Centre for Management Studies - ASCI Library
Centre for Management Studies - ASCI Library
Centre for Management Studies _________________________________________________ Human_Resource_Management | Marketing | Operations_Management Procurement | Project_Management | Strategic_Management _________________________________________________ Human_Resource_Management 101 Questionnaires, checklists and proformas (with CD). [A toolkit] Cambridgeshire. Fenman Ltd.,, 2005. Rs. 9750.00 --(658.386 P5 077354) 1997 annual - Vol.I Training. California. Pfeiffer, 1997. --(658.386:658.3 L4;N7.1 066657) Abella K T: Building successful training program - a step-by-step guide. Reading. Addison-Wesley, 1986. --(658.386 M696 052303) Adair J & Despres D: A handbook of management training exercises - Vol.2. London. BACIE, 1980. 85171-078-6 --(658.386 M77.2 050704) Adair J and others: A handbook of management training exercises Vol.1. London. Bacie, 1978. -(658.386 L8 050703) Adler J & Cherrington P: Management education in West Germany. Henley-on-Thames. The Administrative Staff college, 1966. --(658.386(430) K6 K61 009236) Agarwala A N: Education for business in a developing society. Michigan. MSU International Business and Economic Studies, 1969. --(658.386 K97 K971 013843) Aggarwal Y P: Education and human resource development. Delhi. Commonwelath Pub, 1983. -(658.3 M892 055950) Aggarwala, D V: Manpower planning, selection, training & development. New Delhi. Deep & Deep Publications, 1987. --(658.3.012.12 M 7 051902) Agochiya D: Every trainer's handbook. New Delhi. Sage, 2002. Rs.690.00 --(658.386 P2 073447) Ahuja N: Employee Training and Motivation - A Practical Manual. Panaji. Pro-Man Concepts, 1997. --(658.314 N7 068655) Akhilesh K B & Nagaraj D R Eds: HRM 2000 Indian perspectives. New Delhi. Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1990. 81-224-0287-9 --(658.3(540) N03 058844) Akhilesh K B & Sekar R: Personnel profession in transition. New Delhi. Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1990. 81-224-0289-5 --(658.3.01 N07 059067) Aldag R J & Brief A P: Task design and employee motivaton.. Glenview,Scott. Foresman and co, 1979. --(658.314.7 L72 040911) Aldrich C: Learning by doing - A comprehensive guide to simulations, computer games and pedagogy in e-learning and other educational experiences. San Francisco. Pfeiffer, 2005. $ 59.95 --(658.386 P5 075893) Almeida R (Ed); Behrman J (Ed) & Robalino D (Ed): Right skills for the Job? . [Rethinking Training Policies for Workers] Washington, D C. The World Bank, 2012. $25.00--(658.386Q2) Amelio G & Simon W: Profit from experience - practical proven skills for transforming your organization. NY. Touchstone, 1996. --(658.3.01 N6 067645) Amjad R Ed: Human resource planning - the asian experience. Delhi. ILO, 1987. --(658.3 M75 058192) Analoui F (Ed): Changing patterns of human resource management. Aldershot, Hampshire. Ashgate, 2002. UKP42.50 --(658.3.01 P2 072107) Anders G: Rare find: . [ Development, politics and governance] Londan. Penguin books, 2011. Rs.499.00--(658.3.01Q1) Andersen E: Growing great employees. [Turning ordinary people into extraordinary performers] NY. Portfolio, 2006. $ 16.47 --(658.3-052.24 P6 077210) Anderson A H: Effective personnel management. Oxford. Blackwell, 1994. --(658.3.01 N42 063888) Anderson A H: Successful training practice for managers. New Delhi. Beacon Books, 1997. -(658.386 N7 067507) Anderson A H: Training in Practice - Successful Implementation of Plans. New Delhi. Infinity Books, 2000. Rs.175.00 --(658.386 P02 070285) Andrews K R: Effectiveness of univesity management development programs. Boston. Harvard university, 1966. --(658.386 K65 K651 009639) Annotated bibliography on staff training and development inthe public sector and on public finance management accounting and audit. New York. United Nations, 1983. --(658.386:016 M3 046957) Annual 1999. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass, 1999. $44.95 --(658.386 N6;N9.1-.2 071340) Anthony W P and others: Strategic human resource management. NY. Dryden Press, 1993. 0-03096543-8 --(658.3.01 N3 066163) Antunes C, Korda C, Korda P & Mistry S: Leading strategy execution. [How to engage employees and implement your strategies] New Delhi. Kogan page, 2010. Rs.695.00 --(658.3.01 P10 079585) Argyle M & Smith T: Training managers. London. Acton Society Trust, 1962. --(658.386 K23 K231 006730) Argyris C & Schon D A: Theory in practice - increasing professional effectiveness. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass, 1974. --(658.386 L46 L461 030398) Argyris C: Explorations and issues in laboratory education.. Washington, D.C.. National Training Laboratories, 1966. --(658.386:658.3 K61 010676) Armstrong M & Brown D: Strategic reward. [Implementing more effective reward management] New Delhi. Kogan Page Ltd, 2010. Rs.295 --(658.3.01 P10) Armstrong M & Murlis H: Reward Management(The Art of HRD Vol.9). New Delhi. Crest, 1991. -(658.3 N91.9 069348) Armstrong M: Handbook of human resource mangement. London. Kogan Page, 1988. --(658.3 M84 054179) Armstrong M: Human Resource Management(The Art of HRD Vol.2). New Dehi. Crest Pub, 1991. -(658.3 N91.2 069341) Armstrong M: Managing People(The Art of HRD Vol.4). New Delhi. Crest, 1991. --(658.3 N91.4 069343) Armstrong S J Ed & Fukami C V Ed: Sage handbook of management learning, education and development. New Delhi. Sage, 2009. ú90.00 --(658.386 P9) Arthur D: Managing human resources in small and mid-sized companies. NY. Amacom, 1987. -(658.3 M73 055329) Asherman I: 50 activities to teach negotiation. New Delhi. Ane Books, 2004. Rs. 795.00 -(658.386 P4 075696) Ashokvardhan C: Human resources development in Bokaro Steel plant. Bokaro. Steel authority of India Ltd, 1987. --(658.3 M71 052810) Ashton D & Easterby-Smith M: Management development in the organization. London. Macmillan, 1979. --(658.386 L98 041510) Ashton D and Others: Management development - theory and practice. Bradford. MCB Journals, 1975. --(658.386 L5P3 Z97388) Asian Productivity Organization: Asian Dynamism Through Human Resource Development. Kyoto. APO, 1993. --(658.3 N3 068227) Asian Productivity Organization: Top Management Forum - Human-Centred Management. Kyoto. APO, 1993. --(658.3 N3 068228) Aswathappa K: Human Resource and Personnel Management. New Delhi. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2004. Rs. 210.00 --(658.3.01 P4 to P4 074412) Atthreya N H: How to select well - thought proces techniques and tools - A workbook - with particular reference to supervisory & executive personnel.. Bombay. MMC School of Management, 1968. --(658.311.5 K81 017713) Austin M J & Hopkins kK M: Supervision as collaboration in the human services - building a learning culture. Thousand Oaks. Sage, 2004. $ 49.95 --(658.3-052.24 P4 074205) Bacon T R: What people want. [A manager's guide to building relationships that work] California. Davies Black Pub.,, 2006. $ 18.45 --(658.3.01 P6 076743) Bain N & Mabey B: The People Advantage. Hampshire. Macmillan, 1999. Rs.1495.00 --(658.311.5 N9 070396) Baird B F: Technical manager - how to manage people and make decisions.. London. Lifetime learning pub, 1983. --(658.386 M35 052705) Bakke E W: Norwegian contribution to executive development. Bergen. The Adninstrative Research Foundation at The Norwegian schoo, 1959. --(658.386(481) J9 J91 013356) Balachandran S: How to improve trainer effectiveness. Bombay. Business Book Pub. House, 1989. --(658.386 M91 056676) Balaji C, Chandrasekhar S & Dutta R: Leading Change Through Human Resources. New Delhi. Tata McGraw-Hill, 1998. --(658.3 N8 068062) Bamberger P & Meshoulam I: Human Resource Strategy. Thousand Oaks. Sage, 2000. $56.00 -(658.3.01 P0 070267) Banaka W H: Training in depth interviewing. NY. Harper & Row, 1971. --(658.311.5 L17 023926) Banerji S: Human face of industry. Calcutta. The Author, 1975. --(658.3 L5P 030308) Barbash J: Job satisfaction attitudes surveys. Paris. OECD, 1976. --(658.3.054.8 L6P1 035628) Barbazette J: Art of great training delivery. [Strategies, tools and tactics] Pfeiffer. San Francisco, 2006. $ 39.95 --(658.386 P6 077483) Baron A & Armstrong M: Human capital management. [Achieving added value through people] London. Kogan Page, 2007. Rs. 350.00 --(658.3.01 P7 077418) Bartram S & Gibson B: Training Needs Analysis.2nd Ed.. Hampshire. Gower, 1998. --(658.386 N8 069548) Bassi L J & Russ-Eft D Eds.: What works - Assessment, development, and measurement. Alexandria. ASTD Press, 1997. $ 29.71 --(658.386 N7 075336) Bates S: Motivate like a CEO. [Communicate your strategic vision and inspire people to act!] New Delhi. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2009. Rs. 550.00 --(658.314 P9 078656) Baumgartel H: Report of findings management education survey - in seventeenexecutive development programmes offered by three Management Training Centres in India. Harvard. Graduate School of Business Administration, 1969. --(658.386 K9P Z98549) Baxter D J: Technical assistance, institution building and national development : a methodological critique and a case study. Michigan. University Microfilms, 1972. --(658.386 L291 028971) Bazerman M H & Neale M A: Negotiating rationally. NY. Free Press, 1992. 0-02-901986-9 -(658.3.01 N292 062705) Bazil L: Business games for management and economics: Learning by playing. Singapore. World Scientific, 2012. $95.00--(658.386.012Q2) Beaglehole D: Learning to lead - A history of the New Zealand College of mangement 1952-2002. Wellington. New Zealand College of Management, 2004. --(658.386(931) P4 075816) Beal G M, Bohlen J M & Raudhabugh J N: Leadership and dynamic group action. Iowa. The Iowa State University Press, 1963. --(658.387.4 K3 005914) Beck J & Cox C (Eds): Advances in management education.. Chichester. Wiley, 1980. --(658.386 M01 042677) Beer M and others: Managing human assets. NY. Free press, 1984. --(658.3.01 M4 046976) Beer M: Lead to succeed - studies in managing people. London. Mercury Books, 1989. 1-85252032-9 --(658.3.01 M91 059109) Beer M: Readings in human resource management. --(658.3.01 M52 047773) Bendaly L: Facilitation skills training kit - Everything you need to lead a facilitation skills workshop. New York. McGraw Hill, 2000. $99.95 --(658.386 P0 071601) Benett A; Maynard W B & O'Really A: talent mandate:. [Why Smart Companies Put People First] New York. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.--(658.3.01Q3) Bennett & Roger: Managing personel and performance. Business Books, UKP 5.95 --(658.3.01 M21 051765) Bennett R: Improving trainer effectiveness. England. Gower, 1988. --(658.386 M81 054278) Bennis W G and others: Interpersonal dynamics - essays and readings on human interaction. HOmewood,Illinois. The Dorsey Press, 1965. --(658.387.4 K51 008176) Berger J and Others: Types of formalization : in small group research. Boston. Houghton Mifflin, 1962. --(658.387.4 K24 018927) Berger M L & Berger P J (Eds): Group training techniques. Epping,Essex. Gower Press, 1972. -(658.387.4 L22 023593) Berggren C & Nomura M: The resilience of corporate Japan - new competitive strategies and pesrsonnel practices. London. Paul Chapman Pub Ltd.,, 1997. --(658.3.01 N7 067452) Bernardin H J & Russell J E A: Human resource management - an experiential approach. NY. McGraw-Hill, 1993. 0-07-112972-3 --(658.3.01 N3 062395) Bernstein L (Ed): Management development. London. Business Books, 1968. --(658.386 K83 021711) Berry D, Cadwell C & Fehrmann J: 50 activities for coaching and mentoring. Amherst. HRD Press, Inc., 1993. $ 139.95 --(658.386 N3 076215) Bersin J: Training measurement book. [Best practices, proven methodologies, and practical approaches] San Francisco, CA. John Wiley, 2008. $50.00 --(658.386 P8 077908) Bertrand O & Noyelle T: Human resources and corporate strategy. US. OECD, 1988. --(658.3 M894 056650) Bertrand O: Planning human resources - methods, experiences and practices. Paris. UNESCO, 1992. --(658.3.01 N293 064410) Best of icebreakers and endings (with CD ROM). Cambridgeshire. Fenman Limited, 2004. Rs.9950.00 --(658.386 P4 077547) BGA guide to selected business schools. London. The Author, 1970. --(658.386(41-4) L01 017379) Bhambra A S: Future of Human Resource Management. New Delhi. Commonwealth, 1999. -(658.3.01 N93 069349) Bhambra A S: Human Resource Management And Influences On Employee Behaviour. New Delhi. Commonwealth Pub., 1999. --(658.3.01 N9 069350) Bhatara K: Efective of cohensive on goal setting behaviour of the group. Jabalpur. Banarsidas Bhancot, 1972. --(658.387.4 L26 028088) Bhatawdekar M V: Evaluation of training.. Bombay. National Institute of Bank Management, 1986. --(658.386 M61 048962) Bhatnagar O P: Evaluation mehtodology for training. New Delhi. Oxford, 1987. --(658.386 M7 051387) Bianco-Mathis V, Roman C & Nabors L: Organizational coaching. [Building relationships and programs that drive results] Alexandria. ASTD press, 2008. $38.95 --(658.386 P8 079302) Bibliography of IIMA Cases. Ahmedabad. The Institute, 1967. --(658.386.012:016 K7.1-3 032809) Biech E (Ed): 2013 Pfeiffer Annual . [Consulting] San Francisco. Pfeiffer, 2013. $189.95-(658.386PAQ3.1) Biech E (Ed): 2000 Annual. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass, 2000. $44.95 --(658.386 N6;P0.1-.2 071342) Biech E (Ed): 2001 Annual. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass, 2001. $44.95 --(658.386 N6;P1.1-.2 071344) Biech E (Ed): 2002 Annual. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass, 2002. $44.95 --(658.386 N6;P2.1-.2 071369) Biech E (Ed): 2012 Pfeiffer Annual: Consulting. San Francisco. Pfeiffer, 2012. $80.97-(658.386Q2.1) Biech E (Ed): 2012 Pfeiffer Annual: Training. San Francisco. Pfeiffer, 2012. $80.97-(658.386Q2.2) Biech E (Ed): 2013 Pfeiffer Annual. [Training] San Francisco. Pfeiffer, 2013. $189.95-(658.386PAQ3.2) Biech E (Ed): Book of road-tested activities. San Francisco. Pfeiffer, 2011. $49.95--(658.386Q1) Biech E (Ed): Pfeiffer Annual (2 vol set) - Vol. 1:Consulting & Vol. 2: Training. San Francisco. Pfeiffer, 2010. $151.95 --(658.386 Q0.1-.3 079681) Biech E (Ed.): Pfeiffer annual 2008 (With CD). [Trainning and Consulting] San Francisco,CA.. Pfeiffer, 2008. Rs.127.95 --(658.386 P.8.1, P8.4 077664) Biech E (Ed.): Pfeiffer annual 2009 (With CD). [Consulting & Training] Sanfrancisco, CA. Pfeiffer, 2009. $ 147.95 (Cost of 2 Vol.) --(658.386 P9.1, P9.4 078453) Biech E Ed.: Pfeiffer 2007 - Annual Consulting and annual training ( with CD). San Francisco. Pfeiffer, 2007. $ 127.95 2 vols set --(658.386 P7.1,P7.4 076897) Biech E Ed.: Pfeiffer Annual - Consulting. Vol.2 (with CD ROM). San Francisco. Pfeiffer, 2004. $75.00 --(658.386 P4. 073576) Biech E Ed.: Pfeiffer Annual (2 vol set) - Vol. 1: Training Vol. 2: Consulting (with CD-ROM) - 2006. San Francisco, C. Pfeiffer, 2006. $ 127.95 ( 2 vol set) --(658.386 P6.1, P6.2 075859) Biech E Ed.: Pfeiffer Annual 2004 - Training. Vol.1 (with CD-ROM). San Francisco. Pfeiffer, 2004. $75.00 --(658.386 P4. 073575) Biech E Ed.: Pfeiffer Annual Training and Consulting - (set) (with CD) - 2005. NJ. John Wiley, 2005. $ 127.50 ( set of 2 vols) --(658.386 P5.1, P5 074985) Biech E Ed: 2003 Annual - Vol.1 : Training. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass, 2003. $44.95 --(658.386 P3.1 072483) Biech E Ed: 2003 Annual - Vol.2 : Consulting. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass, 2003. $44.95 -(658.386 P3. 072484) Biech E: 2011 Pfeiffer Annual Consulting. San Francisco. Pfeiffer, 2011. $94.95 --(658.386 Q1.1 080409) Biech E: 2011 Pfeiffer Annual Training. San Francisco. Pfeiffer, 2011. $94.95 --(658.386 Q1.2 080410) Biech E: ASTD Handbook: . [The Definitive Reference for Training & Development] (2nd Edition) Alexandria. ASTD Press, 2014.--(658.386Q4) Bienvenu B J: New priorities in training: a guide for industry. NY. American Management Association, 1969. --(658.386 K94 013080) Billett S: Learning in the workplace. [Strategies for effective practice] Crows Nest. Allen & Unwin, 2007. Rs. 395.00 --(658.386 P7 076682) Billimoria R P & Singh N K: Human resource development - a study of the Airlines in Asian countries. Delhi. Vikas, 1985. --(658.3 M5 046785) Billimoria R P: Induction in industry.. Calcutta. TISCO, 1957. --(658.312.2 J7 001774) Bingham W V D & Moore B V: How to interview. NY. Harper & Row Publishers, 1959. --(658.311.5 J92 015168) Bion W R: Experience in groups - and other papers. London. Tavistock, 1961. --(658.387.4 K13 026638) Birchall D & Morris B: Practice of job design and work organisation - ideas and issues.. Henley-onThames. The Administrative Staff college, 1978. --(658.314.7 L8 039846) Birchall D W & Hammond V: Clerical job enrichment - a survey of reported experiences.. Henleyon-Thames. Administrative Staff college, 1977. --(658.314.7 L71 039845) Birchall D: Job design - a planning and implementation guide for managers.. Epping,Essex. Gower Press, 1975. --(658.314.7 L51 032526) Bird M: Best person for the job.. London. Judy Piatkus, 1989. --(658.311.5 M9 057589) Bishop S & Taylor D: Training for change. London. Kogan Page, 1994. --(658.386 N42 063894) Black G J: Trends in management development and education - an economic study. New York. Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc.,, 1979. --(658.386 L95 041303) Black J E, Coleman J S & Stifel L D: Education and training for public sector management in the developing countries. New York. Rockefeller Foundation, 1977. --(658.386:35 L7 036506) Black J M: Developing competent subordinates. NY. American Management Association, 1961. -(658.3.01 K131 006065) Black J M: How to get results from interviewing: a practical guide foroperating management. NY. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1970. --(658.311.5 L0 012522) Blake R R, Shepard H A & Mouton J S: Managing intergroup conflict in industry. Houston. Gulf Publishing Co., 1964. --(658.387.4 K4;3 010369) Blake R R, Shepard H A & Mouton J S: Managing intergroup conflict in industry. Houston. Gulf Publishing Co.,, 1964. --(658.387.4 K4 K41-6 010365) Blanchard P N & Thacker J W: Effective training: . [Systems, strategies, and practices] New Jersey. Pearson, 2013.--(658.386Q3) Bloom E P: Manager mechanics. [People skills for first time managers] Virginia. Capital Books, Inc., 2006. $ 11.53 --(658.3-052.24 P6 077362) Blyton P & Turnbull P: Reassessing human resource management. London. Sage, 1992. 0-80398697-1 --(658.3.01 N26 062237) Bogomolova N: Human reltions doctrine:ideological weapon of the monopolies. Moscow. Progress publishers, 1973. --(658.3 L3 029073) Bohlander G & Snell S: Managing human resources. (14th edn.) Mason. Thomson, 2007. $ 159.95 --(658.3.01 P7 077081) Bolles R N: What color is your parachute? A practical manual for Job-Hunters and Carrer-Changers. Berkeley. Ten speed press, 2004. $ 12.50 --(658.386 P4 073835) Bolt J F Ed.: Pfeiffer Annual 2007. [Leadership development (with CD ROM)] San Francisco. Pfeiffer, 2007. $ 74.95 --(658.386 P7.3 077544) Bolt J F, Dulworth M & McGrath: Strategic executive development - The 5 essential investments. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass, 2005. $ 74.95 --(658.386 P5 075628) Bolton T: Introduction to Human Resource Management. New Delhi. Infinity Books, 2001. Rs.325.00 --(658.3.01 P1 071506) Borchardt J K: Career management for scientists and engineers (An American chemical society publication). Oxford. OUP, 2000. $ 16.50 --(658.386:5 P0 076194) Boudreau J W & Jesuthasan R: Transformative HR: . [How great companies use evidence-based change for sustainable advantage] New Delhi. Wiley India , 2012. Rs.625.00--(658.3.01Q2) Boudreau J W: Retooling HR. [Using proven business tools to make better decisions about talent] Boston. Harvard business review press, 2010. Rs.995.00 --(658.3.01 P10) Boulmetis J & Dutwin P: ABCs of evaluation - Timeless techniques for program and project managers. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass, 2005. $ 39.95 --(658.386 P5 075979) Boulter N & Others Eds: People and Competencies(The Art of HRD Vol.5). New Delhi. Creset, 1991. --(658.3 N91.5 069344) Boureau J W & Ramstad P M: Beyond HR. [The new science of human capital] Boston, MA. HBSP, 2007. Rs. 1508.50 --(658.3.01 P7 077234) Bowen K C: Research games - an approach to the study of decision processes. London. Taylor and Francis, 1978. --(658.386.012 L8 041261) Bowes L: No one need apply - getting and keeping the best workers. Boston. Harvard Business School Press, 1987. --(658.311.5 M7 051089) Bowman S L: Training from the BACK of the room!. [65 Ways to step aside and let them learn] San Francisco, CA. John Wiley, 2009. $39.95 --(658.386 P9) Boxall P & Purcell J: Strategy and human resource management. NY. Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. UKP 25.99 --(658.3.01 P3 074320) Boxall P, Purcell J & Wright P (Eds): Oxford handbook of human resource management. New Delhi. OUP, 2008. Rs.1,995.00 --(658.3.01 P8) Boydell T & Leary M: Identifying training needs. Hyderabad. Universities Press, 1997. --(658.386 N6 067540) Boydell T: Management self-development - a guide... institutions. Geneva. ILO, 1985. --(658.386 M51 M511 048690) Bozarth J: Social media for trainers. [Techniques for enhancing and extending learning] San Francisco. John Wiley, 2010. $39.95 --(658.386 P10) Bozeman B & Melkers J: Evaluating R&D impacts - methods and practice. Boston. Kluwer Academic Pub, 1993. --(658.386 N3 062602) Bradford L P: Am I a good group participant.... Washington,D.C.,. NEA, 1956. --(658.387.4 J6P Z98212) Bradford L P: Group development. California. University Associates, 1978. 0-88390-144-7 -(658.387.4 L8 050826) Bramley P: Evaluating training. Hyderabad. Universities Press, 1997. --(658.386 N7 067539) Brannick M T, Levine E L & Morgeson F P: Job and work analysis. [Methods, research, and applications or human resource management] Los Angeles. Sage, 2007. $ 55.95 --(658.3.01 P7 077419) Brantley M E & Coleman C: Winning the technology talent war. [A manager's guide to recruiting tech workers in a dot-com world] New York. McGraw-Hill, 2001. Rs.1,235.00 --(658.311.5 P1 071067) Brewster C & Hegewisch A: Policy and practice in European human resource management. London. Routledge, 1994. --(658.3.01 N41 063941) Bricker G W: Bricker's directory - of university sponsered executive development programs.. Massachusetts. Bricker Publications, 1972. --(658.386(058.7) L2 024303) Brinkerhoff R O: Achieving results from training. San Francisco. Jossey Bass Pub, 1987. --(658.3 M72 054441) Briscoe D R: International human resource management. NJ. Prentice Hall, 1995. --(658.3.01 N54 065134) Brockbank A & McGill I: Facilitating reflective learning through mentoring and coaching. London. Kogan Page, 2007. Rs. 395.00 --(658.386 P7 077420) Brodie M B & Life E A (Eds): Education for general management - the staff college approach. NY. United Nations Institute for Training and Research, 1974. --(658.386 L47 031660) Brounstein M: Handling the difficult employee - solving performance problems. California. Crisp Pub, 1991. --(658.3.01 N1 067137) Brown A J: Effective branch manager - ways to develop management skills. Boston. Bankers Publishing, 1971. --(658.386:332.1 L1 023286) Brown A M: Company management development plan. Bombay. Somaiya Publications Pvt Ltd, 1968. --(658.386 K891 011802) Brown J N & Swain A: Professional recruiter's handbook. [Delivering excellence in recruitment practice] London. Kogan Page, 2009. Rs. 395.00 --(658.3.01 P9 078784) Bruce A & Pepitone J S: Motivating Employees. New York. McGraw-Hill, 1999. --(658.314 N9 068911) Bruch H & Vogel B: Fully charged. [How great leaders boost their organizations's energy and ignite high performance] Boston. Harvard Business School Press, 2011. Rs.995.00 --(658.314 Q1 080171) Buck V E: Working under pressure. London. Staples Press, 1972. --(658.3.055 L2 025557) Buckingham G L, Jeffrey R G & Throne B A: Job enrichment and organizational change - a study in participation at Gallaher Ltd.. Epping,Essex. Gower Press, 1975. --(658.314.7 L5 L51 032100) Buckley R & Caple J: The Theory & Practice of Training.4th ed.. London. Kogan Page, 2000. 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