handbook may be download from or call the SOBI office at 317-536-0064. • 10 • Overview of Registered Practitioner Programs Registered Advanced Practitioner Program The 502 hour Advanced Practitioner Program allows for Practitioners to continue in their learning and professional development. The focus in this program is to expand the Practitioner’s understanding and application of the more advanced work of OrthoBionomy. Entrance Requirements: 1. Completion of the Register Practitioner Program. 2. Current membership in the Society. 3. Payment of the Advanced Practitioner Program Enrollment Fee of $100. Program Curriculum (Units approximately equal to one hour, 16 units per weekend): • 16 units Phase Four • 16 Phase Five • 16 Phase Six • 8 Phase Seven • 16 Postural Re-Education and Post Techniques • 16 Isometrics • 16 Exploration of Movement Patterns • 16 Chapman’s Reflexes • 16 Ethics and Emotional Issues • 16 Cranial • 120 Electives - may be classes, projects, or both • 40 Residential (five day minimum) • 18 Study Group (six three hour study groups min.) • 150 Documented Sessions (Supervised Practice) • 22 Tutorials include: • 8 Sessions Received • 3 Feedback sessions • 8 Consultations (formerly Private Discussion) • 3 Evaluation Sessions 502 Units Total to Complete Program Evaluation Phase 1. Three sessions given to different Instructors or, 1 may be an Advanced Practitioners, (at least one must be given to the applicants’s advisor). 2. A short written essay at least one page) on what the philosophy and principles of Ortho-Bionomy mean personally and professionally to the applicant, with emphasis on the principles of the advance work. 3. Payment of the Advanced Practitioner Program Registration Fee of $150. For Complete details about the Advanced Practitioner Program, the Advance Practitioner Handbook may be download from or call the SOBI office at 317-536-0064. • 11 • Description of Required Ortho-Bionomy Classes Phase Four: This foundation class covers the history, philosophy and concepts of Ortho-Bionomy and provides an overview of the basic release techniques for each major joint in the body. Movements and positions of comfort are demonstrated to facilitate the release of muscular tension and overall stress by stimulating the inherent, self-corrective reflexes of the body which help the body create structural alignment and balance from within. Phase Five: The focus of Phase Five is to move to a more subtle level of awareness of the practice and principle of Ortho-Bionomy. Specific techniques develop and increase the student’s understanding and proprioceptive sensitivity to the self-corrective movements initiated by the client. Through the practice of observing, following and supporting subtle movement patterns, muscular tension is released, range of motion is increased and pain is reduced. In Phase Five, students are encouraged to do less and let the client be the guide for his/her exploration of change. Phase Six: This class is designed to help participants access and track sensation and energetic perception in themselves and in their clients, and to learn how to make contact without necessarily engaging physically. Techniques will be presented that monitor and acknowledge the inter-relationship between energetic, emotional and physical levels, and that demonstrate how energetic shifts can affect changes in physical patterns. Postural Re-Education and Post Techniques: In this class, participants learn to evaluate and address inefficient postural habits through accurate observation and simple exercises. Techniques to work with spinal curvatures and scoliosis are presented and practiced. Post techniques focus on assessing and releasing areas of tension as well as integrating the work done in a session. In addition, exercises are taught to facilitate the client’s ability to maintain balance through the neuro-muscular re-education of postural habits. Isometrics: Isometric and isotonic techniques for working with inefficient muscular tension patterns as well as underdeveloped muscle tone are presented and practiced. Through the use of restraining movement while the muscle is engaged, self-correcting reflexes are stimulated and habitual holding patterns can be released. Participants learn how the conscious use of obstacles can help promote change from rigid physical patterns to greater mobility and allows the client to actively participate in the session. Chapman’s Neurolymphatic Reflexes: This class presents the Chapman’s Neurolymphatic Reflexes system of identifying and stimulating reflex points to facilitate lymphatic drainage and the balancing of the organs. The class also focuses on the relationship between the neurolymphatic reflexes and the endocrine system and its affect on structural balance as well as the individual’s physical and emotional well-being. Exploration of Movement Patterns: Exploration of Movement Patterns adds a dynamic dimension to the positional release techniques. Participants will learn to recognize and palpate patterns of joint and muscle movement in order to facilitate increased range of motion to promote a general sense of well-being in the body. By gently exploring and supporting preferred patterns of movement or stillness, the client is invited to actively participate and recognize their patterns. Ethics and Emotional Issues: Participants learn skills for addressing emotional responses that may arise during a session in an appropriate and professional manner. In addition, participants discuss the guidelines for professional conduct and review the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International’s Code of Ethics. • 12 • Description of Required Ortho-Bionomy Classes Elements of a Successful Practice: This class addresses the business side of having an Ortho-Bionomy practice. Participants learn about issues such as marketing and advertising, developing a business plan, setting up an office, setting fees, and attending to tax and legal issues. The class also covers communication with clients, record keeping and staying within the scope of practice. Practitioner Training Seminar: This seminar addresses issues and questions that arise for individuals completing the Practitioner Training Programs and helps participants synthesize their entire training experience. The class format includes time to discuss questions or problems that arise during a session, an opportunity to receive feedback and supervision about difficult cases, and information on how to best structure a session, set fees, and communicate with clients. Participants can also discuss their changing role in the community as they move from being a student to becoming a professional in the health care field. Demonstration Skills: In this class, participants learn how to describe and present Ortho-Bionomy to family, friends and the public in general. Participants are encouraged to find ways to communicate the “unexplainable” and practice presenting Ortho-Bionomy in a clear and accurate way. Techniques for building confidence and for improving public speaking and presentation are included. time for learning and personal growth as well as relaxation to facilitate the integration of technique, philosophy and the qualities of “Being” rather than “doing.” Study Groups: Study groups are tailored to the participants’ needs and give students a chance to review techniques, receive clarification about the application and principles of Ortho-Bionomy and to gain insight about specific client cases or situations that concern them. Electives: The principles and techniques of Ortho-Bionomy can be applied in many different circumstances and situations. Elective courses provide participants with more specialized techniques and applications. Phase Seven: This class demonstrates the principles and applications of the Phase Seven pattern to assist with self-correction. The pattern addresses all levels of human experience and teaches participants a non-forceful, elegant way to approach problems of many kinds. Cranial: This seminar applies the principles of OrthoBionomy energy work to the function of the cranial system. Participants are encouraged to feel the energetic patterns existing in the cranial system and allow the recipient to find a better balance through the self-correcting reflexes. Anatomical and physiological structures and functions relevant to the practice of Ortho-Bionomy are presented in this class. Both general classes as well as classes which focus on specific systems or body parts are available. Anatomy and Physiology: Self Care: The Self Care class will demonstrate specific exercises that clients and practitioners can do to facilitate release of structural imbalances and discomfort within themselves, as well as providing clients with exercises that they can do after the session to integrate the changes experienced within the session itself. Residential: Other elective topics include: Ortho-Bionomy Approach to Whiplash, TMJ and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Visceral Work, Women’s Care, Men’s Care, Witnessing and Clear Presence, Shock and Trauma Resolution, Beyond Technique, and others. Residential training programs provide participants with the opportunity to broaden and deepen their understanding of Ortho-Bionomy techniques and principles through an in-depth immersion for five or more days of uninterrupted uninterrupted study. Residentials allow • 13 • Registered Instructors & Practitioners of Ortho-Bionomy Alexander, Connie Practitioner Virginia Breck Practitioner New Mexico Casey, Marilyn Practitioner Colorado Cradduck, Cheryl Practitioner Nebraska Andreatta, Katherine Inactive Instructor Nevada Brown, Gail Practitioner Florida Catalano, Margarette Practitioner Ohio Crowley, Zoee Advanced Instructor Hawaii Bailey, Jim Practitioner New Mexico Brown, Jana Practitioner Ohio Anderson, JuDee Practitioner Wyoming Atcheson, Sandra Associate Instructor Hawaii Brooker, Jocelyn Advanced Practitioner Australia Casino, Karen Practitioner California Brown, Gary Practitioner Ohio Cazanjian, Rouel Advanced Instructor California Beeson, Elizabeth Instructor Georgia Brown, Vicki Practitioner Australia Chan, Ann Associate Instructor Illinois Berns, Jim Advanced Instructor California Buckel, Shamai Practitioner Colorado Birchard, Delaine Advanced Practitioner Nebraska Burnet, Johanna Advanced Practitioner Australia Benson, Debra Instructor Australia Biddle, Olivia Practitioner New York Blocksom, Bill Instructor Ohio Borkenhagen, Katherine Practitioner Wisconsin Bowen-Muro, Leigh Practitioner New York Bowman, Robert Associate Advanced Instructor California Bruner, Joseph Practitioner Oregon Burek, John Practitioner Ohio Butts, Laurel Lyn Practitioner California Callahan, Carrie Practitioner Wisconsin Callister, Baeleay Advanced Instructor Canada Carter, Zarna Practitioner Australia Chamberlin, Richard Practitioner Nebraska Cross, Paula Advanced Practitioner Iowa Davis, Kathleen Practitioner Nebraska Deig, Denise Instructor Indiana deLarrabeiti, Phoebe Practitioner New Hampshire Clark, Mary Practitioner Ohio Doman, Gay Practitioner Idaho Close, John Practitioner Idaho Douglas, Jeanne Associate Intermediate Instructor Minnesota Clay, Gale Practitioner Nevada Coates, Camille Associate Instructor New Mexico Condon, Denelle Associate Instructor California Cooper, Ruth Practitioner Kansas Correa, Jackie Practitioner California Covey, Sheri Instructor Colorado • 14 • Donegan, Carol Practitioner Australia Dreeze, Helen Practitioner Ohio Drubel, Katharine Practitioner Illinois Drummer, Lynn Advanced Instructor California Dudzinski, Evelyn Practitioner Pennsylvania Dutczak, Sally Advanced Practitioner Texas Registered Instructors & Practitioners of Ortho-Bionomy Economidou, Katerina Associate Instructor Illinois Eisenberg, Carla Practitioner Illinois Goldberg, Heather Associate Instructor Australia Graham, Diane Practitioner Oregon Johnson, Jane Practitioner Canada Alberta Halcyon, Karen Advanced Instructor Maine Jung-McBride, Jean Practitioner Illinois Hammer, Marcelle Practitioner North Carolina Karasik, Richard Practitioner California Fears, Robert Practitioner Maryland & Virginia Grimmet, Beth Practitioner Texas Fox, Bonita Advanced Practitioner Illinois Hamblen, David Practitioner California Forehand, Paula Advanced Practitioner North Carolina Franklin, Lucy Practitioner Minnesota Freeman, Helen Advanced Practitioner Illinois Hasslinger, Annie Instructor California Friederich, Christy Advanced Practitioner California Heslin, Frank Advanced Practitioner New Zealand French, John Practitioner Florida Gardner, Jane Practitioner Australia Henke, Gregory Practitioner Florida Hill-Rennie, Katrina Instructor New Zealand Genet, Roberta Practitioner Colorado Hoeffel, Ann Advanced Instructor Illinois Gharrett , Gretchen Practitioner Illinois Horejs, Rebecca Advanced Practitioner Nebraska Gerych, Rhonda Advanced Instructor Nevada Gilliam, Tracy Advanced Practitioner Texas Johnson, Carol Practitioner North Carolina Hofer, Ursula Advanced Instructor New Mexico Jeboult, Eileen Instructor Australia Julianelli, Terri Associate Instructor California Karasik, Darlene Practitioner California Kjoller, Karen Advanced Practitioner Colorado Koczak, Roya Practitioner DC, Washington Logan, Lois Instructor Australia Long, Marie Advanced Instructor Canada Love, Craig Practitioner New Zealand Lowenburg, Ellen Instructor New Mexico Luke, Delilah Advanced Practitioner Louisiana Malcolm, Uma Advanced Instructor Washington Malick, Jean Practitioner Illinois Mark, Jessica Sehested Practitioner North Carolina Koehn, Larisa Practitioner Oregon Marotta, Lynne Practitioner New Jersey Kroll, Sheila Advanced Instructor Iowa McCarthy, Janine Practitioner Australia Victoria Krenicky, Cathy Practitioner Florida Martin, Miriam Advanced Practitioner Virginia Langnau, Leslie Practitioner Ohio McCrea, Linda Instructor North Carolina Lewis, Ellen Advanced Practitioner California Miller, Judith Associate Intermediate Instructor Ontario, Canada Lee, Terri Advanced Instructor Washington • 15 • Mead, Rabia Advanced Practitioner California Registered Instructors & Practitioners of Ortho-Bionomy Miller, Michael Practitioner New York Ostry, Sister Marie Alice Practitioner Nebraska Rinaldi, Cecilia Practitioner Ohio Schlagel, Doris Practitioner Colorado Parravano, Bill Instructor Kentucky Ritter, Susan Practitioner Florida Schroepfer, Cecily Practitioner Montana Milstead, Ruth Anne Instructor Oklahoma Overmyer, Luann Advanced Instructor Florida Monkhorst, Miranda Instructor Florida Patel, Kalpesh Practitioner Florida Minear, Harriette Practitioner California Montes de Oca, Christina Advanced Instructor New Mexico Moore, Hilmar Practitioner Texas Moore, Marla Instructor Illinois Paterson, Anne Practitioner Australia Pauls, Tanya Sarah Advanced Practitioner Canada O’Neil, Julie Practitioner Florida O’Shea, Scot Advanced Instructor Texas Seidl, Bettina Advanced Instructor Arizona Rose, Jennifer Practitioner Colorado Shinall, Ann Instructor Ohio & Virginia Rutherford, Janice Practitioner Illinois Pratt, Sandra Associate Intermediate Instructor Colorado Olivas, Elizabeth Instructor Florida Rommel, Phyllecia Advanced Instructor Washington Roe, Anne Practitioner Colorado Powell, Vicki Advanced Practitioner Australia Netherby, Margaret Practitioner California Niedernhofer , Jutta Practitioner Germany Sciandra, Katherine Instructor Minnesota Roosevelt, Nicky Practitioner California Poley, Barbara Practitioner Australia Query, Jane Practitioner Colorado Reed, Holly Associate Advanced Instructor California Rice, Robert Practitioner California Schoeller, Susan Instructor Texas Rodriguez, Rosa Associate Instructor New York Poffinbarger, Carole Advanced Practitioner Ohio Muller, Fiona Practitioner Australia Myers, Marie Practitioner Canada Rininger, D’arle Keith Instructor Ohio Scott, Peggy Instructor Louisiana & Alabama Shank, Catherine Associate Instructor Utah Smart, Stephanie Associate Instructor Indiana Salerno, Claude Associate Instructor Georgia Smith, Darlene Advanced Instructor Nebraska Sanders, Corilee Practitioner Oregon Stackhouse, Morel Advanced Instructor Wisconsin Salzl, Betty Practitioner Minnesota Santello, Mary Practitioner Florida Saxon, Alan Advanced Instructor Ohio • 16 • Spreckley, Charles Practitioner Australia Staier, Edwin Practitioner Australia Stark, Bruce Advanced Instructor Australia Registered Instructors & Practitioners of Ortho-Bionomy Stein, Ari Practitioner California Stevenson, Ian Instructor Germany & New York Suloway, Tairifa Practitioner New Mexico Sunstein, Sara Associate Intermediate Instructor California Swafford, Dianne Instructor Vermont Swan, Anthony Instructor Australia Swanstrom, Karen Advanced Practitioner Colorado Sylkatis, Janet Practitioner Illinois Thompson, Gail Practitioner Ohio Timm, Heidi Practitioner Colorado Valasek, Richard Advanced Instructor Hawaii van Zonneveld, Isis Practitioner Australia Weaver, Norma Instructor Australia Weisberg, Joan Practitioner Illinois Wenig, Deborah Advanced Instructor Nevada Werle, Jerry Practitioner Minnesota Williams, Ellen Practitioner New York Williams, Gary Lee Associate Instructor New York Woodward, Star Instructor California Woodward, Star Instructor California Williams, Moriah Practitioner New Mexico Wurth, Robin Practitioner Florida Winter, Randall Advanced Instructor Texas Zeleike, Jesseka Practitioner Arizona Williams, Steven Practitioner Illinois Wipfli, Walter Practitioner Oregon Wojciechowski, Linda Practitioner Illinois Wood, Cynthia Instructor Massachusetts • 17 • Yaklich, Trudy Practitioner Colorado Zuber, Alison Cherry Advanced Instructor California & Massachusetts Zum-Mallen, Aaron Practitioner Montana Membership & Network Listings ALABAMA Chew, Jessica Student 702 Captiva Court Huntsville, Alabama 35803 Work: 256-489-5118 Home: 256-880-7509 [email protected] Cooper, Debra Student, Practitioner Program 2116 Rocky Ridge Rd #100 Birmingham, Alabama 35216 Work: 205-979-7763 Home: 205-969-5572 [email protected] Network: Myofascial Release, Cranio-Sacral, Advanced Neuromuscular Therapy, Orthopedic Massage Clinical Sports Massage, Soft Tissue Release Reiki I and II. George, Bill Student 7704 Lake Sherwood Circle Northport, Alabama 35473 Work: 205-310-1302 [email protected] Hughes, Joseph Student 20700 Arlo Drive McCalla, Alabama 35111 Work: 205-477-9842 [email protected] Network: Myofascial Release, Craniosacral Therapy I & II, Visceral Manipulation, Occupational Therapist. Johnston, NCTMB LLC Sue Associate, Practitioner Program 2700 Rogers Drive Ste 106 Birmingham, Alabama 35209 Work: 205-871-9088 Home: 205-410-5832 [email protected] johnston/johnston.html Network: Cranio-Sacral, Lymph Drainage, Therapeutic, Relaxation, Sports Massage, Tuina. Passionate about wellness. Lee-Durrwachter, Nancy Associate, Practitioner Program 140 Youngblood Way Killen, Alabama 35645 Work: 256-466-3337 Home: 256-757-9462 Mobile: 256-466-3337 [email protected] Scott, Peggy Instructor 6172 County Road 2 Uriah, Alabama 36480 Work: 504-352-0039 Home: 504-352-0039 [email protected] Network: Advanced Practitioner, Instructor, Blend of Ortho-Bionomy, Reflexology & Cranio-Sacral. Bach Flower remedies, New Orleans & Metairie Louisiana & Jamaica, CEU Provider: NCBTMB, LSBMT. Member: ABMP. Ward, Adrian Associate P.O. Box 130503 Birmingham, Alabama 35213 Work: 205-296-6288 Home: 205-747-4250 [email protected] Network: Class Coordinator ALASKA Macnak, Judy Student 9238 Emily Way Juneau, Alaska 99801 Work: 907-463-4040 Home: 907-789-0729 [email protected] Network: Massage, Healing Touch, Cranio-Sacral Therapy ARIZONA Bassett, Peter Associate, Practitioner Program 15 Wren Dr Prescott, Arizona 86301 Work: 928-445-3966 Home: 928-710-6381 [email protected] • 18 • Davis, Carol Associate 9601 W. Timberline Drive Sun City, Arizona 85351 Work: 623-876-8587 Home: 623-876-8587 [email protected] Network: Licensed Esthetician and Nail Technician. Nationally Certified Massage Therapist licensed in Wisconsin and Arizona. Stretching classes available, Certified Prenatal Massage Hallden, Jennifer Student 3710 W Blackhawk Dr Glendale, Arizona 85308 Work: 602-738-0489 [email protected] Seidl, Bettina Advanced Instructor 2790 Granite Gardens Prescott, Arizona 86301 Work: 928-443-1138 [email protected] Network:Workshops: Authentic Movement, Communication, Trauma-Resolution Private Sessions: Soul-Oriented Bodywork, Grief and life-transition support. For sale: Emissions-control patch, Cell phone protector, MovingBeyond-Loss course Weisgram, Susan Student P.O. Box 338 Bisbee, Arizona 85603 Work: 520-432-5530 Home: 520-432-5530 Network: Offering circulatory massage, Lymphatic drainage massage, Deep tissue, Seitai Shiatsu, Pregnancy and Infant Massage, Reiki, Energy balancing and more. Sliding fee scale. Bisbee & Sierra Vista, AZ. Zeleike, Jesseka Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program P.O. Box 41231 Tucson, Arizona 85717 Work: 520-240-8065 Home: 520-795-4823 [email protected] Membership & ARKANSAS Denton, Sarah Student P.O. Box 285 Norfork, Arkansas 72658 Work: 870-499-3336 Home: 870-297-8870 [email protected] Network: Swedish, Sports- by appointment M-F some weekends Evans, Judith Student P.O. Box 116 11404 Jim Hall Road Prarie Grove, Arkansas 72753 Work: 479-846-4014 Home: 479-846-4014 [email protected] Gerard, Christy Student 1200 E Craighead Forest Rd Jonesboro, Arkansas 72404 Work: 870-897-9686 massage_oasis_jonesboro Helbling, Julia Associate, Practitioner Program P.O. Box 23054 Hot Springs, Arkansas 71903 Work: 502-387-4639 Home: 502-387-4639 [email protected] Network: Please check my website calendar to see when I am in your area; Hot Springs, Arkansas Louisville, Kentucky, plus others Muhleisen, Tanya Student 6101 Alcoa Rd #822 Benton, Arkansas 72015 Work: 504-957-4123 Home: 504-957-4123 [email protected] Network: LMT, Reiki Master, Pre-Natal Massage Network Listings CALIFORNIA Aum, Rebecca Associate P.O. Box 1840 Mendocino, California 95460 Work: 707-937-1696 Home: 707-937-1696 Network: Transformation Breathing-uses the breath to create health and happiness-for those who want to create powerful, lasting changes in their lives. Reg. Fee $150/session, Member discount $120/session. Bailey, Thomas Student 2531 Drake Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Work: 661-619-6808 Home: 661-321-9960 [email protected] Network: Swedish, Shiatsu Berns, Jim Advanced Instructor 7811 B Stefenoni Court Sebastopol, California 95472 Work: 707-823-8067 Home: 707-823-8067 [email protected] Network: Business consulting, staff development and training. Bowman, DMA Robert Associate Advanced Instructor 1220 Glenn Haven Dr. Chico, California 95926 Work: 530-521-2518 Home: 530-893-3705 Mobile: 530-521-2518 [email protected] Network: Keyboard concert artist, Workshops: Stress Reduction for Musicians, for Musicians, Joy of Improvisation; Keyboard Instruction; Master Classes. Discounts for SOBI members. Burgess, Barbara Associate, Practitioner Program 944 Cambridge Rd. Redwood City, California 94061- 115 Work: 650-366-6824 [email protected] • 19 • Burgess, Margaret (Peggy) Associate, Practitioner Program 3810 Sacramento St #204 San Francisco, California 94118 Work: 415-661-7374 Home: 415-387-6977 [email protected] Network: Devotional singing, therapeutic massage Butts, Laurel Lyn Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 323-A Genoa St Arcadia, California 91006 Work: 310-405-1735 Home: 310-405-1735 [email protected] Network: Thought Field Therapy, Custom Orthotics by Sole Supports, Esogetic Colorpuncture, EPFX Cameron, Sue Student 1030 Redwood Hwy #7 Mill Valley, California 94941 Work: 415-465-9113 Home: 415-388-7902 Mobile 415-465-9113 cameron’[email protected] Casino, Karen Practitioner 1432 Derby St. Berkeley, California 94702 Work: 510-644-2066 Home: 510-644-2066 [email protected] Network: Tri-Level Fitness exercise class is a way to strengthen the core muscles providing a foundation for the entire structure to be supported, aligned and lengthened. Cazanjian, Rouel Advanced Instructor 520 S. Sepulveda Blvd #307 Los Angeles, California 90049 Work: 310-226-6196 Home: 818-744-0131 [email protected] Network: Psychotherapy using a philosophy compatible with Ortho-Bionomy. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Sliding scale, membership discount. Membership & Condon, Denelle Associate Instructor Instructor Training Program 39133 Bud Court Fremont, California 94538 Work: 510-794-9303 Home: 510-794-9303 [email protected] Network: Certified in Occupational Therapy, Pilates, Tai Chi & NDT. Practice located in Fremont and San Francisco Bay Area. Neurological and Hand clinics. Practicing Ortho-Bionomy since 1989 Correa, Jackie Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 6355 Hemlock Way Rocklin, California 95677 Work: 916-223-4110 Home: 916-223-4110 [email protected] Network: Reiki practitioner, CMT, Certified Lymphatic massage. Pre-natal massage, Swedish massage, Ear Candling Cox, Adele Associate P.O. Box 2849 Danville, California 94526 Work: 925-930-9139 Home: 925-683-9039 [email protected] Network: Somatic- oriented personal life coaching. Experience a personal growth “workshop” focused exclusively on you. Free consultation. 20% discount for SOBI members. Cutter, Lac, LMT Robert Student, Practitioner Program 930 Monte Dr. Santa Barbara, California 93110 Work: 805-698-0610 Home: 805-687-5543 [email protected] Network: Licensed Acupuncturist, Herbalist, Craniosacral therapist, Structural Bodywork DeBettignies, Jean Student 2010 Las Canoas Rd. Santa Barbara, California 93105 Work: 805-451-2704 Home: 805-569-1525 [email protected] Network Listings Dew, Paul Student San Francisco, California 94123 Work: 510-697-5001 [email protected] Network: Massage Therapy/Body work- incorporating cranoisacral, deep tissue, and a host of other techniques acquired during eight years of practice. SF Financial District/ Laurel Heights. $85/$100?$115 (Members 25% off) Drummer, Lynn Advanced Instructor 2696 Northridge Drive Placerville, California 95667 Work: 530-295-6100 Hom: 530-622-4145 [email protected] Dyer, Ruth Associate 1324 Mangrove Avenue, Ste 102 Chico, California 95926 Work: 530-343-1850 Home: 530-345-3558 [email protected] Network: Ruth Dyer’s Massage & Spa Therapy. Body wraps such as Moor Mud, Herbal, Detox. Reflexology, Shiatsu, Swedish Massage. Felker, Karen Student 266 Jesse St Sebastopal, California 95472 Work: 707-827-1416 Home: 707-827-1416 [email protected] Foley, Karen Student 7050 Lindsay Rd Bakersfield, California 93313 Work: 661-833-6967 Home: 661-833-6967 [email protected] Network: Swedish,Pre-natal, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Polarity Therapy, Somatic Release Friederich, CMT Christy Advanced Practitioner 715 G St. #3 Davis, California 95616 Work: 530-758-9339 Home: 530-758-9339 [email protected] Network: Author and teacher of • 20 • SELF HELP NEUROMUSCULAR REBALANCING EXERCISES. Balance the Center. 15% discount to members. CMT See website for other bodywork techniques and information. Griffin, Kathy Student, Practitioner Program P.O. Box 5565 Sonora, California 95370 Work: 209-322-5502 [email protected] Network: Polarity Therapy, Drumming Circle facilitator, Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Raindrop, Reiki, The Reconnec tion, Kinergetics, Kinesiology, Touch For Health, RESET Hadik, Karen Associate P.O. Box 3598 25215 Glen Rd Idyllwild, California 92549 Work: 951-659-6269 Home: 951-659-6269 Mobile: 512-413-6564 [email protected] Network: Love Ortho exchanges. Come see me in mystical Idyllwild, CA. Also do Jin Shin, Manual Lymph Drainage, Nutritional Consults with Standard Process, Inc. products. Hall, Virginia Associate 355 W Clark Avenue # 19 Santa Maria, California 93455 Work: 805-478-0763 [email protected] Network: Trigger Point, Deep Tissue, Swedish Hamblen, David Practitioner 4860 Patterson Drive Diamond Springs, California 95619 Work: 530-621-2967 Home: 530-621-2965 [email protected] Network: Transpersonal consultation, Student discount Hasslinger, Leslie Student 370 El Toro Drive Hollister, California 95023 Work: 831-206-0649 [email protected] Membership & Hasslinger, Annie Instructor 800 Buggy Trace Canby, California 96015 Work: 530-889-2225 Home: 530-233-5316 Mobile: 530-913-0463 Hayama, Mari Student 1401 Curtis St Berkeley, California 94702 Work: 510-725-7297 Home: 510-526-7944 [email protected] Network: CranioSacral Therapy $75/h, $95/ initial, 20% discount for Society members Henrioulle, Kate Student 4220 41st Street #5 San Diego, California 92105 Work: 858-344-6614 Home: 619-546-9020 Mobile: 858-344-6614 [email protected] Network: Not currently practicing bodywork, due to desk job. Hirter, Rhoberta Student 2728 McAllister Street San Francisco, California 94118 Work: 415-310-9773 Home: 415-668-7068 Mobile 415-310-9773 [email protected] Huffman, Eric Student, Practitioner Program 2331 Saidel Drive #2 San Jose, California 95124 Work: 408-947-2704 Home: 408-369-1549 [email protected] Illg, Dawn Associate 157 Castaic Pismo Beach, California 93449 Work: 805-709-4885 Home: 805-773-8927 [email protected] Network Listings Julianelli, Terri Associate Instructor, Instructor Training Program 1521 5th Street, Ste. B Berkeley, California 94710 Work: 510-541-3263 Home: 510-547-0807 Mobile: 510-541-3263 [email protected] Network: Somatic Trauma Resolution, including working with clients before and after surgical and dental procedures. Terri’s main offices are in Walnut Creek and Berkeley. 1521 5th Street, Suite B, Berkeley, CA 94710 Kaplan, Adina Student 1411 Saratoga Ave. #259 San Jose, California 95129 Work: 415-302-5959 Home: 415-302-5959 [email protected] Network: Swedish & Trigger Point Massage Therapy Karasik, Richard Practitioner 13732 Saratoga Vista Ave Saratoga, California 95070 Work: 408-867-3567 [email protected] Karasik, Darlene Practitioner 13732 Saratoga Vista Avenue Saratoga, California 95070-4940 Work: 408-867-3567 Home: 408-867-3567 [email protected] Network: Registered Nurse, Chronic disease management, Chronic pain management, T’ai Chi Chih(R), T’ai Chi for Arthritis. Hospice Care. Kirsten, Alison Associate 1660 Foster Ave #3 Arcata, California 95521 Work: 530-921-3705 [email protected] Network: I offer JinShinJyutsu healing bodywork for $50 a session w/sliding fee for low income Individuals • 21 • Kolasinski, Matthew Student, Practitioner Program 11623 Rose Anderson Road Middletown, California 95461 Work: 707-987-1019 Home: 707-987-1019 Network: Prayers (No Fee) LaCore, Cerise Student, Practitioner Program 151 N Sunnise # 1016 Roseville, California 95661 Work: 916-789-WELL [email protected] Network: Bachelor of Science in Natural Health - Nutritional & Homeopathic Counseling, Medical and Therapeutic Massage Reiki Master-Teacher - Animal Communication. Lewis, Ellen Advanced Practitioner, Instructor Training Program 1899 Harmon St. Berkeley, California 94703 Work: 510-653-9079 Home: 510-450-0370 [email protected] Network: Herbs, plant and seaweed walks. Dreamwork Lowe, Alta Student 120 Cuvier Street San Francisco, California 94112 Work: 415-596-8256 Home: 415-586-8160 [email protected] Network: Deep-tissue, myo-facial release, Joint Mobilization MacKenzie, Flanagan Associate, Practitioner Program 650 Tank Farm Rd. 23C San Louis Obispo, California 93401 Work: 805-784-0745 Home: 805-784-0745 [email protected] Network: Esalen Massage, Craniosacral Madison, Tina Student 4117 Park Blvd Palo Alto, California 94306 Work: 650-949-2499 Home: 650-949-2513 [email protected] Membership & Mantle, Athene Student 670 S 15th St San Jose, California Work: 510-828-8896 Home: 408-295-2994 [email protected] Matthews, Lee Student 1830 London Dr Benecia, California 94510 Work: 707-557-5186 Home: 707-747-5744 Mead, DC Rabia Advanced Practitioner 1927 22nd Ave. San Francisco, California 94116-1210 Work: 415-564-0732 Home: 415-564-0732 [email protected] Mello, Sandy Student 21861 El Conejo Way Sonora, California 95370 Work: 209-588-8156 Home: 209-588-8156 [email protected] Network: I also do St. John Neuromuscular Therapy, Soft Tissue Release, Myofascial Release, Hot Stone Massage & Herbal Wraps. Would love to trade massage. Melzer, Debi Associate 391 Gridley Court San Jose, California 95127 Work: 408-667-7354 Home: 408-254-0541 Mobile: 408-667-7354 [email protected] Network: Self Care Through Self Awareness - Growth and Connectedness From Within Network Listings Minear, Harriette Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 18715 Sonoma Hwy, Lot #28 Sonoma, California 95476 Work: 707-996-7851 Home: 707-996-7851 Network: Multi-modality massage, including Ortho-Bionomy. $5.00 discount for Society members. For fun & fitness, Belly dancing! Private & Semi-private classes available. Moon, Terri Associate, Practitioner Program 1275 4th St # 710 Santa Rosa, California 95404 Work: 707-709-8574 Home: 707-546-7138 [email protected] Muentz, Marjorie Student 4233 Sharab Court Pleasanton, California 94566 Work: 925-484-1222 Home: 925-846-9083 [email protected] Network: Marriage Family Therapy - MFT. Netherby, Margaret Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 2241 La Salle Street Martinez, California 94553-1961 Work: 925-370-7282 Home: 925-370-7282 [email protected] Pang, Jeni Student 946 Regina Way Pacifica, California 94044 Work: 650-670-7673 Home: 650-670-7673 [email protected] Network: Integrative Massage: $80/hr (Swedish, Cranial Sacral, Myofacial, Lymphatic Drainage, and Chair Massage) Reiki (Reiki Master): $80/hr, Colon Hydrotherapy: $110 first session/$85 for others after the first. $10 discount for Society members. • 22 • Pitts, B.J. Student P.O. Box 660925 Sacramento, California 95866 Work: 916-481-9861 Home: 916-212-9861 [email protected] Reed, Holly Associate Advanced Instructor 157 Marview Way San Francisco, California 94131 Work: 415-552-6233 [email protected] Rice, Robert Practitioner P.O. Box 19637 Sacramento, California 95819 Work: 916-718-5558 Home: 916-718-5558 [email protected] Roosevelt, Nicky Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 45 Bret Harte Road Berkeley, California 94708 Work: 510-710-4732 Home: 510-849-2163 Mobile: 510-710-4732 [email protected] Rose, Sharon Associate, Practitioner Program 175 Madrid Avenue Palm Desert, California 92260 Work 760-773-5901 [email protected] Network: Playshops, Young Living Essential Oils. Ruegsegger, D.H. Associate 2528 I Street Sacramento, California 95816 Work 916-448-4957 [email protected] Smith, Robert Associate 711 Phoebe St Nipomo, California 93444 Work: 805-714-9527 Home: 805-714-9527 [email protected] Smith, Anna Associate P.O. Box 279 Junction City, California 96048 Work: 530-524-0176 [email protected] Membership & Stein, Ari Practitioner 1990 Noche Beuna St Seaside, California 93955 Work: 831-915-8870 Home: 831-394-2398 Mobile: 831-915-8870 [email protected] Sunstein, Sara Associate Intermediate Instructor Arcata, California 95521 Work: 707-825-0822 [email protected] Network: Special interests in Trauma Resolution, Emotions in Body (Somatic Therapy) and Creativity Tucker, Joy Student 475 North 16th Street San Jose, California 95112 Work: 408-354-0323 Home: 408-998-2426 [email protected] Vass, Yana Student PO Box 895 Alturas, California 96101 Work: 530-233-1950 [email protected] White, Carolyn Student 18200 Woodham Carne Rd Sonora, California 95370 Work: 209-928-4092 Home: 209-352-6903 Mobile: 209-840-0182 [email protected] Network: Certified Massage Therapist Woodward, Star Instructor 1152 A Solano Ave Albany, Ca 94706 Work: 510-525-2200 [email protected] Network: Sliding scale $80-$100. Also interested in Abraham-Hicks teachings. Worden, CMP Susan Student California 94002 Work: 650-339-0818 Network Listings Zuber, Alison Cherry Advanced Instructor 531 Miramonte Drive Santa Barbara, California 93109 Work: 805-560-9740 [email protected] Network: Integrating Ortho-Bionomy with Body-Mind Centering, Dynamic Gait Analysis and Pediatric and Adult Neurodevelopmental Movement Therapy. COLORADO Andrew, LMT Kathleen Student 3107 W Colorado Ave. # 147 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80904 Work: 719-351-3524 Home: 719-351-3524 Anson, Nancy Student 436 35 Rd. Palisade, Colorado 81526 Work: 970-250-6645 [email protected] Barker, Donna Associate, Practitioner Program P.O. Box 1773 Crested Butte, Colorado 81224 Work: 970-209-8377 Home: 970-209-8377 Network: A full time practice and life study in Crested Butte & Gunnison, Colorado Buckel, Shamai Practitioner P.O. Box 741 Cortez, Colorado 81321 Work: 707-287-6636 Home: 707-833-2871 Mobile: 707-287-6636 [email protected] Casey, LMT Marilyn Practitioner NM#1935 33000 C.R. 67.4 Trinidad, Colorado 81082 Work: 719-251-4366 Home: 719-251-4366 [email protected] Network: Practitioner of Ida Rolf’s Structural Integration, Licensed & Certified Massage Therapist, Shiatsu, Lomilomi • 23 • Covey, Sheri Instructor 1248 Ouray Ave Grand Junction, Colorado 81501 Work: 970-209-9400 Home: 970-209-9400 [email protected] Network: Classes available in Crested Butte, Grand Junction and Denver Doden, Melinda Associate, Practitioner Program 41660 Reds Rd Paonia, Colorado 81428 Work: 970-261-9459 Home: 970-527-6398 [email protected] DuBosque, Hutch Student, Practitioner Program P.O. Box 867 Crested Butte, Colorado 81224 Work: 970-596-1583 [email protected] Ellison, Harolyn Associate 2813 Seccomb St Fort Collins, Colorado 80526 Work: 970-282-0147 Home: 970-282-0147 [email protected] Genet, Roberta Practitioner 1426 Cheyenne Blvd Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906 Work: 719-310-2733 Home: 719-471-2587 Mobile: 719-310-2733 [email protected] Network: Therapeutic and Lymphatic Massage, Custom Blended Flower Essences and Essential oils, Emotional Clearing, Energy Work. Member - ABMP Glaser, Cindy Associate, Practitioner Program 2341 Linley Ct Denver, Colorado 80219 Work: 303-933-0327 [email protected] Hampton, Barbara Associate, Practitioner Program 520 Fruitwood Dr Grand Junction, Colorado 81504 Work: 970-523-6904 Home: 970-523-6904 [email protected] Membership & Kaiser, Barbara Associate, Practitioner Program P.O. Box 533 Almont, Colorado 81210 Work: 970-641-7248 Home: 970-641-0290 [email protected] Kjoller, Karen Advanced Practitioner, Instructor Training Program 7914 W. 90th Avenue Westminster, Colorado 80021 Work: 303-421-6455 Home: 303-421-6455 [email protected] Leavitt, Heather Student, Practitioner Program P.O. Box 843 Mancos, Colorado 81328 Work: 970-739-3200 Home: 970-533-0642 [email protected] Network: Graphic Design & Marketing - $45/hr (Most jobs estimated $35 for SOBI Mbrs), Graphic Design for Print & Internet. Maresca, Lyn Student P.O. BOX 1122 Crested Butte, Colorado 81224 Work: 970-596-3882 Home: 970-596-3882 [email protected] McChesney, RN, LMT/CMT Jean Student 1522 Auburn Drive Colorado Springs, Colorado 80909 Work: 719-596-9331 Network: “Stress Relief at the workplace” by appointment. Mitchell, Laura Associate 77 East Ln. P.O. Box 1108 Crested Butte, Colorado 81224 Work: 970-596-9693 Home: 970-596-9693 [email protected] Nicolas, Patty Associate, Practitioner Program 782 Quartz Dr Fruita, Colorado 81521 Work: 970-640-1069 Home: 970-858-0242 Network Listings Oakley, Jennifer Associate, Practitioner Program 1261 Brookfield Drive Longmont, Colorado 80501 Work: 970-901-0375 [email protected] Pratt, MA Sandra Associate Intermediate Instructor 785 Pine River Ranch Circle Bayfield, Colorado 81122 Work: 970-764-7775 Home: 970-884-2522 Mobile: 970-764-7775 [email protected] Network: As a team we work together to blend mind, body, emotions with spirit to remember health & personal growth 7 direction using, OB, LMRT, LMT Somatic experiencing practices and Craniosacral Query, Jane Practitioner 305 W. Magnolia, # 286 Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 Work: 970-226-0907 Home: 970-226-0907 [email protected] Network: Hot Stone Massage, Trigger Point, Therapy Reinbrecht, Jennifer Student 3288 S Dayton Ct Denver, Colorado 80231 Work: 303-873-0744 [email protected] www.associatedmassage Network: Massage therapy $45.00 discount per hour, Reflexology $45.00 per hour, Landscape consultant/Master Gardener $ based # hours or will consider trade Rejebian, LMT Melanie Associate 4939 W. 30th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80212 Work: 303-523-3050 Home: 303-523-3050 [email protected] Network: Therapeutic, Prenatal, Swedish, Aromatherapy Tibetan Bowl Resonance, Trigger Point, La Stone Therapy, Advanced Energy Healing and Fibromyalgia Skills. • 24 • Roe, Anne Practitioner 7870 Gardiner Road Cascade, Colorado 80809 Work: 719-200-7915 Home: 719-684-7706 [email protected] Network: Introspective Arts; Soul facilitation through art, Mandalas, Individualized sessions and workshops. Original art and prints Rose, Jennifer Practitioner P.O. Box 1286 Crested Butte, Colorado 81224 Work: 970-349-5664 Home: 970-349-2766 [email protected] Network: Massaging Crested Butte since 1989! Specializing in Prenatal, Reflexology, Integrated Bodywork. Ortho-Bionomy can be integrated into the massage or, on it’s own. Schlagel, Doris Practitioner 8209 WCR 2 Brighton, Colorado 80603 Work: 720-939-0264 Home: 303-661-0345 [email protected] Network: Massage Therapist Simo, Valerie Associate, Practitioner Program 12125-G Bannock Street Westminster, Colorado 80234 Work: 720-937-0317 Home: 303-457-3594 Stutz, Dawn Associate, Practitioner Program 581- 36 Road Palisade, Colorado 81526 Work: 970-464-7817 Home: 970-464-7817 [email protected] Swanstrom, Karen Advanced Practitioner 1235 Lake Plaza Drive, Suite 120 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906 Work: 719-459-5949 Home: 719-576-3749 [email protected] Network: City licensed Massage Therapist 2002. Membership & Timm, Heidi Practitioner 1540 County Road 250 Durango, Colorado 81301 Work: 970-759-9038 Home: 970-247-9508 Mobile: 970-759-9038 [email protected] Network: Licensed Bodyworker since 1985.Contact Improvisation Dance, Buddhist Studies, Sports massage, injury rehabilitation Wilcox, Sara Associate, Practitioner Program 1330 Hermosa Avenue Grand Junction, Colorado 81506 Work: 970-270-4283 Home: 970-270-4283 [email protected] Yaklich, Trudy Practitioner P.O. Box 174 Crested Butte, Colorado 81224 Work: 970-901-9558 Home: 970-345-5307 [email protected]. Network: Reiki Master, Tong Ren Healing. DC, WASHINGTON Koczak, Roya Practitioner 4018 10th Street NE Washington, DC 20017 Work: 202-560-3378 Home: 202-560-3378 [email protected] FLORIDA Anderson, Bryony Associate, Practitioner Program 14485 NW 160th Ave Williston, Florida 32696 Work: 352-443-9570 Home: 352-529-0433 Mobile: 352-443-9570 [email protected] Network: Yoga-Private or Group Instruction, Reiki , Shiatsu, Polarity Balancing, Ayurveda, Nutrition; Also offering yoga for Equestrian and Equine Ortho-Bionomy. Network Listings Andrews, Anne Associate, Practitioner Program 22610 NW 102 Ave. Alachua, Florida 32615 Work: 386-462-9648 [email protected] Arevalo, Yini Perel Associate 9496 Boca River Circle Boca Raton, Florida 33434 Work: 561-315-5016 Home: 561-315-5016 [email protected] Network: Prenatal Massage, Neuromuscular Massage Brown, Gail Practitioner 1467 County Road 245 A Oxford, Florida 34484 Work: 352-603-1385 Home: 352-748-4842 [email protected] Burke, Theresa Student 1465 NW 32nd Ave Newberry, Florida 32669 Work: 352-339-1122 Home: 352-332-1543 Mobile 352-339-6464 [email protected] Network: Family Practice Physician. Special interest in Nutrigenomics Dockter, Sharon Associate, Practitioner Program 25601 NW 173rd Street Alachua, Florida 32615 Work: 352-514-0644 Home: 386-462-1828 [email protected] French, John Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 21915 W Newberry Rd Newberry, Florida 32669 Work: 352-494-5552 Home: 352-472-2884 [email protected] Goldman-Kay, Joanne Student 1303 Carlson Drive Orlando, Florida 32804 Work: 407-963-0768 Home: 407-292-8589 [email protected] • 25 • Hair, Gale Student 14355 NW 160th Ave Williston, Florida 32696 Work: 352-529-9146 [email protected] Network: Equine Bodywork, Aromatherapy Henke, Gregory Practitioner P.O. Box 168 Key West, Florida 33041 Work: 305-296-5997 [email protected] Network: U.S.C.G. Licensed Capt. available for charter sailing trips Key West, Florida Keys, Bahamas and Caribbean. Huda, Andrea Associate, Practitioner Program 2018 SW 29th Court - Apt A1 Delray Beach, Florida 33445 Work: 561-265-7279 [email protected] Krenicky, Cathy Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 2301 Park Avenue Suite 302 Orange Park, Florida 32073 Work: 904-673-9630 Home: 904-282-1455 Mobile: 904-673-9630 [email protected] Lunsford, Vanessa Student 95 Magnolia Dr St Augustine, Florida 32080 Work: 904-377-2509 Home: 904-377-2509 [email protected] Network: Massage Therapist. Willing to trade. Sociable guide to St Augustine Mauk, Sue Student 3120 SE 27th St Gainesville, Florida 32641 Work: 352-375-6694 [email protected] Membership & McCall, Stephanie Associate 1118 NE 5th Pl Gainesville, Florida 32601 Work: 352-281-5853 Home: 352-372-8132 [email protected] McGregor, Marie Student 16050 Dora Ave Tavares, Florida 32778 Work: 352-357-3100 Home: 352-357-3100 [email protected] Network: Cranio-Sacral Therapy Miles, Rhonda Student 10424 Flat Lake Rd Clermont, Florida 34711 Work: 407-595-3769 Home: 407-877-9724 [email protected] Network: Equine Professional Release, Accupressure, Essential Oils, Raindrop Therapy, Equine Nutrition. Mixon, Elizabeth Practitioner 1515 NW 29th Rd #D-6 Gainesville, Florida 32605 Work: 352-374-7596 Home: 352-359-2910 Mobile: 352-359-2910 [email protected] Network: Cranial Sacral , Structural Integration, Injury/Dental recovery, Myofascial Release Monkhorst. Miranda Instructor A Center for Ease 855 Northeast Seventh Place Gainesville, Florida 32601 Work: 352-378-8516 Home: 352-378-8516 [email protected] Network: Ortho-Bionomy for adults and children; practices for whole well being including nourishing foods, herbs, movement and stillness. Fluent in Dutch, Spanish, German, Spanish & English. Network Listings Newbern, Carol Student, Practitioner Program 563 Nassau Ct. Orange Park, Florida 32003-8063 Work: 904-278-1868 Home: 904-284-2744 [email protected] Olivas, Elizabeth Instructor 199 West Palmetto Park Road #6 Boca Raton, Florida 33064 Wor: 561-392-3340 Home: 954-895-9646 [email protected] Network: Certified Manual Lymph Drainage 10% discount to members. O’Neil, Julie Associate Instructor, Instructor Training Program P.O. Box 85 Lowell, Florida 32663 Work: 352-572-1625 Home: 352-572-1625 performancebodywork Network: AI Flexibility, Massage, TUI-NA. Fee-sliding scale/barter. Also offering Equine Biomechanical Rehabilitation and Equine Ortho-Bionomy. Oppenheimer, RN, LMT Frances Student 4420 NW 33rd Ct Gainesville, Florida 32606 Work: 352-275-1848 Home: 352-377-0546 [email protected] Network: Esoteric Healing reg $75.00 Overmyer, Luann Advanced Instructor 2400 South Ocean Dr C-621 Ft Pierce, Florida 34949 Work: 772-321-7700 Home: 772-468-3091 Mobile: 772-321-7700 [email protected] • 26 • Patel. Kalpesh Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program, Instructor Training Program 805 NW 35th Ave. Gainesville, Florida 32609 Wor: 352-256-1739 Home: 352-376-9704 [email protected] Network: Covered by Insurance. Licensed Massage Therapist. Sliding Scale. Tai Chi & Qigong. Pipkin, Diane Student 4744 NW 35th St Gainesville, Florida 32605 Work: 352-328-8021 [email protected] Reich, Nancy Associate Practitioner Program 9529 D SW 85th Ave Ocala, Florida 34481 Wor: 352-615-2216 Home: 352-854-8097 [email protected] Network: Reiki II Practitioner, Flower Essences, Massage Therapy Ritter, Susan Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner & Instructor Training Program 3670 Avocado Ave. Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 Work: 305-588-7225 Home: 305-446-7772 [email protected] Santello, Mary Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 1326 NE 6th Terrace Gainesville, Florida 32601 Work: 352-378-3098 Home: 345-378-3098 [email protected] Network: Craniosacral, Structural Integration Membership & Sinclair, Jeffra Associate, Practitioner Program 31345 Brantley Branch Road Eustis, Florida 32736 Work: 352-408-2604 Home: 352-357-8995 [email protected] Network: BEST Practitioner, TFH Practitioner, Aromatherapy, Raindrop Therapy, Reflexology Equine Holistic Practitioner. Sistrom, Brenda Associate, Practitioner Program 3738 SW 96th St. Gainesville, Florida 32608 Work: 352-262-6529 Home: 352-331-4635 [email protected] Spiess, Barbara Student 4642 NW 12th Place Gainsville, Florida 32605 Work: 352-373-9996 Home: 352-377-1570 [email protected] Network: Pilates Tanaka, Akira Student 14535 Bruce B Downs Blvd #1934 Tampa, Florida 33613 Work: 813-615-9774 [email protected] Network: Pain-Relieving Massage, Craniosacral Therapy Usher, Sarah Olive Student 1880 N.W. 46th Lane Ocala, Florida 34475 Work: 352-671-9300 ext.101 Home: 352-867-7865 [email protected] Network: LMT, Certified Reflexologist at The Ritz Historic Inn 1205 E. Silver Spring Blvd., Ocala, Florida 34470 Wurth, Robin Practitioner 10548 SE Hwy 42 Summerfield, Florida 34491 Work: 352-804-7138 Home: 352-307-8192 Mobile: 352-804-7138 [email protected] Network Listings GEORGIA Bassetti, Lydia Associate, Practitioner Program 116 Indigo Dr. #5022 Ellijay, Georgia 30540 Work: 706-276-6446 Home: 706-276-7155 Mobile: 706-889-0650 [email protected] Network: Swedish massage, Reflexology, LaStone, Ion Cleanse, Raindrop therapy and energy work. Will exchange. Beeson, Elizabeth Instructor 3324 Peachtree Rd NE#1101 Atlanta, Georgia 30326 Work: 404-824-0211 Home: 404-961-6868 [email protected] Network: NM LMT #2259, Certified infant massage Instructor / IAIM Dalloz, Anne Student 273 12th St NE Ste 212 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Work: 678-596-4748 Home: 678-596-4748 [email protected] Network: I am a massage therapist specializing in Lomi Lomi Hawaiian therapeutic massage since 1997. Ferguson, Zelda Student 383 Danny Smart Rd Cornelia, Georgia 30531 Work: 706-778-7606 Home: 706-778-7606 [email protected] Salerno, Claude Associate Instructor, Instructor Training Program 4098 Savannah Ridge Ct Loganville, Georgia 30052 Work: 770-736-8436 Home: 770-736-8436 [email protected] Network: Swedish Massage, Sports Massage, Reflexology, Spinal Touch, Reiki, CranioSacral—will exchange. • 27 • HAWAII Atcheson, Sandra Associate Instructor, Instructor Training Program P.O. Box 2163 Kamuela, Hawaii 96743 Work: 808-333-0678 Home: 808-887-0033 Mobile: 808-333-0678 [email protected] Network: Licensed Acupuncturist Crowley, Zoee Advanced Instructor 1023 Makamua Street Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii 96793 Work: 808-242-9162 Home: 808-242-9162 Mobile: 808-276-5237 [email protected] Network: www.alohaschoolof, Classes in Europe Goodermont, Patrice Associate P.O. Box 1447 Puunene, Hawaii 96784 Work: 808-873-3524 Home: 808-385-0341 Mobile: 808-385-0341 [email protected] Network: Brain Gym consultation -fee waived for first time clientele. Monavie distributor 25% discount on your first bottle. Valasek, Richard Advanced Instructor 99-066 Ohiaku Place Aiea, Hawaii 96701-3865 Work: 808-433-6564 Home: 808-256-1646 Mobile: 808-256-1646 [email protected] Network: Instructor Training seminar provider Membership level: Advanced Instructor IDAHO Attebery-Weir, Jody Associate, Practitioner Program P.O. Box 494 Fruitland, Idaho 83619 Work: 208-452-5716 Home: 208-608-1102 [email protected] Membership & Bennion, Gwen Associate 31513 Apple Valley Rd Parma, Idaho 83660 Work: 208-722-1049 [email protected] Bennion, Shalen Associate 31513 Apple Valley Rd Parma, Idaho 83660 Work: 208-899-9985 Home: 208-722-1049 [email protected] Bosse, Carole Associate 10144 Vistair Pl Payette, Idaho 83661 Work: 208-642-5009 [email protected] Bosse, Walter Associate 10144 Vistair Place Payette, Idaho 83661 Work: 208-642-5009 [email protected] Brown, Ralph Associate P.O. Box 477-2648 Hwy 95 Council, Idaho 83612 Work: 208-253-4591 Home: 208-253-4591 Burdick, Lenny Student, Practitioner Program 2542 W Parkstone Dr Meridian, Idaho 83646 Work: 208-844-1220 Home: 208-844-1220 [email protected] Close, Deanna Associate, Practitioner Program 1509 N. Whitley Drive #5 Fruitland, Idaho 83619 Work: 208-452-5716 Home: 208-642-3843 [email protected] Network: Registered Nurse, Mbr American Holistic Nurses Assn. CAM Therapies include O.B., Reiki, Nutritional Counseling, Supplement & Herbal Therapy, Creating Health. Instructor through the Chopra Center Network Listings Close, John Practitioner 1509 N. Whitley Dr. #5 Fruitland, Idaho 83619 Work: 208-452-5716 Home: 208-642-3843 [email protected] Network: Registered Nurse, Mbr American Holistic Nurses Assn, Naturopath, Registered Yoga Teacher, CAM Therapies include O.B, Reiki, Nutritional Counseling, Yoga, Primordial Sound Meditation. Instructor through the Chopra Center Delyea, Lilli Student 5316 Kootenai Boise, Idaho 83705 Work: 208-384-0230 Home: 208-384-0230 [email protected] Network: Healing Touch Certified Practitioner, Massage. Doman, Gay Practitioner 6819 W Preece Lane Boise, Idaho 83704 Work: 208-867-7515 Home: 208-342-7515 [email protected] Havlina, Susan Associate 1307 Tara Ct Fruitland, Idaho 83619 Work: 208-452-2881 Home: 208-452-2881 [email protected] Hawkins, Nell Associate 8951 W. Canterbury St. Boise, Idaho 83704 Work: 208-375-1378 Home: 208-375-1378 [email protected] Keller, Robin Associate 3288 Brampton Way Boise, Idaho 83706 Work: 208-863-5018 Home: 208-384-0032 [email protected] Network: Boise Class Coordinator. • 28 • Osborn, Leah Student 16966 Short Cut Road Oreana, Idaho 83650 Work: 208-834-2334 Home: 208-834-2334 Mobile: 208-834-2334 [email protected] Rickwa, Pat Associate, Practitioner Program 11606 Eva Lane Caldwell, Idaho 83607 Work: 208-453-1842 [email protected] Network: Reiki, Healing Touch, Acupressure Schmidt, Beckie Associate, Practitioner Program 1509 N. Whitley Dr. Fruitland, Idaho 83619 Work: 208-452-5716 Home: 541-889-4286 [email protected] ILLINOIS Almeida, Terry Student 204 Persimmon Dr O’Fallon, Illinois 62269 Work: 618-580-1708 Home: 618-580-1708 [email protected] Bailey, Rea Student, Practitioner Program 2945 Stanton Street, Suite F Springfield, Illinois 62703 Work: 217-529-3603 Barba, Martin Associate, Practitioner Program 2020 S. May St. 2nd Fl. Frt. Chicago, Illinois 60608 Work: 773-510-2998 Home: 773-510-2998 [email protected] Network: Tantra Yoga/Massage Membership & Chan, Med, MSW Ann Associate Instructor, Instructor Training Program 2203 S Anderson St. Urbana, Illinois 61801 Work: 217-390-2917 Home: 217-328-1448 [email protected] Network: LBT (Balance Board) consultant, counseling, supervision, local coordinator. Dahlberg, Ruth E. Student, Practitioner Program 1831 Camp Ave. Rockford, Illinois 61103 Work: 815-963-5477 [email protected] Network: CNA, Shaklee Distributor. Daley, Colleen Associate 166 Cascade Dr Indian Head Park, Illinois 60525 Work: 708-246-7497 Home: 708-246-7446 [email protected] Network: Energy Medicine Practitioner Drubel, Katharine Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 689 Mitchell Avenue Elmhurst, Illinois 60126 Work: 630-336-9276 Home: 630-782-1348 [email protected] Economidou, Katerina Associate Instructor, Instructor Training Program 2707 Calmer Drive Joliet, Illinois 60433 Work: 773-370-0389 Home: 773-370-0389 [email protected] Network: Frankfurt, Illinois 60423 Network Listings Eisenberg, Carla Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 2100 Manchester Rd. Ste. 507 Wheaton, Illinois 60187 Work: 630-653-5960 Home: 630-213-2270 [email protected] Network: Services: Reflexology, Hypnotherapy. Products: Air Cleaners. Programs: Filling The Well (Self-care & Stress Reduction), What’s Your IAQ? (Indoor air quality) Fatz, James Associate, Practitioner Program 130 N Fair Street Unit B Sycamore, Illinois 60178 Work: 815-899-6000 Home: 815-751-1097 [email protected] Network: Swedish, Therapeutic, CranioSacral, Reiki, Ayurvedic, Pregnancy, LaStone, Sacred Lomi, Thai, Aromatherapy, Herbology, Detoxification Classes: Usui & Karuna Reiki, Meditation, Parent-Infant Massage, Using Essential Oils. Fox, Bonita Advanced Practitioner 4794 South Bend Rd. Rockford, Illinois 61109 Work: 815-962-1199 Home: 815-962-1199 [email protected] Freeman, Helen Advanced Practitioner 8621 N. Gross Point Rd. Skokie, Illinois 60077 Work: 847-933-9497 Home: 847-933-9497 [email protected] Network: 3 Yrs Cancer experience. also practicing in Chicago, River North Wellness Center Ste 308 Gharrett, Gretchen Practitioner 1555 N. Sandburg Terrace #304 Chicago, Illinois 60610 Work: 312-654-9846 Home: 312-654-9846 [email protected] Network: Reiki. Reconnective Healing, The Reconnection(TM) • 29 • Graham, JulieAnn Associate 825 W. Diversey Pkwy #1 Chicago, Illinois 60614 Work: 773-680-4864 Home: 773-680-4864 [email protected] Gray, Kathleen Associate, Practitioner Program 726 Forest Glen Lane Oak Brook, Illinois 60523 Work: 630-886-1013 Home: 630-886-1013 [email protected] Hoeffel, Ann Advanced Instructor 1818 N. Wells St., 3rd Floor Chicago, Illinois 60614 Work: 312-280-1070 [email protected] Network: Wholistic Practitioner with extensive training and skills applying Ortho-Bionomy principles to all levels and ways of working Jung-McBride, Jean Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 1217 Gilbert Avenue Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 Work: 630-253-1006 Home: 630-852-8105 Mobile: 630-253-1006 [email protected] Network: OB Scar Tissue Therapy, Swedish Massage, Cranio-Sacral Therapy Nationally certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. Also practicing at; Oasis Center for Health, Hinsdale, IL Malick, Jean Practitioner 1380 Boa Trail Carol Stream, Illinois 60188 Work: 630-213-1610 Home: 630-404-6254 [email protected] Network: Swedish /Deep Tissue/ Maternity/Stone Massage. Reiki Master/Teacher. Akashic Records Readings. Equine Massage including Deep Tissue/ Swedish/Maintenance/Pre-Event/ Post-Event Membership & McCormick, Jill Student 1463 West Grand Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60642 Work: 773-892-7501 Home: 773-892-7501 [email protected] Network: Physical Therapy Services, Custom Foot Orthotics: $250; $200 for members Moore, Marla Instructor 315 N. Hickory Ave. Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 Work: 847-421-5690 Home: 847-590-5690 Mobile: 847-421-5690 [email protected] Myers, Pamela Student 1188 Royal Glen Dr. #310 Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Work: 630-495-8988 Home: 630-932-3183 [email protected] Network: Reiki Master/Teacher, Yoga Instructor, Massage Therapy, Reflexology, Public Speaking, Workshop/Retreat Facilitator. Pre & Perinatal massage and yoga. Ayurveda consultant Pelland, Deborah Associate, Practitioner Program 56 N. Ashland La Grange, Illinois 60525 Work: 708-579-9912 Home: 708-579-9912 [email protected] Network: Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. Certification in Prenatal Massage Therapy. Reeves, Jeanie Student PO Box 473 Urbana, Illinois 61803 Work: 217-417-5610 [email protected] Network: Bio Mechanics, Massage Therapy Network Listings Rubeck, Valli Jo Associate, Practitioner Program 2454 Circle Drive Belvidere, Illinois 61008-9758 Work: 815-547-8694 Home: 815-520-3728 [email protected] Network: Cosmetologist for 34 yrs. Owns and operates a full service Spa/Salon for 24 yrs Rutherford, Janice Practitioner 206 N. Randolph, Suite 518 Champaign, Illinois 61820 Work: 217-355-3114 Home: 217-328-7620 [email protected] Sylkatis, Janet Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 9404 Saratoga Court Hickory Hills, Illinois 60457 Work: 708-352-4247 Home: 708-352-4247 [email protected] Network: Massage Therapy Weisberg, Joan Practitioner 604 Green Bay Road-Unit B Glencoe, Illinois 60022 Work: 847-650-0749 Home: 847-835-9790 [email protected] Network: Transformative Mindfulness-Certified Facilitator: Workshops and Individuals, Five Tibetan Yogas - Instruction Willert, Gail Student 4884 N. Hermitage Chicago, Illinois 60640-4159 Work: 773-271-2052 Home: 773-271-2052 [email protected] Network: Manual Lymphatic Drainage (Vodder). Williams, Steven Practitioner 3311 - 38th Street Moline, Illinois 61265-7850 Work: 309-797-1772 Home: 309-797-1772 [email protected] • 30 • Wojciechowski, Linda Practitioner 19603 Cambridge Drive Mokena, Illinois 60448 Work: 708-371-1111 x3390 Home: 708-479-4351 [email protected] INDIANA Anderson, Benjamin Student 5680 W 51st Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46254 Work: 317-289-5117 Home: 317-291-5117 [email protected] Born, Ellen Student 3231 Simcoe Ct Fort Wayne, Indiana 46815 Work: 260-486-2566 Home: 260-486-2566 Mobile 260-402-0620 [email protected] Brown, Keri Associate, Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner Program 5360 Rue de Ville Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 Work: 317-446-1559 Home: 317-255-4901 [email protected] Network: Integrative Bodywork, ABMP member, Indianapolis Class Coordinator Davey, Pamela Student 11 Victor Drive #138 Hobart, Indiana 46342 Work: 219-923-1919 Home: 219-942-0023 [email protected] Network: Reflexology, Trigger Point, Hot Stone Therapy Sports Massage Deig, Denise Instructor 7410 E 106th St Fishers, Indiana 46038 Work: 317-255-7800 [email protected] Network: Feldenkrais Practitioner & Bones for Life -Teacher/Trainer, Physical Therapist Membership & Muench, Nicole Student 5825 Applegate Ct. Carmel, Indiana 46033 Work: 317-414-8660 Home: 317-414-8660 [email protected] O’Keefe, Frances Student 1505 Gwinn Lane Lapel, Indiana 46051 Work: 615-828-0473 Home: 765-534-3697 [email protected] Sheehan, Debra Associate, Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner Program 11433 Windemere Ct. Osceola, Indiana 46561 Work: 574-674-6029 [email protected] Network: Debra works on many levels with individuals, mental, emotional, and physical. Using modalities of Ortho-Bionomy, Cranial-Sacral, and Heartmath. Smart, Stephanie Associate Instructor, Instructor Training Program 3815 N. Delaware Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 Work: 317-722-0743 [email protected] Network: Chinese Energetic Medicine, Shamanic Healing, AGEL Enterprises. Towle, DVM Julie Student 11167 Woodbury Dr Carmel, Indiana 46033 Work: 317-257-1761 Home: 317-587-1022 [email protected] Network: Certified in Veterinary Acupuncture & Spinal manipulation. Limited to Dogs and Cats. Network Listings Wiley, Danyell Associate, Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner Program 5640 N. Rural St. Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 Work: 317-441-4119 Mobile: 317-441-4119 [email protected] Network: Therapeutic massage, Reiki, Hot Stone Massage, Indianapolis Class Coordinator, Studying Shamanism – Munay Ki, AMTA member IOWA Cross, Paula Advanced Practitioner 2047 Hwy 39 Denison, Iowa 51442 Work: 712-263-2094 Home: 712-263-2094 [email protected] Network: Health Care Professionals (available to you) Energique’s 4000 natural health care products at wholesale prices. For Personal use or business contact Paula Cross. Danielson, Daryl Student 2002 Ferndale Ave Ames, Iowa 50010 Work: 515-231-1396 Home: 515-232-3058 [email protected] Kroll, Sheila Advanced Instructor 422 East Street Shelby, Iowa 51570 Work: 712-544-2887 Home: 712-544-2946 [email protected] Schuett, Marian Associate 223 Wolf St. Deloit, Iowa 51441 Work: 712-269-0400 Home: 712-263-4888 Mobile: 712-269-0400 [email protected] Network: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Ortho-Bionomy, Repetitive use injury therapy, Integrative Reflexology, SRA, Hot Stone Therapy, Ear Candling • 31 • Westgerdes, Benjamin Student 103 E Stone St. Fairfield, Iowa 52556 Work: 505-603-5395 Home: 641-233-5116 [email protected] Wright, Nicole Student 2536 5th Avenue Council Bluffs, Iowa 51501 Work: 712-256-3600 Home: 712-309-1801 [email protected] KANSAS Casebeer, Anne Student 1818 SW Crest Drive Topeka, Kansas 66604 Work: 785-273-5864 Home: 785-273-5864 Network: Swedish massage, Reiki, Reflexology Cooper, Ruth Practitioner 1135 W. Broadway Newton, Kansas 67114-3134 Work: 316-283-2983 Home: 316-283-2983 Network: Reiki Master Teacher, CranioSacral Therapy. Gum, Denise Student 1249 S.W. Collins Avenue Topeka, Kansas 66604-1681 Work: 785-234-0752 Home: 785-234-0752 Network: Swedish Massage Leavitt, Deborah Associate, Practitioner Program 17200 Mt Olivet Rd Leavenworth, Kansas 66048 Work: 913-651-7727 Home: 913-651-7727 Mobile: 913-683-3435 [email protected] Network: Karuna Reiki Master, Massage, Touch for Health, Body Balance, Hydrotherapy. Membership & Nuce, Betty Student 2102 G Street Belleville, Kansas 66935 Work: 785-527-2195 Home: 620-241-8178 Mobile: 620-245-4207 [email protected] Network: Reiki III, Ion Cleanse, Nature Sunshine Herb Specialist, Chakra workshops, Massage, Reflexology, Hot Oil Treatment, Soothing Stone Therapy, Flower Essences, Nature Sunshine Herbs, Nutrition and Lifestyle classes. Ion Cleanse. Peterson, Dedra Associate, Practitioner Program 522 Freedom Street P.O. Box 22 Courtland, Kansas 66939 Work: 785-374-4500 Home: 785-374-4330 [email protected] Peterson, Nicole Student 1497 E. Iron Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Work: 785-823-1700 salinamassageforhealth Network: Therapeutic Swedish Massage, Pre/Post-Natal Infant, Ashiatsu Pochop, Debra Student Rt. 2 Box 92 Atwood, Kansas 67730 Work: 785-626-8015 Home: 785-626-3906 [email protected] Network: Muscle Energy, Integrative Massage, Pre-Natal Massage, Neuromuscular Repositioning, all @ $45. per hr. or $30 1/2 hr. Network Listings KENTICKY Blake, Gail Associate, Practitioner Program 6711 Fallen Leaf Circle Louisville, Kentucky 40241 Work: 502-418-1042 Home: 502-426-8902 [email protected] Network: Jin Shin Jyutsu, CranioSacral Therapy. Reg. fee $50 per hour. Disc. fee of $40 per hour for Society Members. Coppola, LMT, NCTMB Willow Student, Practitioner Program 4131 Justin Scott Lane Germantown, Kentucky 41044 Work: 606-563-9757 Home: 606-584-7077 [email protected] Network: Neuromuscular Therapy, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Hot Stone Massage Parravano, HMFIC Bill Instructor 1214 Barret Ave. Louisville, Kentucky 40204 Work: 502-664-7179 Home: 502-638-2567 Mobile 502-664-7179 [email protected] LOUISIANA Avocato, Matteo Student 711 Aurora Ave., Suite D Metairie, Louisiana 70005-2642 Work: 504-832-0945 Home: 504-832-0945 [email protected] Network: Using Massage, Polarity Therapy & Reiki to send you to the deepest levels of relaxation. 20 yrs experience Sessions start at $100 per hr 20% discount for members. Brister, Jo Associate 11923 Coursey Blvd Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70816 Work: 225-296-5144 Home: 225-296-5144 [email protected] • 32 • Gabb, Peter Student 209 12th Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70124 Work: 504-453-1836 Home: 504-453-1836 [email protected] Holman, Charlotte Student 3921 Lime Street Metairie, Louisiana 70006 Work: 504-885-5677 Home: 504-455-4961 Mobile: 504-338-3957 [email protected] Network: Swedish, Shiatsu, Anma, KoBiDo, Reiki. 1 hr - $55, 1/2 hr - $35, $5 discount for Society members. Luke, Delilah Associate Instructor, Instructor Training Program 896 S. Burgess Dr. Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70815 Work: 225-274-0705 Home: 225-274-0705 [email protected] Network: QXCI/SCIO Certified Biofeedback Technician. Reiki Master, Promote OB workshops in Baton Rouge, LA Martin, Connie Rue Student 2401 Houma Blvd # 335 Metairie, Louisiana 70001 Work: 504-237-8017 Home: 504-237-8017 [email protected] Network: Massage - like to do trades. $25.00 for other members. Scott, Peggy Instructor Pure Energy Bodywork & Instruction 3101 Ridgelake Ste. C Metarie, Louisiana 70002 Work: 504-352-0039 Home: 504-352-0039 [email protected] Network: Pure Energy Bodywork & Instruction. Working in New Orleans & Metarie, Louisiana, and Alabama Membership & MAINE Halcyon, Karen Advanced Instructor P.O. Box 164 Blue Hill, Maine 04614 Work: 207-374-2923 Home: 805-963-5005 [email protected] Network: Documentary film & video production Huskey, Margaret Student, Practitioner Program 624 Hodsdon Road #2 Pownal, Maine 04069 Work: 207-400-6864 Home: 207-400-6864 [email protected] Reighley, Douglas Student P.O. Box 276 S Freeport, Maine 04078 Work: 207-749-1961 Home: 207-865-9545 [email protected] Network: Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Polarity Practitioner MARYLAND Fears, BA Robert Practitioner 223 N. Van Buren St Rockville\Silver Spring, Maryland 20850 Work: 301-648-1901 Home: 301-648-1901 [email protected] Network: NCBTMB, VA Licensed Deep Process growth; Personal Growth Counseling, OB, Polarity work Energy work Lynch, Nora Associate 1008 Pierce Ave Salisbury, Maryland 21804 Work: 410-860-1805 Home: 410-860-1805 [email protected] Network Listings MASSACHUSETTS Albert, Matthew Associate 71 Putnam Avenue Pittsfield, Massachusetts 01201 Work: 413-446-6694 Home: 413-446-6694 [email protected] Feld, Sara Student, Practitioner Program 64 Rollingwood Lane Concord, Massachusetts 01742 Work: 978-369-7270 Home: 978-369-7270 Mobile 978-853-1380 [email protected] McDougall, Francoise Student 3 Locust Grove Road Harwich, Massachusetts 02645 Work: 508-432-0818 [email protected] Wood, Cynthia Instructor 56 Glendale St. Concord, Massachusetts 01754 Work: 978-461-1421 [email protected] Network: Workshops and sessions available. Zuber, Alison Cherry Advanced Instructor 74 Pines Edge Drive Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 Work: 413-586-6412 Home: 805-560-9740 [email protected] Network: Integrating OrthoBionomy with Body-Mind Centering, Dynamic Gait Analysis and Pediatric and Adult Neurodevelopmental Movement Therapy. • 33 • MICHIGAN Cunningham, Sherry Student 2511 Ready Road Carleton, Michigan 48117 Work: 734-654-2837 Home: 734-654-2837 [email protected] MINNESOTA Bank, Debra Associate 4020 W 31st St. Apt.6 St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55416 Work: 612-310-5521 Home: 952-926-4962 Mobile: 612-310-5521 [email protected] Network: BusinessWinds of Change Beaty, Lee Timm Associate, Practitioner Program 2801 - 42nd Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55406 Work: 612-721-7108 Home: 612-721-7108 [email protected] Network: Breathwork Facilatator, Shamanic Healing Arts, Instructor of Fulfillment Meditation. Bulgerin, Martin Associate, Practitioner Program 2200 Pillsbury Ave. S. Apt. 306 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404 Work: 612-824-3157 Home: 612-872-7998 [email protected] Network: Flower Essencesconsultations and classes, Astrology Readings, and, monthly newsletter. Unique astrological remedies also available Carlock, Lisa Student 4860 Park Commons Drive St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55416 Work: 952-334-5250 [email protected] Membership & Decker, Diadra Associate 6837 Booth Avenue East Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota 55076 Work: 651-451-6600 Home: 651-451-6600 [email protected] Douglas, Jeanne Associate Intermediate Instructor 2389 Alysheba Court Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 Work: 952-403-6639 Home: 952-403-6639 Mobile: 612-384-9098 [email protected] Network: 20% discount on sessions for Society members at my office in Shakopee. Franklin, Lucy Practitioner 1968 Saunders Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota 55116 Work: 651-283-4489 Home: 651-690-2790 [email protected] Network: Distributor of MonaVie. Stott trained on Cadillac, Barrel, and Reformer for Pilates. Halling, Leslie Associate 1201 38th Street SW Rochester, Minnesota 55902 Work: 507-252-5271 Home: 507-282-0656 [email protected] Network: Reiki, Qigong, Colored Light Therapy. Hollingsworth, Jeanne Associate, Practitioner Program P.O. Box 6193 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55406 Work: 612-998-5510 Home: 612-998-5510 [email protected] Network: Massage Therapy, Sweatlodges. King, Janna Associate 5016 Chowen Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55410 Work: 612-925-2013 Home: 612-925-2013 [email protected] Network Listings Kottschade, Judy Student 21106 State Highway 36 Spring Valley, Minnesota 55975 Work: 507-346-7791 Home: 507-273-4705 [email protected] McFadden, Ann Associate, Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner Program 3722 Russell Ave N. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55412 Work: 612-730-9257 Home: 612-529-2887 [email protected] Melson, Marilyn Student 771 E. Orange Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 Work: 651-776-4207 Home: 651-776-4207 [email protected] Network: Infant Massage Instructor Rangen, Irene Associate 915 Bluff Ave. Brainerd, Minnesota 56401 Work: 218-831-4110 Home: 218-829-3408 irenerangen@netscape net Network: Massage, Bodywraps for inch-loss and detoxification, Electrodermal Screening (AKA Meridian Stress Assessment). Salzl, Betty Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 15215 Court Rd. Minnetonka, Minnesota 55345-2802 Work: 952-687-1098 Home; 952-933-0541 Mobile: 952-687-1098 [email protected] Sciandra, Katherine Instructor 5319 Emerson Ave. S Minneapolis, Minnesota 55419 Work: 612-202-5583 Home: 612-822-1673 [email protected] • 34 • Tibbetts, Thomas Associate 3141 34th Ave South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55406 Work: 612-270-6456 Home: 612-729-3751 Mobile 612-270-6456 [email protected] Werle, Jerry Practitioner 3224 - 31st Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55406-2046 Work: 612-729-6154 Home: 612-729-6154 [email protected] MISSOURI Broyles, Karen Associate P.O. Box 1305 O’Fallon, Missouri 63366-9105 Work: 636-561-1037 Home: 314-973-0093 [email protected] MONTANA Bird, Elizabeth Ann Student, Practitioner Program 1505 Hillside Lane Bozeman, Montana 59715 Work: 406-599-3221 Home: 506-586-8799 [email protected] Network: Holistic DecisionMaking, Holistic Life Coaching, Holistic Work Coaching McGraw, Joyce Associate, Practitioner Program 3287 Quiet Place Stevensville, Montana 59870 Work: 415-302-1174 [email protected] Schroepfer, Cecily Practitioner 1134 N 22nd Street, Apt. 9 Billings, Montana 59101-0249 Work: 406-255-8485 Home: 406-259-1927 Network: Reflexology, Sound Healing, Dreams of the Earth Retreats. Membership & Zum-Mallen, Aaron Practitioner 305 First Avenue West P.O. Box 1401 Columbia Falls, Montana 59912 Work: 406-471-6959 Home: 406-892-2629 Mobile 406-471-6959 [email protected] Network: RN, Energy Therapies, Aura Counselor, Health and Wellness Counseling NEBRASKA Birchard, Delaine Advanced Practitioner 7110 S. 31st Place Lincoln, Nebraska 68516 Work: 402-483-6366 Home: 402-420-2049 Mobile 402-440-3643 [email protected] Chamberlin, Richard Practitioner 5820 Hamilton Omaha, Nebraska 68132 Work: 402-850-0752 Home: 402-553-4455 Mobile: 402-850-0752 [email protected] Network: Nationally Certified Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Cradduck, Cheryl Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner & Instructor Training Program 400 S. Cotner Blvd. Lincoln, Nebraska 68510 Work: 402-483-1530 Home: 402-483-1530 [email protected] Davis, LMT Kathleen Practitioner P.O. Box 341 Auburn, Nebraska 68305 Work: 660-736-4174 x103 Home: 660-736-4174 Mobile: 660-623-0359 [email protected] Network: NCBTMB, Neb & MO. Licensed LMT, Swedish, Reiki by appointment. Call work or cell Network Listings Fintel, Rose Student 655 N. National Ave. Superior, Nebraska 68978-1345 Work: 402-879-4903 Home: 402-879-4903 Hanson, Marlene Student 508 South ‘O’ Street Aurora, Nebraska 68818 Work: 402-694-6088 Home: 402-631-9528 [email protected] Network: Cranio-Sacral, Lymph Drainage. Business location: 1205 M Street, Aurora, NE 68818 Horejs, Rebecca Advanced Practitioner 1312 Park Avenue Omaha, Nebraska 68105-2214 Work: 402-392-2681 Home: 402-341-1749 [email protected] Network: Therapeutic Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, $5 member discount, trades. Business: 2833 S. 87th St. Omaha, NE 68124 Mindt, Cathy Student 814 W 1st Ste A Ogallala, Nebraska 69153 Work: 308-284-6768 Home: 308-778-5629 [email protected] Ostry, ND Sister Marie Alice Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 3501 State Street Omaha, Nebraska 68112 Work: 402-451-4477 Home: 402-455-2994 [email protected] Network: Nationally Certified, Licensed Massage Therapist; Swedish Massage; Deep Tissue; Pregnancy Massage; Foot Reflexology. Rickers, Margaret Associate 2900 Woodsdale Blvd. Lincoln, Nebraska 68502 Work: 402-421-6800 Home: 402-423-2976 [email protected] Network: Energy Healing Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, Cranial Sacral Therapy • 35 • Schmitt, Laurie Associate, Practitioner Program 338 Sunset Drive Doniphan, Nebraska 68832 Work: 402-984-6112 Home: 402-845-2173 [email protected] Smith, Darlene Advanced Instructor 156 Wedgewood Drive Lincoln, Nebraska 68510 Work: 402-484-6800 Home: 402-484-6800 Mobile; 402-450-4085 [email protected] Tietjen, Sandra Student 1030 Louden Street Superior, Nebraska 68978 Work: 402-879-4697 Home; 402-879-1100 [email protected] Network: Swedish massage. $50/session, $5 discount for members. Vogt, Joan Student 412 N. 4th St. Elmwood, Nebraska 68349 Work: 402-994-6075 Home: 402-994-6075 [email protected] Network: Licensed Massage Therapist, Cranial-Sacral, Healing Touch, Reiki, Zero Balancing, Lymphatic Drainage, NeuroMuscular. Wiebe, LMT, Charlotte Associate 3268 South 31st Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68502 Work: 402-483-6366 NEVADA Andreatta, Katherine Inactive Instructor 1000 Beck Street, Unit 374 Reno, Nevada 89509 Work: 775-826-2202 [email protected] Network: Reflexology, Shiatsu, Japanese Restoration Massage Membership & Clay, Gale Practitioner 1168 La Via Way Sparks, Nevada 89434 Work: 775-342-4330 Home: 775-356-5971 [email protected] Gerych, Mark Student P.O. Box 3354 Sparks, Nevada 89432 Work: 775-323-2240 Home: 775-324-2415 [email protected] Network: Reiki - all levels; Karuna Reiki; Aromatherapy candles. Gerych, Rhonda Advanced Instructor P.O. Box 3354 Sparks, Nevada 89432 Work: 775-324-2415 Home: 775-324-2415 [email protected] Network: Reiki training all levels, aromatherapy candles. McGarva, Richelle Student 1855 King Edward Dr Reno, Nevada 89503 Work: 530-640-0126 Home: 530-640-0126 [email protected] Meyer, Cozy Student 3965 Cherokee Ave Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 [email protected] Network: I also do Swedish massage, and, Deep Tissue massage in room if you come to Nevada Rohe, Nellie Student 4015 Parque Verde Lane Reno, Nevada 89502 Work: 775-823-9720 Home: 775-240-0048 [email protected] Sharp, Stephen Student 11580 Desert Bloom Drive Reno, Nevada 89506 Wor: 775-378-9298 Home: 775-378-9298 Network Listings Smith, Pauline Student, Practitioner Program 8995 Spanish Trail Dr Sparks, Nevada 89441 Work: 775-425-2913 [email protected] Wall, Kathleen Associate, Practitioner Program P.O. Box 60294 Boulder City, Nevada 89006 Work: 702-293-7545 Home: 702-219-2966 [email protected] Wenig, Deborah Advanced Instructor PO Box 18426 Reno, Nevada 89511 Work: 775-324-2290 [email protected] NEW HAMPSHIRE deLarrabeiti, Phoebe Practitioner 218 Elm Street Goffstown, New Hampshire 03045 [email protected] Network: Professional Massage Therapist from the U.K. Would like to trade sessions with fellow students/practitioners. NEW JERSEY Huttick, Alice Associate, Practitioner Program 109 Evergreen Court Freehold, New Jersey 07728 Work: 732-740-9894 Home: 732-740-9894 [email protected] Network: Licensed Massage Therapist, Swedish, Shiatsu, Medical Massage, Cranial Sacral, Somatic Emotional Release, Thai Yoga Massage, Prenatal, Hot Stone, Reflexology, Reiki, Chair Massage and Various Body Treatments Langdon, Andrea Associate, Practitioner Training Program Central New Jersey 08805 [email protected] • 36 • Marotta, Lynne Practitioner 124 High St. Leonia, New Jersey 07605 Work: 201-218-2780 Home: 201-242-9706 [email protected] Network: Master Teacher of Callanetics Plasencia, Jorge Associate 82 Wolff Ave Edison, New Jersey 08837 Work: 732-261-1600 Home: 723-261-1600 [email protected] NEW MEXICO Agius, Trisha Ruth Associate 122 Cedar St Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Work: 505-699-4854 Home: 505-908-9435 [email protected] Network: Somatic Polarity, Cranial-Sacral, Therapeutic Massage, Biosonic Re Patterning, Placement & Experiential Anatomy Bailey, Jim Practitioner 501 Rio Grande Ave B1 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Wor: 505-986-6172 Home: 505-986-6172 [email protected] Breck Practitioner 6 Pasillo Chico Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508 Work: 505-466-1538 Home: 505-466-1538 [email protected] Network: Jin Shin Jyutsu, Massage Therapy Chapman, LMT Abigail Associate 532 Cortez St. Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Work: 505-982-9153 Home: 505-982-9153 [email protected] Membership & Coates, Camille Associate Instructor, Instructor Training Program P.O. Box 2875 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504 Work: 505-983-2031 Home: 505-983-2031 [email protected] Coghill, Catherine Student 39 E Chili Line Road Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508 Work: 505-670-1371 Home: 505-670-1371 [email protected] Evans, Jenny Student, Practitioner Program 924 Dunlap St Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Work: 505-983-1244 Home: 505-983-1244 [email protected] Gate, Eve Associate 1515 Los Tomases NW Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102 Work: 505-220-5837 Home; 505-248-1515 [email protected] Network: Massage Therapist License # 4152, Do 95% Ortho-Bionomy in my practice Gray, Patricia Student 1373 Beltran Rd Las Cruces, New Mexico 88007 Work: 575-636-3456 Home: 575-521-3277 [email protected] Hofer, LPC Ursula Advanced Instructor 2019 Galisteo St. Unit M3 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 Work: 505-984-1719 [email protected] Network: Neurological counseling and trauma work. Kogan, Hannah Associate, Practitioner Program 4900 Marble Ave NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110 Work: 352-359-1675 Home: 505-255-4169 [email protected] Network Listings Lowenburg, Ellen Instructor 7342 Old Santa Fe Trail Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 Work: 505-982-5768 Home: 505-982-5768 [email protected] Network: Jin Shin Do Body mind Acupressure $70/60. Montes de Oca, Christina Advanced Instructor P.O. Box 9206 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504 Work: 505-986-9939 Home: 505-986-9939 Mobile 505-577-7108 [email protected] Moody, Amelia Associate, Practitioner Program P.O. Box 9680 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504 Work: 505-690-1672 Home: 505-992-8850 Potter, MA, LMT, LMHC Kathleen Student, Practitioner Program 1225 Calle La Mirada Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507 Work: 505-438-3402 Home: 505-438-3402 [email protected] Network: Licensed Massage Therapist- N.M. #764, Professional Astrological Consultations, Licensed Mental Health Counselor - Individuals and Couples Smith, Susan Associate, Practitioner Training Program 138 Calle Don Jose Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Work: 505-989-4947 Home: 505-983-2128 [email protected] Suloway, Tairifa Practitioner 718 Don Gaspar Ave Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 Work: 505-983-5549 Home: 505-983-5549 Mobile: 505-983-5549 [email protected] Network: Certified Cranial-Sacral Therapist, Transformation Game facilitator. • 37 • Williams, Moriah Practitioner P.O. Box 22748 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502 Work: 505-577-0479 Home: 505-577-0479 [email protected] Wind, RN, LMT Jesse Diana Associate, Practitioner Program Cert. Infant Massage Instructor P.O. Box 5211 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502 Work; 505-660-3703 [email protected] Network: Massage and Intuitive Bodywork, including pregnancy and postpartum. (l.M.T. #2080) Infant Massage classes for parents, Essential Oils and custom blends. Possible barter. Society Discount. NEW YORK Biddle, LMT Olivia Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program P.O. Box 547 New York, New York 10276 Work: 917-496-5538 Home: 718-486-5538 [email protected] Network: Injury Rehabilitation, Medical Massage, Myofacial, Aromatherapy. Offices in NYC and Brooklyn. Bowen-Muro, Leigh Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Training Program 174 Oak Tree Rd. Tappan, New York 10983 Work: 845-548-1187 Home: 845-548-1187 Mobile: 845-548-1187 [email protected] Network: Occupational Therapist, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Specialization in work with infants. Brown, Bennie Student 509 East 24th Street Brooklyn, New York 11210 [email protected] Membership & Bruning, Mary-Ann Student 457 West 57th Street #216 New York, New York 10019-1701 Work: 212-757-3709 [email protected] Network: Licensed Massage Therapist, Graduate: BBSH, ASOS Cheng, Christine Student, Practitioner Program 860 Grand Concourse Apt. 2B Bronx, New York 10451 Work: 917-403-0745 Home: 917-403-0745 [email protected] Conroy, Laura Student 3206 29th Street, Apt 5K Astoria, New York 11106 Work: 917-215-0325 Home: 718-956-2920 [email protected] Network: NYC Licensed Massage Therapist Festa, Nilda Associate, Practitioner Program 222 Fairfield Ave. Carle Place, New York 11514 Work: 516-354-0676 Home: 516-248-2182 Kenney, Dorine Associate, Practitioner Program 1002 Martenstein Ave Bay Shore, New York 11706 Work: 631-576-7294 Home: 631-667-1197 [email protected] Network: Reiki Master/Reiki Plus Master. Etheric Body Balancing. Minister-weddings & all ceremonies Ceremonial Healing. Spiritual Counseling. Will exchange with other members Kissane, Karen Student, Practitioner Program 46 Riverside Dr New York, New York 10024 Work: 212-873-4925 Home; 212-873-4925 [email protected] Network: Jin Shin Jyutsu, Aromatherapy Network Listings Laverdure, Jeremy Student 201 N 6th St #4L Brooklyn, New York 11211 Work: 646-339-3052 Home: 646-339-3052 [email protected] Lorenz, Gregory Student 267 St James Place Brooklyn, New York 11238 Wor; 646-641-9153 [email protected] Miller, Michael Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner & Instructor Training Program 45 W 22nd St. Huntington Station, New York 11746 Work: 516-974-3882 Home; 631-549-0965 [email protected] Mire Rose, Christine Student 350 Bleecker St #2R New York, New York 10014 Work: 917-365-5693 [email protected] Mowry, Michael Student 726 4th Avenue Troy, New York 12182 Work: 518-316-1785 [email protected] Parla, Francesca Student 45 W 22nd St Huntington Station, New York 11746 Work: 631-549-0965 Home: 631-549-0965 [email protected] Rodriguez, Rosa Associate Instructor, Instructor Training Program 144 W. 27th St. #11 N.E. New York, New York 10001 Work: 212-627-9440 Home: 212-627-9440 [email protected] Network: OB class coordinator in New York City. A.C.E. Certified fitness trainer and M.F.A. in dance. • 38 • Rossi-Edwards, Louise Student, Practitioner Program 215 E.77th Apt 4B New York, New York 10075 Work: 212-879-9389 [email protected] Network: Nutritional Counseling,Psycho-Therapy, Hypno-Therapy, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Acupressure Stevenson, Ian Instructor 157 Piper Road Newfield Ithaca, New York 14867 Wor: 607-564-3320 [email protected] Network: Mostly work with Horses (four legged) and two legged (people) - Book published, “Riding from the Heart” work in 7 circuit labyrinth with Horse/Rider. Manages courses with horses acting as a medium to help; focus, presence, communication. Varrasso, Brenda Student 811 Cortelyou Road #4H Brooklyn, New York 11218 Wor: 917-586-5121 [email protected] Network: Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Shiatsu. Williams, Ellen Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 340 East 93rd St. #8A New York, New York 10128 Work: 917-701-6371 Home: 212-534-7481 [email protected] Network: Licensed Massage Therapist and Holistic Health Counselor Williams, Gary Lee Associate Instructor, Instructor Training Program P.O. Box 3836, Grand Central Station New York, New York 10163-3836 Work: 212-358-5035 Home: 212-358-5035 [email protected] Network: Licensed Massage Therapist, Instructor at Swedish Institute of Massage and Acupuncture. Membership & NORTH CAROLINA Cishek, Jean Associate 1907 Helen Lane Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina 27948 Work: 252-449-8307 Home: 252-449-0242 [email protected] Forehand, Paula Associate Instructor, Instructor Training Program 230 Pond Road Shawboro, North Carolina 27973 Work: 252-336-4138 Home: 252-267-3279 [email protected] Hammer, Marcelle Practitioner 205 Turnbridge Dr. Lewisville, North Carolina 27023 Work: 336-768-7000 Home: 336-945-6614 [email protected] Network: Massage Therapist, Directional Healing Practitioner Johnson, Carol Practitioner 2300 Rama Rd Charlotte, North Carolina 28212 Work: 704-536-7504 Home: 704-536-7504 [email protected] Johnson, Gena Student, Practitioner Program 2274 Fines Creek Rd Clyde, North Carolina 28721 Work: 828-734-2788 [email protected] Network: Licensed Massage Therapist, Deep Tissue, Various Energy Work, Hot Rocks Mark, Jessica Sehested Practitioner 15 Running Deer Rd Candler, North Carolina 28715 Work: 828-273-1288 [email protected] Network: Pilates mat & machine lessons Network Listings McCrea, Linda Instructor 24 Oakhaven Terrace Asheville, North Carolina 28803 Work: 828-298-5154 Home: 828-298-5154 Mobile 704-968-2145 [email protected] Network: Instructs classes throughout the U.S. Please check website for updated classes schedules and current info. Experience “Matrix Energetics” as well. Piontka, Sherry Associate 160 Rainbow Drive Hartford, North Carolina 27944 Work: 252-426-3645 [email protected] OHIO Blocksom, Bill Instructor 2106 Braewick Circle, Suite D Akron, Ohio 44313-6231 Work: 330-836-4788 [email protected] Network: Massage Therapy, Reiki Sessions and Classes, Astrology Consultations Brown, Gary Practitioner 2245 Freda Drive Bucyrus, Ohio 44820 Work: 419-561-0847 Home: 419-562-2597 [email protected] Network: Occupational Therapy Assistant. Pediatric thru Geriatric Sessions. Brown, Jana Practitioner 615 Ross Avenue Hamilton, Ohio 45013 Work: 513-288-0308 Home: 513-896-4518 [email protected] Network: Artist Specializing in Pet Portraits, using pastels, pen and ink, or charcoal. • 39 • Burek, John Practitioner 280 S Aldrich Rd Youngstown, Ohio 44515 Work: 330-792-1687 Home: 330-792-1687 Network: Zero Balancing(R) Practitioner, Trager(R) Practitioner ($50 per session) Catalano, BA, LMT, APP Margarette Practitioner 7234 Whitlind Lane Athens, Ohio 45701 Work: 740-594-2629 Home: 740-594-2629 [email protected] Clark, LPN, LMT Mary Practitioner P.O. Box 3321 Lexington, Ohio 44904 Work: 419-362-8210 Home: 419-362-6011 [email protected] Demler, Evilue Student 512 Morrison St North Nevada, Ohio 44849 Work: 740-482-9908 [email protected] Dreeze, LMT Helen Practitioner 1160 S. McCord Road Apt.W-3 Holland, Ohio 43528 Work: 419-865-4077 Home: 419-865-6852 [email protected] Langnau, Leslie Practitioner 1105 Hampton Dr Macedonia, Ohio 44056 Work: 216-548-5192 Home: 330-908-1611 [email protected] Melaragno, William Associate, Practitioner Program 8195 Orchard Road Painesville, Ohio 44077 Work: 216-789-2163 Home; 440-392-9645 [email protected] Membership & Miller, Gary Student 184 Charleston Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43085 Work: 614-430-9041 Home: 614-781-0033 [email protected] Poffinbarger, Carole Associate Instructor, Instructor Training Program Instructor Training Program 2928 Hamilton Scipio Road Hamilton, Ohio 45013 Work: 513-858-6810 Home: 513-868-7679 Mobile: 513-325-0478 [email protected] Network: Licensed Massage Therapist. Rinaldi, Cecilia Practitioner 30 Arbor Drive The Plains, Ohio 45780 Work: 740-797-7284 Home: 740-664-6971 [email protected] Network: Reflexology, Reiki, Certified Radical Forgiveness Coach & Satori Gamemaster Rininger, D’arle Keith Instructor 3865 Bright Rd. Dublin, Ohio 43016 Work: 614-793-2038 Home: 614-793-2038 [email protected] Saxon, DC Alan Advanced Instructor 4125 W. Sylvania Ave., Apt.18 Toledo, Ohio 43623 Work: 419-474-7440 Home: 419-474-7440 [email protected] http:/ Network: Classical Homeopathy, Nutritional Counseling, Shivambu Kalpa (Urine) Therapy Management Emotional/ Relationship Counseling (Ortho-Bionomy based). Schlarman, Carissa Student 308 Harrison St Apt 4, P.O. Box 694 Fort Recovery, Ohio 45846 Work: 419-375-0157 Home: 419-852-9072 Network Listings Shinall, MD Ann Instructor 878 Bantam Ridge Road Wintersville, Ohio 43953 Work: 757-287-5457 Home: 757-287-5457 ann.shinall@gmail Thompson, Gail Practitioner 104 N Cherry St Eaton, Ohio 45320 Work: 937-456-2636 Home: 937-456-6078 Mobile 937-336-1413 [email protected] Network: Holistic Practice 9 years, Psych RN, Aromatherapy, Life Changes coach, Ortho-Bionomy. Voice remapping, Limbic stress assessment.QRA practitioner OKLAHOMA Milstead, RN, Ruth Anne Instructor BSN, M.AC.,L.AC, E-RYT 321 Fowler Road Fort Sill, Oklahoma 73503 Work: 580-355-3403 Home: 580-355-3403 [email protected] Network: Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, Yoga Teacher Training available Registered Practitioner & Advanced Practitioner, Learn Ortho-Bionomy!Practitioner Training starts here. OREGON Binnendyk, Christine Student 8861 SW Firview Place Beaverton, Oregon 97007 Work: 503-789-5833 Home: 503-789-5833 [email protected] Network: Pilates training: 1st session complimentary at Club Sport Tigard (public) or Nike/ WHQ employees & members only) Bruner, Joseph Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 1254 NE 6th St Bend, Oregon 97701 Work: 541-815-8876 [email protected] • 40 • Eelkema, Teri Student 6730 SW 168th Pl Beaverton, Oregon 97007 Work: 503-867-6212 Home: 503-867-6212 [email protected] Network: Cranial-Sacral Therapy Graham, LMT Diane Practitioner 3021 Helgeson Lane Grants Pass, Oregon 97527 Work: 541-218-7327 Home: 541-956-1367 Mobile: 541-218-7327 Haverlan, Isa Student 841 7th Street Astoria, Oregon 97103 Work: 503-325-3887 Home: 503-325-3887 [email protected] Network: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Reiki and Hot Stone Massage. Deep, nurturing, thorough. Heid, Charlan Associate P.O. Box 44 Jamieson, Oregon 97909 Work: 541-473-3345 Home: 541-473-3345 [email protected] Koehn, Larisa Practitioner 5805 N Minnesota Ave Portland, Oregon 97217 Work: 503-975-3300 Home: 503-239-5514 [email protected] Lambert, Sarah Student, Practitioner Program 3430 SE 45th Ave Portland, Oregon 97206 Work: 503-869-8594 Home: 503-869-8594 [email protected] Membership & Marcus, Rhonda Associate P.O. Box 86130 Portland, Oregon 97286-0130 Work: 503-282-5725 Home: 503-234-3221 Mobile: 503-869-3430 [email protected] Network: Naturopathic Doctor: Specializing in life style/diet counseling, herbs, Reiki and Classical Homeopathy. Call business number for an appointment and receive 30% time of service discount. Focus on Functional Endocrinology. Noonan, Paul Associate, Practitioner Program 5805 N Minnesota Ave Portland, Oregon 97217 Work: 503-679-6707 Home: 503-679-6707 [email protected] Oram, ND Virginia A. Associate, Practitioner Program 400 East 2nd Avenue, Suite 105 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Work: 541-343-2384 [email protected] Network: Naturopathic Physician, Homeopath & Women’s Health Expert; Specializes in Nutritional Counseling, Herbal Medicine, Classical Homeopathy and Natural Hormones. Reiki Master. Sanders, Corilee Practitioner 1430 Williamette St #578 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Work: 928-978-4907 Home: 541-230-1190 Mobile: 928-978-4907 [email protected] Network: Reiki Master Schmidt, Beckie Associate, Practitioner Program 487 Ontario Heights Rd. Ontario, Oregon 97914 Work: 208-452-5716 Home: 541-889-4286 [email protected] [email protected] Network Listings Sielen, Jean Student, Practitioner Program P.O. Box 2237 Gearhart, Oregon 97138 Work: 503-298-9715 Home: 503-298-9715 [email protected] Network: Jin Shin Do Acupressure-Private Practice. Gratis sessions for continuing education. Wilson, ND Renee Student 417 Sherman Ave Ste 5 Hood River, Oregon 97031 Work: 541-386-5505 [email protected] Network: Naturopathic Physician, Drainage and Constitutional Homeopathy, Clearing Emotional and Perceptual Blocks, Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Manual Scar Therapy, Myofascial Release, Wellness Programs Wipfli, LMT Walter Practitioner 529 NE Lafayette Ave Bend, Oregon 97701 Work: 541-420-7282 Home: 541-420-7282 Mobile: 541-420-7282 [email protected] Network: CranioSacral techniques and Lymphatic Drainage Therapy. Somatic Trauma Resolution. Zamarra, ND, LMT Carol Associate 3835 SW 185th Ave., Suite 200 Aloha, Oregon 97206 Work: 503-5918855 Home: 503-201-0492 [email protected] PENNSYLVANIA Dudzinski, Evelyn Practitioner 5425 Florida Ave. Bethel Park, Pennsylvania 15102 Work: 412-835-5416 Home: 412-835-7522 Haas, Rita Student 802 West 6th Ave Derry, Pennsylvania 15627 Work: 724-694-5155 Home: 724-694-5155 • 41 • [email protected] Network: Massage Therapy, Rain Drop Therapy w/Pure Essential Oils, Price 1/2 hr $35, 1hr 445, 11/2 hr $55. discount available for other members Mitchell, Rebecca Associate PO Box 115 Chatham, Pennsylvania 19318 Work: 484-888-3184 rebmitch@gmail Tolles, Nancy Associate 164 Nursery Rd Renfrew, Pennsylvania 16053 Work: 724-991-8468 Home: 724-789-9513 [email protected] SOUTH CAROLINA Camens, Nora Student 278 Salt Meadow Cove Johns Island, South Carolina 29455 Work: 843-860-3038 Home: 843-860-3038 Mobile: 843-860-3038 [email protected] Network: CranioSacral and La Stone Therapy. SOUTH DAKOTA Faiman, Timothy Student 4232 Brookside Dr Rapid City, South Dakota 57702 Work: 605-718-2707 Home: 605-863-0355 [email protected] Kinkner, RNC, LMT Faith Associate, Practitioner Program CHTP, HNC 106 E Main Beresford, South Dakota 57004-1819 Wor: 605-763-2033 Home: 605-571-9099 [email protected] Network: Holistic Nurse Certified, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, RNC, Certified Med-Surg, LMT. Membership & TENNESSEE Ireland, Alma Student 6074 E Brainerd Rd Ste 3 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421 Wor: 423-548-0751 [email protected] Network: Myoskeletal, Trigger Point Therapy Peschko, LMT Nancy Associate, Practitioner Program 240 Forest Ave, Suite 402 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37405 Work: 423-266-4224 Home: 423-875-3552 [email protected] Network: LMT Smith, Leslie Student 840 Murrell Rd. Signal Mountain, Tennessee 37377 Work: 423-886-6743 Home: 423-886-6743 [email protected] Sullivan, LMT Janice Borta Associate, Practitioner Program 206 James Blvd Signal Mountain, Tennessee 37377 Work: 423-322-3857 Home: 423-886-1034 [email protected] TEXAS Baeten, Nell Student, Practitioner Program 19002 Scenic Loop Rd Helotes, Texas 78023 Work: 210-695-8301 Home: 210-695-8107 [email protected] Bortolussi, Auriel Associate, Practitioner Program 1706 Vassar Street #2 Houston, Texas 77098 Work: 832-594-5929 Home: 713-523-7460 Mobile: 832-594-5929 [email protected] Bryars, Shirley Student 7236 FM 2710 Lindale, Texas 75771 Work: 903-593-6260 Home: 903-825-3791 Network Listings Downing, Leigh Student 5205 Maverick Dr Austin, Texas 78727 Work: 512-336-7424 Home: 512-507-6208 [email protected] Network: Swedish Massage, Cupping, EFT Dutczak, Sally Advanced Practitioner 995 CR 221 Killeen, Texas 76549 Work: 254-547-8004 Home: 254-547-3217 Network: Nationally certified/ Sound therapy with crystal bowls/ Reiki instructor/Raindrop technique/Aromatherapy with Young Living Essential Oils. Gersh, Tammy Associate, Practitioner Program 1908 Hood Circle Carrollton/Plano, Texas 75006 Work: 214-564-7795 Home: 972-418-0778 [email protected] Network: Feel the stillness in you. TM Gilliam, Tracy Associate Instructor, Instructor Training Program P.O. Box 1866 Georgetown, Texas 78627 Work: 512-869-0509 [email protected] Network: Massage Therapy Instructor and CE Provider, Class Coordinator Grimmet, Beth Practitioner 18 Whistlers Walk The Woodlands, Texas 77381 Work: 281-363-1937 Home: 281-363-1937 [email protected] Hamman, RMT, LVN Barbara Student 18220 U.S. Hwy 77N Victoria, Texas 77904 Work: 361-578-4940 Home: 361-578-4940 Mobile: 361-648-7343 Network: At home with physical (RTARM) injury. • 42 • Hance, Pamela Associate P.O. Box 35 Briggs, Texas 78608 Work: 512-799-7145 Home: 512-799-7145 [email protected] Hansen, Stella Associate, Practitioner Program 10 Song Sparrow Place The Woodlands, Texas 77381 Work: 281-298-3766 Home: 832-928-6713 [email protected]—hansen Network: Welcome exchanges or will discount for members. Also: CranioSacral Therapy; Skin care and cosmetic products Henson, Debra Student 3829 Shadycreek Dr Garland, Texas 75042 Work: 214-893-0035 Home: 214-893-0035 [email protected] Network: Integrative bodywork including O-B, Swedish, Reflexology, Shiatsu, & Thai. Junkman, Kelley Associate 8546 Serene Ridge Drive San Antonio, Texas 78239 Work: 210-736-1384 Home: 210-946-1384 [email protected] Loomer, Sally Coulter Student, Practitioner Program 11305 Pickfair Drive Austin, Texas 78750 Work: 512-466-1327 Home: 512-331-6707 [email protected] Network: Acupressure, Craniosacral, Structural Bodywork Lundy, Frances Associate 303 Azalea Lake Jackson, Texas 77566 Work: 979-417-9670 Home: 979-417-9670 [email protected] Network: ADD - Muscle Release Technique Membership & McFarland, Lisa Student 4950 Bissonnet #230 Bellaire, Texas 77401 Work: 713-528-7200 Home: 713-668-2566 Mobile: 713-443-6163 [email protected] Network: NST - Neuro-Structural Technique. CranioSacral Therapy. Reconnective Healing, Reconnection, Certified Medical Intuition, Archetype Wheel (Sacred Contract) Analysis. McMillian, LouEllen Associate, Practitioner Program 6218 N Shiloh Rd, #1914 Garland, Texas 75044 Work: 979-218-0923 Home: 972-675-9646 Mobile: 979-218-0923 [email protected] Network: Over 10 Years: OB, Swedish, Manual Lymph Drainage. North Dallas, Garland, Richardson, Plano. My home or yours. Merlin, Joseph Associate 2405 Hidden Grove Schertz, Texas 78154 Work: 210-316-6056 Home: 210-316-6056 [email protected] Moore, RMT Hilmar Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 8500 N Mopac, Ste 501 Austin, Texas 78759 Work: 512-762-3924 Home: 512-472-7725 [email protected] Network: Discount for Society members. Newbold, Dee Student 5205 Maverick Drive Austin, Texas 78727 Work: 512-336-7424 Home: 512-507-6209 [email protected] Network: Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (TX Lic # AC00116) 20% discount Network Listings O’Shea, Scot Advanced Instructor 323 E. Magnolia San Antonio, Texas 78212 Work: 210-736-6184 Home: 210-495-0134 Mobile: 210-736-6184 [email protected] Network: Bowen & Somatic Traumatic Release Pain Therapy for horses. Pilzner, David Student 17910 Grand Valley Circle Houston, Texas 77090 Work: 832-249-2857 Home: 281-880-7306 Mobile: 832-683-1481 [email protected] Network: Registered Nurse Romain, Nadine Associate 7150 East Grand Ave. # 1211 Dallas, Texas 75223 Work: 214-796-5327 Home: 214-796-5327 [email protected] Network: Hypnosis for better health & better life! Hypnobirthing© Childbirth Preparation, Traditional Hatha Yoga & Prenatal/Postpartum Yoga, Professional Labor Asst. (Cert. Doula) Ruiz, Stephanie Associate 8002 Mt Zion Dr Corpus Christi, Texas 78413 Work: 361-880-0546 Home: 361-852-2689 Mobile: 361-880-0546 [email protected] Schoeller, Susan Instructor 6 E. Woodtimber Ct. The Woodlands, Texas 77381 Work: 281-292-3388 Home; 281-292-3388 [email protected] Network: LMT, MTI, TX CE Provider, offering OB classes in the Houston/Conroe area. • 43 • Silverthorne, Carol Student 510 N. Prairie Avenue Dallas, Texas 75246-1113 Work: 214-821-1323 [email protected] White, Barbara Student 3312 Doolin B Dr. Austin, Texas 78704 Work: 512-443-6468 Home: 512-443-6468 [email protected] Network: Jin Shin Jyutsu., Swedish Massage. Winter, Randall Advanced Instructor P.O. Box 140243 Dallas, Texas 75214 Work: 214-763-7601 Home: 214-321-7121 [email protected] Network: Offering Ortho-Bionomy classes in the Dallas area. Call or e-mail for details. UTAH Kurtz, Nancy Student 139 Arches Drive Moab, Utah 84532 Work: 435-259-0734 Home: 435-259-0734 [email protected] Roots, Drew Student 1102 San Miguel Moab, Utah 84532 Work: 435-462-9298 [email protected] Shank, Catherine Associate Instructor, Instructor Training Program 479 Alberta Court Moab, Utah 84532 Work: 435-259-8123 Home: 435-259-7278 [email protected] Network: Licensed Massage Therapist, Jin Shin Do, Acupressurist, Taiki Tibetan Qigong Instructor Membership & VERMONT Irwin, Victoria Student 79 Borden Street Richmond, Vermont 05477 Work: 802-922-3277 Home: 802-434-5687 [email protected] Network: Vermont Reflexology & Massage “The Heart and Sole of Relaxation” Reflexology, Passive Foot Mobilization, Empathic Support, Sports, Swedish & Deep Tissue. Suggested Rates $40-$5030 minutes, $55-$75-60 minutes, $85-$100-90 minutes Perlee, Michelle Student 75 Stonewall Drive Bristol, Vermont 05443 Work: 802-349-5200 Home: 802-453-2645 [email protected] Network: Reflexology, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone, Swedish Massage Swafford, Dianne Instructor 3 Sunset Drive Unit 1B Essex, Vermont 05452 Work: 802-734-1121 Home: 802-879-6824 [email protected] Tellier, Nancy Associate 189 Stonebroke Rd. Leicester, Vermont 05733 Work: 802-388-4882 1 Home: 802-247-6125 [email protected] Network: Licensed Massage Therapist, also Craniosacral Therapy, Process Acupressure. VIRGINIA Alexander, Connie Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 2175 Clearview Road Exmore, Virginia 23350 Work: 757-693-2833 Home: 757-442-3191 Mobile: 757-693-2833 [email protected] Network Listings Bassett, Eliot Associate 244 East 40th St. Apt 1 Norfolk, Virginia 23504 Work: 757-627-1070 Home: 757-478-7919 [email protected] Cannon, Angela Associate, Practitioner Program 217 Tennessee Avenue Alexandria, Virginia 22305 Work: 703-548-2270 Home: 703-299-0301 [email protected] Childress, KT Practitioner 241 Colonial Post Office Rd Gate City, Virginia 24251 Work: 252-573-9343 Home: 252-473-4678 [email protected] Clevenson, Dina Associate 6031 Redwood Lane Alexandria, Virginia 22310 Work: 703-548-2270 Home: 703-960-5859 Mobile: 703-587-9449 [email protected] Fears, BA Robert Practitioner 409 Sheepshead Lane Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452 Work: 301-648-1901 Home: 757-463-2112 Mobile: 301-648-1901 [email protected] Network: NCBTMB, VA licensed, Deep Personal Growth Personal Growth Counseling; Practices in Virginia Beach, Va, and Rockville, MD. Contact Phone Number: (301) 648-1901 VIA Natural Healing Connections Johnson, CJ Associate 6226 Beachway Drive Falls Church, Virginia 22041 Work: 316-259-7333 Home: 316-259-7333 [email protected] • 44 • Martin, RN, BS Miriam “Mame” Advanced Practitioner 552 Harton Circle Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452 Work: 757-718-5522 Home: 757-340-2073 Mobile: 757-718-5522 [email protected] Parsons, CMT Cynthia Student 214 Belmont Drive SW Leesburg, Virginia 20175 Work: 703-777-8540 [email protected] Network: Orthopedic, Russian Medical and Sports Massage; Ergonomic training; Exercise Therapy. Promack, Patrice Associate, Practitioner Program 152 Meadows Road Fredericksburg, Virginia 22406 Work: 540-710-4324 Home: 540-286-3117 [email protected] Network: Happy to trade. Did my original Bodywork Training at New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics. I am also a Reiki Master. Shinall, MD Ann Instructor 5033 Sullivan Blvd Virginia Beach, Virginia 23455 Work: 757-287-5457 Home: 757-287-5457 ann.shinall@gmail Swafford, May Student Massage Every Soul 2 Heather Place Fredericksburg, Virginia 22405 Work: 540-408-3679 Home: 540-373-1143 Mobile: 540-408-3679 [email protected] Network: Stress reduction, Chair massage, Reflexology, Deep Tissue and Therapeutic Massage, Prenatal Massage Membership & WASHINGTON Dalton, Elizabeth Student 2909 218 Ave. SE Sammamish, Washington 98075 Work: 425-736-2649 Home: 425-736-2649 [email protected] Network: Thai Massage, Pregnancy, Reflexology, Hot Stone, Deep Tissue, Aromatherapy, Sport Massage. Lee, Terri Advanced Instructor 3927 Old Garvey Rd Colville, Washington 99114 Work: 509-680-2961 [email protected] Maguire, Siddiqi Student, Practitioner Program P.O. Box 3173 Belfair, Washington 98528 Work: 360-485-9015 Home: 360-485-9015 [email protected] Network: Acupressure, Reiki, Earth Energy (on a donation basis). Malcolm, Uma Advanced Instructor P.O. Box 1942 Friday Harbor, Washington 98250 Work: 360-370-5453 Home: 360-370-5453 [email protected] Network: Meditation and yoga skills, Trauma Somatics, Tibetan Esoteric Healing, Visceral, Cranial. Experienced working with infants & children. Ratterman, Jeanne Associate, Practitioner Program 11 Laurel Lane South Washougal, Washington 98671 Work: 360-837-3680 Home: 360-837-3680 [email protected] Network Listings Rommel, Phyllecia Advanced Instructor P. O. Box 70384 Seattle, Washington 98127 Work: 206-783-5404 Home: 206-783-5404 [email protected] Network: Advanced Instructor training at accredited Medical school. Please call for more information. Dances with Dragons, Swims with Otters, Plays with the Wind. WISCONSIN Ackers, Debra Associate 5599 Winners Circle Oregon, Wisconsin 53575 Work: 608-712-9310 Home: 608-835-9310 [email protected] Alanen, Linda Associate 113 Quaker Circle Madison, Wisconsin 53716 Work: 608-251-7766 Home: 608-222-8054 [email protected] Network: WI Certified Massage Therapist, Integrated Massage, Thai Medical Massage-Erawan, AMTA, NCBTMB, Repetitive Use Injury Therapy®, Certified Trager® Practitioner, Reiki, Craniosacral Therapy, $75 hr Borkenhagen, Katherine Practitioner 2801 N. 7th Street Wausau, Wisconsin 54403 Work: 715-849-4440 Network: Reflexology, Massage, Polarity , Tai Chi Chuan, Huna, Reiki Callahan, Carrie Practitioner Madison, Wisconsin 53705 Work: 608-438-2515 Home: 608-310-9616 [email protected] Network: SoulCollege • 45 • De Pasquale, Helen Student, Practitioner Program P.O. Box 955 Grafton, Wisconsin 53024 Work: 262-707-0494 1 Home: 262-375-9068 Mobile: 262-707-0494 [email protected] Network: LaStone, Lomi, Rain Drop+Bath Gray, Kelly Student 7792 Patton Rd Dane, Wisconsin 53529 Work: 920-227-7648 Home: 608-237-6612 [email protected] Harrison, RMT, LMT Jonathan Student NMT, APP, NCTMB 3046 Irvington Way Madison, Wisconsin 53713-3414 Work: 608-243-1729 x219 Home: 608-243-7791 Mobile: 608-358-4590 [email protected] Network: A Healing Path 505 Dapin Rd. Madison, Wi. 53704 Melinski, Margaret Associate, Practitioner Program P.O.Box 373 West Bend, Wisconsin 53095-0373 Work: 262-677-1494 Home: 262-677-1494 [email protected] Owen, Dr. Allen Student 5310 W. Loomis Rd. Greendale, Wisconsin 53129 Work: 414-421-1700 Home: 414-421-1725 [email protected] Network: Holistic Dentistry, Esoteric Healing. Be set free fast. (BSFF) Rasmussen, Judith Student 2409 Fremont Ave #3 Madison, Wisconsin 53704 Wor: 608-335-6777 [email protected] Membership & Rose, Kathryn Associate, Practitioner Program Massage Connection Wellness Center LLC 232 E College Avenue Appleton, Wisconsin 54911 Work: 920-749-1324 Home: 920-850-0300 Mobile: 920-850-0300 [email protected] Network: Massage Therapy, Reiki. $55.00/hr. Sax, Melanie Associate, Practitioner Program 602 Stockton Ct. Madison, Wisconsin 53711 Work: 608-280-0882 Home: 608-280-0882 [email protected] Stackhouse, Morel Advanced Instructor 705 West Lakeside St. Madison, Wisconsin 53715 Work: 608-255-0303 Home: 608-255-0303 [email protected] Tiedt, Lisa Associate, Practitioner Program 313 Laurel Lane Madison, Wisconsin 53704 Work: 608-669-5363 Home: 608-221-7844 [email protected] Torinus, Mary Student, Practitioner Program 3560 Kangaroo Beach Road Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin 54202-9003 Work: 920-839-9124 [email protected] WYOMING Anderson, JuDee Practitioner 425 S Brooks Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 Work: 307-751-6482 Home: 307-655-5031 [email protected] Network: Registered Aroma Therapy, Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Addictions Counselor, Certified Bau-Biologist Network Listings Halsey, Katharine Associate, Practitioner Program P.O. Box 161 Wilson, Wyoming 83014 Work: 307-734-5841 Home: 307-734-5841 [email protected] Network: Licensed and Nationally Certified Sports Massage Therapist. Certified Personal Trainer Fee $70/hr. AUSTRALIA Bak, Tineke Associate, Practitioner Program 2 Knaith Rd Ringwood East, Victoria Australia 3135 Work: 61-03-9879 7693 Home: 61 03-9879-7693 [email protected] Benson, Debra Instructor 21 Government Road Nords Wharf, New South Wales Australia 2281 Work: 61402901149 Home: 61249761914 Mobile: 04-029-01149 [email protected] Network: Therapeutic, Remedial, and Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Medicine and Massage, Touch for Health I and II, Registered Fitness Leader. Brooker, Jocelyn Advanced Practitioner 21 Mc Carthy Rd. Maleny, Queensland Australia 4552 Work: 0429647370 Home: 0754943693 Mobile: 0429647370 [email protected] Network: Remedial Massage Brown, Vicki Practitioner Unit 2, 380 Belmore Road Mont Albert North, Victoria Australia 3129 Work: 61 03 9857 9678 Home: 61 03 9857 9678 [email protected] • 46 • Burnet, Johanna Advanced Practitioner 72 Dutton St. Hawthorne, Queensland Australia 4171 Work: 0733955598 Home: 0733955598 [email protected] www.johannaburnet. Network: Queensland, Australia Accredited Practitioner Reflexology, Reiki Master, Gentle effective Body work. Carter, Zarna Associate Instructor, Instructor Training Program P.O. Box 534 Parap, Northern Territory Australia 0804 Work: 61 0407184403 Home: 61 0407184403 [email protected] Network: Ortho-Bionomy for Horses, and owner riders, Qualified Homeopathic, Herbalist Donegan, Carol Practitioner 446 Chum Creek Road Healesville, VIC, Victoria Australia 3777 Work: 0359625505 Home: 0407844129 [email protected] Finnegan, Lucy Student 5 Keiller Street Hampton East, Victoria Australia 3188 Work: 0395557424 Home: 0395557424 Network: Relaxation Massage; Reiki Healing Goldberg, Heather Associate Instructor, Instructor Training Program 42 Hatfield St. Melbourne, Victoria Australia3104 Work: 0398590228 [email protected] Membership & Network Listings Gardner, Jane Practitioner 69 Holbrook Rd Westbrook Toowoomba, Queensland Australia 4350 Work: 32177484 Home: 0746306171 [email protected] [email protected] Network: Brisbane Clinic: 14 Balham Rd, Rocklea, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 4106 Logan, Lois Instructor 3 Coolangatta Close Kewarra Beach, Queensland Australia 4879 Work: 617 4057 8106 Home: 0428 995 617 Mobile: 011 7 428 995 617 [email protected] Network: Coordinator of classes for North Queensland area of Australia. Jeboult, Eileen Instructor 27 Mackay Terrace Bardon Brisbane, Queensland Australia 4065 Work: 0733678344 Home: 0414491992 [email protected] Network: Eileen has 15 years experience as an Ortho-Bionomist and loves working with people. She especially loves going outback, the wilderness of Oz. Malone, Andrew Student, Practitioner Program 22 Lake Fortesques Avenue Greenwith Gulfview Heights Adelaide, South Australia Australia 5125 Work: 0882587335 Home: 0882811042 [email protected] Graf, Uli Associate 178 Dewar TCE Corinda, Queensland Australia 4075 Work: 0738784477 Home: 0732786009 [email protected] Kendall, Jannette Student, Practitioner Program P.O. Box 616 Nairne, South Australia Australia 5252 Work: 0882710252 Home: 0883880853 [email protected] Ledwidge, Karen Associate, Practitioner Program 3 Bordeaux Ave Blackburn Melbourne, Victoria Australia 3130 Work: 03-9898-8860 Home: 03-9898-8860 [email protected] McCarthy, Janine Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 128 Smith St Thornbury, Victoria Australia 3071 Work: 61 3 9416 9872 Home: 61 3 9416 9872 [email protected] Moore, Allanah Student 1/18 Pilba Street Chermside, Queensland Australia 4032 Work: 3350 2249 [email protected] Muller, Fiona Practitioner 321 Humffray St. Nth. Ballarat, Victoria Australia 3350 Work: 0353204478 Home: 0353317241 [email protected] Paterson, Anne Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner Program 56 Allenby Road Alexandra Hills, Queensland Australia 4161 Work: 738243700 Home: 738243700 [email protected] • 47 • Poley, Barbara Practitioner Unit 1/9 Carlisle Court Hervey Bay, Queensland Australia 4655 Work: 0429 179 162 Home: 0429 179 162 [email protected] Powell, Vicki Advanced Practitioner 9 Banksia Lane Stanthorpe, Queensland Australia 4380 Work: 0746810322 Home: 0746833206 [email protected] Network: Clinic: 97 High St, Stanthorpe Therapeutic Centre. Clinic in Brisbane alternate weeks. Rich, Robert Student, Practitioner Program 11 Virtue Ave, Booral Hervey Bay, Queensland Australia 4655 Work: 0405-671-033 [email protected] Staier, Edwin Practitioner 132 Fulham Rd. Gulliver, Queensland Australia 4812 Work: 0747284041 [email protected] Swan, Anthony Instructor P.O. Box 3780 Manuka, Australian Capital Territory Australia 2603 Work: 0412286385 Home: 0412286385 [email protected] Spreckley, Charles Practitioner 2716 Paynes Crossing Rd Wollombi, New South Wales Australia 2325 Work: 0413158967 Home: 0249983138 Mobile: 0413158967 [email protected] Network: Licensed contractor for interior linings, plasterboard ceilings, walls, and cornices both plain and fancy. (needs c.e.u.) Membership & Stark, Bruce Advanced Instructor 103A / 133 Goulburn Street Surry Hills, New South Wales Australia 2010 Work: 61 417 477 686 Home: 61 2 9281 7712 Mobile: 61 417 477 686 [email protected] Timmons, Elizabeth Student, Practitioner Program 8/30 Martinez Ave Townsville, Queensland Australia 4810 Work: 0747285958 Home: 0747285958 van Zonneveld, Isis Practitioner P.O. Box 1617 Carindale, Queensland Australia 4152 Work: 0411 24 1154 Home: 07 3843 5206 [email protected] Weaver, Norma Instructor 8 Bedivere Street Blacktown, New South Wales Australia 2148 Work: 296767428 Home: 296767428 weaving_body_wisdom Network: Therapeutic Massage. PO Box 3969 Wunsch, Winfried Associate, Practitioner Program 32 Powell Road Blackmans Bay, Tasmania Australia 7052 Work: 0362296609 [email protected] Network: Gentle Bodywork, Ortho-Bionomy, $20-60 Network Listings CANADA Brzozowska, Jadwiga Student 6 Long Drive Whitby, Ontario Canada LIN8E2 Work: 905-444-9739 [email protected] Network: RMT. Stouffville Centre Clinic 1/2 hr -$45.00, 1hr - $75.00 Callister, Baeleay Advanced Instructor 8144 Southwood Halfmoon Bay, British Columbia Canada V0N 1Y1 Work: 604-885-5132 Home: 604-885-5132 [email protected] Datl, Evelyne Student, Practitioner Program 92 Ilford Road Toronto, Ontario Canada M6G2H5 Work: 416-656-5578 [email protected] Network: Astrological Consultations $60-$100; Composer for film and television. Hall, Judy Student, Practitioner Program 60 Groeger Rd, RR 3 Huntsville, Ontario Canada P1H2J4 Work: 705-789-1468 [email protected] Johnson, Jane Practitioner 8551-75th Ave NW Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6C 0G9 Work: 780-440-4662 3 Home: 780-469-5998 [email protected] Network: Therapeutic, Pregnancy, and Relaxation Massage, Reflexology • 48 • Juarez, Julia Student 193 Barton St. W Hamilton, Ontario Canada L8R 2H3 Work: 905-962-8787 Home: 905-528-5457 [email protected] Network: Occupational therapist with vast experience in the treatment of physical and mental health issues. Advanced study in Energy Medicine Dream Interview Methods, Stress management & NIA techniques Long, Marie Advanced Instructor 3075 Dunsmuir Rd. Vernon, British Columbia Canada V1H 1B3 Work: 250-542-0763 Home: 250-542-0763 [email protected] Miller, Judith Associate Intermediate Instructor 342 Wilbrod St Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1N6M5 Work: 613-235-2687 Home: 819-671-1189 [email protected] Network: Workshops, Sessions, Tutorials, Class Coordinator, Advanced Practitioner & Instructor. Also Qigong, Bowen Jin Shin, Acupressure, and Quantum Touch. Will travel to teach OB or schedule classes you want in Canada’s capital Munro-Caple, Karen Associate 171 Nepean St, Ste 203 Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2P 0B4 Work: 613-230-3527 Home: 613-234-6268 [email protected] Myers, RMT Marie Practitioner 53511 Range Road 225 Sherwood Park, Alberta T8A 4V3 Canada Work: 780-464-4495 Home: 780-467-1134 Mobile: 780-416-5162 [email protected] Network: Massage Therapy, CranioSacral Therapy, Lymph Drainage Therapy. Membership & Pauls, Tanya Sarah Advanced Practitioner 755 Morrison Avenue Kelowna, British Columbia Canada V1Y 5E6 Work: 250-868-0823 [email protected] Network: Advanced Practitioner, Basic Instructor, “The Philosophy & History of Ortho-Bionomy” books Distributor of MONA VIE products Roy, BSc, RMT Minette Student, Practitioner Program 66 Rodney Blvd Guelph, Ontario Canada N1G 2H3 Work: 579-767-5558 Home: 579-767-5558 [email protected] NEW ZEALAND Capstick, Dianne Student, Practitioner Program 616 Ponga Rd RD4 Papakura, Aukland New Zealand 2584 Work: 02-1534981 Home: 09-2967338 [email protected] Network: Neuromuscular Therapy, CranioSacral Therapy Halkin, Susan Student 5A Arapeta Place Takaka, Golden Bay New Zealand 7172 Work: 01164 03 525 9757 Home: 01164027 313 5198 Heslin, Frank Advanced Practitioner, Instructor Training Program 91 Waitetuna Valley Rd RD 1 Raglan, New Zealand 3295 Work: 64 78548970 Home: 64 78255259 Mobile: 64 210336297 [email protected] Network: Osteopathic Natural Health Care Clinic 47 Boundary Road, Hamilton, New Zealand - 64 7 854 8970. Cranio-Sacral 1&2, Yoga teacher Network Listings Hill-Rennie, Katrina Instructor 63 Boundary Road Hamilton, New Zealand Work: 006478668030 Home: 272466646 [email protected] Love, Craig Practitioner 16 Vineyard Rd Henderson, Aukland New Zealand 1008 Work: 00 64 021 25353 49 Home: 00 64 9 835 2289 [email protected] Network: Thrangi, and mobile services for people and animals. GERMANY Niedernhofer, Jutta Practitioner Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortho-Bionomy® Dorthausen 17, 41179 Monchengladbach, Germany Work: 004921613 039406 Home: 2161573573 [email protected] Stevenson, Ian Instructor Hintere Gasse 20 Oberderdingen, Germany 75038 Work: 00497045 203165 [email protected] Network: Work in communication at energetic & body level between horse & rider. Work w/horses special emotional needs. Dowser & builder of labyrinths for healing process work. Special labyrinth for horse & rider. • 49 • JAMAICA Edwards, Judith Student Kingston, CSO, Jamaica, West Indies [email protected] Ortho-Bionomy European Association of Teachers (OBEAT) Listing ALLEMAGNE/GERMANY Diepold, Hans Advanced Instructor Nauklerstr. 60 72074 Tubingen 7071 55 0634 (home) (Ass. All.) [email protected] Weber, Klaus Advanced Instructor Buttenwegle 10 72108 Rottenburg 747 224 155 (home) (Ass. All.) 747 224 031 (fax) [email protected] Wiese Weber, Michaela Intermediate Instructor Meme adresse Wegner, Hans-Ulrich Intermediate Instructor Stedtenerstr. 40 06317 Roblingen Am See 347 74 20 440 (home) Représentante Allemagne: Freitag , Cordelia Advanced Instructor Cranach Str 2 33615 Bielefeld 521 136 85 75 Urich, Stefan Basic Instructor Robert Schumann Str 33 71083 Herrenberg 7032 21541 (home) [email protected] Lauritsen, Silke Basic Instructor Am Galgenberg 1a 14552 Langerwisch 003320526872 [email protected] Schwarz , Ursula Basic Instructor Malscher Gasse 15 76669 Bad Schönborn 07253 955036 urs;[email protected] Lanz, Petra Basic Instructor Graf Eberstein Str. 38 76199 karlsruhe 721 881853 FRANCE Représentante France Bensusan, Doatea Advanced Instructor BP 232 02406 Château-Thierry cédex 323 70 1946 (home) [email protected] Detlev, Leuschner Basic Instructor Martinshu ttenweg16 41352 Korschenbroich 0216161925 [email protected] [email protected] Rainer, Schnieders Basic Instructor Daisbachtalstr. 20 74915 WaibstadtDaisbach 07261976520 rainer.schnieders@ AUTRICHE/AUSTRIA Representant Autriche: Weissenbacher, Andreas Advanced Instructor Hauptplatz 6 3493 Hadersdorf 06641316216 [email protected] Steiner, Eva Advanced Instructor Dr. Kochhof B. 13 3493 Hadersdorf 2735 5029 [email protected] Morawa , Egon Basic Instructor Hanuschgasse 3/2/1 2721 Bad-Fischau 26 39 2556 tél + fax [email protected] Glöckner, Ulli Basic Instructor Konrad-Deubler gasse 4/58 8010 Graz 0316 844520 Janin, Claire Intermediate Instructor 51 rue Neuve 78490 Les Mesnuls 1 34 86 1651 (home) Raoult , Annick Advanced Instructor S’Schulze Gasse 2 67370 Kleinfrankenheim 88 696 884 [email protected] Raoult , Segolène Intermediate Instructor 25 rue de Nomeny 54700 Atton 03 83 82 8564 [email protected] Ciny, Odile Advanced Instructor 25 rue Saint Mayeul 71250 Cluny 0385599992 [email protected] Gastine, Arlette Intermediate Instructor 109 Quai Pecq 78500 Sartrouville 139 76 69 89 Grimal, Catherine Advanced Instructor 11 rue Alphonse Terray 3800 Grenoble 04 76 70 0034 [email protected] Quille, Therese Basic Instructor 38 rue de la grotte 88100 Saint Die 03 29 56 74 74 [email protected] • 50 • Didierjean, Gilles Basic Instructor Hambout 134 68370 Orbey 03 89 71 33 20 Dominique, Bienvenu Basic instructor 5, rue de Hochfelden 67270 DUNTZENHEIM 0611532063 Mireille, Caffoz Basic Instructor 22 bis rue Jean Prévost 38000 Grenoble 0476486752 [email protected] Laure, Demoisson Basic instructor La Chappe 38610 Venon 0476894931 [email protected] ITALY Fioravanti , Gino Advanced Instructor Via Oberdan 1 20033 Desio (MI) 362 621 345 [email protected] Blackham, Michela Basic Instructor Via I. Alessi 20 35042 Este (PA) 429 2547 51 405 Cappa , Fabrizio Basic Instructor Via Posillipo 203 80123 Napoli 81 5753 196 Gatti , Claudio Basic Instructor PR Gennadi 85109 Rhodes Island, Grece Ortho-Bionomy European Association of Teachers (OBEAT) Listing Mecenero, Margherita Basic Instructor Via Montallegro 8 21050 Lonate Ceppino (VA) 331 840 773 Habisreutinger, Corinne Advanced Instructor Via M. Buonarroti 25 20078 San Colombano al Lambro (MI) 371 200731 Sala, Marco Intermediate Instructor Via M. Buonarroti 25 20078 San Colombano al Lambro (MI) 371 200731 [email protected] Représentant Italie Lattanzi , Alex Advanced Instructor Via Cavour 6 54033 Carrara (MS) 585 70 315 [email protected] Bevilacqua, Sabrina Basic Instructor Via Bellorini 33 21014 Laveno MombelloVA 07835332 [email protected] Calcaterra , Giancarlo Basic Instructor Via Maticotti 19a 21020 Barasso-VA 0332 746146 Comai, Rosanna Basic Instructor Via Lucania 11 37138 Verona 0458 101406 [email protected] Pierantozzi, Luigina Basic Instructor Via Casadei 64 47828 S. Ermete di S. Arcangelo-RN 0541 758294 Russo, Gaetano Basic Instructor Via Enrico Moscati 11 84134 Salerno 089712056 [email protected] Fornari, Enrica Basic Instructor Fermo Posta 01036 01036 Nepi VT 339 7994717 [email protected] Morosi, Lucia Basic Instructor Via supercra 3 C 24030 Vlla D Adda BG 035 793520 [email protected] Badoni, Paola Basic Instructor Via don L. Monza 25 23900 LECCO 0341 494255 [email protected] Sarti , Fabio Basic Instructor Via Monta 341/F 35136 Padova 03483535165 [email protected] SUISSE/SWITZERLAND Représentante Suisse Romande et Presidente OBEAT Volery-Perretten, Marianne Advanced Instructor Rue Charles Humbert 4 1205 Geneve 0041793332500 [email protected] Litzistorf, Michèle Advanced Instructor 32b Ch. Isabelle de Montolieu 1010 Lausanne 21 646 8082 21 [email protected] Habisreutinger, Sylvia Intermediate Instructor 5a route de Divonne 1260 Nyon 22 348 7883 Jenni, Nicole Intermediate Instructor Chemin de la fontaine 2 1224 Chene-Bougeries 22 349 97 89 [email protected] [email protected] Brugger, Margherita Advanced Instructor Via Borgaccio 28 6648 Minusio 91 743 2132 Gianettoni, Lucia Advanced Instructor Via Contra 423 6648 Minusio 91 745 2374 Martin , Letizia Intermediate Instructor 6574 Vira 91 795 1413 Bettosini-Bourgoin, Sonja Basic Instructor Via Trisnera 29 6616 Losone 91 791 6156 Schriber, Rosalina Advanced Instructor Via Esplanade 9 6648 Minusio 91 743 3432 (home) Muller, Magda Basic Instructor 3b Chantavril 1260 Nyon 0041792964801 Dasoki, Ibrahim Basic Instructor Via Isola Matella 6572 Quartino 91 751 2404 Lagier, Helene Basic Instructor 4J av. Petit Senn 1225 Chêne-Bourg 223 483603 • 51 • Torres, Eliane Basic Instructor 7, rue des Sources 1205 Geneve 22 789 03 72 Romano, Maria-Grazia Basic Instructor Via Ferriere 1 6512 Giubiasco 91 857 51 39 [email protected] Giacometti, Livia Basic Instructor 6660 Auressio 796 36 44 [email protected] Roggero, Cinzia Advanced Instructor Via al Motto 26 6600 Locarno 917434959 [email protected] Winterberger, Marianne Basic Instructor Schribery 3778 Schönried 337445871 [email protected] Member Index by Last name A B Ackers, Debra Wisconson Baeten, Nell Texas Alanen, Linda Wisconsin Bailey, Rena Illinois Agius, Trisha Ruth Ann New Mexico Albert, Matthew Massachusetts Bailey, Jim New Mexico Bailey, Thomas California Alexander, Connie Virginia Bak, Tineke Australia Anderson, Benjamin Indiana Barba, Martin Illinois Almeida, Terry Illinois Anderson, Bryony Florida Anderson, JuDee Wyoming Bank, Debra Minnesota Barker, Donna Colorado Barraclough, Jennifer Canada Andreatta, Katherine Nevada Bassett, Eliot Virginia Andrews, Anne Florida Bassetti, Lydia Georgia Andrew, Kathleen Colorado Anson, Nancy Colorado Arevalo, Yini Perel Florida Atcheson, Sandra Hawaii Attebery-Weir, Jody Idaho Aum, Rebecca California Avocato, Matteo Louisiana Bassett, Peter Arizona Beaty, Lee Timm Minnesota Beeson, Elizabeth Georgia Bennion, Gwen Idaho Bennion, Shalen Idaho Benson, Debra Australia Berns, Jim California Biddle, Olivia New York Brown, Jana Ohio Birchard, Delaine Nebraska Brown, Ralph Idaho Binnendyk, Christine Oregon Bird, Elizabeth Ann Montana Brown, Keri Indiana Brown, Vicki Australia Blake, Gail Kentucky Broyles, Karen Missouri Borkenhagen, Katherine Wisconsin Bruning, Mary-Ann New York Blocksom, Bill Ohio Born, Ellen Indiana Bortolussi, Auriel Texas Bosse, Carole Idaho Bosse, Walter Idaho Bruner, Joseph Oregon Bryars, Shirley Texas Brzozowska, Jadwiga Canada Buckel, Shamai Colorado Bulgerin, Martin Minnesota Bowen-Muro, Leigh New York Burdick, Lenny Idaho Breck New Mexico Burgess, Barbara California Bowman, Robert California Brister, Jo Louisiana Burek, John Ohio Burgess, Margaret (Peggy) California Brooker, Jocelyn Australia Burke, Theresa Florida Brown, Gail Florida Butts, Laurel Lyn California Brown, Bennie New York Brown, Gary Ohio • 52 • Burnet, Johanna Australia Member Index by Last name C Callahan, Carrie Wisconsin Callister, Baeleay Canada Camens, Nora South Carolina Cameron, Sue California Cishek, Jean North Carolina Clark, Mary Ohio Clay, Gale Nevada Clevenson, Dina Virginia Close, Deanna Idaho Cannon, Angela Virginia Close, John Idaho Carlock, Lisa Minnesota Coghill, Catherine New Mexico Capstick, Dianne New Zealand Carter, Zarna Australia Casebeer, Anne Kansas Coates, Camille New Mexico Condon, Denelle California Conroy, Laura New York Casey, Marilyn Colorado Cooper, Debra Alabama Catalanom, Margarette Ohio Coppola, Willow Kentucky Casino, Karen California Cooper, Ruth Kansas Cazanjian, Rouel California Correa, Jackie California Chan, Ann Illinois Cox, Adele California Chamberlin, Richard Nebraska Covey, Sheri Colorado Chapman, Abigail New Mexico Cradduck, Cheryl Nebraska Chew, Jessica Alabama Crowley, Zoee Hawaii Cheng, Christine New York Cross, Paula Iowa Cunningham, Sherry Michigan Cutter, Robert California D Dahlberg, Ruth E. Illinois Daley, Colleen Illinois Dalloz, Anne Georgia Dalton, Elizabeth Washington Danielson, Daryl Iowa Datl, Evelyne Canada Davey, Pamela Indiana Davis, Carol Arizona Davis, Kathleen Nebraska De Ganahl, Francoise Florida De Pasquale, Helen Wisconsin DeBettignies, Jean California Decker, Diadra Minnesota Denton, Sarah Arkansas Dew, Paul California Dockter, Sharon Florida Doden, Melinda Colorado Doman, Gay Idaho Donegan, Carol Australia Douglas, Jeanne Minnesota Downing, Leigh Texas Dreeze, Helen Ohio Drubel, Katharine Illinois Drummer, Lynn California DuBosque, Hutch Colorado Dudzinski, Evelyn Pennsylvania Dutczak, Sally Texas Dyer, Ruth California E Deig, Denise Indiana Economidou, Katerina Illinois Delyea, Lilli Idaho Eelkema, Teri Oregon deLarrabeiti, Phoebe New Hampshire Demler, Evilue Ohio • 53 • Edwards, Judith Jamaica Eisenberg, Carla Illinois Member Index by Last name Ellison, Harolyn Colorado Evans, Jenny New Mexico Evans, Judith Arkansas F Fatz, James Illinois Fears, Robert Maryland Fears, Robert Virginia Feld, Sara Massachusetts Felker, Karen California Ferguson, Zelda Georgia Festa, Nilda New York Finnegan, Lucy Australia Fintel, Rose Nebraska Foley, Karen California Forehand, Paula North Carolina Fox, Bonita Illinois Franklin, Lucy Minnesota Freeman, Helen Illinois French, John Florida Friederich, Christy California G Gabb, Peter Louisiana Gardner, Jane Australia Gate, Eve New Mexico Genet, Roberta Colorado George, Bill Alabama Gerard, Christy Arkansas Gray, Kathleen Illinois Hammer, Marcelle North Carolina Gray, Patricia New Mexico Hance, Pamela Texas Gray, Kelly Wisconsin Griffin, Kathy California Grimmet, Beth Texas Gum, Denise Kansas H Hampton, Barbara Colorado Hansen, Stella Texas Hanson, Marlene Nebraska Harrison, Jonathan Wisconsin Hasslinger, Annie California Gersh, Tammy Texas Haas, Rita Pennsylania Gerych, Rhonda Nevada Hair, Gale Florida Havlina, Susan Idaho Gilliam, Tracy Texas Halkin, Susan New Zealand Hayama, Mari California Goldberg, Heather Australia Hall, Viginia California Gerych, Mark Nevada Gharrett, Gretchen Illinois Glaser, Cindy Colorado Goldman, Ka Joanne Florida Hadik, Karen California Halcyon, Karen Maine Hall, Judy Canada Hallden, Jennifer Arizona Goodermont, Patrice Hawaii Halling, Leslie Minnesota Graham, Diane Oregon Hamblen, David California Graf, Uli Australia Graham, JulieAnn Illinois Halsey, Katharine Wyoming Hamman, Barbara Texas • 54 • Hasslinger, Leslie California Haverlan, Isa Oregon Hawkins, Nell Idaho Heid, Charlan Oregon Helbling, Julia Arkansas Henke, Gregory Florida Henrioulle, Kate California Henson, Debra Texas Heslin, Frank New Zealand Hill-Rennie, Katrina New Zealand Member Index by Last name Hirter, Rhoberta California Johnson, Gena North Carolina Koczak, Roya DC, Washington Lewis, Ellen California Hofer, Ursula New Mexico Johnston, Sue Alabama Kogan, Hannah New Mexico Long, Marie Canada Kottschade, Judy Minnesota Lorenz, Gregory New York Hoeffel, Ann Illinois Hollingsworth, Jeanne Minnesota Holman, Charlotte Louisiana Horejs, Rebecca Nebraska Huda, Andrea Florida Huffman, Eric California Hughes, Joseph Alabama Huskey, Margaret Maine Huttick, Alice New Jersey I Illg, Dawn California Ireland, Alma Tennessee Irwin, Victoria Vermont J Jeboult, Eileen Australia Johnson, Carol North Carolina Johnson, CJ Virginia Johnson, Jane Canada Juarez, Julia Canada Julianelli, Terri California Jung-McBride, Jean Illinois Junkman, Kelley Texas K Kaiser, Barbara Colorado Kaplan, Adina California Karasik, Darlene California Karasik, Richard California Keller, Robin Idaho Kendall, Jannette Australia Kenney, Dorine New York King, Janna Minnesota Kinkner, Faith South Dakota Kirsten, Alison California Kissane, Karen New York Kjoller, Karen Colorado Koehn, Larisa Oregon Kolasinski, Matthew California Krenicky, Cathy Florida Kroll, Sheila Iowa Kurtz,Nancy Utah L LaCore, Cerise California Lambert, Sarah Oregon Langdon, Andrea New Jersey Langnau, Leslie Ohio Laverdure, Jeremy New York Leavitt, Deborah Kansas Leavitt, Heather Colorado Ledwidge, Karen Australia Lee, Terri Washington Lee-Durrwachter, Nancy Alabama • 55 • Logan, Lois Australia Loomer, Sally Coulter Texas Love, Craig New Zealand Lowenburg, Ellen New Mexico Luke, Delilah Louisiana Lundy, Frances Texas Lunsford, Vanessa Florida Lynch, Nora Maryland M MacKenzie, Flanagan California Macnak, Judy Alaska Madison, Tina California Maguire, Siddiqi Washington Malcolm, Uma Washington Malick, Jean Illinois Malone, Andrew Australia Mantle, Athene California Member Index by Last name Marcus, Rhonda Oregon Maresca, Lyn Colorado Mark, Jessica Sehested North Carolina Marotta, Lynne New Jersey Martin, Connie Rue Louisiana Martin, Miriam Virginia Matthews, Lee California Mauk, Sue Florida McCall, Stephanie Florida McCarthy, Janine Australia McChesney, Jean Colorado Mead, Rabia California Montes de Oca, Christina New Mexico Melinski, Margaret Wisconsin Moon, Terri California Melaragno, William Ohio Mello, Sandy California Melson, Marilyn Minnesota Melzer, Debi California Merlin, Joseph Texas Meyer, Cozy Nevada Miles, Rhonda Florida Miller, Gary Ohio Miller, Judith Canada McCormick, Jill Illinois Miller, Michael New York McFadden, Ann Minnesota Mindt, Cathy Nebraska McCrea, Linda North Carolina McFarland, Lisa Texas McGarva, Richelle Nevada McGraw, Joyce Montana McGregor, Marie Florida McMillian, LouEllen Texas Milstead, Ruth Anne Oklahoma Minear, Harriette California Mire Rose, Christine New York Mitchell, Laura Colorado Mixon, Elizabeth Florida Monkhorst, Miranda Florida Moody, Amelia New Mexico Moore, Allanah Australia Moore, Hilmar Texas Moore, Marla Illinois Mowry, Michael New York Muench, Nicole Indiana Muentz, Marjorie California Muhleisen, Tanya Arkansas Muller, Fiona Australia Munro-Caple, Karen Canada Myers, Marie Canada Myers, Pamela Illinois N Netherby, Margaret California Newbern, Carol Florida Newbold, Dee Texas Nicolas, Patty Colorado Niedernhofer, Jutta Germany • 56 • Noonan, Paul Oregon Nuce, Betty Kansas O Oakley, Jennifer Colorado O’Keefe, Frances Indiana Olivas, Elizabeth Florida O’Neil, Julie Florida Oppenheimer, Frances Florida Oram, Virginia A. Oregon Osborn, Leah Idaho O’Shea, Scot Texas Ostry, Sister Marie Alice Nebraska Overmyer, Luann Florida Owen, Dr. Allen Wisconsin P Pang, Jeni California Parla, Francesca New York Parravano, Bill Kentucky Parsons, Cynthia Virginia Patel, Kalpesh Florida Member Index by Last name Paterson, Anne Australia Pauls, Tanya Sarah Canada Pelland, Deborah Illinois Q Query, Jane Colorado R Perlee, Michelle Vermont Rangen, Irene Minnesota Peterson, Dedra Kansas Ratterman, Jeanne Washington Peschko, Nancy Tennessee Peterson, Nicole Kansas Rasmussen, Judith Wisconsin Rohe, Nellie Nevada Sax, Melanie Wisconsin Roe, Anne Colorado Romain, Nadine Texas Rommel, Phyllecia Washington Roosevelt, Nicky California Schmitt, Laurie Nebraska Plasencia, Jorge New Jersey Rejebian, Melanie Colorado Rose, Sharon California Rossi-Edwards, Louise New York Pochop, Debra Kansas Rice, Robert California Rubeck, Valli Jo Illinois Poley, Barbara Australia Rickers, Margaret Nebraska Pratt, Sandra Colorado Promack, Patrice Virginia Schlarman, Carissa Ohio Rose, Kathryn Wisconsin Rose, Jennifer Colorado Reinbrecht, Jennifer Colorado Powell, Vicki Australia Schlagel, Doris Colorado Reich, Nancy Florida Reighley, Douglas Maine Potter, Kathleen New Mexico Saxon, Alan Ohio Schmidt, Beckie Oregon Pipkin, Diane Florida Poffinbarger, Carole Ohio Santello, Mary Florida Roots, Drew Utah Reeves, Jeanie Illinois Pitts, B. J. California Sanders, Corilee Oregon Reed, Holly California Pilzner, David Texas Piontka, Sherry North Carolina Rodriguez, Rosa New York Roy, Minette Canada Rich, Robert Australia Ruegsegger, D.H. California Rickwa, Pat Idaho Rutherford, Janice Illinois Rinaldi, Cecilia Ohio Rininger, D’arle Keith Ohio Ritter, Susan Florida Ruiz, Stephanie Texas S Salerno, Claude Georgia Salzl, Betty Minnesota • 57 • Schmidt, Beckie Idaho Schoeller, Susan Texas Schroepfer, Cecily Montana Schuett, Marian Iowa Sciandra, Katherine Minnesota Scott, Peggy Alabama & Louisiana Seidl, Bettina Arizona Shank, Catherine Utah Sharp, Stephen Nevada Sheehan, Debra Indiana Shinall, Ann Ohio & Virginia Member Index by Last name Sielen, Jean Oregon Stevenson, Ian Germany & New York Simo, Valerie Colorado Sullivan, Janice Borta Tennessee Silverthorne, Carol Texas Sinclair, Jeffra Florida Sistrom, Brenda Florida Smart, Stephanie Indiana Smith, Anna California Smith, Darlene Nebraska Smith, Leslie Tennessee Smith, Pauline Nevada Smith, Robert California Smith, Susan New Mexico Spiess, Barbara Florida Spreckley, Charles Australia Stackhouse, Morel Wisconsin Staier, Edwin Australia Stark, Bruce Australia Stein, Ari California Stutz, Dawn Colorado Suloway, Tairifa New Mexico Sunstein, Sara California Swafford, Dianne Vermont Swafford, May Virginia Swan, Anthony Australia Swanstrom, Karen Colorado Sylkatis, Janet Illinois T Tanaka, Akira Florida Tellier, Nancy Vermont Thompson, Gail Ohio Tibbetts, Thomas Minnesota Tiedt, Lisa Wisconsin Tietjen, Sandra Nebraska Timm, Heidi Colorado Timmons, Elizabeth Australia Tolles, Nancy Pennsylvania Torinus, Mary Wisconsin White, Barbara Texas Tucker, Joy California Wiebe, Charlotte Nebraska Towle, Julie Indiana U Usher, Sarah Olive Florida V Valasek, Richard Hawaii van Zonneveld, Isis Australia Varrasso, Brenda New York Vass, Yana California Vogt, Joan Nebraska W Wall, Kathleen Nevada Ward, Adrian Alabama Weaver, Norma Australia Weisberg, Joan Illinois Weisgram, Susan Arizona Wenig, Deborah Nevada Werle, Jerry Minnesota Westgerdes, Benjamin Iowa • 58 • White, Carolyn California Wilcox, Sara Colorado Wiley, Danyell Indiana Willert, Gail Illinois Williams, Ellen New York Williams, GaryLee New York Williams, Moriah New Mexico Williams, Steven Illinois Wilson, Renee Oregon Wind, Jesse Diana New Mexico Winter, Randall Texas Wipfli, Walter Oregon Wojciechowski, Linda Illinois Wood, Cynthia Massachusetts Woodward, Star California Worden, Susan California Wright, Nicole Iowa Wunsch, Winfried Tasmania, Australia Wurth, Robin Florida Y Yaklich, Trudy Colorado Z Zamarra, Carol Oregon Zeleike, Jesseka Arizona Zuber, Alison Cherry California & Massachusetts Zum-Mallen, Aaron Montana Introduce Aromatherapy to your practice with Herb and Oil Aroma Candles™ by Flow Masters Taking the guesswork out of Aromatherapy, Herb and Oil Aroma Candles™, a safe, fun, easy way to use Aromatherapy. *Hand crafted by bodywork professionals for bodywork professionals, a great compliment to your practice* Groudina™ — When you’re feeling a little less than connected with your environment (great for sessions) Loving Heart™ — For those times of care and nuturing These are just a couple of our many varieties “I love ‘em all! The candles are great quality and they enhance my life.” Deborah Wenig, Advanced Ortho-Bionomy® Instructor Available in 3 sizes/styles Flow Masters (775) 323-2240 (800) 776-4372 [email protected] Call or Visit today! • 59 • Bylaws of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy Internatonal, Inc. c. Special meetings of members may be called by the Board of Directors, by the President, or by not less than 5% of the members. ARTICLE I: PRINCIPAL OFFICE Section 1: Principal Office. The corporation’s principal office is fixed and located at 5355 North Tacoma Ave, #21G, Indianapolis, Indiana 46220. The Board of Directors may change the principal office from one location to another. Any such change shall be noted on the Bylaws opposite this Section 1, or this Section 1 may be amended to state the new location. Section 5: Notice of Meetings of Members. Written notice of each annual or special meeting of members shall be given to each member by first class mail not less than ten (10) nor more than ninety (90) days before the date of the meeting. Such notice shall state the time and place of the meeting and the general nature of the business to be transacted, and no other business shall be transacted. Section 2: Other Offices. Other offices may be established at any time by the Board of Directors at any place. Section 6: Quorum. Ten percent (10%) of the members entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP Section 1: Classes. There shall be four classes of members: instructor, practitioner, general member and student member. Section 2: Qualifications. a. Instructor members shall be persons who have satisfactorily completed an instructor course approved by the corporation and have received an instructor certificate. b. Practitioner members shall be persons who have satisfactory completed a practitioner course approved by the corporation and have received a practitioner certificate. Section 8: Membership Dues. The Board of Directors may establish such annual dues for each class of members as it deems proper. c. Associate members shall be persons who have satisfactorily completed a specified number of course units and requirements approved by the corporation. d. Student members shall be persons who are interested in the furtherance of the work of the corporation. Section 9: Termination of Membership. a. Membership shall terminate upon resignation by the member, by failure to pay any membership dues by the date fixed by the Board of Directors, or by expulsion pursuant to the subsection b. below: Section 3: Voting Rights. Only instructors, practitioners and general members shall be entitled to vote on matters submitted to a vote of the members, and each shall be entitled to one vote. Section 4: Meetings of Members. a. Meetings of the members shall be held at the principal office of the corporation or at such other place designated by the Board of Directors. b. An annual meeting of members shall be held on such a date and at such a time as may be fixed by the Board of Directors. Section 7: Action Without Meeting. Any action which may be taken at any general or special meeting of members may be taken without a meeting if the written ballot of every member is solicited by ballots setting forth the action to be taken. If the number of votes cast by ballots on or before the time the ballot must be returned to be counted equals or exceeds the quorum required to be present at a meeting authorizing action, and the number of approvals equals or exceeds the number of votes that would be required to approve the action at a meeting at which the total number of votes cast was the same as the number of votes cast by ballot. b. Before being expelled as a member, the following shall be followed: 1. Upon determination by the Board of Directors that cause exists for consideration of expulsion of a member, notice shall be given to such a member, personally or by first class mail, setting forth the reasons expulsion is to be considered. The notice shall be given or mailed at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the meeting of the Board of Directors to consider expulsion, and shall state the time and place of the meeting and notify the member of his or her right to be heard. • 60 • Bylaws of the Society of 2. The member shall be permitted to be heard personally or in writing before action is taken by the Board of Directors upon the expulsion question. The member may also present statements of others, orally or in writing on his or her behalf. Ballots must be returned to the corporation by June 15 of the same year to be counted in the Board election. Ballots will be counted on July 1 (or the next business day if July 1 is a weekend or holiday. Section 4: Vacancies. A vacancy in the Board of Directors may be filled by a majority of the remaining directors, so long as the director appointed meets the qualifications set forth in Section 3 of this Article III. 3. Following the hearing, the Board of Directors shall decide whether or not a member has engaged in conduct seriously prejudicial to the interests of the corporation and should be expelled. The decision of the Board of Directors shall be final and shall be effective five days after notice to the member concerned. ARTICLE III: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1: Powers. Subject to the limitations of the Articles, of these Bylaws, and of the California Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation Law relating to actions by the members or by a majority of members, the activities and affairs of the corporation shall be conducted and all corporate powers shall be exercised by or under the direction of the Board of Directors. Section 2: Number of Directors. The authorized number of directors shall be seven until changed by amendment of the Articles or a Bylaw duly adopted by the members amending this Section 2. Section 3: Election, Qualification and Terms of Office. a. The total number of directors shall be divided into three (3) groups with respect to term of office. 1. The first group shall consist of three (3) directors. 2. The other two (2) groups shall consist of the remaining number of directors divided so that each group shall contain as close as possible to one-third (1/3) of the remaining number of the Board. 3. The term of office for each group of directors is three (3) years and begins on October 1 of the year in which they were first elected and continues until a successor is elected and qualified. b. Not less than three (3) directors shall be instructor members of the corporation. c. Election of directors shall be by written ballot mailed on May 15 of each year (or the next business day if May 15 is a weekend day or holiday) by first class mail to the members eligible to vote on that date. Ortho-Bionomy Internatonal, Inc. Section 5: Meetings. a. Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held at any place which has been designated by the Board of Directors. In the absence of such designation, meetings shall be held at the principal office of the corporation. b. Regular meetings shall be held without call or notice on such dates and at such times as may be fixed by resolution of the Board. c. Special meetings for any purpose may be called by the Chairman, the President or any two directors. Notice of special meetings shall be given to each director by telephone at least 48 hours in advance, or at least 4 days in advance by mail. Section 6: Quorum. A majority of the authorized number of directors constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. Section 7: Telephone Conference Meeting. Members of the Board may participate in a meeting through the use of conference telephone or similar communications equipment, so long as all members participating in such a meeting can hear one another. Section 8: Waiver of Notice. Notice of meeting need not be given to any who signs a waiver of notice or a written consent to holding the meeting or an approval of the minutes thereof, whether before or after the meeting, or who attends the meeting without protesting, prior to the commencement to the meeting, the lack of notice to such director. All waivers, consents, and approvals shall be filled with the corporate records or made a part of the minutes of the meeting. Section 9: Action Without Meeting. Any action required or permitted to be taken by the Board may be taken without a meeting if all members of the Board shall consent in writing to such action. Section 10: Fees and Compensation. Directors shall receive such compensation, if any, and such reimbursement for expenses as may be fixed or determined by the Board. • 61 • Bylaws of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy Internatonal, Inc. ARTICLE IV: OFFICERS ARTICLE V: OTHER PROVISIONS Section 1: Officers. The officers of this corporation shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The corporation may also have, at the desecration of the Board, such officers as it may deem appropriate. Any number of offices may be held concurrently by the same person, except that the Secretary may not serve concurrently as the President. Neither the Secretary nor the Treasurer need be members of the Board of Directors. Section 1: Indemnification. The corporation shall have the power to indemnify any person who was or is a party or is threatened to be made a part to any proceeding by reason of the fact that such person is or was an agent of the corporation, against expenses, judgments, fines, settlements, and other amounts actually and reasonably incurred in the connection with such a proceeding if such person acted in good faith and in a manner such person believed to be in the best interest of the corporation. Section 2: Election. The officers of the corporation shall be chosen annually by, and serve at the pleasure of, the Board, and shall hold their respective offices until resignation or until their respective successors are elected. Section 2: Annual Report. Within 120 days after the end of the fiscal year, the corporation shall notify each member of the members right to receive a financial report pursuant to section 8321 of the California Corporations Code. Section 3: Chairman of the Board. As the founder of the Ortho-Bionomy, Arthur Lincoln Pauls shall be Chairman Emeritus of the Board. The office of Chairman shall not be created or filled by the Board of Directors. Section 4: President. The President is the chief executive officer and general manager of the corporation and has, subject to the control of the Board, general supervision, direction, and control of the business and affairs of the corporation. Section 5: Vice President. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board. Section 6: Secretary. The Secretary shall keep a book of minutes of meetings of members and of the Board, together with a copy of the corporation’s Articles and Bylaws, as amended to date, and shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the Board. Section 7: Treasurer. The Treasurer is the Chief Financial Officer of the corporation and shall maintain adequate and correct accounts of the properties and business transactions of the corporation. The Treasurer shall also receive and disburse all money, upon authorization by the Board and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board. Section 3: Payment of Bills. All bills against the corporation shall be approved by the individual incurring such bill, and the payment of bills must be approved by the Board of Directors. Section 4: Dissolution. Upon dissolution of this corporation, the assets remaining after payment of all known debts and liabilities shall be distributed to organizations which have established tax exempt status under Internal Revenue Code section 501 (c) (3). ARTICLE VI: AMENDMENTS These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at a meeting of members, or a majority vote of the authorized number of directors at a meeting of the Board of Directors; provided that a Bylaw changing the number of directors may only be adopted by a majority vote of members present at a meeting of members. [These Articles and Bylaws were revised 9/97.] • 62 • got skills? got retail? The Society of Ortho-Bionomy Internationsl SOBI has a diverse membership with many talents and skills in addition to Ortho-Bionomy. Why not network and market those skills and products to your peers? Did you know as a SOBI member you receive discounted advertising costs in SOBI publications? Through SOBI publications, you can reach an international membership audience. Se r v i c e s s u c h a s : P ro d u c t s s u c h a s : Web design Body work tables Accounting Nutritional products Graphic design Sheets Finance Health products Career/life coaching E a s e o f m a r k et i n g For as low as $30, you can have an ad in the quarterly newsletter. If you need assistance designing your ad, we have a designer that can provide you with a design quote. To place an ad, contact Danyell Wiley at the SOBI office, a dmi n@ or t ho bi o n om y. o rg or via phone 800 809-3747. Be ne fit This is a great opportunity to not only network and provide services and products to your peers, but to take advantage of one of the benefits of membership in the Society. Circu latio n Quantity: 650 newsletters are printed quarterly. A .pdf of each issue is also available. Distribution includes U.S., United Kingdom, Canada, Bahamas, Jamaica, Germany, New Zealand, Spain, and Australia. Many of our members share their newsletter with their clients in their waiting rooms increasing the number of readers per copy. Instructional Books & DVDs A d v e r t i s i n g R a t e s f o r O r t h o -B i on om y N e w s a n d t h e S O B I Me m b e rs h i p a n d S k i l l s N e t w o r k D i r e c t o r y These rates are for Society members only. Non-Members should call for rates. S ize Full Page Insert Newsletter only Full Page 1/2 page horizontal 1/4 page 1/8 page 1 t ime 2 tim es 3 t i m es 4 ti me s $140.00 $126.00 $119.00 $112.00 $200.00 $80.00 $50.00 $30.00 $180.00 $170.00 $72.00 $68.00 $27.00 $25.00 $45.00 $42.00 $160.00 $64.00 $40.00 $24.00 A d Si ze s: F ul l pa ge : 7H x 9.5H, 1/ 2 pa ge H : 7H by 4.5H; 1/ 2 p ag e V : 3.375H x 9.5H 1/4 page: 3.375H x 4.5H; 1 /8 pa ge: 3.375H x 2.25H A d Pl a c e m e nt a nd P a y me nt : Placement of ads is at the discretion of the publisher. Placement considerations are determined by ad size, content, etc. All ads must be accompanied by payment in full. In order to receive multiple insertion rates, payment needs to be made for the full contract price. Example: running a 1/2 page ad four times, you would need to send a payment of $256.00. A contract for advertising is available and required. Visa/MasterCard accepted. • 63 •
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