l"EE LOAI`.4lI. IUilIOR Specral totes for our
l"EE LOAI`.4lI. IUilIOR Specral totes for our
l"EELOAI'.4lI.IUilIOR Specraltotes for ourCustomerc outsideof theU.S.A, The Lee Load-All Junior is basically designedfor American componentsand shells.It will, however, very nicely load most shot shells with varying degrees of success.If available,the American shot shells for trap.and skeet shooting are the loader's first ehoieebecausethey load easier and last longer. As reloading pgpularity increasesin your eountry, you can be sure your favorite brand of shot shells made in your country will inereasein reloadability. This has been experiencedin the U.S.A. and Canada.We do not recommendloading the Eley paper casewith the lacquer finish. Theseare quite difficult to work with. The Eley plastic case works quite well but could be improved with a stronger tube. The Lee Load-All Junior is intended only for use with battery eup primers. Those are the primers that are pushedout as a unit and the cap, anvil and battery cup is replaced as a unit, rather than those that only the cap is replaced. An attempt to force the latter type out of the shell mgy seriously damagethe Lee Load-All Junior. Some brands of ammunition aecept the #57 (eg., Fioechi & Remington brands) size primer which is slightly smallerthan the 209 standard size.If you cannot locatethe #57 size,it's safe and piacfical to install the 20$ size.They will be-slightly harder to install for the first loadingonly. CAUTION: English gunsare proof tested for a much lower mean service pressure than many of the loadsthat are listed for American powders. Be sure your gun is.designed for these high pressureloadsbefore trying them. BE SURE YOU USE THE CORRECTMEASURE FOR THN SHELL, POWDER& SHOTCIIARGE SELECTED PLASTIC CASES Use this.data for compression formed cases or plastic cases' with a plastic base wad such as Winchester AA, Remington RXP, Federal Champion II, etc. SHOT Use this data for eases with a separate base wad made of paper such as Eley, Fiocchi, SMI, etc. Do not use this in case with no base wad or a plastic base wad. GRAINS }IEASURE I oz. NOBELSO 20.9 3.1cc rr/8 oz. NOBEL80 NOBEL32 20.9 22.8 3.lee 3.lcc Lr/4 NOBEL82 22.8 3.1ee SHOT POWDER GRAINS MEASURE NOBELTS NOBEL80 NOBELTS NOBELSO NOBELS2 L9.5 22.9 19.5 22.9 25.0 3.1cc 3.4ec 3.1cc 3.4ec 3.4pe NOBEL32 25.0 3:4ce oz. PAPER CASESoT PLASTIC CASESwitha PAPER BASE WAD POWDER I oz. I 1/8 oz. rr/4 oz. WARNING: Too much shot will causedangerouspressure. Be certain your shot measureis correctlv set. #i. , 1.r1,' 1*I' LEE PREClSlOll,lNC. copyright 1eT8 N q . 9 0 0 0 3& N o . 9 0 0 0 4 Printed in U.S.A. 0R IUHI LIIA.B.ALL LEE LEELOAD-ALL .luN,,[0.B GUARANTEE Junioris guaranteed for a lull YourLeeLoad-All year againstbreakage 0r wear incurredthrough normal use. Regardless of your Lqe of the age 0r condition Load-All Junior,you can haveit factoryreconditionedto new condition for one-halfthe current price,The LeeLoad-All Juniormustbe rer-etail turnedto the factoryalongwith your checkor money order.Thereis no timelimitandtheguafanteeis transferable. tqlE !' L :-! COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS PARTSLISTF()R LEELOAD.ALL JUNIOR 'Base . 'Head. 'CrimoStarler UprightSq.Tube Handle Grip. . Connecting Bod. . .WadGuide Nut,bolt& screws & B u s h i nSge t. . . $4.00 3:33-s 4.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.50 .50 'lmportant - forthesepartsplease specify12 o r l 6 o r 2 0g a u g e . 16 and 20 Ga. tools and partswill be available nextyear. Dueto the low cost of the LeeLoad-AllJunior,it's more practicalto purchasean entire unit rather to anothergauge. ihan converting CAUTION: if done can be dangerous reloading Ammunition by persons improperly andshouldnot be attempted notwillingandallleto readandfollowinstructions to reload shouldnot be permitted exactly. Children Alsupervision. ammuhition withoutstrictparental andshootwhenreloading wayswearsafeVglasses ing. safeloadswithallowListedloadsaremaximum ancesfor powderdensityand bulk measurement withthesetoolsand variations. loaded Ammunition gunsin good datashouldonlybe usedin modern for amcondition. We do not acceptresponsibility munition withthesetoolsor dataaswe have loaded of comandstorage nocontrol overthemanufacture ponqnts procedure and techniques. or the loading andmatches, likegasoline Primers andgunpowders, or misused. if improperly handled canbedangerous g Patenl t4,177,711 L E E PREClslo,N, lN,c, HARTFORD, WISCONSIN 53027 and your Lee Load-All Theseinstructions Juniorareall youneedto reloadgoodammunitionfor anykindof shooting. Donot use paperwads,as the pressure andvelocities wilt be unsatisfactory. PRIMERS Any brandof primermay be used.When usinglinegrained ballpowderit's bestto use flashholeto prevent a primerwitha covened the primer.This is fromentering the powder but may,uponfiring,leakgas notdangerous theprimer.lt coulddrivethecaseinto around and disablethe gun until the the chamber rod. with a cleaning shellis removed POWDER the amountof shot you Afterdetermining desiret0 use,selectthe powdertype listed tablefor theshotweightselectonthecharge ed. Mostshotweightshaveseveralpowder chargeis fixedandwill, Thepowder choices. dispensethe charge without adjustmenlt, weightsshownon the chargetable.Thusit for themostreadieasyto substitute becomes powder in yourarea. ly available CASES Juniorwill loadall types YourLeeLoad-All casesmadetor of caseswith ease.l-lowever, for redesigned are shooting and skeet trap toabingand will reloadmore tirnesbefore out. 0aseswith split ends,crackgd weariri'g brass,and holesburnedin the or dam-aged caseswith Shotshell bediscarded. sideshotild s.uchas the a plasticbasewad or all p[q_stig ChamRXP,Federal AA,Remington Winchester formed pionll and Winchester compression with lesspowderthan mustbe loaded bases, papercases0r plasticcaseswith a paper wad.Be sureyou selectloaddatafrom ba'se to the case tableaccording charge thecorrect Highbrasscaseor low typeyouareloddinE. nrasscaserefersoirlyto the brasslengthon the outsideof the case.This doesnot have of thecaseor the on thestrength anybearing todOit will accept.The brasslengthis only the purto impress designed feature a selling chaserwith the impliedextrapower. SHOT of shot All of the currentmanufacturers supplygeodqualit)rshst. Selectionby the lowestpriceis suggested \JIIADS to Your Lee Load-AllJunioris designed preferably the one plastic only, wads load piece variety.Whgn Yllng ll'tlt, n0 wad will quickly is required andif applied pressure itself.Crimping the shetlin reality neutralize and The important the wad pressure. applies in.theonepiecewad is the basicdifference lengthof the wad and the amountof space within the shell. lt's important it occupies filledto makea that the shellbe completely goodcrimp.Oncetheweightof shotis selectis the volumecomponent ed,theonlyvariable is supplied by the wad wad.Thisinformatisn usuallyprintedon the bag or manufacturer, in. Thecorrectwads cartontheyarepackaged for trapandskeetloadsin trap or skeetcases they are because are mostreadilyavailable the casesmostoftenloaded.Wadtypesare by powder listedon loaddatasupplied usually goods Seeyourlocalsporting manufacturers. manudealeror writedirectlyto the powcier facturerfor a copy of the latest load data. wads will come in 2 basic Generally, longandshort.A supplyof eachsize lengths, Some' wilftakecareof 90% of yourloading. cardboard to slip a necessary may be timesit wadof a smallergaugeintothe wadto take will comspace.Flaketypepowder up excess piessmorethantheball0r a granular.powderpowdertypemaymakea difference bhanging in the finalcrimP. SIZING FULLLENGTH The smallsteelring is usedto sizethe Thisneednot be brassheadof the shotshell. firedfromyour usedif theshellwasoriginally lt's bestto size ounandeasilvrechambered. ill sheltsthafwill be usedin autolsaders. WADGUIDE wearout but Thewadguidewill eventually shouldlasta longtime.Mostlikelyit vrillbe by not placingthg shell correctly damaged intotheguideanda wadwill pinchoff a wad .with is supplied guidefinger.Everymachine more is'nothing guide there as wad an extra than to haveyour loadinginterfrustrating ruptedUy tne damageof sucha small,low co'stpart.Besureto orderan extrawadguide afterusingYourspare. Do not storethe machinewith lmportant! down,as the shot droptubewill the h'andle causethe wad guidelingersto takea set in the spreadPosition. INSTRUIDTIONS FOR AS$EMBLY tlF THE LEELOAD.ALL JUNIOR YOUCANNOWBEGINLOADING Junior is factory YourLeeLoad-All setandrequires no adiu$tmenl r-ll (Due to shipping requirements, your Load-All Junior comes partially unassembled.) 6 EASY STEPS: 1) Pushgripontohandle. 2) Insert1/e"dia.steelbushing intoholein aluminum sqLlare column. 3) lnsertsteelconnecting rodintodiecarrier andotherendintoaluminum handle. Self-Lock Nut \ =(o Tighten ,/ just enough' so carrier will stay in up position. Steel Eushing(FlangeOut) T]OiBolt Vr-28 AluminumHandle Connecting rod. Insert in carrier fi rst. STEP#1 thesizing ly chamfe shellin s to a stop I UJLITS; {ffi'., t€Fi &;tu4) Attachhandleto unit with V+" bolt and nut.Tighten.iustenoughs0 handlewill remainin uprightposition. 5) Attachwadguidewith #6 x 11/a"screw. Theupperholein wad guideis tor 23/+" shells, the lowerfor 3" shells. 6) Fastento bench0r board with the 4 #10 x 1" scrswssupplied. +2 Dropa primerintothe top of the STEP This pressas shownandraisethe handle. in thenextstation. it forpriming willposition STEP;rl Slipthe shellontothe primingpost in station2 andlowerthe handleto stripthe sizingringoff andprimethe shell, { a STEP#6 Raisethe handlepartway andadd thebuilt-infunnel.Becertain theshotthrough you have your shot measureset correctlypresToo muchshot will causedangerous sures. STEP#41Add one levelmeasure of powder. Be certainyouare usingthe correctmeasure and powderas listed0n the chargetable. ( S e eb a c kp a g e . ) \.'* 'frh"o S T EP* 5 Sl i pth e s h e l li n toth e w ad gui deand installa wad. The +7 Startthecrimpin thisstation. STEP be should lineon thecrimpstarter indicator in linewith an inwardfold of the crimp. oneend starteris reversible, Thecrirnp N0TE: andthe otherfor 8. Pull is for 6 segment downto remove. straight # 8 I I E X TP A G Eo t . t o o o t o . . f STEP ..r TIINTS H.ELPFUL 1) Beforecrimpingthereshouldbe enough theshotto permita nicecrimp. tubeabove lf thewadlengthis toolong,a goodcrimp willnotbeformed andit willtendto creep the shot.Too muchtube open,releasing remaining beforecrimping will causethe crimpto set t00 deepandpermittheshot to escape through thecenterof thecrimp. Be sureto selecta properlengthwadfor the shotchargeandshellyou'reloading. 2) Certaincombinations of casesand componentswill give highervelocities than others.Theamountof difference is generally not important. However, if you area puristanddesirethe exactamounts, consult the currentloaddata supplied fronr the powdermanufacturers. Thereis no supplied bettersourcethanthe literature free or at a nominalcost.The principle powdersuppliers are listedbelow: Wilmington, SafesDivision, DE DuPont 19898 Western Division, 0[in,New Winchester, Haven, CT06504 Powder C0.,7710 W.50 Hwy., Hodgdon KS 662A2 Shawnee Mission, setup,mountyour Lee 3 ) For a portable or Juniort0 a pieceof plywood Load-All Thiscanthenbe "C" clamped to board. Feltglued anytable,deskor countertop. to the bottomof the boardwill keepit thesurface on whichit's fromdamaging clamped. STEP#8 lmmediately movethe shellintothe the shellholderat station5 and complete crimp.Youshouldhavea perfectlycrimped shellwith a nicelytaperedend. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS F()R3'' SHELLS ONLY 1) Remove the screwthat holdsthe wad guide to thecolumn. Re-install 7+" higher. 2) Donotpulldownon the handle to a completestopon stations4 & 5. Pulldown untilyoufeelsomeresistance. lf in doubt, usetoolittlepressure andraisethe handle to seeif the crimphas formedproperly. lf not, applya little morepressure.You will veryquicklylearnto feelthe correct pressure. of primers are.001to .002 4 ) Some brands yourcases lf youplanonreloading larger. youcanusethesmaller dimanytimes, primers hole ameter first.Aftertheprimer thelargerprimers will hasbeenenlarged, stillholdsnugly. 5 ) lf reloading shellsfor the samegunin whichtheywerefired,youcaneliminate sizer. Thisspeeds theuseofthefulllength and extends the life of the up loading shell. loadsnotlistedonyourLee 6 ) lf youdesire table,purchase a powder scaleor charge Measure Kit anduseload a LeePowder sourcesuchas the datafroma reliable powder manufacturer.