ftEIEBAL INDEX - NSW Government


ftEIEBAL INDEX - NSW Government
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i , - 1471-1474
. -
, , ' ,J-' 1492-ieoi
,••-./ 1401
''•-.' I
. n- I ' .i PAUB
Aborigines' Proteotloa Board
. . . . H7BDopartuicut of Trade and Oustoms
•'••'• ••••: - P X O ' B
Agent-General for the State in KngI
i . -'-.. I486
(Federal) . .
-..-• -•'....1471 Land Appeal Court . .
1476 Diamond Drill Branch , • . .
..1482 Laud—Claims to .Grants of •'• : . I486
Agricultural Department . . •: ...1482 Distilleries and Sugar Refineries
Lands—Occupation of .
. : <•;.'- i486
Alphabetical Directory
. . 019-1x10
. Department
. . . 1471LandB—Seoretaryfor . . . . ..-n i . 1 4 8 0
Arbttratlon.Oourt . ..
. , 1481Dlstriot Court Judges- ,,,!.;••
. . - • ; . 1477
1484 Lands Titles Branch . .
Architect,Government , . .
... 1482District Court . .
- ' ..v '/..'.-use
..; . . . . . 1 4 8 5 Law Institute
. . 1481District Registrars . . , . . ; ..1409 Legal Direotory—See Trades section ' •
. . 1834
' for Bbrrlsters, Solicitors, Offlolal /
Assoolatosand Olerks of ArraignB.. 1484 Ecclesiastical . . ,' ,v ', •,:...•.-• ..1404
Assignees, also Minister for JusAssociations
. . . . 1219 Educational
. .
••'.•!<'• •! ' . - ' • ; - '•
1451) . t i C O
Asylums Department
1478 Electrlo Telegraphs
Assembly.. •> . . . . . 147ft
443 Engineers, Military
of . . 147U
. . ' . . 1471
Audit Department
Legislative Oounoil
and Continental ManufacAustralian Museum
1481 English
. . 1476
Bunkruptey Department
. . I486 Equity—Master
European Manufacturers
. . 1467-1468 Lunacy Department
1225 . Executive Oounoil (State) . .
. . 1474Lunatio Asylums—See Institutions 1388
Barrooks and Ordnauoo Department
Bxooutlvo Oounoil (Federal)..
. . 1460
1471 I Explosives Department
. . 1485
..1480 Magistrates—Stipendiary . ,
1225 External Affairs (Department of) . . 1470Muster in Equity
Medical Practitioners
Barristers' Admission Board..
. . 1486
Biloela gaol
1485 Federal High Court
Board of Health
1480 Finance and Trade—Troas. and Sec. 1470
and Sewerage
Board for opening tenders—Public
Fire Brigades
1478 Metallurgical Branoh
1483 Firms'Pay-days
Botanto Gardens
1478 Fisheries Board
147s Mines—Seoretary for
British Ships of War on tho Austra1488
Free Fubllo Library . .
..1481 Minister for Justice
lian station
. . 1486Friendly Sooletlcs
. 1481
Money Order Department (Fedoral) 1471
Cadet Offloo
1481 Gaol, Darlinghurst
Munloipal—See commencement of
. 1485
Cavalry—NJ3.W. Regiment of
. . H71General Post .Office (Federal)
Olty Streets and of respective
. 1471
1253 Geological Branch
i;44 Governmental and Parliamentary . . 1482 Museum
. 1400
Central Police Court
1485 Govcromcnt Ambulance Corps
. 1482National Art Gallery
Certificated Conveyancers . .
. '""' Government Asylums
. 1478Nautical Tralnlng-sohool Sobraon . . 1481
City Strcots DIreotory
Government Printing Office . .
. 1480Navigation Department
Civil Departments
. . 1479
Government Statistician
, 1477 Naval Brigade . .
Civil Service Board
.': . . 1474
Claims to Grantoof Land
. 1486
1469 Naval Force
Clerks of Petty Sessions
Grants of Land—Claims to
1486 N.S.W. Lancors
Goal Fields and Coal Mines . .
Notaries Publlo
HANSARD Parliamentary Report
Coast Hospital
lug Stud
K76 Observatory
Harbour Trust
1478 Occupation of Lands
Colonial Defence Boats
1483 .Ofllolal Assignees
Colonial Distilleries Inspeetor
14H2 Officers of Legislative Counoil and
Ohief Secretary
1476 Health Board
Commissioners for Affidavits..
1261 Health and Medioal Department . 1480 '
Commonwealth Ministry
Officers of the Senate
14*<0 .Hospitals^.
1323 Offloers of the House of Representa- 1469
Commonwealth Parliament
1470 House of Representatives (Members) 147u|
Commonwealth Senate
1469 Imperial Government Establish
Officers administering the Govern1265
of the Australasian States 1487
1267 Imperial Pensions
Coroner's Court
, 1480
Incorporated Law Institute . .
. 1486 Old-Age Pensions
Crown Prosecutors
1484 Industrial Arbitration Office..
. 1481Ordnance Department
Crown Solicitor
1484 IuduBtrlal School for Girls . .
Curator's Depart. (Supremo Court) 1484
. 1473 Parliamentary Draughtsmen..
Oustoms (Federal)
. . 1484
1471 InsidvenoyOourt
. 1485Parliamentary Library
. 1476
Inspector-General of Folico . .
, 1478 Parliamentary Reporting Staff—
Deeds Branob—Registrar-General . . 1477 Institutes
Instruction, Publto (Department) . 1481
Defence Department (Federal)
Pastoml Directory
Departments (Government)—*,; resPatents and Trademarks Office
1483 Patent Agents
pective names
Department of Agriculture . .
. . 1 4 8 2 Justices of Peace
1848 Pay Days
Labour Commissioners
Deportment of Prisons..
1485|Land and Income Tax Department.. 1480 Permanent and Volunteer Military
P e t t y Sessions (Saburban) Clerks of 1485
F o l l o e Inspeotor-Gcneral
.'. 1478
'.. 1471
Prisons Department
Probates ( R e g i s t r a r )
; 1484
P u b l i c Instruction
P u b l i c Library . .
P a b l i o Watering-places
. . 1482
P u b l l o Works—Seoretary f o r . .
. . 1488
P a b l i o Service Board
Pnblio Works—Board for Opening
Secretary for Pnblio Works . .
. . 14SJ
... f . . 1 4 6 9
Sewerage Branch—Works ,'•• .', . .;{148S
Shaftesbnry Reformatory
..' ' '..1478
Sherltri Department . .
. . 1484
Bhlpplng Masters
Ships of War on Australian S t a t i o n 1480
SobraonTraining S h i p
. . 1420
Solicitors' Admission Board . .
. . 1485
Speotaolo Island
S t a m p Duties Offloe
S t a m p Duties
Stipendiary Magistrate
. . 1485
148? Stock and Brands Branoh
. , 1482
Kail w a y and T r a m w a y Oouscruotlon 1482 S t o r e s Supply and Tender Board . . 1477
Railways a n d Tramways ' . .
. . 1 4 6 8 Stroets (City) Dlreotory' •
. . 1-167
R e g i m e n t of Cavalry . .
. . 1 4 7 2 Suburban Clerks of P o t t y Sessions . . 1485
Registrar of Copyrights—(Beo Publto
Suburban Dlreotory
. . : •'..
S u g a r Rsfineries Department
. . 1471
<•••• Library)
„ 1477
. . 1477 SupromeOourt
Rivers Navigation . . .
. . 1483 Surveyor, Chief, &o. . .
R o y a l Mint
... i ..
. . 1476 S y d n e y Dhtrlot Court
. . 1484
Seoretary of F i n a n o e a n d Trade -a .;• 1479 Bydnoy Harbour Trust
S y d n e y Mint
, . 1476
Seoretary for L a n d s
I486 S y d n e y Tcohnloal College
. . 1469
Seoretary for Mines.
T a x a t i o n Department
1480Teohnlca) Education
Technological Musoum
. . 1481
Telegraph Department
. . 1471
Tondor B o a r d - P u b l l o Works
. . 1477
Theatres—Set Plaoca of Amusement 1894
Trade and Flnanoe—Treasurer and
Trade and Customs (Federal)
, . 1471
Trade Unions Registrar
Trades Dlreotory
Treasurer and Secretary for Flnanoe
and Trade
Trlangulation and General Survey
of tho Colony
Survey of t h e . i • )• I.'
Vice-Admiralty O o n r t . .
' ..
. ; 1484
, \ l
Volunteer Artillery
Weights and Measures
Wharfage and T o n n a g e R a t e s - . . 1490
Works ( P a b l i o ) D e p a r t m e n t r. • ' . . 1482
Works—Board for Opening Tonders 1488
Abattoirs, Glebo Island, Balmain
. 202 Albert parade, Ashfleld
178 Alexander st, Ooogeo . .
Abattoirs rd . . . . .
.. . .
.. 628
1 Albert parade (Guildford)
. . ' . . 621 'Alexandorst
Abattoirs rd, Bozelle . .
.. .
. 202 Albert p l a c e (now called Saunders
' Ale.\andcrst, Alexandria
Abbotsford rd, Uomcbush . . .
,. .. 159
. 600
Abbott rd (Artarmon), Willoughby, . 625
S Alexander st, P a d d i n g t o n
.... '489
Abbott st, Granville . . . .
, . 822 Albort place
Albert rd ( n o w called H a r r o w rd),
Alexander st. N o r t h Sydney
Abbott st, N o r t h Sydnoy
. 448
. 413
... . . . ; . . 190 Alexauder st, Willoughby
. .. 625
Abbott s t , Randwiok . .
. 628 Albert rd, A u b u r n
196 Aloxundra Bt, H u n t e r s Hill . .
. .. 882
A'Bookott s t , Granville
. . 322
Albort rd, Canterbury..
. . 264 Alexandria st, D r u m m o y n e . ,
. ,. 281
Abercorn s t , Bcxiey . .
. 230 , Albert rd, Homebush . .
. . 590 Alfred rd, F o r e s t Lodge
Abcrcromble lane
. 302
1 Albert rd, Strathfleld . .
591 Alfred st (Dowman s t )
. ..
Aberoromble plaoo * . .
1 Albert st ( P y r m o n t ) . . . .
3 Alfred Bt, Oiroular Quay
Aberoromble st, Redfern
, 639 Albert st, B u r w o o d .
. . 2 4 6 Alfred st, A n n a n d a l e . .
Abigail s t , Hunter's H i l l
, 832 . Albert s t ( P h i l l i p Bt) . .
. . . .
2 Alfred st, A u b u r n ( n o w called Pork
Abigail s t , Bummer m i l
. 1781 A l b e r t s t , B o z e l l o
... . ..
. road)
. . 196
Abouktr st, Rookdalo . .
601 ' Albert s t (Beaoonsflcld e s t a t e ) . ' , . . . 233
. . . . .
. . 246
Abuklea rd, MarsOeld . .
402 Albertst,Botany(Hanoook's Gardens) 241 Alfred Bt, Burwood
Aoton s t , Burwood
246 A l b e r t s t ( R e d m a n e s t a t e ) , O ' t e r b u r y 284 Alfred st, C a n t e r b u r y . .
Alfred st, Granville
. . 822
2 Albort st, Ohatswood .. " . .
. . . 6 2 6 Alfred'St
(Viotorla Park),Merrylands 621
Ada st, Oonoord
272 Albert st, Darlingburst .
Ada lano, Brskinevillo
296 . Albert st, Brskinevillo..
. . 2 9 6 . Alfred st (Clark's P t . ) , Hunter's Hill 832
Ada Bt, Ersklnovlllo
296 Albert Bt, Gladcsvlllo ,.
. . 5 7 7 Alfred st (Kebblewhite's Estate),
Ada st (Oatley), Kogarah
. .
. . 353
343 Albert st, Glebo..
. . . . . . 302 ' Lolchhardt
Ada Bt, N o r t h Sydney
443 Albert Bt, Granville ..
.. 322 Alfred st, Marriokvlllo
Ada st, P a r r a m a t t a
490 Albert st, Hornsby
. . 329
Ada Villas terrace, Erskinovillo
., 295 Albert at, Lelohhardt'i
. 8 6 3 Alfred st, North Sydney
Bt (Morrylnnds), Prospoot , . 621
Adderton rd, Dundas . .
294 Albort.st, Marriokvlllo
. . 8 8 0 'Alfred st,llozcllo
Adam st, Granville
322 Albert st, Newtown ..
.. 414 Alfred
Alfred st, St. P e t e r s
Addorloy s t , Auburn
190 Albert Bt, Paddington.. • . .
.. 468 Alfred
AddcrloyBt, Rookwood
872 Albert st, Parramatta..
. . 400 Alice st, Auburn
. , 196
Adderton rd, Dundas
287 Albort at, Petersham
602 A l i c e st, Bozelle
AddtBcombo Park, Manly
378 | Albert Bt (Guildford), Prospoot and
Addison Bt, Balmain . .
. , 203
. , 281
621 A l i o s at, D r u m m o y n e . .
Addison rd, Marrickville
. . 370 Albort at, Randwiok.,.
. . . .. 628
Addison rd, M a n l y
' . , 373 Albert st, Redfern ",.
.. 640 Alice st, Parramatta
Adelaide l a n e (Surry H i l l s ) ..' :• . . .
Albert st, Rookwood ..
. . 672 Alice st (San B o n d ) . . . .
. . 880
Adelaido plaoe . . .
2 Albort st, Kosovllle
676 Allan's avenue, M a r r i c k v i l l e . .
. . 272
Adelaldo s t .. . . '
' ..
2 Albert st (now called Potts Bt), Ryde 577 'Allan st, Concord
. . 8
Adelaide par, Woollahra
. . 634 I Albert st, St. Potors
683 A l l e n lane (See A l l e n st)
Adelaide s t , Woollahra'
. . > . . 634 Albert Bt (Ttvolt Estate), St. Fetors.. 688 Alien's rd, A l e x a n d r i a . .
.. . . . .
Adolphus l a n e ; Balmain ' • • . - . . • •
Albort st, Waverloy . . . .
. . * .. 610
Adolphus s t , B a l m a i n . .
. . . .
Albert avo, Ohatswood
Adolphus s t , Naremburn
. . 6'5
Albort st, Ohatswood..'
... 686 Allen Bt, Canterbury . .
Ady Bt, Hunter's Hilt „
332 'Albertst, Woollahra ..
. . 684
Afona st, A u b u r n .. . .
i . . 196
.Alberta st . . .
2 A l l e n st, Granville
Agarst . . ..:'..
. . 2 A l l e n Bt, Lelohhardt . .
Agar at coot
.. .
. 2 Albion s t . .
Agar Bt, MarriokTillo . .
... 380 Alblonst, Annandalo .;
... 020
.. 169 A l l e y n e s t , W i l l o u g h b y . ' . .
Aginoourt rd, .Marsfield
. ..'
. . 402 Albion st,. Bozelle :
. . . 621
. 2 0 3 A l l i s o n rd ( G u i l d f o r d ) . .
Agnes st, Strathfleld , .
, . 690
[Albion st, Leiohhardt.. . . .
.. 363 Allison rd, Randwiok . . . . . . .
Aird Bt, Parramatta ' . . ,. . . .
. . 490
'.. S80
Albion st, Marrickville
. . . .. 380
Albany rd, PcterBbam..
. . .
. . 602 Albion st, Paddington..
Alan Bt, N o r t h 8 y d n e y . .
• . ; . 443 [Albion st, Parramatta..
. . 402
. . . . '•'< . . 4 9 0 A l m a rd, Marsfield
Albany st, N o r t h Sydney . . . . • . . 443 Albion Bt, Randwiok ..
.... ..
.. .628 A l m a s t east
Albany .st, St.. Leonards
626 Albion st, Waverley ..
... . . . 6 1 0
Albemarle s t , N e w t o w n
A l m a Bt, Ashfleld .. . :
. . . . . . . 178
414 Albyn st,Strathfleld ...
Albert avenue, Ohatswood
, . 625
Albyn st, Bexloy
. . . . . 286 A l m a st, Darlington . . '
Albert orescent, Oroydon
. . 246
. 640 A l m a st, Paddington . . . . . . . . . 469
Albert Grove, Ashfleld
!• . .
. Alderson st, Waterloo .,
Albert lano, Lelohhardt
' . . 863
. . 626
Alexander ave, Mosman
. . 4 0 4 A l m a st, Pymble .
Albert lane, P a d d i n g t o n
. . . 468
Alexander lone . . . .
. . . .
. . 404
Diwliur.it J., 10 James at, North Syilnoy Dibbs W. 11., George's River id, Kiilield
Dickinson T., J.P., secretary and engineer
Dowhurst .1 nines, Avenue, Hurstvlilu
Dibden Sydney, 7 Doris st, North Sydney
The Sydney and Suburban Hydraulic;
Dcwlmrst S., Stiition st, Mortlake
Power Co., Limited, nnd manager The
Dcwlmrst Mrs. S. W., 3 Wood's nvc.W'hra Dlbloy A., (151 Illawnrrn rd, Marrickville
Hydraulic nnd General EngiDowhurst Tasman. 22 Dawson st
Co., Ltd., Mutual Life of New
Dowhurst Thos, Wilson st, Botany
Martin place and P i t t
Dcwlmrst Victor, mcrcliunt, Hnnllo's
" Bombara," 92 Stanmorc nl,
chambers, Hamilton st
Dlbley George, 66 Albany rd, Petersham
Dewhurat William 24 Burton st
Dickinson Tom, Liberty inn, 140 Riley st
Diblov Mrs. M., Ab Ion at, Marrickville
Dcwhnnt William, 183 Riley st
W. J., Salisbury nl. Petersham
IX'wick Mrs. K., 50 Adelaide st
Dlokinson William II., 42 Drultt st
Dlbley William. 3 LittloBurton st
Dewick W. 1\, 7 Horwiokst, Burwood
O., 133 Bluo's Point rd, N. S.
DIok Mrs. E., Northumberland nl, Auburn
Dowlck W. P., U Hercules st, Ashlleld
Dickisou George. Glover st, Mosman
Do Wilde, W. S., 4 Belgrave st, Waverlcy Dick George. 78 Liverpool rd, Ashlleld
5 Eliza st, Newtown
Dick J. Adam, M.D. Rurgcon, "Oatfoss,"
Dewing Mrs. H., I l l Albion st
Dickuian C , 165 Nelson st, Annandale
Bclmore nl, Randwick
De Witt K. J., Toole st, Longuevillo
Dickman Oharlcs, 381 Pyrmont st
Do Witt Hcnry.14 Ourncr st, Paddington Dick J., Parraniatta rd, Homebush
Dickman David, 10 Steel st
Dewley Charles, 101) Cameron st, Pad'ton Dick J. G., Cook's River rd. St. Peters
G. I''., 63 John st
Dows Joseph, 268 Elizabeth st
Dick J. L., 17 Behnorc st, Newtown
Dickman George, bag merchant nnd
Dewsbury O., 4 Hose st, Ashlleld
dealer, 259 Sussex st
Dewsbury Mrs. II., 39 Fulham st, N'town
Dick John, 7 Bayvillc Bt, Rozelle
Dickman Giorge, 112 Fie st
Dewyn Leon, woolbuyor, 17 Loftus st
Dick John, Consett st, Dulwich Hill
Dlckuiau William, 152 Albion st
Dexter A. II., King st, Rockdale,
Dick Thomas, 20 Union st, Balmaln
Dickson and Turkington, carriers, AusDoxtcr J. F., The Avenue, Randwick
tralia st, Woollahra
Dcy Robert and Co., printers and pub- Dick Thomas, 68 Ben Bovd rd, Noli. Bav
Dickson A., 360 Aunaudnle st, Annandale
Dick Thomas, 681 Dnrling at, Rozollo
lishers, 275 Clarence st
A., 20 Salisbury st, Canipordown
Dey llcv. K., general editor nnd mnnngei'
Dickson A., Great Northern rd, Gladcaville
AUSTHAMAN ClIIUSTIAtf WOULD Dickon A., Northbrook st, Bexley
E., Mt. William st, Gonlon
(published weekly), 276 Clarence s t ; Dloken Francis, Cairo st, Rockdale
Dickson Mrs. A.G., Lower Forth st, W'lahru
Dickon Hugh, 32 Globe rd, Globo
p.r., Gordon st, Burwood
Diokenn O., 31 Stanley st, Oamperdown
Dickon William. 2 Ferris st, Annandale
Deykin .Mrs. P.,-,Selleyst, Canterbury
Dickson Charles, 34 Burlinsou st
Dickens F., Gordon rd, Uliatswood
Dim it. jun., Greenwich rd, Lane Cove
Daniel, 74 Goodsell st, Newtown
Dim Roderick, Day rd, North Sydney
Dickson Daniel, Victoria st, St. Peters
Diack J . A.,manager Hcuard and Co., Ltd.. Dickons R., 14 Bowc's av, Paddington
David P., laud and income tax
indent merchants, 315 Kent s t ; p.r., Dickens T., 68 Elizabeth st west, Ashlleld
adjuster and laud ngent, 111 Pitt s t ;
Dickens William, Lucas rd, Burwood
N.S.W. Club, BligliBt
Barncleuth square
Dickenson A., 51 Gerrnrd st, Alexandria
Diamond Miss A.. 241 .Macquarie st
Dickson David, Russell st, Burwood
Diamond A., 18 Duxford st, Paddlnston
Dickenson D., Cheltenham st, Rozelle
Mrs. E., school, 478.J Kent st
Diamond Alex., off 178 Botany st, W'loo Dlokcnson Henry II., (16 Regent st, Il'fern Dickson
Dickson Mrs. E., Steel st, Prospect
Diamond 0., 308 Parraniatta rd, Petersham Dickenson J. W„ 06 Forsyth st, Glebe
174 Birrcll st, Wnvcrley
Diamond F. E., J.r., 24 ltoscdnUst,l"slinm Dickenson L., Mnndalong rd, Mosman
Dickson E., 3 Arthnrst, Paddingtuu
Diiimoud J., 12 Liverpool st, Paddington Dickenson W., 46 Pickup st, Alexandria
Stanley rd, U'wood
Diamond Jno., 105 Westbournost, P'shnm Dicker II., Robert st, Marrickville
Dickson H.,7 Pniramatta Old rd, K.Lodge
Diamond John, Amos st, May's IIII1
Dickers W. II., 44 Mr. Vernon st, F..Lodge Dickson Mrs. H. S., 22 Queen st, Woollahra
Diamoud Joseph, Hnrkness st, Woollnhra Diokerson C, 18 Thurlow st, Redfern
Hugh, 10 Henson st, Summer Hill
Diamond Mrs. M., Mundnlong rd, Mosman Dickcrson Mrs M., Peroival rd, Stannmre Dickson
Dickson Mrs. J., Abbotsford rd, Homebush
Diamond M., 27 Isabella st, Wnvorlev
Diokerson Mrs. Norah, 26 Chapman st
100 Audley st, Marrickville
Diamoiul Phillip, 88 Elizabeth at, E. A'fleld Dickey Andrew, 69 Alma st, Darlington
Dickson J., 96 Sliver st, Marrickville
Diamond Phillip, consulting engineer, 18 Dickey W. J., 10 Swnnsoii st, Erskincville Dickson
J., 04 Marian st, Newtown
Bridge st
Diokey William, 8 Arcadia rd, Glebe
Dickson J., 202 Alfred st, North Sydney
Diamond Miss It., 133 Macquarie st
Dlckford Thomas, 14 Beaufort st
Dickson J., 27 Westbourno st, Petersham
Diamond Samuel II., 20 Arcadia rd, Glebe Dickie Mrs. II., 8 Shepherd st, Darlington Dickson James, 10 Ami st
Diamond W., 51 Norton st, Lclchhantt
Dickson James, 22 King st, Balmoin
Dickie James, sharebroker. 108 Pitt st
Diarmid Mrs. M., 6 George st E., Burwood Dickie Jas, It., Gladstone st, Kogarah
Dickson James, Goldsbury st, Mosman
Dias Albert, 43 Ilelby st, Newtown
Dickson James, 3 Moore's lane, Rozelle
Dickie John, llenrv st
Dlas James H., 24 Bank st
Dickson James 0., M.P.S., dispensing and
Dickie John, 0 Holt st, Newtown
Dihbcn Henry, 76 Evans st, ltozello
shipping chemist, 192 Darling st,
Dickie M., Campbell st, Little Coogce
Dlbben W., 12 Elizabeth st, Cainpenlown
Baluiain. Tel. 175 Balmain
Dibble Bros., bakers. 4B0 Ellzabetli st
Dickson John, 12 Waterloo place
Dibble David, drawl A'atioiml hotel, 101 D I O K I N F R A N C I S . Cabinetmaker nnd Dickson John, Forest rd, Arncliffc
Manufacturer of Wood Mantles, FitUnderwood st, Paddfngton
ments, eto., 301 Kent st, (showrooms, Dickson John, Bridge st, Drummoync
Dibble G. H., Terraco rd, Marrickville
252 Kent st, opposite) Syilnoy. Tel. Dickson John, 6 R JFS st, Forest Lodgu
Dickson John A., 11 Union st, Newtown
Dibble George, 27 Watkin st, Newtown
2069 ; p.r., Vivian st, Bexley
Dickson John W., Military rd, Mostuou
Dibble J. B., baker, 34} Pitt st, Redfern
Jtseph, Lincoln st, Petersham
Dibble J. B„ 69 Oaatlercagh st, Hodfern
Dickinson A„ 79 Elizabeth st. Paddington Dickson Miss M. A., Elizabeth st W., A'fleld
Dibblo John, Homebush rd, Homebush
Dickson Magnus, 48 Marian st, Newtown
Dibble William, 16 All emarlost, Newtown
Dibbs nnd Parker, solicitors, Eldon cham- Dickinson Mrs. C, 54 Fothcrlngham at, Dickson Percy, 2 Adolphus st, Balmain
Dickson Mrs. It., 649 Bourko st
bers, 92 Pitt st
Dickson Mrs S., 33 Dntcholt st, Balmain
Dickinson O. W., Chapel at, Rockdale
Dibbs Burton, Union st, North Sydney
Dickson Samuel, 139 George st, Waterloo
Dickinson Mrs. F., Ashley st, Hornsby
Dibbs Charles II., Ilcdan st, Mosman
Dickson Stephen, Terry st, Rozelle
Dibbs Sir Gcorgo R., K.O.M.G., managing Dickinson F., 69 Cleveland st, Redfern
T., 4 Kalgoorlle st, Leichhardt
trustee Savings Bank of Now South
Dickson T. H., 22 Bennett st, Bond!
Wales, 11 Barrack s t j p.r., "Pussy," Dickinson J. G„ May st, Lclcblinn.lt
J., J.P., solicitor, 127 King
Woolwich rd, Hunter's Hill
Dickinson James, Hutchinson st, Granville
Dibbs Sydney, Park ave, Burwood
Dickinson John, 17 Ann st
s t ; p.r., Broughton rd, Homebush
Dibbs T. B., solicitor, commissioner for Dickinson Mrs. K., 24 Templo st, P'sham
Dickson Thomas, Brighton nv, Canterbury
atlldavlts, Eldon chambers, 92 P i t t Dickinson S., J.P., Edwin st, Croydon
Thomas, Park rd, Wllloughby
s t ; p.r.. Union st, North Sydney
Dickinson S.,'Coulter st, Gludesville
Dibits Thomas A., general manager Com- Dickinson Rev. S. T. (Pros.), Gladesvllle rd, Dickson W., Khartoum nv, Gonlon
Atchison Bt, North Sydtioy
mercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd.,
Dickson W. B., 6 Fowler st, Campcrdowu
343 George s t ; p.r., " Grnlnthwalte," Dickinson Thomas, 60 Cumberland st
00 Kensington rd, Sum. Hill
Union st, North Sydney
Dickinson Thos., Cabramatta rd, Mosman Dickson Walter, 4 Redfern st, Rodfern
I Hbsd Offioea: 810 Goons \
VStroot South. *PhoM fk)
Dickson William, 17 Dick st
Dillon Mrs. M. A., 96 Macquarie st south
Dickson William, Australia st, Woollahra Dillon M. J., Christie st.St. Leonards
Diddams U. O., 141 Leichhardt st, W'ley Dillon Michael, 369 Riley st
Dicckmann A., 142 Nelson at, Annandale Dillon Mrs. P., Hnrbord st, Gninville
Dicdcrichsen J., Trnfalgar st, Annandale Dillon P., 13 Little Queen st, Newtown
Dicdrlch G., 43 Mansllcld st, Rozelle
Dillon Patrick, 11 Edgelcy at
Dicdrlcksen O., Victoria st, North Sydney Dillon T. II. O., 76 Liverpool st, Pad'ton
Dlcgnn Michael, 96 Mill st
Dillon T. W., 115 Nelson st, Annandale
Diekmann, 0„ 65 Frazcr st, Marriokvlllo Dillon Thomas, Gloucester rd, Ilurstvllln
Diencr AIOJB, 33 Gladstone st, Newtown
Dillon Thomas, Rcnwick st, Murriokvillc
Dienis Mine. II., 165 Glebe rd, Glcbo
Dillon Thomas, Steel st, Prospect
Dies W„ 15 Elizabeth st west, Croydon
Dillon Thomas, 13 Albert st, Redfern
Diethcim A., Orescent, Manly
Dillon W., 69 Toogooil st, Erskincville
Dietrioh A., 39 Middle't, Marrickville
Dillowny W, Unwin'a Brldgo nl, Jl'ville
Dietrich Mrs. M., 101 Karrabn rd, Neutral Dilworth A., Tliomlcy st, Marrickville
Dilwortli George, Starling st, Leichhardt
Dilworth J., 95 St. John's rd, Forest Lodge
Diotsoh Edward, 3 Glebe st, Glcbo
Dlgby O. G., 48 Underwood st, Paddington Dilworth W., Glen st, Marrickville
DigbyKvcrard, solicitor, 76 Pitt st; p.r., Dilworth W., 22 Augustus st, Nowtown
Dilworth \V„ 07 Edgewarc nl, Newtown
Knrraba rd, Neutral Bay
Dilworth William, 25 Oliippcn st
Digby CI. W., Harrow rd, Auburn
Dilwortli William, 1 John st, Glebe
Digby George, 118 Gcorgo st, Redfern
Dimelow A. B., 47 Lower Fort st
Digby Mrs,, Wisdom st, Lane Cove
Dlmuiick H., 62 Augustus st, L'hardt
Digby T. W., 33 Lansdowne st
Dimmick Thomas, 48 Angel st, Newtown
Digby William, 114 Young st, Redfern
Digby-Suiith F.. William st, Double Bay Diinmock James, Wudgong st, Mosman
John J., grocer, 172 William st
Diggins Alfred, Epsom rd, Waterloo
Dimond Robert, 135 Klppax Bt
DIggs John, 22 Boundary st
W. R., 491 Alfred st, North Sydney
Dlght A. 0., Glover Bt, Mosman
Dlght D. II., grocer, 192 King st, Newtown Dinnn David, Excehior lintel, 101 Bridge
rd, Glebe
Bight Mrs. K. M„ Wallace st, Burwood
Sight James G., J.P., squatter, "Wiarora," Dinnn P., 28 Union st, Paddington
Dinnn Patrick, 25 Wells st, Annandale
Rcdniyre rd, Strathllcld
Dlght Mrs. It. U., Ynrnnabeo rd, W'lahra Dlnd Arthur, Cowles nl, Mosman
Dight Walter S., Florence st, Homebush Dind W. F.," Tasmn," Belmont rd, Mosman
Dine Arthur, 60<i Great Barcom st
Digman John, Ileddall st, Manly
Dino John, St. Paul's st, Randwick
Dignam II. A., Auburn nl, Bankstown
Dlgnatn J. T„ 21 Cambridge st, Stanmorc Dine Mrs., Dino stj, Randwick
Dignam J., 149 Victoria rd, Marrickville Dine Thomas, 41 Leichhardt st, Wnvcrley
Dine W„ plumber, Belinore rd, Randwick
Dignam John, Peat's Ferry rd,Ilornsby
Dinceu Leo. 0., 0 Park st, Rozelle
Dignam Joseph F., 72 Brougham st
Dignam Mrs. M. A., 40 Leinsterst, Pad'ton Dinecn Michael, 3 Denham st
Dignam T. J. S., postmaster, Kent at Post Dinecn N., 123 Annnndalc st, Annnndalc
Dinecn Nicholas, Bridge rd, Prospect
and Telegraph Olllce, K.nt st
Dinecn Thomas, 337 Pitt st
Dignam Peter, 69 Smith st
Thomas, 3 Junction st
Dignam Thomas, 129 Jersey rd, Woollahra Dinen
Dines G. E., 88 Goodsell st, Newtown
Dignam Stephen, 3 Hill Bt, North Sydney Dines
28 Stephen at, Canipordown
Dignam \V„ Rochester st, Botany
Ding George, 19 Ann st
Dignum Thomas J., 430 Park rd
Archer st, Burwood
Digwced James, Moore st, Canterbury
Dingledei Mrs. O., 210 Bourko st
Diles G., 48 Broughton st, Glebe
st, Woollahra
Dill-Macky Rev. W. M., D.D. (Pres.), 9 Dingle Mrs. E., 71 Fnrr
st, Marrickville
Jamieson st
Dingle F. S., Little Underwood st, Pad'ton
Dillnmorc F. J., 41 Cbandos st, N. Sydney Dingle ,7. T., 00 Wyudhuni st, Alexandria
Dillano A., 135 Sutherland st, Paddington Dingle John, 11 Dellvlew rd, Bondi
Dillano Mrs. M., 17 Union st, Paddington Dinglo Mrs. John, Chester st, Woollahra
Dllling Samuel, Charles st, Manly
Dingle John J., baker, 10S Oxford st, Pad
Dillingham T. A., 315 Ellznbeth st
Dillon, Burrows nnd Co., wholesale maim
dingtou, and Hopewell st, Paddington
factoring confectioners, 231-237 Harris Dingle Mrs. M. A., 14 Lugor st, Wnvcrley
Dingle S., J.P., Woodland st, Mnrrickvillo
Dillon and Burrows, confectioners, 6« Dingle S. S., proprietor King st bonded and
Hunter st
free stores, off 15 King st
Dillon Rev. D. H. (O. of E.), Avenue, Il'vie Dingle Thomas, 104 Glenniore rd, P'ton
Dillon II., 56-68 Hunter st
Dingle W. H., Botany nl, North Botnny
Dillon E„ 23 Wentworth st, Paddington Dingle Willlnm, Wilson st, North Botnny
Dillon Mrs. K., Allison rd, Randwick
D I N G W A L L , A N D CO., Plumbers
Dillon E., 07 Botany st, Redfern
and Gasfitters, 15 Mnrkctst
Dillon George, 7 Pearl st
Dingwall A., 41 Marshall st, Marrickville
Dillon Mrs. J., 9 Belvoir st
Dingwall Mrs. B., Pleasant st, Erskincville
Dillon J., 190 Enmore nl, Newtown
Dingwall Donald. Ssbcr st. Woollahra
Dillon J., Hnssell Bt, Parramattn
Dillon James, J.P., builder, 76 Liverpool Dingwall George, 25 Llewellyn st, Bnlmnln
Dingwall George, Mort Bt, Balmain
st, Paddington
Dingwall J., Oxford rd, Homebush
Dillon JauicB, 30 Flood Bt, Leichhardt
Dillon Mrs. Jane, Parraniatta rd, Auburn Dingwall James, 88 Wonierah ave
Dingwall John, 95 Duke st
Dillon John, 10 Dale Bt
Dinuam Alfred H.,30 Broughnm st. Globe
Dillon John, 86 Upper Fort st
Diuley Richard, 84 Wilson st, Redfern
Dillon John 2 Arthur at, Balmain
L. L., Homebush nl, Strathfleld
Dillon John, 170 Ohurch st, Oamperdown
Dlnnlo William, 22 Bcllevue st
Dillon John, t Lambert st, Eisklnoville
Dinning James, 49 Hnrgnivo st. Pad'ton
Dillon Joseph, Park st, Kognrah
Dinning Mrs. W., Terry st, St. Peters
Dillon Lawrence, 40 Dick st
Dinon Mrs. Margaret, 59 Burton stl>
Diphtheria Hospital—Miss Mary LaytoD,.
sister In charge ; Dr. Litchfield,house
surgeon, 297 Glebe rd, Glebe
Dlplook T., 40 Birchgrovo rd, Bnlmnln
DIplock T., 18 Junior Bt, Leichhardt
Dircks Alex. A., 0 Palace st, Ashflcld
Dlrcks Edwin, 120 Camden st, Newtown
Dircks Thos. A., 9 Grove st, Leichhardt
Diroct Agencies—O. Wilko and 8. B.
White, 102 Olarenco st
Direct Furnishing and Agency Co, 82 Pitt st
D I R L A M J . A N D S O N S , Cutlery and
Eunmellod Ware Manufacturers, Queen
Victoria Market Building, corner York
and Market st, Sydney. Tel. 280-1
Dirlnm Chas. (J. Dlrlum and Sona), 48
Jeffreys Bt, North Sydney
Dirlnm Walter (J. Dirlom and Sons),
"Ellora," Queen st, Woollahra
Dl Salvia J., Hopctoun st, Cauipenlown
Discharged Prisoners' Mission — G. II.
Ardill, director, 370 Pitt st
Dismore Nathaniel, 00 Smith st, Rozelle
Disney James, Coward st, North Botany
Distillers' Company, Ltd., of Edinburgh
(The), J. Stuart-Smith, manager.
Angel pi,off 125 Pitt at
Ditcham Jas., 17 Edmund st, Wavcrley
Ditcham John, 100 Campbell st
Ditchficld W., 09 Hereford st, Glebe
Ditfort Mrs. M., 134 Phillip Rt
Dittmar A., tobacconist, 038J George st
Divo David. Hay st, Botany
Dive Mrs. E. It., Carlisle st, Leichhardt
Dive James, J.P., 17 Hereford st. Glebe
Dive Samuel, Long Bay rd, Botany
Diver-Tuck A., 13 Ken'ilworthst, Waverley
Divers John L., Elizabeth st, Waterloo
Diverty Mrs. Rose, 39 Hunter st
Dives Albeit E., Hastings st, Botany
Dives Kdwnrd, Buunerong rd, Botany
Dives Samuel, Bnnnerong nl, Botany
Dix Francis G., Cardigan st, Petersham
Dix Mrs.. 104 Elliott st, Balmain
Dixio Miss O. J., 58 Blue's Point rd.
North Sydney
D I X O N AND B Y R N (A. J . Dixon,
F.I.O., F.O.S., and G. A. Byrn, F.I.O.,
F.C.S.), Public Analysts and Assayers,
97 Pitt st. Established 1873
Dixon and Co., dye importers, Hamilton st
Dixon S. and Sons, Ltd. (Leeds), brass and
gun metal steam fittings — Robert
Guthrie, agent, 2U."> Clarence st
D I X O N W I L L I A M J . A N D CO.,
Undertakers, 120 Oxford St. 183 George
st west (See ad vt. page 782)
Dixon Miss A., 67 Carlton ores, Sum.Hill
Dixon A. J., F.I.C., F.O.S., analytical
chemist, assaycr,
and metallurgist, 97
Pitt s t ; p.r., 1- Girton," McLaren at.
North Sydney
Dixon Albert W„ Shndforth st, Mosman
Dixon Alfred, 75 College st, Balmnin
Dixon Alfred J., Wellington st, Waterloo
Dixon Andrew, 337 Pitt st
Dixon Arthur, 16 Cambridge st, Ncwtow»
Dixon C. E., 26 Charles st, Forest Lodge
Dixon O. K., 547 Crown st
Dixon Chnrles, 76 Church st, Newtown
Dixon Charles, Francis st, llookwood
Dixon Chas. A., 220 Norton st, L'hnrdt
Dixon E„ J.P., Collingwood at, Dr'inoyno
Dixcn Mrs. E., The Parade, Enflcld
Dixon Mrs. K., 26 Chnrles at, Forest LodgeDixon Mis F.„ George Bt east, Burwood
Dixon F. B., 145 Albion at
Dixon F. E., secretary Underwood Estate:
office, 247 George-st; p.r., 236 Ocean
st, Woollahra
Dixon Frank, 31 Schimel st, Waterloo
Dixon Frederick, 101 Great Barcom st
Dixon Frederick, 61 Yonne st. Annandale
Undertakers, 120 Oxford st, 183 George
st west. (Seendvt.)
Dixon G., 76 Addison rd, Marrickvlllc
Dixon G. D., saddler, 178 Oastlerciigh st
Dixon G. D., 138 Windsor st, Pnddington
Dixon G. H. H., Hercules st, Chatswood
Dixon George, Medical Hall, 178 Princes 6t
Dixon George, 337 Pitt st
Dixon G. J., 230 Ocean st, raddington
Dixon George, Uorusey rd, Flemington
Dixon H., Chief Inspector State Labour
Board, Domain
Dixon H., 44 Kent st
Dixon Uarby P., " Laurlcton," Pembroke
et, Ashfleld
Dixon Harry, Simpson st, Bond!
Dixon Harold J., 10 Turner st, Hedfern
.Dixon Harry, St. George's ores, D'moyne
Dixon Henry, 07 Parramatta rd, Ashfleld
Dixon Henry, 70 Regent st, Newtown
.Dixon Horace 0., 43 Westst, North Sydney
Dixon J., 122 George st, Erskineville
Dixon Rev. J. (0. of E.), Weston nl, Rozellc
Dixon ,T '•'. r.—r-tary Runcorn Alum Co.
ana bedcral Coke Co., Ltd., 109 Pitt
s t ; p.r., St. George's crcs. D'moyne
Dixon James, 12 Cromwell st, Ashfleld
Dixon James, 3 Avon lane, Glebe
Dixon Jns., 84 Cooper st, Waterloo
Dixon Mrs, Janet, Cardigan st, P'sham
Dixon Rev. John, sec. Australian Hoard of
Missions, 03 Queen Victoria Markets
Dixon John, 3 Broughton lane
Dixon John, 42 Upper Fort st
Dixon John, 300 Young st, Annandnlc
Dixon John, 12 Cromwell st, Ashfleld
Dixon John E., IS Hubert st, Lcichhardt
Dixon John H., Pnlmcrston st, Kogarah
Dixon Joseph, Buraell lane
Dixon Knowlcs, 230 Ocean st, Paddingtou
Dixon L F., solicitor, commissioner for
affidavits, Eldon chambers, 92 Pitt st
Dixon Mrs. Mnry,307 Ronrkc st
Dixon Mr*. Mary, 8 Lincoln st, P'slmm
Dixon Matthew, 115 Brighton st, P'sham
Dixon Matthew, Frederick st, St, Peters
Dixon Miss, tea rooms, 170 P i t t 6t
Dixon R., 42 O'Connell st, Newtown
.Dixon Mrs. Rose. 192 Bourke st
Dixon S. V. T., Turraiuurra nv, Tmurra
Dixon Samuel, Railway par, Rookwood
Dixon Thomas, J.P., undertaker, 29 Oxford
st, 8 Brisbane st, 204 George stwcstj
p.r., 18 Roslyn st
.Dixon Thomas, 49 Buckingham st
Dixon Thomas, 12 Cromwell st, Ashfleld
Dixon Thomas, 15 Arthur st, Balmain
Dixon Thomas, 7 Loughlln st, Rozellc
Dixon Thomas, 19 Emily st, Lcichhardt
Dixon ThomaB, 6 Gcorgina st, Newtown
Dixon Mrs. Thomas, Church st, Parramatta
Dixon Thomas A., 124 Oxford st, P'ton
Dixon W, butcher, 391 Harris st
Dixon Mrs. W„ 76 Pmramatta rd, S. Hill
Dixon W. A., F.I.O., F.O.S., analytical
chemist, nssayer, and metallurgist, 07
Pitt s t ; p.r., McLaren st, North Sydney
Dixon W.Gordon, managerAlliauce(Firc)
Assurance Co., and Alliance Marine
and General Assurance Co., Ltd., 97
Pitt Bt; p.r., Bclmorc rd, Randwick
Dixon William,Underwood et, Paddington
Dixon Miss Ella, 5 Francis st
Dixson G., Carlton par, Bexley
'Dixsou George D.,siuldlcr, 173 OnBt'rengll Bt
Dixson Hugh, sen., J.P., " Abcrgcldle," Old
Canterbury rd, Petersham
Dixon James, 605 Oowllng st
'Dixon Joseph II.. 43 City rd, Darlington
Dixson R., Old Canterbury rd. Petersham
Dixson ThoimiB Storie, physician, 287
Elizabeth st
Dixson W., Old Canterbury nl. Petersham
D'O G. E., draper, Boulevnrde, Strnthflcld
D'O Madame, Boulcvarde, Strathfield
Doab Michael, Botany rd, North Botany
Doak Andrew J„ J.P., 48 Ben Boyd rd,
Neutral Bay
Doak Frank W., snrgeou and physioian,
" Warrendor," Military rd, Mosmau
Dobban 11. A., Broughton rd, Homcbusb
Dobble David, 88 Camden Bt, Newtown
Dobbic Andrew, RuthTcn st, Ranilwlok
Dobblo Hugh, 10 Rose rd
Dobble Mrs. H., 437 Riley st.
Dobbic Mrs. J. A., 131 Jersey rd, Woollahra
^ >
4* rf >*
Indcntor,13Bond s t ; p.r.,"Dryburgh
Camp," Wolselcy rd, Double Bay
Dobbie John, master Hunter's Hill Public
School, Alexandra st, Hunter's Hill
Dobbic John, Avoca ave, Glebe
Dobblo John, 223 Oowpcr st, Waverloy
Dobble Mrs. M. A., 27 Darling st, Bnlmain
Dobbic S. H., secretary N.S.W. Surveyors'
Institute, 18 Bridgo st
Dobbie S. R., licensed surveyor, Norwich
chambers, 50-68 Hunter s t ; p.r., Bennett st, Neutral Bay
Dobbie Thomas, Morec st, Gordon
Dobbie William, 337 Pitt st
Dobbic William, Chapman st, Concord
Dobbin and Uthcr, solicitors, notaries, and
commissioners for affidavits, 75 York st
Dobbin John, 110 Simmons st, Newtown
Dobbin L., solicitor, 182 Queen st, W'hara
Dobbin W. F., 13 Marian st, Newtown
Dobbins Mrs. O., Burwood rd, Mortlako
Dobbins John, Bay View rd, Abbotsford
Dobbs Collins, 18 Kcgworth st, Lcichhardt
Dobbs Frcdk., 31 Reserve st, Annnudalc
Dobbs Mrs. J., 85 Oastlercagh st, Redfcml
Dobbs John, 6 Wise st, Rozellc
Dobell Bros., drapers, etc., 259 to 203
Canterbury New rd, Dulwich Hill
Dobell W. & Co., book importers, 63 Yorkst
Dobell G., 212J Annandalc st, .Vnuandale
Dobell John, 100 View st, Annaudale
Dotell William, 1 Dalley st, Waverloy
Dobelton William, 187 Pyrmont st
Dober Richard, Broadford st, Bexley
Dobercr Eugene, Berry's rd, St. Leonards
Dobeson Thomas, Ncy st, North Botnny
Doblc D., grocer, George st, Parramatta
Dobie John, 68 Wilson st, Newtown
Dobinson Alfred G., Botany rd, Alexandria
Dobinson F. E., Church Bt, Oarlingford
Dobinson S., 134 George st, Waterloo
Doblc Gilbert, Unwln's Bridge rd, Mar'ville
Dobie William, 211 O.S.H. rd, Waverley
Dobroyde Nursery Co.—Mrs. O. A. Shcrwiu
and Miss L. Lane, 812 George st
Dobson Charles, Franks and Co., lndentors
of bulldors' interior flttinge, 156
Clarence st
Dobson A. K. 8., 16 Leicester Bt, Pnd'ton
Dobson C , Shakespeare st, Canterbury
Dobson O. T., dentist, 00 Regent Bt
Dobson Charles, Booth st, Annandnlc
Dobson George, Notting Hill rd, B'kstown
Dobsou H. 0., Esk st, Msrrickville
Dobson Henry, 19j Mary st
Dobson John, Flood st, Lcichhardt
Dobson Joseph, 14 McElliouc place
Dobson Mrs. M., Grosvcnor Bt, Woollahra
Dobson T., Peat's Ferry rd, Homsby
Dobson T., 31 Sutherland Bt, North Sydney
Dobson T., Cook's River rd, St. Peters
Dobson W. T., 07 West st, North Sydney
Dobson W. T., Nicholson st, St. Leonards
Dobson William, assistant signal master,
signal station. Upper Fort st
Dobson William, 67 Kvclelgh st, Redfcrn
Dobson William, 13 Cooper Bt, Waterloo
/Head Offices i 810 Georsex
^Streot South. 'Phone ml
Dolo J. II. J., Queen's ores, Burwood
Dochcrty John, 179 Macquarle st south
Dodrldgc T., Petersham rd, Marrickvillo
Docker William, Ltd. (London), varnish Dodson Mrs. Emily, Dodson's hotrl, comer Dole Joseph, Rocky Point rd, Rockdale
Doley Ohas., Hooertson st, West Kog,rah.
manufacturers, 280 George st
Pitt and King ets
Dolcy Frcdk., llOIIolterman st, N. Sydney
Docker His Honor Ernest B., District Dodson Frank, Stanley Bt, Burwood
Court Judge," Eltham," Kdgecliffo rd, Dodion Henry, 9 Bartlctt at, Summer Hill Doling A., hairdresser, 63'! Harris st
Dollnn L., 78 Alexander st, North Sydney
Dodson John, Moslcy st, Strathlleld
Dollar Ohnrles, diamond setter, 279 Pitt 8t
Docker H. J., Elphinstonc st, Rnndwlok
Dodson William, John st, Newtown
Ohnrles, 0 Purvcs st, Glebe
Docker J., liquidator Federal Bank of Aus- Dodwell F. H,, Provincial rd, Lindflcld
Dollar F. A., Quten'i Armi, 389 Bourke st
tralia, Ltd. (in liquidation), 100 King st Doilwoll Henry, 274 Bourkc st
Dollar Walter, 14 Regent st, Newtown
Docker J . F., Burlington rd, Homcbusb.
Dodwlll V., 36 Chapel st, Marrickvillo
Dollcu 0 . W., ta'.lor, 35 Castlcreagh st
Docker T. 0., Weston rd, Somerset Park
Doe Henry, Florenoe st, St. Peters
Dollen John, Clyde st, Granville
Dooker W. L., accountant, .10-58 Hunter st Dool Edward, High st, North Botany
Dollen W., Woolwich rd, Hunter's Hill
Dooker W. L., lion. sec. Church Sooiety Doel Jnmes, Bunncrong rd, Botany
Dolley George, King William st, G reenwiolt
Docl John, Botnny rd, Botany
Diocese of Sydney, Bathurst st
Dolling Frank, Rowc st, Woollahra
Doel Joseph, Botnny rd, North Botany
Docker Wilfrid L., 101 Darllnghurst rd
Doerlng fj., Grassmcrc rd, North Sy.iney Dolling John, 17 Ferry rd, Glcbo
Docking Jns., 3d Victoria st
Dolling John, Prospect st, Waverley
Docmer Martin, 102 Bridge rd, Glebe
Docking John, Wonlora rd, Hurstvllle
Dooksay Charles, 32 Fltzroy ave, Balmain Doetsch Carl, sausage maker, 271 E'bcth st Dolling K.,11 Maokenzic st, Waverley
Dolman Miss E., The Avenue, Petersham
Doggctt Arthur, 73 George st, Waterloo
Dooksey Mrs. A. 201 Bcnttiu st, Balmain
Dolman Robert, 109 Princes st
Dooksey A. J., secretary Cong. Church, 264 Doggett Mrs, E., 9 Charles st, L'hardt
Dolman Robert, 118 Upper Fort st
Doharty Hugh, Mitchell rd, Alexandria
Pitt st
Dolman William A., 7 Fnwcctt st, Balmaitt.
Dohertv Mis. 0., 11 Wcmyss st
Dooksey A. J., Corunna rd, Petersham
Dolman William, Jane st, Balmain
Doherty D., 26 Ohnldoy st, Newtown
Dooksey H., 45 Railway tor, Petersham
Dolph B., 54 Junior st, Lcichlinrdt
Dolierty E., 0 Queen at
Dockscy John, 98 Beattic st, Balmain
Dooksey W., 140 Henderson rd, Alexandria Doherty Mrs. E., 155 Underwood st, P'ton Dolph Sydney II., 50 Hohnwood st, N'towr*
Dockson S. O. S. and Co., importers, 171 Dolierty Edward, Boulevard, Lcichhardt Dolphin T., representing Cooper Bros. and.
Doherty George, 94 Hay st
Sons, Ltd., 91« York s t ; p.r.,5Gow st,.
George st
Doherty George, 38 Brown st, Oamp'down
Docrell Mrs. A., 03 Darllnghurst rd
Doherty J. H., Princess st, Brlghton-le Dolsen A., Marlborough rd, Flemington
Dodd Charles, Ea.ly st, Parramatta
Dolton Arthur, 193 O.S.H. rd, Waverley
Dodd Daniel, Young st, Randwick
Dolton Frederick, 92n Cumberland st
Dodd Mrs. IS., 57 London st, Newtown
Doherty James, 22 Cleveland ave
Dolton J., secretary North Sydney School.
Dodd F. S., 10 Golden Grove st, Redfcrn
Doherty Jnmes, 58 Derwent st, F. Lodge
of Arts, Mount st, North Sydney
Dodd Frcdk., 03 Albion st, Annandalc
Doherty Jerry, 12 Susan Bt, Annandule
Domnrs Gustav, 57 Birroll st, Waverley
Dodd H. M„ 35 Cecil st, Ashfleld
Doherty John, l.owe st, Little Coogee
Domenlehettl William, 6 Clare st
Dodd Henry J., 3 Mount st
Doherty John, 3 Gottcnhnm st, Glebe
Domeny Lewis M., 20 Nicholls st
Dodil John, 9 Harbour st
Doherty John, 209 King st, Newtown
Domicilii T„ 37 Comber st, Pnddington
Dodd John, 29 Alexander st, Alexandria
Dolierty John, Phillip st, Parramatta
Dodil John,off Bradley's Head rd, Mosman Doherty Mr?. L , 30 Metropolitan rd.N'town Domigan J. T...19 Wetlierill st, Lcichhardt
Dominey J., Willoughby st, North Sydnoy
Dodd Joseph, Wazler st, ArnollfTc
Doherty M„ Stark Bt, Randwick
Dodil Joseph, 26 Louisa rd, Balmain
Doherty Mrs. M., 20J View st, Annaadale Doniiney It. D., 26 Grove st, Lcichhardt
W., Webber's rd, Boxlcy,
Dodd Joseph, 4 Shepherd st, Hedfern
Doherty Miss, 104 Darllnghurst rd
Dominican Convent, "Santa Sablna,"
Dodd Robert, 11 Ebenezer place, Glebe
Dolierty P., 21 Kvclelgh st, Redfcrn
Mother Mary Bortrand, superioress,
Dodd Samuel H., 128 Dowllng st
Dolierty Robert, Dora st, Hurstvllle
Boulcvarde, Strathfield
Dodd Sidney, 1 Dwyer st
Doherty Robert W„ May st, St. Peters
Dodd Thomns H., 31 Malcolm st, Ersk'ville Doherty Thos., 19 Brown st, Oamperdown DOMINION CARTRIDGE GO.,..
Dodd Thomas, May st, St. Peters
Dolierty Thos., 7 Hu&crt st, Lelchliardt
Dodd W. J . H., 7 John st, Lcichhardt
Doherty W., 67 Gerrard st, Alexandria
—0. Bowes Tliistlcthwaytc, RepresenDodd William, 8 Hannam st
Doherty W., Hutchinson Bt, St. Peters
tative, 3 Queen's Olinmbers, Queen's,
Dodd William, Tentonlen st, Botany
Doherty W. M., F.I.O., F.O.S., assistant
place. Tel. No. 3757
Dodd William, 50 Bullanamingst, Redfcrn
Government Analyst's ofllce,Macquaric Domlnson G., 8 Short Bt, Redfcrn
Doddeuicadc F. J., Goodohnp st, Ohatswooil
s t ; p.r., Brighton-le-Sands
Doinlny Charles J„ 41 Marshall Bt
Dodds Leonard and Co., mining agents, Doherty Win., 20 Fothcriiighnm st, M'ville Don D., oilskinmaker, 61 Union st
Dohrmann Mrs. O., 9 Fred st, Petersham
Don Dorainico, 02 Boyce st, Glebe
Wynyard st
Don Edward, Tranmero st, DrummoyneDodds and Richardson, solicitors, 62 Dohrn Arthur, 6 Woodlark st, Balmain
Dolirn George, Day st, Drummoyno
Don J. S., Robert's st, Cnmpcrdown
Hunter st
Don R., 61 Merton st, Rozellc
Dodds Alexander J., solicitor, commissioner Dohrn John, 2 Sorrle st, Balmain
John, 54 Greek st, Glebe
for aflidavits, G2 Hunter s t ; p.r., 160
Dolg A. E., 29 East Crescent st, N. Sydney Donaglicy Thointts, 20 Experiment st
Falcon st, North Sydney
Donaghue Charles, 6 Alma st west
Dodds Edmund, 59 Evans st, Rozellc
Donahcr David, 25 Union st. Petersham
Dodds Frederick, Maopherson st, Mosman Dolg James, sen., 32 Mary st, Lcichhardt
Dolg James, J tin., 36 Mary st, Lcichhardt Donaghy Mrs. E., Warialda st. West K'g'r'U.
Dodds Henry, Cowper st, Rnndwlok
Dolg Jnmes, 36 Stewart st, PaddiiiRtou
Donahcr B., 30 Carlisle st, Leichhardt
Dodds Jnmes, Holborow st, Croydon
Douaher Cornelius, 31J Grose st, Globe
Dodds Joseph E., 23 Watson st, Waverley Doig John, 03 Burlington st, N. Sydney
Donahoo Miss Ellen, 225 William st
Dodds Leonard, J.P., 33 Wycombe rd
Dolgo James, 69 Spring st, Waverley
Donald A., Australia st, Campcrdown
Neutral Bay
Dolan A., 12 Bourkc Bt, Redfcrn
Donald Andrew, 699 Uourko st
Dodds Mrs. M., 138 Station st, Newtown
Dolan Alfred, Pitt st, Watorlco
Donald Andrew, O'Hara st, Marrickvlllc
Dodds Mrs. M., 153 Eveleigh st, Redfcrn
Dolan Arthur W., 202 Grafton st, W'lohra Donald Andrew, sen., O'Hara st, Mar'villeDodds Michael, 14 Kclg Bt, Newtown
Dolan Mrs. Cecilia, 370 Cleveland st
Donald David, jun., 228 Crown rd
Dodds R, 0., 5 Spiccr st, Woollahra
Dolan Mrs. E. J., 3 Duxford st, Pnd'ton
Dounld David, 57 Morchead st, Waterloo
Dodds Samuel. Burwood rd, Mortlako
Dolan George, Ohuroh st, Oamperdown
Donald Mrs. B.. 17 Castlcreagh st, R'fern
Dodds W. O., 85 Burfltt st, Lciohhardt
Dolan John, 520 Cleveland st
Donald E. S., 19 Gicrstcn st, Waverley
Dodds W. T., 79 Burfltt st, Lolohhardt
Dolan John, sen., 201 Mitcquatlc st soutb
G., Myrtle st, Marrickvilte
Dodds W. T., 2c Norton st, Lcichhardt
Dolan Patrick, 139 .Mansfield st, Rozcllo
Donald George, Henwiok st, MarrickvilloDodds William O., Kembla st, Enfield
Dolan Patrick, Gordon rd, Chatswood
Donald Mrs. J., 10 Batty st, Rozcllo
Dodge F. J. L., 64 Oowpcr st, Waverley
Dolan Mrs. Peter, 144 Crown st
Donald James, 32 Silver st, Marrickvillo
Dodgo Mrs. Jane, 22 Brodio st, Oam'down Dolan Peter, 7 Uthcr st
Dodgshun and Sons, warehousemen—H. Dolan Samuel, 41 Upward st, Lelchliardt Donald .1 nines, 162 Windsor st, Pnddingtom
John, 36 Rcmvlck st, Lelchliardt
Christie, agent, Ash st, off 342 Geo. st Dolan Thomas, 155 Wells st, Redfcrn
Donald Robert, 118 Pitt st
Dodgsmi Henry, 13 Great Barcom st
Dolan William, 168 Pitt st
Donald Robert, 26 Sloane st, Sum. Hill
Dodimead Arthur, Burwood rd, Burwood Dole A. E., 8 Trafalgar ter, Stanmoro
Donald Robert B., oft 95 Hnrris Bt
Dodimead E. W., Pcroival rd, Stanmoro
Dolo A. J., 3 Trafalgar ter, Stanmore
Donald Mrs. T., 100 Yulo st, Petersham
Dodimead H., 92 Adlson rd, Marrlokvillc
Donald T. S., 31 Hopewell st, Paddingtom
Dodmau Arthur, 181 Wilson st, Newtown
Donald Thomas, 4 Wells st, Anuatidulc
Doim George A., architect, 25 Hunter st Donohoe James, 3 Forest st, Forest Lodge
Donald Willhiui, J.P., Botuny rd, Botany Donnal Mrs. M., 47 Catherine st, L'hardt Donohoe Jumcs, 13 Roschill st, Redfcrn
Donohoe John, 02 Bcllcvuc st, Glebe
Donald William, 10 Fulhum st, Newtown Donnan Henry, Albyn Bt, Bcxley
Donohoe John, Cleveland inn, Cleveland st
Donald William, J.P., Kutlivcn Bt, H'wick Dounun John, junction st, Woollahra
Donaldson, Rose and Co. Sailing Ships— Donnellan J., 34 Abercromble place
Donohoe John, 17 Caledonia st, Pnd'tou
Gilchrist, Watt and Sanderson, Ltd., Donuellan James, Curtis rd, Rookdalc
Douohoc Mrs. M., 200 Victoria st
agents, 7 Bent et
Donnellan M., 5 Albert st, Paddington
Donohoe Mrs. M., 71 Booth st, Aiiuaudnlo
Donaldson A., Johnston st, Annandalc
Donellan M. B., 4 Toxteth rd, Glebe
Donaldson A., Sydenham rd, Marrlckvillc Donnellan Miss, costumier, 131 Oueeu Vic- Douohoc P., 38 Gurucr st, Paddington
Donohoe T„ 89 Fitzgerald st, Wavcrley
Donaldson A., Botany rd. North Uotany
toria Markets
Donaldson A. P., 271 Nelson st, Annandalc Donnellan P., Pier hotel. Botany rd, B'tuy Douohoc T., Elizabeth Bt, Waterloo
Douohoc T. J., Australia st, Oauipenlown
Donaldson A. P., 02 Wetherill st, L'hardt Donnellan P. J., 4 Waterloo place
Douohuc Mrs. A„ Pcrcivalrd, Stunmorc
Donaldson Mrs. E„ Tliornley st, Mar'kviilc Donnellan S., 70 liathurst st
Douohuc O. B., 83 Albion st, Aunaudalc
Donaldson G., Murray st, Waterloo
Donnellan S., Mcehan st, Prospect
Donaldson G. A., 21 Hargravo st, Pad'ton Doonelley A. W., 112 Weston rd, Rozello Donohue D., 260 Henderson rd, Alcx'diia
Donaldson George, 457 Kiloy st
Donnelley E. 0., plumber, 132} O'reughst Douohuc Denis, 83a Albion st, Annandalc
Douohuc Edward, 70 Alfred st, Annandalc
Donaldson George, Bell l.S, Vauclusc
and IS!) Elizabeth st
Donohue Mrs. Frances, 26 Nithsdalc st
Donaldson H., 68 Barry st, Neutral Bay
Donnelley P., 65 Phillip at, Waterloo
Donaldson II. Tcnncnt, J.P., 01 Macpher- Donnelley Thomat, 97 Rcgcntst, Nowtowu Douohuc Frederick, 2'J Ann st
Donohue J., 68 Kingeclcar rd, Alexandria
son st, Wavcrley
Donnelley Thomas, 125 Duke st
Donaldson J., Parrnmatta rd, Auburn
Donuellou John, 115 George st, Waterloo Donohue Jumcs, 20 Elizabeth st, Rozelle
James, 9 Catherine st, Balmain
Donaldson J., 210 Union st, KrskUieville
Donnelly and Plomlcy Misses, typists, 82
Donohue John, grocer, 36 Liverpool st
Donaldson J. W., Marrlckvillc rd, M'ville
Pitt st
John, 13} liank st
Donaldson J. W., Farkcs st, Hyde
Donnelly Miss A., 840 Kent st
Donaldson James, 88 Francis st, Glebe
Donnelly A., Clanwilliam Bt, Wllloughby Donohue Johu, Burwood rd, Mortlake
Donaldson James, 8 Georgian st, Newtown Donnolly Mrs. B., 143 Cleveland st, R'fcrn Donohue John. 89 Trafalgar ter, Stanmore
Donohue Leo, 13 Outram st
Donaldson James J., SO Liverpool st
Donnelly C. T., 15 Foticnrt st, Balmain
Donaldson John, West st, Abbotsford
Donnelly Mrs. E., f)7A Brown st, Pad'ton Donohue Martin, Grove st, Lelchhardt
Donaldson John, Gray st, Auburn
Donnolly Mrs. E. A.,29 Newland Bt, Wa'ley Douohuc Michael, 450 Jones st
Donaldson John, Macquarlc ter, Balmain Donnelly E. C, 10 Warwick st, Petersham Donohue P., 15 Green's rd, Pnddiugton
Donohue l'eter, 21 Pyrmont Bridge rd,
Donaldson John, George st, Itnndwlck
Donnelly Edward, 9 Irvin st
Donaldson John E., 27 Holinwood st, Donnelly George, llnrston ave, Mosman
Philip, 4 Barker st
T., Belmont st, Alexandria
Donaldson John M., 11 Myrtle st
Donnelly Mrs. J., Trott st, Parramatta
Donohue Thomas, 1 Camden avo, Newtown
Donaldson Mrs. K., 4 Hvam st, IJalmoln
Donohue Thomas J., 24 Dciihaiu st
Donaldson, L. S„ P.M., J.P., 44 J Alfred st, Donnelly Captain James, 2 Atherden st
Donnelly Jumcs, 217 Crown st
Donohue William, 40 Bclmore st
North Sydney
Donnelly James, 15 Surrey st
Donohue William, 25 Turner Bt, Redfcrn
Donaldson P., 10 Ncwlund st, Wavcrley
Donnelly James, 40 Smith st, Marrickville Donovan Ambrose S., 01 Brisbane st
Donaldson P. It., 15 Toxieth rd, Glebe
Donnelly James, 0 Spring st, Wavcrley
Donovan D., (13 Grove st, Balmain
Donaldson 11., 38 Myrtle st, North Sydney Dunnellv John, II Ultimo st
Donovan D., 28 College st, Camperdown
Donaldson 11., .r) Norwoo<l st, Petersham
Donnelly John, 67 Hereford st, Glebe
Donovan Daniel, 129} P i t t s t , Hedfern
Donaldson It, 29 Isabella st, Wnverlcy
Donnelly John, Powell st, llomebush
Donovan Daniel, 25 jjloomlicld st
Donaldson Richard. Illigh st, Auburn
Donnelly Johu, 4 Toothill st, Petersham
Donovan Denis, 7 Hoffman's lane, Balmain
Donaldson Hubert, 355 Glebe rd. Glebe
Donnelly John, 14 Moodio st, Rozello
Donovan L'd., Pickup lane, Alexandria
Donaldson Robert, 2 Barker st. Petersham Donnelly Mrs. John.Bellcvuc st,N.Sydney Donovan Miss E., 20 Lincoln st, P'sham
Donaldson 1\, 0 Carievillo st, Balmain
Donnelly M. C, 12 Ellen st, Rozello
Donovan Edward, Oberon st, ltnndwick
Donaldson Thos., 7 Waimea uve, Woollahni Donnelly Patrick, Water st, Auburn
Donovan Ed., 85 Kelllck st, Waterloo
Donaldson W., 111 Eatonville st, Croydon Donnelly Patrick, Albany st, N. Sydney
Donovan F. J., Weutworth st, Manly
Donaldson W., 5 Tivoli st, Paddington
Donnelly Patrick, 7 Vine st, Redfcrn
Donovan Frederick, 6 Mort st
Donaldson W., 32 Bondi rd, Waverlev
Donnelly Peter, 43 Tliomns st, Ashfleld
Donovan G. D., 74 Grafton st, Woollahra
Donaldson W. J., r>8 (Allege st, Cam'down Donnelly IWbcrt, Meelinn st, Prospect
Donovan J., 84 Queen st, Woollahra
Donaldson W. M., coachpuinter, (15 Oalder Donnelly 'P., 7 Elizabeth st west, Croydon Donovan James, 13 Bank at
rd, Redfcrn
Donnelly Thomas, 42 Mary Bt
Donovan James, Styles st, Lelchhardt
Donaldson William, Stanley st, Auburn
Donnelly Thomas, 37 Mill st
Donovan James T.. 47 Womerahavc
Donati Nicolas, M Duke st
Donnelly Thomas, 171 Gloucester st
Donovan John, J.P„ builder, 218 Park rd
Doncaster John, i9 Rowley st. Alexandria
Donovan John, 158} Princes st
Done Rev. John (G. of E.), Elizabeth Bt, D icily Thomas, Uigbgntc st, Auburn
Donovan John, 100 Quuy st
Donnelly Thomas, 12 Short st, Balmain
Donovan John, 06 How; Bt
Done Miss M. S., .1 Audley st, Marrickville Donnelly Tom, teacher of dancing, I Donovan John, Renwick st, Marrickville
Done Mrs. M., 358 Park rd
Hunter st
Donovan Joseph, 27 Mill st
Donegun Michael. 13 Gordon St. Rozello
Donnelly Vincent, Loscoc rd, Guildford
Donovan M., printer, 201 William st
Donchm E., 162 Sutherland st, Paddington Donnelly W., 34 Weutworth Park rd. Glebe Donovan M., 60 Good Hopcst, Paddlngtou
Donelan John, J.P., 236 Forbes st
Donnelly \V., French's rd, Wllloughby
Donovan M., 18 OrmoDd st, Paldington
Donuellan James, Bowmer st, Rockdale
Donnelly W. J., J.P., manager Year Book Donovan Miss, dressmaking Bchool, 82
Doncllon James, Scott st, Wavcrley
of Australia ami Publishing Co., Ltd.,
Doncy E., photographer, 274 Crown st
257 George s t ; p.r., Alt st, Ashfleld
King st
Doncy Edward, Boyle st, Mosman
Donnelly William, 22 Lower Campbe 1 st Donovan P., 43 Walker st, North Sydney
Doney F. S., 22 Myrtle st, Petersham
Donnelly William, 436 Wnttle st
Donovan P . C , Taunton rd, Hurstvillo
Donges Harry, 15 Dougan st, Ashfteld
Donnelly William, 110 Evans Bt, Rozello
Donovan R. J., 99 Mill Hill rd, Wavcrley
Donkin E. F., general agent for inter- Donnelly William, Bclmore st, Hyde
Donovun Richard, 138 Kent st
national corrcs|>ondencc, Schools and Donney Henry, 18 West st, Waterloo
Donovan Thomas, 112 Brougham st
Autographic Register Co., 09 Pitt st Donnllson Hy., 27 Wells st west, Redfcrn Donovan Thomas, 28 Glebe rd, Glebe
Donkin Edward F., Bc'mont rd, Mosman DonniBon It., 9 Nowranic st, Summer Hill Donovan W., Church Bt, Parramatta
Donkin Mrs. M.,488 Elizabeth st
Donnisou J., Central Court Jlouse hotel, Donovan W. O., 14 Essex Bt
Donkin M., Old Canterbury rd, Petersham
Donovan W. C , 39 Wavcrley st, Wavcrley
644 George st
Donkin R., Cowjwr st, Parramatta
Donovan William, 06 John st
Donoghnc Miss A., Dora st, Hurstvillo
Donkin Samuel, 6r> Alma st, Darlington
Donoghuc Mrs. B., 59 Queen st, Woollahra Donovan William, 21 Rcuss at, Lelchhardt
Donlan James, 0 Knox st
Donovan William, 71 Cooper st, Waterloo
Donoghnc George, 6 Esther et
Doulan Peter, Lymingc rd, Canterbury
Donsworth James, 37 Ramsay st, A'fleld
Donoghuc Neil, Alice st, Parramatta
Donlan Stephen, 85 Hedfern st, Redfcrn
Doodeward Mrs. E., 12 Thomas st, It'fern
Douohan John, 52Reiby st, Newtown'
Donlevy Francis, grocer, 29 Marshall st
Donohoe Frank, Edward st, North Sydney Doodson Edward. Auburn par N., An burn
Donley Thomas. 250 Bourke
0., Pennant Hills rd, Furru'r.ntta •
Doolon Mrs., Shakcii*a - e st, Canterbury Donohoe J. T.boardlnghouse, lOOHunterst Doody Mrs. E., 44 Wilson st, Hedrcrn
/Head Oflloea: 610 Georg
^Street South. 'Phono 72
Doody Thomas, O'HIordan's st, Alexandria
Doohun Jumcs, 1 Reserve st, Auuoudale
Doohan W., 06 Kingsclear rd, Alexandria
Doolun Bernard, 45 Regent st
Doolan Eugene J „ 11 Eastst
Doolan William, Cumberland rd, Auburn
Doolan William, Albert Bt, Canterbury
Dooley E. J., 13 Green st, Waterloo
Doolcy James, 17 Ross st, Forest Lodge
Dooley Janice, Ross st, Parramatta
Doolcy John, 14 McKcnzle Bt, Lelchhardt
Dooloy John, 69 Young Bt, Hedfern
Doolcy M. J., 60 Harris Bt
Doolcy It. J., 89 Newman st, Newtown
Doouan Frank, 10 Iris st
Doorey Alfred, IB Webb's ave, Ashfleld
Doorcy William, 90 Simmons st, Newtown
Dorahy F. B., 32} Bridge rd, Glebe
Dorahy Hugh, 9 Koig st, Newtown
Dorahy James D., 42 Tulford st, Glebe
Dorahy Michael, 18 Nelson Bt, AnnHiidalc
Dorahy P. J., Kissing Point rd, Bydulmere
Dorahy William, 07 Womerab ave
Dorahy Willinm, 104 Darling st, Glebe
Dorain T. G., 8 Botany rd, Alexandria
Doran Alfred, Cook's River rd, St. Peters
Dorau E. J., chief clerk Tramway Truffle
Superintendent's office, 00 Bridge st
Doran E. J., IUawarra rd, Marrickville
Doran Edward, 7 Weutworth st, Glebe
Doran F. J., Margaret st, Hunter's Hill
Doran Fred, Milford st, Canterbury
Doran II., 108 Devonshire st
Doran H.O., Lucretiaave, Longuevllle
Doran Henry, 14 Christie St. Glebo
Doran Henry, 61 Brighton st, P'sham
Doran Mrs. J., 71 St. John's rd, F. Lodge
Doran James, Brighton ave, Canterbury
Dorau John, IDunmore st, Canterbury
Doran Joseph, 0 Holdsworth st, Newtown
Doran Peter, 15 Edwin st, North Sydney
Doran W., 10 .Military rd,North Sydney
Dorau William, 20 O'Connor st
Dor<5 Photographic Studios, 56 Q.V. m'kts
Dorc J. A., 36 Neutral st, North Sydney
Dorer Joseph, 141 King st, Nowtowu
Dorey Charles, 68 Bullanaming st, Hedfern
Dorhauer Christian and Sons, builders, 70
Queen st, Woollahra
Dorhauer E. G., 08 Queen st, Woollahra
Dorhauer F. W., 72 Queen st, Woollahra
Dorhauer Mrs. 11., 109 Queen st, Woollahra
Dorhauer O., 109 Sutherland st, Paddington
Doria William, journalist, Cltv rd
Dorin T., 185 Victoria rd, Marrickville
Donnan Alfred, 02 John st, Woollahra
Dorman George, 49 Harrington st
Dormau Mrs. Surah, Murrs st, Carlingford
Dorman W., 29 Weutworth st, Paddlngtou
Dorman W., 96 Annandalc st, Annnudale
Dormer James, 37 Collins st
Dom Mrs. A., 163} Elswlck st, Lelchhardt
Dorn Mrs. J H Duxford st, Paddington
Dorubusch Mrs. K. M., Military rd, M man
Dorney M., J „ 9 Bcllcvuc Bt
Dorney Martin J., George Bt, N. Sydney
Dorney W., Bellevue st, North Sydney
Dorrat George, 4 Bligh st, North Sydney
Dorrell James, 13 George Bt, Erskiueville
Dorrell James W., Blaxcell st, Granville
Dorrell W., Margaret st, Abbotsford
Dorrian J. and Co., tobacconists, 24 Queen
Victoria Market building
Dorrian J., 30 Macdonald st, Paddington
Dorrlngton Albert. Clarke rd, Waitaru
Dorrington E., 22 Muokcnzlc st, Wavcrley
Dorrington S. T., Beatrice st, Hookwood
Dorrity John 0., 29 Darghau st, Glebe
Dorrlty H. W„ 22 Campbell fit, Globe
D'Orsuy-Ogden Colonel R., teacher of
elocution, 240 Oastlorcugh st
Dorsctt William O., Bclmore rd, Handwick
Dose II., Rocky Point rd, Sana Souci
DOSE HENRY & COMPANY, Ltd., Douglas John, 121 Oxford st, Wavcrley
Coopcre, Blaekwuttlo Works, Pyrmont Douglas John R., 0 Myrtle st, North Sydney
Douglas Joseph, 24 London st, Newtown
—(Sec ndvt. opp. Coopers)
Douglas Mrs. L.. 140 Wilson st, Hedfern
Dose F. II., 9 Arundel ter, Forest Lodge
Douglas Leslie, Walter st, Wavcrley
Doso R„ 13} Albert Bt, Erskincvillc
Douglas Mrs. M., Huglau st, Mosman
Dossil Henry, Wickhum Bt, Amcliffc
Douglas Mrs. M., 77 Grafton st, Woollahra
Dossy A., carpenter, 271 Crown st
Douglas Miss M. A. E., Victoria par, Manly
Doswcll James, 25 Curtis rd, Balmain
Dottswood Freehold Mining Co. (no lia- Douglas .Miss M. J.. 190 Victoria Bt
bility)—R. V. Saddington, manager, Douglus P. II., St. James' rd, Randwlck
Douglas Percy, Nelson at, Woollhura
109 Pitt st
Douglas R., painter, 100 Victoria st
Doublcday G., 43 Alt st, Ashfleld
Douglas It., 19 Belmont st, Alexandria
Doud Thomas, 25 Buckingham st
Doudncy 11. II., 278 Miller at, North Sydney Douglns R., 29 Abercromble st, Redfcrn
Douglas R. E., 350 Lane Cove rd, N. Sydney
Dougall William, 44 rcnkivll st, Bondl
Dougan Bros., grocers, 121 Liverpool rd Douglas Mrs. R. J „ 129 Arthur st, N. Syd.
Douglas Robert, 182 Princes Bt
Douglas Robert E., 13 Oarlow st west, North
Dougan John, 110 Windsor rd, P'sham
Dougan Robert, J.P., 4 Hampden st, A'fleld
Dougan S. A., 16 Bland st, Ashfleld
Douglas T., 119 Botany rd, Waterloo
Dougherty A., Moloney st, N. Botany
Douglas Thomas, 81 Marian st, Newtown
Dougherty J. J., 77 Day st, Leichhardt
Douglas Thomas, 2 Mill Bt, Rozelle
Dougherty William, 77 Day st, Leichhardt Douglas Thomas, Wellington st, Waterloo
Doughtry Stephen, 40 Ridge st
Douglas Thomas S„ Laurence Bt, Manly
Doughty A., 63 Mansfield st, Rozelle
Douglas W., 114 Hnrgravest Paddington
Doughty J., Pittwuter rd, Mnnly
Douglas W., Livingstone st, Hookwood
Doughty Mrs. S. A., Ourrington rd, R'wiek Douglas W., Sandriugham
Doughty Theo., 36 Rose st
Douglas W. A., Holroyd rd, Prospect
Douglas Percy and Co., manufacturers Douglas W. J., manager Intercolonial Inagents mid brokers, 18 Barrack st
vestment, Land ami Building Co., Ltd.,
14 Moore s t ; p.r., Park ave, Gordon
Douglas' Book Exchange—II. T. Douglas,
Douglas William, 12 Experiment st
J.P., manager, 73 Castlereagh st
Douglas William,Bhipbioker, Queen's Court
Douglas A., bnker, Bay st, Rockdale
Douglas Williom, 48 James st, Leichhardt
Douglas A., O'ConncIl st, Parramatta
Douglas William, Bruce st, Petersham
Douglas Albert, 12 John st, Woollahra
Douglas Alexander H., Carlisle st, Ashfleld Douclass Bros., grocers, 153 Oxford st,
Douglas Alfred J„ 21 Albion st
Douglas C. E. II., 17 Botany st, Waterloo Douglass S. J., secretary, The Merchants
Douglas Charles, 2 Ada st
and Traders' Association, Ltd., Gibbs'
Douglas Charles D., 321 Harris st
Chambers, 7 .Moore st; p.r., 253}
Douglas Donald, Quarry st. St. Ives
Birrcll Bt, Wavcrley
Douglas Mis. Eadith, 152 Victoria st
Douglass William O., wholesale- grocer and
Douglas Edward, 370 Riley st
tea merchant, 63-55 Liverpool s t ; p.r.,
Douglas Mrs. Elizabeth, 41 Clarence st
Bruce st, Petersham
Douglas F. S., Macqunric st, Parramatta
Douglnss W. J., " Marionette," South
Douglas Frederick 3 Corbcn st
Stcyne, Manly
Douglas Freda"., Fuller's rd,Chatswood
Doull David, Muy st, St. Peters
Douglas Frcdk., 117 Alice st, Newtown
Douglas G., 48 Coulson st, Erskincvillc
Douglas G., Robinson st, North Botany
Douglas G., (14 Railway avis Petersham
Douglas G. E., 47 Rowley st, Alexandria
Douglas (1. T. H., 31 Moncur st, W'labra
(London)—John Shorter and Co., Solo
Douglas G. W., 86 Borouia st, Redfcrn
Agents, 193 Clarence Bt (See ndvt.
Douglas George, U Alice st, Nc.vtown
opposite name in Alphabetical)
Douglas George, 146 Morchcad st, Rcdfern
Douran F., 0 St. Andrew's st. Balmain
Douglas H., Buckland st, Alexandria
Douglas Captain H. T., Federal Lodgings, : ouse Mrs. H., 351 Oxford Bt, Paddington
Uoust Arthur L., Hercules st, Chatswood t
221} CuBtlcreagh st
Doust D., seed and grain merchant, 123
Sussex st
Douglas H. T., J.P., manager Douglas' Book
Doust David, Angelo st, Burwood
Exchange, 73 Castlereagh st
George, 60 View st, Annnudale
Douglas Henry, 04 Alice st, Newtown .
Doust Isaac, Frazer st, Marrickville
Douglas Henry, 1 Don st, Newtown
Douglas Henry T., 48 Bondi rd, Wavcrley Doust Mrs. M. L., Herbert st, Dulwicb Hill
Doust Stanley, indent and gcuoral merDouglas Herbert, Corey st, M'ville
chant, 73 York st
Douglas Hugh, 208 Norton 6t, Leichhardt
Douglas J., lion. sec. Railway Institute, Doiint W. B., J.P., secretary N.S.W. Fresh
Food and lee Co., Ltd., 25-63 HarbourDevonslilro st
s t ; p.r., Gore at, ArnclilTe
Douglas Miss J., 21 Frnzer rd, Petersham
Charles, Paul st, Bondi
Douglas J., Cook's River rd, St. Peters
Doutty A. 0., Jobnaton Bt, Auuandslc
Douglas J., 11 Wavcrley st, Waverlcy
Douglas J. R., 70 Grosveuor at, N. Sydney Doutty O. G. A., Homebush Post and
Telegraph Office, Homebush crcs,
Douglns James, Stephen rd, Botany
Douglas James, Burwood rd, Burwood
Fredk. II. S., Withers Bt, Arncliffe
Douglas James, 91 Lord Bt, Newtown
Doutty J . B., postmaster and district regisDouglas James, Bowmer Bt, Rockdale
trar, Military rd, Mosman
Douglas James G., 238 Dowling st
Douglas James B., 103 Pitt st, Redfcrn • Douzans Brothers, builder.) and contractors, Hopetoun st, Camperdown
Douglas John, 90 Wyndlmui st, Alex'dria
Do'iglas John, Australia st, Camperdown Douzans A., 123 Dcnison st, Oarapenlown
Douglas John, 142 Deuison rd, Petersham Douzans Cclcstin, builder and contractor,
" Tcnterden," 189 Lane Cove rd, N. Syd
Douglas John, Ben.. Suudringhum
'Phone 726. SYDNEY.
Dove Adam, Atchison Bt, St, Leonards
Dowling T., St, Georgo's ores, Drummoync Downey W., 7 Albert st, Erskineville
Dove Douglas, 31 Oxfoid at, Rozelle
Dowling Thos., 13 Dnnn st, Forest Lodge D.iwney William, Ross st, Purrametta
Dove Mrs. E. 1)., Railway st, Prospect
Dowling Vincent J., dentist, 159 L'pool st Downlc Mrs. A., 100 Fovoaiix st
Dove Ebcnczer, 60 Emily st, Mnrrickville Dowling W., 70 Liverpool st, Paddington
Downie A., "Naseby,"Avocast, Randwlcl
Dovo Henry, Flood st, Leichliardt
Dowling William, 369 King st, Nowton
Downlc Mrs. A. E., 28 LcwUhamst.il. Hill
Dove James, 29 Vernon Et. Mnrrickville
Dowling William, 116 Evclelghst, R'.'crn Downie Andrew, Bclmorc rd, Raiiilw'ok
DOTC John, 281 Abercronible st, Hedfcrn Dowmnn Charles II., Millcttst,Dalmorton
Andrew, Soudan st, Randwlcl;
Dovo Sydney, Gary st, Driunmoyne
Dowmnn John W., Millctt Bt, Dnlmorton
Dove Mrs. W. W„ 13 Webb's ave, Ashlield Down Alfred, Back Domain, Pnrramntta Downie Andrew R., 136 Campbell st
Duncan, manager and secreDovo William W., Wold's ave, Hurstvillo Down Charles, Orimca st, Parramatta
tary Port Jackson Oo-oponitlvo SteamDover James, Sixth st, Granville
Down F. E., professor of singing, Ash st,
ship Co., Ltd., Circular Quay
Dover William, Adelaide par, Woollahra
off 342 George st
Downie Duncan, Peel st, North Sydney
Dovle Jnmes, Bourke6t, Waterloo
Down Mrs. Fanny, Want st, Mosmnn
Downie Mrs. Janet, 122 John st
Dow and Holdcrness, butchers, 31 Lackey Down Frank E., 7 Avcnuord.GIebe
Downie John, Btntlonmnstcr, Railway par'
st, Summer Hill
Down George A., 17 Johnston st, Ann'dnle
south, Granvillo
Dow Mrs, A., CO University st, Cnm'down Down S., Higli st, Prospect
Dowulo Mrs. John, 27 Mooqunrie st south
Dow Alexnnder, Yule st, Dnlwlch Dill
Down T. M„ New st, Parramatta
John, 185 Young st, Annundulc
Dow David, 50 Heiiumont st
Down William, 72 Elliott st, Balmain
Downie Mrs. S., 55 Ormond st, Puddingtmt
Dow Samuel 9 Smith st, Rozelle
Down William, Lennox st, Parramatta
Dowd Francis, Ciirringtnn rd, Itandwick I Downo Geo., J.P., Homebush rd.Strathf'ld Dowulo T., 60 Alexnnder st, North Sydney
Downie W. F., 54 Vernon st, MnrrlckvilleDowdall F. Q., 161 Redfern st, Redfern
Downe Robert, chemist and dentist, Dun- Downie Walter. 82 Fig s(
Dowdall Henry, Epsom rd, Waterloo
bar st, Vauolusc
Downing F. II., Whistler st, Manly
Dowdell William, 10 Batty at, Rozelle
Downer A. G., 25 Brown st, Oampcrdown Downing Fredk., 61 John st, Woollahra
Dowding E. t Sydenham rd, Mnrrickville Downer James, 24 Camuridgo st
Downing John S., 316 Upper Brougham st
Dowding F. 0„ 10 Mncdonald st, Pod'ton Downer John, 30 Raper at, Newtown
Dowding R., horse bootmaker, 150 Castle- Downes A., 32 Pritchnrd st, Mnrrickvillo Downing It., 12 Ohnrlottest.Bozclle
Downing Tliomns J., Concord rd, Concord
reagli st
Dowries Charles H., Wcldon st, Bur.rood
Dowding It. L., 80 Marlon st, Leichliardt Downes Charlton, 18 Hnmpton st, B'main Downmnn Arthur V,. manager J E W I S H
HEHAMi, and PUNCH, 168 P i t t s t
Dowding William, 2 Carlton st, Waverley Downes Miss E., Turner ave, Summer Hill
Downs Mrs. E., 31 Harris st, Rozelle
Dowo Rev. P. W. (O. of K ) , 7 Princes st | Downes Mrs. E,, 53 Gary ft, Leichliardt
Dower Bernard, 9 Little Palmer st
Downes E. W., solicitor, Citizens' chambers, Downs Francis, 60 Dowling st, Paddington
Downs George, 44 George st, Leichliardt
Dower Edward, 11 Hugo st, Redfeni
Moore st
Downs II., 105 Queen st, Woollahra
Dower Mrs. Lucy, 40 Ross st, For. Lodge
Downs Mrs. H. J., 23 Heeley st, Pad'ton
Dower Robert, 18 Little Palmer st
Downes Edward, 66 Ocean st, Bond!
Downs Henry, Forest rd, Arncliffe
Dowers John, 6 Bowd's av, Leichliardt
Downos Edwin W., 24 Gordon st, Pad'ton Downs James, G2 Forbes st
Dowey John, 417 Darling st, Balmnin
Downes F., dispenser, Government Asylum Downs Jns., Union rd, Auburn
Dowie Henry, 6 Hartley st, ltozelle
George st, Parramatta
I Downs John, 406 Elizabeth st
Dowlo H. G., 20 Blue's Point rd'N. Sydney
Downes II., Hooper st, Randwlck
J Downs John, 97 Regent st
Dowiey Thomas, Goro st, Greonwich
Downs John, 6 Elger st, Glebe
Dowling and Bcardsmore, booksellers, &c,
Downes John, 41 Collins st
Downs M., 210 Miller st, North Sydney
177 Glebe rd, Glebe
Downs Mrs. Sarah, 800 Victoria st
Dowling J. A. and Taylor, solicitors, Stock
Downes Myles, 203 Glebe rd. Glebe
Downs Thomas, Dunslnffne st, Canterbury
Exchange Building, 113 Pitt st
Dowling A. J., 84 Lane Cove rd, N. Svdney Downes Myles A., Lalla Rookh hotel, 57 Downs Thomas H., 36 Church st, Balmain
Downs William, 3 Crescent st, Rozelto
City rd, Darlington
Dowling Albert, 108 Oarrington rd, W'ley
Dowling Miss B. F., 38 Walker st, North Downes Robert, 33 Foster st, Leichliardt Downton O. P., grocer, 234 George st
Downes Mrs. 8., 130 Aunnndale st, An'ilnb Downton O. P., 30 Blrchgrove rd, Balmain
Downton E. J., Victoria st, Alexandria
Dowling C. J., 114 Miller st, North Sydney Downes Walter, 261 Goulburn st
Dowling Edward, J.P., 455 Alfred st, Downes William, Eastern av, Kensington Downton George, 141 Mullens at, Balmain
Downton Mrs. If. G., 9 Churoh st west,
Downes William H., 100 Reservoir st
North Sydney
Dowling Miss F., 05 Glcnmoro rd, Pad'ton Downey A., 17 Cooper st, Redfern
[Downey A. G., Great Northern rd, G-'vIlIe Downton S., 28 Thomas at. North Sydney
Dowling F„ 34 Thorne st, Paddington
Dowling 6 . P., jun., 36 Parratnnttn id, Downey A. P., Lower Tuppor st, Mnr'ville Downton Samuel, J., 64 Botany st, W'loo
Downey Arthur, 22 Emily st, Leichliardt Downton W. J., proprietor Excelsior brick,
works. 7 Ohurch st west, Oroydon j
Dowling George, 123 Evclclgh 6t. Redfern Downey Arthur J.. 52 EinIlyst,LeIchhnrdt
Downey Daniel, 631 Bourke et
p.r., Boundnry st, Croydon
Dowling George, Sloauc st, Sum. Hill
J . N., Mosley st, Strathflcld
Dowling Harry, 25 Junatlon st, For. Lodge
Dowling Miss J., 3,r. Charlotte st, Asbfleld Downey Edward, GO Edgeware rd, N'town Dowse Fred. W. H., stationer, 327 Crown st
Dowse John, Edge Hill st, Botany
Dowling Mrs. J„ 2 South av, Petersham
Downey Edward J., Wharf rd, Concord
Dowse John, Broughton st, Canterbury
Dowling J. P., 9 Tiiitcm rd, Ashfleld
Downey Miss F. D., Frederick st, Rockdale Dowse Mrs., 148 Chapel st, Marrlckvlllo
Dowling James, Thomas st, Parramatta
Dowse Thomas, 112 Derwcnt st, F. LodgeDowling Jns. Arthur, solicitor, commis- Downey F. W., 5 Wilson st, Ucdfern
sioner lor affidavits, and Notary Public, Downey Mrs. G. W., 159 Beattie at, Balmain Dowacll Thos., 38 Palmer st, Balmain
Dowsott F. O., 28 Brlsbnncst, Wnvcrley
Stock Exohangc Building, 113 Pitt s t ; Downey George, 67J Short st, Balmain
Downey George, 14 Stnnley st, Waverley
Dowsett James, 39 Palaco st, Po;ershamp.r., "Springfield," Darling Point
Dowsctt John F„ 662 Darling st, Rozelle
Dowling Jerome, 24ia Liverpool rd, S. Hill I Downey Mrs. If., Gladstone st, Bexloy
Dowsott S. B., George st, Hornsby
Dowling John, 76 Liverpool rd, Ashfleld
Dowsett Stafford, Albert rd, Canterbury
Dowling John, 123 Jersey rd, Woollahra Downey J., Llewellyn st, Mar'ville
Downey J., baker, Grose st, Parramattn
Dowsctt Thomas, 0 North st, Lclohhardt
Dowling Joseph, 3 Marriott st, Redfern
Dowson H. B., solicitor, 65 Salisbury at,
Dowling Miss If., 27 Young at, Redfern Downey J., dentist, 229 Macquaric st
Downey J., van proprietor, 86 Crown st
Dowling Mrs. M., Foucart Bt, Balmain
DowlingM. 0.,8< Erskinpvillord,Ersk'vlllo| Downey J. W., Durham st, Marrlckvlllo Dowson W., librarian, School of Arts, MacDowney John, 63 Great Barcom st
Dowling M. J., 60 Broughton st, Glebe
st, Parramata
Dowling Miss Marin, Mistral av, Mosman Downey Mrs. M., Fotheringliam st, M'villc Dowswell Mrs. A., 81 George Bt, Waterloo
Dowling Neville, mercantile broker, 181 Downey Michael, 08 Fig st
Oabarlta Point rd, Mortlnkc
Bridge s t : p.r., Sydney st, Willoughby Downey P., grocer, 24 Groso st, Oam'down Dowscll JustuB, Major's Bay rd, Mortlakt*
Dowling P., 47 Wetherlll st, Leichliardt ' Downey Patrick, 180 Macquarie st south Dowtell Frederick, 0 Little Bourkost
Dowling P. J., clerk Information Bureau, Downey Patrick, 14 Alfred Bt, Leichliardt Doxle Henry, US High Holborn st
Downey Robert, 76 Angel Bt, Newtown
Downey T. J. 16, Howe's nvc, Paddington Doxley William, Aunnndale st, Woollahra
Lands Department, Bridge st
Doxsey Miss, Nelson st, Woollahra
Dowling P. J., Alexandria st, Drummoync Downey Thomas, 27 Forbes st, Nowtown Doyal
Mrs. A. J., 6 Regent st
Dowling P. R., 124 Norton Bt, Leichliardt Downey Thomas, Woodpnrk rd, Prospect Doylo and
Jukes, monumental masons, St.
Dowling Thomas, boot and shoe importer, Downey W., 110 Albion st
st, near Cemetery, Waverley.
0 Queen Viotoria Markets, George at | Downey W., Universal st, North Botany
Tel. 206 Waverley
Doylo Michael, 13 Stream st
Doyle A., 204 Australia st, Oampcrdown
Doylo Mrs. A., 31 Old Canterbury rd Doyle Michael, 17 West st, Petersham
P., 47 Elizabeth Bt, Cainperdown
Summer Hill
Doyle Patrick, 47 Levey st
Doyle A. B., Fletcher st, Mnrrickville
Doylo Patrick, Enston rd, Alexandria
Doyle Albert, 20 Carlton st
Doyle Patrick, 16 Park st, Rozelle
Doyle Alfred, Burton Bt, Concord
Doyle Patrick, 13G Wells st west, Redfern
Doyle Alfred J., 60 Francis st
Doyle Patrick, 01 Phillip st, Waterloo
Doyle Ambrose, 389 Liverpool »t
Doyle Ambrose K., law stationer, 63 Eliza- Doylo R.T., D7 Walker st. North Sydney
beth s t ; p.r., 60 Blue's Point rd, Doyle RIclinrd, inspector gasworks, 64
Bourke st
North Sydney
Doyle B., 17 Great Buckingham st, Redfern Doyle Richard, 130 Dcnlson st, Cam u'down
Doyle Robert, 16 Norton st, AshficM
Doyle B., 94 Camden st, Newtown
Doyle Mrs. B., Grafton st east, Woollahra Doylo Stunrt, 50 Frazer rd, Petersham
Doylo T., Hutchinson st, Granville
Doyle Cecil 11., Arthur st, Marrickvillc
Doyle Charles, headmaster Publlo School, Doyle Thomas, 70 Mill st
Doyle Thomas, 6 Sir John Young's cres
Avoca st, Itandwick
Doyle Thomas, 9 Ivy 8t, Darlington
Doylo Christopher, 31 Beaufort ave
Doyle Thomas, 23J Hose st, Darlington
Doyle Daniel, Rainford st
Doyle David, 318 Glenmorerd, Paddington Doyle Thomas, 22 Darling st, Glebe
Doyle Thomas, 00 Oamdeii st, Newtown
Doyle Mrs. E. G, 13 Lower Fort at
Doyle Thomas, S t a t i n st, Waterloo
Doylo Edward, 31 Pearl st
Doyle Thomas, 47 Schimel st, Wnterloo
Doyle Edward, 16 Crescent st, Rozelle
Doyle W., Woolcott st, Canterbury
Doyle Mrs. Ellen, 26 Regent Et
Doyle W., 3D McKenzie st, Rozelle
Doylo Ernest, 53 Marlborough st
Doyle W. A., 16 Annandnle st, Annandale
Doyle F., Hercules st, Dulwich Hill
Doyle W. J., 36 Kippax st
Doyle F., 7 Wells st, Redfern
Doyle Frank H., 45 Wycombe rd, N'trnl Bay Doyle W. R., Cleveland st, Wahroongn
Doyle William, 20 East st
Doyle F., 134 Ocean st, Bondi
Doyle William, 31 Ridge st
Doyle G.,chnlrmaker, Jnmieson lane
Doyle William, 199 Cleveland st, Redfern
Doyle G. J., Woononaave, Wahroongn
Doylo William, 68S Darling st, Rozelle
Doyle H. A., 11 Manchester st, P sham
Dovlo Henry, 172 Dcnlson st. Oampcrdown Doylo William, 138 George st, Redfern
Doyne G. J., 253 Alfred st, North Sydney
Doyle Henry O., 13 Mansfield st, Glebe
Doyne William. Prince Albert st, Mosman
Doyle J., 32 Ridge st
Doyle Rev. J . (11.0.), 33 Amy Et, E'vil e Dracass Joseph, 170 Devonshire st
Draeger O., 164 Paddington st, Paddington
Doyle J. A., South st, Granville
Doyle J. B., Murrlokrillo rd, Marriokvllle Drngo Edward, 8 Johnstone st, Balmain
Doyle J. B., headmaster Marriokvllle West Drake Copper and G.M. Co., 84 Pitt Bt
Publlo School, Livingstone rd, M'ville Drake Andrew, 0 Hartley st, Rozelle
Drukc A. W., Hcnwickst, Drunimoyue
Doyle J. M., Gordon st, Randwlck
Drake B. B., Roberts st, Rozelle
Doyle J. M , Randwlcl: st, Randwlck
Drake David, 16 Batty st, Balmain
Doyle J. M., 30 Onirics st, Leichliardt
Drukc David, Mansfield Et, Balmain
Doylo J. M , Parramatta rd, Hyde
Drake Mrs. E., 12 Burns st, Petersham
Doyle James, turncock, 37 Riley st
Drake Francis, 8G Hordern st, Newtown
Doyle Jnmes, 48 Phillip st, Alexandria
Drukc George, 4G Short rd, Balmnin
Doyle James, 15 Central rd, Ashfleld
Harry, Liverpool rd, Ashfleld
Doyle James, 32 Palmer st, Balmain
Hurry, Victoria st, Petersham
Doyle James, 28 Allan's ave, Marrickvillc
Doyle James, 12 Thompson st, Marriokvllle Drake Henry, 77 Deuisou rd, Petershnm
28 Railway Bt, Petersham
Doyle James, 60 Holmwood st, Newtown
Drake John, 64 Perry st, Mnrrickville
Doyle James, 14 Rcddy Bt, Paddington
Drake John, Gladstone st, Parramatta
Doylo James, 68 HoBchlll st, Redfern
Drake John, Terry st, St. Peters
Doylo James, Macpherson st. Waverley
Drake John W., 0 Tilba ave, Bulinnin
Doylo James, Walter st, Waverley
Percy O., Falisbury st, Hurstville
Doyle James A., Behnore rd, Hurstvillo
Drake Miss S, 38 Norton st, Ashfleld
Doyle John, 42 Cleveland st
Drake Samuel, Pennant st, Pnrrniunttn
Doyle John, 32 Ridge st
Drake Tliomns, 6 Cleveland st, Darlington
Doyle John, 30 Palmer Bt, Balmain
Drake Thomas, Gardener's rd, North Bot'y
Doyle John, George st east, Burwood
Drake W., 242 Parramatta rd, Petersham
Doyle John, Falrfowl st, Dulwich Hill
Drake William, 118 Bowman st
Doyle John, lit Elver st, Glebe
Drake William, 25 Smith st, Rozelle
Doyle John, 11 Margaret st. PetcrBhnm
Drake William, Woodsidc ave, Burwood
Doylo John, Cook's River rd, St, Peters
Drake William, Agar 6t, Mnrrickville
Doyle John, Dallcy s rd, Willoughby
Drunc George, 103 Broughum st
Doyle John, Willoughby rd, Willoughby
Doyle Joseph A., solicitor, 66 Elizabeth st Dranc Hnrry, 130J Duke st
Dniue James, 5 Braille st, Faddington
Doylo Joseph, 8 Sir John Young's ores
Draue Jns., Alfred st, St. Peters
Doyle Joseph, 21 Heme Bt, Leichliardt
Doyle Joseph, Amhurst st, North Sydney Dranc Joseph, Brown st, St. Peters
Dranc William, 24 Valentine 6t
Doyle Miss K., milliner, 170 Pitt st
Doyle Mrs. M., 83 College st, Cnmperdown Drane William, WalluccBt, Kogarah
Dranc William, jnr., 15 Valentine st
Doyle Miss M., M.A., Durnl rd, Hornsby
Dransficld E., Woodward ave, Strathlleld
Doyle M. U-, 65 Simmons st, Newtown
Mrs. K., 44 Abercronible place
Doyle Martin. 27 Hose 6t, Darlington
Doylo Martin, 146 Norton st, Lciohhardt Dransficld J., stock and station agent, 18
Doyle Mrs. Mary, Star of freedom hotel,
Elizabeth st
Dranslleld Mrs. M., 1 Bruce st, Ashfleld
30-32 Mononr st, Woollahra
Doyle Matthew, 11 Stream Bt
Doyle Matthew B., 108 Ocean st, Bondi
W. Pratt, representative, Post Office
Doyle Michael, 81 Boundary- st
Chambers, 114a Pitt st
Doyle Michael, 103 Crown Bt
Draper A. 11., Dunlop Bt, Parramattn
Doyle Michael, 338 Jones st
Draper Benjamin, 68 Foveuux st
Draper D.. Buy View st, Bexley
Draper Edmund, Bcnnulong st, Granville
Dni|K'r George, 34 Hanover st, Waterloo
Draper Henry, 10 Chuter st, North Sydney,
Draper H. J., George st, Canterbury
Draper J. 15., 02 Cascade Bt, Paddington
Draper James, 39 Davis st
Draper John, George st, Oniiterbnry
Draper Miss, typist and shorthand wiiter
o2 Pitt st
Draper Mrs. M., 68 Falcon st, North Sydney
Draper Mrs. M., 16 Ynralla st, Newtown
Draper Mrs. Ruth, George st, Canterbury
Draper W., Fitzroy st, Mnrrickville
Draper William, Bounrst, Arncliffe
Draper Mrs. William, 82 Wilson st, Redfern
Drawbridge W., 96 Underwood at, Pad'ton
Drayton Arthur, Madeline st, Enfleld
Drayton A. J. W., 249 Edgccllffc r«\ Wahra
Drayton Charles, Victoria Bt, Rookwood
Drayton E., Renwlck st, Mnrrickville
Drayton Percy, Viinglmn st, Rookwood
Drayton II. Cnrrington nve, Huretville
Drayton W. 0., Albert st, Leichliardt
Drayton Walter, 38 Flood st, Leichliardt
Drayton W. F., Flood st, Lelohhardt
Drcaper George W., 268 King st, Newtown
Dredge Service, Harbours and Rivers—A.
B. Portus, superintending engineer for
dredges, 62 Phillip st
Dredge Mrs. Emma, 42 Charles st, P'sham
Dredge Horace, 24 Richard st, Newtown
Dredge John, 22 Rose st, Darlington
Dredge W. D., 136 Victoria rd, Marrickville
Dredge William G , 21 Mobbs at
Dredge William G„ 73 Edward st, Redfern
Dreelln John, Hnnsard st, Wnterloo
Drees G., 12 Menrs live, Itandwick
Drees Glsbert, mercantile broker, Union
Bank chambers, 68J P i t t s t
Drclcr Henry, Unwln rd, Waitura
Dreis Fouldcn, Campbell st, Tempo
Dreis Henry, Augustus 6t, Leichliardt
Dreis Jacob, Roinsey 6t, Hornsby
DreiverGcorge.21 Henrietta st
Drennou David, 126 Bowman st
Dreundu Mrs. S., 6 Upper rd, Glebe
Drennnn Samuel, 17 Golden Grove st, Darlington
Dreunan Thomas, 1 Foss st, Forest Lodge
Drcnuan William, 60 Laura st, Newtown
Urennan William, 68 Uniou st,
Drcves Albert, 46 Yule st, Petersham
Dreves Hil., Derby nve, Petcrsliani
Droves Edward, Salisbury rd, Petersham
Dreves Mrs. M., 46 Yule Bt, Petershsm
Drew Brothers, manufacturers' agents, 62
York st
Drew and Brown, commission ngeuts anil
merchants. 107 Sussex st
Drew Miss A., 67 Evans st, Rozelle
Drew Mrs. A., 14 Garner's ave.[Marr'ckviHc
Drew A. V., J.P., 87 Newland st, Waverley
Drew Miss O., 19 Thomas st, Ashfleld
Drew O. J. K., 61 Bourke st, Redfern
Drew O. Mathews, notary public, 2 Hunter
st j p.r., 129 Wnllis st, Woollahra
Drew O. Mathews, lion. sec. Metropolitan
Rugby Union, 2 Hunter st
Drew O. W., 65 Evans Bt, Rozelle
Drew Charles, Silver st, Marrickvi'.e
Drew Mrs. E., 24 Broughton st. >'. Sydney
Drew Mrs. Eliza, IliB Regents', Redfern
Drew E. L„ 227 Ben Boydrl,Neutral Bay
Drew Mrs. E. M., 23 Ormond Bt, Pad'ton
Drew Fredk., 59 KustOrescentst.N.Sydnoy
Drew Henry, Julliett st, Mnrrickville
Drew Mrs. J., 174 Grafton st, Woo'lahra
Drew James importer, 44 Oarrington st
Drew James Austral st, Ptnshnrst
Drew James Prince st, Mosman
Drew James Kiugsluud rd, Rookwood
Drew JoFeph Stniiinore rd, Mnrrickville
Drummoyne Council Olinnibers — 0. B
Drew Joseph, 3 Metropolitan rd, Newtown Dmwn John, 4 Athf rden st
Morgan, counei! clerk, Bridge st.
Drew Joseph, Roschlll st, Fnrramattu
Drucc Alfred J.. Edison st, Bolmore
Drummoyne, and Great North rd,
Drew Mrs. M., 3i> Ooomberst, Paddington Druco 0. E., 34 Newlnnd st, Waverley
Drew Richard, Thornlcy st, Marrickville Druco Mrs., 57 Cavendish st, Stanmore
Mechanics' Institute, BridgeDrew Sidney, 30 Stephen st, Cainperdown Druce J. II., 13 Fraser rd, Petersham
st, Drunimoyne
Drew Stnndish 11., 125 Rose st, Darlington Drucc John, 108 Albion st, Annandale
Drumnioyno Police Station—Henry R.
Drew T. 0., Glen st, Mnrriekvillo
Druco W., Maria st, Enflcld
Monies, Bridge st, Drummoyne
Drow Thomas, 109 Kvelclgh st, Iteilfeni
Druco W., " Corning," Fern st, Randwlek
Drew Mrs. W., Western rd, Fnrnimiittit
Drtiee William, manager E. S. and A Drummoyne Post, Telegraph, und Money
Order Office—Percy J . If. Scwell,
Drew W, O., 20.Thoinns st, Lewlshain
Bank, Limited (branch), 291 Darling
postmaster, Bridge st, Drumranyiio
Drow W. H., J.l\, solicitor, 163 King Et;
st, Bnlmain
p.r., 34 Queen st, Woolliilim
Druco W„ 117 Canterbury New rd, P'slinm Drummoyne PublicScliool—Win. Mnlioucy
Thompson st, Drummoyne
Drew Wallace, 89 Evans 6t, Rozelle
Drucc William, tailor, 48 Onstlerengh st
Drew William, 4 John st, Cniupcrdown
Drultt Mrs. E., 329 Miller st, North Sydney Druuiuioyne, Lcichhiirdt and West Bnlmain Steam Forry Co. — Thoina*
Drew William, Adust, Parrnuinttn
Drmn F., Albert st, Canterbury
Henley, manager, Krskine st
Drew William, Oxford st, Uookwood
Druininond C, 9 Myrtle st, Lclchhardt
Drury Alexander, Mynhgnh rd, Mosman.
Drew Willinni, 34 Queen st, Woollahrn
Drummoud Douglas, 6 Hunt st
Drury Arthur, Sixth nv, Rookwood
Drewe Miss A„ 2 P'nmttii Old rd, F. Lodge Druininond E., George st, Mnrrickvllle
Drnry A. 11., Victoria nl, Rydo
Drewc Arthur J., Allison nl, Haii'Iwick
Druininond G. J„ 163 King st, Newtown
Drewe John A. L., 116 George st, Redfern Druininond George, 333 King st, Newtown Drury F. A., 193 Eninore rd, Newtown
Drury George, jun.. Church st, Ryde
Drewe Sydney 0., Mitchell st, Kogninh
Drury George, 9 Church at, Leichhardt
Drewc Willinni B., 7 Derwent st, I'. Lodge
Drury Henry, 61 Cambridge et
Drewell 0. R., Marino par, Double Bay
Drury James, " William Henry st
Drewell R. J., 2 Ohuter st, North Sydney
Drury John, 235 Devonshire st
Drowcs Aurora, 40 Cecily st, Leichhardt
Drury Mrs. Jane, 14 Joseph st, AshficM
Drow John, 30 Pnsbley st, Balmalu
Drury John, baker, 213 Palmer st
Drewett Arthur, 160 Ohupel st, Murriekvllle
Drury John, Sorrell st, Parramatta
Drewctt Mrs. E. J., 33 Liverpool st, Pnd'ton
Drury John, George st, Parramatta
Drewett Miss, 129 Queen st, Woollahra
Drury R. 0., Avenue rd, Mosman
Drewett W. a , 26 Broughfon st, P'slinm
Drury Robert, 39 Taylor st, Annandale
Drewett Rev. W.H. (Pres.), Thornlelgh rd.
Drury Robert, Parramatta rd, Rookwood!
South Hornsby
Drnry Mis. S., Parramatta rd, Rookwood
Drewette J., 61 Brisbane st, North Sydney
Drury Thomas, 1 Wlthicombe st, RozelleDre wit -Mrs. Ann, 13 Campbell st, Newtown
Drury \V„ 36 Anncsley st, Leichhnrdt
Drewitt Percy A., mnnagcr Savings Hank
Drury William, 12 Uurlinson st
Bunk of N.S.W. (branch), George st.
Drury William, 177 Crown st
William, 191 Crown st
Drewry George, 174 Dowling st
Drnry William, 16 Hnrwood st
Drevfus Louis and Co., grain merchants,
George, 695 Darling st, Rozelle
11 Bond ft
Dryden James, 387 Darling st, Balninin
Dreyer IT., 291 Addison r 1, Marrickville
480 Elizabeth st
Dreyfus Madame, 353 Oxford st, Pad'ton
Dryden Oliver, 127 Francis st, Lclchhardt
Drinjin Daniel, 452 King st, Newtown
Dryden T., 18 Westboiirnc st, Petersham
Drlunn Mrs. P., 79 Henrietta st, Waverley
DryhurstE. R., Church st, Parramatta
DrinauR., 79 Henrietta st, Waverlcy
Dryhurst James R., " Llndhurst," 6 DryDriukwnter A., Gloucester rd, Hurstville
nan st, Summer Hill
Drinkwater Mrs. E., 3S OTovslaud st, DnrDryhurst T. E., J.P., Bii|ierliitendent Induslington
trial School for Girls, Fleet st, P'muttn,
Drinkwater II. C. K., 78 Dowllngst.R'fcrn
Dryland J. T„ 8 Mill Hill id, Waverley
Drinkwater P. N., Ross st, Fnrromnttn
Drynnn .las, 162 Elswick st, Lclchhardt
Drinkwater R., 166 Grafton st, Woollahra
Drynan T. M., Daisy st, Chatswood
Drinkwater T., 28 Cow|icr st, Mnr'villo
Drysdnlo George, Bolmore id, Rnndwlek
Drinkwater T., Perry st, Hunter's Hill
Drysdale Mrs. G., 338 Boiirke st
Driscoll 0., Alice st, Auburn
Drysdnlo Mrs. A., 30Blue's Pt. rd,N.Sydney
Driscoll Denis P.. 44 Cmigend st
Drysdale James, 110 [Seattle at, Balmalu
Driscoll Edward J., J l Womcruli nv,
Dnaii W., Club hotel, Denliian st, Glob.;
Driscoll Mrs. K., 4 Reynolds st, Bnlmain
Du Barry Ernest, 6 Yurong st
Driscoll .Mrs. II., Wnratah st, Enflcld
Du Hurry G., 37 Arundel tcrraco, F. LodgeDriscoll J., 202 Underwood st, Pad'ton
Dublier Henry, 18 Grove st, Petersham
Driscoll James 42 Wllfonl st, Newtown
Dubber James 48 Wellington st, Newtown
Driscoll James, 81 Gibbons st, Reilfern
Dubber William, 104 Denison st, Newtown
Driscoll John, Princess ave, Waterloo
Dubeu Peter J., 186 Cleveland st
Driscoll Michael, 79 Bowmnn st
Duboo A. E. U., New st, Mossuian
Driscoll .Michael, 6 Theodore st, Baluiain
Dubois Alfred, ISO Harris st
Driscoll P., Huston nl, Alexandria
Dubois Ernest A., 33 Sophia st
Dmmniond J. S., 1 Kidman's ter
, Driver Mrs. A., George st west, Burmoil Drummoud
Dubois Herbert A., 123 Union st, Newtown.
Driver Cornelius, 40 Yule st, Petersham Druinmond .Ins., 59 Bourkc st, Redfern
Dubois Mrs. M., 74 Klppnx Bt
Driver Miss E., Parramatta rd, Concord
Drummoud John, Wigram st, PaiTamatta Dubois L. S., Francis st, Artarmon
Driver F. E., 40 Terminus st, Feteishnin
D ibois P., Brand st, Artarmon
Driver Frederick, George st west, Bin wood Drummoud L. S., F.S.A.A., accountant, Dubois Reuben, 111 Denison st, Waverley
Driver George, French's Forest rd, Manly
auditor and trade assignee, Austra- Dubois R., Botany rd, Botany
Driver H. A., Ross st, Parramatta
lasia Ichnmbcro, Martin pi ; p.r., 68 Dubois Thomas C , 78 Boronla st, Redfern
Driver John G., Atkinson st, N. Svdncv
Duboise Madame, Avenue, Hunter's Hill
Birchgrovo rd, Balmalu
Driver J. W., Kcmbln st, Enfield
Mrs. M„ 61 Elswick st, Leich- Dubos Henry, H4 John st
Driver Miss J., 6 Cromwell st, Afhllcld
Dacasso nml Co., manufacturers' agent,
Driver James, 7 Forbes st, Redfern
Druinmond Mrs. L. M., 816 Miller st, North
Driver John, 45 Bishop st, "Mnrrickvllle
44 Cnrrington st
Driver W., 83 Dowling st
Drummoud P. B., i Stnplcton uv, North Ducasso Edward, Baptist st, Redforn
Driver W. F., 99 Great Barcbrn st
L. S., 22 Best st
Drohan John, 109 Wilton st
Drummond Peter, 12 Alma st, N. Sydney Dlicnssi: M. E., Baptist et, ItcdFcni
Dromgool Robert, carrier, 13 Alfred st
Drummond S. L., St. John's Grammar Duchm-s Jus., 2 Hancock st, Rozelle
Drover John, Clilsholin nl, Auburn
School, Parramatta Park, Par'matta Duchnrs Robert, 11 Hancock st, Rozelle
Drover Mrs. 8., 8 Cnrollno Bt, Redfern
Drummond W., Railway st, Marrickville Duohateau G., Roseby st, Drummoyne
Good Printing,
Account Books,
&c, &c.
i Head Offlowi: 810 GeortrflV
I Street South. 'Phone W
Duff Mrs. Ann, 123 Augustus st, leichhardt Duffy Thomas, Kemiss st, Randwick
Du Chateau V., Nelld nv, Paddington
Duffy W. A., Albert rd, h'omebush
Duchcr C , 109 Glonmoro rd, Paddington Duff Miss C , 123 Augustus st, Leichhardt Duffy W. J„ 77 VicUirlast
DufT Charles, 3J Mary st, Waterloo
Duchesne E. J., 20 Bourke st. Waverley
Duffy W. J., 103 Klizuli. Mi st wcst.AshDuff
Duchesuo W. H. 0., 42 Anglcscn st, Bondi
Duck and Colo Misses, dressmakers, Falcon Duff David, 32 Swanson st, Ersklnevilic
Duffy William, 9 Raglan st, Darlington
Duff Francis, Parramatta rd, Rookwood
st, Nortli Sydney
Duffy William, Gnind View st, Wil'ghby
Duck Andrew, 159 Elswick st, Leichhardt
Duffy William, 9 Lord st, Newtown
Duok Mrs. l i , 117 Ernest st, North Sydney DuirMrs. II., 27 Trouton st. Balmalu
Duff Hugh, J.P., "Tarella," Victoria ave Duffy William L.. .16 Vine st, Redfern
Duck James, Market st, Handwick
Du Four N„ 128 Glebe st. Glebe
Duck John, Crown st, Hunter's Hill
Dufton B„ 93 Albion st, Annandale
Dun* James, 7 George st, Rozollo
Duck Thomas, Bridgo st, Gladcsville
Dufty Alfred, 99 Beattio st, Balninin
Duokor J. P . M. and Son, mercantile Duff John, Sutherland st, tit. Peters
Dugan Mrs. If., 1S5 Elizabeth st, Redfern
brokers, 0 Bond Bt
Dugnn James, grocer, 73 Cumberland st
Duokor A. R , Roche st, Marrickvlllo
Dugan James, 35 Wellington st, Waterloo
Ducker Gregory F., Tenterdcn st, Botany
Eastern Indcntor and Importer Jap Dugnn John, t>57 King st, Newtown
Duckcr J. E., stock and sharebroker,
ancse and Ohineso Produets, 171 Dugnn T. .7., brassfoundcr, 78 Dixon st
Mutual Life of New York Building,
Clarence st. near King st. Tol, 266 Dugnn Mrs. Mnry, 32 Birrell st, Waverley
Martin place m. J Pitt s t ; p.r., Park
Dugan Thomas, 25 Irving st
(Seo manufacturers' agents)
rd, Ilurwood
Dugan Thomas, 117 Redfern st, Redfern
Dull Robert, Parade, Enfield
Duokor John P. M., 0 Regent Bt, P'sham
Dugan Thomas, 11 John st, Woollahra
Duff Robert, Hnrtington st, Granville
Dueker John, 12 Lestst
Diigdalo A., ISO Paddington st, P'ton
Oil IT Mrs. S„ 31 Smith st, Marrickville
Duckcr Jonathan, 9 Berwick lano
Uugdalo David, 31 Irving st
Duff Thoinns, 3 Elswick st, Leichhrrdt
Duokor It. II., Mandalong r I, Mosman
Duff William II., Duff's hotel, corner Dugdale Henry. Audley st, Marrickville
Duokett Arthur, Ilurwood nl, Burwooil
Dugdale Oswald, Agar st, Marrickville
Pitt and Mnrket sts
Duokett Miss L., .1 Norton st, Leichhiinlt Duff William, Fullers rd, Chatswood
Dugcl 0 , Millie Bt, Guildford
Duckett Mrs. M , 20 West st, Petersham
Duffuey William, G Ipps st, Concord
Duggau Bros., storekeepers, 09 Denison s t ,
Duokett W., 8 Alfred st, Leichhardt
DutTcll Henry J., 46 Marriott st, Reilfern
Duckworth Arthur, Cluster st, Woollahra Dulfcll John, Remvick at, Alexandria
Duggan and Dunne, butchers, 73 Mount
Duckworth Edward, 47 Wells st, N'town
Dnffell John, Stntion nl, Conterbury
st, North Sydney
Duckworth Mrs. E., 133 Little Brighton st, Duffoll Thomas 62 Newman st, Newtown
Duggan Misses, costumiers, 18-1 Victoria st
Duffcs L., Lane Cove rd, Rydo
Duggan Denis, 40 Kent st
Duckworth J. E.,' Livingstone rd, M'kville Uulllcy Patrick, grocer, 640 Bourkc st
Duggan Denis, 8 Oxford st, Rozelle
Duckworth J., 8 Toogood st, KrskinoviUe Dullleld Mrs. <!., 20 Palmer st
Duggan D., Martin place, Hurstville
Duckworth Joseph, Mullens st, Baluiain
Dullleld George, Church st, Cnriingford
Duggan Frank, 9 Virgil st, Waverley
Duckwortli T., 10 Macauley st, Leichhanlt DuflloM R., 109 Parramatta rd, An'dale
G. II.. 3 Albert st, Paddington
Duckworth Thomas, 3 Henry st
Dullleld Robert, 1 Railway st, Petersham
Duggan Mrs. II., Rcnwiek st, Alexandria
Duckworth Z„ Lane Cove rd, Pymblo
Dullleld W., 13S Crystal st, Petersham
61 Kingselear rd, Alexandria
Duolos W. S., Boundary st, Randwlek
Dulllii Alfred R., 127 Rose st, Darlington
Duggan J., 39 Erskineville rd, Ersklnevilic
Ducros Alfred, 37 Thomas st, Marrickville Duflln John, 22 Norton st, Loichliardt
Duggan J., Ashburn place, Gladesville
Ducros Alfred, 42 Swanson st, Ursk'ville
Duflin Maurice, Bowden st, Woollahra
Duggan James, 5 Mackey st
Dueross 0. H., 01 Canterbury New rd, Dullln T. II., newsagent, HI William st
Duggan James, 2 Boundary st, Waverley
Duffus Mrs. J., 3 Ilnnioin place
Durtus Leonard, uinnufacturers'agent, 422 Duggan John, 180 Cumberland st
Ducrou Honora, 21 Brisbane st
John, Shaftesbury r.l, Uurwood
Quoruc s t : p.r.. Fitzroy st. N. Sydney
Duddridge John, 22 Avonst, Glebe
Duggan John J., Christie st, St. Leonards
Duffus William, Military rd, Vaucluso
Dudenev .Ins., Portland st, Enflcld
J., 1 Kennedy st, Glebe
Dudgeon E. J., Sydonhain rd, Mnrrickvllle Dully Brothers and Co., fruit merchants, Duggan Joseph,
8 Argylo st
Dudgeon John, ciiemlst, 14 Oxford st
Bnthuut st
Joseph, 22 Arglu place
Dudgeon \V„ Sydenluiin rd, Marrickville Duffy Brothers, Ltd, fruit merchants, 17 Duggnu
George st, Camperdown
Dudley and Co., oilskin, sail, tent, tarpauSteam Mill st
Duggan Joseph, 155 Bedford st, Newtown
lin anil flag makers, yacht and boat Duffy 0., pawnbroker, 25 Argyle st
11)5 Cowjier st, Waverley
outfitters and riggers, 102 Sussex st
Dullv Charles, Williams st, Uaittei bury
Duggan L„ butcher, 22 Aim st
Dudley Andrew, 21 Lower Campbell st
Dully Daniel, Hainpstead rd. Auburn
Duggan Mrs. M., 23 Rose st, Darlington
Dudley Arthur, 107 Rose st, Darlington
Duffy Daniel, 2 Schimcl st, Waterloo
Mrs. M., Railway parade. S.G'villc
Dudley Mrs. Annie, Treacy st, Hurstville Dully David, MoLelland st, Wil'.oiighby Duggan
Duggan Patrick, 6 Park st, Rozelle
Dudley Charles, Long Bay, Randwlek
Dully Mrs. E„ Hainpden st, Paddington
Dug* an Patrick, Third ave, Rookwood
Dudley Guilford, 45 Hugost, Redfern
Duffy Mrs. Ellen, 177n Albion st
Duggan Patrick, Grosvenor st, Woollahra
Dudley 11. W., J.P., Fletcher st, Mnr'ville Duffy George, 211 'Foothill st, Petersham
Duggan Rouert, 61 Mort st, Balmalu
Dudley II. W., Mnrrickvllle rd, Mnr'villo IhiffV Jus., 0 lleaueliamp lane
Duggan Thomas, Marinea st, ArnolilTc
Dudley Henry, 340 Llvcr]>ool st
Duffy .Tames, 281 Park rd
Duggan W., 18 Dowling st, Paddington
Dudley Herbert, 103 Rose st, Darlington
Duffy .Tallies, 32 Grose st, Cainjicnlown
Duggan William, Silver st, Randwick
Dudley J. T., B.A., private tutor, 30 Seoul- Dully Jus., 63 Cameron st, Pudilington
Dngglii H. J., King *t, North Botany
DuffV James W., 62 Alma st, Darlington
ler st, Mnrrickvllle
Duggin John, 103 Wyndham st, Alexandria
Duffy John, 12 Bates lane
Dudley John, 35 Lnwson st, Waverley
Duggin Mrs. L., 20 Harrington st.M'villo
Duffy John, 409 Liverpool st
Dudley Mrs., Bridgo st, Drummoyne
DugmorcJ. J., watchmaker and jeweller,
Duffy John, King st, Nortli Sydney
Dudley T., restanrant, 77 Liverpool st
041 George st
Duffy John, 78 Nicholson st
Dudloy Tlios., 17 Teiopcn st, Redfern
Dugmorc J . J., 23 Fairmouiit st, Petersh'm
DuffV John, Whistler st, Manly
Dudley W. A., 24 Cooper st. Waterloo
Duguid and Co., Custom, shipping, and
Duffy Joseph. 114 Arthur st
Dudley William, Tilanla st, Randwlek
land agents, 17 Bridge st
Ducnce Mrs. H., 31 Burlltt st, Lelchhi-rdt Dully M., 70 Elliott st, Bnlmain
Duguid George, 20 Darling st, Baluiain
Ducr Miss E., Petersham rd, Marrickville Duffy M., 1 Goddard st, Ersklnevilic
Duffy M.,Fothcrliighain st, Marrickville Duguid J. P., Jersey rd, Burwood
Duer Ed ward, Marlbonmghst, Drummoyne
Duguid Miss M., Burlington rd, H'bush
Duffy M., butcher, Perouserd, Randwlek
Duer J. S., 240 Victoria rd. Murriokvil 1 Duffy Miss, private hospital, 20 Macleay st Duhigg Mrs. M., 73 Watkin st, Newtown
Duesbury George, Gordon rd, Arncliffe
Duignn K„ Phillip st, Redfern
Du Faur and Gerard, ( n . 0. Kensteon) Duffy P. J., Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby
Duigan Thomas, 71 Thomson st
Duffy Pntriok, 42 Pino st
pastoralists' agents, 60 Pitt st
Duignan Patrick 20 Wells it, Annnndnlo
Du Faur K., F.R.G.S., J.P., president Dully Patrick, 43 Marion st, Leichhardt Duke Alfred, Clisdell st
National Art Gallery of N.S.W., Duffy Fairies, Wolsolcy rd, Point Plinr Duke Benjamin, 27 Charles st
Domain: p.r.," Flowton," Turrnmurra
Duke Charles E., Hunter st, Parramatta
Roger, 7 Groso st, Camperdown
I )n Faur E. F., J.V., Kurrlug-gni Chssu rd, Duffy
Duke Christophtr, 1 Clayton st, Balnmin
Duffy Mrs. T. H.. Bobbin id, Pymblo
Duke Chris., Francis st, Rookwood
Duffy Thomas, 173 Cumbcrlnnd st
Duff Hugh and Co., auctioneers and valua- Duffy Thomas, Cook's ltlver rd, St. Peters Duke Edward, 20 Lovoy st
tors, hoUBC, land and estate agents283 Duffy Thos., Unwin'a Bridge rd St. Peter* Duke G., Sydney rd, Granvillo
Oeorgo st, mid Victoria ave, Oh'wood
Duncan Mrs. F„ 653 Durllngist. Rozcllo
Duncan F. M., Wold's nvc, Hurstville
Duncan Frederick, Norton st, Manly
Duncan Frcdk., Wright st, Granville
Duncan Mrs. George, 73 Smith st, Rozellc
Duncan G. H., 11 Skelton st, Lclchhnrdt
Duncan George, Brcum st, Coogce
Duncan H., Dcnlson Bt, Manly
Duncan Mrs. H. H., 84 Norton st, L'hardt
Duncan Herbert H., Queen st, Auburn
Duncan Mrs. I., Dcrwent Bt. Forest Lodge
Duncan J., 35 Leicester st. Paddington
Duncan J., Inspector of Nuisances, Town
Hall, George Bt
Duncan Mrs. J., 9 Cambridge Bt. Stanmorc
Duncan Miss J., Bcmbridgc st, Carlton
Duncan J. W., stntionmaster, St. Leonards
Duncan James, 42 Liverpool rd, Ashflcld
Duncan James, Bay Bt, Botany
Duncan James, J.P., 13 Arundel tcr, Forest
Duncan James, Warren rd, Marrickvillc
Duncan James, Focky Point rd, Rookdale
Duncan James, Nancarrow place, Rydc
Duncan John, 2 Central rd, Ashlleld
Duncan John J., McKcuzic st, Rozcllo
Duncan John, 38 Red Lion st, Rozcllo
Duncan John, Arthur st, Manly
Duncan John, 1 Alfred st, Waverley
Duncan John H., Alexander st, N. Sydney
Duncan Joseph, 55 Sittlo Bclmore st
Duncan L., 107 Raglan st, Waterloo
Duncan Margaret, 37 Lcichhordt st, Glebe
Duncan Miss, 23 Rush st, Woollahra
Duncan P., Royal hotel, Church st, Rydc
Duncan Miss l i . Short st, Woollahra
Duncan Thomas,Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby
Duncan Thos, Rocky Point rd, Rockdale
Duncan Thomas E., 6 Kent st, Newtown
Duncan W., builder, 13GJ Phillip st
Duncan W., J.P., Cabramatta rd, Mosman
Duncan W., 43 Excelsior st, Lclchhardt
Duncan W., 11 Gordon st, Paddington
Duncan W., Castlcrcagh st, Redfern
Duncan W. G„ 9 Cambridge st, Stanmorc
Duncan William, 480 Wattle st
Duncan William, Luland Bt, Botany
Duncan Win, Carlton park, Kogarah Bay
Duncan William, 7 Hordernst, Newtown
Proprietors of The Mercantilo Agency Duncan William, 00 Bank Bt, North Sydney
—N. S. Green, General Manager for Duncan William, Alfred st, Rozellc
Duncan William J., 5 Bourke st
Australasia, 61 York st
Dun Mrs. P. H., Church st. Hunter's Hill Duncanson R„ 27 Perry st, Marrickvillc
Dun William S., Ferdinand st, Hun. Hill Dunckcur Carl, 82 Elswick Bt, Lcichhardt
Dunban Reuben, 04 Oxford st, Woollahra Dunckenr G., 33 Windsor Bt, Paddington
Dunban .Mrs. S. 62 Oxford Bt, Woollahra Dnnckley George, 40 Little Mbion Bt
Duncombe Mrs. Agnes, 244 Forbes st
Dunbar Daniel, 00 Allen st, Lclchhnrdt
Dundas Council Chambers—John SaunDunbar David, Arthur st, Ashflcld
ders, council clerk, Marsden st, Dundas
Dnntur Hugh, George st, Parramatta
Dundas Police Station — Michael W.
Dunbar James, 225 Evanstt, Rozellc
Dunbar John, 61 Carshnltou st, ABhficld
Howard, 'Marsden st, Dundas
Dunbar Mrs. Kate, 45 Arthur sr, Aehfield Dundas Post Office—P. Ryan, postmaster,
Dunbar L , 81 Underollffe st, Neutral Bay
Kissing Point rd. Erminpton
Dunbar Mrs. M.. 124 Rowntree Bt, B'ninln Dundas Public School—A. D. Sellars,
Dunb.ir Roderick M., 94 Lennox st.N'town
teacher, Spnrway st, Dundas
Dunbar William, Ap3lcy st, Hurstvillo
Dundas John, Cardigan st, Petersham
Dunbler John, 233 King st, Newtown
Dundas Robert. Mosley st, Btrathflcld
Duncalfe and Co., hat and helmet manu- Dundas Thomas, 251 Victoria st
facturers, 0 Elizabeth st
Dundas W. F„ PIcton st, North Botany
Duncan and Maclndoe, printers, 88J Dundon John, Bridge st, Drummoyno
Bathurst Bt
Dundon John, Third ave, Rookwood
Duncan A. O., 148. Wyndham at. Alox'dria Dundon Patrick, Third avc, Rookwood
Duncan Albert, Grove st, Marrlckvlllo
Dunccn W. H., Effingham st, Mosman
Duncan Alex.. Myahgnh rd, Mosman
Dunford Robert J., Small st, Woollnhra
Duncan Mrs. O., 91 Bank st, North Sydney Dnnford Walter, 17 Broughton st, Glebe
Duncan O. B., 2*«t Ernest st, North Sydney Dunford William, 49 Francis st
Duncan Daniel, Hansard st, Waterloo
Dungcy William, 88 Norton st, Lclchhardt
Duncan David, 44 Reynolds st, Balmain
Dunglinson J. D„ 7 Swnnson at. Hrsk'vllle
Duncan David, 61 St. John's rd, F. Lodge Diinhill Miss A., Fittwn'cr rd, Manly
Duncan David, Tramway st, N. Botany
Dunhill Edward S., solicitor, 1 Bllgh st;
Duncan David O., 84 Bradford st, Balma'n
p.r. Elsie ft Homebush
Duncan Mrs. E., 80 Cnnhnlton st. AshflcM Dunk A., PcterBhum rd, Marrlckville
Duncan Miss F., 101 George st west
Dunk A. K„ tobacconist, 7 Oxford st
Duke Hnrry, 00 Day st, Lclchhardt
Duke Henry, 004 Darling st, Rozcllo
Duke Jauics, 44 Thomas st, Redfern
Duke John, 41 M»y st, Newtown
D lko John J., 10 Albert Bt, Erskinevlllc
Duke Mrs. Sophia, Piltwutcr nl, Manly
Duke William F., Wiggins Bt, Botany
Duker Alfred, 49 Bathurst st
Dukes Alfred, 150 Liverpool st
Dulboywltch L , 800 Elizabeth st
Duley George W., Red Lion hotel, Purrumattn rd, Abbotsford
Dulwich Hill Post Office—Miss Isaacs, Canterbury New rci, Dulwich Hill
Dulwlch Hill Publlo School—J. T. Yonll,
Seavicwst, Dulwich Hill
Dumas Armnnd, Wold's avc, Hurstville
Dumas E. W., Ourlewis st, Bondi
Dumbarton, O. H., Hawkhurst st, M'villo
Dumbarton Charles, Silver st, St. Peters
Dumble Mrs. A., IS Central rd, Ashflcld
Dtimbrcll George, J.P., master Public
School, Victoria nl, Hydalmero
Dumbrell H., 44 Ferry st, Mnrriokvllle
Dumbrell R., 03 Westmoreland st, F. Lodge
Dumbrell Randall, 70 Dcnman st. Glebe
Dumbrell W , 76 Mort st, Balmain
Duminy Mrs. S., 309 Cleveland st, Redfern
Dummcr Benj., Johnston st, Aunandale
Dummcr Benj.. View st, Annandale
Dummer Mrs. J., 31 Cowpcr st, Waverley
Dummett A., l'-'2 Bullauaming st, Rcdfcrn
DummettGeorge, 229 Glebe rd, Glebe
Dummctt Miss H., 55 May st, Newtown
Dummctt Jnmcs, 08 Darling st, Glebe
Dummett Joseph, 37 Tnlfordst, Glebe
Dummett Miss M. A., 25 Dcnman st, Glebe
Dumolo Mrs. A., 12 Lincoln st, N. Sydney
Dumolo Miss 11., headmistress, St. Philip's
Kindergarten. Grosvenor st
Dumont Felix, Wollongong rd, Arncllffe
Dumont Henri, Premier st, Kogarah
Dumont Peter, 57 Clarence lauo
Du Moulin Nurse, 22 James st, N. Sydney
Dumvcrcll Arthur, 138 Maria st, N'ton-n
DUN R. G. & CO.
Dunk Davl I, 60 Jersey rd, Paddington
Dunk Edwin, 407 Crown st
Dunk Mrs. Lyllf, 14 Pitt st, Redfern
Dunk W. H , 300 Canterbury Now rd, Dulwich Hill
Dunk W. IT., 10 P i t t st, Rcdfcrn
Dunk W. M„ 10 Wilson st, Ashflcld
Dunker Frank, 80 Ouuberland st
Dunkcrley B , 39 Albion st, Paddington
Dunkcrley O., 22 Klngsclenrrd, Alexandria
Dunkcrley Fiank, 108 Evans st, Rozellc
Dunkcrley John, H U T I S st, North Botany
Dunkerley H , 301 Eilniuin rd, Lclchhardt
Dunkcrley W. H., 287 Henderson rd,
Dunkln Alfred, Trafalgar Bt, Annandnlc
Dunkln John, sen , 20 Queen st, Glebe
Dunkin John H., High st, Bexley
Dunkln W., 312 Stanmore rd, Marrlckville
Dunkley Arthur G , chemist, Burwood rd,
Dunkley Ernest, South st, Granville
Dunkley G, 166 Underwood st, Paddington
Dunkley Rev. Gcorgo (Cong.), Church st,
Dunkley John, 3 Bent st, Potcrsham
Dunks 0., 24 Rosebcry st, Balmain
Dunks Frederiok, 11 Thomas st, Balmain
Dunks Mrs. H , 2 Wlsbeaoh fit, Rozellc
Dnnlea M., 92 Burlington st, N. Sydney
Dunlea Mrs. W., 347 Harris st
Dunleavey J. N., Adelaide st, Woollahra
Dunleavy E., 00 Arthur Bt, Ashflcld
Dunleavy James, Wallace st, Concord
Dunleavy James, 4 Rush st, Woollahra
Duuleavy John, 26 Bay st, Globe
Duulop Jas. and Co (1900), Ltd., Glasgow,
manufacturers of steel boilers and
ship's plates, " Culver Bank " braud,
Robert Guthrie, agent, 205 Clarence st
150 Clarence st, Sydney, manufacturers
of India Rubber Goods, Cycle Tyres,
Vehicle Tyres, Rims, &c. Tel. 1809.
O. O. Sherwood, manager.
Dunlop A., Terrace rd, Marrickville
Dnnlop Andrew, 01 Grose st, Camperdown
Dunlop Arthur, Alfred Bt, Rozellc
Duulop Frcdk. C, Customs agent, Woolbroker's chambers, Young s t ; p.r.,
Pittwnter rd, Manly
Dunlop G., 45 Kensington rd. Summer Hill
Dunlop G. W., Elizabeth st, North Sydney
Dunlop Harold, 97 Moncur st, Woollnhra
Dunlop Henry, 15 John'st, Newtown
Duulop Henry, 37 Yulo st Potcrshnm
Dunlop Hugh, 10 Kwell st, Rozcllo
Dunlop J. O., 69 Green's rd, Fnddlngton
Dunlop John, 31 Samuel st
Duulop John, Ooogeo st, Randwick
Dunlop John S., Burwood rd, Burwood
Dunlop Joseph, Kimberlcy rd, Hurstville
Dunlop Mrs. L , 55 Edwin st, Croydon
Dunlop Mrs. Lucy, 384 Cleveland at
nunlop Mrs. It., Esplanade oast, Manly
Dunlop T., 40 Qlenviow st, Paddington
Dunlop Thonins, 40 Arthur st, Balmain
Dunlop Thomas, 09 Foucart Bt, Rozellc
Dunmall Charles, Hastings rd, Botany
Dunman Miss E., 203 Nelson st, Annnudale
Dunmoro Wlllinm, 09 Boundnry st
Dunn H. T. and Co., printers, Queen's place
Dunn A , 21 Bank st. North Sydney
Dunn A , 2 Klthani st, LcwiBham
Dunn A. O, 27 Edgecliffe rd, Woollahra
Dunn A. J„ 02 Young st, Annandnlc
Dunn A. W., 140 Elswick st, Lelchhnrdt
Dunn Albert, 278 Castlcrcagh st
Dunn Albert, 11 Dunn st, Forest Lodge
& & ' T h S M )
Dunn Alexander, 93 Bay st, Glebe
Dunn Mrs. M , Ramsgate rd, Sans Souoi
Dunphy E , Dungate inn, corner CastleDunn Alexander, 57 Gloucester st
Dunn Mrs, M , 20 Queen nc, Woollahra
rcagli and Liverpool sts
Dunn Alex, 12 Evcleigh st, Redfern
Dunn Mrs. Mary, 6 Nithsdulo st
Dunphy Myles, 342 Aunandalo st, An'daln
Dunn Alfred, Cowpcr st, Parramatta
Dunn Mrs. Martha, 3« Wigram rd, Globe Dunphy Willium J , 234 Goulburu st
Dunn Alfred, Gibbes st, Rockdalo
Dunn Michael, 16 Harrington st
Dunrich E. A , Grosvenor st, Woolluha
Dunn Arthur, 15 Saber st, Woollaimi
Dunn Michael, 38 Hecloy st, Paddlngtou
Duurloh Mrs. M , 88 Flinders st
Dunn 0., off Parramatta rd, Abbotsford
Duun Micharl, Young st, Rcdfcrn
Dunscombe E. B , 22 Charles st, Newtown
Dunn O. II., 412 Sussex st
Dunn P , 49 Old Canterbury rd, P'sham
Dunsford Mrs. H. L , 5 Moonbic st, S. Hill
Dunn Charles, 162 Elizabeth Bt
Dunsford Mrs. M, ]0 Thomas st, Ashflold
Duun Peter, 30 Joseph st, Ashlleld
Dunn Charles, 170 Albion st, Annnudale
Dunsford Mrs, Raglan st, Manly
Dunn 11, Albert par, Ashflcld
Dunn Charles, Eastern nv, Kensington
Dunsford W , Great North rd, Abbotsford
Dunn it., Weston st, Bankstown
Dunn Chris., 4 Dorlins st, Redfern
Dunshca Alfred, High st, Willoughby
Dunn R„ 107 Olovoland st, Redfern
Dunn OhriBtophcr, 15 Mary Ann st
Dunshca Charles, 9 Milton st, Ashlleld
Dunn ll. A , 93 Henrietta st, Waverley
Dunn Daniel, 15 Pitt st, Redfern
Dunshca F , 139 Old Canterbury rd, P'sham
Dunn Robert,6 Prospect st
Dunn E., Oronuulla st, Hurstvilln
Duun Robert, 3 Shepherd Bt, Darlington Dunshca Mrs. F. W, 13 Doriast, N.Sydney
Dunn E., 14 Victoria st Paddington
Dunshea Isnao, Eustace st, Manly
Dunn Robert, 99 Cowper st, Glebo
Dunn E. C , J.P., importer and agent, 10 Dunu Robert J., Wcstou st, Bankstown
Dunshca Mrs. if. A , Cowle's rd, Mosman
Elizabeth st
Dunsmore Jus., Uavclook st, Drummoyne
Dunn S., 27 Regent st, Summer Hill
Dunn Mrs. E. C, 9 Norton st, Ashflcld
Dunsmore John, 01 O'Conncll st, Newtown
Dunn Samuel, 41 Roseby st, Lcichhardt
Dunn Mrs. E. J , 13 Glenview st, Pad'ton Dunn Samuel, 28 Bank at, North Sydney
Dunsmore Robert J„ Lnne Cove rd, Pymble
Dunn E., W. T., J.I', (partner Hellst.om Dunn T. J , 203 Glebe rd, Glebe
Dunsmore W , Crinau st, Canterbury
Dunn and Co.) Consul for Brazil, 6 Dunn Rev. T. W. (Prcs.), 37 Albemarle st, Dmistan Rev.CharlesO, IS Harrington st,
Mucquuric place ; p.r., 43 St. John's
rd. Forest Lodge
Dunn Thomas, 14 Judge st
Dmistan Rev. Edward Tremaync, 256
Dunn Edward, 146 Bond! rd,Boudl
Dunn Thomas, 93 Cowper st,Glebe
Crown st
Dunn Edward, 20 Gamer's av JIar'villo
Dunn Thomas, Kemp st, North Granville
Dunstan F. J., 48 Carlisle st, Lclchhardt
Dunn Edward, 49 William st, Fuddlngton Dunn Thomas, 23<i William st, Redfern
Dunn Edward, Cambridge st, Vauclu^e
Duun Thomas O, 3 Macuulay st, L'hardt Dtinstan George, 8 Hart Bt
Dmiston J , Sydney rd, Manly
Dunn Edwin, Gore st, Ariicllffi'
Dunn Thomas J , 143 George st west
Dunn F., 08 Klugsclcar rd, Alexandria
Dunn Thomas W, Christie st, St. Leonards Duustun d i p t . James, King st, Ashflcld
James W , Moreo st, Gordon
Dunn Capt. P., 18 Blue's pt rd, N. Sydney Dunn W , 40 Victoria st, Noi til Sydney
Dunstan John, Woodland st, Canterbury
Dunn F , New South Head rd, Vnucluse
Duun W , Rocky Pt. rd, Rockdale
Dunstan John, Crouulla st. Hurstville
Dunn F. C , manager Bank of New South Dunn \V, Quarry rd, Hyde
Dunstan John, 10 McKenz it, Rozellc
Wales (Sussex st branch) 32-34 Q. V Dunn W. E , school, 7 Regent st, P'sham
Dunstan John, 22 North st, i,eiolihardt
Markets; p.r, 61 Walker Bt, N. Sydney Dunn Wolter, off 19 Yurong st
Dunstan R , 25 Carlisle st, Ashlleld
Dunn F. J , Portman Bt, Waterloo
Dunn Walter J , Edward st, Bond
Dunn Fred, SO Silver st, Marrlckville
Duun William, Spencer's lane, Alexandria Dunstan Robert, 31 Hillst, Lcichhardt
Dunn Fred., Spofforth st, Neutral Bay
Dunn Wllliau>, 44 Edward st, Marrickvillc Dunstan William, 70 Darling st, Glebo
Dunn Frederick, 29 Aubrey st. Fetcrshnm Dunn William, off 31 Botany st, Redfern Dnnster J. W , 4 3 Willoughby st.N.Sydnoy
Dunton Mrs. A , 12 Hochford st, Ersk'vllle
Dunn Frcdk, Bell st, Vnuolusc
Dunn Wiliam, 66 Blrrell st, Waverley
DuiiBloue Mrs. M , 341 Bourke st
Dunn Mrs. G. A , Military rd, N. Sydney
Dunu William A , Wlllee st, Burwood
Charles. 137 Simmons st, Newtown
Dunn George, Union st, Arncllffe
Dunu William H , 60 Newland st, Waverley
Dunworth 11., Park st, Arncliffe
Dunn George, 21 Groso st, O.unperdown
Dunn Wlllinm J., 113 Bridge rd, Glebe
Dupuln G. Z , 77 Parramatta rd, Ashflcld
Dunn George, 325 Balmain rd, Lcichhard Dunnage G. 0., Prince st, Mosman
Duproy Alfred, Albert st, Botany
Dunn Mrs. George, William st, Rydo
Dunne Mrs. A , 68 Station st, Newtown
Duproy H , 77 Kingsclear rd, Alexandria
Dunn George, j n n . Twin rd, North Rydc limine Miss 0 , 52 Upper Fort st
Dupuis A., Avoca st, Randwick
Dunn Mrs. H.. 80 Ebley st, Waverley
Dunne Brynn, 08 John st
Dupuy Wlllinm, 11 South Bt
Dunn H. G , herbalist, 215 King st, N'town Dunne David, 30 Oxford st, Paddington
Dupuys Lewis, 96 Regent st
Dunn H. L , 11 Westmoreland st, V. Lodge Dnune David. Beatrice st, Rookwoou
Duraok John, 99 Klppax st
Dunn Henry, Derby st, Vuucluso
Dunne Mrs. K,60 Mill Hill rd, Waverley
John, Terry st, St. Peters
Dunn Henry T , Grosvenor st,Woollahra
Dunne George, River rd, Lnne Covo
Durnck Lawrence J , dentist, 135 MneDunn J., Garnet st, Canterbury
Dunne John, 138 Duke st
Dunn Miss J. I I , Junction st, N. Sydney
Dunne Michael, 142 Morohead st, Redfern
quariect; p.r, Mandnlongrd,Mosman
Dunn J.
C, flour merchant, agent Dunne Michael E , 02 Dcnman st, Glebe
Duraek Thomas, Newmarket hotel, 198
Adelaide Milling Co, 173 Sussex s t ; Dunne Thomas, 50 Washington st
Elizabeth st
p.r., Nelson st, Woollahra
Dunnctt J , grocer, 35 Harris st
Duraud Harry, 14 Fit: er. M st, Waverley
Dunn J . J , 1 Brougham st, Glebe
Duuiictt J. S , 0) Cambridge st, Pad'ton
John (Bristol), druggists'sundries
Dunn James, manager Redfern Shot Fac Dunnctt W. 0„ 124 Flood st, Leichhardt
—Stivers Allport Proprietary, Ltd..
Dunnicliff A, A , Cross st. Double Buy
tory, Phillip st, Redfern
agcuts, 4 O'Oonnell st
Dunniellff Miss G, 18 Bruco st, Petcrshain
Dunn J a s , carrier, 97 Dowlingst
Durant G. E , manager Federal Flue Art
Dunning Albert, Botany rd, Alexandria
Dunn .Ins, 33D Elizabeth st
Manufacturing Jewellery Co, 139 York
Dunning Alex, 193 Darling st, Balmain
Dunn Jas., 16 Judge st
Dunning Mrs. H , 183 Glcumorc rd, Pad'ton
Dunn Jos., 28 O'Connor st
Dunning J., 114 Wyndham st, Alexandria Durbln G , Lyne Bt, Alexandria
Dunn James, 70 Pine st
Durbln If, 40 Shepherd st, Darlington
Dunning .1. E , Corunna rd, Petersham
Dunn Jnmcs, 28 Sydney st, Ersltinovillc
Dunning John, J . P , nansnrd st, Waterloo Durbln Robert, Charles st, Lcichhardt
Dunu James, 3 Spring st, Paddington
Dunning Mrs. M, 08 Wyndham st, A'drla Durbin Mrs. S , 8 Albert grove, Aslifield
Dunn James, Cowan rd, St. Ives
Durbln William, Church st, Parramatta
Dunning Matthew, 8 Day terrace
Dunn Jnmcs W , Frogiuore st, N Botany
Durcs George, 90 Hunter st
Dunning Thomas, 300 Riley st
Dunn Mrs. June, Third ave, Rookwood
Dunnliu Thomas H, restaurant, 487-489 Durcs Willium, Botany st Hurstville
Dnnn Jenuettc, AV. J'flers Jiotel, Cook's
Durst E , Arthur st, North Sydnoy
George st
River rd, St. Peters
Dunning W , 63 Underoliffo st, N'tral Bay Durham nnd Earnshaw, contractors, 327
Dunn John, 37 Liverpool st
Olevelnnd F ), Redfern
Dunn John, 42 Salisbury st, Camperdown D U N N I N G " W A L T E R E . , Tin Worker Durham A. G. H , representing Union
Dunn John, 106 King st, Newtown
and Canister Manufacturer, Milk Cuiisi
Shirt Co., Ltd., 410. Gcorgo s t ; p.r.
Dunn John, Mary place, Paddington
Biscuit, Lolly and Tea Tins, tic,
•'Wundello," Albert st, Rosovil e
Duun John, Zamla st, Redfern
faithfully made, 35 and 37 Goulburu Durham Daniel, 25 Cove Bt, Balmnln
Dunn John, 7 Georgo at, Waterloo
st, city. Established, 1895
Durham Daniel, SO Thomas st, Bnlmaln
Duun John D , 81 Edgowurc rd, Newtown Dunning W. J , 27 Edward st, Redfern
Durhoin David, 6 Wellington st, Newtown
Dunn Johnson, Breillat st, Aunandalo
Dunning Willlim, 51 Thurlow st, Redfern Durhnm George, 8 Ennis st, Balmain
Dunn Joseph, 18 Irving st
Cunningham A , 141 Dowling st
Durhnin Mrs. J., Railway cres, Prospect
Dunn Lewis P , Grosvenor st, Woollahra Dunninghum John, gnugekecper, Gas Durham Miss Jnne, 340 Darling st, B'main
Dunn Luke, O'Conncll st, Parramatta
Stniion, George st, Camperdown
Durham John, 17 Church st
Dunn Mrs. M, 87 Trafalgar Bt, Annandale Dunnlon Thomas, 90 Wells st, Newtown
Durham Joseph; Oolloge st, Drummoyne
D wight James, 98« Cameron Bt, Puildlngton Dyer Alfred, Botany rd, Alexandria
Dyer Alfred, Eric st, Artnrmon
Dwight James, Joseph st, Rookwood
Dyer Alfred, 80 Reynolds st, Balmain
Dwlgbt William, 60 Bourko st, Redfem
Dwlght William T„ Avoca st, Rand wick Dyer Annie, (treat Northern hotel, 241
Dwycr Mrs. A., 10 William st, Paddlngton
George st
Dwyer Mrs. A. M., S46J Sussex st
Dyer Charles, Hnll st, Aubnm
Dwycr Alfred, Wallace st Kogaruh
Dyer Clement, Caledonia st, Bcxley
Dwycr 0 . P., 1 Albion st, Auunndale
Dyer Enos, builder, 24 Jamleson st
Dwyer Dan, 288 Oastlereagh st
Dyer F. JL, 320 Miller st. North Sydney
Dwycr Denis, First uve, Rookwood
Dyer P. 8., 02 James st, Leichhardt
Dwyer Mrs. E., BO Dcnlson st, Woollahra Dyer Francis, 68 Wellington st, Newtown
Dwyer E. J., J.P., 26 Windsor st, Pad'ton Dyer Frederick, 10 Weinyss st
Dwycr Edmund, Burleigh st, Burwood
Dyer Frederick W., 51 Ultimo rd
Dwycr Eugene, 4 Samuel »t
Dy«r Mrs. G. T,, 33 Oarlow st west.N. Syd.
For a B R I G H T HOME Fapei Dwycr
Frank R., 81) George st, Waterloo Dyer George, Moore st, Drummoyne
Dwyer Frederick, 7 Evans st, Rozelle
Dyer Henry, Hampden rd, Abbotsford
Dwyer G., S6 University st. Camperdown Dyer Henry, 113 Wvndham Bt, Alexandria
T e l e p h o n e s , 615 a n d 6 6 1 .
Dwyer G., 0 Ridge st. North Sydney
Dyer Henry, 28 Chapel st, Mnrrlckvillc
Dwycr George, Darghnn lane, Globe
Dyer Horace, 67 Louis st, Redfern
Dyer MIBS Isabella, 23 Nithsdalc st
General Mannjer. Dwycr George, 1(1 Toxtcth rd, Glebo
Dwyer Jl„ 40 Paddlngton-st, Paddlngton Dyer J. W., 35 Oarlow st west, N. Sydney
Dwyer Henry, 103 Morehcad st, Redfern Dyer Jesse, grocer, 145 George st
Darhnm MisB typist, Equitable building, Dwyer Mrs. Isabel, 47 Wlgram r j , Glebe Dyer Jesse, 84 Chapel st, Marrlokvllle
George st
Dwyer J., grocer, 1)5 Bourko st
Dyer Jesse W.. 123 Dowling st
Durhnin Miss, 21 Albert ft
Dwyer J., Livingstone rd, Marriekvllle
Dyer John, 14 Shepherd st, Marrickville
Durham W., 1 RoBcbory plnce, Balmain
DwyerJ., 207 Abercrombic st, Redfern
Dyer John, 27 Comber st, Paddlngton
Durham William, 05 Regent Bt, Redfern Dwycr J. E., 302 Cleveland st
Dyer John, Petersham st, Petersham
Durlo Walter, 1 Little's avc, Bulmnin
Dwyer Miss J. P., typist, 1 llowo st
Dyer John W., Canonbury grove, Mar'villc
Du Jllcu II. J., 376 Victoria Bt
Dwyer Miss J. P., Holdsworth av,'
Dyer Miss, teacher of music, 0 Hunter st
I)u Bleu Louis, .12 Great Barcom st
Dwyer J. W., 16 Little Norton st
Dyer Nathaniel, St. Peters st, St. Peters
Durknn Michael, Fletcher Bt, Woollnlira
Dwyer James, 44 Kensington st
Dyer Nell, 36 Gibbes st, Rockdale
Diirnlng Jas., 8 Paul St, Balmnfn
Dwycr Jas., Mercantile Jtoirtnu Club hotel, Dyer S., 01 Ijiura st, Newtown
Durning .Tolm, 10.') Darling Bt, Dnlmaln
S. n., Uayview rd, Bexlcy
3 Gloucester st
Durning W., 8 Aveiiue,Halniaiii
Dyer V., Conncmarra st, West Kogarnh
Durno A. E„ pharmaceutical chemist, 181 Dwyer John, 286 Oastlereagh st
V., Prances st, Prospect
Dwyer John, 330 Crown st
Pitt Bt. Tel. 2626
Dyer William, Sloper st, Kensington
Durno Alexander 15., Raglan Bt, Mnsinan Dwyer John, 02 Jnrrettst, Loichhardt
Dyer William, 10 Wavorlcy st, Randwick
Dwyer John, 21) Lamb st, Leichhardt
Durrau John T., Sutherland st, Auburn
Dvkc J., Cowan rd, St.. Ives
Dwjcr John, 38 Egan Bt, Newtown
Dtirrance John, 68 Raglan st, Waterloo
Dyke William 11., Short st, Woollahra
Durrant Mrs. Ellen, 7 Alberta Bt
Dykes A. K., librarian, Railway Institute,
Durrant Rii'hnrd, Bnyswa'er rd, D'moync Dwyer John P., Hale rd, Mosman
Devonshire st
Dwyer Mrs. K., 47 Oxford st, 1'addington
Durrant W., 105 George •., Waterloo
James, Factory st, Parramatta
Durrant Win, If., Bnyswater rd. D'mojne
John, J.P., produce merchant, 146
Durfell A., 70 Morgan Bt Mnrrlckvillc
st ; p.r., New South Head rd,
George st, Camperdown
Durrell E.." Luyscroft," Bridge st, D'moyne
Durrell E. 0., 70 Morgan >t, Jlarrlckville
Dwycr M. M., 212 Underwood st, Pad'ton Dyklns J. W., 128 Kent st
DuiToll G. L., Bridge st, Drummoyne
Dykstra William, 102 Cleveland st
Durrell G.W.,architect,A.IU.U.A.,Terry'* Dwyer Matthew, 20 Calder rd, Redfern
Dyinant Alfred, Belmont st, Alexandria
Dwycr Owen, off Allison rd, Guildford
chambers, 14 OaBtloreagh s t ; p.r., Dwyer Mrs. P., Gladesvllle rd, Gladesvillo Dymant Charles, 68 Cooper st
Lyons rd, Drummoyno
Dwycr Patrick, 14 P.lfred Bt, Paddlngton Dymock Mrs. 15., 19 Bartlett st, Sum. Hill
Durrell Mrs. J. T„ EdgeclllTo rd, W'Mlirn Dwyer Philip, 4 Hannam st
Dymook Mrs. J.W., 7 .Mount st, N. Sydney
D n n i ! J.W., 14 Cunningham fit.N. Sydney Dwycr S. L., Nortliwood st, Camperdown Dymock John, Cook's River rd, St. Peters
Dusnuntoy. Mrs. M., Cook's River rd, St. Dwycr Stephen, 129 Womerab avc
Dymock Miss, artist, 99a Pitt st
Dwycr T., 2 Yaralla fit, Newtown
Dusoy Mrs. A., 34 Charles st, P. Lodge
Dwyer Thomas, Belmont st, Alexandria
LIBRARYDuslnbury J.. Doncastcr av. Kensington Dwyer Thomas. 74 Hugo st, Redfern
Stutioucrs, Publishers, and Fancy
Dutch A., 20 McKcnzle st, Leichhardt
Dwyer Thomas, 112 Spring st, Wavcrley
Goods Importers, 428 George st
Dutli'e Joseph, 60 Angel st, Newtown
Dwycr Timothy, Queen st, Mosman
Dyruond T. W., 0 Mlsscnden rd, Newtown
Dutrlei Henry, wool buyer, 17 Loftus st
Dwyer Vincent, Weston rd, Rozelle
Dynon John, Son and Co., china, glass, and
Dutton 0., Lt. Gcorge'H cres, Drummoyne Dwyer W., 6 Bland st, AshOeld
earthenware importers, 206 George st
Dutton Charles, tobacco merchant, 773 Dwycr W.. Penkivil st, Wtlloughby
Dynon Michael, 39 Rlilge st
George st
Dwycr W. T., 26 Herbert st. Summer Hill Dyson
Alfred, 4 Wyndham st, Alexandria
Dutton James, 20 Prosper st, Rozelle
Dwyer William, Forest rd, Hurstvllle
Dutton Mrs. M., Grand par, Brighton- c- Dwyer William, Premier st, Marriekvllle Dyson Arthur, 97 Palmer st
Mrs. B.. 44 Metropolitan rd, N'town
Dwycr William, 144 Klug st, Newtown
Dyson Mrs. E., 166 Devonshire st
Dutton W., 50 Church st, Balmain
Dyason A., 70 Albion st, Annandalc
Edward, Bayview rd, Boxley
Dntton Wllllnm, 7 Mansfield st, Rozelle
Dyason Francis, Gordon rd, Klllara
Duval and Browne, oolonial rubber works, Dyason Joshua, 100 Edith st, Leichhardt Dyson P., livery stables and farrier, 156
Hampden st, 1'addington
Dyball .Martha, 8 Darghan st, Glebe
Dyson Frank, J.P., Gordon rd, Killara
Duval K„ Marrlckvi le rd, Marrlekvlllo
Dyball Reuben, sen.. 4 Crown st. Glebe
Duval ICrnest, Church st, Marriekvllle
Dycho Mrs. A., luncheon rms, 08 Erskinost Dyson F. Thorpe, wine bodega, 33 Rowe et
Dyson G., flour merchant, Post Office
Duval T. W., 84 Mount st, North Sydney Dyo Alfred, 614 Cleveland st
chambers, 114a Pitt st
Daval Thomas W„ Military rd, Mosman
Dye Frank, Wazlcr st, Amcliffc
Dyson George, grocer, 176 Crown st
Duval William, 207 I'yrmont st
Dye Fredk., 157 Victoria st. Lewlshatn
George, J.P.,Grosvcnorst, Woolla'ra
Duvall James, Cooper st, Concord
Dye John, K'3 Lord Bt, Newtown
Dyson Henry, 138 Station st, Newtown
Dnvalll Miss C, 79 Darliughurst rd
I )yo Mrs. M., Warren rd, Marnckvillc
Dyson Jdhn, hairdresser, 630 George et
Du Venict If. Stirling, dental surgeon, Dye ()., 42 Taylor st, Annandalc
Dyson John, 37 Aiercrombie st, Rcdfcru
18Sa Liverpool s t : p.r., 13 Orinoud st, Dye S. J., Weston rd, Somerset Park
Dyson Joseph, Cook's River rd, St. Peters
Dyo W. E., Albert Bt Burwood
DuvillicrL., woolbuyar, 17 Loftus st
Dyer A. 15., J.P., 85 West st, North Sydney Dyson Mrs. M. M., 63 Parramatta rd,
Daxbury Andrew, 4!) Ivy Bt, Rcdfcrn
Dyer F. H. nud Co., tea brokers and nnC'
Dyson T. G., insurance agent, 180 George
Duxbnry Arthur, ISMiiney et, Rozelle
st west
tlonccre, Exchange, 66 Pitt st
Duxbury L., Unlvorsil st. North Botany
Dyson William, Carlton st
Dyer Albert, 15 Wilton st
Dwnnc James, Hale rd, Mosman
/II«adOfficM: 810 Georges
V Street South. 'Phono ml
EACOTT JOHN, 38 Burren st, Erskineville
Eucott W., 70 George st, Erskincvillc
Kudo Mrs. H., 77 Oastlereagh st, Redfern
Eado Mrs. H., 18 Hcnson st, Summer Hill
Eado Henry, 18 Hcnson st, Summer Hill
Eado O. E., Hamstead rd, Flemington
Eades George, Wolseley st west, Kogarah
Eades Mrs. T.n., sen., Pennant st, P'matta
Katies Thomas H., Pennant st, Parramatta
Eadle James and Son—J. Barre Johnston
and Co., agents, 20 Loftus st
Eadio J . M., Nicholson st, Burwood
Hadic James, Iceton st, Burwood
Eadle John M., Stanley st, Burwood
Eadle R., Joseph st. Rookwood
Eadle Mrs. Sarah, Eglinton st, Rookwood
Eady H., Wollongong rd, Arnollffo
Eady R. T., representing I. and R. Morley
fLondon), 66 Market st J p.r., Badminton rd, Croydon
Eady Walter, 18 Lcwisham st, Dill. Hill
Eagar A. Geoffrey, J.P., public accountant
und taxation adjuster, 3 Bond st
Eagar E. W., Balaclava rd, Marsfleld
Eagar Edward, 167 Bridge rd, Glebo
Eagar Frank A., 35 Boycc st, Globo
Earl John J., Union st, West Kogarah
Eastman and Sons, furniture wurehousc,
Earl L. L., fruit merchant, 11 Steam Mill
Bclmorc rd, Randwick
st j p.r., 197 Glebe Point rd, Glebe
Eastman William, 16 Pring st
Earl Sidney K., 210 Rcdfcrn st, Redfern
Eastmtilr Mrs.C.E., Edward st, W'labra
Earl W., 42 Little Alfred st, North Sydney Eastmuir James II.,6 Mansfield st, Glebe
Earl William, 38 Brougham st
Eastmurc George, 14 Ivy st, Darlington
Earle A.ndrew, 12 Lawst
Eastmuro J. G., 79 Palmer st, Balmain
Earlc Charles, Flood st, Leichhardt
Easton A., Abattoirs rd, Rozelle
Earle F. W. M., 44 Jersey rd, Puddingtou Euston A. G., Parramatta rd, Auburn
Eurlo Harold, 183 Bourke st
Easton Alex., 20 Rowley st, Camperdown
Earle John, plumber, 20 Niokson st
Easton David H., J.P., 80 Glassop st, B'main
Enrlc Miss Rosa, 140 Burton st
Easton G., 100 Annandalc st, Annandalc
Earle William, 13 Margaret st, Newtown Kastou George, Bridge st, Drummoyno
Farley George, 4 Lawson st, Rozelle
Easton George, 12 Heme st, Leichhardt
Parley T., 31 Prospect st. Ersklnevillo
Easton Henry, Bunuerong rd, Botany
Earls Miss C , 428 King st, Newtown
Easton Henry. 148 Frnzerst, Dill. Hill
Earls Mrs. Elizabeth, 29 Denham st
Easton J. A., 51 Thornley st, Leichhardt
Earls John, 428 King st, Newtown
Easton J. M., artist and engraver, 174 The
Earls M., 180 Victoria st
Earls William, 40 Lander st, Ilcdfcrii
Easton Jnmes, 84 Trafalgar st, Annaiidiile
Early Thomas, 141 Stanraorerd, Petersham Easton James, Wentworth st, Parramatta
Knrnell Miss P., 271 Bourko st
Easton John, 7 Victoria st, Alexandria
Earnell Miss P., 9 Underwood st, Pad'ton Easton John, 4 Carlevillo st, Balmain
Earngey George, Groiveuor st, Woollahra Kaston John J., Victoria st, Alexandria
Earngcy Tlios. W, lG44Glenmorerd, P'ton Easton Thomas, 1G King st, Balmain
Earnshuw A. W., 129 Young st, Annandalc Easton W., manager Rowan's Bonded nnd
Earnshaw A. W., 270 West st, N. Sydney
Free Stores, 13-17 Pitt st
Flour Merchants, Mercantile Brokers, etc.,
(Opp. Qcnoral Post Office,),
N.B.~Shown a s " Q . DY80N » in ''FL.OUR MERCHANTS," TRADES SECTION.
.bUK'eauu u n j . ^. ( „ ,,0,,,, 0
Eaglestono Edward, Downey st. Bexley
Eagleton Anthony, 2 Edmund st, Wavcrley
Eagleton E., 16 MoGarviest, Paddingtou
Eagleton E., 4 South st, Paddlngton
Eagleton Miss E., Alton st, Woollahra
Eagleton G., 2S Oliandos Bt, North Sydnoy
Eagleton J„ 11 Little Underwood st, P'ton
Eagleton W„ 17 Stanley st, Camperdown
Eagling Jnmes, 39 Holborow st, Croydon
Ealcs A. W., 8 Allen st, Glebe
Bales Walter J., 33 Morris st, Summer Hill
Eales William, 181 Union st, Eroklncvillc
Eames' Bond and Free Stores—W. P.
Eames, manager, 45-49 Macquarie st,
Circular Quay
Eames W. P., manager Eames' Bond nnd
Free Stores,46-49 Macnuarlest, Circular Quay
Eames Mrs. A ,247 Parramatta rd, An'dale
Eames George, Ernest st, North Sydney
Enmes J. 1L, 300 Oxford st, Paddlngton
Eames W. F., 17 The Avenue. Petersham
Eardley Tbos., King st, Rockdale
Earl F. W. M., 304 Oxford st, Paddlngton
Enrl P<x>rgc, 35 Mullens st, Balmain
Earl! orgc, Mars st, Gladesvillo
Earl George, 100 Bcattie st, Balmnin
Earl Henry, Alexander st, North Sydney
Earl J. E., St. Ann's st, Itydo
East Robert, 37 Reiby st, Newtowu
East W. H., 31 Dulwich st, Dulwich Hill
Eastabrook W. N., S8 Elliott Bt, Balmain
Eastbourne W. II., 9 Oombcr st, Pad'ton
Eastburn John, 15 Napier st, Pad'ton
Eastcrbrook 0., 271 King st, Newtown
Eastcrliug W., Fowler lane, Camperdown
Eastern and Australian Steamship Co.,
Limited — Gibbs, Bright and Co.,
managing agents, 37 P i t t s t ; wharf,
Circular Quay
Eastern Suburbs Cold Storage and Ico Co.,
W. Campbell nnd A. MoKechnic, proprietors, Little Oombcr st, Paddlngton.
Tel. No. 181 Pad.
Eastern Extension Australasia and Ohinn
Telegraph Co., Limited — W. W.
Browning, superintendent; J. A.
Pattio, assistant superintendent, La
Perou?e; city office, Gibbs' Chambers,
7 Moore st
Eastern Suburbs Medical Association—Dr.
J. Adam Diek, hon. sec, " Oatfoss,"
Bclmore rd, Randwick
Eastern Tea Co., 18 King st, Newtown
Eastcs Charles W., 106 Campbell st
Eastcs F. O., 01 Jersey rd, Woollahra
Eastcs G. E.. Wright's rd. Drummoyno
Easthcr W. W., Willoughby rd, Wllloughby
Eastlcy Elias, 75 Young st, Rcdfcrn
Easy Edmund, 126 Ocean st, Bond!
Easy J. A., Tottenham st,'-Prospcct
Easy Mrs. L., Porter st, Wavcrley
Easy W. G., Frenchman's rd, Itandwlok
Easy Winifred, 46 Catherlno st, Leichhardt
Eatch W. II., 122 Evans st, Rojellc
Eather Charles, 112 Wilson st, Redfern
Eather Donald, 119 Lclnsterst
Eather E., Rogers st, Canterbury
Eather Mrs. E., 33 Weston st. Petersham
Eather T. J., 210 Elswlok st, Leichhardt
Eatbcrloy Thomas, Luff st, Rockdale
Uaton Brothers, builders, 215 Miller st,
North Sydney
(Horatio S. Eaton and Georgo Grant,
Directors), Win? Growers, Bukkulln
Vineyard, Invercll; H,;nd Office,
Hardie's chambers, Hamilton st,
Sydney: Ccllnrs, 167-163 Trafalgar st,
Anuaiidale. Tel. No. 947. Agencies
throughout Queensland, New Zealand,
and West Australia: and at Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras
Eaton J. W., Ltd., timber merchants and
sawmills, 73 Blue st, and 21 West Crescent Bt, N. Sydney
Eaton Andrew. 2 James st, North Sydney
Eaton Mrs. E., 7 Stirling st, Kedfcrn
173 EUZABETH ST.-'Phone 1524. SYDNEY.
Dwight James, 08« Cameron st.raddlngton
Dwight James, Joseph st, Uookwood
Dwight William, 60 Bourko st, Redfcrn
Dwight William T„ Avoca st, Randwiok
Dwycr Mrs. A., 10 William st, Paddlngton
Mrs. A. M., 845J Sussex st
F A M I L I E S - Dwycr
Dwyer Alfred, Wallaoo st Kogarah
Dwycr 0 . P., 1 Albion st, Ajinandale
Dwycr Dan, 286 Onstiercngh st
Dwyer Denis, FirBt ave, Hookwood
Dwycr Mrs. E., BO Denlsou st, Woollnhra
Dwyer E. J., J.F., 26 Windsor st, Pad'ton
Dwyer Edmund, Burleigh st, Burwood
Dwyer Eugene, 4 Samuel st
F o r * B R I G H T HOME Paper Dwycr
Frank It., 80 George st, Waterloo
Dwyer Frederick, 7 Evans st, Rozclle
Dwycr G., 28 University st. Camperdown
Telephones, 615 and 661.
Dwyer G., 0 Illdgc st. North Sydney
Dwycr George, Darghan lane, Glebe
General Manager. Dwycr Georgu, 10 Toxte'h rd, Glebe
Dwyer H., 40 Paddlngton-st, Paddlngton
Dwyer Henry, 103 Morebead st, Ilcdfcrn
Durham Miss typist, Equitable building, Dwyer Mrs. iBabcl, 4" Wigram rd, Glebe
George et
Dwyer J., grocer, 0B Bonrkc st
Durham Miss, 21 Albert st
Dwyer J., Livingstone rd, Marrlokville
Durham W., 1 Rosebcry plnce, Bnlmain
Dwyer J., 207 Abcrorombie st, Rerlfern
Durham William, 95 Recent st, Redfcrn
Dyer Alfred, Botany rd, Alexandria
Dyer Alfred, Erio st, Artarmon
Dyer Alfred, 80 Reynolds st, Bulmain
Dyer Annie, (treat Northern hotel, 241
George st
Dyer Charles, Hall st, Auburn
Dyer Clement, Caledonia st, Bexley
Dyer Enos, builder, 21 Jamicson st
Dyer F. H , 320 Miller st, North Sydney
Dyer F. S., 02 James st, Leichlmrdt
Dyer Francis, 68 Wellington st, Newtown
Dyer Frederick, 10 Weniysa st
Dyer Frederick W., 51 Ultimo rd
Dyar Mrs. G. T., 33 0arlow st west.N. Sycl.
Dyer George, Moore Bt, Driiminoyne
Dyer Henry, Hampden rd, Abbotsford
Dyer Henry, 113 Wyndham st, Alexandria
Dyer Henry, 28 Chapel st, Miirrickville
Dyer Horace, 67 Louis st, Redfcrn
Dyer MIBS Isabella, 23 Nithsdalo st
Dyer J. W., 35 Oarlow st west, N. Sydney
Dyer Jesse, grocer, 145 George st
Dyer Jesse, 84 Chapel st, Miirrickville
Dyer Jesse W.. 123 Dowliiig st
Dyer John, 14 Shepherd st, Marriekvillc
Dyer John, 27 Cumber st, Paddlngton
KACOTT JOHN, 38 Durren st, Erskinevlllo
Encott W.. 70 George st, Erskincville
Eado Mrs. H., 77 Castlcrcagh st, Iledfern
Bade Mrs. H., 18 Henson st, Summer Hill
Eado Henry, 18 Henson st, Summer Hill
Eadc O. E., Hnmstcad rd, Flcmington
Eadcs George, Wolseley st west, Kogarah
Eadcs Mrs. T. H., sen., Pcnnnnt st, P'nmtta
Eadcs Thomas H., Pennant st, Parramatta
Eadlc James and Son—J. Barre Johnston
and Co., agents, 20 Loftus st
Eadie J. M., Nicholson st, Burwood
Eadlc James, Icetou st, Burwood
Eadie John M., Stanley st, Burwood
Eadie 11., Joseph st, Hookwood
Eadlo Mrs. Sarah, Egllnton st, Rookwood
Eady H., Wollongong rd, Arneliffe
Eady R. T., representing I. and R. Morley
(London), 50 Market s t ; p.r., Badminton rd, Croydon
Eady Walter, 18 Lewislnim st, Did. Hill
Eagar A. Geoffrey, J.P., public accountant
and taxation adjuster, 3 Bond st
Eagar E. W., Balnclava rd, Marsfleld
Eagar Edward, 107 Bridge rd, Glcbo
Eagar Frank A., 35 Boyco st, Glebo
Eagar George, 00 Fitzroy st
Eagar H. A., estate and financial agent,
6 Moore st
Eagar Harry A , 1511.crcford st, Glebo
Eagar Henry, Spring st, Rockdale
Eager Mrs. M. 8., 36 Dock rd, Balmain
Eager Thco., 40 George st, Hedferu
Eager Thomas, 109 Flinders st
Eager Sydney, 12 Ultimo st
Eager Thomas, 6 Gladstone st, Balmain
. ...
Flour Merchants, Mercantile Brokers, etc.,
(Opp. Qonoral Post Otflco),
N.B.—Shown as " Q. DY80N '
x cbcin
Dusoy Mrs. A„ 34 Charles st, F. Lodge
Dusinbury J.. Doncastcr av. Kensington
Dutch A., 20 McKcnzle st, Lelchhordt
Duthle Joseph, 60 Angel st, Newtown
Dutriez Henry, woolbuyer, 17 Loftus ft
Dutton O.. Lt. George's cres, Drummoync
Dutton Charles, tobneco merchant, 773
George st
Dntton James, 20 Prosper st. Rozelle
Dutton Mrs. M., Grand par, Brighton- eSands
Dutton W., 50 Church st, Balmain
Dutton William, 7 Mansfield st, Rozclle
Duval and Browne, colonial rubber works,
Hampden st, Paddington
Duval K., Marrlckvl le rd, Marrlokville
Duval Krnest, Church st, Marrickville
Duval T. W., 84 Mount st, North Sydney
Duval Thomas AV., Military rd, Mosman
Duval Willlam,'207 Fyrmont ft
Duval! James, Cooper st, Concord
Duvalll Miss O., 79 Darlingbnrstrd
Du Vcniet JI. Stirling, dental surgeon,
18Su Liverpool s t ; p.r., 13 Ormoud st,
DuvillierL., woolbuyor, 17 Loftus st
Duxbury Andrew, 4!) Ivy st, Redfcrn
Duxbury Arthur, 12Mauoy st, Rozclle
Duxbury L., Unlversil st.North Botany
Dwauc James, Halo rd, Mosman
Dwyer T., 2 Yaralla st, Newtown
Dwyer Thomas, Belmont st, Alexandria
Dwycr Thomas. 74 Hugo st, Redfcrn
Dwyer Thomas, »2 Spring st, Wavcrlcy
Dwycr Timothy, Queen st, Mosman
Dwycr Vincent, Weston rd, Rozclle
Dwyer W., 5 Bland st, Ashflcld
Dwycr W.. Penkivil st, Willoughby
Dwyer W. T., 25 Herbert st. Summer Hill
Dwycr William, Forest rd, Hurstvllle
Dwyer William, Premier st, Marrickville
Dwycr William, 144 King st, Newtown
Dyason A., 70 Albion st, Annandalo
Dyason Francis, Gordon rd, Klllara
Dyason Joshua, 100 Edith at, Lcichhardt
Dyball Martha, 8 Darghan st, Glebe
Dyball Reuben, sen.. 4 Crown st. Glebe
Dycho Mrs. A.,luncheon rms,08 Ersklnest
Dye Alfred, 514 Cleveland st
Dye Frank, Wnzlor st, Arncllffc
Dye Frcdk., 167 Victoria st. Lcwisham
Dye John, K'3 Lord st, Newtown
I lye Mrs. M., Warren rd, Marrickville
Dye O., 42 Taylor st, Annaudalc
Dye S. J., Weston rd, Somerset Park
Dye W. E., Albert st Burwood
Dyer A. K, J.P., 85 West st, North Sydney
Dyer F. H. and Co., tea brokers and auctioneers, Exohangc, 56 Pitt st
Dyer Albert, 15 Wilton st
Stationers, Publishers, nud Fancy
Goods Importers, 428 George st
Dyniond T. W., 0 Misscndon rd, Newtown
Dynon John, Son and Co., china, glass, and
earthenware Importers, 266 George st
Dynon Michael, 30 Ridge st
Dyson Alfred, 4 Wyndham st, Alexandria
Dyson Arthur, 97 Palmer st
Dyson Mrs. B.. 41 Metropolitan rd, N'town
Dyson Mrs. E., 100 Devonshire st
Dyson Edward, Bayvlew rd, Bexley
Dyson P., livery stables nud farrier, 156
Castlcrcagh st
Dyson Frank, J.P., Gordon rd, Killum
Dyson F. Thorpe, wine bodega, 33 Howe st
Dyson G., flour merchant, Post Office
oharabers, 114a Pitt st
Dyson George, grocer, 175 Crown st
Dyson George, J.P.,Grosvenorst, Woolla'ra
Dyson Henry, 133 Station st, Newtown
Dyson Jdhn, hairdresser, 630 George et
Dyson John, 37 Atercromblc st, Rodfcru
Dyson Joseph, Cook's River rd, St. Peters
Dyson Mrs. M. M., 03 Parramatta rd,
Dyson T. G., insurance agent, 186 George
st west
Dyson William, Carlton st
/H<md O E O M : 810 Georjre\
V Street South. 'Phono ml
E A G L E a n d G L O B E S T E E L CO.,
L T D , (Tho)—W. Anderson, representative; steel manufacturers, 395
Kent st
Eagle Printing Co., 5 Olaroncc st. Tel. 3218
Eagle A. W., 63 Shepherd st, Marriokvillo
Eagle Fredk., Burwood rd, Enfield
Eagle George, 110 Kippax st
Eagle R. J., 20 Frazer st. Lcichhardt
Eagle Raymond, Garner a ave, Marrickville
Eagle T., boardlnghonse, 51 William st
Eagles Archie, Belniore rd, Rand wick
Eagles James P., Victoria st, Burwood
' Eagles Robert, Stony Creek rd, Hurstvllle
Eaglesou Mrs. E., 291 Abcrorombie st, R'f'n
Eagleson Mrs. E., Wilson's lane, Redfcrn
Eaglestono Edward, Downey st. Bexley
Eagloton Anthony, 2 Edmund st. Wnverley
Eagleton E., 16 McGnrviost, Paddington
Eagloton E., 4 South st, Paddlngton
Eagleton Miss E., Alton st, Woollahra
Eagleton G., 2! Ohandos st, North Sydney
Eagleton J„ 11 Little Underwood st, P'tou
Eagleton W„ 17 Stanley st, Camperdown
Eagling James, 39 Holborow st, Croydon
Bales A. W., 8 Allen st, Glebe
Eales Walter J., 33 Morris st, Summer Hill
Eales William, 181 Union st, Efokinevillo
Eames' Bond and Free Stores—W. F.
Eamcs, manager, 45-49 Macquario st,
Circular Quay
Eames W. F., manager Fames' Bond and
Free Stores,45-4UMacquariest, Circular Quay
Eames Mrs. A ,247 Parramatta rd, An'dale
Barnes George, Ernest st, North Sydney
Eamcs J. H., 300 Oxford st, Paddlngton
Eames W. F., 17 Tho Avenue. Petersham
Eardley Thos., King st, Rockdale
Earl F. W. M., 304 Oxford st, Paddlngton
Earl George, 35 Mullens st, Balmain
Earl George, Mars st, Gladcsvlllo
Earl George, 100 Beattio st, Balmain
Earl Henry, Alexander st, North Sydney
Earl J. E., St. Ann's st, Hyde
Earl John J., Union st, West Kogarah
Eastman and Sous, furniture wurchousc,
Earl L. L., fruit merchant, II Steam Mill
Belmoro rd, Randwick
s t ; p.r., 197 Glebe Point rd, Glebe
Eastman William, 15 Pring st
Earl Sidney E., 210 Redfcrn st, Redfcrn
Eastmulr Mrs. C. E., Edward st, W'lahra
Earl W., 42 Little Alfred st, North Sydney Eustmuir James II.,0 Mansfield st, Glebe
Earl William, 38 Brougham st
Eastmurc George, 14 Ivy st, Darlington
Earle Andrew, 12 Lawst
Eastmure J. G., 79 Palmer st, Balmain
Earlo Charles, Flood st, Lcichhardt
Easton A., Abattoirs rd, Rozelle
Earle F. W. M, 41 Jersey rd, Paddlngton Eastou A. G., Parramatta rd, Auburn
Earle Harold, 183 Bourke st
Easton Alex., 20 Rowley st, Camperdown
Earle John, plumber, 20 NIokson st
Easton David H., J.P., 80 Glassop st, B'main
Knrlc Miss Rosa, 140 Burton st
Easton G., 100 Annandalo st, Auuaudale
Earle William, 13 Margaret st, Newtown Haston George, Bridge st, Drummoyno
Farley George, 4 Lawsou st, Rozelle
Eastou George, 12 Herncst, Lcichhardt
Earley T., 31 Prospect st. Erskinevlllo
Easton Henry, Bnnnerong rd. Botany
Earls Miss C, 428 King st, Newtown
Easton Henry, 148 Fruzerst, Dul. Hill
Earls Mrs. Elizabeth, 29 Dcuham et
Easton J. A., 51 Thornley st, Lcichhardt
Earls John, 428 King st, Newtown
Easton J. M., artist and engraver, 174 The
Earls M., 180 Victoria st
Earls William, 46 Lander st, Redfcrn
Easton James, 84 Trafalgar st, Annandalo
Early Thomas, 141 Staumorord, Petersham Easton James, Wentworth st, Parramatta
Earnell Miss F., 271 Bourko Bt
Easton John, 7 Victoria st, Alexandria
Earnell MIssF., 9 Underwood st, Pad'ton Eastou John, 4 Carieville st, Balmain
Karngcy George, Grosvcuor st, Woollahra Easton John J., Victoria st, Alexandria
Earngey Thos. W., 1044 Glenmorcrd, P'ton Easton Thomas, 10 King st, Balmain
Earnshaw A. W., 129 Young st, Annandalo Easton W., manager Rowan's Bonded and
Earnshaw A. W., 270 West st, N. Sydney
Free Stores, 13-17 P i t t st
Earnshaw G., 5 Young st
Easton W., 62 Grafton st, Woollahra
Earnshaw G., Bateman's rd, G'vlllo
Easton Walter, Rosevllle av, Roseville
Earnshaw Isaac, High st, Randwick
Easton William, 54 Palmer st, Balmain
Enrnshaw J., 6 Young st
Easton William, 31 Glen st, North Sydney
Earnshaw J., 07 Old Canterbury rd,P'sham Eastway Bros., wireworkers and Ashing
Earnshaw J. II., Glover st, Mosman
tackle makers 409-411 George st
Earnshaw Mrs. J . H., Stafford st, Pad'ton Eastwny A., C Malcolm st, Erskincville
Earnshaw John 0., 71 Glebo rd, Glebe
Eastwny Mary, 169 Bridge rd, Glebo
Earnshaw Il„ 49 Schlmel st, Waterloo
Eastway R., "Yawatn," Moseley rd,
Earnshaw William, 273 Kingst, Nowtown
Easby Charles, 41 College st, Camperdown Eastway
Robert G., 38 Ormond st, Pad'ton
Easlea E. S„ Regatta rd, Abbotsford
Hallway Station—T. H. Watson,
Eason David H„ Burwood rd, Enfield
Blaxlaud rd, Eastwood
KiiKson A., Copelaml st, Alexandria
A., mnnasrer J. Tylor and Sons,
East Hills Post Office—J. R. Spence, In Eastwood
Ltd., hydraulic ami sanitary engineers,
charge, Weston st, Bankstown
255 George st
East Sydney Anous Publishing office, 173 Eastwood Mrs. E., 28a Norton st, L'hnrdt
Eastwood F., Edgeware rd, Marrlokville
Sussex st
East Sydney Rowing Club Sheds—Reglnal I Eastwood Henry, 173 Palmer st
Eastwood Mrs. L.. 16 Little Alfred 8t, N.
Tobin, hon. sec, Domain
East Mrs. E„ 42 Garner's ave, MarriokTillo
East George, 14 Upton st
Eastwood Mr.«.M. A., 138 Geo. st, Waterloo
East James, 7 Arthur st, Paddlngton
Eastwood Squiro, Boulevarde.Strathllcld
East John, Randolph st, North Botany
Eastwood Thomas, Ellen st, Rozello
East Richard, Roscoe st, Bond!
Easy William and Co., jewellers and diverEast Rev. R. (Wcs.),62 Botony st,Wnverley
smiths, 10-12 Hunter st
East Robert, 37 Reiby st, Newtown
Easy Arthur, 14 Woodstock st, Waverlcy
East W. H., 31 Dulwieh st, Dulwich Hill Easy Edmund, 126 Ocean st, Bond!
Eastnbrook W. N., J8 Elliott st, Balmain Easy J . A., Tottenham st,' -Prospect
Eastbourne W. H., 9 Comber st, Pad'ton EaBy Mrs. L. t Porter st, Wnverley
Eastburn John, 15 Napier st, Pad'ton
Easy W. G., Frenchman's rd, Randwlok
Eastcrbrook O, 271 King st, Newtown
Easy Winifred, 45 Cntherinost, Lcichhardt
Eastcrling W., Fowler lane, Camperdown Batch W. H., 122 Evans st, Rozello
Eastern and Australian Steamship Co., Father Charles, 112 Wilson st, Redfcrn
Father Donald, 119 Lclnstcr st
Limited — Qibbs, Bright and Co., Father E., Rogers st, Canterbury
managing agents, 37 Pitt s t ; wharf, Bather Mrs. E., 33 Weston st. Petersham
Circular Quay
Father T. J „ 216 Elswlck st, Lcichhardt
Eastern Suburbs Cold Storage and Ico Co., Eathcrlcy Thomas, Luff st, Rockdale
W. Campbell and A. McKechnic, pro- Eaton Brothers, builders, 215 Miller st,
prietors, Little Comber st, Paddington.
North Sydney
Tel. No. 181 Pad.
Eastern Extension Australasia and China EATON, GRANT, AND CO., LTD.
(norntio S. Eaton nud Georgo Grant,
Telegraph Co., Limited — W. W.
Directors), Win« Growers, Uukkulla
Browning, superintendent;
J . A.
Vineyard, Iuvcroll; Hond Office,
Pattlo, assistant superintendent, La
Hardie's chambers, Hamilton st,
Perou?e; city office, Gibbs' Chambers,
Sydney; Cellars, 157-103 Trafalgar st,
7 Moore st
Annaudalc. Tel. No. 947. Agencies
Eastern Suburbs Medical Association—Dr.
throughout Queensland, New Zealand,
J . Adam Dick, hon. see., " Oatfoss,"
and West Australia; and at CalBelmoro rd, Randwick
cutta, Bombay, and Madras
Eastern Tea Co., 18 King st, Newtown
Eaton J . W., Ltd., timber merchants and
Eastes Charles W., 160 Campbell st
Bawmills, 73 Blue st, nnd21 West CresEastes F. O, 61 Jersey rd, Woollahra
cent st, N. Sydney
Eastes G. E., Wright's rd. Drummoyno
Easther W. W., Willoughby rd, Willoughby Eaton Andrew. 2 James st, North Sydney
Eastley EllaB, 76 Young st, Redfcrn
Eaton Mrs. E., 7 Stirling st, Redfcrn
173 ELIZABETH ST.-'Phone 1524. SYDNEY.
Baton F. J., 23 Ballast Point rd, B'mnin
Eddie Constablo A., Auburn Police Station, E D I N B U R G H
Eaton Frank, French st, North Sydney
Auburn par, Auburn
Baton Frederick, IS Charles fit
Eddie A., 15 Arundel ter, Forest Lodge
of Lclth. Sailcloths, Ropes and
Baton Frederick, 81 Kensington st
Eddie Charles Horace, solicitor, 0-7 Rofe
Twines of all descriptions. Managers,
Baton Frederick W., Tcakle st, Ashfleld
Chambers, 60 Oastlereagh s t ; p.r.
Reuard anil Co. Ltd., 815 Kent bt.
Eaton George, tallow works, Norfolk st,
Merchant st, Stamnore
(P.O. Box, 193)
Eddy James, 220 George st, Erskincvillc
Edison Electrical Co., W. J. N, Oldershaw,
Eaton George, 12 Iredalc st, Newtown
Eddy Mrs., Georgc-st, Marriokvillo
1 Itowo st
Eaton George, 115 Ridge st, North Sydney Eddy S. II., Cabramatta rd, Mosman
Eaton George M., 4 Iredalc st, Newtown
Eddy S. J., Hastings st, Marrickvlllo
L E O T R I O L I G H T CO., L T D .
Eaton Miss H. A., George st, Marrickvlllo Eddy Stephen, mining agent, 201 Queen
—G. R. Hudson, Manager, 10 CarringEaton H. S., managing director Eaton,
Victoria Markets
ton st, Wynynrd Square.—(See advt.
Grant and Co., Ltd., wlno growers, Eddy Thomas, 92 Evclelgh Bt, Redfern
opp. Electric Light Companies)
203 Kent i t ; p.r., "Busaco," Ithaca Eddy W. H., boot importer, 20 Queen Vic
John, Cox's rd, North Hyde
rd, Elizabeth Bay
toria Markets
Kdlcr Edward, President aye, Kogarab
Eaton J. W., J.P., timber merchant, Edo George, Church st, St. Peters
Kdman George, Carlton ores, Kogarah Bay
" Woodholmc," Kuring-goi Oliasc ave, Edo William, Station st, Mortdalc
Kdiuansoii G. E., Woolwich rd, H'ter's H.
Eden Charles, 70 Station st, Newtown
Edmiston Mrs. J., Margaret st, Abbotsford
Baton J. W.| Lincoln Bt, Petersham
Eden Charles, Berwick st, Guildford
Edmiston Mrs. M., 00 Birrell st, Waverley
Eaton Jaa., builder, 57 Little Arthur st Eden Henry, 14 Smith st, Summer Hill
R,, 60 Grose st, Campcrdown
North Sydney
' Eden John, 20 Hart st
Robert, 12 Young st, Annandale
Eaton Mrs. Jane, Tuppcr Bt, Marrickvlllo Eden Mrs. S., Harcourt estate, Canterbury Edmiston
Mrs. G. B., 26 Regent st, Pad'ton
Eaton John, coachbuildcr, 6 Mary Ann st Eden Photographic Studios, 725-9 George st Edinond
Kdinond James, Wellington Bt, Bondi
Eaton Join], 83 Nobbs st
Eden Richard, 22 Clyde st
Daniel, 17 Allen st
Baton John, Burwood rd, Mortlakc
Edenborough O. D., 101 Mount st, N. Syd|
David, 64 John st
Eaton John, 64 Middle st, North Sydney Edcnborough E., 100 Good Hope st, Pd'ton Edmonds
J., Charles st, Mar'ville
Eaton Joseph, 60 Dowliug st
Edgar Alfred, 120 Flinders st
Edmonds Edward A., Hansard st, Wat'loo
Eaton Mrs. Mary, 115 Kidge st, N. Sydney Edgar B. K., 11 Waimea avc, Woollahra
D., I l l Nelson st, Aim'dale
Eaton R., 208 Grafton st, Woollahra
Edgar Mrs. Caroline, Cook Bt, St. Peters
Ernest, 56 Dcnison st, Waverley
Eaton Russell, 460 Miller st, North Sydney Eigar Edward, 17 Glebe st, Paddington Edmonds
Edmonds Mrs. !•'., 436 Victoria st
Eaton Sydney, 34 Carlisle st, Ashfleld
Edgar Frank, 25 Iredale st, Newtown
Edmonds Frederick D., Hercules st, Chatw'd
Eaton T. E., 8 Iredale »t, Newtown
Edgar Fredcriok, Fair st, Rockdale
Edmonds George, 26 Bennett st
Eaton William, Glen st, North Sydnoy
Edgar Jack, 65 Iredalc st, Newtown
Edmonds George, Planthurst rd, Carlton
Eaves J . H., Esplanade cast, Manly
Edgar James, 10 Adelaide placo
George, Powell st, Homebusli
EavestafI Frederick 0., piano importer,; Edgar James, Covest, Leichhardt
Edmonds Henry, 9 Little Edward st
Edgar Joseph, Cook st, St. Peters
p.r., Orlando avc, Mosman
Herbert H., marine surveyor,
Edgar Jos., Cook's River rd, St. Peters
Ebb John, 9 Little Buckingham st
teacher of navigation and compass
Edgar R., Cameron st, Rockdale
Ebbs Edward, Terry st, S t Peters
adjuster, 18 Bridge s t ; p.r., Mary st,
Ebbs Mrs. J., 177 West st, North Sydney Edgar T. F., 101 The Boulevard, D'wich Hill
Edgar Mrs. W., 687 Bourko st
Ebexle Edgar, Effingham st, Mosman
J. W., J.l\,Corrington rd, Wav'ley
Ebert A., 110 Hayberry st, North Sydney Edgar William, chemist, 66 Wilton st
Edmonds James W., 10 Channel Bt, l'Vliam
Ebert A., 12 Waters rd, North Sydney
Edmonds John, Powell st, Homebusli
EbcrTMifu E., 49 Hayberry st, N. Sydney
Edmonds Joseph, 44 Mount st
Ebert J., 216 Miller st, North Sydney
Edmonds Mrs. P., Australia st, Oamp'd'wn
Ebert John F., 442 Miller st, North Sydney
Edmonds Richard, 88 Woods lane
Ebert Oswald, 4 Bunn st
Edmonds Thomas, 86 Church st, Newtown
Ebsworth A, O., solicitor, Mutual iLife of
Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Edmonds W., 146 Balmaln rd, Leichhardt
nnd Contractors for Eleotrio Light and Edmonds W., Victoria rd, Marrickville
New York building, Martin place ;
Power Installation, 260a Pitt st
Edmonds W. C , 0 Smith st, Summer nill
p.r., • Elstow," Wellington st, W'hra
Edmonds W. II., 147 George st, Ersk'ville
Ebsworth Mrs. E. 8., Bronte rd, Bronte
Edge Alexander, off Campbell st, Balmain Edmonds William, 393 Dowllng st
Ebsworth G., manager Tattersall's Bazaar Edge Alfred, 26 Swauson st, Ersklneville
Edmondsou John and Co., manufacturers'
Co., 13 Oastlereagh st
Edge Kelburno, 7 Cameron st, Paddington
Ebsworth George, 22 Oraigend st, D'hurst EdgecliffePostOlllce—O. F. Wakcly, postand general agents, 12 York st
Ebsworth George, Church st, St. Peters
master, Ocean st, Woollahra
Ebsworth George, Terry st, St. Peters
Edgecombe James, 127 Foster st, L'hardt Edmondson A., 301 Addison rd, Mnr'vlllo
Mrs. E., Rocky Point rd, R'dulc
Ebsworth Mrs. J., 82 Grafton st, Woollahra Edgecombe W., 18 Jeffreys st, N. Sydney
Edmondsou G., 41 Bright st, Marrickville
Ebsworth Mrs. R., 203 Glenmore rd, P'ton Edgerton Mrs. A., 266 Elizabeth st
Benconsfleld rd, Mosman
Eccles A., 52 Elizabeth st west, Ashfleld
Edgerton Mrs. Annie J., Forest Lodge hotel,
Edmondsou G. H., 5 Durham st, S. Ann'dalc
Kccles George, 79 Great Barcom st
2 Forest st, Forest Lodge
John E., John st, Gordon
Eccles John, Lauderdale avc, Manly
Edgerton HcnryJ., Parramatta rd, Auburn Edmondson
Edmondson John ()., Farr st, Rockdale
Eccles Mary, Native Hose hotel, Parramatta Edgerton Philip, 10 Campbell st, Gleco
Mary st, St. Peters
rd, Leichhardt
Edgerton Mrs. Sarah, 85 Ferry rd, Glebe Edmunds E. A. A.,
and Co.,chiua shop, 113
Ecoles Mrs. Sarah, Yillowra st, Auburn
Edgeworth Mrs., dressmaker, Central ArFarramatta
Eccles W. P., 6 Rose tcr, Paddington
cade, Gcorgo st
Eoclcston James, 7 Stirling st, Glebe
Edginton and Co., grain and bark mer- Edmunds F., Marrickville rd, Mar'ville
M.( shorthand writer
Eccleatone W. E., 165 Addison rd, M'ville
chants, 207 Sussex st
and typist, 82 P i t t st
Eckardt Gustave G., 2 Palmer st
Edginton Alfred, J.P., Galest, Hunter's Hill
Edmunds Thomas, 11 Bates lnno
Eckart Carl, Grove st, Marrickvlllo
Edginton Olias., off Wigram rd, Glebe
Edmunds W., Toiigato st, Granville
Eckersley L, 140 Elswick st, Leichhardt
Edginton H„ Oheltouhum rd, Burwood
Eokcrsley A. 13., 32 James st, Leichhardt Edginton Henry, bark merchant, 123 Edmunds W. F., Homebusli rd, Homebusli
Edmunds Walter, barrister, 182 Phillip
Eckersley Mrs. S. A., 188 James st, L'hardt
Sussex st
s t ; p.r., Elwin st, Homebusli
Bckert J., draper, 670 Darling st, Rozellc, Edginton John, J.P., Gale st, Woolwich
William, 132 Short st, Balmain
Edginton Miss M., Brookliu st, Burwood
Edmunds William, 80 Palace st, P'sham
Edginton Miss M., Homebusli rd, S'fleld
Eckert William, Dora et, Hurstville
04 Addison rd, Marrickville
Eckford Miss A., 73 Edgewaro rd, N'town Edginton T. W, Dalhousle st, Ashfleld
Eduey G. H., 98 George st, Ersklneville
Edginton W. P., Everton rd, Strathflcld
Kckford James, 627 Bourko st
49 Tlmrlow st, Redfern
Edgloy Mrs. E., 31 Waterloo st
Bckford Walter J., 25 Bank et
Edrop Mrs. J. H., Grose st, Parramatta
Edgley John, Linslcy st, Gladesvllle
Bcklin John F., Highfiold rd, Lind field
Edsall Arthur, 1 Sorrie st, Balmain
Eclipse Printing Co., Ltd., 219 Clarence st Edie Captain James, J.P., superintendent Edson Frcdk. M., 300 Park rd
Department of Navigation, Loftus s t ;
Bckman B. T., 67 Bondl rd, Waverley
Mrs. S., 260 Miller st, N. Sydney
p.r., Mosman st, Mosman
Bdbrook W., 216 Alfred st, North Sydney
Edstclu D., Peniberton Grango P'mattn
Eddcs G. S., Monomeeth st, Bexlcy
Edinborough O. D., 39 High st, N. Sydney Edward Mrs. A., 199 Norton st, Leichhardt
/Head Ofllocs: 810 GeorseN
VStroot South. 'Phono TX/
Edwards Mrs. E., 33 Fotlicrlngham st, Edwards Jacob, Parramatta rd, Rookwood
Edwards Jus., 106 Pyrmont st
Edwards Miss E., 05 Morgan st, Mar'ville Edwards James, manager Waterloo Brlok
Co., Ltd., Botany rd, Waterloo
Edwards E., 25 Carlton ores, Summer Hill
Edwards James, 135 Foveaux at
Edwards E., Marino par, Vaucluse
James, 4 J John st
Edwards E., 36 Spring st, Waverley
Edwards James, 91 Kippax st
Edwards E. H. J., 21 Maria st, Mar'ville
Edwards E. J., manufacturers' agent, 133 Edwards James, Mundalong rd, Mosman
Edwards Jas., Crimea st, Parramatta
Q. V. Markets
Edwards Jus., Luko st, Randwick
Edwards E. J., 13 Moncur st, Woollahra
Edwards Jas., 86 George Bt, Waterloo
Edwards E. S„ Bennett st, Neutral Bay
Edwards Jas., Tramway st, North Botany
Edwards Edward, Webber's rd, Hexlcy
Edwards Edward, Boulovarde, Lclchhnrdt Edwards James G., J.P., " Sprlngdalo,"
Edwards Edward,College st, Dnimmoyno
Edwards James W., dentist, 119 Phillip st
Edwards Edward, Cliff st, Vaucluse
Edwards Edward H. S., Park av, D'moync Edwards Mrs. Jane, 3 Nithsdalo st
Edwards Edwin, 24 Charles Bt, Leichhardt Edwards iMiss Jennie, privato hospital,
Woolloomooloo st
Edwards Edwin H., 20 Glebe st, Pad'ton
Edwards Ernest A., 9 Rofe st, Leichhardt Edwards John, court keeper, Supreme
Edwards Ernest J., 39 Mount st
Court, Kiugst
Edwards F., 274 Park rd
Edwards John, farrier, 285 Clarence st
Edwards F., 115 Annandale st, Annandale Edwards John, 7 Ferry lane
Edwards F., Gloucester rd, Hurstvillo
Edwanls John, 16 Pine st
Edwards Miss F.,46 Campbell st, N. Sydney Edwards John, 30 Gemini st, Alexandria
Edwards F. D„ 46 Gordon st, Paddington Edwards John, Belmont st, Alexandria
Edwards F. W., food manufacturer, 486 Edwards John, 5 Walter st, Ashfleld
Kent s t ; p.r., Macleay st, D'hurst
Edwards John, Ermlngton rd, Erminsrton
Edwards F. W., Botany rd, North Botany Edwards
John, Renwick st, Marrickville
Edwards Frank, Hannam st, Arncllffe
Edwards John, 47 Cambridge st, Newtown
Edwards Fred, 66 Marshall st
John, 42 Lawson st, Rozclle
Edwards Fred. H., 96 Yulo st, Petersham
Edwards Krcdk. \V., S.M., " Mountjoy," 27 Edwards John, Silver st, St. Peters
Foreman st, Bt. Peters
Victoria st, Ashfleld
Edwards G., director Alston Soap and Edwards John, Kingston Bt, Sum. Hill
Candle Manufacturing Co., Limited, Edwards John, Gale st, Woolwich
Edwards John 0., 223 Mncquurle st south
Abattoirs rd, Rozellc
Edwurds John D.,330ntley rd, Paddington
Edwards G., tobacconist, 95 Market st
Edwards Joseph, 6 High st, Balmain
Edwards Mrs. G., 89J Gcorgo st, west
Edwards Joseph, Percy st, Rozelle
Edwards G., 18J Paddington st, Pad'ton
Edwards Mrs. G. A., Chester st, Woollahra Edwards Joseph, 9 Pemcll st, Newtown
Edwards G. S., restaurant, 6 Windmill st Edwards L. M., 76 nonderson rd, Alex'dria
Edwards M., 6 Sniithersst
Edwards G. S., 632 Darling st,Rozellc
Edwards Miss M.,Craigend Bt
Edwards George, 401 Bourke st
Edwards Mrs. M., 52 St. Mary's st, O'dowa
Edwards George, 187 Brougham st
Ed wards George, off 150 Darllngst, B'main Edwards M., llRimisay st, Rozelle
Edwards George, ltowe st. Eastwood
Edwards M. G., 25 Simmons st, Newtown
Edwards George, Northwood rd, Lane Cove Edwards Mrs. M. J., 35 Watson Bt. Wav'ley
Edwards George, Burt st, Rozelle
Edwards Miss, costumlero, 110-112 The
Edwards George, 629 Darling st, Rozellc
Edwards George, Edith st, St. Peters
Edwards Mark, Queen rd, Abbotsford
Edwards George, Yelvertonst,St. Peters Edwards Miss, Nicol par, Strathfleld
Edwards Gcorgo, Elizabeth st, Waterloo Edwards Nat, manager James Breunan,
Edwards Gcorgo B., M.H.R., Huon park,
financial agent, 60 Elizabeth st
Edwanls Nathan, 160 Bondl rd, Bondi
Edwards Mrs. H., tea roooms, 622 Geo. st Edwards Oswald st, Beatrice st. Auburn
Sydney Art Needlework Society, 68 Edwards H., Marrickville rd, Marrickvlllo Edwards Owen, Cliff st, North Sydney
Edwards H. B., Gorman st, Marrickville Edwards Philip. 2 Beauford av
Strnnd (First Floor) only
Edwards H. L„ Cabramatta rd, Mosman Edwards Miss R., agent Swiss Chocolate,
Edwards Arohd., S.,GoIe st, Woolwich
1(6 Phillip st
Edwards Arthur, 171 Chapel st, Mar'ville Edwards II. L., 40 Brown st, Newtown
Edwanls R., Woolwich nl, Hunter's Hill
Edwards Arthur, 03 Dickson st, Newtown Edwards H. T., Oberon st, Randwick
Edwards R., Collingwood st, Hunters Hill
Edwards Berry, 59 Simmons st, Newtown Edwards Harry, 120 Kippax st
Edwards Harry, Rooky Point rd, Kogarah Ed words Mrs. R., 36 Grecn'e rd, Pad'ton
Edwards C , 29 Oarshalton st, Ashfleld
Edwards Hnrry-,296 Edgware rd, N'town Edwards Richard, Ross st, Parramatta
Edwards 0., 1 Park Ave, North Sydney
Edwards Mrs. 0., Yaranabcc rd, W'lahra Edwards HnrrV A., Dock rd, Balmain
Edwards Robert, Montgomery st, Kog'rah
Edwards O. A., .I.P., physician and sur Edwards Henry, J.P., chief clerk, Master Edwards Robert, 147 Wilson st, Redfern
geon, "Taunton Dene," Oxford st,
in-I.unacy office. Macquarlo st
Edwanls S. A., Ooranna rd, Petersham
Edwards Henry, 32 Adelaide st
Edwards S. B., 15Gierstcn st, Waverley
Edwards O. L„ Carrington rd, Randwick Edwards Henry, 48 Llewellyn st, Balmain Edwards S. J., Johnstone st, Annandale
Edwards Charles, McMillan rd, Artarmon Edwards Henry, Bowman Bt, Dnimmoyno Edwanls Samuel F., 19 Ross st, F. Lodge
Edwards Ohas., George st, North Botany Edwards Henry, 33 Perry st, Marrickville Edwards T. A., 2 Evans st, Rozcllo
Edwards Charles, Grecnbaiik st, Mar'ville Edwards Henry, Phillip st, Parramatta
Edwords Thomas, proprietor ADVO0A.TK
Edwards Henry J., Croydon rd, Bexlcy
Edwards Charles E., 12 Dale st
and Y O U N Q F O L K S ' T E M P E I U N O B
Edwards Chas. W., Hotel Chamberlain, 42S Edwards Henry J., Alfred st, North Botany
ADVOCATE, 35 Oastlereagh Bt
Edwards Herbert, 9 Lackey st, St. r c t c r s Edwards Thomas, 49 Macquarlo Bt south
Pitt st
Edwards J., 90 Henderson rd, Alexandria Edwards Thomas, 18a Womerahnve
Edwards D., Gladstone st, Fnrramattn
Edwards J., 34 Beattic st, Balmain
Edwards D. S., barrister, 93 Elizabeth st
Edwards Thomas, 103 Phillip Bt, Balmain
Edwards J., Stony Creek rd, Hurstville
Edwards Daniel, 185 Devonshire st
Edwards Thomas, 37 University st,0'dowu
Edwards David, Plough Inn, 68 Parramatta Edwards ,T., Grcenbank st, Marrickville
Edwards Thos., 101 Holtermann st, North
Edwards Mrs. J., Ooruniia rd, Petersham
rd. Summer Hill
Edwards Rev. J. (Pres.), Weston rd.R'zellc
Edwards D., Cook's River rd, St. Tctcrs
Edwards Mrs. E., Wollongong nl, Arncliffc Edwards J. E., Elizabeth st, Canterbury Edwanls Thos, Folding st, Drummoyna
Edwards Mrs. ,1. L , 38 Duxford Bt, Pad'ton Edwards Thomas, Middle st.Randwlok
Edwards Miss E., Gordon rd, Gordon
Edwards J. James. Mandalone rd, Mosman Edwards Thos. B., Ocean st, West Kogarah
Edwards E., Council st, Marrickville
Edward Alfred, J.P., superintendent Police
Department, trafflo office, 153 Phillip st
Edward Alick, Harrow rd, Bexlcy
Edward Geo., 1 Buokland st, Alexandria
Edward J. V. P., 24 Dcnnlugst, Mar'ville
Edward John, 21 Pelican st
Edward R. B., postmaster, William st post,
money order, telegraph office, and
Government savings bank, William st
Edward William, 41 Davis st
Edwards and Co., tea, coffee and cocoa
merchants, 152 Clarence st
Edwards, Dunlop and Co., Limited, paper
merchants, wholesale stationers, booksellers and tj-pe and machinery mcr :
chants, 123-129 Clarence st, and 256,
260, 414 Kent st
Edwards H. and Sons, produce merchants,
382 King st, Newtown
Edwards Jos. G. nnd Co., finance and real
estate agents, 14 Moore st
Edwards anil Peacock, proprietors Peacock
Jam Co., Alice st, Newtown
Edwards and Sous, house furnishers, 104
William st
Edwards and Son, upholsterers, 460 Cleveland st
Edwards and Sons, produce merchants,
102 Chapel st, Marrickville
Edwards A., 60 Addison rd, Marrickville
Edwards Mrs. A., 21 Alfred st, N. Sydney
Edwards A„ 78 Underwood st, Pad'ton
Edwards A., 285 Birrell st, Waverley
Edwards A. E., S8 Charlotto st, Ashfleld
Edwards A. E., Sydney st, Marrickville
Edwards A. F„ M.A., "The Planet," 26
Hunter st
Edwards A. G., 198 Glenmore rd, Pad'ton
Edwards Albert, Wardell rd, Dulwlcli Hill
Edwards Albert, Whistler st, Manly
Edwards Alexander, 20 Chapman st
Edwards Alex., 43 Moncur st, Woollahra
Edwards Alfred, 69 Booth st, Annandale
Edwards Alfred, Marsden st, Dundas
Edwards Alfred, 109 Glebe st, Glebe
Edwards Alfred, 30 Lamb st, Lolohhardt
Edwards Alfred, 22 Reuss st, Leichhardt
Edwards Alfred, 93 Cleveland st, Redfern
Edwards Alfred, Lennox st, Parramatta
Edwards Mrs. Alice, Harbor st, Mosman
Edwards Mrs. Anne, 65 Croydon rd, O'dou
R„ Robertson st, West Kogarah
Kgan Thomas, grocer, 155 Victoria st
EKIN & C O . ,
Egan Thomas, grocer, 18 Smith st, 8. Hill
Estate and Insurance Agents. Rents
Mnnagcr St. Peters Patent Dry Press
Collected, Estates Managed, ValuaBrick Co.; works, Bnrwon Park nl, Egan W., 20 Septimus st, Erskiucville
tions for Probate, lie. 10 Eumoro rd,
Alexandria ; telephone No. 86, New- Egar Clarence, 10 Darling st, Glebe
Newtown. Tel. No. 8 Newtown
town ; p.r, 31 Pcnrl st, Newtown; Kgnr II. A., Botany nl, Alexandria
Egar Harry, 207 Nelson st. Annandale
Eklu Hugh, Barton st, West Kogaruh
telephone 306, Newtown
Egar Roland, Botany rd, Alexandria
Ekin John, » Trafalgar terrace, Stumnorc
Edwards W., 00 Jnlliett st, Mnrrickvillc
Kgelton J., 300 Canterbury New rd, Dnl.H. Ekiu Win., J.P., physician, Military rd,
Edwards \V., 63 Middle st, Marrickvillo
Eger William, 2 Little Oxford st
Edwards W., Thoniley st, Marrlekville
Egerton Mrs. A. J., Forest Lodge, hotel, Ekluud August, 84 Merlin st, N. Sydney
Edwards W., sen., 21 l'earl st, Newtown
Parramatta Old nl, Forest Lodge
Edwards W , 28 Caledonia st, Faddington
Ekman Sydney, Jleretfortt hotel, 351
Edwards W , 109Edgecliffo rd, Woollahra Kggc Mrs. P., 10 Goodsoll st, Newtown
Bourke st
Edwards W. A., 114 Grafton st, Woollahra Eggeling Louis, 2J Tudor st
Eland Frank, 101 Toogood st, Erskiuevillo
Edwards W. II., 118 Taylor st, Aumuidalo Eggelton Moses, SO Buckingham Bt
Eland W., artist, 426 King st, Newtown
Edwards W. II., 08 Oliapel st, Marrlekville Eggen Carl, 171 Windsor st, Paddington Eland William, 10 Bailey st, Nowtown
Edwards W. J., Archer st, Cliatswood
Eggers, Mrs. Emma, 127 Victoria ft
Eld Mrs. Anne, 2 Womerali ave
Edwards W. J., 17 Maria st, Newtown
Eggers J. D. 1<\, 24 Gurucr st, Paddington Eld Ernest, 20 Darlinghurst rd
Edwards W. J., 115 Enmore rd, Newtown Eggle William, Auburn rd, Bankstown
Eld George O., solicitor, 3b Elizabeth st
Edwards W. L , 20 Victoria st, Ashfleld
Eggington Thos., 7 Adolphus st, Bnlniain Eld Thomas, 59 Upper William st south
Edwards W. G., 560 liourke st
Egginton W. H., Ross st, Parramatta
Elder Rev. Frank (O. of E.), Punchbowl
Edwards Walter, 31 Donnelly st, Balmain Eggins S. A., head muster Mortlukc Public
rd, Enfield
Edwards Walter, Albert st, Cliatswood
Sohool, Bunvood rd, Mortlake
Elder II,, 70 Boundary st, Waverley
EdwardB William, 316 Riley st
Egglcston O., Slade st, Naremburn
Elder 11. J., Pnrkst. Amcllffo
Edwards William, manager Goodlet and Eggleston Joseph, Colin st, North Sydney Elder Henry, b'i Queen st, Woollahra
Smith's pottery works, Riley st
Elder Jnmcs, 1 Little Queen st
Eggleton A., 5 Eumoro rd, Newtown
Edwards William, 68 Wilton st
Eggleton F. 0„ 6 Toogood st, Ersklnoville Elder James, 513 Darling st, Rozello
Edwards William, Taunton rd, Hurstville Eggleton, F. O., 67 Union st, Nowtown
Elder John, sen., Albyn Bt, Bexley
Edwards William, 18 Dickson st, Newtown Eggleton J., 22 Park st, Erskiucville
Elder John, Lennox st, Mosman
Edwards William, 25 Mnria st, N'town
John, Monomeeth st, Bexley
Eggleton John, proprietor Crescent Coffee]
Edwards Win., jun., 10 Pearl st, Newtown
Elder M. J., 0 Enmore rd, Marrickvillo
Palace hotel, 031 George st
Edwords William, Fennell st, Parramatta Eggleton John, 62 Wilson st, Newtown
Elder William, 10 Pottlnger st
Edwards William, 68 Boronia st, Redfern Eggleton Mark, 171 Union st, Newtown
Elder William, 60 Lamb st, Leichhardt
Edwards William, 30 Parsons st, Hozollo Eggleton Mark, Cook's River nl, St. Peters Elder William, 2i> Little West st
Edwards William, Oove st, Vaucluso
Elder William, 61 Cameron st, Paddington
Edwards William J., Park av, Randwick Eggleton Mrs. P., 0 Norfolk st, Newtown Elders Mrs. E., 151 N. S. H. r d , Pndd'ton
Ed well Henry, J.P., Keston av, Mosman Eggleton W. R. T., 13 Bray st, Erskincville Elderslmw A., 89 Wells st, Newtown
Eggling O. H., 6 Oatlcy rd, Paddington
Edwin Edwin, 66 Darghan st, Glebe
Eldcrshaw Mrs. Francis, 70 Wells st, N'towu
Elworthy Edward, deutist,Terry st, R'zelle Eggo John, 47 Elizabeth st west, Croydon Eldershaw T. W., 121 Station st, Newtown
Ecdy Arthur M., J.P., general secretary Eglesc C. E., nccountaut and insurance Elderton Fred, 47 Ann st
agent, 12 Spring s t ; p.r., "Runolagh," Elderton H. O, financial agent, Dl Pitt st
Citizens' Life Assurance Co., Ltd.,
Darling Point
corner of Castlcrcagh and Moore s t s ;
Elderton H. C , Merley nl, Homcbush
Egleton William, Gordon rd, Willoughby Elderton W. N., financial agent, 81 Pitt st
p.r.," Wonga," Palser st, Hun. Hill
Mrs. I., 94 Marian st, Nowtown
Ecdy J. W., printer ond publisher, 17«
Elderton W. N. O., Oboion st, Randwick
Eglluton R , 62 Schimcl st, Wntcrloo
Market st,
Eldred Mrs. W. H., 7 Avenue, Randwick
Egniaud A., 77 Underwood st, Paddington
Eedy John W., Florence st, Homcbush
Ego Phillip, 100 Evoleigh st, Redfern
E L D R I D G E W . O. a n d C O . , Dyers,
Eedy William, 87 Kcllick st, Waterloo
Cleaners, and Scourers, opposite Ceu-'
Egspuler R., 24 John st, Woollahra
Egan Christopher, carrier, 14 Wattle st
teiiury Hall, 40 York s t ; branch,
Egspuler Robert, 68 O.S.H. rd, Woollahra
Egan Miss D., 47 Clarence st
Presbyterian Church fGlebo rd,
Khrard F., Gordon cres, Petersham
Egan D., Church st, Ashfleld
Glebe (telephone 2012) Estd. 1839
Ehreiisperger-Anderson, Mrs. Elsie, dressEgan D., 02 Frederick st, Ashfleld
Eldridgo A., Russell rd, Bunkstown
maker, Bclmoro st, Bur wood
Egan Daniel, 157 Church st, Oamperdowu
Eldridgo Albert, 7 Redwlu st, Newtown
Egan David 210 Young st, Aunuudulc
Eichler Ferd, Kcnilss st, Randwick
Egan Mrs. Delia, 32 James st, Redfern
Eiohler William O., M.D., physician, 42 Eldridge O., 81 Parramatta rd, Ashfleld
Charles, 00 Cary st, Leichhardt
Egan E., 76 Parramatta Old rd, F. Lodge
College st
Egan Miss E , 80 Wellington st, Newtown Eicbmauu John, sawmill owner, 173 Eldridge Claude, dyer, 170 Enmore rd,
Egan E. D., 148 Windsor st, Paddington
Sussex st
Egan Francis, '.'9 Bellcvuc st
Eldridge Claude, 40 Marion st, Leichhardt
Eichmann John, 14 Margaret st, Rozello
Egan J. W., 7 Kent st, Waverley
D. E , Nelson st, Ohutswood
Egan James, livery stables, 428 Crown st EifTo S., 35 Binning st, Erskincville
Eldridgo D. E , Jersey st, llomsby
Egan James, 357 Riley st
Eldridge E , Auburn rd, Auburn
MoDougall, J.P.,secretary, Dixon st
Egan James, Popel's paddock, Botany
Eldridge Mrs. Elizabeth, 05 l'yrmont rd
Eilbeck W., 13 Great Buckingham st, R'fru Eldridgo George, 30 Day st, Lciclihnrdt
Egan James F., 80 Abercromblo place
Eile F. A., Rlckctty st, North Botnny
Egan John, 40 Castlereagh st
Eldridge George, 10 Kullium st, Newtown
Eiler, Anderson ami Co., piano factory, 10 Eldridge George, 111 Sinnnons st, Newtown
Egan John, 143 Castlereagh st
Egan John, 411 Harris st
Eldridge George P., Murwfck st, Dunvood
Eineison ])., 49 Darling st, Balmain
Egan Johu, Princess nve, Waterloo
Eldridge I I , 20 Gcurgu st, Eiskineville
Eisenbcrg David, 107 Macnuaric st south Eldridge H , Bismarck st, West Kogarah
Egan John, 114 Windsor st, Paddington
Egan Mrs. Kate, Alleu st, Glebe
Eldridge Henry, Parramatta rd, Auburn
Eiscustucdtcr Lionel, 8 Regent st
Egan Louis T., 117 Stanley st
Eldridge Hubert. Joseph st, Rookwood
Eisenstncdter Mrs. M. A., 27 Toxtctk rd, Eldridge James, Leichhitnlt hotel, Balmain
Egan M., 84 Swanson st, Erskiucville
Egan M., .18 Good Ho])0 st, Paddington
rd, Leichhardt
Egan M. F., Napoleon st, Sandringhum
Eltakl U., Acting Oonsul-Qcneral in Mis- Eldridge James, Russell st, Bankstown
Egan -Mrs. M. P., 07Carrington rd.Wav'lcy
tralla (on leave). Japanese Oonsulnte- Eldridgo John, Russell rd, Bankstown
Egan Mrs. M. L., 164 King st, Newtown
General, Mutual Life of New York Eldridge John T , 04 Wigrum rd, Glebo
Egan Miss, costumlerc, 32 Sydney arcado
building, Martin place; p.r., Veret st, Eldridgo N , Rookwood rd, Bankstown
Egan M. T., 11 Sutherland nve, Paddington
Hunter's Hill
Eldridge Mrs. W. O, dyer, 148 Elizabeth sfc
Egan Mrs. Mary, 2 Albany rd. Petersham Eizenberg D., 20 Liverpool st, Paddington ICldrldgc W. G, Taylor st, Rookwood
Egan Michael, John st, Rookwood
Eizenbcrg Harris, 550 Bourkc st
Eldridge William, 30 Levey st
Egan Mrs., Premier st, Mnrrickvillc
Ekcnsteen II. O. (Da Faur and Gerard), Eldridge William, Vernon st, Woollahra
Egan Patrick, Notting Hill rd, Rookwood
IClcoiric Call Co, 11 Howe st
pastoralists' agents, 50 Pitt st
Egan Patrick, 1 Duke st, Balmaln
Electric City Street Directory, J. J,
Ekcnsteen Herman O.. 36 Macleay Bt
Egon Patrick, 60 Carlisle st, Leichhardt
Stephenson, 7 Moore st
Ekorick Martin, Gladesvllle rd, Hyde
/Head Oflloos : 810 Georso\
VStreot South. "Phono ml
Electoral Office—William Molntyrc, chief Ellery W , 30 Botnny Bt, Redfern
Ellery Walter, 89 Miller st
electoral olllcer, 41 Phillip st
Elles J. Currie, J . P , stock and share broker,
113 Pitt s t ; p.r. Lower Ocean st,
Elles J. Currie. J . P , lion. ECC. Highland
Society of New South Wales, 00 PittBt
Klley A. T , 17 Donnelly st, Balmain
0.11, Johnston st, Annandalo
Photo - Lithographers, Wood:
Elley Henry, 43 Talford st, Glebe
Metal and Proooss Engravers Ellice-Flint
A. W , J . P , Stanley st, O'wood
Elootrotypors & Sterootypors: Ellicli Stephen, Albert st, Parramatta
Robert, 21 Cardigan st. Glebe
S 3 AND 9 5 P I T T STREET, Elllck
Elllcomb James, Market st, Rockdale
J , Bay st, Rockdale
Electrio Power Station—A. Onlleu, super BUIgott John,
Aoh st, off 842 George st
Intcndent, William Henry st
Ellingsen O. F , 39$ Princes st
Electric Tailoring Co, 280 George st
Ellington Emllc, Bellevuo par, Hurstvlllo
Electric Telegraph Oillce—E. J. Young Elliot and Co, L t d , wool scourers, 65 Pitt
manager, George st
st, and Long Bay rd, Botany
Electrio Telegraph Storo (Government), Elliot
Misses, boardiughousc, 193 M'qrc Bt
, 300 Kent st
Thomas nnd Co., carcase butchers,
Electrio Tram Traffic Office — Thomas
Glebe Island and Botany
Winder, officer in charge, Mary Ann st
and wool-scourers, 608-700 Harris st,
Electrical Engineer for N.S.W. Railways—
Pitt Bt, North Sydney
O. W. Brain, M.I.E.E, electrical Elliot F , Hawkhnrst
st, Marrlekville
engineer, 40.51-63-55 Phillip st
Elliot Henry, 10 Carlton st
Electrical Material and Lighting Co., Ltd, Elliot
av, Cliatswood
G. D. Hamilton, m g r , off 100 King st Elliot Richard J , 167 Crown
Electro Mossogc Institute—H. Baptista, Elliot
Robert, 113 Alfred st, North Sydney
M.D, proprietor, 112 Hunter st
Elliot Mrs. T, Usher, boardiughousc, 187-193
Element Geo, 9 Buckland st, Alexandria
Macquarlc st
Element William, 32 Broughtou st, Glebe
Elliot ThomiiB, 40 City rd
Elford Arthur, 93 Baronla st, Redfern
William J „ 161n Riley st
Elgar Mrs. A, 85 George st west
Elgar Ed., carpenter, Elizabeth st, W'loo Elliott Bros., L t d , wholesale druggists, 23
st, 33 Bligh s t ; works,
Elgar Edward B , Annnudalc Bt, Annandale
Terry st, Balmain
Elgar Frcdk, 66 Annandale st, Annandale
Elliott Brothers, grocers, <fcc, 107 Walker
Elgar Wm., 6 McEvoy st, Waterloo
st, North Sydney
Elgee Herbert, 16 Glebe st Paddingtou
Elliott H. D. and Co, auctioneers, 623
Elger John, Beacousflcld st, Bexley
George st
Elger William II., Chapel st, Leichhardt
Elliott J. A. and Co., tea merchants, 18
Ellas Joseph, clothier, 470 Harris st
Bridge st
Elick Geo, 61 Short st, Balmain
Eling F.,114 Erskincville rd, Erskincville Elliott P. J. nnd Co., fuol merchants,
Cowper wharf
Elite Hall Tea Rooms—09-70 Queen VicElliott Miss A , 100 Darlinghurst rd
toria Market building
Albert, 15 Alt st, ABhflcld
Elizabeth st south Post and Telegraph
Elliott Albert, Brussell st, North Botany
Office—Miss B. I. Moore, postmistress, Elliott Alexander, 79 Womerali avc
602 Elizabeth st
Elliott Alex, 37 Brown st, Paddington
El kin Fredk. W , 80 Ncwland st, Waverley Elliott Alfred E , 19 Llewelyn st, Balmain
Elkln Rev. John (O. of E.), Great North rd, Elliott Mrs. Ann, 31 Boyco st, Glebe
Elliott Mrs. U, 58 Leichhardt st, Wav'ley
Elkin Robert A , Oswald st, Randwick
Elliott C , 189 Annandale st, Annandalo
Elkiugton and Youngman, manufacturers' Elliott Miss.0, 21 Gt. Buckingham st, R'fn
agents, 383 G eorge st
Elliott Miss O, 56 Railway tor, Petersham
Elkington Aub, Way st, Marrickvillo
Elliott O. A , 35 Orinond st, Ashfleld
Elkiugton O. W , Princes st, Brighton-le- Elliott C. J , Railway p.ir, Burwood
Elliott Charles, 100 Bowling st
Elkiugton H , Kensington rd, Sum. Hill
Elliott David, 35 Raglan st, Darlington
Elkington .!., Carey st, Marrickvillo
Elliott David I , 4 East st, Redfern
Elkiugton T , 12 Rosehill st, Redfern
Elliott E , Doncaster ave, Kensington
Elkington W. F , Princes rd
Elliott .Mrs. E , Pittwater rd, Manly
Elkington W. F , 25 Hunter st
Elliott E. O, homoeopathic dispensary, 1"
Elkins William, 7 Ifnrtst
Park st
Ella Miss A.,13 Palace st, Petersham
Ella Alfred, 7 Mary lane
Elliott E. C, 41 Westbourne st, P'sham
Ella Mrs. E , 18 Llnthorpe st, Newtown
Elliott E. W , Mill st, Rookwood
Ella Edward J , 20 Dobroyde st, Ashfleld
Elliott Edward, 37 Sophia st
Ella Thomas 11, 05 Morchcad st, Redfern Elliott Edward, 78 Surrey st
Ellnrd Mrs. Annie, 5 Fittst, Redfern
Elliott Edwin, 93 Brougham st
Ellard Thomas, Hocky Point rd, Kogarah Elliott EdwImO, 35 Ormond st, Ashfleld
Elliinl Wm., 98 Douglas st, Petersham
Elliott Enoch, 88 Windsor st, Paddington
Ell bourn William, 20 .Tamieson st
Elliott Ernest, Thomas st, Granville
Ellen diaries, Victoria rd, .Marrickvillo
Elliott P., Australia st, Cuniperdown
Ellen John, 0 Isabella st, Camperdown
Elliott F , 64 Prospect st, Erskiucville
Ellen Thomas, 85 Carlton cres, S. Hill
Elliott Mrs. F., 80 City rd
Ellen W. J , 175 Edgccllffe rd, Woollahra Elliott F , 300 Abercromblo st, Redfern
Elleray Thomas, Forest rd, Hurstville
Elliott F . ' A , manager Sydnoy and North
Ellercamp J. M, 31 Aubrey st, Petersham
Sydney Lime and Cement Co, 3
Ellery Charles, 151 Darling st, Balmain
Falcon st, North Sydney
Ellory Mrs. Jenny, Railway rd, St. Peters Elliott F. A , 24 Haybcrry st, N. Sydney
Ellery Peter, Sydney rd, Manly
Elliott F. 11, Thompson Bt, Druminoyno
Ellery Valentine, King st, North Botany Elliott F. J , 93 Victoria st, Lewisbam
Elliott F. T , 213 Glebe nl, Glebe
Elliott Francis, Hopctoiin st, Paddingtou
Elliott Fred, 1 Card well st, Balmain
Elliott Frcdk. S, 81 Albion st, An'dnlc
Elliott Fredk. T , Arcadia st. Glebe
Elliott Miss G , 66 Prospect st, Ersk'vlllo
Elliott G. 0 , J . P , 83 Elliott st, Balmain
Elliott G. F , 200 Annandale st, Annnudalc
Elliott George, 28 Langley's lane
Elliott George, botnny st, Hurstville
Elliott George, 4 North st, Leichhardt
Elliott George, Maud st, Marrlekville
Elliott Geo, 160 Paddingtou st, Pnd'ton
Elliott George, 0 Glebe st, Paddington
Elliott George, 54 Turner st, Redfern
Elliott IT., St. George's cres, Druinmoync
Elliott I I , Railway st, Granville
Elliott I I , 200 Ben Boyd rd, Neutral Bay
Elliott Henry, Wigrnm st, Granville
Elliott Henry, 210 West st, North Sydney
Elliott Henry, Mary 6t, Rookwood
Elliott Henry, 34 Rosscr st, Rozclle
Elliott Henry D , 24 Ferry rd, Glebe
Elliott Henry E , Avonn ave, Glebo
Elliott Henry E , J . P , 238 Glebe rd, Glebe
Elliott Ira, 140 Maria st, Newtown
Elliott Mrs. J , 9 Clarence st
Elliott J , 126 Alexander st, Alexandria
Elliott J. G, Potts st, Gladesvllle
Elliott J , 348 Abercromblo st, Redfern
Elliott Mrs. J. S, 142 Walker st, N. 8yducy
Elliott J. W , 13 McDonnld st, Erskincville
Elliott J. W , 128 Audley st, Marrlekville
Elliott James, 230 Bourkc st
Elliott James, 83 Toogood st, Erskincville
Elliott James, 80 Shepherd st, Marrlekville
Elliott James II, Goldsbury st, Mosmau
Elliott James T , 4 Woolloomooloo st
Elliott John, surgeon, 85 Elliott st, Balmain
Elliott John, 21 Chambers st
Elliott John, 52 Little Albion st
Elliott John, 85 Phillip st, Balmain
Elliott John, 102 Rowntreo st, Balmain
Elliott Johu, Concord st, Erskincville
Elliott John, 87 Toogood st, Erskiiierille
Elliott John, 82 Bollevue st, Glebe
Elliott John, 25 Franklyn st, Glebo
Elliott John, 123 Alice st, Newtown
Elliott John, 41 Wilson st, Newtown
Elliott John, Farr st, Rockdale
Elliott John, 0 Caroline st, Redfern
Elliott Joseph Webb's av, Ashfleld
Elliott Joseph J , 77 Cumberland st
Elliott Joseph L , 109 Regent st, Newtown
Elliott Joshua, 102 Regent st,Camperdown
Elliott Miss M, George's River id, Enlield
Elliott M , George's River rd, Enfield
Elliott Miss M , 123 Crystal st, Petersham
Elliott Mrs. M, 38 Arthur st. Leichhardt
Elliott Mrs. Mary. Auburn rd, Auburn
Elliott Nurse, 163 Walker st, X. Sydney
Elliott Percv I I , 85 Orinond st, Ashfleld
Elliott R. j , Milton hotel, 157 King st,
Elliott It. W, Hawkhurst st, Marrickvillo
Elliott Robert, 14 Bay st, Balmain
Elliott Holiert, 121 Union st, Newtown
Elliott Robert, 90 Dowling st, Paddington
Elliott Robert, 2 Leinster st, Paddington
Elliott llobt, 2 Spring st, Paddington
Elliott S , butcher, 73 Bondi rd, Waverley
Elliott S. McDonald, Thomas st, llomsby
Elliott Samuel, Yelverton, St. Peters
Elliott Simon, coaehbuililer, 372 Bourkc st
Elliott T , 39 Westbourne st, Petersham
Elliott Thomas, 2 Wharf rd, Balniain
Elliott Thos., 3 Drown st, Camperdown
Elliott Thomas, Wardell st, Marrickvillo
Elliott Victor, Wolscley st, Drumuioyne
Elliott W , Powell st, Concord
Elliott W , 149 Bowntree st, Balmain
Elliott W , 79 McDonald st. Erskiuevillo
Elliott W , 27 Lodge st, Forest Lodec
Elliott W., 60 Burfltt st, Leichhardt
Ellis Claude, Nicholson st, St. Leonards
Ellis Rlchd, J., Perousc rd, Raudwick
Elliott W., Clook'a lliver rd, St. Peters
Hills David, 0 Talford st, Glebo
Kills Richard, 19 Station st, Petersham
Elliott W, Silver at, S t Peters
Ellis D. J., Belmore rd, llandwick
Ellis Robert, 50 Charlotte st, Akhfleld
Elliott W. J. 0., motor car depot, 263-d Ellis E., 26 Blshopsgatc st, Camperdown
Ellis Robert, 6 Sydney st, Erskinevillo
Elizabeth st
Ellis E., 13 Little Comber st, Paddington Ellis Robert, Commercial rd, Lcichhardt
Elliott W. J. 0., 426 Park rd
Ellis Mrs. E„ 9 Ben Kdon st, Wnverloy
Ellis Robert, Mocks' rd, Marrickville
Elliott W. R., inspector, Newtown JJOIICO Ellis Mrs. E. J., 42 Addison rd, Marr'vlllo Ellis Robert D., off Church st, Burwood
station, Australia st, Newtown
Ellis E. T., 230 Church st, Camperdown
Ellis Mrs. S, 278 Darling st. Rozello
Elliott W. R., 2J Scouller et, Mnrrlokvllle Ellis Edward, agent, 44 Castlcrcagh st
Ellis Samuel, poultry farmer, Bay st,
Elliott William, COJJOIHIHI 8t, Alexandria
Ellis Edword, Parrauiatta rd, Auburn
Elliott William, 18 Dock rd, Balmain
Ellis Edwnrd, Fletcher st, Mnrrlokvllle
Ellis Samuel, 48 Regent st, Paddington
Elliott William, 113 Rowntrce st Balmain Ellis Edward, 204 Bcdferu Bt, Redfern
Ellis Sydney, Gladstone st, Lcichhardt
Elliott William, Marlon st, Lclchlurdt
Ellis Ellas, 33 Goold st
Ellis T., 13 Klugsclear rd, Alexandria
Elliott William, 480 William st, Hedfcrn Ellis Ernest James, noting manager Indus- Ellis T.i 67 Carabella st, North Sydney
trial, Provident, Permanent, Building Ellis T., Ruthveu st, Rnndwlok
and Investment Society, 146 York s t ; Ellis Thomas, 30 Arthur st, Balmain
p.r., 48 Moonblc st, Summer Hill
Ellis Thomas, Tower st, Bankstown
Ellis Evan, 13 Spleer st, Woollahra
Kills Thomas, 11 Edward st, Balmain
Ullis Frank, Oullodcn rd, Marsflcld
Ellis Thomas, Botany rd, Botnny
Ellis Frolic., 27 Crystal st, Petersham
Ellis W„ Little Stewart st, Balmnin
Ellis Fredk., 61 Margaret st, Petersham
Ellis W., 300 Abercromble st, Redfern
Ellis Fredk., 47 Victoria st, Lewisham
Kills W. II., Hammersmith rd, Flemington.
Ellis Q., 68 University st, Camperdown
Ellis W. J., 173 King st, Newtown
Ellis a., 21 Curtis rd, Baimaln
Kills W. J., 140 Windsor st, Paddington
Ellis G., St. George's parade, Hurstvlllo
Ellis William, Dlbbs st, Alexandria
Ellis G. E., 20 Thomas st, Mnrrickvlllo
Ellis William, Alfred st, Hunter's Hill
Ellis G. H., 24 Cambridge Bt, Pnd'ton
Ellis William, 45 Junior st, Lclobhardt
Ellis G. 0., Bamsby grove, Dulwich Hill Ellis William, 4 Waterloo st, Rozello
Ellis G. S., 3 Erskinevillo rd, Ersklnevillo Ellis William, jun., Frank Bt,Ryde
Kills G. T., Yule st, Dulwich Hill
Ellis William, Frank st, Rydo
Ellis Winthrop, Gipps st, Croydon
E L L I S G. 'W., Proprietor Ellis's Coffee Ellison Edward, J.P., May's Hill, P'mntta
Palace hotel, 40, 48, 60, 62 King st
Ellison Mrs. Geo., George st, Parramatta
Ellis George, 36 Duke st, Balmain
Ellison Henry, Whistler st, Manly
Ellis Oeo., 1 Rowntreo st, Balmain
Ellison Henry, Adn st, Parramatta
Ellis Geo., 41 Roberts st,Camperdown
Ellison J., 37., Schlmel st, Waterloo
Ellis George, Rydo rd, Hunter's Hill
Ellison J. A., Raglan st, Manly
Ellis George, 89 Jersey rd, Woollahra
Ellison Joseph, Council st, Wavcrley
Bills Gcorgo E., Carlyle st, Enfield
Ellison Mnrtln, 80 Edward st
Ellis George W., Rose Bay
EIIIBOH P., 16 Victoria st, North Sydney
Ellis Mrs. II., Alexandra st, Hunter's Hill Ellison Peter, 11 Moore's rd
Ellis H. B., 18 Liberty st, Staumorc
Ellison Mrs. R., 19 Cardigan ft, Glebo
Ellis H. N., Wolsclcy rd, Point Piper
Ellison Thomas, 33 Swnnson st, Ersk'villoEllis Harry, 219 Crown st
Ellison Thomas, 420 Castlcrcagh st
Ellis Henry, 15 Burnett st, Redfern
Ellison W. I. jun., Berkley rd, Manly
O. W. ELLI8, Proprietor,
Kills Henry, 87 Nelson st, Rozollo
Ellison William, 38 Dowllng st, Redfern
Ellis Henry, Fnrrst, Rockdale
Ellison William, 14 Emily st, Lcichhardt
Ellis Henry K., Mceks rd, Marrickville
Elllston O., Good st, Granville
Kills J., tailor, 68 Regent st, Redfern
Elllston F., 3 Ftora st, Erskincvillc
( T E L K P I J O N B 906).
Ellis Mrs. I„ 70 Forsyth st, Globe
EUsmorc Alfred, Moore's st, Hurstvlllo
Ellis Mrs. J., 19 William st, Paddington
Kllwood Mrs. A., 8 Schlmel st, Waterloo
Ellis Mrs. J., 32 Edwnn] st, Redfern
Ellwood J. L., Miller st, North Sydney
Ellis A. and II., shipowners and timber Ellis Mrs. J. A., 3 Boss st, Forest Lodge
Elly P. I., 79 Rose st
merchants, 138 Sussex st
Ellis J. B., land agent, Avoca st, Handw'k
Ellis nnd Button (0. J. Ellis and J. D. Y.; Ellis J. C, timber importer and shipping Elm John J., Stnnlcy st, Burwood
Elmer Mrs. A. II., George st, Manlv
Button), solicitors, 84 Elizabeth st
Elmer Edward, 43 Ancrum st, N. Sydney
merchant, 247 George st
Ellis and Oo„ auctioneers, 827 George st,
Ellis J . S., 25 Paddington st, Paddington Elmer W. B., Raglan st, Mosman
and 163 Quay st
Elmers Mrs. H., Botnny rd. North Botany
Ellis James, 6 Bunn st
E L L I S A N D P R O U D , Importers of Ellis James, 144 Good let st
Elmcs 0. H., 74 Bourko st, Redfern
Jewellery, &c, 40 Carrlngton st, Ellis James, William st, Alexandria
Klphlck Edwin, 10 Margaret st, Ashflcld
Wynyard square
Ellis James, 88 Wyndham kt, Alexandria Elphick Mrs. M., 109 William st
Ellis W. J. nnd Co., boot manufacturers, Ellis James, Harris st, Sans Souci
Elphick Robert, Merlton st, Gladcsvillo
173 King ft, Newtown
Elphick W., 43 Aunandnlc st, Annaudalo
Ellis James F., 75 Surrey st
Ellis' Wharf, Pynnont st
Elphlnstone J. B. nnd H. B., fruitgrowers*
Ellis James 0., Jeffries st, Canterbury
Ellis Mrs. A., 0 Albert Grove, Ashflcld
Ellis Jonn, 299 Crown rd
Rowo st, Eastwood
Ellis Mrs. A., 321 Lane Cove rd, N. Sydney Ellis John, 63 Edwnrd st
Elphinstono Mrs. A., Woolley st, Glebe
Ellfs Sirs. A., 6 Walter st. Paddington
Ellis John, 1 Fovenux st
Elphlnstone B., 26 Cnry at, Lcichhardt
Ellis A, E„ Hastings st, Marrickville
Ellis John, 29 Bay st, Glebo
Elphinstono D., Wolseley st, West Kogarnhi
Ellis Abel, 18? Macquaric st south
Ellis John, 22 Wntkin st, Newtown
Elphinstono D., 7 Gower st, Summer Hill
Ellis A. F., Spit rd, Mosman
Ellis John, 126 Mount st, North Sydney
Elphinstono D. B., estate agent, 109 Pitt st
Ellis Alfred, 34 Goold st
Ellis John, 7 Brighton st, Petersham
Elphinstono Miss E., 239 Canterbury New
Ellis Alfred, 48 Comber st, Paddington
Ellis John, 90 Spring st, Wavcrley
Ellis Alfred, 66 Bridge rd, Glebe
Kills John, 106 Kdgecllfic rd, Woollnhrn
rd, Dulwich m\l
Ellis Andrew J., l'rlnccs st, Rydo
Ellis John J,, 94 Crystnl st, Petersham
Elphlnstone Miss E„ 86 Boulevard, D. Hill
Ellis Arthur, 21 Harris st. Rozello
Elphlnstone G., 101 Old Conterbury rd,.
E L L I S J O H N S. E., F.R.I.B.A., archiEllis B., Clanwilllnm st, Willoughby
tect, Kensington Chambers, 108 r i t t | Elphinstono II. F., 38 Cromwell st, L'hnrdt
Ellis Benjamin W„ 7 Stewart st, Baimaln
s t ; p.r., Gordon rd, Ohatswood
Ellis 0. J., J.P., solicitor, 84 Elizabeth s t ;
Elphlnstone J. C, solicitor, 109 Pitt et;.
p.r., Cuthlll st, Bandwick
Ellis Joseph, 18 Little Bourko st
p.r., 7 Gower st, Summer Hill
Ellis Charles, 210 Cnmpbcll st
Ellis Joseph, Flavolle st, Concord
Elphinstono Jnmcs Drunker rd, Rnndwlok
Ellis Charles, 31 Jacques st, Baimaln
Ellis Joseph, The Corso, Manly
Elphlnstone John. 619 Bourko st
Ellis Charles, 3 Talford st, Glebe
Ellis Mrs. Lillian. 4 Crnlgcnd st
Elphlnstone R. L., 3 Smith st, Sum. Hill
Ellis Charles, 1 Gray's lane, Wntcrloo
Ellis Richnrd, 0 Catherine Bt, Forest Lodge Elphlnstone Robt, A., Wyntt av, Burwood.
Ellis Charles, 24 P i t t s t , Waterloo
Ellis Richard, 32 Francis st, Glebe
| Elphinstonc W., 36 Avenue, Camperdown
Coffee Palace Hotel
46-4S-50-52 KING ST
/Head Offices: 810 Georgo\
^Street South. "Phono W
Elphlnstone W., 186 Onnidcn st, Newtown
Elrlngton Dredging Co. (no liability)—W.
Tarleton, seoretary, 83 Pitt st
Elrlngton Claude, 13 Denbnm st
Elrlngton H., Wcntworth st, Manly
Elrlngton Mrs. E., Carlton Bt, Manly
Elscy Fred., 10 Norman st
Elsasscr G. A.. Brldgo st, Drummoyne
Elsey Frederlok. 230 Liveryool st
Elson Mrs. Annie, Botany rd, Botnny
Bison Henry 0., 36 Yule st, Petersham
Elston W. II., 40 Parramatta rd, Ashflcld
Elston W. R., 4 Don St. Newtown
Elstub James, Vlotorla st, St. Peters
Elstub Robert, J.P., 116 Regent st, N'town
Elvcy Leonard, 9 Hcgnrty Bt, Glebe
Elviu Mrs. E., 19 Ben Boyd rd. Neutral Bay
Elvin T., ham shop, 131 Oxford st
Elvin Wlllinm, 3 Waterview st, Balmain
Elvin William, Elliott st, Balmain
Elvy and Co., music and piano warehouse,
320 George Bt
Elvy Arthur, 277 Abercromble at, Redfern
Elvy Filmer, Addl6on rd, Mnrriokvillc
Elvy Robert H., 10 Maolcay st
Elvy Rupert W., dental Burgeon, 207 Mncquarlc st
Elvy Mrs. W., 141 Rose st, Darlington
Elwiu Mrs, O. B., Darley st, Manly
Elwin Cyril, Palmer st, North Sydney
Elwin Tlico., Lane Cove rd, Turramurra
El woo 1 Mrs. H., Ross 6t, Parramatta
Elwood J., Miller st North Sydney
Elwood S. E., Ross st, Parramatta
Elwyn Arthur, flnanoicr, 186 Castlcrcagh
st and 37 Park st
Elwyn Arthur, Yule st, Dulwich Hill
.Ely Mrs. Francis, Eve st, Strathfleld
Ely William T., O Connor st, Summer Hill
Elyard Miss E., 4 Australia st. Newtown
Elyard F. O. W., Rcnwiuk st, Marrickville
Elyard Graham. York Bt, Glebe
Emanuel L. G. and Co., tailors, 508 Elizaboth Bt
Emanuel Mrs. A. H., 643 Dowllng st
Emanuel Abraham, dentist. 472 George s t ;
p.r., 40 Regent st, Paddington
Emanuel Barnct, 21 Wood st, Forest Lodge
Emanuel E., 10 Sir John Young's crcs
Emanuel J. M., stock nnd share broker, I I
Queen st, Ashflcld
Emanuel John, 46 Bllgh st, Newtown
Emanuel Joseph, 39 Oxford st, Newtown
Emanuel Louis, 89 Glenmore rd, Pad'ton
Emanuel Louie, 2B6 Bourko st
Emanuel Mrs. M., 14 Metropolitan rd,
Emanuel M., 26 Underwood st, Paddington
Emanuel M., 40 Redfern st, Redfern
Emauncl 8., dentist, 111} Buckingham st
Emanuel William, 60 Tclopen st, Redfern
Enibcrson George, 396 Elizabeth st
jEinbcreon J., 86 College st, Balmain
Emblem J., Unwin's Bridge rd, Mar'villo
Emblem Robert, Gordon rd, Lane Cove
Emblem W., Unwin's Bridge rd, Mar'ville
Embleton O. J., Booth st, Arncliffe
Emblln John W., 2 Whaling rd, N. Sydney
Embliu Mrs. W., Unwin's Bridge rd, Tempo
Bmbrcy Alf., Chippendale hotel, 31 Bank st
Emerson Albert, 3 Little Toothlll st,
Emerson Ernest, 09 Riley st
Emerson Frank, Midsou rd, Epplng
Emerson Frederick, 17 Kirk lane
Emerson J., Kissing Point rd, Ermington
Emerson Mrs. L., laundry, 149 William st
Emerson Mrs. M., 61 Stnnmore rd, P'shnm
Emerson S., 5 Devine st, Erskinevillo
Emert H. F., First Avenue, Wcnt'villo
Emcrt Henry, 95 Vlotorla st, Lewisham
Emert Mrs. M., 00 Francis st, Lekhhardt
Emerton Ed., 20 Upper Bay view st, N. Syd.
Emerton Herbert, Thornlcy st, Dru'moyne ICnipeon John, 117 Marian st, Newtown
Emtilie Mrs. E., Winchester rd, Randwick
Emciton J. D., 280 Oxford st, Woollahra
Emslle William, 331) Crown rd
Emerton William, 6 Redfern st, Redfern
Emery and Bradshaw, bakers, 627 Illawnrra Emu and Prospect Gravel and Road Metal
Co., Ltd.—L. V. Buckle, sec., 164
rd, Marrickville
Pitt st
Emery Alfred, 027 Illawnrra rd, M'vllle
Kincry Alfred, 1 Elizabeth st, Paddington Ench Fredk., 22 Phillip Bt, Al?xnndria
Encyclopedia Britaiiiiica Oompnny.Muttinl
Emery Alfred, 14 Bush st. Woollahra
Life of New York building, Martin
Emery E., 20 Malcolm st, Erskineville
Emery George, 64 Wetherill st, Lcichhardt
Emery George, Young Bt, Croydon
End Mrs. H., 7 Regent st, Paddington
Emery James, 36 Jersey rd, Woollahra
Eudall W. F., Chamlos Bt, St. Leonards
Emery James, Moore st, Lcichhartlt
Eudcan Mrs. Annie, 18 High Holbom st
Emery S., hairdresser, 437 Crown st
Andean Harry, 4 Thomas st, Redfern
Emery Samuel, 3 Hampton st, Balmain
Euilean Richard, 129 Young st, Redfern
Emery Mrs. T., 202 Young st, Annandalc Enderley A., 03 Arundel ter, Forest Lodge
Emery Thomas, Orange st, Hurstvillc
Enderlcy Mrs. M.,4 Mansfield st,Ulcbc
Emery W., 609 Illawarra rd, Marrickville Endlcott and Mann, grocers, 67 Regent st,
Emlcy Mrs. E„ 469 King st, Newtown
Emiiiclhniuz MissO. B., 13 Alt st, Ashfleld Kndieott G„ Bourko st,Waterloo
Emmcrick F.. 10 Emmerick st, L'hardt
George E., Oarr Bt, Randwick
Emnurson John, Dc Milium rd, Hun. Hill Endlcott
Mrs. I., 146 JInrgrave st, Pad'ton
Emmerson Joseph, J.P., Powell st, H'bnsh Endlcott
Mrs. Isabella, 312 Park rd
Emmerson Joseph, 526 Darl j i g st, Rozello Endlcott J.,
46 Gilmer st, Paddington
Einmett Alfred, Hutchinson Bt, Granville Endlcott J. A.,
West Botnny rd, Rockdale
EmmettF., Auburn rd, Auburn
21 Wilson st, Newtown
Emmett F., Silver st, Marrickville
8 Little Ennls Bt, B'main
Einmett Harry, Marlborough st, D'moyno Encmark J., Oberon
st, Randwick
Emmett John, 4 John st, Lcichhardt
Council Chambers—Alex. CampEmmett W. H., 10 John st, Camperdown Enfield
clerk, Liverpool rd,
Emmott Mrs. A., 1 National st, ltozellc
Emo Thomas, 12 Blrchgrovc rd, Balmain
Enfield Post nnd Telegraph Ofllce—A. L.
Kmonil Jules. 699 Harris st
Emperor Christian, 29 Young st, Redfern
Henderson, postmstr, L'pool rd, Enfield
Empire Electric Light Co., Ltd. (Tho)— Enfield Public School—John Dart, master,
J. It. W. Gardhum, managing engiGeorge's River rd, Enfield
neer 1 R. O. Robberds, secretary, Mar- Endfielil Andrew, 58 Wells st, Newtown
garet lane
Eudfleld G. F., 50 Little Riley st
Empire hotel—Harris Chancellor, Hunter Enlleld Mrs. G. E., 64 Union st, Ersk'villC
Endfleld George, Orange Bt, Rnndwick
and Pitt sts
Endfleld Geo. W., Myrtle st, Petersham
Empire Tea Co., 114(1 Pitt Bt
Enfield'J. E., 101 Neville Bt, Mnrrlckvlllc
Empire Theatre, 218 Castlcrcagh st
Empire Works Co., manufacturers photo' Kugatnclls, E., bonrdlnghousc, 9 York st
Oswnld, Hilly st, Mortlake
graphic plntCB, paper, A c , 625 Kent st
Employers Federation of N.S.W. — F. Engel Edward A., 176 Gloucester st
Wegg-IIorne, secretary, 114a Pitt st
Lubricating Oils—Henry Brooks and
E M P L O Y E R S ' L I A B I L I T Y ASSUCoy.,
Wynyard square, Sydney. Tel. 3023
OF L O N D O N - - E d ward Chapman
and Co., managers for Australia, 3 Engcrt A., Dolphin st, Ooogeo
Engert Philip, Spit rd, Mosman
Bond st
Empress Assuranco Corporation, Ltd.— Engcrt Valentine, 06 Deiimnn st, Glebe
Hogg, Robinson nnd Co. Proprietary, Engineer for Existing Tramways—G. B.
Oowdery, engineer; S. O. Wood, chief
Ltd., agents, 6 Bond st
clerk, 39 Phillip st
Engineering Association' of N.S.W.—Exchanec, 60 P i t t st
Engisch Mrs. O., 70 King st, Newtown
England A Urol, Mitchell rd, Alexandria
England Fredk., 13S Denison rd, P'sham
England Frederick, 70 Brougham st
England G., Warded rd, Marrickville
England Gideon, 29 Mnry st
England Henry, Tilford st, Wnterloo
England'Jnmes, 617 Elizabeth st
Wholesale Fanoy Stationers, England Jamas, 130 Reservoir st
Englnnd John, Short st, Woollahra
Leather Goods Importers, England Mrs. M., 5 Almn st, Darlington
England Mrs., Kintoro st, Dulwich Hill
and Manufacturers.
Englnnd Richard, Allen st, Canterbury
England Thos. II., solicitor, 4 Castlcrcagh st;
p.r., 25 John st, Staumorc
Sydney : Ncwbery House, 10 Barrack Bt. England W., Favcrslmm st, Mnrriekvillc
England William, 18 Mtinni st, Newtown
Melbourne: 60 Elizabeth st.
lCngle F., Sydney st, Erskineville
Engleficld II., Rcnwick st, Mnrriekville
St. raid's Buildings, 28 Paternoster Row, Englehart Guy, Turner st, Byde
Engleheart O. F., Forest rd, Uurstville
Englert Miss M nry A., 5 Terry ft, Rozelle
Empsou Fred J., representing Empson and English and American Dental Co.—F. W.
Redman and B. P. Summerfleld, proSon, 10 Barrack Bt; p.r., " Muriclle,"
prietors, 269 Titt st, mid 02-63 Royal
457 Alfred st, N. Sydney
George st
Empsou Reg O., 457 Alfred st, N. Sydney
English Watch and Jewellery Co., 114<i Enterprise Swimming Club, Domain
Krler F. G., 100 Alfred st, N. Sydney
Pitt st
Kutrlch Frank, 4 Littlo Bourke st
Krmclo Nursing Home, Miss Gould, matron, Linthorpo st, Newtown
AND Eutwlsle and Kcuyon, Ltd. (Accrlngton),
makers of mangles, carpet sweepers Ermington Council Chambers—T. Feather,
and vices—Robert Guthrie, agent, 205
council clerk, Victoria st, Ermington
( T H E ) - 0. W. Wren, Resident InClarence st
Ermington Post Office—George Adamson,
spector; N. F. Chrlstoe, Manager:
postmaster, Ermington rd, Ermington
Andrew Shank?, Accountant; ]'. A. Entwlstle Mrs. K„ Pnr'mntta Park, P'inatta
Ermington and Rydalmere Public SchoolMatthews. Sttb-bniiicli Inspector. Head Kntwistle G., 12 National st, Leichhardt
George Dumbrell, J.P., master, VicOlllce, 3'J5 George st. corner King
toria st, Rydalmere
St. Branches at 185 George st north ; Entwlstle Thos., 173 Hose st, Darlington
20G George st west; 125 Harris st, Kutz Richard, Bradley's Head rd, Mosmni Ermington Public School—Edwin Jobson,
Wlnburn st, Erinlngtou
Pyrninnt; 203 Pitt st, corner Park s t ;
Ermington School of Arts—Victoria st,
17-1 William st, Wuollnomnoloo; 291 Epliraim 1L, 33 Morchcad st, Waterloo
Darling st, Hahnain ; Weston rd, Ro- Eppel John, 30 Jamiesou st
Ernest Francis, 23.1 Cowper st, Waverley
zelle ; Military rd, Mosman; Enmore Kppel P. J., Despolntes st, Marriekvillo
and Metropolitan rds, Enmore; 331) Epplng Post and Telephone Olllce—Mrs. A. Ernest Henry G., 30 Young st. Neutral Bay
Nlcholas.postinlstress, High st.Epping Krngey James, 22 Artlett st, Paddington
Oxford st, Padiliugton ; and Bondi
Upplng Railway Station—David Nicholas, Ernst Chns., 40 Annesley st, Leichhardt
Junetiou. Wnverlcy— (See ndvt.)
statlonmaster, High st, Epping
Errey T., 01 Kent st
English Mrs. A., Marrickville rd, Dul. Hill
English Miss Q, grocer, 131 Castlercagh st Epplcr Joseph, 212 Bridge rd, G'ebe
Krrey Theodosius, 25 Yule st, Petersham
English Mrs. 0., 199 Cowpcr st, Waverley Kpplcstou H., Lane Cove rd, North Ryde Errickson C, 32 George st, Erskineville
English Miss E., 2(1 Datchctt st, Balnmin Epplcstone, Win., Blaxland's rd, Ryde
Erskinc st Police Station, Erskine st
English Denis, Alexandra st, Hunter's Hill Epps Alex., 1 off 10 Yurong st
Erskiiio Mrs. A., 41 Lower Campbell st
English .Miss E„ Little Nicholson st. B'm'n Epps John, Botany rd. Wntcrloo
Ersklne Alex., Croydon ave, Enlield
English Mrs. E., 04 Mitlcom st, Ersk'ville Epps William, secretary Prince Alfred Ersklne David, 18 Alexander st
Hospital, MiBsenilcn rd, Campcrdowu Erskinc E. J.,"Villa D'Este," South Head,
English E., 7 Lslchliardt st, Waverley
Epps William, Thompson st, Drummoyno
Eugllsli Edmund, Station st, Kogarah
rd, Rose Bay
Mrs. E., 3 Greyst, Waverley
English Edward, 4 Union st, Balinain
Epstein James, Royal Standard hotel, Erskine Frank, Curtis rd, Balinain
English Frank, 15 Marian st, Newtown
Fred., 18 Lawson st, Rozelle
English Henry, Stony Creek rd, Bexlcy
Bathurst st, corner Castlereagh st
ICrskinc George, 17 Elliott st, Balmaln
English Henry, 8 Chapman st, Sum. Hill Epthorpe P., Victoria ave, Rookwood
R., Cary st, Drununoync
English J., 43 Alexander st, Alexandria
Epworth Printing and Publisliing House- Erskine Mrs. R„fifiShort st, Balinain
English J. P., tailor, 122 Phillip st
Paul Clipsham, manager, 447 Kent st Erskinc T., 11 Malcolm st, Erskineville
English Jas., Lawrence st, Alexandria
Ersklne Thos., 50 Short st, Balmaln
English Jas., Kouarah hotel, Kogarah rd, E Q U I T A B L E L I F E A S S U R A N C E Erskine
William, 472 Crown st
S O C I E T Y of U N I T E D S T A T E S
William, 28 Lawson st, Rozellc
—O. Carlisle Taylor, General Manager
English Jas., Webber's rd, Kogarah
S. W. D'Arcy-Irvine, Manager for Erskineville Council Chambers—Arthur F .
English James, 117 Wilson st, Redfern
Desborough, council clerk, ErskineN.S.W. mid Queensland ; Alexander
English John, clotui'T and mercer, 708
ville I'd, Erskineville
Jobson, Actuary ; F. C. Cowley, SecreGeorge st
Erskineville Railway Station — Thomas
tary, Equitable buildings, George st
English John, Fig Tree hotel, Gladcsvlllc Equitablo Permanent Benefit, Building
Casscrley, station master, Swanson st,
rd, Hunter's Hill
Land nnd Savings Institution—Wil
English John, 170 Ileattle st, Bnlmain
Ham Ohndwlck, J.P., manager, corner Erskineville Post Office, Swanson st, ErsEnglish John, Denby st, Marriekvillo
of Park and Pitt sts
English M. J., Oxloy st, North Sydney
Equity Court—Chief Judge in Equity, His Erskineville Superior Public School—J. J .
English Michael, Dalley's rd, Wlllougliby
Honor Mr. Justlco A. H. Simpson ; H.
Hcrllhy, head master, Swanson st, ErsEnglish Patrick, Kogarah rd, Kogarah
P. Owen, B.A., Master in Equity; \V. H.
English T. J., Kilbride st, Canterbury
Hargravcs, deputy registrar and Erimdcll Mrs. E.,48 Mlsscnden rd, O'down
English Thomas, 212 Norton st, l.clchhardt
assistant taxing officer; W. A. Bal- Erwin A. J., 22 Mullens st, Balmaln
English Thomas, Alexander st, Alexandria
combe, chief clerk ; E. It. Garnsey, Erwin A. J., 23 Gerard st, Neutral Bay
English W., Laurence st, Alexandria
associate; and J. E. Cunningham, Erwln Alfred, tailor, 120 Pitt st
English Win. Augustus st, Leichhardt
official shorthand writer, Macquiirlest Erwin George, Ermington rd, Ermington
English William, off 23 Pitt st, Waterloo Erby G. T., J.P., Wigram st, Granville
Erwin Michael, 30 Mullens st, Balmaln
English William, 189 Quarry st
Krby G. T., J.P., Church st, Parramattu
Kneurt Ebenczer,20 Maria rd, Marrickville Erby Joseph, Campbell st, St. Peters
E S D A I L E E D W A R D W . , ManufacEnicksou Joseph, 114 K c n t s t
turing Optician and Mathematical
Erdmann Johann, 71 Stanley st
Knko Jacob, 142 Hlley st
Instrument Maker, 64 Hunter st,
Ercckson Charles, Helena st, Leichhardt
Enmore Post Olllce—Edward Chapman, Erckson 0. A., Belmont st, Alexandria
Sydney; p.r., Gordon st, Arnclia'o
postmaster, Enmore rd, Enmore
Erhard Herman and Co., warehousemen, Esdalle II., 103 King st, Newtown
Eshley Jos., 198 Parramatta rd, P'sham
Enmore Public School—H. Bucklaml, head
!8 Market st
Eshmati Mrs. E., Richmond st, Croydon
master. Metropolitan rd, Enmore
Erhard Fred., 42 Gordon crescent Stan- Eskbank Iron and Steel Rolling Mills, LithE N N E V E R AND APPLETON,
gow (William Sandford, Ltd.).—G. F .
Importers and Manufacturing Con- Erhard Hermann, 30 Alt st, Ashfield
W. Dando, J.P., representative, Equitfectioners, 150-100 Bay st
buildings, George st
Erhard Hermann, president Deutschcr
Ennever H. G., " Meredith," 11 Ben Boyd
Eskriggo John, 18 George st, Rozellc
Club, 89 Phillip st
rd, Neutial Day
Eslcr A. W., 11 Cambridge st, Stanmoro
Ericksen M., 1B4 Enmore rd. Mar'ville
Ennever William J., Mill m i l rd, Waverley Erlckson, E., Kalgoorlio st, Leichhardt
Esler Thomas, 10 Robin Hood lane
Ennis Mrs. E., 17 Westbourne st, P'sham Erlckson E., Quarantine station, Manly
Espenhahn Ed , Woolwich rd, Hun. IIIII
Ennls J., 23 McDonald st, Ersklncville
Erickson Edward, Pcmberton st, Botany Espie Mrs. J. S., Lower Forth st, Wlalira
Ennis J „ 4 Eurokast, North Sydney
Espiuassc Mrs. Bernard, 110 Victoria st
Krickson J., Eglington st, Rookwood
Ennis John, Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby
Espliu and Willard, engineers, 542-544
Erickson James, Devlin st, Ryde
Enright Edward, 09 Shepherd st
Erickson John, Thornley st, Driimmoyno
King st, Newtown
Enright Edward, Percy st, Rozelle
Erickson John, 27 Laura st, Newtown
Esplin P., 38 Rochford st, Erskineville
Enright J. E., Fern st, Rnndwick
Erlckson P., 43 Wnttle st
A., Johnston st, Annandale
Enright Miss, boardinghouse, 135 Phillip st Krickson Peter, 17 Bank st
Esscrman J., 153 Bathurst st
Enright Patrick, \a Little Queen st
Erlckson Peter, Alma st, Parramatta
Esseruian Maurice, dealer, 342 Pitt st
Enright Patrick, Brewer st. Concord
Erickson William, PIttwnter rd, Mnnly
Esscry Henry, 33 Alma st, Darlington
Ensbey M. D., Duxford st, Paddington
Erlckson William, 34 Margaret st, N'town Essex Thomas, St. Peters st, Marriekvillo
Ensbey M. D., 13 Gunicr st, Paddington
Erlcson Andrew, 48 Darghan st, Glebo
Ensor Thomas, 17 Burton st, Oamperdown Erlamann A., SO Jenkins st, North Sydney Essoy William, 8 Bourke st
Enston F., ins'neo agent, Pyrmont Bdg. rd Erlandson Mrs. H„ 12 Rowley st, O'down Estall William, 21 Glebo st, Glebe
Estell Robert, Dora Bt, Hurstvlllo
Enston F., Piper st, Leichhardt
Erler F. G., chemist, 141 George st
Estclla Martin, 8 Bruce st, Rozelle
SYDNEY. & < & = «&1S3B)
Estens John L., piano warehouse, 55 Flin- Evans Albert, Johnson st, Chatswood
Evans Albert, Albert ave, Chatswood
ders st
Evans Albert E., 46 Campbell st, O'down
Estens John L., Murray st, Waverley
Evans Albert K., Robinson st, Wlllougliby
Etcell Geo., 1 Boundary st, Redlorii •
Evans Alfred, 18 Lower Campbell st
Etches James, 19.1 Harris st
Experts. Literary AgcntH.
Evans Alfred, 73 Rose st
Etcson Mrs. B. A., Concord rd. Concord
Tel. 817.
W. P. ULUETT, Mnnacer.
Evans Alfred, 14 London st, Newtown
Etcson Sept, George steast, Bnrwood
Etcson T. B., manufacturers' agent, 400 Evans Alfred, 95 Moncnr st, Woollahra
secretary National
Evans Mrs. Annie, 22 St. John's rd, Forest
George st
Mutual Life Association of AustralLodge
Ethcll Plercy and Co., house, land and
asia, Ltd., 85 P i t t s t ; p.r., " Caloola,'
estate agents, sworn valuators tinder Evans Arthur, Crown st, St. Peters
Penklvilst, Bondi
R.P.A.,3 Moore st
Evans Augustus, 17 Frazer st, Mar'ville
Evans H. E., 191 Crown rd
Ethcll Pierev, J.P., Napier st, D'moyne
Evuis Augustus, 36 Hopetonn st, Pad'ton Evans Mrs. II. G., Cross st, Double Bay
Ether Mrs. Eliza, 48 Watkln st, Newtown Evans Bertie, 8 Rose st, Ashfield
Evans H.M..J.P., liedmyre rd, Hoinebush
Ethcrden Mrs. A.. Calvert st, Marrickville Evans Bertie F., Park rd, Auburn
Kvnns H. W., 72 George st, Cani|>erdown
Ethcrden A. J., lllawarra rd, Marrickville Evans C, 13 Hercules st, Ashfield
Evnns Harold, 00 Uroiigham st, Glebo
Ethcrden C, Underwood st, Botany
Harold. Silver st, St. Peters
Evans O., Marriott st, lledfern
Ethcrden Clements, J.T.,Botany rd, Botany Evans C. H., 135 Alice st, Newtown
Evans Harry, George st, Ashfield
Ethcrden Henry J , 'rcnterden st, Botany Evans 0. R., 59 Denlson Bt, Waverley
Evans Harry, 42 Lcicbhnrdt st, Waverley
Ethcrden T.. Marrickville rd, Marrickville Evans Charles, Baptist st, Redfern
Evans Henry, 138 Crown st
Etheredge Geo., 72 Liverpool st, Pad'tou Evans Charles, 101 Woolloomooloost
Evans Henry, 67 Parramntta rd, An'dale
Ethercdge Win., 182 Jersey rd, Pad'ton
ITciiry, Belmont st, Alexandria
Ethei'ldge E., 40 Cromwell st Lelchhnrdt Evans Charles, 10 Cornwallls st, Redfern Evans Henry, 63 Thomas st. Cainperdown
Etheridge R. J „ secretary N.S.W. Chamber Evans Charles, Inkerninn st, Parrnmatta Enans Henry, 101J Denlson st, Cauip'down
of Mines,'0 Rowe st; p.r., Harbour Kvans Chas. E., piano tuncr,81 Bathurstst Evans Henry, Bond st, Mosman
Evans Charles S., 41 Nicksonst
Viere hotrl, DaWes Point
Evans Henry, 2 Prospect Bt, Newtown
' Etheridge Robert, jnn., curator, Aus- Evans Charles W„ IS Spencer st,Suni. nill Evans Hugh, 407 Dowling st
Evans Clarence, Montague st, Balmain
tralian .Museum, College st
Isaac Barry, 133 Victoria st
Evnns D. W., 170 Alfred st, North Sydney Evans
Etherington A., 40 Young st, Kedfcrn
Evans Ivan, 20 George's Illver rd, Ashfield
Ethcrlngton D. C , Victoria ave, Chatsw'd Evans Daniel, Dartbrook id, Auburn
Evans J., 74 Elizabeth st w est, Ashfield
Evans David, 81 Campbell st, Glebe
Etherington Freilk., 3 Ferry rd, Glebe
Evans Mrs. J., 92 Derwent st, F. Lodge
Evans David, 11 Constitution rd, P'sham Evans Mrs. J., 5 Eden st, North Sydney
Etherington Mrs. I., Hay st, Botany
Kvans D. R.. 19 Coleridge st, Leichhardt
Etherington J., 123 George st, lledfern
Evans Mrs. J„ 40 Prospect id, Sum. Hill
Etherington James W., Mclntrsh st, Evans Daniel, Charles st, Greenwich
Evnns J. B., 203 Palmer st
Evans David, 9 Marlborough st
Evans .Mrs. J. .1., 403-5 King st, Newtown
Evans David, nursery, George st, P'inatta Evans J. P., G Stapleton ave, N. Sydney
Etherington John, 40 Pitt st, Waterloo
Evans. E., Forest rd, Hurstville
Etherington Mrs. M., Church st, Will'by
Evans J. W., 114 Weston rd, Rozellc
Evans Mrs. K., 85 Birchgrove rd, Balmaln Evans J. W., 1 Railway st, Petersham
Etherington Samuel, 29 Mort st
Evans E„ St. James's id, Randwick
Etheiington T., 35 Bradford st, Balmain
Evans James, 138« Elizabeth st
Etherington T„ l'lttwater rd, St. Ives
Evans Mrs. E. U., Park rd, Burwood
Evans James, 351 Riley st
Etherington Mrs. T„ 48 Queen st, W'lnhra Evans Edmund, 39 Cascade st, Paddington Evans James, 82 Trafalgar st, Aunnndnlc
Etherington T.. 0 Doris st, North Sydney
Evans Edward, VI Smitliers st
Evans James, 80 Bridge rd, Glebe
Etherington William, 303 Glebo rd, Glebe Kvans I'M ward, Harrow rd, Auburn
Evans James, 73 Denlson st, Waverley
Etherton William, Mitchell st, Kogarah
Evans Edward, 190 Jamo< st, Leichhardt Evans James, Vernon st, Woollahra
Etlcnna Daniel, Percival st, Leichhardt
•Ivans Jas. T., tinsmith and ironworker,
Evans Edward, Brisbane lane, Waterloo
Etna Iron Works, Gary st, Druminoyne
Evans Edwin, Northwood st, Cainperdown
Ettamogah Vlnevard Cellars—Harbottle, Evans Elias, 29J Phillip st, Waterloo
374 Kent st
Alsop nnd Co.", 89 Pitt st
Evans Jas. W., inspector of weights and
Evans Ernest,'202 Palmer st
Ettinger Franz, 34 Edward st, Petersham Evans Ernest, 20 Dcnii-ou rd, Petersham
measures, Central Police Court, LiverEttingshausen J., 23 Walter st, Ashliold Evans Ernest C, Atchison st, N. Sydney
pool st
Ettingshn isen Peter, Lynilngc rd, O'bury Evans Ernest E., 10 Fer.ry rd, Glebe
Evans John, baker, 3 Judge place
Etty Thos. H„ 45 lienisonst, Waverley
Evans Evan, 18 Bishop st, Mnrrlekville
Evans John, Welcome Jlome hotel, 177
Eucrasy Co.—E. 11. Norton, 02 Hunter st Evans Evan, 13 Hanover st. Rozelle
Goulbnrn st
Eugarde Frank, 3 Riley st, North Sydney Evans F., Duncan st, ArnclllYo
Evans John, 44 Mullens st, Balmain
Eugene Alex., 91 Abercrombie place
Evans John, 52 Cleveland st, Darlington
Evans F. W., River I'd.Bnnkstown
EugeneLewis. 9 Calder rd, lledfern
Evans Frank, secretary New South Wales Evans John, 37 St. John's rd, Forest Lodge
Euklns George, Fern st, Kaudwick
Kvans John, Water st. Glebe
Club, 31 Illigh s t ; p.r., Hastings rd, Kvnns
Euroa Preserving Co.—W. White, manager,
John, Factory st, Granville
8 Elizabeth st
Evans John, 3 Euroka st. North Sydney
Eury James, tlorist, Church st, Parramatta Evans Fredk., 39 Church St. Balmaln
Evans John, 2 Norwood st, Petersham
Kvans Frederick, 92 Derwcnt st, F. Lodge Evans John. 52 Walker st, lledfern
Eury W., 72 Bondi nl, Bondl
Eury W. R., senior inspector Goveniment Evnns Frederick, 94 Wellingtonst, Waterloo Evans John, Brown st, St Peters
Charitable Institutions of N.S.W., Kvans Fred. \V., 2 Moore's lane, Rozelle
Evans John W., Carnarvan st, Carlton
Richmond tor. Domain
Kvans Mrs. f}„ 14J Pearson st, Balinain
Evnns Joseph G., M.L.A., 50 Enmore rd,
Eustace II., dentist, 57 Regent st, Rodfem Evans G. W., 21 Howard st
Enston Neville, 1-2 Caunlen st, Newtown Evans George, solicitor, 28 Castlereagh st Evans Jonah E., J.P., 20 Pitt st, Waterloo
Evans and Ahcrn, farriers, Parramatta Kvans George, 11 Middle lane
Kvans L. !'., 74 Annandale st, Annandale
rd, Petersham
Evans George, 20 Ridge st
Evans Capt. L., 00 Middle st. North Sydney
Evans nnd Co., auctioneers, 332 King st, Evnns George, 12 Smitliers st
Evans Lawson, 14 London st, Newtown
Evans George, 21 Liverpool nl. Ashliold
Evans Mrs. M., 90 Moneur st, Woolalirn
Evans and Mackintosh, drapers, Wil- Evans George, River st, Canterbury
Evans Mre. Mary, 0 Mills st, Ashfield
loughby rd. North Sydney
Evans George, 70 Croydon rd, Croydon
Evans Mrs. Mary M., 57 Croydon rd,
Evans and Wilson, watchmakers, 548 Evans George, Forest rd, Hurstville
George st
Kvans George, .1 Liverpool st, Paddington Evnns Mrs., Muston st, Mosman
EVANS WALTER AND CO., Evans George E., Shaftesbury st, Carlton Evans Owen, 118 Princes st
Evans Percy, 141 Forbes st
Cotton Manufacturers—-John Shorter Evans George 11., The Avenue P'sham
Evans Percy, Barton st. West Kogarah
nnd Co., agents, 193 Clarence s t (See Evans George T., Harris rd, Abbotsford
Evnns Philip, Dougherty st, North Botany
Evans 1I„ 687 Darling st, llozelle
ndvt. Alphabetical,)
Evans Mrs. H., 115 Paddington,st, Pad'ton Evans Richard, 110 George st. Redfern
Evans Mrs. A. 09 Jersey id, Woollahni
Evans A.,200 Oxford st, Wonllahrn
Evans Miss H.. 12 Cavendish st, Stanniore Evans Richard, 118 Botany rd, Alexandria
Evans Richard. Rocky Point rd, Sans Soucl
Evans A. E., Mooney si, Belmore
Evans II., 11 Cook st, Rozelle
Evans A. E., Premier st, Marrickville
Evans II., J.P., 292 P'inatta rd, Petersham Evans Mrs. S.. 35 Garner's ave, Mar'ville
Evans S., oft Cowper st, Parramatta
Evans Mrs. A. P., 44 Ben Boyd rd, N. Bny Evans 11., Queen st. Petersham
EVBUB Mrs. S., 83 Georgo at, Redfern
Everett Edward, agent, Wlllinmson nnd Eves Mrs. E,, 11 Little Burton st
Evans Samuel, 3 Itcuss at, Lelohuardt
Eves William, 37 .Marshall st„ Marrlokville
Son (Lancaster), 44 Oarrlugton st
Evans Sydney O..JS Fltaroy st
Kvcson Francis, 21 Stephen st, Balmain
Everett Edward, Oowles rd, Mosman
Brans Mrs. Sophin, Mooncy at, Balmain
Bvorott Mrs. Eliza, 92 Regent at, Newtown Evcson Frank, 11 Franois at
Evans Htuart, 4 Charles st, Balmaln
Evcsson 0„ Edgecliffe rd, Woollahra
Everett Francis, 2 Little Smith st
Evans Sydney, Crystal st, Petersham
Evcsson Chas., Fletcher st, Woollahra
Everett G. E., 12 Mcirdock st, Rozelle
Evans Sydney J., Sohwcbol st, Mar'vlllo
Everett George, 101 Simmons Bt, Newtown Evesson Edward, 38 John st, Woollahra
Evnns Thomas, ophtlialmie surgeon, 211 Everett Georgo F., Church Bt, St. Peters Evcsson Miss, 112 Edgcollflb rd, W'lnhra
Mncquarie st
Everett H. T., secretary Commercial Trav Evcsson Thomns, 19 John st, Woollahra
Evans Thos., 33 Gcrrard st, Alexandria
oilers' ABSOC'H of N.S.W., 173 Pitt st Evcstone E, F,, 2 Park ave, North Sydney
Evlston Mlohael, 109 Young st, Redfern
Evans Thomas, 1 Dowllng st, Oaropordown Everett J. XL, 7 Samuel st
Evitt E. T„ 02 Glndstone st, Newtown
Evans Thomas, Albert avc, Onatswood
Everett James, 74 Terry st, Rozelle
Evltt E. T., Unwin's Bridge rd, St. Peters
Evans Tliomas, 31 Denlsoti st, Newtown
Everett James, 43 Nelson Bt, Rozelle
Ewnn Alfred, Charles Bt, Marrlokville
Evans Tliomas, 1G9 Alfred st, North Sydney Everett James, Merry vale rd, Fymblo
Kwan Charles, 65 Morchcad st, Waterloo i
Evans Thomas, 22 Walter st, Paddlngton Everett John, 42 Fulham st, Newtown
Ewau Charles S„ King at, North Botany
Evans Thomas It., Alexander st, Ooogce
Everett John W., 60 Foveaux st
Ewan F., Grocnhill st, Enfield
Evans Thomas W„ 177 Wilson st, Newtown Kvcrctt John W., Tenderdcn st, Botany
Evans Mrs. V., 10 Flinders st
Everett Mrs. L., Carabella rd, N. Sydney Ewau J., 45 Gladstone st, Newtown
Ewnn Jnmcs, Ethain av, Woollahra
Evans W., Auburn rd, Auburn
Everett Mrs. N., View st, Woolwich
Evans W., 18 Ltttlo Ennis st, Balmain
Everett T. J., Canterbury New rd, Dul. Hill Ewan James (trustees of tho late), 01
Evnns W., 31 Cleveland st, Darlington
Everett W. XI., 107 Union st, North Sydney
York Bt
Evans W., S5 Bullanamlng st, Redfcrn
Kverett Wm., 6 Bowd's ave, Lcichhardt
Ewart Archibald, 37 Lincoln st, P'shnni
Evans W., Norton st, Manly
Everett William, Lachlan st, Wntcrloo
Ewnrt James, Ashton st, Granville
Evnns W., West Orescent st, North Sydney Everett William J., 6 St. Mary's 8t,N'town Ewart John, 9 Isabella st, Balmain
Evans W, 28 Denison st, Woollnhrn
Evoringhatn A., 18 Johnston st, Balmaln Ewart John, Gordon st, Mosman
Evans W. A., 38 Neville st, Marrlokville
Kverlngham A. II., keeper stock quaran- Ewen J. F., 7 Septimus st, Erskineville
Eviwa W. D., Belmore rd, Dalmortou
tine, Cowpernnd Prince Bts, R'wlck
Ewcn Henry J„ 69 Ebley st, Waverley
Evans W. E., 202 Australia Bt, O'down
Evcringham B„ 80 Ncwland Bt, Wnvorloy Ewen John S., 10 Campboll st, N. Sydney
Evnns W. F., 61 McKenilo st, Rozelle
Evcringhnm O., dentist, 19 Marian st, Ewen William, Shirley rd, North Sydney
Evnns W. G., 171 Denison st, Onmperdown
EweiiB Frederlok, 38 Ornlgcnd Bt
Evans W. M., 60 Booth st, Annandnle
Evcringham Edgar, Ohuroh st, Randwick Ewcns Fred J., dentist, 231 Mncqnaric st
Evans W. M., 110 Trafalgar Bt, Annandale Evcringham F., Westmoreland Bt, F. Lodge Ewens Mrs. J., Nioholson Bt, Burwood
KvanB W. T., Tho Avenue, buratville
Evcringham F. 0., Dolphin Bt, Ooogeo
Ewcns Wm. J., 104 Foucart st, Rozelle
Evnns Walter, 415 Darling st, Balmaln
Evcringham J., 30 Roohford st, Ersk'villo Ewer John 15 Castlereagh st
Evans Walter, 30 Hosser st, Rozelle
Everingham J. 0., dentist, 117 King st Ewer William, 89 Rose st, Darlington
Evans Wm., fuel and produce merchant,
Ewers Miss M., 80 Bourke st
Auburn rd, Auhum
Evcringham L., Carey st, Marrlokville
Ewers William, 20 Turner st, Itcdferu
Evans William IS Church st
Evcringham T. W., 6 Brown st, Pad'ton Ewin William, 0 Blshopsgate Bt, Newtown
Evans William, 63 Smith st
Evcringham W., 621 Illnwarra rd, M'villo Ewlng Mrs. A., 88 Brisbane st
Evans William, f>3 Howling st
Everist G., 37 Wellington st, Newtown
Ewing Alexander, 70 Baptist st, Redfern
Evans William, Millctt st, Dalmortou
Kveritt Olias., N.S.H. rd, Vaucluse
Ewing Harley, 80 Great Baroom Bt
Evans William, Dowllng st, Kensington Everltt E. J., Ohiltcru rd, Wllloughby
Ewlng Jnmes, 21 Spring st, Balmain
Evans William, Mitchell st, KogaraU
Everltt Edward, 40 Pitt st, Redfern
Ewlng James, Sherwood rd, Prospect
Evans William, 182 Enmore rd, Mar'vllle Everitt George, Morlnrty rd, Onatswood Ewing John, 101 Princes st
Evans William, Perouse rd, Randwiok
Everitt Henry, 86 Paddlngton Bt, Pad'ton Kwing John, River rd, Lane Oovo
Evans William, 10 Georgo Bt, Bozclle
Everltt James, 77 Lennox st, Newtown
Ewlng John, jim., River rd, Lane Cove
Evnns William, 110 Walker Bt, Redfern
Everltt James, 19 Poplar st
Ewing John, 39 Gibbous Bt, Redfern
Evans William, 105 Carrlngton rd, Wav'lcy Everltt Jos., 30 Fotheringlmm st, M'villc Ewing John, 25 Palaco st, Petersham
Evans William, 31 Isabella st, Waverley
Everltt William, Windmill st
Ewlng Robert, 9 Merchant st, Pctershnm
Eve Bros., woolscourcrs and tanners, Water Everitt William, Ceoily st, Lcichhardt
Ewing Robert, 38 West st, Petersham
Reserve, Botany
Ewing T. T., surveyor, Exchange building,
Eve and McLaohlnn, tobaoconists, 102 Pitt
60 Pitt Bt
st, corner Moore st
Ewing T. T., J.P., M.H.R., Musgrave st,
Eve Alfred T., 11 Foss st, Forest Lodge
Eve Benjamin, Gordon ores, Petersham
Manufacturing Tailors, 7o Wynyard Ewings Henry, 18 Misscndcn rd, O'down
Eve Mrs. J., Francis Bt, Rookwood
st, Sydney. Established 1884
Ewlngton E., 29 Junction st,N. Sydney
Eve James, 31 Liberty st, Newtown
Evers Obnrlcs J., 49 Spring st, Waverley Ewhigton E. R., coffee and splcc mills,
Eve James E., Wallace st, Concord
Evcrs Edward, 10 Hordem par, Croydon
04-66 Hnrbour Bt
Eve John, 13 Dickson st, Newtown
Evers H., J.P., Ohnirman of Directors Ewhigton Edward, 171 Pitt st, Redfern
Eve W. H., 60 Albion Bt, Annandale
Protestant Hall Co, Ltd., 240 Oastlo- Ewlngton Mrs. F., Sydney st, Wllloughby
Evellle L., 42 Denison st, Newtown
rcagh st
Ewhigton G., Ohlltcm rd, Wllloughby
Eveleigh Station—T. P. McCarthy, station- Evcrs H. A., " Dawlals," Silver Bt, R'wiok Exall 0., bootmaker, 330 Elizabeth Bt
master, Wells Bt west, Redfern
Evers Herbert. Amelia Bt, Waterloo
Exall Charles, boot importer, 74}William st
Eveleigh Richard, William Bt, Alexandria Evers Hezeklnh, 85 Toxteth rd, Glcbo
Excell Mrs. R., Botany rd, Botany
Evcrs Hezeklah, J.P., 406 Bourko st
BRIOKWORKSEvenden W. F., Counemarra st, W.Kogarah Evers Horace, Prince st, Mosman
W. J. Down ton, proprietor; Church
Even AJphonso, dyer and cleaner, 17 Evcrs Jnmes W., 461 Bourko st
Bt west, Croydon
Queen Victoria Markets
Evcrs John T., Lucas rd, Burwood
Excelsior Land, Investment, and Building
Evcrs John T., Frederick st, Rockdale
Co. nnd Bank, Ltd.—John G. Pigg,
Evers Robert A., 28 Cleveland nvo
acting manager, 143 York st
Evorshed and Mitchell Misses, dressmakers,
Excolslor Maocaroni Co., Linden Court,
83 Forbes st, Newtown
Oastlcrcngh st
Christopher Bennett, trustee, 49 Mar Evorslcy James, 207 Darling st, Bolmnln
Excelsior Manufacturing Co,, manufacEvcreon Charles H., Done at, ArnoluTc
ketst—(Seeadvt. opposite)
turers of cordials, sarsaparllla, A c ,
Evennett Mrs. E. F., 13 Forth Bt, Woollnhrn Evcrson J. J., Small Bt, Woollahra
6 Spring Et
Everson W., Gloucester rd, HurBtvillo
Evcnnett F. O., Yulo st, Dulwich HIU
Evennett P., 13 Catherine at, Lcichhardt Everton College, Mrs. nnd Misses Hooter, Excelsior Stamp and Engraving Works—
Carl Falk, proprietor, la Hunter st
Evcnnett W. W., 101 N.S.H. rd, Pad'ton
Exchnnge Post, Telegraph, and Money
Everton Frederlok, 98 Devonshire st
Everard G., hairdresser, 112 Oxford Bt
EVERY SATURDAY, nowspapor—L. GibOrder Office—S. S. Smith, postmaster,
Ererard J., 187 Parramattn rd, An'dale
son, representative, 202 Pitt Bt
Everest John, 463 Cleveland st, Redfern
Exchange, Bridge st
Every James, 00 Palmer at, Balmain
Everett Alex., Iceton st, Burwood
Executive Trades Hall—George Ruttcr,
Eves Charles, 129 Johnston st, Annandale
Everett Arthur, 36 Merrimnn st
secretary, Dixon st
Eves Mrs. O., Douglas at, Petersham
Everett Charles, 140 Reservoir Bt
Exley Henry, Oowper at, Granville
ftbe Evenfrtfl flews
and most readable Paper in the States, and has four times the circulation
of any other Newspaper.
town & Country loum.il
Is the best Pictorial Weekly, and circulates freely in both TOWN and
COUNTRY. It is the Family Weekly Paper of the People, and appeals
directly to the Farmer, Grazier, Settler, Storekeeper, Traveller, Miner,
Merchant, Capitalist, and Wool Grower, and, in fact, every reader in our land.
It is profusely illustrated in all matter appertaining to Agricultural Pursuits
and Mining Interests, and is undoubtedly the recognised organ of those important industries; and is in touch with the Old World by its splendid
Cable Service.
Advertisers desirous of extending their business relations cannot do better
than advertise in the
Gown ano Country 3ournal.
/Head Offloea: 810 George\
\8treot Sonth. 'Phono 726/
Cable Address-
Exlcy Irn, 30 OromwolLst, Leichhiirdt
Fnbinn David, 140 King st
Fnirbalrn J., 72 Malcolm st, Erskineville
Exjiert Window Cleaning Co., 48 Queen Fabris Signorn, 20 Alfred st, N. Sydnoy
Fairbaim J. F., 45} Reynolds st, B'main
Victoria Markets
Fnhry Edwnrd J. O., Banksia 6t, Botany
James, 47 Dcnison st, Rozellc
Exports nnd Cold Storage dept—H. V. Facer G., 16 Campbell st, Alexandria
Fairbaim Mrs. M., 40 Cook rd, Mar'villc
Jnckeon, ofllcer in chnrge, 17 Brldgo st Faccy James, 43 Gottenham st, Glebe
1'iiirbalrn R., 41 Cook rd, Mnrrickvillc
Explosives Department—V, W. Williams, Facoy John, 119 Wigmm rd, Glebe
Fairbaim R., Dcspointes st, Mar'villc
superintendent, George st, O'lnr Quny Fncoy Sydney, 9!) Botany st, Waterloo
Express Telegram and Advertising Co., 5 Fncy Peter W., 10J Collins st, Annandale Fnirbalrn 11. J., gen. mnnnger Farmers' and
Settlers'Co-operative too., Ltd., 313-316
Moore st
Faddy FrancisH., 194 Cower st, Waverlcy
Sussex s t ; p.r Raglan st, Mosman.
Extcnce Jas., 3 Tarn st, Woollahra
Faddy Walter, 130 Oxford st. Woollahra Fairbaim
R. J., Raglan st, Mosman
Exton J. H., produce merchant, 201 Hay at Faddy William, 599 Bourke st
W. J., 18 Addison rd, Marrickvillo
Exton J. 11., 1011 George st, Erskineville
Fader Solomon, 18 Campbell st
6 Munni st, Newtown
Exton Luke, 2 Harold st, Newtown
Faerbcr John, 84 Dcrwent st, Forest Lodge Fuiruimk AlfredA.,W.,
448 Riley st
Exton Thomas, 22 Wexford st
Fngau Mrs. A. H., SpoiTorth st, Mosman
Fnirbnuk Joseph, 0 Munni st, Newtown
Ey Qustiiv, 3 Lower Ocean st, Woollahra Fngan Edward, 047 Bowling st
Fnirbauk Lewis, 342 King at, Newtown
Eyers James, Francis st, .Marriokville
Fagan Francis, Kill Mullens tt, Baliunin
Fairbanks L., Cook's River id, S t Peters
Evers Thomas, 2i)ti Harris st
Fagnn G., 141 Queen st, Woollnhra
16 Whnrf rd, Balmaln
Eyers Thomas. 105 Miller st
Fugnn Mrs. E., 44 Canipbe 1 st, Cam'down FairbrotherJoseph,
]•:., 103 Pitt st, Waterloo
Eyles Alex., jim., Terry's rd, Duudns
Fagan Mrs. J. F., 11 Paul st, Balmnin
st, Annnndnlc
Eyles Alexander, Mnrsdcn st, Dundas
Fagan John, Woodstock st, Botany
Fairbrother J., off Bourke rd, Alexnmlrin
Eyles Arnold .)., 148 Maeqnarie st south
Fngan John, Wnlthnm st, Gore Hill
st, A'dale
Eyles Cliarles, 37 Mils st
Fagnn John, 13 Sutton st, Bnlmain
Fairbrother T., Botany rd, Alexnudrln
Eyles Mrs. K, 28 Campbell st, X. Sydney Fngan Joseph, J.P., 1117 Dowling st
Eyles Ernest, T!) Military rd, North'Sydney Fngan Michael, 3 Frederick st, Petersham Fairbrother F., 18 Edgewarc rd, Newtown
F. W., Blaxland's rd, Ryde
Eyles n., oft Chesterfield st, Epping
Fagnn Patrick, Q.C.A'. hold, 30 Aber- Falrbum
Fnirburn Fre<lk., 02 Ebley st, Waverlcy
Eyles Herbert, Blnxland's rd, Rydc
crombie place
Fairlmm Tliomns, 40 Egan st, Newtown
Eyles J. F. G., hide, skin and general pro- Fagan Peter, 3 Bowd's BY, Lcichliardt
Fnirolift Ernest, 13 Louis st. Itodfern
mice merchant. Circular Quny
Fagan William, Homebusb rd, Homebush Fnlreloiigh Charles, 2(i0 Park rd
Eyles .Tamos, 92 Taylor st, Annnndalc
Fagerlund N., off 112 Harris st
Fnirclough 0„ 9 Itoscbery place, Balmaiu
Eyles James, Church st, Carlingford
Fahey Ambrose, Harris st, Grnnvillo
Falrclough Miss G., Bourke st, Wnterloo
Eyles .Inrues, 11 Chnrluj st, Newtown
Fnhcy O. E„ Rhodes nv, Naremburn
Falrclough Mrs. H., New Zealand st,
Eyles John, Hampden st, l'addington
Fnhoy Miss 0., 142 Princes st
Eyles Mrs. M„ Spurvvny st, Hyilalmero
Fnhcy Edward, 21 Surrey st
J., Agar st, Marrickvillo
Eyles Matthew, Broiighton st, Concord
Fnhcy Edwnrd, Abbott st, Grnnville
Fairfax John and Sons, proprietors
Eyles H., 0 Kensington st
Fnhcy Francis, 66 Francis st, Glebe
Eyles Raymond, King st, Dundas
Vahcy Henry, East st, Granville
Eyles Thomas, Ohurch st, Carlingford
SYDNEY MAIL, junction of Hunter,
Fahey Mrs. J. P., Weston st, Petcrshnm
Eyles Thomas J., liroughton st, l'addington Fnhey J. J„ 29 Ivy st, Rcdfern
Pitt, and O'Connell sts
Eyles William, 32 Fovcaux st
Roberts, watchmakers,
Fahey Jereminh, 88 Mnddlson st, Redfcrn Fairfax and
Eyles William, Is Regent st, Newtown
and opticians, metal nnd
Fnhey James, 89 Rose st
Eyles Wil inm,(i., Courlnndst, Drummoyno Fahey James, 20 Harris st Rozellc
gem dealers, 23 Hunter st
Evrc and Co., land and estate agents, 04 Fahey James, Broughton st, Hnrstvllle
Fairfax Mrs. A., 13 London st, Newtown
Fairfax A. G., Kestcn avc. Mosman
Fahey James, 3 Enst st, Rcdfern
Fairfax Alfred W., East Crescent st, North
Eyre C, representing llobert Clnrk, Fahey John, 8 Belvoir st
Iiiglmm and Co., Ltd.. varnish manu- Fahey John, 228 Maeqnarie st south
facturers, 280 George st
Fahey John, 60 Upper Fort st
Fairfax C. E., 18 Tinteni rd, Ashfleld
Eyre 0 . 1 ' . 1!., audit, 94 l ' i t t s t "
Fnhey John, 70 Terry st.Rozclle
Fairfax C. II., Milllcr st, North Sydney
Eyre Charles, lid ward st, North Sydney
Fahey Mrs. K., 109 ISlizabeth st, Rcdfern
Fairfax F., 22 Carrington st, Peterelmin
Eyre David, Blnxeell st, Grnnville
Fahey Luke, 16 Belmont st, Alexandria
Fairfax E. Wilfrid, physician and surgeon,
Eyre Mrs^E., Railway par, South Granville Fnhey Miss Mary, 1811 Pnlmcr st
187 Liverpool st
Eyre Ellis,'Adolphus st, Nnrrcmburn
Fnhcy Michael, Fleet st, Pnrrnmntta
Fairfax Geoffrey E„ J.P., "Elaine," New
Eyre Gladstone, artist, C4 Elizabeth st
Fnhey Mrs. N., 63 William st. Pad'ton
South Head rd, Woollahra
Eyro Gladstone, Middlcst, North Sydney Fahey P., 60 Gordon orescent. Petersham
Fairfax H. W„ barrister, 167 Phillip s t ;
Eyro J., 32 Bnllast Point rd, Balmnin
Fahey Patrick, 9 Jones st, Waterloo
"Llamlnff," Elizabeth place, DarEyre Leslie G., 1 Ulster st. Padingtou
Fnhcy Patrick, grocer, 6 Harrington st
ling Point
Eyre Richard, Johnstone st, Annandale
Fnhcy Patrick, 223 Young st, Aunaudnle
Oswald, " Falrwatcr," New
Eyre Richard, 12 Duxford st, Paddington Fnhcy Patrick, 42 Mnry st, Waterloo
South Head rd, Woollahra
Eyre Itichard, 127 Wallis st, Woollahra
Fahey Richard W., 160 Onmpbcll fit
Fairfax Sir James Il„ " Glnahgulla," BcllcEyro Stephen, Burrcn si, Ne.vtown
Fahey T., Weston rd, Rozellc
vuc Hill, Rose Bay
Eyre Temple, agent, 54 Pitt st
Fahey Thomas, 122 Bny st
Mrs. W., 44 Campbell st, N. Sydney
Eyre William, ngent, 94 Pitt st
Fahey Thomas, Wold's avc, Hnrstvllle
Percy, Inverness avc, Penshurst
Eyre William. 1 Mnzc st, Darlington
Fahey Timothy, Belmore rd, Randwick
W. B., commercial broker, 26
Eyre William, 63 Regent st, Pnddington
Fahey Timothy, 9 Surrey st
Hunter st ; p.r., "Ohichlcy," 4 Gowcr
Eyres Joseph, Willoughby rd, N. Sydney Fnhcy W„ off 211 Trafalgar st, Annandnlo
Eyres Thomas, 118 Wilton st
Fahey W., Harris st. Granville
Fairfield Mrs. E., 209 Botany rd, Waterloo
Eyres W., 39 Bullaunming st, Rcdfern
Fahl Frederick, 60 Clayton st, Bnlmain
Fairfield John, Botany rd, Alexnudrln
Eyres W. H., mnnnger Burgon Sheep-, Fnhlstrom A., masseur, II Market st
Fairfield W., 17 Amy st, Erskineville
shenring Mnclilnc Co., 9 Hamilton s t ; Fahrenkrog George, 143 Reservoir s
Fnlrhnll E. II., 152 Rose st, Dnrlington
p.r.," Moringslde," Rngian st, M'mnn Fuhrncr Charles H., Botany rd, Botany
Fnirlmll G. B., Luke st, Randwlok
Eyton llloliard O., High st, North Botnny I Fahy James, 50 Alma st, Darlington
Fnirhcnd George, 26 Oxford st
Ezckicl JL. mercer, 206 Oxford st
Fahy Michael, 11 James st, Rcdfern
Fnirlnmb Francis, Railway par, Burwool
Ezzy Mrs. K„ 18 Wyndliam st, Alexandria Fahy Michael, 2 Lugar st, Waverlcy
Miss A., Wellington st Burwood
Ezzy Edgar V., Military rd, Mosman
Fair Alfred, 9 Exeter place
Fairland C. A., Customs nnd forwarding
Ezzy George, Parramntta rd, Auburn
Fair James, 30 Alma st, Darlington
ngents, 69 Pitt s t ; p.r., Alcxnndrn st,
Ezzy Henry, George st, St. Peters
Fair Mrs. M., 101 Harris stHunter's Hill
Falr William, Judd st, Rockdale
Fairland S. H., secretary Sydney Cricket
l'AIlKR Mrs. Florence, 248 Forbes st
trustees' office, CO CastleMrs. M„ 163J Devonshire st
Fnber Mrs. F. G., Sherwood rd. Prospect Fnirall
reagh st'; p.r., Wright's rd, D'myne
MarrickFnbcr Mrs. M.f restunrant, 60 Drultt st
Fairland W. M„ secretary Sydney MechaFnber Oliver S., 10 Bruce st, Rozellc
nics'School of Arts, 276 Pitt s t ; p.r.,
Fabcr Tlioraas, 44 Cecilyst, Lcichliardt
Alexandra st, Hunter's Hill
Fnirbalrn F.T., 20 Addison rd, Mnr'vlllo
Fabert Edward "Glyndon," Livingstone Falrbalrn George, 14 Phillip st, Newtown I Falrleo P. D., timber merchant, 108 Pitt st
rd, Marriokville
Fnirbalrn J., 72 Wyndham Bt, Alexandria Fairloy G., caretaker, City Bowling Green,
College st
(Hond Offioos: 810 QoorRO\
VBtroot South. 'Phono ml
Falrlcy George, Colins st, North Sydney Fallon Mrs. B. M., 49 Hopetoun st, Pad'ton Farleigh E., Wollongong rd, Arncliffc
Fallon Edward, Roscby st, Marriokville
Fnrlelgli E. M., J.P., Tanner and Leather
Fnirley T. A., Kerr's rd, Rookwood
Fnllon Edwnrd, Ruthven st, Randwick
Fairley Robert, 60 Francis st, Glebe
Merchant, 178 Clarence st; tanneries,
Fallon Rev. J. S. J., Professor St. Ignntius
Falrlcy Robert, 77 Telopea st, Rcdfern
Ulladulla and Botany; p.r., Loftus st,
College, Itiverview, Lane Cove
Falrlle David 11 Hanks st, Ashfleld
Fnllon J. T., vigncron, Murray Valley vine- Farleigh John G„ corner Dowlingand Hirst
Falrlie Jas., 63 Booth st, Annandale
yards, Empire chambers, 93 York s t ;
Falrlie John, 32 Cornwallls st. Redfcrn
sts, Arncliffc
tel. 1047 ; p.r., "Cobliam," Parramatta Farleigh .Mrs. M.,G0 Victoria st, Ashfleld
Fnirley John, Battery st, Little Coogec
r.l, Ashlield ; tel. 283, Ashfleld
Fnlrllc Porteous, Awaba st, Mosmaii
Farleigh Richard, Dowling st, Arncliffc
Fnirmnn E. G., registrar of births, Fallon John, 11 Highbury par, Croydon
Farley Cliarles J „ 113 Angel st, Newtown
mnrringes nnd deaths, 07 Crystal st, Fallon John H., 62 Lord st, Newtown
Farley Edwnrd, 35 Stewnrt st, Paddingdon
Fa'lon Joseph,88 Arthurst
Farley Edwnrd, 100 Queen st. Woollahra
Fallon Joseph, Belmont st, Alexandria
Fairweuthcr F., 8 Wisbcach st. Rozellc
Farley Frcdk., Sebnstopol st, Mnrrickvillc
Fallon 51.. off Bnyviow st, North Sydney Fnrley Herbert, 20 Rose st, Annandale
Fairwcather G., Tlngliu st, Chntswood
Falrweather J., 420 Parramatta rcl, P'sham Fallon Michael, 7 Bayswnter rd
Fallon Patrick, J.P., wine merchnnt, 76 Farley James, York st, Glebe
Fairwcather J., off 112 Pitt st, Redfcrn
Farley J. James, 290 Abercrombic st, Rdfn
Falrweather James. 4 Avenue, Balmnin
Parramatta rd, Ashlield
Farley John, 81 Toogood st, Erskineville
Fnirwenther Mrs. R , St. Mnry's st, B'ninin Fallon Peter, 23 Fnrr st, Marrickvillo
John W., Batemnn's rd, GlndesFnirweatlur R. J., 1 Maophcrson st, Fall' n W. J., malinger State Clothing Facviile
tory, 47-49 Sussex st
Farlev Sirs. M., 52 Jersey rd, Paddington
Fairwcather T., 120 Underwood st. Pad'ton Fallon W. J., 03 Albany rd, Petersham
Farley Mrs. M, A., 152 Evcleigh st, Rcdfern •
Falloon John. Rowc st, Woollahra
Fnirweathcr T., 38 Queen st, Woollahra
Farley P. M„ 10 Little Cleveland st, Hedfcm
Fnllover Mrs. G„ Albert rd, Strathfleld
Fairwcather W., 1 fcrbert st, Rockdale
Fnrley Philip, 35 Talford st, Glebe
Falrweather W. H., 8 Punch st, Bnlmain Falls .Mrs. H. M.. Charles st,Leichhiirdt
Farley Robert, Mitchell rd, Alexandria
Fairwcather W. J., 27 Ben Boyd rd, Falls Mrs. Lizzie
Fulls William, 81 Union st
Fnrley S., 37 Hnyberry st, North Sydney
Neutral Bay
Farley Thomas, 490 Elizabeth st
Faithful) II. M., J.P., solicitor and commis- Falson E., Robert st. Petersham
Fnrley Thomas, Bnldry st, Chatswood
sioner for aflldavits, 88 Pitt st
Faithfull H. Montagu, J.P., " S t . Anne's,' Falstcdt Mrs. O., 9 Avenue rd, Glebe
Farley W., 10 Bnrry st, Neutral Bay
Falton John, 181 Jones st
110 Elizabeth Hay rd
Farlow II. B., 142 Allen st, Leichhiirdt
Fnithfnll R. L., surgeon, 187 Liverpool st; Falvey Miss E., 17 Up|icr William st south Furlow Wllllnm, Church st, Rookwood
Falvey John, 300 Elizabeth st
p.r., 18 Wylde st
Fnrmnn F., basket maker, 333 Pitt st
Fulconer A., 3) Cleveland st, Dnrlington Falvey John, 45 Foveaux Bt
Fnrninn F., 104 Liverpool st, Paddington
Falvey Mrs. M., 300 Elizabeth st
Fnleoner Alexnndcr, 19 Pyrmont st
Falvey Mrs. Sarah, 72 Stanley st
Fulconer F. S., Amy st, Canterbury
Federal Press Agency of Australia
Falvv G., 69 Bulliinainlng st, Rcdfern
Falconer George, Monomecth st, Bexlcy
publishers—W. P. Bluett, manager
Fulconer George D., IS Gowcr st, S. Hill Falzon P., 15 Best st
Federal Press chambers, 34 Bridge st
Falzon Pelilow, 7 Burnell lane
Falconer H., 2 Isnbellu st, Waverlcy
Tel. No. 817
Fama II. II., Mowbray rd, Willoughby
Falconer Mrs. J., Francis st, Carlton
Falconer Mrs. J., 03 Glndstone st, N'town Fancett W. U., 10 Thomas st, Lcwisbam
Farmers' and Dairymen's Refrigerating
Fancourt Arthur, Avenue rd. Mosman
Fnleoner James, Waratah st, ArnclilTo
Co., Ltd. (The)—Neil Cameron, J.P.,
Falconer Mrs. SI., 38 Durhnmst, S. An'dnle Fancourt E. J., Thomas st, Abbotsford
manager, 008 Harris st
Fancourt R. IT., maunger New York and
Fnleoner Mrs. M., 8 George st, Rozellc
Brooklyn Tobacco Co., Ltd.; factory, FARMERS' AND DAIRYMEN'S
Falconer It. B., 45 Bright st, Mnrrickvillc
243 Cleveland st, Redfcrn; city office,
Falconer William, Hcclcy st, Pnddington
MILK CO., LTD. (Thel-Xcil
Australasia chambers, Martin pi
Fnleoner W. R., 31 Anglcsea st, Bond!
Cameron, J.P., Malinger. Milk Depot,
Falk J. I. and Co., Ltd., merchants and Fancourt Richard 11., Junction st, W'lnlira
Cold Storage nnd Refrigerating Works,
Fancourt lllchard, Victoria'ave, Woollahra
Hnrrls nnd Tliomns sts, Ultimo, Sydimporters, representing, American Fancourt T. M., Victoria avc, Woollahra
ney. Tel. 1230, and 303 Glebe
Trading Co., U.S.A., 29 O'Connell st
Fraucred Henry, 30 Nelson st, Rozello
" Falk " Photographic Studios, 35-37 Royal Fane Wallace, Frederick st. Rockdale
arcade, 490 George st
Fane William, 222 Clarence st
Falk O., proprietor, The Thompson Fane William 0., 17 Harold st, Newtown
Prlntery, stationers, printers and Fanning F.dwnrd, 70 Mnry st, Lcichliardt
lubber stamp makers, l a Hunter st
Fanning George, 14 Belmore st
Falk C , importer, nnd brass nnd rubber Fanning Henry E„ Frazer st, Lcichliardt
stamp maker, 38 Pitt st
Fanning John, Williams st, Canterbury
Falk Carl, 223 Crown rd
Fanning Joseph, 208 Rose st, Darlington
Art Furnishers, Baby Linen WareFalk 13., accountant and Importer,
Fanning Mrs. H., 32 Thome st, Pad'ton
house, Bug Makers and Manufacturers,
Hunter s t : p.r., Merrylands
Fanning T., builder, 0 llnthurstst
Bedding Manufacturers, Boot nnd
Falk F., 10 Herbert rd, Paddington
Fanning Tliomns, J.P.,338 Abercromble st,
Shoe Importers, Carpet WarehouseFnlk Isaac, 12 Harwood st
men, Chiun, Glnss nnd EnrthenRcdfern
Falk J. I., merchant, Trelawnevst,W'lahra Fanning
wnre Importers, Clothiers, ClothW. J., 28 Cnstlercngh st, Redfcrn
Fulkingham R., 431 Oxford st, Pnddington Faraday Thos.,
ing Mnnufacturers, Costumiers, Dra209
Fnlkner Alfred, William st, Botany
pers, Drapers (Family), Drapers (FurFnrain H. C, Botany rd, Botany
Fnlkner Anthony J., Captain Cook hotel, Fnrum
nishing), Dressmakers, Fnnoy Goods
Thos., 13 Ebloy st, Waverlcy
Botany rd, Botany
Importers, Furnishing Ironmongers,
Farbsteln B., 170 Maoquarle st south
Fnlkner P., 87 Eliznbeth st, Rcdfern
Furnishing Warehousemen, Furniture
Fnrbstcin Benjamin, skirt and mantle
Fnlkner Mrs. F. J.,34 Binning st, Ersk'vlllc
Importers, Furniture Warehousemen,
Fall II, S., Victoria nve, Chatswood
Furniture Mnnufacturers, Hat Mnkcrs
Farbsteln J., 21 Leamington nve, N'town
Fnlln Alfred, 4 Ross st, Forest Lodge
and Hnttcrs, Hosiers nnd Glovers,
Farcy F. W., Lyons rd, Drummoyne
Fallc Hugh, Plymouth st, Enfield
House Furnishers, Household ApFarglo
Falle John, 38 Ncwland st, Waverlcy
pliance Importers, Kitchen Ironmon32 'William st, Rcdfern
Fallick and Nnnn, St. .Mary's st, Newtown Farlndon Chas.,
gers, Linen Drapers, Mantle Makers,
IS., chemist, Burwood rd, Burw'd
FalllokEdwurd C, Woonona nve,W'hroonga Faris-Ings
Men's Milliners, Mercers, Men's OutParis Lindsay, Edward st, Woollahra
Fallick Frank, Stewart st, Articliffe
fitters, Tnilors, Ladies' Underclothing
Fails Tliomns, 10 Morris'st, Summer Hill
Fallick James, 58 Oxford st, Newtown
Importers, Woollen Merchants, Toy
Fallick Fred., 72 Dcnison st, Newtown
Importers, and Upholsterers. TeleFallick James, M.L.A., 24 Bruce st, P'sham Fnrland W. M., Alcxnndrn st. Hunter's Hill
phone 72. P.O. Box 497.
Fallick John H., 99 Ebley st, Waverlcy
F A R L E I G H , N E T T H E I M & CO.,
Fallick Mrs. R.. 9 Avenue, Balmnin
Tiinners, Leather and Grindery MerVictoria House:
FnlllokMrs.S., Woodland st, Mnrrickvillc
chants, and Agents for Jones' Sewing
Fallick 8., 91 Stanmorc rd, Petersham
Machines,80 Clarence stand 337 Kent
Fallon M. nnd E., tea mere, 217 Clarence st
s t ; tannery,Stanley st, Concord
Pitt, Market, George & Keijt Sts.
Farmers' ami Settlers' Co-operative Society, Farr Jas., J.P., 33 Great Buckliighnm st,
Fnrrell James, 17 Regent st, Sum. Hill
Ltd, It. J. Fnirbairu, gen. manager.
Farrell James, 47 Hornsey st, Rozelle
It 13-3 IT) Sussex at
FIUT Joshua J..J.P..136 Addison rd, M'kvillo Farrell Janes, SI Manning st, Rozelle
FAIIMEH AND QllAZIKnS (THE) (llews- Farr Lowls, Montgomery st, Kogarah
John, 31 Templo st, Petersham
pa]wr)—J. Twomoy and Oo„ Vickcry's Fnrr Mrs. M. A., 43 Maria st, Newtown
Farrell John, Henwlck st, Alexandria
chamocrB, 76 Fitt st
Farr Randolph, grocer, 18 Pitt s t ; p,r.. Fnrrell John, King st, North Botany
Farmer William and Oo., jewellers, 30b
Carlton par, Bexley
Farrell John, 127 Deuison rd, Petersham
Hunter st
Fnrr Sydney, Silver st, St. refers
Farmer Arthur, Upper Ave. rd, Mosninn | Fnrr W. S. Stnnlov, Agar st, Marrickville Farrell John M,, 17 Chelsea st, Redfern
John T., 45 Hurlinson st
Farmer Alfred, Burwood rd, Enfield
Fnrr William II., "40 Holniwood st, N'town Fnrrell M., Liverpool rd, BankBtown
Farmer Cbnrlcs, 89 Bridge rd, Glebo
Fnrrnhor F., 32J Garden st, Alexandria
Fnrrell M„ 17 Onmbrldgo st, Newtown
Farmer Charles, 24 Vino st, Kcdfeni
Fnrrnher James, 60 Edward st, Redfern
Fnrrell M., 0 Sutherland st, Paddington
Farmer David, 37 Oollcgo st, Balmnin
Farran Angelo. 100 Mill Hill rd, Waverley
Farmer F. J., Hi) Constitution rd, P'shani Fnrran W. C. and Co., ticket writers, 46 Fnrrell Mrs. M. A., Middle Harbour rd.
Farmer George, 5 Fulhntn st, Newtown
Royal arcade, George st
Fnrrell Michael, 21 Wonierah av
Farmer George, baths, Domain
Farran Mrs. A., View st, Woollnhrh
Farmer George E., Thornton st, Woolahrn Farran Andrew, 9 Waverley st, Randwick Fnrrell Michael, Whnrf rd, Concord
Farmer Geo., Cook's Bivor rd, St. Peters Fnrran O. F. T., Lower Forth st, Woollahra Fnrrell Mlchncl, 125 Fovcaux st
Farrell Mlchncl, Albion st, Parrnmattn
Farmer H., Cumberland rd, Auburn
iFnrrun Charles J., accountant Bnnk of Farrell Miss Nellie, 127 Phillip st
Farmer H. E„ manager Bullivants' AusAustralasia, corner Martin jilaeo nnd Farrell Patrick, 25 O'Connor st
tralian Co., Limited, 331 Kent s t ; p.r„
George st; p.r., 50 Wignim rd, Glebe Fnrrell P., tea rooms, 100 Castlereagh st
" Brampton," Turramurrn
Fnmiu John, Svigrom rd, Glebe
Farrell R., 165 Glenmore rd, Paddington
Farmer Howard, 33} Deniuau st
Fnrran It. M., mercantile broker, 18 Bridge Farrell Mrs. It., 15 Bnio st, Waverley
Farmer Isaac, "0 Cooper st. Waterloo
street; p.r., 80 WiRrnm st. Glebe Point Farrell Robert, J.P., Cook st, Rnndwick
Farmer James, grocer, 218 Clarence st
Farran V., Cnbramatta rd, Mosmnn
• Farrell Robert A., 42 Greek st, Glebe
Farmer John, liourke st, Waterloo
Farran W. 0., Fittwntcr rd, Manly
Farrell Mrs. S., 24 Wellington st, Rozelle
Farmer Philip, 47 Bennett st, Bondl
Farrand W„ 169 Norton st, Lcichhardt
Farrell Samuel, 171 Macqtinric st south
Farmer Philip, lessee Bondi bathe, Sir Fnrraut H., 1V8 Mullens st, Balmain
T., 02 Bullaiinming st, Redfern
Thomas Mitchell rd, Bondi
Fnrrnr Bros., grocers, 111 Pnrmmntta rd, Fnrrell Thomas, Raleigh st, North Sydnoy
Fanner It. J., St. Paul's st, Randwick
Thomas, jun., Pacific st, Vaucluse
Farmer Samuel, -I Rose Bt
Farrnr A. J. K., 40 Bruce st, Petersham
Farrell Thomns, Victorinst, Vaucluse
Fanner Thomas, 51 Park ave, Ashfleld
Farrell Mrs. T., Gordon rd, Ohatswood
Farmer W., 03-55 Walker st, North Sydney Fnrrnr Charles, Barker st, Itandwiok
Farrell Thomas F., tnibr, 89 Sussex st
Farmer W. E., Gordon square, Marrlckvillo Farrar Francis, 26 Smith st, Rozelle
Farrell AV., Fifth av, Rookwood
Farmer W. J., 32 Starling st, Lcichhardt Farrnr H. S., William st, North Botnny
Fnrrell William, S Albert pur, Ashfleld
Farmer Willinm N., malinger. Phoenix
Fnrrell William, 4 Cooper st, Redfern
Assurance Company, Ltd.,17 Bond s t ; Farrar J., hntter, 119-121 Regent st
Farrell William, 30 Kepos st, Redfern
p.r., " Darenth," Sprlngdalc rd, Killnrn Farrar John, George st, Canterbury
Farrnr Mrs. Mary E„ 184 Regent; st, R'fern Farrell William, 2 Park st, Erskineville
Farmilo A., 244 Nelson st, Annaudnlc
William, 2 Union st, Ersklncvillo
Farmilo Edward, Melody st, Rnndwick
Fnrrelly Bros., produce merchants, CarFarmilo Miss, 204 Gleuniore rd, Padd'ton Farrar T. E., tanner, Water st, Auburn
rd, Oowper and Ebley sts,
Farmilow G. N„ 70 Hewlett st, Waverley
Fnrruway Edwnrd, Kcmblu st, Enfield
Fnrncombc Miss, Avenue rd, Mosninn
Oroii st, Forest Lodge
Farncomb Mrs. Helen, Raglan st, Mosninn
Fnrrelly Mrs. C, 55 Iloslyn st
Faruell Frank, J.P., M.L.A., hon. visiting Farraway Mrs. J„ Hampilen st, Pad'ton
Fnrrelly Chris., Oberon st, Rnndwick
magistrate Lord Howe Island, 5 Bligh Farraway W., Marsden st, Pnrramatta
Fnrrelly Ignatius, Rae, et, Randwick
s t ; p.r., Colliiigwood st, Drummoyno Farrel B., West Botnny rd, Rockdnlo
Farrell's Estate Ofllce—Dunlel Spillune, Fnrrelly J., 170 Alfred st, North Sydney
Fnrnham Edgar E., 36 Gloucester st
Fnrrelly J. J., 132} George st, Camperdowu
inaungcr, 72 King st
Farnham Henry, 4 Lander st, Redfern
Faruhiun John, off Miller st, North Sydney Farrell Robert and Co., butchers' mer- Fnrrelly J. P., I l l Alfred st, N. Sydney
chants.Liiidcn Court, Cnstlerengh st Fnrrelly James, 67 Lawson st, Rozelle
Faniie Mrs. Sarnh, 467 I.ivcr|iool Bt
Fnrrelly John, Johust, Hunter's Hill
Farusworth and Co., produce merchants, Fnrrell Alfred, 44 Goulburn st
Fnrrelly John, Frenchman s rd, Randwick
Farrell Alfred, Catherine st, Lelchhurdt
Fnrrelly Patrick, Terminut inn, Liverpool
172 nnd 174 Sussex st
Fnrrell A. W., Tryon st, Chntswood
Fanisworth A. W., J.P., 60 Alt st, Ashfleld Fnrrell 0., 17 Hopctoun st, Piuldington
Fanisworth It, Eunioro rd, Marrlckvllle Farrell Mrs. B., 55 Alt st, Ashfleld
rd, Ashfleld
Farusworth W., ECC. Court of Claims, De- Farrell C, locksmith, 131 Clarence st ; p.r., Fnrrelly T., Avocn st, Randwick
partment of Lands, Bridge st
Chamberlnln, 81 Alt st, Ashileld
Nicholson st, Balmain
Farusworth W., 60 Enniore rd, Mnrrickvillo Farrell C , 68 Barren st, Ersklucvillc
Fnrrell Jnuies, 10 Egnn st. Newtown
Farquharson R., Barrack lane, Pnrrnnmtta Fnrrell D., 56 Holterman st, North Sydney Fnrrtr Mrs. !•'., 102 Surrey st
Farqunson A., 40 McKenzic st, Lcichhardt Fnrrell D. S„ grain nnd produce broker Furrier James, f 5 Bowman st
Farquhar A. E., 63 Garner's ave, M'villc I
Fnrrlngton E., Northwood st, Canip'dowu
and cnrrlcr, 123 Sussex st
Farqulmr G., Gladstone st, Lcichhardt
Farrington H. W., 82 Kensington rd,
Fnrrell Denis S., 20 Taylor st, Annnudnlc
Farquhar George, J.P., 60 Bright st, M'villc Farrell Mi's. E., 0 P i t t st, Redfern
Summer Hill
Farquhar W. A., Roslyndale ave, W'Inhrn Fnrrell E., 21 Forest r t, Forest Lodge
Farrington J., 45 Mackenzie st, Waverley
Farquhar W. 11., 17 Clarendon rd, P'sham Fnrrell Edwnrd, 237 Fiilmcr st
Jnnics, Jones st, Croydon
Farr Mrs. A., 37 Marriott st, Redfern
Fnrrell Edwnrd, 144 Victoria st
Fnrrlngton John, 76 Lower Cnuipbell st
Farr A. J., Agnrst, Marrlckvllle
Fnrrell Francis, 13 Little Norton st
60 Croydon rd, Croydon
Farr A. T., wood engraver, 01 Pitt st
Fnrrell Francis, Church st, St. Peters
Fnrris R. J., Stewnrt st, Arnclifre
Farr Albert, off Mill st
Fnrrell George, Victoria st, VaucluBO
Fnrrnw Mrs. J., Julliett st, Mnrrlckvillo
Farr Albert, Carlton pnr, I'exloy
Fnrrell Henry, 16 Tnylor st
Farrow Jas. W., Cook's River rd, St. Peters
Farr Arthur T., 108 Morehead st, Redfern Fnrrell Henry, Hastings st, Botany
Furrow, John, bl Smith st, Summc-HIll
Farr Daniel E., Brays lane, Rockdnlo
Farrell Henry L., tailor, 69 Flinders st
Farrow Thomas, 04 Short st, Bnlniniu
Farr Dnvid, Bent st, Lindfleld
Farrell J., hairdresser, 86 Liverpool st '
Furrow W. G., North rd, Rydc
Farr Edward, Rallwny ave, Marrickville Farrell J., 84 Abercromblo st, Redfern
Fnrrow W. J., 238 Pnlmcrst
Farr George, jun., Victoria st, St. Peters
Farrell W. J., 35 Morris st, Sum. Hill
Fnrrow Willinm, Geddes st, Botnny
Farr George, J.P., produce merchant, Fnrrell James, 6 Looke's av, Bnlnmin
Fnrrugla Andrew, 31 Argyle 6t
Cook's Itivcrrd, St. Peters and Barwon Fnrrell James, 29 Oleveland st, Redfern
Fairy Thomns, 18 Tebbutt st, Lcichhardt
Pnrkrd, St. Peters
Farrell James, 65 Alt st, Ashfleld
Mrs. S„ 100 Albert st, Marrickville
Farr H., James st, Woollnhrn
Fi rrell James, Parrnmattn rd, Abbotsford Farthing A., 78 Constitution rd.Peterslinm
Farr H., 18 John st, Woollnhrn
Tnrrell James, Greenwich rd, Lnne Cove Fnrthing A. A., Avocn st, Rnndwick
Farr narry, Forest rd, Hurstvillc
Fnrrell James, 62 Norton at, Lelchlinrdt
Farthing George, 99 Albion st
Farr Herbert, sen., NelBon st, Woollahrn
Farrell Jas., Stuart st, Manly
Fnrthing Samuel, Mnrlboroughst, Pad'ton
. Farr Herbert, 48 Denlson rd, Pctersliam
Farrell James, 41 Evelcigh Bt, Redfern
Fnrthing Willinm, 6 Little's av, Rnlmain
810 Goorgo\
•Phono 720/
Fary D., 184 Victoria rd, Marrickville
Fassett and Johnson, manufacturers
ngents, 7 Bnrrack st
Fast Frauleln, teacher of muBlc, Royal
ohambers, Hunter st
Fathers A., Boulcvnrde, Rookwood
Fathers Alfred, Necropolis, Rookwood
Fathers George, Boundary st, Croydon
Fathers John, Todd st, Sherwood
Fathers W., Coonnnbnrrn rd, Wnhroonga
Fntzcns Alfred. Gcorgina st, Waverley
Fatzeus K„ 36 Derwent st, Forest Lodge
Fntzcus Edward, Everton rd, Strathfield
Fatzeus Mrs S., Everton nl. Strathfield
Futznus Fredk., 10 Campbell st, Glebe
Fatzeus Fredk., 4 Glebe rd, Glebe
Fnul Conrad, 68 Liverpool st, Paddington
Paul Mrs. P., 65 Fitzgerald st, Waverley
Faul Thomas, 45 Lcichhardt st, Waverley
Faulder Richard, 6 Norton st, Ashfleld
Faulder Warden, 4 William Bt, ABhfield
F A U L D I N G F . H . A N D CO., Mcrohunts, Importei-s, nud Manufacturing
Chemists. 16 O'Counell st, Sydney
(Ml. 2282). and at Loudon, Adelaide
and Perth
Fnulkcner A. J., 22 Fullhnm st, Newtown
Faulkes A. R., Grosvcnor st, Croydon
Faulkner A., off Bridge st, Hornsby
Faulkner Albert, 40J Bank st
Faulkner 0., -12 Blenheim st, Waverley
Faulkner E., 68 Relby st, Newtown
Faulkner E. R., 00 Pine st
Faulkner Ebenezer, Ann st, Enfield
Faulknei F.. 24 Septimus st, Erskineville
FatUkncr G. J., 48 Eveleigh st, Redfern
Faulkner Mrs. H., Edward st, Woollnhrn
Faulkner S, 10(1 Addison rd, Mnrrlokville
Faulkner W. T., 18 Edwnrd st, Mnrdckville
Faulkner William, plumber, 49 Levey st
Faulkner W. 1L, 35 Bank st
Fnulks H., GO Barren st, Erskineville
Fnulks John, Botany rd, Botany
Faulks John Homer Bt, Canterbury
Fnulks Jo-eph, Glenore st, Canterbury
Faull Richard, 62 Gloucester st
Faull Walter, 17 Beaufort nv
Faunce A. B„ 12WentworthPnrkrd,Glebe
Fnust August, 5 Wellington place
Faust Edward, 64 Glebo rd, Glebe
Faust F., Junction st, Woollnhrn
Faust G. V., 186 Trafalgar st, Annnudalc
Fnust Joseph, Cook's River rd, St. Peters
Fauvel Francis J., 15 Butty Bt, Rozelle
Faux He;iry, Allen st, Glebe
Faux Mrs. T., ERlinton st, Rookwood
Fava O., Corunna rd, Petersham
Favell George, Florence st, St. Peters
Favell H., 17 McDonald st, Erskiuovillc
Fnvell J. J., Hnnnnm st, Arucliftc
Fnvell It. J., King st, Arnclilrc
Fnvell Reginald, John st, Arncliffe
Favell W. ¥,., May st, St. Peters
Favelle L., Cabarlta Point rd, Mortlnke
Favenc Ernest, Alfred st, Hunter's Hill
Fawcctt Edwin, Dora st, Hurstvillc
Fawcctt H., 73 nigh st, North Sydney
Fawcctt H. F., 156 Glenmore rd, Pad'ton
Fawcctt John, 12 Ohapmnu st
Fawcctt John, 0 Mill st
Fawcctt Richard 10 Iris at
Fnwkcs Joshua L., Shadforth st, Mostnan
Fawkner T. G. 39 Cavendish st, Stanmorc
Fawley F. W.,grocer, Church st, Pnr'mattn
Fawns Mrs. E., 90 Smith st, Summer Hill
F A Y J A M E S A N D CO., Grain and
Produce Merchants and Commission
Agents. Proprietors " B U T T E R C U P C A L F M I L K , " 270 Sussex Bt,
Sydney, and at Wellington, N.Z
Tolcgrnphio Address, " Faycncc," 8yd.
noy. Tel. 4113
FHY-SHOLES Typewriter
Pontcy nnd Ruttcr, 376 George st,
AND AT 3 1 Q U t f N S T . . MELBOURNE.
Sydney. Agencies Throughout the
Experts. Literary Agents.
Principal TOWIIB of New South Wales
Tel. 817.
W. P. I1LUETT, Monster.
Fay Mra. A. S., Carey st, Marrickville
Fay Charles, Meek's rd, Marrlckvllle
Federal Bottle Exchnngc—George E.
Kay E., 21 Charles st east, Petersham
Blnckmorc, manager, 25 Adelaide st
Fay Edward, boot importer, 385.387 Pitt st
Fay 3.,linmorc /io/c/,199 Enmorc rd, E'morc Federal Brickworks—H. Woodlcy and Co.,
Kny James, 118 Ernest st, North Sydney
proprietors, Mitchell rd, Alexandria
Fay John, High st, Bexley
Federal Broom Co.—H. Griibmclcr, manaFay Patrick, 13 Bnrcom ave
ger, 12 Fred Et, Lcichhardt
Fay Richard, 6 Beaufort ave
Federal Building Society (in liquidation)—
Kay Thomas, 28 Goodslr st, Rozelle
Randolph H. Nott, agent, 100 Pitt st
Fay Willinm, 18 Stanley st, Waverley
Federal Coke Co., Ltd.—J. M. Dixon, secreFay Miss V., 115 Dnrlinghurst rd
tary, 109 Pitt st
Faye Matthew, 12 Denlson st, Newtown
Federal Dental Co.. 12a Oxford st
Fuyers Charles, Shnftc?burv rd, Burwood Federal Dental Supply Co.—Alfred J .
Favlo E. G., 79 Wntkin st, Newtown
Flegg, manager, Vickcry's chambers,
Fnyle G. Miller st, North Sydney
70 Pitt st
Faylo R. II., 6 Frederick st, Petershnm
Federal Electric Co. — P. H. Cameron,
Fnyle Robert, High st, Kognrnh
mnnnger, 114(1 Pitt st
Fnzackcrley J. E., Bowden st, Woollahra
Fazaokerley J, H.,Occnn st, Woollnhrn
Fnzackcrley 11., 130 Jersey rd, Pad'ton
• W O R K S , 2fl Hunter st —A. A.
Fazakcrley and Shepherd, wool scourers,
Oxlade, engineer
Bay st, Botnny
aznkerley Alfred, King st, North Botnny Federal Fine Art Manufacturing Jewellery
Co.—G. E. Diirnnt, manager, 130 York
Fnznkerley Edward, Dover st, Botany
Federal Glass nnd Bottle Works Co.—
Fazakcrley Henry, Dover st, Botany
R. J. Connolly, manager; workB and
Fnznkerley ,1 nines, manager Johnson and
office, Catherine k Brenan sts, LcichVicnrs, Botnny rd, Botnny
Fnznkerley John, Mnrgntc st, Botany
Federal Flour Mill—F. Crngo, proprietor,
Fazakcrley W. J. Hastings st, Botnny
Gladstone st Newtown
Fea James 94 Hereford st. Glebe
Federal Furnishing Wnrohousc—E. Saber,
Fcakes T„ 24 Junction st, Forest Lodge
manager, 37-19Georgest west (opposite
Fcakins T., 14« Camden st, Newtown
Tooth's brewery)
Fcaly David, J.P., solicitor, 49 Hunter Bt
Horseshoe Manufacturing Co., 204
(tel. No. 2414); branch offices at BalCrown st
main and Redfern
Incandescent Co., 535 George st
Fear Mrs. A., Windsor nl, Petersham
Federal Jewellery Co. — W. R, Snow,
Fear Mrs. O. A., Sydney st, Guildford
proprietor, 23-25 The Strand
Fear Edwurd A., off Byron rd. Guildford
Federal Leather and Grindery store, J .
Fear George, Byron rd, Guildford
Ross, ] en Oxford st, nnd 110 Walker
Fear II. II., Stephen st, Hornsby
st, North Sydney
Fear J. jun., Huwkcsvicw rd, Guildford
Mantle Manufacturing Oo. (The),
Fenr John, Sydney st, Guildford
230 Clarence st
Fear W. H., Fanning st, St. Peters
Mutual Live Stock Insurnnce
Feni'isli Mrs. William, 128 Jloiirke st
Association of Australasia—G. Wallace
Fearless M., Concord rd, Conoord
Crabbe, manager, 88 Pitt st
Fcnrnlcy H„ 242 Abercrombie st, Redfern
Federal Nut anil Bolt Works, F. Osborne,
Fenmlcy Isaac M„ 4 Sorrlc st, Balmain
manager, Unwin's Bridge rd, Mar'villc
Fcrnley Mrs. K., newsagent, 23 King st
Femley Mrs. K.. 325 Cleveland st, Redforn Federal Paper Mills Co., Ltd.—J. McL.
Robertson, general mamger, Botnny
Femley P., 37 Allan's av, Marrickville
rd, Botnny
Fearnslde O., The Orescent. Auburn
PASTOIUI.IST (Newspaper), 11
Fcarnsldc Henry, Silver st, St. Peters
Mncqunrie plnce
Fcnrnsidc J., Ynrran rd, Hurstvillc
Federal Printing Co., 131a Liverpool st
Feast Jas., Robert st, Marrickville
Federal Line of Steamers, Ltd.—Blrt and
Feather Edgar, Aunandalc st, Ann'dalo
Co., Ltd., agents, 7 Kncquario place
Feather II. A.,"Orillia," 143 Annnndale st,
Federal Timber Co., 334 George st, and
Gordon st, Rozelle, Balmain
Feather T„ co'incil clerk, Ermington Town Federal
Wharves Co, Ltd.—F. Q. Wnlcy,
Hall, Victoria rd.Rydalmcro
J.P., liquidator, 7 and 9 Bridge s t ;
Feather W., Ashley Bt, Chatewood
201-225 Sussex st
Fcatherstono A., O'Connor st, Summer Hill
Seamen's Union, 2B Erskiiie st
Feathcrston J., 18 Prospect rd. Sum. nill Federated
and Oook's Union of
Fcatherston M., 134 Ernest st, N. Sydney
Australasia, 295 KentBt
Featlicrston R., postmaster, ABhfield PosbFeck G. W., Tryon rd, Lindfleld
ofilcc, Hercules st, A6hfleld
Feeley nnd Connolly, produce mcrchnnts,
Feathcrstxme B., 42 View st, Aunandalc
Burwood rd, Burwood
Fcatherstono L., Booth st, Annnndnle
Feeley P., 24 Entonville st, Croydon
Feathcrstoue M., 30 Bridge rd, Glebe
Belgrnve st, North Sydney
Fcatherstono W. P., 12 Leichhnrdt st, Glebe Fecney Thomns,
49 Addison rd, Mnrrlokville
Feathcrstonhaugh C, Marathon av, Darl- Feency A.,
Battery st, Little Ooogce
ing Point
Feeney Edmund, 9 Morehead st. Redfern
Fenton R., 70 Burren st, Erskineville
Fceney James, 480 Harris st
Fcaton R.. 32 Bullaiinming st, Redfern
Willinm, 73 Young at, Rodfern
Featon T. F.. 135 Bullaiinming st, Redfern Foeney
Fecney Willinm, Oavcy st, Marrickville
Fcaton William, Hanover rd, Hurstvillc
Fccny I I , 104 Jersey rd, Pnddlngton
Federal Bank of Australia, Ltd. (in liqui- Fccny
William, 60 CaBcado st, Paddington
dation)—J.Dockcr, liq'dator, 100 King st
( 0 m ) i SYDNEY
Fegnn Edward, stationmuster, Auburn Fenu II. W., 8 Pitt st, Ucdferu
Fergus John, Factory st, Granville
rnilwiiy station, Auburn parade, N. Fenn John, Boulcvnrdc, Strathtleld
Ferguson A, nnd Co., baking powder manuAiibiuii
Fcnn T„ 340 Canterbury New rd, P'slinm
facturers, Rowntrco st, Balmnin
Fcgan Edward, Stiitiouot, Auburn
Fcnuell Alfre<l, 39 Morohend st, nedfern
Ferguson Bros., booksellers, Corso, Manly
Fcgnn John L., M. L. A., 20 Oxford st, N'town Fcnncll Edgar, 02 Rosscr st, Rozelle
Ferguson Bros. ( Carlisle), sllesia manuFcgnn Thus., Church fit, Oumpcrdoivn
Fcnncll Edward, Alrd st, Pnrrnmatln
facturers, 00 York st
Fcgnn Wlllinm, 63 Ultimo rd
, Fcnncll F., Botany rd, North Botnny
Ferguson nnd Co., nurserymen, seedsmen
Fciion Ohnrles,74 Lennox fit, Newtown
Fennell George, 6 Stephen st, Bnlmaiii
and florists, 19 Royal nrende, George st
Fchon W. A., J.P., "Hinckley," Burling-, Fcnncll John, 27 Llttlo Albion st
(tel. 2858)
ton rd, Honjobnsh
Fennell Joseph, Botnny rd, Botnny
Ferguson F. nnd Son, nurserymen, Stony
Fchon W, Jr., J.]'., Commissioner for Rail- Fcnncll Thomns, 01 Hose st, Darlington
Greek rd, Hurstvillc
ways, 52 Phillip f t ; p.r., llomcuush Fcnncll Thomas, 33 Thomao at, Kedfcrn
Ferguson John nud Sons, plumbers and
rd, llomcl)ush
Fennell William, Ryan st, Leichhnrdt
drainers, 20 Jamieson st
Fobrcnbnch (!., 141) Liverpool rd, Ashfielil Fennell William C , G7 Wlgmm rd, Glebe
Fehrcnlmeh Mhs C , 71 Croydon rd, O'don Fennellv's Horse Bazaar—John M'Grath, Ferguson and Sons, general store, 2">
Wllloughby rd, North Sydney
Fehronbneh II. 0„ 121 KlBwick st, L'hardt
proprietor, 198-200 Pitt ft, nnd nt 127
Ferguson anil Wallace, confectioner*, 99
Felrncss ,T. V., 88 Young St, Auiinudnlc
Castlereagll st
Feist W., 77 Frnzcrst, Mnrrickville
Glebo rd, Glebe
Fennelly John, '0 Bannister lano
and Watson, fruit and produce
PBLDHEIM, OOTTHELF AND Fennclly Patrick, 1 Simmous st, Bnlmnlu Ferguson
300 Sussex st
CO., (lenerni Hardware Merchants
Mitchell rd, Alexandria
nud Importers, corner Barrnck nnd'
The Avenue, Hurstvillc
Fenner C. E. G., 147 Liveriiool rd, Asbfield
Clnrenee st8
Ferguson -Mrs. A., 19 'Foothill st, Petcrshnm
Fenuer I'., Wentworth st. Pnrrainnttn
Ferguson A., 27 Albert st, Erskineville
Feldwick W. 11. S., tencher of Hinging, 482 Fcnnessey John, 103 West st, N. Sydney
George st
, Fenning A., 98 Shepherd Bt, Mnrrickville Ferguson A., 10 Rcnwiok st, Leichhnrdt
Ferguson A., 89 Ahcrcrombio st, Ucdferu
Feldwick, W. II. S., 165 Ernest st, N. Syd. Fenning A., Sydenhnm rd, Marrickvillo
Ferguson A. D., I'ittwnter rd, Manly
Felgnte A., 60 Comber st, Piidilingtou
Foiming Henry, (.'opcland st, Alexandria
Felgntc Gordon, ninunger, II. Bernard nnd Fenning Mrs. 'J'., 112 Wells st, Newtown Ferguson Alex., 8 Itowntree st. Balmalu
Ferguson Alex., "Edlthville," Stafford st,
Co, il!)7 George s t ; p.r., Belgrave st, Fensoni James ./„ Searlc st, Petersham .
Fenson Thomas, GU Crown st
Ferguson Alfred, 3 Hercules st, Ashfielil
Felix Alfred. 102 Walker st, Itedfcrn
l'Vntiman S„ 102 George st, Erskineville
Foil W. Scott nndCo.,Ltd.,shipbmker8ntii]| Feiiton A., foreign stamp importer, 27 Ferguson Allen, I'arkes st, North Sydney
Ferguson Alfred, 22 Gibbcs st, Newtown
conl cnntrnntors, 5 Grcsbnm st
Emnnrc rd, Newtown
F E L L D A V I D & CO., Accountants Kenton Albcrt,Trnnnicre Bt, Druniinoyne Ferguson Andrew, 0 Claremont st, Uozelle
Ferguson Andrew, 402 Darling st, Hozellc
Auditors, nnd Trndc Assignees, Kqtilt- Fenton O., 23 Allan's nve, Jlarrickvillc
Ferguson Arch, 25 Gibbesst, Newtown
nble llulldlngs, Gcorgo st, Sydney. Fenton C., Buthven st, Haudwiek
1'el. 3033. l l o x 778, G.l'.O.
Fen tun Clms., 250 Edgcelitle rd, Woollnhra Ferguson A. W., 149 George st, Waterloo
Ferguson Mm. C, 44 Plcrson st, Sum. Hill
Fell John nnd Co., oil nnd grenso merchants, I Fenton 0.,'Tliornley st, Drummoync
Fenton II, (Lloyd nnd Co., hotel brokers), [Ferguson Mrs. C. It., 0 Blenheim st, Wiey
Ferguson Duucnu, 90 Terry st Rozelle
280 P i t t s t
Foil Alex. Jl., Pllost, Mnrrickville
Ferguson D. (}., barrister, US Kllznbcth st
Fell Dnvld, O.A.A., "I'ettlndrclch," Adv I'enton H„ 20 Pleasant st, Ersklncvillc
D. G., executive of the late R.T.
Fenton H., 2(1 Miicdonnlil st, l'addington
st, Hunter's Hill
Hall, 81 Pitt st
Fell 11™. K., 320 Alfred st, North Sydney I'enton Henry, ICO Cleveland st
Ferguson D. M., fi Windsor rd, Petersham
Fenton Henry, Spit rd, Musiiian
Fell Hurry, 10 Robert st, Petersham
T'enton Mrs. J., 456 King st, Newtown
Ferguson Donnld, seeretnry Coogee Bny
Fell J. W., Arnbellii st, Longuevlllu
Fenton J. L„ Burgeon, 16 York s t ; p.r.. OS
Recreation Club, Arden st, Coogee
Fell John, 0 Kendall st
Ferguson Donald, SI Chnwne st
Johnston st,'Amiundn!c
Fell John, (ill Cl.'ircnecpt
Miss E„ 22 Dnlwlch St., D'lwich
Fenton Jnmes, Tautnllou nve, Rockdale
Fell Jirs., George st, Canterbury
I'enton John, 1 Quarry st, l'addington
Fell Mrs. M., fill llnurkc at
I'enton John, Dntruc st, Bnndwick
[Ferguson Mrs. K„ Livingstone rd, Miir'vlllc
Fell Robert, 20 Talford st, Glebe
Fenton John, George st, Canterbury
Ferguson F., 370 Mllltnrvril, North Svdnev
Fell W. J.. <f> i'ebbiitt st. Leichhnrdt
FcntonL. G.. 130 Bedford st, Newtown
Ferguson F.J.,49 Ersk'vlllerd.Krskin'evllIe
Fell W. Scott, Spit rd, Monuan
Ferguson Francis, 20 Miinn st
Fcllew l'redk. C„ 08 Edwnrd st, lUilfern fenton Mrs., 83 Bathurstst
Fenton W., 98 Derwent st, Forest Lodge Ferguson Francis, N.S.H. rd, Woollnhrn
Fellow \V., contractor, 031 Harris st
I'enton William, 1 Francis st, Glc9c
' Ferguson G., 2 Eilgeclill'e rd, Woollnhra
Fellow William II., 74 Bowman ft
Ferguson G. K, 302 Lane Cove rd. N. Svd.
Fclllnghnm It., 00 Mnria st, Newtown
Ferguson G. J„ 77 Mill Hill rd. Waverley
Fcllowcs T)„ 33 Brandling st, Alexandria Fenton William, 7J King st, Balmalu
Ferguson George, Shelley st, Canterbury
Fellows Airs. S. L., Milnorst, Mosmnu
Fenwlek J. ami Co., steam-tug proprietors, Ferguson George, 35 Stephen st, Dnlniaiu
Pels C. II., 0 Campbell st. Pnddlngton
19 Bridge st
Ferguson George, Pitt «t, Hurstvillc
Fels Frederick, linnneicr, 296 Pitt s t : p.r.,
Fenwick A., 82 Caledonia st, Pnddlngton I Ferguson Mrs. H., 90 Good Hope st, P'tou
" Fels Itidge," Sprlllgwood
Fenwick Albert J., Louisa ',t, Auburn
II. A., 3:lMerrimnn st
Fclstcad 11., 200 Victoria rd, Mnrrickville Fenwick Andrew, 44 Darling st, Bnlmnln I
Ferguson Henry, Kent hotel, 61 Palmer st.
Fclthnni 1'., Hrcaighton st, Concord
Fenwlek Arthur, lluena Vista hotel. MiliBalmain
Foltbnm N., Sciuie st, Petersham
tary rd, Mosmnu
Felton Toy Miniumc. Co., 01-03 The Strand Fenwlek Rev. Dnvld (Pros.), 8 Lclchhnnlt Ferguson Henry, 39 Merrlmmi st
Ferguson Herbert, 42 Moodie st, Rozelle
Felton A.," View st, Woolwich
st, Glebo
Ferguson II. J., Victoria par., Flemingtou
Felton Alfred, 87 Arthur ft, North Sydney Fenwick Mrs. E., 103 Pyrmont st
Ferguson H. J., Fnrromatta rd.Homobusli
Felton Charles, l'aine st, Kognrnh
Fenwick Jus., B. So., consulting engineer, Ferguson J., proprietor CrJ.MllKlil.AN"!)
Felton l'redk., Ashley st, Ohntswood
19 Bridge s t ; p.r., 110 Pnddlngton st
TlMKP.Georgest, Pnrramattn
Felton F. I)., Andcrsonst, Chntswood
Ferguson J., 23 Palmer st, Balmain
Felton G. II., Meridnh st, Chntswood
Fenwick John, 23 Nntionnlst, Hozellc
Felton Henry E.,109 Nelson st, An'dnlc
Fenwick Joseph, 30 Young st, Annnndalc Ferguson J., Moore's st, Uurstvlllo
Ferguson Mr*. J., Pcrclvnl st, Leichhnrdt
Felton Herbert, Co'wle's rd, Mosinnn
Fenwick Mrs. J „ George st, Canterbury
Felton L„ Cninhridgc st, Hurstvillc
Fenwick P., 1 Little Weston st, Bnlmuin Ferguson J., 36 Lower Tuppcr st, M'vil:e
Ferguson J. M., Nelson rd, Gordon
Felton M. A., Glen st, Pnddlngton
Fenwick Peter J., 103 Pyrmont st
Felton Myrn,5! Good Hopest, Pnd'ton
Fenwick W., 39 Catherine st, Leichhnrdt Ferguson .7. S., 40 Palmer st, Bnhuaiu
Ferguson James, Sydney rd, Manly
Felton E. H„ Ilockv Point rd. Rockdale
Fenwick W. ,T.. 270 Darling st, Bnlmnln
Ferguson Jnmes, 10 College st, Balmain
Felton T„ IS Mlddleton st, Mnrrickville
Fenwlek William, grocer, 120 Bay st
James A., 19 Palmer st, Balmain
Felton W. ,T„ Iiockv Tolnt rd, Rockdnle
Fenwick Thomas, 2 Holdeli st, Afhflcld
Ferguson Jnmes, 114 Alice st, Newtown
Felton W., 31 Rowley st, Alcxnmlrln
Fcran Mrs. T., 14 Boronia st, Kedfcrn
Jnmes, SI Roschill st, Kedfern
Felton Wlllinm, 107 Alice st, Newtown
Ferari Mrs. J., .Madeline st, Hunter's Hill
Ferguson John, manager Leichhnrdt and
Fenek Arthur, 47 Duke st
Fcrgic.Tohn, 7 Fnirllghtst, Leichhnrdt
retcrshnm Friendly Societies' DisFcnelcy J . A., 115 Rose st, Darlington
I Fergus Alex., Telopen st, Redfern
pensary, 238 Pnrrainnttn nl, Fctcrshnni
/nend Ofllco*: 810 Georgo\
\8troot South. 'Phono 720^
Ferguson John, 38 Glnssop st, Balmai'i
Ferns R. Sidney, Great N. rd, Abbotsford Ferry Patrick, 18 Esther st
Ferguson John, 147 Quay st
Ferns William E„ Newcastle st, Abbotsford Ferry Robert, Fnrr st, Rockdale
Fcseninoyer William, Cosmopolitan hotel,
Ferguson John, Elliott st, Balmain
Kcrntn Albert, Salisbury st, Waverley
04 Clarcnco st
Ferguson John, Alexander st. N'th Sydney Ferran M., 38 Alt st, Ashlield
Fesq nnd Co., wine nnd spirit merchants
Ferguson Rev. J. (Pres.), 196 Glebe rd, Glebe Ferrari A. jun., Thomasst, Parramntta
nnd Importers, 72-74 Pitt st
Ferguson John, Trongato st, Graiivllle
Ferrari O. B., Elizabeth Bt, Parramatta
Ferguson John, Elizabeth st, N. Sydney
Ferrari Siguorina, teacher of music, 00 Fesq Mrs. Frances, Pnlser st, Woolwich
Fcsq W., J.P., Lower Ocenn st, Woollnhra
Ferguson John, Smith st, North Botany
Elizabeth st
Fessia P., 693 George st
Ferguson John, Park rd, St. Peters
Ferrari Stephen, Abuklea rd, Mnrsflcld
Festag Miss M., Elizabeth Bay rd
Ferguson John, SI Grafton st, Woollnhrn Ferrari S. A., Pennnut st, Parramutta
Fester Carl, 8 Brandling st, Alexandria
Ferguson John A., Obserecr tavern, 09 Fcrritt Henry. 153 Cecily st, L'lmrdt
C , Missenden rd, Cninperdown
George st
Ferrett H. J., 391 Balmain rd, Loichhardt
Fctherstonc D , Fore st, Canterbury
Ferguson L., 93 Falcon st, North Sydney
Ferrett Leon, Esplanade west, Manly
Ferguson M„ 31 Ivy st, Redfern
Ferrlo A. »., 20 William st, North Sydney Fetherston G., 123 Simmons st, Newtown
Ferguson Mrs. M. A., 58 Elliott st, Bnlm'n Ferrlcr nud Co., storekeepers. Queen Vic- Fethcrstou Gerald, 17 Laura st, Newtown
Fetherston J . A., 87 Balinain rd, L'hardt
Feiguson Madame, N. Steyne, Manly
toria st, Bexley
Fetters William, 0 Wlshench st, Rozelle
Ferguson Mrs. Mary, Edith st, St. Peters Ferrier A., 209 Walker st, Redfern
Feiguson O., 2S Keig st, Newtown
Ferrlcr Albert E., 15 National st. Rozelle Feveux Ernest, 232 Bowling st
Fcvyer Edwnrd, Stunrt st, Manly
Ferguson P. C, Vernon st, Strathtleld
Ferrier F., 03 Kingsclear rd, Alexandria
Fewer James, 9 Brown st, Camperdown
Ferguson R., 21 Malcolm st, Erskineville Ferrier George II., 05 John st, Waterloo
Ferguson B., Station st, Mnrrickville
Ferrier .Mrs. II., 04 O'Neill st, Leichhnrdt Fewing Frederick, Arilcn st, Coogee
Ferguson R., 2« EdgcclitTe rd, Woollnhra Ferrier Henry, 92 Goodliopost, Pnddington Fcwing Frederick, Susan st, Randwick
Ferguson R. J., Brighton nve, Canterbury Ferrier Henry, Atchison st, St. Leonards Fewings A., 29 Shepherd st, Darlington
Fcwings A.,'10 Roso st, Darlington
FergUBon R. J., Dunmore st, Canterbury Ferrier John, Duncan st, ArnclitTc
Ferguson It. J. C, Fairfowi Bt, Dill. Hill
Ferrier J. P., 65 Sutherland st, Paddiugton Fewings Mrs. C, 110 Gowrlo Bt, Newtown
Fcwlmjs E., 20 Shepherd st, Darlington
Ferguson Robert, 13 Beaufort st
Ferrier John, 51 Cooper st
Fewings E. M., 281 Oowper st, Waverley
Ferguson Robert, 37 Palmer st, Bnlmaiii
Ferrier L. Jabcz st, Marriokvillo
Ferguson Robert 5 llcibyi-t, Newtown
Ferrier, Robert 11., O.E., and manufac- Fewings John, 413 Cleveland st, Redfern
Ferguson Ronald, North El, Balmain
turers' agent, Mutual Life of N.Y. Fewkes H. N., 3 Malcolm st, Erskineville
Ferguson S„ 20 Sydney st, Erskineville
Bldgs., Martin place; p.r., Trnninore Fcwster Olmrles II., Victoria st, Ashfielil
Fowtrcll F., 19 Fitzgerald st, Waverley
Ferguson S. R , off 11 Miller's rd
st, Drummoyno
Ferguson Samuel, 0 Randiest, Newtown
Ferrier W., 47 Gt. Buckingham st, Redfern Ffrcnch Mrs. E, W., Carlotta st, Greenwich
P., 10 Silver st, Mirrickville
Ferguson Sydney, 440 Liverpool st
Ferrier William, 180 Crown Bt
Ferguson T. II., 470 Darling st, Rozelle
Ferrlcr W. W., 23 Cleveland Bt, Darlington Ffrost II. O., 73 Blrrcll st, ft'averloy
Flaschl T., winegrower, Union chambers,
Ferguson Thomas, 27 Berwick lane
Ferriet Alfred, 07 Ryan st, Lelohhardt
Ferguson Thomns, 17 Howard at
Fcrrif Gustave. 0 Ultimo st
70 Pitt st
Ferguson Thomns, 10 Wharf rd, Bnlmnln Ferris nud Held MesdnmcB, costuiniercs, 140 Finsclii Thomns, M.D., Oh.M., D.S.O., BurFerguson Thomns, 19 Sloune st, Sum. Hill
George st west
geon, 149 Macquaric st
Ferguson W., estate agent, Pnrk rd, St.Ferris A., 150 Church st, Camperdown
Fickel Mrs. L., 20 Smith st, Mnrrickville
Ferris Mrs. A., 17 Denison st, N. Sydney Fickcu B., 83 Harbour st
Ferguson W., bootmnker 124a George st
Ferris A. II., uuotioncer and Government l'lddon Francis, Lincoln st, Petersham
Ferguson W., McDonald B<, Onnterbury
valuer, Argyle st, Parraninttn
Hidden Richard, 89 Devonshire Bt
Ferguson W., 213 Bnlmnln rd, Leichhnrdt Ferris A. II., Pennant Hills rd, Pc.rmmatta Fiddcn W. P., Broughton st, Sans Souci
Ferguson W. A., Elizabeth st, Waterloo
Ferris Chnrlos, Parkview rd, Manly
Fidden William, Fitzroy ave, Balmain
Ferguson W. D., 10 Arthur st, l'addington Ferris Edward, Long st, Strathfleld
Fiddes Frederick A.,Belmorerd, Dalmorton
Ferguson W. J., 326 Military rd, N, Syduey Ferris Frank, 227 Pyrmont st
Fiildlck Thomas lL.St.Gcorgosrd, Bexley
Ferguson W. P., Belniontst, Alexandria
Ferris (r. A., dentist, Argyle st, P'mnttn
Flddick Wlllinm, 15 Francis st
Ferguson William L , 4 Jacques st, B'nmin Ferris George, Bench st, Dill. Hill
Fidler Miss J. M., tutor to the Women
Ferguson Wlllinm J.', M L.A., 78 Kllznbeth Ferris George. 7 llosednlest, Petersham
Students' University of Sydney, Henry
Ferris Henry P., Hooper st, Itandwick
st, Gordon
Bt west, AshfloM
Ferris Mrs. I., Loscoo rd, Guildford
Fidler Miss M., school for girls, "RavensFergusson P. H. nnd Co., wholesale sta^ Ferris Isaac, Bellovuo st, Parramatta
wood," Henry st, Gordon
Honors, 484a George st
FerriB Isaac B., " Roslyn," 80 Leunox st, Fiel Martin, 33 Auunndnlc st, Aunandalo
Ferls Jnmes, 10 Barcom place
Field Engineers' Department, Moore Park
Ferkin A., 133 N.S.H. rd, Pnddlngton
Field A., llarriekvillo rd, Dnlwioh Hill
Ferris J., Ross st, Parramatta
Fern Edward, 103 Elder st, Waverley
Field A. E., Wallace st, Marriokvillo
Ferris Mrs. J . , Ross Bt, Parramntta
Fern Edwnrd, Forest rd, Hurstvillo
Field A. L.,230Edgecllffc rd, Woollahrn
Ferris lames, Villiers st, Parramatta
Fern J . W., 68 Malcolm st, Ersklncvillc
Ferris John, Atlas Iron and Brass Foundry, Field Arthur, 42 Ross st, Forest Lodge
Fern Joseph, 22 Arthur st
Field Arthur W., 149 Wigram rd, Glebe
Systrum st, Ultimo
Fern Joseph, 18 Denison Bt, Wnvcrley
Field Charles, Gtbbes st, Ilockdolo
Ferris John, Angel rd, Burwood
Fern Thomas, 44 Boronia st, Redfern
Field O., 2 Union lnne
Ferris P., 33 Cambridge st, Paddington
Fern William, Plant Bt, Kogarnli
0., uinlertaker,58 Botany rd, Alex'drin
Ferris T. W., 14 Llandau* st, Waverley
Feruance L.,21 Thornley st, L'hardt
Field C . Myahgab rd. Mosinnn
Ferris Thomas, 171 Wigram rd. Glebe
Fernand Mrs. A., Gordon rd, Lane Cove
O. J., 500 Dnrllug st, Rozelle
Ferris Thomns, 161 Reservoir st
Fcriiand Ohnrlos, Gordon rd, Lnuc Cove
Field Clifford. 47 Arundel ter. For. Lodge
Fernnndez A. nnd Co., drnjicrs, 107-111 Ferris W. J., 59J Parramntta rd, An'dnlo Field Charles, Victoria st, St. Peters
Ferris Lieut. Col. W. J., J.P., generui
Oxford st, Wnverlcy
agent, and sworn valuator, R.P.A., GO Field D.. plumber, 68 Foster st
Fernandez D., 68 Glenview st, Pnddington
Castlcrengh st, p.r., " Arrnglyn," Ross Field Ernest A., 113 Oxford st. Waverley
Fernandez Frederick, 1-3 King st
Field Mrs.E., 1 Ellen st, Rozelle
st, Pnrrnmntta
Fernandez Isaac, 184 William st
Ferris Wlllinm, 112 Tnylor st, Aunnndnlo Field Mrs. Ellen, 74 Telopa st, Ucdferu
Femes Edward, 794 George st
Field Kmcst, 33 Pino st, Newtown
Ferris William, Coruunn rd, Petersham
Fernhill Railway Btn, Duntroon st, O'bury Ferris William, 27 Aldcrson rd, Itedfcrn
Field F., off Harrington st, Mnrrlokville
Fernie Alexnnder, View st, Woollnhra
Ferrow Ohnrlcs W., 6 0 Wells st, Newtown Field F. J., 23 Hercules st, Ashlield
Feruley Edward, 82 Norton st, Ashflcld
Field G., 82 Cnrlton ores, Summer Hill
Ferrow Ucnry, Star hotel, 89 Bourke st
Fcrnley Howard, Arthur st, Raudwick
Field George, 41 Holt st
Ferry Edward, Uelmore rd, Dnlinortou
Feruley J., Pciuinnt st, Parramntta
Field George, 104 Phillip st, Balmain
Ferry Edwin, Scoullcr st, .Marrickvillo
Fcrnley Mrs. M. J., Rcnwick st, Mnrrickville Ferry Ernest, Fnrr st, Rockdnle
Field George, Steel st, Prospect
Fcrnley Snmuel, 0 Hnwken st, Newtown Ferry Frederick, 33 Norfolk st, Newtown Field George, 167 Regent st, Redfern
Fernon J . F., 3 Albermnrlc st, Newtown Ferry James, 314 Jones st
Field George, 19 Arundel ter, For. Lodge
Fcrnon John, 7 Brown st, Campcrdowu
Field George, 04 Glndstone st, Newtown
Ferry John, Mitohcll rd, Alexandria
Fernon W. J., 1 Augustus st, Newtown
Field George J . Mostyn, B,N., enptniu In
Ferry John O., 40 Cove st, Balmain
Ferns Arthur, Great North rd, Abbotsford Ferry Nell, J'yrmonl Ilriilye Road hotel,
charge Royal Naval Depot, Garden
Ferns Mrs. E., 09 Wilson st, Itedfcrn
1 Pyrmont Bridge rd
Ferns George, Albion st, Marrickvillo
Field II., Brook at, North Sydney
Fill Arthur, 85 Goodlet st
Field H. W., 63 Phillip st, Balmaln
Findlav W. D., 3 Tlvoli st, Paddlngton
Filllngbnm Joseph, GInssop st, Bahnnln
Field Horry, PoMIn^ at, Drummoyne
Filly James, C5 Albion Bt, Annnndalc
i Findlny A., Little Wyndhnm st, Alcx'drin
Field Henry (Siiw Mills), 100 Pitt Bt
Finiloii John, Campbell st, St. Peters
Fihner Albert It., 22 Talford Bt, Glebe
Fine-Chong Honry, 109 Gloucester st
Field Ilcnry, 44 Trafalgar 9t, Annandahs
Flnegan Laurence, Homer st, Canterbury
Fiold Heury, Queen's st, Granville
Fihner J., 221 Sutherland st, Paddlngton
P. T„ 2 Cecil st, Ashfleld
Field Henry, King at, North Botany
Filsell 11. N., 3 The Avenue, l'otcrahnm | Finegan
Flnegan Patrick, 42 Underwood at.Pad'ton
Fiold Henry, 116 Angel et. Newtown
Fllsoll W. G., Spit rd, Mosman
R..6 Booth st North, C'down
Field Henry, 10 Fitzroy st, Newtown
Filson A. J., lu Edmund at, Waverley
Finlgnn Mrs. A., 61 Westbonrnc st, P'shnm.
Field I., tailor. Auburn rd, Auburn
Fimlstcr John, 147 Maria st, Newtown
Finlgnn John, 172 Bridge rd.Glebe
Field Mrs. I., Robert st, Marrlokvllle
FlmiiHl W., 1 Campbell st
Flnignn Josoph, 42 Forties st
Field J., Park rd, Auburn
Fiuagan John P., 16 Ohnrles st, Newtown Finkernngel
W., Marrlckville rd, D'hlll
Field J., Wellington st, Burwood
Finklatcr A., 82 Undercllffc st, N. Buy
Field J. II., 18 Rosalind st. North Sydney
Finlay Andrew, 50 O'Connor st
Field Jeremiah, 89 Quay st
Flnlay .Mrs. Clam, 09 Wells st, Hcdfcin
Field John, 112 Cowrie st, Newtown
Deals with Banking and Insurance Finlny Mrs. K, 80 Dnrling st, Bnlmnin
Field Joseph, 47 Qoold st
Flnlay Mrs. F., 208 Bourko st
Field Joseph, carrier, 1JS Pitt st
every Thursdny. Subscription, £1 0s. Finlny 1'., 134 Annnndnle at. Aniinndali'
Field Joseph, 38 Grosvenor ere*, Sum. nill
Flnlay F., 1 Trafalgar Bt, Newtown
Field Mrs. Load, 30 Nlthsdale st
Orltchley Parker, Proprietor. Tele- FlnlnvForest, bicycle repairer, 376 Geo. st
Fiold L. D., 70 Malcolm st, Erskineville
Finlny G. M., Wnkeford st, Strnthlleld
phone 2703.
Field Mrs. M„ 60 Ormoml st. Paddlngton
Finch A. K., chemist, Militnny rd, Mosmnn Finlny George, 8 Mnlcohn st, Erskineville
Fiold Mrs. M. A , Oliuiulos st, N. Sydney
Finlny Gordon, Seventh uv. Rookwood
Finch A bert, 144 Short st, Bnlmnin
Field Robert, Terrace rd, Marrlckville
Finoh O. A., analytical chemist, 38 Eliza- Finley Henry, 23 Pnrramnttn rd, An/lule
Field Robert, Park st, Rookwood
Finlny John, Trongnto st, Granville
beth Bt
Field Mrs. Susan, 25 Union st, Nowtown
Finch Mrs. C. H., 13 Sutherland st, P'ton Finlny John, 4 Grose st, Camperdown
Field Stanislaus, Huthven st, Rnndwlok
Flnlay Joseph, 6 Janest, Balmaln
Finch 0., 63 Shepherd st, Mnrrickvllle
Field T. A., Abattoirs, Globe Island
Finlav Joseph, Argylo st, Parramattn
Finch Charles, H Boyee st, Glebe
Field, T. A. Springfield Mont Market, Finch Edward, 27 rainier st, Balnialu
Flnlay L.. 29 Mitchell st, N. Sydney
Hay st
Finch Edward II., Victoria st, Greenwich Finlny Mnthew J., 07 SlnnnoiiB st, N'town
Finlny Mrs. M., Gosdon rd, Oha?swood
Field T. A., jiiii., J.F.,171 Norton st, I/lmrdt Finch F. II., Klrby st, Rydnlmere
Finlny R., 193 Glenmore rd, Paddlngton
Field Mrs. T. A., sen, Piper st, Leichhardt Finch George, Laura st, Newtown
Field Thomas, herbalist, 49 Princes 8t
Finch Miss H. L .Richard st, Greonwlch Finlny Robert, Mitchell rd, Alexandria
Finlny R. D., Brighton nvo, Canterbury
Fiehl Thomas, 127 Wyndham st, Alex'drln Finoh Harry, 180 King st, Newtown
Flnlay Sinclair, surgeon, 370 Darling st„
Field Tlionms, 13 Plggott st, Dulwlch nill Finch Julias JI„ 4 Ynralla st, Nowtown
Fiold Tlionms, Clarendon rd, Petersham
Flneh John, 212 Victoria nl, Mnrrickvllle
Field Thomas, 83 Redfern st, Redfern
Finlny W., 22 Binning st, Erskineville
Finch 0„ Hurdle st, North BoUiny
Field Thomas, 13 Reeve st, Waterloo
Finch Richard, 3 Edward st, North Sydney Finlny YV\, Remvick st, Mnrrickvllle
Fiold W. II., Guildford rd, Guildford
,' Finoh R. H., Woodsido ave, Burwood
Finlny Willinm, M.D.,449 Dnrling st,B'tnn
Field Win., 70 St. John's rd, Forest Lodge Finoh Mrs. V. A., 30 Fitzroy st, N. Sydney Flnlayson A., Willinm at, North Sydney
Field William, Wilson st, North Botany
FInlnyaon A., 34 Botany st, Redfern
Finch W. 11., 311'nlmer st, Bnlmnin
Fielden Samuel, Beamish st, Canterbury
Finlnyson Alex.. 144 Darllughurst rd
Finch Willluin J., Dora st, Hurstvillo
Fleldcr'Mrs. A. B., 132 Enmnre rd, N'town Finch Willinm, 30 Rosser st, ltozclle
FInlnyaon A., 133 Deulson rd, Petersham
Fielder 0. L. G., 132 Enmoro rd, Nowtown Finch Willinm J „ 26 Brougham st, Glebe Finlnyson D., Stony Creek rd, Hurstville
Fielder K. A., 57 Grown st
Finlnyson Mrs. F., 209 Forbes st
Fiuclinm O. 1'., 03 Glenmore rd, Pnd'ton
Fielder Herbert, St.Pnul's st, Randwick
Finlnyson O., Bush Grove, Botany
Finclinm R. W., Nicholson st. Burwood
Fielder Jesso, Klrhy st, Rydalmero
Finlnyson Capt. G. J., J.P., Henson st,
Finchnm William, 3 Gow st, Baluinln
Fielder J., 83 Pyrmont Bridge rd, C'down Flnohcr John, 88 Great Bnrcom Bt
Fielder J. A., 172 George st west
Flnchcr John C , 61 Mncqunrio st south
Flnlayson Miss I., 27 Lower Fort Et
Fleh'er Miss Jf., Paul st, Bnlmnlii
Flnchcr John, William st, Honiaby
Flnlayson J. B., Station st, Fnrrainattn
Fielder Samuel, Barker st, Randwick
Flnohcr Robert, High st, North Botany
Fioldhonso E. G. II., 20 Barclay st, Wnv'Icy Flucliinnil Charles P., proprietor Owl Drug Finlnyson Jnmcs, 35 Red Lion at, ltozclle
Finlnyson John, clerk in chnrec Australian
Flcldhonsc Edwin, J.P., 4 Ev.-.nsst, Wnv'loy
Co, 227 Elizabeth st
Fieldhouse G., Wnzler st, Arncllffc
Gaslight Co., George st, Parramattn
Finck Carl 0 „ Virginia st, Granville
Fieldhouse II., 107 Woolloomooloo st
Flnlayson John, 21 Inylor st
Leonard, 40 Kent st
Fieldhouse W. If., 27 Gloucester st
John, Hnssell st, Parrnmntta
Flnckh E. V. and Co., agents, 39 Bent at
Fielding Mrs. E., Riverside ores, M'vllle
Mrs. It., Park rd, Auburn
O K H H. E., Watclunakcr, Jewcl- IFinlnyaon
Floldlng F. B. 0 nopetonnst, Paddlngton F I Nlor
R. W., 34 Braest, Wnverlcy
und Optician, 300 George Street, l Finlnyson W„
Fielding John, 14 High st, Wnverlcy
Church st, 1'nmumittii
Fielding Thsmns A., Botany rd, Botany
Finlnyson William, Western rd, Prospect
Flnckh Henry, 30 Milton st, Ashfleld
Fleldscnd W., .Mock's rd, Marrlckville
st, Rookwood
Finckh Herman B., "Hermes,'Rnglnn st, Finloy John, 09 Alexander
Fienberg B , clothier, 1306 Bnthurst st
st, Alexandria
1'ienberg L., J. P., 30 Cambridge st, F'ton Flndc Peter, 97 Harrington st
Finley John, 17 Short st, Bnlmnin
Fienberg M., 207 Parramattn rd, L'hnrdt Flndlntcr Francis, 93 West st, North Sydney Finn Bros., printers, booksellers, and staFlcz Robert, Bray st, Concord
307 P i t t st
Findlny mid Co., veterinary surgeons, 280 Finntioners,
Fife David, 331 Bnlmnlii rd, Lelclihnrdt
Mrs. A., 13 Vine st, Darlington
Sussex st
Fife .Mrs. Ellen, George st, Hurstville
Finn Alexander, Wellington rd, Auburn
Findlny Andrew, Webber's id, Kognrah
Fife Henry, 23 James st, North Sydney
Finn Edward, Rutbven at. Randwick
Flford and Co, g-iocors, 282 Anuandale st, Flndlay And., tanner, Campbell st, An'drln Finn Mrs. E., Church st, Parramattn
Arthur, 28 Rosser st, llozcllo
Finn Brigadier-General H.. Dnwes Point
Findlny O., Illnwarra rd, Maraickville
Flford Mrs. II., 180 Aunniidnle Bt, An'dalo findlny D. Smith, Fuller's rd, Ohntswood Finn George, 13 Beatrice st Ashfleld
Figg Harry, Fraiilfo/t hotel, Viotorln rd Findlny D. Smith, indentor, importer and Finn George, Gregory st, Enfield
Finn Hubert, Allison rd, Rnudwick
export agent, 204 O nrence st
Finn J., 253 Henderson rd, Alexandria
Klgglns George, 73 John st, Waterloo
Flndlay David, 3 Water st, Dalmnln
Jnmcs, 110 Figg st
Figgis George, 107 Devonshire st
Flndlay F„ 36 Pickup Bt, Alexandria
Finn Jnmcs, US Hiley st
Figgis James, Wolsoley rd, Mosmnn
Flndlay J., Burnsliy Grove, Duhvich Hill Finn Jnmcs M., Hercules st, Dulwloh Hill'
Figure G.. 47 Charles et Forest Lodge
Flndlay John, olT Bcttlngton st
Finn J., 20n Morton st, Rozelle
Filbey E. 68 Ronwlok st. Leichhardt
Findlny Joseph, Wutcrvlow st, Carlton
Finn Jnmcs. Ferris st, AnnnndalcFIlby George, Baker st, Enfield
Findlny Mil's, mntron In charge St. Ber- Finn Mrs. Jane, 95 Queen st, Woollahm
Fildcs P. A., 33 Marshall at, Marrlckville
nard's Home for Working Gentle- Finn John, King st, Randwick
Filer W., 32 8t. John's rd, Forest Lodge
women, 200n Willinm st
Finn John, 09 Booth st, Anuandale
Filewood James, Fitzroy st, Canterbury
Findlny Peter, 70 Alfred st, Annandnlc
Finn John, 0 Burnell lane
Filkius Frank, 40 Wigrnm st, Glebe
Findlny Robert, 1 Albert at.Pctcrshnin
Finn John, 47 West st
Finn Joseph, Wcniorn rd, nurstvllle
Finn Mrs. M.. St. Paul's st, Randwick
Finn Michael J., Princess nv, Waterloo
Finn Mrs. M. A.. Amelia st, Waterloo
Finn Peter, 39 Lumb st, Leichhardt
Finn T. J., George's River rd, Canterbury
Finn Walter, King st, Randwick
Finn W. P., 101 Wellington st, Oam'down
Finn William, 23 Donnelly st, Bnlmnin
Finnan John, 0 Hoscbery place, Balmaln
Finnan Miohael, Hero of Waterloo holel,S3
Lower Fort st
Finiiegaii M., 1 Prospect st, Paddlngton
Fiuncll Jns., Universal st, Hurstville
Finncrnn John, 43 Lawson st, Rozelle
(Finney C , 29 Ormond st, Paddlngton
Finney Edward, 60 Botany st, Waterloo
Finney E.H., Hedmyre rd, btratlifleld
Finney J., 24 Ormond st, l'nddington
Finney Joseph, "Onncnz," Hastings st,
Finney S., I Kwell st, Rozelle
Finney W. E„ Bellovuo par, Hurstville
Finnie Misses A. and M., confectioners, 4
Elizabeth st
Finnie Alfred J., 27 Burliusou st
Finnie Alfred J., 7 Kensington st
Finnic A. J., Crnnbrook Bt, Botany
Finnic Colin, Botany rd, Botany
Finnic Frederick, 8 Amy st, Erskiuevllle
Finnie Willinm S., Iu4 Bay st
Finnlgnn Charles, Parramatta rd, Auburn
Finnlgan John, Walter st, Granville
Finuigau John, 20 Longdowu st, Newtown
Finnlgan Miss, dressmaker, 01 Royal
Arcade, George st
Finnlgan Robert, 60 Boyccst, Glebe
Flnsclbaoh W., chemist, 9 George Bt west
Finucnne Mrs. A., 22 Abercroniblo st, lt'fcrn
Finucaue Clias. J.. 108 Bond! rd.Bondi
Finucnne Mrs. H„ Eve st, Strnthflcld
Finucaue Michael, First ave, Rookwood
Finuchane John, Railway par, Kogarah
Firbank James, George st, Parramatta
Fire Underwriters' Association of N.S.W.—
J. E. Woodthorpe, J.P., secretary,
Exchange, 50 P l t t s t
Firkin Alfred, 74 Garden Bt., Aloxaudrla
Firkin Mrs. A., 38 Marian st, Redfern
Firkin J. F., 1 Cook st. Petersham
Firkin Samuel, 19 Rosehlll st, Redfern
Firkin W., Llviugstone rd, Mnrrickvllle
Firkins T. F., tourists ugent and typewriter, 7 Moore st; p.r., Wunulla rd,
Firman A. 334 Annnndalc Bt.Annandnle
Firmau Arthur, Abattoirs, Glebe Island
Flrmnn Mrs. E. N., 02 Blrrell st, Waverley
Firmau Herbert W.,8 Whntcly st, N'town
Firman J., George's Head rd, Mosman
Firman J, II., wine shop, 44 Hunter st
Firman It., Olevedoii rd, Hurstville
FlrmBtonc Arthur. 41 John st, Waterloo
Firmstone Olios., 41 John st, Waterloo
Firmstono F. W., 78 Wells st, Anuandale
FlrmBtonc H. A., 108 Walker st, lledfcrn
Firth A., 20 Spring Bt, Waverley
Firth Alfred, Railway avo, Marrlckville
Firth E., 22 Spring st, Waverley
Firth F. W., 18 Bennett ht, Bondl
Firth Rev. Frank (Wcs.), 110 Ocean st,
Firth Jns., Pacific Bt, Vaucluse
Firth Jas. R., Dutruo st, Randwick
Firth John, 16 Commodore st, Newtown
Firth Peter J., Paper Box Maker and
Flock Manufacturer, 47-63 Oodrington st, Redfern J p.r„ Victoria st,
Burwood. Tel. No. 69, Newtown
Firth R. A., dental Burg'u, 231 HIizahtth st
Firth Robert, 57 Newman st, Newtown
Firth Thos., William st, Hornaby
Firth Thomas, Shaftesbury rd, Burwood
Firth W. A., J.P., manager Southern Coal Fisher Fredk, Morwlck st, Burwood
Owners' Agency, 38 Pitt s t ; p.r., 18 Fisher G., bl Union st, Paddlngton
Fisher George, Albert st, Burwood
Llandnfl st, Waverley
Firth Willinm, Renwick st, Drummoyuo Fisher George L., Dowling st, ArucllHe
Firth William, 70 Newman st, Newtown Fisher H. B.. 14 Wellesley st, Summer Hill
Fisher Hnrry, 60 City rd
Firth Wright, 32 Eveleleh st, Redfern
Fisher Henry, exporter nnd commission
Fischer A., jeweller, 00 William st
agent, 03 Pitt st
Fischer Albert, 38 Oowpcr st, Waverley
Fischer Edounrd. nccordeon pleater, 169 Fisher Henry, Pile st, Mnrrickvllle
Fisher Henry, r Sclwyn st, Paddlngton
Phillip st
Fisher Henry, Military rd, Mosman
Fischer GusUiv, 174 Viotorin at
Fisher Henry, 52 Alma st, North Sydney
FischerH., pnwnbroker, 216 George st
Fisher Henry B., Roseby st, Drummoyne
Fischer H. 11., Ornngc st, Rnndwlok
Fisher Hermann, 112 Phillip st, Balmaln
Fischer Mrs. J. C, Ornngc st, Rnndwlok
Fischer Mnrtin, 12 Ronny st, Paddington Fisher J. O., Klntore st, Wnhroouga
J. D„ " Glenfame,"Albcrtrd, StrathFischer Otto. Whiting Beach rd, Mosman
Fischer Robert L , Liverpool rd, Enfield
Fisher J. E. D,, 30 Arthur st, Balmaln
Fischer T. B., Francis st, Rookwood
Fisher J. 8., 36 Arthur st, Balmaln
Fischer William, 391 Dowling st
Fish nnd Packer, proprietors Australia Fisher James, 10 Dale st
Fisher Jaiuos, 9 Rose st
Loan and Discount Co., 38 O'rengh st
Fisher Jns., Middle st, Raudwiok
Fish Alfred F., 220 Liverpool st
Fisher Jnmcs D., 108 Buckingham st
Fish Mrs. E, 72 Railway Bt, Petersham
Fish F. 0., pnstry cook, 17 Alfred Bt, nnd Fisher Mrs. Jane, 8 Diokson st, Newtown
Usher John, Bridge st. Drummoyne
Fisher John, Gladesville rd, Ryde
Fish F. 0., cntercr, 102 Willinm st
John D , Meredith at, Homcbusli
Fish Oscnr, 36 Edward st, Redfern
Fisher Joseph. Boulevard, Leichhardt
Fishbourno T., Queensoliffc, Mnnly
FUliburn A., 10 Durham st, S. Anuandale Fisher Leslio J., sec. N.S.W. Jewish Association, 17 Bond st
Flshbnrn F. W.,Oorunna rd, Petersham
Fishburn Geor*c, proprietor The Dayton Fisher 11,, liquidator Lnnd Co. of Australasia (in liquidation ),80 Pitt st
Moncywelght Scale Co., 3 Queen Victoria Market building, George Bt; p.r., Fisher Mrs. R., West Botany rd, Rockdale
Fisher R. T., Stanley st, Marrlckville
214 Llvorpool rd, Summer m i l
Fishburn Willinm, 2d Hatty st, Bnlmnin Fisher Robert, licensed su vcyor,88 P i t t st
Fisher anil Co., homncopnthic chemists and Fisher S., 30 Pitt st, Sydney
Fisher S. H., 101 Walker at, North Sydney
druggists, 337 Gcorgo st.
Mrs. S. J., 22 Johnston st, An'dalo
Fisher nnd Llnghnm, dealers, Smith Fisher
Fisher Mrs. S. J., Mosman st, Mosman
Premier Typewriters and Cash Re- Fisher
Little Hayst
gister Tills, Victoria arcade, 44 Cnstle- Fisher Sydney, 21
Arthur st, Marrlckville
rengh st
Fisher Stephen, 5 Llewellyn st, Balmaln
Fisher nnd Mncnnsh, solicitors, E. S. nnd A. Fisher
Mrs. T„ Edward st, North Sydney
Dttuk chnmbers. King st
Fisher T. E., 30 George st, Camperdown
Fisher, Nott, nnd Nelson, surveyors, 80 nnd FiBher Thos., 41 Tebbutt St. Leichhardt
121 P l t t s t
Fisher Titos., Union st, Paddlngton
Fisher A., Bedford crescent, Mnrrlckvlllo Fisher W., Botany rd, Waterloo
Fisher Mrs. A., 11 Holdsworth st, N'town Fisher W., 16 Campbell st, Paddlngton
Fisher A,, 40 Blue's Point rd, N. Sydney
Fisher W., 7 Burreu st, Erskineville
Fisher A. E„ 113 Kentst
FiBher W., 70 Alexander st, North Sydney
Fisher A. J., art'st, 68 Hunter Bt
Fisher W., 112 Australia st, Newtown
Fisher A. L.,48 Metropolitan rd, Newtown Fisher W., Dutruc st, Randwick
Fisher Capt. A. M., .T.P., 29 Smith st, Fisher W, C, 86 Anuandale st, Annnndnle
Summer Hill
Fisher W. C.,27 Junior st, Lelclihnrdt
Fisher Albert, a Lotttis Bt, Ashfleld
Fisher W. O., 330 Lano Cove rd, N. Sydney
Fisher Albert, 91 Rowntrce »t, Balmaln
Fisher W. E., Boulevardo, Strathfleld
Fisher Alfred, II Oook st, Rozelle
Fisher W. H., 05 Underwood st, Pnd'ton
Fisher Alfred, 17 Hanover at, Rozelle
Fisher W. R., 90 Cormna st, P'sham
Fisher Alfred, 13 Little's av, Balmaln
Fisher W. S., Railway rd, St. Peters
Fisher Alfred, Argyle at, Parramattn
Fisher Walter, 13 Abercromhle pi
Fisher Alfred J.. 93 Young st, Annnndalc Fisher Walter, 8 Vine Bt, Darlington
Fisher Charles, Day st, Mnrriekville
Fisher Walter, Warranc rd, Willoughby
Fisher Bernard, 12 Edward st
Fisher William, 40 Beaumont st
Fisher Mrs. Catherine, 1'rinee of Wales Fisher William, oil 30 Mount st
hotel, ltuglnn nnd Cooper sts,Waterloo Fisher William, Moore st. Drummoyne
Fisher C, 101 Blue's Point rd, N. Sydney Fisher William, 35 Cook rd, Morriokville
Fisher Charles, builder, 202 Palmer st
Fisher Willinm, >11 Flinders st
Fisher Charles, 3 M'Elhone plnce
Fisher-Johnson, B., Bondl Gr.immnr School,
Fisher Ohnrles, Henley st, Drummoyuo
74 Bondl rd, Waverley
Fisher Ohns. A., 23 Brown st, Fuddingtou
Fisheries Beard—James A. Brodie, J . P .
Fisher Charles p . , 373 Bourko Bt
secretary, JUchmond tcr, Domain
Fisher Christian, 34 Glersten st, Waverley
Fisheries, Ltd., Australasia chambers
Fisher Clement, 14 Edward st, Hedfcrn
Fisher Donnelly, notary public, E. S. and A.
Martin pi
Bank chambers. King s t ; p.r., Edward Flshlcy Alfred. 13 Hordern st, Nowtown
st, North Sydney
Flshman John, 20) Gaafton st, Woollahm
Fisher Mrs. E., 176 Macqunrie st
Fishmau John, grocer, 140 Bnthurst st
FlBherMIss B., Palmer st, Parrnmntta
Flak Chas., Collingwood st, Drummoyne
Fisher Edward A., dentist, 60 City rd
Fisk Edward R., 39 Roberts st, Cam'down
Fisher Edwin, 71 Telopea st, Redfern
Fifik Gibbon, 132 Flood st, Leichhardt
Fisher F., 100 Oarrlugton rd, Wnverlcy
Fisk Jnmcs, 01 Henderson rd, Alexandria
Fisher Fred., George st, Canterbury
Flak Mrs. M„ 110Darlington rd,Dnrlini! ton
Fisher Fredk., 47 Dickson st, Newtown
Fisk William J., Moore st, Canterbury
Fisher Fredk., Railway st, Rockdale
Fietcl S„ confectioner, 220 Pitt st
SYDNEY. ( g & < & , « B £ ? f f i )
Fltoh Frederick, 3(1 Wnttlo st
Fitoh Frederick \V., Lnchlan st, Waterloo Fitzgerald M, 124 Wellington st, Waterloo Fitzmnuricc J. t George's River rd, CanterFitzgerald M., 47 Birrcll st, Waverley
3ltch Henry, Henlev 8t, Druminoyne
Fitzgerald Mrs. M., 131 Wallls st, W'lahra Fitzmnuricc
Fitch J. W„ 123 Howntree st, Bnlmnln
J 8.,cngineer-ln-chnrgc Postal
Fitch Mre. M., 85 Ballast 1't. rd, Buhualn Fitzgerald Mrs. M. E„ 137 Queen st, W'lahra
and Electric Telegraph Stores 210
Fitzgerald M. •>., Catherine st, Leichhardt
Fitch Thomas, Constance st, Granville
p.r.,93 Darling ft, Bnlmatit
Fitzgerald M. M, refreshment room, 94 Fitznmurice .Mrs.
Fitt Albert T., 265 Glebe nl, Glebe
O., 18 Pitt st, N. Sydney
Elizabeth st
Fittock Jnmes, 41 Wlgram rd, Glebe
It., Bathurst st. W'lahra
Fitzgendd .Michael, 24 Great Uarcom st Fitzmaurlcc W., 121
Fitton Albert, 4 Gordon st, Rnndwick
Grafton st, Woollahra
Fitton F. T„ 70 Wellington st, Wnteiloo
Fltzosborn J. O., 13 Plea'nnt st, Ersk'vflle
Fitton Henry, S25 Church st, Campcnlown Fitzgerald Miss, 13 Brisbane st, N. Sydney Fitzpatrick Misses, private school, Bland
Fitzgerald P., 25 Donnelly st. Bahnain
Fitton J., 17 Wentworth st, Paddington
Fitzgerald P., 4 Edmund st, Wnverlov
Fitton James, 8 Gordon st, Randwlok
Fitzpatrick A., Milling st, Hunters Hill
P. J., 22 Phillip st, Balinain
Fitton James, Dovlin st, Hyde
B , 01 Asmoreso, Erskinevillc
Fitzgerald P. T., 04 Alfred st, N. Sydney Fitzpatrick O.,
Fitton Joseph, Turner st, Hyde
323 Cleveland st, Redfein
Fitton Thomas. 60 Llewellyn st, Bahnain Fitzgerald n. D., Ernest st, Hunter's Hill Fitzpatrick O. J., 84 St. John's rd, Forest
Fitzgerald H. II., 35 Wlgram rd, Glebo
Fitton W. A.. Bcllcvue par, lluistville
Fitzgerald Hiuhard, 1 Flood's lano
Fitz David, 7 Kegworth st, Leichhardt'
Fitzpatrick Ohas., 0 Vine st, AshBeld
Fitzgerald Mrs. S, E., Arcadia st, H'ville Fitzpatrick
Fitz Norman, O.K., Oimond st, JJondi
st, Burwood
Mrs. S„ Hooky Point rd, Kog'uh Fitzpatrick E.,Nicholson
Fitz-Allan .Mrs. A., 65 Upper William st
E., 85 Hayberry st, N. .Sydney
Fitzgerald T., 22 Pearson st, Unlmain
Fitzell Charles, Hallway rd, St. l'cters
Miss 15., mistress, Superior
Fitzgerald T., Victoria rd, Marriokville I Fitzpatrick
Fltzell II. J., In St. Peters Bt
Public School (girls), Western rd,
Fitzgerald Bros., boot and shoe store and Fitzgerald T., 80 Wellington st, Waterloo
provision dealers, 123 and 125 George Fitzgerald Mrs. T., 61 Fitzgerald st, Wav'loy Fitzpatrick Miss E., 13 Boyecst, Glebo
Fitzgerald T. P., 4 Albert st, Paddington Fitzpatrick K., 148 Morehcad st, Heiilern
st west
Fitzgerald M I J . A. M., luncheon rooms. Fitzgerald Thos., Grose st, Parnimatta
Fitzpatrick F., 97 Park st, Oampcrdown
Fitzgerald Thos., 2 Mills st, Hozelle
Fitzpatrick Francis, 43 Ridge st
633 George st
Fitzgerald Thomas, 11 Woods lane
Fitzpatrick G., 7 Cheltenham st, Hozelle
Fitzgerald Mrs. A., 88 Grafton st, W'lnlirn Fitzgerald Thomas, 18 Foster st
G.,120 Mullens st, Bahnain
Fitzgerald Andrew, jun„ Sdl Bourkc at
Fitzgerald Thomas, 444 Wattle st
Fitzpatrick G., Church st, St. Peters
Fitzgerald Andrew, 108 Oxford st, W'lahra Fitzgerald Thos., 11 Sutton st, Balmain
Fitzgerald Mrs. 0., 19 Campbell st, North Fitzgerald Thos., Coruunu rd, Petersham Fitzpntrick G. M., postmnstcr, Campslc
P.O., Beamish st, Canterbury
Fitzgerald W.,Wentworth st, Purrninatta
Fitzpatrick Henry, Church st, Waverley
Fitzgerald C. H , 160 Hereford st, Glebe Fitzgerald W. P., 150 Cumberland st
Hugh, 40 Levey st
Fitzgerald E.. Christie st, St. Leonards
Fitzpatrick J., 8ii Catherine st, Leichhardt
Fitzgerald Mrs. E., Fcnnell st, Fnrrainatta Fitzgerald William, 129 Jones st
32 Vio'oria st, Rozolle
Fitzgerald .Mrs. E„ 9 Brighton st, P'shnm Fitzgendd William, 11 Hnrwood lane
Fitzpatrick J., 171 Glenmore rd, Pnd'ton
Eitzgerald Edward, Homsey 6t, Burwood I Fitzgerald William, Lucas rd, Burwood
id, Woolluhra
Fitzgerald Edward, Bruce st. Petersham Fitzgerald Win., 175 Glemuoro rd, P'ton Fitzpatrick J. C. L., M.L.A.,
Albert rd,
Fitzgerald Win., 31 Eminott st. N. Sydney
Fitzgerald Edwin, Susan st, Auburn
Fitzglbbon F., 134 Bullannrning st, Bedfern
Fitzgerald Edwin, 88 Cleveland st
Fitzgibbon G., Alexander st, North Sydney
Fitzgerald Mrs. Ellen, 122 Brougham st
Fitzgerald Miss Emma, 18 Grosvenor ores, Fitzgibbon J., 24 Junction st. Summer Hill
Fitzgibbon Joseph, 113 Stanley st
Fitzpatrick J. J., Church st, Parramatta
Bummer Hill
Fitzpatrick Jas., 15 Short st
Fitzgerald Mrs. G., Kissing Point rd, Fitzgibbon Joseph, 59 Hcgcnt, Hedfern
James, Ertn-go-Brajh hotel,
Fitzgibbon W. H., 134 Bullannmlng st
140 Cumberland st
Fitzgerald G., artist, 76 Pitt st
Fitzpatrick Hcv. Father John (It C ) , MisFitzgerald G. B., 88 Walker st, Rcdfern
senden rd, Campenlown
Fitzgerald Mrs. H.,231jGlonmorerd Fton Fitzglbbons James, 82 Mary st
Fitzpatrick John, 04 Mitchell st, Glebe
Fitzgerald J., sen., Arcadia st, Hurstvllle Fitzgibbons John, Providence rd, Kyde
John, Scott st, Waverley
Fitzgerald J., 44 Elizabeth st, Paddington Fitzglbbons John, Scaric st, Gludcsvlllo
Fitzpatriok L., 30 Grafton st, Woollahra
Fitzgerald J „ Little Arthur st, Bahnain
Fitzglbbons T., Wazler st, Arncliffe
Fitzpatrick Hcv. M. (B.C.), College st
Fitzgerald J„ 140 Union st, Erskinevillc
Fitzgibbons Thomas, Mary st, Burwood
Fitzgerald J., 81 Francis st, Lelchhardt
Fitzhardingc, Son and Houston ( J . Fltz- Fitzpatrick M., 44 Littlo Albion Bt
Fitzgerald Mrs. J., 60 Denlson st, W'verley
hardlnge and A. J. Houston), solicitors,' Fitzpatrick M., 34 Denlson st, Woollahra
Fitzpatrick M., 35 St. David'srd, Ashflclil
Fitzgerald J. D., barrister, 107 Phillip st
02 Hunter Bt
Fitzgerald J. D., 49 Holden st, Ashflcld
Fitzharningc nud Zlotkowski, solicitor! Fitzpatrick M., Princess nve, Waterloo
Fitzgerald J. K , Arcadia st. Hurstvllle
and coinmlssloners for affidavits, 14 Fitzpatrick Owen, 100 Elizabeth st
Fitzpatrick P.,117 Goodlet st
Fitzgerald J. H., Western rd, Prospect
Mooro st
Fitzgerald, ,T. M., Arcadia st, Hurstvllle Fitzhardingc A. G., Saywell st, Ohatswood Fitzpatriok P., 28 Anderson st, Alexandria
Fitzgerald J. T. College, 129 Elizabeth st Fitzhanlinge Mrs. II. B., off Alfred st, Fitzpatrick P., Tilford st, Waterloo
Fitzpatrick P., 7 Mackenzie st, Wnverlev
cast, Ashficld
North Sydney
Fitzpntrick Peter, 20 Prospect st, P'ton
Fitzgerald .1. V., 40 Slonnc st, SunimcrHIll Fitzhardingc J. F., William st, Ohatswood Fitzpatrick
Philip, 80 Gloucester st
Fitzgerald Jas., Shepherd st, Ashtield
Fitzhnrdlnge L. F„ solicitor, 02 Hunter st [Fitzpatrick Mrs. R , Indies' agency, 30
Fitzgerald James, 229 Macquarie st south Fitzhnrdingo M. A. H., solicitor, conunlsElizabeth
Fitzgerald Jas., ICO Wyndham st.Alex'dria
siouer for nflldavits N.S.W., 14 Mooro
Fitzpatrick H.,78 Station st, Newtown
Fitzgerald Jas., Peats Ferry rd, Hornsby
s t ; p.r„ 10 Louisa rd, llahnnln
Fitzpatrick R., 68 Goodsell st, Newtown
Fitzgerald James, High st, Strntlifield
Fitzhonrv Alfred, off Cooper st
Fitzpntrick Mre. It. A., MVille nl, M'villo
Fitzgerald Jas., Frederick st, St. Peters
Fitzhenry Edwanl, 330 Crown rd
Fitzpatrick Mrs. n . L., postmistress, PnrFitzgerald James, Cohen st, Granville
Fitzhenry Fredk., Smith st, Botany
ramattn North Post and Telegraph
Fitzgerald John, sen., Arcadia St, H'ville j Fitzhenry John, 220 Crown M
Ofllce and Savings Bank, Church st,
Fitzgerald John, 50 MncnrtDur st
I Fitzhenry Matthew, 42 Ada st
Fitzgerald John, (IdJHiicarthur st
Fitzhenry Michael, 620 Ilonrkost
Raymond, 125 Palmer st
Fitzgerald John, 1G8 Short st, Balmain
Fitzhenry Stephen 2S0 Crown rd
Fitzpatrick T„ 259 Alfred st, North Sydney
Fitzgerald John, Homer st, Cautcrbury Fitzhenry W. 33 Iris st, Paddington
Tliomas, 125 Dowllng st
Fitzgerald John, 111 Maria st, Newtown Fltzhugh Henry A., I l l Dowlingst
Fitzpatrick William, 122 Bourkc st
Fitzgerald John, Meehan st, Prospect
Fltzjames Alfred, 37 Sloan st, Sum. Hill
Fitzgerald Laurence Francis, Cryttal Palace Fitzjnmos H. M„ 61 St. Thomas st, W'vly Fitzpatrick William, proprietor, Sydney
Carrying Co., livery st'bles, 7 Orwell st
Fitzjohn Mrs. A., 122 Blue's Point rd,
hotel, 789-791 George st
Fitzpatrick William, 388 Victoria st
Fitzgerald SI., 162 Woolloomooloo st
North Sydney
Fitzroy Copper Mines, Ltd.—G.H.Gibbons,.
Fitzgerald M., 88 Darlington rd, Darlington Fitzjohn F., Mitchell rd, Alexandria
managing director, 79 Pitt st
Fitzgerald M., 13 Brisbane st, N. Sydney Fitzmnuricc £., i Catherine st, Leichhardt
Fltzroy Stevedoring Co.—Dangar, Gedye,
Fitzgerald M„ 19 Bucknell st, Newtown
Fltzmanrice Mrs. Ellen, 127 Hileyst
and Co., Oowper wharf
Fitzgerald M., 277 Alfred st, N. Sydney
Fitzmaurlcc J., Broad st, Canterbury
Fitzroy William, 37 Marian Bt, Hedfern
SYDNEY. (Kt°8ourh:^hfSS^)
Fitzsimmons Mrs. B., 40 Surrey st
Flanagan Martin, 25 Kepos st, Redfcrn
Fleet William, 210 Bridge rd. Glebe
Fitzslmmons 0. V„ dentist, 136 Burton st Flanagan P., Victoria st, Alexandria
Flceton Mrs. 15., 4 Summer Hill st, P'slinm
Fltzslinuinns George, 287 Liverpool st
Flanagan P , 128 Underwood st, P'ton
Fleetwood Henry, High st, Marrickvllle
Fitzsimmons G., 14 llofc st, Leichhardt
Flanagan Patrick, 492 Bourkc st
Fleetwood J. F., John st, Handwlck
Fitzslmmons F., Abercorn st, Bcxley
Flanagan P. J., 38 London st, Newtown
Fleetwood T„ 508 Miller st, North Sydney
Fitzslmmons Mrs. II. J., 99 Denlson st.W'ley Flanagan S., 77 Evcleigh st, Redfcrn
Flegeltaub L. J., watchmaker and jeweller,.
Fitzslmmons J., 99 Union st, North Sydney Flanagan Mrs. S., Bowden st, Woollahra
96 King st ; p.r., Dutruc st, Randwiok
Fitzsimmons James, 7 Fitzroy st,Newtown Flanagan T. F., Wharf rd, Rydalmere
Flegg Mrs. A., 167 Bowling st
Fitzsimmons James, Bnnksidost, Botany Flanagan Thomas. 201 Crown st
Flegg A., 114 Ernest st, Nortli Sydney
Fitzslmmons James oft 3 .Margaret st
Flanagan T., Popel's paddook, Botany
Flegg A. J. V., 220 Young st, Aimandale
Fitzsimmons James, 100 Abercromblo pi Flanagan Thomas, 51 Wells st, Newtown Flegg Albert, Denlson st, Botany
Fitzsimmons John, 13 Ultimo st
Flanagan Thomas, 25 Union st, Paddington Flegg Alfred J., manager Federal Dental
Fitzslmmons John J., 103 Pitt st, Hedfern Flanagan W.,20 Gottaihnm st, Glebe
supply Co., Vickcry's chambers, 70.
Fitzslmmons M., bootimp't'r, 54 Ersklne st Flanagan William, (1 Littlo Napier st, P'ton
Pitt s t ; p.r., 27 Nobbs street
Fitzsimmons M., College st, Drunnuoyiie Flanagan William, 15 Reovo st, Waterloo Flegg Ohas., 168 Grafton st, Woollahra
Fitzsimmons Mrs., Oliver Ht, Chntswood
Flanaghan K., Wellington st, N. Botany
Flegg Mrs. O , 168 Grafton st, Woollahra
Fitzsimmons Samuel, 201 Victoria st
Flanaghnu Mary, .Star hotel, 68 George st, Flegg E. F., 218 Young st, Annandnle
Fitzslmons Mrs. C, 16 Jane st, Bahnain
Flegg William, 31 Bcllcvue st, Hedfern
Fitzslmous E., 14 Cambridge st, Hozelle
Flanders Amos, Paisley rd, Burwood
Flelg August. Farr st, Rockdale
Fitzslmons J., 16 Jane st, Bahnain
Flanders T., Marriokville rd, Marriokville Fleishman 0., 78 Derwent st, For. Lodge
Fitzslmons J. F., wntchniakcr, 18 Eliza- Flanigau J., 4 Wentworth Park rd, Gleb> Flello James \V„ 10 Young st, Neutral Bay
Fliinklln Mrs. O, Cohen st, Manly
Fleming J. Gidlcy and Son, furniturebeth st
Flnnnery M. and Son, fuel merchants, 137brokers and auctioneers, 247 Pitt st
Fitzslmons Mrs. Jane, 99 Bayswater rd
141 Grafton st, Woollahra
Fleming A., saddler, 168 King st, Newtown
Fitzslmons Mrs., Stonoy Creek rd, Gordon
Fleming A., Lync st, Alexandria
Fitzslmons Peter D., Terry st, St. Peters Flnuncry .Miss A., 7 William st, P'ton
Fitzslmous S. G., 133 Ernest st, N. Sydney Flannery D., Gardener's rd, North Botany Fleming A., Starling st, Leichhardt
Fleming A., Grosvenor Bt, Woollahra
Fitzslmons W. J., Johnson rd, Ohatswood Flnuncry D., 26 Artlett st, Paddington
Fleming Mrs. A.. 22 Campbell st, N. Sydney
Fitzslmons W. It., dentist, 181 Macqunric stj Flannery Daniel, 25 Charles st
Fitzslmons W., Devonshire st, Ohatswood Flannery David, 4H Duxfordst, Paddington Fleming Arch., 20 Susan st, Aimandale
Flannery Mrs. K , 100 Glebe nl, Glebe
Fuming A. J., 47 Mackenzie st, Waverley
Fitzslmons W. H., Nelson rd, Gordon
Fltzstubbs Mrs. K., 1 Pcnrson st, Balmain Flannery G. II., head master Leichhardt Fleming 0., 128 Victoria st, Lewisham
Superior Public School, Marlon s t FlemlngO.,81 Wilson st, Redfcrn
Fitz-Stubbs Miss Maude, 92 Palmer st
Fleming Charles, Hli Ada st
Fitz-Stubbs Miss Maude, teacher of pinno,
Flannery G. H., 65 Trafalgar ter, Stanmore Fleming Charles, 7 Howntreo st, Balmain
38 Oxford st, Woollahra
Fleming Charles, 1 Marriott st, Redfcrn
Flannery M., Gardener's rd, N. Botany
Fizell Samuel, Bay st, Botany
Fleming Charles, 44 Newland st, Wav'loy
Flannery M., 137 Hedfern st, Hedfern
Flzzcl Thomas S., Queen Bt, Botany
Fleming Charles J., 29 Ferry rd, Glebe
Mauucry M., 153 Grafton st, Woollahra
Fizelle Mrs. E., Hallway ores, Rockdale
Fleming David, 11 Creek st, Balmain
FlzolloRichard, Lane Cove rd, Hookdnlo Flannery Mrs. R., Littlo st, Mosman
Fleming G., 84 Missendon rd, Oampcrdown.
Flnnnery 1\, Waratah st, Ohatswood
Flack Alfred, Falls st, Leichhardt
Fleming George, Grose st, Parramatta
Flannigan Thomas, 96 Fovcaux st
Flack Mrs. K.. 8 Darbyshlro rd, L'lmrdt
Flack Frederick, 25 Glodstone st, Newtown Flaschfresscr F., llolmsdalc st, Marriokville Fleming George, 18 Commodore st, N'town
Flashman Mrs. II. IS., 66 Temple st, P'slinm Fleming George, 25 Cambridge st, Rozello
Flack Henry, 270 Palmer st
Fleming George, 170 West st, North Sydney
Flashman J., 92 Walker st, North Sydney
Flack Mrs. J., 34 Ann st, Balmniu
Flashman Miss M„ Peel st, North Sydney Fleming George J., 02 Smith st, Hozelle
Flnck James 0., 36 Clayton st, Balmain
Flack John W., sexton Bnlmaiu Cemetery, Flatau .Miss Dorota, " Ooedangrcil," Albert Fleming 11. E. C, McMillan id, Artarmon
Fleming Henry, 70 Macarthur st
st, Hnndwick
Darbyshire rd, Leichhardt
Fleming Howard, J.P., Sydney st, W'ghby
Flnther W., grocer, 230 Liverpool st
Flagman Richard, 60 Elizabeth st
Flahavan Hcv. lather J. (R.O.),Bundle st, Flatt F. W., J.P., 113 Alfred st, N. Sydney Fleming Hugh, Lauder lane, Rcdfern
J., 9 Baldwin st, Erskinevillo
Flntt John, 4 Carlow st west, N. Sydney
Fleming Mrs. J., 66 Queen st, Woollahra
Flatters Joseph. Portman st, Waterloo
Flaherty Daniel. 109 Bourko st
Fleming J. G., 16 Jane st, Bnlmaiu
Flattery M., 60 Caledonia st Paildington
Flaherty Edward, 13 Selwyn st
Fleming James, Excll st, Botany
Flaherty Elizabeth, Iturdekin hotel, 137 Flaus Conrad, 29 Croydon rd. Croydon
Fleming James, Station st, Arncliffe
Flaus William D., View st, Woollahra
William st
Fleming Jnmes, 3? Mackenzie st, WaverleyFlaherty Edward J., Royalist rd, Mosman FLAVELLE BROTHERS, LTD., Flemlng John, grocer, 2 Wstcrlooplace
Flaherty J., Terrace rd, Marrickvllle
Jewellers, Watchmakers, Silversmiths, Fleming John, 112 Quay st
Flaherty Mrs.-M., 330 Stanmorc rd, M'villo
Electroplates, Mathematical Instru- Fleming John, Parramatta rd, BurwooTi
Flaherty Mrs. M., Iron st, Parramatta
ment Makers, Opticians and Dcutiil Fleming John, Crown Bt, Parramatta
Flaherty Mrs M. T., 10 London st, N'town
Depot, 340 George st
Fleming John, Railway crcs, Hookdale
Flaherty P., Holfc st, Canterbury
Flavelle A. E.. Military rd. Mosman
Fleming Joseph, Gordon sq, Marriokville
Flaherty Thomas, 128 Cleveland Bt
Flavelle George, Burt st, Hozelle
Fleming Mrs. M., 94 Bank st, N.Sydney
Flaiiey Jas., 40 Ada st
Flavelle Henry P., jeweller, 340 George s t ; Fleming Mnrtin, Inkcrmun st, Pnrrnmatta
Flnhcy M., 87 Dcrwent st, Forest Lodge
p.r., Flavelle st. Concord
Fleming Michael, Hanover st, Gore Hill
Flahvln J., 195 Underwood st, Paddington Flavelle Joseph, 70 Botany st, Waterloo
Fleming Patrick, Laycock's nl, Penshurst
Flake Thomas, 7 Frnzcr st, Lolchhardt
Flavelle W. II., J.P., jeweller, 340 George st; Fleming Pntk., Pennnntst, Parramatta
Flambard II. H., 173 Jones st
p.r.," Doondl," 30 Carabella st, N. Syd. Fleming Robert, Brand st, Croydon
Flanagan A„ Burdekin hotel, 2 Oxford st
Flavin Thos. J., 41 Denlson st, Woollahra Fleming S., 82 Parramatta rd, Sum. Hill
Flanngan Daniel, 44 Heservoir st
Flawith George, Hayward st, Glauesville Fleming Mrs. S., 38 Evcleigh st, Hedfern
Flanagan Miss E., mistress St. Stephen's Flaxman A. K., Salisbury nl, Petershhm
Fleming T„ 24 Barker's lano
B., 323 Balmaiu rd, Leichhardt
Fleming Thomas, 16 Robert st, Petersham
Private School, Missendon rd, N'town
Flanagan E., 30 Junction st, Forest Lodge Flaxman J . W., 3 Stanley st, Oampcrdown Fleming Thomas, (7 Walker st, Rcdfern
Flaxman W. E., Saywell st, Ohatswood
Fleming Thomas E„ 23 Selwyn st
Flanagan Edmund, 10 Best st
Fleming Thomas E.,96 Rcdfern st,nedferu
Flanagan Emma, 92 Missendon rd, O'down Flaxman W., Pile st, Marrickvllle
Flanagan E. B., 27 Henderson nl, Alcx'drla Fleay A. T., 20 Castlcreagh s t ; p.r., Erskine- Fleming W., 122 Sutherland st, Tad'ton
Fleming W„ 51 William st, Paddington
Flanagan Miss E., Taunton st, Pymble
Fleck James, 69 Cooper st
Fleming W. C , 24 Morris st, Summer Hill
Flanagan Mrs. E., 22 Boyce st
Fleck James, Turner av, Summer Hill
Fleming W. J., Hampton Court rd, Carlton
Flanagan F. L., St. Thomas st
FlemlngWilllnin, J.P., merchant nud ImFlanagau F. V., 317 King Bt, Newtown
Flcoknoc Mrs. Wentworth rd, Bnrwood
porter, 24 Clarence s t ; p.r.. " T r a Flanagan George, 607 Kent st
Flccknoc Percy J., Bent st, Llndfleld
veima," Darling Point rd, Darling P t .
Flanagan Hugh, 16 Oowper st, Glebo
Flocknow W., 190 Blue's Point rd, i«'. Syd. Fleming William, 97 Shepherd st
Flanagan Jnmes, 6 Francis st, Glebe
Flecming John, 06 Victoria st
Fleming William, Gray's lane, Waterloo
Flanagan J., 122 Mill Hill rd, Waverley
Fleming William, Custlo st, Knndwlck
Flanagan Mrs. J., 35 Oxford st, Waverley Fleet Edward. 47 Iris st, Paddington
Fleet James, 28 Liverpool st
Flanagan MrB. John, Good st, Globo
'Phone 726. • SYDNEY.
Flcmliigton Cattle Saleyards—Hugh Gor- Fletcher Herbert, 57 Great llarcom st
don, inspeotor, Pnrramatta rd.H'bush Fletcher Herbert 8., 53 Ebley st, Waverley! Flicker W„ 3 Nelson st, Aunandale
Flemiugton Hallway Station — James Fletcher Isaac, 13 Smith st, Summer Hill Flldo Harley L., 114 Wilton st
Townsend, statlonmaster, Vlotoria par, I Fletcher J., Willonghby rd, North Sydney Fllder A., 68 Parramattn rd, ABhflcld
Fllgg II. B., 80 Aunandale st, Aunandale
Fletcher J., Sydenham rd, Mnrriokvillo
Flemiugton mile Range, Ilculcy rd, Fletcher J., 166 Bullnuiimlngst, Redfern Fllgg Henry, 27 Tuppcr st, Marrickville
Jas., 107 Neville st, Marrickville
Fletcher J., 1 Mary st, Waterloo
Flight John A., Rosalind st, North Sydney
Fleiuming d. V. and Co., general importers, Fletcher J . F., 58 Charlotte st, Ashflcld
15 M'Elhone place
41 Onrriiigtou st
Fletcher J. F.,42 Underwood Bt. Pad'ton Fllndt W., 38 Derwcnt st, Forest Lodge
Flcsimlng A., 2 Murray Bt
Fletcher J. J., secretary, Linnican Society, Fllnrciiberg F., 27 Paternoster row
Flcminiug D. It., Jlriibane Cafe hotel, 272
23 Ithaca rd
Fliim Jlrs. E., 3 Wellington Bt, Newtown
George st
Fletcher J. J., Wybalenn id, Hunter's Hill Fllnn Mrs. J „ Pitt st, Rookdale
Flemming J., Bruce st, Waterloo
Fletcher J. S., 81 Edgcoliffc rd, Woollahra: Filnn John T., tailor, 200 Clarence st
Flemmiug Jas., Argyle st, Parramattn
Fletcher J. W., i Crystal st, Petersham
Fllnn M. D., carpenter, 206 Clarence st
Flemmiug Key. Fr. M.A. (R.O.), 104 Geo. Fletcher J . W., 48 Oallan Bt, Rozelle
Fllnn Mlchnel, Falcon st, North Sydney
st west
Fletcher Mrs. J. W., 3 Stephen st, Pad'ton Flint A. W. Kllico J.P., Stanley st, ChatsFlemmiug Mrs. II., Bream st, Coogee
Fletcher James, oliief inspector Property
Flemmiug Airs. N., 1U Elliott st, Bahnaiu
Resumption Repairs Office, 131 Princes Flint Courtney, 29 Hargrave st, Padd'tou
i lemming Patrick, 65 O'Connor st
Ed. A., Wilson st, Botany
Flemmiug Thos., 01 MoDounld st, E'vlllo Fletcher James, Llthgow st, St. Loonards
Flint E. J., 123 Chandos st, North Sydney
Flemmiug Mrs. W., Amelia st, Waterloo
Fletcher James, 53 Gibbons et, Rodfern
Flint Harry J., 46 Ivy st, Redfern
Hemming W. H., conuuissiou merchant, Fletcher James, J.P., 58a Upper Fort st
Flint J., 136 Railway par, Erskluevllle
44 Carrington s t ; p.r., Barley rd, Fletcher James, Pcrcival st, Carltou
Flint Mrs J., 37 Cambridge st, Rozelle
Fletcher James, 67 Mill Hill rd, Waverley Flint .Mrs. J., 9 Eunls st, Balmain
Fleming W. H., Darley rd, Manly
Fletcher James A., 27 Bay st, Glebe
Samuel, Lyndhurst st, St. Peters
Flemming William, Francis st, Bondl
Fletcher John, Waratahst, Hurstville
Flint William, Oriuau st, Canterbury
Fletcher Bros., boot niauufacturere, 100 Fletcher John, Day st, Marrickville
sen., Oriuau st, Canterbury
Botany st, Waterloo
Fletcher John, Taunton rd, Hurstv'l'e
P O a n d S E G A B D , Woolbrokers,
Fletcher, Fletcher aud Co., Ltd., manufac- Fletcher John, Hardlc st, North Botany F L Ifourth
floor, Payten ohambcrs, 2
turing ohemists, l£ Macquarle st
Fletcher John, Wetherill st, Rookwood
Bridge st, Sydney
iletcher Ceorgo aud Son, Oxford square, Fletcher John, 4 Isabella st, Waverley
Fllppeuco Chos., Day st, Abbotsford
Oxford st, Sydney; works, Edgcoliffe Fletcher John, Alfred st, St, Peters
Flippcncc Jns., Great North rd, Abbotsford
rd, Woollahra
Fletcher John F., manufacturers' agent aud Fllppeuco Thos., Bowman st, Drummoyne
Fletcher Joseph and Son, wircworkers and
Flitcroft Francis, 7 Weston st, Rozelle
importer, 44 Carrington st
spring makers, 30 George st west
Flltoroft Frank, Ilurton's Family hotel,
Fletcher A., 150 Trafalgar st, Aunandale Fletcher Joseph, Oatley ave, Oatley
17 Dcnmnn st, Glebe
Fletcher Oapt. A., 9 Fnwcctt st, Balmain
Fletcher L. J., 26 Phillip st, Redfern
Flookart Joseph 1'., Sydney st, Concord
F etcher A., 1 Church st, Oampcrdown
Rev. M. Scott, B.A. (Wes.), Carl- Flocklmrt Mrs. O, Fletcher st, Woollahra
1- etcher A., 11 Junction rd, Su ler Hill Fletcher
ton par, Bexley
Flockhart James, 116 Harris st
Fletcher A. O., 44(1 Jones st
Fletcher Mis*, 214 Victoria st
Flocklmrt John, 2 Mary st, Waterloo
Fletcher A. E., Railway par south, Granville Fletcher
Miss, 70 Gordon st, Paddlngton Flockhart W., 154 Beattle st.Balmaiu
Fletcher Albert, 111 Princes st
Mrs. P., Linsleyst, Gladesvlllo
Fletcher Albert, 24 Harris st
Fletcher P. J „ 12 Charlemont st, Rozelle Flolnn A. Bertram, elooutsonlst, Equitable
* etcher Alfred, 54 Angel st, Newtown
Fletcher P. P., 11)9 Canterbury Now rd,
buildings, George st
F etehe? Arc*" J " D ? , " l s 0 " * W " ^ »
Flood and Co., Ltd., woolprcsscrs and steven . ! Arch., Arcadia st, Hurstville
Fletcher R., J.P., 27 John st, Marrickville
West Circular Quay — Harry
Fletcher Capt. Arch., Jane st, B„lmain
Fletcher It., Vimlcra rd, Mnrsflcld
Lyons, manager
F e t e h f r l ^ ' U r ' S» ?.°,otl> •*• A n J S d "to Flctjhcr R., 101 J'amimntt st, Anunndnlc Flood Thomas and Co., coaohbullders, 371
teher ru.VA.,
? ^71
* 1Shepherd
? ™ ! 1 6 st
- Woollahra Fletcher Robert, 7 Trouton st, Balmain
Crown s t ; Flood's Wharf, Circular Qy
iF iireuer
Fletcher Robert, 27 Park st, Oampcrdown Flood Alfred, 43 Cumberland st
F etcner O. H., 0 1 Nelson st, Rozelle
Fletcher S., J.P., Boulevard, Leichhardt
Mrs. A., Weston st, Bankstown
Fletcher 8. W., ham shop, 98 William st
STWr% U -0B0ll<:itor
Flood Madame 0., Burwood rd, Burwood
18 Ntt . 18
leo Bridgest
Fletchar Samuel, 2 Yolverton st, St. Peters j Flood 0. E„ 4 Carrington st, Leichhardt
i. etc ,er Charles, 49 William st
Fletcher Sidney, 41 John Bt, Woollahra
Flood Charles, Garnet st, Canterbury
Fletcher Sydney A., 6pencer st, Mosmaii (Flood Charles, Wigrain st, Parramattn
,D tcrbl
F e Cher » ' °i 1
«>- New rd, Dul. Hill Fletohcr T., 843 Balmain rd, Leichhardt
Flood D., blacksmith, 502 Kent st
Fletcher Thomas, 20 Queen st, Glebe
F etchei D., 41 Grove st, Balmain
Flood Daniel, 506 West st
Fletcher T. A., 99 Wells st, Newtown
Feteher Daniel, 57 Den/sou st, Rozelle
Flood Mrs. E., Pennant st, Parramattn '
d J- G d c
- » ^ M 8 0arring- Fletcher W., 18 Binning st, Erskincvillc
Flood Mrs. E. S., 39 Oatley rd, Paddiugtou
Fletcher W., Staffojd st, Double Buy
Flood Edward, J.P., Cook st, Randwick
Fletcher W., Humphrey st, North Botany Flood Francis. 33 Darvall st, Balmain
r ! ^ ! ! ° r » - p » f n " n « " » rd. Auburn
Fletcher W. A., 27 John st, Marrickville
Mrs. K., Spring st, Burwood
Flood Frederick, engineer, 60 Druitt st
Fletcher W. H., J.P., "Earlsden," Darley rd, Flood George, Lennox st, Pnrramatta
I teW?V W r a i b o u ™ « *. Driimmoyno
George, 46 Moreheail st, Redfern
S f t ^ f
1«2 Station st, Newtown
Fletcher Walter, 3 Reynolds st, Balmain
Flood Henry, 86 Xclopla st, Rodfern
? 1 W f r U i 4 U McKcnzic st, Rozelle Fletcher William, 45 Smith st
Flood Henry, Stafford st, Petersham
I etcher F. J Henley rd, Flcmington
Fletcher William, 13 Crown st
Flood J., 3 Bradford Bt, Balmain
* e ' e " ! r F . W . , P i t t w n t c r n l I Manly
Fletcher William, 32 Camden st, Newtown Flood James, 00 Marriott st, Redfern
Fletcher William, 1 Turn at, Woollahra
Flood James, 2 Wyndham st, Alexandria
... Honiebush rd, Strathfleld
Flett G., 12 Anderson st, Alexninlrla
Flood James, 6 Chapman st, Sum. Hill
Fleury J. G., jun., 75 Wellington st, W'loo Hood James, Gerald st, Marrlokvllio
Fleury J. L., 149 Bedford st, Newtown
9,-c oEr" 8c Flt2 ' ! roj-Bt.
N. Sydney
Flood John, 168Hargruvo st, Paddlngton
Flew 0., Bcaconsfleld rd, Mosman
p . i M ^ S 00
«10i' *°>idi r d . Waverley
Flood John, lOLauibst, Leichhardt
Flew John, Spit st, Mosman
i »,M, t ^"
Flood John, Charles st, Marrickville
Flew John, Vernon st, Mosman
,"/• M M"><!olm st, Krakineville
Flood John, 6 Rush st, Woollahra
rs U
102 W i l s o n 8t
Flood John, 5a Moore st, Rozelle
V,JMZ ^ ; ' Newtown
Flood Martin, 26 Owen st
£ S g - A., 46 Bucknell st, Newtown Flew Samuel, Oowlc's rd, Mosman
Flood Mrs. Mnrv, 8 Railway st, Petersham
S J " « • 5 - 20 Marshall st, Mar'kvillc Flew Thos.. Avenue rd, Mosman
Flcxman A., J.P., manaeer Sydney Cycle Flood Michael 6., 19 Kippax st
J ' ^ r H . P., 67 Princes st
Co., Ltd., 397 George s t ; p.r., " Wyral- Flood Mrs. restaurant, 135 Harris st
. £ e £ h e r Harry, 661 Bourkest
lah," Blrrell st, Bondi
P S f Henry, 27 Gladstone st, Newtown
Flood Peter, sen., Church st, Pnrramatta
£ ™ " H a r r y , 8 Raglan st, Darlington
Flexmon Arthur, 253 Blrroll st, Waverley Flood Robert, 18 Mooro st, Rozelle
Fletcher Henry G, 86 George st west
Flexmau William, Trotst, Parranintta
| Flood Mrs. S., herbalist, 503 Kent st
-WIS? Sf "l "
P° » »t. «o'elle
Flood Mrs. & A., Dilian rd, Hurstville
Flynn G., patternmaker, 620 Harris Bt
Fogg Joseph, J.P., c/o Hotel Afetropole,.
Flood T.W., 681 Harris st
Flynn Henry J., Watervlew st, Hyde
Bent st
Flood Thomas, Boundary st, Randwick
Flvnn J., 22 Llttlo Napier Bt, Paddlngton Foggatt W. H.. Qurimbab rd, Mosman
Flood Thomas, 67 Morehcad st, Redfern
Flynn J. A., solicitor, 17 Pcnkivll st, Bondl Foggo Thomas II , 160 Evans st, Hozcllu
Flood Thomas, 9 Grey st, Waverley
Flynn J. J., Botany rd, Botany
Foggon Charles, Eustace st, Manly
Flood William, Wentworth st, Purramutta Flynn James, Factory st, Granville
Foglletta E„ 464 O.S.H. rd, Woollahra
Flood William, James st, Woollahra
Flynu James, Mary st, Hunter's Hill
Foilan J. J., 62 University st, Cainperilowu
Flood William, 40 Edgownro rd, Newtown Flynn James, 49 Dangar place
Foiler Mrs. M., 16 Ann st, Balmain
Flook Aaron, 15 Brodlo st, rnddington
Flynn James, Charles st, Manly
Folbeok William, Railway rd, St. Peters
Flook E. A., Wentworth st. Pnrramatta
Flynn James ft, 143 Redfern st, Redfern
Folblgg Charles J., .Sir William WallamFlook George, 8 George st, Waterloo
Flynn Jeremiah, Chcsnut rd, Auburn
hotel, 485 King st, Newtown
Flook George, 26 Iluslist, Woollahra
Flynn John, grocer, 176 Palmer st
Foldi A., Campbell st, St. Peters
Flook Mrs. R., Wentworth st, Farramutta Flynn John, physioiun, 44 College .-.t
Mrs. A. D., 46 Julllett st, Newtown
Flook R. J., 73 Trafalgar st, Aunandale
Flynn John, 204 Devonshire st
Foldi Charles G., Queen't hotel,169 EniuoreFlorence and Co., caterer/', 250 Victoria st Flynn John, 51a McKcnzic st, Rozelle
Florence F. D., 208 Alfred st, N. Sydney
Flynn John, Botany rd, Botany
Foldi Heroules, 17 Evans st, Waverley
Florcnz Madame U., corsetiere, Equitable Flynn John, May st, Leichhardt
M. H., Burgoyno rd, Gordon
building, George s t ; p,r., 37 Barcom Flynu John, 18 Kelg st, Newtown
Flynn John, 195 Abercroinble st, Rodfern Foldlc Alex., 255 Addison rd, Marrickville
Foley Bros., Ltd., comralsslou agents,.
Flynn John, First nv, Rookwood
Flower A. G. A., 43 Brown st, Pad'ton
produce merchants, and auctioneers,
Flynn John P., 78 Gordon st, Paddlngton
Flower Charles, 166 George st, Redfern
365-367 Sussex st
Flynn John S., Bay st, Botany
Flower Mrs. E., 55 Oxford st, Waverley
Foley C. W. and Co., grocers, 52 Ersklne st
Flynu Joseph, 1 Quay lane
Flower E. V., Boundary st, Randwick
C. W.,and Co., Victorlo av, Ch'wood
Flynn Joseph, 16 Fitzroy st, Alexandria
Flower Edward, Garnet st, Mnrrlckvllle
Flynn Joseph 60 Glenviewst, Paddiugton Foley J. and Co., produce merchants, 345a
flower Edwin, Bridge st, Marrickville
Sussex st
Flynn Joseph, Perclval rd, Stanmore
Flower G., 1)7 Neville st, Marrickville
Foley Miss A., 68 Durllnghurst rd
Flynn Joseph, 10 Kcttlo st, Redfern
Flowor Harry W., King-st, Rockdale
Alfred J., Howard st, Randwick
Flower J. W. 0., Gap st, Vaucluso
Flynn Joseph Albnn, solicitor and com- Foley Alex., George st, Parramattn
Flower J. A., Sydney rd, Granville
Arthur, 7 View st, Aunandale
missioner for affidavits, 37 Elizabeth
Flower Miss M., 272 Abercrombiost,R'fcrn
s t ; p.r., " Glonthcrry," Penkivil st, Foley B., Carrington rd, Randwick
Flower Mrs. May, 49 West st
W„ Carrington rd, Randwick
flower T. F., Victoria st, Alexandria
Flynn J L J . M. J., 108 Wells st west, R'fcm Foley Mrs. C, 122 Palace st, Petersham
Flower Thomas, 181 Redfern st, Redfern
Foley Charles, Livingstone nvo, Pyrable
Flynn .Maurice, Madeline st, Enfield
Flower W. L., Station Bt, Parrainatta
Foley D., grocer, 727 Darling st, Rozelle
Flower Rev. Willoughby (O. of E.), Darling Flynn Michael, Woodvillo rd, Prospect
Foley D. P., dentist, 235 Macquarle s t ; .
p.r., Boulevard, Strathfleld
Flowerdow W. T., 6 Padstow st, Balmapi Flynu P. n „ J.P., 8 Llandaff st, Wnverloy Foley
Daniel, 1 Gordon st. Camperdown
Flynn P. J„ 204 Victoria st
Flowcrduo Fredk., 26 Foy Bt, Balmain
Daniel, 10 Bent st, Petersham
Flowcrduc J. J., 0 Sutton st, Balmain
E., 53 Gordon st, Paddiugton
Flyun Patrick, 4 Dowllng st, Oamp'down
Flowerdue W., 2 Sutton st, Balmain
Foley E. Townsend, 69 Brown st, Pad'ton
Flynn Patrick, 270 Viotorla st
Flowers Albert, Breillat st, Aunandale
Foley Mrs. E. W., 20 Mansfield st, Glebe
Flynn Paul, 20 Chelsea st, Redfern
Flowers Francis, Oberon st, Knndwick
Foley F , 40 Elizabeth st, Paddlngton
Flynn Roderick, Clifford st, Parrnmatta
Flowers Herbert, 40 Zamia st, r.ed(ern
Foley Mrs. H , 62 George st, Waterloo
Flowers Hon. Fredk., M.L.O., Cooper st
and clouulng works, 233 Darling st, Foley J., 40 Union st, Paddlngton
Foley J., 124 George st, Waterloo
Flowers Mrs. M., 5 Collins st, Rozelle
Foley James, 17 Toovood st, ErskiuevilleFlynn Stephen, 160 Walker st, Redfern
Floyd Mrs. A. F., Oowle's rd, Mosman
John, 37 Gloucester st
Flynn T., MacArthur par, Marrickville
Floyd Mrs. Annie, 7 Avon st, Glebe
Foley John, 107 William st
Floyd O., 73 Wellington st, Waterloo
Foley John, Wollbank rd. Concord
Floyd John, dispenser, Callan Park Hos-| Flynn Thomas, 210 Elizabeth st
Foley John, Starling st, Leichhardt
pital for the Insane, Balmain rd, Flynn Thomas, 89 Cowper st, Glebe
Foley John, Paclflo st, Randwick
Foley John, 40 Glcbo st, Glebe
Floyd John, Thompson st, Drummoyne Flynu Thomas, 41 (Jooper st, Waterloo
Foley John, Rocky Pt. rd, Kogarah
Floyd John M., engraver, 472 George s t ; Flynn Timothy, J.P., butcher, 40 and 48 Foley John, 31 Harris Bt, Rozelle
Botany rd, Alexandria, and Belmont
p.r., Bushy Hill Bt, Homebush
Foley Joseph, 77 Forbes si'
st, Alexandria
Floyd Joseph, 23 August st, Newtown
Flvnn Timothy, J.P., 36 Pitt Bt, Waterloo Foley Laurence, 64 Oxford st, Woollahra
Floyd Joseph, Burwood St. Burwood
Foley Mrs. M., 124 Palmer st
Floyd Patrick, Lady of the Lake hotel, 37 Flynn W.T., solicitor, 16 Elizabeth s t ; p.r., Foley M. S., J.P., St. George's cres, D'moyne
Bay st, Glebe
Foley Mrs. M. T., Victoria st, Lewlsham
Floyd Phillip, Argylo st Parrnmattn
Foley Martin, Farr st, Rockdale
" Wcttcrnh," Clifford st, Mosmnn
Floyd Mrs. S. A., 57 King st, Newtown
Foley Mrs. Noiai', 224 Hereford st. Glebe
Flynn William, 24 Wllford st, Newtown Foley Mrs. It., 9 George st west, Burwood
IMoyd Thomas, 65 Buckingham st
Flynn William A., Gipps st, Concord
Floyd Mrs. W., Argyle st, Pnrramatta
Foley Robert W., 33 Hallomn st, L h a t d t
Foden Peter, 16 Knight st, Ersklnevllle
Floyd W., Hough st, Waverley
Foley Thomas, 88 George st, Waterloo
Floyer Blaise B., M.D., surgeon, Peat'sj Fog Rudolph, 4 Springside St. Rozelle
Foley W. H., 33 Buckingham st
Fogarty O., 121 Woolloomooloo st
Foley William, Burwood rd, Mortlake
. Ferry rd, Hornsby
Fogarty Edward, 68 Henderson rd, Al'drla Foley William A., 11 Toxteth rd, Glebe
Floyer Mrs. M. L., George st, Manly
Fogarty Edward, 128 Woolloomooloo st
Folger P., 46 Roslyn Gardens
Fogarty James, Sydney Cricket Ground, Folkard A., Forster st, Concord
Moore Park
Folkard Arthur, Powell st, Homebush
Fogarty James, 10 Seymour Place
Folkard B. J., 2 Cecily st, Leichhardt
Folkard G., nigh H south, Parrnmatta
Venotlan Blind, Lath Planing Mills, Fogarty John, 17 Pearl st
Folkard T. S, chief attendant Gludesville
and Chive Turnor, Bridgo Road,
Fogarty R. J., Alpha rd, Willoughby
ARylum, Great Northern rd, Gla'villo
Petersham. Tel. No. 280 N.
Fogarty Thomas, Maria st, Enfield
Folkard John, Venus st, Hunter's Hill
Flude Henry, Terry st, St. Peters
Fogarty Thomas J., Matilda st, Waverley Folkard W. O, clerk in charge Australian
Flude John, oil Northumberland rd, A.'bum Fogarty W., Croydon nvo, Canterbury
Gns Co.'s DepOt, Parramattn rd, Ryde
Fluke Charles, 60 Walker st, Redfern
Fogarty W. R,, mercer, 799 George st
Folkcs Mrs A., 194 George st, Erskiucvillc
Fluke J. T., 18 Llttlo Underwood st, Pad'ton Fogarty W. W., Archer Bt, Olmtswood
Folkes F., 160 Edgecllffe rd, Woollahra
Flukes H., 16 Hnrgrave st, Paddlngton
Fogdcn Harry, 80 Darghan st, Glebe
Folkes James, 61 Wilton st
Flux Fredk., 37 Campbell st, C'down
Fogel Abraham, South st, Doublo Bay
Folkes John, 7 Margaret st
Flynn Mrs. Annie, Burwood rd, Burwood Fogelin Charles, French's rd, Willoughby Foilan Mrs. A., High st, Strnthfleld
Flynu Mrs. O., 304 Elizabeth st
Fogorty Mrs. E., 9 Jersey rd, Woollahra
Foilan Charles, Marin st, Enfield
Flynn Denis, 60 Kent st
Fogerty John, 67 Elizabeth st, Redfern
Forbes Mrs. L., New South Head rd, Ford George, Oovo st, Vauclause
Follnn Wright, Mttohell st, Enflcl.l
Follctt David, Cricketers' Heat hotel, 08 Pitt Woollahra
Ford H., 146 Holtcrinan at, North Sydno y
Forbes Miss M. E., 6 King st, Ashfleld
st, Rcdforn
Ford Mrs. H., 21 Shepherd st, Darlington ,
Forbes Miss, 17 Cascade st, Paddington
Follctt Gilbert, 309 Riley st
Ford II., 138 Newland st, Wavcrley
ForbesP.,Grand Secretary Loyal Protestant Ford II. M., Balmoral st, Waitara
JFollctt W., Reuwlck st, Marrickrlllo
Benefit Society of Australasia, 240 Ford H. R., Parramatta rd, Burwood
Folstcr Q., 10 Bridgewater st, Rozolle
Foudum Mrs. E., 62 Alexander st, Alex'drla ' Oastlorcugh st
Ford II. W., 109 Station st, Newtown
Fondum TV., 80 Alexander st, Alexandria Forbes Peter \V.'M, 388 Harris st
Ford Henry, 42 James st, Lclehhardt
Forbes Robt., merchant, " Kenllworth,' Ford Henry, 173 Parramatta rd, Aiuinnd'le
Fong Junes, Sutherland are, Auburn
Flood Bt, Bondl
Fontaua Mrs, B., Cook's Hirer rd, St. Fetors
Ford Henry, Small's lane, Marsfleld
Fontanclla F., restaurant, 711 George st Forbes Thomas, draper. Ca George st west Ford Henry J., 10 Edward st, Iledfern
Fookes Francis, 6 Rcscrre st, Annandalc Forbes Thomas, 1 Kell s lane
Fonl J., Spit rd, Mosman
Forbes W, Wollongong rd, Amcliffo
Fookes Robert, 614 Crown st
Fonl J., 3 Sutherland st, North Sydney
Forbes W., 131 Old Canterbury rd, P'sham Ford J. J., Fitzroy st, Marrlckvillo
Fooks G., Oarrlngton are, Hurstrillo
Forbes W. L., 102 Lord st. Newtown
Fooks W., Burton st, Rockdale
Ford Mrs. J. R., 76 Miller st, North Syduey
Forbes W. S., manager Caledonian Insur- Ford .7. T., I'auk inspector, 88 Berry st,
Foord Charles, George st, Canterbury
ance Co. and Scottish Union and
Foord B. H., 13 Parramatta rd, Aslifleld
North Sydney
National Insurance Co, 03 Pitt st; p.r. Ford Jus., 49 Mill st
Foord Edward H., 7 Ourshaltoii ft, ABlifleld
"Springfield," Woodrillo rd,Guildford Ford Jos., 30 Oowper st, Glebe
Foord Mrs. Emma, Parrauiatta rd, B'wood
Forbes William, 119 Church st, Newtown Ford Jus., 7 Leicester st, Paddington
Foord Frcdk., George st, Canterbury
Forbes William, 17 Union st, Newtown
Foord Stephen, Allen st, Canterbury
Ford Jnines, 91 Windsor st, Puddington
Forbes William, Rcserro nl, Gore Hill
Foord Stephen, George st, Canterbury
Ford James, Pitt st, Prospect
Forbes William M., George st, Canterbury Ford Jos., Allison st, Randwick
Foord Thomas, Lirerpool rd, Burwood
Foot and Ornggs, house and estate ngonts, Forbes-Angus A., J.P., tcabrokcr, 18 Bridgo Ford James, 130 Walker st, Hodfcru
st; p.r., 62 Jlaoleay st, Potta' Point
Ford James A., Mcrlcy rd, Homebush
540 Crown st
" Foroe" Food Coy. j Australasian head Fonl John, Lily Bt, Enfield
Foot Arthur, 21 Christie st, Glebo
ofllco: Mutual Life of New York Ford John, 00 Morchead st, Redfern
Foot Charles, 11 Suffolk st, Paddington
Buildings, Martin place; head office Ford John F., in charge Metropolitan Fire
Foot G. H., 09 Palmer st
Buffalo, N.Y.
Foot George II., engineer, 143 King «t
Brigade Station, 67 George st west
Foot James, i l l Rowntree st, Balmain
Ford, Adams and Co., Customhouse! agents, Ford John T., Church st, Parramatta
Foot Mrs. M. A., 40 O'Oonncll st, Newtown
Ford Joseph, 407 Crown st
Woolbrokcrs' chambers, 9 Young st
Foot Mrs. S. A., 39 Walker st, Redfern
Ford and Lowe, cstato agents, Johnston st, Ford Joseph, 24 Young st, Neutral Bay
FooteF. W., 20 Duxford st, Paddington
Ford Miss M., 108 Phillip st
Footc Hubert, 20 Mnckeuzle st, Warcrley Ford Miss A., girl's school, Albert rd, Ford Mark E. D., Kenwyii st, Hurstrillo
Footo T. J n Bellcvue st, Arucliffe .
Miss, 323 Edgeoliffo rd, Woollahra
Footc Thos., J.P., 28 Annandalc st, An'dalo Ford A. P., Prince st, Mosman
Ford Miss, principal Bedford Collegiate
Footc W. 0., chemist, Military rd, Mosman Ford Albert, Victoria are, Oliatswo jd
School for girls. Albert rd, Homebush
Footo William, Duok st, Graurillo
Ford Mrs., postmistress, Victoria avc,
Footer James, 109 Cleveland st, Iledfern
Footltt Jos., Brand st, Croydon
Ford Michael, 22 Morehcad st, Redfern
Footman Bcnj, Lake st, Mortlake
Ford Mlohael, 232 Edgecllffo rd, W'hara .
Manufacturer of Steel Trunks, Boxes, Ford Patrick, New South Head rd, Wllahra
Footman Benj, Mort st, Mortlake
Baths, &c, Leather Bags and Trunks, Ford Paul, 38 Arthur st, Paddington
FootUlrs. H. A., 1«8 Edgeollffc rd, Wo'hra
378, 280 Elizabeth st, City, opp. Ford Peter, 80 Walker Bt, Redfern
FoottMra. T. J.. 98 Bligli st, Newtown
new Central llnilway Station tcl. 733: Ford Mrs. R., Carlton st, Kensington
Foott Walter, 220 Falcon st, N. Sydney
p.r,,"Olariford," Cllffst, Manly. (See Ford R., 14 Broaghton st, North Sydney
Foote G., 19 Cameron st, Paddington
ndvt. opposite)
Forau Mrs. A., 66 Lower Tuppcr st, M'vllle
Ford B. HM Manchester Arms, 26 Albjon st
Ford Alfred. 06 Pitt st, Waterloo
Foran E., 16 Trafalgur st, Petersham
Ford R, T., Ohuroh st, Parramatta
For.I Alfred, Edward st, Enaeld
Foran E., 69 Westbourne st, Petersham
Ford Mrs. Ruth, Burwood rd, Mortlake
Poran Mrs. E. It, 26 Herbert Bt, Pad'ton Ford Allen, Day st, Marrlckvillo
Ford Samuel, grocer, Church st, P'matta
Ford Arthur, 3) Argyle place
Fonin John, Brougbton Bt, Concord
Ford Samuel, 2 Pcaker lane, Woollahra
Ford Arthur, 27 Egnn st, Nowtown
Foran L., 8 Clara st, Ersklueville
Ford Sydney V., Violet st, Enfield
Forau Michael. Mowbray rd, Wllloughby Ford Arthur B., 6 Pine st, Newtown
Ford W., manager, Magnetlo Institute, 280
Fornn Mrs. P., 13 West Crescent st, N. Syd. Ford Mrs. B.. 223 Abercromblc st, Redfern
Pitt Bt
Foran P. J., 11 Glbblns st, Oampcrdown Ford Barney, 40 Great Barcom st
Ford \V\, manager Memorial Engraving
Ford Benjamin, 188 Cleveland Bt
Foran P. J., 13B Oxford st, Paddington
Co., 142 King st; p.r., Ocean st, Bond!
Fornn Thomas, 24 Denlson st, Wnverlcy Ford O. W„ Macquarle st, Chatswood
Ford Charles, 89 Union st, North Sydney Ford W., Ohcrtsey st,lMerrylands
Fornux George, 199 Crown rd
W., 109 Wellington st, Oampcrdown
Forbes Mrs. A., Albany st, North Sydney Ford Charles, manager Sj dnoy Forrics Ltd, Ford W.
M., sen., J.P., 30 Thomasst,N.Syd
Forbes Mrs. A., 102 Darlington rd, Dar"ton
George st, Parramatta
W. MM jnn., SO Thomas st, N. Sydney
Forbes A. E., 181 Sutherland st, Pad'ton Ford Charles, builder, Vuughan st, R'wood Ford
a, Francis st, Manly
Forbes Alexander, Randwick rd, Randwick Ford Charles. 12 The Avenue, Camperdown Ford William,
Botany rd, Botany
Forbes C, 64 Burreii at, Krsklnorille
Ford Daniel 8., printer, 98 Hay st
Ford William, 103 Stanley Bt,
Forbes Ohas, 10 Smith st, Bummer Hill
Ford Darid, 111 Constitution rd, Mar'rillo Ford William, 8 Short st. Forest Lodge
Forbes Daniel, 21 Terry st, Rozclie
Ford Darid, 4 Hill Bt, Petersham
Ford William, Reserve rd, Goro Hill
Forbes David, Whistler st, Manly
Ford Miss E., 21 L'Aveuue park, Newtown Ford William, 8 Ancrum Bt, North Sydney
Forbes David, Belgrave st, Marrickvlllc Ford Ebenczcr, Lirerpool rd, Enfield
Ford William, Anderson st, Chatswood
Forbes Mrs., 18 Alfred st,' Lclchhordt
ord Edward, 9 Leamington arc, Newtown Ford Win. H., 10 Steel st
Forbes E. J., manngcr G. and C. Mcrriam Ford Edwin E., Shortst, Marrlokvlllo
Wm. H.; Bungay st, Lelohbardt ' i
Co., publishers "Webster's Inter- Ford Ernest, 10 Wood st, Forest Lodge. Ford Win.
J„ 2J4 Rose st, Darlington ' '!
national Dictionary," 8 8prlng s t ; tel, Ford Mrs. F., Albyn rd, Strathflcld
Ford-Oowell Mrs, M., 200 Bon Boyd rd,
3247; p r„ J39 Mncquarle st north
Ford F. H., 173 Wells st west, Redfern
Neutral Bay
Forbes F., Morfarty rd, Ohatswood
For.l F. J., Sheffield st, Auburn
Fordo James, Ocean st, Kogarah
Forbes Ivan, analyst and assnycr, 82 Ford Frank, Queen st, Auburn
H., Hnrward st, Gladosrille
Ford F. Peror. "Goomeribong," Florence
Hunter >t
Fordham Mrs. A„ 10 Evans st, Rozclie
st, Strathflcld
Forbes J. W„ 9 Devlue st, Erskluerllle
Charles, Park st, Little Coogec ,
Cord Frcdk., Crown st, Prospect
Forbes Jos., 164 Trafalgar st, Annandalc
Fordham James, 7 Dcuison Bt, Newtown
Ford Frcdk., Bowman rd, Prospeot
Forbes James, 1 John st. Erskincrillo
Fordham John, Smith st, St. Peters
Ford Fredk., Sorrell st, Parramatta
Forbes JamesS., 114 Quarry st
Ford Frederick, Parramatta rd, Burwood Fordham Thomas, 38 Abbatolr's rd, Rozello
Forbes James, Lincoln st, Potcrsliam
Fordyoa A. T«Roscbery st. Hurstrillo .
Forbes John, 288 Harris st
Fordyco Rer. Jolm, D.D. (Cong.), 77DeuiFord George, Norfolk st, Enfield
Forbes John, 27 Wilson st, Newtown
BOU st, Woollahra
.Forbes John, 88 Camden st, Newtown
Ford George, Brldgowftter rd, Bozello
Fordycc Robert, 23 Ohnter st, N. Sydney ,
Japanner, Tin and Steel Plate Worker.
WOOD A COMPANY;t 7W,/^uwiui;DIRECTOR?; Pf W.8.W.: .SWHW.v
2 7 8 & 2 8 0 ELIZABETH STREET
Established 1886.
2/8ft280 Eiizadem SI.
^ w
(Opposite New Central
Railway Station),
Forsyth,II., J.P.,- "Tyueside," HighsSt,
. Willoughby •
Forsyth 111 J., J.P., Sharp st, Canterbury >•
PensF. Sohmclitschek and Dr. 1', Schwartz,
hurst st, Willoughby, nnd Victoria av,
Proprietors,. Japan anil Continental
Indent Merohnnts, Inglis building, 02
Foreyth Robert, 28 Mill st
Yoru Bt. (Seo ndvcrtlsementpngo K1U)
Forsyth T., 210 Liverpool rd, Ashfleld
Forcmnn A., 1D0 Austrolln at, Cnmpcrdown
Forsyth Thomas, Church Bt, Parramatta
Forcmnn 0.. Bridge Bt, Drunimoyno
Forsyth Thomns T., J.P., tnnner, "RoseForemnn Ohnrlcs, Grny at, Anburn
wall," High Bt, Willoughby
Foreman Charles, Parromatta rd. Auburn
Foreyth W., Pennant st, Parramntta
Foreman Ilov. H. J. 0. (Meth.), 44 Upper
Forsyth W. A., Wcntworth st, Rnndwick
Fort st
Forsyth W. E., Doncnstcr nvc, Kensington
Foremnn Henry, 09 Windsor st, Pnd'tod
Forsyth W. F., High st, Willoughby
Foremnn J., surgeon, 141 Mncqunrio st
Foreyth W. H., Forsytli st, Willoughby
Foremnn Miss Join, Avenue rd, Mosmnn
Forsyth Wnltcr G., solicitor 309 George
Foremnn John, mnnngcr N.S.W. Soap Co,
s t ; p.r.," Peckham," Cowpcr st, R'wlck
Purkls st, Oumpcrdown
Forsyth Walter, High st, Willoughby
Foremnn John, Fnrramattn rd, Auburn
Forsythe A. and W., grocers, 123 Liverpool
Forcmnn John. 9Lnmbcrti>t,Ontnperdown
Foreman Mrs. M„ 5 Abcrcrombio st, n'fern
Forsythe A. ICG Parramatta rd, Anunndalo
Forest Lodge Pnbllo School—Willlnm
Forsythe O.; 142 Boulevard, Dnlwloh Hill
Bnrdslcy, bend master, noss at, F. Lodge
Forsythe George, 87 Church st, Newtown
Forest Gnstnvc, IB Duke st, Bnlmain
Forsythe James, Redan st, Mosman
Forest Harry, 13 Henderson rd, Alexandria
Forsythe Joseph, 362 Victoria st
Forest Henry, Terry st, Bt. Peters
Forsythe W., 131 Cnntcrbnry New rd, P's'm
Forester Alox., Homer st, Canterbury
Forsythe Willlnm, 3 Norwood at, P'aham
Foret O., 10 Willlnm st, Ashfleld
Fort Street Kindergarten School—Miss
Forfar W. \V.,51 Gle- more rd, Pnddlilgton
Banks, teacher, Princes 8t
Forger Riohard, Earl st, Rnndwiok
Fort Street Model Pnbllo Sohool — W.
Forgle W. A., 1 Nelson st, Annnndale
Williams, B.A., acting head master;
Forman Mrs. M. A., BrickBcld st, P'iniittn
Miss Partridge, liend mistress, Princes
Forman Mrs. Mary, 020 Smitli st, Sum. Hill
Forman Thomas, 28 Joseph st* Ashfleld
Foit Street Practising School—A. E. MnsForman Thomas, Burleigh st, Burwood
acting master, Princes st
Formby M. II., mnnngcr 8ydney LubriFort Street Training School—W. Williams,
cating Oil Co., Bourkc rd, Alexandria;
acting principal; J. D. St. Clair
p.r., Forest rd, Bcxlcy
McLardy, M.A., classical master,
Forrest Mrs. A., 3 Hordern st, Newtown
Forrest Mrs. A., Harrington st, Mnr'ville
Fort David A„ 934 Riley st
Forrest Mrs. Alice, Wyldo st
st, Wntcrloo
Fort James, Webber's rd, Kogarah
Forrest Benj. 0., 247 Forbes st
Forsyth Bros., blacksmiths, Pcnnnnt st, Forttscue and Son, grocers, 116 Glebe rd,
Forrest David, Bay st, Botany
Forrest Edgar, Guddah Bt, Hurstville
Forsyth J. and Sons, leather and grindery Fortcscuc E. C, 119 Glebe rd. Glclw
Forrest Edwin, 4 Oary st, Lclchhnrdt
merchants, tanners, curriers, &o., 31 Fortcscue Mrs. F. E , 109 Glebe id, Glebe
Forrest Geo., Belgravc st, Mnrrickvllle
Gcorgo st west
Fortcscue Mrs. O., 167 Edgeclilt rd, W'lnhra
Forrest Henry 0., Fern st, llnndwiok
Forsyth J. B., Ltd., tnnnery, Smith st, Fortcscu* William, 11 Stewart st, Glebe
Forrest James, tailor, 683 Crown st
H. C, J.P.. 6 Louisa rd, Bnlmain
Forrest John, Hunter Bt, Hormby
Forsyth T. T. nnd Sons, tnnners, High st, Forth Edward, 169 Cumberland st
Forrest John A., Fletcher ft, Woollnhrn
4 North cres, Ashfleld
Forrest James O., Yelverton st, St. Peters Forsyth Mrs. A., Rnilway pnr, Burwood
Forth Victor, Rnglnn st, .Mosmnn
Forrest Joseph, grocer, 98 Bowling st
Forsyth A. J., Pennant st, Furramatta
Fortier and May, cuglnecrs, Oi-04 Gipps st
Fofrcst Mowbray, Burwood rd. Burwood Forsyth Albert E., High st, Willoughby
Fortler Charles, Or\stal st, Petersham
Forrest Mrs. B,, 3 Clara Bt, Newtown
Forsyth Adnm, J.P., mnnngcr A.U.S.N. Co., Fortior Frederick. 123 Harris st
Forrest Tom, 2 Bartley Bt
10 Bridge st: wharf, Lime s t ; p.r., Fortier William, Hnrris rd, Abbotsford
Forrest W. 1.., Harrington st, Mnrrlckvillo
Fortune Mi's, J., 20 .Margaret st
129 Queen st, Woollnhrn
Forrest Walter, 8 Handle st
Fortune J. O., Salisbury rd, Botany
Forrest Walter H., SpruBou st, Neut' Buy Forsyth A., Cove st, Vnucluse
Fortune John, Early st, Parrnmatta
Forrest Onpt. Wilford, B.N., Nelson Bay Forsyth Archibald, J.P., The Avenue, Fortune
Joseph, Don st, Newtown
Foreyth Olmrlcs, Oakville rd, Willoughby Fortune Mrs. M., Hnssell st. Pnrrnmntta
rd, Waverlcy
E. J., 803 Bourkc st
Forrester Alex., FlooiVt hotel, 338 Riloy st Forsyth K., Whistler st, Munly
Forward James, Hnrley st, Alexandria
Forrester Mrs. K., AbbotBford rd, H'busli Forsyth E., Inverness ave, Pcnshur»t
Mary, 41 Francis st, Glebe
Forsyth E. H., 17 Pnrrnwcen st, N. Sydney
Forrester Charles, 0 Campbell place
Forsyth Francis, 28 Phillip st, Newtown Forward W., 83 Francis st, Glebe
Forrester Edward. 3 Brown place
Forsyth G., Moorcflcld Public Sohool. Forward W. A., 34 Mitchell rd, Glebe
Forrester F. A., 15 Oxford st, Rozello
Forwood A., 81 Frazcr st, Marrickville
Moorflcld rd, Canterbury
Forrester Frank, 78 Church st, Balmnln
Forwood G. F., dentist, Auburn rd, Auburn
Forrester G., 28 Darlington rd, Darlington Forsyth George, 94 Telopca s:, Rodf rn
Herbert E., 1 3 Young st, R'fcrn
Forsyth Mis. J., 18 Cnrringlon fit, B'main Forwood
Forrester James, Sharp st, Canterbury
Forwood Percy, 95 Pitt st, Wntcrloo
Forrester James, Orovdon rd, Hurstville Foreith J. E., D.D.S., surgeon dentist, Forwood W. W., Devonshire st, Cuatswood
Forrester P., Copclaud st, Alexandria
ilnilwny st, Oliatswood; p.r., High st, Forwood Willing, 69 Morehcad st, R'fcrn
Forrester W., 338 Cleveland st, Kcdfcm
Fosbery E. E., solicitor, notary public nnd
Forrester Willlnm, 141 Kippax st
Forsyth Mrs. J. M. 0„ Barry st, Neut. Bay
commissioner for affidavits, 122 Pitt Bt;
Fors Alfred, 46 Union st
Forsyth J. W., High st, Willoughby
p.r., Bayswnter rd
Forsoutt Charles T., B.A., principal Bock- Forav th James, Burwood rd, Mortlakc
dale College, Gladstone st, Boxlcy
Forsyth James J.P., 10 Alma st, North F O S B E R Y L. A. & CO., Land Agents,
Forshaw John, in George Bt, Ersklnevillo
Valuators, Auctioneers, Stook nnd
Forssberg 0. J. E., Iurnlture dealer, 06-08- Foreyth James B., J.P- High st, Willoughby
Station Aicnts, Exclinngc Chambers,
Waggn — (Sec advt. Wagga Wnggo
Foreyth John, 30 Hayberry st, N. Sydney
76 William st
Forstcr Brothers, watchmakers and jewel- Forsyth John, J.P., Oowper st, Raudwiok
Edmund, O.M.Q., J.P., InspectorForsyth
lers, MO George st
General of Police; office, 111 Phillip
Forstcr H. and J., baskotniakers, 811 Too- Forsyth John, P.M., Russell st, Burwood
"Eaton," 44 Bnyswatcr nl
Forsyth B. O., 43 Hayberry st, N. Sydney
good st, Ersklnevillo
F O R S T E R 9. A N D S O N S , Brass and
Iron Bedstead Makers, Iroufonnders,
Engineers, und .Wire Mnttrcss Manu
fncturcrB, corner of Mary Ann st nnd
Orov/n rd, Ultimo—(Sei udvt. opp,
Bedstead Makers)
Forstcr A., J.P., secretary Pharmaceutical
Society of N.S.W., 5 lllclimond tcr,
F. rater A., 211 Glenmoro nl, Pnddingtou
Forstcr Mrs. A., Thornlelgh rd, S. Hornsby
Forstcr Mrs. Annie, 100 Hedfern st, H'fern
Forstcr Mrs. B. M., Mowbray rd, W'lougby
Forstcr Francis, 49 Bourkc st, Itedferu
Forstcr George, 33 Pnlmer st, Bnlmain
Forstcr Gcorgo, Elizabeth St. Waterloo
Koretcr George, Cromwell i-t, Lciohhnrdt
Forstcr H., (ill Bcittlo st. Bnlmain
Forstcr H. J. B., Wolseley rd, Point Piper
Forstcr Mrs. Louisa, Livingstone hotel,
Livingstone rd, Mnrrickvllle
Forstcr Henry W., solicitor, Post Office
chambers', 114a Pitt s t ; p.r., Panwmatta rd, Concord
Forstcr J., Viotorin ave, Ohutewood
Forstcr James, 84 Young st, Annandalo
Forster James T., Bnthurstst, Woollahrn
Forstcr Joseph, Fnctory st, Granville
Forstcr J. W., IB Dovinc st, Ersklnevillc
Forstcr Miss, "Kynlla," Darling Point
Forster Mrs., Bigncll st, Oomo
Forstcr S. n., 47 Elizabeth Hay rd
Forstcr S., 310 Stnnmore rd, Mnrrickvillo
Forstcr T., 64 Swanson st, Ersklnevillo
Forstcr Victor, 1 Raglan st, Darlington
Forstcr W., 80 Toogood st, Ersklnoville
Forstcr W. O., Forest rd, Hurstvilllo
Forstcr W. It. O. F., 64 Mill Hill rd, WavMoy
Forsyth A. nnd Co., Ltd., rope manufacturers, 330 Kent s t ; rojieworks, Bourkc
Foster J., 0 Rose tcr, Paddington
Fountain John, Jane st, Randwlok
Foster J. H., 32 Darghan st, Glebe
Fountain William, 1'aciflc hotel, 4 Stephen
Foster J. J., Osborne rd, Manly
st, Balmaln
F. Schmclltschok and Dr. P. Schwartz, I Foster Jacob, Gould nve, Marrlokvillo
I Fouracro T., 82 Victoria st, Waverley
Proprietors, Japan mid Continental Foster Jamos, Beatrice st, Auburn
Indent Merchants, Inglis building, 02 Foster James, milk vendor, 307 Crown rd Fourro Harry, Wallace st Concord
Fourro Joseph, Cooper st, Concord
York at. (See advt. opposite.)
Foster James, watchmaker and jeweller, Fourro
Matthew, Morwlck st, Burwrod
Foskett H., 41 Trafalgar tcr, Stanmoro
61 Mausflcld st, Rozelle
W., 91 Tclopla st, Rcdfcru
Foskett H. J., juu.,48 Kingsolenr rd, A'dria Foster James, 03 Mitchell st, Glebe
Mrs. E. P., 24 Cuttis rd, B'mnlu
Foskett H. J., sen.. ICO Henderson rd, A'dria Foster Jnines, Done st, Anicllffe
Fowoll E. T., Lower Forth st, Woollahra
Foskett Oapt. W., secretary National Riflo Foster Jcthro, 22 Fnirmount st, P'sham
Pennant st, Parramutta
Association of N.S.W., 10 O'Oonnell s t ; Foster John, 8 Clarence lane
I Fowle George, Alfred
st, Granville
p.r„ Viotoria av, Ohatawood
Foster John, 148 Sutherland st, Pnd.ton
Fowle George A., J.P., 7 Elfrcd st, Pad'toii
Foskett William, 21 Bentst, Paddington Foster John, *6 Moodle st, Rozcllo
st, Qraiivlllo
Foss A. E„ Tlutern rd, Aslillcld
Foster John, Railway par, Burwood
Fowle Jnines C.| Chnpmnii st, Concord
Foss John, 4f> Oampbell st, Newtown
Foster John, J.P., Morubeu rd, Mosmnu
(Leeds), engineer*
Foss Joseph, Portman st, Waterloo
I Foster John, 83 Lennox st, Newtown
—Walter M. Noakcs, M.I.M.E., colonial
Foster Bros., oil and colour works, 120 Foster John P., 22 Brougham st, Glebe
manager, Mutual Life of New York
Foster Joseph, 26 Green's rd, Paddington
Quay st
building, Martin place
Foster and Oo., steam joinery works, 136 Foster Joseph, Fox Valley rd, Turramurra Fowler and Toll, woodturners, 28 OampGlcbo rd, Glebe
I Foster Miss M., refreshment rooms, 210-221 |
bell st, Newtown
George st
Foster's fancy emporium—G. A, Hcumnnn,
Fowler Mrs. A., 12 Audley st, Mar'ville
Foster Mrs. M. A., 20 Devino st. Erskinvillc Fowler A. W., Christie st, St. Leonards
31 The Strand
Foster George and Sons, engineers, Cook's Foster Mark, Campbell st, Tenipe
Fowler Alfred, Australia st, Campordowu
Riverrd, St. reters, Tel. 258 N'town Foster R., 12 Fitzroy st, Aloxandria
Fowler Arthur E., 97 Cary st, Lelolibordt
Foster Mrs. H., IS Brown st, Paddington Fowler Benj., Phillip st, Parramatta
Foster and McOlcllnu Co., 76 Pitt st
Foster and Miiity, shipbuilders, William Foster R. H„ off Carlow st west, N. Syd.
Fowler C„ 67 Falcon st, North Sydney
Foster 11., 131 St. John's nl, Forest Lodge Fowler Cosmo, 36 Smith st. Summer Hill
st, Balninln
Foster and Sons, produce merchants and Foster R. A., 28 Alma st, Darlington
Fowler Denis, 3 Brown st, Paddington
agricultural seedsmen, 191 Sussex st Foster Robert, 21 Augustus st, Loichhardt Fowler Ernest, Oranbrook st, Botany
Fowler F. M., Oowper st, Canterbury
Foster Airs. A., 97 Cavendish st, Petersham Foster S„ Unwin's Bridge rd, St. Peters
Foster T. O. J., barrister, 165 Phillip stj Fowler Fredk. W., J.P., 44 Edgoware rd,
Foster Adam, Dnlhousie st, Ashfleld
p.r., 86 Enuiorc rd, Newtown
Foster Alan, Piggott st, Ihilwloh Hill
Foster Thomas, Woniora nl, Hurstville
Fos'er Alfred, Terrace id, Marrickvillc
Foster Thomas, jtin., Ashley st. Hornsby Fowler Fredoriok.Belmore st, Burwood
Foster Alfred K., 148 Wilson st, Itcdfern
Fowler Frederick, 83 Bourko st
Foster Ambrose. 21 Elliott st, Biilmniii
Foster Thomas, Ruthvcn st, Randwlok
. Fowler G. E„ 126 Arthur st, North Sydney
Foster Arthur, K5 Kninorc id, .Newtown
Fowler George, Ellison st, Belmoro
Foster Tliomus, 81 Evans st, Rozelle
Foster Arthur, K6J Morehead st, Hedfern
Fowler Georg., Lnceyst, Kogaroh
Foster Mrs. B., Murdoch st. Neutral Buy Forter Thomas, sen., Ashley st. Hornsby
George W., 98 Phillip Bt
Foster Mrs. W., 118 Birchgrovc rd, Balniain
Foster -Mrs. 0„ Ulunoro st, Canterbury
Fowler George, 91 Victoria st. Lewlslmui
Foster Mrs. C, 12 StHinuore rd, Mnr'villc Foster W., 44 Hayberry st, North Sydney Fowler H. A., 6 Abigail st, Summer Hill
Foster W. A., 01 Station st, Newtown
Foster Charles, 01 Arthur st
Fowler Miss J., 69 Roso st, Darlington
I Foster W, 0., Coward Bt, North Botnny
Foster Charles, George st, St. Peters
W. F„ Canonbury Grove, M'villo Fowler Mrs. J., Mcrryland rd, Prospect
Foster Oharles II., 14 Edgleyst
J. R., 10 Kclgst, Newtown
Fostor W. II„ 260 Ocean st, Paddington
Foster Mrs. E., Thomas st, Abbolsford
Fowler James, 81 Crescent st, Rozelle
Fostor W. J., Suttor st, Alexandria
Foster E. 0 . 8., off Dclnnpo nl, Hyde
Fowler James A., George st west. Burwood
Foster William, Johnston st. Anunudulo
Foster Mrs. J. 2 Cross st, Fortst Lodge
Fowler John, 19 Diokst
Foster E. J. H„ Kooky Point rd, Kogarah Foster William, Falrfowl st, Duhvich Hill Fowler Mrs. M., George st, Mnrriokville
Foster Edward, 2 The Terrace, Ualmnln
Fowler P. J., 127 Park avc, Ashfleld
Foster Edward, 02 Hubert, st, Lelchlianlt Foster Wlllia •, Cook's River rd, St. Peters Fowler Pcroy, 241 Bourke st
IFoster His Honor William J., Supreme
Foster Edward, 45 Cuwper st, Glebe
Court Judge, "Thurnby," 85 Enmorc Fowler Miss 11, 140 Park av, Ashfleld
Foster Ernest, 164 .Mullein st, Buliimln
Fowler R., Fowler's pottery and brtokrd, Newtown
Foster Ernest A. P.. Cub e lane, Waverley
works, Camnenlown ; estibllshcd 1887
Foster F„ f>19 Knit st
Foster William J., 132 Cumberland st
FowlerjHon. Robert, J . P , M.L.O., "CrnnFoster F., !i Kcise ter, Paddington
Foster W. T , Andover st (Carlton)
Coster F., 43 Ballast pt nl, Hal in
I Fotheringlinin G., Auburn rd, Bnukstown
hrook," 253 Australia st, Camperdowu
Foster F. H., 00 Olmjiol st, Marrickyille
Fotheringlinin J „ 2 i Robert st, AshHcld
Foster G., Oanonbiiry GruVc, Mnrrickvillc Fothcrlnghaiu Jacob, Stanley av, Mosmnn Fowler Robt., jnn., J.P., " Khartoum," 205
Australia st, Camperdowu
Foster G., 2U2 Trafalgar st, Aiuiaiidulc
I Fotheringlinin John, Auburn rd, B'stown I Fowler Ross, 28 Military rd. North Sydney
Foster G., 27 Bishop st, Mnrriekville
Fotlieriiiulinin Mrs. M., 43 Oatley rd, P'd'ton Fowler Mrs. S. T., Albert rd, Homebush
Foster G., 29 Hiiyberry st, North Sydney [Fotlicringliani Robert, Dean ft, Enfield
Foster G. If., 32 Jenkins st, North Sydney Fothcrlnghnmo Miss, editress YOUNG Ar/S- | Fowler Samuel J., Thomas st, Abhotsford
Fowler Sydney P., Albert rd, Homebush
Foster G. 11., 45 Green's rd, Pinlillugton
Fowler Mrs. TM Jersey st, Hornsby
Foster G. J., 4 Edward st, Balmaln
I Fouescnal Roinaln, Dunbar st, Vaucluse
st, Brcnnnu st, Lcichhardt
Foster G. W., 58 Pyrmont Bridge rd, O down Foulchcr A. J., Brldgo st, Drumuioyno
Fowler W. A., 48 Morris st, Summer Hill
Foster George, 84 Crown rd
Fouloher W , Mcrlton st, Gladesvllle
Fowler W. J , 164 Edgccliffo rd, Woollahra
Foster George. 310 Jones st
. Foulchcr W. A., Belmoro st, Rydo
Fowler W. T. R , malinger Fcden\l AVlmrvej
Foster George, Cowlc's rd, Mosinaii
Foulds John D., 5i Nowland st, Waverley
and Stores and Public Weigh brldgo,
Foster George, Tramwny st, North Botany iFoulds Robert. 30 Dotany st, Waverley
2 1-205 Sussox s t ; p.r., 23 Frazer rd,
Foster George, 63 Botnuv st, Redfern
Foulls W., 18 Carlton creB, Summer HIM
Foster George, Cook's River nl, St. Peters Foulkcs O. E., Vaieluu Iter hotel. Marine
Fowler Wllllnm, 80 Forbes st
Foster George, N.S.If. nl, Woollahra
, |
par, Vaucluse
William, 1 Poplar st
Foster George F„ 13 Shepherd st
Foulston George, Kylo st. Arncliffo
Fowler Willinm, 89 Mullensst.Ba'uialn
Foster Gonlon. 108 Viotoria st
Foulston Tlios., Behuorc rd, Dnlmorton
Fowler Willinm, 130 Blrrell st, Waverley
Foster n , 16 Woodstock st, Waverley
Foundling Home (Sisters of Mercy), Peat's Fowles Arthur, 92 Georgo st, Wntorloo
Foster It. W., bookseller, 144 William st
• Ferry rd Waltara
Fowles Georgo, E8 Boulevard, Lewisham
Foster Harry, 70 Smith st. Summer Hill
Fouutnin F„ Brldgo st, Druinmoyno
Fowles J. S., Cardigan st, Prospeot
Foster Harry, Oxfonl st, Petersham
Fountain F., Australia st, Cnmpordown
Fowles Stephen, Cecil st, Guildford
Foster Henry, 77 Nelson st, Kozelle
Fountain G., 19 Carlisle st, Lcichhnrdt
Fowllo Jainea 62 Mills st
Foster Henry, 60 George st, Erskhicville
Fountain G. H., Junotion st, Marrlokvillo Fowlie Thomas, Lunilcy Bt, Gninvlllo
Foster Henry', 24 Greek st, Glebe
Fountain Gabriel, Shcrbrook st, Hornsby Fox and Lnwson, plumbers, coppersmiths,,
Foster Hiram, H WhUehorscst, Newtown Fountain Harry, 38 Short st, Bnlmaiii
tinsmiths and Ironworkers, 12 Blielloy
Foster Mrs. Isabella, 213 Glebe nl. Glebe Fountain J., 21 Carlisle st; Lcichhnrdt
P. S C H W A R T Z .
Inglis Chambers, 62 YORK STREET,
. . SYDNEY . .
Agents (General)
Aluminium Importers
Brushware Importers
Chemists (Wholesale)
Dry Goods Importers
Enamel Ware
Electric Lamps and
Fancy Goods Importers
Furniture Coverings
and Materials
Glassware Importers
Grindery Merchants
Hat Manufacturers'
Importers (General)
Japan and China
Leather Factors
F O X B R O T H E R S (Alfred P. Fox nnd Fox Frederick, Trafalgar Bt, Petersham
Frederick G. Fox), Importers, Manu- Fox Frederick, 22 Gowcr st, Sum. Hill
facturers of Plumbers', Galvanized Fox George, Raglan st, Mosman
Ironworkers' and Gasfltters' Mate- Fox H. M., James st, Redfern
Fox Harold S., solioitor, Queen 8t, B'wood
rials, 238 Pitt st
Fox E. and J., grocers, 00-62 Vine st,R'fem Fox Henry, Meta st, Croydon
Fox and Napthull, wholesale boot ware- Fox Henry D., 40 Walker at, Redfern
Fox J. E., Cantor at, Croydon
house, 5 WynyardBt
Fox James, 38 Alexander st, Alexandria
Fox A., engineer, Martin Bt, Rookwood
Fox A. F., 100 Australia st, Camperdowu Fox James, Lisgar st, Granvlllo
Fox Jns., 7 Pine st, Nowtowu
Fox A. J., 240 Victoria st
Fox A. P., " Nirvana," Mary st, Longue- Fox James, 5 WiUonghby st, North Sydney
Fox James, 4 Edward st, Petersham
villo, Lane Cove River
Fox James, 27 Pitt st, Redfern
. Fox A. R., Junction st, Woollahra
Fox Jesse, 30 Lincoln st, Petersham
Fox Mrs. A. W„ 32 Gicrsten st, Waverley Fox J o h n , " Bolnro," Avenue rd, Mosmnn
Fox Alfred, saddler, 309 Elizabeth st
Fox John, 16 Albion Bt, Paddington
Fox Alfred, 16 Foy st, Ilalmain
Fi'X John, 157 Bullanainlng st, Redfern
Fox Arthur W., Gladstone st, Lcichhardt Fox John 7 Louis st, Redfern
Fox Mrs. 0., 109 Constitution nl, P'sham Fox John, 102* Wilson st, Redfern
Fox Mrs. C, Old Canterbury rd, Petersham Fox John, Sydney st, Willoughby
Fox O. H., George Bt cost, Burwood
Fox John G., Addison rd, Mnnly
Fox Oharles, 4 Wortley st, Balmaln
Fox Joseph, 26 Playfnir 8t
Fox Oharles, i Iris st
Fox Joseph, S Water st, Camperdowu
Fox Charles, Horton Bt, Mnrriokville
Fox Michael, lnseot powder manufacturer,
Fox Charles J., Miller st, North Sydney
Botany st, Waterloo
Fox Miss E.. 115 Princes st .
Fox Michael, Willinm Bt, North Potany
Fox Rev. E., Elizabeth st, Waterloo
Fox E. J., J.P., 20 Arthur st, North Sydney Fox Montnguo F., Stafford st, tetershnm
Fox Otto, Ermlngton rd, Ermingtou
For Edward, Viotoria st, Randwlok
Fox Mrs. P. J., Pcrcival rd, Stnnmord
Fox F. W., 81 Railway st, Petersham
Fox Patrick, 6 Tnlford Bt, Glcbo
Fox Frank, Northwood rd, Lane Cove
Fox Percy. Hastings rd, Turramurra
Fox Frank, 104 Sliver st, Mnrriokville
Fox Fredk. G., J.P., "Roxborough," Baulk- Fox Mrs. R., 154 Frnnols st, Lelthhardt
Pox R A.,M.B.,Burgcon,Quconst,A>iburn
ham HillB
Fox Frederlok, mauagcr Soott nnd Bowney Fox Robert, engineer, 218 Crowu rd
Ltd., manufacturing chemists, 483 Fox Robert, Hampden st, Fern Hill
Fox S. H., 8 Heme Bt, Lclohhnrdt
Kent st
Fox Mrs. S. M« Redmyro rd, Strathfleld
Fox Frederick, Smith st, North Botany
Fox Thomas, 125 York st
Fox Frederlok, 145 Faloon st,N. Bydney
Mantel Manufacturers'
Manufacturers' Agents
Mineral Water
Musical Instrument
Silk Importers
Silver Goods Importers
Steelworks Agents
Nickel Goods Importers
Fox Thomas, 6 Qoodstr Bt, Rozcllo
Fox Thos., Shaftesbury rd, Burwood
Fox Thos., Hampton Court rd, Carlton
Fox Mrs. Thos., Long Boy rd, Randwlok
Fox Thomas, 46 Botany st, Waterloo
Fox W. P., 145 Bullaunmlng st, Redfern
Fox W. R., Fnrk nl, Burwood
Fox W. R., " Fcnella." Avenue rd, Mosman
Fox Walter, Roseby Bt, Drummoyne
Fox Walter, Gonlon rd, Chatswood
Fox William, Glndeavillo rd, Hunter's Hill
Fox William, 60 Silver st,'Mnrrickvillc
Fox William, Salisbury rd, Petersham
Fox William O., 22 Hoddle st, Paddington
Fox W. H., 89 Albany rd, Petersham
Fox W. M., 17a Baptist st, Redfern
Fox William G , Sixth st, Grnuville
Fox Willinm J., 272 Cleveland st
Fox Willinm P. 30 Redfern st, Redfern
Foxnll E. W., public accountant, auditor,
etc., 5 Bull's chambers, 14 Moore s t ;
p.r.," Gadnnr," Woolwloh, Lane Cove
Foxnll Miss M. J., 213 Victoria st
Foxcraft A., 5 Stafford st, Paddington
Foxlcy Henry, 268 Addison nl, Marrickvillc
Foxon Joseph, Gardener's rd,N. Botany
Foy Albert, Burwood rd, Burwood
Foy Miss Alice, artist, 99n Pitt st
Foy Edwanl, Burwood rd, Mortlnkc
Foy Edward, Yelvcrton st, St. Peters
Foy Ernest E., Punchbowl nl, Enfield
Foy H. G., Canterbury New rd, Mnr'ville
Foy Harry,oil Amelia st. Waterloo
Foy James, 110 Oumberhuid st
Foy John, Amelia st, Waterloo
Foy Mark, draper, 9 to 19 Oxford st
Foy Mark, "Eumcmoring," Bellevue Hill,
Rose Bay
l o y Thomns, Long Buy nl. Ruudwick
Francis W., 59 Silver st, Marrickvillo
Franks Henry, 42 Redmond st, Lciohhardt
Foy W., George's River rd, Enflold
Francis W., B Norfolk st. Paddington
Franks John, 17 Hercules st, Ashfleld
Foy WllUam, 12 Cooper st, Waterloo
Francis W. E., 148 Union st, Krsklnovillc Franks John, Rocky Point rd, Rookdale
Foyle A. W., Auburn rd, Bankstowu
Francis W. J., Bnrton ave. Summer Hill Franks Joseph, Church st, Cnrllugford
Foyler Herbert, 28 Olarenec st
Francis William, 393 King st, Newtown
Franks Morris, 8 Botuny rd, Waterloo
FrniJ William, 53 Young st, Annnndalo
F R A N O K E L M A R T I N , Accountnut Franks Robert, Western rd, Prospect
Frakca A. T., Wuzier at, Arncllffe
Fourth Floor, Equitable Building, Franks Mrs. W., Kissing Point rd, ErmFrakes W., 8'J Westbourne st, Petersham
George st
Frnkes William, Marlborough 8t
Fninconl Madame, 155 Regent st, Rcdforu Franks William, 633 Elizabeth st
Frame Food Co., Ltd., 0 Wynvanl at
William, Kirby st, Duudas
Frame F. W.. C3 Thomas st, Oamperdown Frank Mrs. E., 103 Parramatta rd, Au'dale
Frankmu G. F., 172 Princes st
Frank Frederick, Judd st, Rockdale
Frame Mrs. J., 8 Sixth st, Grauyillc
Fmukmu George, 138 Princes st
Frank Qustuv, Toyer st, Marrickvillo
Frame James, 7 Bremner st
Fmnkinn Gordon, 21 Argylo st
Frank Hermann, 3 Nioholls st
Frame John, 151 Mullens st, liiilinnin
F., 261 Victoria nl, Marrickvillo
Frame John, l! Julliett st, Marrickvillo
Gcorgo W., Kent U "ookdule
Frank Joseph, Rocky Point rd. Rockdale
Frame Thomas, 43 John st
Railway nv, MarrickviUo
Fmmo W., off William st, Canterbury
Franz John, chair-caner, 61 Bank st
Frank Michael, 70 Holden st, Ashfleld
Frame W., 18 College st, Campcrdown
nnd Co., houso and laud
Frank Philip, James st, Rockdale
Franca William A., chemist, 370Oxford st, Frank
William, Station st, Rockdale
agents, 6 Falcon et, North Sydney
Frank Wiliinm J. H., 20 Ridge st
Franz P. G. B„ 249 Parramatta rd, L'lmrdt
France E. A., 18 Cecily st, Lclchhnrdt
E. L., Fern st, Randwlek
Frappcll Arthur, 291 Crown st
France J. and Co., manufacturing confec- Frankel
Frappcll Charles, Roseby st, Drummoyiie
tioners, 54H-58 William st
France James, The Retreat, Woollahra
F R A N K F O R T L A U N D R Y - J o h n T. Frappcll W., Albert rd, Canterbury
Fredk., 52 Atchison st, N. Sydney
France Thos., 114 Dcrwent st, For. Lodge
Payne, proprietor, 6 Victoria st,
France Thos. C, Francis st, Rookwood
P'ton. Tol.lSfl.Edgeoliffe. (SeoAdvt.) Frasa E., grocer, 02 George st west
Frasor Bros., blaokBmiths, Eustacest, Manly
Frances -Madame, palmist, 17 Itovnl arc, Frankfort Sausage Co., 100 Market st
George st
Frank! Miss E., typist, Royal Ohambcrs, Frnsor Misses O. & M., 4 London st, Nowtown
Francillion a , 372 Stanmore rd. Mar'vlllc
Hunter st
Fraser nnd Hughes, drapers, 167-171 OxPrancis A., 80ci Marlborough st, Lelchhardt
Frank! James P., J.P., malinger Mort's
ford st
Francis A., 39 May st, Newtown
Dock and Engineering Co., Limited, Fruscr anil Rusdcn, manufacturers' agents,
Francis A. E., 46 Station st, Newtown
7 Thames st, Baluialn
81 Pitt st
Francis Albert, 033 King st, Newtown
Francis Alfred A;, Watralia hole!, King Franki R. J. N , 7 Thames st, Balrnalii
Fraser, Uther and Co., auctioneers, land
Prankish A., Fletolicr st, Marrickvillo
and estate agents, 8 Spring st
and Sussex sts
Prankish J„ 223 Trafalgar st, Annandalo Fraser A., secretary Professional Musicians'
Francis Arthur, George st, Huratvillo
Fraukland George. Webber's rd, Bexhy
of Australasia, 23 Rowe s t ;
Francis C, 3 Cascade st, Paddington
Franklaud G., 15b Mullens st, Dahuain
Francis Charles, lllrtley st, Marrickvillo
p.r., Falser st, Woolwich
Franklaud R. A. 78 Howling st, Pad'ton
Francis, Olinrlc*, Mary place, PnddlnBtou Frnnklaud Mrs.S., Wolseleyst, W. K'garnh Fraser Mrs. A., hospital, 22-21 Maclcay st
Francis D., 32 Pleasant st, Erskincvillo
Franklaud S. B., 218 Evans st, Rozclle
Fraser A. D. (J.P., Queensland), 2D Bligli
Franois Denis, 4 Hosebcrryst, llalinain
Franklaud T. E., West Botany nl, It'dalc
s t ; p.r., Horace rd, St. Ives
Franois I'.., 14 Albert st, Lelchhardt
Franklin and Enemark, nrtists and de- Fraser A. J., manager New Zealand Press
Francis Ed ward, 12 Steel st
signers, 257 George st
Association, 140 King s t ; p.r., Tryon
Francis Edward, 6 National st, Lclchhnrdt Franklin H. G. and Co., painters, 48
rd, Lindfleld
Francis Edward, Mecksrd, Marrickvillo
Lciohhardt st, Wavcrley
Francis F„ 159 Trafalgar st, Aniiuudalo
Franklin Mrs. A. E„ Marodeust, Par'mattn Fraser Mrs. A.L., 309 Upper Bowling st
Irancls !•., Universal st, North Botany
Franklin Amos, 14 Jamesst, North Sydney Fniser Adam, 174 Young st, Annandale
Fraser Alexander, 121 Pyrmont st
Franois Fmiik. Dougherty st, N. Uotany Franklin B. J., 8 Fawcctt st, Balmain
Fraser Alexander, Gamin st, Glebe
Francis Fred., Robertson nv, Neutral Bay Franklin Charles, 108 Campbell st
Alexander, Gray st, Kogarah
Francis O., Bay st, Biightonle-Sanils
Franklin Frank, 7 Cooper st, Waterloo
Fraser Alex., Albert st, Marrlokville
Francis George, 81 Horderu st, Newtown Franklin Frcder ck, 140 Kent st
Francis George. 64 Young st, llodfcni
Franklid Mrs. G., Belmore ave, Canterbury Fraser Alexander, Military rd, Mosman
Fraser Alfred, Abercorn st, Bexley
Francis Uonry F., local manager Royal Franklin George, 123 Palmer st
Fraser Andrew, 4 Reynolds st, Bulinuiu
Insurance Co., 74 Pitt st; p.r., "The Franklin H. J., publisher, 40 Hunter st
Angus, 3 Augustus st, Lelchhardt
Grange," Evorton rd, StrathUold
Franklin Hamilton, ltaglnu sr, Manly
Fraser Arch., Cook's River rd, St. Peters
Francis H.11., J.P., 10 Johnston st.An'dnle Franklin Henry, 87 Cooper st, Waterloo
Fraser Arthur, 57 Douglas st, Redfern
Francis Henry, 33 Wells st, Kedfern
Franklin J., 1 Kensington st, Waterloo
Francis J , 1 .Marlboro <gh st, Lcichhnrdt Franklin J. H. W., 7 Little Napier st, Pad- Frnscr Arthur, 67 Roschill st, Rcdfern
Fraser Charles, farrier, Campbell s t ; ip.r.,
Francis J., 24 Waters rd, North Sydney
24 j Bellevue st
Francis J., 183 E/geolIffe rd, Woollahra
Franklin John II., St. Thornaa st, Wavcrley
Francis J. D., C.E., Johnston st.Anuandale! Franklin Joseph, 25 Pnshlcy st, Balmain • Fraser Charles, Gladstoi e st, Concord
Fraser Clias., 36 Westhourno st, Petersham
Francis Mrs. J. V, 24 D.ixford st, Fad'ton Franklin Joseph, Haldcn st, Canterbury
Francis James, 10 Eton st, Cuiupurdowu
Franklin R. IS., 20 Emily st, Mnrriokvillo Fraser Charles, 66 Itcdfern st, Redfern
Fraser Rev. Dr., M.A., principal Caindcu
Francis John, Bastable st, Ashlleld
Franklin llichnrd 52 Hugost, Rcdfern
Col, Norwioli chain, 66-68 Hunter st
Francis John, Milton st north, Ashfleld
Franklin Robert J., Howe st, Woollahra
I). E., 21 Temple st, Petersham
Francis John, Chestnut rd, Auburn
Franklin Thomas, Barker st, Auburn
Eraser David, Ashburner st, Manly
Francis John, Wcntworth rd, Burwood
Franklin Thomas, 147 Bridge nl, Glebe
17 Duke st, Unlmnin
Francis John, 37 Boundary st, Rcdfern
Franklin W., 10 Hampton st, Balmain
Fraser Rev. Donald, M.A, psychlo theraFrancis Joseph, 2 Duncan st
Franklin William, 0 Balfour st
Francis Joseph, Botany rd, Botany
pautist. 105 Liverpool st
Franklin William,1134 Bowman st
Francis Joseph, Therry st, Drutmuojno
Fraser Donald, 13 Pearl st
Franklin William, 25 Point st
Francis Joseph, 37'Wells st, Redfcrn
Donald, Elsie st, Strathfleld
Franklin William, 17 Broadway, Glebe
Francis Joseph, Cliff st, Vaueluse
Frankquillo E., 7 Milsou st, North Sydney Frnscr Duncan, 27 Windsor rd, Petersham
Francis Mrs., Cabrnmatta rd, .Mosman
Fraser Mrs. E., 3»nJ Ellzabethst
Franks Arthur, Victoria rd, Ermlngton
Francis P., Oammaray nl, North Sydney
Franks Corporal, in charge Military Bar- Fraser Mrs. E., 242 Hcrciord st, Globe
Francis Phillip, Shudfortli st, Mosman
Fraser Mrs. E. A., Moriarty rd, Ohntswood
rucks, Bradloy's Head rd, Mosman
Franois S., Bay st, Brighton-le-Sands
Franks II., off Wlllougliby st, Oarllngfonl Fraser Mrs. E. J., 23 Brisbane st, Wavcrley
Francis S. 0., Wudgong st, Mosman
Fraser Edward, 69 Ryan st, Lclchlinnlt
Franks Harris, 171 Regent st, Rcdfern
Francis T., 129 Wells st west, Redfcrn
Fraser F. W., manufacturers' agent, 62
Francis Thomas, Ferris st, Annandalo
F R A N K S H A R R Y , Printers' Furnisher York s t ; p.r., Muston st, Mosman
and Manufacturers'Agent, Merchants Frnscr G. A., manager Independent Order
Francis Thomas, Sliver st, St. Peters
court, 82 Pitt st, Sydney
Francis W., Bay st, Brlghton-Ic-Sands
Foresters, 118 Pitt s t ; p.r., "Cedar
Francis W. 351 Parramatta nl, Lelchhardt Franks Harry, Morrell st, Woollahra
Croft," Military rd, Mosman
Eraser G. D„ Laultst, Hurstvlllo
Franks Henry, lfll Crown st
i Head Oflloos : 810 Gooruin
' Street South, 'Phono # 6 '
Frawley Patrick, 136 Princes st
Frawley Patrick, 88 Taylor st, Annandale
Fray A.. Onrost, Greenwloh
Kruzer John and Co. (James Watson), 61
York st
Frazer A., 82 Johnston st, Annandalo
Frazer Mrs. A., Transvaal nv, Double Bny
Frazer Alex., Garnet st, Canterbury
Frazer Alex , Bettington lane, Dundas
Frazer Alex., 98 Camden Bt, Newtown
Frazer Alex., off Harris Bt, Parramatta
Frozel August, 10 Harris st, llozclle
Frazer Daniel L., 78 Dcnison Bt, Newtown
Frazer Ewan, Bcllevuo Hill. Rose Boy
Frazer Mrs. Edwin, 64 Crown rd
Frazer George, 43 Edwin st, Croydon
Frazer George, 102 Wilson' st, Redfcrn
Frazer George H„ Spring Bt, Abbotsford
Frazer Huph, 330 Military nl, North Sydney
Frazer J., 103 Weston rd, Rozellc
Frazer J. R., SI. Leonards hotel, Gordon rd,
Frazer Mrs. John, Trelawney Bt, Woollahra
Frazer James, 31 Day st, Lelchhardt
Frazer J. W., 18 Wntkln Bt, Newtown
Frazer Hon. John (trustees of tho estate
of the late;—Charles Olubb, manager,
61 York st
Frazer Joseph J., Normanby rd, Auburn
Frazer Mrs. M A., Good st, Granville
Frazer S., insurance nicut, 114a Pitt st
Frazer Stewart, 54 Sloane st, Summer Hill
Frazer Mrs. Susan 51 Kent st
Frazer Walter, Oak's ave, Neutral Bay
Frazer William, Railway av, Stanmore
Freamo W., Petersham rd, Marrickvlllc
Frcnii John H., Day st, Marrickvillo
Frcaney Thomas, 28 Waterloo st
Frcarson A., Church st, Marrickvillo
Freckelton H., 15 Beaumont Bt.Waterloo
Frcekcr Charles, 49 Womerah avo
Frecker Edgar, Duxfonl st, Paddington
Frcekcr Gregory J., Royalist rd, Mosinan
Freckloton Albert, Paul's rd, Waterloo
Frcdo Theodore, Arcadia st, Hurotville
Frederick Edward, 190 Kent st
Frederick II. L., 17 Parramatta rd, Au'dale
st, An'udale
Solicitor, 01 Post Office chambers, Frederick 11. L., 72 Annandale
Frederick J. N„ Hampden B - , N. Sydney
lllii Pitt st ; p.r., 6)3 Bourke st
Frederick Mrs. N. 0„ 19 Wclleslcy st. Sum.
Frasor Roderick, 13 Slado st, Rozello
Fraser Mrs. S. A., 3 Fltzroy st, Newtown
Fraser T., 49 Brisbane st, N. Sydney
Fredericks E., Julliett st, Marrickvillo
Fraser T. H., 05 John st, Woollahra
Fredericks F. A., 47 Kensington rd, Sum.
Frnscr Thomas, 31 Duke st, Balmain
Fraser Thomas, 35 Glen st, North Sjdncy Fredericks Fred., 184 Cumberland st
Fraser Thomas, 1 Brent st, Rozello
Frcderlckscn O., 43 Ferndulc st, Newtown
Frasor Thomas W., 8 Mary st, Waterloo
Fredcricksen F., 16 Argylo pi
Fraser V. It., tea broker, 18 Bridge st
Frcderlckscn H., 149 Wilson st, Redfcrn
Fraser Mrs. W., 3 Wallace st, Balmain
Frcderlckson M., Georgo st, St. Peters
Fraser W., 280 Norton st, Leichhurdt
Fredriokson Peter, 230 Yoong Bt, Ann'dale
Frasor \V., 41 Enroka st. North Sydney
Free Public Library—H. O. L. Anderson,
Frnsor Mrs. W., 104 Carrlngton rd, Waverlcy
M.A., librarian ; G. H. Glfford,
Fraser Rev. W. G. (Pies.), 105 Ben Boyd rd,
first assistant librarian. Bent Bt
Free Public Library (lending branch}—
Neutral Bay
V. M. Bladen, F.R.G.S., librarian,
Fraser W. J., 19 Allen st, Lelchhardt
Queen Victoria Markets
Fraser William, 55 Reservoir st
Free Mrs. A., 276 Abcrcrombic' st, Redfern
Fraser William, 127 Womerali nvo
Free Dims., 26 Phillip st, Alexandria
Fraser William, Sydney rd, Manly
Fraser William O., 68 Alma st, Darlington Free Joshua, 5 Austenbam rd, Lelolihardt
Froser-Robertson F. A., 9 Cooper st, P'ton Free Martin, 188 Botany rd, Alexnndrln
Free T., 62 Gerard st, Alexandria
Frnssl Mrs. E., 165 Beattlc st, Balmain
Frater Edwanl W., 160 Macquarie st south Freebnlrn and Co., tailors, 203 Pitt st
Frntcr John, Sans Sonet hoiet, Sans Souol Frcebalin A., tailor. 52-54 Royal arcade,
Fratug J., Wcntworth rd, Burwood
George s t ; p.r., 6 Toxtcth nl, Globe Pt
Frntus John, Kogarah rd, Kogarah
Frcebalrn A., Edgccliffo rd, Woollahra
Frntus John, John st, Rookwood
Frcebalrn Wm., Golden Fleece hotel, 538
Frntus Mrs M., Spring st, Burwood
Crown st
Frnwley Daniel, 33 West st
Freeburn Reginald F.,Eshlr st, Burwood
Fmwley J. B„ J.P., solicitor, 97 Elizabeth Freebury J., Queen Victoria st, Bexloy
s t ; p.r., 43 Jersey rd, Woollahra
Freed William, 131 Fovenuxst
Frawley John, 9 Thorno st. Paddington
Frecdman Harris, clothier, 111 George st
Frnwley Jeremiah, N. S. H. rd, Woollahra Frccdman Lsano, dealer, 279 Elizabeth st
Fraser G, H., Spring st, Abbotsford
Frnscr G. W., 85 Stewart st, Paddington
Fraser George, 26 Dalo st
Fraser George, 23 St. John's rd, F. Lodge
Fraser George, 4) Francis st, Lelchhardt
Fraser George A., Military rd, Mosinan
Fraser H., 37 Broadway, Glebe
Fraser II., 34 Little Brighton Bt, Petersham
Fniser Mrs. H. 0., Bonlevanle, Strathfleld
Frasor Harry, Arthur st, Marrickvillo
Frasor Henry J., French Bt, Kogarah
Fraser Hligh, 5 Duke place, Balmnln
Fraser I. O., 30 Cooper st, Neutral Bay
Frnsor J., englncer-lii-chlef Existing Lines
Hallway Department, 62 Phillip st
Fraser J., senior constable, Mounted
Police barracks, Agricultural Grounds,
Moore Park
Fraser J„ North Stoync, Manly
Frasor ,I„ Railway ave, Miirriekville
Fraser Rev. J. G„ D.D., 202 Jersey nl, P'ton
Fraser James, l'arramatta rd, Auburn
Fraser James, Bern, 12 Crescent st, Rozello
Fraser James, 46 Cecily st, Lelchhardt
Fraser James, 140 Emily Bt, Marrickvillo
Fraser James, Harrison st, Neutral Bay
Fraser James, 11 Boundary st, Rcdfern
Fraser John, 103 Palmer st
Frnsor John, 66 Surrey st
Fraser John, 7 Eastou st, Rozello
Fraser John, 68 Gordon st, Paddington
Prasor John, 25 Hopotoun st, Paddington
Frnsor John, 53 Spring Bt, Wavcrley
Fraser John A., 43 Arundel ten, For. Lodge
Fraser John 11., Albert st, St. Peters
Fraser Mrs. I.., Warntah st, Enfield
Fraser Mrs. M., Eustace Bt, Manly
Frasor Miss M., Harold st, Parramatta
Frnscr Mrs. II., 48 Grafton st, Woollahra
Fraser Mrs. M. J., 184 Alfred st,N. Sydney
Fraser P., 114 Dowlingst, Paddington
Fraser Robert, 94 View st, Annaudalo
Fraser Robert, River rd, Parramatta
Fraser Robert, 03 Railway st Petersham
AND AT 3 1 QUEEN S T . . M E L B O U R N E
Advortlslng Experts. Literary Agents.
T e l . 817.
W. P. RLUETT, Manager.
Freehlll F. B., solicitor and notary publioi
Commissioner for Affidavits, Ireland,
etc., Consul for Spain, Citizens' chambers, Moore s t ; p.r., " C a n n o n "
Brooklyn st, Burwood
Frecland A., 34 Glenvlew st, Paddington
Frccland David, Gladstone st, Vaueluse
Frecland Fredk., S Glenvlew st, Pad'ton
Freeland J. H., 09 Dcrwent st, For. Lodgo
Freeman and Co., Ltd., photographers, 318
George st.
Limited—J. Blakcney, J.P., manager,
15 Lang 3t, Church Hill
Freeman nnd MoNulty, ham and beef shop,
95 Wells st west, Redfern
Freeman and Napier, solicitors, 82 Pitt st
Tel. 4121
Freeman, Ries and Co., seedsmen and
plant merchants, 33 Rowe st
F R E E M A N S. a n d S O N S , L T D .
Batho's Baking Powder, Pickles, Blue
nnd Blacking Manufacturers, 350 to
362 Harris st, Ultimo; offices, 38-40
Carrlngton st, Wynyanl square
Freeman anil Wallace, medical specialists
226 Elizabeth st and 124 Bathurst st
Freeman A., examiner, Expenditure
Branch, Department of Audit, 15-17
Bligh Bt
Freeman A., butcher, 24 Cooper st
Freeman A., 82 Uowllng st, Paddington
Freeman Alfred, Pitt st, Hurstville
Freeman Alfred, Station st, Mortdalc
Freeman Alfred, 13 Wilson Bt, Redfern
Freeman Ambrose, Ernest st, North Sydney
Freeman MisaO., nurse, 195 Q. V. Markets
Freeman O. D„ Argylo st, Parramatta
Freeman O. G., Sydney rd, Manly
Freeman O. M , 29 Morris st, Summer Hill
Freeuinn Charles, Liverpool rd, Enfield
Freeman Clias., 19 Shepherd st, Daringtou
Freeman Charles K., manager Federal
Timber Co., Gordon st, Hozelle
Freeman Charles E., 507 Darling st, Rozello
Freeman E., 79 Trafalgar at, Annandalo
Freeman E., Johnston rd, Bankstowu
Freeman Mrs. E., Alexandra st, Hunter's
Freeman Edwin, 53 Jersey rd, Woollahra
Freeman F., Huntington st. North Sydney
Freeman P., 191 Sutherland st, Paddington
Freeman Mks F. It., typist, 21 Elizabeth st
Freeman F. V., Victoria st,Alexandria
Freeman, G. H„ 214 Norton st, Leichhanlt
Freeman H., pastoral, land, mortgage nnd
general agent, 12-14 O'Oonuell st
Freeman H., Mowbray rd west, Chatswood
Freeman H. G.,09 Ben Boyd rd, Neut. Bay
Freeman H. S., 200n Grafton st, Woollahra
Freeman Harold, dentist, 6 lidgownrc rd,
Freeman Harry, 23 Moncur st, Woollahra
Freeman Harry L., 103 Queen st, Woollnhra
Freeman Henry, 17 Best st
Freeman Henry, Harold st, Parramatta
Freeman Henry, 10 Drynan st, Sum. Hill
Freeman Howard, spo!st„ 225 Elizabeth st
Freeman Howard, Ohuroh st, Ruudwick
Freeman J., Great North rd, Abbotsford
Freeman J. R. L., 12 Datohott st, Balmain
Freeman J. T., Ocean rd, Manly
Freeman J. V., baker, 18-20 Mn'ry st
Freeman J.W. D., 302 Stanmore nl, M'kvlllo
Freeman Jas., 11 Anncsloy Bt, Lciohhardt
Freeman Jos^e, Norton st, Monly
French J. Russell, general manager Bunk Friend Sidney, 56 Alma Bt, Darlington
Freeman John, lisli saloon, 124 Oxford Bt
of New South Wales; head office, 341 Friend Mrs. W., "Ointra," Wallace st,
Freeman John, 1 James st
George s t ; p.r., "Stonolelgb," 297
Freeman John, 83 Union st
Upper Dowllng st
Friend W. Herbert, iron merchant,
Frecmau John Suttor st, Auburn
French James, UnMra hotel, 116 Devon"Cintrn," Wallace st, Burwood
Freeman John, William st, Double Bay
shire st
Friend W. R., 63 Trafalgar tcr, Stanmore
Freoaian Joseph, 97 Klppax st
French James, Pennant st, Parrnmntta
Friendly Societies and Trade UnionB Office
Freeman Joseph, S Phelps st
French J»s., 26 Wilson lane, Ilcdfcrn
—T. A. Coghlan, registrar; J . B.
Freeman Mrs. M., Victoria st Alexandria Prcuob John, Green st, Kogarah
Trivctt, actuary. 36-42 Young Bt
Freeman Michael, 20 Fitzroy st
French John, 22 Dixon st
Friendship W. J., 37 Harris st, Rozelle
Freeman Miss.boardlnghouse, 110 Hunter st French John, George st, Parramatta
Friendship J. F., 38 Kenilworth st, Wav'ley
Freeman Mrs. M., 2 Ormond st, Ashtleld
French K., Illawarra rd Marriokvillc
Frier Bumip, 72 Ferris st, Annandale
Freeman .Mrs. M., 8 Or.imwcll st, L.hardt French Mrs. L. Lymerston st, St. Peters
Fripp A.. Park rd, Hurstville
Freeman Mrs. M., Lane (Jove rd, Hydo
French M. P., 32 Trinity avo
Fripp Mrs. A., Turner av, Summer Hill
Freeman Mrs., Cook's River rd, St. Peters French Robert, 18 Bowes ave, Paddington Fripp Albeit E., Belmore rd, Peakhurst
Freeman Mrs., Prince st, Mosman
French Sidney, engraver, 410 George s t ; Fripp E. F., Wold's av, HnrBtvllle
Freeman Pntk., Parrumatta rd, Bnrwood
p.r., Avoca et, Raudwiok
Fripp Edward, Chapel rd, BankBtown
Freeman Mrs. S., "Treseo," Bruce st, French T., 329 Bnlmaln rd, Leiehhardt
Fripp F. 0., Belmore rd, Peakhurst
French W. J., Carey st, Marrickville
Fdpp Frank, Bellevue par, Hurstville
Freeman S. It., Botany rd, Alexandria
French William, Mny st, Marrickville
Fripp W., Dornst, Hurstville
Freeman Stephen, J.P., Spit rd, Mosman FrcnchWilliam A., 29 Vincent st, Balmain Frlso John, 33 Lnwson st, Waverlcy
Freeman T. 0., " Trcsco," Bruce st, A field Frendln J., 50 Holtermnn st, North Sydney Frith Alfrel 0., 197 Brougham Bt
Frc-cmau T. E., (15.1 Illawami rd, Mar'villo Freney A., 2 Stewart st, Bnlmaln
Frith Charles, painter, 211 Palmer st
Freeman Thus., 17 Mount st, Ashflcld
Frese A., Durham st, Hurstville
Frith Edmund, 209 Nelson 6t, Annandale
Froeman Thomas, Arthur st, Granvillo
Freshfleld O., 230 Oxford st, Puddlngfm Frith James, 199 Brougham st
Freeman W., West Botany rd, Rockdale
Frcslimnn and Co.. indent nnd manufac- Frith Mrs. K., 21 Roslyn st
Freeman W., Shirley rd, North Sydney
turers' agents, 62 Hunter st
Fritsoh S. Philip, dentist, 209 Mnoqunriest
Freeman W., 55 •ichimel st, Waterloo
Freshwater Chas., Willinm st, Ashflcld
Frizell Thomas, M.D., surgeon, Boulevardc,
Freeman Mrs. W., 12 Lugar st, Waverloy Freshwater Joseph, 5 Joseph st, Ashflcld
• Strathfleld
Freeman W. A., 11 Jersey rd, Woollahra Freshwater Joseph, William et, Ashfleld
Froggatt B., 43 Halloranst, Leiehhardt
Freeman W. A. 41 Junior st, Leichlinrdt Freshwater W. H., Long st, Strathfleld
Froggatt W. W., phylloxera expert, George
Freeman W. 0., The Avenue, Bandwick
Freshwater W., Cross st, Strathfleld
Bt north; p.r., Queen's orec, Burwood
Freeman W. H., 128 Oxford st, Paddington Frctus F., Sutherland st, North Syduoy
Frogley John, 87 Mount at, N.Sydney
Freeman W. II., 8 Campbell st, Erskiiiovlllc Fretns J. J., Forest rd, Hurstville
Fromberg Mrs. F., 188 Elizabeth Bt
Freeman W. H., AdelaMo st, Woollahra
Frew David, sec, School of Arts, Cox's rd. I'rossnrd Levie and Co., cigar merchants,
Freeman Walter, Garnet st, Marriokvllle
North Ryde
45 York st
Freeman William. Falls st, Loicbhardt
Frew David, Allen's rd, North Uyde
Frost and Co., house agents, 206 l'nrrnmattn
Freeman William, 2J East st,nedfern
Frew Jas., Sutherland st, St. Peters
rd, Leichlinrdt
Frcemautlc Mrs. A., Spring st, Balmain
Frew J. F., 103 Krnest st, North Sydney Frost Alfred P., 30 Forbes st
Freemantle E., 50 Burrcn st, Krekinevillo Frow John, 177 Bcnttlo st, Balmain
Frost Mrs. 0„ George's River, Canterbury
FHEEMASOJJS' CIIROXICLR (newspaper)— Frew John, 60j Goodhopu st, Paddington Frost O. D., 4 Park arc, North Sydney
John Leveson, proprietor, 23 Mao-Frewen Mrs. J. S., Meryla st, Bnrwood
Frost Ohnrles, Rome st, Canterbury
quarle place
Frewer Charles, Awaba st, Mosman
Frost Charles G., Garnet st, Canterbury
FIIEEMASONS' OlinoNICLB—Harris and Frewin J. P., Christie st, St. Leonards
Frost Daniel, 40 James st, Leiehhardt
Friar John C„ 68 Crown st
Frost F., Daphne Bt, Botany
Frlek Coy.. Waynesboro Pa., U.S.A.—J Frost F., Underwood rd, Homebnsh
Sons, 191 George st
Barrc Johnston nuil Co., agents, 20 Frost F. O. S., 187 Pnrramntta rd, L'unrdt
FreemasoiiB' Hall—Fred. Fullwood, agent,
Loftus st,
70 Pitt st; caretaker, 125 York st
Frost Frederick, undertaker, 206a ParraFriedenrelch
L., Wellington st, Newtown
Frecng Thomas, 5 Stewart st, Balmain
matta rd, Leiehhardt
Frlcdenreich L., bnkcr, 45 Bedford st, N't'n Frost Gorge, 9 Oatley lane
Frecny Henry, Clarendon rd, Hurstville
Friederich W., Bellevue st, North Sydney Frost H., 236 Parramatta rd, Leichlinrdt
Ficer George, 44 Roussst, Lcichhardt
FrledeWnldFrcdk.,3 Elgerst, Glebe
Freer R., Roseby st, Drummoyne
Frost H., RobliiBon nvc, Woollahrn
Freer Thomas, Winchester, rd, Randwick Frledlander and Co, grain Merchants, 173 Frost Mrs. J . E., 74 Albion Bt
Freestone Alfred W., Terry st, St. Peters
Sussex st
Frost James, 24 Hugh st, Ashflcld
Freestone John, Lily st, Hurstville
Frleilwald Alfred, 0 Ilodfern st, Redferu Frost James, Provincial st, Auburn
Freestone II. G., Durham st, Hurstville
Krleilwald (}., 120 Gowrie st, Newtown
Frost James, 6 Union 6t, Newtown
Freestone T. \V., 104 Aunauilale st, An'dalo Friel Mrs. Annie, 300 Palmer st
Frost Jos., 161 New Canterbury rd.P'shaiu
Frecthy Junes, Coventry rd, Homebush
Frlel Charles, Melirtde's hotel, Windmill st Frost James, Victoria st, Rookwood
Freldmau .Mrs. A., 161 Glcnmorc rd, P'ton Frield Peter, 41 Cambridge st, Paddington Frost John, Robinson ave, Woollahra
Freidman A., flnancler, H. L. Friedman,
Frost John C, Rocky Point rd, Kogarah
F R I E N D W . S . & CO., Hardware, Frost John J., Coachman's Armi, 70 Oxford
proprietor, 6 Castlcreagh st
Iron, and General Merchants, and
Freidman II. L., 21 Gnmerst, Paddington
Wholesale Ironmongers, Importers
st, Poddinoton
Frcldinin M. M„ 294 Oxford st, Pad ton
of Agricultural Machinery, Coach- Frost Mrs. M., 95 Albion Bt, Annandale
Frcltus E. F., Woodvillcst, Bankstowii
builders', Tinsmlths'.nndPlnmbers'Re- Frost Mrs. M„ 15 Fairmount Bt, Pctcrnhnm
Frcmlln A. R., Durham st, Marrickville
quirements ; Agents for M E L O T T E Frost Mies, Adelaide Bt, Woollahra
Frcmlin C. M., manager Perfect Tea
Cream Separator, 113 York st (Tel. Frost R., Crecy hotel, 132 Oxford et
Co., 176 King et, Newtown
No. 147), and at 190-8 Clarence st, Frost 8. E., 283 Young st, Annandalo
Fremlln Mrs. M. L., 14 Angel st, Newtown
Frost Samuel. Australia st. Campcrdown
French Benevolent Society, 2 Bond st
Friend Mrs. A., Rumsuy st, Rozelle
Frost Thomas, 5 Lyndhurst st. Glebe
French Chamber of Commerce, 2 Bond st Friend Arthur G., "Motion," Harris rd, Frost T. W., Lavender st, Abbotsford
French Albert S., Belmont rd, Mosninn
Fivo Dock
Frost Tom, Turn Hall hotel, 302 Darling
French Alfred, 28 Farrst, Marrickrillo
Friend Arthur W., Belmore st, Ryde
Bt. Balmain
French Alfred, Elizabeth st, Parrnmntta
Friend Mrs. G. A., Harris rd. Five Dook
French Arthur, 128 Station st, Newtown Friend H. L., •' Ointra," Wallace st, B'wood Frost Victor, 5 Union Rt, Newtown
Frost W. M., Dcllvicw rd, Bondi
French C. H., jeweller, 032 George s t ; p.r.,Friend H. II. L., Wolseley st, Mosman
Frost W. H., Cross st, Waverlcy
Livingstone rd, Marrickville
Friend H. P., 19 Victoria square, Ashfleld Frost AV. J., 37 Day st, Leichlinrdt
French Charles, Young st, Annandale
Friend J . A., 8 Snrdlnn pi, Balmain
Frost William, 49 Fitzroy st
French Daniel, Duntroon st, Canterbury Friend Mrs. M„ 3 Raglan st, Waterloo
Frost William, Stanley st, Kogarah
French Mrs. F., 47 Toxteth rd, Globe
Friend Mrs. Owen, N.S.H., rd, Woollahra Frost William, Station Bt, Parramatta
French G., 60 Garner's ave, Marrickvillo Friend R., 49 Morris st, Summer Hill
I Frost William, 133 Evcleigh st, Rcdfcin
French Hcury, J.P., slmrebroker, 93 P i t t st Friend Rlchird, 72 Croydon rd, Croydon
Frond Frank, Park rd, St. Peters
French Henry, 14 Gerrard at, Neutral Bay Friend Richard 0 „ Glassop st, Bnlmaln
l'roud Henry, Pino rd. Auburn
French Henry, Oakvllle rd, Willoughby l Friend Robert, Calvert st, Marriokvllle
Frond Thomas, 4 Doris Bt, North Sydney
/Head Offices: Bill Geonin
\ S trout South. 'Phone 129/
F R O U D E H . H., Surgical and Mechani- Fulford O. E. and Co.—Bile Bean Manufacfaoturing Co., 39-41 Titt st
cal dentist, 326 Darling st, Balmain.
Tel. 242 Bnlmaln (see card ndvcrtleo- Fulham (Jhnrlt-s, 220 Harris st
Fulham Daniel, 61 Sophia st
uieut dentists)
Full George, 79 Bullanamlng st, Hedfcrn
Froude Henry, 30 Smith st
Fullagar John, Bridge fit, Drummoyne
F»oy George, Suttor st, Alexandria
William J., Bridge rd. Prospect
Froy Joseph, 0 Cecily Bt, Leiehhardt
Fullnger O., Orescent st, Rozello
Froy W., Williams st, Marrickville
Frozzord R. W„ Sadllor's crcs, Petersham Fullager F., McPherfon st, Carlton
Fruit Exchange—Thomas Jcssep, J.P., Fullnger W., Pennant st, Parramatta
Fullaiiher K„ 20 Reynolds st, Balmain
M.L.A., chairman, Barker st
Frfls Mrs. M., 45 Ilidgc st, North Sydney Fullagher Harry, May's Hill, Parramatta
Fullbrook Alfred, 149 Young st, Redferu
Frus William, 7 Central rd, A«hflcld
Fuller Bros., boot manufacturers, Mitchell
F E Y J . S. a n d SONS, LIMITED,
rd, Alexandrln
Cocoa and Chocolate Manufacturers— Full r Carrying Co.—F. A. Fuller, manaF. H. Thatcher, Manager, 421 Kent st,
ger, 108 Pitt Bt
and a t Bristol, London, and Melbourne Fuller and Co., law stationers, 97 ElizaFry Albert, SI Bettington st
beth st
Fry Arthur, Northcoto rd, Llndfleld
Fuller's Lightning Printing Works-Little
Fry Arthur, Botany rd, North Botany
ct Co., proprietors, Church st, P'mnttn
Fr'v Chnrles, Weston Bt, Baukstown
Fuller nnd Sons, Shcllharbour Blue Metal
Fry Charles M., Hallway par, Kogarah
Quarries—Joseph Ward & Co., agents,
Fry Charles, LiviUKstono rd, Mnrrlokvillc
Exchange, 68 Pitt st,
Fry Onthbert, 65 Hornsey st, Rozello
Fuller A. E., Wentworth st, Parramatta
Fry Mrs. E., 262 Ocean st Paddington
Fuller A. J., 240 Dcnison rd. Petcrsliam
Fry Mrs. E.,113 Bullannming st, Hedforn Fuller Alfred, Day Bt, Drummoyne
Fry Edward J., contractor, 21 Phelps st
Fuller Arthur, off 26 Pitt st, Waterloo
Fry Edward, SO Schlmel st, Waterloo
Fuller Aubrey, 72 Forsyth st, Glebe
Fry Mrs. Kllen, Church st, Oarllngford
Fuller Benjamin J., 56 Hordern st, N'town
Fry Eric, Atchison st, St. Leonards
Fuller Charles, 65 Crescent st, Rozclle
Fry F. E., Roscvllle av. Roscville
Fuller Charles, 80 Carlton crcs. Sum. Hill
Frv II. A., Warren rd, Mr.rrickvillc
Fuller David, 8a Hamilton Bt, Rozelle
Fry Harry L., head teacher Public School •Fuller It., butcher, 245 Victoria st
Gordon rd, Gordon
Fuller Mrs. K„ Martin place, Hurstville
Fry Henry, 11 Paddington st, Paddington Fuller .Mrs. 13.. 198 Evans st, Rozello
Fry Mrs. J. W., Western rd, Parramattn
Fuller IS. T. A., broker, Woolbrokers' chamFry James, 74 Marshall st
bers, Young st
Fry Mrs. James, Arden Bt, Ooogce
Fuller Edward, 6 Ebcnezcr place, Glebo
Fry John, Belmore rd, Dalmorton
Fuller Ernest, 78 Arthur st
Fry John, Kenwyn st, nurstvillc
Fuller Ernest, 16 Collins Bt, Aunandalo
Fry MissM.. North Stcyne, Manly
Fuller Ernest, Tentcnlcu st, Botany
Fry Mrs., Mvnhgah rd, Mosman
Fuller F., 144 Canterbury New rd, Mar'ville
Fry Mrs. M.', 00 Brighton st. Petersham
Fuller F., 13 Muopherson Bt, Waverlcy
Fry Richard, 26 Chelsea st, Hedfcrn
Fuller F. A., malinger Fuller Carrying Co..
Fry Samuel, 94 Darling st, Balmain
108 Pitt st
Fry Thomas. 0 Dawson st
Fuller F. A., Bourkc st, Redferu
Fry W., 2 John st, Erskineville
Fuller F. C, 145 Windsor st, Paddington
Fry W. O., 71 Queen st, Woollahra
Fuller Q„ hairdresser, 88 Liverpool st
Fry W. P., 222 Victoria rd, Marrickville
Fry W. R., Kissing Point rd, Turramurrn Fuller George, Copeland st, Alexandria
Fuller George, 87 View st, Annandalo
Fry Walter, J.P., 6 The Avenue, P'shuin
Fuller George, 72 Smith st, Summer Hill
Fry Willinm, 34 Alfred st, North Sydney
Fuller George W., M.H.R., Wnrdoll rd,
Fry William, 92 Onindcn st, Newtown
Fry Willinm C, 59 Station st, Newtown
Dulwich Hill
Frynr Edward, 2 Saunders lane
Fuller Hnrry, Copeland st, Alexandria
Fryer Burnip, 104 Ferris st, Annandale
Fuller Herbert, 14 Klswick at, Petersham
Fryer John F., Union B'k olia., 684 Pitt st Fuller J., 80 Frederick st, Ashflcld
Fryer John F., Bamsbv grove, Did. Hill Fuller James, Mitchell rd, Alexandria
Fryer M. H., View Bt, Woollahra
Fuller James, 39 Lackey st, Summer Hill
Fryer Joseph, 132 Grafton st, Woollahra
Fuller James, 21 Moonblc Bt, Summer Hill
Fryer Mrs. It., \0i Frazer s', Dulwich Hill Fuller Jumes W.. 168 Palmer st
Fryer Stephen, 15 Dcnison st, Waverlcy
Fuller John, 120 Roso Bt, Darlington
Fryer Thomas, 70 Wellington «t, Newtown Fuller John, 44 Queen st, Glebe
Fryer William, Ryedalo rd, Ryde
Fuller John, 20 Rofo Bt, Leiehhardt
Fubbs William, 109 Dcnison st, Newtown Fullpr John D., 60 George Bt, Ilcdfcrn
Fuchs W. and Co., importers, Ash Bt, off Fuller Mrs. Kate, Gordon rd, Chatswood
Fuller Robert, Lowlshnm st, Dulwich Hill
342 Geome st
Fuerth nnd Nail, paper and cardboard box Fuller Robert, Fuller's rd, Chatswood
manufacturers and printers, 8«i Pitt st Fuller S., Wollongong rd, Arucllffe
Fuller Mrs. S., Wnut st, Mosman
Fuge David, Malcombe st, Granvillo
Fuller S. II., Lang Bt, Mosman
Fugo W., 61 Lcichhardt st, Waverlcy
Fuller T., 70 George st west
Fugel T., Russell av, Sandringham
Fuller T. H., Viotoria par, Manly
Fugill Harry Q, 107 Darling st, Balmain
Fuhrmann nnd Co., Ltd., woolbrokcre, 19 Fuller Thomas, 8 Bumell lane
Fuller Thomas, Fletcher st, Bondi
Bridge st
Fuller Thomas, Fuller's rd, Chatswood
Fuige James, 68 Harrington st
Fujil Mntsushiro, Chancellor for Foreign Fuller Thos., 147 Windsor Bt, Paddington
Thomas, Crown st, Prospect
Affairs in charge Japenese Consulate,
Mutual LUc of Now York buildings, Fuller W., Edgeoliffc rd, Woollahra
W. J. Wellington Bt, Burwood
Martin place; p r., Vcrct st, Hunter's
Fuller William, 117 Glebe st, Glebe
Fukushima nnd Co., merchants Tokyo Fuller William, Bent Bt. North Sydney
Fuller Willinm, 26 Pitt at, Waterloo
Osaka, Japan), 12 Bridge st
Fuller William J., ISO Camden st, N'town
Fullerton John G., Avona nvc, Glebo
Fullcrton Miss, Monro's av, Randwick
Fullerton Robert, 8 Samuel st
Fullford G., it Elizabeth st, Oampordown
Fuliford Sidney A., J.P., solicitor, Wontworth court, 04 ISliznbeth Bt; p.n,
George st, » t Peters
Fulllgar Richard, Unwin at, Tempo
Fullln W., 44 Abattoirs rd, Rozelle
Fulljames Miss, 41 West st. North Sydney
Fulljnmcs Richard, 26 Pelican st
Fulljames Richard, 52 Angel st, Newtown
Fullwood Misses M. and N., Musgrnvc st,
Fullwood Fred., F.S.A.A. (Eng), accountant
arbitrator, auditor, trade assignee,
financial, minim* end property agent.
Union chambers, ,0 P i t t s t ; p.r.,
"Orizaba," Paul st. Waverlcy
Fullwood Fred., agent, Freemasons' Hall,
125 York st
Fullwood Miss, Musgrnvc st, Mosmnn
Fullwood W. S„ Millett st, Dalmorton
Fulthorpc Thos., 28 Albion st, Annandale
Fulton A., 9 Stewart place. Paddington
Fulton MiSi Agnes, 107 Harris st
Fulton Andrew, 10 Bullnnnming st, R'ferii
Fulton Andrew, Bourko Bt, Waterloo
Fulton Mrs. Annie, Marshall fit, Manly
Fulton David, 27 Kclllck st, Waterloo
Fulton Edward T., Cardigan st. Auburn
Fulton Mrs. H. M„ Albert st, Strathfleld
(Lewis L e w and Fulton), solicitor,
107 Viokery Chambers, 82 P i t t s t ; p.r.,
38 Carlisle st, Leichlinrdt
Fulton Mrs. H. M. Albert st, Burwood
Fulton Hugh, 98 Glassop st, Balmain
Fulton Rev. J . (Pro.), Oxford st,Pad'tou
Fulton John, 106 Dowling Bt, Redferu
Fulton Robert, 12 Mount Bt, Redferu
Fulton 8. IS., 93 Pitt st, Waterloo
Fulton Thomas B , Hooper Bt, Hnnlwiok
Funck, Stark and Co., wool and produce
exporters, 18 Brldgo st and Circular
Funck Theodore, Avenue rd, Glebe
Fuiinell A., Berry at, N. Botany
Fuuntll F„ Hastings rd, Botany
Fuunell Frank, 19(1 Darling st, Balniniu
Funncll Frcdk., Peat's Ferry rtl, Hornsby
Fuunell Mr*. J., Kemp st north, Granvillo
Funncll Thomas,Bourkc st, Wutcrloo
Funston Edward, Bondi rd, Bondi
Furbank W. 0., Jan.. Frederick Bt, St.Petcrs
Furbnnk W. O., Ben., Frederick st, St. Peters
Furber John, 134 Norton st, L'hnrdt
Furber T. F., president N.S.W. Surveyors'
In-tltutc, 18 Bridge st
Furber Thomas F., 146 Victoria Et
Furcy Edward, 18 Clara st, Erskineville
Furoy John, 12 Angel st, Newtown
Furcy Michael J., 28 McElhone place
Furley E., J.P., 07 Watkin st, Newtown
Furley J., 28 Junction st. North Sydney
Furley James, J.P., Pitt st, Redferu
Furley Joseph F., 68 Arthur at, N. Sydney
Furley W.. Inverness nvc, Penshurst
Furlong D., grocer, 60 Bettington st
Furlong Mrs. E., 87 Read 8t,iWnveUoy
Furlong George, 14 Margaret Bt. Newtown
Furlong Mrs. H. J., 86 Hedfcrn st, Redferu
Furlong Rev. James (R.O.), 104 George at
Furlong James F., Grostenor hotel, Phillip st, Wntorloo
Furlong James W., Woolpack- hotel, Castlcreagh Bt, Rcdlern
Furlong Jounthon, 290 Riley st
Furlong Sirs. M. A., 98 Union st, K'vllle
Furlong Mrs. Llewellyn st, Marrickville
Furloug Patrick, 65 Edward st
Furlong W. G., King st, N. Botany
Furlong William, 63 Wells st, Kcdfcrn
Gabb William, Botany rd, Botany
Gahan Frank, 35 Gordon et, Petersham
Furlonger Charles, Westst, Manly
tiabbldey Olinrlcs, 23 Minefield st, Itozclle Gaheilty Mrs..T., 55 Elizabeth st, Pad'ton
Furncr E., 23 Pleasant st, Ersklnevllle
(label Lewis, 144 Windsor st. Pad'ton
Athletic Club (The),197Cast'rgh st
Furncr P. 0., Btook and Blmro broker, Post Gable Arthur, Victoria st, Alexandria
Galley W. G., plumber, 175 George st
Ofllcc chambers, 114n Pitt s t ; p.r., Gabriel A.G.,dpntist, 80 Enmorerd, N'town Galley
G., 100 Albion st, Annandalo
Victoria lit, llandwick
Gabriel A. G., Kobcrt st, Marrickville
Gaines C, Uarcourt estate Canterbury
Furnor J. 0., 12 I'ark road
Gabriel Edward, dentist, 25 York st
Gainey Humphrey, 1 Federation rd, N'town
Furncr John, Iilulinp at, St. Fetors
Gabriel Fredk., 12 David st, F . Lodge
Galney John, Oxford st. Canterbury
FurncsH A. I'., 17 Glonmorc rd, Pnd'ton
Gabriel John, Stafford st, Paddlngton
William, Burlington rd, H'bnsh
Furnc»8 Charles, 9 Wntcrlim st, Rozello
Gabriel John G., Park rd, Biirwood
llcv. II. (Cong.), 1 Maoquarle tcr,
Furncss Mrs. E.. 11 Isabella fit, O'down
Gabriel Percy J., Uurwood Bt, Burwood
Furness H., 6 Mitchell st, N. Sydney
Gabriel W.O.,dentist,80 Enmorcrd.N'town Gahifonl John, J.P., mining and financial
Furness Harold ilamtutn st, Arnclllfc
Gabriel Walter 0., dental surgeon, 283
agent, 18 Bridge s t ; p.r.," The Camp,"
Furness J., 380 Fiirrnmntta rd, Petersham
Elizabeth st
125 Military rd, Neutral Bay
Furness Mrs. J., 8 Honrke st, Rcdfern
Gadd Alfred, King st, Burwood
Galnsford A. E., 27 Campbell st. Glebe
Furness J. J., Iiasketnmker, 22 Engine st
Oadd Alfred S„ Cheltenham rd, Burwood Galnsford A. E., 25 Roberts st, Newtown
Furness .loliti, 14 Hums st, Petetshnm
Gadd O. H., 10 Willonghby st, N. Sydney Galnsford Mrs. S., 41 Frazcr rd. Petersham
Fnrnc*8 John, Drunker rd, llandwick
Gadd Chas., Atchison st, St. Leonnnls
Galnsford Sydney, Edward st, Woollahra
Furncss John 11., Si Clevelnuil st. It'fern Gadd Elijah, 60 Tcbbutt st. Leichlmrdt
Galnsford W., 108 Abcrcrombic st, liedfern
Furness Joseph, Mccks rd, Marrickville
Gadd George, Bccston st, Leleldiardt
Furncss Mrs. It., Norton st, Leichhnrdt
G A I B , S L O A N E & Co., SO Bligh st,
Gadd James, Massie st, N. Sydney
Furncss Richard, Bridge si, Drummoyuo Gadd Matthew, 200 Oxford st, Woollahra
Stock ami Station Agents, Valuation
Furncss S., Victoria avo, Chatswood
of Pastoral and Agricultural Lands
Gaden Oharles W., manager Commercial
Furness Septimus, sadillcr, 15 Arthur st
made, Loans Negotiated
Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd. (branch),
Furncss Wllllimi, plumber, Ironmonger,
744 George s t ; p.r., " Wlnburn," Gair James, 2" Bligh st
painter and contractor, 24liVlctoria st
(lair Francis, 29 Steward st, Leichlmrdt
Hoslyn avenue
Furncss William, china and glass ware- Gaden D. Leslie, banister, 161 Phillip s t ; Gair William, 45 Thomas st, liedfern
house, 150 William st
p.r.. " Uelvhiere," Bayswater rd, Dar- GalmsA., 00 Dowllng st, Paddlngton
Furness William Uxnliior hotrt, Bellevue
(ialms J., 168 Sutherland st, Paddlngton
Gaden Edward A., solicitor and notary Calms Kobcrt, Nelson st, Woollahra
|iubll<', 2 O'Oonncll s t ; p . r . , Ithaca Galst Jacob, 47 Francis et, Glebe
Furness William, 138 IlcscrToIr st
Galbraith George, Victoria live, Woollahra
nl, Elizabeth Day
Furness William. lll« Womerah av
Furness Wm„ J.P., Belmont st, Alexandria Gaden George U., solicitor, 108 Tltt s t ; Oalbralth Mrs. J., 03 Sutherland st, F'tou
p.r., "Bclvidere," Bayswater rd, Dar- Galbraith John, Bay st, Double Bay
Funilss Arthur, Ycrrlok rd, Uelmorc
Galbraith John, 7 James st, Woollahra
Furuiss Mrs. .Mary A., Susan st, Auburn
Gaden Ailss M. K„ Marsden st, Parramatta Oalbralth It. 1'., 120 Palmer st
Furniss Thomas, Ross st, Pnrraumttu
Furnlval Francis II., J.F., surgeon, Park Gaden T. B., J.P., assistant manager and Galbraith W., 00 Arthur st, Paddlngton
chief inspector, Commercial Banking Galbraith William, 220 Macqunric Bt
rd, Auburn
Co. of Sydney, Ltd.,; head ofllcc, 343 Gale A., J.P., Sebastopol st, Marrickville
Furnsby Qcorgo, 25 Kwell st, Rozello
George s t ; p.r., "Bclvidere," Bays- Gale Alfred, postmaster Paddlngton Tost
Furso Albert, 108 Wellington 6t, Waterloo
rd, Darllnghurst
Furse George, 108 Wollington st, Waterloo
and Telegraph Olllce, 240 Oxford st,
Gaden T. II., solicitor, commissioner for
Furse Mrs. 8., 4 Queen st, Pad'ton
affidavits, i)0n Pitt s t ; p.r., Centennial Gale A. T. W., Morninglon hotel, Burwood
Furse T. W., 314 Park" rd
ivo, Oliatswood
FurstCharl,all., Spit nl, Mosman
rd, Mortlako
Fury Missli., 127 Itegent st. Catupcrdown Gaden W. O., J.P., 12 ltoslyn ave
Gale Angus S., Murdoch st, Neutral Bay
Furze Alfred, 73 Botany st, Waterloo
Gale Arthur II., 683 Harris st
Gadsden Mrs. Charles 37 Flinders st
Furze Edward, 30 Kvelcigh st, Hedfom
dale Arthur J., Kose st, Enfield
Furze Mrs. M., SUiiiinnre id, Marrickville Gadsden .Mrs. F , Albert st, Woollahra
Gale Arthur J., 12 Victoria st, Paddington
Oacrtner A. 0„ New Caledonian agencies, Gale C. C, Clarence at, Burwood
Furzo Thomas, 4Ullegent st
60 Hunter s t ; p r., The Boulcvardc, Gale O. H„ Woolwich rd, Hunter's Hill
Furzcr Charles, Ross st, Parramatta
Fuso T., 2ii Goldon Drove st, Darlington
Gale Charles A.. 76 Bowman st
GafT James, Clifton st, North Sydney
Fwedalc A., !1 Ohuterst, N. Sydney
Gale Olaude, Colllngwood st, Hunter's Hill
Gairett Emlle, 105 George st, liedfern
Fuseilalc Mrs. M„ 25 Chapman st
Gale Mrs. Eliza, 119 Walker st, liedfern
Fusi 1!., Cosmos Apothecaries Co, 674
Gale George, builder. Avoca st, Randwic*
Gale George, Frederick st, St. Peters
George st; p.r., Anion st, Coogoo
Gale George, St. Mark B rd, llandwick
Fusscll Mrs. Jl„ K<linburgh rd, Mar'ville Gaffney Andrew, Princess ave, Waterloo
George, Brown st, St. Peters
Fusscll G., Northumberland rd. Auburn
Gale George II., 24 Gibbcs st, Newtow,,
Fussell James, 200 Falcon st. North Sydney Gaffney Bcrnanl, 66 Stanley st
Gale 1L, 48 ParrauiatUi Old nl, Forest jjHK
Fusseii O., 105 Sutherland st, Pnddington Gaffney Daniel, 04 Harris st
Futtock William, 162 Weston rd.Hozelle Gaffney Francis, Waverloy rd, Bandwick Gale H. Hunter, broker, 136 K i n g s t ; p, r>)
Gaffney Frederick, 3s. Waterloo st
Fuz John, 23 Centre st, Kidfern
Polding st, Drumnioyne
Fyall Mrs. F. M., Marsdcn st, Parramatta Gaffney Herbert, 05 Park nvc, Ashflcld
Gale Hriiry, 163 Denlson st, Camperdown
Fyfo David, 10 Crystal st, Petersham
Gale James, 40 Buckingham st
Gaffney James, 20 Buckingham st
F'yfe David P., 7 Joseph st, Ashflcld
Gale James 55 Wilson st, Newtown
Gaffney James, Winnie st, North Sydney Galo John, 3 Heme st, Leichlmrdt
Fyfo James, 24 Hn|>ctonn st, Pa I'ton
Gaffney James, 68 Walker st, Hedfcrn
Fyfo John, engineer, 287 Crown Bt
Gale Joseph, 510 Darling st, Ealmnln
Fyfo John, 8 Elizab th st, Nortli Sydney Gaffney James, 1 Slado st. Bozclle
Gale Layton, Charity st. Meadow Bank
GalTney John, lfi D.-rllng Bt, Glebe
Fyfo John C, 23 Ivy st, Rcdfern
Gale Miss M.. Church st, Parramatta
Gaffney Peter, 607 Harris st
Fyfo William, 18 Glpps st, lialmain
Gulc Mrs. Sarah, Daniel si, Botany
l'yfe William B , 7 Oastlereagh Bt, Kedfcrn Gagan Mrs. Mary, Phillip 6t, Purromntta Galc Mrs. Sarah, Cowper st, Bandwick
Gager John, Colllngwdod st, Hunter's Hill Gale Samuel, 42 Brougham st
Fyffe Mrs. Ann, 121 Wilson st, Kedfcrn
Qagln Arthur, Violet st, Enlield
Fyffe John, 8 Bartlcy st
Gale T., Jamieson st, Granvillo
P., Maredcn st, Parramatta
Fyffo John, 16 M t Vernon st, F. Lodge
Gale Thomas. 84 Hordern st, Newtown
Gagliadle D., Honicbush ores, Homcbush Gale Thomas, Paul's rd, Waterloo
Fyffo Wilson, Queen ut, Sherwood
Fysh Mrs. SI. J., 67 Fnizcr st, Mar'villo
Galo W. J., Llewellyn st. Marrlckvlllo
Fyson J. O., Belmont rd, Uosmau
GAGMAKDI P. AND CO., LTD., Gale W. J., 7 Charles st, Newtown
General Merchants, Italian Importers Gale Wilberforce, Chapel Bt, Rockdale
GAAL James. 60 Itoso st, Darlington
and Marble and Slate Merchants, Qalcn William, 1 Dangarplioc
Gabb Charles, Northcoto st, Canterbury
Qalen William G., 29 Wctherill st, L'lmrdt
Austral chambers. .19 and 41 Pitt st
Qabb'Charles A., Lakernba st, Canterbury Gagliardl Frederick, Harrow nl, Bexley
Gull Andrew T., 4 McElhonc place
Oabb Frank, Allen st, Canterbury
Gahan Burriss—Australian manager Dr. Gall Frcdk., Corunna rd, Petersham
Gabb George, John st, North Botany
Williams' Medicine Co., i Queen's Gall G. T., 46 Liverpool st, Paddlngton
Gabb Mrs. S., Lily st, Enfield
;>!aoe: p.r., •' Ycbrad," Musgrnve st, Gall H. H , Raglan st, Mosman
Gabb W. W„ 12 Campbell st, Alexandria
Gall J., restaurant, 1-3 G«orgc st west
/Head Offloos: 810 Qeorgo\
VStreet South. 'Phone As/
Gall J., tinsmith, 070 Harris st
Gallard George, 9 Arthur st, Leichhardt
Gall James, off Ultimo nl
Gallard George, Corunna rd, Marsfield
Gallagher 11., Unwlu'- Bridge rd, M'vilie Gallard Henry, All iklca rd, Marsfield
Gallagher Bernard. 5 Coupe- st, Glebe
Gallard llynim, Corrunna rd, Marsfield
Gallagher C , 12 Fitzgerald st, Waverloy
Gallard Mark II., 118 Wigram rd, Glebe
Gallagher C. J., Belmont st, Alexandria
Gallard Silas, Abuklea rd, Marsfield
Gallagher Charles, 22 Berwick lane
Gallard Walter, Nortli rd, Marsfield
Gallagher Charles, 22 Terminus st
Gallen Hugh, 66 Weston rd, Rozello
Gallagher D., Ui Stephen st, Camperdown Gallon James, Cownn rd, St. Ives
Gallagher 1)., Cecilia st, .Marrickville
Gallon John, 68 Garden st, Alexandria
Gallagher D., 50 Garner's ave, Marrickville Gallen John, Stanley st, St. Ives
Gallagher David, .11 Bellevue st, Glebe
Onllcii Mrs. M„ 1 Moodle st, Rozello
Gallagher E., 4 Macquarie ter, Balmaln
Gallmy John, 47 Cooper st
Gallagher K., 24 Theodore st, Balmaln
Gallic George II. M., 31) Cowper st, Glebe
Gallagher I?., llvmes st, lluzellc
Gallic Mrs. 11., 2 Gordon st, Kozelle
Gallagher E., Kent rd, Mar-field
Galllmorc George, Fern st, llandwick
Gallagher Mrs. E., 8H Falcon st, N. Sydney Galllvcn Ed., 77 Mansfield st, Rozello
Gallagher E. T., 81 Pyrmmit Bridge ni, Ga'lopGeorge, 16 Arthur st, Paddington
Gallop Joseph, 11 Marian st, Newtown
Gallagher Francis, 112 Cumberland st
Gullott Walter J., 41 Crnlgond st
Gallagher If., 2!) Annesloyst, Lelehhardt Galloway Mrs. A. M., 0 George st, liedfern
Gallagher llononih 1C, Xnrlh llrillili hot,!, Galloway A. \V„ 05 Garden st. Alexandria
Galloway F. II., BcJmore rd, llandwick
Loftus st
Galloway MissG., 00 John st, Woollahra
Gallagher Hugh, 27 Miles st
Gallagher Hugh, 31 Renwick, Leichlmrdt Galloway George, 170 Goulburn st
Gallagher Hugh, 7!) Jenkins st, N. Sydney Galloway Georgo, 14 Finest
Gallagher Hugh, 45 Leicester Paddlngton Galloway Harry, 48 Terry st, Rozello
Galloway dames, 50 Botany st, Kodferu
Gallagher •)., 26 Norton st, Ashflcld
Galloway John, 11) Devonshire st
Gallagher J.. Powell st, Bankstown
Galloway John, 6 Walker st, Kedfcrn
Gallagher J., Kiutorc st, Oulwicli Hill
Gallagher .1., Centennial ave, Lane Cove Galloway R. M., Wnnlell rd, Marrickville
Gallagher J., 10 Cromwell st, Leichlmrdt Galloway W., Unwin's Bridge nl, St. Peters
Gallagher J. II., 235 ParianiattnnLAn'dale (iallwav David, Agarst, Marrickville
Galpeu'K. II., 61 Elizabeth st wcst.Ashfleld
Gallagher James, 31 Clarence st
Gallagher Jus,, HI Cliaudos st, N.Sydney Galpiu Adoiphus, 8 Mayst
Gatpiu James, Susan st, Annandale
Gallagher .lames, 38 Kepos st, liedfern
Gallagher James A., Stanley st, Kogarah Gultou William, Wallace st, Burwood
Giiltsmith Mrs. J., Dmlley st, llandwick
Gallagher John, 43 Sophia st
(lalvin 11.. 10 Heeley st, I'addliiL'tou
Gallagher John, 31 Gloucester st
Galvin Bonjamin, 21 Ann st, Balmaln
Gallagher John, Fleet st, Carlton
Galvm Denis.81 Ynuiiir st, Annandale
Gallagher John, Bayview rd, Abbotsford
Galvin Filwaid, 'I Day ter
Gallagher John, Alfred st, Nortli Botany
Gallagher John, 80} Botany st, Waterloo Galvin Henry, 84 Raglan st, Waterloo
Galvin .lames, 624 Crown st
Gallagher John II., 109 Albion st
Galvin .la.i., grocer. 236 Riley st
Gallagher Miss K., Id Hereford st, Glebe
Galvin Jus., 23J Glcnmore rd, Pnddington
Gallagher M., 81 James st, Lelehhardt
Galvin John, 6~l Aoereionibie place
Gallagher M., Rovstnn st, Paddington
Gallagher M., 2 Golden Grove st, liedfern Galvin John, 131 Princes st
Gallagher Mrs. Mary, 350 Anuandale st, Galvin John, Wiuhiiru st, Ermingtou
Galvin Leslie A , Edward st Woollahra
Galvin M., Bridge st, Drmmnoync
Gallagher Martin. Market st, llandwick
Galvin Martin, 2 Jane st, Balmaiu
Gallagher Michael, 83 Glebe st, Glebe
Galvin Michael, Iron Duke hold, 176
Gallagher P., Garden >t, Marrickville
Gallagher P., Victoria road, Ermingtou
Botany rd, Waterloo
Gallagher P., 46 Leamington ave, N'town
S. U.. Wallace st, Marrickville
Gallagher P. E„ 1-7 Simmons st, Newtown Galvin
T., Wallace st, Marrickville
Gallagher Patrick, 15 Bellevue st
Thos., 210 Weston rd, Rozello
Gallagher Patrick, 31 Short st, Balmaln
Galvin Waltir, 18 Balfour st
Gallagher Patrick, Grose st, Parramatta Galvin
William W., Telegraph rd, Pymblo
Gallagher Mis* 11., 131 Victoria st
A., 9 .Tamos st, Newtown
Gallagher Richard, 171 O. S. II. rd, W 'uhra Galway
David, 33 College st, New town
Gallagher S., 110 Wyiidhnm st, Alexandria Gahvav
Edward, 131 Mitchell st. Glebe
Gallagher Stephen, 32 Kofe st, Leichhardt Galway J.
1)., 7 Kent st, Newtown
Gallagher Mrs. T. 1'., Church st, P'matta Galway James,
01 Ircdale st, Newtown
Gallagher Thos., 7 Morelicad st, Kedfcrn
190 Cowper st, Waverloy
Gallagher W„ 17 liciiderson rd, Alexandria Galwey Percy, 3(i
Croydon rd, Croydon
Gallagher Miss W., 8 Phillip st, Balnmln
19 Allen st, Glebe
Gallagher W., 40 Chandos st, N. Sydney
Thompson Bt, M'villo
Gallagher W. C, 20 Evelcigh st, Rcdfcm Gambell Mrs. D., 269
Victoria nl, M'vilie
Gallagher W. S., 6 Bruce st, Petersham
nl. North Botany
Gallagher William, 3 Waverlev rd, R'wick Gamble George, 103 Mitchell
Gallahar S. H., 4 Toogood st, Erskincvllle Gamble Herbert, Caldwell st, st,
Qallamoro Mrs. M^., CarriiiRton st, L'hnrdt Gamble James, 237 Liverpool st
Gallan Patrick, !4 Church st
Gamble John, 41 Cliaudos st, Ashflcld
Gotland J. B., restuararit, KG Oxford st
Gamble John, 61 Denlson st, Rozello
Galland Victor, 23 Ann st
Gamble John, 32 Belmore st. Newtown
Gnllant Major II., 17 Norwood st, P'sham Gamble
John, 21 Willi ,m st, Kedfcrn
Gnllant William, Terry st, Rockdale
Matthew, 2 McLean st
Gallard Mrs. A., 130 King st, Newtown
Gamble Michael, 48 Mount st
Gallord Alfred, Balaclava rd, Mnrsfield
Gamble Robert, 4 Reserve st, Annandale
Gnlhird B. E., Corunna rd, Marsllelil
Gamble Thos., 1 Elliott st, Balmaln
Gallard Edward, North rd, Marsfield
Gambly William, Twin rd, North Rydo
Gallard 1 rank. North nl, Man-field
Gambling E. W.,0 Broughton st,Pad'ton
Gnmbold John, 8 Beaufort ave
Gambrell Mrs. II., Western rd, Parramatta
Gambrill G., Cowper st, Granville
Gambrill John, High st, Mcrrylunds
Gambrill R., 4 ICninore nl, Marrickville
Game Isaac, Windsor ave, Canterbury
Oaingcc George, Kent st, Epplng
Gammage Robert, 37 Foster st, Leichhardt
Gainincll Jas., 101 Regent st, Camperdown
Gnmmell Jas., 47 Forties st, Newtown
Gnmmldgo Mrs. K„ 414 Castlercagh st
Gammie James, Madeline st, Hunter's Hill
Gammie Robert, Sheflleld st, Auburn
Gammie William, 43 Perry st, Marrickville
Gnmson E. 11., Flood st, Leichhardt
Gammie T„ Bush Grove, Botany
Gnnoer George, 21 Queen st, Newtown
Gandon A. II., Voting st, Annandale
Gandrou C, laundry 711 Princes st
Gandy Carew, Sttmmore hottl, Stanmore
nl, Marrickville
Gane Chas., 351 Balmaln rd, Leichhanlt
(lane A., 10 Alexander
st, Alexandria
Gane .Mrs. I-1.. 0 Botany rd, Alexandria
Gano Fredk., 2S Victoria st, Ashflcld
Gane G. W., Albert par, Guildford
Gane James, Church st, Parramatta
Ganey Stephen, Australia st, Woollahra
Ganglolf C., laundry, 85 George st
Gannon F. and Sons, solicitors, 77 Castlcroagh st
Gannon Alfred E., Croydon nl, Hurstvlllc
Gannon Edward, Water st, Rookwood
Gannon F., solicitor, 77 Castlcrcagh s t ;
p.r., Union st, Tempo
Gannon F. Sydney, solicitor, 77 Castlcrcagh st ; p.r., " Austus," Burwood rd,
Gannon Helena, l'ftty's hotrl, 1 York st
Gannon J., Princes st, Brighton-le-Sands
Gannon J., Cabarita Point rd, Mortlako
Gannon J.C., barrister, 165 Phillip at J p.r.,
Russell ave, Sandringham
Gannon J T., J.P., Bryant st, Rockdale
Gannon James, 22 Crystal st, Kozelle
Gannon James, Raihyay rd, St. Peters
Gannon James, 67 Eblcy st, Wavcrley
Gannon John, 12 Thames st, Balmaiu
Gannon John, 47 Bclgrave st, Waverloy
Gannon Leslie E., solicitor, 77 Castlcrcagh st; p.r., Union st, Tempo
Gannon Michael, 1 Ewcuton st, Balmaln
Gannon Michael, !)8 Hordern st, Newtown
Gannon P., 7 Grosvenoreres, Sum. Hill
Gannon Patrick, Ponsonby st, N. Botany
Gannon Peter, IB) Fovcnuxst
Gannon Miss S„ 253 Victoria st
Gannon Thomas, 103 Bayswater rd
Gannon Thomas, Park rd, Auburn
Uannon Kov. W., (S.J.), professor St. Ignatius College, llivcrvicw, Lane Cove
Gant Claude J., Avon rd, Pymblo
Gant W. H., 151 Windsor st, Paddington
Gant William, Nortli Sleyne. Manly
Ganter J., watchmaker and jeweller, 151a"
Kingst, Newtown
Ganter John, 12 Hopetomi st, Newtown
Gapes Mrs. G., Trongate st, Granville
Gapes George, South st, Granville
Gapes John, Trongate st, Granville
Gapes W. A., South st, Granville
Gapps S„ 257 Henderson nl, Alexandria
Garahy Rev. M. (S.J.), professor St. Ignatius College, Kiverview, Lane Covo
Garrard James, Victoria par, Prospect
Giuaty T., 2U Allan's ave, Marrickville
Garhutt A. J., 4 Charles st east, Petersham
Card Thomas, 138 Forbes st
Garlmtt Mrs. Mai y,f 6 Railway nv., S'moro
Card F., 447 Oxford st, Paddlngton
Gard IJ. F., Belmont id, Mosman
Gard Thomas, 13H Forbes st
Gard William, olt 136 Albion st, Ann'dalo
Gardam J. H. Woodruff c, managing en- Gardiner Mm. M. J„ 33 Forbes st, Itedfern
gineer, Kmpirc Electric Light Co., Ltd., Gardiner Mrs. M. K.,45 Regent st, Bedfern Gnrgctt William, Uaglan st, Mosman
Garibaldi Gold and Antimony Mining Co
Margaret lnnc
Gardluer Miss, Queen st, Woollahra
Ltd. (London) — A. Armstrongg , , L
Garde Mrs. 15,, 27 Uarold fit, Newtown
Gardiner It., 193 Henderson rd, Alexandria
torncy, 03 Pitt st
Garde Henry T., 11 Allen at, Glebe
Gardiner 11., Long st, Strathfield
John, Bcl*ravo st, North Sydnev
Garde Copt. J., 9 Emmcrick st, Lclehhnrdt Gardiner R. B., 128 Ernest st, N. Sydney
Garde T. W. W.,accountant, Kxculslor par, Gardiner Itobert, Kutliven st, Itandwiek Gar and A, G., Nap.deon st, Forth Botuuv
Garland O. L., lti« King st
Gardiner T., left Edgecllffe rd, Woollahra
Garde William, 72 Suann st, Caraperdown Gardiner Jfrs. Thos.,60 Margaret st, N'town Garland C. L., mine owner, 164 Phlllin rt
Garde William, 17 Merton st, Itozelle
I Gnrdiner W. U., 65 Itidge st, North Sydney Garland E., 10 Eblcy st. Waverlev
Garden A., 1 Cornwall!* st, Redfern
Gnrdiner William, manager lluuk N.S.W. Garland K A., Cleveland st, Wnhroongii
Garden A. S., headmaster Public School,
(Hnj'roarket branch), 065.1)07 George st Garland Ernest A., Cecil st„ Gordon
Mort's rd, Mortdale
Gnrdiner Walter A., Bnornllc st, Botany
Garden Alan J., 34 Windsor rd, Pctcishnm Gardiner William, Moore st, Canterbury Garland Frcdk 64 Cameron st, Padd'ton
iGnrland G., Sohwebcl st, Marrickville
Garden Alex., Harris st, North Botany
Gardiner William 0„ Lang st, Mosman
Garland II 12 Annandalo st, Annaiulnle
Garden David, Mucks' rd, Marrlckvllle
Gardiner William N„ Sophia st, Wnverlcy Garland
H W„ accountant and auditor,
Garden F, W., head master Public School,
14 Castlereagh st
G A R D I N E R - G A R D E N H., Architect
Junction rd, Summer Hill
nnd Building Surveyor, 10 Knmoro rd, Garland J. II., solicitor and commissioner
Garden Jas., 47 Denlson st, Newtown
Newtown ; p r., " Myee," Young st,
for nOldavits, 66 Elizabeth s t ; p . . ,
Garden John, 21 Urouglitou st, Glebe
Croydon. Tel. No. 8 Newtown
22 Tinteru rd, Ashfleld
' '
Garden William, 95 Darling st, Iialmaln
Garland John, M.L.A., J.P., ba, Tifct cr, 167
Gardener's ltd Public .School—Olias Snod. Gardner A., 117 Botany st, Wnterloo
grass, head master, Botany rd t W'loo
Gardner Archibald \V., solicitor, 100 King Garland John, inspector of nollce r i
Gardener Arthur, 24 Lombard st, Glebe
Castlereagh st, ltedfcrn
Gardener Mrs. 0., 98 Ivy st, ltedfcrn
s t ; p.r., 418 Crown st
Garland John, South st, Double Bay
Gardener W. II., 40 Tebbutt st, Lelchhardt Gardner Alex. W., 13 Kclg st, Newtown
Gardener William II., 98 Ivy st, ltedfcrn I Gnrdncr Archibald, 77 John Bt, Woollahra Garland L. II., Anunndale st, Annnndale
Gardiner and Co., boot Importers, 278 King Gardner Mrs. O. K., 25 Holden st, Ashllcld Garland L. II., Frederick st, Marrickvill,.
Gar and L J Ruthvenst.Itaiidwick
Gardner 0. S., Gloucester rd, Hurstvllle
st, Newtown
Gnr anil lolmrd, Botany rd, North Botany
Gardiner W. and Co., Limited—(Directors, Gnrdncr Charles 67 Fig st
., 40 Hallway ave, Stanmore
Wm. II. Hosklngs, and Thos. J. Hitch- Gardner Charles T„ Mary st, Burwood
and W. J., Livingstone rd, Mnrri'villc
man), 0. Gosnoy, secretary; wareGarland W. It., Garland rd, Narcmburn
housemen and Importers, 71 York (larpner Mrs. 15., Holden st, Ashfleld
st, Sydney (Tel. 2t6 and 2033); nnd at .Gnrdncr Mrs. E„ Raleigh st. North Hvdncv Garland William, 25 Middle et
Gardner Ernest II., solicitor, 97 Elizabeth Garland William, King st, North Botany
12 Redcross st, London, ICO.
st (tel. 2150); p.r., "Abingdon," 418 Garliek Mrs. A Oowper st, Parmiiinttn
Gardiner Miss A., 95 Military rd. N.Sydney
Crown st, Surry Hills (tel. No. 2944) Gar ok II. I., Pennant st, Pnrramatta
Gardiner Mrs. A.. 3M King st, Newtown
Garllck Harry G„ studio, 136 King st
Gardiner A. A., 32 Uordern st, Newtown GnrdncrE. n., 21 William st, Balmain
-Garliek Henry, Breillat st, Annnndale
Gardner Edward J., Judd st, Kuckdule
Gardiner Alfred, Kerr's nl, ltookwood
Hubert, Weston rd, itozelle
Gardiner Mrs. Alice, 'J79King st, Newtown
iGnrllek Mrs.Loulsa,47 Bayswater pi
Gardiner Andrew, 271) King st, Newtown Gardner F. L., mine owner, 24 Bond st
Duncan st, Drummoyne
Gardiner Mrs. 0., 27 Alma st, Darlington Gardner Geo., 02 Burrcn st, Ersklneville
Gardner Geo., Little Darling st, I'ndd'ton Garliek J., Marion st, Piiiniuiiittii
GnrdlliprC., 150 King st, Newtown
12 George st, Lelchhardt
Gardiner 0. H., 32 Smith st, Summer Hill Gardner Geo,, William lane, Paddington
Garllck Richard, 135 Bridge rd Glebe
Gardner George, Saber st, Woollahra
Gardiner 0. H.,45 Itegent st, ltedfcrn
IGaiilck William, H. 8 Glebe rd, Glebe
Gardiner Charles, draftsman, 2 Queen's pi Gardner George, Milton st, Lelchhardt
Gardner Mrs. H„ 170 Denlson st, Cnm'down Garland William, P e m a n t s t , Farramnttn
Gardiner David, 7 Bourse st, Waterloo
Gnrllng Clarence W. U., 9 Giersten st,
Gardiner Mrs. E., 41 Cleveland st. ltedfcrn
Gardiner Edward. Adelaide Ht, Woollahra Gardner Henry," Abingdon," 418 Crown st:
Gardner H. T., 16 William st, Balmain
Gardiner F. W„ 33 Macky st
Calling Mrs.E., 11 MoLean st,Paddington
Gardiner P. W., 37 Moonblo st, Sum. Hill Gardner Mrs. J., 72 Oxford st, Woollahra Garhng S. S., Raglan st, Mosinnn
Gardiner G., Cook's Itlver rd, St. Peter's Gardner J. II., 10 Fitzroy st, N. Sydney
Oarling W. M. N., Burns' Bay rd, Lane Cove
Gnrdner .lames, 12 Crown st
Gardiner George, 53 Bayswater rd
Guru John, 20 Trade st, Newtown
Gardiner George, 45 London st, Newtown Gardner James, 07 Fig st
Gam Mrs. M., 97 Ebley st, Waverley
Gardiner Miss 11., Governesses' Institute, Gardner James, 21 Woodburn st, Bedfern Gamay Mrs. P., Livingstone rd, Mnr'ville
Onrc! ir John, manager Strathfield and Gamer O. W., Bray st, Concord
110 Ilathurstst
Eniicld Steam Brickworks, Water Bt, Gamer E. A., 9 Junction st, N. Sydney
Gardiner II., 32 Terminus st
Gamer Mrs. J., 41 Liverpool st
Gnrdlncr H., 10 Littlo Edward st, Balmain Gardner John, 67 Gipps st, Balmain
Gamer J „ 171 Liverpool rd, Ashfleld
Gardiner 11., Council's Bay, Hurgtvllle
Gnrdner John, J.P., Stony Creek rd, H'vlllc Gamer John, Liverpool nl, Bankstown
Gardiner H.H„ l03Kdgecllficrd, Wo'lahm Gardner Joshua,10 William st, Balmain
Garner Jos., jun., Fairvicw st, Ooncoril
Gardiner Henry, 21 Wcntworth placo
Gardner Mrs. L., 8 William st, Balmain
Gardiner Henry, 27 The Arenac, Balmain Gardner R. \V., lnnnufaoturlug chemist, 82 Garner S., 67 Ellznbeth st west, Ashfleld
Garner Stephen, 158 Norton st, Lelchhardt
Gardiner Henry, Kerry st, Hunter's Hill
Gamer W.T„ 71 -Mitchell st, Glebe
Gnrdlncr Madame J., 104 William st
Pitt st
John, Eulalla st, Ermlngton
Gardiner J., Mcek's rd, Mnrrlckvillo
Gardner Robt. jun., George st, Hurstvllle
Gardiner Rev. J. Anderson, B.A. (Pres), Gnrdncr Robert, sen., George st, Hurstvllle Garnett II., 25 Septimus st, Ersklneville
Gamett Mrs. 0 „ 2141'arramatta rd, P'shani
Hnglnn st, Manly
Gardner Robert, 81 Boulevard, Dill. Hill
Gardluer J\ G., 105Edgccllfferd, Wo'llahra Gardner Win., George's Itlver rd, Enfield I Garnett John, Western rd, Pnrramatta
F., chief clerk and cnEhler GoGardiner James, 300 Crown st
Gnrdncr William, Gregory st, Granville
vemment Printing Office, Phillip s t :
Gardiner Jas., High st, Bcxley
Gardner William, 117Botnny st, Wnterloo
nl, Chntswood
Gardiner Mrs. James, Orange st, Rand wick Gardoll Jos,, Eastern uve, Kensington
' Garnett Thomas, 191 Rose st, Darlington
Gardiner .lames W., 212a Oaailorcagli st
Qnrdyno O., 228 EdgeclifTo rd, Woollahra Garnett Mrs. T., 10 Wiley st, Waverley
Gardiner Joe, boot' warehouse, 45-7 Oxford GardyncOlaudc, 41 Fitzroy st
Garnsey K. R., associate, Equity Court,
Gnrdyne David, 29 Bank st, North Sydney
Mncquaric st
Gnrdlncr John, 67 Arthur st
Gardyuo Geo., Atchison st, North Sydney Garnsey
E. I t , barrister, Beresford rd
Gnrdiner John, Florence st, St. Peters
Gnrdyne Mrs.M„ 15 Moucur st, Woollahra
Gardiner John L., Albert rd, Strathfield
Gnrel Louis, 13 Flayfairst
J., 13 Jersey rd, Woollahra
Gardiner Joseph, 1 Chambers lano
Gnrcy F. J., 85 Burlington st, N. Sydney
Garnsey Mrs. M. L., "Rhodes" Concord rd.
Gardiner M., 101 Pnrramatta rd, Aun'dalc Garoy John, 23 Little Riley st
Gnrdiner M., 140 Canterbury New rd, Garfield John S., 11 Wcllesleyst, Sum. Hill
Garraek James, 6 Cove street, Balmain
GorflcldThouins, Silver st, St. Peters
Garrad Danlol, Montgomery at, Kogarah
Gardiner Miss M., 153 Paddington st, P'ton Garforth George A., Young et, Itediem
W. H.. Macquario place, Hurstvllle
Gardiner Mrs. M., Oaks av, Neutral Bay Gnrforth Mrs. S., West st, North Sydney
Garran Mrs. M. I., " Roanoke," Roslyn ave
/Bead Offloes: 810 Georgev
\Street South. 'Phone fx)
Garran Miss, Registrar Teachers' Oen Gartliwaitc John, Francis st, Rookwood
tral Registry, secretary Australian Garton E. S„ aivhitect, 113 Pitt st
Trained Nursis' Association, Kquit- Carton Edward S., Boyle st, Mosinnn
able building, George st
Garton 1'., Botany rd, North Botany
Garrard A. H., 01 Falcon st, North Sydney Garton F. G., Bryant st, Rockdale
Gnrrard Alfred, Pitt st. Prospect
Garton George, Spofforth st, Mosman
Garranl Arthur \V„ oil 104 John st
Garton Mrs. I I , Underwood fct, Botany
Gnrrard Ernest 0„ 2 Albert par, Ashfleld
Garton James, 36 Fowler st, Lelchhardt
Garrard Geo. L, 56 nayberry st, N. Sydney Garton Mrs. M. J., 18 St. Mary's st, B'inaiii
Garrard Harry W., Park nl, MarrlckvlHo Garton Samuel, 3 Ynnilla st, Newtown
Garrard Mrs. I., Ilnvis st, Prospect
Garton Walter, 40 Burnett st, Redfcrn
Garranl Mrs. J., 26 Francis st, Glebe
fiartrell 1'., Laue Cove rd, Wnhroonea
Garranl Hon. Jacob, J.P., President Metro Gnrtrell F., bnker, 201 William st
politnn Bonnl of Water Supply and Gartrcll James II., 20 Fulnnmst, Newtown
Sowernge, 341 Pitt s t : p.r., " Walnul," Giirvnn 0., 41 Cameron st, Paddington
Durnl nl, Hornsby
G A R V A N O. F . , Licensed Surveyor, 80
Gnrrard John, 73 Ann st,
Pitt s t ; p.r., 26 Blue st, N. Sydney
Garrard Joseph, 550 Crown st
Denis, Cook's River rd, St. Peters
Garranl Robt, 5 Collins st, Anunudalo
Garranl W. P., Uellovne st. North Sydney Garvan K.,90 Lennox st, Newtown
Gnrvnn Hilary, Grove st, St. Peters
Gnrratt Mrs. A.,7» Regent st, ltedfcrn
Garvan John J., F.8.S., managing director
Garratt Chas., 21 Edward st, Petersham
Citizens' Life Assurance Company,
Garratt Geo. 0., Wellbank st, Concord
Ltd., corner Moore and Castlereagh sts;
Garrntt Herbert, Cumbrtdi/e hotel, Market
p.r., "Finbar," 74 Pitt st, N. Sydney
and Castlereagh sts
Garvan Mrs.," FInhnr," 74 Pittst, N. Syd.
Garrntt Siimuel, 40 George st, Waterloo
Garven Mrs. it., 62 Ellznbeth st
Garratt William, 17 Lower Fort st
Garven James, 3 Brown st, Newtown
Garraty John, Thomas st, Parramatta
Gnrvpy Chas., 55 ltosehill st, Itedfern
QarratyP., 11 Caroline st, Itedfern
Garraway It, E., hcllographist, IS Bridge st Garvey Jas., 40 Kcpos st, Redfern
Garraway II. E., Thornley st, Drinninovue Harvey James, 108 Morehead st, ltedfcrn
Garvey Jus., 18 Morehead st, Waterloo
Garrett Chas. W., 23 Cove st, Bahnnln*
Garrett Mrs. E.. Marrickville rd, Mnr'ville Garvey John, 85 Brougham st
Garrett E. E. (!., 50 Norton st, Lclehhnrdt Garvey John, 35 Morehead st, Waterloo
Garvin Mrs. L., 461 Alfred st, N. Sydney
Garrett E. J., 120 Missenden rd, C'down
Garrett Edinond, 13 Caroline st, Itedfern Garvey M., 76 Abattoirs rd, Itozelle
Thomas, John st, liandwlck
Garrett George, Henry st, Itozelle
Garvin Mrs. L., head mistress, High School
Garrett George T., 31.1 Glebe rd, Glebe
(girls' dept.). 99 Elizabeth st
Garrett J., 23 Devine st, Ersklneville
Garvin Perclval, 18 Toxteth rd, Glebe
Garrett J. C, 31 Union st, Paddington
Thomas, J.P., Assistant InspectorGarrett J. II., 66 Eninorc rd, Marrickville
General of Police, olllce 111 Phillip st
Garrett J. .1., Tanner ave, Carlton
Mis. Mary, 169 Union st, Newtown
Gnrrett Miss Jean, nrtlst, 09a Pitt st
Garvock Robert, Clyde st. Granville
Garrett John, 168 Evans, st, Itozelle
Garrett S. II., Punchbowl nl, Canterbury Gascall Peter, Clmrclrst, Lelchhardt
Gnscoigne A., 167 Rose st, Darlington
Garrett R. S., 10 Suffolk st, Paddington
Garrett Mrs. Sarah, 8 Reims st, Lelchhardt Gascoigne 11., Herberton ave, Hunter's Hill
Garrett T. W., Registrar of Probates and Gaseoignc J., Doncastcr ave, Konsington
Curator of Intestate Estates, Mnc- Oascoignc Jas., Matthew st, Hunter's Hill
Gnscoigne .Ins., Harris st, Pnrramatta
quaric s t ; p.r., Sprlngwood
Gaseoignc Jas., Pelllsor rd, Hyde
Garrett William, 41 Riley st
Gaseoignc Robert, Regent st, Ryde
Garretty John, Wood st, Randwick
Garretty John F., William st, Lclehhnrdt Gaseoignc Stephen, 7v Grtck st, Glebe
Garretty Mrs. M„ 120 Denison st, C'down (lash David, 74 Wellington st, Waterloo
(lash John, 11 Smith at, Waterloo
Garrcy John, 83 Goodlet st
Garrick and Co., wine and spirit merchants, Gash Prosper, 156 Rose st, Darlington
Gash Thomas. 12 Smithst, Waterloo
30 O'Ooimell Bt
Alfred, 76 Cooper st, Waterloo
Garrick F. O., I l l Sutherland st, Pnd'ton Oaskell
(laskell II., representative Standard Shoe
Garrick G„ 6 Castlereagh st, Reilfern
Leather Co., Vickery's chambers,
Garrick James, 10 Alfred Bt, Lelchhardt
70 Pitt st
Garrick Joseph, Louisa rd, Balmain
Gaskell Harry, 26 Lincoln fit, Petersham
Garrick Samuel G., 63 Bay st, Glebe
rd, Glebe
Garrick S. S„ acting manager, Austral
Freezing Works, Ltd., Exchange, 66 (tasking J. 0., artist, 44 Castlereagh st
Pitt st
GnsonT. W., Peel «t. North Sydney
Garrick William, 27 Smith st
Oassoii G., bookseller, 192 Ellznbeth st
Garrlhy John, 22 Lander st, Redfcm
Gasteen James, Greenhills st, Enfield
Giirrlngton H. A., Third ave, ltookwood
Garrington Mrs. M.,Kingslnud rd, R'kwood Gnston A. 15., 39 Liverpool st, Paddington
Gaston Alfred J., Pile st, Marrickville
Gnrriooh Thomas, 43 Hart st
Gnteley Albert, Clevedon rd Hurstvillo
Garrodd A., 28 Forton st, Lelchhardt
Garsden II. W., 114 Eeuison st, Waverley Gately M., Bellevue st, North Sydney
Garslde Miss E., 308 Upper Brougham st Gntely Willium, WollIst, Alston park
Gatenby Fraicis, 29 Ada st
Garside Fredk., 7 Oxford st, Itozelle
Garsidc John, lOn Botany rd, Alexandria Gatenby Thomas, 149 Young st, An'dnlo
Gates and Co., grocers, Church st, P'matta
Garside John, 1 Short st, Forest Lodge
Gates and Co., tailors, 111 Hunter st
Garslde M., 130 Enmore rd, Marrickville
Garthon nnd Angus, timber merchants, Gates Mrs A., Wcntworth rd, Burwood
Gates Arthur II.. 9 Edward st, Perersham
Gates Arthur, 30 Edward st, Petersham
Carrington ave, Hurstvllle
Gates Ucrnnrd, 13 Collins st, Annnudule
Garthon John, Gloucester rd, Hurstvllle
Garthside II. S., 04 Westbourne st, P'shani Gates Bertie, 63 Station st, Newtown
Gartlan Rev. T. S. J., rcctrr, St. Ignatius Gates C, 67 Wellington st, Waterloo
Gates Charles, 04 Botany rd, Waterloo
college, Rlvcrviow, Lane Cove
Gates Charles nigh st, Wiilonghby
Gates Charles, 72 Wallls st, Woollahra
Gates Daniel, 95 Merton st, Itozelle
Gates David. Unuin st, St. Peters
Gates .Mi's. E., Glen st, North Sydney
Gates E. J., 5 Tintcrn nl, Ashfleld
Gates Edinond 0., D.D.S., surgeon dentist,
" Clarens," Burwood rd, Burwood
Gates Idward 1L. 02 Buckingham st
Gates Mrs. Elizabeth, 16 Brisbane Bt
Gates Ernest, Anderson st, Alexandria
Gates Francis, Church st, Parramatta
Gates Frcdk., Grose st, Parramatta
Gates Frederick, 140 Fovcaux Ft
Gates G., George st, Enfield
Gates O. A , 110 Miller st, North Sydney
Gates G. A„ Victoria live, Ohatswood
Gates George, grocer, 19 Waterloo st
Gates George, Webber's rd, Kogarah
Gates Henry J., 153 Regent st. Redfcrn
Gates Isnac, Tucker st, North Sydney
Gates J. C, 40 Alexander st, North Sydney
Gates J. T., 1 Hanover st, Waterloo
Gates James, 14J Queen st, Glebe
Gates Jas., Banks st, Rockdale
Gates John, 124 Beattie st, Balmain
Gates John J., 1 Fred st, Petersham
Gates Joseph J., College st, DrummoyuB
Gates Mrs. 20 London st, Enmore
Gates Percy J., Cooper st, Paddington
Gates Reuben, Lord's rd, North Botany
Gates Richd., MacArthur st, Mnr'ville
Gates S„ Myahgah rd, Mosman
Gates Sidney W„ Gross st, Parrnmatta
Gates Mrs. Susitn, 4 Itobert st, Petersham
Gates T., 102 Redfern st, Redfcrn
Gates T. W., High st, Willoughby
Gates W. E., agent Northern Assurance Oo.
and Indemnity Mutual Marine Assurnnce Co., Ltd.. of London, 80 Titt s t ;
p.r., "Brighton," 6 Cooper st, Pad'ton
Gates W. G., Balaclava rd, Marsllcld
Gates Mrs. W. J.. 5 Cooper st, Paddington
Gateshead Chemical Works—R.H.Layers,
manager, 18 Bridge st
Gatlanil MissE., 7 Brown st, Newtown
Gotland Jarratt, 28 Lawson st, Waverley
Gatland Robt., 58 Paddington st, Pad'ton
Gatlcy Mrs. S. C, 27 James st, Newtown
Gatley Syd., 16 George »t, Ersklntvllle
Gatley W. II., 10 Carrington st, Sum. Hill
Gatley William, 21 James st, Newtown
Gatley J. J., Renwick st, Marrickville
Gatsehlc Adolf, 1 Foy st, Balmain
Gattenhof F., 214 Underwood st, Pad'tcu
Gnttenhof W., Shaftesbury rd, Burwood
Gnttcnhoff C, 10 Hardy st, Ashfleld
Gatter E. 11., 45 Military rd, North Sydney
Gutty John. Powell st, Homcbush
Gatwnrd John, Senvicw st, Dulwich Hill
Gaud George, dispenser Parramatta Gaol,
Clifford st, Pnrramatta
Oaud George A., Macquario st, Parramatta
Gaudrey Chas., Third ave, Rookwood
Gautlry Mrs. M., 8 Castlereagh st, Redfern
Gaudry George, 60 Grafton st, Woollahra
Gaughun M., sen., 117 Balmain rd, L'hardt
Gaukrodger Bros., butchers, Lane Cove rd,
Gaukrodger Geo., 48 Eminctt st, N. Syd.
Gaukrodger J., Bannockbtiin st, Pymble
Gaul William, 127 Evans st, Itozelle
Gauld Mrs. A.. 495 Crown Et
Gnuld S., 125 Oxford st, Wnverlcy
Gauld Samuel. 0 Spring st, Wnverlcy
Gault Mrs. M„ SO Henderson rd, Alex'driu
Gnundry Roland, 7 Belvoir st
Gnut Joseph, 229 Glenmore nl, Paddington
Gnut Richard, The (Irand hotel, 821 Georgo
Gauthothorpo E. E,, Gibbes st, Rockdale.
Gnutler Louis, 22 Oxford st, Itozelle
Gnviigau J., 105 William st
Gavan John, Seville st, Parramatta
Gazzard Mrs. S., Iloyal Oak hold, Hallway Gee Frederick, 29 Kellick st, Waterloo
Gavnn T. J., 8 UndorclifTc st, Neutral Bay
Gee G. A., Carrlngtou rd, Guildford
st, Kookwood
Garvan Thomas 6 Kensington fit
Gazzard Win., 253 Now Canterbury rd, Gee G. B., solicitor, Park rd, Marrickville
Gee James, Belmore st Dulwich Hill
Dulwlch Hill
Gazzard William, Rosehlll st, Parramatta Gee Jcrran 8 Victoria st, North Sydney
Geo John, 73 Darling st, Bnlmain
Geake John, 11 Morton st, Rozelle
Gee John, 134 Crystal st, Petersham
Qcale Mrs. M., grocer, 02 Flinders st
GecBichd., 131 Wellington st, Waterloo
Geale William II., 30 Bnrlinson st
Gee S. J., 146 Parramatta, rd, Annandalc
Geanoy Olios. F., Bourkc st, Waterloo
General Merchants.
Gear Mrs. B., 10 Prospect st, Paddlngton Gee Samuel, 27 Mitchell st, North Sydney
Gee Samuel, Emily st, Mortlako
Gear Edwin, 90 Evans st, Rozelle
Geo Mrs. Sarah, Parramatta rd, Auburn
Sole Agents for Wheeler nuil Wilson's Gear George P., Lyons rd, Drummoyne
ThoimiB, Oswul 1 st, Banilwlck
Manufacturing Co. (Sewing Machines) Gear Sydney F., Lyons rd, Drummoyne
Gee Thus. II., 110 Gt. Mary's st, Catn'down
Gear Thomas, Bonney st, Kogarah
anil the "Itaondcl" Pianos.
Gee Walter, H I Trafalgar Bt, Annandaic
Gearey John, 191 Young st, Annandalc
Genrln John, Wntervleie IwM, 24 Cameron Geegan Michael, Spring st, Burwood
Geclau E„ 10 Anncslcy st, Leichhardt
st, Balmaln
Gcarin Michael, boiling down, Old Botany Geclan John W., Fennell st, Parramatta
(Seer John W., II Brougliton st, Glebe
rd, North Botany
MAKKBTS (opposite Town Hall,
(Jeering John, 19D Nelson st, Annandalc
Gearin M., J.P., Gardener's rd, N. Botany
Geering Mrs. M. J., Cook's Bivcr rd, St.
Gearing S., tanner, High st, Willoughby
Gearing Sydney, Smith st, Willoughby
Geering W., Orchard ores, Ashlicld
GAVIN GIBSON AND CO., Boot Gcaron John, 27 Bradford st, Balmaln
Importers and Manufacturers, 811 Gearside A. II., 80 Krsklneville rd, Hrsk'vlllc Geering Win., Percival rd, Stanniore
GearsidcE., Middle st, Hand wick
Gecrslde J., Waratah st, Enllcld
York st. Tel. 000
Geersten T. F., Centenary ill, Guildford
Gavin J . T., 105 Church st, Oanipcrdown Gearside Thomas, 32 Marian st
Henry, 222 Cleveland st
Gavin James, Booth st south, Camperdown
T., Croydon ave, Canterbury
Gavin John, 314 Liverpool st
Geary A. H., 21 Pashley st, Balmaln
Geeves P., Railway st, llockdale
Gnvin Patrick, Grey st, Carlton
Thomas, Parramatta rd, Burwood
Gavin Philip High st, Conoord
Geary Fred, 139 Littlo Brighton st, P'sham Geffc Robert, 10 Playfair st
Gavin Mrs. H., Argylc st, Parramntta
William, 10 McCredle st
Gavin Richard, 10J Hiley st
Geeves Yc 'man, Railway st, Rockdale
Gavin W. K., 10 Thomas st, North Sydney Geary J. H., 13 'fronton st, Balmaln
Geary James Belmont st, Alexandria
Gegan Michael, Hose nf Denmark hotel, 08
Gaw Ernest, 41 Wntkin st, Newtown
Geary Joseph, 1} Albert st, Leiohlmrdt
Wellington st, Waterloo
Gaw William, 68 Gowrio st, Newtown
Goggle W. A., 21 Blairgowrie st, L'sham
Gawen James, 70 Denison st, Newtown
Geary Miss It., Albert st, Ohatswood
Gehde A. ami E., professors of music, 275
Gawlci Henry, 7 High st, Balnmin
Geary B., 185 Henderson rd, Alexandria
Crown st
Gawlcr Arthur, 28 Cooper st, Waterloo
Geary Thomas, 10 William Henry st
Gehdc A., sen., piano tuner, 273 Crown st
. Gawne Walter, 31 Station st, Newtown
Gehde A. M., professor of music, 275
Gawnc William, 19 Bclby st, Newtown
Gerhcr G. 11., proprietor, Quiitrc Bras
Crown st
Gawthorpe P., 09 Watkin st, Newtown
Woolwasli, Wyndham st, Alexandria Gehde E., professor of music, 275 Crown st
Gaxletl Frank, Albert rd. Hoinehush
Gehde N. J „ Orange st, Randwick
Gedalecki H., 118 Liverpool st
Gay Alfred, Station st, Parramatta
Geddos Mrs. A., Sir Josoph Banks st Gehde Nicholas J„ Academy of Music, 206
Gay Arthur E., 64 Prater st, Leichhardt
Oxford st
Gay Mrs. C , 120 Paddlngton st, Pad'ton
Gay Edward, 74 Baptist st, Itcdfern
Geddes Mrs. A., Sutherland st, St. Peters Gold Carl, 8 Howard st
Gehrig O. II. ami Co., wine merchants, 78
Gay Miss Eliza, 23 Silver st, Marriokvillo Geddos Mrs. A., Morrell st, Woollahra
Gay James W., IN) Station st, Petersham Geddes A\ex.,H'ommerelal hotel, Hasscll st,
Bridge rd, Camperdown ; telephone 24
Gay James W., Pnlscr st, Woolwich
Gay John, Lilyvlllc south, Randwlok
O. O., wine retailer, 279 Parramatta
Geddes Alexander, 137 Fovcnux st
Gay Richard, 222 Macquarie st south
rd, Leichhardt
Geddes Andrew, 100 Liverpool st, P'tou
Gay Walter G., 227 Grown st
Gohring Patrick, 27 Chippen st
Geddes F. G., 78 Queen st, Woollahra
Gay Wallace, Terry st, St. Peters
Gehrlngcr R., 4 Wells st, Newtown
Geddes Geo., Petersham st, Petersham
Gayfcr GeorgeE., Albert ores, Croydon
Joseph, Nelson st, Penshnrst
Geddes Mrs. James, Botany rd, Botanv
Gayner Joseph, 110 Young st, Redfcrn
Gelgcr Frank A., signwriter, 25 Ormond st,
Geddes John, 29a Albion st
Gayncr William, Forest rd, ArnclIITc
Geddes John, Tenterdcn st, Botany
Gaynor Very ltev. Father, M.B., O.S.F., Geddes
John, 22 Boundary st, Pad'ton
Geiko W. O., assistant, C.P.S., Court House,
Geddes Mrs. It., MarrlckTllle rd, Dul. Hill
George st, Parramatta
Victoria st, Waverley
Geddes R. J., Grosvenor st, Woollahra
Gcikic W. G., 11 Giersten st, Waverley
Gaynor John, 30 Splccr st, Woollahra
Geddes B. J., 127 Oxford st, Waverley
Geiklo Mrs. K, 13 Emmett st, N. Sydney
Gaynor Michl., Carrlngton st, Concord
Gelssler Ernest, 02 Maria st, Newtown
Gaynor Mrs. S. J., boardlnghouse, 32 Geddes S. R , Marrickville id, Dul. Hill
Geddes S. B., Fowler rd, Como
Geitz Mr*. A., Alfred st. Hunter's Hill
Oarrington st
Gaze A. H., representative Paeifio Islands Geddes T. E., 109 Stanmoro rd, Petersham Geltz George A., Palser st, Woolwich
Gelding J. and W., nurserymen, florists and
Co. (1902), Ltd., 00a Pitt st (head Geddes W., 115 Grafton st, Woollahra
Geddes William P., 46 Boherts st, O'down
seedsmen, 408 George st, and 243 Old
office, 120 Fenchurch st, London)
Canterbury rd, Petersham
Gaze Alfrod II., Bellevue Hill, Hose Bay Geddes William F„ North wood st, N'town
Gcdge George, St. George's rd, Bexley
Gelding Alfred, 12 Hill st, Petersham
Gazely Henry, 26 Bartlett st, Sum. Hill
Gcdgo Walter Q., Klrby st, Rydalmore
Gelding Mrs. J., 241 Old Canterbury rd,
Gazclcy Henry, Smith st, Summer Hill
Gee Iok and Co., importers, 374 Pitt st
Gazoy W. G., William st, Marriokvillo
Geo S. and Co., house and estate agents, 369 Gelding J. E„ 15 Maddockst, Petersham
Gazcy W. S.,90 Young st, Ilcdfcrn
Pitt st, and furniture dealers, Military Gelding Joseph, 211 Old Canterbury rd.
Gazzard Mrs. A., 7 Stewart st, Paddlngton
rd, Mosman
Gazzard Albert E.,-Anslom st, Enflold
Gee A., teacher High School, 99 Elizabeth Gelding M. A., Old Canterbury rd, P'sham
Gazzard Alfred, Spit rd. Mosuian
Gazzard Edward, Grcenhill st, Croydon
Gelding Mrs. R. G., 245 Old Canterbury rd,
Gazzard Frcdk.,69 Holborow st, Croydon Gee Albnn, J.P., manager Sydney Meat Pre.
Gazzard Henry, proprietor LcvondaloNurserving Works, Matthew st and Parra- adding Samuel, J.P., district secretary
Manchester Unity Order of Oddfellows'
matta rd, Kookwood; p.r., Queen Bt,
sory, 44 Oarshalton st, Ashflold
hall, 185 Elizabeth Bt; p.r,," Broenu,"
Gazzard noury, Leopold st, Ashficld
Bondi rd, Waverley
Gee Albert, 408 Elizabeth st
Gazzard J., 109 Bullanaming st, Redfern
Gelding Sydney, 66 Brighton st, Petersham
Gee Arthur, 174 Palmer st
Gazzard J., ltoeky Point rd, Sans Souci
Gcll Mrs. O., 236 Victoria st
Gee C. M... Bellevue st, North Syilnry
Gazzard John, Western rd, Parramatta
Gazzard Mrs. Moses, Marlon st, Parramatta Gee Charles, 14 Darbyslilro st, Leichhardt Gell Mrs. Elizabeth, 40 Bayswatcr rd
Gee Mrs. Emma, 202 James st, Leichhardt Gell George, 28 Bradford st, Balmaln
Gazzard Noah,Cowper Bt, Parramatta
Gelhtly Mrs. E. B., 60 Oxford st
Geoghegan J., 7 Gordon st, Paddington
Georgcson John, Hardio st, North Sydney
Gellatly F. M., 23 Pitt st, North Sydney
Geoghcgan J a s . Audley st, Marrickville Goorgeson T., 163 Miller st, North Sydney
Gellatly G., 9 Campbell st, Paddlngton
Geoghegan .Ins., 65 Leichhardt st, Waverley Georges Mrs. 13., 670Old S.H. rd, Woollahra
Gellatly Gordon, 6 Handle st, Newtown
Geoghcgan Joseph, 16 Chapman fit
Geraghty and Sale, plumbers, Ferry st,
Gellatly Mrs. M., 120 Macquarie st south Geoghegan P. J., Ituthven st, Randwick
Hunter's Hill
Gcllin H., restaurant, 204 Castlereagh st
Geoghegan Patrick, 61 Sophia st
Geraghty O., 1 Elizabeth st, Redfcrn
Gelling B. R., F.S S., secretary Mutual Life Geoghegan Miss K., 50 Glenraoro rd, Pad- Geraghty J., 104 Trafalgar st, Annandalc
Association of Australasia, Wynyord
Geraghty John, builder, 5 Albert st
s t ; p.r., Boulevardc, Strathflcld
Geoghcgan Robt., Brougliton st, Oant'bury Geraghty John, 349 Upper Brougham st
Gelling John, Railway par, Burwood
Geoghcgan T., Augustus st, riclchhardt Geraghty Jos., 89 College st, Camperdown
Gelling W. K., J.P., news agent, 314 Pitt st Geological Branch—E. F. Pittman, Go- Geraghty Martin, Ferry st, Hunter's Hill
Gellwciler M., Universal st, North Botany
vernment Geologist; J. E. Came, as- Geraghty Patrick, Falls st, Leichhardt
Gelston Miss II., 250 Ocean st, Paddlngton
sistant Government Geologist; J. H. Geraghty Peter F., 4 Nickson st
Gcltinan Henry, 01 Catherine st, LeichJacquet, A.R.S.M., B.G.S., chief in- Gerahty John, 183 Young st, Annandalc
spector ; E. O. Andrews, B.A., geo- Gerard A. J., 25 Charles st oast, Petersham
Gcmell Mrs. A., 82 College st, Camperdown
logical surveyor; W. S.
Dun, Gerard E. G. B., Lane Cove rd, Tur'murm
Geinell Hugh, Splccr st. Woollahra
palieontologlst; G. W. Card, curator Gerard Emll, 14 Gowrie st, Newtown
Gcmell Mrs. Janet, 82 G reat Barcom st
and mineralogist; J. O. II. Mingaye, Gerard George, Railway av, Stanmoro
Gcinmell A., 07 Westhonrne st, Petersham
F.O.S., assayer and analyst; Lands Gerard Mrs. S. Jl., Angelost, Burwood
Gemmell J. S., manager David Blyth und
Department, Bridge st
G E R B E R , JVIIOHAUT a n d CO.,
Co., 8 Queen's pi
Georg Mrs. !•'., Walker st, North Sydney
General Merchants and Importers, 72
Gemmell William, 40 Camden st, Newtown George St North Post and Telegraph Ofllce
Clarence st
Genders Edward, 75 Spring st, Waverley
—E. W. Fowel I, post master, 210 G eorge
Genders Harry, 95 Sutherland st, Pad'ton
Gerber A. S., eolicitor, 14 .Moore st
Genders Joseph, 12 Day st, Leichhardt
George Street Police Station, No. 4—Sub- Gerber C. F„ 157 Queen st, Woollahra
Gendle Mrs. Ada, 20 Trade st, Newtown
Inspector J. Mitchell in charge, 127 Gerber Charles?Ocean st, Woollahra
Gendlc T II., 07 Marlborough st.Lcich'ardt
Gerber E. W. T., barrister, 182 Phillip s t ;
George st
Gouge Mrs. A. M., 13 City rd, Darlington George Street West Post and Telegraph
p.r.. Flood st, Bondi
General Cemetery,
Olllce, Money Order and Savings Gerdes Fredk., 07 Gloucester st
Robertson, secretary ; ofllce, 103 Pitt st
Bank—P. T. Whealy, postmaster, 2U2 Clonics George,51 Clayton st, Balmain
Generol Electric Co., Ltd.—Sole agents,
Gerdes If., 17n llrdgewater st, Rozelle
George st west
Lawrence and Hanson, 3 Wynynrd st George Mark and Son, plumbers and Gerdes II, G. A., 17 Bridgewater st, Rozelle
Gerdes Mrs. Mary, 45 llainford st
builders, The Corso, Manly
General Electric Co. U.S.A., Australian
Gerdes W. J.. 20 liruco st, Ho/.elle
General Electric Co., solo agents, George Adam, 35 Campbell st, Newtown
George A.S., " Pines," Ocean Beach, Manly Gerethy James. Robert st, Burwood
Equitable building, George st
Gergison Mrs. H.. 132 Darlinghurst rd
General Insurance Co. (Helvetia St. Gall)— George Adam 18 John st, Camperdown
Gerlnch C. E,, artist, 41 Castlereagh st
Hogg, Robinson and Co., Proprietary, George Alex., Guilford rd. Guildford
Gerlacli Emlle, off Campbell 8t, N. Sydney
Limited, agents, Royle's chambers, 5 George Alex.. Military rd, Prospect
George Alfred, 120 Cleveland st
Bond st
General Insurance Co. (Trieste)—Hogg,
S H I P C O M P A N Y - G e n e r a l Agency
Robinson and Co., Proprietary, Ltd., George Eden, ,1.1'., M.L.A., photographer,
for Ai.stralasiu, 14 Spring s t ; Wharf,
725-729 George s t ; p.r., Esplanade
agents, Royle's chambers, 5 Bond st
Woolloomooloo East
General Marine Insurance Co., Ltd., of
Benevolent Society, 18 Elizabeth st
Dresden — Rabonc, Fcez, and Co., George Mrs. F., 290 Abcrcrombic Bt, R'fern German
Arthur, 34 Boycc'st, Glebe .
George Frank L., Horlon st, Marrickville German
agents, 257 George st
11. A.. 92 Wellington st, N'town
General Post Olllce — James Dalgarno, George Fredk., Findlay ave, Ohatswood
45 Oxford st, Newtown
Deputy Postmaster General. George st George Frederick, Ethel st, Randwick
Gorman W. H., J.P., Wood st, Manly
General Registry Olllce for Deeds—J I. W. George II.. 87 Henderson rd, Alexandria
(Berlin) — Rabonc,
Gilium. J.P., deputy registrar-general; George H.V., blindmuker, 11 ia Liverpool st
Fecz and Co., agents, 257« George st
R. W. Codrington, deputy registrar of George Harold V., 1U Wilton st
Gerrard A., 78 Morehead s t Redfern
deeds, Registrar-General's Office, Eliza George Harry, 295 Pitt st
Gerrard A. R., 55 Kellick st, Waterloo
George Henry, 105 Liverpool st
both st
Gerrard Geo., Mitchell rd, Alexandria
George Henry, 100 SinunoiH st, NcwUiwn Gerrard
Gcuge Alfred, Wakeford rd, Strathflcld
George, Jennings st, Alexandria
Genge Stanley, G., Charlotto st, Ashlicld George .1., Marlon st, Auburn
Gerrard James, J.P., 93 Bobtuv st, Redfern
Gcninazz! Ed., 281 Abcrcrombic 8 t, R'fern George Mrs. J., 39 Darling st, Bilmain
Miss 201 Victoria st
George J. W. E., J.P., dentist, 401 Pittst Gerrard
Gcninaz/.i Ed., 4 Lennox st, Newtown
Gerrard Mr'. S., In Hartlov st, Rozelle
George Jas., 103 Victoria st
Gcnnotto John, 113 Point st
14 Elliott st, Balmaln
George James, 7 Littlest, Balmain
Gent C, 03 Gipps st,Paddlngton
Mrs.E. L., 43 Toxteth rd, Glebe
George Jas., 8 Brougliton st, North Sydney Gcrrctt
Gent O. B., Bishop's ave, Randwick
Ultimo at
George James J., Lane Cove rd, Wahr'onga Gerrltt James W., 15
Gent George, Oulloden rd, Marslleld
Eliza st, Newtown
George John, 202 Liverpool st
Gent J., George's Head rd, Mosmnu
st, Redfern
George John, 68 Smith st, Rozelle
Gent Miss, artist, 8 Elizabeth st
st, Grnnvllle
Gentile G. and Son, fruiterers, 165 Bathurst George John J., 70 Gordon st, Alexandria Gcrshon Emanuel. 105 Bourkc
George Joseph T., Albert st, St. Peters
st, Balmain
George Mark, Berkley rd, Manly
Bt south
Gentle Arthur, Fitzgerald st, Waverley
George Mrs. M., 172 Wells st west, Rcdfcrn Gess Ernest W., Victoria ave, Pcnshurst
Gentle Charles, Mav st. St. Peters
George Mrs. Mary, Lincoln st, Petersham Gcsslng Thomas Farr st, Bockdale
Gentle E. J., Cook's River rd, St. Peters
George R. W.,9 Paddlngton st, Paddlngton Gesson licorge, Plttwnter rd, St. Ives
Gentlo Henry, 09 Maria st, Newtown
George Robert, 295 P i t t s t
Daniel, 24 Mary st, Waterloo
Gentle J., 16 Dickson st, Newtown
Georgo Major Robt., Laurel st, Willoughby Gcsting
Gather Miss Snssanne, wood-carving studio,
Gentle Josiah, proprietor Bedford Brick- George T., 128 Liverpool st, Ashlicld
100 King st
works, Barwon Park rd, Alexandria j George T. J., Macquarie rd, Auburn
p.r., Dickson st, Newtown
George Tom, J.P., 30 Leicester st, Pad'ton Gething Mrs., Burwood rd, Burwood
Arthur, 76 Arthur st
Gentle It., 173 Chapel st, Marrickville
Georgo W., 107 Abcrcrombic st, Iledfcrn
Gctlev Edward, 13 Foveaux st
Gentle William, Liverpool rd, Strathflcld George W. P., 112 Victoria st, Lowisham
J. W., Farr st, Rockdale
Gentleman John, Military rd, Prospect
George Rev. W. H. (Meth.), Weston rd,
Gcymuller Adolph, 109 Bourkc st
Gentles Jas., 3 Allen st
G H E S T C A P T A I N R . O., Shlpbrokcr,
Gcntv E., wine grower and merchant, 119«
Colliery, Ballast and Lighter ContracGeorge William, 21 Playfair st
Pitt st
tor, and Gencrnl Commission Agent,
George William, 56 Enmoro rd, Newtown
Geoffrey Geo., 8 Campbell st, Alexandra
19 Bridge st;
p.r., "Chiswlck,"
George William, 11 Calder rd, Redfcrn
Geoffrey George, 100 Wilson st, Rcdfcrn
Five Dock
Geoffrey John, Cook's River rd, St. Peters
Ghlggino Dominick, 160 Maria st, N'town
Geoghan Patrick, 399 Victoria rd, Marriok Georgcson G. D., 164c Bourkc Bt
Georgcson Mrs. Jessie, 72 Bnoklngham st Ghllonl C.,7 Shadfortta st, Paddlngton
Olbb 0 , postmaster, Avenuo nl, Mosmiin
Gibbons John It. U., J.P., Parramatta rd, Giblln Mrs. V. W., Shell Cove rd, Ntl. Bay
Glbb Olinrles P., Truni Held lnne, Moeninu
Giblin William, Bourko st, Waterloo
Gibb Edwin J., Herbertst, Mortlnko
Gibbons Joseph, 32 Shepherd st, Bedferu
GIBSON, B A T T L E A N D C O . , MaGlbb Mrs. Einmn, 1U8 Krnzer st, Dul'ch Hill Gibbous Martin, Bobbin rd, Pyuiblo
chinery and Metal Merchants and
Glbb George, grocer, 09 Regent at
Gibbons Mm. Minnie, 388 Park rd
Agents; representing Ruston, ProcGibb G. A., Robert Bt, Murrlckvide
Gibbons R. a., mining agent, 79 Pitt st
tor and Co., Limited, Lincoln ; Samuel
Gibb George, llorbert st, Rockdnle
Gibbous Samuel, 33 Duriinson st
Osborn nnd Co., Sheffield ; 'Iconics
Gibb H. L., 107 Snrlng st, Wnverley
Gibbons Samuel, 112 Raglan st, Waterloo
Broadbeut nnd Sons, Huddcrsficld;
Glbb Henry, 131 Eveleighst, Kcdforu
Gibbous Thomas, 77 Albion st
and Piatt, Limited, ManchesGibb Henry J.. Wigrnin st, Purramottn
Gibbons Thomas 1'., Harrow rd, Bexley
; The Chloride Electrical Storage
Gibb Jim, 249 Darling st, Balmain
Gibbons Wm. K., J.P.,Stanton rd, Mosman
Syndicate, Ltd., Manchester ; KirchGibb John, 60 Elizabeth st, Waterloo
Gibbous Walter, Bobbin rd, Pymblo
ncr and Co., London ; J . and H.
Gibb John, 69 St. Thomas st, Wnverley
GIBBS, BRIGHT AND CO., ImporMcLareu, Leeds; H, Schrnm and Co.,
Glbb Mrs. M. L.,817 Klngst, Newtown
Ofllcc, 86 Pitt st, corner of
Gibb Thymus, Bridge st, Drummoyne
st ; stores, Hny st, Darling
Glbb W. A., njiiiiuger National Fire nnd
Steamship Co., Limited; AngloHarbour
Marine Insitniuco Co. of New Zealand,
Australasiau S. N. Co., Limited
14 Spring s t ; p.r.," View Bank," Queen
(Port Lino); W. Milburn and Co.; GIBSON J . A. D. & CO. (Tea Merst, Burwood
chants by appointment to His ExAgents Union Insurance Society of
Gibb Willlnm, 34 Wattle st
cellency tho Ooveruor-Gcneral of AusCanton, Limited (Marino); GuarGlbb William, Webb at,Oroydon
tralia, Contractors to tho N.S.W.
dian Assurance Co., Limited (Flro);
Glbb Willlnm, Oxford st, Pnddington
Government, 144 Clarence st, between
Gibb William, J.P., clothier, 326-328 Oxford
King and Market stroets (tcl. 2405)
Caledonian and Australian Mortgage
st, Pnddington
and A genoy Co., Limited ; Parkinson Gibson Lincoln and Co., printers, 179
Gibb William, Edwiml st, Woollahra
and W. and B. Cowan, Limited, Gas
King st, Newtown
Gibb Willlnm T„ 107 Marion st, Newtown
Meter Manufacturers; F. Stearns and Gibson A., signalmaster (South Head)
Gibb William T., 117 Crystal st.retersham
N.8.H. rd, Vnuoluso
Glbbens A. J., stationmnster, Stanmore Gibbs and Co., auctioneers ami linanclcrs,
Gibson A., off Clare st, Rozello
Railway Station, Trafalgar tcr, S'morc
135 Kingst
Gibson A. T.,4 Elizabeth place, Pad'ton
Glbbens Jos, 00 Metropolitan rd, N'towu
Gibbs, Crycr, and Co., printers and sta- Gibson Alex., Victor st, Ohntswood
Gibbons Joseph, 2 Myrtle st
tioners, Hurdle's chambers, corner Gibson Alex., 11 Martin st, Paddington
Gibbcs A., Harnett avc, Marrickville
Hamilton nnd Hunter sts
Gibson Alfred, Pnrrnniattn rd, Auburn
Gibbcs A. (J., solicitor, CO Castlerengh st
J., 81 Albert st, Petersham
Gibson Allen, 70 Palmer st
Gibbcs Charles, 25 Church st, Newtown
R, 10 Morris st, Summer Hill
Gibbes E. G. N„ Fairfowl st, Dulwlch Hill
Gibbs C. H., 05 Trafalgar ter, Stanmore
Gibson Benj.. King st, Rockdalo
Gibbcs H. E., Milford st, Canterbury
O. A., Russell st, Vnucluso
Gibbes J. O., Tcnkle st, Ashlield
Gibbs Mrs. D., Blue s Point rd, North Syd. Gibson O.iII, 01 Blue's Point rd, N. Sydney
Gibbes Robert W.. 09 Ocean st, Bondl
Gibson Ohnrlis, 40 Henry st, Lciehhnrdt
Glbbeson Edgar, 80 Belvoirst
Gibbings R. A. C, J P., malinger Co-opera- Gibbs Mrs. E., 47 Mount Vernon st, Forest Gibson D. W., Roscby st, Marrickville
Gibson David, 8 Rosebery place, Balmalu
tive Legal Association, 0 Howe st
Gibson Miss E., West st, Abbotsfonl
GlbUlns Cliarles, 23 Prospect st, Waverlcy Gibbs E., 32 Neville st, Marrickville
Gibson Miss E., 253 Cleveland st, Rcdfern
Gibbs Mrs. E. J., Slade st, Nareinburn
Glbbins F., 1 Cleveland st, Darlington
Gibson Edward J., Burwood rd, Burwood
Gibbuis P. J., J.P., shipowner, 88 Sussex at Gibbs Ernest, 30 Uoldcn st. Ashfiold
Gibson Edward, 12 Burton st, Camperdowu
Gibbins F. J., .T.P., Wolloiigong rd, A'cliffc Gibbs F. W., lf> .-liort lane, Aloxaudria
Gibson F. H., Forest rd, Hurstvlllo
Gibblns Frcdk., Wolloiigong rd, Arncliffe Gllibs F. W., 4 Prospect rd, Summer Hill
Gibson F. J., 00 Newman st, Nowtowu
Gibbs Frcdk., 48 Queen st, Ashlield
Gibbins G., 39 Oxford st
Gibson Francis, Lord st, Roseviile
Gibblns H. J., 10 Charlcsist, Forest Lodge Gibbs Frcdk., Peat's Ferry rd, Wnltara
Gibbs H. W., 35 Marshall st, Mnrriokville Gibson Frcdk., Wyndham st. Alexandria
Gibbins Mrs. M., 524 King st, Newtown
Gibblns Mrs. Ml A., 8 Campbell st, Pad'ton Gibbs Herbert, 38 George st, Erskineville Gibson Frederick J., assistant signalmaster, South Head
Gibbs J. Burton, printer, Hnrdie's chamGibblns Martin, 07 Bedford Bt, Newtown
bers, Hamilton s t ; p.r., 98 AJinnndule Gibson Frcdk. \V., District Court Judge,
Gibbons A., 6 Pickup st, Alexandria
3 Onslow av
Gibbons A. J., 23 Bruco st, Petersham
Gibbs James, 1558 Bourkc st
Gibson G., 15J Artlett st, Paddington
Gibbons O., 64 Frederick st, Ashfleld
Gibbons Olinrlcs, Purramnttii rd, Hoiuebush Gibbs: John (J.P., Queensland) managing Gibson G. H., J.P., Inspector Crown lauds
director Merchants' and Traders' AssoGibbons Charles, Rosemcad st, Hornsby
ngcntB ofllces. Lands Department
ciation, Ltd., Gibbs' Chambers, 7
Gibbons Chas. J., Redan st, Moainuu
Bridge st
Moore st
Gibbons E., 48 Pnrrnwecn st. North Syd
Gibson G II., .I.P., Gladstone par, Lindflcld
Gibbs John (J.P., Queensland), 21 Penkivil Gibson G. W., Morwick st, Burwood
Gibbons E„ 30 irnrgrnvcst, Pnddington
st, Bondi
Gibbons E. M., 137 Neville st, Mnrrickvlllc
Gibson Mrs. G. Y., 82 Liverpool st, Pad'ton
Gibbs John, 1 Brighton st, Petersham
Gibbons Edwnrd M., 38 Victoria st
Gibson George, 25 Chambers st
Gibbs John. Paul's rd, Waterloo
Gibbons Ernest, 9 Burnett st, Rcdfcni
Gibson George, 30 Oorben st
Gibbs Mrs. L., Fern Bt, Randwlck
Gibbons F. S., 5 Ferris st, Annnndalo
Gibson George, 9 Princes st
Gibbons G. C , Mocqunria st, Pnrrnmntta Gibbs Mat., Rocky Point nl, Uockdnlo
Gibson George, 13 Fcrndalc st, Newtown
Gibbous G. 0., Pennant Hills rd, O'liugford Gibbs Poroy E. W., 28 Oowper st, Glebe
Gibson George, 40 John st, Wnterloo
Gibbs Peter, 47 Andraes st, Petersham
Gibbous George. 41 Atlilone place
Gibson George, 11 Moncurst, Woollahra
Gibbs S. A., paper agents, 44 Oarrington st Gibson H. J.,Clissold st, Ashlield
Gibbons Geo., 16 Susan st, Aniiandale
Gibbs S. A., 9 Look's ave, Balniain
Gibbous Henry, 24 Thomson st
Gibson 11. S., 173 Castlereagh st
Gibbons Henry, 100 Catherine Bt, Leich'dt Gibbs Thomas, Park avc, Drnmmoyne
Gibson Henry, Geddes st, Botany
Gibbons J„ 71 Mount Vernon st,For. Lodge Gibbs Thomas, Moreo st, Gordon
Gibson Herberts., Allison rd, Randwlck
Gibbons J. H., 61.Morris st, Summer Hill Gibbs Thomas, Burwood rd, Mortlnke
Gibson I. S„ 20 Short st, Leichhardt
Gibbs W., printer, 38 Croydon rd, Croydon Gibson J., caretaker, Equitable buildings,
Gibbous J. L., 231 Castlereagh st
Gibbs Walter, 14 Young st, Aunaudale
Gibbons J. M., Gordon rd. Gordon
George st
Gibbs William, French st, Kognrah
Gibbons J.S., Bridge st, Hornsby
Gibson J., plumber, 8 Short st, Balmnin
Gibbs William, 50 Dowling st
Gibbons James, 339 Liverpool st
Gibson J., Louisa rd, Balmain
Gibby Frederick, 28 Wotneruh nvo
Gibbons Jnmcs. 6 Boyco st. Glebe
Gibson J. A. D., Albert rd, Homcbush
Glblctt Alfred, Hall st, Auburn
Gibbons John, G0S Bourkc st
Gibson J. B„ 203 Church Bt, Camperdowu
Giblett George, 02 Queen st. Glebo
Gibbons John, 374 Jones st
Gibson J. B„ Rocky Point rd, Rockdnle
Glblctt John, Duntroon st, Canterbury
Gibbons John, 7 Raglan st, Dnrlington
Gibson J. J., Atchison st, St. Leonards
Giblett John, Milford 8t, Canterbury
Gibbons John, Oronnulln st, Hurstvlllo
Gibson J. P., Premier st, Marrickville
Glblott Walter, Terrace rd, Marrickville
Gibbons John, 18 Fouoaut st, Rozello
Gibson J . T., 3 Merlin Bt, North Sydney
Giblin Mrs. P., Liverpool rd, Bnnastown Gibson J, W., Mistral ave, Mosmnn
Gibbons John, 11 Crescent st, Waterloo
Giblln Mrs. E. O., Ocean st, Woollnhra
Gibson James, 49 Liverpool rd, A'fleld
Giblin Mrs, N. F., Moriarty rd, Cliatswood Gibson James, 10 Royuolds st. Balmnin
/Head Ofllces: 810 George \
VStroot South. 'Phono fa)
Giese B. G., bird and auiinnl dealer, 178 Gilbert W. H., Garnet st, Canterbury
Gibson James, Peel st, Canterbury
Gilbert Wm., Juliett st, Marlokvlllo
George st
Gibson James, Park ave, Drnmmoyne
Gilbert William, 27 Ewoll st, Rozelle
Glesin F. W„ 28 Charles Bt, Newtown
Gibson James, 9 Don Bt, Newtown
Gilbert William T., 22 Orwell st
Gieslcr Charles, 60 Chandos st, N.Sydney
Gibson James, 149 Morchead st, Redfcrn
C, 10 Morchead st, Waterloo
Gibson Jamcs,47 Redfcrn st, Redfcrn
Gilberthorpe G., Woodstock lane, Wnverley
Gibson James E., North wood Bt.Ncwtown Gletz A. J., 06 Gerrnrd st, Alexandria
Gilberthorpe W., Fark avc, Drnmmoyne
Gietz August E., 186 Palmer st
Gibson John, 20 Dock rd, Balmain
Gilbertson Henry, 349 Bourko st
Gibson John, 203 Church st, Camperdowu Glffard Arthur, Mi Ml st, Hurstvlllo
Gilbertson W., 21) Mnnnion st, Oam'down
Giffen John, 05 Caroline st, Itedfcrn
Gibson John, Fitzroy live, Balmain
Gllbody James, 1 Eganst, Newtown
Gill'on W. D., 62 O'Connor st
Gibson John, 132a Foucnrt st, Rozelle
Giflln Edwnrd, 78 Oxford st, Pnddington Gilbruith Samuel. Hough st, Wnverley
Gibson John, 39 Kent st, Newtown
Gilby George, 107 Denison st, Newtown
Giflln Jnmcs, 3 Ptml st, North Sydney
Gibson John, 73 Underwood st, Pad'tou
Gimn Robert, 32 Glenview st, Pnddington Gilchrist, Watt & Co., merchants, 7 Bcntst
Gibson John, 3G1 Oxford st, Paddington
Gilchrist, Watt and Sanderson, Limited,
Glffltt Willlnm, 44 Palmer st
Gibson John, Penshurst Bt, Willoughby
shipping agents, agents for Lund's
Gilford and Co., estate agents, 82 Pitt st
Gibson John A., 2 Albert st
Blue Anchor Line Ocean S.S. Co., L t d .
Gibson John M,, 222 Ocean st, Paddington Gifford A., Long Bay rd, Rnudwlck
Britain S.S. Co., Ltd,, and Devitt and
Gibson John Manifold. J.P., under secre- GIftord G. II., first assistant librarian, PubMoore's
sailing ships, and Donaldson
lic Librnry of N.S.W., Bent s t ; p.r.,
tary, Chief Secretary's departmeut,
Rose nnd Co., sniling ships, 7 Bent st
" Merringah," Boundary st, Croydon
Macquorie st
Gilchrist A. E., Liverpool rd, Strnthfleld
Gifford II.. Lilyville, South Randwlck
Gibson Mrs.lC, 105 Mort st, Balmnin
Gibson L., printer, representing Melbourne Gifford Mrs. II., 29 Elizabeth st, Hedfern Gilchrist A. J. S., Grand Secretary LoynI
Orange Institution, 240 Castlereagh st
AdK and LEADRll newspapers, 202 Gifford J., 8 Sydney st, Ersklnevillo
Gilchrist Alexander, school tcnohcr, MowGifford Mrs. M., Sherwood rd, Prospect
P i t t st
Gibson Mrs. L. A., 298 Lane Cove rd, N. Gifford Thomas, Old Canterbury rd,l''sham
brav id, Willoughby
Gilford William H., Young st.'Croydon
Gilchrist 0., 00 Albany rd, Petersham
Gibson Leonard, solicitor, Equitable build- G irtord-Moore C, Ambrose st, 'Hunter's Hill Gilchrist David, Counoil Chambers, Watings, Geo. st; p.r., William st, D'blc Bay Gigg Thomas, 34 Taylor st, Annandalc .
son's Bav
Gilan Joseph A., 03 Mansfield st, Rozelle Gilchrist George, 304 Park nl
Gibson Lincoln, Douglas st, Dul. Hill
Gilbcrd Frank, 15 Calder rd, Rcdfern
Gibson Louis M., Bridge rd, Petersham
Gilchrist Mrs. IT., 21 Thome st, PnddingGibson Mrs. M., 128 Mlssendcn rd, O'dowu Gllberd H., 30 Darlington rd, Darlington
Gilbert James and Co., grocers, Parrnmatta Gilchrist Hugh, N.S.H. rd, Woollnhra
Gibson Mrs. M., 03 Cavendish st, S'morc
rd, Burwood
Gibson Mrs. Mary, 321 Dowling st
Gilchrist Mrs. J., 17 Heme st, Leichhardt
Gibson Mrs., nurse, 82 An'dale st, Au'dnlc Gilbert A. J., refreshment rooms, 240 George Gilchrist Mrs. James, 120 Victoria st
Gibson Peter, 23 Belmont Bt, Alexandria
Gilchrist John, stock and share broker and
Gibson Philip, 288 Norton st, Leichhardt Gilbert Albert, 0 llelmore rd, Newtown
financial agent, 92 Pitt s t ; p.r., "ErcilGibson R., Mackinson st, Oladcsville
Gilbert Albert, 9 Kensington st, Waterloo
dounc," Rocky Point rd, Kogarah
Gibson R. M., Phillip st, North Sydney
Gilbert, Alfred, Garden st, Nortli Botnny Gilchrist John, 48 Reynold st. Balmain
Gibson R. W„ Forest rd, Hurstvlllc
Gilbert Andrew, 1 Marshall st
Gilchrist John, Sherwood rd, Prospect
Gibson Richard, 72 Blrrell st, Wnverley
Gilbert Anthony, Starling st, Leichhardt Gilchrist John, 20 Stnnley st, Wavesley
Gibson Robert, 19 Arcadia rd, Globe
Gilbert Arthur, 2 Lighthouse st, N.Sydney Gilchrist N. M., Harris st, Parramatta
Gibson Robert, 2 Fierson st, Sum. Hill
Gilbert C , 604 King Bt, Newtown
Gilchrist S., May st, Marrickville
Gibson Robert, Bell st, Vauoluso
Gilbert Charles, 1 Dickson st, Newtown
Gilchrist Sydney, N.S.H. rd, Woollnhra
Gibson Robert A., 047 Bourke st
Gilbert Charles, Kent st, Rockdale
Gilchrist Thos., Upper Avenue rd, Mosman
Gibson Mrs. S., 487 Alfred st, N. Sydney
Gilbert Cliarles, 25 Green st, Waterloo
Gilchrist Mrs. W., Kingslnnd rd, Bexley
Gibson S. II., 167 Denison st, Camperdowu Gilbert D. J., 38 William st, Nortli Sydney Gilchrist W., Bridge 6t. Drummoyne
Gibson Samtlel, Northwood st, Newtown Gilbert E., Northumberland rd, Auburn
Gilchrist William, 21 Boyce st, Glebe
Gibson Sydney, 8 Lawson st, Wnverley
Gilbert E. J., Lnne Cove rd, Marsflcld
Gildea Mrs. A., 80 Raglan st. Darlington
Gibson Mrs. T., 42 Harris st, Rozelle
Gilbert Mrs. E. M., 288 Jones st
Gildea George, 32 O'Connor st
Gibson Terence A., 30 Bnthurst st
Gilbert Frcdk., Mill Hill rd, Waverlcy
Gildea Harry, sewerage Farm, Rockdnle
Gibson Thomas, Mitchell rd, Alexandria
Gilbert G., Bettlngton lnne, Dunilas
Gildea James, 149 Church st, Camperdowu
Gibson Thos., Pnimerston st, Kogarnh
Gilbert G., 42 George st, Erskineville
Gildea Mrs. Jane, 70 Rcdfern st, Redfcrn
Gibson Thomas, Kogarah rd, Kogarah
Gilbert G., Cronulln st, Hurstville
Gildea Montague,2 Upper William st south
Gibson Thomas, 8 Albemarle Bt, Newtown Gilbert George, Station st, Auburn
Gildea Patrick, 42 l'rospcot st
Gibson Thomas J„ 44 Terry st, Rozelle
Gibort George, 26 Hnrtley st, Rozelle
Gildea ll„ 28 Addison rd, Marrickville
Gibson Thomas, Harris st, Willoughby
Gilbert George, Bourko Bt, Wnterloo
Gildea Thomas, off 112 Pittst, Rcdfern
Gibson W., 3 Dnrbyshire rd, Leichhardt
Gilbert George W., Ethel st, Cnrltou
Glided Thomas, 75 Walker st, Redfcrn
Gibson W. B., 41 Mnrgnret st, Petersham Gilbert H. do V., Mynhgah rd, Mosman
Gilder Miss A., 04 Enmorc rd, Mar'villc
Gibson W. H., RuBsell st, Vauoluso
Gilbert H. W., restaurant, 10 Park st
Gilder Arthur, 10 Oxley st, Glebe
Gibson W. J., Arab st, Bnnkstown
Gilbert H. W., 70 Dowling st, Paddington Gilder Alfred, Ronwlek at, Marrickville
Gibson W. J., Edmund st, Ohntswood
Gilbert Harris, 341 Mncqunrlc st Bouth
Gilder G. A., Victoiia st, ArnclifTe
Gibson W. J., 29 Moonblo st, Summer Hill Gilbert Harry D., 43 Princes st
Gilder W. A., solicitor and notanj ipublic,
Gibson William, Park rd, Auburn
Gilbert Henry, 7 Lower Fort st
Eldon chambers, 92 P i t t s t ; p.r.,Alma
Gibsou William, 0 ProBpcct Bt
Gilbert J., drnper, 040 George st
st, Pymblo
Gibson William, William st, Canterbury Gilbert J., 38 Eliznbetu st west, ABhfield
Gilderthorpo T. It,, Market st, Randwick
Gibson William, Balmain rd, L'hardt
Gilbert J., Wellington st, North Botnny
Gilding Henry W. J., Moore's st, H'ville
Gibson William, 100 Gowrle st, N'town
Gilbert J. A., Ross st, Forest Lodge
Gilding John, Bowdeu at, aranville
Gibson William B., Pcrcival rd, Stanmore Gilbert J . S., law stationer, 35 Elizabeth st Gilding W., lapidary, Botanical gardens
Gibson William H., Knrabnh st, Auburn Gilbert Jnmcs, 37 Augustus st, Newtown Gilding W. H,, newsagent,? 10 Elizabeth st
Gibson William H., GippB st, Drummoyne Gilbert Jnmcs, Old Botany rd, N. Botany Gilding W. H., Olevedon rd, Hurstville
Gibson William T. S., 103 Brougham st
Gilbert John, Rocky Point rd, Kognrnh
Giles A. T., 38 Thurlow st, Rcdfern
Giddey J. O., Gordon st, Mosman
Gilbert John, Winslow st. North Sydney Giles Albert, 27 Burton st, North Sydney
Giddms Henry O., Ornnbrook st, Rose Boy Gilbert John, Marion st, Parramatta
Giles Alfred, Oswald st, Randwiok
GiddinB J. B., Oswnld st, Randwick
Gilbert John, Grandview st, Willoughby
Giles Arthur, Burwood st, Burwood
Gidley A. F. W., 66 Undorcllffe st, Neutral Gilbert Mrs. M„ 24 Renny st, Paddington Giles Benjamin, 47 Harris st, Rozelle
Gilbert Mrs. M., 34 Rnilwny Bt.Petershnm Giles O. F., Wentworth st, Parrnmatta
Gilbert Nonh, Pnrk rd cast, Burwood
Giles O. O., tailor, 243 Pitt Bt
Gilbert Samuel, Obcron st, Randwiok
Giles Charles, Forest rd, Arncliffe
Gidley Claude, 70 Mnrriott st, Redfcrn
Gilbert Sydney J., 19 Burrmi st, Ersk'villc Giles Mrs. O. O., Wunulln rd, Woollahra
Gidley Claud, 33 Mnrriott st, Redfcrn
Gilbert T., Wentworth st north, Par'mntta Giles E., tnilor, 404 George st
Gidley Mrs. E. M., 94 Windsor st, P'ton
Gilbert Thomas, 32 Cambridge st
Giles Miss E., 29 Gurncr st, Pnddington
Gidnoy Gcorgo, Oowper st, Randwiok
Gilbert Thomas, 42 Mount st
Giles Miss H. B., 35 East Crescent st,North
Gidney James, 1 Jubilee st, Petcrehnm
Gilbert Thomas, Iron st, Parrnmatta
Giebler R., 20 Onrshnlton st, Ashfleld
Gilbert W., 162 George st, Waterloo
Glese August, 131 Raglan st, Wnterloo
Giles Edwnrd, 9 Cheltenham st, Rozelle
'Phone 726. SYDNEY.
Giles Edwin, Sydney st, Marrickvlllc
Gill Dr. J. Macdonald, lion, secretary Gillcs A. O., proprietor Grafton wharves
Giles Mrs. G. J., Church st, Parramatta
N.S.W. Medical Union, 121 Bathurstst
aud warehouses (bonded and free
Giles Geo. L„ 84 Good Hope st, Pad'ton
Gill James, 09 Union st, Newtown
stores), Sussex s t ; p.r., Oarabelln st,
Giles Mrs. H. 120 Redfcrn st, Redfcrn
Gill James, 0 Douglas st, Waterloo
North Sydney
Giles H., 15 Kensington st, Waterloo
Gill John, 100 Bowman st
Gillcs A. W., 00 Penklvll st, Bondl
Giles Heury, Kingston rd, Cnmpordown
Gill John, M. sen., Bowden st, Granville
Gllles Mrs. B. E„ 09 Penklvll st, Bondl
Giles Henry, Kalgoorlio st, Lelchhardt
Gill Joseph, 37 Young st, Aunaudalo
Gillcs E. W., 80 Douglas st, Petersham
Giles Henry, Ethel ft. Kandwick
Gill M., dyer, 30 Bcattio st, Baluiaiu
Gllles II. W., secretary Marshall's PaddlngGiles J., 33 Leamington nve, Newtown
Gill It., Alexandra i-t, Hunter's Hill
ton Brewery, Ltd., Oxford and MarGiles J . A.. 21 Anglesca st, ltomll
Gill Richard, 5 Plggott st, Dulwlch Hill
shall sts, Pnddington; p.r., 37 Waverloy
Giles James, S20 Crown st
Gill Thomas, Bayviow Bt, Bexley
st, Waverlcy
Giles Jajncs, 10 Wlthlcombe st, Rozclle
Gill William, 121 Riley st
Gllles Hamilton, Bellovuc st, North Sydney
Giles James, J.P., 2!) Bent st, Pnddington Gill WIlllam.Fariola st. Auburn
G I L L E S P I E B R O S . A N D OO.,
Giles James, 21 Mnrriott st, Hedfern
Gill William,.Bruce st, Carlton
Anchor Roller Flonr Mills, Barker st,
Giles John, 30 Union st, Erskinevillo
Gill William, 25 Cowper st, Globe
foot of Buthurst st
Giles John, builder, Pern st, Rnndwlck
Gill William, 92 Abercrombie st, Redfem
Giles John, SO Gt. Bncktnghnm st, Redfem Glllam Misses, Ailnnthus College, for young G I L L E S P I E J A M E S & CO., Manufacturers "Cockatoo "Brands SelfGiles Mrs. M. J., 02 Druitt st
raising Flour, Flaked Oatmeal, Baking,
ladles, 5 Rockwall ores
Giles Miss N. A., 11 Bnroom nv
Custard and Egg Powders, Jelly CryGillam G. Louis, secretary Dontal Hospital
Giles Illohnrd P., Forsyth st, Glebe
183 Sussex st
Giles Mrs. Sarah, 70 Victoria st, Rozollo
Glllam Henry W., J.P.. deputy registrar- Gillespie A., 9 Cleveland st, Darlington
Giles Thomas, 120 Spring st, Waverloy
2 Prospect rd, Summer Hill
general of deeds, Registrar-General's
Giles W., 42 Glenmore rd, Paddlngton
Office, Elizabeth s t ; p.r.,49John st, Gillespie Andrew, Church st, Parramatta
Giles Walter, Church st Parramatta
301 Riley st
Giles Willinni, 14 Clisdell st
Gillespie Mrs.E., florist, 193 Kingst, N'town
Gillham John, 48 Caledonia st, Pad'ton
Giles William B., Julln st, Ashtlcld
Gillespie G., off Hastings rd, Turramurra
Gillam Walter, Spring st, Burwood
Gilfcathcr John, 335 Wattle st
Glllesplo G. C, 18 Parramatta Old rd,
Gillau John, Caledonian st, Bexley
Gllfeatber Michael, 490 Jones st
Forest Lodge
Gilflllan nnil Co., agents, Viokcry's chamGillard Mrs. E , Marrickvlllo rd. Mnr'vlllo Gillespie George, King st, Rookdalo
bers, 80 Pitt st
George, Princess nve, Waterloo
Gilflllan Douglas 11., public accountant Gillard Edward, 51 Justin st, Lelchhardt
and auditor, ami manager Mittagong Glllard Ell.St.IgnatiusCollrgc, Rivervlow Gillespie George, Scott st, Waverlcy
J., 341 Crown rd
Land Co., Ltd., 80 Pitt s t ; p.r., Punch
Lane Cove
Glllesplo i Mrs. J. A., 104 Carrlugton rd,
st, Mosman
Gillard G., Cecilia st, Marrickvlllo
Gilflllan E., 0 Colleg<*st, Newtown
Gillard Henry, 0 Little Palmer st
Gilflllan Mrs. Emily S., Queen st, Mosmau Glllanl J. J „ 13 Gordon st, Brlghton-Io- Glllesplo J. B., Pctershnin rd, Marrickvlllc
J. W., Hastings rd, Turramurra
Gilflllan John, 7 Bucknell st, Newtown
Gillespie John, 53 Burlinson st
Gilflllan R. A., registrar Public Service Gillard James, 16 Arthur st, Bahnain
John, 20 Pyrmont st
Board, 00 Young s t ; p.r., 110 Berry Glllanl John. 74 St. John's rd, F, Lodge
John, 40 Regent st, Newtown
st, North Sydney
Gillard Mrs. M. J., Sherwood rd, Prospect Gillespie
Cherry Inne, Turrauiurrn
Gilflllan Robert. 403 Alfred st, N. Sydney Gillard Richard, Herbert st, Rockdale
Gillespie Joseph, solicitor, 59 D'hurst rd
Gilfoyle Mrs. M., 121 George st, Redfcrn
Gillard Samuel, Albert rd, Strathfleld
Gillespie Joseph J., 224 Bourke st
Gllfoyle Tlioc, Percivnl rd, Stanmorc
Gillbody Albert, 04 Church st, Bnlmnln
Gitlcspio L., 137 Botany rd, Waterloo
Gilham Charles, 4!> Church st, Ashfleld
Glllesplo Michael, 148 Cleveland st
Gilliam Edward, Spring st, llockclulo
Glllesplo Robert, Pcrclval rd, Stannioro
Gilliam Mrs. F., restaurant, 104 Pitt st
Thomas, ni'ng agent, U4n Pitt st
Gilham George, 102 Liverpool st
Gillespie Thomas, 440 Bourke st
Gilholin Mrs. J. W., 102 Castlereagh st
Bchnore st, Burwood
Gilhooley P., 5 Cambridge st, Paddlngton
Gillespie W„ draper, 182 Harris st
Gllhooley W. R., tea merct., 84 Elizabeth st
Gillespie William, 30 Holt st
Gllhuly Miss M., f 0 Liverpool st, Pad'ton
Gillett A., IB Tupper st. Marrickvlllc
Gilkcrson J. O., 30 Wcmyss st
Gillett O. E„ Small st, Woollahra
Qilkerson Mrs. M., 11 Cleveland st, Dar'ton
Gillett Mrs. E.. C Margaret Bt. A-hfleld
Gilkes Arthur G., 22 Stanley st, Waverlcy
Gillett F., 112 Wells st west, Redfem
Gilkcs Charles, North Harlwur, Manly
Gillett George, 13 Kllzabeth st, Hedfern
Gilkes W., Ocean st, Woollahra
Gillett Rev. J.W., B.A., (O. of E.) Oxford st,
Gilkes Walter, Ashley st Waverlcy
Gilkison W., 13 Olaremont st, Rozclle
Gillett Mrs. St., 22 Joseph st, Ashfleld
Gill G. B. and Co., auctioneers and estate
Gillett S., Leslie st, Marrickvlllo
agents, 90 Pitt st, and 197 Enmore rd,
Gillett Richard, Hossst, Forest Lodge
Gillett T„ Unwin's Bridge rd, Mnr'villo
GIU A. O, sollcltcr, Norwich chambers,
Gillett Thomas, 32 Phillip st, Redfem
60-58 Hunter s t ; p.r., Onnonbury
Gillett W., 34 Brisbane st, Waverlcy
Grove, Dulwjch Hill
Gillham Mrs. F., fruiterer, 01 Market st
Gill Mrs. A , 2 Bnlley st. Newtown
Gilllmm H. K. M., 25 Grosvenor cres, Sum.
Gill Mrs. A. M., 0 Aubrey Bt, Petersham
Gill Alfred, Wlgram st, Parramatta
Gillham J. J. (City Carrying Co.), general
Gill Mrs. Annie, 00 Boyce st, Glebo
Gill Charles, Blaxccll st, Granville
carrier, 10 Pitt st, 109 Sussex ft, 309
Gill Mrs. E„ 432 Park rd
Wattle st, and 24 Holt st
Gill Mrs. E., 40 Newlnnd st, Wnvorlcy
Gillham John T., 2 Sclwyn st
Gill Edwin J., A7bert st, Lelohhnrdt
Gillian Stewart, Sydney rd, Manly
Gill Ernc't, IS Vlotorin fit, Waverlcy
Gillick Michael, 44 Vino st, Redfem
Gill Frank, Elizabeth st, Granville
H. O., 73 and 76 Liverpool st, Sydney; Gillies A., 94 Darlinghurst rd
Gill Frederick, Karnbah Bt, Auburn
and 300 and 302 Lonsdale st, Melbourne; Gillies A. N.. 10 The Terrace, Balmain
Gill G. A., 20 Good Hope st, Paddlngton
Church Requisites mid Religious Arti- Gillies Alexander M., 35 John st, Woollahra
Gill G. K„ Dixon st, Pnrramatta
cles, Manufacturers and Importers, Gillies Donald, 7 Rose st, Balmain
Gill George E., J.P., George st, Marrickvlllc
Catholic and Educational Booksellers, Gillies Francis, Bmwood rd, Burwood
Gill H. E., 07 Annesley st, Lelchhardt
Artists' Materials Piotures, Sacred Gillies Henry, 34 Balfour st
Gill Henry, 18 St. David's rd.^shflcld
Music, Organs, Wax Cnndlcs, Chan- Gillies J., Canonhury grove, Marrickvlllc
Gill Henry, 71 Emily st Marrickvlllo
deliers, Sacred Vessels, and Branches. Gillies Mrs. J., 21 Denlson st. Rozclle
Gill J. Macdonald, physician, 18 College st
Largest Collection of Religious Sta- Gillies Jnmcs, proprietor, The Best Light
tuary in Australia. Tel. 2079. Box
Co. of Australin, 173 Clarence s t ; p.r.,
101, G.P.O., Sydney
10 Harrow rd, Stanmorc
( t S S i K W '
Billies Louis, Edward st, Woollahra
Gillies Mrs. M. J., 13 Ormond st, Pad'ton
Gillies Matthew, Allen st
Gillies Robert, Burwood rd, Burwood
Gillies Robert, Angclo Bt, Burwood
Gillies Slnolair, M.D., (Lond.) D.P.H., physician, 163 Macquarle st
Gillies W., 235 Trafalgar st, Annnndalo
Gillies W. T., 8 Miller st, North Sydney
Gilllgmi Charles, 69 Crown lnnc
Gllligan Mrs. E., 83 Darlington rd, Dar'ton
Gtllignn J., 81 Stewart Bt, Paddlngton
Gllligan John, 48 Stewart st, Paddlngton
Gllligan James, 7 Olaremont st, Rozollo
Gllligan John. 3 Whitchouse st, Newtown
Gllligan Miss,dressmakcr, 66 Sydney nrcado
Gllligan P., 58 Denlson Bt, Woollahra .
Gllligan R., 20 diaries st. Forest Lodge
Gllligan T., farrier, 621 Elizabeth st
Gllligan W., 116 Abcrcrombio place
GUllngham W. H., Victoria ave, Ohatsw'd
GlUls James, headmaster, Public School,
Auburn rd, Bankstown
GlUls R. S., Hooperst, Rnndwlck
GllHs William, 362 Bourke st
Gtlllvcr, William and Son, railway and
general contractors, 130 King Bt, aud
Church Bt, Rookwood
Gllllver Harry L., Rookwood st, Rookwood
GiUlvcr Henry J . P., Joseph Bt, Rookwood
GlUiver William, J.P., contractor, Rookwood rd, Bankstown
Gillman Henry, 360 Palmer st
Gtlroy William. Station at, Arncliffo
Gilroy William, 17 Edwin st, Croydon
Gllroy William J., King Bt, Rockdnlo
Gllsenan Patrick, 2 Wilton st
Gilshannon J., 153 Botany st, Waterloo
Gibson T. H.,95 Poddington st, Pad'ton
Glltlnan Mrs. Anna, 110 Upper Fort st
Glltlnan Mrs. F., 39 BiroliBroverd.B'maln
Giltinan Hy., 78 Catherine st, Lolchhnrdt
Giltinau Jnmcs, 46 Albany rd, Petersham
Glltlnan It., 70 Gt. Buckingham st, Redfcru
Glltlnan Richard, cooper, 220 Kcntst
Giltinan Richard, 6 Dook rd, Bnlmn in
Gimbcr 0., 2 Rosedalo Bt, Petorsham
Gimbert A. E., Marsdcn st, Pnrramatta
Oimbcrt James, Parramatta rd, H'bush
Gimbert W., 2 Pnrraweon Bt, N. Sydney
Glmhcrt William, 70 Wilson Bt, Newtown
Glmmcll Mrs. M„ 4 Charles st, F. Lodge
Ginger A. W., Mitchell st, Rydo
Ginger John J., Lnkc st, Mortlnkc
Ginger Wnltcr, Farramatta rd, Concord
Ginisty Very Rev. Father, M»ry st, H. nill
Ginivan W., hairdresser, 62 William st
Ginman Thomns, 17 Morehend st, Waterloo
Ginn Charles, 3 Robert st, Ashfleld
Ginn Edward W„ 179 Morchcad st, R'fern
Ginn Fredk. 0., Botany rd, Aloxandrin
Glovanardl Joseph, art dealer, etc., 8 Elizabeth at
Gipps Working Men's Club, 17 Cumberland
Giraud G. H.. Johnston st. Annnndnln
Advertising Exports. Literary Agonts.
Tel. 817.
W. P. BLUETT, Manager.
Glndesvilie Public School—J. H. S. Godfrey, master, Gladcsville rd, GlndcavllleGlndesvilie Asylum, hospital for the insane—H. Blaxland, medical superintendent; G. Morton, senior medical
officer; H. D. Haloomb, junior medical
officer ; W. A. E. Lewis, assistant
superintendent; W. T. Roberts, clerk ;
Mrs. B. Simpson, matron; Thomns.
Folkard, chief nttcudnnt, Gt. Northern,
rd, Gladosvillo
Gladhill Robert, Lombard st, Glebo
Gladlng Daniel, 7 Rcuss st, Balmain
Glading Daniel, 118 Botany st, Waterloo
Gladlng G. T., 201 Grafton st, Woollahra
Gladlng H. S., Alexandra st, Hunter's Hill
Gladlng James, 24 Mnokcnzio st, Waverloy
Gladings Chas., Mitchell rd, Alexandria
Gladsbrough Samuel, 7 Burrehporo st
Gladstone John T., 63 Howard st
Glancy Michael, Slullbourne hotel, 151
George st, Camperdown
Glands Augustus J., 1 Phillip st, Globe
CSlanfleld Olms. F„ Bridge st, Drummounc
GInuhnin T. D. Y., 237 Underwood st,.
Tne Pioneer lnaia aunuer WorKs of
Manufacturers n* -ciam
India Rubber Goods. Hose, Engine
Packings, Cycle & Vehicle Tyres, #c.
Manufacturers of the W E L L - K N O W N
tnnvtij otvitun - unucnmncKa." o i u n c u
Giles Edwin, Sydney st, Mnrrlckville
Gill Dr. J. Macdonnld, lion, secretary Gillcs A. O., proprietor Grafton wharves
Giles .Mrs. G. J., Olniroh st, Parramatta
N.S.W. Medicnl Union, 121 Bathurstst
nud warehouses (bonded nnd free
Giles Geo. L„ 84 GosdHopcst, Pnd'ton
Gill James,ft!)Union st, Newtown
stores), Sussex s t ; p.r., Oarabelln st,
Giles Sirs. H. 120 Rcdfern st, Redfcm
Gill James, 0 Douglas st, Waterloo
North Sydney
Giles H., « Kensington st, Waterloo
Gill John, 100 Bowman st
allies A. W., 00 Penkivll st, Bondl
Giles Henry, Kingston rd, Camperdown
Gill John, St. sen., Bowden st, Granville
Gilks srrs. B. E.. GO Penkivll st, Bondi
Giles Henry, Knlgoorllc st, Lcichhardt
Gill Joseph, 37 Young st, Aunandalo
Gllles E. W„ 80 Douglas st, Petersham
Giles Henry, Ethel ft. Hmidwick
Gilles II. W„ secretary Srarshall's PaddingGill
Giles J., 33 Leamington nve, Newtown
ton Brewery, Ltd., Oxford nnd StarOill It., Alexandra st, Hunter's Hill
Giles J. A., 24 Anglesca st, Bondl
shall sts, Paddington; p.r., 37 Wnvcrley
Gill Richard, 6 Piggottst, Dulwlch Hill
Giles James, '.'20 Crown st
st, Wnvcrley
Giles .Tnmes, lli Withlcombc st, Rozcllc
Gillcs Hamilton, Bellevue st, North Sydney
Giles James, J.P., 20 lient st, Paddington Gill William, 121 Riley st
B R O S . A N D CO.,
Gill William.Fnrlola st Auburn
Giles James, 21 Mnrriott st, Retlfcrn
Anchor Roller Flour Stills, Barker st,
Giles John, 30 Union st, Erskinevillo
Gill William, 25 Cowpcr st. Glebe
Giles John, builder, Fern st, Rundwick
G I L L E S P I E J A M E S & OO., ManuGiles John, 80 Gt. Buckingham st, Rcdfern Gill William, 02 Aborcromble st, Rcdfern
facturers "Cookntoo "Brands SelfGilluin Misses, Ailnnthus College, for young
Giles Mrs. jr. J., 02 Drultt st
raising Flour, Flaked Oatmeal, Baking,
Giles Miss N. A., 11 Barcom nT
ladles, 5 Rockwall ores
Custard and Egg Powders, Jelly CryGiles Richard P., Forsyth st, Glebe
Gillam G. Louis, secretary Dental Hospital
stals, 183 Sussex st
Giles .Mrs. Sarah, 70 Victoria st, Hozcllo
of Sydney, 210 Elizabeth st
Gillespie A., 0 Cleveland Bt, Darlington
Giles Thomas, 120 Spring st, Wnvcrley
Gillam Henry \V., J.P.. deputy registrar- Gillespie A., 2 Prospect rd, Bummer Hill
Giles W., 42 Glrnmorc rd, Paddlngton
general of deeds, Registrar-General's Gillespio Andrew, Church st, Parramntta
Giles Walter, Church st Parramattu
Ofllce, Elizabeth s t ; p.r.,49John st, Gillespie O. W., 301 Riley st
Giles William, 14 Clisdcllst
Gillespie SIrs.E., florist, 193 Kingst, N'town
Giles William B., Julia st, Ashfleld
Gillham John, 48 Caledonia st, Pad'ton
Gillespio G., off Hastings rd, Turrnmurra
Gilfeather John, 335 Wattle st
Gillam Walter, Spring st, Burwood
Gillespio G. 0., 18 Parramatta Old rd,
Gilfcather Michael, 490 Jones st
Gillan John, Caledonian st, Bexley
Gllllllan and Co., agents, Vickcry's cham- Gllliin William, 27 Cllsdcll st
Forest Lodge
bers, 80 Pitt st
Gillard Mrs. E , Marrickville rd. Slar'villc Gillespio George, King st, Rockdale
Gilflllan Donglns II., public accountant Gillurd Edward, 21 Justin st, Leichhnrdt Gillespio George, Princess ave, Waterloo
and nuditor, anil manager Mittagong Gillard Ell, St. Ignatius College, Rivcrvicw Gillespie George, Scott st, Wnvcrley
Gillespie H. J„ 341 Crown rd
" • -
Trie Pioneer India RuDDer WorKs of flusiralia
Manufacturers nf ^mm
India Rubber Goods, Hose, Engine
Packings, Cycle & Vehicle Tyres, &c.
Manufacturers of the W E L L - K N O W N
THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W.: O T U l i c i . Vstroot South. 'Phono
Gillies Louis, Edward st, Woollahra
Gillies Mrs. M. J., 13 Onnond st, Pad'ton
Gillies Matthew, Allen st
Gillies Robert, Burwood rd, Burwood
Gillies Bobcrt, Angolo st, Burwood
Gillies Sinolair, M.D., (Lond.) D.P.H., physician, 153 Macquario st
Gillies W., 236 Trafalgar st, Aunandalo
Gllllos W. T., 8 Miller Bt, North Sydney
Gllllgan Charles, 60 Crown lane
Gilligan Mrs. E., 83 Darlington rd, Dar'ton
Gilligan J., 81 Stcwnrt st, Paddington
Gilligan John, 48 Stewart Bt, Paddington
Gllllgan James, 7 Olaremont st, Rozcllc
Gilligan John. 3 Whitchouee st, Newtown
Gilligan Miss,drossinnker, 66 Sydney arcado
Gllllgan P., 88 Denlson st, Woollahra .
Gllllgan R„ 20 OliarlcB Bt, Forest Lodge
GilUgau T., farrier, 621 Elizabeth st
Gilligan W., 118 Abercrombio place
Gillinglmm W. H., Victorln ave, Ohatsw'd
Gillls James, headmaster, Public School,
Auburn rd, Bnnkstown
Glllis K. S., Hooper st, Randwlck
Gillls William, 362 Bourke st
Gilllver, William and Son, railway and
general contractors, 135 King st, and
Church st, Rookwood
Gilllver Harry L., Rookwood st, Rookwood
Gilllver Henry J . P., Joseph st, Rookwood
Gilllver William, J.P., coutraotor, Rookwood rd, Bankstown
Glllman Henry, 260 Palmer st
Gillman J. II.. 17 Leicester st, Paddington
Glllman William, 0 Edward st, Sum. Hill
Glllmore Fred. G., Military rd, Mosman
Gillmore W. H., Military rd, Mosmnn
Glllon M., Bunnerong rd, Kensington
Gillond Mrs. A., dealer, 3(0 Pitt Bt
Gillott A., 108 Wcstbourno st. Petersham
GiUroy E. L., Audloy st, Marriokvillo
Gllman R. J., Magic st, Mosman
Gilmartln Miss B., 30 Norton st, Glebe
Gilmer Mrs. H., Cairo st, Rockdale
Gilmore Mrs A., 110 Woolloomooloo st
Gilmoro Geo., Forest rd, Arucliffc
Gilmors Hy., 203 Henderson rd, Alex'drin
Gilmore J., 29 Kingsclcar rd, Alexandria
Gilmore John, Burwood rd, Burwood
Gilmore John, 60 John st, Erskinevillo
Gilmoro John, 37 Henrietta st, Wnvcrley
Gilmore John, 225 Edgccliflo rd, Woollahra
Gilmore M„ grocer, 74 Pitt st, Rcdfern
Gilmore MIchl., 76 West st, North Sydney
Gilmore R. H., Frogmore st, N. Botany
Gilmore W., jmt., 76 William st, N. Syd.
Gilmore W. G., 20 Holmwood st, Newtown
Gilmour Mrs. A., 1 Tivoli st, Paddington
Gilmour 0 . 0 „ O'Hara st, Mnrriokvillo
GIlmour.Mrs.G., 32 Walkor st, N. Sydney
Gilmour H., 47 Margaret st, Petersham
Gilmour James, Carlisle st, Ashfleld
Gilmour John, 114 Glebe st, Glebe
Gllroy William. Station at, Arnollffo
Gilroy William, 17 Edwin st, Croydon
Gilroy William J., King st, Rockdalo
Gilscnnn Patrick, 2 Wilton st
Gilshannon J., 163 Botany st, Waterloo
Gibson T. H., 05 Paddington st, Pad'ton
Giltlnnn Mrs. Anna, 110 Upper Fort st
Glltinnn Mrs. F., 30 Birohgrovcrd, li'maiu
Giltlnnn Hy., 78 Onthcriue st, Leichhnrdt
Giltlnnn Jnmcs, 46 Albany rd, Petersham
Giltlnnn R,, 70 Gt. Buckingham Bt, Rcdfern
Giltlnnn Richard, cooper, 220 Kent st
Giltlnnn Richard, 6 Dock rd, Balmnln
GImber C, 2 Rosedale st, Petersham
Glmbert A. E., Marsdcn st, Pnrramnttn
Gimbert James, Parramatta rd, H'bush
Giinbcrt W., 2 rarrnweon st, N. Sydney
Glmhcrt Willlnm, 70 Wilson st, Newtown
GImmell Mrs. M.,4 Ohnrlcsst, F. Lodgo
Ginger A. W., Mitchell st, Rydo
Ginger John J., Lake st, Mortlnkc
Ginger Walter, Fnrramatta rd, Concord
Ginisty Very Rov. Father, Mnry st, H. Hill
Ginivan W., hnlrdrcsser, 02 William st
Ginmnn Thomns, 17 Morchead st, Waterloo
Ginn Charles, S Robert st, Ashfleld
Glim Edward W., 170 Morchead st, R'fern
Ginn Fredk.C, Botany rd, Alexandria
Giovnnardi Joseph, art dealer, otc, 8 Elizabeth st
Gipps Working Men's Club, 17 Cumberland
Giraud G. H„ Johnston st, Annnndnle
Giraud Leonard, confectioner, 243 Cnstlercagh st, 110 King st nnd 04 Market st
Giraud Madame, tcaohcr of French, 289
Pitt st
Girdler W., Mitchell rd, Alexandria
Girdler W., 167 George st, Erskinevillo
Girdwood James, 2 Rcuss st, Balmain
Glrdwood Robert, 10 Klppnx st
Girling Mrs. R., 12 Cnmbridgo st, Pad'ton
Girls' Friendly Society Lodge—Miss Mnry
Baker, matron, 107 William Bt
Gissauo John, 92 Bay street
Glssano John, 01 George st, Camperdown
Gissick John, 0 Centre st, Rcdfern
Gisslng F. W., 10 Charlotte Bt, Ashfleld
Glssing Spencer, Hallway st, Rockdale
Gisslng T. S., sen., 10 Audley st, Marriokvillo
Gittins Charles L., 17d Bourke st
Gittins Mrs. E, Horton st, Marrickville
Gittins Henry, 34 Caroline st, Rcdfern
Gittins J., stationer, 33 George st west
Gittins W. E., 5 Charles at, Forest Lodge
Gittoes Charles, Station st, Parramatta
GIttocs Edward, Vale st. Little Ooogee
Gittoes Edwin, Ross st, Parramatta
Gittoes M., Phillip st, Pormmatta
GiufTrc T., florist, 143 Oastlorengh st
Giumclli A., Cullodcn rd, Marsfleld
Giumclli E. Culloden rd, Marsfleld
Gilmour John, 7 Mansfield st, GlcoJ
Gimnell! J., Balaclava rd, Marsfleld
Gilmour Mrs., 03 Glenmore rd, Paddington Given J o ' n , 21 Hopewell st, Paddington
Gilmour R. C , Grovo st, Marrickville
Given Willium, Princes st
Gilmour Sidney, 30 Thurlow st, Rcdfern Givins John, 81 Australia st, Newtown
Gilmour Thomas, 04 Kippnx st
Givins John, 71 Regent st, Nowtowu
Gilmour Tnomns, Chester st, Mnrrlckville Gizzard Harry, Orimea st, Parramatta
Gilmour Thomas, J.P., Yukka rd, R'wood Gizzard John E.. Crimia st, Parramatta
Gilmour Willlnm, off 06 Harris st
Glacken Mrs. P. W., 0 Ward st, North
Gilmout W., Queensbury rd, Hurstvillc
Gllogly Daniel, Stanley st, Concord
Gilogly John, 437 Wnttlo st
Glncken Dennis J., 32 West st,N. Sydney
Gilpin David, Cardigan st, Petersham
Gladd Mrs. Julia, 174 Bridge rd, Glebo
Gilroy B. W., Charles st. Greenwich
Gladding John, 116 Rowntree st, Balmain
Gllroy Edward, 62 Marls st, Newtown
Qladdle F., 15 Kenilworth st, Wnvcrley
Gilroy Edward, Hutohinsou st, St. Peters Gladesville Polico Station — St. George
Gilroy Ernest, 17 Garden avo. Globe
Ross, constable, Great Northern rd,
Gilroy Mrs. H., 12 Bogan st, Summer Hill
Gilroy Henry P., 8 Belvoir st
Gladesville Post and Telegraph OfficeGilroy Matthew, 8 Burton st, N. Sydney
Miss S. F. Howell, postmistress, Grent
Gilroy Peter, Enstern rd, Turrauutrra
Northern rd, Gladesville
Advertising Exports, Literary Auonts.
Tel. a i 7 .
W. P. BLUETT. Manager.
Gladesville Public School—J. H. 8. Godfrey, master, Gladesville rd, GladesvilleGladesville Asylum, hospital for the insane—H. Blaxland, medical superintendent; G. Morton, senior medical
ofllccr; H. D. Hnlcomb, junior medical
officer; W. A. E. Lewis, assistant
superintendent; W.T. Roberts,clerk;
Mrs. B. Simpson, matron; Thomas.
Folkard, chief attendant, Gt. Northern,
rd, Gladesvillo
GladhiU Robert, Lombard st. Glebe
Glading Dnniel, 7 Reuss st, Bnlmnln
Glndlng Daniel. 118 Botany Bt, Waterloo
Glading G. T., 201 Grafton st, Woollahra
Glading H. 8., Alexnudra st, Hunter's Hill
Glading James, 24 Mnckenzio st, Wavorloy
Gladlngs Chas., .Mitchell nl, Alexandria
Gladsbrough Samuel, 7 Burrehporo st
Gladstone John T., 63 Howard st
Glancy Michnel. Shrllbourne hotel, 154
George st, Camperdown
Glands Augustus J „ 1 Phillip st, Glebe
Glanfleld Chns. F., Bridge st, Drunimouue
Glnnham T. D. Y., 237 Underwood st,.
Glnnville G., 71 Margnrot st, Pctcrshom
Glnnville J., sen., Tenterden st, Botany
Glnnville S., 41 Edward st, Nortli Sydney
Glnnville W„ 30 Bruce st, Petersham
Glanz Mrs. C . 07 Onlder rd, Redfoni
Glnnz Lewis. 19 Calder rd, Rcdfern
Glasby J. W„ Cowles' rd, Mosman
Glnso Mrs. H., 245 Glebe rd. Globe
Glasgow Manufacturing Co.—A SapsforoT
nud Son, 41 Castlercagh st
Glasgow William, 440 Harris st
Glashccn W., Wellington st, Wnterloo
Glasheen W. A., 20 Brumby st
G L A S S ( B A K N E T ) A N D SONSP R O P R I E T A R Y L T D . , Manufacturers of
Iudiarubber Goods,
Hose, Engine Pnekinir, Tyres, Ac., 165
Clarence st. Tel. 1339. (Sec ndvt.
Glass and China Riveting nnd General Repairing Depot—E. D. Leyshon, 482.
Georgo st
Glass Charles, 49 Carshnlton st, Ashfleld
Glass Claud. 373 Crown rd
Glass E., 41 Leamington ave, N'town
Glass Ernest, 71 Francis st, Glebe
Glass G., Grecnhnnkst, Mnrrlckville
Gloss George, Illawarm rd, Marrlokvtlle
Glass J. C, Parnell st, Strnthflold
Glnss N., Bcaconsfleld st, Bexley
Glnss Solomon, 102 Forbes st
Glassan Jus., 20 Boulevard. Lewisham
Glossberg L., 15 Junction st, Forest Lodge
Glassby Edward, 19 Cooper st, Waterloo
Glassoock G. II., 72 Holterman st, N. Syd..
Glasscock H. J., Agincourt rd, Marsfleld
Glasscock L., 234 Hereford st, Glebo
Glasscock R. A , 25 Walter st, Paddington
Glnsscock Thomns D., J.P., council oierk.
Glebe Town Hall,St. John's rd, P.LodgeGlasscock W., 09 Campbell st, Glebe
Glnsscott Sydney, SInde st, Nnrcmburn
Glasse J. B., 2 Elizabeth pi, Paddlugtou
Glasscn J.. Mcrrylnnds rd, Prospcot
Glassford D. M., 1 Gerrard st, Noutral Bny
Glassford James, 79 John st, Woollahra
Glasslngton II., 53 Cleveland st, Rcdfern
Glassinton William, 08 Mills st
Glosson Charles, Daniel st, Granville
Glnsson Mrs. E., 1 Morcliciul st, Redferu
Gleeson M., Berkley rd, Manly
Globe Foreign Parcels Express, Duguid and
Glnsson Mrs. G. II., Plttwntor rd, Manly
Gleeson Man in, Byron tcr, Guildford
Co., agents, 17 Bridge st
Glnsson Hy„ 9 Carlisle st, Leichhnrdt
Gleeson Martin, 41 Bead st, Waverley
" (JLOBE " B R A N D M E A T S A N D
Gliisson John M„ Terry at, Rockdale
Gleeson Michael, 438 Wattle st
T O N G U E S (N.S.W. Canning F n c
Glnsson Joseph, 19 Waterloo st, ltozellc
Gleeson Miohncl, 01 Hay st, Globe
tory)—Jnuies Barnes, Proprietor, HoGlnsson Josiah, 29 Walter Bt, Ashfleld
Gleeson Michael, 27 Iris st, Paddington
llnltnnln (sec advt. opp. Preface)
Glnsson Mrs. M. A., 48 London st, Newtown Gleeson P., 42 Grose st, Cnmpordown
Glnsson Mrs. 8 , Warren rd, Mnrrlckville Gleeson T., 27 Little Arthur st, N. Sydney Glossop Edwin, 160 Weston rd, Hozelle
Glnsson Mrs. W., 4 Dcnisou rd, Petersham Gleeson T., Unwin's Bridge rd, St. Peters Gloster Miss A. J., 386 Crown st
Glassou William, Terry st, ltoekdnle
Gleeson Thos, 3 Belmont st, Alexandria
Gloucester Estate, Ltd.—J. B. Thompson
Glnssop G. E„ manufacturers' agent, 134 Gleeson Thomas, Cheltenham rd, Burwood
seoretary, 0 Oastlereagh st
Gleeson Thomas, Tramway st, N. Botany Glover E. and Co., confectioners, 253
Q. V. Markets
Gleeson Thomas, 46 Turner st, Reilfeni
Glasson Rev. W„ Belts rd, Prospect
Parramatta rd, Annaudalo
Glassop Edwin, 12 Wntervlew st, Iinlmnln Gleeson W. T., 30 Jnmes st, Leichhardt
Glover nnd Goodman, clothing manufacGleesou William, Russell rd, Bankstown
Olnssop Henry, 193 Kvnns st, Hozelle
turers, 433-6 Kent st
Glassop Mrs. T , 10 Clarendon rd, P'sham Gleeson Willlam,83 Erncstst, North Sydney
Glnssop Thomas, J.P., council olerk. Ash- Ulen Elgin Gold and Tin Dredging Co., No Glover and Sons, bedstead manufacturers,
Liability—B. N. Kirk, 10 O'Connell st
field Town Hall, Liverpool rd, Ashfleld
Gordon st, Camperdown
Glen Jnmes, 122 Bowman st
Glavcs L., 12 Darlington rd, Darlington
Glover T. it Co., grocers, Windsor st,
Glnzebrook Henry, Pelham st, Double Bay Glen Jnmes, Bnnuookburii st, Fynible
Glnzebrook Jnmes, Ynranabee rd, Wlnhra Glen Jnmes, Bourko st, Wnterloo
Glover W. T. nnd Co., mnkera of electric
Glnzebrook Mrs. T., Cross st. Double Bay Glen John, Queen st, Alexandria
wires nnd cables. Oswald Hues,
Glazebrook W., Cross st, Double Bay
agent, 50 Margaret st
Glen Mrs. R., 48 Glcnvlow st, Pnddlngton
Glazier A., Cook's Biver rd, St. Teters
Glover A. C , solicitor, Yaralln chambers,
Glnzier Ficdcriok, St. Peters st, St. Peters Glen It. 1L, 136 Nelson st., Annandnlc
109 Pitt st
Glen Robert, 13 Bridgewnter rd, Rozello
Glnzier G , Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby
Glover A.C., 277 Old Canterbury rd, P'shum
Gleadow Mrs. 13., 18 Donnelly Bt, Balmain Glen Wnlter, "Lowtlier," Oliff st, Mnnly
Glover Albert, St. James' rd, Rnudwlck
Glea6on T. A., 77 Stewart st, Paddington Glen Willlnm, Bnnnookburn st, Pymblo
Glen Willinm A., Promenade west, Manly Glover Albert, Dine st, Hnndwiok
Glcaves Joseph, Itowe 6t, Woollnhrn
Glebe Court House—G. A. Lloyd, J . P . Glen William J., 19 Rcdfern st, Kedfem
Glrver Mrs. Ann J., Harris rd, Abbotsford
Gleti Wilson, 37 Chelsea st, Rcdfern
O.P.S., Deumnn st, Glebe
Glover Arthur J., 32 Smith st
G L E H K GAZETTE—John McGouran, pro- Gleucross C. nnd Sons, coachbullders, 138 Glover Ohas., 211 Blue's Point rd, N. 8yd.
prietor, 187 Globo rd. Glebe
Glovei Claries A., 17 Samuel st
Wilson st, Newtown
Glebe Hospital for Sick Children—Miss
Glover Charles H., Station st, Arncliffo
Nora Yenablcs, matron; Dr. McDonald Glcneross O., J.P., 76 Albert st, Ersklnovllle Glover Cms. J., 341 Ernest st N. Sydney
S., Myers st, Kognrnh
Wallace, medical superintendent, ISOGlover
Clarence, 2 Wilton place
MS Glebe rd. Glebe. Tel. 200 Glebe Glcneross W., 29 Septimus st, Erskinevillo Glover D., grocer, 101 Phillip st
Glebe Police Station—Sen. Constable John Glendenning Oiinrles, Oleiirnu hotel, Botany Glover Daniel, 03 Smith st, Summer Hill
rd, Alexnndrln
Wnlker, In charge, Deumnn st, Glebe
Glover David, 81 Phillip st
Glebe Post nnd Telegraph Ofllce—Miss M. Glendenning E. R., 133 Princes st
Glover David, Edwin st, Mortluke
L. Knott, postmistress, Glebe rd, Gl'bo Glendenning Jnmes, 00 Marian st, N'town Glover David, 140 Stnumore rd, P'shnm
Glebe Public School—William Bnx, head Glendenning Mrs. M., 6110 Darling st, Glover David U., Geddes st, Botany
master boys' dept.; Miss E. Robson,
Glover E„ Botany rd, North Botany
liaW mistress girls' dept., Derwent st, Glendenning W., 121 Mitchell st, Glebe
Glover Edward, 21 Mill st
Forest Lodge
Glendenning W., Railwny pnr, Mortdnle
Glover Edwnrd, 148 Albion st, Annandale
Glebe Ragged School—Miss I. Brown Glendenning Wm„ Nelson at,Pen6hurst
Glover Ernest T , Elizabeth st, Artarmon
mistress. Water st, Glebe
Gleiidenuon Jns. Frotigate st, Granville
Glover Frnnk, 90 Fnlcon st, North Svdncy
Glebe Town Hall—Thomas D. Glasscock, Glcnflcld nnd Kennedy, Ltd, liydraulio Glover G., 221 Henderson rd, Alexniidrin
J.P., council clerk, St. John's rd, Forest
and sanitary engineers (Kilmarnock, Glover G. H., 140 Holtcrmnn st, N.Sydney
Scotland)—D. K.Blair, representative, Glover Qeorgo, Lavender st, Abbotsford
Glebe Working Men's Institute—A. H.
70 Pitt st
L. Maouauinrn, secretary, St, John's GlenHeld J . W. and Co., boiler fluid manu- Glover H. H., lltho artist, 44 Oastlerengh st
Glover Harry, 638 Cleveland Bt
rd, Forest Lodge
facturers. 52 Mnrgnrct st
Glover Henry, 42 Lord 6t, North Sydney
Gledden A. M., M.D., surgeon, 22 College Bt Qlenfleld F. W., Young st, Croydon
Mrs. J., 217 Miller st, North Sydney
Gledhill 0., 143 Johnston st, Aiinandnle
Glenfleld Mrs. J. W., Lnng st, Croydon
Gledhill 1., Grand par, Brighton-lo-Sumls Qlenfleld It. McD. T., 12 Spruson st, Glover J., Todd st, Sherwood
Glover J. T., Eaton st, North Sydney
Gledhill W., auctioneer, 2 E'more rd, N'towii
Neutral Bay
Gledhill Walter, 32 Newman 6t, Newtown Glenmore Public School—H. Thomas, Glover Jnmes, Queen rd, Abbotsford
Glecslia A. I*, 211 Marlborough st
head master, Glenmore rd, Pnddlngton Glover James, 6 Crystal st, Rozello
Gleesha Charles, Henwick st, Marrickville Glenmore tannery, Hnmpden st, Pnddlngton Glover James J., J.P., Military rd, Mo6inau
Glover John, Bennett st, Mortlnke
Gleeson C . 12 Chnpel st, Mnrrickyille
Glenn Alfred, 102 Young st, Rcdfern
Glover John, 24 Golden Grove st, Hcdforn
Gleeson Corn., 40 Geo. st, Ersklnovllle
Glenn Alfred J., 65 George st. Wnterloo
Gleeson Denis, Spring st, Burwood
Glover John O., 89 Garden st, Alexandria
Glenn Dnvid, 78 Cleveland st
Gleeson K., 300 Oxford st, Pnddlngton
Richard, Yule st, Dulwioh Hill
Glenn Edward, 1," Littlo Belmore st
Gleeson Florence, 32 Dcnison st, Hozelle
Glover Robert, plumber, off 58 Erskine st
Glenn Edward, 28 Washington st
Gleeson G., 123 George st, Ersklnovllle
Glover Robert. 344 Darlinir Bt, Balmain
Glenn Ernest, 13 Lawson st, Waverley
Gleeson George, 24 Little Edwnrd st
Glover Mrs. S., 23 Liverpool st, Pnddlngton
Glenn W., King st, Randwick
Gleeson H. O, 44« Bayswntcr rd
Glenn William, 374 Elizabeth st
Glover Samuel, Stnple st, Alston Park
Gleeson Henry, 9 College st, Camp'down
Glenn Willinm, 3 Thomas st, Rcdfern
Glover Mrs. Susan, 58 John st
Gleeson J., 88 Cnstlcrengh st, Beilfern
Glenn Willinm, 23 Wnlker st, Rcdfern
Glover T. H., Carrlngton ave, Hurstville
Gleeson J . W., 02 8llvcr st, Mnrrlckville
Glennnn John, 40 Fovcaux st
Glover Thomns, Station st, Auburn
Gleeson Jnmes, 51 Albion st
Glennie George, 11 Theodore st, Bnlmnln Glover Thomns, Farr st, Rockdale
Gleeson James, 46 Irving st
Qlennlc Miss Mnry,07 Maclcny st
Glover Mrs. W., Lilian rd, Hurstville
Gleeson James, 9 Ohrlstio st, Glebe
Glcnnlng T., 125 Holtcnnnn st, N. Sydney Glovor W., 277 Old Canterbury rd, P'shnm
Gleeson James, 150 Oxford st, Pnddlngton Glenny T., Scott st, Waverley
Glover Willinm, 21 Robert st, Ashfleld
Gleeson James, 41 Grafton st, Woollnhra Glenroy private school—Mrs. W. Onmpbcll Glover Win., 00 Hnrgrnvo st, Paddington
Gleeson John, 29 Bannister lnue
nnd Miss Popper, 105 Moncur st,W'lhrn Glover Win., 146 Nelson st, Annandale
Gleeson John, 04 Mnrgnrct st, Newtown
Glew James, 218 Riley st
Glover William, 7 West st, Waterloo
Gleeson John, 8 Elfred st, Paddington
Olinn Thomns, Norninn Bt, Rozello
Glue John, Robertson st wet, Kognrnh
Gleeson John, 61 Cooper st, Waterloo
Gllsson Geo. G.B., Atchison st, St. Lconnrds Gluxtion John. 20 Rnper st, Newtown
Gleeson Joseph, 45 Francis st, Glebe
Gloag Jnmes, 85 Princes st
Gluyns Mrs. P., I.ilydnlest, Marrlckvlllo
Gleeson M., 46 HcmlorFon rd, Alexandria
Globe Carrying Co.—W. Cnrcw, manager, Glyde
Henry A.. Oowle's rd, Mosmou
Gleeson M., 37 Augustus st, Leichhardt
21 Margaret st
Goddnrd Mrs. M. A., 26 Pyrinont Bridge rd Godwin G. W., money broker, 178 Phillip
St.; p.r., Military rd, Mosmun
Goddard Miss M. A., 112 Ernest at, N. Syd Godwin J., Highgnte st, Bcxlcy
Godwin J., Pritchard st, Marrickville
Goddnrd I I , Rlcketty st, North Botnny
MANUFAC- Goddnrd Rev. R. E. (.0. of E.), Stnnmore Godwin James, S3 Walker st, North Sydney
Godwin Joseph, Forest rd, Bexley
T U R E R S — J . H. Wearne and Co.,
rd, Petersham
Godwin Thos., Lane Cove rd, North Sydney
Solo Representatives, Wynynrd build- Goddard Reuben, 16 May st
Godworth George, 212 Elizabeth Bt
' ings, Wynynrd square, Sydney.
Goddard Robert, 64 Experiment st
Goer Thomas, 87 Station Bt, Newtown
Goddard Mrs. S, 60 Chisholm 8t
Glyn MrB. Bridget, 401 Harris st
Mrs. H., 32 Wethcrill st, Leichhardt
Goddard Mrs. S. A., 3 Milton st, Ashfleld
Glynn A. H., 14 Belgrave st, Waverley
Goddard S. D„ 22 Carabella st, N. Sydney Goff R. nnd Co., produce merchants, 10l>
Glynn Alex., 14 Louis st, Rcdfern
New South Head rd, Paddington
Stephen, 16 Phillip Bt, Bnlmain
Glynn Alexander, 54 Hordern st, Newtown Goddard
T. J „ Bcaoonsflcld st, Alexandria Goff Charles, 38 Drultt Bt
Glynn J. J„ mastor Public School, Cox's rd, Goddard
Goff Daniel, 0 Baldwin st, Ersklneville
Goddard Willinm, 14 Mny st
North Rydc
Goddard W. O., J.P., Norwich chnmbcrs, Goff George, 8 Stanley lnno
Glynn James, statlonmaster, Hornsby
60-58 Hunter s t ; p.r., "Mitfonl,' Goff George, Government rd, Prospect
Railwny Station, Burdett st, Hornsby
Goff George E., 24 John st
Kirrlbilli Point
Glynn John, 15 Hay st, Leichhardt
Goddntd W. J., 20 Eurkn at, North Sydney Golf H., Government rd, Prospeot
Glynn M., 61 Henderson rd. Alexandria
Golf Mrs. J. E., 15 Carlisle st, Ashfleld
Glynn Mlchl., Lano Cove rd, North Rydc Goddard Walter, 54 Glonvlew st, Pad'ton Goff James, 170 Crown st
Glynn Patrick, Avoca Bt, Randwick
Walter H., J.P., mannger Com- Goff John, 26 Chnpel st, Marrickville
Glynn Robert, W., Annandale st, Ann'dalo Goddard
mcrclnl Banking Co., Ltd. (branch), Goff John, Houison st, Prospect
Glynn-Jones G. T., manufacturers' agent,
Goff P., 23 Mnlcolm st, ErskineTille
325 King st, Newtown
18 Bridge st
Goff RIohnrd, 0 Alma st, Ashfleld
Goddard William. 33 Howard st
Gondle John, 263 Palmer st
Goff R. B., llrUlol Anns hotel, Sussex s t
Goard Ohas., Julian st, Willoughby
Robert, 7 Mackey st
Ooard Samuel, 20 Milson st, North Sydney Goddard
Mrs. A. J., Marsdcn st, Par'matta Goff William, 60 Smith st
Goatloy Charles, Garner's ave, Marrickville Godden
Golf Willinm, 23 Kenllwortb st, Waverley
N., 11 Church Bt, Balmnln
Goatlcy Mrs., 38 Raymond rd, Neutral Bay Godden F,
Ohnrlcs, 15 Milson st, N. Sydney Goggln Cornelius, Young st, Annandale
Gobbott William H., Musgrave st, Mosman Godden George,
Goggiu E., 41 Pyrmont Bridge rd, C'down
Goblo Mrs. A., Hornsy st, Hornsby
Godden Tom, 64 Cntherlne st, Leichhnrdt Goggln Edward, 20 Norton st, Leiohhardt
Goblo M., Atchison st, St. Leonards
M., Rosa st, Oakley
Godding T., Marian st, Parramatta
Goble Morton, Wilson st, North; Sydney
Gogglns David, 57 Onnond st, Paddington
W. J., Inkerman st, Parramatta
Go Bo Bros., cabinetmakers, 178-181) Eliza- Godding
Edward, 24 Euglno st
Godcfroy II., 40 Swanson st, Erskinevillo
beth st
Gogglns Henry, Rhodes av, Nnremburn
Gobracht H. L., cigar manufacturer, Cen- Godfrey Bros., produce dealers, Auckland Gohing John, 94 Harbour ft
st, Alexandria
tral Arcnde, George st
Godfrey Henry and Son, bakers, Avoca »t, Gohus F., Orlando av, Mosman
Gocher W. H., North Steyne, Manly
Golbralth W. J., 25 Prospeot st, L'hardt
Godbec T., 18 Derbyshire rd, Leichhardt
Golburg Alfred M., Bond st, Mosman
Godbcbero W.F.. lTrnfnlgnrter.Stnnmore Godfrey Alfred, 8 Albert st, Glebe
C. II., 32 Windsor st, Paddington
Godfrey Alfred, Station Bt, Arncliffo
Godber S., Portman st, Waterloo
Godfrey Chnrles, Cook's River rd, St. Peters Colby George Railway st, Homebush
Godbold Mrs. E., 5 Foy st, Balmain
Fennell st, Parramatta
Godbolt Miss M., 61 Kensington rd, Godfrey Chns., jun„ Mitchell at, Rydo
Golby Mrs. M. A., Fennell st, Parramatta
Godfrey Daniel, 18 Wnllls Bt, Woollnhra
Golby Mrs., 101 Wilson st, Newtown
Summer Hill
Godfrey E., Rocky Point rd, Rockdnle
Golby R., 82 Windsor st, Paddington
Godbolt Thomas, J.P., pnymnster, Im- Godfrey Mrs. E„ Joseph Bt, Rookwood
Gold Mrs. A., 37 Lackey st, Summer Hill
Godfroy Edward, 6 Mitchell st. Glebe
perlnl Pension Office, 138 George st
Clement, 42 Yurong st
Godfrey EllaB. Grey st, Carlton
Godbolt Thomns, Liverpool rd, Enfield
Gold J. P., manager F. H. FnnMing and1
Goddnrd W. O. nnd Co., agents Norwich Godfrey F. E., Planthurst rd, Carlton
Co, 16 O'Connell st
Union Fire Insurance Society, Nor Godfrey Frank, 38 Nicholson st
Gold J n s , Queen st Burwood
Godfrey George, Forest rd, Boxley
wlch chambers, 60-58, Hunter st
Mrs. M. A., 09 Underwood st, Pnd'ton
Goddnrd A., 2 Ivy lane, Darlington
Godfrey Hnrry, G7 Elizabeth st, Waterloo Gold W„ 13 Burfltt st, Leichhardt
Goddard A., Comma rd, Petersham
Goddnrd A., 137 Little Brighton st, P'shnm Godfrey Horace P., surgeon, Wnlker st, G O L D B E A T E R S ' C O M P A N Y , Gold
Goddard A., 182 Grafton st, Woollahra
Leaf and Urouzes— M. H. Lauchlau
North Sydney
Goddard Alexander, 28 Rose st, Darlington
nnd Co, Colonial Representatives, 72
Godfrey Jnmes, baker, 177 Oxford st
Goddard Mrs. Alice, 31 Regent st
KIngBt. Tel. 32 '"
Godfrev J. H. S., mn9tcr Public School,
Goddard Arthur, Done st, Arncliffo
Goldberg J. L , 483 Hnrrls st
Glndesvllle rd, Glndesvillo
Goddard Mrs. 0., 38 Penkivil st, Bondi
Goldberg Leon, 623 King st, Newtown
Goddard Mrs. O. H., 97 Boulevard, Dul.Hill Godfrey J. W., J.P., 120 Boulevard, D. Hill Goldberg Maurice, 219 King st, Newtown
Goddard Mrs. O. S., William st, Hornsby Godfrey James, Bay st, Rockdnle
Goldberg Thos, 26 Reynolds st, Balmain
Goddard Charles, Kent rond, North Botany
Godfrey Mrs. Janet, Botany rd, Wnterloo Goldburg and Carroll, hotel brokers, 41
Goddnrd David, 105 Marlborough st
Oastlereagh st
Goddard Mrs. ]{., 121 Mount st, N. Sydnoy
Golden Gnte Athletic Club, 625a George st
Goddard Mrs. E„ 10 Little Cleveland st, Godfrey John, Edwnrd st, North Sydney
GOLDEN F L E E C E (newspaper) Ofllce, 47
Godfrey John A., 11 Day st, Leiohhnrdt
Godfrey Miss Kate, 10 Crnlgend at
Oastlereagh st
Golden E. J , Short st, Hookwood
Goddard Edwd., 18 L'Avenue park, N'town Godfrey Mrs. M., Bruce st, Carlton
Frank, 70 Edwurd st
Goddard Frederick, Park rd, N. Botany
Goddnrd Mrs. G., 01 Lamb 6t, Leichhardt Godfrey Oswald, 169 Botany st, Waterloo Golden Jns., 10 Leichhnrdt st, Globe
Golden Thomns, 193 Riley st
Goddard G„ sen., Church ave, N. Botany Godfrey P., Elgin st, Woolwiou
Godfroy P. T., printer, 142 George st west Golden W, Griffin par, Hurstville
Goddard George, lO.Henry st
Godfrey Simoon, 23 Middle st, Mnrrlokville Goldenstedt Herr, professor of music, S35a
Goddnrd H , join- r, Bishop st, Burwood
George st
Goddnrd H. A., J.P., Forstcrst, Concord Godfrey T. S„ 06 Elizabeth st west, A'fleld
Godfrey W., 25 Wellington st, Newtown Golder John S , 15 Gladstone st, L'hardt
Goddnrd Henry, 38 Athlone place
Godfrey W., Princess ave, Waterloo
Goldfinch Lieut. H. E , J . P , Muston st v
Goddard Henry, 123 Harris st
Goddnrd Henry, Abbotsford rd, HomcbUBh Godhnrd Alfred, 266 Falcon st, Newtown
GoldfinchiT. H , McKcnzle st, Leichhardt
Goddnrd J. M. D., corner Oarrabella and Godlng Henry, Marsden st, Prospect
Godkln S. J., 17 Kingston rd, Camp'down Goldfinch Thomns, 20 Nelson Bt, Rozello
Peel sts, North Sydney
Godscll Henry, 16 Wood's lane
Goldfinch W , 21 Bridge st, Erskinevillo
Goddnrd J., 43 Stewnrt st, Paddington
Goodscll Mrs.S., 32 Norton st, Glebe
Goldhlll Solomon, 38 Grcnt Barcom st
Goddard J . A., Wcntworth rd, Burwood
Goldhlll 8. L., draper, 207 Oxford st
Goddnrd J . W., Lord's rd, North Botnny
Goldic A. J , Robinson st, Croydon
Viotorin at
Goddnrd John, 5 Ohnroh lnno
Goddard Mrs. John, 22 Harold st, Newtown Godson Mrs. N., Penhnrst st, Willoughby Goldlo C. J. D , 4 Woodstock st, Waverley
Goldie G. H , 02a Curtis rd, Balmnln
Godson Thomas, Huston st, Mosman
Goddard Joseph, Vulcan st, Granville
tioldlc George, 20 Kenny Bt Puddington
Goldsmid George, 28 Porter st, WaTerley G O L L I N A N D C O M P A N Y P R O Golding Mrs. A., Auunndalo at, Annandale Goldsmid L., 42 Cowper st, Wuverley
P R I E T A R Y , LTD.,Mcrolinnts (ind
Goldiug A. L., 7 Wilioughby rd, N. Sydney Goldsmide J., clothier, 163 George st
Goncral Importers; Sole Agent* for
Golding Albert, St Crown lane
Goldsmitha' and Silversmiths' Allinncc, 90
Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk ("MilkGolding Arthur, Oondamlne Bt, Manly
maid " Brand), Alaska Packers' AssociGolding Mrs. E., Ltttio Arthur at, N. Syd. Goldsmith Julius and Co., indentors, 44
ation, California Fruit Oauners' AsGolding E. A., 82 Gary at, Lelohhardt
sociation, Mclliii's Food, Quaker Oats,
Carrington st
Golding F., Botany rd. North Botany
Crawford's Whisky, Altkcn's Life
Goldsmith Bros., La Fcronse, Botany
Golding Fredk., Oanrobcrt at, Mo«mnn
Buoy Ale, etc., Ihlers nnd Bell stout,
Goldsmith A., Plunkott st, Druinmoj'no
Golding George, 14 Crystal at, Petersham Goldsmith Miss A., 1S9 King st, Newtown
Armour and Co., Chicago, Woodrow's
Golding J.W., Canterbury Ncwrd, M'kville Goldsmith A. J., 11 Adust
Hate, Summerleo Iron aud Steel Co..
Golding Mrs. M.A., 89 Old Canterbury rd, Goldsmith A. W., 08 Albany rd, Petersham
60 Clarence at
Gollin Waltei J., Albert st, Woollahra
Goldsmith E., 339 Miller st, N. Sydney
Golding Mrs. Marion, teaoher of music, Goldsmith F„ 311 Parramatta rd, L'hardt Golllngton A,, Goodwood st, Kensington
John, Bcaconsfleld par, Lindfleld
Goldsmith G., 117 Norton st, L'hardt
289 Pitt at
Goldsmith George, 7 Isabella st, Balmain Golomb Mark, Glebe rd, Glcbo
Goldiug Mrs. Marion, 09 Thomson st»
Golsby E. W., 16 Wilioughby st. N. Sydney
Goldiug Mrs. S. J., 10 Rclby at, Newtown Goldsmith Henry, Jcney hotel, Park st
Gomau O. H., Annandale st, Aunnndale
Goldsmith Miss I., 18 Wigram rd, Glcbo
Golding Thomaa, oft 60 Taylor st
Eugene, 8 Burlltt st, Lelohhardt
Goldsmith J., 23 Fitzroy st, Alexandria
Golding W., Botany rd, North Botany
Goldsmith J. V., 20 Yaralla st, Newtown Gommescn E. and Co., Dairy Preparation,
Golding W., 38 Iloglan at, Waterloo
Goldsmith Jamas, La Perousc, Botany
Golding W. H., Broderiok at, Rozelle
G O M M E S E N J . a n d 0 0 . , Engineers
Goldiug W. H., ECU., 11 Goodsir st, Ilozello Goldsmith M., 08 Curtis rd, Balmain
nnd Importers of Dairy Machinery,
Goldsmith O., Holmwood st, Newtown
Golding W. If., Warren rd, Marrickvllle
22 to 28 Wilson st, Newtown
Goldman and Bona, boot manufacturers, Goldsmith Percy, 1 Rouss st, Balmain
Joseph, engineer, 31 Wilson st,
Goldsmith T., 483 Darling st, Rozelle
George at, Rcdfcru
Goldman U, 246 Abcrorombie at, ItciUcrn Goldsmith T. J., 1 Parraweeu st, N. Sydney
Goldsmith Thomas, Stanley st, Burwood Gomes William, 49 Redforn st, Redforn
Goldman Harry, 263 King st, N'town
Goldsmith W., veal nnd pork butcher, 62
Goldman Horace, 17 George at, Kedforn
Gousalvcs II., Hamilton st, Woollahra
Goldman Hyam. 105 George st west
Market st
Gonsnlvcs John, Bell st, Vnucluso
Goldmau Mrs. R., 247 Victoria at
Goldsmith W., Abattoirs, Globe Island
GouserG., 93 Regent st
Goldman Mrs. R., 401 Liverpool Bt
Goldsmith W., 33 Campbell st, N. Syduoy Gonzalez, Byass nnd Co. (Oporto), Port.,
Goldmau S., 24S Abcrcromble st, Redforn Goldsmith W„ 8 Eden st, N, Sydney
7 Spring Bt
Golducy Mrs. F., 4 Charles at, Balmain
Goldsmith William, 16 Wigram rd, Glebe Goooh Alfred, 14 Bennett.st
Goldrlck A. J., Cliriatle st, St. Leonards
Goldstein and Co., auctioneers, 01-68 Ox- Goooh O. H., Vlotorla ave, Ohatswood
Goldriok H..G, Parkat.Aruoliffe
Gooch Charles, 2 Ileeley s„ Paddlugtoa
ford st
Goldrlck J. T., Cheltcnliiim rd, Burwood
Goldstein A., plumber, Control arcade, Gooch Charles, 26 Thomas st, Redfeni
Goldriok John, Mary st, Burwood
Gooch Mrs. Florence, 140 Forbes Bt
George Bt
Goldrlck Mrs. S., Bettlngton lane, Dundos
Gooch Gordon, Mount Pleasant ave, B'wood
Goldrick Robert, chief clerk & inspector Infirm and Destitute Asylum, Macquarlo
st, Parrainatta
Goldrlck Robert, Weston st, Parramattn
The Modern Art Jewellery Company,
Wigmaker nnd Hnlrworker. Importer
•Goldrick T. M. J., chemist, 43 Glebe rd,
Watchmakers nnd Jewellers, 187 Pitt
of Human Hair, 296 George st (opposite
Hunter at, Sydney)
Glebe; p.r,, 5.13 olebc rd, Glctc
Gooch Robert, Dutruc Bt, Rnndwiok
Goldriug M., representing E. Harrop and Goldstein D., dealer, 141 Bathurst st
Goooh Thomas, 19 L'Avcnue Park, N'town
O. Green aud Son, jewellers, London ; Goldstein D., dealer, 397 Pitt flt
Goooh Thomas, 72 Pitt st Redfern
and liaume and Co., watch manufuc Goldstein Mrs. Fanny. 140 Crown st
Gooch W. J., Oberou st, Rundwick
turers, Loudon, 279 George st; p.r., Goldstein Mrs. Hannah, 394 Itilcy Bt
Goooh William, Spring Bt, Rockdalo
Goldstein I., dealer, 101 Devonshire 8t
fidgccllllc rd, Woollahra
Gooch William A., 98 Dcnison st, Newtown
Gol Iring E. A., agent, Union Bank chamGood Samaritan Convent, Sister M.
bers, 08J Pitt s t ; p.r., Smith st, TurniAloysius, 80 Albion st
Goldstein J., clothier, 137 Bathurst st
Snmarltnn Refuge St. Magdalene,
Goldriug Eugene, Olierry lane, Turramurra
430 Oastlerengh st
Goldriug Prank, 8 Vino st, Jtcdfern
Grand Lodge office, W. H.
Goldstein S., 312 Elizabeth Bt
Goldriug Mrs. H. A , LavcudoY Buy
Mitchell, Grand Secretary, 301 Pitt Bt
Goldstein S., 147Eumore rd, Newtown
Goldroad Jacob, 214 Elizabeth st
Goldstein Thomas. 46 Mary at, Waterloo li lod John. Eaton Bt, North Sydney
Golds Mrs. George, 4U Rosser st, Rozelle
Goldstono .Mrs. M. J., 3 Wellington Bt, Good M., 25 MorriB Bt, Snuunor Hill
Goldsack T., 85 Mullens st, Balmain
Good W. C, 14 Little Queen st, Newtown
Goldsbrough, Mort and Co., Ltd., wool,
Goodn John, 20 Victoria st, Paddlngton
grain and station produce brokers, and Goldsworthy A., Oowpor st, Canterbury
Goodacro G. J., Pcrcivnl rd, Prospect
Btation agents, Sydney, Melbourne aud Goldsworthy D., 2 Alma at, Darlington
Goodalr Edward, 25 Grovo st, Balmain
London. Sydney ofllces, Circular Quay; Goldsworthy J., 80 Swanson st, Ersk'vlllo
warehouses, Circular Quuy, Pyrmout Goldsworthy J.,128 Gowrlost, Newtown
Goldthorpe James, 10 Myrtle st, Petersham
aud Darling Harbour
Goldthorpc G. E., Stuart st, Granville
Goldsbrough Samuel, 110 Bourke st
Machinery Merchants and General
Goldthorpe T., 101 Birrell st, Wavcrley
Goldsbrough W., Mary st, St. Peters
Engineers; Ofllce and Stores 129 Hay
Goldsbrough W. F., Ryde rd, Gladesville
Street; Works, 68 Hay Street.
Goldschmldt Eric and Co., manufacturers' Gold water I., 193 Trafalgar St., Au'dnle
Goodall Miss A., Moore st, Bomll
Gole Edmund, 15 Cavendish st, Stanniorc Goodall Mrs. Edward, "Hudteigh," 20
Qollng Frederick, 30 Little Essex st
Johnston Bt, Annandale
agents and importers, 62 York st
Goldschmldt Eric, " Uralla," Lower Ocean Gollau A., Montgomery st oust, Kogarah Goodall F. C. " Uadleigh," 20 Johnston st,
Gollnu A., Dcspointes st, Marrickvllle
at, Double Bay
Gollau Mrs. A. M„ 402 Boil' ke st
Goodall Frederick, 62 John st
Goldschmldt Julius and Co., merchants, Gollau Mrs. I., Albion st, Randwick
Goodall Fredcrlok, 283 Liverpool st
231 Clarence st
Goodall G. G., George at coat, Burwood
Gollau William,B0 Belvoir st
Goldschmldt Julius, Elizabeth place, Dar- Gollun Wylie, 468 Riley st
Goodall II. H., 1 Commodore st, Newtown
ling Point
Goodall Henry P.," Hadlelgh," 20 Johnaton
Gollcdgo Oluirles, Botany rd, Botany
Goldsmid A. A., Qoeen st, Burwood
st, Aunaudnlo
Gollcdgc L.,58 Mtjscndcn rd, Camperdown
Goldsinld A. A., Robinson Bt, Croydon
Goodall John, 7H West st, North Sydney
Qollertgo W. A„ Church Bt, Petersham
Goldsmid George, funiiture broker, 300 to OolVn Mr*, A., 8J Duko It, Balmain
Goodall T. M., 25The Avenune, FetcrBhnni
310a Bourke Bt
Goolall W. J., 72 W. st st, North Sydney
SYDNEY. X i ^ ° i S ! K ! 3 ! i S S « )
Goodall W. 8., 23 Lower Fort st
Goodall William, "Hadlelgh, 20 Johnston
st, Annaudnlc
Goodall William, Vlmlera rd, Marsfield
Goodbody William, 90 John st
Goodohap O. W., Liverpool rd, Strathflcld
Goodchild William, 4 Bligh at
Goode A.. 30 Darlington rd. Darlington
Goode Alfred, monumental ma8on, 174
George Bt west
Goode Amos, Chapel st, Rockdale
Goode Caleb, Bay Bt, Rockdale
Goode Mrs. E., I l l Wilson at, Newtown
Goode Mrs. E., Wcntworth st, St. Peters
Goode Edward, 23 Owen st
Goode Edward J., Farr st, Rockdalo
Goode Fredk., 17 Denisou st, Woollahra
Goode George, baker, Bay st, Itockdalc
Goode Herbert, Ruthven st, Randwlok
Goode John, Bay st, Rockdale
Goode John, Cairo st, Rockdale
Goode Joseph, 421 Elizabeth Bt
Goode Joseph, 29 Moncur st, Woollahra
Goode R., baker, Bay st, Rockdalo
Goode T., 253 Parramatta rd, Annandale
Goodo William 0., 226 View st, Annandale
A N D OO,, Upholsterers, Manufaofacturore and Importers of Tents,
Tarpaulins, Horso Rugs, Water Bngs,
Bedding and Wire Mattresses, 400
Kent st. Sydney; tel, 2882
Goodearl G. H., Fraser at, and New Canterbury rd, Marrickvllle
Goodearl It., 117 Boulevard, Petersham
Goodenough Miss B., florist, 111 King st
Goodcrc Miss L., 121 Alcxnndcr st, N. S'duey
Goodfellow Miss E.,99 Alfred st,N.Sydney
Goodfcllow J., 31 Brandling st, Alexandria
Goodfellow B. M., 57 Wntcrloo st
Goodge W. T., 11 James st, N. Sydney
Goodhall John, 42 Botany at Redforn
Goodhead Mrs, M., 76 Albion st
Goodheim J., 5 Arundel ter, Forest Lodge
Goodheim J., 48 Hereford at. Glebo
Goodhew Erneat, 61 Commodore st,N'town
Goodhew H., City rd, Camperdown
Goodhew Joseph, Forest rd. Arncliffe
Goodhew R,, 110 Union st, Ersklncvillo
Goodhew W. H. E., 1 Baltic st, Newtown
Goodhew W., 41 Rowley st, Camperdown
Goodlo Andrew 2 Lincoln st, PeterBham
Goodicr Mrs. Annie, 183 Albion Bt
Goodicr Frederick, Burwood rd, Burwood
Goodier W. H., Division st, Randwick
Goodll! James, 21 Wells Bt, Redfern
Goodln James, Seville st, Parramatta
Goodin Miss L. A., costumierc, 10'
' Oastlereagh Bt
Goodln Miss M. A., Pennant Bt, P'matta
Goodln Mrs. M., 40 Gurncr st, Paddlngton
Goodln P . V., Pnniell st, Strathflcld
Goodin S. G., Farncll Bt, Strathfleld
Goodin Thomas, 21 Francis st, Newtown
Goodin W. E. 473 Dowling st
Goodln William 80 Oamden st, Newtown
Goodin William, Bclmore rd, Rnndwiok
Geodwin William E., on Hnrrow rd.A'burn
Gooding Mrs. E., Louisn st, Auburn
Gooding J. J., 120 Frnncis Bt, Lclchhnrdt
Gooding Reginald, 180 Crown rd
Goodlass, Wall and Co., Ltd. (Liverpool,
England), varnish, etc., mauufno
turers, Ash st, off 342 George Bt
Goodlet and Smith, Ltd., timber, galvanised
iron, cement, nnd plateglass mer
chants, drain-pipe nnd brick manufacturers ; head office, 787 Harris Bt; saw
mills, foot of Harris st
Goodlet Alexander, 37 Milton Bt, Ashfleld
Goodlet John H., J.P., mnnaglng director
Goodlet and Smith, Ltd.," Canterbury
House," Milton st, Ashfleld
Goodwin and Sands, farriers, Salisbury rd,
Goodlet Walter, Emily st, Mortlako
oodllng George, O'Neill st, Lclchhnrdt
(veiling John, 101 Maria st, Newtown
Goodwin A., 27 Lower Tuppcrst. Mar'vllle
Goodman Bros., bakers, 384 Stanmoro rd, Goodwin A., Carrington rd, Wuverley
Goodwin A. C, 177 Stonmorc rd, PctcrBhnm
Goodman A. H., dentist, 197 Liverpool Bt; Goodwin A. T., Military rd, Mosman
p,r„ Rao at, Rnndwiok
Goodwin A. T., 320 Military rd, N. Sydney
Goodmnn Arthur, manager American Goodwin Alfred, 1 Mcrton Bt, Petersbnm
Oltiitens Goodwin Andrew, 66 Norton st, Lelohhardt
Goodwin Andrew, Short Bt, Ryde
ohambers, Moore st
Goodwin B.', Milton st, Ashfleld
Goodmnn Charles, jou., 10 Ultimo st
Goodwin Beiij.,018 Darling Bt, Rozelle
Goodmnn Charles, sen., 20 Ultimo Bt
Goodman Edward, 66 Palmer st, Balmain Goodwin Mrs. 0., Knox st, Randwick
Goodwill O. H., 4 Hawthorne st, Leichhnrdt
Goodman Mrs. F., Grey at, Carlton
Goodman F. A., 23 Klngsclear rd.Alcx'drla Goodwill O. H., 69 Hnybcrry at, N. Sydney
Goodmnn Frank, John st, Rookwood
Goodwin Charles, 86 West st, North Sydney
Goodman George, Ford st, Greenwich
Goodwin Mrs. E „ 0 Cleveland st
Goodman GeorgeL., J.P., business manager Goodwin F. J., 32 Pemcll st, Nowtown
Her Majesty's Theatre; head office, Goodwin G. F., 117 Foveaux st •
92 Market s t ; p.r., "Lyndale," Mac Goodwin George, 17 Way's ter
leay st
Goodwin George, 36 Christie fit, Glebe
Goodman H., Redmyre rd, Strathfleld
Goodwin Henry, waggonbullder, 14 ValenGoodman H. V., 29 Cascade st, Paddlngton
tine s t ; p.r., 2 Wylde st
Goodman Henry, 117 Edith st, Lelclihardt Goodwin Henry, 80 Palmer st
Goodmnn James, Church st, Parramatta
Goodwin Henry G., 13 Moore's rd
Goodinan John, Lily st, Hurstvillc
Goodwin Herbert, 11 Rcdwln st, Newtown
Goodman John, 17 Ivy at, Redfeni
Goodwin Hugh, 26 Dawson st
Goodinan Mrs. L. A., 15 Artlott st, Fad'ton Goodwin J. 0., merot, Tho Avenue, R'wick
Goodman Ralph J., dental surgeon, 167 Goodwin J . P., 6 Tillock it, Summer Hill
Elizabeth st
Goodwin James, 111 Bowntrec st, Balmain
Goodman Leo., 256 Oastlereagh at
Goodwin James, Abattoirs, Globe Island
Goodman S., 11 Arthur st, Lelolihardt
Goodwin John, 26 Gottenham st, Glebe
Goodman Mre.S. L., 78 Bondlrd, Wavcrley Goodwin John, 64 Auncsloy st, Lelohhardt
Goodman T., Church st, Parramatta
Goodwin John, 50 Windsor rd, PeterBham
Goodman W., 66 Wyndham Bt, Alexandria Goodwin John, 176 Weston rd, Rozelle
Goodmnn W., 105 Parromnttard, An'dnle Goodwin John, 10 Edward st, Sum. Hill
Goodman W., 265 P'matta rd, Lelohhardt Goodwin John, 66 Bourke at, Wavcrley
Goodman W., Oanonbury grovo, Mar'vllle Goodwin John D., 8 Queen st, Ashfleld
Goodman W. IL, Clifford Bt, Parramatta Goodwin Joseph, 71 Grose st, Camperdown
Goodman William, agent for A M. P. Goodwin Joseph, Wardell rd, Marrickvllle
Society, 127 King s t ; p.r., 74 Regent Goodwin Louis. 6 Little Burton st
st, Paddlngton
Goodwin Mrs. T., 9 Palace st, Petersham
Goodman William, 46 Charles st
Goodwin Thos., Salisbury rd, rctcrshain
Goodman William, 112 Mitchell st, Glcbo Goodwin W. R„ 104 Bllgh st, Nowtown
Goodrich William, 341 Liverpool st
Goodwin William, 880 Jones st
Goodrick A. W., Petersham rd, Mar'villo Goodwin William, 112 Alice st, Nowtown
Goodrick G„ River rd west, Granville
Goodwin William J., 37J Gloucester st
Goodridge Mrs. Amelia, 28 Rose st
Goodwin •William R., Wardell rd, Dal. Hill
Goodridge F. D., 12 Theodore st, Balmain Goodwyn John A. I. A., general manager
Goodridge Herbert, 48 Short st, Balmain
for Australasia, Norwich and London
Goodridge Jacob, 61 Bowman st
Accident Insurance Association, chief
Goodridge W. J., Mecks' rd, Marrickvllle
offices, 7 Bond Bt
Goodwill John, Mncquarie st, Lclnhhardt
Mrs. A., 6 Nithsdale st
Goodscll Alfred, Robert st, St. Peters
Goodyear John, 332 Upper Brougham st ,
Good6elI 0., Torreus st, Blakchuret
Goodyear R. A., 2 Hay st, Leichhnrdt
Goodscll Edward, Albert st.'St. Peters
Goodscll Ernest, 38 Watkin st, Newtown Goodyear W. H., 36 Thomas st, Aahfleld
Goodscll Frederick J., 16 Lord st, Newtown Goodyer A. A., 1 Skelton at, Lelohhardt
Goodyer John H., Baldry st, Chntswood
Goodscll G., off Mayer st, Annandale
Goodyer W., 60 Qerrard st, Alexandria
Goodsell H. W., 27 Union st, Nowtown
Goold Bicycle Co. —F. J. Woodland, manGoodscll Herbert, Esk st, Mnrrickville
ager for Australasia, 04 King st
Goodsell J. A., 23 Lord st, Newtown
Goold Alfred, 3 Steel st
Goodsell James, Tennyson rd, Tennyson
Goold John A., 69 Walker st, Redfern
Goodscll Robert, 191 Bourke st
Goodsell S., Renwlck st, Mnrrickville
Goold Pierce, J.P., Allison rd, Randwick
Goodsell Thos., Torreus st, Blakehurst
Gooney J., 300 Glenmoro rd, Paddlngton
Goodelilc A- Ocean st, Pcnshurst
Goose William, 110 Bridge rd, Glcbo
Goodslll W. A., Herbcrton ave, Hunter's n . Goosey G. E., 46 Grosvenor ores, Sum. Hill
Gooilslr Alexander, 131 Evans at, Rozelle Goosey George E., Hotel Cecil, 650 George Bt
Goodsir Alexander, 1 Coulon st, Rozelle
Gooud O. J., 125 Annandnlc st, Annandale
Goodsir Mrs. E., 6 Macqunrlc ter, Ilozello Gooud Henry 0., 17 Avenue, Bnunaln
Goodsir Mrs. E., 11 Reynolds st, Balmain Gooud James, 27 Louisa rd, Balmain
Goodsir Ed. A., 5 St. Andrew st, B'mnin
Oooud Samuel, 391 Darling st, Balmain
Goodalr John, 30 Fitzroy nve, Balmain
GorniiBSon John, 11 Arthur st, Balmain
Goodsir Mrs. L., 4 Hobbs st, Petersham
Gorhracht Hermon, 08 Ivy st, Redfern
Goodsir Robert, Allen's rd, North Ryde
Gordon Arthur, 76 Wells st, Annandale
Goodwillie David, 0 Prince st, Rozelle
Gordon Post Office—G. Deau, postmuster,
Goodwin Booth aud Co, Iron merchants
Gordon rd, Gordon
Gordon Public School—Harry L. Fly, head
and Indent agents, 10 Engine st
teacher, Gordon rd, Gordon
Goodwin J. O. and Co., plateglass Impor
ters, 79 Abcrcromble place, 63 Levey st, Gordon Railway Station—G. Dean, station master, Gordon rd, Gordon
and 60-62 Wattle st
Gordon James, 120 Short st, Balmniu
Gorman Adam, Mcrrylands rd, Morrylands
Gordon James, George st, Canterbury
Gorman A. W., Gordon rd, Ohatswood
Gordon James, 37 Lodgo st. Forest Lodgo Gorman C , 49 Leamington avo., Newtown
Gordon James, Gordon rd, Gordon
Gorman Ohas., Livingstone rd, Marriokville
Gordon James, 33 Campbell st. Nowtown Gorman Charles, Lander st, Hcdfuru
Gordon James, 81 Euroka st, N. Sydney
Gorman Charles J., 6 Bolmoro st, Rozelle
Gordon Jns., 36 Waters rd, North Sydney Gorman Daniel, 180 Goulburn st
Gordon James, 46 Goodsir st, Rozelle
Gorman Edward, 80 Aim st
Gordon John, 337 r i t t st
Gorman Edwnrd, 29 Gibbous st, Redfern
Gorman Frederick, Lotltin st, Oatlcy
Gonnim George, Wilson st. North Botany
AGENCY)—Publishers, Advertising Gordon John, Froze- t.DnlwIoh Hill
Gorman II. P. W , insurance broker, 181
Agents, Wholcsslo News Agents, Gordon John, 160 Cecily st, Leichhnrdt
Contractors, and Advisers, Press Gordon John, George st, Marriokville
Agents, Importers, Paper Merchant*, Gordon John, Poushurst st, Willoughby
Gorman Henry, "Morley," Albert road,.
Manufacturers uud Importers, PrintHoirebUBh
ing Ink Manufacturers, Printers' Gordon Joseph, Olydo st, Auburn
Gorman James, 23 Paternoster row
Brokors, Printers' Furnishers and Gordon Lewis, Wallace st, Kognrah
Uorman John, 27 Waine st
Material Importers, Publishers of the Gordon Lewis, Bel more st, Ryde
Gorman John, 10 Bctlevue st, Glebe
AUBTIUMAN HAND BOOK, &C, &oJ Gordon Miss M. A„ Prlnolpal Mosman Gorman John, Oorso, Manly
123 Pitt st
Girls' Grammar Sohool, Raglan st, Gorman John, 12 Kegwortb st, Lelchhardt
Gorman John, Ooogce Bt, Randwlok
GORDON R. H, AND CO., LTD., Gordon Mrs. Margaret, Oowper st, O'bury Gorman M., Oxford Bt, Hurstville
House Furnishers mid Business Agents, Gordon Mrs. Mary, May st, St. Petors
Gorman M. A., printer, 421 Crown st
GOO nnd 608 George st, Sydney, and Gordon Pntrlok, New Zealand hotel, 46 Gorman Peter, Alfred st, North Sydney
28S Darling st, Bnlmaln. Telephones
Gorman Richard, 133 Bridgo rd, Glebe
4124 Central, and 291 Balmalu
Gorman T., Willoughby rd, Willoughby
Gordon Pctor, 147 Princes st
Gorman Thomas, 257 Oxford st, Pad'tou
Gordon 8. and Son, shlrtroakers, 85 Gordon It., Taunton rd, Hurstvillo
Olarcnco st
Gordon R. H , J.P., Sydney st, Willoughby Gorman W. 11$ 76 Prospeot at, Ersklueville
William, Bums Bay rd, Lane Cove
Gordon A., barrister, 143 Phillip st
Gordou R. J., 1 Ramsay st, Ashfleld
Gorman W., Arthur st, Marrickvillo
Gordon Mrs. A., laundry, 153 William st Gordon Robert, Apsley st, Hurstville
Gordon A., 138 Botany rd, Alexandria
Gordon Robert L., Gpofforth at, Mosman Gorman Cornelius, Parko st, Prospeot
Gorrell E. A., 65 Garden st, Alexandria
Gordon A., Edgeware rd, Mnrriokville
Gordon Mrs. S , 6 Leicester st, Pail'ton
Gordon Mrs. A., Cook's River rd, St. Peters Gordon S., 26 Great Buckingham st, R'feru Gorrell Francis, 33 Mort st
Gorrick Mrs. O, Railway st, Petersham
Gordon Alexander, 63 Harris st
Gordon a V., 43 Bank Bt
Gorrlck Mrs. E., 205 King st, Newtown
Gordon Alexander, 14 Pinest, Newtown
Gordon Mrs. Sarah, 385 Dowllng st
Gorrick Mrs. J.,434Parramatta rd,P'sham
Gordon Alex., 10} Clayton st, Bnlmaln
Gordon Simon, 146 Macquarle st south
Mrs. J. A., 69 Kurraba rd, Ntl Bay
Gordon Mrs. Amelia, 05 Bay st, Glebe
Gordon Stewart, 177 Church st, O'pcrdown
Gorrill R., 224 George st, Ersklueville
Gordon Allan, (0 O'Connor st
Gordou Stewart, Cowan rd, St. Ives
Gordon Arthur, 63 McKcnzie st, Wnvcrloy Gordou Sydney, 30 Ormoud st, Paddington Gorry Michael, Hansard st, Waterloo
Gorry Mrs. C, 32 Albion st, Annandalc
Gordon Mrs. 0„ 8 Abercromble place
Gordon T., lllawarra rd, Marrickvillo
Gordon 0., Victoria rd, Ennlngton
Gordon Rer.T. A., 18 Campbell st, Balmaln Gorry P., 26 Darlington rd, Darlington
Gordon C, 33 East Crescent st, N. Sydney Gordon T. C, 30 Ballast Point rd, Balmnln Gorsuch Albert, 8 Munu st
Gojrdon Charles, off 24 Harrington st
Gordon Thomas, 139 Simmons st, N'town Gorton 0., 56 Pitt st, Redfern
Gortou D., East st, Granville
Gordon Oharles, 47 Irving st
Gordon W., Olovcland st, Redfern
Gordon Charles P., 47 King st, Newtown Gordou W. B., Trafalgar terrace, St'nmore Gorus John F., jtui., and Co., wine growers
Gordon David, 35 George Bt
Gordon W. F., Archer st, Ohatswood
and Importers, 56 Hunter st
Gordon Donald, 15 John st, Erskincvlllc Gordon W. M., L.S., Oity Surveyor, Town Goabell A. H, V., postmaster, Railway par,.
Gordon Mrs. E. 21 Arthur st
Hall, George st
Gordon Mrs. E. A., 490 O.S.H. rd, W'lnhrn Gordon
Gosbell Mrs. 0., 7 Stephen st, Paddington
West st, North Sydney
Gordon E. G., 2 Boundary st, Paddington Gordon W.M.,92
Gosbell Edwnrd, Silver st, St. Peters
Gordon Edward, 62 Bridge rd, Glebe
Gosbell J. W, J.P., Glen st, Paddington
William, 509 Riley st
Gordon Edward, 15 Davies st, Leichhnrdt Gordon
William, 43 Margarctst, Petersham Gosby John, 28 Thomas st, Lewisham
Gordon Edward S., 17 Denlson rd, P'sham Gordon
Gosby W., baker, Essex st, Marriokville
Gordon William A., J.P., Queen's nve
Gordon P. P., J.P., 189 Blrrell st, Waverley Gordon
Gosh Henry, 160 Botany st, Waterloo
William H., 43 Mcrriman st
Gordon Fredk, 54 Yurong st
H , Fern st, Randwick
William H., 29 Brougham st, Glebe
Gordon Fredk., Bcllevuc st, Parramatta Gordon
Goslnnd Thomas, 73 Alderson st, Redfern
Gorton William P., Prince st, Rozollo
Gordon Fredk., 84 Marriott 8t, Redfern
16 Rouss st, Balmaln
Gordon-Grant Mrs. M., 18 llcgent-st, Padd,
Gordon Mrs. G., Herbert st, Gore Hill
Gore Hill Cemetery—J. Kennedy, sexton Goslett W, B., packing case merchant,
Gordon G. H., Addison rd, Manly
Gordon rd, St. Leonards
Gordon George, 236 Young st, Annnndale
Gore Alfred, 8 Brodiost, Oamperdowu
Goslett W. B„ 18 Wellington st, Newtown.
Gordon G., 67 Kellick st, Waterloo
Gosling 0., MacArtbnr par, Marrickvillo
Gordon George, 47 Rnglnn st, Darlington Gore Ohnrlcs, Kent st, Rockdale
Gore Fred, tailor, 2B& Pitt st
Gosling P., 138 Marlon st, Lelchhardt
Gordon George, Church st, Marriokville
Gosling J. E., Solicitor, 163 Pitt st
Gordon George, 30 Walter st, Paddington Gore F., 210 Glenmore rd, Paddington
Gosling J . E., Albert rd, Strathflcld
Gordon George, 4 Marian st, Redfern
James Liverpool rd, Burwood
Gordon G. S.( 128 Young st, Redfern
Gosling Joseph, Weston rd, Rozelle
Gordon Henry, J.P., Fnirfowl st, Dulwioli Gore John, 80 Campbell st, Glebe
Gore John, 49 Marian st, Newtown
Gosling R., 68 Pyrmont Bridge rd, O'down
GOTO Mrs. Joseph, 10 Gordon st, Paddington Gosling Mrs. T. W., Albert rd, Strnthliold
Gordon Henry, Early st, Parramatta
Gore Ross, secretary Royal Sydney Golf Gosling W., 40 Holmwood st, Newtown
Gordon Henry T., 11 High st, Waverley
Club, G.S.n. rd, Woollahra
Goslyn Claude, 7 Louisa st, Sum. Hill
Gordon Herbert T„ 26 Pcnklvil st, Bondi Gore S. H., 20 Lewisham st, Dill. Hill
Gosnell Mrs. Olara, 6U Cooper st
Gordon Hugh, inspector Flemlngton cattle Gore T. A., 29 University st, Camperdown Gosncll Edward, Bridge st, Marrickvillo
saleyardB, Parramatta rd, Homcbush Gores Jamrs, Lower Tupper st, Marrickvillo Gosnell H., 3 Fisher's reserve, Petersham
Gordon Hugh H., Henley rd, Flemlngton Gorfln W. E.. 39 Mt. Vernon st, F. Lodge Gosnell Mrs. H., 61 Palace st, Pctcrshum
Gordon Mrs. I., 134 Broughnm st
Gorlmni A., 115 Morgan st, Marriokville Gosnell James, caretaker Wcslcyan CenGordon J,, 11 Campbell st, Alexandria
Goring George, 19 King st, Balmaln
tenary Hall, 85 York st
Gordon J., 104 Vlotoriast, Waverley
Goring Mrs. K., 3 Piper st, Annandalc
Gosney Ohas., "Armidale," Warren rd,
Gordon J. A., 182 Grafton st, Woollnhra
Goring-Thomns A., B.A., musician 54
Gordon J" B , 4 Darbyshlre rd, Lclchhardt
Elizabeth st
Mrs. A. H., Gordon rd, Lindficld
Gordon J. O. (Jerez, Bpnln), sherries, 7 Gorman P. and Sons, plumbers, 129 Alfred Gospel
Mrs. A., 12 Regent st
Spring st
st, North Sydney
Amos, 19 City rd, Darlington
Gordon James, 370 Bourkc st
Oorman Mrs. A., 158 Abercromblest, R'feni Gosper Olarcnco T., Teakle st, Ashfleld
Gordon James, 461 Bourkc st
Gorman A. J., Bcnualong st, Granville
Gosper Ephralm, Atchison st, St. Leonards.
Gould Senator Hon. A. J „ J.P., Holt's Gourlay Jessie, Horse and Jockey hotel,
Parramatta rd, Homcbush
chambers, 121 Pitt s t ; p.r., "EyncsGourluy Robert, 53 Point st
bnry," Edgeollffe rd, Woollahra
Gould J. and Sons, fuel merchants, Canter- Gourlay Robert, 135 Princes st
Gourlay Robert, Queen rd, Abbotsford
bury New rd, Petersham
Gould and Sons, produoo mcrohauts, Gourlay Robert, Edward st, Summer Hill
Gourlny Thos, engineer, 35 Point st
Canterbury New rd, Marriokville
Gourlay William, 154 Duke st
Gould A., 150 Victoria rd, Marrickvillo
Gourley Denis, 32 Dowllng st, Redfern
Gould Albert, llosehill st, Parramatta
Gourlcy Mrs. Kathleen, 101 Liverpool ft
Gould A. W., 162 Camden Bt, Newtown
Gourllo John, 171 Darling st, Bnlmaln
Gould B., tailor, 713 George st
Gould Mrs. B„ 4 Jubilee Bt, Petersham
Gould Benjamin, Great North rd, Ab'ford G O Kitchen
Utensils—John Shorter and
Gould Bcnj., 30 Emily st, Lclohhnrdt
Clarence st. (Sec ndvt.
Gojld Mrs. E„ 3 Rnper st, Newtown
opp. name in Alphabetical)
Gould E. I„ 627 Illawnrra rd, Marriokville, Qouvcrnet
rd, n'busb
Gould F., 38 Morehcnd st, Rcdforn
Mrs. M., St. Paul's st, Randwick
Gould J., 20 Alexander st, North Sydney Govan
Gould Henry, Church st, Parriimatta
Govcr IV. nnd Co, corset makers, 46-48
Gould Jus,, 23 Womerah avo
Oxford st, Pndilington; show rooms, 13
Gould James, Spimvay st, Duudas
Queen Victoria Market building. Tel.
Gould John, 18 Rosclmnk st
1058 central, and 205 Paddington
Gould John L. 63 Surrey Bt
Cover John, Bruce st, Carlton
Gould Joseph, 2 Knox st
Mrs. R , Bellcvue par, Hurstville
Gould John, 21 Womerah nv
Gould Mrs. M„ 10 Lodge st, Forest Lodge Government Analyst's Olllcc—William
Mogford Unmlet, F.L.O.. F.O.S, GovGould Mrs. M. E„ tcnoher of dancing,
ernment nnnlyst; T. Cooksey; Ph.D.,
B.Sc, F.I.O, second Government
107-169 Q. V. Markets
nnnlyst; W.M. Doherty, F.I.O,F.O.S.,
Gould Mrs. M . E , Mosman st, Mosman
assistant, Macquarle st
Gould Mark G., 8 River Bt, Balmaln
Gould Miss, matron, Ennelo NurBlng H me, Government architect, Walter L. Vernon,
Phillip st
Llnthorpe st, Nowtown
Government Asylum for tho Infirm—A. W.
Gould Robert, I0u« Womerah avo
Green, chief superintendent; Charles
Gould lire. S„ Wcntwortli st, Parramatta
MoDcrmott, assistant superintendent;
Gould Mrs. S. E., Berkley id. Manly
Mrs. M. Peck, matron ; P. Walker,
Gould Thouins, 68 Howard st
; F. Downes, dispeuser; George
Gould Thomns, 80 Ivy st, Redfern
st, Parramatta
Gould W. E., 44 Dudley st, Marriokville
Gould Walter, Tottonhom st. Prospect
Government Boat Shed—John Puokerldge,
Gould William, 13 Hume st, North Sydney
Dawes Battery, George Bt
Goulden Alonzo, 63 Groso st, Camperdown Government Charitable Institutions of
Goulder V. 15., Cronnulla st, Hurstvillo
N.S.W, offices of tho State Children's
Goulder J. J., Trafalgar st, Annandalc
Relief Board, and Children's Protection
Gouldlng Arthur J., Holt's nv, Mosman
Act—A. W. Green, J . P , Boarding out
Gonldlng Mrs. E„ 31 Marion st, L'hardt
olllccrand chief officer underOhtldrciis'
Gouldlng Edward J., 22 Prospect st
Protection A c t ; W. R. Eury, senior
GouMiug G., Shndforth st, Mosman
inspector; J. 3. Crcagh, accountant;
Gouldlng Henry, Glebe st, Ryde
3 and 5 Richmond tor, Domain
Gouldlng J. J., Belmoro st, Ryde
Government Dry Ducks (Fltzroy and
Gouldlng John, 49 Little Norton st
Sutherland)—E. J. H. Broad, general
Gouldlng John, Wilson st, Naremburn
superintendent, Cockatoo Island
Gouldlng Mrs. P., 171a Blue s Point rd, N.S.
Government Export Depot—U. V. Jackson,
Gouldlng W., Bnrrijos rd, North Ryde
secretary, Allen st
Gouldlng W„ RuBscll Bt, Vnucluso
Government Female Registry Office, corner
Gouldlng W. I t , 398 Glebe rd. Glebe
Market and Castlereagh sts
Gouldlng W. O, Burton Bt, Mosman
Gouldlng William II., Thomas st, L'sham Governor-General's House, Macquarle st
Gouldston John, 58 Boyce st, Glebe
Government Labour Farm, Bunuerong rd,
Goulet ct Cie, perfume manufacturers, 247
Government Locomotive Engineers' DeGeorge st
partment — William Thow, chief
Goulston Bros., drapers, milliners and
mechanical engineer, Wilson st, R'fern
clothiers, 614-618 George st
Government Medical Officer, and VacciGoulston M. and Co., auctioneers, 7 Wyn
nator for Sydney—Robert T. Paton,
yard st
Richmond ter, Domain
Goulston Hymnn, 17 Arcadia rd, Glebe
Government Metallurgical Works—J. O.
Goulston K , tailor, 133 Oxford st
H. Mingayo, F.I.O, F.O.S, analylst and
Goulston M., tailor, 4 Royal Arcade, George
assayer, Parramatta rd, Auburn
Government Night Refuge for Destitute
Goulston Samuel, 25 Toxteth rd, Glebe
Men, Lower Fort st
Goulston M., 165 Johnston st, Aunnndnle Government Ordnance Stores—Lieut. W.
Goulston Mrs, Spit rd, Mosman
J. Brown, D.A.. C.G. of O , flic. Quny
Goulston M., 17 Aromllu rd, Glebe
Government Printing Ofllce—Willinin A.
Gonndrie N., 22 Comber st, Paddington
Gullick, J . P , Government Printer and
Inspector of Stamps ; L. F. Garnett,
G O U R L A Y B R O T H E R S , Furniture
chief clerk and cashier; Henry
Warehousemen and Removal ContracMcKern, accountant; Oharles Griffiths,
tors, 110-118 Miller st and 125 nnd 127
superintendent, Phillip st
Alfred st, North Sydney. Tel. 129 N.S.
Railway StoreB and WorkGourlay
master, Sherwood rd, Prospect
shops—Henry B. Howo, works manaGourlay J , 200 Liverpool rd, Ashfleld
Gouin, E., 42 Bishop st, Marrickvillo
st, Redfern
Gourlay J a s , dyer, 47 William st
Goul E. A., Humphrey st. North Botany
Government Savings Bank — Percy E.
Gould and Shnw, solicitors, Holt's cham- Gourlay James, Burwood rd, Burwood
controller, Pitt Bt
Gourlay James, Mncqunrlo st, Pnrrnnmttn
bers, 121 Pitt st
Gosper James, 68 Evans st, Rozelle
Gosper Thomas H., Pittwater rd, Manly
Goss Edwin, 241 Kent st
GOBS Mrs. M. A., confectioner, Corso, Manly
Goss Richard, Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby
Gossnge Josoph, 63 Susan st, Annnndale
Gossclin P., U Macauloy st, Leichhardt
Gossct Eugene and Co., woolbrokers, Exchange Corner, 63 Pitt st
•Gossip J. II., Grafton st enst, Woollnhra
Gostelow E., tobacconist, 202 William st
Gostclow E., 87 Cavendish st, Stanmore
Gostelow Walter, 88 Buyswater rd
Goswell E., 102 Grafton st, Woollahra
Goswell Fredk., 108 Queen Bt, Woollahra
Goswell George, Bank st, Prospect
Goswell neury, Uamsgate rd, Sans Souci
Goswell Herbert. 86 Railway tor., P'sham
Goswell W. F., 104 Jersey ni, Paddington
Goswell Wnlter, St. James' rd, Itandwlck
Gctlcy F. W., 67 Holborow st, Croydon
Gotley G., 43 Kensington rd, Summer Hill
Gotsoh 0., wine depot, 220 Castlereagh st
Gotsoh Henry, Stewart st. Parramatta
Gott F. M., 166 James st, Lnlohhardt
Gotthclf Moritz, J.P.," Baroda," 50 Maoleny
Gottbelf M., lion, treasurer Cnrrlngton
Oentcnnial Hospital Home for Convalescents (Camden), Vickcry's chambers, 76 Pitt at
Gotting E., 100 Jersey rd, Paddington
Gotto Henry, 199 Pyrmont st
Gotto T, W., hairdresser, 73 Sussex Bt
Gotwald John, Parramatta rd, Auburn
Goudcmey G., 163 George st, Ersklueville
Goudie Mrs. A., 83 Wellington st, N'town
Goudie Alex., 58 Read st, Waverley
Gouet Madame, 7 Ontley rd, Paddington
Gough A. J., 180 Enniore rd, Marrickvillo
Gough Arthur, 16 Wellington st, Nowtowu
Gough Oharles, 7 Wellington st, Newtown
Gough Edward, Robert st, Marrickvillo
Gough Edward, S9 Crystal at, Rozcllo
Gough Mrs. Emily, Victoria st, Rookwood
Gough Frederick, 10 Hartley at, Rozello
Gough G. W., 215 Stanmoro rcl, Petersham
Gough George, Campbell st, Alexandria
Gough George, Rocky Point rd, Rockdale
Gough G. B., J.P., Si Fisher st, Petersham
Gough Madamo H., Edgeollffe rd, W'lahra
Gough H „ Railway pnr, South G'vlllo
Gough Henry, 340 Orown st
Gough Mrs. J., 120 Darlington rd, Darl'ton
Gough Mrs. J., 53 Rcnwlck st, Lelchhardt
Gough James, 3 Howard st
Gough James, Gary st, Drummoyne
Gough John, 110 Liverpool st
Gough John, 103 Short st, Balmaln
Gough John, 17 Grose st, Camperdown
Gough John, Lyons rd, Drummoyne
Gough John, 4 Bent Bt, Paddington
Gough John, Harold at, Parramatta
Gough John, Frenchman's rd, Rnndwick
Gough John, Botnny st, Randwlok
Gough Joseph, 121 Young st, Annnndale
Gough Joseph, Victoria Bt, Kogarah
Gough Miss, St. Paul's st, Randwlok
Gough Prosper, Botany st, Rnndwick
Gough R, teacher of music, 325 Qcorge st
Gough 11,, Gladstone st, Newtown
Gough Robert, 19 Augustus st, Newtown
Gough Thomas, 67 Goold st
Gough William, 35 Marian st, Redfern •
Gough William, Church st, St. Peters
Goughau P., 39 Carlisle st. Leichhnrdt
Goughtown Publlo Sohool — D. James,
173 ELIZABETH ST.-'Phono 1524. SYDNEY.
Government Shipping Office—Commander
G. S. Lindcnian, R.N., shipping muster;
K. L. Smith, deputy shipping master
and nccountnnt, young Bt
Govornmcut Statistician's Office—T. A.
Importers of Drapery, Boots, Crockery
Ooglilan, statistician, 44 Bridge fit
Oils, Colours, Furniture and Irom
Government Stores Department — F. F.
mongcry, 1, 3 6, 7, 9, 11 BroadwayHall, chief inspector; A. E. Harper,
Glebe ; 1,3, r., 7,9,11,13Bayst, Glebe;
1. 3, 6, 7, 11, 13, 16 Grose st, Glebe—
accountant; J. Morrow, inspector,
(See advt, opposite Drapers)
Young st
Govornuient weighbridge, Circular Quay Grace A. II., solicitor, 62 Berry st, N.Syd.
Government wharf, Circular Quay
Grace A. J., Belmore rd. Randwick
Government wharves, Murray st
0. W. L., Woodland st, Manly
Govers Mrs. M., 71 Albany rd, Petersham Oraco
Mrs. E.,"QIanton,"Dutriic8t,R'wlck
Gow Brothers, boot factory, 19 Trafalgar Grace
G., carpet cleaner, Neild avc, P'ton
Bt, Newtown
Grace E. G., George st, Canterbury
Gow A. B.Macintosh, representing Dewnr'sjoraee Mre/it J\,'co5ncuX'wnverIoy
Graham Chaa. E„ mauugcr, Edward Waters
and Son, patent agents, Gibbs' chambers, 7 Moore st; p.r., " Venezia,"
Orlando are, Mosman
Graham O. E., Dutruc st, Randwick
Graliam Charles, Yelvcrton st, St. PeteM
Graham Ohas., Marine par, Vaucluse
Graham Charlton, 68 Forsyth st, Glebe
Graham Colin, Petersham rd Marrickville
Graliam D. H., Monomeeth st, Bexlcy
Graham David, 63 Bayswatcr rd
Graliam David, Greenwich rd, Lane Cove
Graliam Donald, Harris st, Granville
Graham K., 103 Railway par, Erskinevillc
Graham Mrs. E„ 82 Hereford st, Glebe
Graham E., C Elizabeth place, Paddlngton
Graham E. R., sub-manager New Zealand
Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd.,
Gow Alexander, J.P., 45 Elliott st, B'maln
38-40 Bridge st; p.r., " Elstow," WellGraco George, 44 Ohristlest, Olebo
Gow Alex., 7(1 Cowling st, I'addington
st, Woollahm
Grace II. G., Rawson st, Waverley
Gow 0 . It. S., Anion st, Coogce
Graham E. W., 31 Darlington rd, Darl'ton.
Grace Henry, builder, 40 Pino st
Gow Charles, Elslo st, Burwood
Charles st, Redfern
Gow F. J., J.P., 27 Underwood st, Pad't-.n Grace J. N., Parramatta rd, Ashfleld
Graham Mrs. F., Millar st, DruinmoyncGraco James, 82 Glebe st, Glebe
Gow Forbes, Harrow rd, Btiinmore
Graham F., Brunswick avc, Strathficld
Grace James, Oarrlngton rd, Randwick
Gow George, 40 Douglas st, Petersham
Grace Rev. Jas. (R.O.), Rooky Pt.rd, K'rah Grai(am F. L , Austcuham st, Leichhardt
Gow J., Burns st, Canterbury
F. W., Spit rd, Mosman
Gow J. B,, 742 Ilia warm rd, Marrickvillc Grace John, 80 College Bt.'Camperdown
Graham Francis, 40 Caroline st, Redfern
Gow Mrs. Mary, Johnston st, Aunandiilc Grace John, Crown st, St. Peters
Graham Fred., Longucvllle rd, Lane Cove
Grace Mrs. K., 2 Stephen st, Oampenlown Graham Fredk. A., Forrest st, Sum. Hill
Gow II. \V., Sailor's Bay rd, Willoughby
Gow Robert T., 13 Bclmoro st, Newtown Graco M., Campbell Hill rd, Bankstown
Graham Fredk. 0., Dover st, Summer Hill
Gow W. J., 73 Moncur st, Woollahm
Grace Mark A., 270 Oxford st, Pad'ton
Graham G., 44 Ersklneville rd.Erskinoville
Gow William, 11 Park ave, Ashflelcl
Graco Martin, 18 Glebe st,Globo
Graham G, Redan st, Mosman
Gow William, 107 Bcattio st, Balmain
Grace Peter J., Miller nl, Bankstown
Graham G., Stanton nl, Mosman
Gow William, 31 John st, Leichhardt,
Grace Robert, 49 Dcrwentst, Forest Lodge Graliam G., 482 O.S.H. rd, Woollahra
Gowan James, carpenter, 67 Flinders st
Grace Simeon, 160 ROBC st, Darlington
Graham G. S., Stanton rd, Mosman
Gowan James, 31 Emily Bt, Marriokvllle
Grace Thomas, 20 Ivy st, Darlington
Graham G. \V., 34J Chisholm st
Gowan John, 40 Bt. Thomas st, Wnveiley Grace W. G., stationer, 80 Glebo rd, Glebe Graham G. W., nomebusli rd, Strathfielil
Gowan William, 10 Harrow rd, Newtown Grace Walter G., Melody Bt, Coogce
Graham George, 44 Ch'ppcn st
Gowanlock A., Roschlll st, Parramatta
Graco William, Dolphin st, Coogce
Graham George, 200 Goulburn st
Gowanlock Jas., Rowley st, Alexandria
Graco William, 76 Cooper st, Wutorloo
Graham George, 30 Maccjuarlo st south
Gowans W., 27 Napier 8t, I'addington
Gracey W. J., 67 West st, North Sydney
Graham George, 17 Harris st, Ilozcllc
Gowons W„ 20 William st, Paddlngton
Graham George, George st, Canterbury
Grade Alexander, Wharf rd, Concord
Gowanti William, 340 Young st, Annandale Grady Mrs. Jane, Arthur st, Marriokvllle Graham George, 12 Elfreil st, Paddlngton
Goward George, 33 Ghaiidos st, Ashflold
Graham H. 31., boot and shoe manufacGrady
Goward Wm., 7 Charlotte Bt, Ashfleld
turer, 319 George st
Gowen and Goovcs, storekeepers, .'.ocky Grady M, Old Canterbury rd, Petersham iGrabam Harry, 642 O.S.H. rd, Woollahm
Gra.ly William, 28 Llttlo Belmoro st
Point rd.ltookdalo
Graham Henry, 80 Stanley st
Graef Frcdcriok, 42 Hunt st
Gowan Miss, Sydncv ml, Manly
Graham Henry, 60 Baptist st, Redfern
Graf John, McMillan st, Bankstown
Gowenlock T., 108 Paddlngton st, Pad'ton Gran* S. J., jcwellor, 05 Regent st, R'fern
Graham Mrs. L, 479 Crown st
Gowens W. S., Dunmoro st, Boxloy
Graham Mrs. I., Dumftrcsquc st, Gordon
Graft A., Bridge st, Dmmmoyno
Gowon George, 49 Park st, Rozelle
J., 119 George st, Ersklneville
Gra Of Alexander, 8 Elizabeth st, Redfern
Gower Stephen, Botany rd, North Botany Grafton Bond Government Wclghbrldgo— Graham Mrs. J., 21 Gordon fit, Petersham
Gower Thomas, Parkcs st, Prospect
Graham Mrs. J., IS Regentst, Paddlngton
A. Stuart, in charge, Sussex st
Gower W., Edgbaston st, Hurstvllle
Graham J., 400 Oxford st, Woollahm
Grafton Wharves and Warehouses (bonded Graham J. A., designer and lithographer,
and free stores)—A. O. Gllles, proprietor, SUBBCX st
82 Pitt st
GllAP-i'ON EXAMINEH, 70 Hunter st
Graham J. I)., Ocean Bt, Randwick
Graham and Wilson, fishermen 364 Military Graham J. G. J„ Wollongong rd, Arncllffe( A U S T R A L CLOTHIERS,', 488,
Graham J. J., manager Bank of N.S.W.
nl, North Sydney
488, 400 G E O R G E S T (John Kills
(branch), 268 King st, Newtown
Gowlng and Richard Thomas Robin- Graham Miss A., 68 Flinders ft
J. J., master Public School,
son), Men's 0utflttcr8,Hoslers, Hatters, Graham A., Bayvlew st, Boxlcy
Nicholson st, Bnlmaln
Mercers, Glovers, Shlrtninkcrs, Tailors, jGraham A., 127 Miller st, North Sydney
Graham J.P., Anlen st, Coogce
Juvenile Clothiers, and Clothing Manu- Graham A., 27 Cornwallls st, Redfern
Graham J. R., 49 George st, Ersklneville
facturers j Pay Day, 15th of Month Graham A., 217 Abcrorombie st, Redfern
Gowlng Charles, Harrington st, Mnr'kvllle Graham A. A., 2 William st, North Sydney Graham J. R., Rocky Point rd. Rockdale
Graham Sir James, K.B., M.D., surgeon,
Qowing F. L., 48 Palace st, Petersham
Graham A. 0., St. Mark's rd, Randwick
183 Liverpool st
Gowlng George, Railway st, Rockdale
Graham A. Ernest, St. John's rd, llookwood
Gowlng J. Ellis, "Lyndlmrst," Mlddleton st, Graham A. L., J.P., resident accountant, Graham James, 43 Alma st cast
Graham Jos., 22 Carlton st
Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Graham
Jas., 3 Daiin st, Forest Lodge
Gowing Miss, Harrington st, Marrickvillc
Ltd. (branch), 744 George st
James, 30 Cook rd, Marrlekvlllo
Gowlng Mrs. Preston R., Waverley ores, Graham .Mrs. A. M.,Fruzer st, Dul. Hill
83 John st, Marrickville
! Graham A. O. B., 15 Regent st, Pad'ton
Graham James, 109 Wilson st, Newton
Qowing W. W., 23 Brisbano st, N. Sydney Graham Alexander, 5 Holden st, Ashllcld Graham Jas., High st south, Parramatta
Goydor W. F„ " Killnniey,"Spit rd, M'man Graham Alex., Bown's rd, Kogamh
Graham James, Grove st, St. Peters
Goycn Albert, IS Clarcmont st, liozollo
Graham Alexander, Long Ba}-, Randwick Graham James J„ 18 Darling st
Goycn N., jun, Beaconsflcld rd, Bankstown Graham Alexander, 169 Pitt st, Redfern
Graham James K., 78 Queen's st, Ashfleld
Goycn N., fuel merchant, 47 Pholps st
Graham Archibald, 1 Leichhardt st, Glebo Graham Mrs. Janet, 82 View st, Annandale
Goycn Nicholas, grocer, 17 Kendall st
Graham Archibald, Onttey avc, Oatley
Graham John, ofllccr in charge Newtown
-Goycn William, 39 Phelps st
Graham Archibald P., Raglan st, Mosnion
Metropolitan Fire Brigade Station,
Grabbcrt William. Railway rd, Prospect
Graham Arthur, 32 Kippax st
Australia st, Newtown
Grabham O. W., 4 Wcstbourno st, P'sham Graham Arthur, 83 Pyrmont st
Graham John, 19 Belmore st
Grabhnm Clms., 47 Upper William st south Graham Bartholomew, 02 Beaumont st
Graham John, 4 Johnson lane
Gramophouo and Typewriter, Ltd.—P. H.
Bolianua, manager, 163 Pittst
Gran Albert, Elocutionist, 13 C'rcagh st
Gran Alfred, 105 Day Bt, Leichhardt
G R A N D O E N T R A b H O T E L CO.,
LTD.—Rodolph Tudor, Manager, 151
Clarence st (See advt. in Hotel section)
Grand Lodge of N.S.W. Masonic Hall Co.—
—Mark M. Toomey, manager, 283
Costlcreagh st
Grandcmango 0., Victoria st, Alexandria
GriindBhaw J., Lawrence st, Alexandria
Grauey Thomas, 70 Yurong Bt
Grange G. E., Salisbury Bt, Petersham
Grange George, Percival rd, Staumore
Grange R. B., Bright Bt, Marrickville
Grangcl A., Centennial ave, L. Cove
Graugcl Mrs. M., 16a Bridgcwatcr st,
Granger and Co., picture-frame makers, 348
Elizabeth st
Granger Robert and Co., portmanteau
makers, 253 Liverpool st
Granger A. D., Iron st, Parramatta
Granger Harry, Pennant st, Parramatta
Granger H., Church st, Parramatta
Granger J. W., lllawarra rd, Marrickville
Society of N.S.W., 101 Glenmore rd, Granger James, baker and confectioner,
Church st, Parramatta
Graliam Robert, Ada st, Concord
Granger James, May's Hill, Parramatta
Graham Robert, 178 Alice st, Newtown
W., draper, Oorso, Manly
Graham Robert, Vino lane, Redfern
O. U., carbonio gas and
Graliam Samnol, St. Mark's rd, Randwick Granlund
machinery, 80 Pitt Bt; p.r., Eailway st,
GrahamS. D., 14 Toothill st. Petersham
Graham Sidney O., 88 Marriott Bt, Redfern
Graunan P., 28 ave, Campcrdown
Graham T„ Victoria av, Ohatswood
Oramiell Edward, Berry st, North Botany
Graliam Thomas, 11 Wentworth place
Graham Thomas, off Burwood rd, O'bnry Granncs John, Tho "Strand" Oaf6, The
Graham Thomas, 128 Dcnlson st, C'down
Granow8kl O., consulting engineer, 108
Graham Thomas, IS Kent Bt, Newtown
Pitt Bt; p.r., Wentworth rd, S'fleld
Graliam Thos., 41 Comber ft, Paddlngton
Graham Thomas, Galloway st, Parramatta Grant Barnett and Co., Ltd., umbrella
477 Kcntst
Graham W., 36 Alexander st, Alexandria
Graham W., 8Gcldon Grove st, Darlington
Graham W., 82 Dcnlsonst, Wnvcrlcy
Graham W. A., 22 Charles st, Forest Lodge
Graham W.C., 17J Glenmore rd, Pad'ton
Modellers and Fibrous Plaster Experts,
Graham W. H., 9 Elfred st, Paddlngton
0 and 8 Brumby st, olT Elizabeth st
Graham Walter, Gibbon Bt, Rockdale
south. Every description of Plaster
Graliam Wm., bag merchant, 27 Mew ft
and Cement Ornaments. Contractors
Graham William, 8 Way's tcr
to the N.S.W. Government for ComGraham William, 225 Riley st
monwealth and Roynl Decorations.
Graham William, 10 Edward st, Croydon
Tel. 2369
Graham William, 11 George st, Rozelle
Grant and Mathison, builders, 235 Lane
Graliam Wm., 22 Lawsbn st, Rozelle
Cove rd, North Sydney
Graham Wm., 38 Brougham st, Glebe
Grant Robert and Co., tailors, 87 DevonGraliam Wm., Richard st, Greenwich
shire st
Graham William, 60 Windsor st, Pad'ton
Grant and Son, boatbuiiders. Botany rd,
Graham W m , 80 Walker st, Redfcru
Graham William U., Slieehy st, Glebe
Grant Simon F. and Co., house and land
Grahamo Mrs. J.," Strathearn," 18 Oarrlngagent*, 18 Nithsdalc st
ton rd, Waverley
Grmit A., 819 lllawarra rd, Marrickvillc
Grainger T. L. and Hay, marine surveyors, Grant A. O., Livingstone av, l'ymblc
Grant Alex., propagator, Botanlo Gardens
Giant Alex., 95 Auburn st, Neutral-Bay
9 Bridgost
Grant Alex, Lamont par, Parramatta
Gratnger Allen, fl Hudson at, Redfern
Grant Alex., 42 Duxford st, Paddiugton
Grainger IC, 6 Moore st
Grainger E. II.. 169 Wells st west, Redfern Grant Alexander, Lucas rd, Burwood
Grainger Edward,Phillip st, Parramatta Grant Alex., Coonambarra rd, Wahroouga
Grainger Mrs. F. M., 42 Wcstst, N. Sydney Grant Alfred, off 24 Harrington st
Grainger G., 14 Little Darling st, Balmain Grant Alfred, 13 Ferndale st, Newtown
Grainger Mrs. G„16I Cccan st, Woollahra Grant Arthur, 19 Wellington st, Rozelle
Grant Mrs. B., 44 Elizabeth st, Rozelle
Grainger J., 116 Dcnlson »t Newtown
Grant B., Hutchinson Bt, St. Peters
Grainger John, 12 Bailoy st, Newtown
Bcresford, Bt Mark's rd, Randwick
Grainger John S., 191 Regentst, Redfern
Grant diaries H., J.P., 21 Jamicson s t ;
Grainger Thomas, Coogee st, Randwick
Grainger W., 82 Bishop Bt, Marrlekvlllo
p.r., 13 MoDougal st, North Sydney
Grainger W. A. B., solioitor, 14 C'rcagh Bt; Grant Charles, 36 Hugo st, Redfern
Grant Charles, 15 Armerst
p.r., Dutruo st, Randwick
Grant Charles, Railway av, Staumore
Grainger William H., 40 Forbes Bt
Grainger W. E., postmaster, Firth st. Grant 1). T., tailor, S28 George st
Grant David, 211 Q.V. Markets
Graot David. 18 Wentworth st; Glebe
Grail Matthew, 37 Charles st
Mies E. A., Park nl, Burwood
Gralton F., Milling st, Hunter's Hill
Graham John, 31 Terry st, Rozelle
Graliam John, J.P., Harrow rd, Bexley
Graham John, 59 Stephen st, Cainpcrdown
Graliam John, 92 Lonuoxst, Newtown
Graham John, B Elizabeth st, Paddlngton
Graham John, 21 Thome st, Paddlngton
Graham John A., Bismarck Bt, W. Kog'rah
Graham Joslah, 117 Underwood st, P'ton
Graham Leslie, Booth st, Annandale
Graliam Mrs. M., 8 John st, Oamp'ilown
Graham Mrs. M., 49 Perry st, Marrickvillc
Graham Miss M, 20 Margaret st, Newtown
Graham Mrs. M., Ivy Bt, Randwiok
Graham Mrs. M., 10 Oastlereagh st, R'fern
Graham Mrs. M. A., Market Bt, Narcmburn
Graham Mabel, physioian, 21 Gordon st,
Graham Miss, Oooan Bt, Woollahra
Graham Neil, 28 Wcmyss st
Graham P., Llewellyn st, Marrickville
Graham Patrick, Pcrouso rd, Randwick
Graham Peter, 8 Croydon ave, Croydon
Graham It, 138Dcnlsonst,Campcrdown
Graham R., 1 Brown st,Campcrdown
Graham R., 11 Paddlngton st, Paddlngton
Graham Mrs. Rebocca,matronlBcnevo!ent
Grant K. G., Marriokvllle rd, Mar'ville
Grant Edward, 63 Marlon st, Leichhardt
Grant Edward, 105 Frauds st, Leichhardt
Grant Edward, 32 Middle st, Marrickville
Grant Edward, 83 George Bt, Redfern
Grant F. E„ accountant Union Bank of
Australia, Ltd., 68 Pitt at, cr Hunter st
Grant Frederick. Mills st, Bexlcy
Grant Fredk., 176 Oxford st, Woollahra
Grant Frederic W., J.P., Hastings Bt,
, Marriokvllle
Grant G., 8 Taylor st
Grant G. S. M., Victoria par, Manly
Grant George, 103 Norton st, Leichhardt
Grant George, 50a Ebley Bt, Waverley
Grant George (Eaton, Grant and Co., Ltd.),
"Brunswick House," 120 West st,
North Sydney
Grant George C , 27 Orescent st, Waterloo
Grant George L., architect, 65 Pitt Bt; p.r.,
Oowles' rd, Mosman
Grant H., 96 Erskinevillc rd, Ersklneville
Grant H., 49 Marlborough fit, Leichhardt
Grant Henry, 1 Knight St, Erskinevillc
Grant Henry, 22 Sydney st, Ersklneville
Grant Henry, Ersklneville nl, Newtown
Grant I. H„ 184a Blue's Point rd, North
Grant J., builder, 4 Palace st, Ashfleld
Grant J., 126 Albion st, Annandale
Grant J.. 8 Llttlo Queen st, Newtown
Grant J. P., 3 Cromwell st, Leichhardt
Grant James, solioitor, 22 Oastlereagh st
Grant Mrs. Jas., 7 Oardwcll st, Balmain
Grant James, 32 Wilford st, Newtown
Grant James, 11 Surrey st, Petersham
Grant James H., Riley st, Kogarab
Grant James P., supervisor Benevolent
Society of N.8.W., Valentine and
Quay sts
Grant Johu, Clifton hold, 1 Botany rd,
Grant John, sec. Political Labor League
of N.S.W., 311 Kent Bt
Grant John, 21 Paternortcr Row
Grant Johu, 216} Trafalgar st, Annandalo
Grant Johu, Silver st, Blakchurst
Grant John, 80 Campbell st, Newtown
Grant John, 46 Bank st, North Sydney
Grunt John, 27 Aucrum st, North Sydney
Grant John, 12 Upper Bayvlew st, N. Syd.
Grant Joseph, 462 Wattle Bt
Grant Joseph, Queen st, Coogce
Grant Joseph, Botany rd, Alexandria
Grant Miss, school, Military rd, Mosman
Grant Patrick, 9 Lonl st, North Sydney
Grant Patrick, Harris st, Paddiugton
Grant Richard, 30 Bettlngton st
Grant Robert, engineer, 32 Point st
Grant Robert, 118 Albion st, Annandale
Grant Robert, Wigging Bt, Botany
Grant Robert, Cliff st, North Sydney
Grant Robt, 38 Waterloo st, Rozelle
Grant Robert, 23 Glbbs st, Paddiugton
Grant Robert, Derby st, Vaucluso
Grant S. Ernest, James st, Uornsby
G rant Samuel, Rowley st, Alexandria
Grant Stephen, 19 James st, Newtown
Grant T., 103 Annandale st, Annandale
Grant T. V., 69 Macpherson Bt, Waverley
Grant Thomas, 338 Young st, Annandale
Grant Thomas, 85 Rcnwiok si, Leichhardt
Grant Thomas, 86 Denison st, Newtowu
Grant Thomas, 7 Simmons st, Newtown
Grant W., laundry, 0 Pitt st, North Sydney
Grant W.. 05 Westbournc st, Petersham
Grant W„ Mitchell nl, Alexandria
Grant W., 73 Elizabeth st west, Ashfleld
Grant W., 218 George st, Ersklneville
Grant W., 44 Grosvenor cres, Summer Hill
Grant W. A., indent agent, 189 Queen
Victoria Markets
WOOD & COMPANY '..THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W.: SYDNEY. ( & s o u f h . ? r h o M
Grant W. H. R„ dentist, Trafalgar st, Gray Brothers, carriers and contractors, Gray Jumes, 28B Elizabeth st
522 Kent st
Gruy James, 208 Young st, Annandnle
Grant Walter, 17 Klppax st
Gray Bros., bonded warehouse, 622 Kentst Gray James, 22 Thomas st, Balmaln
Grant Walter, 33 Croydon nl, Croydon
Gray Bros., Sunlight bond, 154 Sussex st Gray James, Woodland st, Cnntcrburv
Grant Cupt. William, 89 George st
G ray and Buchan, glass and china rivet ters, Gray James, 20 Albert st, Ersklnovill'n
Grant William, 8 Hyam st, Balmaln
170n Elizabeth st
Gray James, Orange st, Kaudwlck
Orant William, Bluchorst, North Botany Gray John W. and Co., produce merchants, Gray James, 31 Botany st, Redfem
. Grunt William, High st* North Botany
130 Sussex st
Gray James, 03 Rcdfcrn st, Redfem
Grant William, a Campbell st, N.Sydnoy
Gray A. It., Forest rd, Boxloy
Gray James W., Guildford rd, Guildford
Grunt William, Derby Bt, Vuucluse
Gray A, S..J.P., 100 Canterbury Now rd, Gray Mrs. June, 894 Crown st
Grant-Black Mrs. J., Udgecliffe nl, W'lahra
Gray Mrs. Jane, Kogarah rd, Kogarah
GrnntOT James, 26 Bland st, Ashflcld
Gray Mrs. Agnes, 247 Glebo rd, Glebe
Gray John, 2 Montaguo st, Balmaln
Gruntcr W., 24 Wetlicrill st, Lelchhurdt Gray Alexander, 11 Mount st, Ashflcld
Gruy John, 13 Wciton rd, Roselle
Grantham J . 1 \ , 14 Gross st, Forest Lodge Gray Alexander, Union rd, Auburn
Gruy John, Mcrrylands rd, Granville
Oruntham James, 418 Jones st
Gray Alexander, Sabtrst, Woollahra
Gray John, Queen st, Granville
Grantham W. F., clerical and military Gray Alex., J., 4 Moonblo st, Summer Hill Gray John, 80 Addison rd, Marrlckvillo
tailor, 72 Hunter Bt
Gray Alfred, 4 Ballast Point rd, B'ranin
Gray John, Marrlckvillo rd, Mnrrlckvllle
Grantham Win., Gloucester rd, Hurstvlllc Gray Alfred, Oaktlold rd,. Willoughby
Gray John, Colin st, N. Sydney
Granville North l'ubllo School—Prospect Gray Alfred E., off Wyugdon st, N. Sydney Gray John, 29 Baptist st, Redferi)
st, Granville
Gray Alfred J., Alrd st, Parramatta
Gray John, 76 Gibbons st, Redfem
Granville Police Station—Sen. constable Gray Andrew, 10 Elliott st, Balmaln
Gruy John, Grafton st oust^Woollahra
A. Euimett in charge, Hutchinson st, Gray Andrew, Gl Silver st, MarrrckvUlo
Gray John S , J.P., estate agent and valuaGranville
Gray Arthur, William st, Hunter's Hill
tor, 121 Buthurst st
Granville PoBt and Telegraph Office and Gray Arthur 15., Broughton st, Hurstvlllc Gray John S., Spencer rd, Mosman
Government Savings Bank—Miss J. Gray B., 10 McDonald st, Lelohhardt
Gruy John T., 04 Carrabcllu st, N. Sydney
Illggs, postmistress, Hallway par S., Gray C, 2I>J Llttlo Underwood at, P'ton Gray Miss K., Regent st, Kogurnh
Gruy O. P., 68 Marlborough st, L'imrdt
Gray Mrs. L„ 78 Brighton st, Petershaai
Oranvllle Public Soliool—John Huzclwood, Gray OIIUB., 4 Amy st, Erskinevllle
Gray L. A., M.P.8., pharmacist and surgeon
headmaster, Woodvillc rd, Granville Gruy Charles, 5 Highbury par, Croydon
dentist, 475 Bourkcst
Granville Itnilwuy Station—John Downio, Gray Charles, Woolwich rd, Hunt. Hill
Gray Mrs. Louisa, 13 Bllgh st
statloumaster, Hallway par north, Gray Chns. ,132 Onthorlno st, L'hnrdt
Mrs. M., 138 Glenmoro rd, P'ton
Gray Charles A., 00 Wlgram rd, Glebo
Gray Mrs. M. A., 67 Elizabeth st, Rcdfcrn
Granville Sohool of Arts—Walter Collett, Gray D., Thompson st, Dniminoyiio
Mrs. Mary, Beach Bt, Dili. Hill
Gruy D., 11 Elizabeth st, North Sydnoy
lion, sec, Good st, Granville
Gray Mrs. Mnry A., Flood st, Lelohhardt
Granville Superior Public School—J. Gruy Daniel, Oallan st, Rozello
Rev. Maurice (O. of 13.), 02 Point st
Hoowarth, head teacher, William st, Grav Daniel, Murv st. Burwood
Gray Mllford, 208 Jumes st, Lelehhardt
Gray David, Water st, nookwood
Gray Mlss,boardInghouse,30Carrlngton st
Granville Town Hull and Council Cham- Gruy David II., Sydney rd, Muuly
Gray Patrick, Long Bay, Rnndwick
bers—J. Scarborough, J.P., council Gray Mrs. K., 131 Great Buroom st, P'ton Gray Perclvul U., White st, Lcichhardt
Gruy Mrs. E., Denison st, Woollahra
clerk, Carlton st, Granville
Gruy Peter C, Lake st, Mortlnkc
Granville 0 . P., 00 Windsor st, Puddlngton Gruy Mrs. E. 0., 229 Wilson Bt, Newtown Gray It., 81 Mnrllwrough st, Lelohhardt
Gray E. D,, Mosman st, Mosman
Orniivtllo \V., Lueknow rd, North Rydc
R. D., 132 Henderson rd, Alexandria
Gnisby G„ e8 University st, Cnmperdown GrayiE, E., Beaconsflold pur, Llndflold
Gray R. M., saddler, 99 Olinrch st, N'town
Ornsemunn W,, 203 Henderson rd, Alex'drin Gray E. J., 13 Tupper ct, Murrlekvlllo
R. T., Burns rd, Wnhroongu
Gray Edward, 49 MoKeo st
Urusnik 11., 20 Park st, Ersklnevillo
Gray Richard, Poldlngst, Drummoyuo
Gray Edward, 17 Phillip st, Alexandria
Grusslok A., Kcstou avc, Mnsmun
82 Crown rd
Gray Edwnrd, Galloway st, Parramatta
Orusslck O., 0 Surrey st, Petersham
Gray Robert, 63 Murray st
Gray Edward II., 10 Wells st, An'dole
Grater C , 40 Willoughby rd, N. Sydney
College Bt, Balmaln
Grater William, 60 Kdgowurerd, Nowtown Gruy Edwnrd J., 159 Mullens st, Balmaln Gray Robert, York st, Abbotsford
Gray Edward J., St. George's rd, Boxley Gruy Robert. 0 Stirling Bt, Uedfcni
Urattan Richard, View st, Amiuudalo
Gruttuu T. 0., BCC. Balmaln New Ferry Gruy Edwnrd J., 33 ltoscby st, Lelohhardt Gruy Robt., 85 Gt. Buckingham st, Redfcni
Gruy Mrs. Ellen, 00 Junior st, Lelchnrdt Gray Robert, 15 Coopcrst, Waterloo
Co., Ersklnc st
Gruy Mrs. Ellen, Military rd, Mosmun
Gmy Samuel, 102 Wellington st, Waterloo
Gratturola and Barjlonl, lanmlry, 80 Glen- Gruy Mrs. Ellen, 10 WilBon st, Bodfern
Gray Samuel J., 102 Upper Fort st
Gruy Mrs. Emily, Bishop st, Burwood
more rd, Puddlngton
Sldnoy, Idn st.Ashfleld
CI my Ernest, Ourdinul st, Mosmuu
Itmttcpln L., laundry, 173 Goulburn st
Gray T., 27 Palncost, Petersham
Grutton Hy., 84 Blue's Point rd, N. Sydney Gray Mrs.Esther, 5 Brown st,Oampcrdowu Gray Thomas, 12 Bay st
Gray Mrs. 1'., Provincial st. Auburn
Gruvo A., 129 Abereromble st, Rcdfcrn
Gray Thomas, Parramatta rd, Auburn
Gray Y. C, 7 Slado st, Kozcllo
Gruve Alfred, store, 150 Qeorgo st west
Gray Thomas, Iccton st, Burwood
Qruve Mrs. E., 24 Selwyn st, Puddlngton Gray Frank, Margaret st, Abbotstord
Thomas, 00 Toogood st, Erskinevllle
Gray Frank, 130 Station st, Nuwtown
Gra voile A., Kendall st, Granville
Thomas, off 85 Bridge rd, Glebo
Gray Frank, Burlington st, North Sydney Gray
Gravely Minn, Albyn rd, Strathfleld
Thomas, Cohen st, Manly
Gray Frcderlok, A3 John st
Gravenor W. J., Alpha rd, Willoughby
st, Marrlckvillo
Gray Frcdk., 20 Trafalgar st, Annandnle Gray Thomas, Perry
Grnver Edward, Wurutnlist, Enfield
2 Irssst, Puddlngton
Graves Warden Harry and Son, stock and Gray G. W., 0 Victoria plaoe, Paddington Gray Thomas, 27 Palace st, Petersham
Gruy George, 49 Alexander st, Alexandria Gray W., Australia st, Granville
station agents, 11 Oustloreagh st
Gray George, Popcl's paddock, Botany
Graves-Mrs. A., Gould avc, Mnrrlckvllle
W., 01 Shepherd st, Marrlckvillo
Gray George, 155 Regent st, Oump'down Gray
Graves Duma, Blenholn st, Enfield
W., Old Canterbury rd, Petersham
Gruy George, 10 Croiuwellst, Lelohhardt Gray
Graves Mrs. 13., 27 Waterloo st
H., Dora st, Hurstvlllc
Graves Edward, Stoney Creek rd, Go.don Gray George, 51 Metropolitan rd, Newtown Gray W: J., 40 Wotcrloo st, Rozelle
Graves John, Westoott st, North Botauy Gray H. A., 77 Green's rd, Puddlngton
Gray W. T., Montgomery at, Kogiirnh
Gray Hamilton, 77 Deimison st, Rozello
Graves Mrs. M. A., Leigh st. Prospect
Gray W. S„ Yclvcrton st, St. Potere
Gruy Harold, 57 Victoria st, Wavcrlcy
Graves Thomas, Thbinas st, Lowlshuin
127 St. John's rd, F. Lodge
Gray Harry, 8 Weutworth Park rd, Glebe Grny Walter,
Graves W., Victoria st, Aloxnndrla
Walter, Lane Cove rd, N. Sydnoy
Graves Warden H., J.P., Ocean st, W'lahra Gray Henry, C4 Experiment st
Old Canterbury rd, S. Hill
Gray Herbert, Lithgow st, N. Syduoy
Graves William, 2 Pashloy st, Bnlmain
Gray William, SO Chambers st
Gray J,, mercer, 08 Costlereagh st
Graveur D., 90 Taylor st, Annandhle
8 Junction st
Gravll Mrs, Ann, Botany rd, Alexandria Gray J., Spit nl, Mosman
Gray William, East st, Abbotsfonl
Gray J., 103 Elizabeth st, Rcdfcrn
GruyllleM., 90 Union st, Ersklnovlllo
Gray William, Gt. North rd, Abbotsford
Gruwtbornc Chas. A., 2 Purres st, Glebo Gray J . O , BlBhopst, Burwood
Gray William, Marion st, Auburn
Gray A. R. and Co., mamifucturcrs' ngenta Gruy J.II., Dumarcsquost,Gonlon
Gray William, 4S Grose st, Campcrdown
14 Hunter st Gray William, 21 Creek st, Forest Lodge
Gray Arthur and Co., tea and coffee mer- Gray Jn».. 408 Olevelnnd st
Gray William, 15 Darghan st, Glebe
chants, 116 Liverpool st
SYDNEY. Afft^fflSSK-^fflSS)
•Gray William, 06 Bridge rd, Glebo
Gray William, Church st, Lelehhardt
Gray William, New Canterbury rd, P'sham
Gruy William, 15 Hvans st, Rozelle
Gray William, Peat's Ferry rd, Waltura
Gray William, 148 Maophcrson st, Wnv'loy
Gray William J., 11 Telopla st, ltedferu
Gray William F., 20 Cleveland avo
Gray William Symons. solicitor. 118 P i t t st;
r., corner Ridge and Walker sts,
orth Sydney
Graydon John, 74 Underwood st, Pad'ton
Graydon Mrs. S.. 18 Wavcrloy st, Rnndwick
Grayer Miss M., 21 Andreas st, Petersham
Gruyham M., Carrington av, Hurstvlllc
Grayhurst H., Northbrook st, Bexley
Grayson Mrs. 0., 1 Young st, Rodfern
Grayson Walter, Railway rd, St. Peters
Grazlnnl 0., Ryan st, Lelehhardt
Grcad J . A., plumber, 182-184 Goulburn st,
and nt Oowpor st, Waverley,
Grcad Michael F., Park av, Raudwlck
Oread Thomas A., Park av, Raudwick
Grea.ley Patrick, 3 Clarendon st, Waterloo
Grcar H. and W., manufacturers' agents
833 Kent st
Grear James, Bannockburn st, Pymble
Grear W. H., Fludlav av, Ohatswood
Great Britain Tin Mining Co., Ltd R.N.
Kirk, manager, 10 O'Conlicll st
Great Cobur Copper Mining Syndicate,
Equitublc buildings, George st
Groatbcad'a Remedy Co., ISM Elizabeth st
Grcathead Harry, Lithgow st, St. Leonards
Grcathead J., 126 Graf tjm st, Woollahra
Grcathead John E„ Beamish st, Canterbury
Greathead R., Bridge st, Drimunoyne
Greathead W., off Haldon st, Canterbury
Greatorex 0„ 48 Perry st, Marrlckvillo
Greatorex John, Royal hotel, 150 Norton st,
6REATREXC, & S 0 N , L T D
Wholesale Saddlers and Indent Merchants, 277 Clarence st, Sydney. (Tel.,
No. 1646) ; and nt Walsall, England ;
Hanover,. Germany; and Durban,
N a t a l ; Klmberley, Cape Colony;
Johannesburg nnd Pretoria, Transvaal.
Grcatrex Henry, Sheffield st, Auburn
Greatrcx J., 129 Grafton st, Woollahra
Grentrex Mrs. Mary, John st, Rookwood
Grcatrex William, jun., Queen st, Auburn
Grcatrex William, South par, Auburn
Grcatrlx James, Argyle st, Parramatta
Greaves O. E., Forbes hotel, corner King
and York sts
Greaves Edward, Weutworth rd, Burwood
Greaves F., Kenneth st, Longucvlllc
Greaves G. D., 46 M'Douuldst, Ersklnevillo
Greaves Horace, dentist, 169 Liverpool st
<3reaves Horace, Rowley st, Burwood
Greaves Mrs. SO Westmoreland st, F. Lodge
Greaves J., 07 Alcxnnder st, Alexandria
Greaves J „ 28 Malcolm st, Ersklnevillo
Greaves James, Macqunrle rd, Auburn
Greaves P. 0., 38 Surrey st, Marrickville
Greaves Mrs. S., P'inattn Old rd, F. Lodgo
Greaves Mrs. B. M. F., Fisherst, Petersham
Grenves W. A. B., J.P., Rowley st, B'wood
Greece Consulate—M. V. Manlakis, consulgeneral, 12 Spring st
Green Bros., oil and color merchants, 217
Goulburn st
Green Bros., provision dealers, 49 Botany
rd, Waterloo
Green Bros., grocers, 310 King st,Newtown
Green O. nnd Son, jewellers (Birmingham)
—M. Goldring, representative, 278
George st
Green J. P., and Co., slgnwritcrs and decorators, 174n Pitt st
Green T. and Co., brass and zlno works,
Mary Ann st
G R E E N J . E . a n d CO., Auctioneers, Green Lieut. H., 55 Mill Hill rd, Wav«rley
House, Laud and Estate Agents, 110 Greon H., 69 Ivy Bt, Rcdforn
;• - : ,
GreenH. H., 116 Stnnmore rd, Poteraam •'
"Green Nurses' Home" — Miss Godson, Green Harry, AJ.C. hotel, Randwick rd,
matron, 200 Victoria st
Oreen A., 187 Church st, Campcrdown
Green. Harold, 12 Waverley st, Rnndwick
Green A. AbboUiford rd, Homebush
Green Henry, Austruluslnn manager, InGreen A. 0., refreshment rooms, 743
gall, Parsons, Olive and Co., Ltd., 428
Kent s t ; p . r . , " Edenglassle," AbbotsGeorge st
ford rd, Homebush
Green A. E., J.P., Green at, Kogarah
Green Mis. A. E., Botauy rd, N. Botany Green Henry, 170 Botany rd f Alexandria
Green A. F., 164 Henderson rd, Alexandria Green Henry, O'Riordnn st, Alexandria
Green Henry, 101 Victoria rd, Marrickville
Green A. S„ Ooree rd, Artarmou
Green A. W., J . P , Boardingout and Chief Green Henry,J.P^Cammarayrd,N.Sydney
Officer under Children's Protection Green Henry, Victoria rd, Rydalmere
Act Government Ohuritable Insti- Green Henry B., 197 Liverpool at
tutions of N.8.W., 8-5 Richmond ter, Greeu Henry J., 32 Charles st
Domain; p.r., Prospect st, Granville Green Henry K„ 186 Princes ot
Green Herbert, 87 Oollego st, Oamperdown
Green Albert, 38 Kippax st
Green Herbert J., "Grccnlcidh," New CanGreen Alfred, Park rd, Abbotsford
terbury nl, Fern Hill
Green Alfred, Graham st, Auburn
Horace F„ 02 Station st, Newtown
Green Alfred, Forest rd, Arnollffe
Green Isaac, 99 Yule st, Petersham
Green Alfred, Bay view st, Bexley
Green J., Council's Bay, Hurstvllle
Green Mrs. Alloc, Victoria par, Manly
Green Mrs. Annie, Ohisholm st, Greenwich Green J., 92 Spring st, Waverley
Green Miss J. A., Magio st, Mosman
Green Arthur, 79 Booth st, Annuudulc
Green J. E., manager Australian Cities InGreen Arthur, Holt Bt, Newtown
vestment Corporation, Ltd., 110 Pitt st
Green Arthur st, Station st, Nowtown
Green Augustus, st, St. Lawrcnoo Bt, Green J. E. P., 26 Blue's Point rd, N. Syd.
J . G., Llewellyn st, Marrickville
Green J. P., 38 Denison rd, Petersham
Green Mrs. O., 44 Edwin Bt, Croydon
Green 0., Perolval, "Arcudla," Carlton Green J. T., manager, Paragon Butoheriug
ores, Summer Hill
Co., I l l Regent st, Redfem
Green C. A., Julllott st, Mnrrlckvllle
Green J. T., James st, Rockdale
Green O. G., 09 Brighton st, Petersham
Green J. T. W., Bell st, Vauoluso
Green Cecil J. W., solicitor, 00 Castlereagh Green J. W., William st, Canterbury
s t ; p.r., Livingstone rd, Murrickvllle Green James, oil and color mcroliant,217
Green Charles, bookseller, 306 Pitt st
Goulburn st
Green Chas., Parramatta rd, Burwood
Green James, 04 Cumberland st
Green Ohns., 197 Denison Bt, Campcrdown Greeu James, Scgenhoe st, Aruoliffe
Green Chas., 100 George st, Campcrdown Green James, Burwood rd, Burwood
Green Churles, 09 Marion st, Lelehhardt
Green Jumes, Victoria st, Burwood
Green Chas., Chisliolm st, Greenwich
Green James, Nerldah st, Chutswood
Green Charles, Guddr.h st, Hurstvllle
Green James, 138 Walker st, Rcdfcrn
Green Chas., 11 North st, Lcichhardt
Green James, 94 Walker st, Redfcru
Green Chas., Sydenham rd, Marrickville Green Jumes, J.P., 182 Birroll st, Waverley
Green Charles, Railway st, Prospect
Green James E., 226 Ocean st, Paddington
Green Charles, 13 Thomas st, Iledfern
Green Jnmes G., Fenibank nv, Woolwich
Green Charles, CliuroliBt, Wuverley
Green James T., 4 Etoust, Oamperdown
Green Coffmaun, 40 FOVCUUJ! st
Green James V„ Olovelley st, Vauoluso
Green E., Auburn rd, Auburn '
Green Jesse, Harrow rd, Auburn
Green E., FranciB Bt, Rookwood
Green Jesse, 181 Bullunnming st, Redfern
Green E. P., Livingstone rd, Murriokville Green John, tobacconist, Oorso, Manly
Green E. S., Belmorc rd, Handwlck
Green John, 133 Gloucester st.
Green E. T. M., R.N., sec. and assist, pay- Green John, 187 Palmer st
master Royal Naval Ynrd.G'd'n Island Green John, Victoria st, Alexandria
Green Mrs. Edith. Bond's rd, Canterbury Green John, 7 M'Donnld st, Balmaln
Green Edwnrd, 104 John st
Oreen John, 2 Grove st, Bnlmain
Green Edward, 30 Taylor st
Oreen John, 87 GIpps st, Balmaln
Green Edward, George st, Canterbury
Green John, 2 Hymn st, Balmaln
Green Edward, 60 Abattoirs rd, Rozelle
Green John, 7 Wittlcombc st, Rozello
Green Elijah, Third nve, Rookwood
Green John, 21 Marian st, Newtown
Green Elijah, 29 Cooper st, Waterloo
Green John, Wigram at, Parraniotta
Green Ernest A., 6] Arthur Bt
Green John, George st, Parramatta
Green Ernest A., 169 Jones at
Green John, Alrd st, Parramatta
Green Ernest A., Hurt st, St. Peters
Green John, 5 Busby par, Waverley
Green Ernest R., 19 Goodlet st
Green J o h n . 133 Oxford st, Wauerley
Green F. L., Elizabeth st, Artarmou
Green John E., 8 Baptist st, Redfem
Green F. W., Llewellyn Bt, Mnrrlckvllle
Green John L., 10 Vincent st, Balmaln
Green Frank, 26 Allen st
Green John 11., saddler, 317 Sussex st
Green Frank, 810 Abereromble st, R'feru Greeu John T., 73 Barcora avo
Green Fred., 11 Sorrie st, Balmaln
Green Jonnthnn O., 24 Belmorc st
Green Frederick, Derby st, Auburn
Green Jonuthnn, 15 Pcmell st, Newtown
Green Frcdk., Denby st, Mnrrlckvllle
Green Joseph, Wollongongrd, Aruoliffe
Green Frederick A., 21 Croydon st, P'sham Green Joseph, Petersham rd, Marrickville
Green Mrs. G. H., N.S.H. rd, Woollahra
Green Joseph, 67 Liverpool st, Paddington
Green George, 6 Ohapmnn st
Green Joseph, 137 Ellznbeth st, Redfem
Green Goorge, 79 Riley st
Green Leonard, ins. agent, 6S4 Darling ,
Green George, 168 Young st, Annandnle
Green George, Longucvlllc rd, Lane Covo
Green George, Blucher st, North Botany Green Mrs. M , Park rd, Burwood
Green George, 78 Liverpool st, Paddington Green Mrs. M., Rooky Point rd, Kogarah
Green George, 4 York ores, Petersham
Green Mrs. M., 17 Relby at, Newtown
Green George, 10 Mnckenzie st, Waverley Green M. I., 95 Cavendish st, Stanmore
Green M. J„ Hull st, Auburn
Green William, Highgato st, Bcxley
Green Malcolm, Varna st, Randwick
Green William, Acton st, Burwood
I Green Maurice, 114 Gloucester st
Green William, 33 St. Mary's st, Oam'down
Green MIolmel, 112 Gloucester st
Green William, Kendall st, Granville
Green Michael, 105 Glebe st, Glebe
Green William, Gloucester rd, Uurstrlllo
Engineers, Machinery Merchants, Green Miss, tcticlier, All Saints' day school, Green William, 6fM Australia st, Newtown
Crystal st, Petersham
Green William, 4 Longdown st, Nowtown
|Green M
. orris, clothier, 88 Kingat
Green William, 113 Regent st, Newtown
General Importers.
Green Mrs. N., 122 Phillip st
Green William, 18 Bray st, North Sydney
Green N. S., general manager In Austral- Green William, Penshurat st, Willoughby
asia for It. G. Dun ami Co., propriet- Green William A., Samuel st, St. Peters
ors of the Mercantile Ag'cy, 61 Yorkst Green Wm. J., 20 Rieby st, Newtown
Green S. L., Junction ril, Siiuimer Hill
Green William H., Henloyrd, Flemington
Green It., gunmaker, 116-118 Clarence st
Green William H., 68 Bridge rd, Globo
Green Mrs. ll„ refreshment rooms, 143 iGreen William H., 117 Berry st, N. Sydney
King st
Green William R., 108 Young st, Redfern
Green It. A, W., Gordon rd, Lane Covo
Grecnncre G., Wnrdcll rd, Dulwich Hilt
Green R. H., dentist, 57 Staumore rd, P'ah'm Greenncre J., Macrae st, Marriokville
Green Itcubcn, Stanhope st, Auburn
Grccnncro K., Francis st, Marrlckville
Green Ulcliard, 83 McDonald st, Ersk'vlllo Greenolob D., 26 Flora st, Ersklneville
Green Iticluird, jun., Greenwich rd, L. Covo Grcenaway A., Macquaric st Lclchhardt
Green Iticliard, 71 licrry st, North Sydney Grccnaway Mrs. E., U7£ Raglan st, Waterloo
Green Hloliard, 3 Green st, Waterloo
Grcenaway Mrs., 8 Flinders Bt
Green Robert, 144 Devonshire st
Grcenaway Thomas. 30 Union st, Newtown
Green Robert, 75 Goodlet st
Greenawny W, 67 Stewart st, Pnddlngton
Green Robert, 7 Campbell st, Glebe
GrccnbergD. L., tailor, 74 York s t ; p.r.,
Green Robort, 13 Rieby st, Newtown
Cowper st, Wnverley
Green Miss S.," Lisgar," 8 BUgh st
Grecnberg H., grocer, 104 Goulburn st
Ore. n S. 0., Pork pur, Waverley
Grecnbcrg Harris, 04 Hoso Bt, Darlington
Green Capt. S. G„ superintendent, Greene H. B., 27 Ithaca rd
S o l o A g e n t s for
Eastern and Australian S.8. Co. Greene Henri S., 11 Cralgcnd st
wharf, OlrcularQuay : p,r., " Altonn," Greene John, 08 Quarry st
corner Berry and Walker sts, N. Syd. Grcenokleo Miss Freda, Allison rd, Randw'k
jGrccn 8. J., 81 Railway par, Ersklnevillo Greenrr J. G„ Quarry rd, Marsfleld
Green S. M., architect, 40 Hunter st
Greenfield H. and, Co., confectioners, 1
Green S. M., 06 Waters rd, NortliSydney
Botany st, Redfern
Green S. 8.. 13 Grosvcnor cres, Sum. Hill
Greenfield Jos., 8 Foncart st, Rozelle
Green S. T., Young st, Annandalc
Greenfield J. 0., 184 Windsor st, Pad'ton
Green Samuel. 62 Experiment st
Greenfield Jas., 80 Norton st, Ashfleld
[Green Sam., Wcstbourno st, Kognrnh
Greenfield R., 20 Alma st, North Sydney
Green Sidney, 47 Burton st
Greenfield R., oft 178 Botany at, Waterloo
Green Sidney, 60 Union st, Ersklnevillo
W., 22 Thomas st, Ashfleld
Green Solomon, 7 Holt st
Grecnhnlgh J. G. H., 178 Albion st
Green Sydney, Lawrence st, Alexandria
Grecnhnlgh Thomns, 7 George Bt, Newtown
Green T. A., Young st, Annandalc
Greenliill E. W„ Shadfortb st, Mosman
Green T. E., 72 Oarrlngton rd, Wnverley Grecnliill Francis, 109 Vlotoria st
Green T. H., 186 Parramatta rd, Ann'dale Greenliill John T., Senviewst, Dul. Hill
Gr. en 1'. H., Marlborough st, Drummoync Greening J., Railway st, Marriokville
Green T. J., OlUsholni st, Greenwich
Greening Jas., Pino st, Rnndwick
Green Mrs. T. 0. ?., Ksplanndo east, Manly Greening Mrs. M. A., Victoria avc, W'lahra
Green Thomas, 112 Fitzroy st
James, Grove st, St. Peters
Green Thomas, 18 Wilson st
I Greenland Joseph, 22 Forsyth st, Glebe
Green Thomas, Railway ores, Burwood
'Greenlaw Charles J. G., 118 Macleay st
Grcou Thoinus, 68 Burren st, Ersklnevillo Greenlces 0 . E„ Moreton Bt, Concord
Green Thomas, Henley rd, Flemington
Greenlecs David A., Avon rd, Pymblo
Green Thomas, 67 Hiillorsii st, Lclchhardt Grconlees J., The Crescent, Vaucluso
Green Thomns, 13 Prospect st, Newtown Greenlces John, manager Wotaon's Bay ami
Green Thomns, 10 Margaret st, Petersham
South Shore Steam Ferry, Co., Ltd.,
Green Thomns, Merrylnuds rd, Prospect
Circular Quay
Green Thomns, 174 Redfern at, Redfern
I Greenlces W., 116 Cooper st, Waterloo
Green Victor, Devonshire at, Burwood
Grccnless J., 33 Watervlew st, Balmaln
Green Victor, 22 Blshopsgate st, O'down Qrccnlcss J., 88 Reynolds st, Baltnain
Green W., 37 Burren st, Erskincvillo
Greenlces Robert, 41 Palmer st, Balmaln
iGrcen W., Sydenham rd, Marrlokvlllo
Greenrose Frank, 10 Way's tor
Green W., 262 Aborcrombie st, Redfern
Groenaladc J„ off Botany rd, North Botany
Green W., Avoca st, Rnndwick
Qrccnstroet I., scoretary I.O.-Roohabitcs,
Green W., 31 Great Buckingham st, R'fem
Green W. B., Avenue rd, Mosman
301 Flttst
Green W. G., Park nl, St. Peters
Grccnstrcet I., 00 Park avc, Ashfiold
Green W. 0., Livingstone rd, Marriokville Greontree Alfred, 123 Regent et, Newtown
In addition to oarrying a large Green W. J., 2 Cower st, Summer Hill
Greentreo D., 10 Isabella nvc, North Sydney
Green W. J„ Railway par, Burwood
Greentreo Earl, 16 Brougham at, Glebe
stock or the above Spoolal Manu- Green
W. J., Myohgah rd, Mosman
Greentree F., 0 Prospect st, Lclchhardt
factures, wo have Engines, Boilers, Green W. L., 6 Msequaric st, Annandalc Greontree G., Livingstone rd, Mnrriokvllle
Green W. T., 44 Australia st, Ncwtbwn
Greontree George, 2CurtiB rd, Balmaln
Pumping Maohinory, Engineers' Green Walter, confectioner, 607 George st Greentree
H., George st, Granville
Tools, Shafting, Pulleys, Plnmmer
Greentreo John, 12 Thomas st, Fadd'tou
Green William, butcher, 18 Oxford st
4 Brodic st, Paddington
Blooks, Hangers, and every de- Green William, 30 Irving st
Greenup Henry. Avenue rd, Moiinnn
05 Morehead st, Waterloo
scription of Maohinory Fittings
Green William, 14 Waterloo place
Grccnwoy A., 233 Parramatta rd, Au'dalo
and Supplies.
Green William, Elizabeth st, Artarmon
Green well anil f'o., painters, contractors,
Green William, 63 GIpps st, Balmaln
and ironmongers, 210 Entnord rd,
Correspondence Solioltod.
Greenwell 0., Harnett avc, Muriickviltc
Gregg James, general manager Wolsbnck Greig D., 47 Hopctouu st, Paddington
Greenwell Donald, 70 Pitt st, North Sydney
Light Co., of Australasia, 441 Kent Grcig Emanuel, Baptist at, Redfern
Greenwell George, 162 West st, N. Sydney
st j p.r., 224 Glebo rd, Glebe Point
Greig George, 78 Middlu at, North Sydney
Greenwell J. N., 160 Enmoro rd, M'kvillo Gregg Mrs. J., Back Domain, Parramatta Grcig George H., 101 Albion st
Greenwell John, 20 Waterview Bt, Balmaln Gregg James, J.P., Brooklyn st, Burwood Greig Harry, Wemyss st
Greenwell 8. T., 8 Tintern rd, Ashfleld
Gregg Nonnnn E., solloltor, 90 Pitt s t ; p.r., Greig James, 64 Carlisle st, Ashfleld
Greenwell T. 1)., 62 Clayton st, Balmaiu
Orelg James, Virginia at, Granville
Raglnn st, Mosman
Greenwich Post and Telegraph Office— Gregg William, 40 Taylor st
Greig James, 79 Rcnnick st, Lclchhardt.
Mrs. M. Kenton, postmistress, Green- Grcgorinssen Ivnr, 76 Sophia at
Greig John, 26 Kensington st
wioh rd, Greenwich
Greig John, Wentworth rd, Burwood
Greenwloh Publlo School—John T. LccGrcig John, 160 Hereford st, Glebo
mon, teacher, Robert st, Greenwich
Grcig Mrs., Day st, Drummoyne
Greenwood and Sou, produce merohantH, 70
Greig R. M., Kogatah rd, Kogarah
Wilson st, Newtown, and 173 Enmore
Engineers, Maohlucry Merchants, and Grcig Robert J., Burns rd, Wnhroonga
rd, Enmore
General Importers, 74 Clarence at. Greig T. M„ tailor, 3 Park st
Greenwood and Son, seed merchants, 241
Grolg Thomas, 6 College at, Balmoin
(Seo ndvt.)
King st, Newtown
Gregory W. and Son, grocerB, Corso, Manly Grcig Thomas, Marriokville rd, Mar'ville
Greenwood Mrs. A., 11 Smith st, Sum. Hill Gregory Mrs. A., tic-maker, 44 C'reagh st Greig Thomas, Keston ov, Mosman
Greenwood A. E„ 00 Botany rd, Alexandria Gregory Miss A., Blrohgrovo rd, Balmnin Greig Thos. M„ Violet st, Enfield
Greenwood 0 „ Fitzroy st, Marriokville
Gregory A. H., Railway st, West Kogorah Greig W. A., Albert rd, Strathflcld
Grcig William, 65 Albion at
• Greenwood Mrs. K, 301 Bourkc st
Gregory A. J., tobacconist 47 Pitt Bt
Oreenwood Mrs. E.,116 Stanmoro rd.P'sham Gregory A. R., stock and share broker, 25, Greig William, 64 John st
Grolg-Smlth Robert, D.8o., Bay st, D. Bay
Greenwood Edwin, 69 Glebe rd, Glcbo
Hunter st
GrolBcn Martin, Liverpool rd, Burwood
Greenwood F., baker and pastrycook, 767 Gregory A. R.,Knox st, Rnndwick
Grclok Chas., 26 Ancrum st, North Sydney
George st
Gregory A. R., 14 Botany st, Wovcrloy
Qrcucngcr John, Plymouth st, Enfield
Greenwood F., 65 Silver at, Marriokville
Gregory A. W., Connemnrnv st, West Grcnengcr
Wenzcl, Burwood rd, Burwood
Greenwood F. H., manager Union Bank of
Grcnenger William H., Lily st, Enfield
Australia, Limited (.branch), 000
harnessGrcnfell H. G,, Lincoln st, Petersham
George at; p,r, Livcrpood rd, Croydon
maker, and saddlers' ironmonger, 4<i Grenfell John, 233 Liverpool st
Greenwood F. W„ Victoria avc, Penslmrst
Market st; p.r., "Clifton," 14Botnny Gronfcll John P., Ohisholm rd, Auburn
Greenwood George, J.P., 80 Dowling st,
at, Waverley
Grcnfell William, Garden st, Kogorah
Gregory Arthur. Falser st, Woolwich
Greplnet Jean P.,42 Watcrviewst, Balmaln:
Greenwood Honry, 247 Alfred at, Nth. Syd. Gregory B., Balilry st, Ohatswood
Greaby J.T., 110 Aberorombio st, Redfern
Greenwood J., Commercial rd, Lclchhardt Gregory Miss 0., 12 Denmon st, Globe
Greshnm L. H. manufacturers' agent, 65>
Greenwood J., Railway nl, St. Peters
Gregory Charles, O'Oonncll st, Parrnnmttn
Qucon Victoria Markets
Greenwood James,, 100 Arthur st
Gregory Ohas., Strathflcld ave,Stratlifleld Greslmm
Henry, Dora at, Hurstvlllo
Greenwood John, 7 Burton st
Gregory D. W., paymaster Trcnsurj', Mno-GreBhum Leonard
H., 105 Ebley st, WaT'loy
Greenwood John, Keston nvc, Mosuinn
quarlo s t ; p.r., Kissing Point rd, Tur- Grcsley F., 46 Francis
Greenwood Lewis, Gordon nl, Gordon
Grcsloy Peroy, High st, Wlllougliby
Greenwood M., Tavistock rd, Flemington Gregory Mrs. K., Treattrd, Lindfleld
Oresloy William H., Powell Bt, Homebusli
Greenwood Nimrod, head master Superior Gregory E., Woolwlchrd, Hunter's Hill
Grcsswcll S. S., nowa agont, 251 Sussex st
Public School, Blue st, North Sydney Gregory E., 10 Bligh st
George, Bellevue st, North Sydney
Greenwood Mrs. P., 140 Evans st, Rozelle Gregory Mrs. E., 13 Regent st, Nowtown
Greta Oonl Mining Co.—Cowlishaw Bros.,
Greenwood Sydney, 1 Simmons st, N'town Gregory F., Morwlok st, Burwood
Bulletin lano
Greenwood Thos., Burns Boy rd, Lane Cove Gregory F. G., Esplanade west, Manly
Greuin William, 2 Yeond's ploco
Gregory Fredcriok, 42 Bay at
Greenwood W., 16 Liberty st, Newtown
Grevillo's Telegram Co.—T. T. Wilton, J.P.,
Greenwood Rev, W. (0. of E.),Bclmoro rd, Gregory Fredk., 49 Edwin st, Croydon
92 Pitt Bt
Gregory Fredk., 23 Liverpool rd, Ashfiold
Grevillo Mrs. E. T., 17 Jersey rd, W'lahra
Greenwood William, Albert st, St. Peters
Grovllle George, Harris rd, Abbotaford
Greer William and Co., Ltd., distillers Gregory George, Brabyn st, Parrnmntti
Grevillo H. J., accountant, 44 Castlcrcaglt
(Glasgow)—G. H. Adams and Co.,Gregory H., Inverness ave, Penshuist
agents, 129 York st
G reville Henry J., 662 Crown Bt
Greer Mrs. A., 96 Annaudalo at Annnudalc Gregory John, Bclmoro8t, Parramatta
Miss, Allison rd, Randwick
Greer D., 32 Golden Grove st, Darlington Gregory John S., 22 Waterview at, Balmaiu
Grew Henry 0., 24 James St, North Sydney
Gregory Joseph, Beatrice at, Rookwood
Greer David, 148 Well st, Redfern
W., Bridge Bt, Drummoyno
Gregory Martin, 13 Little Mount et
Greer E. G., 250 Church st, Oamperdown
Grey F. G, Baptist st, Redfern
Gregory Mrs., 790'Qeorgo at
Greer James, 13 M'Koe st
Grey George, 48 Gemird st, Alexandria
Gregory Oscar, Pino Bt, Rnndwick
Greer John, 30 Starling at, Lclchhardt
Grey George, 63 Darghan st, Glebe
Gregory Percy, 10 Bllgh et
Greer John, 37 Nelson at, Rozelle
Grey J. R., grocer, 22 Mary Ann st
Greer Mrs. Lucy, Edna st, Lolchhordt
Greer Mrs. M., 18 Catherine st, Lclchhardt Gregory Robert, Johnston st, Annandalc Groy James, 14 Junction st, Oamperdown
Groy Jnmes, 12 Wise st, Rozelle
Gregory Mrs. S. A„ 48 QOrdon st, Pud'ton
Greer Robert, 44 Ridge st
Grogory Syd., Grafton st east, Woollahra Grey John, Tintern rd, Ashfiold
Greer S. J.. Garland rd, Naremburu
Gregory T. E., 743 Illawarra rd, Mar'ville Grey John, Fitzroy st, Mnrriokvlllo
Greer W., 68 Trafalgar at, Annondnlo
Groy John, 14 Albion Bt, Wnverloy
Grogory Thos., WoodvlUe rd, Granville
Greer William, 27 Duke st, Balmnin
Grey Robert, 139 Johnston Bt, Annaudalo
Gregory W., 181 Knmore rd, Newtown
Greer William, Iron st, Parramatta
Groy Thomns, Minter at, Canterbury
Grccthcad Arthur, 29 Hume Bt, N. Sydney Gregory W., Vlotoria rd. Parramatta
Gregory W. F., 12 Boundary st, Waverley Grey Vivian, Queen st, Granville
Groethead Stephen, Prince st, Mosman
Grcovy Thomaa B„ alert hnttl, 433 Liver- Gregory William, 201 Enmore rd, Nowtown Groy William M., 22 Thomas st, N.8ydney
Gregory Wm. J., 97 Mansfield st, Rozelle Gribbcu and Co., farriers, 20 Elizabeth st
pool st
Gribben A. P., veterinary surgeon, 20>
Grcgson Henry, Harold at, Parramatta
Oregon M., 40 Dcnison st, Rozelle
Oregson John P., manager The Central
Oregon M., Elizabeth st, Waterloo
Elizabeth st
Oregon Patrlok, Chapel st, Lclchhardt
"Rathmlncs," Burlington rd, H'bush Gribben Frank, 27 Slonno st, Summer Hill
Grogon Samuel, 212 Walker st, Redfern
27 Lower Campbell Bt
Oregon Saml. P., 70 Elizabeth st, Waterloo Grcig A., usslstant assaycr, Government Gribben Hugh,
Mrs. 8., 17 Prospect rd, Sum. Hill
Metallurgical Works, Parramatta rd,
Gregg A. H., manager Commercial BankGrlbbin
14 Franklyn at, Glebo
ing Company of Sydney, Ltd. (brouoh),
Gribbln J. 8., 70 Victoria st, Lowiaham
Grcig Alex., off Miller st, North Sydney
288 Parramatta rd, Petersham
79 Vlotoria st, L'shntn
Gregg Alexander W. S., J.P., " Dunisla," Greig Alexander, 636 Bourkc st
Gribbln T. J„ 70 Victoria st, Lowishom
Greig Mrs. Ann, U Thomas at, Balmaln
Qrlbblo and Co., bakers, 45 Raglan st^.
Grcig Mrs. Ann, 4J Perrittst, Rozello
Homebush ores, Homebush
Grcig Arthur It., 200 Miicquaric st south
Gregg Donald, 8 Spruson Bt, Neutral Bay
Orlbble Jos., 4 Little Underwood st, P'ton
Gregg Mrs. E. A., 9 Enmore rd, Newtown
Gribblo R., 124 Botnny st, Waterloo
Gribblo W., Premier st, Mnrrlckvillc
Griflln John J „ 230 Bridge rd, Glebe
Griffiths Ohas. J., 88 Campbell st, Glebe
Gribblo W., 0 Little Underwood st, P'ton Grillln John, 4 Grafton st, Balmnin
Grifflths Chris., 80 Campbell st, Glebe
Grlce B. J., house painter, 40 Hunter st J Griflln Joseph, Addcrton rd, Dundos
Griffiths Dnvld, 64 Surrey st
p.r., Wollongong rd, Arncliffo
Grlflln Lionel, L'Avcnuo Park, Newtown Griffiths Mrs. E., 84 Wilson st, Newtown
Grlce Ohas., 17 Dalhousie Bt, Ashflcld
Griffin Michael, 83 Rose st
Griffltlis 11, 16 Regent st, Summer Hill
Grloo Mrs. E., 9 Hugh st, Ashfleld
Grlflln M., 121 Regent st, Oampordown
Grifflths E. 0., Falser st, Woolwich
Grice Edwin, 22 Cromwell st, Ashfleld
Grlflln Michael, Raudwiok rd, Randwiak
Grifliihs E. J , Military rd, Vaucluso
Grlce John, 90 Mnrlon st, Lclchhnrdt
Griflln P., 113 Victoria flt
Grifflths E. \V., secretary Parke and Lacy
Grice John, 36 Pnddington st, Pnddington Griflln Mrs. P. M., 76 Cameron st, Tad'ton
Co., Ltd., machinery merchants, 60
Grico Mnrous W., 9 Hugh st, Ashfleld
Grillln Percy, Young st, Annandale
Clarence s t ; p.r., Australian Club
Grlce Thos., 48 Bridge rd. Glebe
Griffin Peter, 76 Alice «t, Newtown
GrifflthB Edward, Moore st, Belmoro
Grice W., 26 Railway fiv, Stoumore
Griffln H. J.. Marriokville rd, Marriokville Grifflths Edward 590 King Bt, Newtown
Grice Walter, 112 EvelciKh st, Redfcrn
Griffin Samuel, 48 Raperst, Newtown
Griffiths Ernest, 123 Glebe st. Glebe
Grief Samuel V.,4 Athlonc st
Griflln Samuel, 6 Trafalgar st, Newtown
Griffiths P., Bayview st, Bexley
Grief Stephen W., 19 Fronds at., Glebe
Griflln Thos., grocer, 87 Goold st
Griffiths F., Lang st, Mosmnn
Qricr James, Ynrannbeo rd, Woollnhra
Griffln T. A., 298 Riley st
Grifflths F. 0., Wolselcy rd, Point Piper
Gricrson Artliur, Croydon ave, Enfield
Griflln Thomns, jun., 50 Roper st, N'town Griffiths F. T., 83 Balmaln rd, Lelchhnrdt
Grlerson C, Holmsdnlo st, Marriokville
Grifflu Thomns, New 8. Head rd, Woollnhra Griffiths G., 168 Nelson st, Annandale
Grlerson Mrs. E„ Grafton st cast, Wham Griffln Timothy, Glover st, Mosmnn
Griffltlis G., Orpington st, Ashfleld
Grlereon Mrs. I., Baptist st, Hedfern
Grifflu W., Transanal nve, Double Bay
G rlfllths G. F., Musgrnvo st, Mosmnn
Grlerson Mrs., Addison rd, Manly
Griffln William, 222 Hereford st, Glebe
Griffiths G, F., grazier, 309 George s t ; p.r.
Grlerson Robert W., town elerk, nedfern GriHln William, 3 Cheltenham st, Rozellc
Wallls Bt, Woollahra
Town Hall. 73 Pitt st, Hedfern ; p.r., Griffith (Artliur) and Allen, patent agents
Griffiths Geo., Wellington st, Camperdown
58 Pitt st, Hedfern
and consulting engineers, 165 Phillip Giifliths Geo., Sorrell st, Parrnmatta
Grieshbaoh A., Coiinoinarni st, W. Kogarah
Grifflths Geo., 65 Cowper st, Glebe
Griessbauer Mrs. 0. W., 6 Oraigend st
Griffiths H., 36 Taylor st, Annandalo
Grieve F. W., registry ofllce, 1X0 O'reogh st
Griffiths H., 267 Victoria rd, Mnrr'ckvillc
Grieve J., 20 Albion st
H. H., 20 Charlotte st, Ashfleld
Grieve Mrs. J. A., Ocean st, Woollnhra
Griffiths Henry, 35 Booth st, Annandale
Grievo John, news agent, 889 Grown st
(Sydney Electroplating Works, eBt. Griffiths J., Little Arthur st, Bnlmoin
Grieve John, 16 Zamia st, Hedfern
1870), Electro and Silver Platers, &c, Grifflths J., 4 Elizabeth tt, Camperdown
Grieve John T., 19 Lincoln st, Petersham
Grifflths Mrs. J., Canterbury New rd„
79 Liverpool st. Tel. No. 2476.
Grieve Joseph, 18 Albion st
Grieve Mrs. M., Marsden st, Pnrramatt.1
Griflith Arthur, J.F., M.L.A., patent agent
J., Pcnshurst st, Willoughby
Grieve H. H„ B.A., 3 Flood st, Bondi
& consulting engineer, 38 Elizabeth st
Griffiths J., 181 Edgccliffe rd, Woollahra
Grieve Robert, Inspeotor, Department of Griflith E. V., 13 Station st, Petershnm
Griffiths J. W., Boyle st, Mosman
Public Instruction, metropolitan dis- Griflith G. P . , 10 Gierstoin st, Wnverley
Grlfllths James, monumental mason, Railtrict, 61 Phillip st
Griffith H. S., 40 Brown st, Pnddington
way st, Rookwood
Grieve Thomns, 81 Nelson st, Hozclle
Griflith Herbert W., Terry st, St. Peters
Jnmcs, Beatrice st. Rookwood
Griovo W. H„ 39 Durham st, S. Annaiidale| Griflith Frederick W., 131 Arthur st
Jnmes, Frederick st, St. Peters
Griove W. S., Salisbury rd, Petersham
Griflith Griffith, 4 Cambridge st, Stnnmore
Grifflths John, Willow Tree fun hold,!
Grieves Mre. A., Marino par, Vaucluso
Griflith James, 17 Pyrmont Bridge rd
Grieves Arthur, L.H.O.P.. M.H.O.S, Eng. Griffith John, 05 Windsor st, Pnddington
Griflith John, Tramway st, North Botany Griffltlis John, 10 Rnndle st
(Loiid.),Grosvenor rd, Wahroonga
Griflith Miss M., Mncquurle st.Pnrrnmattn Griffiths John, 22 Rowley Bt, Alexandria
Grieve* T.H., Washington st, Bexley
Griffith Right Hon. Sir Samuel Walker, Grlfllths John, 14 Hampton st, Balmoiu
Grieves Thomas, 1 Thomas st, Ashfleld
P.O., G.O.M.G., Chief Justice, Federal Griffiths John, 22 Smith st, Camperdown
Grieves William .1., 98 Campbell st, Glebe
Griffltlis John, J.P., 151 Pitt st, Hedfern
High Court, Dnrllnghurst
Grieves William J.. 42 Great Borcom 6t
Grifflths John, King st, Rockdale
Griffith T. H. M., 2 Douglas et, Waterloo
Griffon A., 285 Cleveland st, Hedfern
Griffiths John F., Ann st, Aruoliflo
Grlffen James, Bainford et
Griffltlis Joseph, Harbor st, Mosman
Grlffcu Mrs. M., Brussol st, North Botany Griflith 17m, off 24 Hnrrington st
L. H.,6 Oarlow st west, N. Sydney
Griflith Wm., 49 Brown st, Pnddington
Grlffen Mre. A., 203 Kent st
Grifflths Louis, 155 Crown st
Griffln A., 211 Pnrramnttu rd, Annandale Griflith W m , Albert ores, Croydon
M„ Robert st, St. Peters
Griffiths Bros. Proprietary, Ltd., ten, coffee
Griffin Alex., 69 Renwick st. Lclchhnrdt
Griffiths Mark, 189 Victoria rd, Marriokand cocoa merchants, 534 George st
Griffin Olmrles, 131 Glebe st, Glebe
Griffin Charles S., Wold's ave, Hnretvlllo Griffiths and Co., land and estate agents, Griffltlis Neville, J.P., 111 Wallisst, W'lnhra
Avenue rd, Mosmnn
Grlflln Daniel, Albert st, Granville
Griffiths P., 206 Canterbury New rd. M'vlllc
Griffiths' Fruit Co.—A. A, Griffiths, mana- Griffiths P., 33 Oambrldgo st, Newtown
Griffin Daniel, 11 Hcnulc st, Hedfern
ger, 9 Steam Mill st
Grlflln Mrs. E., Kalgoorlle st, Leichhardt
Grifflths P., George st, Hookdale
Griffin Mrs. B., 12 Henson st. Summer Hill Griffiths A., 120 Wvndhnm et, Alexundria Griffltlis R., Renwick st, Marriokville
Grlflln F. B., mnnager John Shaw, Limited, Grillltbs A., 14 Biililwln st, Krskiuevllle
Grifflths Mrs. R., 277 Balmnin rd, L'bnrdt
wire rope mnnufneturers, 425 Kent s t ; Griffiths Miss A., 9 Wood's nve, Woollnhrn Grifflths R., old Canterbury rd, Petersham
Griffiths A. A., manager Griffiths' Fruit Griffiths R., Elizabeth st, Waterloo
p.r., 9 BIrchgrovo rd, Biilmalu
Grlflln F. L., 105 Womernh ave
Co., D Steam Mill st
Griffltlis H. Jf., 34 Kenliworth st, Wnv'Iey
Grillln Frnnk, 23 Justin st, Leichhardt
Griffiths A. A. W., Serpentine rd, G'wlch Griffltlis Robert, 42 College st, Bnlmain
Griffin Frank, Robert st, Marriokville
Griffiths A. E., 126 Jcr<ey rd, Pnddington Griffiths Robert, Gibbes st, Rockdale
Grillln Frank O., Railway ores, Prospect Griffiths A. J . H., 19 P&rrnmattn Old rd, Griffltlis S., 24 Garden 6t, Alexandria
Griflln G. C, 45 Prcmior st, Kogarah
Forest Lodge
Grifflths S., 11 Lord st, North Sydney
Giiflln Mrs. J., Unwin'EB'dgerd.St. Peters Griffiths Anthony, 8 Susan st, Annandale Grifflths Samuel, 64 Campbell st. Glebe
Griffln J , 14 Ebley st, Wnverley
Griffiths Anthony, 89 Campbell st, Globe Griffiths Stanley, stock nnd station agent,
Grlflln J. B., Cross st, Double Bay
Griffiths B., 160 Nelson st, Annandale
Griffiths B., 30 High st, Balmnin
Norwich chambers, 50-58 Hunter st
• O R I F F I N J . G.; J . P . , O . B . , Licensed Griffiths 0., Bay view st, Bexley
Griffiths Sydney, 60 Ryan st, Lelchhnrdt
Surveyor, No. 7 lifth floor, Equitable Griffiths 0., 84 Stewart st, Paddington
Griffltlis T., 132 Allen st, Leichhardt
Building, George s t ; p.r. Mills st, Griffiths 0 . B., Argylc st, Parrnmntta
Griffiths T., 12 Whitehorse st, Newtown
Griffiths 0. Cecil, commercial ngent, 10 Griffiths T., 24 Rosclilllst, Redferu
Grlflln James, Aurora hotel, 324 ElizaHunter s t ; p.r.. Cross »t, Double Bay GrifflthsT.,9 Rush st, Woollahra
beth st
Griffiths 0. H., 168 George st, Waterloo
Grifflths T. W., Mncqunrlo plnoe, H'ville
Grlflln James, 38 Levey st
Griffiths 0. T., off 818 Sussex st,
Griffltlis Thomns, 71 Point st
Grlflln Jnmcs, 71 Fitzroy st
Griffiths Olmrles, superintendent Govern- Griffiths Thos., Queen st, Concord
Grifflu James, Cievedon rd, Hursvvlllc
ment Printing Office, Phillip s t ; p.r., Griffiths Thos. 0. E., Prospect rd, Sum. Hill
Griffin James, Terry st, St. Peters
27 Oatley rd, Paddington
Grifflths W., Hampden rd, Artnnnon
Griffin Mra. Jane, 176 Albion st
Griffiths Charles, OBbornerd, Manly
Griffltlis W., 55 Trafalgar st, Annandale
Griffin John, Gcddes et, Botany
Griffiths Ohas., 103 Union st, Newtown
GrifflthB W., Wazicr st, Arncliffo
Griffltlis W., 32 Burfltt st, Leichhardt
Grifflths W.,799 Illawarrn rd, Mnrrlckvllle
Griffltlis W., 84 West st, North Sydney
Grifflths W., Barton nve, Summer Hill
Grifflths W. H„ 0 Marriott st, Redferu
Griffltlis W. P.; Herbert st, Rookdnlo
Griffiths W. R., 28 Campbell st, Balmnin
Griffltlis W. S., ladies' outfitter, 193 Pitt
st and 82 The Strand j p.r., Market st,
Griffiths Walter, Gordon rd, Gordon
Grifflths William, 11 Ridge st
Griffltlis William. 2 Cameron st, Balmaln
Grifflths William, Blanch Bt, Enfield
Grifflths William, Orange st, Randwick
Grlgg Charles H., grocer, 76 Stnnley st
GrlggF. H., 51 Palace st, Petersham
Grlgg Ernest, 21 Centre st. Redfcrn
Grlgg John, Croydon rd, Bexley
Grlgg P. 0., 708 Illawarrn rd, Mar'vlllo
Griggs Henry, Parramnttn rd, Bunvood
Griggs Snmucl, Mary st, St. Peters
Grigor W.G., chemist, 150 George st
Grigson 0. W., librarian Sydney nnd
Suburbnn Provident Medical Association, 121 Bathurst st
Grihamas Robert, 19 Hush st, Woollahra
Grllk James W., 8 Trouton st, Bnlmaiu
Grills Richard, 400 Kent st
Grills T. A., professor of music, 325 George
Grills T. H., 178 Hedfern st, Redferu
Grimble A. J„ Renwick st, Marriokville
Grlmble A. H., 102 Maria st, Newtown
Grimble George, 51 Emily st, Marriokville
Grime Herbert S., 158 Hereford st, Glebe
Grima Jeffrey, Grime's lane, Cnrlingford
Grime Leonard, "Montrose," Ooonninbnrm
rd, Wahroonga
Grime William, 69 Mort st, Bnlmaiu
Grimes A., 14 Little Buckingham st
Grimes Mrs. F., Botany rd, Waterloo
Grimes Mrs. H., 80 Burlon st, Oampordown
Grimes J. 0. P., 38 Darllnghurst rd
Grimes John, 310 Liverpool st
Grimes John, George st, St. Peters
Grimes T. A., 56 Emmctt st, N. Sydney
Grimes Thomas, Church st, Purraniatta
Grimes W., !I7 John st, Mnrrlckvillc
Grimes William, Obcron st, nandwiok
Grimley Frank, Liinited.lwholesnlesaddlcrs'
and conchbuilders' ironmonger, ami
importer of bioyclc parts and fittings,
203 Clarence st (near Town Hall).
Grimley Frnnk, " Wandella," Woolwich
Grimley A., Stafford st, Petersham
Grimley G., 77 Uiiilcrcllffo Bt, Neutral Bay
Grimley George, View st. Woollahra
Grimley J., Lower Tupper st, Mnrrlckvillc
Grimley .Mrs. P., 118 Military rd, N. Sydney
Grimm Mrs. M., Esplanade cast, Manly
Grimm Miss M., 347 King st, Newtown
Grimmond W., Dock rd, Balmnin
Grimmond W., Archer st, Chntswood
Grlmrod K., 8 Young st
Grimshaw Mrs. H., 67 Wellington st, Newtown
Grimshaw Henry, Premier st, Mnrrlckvllle
Grimshaw Henry, Carey st, Marriekvillc
Grimshaw J. H., Liverpool rd, Enfield
Grimsliow J. H., Grosvcnor st, Woollnhra
Grimshaw Richard, A3 Brisbane st
Grimshaw Richard, 11 Milk st
Grimshaw W., Rocky Point rd, Kogarah
GriuisnnwWiHinm, 63 Boundary st
Grimslcy F., 35 Enmore rd,Newtown
Grimsley Tlios., 26 National st, Lelchhnrdt
Grimson Olmrles, 21 Miiniil st, Newtown
Grimson Robert, Sixth st, Grnnvillo
Grimstcr Jas., 80 St. John's rd, P. Lodge
Grimston A. J., 91 Cnmden st, Newtown
Grlmston Ralph, Wyndhum st, Alexandria
Grlmwood Artliur, Arthur st, Granville
I By spechil appointment
to His Excellency the
Governor- General'.
Ton, Coffoo and Cocoa M e r c h a n t s
Grlmwood L., Railway par north, Granville
Grlmwood Luoien, Prospcotst, Granville
Grlmwood Miss, 178 Canterbury Now rd,
Grlndloy E.. Maryland! rd, Prospect
Grindrod Arthur, 6 Jnmes st, Woollnhra
Grlndrod Mrs. Adn, 370 Crown st
Grindrod C, 8 Cbnnnel st, Petersham
Grindrod Chns., 37 Union st, Newtown
Grindrod Richard, hydropnthist, 230
Elizabeth Bt
Grinham A., 40 Margaret st, Newtown
Orinhaiii Albert E., 63 Chowno st
Grinham Henry, Parrnmatta rd,Rookwood
Grinham T„ 75 Toogood st, Erskineville
Grinham Thomas, 10 Snrnh st, Newtown
Bros., Representatives for Austrulnsla,
17 Bond st, Sydney, and at 33 William
st, Melbourne
Grinsell Albert, 110 Arthur st
Grinton Jus., 34 Brown st, Newtown
Grlnver Robert, Henry 8t, Ashfleld
Grlsdole 0., 79 Eveleigh st, Hedfern
Grlsdulc Mrs. G., 430 Cleveland st
Urisdnle Mrs. G., 45 Wigram rd, Glebe
Grist John, 4 lligh st, Wavcrlcy
Grist Louis, 40 Blue st, North Sydney
Grist Moses, OallioiK! st, Guildford
Grist Walter U., 0 High st, Wnverley
Grltton W. H., 29 Grove st, Bnlmaiu
Grout W„ 0 Chesterfield par, Wnverley
Grobc William, 190 George st, Redferu
Grocock Mrs. M„ Bruco st, Petersham
Qrocock S., Bcnconsflcld st, Alexandria
Qrocott M. A., 14 Buckncll st, Newtown
Grodner Samuel, 19 Gurnor st,Pnddjngton
Grognu Francis, 10 Wells st, Hedfern
Grogau, Frederick W., 147 Foveaux st
Grogan Henry, Bridge st, Epptng
Grogan Michael, Walker st, Abbotsford
Grogan R.,64 William Bt, Paddington
Grogan Thomas, 8 Hordem par, Croydon
Grognn W., 67 Abattoirs rd, Kozclle"
Groll H., Railway ores, Hookdale
Gronert. Mrs. E., 14« Burton st
Qrono Alfred, Church st, Parramattn
Grono George, 148 Duke st
Grono George, Hnllwny pnr, Burwood
Grono J., 207 King st, Newtown
Grono Mathnis, 120 Simmons Bt, Newtown
Grono Mrs. R. M„ grocer, 25 Bntlmrst st
Grono William, 37 Liverpool st
Gronow John, 20 Castlereagh st, Hedfern
Gronvnld, K.O., 9 Chandos st, Ashfleld
Groom Mrs. J., 116 Wells st west, Hedfern
Grooves Chns., 11 Piggott st.Dul. Hill
Grose Henry, 21 Evans st, Rozello
Grose J. H., 46 Malcolm st, Ersklnoville
Grose Richard, 1H0 Queen st, Woollahra
Grose W. H., Bedford ores, Mnrriokville
GrosheusAdnm,41 Greek st, Glebe
Gross August, 14 Purkis st, Camperdown
Gross Augustus, C.E., George Bt, Mnr'vllle
Gross Ernest 9 Bourko st, Waverloy
Gross R., 4 Burlington st, North Sydney
634 George St., Sydney,
(TolonlionH 1148 .<: 2666)
2u to 80 Flinders St., and
CO Elizabeth Street, Melbourne; and at 49 Hundle
St., Adelaide.
Gross Thomns, 63 Crown Inno
Grosso E. M., Spofforth st, Neutral Bay
Grosse W., J.P., 25 Johnston st, Annandale
Grossctt W., 75 EHzaboth Bt, Waterloo
Grosslcr Jos., 83 Railway par, Erskineville
G rossler, J. A , 8 Regent st, Newtown
Grossman 0. S., 261 King st, Newtowu
Grossman J„ High at, Willonghby
arotrenor Hotel Co.—Rodolph Tudor,
manager, Grosvcnor square. Tel. 860
Grosvcnor House, Grovenor st
Grosvcnor Bernard S., 42 Maokcy st
Grosvcnor G., Rnglnu st, Waterloo
Grosvcnor J., 38 Missenden id, Newtowu
Grosveuor Richard, 710'Connell st, N'town
Grosvcnor T., Arthur st, Marriokville
Paint, Oil and Glass Merchants
Faperhanglng Warehouse and Artists'
Materials DepOt, 529 George street.
Brickfield Hill. Bulk Stores, 512 Kent
Groth 0. II., Canterbury New rd, Onn'bury
Groth F„ pnlnt'.'i', 19 Stanley st
Groth II. H., oil and color merchant,
"Elinshorn," Warren rd, Mnrrlckvllle
Groth Mrs. Herman II., Badminton rd,
Groth J., Myahgnh rd, Mosman
Groth John A., 240 Miller st, N. Sydney
G roube Henry, Balaclava rd, Mnrsllcld
Groube T., Burwood rd, Burwood
Grounds Bert, 31 Newmnn st, Newtowu
Grounds George, 4 Union st
Grounds J. T., 51 Weston rd, Rozelle
Grounds Sidney, 42 Marshall st
Grounds Thomas, modeller, 449 King st,
Grounds W. T., 432 King st, Newtown
Grouse J. N„ tailor, 79 Regent st, Hedfern
Grout H.aud Co., manufacturing jewellers,
160-168 The Strand
Grout Albert E., Croydon av, Enfield
Grout Fredk., Croydon av, Enfield
Grout H. J., Ocean st, West Kogarah
Grove Alfred, 47 Wilton st
Grove Walter, 6 Hccley st, Paddington
Grove Win., Worron rd, Marriokville
Grover Artliur E., Spring st, Hookdale
Grovcr H., 95 Great Buoklngham st, H'feni
Grover William, 7 Ivy st, Hedfern
Groves and Co., importers and indentors,
Ola York st
Groves Alfred, tS Hanover st, Waterloo
Groves Charles, 9 Ferris st, Annandale
Groves 0. E., Tho Bonlovard, Lewishnm
Groves F., 107 Station st, Newtown
Groves F. A., Seavlew st, Dulwieli Hill
Groves Frnnk, 118 Grafton st, Woollahm
Groves Frederick, Terry st, Rookdnlo
Groves George, 62 Baltio Bt, Newtown
Groves H. H.. 14 Junior st, Lelohbardt
Groves Henry 25 Evans st, Rozelle
Groves J., plumber, Ohuroh Bt, Parramntto
Groves Mrs. J„ Pennant st, Parrnmntta
Groves .Ins., Clifford st, Purrumatta
Guinanc Patrick, Robert st, Ashfleld
Gunner James, Sutherland st, St. Peters
Groves John, 8 East st
Gulnery Arthur. 10 Susan st, Newtown
Gunner John, 69 Bridge rd, Glebe
Groves John, Pennant st, Parramatta
Guincry S., Granville hold, Railway par Gunner Mrs. M., 230 Hereford st, Glebe
Groves T. A., Murrickvllle rd, Mar'villo
north. Granvillo
Gunner Thomas, 312 Jones st
•Groves Mrs. W. M., Third avc, Rookwood Gulnery W., 50 Macphersoii6t,Waverley
Gunning W. J. and Co., manufacturers'
Groves William, Dibbs st, Alexandria
Guiney Daniel, grocer, 31 Taylor st
agents, II York at
Orovcj William, 27 Kent 6t, Newtown
Guiney Denis, Forest ave, Rookwood
Alex., 46 Trafalgar st Auu'dale
Grubb William, 7 Lamb st, Lclohliardt
Uuiun Mrs. L. M., postmistress, Gt. North Gunning Mrs. 0., 0 MoOredie st
Gruber A., Robert st, Burwocxl
rd, Abbotsford
Denis, 2 3 ' -ford st, Rozellc
Grubmclr Henry, 12 Fred st, Lclclihardt
Gulnnoy M., 113 Oowpor st, Wavcrioy
Gunning Mrs. E., Temple st, Neutral Bay
Gruen Henry, 64 Glebe rd, Glebe
Guiiiney S., Obcron st, Randwick
Gunning J. B., Bathurst st, Woollahra
Gruen Miss Katie, 54 Glebe rd, Globo
Guiso Mrs. A. F., Military rd, Mosman
Gunning J. P., Carlton crcs, Kogaruh Buy
•Grulianl J. A., Fortinaii st, Waterloo
Guise A. F., dentist, 220 Miller at, N. Syd. Gunning John, 188 Evans st, Rozellc
Grumm James, 176 Palmer st
Guise Ernest, 41 Elizabeth st, Paddington Gunning M., 220 Church st, Oampcrdown
Grumpiii T., Harcourt Estate, Canterbury Gulso Mrs. J. M., 66 Berry st, N. Sydney Gunning Mrs. M., Durham st, Marrickville
Grundemnn Fcrd., 11 Louis st, Itcdfcrn
Guise John, 08 Hayberry st,N. Sydney
Gunning Mrs. M., 31 Little Cleveland st,
•Grundy Mrs. E., Bondi rd, Wavcrioy
Guise James, 2R> Military rd, N. Sydney
Grundy Francis, 4 Hutland st
Guiver Henry, 106 Edith st, Lelchhardt
Gunning Thomas, 245 Bridge rd. Glebe
<3rundy G., Harnett nve, Mnrrickville
Guldbrandsen Olaf, 28 Lower Fort st
W. J., J.P., Brunswick nv, S'field
Grundy James, 17 Taylor lane
Gulf Meat Co. Ltd (hi liquidation), 12-14
Gunus Walter, Clifford st, Parramatta
Grundy Joseph, Leslie st, Marrlckvillo
O'Connell st
grocer, 622 Harris st
•Grundy R, Arnclirte rd, Arncliffc
Gulf Line, Ltd.—W. and A. MoArthur, Ltd. Gunter Edgar, 116 Church st, Newtown
-Grundy Thomas, Aruollffo rd, Anieliilo
agents, 15 Macquarie place
Gnnter George, William st, Canterbury
Grundy Thos., Atchison st, St. Leonards
Gullett Henry, Luoinda nve, Wahroonga
•Grundy W. H., 404 Parramatta rd, P'sham Gnllett Mrs R., Nicholson st, N. Sydney Gunter Samuel, Queen st, Ooogeo
Gunter W., 2 Fitzgerald st, Waverley
•Gruniuger 0., baker, 164 Burton st
Gulliok Arthur H., "Ortona," Bellevue Gunter W. E. A., 11 Darghan st, Glebe
Grunow Adolph, 01 Arthur st, N. Sydney
ave, Gore Hill
Guuter W., Livingstone rd, Marriokville
Guard William, Cook's Hiver rd, St. Peters Gulliok
Wm. A., J.P., Government Printer Gunther Arthur, tobacconist, 132 King st
and Inspector of Stamps; p.r.," Bord- GliuthcrRev. Archdeacon William J..IM.A.
G U A R D I A N A S S U R A N C E CO.,
ney," Ohurob st, Pymblo
L I M I T E D (KIRE)-Gibbs, Bright
Gulllck Mrs. W., Beatrice st, Rookwood
(O. of E.), Marsden st, Parramatta
and Co., Agents, S7 Pitt st
Gulliford Harry,24 Tupperst, Marrickville Gunther Gottlieb, Bourko st, Waterloo
Guaczini Guilio, baker, C42 Grown st
Gullikscn Edward, 158 John st
Gunther Harry, 24 Crescent Bt, Rozellc
<!nbbin8 W., 29 Leicester st, Paddiugton Gulliver and Wright, engravers, designers, Gunther Mrs. Jane, Drew st, Prospect
Gudbcrg Adolph, 183 Bourkc st
Gunther R., Tambourine Bay rd, Lane Cove
etc., 297 George st
Gudgeon Arthur, 110 Wallis st, Woolluhra Gulliver O., Park rd, North Botany
Gunther Wm. B., Centennial hotel, 120
Guerin Mrs. 0 , St. George's par, H urs'villc Gulliver Ellis, Federal ave, Ashfleld
King st
Guerin Mrs. E., ICO Union st, Erskiucville Gulliver Ralph, Park ave, Drummoyno
Gunton Frank J., 133 Park nve, Ashfleld
•Guerin J. P., Doncaster ave, Kensington Gulliver Mrs. Sarah, 69 Bridgo rd, Glebe Gunton John, Station st, Auburn
Guerin John, George st, Parramatta
Guranlck Thos., 14 Oarrington st, L'hardt
Gullum William, Helena st, Randwick
Guerin Joseph, 46 Camden st, Newtown
Gully Robert, Rocky Point rd, Rookdale Gurdis Robert, 35 Trouton st, Balmain
Guerin M. G., Doncaster ave, Kenslugtou Gumbley James, 27a Sclwyn st
Gunicr Sidney, Belmoro rd, Hurstville
Guerin M., Sorrell st, Parramatta
Gurncs Charles, 49 Palmer st, Balmain
Gumbley John, 419 Liverpool st
Guerin Peter, Bank st, Prospcet
Gurnctt Clyde, Wardcll rd, Marrickville
Gumbley William, 1 Crown lane
Guernsey T., 343 Cleveland st, Rcdfern
| Humm Walter, Premier st, North Sydney Guiney Ed", Alexander st, North Sydney
•Guesdon Olinrles A., secretary, Athcuaium Gummermll S., Gladesvlllo Wharf rd, Gurncy George, Bonar st, ArnclifTo
Club, 19 Oastlereagh st; p.r., O'tswood
Gumey H. B., 83 Boulevard, Dulwich Hill
Guest David, West st, Hurstville
flummcrson Geo.. 410 Oxford st, W'llahra Gurney Lewis, Woodville rd, Bankstowu
Guest Francis, Huthven st, Randwick
Mrs. M. A., 16 Weston st, P'sham
Forrest and Co., Limited, civil
Guest G. W., J.P., Australia st, Woollahra Gummow,
engineers and contractors. Victory B Gumey Robert, 17 National st, Lelchhardt
Guest George, 54 Gordon ores. Petersham)
teacher of music, 329 George
chambers, 82 Pitt st; "Monicr" pl]>c
Guest H., Silver st, Marrickville
factory, Newton st, Alexandria
•Guest Joseph, 46 Boyce st, Glebe
Gummow, F. M., M.I.O.E., civil engineer, Gurney Miss, Bellevue Hill, Rose Bay
Guest Mrs. M. A., 24 Toxcth rd, Glebe
Vickcry's chambers, 82 Pitt st
Gurney H,, 130 Constitution rd, Petersham
Guest Mrs. R., 55 Edith st, Lelchhardt
Gumpcrts G., 391 Victoria rd, Marriokville Gumey S. T., 6 Holborow st, Croydon
<Juider John, 7 Albion st, Paddington
Gumey Professor T., M.A., "Balgowlah,"
Guidlce Mrs. Fanny, 85 Pitt et, Rcdfern
Guild Hall—J. W. O'Kcefe, gen. secretary, Gunderson Erlck, O'Neill st, Lelchhardt
O undersoil John, 32 Merriman st
Gurney William, Renwick st, Alexandria
Gurr John, Hampden Bt, Paddington
197 Cnstlereagh st
Gurrin Bros, fuel merchants, 7 Munni st,
•Guild Hall Dispensary—G. E. Vnughnn, Gundlach Hermann, New st, Burwood
Gundray James, 1 Adolphus lane, Balmaiu
dispenser, 107 Oastlereagh st
Gurrin Frederick, 7 Munni st, Newtown
Guildford Il'lway St'tlon—Michael Hogan, Gundry William, J.P., 46 City rd
Gurton W., 120 Albion st, Anuandale
statlonmastcr, Military rd, Guildford Gunn D., Marriokville rd, Mnrrickville
Gustafson K. G., 1 Holloran st, Lelchhardt
Guile Mrs F., 177 Wells st west, Redfcrn Gunu David, 108 Glebe rd. Glebe
Gustard John G,, 167 Darling st, Balmain
Guile Henry G„ Botany rd, North Botanv Gunn Donald, Alfred st, Merrylands
Gu«tavson M., Friendihip
hotel, 21
Guildford G.. 118J Elswiok st. Lelchhardt Gunn Mrs. E.. 183Annandnlost, Au'dale
Bathurst st
Guilfoylo 1)., Australia st, Oampcrdown
Gunn J. R., manager Fcrmcwan, Wright Gutlhoffnungshutte, Oberhausen, Germany
Guilfoyle Mrs. E., High st, Marriokville
and Co., Ltd., 170 Clarence st j p.r.
—J. Barrc Johnston and Co., agents,
Guilfoylc P., 28 Nelson st, Anuandale
Rcdmyre rd, Strathfleld
20 Loftus st
Guilfoyle P., 138 Trafalgar st, Anuandale
Gunn Jesse E., 478 Darling st, Rozellri
Guthenbcrg Chnrlcs J., 2 Campbell place
Guilfoyle W., 28 Arthur st, Lelchhardt
Guthrcy's Wharf, Orescent, Anuandale
Guilhou Armaudj wool and sklu buyer, Gunn John, Fenncll st, Parramatta
Gunn Mrs. M., Busby par, Wavorley
Woolbrokcrs' chambers, Young st
Gunn T., tailor, 83 Sydney Arcade
Guiliani Mrs. J., Bridge rd, Marstlold
Union st, West Kognrali
Guilinni Joseph, Gladesville rd,Gladesvlllo Gunn Thomas,
William, 20 Pearl st
<5uillanl Mrs., North rd, Mnrsfleld
Adimli, 17 Goodlet st
GuiUc and Co, furniture warehouse, 261 Gunnel]
Manager Union Box nud Packing Case
Gunncll R. S„ dentist, 231 William st
King st, Newtown
Co., Rozcllc Bay, Johnston st, AnnanGunncll
Guille R. W., Rcnwlok st, Marriokville
dale—(ceo advt. opposite Box Makers)
Gnniiir and Clarke, builders, Cowper st,
Gulllott Eugene, 27 Swan st
Guthrey Albert, J,P, " Grccnmount," 211
Guina Michael, 61 O'Connor st
Anuandale st, Anuandale
Guinand Oscar, 05 Campbell st, Newtown Gunner Arthur, 111 Marian st, Newtown
F., Breillat st, Anuandale
Gulnane John, 14 Herbert id, l'ad'tou
Gunner F. W., Adelaide st, Woollahra
Guthrey Mrs. S. A., 212 Denlsonrd,P'shom
/-Head Ufflous: 810 Guorgn \
\Htroet South. 'Phone fti)
Guthridge N., Ltd., merchants and manufacturers' agents, 71 Clarence s t ;
chemical works, Vimiera rd, Marsflcld
Guthrie Andrew, 248 Abercronible 6t.
Guthrio O. T., Bradley's Head rd, Mosman
Guthrie Mrs. Elizabeth, 67 Pine st
Guthrie F. B., ohemlcal laboratory, Department of Agriculture, 130 George
et north
Guthrie F. B., F.I.O., F.O.S., hon. secretary
Royal Society of N.8.W., 3 Klizabeth st
Guthrie George, Herbert st, Rockdale
Guthrie J., 13 Elizabeth st, Paddington
Guthrio James, 76 Point st
Gnthrie James, Dora st, Hurstville
Guthrie John, Queen st, Auburn
Guthrie John, 70 Glebe rd, Glebe
Guthrio John, 116 Yule st, Petersham
Guthrie Michael, 3 Little Devonshire st
Guthrie Patriok, Huthven st, Randwick
G U T H R I E R O B E R T , Manufacturers'
Agent, 206 Clarence st j p.r., 78 Pitt
st. North Sydney
Guthrie Robert, 80 Lander st, Redfcrn
Guthrio T., boot importer, 103 Pitt st
Guthrie T., Mordialloo st, Marrickville
Guthrie Thomas, 27 Maria st, Newtown
Guthrie Thomas, Ohurch st, St. Peters
Guthrio W., 20 Golden Grove st, Rcdfern
Guthrie W., Kingston st, Summer Hill
Guthrio William, 60 Rose st
Guthrio William, 85 Datehctt st, Balmain
Guttrldge E. 0., 360 Miller st, N. Sydney
Guttridge F. H„ Shnkespeare Bt, Cuntorb'y
Guttridgo W., 3 College st, Balmain
Guy Alexander, 169 Falcon st, North Sydney
Guy Andrew, 33 Neutral st, North Sydney
Guy Mrs. Elizabeth, Military rd, Mosman
Guy F. H., 34 Toxteth rd, Glebe
Guy Horold,.8J Elizaboth st, Waterloo
Guy John H., 70 Reecnt st, Paddington
Guy Joseph L., 301 Crown rd
Guy Robert, 14 Burlinsou st
Guy Robert, 3 Bourkc st, Waterloo
Guv Thomas, 99 Quarry Bt
Guy Thomas, Grose st, Parramatta
Guy William, Dunsluffne st, Canterbury
Guy William H., Yclverton st, St. Peters
Guy Wm, J., 371 Cleveland st, Rcdfern
Manufacturers mid Importers of
Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Artificial Limbs, Deformity Appliances,
Ladies' Supporting Belts, Ohost Expanders, Elastic Stockings, Rubber
Goods, Enemas, Syringes, Hot Water
Bottles, Air Pillows, &o, 301 George
St. Tel. No, 1762
Gnyatt George, 49 Francis st, Glebe
Guyatt Mrs. Thomas, Dock rd, Balmain
Guyatt William, 101 Bowman st
Guyder John, 4 Hampden st, North Sydney
Guyle Ernest E., 46 Croydon rd, Croydon
Guyot O., Northumberland rd, Auburn
Guyot Oapt. J., Hanover sr, Rookwood
Gwilliam George, 200 Goulburn st
Gwilliam H., Church st, Tarramatta
Gwyer Charles R, 08 Mill st
Gwynn Rov. W., S.J., Professor, St. Ignatius College, Itlvervlcw, Lane Cove
Gwynne Geo., jnn., Susan st, Auburn
Gwynne Geo., sen., St. Hillier's rd, Auburn
Gwynne P., 32 Burren st, Krskincville
Gwynne W. J., 100 Darghnn st, Glebe
Gwynne-Hughcs D., pliysleinn, "Cosheston," 484 Oastlereagh st
Gymour Robert, Pitt st, Hurstville
Gysslinks Peter, 20 Beaufort lane
Gy wnne and Co. of London—Oswald Hues, Haden William C, 18U Glebe nl, Glebe
Hadfleld Mrs. O., 48 Sloane Bt, Summer Hill
agent, 50 Margaret st
Hadfleld O. P., tailor, Grosvenor Bt
HAAOKH E., refreshment rooms, 158 George Hudfleld David, Graham st,Rookwood
G. W., 48 Slonno st, Summer Hill
Haars Phillip H., 90 Dcuison st, Newtown Hadfleld J. S., Harrow rd, Auburu
John, Washington st, Boxlcy
Haase A. F. t 11 Hinmcrick st, Lelchhardt
Hadfleld John T., Belmoro rd, Dalmortou
Haase Martin, Arden st, Coogce
Hadflold Jonathan, King et, Rockdale
Habely George, Wilga st, Burwood
HuberGeld Club, Hawthorne par, Sum. Hill Hadfleld S., 86 Holtorman Bt, North Sydney
ILiberficld Post Ofllce—Mrs Myra Lee, post- Hadfleld Will., manager N.S.W. City and
Suburban Gas Consumers' Protective
mistress, corner Dalhousie and RumAssociation, 60 Elizabeth s t ; p.r., 1
say sts, Ashfleld
Sadlier's crcs, Petersham
Haok Abraham, Olcland st, North Botany
D. M., carpenter and refrigerator
Hack Charles, 23 Evelelgh Bt, Rcdfern
manufacturer, 471 Kent st
Hack 0. J., 38 Wllsou st, Newtown
Hartley Arthur, Rochester st, Homcbush
Hack George, Station st, Parramatta
Hadloy Byera, F.I.A., N.S.W., orchitcct,
Hack Henry, 15 Oorben st
Camden Buildings, 418 George Bt; p.r.,
Hack Jesse, Smith et, Parramatta
Holt st, Stauinorc
Hack R. H., Burwood rd, Burwood
E. J., Whistler st, Manly
Hackett A., Princess st, Brighton-le-Saiids
Hartley Ernest, Gordon rd, Lludfleld
Haokett Mrs. A., Burwood rd, Enfield
Hackett A. 0., Wentworth st, Parramatta Hadley F.W., 31 East st
Haokett Mrs. Catherine, 09 Lachlan st, Hadley George, 18 Bright st, Marriokville
Hadlln H., Universal st, N. Botany
Hadly Fred, Porcival rd, Stanmore
Hackett Charles, 7 Systrum st
Hackett Edward. 10 Grafton st, Woollahra Hadwell Jas„ Yangoora rd, Canterbury
Haege Heinrioh, 75 Challls ave
Hackett G., 109 George st, Ersklnovllle
Hackett Mrs. Hilda M., 72 Wigmm rd, Haegc H. and Co. (Heinrich Haege)
general merchants, Union Bank chamGlebe
bers, 08J Fitt et
Haokett J., commission ngent, 107 OastleHaegc
Hermann, woolbroker, pnper and
reagh et
general indent merchant, Union Bank
Hackett J., J.P., 69 Lachlan st, Waterloo
chambers, 68} Fitt st; p.r., Mowbray
Hackett Joseph, 0 Doris st, N. Sydney
rd, Wlllougbby
Hackett M., 27 Grove st, Lelchhardt
Haer F., watohinnker. 148 Queen st.W'lahra
Hackett Miohacl, 21 Selwyn st
Oswald, M.I.E.E., electrical engineer
Hacking Charles, Prince st, Mosman
and contraotor, engineer and manHuokney Furnishing Co., 266 Oxford Bt,
ager Brush Electrical Engineering Co.,
Limited (Australasian Branch), 50
Hackney A., 28 Collins st, Anuandale
st; p.r.," Wclcombe," 64 MerHackney A., 63 Trafalgar st, Anuandale
lin st, North Sydney
Haoknoy A., Bellevue st, North Sydney
Northumberland av, P'sham
Hackney David, 20 Hudson st, Petersham
llackshall Allan H., 07 Derwcnt Bt, Forest I Huffcnrtcn-Suiith W.E., Cardigan st, P'liam
Haflleld W. A. and Co., 72 Henderson rd.
llackshall H., 74 Parramatta Old rd,
Forest Lodge
Httulcld W. A., 18 Lane Ooverd, N. Syduey
llackshall J., 07 Dcrwent st, Forest Lodge llaftner L., 38 Iredale st, Newtown
llackshall Miss K., biscuit factory, 39 Hngun Benjamin, 17 High Bt, Balmain
Parramatta rd, Glebe
Hagau Felix, 10 Little Queen st, Newtown
llackshall T., 27 Lackey st, Summer Hill Uugan George, Botany rd, North Botany
llackshall Wm„ 3 Junction st, For. Lodge Hagau James, Roscoest, Bondi
Iladdnn F. H., Laycocksrd, Pcnehurst
Hagau Patriok, 0 Phillip st, Redforn
Haddcu Alfred, 02 Palmer st, Balmain
Hugau Richard: Glebe st, Hyde
Hadilcu Edward, Renwick Bt, Drummoync Hugurty D., 42 Caledonia st, Paddiugton
Haddcn G., 11 Campbell et, North Sydney Hagarty Morgan, 9 Queen st, Ashfleld
llailden It., 40 Carlton ores. Summer Hill Hagcdoorn W., 14BIrohgrove rd, Balmain
Huddle Mrs. A., Hewlett et, Grauville
HaKcmumi Julius, 68 Albion et, Anuandale
Haddock Mrs. A., 12J Mansfield st, Rozcllc Hagcn O., 40 Lclclihardt Bt, Waverley
Haddock Alfred, Lymcrston st, St. Peters Hagcn F., broker and general agent, BarHaddock Olinrles, Park rd, St. Peters
risters' Court, 78 Elizabeth st
Haddock K. A., Harnett ave, Marrickville Hagcn F., foreign stamp depot, 74
Haddock F. 0., Cabramatta rd, Mosman
Elizabeth et
Haddock Ernest J., Terry et, St. Peters
Fredk., Albert st, Burwood
Haddock J. P.,Unwin'sBrldgerd, St. Potcr Hagcn
John, 22 Day st, Lelchhardt
Haddock Robert, Bryant st, Rockdale
William, 66 Junior st, Lelchhardt
Haddock T., 191 Victoria rd, Mar'villo
Hagcrman J., 117 Walker st. North Sydney
Haddock T., Salisbury rd, Petersham
E„ 37 Rcuss st, Balmain
IladdouMrs. A.. Wlllougbby id. WDl'by Hogert V.
Elijah, 3() Moonhlc st, Summer Hill
Huddon Miss 0., 224 Oowiier st, Wav'lcy Haggar
Botany rd, Alexandria
Haddon Charles, 12 High Holboru st
Haggard R., 16 Andreas st, Petersham
Huddon Mrs. 0., Ohurch st, Pnrramatta
105 Terry st, Glebe
Huddon Frank, 77 Reuwlok st, Lelchhardt Haggarty Arthur, Park
ave, Drummoync
Haddon Joseph, 38 Brown st, Newtown
Bridge st, D'moyno
Huddon Percy, Australia st, Woollahra
st, N. Syd.
Haddon Samuel, Violet st, Eufleld
Hug arty 0., 42 Woodstock et, Waverley
Haddow Olinrles, Vlmtera nl, MarBftcld
Haddrill Miss E., 74 Gt. Buokingham st, Hugger E. A., Gould ave, Marrickville
Haggcrty Miss, 8 Walter Bt, Paddington
Haggett A., 31 Oodrliigton et, Dnrllngton
Undo John, N.8.H. rd, Voucluso
Huggett F., cooper, 885 Kent et and 176
Haden Albert E., Esplannde, Guildford
Sussex Bt
Iladcn John, Argylc st, Parramatta ••—•;
Haden W. O., chemist, 173 Glebe rd, Glebe Haggett Frederick T., 185 Jones st
Hnggctt J . 11., 23 Arthur st, Leichhardt Haines George, 2 Rcussst, Glebo
Hales J. H., 48 Burton Bt
Ilnggett John P., 133 Jones st
Haines Henry, Mills st, Bcxioy
Hales John, 12 Belmont st, Alexandria
Hnggctt Richard, H Wellington st
Haines John, 93 Churoh st, Newtown
John, Tramway st, North Botany
Haggett T. 0., 16 Station st, Petersham
Haines R., bird dealer, 97 George st, and 72 Innles John M., 142 Botany rd, Alexandria
Haggctt Oapt. W., George st, Parrnmntta
Glebe rd, Glebe
Mary, Highgate st, Stratbfleld
Hnggic D. H. and O., (Sunderland, Haines Thomas, 147 Oxford st, N. Sydney
England), patent steel and iron wire Haines William, Palmcrston st, Kogarah Hales Mrs. Rose, Sydney rd, Prospect
Botany rd, Botany
ropes—Pluinmcr, Love und Co., sole Halning and Son. eoaohbuildcrs, 199 OastloHnles W. A., 0 Stephen st, Paddington
agents, 249 George st
rcagh st
Hales William, 27 Church st
Haggon George, 111 Palmer st
Haiiiing A., 14 Spring st, N. Sydney
Hagiu Mrs. Ann, George st, Parramattn
SecondHalning David. 8 Raglan st, Waterloo
Hagley Burdett, Laura st, Newtown
hand and New Bookseller; Books
Haining J. L„ 70 Emily st, Mnrrickvillo
Hagley Mrs. K., draper, 807 King st, N'towu Hnlnliig T„ 1 Holinwood st, Newtown
Bought and Exchanged; Libraries
Hagner Fred., tJO Douglas st, Dulwich Hill Hainko A., Liverpool rd, Bankstowu
Purchased to Any Amount for Cash,
Hagon Brothers, tailors, 150 Pitt st.nud at Hains Hyam, J.P., auctioneer, 243 Pitt Bt;
93-05 Castlercagli st, Sydney
107-109 Oxford st
Haley Oharles, Queen st, Auburn
p.r., 21 Gordon st, Pnddingtou
Hagon Mrs. E„ " Cardigan," 10 Billyard Hninsworth E., 7 FerriR st, Annandalc
I Haley Mrs. J., George st, Randwiek
Halnsworth G.,Mowbray.rd, Willoughby Haley John, 17 Carrington st. Sum. Hill
Hagon E. A., "Cardigan," 10 Blllynrd nvc Hninsworth J. W., Alrd st, Parramatta
Haley John, 99 Portman st, Waterloo
Hagon James, 9 McDonald st, Bnliuaiu
Hair Alex., 59 Parramatta rd, Annandalc Haley J. W., manager, Hllller's CarriageHagon Richard O., J.P., tailor, 128 King s t ; Hair Gilbert, 69 Prospect rd, Summer Hill I
Manufactory, Melbourne st, Concord
p.r.," Leswell," Edgccliff c rd, Wlnhrn Hair John, Farr st, liookdale
nalcy W., 64 Atchison st, North Sydney
Hngon Tasman J., 33 Brown st, Fnd'ton
Hnlfncrc G., Vincent st* Murrickvillo
Hair John, iun., Farr st, Rockdale
Hagon W. A., 10 Billyard av
Half nights Mrs. T., 2 Dick st, Bnlmain
Hair W., 3 Baldwin st, Erskincvilie
Hahm Antoinc, 185 Francis st, Lciclilinrdt Halrdrcssing Technical Oollegc,534 Kent st Halfnighrs George, 8 Valley st, Balmoln
Hnhm R., 6" Alfred st, North Sydney
Hnlford William T., 8 Darling st, Glebo
Hajck Herr J., 100 Mncquarie st south
Halui Ernest, 352 Ililey st
Halfpenny John, 398 Riley st
Hako Alfred G„ saddler, 337 Sussex et
Halm Ernest, 51 Turner st, Redfern
Hake Herbert, 227 Church st, Cainpcrdown JHnlkctt Win., Chalmers rd, Strathflcld
Halm F. T., 83 Alfred st, North Sydney
nalkicr Mrs. A. E., 82 Rosser st, Rozclle
Haken John, Bassett st, Dalmorton
Halm Henry W., Burwood rd, Burwood
Hnlbaek Anton, 20 Comber st, Paddington Hall Bros., fruitgrowers and merchants,.
Halm Philip, Wilga st, Burwood
Corporation buildings, Hay st
Hnllerg Mrs. M., 0 Reuss st, Balmaiu
Halm It., bootmaker, 133 Miller st, Halbert Mrs. R., Bourke st, Redfern
Hall nud Co., house furnishers, 503-507
North Sydney
George st
Hnlberg W., Annandalo st, Annandalc
Halm Haymond, 20 Word st, North Sydney Halcomb H. D., junior medical officer, Hall and Warden, manufacturers of
Hnhn Richard, DInd st, North Sydney
Asylum Hospital for the Insane, Gt,
perambulators, &a, 223 Oastlercngh st
Halm W. H., Clanvillc rd, Rosoville
Northern rd, Gladesvillo
[Hall G. H. and Co., dlslufeotant importers,
Hald John, 43 Douglass st, Rcdferu
Halcomb John. 14 Garden nve, Glebe
178 Phillip st
Haig David, 34 Glenmore rd, Padding ton Halerow Captain E.. Harris st, Par'matta Hall R. and Son, produce merchants, 13?
Haigh J. and Co., produce merchants, 311- Halilanc James, 154 Weston rd, Rozclle
Sussex st
319 Lnno Cove rd, North Sydney
Haldanc Mis*, millinery school, 82 King si
Hnigh H. and Son, Colliugwood Wool- Hnldren Oscar, 257 Victoria st
scouring Works, Woolbrokers' cham- Hale ami Son, gnlvnnists, 44 Castlcrcagh st
bers, Young st
| Halo Alfred H., architect, 3 Boud st
Haigh A. C , 8 Cecil st, Ashfield
Hale Alfred H., Clifford st, Mosman
(T. M. Hall and Co.), Limited. EstabHaigh Bartin, J.P., secretary United Fire Hale Mrs. B., 32 Arthur st, North Sydney
lished 1855. ' rade Protection Sooictjv
and Marine Insurance Co., Ltd., 288 Hale Charles, 7 Victoria st, Redfern
69 York st
George s t ; p.r., Hilda st, Wahroongu Halo Charles, Crown lane
Hall's Official Country Business, ProHaigh Mrs. E., 10 Wallace st, Ashfield
Hale David, 42 Charles st
fessional, and Pastoral Directory and
Haigh Fred., Church st, Parramatta
Hale Mrs. E., Judge st, Randwiek
Gazetteer of N.S.W.—Hall's MercanHaigh George, Highgatost, Bexley
Hale Edward, 3 Poplar st
tile Agency (T. M. Hall and Oo.v
Hnigh Herman, Church st, Parramatta
Halo Ernest, City rd, Darlington
Limited), 59 York st. Established
Haigh James, 39 Blenheim st, Waverley
Hale Mrs. Frances, Corunna rd, P'sham
Haigh John, Cambridge st, Artarnion
Hnle George, Francis st, Rookwood
Hall A., 18 Albert st, Leichlmrdt
Haigh R. S., 39 Roscdalcst, Petersham
Hale Harold, 137 Bond! rd, Bondi
Mrs. Ada, Bridge rd, Stratliflold- :
Hnigh Thomns, Malcolm st, Granville
Halo John, Tramway st, Rnndwick
Hall A. R., 85 Oowper st, Glebe
Haigh Tom, Bluchcr st, North Botany
Halo Owen, 01 Smith st
6 Park st, Onnipcrdown
Haigh W., 72 Lord st, Newtown
Hale R. R , ohemist, 72 Oxford st, P'ton
Hall Alfred, Queen st, Auburn
Haigh W. N. O., 10 Roscdale st, Petersham Hale Riohard. Salisbury st, Botany
Hall Alfred, Fleet Bt, Carlton
Haigh William, 93 Fig st
Hnle Robert, Tenterdcn at, Botany
Hall Alfred, 303 Cleveland st, Redfern
Haighwoy J. E., Upper Avenue rd, M'man Hale Robert, 49 Oxford st, Paddington
Alfred B.. 47 Crown st
Hailes A. 0., 35 Moncur st, Woollahra
Halo Samuel J., drnpery, tailoring and furHailes William, Woodville rd, Granville
nishing warehouse, 30-32 Mnrkot s t ; Hall Alfred J., WIckham st, Arnoliffc
T., Fern st, Randwiok
Halley Henry, 32 Palmer st
p.r., High st, Hunters Hill
Hail Andrew,32 Emmettst, North Syduey
Hailwood William H., 60 Bathurst st
Hale Mrs. T. H., Hercules st, Olmtswood
14 Lower Campbell st
Haimes George, agent, Grosvenorst
Hale Thomas, 30 Smith st, Rozelle
Haimes George, Adelaide st, Woollahra
Hale Thomas B., Lilydale st, Marrlckville Hall Arch., 46 Ridge st
Hall Arthur, 23 Thomas st, Camperdown
Hain A. G., Goldsbury st, Mosman
Hale Thomas, fl Wells st, Redfern
Hall Arthur, Belmoro st, Burwood
Hain James, 11 Magaret st, Rozclle
Halo W.. tannery, Botany rd, Botany
Augustus, 1 Garden avo, Glebe
Hain John, Australian manager William Halo William, Bay st, Botany
Cooper and Nephews,sheep dip manu- Hale William, senior-constablo in charge, Hall Bonj., Robey st, North Botany
O. A., 4 Henderson rd, Alexandria
facturers, SBcntst
Canterbury Police Station, Oliuroh st,
Hall Chas., dentist, BIuo at, North Sydney
Hain Samson H.,Fem st, Rnndwick
st, Obntswootf
Haino Ernest A.. 40 Mackenzie st, Wav'ley Hale William G., 11 Poplar st
Hall Charles School, 324 Park rd
Haines W. S. and Co. (London), "Hcintz v ' Hale William, 136 Evelelghst, Redfern
Hall Oharles, 10 Tclopca st, Redfern
-G.Mnddison, ngent,j Hale William H., Judge si, Randwiok
Hall Charles, Scouller st, Marrlckvillo
steam traps, &o,
Halo W. N„ 107 Annandalo, st, An'dale
Charles T., 16 Rennyst, Paddington
22a Pitt st
Hales Albert, Burwood rd, Enfield
Hall 13., 49 Cambrldgo Bt, Rozello
Haines Albert, 0 Corrington st, Balmnin Hales Alfred, Pitt st, Hurstville
J., lo Valloy st, Balmnin
Haines Albert, 175 Young st, Annandalo Hnlcs Edward, 67 St. John's rd., F'Lodgo
Hall David II., J.P., M.L.A., 38 Wignna.
Haines Charles, Collins st, Annandalo
Holes F. G., Parramatta rd, Abbotslord
st, Glebe
Haines Chris., 105 Regent st, Newtown
Hales F. W., Boyle st, Mosman
Hall Miss E., 36 Arthur st, Ashfield
Haines Edward, View st, Woollahra
Hales G. B„ Orlando avc, Mosman
Hall F., 80 Shephord st, Marrlckvillo
Haines Ernest, 3 Garden av, Glebe
Hales George, P., Bay st, Botany
Hall E, 0., phyniclan, Qeorgo st, P'matta •
Haines George, Stanley st, Burwood
Hall E. H., Cardlnnl st, Mosman
/Head Offloef I tto Georjrev
\8troot South. 'Phono T3»t
Hnll William, 40 Oharles Bt
Hall John, 322 Liverpool Bt
Hall Mrs. E. P., 218 Victoria st
Hall William, Great North rd, Abbotsford
Hall John, 93 Bcattlc st, Balmaiu
Hall E. P., Victoria ave, Obatswood
William, Parramattn rd, Concord
Hall Jqbn, 18 Ryder st
Hall Edward, 240 Forbes Bt ,
Hall William, 23 Ivy st, Darlington
Hall John, 42 Rose st, Darlington
Hall Edward, grocer, 142 Pyrmont Bt
Hall William, Transvaal uv, Double Bay
Hall John, 250 Botany rd, Alexandria
Hall Edwin, Botany st, Huratvillo
Hall William. Oxford st, Gladcsville
Hall John, Dunmore st, Bexley
Hall Ernest, 6 Montague Bt, Balmaln
Hall William, Forest rd, Hurstville
Hall F., Plttwater rd, Manly
William, 34 Emily st, Leichhardt
Hall F. F., Chief Inspector Government Hall John, 88 Albany rd, Petersham
Hall William, Frederick st, Marriokville
Hall John, 4 Holdcn st, Redfern
Stores Dcf artment, Young st
Hall William, 22 Victoria Bt, Pad'ton
Hall F. Vincent, oommercial agent and Hall John, 31 Vine st, Redfern
William, Church st, Parramatta
cigar importer, Corporation buildings, Hall John. Conueinnrra st, West Kogarah Hall
Hall William, 8 HobbB st, Petersham
Hay st
stationmastcr, Ryde Ballway
Hall F. 6., stock and share broker, 90 Pitt st Hall Joseph, Syduey rd, Manly
Station, Parramatta rd, Ryde
Hall Joseph, 27 Gurder st, Paddington
Hall F. &, 42 Harriett st, North Sydney
Hall William, 20 John st, Waterloo
Hall Joseph, Aird st, Parramatta
Hall Ferguson, 103n Liverpool Bt
Hall William J., Russell Bt. Burwood
Hall Joseph, Macqnarle st, Parramattn
Hall Francis, 12 Sir John Young's cres
Hall William J., 139 Alice st, Nowtown
Hall Frank, Maude st, Granville
Hall-Thompsou Lieutenant P. H., R.N.,
Hall Lee, 35 West st
Hall Frank, 16 Handle st, Newtown
inspector of warlike stores, Imperial
Hall Frank, 113 Henderson rd, Alexandria Hall M., Parramatta rd, Ryde
naval depot, ordnance depot and
Hall Frank A., Grand Hotel, Oowper st,
magazines, Spectacle Island
Hall Mrs. M. A.,280 Miller st, N. Sydney
Hallahan John, 41 Bannister lane
Hall Mrs. M. J., Franklin st, Prospect
Hall Fredk., Agnes Bt, Stratliflold
Mrs. E.A., Anglo-American agency,
Hull Frederick W., M.D., M.S. (Loudon),
58 Queen Victoria Mnrket building
Hall Martin, 2 Qoodlet l a n e
Burgeon, 18 College ot
93 Oxford st, Paddington
Hall Mrs. Man', Station st, Auburn
Hall G. J., Kingston Bt, Sum. Hill
Hall G. R. P., J.P., surgeon, Esplanade cast, Hall N., 43 Blue's Point rd, North Sydney Hallam John 0., J.P., chemist, corner
Collcgo and Liverpool Bts
Hall Naomi, 66 Campbell st, Camperdown
Hall Oxley 8. J., Long Nose Point, B'inain Ilnllams Joseph, 2 Wclleslcy st, Sum. Hill
Hull George, fruiterer, 379 Crown st
William T., 27 Marriott 6t, R'fem
Hall George, 69 O'Connor Bt
Hall Mrs. Patience, D'Arcy st, Parramatta Halland James, 103 Norton st, Leichhardt
Hall George, Edison st, Belmore
E., 113 Victoria st, Lcwisham
Hall George, J.P., 181 Bridge rd, Glebe
Hallden William, Rowley st, Petersham
Hall R., Bay rd, North Svdney
Hall George, 78 West st, North Sydney
6 Ballast Point rd, Balmaiu
Hall R. T. (executors of the late), 84 P i t t s t
Hall George, 23 Kippax st
Hall George, off 06 Croydon rd, Croydon Hall Reginald, 160 Enmoro rd, Newtown Hallett A. O., Collins Bt, Marrlckvillo
Hallctt Mrs. E., 46 Jersoy rd, Paddington
Hall Richard, 22 Egnn st, Newtown
Hall George, 41 Berry st, North Sydney
Hallett George, Baptist st, Redfern
Hall George, 11 Wecdon lane, Paddington Hall Robert, 148 Burton st
Hallett J. R., dentist, 12 George st w e s t ;
Hall Robert, 2 Darling st, Glebe
Hall George, 3 Douglas at, Redfern
p.r., Esk st, Marrlckville
Hall Robert J., 24 Spring st, North Sydney
Hall George, Chapel st, Rookdale
Hallett J. W., Military rd, Mosman
Hall George, Chapel st, Rockdale
Hallett John, 86 Windsor st, Paddington
Hall Robert S., Ocean st, Woollahra
Hall George, Botany rd, Waterloo
Hallett Thomns, 25 Ultimo st
Hall Mrs. S., 40 Simmons Bt, Newtown
Hall George, Botany rd, Waterloo
Halley G„ off Lord's rd, North Botany
Hall Samuel, Bright st, Granville
Hall George, Jlorrell Bt, Woollahra
Halley Miss J., Weutworth rd, Burwood
Hall Stanley, 13 Bayview st, N. Sydney
Hall George IT., 48 Burnett st, Redfern
Hall Miss Grace A., 31 Arcadia rd, Glebe Hall Miss Stanley, 111 Queen st, Woollnhra Halley W., 14 Sydney st, Erskincvilie
Halley William, 16 Drynnn st, Sum. Hill
Hall T., 29 Marlborough st, Leichlmrdt
Hall Mrs. H., dyer, 110 Georgo st west
Halllday Bros., engineers, 30 Erskinc st
Hall Mrs. II., 46 Stephen st, Camperdown Hall T. L., HighHcld rd, Lindtield
Hnll H. A., 64 Carlton ores. Summer Hill Hall Tasso B., 20 Mount Vernon st, F'Lodgo Hiilllday Miss A., 80 Park av, Ashfield
Halllday Arthur, 1 Hartley st, Rozclle
Hall T. E., Avoca st, Randwiek
Hall H. J., 0 Seal st, Leichhardt
Halllday O., 100 Dowllng st, Paddingtai
Hall H. W., Old South Head rd, Waverley Hnll T. E., agent, 173 Castlcrcagh st
Halllday Charles, Grafton st, Balmaln
Hall Mrs, Harriet E., 61 George st
Halllday Olaudc, Firth st, ArnclMu
Hall Harry G., 12 Bennett st, Boudi
Hall T. W., J.P., 357 Harris st
Halllday Francis, J.P., Firth st, Amcliffc
Hnll Harry J., Hampden st, Fernhill
Hall Thomas, chief accountant Railway Halllday
Frank, 10 Henrietta Bt
Hall Henry, sergeant mounted police, AgriDepartment, Public Buildings, Bridge Halllday ().,
193 Annandnle st, Annandalc
cultural Grounds, Moore Park
Oswald Bt, Randwiek
Hall Henry, Buoklnml st, Alexandria
Hall Thomas, 18 Wemyss Bt
Halllday George, 49 Horusey st, Rozelle
Hall Henry, Harris rd, Abhotsford
Hnll Thomas, butcher, 42 Myrtle Bt
City rd, Darlington
Hall Henry, 27 Weston rd, Rozelle
Hall Thomas, stationmastcr Hurstville Halllday J., 60 Excelsior Bt, Lciohhardt
Hall Henry, 30 Hopewell st, Paddington
Halllday Mrs. J., 9 VIotoriaav, Woollahra
Hall Henry, Old South Head rd, Waverley Hall Thomas, 0 Donnelly st, Bnlmain
Halllday J. 0., opthalmio surgeon, 215
Hall Henry H., 33 William st, Redfern
Thomas, Campsie st, Canterbury
Macqmirlc Bt, Railway et, Rockdale,
Hall Herbert A., 8 Prospect st, Paddington Hall
and Firth st, Arncliffe
Hall J., dyer, 152 King at, Newtown
Halllday James, 61 Gordon st, Rozelle
Hall Mrs. J., Minna st, Burwood
Hall Mrs. Thomas, 38 Wlgram rd, Glebe
Halllday John, 24 North 8t, Lciclilinrdt
Hall J. A., 38 Union st, North Svdney
Thomas, Adam st, Gr.invillo
Halllday John, 0 Paul st, Rozello
Hnll J. O., Canterbury Now rd, Dill. Hill Hall
Hall Thomas, J.P., Glover Bt, Mosman
Halllday John, 70 Wallis st, Woollahra
Hall J. F., 13 Carlton ores, Summer Hill
Thomas, 23 Palace Bt, Petersham
Halllday Mrs., 2n The Avenue, Balmaln
Hall J. 8^ 62 Roso st, Darlington
Halllday Mrs. M., 69 West st, N. Sydney
Hall J. T., 21 Read Bt, Waverley
Thomas J., Edwin st, Mortlako
Halllday Robert, 70 Upper Fort st
Hall Capt. J. Vine, marine surveyor, Oape'e Hull
Hall V. B.,Qucensborough rd, Croydon Pk. Halllday Sidney O., 9 Moorgatc st
Hall W., 104 Abererombic st, Redfern
Halliduy Thomas, 116 Ferris st, Annandalo
chambers, 3 Boud Bt; p.r., 93 Union st, Hall W., Railway par south, Granville
Halllday Thomas, Gordon rd, Lane Cove
North Sydney
Hall W. F., Gore st, Greenwich
Halliday W., 21 Catherine st, F. Lodge
Hall J. W., 9 Qoold st
Hall W. H., 21 Palace st, Ashfield
Hall James, 101 Shepherd st, Marrlckvillo Hall W. H., 2U9 Parramatta rd, Aiin'dalc Halllday W. J., lOEumorc rd, Marriokvillo
Halligan E. M., Bay st, Brlghton-le-Sauds
Hall James, 2 Randiest, Newtown
Hall W. H., 21 Palace st, Ashflcld
Ualligau Mrs. F., 88 Marlborough st
Hall James, William Bt, North Botany
Hall W. J., photographer, 7 Oastlercngh et Halligan Gerald H., Ferry Bt, Hunter's Hill
Hnll James, 34 Eblcy st, Waverley
Hall W. J., 1S4 Emily Bt, Marrlckville
Halligan John, New st, Parramatta
Hall James, 01 Oampucll st, Glebe
Hall W- J., Allison rd, Randwiok
H A L L I G A N , M. B., Architect and ConBall James, 10 Watervlcw st, Balmaiu
Hall W. R„ J.P., 10 Wylde st
sulting Engineer, Equitable Building,
Hall Jdines G., View Bt, Woollahra
Hall Walter, saddler, 93 Clarence et
Goorgc s t ; Tel. No. 3429; p.r., Fairfax
Hall James II., 74 Mitchell st. Glebe
Hall William J„ general mauifgcr N. S. W.
rd, Bellevue Hill
Hall James M., 12 Punch s , Balmaiu
Shale and Oil Co., 20-28 Ultimo rd ; Halligan M. J., Cowper st, Parramatta
Hall John, dlspanser S.U.F. Societies' Disp.r., "Torbnnia," The Avenue, R'wick
pensury, RoBohtll st, Redfern
Hnlligan John, Fcnncll at, Parramatta
Hallinan James, Cardigan st, Petersham
Hallinan John, 1 Douglas st, Redfern
Hallinan John, Ridge st, Gordon
Hnllinnn Mrs. Mary, 256 Harris st
Hallinan Mrs, N., 6 Hoodie st, Rozcllo
Hallinan P. J., 070 Darling st, Itozellc
Hailing George, Waratah Bt, Enfield
Hallings It, 78 Donlson st, Wnucrley
HitlllwcU A., 11 George st, Erskinovlllo
Halliwoll W., William st, Marrickville
Halstead Tliomas, Reservo rd, Gore Hill
Halstead Thomas, Oxloy st, S t Leonards
Halstcnberg Mrs. 0., 64 Gordon st. Paddington
Halton Francis, 14 Fisher st, Petersham
Halvcrson Mrs. R., Marktt st
All Orders Promptly attended to by
Post or Telcpbono; Shipping, Club,
Halverson Walter, Wazler st, Amcliffo
and Hotel Work n Speciality; lateHalwood George, 109 Globo rd, Globo
Bay rd, now Blue's Point rd, North
[Ham and Owen, hardware brokers, 17
Syduoy, Tel. 270, North Sydnoy
Bridge st
Hamilton A. and Son, fuel merchants,
Waterloo and Fovcaux sts
H A L L O K A N H E N R Y F . a n d CO.,
Conveyancers nt Law, Sworn Vnlua-I Ham Henry, 8 Bayview st, North Sydney Hamilton Bros,, storekeepers, Lane Cove
rd, Pymble
tors and Licensed Surveyors under Hnm J., 14 Durham st, South Annandalo
Real Property Act, .Auctioneers, [Ham Mrs, Jane, 140 Bourkc st
Hamilton Bros., nursorymen, Greenbauk
st, Marrlokvlllo
Estate and Finanoiai Agents, In- Ham W. D , 294 O.S.H. rd, Woollahra
surance Brokers, etc., Scott Chambers, Hamann Oharlcs, oft 20 City rd
H A M I L T O N A N D CO., (London),
94 Pitt Street; p.r., 103 Trafalgar Hamar O. D. O., Brooklyn st, Burwood
Painters' Brush Manufacturers. M. H.
st, Staumoro
iHnmborgor R., Johnston Bt, Annnndalo
Lauchlan and Oo., Colonial RepresenHalloran Miss A., Fisher's reserve, P'sham Hambicr I1., 14 Harrington st
tatives, 72 King st. Tel. 32
Halloran Aubrey, J.P.,solloltor, 20 Castle- Hambley W., 18 Sllva st, Marrlokvlllo
Hamilton A., 1 Oarrington st, Balmain
reaghst; p.r., "Renalto," Arcadia nl, Homblln Henry, joiner, Liverpool st
Hamilton A., Thomas st, Bondl
Glebe Point
Hamblin John, JP., 4 Erskiucvillo rd, Hamilton A., 107 Lane Cove rd, N. Sydney
Halloran Charles, Burwood rd, Burwood
Hamilton A., constable, 206 Q.V. Markets
Halloran E. Roland, F.I.A., architect,
Hamilton A., 21 Bowes av, Paddington
surveyor and valuator (R.P. Act), 101 Hamblin John. 1 Oxford st, RozGlIc
Hamblin 8. J., J.P., Railway ores, R'dalo Hamilton A. A., 3 Wells st, Newtown
Strand arcade, Sydney. Tel. 8598
A. A , solioitor, Bridge Bt, Hnsuy
Halloran E. Roland, J.P., F.I.A., 103 TraHamblin Walter, 14 Avenue, Oamperdown Hamilton A. O., George Bt, St. Peters
falgar st, Stnnmore
Fletcher st, Bond!
Halloran Frank, William st, Marrickvillo Hambly Miss M. and J., Cook st, N. Botany
Hamilton Alfred, 31, Rush st, Woollahra
Halloran G, N., stock, station, and general Hambly Mrs. A., Bonksla st, Botany
68 Wells st, Redfem
agent, 114a P i t t s t ; p.r., Stanley ay, Hambly Amos, butcher, 600 Crown st
Hamilton Allan, 67 Roslyn st
Hambly Amos, Bankslo st, Botany
Hamilton Allen, North st, Balmain
Halloran G. N., 32 Booth st, Anuandnlo
Hambly Amos, 37 Bourko st, nedforn .
Hamilton Androw, Tllford st, Waterloo
Halloran II. 0., 77 Kingston rd, O'down
Angus, Toycr st Marrickville
Halloran H. F , J.P., 103 Trafalgar Bt,
Hamilton Arch., 66 Sophia st
Hamilton Arthur, 85 Harbour st
Hambly Arthur, Wilga st, Burwood
Halloran H. R., 09 Trafalgar ter, S'nioro Hambly Charles, Daphne st, Botany
Hamilton Arthur, Gordon st, North Botany
Halloran John, Stanley av, Mosman
Hambly Francis, J.P., Bauksla st, Botany Hamilton Bcnj., 1 Oomber st, Paddington
Halloran Mrs. J., 5 Graham st, Rozcllo
O., Railway par, N. Granvlllo
Hambly F. W., Chatham st, Botany
Halloran Mrs. T., 175 Alfred st, N. Sydney
Hamilton Mrs. O. A., 168 Glenmore rd,
Hallo/an T. J., master Abbotsford Pnbllo Hambly George, Cook's River rd, St. Peters
Hambly Harry A., 132 Evclelgh Bt, Redfem
School, Henry st, Abbotsford
Hamilton Charles, restaurant, 781 Geo. st
Halloway and Dowllng, bootmakers, 7 Hambly Jas., Banksla st, Botany
Chas., 41 Selwyn st, Paddington
Hambly John, Gardener's rd, North Botany
Rowc st
Hamilton Mrs. Claudo, 29 Alberta st
Halloway Mrs. If., 20 Oxford st, Pad'ton Hambly John J!., 43 Rcnwlck st, L'lmrdt Hamilton Claude, 6 Zamla st, Rcdfern
Hallowea A. E., 81 Gerrard st, Alexandria Hambly T., 19 Golden Grove st, Darlington Hamilton I)., chemist, 581 George st .
Hambly W., Kent rd, North Botany
Halls Mrs. C, 31 Myrtlo st
Hamilton D., 10 Neutral Bt, North Sydnoy
Hambly W., sen., Banksla st, Botany
Halls Harry, 10 West st, Petersham
Hamilton Duncan, 1 Junction In
Halls II. H., wholesale jeweller, general Hambly Walter, 120 Botany rd, Alexandria Hamilton Mrs. E„ 28 Alt st, Ashfleld
merchant and importer, 187 Oastle- Hambly Walter S., Chapman st, Concord Hamilton E., 8 Charlotte st, Rozelle
rcagh st
Hambly William, William st, Botany
Hamilton E., 40 Glenmore rd, Paddington
Halls Percy, Wonga st, Burwood
Hambly William, jun., Botany rd, Botany Hamilton Mrs. E. A.,84 Lower Campbell st
Halls Thomas, Fltzroy st, Burwood
Hambourg Registry Oflico, 41 O'reagh st Hamilton E. S. G., 87 Dulwioh st, Dul. HU1
Hallstrom Mrs. Mary A., 170 B'dge rd, Olebe Hambrldgc A, H., Queen st, Ooogce
Hamilton Ernest, Withers st, Arnollffe
Hally John, 38 Dick st
Hamilton Florence, dental surgeon, 157
Hamburger F., 42 Frederiok st, Aahfleld
Holly John, Railway ores, Rockdale
Elizabeth st
Halma Aaron, off Byrno st, Auburn
Halmarlck Mrs. M. A., Dixon st, P'matta Hamburger H., 10 Waimoa ave, Woollahra Hamilton F. J., Lane Cove rd, Pymble
Mrs. G., 240 Ocean st, Pad'ton
Halmariok R.-, Wentworth st, Porramatta
Hamburger Joseph, agent, 794 George st Hamilton G. H., com. agent, 35 O'reagh at
Halmariok W., Cooper st, Concord
H., 10 Doris Bt, North Sydney
Halpin Mrs. A., 23 College st, Oam'down
Halphi Mrs. A., 20 Norton st, Leichhardt Hamburger M., gen. importer and importer Hamilton II., Hownrth rd, Lano Oovo
12 George st, Waterloo
of delicacies, 425 George St. Tel. 3552
Halpin Alex., 09 Norton st, Lciohhardt
Hamburger M., 11 George st, North Sydney Hamilton H. M.. barrister, Wcntworth
Ualpln Alfred, Regatta rd, Abbotsford
court,04 Elizabeth s t ; p.r.,Wentworth
Halpin Henry, Egllngton st, Rookwood
Hamburger W., Edgeoliffo rd, Woollahra
nl Burwood
Halpin J. J., 23 College st, Oamperdown
Hamcr Arthur J., Foreman st, St Peters Hamilton
Henry, 193 Oastlcrengh at
Halpin Jamef, 101 Quarry st
Hamer Edward G., 89 Rofe st, Leichhardt Hamilton H.
P., 80 Addison rd, M'kvllle
Halpin Jas., 125 Victoria rd, Marrickvillo Hamcr Henry, Mansfield st, Rozelle
St. John st, Newtown
Halpin R., 61 Ben Boyd rd, Neutral Bay Hamcr J., grocer, Eogarah rd, Kogarnh
Hamilton I., 172 Norton st, Lciohhardt
Halpin Thomas J., 10 Irving st
Hamcr John, 81 Halloran st, Leichhardt Hamilton J., 400 Miller st, North Sydnoy
Halpin Timothy, S.Irving st
Hamor William, 5 Shelloy st
Hamilton J., Sir Joseph Banks at, Botany
Halpin William, 70 Cooper st
Homerton R, O, Fortunn st, Hunter's Hill Hamilton Mrs. J., Garnet st, Canterbury
Hnlso E. 0., Esplanade west, Manly
Halsey W. H., manufacturers' agent, Ash Hames Charles, Barwon Park rd, St. Peters Hamilton J., 33 Littlo Arthur st,N. Syd.
Hamilton J., 27 Cleveland st, Redfem
Hamester W„ 67 Uarghan Bt, Globo
' st, off 842 George st
Halstead A., 149 N.S.H. rd, Paddlngtou J Hamoy W. H., 64 Viotorin st, Paddlngtou Hamilton J. Dixon, dentist. 7 Hunter st
J. IU, bombardier in charge
Halstead Alfred, 35 Mill st
Hamill Mrs. F., 144 Albion st, Annandalo
military station (Ben Buckler), MiliHalstead J., 16 Bayview st, N. Sydnoy
Uainill J., 223 Henderson rd, Alexandria
Halstead L., 68 Ferris st, Annandalo
Hamill W. A., Rhodes av, Narombum
Hamilton James, 205 Kent st
Halstead Laban, 16 Alfred st, N. 8ydnoy
Hamil Walter, 25 Bayview st, N. Sydney Hamilton James, 101 Curtis rd, Balmain
Halstead Samuel. 16a Waifs torraco
Hamilton and Sons, nurserymen, Livoryool Hamilton James, Botany nl, Botany
Halstead Thomas, 77 Barcom ave
rd, Ash Held
Hamilton James, 360 Norton st, Lciohhardt
/Head Offices: .8IOOoorgo\
VStroot South. •Phono fx)
Hamilton James, French Bt, Marrickvillo
Hamilton Jits., 94 Ivy Bt, Redfem
Hamilton James, Victoria st, Rcdfern
Hamilton James, Frederick st, St, Peters
Hamilton James, Park st, St. Peters
Hamilton James D., 369 Grown st
Hamilton John, chemist, 137 Regent st
Hamilton John, New Zealand hotel, 30
Sussex st
Hamilton John, Normanby rd. Auburn
Hamilton John, 3 Armstrong st, Ashfleld
Hamilton John, 10 Lciohhardt fit, Globe
Hamilton John, High Bt, North Botany
Hamilton John, 7 Frauds st, Newtown
Hamilton John, 31 Douglas st, Petersham
Hamilton John, Ruthven st, Randwlck
Hamilton John, Alfred at, St. Peters
Hamilton John, Smith Bt, Wcntworthville
Hamilton Joseph, 20 RIohard st, Newtown
Hamilton L. A., dentist, 4 Queen st,W'labra
Hamilton Mrs. L, A., 116 Woolloomooloo Bt
Hamilton Mrs., 4 Croydon av, Croydon
Hamilton MiBs M., dentist, 7 Hunter st
Hamilton Miss M., Mark st, Hunter's Hill
Hamilton M., Oanonbury Grove, Mar'villo
Hamilton Mrs. M„ 102 Redfem Bt, Redfem
HamlltonMrB.M.E., Harrison Bt.Ncut. Bay
Hamilton P., 38 Elizabeth st, Rozcllo
Hamilton It., Sir Joseph Banks st, Botany
Hamilton R., tanner, Pcmbcrton st, B't'ny
Hamilton R., Bay rd, North Sydney
Hamilton R„ laundry, 102 Blue's Point rd,
North Sydnoy
Hamilton R. L., Bollevuc st, Parramatta
Hamilton Richard, 3 Ohapol st
Hamilton Robert, 64 Sophia Bt
Hamilton Robert, 1 Wellington placo
Hamilton Robert, Bay st, Doublo Bay
Hamilton Robert, 16 Leichhardt st, Olebe
Hamilton Robert, 60 Rosehtll fit, Rcdfern
Hamilton Robert, Botniiy nl, N. Botany
Hamilton Miss Sarah, 84 Brougham st
Hamilton Stanley, 18 Rofe st, Lciohhardt
Hamilton T„ constable, 206 Q. V. Markets
Hamilton Captain T., superintendent of
dredges, Harbour Trust Branch office,
Napoleon st
Hamilton T., 60 Anncsley st, Lciohhardt
Hamilton Thomas, carrier, 49 Engino st;
p.r., 118 Quay st, Ultimo Tel. 2487
Hamilton Thos., 18 C'orbcn st
Hamilton Thomas, 682 Crown st
Hamilton W., Buruood hotel, Burwood rd,
Hamilton W., 20 Watervlew st, Balmain
Hamilton W., Milton Bt, Granville
Hamilton W., 18 Brighton st, Petersham
Hamilton W., 6 Carriugton st, Petersham
Hamilton W. A., 4 Queen st, Woollahra
Hamilton W. J., West End Steam Laundry,
112-114 Bay st
Hamilton W. J., 281 Old Canterbury rd,
Hamilton William, 136 Good let st
Hamilton Wm., 6 Phoobe st, Balmain
Hamilton Wm., 46 Day st, Leichhardt
Hamilton William, 15 Vinest, Redfern
Hamilton William, George st, St. Peters
Hamilton Wm„ Terry st, St. Peters
Hamilton William J., solicitor, Martin
chambers, Moore st ;p.r., 139 Regent st
Hamilton-Brown E„ 17 Eliza st, Newtown
Hamilton-Grey Mrs., North Fteyne, Manly
Hamlet William Mogford, F.I.O., F.O.8.,
Government analyst, Macquatio s t ;
p.r., Manly
llamlic Thomas, 130 George st, Rcdfern
Hamlin T. and Co., bootmakers, 94 Mount
st, North Sydney
Hamlin Chas. W., Colin st, North Sydney
Hamlin Mill L., 87 Cooper st
Hamlin Walter, 113 Gowrlost, NoWtown
Hamlin William, The Avdinc, Hnrstvllle
Hamon Joseph, 3 Stanley st
Hamllon A. J., 242 Addison rd. M'vtlle
Hampden Baths, Church st, Rookwood
Hatnmatt W. H., Susan st. Auburn
Hammell James, 80 Goodsoll st. Newtown Hampden house and estate agency, 71
Hammer Lot, 35 William st, Paddington
William st
Hammer W. L., 16 Denison st, Waverley Hampc L., Bridge st, Marrickvillo
Hummerston J., 0 Station st, Fctorsham
Hampcl Albert, 27 Wilson lane, Redfem
Ham mot D., 15 McDonald st, Erskincvillo Hampc!, Gustave, 7 Fulbam at, Newtown
Hammctt and Co,, grocers, 49 Shephcrdist, Hampor D. O., 44>Lofchhardt st, Waverley
Hampshire G.W., secretary, Sydney Clerks'
and Warehousemen's Benefit AssociaHammctt D. and Co., grocers, 371 King st,
tion, 100 Pitt st
G. W., J.P., Fairfax rd, Moamiin
Hammctt Mrs. Annie, 7 Bltgh st
Hampshire J. E., 72 Ojscade it, Pad'ton
Hammctt Daniel, 0 Vino st, Redfem
Jas., 88 Botany Bt, Waterloo
Hammett R. A., 88 Derwcnt st, F. Ledge
Hammettcr Henry, 11 Marion Bt, L'hardt Hampson Arthur, 36 Allen st
Hampson O. H., 80 Kippax st
Hammill Anthony, 32 Lansdowne st
Hampson B. N., Hampden st, Hurstvllle
Hainmlll Herbert, Bristol rd, Somerset
Hampson E., Roylston at, Paddington
Hammill J., Church st, Marrlokvlllo
Hammill J., 14a Hopewell st, Paddington Hampson Frederick, 21 Qipps st, Balmain
Hammon and Orclgliton, Custom house Hampson Henry, 36 Red Lion at, Rozcllo
Hampson nenry F., Grosvenorst, W'labra
agents, 13 Alfred st
Hammon F. J., watchmaker, 176 Harris at Hampson Peter, 21 Bannister lane
Peter, la Allen st
Hammon George, Muston st, Mosman
Hammon G. Hamilton, artist, Glover st, Hampson R. 11., 2 Trouton st, Balmain
Robert, 32 Kcpos st, Redfem
Hampson MrB. 8., 19 Arden st, Waverley
Hammon G. H., 13 Alfred st, N. Sydney
60 Pearl at, Newtown
Hammond A. T. and Co., oil and color merHampson William, 8 Surrey st, Petersham
chants, 197 Oxford st
Hammond Arthur nnd Co., drapers, 136a Hampson William P., 283 Elizabeth Bt
Hampstcad George, 49 Rosscn st, Rozelle
Liverpool rd, Ashfleld
Mrs. E., 144 George Bt, Ersk'ville
Hammond B. and Co., grocers, 115 Mansfield Hampton
Hampton Mrs E. H., 10 Ersklnovile rd,
at, Rozelle, Balmain
Hammond Typewriter Co. — Hugh K.
Jamison, manager, 8 Moore st
Hampton E., 06 Cowpcr st, Waverley
Hammond Mrs. A„ Botany rd Botany
Hampton E. J., Illawarra rd, Marrickville
Hammond A., off Thoralcigh rd south Hampdon George, Gcorgo st, Parramatta
Hampton J., 219 Church st, Oamperdown
Hammond Arthur, Bonar Bt, Arncliffo
Hampton J. J., Thornley st, Marrickville
Hammond Arthur, Baker st, Enfield
Hampton Mrs. Mary, 14 Chapman st
Hammond Charles, 34 Harwood st
Hampton Thomas, Bray st. Concord
Hammond Douglas J., 51 Cumberland st Hampton Thomas, 171 Enmorc rd, N'town
Hammond Mrs. Emily, Mary st, St. Peters Hampton W. H., 138 Botany st, Waterloo
Hammond Francis, 232 Forbes st
Hampton William H., John Bt, Waterloo
Hammond G., map mounter and photo Hams George, 6 Goddard st, Erakineville
eolorer, 286 George st
Hamshaw F., 579 Illawarra rd, Marrickville
Hammond George, May st, Lciohhardt
Hamson Lawrence, Philip st, North Syd
Hammond H. AV., J.P., hon. treasurer Hamson Walter, I Catherine st, Balmain
Benevolent Society of N.S.W., Valen- Hanafiu Joseph, 4 Gloucester st
tino and Quay sts
Hanafln Michael, 48 Edward st
Hammond Henry, Wilson st, Botany
Hanafln Michael, 2 Gloucester at
Hammond Henry W., J.P., Duff Bt, B'wood Hanaford Mrs. 1L, 21 Hart st, Redfern
Hammond J. H., barrister, 167 Phillip Bt Hanaugban, Miss M., 164 Gcorgo 8t west
Hammond J. S., Charles st, Leichhardt
Hanbldge J., 140 Wells st W„ Redfem
Hammond J. T., 60 Raymond rd, NeutBay Hunbridgo Mrs. F., Oarshalton st, Ashfleld
Hammond J. W., muslo publisher's agent, Hnnbury J., Marrlokvlllo rd, Marrickville •
Hancock A. L , Carlton par, Boxley
Ash at, off 342 George st
Hancock A. L., Wellington id, Hurstvlllc
Hammond James, 160 John st
Hancook Albert, 13 May st, Nowtown
Hammond John,45 Pcnkivil st, Bond!
Hammond John, Morlarty rd, Ohatswood Hancock Alfred, J.P., 189 Beattlest,B'maln
Hancook Archibald, Bay st
Hammond John, 3 Pine Bt, Rozcllo
Hammond John, 181 Oxford st, Waverley Hancock O. P., 23 Cavendish at, Stanmore
Hammond John, 6 Waimea avo, Woollahra Hancook Mrs. E., 146 Liverpool rd, Ashfleii'
Hammond Joseph, sen., Gordon rd, O'wood Hancock Mrs. E., 81 Ewcll Bt, Rozcllo
Hammond Joseph, jun., Morlarty rd, Chats- Hancock Mrs. E., 11 Roberts st, ROKOUC
Hancock E., 18 Gt. Buckingham st, R'feru
Hammond Leonard, 43 Church st, N'town Hancock F. O., Colin Bt, North Sydney
Hammond Mark J., J.P., 6 Chandos Bt, Hancock G., 9 Manchester St. Petersham
Hancock Geo., May st, Marrickville
Hammond Morloy, 24 The Avenue, B,main Hancook George, 1 Roberts Bt, Rozelle
Hammond Rov. R. B. S. (O. of E.), 2 Hancook George W., 6 Campbell st. Glebe
Hancook H., 2 Splccr st Woollahra
Clarence st
Hancook H. A., 147 Mansfield st, Hoze[lo
Hammond Robert, tailor, 400 George st
Hancock H. G., Rooky Point rd, Rookdale
Hammond Mrs. T., 42 Maophcrson Bt W'loy Hancock
H. Randlc, F.O.S.S., shorthand
Hammond T. H„ 88 Reynolds st, B'maln
writer, Australian director Cambridge
Hammond W., Parramatta rd, Concord
Society, 84 Elizabeth s t ;
Hammond W., 51 Talford st, Glebe
p.r., Jullictt Bt, Marrlokvllle
Hammond W., 104 Oxford st, Woollahra
Thornley st, Leichhardt
Hammond W. J., Ross st, Parramatta
Henry, 79 Stewart st,Paddlngtou
Hammond Walter W., Military rd, M'man Hancock
Hancock Hcnrv, George st, Rockdale
Hammond William, Wharf rd, Concord
Hancock Henry. 11 Gordon at, Rozelle
Hammond William, 20 Phillip st. Glebe
J., 123 Walker at, North Sydney
Hamnett G., 24 Aloxandcr at, Paddington
Hamon Mrs. Hannah, James st, Woollahra Hancock J, B., Albany st, St. Leonards
Hancock John, 07 Gcorgo st, Campcrdown Hanigan Mrs. E. L., Barusby grove, D. Hill
Hauiin Alexander, 60 Gipps st, Paddington
Hanoook John, 88 Good Hope st, Pad'ton Hanlman Albert, 01 Gloucester st
Hanna Daniel, Victoria hvtrt. Young st
Hancock Joseph, 238 Devonshire st
Hiuik Mrs. M., 139 Parramatta rd, An'dalc
Hancock P., Unwiu's Bridge nl, St. Peters llaukcy Franois, M.B., Phillip st, Auburn
Hanna Edward, farrier, Hay st.
Hancook K., 83 Macquarle st south
Hankcy W. H., 21 Hayes rd, Neutral Bay Hanna Edward, O'Hara st, Marrickvllle
Hancock R,, 148 MansOeld st, Rozelle
Hankiu Arthur, 4 Abigail st, SuuimerUUl Hanna Edward, George st, St. Peters
Hanoook R. E. A., Forest rd, Hurstvillc
Hankin Charles, 3 Joseph st, Ashflehl
Hanna G. W., Dunmoro st, Canterbury
Hanoook B., 4 Shepherd laue, Hal ton
Hankin James, Wallace st, Concord
Hanoook S. H., trait estate nml general Uankins Dr. G. TV, lion. sec. N.S. W.Branch Hanna James, 32 John st
Hjmuu Mrs. Janet, 453 Riley st
agent, 114a Pitt s t ; p.r., 23 Cavendish
British . Medical Association, 121 Hanna John, Quarry rd, Lundas
st, Stanmorc
Bathurst st
Hancook S. J., 43 Toogood st, Ersklneville Hanklns George T., physloian and surgeon, Hanna John W., 162 Queen st, Woollahra
Hanna Miss S., 60 Elliott st, Balmain
Hancock Samuel, 80 Evclcigh st, Redfern
267 Elizabeth st
Hancock Mrs. Sarah, Grose st, Pnrrainatta Hanklns James, Waterloo rd, Bankstown Hanna Samuel, 6 Moore st, Rozelle
Samuel, 80 Marian et, Newtown
Hancock T., 122 Mount st, North Sydney H ankins W., 102 Alexander st, N. Sydney
Hanna W. J., Commissioner for Roads and
Hanoook Thos,, Wold's avc, Hurstvillo
Hanklnson Alfred, 41 Burlluson st
Principal Engineer, Roads and Bridges
Hancook Thomas, Philip st, Parramatta
Huaklnson J., jmi., 17 Chureh st, Balmain
Department, Phillip st
Hancock W., 14 Scotiller st, Marrickvllle Hanklnson J., sen., 10 Church st, Balmain
John, 686 Bourkc st
Hancock W., 22 Ormond st, Paddington
Hanklnson John, Dcnby st, Marrickvllle Hanuaford Mrs. A., 2 Lander st, Redfern
Hancook W. C , Pittwater rd, Ilydo
Hanklnson T„ 307 Darling st, Balmain
S., Orchard rd, Ohatswood
Hancook William, Bent st, Concord
Hanks and Co., dyers, Military rd, Mosman Hannah Gcorgo, Botany rd. Botany
Hanoook William, Station st, Parramatta
H A N K S J . O . A N D CO., Family Hannah John, George fit, Canterbury
Hancott 0. A., 476 Darling st, Balmain
Grocers, Teamen ond Wine nml Spirit Hannah John, 101 Wells st west, Redfern
Hnncox Mrs. L., 82 Croydon rd, Oroydon
Merohants, 498 George st. Tel. No. Hannah Patrick, 6 Howard Bt
Hnncox William, Durham st, Hurstvillo
Hannah Peter, 78 Forsyth Bt, Glcbo
Hand-ln-Hand Tailoring Association of
Hminah Robert, Tllford st, Waterloo
London—E. G. Pasooc, Proprietor, 718 Flanks Arthur, Annandale st, Ann'dalc
Hannah Mrs. S. J., 05 Flinders st
Hanks Frcdk., Harrow rd, Bexley
George st. Tel. 3180
Hannah W. T„ Baumann's rd, Peakhurst
Hanks Geo. F., 8 Hohbs Bt, Petersham
Hand Arthur, Stafford st, Petersham .
Hanks Harvey, teacher of singing, 23a Hannah William, 20 Wattle st
Hand David, 51 Short st, Balmain
Hand James, Margaret st, Petersham
Elizabeth st
Hand Nicholas, 2 Brumby st
Hanks John, 51 Wattle st
Hand Peter, Wilson laue, Redfern
Hanks John, Railway av, Marrickvllle
Handcock A, J., 2 Leswcll st, Woollnhra
Hanks S.J., 174 Phillip st
Gas and Hydraulic Engineers, ConHandcock Benjamin, 14 Lawst
Hanks Sidney J., 10 Holmwood Bt, N'town
tractors for Heating, Lighting nnd
Handcock C. T., 12 Birrell st, Waverley
Hanks Thomas J., 39Gladstone st, N'town
Manufacturers of HauHandcock George, Buunerong nl, Botany Hanlnn Michael, Clifford st, Parramatta '
nam's Water Filters and Hospital ApHandcock Mrs. M., Church st, Parramaltn Hanlcy A., Moore st, Drunnnoyno
pliances, 131 Castlcreagh st, (seoadvt.
Handcock Robert W„ Pitt st, Rookdale
Hanley Cornelius, 62 Dcnisou st, Waverley
on back of book.)
Handcock Samuel, Albert st, Parramatta Hauley E., 124 Paddington et, Paddington
Handcock Thomas, Smith st, Parramntta Hanley Fredk., Rosehill st, Parrnmattn
Handbook W., Wigram st, Parramatta
Hanley Jas., George st, Greenwich
Handel 0. W., 89 Elswick st, lelchlmrdt Hanley James J., 00 Dcuraau st, Glebe
Handel D„ D'Aram st, Hunter's Hill
Hanley John, 17J Thome st, Paddington
Hannam and Co., 134 Castlcreagh st,
Handel F. G., 61 Railway st, Petersham
Hanley Joseph, 101 Pitt st, Waterloo
(sceadvt. on back of book.)
Handel Henry, 25 Croydon rd, Croydon
Hanley Mrs. L., 68 Foucart st, Rozclle
G., 34 George st, Ersklneville
Handel Henry J „ 101 Gowrie st, Newtown Hanley Martin, Bronghton st, Concord
Herbert, 3 Rosedale st, P'sham
Hnndfiold Charles, Simpson st, Bondl
Hanley Miss M., Hnyberry st, N. Sydney
J., ArnclIITo rd, Arncliffe
Hanley P., 16 Henderson rd, Alexandria Hannam
Hannam J., II Middleton st, Marrickvllle
H A N D L E Y J . D. & 0 0 . , Electrical Hanley Patrick, 8 Gladstone st, Balmain
W. H., PIttwater rd, Manly
Engineers, Ship Work and Muchlnery Hanley Thos., off Garnet st, Canterbury
Repairs n Speciality, Electric Light Hanley Thomas, Pousonby st, N. Botany Hannan A. B., Flood st, Leichhardt
tailor, 8 Queen Victoria M'kets
ing a Speciality. 185 Clareuaest. Tel. Hanley Thomas, 72 Marriott st, Redfern
Hannan 0., 42 Brandling st, Alexandria
Hanley W., 15 Albemarle st, Newtown
109 Flood st, Leichhardt
Hanlin Mm. E., 7 Bourkc st, Hedfcm
Handley Mrs. E., 10 John st, Woollahra
Hannan E. T.,81 Underoliffe st, Kent. Bay
Handloy Mrs. E., 43 Glenmore rd, Pndd'ton JHauliu E. G., 61 George st, Reilfern
Hannan Edward, 6 Cheltenham st, Rozclle
Hanlin Mrs. K., 164 Young st, Redfern
Handlev E., 60 Excelsior st, Lclchliardt
Hannan F , butcher, Avoca st, Randwick
Handley Enoch S., Premlerst, Marrickvllle Hnnlin Robert, Bryant st, Rookdale
George, 1 Roscbery st, Balmain
Handloy Ernest M., engraver, 472 Georgel Hanlin S., Frederiok st, Rockdale
Hannan H., Bond's rd, Peakhurst
Hanlin Samuel, Regatta rd, Abbotsford
Bt; p.r., 65 Excelsior st, Lelchlmrdt
John st, Erskinevllle
Haulou A., 14 Parramatta Old rd, F.Lodge Hannan Mrs. J.,440
Handley F., Bridge st, Erskinevllle
Phillip st, Alexandria
Handley J. D., " Leyton," Premier st,j Hnnlon E., 12 Churoli st, Balmain
st, Rookdale
Hnnlon Edward H., Gladstone ave
rd, Leichhardt
Hanlon George, 20 Albemarle st, Newtown Hannan James, 32 Greek st,
Handley John, 20 Palmer st
Ilanlon J., 10 Ferndale st, Nowtown
Handley John, 7 Forth st, Woollahra
Hanlon James J., Water st, Glebe
Handley Martin, Aroher st, Burwood
([anion R. H., 60 Boulevard, Lewlsham
Handley Maurice, James st, Catcrbury
Hannan Mrs. M., 02 Queen st, Woollahra
Handlev W.,Ill Darlington rd, Darlington Hanlon Thomas, 30 Oobnr st, Petersham
Hannan Michael, 36 Young st, Redfern
Hands Miss A. H., Boulevardc, Strathflcld Hanby Mrs. D., 20 Charles st, Petersham
Hannan R., 20 Trafalear.st, Annandale
Hands Alf. M., 8 Diilwioh st, Dulwioh Hill [Uanly Francis, Percival rd, Staumore
Mrs. S.,64 Bdgewore rd, Nowtown
Hanly I'rank, Victoria st, Lewlsham
HamlB Edward, 78 Botany st, Redfern
Thomas, proprietor, Australian
Ilnnly J. J., Harris st, Parramatta
Hands J. E., 80 Elswick st, Leichhardt
Butterlnc, 416 Far"mattn rd, L'hardt
Hands John, draper, Auburn rd, Auburn Hanly Michael, The Avenue, Ashflcld
Hannan Miss W., Mary st, Hunter's Hill
Hands Joseph, 43 Union st, North Sydney Hanly P. J., 20 Charles st, Petersham
Hanmer J., Old South Head rd, Waverley Hannan W., Forest rd, Hurstvillo
Hands P., 203 Abcrcrombie st, Redfern
Hnnnay T., 26 Marlborough st, Leichhardt
Bonds W. 10 Foster st, Leichhardt
Agrloulture Laboratories, 140 George Hauucmaun Mrs. E., 114 Harrington st
Handy John, 10 Howard st
W., 0 Nicholson st, Balmain
Handysl.le A. P., 231 Old Canterbury rd,
iHann and King, butchers, 374 Oxford et, Hannoy Charles, 31 Maria st, Newtown
10 Pearl st
Handyslde Miss L. M., 8 Kensington rd, [
Hnnney James, 24 Waterloo Bt
Summer Hill.
Haun Clinton. Forsyth st, Glebe
llanney Joseph, Parncll st, Strathflcld
Hanen Henry, 101 Judge st
Uanii Joseph, 498 O.8.H. rd, Woollahra
Kanucy W., 34 Justin st, Lcioldiardt
Honfoid George, 14 FItzroy st
Huunn J, and Son, drapers, 180 Elizabeth Hamilford John. 20 Albion Bt
Hanigan Mrs. E , 67 Oastlereagh.st, R'fcru
st, Redfern
Hannignu G. W.P., 46 Watkln st, Newtown
daipifs Bald Healers,
t K ^ l ^ M
Hauslow Richard, 122 Wilson st, llcdferu Harcom Joslma, 121 Park ave, Ashflcld
Haunlngton W., Burwood rd, Burwood
Harcourt F., 05 Gipps st, Paddington
Hunnon A., 211 Dcnulson rd, Petersham Hnnsmnn A., Lawrence st, Alexandria
Harcourt Gcorgo, Albert st, St. Peters
Hansman Abraham, Laura st, Nowtown
Hannon E„ 160 George st, Ereklnevlllo
Harcourt W. H., George st west, Burwood
Hunnon John, Wilga st, Burwood
Mrs. 0., Unwln st, Canterbury
Hunnon Patrick, 82 Raper st, Nowtown
Co.), Auctioneers, House and Land Harous
Hard F , E., 8 Aylesbury st, Newtown
Hunnon Richard. 149 Bridge rd, Glcbo
AgcntB, Oorso and Esplanade, Manly. Hard
Frederick, Orinan st, Canterbury
Htmrr.han Mrs. B., 123 P i t t s t , Redfern
Tel. Nos., 16 nnd 69.
Hardacro A., Alfred st, North Botany
Hunrulmn Daniel J., 384 Crown st
Hanson Mrs. A., 18 Phillip st, Balmain
J., Sutherland st, North Botany
Huurahan Edmund, 268 Crown rd
Hanson A„ Bannookbnrn rd, Pymblo
Hardacro John, 46 Reynolds st, Balmain
Hnnrahan Eilmund, Railway rd, Tempo Pk Hanson A. J., Oury st, Drummoyno
R., King st. North Botany
Hanrahan Edward, 50 Nicholson st
Hanson A. J., Middleton st, Marrickvllle Hardacro W., Alfred st, North Botany
Hnnrahan F., 44 McKenzic st, Leichhardt Hunson B. F., 122 Henderson rd, Alcx'drla nardncre
Coward st, North Botany
Huurahan Francis R„ 6 Rose st
Hanson Miss 0., Lnvender at,N. Sydney
Hurdakcr A., 13 Mnrmlon st, Camperdown
Hanrahan J., 42 Mount V«rnon st, F. Lodge Hanson Charles, 12 Stonm Mill st
Hnnlnkcr Arthur W., Pitt st, Prospect
Hanrahan James V., 61 Wilson st, Redfern Hanson Charles, Albion st, Pnrniniatta
Hnrdaker B., Rome st, Canterbury
Huurahan John, 48 College st, Catnp'down Hunson Chris., Cameron st, Rockdale
Hardnker Edwin, Stanley rd, Rookwood
Hanrahan John, 11 Read st, Waverley
Hanson D. W„ Albany st, St. Leonard's
Hnrdnker L., 28 Constitution rd, P'sham
Hanrahan Michael, Countess st, Alosman Hanson Edward, 43 Harrington st
Hardnker Mrs. M. J., 329 Olcveland st,
Hanrahan Patk,, George st, North Botany Hanson Edward, 3 Merton st, Rozello
Hnnrahan Thomas, Alfred st, Granvlllo
Hanson Edward, Brighton st, Enfield
Huurahan Thomas J., 24 Charles st
Hanson Ernest, 475 Alfred st.North Sydney Hardbaitle A,, 15 Mnnsflcld st, Rozelle
Hanrahan William, 1 Judge place
Hanson H., Bannookbnrn st, Pymble
! Hardcastlo James, Eleanor st, Granville
Hnnran Frank, 873 Riley st
Hansou Hnrgrcaves H, 1L, surgeon,-300 Hardcnstle Richard, 356 Victoria st
Hnnran James, 40 Adelaide st
Hnrdcustie WUllnm, Albion st, Pnrrnmntn
Hunratty Frank, 8 Brent st, Rozclle
Hanson Henry, 07 Smith st, Marrickvllle < Harden Mrs. A. E. D., 1 Lower Fort si
Hunratty P. C, 207 Old Canterbury rd, Hanson Herbert, Avenue rd, Mosman
Harden Alfred, 63 Little Albion Bt
Harden Mrs. Annie, 72 Bellevue st, Glebe
Hanson Mrs. J., 22 Lincoln st, N. Sydney
Harden F. G., 98 Crown st
Hanson J. H., Mitchell rd, Alexandria
Hunratty T. F., 18 Wattlo st
F. J., dentist, 177 WUllnm st
Hunson J. V., 59 Rowntrec st. Balmain
Hansard Print, cash printer, 72 King st
Harden G., 102 Wyndhnm st, Alexandila
Hansard Mrs. R., 120 Birrell st, Waverley Hunson James M., 276 Victoria st
Harden H. S., solicitor, Post ODlco chamHunsby Mrs. E. A., 218 Cowper st, Waverley Hunson John, 38 Prospect st
bers, 114a Pitt st
Hnnsou John, 10 Bartlett Bt, Sum. Hill -I
Hnnsel A., 202 Iulgcclifferd, Woollahra
Harden Mrs. J., 87 Stntion st, Petersham
Hansel E., secretary Austro-Hnngurlnii Hanson John G., 15 Harrlugton Bt
John, sen., J.P., 100 Wyndham st,
Consulate-General, Mutual Llfoof New Hunson John H., 88 Railway st, P'sham
AI exaudrln
York building, Martin p i ; p.r., Bold Hanson Joseph, East Esplanade, Manly
Hanson Mrs. M., 02 Campbell st, O'down
Harden John, 2 Bucklnudst, Alcxnndrin
st, Burwood
Hnnsou Mrs. Maria, 10 Mnrin st, Newtown Harden Thomas, Vimicra rd, Marsfleld
Hansel Mrs. E., 10 Cooper st
Hanson Martin 1!., Cardinal Bt, Mosman
Harden W., 123 Rose st, Darlington
Hanscll Alfred, 6 Allen st, Lelchlmrdt
Hanson Matthew, 8 Dock rd, Balmain
Harden Walter, 104 Wyndham st, Alex'dria
Hansell G., 87 Fmzer st, Murrlckvlllo
William, 110 Wyndhum st, Al'dria
Hanscll G., 113 Victoria rd, Marrickvllle
Hunson Oliver W., 28 View st, Aunandolo Hurder Mrs. 0., 76 Albion st, Annandale
Hanscll George, Day et, Marrlokville
Harder F., 132 Mullens st, Bnlmain
Hanson A., West Orescent lane, N. Sydney Hanson Peter, 20 Mount st
Hanson R. J., 118 Elswick st, Leichhardt Harder J. H., Tulloh st, Wllloughby
Hnnsen Albert, 20 Collins st, Annnndolo
Hanson R. G, C, Myrtlo st, Leichhardt
Hnrder John, 105 Deulsou st. Nowtown
Hansen Alfred, 45 Hornsey st, Kozellc
Hanson T. P. R., 55 Oharles st, Leichhardt Harder Mrs. P., Tulloh st, Wllloughby
Hunson 0., 14 Bruce st, Rozclle
Hanson W. G., produco store, Corso, Manly Hnrdcrs Andrcns, Wnverloy st, Wnverley
Hnnseu 0., 18 Glcho st, Paddington
Hardge Anthony, 11 Newman st, Newtown
Hansen O.P.,tailor,230 Clarence s t ; p.r., Hanson W. G., Ocean rd, Manly
Hanssinann O., 74 Kensington rd, S. Hill Hardgo Edward, 37 Thurlow st, Redfern
219 Trafalgar st, Annandalo
Hatithomc A., tobacconist, 8 Erskino Bt
Hardge Henry, Enrle Bt, Arncliffe
Hansen Cnrl L., 125 Enmorerd, Nowtown Han thorn A., tobacconist, 2 Market Bt
Hardgo John, Willee st, Burwood
Hnnsen Charles, 5 Bettington st
Hanthorn Andrew, 12 Ann Bt, Balmain
Hardge John, Boulovurde, Strathflcld
Hansen Charles, 17 Edward st, Balmain
Hanwcil Mrs. G., 10 Edward st. Sum. Hill Hardge John, Edward st, Enfield
Hnnseu D. A., 28 Nicholson st, Bnlmain
Hnnwcll G. H., 10 Edward «t, 8ummcrHill Hardge Joseph, 13 Pitt Bt, Waterloo
Hansen D. W., 72 Aloxim er st, N. Sydney Hunwell H. S , 10 Edward st, Sum. Hill
Hardge Joseph, Boulevardc, Strathflcld
Hnnsen Mrs. E., 0 James st, Nowtown
Happ Andrew, Bridge st, Homcbnsh
Hardiu and Gorman, auctioneers, land aud
Hansen P., 110 Ernest st, North Sydney
Hupp O. G., Concord rd, Concord
estate agents and property. Balesmcn,
Hnnsen Frcdk., 30 Palmer st, Balmain
Happ G. A., 268 Liverpool rd, Sum. Hill
133 Pitt Bt
Hansen Fredk., 19 Yule Bt, Petersham
Happ Jas. W., Beatrice st, Auburn
Hardio James and Co., importers of tanHansen Gus., Moree st, Gordon
Hapsburg Joseph F., Gipps st, Drummoyne
ners' materials, &c, 11 Macquarle place
Hansen Hans, 20 Dixon st
Haraldson John, estate agent, 335a Hardio Alfred, The Grovo, Woollahra
Hansen Huns, Hampton Court rd, Carlton
Hardle Mrs. Chus., Bay st, Double Bay
Hansen Harry, Derby st, Koguruh
George Bt; p.r., 87 Lowor Fort st
Hardio Fred., 147 Phillip st, Waterloo
Hansen Heury, 0 Hampton st, Bnlmain
Haran Charles, 102 Cooper st, Waterloo
Hardle Mrs. G.. Victoria st.Burwood
Hansen J. A., 60 Rochford st, Erskinevllle Hurnn Patrick, 15 Prosper st, Rozelle
Hurdle Mrs. J., Unwin's Bridge rd, St.
Hansen Janice, 29 Darling st, Balmain
Harbor E., Edinburgh rd, Marrlokville
Hansen John, 00 Bcttington st
Harber E. A., 8 Oollego st, Campordown
Hansen N., 12 Church st
Harbor Elias J., 80 Marlon st, Leiohhardt Hardle Mrs. James, Jersey st, Prospect
Hansen Nell, 83 Gowrie st, Nowtown
narber Richard, 32 Goodscll st, Newtown Hardle John, J.P., Hardlo's chambers,
Hnuscn Peter, 48 Wellington Bt
Harbor Stephen, 18 Alma st, Darlington
Hamilton st j p.r., 73 Darlinghurst rd
Hansen Sllvn, 30 Little Essex st
Hnrber W. T., 40 Smith st, Marrlckvillo
Hardle John, 1 Yurong lano
Hanson Theodore, 14 Hnrt st
Hnrbliwon Mrs. W., 21 St, John's rd, Hardio John, Abcrcorn st, Bexley
Hansford A. J., Oonsett Bt, Dulwioh m i l
Hurdle John, 76 Merton st, Rozclle
Forest Lodge
Hansford Albion, Broughton st, Concord Harbon Thomas, 42 Wallls Bt, Woollahra Hurdle John R., J.P., Hurdle's chambers,
Hansford G., Humpstcad rd, Auburn
Hamilton Bt; p.r,, " Woodlands," FnlHarbottlc, Alsop and Co. (Francis Bllgh,
Hansford G., 64 Gowrlost, Newtown
oon st, North sj'dney
resident partner), wine and spirit
Hansford John, Fitzroy st, Burwood
Mrs. L., 56 Brighton st, Petersham
merchants, 89 Pitt Bt
Hansford John H., Fitzroy st, Burwood
Harbours and Rivers Department—T. W, Hardio Mrs, M., Cardigan st, Petersham
Hansford William, Star hotel, 288 Geo, st
Keolc, M. Inst. O.K., principal engineer, Hardle Robert, 19 Bennett st
Hansford William A., Balmain Ferry hotel,
Hardio Robert W., Park rd, Burwood
Hardle Thomns, 64 Cooper st
William, 19 Wolno st
Erskine Bt
Hanshnw Mrs. M„ 4 Blshopsgrite st,N'town Harbldgc Mrs. J., 30 O'Oonnell st, N'town Honlie Thomas, 21 Henry st, Leichhardt
Hardio W., 89 Parramntta rd, Ashflold
Harbrldge Mis. M„ 802 Bonrkost
Hnnslow Alfred, 8 Charlotte lano
Hnrdlo Mrs. W., Boulevardc, Strathflcld
Harbutt H., Onbramattn rd, Mosman
Hanslow Alfred J..10J Liverpool st
Hardio Walter, mining manoger, 131 P i t t s t
Hauslow Mrs. J., Cambridge Bt, Gladesvllle Harbutt L., Amhurst st, North Sydney
Bardic Walter, Park rJ, Burwood
Hardwiok A. O, dispenser, Newtown Hardy James R,, 341 Miller Bt, N. Sydney
Hardiman Mrs. A., Byrne lane, Waterloo
United Friendly Societies' Hall and Hardy John, 40 Honiscy st, Rozclle
Hardiman Edward, 35 College st, Balmaln
Dispensary, 82-84 Enmore rd, N'town Hardy John, J.P., Foirfowl st, Dulwich H.
Bordlman J as. W., 171 Crown st
Hardwlck A. H., dentist, 359 Crown st
Hardy John,'66 Telopea st, Rcdffrn
Hardiman Jobn, Allison rd, Randwtck
Hardwiok Albert T., 36 Dowllng fit, R'fern
Hnrdiman John 1'., Arthur st, Randwick Hardwlck 0., 32 Hopetoun st, Paddington Hardy John.Strathfleld av, Strathfleld
Hardy John W., 83 Bank st. North Sydney
Hardiman M., Moore st, Leichhardt
Hardwick Clifton, 409 Dowling st
Hardy Joseph, 1B2 Wells st west, Rcdfern
Harding Mrs. and Son, fruiterer;, 11 Queen j Hardwiok K., SO Stewart st, Paddington
Hardy Joseph, Farr st, Rockdale
Victoria Markets
Hardwick F., 26 Lincoln st, North Sydney Hardy Mrs. M. A., butcher, 115 Rllcy st
Harding Alfred, Walters st, Arnellffc
Hardwiok G., dentist, 156 Queen Victoria Hardy Martin, Bostst, Lano Oovo
Harding Alfred, George st, Hurstvillc
Markets, George st
Hardy Miss, 40 Victoria st. Waverloy
Harding Alfred, 24 Suffolk st, Faddington Hardwick G. J., Burwood rd, Burwood
Hardy P., Vernon st, Strathfleld
Harding 0., 42 Myrtle st, North Sydney
Hardwlck II., 07 Campbell st, Campordown Hardy Percy, 19 Windsor st, Paddington
Harding Charles, James at, Rockdale
Hardwlck H. W., district registrar, Bay st, I Hardy Raymond, Falrfowl st, Dill. Hill
Harding Charles, 97 Curtis rd, Balmaln
Hardy Richard, Martin place, Hurstville
Hording Charles A., 113 Surrey st
I Hardwick H. W., 16 Frazer st, Mar'villo Hardy Robert, 408 Riley st
Harding Mrs. B., 83 Glen st, North Sydney Hardwiok H. W., jun., Palace st, F'shain Hardy
Robert, Creek st, Homcbusli
Harding Edward, 04 Enmore rd, Mar ville ' Hardwick R., 399 Bourke st
Hardy Robert, Fairfowl st, Dulwich Hill
Harding Ellen, Role'i hotel, Oxford st
Hardwick Robert, Wazier st, Arncllffo
Hardy Robert, Obcron st, Randwiok
Hardwiok Thomas, 5 Stanley st. Rcdfem Hnrdy Robert E., grocer, 841 Elizabeth st
Harding F., 27 Mansfield st, Glebe
Hardwick Mrs., 6J Selwyn st, Paddington Hardy T., Lakcmba st, Canterbury
Harding F. R., 19 Watkin st, Newtown
Harding G., 287 Lytton st, North Sydney
Hardy Thomas, 495 Dowling st
Harding Henry, 42 Bridge rd, Glebe
Hardy W., 133} Wyndhnm st, Alexandria
Harding Henry, 9 James st, Leichhardt
Hardy W. H„ 13 Kent st, Newtowu
Harding Henry, Bobert st, Petersham
Hardy W. H., 301 Edgecliffe rd, Woollahra
Harding J., Balmoral nve,. Canterbury
Hardy William, 20 Orpington st, Ashfleld
_A_ Jewellers, Watchmakers,
Harding J., Scale st, Burwood
Hardy William, 28 Darghau st, Glebe
Harding J., Church st, Parramatta
ITiirdymun Mrs. I., 8 Elliott st, Balmain
X Gold and Silver Smiths.
Harding J., Morrison's rd, Gladesville
Hardyman T„ Gowlc's rd, Mosman
Harding Mrs. J., 24 Leicester st, Pad'ton
Hare Mits A., 182 Redfern st, Rcdfern
Hare Alex., Rooky Point rd, Rockdale
Harding J. F., Shakespeare st, Canterbury J
Haro Alfred, Glebe st, Rycle
Harding Jos., Harbor st, Mosman
Hare Alfred P., Platform st, Rookwood
Harding John, 6 Little Devonshire st
Hare Alfred W., diamond setter and
Harding John, Marion st, Auburn
jeweller, 19 Hunter st; p.r., 17NioholHarding John, Perclval st, Lciohhardt
Hardy Brothers, furniture warehouse, 286
son st, Balmain
Harding John, 439 Miller st, North Sydney
Oxford st, Woollahra
Alfred W., jun., 37 Bourke st, Wo'ley
Harding John, Bryant st, Rockdale
Hardy and Gilbert, coach painters, Turner] Hare Andrew, 4 Miller's rd
Harding John, 26 Furk st, Bozclle
st, Rcdfern
' Hare Andrew, 140 Mullens st, Balmain
Harding P., Barney st. Parramatta
Hardy J. and Son, house and land agents, Hare Mrs. 0., Mitchell rd, Alexandria
Harding Richard, 43 Mitchell st. Glebe
138 Canterbury New rd, Marriokville Hare Charles, Elswlok st. Leichhardt
Harding Bobert, 6 Oalder st, Darlington
Hare Miss E., 107 Glenmore rd, Paddington
Harding Robert J., Judd Bt, Rockdale
Hare Frederick, 21 Mead st, Waterloo
Harding T., 7«Swansonst,Erskinevillo
Hare II., Botany rd, Alexandria
Harding T., Charles st, Marriokville
Hare Henry, 4 Bay view terrace
HardiDg Thomas, 7 Day st, Leichhardt
Hare Jas., 240 Canterbury New rd, Dul. H.
Harding Thomas M., surgeon, 400 Darling
(Tintara Brand), IB and 17 Grosvcnor, Hure Mrs. L. A., 65 Brown st, Paddington
I Hare Martin, George st, St. Peters
Bt, Balmain
Harding W., 7S Darlington rd, Darlington Hardy A., 29 Littlo Underwood st, Pad'ton [Haro William, 10 Es ex st
Harding W. J., 4 Bridge st, Bozclle
Hardy Mrs. A , 194 Parramatta rd, P'sham Hare William J., Kintorc st, Wahroouga
Hnreu Miohocl, 42 Morchend st, Itedferu
Harding Walter, 7 Vine st, Ashfleld
Hardy Mre. A. M„ 151 Macquarie st
Harford George, 15 Phelps Bt
Harding William, 6 Blackburn st
Hardy A. H., 76 Bayswatcr rd
John, 133 Simmons st, Newtown
Harding William, 46 Roslyn Gardens
Hardy Albert II., Glenmore rd, Pad'ton
Hargrave Alexander, 244 Crown rd
Harding William, William st, Ohatswood Hardy Alma, Julictt st, Marrickvillo
Rev. Joshua (O. of E.), 173
Harding William 0„ 20 Athlonc place
Hardy Arthur, Crettcici hotel, Bent st
Hardley Henry, restaurant, 84 Erskine st Hardy Arthur, Bowmer st, Rockdale
rd, Waterloo
Hard man Bros., Ltd., blscultmanufacturcrs Hardy Charles It., 224 Crown st
and confectioners, 704 George s t ; fac- Hardy D., coaohbuildcrs' timber merchant, Hnrgravo L., Wunulla rd, Wooliahm
A., Marconi st, Prospect
tory, 4 Sarah st, Newtown
and wood bender, 377 and 389 Cleve- Hargravcs
Hargraves Alexander. 885 Pyrmontst
Haidman Mrs. A., S3 Weston rd, Rozellc
land st, Rcdfern
14 Broughton Bt, Glebe
Hardman O., 49 Gcrrard st, Alexandria
Hardy Daniel, 46 Shepherd st
Hargravcs E., 64 Elizabeth Bt, O'down
Hardman F., Quccnsbury rd, Hurstville
Hardy E. H., 272a Annandale st, A'dalo
Stephen st, Cam'dowu
Hardman Henry, 27 Wharf rd, Balmain • Hardy Edwin, 14 Hobbs st, Petersham
Hargravcs George, 368 Harris st
Hardman Henry J., 56 Young tt, Bedfcrn Hardy Francis, 10 Collins st
st, Wavcrley
Hardman Mrs. Jl Annandale st, Annandale Hardy Gaythorne, 62 Ynlo st. Petersham
Hargravcs Henry, J.P.. 89 Forbes st, N'twu
Hardman J., 69 Carlton crcs, Summer Hill Hardy George, 1 Foucart st, Rozclle
Hargravcs Thomas, 66 Mitchell Ft, Glebe
Hardman J. H., 62 Brighton st, Petersham Hardy George, Allen st, Canterbury
Hargravcs W., 49 Aborcrombic place
Hardman R., George st, Hurstvillc
Hardy George, 6 Justin st, Leichhardt
Hargraves W., 60 Macquarie st south
Hardman Bicbd., J.P., 9 Charles st, N'town Hardy George, McDonald st, Mortlako
Hargravcs W. H., deputy registrar, Equity
Hardman Robert R., physician and surgeon, Hardy Georgo R., Park rd, Hurstville
court, Macquarie st
Hardy H., solicitor, 88 Royal aro, George st
W. H , 125 Stanmore rd, PJsham
37 Cambridge st, Stanmore
Hardy H. 8., cycle depflt, 277 Elizabeth at
Hargraves William, Hill rd, Bankstown
Hardman Robert,'27 Ultimo rd
Hardy Henry, 13 Windsor st, Paddington
Hargreavo J., 40 Dcrlne st, ErsklnevUIo
Hardman Roger B., 2 Sarah st, Newtown Hardy Hczckiah, 6 Roberts st, Newtown
Hargrcavcs J. and Sou, manufacturing
Hardman Soml., 12 Myrtle st, Petcrelinm
Hardy Hicksou, 400 Elizabeth st
Hardman 8. V?., 291 Parramatta rd, A'dnle Hardy Hugh, 11 Little Queen st, Newtown
confectioners, 43 Carlisle st, L'hardt
Hardman T„ 17 EvanB st, Roielle
A., bag merchant, 255a Sussex
Hardy J., Bridge st, Marriokville
Hardman W., 54 Burren st, Erskincvllle
Hardy J., Marriokville rd, Marriokville
Hardress Mrs. E., 23 Botany st, Waterloo Hardy Mrs. J., 184 Hargrove st, Pad'ton
Hnrgrcaves A. W., Livingstone st, R'wood
Hardstaff George, Allison st, Randwick
Hardy James, 1 Neutral st, North Sydney Hargreavcs B. G., 73 Bofe st, leichhardt
Hardtmon John, 39 Curtis rd, Balmain
Hargrcavcs F., 84 Norton st, Leichhardt
Hardy James, Brown st, St. Peters
Hardwlck V. and A., outfitters, corner of Hardy JBB. A., 68 Metropolitan rd, Enmore Hargreavcs H. J., Frederick st, St. Peters
Kent and Erskine sts
Hargrcavcs R., 85 Undercllffo st, N. Bo;<
Hardy J»me< J., Musgrnve st, Mosman
Horgrcaves Snmucl, 10 Poplar 6t
13 Hunter Street,
«.s.w. : SYDNEY. ( 8 ^ t ° 8 ' 0 X ! ^h1SS«)
Hargreavcs W., 63 Cornwallis st, Redfern
Harlvcl Charles, 62 Terry st, Rozello
Harivcl Peter, 1 Short st, Balmaln
Harivel S., 27 Lamb st, Leichhardt
Harkcr J., 328 Glenmore rd, Paddington
Horkcr John, 35 Boulevard, Petersham
Harker John, Weston rd, Parramatta
Harker R. W., Kissing Point rd, Dundas
Harkess Mrs. J., 167 King st
narkess James, 30 Wigram rd, Glebo
Harkin Andrew, 9 Read st, Wavcrley
Harkin H. F., 48 Burren st, Erskineville
Harkin Patrlok, 7 Campbell plaoo
Harkls T., 43 Metropolitan rd, Newtown
Harkness C. W,, 23 Alma st, North Sydney
Harkness E. K„ Edward st, Woollahra
Harkness F., 193 Oowpcr st, Waverloy
Harkness Frank, Bushy Hill st, Homebusli
Harkness G., 52 Brown st, Oampcrdown
Harkness James, 236 Young st, Annandale
Harkness John, Ohiltern rd, Willoughby
Harkness Mrs. Mary, 199 Palmer st
Harkness Mrs. W., 4 Raymond rd, N. Bay
Harkness W. S., Edward st, Woollahra
Harkness William J., 3 Regent st
Harm J., bootmaker, 133 Kent st
Hnrman Alfred, 3 Corfu st
Humum Charles, 97 Fig st
Herman Henry, 14 Lodge st, Forest Lodge
Harman Henry, 11 Parramatta rd, Glebe
Hannau Robert, 4 Seal st, Leichhardt
I lannun 8., Mary st, Waterloo
Harman'Samucl, 18 Gi orge st, Waterloo
Harman W. II., 21 Bay st, Glebo
Harman W. O., 09 George st, Oampcrdown
Harman William, Herbert st, Mortlake
Harmcr Mrs. Ada, 195 Young st, An'dalo
Harmcr D., 20 Ohuter st, North Sydney
Harmcr Mrs. E., 118 Buckingham st
Harmer Harry, John st, Granville
Harmcr Mrs. J., Pacific st, Vaucluse
Harmcr 8. E., 43 Grafton st, Woollahra
Hurmer W. J., 20 Chuterst, North Sydney
Harmcy Mrs. E., 107 Walker st, Rcdfern
Hanney John, 116 Young st, Redfern
Harmey P., 117 Cleveland st, RedfernHarinon William, Alfred st, Granville
Harmston and Riggs, confectioners, 39
Glebe rd, Glebo
Harmston W. n., Old P'matta rd, F. Lodgo
Hurnett R. jun. and Co.. mercantile brokers
and estate agents, 10 Hunter st. Tel. 106
Harnett Elizabeth L., prioress Benedictine,
Monastery, •'Subiaco," Victoria rd
Harnett Frank, 04 Nelson st, Annandale
Harnett John,49 Forbes st, Newtown
Hurnett John, Bourke st, Redfern
Harnett L. J., sergeaut-nt-arms Parliament
House; p.r., Ocean st, Woollahia
Harnett Miss M., IB Riley st, N. Sydney
Harnett Mrs. Orchard rd, Ohatswoqd
Harnett It., J.P., Musgrove st, Mosman
Harnett G. W„ 20 Brandling st. Alox'dria
Harulclgh Post Office, Illuwarra rd, M'vllle
Harold James, 162 John st
Harold T. J., Mary st, Burwood
Harold William. 20 Pitt st, North Sydney
Haroldson Charles, 23 Littlo Mount st
Haroldson Johu, 87 Lower Fort st
Harou George, Cairo st, North Sydney
Haron J. B., Bellovuo st, North Sydney
Harou John T., Colin st, North Sydney
Haron Samuel, Colin st, North Sydney
Haron William, Cairo st, North Sydney
Haron William, jun., Cairo st, N. Sydney
Harper L. and Co., timber merchants,
D'Arcy st, Parramatta
(Thomas Lakeman, Manager).
Harland A., Burwood rd, Mortluke
Harland Edwin, Wollongongrd, Arnellffc
Harland G , 61 Bullamunlng st, Rcdfern
Harland .1. A., 42 Park st, Rozellc
Harland J. H., Gonlon rd, Willoughby
Harland W.. 0 Elizabeth st, Redfern
narland William, Boundary st, Par'matta
Harlc Mrs. J. N„ herbalist, 613 George st
Harle Will(nni,23D Dcvonshlrest
Harler James, 56 Mitchell st, Glebe
Harler John, Henry st, Leichhardt
Harley A., Marrickvillc rd, Marriokville
Harloy Hugh, 6 Sorrle st, Bnlinain
Harley Miss I., lllnwiirni rd, Marriokville
Harley Mrs. Mary, 10 Hosklng 6t, Balmain
Harley M., Roche st, Mnrrlckville
Harley Oliver, architect and building valuator, 86 Pitt s t : p.r., Bon Accord ave,
H A R L E Y R O B E R T W. J., Accountant, Estate, Finance, Insurnuce
and General Agent, Woods' Chambers,
6 Moore s t ; Town Hall, Auburn ; an!
opposite Railway Station, Rookwood
p.r., Harrow rd, Auburn
Harloy T. G., 44 Holmwood st, Newtown
Harley William, 28 Foy st, E ,;maln
Harlock Mrs. J., Coogeo st, Randwick
Harlock John, Grosvcnor st, Woollahra
Harlor Herbert, 13 Prosper st, Rozclle
Harlovlch John, Perclval st, LclchhardH
Harper Francis, 3 Union st, Waterloo
Harper Frederick, 53 Baroom avo
Harper Frederick, Norwioh rd. Rose Bay
Harper George, Ann Bt, Arnellffc
Harper Mrs. H. B., 42 Middleton st, M'vlllo
Harper H. D., Florenco st, St. Peters
Harper H. G., agent Saunders and Shepherd
Ltd.,London, manufacturing jewellers
etc., 278 George s t ; tel, 2210
Harper H. N., IB Elizabeth st, Paddington
Harper Harry 3B William st, Rodfcrn
Harper Henry, John st, Rookwood
Harper Henry B., Baptist st, Rcdfern
Harper Hercules, Moore st, Canterbury
Harper Isaac, Duncan at, Arncllffo
Harper J., chief traffic manager, Railways
ofllce, 62 Phillip st
Harper J., 10 Denning st, Mnrriokvllle
Harjwr J. G., Clanalpine st, Mosman
Harper J. H., Park rd, Burwood
Harper J. W., Doncaster avo, Kensington
Haper James, 60n Belvolr st
Harper Jas., 79 Fowler st, Camperdown
Harper James, Tranmerc st, Drumraoync
Harper James, Hardlo st, North Botany
Harper John, 30 John st
Harper John, 2 Upton st
Harper John.Vlctorla st, Ashfleld
Harper John*, 201 Bridge rd, Glebe
Harper John, 30 Lane Cove rd, North Syd.
Harper John, 41 Lincoln st, Paddington
Harper John P., llamsgatc rd, Sans Bouoi
Herpcr John L., 15 Spring st, Balmaln
Harper Joseph, Argyle st, Parramatta
Harper Joseph, 14 Stirling st, Rcdfern
Harper Magnus, Florenco st, St. Petors
Harper P., 3 Hopewell st, Paddington
Harjicr P. F.. 152 Woollootnooloo st
Hurper Mrs. R., May's Hill, Parramatta
Harper It., 133 Constitution rd, Petersham
Harper R. W., Crown st, Parramatta
Harper Richard E., 51) John st, Woollahra
Harper Mrs. S., 6 Victoria square, Ashfleld
Harper s.. Railway par north, Grauvllle
Harper Samuel W., Paul's rond, Waterloo
Harjicr Thomas, George st west
Harper Thomas, 39 Kensington st
Harper Thomas, 126 Womerah avo
Harper W., 275 Ernest st, North Sydney
Harper Willlum, Spencer st, Abbotsford
Harper William, Bourke st, Waterloo
Harpor William F., Cohen st, Manly
Harper Willlnm S., 18 Kendall st
Harpham Mrs. F., 43 Railway tcr, P'sham
HARPER ROBERT AND CO. Harpham Fruuk, Maddlson st, Rcdfern
PROPRIETARY, LTD., Tea Harpham W., Olive st, North Sydney
Importers. Coffee, Rice mid Spice Mer- Ilnrplcy Mrs. F., 154 Georgo st, Redfern
chants, Millers and Manufacturers, Harploy J. J., 245 Parramatta rd, An'dale
Empire chambers, 93 York st; Oriental Hurpur 0., 39 Hnrgravo st, Paddington
Mills and Stores, Duncan st
Harpur H. K., 14 Brno's Point rd, N. Sydney
Harpur .Tosiiah-^43 Glebe rd, Glebe
Harper A., 13 Hawthorn st, Leichhardt
T., 34i(Novlllo st, Marriokvlllo
Harper A. E., accountant Government
. Stores department, Young s t ; p.r., Harpur Thomas, 55 Darllnghurst rd
H., Connemarra st, W. Kogarah
3 Brae st, Waverloy
Harragon Robert, Avonuc, Hurstville
Harper M R Agatha, Major rd, Mortlako
Wollongong rd, Arncliffc
Harper Alfred, 40 Glebe st, Glebe
Harrap Mrs. W. W„ 66 Foucart Bt, Rozello
Harper Alfred, 72 Angel st, Newtown
Harratt Miss K., 29 Cavendish st, St'moro
Harper Mrs. Alice, Almora st, Mosman
Harper Prof. Andrew, D.D., Principal St. narrex Arthur E., on' 66 Bridge td, Globe
G., Williams st, Marrickvlllo
Andrews Presbyterian College, Mis- Harrex
Harrcx Georgo T.. 27 Gottcnham st. Globo
senden rd, Camperdown
D., 163 Ernest st, N. Sydney
Harper Archibald, 14 Forsyth st, Glebe
Harrlcks T. A., 39 Darlington rd, Dar'tou
Harper Arthur, 4 National st, Rozello
W., 51 Gordon st, Paddington
Harper 0., Fothcrlngham st, Marriokville Harrlcot William,
Marlon st, Auburn
Harper O. H., 9 Oak st, North Sydney
Harridane A., 10 Lodge st. Forest Lodgo
Harper O. J., 74 Margaret st, Petersham
Samuel st
Han er D. J„ 10 Hopetoun st, Paddington Harrlo John, High 7st,
Harper Miss E. 0., Girls' High School and Harries John and Co.,Epplng
florists, 14 Sydnoy
Kindergarten, 843 Glebe rd, Glebo
Harper Edward, B5 Clayton st, Balmaln
arcade, George st
Harper Edward, 70 Georgo st.Camperdown
Harries D., machinery merchant, 60-70
Harper Edwin. 80 Paddington st, P'ton
Gipps st
Harper Edward A., 01 Regent st. Redfern
HarriesDantol. off 459 Glebe rd, Ciebe
Harper Edward, Dillon st, Rockdale
'Phone 726. SYDNEY.
Barries John, Alt st, Aslifield
Harris Albert, 0 Norwood st, Petersham Harris Harry J„ Liverpool rd, Burwood
Harries W., 43 Grosvcnor ores, Sum. Hill
Harris Alex., Hansard Bt, Waterloo
Harris Henry, 18 Oastlereagh st
Harriett A., 00 Anncsley st, Leiclilinrdt
Harris Alfred, Homer st,Canterbury
Harris Henry, J.P., 00 Darliughurst rd
Harrigan M., llfl Foucart st, Rozclle
Harris Alfred T., chemist, 209 Enmore rd, H a m s Henry, 305 Dowllng st
Harrigold W„ 20 Paternoster row
Harris Henry, 10 Rvder st
Barring E., 38 Mount Vernon st, F. Lodge Harris Ambrose, Thornley st, Marriokvllle Harris Henry, 240 Nelson Bt, Annandale
Hnrrington and Co., Limited, photographlo Harris AILbrose 37 Wellington st, Wat'loo Harris Henry, 0 Wyndliam st, Alexandria
goods importers, 68 King st, and 626 j Harris Andrew, Forest rd, Hurstvillo
Harris Henry, 170 Trafalgar st, Annandale
Kent s t
Harris Arthur W., Lang st, Mosmnn
Harris Henry, McDonald Bt, Canterbury
Harrington A., 52 Edgownrc rd, N'town
Harris B. J., 17 Henson Bt, Summer Hill
HarrlB Henry, 42 Goodsir st, Rozclle
Barrington A., 87 Berry st, Nortli Sydney Harris (J., 130 Mlsscnden rd, Cnmpcrdown Harris Henry, 209 Hose Bt, Darlington
Harrington A., 149 Miller st, North Sydney Harris O., Beuconsfleld par, Lindfleld
Harris Henry, Bowman st, Drummoyue
Harrington Alfred S., 8 John st, Waterloo Harris 0!, Earl st, Mosmnn
Harris Henry, Avoca st, Handwick
Harrington Mrs 0., fl Hardy ave, Sum. HIU Harris Mrs. O. E., Fitzroy st, Newtown
Harris Henry, 12 Golden Grove st, Redfern
Harrington B., 171 Henderson rd, Alcx'dria Harris O. J., 210 Annandale st, Annnndnlc Harris Henry, 27 George st, Waterloo
Harrington Mrs. E., Western rd, Prospect Harris O. P., William Bt, Double Bay
Harris Henry, 184 Grafton st, Woollahra
Harrington H. J., 09 Spring st, Waverley Harris Charles, Wazler st, Arncliffe
Harris Henry P., 40 Botany nl, Alexandria
Harrington J., 35 Abercrombic st, Redfern Harris Charles, Doll's Point
Harris Henry W., 26 Oxford, Paddington
Harrington John, Greenwich rd, Lnne Cove Harris Oharles,iGladatonc st, Leiclilinrdt
Harris Herbert, J.P., 57 Maoleay Bt
Harrington John, HO Louisa rd, Balmain
Harris Charles, 30 North st, Lcichhnnit
Harris I., boot Importer, 690 and 652 George
Harrington John,Denison st .Manly
Harris Charles, Ynrnnaboe rd, Woollahra
Harrington John, 41 Hohnwood st, N'town Harris Charles, Russell nve, Snndrlnghum Harris J „ umbrella maker, 37 Regent st
Harrington John, 23 Burnett st, Redfern Harris Chns. H., line art dealer, 25 Jamie- Harris Mrs. J., 72 Annesley Bt, Lelalihardt
Harrington Mrs. K., 88 Gpwnc st, N'town
son 6t.; p.r., Nelson Bay rd, Waverley Harris J., Winnie st, Nortli Sydney
Harrington Mrs. M., 107 Glebe rd, Glebe Harris Olms. I,, surgeon dentist, 10G King st Harris Mrs. J., 60 Leinstor st, Paddington
Harrington Mrs. M„ 2P8 Kingst, N'town Harris Mre.D., dining rooms, 13 Hamilton Harris J. A., Brandling Bt, Alexandria
Harrington M., 22 Golden Grove st, Il'fern
Harris ,T. E., jeweller, 283 King st, N'town
Harrington M. J., 50 Bland st, Ashflold
Harris D., Obcron st, Handwick
Harris J. II., 83 Elisabeth st west, ABhfleld
Harrington P., 28 Hewlett st, Waverley
Harris MrB. E., 34 Johnston at, An'dalo
Harris J. II., J.P., 108 King Bt
Harrington R., 0 Park st, Cnniperdowu
Harris E., Oolllngwood st, Hunt. Hill
Harris J. H., 15 Brighton st, Poterslinm
Harrington H., Eastbourne til, Flcmington Harris E., 12 Albert st, Ersklncvll.e
Harris J. T., livery stables, Kcllett lane
Harrington T., 5 Klthnui st, Petcrshum
Harris E. A., lion. sec. Sydney Institute of Harris Mrs. J. T., 4 Francis st
Harrington W , 91 Denison st, Waverley
Public Accountants, It! O'Oonnell st Harris J. W., 18 Alt st, Aslifield
Harrington William, 34 Argylo place
Harris Mrs. E. 0., Qrassmcrc rd, Liuilllcld Harris Jacob, tailor, 105 Liverpool st
Harriott Broughton, 57 Kent st, N'town
Harris E. II., Fitzroy st, Burwood
Harris Jacob, 38 Napier st, Poddbigtoii
Harriott O. W., barrister, 64 Elizabeth st Harris E. J „ 19 Weeilon lann, Paddington Harris Jacob, tailor, 40 Park st
Harris Mrs. E. M., 9 Oodringtoii st, Darl'ton Harris Jas., tailor, 254 Pitt at
p.r., 02 Berry st, Nortli Sydney
Harriott H. P., solicitor, 14 Oartlereagh Bt Harris J i n . B. M , Percival rd, Stanmore Harris James, Victoria st. Burwood
Harris E. S., 34 Morehead st, Redfern
Harris Jas., 153 Wyndliam st, Alexnndria
Harriott Jas., Burwood rd, Mortlake
Harris Edgar, J.P., Eurclla st, Burwood
Hatris James, Church st, Carlingford
Harriott John, 10 Junction st, F. Lodge
Harris James, Lilydale st, Marrickville
Harriott T. W„ J.P., 02 Berry st, N. Sydney Harris Edward, 13 Burton st
Harris Jas., Short st, Woollahra
Harris A. W. and Co., grocers, Oowle's rd, Harris Edward, Jersey rd, Artarmon
Harris Edwurd, River st. Canterbury
Harris James J., Mimosa st, Bcxley
Harris Jesse, 80 Pitt st Waterloo
Harris Bros., boot importers, 308 Oxford st, Harris Edwin, Cliff Bt, Manly
Harris Joel, 101 Evans st, Uozelle
Paddlngtou; and 87 Oxford st, Wav'ley Harris Edwin, 10 P i t t s t , Nortli Sydney
Harris John, M.D., physician nnd Burgeon,
Harris Bros., grocers, Burwood rd, B'wood Harris Eli L., Station Bt, Parranmttft
Harris B. H. and Co., tea merchants. 21 Harris Emanuel, 4 Kcllett st
291 Klizabetli st
Harris Ernest, 95 Gary st, Leichhardt
The Strand
Harris John, dyer, 277a Elizabeth Bt
Harris 8. and Co., general importers, Angel Harris Evan, Sydney rd, Prospect
John, J.P., " Bulwara," Jones st
Tesscplace off 127 Pitt Bt
luted Tile Co., Prop., Ltd., 04 j Drultt st, Harris John, 13 Alberta st
Harris S. H. and Co,, auctioneers, 109 Pitt st
27 Flinders, st
and 289 Clarence s t ; p.r., Carey st,
HarriBS. and Son, printers and publishers,
Harris John, Park rd, Auburn
401 George Bt
crca, Croydon
Harris F. H.,22 Spicer st, Woollahra
Harris W. G. and Co., manufacturing con- Harris F. J., Beiuictt st, Neutral Bay
Hnrris John, 64 John st, Ersklneville
fcotioncrs, 40 City rd, Darlington
Hairia John, whistler st. Manly
Harris Fredk., 45 Morehead st, Rcdforn
Harris Park Hallway Station—Frederick Hnrris Fredk.. 174 George Bt, Waterloo
Harris John, 189 Knmore rd, Newtown
Hopkins, statioiimaster, Station st, Harris Frederick A., 34 Avenue, Bnlmiiiii Harris John, Gardener's rd, N. Botany
Harris John, Kent rd, North Botany
Harris Fredk. J., Hurst st, Arncliffe
HarriaFredk.J., 10 Park st, Oampcrdown Harris John 07 Elizabeth st, Paddington
Harris Mrs. John, Taylor st, Parramatta
Harris Mrs. G., Wold's ave, llurstville
Harris John, 7 Old Canterbury rd, P'sham
Harris G. E.,16 Albion st, Paddlngtou
Auctioneers nnd Commercial Agents, Harris G., jun., 47 Boulevard, Petersham Hnrris John, 21 Cooper st, Redfern
Harris John, 37 Isabella Bt, Waverley
148 Clarence st, Sydney.
Prompt Harris G. O., Shadforth st, Mosman
Harris John W., 40 Good Hope st, Pad'ton
Settlements. Genuine Sales. Liberal Harris G. It., A'Bcckcttst, Granville
Harris Joseph, 23D Macquarle Bt south
Advances. Straightforward
Treat Harris George, 18 Oastlereagh st
Harris Joseph, 35 Trade Bt, Newtown
Harris George, grocer, 102 Princes st
ment. Tel. 3104
Harris Joseph, 158 Glennioro rd, Pad'ton
Harris A., manager Nortli Sydney Mont do Harris George, 37 West Bt
Harris Joseph a . Victoria Bt west, B'wood
Harris George, GO Broughton st, Glebe
Pietc',83 Mount st, North Sydney
Harris Karl, 100 Flinders st
Harris George, Hyde rd, Hunter's Hill
Harris Mrs. A., tea rooms, 32 P i t t st
Harris George, Upper Avenue rd, Mosniuu Harris L., jeweller, Wiley st, Waverley
Harris Mrs. A., 132 Devonshire st
Harris L. II., M.B., Ch.M., 203 Macquariest
Harris George, 0 Church st, Newtown
Harris A. E., 18 Mlsscnden rd, N'town
Harris George, 153 Cliandosst, N. Sydney Harris Lawrence, Port view rd, St. Leonards
Harris A. J., poulterer, 108 Oxford st
Harris Leon, lapidary, 41 Market st •
Harris A. J., 42 Lane Cove rd, N. Sydney Harris George, Albion st, Parramatta
Harris M., Pyrmont and Port Jackson
Harris II., newsagent, 405 Harris st
Harris A • J., Seorle st, Petersham
Harris Mrs. H„ 74 Burton Bt
Harris A. J., 8 Lclchlmrdt st, Waverley
Shipping Ferries, Erskine Bt
Harris H., Nicholson st, St. Leonards
Harris A. S., 61 Morris Bt, Summer Hill
Harris Mrs. M., Parramatta rd, Homebush
Harris MrB. H. E., 10 Falcon st, N. Sydney Alan-Is Mrs. M., 28 Newland st, Waverley
Harris Mrs. Ada, Blanche st, Enfield
Harris H. J., Kalgoorllc st, Leichhardt
Harris Albert. 8 Gordon Bt
Harris Mrs. M„ St. Peters st, St Peters
Harris H. J., 9 George st, Waterloo
Harris Albert, 6 Marshall st
Harris Mrs. M. D., " Ultimo House," 007
H. S., Daisy Bt, Ohatswood
Harris Albert, 10 Douglas st, Dill. Hill
Harris st
Harris H. V., 12 Mt. Vernon s , F. Lodge Harris M. J., solicitor, 02 Hunter s t ; p.r.,
Harris Albert, Major rd, Mortlake
Harris Harold, Allison rd, Rnndwick
Harris Albert, Cooper st, Redfern
Avenue," Darling Point
Hitnis Albert, 95 Trafalgar ter, Stuumore
Harris Miss M. J., Campbell st, P'matta
/Head Offices: 810 Goo:
^Street South. 'Phone
Harris William, 121 Norton st, Leichhardt Harrison Ernest A., May at, St. Peters
Harris Miss Margaret, William Henry st
Harrison P., Armstrong at, Ashflold
Harris Sir Matthew, Kt., J.P., "Etliam Harris William, Ashburner st, Manly
Harrisou F., 57 Crystal Bt, Petersham
Hnrris William, 41 Lord st, Newtown
Mansion," Darling Point
F., 158 Edgccllffe rd, Woollahra
Harris Matthew, Handwick st, Rnndwick
Harrison F . 0., 74 Maria st, Newtown
Harris William, 77 Boronia st, Redfern
Harris Matthew, 112 BaptiBt Bt, Pedfrrn
F. J., 255 Henderson rd, Alex'dria
Harris Mrs. Miriam, 3 Womcrah av
Harrison F. J., 85 Bill st, Leichhardt
Harris William, 15 Victoria Bt, Redfern
Harris MIBS, Queen st, Woollohra
Frank, 37 Oorbcn 8t
Harris William 0„ 77 Rofo st, Leichhardt
Harris N. H., Underwood rd, Homobush
Harrison G., 1 Hopewell st, Paddington
Harris Nathan, 79 Hargrnvo Bt, F'dlngton Harris William H., 380 Harris st
Harris William Henry, M.B., Ch.M. (Syd- Harrison Mrs. G., Marion st, Parramatta
Harris P., 13 Codrlngton Bt, Darlington
Harrison Georgo, 77 Arthur st
ney), 677 Harris st
Harris P„ Livingstone rd, Marrickville
Harris Percy, 88 Abercroinbie st, Redfern Harris William H., 67 Station st, Newtown Harrison George, 78 Dovoushirost
George, Botany id, Botany
Harris William J., 19 Barcom av
Harris Peter, off 19 Yurong u
Harrison George, Parrnniattn rd, F. Lodge
Harris Philip S.. 21 West st, N. Sydney
Harrison George, Trevltt's rd, Marsfield
Harris H., 142 Henderson rd, Alexandria
Harrison George, Grevillo st, Rondwiok
Harris R., "Eureka,"20 Alt st, Aslifield
Harrison Georgo, 24 Callan st, Hozolle
Harris Mrs. R., 63 Denison rd, Woollahra
Hairison George, Annandale st, Woollahru
Harris R. 11., Provincial rd, Lindfleld
Harrison Georgo, 27 Bourko 8t, Redfern
Harris R. J., Marrickville rd, Marrickville
(Hcrbort E. R a e , " Hilton," 278 Liver- Hnrrison George C , €0 Wntkiii st, N'town
Hnrris R. W„ 10 Parramatta rd, Glebe
George H., Hansard 8t, Waterloo
Harris Richard, 2 Way's terrace
Wine and Spirit Merchants. Speci- Harrison II., Renwlck st, Marrickville
Harria Robert, Mitchell rd, Alexandria
Harrison Mrs. H., 200 Oxfonl st, W'hara
Harris Robert, Fredorick st, Ashtteld
(Apricot Harrison H. G. L., King at, Hookdalo
Harris Robert Frederick st, St. Peters
ChamHarrison Henry, 67 Ultimo nl
Harris Roland, Terry 8t, St. Poters
pagne, and
"Tanquoray's" Un- Harrison Henry, Flood Bt, Leichhardt
Harris S., Montgomery st east, Kogarnh
Henry, Bay at, Rockdale
HorriB Hov. S. Archer (Bap.), Reynolds
334 and 33B George at, Sydney—(See Harrison Horace, Starling st, Leichhardt
st, Balmain
udvt. page 801)
Harrison Howard, Liverpool rd, Enfield
Harris S. J., Abouklr st, Rookdnlo
Barrlson and Co., auctioneers, financial Harrison Hugh, Renwlck Bt, Marriokvillo
Harris Mrs. S. M., 380 Harris st
agents, and mining exports, 35 Oastlo- Harrison John, manager Commercial Bank
Harris Samuel, chemist, 402 Oxford st,
reagh st
of Australia, Limited (naymarket
Harrison and Co., carriers, 133 York st,
brnnoli), 043 Georgo s t ; p.r., "BrixHarris Samuel, 49 Flood st, Bond!
ton," Livingstone rd, Petersham
and George Bt, Parramatta
narrls Snmuel, 15 Clarence st
Harrison J., manufacturer's agent, 90
Harrison and Co., groccra, 209 Parramatta
Harris Mrs. Sophia, Botany rd, Botany
Clarence s t ; p.r., 80 Wharf rd, B'niain
rd, Leichhardt
Harris T., 19 Pleasant st, Ersklneville
Harrison J., Wllloiighby st, Carlingford
Harrison and Co., woollens, &o., 70 Pitt st Harrison J., 25 Boundary st, Redfern
Harris T., 20 Catherine st, Leichhardt
Harrison John O. nnd Sou, builders, 69 Par- Harrison J., 16 Margaret st, Petersham
Harris T. A., Susan st, Auburn
ramatta rd, Aslifield
Harris T. W., 34 Sprlngside st, Rozclle
Harrison J. C , 69 Pnrmmatta rd, Ashfield
Harria Theo. J., Pieton st, North liotan y Harrison, Jones and Devlin, Limited, stock Harrison J. G., manager Bank of N.S.W.
and station agents, woolbrokers and
Harris Thomas, cabinetmaker and wood
(branoh), Weston rd, Rozclle, Balmain
wool merchants, Mnequarie place, Harrison J.-H., 226 Military rd, N. Syduoy
worker, 89 to 03 Darli'gton rd, Darl'ton
Arbitration, Young and Loftua ats, Harrison Mrs. J. S., Marriokvllle rd.iM'vlUe
Harris Thos., 37 Parramatta rd. Ann'ndale
Circular Quay, and 146 Sussex st
Harris Thos., 11 John st, Onmpcrdown
Harrison J. T., 8 Adolphus st, Balmain
Hnrrison and Tims, manufacturers' agents Harrison J. W., 226 O.S.H. rd, Waverley
Harris Thomas, 22 Phillip st, Newtown
Ash st, off 342 George st
Harris Thos., Park nl, North Botany
Harrison Jnmcs, 2 Woodlark st, Balmain
Harrison Mrs. A., 39 Red Lion 8t, Rozcllo Harrison Jas., Undercliffo st, Neutral Bay
Hnrris Thos., 8 Warwick st, Petersham
Il'irrisoti A., Frenchman's rd, Randwick
Harris Thomas, Oowper st, Rondwick
Harrison Jno., export agent, 42 Mar'nrct st
Harrison A., 38 Brisbane st, Waverley
Harris Thomas, 14 Lackey st, St. Peters
Harrison John, 18 Middle st
.Mrs. A. E., 20 Yule st, Petersham Hnrrison John, Olmndos st, Aslifield
Harris Thomas, Epsom nl, Waterloo
Harrison A. II., 223 Crown st
narris Thomas W., 50 Alt st, Aslifield
Harrison John, Renwiok st, Mnrrickvlllc
Harria W., Poultry Supply Depot, 724 Harrison A. M . Lower Tupper Bt, M'vllle Harrison John A., Stanley av, Mosmnn
Harrison Alfred, Florence st, St. Peters
Hnrrison John 0., Horrold at, Parramatta
George st
Harrison Mrs. Alice, 174 Glebe rd, Globe Harrison Jonathan, J.P., builder, 180 New
Harris W., off Dartbrook rd, Auburn
Harrison Arthur W., Military rd, Prospect
Harris W.,sen.,40 Marlborough st, L'hardt Hnrrison Arthur, 1 Olare st, Rozclle
Canterbury rd, Petersham
Harris W„ 49 Norton st, Leichhardt
Harrison Aubrey. Campbell st, St. Peters
Harrison Jonathan, J.P.. Augelo st, B'wood
Harris W.,Gardener's id, Nortli Botany
Harrison B. O., Ollssold par, Canterbury
Harrison Joseph, Oxford rd, Homebush
Barrls, 6 Sutherland st, North Sydney
Harrison Mrs. C, 70 Reynolds at, Bnlmnin Harrison Joseph, Gordon ave, Lindfleld
HarrlB W., Church st, Parramatta
Hnrrison 0., Willlnms st, Marrickville
Harrison Joseph, Bristol rd, Somerset
Harris W., Marion st, Parramatta
Hnrrison C. 29 Marriott st, Redfern
nanison Mrs. K., Mt. Vernon st, F. Lodge
Harris W., Wentworth st, Farramattn
Harrison Oharlcs, 544 Cleveland st
Harrison Misa L., refreshment rooms, 9
Hnrris W., 11 Little Cleveland st, Redfern IlnrrLon Charles, 92 Crown st
Harris W., Chesterfield par, Waverley
Bond st
Harrison Charles, 20 Little Edward st
Harris W. A., soapworks, 484 Elizabeth st Harrison Charles, oil 318 Sussex at
Harrison L., 10 Rowley at, Cnniperdown
Harris W. G., 9 Stanmore nl, Petersham
Harrison Lcgrew, professor pianoforte, 10
Harrison Charles, Pittwater rd, Manly
Harris W. H., 78 Ersklneville rd, Ersk'villo Harrison Chns., 19 Bent st, Paddington
Clarence st
Harris W. H., 28 Dulwich st, Dulwich Hill Harrison Mra. Ohnrlottc, 1 Albert st
Harrison M., Dora st, Hurstvillo
Hnrris W. H., S High st, Paddington
Harrison D., 115 Windsor st, Paddington Harrison Mrs., Cowlo's rd, Mosmnn
Harris W. J., George st, Marrickville .
Harrison D. I)., J.P., 39 Wcllcslcy st, Hnrrison Nenle, chlnaware importer, 6<5
Harris W. J., 24 Denison st, Woollahra
York st
Harris Walter, 18 Castlereagh st
Harrison P. T., Peel st, Canterbury
Summer Hill
Harris Walter, Railway par, Kogarah
Harrison D. P., .house and land' ngent, 381 Harrison P. T., 151 George st, Waterloo
Harris Walter, 24 Merton st, Rozelic
Victoria nl, Marrickville; p.r., 267 Harrison R., Chapel lane, Alexandria
Harris Walter, Elizabeth st, Waterloo
Harrison R.,30 Darlington rd, Darlington
Victoria rd. Marrickville
Harris West, Elsie st, Burwood
Harrisou D. W., master Public School, Harrison R., J.P., 209 Parramatta nl,
Harris William, tailor, 91 Phillip st
Liverpool rd, Strathficld
Harris William, Burwood rd, Burwood
Harrison It., GrasBmero rd, Nortli Sydney
Harrison Daniel, Queen st, Sherwood
Harris William, 132 Foucart st, Rozclle
Hnrrison Mrs. R., Davis st, Prospect
Harrison E., Old Cockatoo rd, Prospect
Harris William, 219 Rose st, Darlington
Harrison E. F., Marrickville rd, Xlar'vilio HarriBon P., 23 George st, Erakinovillo
Harris William, 70 Brougham st, Glebe
Harrison E. H., 48 Middle Bt, Marrickville Harrison S. T„ J.P., 258 Castlereagh st
Harris William, 70 Darling st, Glebo
narrisou Miss E. H., Prospect rd, Sum. Hill Hnrrison Bamuel, tailor, 90 Hunter st
Harria William, 108 Hereford st, GlebeHnrrison Samuel, 47 Robert st, Ashflold
Harrison E. L., 79 Albion st, Annandale
Harris William, 12 North Bt, Leichhardt
Harrison Soott, Dudley st, Rnndwick
Harrison Eniist, 7 Morehead at, Redfern
Harry Jos., St. Thomas st, Waverley
Hart Mrs. T., 08 Campbell Bt, Newtown
Hart Thomas, 76 Nelson st, Annandale
Hart Mrs. T. F., 25 Darghan st, Globe
Hart Thomas F., 14 Bcllevuc st. Glebe
Hart W., bootmaker. 101 William Bt
(Herbert B. Hue, " Hilton," 278 Liver- Hart and Gallagher, briokraakers, 381-3G5 Hart W., engineer, 9 Victoria st, Rozello
pool st, Darlinghurst), Importers and
Canterbury New rd. Petersham
Hart W., 17 Knnls Bt, Balmaln
Wine find Spirit Merchants. Sped Hart H. and Sons, undertakers, 24 Hercules Hart W., J.P., Doncustcr av, Kensington
nllties — "Dlokcim" Whisky, "V.O.st, Ashfleld
Hart W. E., 08 Derwcnt st, Forest Lodge
"Aprlo tcur"
(Apricot Hart, Hitchcock and Co., timber mer- Hart W. H., Ashburncr st, Mnnly
Brandy), Blnet s " Dry Elite " Chamchants, D'Aroy stand River rd, P'm'tta Hart W. H., 7 Lord st, Newtown
pagno, and " Tanqueray'a" Un- Hart Mrs. S. M., and Fysli Miss M. M., Hart W. J„ 234 Harris st
sweetened Gin. Ocrobos Table Bait
hairdressers and masseuses, 44 Castle- Hart W. J., Lang st, Croydon
S84 and 838 George et, Sydney—(See
reagh st
Hart W. S., 44 Toogood st, Ersklnevllle
ndvt. opp.)
Hart A., Parisian Drug Co., 8 Bond st
Hart William, 171 Devonshire st
Harrison T n George's River rd, Bnnkstown Hart A., 2I8<Parramatta rd, Petersham
Hart William, timber mcrohant, D'Arcy st,
Harrison T., 140 Sutherland st. Paddlngton Hart A. L. D., 16 Oarrlngton st, PcterBham
Harrison T., Linda av, South Hornsby
Hart Albert, 7. Smith st
Hart William, 106 Bourke st
Harrison T. H., Palmer st, Waverley
Hart Albert H., 99 Falcon st, N. Sydney
Hart William, 112 Devonshire st
Harrison T. N., Ocean st, West Kogarah
Hart Alexander, 31 Grove st, Lcichhardt Hart William, 21 St. John's rd, F. Lodge
Harrison Thomas, M.D., M.Oh., William >t, Hart Alfred, 804 Crown rd
Hart William, White st, Lcichhardt
Hart Alfred H., 161 Wells Bt west, Redfcrn Hart William, Wigrnm st, Parramatta
Hart Arthur, 25 Arcadia rd, Glebe
Hart William, 19 Terry st, Rozello
Harrison Thomas, 411 Riley Bt
Hart Asher, chemist, Church st, P'matta
Hart William, 75 Boronia st, Redfcrn
Harrison Thomas, River rd, Bankstowu
Hart Ashur, J.P., Duke of Mancheater hotel, Harte Charles P., 101 Gloucester Bt
Harrison Thomas, 289 Brldgo rd, Glebe
Hnrto Harry 0., manager partner, Blogg
70 William st
Harrison Thomas, Crump st, Hurstvlllo
Bros., manufacturing chemists, dry
Harrison Thomas, Wcntworth st, Randwlok Hart Augustus F., Glbbes st, Rockdale
ealtcrs,3 Wynyard lane; p.r.,Rosest,
Hart Bcn,Bclmore rd, Ooogcc
Harrison Thos., 83 Jersey rd, Woollahra
Harrison W., Missendcn rd, Gampcrdown
Hartenstein T., Sydney rd, Manly
Hart 0., 143 Miller st, North Sydney
Harrison W., Brighton ave, Canterbury
Hartlgan Denis, Blndn st, Prospect
Harrison W„ 113 Boulevard, Dulwioh Hill Hart Charles, grocer, 61} Wilton st
Hartigau DM Elizabeth st, Waterloo
Hart Charles, Bay st, Botany
Harrison W„ McDonald st, Ersklnevllle
Hartigan Henry, Wtlloie Tree inn, OnstleHart Ohas, 181 Chapel st, Mnrrlckville
Harrison W., Battery st, Little Ooogee
Hart Charles, Wyong id, Mosman
Harrison W., 8 Julllett st, Marriokvllle
reagh Bt
Hart Chris., Greenwich rd, Lane Cove
Harrison W., 174 Oamden st, Newtown
Hartlgan James E., Itailxeay hotel, Victoria
Harrison W., 62 Metropolitan rd, Nentown Hart David, 18 Wlgram rd, Glebe
ave, Ohatswood
Hart David, 23 Lamb st, Lcichhardt
Harrison W., Hunter st, Parramatta
Hartigan Mrs. M, Halloran st, Lcichhardt
Hart E. L., 6 Waratah st
Harrison W., Ross et, Porramatta
Hartigan M., 38 Lclnstcr st, Paddlngton
Harrison W,, 07 Abercrombic st, Redfcrn Hart Edward, 204 Bondi rd, Waverley
Hartigan M., Botany rd. Botany
Hart Edward, Universal st, North Botany Hartigan Michael, Fenncll st, Parramatta
Harrison W., 82 Zamia st, Iledfern
Hart Mrs. F., 10 Stafford st, Paddlngton Hartlgan T. J., Tyron st, Ohatswood
H irrlson W., 15 Stanley st Waverley
Hart F. J. H., resident secretary The Aus Hartland Hyde and Waite, photo enHarrison W. F., 11 Lawson st, Waverley
trnlaslan Temperance and General
Harrison W. H., Oavcndlsh st; Stanmoro
gravers, 249 George st. Tel. 4026
Mutual Life Assurance Soolcty, Ltd., Hartland F. W., Glover st, Mosinnn
Harrism W. H., High st, Willonghby
301 Pitt8t;p.r„ 108Hlgbst, N.Sydney Hartland George, 92 Palmer st, Bnlmnin
Harrison W, S., J.P., 22 Llnthorpo st,
Hart F. W., 89 Mort st
Hartland Mrs. H., Mary st, Hunter's Hill
Hartland J., 20 Undcrcliffc st, Neutral Bay
Harrison W. T., Holmsdale st, Marriokvllle Hart Frank G., Walters st.Arncllffe
Fredk., Awaba st, Mosman
Hartland T., 14 Whaling st, North Sydney
Harrison W. T., Mitchell rd, Alexandria
Hart George,363 Dowllng st
Hartlo Jos., Station st, Arncllffe
Harrison Walter, 174 Wells st, Red fern
Hart George, Argyle Bt, Parramatta
Hartley and Co.. dyers, 66} Ersklne st
Harrison Walter 8., 56 Chambers st
Hartley A., 99 Wellington st, Cnmp'down
Harrison William, wine and spirit mor<
Alfred, Greenwich rd, Lane Cove
oliaut, 109 Pitt s t : p.r., 01 Albany rd,
Hartley Arthur. 83 Grafton st, Woollahra
Hart Henry, Bridge st, Drummoyno
Hartley Barnard, 18 Chalderst, Newtown
Harrison William, 49 Cooper Bt
Hart Henry, 4 Egan st, Newtown
Hnrtloy O. H., 64 St. Mary's Bt, Oam'down
Harrison William, 38 Experiment st
Hart Henry, S3 O'Oonnell st, Newtown
Hartley D., 2 Pickup st, Alexandria
Harrison William, off 318 Sussex st
Hart Herbert, 6 O'Connor st
Mrs. F., 39 Mort Bt, Balmaln
Harrison William, Duke st, Canterbury
Hart J. M., 110 Glcnmore rd, Paddlngton
Hartley F. W., undertaker, 208 King st,
Harrison William, 186 Maria st, Newtown Hart J. S., Livingstone rd, Mnrrlckville
Harrison William, Mason st, Prospect
Hart James, hainlresser, 76 Al.irk.t st
Harrlsson and Whiffcn, merchants, and Hart James, 2 Gladstone st
Hart James, Cumberland rd, Auburn
Hartley George, 30 Alexander st, Alcx'drla
wool brokers, 42 Margaret st
H., Doncasterave, Kensington
Harrod Jeremiah, Albert st, Granville
Hart John, 110 Mitchell st, Glebe
Hartley H., 62J Paddlngton st, Paddlngton
Harrold Mrs. O., IS Johnston st, Balmaln
Hartley H., Oarrlngton nl, Waverley
Harrold M., 70 Margarot st, Newtown
Hurt'John, Livingstono rd, Marriokvllle Hartley H. O., Pelhnm st, Double Bay
Harrold R., grocer, 29 Fovcaux st
Hart John, Cook's River rd, St. Peters
Hartley H. W., 363 Parramntta rd, L'hardt
Hsrrop Charles, Grafton st, Balmaln
Hart Joseph, Bridge st, Drummoyne
Hartley Henry W., dyer, 667 Harris st
Harrop E., bcllowsmakcr, 72 Bnthurst st
Hnrtloy Mrs. J., Queen Victoria st.Bexley
Harrop E., jeweller (London); M. Qoldrlng, Hart Joseph, Morgan st, Marriokvllle
Hart Mrs. L., 167 Oxford st, Waverley
Hartley J„ 19 Iris st, Paddington
representative, 279 George «t
Jas., Fletcher st, Woollahra
Harrop E., manufaoturing jeweller, 0
Hart Mrs. M., 40 Queen st, Woollahra
Hartley John, 63 Mncaulay st, Lclchbnrdt
Oastlcrcagh st
Hartley John. 123 Lord st, Newtown
Harrop Mrs. E., 72 Bathurst st
Hurt Mark H., J.P., 1 Mansfield st, Glebe Hartley Joseph, Short st, Woollahra
Harrop F. J., Beamish st, Canterbury
Hart Martin, Hilly st Mortlnke
Hartley Mrs. M., 103 Gowrio st, Newtown
Harrop George, 07 Albion st, Annandale
Hart P., 669, Illawarra rd, Marriokvllle
Hartley Miss M. T., boardlughouse, 18-22
Harroway M., Lamont par, Farramatta
Hart Patrick, 8 Wexford st
Hnrrower Robert, Highgatc st, Bcxley
Carrlngton st
Hart Peter P.. 14 Arthur st
Horrs Oonrnd, Shaftesbury nl, Bunvood
Hartley P. F., 16 Wctherlll st, Leiohhnrdt
Harry E. J., 8 Llttlo Walker st, N. Sydney Hart Philip, Marine Cafe, Circular Quay Hartley Robert B., Young Bt, Annandale
Hart Miss R. V., 60 Surrey st
Harry Georgo 4, Boundary et, Waverley
Hartley Sydney, Frcdbert st, Lelchhardt
Hart Ralph, 60 Dowllng st, Paddlngton
Harry J. H., 18 Ohutcr st, N. Sydney
Hartley S., Morehead st, Rcdfern
Hart Robert, 18 National et, Rozcllc
Harry J. J., 84 Morehead st, Redfcrn
Miss T. T., teacher of musie, 325
Hanry. James, monumental mason, 148 Hurt Mrs. a , 184 Queen st, Woollahra
' George st
Hart Studley, Wold's nve, Hurstvillc
Maopherson Bt, Waverley
Hartley Thomas 14 William Henry st
Harry W., 87 Albany nl, Petersham
Uarsine A. H., Oowlc's rd, Mosman
Harston Alfred 8., Hnrston ave, Mosman
and Co., grocers, 401 Harris st
Sole Proprietors of the following Specialties:
WHISKY. All Hotels.
"APRIC0TEUR" (APRICOT BRANDY). Connoisseurs and epicures
s a y ;_«' As a liqueur this elegant preparation is rapidly superseding
all others."
Sole Agents in New South Wales for :—
BINET'S " DRY ELITE" CHAMPAGNE, 1893 Vintage, in Magnums,
Quarts, Imperial Pints, Pints and Half-Pints (Baby Bottles).
Gin is stocked by all the West End Wine Merchants in London, and
supplied to all the Clubs and leading Hotels there.
CDGARD REMY 8L CO.'S BRANDY. Bulk and Bottle.
"CEREB0S," N U T R I T I V E T A B L E S A L T .
''".: ;'Har •'•
Hartlojr W. S., herbalist, 100 Queen Viotorla Harvey George, George st, Parramatta
Harwood James, 16 Ohnpman st
Market building
Harvey H., hairdresser, 61 Georgo st west Harwood Joseph, 77 Weston rd, Rozelle
Hartley W. J., Dcspontca at, Murrlokvlllc Harvey H., Bruce st, Brlghton-le-Sands
Harwood Robt., Cook's River rd.St. Peters
Hartley William, Wallace st, Kogarah
Harvey H., 77 Emily st, Marrickville
Harwood T. S., Cook's River rd, St. Peters
Hartley William, 20 Park pnr, Wavcrley Harvey Mrs. H., 80 Fitzgerald st, WdVIey Harwood Thomas, Shepherd st, Ashfield
Hartman F., Premier st, Marribkvillo
Harvey Hugh, MaoPherson st, Waverley Harwood W„ 51 Arundel Ter, Por. Lodge
Hartman Frcdorick, 7 Rainford st
Harvey J., 29 Little Cleveland st, Medferu Harwood William, Spencer st, Sum. Hill
Hartmnn W., 20 Campbell st, Camperdown Harvey J., Sailor's Bay rd, Willoughby
Haryula C. W., 12 Prospect st, Faddiugtou
Hartmann J., 0D George st, Ersklnovillo
Harvey J; A., Napoleon st, North Botany ' Haseldcn A., 61 Underwood st, Paddington
Hartnell G. W.," Grauvlllo," Cambridge Harvoy J. M„ barrister, 181 Phillip s t ; p j . , | Hasolden Mrs. T., Oorouna rd, Patcrsham
st, Stnnmorc .
Penkivil st, Bondl
Haselden T. A., advertising contractor, 76
Hartnctt Mrs. E., 48 Dowllng st, Redfern Harvey James, St. George's par, Hurstvllle
Pitt st
Hartiiett J., 3r Douglas st, Ilcdfern
Harvey James, White st, Lcichhardt
Hazclgrovo It. W., Stanton rd, Ashflcld
Hartnctt L., Ruthven st, Kandwiok
Harvey James, 8 Chaldor st, Newtown
Haselgrovo H. W., 117 Wallls st, W'lahra
Hartnett M., 28 Lodge st, Forest Lodge
Harvey James, 19 London st, Newtown
Hartiiett W„ Terrace rd, Marrlckvlllo
H A S E L L A R T H U R H „ 2 Bridge st,
Harvey James, 60 Marian st, Newtown
Hartnett W. E., Gordon st, Mosman
Sydney. Tel. 1193. General Import
Harvey John, 11CJ Bowman st
Hartney J., 32 Elizabeth st, Waterloo
and Export Morohant. • Sole Agency
Harvey John, Moore lane, Alexandria
Hartpence It., Hanger's rd, Neutral Bay
Australian States and Now Zealand
Harvey John, Botany rd, Botany
Hartrldgo E. H., 3 Catherine st, Lcichhardt Harvey John, Charles Bt, Marrickville
for Osaka, Rysuo, Kalsiia, J a p a n ,
Hoartshorno H,, Woodstock st, Botany
Superphosphates. Proprietor Gypsum
Harvey John, 77 Emily st, Marrickvlllo
Hartehornc Mrs. M. J., Bclmoro st, B'wood Harvoy John, 238 Ben Boyd rd, Neut. Bay
and Whiting Works, Marion Bay and
Hartshornc William, Mosman st, Mosman Harvey John, Coward st, North Botany
Boort, Head Office, 10 and 12 Queen
Hartt E. G., 221J Glebe rd, Glebo
st, Melbourne. P.r., Australia Hotel
Harvey John, Phillip st, Parramatta
Hartup 0. M., (1 Gloucester st
Harvoy John, 148 George st, Waterloo
Hosell Lewis H., manufacturers' agent, 82
Hnrtup Frank, 02 Cumberland st
Harvey L. Watson, surgeon, Esplanade
Hartwcll R. D., Oak's ave, Neutral Bay
east, Manly
Harvey Alfred and Co., tea brokers, Ex- Harvey Miss M., dressmaker, 74-76 The Hasemer A., Great Northern rd, Gladesvllle
A., 17 Elswick st, Loiolihardt
change Corner, 03 P i t t s t ; and at MelStrand
Hosemcf O., Trongato st, Granville
Harvey Manning, 22 McElhono place
Hasenicr James, Inkcrman st, Prospect
Harvey Brothers, dairymen, Varna lane, Harvey Manning, Barkor Bt, Kandwiok
Hasemer Miss M., costurolcro, 16 Church H.
Harvey Mrs. 420 Darling st, Balmain
Hasforth L., Rocky Point rd, Rockdale
Harvey H. H., 61 Thomas st, Cauiperdown Haskens Ernest, Andrew st, Meadow Bank
Harvey llobcrt, 17 London st, Newtown
Haskcr J., 13 Fltzroy st, Alexandria
Harvey llobcrt, Church st, Rookwood
Haskctt Edward, 21 Burns Bt
"The Premier" House, Land, and Es- Hnrvcy Samuel, 42 Holden st, Ashflcld
Haakett Mrs. M. A., 205 Thomas st
tate Agents, Petersham. Right Op- Harvoy Mrs. Sarah, 426 Elizabeth st
Haslam James, 81 Maoartliur st
Harvoy Sydney, 43 Oxford st, Newtown
posite Hallway Station
Haslam James, 8 Oross st, Forest Lodge
John, 110 Burton st
Established 1881.
Harvey T. H., Wcntworth st, Parramatta Haslam Sidney, 63 ROBS Bt, Forest Lodge
Client* Driven to Inspcot. Tel. 02 Harvey Thomas, Pahncrston st, Kogarah Hasle John M., 10 Harwood lane
Harvey Thomas. 8 Ferry rd, Glebe
Haslcm John, Arcadia st, Hurstvllle
Huslem Sam, 80 Hereford st, Glebe
Hnrvoy and Co., grocers, 08 Oxford st' Harvey Thomas, 10 Regent st, Newtown
Harvey ThomaB, 162 West st, North Sydney Hasloui Thomas, Ryan st, Lcichhardt
Hasler William, 9 Napier st, Paddington
Harvey II, and G„dairykcopers, Vnrna lane, Harvey Thomas, Cameron st, Rockdale
Harvey W.,Sydenham rd, Marrickville
Hasllng Thomas, Market st, Newtown
Harvey T. H. and Co., gasflttcrs, Church Harvey W., 10 Paddington lane, Pad'ton Haslingden Misses A. A. and B., private
W.lJ.,79 Elsiviokst, Lcicclianlt
st, Parramatta
school, Johnstone st, Annandalo
Harvey A., 64 Constitution rd, Parramatta Harvey W. R., 22 Bradford st, Balmain
Hasliugileu G., 32 Johnston st, Annandalc
Harvey William, 0S9 Bourke st
Harvey A., baker, 08 P i t t st, lledfern
Haslock G., Canterbury Now rd, Petersham
Harvey Mrs. A., 78 Kensington rd, Sum
Hasmott Mrs. E.,Stanley st, Burwood
HarVcy William, Geddes st, Botany
mer Hill
Hassal S. J. K., Spoitorth st, Neutral Bay
William, Glbbes st, Willoughby
Harvey A. J., G3 Ersklueville rd.Ersk'villc Harvey
Harvey William J.,8 Randiest,Newtown Hassall and Stockhani, architects, 9
Harvey A. 8., 112 Palace st, Petersham
Harvcy-Bruco Co., Ltd.--Arthur Joseph,
Oastlcreagh st
Harvey A. T., 2 Mear's ave, Randwlck
Hassall E. E., AddisVm rd, Manly
Harvey Alex. T., Exchange Corner, OS Pitt
James, 477 Dowling st
Hassall Miss, Charlotte st, Ashfield
Harvey Alfred, Racecourse hotel, Alfred st, Harvlo Frcdk., 85 Station st, Petersham
M., dontlst, 01 Boulovarde, DulUarvie
wich nin
gasometers, Parker st
Harvey Alfred, 112J Ernest st, N. Sydney
Hassen Charles, 80 Cooper st
Harvey Andrew, 04 Denlson st, Newtown Harvlc William B., 03 William Henry st
Hassett J., 24 High Holborn s t ,
Harvlson A., Llewellyn st, Balmain
Harvey Arthur, 17 Bridge rd. Globe
Hossett Mrs. M, 20 Fitzgerald st, Wav'Iey
Harvey B., 8-1 McEvoy st, Waterloo
Harvlson G. J., 66 Palmerst, North Sydney Hassett Stephen, 1 Henry st, Wavcrley
Harvey O., 2 Bcllcvue uv, Paddington
Thomas, 151 Cumberland st
Harvey D., Poddlngton lane, Pnddlugtou
Hasson Thomas, 208 Elswick st, L'hardt
and 109 Evans st, Rozelle, Balmain
Harvey Daniel, 02 Church st, Bulmain
Mrs. E.. 16()Grafton st, Woollnhra
Harvey E. A., 335 Addison rd, Marrlokvillc Harward P. A., Transvaal av, DouOle Bay
Hustle James, 8 Little Bloomfleld st
Uarwln George, 00 Howard st
narvcy E. F., Alfred st,North Sydncv
Hastie Jus., 340 Annandale st, Annandale
Harvey Miss E. II., Yule st, Dul. Hill
H A R W O O D R . A N D SON, Iron Hastie James Bcnnockhurn rd, Pymble
Harvey F., Westorn rd, Parramatta
mongers, Locksmiths, Dealers in Hastie James, Warrluga st, Turramurm
Harvey Miss F. A„ 13 Council st, Wavcrley
Machtncrv,"Bee Hive" Store, 139-441 HastlC Peter, 461 Riley st
Harvey F., St. George's par, Hurstvllle
Pitt Bt
Hastlc Robert, 3 Waratah st, Lcichhardt
Harvey Miss F. 3., Burlington st, N, Syil.
Hastie W., Naval Depot, Spectacle Island
Harwood Mrs. A„ Darley rd, Manly
Harvey Frank, High st, Willoughby
Harwood Mrs. A., 118 Glenmore rd, P'ton Hastie W„ Wcstbourne st, Drummoyne
Harvey Frederick J., Mldson rd, lipping
Harwood A. II., F.8.I.A., 28 Oastlcreagh s t ; Hastie William, 35 Ada st
Harvey G., 97 Bullanamlngst, Redfem
Hastings A. H., I l l Railway par, Esk'ville
p.r., Hoiiiebush rd, Homcbush
narvcy G. H., Little Coombcist, Pad'ton Harwood O. E., 184 Short st, Balmain
Hastings Cnpt. J., 6 Denlson rd, Petersham
Harvey G. 1'., 186 Stnnmorc rd, Petersham Harwood George, superintendent Botauio Hastings Mrs. J. D., 1 Stanley st
Harvey George, 0 Beaufort ave
Jas., 25 Reuss st, Lcichhardt
narvcy George, 332 Liverpool st
Hastings James, 25 Barry st, Neutral Bay
Harwood H. F., South par, Auburn
Harvoy George, 31 Chaudos st, Ashflcld
Harwood Mrs. J., 121 Euuiorerd, Newtown Hastings M., 180 Botany st, Waterloo
Harvey George, Fore st, Canterbury
Hastings Mrs. M., 2 Station st. Petersham
Harwood J., 62 Bishop >t, Marrickville
Harvey George, 8 Hugo st, lledfern
Harwood J., Brook st, North Sydney
| Hastings T., 274 Norton st, Lelohhardt
/Head Offloos: fflOQeori
VBtreet South. 'Phone 1
Hastwell G. H., 5 Trivett's lane, Balmain
Haswcll Elizabeth, 342 Bourke st
Haswcll John F., Cheltenham nl, Burwood
Haswcll Nathan, Woodburn rd, Rookwood
Haswcll S„ 44 Henry st, Lcichhardt
Haswcll W. A., Professor Sydney University, Wolseley rd, Point Piper
Hatch Mrs. D., Railway st, Prospect
Hatch R. E., 82 Yule st, Petersham
Hatoh Rupert D„ 145 N. S. H. rd, Pad'ton
Hatch T. II., 23 Frederick st, Ashflcld
Batch William, Paul's rd, Waterloo
Hatcher Henry, 4 Grosvenor st
Hatchman G., West Botany rd, Rockdale
Hatfield Brothers, military and civil tailors,
383J Pitt st
Hatfield A., Salisbury st, Camperdown
Hatfield Arthur, George st, Hurstvllle
Hatfield Henry, Down's rd, Kogarah
Hatfield Jas., Bown's rd, Kogarah
Hatfield Mrs. M., Wickhain st, ArncliHe
Hatfield Wm., 20 Aim,, st, Darlington
Hathaway C, George Bt, Canterbury
Hathaway E., 65 Mount Vernon st, F. Lodge
Hathaway F. J., 11 Picknp st, Alexandria
Hathaway Fredk., Farr st, Rockdale
Hathloy Montague, 20 Walker st, lledfern
Hatley Alex., 41 Wellington st, Newtown
Hattam James H., Robert st, Marrickville
Hattc A. H., draper, 306-7-9 Parramatta
rd, Lcichhardt
Hattc 0. G., draper, clothier, boot and shoe
importer, crockery, glassware and furnishing ironmonger, 291 to 310 King
st, Newtown ; p.r., Marshall Bt, Marrickville. Tel. 10, Newtowu
Hattc G. 0., Bignell st, Como
Hattc Joseph, 22 Don st, Newtowu
Hatterslcy A. H., merohant, 18 Bridge st
Hattersley George, Frederick st, Rockdale
Hatterslcy Mrs. M., Shepherd st, Darlg'ton
Hatterslcy Mrs, M., 21 Francis st, Glebe
Hattersley T. Mrs .M„ Frederick st, R'kdalo
Hatterslcy Will lam, head master Lower
Fort st Public School, Lower Fort s t ;
p.r., 80 Bond! rd, Waverley
Hatton A., 81 Kingston rd, Camperdown
Hatton Alfred, 9 Reynold st, Balmain
Hatton Mrs. B. K., 26 Pitt st, Redfern
Hatton E., Kuring-gal Ohaso rd, Tniurra
Hatton E., CO Macaulay st, Lcichhardt
Hatton E. A., 38 Lane Cove rd, N. Sydney
n a t t o n Edward, 101 Station st, Petersham
Hatton Edward, Dobbin rd, Pymble
Hatton Frederick, 28} High st, Balmain
Hatton George, Auburn rd, -Viiburn
Hatton Goorge, 65 City rd, Darlington
Hatton George, Botany rd. North Botany
Hatton II. A., Carey st, Marrickville
Hatton J., Marrickville rd, Marrickville
Hatton James, 42 Ada st
Hatton James, Sliver st, St. Peters
Hatkin Jas., Percival rd, Stnnmorc
Hatton Joseph, Beltnore Bt, Rvde
Hatton Mrs. M., Campbell s t . S t . Peters
Hatton Nurse, Darley rd, Manly
Hatton Thomas, Victoria st, Alexandria
Hatton Thomas, G«nnon st, St. Peters
Hatton William, Gladstone st, Balmain
Hatton William, 47 Gordon st, Rozelle
Hatton William, 10 Liberty Bt, Stnnmorc
Hatwell Joseph, 47 Curtis 'rd, Balmain
Hatiber Mrs. 15., 137 Womerah ave
Huuenstcin O. H. A., 57 Cowpcr wharf
Hauor George, manager, Hoscnhalu and
Bryce, 29 O'Connell Bt, Sydney; Tel..
28119. P.r.. " Wandeen," Boyle Bt.,
AIn'inau ; Tel., 282 Mosman.
Haugh James, 6 Dulwlch st, Dulwlch Hill
Hangh Mrs. Mary. 76 John st, Woollahra
Haughey John, Liberty st, Newtown
Haughey John, 60 London st, Newtown
Haughey Miss, nurse, 201 Elizabeth st
Haughton A., Star hotel. Hunter st
Haughton Charles, CilelHeri Armt hotel,
285 King 6t, Newtown
Haughton Miss H., 00 Wycombe rd, Neut.
Haughton William, Clyde st, Granville
Daunstciii J., Gloucester rd, Hurstvllle
Hauret C, 162 Hargrave st, Paddington
Hausmann George P., Flower I'ot hotel,
116 York st
Hautrlvc Marceaii, .T.P., financial agent,
82 Pitt s t ; p.r., Champion st, Tennyson
ITavee H., 74 Malcolm st, Ersklueville
Haven Wilfred, Webber's nl, Bexley
Haveney Charles, 9 Hume st, N. Sydney
Havenhand G. F., Isabella st, Parramatta
Havens Charles H., 71 Queen Bt, Ashfield
Havens Ohas. L., Abattoirs, Glebe Island
Havens Philip l'ark st, Kogarah
Havens T. J. D., 100 Ferris st, Amiamlalc
navenstein A., 23 Wilson st, Newtown
Havenstcln G„ 33 Hargrave Bt, Paddington
Haverd James, 01 Union st, Newtown
HnTcrgrcen Mrs. M., Belmont st, Alex'drla
Havilauil Misses, boarding school, 109
Alliert st, Marrickvlllo
Havlland C. E., Unwin's Bridge rd.M'villc
Haviland Cecil II,, Kogarah rd, Kogarah
Havlland Edwin, 109 Albert Bt, Mar'kvillo
Havord G. F., 41 Great Buckingham Bt,
Hawe John, 81 Garden st, Alexandria
llawes Charles, Beamish st, Canterbury
Hawcs George, 1 Buckuell st, Newtown
llawesS. J., 0 Victoria st, Lewlshnin
Hawcs Stephen, 9 Hewlett st, Wavcrley
HUWCB Thomas, Parkes st, Hyde
llawes W. H., Morrison's rd, Gladesvllle
Hawk George, Mlllettst,Dalmorton
Hawkbrldge 'P., 665 Illawurru rd, Mar'ville
Huwkc and Co., art decorators, 1006 William st
ITawke Alfred, Queen st, Botany
Hnwke F. II., pioture framemaker, glass
bevellcr and silvcrcr, 319 Pitt st
Hawke G , 08 Westmoreland st, F. Lodge
Huwkc George, butcher, 72 Harris st
Hawke Mrs. H., 33 Pitt Bt, Waterloo
Hawke Mrs. J. J.,artist. 1606 William st
Hawke James, Washington st, Bexley
Hawke Miss, 182 EdgcclilTc rd, Woollahra
Hawke T. M., 25 Marriott 6t, Redfern
Hawke T. M., jun., 1 Eveleigh Bt, Redfern
Hawken anil Vance, produce agents, 95
Sussex st
Hawken John, 22 Newman Bt, Newtown
Hawken lion. Nicholas, M.L.O., J.P.,
City rd, Darlington
Hawker A. M., acting secretary, Queensland Silver Lead Mines, Ltd., 211 Bllgh
Hawker Arthur E., Tottenham st, Prospect
Hawker Major James ft, U.A.A., Victoria
st, Vaueluse
Hawkes O. A., 10 Darlington rd, Darlington
llawkes Ohas., Moorflclds rd, Canterbury
Hawkes Chas., Hawkesvicw rd, Guildford
Hawkes Mrs. E., 428 Cleveland st
Hawkes Edward, Short st, Woollahra
Hawkes Frank, 31 Gowrle st, Newtown
Uawkcs George, 110 Grafton st, Woollahra
Hawkes J., 1 Little Edward st, llalmalu
Hawkes J., 10 Oordou st, Brlghton-le
llawkes.I. W., Moorflclds rd, Canterbury
llawkes James, Sherwood rd, Guildford
Hawkes It. 11., 9 Frederick Bt, Ashflcld
Hawkes Thomas, 30 Taylor st
Hawkes William II., 238 Harris at
Hawkesford Arthur J., Parkes st, Ryde
Hawkesworth A., Moore st, Drummoyne
Hawkin Mrs., Gray st, Kogarah
Hawkings M., 101 John st. Marrickville
Hawkins and Abhcrton, bakers, 343 Parramatta rd, Lcichhardt
Hawkins Mrs. A., 1)7 Wilson st, Newtown
Hawkins Mrs. A., Boulevardc, Strathfleld
Hawkins A. O., 42 Stephen st, Cainp'd iwu
Hnwklns Albert, 97 Wilson st, Newtown
Hawkins Arthur, Sandtiugham
Hawkins Mrs. B. M., 3 Burton st, N. Syd.
Hawkins llenj., 18 Gottcuham st, Glebe
Hawkins O. J., 3 Alma st, Darlington
Hawkins E., 09 Liverpool st, Paddington
Hawkins Mrs. E., 35 Alfred st, N. Bydney
Hawkins Mrs. E. J., 37 Elswick st, Il'hardt»
Hawkins li. W., Campbell st, St. Peters
Hawkins Edward, 2 Bedford st
Hawkins Edward, 339 Dowllng st
Hawkins Udwanl, Ruthven st, Randwlck
Hawkins Edward J., Glenmore hotel, Glenmore rd, Paddington
Hawkins F., 31 Edgeware rd, Newtown
Hawkins F„ 48 Falcon st, North Sydney
Hawkins G., Outlay par, Hurstvillo
Hawkins G., 14 Hargrave lane, Pnd'ton
Hawkins G., 102 Botany st, Waterloo
Hawkins G. J., Robert st, Marrickville
Hawkins George, Holland st, Alexandria
Hawkins George, Booth st, Arncliffo
Hawkins George, 48 Hill ft, I.eichhardt
Hawkins George, 37 May st, Newtown
Hawkins George, 122 West st, N. Sydney
Hawkins II., 23 Westmoreland st, F. Lodge
Hawkins H., lOCantcrburyNcwid, M'villo
Hawkins If., 50 Falcon fit, North Sydney
Hawkins H., 9 Willoughby st, N. Sydney
Hawkins Henry, 19 Middle lane
Hawkins Henry, St. George's rd, Burdey
Hawkins J., 84 Mort st, Balmain
Hawkins J., 24 Wcntworth l'ark rd, Glebo
HawkiiiB J., William Bt, Granville
Hawkins J., Napoleon st, Sandringhum
Hawkins James, 10 Croydon rd, Croydon
Hawkins James, GO Alma st, Darlington
Hawkins Mrs. Jane, dressmaker, 170 Pitt
Hawkins Jesse, 45 May st, Newtown
Hawkins John,Station st, Arucliffe
Hawkins John, 17 Joseph st, Ashfield
Hawkins John, 119 lledfern Bt, Redfern
Hawkins John J., 68 Henry st, Lcichhardt
Hawkins Miss K. P., 20 Derweut st,
Forest Lodge
Hawkins M. W., accountant, 158 Titt st
Hawkins P., William st, Annandale
Hawkins R., Unwin's Bridge rd, Mar'ville
Hawkins It. 0., 12 Hnpctoun st, Pad'ton
Hawkins Richard, William st, Granville
Hawkins Robert, Day st, Marrickville
Hawkins Mrs. S.. 112 Victoria st
Hawkins T., 32 Victoria st
Hawkins T., 12 Edwin Bt, Croydon
Hawkins T., LougnevUle rd, Lane Cove
Hawkins Thomas, grocer, H7 Rose st
Hawkins Thomas, Shaftesbury rd, Bnrw'd
Hawkins Thomas, Smith st Granville
Hawkins Thos., 70 William st, Paddington
Hawkins Thos., (id Railway st, Petersham
Hawkins Thos., Hutchinson st, St. Peters
Hawkins Theo., Oakvillc rd, Willoughby
Hawkins W. K., solicitor, H8 Pitt Bt; p.r.,
"Crauford," Boldst, Burwood
Hawkins W. G., Croydon rd, Crovdon
Hawkins W. It., Addison rd, Marrickville
Hawkins Walter, 113 Raglan st, Waterloo
Hawkins William, 7(1 Church st, Balmain
Hiiwkin- William, Raglan st. Mosman
Hawkins William, 31 May st, Newtown
Hawkins William, 36 Newman st, N'town
Hawkins William, Median st, Prospect
Huwkinson Fritz, 173 William st
Hawkins™ Otto, f> Trouton Bt, Balmain
Hawklcss Ohas., Hyde rd, Hunter's Hill
llawklcss Mrs. M., 70 Barry st, Neutral Bay
Hawkless T., Jordon st, Glndesvillo
I Hay William E., 68 Talford st, Glebe
Hayes Francis, 250 Goulburn st
Hawksford E., "Ulllorcst," Boulevard, Hayburn Joseph, PoldingBt, Drummoyno Hayes Francis, Spring st, Rockdale
Haycox S„ 9 Aberoromblo st, Rcdfcru
Hayes Frank, 9 Bourko st, Watsrloo
Hawksford F„ 35 Denleon st, Woollahra Haycroft J. I., Tho Grove, Woollahra
Hayes Frederick, 117 Jones st
Hawksford F. J., 83 Emily st, Marrickvillc| Haydcn A., 2u6 Underwood st, Paddington Hayes G., butcher, 120J Liverpool st
Hnwksford 6., manufacturing optiolnu, Hayden C. T., Sixth st, Granville- '
Hayes G. R., 36 Mitchell Bt, Glebe
370 Pitt st
Haydcn Charles, 16Goodslrst, Rozclle
Hayes G. T., 18 Raiuford st
Hawksford Henry, Wright st, Croydon
Haydcn Mrs. E., 109 Macleay st
Hayes George, 16 Carshalton st, Ashflcld
Hawksford Mrs. J.,"Hillcrest,"Boulcvard, Haydcn Ellas, 89 Wells St. Newtown
Hayes George, 46 St. Mary's st, Oam'down
Haydcn Mrs. limmn, 38 Womyssst
Hayes George, Quecnsburv rd, Hurstville
Hawksford John, plumber nnd drainer, 70 Unydcn J„ Bridgo st, Drummoyno
Hnyes George, 184 James st, Lclchliardt
Oa6tIereagh st
Hayden J., Unwln's Bridgo rd, St. Peters Hayes George, 44 Chelsea st, Redfeni
• Hawksford H.,27 Stephen st, Cnnipcrdown Hayden Mrs. J., 23 Thompson st, Mnr'vllle Hayes George, 443 Cleveland st, Rcdfcrn
Hawkshaw W„ Livingstone rd, M'vlllo
Hayden James H., Formosa st, Drummoyne Hayes George, Second Ave, Uookwood
Hawksley Charles, Early st, Pnrramatta Haydcn John, Underwood st, Botany
Hayes George T., 477 Crown st
Hawkslcy Daniel, Llsgarst, Granville
Haydcn John, 93 Windsor st, Paddinnton Hayes H., Harbor st, Mosman
Hawksley James, High et, Willougliby
Haydcn L., piano tuner, 441 Elizabeth st Hayes Harold, 28 Cove st, Balmain
Hawkslcy Mrs. M., High Bt, Willougliby Haydcn L., 82 Marlborough st
Hayes Henry, 49 Mary st
Hawkswood A., 98 Hayberry st, N. Sydney Hayden Rev. T., St. Patrick's College, Hayes Henry, 102 Louisa st, Balmain
Hawksworth A., 62 Gordon st, Pad'tou
Darley rd, Manly
Hayes Henry, 1 George st, Newtown
Hawloy A. 0., Ashloy st, Cbatswood
Hayden Walter, 16 Beattio st, Balmain
Hayes Henry, Frederick st, Rockdald
Hawley Edward, 227 Victoria st
Hayden William, 12 Roberts st, Rozclle
Hayes Henry, Rocky Point rd, Rockdale
Hawley Edwin. WO Walker st, N. Sydney Haydor Frcdk., Luke st, Hunter's Hill
j Hayes Herbert G., 61 Schimel st, Waterloo
Hawley F. A., Warrigal Club
Haydook William, Burtst, Rozclle
Hayes Hubert, 185 Campbell st
Hawley J.W., finance nnd insurance agent, Haydon A. E., 98 Henderson rd, Alcx'dria Hayes Hugh, 2 Waine st
522 Georgo s t ; p.r., " Moorlnnds," Haydon Bridget A., Royal hotel, Abercrom- Hayes Isaac, 03 St. John's rd, For. Lodge
Sloperst, Kensington
Hayes J., 6 Little Weston st, Balmain
bie st, Redfeni
Hawloy John, 4 Little Mncleny st
' Haydon Charles H., 13 Regent st
Hayes J. E., 38 Walter st, Paddington
Hawllng G., 26 Alexander st, N. Sydnoy Haydon G., Henderson rd, Alexandria
Hayes J. E., J.P., Grand par, Brighton-lcHawnoy W., Wentworth st, Granville
Haydon George, 109 Birrell Bt, Waverley
Haworth A., 101 Botany rd, Waterloo
Haydon M., River nl, BankBtown
Hnyes J. F., 60 Pitt st, North Sydney
'Haworth P., 24 riiillip st, Newtown
Haydon Martin, Woolpack hotel, George Hayes James, refreshments, 026 George st
Haworth Mrs. T., 23 Moonbie st, Sum. Hill
st, Parramatta
Hayes James, 38 Forbes st
Haworth Thomas, 112 Woolloomooloo st Haydon Oliver, Rocky P t . rd, Kogorah
Hayes James, 16 Macquaric st south
Hawson Oscar, 15 Stunrt st, Glebe
Haydon Walter, Botany st, flurstville
Hayes Jas.,17 University st, Cnmperdown
Hawthorn Thos., 74 Donlson st, Wv'lcy
Hayc Sldnoy J „ 36 Wells st, Rcdfcrn
Hayes Jas., 25 Codrington st, Darlington \
Hawthorno W., 129 Ilegcnt st, Rcdfcrn
Hayek Honry, 126 Devonshire st
Hayes JnmeB, 41 Fountain st, Alexandria
Hawthorne E-, 2 RoynoldB st, Balniain
Hnycs Brothers (trading aa C. F. Maxwell, Hayes James, Gloucester rd, Hurstville
Hawthorne .1. G., 62 Marlborough st,
Ltd.), law booksellers and publishers, Hayes James, 62 Oxford st, Newtown
161 King st
Hayes Jas., 20 Thomas st, North Sydney
HawthornoJ. S., J.P.,M.L.A.,101 Renwlck Hayes Bros., butchers, Botany rd, N. Boi. Hayes Jas., 126 Hargrave st, Paddington
st, Lclchliardt
Hayes Misses, dressmakers, 41 Clarence st Hayes Jas., M.L.A., Douglas st, Petersham
Hawthorne S., 32 Rowley st, Cnm'down Hayes Mrs. A., 78 Wyndham st, Alex'drla Hayes Jns., Moon Bt, Rcdfcrn
Hawthorne S., 16 Codrington st, Dar'ton Hayes A. J., 76 Wyndham Bt, Alexandria Hayes James, 67 Ivy st, Redfeni
Hawtree F., 23 Broughton st, l'addingtoii Hayes A. W., 161 King s t ; p.r., "Roth- Hayes James, Liverpool rd, Strnthftcld
Hawtrco F„ 27 Heeley st, Paddington
well," Holdcu st, Ashflcld
Hayes James P., 19 Hardy st, Ashfleld
HawxwellW. S., Unwln's Bridge rd, St. Hayes Mrs. Alice, Daphne st, Botany
Hayes John 165 Cumberland st
Hayes Ambrose Eaton st, North Sydney Hayes John, 474 Riley st
Haxby John W., 88 George st, Cani'down Hayes Arthur, 4 Binning st, Ersklncvillc Hayes John, 154 Woolloomooloo st
Hay Antony, 9 Mortst, Balmain
Hayes Arthur, 4 Philip st, Glebe
Hayes John 17 Brandling st, Alexandria
Hay Oapt. Arthur, marine surveyor, 37 Hayes Arthur L., Boundary st, Prospect
Hayes John, 100 Abattoirs rd, Rozclle
Hayes.0. E., Howard st, Randwick
Pitt st; p.r., raelflc st, Vanolnse
Hayes John, Harbord st, Grunvillo
Hayes Charles, 26 Crown st
Hay B. L., journalist, 24 Trospect st
Hnycs John, Military rd, Mosman
Hayes Charles, (6 Mullens st, Balmain
Hay Bon, tailor, 13GIebcrd,Globe
Hayes John, 21 Thomas st, North Sydnoy
Hayes Charles H., J.P., secretary Royal Hayes John, Portmnn st, Waterloo
n a y Oapt., Qordon rd, Gordon
Exchange of Sydnoy, corner of Pitt Hayes John 0., 37n Lord st, Newtown
Hay Mrs. Charles, Gladesvlllc rd, Ryde
nnd Bridgo sts; p.r., "Bonnio Brae,' Hayes John E., 53 Thurlow st, nedfern
Hay Mrs. E., Dcnliam st, Bondi
Hay Edward, 124A George st, Campcrdowii
Hnyes John G., Enmoro nl, Marrlckville
Hayes Cyrus J., Second avc, Rookwood
Hay George, 40 Church st, Balmain
Hayes John J., HOGlcnmore rd, Pad'ton
Hay Rev. George. Petersham rd, Mar'ville Hayes D., 18 Ronny st, Paddington
Hayes John P., Farr st, Rockdale
Hayes D.,48 Wiley et, Waverley
Hay Dr. ,T., L.L.D.. 9 Cnstleroagh st
Hayes Joseph, Anglo square, Carlton
Hayes Daniel, 44 Emmast, Lclchliardt
Hay J.S., Rhodes av, Narembuni
Hayes Joseph, 73 Hill st, Leichhardt
Hayes Daniel, 17 Red Lion st, Rozclle
Hay James, 2 Samuel st
Haves K., 86 Weston rd, Rozclle
Hayes Daniel, Botany rd, Waterloo
Hay James, Victoria st, Burwood
Hayes Miss K., 23 UndcrclifT st, Neut' Bay
Hayes Daniel ,T.,4:8 Wattle st
Hay James, Elgin st, Woolwich
Hayes Kate, draper, 149 Oxfonl st
Hay John, J.P.. "Crow's Nest," Lane Cove Hayes David, 9 Cooper st, Rcdfcrn
Hayes Mrs. M., 61 Alexander st, Alcx'dria.
Hayes David, Church st, St. Peters
Haves Mrs. M., 2 Rose st, Darlington
rd, North Sydney
Hayes David, Quarry st, St. Peters
Haves Mrs M., 10.1 Wells st, Redfeni
Hay John, 29 Franklyn st Glcbo""
Hayes Mrs. K., 72 Bunk st, North Sydney Hayes Mrs. M„ N.S.H. rd, Woollahra
Hay John, HaBtings st, Marrlckville
Hayes E. C.,65 Kippax st
Hayes Martin, 71 Birrell st, Waverley
Hay John 0., lfi Broughton st, Glebe
Hayes E. G., Maorae st, Petersham
Hayes Mrs Mary, Military rd, Mosman
Hay Mrs. Luke, Parramatta rd, Ryde
HnyesE. J., l e i K i n g s t ; p.r., "Tliornlcy," Hayes Maurice, 8 Reuss st, Balmain
Hay Mrs. 11., 14 Stanmoro rd, Marriokvillo
Hayes Michael, 07 Shephenl st
Hay R.T.Dalrymple, Goodohapst, O'wood
Hayes Michael, Parramatta rd, Aubuni
Ocean st, Woollahra
Hay Robert, secretary N.S.W. Crennicry Hayes
E. J., Military nl, North Sydney Hayes Michael, Bridge st, Drummoyne
Butter Co., Ltd.. 190 Sussex s t ; p . r . , Hayes Mrs.
Haves Michael, 20 Greek st, Glebe
Edgar .1., Botany rd, Botany
1 Wnrung st, North Sydney
Hayes Michael, J.P., 174 Hereford Bt, Glebe
41 North st, Lclchliardt
Hay Robert t Itcdwin lane, Erakincvllle Hayes Edmund F.,
Michael, Parramatta nl, Rookwood
16 Wjlde st
Hay Robert, Malouey et, North Botany
Hayes Mrs. N„ 15 Oatley rd, Paddington
Hayes Edward, 21 Bourkc st
Hay T. D., Parramatta rd, Ryde.
I Hayes
Hnycs Nicholas, 174 Harris st
Edward, 60 Experiment st
Hay T. U.,29 Short st Balmain
Hayes Edward, 3 Gibbons st, Oamperdown Hayes P. A., 50 Aubln St. Neutral Bay
Hay Thomas, 183 High st, North Sydney ' Hayes Edward, off 25 City rd, Darlington Hayes Patrick, 130 Bourkc st
Hoy William, Parramatta rd, Ryde
Hayes Mrs. Elizabeth, lu Glebe rd, Glebe Haves Patrick, 37 Morehcad st, Waterloo
Hay William, 16 Busby par, Waverley
Hayes F., Bond's rd, Canterbury
/Head Offices: 810 Oenrxe ,
Istroet South, 'Phono « 8 /
Hayniarkct Post and Telegraph Olllce— Haywood Mrs. A., 40 Walker Bt, North Syd.
W.D.O'Ncill, postmaster, 782 Georgo st Haywood Albert, 24 Norton at, Glebe
Haywood Miss F., court keeper, DarllngHaymen E. 8., Eastern rd, Turramiirra
liurst Court House, Oxford st
Hnyno Georgo, 8 Denning st, Marrlckville
Hayne Jas., 80 Denning 8t., Marrlckv'.llo Hoywood George, 33 Dangar place
Haynes Alex. E., 85 Victorin st, Waverley Haywood Jas., Wonlora rd, Hurstville
Haymes Mrs. R„ 89 Sutherland st, Pad'tou Haywood Jonn, 9 Stream st
Haywood John, Grosvenor st, Woollahra
Hayinct E. M., Wolseley rd, Mosman
Haynes and Morton, hairdressers, 181 Haywood Mrs. M., Sutherland st, St. Peters
Haywood Thomas, 47 Nickson Bt
George st west
Haywood William, 23 Crown lane
Haynes A. J., hairdresser, 109 Pitt st
Hazel and Co., grain and produce brokers,
Ha'yues A. J., Terminus st, Potcrsham
123 Sussex st
Haynes Abraliam, off 302 Crown st
Hazel Danl., 0 Kingselear rd, Alexandria
Haynes Benjamin, 60« P i t t st
Hazel John, 16 Orpington st, Ashfleld
Haynes O., Pnrkes st, Rydo
Haynes O. J., proprietor TllK NEWS- nazol Henry, Clevedon st, Botany
LETTER, corner Park anil Ca'rcagh sts Hazel Mrs. S., Vulcan st, Gnmville
Haynes Mrs. O. 69 Brighton st, Petersham Hnzclbush Peter, 81 O'Connor st
Hazelbush R., Stafford st, Petersham
Haynes Charles Pnrkes st, Ryde
Hazcll Harry, 4 High 8t, Paddington
Haynes E., Gregory st, Enfield
Hnzell T., 393 Cleveland st, Redfeni
Haynes E. C , Fitzroy st, Marrlckville
Haynes Edward, Liverpool rd, Bankstown Hnzell W. T.. 53 Edward st, Redfeni
Haynes Edwin, 120 Glenmore rd, Pad'ton Ilazelton Allen, Rocky Point nl, KogaraU
Hazelton J., William st, Leichhardt
Haynes Fredk, 12 Ancruni st, N. Sydney
nazelton John, Western rd. Prospect
Haynes Henry, 19 Howard st
Mrs. M.,491 Darling st, Rozclle
Haynes J., Despointes st, Marrickville
Haynes Miss J., 37 Campbell st, Newtown Hazelwood Fredk., Premier Bt, Kogarali
Haynes J. ]{., 350 Abercromblc st, Redfeni ITazelwood John, Woodville id, Granville
Haynes J. W., 66 Campbell st, N. Sydney naziett G.. 61! Trafalgar st, Aniiandalo
Haynes John, 5I.L.A., Constitution rd, Hazlett H., 154 Victoria st, Lcwisliam
Hazlctt Thomas, Allison id, Rnnduick
Hnzlewood Charles, Mary st, Auburn
Haynes John, Botany r.l, Botany
Hazlewood Chas., Parramatta rd, Auburn
Haynes R. A., Greenhills st, Knfleld
Hazlcwood F., Parramatta rd, Auburn
Haynes Thomas, Campsie st, Canterbury
Hazlewood George, 24N Harris st
Haynes Mrs. W., 37 Watson st, Waverley
Haynes W. B.. 117 N.S.H. rd, Paddington Hazlewood Jas., Linden st, North Botany
Miss S., 88 Woolloomooloo st
Haynes Oapt. W. .7., Soudan st, Randwick
Hazlewood Stephen, Station st, Auburn
nnyncs William, 230 Park rd
Parramatta rd, Auburn
Haynes William, 1 Tulloek st, Slimmer Hill
Hazlltt J. A., 15S Windsor st, Paddington
Hayes Frank W., Garnet st, Canterbury
Hayson Arthur, 5(i Balmain rd, Leichhardt Hazon Signor R., teacher of singing, conductor of the Sydney Philharmonic
Havter Mrs. A., 2 Peel st, North Sydney
Society and of the Amateur Orchestral
Hiiyter Mrs. E., 21 Jiiuctiiiii nl, Sum. Hill
Society, c/o W. II. Paling and Co.
Ilayter Mrs. F. A , Wolseley rd, Mosman
Ltd., 338 George st ; p.r., " Clare
Hnytcr George, Snsiiu st, Auburn
Iiiuis," Boulevarde, Strnthlleld
HnyterEdwin,7 Wyndliam st, Alexandria
0., 32 Erskineville nl, Ersklncvillc
Hnytcr James, 71 Jersey rd, Woollahra
llazzard L., Tramway Bt, North Botany
Hnytcr Walter, 01 Botany st, Waterloo
Hnytcr Young, 8 Charles st, Forest Lodge Head A E., 341 King st, Newtown
Head Alfred, 20 Park avc, Ashflcld
Hoytou J., Greenbank st, Marrickville
Head Mrs. E., 168 Bourko st
Hayton It., 43 Wyndham st, Alexandria
Hay ward Brothers and Eckstein, Ltd. Head E. A., 82 King st
(Loud.), pavement lights (Plumnier, Head Kdwanl, Fowler rd,Comn
Love, and Co., Agents), 210 George st HcadF. P., dentist, 145 Elizabeth st
Hayward W. and Co., tailors, Belmore rd, Head George, 20 Douglas st, Inilwieh Hill
Head George, 47 Mackenzie st, Leichhardt
Head George, (12 Baptist st, Redfeni
Hayward A , 20 Trafalgur terrace, S'more Head Harry, H High st, Waverley
st, Paddington
Head James, 201 Elswiek st, Leichhardt
Hayward Mrs Alice, 98 Kltzroy st
Hnylock G., 62 Little Arthur st, N. Sydney Hayward Archibald, 36 Kensington Bt
Head Sirs. N., Prince st, Granville
Hayloek John, 33 High st, North Sydney Hayward G. M., 17 Smith st. Summer Hill Head Nicholas, J.P., 91 Henrietta st, W'ley
Haylock Mrs. K. I., Young st, Croydon
Ilavward G. N., 07 Stainnore rd, Petcrs'in Head P., 25 El.swick st, Leii-lihardt
Hayloek Miss M. ().. 27 Elizabeth st. P'ton Hayward G. W. 11., 81 Day st, Leichhardt Head R. P., 23 Myrtle st, North Sydney
Hnylock T. C, 27 Elizabeth st, Paddington Hayward Mrs. H., 08 Brougham st, Glebe Head Samuel J., Wolseley rd, Mosman
Haylor Alfred, Wigram st, Pariamnttn
Head Thomas, Atchison st, St. Leonards
Haywanl II., Garner's avc, Marrickville
nayman Miss E., l'eroival rd, Stanmoro
Hayward J. W., branch manager Singer'B Head William 48 Francis st
Havman Frederick, 118 Bourkc st
Sewing Machine Co., 250 King st, Head William, OH Mullens st, Bnliiialn
Hayman G., 2H Myrtle st, Petersham
Head William, 2 Campbell st. Paddington
- Newtown
Hayman (ieorge, !<5 Croydon rd, Croydon Hayward James, Kendall st, Granville
Head William, Baptist st, Ri-ilferu
Hayman George, Harris st, Granville
Head ford W. II., Iliehst, North Hotany
Hayward John S., Harbor st, Mosman
Haymnn H., Despontes st, Marrickville
Hayward Mrs. Mary, 207 Glebe rd, Glebe Headley Henrv, 102 Wallis st. Woollahra
Hnyinnu J., 171 Darling st, Balmain
HeadoiiK.O., 48 Arthur st, l.einhhaidt
Hayman Mrs. M. A., Wellington st, Bondl
Headquarters No. 4 Electric Company
Hayman Richard, Elizabeth st, Waterloo
Aurtrolinn Engineers — (rapt. J. 8.
Hayman Samuel, l'Jj Ann st, lialmalu
Alexander, Dawe* Point
Hayman Spencer, 110 Gowrio st. Newtown
Headquarters 3rd Regiment Australian
Hayman Mi's. W., 21 Rochford ft, Ursk'villo
Horse—Colonel Kenneth Maekay, C.B.,
Merchant Tailor, 407 George Bt, Tol.
nayman William G., Moore st, Bondi
M.L.O., commanding; viajor M. A.
3405; p.r.,"Gladstone," 104 Bond! rd,
Hayman William, Renwlek st, Drmmnoyne
D.S.O., stall' oflleor. Victoria
Barracks, Poddinu'ton
P E R M A N E N T Hayward Thomas, Regent st, Kogarali
Heady John, 80 Gordon st, Paddington
L A N D . B U I L D I N G A N D I N - Hayward W., 54 Henderson rd, Alexandria Iloaloy Misses E. nnd A„ 101 Glebe id,Glebe
V E S T M E N T CO., L T D . - R o b e r t Hayward W., 60 Malcolm st, Erskineville Healey Mrs. A.. 145 Mnequarle st south
B. Barton, J.P., Manager, 750 George st Hayward W, II. E., 11 Jones st
Haywanl William, 5 Jones st
—(See ndvt.J
Hayes Percy, dentist, 28 Sydney arc, Geo. st;
p.r., N. S. H. rd, Double Bay
Hayes Peter, 6 Morehcad Bt, Waterloo
Hayes R.. 301 Oxfonl rd, Woollahra
Hayes Richard, Croydon Railway Station,
Edwin st, Croydon
Hnyes llichard, Macgregor Bt, Croydon
Hayes Richard, 27 Parsons st, Ho/.elle
Hayes Robert, Addciiey st, Aubuni
Hayes Robert, Avoca st, Randwick
Hayes Roger, G Caroline st, Redfeni
Hayes Miss S., Anglo square, Carlton
Hnyes S., Plunkett 6t, Drummoyne
Hayes Sampson, 71 Kippax st
Hayes Samuel, 12 William Henry st
Hnyes Mrs. Sarah, Botany rd, Botany
Hayes Stephen, 44 Morris st, Sum. ITill
Hnyes Mrs. T., 57 Carlton ores, Sum. Hill
Hayes Thomas, 47 Abercrombic place
Hayes Thomas, off 190 Forties st
Hnyes Thomas, 40 Rowley st, Alexandria
Hnycs Thomas, William st, Alexandria
Hayes Thomas. 0 Union st, Balmain
Hayes Thos., Nottingham st, North Sydney
Hayes Thos, Frenchman's rd, Randwick '
Hnyes Thomas, Crown st, St. Peters
Hayes Thos., 17 Victoria st, North Sydney
Hayes Thomas, J.P., 37 Cooper st, Redfcrn
Hayes W. J.,327 Balmain nl, Leichhardt
Hayes W. 11., Reuwick st, Marriokvillo
Hayes William, 53 Lower Fort st
Hayes William, Yillmvra st, Auburn
Hayes Wlllimn, Wiggins st. Botany
HayesWilliam, Lyons rd, Drumiuoyne
Hayes William, ltowden s', Granville
Hayes William, Victoria par. Manly
Hayes William, Malouey st, North Botany
Hayes William, Wt stern rd, Prospeet
Hayes William, ft Dowling st, Waterloo
Hayes-Williams W.G., .T.P., registrar-general and examiner of patents, RegistrarGeneral's Olllce, Elizabeth st; p.r., Redmyrc rd, llomebu.-h
Haylioe 0., caretaker, 17 Bond st
HayhoeJ., 108 Burlington st.North Sydney
Hayhow John, 17 Cooper st, Waterloo
Hayhow Sydney, Day st, Marriokvillo
Hayhow W.J.,67 Alexander st, Alexandria
Haylau Thos., 30 Waters rd, N. Sydney
Hnyles Ronald, 11 Doris st, North Sydney
Hayloy Mrs. E. W. S., Angelo st, Burwood
Hayley Foxton W., dentist, 1K5 Liverpool st
Haylings I,., 12 Paddington lane, Pad'ton
naylittlo P. A., 71 Marian st, Newtown
llaylla T. J., 147 Regent st, Campcrdowii
naylock Misses, costumieres, 27 Elizabeth
Henley lira. B., 273 Nelson st, Anuniidnlc Henrd Frnnk, Devlin st, Hyde
Hcnton A., 01 Alexander st, Alcxnndrln
Henley Mrs. 0„ 27 Garner's nve, M'kville Hoard Mrs. H., Wick's rd, North Rydc
Henton Mrs. Clarn, 60 Womerah nve
Henley Clnuil, Ynninnbee rd, Woollabra
Heard Mrs. H„ Twin rd, North Ilyde
E. O., grocer, 36 Hnrrington st
Henloy D., 237 Devonshire st
Heard J., 153 Victoria rd. Marrlckvlllc
Henton Edward, Woodland st, Manly
Henley Mrs. E., Botany rd, Nortli Botany Heard Phillip P., Sydney rd, Mnnly
Heaton Mrs. E„ Judge st, Rnndwick
Henley Mrs. E., 12 Keif st, Newtown
Heard Robert, 69 Bronghnm st
Heaton Edward, 45 Lnwson st, Wnverley
Henley Mrs. IS., Centre st, Itedfeni
Heard William, Beatrice st, Rookwood
Frnncis W., postmnster, Bnlgowlnh
Henley 13., 70 Olcnmore rd, Pnddington
Henrlo Fnincls. J.P., 82 Princes st
Post Ofllce, Sydney rd, Mnnly
Healey F. A., HHGood Ilopest, rnddlngton Hcnrle Frnnk, Dening rd, Drummoyne
Predk., 201 l'yrmoncst
Healey MrB. G., Boundary st, Prospect
Hcarn Mrs. Anne, 35 Albion st
Henton G. S., Francis st, Mnnly
Healey George, Ruthven at, Rnndwick
Henrn Alfred E„ J.P., Bnlmnin rd.L'hnrdt, Henton Henry, 91 Riley st
Henley Mrs. H„ Went worth rd, Burwood Henrn Mrs. A., 35 Albion st
Henton Jnmes, 80 Ryan st, Leichhnrdt
Henley II. P., Short st, Summer Hill
Henrn Mrs. B., Gnrdeners' rd, Botany
Ilenton Jnmes G., Sydney rd, Mnnly
Henley Harold, 22 Itoslyn st
Henrn Mrs. P., 68 Surrey st
Henton John It., Cameron st, Rockdale
Henley Henry, Raglan st, Mosman
Henrn G., Railway rd, Prospect
John R., Wntkln st, Roekdnlc
Healey Mrs. J., Illnwnrrn rd, Mnrrlckville Henrn John, 239 Parramatta rd, L'h'rdt
Henton John S., Condnmiiiest, Mnnly
Henley Mrs G., 1-1 Ferris st, Annnndnlc
Henrn Mrs.' K., 288 Elizabeth st, Wnterloo Henton S. J., 39 Wellington st, Newtown
Healey Miss J., First st, (irnnville
Ilearn Richard, Botany rd, Botany
Healey J. P., 1 Leamington nve, Newtown Henrn Sninucl, 4 Biilm'aiii rd, Leichhardt Henton T., 0 University st, Cnmpenlown
Henton Vnlentine, J.P., Allison st, R'wick
Henley J. M„ 10 Flora st, Ersklncvillo
Henme A. L., 5 George st, North Sydney Henven Mrs. 0., 10 Upper Bnyview st,
Henloy J. T., 08 McDonald st, Erskincville Hearne E. W., plumber, Avoca st, R'wick
Nortli Sydney
Henley James, 76 Telopin st, Redfern
Henrne Mrs. P., Avoen st, Itnndwick
Heaven Frank, 6 Nowrnnle st, Rum.Hill
Henley James, 2 Mount st, Redfern
Henrne Richard, 77 Newman st, N'town
20Bishopsgntest, Cnmpcrdown
Healey Jeremiah, 435 Riley 8t
Hearne Mrs. S. J., 35 Bishop st, Mnrrlckville Henvey R.,
Gregory, 18 Unrcom place
Henley John, 8 Glbbes st, Newtown
Henrne W. G., Heame's Bronchitis Cure, Heavy Thomas,
25 Berwick lime
Henley John, 30 Thorne st. Pnddington
522 George st
Heaydon A.E., North Stcync, Mnnly
Henley J. H., 38 Bnptistst, Redfern
Hearne William, Bishop st, Burwood
Henley Miss M., 69 Henderson rd, Alcx'drin Hearne William, 145 Young st, Annnndnlc Hebbins Mrs. M., 109 Mncquariest, south
Hebblewhite nnd Co., importers of Wilcox
Henley Mrs.M.,44 Cowling st, Pnddington Henrt L„ Bnllnst Point rd, Bnlninln
nud Gibbs sewing machines und
Healey Mrs. M., Old Prospect rd, Prospect Henslip Dnvid, Botany rd, North Botnny
bicycles and agents for "Kilfyre," 377
Healey Maurice, Unnrn st, Canterbury
Henslip Dnvid, Botnny rd, North Botany"
George st
Henley Miss, costumiere, 71 Roynl nrendo Henslip Miss M., 49 Park st, Camperdown
Hcbblcwhlte O., 7 Albert par, Ashfleld
Healey Mrs., .13 Burlington st, N. Sydney Hcaslop Albert, 44 Hutchinson st
Hebblewhite Charles, 11 Buckingham st
Henley P., 387 Kent st
Hensmnn T., Chnrlottest, Canterbury
Hebblcwhite Geo., Fleet st, Parramatta
Henley Mrs. P. J., 22 Itoslyn st
Hcasmnn Thomns, Edgar st. Auburn
Hebblewhite Miss S., Raulau st, Mnsman
Henley Patrick, 71 Bridge rd, Glebe
Ilent Henry, 132 Jnmes st, Leichhnrdt
Hebilen Mrs. A., 138 Emily st, Ma'kville
Healev Samuel, Ilia Cleveland st
Heath Mrs.'A., Bay View nl, Abbotsford
Hebrew school—M. A. Cohen, B.A., headHenloy T. J?., dentist, 131 Eliznbctli st
Heath Alncrt, Shadfortli st, Mosninu
master, 100 Cnstlereagh »t
Henley Thomns, Bunnerong rd, Botnny
Heath Alfred, 0 Dnncnii st
HRniiEW STANDARD Olllce, 491 George st
Henley Thomns, Grosveuor st, Woollnlirn Heath O. J„ Onrshalton st, Ashfleld
Hecht W., 182 George st, Waterloo
Henley Thomns, St. Jnmes' rd, Itnndwick Henth Charles, 214 Wnlker st, N. Sydney
Hcckenberg T., 37 Burfltt st, Leichhardt
Healey W. J., 22 Trade st, Newtown
Henth Ohns. P., Fairlight st, Abbotsford
Heckcnburg Hy., 8 Mansfield st, Rozelle
Healey William, C Hill st, Petersham
Henth Mrs. Ellen, 128 Wnlker st. Red fern ITeckmnn W. A.,40 Union st,Newtown
Healey Albert, (17 Botnny st, Wnterloo
Henth George, 22 John st, Cnmpcrdown
Hector A. B„ Heidelbey Heights, Gore Hill
Henly Mrs. E., 72 Metropolitan rd, N'town Heath George, 100 Terry st, Rozelle
Hector Robert, Green st, Kogarah
Hcaly Miss Ellen, 89 Thomas st
Heath George, Woodstock rd.Grnnvillc
Alex., 509 Darling st, Rozelle
Healy James, 1) Eton st, Camperdowu
Henth George, caretaker, 2 Bridge st
Heddlc Walter, Samuel st, St. Peters
Henly John, Brunswick st, Concord
Heath Geo. W., 170 Grafton st, Woollabra Heddon Gretn Coal Oo„ Ltd., Mlchnel
Healy Peter, 35 Lincoln st, Petersham
Heath Harold, 33 Gibbons st, Redfern
Henly It., carrier, 1 Dcnhnm st
Henth J., house furnisher, 649-551, Geo. st
O'Sliea, ninnnger, off 180 George st
Hcaly Thomas, 40 O'Connell st, Newtown Heath J. R,, 222 Liverpool st
Heddon Greta Coal Co., Ltd, Newcastle,
Henly Thomas, Stafford st, Petersham
Henth John, 1 Dnrlinglmrst st
ofllce), Henry Trenchard,
Henly W., nurse, Harris st, Pnrrnnmttn
Henth Joshun, 33 Allen st, Glebe
local director, 4 Moore st
Henly W. 0., stevedore, 0 Bridge st
Heath L., confectioner, 715 George st
89 Hnrgrave st, Tad'ton
Henly Willinm, Lord Nelson hotel, Evans st, Heath It., Paul's rd, Waterloo
llleden George, 10 Mitchell st, N. Svdncy
st, N. Sydney
Heath Richnrd, 24 Nowmnn st, Newtown
Hedge George, 1 Kurokn st, N." Sydney
Hcaly William, 38 Alma st, Darlington
Hedgeeook J. n . , 228 Trnfnlgar st, Aii'dnle
Henly Willinm 0., 18 Lower Fort st
Heath S. U., 50 Penrl st, Newtown
Hcdgelnnd Mrs. A., Ernest st, Hunter's
Hennchmnn W. P. X., 251 Kent st
Hcnncy Mrs A., 7 Mncqunrie st Annnndnlc Henth Samuel, hairdresser, 288 Plttst
Honney Christopher, 443 Wattle st
Hedgelnnd Robert, Church st, Pnrrnmnttn
Heath Sidney W., 71 James st, Leichhnrdt Hedger & Co., butchers,Percivnlrd,St'morc
Heaney Edward, 39 Yulo st, Petersham
Hcnney George, 103 Ferris 6t, Annnndnlc iHenth W. J., 89 Audley st, Mnrrlckville
Hedger nnd Co., butchers, 30 mid 33 Short
ncnth William, Harris rd, Abbotsford
Heaney Hugh H., 61 Louis st, Redfern
st, Leichhnrdt
Heaney Isaac, 113 Wellington Bt, Wntorloo Heathcote George, 0 Surrey st, Waterloo
Iledger A., 28 Mncaulay st, Lclchlmrdt
Hcnney Jns., 10 Clnrcndon rd, Petersham Heathcotc J., 17 Devlne st, Erskincville
P., 90 Addison rd, Mnrrlckville
Henthcote J., Jordnn st,Granville
Heaney Patrick, 601 Crown st
Henry, mnnnger Industrinl Blind
nontheote Miss M., milliner, 10 Sydney Hedger
Hcnney B., 22 Schimel st, Waterloo
Boomerang s t ; p.r., 262
nrende, George st; p.r., Jersey rd,
Heap Airs. A. J., 108 Underwood 6t, Pad'ton
Heap Emnia E., Darling Point hotel, 217
Hedger Thos., llerlfem hotel, 60 BuckingHcntho William, 40 Mnry st, Leichhnrdt
ham st
N.S.H. rd, Pnddington
Heather Alfred, 31 Frazcr rd, Pctcrshnm
Hedges Thomns nnd Co., engineering nnrt
Henp H. J „ Booth et south, Cnmpcrdown Henthcr Ohnrles, Belmoro rd, Penkhurst
works, 30 Hercules st,
Hcnp H. J., Isnbclln st, Cnmperdowu
Henthcr Edmund, 80 Queen si, Woollnbrn
Heni) J. J., Booth st, Cnmpcrdown
Heather George, Dean st, Enfield
Hedges Alfred, 26 Joseph st, Ashfleld
Heap Thomns, Church st, St. Peters
Heather J., 28 Pitt Bt. Redfern
Heaps A. W„ 408 Oxford 6t, Pnddington
Heathcrley Mrs. K, 18 Hill st, N. Sydney Hedges Alfred, plumber, Hercules st,
Heaps 0,, Ln Porouse, Botnny
Hcnthcrloy W., 145 Henderson rd, Al'nndrln
Henps Mrs. J., 16 Itedwin st, Newtown
Henthloy Mrs. L.. LnwreneOBt, Alexandria Hedges Mrs. B. J., Orlnndo nve, Mosman
Hedges Charles, Lavender st, Abbotsford
Henjicy Mrs. E., 62 Liverpool rd, Ashflcld
Hentley Jnmes 46, Mnrrlott st, Redfern
Hcnpy Mrs. A., 194 Glebe rd, Glebe
Ilcntou Brothers, grain and produce mcr- Hedges F. V., in charge Postal and Electric
Telegraph Stores, 210 George s t ; p.r.
Heapy George, 3 Glebe st, Pnddington
Peat's F e r y r d , Hornsby
Henpy John, 171 Sutherland st, Pnd'ton
chnnts, 118-120 Sussex st
Hedges H., Rnglnn et, Mnnly
Heard P., Twin rd, North Itydo
Heaton A., 138 Henderson rd, Alcxniidrln Hedges John, Melody st, Coogec
Hedges John, 115 Cowpcr st, Glebe
Hedges Thomns, mnohinery merchant, 30
Hercules st, Ashfleld
Hedin J., 38 Grosvenor ores, Sum. Hill
Hedley Ohas,, Muston st, Mosman
Ucdley Mrs. Charles, Dnrley rd, Mn.ily
Hedley James R., 148 Eilgware rd, N'town
Hedrldge Mrs. H., 40 John st, Ma'kville
Hodwell Charles, 3 Princes place
Hedwig Pnul, 247 Abercombie st, Redfern
Hee George, 196 Devonshire st
Heeloy John T., J.P., Dudley st, R'wick
Heels Thomas, 13 Nntlonnl st, Rozelle
Hoerlng Peter F. (Copenhagen), Cherry
brandy, 7 Spring st
Hcery Peter, 108 Harris st
Hcesii Frederick, Elgin st, Woolwich
Heflennn Joseph, 94 Cleveland st
HolTcr Leslie, 11 Joseph st, Ashfleld
HofTer S., 11 Joseph st, Aslifleld
HelToriian Mrs. E., 0 Nlokson st
HelTernnn Daniel, Tllford st, Waterloo
Heffernan Miss I'., Boyle st, Mosman
Heffernnn The Very Rev. Frederick (R.O.),
Despointcs st, Mnrrlckville
Heffernnn Mrs. H., Rohoy st, N. Botany
Heffernnn John, 20 Wilson st, Redfern
Heffernnn L., Stephen st, Botnny
Heffernnn M., 3 Bucklnnd st, Alexandria
HelTernnn Mis. M., Bay View rd, Ab'ford
Heffernnn M., 38 Suffolk st, Pnddington
Heffernnn P.. Elizabeth st, Waterloo
Helfernaii Richnrd, Albert st, Newtown
Heffernnn Rev. Richard (C. of E.;, Pitt
st, Prospect
HelTernnn Thos., Robert st, St. Peters
Heffernnn Thomas, 48 ltniiiford st
ITcfferiinu Win., 232 Liverpool, st Ashfleld
Hefren A., 14 National st,Rozelle
Hegarty David, 29 John st, Aslifleld
Hegnrty David, 10 ncgnrty st, Glebe
Hegnrty Denis, 20 Thiuliiwst, Redfern
Hegarty H., Harrow rd, Auburn
negarty Henry, 71 Young st. Anuanilalc
Hegnrty J. J., 216 Underwood st, Pnd'ton
Hegarty James, 478 Crown st
Hegarty Joseph, 1 Bennett st
Hegarty Miss,2416 Glebe rd, Glebe
Hegarty M., dealer, 34 Elizabeth st
Hegarty M., Hegarty st, Glebe
HegnrtyM., Mnrrlckville id, Mnrrlckville
Hegarty Michael, 84 Hereford st.Glebo
Hegarty Patrick, 3 Blackburn st
Hegarty Patrick, Mncqunrie st, Clintswood
Hegarty Miss Rose, 11 Norton st
Hcgartv Timothy, 12 Palmer st
Hegarty W., Clifton rd, Itnndwick
Hegerty J. P., J. P., Bay st, Rockdale ;
Heldeurelch L. H., 207 Underwood st,
Hcldseick Charles (Reims, Franco), Champagne, 7 Spring st
HeJghlngton Win. J., 50 Edgeware rd,
Heighwny A. O., Elizabeth st, Waterloo
Heighway Freitfc., 27 Stoward st, L'hnrdt
Heighwny J. F., 55 Station st, Newtown
Heighway Rev. W- A. (Metli.), Coronation
av, Mnrrlckville
Hell J. G., 252 Norton st, Leichhardt
Heilbutt C. J., 102 Liverpool rd, Ashfleld
Heiman Mrs. G. V., 2117 Forbes st
Hein J. K., M.D., surgeon, 70 Jersey rd,
Hein Martin, 15 Marriott st, Redfern
Heinbockle Miss, 84 Elizabeth st
Heine John, engineer, manufacturer of
meat and fruit preserving npplinnccs,
presses, dies, &c, 88 George st, Redfern
Heine John, Annnndnlc st, Annnndnlo
llelnisch 0., Universal st. North Botany
Heinrich A., 184 Henderson rd, Alcxniidrln
Hcliirlch A„bnkcr,02 Glebe rd, Glebe
Heinrich Qustuv H., Tnnnemvc, Cnrlton
Heinrich Hugo, Kylost, Arneliffe
Heinz John W., Nelson st, Woollnlirn
Heinz Mrs. L., 50 Botnny st. Wnverley
Heinzo Frederick, 37 Sniith st, Rozelle
Ilein/.e II.,tolmceonlst. 10 Ellznbethst
Heir Hugh, 184 Duke st
H E I R O N A N D S M I T H , Billiard
Table, Ball, Cue, and Appliance Manufacturers, 210 Cnstlereagh st — (See
advt. opposite Billiard Tabic Manufacturers)
ileiron Walter, "Woodbine," Burren st,
Helsteriiiaii Hy., Rmithflelil rd, Prospect
HelbeigChas., Mnrrickvllle rd, Mar'villc
llelder H. F., Lower Ocean st, Woollabra
Hole A., Railway par, Burwood
Helen S., R.N., chief gunner In chnrgc,
nnvnl ordiunucc stores, Spcctuele Is.
Helfl'enstein C. L., Cross st, Double Bay
llelidou Spa Water Co., Ltd.—G. Croaker,
maiiagi r, 1 Bulletin lane
Helland (!., 72 Pyrmont Bridge rd, C'down
Hellawelt J. E. II., Lennox st, Mosman
Hellcmiiim W., 130 Denison st, Cam'down
Heller Mrs. M., 82 Foveaux st
liellett Mrs. J., 8 Elizabeth st, ('amp'down
Hellicar Ames, manager Bank of Australasia, 269 George s t ; p.r., Concord
rd, Concord
Hellier J.. 30 Cavendish st, Petersham
Hellier John, 128 Catherine st, Leichhnrdt
Hellier Leopold, 20 High st, Ilaluialn
p.r. Frederick st, Rockdale
Hellings' swimming baths, Domain
Hegerty M., Austrnlin st, Woollnlirn
Hellings Mrs. A., District Court, Mnc
Hegerty Mlchnel, 7 Goodlet st
quarie st
HcEcrty Thomns, Church st, Wnverley
Hellings Hendcr, caretaker, Pyrmont
Hegcwald H., 40(1 Oxford st, Pnddington
baths. Point st
HeggertyW., 16!) N.S.H. rd, Pnddington
Hellings J., 310 Oxford st, Pnddington
Hcggen Frank, 38 llnrris st, Rozelle
Samuel, 103 Dowllng st
Heggen William, 14 Harris st, Rozelle
Hellings Sydney, baths, Domain
Heggerty C, 101 Dnrling st.Baluinin
Livingstone rd, Mnr'villc
Hcggetts, Mrs.B. G., Stuart st, Wahroongn HellmrlchJohn,
A. II., 15 Jersey rd, Woollnlirn
Heggic Alfred, 29 Bray st, Erskincville
He lmrieh John, Lang st, Mosmnii
Heggie Ohas. J., Smith st, Botany
Hellstrom, Dunn nnd Co., iiinnufncturers1
Heggic Ohnrles S„ Smith st, Botnny
agents, indent and general merchnnts,
Heggic Fergusson, 88 Hordern st, Newtown
5 Mncipinrlc place, Sydney. Tel. 1085.
Heggie Hubert G., Forest rd, Hurstvlllo
Oscar, 5 Macquarle place ; p.r.,
Hegnian Otto, Chester st, Marrlckvlllc
Eden st, Arneliffe
Heher Willinm, Mnry st, St. Peters
Hellyer A.C., 93 The Boulevard, Dul. Hill
Heliir D. 0., 3 Mnrion st, Lciclihanlt
Hellyer Alfred, 0 Croydon nve, Croydon
Hehir Jnmes, 07 Queen st, Woollnlirn
Hellyer Mrs. E. A., The Button Hole fnncy
lleidemnn Paul, 3 Campbell st, Balmain
goods and haberdashery store, 701-790
Helden Carl, Sherwood rd, Prospect
George st
eldenrelch O. L., 09 Windsor st, Pnd'ton Hellyer F. A., 83 Gerrard st, Alexandria
Hellyer Harry, O'Hurn st, Mnrrickvllle
eidenrelch F., 2 Tlvoli st, Pnddington
Hellyer Herbert, Peroy st, Gladesvllle
Hcldenreioh F., Botany st, Wnverley
Hellyer Jas., Auburn st, Prospect
Hellyer Leslie, William st, Leichhnrdt
Hellyer Percy, Junction st, Woollnlirn
Hellyer Robt.,wnt<:licase maker, 796 Geo. st
Hellyer Roland, Percy st, Qludesvillc
Hellyer Mrs. T. H., 71 Marion st, L'hardt
Hellyer Thomns, 505 Riley st
Hellyer W. A., Glndesvllle Wlinrf rd,
nollyer William, 3 Denison st
Helm Chns., 27 Brandling st, Alcxniidrln
Helm Mrs. C. O., 2 Almn st, North Sydney
Helm G. F. O., 2 Alma st, North Sydney
Helm Noel, Griffin st, Manly
Holm Thos.,113 Trafnlgnrst, Annnndnlo i
Helm Thomns, 12Gibbons st, Cnmpcrdown
Hclinka John H„ 27 Ada st
Helmaiin E. W. A., 322 Military rd, N. Syd.
Heliners John. Peniinnt pnr, Carllngford
Helinrich P., 27 Doris st, North Sydney
Helnirich Mrs. S., Eric st, Artarmon
Helms Dr. A„ consulting and analytical
chemist and nssayer, 8 Bridge st ; p.r.,
14 Rockwall Crescent, Potts Point
Helms Franz, Greenwich rd, Lnno Cove
Helms Capt. P. T., 5 Orpington st, Ashflold
Helms R., 65 Cascade st, Pnddington
Helmslcy John, 30 Cninbridge st, Padd'tou
Helps Jas., gardener, Government House,
Helsby Thos. C, 143 Wilson st, Newtown
Helsham Charles II., J.P..secretary Sydney
Hospital, Macqunrie st ; p.r., Hampden st, North Sydney
Helson Charles, 73 Church st, Newtown
Helsou G., 90 UnderolilT st, Neutral Bay
Helson Martin, 27 Bannister lnne
Hclsteud E. II.. 125 Phillip st, Wnterloo
II .svyThos., 209 Wilson st, Newtown:
Helton John, 33 Flinders st
Helvey Mrs. Si.,80 Metropolitan rd, N'town
Hely Frnnk,41 Wortlcyst, Balmain
Hely Mrs. M„ 10 Ilswick st, Petersham
Hembroiigh James, 90 Allen st, Leichhnrdt
Hemburg G., 50 Kent st
Hemers Thomas, Forest rd, Hurstvlllo
Ileiuet Mrs. P., Grose st, Parramntta
Heinfil Miss M., Gladstone st, Burwood
Heniing Mrs. J., 10 Cove st, Bnlmnin
Homing Willinm, 177 Dnrling st, Bnlmnin
llemincns O. n . , P'niattaOld rd, F. Lodge
HeiinneiiH J., 244 Henderson rd, Alexandria
lleinmer Henry, 19 Regent st, Newtown
Hemming Alfred II., confectioner, 680
George st
neiiiining Arthur, Day st; Abbotsford
Hemming K., La Perouse, Botany
Hemming F. T., 2 Ferdinand st, Bnlmnin
Hemming Hnrry A., Snmucl st, St. Peters
Hemming Jnmes, 20 Carlton st
Hemming John. Day st, Abbotsford
Hemming Mrs. M., Pnrk rd, St. Peters
Hemming Thomns, 8 Cnrlton st
Hemming William, La Perouse, Botnny
Heniinlngs E. P., Duncnn st, Arneliffe
Ilemmlngs W. II., Gnrdcii st, N. Botnny
Hemphill J. A., mercantile hrokr, 6 Moore
s t ; p.r., George st, Mnrrlckville
Hemphill Mrs.M.A.,34 Itiiglnn st, Dnrl'ton
Hemphill Mrs. M. A., 31 Onlder nl, Redfern
Hcmpstcd 0., Kognrah rd, Kognrnh
Hems Mrs. K„ Fltzroy st, Mnrriokville
Heinsloy A. M., solicitor, 09 Mnclony st
Hemslcy Alfred, 37 Gibbesst, Rockdale
Henislcy Chas., outfitter, 43 Erskine stl
lleinsley Chas., outfitter, 405 Darling st,
Hemslcy Charles, 87 Elliott st.Balnmin
Hemsworth ('apt, G. 1',., Louisa rd, B'mnlli
llemsworth John If., Drew Rt, Prospect
Hence John, Botany st, Hurstvllle
Hence W„ 117 Augustus st, Leichhardt
liender Mrs. Mnry, " Minn," Rose st, E'ti'ld
Henderson Bros., fuel merchants, Young nendcrson John, tailor, 6 Hunter st
Hendley George, plumber, 484 Bonrke st
st, Rcdfern
Henderson Joint, stock and station agent, Hendloy Josepn, Maddisou st, Redfcrn
Henderson Hood nnd 1O0., (train and pro6 Yaralla chambers, 109 Pitt st
Hcndon Robert, 0 Stephen st, Paddington
duce salcamnn, 173 Sussex st
Henderson John, tailor, 15 Hunter st
Hendriok Claud, 18 Oxford st, Newtown
Henderson Jumcs and Sous, manufacturing I Henderson John, 9 Mary Ann st
Hendiick M., 23 Pyrmont Bridge rd,
confeetioners, 161-106 Oxford st, P'ton Henderson John, Eden st, Arncliffe
Henderson A., Kissing pt rd, Itydnlmcra Henderson John, 177 Frnzerst, Dul. Hill Hendrick T. J., Doncastcr ave, Kensington
Henderson A., 0 Little Edward st, Balmain Henderson John, Vimiera rd, Mnrsiield
Hendry Anthony T., 11 Upper William st S,
Henderson A.., 207 Stiiiimora rd, Petersham Henderson John, 16 Gipps st, Pnddington Hendry Donald, 24 Moore st, Leichhnrdt
Henderson A. D., Arolier st, Olmtswood
Hendry James A., 11 Upper William st S.
Henderson John, 26 West st, Petersham
Henderson A. L., postmaster Enfield Post Henderson John, 79 Telopea st, Redfcrn
Hendry Q., 39 Fowlor st, Camperdown
and Telegraph ODlce, Liverpool rd, Henderson John, 130 Princes st
Hendry W. J., 01 Augustus st, Lciohliardt
Hendry William T., cross st, Double Bay
Henderson John II. T., 38 Market st
llcndson Thomas, Uotany rd, N, Botany
Henderson Alex., 332 Edgewaro rd, N'towu
Hendy Miss Ellen, 143 Dowling st
Henderson Alex., Wold's nvc, Hurstvlllo Henderson L., stock and station agent, 12-14 Ilendy G. J., Railway hotel, Railway par,
Henderson Alex., Edwin st, North Sydney
Henderson Mrs. L., 101 Oxford st, Wnv'ley
Henderson Alex., 40 May st, St. Peters
Ilendy Harry, 32 Pyrmont Bridge rd
Hcndersou Alfrod, 32 Susnn st, Newtown Henderson Lewis, professor of music, Hendy Hy. S., 7 Young st, Hedfern
" Cremona," N.S.H. rd, Woollnhra
Henderson Alfred, 0 Lyons rd, O'down
Hendy Mrs O.A., Tower st, Bankstown
Henderson Arthur, Smith st, Fnrramntta Henderson LouisC„ stocknnil shnre broker Hendy-Pooley G., N.S.H. rd, Vaucluse
financial agent, 22 Castlerengh s t ;
Henderson Mrs. 0., 76 Blue's Point rd,
Heneberry Win., 48 Rofo st, Leichhnrdt
p.r., Cooper 6t, Double Bay
North Sydney
Henderson Mrs. M., 11 Wcbb'savc, Ashfield Hcucric Mrs. Jane, 244 Riley st
Henderson Ohas., 17 Little Palmer st
Mrs. Patience, 3 Loircr Fort st
Henderson Mrs. M., Bench st, Coogee
Henderson Ohurles, Gordon st, Burwood
Heuess A. G., 22 Lanilcr st, Redfcrn
Henderson Olmrles, 61 Botany st, Wnv'ley Henderson Miss M., 10 Reus* st, L'hardt
0„ 22 Burren st, Newtown
Henderson Oolin, Wigram st, Pnrramatta Henderson Magnus, 8 Redfcrn st, Itedforn Heness Alfred, 4 Denlson st, Woollahra
Henderson D. H., 39 Liverpool rd, Ashfleld
Heness Ernest, Ethel st, Randwick i
Henderson Miss, Lyons st, Strnthfleld
Heness George, 52 Redmond st, Leichhnrdt
Henderson David, Burwood rd, Burwood
Heness H. G., Clarendon st, Stmtliflcld
Henderson David, 85 Dcnison st, W'lnhrn Henderson Mrs., 84 liliznboth st
Henderson David D., J.P., " Huzeldean," Henderson P., 29 Mount Vernon st, F. L'ge Heness Herbert, 30 Isabella st, Waverley
Henderson R. F. G., 44 Misseudeu rd, Heness Robert, 126 Queen st, Woollnhra
Weston st, Parrnmattn
Hcney Mrs. S., 43 Tuppcr st, Marrlckvillc
Henderson Miss K., Jolmston st, An'dalo
Henoy Thomas, Ranger's rd, Neutral Bay
Henderson Mrs. E., 21 Trouton st, Bahnain Henderson R., 39 Albany rd, Petersham
nnd Co., cordial, aerated water nnd
Henderson E., Herbert st, Dulwieh Hill
p.r., Garfield 6t, Abbotsford
gingerbeer manufacturers, 66 Redfcrn
Jlenderson E., ironfounder, Wattle st
Henderson Mrs. E., Hnstings st, M'villo
Henderson Mrs. E., 67 Station st, P'sham Henderson Robert, 3 Bronte rd, Wnv'ley Hcnfrey George H„ 60 Greek st, Glebe
Henderson Robert, Cardigan st, P'slinm Heningham Alf., Railway par, Hurstville
Henderson E. 0 , 73 Glebe rd, Glebe
Fmnk, Forest rd, Hurstville
Henderson Ernest, 11 Webb's ave. Ash field Henderson Robert, Sutherland st,St.Peters Henkel
Robt., Gt. North rd, Abbotsford Henkes J. H. (Dcftsbnveu, Holland),
Henderson Francis, Bishop st, Burwood
and Geneva distiller, 7
Henderson Frank D., J.P., grocer, Oliurch Henderson Samuel, Angel rd, Hurwood
8prlng street
st, l*matta ; p.r., Weston st, P'mntta Henderson Sidney H, 81 G i b e rd, Glebe
Henderson Stephen, A.M.I.C.E., civil en- nenlen Frederick, 96 Stnnmorc rd, P'shnm
Henderson Fredk., 81 Harbour st
gineer, Equitable Buildings, George st Henley W. T., Telegraph Works Co., Ltd.,
Henderson G., Glover 8t, Leichhnrdt
Stuart, 33 Bnyce st, Glebe
338 Kent st
Henderson George, Blaxland's rd, Hyde
Henderson T., 240 Edgewnre rd, Newtown Henley and Seabcrg, fuel merchants, ColHenderson Geo., 16 Stanley lane
lege st, Balmaln
Henderson George, 82 Norton st, L'hardt Henderson T., 82 Mackenzie st, Waverley
Henderson George, 24 Excelsior st, L'hardt Henderson T., Grafton st cast, Woollahra Henley Mrs. A., 61 Windsor st, Paddington
Henley George, Moore st, Drunnnoyne
Henderson Gilbert, Ruthven st, Handwick Henderson T. 11., 276 Norton st, L'hardt
Henderson Harry, 4lDcnison rd, P'sham Henderson T. W., ironmonger, 40 Park st Henley II., 82 George st, Waterloo
Henderson T. W., Boulevard, Btrathfield
Henley Henry, 1 Goodlctst
Henderson Henry, 62 Titt st, Hedfern
Henderson Thomas, whipthong manufac- Henley Henry, off Moorehcad st, Itcdfcni
Henderson Mrs. J., 294 A'dale st, A'dnlc
turer, 74 York s t ; p.r., Union st. Henley J. 0., 19 Burton st, North Sydney
Henderson Mrs. J., Osborne st, Penshurst
Henley J. H., Bridge st, Drummoync
Henderson Mrs. J „ High st, N. Botany
Henley James, Bridge st, Drummoync
Henderson Miss J., Iu6 Falcon st, N. Syd. nenderson Thomns, 44 Buckingham st
Henderson Thos., 33 Dickson st, Newtown Hcney John W., Railway st, Granville
Henderson Miss J., Albert st, Burwood
Henley Joseph, 60 Curtis rd, Balmaln
Henderson Thomas, King st, Reokdnlc
Henderson J. C, Goat Island
Henley Joseph, Charles st, Granville
Henderson J. R. T., 19 Neutral st, N. Syd. Henderson Thos. W., Minim st, Burwood Henley Joseph, 222 Evans st, Rozelle
Henderson James, general manager City Henderson W., J.P., Ferry st, Hunter's Hill Henley Robert, 04 Wntkin st, Newtown
Bank of Sydney; head offlce, JOO Pitt Henderson W., 80 Oarrlngton sfc, L'hardt Henley Thomas, manager Drunnnoyne,
s t ; p.r., St. George's ores., Drunnnoyne Henderson W., 314 Stniimore rd, M'villo
Lclchhardt, and West Balmaln Steam
nendcrson Jas., bookbinder, 88 Clarence | nenderson W., 26 Heclcy st, Paddlngton
Ferry Co., Erskine st
Henderson W. F„ Belmont rd, Mosman
Henley Thomas, College st, Drummoyue
s t ; p.r., 216 Falcon st, North Sydney Henderson Walter, 333 Darling st, Balmaln .Henley Thomas, 1 Stirling st, Hedfern
Henderson Mrs. J. F., Orlando nv, Mosman Henderson Walter, 21 Charles lane
Henley William, Bond's rd, Fcnkhurst
Henderson Miss J . L., b'inghouse, 110-148
Henley William, Alexandria st, D'moyne
Phillip st
Hcnn Jnmcs, 10 Smith st, Waterloo
Henderson Mrs. J. B„ 34 Kent st
Bonn Mrs. M. A., 9 Schimel st, Wnterloo
Henderson James, 263 Bourke st
Real Froporty and Estate Agent, Hcnn William, 13 Bourke st, Waterloo
Henderson James, 46 Ultimo st
Valuer, <fcc. Properties Bought, Sold, Hcnnnli George, Portmnn st, Wnterloo
Henderson James, 14 Donnelly st, Balmaln
or Let. Rents and Interest Collected. Henne Adolph, 12 Church st, N. Sydney
Henderson James, 0 Reynolds st, Balmaln
Estates Mnnaged. Mortgages Nego- Hemic D., 12'Ohutcrst, North Sydney
Henderson James, 41 Wharf rd, Balumin
tiated. Funds Carefully Invested llennebry David, Old Australian Inn, 244
066 Crown st (Surry Hills), City, near
Henderson James, Station st, Mortdnle
Crown st
Cleveland st. Tel. No. 2986.
Henderson James, Muston st, Mosman
Hernial Jnmes, 17 William st, Balmaln
Henderson James, 16 Zamia st, Redfcrn
Henderson William, Terry st, St. Peters Henncss Henry, Mitchell rd, Alexandria
Henderson James, 103a Donison st, Hozellc Henderson William, 3 Albert st. Glebe
Henderson James, 07 Ridge st, N. Sydney Henderson William, Point st, Lclchhardt Hennessey A., 23 College st, Balmaln
Henderson James, 76 Dowling st, Redfcrn Henderson William, off Moran st, Mosman Hennessey John, 01 Pitt at, Waterloo
Hennessey Thomas, Yule st, Dulwieh Hill
Henderson James P., Farr st, Rockdale
Henderson William A., Oowlo's rd, M'man Hennessey Wm., 21 Bullanaming st, R'fern
Henderson Jeremiah, 7 Llewellyn st, B'm'n Heudey Jnmcs, Drunker rd, Randwick
Heimcssy Albert, 2 Little Hill si
Henwood Joseph W., 49 Botany St. W'ley
Heimcssy Clins., 81 Booth st, Aimnndale nenry Charles, 15 Queen st
Henwood Thomns, 39 Rush st, Woollahra
HcnncEsy D., 100 Wellington st, Waterloo Henry Mrs. 0., Melaleuca st, Mosman
Henwood W. IV, J.P., assistant snperiuHennessy Mrs. 0.; Gardner's rd, N.Botauy Henry Mrs. E., 340 Viotoria st
teudent Little Bay Coast Hospital, La
Henry Mrs. E.,George st, Mnrriokville
Heimcssy D., 104 Cooper st, Wnterloo
Perouse, Botany
Hennessy David, 180 Darling st, Balmain Henry Edward G., 6 Moncurst, Wool'hra
Henry Edwin 0., Renwick st, Drummoyue Henze Julius, 43 Wortley st, Balmain
Hennessy Edwnrd, 100 Crown st
Hcniiessy Edwnrd, 18 Spring st, N. Sydney
Henry F. J., Cowles' rd, Mosman
Hennessy Edwnrd J., 24 Bntlinrst Bt
Henry F. J., Woodward ave. Striitliilcld
Hennessy Ernest, 13 Goodlct st
Consulting Engineers and Patent
Hennessy Mrs. F., Hose ami Croim hotel, Henry F. W., 9 Manning st, Rozelle
Agents, 160 King st, cor. Elizabeth st,
Henry Frank, Wardell id. Dulwieh Hill
5 Glcnmorc rd, Paddington
Sydney. (See Patent Agents.) Tel.
Henry G. S., Onriotta st, Greenwich
Hennessy J., 413 Parramrtta rd, L'hnrdt
Henry George, 3 Athcrdcn st
Hennessy James, 6 Foster st
Hennessy Jas., 110 Misscudcn rd, Ca'down Henry H., Oollingwood st, Dromnioync
Hepburn Mrs. A., 39 Greek st, Glebe
Heunessy Jas., 3 Taylor st, PnddlugUm
Hepburn O. G., J.P., patent agent and conHennessy Jas. L., 4 Fowler Bt, Camperdown H E N R Y I V A N , Hotel Broker, Business
sulting engineer, Ben Boyd rd, N'nl Bay
Hennessy James, 62 Elswiok 6t, Lclchhardt
nnd Partnership Agent, 134 Pitt st, Hepburn Herbert, St. James rd, Randwick
Hennessy John, nsphaltcr, 9 Milk st
Hepburn John, 50 Bank st, North Sydney
Hennessy John, 64 Lower Tapper st, M'villo
st, Potts Point
Tel. 727. Private Hepburn Mrs., 46 Ben Boyd rd, N'tral Bay
Hennessy Joseph, 171 N.S.H. rd, Pad'ton
Hepburn Peter, Musgrave st, Mosnuin
tel. 85 William st
Hennessy Joseph, Trtmmcro st, Dru'inoync
Hepburn W., 21 Wcstbourne st, Peterslinm
Hennessy Joseph, 41 Hugo Bt, Redfcrn
Henry J. A., Gloucester rd, Hurstville
Hepher J., tailor, Gordon rd, Auburn
Hennessy M., 18 Ennis st, Balmaln
Henry J. S. S., 15 L'Avenue, Newtown
Heppel E. II., Rocky Point rd, Kogarnh
Hennossy M., II Wetherill st, Lcichhsrdt
Henry Jas., 86 Arthur st, North Sydney
Hcpjicr Harry, 69 Rose st
Heimcssy Michael, Union hotel, Kent st
Henry John, 18 Smith st
Hopper .Tallies, 15 Elizabeth st, Waterloo
Honncssy P., 118 Wells st, Hedfern
Henry John, 253 Addison rd, Marrickville Hepple Thomas, 49 Reynolds st, Balmaln
Hennessy Robert, 1 alls st, Leichhnrdt
Henry Mrs, John, 132 Station st, Newtown Hepplestone James, Devlin st, Hyde
Hennessy T., Suthcrlni.d nvc, Paddington Henry John, 20 Park st, Rozelle
Hepplcwhito G. R., assistant superintenHennessy Thomas 29 Argylc st
Henry Luclen, 213Stnnmorc id, Petersham
dent, Hospit.il for the Insane, Factory
Hennessy Mrs. Thomas, 318 E!!,.ubcth st
Henry Mrs. M., 1 Forbes st. Paddington
st, Parraniatta
Hennessy W„ 3 Roberts Bt, Rozelle
Henry Rov. Faiher M. S. 11. (R.O.), Botany Hcptonstall Mrs. S., 2 Hawken st, Newtown
Hennessy William, 19 Lawson st, Wnv'ley
rd. North Botanr
Her Mnjesty's Theatre, Office — J. O.
Hennessy William, 102 Dowling st, R'fern Henry Mark, principal Cnrlingford Public
Williamson, lessee; George L. GoodHeunessy William, 96 Reservoir st
School, Church st, Cnrlingford
man, J P.. business ninnnger, head
Hennessy William II., Whistler at,Manly Henry Mrs. Mary, 26 Surrey st
office, 02 Market st, business office, 83
Hennesy Mrs. E., 64 Albany id,Petersham Henry Patrick, 120 Glebe st, Glebe
Market st
Hcunesy Mrs. M., 29 Westbou • no st, P'shain Henry Philip, 40 Napier st, Paddington
Herald A. J., 19 Castlerengh st, Redfcrn
Heunesy Win., Pile st, Miirrlokvillo
Henry Phillip, 2 Australia st, Newtown
Herald Alfred J., Forsyth st, Glebe
Hcnnctt L., C Junction st, Forest Lodge
Henry Robert, 73 Bay st, Glebe
Herald E. It., Victor st, Kognrah
llenniger II., acting 2nd secretary, Imperial Henry Mrs. S., Simmons st, Newtown
Herald Robert, Hercules st, Dulwieh Hill
Henry \V„ 94 William st, North Sydney
Herbert and Co., Manchester warehouseGerman Consulate, 9 Bridge st
men, 336 Kent st
Hciming Alfred II., 31 Darghan st, Glebe Henry W. 13., Penshurst st, Willougliby
Herbert H . J . and Co., manufacturers and
Helming Charles, Brighton av, Canterbury
Henuing Conrent, 80 Dcuison st, Newtown Hensley Mrs. E., Longueville rd, LnncO've
agents, 9 Hamilton st
Helming E. U., Jonbcrt st, Hunter's Hill Hensby Henry, Burns Buy rd, Lane Cove Hcrbcit and Williams, printers, 20 ElizaHeusby Joseph, Arabella st, Longueville
Helming John P., 37 Dnrghnn st. Glebe
beth st, Paddington
Hcuuingcs Henry, baker, 105 Wilson st, Hciisc Christian, 41Corbenst
Herbert A., 89 Good Hope st, Paddington
Herbert Mrs. A., Keith st, Randwick
Hcnse Fredk., 19 Suffolk st, Paddington
Hcnningham A , Forest rd, Hurstville
Herbert A. Stanley, Park rd, St. Peters
Henshaw Ernest, 3 Fiilliaiu st, Newtown
Henningham Alf., St. Paul's 4t, Randwick Henshaw Henry, Pauls rd, Waterloo
Herbert Alfred, Sherwood rd, Prospect
Hcnuiiighaui A. W., 33 Cavendish st, New- Huusler Albert, 72 John st
Herbert Bentlcy, Myra rd, Marrickville
Heibcrt O., 186 Catherine st, Lclchhardt
Hensley Charles, 16 Corben st
Heimings Clins. E„ 10 Saunders lane
Herbert Clias., 201 Oxford st, Paddington
Hensley G. II., Stephen rd, Botany
Henniiigs H. A., 671 Darling st, Rozelle
Herbert E., 183 Henderson rd, Alexandria
Hensley George H , Botany rd, Botany
Henuings H. A., Goat Island
Hensley Mrs. Mary A., Stephen rd, Botany Herbert Miss 13., Mncqunrle place, H'villc
Henniiigs Wm. H., Johnston at. Aimnndale Hensley Thomns, Worsley st, W. Kogarnh Herbert E.G., 49 Cooper st, Waterloo
Henrich Mrs. J. J., 4 Grove st, Lclchhardt Heuson A., The Avenue, Petersham
Herbert E. W. L., Arthur st, Mnrriokville
Henrich W. G, 120 Bcattie st, Balmain
Hcnson A. G. R., Victoria ave, Olmtswood Herbert Edgar W., Brooklj u st, Enfield
Henrick Charles, 143 Duke st
Herbert Ernest, Nicholson st, Burwood
Henson E. H., Higli st, Epping
Hcurickscn Olnf, 28 narold st, Newtown
Herbert F„ 184 Alfred st, North Sydney
Hcnson F. J., 17 Brisbane st, Waverley
Hcnrickson James, 18 Bonn st
Henson John, 41 Wntervlew st, Dalmuiu Herbert Francis, S School st, Balmain
Hcnriques nnd Co. shnrebrokers, 82 Pitt st Hcnson Miss, matron Western Suburbs Herbert George, 178 Glenmore rd, Pad'ton
Henriques James, St. miller's rd, Auburn
Cottngo Hospital, Liverpool rd, Enfield Herbert George, 7 Clarence lane
Henry and Co., dyers, l a Flinders st
Herbert Harold 'I'., Park rd, St. Peters
Henson Thomas, 17 Hurt st
Ilonry A. G., medical superintendent Little Henson Thos. A., 52 Mary st, Leiehlii.rdt
Herbert Henry, 14 lirent st, Rozelle
Bay Coast Hospital, La Perouse, B'tany Henson Mrs. W., 98 Elizabeth st east, Herbert James, Alfred st, Rozelle
Henry Miss A., 9 Albert st
John, 32 Lamb st, Loichhardt
Henry A. E., 15 Lamb st, Lclchhardt
John, 12 Susnn st, Newtown
Henson W. T., J.P., Livingstone rd, M'ville llerbert
Henry A. 13., Morrison rd, llydo
John, 32 Cleveland st
Henry Mrs. A. M., 198 Underwood st. P'ton nonstock II. H., 53 Maria st, Marrlckvillc Herbert John 0., 8 William st, Ashfield
Heustridge E., 83 Burlington st, N. Sydney Herbert John G., solicitor, 18 Australia st,
Henry Albert, 25 Surrey st
Henry Aldridge, 3 Anilmrst st, N. Sydney Hentsoh W. H. nnd Sons, Biirgicnl instrument mnkers, 43 Park st
Henry Alfred, Frinci st, Mosman
Hcntsoli Alfred O., 48 Wilson st, Redfern Herbert Mrs. M. E., 37 Elizabeth st
Henry Arch., 41 Gowric st, Newtown
.Miss, matron Balmain Cottage
Henry Andrew, George st west, Burwood
Ilenty James and Co., general merohnnts,
Hospital, Booth st, Balmain
Henry Arch.. 08 Gowric st, Newtown
Norman, Canterbury new rd,
39-41 Plttst, and at Melbourne
Henry Arthur, registrar Bankruptcy Court,
Dulwioh Hill
Oitlzens' chambers, corner Moore and Henty O. J„ 39-41 Pitt s t ; p.r., Wallace st,
Herbert Otto, 160 Riley st
Castlerengh s t s ; p.r., "The Croft,"
Henwood Miss A., 40 Australia st, N'towu Herbert Otto, Cafe Anglais, Macquario pi
Pennant Hills rd, l'arrnmatta
Herbert Peter, 16 Knrraba rd, N. Sydney
Henry Arthur, 72 Yule st, Petersham
Henry Arthur E., 42 Thurlow st, Redfcrn Henwood Jns. W., Willougliby rd, North llerbert IV, 107 Underwood st, Paddington
Herbert Illohnrd,29 Church st
Henry Arthur H., 29 Simmons st, Newtown
Henwood John W., 99 Oxford st, Waverley Herbert Richard, 35 View Bt, Annandalc
Herbert Richard, 43 Morgan st, Mar'kvijle
Herbert S., North Steyno, Manly
Herbert Thomas, 1 Murtlooh Bt, Rozelle
Herbert W., 78 Jersey rd, Paddington
Herbert Walter, Muston at, Mosman
Herbert William, 102 Campbell st
Herbert William 11., 53 Fitzroy st
Herbertson John N. 188 Princes st
Herbon K., jun., Church st, Marrickvlllo
Horbst L., photographer, 28 Oxford st
Heron James, 1 Cascade st, Paddington
Hessolberg John A., 30 Bennett st
Heron James, jun., 00 Hugo st, Redfern
Hcsscll Ohnrlcs, Henley st, North Botany
neron James, sen., 24 Hugo st, Bcdfern
Hessell John, 9 Gowst, Balmnin
Heron John, Upper Bayvlewst,N.Sydney Hcssen Mrs. A., 101 Blue's Pt. rd, N. Sydne,
Heron John, 11 Humo st, North Sydney
Hessey Jas., 92 Union st, Erskineville
Heron W. C, " Rockvnle," 180 Walker st, Hcsslon P., 05 Fyrnmnt Bridge rd,
North Sydney
Heron Win., woollen merchant, 3 Bnr- nession Thomas, Falls st, Leichhardt
raok s t ; p.r., Church st, Rnndwick
Hesslon W. M., Jtosebenj Arms hotel, 59
Heron Win.. Carey st, Marrickvlllo
Crown st
" H E R C U L E S " I O E M A O H I N E - Hcrrlck J. 0., 7 Codrington st, Darlington ITcsslcin 1)., Johnston st, Chatswood
John, 23 Adolphns st, Balmain
0. A. MucDonald, E.xehango Corner,
Herriok John, Clcvelly st, Vaucluse'
Hcterick Mrs. E„ 10 Grove st, Petersham
03 Pitt st
Janus, Short st, Enllcld
Herd A., headmaster, MarrickvilloSupcrior
Hetherington B., 18 Hanks st, Ashfleld
Public School, Chapel st, Marrickville Herridge Frank, 225 Victoria st
Herring Alfred, 2 Wells nve, Ashfleld
Uetherington Henry 11.. M.D., '•Cleon,"
Herd Andrew, Forest rd, Arncllffo
Herring G. E., J.P., Ashburn pluco,GlndcsBurwood rd, Burwood
Herd James, 45 Palace st, Petersham
Hetherington I., Nicholson st, St. Leonards
Herd John, 23 Mansfield st, Glebe
Hcthciington J., Dcnison st, Waverlcy
Herd William, 77 Mitchell st, Glebo
York building, Martin place; p.r., Hetherington Miss J. C, 477 Alfred st,
Herdinau Harry, 45 Campbell st, Pad'ton
" Sheen," Beecroft
North Sydney
Herdruan John II., 44 Church st, Balmain
nerrington IT., Parramatta park, P'matta nctherington Mrs. J. E., 100 Emily st,
Herdmun George, Simpson st, llondi
Hcrrington W., Phillip st, Parramatta
Hereford E., Ferdinand at, Hunter's Hill
Hcrriot Itobert F„ Jlailirail hotel, Wil- Hetherington J. M,, council clerk and
Hereford Edgar, Stafford st, Peterslmm
liam st, Auburn
treasurer, Balmain Council Chamber*,
Hereford Robert, 61 Newman st, Newtown
Herrmann Albert, Jlivrrlna hotel, Oxford
Darling st, Bulmaiii
Hereford Samuel, Millett st, Dalmorton
st, Pndilingcon
Hetherington Nurse, Alexandra st, H. Hill
Herford Alfred J., Botany rd, Botany
T., Albion st, Annandalc
Hcrford E., tailor, 170 Pitt st
Herrmann E., 39 Fotheringliam st, M'vllle Ilctton Coal Co., Ltd.—J. S. Hutchinson,,
Herford Enoch, 278 King st, Newtown
secretary, Bond st chambers, 2 Bond st
Herford George, Cardigan st, Petersham
Herrnmnn Mrs. E., bnsketmnker, 39 Enmore Hetton Coal Agency, Liverpool st
Herford Gus., 11 Emmettst, N. Sydney
rd, Enmore
Hcumauu G. A., fancy repository, 31 The
Hcrford I., 113 Phillip st, Waterloo
Herrmann Frodk.. 1 Church lnne
Strand; p.r., Ernest and Miller sts,
Hcrford J., tanner, Byrne st, Botany
North Sydney
Herford J., tanner, Underwood st, Botany Herrmann Jacob, 54 Nelson st, Annandnle
Herrmann Peter, J.P.,Gray st, Kogarah
Heuschkel Alfred, 149 Evans st, Rozelle
Herford J. J., Dover st, Botany
Herrmann Peter, J.P., agenoy office, Rail- Heuschkcl Arthur H., 11 O'Connor st
Hcrford Percy, Hastings rd, Botany
way par, Kogarah
Heussler W. J., Crescent st, Manly .
Herford S., Australia st, Oamperdown
Reuben, fruiterer, 14 Queen Vic- Hevny Thomas, 350 Cleveland st
Herford S., Piggottst, Dulwich Hill
toria Market building
Hevoy D. G., 3 Springside st, Itozelle
Herford William, Bay st, Botany
Herrod Reuben, 90 Gordon st, Paddington Hewnt Hugh, 43 Waterloo st
Herfurth Augustus, Chapel st, Kogarah
James McA., Sixth st, Granville
Hergcst Henry, Factory st, Parramatta
Herron David, 22 Bridge rd, Glebe
I Hewen Joseph, 48 Carlton cres, Sum. Hill
Heringtou J. It., 2 North ores, Ashfleld
Herron Henry, Grand Secretary Oddfel- Howes S., 300 Elizabeth st
Hcrkes Mrs. B., Mcryln st, Burwood
lows' Hall (Grund United Order), 328 Hewett Alf., 337 Miller st, North Sydney
Herkes Mrs. It., Wharf rd. Concord
Hewett Arthur, Stuart st, Burwood
Castlereagh st
Hcrkes K. 11., 22 Heoley st, Pnddington
Hewett Mrs. E., 122 Crystal st, Petersham
Herron Henry, Raglan st, Mosman
Herlihy Mrs. B., 77 Surry st
Hewett F. G., 32 Carlisle st, Ashfleld
Herron Jns., 66 Point st
Herlihy J., Llewellyn st, Marrickvlllo
Hewett F. G., 180n Liverpool rd, Sum. Hill
Herlihy J. J., head master Ersklnevllle Herron William, 20 Bcllevue st, Glebe
Hewett J., 205 George st west
Superior Public School, Swanson st, Herron William, Albert st, Leichhardt
Hersee Mrs.H., 78Uudercllffe st, Neutral Hewett James, 115 Union st, Newtown
Hewett Mrs. M., 17 Edwin st, N. Sydney
Herlihy Thomns, principal Kegworth
Hewott Mrs.M., 101 Francisst, Leichhardt
Superior Public School, Tebbutt st, Hersflold'Jaeob, 111 Liverpool st
Mrs. M., Onslow st, Granville
Hertel Christian, Bntnnv rd, Botany
Herlihy Thos. A., 8 Dover st, Summer Hill Hertzhaenser W. H., 41 Walter st, Pad'ton Hewett R. J., 187 Regent st, Redfern
Hewett Richard,30 Carlisle st. Ashfleld
Herman Charles, 144 Knmoro rd, Newtown Herver Alfred, Smith st, Parramatta'
Hewett T. E., Awaba st, Mosman
Herman Fredk., Coninna rd, Mnrsfleld
Herman H., Olarevillo nve, Saudringham H E H . V E Y R . A., Merchant and Im- Hewins Alfred, 10 Chester st
Hermnti Herbert, 443 King st, Newtown
porter of Special Machinery nnd Sup- Hewlsh George,45 Trade st, Newtown
Herman J., manager Britannia Loan Co.,
plies for Mining, Contracting, Build- Howlson Miss E., 12 Good Hope st, Pad'ton
I l l Kllznbeth s t ; p.r., 300 Park rd,
ing, Engineering, Sluicing, Dredging, Hewlson F. 13. S., Olevedon r.l, Hiu'stvlllc
Irrigation, ifcc. Sides .'.gent for Howlson George. 24 Marion st, Leichhardt
Herman Lewis, 13 Tudor st
Patented Articles and Goods of Special Hewit E. 'J'., Jamieson st, Granville
Herman Nnthan, J.P., importer, 10 York
Manufacture. Corner Olnrence anil Howitt and Woruiald, fuel merchants, 50
King s t s ; p.r, "The Veronicas,
s t ; p.r., ISO Victoria st
Pymble. Tel.-Sydney, 013; WahHerman Mrs. A., George st, Canterbury
West st, North Sydney
roonga, 25
Hermanson L. and Co., proprietors StanHewitt A., Adolphns st, Nnremburii
dard Stenm Laundry, 180-100 Bowling Herwig Mrs. M., 49 Dcnison st, Waverlcy Howitt Arthur, Tiger st, Randwlck
Hewitt O. G., 61 Willlom st, Redfern
Herzog A. B,, Kogarah rd, Kogartdi
Hermanson Alfred, 429 Botirke st
Howitt O. H., Vlotorla st, Granville
Hcrzog J. C, Harrow rd, Kogarr.li
Hermanson Carl., Church st, Parramatta Heseltino Claude, 45 Morehead st, Redfern Hewitt Charles, 28 Cambridge st
Hermanson Louis, 143a Dowling st
Hewitt D., 10 Wyndham st, Alexandria
Hcsketh Jas., 10 Hoddle st, Paddington
Hermes B. M., 72 Albion st, Annandalo
Hewitt E., Canonbury grove, Boxley
Heslop Andrew, Gordon st, Mosmnn
Hernion Alfred, Foster st, Lcichhardt
Howitt E., William st, Granville
Hcslop Fredk., Forest rd, Hurstvillo
Hern John, J.P., manager Com. Banking Heslop G. W„ Sydcnhnm rd, Marrickvlllo Hewitt Edward, Weston rd, Hurstvillo
Co. of Sydney, Ltd. (branch), 11 Heslop G. W., 129 Victoria rd, Marrlckvillo Hewitt Fred. W., Edward st, Enfield
George st west
Hewitt G., 16 Shadforth st, Paddington
llcspc John, Burwood rd, Enfield
Heme Mrs. P., Good st, Granville'
Hess J. nnd Co., wholesale importers of Hewitt IT., Oarrington ave, Hurstvillo
Herncman William, 225 Goulburn st
musical instruments, 167-9 Clarence st Hewitt Henry. 183 George st west
Hero Freehold Silver Mine Prop, 114a Pitt Bt Hess Johannes, " Krishna, " Whltton rd, Hewitt Henry W., Phillip st, Parramatta
Heron Alfred, 01 Hugo st, Redfern
Hewitt Mrs. J., 100 Norton st, Leichhardt
Heron Arthur M., Pile st, Mnrrickvlllo
Hewitt Jas. '1'., 17 John st, Newtown
Hesso Edward, 22 Foster st
Heron Henry, Venus st, Glndesvillo
Howitt John, 309 Cleveland st, Redfern
Hesse P. U., Forest rd, Peushurst
Heron Jhs., 41 University st, Oamperdown Hesse John, 8 Hunt st
Howitt John, 14 Bayst
/Head Ofhoos: 810 Goorge\
VStroot South. ' P h o m e W
Hewitt John 1'., Jesoy st, Hornsby
Hewitt Joseph, Federal hotel, Miller Bt,
North Sydney
Hewitt Lawrence, 183 George st west
Hewitt Mrs., 178 Oxford st, Woollahra
Howitt Mrs. M. A., 62 Spring st, Pad'ton
Hewitt Mrs. Maria, Webber's rd, liexley
Hewitt Norninn, Oabramattn rd, Mosman
Hewitt Robert, 33J Princes st
Hewitt Mrs. S. J„ Fcnncll st, P'matta
Hewitt Stephen, Burton st, Concord
Hewitt T., 150 Windsor st, Paddington
Howitt W.i 110 Wcstbournc st, Petersham
Hewitt W. IT., 100 Windsor Bt, Paddington
Hewitt William, Auburn st, Prospect
Howitt William 11., Kiugst, Rockdale
Hewitt Alfred, Victoria st, Randwlck
Hewlett H., manager E. S. and A. Bank,
Ltd. (branch), 170 William st
Hewlett Miss J., Park rd, Burwood
Hewlott S., Henwlck Bt, Marrlokvllle
Howson Bert, 143 Flood Bt, Leichhardt
Hcwson Miss E. M., typist, 82 Pitt st
Hewson John, 17 Datchettst, Balmain
Hcwson Mrs. Mary, 109 Maria st, Newtown
Hewson Mrs. S., 30 Carlisle st, Leichhardt
Howson J. S., 53 Brougham st, Glebe
Hewson Thomas, Parramatta rd, Auburn
Hex-Job Win., 40 Addison rd, Marrickville
Hextall Mrs. E., 10 Dougan st, Ashlleld
Hextell T , 115 Norton st, Leichhardt
Hcxtcr W., Shepherd st, Marrickville
Hey Charles, 11 Fowler st, Camperdown
Hey Henry, Onslow st, Granville
Heydcn T. W„ Eastst, Grnnville
Heyden Tlios., 07 Day st, Lcichhardt
Heydcn Thos., 3 Up. Day View st, N. Syd
neyden William, 35 Edith Bt, Lcichhardt
Heydcn Miss Zoe, 316 Upper Dowling st
lleydon and Connolly, solicitors, 174
Phillip st
lleydon His Honor Judge, Judge's cham
bcrs, District Court
Hoydou G. T., 0 Commodore st, Newtown
lleydon H., 3 McLean st, Paddington
Heydon II., Drew st, Prospect
Heydoii Henry R., 172 Fruzer st, Dul. Hill
Hcydou J., Parade, Prospect
Heydoii Mrs. J., 110 Young st, Annandalo
Hoydon Hon. L. F., M.L.O., solicitor and
commissioner for
affidavits, 170
Phillip s t ; p.r., Mary st, Hunter's Hill
Hoydon Philip, 82 Campbell st, Newtown
Heydoii Samuel, 111 Foster st, Lcichhardt
Hcydou Samuel, 106 Marion st, Leichhardt
Heydoii Thomas, Park av, Druminoyno
Hoyes Mrs. S., 91-93, Augustus st, I/hanlt
Hoyhow Alf., Wcntworth st, Parramatta
Hcylan Thomas, Booth st, Annandalo
Heylon, J. J., Bay st, Rockdale
Heyman Jas., 41 Francis st, Glebe
Heymann F., 28 Little Cleveland st, R'fern
Hcysen L., produce nicrchadt, 310 Sussex st
Hcyward Charles, 40 Brougham st, Glebe
Hcyward Mrs. Emma, 43 Miller st
HeywoodA. E., solicitor, Viokery's ohamhers, 82 P i t t s t ; p.r.'28 Maclcay st
Heywood Mrs. Diana, 20 Maria st, N'town
Hcywood E. O., 28 Maclcay st
Hezlet Mrs. 8., 10 Tintcrn rd, Ashfleld
Heywood E. W., solicitor, 28 Mncleay st
Heywood Jos., 71 Elizabeth st, Redfern
Hey worth Harris, Alan st, North Sydney
Hezlet A. E., 80 Boulevard, Petersham
Hezlehurst W. V„ Waratah av, Randwlck
Hiatt 0., Canonbury Grove, Mnr'vllle
HIbbard Thos., 41 Nelson st, Rozelle
Hibbcrd O. W., 00 Grafton st, Woollahra
Hlbberd G., grocer, 241o Glebe rd, Glebo
Hibberd Thos., Parraweon st, N. Sydney
Hibberd William, St. Paul's st, Randwlck
Hibbcrson and Co., mercantile brokers,
Indent and commission ngents, Exchange comer, 03 Pitt Bt
Hlbbert J., Old Canterbury rd, Petersham
Hibbert W. J., Gould av, Marrickville
AdvortUlng Experts, Literary Agents.
Hibblo and Son, signwritcrs, 101 ParraTal. 817.
W. P. BLUETT, Manager.
matta rd, Annnndalo
Hibblo Alfred, Charlotte st, Ashfleld
st, Waverley
Hlbblc Harry, manager Savings Bank of
N.SW. (Branch), 276 Dnrling st, Hicks B., Twin rd, North Ryde
Hicks Mrs. D. S„ 35 Wlloy st, Wnverley
Hicks Eleazcr, Hatton Bt, Ryde
Hibblo W. E., 02 Albion st, Ainmndale
Hicks G., 38 Elizabeth st, Camperdown
Hlbblc Walter, Rycdale nl.Ityde
Hicks G. F., 29 Alice st, Newtown
Hichcns Willinm T., Botany rd, Bctany
Hicks G. H., 25 Nelson st, Rozelle
Hlehes Miss M., Railway par, Kogarah
Hickcnbotham O. J., 8 Park Bt, Ers'villc Hicks George, Greenwich rd, Lane Cove
Hlokey William J. and Sons, boot importers, Hicks George, 11 Burton si, North Sydney
570 George Bt, 55 Oxford st, and 432 Hicks George, Victoria place, Paddington
Hloks Henry, Herbert st, Dulwich Hill
Elizabeth st
Hicks Humphrey,49 Murray st
Hlekey Mrs. A., 9 Hamilton st, Rosello
Hicks J. '!'., 143 Canterbury New rd
Hlekey Alfred E., 109 Albion Bt
Hickey Arthur J., 21 Park rd
Hicks Jabez, Wick's rd, North Rydo
Hickey Daniel, 57 Wigram rd. Glebe
Hicks Jabez, jun., Barrljos rd, North Ryde
Hickey David, J.P., baker, 3(1 Surrey st
Hicks James, jnn„ Twin rd, North Ryde
Hickey Denis J., 190 Evans st, Rozelle
Hicks James A„ 07 Yule st, Petersham
Hickey Dennis, Johnston st, Bankstowu
Hicks Mrs. John, Princes st, Ryde
Hickey George, Burwood id, Burwood
Hicks John, 218 Parramatta rd, Ann'dalc
Hickey H., Wcntworth st, Manly
Hicks John, Punchbowl rd, Enfield
Hiekoy II. E.. Albion fit
Hicks Jonathan, Twin rd, North Rvdc
Hickey J., 4 Spring st, Balmnin
Hickey J., 90 Great Buckingham st, Il'fern Hicks L. II., Punchbowl rd, Enfield"
Hicks Mrs. M., 60 Gt. Buckingham st,R'fu
Hickey James, 4 Campbell st
Hicks Reuben, Upward st, Leichhardt
Hickey James, 7 Dick st
Hicks S., 170 Blue s Point rd, North Sydney
Hickey James, 22 Hutchinson st
Hickey Mrs. Jas., St. Paul's st, Randwick Hloks T., 109 Old Canterbury rd, P'sham
Thos., Blticher st, North Botany
Hickey James, 10(1 Young st, Redfern
Hicks W. J., 23 Gerard st, Alexandria
Hickey John, 123 Murray st
Hlokey John, 12 Taylor st, Annandalo
Hicks Walker, 20 Palmer Bt, Balmain
Hickey John, 00 Rowntree st, Balmain
nicks William, 47 Simmons st, Newtown
Hlekey John, 4 Darling st, Glebe
Hicks William, Hurdle st, North Botany
Hickey John, Roylston st, Paddington
Hicks William, 38 Wells fit, Redfern
Hickey John, Fletcher st, Woollahra
Hicks W. T„ Cox's rd, North Rydo
Hickey Joseph, Stanley st, Arucliffe
Hlckson B., 213 Bridge rd, Glebe
Hickey M., 114 Nelson st, Annandalc
Hickson O. E., 130 Marion st, Lcichhardt
Hickey Mrs. M., 3 West st, Paddington
Hickson Charles, Pittwater rd, St. Ives
Hickey Michael, 35 Riley Bt
Miss E„ tea rooms, 15 Royal Arc.
Hickey Michael, Kogarah rd, Kogarah
Hickson G. W., 03 Fowler st, Camperdown
Hickey Michael, 8 Hart st
77 Riley st
Hickey Michael, Quarry rd, Dundas
Hickson George, Cobdcn st, Enllcld
Hickey Michael, 95 Eveleigh st. Redfern
Hickey Michael, 60 Ebley st, Wnverley
Hickson George, 32 George st west
Il'ckey Nicholas, Parramatta rd, Ryde
Hickson Hy., 0 Annesley st, Lcichhardt
Hickey O. J., 69 Boundary st
Hickson Henry, Daniel st, Botanv
Hickey Patrick, 3 Collins st, Annaudale
Hickson J., 47 Wcntworth Pnrk"rd, Glebe
Hickey Patrick, 2 Suffolk Bt, Paddington Hickson Mrs. J. B., 268_ Oxford st, W'lahra
Hickey Patrick, 29 George st, Redfern
Hickson John, Botany Yd, Botnny
Hickey Peter, 242 Church Bt, Camperdown Hickson John, Rocky Point rd, San Souci
Hickey Phillip, Wcntworth st, Manly
Hickson John C, J.P., timber merchant.
Hlokey Thomas, 1 Bartloyst
Railway par, Burwood
Hickey Thomas, 184 Devonshire st
Hickson J., 04 Tebbutt st, Leichhardt
Hickey Thomas, 29 Rose st
Mrs. M., Segenhoe st, Arncllffo
Hickey Thos., 189 Young st, Anuandale
Hioksou Mrs. M. J., 6 Prospect st, Waverlcy
Hickey Thomas, 20 Brougham st, Glebe
Nellie, College hotel, Pyrmont
Hickey W., restaurant, 237 Oxford st
Bridge rd, Camperdown
Hickey W., 28 Underwood Bt, Paddington
Hickson Robert R. P., J.P., president
Hickey W., 160 George st, Waterloo
Sydnoy Harbour Trust, Pitt Bt, CirHickey W. II., Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby
cular Quay; p.r., " Yerowin," Union
Hickey Wnlter, Glbbes st, Rockdale
st, North Sydnoy
Hickey William J., 55 Oxford st
Hioksou Richard, Heydoii st, Enfield
Hickie Bernard J., 21 Pitt st, N. Sydney
Hickson Rowan P., solicitor, Mutual Life
Hlokln John, Graham st, Auburn
of New York building-, Martin place;
nioklnbotliam G. H., Rangers nve, M'mnn
p.r., Union st, North Sydney
Hloking Henry J., 40 Pitt st, Waterloo
Hicking Samuel H., Yule st, Dulwich Hill Hickson W. S., Roboy st, North Botnny
Hickson William, King st, North Botany
Hickling Wilfred, 45 Burton Bt
Hicky Edwin S., Alma st, Pymble
Hickman H. A., 37 Jersey rd, Woollahra
Hlcky John, Station st, Arnclifle
Hickman Samuel, 222 Goulburn Bt
Hidden Richard, Clayton st, Balmain
Hickman Thomas 0., Young st, Redfern
nicks Bros., ham nnd bncon depot, 310 niddlcston J.. 77 Dcnison Bt, Waverlcy
Hiddlcstoiio Rev. W. R., Palmer st, North
Sussex st
Hide Mrs. H., 72 University st, Cnmp'down
Hicks A. P., Rocky Point rd, Sans Soucl
Hide William, 93 Duke st
Hloks A., 8tuart, Saber st, Woollahra
Hicks Mrs. Annie E., Dorn st, Hurstvllla Higbld Ernest, 81 Crystal st, Petersham
• ;!il';
Higgins Mrs. B., 114 Pynnont Bridge rd, Higgs Pcroival, statlonmastcr and post- Hiloy Mrs. Maria, 136 Wilson st, Redfcrn
master, Eastern rd, Turramurra
Hill Brothers, storekeepers, Victoria avc,
Hlggerson J., Rooky Point rd, Rookdnlo Higgs Peter, Beach st, Ooogco
Hlggln Mrs. J., 17 Little Walker st, North Hlggs Roderick, 28 Barren st, Newtown Hill Dickinson and Co., hardware merHiggs Walter, Oberon st, Raudwick
chants, 99 York st
High School—Girls' department, Mrs. L. HU1 W. H. and Co., paper morohants and
Higginbotlmin Alfred, 191 Goulburn st
Garvin, headmistress, OJ) Elizabeth st
Higginbothain E., Olevclnnd st, Darlington
Importers, and paper bag manufacHigginbotlmin J., 214 Oxford Bt, Woollalirn High D. G., Darley st, Marrickvlllo
turers, 350 Sussex St. Tol. 3054
High Mrs. Kmily, 300 Park rd
Higginbotham L., 139 Harris st
Higham Arthur, 12 Brumby st
Higgins Miss A., 459 Dowling st
Higham Alfred, 33 Wilson lane, Rcdfern
Hlgglns Amos, 46 Burnett st, Redfcrn
Higham Mrs. 0., 9 Edgeoliffo rd, Woollalirn
Higgins Mrs. Anno, SO Ocean st, Bondl
Auctioneers, Wool and Produce BroHigham E. A., Oakvillo rd, Wllloughby
Hlgglns Arnold, Albert st, Lcichhnrdt
kers, Stock and Station Agents, Fat
Higham John, 49 Thomas Bt, Rcdfern
Higgins B., J.V., Fuller's rd, Ohatswood
Stock Salesmen. Head office— 2 O'ConHigham T., 7 Little Cleveland st, Rcdfern
Hlgglns 0. TJ, 37 Fredcriok st, Ashfleld
nol st, telophono No. 59 ; Wool Stores
Hlgglns Edmund, 0 Bayvlllo st, Rozclle
--Circular Quay and Pyrmont and
Highfield F. W„ Harriott st, Marriokvllle
Hlgglns F. E., Robinson st, Wllloughby
Edward sts, Pyrmont; telephone 17fl„
Highland Society of N.S.W.—Lieut.Colonel
Higgins Miss Frances, 230 Liverpool st
Stock Department—Homcbush; Olty
Jas. Burns, president; J. Ourrie Ellcs,
Hlgglns George, 88 Francis st, Glebe
offices, 2 O'Counoll st, telephono No.
hou. secretary: W. 0. Marshall, lion,
Higgins H., 321 Darling st, Balmaln
1907. Paddocks and Rccolvlng Ynrdstreasurer; itoderick Davidson, secreHlgglns J., Albion st, Rozclle
for Stock at Homebush. Stock Sales—
tary. 90 Pitt st
Higgins Mrs. J., 42 Cnstlcreagli st, Redfcrn
Mondny and Thursday; sales at City
Highland Charles, electrician, 93 Mnrkct st
Higgins James, 9 Orescent st, Rozellc
Yards, Tuesday, Wednesday, and FriHighland Olios., 2 Reserve st, Annandalo
Higgins James, 34 Kepos st, Redfcrn
day. (Seo advt. opposite)
Hlgglns Jnnics, 173 Botany st, Waterloo Hightou Samuel, 231 Globe rd, Glcbo
Hill A., 50 Hondersou rd, Alexandria
II Iglnbotham A. J., William st, Doublo Bay Hill A., Mclntyre st, Gordon
Hlgglns Jnmcs, Epsom rd, Waterloo
Hlglett William, King st, Rockdale
Higgins John, 116 Grown st
Hill A. A., Starling st, Lclchhardt
Hlglcy Olios., 020 Darling st, Rozello
Higgins John, OS Market st
Hill A. D., Illawarra rd, Mar'kvillo
Higley J. J., 27 Adolphus Bt, Balmaln
Higgins John, 32 Reynolds st, Balmain
Hill Mrs. A. F., 16 Council st, Waverley
Hlgley T., undertaker, 101 Lano Oovo rd, Hill A. Fraser, Irrigation Expert, ExHiggins John, 20 North st, Glebe
Higgins John, Alfred st, Hunter's Hill
change, 50 Pitt st
North Sydney
Higgins John, 23 Grove st, Leichhordt
Highlcy W„ 105 Holtcrman st, North Syd. Hill Alex., 72« Bircligrove rd, Balmaln
Higgins John, Oongcwoi rd, Masman
Hill Alfred, 1 Paul Bt, Bondl
Higman Horace, Oooper Bt, Concord
Higgins Jonathan, Oxford st, Rookwood Higman Mrs. M., 124 Dcnlson st, Camper- Hill Alfred, Prlnco Albert st, Mosman
Higgins John, Light Brigade hotel, Oxford down
Hill Alfred, Unwlu's Bridge rd, St. Peters
Hill Alfred E„ Oook's River rd, St. Peters
Higson Oharles, Cowyan rd, St. Ives
st, Woollalirn
Hill Alfred H., Moore st, Bexlov
Higgins M.,44 Elizabeth st west, Ashfleld Hlgson Mrs. H., 41 Ridge st, North Sydney Hill
Alfred H., Albert st, Granville
Higgins Michael, 14 High Holborn st
Amos, 17 Brougham st. Glebe
Higgins Michael, 20 Marshall st
Hill Arthur, 13 Park st, Ersklnovillo
Hlgglns Michael J., 64 Durham st, Glebe Higson William, 110 Bay st
Hill Arthur, 4 Sydney st, Erskincville
Higson William, 37 Dcnman st, Glebe
Hlgglns 0. T., Alpha rd, Wllloughby
Hill Arthur, 20 Albion st, Paddlngton
Higgins Peter, 67 Rnglau st, Darlington HUalre John A., 31 Trade st, Newtown
Hill Arthur, Unwin's Bridge rd, St. Peters
Higgins lire. R.. 207 F'mattard, Aun'dale Hiland P., Bellevue parade, Hurstville
Hill Arthur G., 14 Leiohlmrdt st,, Glebe
Higgins R., IB Wentworth st, Paddingtou Illland Mrs. M„ IS Campbell st, Ersk'villo Hill
T., 102 Edgcwure rd, Newtown
Higgins, T. M.. 65 Arthur st. North Syd. Hlldebrand 0. P., inspector Department of Hill Arthur
A. H. W., 10 Hoyes rd, Neutral Bay
Higgins Thomas, 7 Yurong st
Navigation, Loftus st
10 Ridge st, N. Sydney
Higgins Thomas, Botany rd, Alexandra
Hildcrbrandt 0., Little Fotheriughnm st, Hill 0., 94 Chapel st, Marrickvlllo
Higgins Tiros., Ascot st, Kensington
st, Rcdfern
Higgins Thomas It., Herbert st, Gore Hill Hlldcbrandt Mrs. 0. E., 23 Hopctoun st, Hill O.H., 182 Aborcrombie
Windsor st, Paddlngton
Higgins W. B., 107 Johnston st, Aunandale
Higgins William, 58 Marshall st
Hildcr A., 03 Gerard st, Alexandria
Hill Oharles, Parramatto rd, Concord
Higgison Mrs. E. 0., 21 Diokson st, N'town Hildcr Mrs Ada, 124 Kent st
Hill Charles, 10 Forsyth st, Glebe
Higgison Mrs. F., 8 Rose st, Darlington
Hildcr Alex.. 28 Oharles st, Petersham
Oharles, 5 Buckncll st, Newtown
Higginsoii J., Mnrrickville rd, Dulwioh Hill Hildcr Alfred E., Park avc, Drummoyno Hill
Hill Charles, 71 King st, Newtown
Higgison George, 98 Buckingham st
Hilder Arthur J., 27 Jnqucs st, Balmoin
12 Lcinster st, Paddlngton
Higgison Percy, 47 Marlon st, Redfcrn
Hildcr 0., 8 Copclnnd st, Alexandria
Hill Charles, Georgo st, Parramntta
Hlggissou Valentine, 40 Ann st
Hilder 0. E., 0 Onthcrinc st, Lclchhardt Hill Charles, 11 Hartley st, Ilozelle
Higglston J., 0 Little Darling st, Balmaln Hilder David, Great North rd, Abbotsford
Ohas. J., Wimbledon st, Abbotsford
Hlggs A. A., bootmaker, 233 William st Hilder Rev. George (0. of E.), Kent Bt, Hill
Hill Oharles J., Parramottii rd, Concord
Higgs A. A., 88 Liverpool st, Paddlngton
Charles W., Ross st, Pnrramattn
Hlggs Alfred, 55 Halloran st, Lclchhardt Hilder Rev. G. D. (0. of E.), Kissing Point Hill
Hill David, jun., Codrlngton st, Darlington
Higgs Alfred J., 79a Yiotorla st
rd, Turrnmurra
Hill David, 201 Wilson st, Newtown
Hlggs Mrs. 0., 143 Biillanaming st, R'feru Hilder
Mrs. H., Mncaulay rd, Petersham Hill Mrs. David, 0 Llaiidaft st, Waverley
Hlggs Oharles, 105 Oumberlnnd st
Hilder J., coachbullder, 20 City rd
Hill Mrs. E„ 30 Flinders st
Hlggs Charles, Upper Fort st
Hilder J., Farr st, Rookdalo
Hill Miss E., confectioner, 698 George st
Hlggs .Mrs. E., 225 Crown Bt
Hill E. L., 42 Wallls st, Woollahra
Hlggs Edward J., The Avenue, Hurstvillc Hilder Moses, 218 Hereford st, Glcbo
Mri. E. McO. S., chemist, Railway par,
Hlggs Frank, 164 Edgcoliffe rd, Woollahra Hilder P., 5 Wellington st, Waterloo
Higgs Mi6S J., postmistress, Granville Post Hildcr S„ Middle Harbor rd, Manly
and Telegraph Office, Railway par Hilder Mrs. S., 4 Wellington st, Waterloo Hill E. J., 219 Edgecllffc rd, Woollahra
Hilder W., Railway par, South Granvlllo Hill E. W., 24 Woodstock Bt, Waverley
south, Granville
Hilder W., 140 Aberoromblo st, Rcdfern
Higgs Mrs. J., 487 Dowling st
Hill Mrs. Emily, matron Female Mission
W. E., 104 George st, Ersklnovillo
Higgs James, 2 Mnokcnzio st, Wavcrley
Home, 102 Bridge rd, Glebe
Hilder W. J.. Mcrrylands rd, Merrylnnds Hill Mrs. Edward, 43 Bent st
Higgs James D., 471 Riley st
Hilder W. J„ 31 Roberts st, Newtown
Higgs James E., Grown st, Granville
Hill Edwnrd, 97 Raglan st, Waterloo
Hildcr W. R-, 140 Abercrombio st, Rcdfern Hill Edwnrd B., Military rd, Mosman
Higgs John, 30J Riley st
Hlggs John, Oroydon nve, Croydon Park Hilder William, Hewlett st, Granville
Hill Edward G„ 93 Norton Bt, Leiohlmrdt
Higgs L. Leonard, manager for N.S.W. Hildcrbrandt W., Holtcrman st, N. Sydney HiU Mrs. Elizabeth, 35 Nithsdalc st
G.F.Morris and Sous, Australian wine
Hill Mrs. Elizabeth' Woid's avc, Hurstville
growers, 14 Castlereagh Bt; p.r., Muston Hilcs Jas., Euston rd, Alexandria
Hill Krnest, Wharf st, Narembum -•-.»- .J
Hlles John, Premier Bt, Kogarah
st, Mosman
Hill F., "Hlllston," Beach st, Coogeo""— •;
Higgs Lewis R., 19 Holborow st, Oroydon Hlles Lawrence, Wyndham st, Alexandria Hill F., Want st, Mosmnu
Hiley MIBS J., postmistress, Ocean st, Bond! Hill F. J., 210 Botany rd, Alexandria
Higgs Paul, Elizabeth st, Waterloo
SYDNEY. ( K S : $ £ 5 9 8 )
E s t a b l i s h e d 1874.
Wool & General Produce Agents
Unrivalled Accommodation for Stock.
SPECIAL ATTENTION given to' Sales of Station Properties
and Country Estates.
Bank of New South
•Cable Address: "Oxen."
A.B.C. Ath and 5th Editions, and Western Union Codes.
Hill F. W„ J.P., 153 Bondi rd, Waverley
HIU James J., Peiinnut st, Pnrramatta
HIU Thomas, 78 Grafton st, Woollalira
Hill F. W. 0., J.l'. nuetioneor, linuse Hill James W„ May's HiU, Parraniatta
HIU Tlios. II., woodcarvcr, 408 Riley st
nnd insurance agent, Victoria JIflll, Hill Mrs. Janet, Forest rd, Hurstvllle
Thomas J., 86 Bourke st, Redfern
Corso.Manly; ]).r., Victoria par, Manly HIU John, 54 Bay st
Hill Thomas 11,50 Rcnny st, Paddington
Hill Frank, -1 ltyder st
Hill John, 288 Palmer st
Abercorn st, Boxley
HlUFrunk, 131 Cooper 6t, Waterloo
HIU John, 3 Mitchell rd, Alexandria
Hill Woff, 76 Wyndham st, Alexandria
Hill Francis S. B., Byron st, Coogeo
Hill John, Tebbutt st, Leicliliardt
Hill Mrs. W., 1 Karraba rd, North SydneyHill Frcilk., 131 Nelson st, Anuamlalo
Hill John, 16 Iris st, Paddington
Hill W., 212 Farramntta nl, Peterslinm
Hill Fmlk., Wnrdcll rd, Dulwloh Hill
Hill John, Ohmcb st, Parraniatta
W. C, Allison rd, Rnudwlok
Hill Frcilk., Middle st, Miirrickvlllo
Hill John, Dixon st, Parraniatta
Hill \V. U., Gordon rd, Chatswood
Hill Frederick, 12 Falcon st, N. Sydney
HIU John, Wanda st, Prospect
H., 26 Blrrell st, Waverlcy
Hill O., 14 Little Walker st, North Sydney- Hill John, High st, Raudwiek
Hill W. H., 18 Moonbie st, Summer Hill
Hill Mrs. O., " Hillston," Bench st, Coogeo Hlll John, 81 Walkorst, Redfern .
J., 74 Caledonia st, Paddington
Hill O. A., tiOl Darling st, Rozelle
HIU John, 1(18 Young st, Redfcrn
Hill Walter, 23 Hargrove st, Puddington
Hill G. G„ Petersham nl, Mnrrickvillc
Hill John, Brown st, St. Peters
HIU Walter II., 29 Itenwiek st, Lcichhardt.
Hill G. R., Burwood rd, Bnrwood
Hill John, Sutherland st, St. Peters
Hill Walter J., Vernon st, Woollnhra
Hill George, 11 Mort st
HIU John, 12"? Wellington st, Waterloo
William. 10 Cross st
Hill George, 125 Oxford st
Hill John, 04 Rend st, Wnverley
HIU William, 00 Reservoir st
Hill George, Breillat st, Annandnle
HIU John Clark, c/o O. W. Long, 40 Hunter! HIU William, 140 Short st, Bnlmain
Hill George, 1 Ferdinand st, Bnlmnin
s t ; p.r., "Auchengower," lipping
HiU William, Kissing Point nl, Dundns
Hill George, lli2 Bridge rd, Glebe
HIU John IT., 2 Short st, Petersham
HIU William, 13 Bridge st, Ersklneville
Hill George, Russell st, Granville
Hill John J., 40 Edgecllffe rd, Woollalira Hill William, A'Beckett st, Granville
Hill George, 20 Mitunl st, Newtown
Hill John T., 192 Denison st, Cani|icrdown Hill William, Kogurnh rd, Kognrnh
Hill George, 23 Fltzroy st, N. Sydney
Hill John T. H., Henley st, Drummoyne
Hill William, Beam st, Leiolihardt
nill George. Church st, Parramnttn
Hill Joseph, accountant N.S.W. Mont de Hill William, 67 Upward st, Leicliliardt.
Hill George, Dixon st, Farramntta
Pieto Deposit and Investment Co., Hill William, 22 Bright st, Marrickville
Hill George, Gibbesst, Rockdale
Ltd., 74 Onstlereagh st j p.r., "Thalaba," Hill William, 74 William st. Paddingtou
Hill George, Rocky Point rd, Kognrnh
Muston st, Mosman
HIU William, 90 Palnco st, Petersham
Hill George, Nelson st, Woollalira
Hill Joseph, Oleveilon rd, Hurstvllle
Hill William, First ave, Rookwood
Hill George A., Pennant st, Purramattn
HIU Joseph, Terrace rd, Marriokvillo
William, Sutherland st, St. Peters
Hill George, F. Merton st, Waterloo .
HIU Joseph, 63 Edgewnrcrd, Newtown
HIU William, 15 Botany st, Wnterloo
Hill George \Y\, 13 Denison st, Waverley Hill Joseph, King st, Rockdalo
William 0., M.L.O., 43 Bent st.
Hill H., Carrington nve, Strathlield
nUI Mrs. Joshua, 100 Wilson st, Newtown Hill William O., 23 Counoll Bt, Wnverley
Hill H., Robertson st,Shcnvood
HIU Mrs. K„ 10 Blue's PL rd, N. Sydney HIU Wm. H., George st, Canterbury
Hill H., OS Grafton st, Woollnhrn
HIU Mrs. L. A., 103 Itcgent st, Redfern
HIU William II., Scott st, Wavcrlcy
Hill H. J., 40 Wallis st, Woollalira
Hill Miss Laura, 43 Bent st
Hill Willinm J., 14 Oxley st, Glebe
Hill Harrv, Aldcrsnu st, Waterloo
HIU Mrs. M., 12 McQuarrie ter, Balmaln HIU Willinm J. A., High st, Kognrnh
Hill Harry G., 3 Tnringa st, Ashfleld
HIU Mrs M., Petersham rd, Marriokvillo HIU William S., 45 Young st, Redferir
Hill Henry, 673 Bourke st
Hill Mrs. M., 88 Marian st, Newtown
HIU William T., 9 Stewart st, Balmaln
Hill Henry, 71 Boyce st. Glebe
HIU M. J., 28 Mitohell st, Glebe
Hillard O. W., Montgomery st, Kogaralr
HiU Henry, 33 Hereford st, Glebe
Hill Mrs. Margaret, 105 Reservoir st
Hillnrd U.. Erskincvillo rd, Newtown
Hill Mrs. Henry, Sydney rd, Granville
Hill Mrs. Margaret, Cowper st, Waverloy Hillard Thomas, jun., Forest rd, HurstvIUo
Hill Heffry, Lane Cove rd, N. Sydney
HIU Matthew, 13 Cromwell st. Leicliliardt Hillard W., George st, Canterbury
Hill Henry, 28 Tliornc st, Paddington
HIU Michael, Edith Bt, St. Peters
Hillard W., Harcourt estate, Canterbury
Hill Henry, Baptist st, Hedfern
HIU N., 67 Annandnle st, Anuaudale
Hillas Mrs. W. II., Allison rd, Raudwiek
Hill Henry, 60 Regent st, llidfcrn
Hill Oliver, Austral st, Kogarali
W., 24 Queen st, Paddington
Hill Henry, Blaxlnml's rd, Rvde '
HIU P. C, 30 Whnrf rd, Balmaln
Hillcont K. W., sec, Psychic Society o£
Hill Henry, Sutherland st, St. Peters
HIU Percy, Samuel st, St. Peters
Hill Henry, 42 Botany st, Waterloo
N.S.W., 328 Castlereagh st
HIU Peter, 4 Bllgh st, Newtown
Hill Henry. 10 Denison st, Woollalira
Hillcoat Willinm J., Victoria ave, C'wood.
HIU Peter, Sutherland st, St. Peters
Hill Henry F., 4 Gas lane
H., 142 Campbell st
HIU R. A., butcher, 90 William st
Hill Henry H., Herbert st, Mortlako
Hille H„ restaurant, 10-12 Erskincst
Hill R. S„ sharcbrokcr, 109 Pitt st
Hill Henry R., Roliinson st, Wllloughby
Hillen Henry, 137 Denison nl, Petersham
HIU R. S., Oabramattn rd, Mosman
Hill Henry \\\, Chapel st, Rockdale
Hlllgrove nnd Armldnlo Electric CorporuHIU Riohard, 15 Harris st, Uozelle
Hill Herbert, Holrovd rd, Prospect
tion, Ltd.—Crompton nnd Co., mnnHIU Richard, 5 Beaumont st, Waterloo
Hill Herbert, Cook's River rd, St. Peters HIU Robert, 1 Buy st, Bnlmain
agers, Cnindeu builillngs, 418 George st
Hill Herbert, Australia st, Woollalira
Hlllliouse Thomas, 113 Smith st, Sum. HIU
HIU Robert, 22 Cnscnilo st, Paddington
Hill Nurse Ida, Lane Cove rd, Pynible
Hilllard nnd Mnnstleld, solicitors, 82 PIttst
HIU Robert, 5 Weston st, Peterslinm
Hill Mrs. J.. 18 Botanv rd, Alexandria
Hillinrd A. E., 31 Albany nl, Petersham
Hill Rolnnd. 43 Bent st
HIU Mrs. J., 44 Arthurst, N. Sydney
Hillinrd A. V., solicitor, 82 Pitt st ; p.r.,.
HIU Rowland. 21 Leicliliardt st, Glebe
Hill Mrs. J., O'Comiell st, Pnrramatta
HIU Rowland, Unioi st, .Mo3m.ni
Fnirllght st, Mnnly
Hill J., 30 Schimcl st, Waterloo
Hill Rowland, 20 Belinore Bt, Newtown
Hillinrd O. D., nccnuntant Commercial
Hill J. B., 105 Edith st, Leicliliardt
Hill S. H., ohomlst, 105 Reservoir st
Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd. (branch),.
HIU Rev. J. C. (Moth.), Turramurru ave, HiU S. L., Dutruc st, Raudwiek
458 Oxford st, Paddington
HIU Samuel, Locomotive hotel, Parraniatta Hillinrd .Mrs. H., 4 MoEvoy st, Waterloo
Hillinrd H. C, secretary Sydney and SubHiU J. J., 51 Allen st, Leicliliardt
rd, Auburn
urban Master Bakers' Association, 6Hill J. L.. 91 Mill Hill rd, Wnverley
HIU Samuel, Campbell st, St. Peters
Moore s t ; p.r., 21 Penkivll st, Bond!
HIU J. M., Parraniatta nl, Conconl
Hill Samuel J., Tnylor st, West Kognrnh Hilllard Henry, 18 Pitt st, Wnterloo
HIU J. P.,LivliiBStone id, Marrickvillc
HUlianl Mrs. J., 109 William st
Hill J. T„ Crown st. St. Peters
Hill Simeon. 39 Tine 6t, Redfern
Hilllard John, 9 Holborrow st, Crovdon
HIU J. W., architect, 84 Elizabeth st
Hilllard Cnpt. M. A., Taylor st, P'mntta
HIU J. \V„ architect, Cieorge st, Par'matta Hill Stanley, 79 Rowntrce Bt, Balmaln
Hill Stephen Stanley st, Auburn
Hilllard R„ Parnmiatta rd, Concord
HIU J. W., Good st, Granvillo
Hill Mrs. Sydney, Muston st. Mosman
Hillinrd Robert, 100 Palmer st
Hill J. W., 22 Moonblc st, Summer HIU
Hilllard Sydney, Kyle st, Arncllffe
Hill James, 143 Wyndham st, Alexandria
W., Homcbush rd, Homcbush
Hill James, 3 Gladstone st, Bulmaln
HIU T., jun., 85 Devonshire st, N. Sydney Hilliards G., 217 King st, Newtown
Hill James, 52 Llewellyn st, Bnlmain
Hllller A., 042 Illawnrrn rd, MarrickvUlo
HIU James, Northwood st, Camperdown
HIU Thomas, South par, Auburn
Hllller A. J., 10 Stanley st, Waverlcy "
Hill James, 0 Grose st, Glebe
Hill Thomas, Water Reserve, Botany
Hllller Edwin J., 77 George st
Hill Jos., George st, HurstvIUo
Hill Thomas, Mowbray rd W., Chatswooil Hllller F., John st, Woollalira
Hill Jas., 415 Cleveland st, Redfcrn
Hill Thomas, Fredbert st, Leicliliardt
Hilllcr F. P., Croydon nvc Enfield
Hill Jas., 135 Wells st west, Hedfern
Hill Thomas, 7 Burton st, North Sydney Hilller Frcdcriok, Market st, Raudwiek
HIU Mrs, James, ?' Dalkcy " Rose Bay
Hill Tliomus, Hassallst, Parraniatta .. Hllller H., Church st, North Sydney
SYDNEY. (SMSSffi! $ I & E B )
Hindmarsh J., Parker st, Rockdale
Hilller Harry, wholesale tnddlernnd buggy Hilton Mrs. A. E , 98 Windsor st, Pnd'ton Hindmarsh
W., draper, 688 George st
I Illtou Arthur, 29 Euroka st, N. Sydney
manufacturer, 130 Sussex st
Bros., bakers, 58 E'ville rd. E'ville
Hilller Harry, Ada st, Concord
Hllller J. B., " Elnistcad," Allison nl, Hilton Frank, Rocky Point rd, Rockdalo Hinds J. and Co., engineers, 24 Regent Bt,
Hilton G., uootmnkcr, 49 Liverpool st
Hilton George, 43 Mew st
Hinds A. M„ 67 Walker st, North Sydney
dlllller J . O., Ross st, Pnrramatta
Alexander, inspector of police, 020
Hilller James, Inkerman st, Parramatta
Hilton George, 1 Centre st, Redfern
Bourke st
Hilller John, Crown st, Granville
Hinds Miss O., Gordon td, Chatswood
Hilllcr John, Iron st. Parramatta
Hilton H., 307 Pnrrnmntta rd, Leicliliardt Hinds IS. M., 302 Darling st, Bnlmnin
Hilller John, 07 Boronin st, Redfcrn
Hilton Henry W., Oxford st, Hurstvllle
Hinds 1',, Parramnttn rd, Auburn
Hilllcr John, Judd st, Rookdale
Hilton Hugh, Archer st, Chatswood
Hinds Fredk., Western rd, rnrramntta
Hllller Riohard. 7 O'Connor st
Hilton J. S„ Cantor fit, Croydon
Hinds Fredk., 171 Denison rd, Petersham
Hilller S. W., 06 Ocean st, Bondl
Hinds George, 60 Gordon st, Paddington
Hilller T., 170 Henderson rd, Alexandria Hilton James, 19 Duke st, Bnlmain
Hilton James, 31 Simmons st, Newtown Hinds II. W., 55 Denison rd, Peterslinm
Hilller W., Trougate st, Granville
Hlllier W., 785 Illawarrn rd, Marriokvillo Hilton James, 27 Thomas st, North Sydney Hinds H. W., J.P., Eliznbeth st, Wnterloo
Hilton John, 41 Mort st
Hinds Irwin, branch manager Queensland
Hllller W. O., Bathurst st, Woollalira
Hilton John, 713 Darling st, Rozelle
Smelting Co., Ltd., 0 Spring st
Hlllier William, Nobbs st, Granvillo
Hinds John, 15 Swnnson st, Erskinevillo
.'llilliB Mrs. F., postmistress, Western rd. Hilton Joseph, 32 Victoria st, N. Sydney
Hilton Mrs, M. A., Ross st, Pnrrnmnttn
Hinds Montague, 71 Victorin st, Lewlshnm
Hilton Robert, Short st, Auburn
Hinds Thomas, 14 Moncur st, Woollnhra
HIUIs Mrs. J. B., O'Coniiell st, Parramnttn Hilton S. B., 98 Windsor st, Paddington
Hinds W. O., 74 Henderson nl, Alexandria
Hillmnn Edwnrd nnd Co., engineers, 01 Hilton Sarah A., Oxford st, HurstvIUo
Hindson Mrs. A. L., sec. N.S.W, Tract
Pier st
Hilton W.W., Blue's Pt. rd, North Sydney
Society, and Health Food Depot, 50
Hillmnn C, 1J9 Pitt st,North,Sydney
Hilton Willinm, Nicholson st, Burwood
George st wost
Hillmnn Ohns.. milk vendor 02 Ivy st, R'rn HilyanderF. C.,116 Balmaln rd.Loichhardt
J. A., malinger, vegetarian cafe,
Hillmnn Ernest, 511 Yule st, Petcishnm
Hilzonger W. G., 43 Ross st, Forest Lodge
283 Pitt Bt
Hillmnn Hugh, Mnry st, Longueville
Hllzlnger Henry, 735 Harris st
Hillmnn J., sen., Alexandra st, Hun. Hill Hilzingcr W., 19 Birchgrove rd, Bnlmain Hindson T., 33 Emily st, Marrlckvillo
Hillmnn J . J., Alexandra st, Hunter's Hill Hlmmclhoch H., optician and jcwellor, Hindwood Sydney, 30 Denison st, Wnv'ley
Hindy John R., Lawrence st, Alexandria
Hillmnn Jnmes, 62 Cooper st, Waterloo
llino Bros., produce morchniits,105 Weston
6 Oxford st
Hillmnn John H., lni]icrlal nvc, Wnverley
rd, Rozello; nnd Bridge st, D'moyne
Himmelhooh II., 27 Norfolk st, Pad'ton
Hillmnn Oliver V., 50 Rnsser st. Rozelle
Hillmnn P. H., Upper Bnyviewst, N. Syd. Ulminellioeh I., financier, 187 Castlereagh Hino E. W., Lucns rd, Burwood
J., Gordon st, Burwood
st, corner Park s t ; p.r., 184 Forbes st
Hillmnn Mrs. It., 74 Denison st, W'hnrn
Hine Peter, 14 Mnney st, Rozello
ninoe George W., 11 Regent st, Pad'ton
Hillmnn Thomas, off 213 Cnstlcrengh st
Hine Peter, 1 Wnterloo 6t, Rozelle
Hillmau W., 27 Marlborough st, L'hardt nincc James, 11 Regent st, Paddington
Hinchcllff, Holt and Co., wool morchnuts, Hines Alfred, 11 Bnrcom place
Hillock Robert, 38 liurllnson st
Hines Charles H., 4 Lawson st, Waverlcy
Hillook Robert, 523 Elizabeth st
7 Young st
Hills Samuel aud Co., commercial brokers, HlnchclllTc Mrs. L..38 Donnelly Bt, B'inain Hines Conwny, 8 Prosper st, Rozelle
land nnd financial agents, 114o P i t t s t HiiiolicliUe J., St George's ores, D'inoyuo Hines Edward, Excelsior st, Concord
Hills A. E., 11 Lombnrd st. Glebe
Hinchcliffe Jns., 75 Botany rd, Waterloo Hines Edward, Bristol rd, Somerset
Hills Albert F., 058 Dnrling st, Rozelle
llinchcllffc Jos., Anderson st, Alexandria Hines Ellis E., Mechan st. Prospect
Hills Mrs. D., oil 188 Forbes st
Hlnohcllffo Mrs. 8. A., 11 Wyndham st, Hines Mrs, Emma, 430 Riley st
Hines Ernest, Mllner st, Mosman
Hills Edward, Shniilorth st, Mosman
Hines Fredk., Olevcdon rd, Hurstvllle
Hills G. A., photographic rooms, 0 Castle- Hinchcy James, Hnssell st, Parramnttn
Mrs. G., Inkerman st. ParramnUn
reagh st
Hlnchey John, Whnrf rd, Concord
Hines George, Condor st, Burwood
Hills H. G., Northcotc rd, Lindfield
Hinchcy Thomas, 329 Crown rd
George, 11 Hanover st, Waterloo
Hills H. W., George Bt, Hurstvllle
Hlncliy F. T., 65 Jersey nl, Woollahrn
Hines H. E., 06 Newman st, Newtown
Hills Hammoml, Forest rd, HurstvIUo
Hlnchy John, King st, North Botany
47<i Young st, Redfern
Hills Horace, Ohalder st, Marrlckvillo
Hincks Mrs. A., 69 Perry st, Marrickville Hines Harry,
21 Wood st, Forest Lodge
Hills Horace, Newcoinbe st, Paddington
1 [lucks Mrs. Ann, 72 Regent st, Newtown Hines Henry,
.1., Rooky Point rd, Rockdale
Hills Horace, 383 Oxford st, Paddington Hincks J. E., Belmorc rd, Rnudwiok
st, Granville
Hills John, Cary st, Drummoyne
Hincks Jnmcs, St. Paul's st, Rjindwlck
nines John, 79 Cniuberlnnd st
Hills Joseph, 26 Ultimo st
Hincks Mark, 14 RosehlU st, Redfern
st, Waverlcy
Hills Miss M. R., 48 Pitt st, Redfcrn
Hincks S., George Bt,Newtown
nines Miss, Avonn nv, Glebe
Hills Nurse, 6 I'.ilward st, North Sydney
Hincks 8., 113 Station st, Newtown
nines 8. E„ mercer, 130-8 William st
m i l s Rev. R. T. (Cong.), 48 Pitt st, R'dfern Hincks William, Bridge st. MnrrickviUo
Hines Thomas, 105 Gloucester 6t
Hills Rlchd., 205 Catherine Bt, Leicliliardt Hincksman Edwnrd J., 364 Cleveland st
Hines William A., 12 Frnnklvii st, Glebe
Hills Mrs. S., 16 Grafton st, Woollalira
Hind A., Batcmnn's rd, Glndesvllle
llincs W. O., 66 Euroka st, North Sydney
Hills Thomas, 61 Clnrcnce st
Hind E. A., Whistler st, Mnnly
Hines William II., 113 Quny st
Hills Mrs W. E., cojtumlere, 307 Eliz. st
Hind Ernest, Andovcr st, Cnriton
Hlncy Mrs. Eliznbeth, 14 Boyce st, Glebe
Hills Willinm, Silver st, .Mnrrickvillc
Hind George, Willinm st, North Botany
Hiney Mrs. J., Clovclly st, Vnuclusc
HillBido Woolscourlng Co., 255 George st, Hind Henry, 70 Ultimo rd '
Matthew,11 Chnrlesst, Lcichhardt
Hind Jnmes n . , 30 Jnrretc st, Lcichhardt Hlncy
Hinge Edwnrd, 0 Schlmel st, Wnterloo
nnd Mnroubrn Bay
Hind W., 188 Glcnmore rd, Paddington
Bros., hnni nnd beef shop, 128
Hillson John T., Princes rd, Auburn
Hinder H. Oritchley, surgeon, 147 MacRegent st, Redfcrn, nnd at 87 Oxford
Hillston Mrs. Ann, 11 Princes st
qunric s t ; p.r., 220 Liverpool rd,S. HIU
st, Waverley
Hillston H. 11., fuel merchant, Wollongong Hinder Mrs. S., 182 Liverpool rd, Ashfleld
rd, ArnclllTo
Hinder S. H., dispenser, Biloela Gaol, Hlng6ton Rlchnrd W. B., surgeon, 295
•Jlilly Miss E., Nicholson st, Burwood
Cleveland st, Redfern
Cockntoo Island
Hilly Frederick, Burwood rd, Enfield
Hinder Ter., chemist, Military rd, M'man Hingston Arch., Trongate st, Granville
Hilly William, Burwood nl, Enfield
Jns., 63 Rnllwny ttr, Pcttrshnm
Hinder W. Septimus, D.D.S., dental surHillyar Frcilk., 6 Orpington st, Ashfleld
geon, 216 Macquarle s t ; p.r., Raymond Hingston John, 13 Little Buckingbnm st
HUlynr Rev. W. J. M. (O. of E.), 57 CamHlnkley Alfred, Johnson st, Chatswood
rd, Neutral Bay
bridge st, Stniimore
Hlnkloy E. J., High st, Wllloughby
Hinder William, Fourth nv, Rookwood
Hillyanl W., 230 Goulburn st
Uludes Ltd., London and Birmingham, Hlnkley George, High st, Willoughby
Hillycr Charles. Blaxeell st, aranville
Hliinem W., 24 Anncrsley st, Lcichhardt
Vickery'B chambers, 76 Pitt st
Hillyer Edward,7 Green st, Wnterloo
HInnigan John, 142 Rose st, Darlington
Hindes It.. 3 Prospect st, Paddington
Hillycr H „ Desmond st, Prospect
Hlnillo John, 32 Mlddleton st, Marriokvillo Illusby J. Golden, council clerk, AnnanHillyer Mrs. J., Glndesvllle nl, Ryde
dale Council, Johnston st, Annandalc
Hillyer J. W., 207 Addison nl, Mnrrickvillc Hindman Mrs. 11., 21 Emits st, Bnlmnin
Hinsch John, Town ami Country hotel.
Hlndmnu Robert, King st, Rockdalo
Hilt Mrs. O. Hoschill st, Parramatta
Church Bt, Parramatta
Hlndmarsh A. J., 20 Penkivil st, Bondi
.Hilt Thomas, 82 Palace Bt, Petersham
Hilton A. H , J.P., 162Hcnderson rd, A'dria Hindmarsh J., Hnwklmrst st, Mnrriokvillo Hinscli John W., 5 Wavcrley st, Raudwlok
Hinselwaod T., 20 Bradford st, Buhnuln Hirst J. A„ The Avenue. Petersham
Hoard J. J., 20 Hopetouu st, Paddington
Hinsou Alfred, HO Oliurcli st, Oam'dowu Hirst Mrs. M., The Avenue, Potorshain
Hoaro John, 110 Quarry st
HIIIBOH Robert, James st, Woolliihra
Hirst Pcroy, Wharf st, Narcmburn
Hoare John F., Cook's st, Canterbury
Hlnson William, Meok's rd, Marrickville Hirst Percy, Massic st. North Sydney
Hoaro John F., stock and sharebrokcr, 114a
Hinton A. L., 1 Stafford st, Paddiugtoii
Hirst T., Mcrrylands rd, Prospect
Pitt st
Hinton Alfred, Farr st, Rockdale
Hirst Walter F., Alblou st, Randwlok
Hoaro John F„ Harriett st, North Sydney
Hluton Archibald, 24 Boundary st
Hlrt J. P., Forest rd, Amcllffe
Hoaro Patriok, Garden st, Kogarah
Hluton Mrs. Daniel, 472 Riley at
Hiscock O., Despolntes st, Marrlckvlllo
Hoare Peter, 3 Bellevue ave, Paddington
Hinton £., Canterbury Now rd, Mar'kvIUo | Hiscocks R., Yolvereon st, St. Peters
Hoare Robert, 301 Nelson st, Annandalo
Hinton Edward, 12 Little Queen st
HIBOOX A. J., 192 Paddington at, Pad'ton Hoaro Sydney G., Tllford st, Wutcrloo
Hiutou Fredk., Robinson st, Oroydon
Hiscox A. J., 08 Jersey rd, raddingtou
Hluton George, 64 George st, Lolchhurdt niscox Alfred, 41 Railway st, Petersham Hoare W., Bowman rd, Prospeot
Hoaro W. E..N.S.H. rd, Woollahra
Hiutou H. A., Moreton st, Concord
Hiscox Henry, 8 Rosedalc st, Petersham Hoath James, High st. North Botany
Hluton Henr)', 129 Macquarle st
Hishlon D., 104 Mlssenden nl, Campcrdown Hobau Daniel, 18 Rowley st, Campcrdown
Hinton J., Wlckhaui st, Arncllffe
His Imbolden and Co., ribbod wool manu- Hobbs Arthur C, Furwood Bt,Burwood
Hluton S., Betts rd, Prospect
facturers, 9 Wynyard st
Hobbs Alfred C, solicitor, 88 Pitt st
Hinton Mrs. S., SH Walter st, Paddington H.M. Custom's Offloo
W. J. Bedford, Hobbs Alfred, Burwood st, Burwood
Hluton Mrs. 8. A., "Macquarle House," 129
Hobbs Mrs. E., 89 King ft, Newtown
and 131 Macquarie st
H.M. Customs, LaPerouse, Botany
Hobbs E. W., 109 Railway par, ErsklnovilleHiutou T., 484 Darling st, Rozello
Hinton W., 14 Oarrlngcon st, Petersham Hlslop F. B. S., 62 Palace st, Petersham Hobbs Edward, arohitect, 28 Morris st,
Summer Hill
Hintou Mrs.W. H., Avooa st, Randwlok
Hlslop George, 12 Derwent st, F. Lodge
Hobbs Edward J., 137 Phillip st, Waterloo
Hinton Willlnui, 337 Dowling st
Hobbs Ernest W., Burwood Bt, Burwood
Hinton Wilson, Ragldn st, Mostnan
Hislop Mrs. Hannah, Judd st, Rookdalo
Hobbs F. B., Gordon Bt, Burwood
Hlntz Chaa., 0 City rd, Darlington
Henry, George at, Rockdale
[Hobbs F. D., Burwood st, Burwood
Hinvest E., chemist, Avooa st, Randwlok IHislop
Hlslop Robert, 28< Victoria st
'Hobbs Fredk., 32 Flora at, Erskincvillc
Himvood A. W., corner New Canterbury Hislop
Walter, Ruthven st, Randwiok
HobbB Fredk., sen., Burwood st, Burwood
rd and Tooth 111 st, Petersham
Illssey William D. H., 10 Randlo st
Hobbs Frederick, 121 Wells st, Rcdfcrn
Hinwood W., Harrow rd, Lcwlsham
lliston M. J., 8 Derwent st, Forest Lodgo Hobbs Fredcriok P.," Milroy," Gordon st,.
Hinwood John H., Toothill st, Petersham Hlston Maurice, 25 Regent st, Newtown
Hinwood Robert J., 81 Marlborough st
llltchcook A., 6 Burton st, Oamperdown
Hiuwoo 1 S., jun„ Lane Cove rd, Pyinblo Hitchcock George, 27 LQMSOU st, Rozcllc Hobbs G. R. F., 0 John Bt, Leichhardt
George, French's Forest rd, Manly
Hinwood W., Harrow rd, Bexley
Hitchcock J, II,, house, land, and insur- Hobbs Henry T., 239 Olevoland st, Redfern.
Hinwood William 0„ council olerk, Rookance agent, 140 Enmorc rd, Newtown Hobbs J., 271 Henderson rd, Alexandria
dalc Town Hall, Rooky Pt. rd, K'dalo Hitchcock J. H., 18 Booth st, Balmaln
Hobbs J., 130 Albion st, Annaudale '
Hinzo Herman, Kyle st, Arnoliffe
Hitchcock J. H.,47 John st, Marrlckvlllo Hobbs J. E., Geor«o Bt, Greenwich
Hiorns Edward, 70 Macleay st
Hitchcock John, 8 Harris st, Rozcllc
John, Percival rd, Stanmoro
Hipgrave H. W. J., Major rd, Mortlako
Hitchcock William, 89 John st, Mar'ville Hobbs Matthew M., 20 Morris st, Sum. Hill.
nipklss Tlios., Unwiu's Bridge rd, M'kville Hitchcll John, Violet st, Eufleld
Hobbs S. H., 18 Stephen st, Balmain
Hipklss Wm., Baxter rd, North Botany
Hitehen Mrs. H.. 71 Elizabeth st, Pad'ton Hobbs Sidney, 82 Rowntree st, Balmain
Hlpplt Ohas., 27 Morehcad st, Waterloo
Hltchon Robert, Birchgrove rd, Balmain Hobbs W. J., 88 Albion st, Annandalc
Hlppit Henry, 0 Morohead st, Waterloo
Hitehen Thomas, 57 Darghan st, Globe
Hobbs William, 1S8 Mitchell st, Glebe
Hippit W., Kfngsolearrd, Alexandria
Hltohon W„ 13 Belmoro st, Alexandria
Hippie Peter, 26 Brodie st, Oamperdown HItohens W. F., Great North rd, Abbotstori Hobday nnd Walder, plumbers, 804 Pitt st
Hobday Albert G., Oharlei st, Rodfern
Hitches William, Gladstone st, Koearah
Hobday Herbert, West Botany rd, R'dalo
'Hitches William, 06 Marriott st, Rcdfcrn Hobdny Henry S., Bnssett st, Dalmorton
Hitohlngs E,, 12 Caledonia st, Paddlngton Hobdcn Edwin P., Junction st, Woollahra.
Electrical and Mechanical Eugineors. nitchlns O. II., Wardell rd, Marrlckvlllo Hobden H. W., Garnet st, Marriokvillc
York place, 105 Liverpool st, Sydney, HItchcns Olios., Lincoln st, Dulwich Hill Hobe H., 0 Regent st, Rcdfcrn .
HItohens J. B., Arthur tcr, Bcxlcy
(See advt. opposite.)
Hoben B. D., Fairlight st, Manly
Hitohman Mrs. E., East st, Oranvilto
Hipsloy Miss E„ B.A., ladies' college, Hitchman T. J„ 71 York s t ; p.r., Gordon HobmBii Walter, 41 Church st
Hobson Arthur 15., "Hillcrest," 80 BouleCleveland st, Wahroonga
rd, LlndRcld
vard, Potorsham
Hfpsley E. G., Daisy st, Ohatswood
Hlpsley R. H., "Ohilcote," Flood st, Bond! Hittmann Edward, Smith st, Summer Hill Hobson 0. W., Ooogeo Palace Aquarium,
CostleHipsley William B.,134 Newland st,Wav'ley
Dolphin st, Coogeo
reagh st
Hipwcll Mrs. 0., 28 Queen st, Ashflold
Hipwood Joseph, l>0 Alfred Bt, N. Sydney Hittman V., tourists' agenoy, Imperial ar- Hobson George, 124 Cooper Bt, Waterloo
H., Pluukett st, Drummoyne
Hipwood S. D., com.agciit, 2D Hunter st
Hobson H., chemlBt and dentist, Burdctt
Hipwood W., 20 James st, North Sydnoy Hives Mrs. Sarah, 0 Pitt, Waterloo
Hird George and Co., mercery Importers, 18 Hives W. II., 9 Durham Bt, South An'dale
Hixlcy George, 110 Albion at, Annandalc Hobsou Jnmes, proprietor NOKTU SiJOIlE
Barrack st
AND MANI.Y TlMKS, 60 Arthur st,
Hird Alex. F., 40 Falcou st, North. Sydney Hix8ou Capt. Francis, R.N., J.P., Henrietta
North Sydney
st, Double Bav
Hlrd Charles, 6 Hardy av, Summer Hill
Hobson James, 103 Cooper st, Waterloo
Hlxson William F., 12 Blllyard ave
Hird Mrs. Eliza, 1 Wallace st, Ashfleld
Jnmes, Gordon rd, Willoughby
Hlxon W. S., Botany rd, North Botany
Hlrd Mrs. I., George st, Canterbury
Hobson Mrs. Lucy, 08 James st, Lciohhardt
Hizznrd Joseph. 83 Hcuo st, Darlington
Hird Thomas, 30 King st, Balmaln
Hoaz George, 21 Campbell st, Erskincvillc Hobson T., batter, 818 Kiug st, Newtown
Hlrd Thomas, 3 Percy st, Summer Hill
Hobson Thos., Durham st, Marrlckvlllo
Hire Traders' Productive Association, Hoad James, 87 Wells st, Newtown
Walter, Rocky Point rd, Rockdale Hobson W., Canterbury Now rd, Can'bury
Royal chambers, Hunter st
Hobson William, 10 Phillip st, Balmalu Hlron John, 26 Klppax st
H O A D L B Y A . & C O . , Fruit Preser- Hobson William, 67 Falcon st, N. Sydney
Hlrschman A., 72 A.bcrcrombio st, Rodfern
vers, Manufacturers of the "Rising Hobson William, 125 Wallis st, Woollahra
Hirsohman Arthur,'70 Bourko st, Rcdfcrn
Sun'' Jains, Ploklcs, Vinegar, Sauces, Hockaday Herbert, typewriter and solo
Hirst Alfred, Vernon st, Woollahra
Confectionery, Chocolate and Cocoa.
agent for " Williams" typewriter, 91
Hirst Miss Edith, Edward st.Pymble
(F.J. Oxenbould, Manager), 313 Kent
Pitt Street; p.r., 7 York Street
Hirst Mrs. Emma, 11 Albany rd. Petersham
st, Sydney
Mrs. 8., 78 Ocean st, Bond!
Hirst Frederick, Watkin st, Rockdalo
Hoadlcy J., Mcrrylands rd, Prospect
Albert, 302 Elizabeth st
Hirst G. D. (Tucker and Co.), 379 Georgo Hoaro Mrs. B., Webb Bt, Parramatta
Hookey D., 44 Aberorombie st, Bedfoni
st; p.r., "Boronla," Muston st, Mosman Hoare Charles, Hurst st, Arncllffo
Hockoy Thomas, Wiggins st, Botany
Hirst George, Grovo st, Balmaln
Hoaro Charles, 1 Norman st
Hockey W., Botany rd, Botany
Hirst George W. O., Tllba ave, Balmain
Hoaro Edward, 230 Crown rd
Hocking and Vcltch, fruit merchants, 43
Hirst Mrs.H. C . Morrickville rd, Dul. Hill Hoare F. A., Military rd, Mosman
Enmorc rd, Enmorc
Hirst H. S. B„ 48 Windsor st, Paddlngton Hoaro H. A., postmaster, Botany rd, B'tnny
Hocking Bros., builders, William Bt, O'bury
Hirst Harold D., Telegraph rd, Pymblo
Hoaro J. F., J.P., Union Bt, North Sydney Hocking A. K., Kelllok st, Waterloo
SYDNEY. (H.Street
<>« "Phone
Telephone 3440.
Electrical & Mechanical Engineers,
YORK PLACE, 105 Liverpool Street Sydney,
Manufacturers of LIGHT MACHINERY and Parts.
WE, having equipped a Machine Shop with FirstClass American Machinery, are prepared to manufacture various classes of Light Machinery and
Parts, both Electrical and Mechanical.
Spur, Bevel and Worm Qeara Cut to any Angle or Pitch.
Accuracy and Finish Guaranteed.
All Orders executed in the HIGHEST Possible Grade.
Hocking B., 40 Carlisle st, Lclcbbardt
Hooking Mrs. Ann, Spring st. Burwood
Hooking E., Hercules st, Dulwioh Hill
Hooking F. J., off William Bt, Canterbury
Hooking F. J., 23 Wellesley Bt, Sum. Hill
Hocking Francis, Augusta st, Manly
Hocking Franols, sen., William st, O'bury
Hooking John, Alma ave, Marrickville
Hooking Ricbard, Albert st, Hornsby
Hocking William, Brand st, Croydon
Hockings II. and Co., wine and spirit
merchants, 20 Barrack st. Estab 1847
Hockings A. 0., 35 Cook rd, Marrickville
Hooklngs H., 0 Stanmorc rd, Enmorc
Hockings S., Marrickville rd, Marrickville
Hockings W.O., Cook rd, Marrickville
Hockley E., Cox's lane, Oarlingford
Hookley Jobn, Brooklyn st, Enfield
Hockley Jobn S., i West Bt, Croydon
Hookley Samuel, Reginald st, Enfield
Hockley Samuel J., Madeline st, Enfield
Hockley S., 74 Brighton st, Petersham
Hookloy Thomas, Kirby st, Dundas
Hocknell Il„ 29 Glen st, North Sydney
Hocknell S., 167 Underwood st, Paddington
Hookreln Mrs. T. M., Golden Grove lane,
Hocroft Thomas, 37 Mertou st, Rozello
Hooter Misses, academy of musio, Burwood
rd, Burwood
Hooter John, 05 Neutral st, North Sydney
Hoctor Mrs. B., US Boundary st
Hoddcr Henry, Bourko st, Waterloo
Hoddcr William G., 100 Princes Bt
Hoddiuctt J. W., Ill Lion st, Ashfleld
Hoddinott G., 45 Palmer Bt, Balmaiu
Hoddlo Mrs. H., 11(1 Johunton st, Ann'dalo
Hodge and Nowcomb Misses, sohool, Hoilgcn Jns., 11 May st, Newtown
Hodgcu John, 138 Union st, Erskincville
KdgccllfTe rd, Woollahra
Hodge and Zlotkowski, coppersmiths and Hodgcns Bros., drapers and grocers, Liverp o o l ^ and Hercules st, Ashfleld
brassfoundcrs, 110-116 Sussex st
nodge A. R., 100 Chandosst, North Sydney Hodgcns John, J.P., grocor, 217 William st
Hodges and Brett, boot manufacturers, 54
Hodge B., 23 Rnpor st, Newtown
Hodge Bernard, H2 Falcon Bt, North Sydney
City road Darlington
Hodge Chris., 13 Zamia st, Redfcrn
Hodges & Gilburt.diprs, 113 Glebo rd.GIebeHodge E., 7 Wandsworth nl, Parramalta Hodgos A. J. 3 Foster Bt, Leichhardt
Hodge F., 22 The Boulevard, LewiBham
Hodges Mrs. Ada, Moore Bt, Leichhardt
Hodge Frederick, 30 Denison Bt, Newtown HodgcB Albert, Stanley Bt, St. Ives
Hodge Fredk. O., 37 Commodorest, N'town Hodges Alfred J., 28 Walter st, Paddington
Hodgo G., 10 Sutherland ave, Paddington Hodges Bert, 41 View st, Annandalc
Hodge G., Llewellyn st, Marriokvillc
Hodges Mrs. C. A., 174 Glcnmore rd, P'tou>
Hodgo H. H., Wardell rd, Marrickville
Hodges Charles, 148 Bay st
Hodgo J. H., 52 Bellevue st, Glebe
Hodges Charles, Portland st, Enflold
Hodge James, Burleigh st, Burwood
Hodges Charles H., headmaster, North
Hodge James, 32 Dickson st, Nowtown
Sydney C. of E. Grammnr School for
Hodgo James H., 52 Bolgravo Bt, Glcbo
Boys, Blue st, North Sydney
Hodge John, jun., Wnllac* st, Burwood
F., 7 Little Anthony Bt, Ashfleld
Hodgo John, Cantor Bt, Croydon
Hodges F. J., Carrington rd, Marrickville
Hodgo John, Third ave, Rookwood
Hodges G., Macintosh st, North Bbtuuy
Hodgo John, St. James' rd, Randwlok
Hodgo Mrs. M., Gloucester rd, Hurstville Hodges George, 85 Graftou st, Woollahra
Hodges Harry, 9 Orwell st
Hodge Mrs. M„ Phillip st, Parramatta
Hodgcr Mrs. J„ 35 El-wick st, Leichhardt
Hodgo Richard,Victoria st, Burwood
Hodges J. E., Gladstone st, Kogarah
Hodge Robert, 96 Booth st, Annaudale
Hodge Robert, 200 Young st, Annandalo Hodges James, 6 Gumor st, Paddington
Hodges John, Qoorgo st, Greenwich
Hodge Robert, 44 College st, Balmain
Hodges Jobn, High st, Willoughby
Hodgo WnlterH.,883 Liverpool st
Mrs. M. A., 11 Little Napier Bt, P'tou
Hodge William, 40 Argylo place
Hodges Nicholas, 17 Forth st, Woollahra
Hodgo William, 1 Rose rd
Hodgo William, 548 Miller st, N. Sydney Hodges Percy AV., 30 Alma Bt, Darlington
Hodges R., CO Wethcrill st. Leiohhurdt
Hongc William, Terry st, St. Peters
Hodgekiss George, Corporation Baths, Hodges Samuel, 40 Myrtle st, N. Sydnoy
Ho'igcs Stophen, Oroydon st, Hurstville
Glassop st, Balmain
Hodges S., Herbert st, Goro Hill
Hodgekiss William, 4 Ford at, Balmain
Thomas W., 55 Gowrle st, N'towi*
Hodgeman Mrs. R., 12 Stephen st, C'down
Hodges W. A., Loscoe Bt, Guildford
Hodgson Ralph, J.P., surgeon, 173 Liver- Hogan Alfred J., 20 Behnore st
Hodges Walter E„ Whittnkcr rd, Prospect
pool st, Hyde Park
Hogan Rev. A. J., St. Patrick's College.
Hodges William, 4 Arcadia rd, Glcbo
HodgBon Richard, 101 Cowper st, Glebe
Darlcy rd, Manly
-Hodges Wm. 11., 02 Liverpool st, Pad'gtou Hodgson Robert, caretnkcr, VIckery's
Arthur, 31 Cook rd, Marrlckville
Hodgctts Booth, Silver st, Rnndwick
chambers, 82 Pitt st
0. S., 141 Devonshire st
Hodgetts H. W., 115 Station st, Pctcrshnm Hodgson Robert, Union st, Grunvlllo
Chris., Spring st, Burwood
Hodgetts Mrs. T., lu Foley st, Waverley
Hodgson T, \V\, architect, Bull's chambers, nogau Cornelius, 35 Irving st
Hodgins 0. H.,125 Sutherland st, Pnd'ton
14 Moore st
Hognn D.,J.P.,conucilclcrk, Manly council
Hodgkins B., Lower Topper st, Mar'villo
Hodgson T„ 48 Shepherd st, Darlington
chambers, Sydney rd, .Mnuly
Hodgklns P., 32 Prospect rd, Sum. Hill
Hodgson T. W., 5 West st, North Sydney Hogan Daniel, watchmaker, 18 Sydney
Hodgkins Frank 23 Park st, Ersklnevllle Hodgson Thomns, 41 Ormoud st, Ashlleld
George st
.Hodgkins Harry, Ucstlo st Rockdale
Hodgson Thus., Gibbes st, Rockdale
Hogan Daniel, 8 Auglcsca st, Bondi
Ho<lgklnson A., St. John, Olerk Rookwood Hodgson W. 0 , 41 Ormonde st, Ashfleld
212 Jersey rd, Pnddington
Benevolent Asylum, Joseph st,R'wood Hodgson W. 1., 06 Eduewarc rd, Newtown
Hogan Daniel, Park rd, St. Leonards
Hodgkinson David, Sheffield st, Auburn
Hodgsou William, 10 Brumby st
Hogan David, 20 Phiyfalr st
Hodgklnson Mrs. 0., 121 Drldgo rd.Glebo Hodgson Zcbulan, Duke st, Canterbury
I Hogan Dominic, 118 Brougham st
Hodgkinson G., Cambridge st, Stanniorc
Hodkin Henzcr, 4 Short st, Petersham
Mrs. E.. 177 Parrnmnttn rd, A'dale
Hodgkinson G. S., stntlonmnster, Mncdonnldtown station, Burrcnst, N'towu H O D K I N S O N T . A N D 0 0 . , Engi- Hogan E. M , King st, Rockdale
47 Shepherd st, Darlington
Hodgkinson H., 67 Norton st, Ashfleld
neers and Ironfoundrrs, 031 to G4C
King street, Newtown. Tel. 4S,N'twn Hogan Frank, 133 Pnddington st, Pnd'ton
Hodgkinson ]£. E., w Malcolm st, Ersk'vlllc
Liverpool rd, Strathfleld
Hodgkinson J., 212 Oxford st, Poddhigton
Mnniokvlllerd, Mnrrickville Hogan George, 61 Marlon st, Lelcbhardt
Hodgkinson J., Willoughby rd, Wllloughby HodklnsonT.,
Hodklnson W. A., Gerald st, Murriokville Hognn Henry, Meryla st, Burwood
Hodgkinson J. 0., 128 Hcservolrst
Hodnett Miss, 1 Regent st, Pnddlngtou I Hogan Herbert, 33 John st, Marrlckville
Hodgkinson s., 0 Little Queen st, Newtown Hodsdou
Stafford st, Petersham
Hogan J., 91 Blue's Point rd, N. Sydney
Hodgkinson T., 71) Oampbell st, Newtown Hod son C.Arilmr,
J., Burwood rd, Enfield
Hogan J , Atcheson st, St. I.eonnrds
Hodgkinson Mrs. T. 0., electro-ncurotonc, Hodson Frederick,
Short st, Granville
Hogan J. E., 8 Stanley st, Waverley
18 Bridge st
Hudson G. E., Oolicn st, Granville
Hogan J. \V\, 114 Camden st, Newtown
Hodgkluh'on .Mrs. M., 113 Union st, N'towu Hodson G. R., manager Edison nnd Swan Hogan .lames, 43 Charles st, Forest Lodge
Hodgkinson James, 33 Bennett Bt
United Electrlo Light Co., Ltd., 10 Hogan Jns., Kllhirney st, Mosman
Hodgkinson Walter, 77 Union st, Newtown
Onrrlngkm tt;
p.r., " St. Bride," Hogan James, 38 Wiley st, Waverley
Hodgklss David, 9 Booth st, Balmain
Hogan John, livery stables, 32 Arthur st
Hodgkiss David, 43 North st, Balmain
Hodson George A., The Grove, Woollahra Hogan John, 408 Harris st
Hodgklss T., 9 Brldgewatcr st, Rozello
Hodson Henry, 21 Louis st, Iledfern
Hogan John, 60 Kippnx st
Hodgkiss William, 11 Lome st, S'mcr Hill Hodson J.. CO Carlisle st, Lelcbhardt
Hogan John, 11 Little Queen st
Hodgklss Walter, Beatrice st, Auburn
Hodson John, 12 Surrey st
Hogan John, 10 Fitzroy st, Alexandria
Hodgson Archibald anil Son, fuel mer- Hodson John, Bayvlow rd, Boxley
Hognn John, Condor st, Burwood
chants, 41 Chelsea st, Hedfem
Hodson Mrs,, Forest rd, Hurstville
Hogan John, Gould st, Canterbury
. Hodgson, Smith nnd Co. Ltd., storekeepers, Hodson T., J.P., Liverpool rd Entleld
Hognn John, Craue st, Concord
15-23 Laokey st Summer Hill, and 100 Hodson T, IT., Archer st, Chntawood
Hognn John, Onslow st,Grauville
Liverpool rd, Ashlleld
Hodson Thomas T., Fore st, Canterbury
Hogan John, Cliisliolui st, Greenwich
.Hodgson and Wright, tanners, Old Botany Hodson Vornon, 01 Hill st, Loichhardt
Hogan John, 9 Angel st, Newtown
Hoe John, 038 Crown st
rd, North Botany
Hogan John, 23 Globe st, Pnddington
Hoc John, James st, Waterloo
Hodgson .Mrs. A., Oarlton ores, S. Hill
Hogan John, 54 Caledonia st, Fuddington
Hodgson A. J., 27 Metropolitan rd, N'town Hoeben H. R., Darling Point
Hogan John, 131 Paddlngton st, Pnd'ton
Hodgson 0. U., J.P., dentist, 157 Mnoqunrie lUoelsken Jacob J., 07 John st, Woollahra Hognn John, Margaret place, Puddington
Hoelter Charles, mnnager Eastern Tea Co., Hognn John, 143 Kvclclgh st, Rcdfern
Hodgson Charles, 87 Cowpcr st, Glebe
Hogan Mrs. K„ Pnrramatta rd, liurwood
18 King st, Newtown
Hodgson Clement. Park nvo, Bufwood
Hoenning.O'CarolI Von Otto Bnron, Acting Hognn Mrs. M. Lavender st, North Sydney
Hodgson Cortla K., surgson, Mnrrlckvillo
Mrs. M. J., King st, Canterbury
Mutual Life of New York Buildings, Hognn Mrs. M., 33 Edmund st, Wnvorlev
rd, Dulwloh Hill
Hognu Martin, 422 Harris st
Martin place
Hodgson Edmund, 20 Francis st, Newtown
Hogan Martin, 25 Glebe st. Pnddington
Hodgson Mrs. E. J., 7 Church st, Pnd'ton Hocy Jag., 41 Short st, Balmain
Hognn Mrs. .Mary, 3 Auglcsca Bt, Bond!
Hodgson F.S., J.P.,25 Orniond st, Ashfleld Hoey John, 1 Zamia st, Rcdfern
Hognn Michael, produce merchant, 444
Hofell Henry, River st, Canterbury
Hodgson G. H., 88 Mullens st, Balmain
Hofer D„ Greenbank st, Mnrrickville
Hodgson Henry, 4 ltoxhnrgh place
Sussex st
Hoff Josoph, 1 Clare st
Hodgson Henry, 59 Cowper st, Glebe
Holt J., provision merchant, 130 Oxford st Hognn Michael, 6tatlonmastcr Guildford
Hodgson Horace, Amy st, Rookwood
Railway Station, Military rd, G'ford
.Hodgson I. B„ jun., estate agent and insur- Holt W., tailor, 71 Bnthurstst
Hogan Michael, 460 Liverpool st
Hoffmnn A., 48 Carlisle st, Le'chlmrdt
ance broker, 114A Pitt st
Michael, 3 Little Norton st
Hodgson Isaac B., J.P., Avoca st, R'wick Hoffman Charles, Terry st, bt. Peters
Hogan Michael, 05 Dargban st, Glebe
Hodman Henry, 489 Harris 6t
Hodgson J., Marino parade, Double Bay
Factory st, Granville
Hodman John, 105 Wilton st
Hodgson J., Apslcy st, Hurstvllle
Hogan Michael, Old Spit rd, Mosman
.Hodgson J., 145 Victoria rd, Marriokvlllo Holtman Simon, Crimea st. Prospect
Hognn Michael, Wyngdon st
Hoffmnn W. Punchbowl rd, Canterbury
Hodgson Mrs. J., East st, MarrlokviHe
HodgBon J. W., llobcrtson st, W. Kogarah Hoffman W„ 21 Wcntworth st, Pnddlngtou Hognn Michael, 32 Howling st, Paddlngton
Hognn Michael, 26 Gordon st, Petersham
Hodgson James, 3 Wclloley st. Sum. Hill Hoffman William, 45 West st
I Hogan Michael J., 109 Maria st, Newtown
Hoffman Wllllnm, 50 Alice st, N'town
Hodgson James, Uay view st, Waverley
Hognn Patrick, 102 Fitzroy st
Hodgson John, 4 .McDonald st, Loichhardt Hoffmann Hugh, 489 Harris st
Hoffmann J. A., 285 Addison rd, Mar'villo Hognu Patrick, 10 Woolloomooloo lane
Hodgson John, 12 Foncnrtst, Eozelle
Patrick, Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby
Hoffmann W. Terry st, St. Peters
Hodgson John A., King st, N. Botany
Hoffnung S. & Co., Ltd., general importers Hognn Patrick, J.P., " Avondnle," Allison
Hodgson Joseph H* Olle3old st, Ashfleld
nnd merchants, 1G5, 107,109 Pitt st;
st, Rnndwick
Hodgsou Mrs. M., 9 Queen st, Newtown
bond and free stores, 387-371 Kent Bt; Hognn Patrick, Sixth ave, Rookwood
Hodgson Mrs. M A., 359 Cleveland st,
Peter J., off 88 Wlgrnm rd. Glebe
Hoffman John, 147 Duke st
Hognn Richard, Lndgntc st, Concord
•Hodgson Joseph, Wold's avc, Hurstvlllo
Hognn Samuel H., 20 Belmore st
Hodgsou P., stringed instrument repairer,
Hogan's Brush Land Co. (in liquidation), Hogan Mrs. Sarah, Conder st, Burwood
0 Hunter st
Hogan T., 63 Darlington rd, Darlington
Hodgson Philip R., Exchange Hotel, 42
33 Rowe st
Hognn Thomns, ladder maker, 184 ElizaOxford st
Hogan and Mnnnix, produce merchants,
beth st
Hodgson R., Warlalda st, West Kognrnh
179 Pnrrnmuttn rd, Annnndnle
Hodgson It, Vivian, barrister, 0 Weut- Hogan Patrick and Co., produce merchants Hogan Thomns, Conder st, Burwood
Thomns, Pnrrnmnttn rd, Abbotsford
worth Court and 173 Liverpool st
and commission agents, 37 Sussex st
Hogan Thomas, 47 Mny bt, Newtown
/Head Offloos: 810 George \
(.Street South. 'Phone 728./•
Hokin Frank, 28 Stephen st, Paddlngton Holding James G., Cabramattard, Mosman.
Holding Mrs. Mary, 28 Pearl st, Newtown
Hokin Frcdk., Lymiugo st, Canterbury
Holding Snmuel, 184 Darling st, Balmain
Hokin Jrsiah, Marshall st, Kogarah
Holdrof Max, Church st, St. Peters
Holahnn P., Henderson rd, Alexandria,
Holdsblp and Co., Ltd., timber merchants.
Holbcach H. M., Carey st, Marrlckville
Abattoirs rd, Pyrmont wharf, and.
Holbeath Ernest, Terry st, St. Peters
White Bay, Rozelle, Bulmnin
Holbcrton G., Market st, Nnrcmburn
G., financier, 29 Hunter st
Holbery TI103., Morwick st. Burwood
Holdship G. W., manager Union Oil and
Holborn John, 2 Seymour place
Gns Engine Agcucy Co., Ltd., 29 HunHolborow I., 140 King st, Nowtown
ter st
Holborow P., 13 Botany rd, Waterloo
Holborow Colonel Wm., Highbury st, A'flcld HoldshipGeo, Willoughby rd, Willoughby
Thos. H., J.P., 98 Elizabeth Bay rd
Holbourn Fmnk, Station st, Arnrliffe
Holbourn John, 205 Young st, Annandalo Holdship Watson, Walker st, North Sydney
Holbrook's Ltd., sauco and pickle ntnnu- Holdsworth, llacpherson, and Co., general
and saddlers' ironmongers, glass and
fucturers, 80 Pitt s t ; store, 408 Kentst
ohinn merchants, 252, 254, 250 George
Holcombc CO., Belmore rd, Burwood
s t ; warehouse and stores, Hamilton s t ;
Holcombe O. 0., Burwood rd, Burwood
workshops, 291, 293, 295 Sussex st
Holcombo George It., 131 King st, N'town
Holcombe Harcourt, 6a Gow st, Balmain Holdsworth nnd Son, solicitors, 76 Pitt st
noldsworth A. T., solicitor. 75 Pitt s t ; p.r.,
Holcombc John, 39 Cove st, Bnlmnln
Holcroft J., 390 Victoria rd, Marrlckville
Victorin rd, Bellcvue Hill, Double Bay
Holdnway James. 10 Bourke st
Holdsworth C, Bridge st, GIndesville
Holdaway Thomns, 43 Cambridge st
Ualdsworth E., 130 Willoughby st, N. Syd..
Holdnway W. J., Hnrkucss st, Woollnhra Holdsworth E. J., Wentworth st.Pnrtiinttn
Holdawny W. T., 38 Pnrkhnm Bt
Holdsworth F., Earnshaw st, GIndesville
Holden Alfrod, Belmore rd, Rnndwick
Holdsworth Mrs. J., 38 Dcntson st, W'lnhru
Holden Mi's. Annie, 231 Liverpool st
Holdsworth J., Cambridge st, GIndesville
Holden O.H., 04 Darlington rd, Dnrlington Holdsworth Miss J., 23 Edgeware rdi
Holden E. A., 230 Fnlcon st, North Sydney
Holden Kdwyn A., 31 Alt st, Ashlleld
Holdsworth J. B., importer, 17 Elizabeth st
Holden F., Allison rd, Rnndwlok
Holdsworth J. B., Serpentine rd, Greenwich
Holden Frcdk., 38 Oooperst, Waterloo
Holdsworth J. B., Brown st, Hunter's 31 ill
Holden Frcdk. W., 73 Mitchell st, Glebe
Holdsworth J. E., Raglan st, Mosman
Holden George, 213 Crown rd
Holdsworth J. E., 40 Dcnlson st, Woollahra
Holder George, 9 Terry st, Rozello
Holdsworth J. II., 1 Grosvenor st, N. Syd.
Holden H, H., 101 Johnston st, Annnndnle Holdsworth Jnmcs, N.S.H. rd, Woollahra
Holden Henry C, secretary National Sport- Holdsworth John, 02 Glenvlew st, Pnd'ton
ing Club, Ltd., 73 Onstlcreagh s t ; p.r., Holdsworth Joseph 1)., 03 Lower Fort st
Ocean st, Boudl
Holdsworth Miss, typist, 84 Elizabeth st
Holden J., 96 George st, Erskinovillo
Holdsworth P., Springdnlc rd, Killarn
Holden J. l'„ Old Botany rd, N. Botany
Hole Alfred, Elizabeth st, Waterloo
Holden J., 39 Pnddington st, Paddlngton Hole Mrs. E. H., East st, Granville
Holden James, Freemason's hotel, 125 York Hole G. G., correspondence nnd records,.
Department of Audit, 10-17 Bllgh s t ;
pr., Esplanndc cast, Manly
Holden Jnmcs, Wcntworth st, Pnrramatta
Holo Mrs. J. E., Esplanade east, Manly
Holden James, 109 Evans st, Rozelle
Joseph, South st, Mnrrickville
p.r., Darling point
Holo Joseph, Park st, Rookwood
Holden Job, Plttwnter rd, Mnuly
Hogg James C, 30 Thames st, Balmain
Leslie, 1 Avenue, Balmain
Hogg John, Charles st, Lelcbhardt
Hole Miss, 84 Ellznbeth st
Holden John, 140 Wells st, Rcdfern
Hogg John, Parnell st, Strathfleld
T. M., 197 Edgecliffe rd, Woollnhra
Holden John, 8 Evans st, Rozelle
Hogg John, Boulevard, Strathfleld
Holden Mrs. L., 01 Oxford st, Mnrrickville Holesgrovo W. S., 07 St. Thomas st, Wn'lcy
Hogg John, Merton st, Waterloo
William, 19 Boycc st, Glebe
Holden Leslie, 91 Curtis rd, Balmain
Hogg Joseph, 10 Avon st, Glebe
Holford William, Gordon rd, Willoughby
Hogg Kate, physician, 171 Macqunrio st Holden Miss Mnry, 30 Alt st, Ashfleld
Holden Matthias, 16 Franklyn plnce, Glebe Holgatc Mrs. O., 240 Oxford st, Pnddington,
Hogg Miss, 61 Cavendish st, Stanmorc
Holden R. D., furniture salesmen, 140 Holgate Jos., 3 Doris st, North Sydney
Hogg Miss M. D., 27 Darllnghurst rd
Holiday T., Devonshire st, Ohntswood
York st
Hogg H. A., Cowper st, Rnndwick
Holldny H„ Fcimell st, Parramatta
Hogg S. P., 2 Charles st, Balmain
Holden Thos. D. P., J.P., 115 Regent st, Holiday Henry, Arthur st, Granville
Hogg S. N., J.P., manager Bank of N.S.W.
Hollhnu Patrick, 109 Church st, Newtown
Holden William, 44 Gowrlo st, Nowtown Holladay A., Elizabeth st, Artamou
(branch), 234 Darling st, Balmain
Hollntnby Arthur, 1 OInre st, Rozello
Hogg Mrs. S. R., 101 Marian st, Newtown Holden Wlllinni, 31 Lawson st, Rozello
Hogg Stephen, 21 Devlne st, Erskineville Holder nnd Graham, grocers, 1 Stephen st, Hollumby H., 97 Alexander st, N. Sydney
Holland nnd Co., distillers (London), G. HHogg Mrs. Violet, 371 Oxford st, Pnd'ton
Holder Mrs.E„ 31 Green's rd, Pnddington
Hogg W. L., 195 Palmer st
Adams nnd Co.. npeut?, 129 York st
Hoggnn H. E., Joseph st, Bexley
Holder E. W., manager Weeks White, Holland nnd Lnngkop, insurnnco and'.
Hoggnn John, 24 Chapman st
baker and confectioner, 204 Knmoro rd,
general agents, 29 O'Concell st
Hoglnnd 0. J., Church st, Parramatta
Holland A., 18 Henderson ill, Alexandria
Hoglund John, 25 Paternoster row
nolder Geo. H., 1 Lnckey st, St. Peters
Holland Mrs. A., 13 Harold st, Newtown
Hogsflesh Charles, 9 Chapman st
Holder Henry, 34 Albion st
Holland A. M., tailor, 360 Pittst
Hogsflesh (f., French's Forest rd, Manly
Hogsflesh Mrs. H., 10 Cascade st, Pad'ton Holder Mrs. J., 32 Phillip st, Abercrombic Holland Alfred, Terry st, Rockdale
Holland Archibald, 61 Collins st
Hoguo Hon. James A., J.P., M.L.A., 40 Holder James, Lnwrcuce st, Alcxnudrin
Holder Jas., 16 Stirling st, Redfern
Holland Benj., 160 Victoria st, Lcwlsham
Toxtcth rd, Glebe
Holder John, 27 Prospect st, Leichhnrdt Holland Mrs. O., Premier st, Kogarah
Hohudorf Gustav W„ Jane st, Auburn
Hohnen O. E., Rocky Point id, Rockdale Holder Mrs., costuniierc, 77-78 Q.V. Markets Holland C, McLellnnd st, Willoughby
Holder S. M., Wentworth st, Petcrshnm
Hollnnd O. W., 4 Wotherlll st, Leichhnrdt
Hohuen W. S., Frederick Bt, Rookdnlo
Holder Samuel, 51 Toxteth rd, Glcbo
Holland Catherine G., Forth and ChideHolmes Ohas., Union st, West Kogarah
hotel, 107 Mort st, Bnlmnln
Hollo Albert T„ 188 Hereford st, Glcbo
Sydnollnnd Charles, 31 John st, Marrickvillc
Holns William, Bronte st, Waverley
ney nnd Provincial Land and Building Holland Edward, 10 Donnelly st, Balmain
Hokin A., Onrrington rd, Guildford
Oompnny, Limited (in liquidation), 803 Holland Edward, 16 Emily st, Marrlckville
Hokin Mrs. E., Mnrrickv' '0 rd, Mar'villo
Pitt st; p.r., Patrick st, Hurstvlllo
Holland F., 01 Kingsclenr rd, Alexandria
Hokin Mrs. E., 17 Robert st, Petersham
Hogan Thomas, 69 Nowman st, Newtown
Hogan Thomas, 78 Walker st, North 8yd.
Hogan Thomas, 72 Glcnmore rd, Pnd'ton
Hognu William, Victoria avc, Ohntswood
Hognn W. H., 35 Stephen st, Cnmperdown
Hogau William, carrier, 670 Orowu st
Hogan William, Victoria st, Burwood
Hognn William, 04 Rnilwny nve, P'shnm
Hogarth D., cigar importer, 131 The Strand;
p.r.,40 The Grove, Pnddlngtou
Hogarth I. It., 00 Ivy st, Rcdfern
Hogarth John, Christie st, St. Leonards
Hogarth R., Victoria avc, Ohatswood
Hogarth Richard, King st, Rockdale
Hogarth W. A., 23 Annnndnle st, An'ndnle
Hogben S. B., 10 Ferndalo st, Newtown
Hogbin A. T., " Edlthn," Parnell at.B'wood
Hogbin R., 33 Cameron st, Paddlngton
Hogdcn George, 12 Munnl st, Newtown
Hogg Bros., lime and cement merchants,
201 Sussex st
Wine, Spirit and General Merchants;
Lloyd's Agents ; Agents for Liverpool
Underwriters' Association, Sea Insurance Co., Ltd. (Llverjiool), Maritime
Insurance Co.. Ltd. (Liverpool), Austrian Lloyds (Trieste), Empress Assurance Corporation, Ltd., General Insurance Co. (Helvetia), General Insurance Co. (Trieste), Italia Insurance
Oo. (Genoa), Switzerland Mnrino Insurance Co. (Zurich), Providential
Insurance Co. (Vienna), Russian Insurance Co., Polar Insurance Co., Ltd.
(of Bilbao); 5 Bond street
Hogg Alexander, Morton st, Waterloo
Hogg Allan, 85 Orescent st, Rozelle
Hogg Benj. T., 209 Edgecliil'e rd, Woollahra
Hogg O. A., senior medical officer Hospital
for the Insane, Factory st, Parramatta
Hogg David, lit) Albert st, Marrickvillc
Hogg H., 48 Lower Tupper st.Marriokville
Hogg James, 38 Broughton st, Glebe
Hogg James E., barrister, 182 Phillip s t ;
Holland Miss F., 106Cburi:hst,Cnn)p'down Holller S., Constance st, Granville
Holman Samuel, 113 George st, Redfern
Hollond F. H., Hercules st, Obntswooil
Hollier S. H., 20 Westmorland Bt, F. Lodge
Holland F. H., 169 Sutherland Bt, Pad'ton Hollimau J. W., secretary Public Servico I Holman W., teacher of elocution, 480
George st
Holland Frederick, 100 Ocean st, Bondl
Board, 50 Young s t ; p.r., " Kclra," Holman W. A., M.L.A., Neptune st, Coogee
Holland G., Livingstone rd. Marriokvlllo
Barcom avo
Holland (}. H., 4 Victoria square, Ashfleld Holllngbery W. H., Albert avo, Chatswooil Holman W., Park par, Waverley
Holland George, Drummoiid st, Bclmore | Hollingdale and Kessell, watchmakers and Holman W. J., 48 Tebbutt st, Lelchliardt
Holme E. R., Trafalgar ter, Stnuuioro
Holland George, 10 Hyam st, Balmain
jewellers, 98 King st
Holland George, 31 John st, Marrlckvillo Holllngdalo E. J., J.P., jeweller, Lucas rd, Holme llev. T. (O.of E.), Norton st,L'hardt
Holmes Misses, 20 Norton st, Lcicblmrdt
Holland George, 11 JIuiini st, Newtown
Holmes Capt. A., Johnson Bt, Chatswooil
Holland George, 29 Edward st, Sura. Hill Hollingdale G., printer, 05 King st
Holmes A. 1)., proprietor Boar's Head
Holland H., Llewellyn st, JInrrickvillo
Hollingdale George, 117 Wigram rd, Glebe
Wine Co., Hamilton s t ; p.r., 64 Pittst,
Holland H., 153 Morcliead st, Iledfcrn
Hollings F„ Glover st, Mosman
North Sydney
Holland J., 30 Sutherland st, PnililitiBton Uollingshcad John, 2 Short st, Newtown
Holland J., Wcntworth st, Parramattn
Holmes A. O., 75 Emily st, Marriekville
Uollingsworth J., Hi-serve r I, Gore Hill
Holland J. T., 3 Blenheim st, Waverley
Hollingsworth W., 77 Arthur st, N. Sydney Holmes A. S., Roche st, Marriekville
Holland J. W., Mitchell rd, Alexandria
Holmes Alexander, Avenue rd, Mosman
Ilolliiigworth A. 0., Spit rd, Mosman
Holland James H., Oakvlllo rd, Willoughby I Hollingworth Jos., 20 Chisholm Bt
Holmes Alfred, 10 Hose Bt, Balmain
Holland John, 299 Grown 6t
Hollingworth N., Premier Bt, Mnrrlckvllle Holmes Alfred L., 63 Cambridge st, S'rao r
Holland John. 65 Myrtle st
Hollingworth Samuel, Blenheim st, Enfield Holmes Alfred S., 6 Concord st, Ersk'ville
Holland Joseph, 2 Wilson st, Iledfcrn
Holmes Andrew, Hnsscll st, Parramattn
Uollins W. J., 02 Abattoirs rd, Rozclle
Holland Joseph, 30 Morris st. Summer Hill Holllns William, 46 Marian st, Hedfcrn
Holmes Arthur, printer and stationer, 24
Holland Mrs., 14 Margaret st
Jamicson st
Holllushod Miss L., Young st, Paddington
Holland Mrs. M., 10 Susan st, Nowtown
Holmes Mrs. O. G., 17 Glenmore rd, Pad'ton
lliillls A. F., 24 Grove st, Petersham
Holland Mrs. Mary, 01 Botany st, Redfcni Ilollls Anthony, 15 Ilofe st, Lelchhhnrdt Holmes O. H., 178 Windsor st, Paddington
Holland R. B., Forest rd, Hnratvillo
Holmes Charles, 2i(0 Victoria st
lllollis H., Lillyvllle, South Randwick
Holland Illoh., 100 Rowntrce st, Balmain Hollis llobert, J.l'., M.L.A.,48 Newman Bt, Holmes Claude, Silver st, Marriekville
Holland T., Lincoln st, Dulwloh Hill
Mrs. D., 142 Jersey rd, Pad'ton
Holland Thomas J., Hassell st, Parramntta |
Holmes E., 59 Burren st, Ersklncvllle
Holland Walter, Wcntworth st, St. Peters Hollis Sydney, 02 View Bt, Aimnndale
E., Audley st, Marrlckvillo
HolliB W., Lillyvllle, South llandwiok
Holland W., 8(1 Edgcwnrc rd, Newtown
Holmes Edward, 23 Terry Bt
Hollander and Govctt, advertising contrac- Hollis W. F., Atchison st, St. Leonards
Holmes Ernest, 114 Dowllng st
Hollister H. J., Liverpool id, Enfleld
tors, 14 Carrlugton st
Holmes Esther, Liverpool Arms hotel, 82
Hollander L. and Sons, shirt and under- .Hollouian Mrs. S„ 47 llosscr st, Rozello
Reservoir Bt
clothing manurncturers, 127 and 128
Holloway and Grant, plumbers, &c„ 24 Holmes F., 209 Kent st
Queen Victoria Markets
Holmes F., Renwlck st, Marriekville
Jnmicson st
Hollander Jacob, 04 MnclenyBt
Hollowny Mrs. A., 24 Burrcn st, Ers'viHc Holmes Fred., 43 Francis st
Hollander Louln, Albert st, Stmthfleld
Holloway A. W., 07 Gipps st Paddington Holmes Frederick, 65 Wattle st
Hollander Lewis, 90 Botany rd, Bondi
Holmes Frcdk., 35 Fulhnm st, Newtown
Holloway Alfred, Awaba Bt, Mosman
Hollander O., 3 Bray st, Ersklnevillo
Holmes G. A., Lane Cove rd, Turratnurra
Holloway Arthur, Kyle st, Arucliffc
Hollands T. 1'., 284 Palmer st
Uolle and Co., tea and coffee merchants, 10 Holloway 0., 39 Glonmore rd, Paddington Holmes G. H., Frenchman's rd, Raudwiok
Holloway Mrs. E.. 124 Kedfern st, Bcdfern Holmes G. W., 23 Andreas st, Petersham
Hamilton Bt
Holmes Geo., 40 Louisa rd, Balmain
Holloway Frederlok, plumber, 72 Ann Bt
Holle J.^?. nnd Co., Ltd., tailors, 285 Geo.st Holloway
Henry T., Avenue rd, Mosman Holmes Ge irge, 8 Denison st, Rozcllo
Holle H. G„ James st, Marrlckvillo
George, Meeks rd, Marriekville
Holloway J., tin plate worker, 03 Liv'pool st
Holle Mrs 0., George st, Marrlokville
Holmes George, Alfred st, St. Peters
Holloway James, 78 Ann st
Holle Mrs. M„ 28 Picrson st, Summer Hill 1 Hollowny James, 179 Campbell st
Holmes George, Cook st, St. Peters
Holle Mrs. M., 87 Great Buckingham st, Holloway James, 15 Garden av. Glebe
Holmes H., pattern maker and millwright,
Holloway James, 28 Oallan Bt, Rozclle
05 Pier st
Hollo William, off 26 City rd, Darlington Hollown» Mrs'. L.,01 Liberty st, Nowtown
Holmes H., Illawarra rd, Marriekville
Holle W. P., 7 Plggott st, Dulwloh Hill
Holloway Jesse, 4 Joseph st, Ashfleld
H. J., NioholBon Bt, Burwood
HolleboneA., 7 Devino st, Krskinovlllc
Hollowny John, second-class warder,
Holmes Hans A., 7 Jacques st, Balmain
Hollebonc A., West st, North Sydney
Holmes Henry, Knlgoorlic st, Leiohhardt
Blloela Gaol, Oookntoo Island
Hollebouc A. J., Unwln's Bridgo rd, St.
Holmes Henry, 4 Albion st, Paddington
Holloway John E., 1 Campbell st
Holmes Mrs. Isabella, 203 Albion st
Hollcns E. J., 82 Anneslcy Bt, Leiohhardt Holloway Joseph E., 141 Glebe rd. Glebe
Holloway Mrs. M. E., 29 Pitt st, N. Sydney Holmes Miss J., 226 Forbes st
Holley Mrs. Eliza, 9 Greek st, Globe
J., Boulevarde, Prospect
Holley Alfred, 60 Halloran Bt, Leiohhardt
Holmes J. F., Church st, Peteraham
Holloway Samuel, 39 Mackey st
Holley G.. 100 Burlington st, N. Sydney
J. L., Wcntworth rd, Burwood
Holley George, 278 Crown rd
Holmes J. I t , laundry, 15 Eliznbeth st
Hollowny Thomas, 19 Queen st
Holley John, 62 Myrtle st
J. P., 00 Paddington st, P'ton
Hollowny Thomas, 62 Chambers st
Holley John, 2 Maria st, Newtown
Holloway W. E., French polisher, 340 P i t t s t Holmes James A., 6 Longdowu st, N'town
Holley 8., 70 Holtcrman st, N. Sydney
Holmes John, 10 Fovcnux st
Hollowny W. H., Colin st, Nortli Sydney
Holley T . P , 20 Kngincst
Holmes John, 99 Ultimo rd
Holloway William, 42 Chisholm st
Holley Thomas, Redmyro rd, Strathfleld
Holllday and Wynd, pastrycooks, Kiugs- Hollowny W. R.,60 Brighton st.Pctcrsham Holmes John ,King st, North Botany
Hollway F. G., dental surgeon, 231 Kllz.st Holmes John P., Eurokn st, North Sydney
clcar rd, Alexandria
Holmes Joseph, Belmont st, Alexandria
Holly George, 9 Nicholson st, Bnlmnln
Holllday A., Gloucester st, Hnrslvillc
Holllday Rev. A., B.A. (Wcs.), Gordon rd, Holly Michael, Cook's River rd, St. Peters Holmes Joseph, 22 Jarrettst, Lelchhnrdt
John L., 9 George st, Ersklncvllle
Holly Thomas W., jun., Hnssidl st, B'wood
Holmes K. J., Catherine st, Lelchliardt
Hollyer Ohns. K, Barker st, Randwick
Holliday A„ Wigram st, Parramattn
Holmes Lewis, Turner st, Balmain
Hollyoake Mrs. S„ Binda st, Prospect
Holllday Alexander, 7 Mills st
Holmes Mrs. Margaret, Emu st, Burwood
Holm Charles, 05 Cambridge st
Holliday 0. A., Piilnierttoii st, Kogarah
Holmes Percy, 6a McQuarle ter, Balmain
Holm Ernest, 37 Wells st, Annandalc
Holliday F., A'Beckettst, Granville
Holmes Percy, Clifton avc, Burwood
Holm H. P., 80 Wells st, Anuaudnle
Holliday F. W.,-33 Carlisle st, Ashfleld
Holmes Peter, 53 Moodie st, Rozelle
Holm Isaac, 87 Bowman st
Holliday George, 10 Bayvillo Bt, Hozellc
Holmes R. A., 30 Union Bt, ErskincviUc
Holm John S., Railway rd, St. Peters
Holliday Harry U„ 88 John st
Richard J., Hereford st, Glebe
Holmnu E. L., 65 Mackenzlo st, Waverley
Holllday J., Brandling lane, Alexandria
Rout., 24 Queen st, Glebe
Holliday John, Pile st, Marrlckvillo
Holmes S., overseer, Zoological Gardens,
Hohnin J. L., 30 John st, Ashfleld
Holllday Mrs. M., 7 Queen's avenue
Holllday 8., 82 Wyudham st, Alexandria
Moore Park
Holman John, 100 Frazcr st, Bulwich Hill
Holller Edward, Sydney rd, Granville
Holman L. H., George's River rd, Ashfleld Holmes S., 108 Edgecliffe rd, Woollahra
Hollier George, Betts rd, Prospect
S. A., Frederick st, St. Peters
Holller Josltth, Alfred st, Granville
Holmes Septimus, Hampden Bt, Fernhill
/Head O Blocs:
VStraet South.
Holmes Terry, 134 Nelson st, Aimnndale
Holt William, Chapel st, Lelchhnrdt
J . M., & SONS,
Holmes Thomas, 460 Bourkc Bt
Holt William E., 56 Greek st. Glebe
Millinery Mnnufactuiers, 5311 ElizaHolt William W„ 09 John st Woollahra
Holmes Thomas, 27 Miller st
beth st south, and at Melbourne.
Holmes Thos., 148 Eiimorc rd, Marriekville Holteii A., Summer Hill fit, Petersham
Tel. No., 18 Paddington
Holmes Thomas, 97 Phillip st, Balmain
H O L T E R M A N N H. A. (late Chicago Honcibone J. W., 38 Great Buckingham sti
Holmes Thomas, 49 Commodore st, N'town
Butcher Supply Co., Ltd.), Importer of
Holmes Mrs. W., Concord nve, Concord
all kinds of Sausage hklns, Herb', and Honeybroiik W., Mullorsst, Bnlimiin
Holmes W., East Crescent st, North Sydney
Butchers'Requisites j Salt and Machi- Honcylicld J., Caledonia st, Bcxley
Holmes W., 20 Victoria Bt, North Sydney
nery Merchant and General Commis- Honeyflcld E. C, 05 Catherine st, L'hnnlt
Holmes W. II.., 40 Perry st, Marriekville
sion Agent, 273 Sussex st (near Honcymnn Mrs. K. J., 48 Taylor st
Holmes Mrs. W. H., 87 Underwood st, P'ton
Bathurst st, Sydney; p.r., Hereford Honcymon II., tobacconist, 40 Oxford st
Honeywell Mrs. 1., H>8 Louisa rd, Balmain
Holmes W. J., M.A., teacher, High School,
st, Forest Lodge
llonka Jacob, 61 Styles st, Lelchliardt
99 Elizabeth Bt
Clinrli-s, 11 Mary st
Holmes W. J., M.A., Moruben rd, Mosman
Honucry John, Botany rd, Botany
Holmes W. N., 61 Marlborough Bt, L'hardt Holtcrmann John, 4 Waratali st
Homes Miss O., 7 Queen st, Glebe
Holmes Walter, 8 Mncquarie ter, Balmain
Honniboll nnd Watklns (Misses), diningHolmes William, J.P., secretary Metro- Holton W. J., 7 Lnngley's lane
rooms, 33 Bent st
politan Board of Wntcr Supply and Holtrlng O., Phillip st, Hedfcrn
Mrs. M., 37 Buckingham st
Sewerage, 311 Pitt fit; p.r., " WahHonnlhall
W., Mnrehead st, Redfern
roonga," Bennett st, Bond!
Iloltz Herman, Wardell rd, Dulwich Hill Honnor Bert, Hurdle st. North Botany
Holmes W. O., Esher st, Burwood
M.B., J.P., surgeon, 127
Holwell Mrs. A., 03 Union Bt, Paddington
Holmes W. O., Parramatta rd, Burwood
Holwell Henry, 33 Cumberland st
Mncquarie st
Holmes William, 416 Liverpool st
Holy Cross College—Rev. Bro. Andrews, Hood Dr. A. Jorvie, J.P., lion. sec. N.S.W.
Holmes William, 31 Terry st
Gladesville rd.llydo
Mcdiciil Union, 121 llatluirst st
Holmes William, 32 Ann st, Newtown
Hood O., piano tuner, 1 Short st
Holmes William 61 Brougham st, Glebe
Holyoak George, Bent fit, Concord
Hood F. It., 300 Stiuimnrc rd, Mnrrickville
Holmes William, 1 Kent st, Newtown
liolyoak W., 104 Good Hope st, Paddington Hood George, Princess nve, Concord
Holmes William, Kyngdon st, North Syd. Holyoako (J., Rocky Point rd, Kogarah
Hood John, 8 Kingsclenr rd, Alexandria
Holmes Willinui, 19 Hart Bt, Rodfern
Holyoake H. H., 9 Sydney Bt, Erskinoville Hood John, 101 Wigram rd, Glebe
Holmes William, Bestick st, Rockdale
llolz Peter, Wooilpnrk rd, Prospect
Hood John, 9 Ueeluy st, Paddington
Holmes W. W., Thomas st, Abbotsford
llolzapfcls Paints and Composition Co., Hood Robert, Gordon rd, Auburn
Holmcsby Charles, 81 Glebe st, Glebe
Ltd., Captain A: Hay, agent, 37 Pitt Hood Robert, 155 /iinaudalc st, Anu'dale
Holmcsby H., 150 Rose Bt, Darlington
Hodd Robore, 211 Walker st, Rcdfem
Holmgrecn T. E., 62 Princess Bt
Hood S. J., Elizabeth st, Waterloo
Julius H., Lennox st, Mosman
Holmstrom P., Albion st, Parramatta
Hood Saml., 83 Parramatta rd, Anuandalo
Human F. M., Victoria nve, Ohotswood
Hololuin Mrs. D., Austral st. Kogarah
nood Samuel, 40 Oxford st, Newtown
Holpeu Walter, off Bay rd, North Sydney Home for the Aged and Infirm—Little Hood Samuel J., proprietor Adelaide Photo
Holroyd David, Obcron st, Randwick
260 Pitt st
Sisters of the Poor, Avocn Bt, R'wick HoodCo.,
Holroyd E. S., Penshurst at, Willoughby
T. J., 83 Parramatta rd, Ainiundolc
Home for Aged nnd Infirm Priests, Glades- Hood Thomas, 7 Junction st, Forest Lodge
Holroyd Ernest S., Eton st, Willoughby
ville rd, Ryde
Holroyd 0. J., 100 Birroll st, Waverley
Hood William, 27 Spring si, Waverley
Home of Hope (Stanley st Newtown) - G. E. Houff P. B, 70 Gordon st, Paddington
Hoist A. P., Grosveuor st, North Sydney
Hoist J. A., professor of dancing, 233
Hook A., Cardigan st. Petersham
Ardill, director, 370 Pitt st
Home for Incurables—W. F. Stanton, J.P., Hook Alfred, 105 Alfred st, North Sydney
Castlercagh st
HOOK Augustus; 6 Forsyth Bt, Glebe
lion, sec., 287 Cleveland st, Redfern
Hoisted Charles, 100 Gowrio st, Newtown
Holt-Sutherland Estate Co., Ltd. — M. Homo Repair Co. (The), J. P. Walshe Hook Charles, Silver st, St Peters
Hook D. C, 19 Stewart st, Glebe
Mnloncy, secretary, 6 Bligh Bt
Home Rule Tobacco Co., Peter Mathcson, Hook K., Atchison st, St. Lconnrds
Holt A. 0., French's rd, Willoughby
F. J.. Hardie st, Nortli Botany
proprietor, 4 Q.V. Markets
Holt A. W., Emu st, Burwood
Homo Training School and Lying-in Hos- Hook Frcdk., Cardigan st, Petersham
Holt Alfred, Mort's rd, Morldnlo
G. K., Wigram st, Pnrruninttn
pital, Stanley st, Newtown—G. E.
Holt Arthur, Ryan st, Lelchhnrdt
Hook George, Kyngdon st, North Sydney
Ardill, direotor, 370 Pitt st
Holt B., 116 Railway par, Ersklnevillo
Hook George, 337 Pitt Bt
Holt Olios., 117 Edgeware rd, Marriekville Homo and Training School for Female Hook George, Clarke Bt, North Sydney
Holt Mrs. E., 88 View st. Annandalc
Domestics— 8istersof Mercy, 17 Church Hook Hartley, Mary st, St. Peters
Holt Mrs. E., 97 Douglas st, Petersham
Hook Henry, West st, Narembnrn
Holt Miss E. J., Cornnua rd, Petersham
Home Visiting Relief Society, 18 Bridgo st Hook Henry B., 10 Eiumott st, N. Sydney
Holt Mrs. F. S. E., 27 Vl-itorin Bt, Ashfleld Honiebush Grammar School—W. B. Scott, Hook Isaac, Kendall st, Granville
Holt G., Ln Perouse, Botany
Hook James, 62 Atlilone plnco
Albert rd, Strathfleld
Holt George, Rocky Point rd, Kogarah
Homebush Post and Telegraph Oillco—O. Hook John, 24 Gerurd st, Alexandria
Holt II. v., secretary Sydney Glass and
G. A. Doutty, Homebush cres, H'busb Hook John, 14 Cornwnllls st, Hedfcrn
File Co., Ltd., 490-604 Harris st; p.r., Homebush Public School—Edwin Tyler, Hook T., 7 Forsyth st, Glebe
Hook Thomas, 43 Lincoln Bt, Petersham
Ranger's nve, Mosman
master, Homebush cres, Homebush
W., 14 Moore st
Holt Henry, Hooper st, Randwick
HomcbuBh School of Arts, Parramatta rd, Hook
William, mining secretary AbcrHolt Herbert, 12 Anneslcy st, Lcichbardt
River Gold Dredging and
Holt J. T., 97 Douglas st, Petersham
Homebush Station—Homebush crcs.Homc
Co., Ltd., 04 Pitt Bt
Holt John, 77 Macnrthur st
Garrnn Bt, Glebe
Holt John L., 60 Mary st, Lelchliardt
Home Henry A., 10 Cnsonde st, Pad'ton
Hooko Mrs. K., 7-9 West st, Nortli Sydney
Holt Joseph J., 5 Oxford st, Newtown
Homer Charles, Bardcn st, Aruolifle
Bt, Canterbury
Holt Joshua, 85 Wells st west, Hedfcrn
Homer Ernest, 170 Birrell st, Waverley
Hooke P. J., 18 Durham st, South An'dalo
Holt Lawrence, 0 Junction nt
Homer M., 71 Elizabeth st, Ashfleld
Miss F. V., Burns rd, Wnhroongn
Holt Mrs,, 2n School st, Balmain
Homer William, 103 Park st, Camperdown Hooke
Hookc G., 60 Marlon st, Lelchliardt
Holt Mrs., Good ft, Prospect
Homcishnm C , Pent's Ferry rd.Horusby
17 Forbes Bt, Redfern
Holt R. W., 99 Douglas st, Petersham
Homershnin Charles, Corso, Mnuly
Hooko R. F., 31 Annniidnlo Bt, Annandnlo
Holt Robert, 85 George st, Oamperdown
Homewood A., Cromwell Bt, Lelchnnrdt
Hooker Bros., ironmongers, 38 Olebe rd,
Holt 8., Lily st, Hurstville
Homfray A. T., Albert st, Hornsby
Holt Thomas, 10 Shepherd st, Darlington Homfray Miss, O'Brien Bt, Bondi
Holt Thomas, Hooper st, llandwiok
Homsen Mrs. E, M.,33 Cleveland Bt, R'fcri) Hooker Chnrles, 16 Whnrf rd, Bnlmnln
Holt Thomas, 189 O.S.H. rd, Waverley
Honnn John, 49 Fernilalo Bt, Newtown
Daniel, Botany rd, Botany
Holt Thomas, Phillip Bt, Parramatta
Honan Mnrtin, Pork rd, St. Peters
Hooker Miss P., refreshment rooms, 44 and
Holt Uriah, George st, Parramatta
Hoiion Patrick, HaiiBanl Bt, Waterloo
Arcade, George st
Holt W. H„ Addison rd, Manly
Homer Charles, Ohnroh Bt, Oamperdown Hooker G., 85 Prospect rd, Summer Hill
Hooker Joseph, 46 Mitohell st, Glebo
Hopcroft William, 80 Lincoln ores
Hopkins Reginald, 70 Gowrio st, N'towu
Hooker Oswald, Avenuo rd, Mosmnn
Hopdny Mrs. L., Bassett at, Dalmorton
Hopkins Robert, 81 Liverpool rd, Ashfleld
Hooker Oswald, 7 Orescent st, Waterloo
Hope J. and Co., mercers and hatters, 118 Hopkins Mrs. 8., 17 Ontloy rd, Paddliigton
Hooker Thomas, Underwood st, Botany
King st
Hopkins T., 44 Maria st, Mnrriokvlllo
Hookbjua A., Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby
Hopo Mrs. A., Sheffield st, Auburn
Hopkins Thomas, Suttor st, Alexandria
Hooklinm A. E., Jersey st, Hornsby
Hopo Olinrles, Albyn rd, Btrathfleld
Hopkins Thomas, Ohapel st, Lelchhardt
Hookham John, 22 Denning st, Mar'vlllo Hope Charles J., Ualhouslc st, Ashfleld
Hookliam M. T., Marrlokville rd, Mar'vjllo Hopo David, 11 Justin st, Leiohliardt
Hopkins Thomas, 11 Pine st, Newtown
Hookham W. H., Sydenham rd, Mar'villo
Hopkins Ulysses, 853 Upper Brougham st
Hope Mrs. B., Melrose st, Canterbury
Hooklns Mrs., Western rd, Pnrrauiatta
Hopkins Mrs. W. O., 430 Alfred st, N. Syd.
Hoololinn Bros., fuel merohnnts, Military Hopo Mrs. E., 36 Spring st, Wnvcrley
Hopkins W. M., indent ngent, 72 King st
Hopo Mrs. E., 12 Fleet st, Summer Hill
Hopkins William, Phillip Bt, N. Sydney
rd, North Sydney
Hopo Edgar, 15 Lome st, Summer Hill
Hoolalian Jamos, Rnglau st, Mosman
Hopkins William, Ohuroh st, Pnrramatsn
Hooley Peter, Onrlton par, Kognrnh Bay nope George, Rochester st, Botany
Hopkiuson Arthur, Sorrell st, Parramatta
Hooloy Wllllnm, Lord st, Kognrnh
Hope Georgo E., 830 Olcvclnnd st
Hopkinson D. N. J., 00 Moorehend st, R'f'u
Hooley Win., Carlton Park, Kogarah Bay Hopo Mrs. Heleri, 80 Wllllnm st, N. Sydney Hopkiuson
Mrs.H. E., 66 Flood st, Bondi
Hoollglmn J. T., 2 Ross st, Forest Lodgo Hopo Honry, J.P., dental surgeon, 183n
Hoollhan Thos., 155 Mullens st, Balmain
Hopkinson J„ 125 N.S.H. rd, Pnddington
Liverpool st
Hooper and Harrison, warehousemen and Hope Henry,Hnrkncssst,Woollalira
Hopkiuson James, 25 Marian st, Hedfern
woollen merchants, 57 York st
Hopkinson Mrs. L„ 10 Wigram rd, GlebeHope
Hooper Charles, Tnrgo st, Kognrnh
Hopkirk Charles, 01 Barcom avo
Hope Mrs. L., 248 Elizabeth st
Hooper Ohns., Botnny rd, North Botany
John H., 12 Oxley st, Glebe
Hope Lewis, 200 Mnoquarle st south
Hoopor E., 53 Yurong st
Hopuer Andrew, 71 Mill st
Hooper Miss R, 27 Henry st, Lelchunrdt Hope Miss Maggie. 312 Riley st
Hopner Charles, 70 Mill st
Hooper K., Vlmiera rd, Mnrsflcld
Hopo T. S., St. Mark's rd, Rnndwiok
Hopp Edward, Carlottnst, Greenwich
Hooper E. J., 201 Cumberland s t
Hope Thomas, Cowles rd, Mosmnn
Hoopor Mrs, Edwin, 32 Watson st, Wav'ley Hopo Thouins, Lunsdowno st, Parrnnmttn Hoppe Carl, Molutyrc st,Gordon
Hooper .Miss F. E., Drummoyiio st, Hull' Hojie Walter, 670 Dowlingst
Hopper A., Marrlokville rd, Marrlokville
Hopo Walter, manufacturers' ngont, 103 Hopjier Arthur, 88 Denlson st, Newtown
tor's Hill
Hopper O. J., Woincrah avo, Turramurm
Hoopor George, registrar Sydney Tcolinl'
cnl College, Mnry Ann st ; p.r., 34Hopo William, J.P., proprietor Workman's Hopper V., Robinson st, Willoughby
Hopper H. W., 100 Ernest st, N. Svdncy
Heuson st, Summer Hill
Hoppcr John, Rcnwick st, Druminoyne
Hoopor Hanford, 212 Oxford st, Pnddingtou Hope Wllllnm, 20 Crown lano
Hooper Henry, 52 Brandling st, Alox'dria Hopo William, J.P., Mvcrs' st, Kogarah
Hopper Miss Mnry, 38 Bayswater rd
Hooper Jas., Gardener's lane, N . Botnny
Hopper William, 328 Jones st
Hooper J. F., 104 Dcrwentst, Forest Lodge Hopetown Brick nud Tile Works, Smith st, Hopping B., Kingrd, Abbotsford
Hooper Jnmes, 30 Mitchell st, Glebe
Hopping Ohns., King rd, Abbotsford
Hooper Jan., 7 Little Solwyn st, Pndd'ton Hopfe Arnold, Adelaide st, Woollnhra
Hopping George, King rd, Abbotsford
Hoopor Jnmes, 14J Lelchhardt st. Wavcrley Hopklu Arthur, 11 James st, Woollahm
Hopping Robert, Cross st, Abbotsford
Hooper James, 10 Wallace st, Wavcrley
Hopkins, Abbott mid Co., furniture Hopping Thomas, Wnllncc st, Concord
Hooper John, Gardener's lane, N. Botnny
dcalors, 160 King st, Newtown
Hopping William, King rd, Abbotsford
Hooper John F . , head master Rodfem
Public! School, Biillnnamlng st, R'fern Hopkins i Lipscombe, wholesnlo frultorers Hoppitt W., Brown st, St. Peters
Hopson Fredk., 147 George st, Waterloo
Hoopor John S., Orange st, Rand wick
Hooper Mrs. Mary, Groso rd, Parrnmntta Hopkins Thomas L. nud Co., butchers, Hopsou John, 25 Dciihain st
Avocn st, Raudwlck
Hopson John, 103 Elswick st, Leiohliardt
Hooper Michael, Orange st, Rnndwiok
Hopkins A., music teacher, 717 Dourko st Hopson John, 51 Macnulay st, Lelchhardt
Hoojicr Hicharil, 2 Iloden's lane
Hopkins A„ 80 Charlotte st, Ashfleld
Hopson N., 65 The Boulovardo, Petersham
Hopkins A., Chestnut rd, Auburn
Hopson W. B., Tulip st, Chatswood
Hopkins A., Bridge st, Strathflcld
Hopton A. D„ 57 Norton st, Leiclilmrdt
International Patent and Trades Hopkins A. E., wntchmnkor. 46 P i t t st
Frederick, Gordon st, Burwood
Mark Agent, 3 St. James' Ohnmbcrs, Hopkins A. E„ 81 Edgewnrc rd, Newtown Hoptroff A. E., Kendall st, Woollohra
King mi'l Mnoquniiosts; p.r., "Clare Hopkins Albert, 2 Margaret st, Newtown HoptroII Ernest. 12 Norman st, Rozelle
Hopkins Alfred J., 78 Marian st, Newtown
mont," Lincoln st, Dulwich Hill
Hopwood F., 21 Calder rd, Redfcm
Hopkins Arthur, Cameron st.Rockdnle
Hoopor Thomas, 21 Booth st, Ualnmin
Hopwood G. W., 3 Norfolk st. Paddlngtott
Hoopor Thomas, Timiera nl, Muraflold
Hopwood H., Lansdowno st, Parramatta
Hooper Thomas, Kurlng-gai-Ohasc nvc, Hopkins David, 00 Botany st, Redfcm
J., 14 Brandling st, Alexandria
Hopkins David, 3 Wisboacli st, Rozellc
Hopwood Robert, 00 Curtis rd, Balmain
Hooper \V,,Occau st, West Kognrnh
nopkins Mrs. E., 3 Starling st, Rozollo
Hooper W., 131 Parrnmntta rd, Sum. Hill Hopkins E., 34 Little Underwood st, P'ton Hopwood William, 200 Harris st
Hooper W. J., 178 Ornfton st, Woollnhra
Hopkins E. J., 7 Falcon st, North Sydney Horan Edward, 6 Thomas st, Canipordown
Hornn Edward, Portmuu Ft, Wnterloo
Hooper William, 11 Montague st, Bnlmnin Hopkins E. J., 13 Terry st, Uozello
Hoopor William, Botany rd, Noith Botany Hopkins Frederick, stntlonmnstcr, Harris Horan Jnmes, 171 Cleveland at, Redfcm
Hooper William, Bruce st, Carlton
Park Hallway Stn., Station st.P'matta Horan John, Dlbbs st, Alexandria
Hooro H. 0., Town JJalt hold, 20 St. John's Hopkins
Fredk., Marlon st, Parrumattn
Horan John, 91 Caroline st, Redfcrn
rd, Forest Lodge
Hornn Joseph, 30 Pitt st, Redforn
Hooro John 11., 212 Flood st, Leiohliardt
Hopkins G., piano tuncr,717Bourkost
Hornn Michael, Day st, Marrickvillo
Hooro Percival, 210 Flood st, Lololilmrdb Hopkins G. K., Alice st, Auburn
Michael, Waverloy st, Waveriey
Hoorwortlt W., 35 Elliott st, Bnlmnin
Hopkins J. W., 3« Lackey st, Summer Hill
Hooton Miss E. A., dining rooms, 743 Hopkins J.W., J.P., 152 Liverpool rd.A'flcld Hornn Patrick, Lord st, North Sydney
Georgo st
Hopkins James, 35 Lansdowno st
Horan W. J., 10 Blrohgrove rd, Balmain
Hooton John, Boomerang st, Ashfleld
Henry, 15 Station st, Petersham
Hopkins James, 8 Forbes st, Pnddingtou Hord
Hooton John, Prince Albert st, Mosmnn
Hord J. O., 08 Carlton cres, Summer Hill
Hoownrth George, 27Elswlok st, L'hnrdt Hopkins James, Mitchell st, ArnclifTc
Horder A. T„ 44 Denman st, Glebe
Hoownrtli —., headmaster Granville Su- Hopkins John,01 Ferry rd, Glebo
Horder Albert, Station Bt, Auburn
perior Public School, William st, G'vlllo Hopkins Jonathan, 7 Goolil st
Hooworth George, Albany st, St. Leonards Hopkins Rev. JoBoph (Wcs.), 70 AVillium Horder Charles, 383 Dowling st
E. N. R., 84 Marion st, Leiohliardt
Hooworth Honry, 23 Ennls st, Bnlmaiu
Henry st
Hooworth Josoph, 14 Theodore st, Balmalii Hopkins Joseph, 10 Prince st, Rozelle
Horder Thomas ( J . P . N.S.W. nnd Q.)»
Hopcraft James 13., Bronte rd, Waverloy Hopkins Joseph, Terry Bt 8t. Peters
manager Scottish Widows' Fund and
Hopcrnft Miss Katie, niatrou Honioopathlo nopkins L., artist, 62 Margaret Bt
Life Assurance Soolety, 36 Bllgu s t ;
Hospital, 299-301 Olevolanii st, R'fcrn Hopkins Livingstone, Rnglnn st, Mosmnn
p.r.. Fltzroy st, Burwood
/Head OIHoes: 810 George\
^.Street South. 'Phono mJ
' " • • ' — -
. , . _ , , . . • •
Only Universal Providers, HAYMARKET (ONLY).
dem, Alfred James noruern;, i m porters and General Drapers, 203, 205,
207,209,211 Pitt st, near G.P.O. (only).
We buy for cash and sell for cash, and
give 30 iuohes to the yard, also 16 ozs.
t o t h o l b . Tel. 2060 and 1184
HorrlgnuT. J., uouinieron m, r a n ujn
Home Ezra, Dock rd, Balmain
Uorrocks Alfred, notary public, 0» ElizaHomo Fredk. J., 7 Darling st, Glebo
both fit; p.r., Ocean st, Woollahra
Home George, Stanley Bt, Burwood
Horrocks J. J., Australian Produce Agency,
Home George, 40 Tnlford st, Glebe
351 Kent st, corner King s t ; works,
Home George, Ashton st, Granville
Fltzroy st, Marrlokville; p.r., Pile st,
HorneGeorge, 12 Leiohlinrdt st, Waveriey
Home Honry, 62 Chnndos Bt, North Sydney
Home J. O., 240 Henderson rd, Alexandria Horrocks William, A.S.I.A., ohnrtcrcd
nccouutnnt, auditor and arbitrator,
Home J., J.P., ngent Wentworth estate, 2
General Drapers,- Importers of Soft
Citizens' Chambers, Mooro nnd CastleHunter Bt
Goods, Agents American Noveltles,Con- Homo J . W., Albyn rd, Strnthfleld
rengh sts. Tel. 2344; p.r., Par'niattn.
tinental Goods, &c, OOO-OOOa-010-612 Home Jnmes, 68 Elizabeth st
Horrocks Wllllnm, 35J Booth st, Balmain
Brickfield Hill, Sydney. This is the or- Home Jns., 86 Queen st, Woollahra
Horsay JOB., Short st, Parramatta
Iglnal firm of the nnino of Hordern, Home John, Newman ft, Pcnshurst
Horsay W., Short st, Parramatta
and was established In 1823. Corres- Homo Joseph, J.P., 30 Edwin st, Croydon Horsbnrg A., 2 Little Weston st, Balmain
pondence Invited.
Horscroft David J., 8 Smith Bt, Waterloo
Home Mrs. M , 172 Victoria st
Hordern Alfred J., Myra st, Waitarn
HonieMoffltt,61 Derwcnt st, Forest Lodge Horscfleld W., Ruthven st, Rnndwiok
Horseman J., 127 Cleveland st, Redforn
Hordern Cecil, importer and warehouse- Home Robert, 13 Cnmpbell Bt, Glebe
Horseman W., off Botnny rd, N. Botnny
man, 125 The Strand; p.r., Bracsidc st, Homo Thomas, 21 Palmer st, Balmain
Horsey Misses, Watson nnd Co., refreshWnhroonga
Homo Thomas, 27 William st, Redforn
ment rooms, 310 Georgo st
Hordern Mrs. E., sen., Kintoro st, Wnhr'nga Home Mrs. W. H., Hercules st, Oh'wood
Horsey MTB. Alfred, Hnrrold st, Par'mntta
Hordern John L., Cleveland st, Wnhroonga Home W. H., 2 Hawthorne st, Leiohlinrdt Horsey Mrs. B., Drew st, Prospect
Hordern Percy, J.P., 21 Palace st, P'sham Home Mrs. W. T.,29 Wcllesloy st, Sum. Hill Horsey F. G., manager Australian Alliance
Hordern Samuel, " Retford Hall," Thorn- Homo Walter, Musgrnvc st, Mosmau
Assurance Co. (Fire, Marine, Life nnd
Home Walter, 600 Pnrramatta rd, P'sham
ton st, Woollahra
Gunrnntco), 31 O'Connell s t ; p.r.,
Hordern Samuel, jun., J.P., " Tuxedo," Home William, 10 Washington st
" Lntona," Mornben rd, Mosmnn
Home William, 31 Ferndalc st, Newtown
Albert rd, Homebush
Horsey Fredk., Sydney st, Willoughby
Home Wllllnm, 1 Union st, Waterloo
Hordern Samuel, 180 Crown rd
Horsey G., Harris st, Parramatta
Horner A., Jullictt st, Marrlokville
Hore Alfred, 0 Pearl Bt, Newtown
Horsey James, Ada st, Parramatta
Horo Henry, 84 Maddison st, Redforn
Homor Mrs. G., 50 Campbell st, N. Sydney Horsey Josiah, 284 West st,N. Sydney
Horo John, 83 Liberty st, Newtown
Horsey 11., 140 Constitution rd, Petorshnm
Horner Georgo, 84 Yulest, Petersham
Horo John, 158 Georgo Bt, Redfcm
Homer George R., Northwood rd, L. Cove Horsey Samuel, 95 George Bt, Waterloo
Hore W. J., 29 Trade st, Newtown
JJUIUC l y i u i o v f t . ,
Hordern, Anthony* Sons
Only Universal Providers, HAYMARKET (ONLY).
Hopkins A., unescnuw in, jiuumu
Hopson W. B., Tulip st, (Jlintawoou
Hopkins A.. Bridge st, Strathflcld
Hopton A. D., 57 Norton st, Leichhardt
International Patent and Trndes Hopkins A. E., watchmaker. 46 Pitt st
Frederick, Gordon st, Burwood
Mnrk Agent, 3 St. Jnmos' Ohnmbers, Hopkins A. E., 81 Edgewnre rd, Nowtown HoptrolT A. E., Kendall st, Woollahra
King niiilMacnuariosts; p.r., " Clarc- Hopkins Albert, 2 Margaret st, Newtown HoptrofI Ernest. 12 Normnn st, Rozelle
Hopkins Alfred J., 78 Marian st, Newtown
mont," Lincoln st, Dulwich Hill
Hopwood F., 21 Oalder rd, Bedfern
Hopkins Arthur, Cameron st, Rockdale
Hooper Thomas, 21 Booth st, Balmain
Hopkins B., Unwin's Bridge rd, St. Peters Hopwood G. W., 3 Norfolk st. Paddington
Hooper Thomas, Yimleni rd, Marsticld
Hopwood H., lansdowno st, Parraniatta
Hooper Tlionms, Kuriug-gnl-Ohase uve, Hopkins David, 00 Botany st, Redfern
Hopwood J., 14 Brandling st, Alexandria
Hopkins David, 3 Wlsboacli st, Rozelle
Hopwood Itobcrt, 00 Curtis rd, Balmaln
Hooper \V„ Ocean st, West Kognrah
Hopkins Mrs. E., 3 Starling st, Uozcllo
Hooper W., 181 l'arrnmnttn rd, Sum. Hill Hopkins E., 34 Littlo Underwood st, P'ton Hopwood William, 280 Harris st
Hooper W. J., 178 Grafton st, Woollahra
Edward, 0 Thomas st, Camperdown
Hooper Willlnm.ll Montagus st, Iiulumin Hopkins E. J., 7 Falcon st, North Sydney Horan Edward, Portnian st, Waterloo
Hooper William, Botany rd, Noith Botany
Hopkins Frederick, stationmaster, Harris Horau James, 171 Cleveland st, Bedfern
Hooper William, Bruce st, Ourlton
Park Railway Stn., Station st, P'matta Horan John, Dibbs st, Alexandria
Hoore H. 0., Town J/al! hotel, 20 St. Jolm's
Horan John, 91 Caroline st, Redfern
Hopkins Fredk., Marlon st, Parraniatta
rd, Forest Lodge
Horan Joseph, 80 Pitt st, Redfern
Hoore John R., 212 Flood st, Lelohhnrdt
Hopkins G., piano tuner, 717 Bourkost
Horan Michael, Day st, Marrlckvllle
Hoore Porolval, 210 Flood st, Lelolilmrdt Hopkins G. E., Alice st, Aubuni
Horan Michael, Waverley st, Waverley
Hoorworth W., 35 Elliott st, Balmaln
Hopkins J. W., 3n Lackey st, Summer Hill
Hooton Miss E. A., dining rooms, 743 Hopkins J,W., J.P., 152 Liverpool rd.A'flcld Horan Patrick, Lord st, North Sydney
George st
Hopkins Jnmcs, 35 Lansdowno st
Horan W. J., 18 Blrohgrove rd, Balmalu
nooton John, Boomorang Bt, ABhfleld
Hopkins James, 3 Forbes st, Pnddlngton Hord Henry, 15 Station st, Petersham
Hooton John, Prince Albert «t, Mosmnn
Hord J.O., 1)8 Carlton eres, Slimmer Hill
Hoownrth George, 27 Elswlck st, L'hardt Hopkins James, Mitchell st, Arnollffe
Hordcr A.T., 44 Denman st, Glebe
Hoownrth —., headmaster Granville Su- Hopkins John, 01 Ferry rd. Glebe
Horder Albert, Station Bt, Auburn
perior Publlo School, William st, G'villo Hopkins Jonathan, 7 Goold st
Hooworth George, Albany st, St. Lcounrds Hopkins Rev. Joseph (Wes.), 70 William Hordcr Charles, 383 Dowliiig st
Horder E. N. R., 84 Marion st, Letobhardt
Hooworth Henry, 23 Hunts st, Balmaln
Henry st
Hooworth Joseph, 14 Theodore st, Balmain Hopkins Joseph, 10 Prince st, Rozello
Hordcr Thomas (J.P. N.S.W. and Q.)>
Hoperaft James B„ Bronto rd, Waverley Hopkins Joseph, Terry 6t St. Peters
manager Scottish Widows' Fund and
Hopcraft Miss Katie, matron Homoepatlilo Hopkins L., nrtist, 62 Margaret st
Life Assurance Soolety, 35 BligU s t ;
• Hospital, 239-301 Olevoland st, R'fom Hopkins Livinustone, Raglan st, Mosmon
p.r.. Fitzroy st, Burwood
Horcy Mrs. M., Rnthvon st, Kundwick
Horgal William J„ 25 Wells st, Newtown <
Horgan Patrick J., 18 James st
Horley A. F., 15 Grosvenor st, N. Sydney
Horloy Claude, 301 Miller st, North Sydney
Horley H. A., Randwiok.fit, Rnndwlck
Horloy Mrs., 410 Darling st, Balmaln
Hormann and Wonnald, wool and produce
buyers, 11 Mac<|iiarie place, and 170
Abattoirs rd
Hormann Mrs. L. M., 83 Miller st, N. Syd.
Hormann It. T., 83 Miller st, N. Sydney
Hormann Ohas., Haybcrry st, N. Sydney
Horn John and Son, Ironmongers, 15-17-19
Regent st, Redfern
Horn Oliorles, Alfred st, Burwood
Horn Fredk., Lower Magnoy st, W'hara
Horn J. F., jeweller, (il Booth st, Balmaln
Horn John, Coventry rd, Homebnsh
Horn Joseph, Monmouth st, llaudwiok
Horn Julius, 10 Morris st, Summer Hill
Horn Mrs. Sarah, Greenwich rd, L. Cove
Horn Stanley, Bathurst st, Woollahra
Horn Mrs. V„ Albion st, Parraniatta
Horn W., 0 Trouton st, Balmain
Horn W., Graf ton st east Woollahra
Horn W. L., Broad st, Canterbury
Hornby Lighthouse—David Watson, principal llghtkeepcr; Alfred Johnson
and James Qulun, assistants, South
Head, Vauclusc
Homer Henry, Fanning st, St. Peters
Homer James, 130 Brougham st
Horner John, Harrow rd, Auburn
Homer Mrs. M. A., 41 Harrington st
Horner Martin L., 6 Lncey st
Horner N.. Fitzroy st, Marrickvillo
Homer Kidney 11 Beiiss »t, Leichhardt
Horner T. P., 121 Blue's Foint rd, N. Syd.
Horner W., 23 Carlton crcs, Summer Hill
Homer W., Mowbray rd, Willoughby
Horner W. H., Charles st, Mnrrickville
Homer William D„ 101 Arthur st
Homery Charles, Burwood rd, Mortlako
Hornery Richnrd P., Burwood rd, Mortlake
Hornlbrook Mrs. A., 13 Ynralla st, N'town
Horrldgo H., 101 Oowpcr st, Waverley
Hornlker Bernard, tailor, 22 Q.V. .Markets
Ilornlman F. G., 103 Wigram rd, Glebe
Homiman F. S„ dentist, 181 Mncqunrle st
Horniman Mrs. V., 200 Miller st, N. Sydney
Homiman W., 22 Alexander st, Pnd'ton
Homing H. W. and Co., estate agents and
valuators, 58 Pitt st
Homing H. W., J.P., Mnndalong rd, M'mnn
Homsby Police Station—Peat's Ferry rd,
Hornsby Butchering Co., nornsby
Homsby Post Ofllcc—Miss Buckley, postREDFERN.
mistress, Burdett st, Hornsby
Homsby South Post Ofllcc — M'lss N. E.
Wliitehend, postmistress, Thornleigh
rd South Homsby
nomby Ohas., 32 Edgewnrc rd, Newtown Hornsby Public School — W. H. Johnston
head master, Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby
Hornby G. E., ticket writer, 04 Albion st
Hornsby Railway Station—James Glynn,
Hornby James, 23 Kgan st, Newtown
Hornby John, 29 Leichhardt st, Waverley
stationmaster, Burdett st, Hornsby
Hornby Mrs.Snrah,14 Wnrwlok st, P'sham Hornsby South Public School—Mrs. J. A,
Hornby William, 2 Bucknell st, Newtown
Whitehead, mistress, Thornleigh rd,
South Hornsby
X O N D O N HOUSE—8 G O L D E N LANK, K.O. Hornby William, Ynralla st, Newtown
Homo A., 141 NeUon st, Antmndalc
Hornsby School of Arts, Peat's Ferry rd,
(8co odvt, top of pages throughout
Home A. H., George's Head rd, Mosman
Home O., 62 Abcroromblo place
Hornsby It. and Sons, Ltd., engineers and
Homo O. W., Lnuff st, Hurstville
importers, 170 Olarence st
Home David, Loftus st, Dulwich Hill
Hornsby J., 9 Victoria st, Erskinevllle
HorncE.,1 Westmoreland st, F.Lodgo
Hornsby Mrs. Josephine, 190 Crown rd
Home Mrs. E„ 98 St. John's rd, F. Lodge Hornshaw Gcorgo, Day Bt, Drummoyno
Homo Edward, 7 Catherine st, F. Lodge
Horrigan Daniel, 24 Qlppsst, Paddington
Horrigan M., 30 Oxford st, Paddington
(John Lebbcns Hordern, E. Oarr Hor- Home Mrs. Elizabeth, 284 Crown st
dern, Alfred Janiea Hordern), I m - Home Ernest A., 101 Bourke Bt, Redfern Horrigan T. J., 00 Cameron st, Pnd'ton
Horrocks Alfred, notary public, 04 Elizaporters and General Drapers, 203, 205, Home Ezra, Dock rd, Balmain
beth st; p.r., Ocean st, Woollahra
207, 209, 211 Pitt st, near G.P.O. (only). Home Fredk. J., 7 Darling st, Glebe
We buy for cash and sell for cash, and Homo George, Stanley st, Burwood
Horrocks J. J., Australian Produce Agency,
give 30 inches to the yard, also 10 ozs.
Home George, Ashton st, Grnnvillo
351 Kent st, comer-King s t ; works,
to the lb. Tel. 2050 and 1184
HomoGcorgc, 12 Leichhardt st, Waverley
Fitzroy st, Marrlckvllle; p.r., Pile st,
Home Henry, 62 Ohandos st, North Sydney
Home J. 0., 240 Henderson rd, Alexandria HorrockB William, A.S.I.A., chartered
Home J., J.P., agent Wontworth estate, 2
accountant, auditor and arbitrator,
General Drapers, Importers of Soft
Citizens' Ohnmbcrs, Mooro and CastleHunter Bt
Goods, Agents American Novcltic5,Conreagh Bts. Tel. 2344; p.r., Pnr'mottn,
tlneutal Goods, &c, 000-000a-010-612 Homo J. W., Albyn rd, Slrnthfleld
norrocks William, 35J Booth st, Balmaln
Brickfield Hill, Sydney. This Is the orHorsay
Jas., Short st, l'arramntta
iginal firm of the name of Hordern, Home Jos., 86 Queen st, Woollahra
Horsay W., Short st, Parramatta
and was established In 1823. Corres- Home John, Newman st, Pcnshurst
Horsbnrg A., 2 Littlo Weston st, Balmain
Homo Joseph, J.P., 30 Edwin Bt, Croydon
pondence invited.
Horscroft David J., 8 Smith st, Waterloo
Home Mrs. M , 172 Victoria st
W., Ruthven st, Rnudwlok
Hordern Alfred J., Myra st, WniUira
HorneMoflUt,01 Dcrwcnt Bt, Forest Lodge
Horseman J., 127 Cleveland st, Red fern
Hordern Cecil, importer and warehouse- Home Robert, 13 Campbell st, Glebe
W., oft Botany rd, N. Botany
man, 125 The Strand; p.r., Braeslde st, Home Thomas, 21 Palmer Bt, Balmain
Horsey Misses, Watson and Co., refreshWahroonga
Home Thomas, 27 William st, Redfern
310 George st
Home Mrs. W. H., Hercules Bt, Oh'wood
Hordern Mrs. E.,scn., Kintore st, Wahr'nga Homo W. H., 2 Hawthorne st, Leichhardt
Harrold Bt, Par'matta
Hordern John L., Cleveland st, Wahroonga Homo Mrs. W. T.,20 Wellesley st, Sum. Hill
Horsey Mrs. B., Drewst, Prospeot
Hordern Percy, J.P., 21 Palace st, P'sham Home Walter, Musgrave Bt, Mosman
Hordern Samuel, " Retford Hall," Thorn- Home Walter, 600 Farrarantta rd, P'sham Horsey F. G., manager Australian Alliance
ton st, Woollahra
Assurance Co. (Fire, Marine, Life and
Homo William, 19 Washington st
Hordern Samuel, jun., J.P., " Tuxedo," Home William, 31 Fcrndnlc st, Nowtown
Guarantee), 31 O'Connell s t ; p.r.,
" Latonn," Moruben rd, Mosman
Albert rd, Homcbush
Homo William, 1 Union st, Waterloo
Hordern Samuel, 180 Crown rd
Fredk., Sydney st, Willoughby
Horner A., Julliett st, Mnrrickville
Horo Alfred, 0 Pearl st, Newtown
Horsey G., Hnrrls 6t, Parramatta
Homer Charles, Gordon rd, Chntewood
Horo Henry, 34 Maddison st, Redferu
Homer Mrs. G., B0 Campbell st, N. Sydney Horsey James, Ada st, Parramatta
Horo John, 33 Liberty st, Newtown
Horsey Josiah, 284 Westst,N. Sydney
Homer Gcorgo, 34 Yulost, Petersham
Hore John, 150 George st, Redfern
Horner George H., North wood rd, L. Cove Horsey R., 140 Constitution rd, Petersham
Hore W. J., 28 Trade st, Newtown
Horsey Samuel, 95 George Bt, Wuterloo
""" H o r
Ilorsfall Arthur, 81 Road at, Wavorley
Horsfall Arthur S., Short 8t, Rookwood
Established 182S.
Horsfall Charles S., Roberta st, Oamp'down
Horsfall G., 8 Little Comber at, Paddington
Horsfall James, mnuagor Brndstrcots, mercantile agents, Wynyard s t ; p.r.,
The Original Firm o f the
Church st, Burwood
Horsfall Mrs. M., Chestnut rd, Auburn
Ilorsfall William, Union rd, Auburn
Horsfleld (Taylor), Bondigo Rook Drills—
Plummer. Lore and Co., agents, 249
George at
Horsfleld Arthur, Balfour st
Horsfleld Jas.,27 Mill Hill rd, Wavcrley
Horsfleld S., 151 Redfcrn st, Hedferu
Horsfleld S., 194 Redfcrn st, Redfcrn
Horsfleld Mrs. Sarah, 6 Surrey st
Horsfleld T. W„ 28 Thomas st, Ashfleld
Horsfleld W. A., 7 Roschill st, Redfcrn
Horsford J., 0 Good Hope st, Paddington
Horsington A. 0., 6 Stirling st, Rcdfern
Horsley A., Penslmrst st, Wllloughby
Horsloy A., Marsden st, Parramatta
Horsloy Mrs. 0., 63 Alexander st, Alox'dria
Horsloy 0. J., Scouller Et, MBrrlokville
Horsloy Charles Elgin st, Woolwich
Horsley diaries J., J.P., commissioner
for affidavits for N.S.W., "Tregullus,"
Stuart st, Longucvllle, Lane Cove
Horsley John, Short st, Wllloughby
Horsley Lester, 20 Burren st, Newtown
Horsley Mrs., 44 Elizabeth Bt
Horsley R., Fcnshurst st, Wllloughby
F o r B o e t V a l u e In—
Horsley W., Peushurst st, Willoughby
Horsloy William H„ 65 London st, N'town
HoiMimll G., Scgenhoe st, Arnoliffe
Horsuell John, Military rd, Arosman
Horsncll John, Prlnoe st, Mosman
Horspool Jas., 54 Reilmond st, Lcichhardt
Horswell 0., 76 Young st, Itedfern
Men's, Youths' and Boys'
Horswell Mrs. S., 8 Cromwell st, L'bardt
Horswell Charles, 8 Lackey st, St. Peters
Hort Joshua, 156 Henderson rd, Alexandria
Horth Charles P., 224 Weston rd, Rozelle
Qent.'s Hats, Shirts,Ties.
Horth Edmund, 13 Paslilcy st, Balmaiu
Horth W., Oarrington st, Hurstvlllo
Horticultural Association of N.S W., 806
600,600a, 610 & 612
Pitt st
Horticultural Society of N.S.W.—H. H. B.
Bradley, Uon. sec., (lO .Margaret st
Hortin F. W., manager Australian Glove
Manufacturing Co., 201 Clarence st
Horton 15. and Co., seed merchants, 734
George st
Horton A., 62 Catherine st, Leichliardt
Horton A. G., boot store, 287 King st,
Horton A., 18 Shepherd st, Darlington
Horton A., 228 Parramatta rd, Petersham
Horton A. E., Queen Victoria st, Bexley
Horton A. G , 246 Canterbury New rd,
Dulwioh Hill
Horton Mrs. E., 3 Elswlck st, Petersham
— • —
Horton E. L., 6 Prospect st, Pnddingion
Horton F. H., 446 Elizabeth st
Horton Gcorgo, 2 Prospect st, Lcichhardt
Horton G, IBS Ben Boydrd, Neutral Bay
Horton H. A., 7 Tootliill st, Petersham
Horton Jabez, 172 Darling st, Balmain
Horton Jabez, Steplirii st, Balmaiu
600, 600a, 610 & 612
Horton Jabez, Cowell st, Hunter's Hill
Horton James, spencer st, Abbotsford
Horton James T., 261 Bridge rd, Glebe
Horton John W., Jersey rd, Prospect
Horton Miss, typist, Australasia ohambcrs,
Martin pi
Hortou Ryder, dentist and chemist, 769
George s t ; p.r., 61 Dialing st, B'malu
Horton T., surgeon, 86 Pitt st, N. Sydney
English, American, Continental
Horton T„ 2 Rose tor, Paddington
Hortou W., watchmaker, 127 Oxford st
Correspondence Invited.
Horton W., 336 Glenmorc rd, Paddington
Hortou William. 43 Fouoart st, Rozelle
Edward Hordern & Sons,
Horton William, Osborne rd, Manly
Uorwitz Claude, dental surgeon, 145Elizabeth st
Horwitz David, 37 Elizabeth st, Waterloo
Horwltz M. H., commission merchant, 34
P i t t s t ; p.r., 109 Karraba rd, Neutral
Horwood G. H„ Ohuroh st, Parramatta
Horwood George, Villiers st, Parramatta
Horwood Mrs. J., Roschill st, Parramatta
Horwood Robert, George st, Parramatta
Horwood V. P., Hunter st, Parramatta
Hosch R., 165 Dcnlson rd, Petersham
Hosegood Bros., manufacturers' agent, 120
York st
Hosegood S., Cook's River rd, Tempe
Hoscman A., 180 Princes st
Hoscman John, Market st, Randwick
Hosey John, Fern st, Randwick
Hosey Patrick, 4 Herbert rd, Paddington
Hoslo E. J., accountant Bank of N.S.W
(Bathurst st branch), George s t ; p.r.,
42 Marian st, Enuiore
Hosic H. 0., surveyor, Cabramatta rd,
Hosie Stanley, 42 Marian st, Enuiore
Hosle W. H., 31 Cavendish st, Newtown
Hoskln Alfred J., 1 Shepherd st, Rcdfern
Hoskin R , SI Shepherd st, Marrlokvillo
Hoskiug C, 129 St. John's rd, Forest Lodge
Hosking Mrs. D., 29 Oxford st, Waverley
Bevel-edge Card Gilder, Ticket and
Signwritcr, 42 nnd 48 Royal Arcade,
Gcorgo st, opposite Queen Victoria
Markets. Tel. 3469; p.r., Edgecllffo
rd, Woollahra.
Hosking Frank, furniture warehouse, 80
George st west
Hoskiug Frank, 4 Kennedy st, Glebe
Hosking G. U., postmaster, Pittwatur rd,
Hosking j . , Mackiuson st, nludcsville
Hosking James, 30 Botany st, Hedferu
Hosking John, 26 Botany st, Kcdforu
Hosking W., 408 Darling st, Rozelle
Hosking W., 81 Hn.vbcrry st, North Sydney
Hoskiugs Ernest, 12 Darghan st, Glebe
Hoskings Mrs. J., 67 Augustus st, N'town
Engineers, Blacksmiths, Boiler and
Pipe Makers, 512 to 640 Wattle st
Hoskins Smith and 'Co., steel works,
Crown rd
| Hoskins W. aud Sou, engineers, coppersmiths ami brassfounders, 186-188
Sussex st
Hoskins A. J., 26 Charles st, Lclohhardt
Hoskins Arthur, Chapel rd, Bankstown
Hoskins Ohas. H., "Jllyrla," Boulevurde,
Hoskins E. J., 77 St. John's rd, F. Lodge
Hoskins Ernest E., Baker lane, F. Lodge
H oskins F., 18 Upper Bay view rd, N. Sj d.
Hoskins G"orge J., "St. Cloud," Burwood
rd, Burwood
Hoskins H., Cromwell st, Lcichhardt
Hoskins Jesse E., 18 Hereford st. Glebe
Hoskins John, Mitchell rd, Alexandria
Hoskins John, 70 Westmoreland st,F. Lodge
Hoskins L. J., 131 Blue's Pt. rd, N.Sydncy
Hoskins Mrs. M„ 14 Hercules st, Ashflcld
Hoskins S., Ironworker, 21 Unlou lauo
Hoskins T. J., 67 Point st
Hoskins T. W., 14 Steward st, Lclohhardt f
Hoskins Thomas J., J.P., coachbuilder,
330 to 347 Canterbury New rd.P'sham ;
tcl. 36 Petersham
WOOD 4 C O M P A N Y : ^ FUKERAI DIRECTORS OF M.S.W.: SYDNEY. : ( g s U g S K ^ « s i )
Hoskins William, sen., 15 Allen st, Globe
Hoskins Wm., jun., J.P., 15 Allen st, Globe
Hoskins William H.,Mowbray rd.Oh'swood
Hoskisson Mrs. E., 210 Glebe rd, Glebe
Hosklsson John, 16 Darling st
Hoson Paul A., laundry, 117 George st
Hospital Admission Depot, Public Vac.
dilation Office—Dr. R. T. Paton,
Government medical officer forSydncy;
Dr. G. H: Taylor, second Government
me Ileal officer for Sydney, Albert st
Hospital for ihe Insane—Dr. Williamson,
M.D., superintendent J Dr. Hogg,
senior medical officer; Dr.W, Anderson, junior medical officer; George
Hepplewhlte,assistant superintendent;
Leslie 0. Rowling, clerk; W. H.
Carter, chief attendant; Miss M. G.
Quinn, matron, Factory st, Parramatta
Hospital Saturday Fund—Office, John J.
Cohen, M.L.A., general lion, secretary,.
170Qneen Victoria Market building
Hossack James, 2 Pyrmont st
Hossack Jas., Herbert st, Dulwich Hill
Hotchkiss J., Cowper st, Granville
Hotel Arcadia—J. J. Smith, 170-2 Pitt st,
and 83 Oastlercagh st
Houison J., agent, 19 Hunter st
Houison Jus., George st, Parramatta
Houison Miss M., Macquarric st, Par'raatbi
Houison R., Hawkesbury rd. Prospect
Houison Thomas, High st, Prospcot
Houston Ernest, Carnarvon st. Auburn
Houston George, 20 Mort st
Houston J, W., 115 Darlington rd.Darl'tou
Houston Mrs. J., postmistress, Burwood rd
Houston John, Albert rd, Auburn
H O U L D E R E R O T H E R S & 0 0 , Houston
John, Burwood rd, MortlaVe
Shipowners, Freight and
John, Orange st, Randwick
Chartering Brokers, Exchange Corner, Houston
J., Rcduiyre rd, H'bush
63 Pitt s t ; aud at London, Liverpool Houston RalphM.
L.,solicltor,10O'Connell st;
Glasgow, Capetown, Durban. Bucno<
p.r., "Bungonla," Cooper and Robert
Ayrcs, Rosarin, aud La Plata, Argensts, Strathfleld
Tho'i'iis, Oorunna st, Petersham
Houlder Lino Steamers—Houlder Brothers
Thos., Bay st, Rockdale
and Co., Ltd., managing agents in AusHouston
William, Commissioner Land
tralia, Uxchango Corner, 63 Pitt st
Appeal Court, Macquarlo st
Houlder Frank M., managing director
J.P., oil broker and
Bergl Australia, Ltd., Meat Works
manufacturers' agent, 9 Bridge st
Proprietory, Exchange Corner, 63 Pitt
(telephone 1422) ; p.r., Kemiss st,
Houliling J. It., Angelo st, Burwood
Houston William, 21 Law st, Glebe
Houlehan John, 51 Darling st, Globe
Houston William, 12 Edgewarerd, N'town
Houlett W., 33 Callan st, Kozello
Hovangdan T„ 38 Campbell st, Newtown
Houlihan W., 8 Edmund st, Waverley
Hovell Mrs. 13., 30 Darling st, Balmaiu
Hoult William, Walker st, Concord
Hotilt-on E linund, 11 Shepherd st, Rcdfcrn Hovenden Miss J., Railway par, Kogarah
W. H., Quirambah rd, Mosman
Hounsell F. G., 93 Marian st, Newtown
Hounsell Mrs. J., 13 J Underwood st, P'ton How Mrs. L., 00 Underwood st, Paddington
Clarke ( W . H . Howard and
HOTEL G R A N D C E N T R A L , L T D . Houreux Leon, Hock Lily hotel, Rock Lily
F. Olarko, M.P.), civil engineers and
—Rodolph Tudor, manager, 151 Clar- Hourignn Patrlok J, and Son, solicitors, 91
survejors, 90 Pitt st
enoo st. (See advt. in Hotel section. J
Elizabeth st
Howard and Co., piano,ami music wareHo irigan Alfred, Ashley st, Wnvcrloy
house, 80 Queen st, Woollahra
Hourigan D.,37 Caroline st, Rcdfcrn
Hourigan II.. Underwood rd, Homebush Howard aud Deely, grocers, 385 Cleveland
Hourigan Hubert,solicitor, til Elizabeth st;
p.r., 169 Victoria st
—Hotel Metropolc, Ltd., Proprietors;
W. P. Small, managing director; Hourigan J., 100 Henderson rd, Alexandria
0. J. Older, Manager, junction Bent, Hourigan James, 64 Newman st, Newtown
Hourigan John, 7 Stream st
Young and Phillip streets
Engineers, Agricultural Implement
Hourigan John, Ilungay st, Leichliardt
Hotham Mrs. 0. E., South st, Double Bay Hourigan John, Lake st. Mortlakc
and General Machinery Importers,
Hotson Jobu 42 Corbcu st
280 aud 2801 Pitt street
Hourigan John, Wol6clcy rd, Point Piper
Hotson Robert, Cowlcs rd, Mosman
and Rcilly, Veterinary Surgeons
Hourigan John, 79 Mill Hill rd, Wavcrley
hotten H., Ellamang av. North Sydney
and Farriers, 180 Phillip Bt
Hourigan Joseph, Terry st, Rockdale
Hotten W., Ellamang av, North Sydney
Hourigan Matthew, 58 Athlone place
Hotzen Th. and Co., fancy goods im- Hourigan P., 07 Henderson rd, Alexandria H O W A R D
L I M I T E D , Steamship Owners-H.
porters, 2"!1 Gi-orgo st
Hourigan Patrick J., solici'or, 01 ElizaHowell, Manager for N.S.W, Mutual
Hough A. E„ 0 Brskinevillo rd, Newtown
beth s t ; p.r., 159 Victoria st
Life building, 339 George street.
Hough Miss C. A., Sherwood rtl, Prospect Hourihanand O'Connor, dressmakers, 205
Wharves foot of King street.
Hough Kdwin, 73 Newman st, Nowtown
Howard Steamship Co.—W. and A.
Hough George, Lord st, Rosevillo
Hourn 0., 0 Edwin st, Croydon
MoArthur, Ltd., agents, 16 Macquarle
Hough J. A., 30 Gierstcn st, Wavcrley
Hoiirn C , 108 Canterbury New rd, M'villc
Hough James, 5 Garden av. Glebe
Howard and Williams, butchers, 5i&
Hough Mrs. M„ 90 Abcrcrombie pi
st nnd 31 Albemarle st, N'town
Hough Thomas, Beamish st, Canterbury
Howard Mrs. A., olotiilcr, 1 Oampbe 1 st
Houghcy James, Of Lennox st, Newtown Housden William, Lake st, Mortlakc
Howard A., 25 Lane Cove nl. North Sydney
Houghton Ben., Pine rd, Prospect
House J., 25 Alberta st
Howard Mrs. A. J., Hosehill st, P'matta
Houghton 0. H., 186 Bourkc st
Houghton .Mrs. E., 153 Underwood st, House Mrs. J., 163 Sutheiland st,Pitd'ton Howard A. R., 22 Moodiest,Rozello
House John, 846 Glcmnore nl, Paddington Howard Albert, Markst, Hunter's Hill
House Thomas, 23 Botany st, Redfern
Howard Alexander, 245 Crown rd
Houghton Ernest, 127 Palmer st
House W., butcher, 605 Bonrke st
Howard Alfred, 0 Commodore st, Newtown.
Houghton F. B.,49 Charles st east, P'sham House W., 22 Sliepbcrd st, Darlington
Howard Alfred, 21 Walker st, Hedfem
Houghton G., 71 Mansfield st, Rozelle
House William, butcher, 27 Marshall st Howard Miss Alloc, 87 Muclcay st
Houghton Geo., CO Eveleigh st. Redfern
House William, Glbhcs st, Rockdale
Howard Mrs. B., 09 Green's nl, Paddington
Houghton G'OrgeW., 61 Darglinn st.Glcbc Household Mrs. A., 112 Oarrington rd, Howard O. V., Sladc st, Rozelle
Houghton Mrs. J., Cross st, Double Bay
Howard Charles, 62 West st. North Sydney
Houghton J., 1 Glebe st, Paddington
Howard Charles A., J.P., Stony Creek rd,
Houseman B. II. Henry st, Rnudwick
Houghton J. R., 48 Yonng st, Kedforn
Houghton Jn«., Old South Head nl, Wnv'ly Houseman John, John st, Randwick
Howard E., Canterbury New rd, Can'bury
Houghton James R., 10 Egau st, N'town
Howard Mrs. K., 96 John st, Woollahra
Houghton John, 67 Farrst, Marrickvillo Housloy T., 3 Fleet st., Sum. Hill
Houghton John, 64 Moncur st, Woollahra HouSfurd A., tortolseshcll worker, 62-64 Howard Mrs. E. E„26 Warwick st, P'sham
Howard Edmund, 33 Trouton st, Balmain
Houghton John T., 21 Evans st, Wav'ley
Oastlercagh st
Howard F„ M.F.B., 4fi Genird sc, Alex dria
Houghton Richard, 17 Tudor st
Houssard A., 10 Lcichhardt st, Glebe
Howard F. 0., Grove st, Balmain
Houghton T.,38 Smith st, Marrlckvlllc
Howard F. J., 09 Stewart st, Paddington
Houghton T. II., M.I.O.E., consulting en- Houssenloge .1., Mark st, Hunter's Hill
Howard Frcdk., 100 High st, North Sydney
gineer. Exchange Corner, C3 Pitt Bt; Housscnloge J., Mary st, Hunter's Hill
comHoward Mrs. G., IB Douglas st, Petersham
p.r., Prospect ft, Granville
missioners for affidavits (Fiji, Tas., Howard G., Unwin's Bridge rd. St. Peters
Houghton William, 64 Taylor st
Georgc,307 Dowllngst
Houison Andrew, M.B., J.P., physician and
soorctary Medical Board of N.S.W., 7 Houston A. J. H.,sollcltor, City Mutual Howard George, 27 rirove st, Balmain
3 Dickon Bt, Newtown
Richmond ter, Domain; p.r., 47
st, Strnthfield
Howard George, Wilson Bt, North BotanyPhillip Bt
Howard George, Rosa st, Oatlcy
Houison Mrs. A., Church st, Pairamatta Houston E., Uvlngstonc Bt, Rookwood
Houston E. M., 8 Hawkcn st, Newtown
Howard George, 138 Morehcud st, R'fern
Howard II., 6 Campbell st, Erskinevillo
Howarth J., (15 Toogood st, Ersklnevllle
Howe W., 126 Henderson nl, Alexandria
Hownrd Mrs. 11., Raglan st, Mnnly
J., 134 Australia st, Oamperdown Howe W. J., Annandale st, Aminudnlo
Howard H., 105 Alexander st, N. Sydney Howarth
Howarth J., 9 Little Cleveland st, lledfern Howe Wnlter, Snllshury st, Concord
Howard H., Cowan nl, St, Ives
Howarth Jns., Glen st, Mnrrlekville
I Howe William, 6 Marian st, Newtown
Hownrd Mrs. H., Brown st, St. Peters
Hownrth John, solicitor, 82 Hunter 6t, and Howe William, 13 Olevelnnd st, Rcdfern
Hownrd II. J., Glover st Mosmnn
Howcl John, P. 117 Francis st, Lclchhardt
Redfern st, Redfcrn
Howard Henry, 45 Pickup st, Alexandria
Howell A. J., 27 Albert st, Newtown
Hownrth Ralph, 42 Ebley st, Waverley
Hownrd Hercules, 12 Glebe st, P'muttn
Hownrd Mrs. J., 110 Underwood st, P'ton Howarth Robert, overseer of carixmtcrs, Howell O., Church st, Pnrramntta
Parnimnttn Gaol, Ollirord st, P'mattn Howell O. G., 387 Dowling st
Hownrd J. A., Military rd, Mosmnn
Hownrd J. H., 05 Mnrion st, Leichhardt
Howell David, Perclval rd, Btanmore
Howarth Robert, 77 George st, Rcdfern
Howard James, 058 Crown st
Howard James Plunkett st, Drummoyno nowarth Robert, 51 Prospect rd, Sum. Hill Howell Edwanl, D'Arcy st, Parramatta
Evan K„ clerk Blloela Gaol,
Howard Jus., Croydon rd, Hnrstvllle
Cockatoo Island
Hownt nuil McPhall, out litters, robe nud
Howard James, 27 Justin 6t, liclchhnrtlt
Botany rd, Alexandria
gown uiukers, 94-00 Bnthurst st
Howanl James, -15 Simmons st, Newtown
Howell Frank, Violet st, Enfleld
Hownt Ohns, 44 Carlisle st, Lclchhardt
Hownrd Jns., Botany rd, North Botany
Howell G., Old Prospect rd, Prospect
Howat Dounld, 8 Kent st, Newtown
Hownrd Jns.. 21 Centre st, Rcdfcrn
Howell G. W. V., 28 Windsor st, Pad'ton
Howntson Robert, 16 Union st
Howard James, 17 Louis st, Rcdfern
Howcroft and McAlpine, refreshment Howell H., malinger Howard Smith Co,,
Howard Jesse, 649 King st, Newtown
Ltd., steamship owners, 339 George 6 t ;
rooms, Rocky Point rd, Rockdale
Hownrd Jolm, 44 Hornscy st, Kozollc
p.r., Futnna st, Hunter's Hill
Howcroft J. S., Despolntes st, Mnrrlekville
Hownrd John, Helpst, Cliotswood
Howell H., Gardiner's rd, North Botany
Howcroft 11,, Church st, Furrnrnntta
Howard Jolm, 71 Bay st, Glebe
Howell John, 17 Barcom av
Howden James, Roseby st, Mnrrlekville
Howard John, 48 Hereford st, Globe
Howard John, 34 Wellington st, Waterloo I Howden William, Cardigan st, Petersham Howell John, George st, Canterbury
Hownrd John G., J.l>. (J. and C.Howard); i Howe, Fullor and Trunkett, skin mer- Howell John B., Clifton av, Burwood
chants (Calcutta), Hugh K. Jamison, Howell John S., Farrnmattn rd, Homebush
p.r., Wohroonga
Howell Jolm W., 60 Campbell st, Newtown
ngent, 3 Moors st
Howard Joseph, 21) College st, Onmp'down
Howell Mrs. M., 18 St. John's rd, F. Lodge
Howard Joseph, The Avenue Hunter's Hill Howe and McGill, printers, 243 Pitt st
Howard Joseph, Madeline st, Hunter's Hill Howe and Rose, engineers, 41 Botany st, Howell Price, Gordon rd, Killnrn
Howell R., Botany rd, Alexandria
Hownrd L„ Lane Cove rd, Turrtunurra
Hownrd Mrs. M., Orchard rd, Chatswood Howe and Rose, Pleasure Grounds, Ynrm Howell H., 12 Palaecst, Petersham
Howell Ralph, Robinson av, Woollahra
Beach, Ln Perousc
Hownrd Mrs. M., Botany rd, N. Botany
I Howell Robert, 21 Stewart st, Paddiiigton
Howard Mrs. M. J., 103 Station st, N'town Howe A. E., Francis st, Rookwood
Howell Miss S. F., postmistress, Great
Hownrd Michael W., Police Station, Mnrs- Howe Alfred 13,, Wilga st, Burwood
Howe Miss B., Albany st, St. Leonards
Northern rd, Gladcsvlllc
den st. Duudiis
Mrs. B., 115 Alfred st, North Sydney nowell Thomas, 29 Berwiok lane
Hownrd Miss, matron, The Thomas Walker i Howe
Howe 0., 11 Reserve fit, Aunandalc
Howell Thomas, La Pcrouse, Botany
Convalescent Hospital, Ooneord rd, Howe Mrs. C. A., 0 Brny st, Erskinevillo
Howell V., 71 Campbell st, Oamperdown
| Howe Charles, 7 Corben st
Howell W., Gt. Northern rd, Gladcsvllle
Hownrd Rev. Nelson (O. of E.), Gladcsvlllei Howe Charles, Botany rd, Botany
Howell W. H., River street, Canterbury
Whnrf rd.Glndesvllle
I Howe Mrs. E. M., Merrr.nid st, Oonoord
Howell W. H., 8 Waterloo st, Rozelle
Howe Edwnril. 13 Spencer st, Summer Hill Howell Wil'oughby, J.P., James st, Mnnly
Hownrd P., 40 Kensington rd, Sum. Hill
Hownrd P. J., 81 Morgan st, Mnrrlekville Howe Mrs. Ellzn, llnssell st, Pnrramatti Howells R., Leslie st, Marrickvllle
Howard P. J. A., telegraph muster, Tele- Howe P., saddler, Jersey st, Hornsby
Howclls William, High st, Kognrnh
Howe F. H., engineer, Boundary st, R'wick
graph office, 202 Pitt st
Hownrd Bichnrd, Hutchinson st, St. Peters Howe Francis, Pnrramattji rd, Concord
H O W E S F B A N K A N D CO., MerHowe Mri. Frank, Albany st, St. Leonards
Hownrd Hobert, 50 Mort st, Bulmnln
chant Tailors, 95 King st
Hownrd Robert, Gladstone st, Lelohlinrdt Howe Frederick, 183 George st, Rcdfern I
Howes and Howes, merchant tailors, 237
Howard Robert, Big Bondi Beach, Wnv'ley Howe George, 37 Farr st, Marrlckville
Howe George, J.P.,Yarrn Beaob, La P'rousc |
Hownrd Mis. S., 11 hlugst, Bnlmalu
Howe George T., 08 James st, Lclchhardt Howes and Kcers, tailors, 5 Hunter st
Howard S. H., Harold st, Gordon
Alfred, 10U Paddlngt >n st, Pad'ton
Hownrn Thomas, 21 Gowrio st, Newtown Howe Rev. H. G. J. (O. of II.), Help st,
Howes Arthur, Stuart st, Granville
Hownrd Thomas, • .afford et, Petersham
H., 116 Ocean st, Bondi
Howard Thomas, View st, Woollnlira
Howard Miss V., 155 Miller st, N. Sydney Howe H. N., builder, 61 Church 6t, N'town I Howes F„ Grosvcuor st, Woollahra
Howes Mrs. G. D., Mnrgnret Bt, Strathfleld
Howard Mrs. V., 6 Berry st, North Sydney Howe Harry, tobacconist, 17 Rowc st
Howe Henry, 38 Anderson st, Alexandria Howes George, Byron rd, Guildford
J'oward W., 5 Nicholson st, Balmain
Howes Harold, Ethel st, Burwood
Howe Hcnry,;S3 Stephen st, Baltunln
Howard W., Moore st, Gordon
Howard W. A., 113 Jersey rd, Woollahra Howe Henry B., works manager Govern- Howes Henry, 10 Rennie st, Redfern
ment Railway workshops, Wilson st, Howes Mrs. Jane, 13 Stanley st
Howard W. G., Thomas st, Bnltnain
Howes John, ,Sydney rd, Manly
Red fern
Howanl W. H., Stony Creek rd, Bexley
Henry E , 27 Roberts st, Newtown Howes Mrs. K., 149 George st west
Howard W.H., surveyornud civil engineer,
Howe J., 95 Parramatta Old rd, F. Lodge Howes Mrs, M., 3 Liverpool rd, Ashficld
90 Pitt st
Howes It. H., Missenden rd, Camperdown
Howe J., 240 Abercromble 6t, Rcdfern
Howard W. H., J.P., Wnllls st, Woollahra I Howe James, Wellington st, North Botany Howcslt. It., General Jlourke AoM, Church
Howard W. H., Sydney st, Sherwood
Howe John, 17 Mead st, Waterloo
st, Parramatta
Howard W. S., Broughton st, D'moync
Howe John, 218, Blrrcll st, Waverley
Howes Robert, 3 Liverpool rd, Ashfleld
Howard Mrs. W. H., 109 Wnllls st, W'lnhrn| Howe Mrs. JI, A., 422 Park nl
Howes Thomas, 77 Young st, Redfern
Hownrd Walter, Wnrdell rd, Mnrrlekville Howe Mrs. M. L., 01 Metropolitan rd, Howes W., Byron rd, Guildford
Howard Walter, Knrrabn rd. North Sydney
Howes W. H., artist, 1 Campbell st
Howard William, 50 Crown st
Howes W. J., 84 Univcrsltyst, Oamp'down
Howe P. J., 83 Aunandalc st, Annandale
Hownrd William, Station st, Amcllffo
Howes William, Adelaide Bt, Woollnlirn
Howe Peroy, Lyons rd, Drummoyno
Howard William; Campbell st, St. Peters Howe
Archibnld, Thompson st, D'moync
120 Young st, Rcdfern
Howard-Austin W., SOTrnfnlgnrtcr.S'morC! Howe Peter,
Mrs. R. E., 147 Rcdfern st, Rcdfern Howie Mrs. E., Waning st, North Sydney
Howardo L. L., 40 Oxford st, Woollahra
Richard, 04 Stanley Ft
Howarth A. M., 7 Newman st, Newtown IHowe
Howie Gordon, 6 Cook st, Rozelle
Howe Robert, Pile st, Rookdale
Howarth D. B. and Son, steel foundry, 30 Howe
Howio Hugh, Frederick st, Ashfleld
Robert, Pembroke st, Ashficld
Howie John, 17 Slonuc st, Summer Hill
Newman st, Newtown
Howe Robert, Albion st, Parramatta
Howie William, Pennant st, Parramatta
Howarth O., 8 Victoria st, Erskinevillo
Howe Robert. 17 Louisa rd, Balmain
F., Harris st, Granville
Howarth Mrs Emma, 11 Campbell st, Glebe Howe T. J., 182 Annandnle st, Aunandalc
Howleson Frederick W., statlonmnstcr,
Howarth Ernest E., King st, Rockdale
Howe Thomas, 93 Short st. Balmain
Station, Clyde
Howarth G., 104 Australia st, Uamp'down Howe Thomas, Greenhllls st, Enfield
Howleson Mrs. M., Woodcook st( Grnnvillc
Howarth George, Devonshire st, Chatswood Howe Thomas, Carysfort st, Kogarnh
Howleson W., Woodcock st, Grnnvillc
Howarth H., restaurant, 55 Castlereagh st | Howe Thomas, 23 Wells st, Newtown
Howllls John, Colin st, North Sydney
Hudson Henry, J.P., city representative
Howltt Andrew, 0 Glppsst, Balmain
Hubbard W„ Woodland st, Marrlckville
Clyde Engineering Co., Ltd., Mutual
Howitt David, 66 Morehend st, Rcdfern
Hubbard Wm., South st, Double Bay
Life of New York Building, Murtin
Howitt Mrs. EmmB, 63 Arthur st
Hubbard William H., 21 Ferry rd, Globo
p.r., Ynrnunbce rd, Darling P t .
Howitt Willinm. printer, 625 George st
Hubbnrt M., May st, St. Peters
Howitt W., 68 Mnrgnret st, Petersham
Hiibblc-Jones Sidney, 4 Dnrghnn st, Glebe Hudson Henry, 115 Garden st, Alexnndrin
Howkcr Herbert, Hawken st, Newtown
Hubblo W. Ohnrlton, mnnnger New Short- Hudson Henry, 306 Pnrrumnttn rd.P'shnm
Howlnnd Herbert, Silver st, Hurstvillo
hnnd Studios, Gibb's chambers, 7 Hudson Isaac, Unwin's Bridge rd, M'villet
Hudson J. B., 79 Fovcaux st
Howlnnd F., Bellovue pur, Hurstvillo
Moore st
Hudson Jns., 43 Little Albion st
Howlnnd J., Bellevuo pnr, Hurstvillo
Huber Mrs. C, 458 King st, Erskinevillo
Hudson Jns., 48 Little Riley st
Howlnnd M, J., 17 Clayton st, Bnlmnin
Huucr Mux, 3D6 Klngst, Newtown
Hudson Jns., 14 Lennox st, Nowtown
Howlnnd Mrs. R., 05 Cambridge st, P'tou Hubrioli John, 157 Oumbcrlnnd st
Mrs. Jane, 74 Brougham st
Rowland W., 89 View st, Annandale
nuby Willinm, 24 Rowley st, Alexnndiin
Howlands Edwnril, 39 Hordern st, N'town Hucbo Dr., ngrioulturnl expert, Imperial Hudson John, Bnyview nl, Bexley
John, manager Co-operative
Hewlett A., 20 Edwnril st, Summer Hill
German Consulate, 9 Brldgo s t ; p.r., Hudson
Coupon Co., Ltd., 387 Georgo s t ; p.r,,
Howlett Alfred, 38 Dnlwioh st, Dul. Hill
8 Bnrncleuth square, Elizabeth square
" Ynrulln," Lane Cove rd, Pymblo
Howlott Alfred, Station Bt, Porramnttn
Hucker Misses, milliners, 221«, Por'matta Hudson John, 18 Muddock st, Petershnm
Howlett Miss Alice, 71 Mnry st
rd, Lclchhardt
Hudson John ,122 George st, Redfern
Howlett Arthur, Picton st, North Botany
Hudson John, 15 Moonblo st, Sum. Hill
Howlett Edward, Gordon rd, Wllloughby Hucker Alfred, 35 Albert st, Redfern
Hudson John, 123 Norton st, Lelohlinrdt
Howlett Frank, 43 Selwyn st, Paddington Hucker Herbert, Surrey st, Waterloo
Howlett Henry, Cowper st, Pnrrnmntta
Hucker N., collannakcr, 216 Clarence st Hudson John, Princess ave, Wnterloo
Hudson John, 6 Grafton st, Woollnlira
Howlett J., Oiirrlngton rd, Guildford
Hucker N., Elizabeth st, Waterloo
Hudson John J. Kognrnh rd, Kogarnh
Howlett J., 49 Mnrgnret st, Petersham
Hucker N„ 133 Phillip st, Waterloo
Howlett Mrs. Kate, 415 Elizabeth st
Hucker Mrs. W., 24 Raglan st, Darlington Hudson L„ 23 Aldcrson rd, Rcdfern
Howlett Mrs. S., Canterbury Now rd, Huckstcpp O. W., Cambridge st, Hurstville Hudson Leonard, Buwmer st, Rockdale
Hudson Lewis, 125 Botany rd, Waterloo
Huokstepp H., 10 Edwin st, N Bydnoy
Dulwloh Hill
nuckstepp Hy., Warialda st, West Kogarah Hudson Mrs. M., S40 Falcon st, N. Sydney
Howlett Samuel, Phillip st, Parramatta
Mrs. M. A., 14 Onscndo st, Pad'ton
Huddart, Parker and Co. Proprietary, Ltd.,
Howlott William II., 358 Jones st
Howley Madiuno Ann, 273 Globe rd, Glebe
steamship owners and shipping agents Hudson P., Murdoch st, Neutral Bay
Howley John, Bridge st, Drummoyno
—A. E. Kendall, manager, 01 Pitt st Hudson Riehd.,Klntorest, Dulwich Hill
Hudson Richnrd, Bowdenst, Grnnvillc
Howley T. W., Illawarra rd, Marrlckville
wharves, foot of Margaret st
Hudson Riohnrd, 31 Rofe st Leiehhiu-.lt
Howliu Jas.,05 Murray
Huddart J. G., Orange st, Randwlok
Hudson Robert, 82 Darling st, Glebe
Howlin William, 30 I'emell st, Newtown Hiidilerston S., Elizabeth st, Waterloo
Robert B., Hunger's nvo, Mosmnn
Howling John, 62 Bridge rd. Glebe
Huddleston L. P., 14 Steel st
Hudson S., Avocnst, Rnndwiek
Howlison Alex., Bowral st, Kensington
Htiddleston Thos. L., 4 Young st, Redfern Hudson S., 127 Elizabeth st, Redfern
Howso Oswald, surgeon, 50 College st
Ilmldy John II., Upper Fort st
Hudson Mrs. S. J., Wardell rd, Dulwich Hill
Howsor Henry, 25 Cba]iman st
Hudson Bros., Ltd. (see Olvde Engineering Hudson S. W., 380 Miller Bt, North Sydney
Howson Edward G., Railway st, Rookdalo
Co., Ltd.), Mutual Life of New York Hudson S. G., Tontcrdeii st, Botany
Hoy Mrs. A. P., Knmore rd, Marrickvllle
building, Martin place,and Granvltlo Hudson Samuel, Bridge st. Marrickvllle
Hoy Mrs.E., 100 Bligh st, Newtown
Hudson F. W. nnd P., manufacturers' Hudson T., 60 Old Canterbury rd, P'shnui
Hoy Mrs. H , 167 Sutherland St., Pad'ton
agents, 00 Castlereagh st
Hudson Mrs. T., 144 Boulevard, Dul. Hill
Hoy M., Coveney st, Bexley
Hudson Gcorgeand Son, timber merchants, Hudson Thoinus, William st, Alcxandiin
Hoy M., Forest rd, Hurstville
Mrs. W., Ranger's rd, Nout. Buv
Hoy Patrick, Belmore st, Burwood
Hudson H. and Co., drapers, 120 Aber- Hudson W. A., 76 Kensington rd, Sum. Hill
Hoy Mrs. R., 42 Pearl st, Newtown
cromble st, Redfern
Hoy Robert, Forest rd, Hurstvillo
Hudson W.H., 21 Oarshalton st, Ashfleld
Hoy S. M., 106 Pnrriunnttn rd, Petershnm Hudson A., 28 Wyndhnm st, Alexandria
Hudson A. J., 220 Military rd, N. Sydney Hudson W. O., Lueknow rd, North Ryde
Hoy T. H., Belmont rd, Mosmnn
Hudson Walter, Fletcher st, Mar'villo
Hudson Aloxandcr, 30 Darllnghurst st
Hoy Willinm, 43 Collins st
Hudson William, Melrose st, Cant'bury
Hoye Mrs. C, 71 Carlton ores, Summer Hill Hudson Alfred, Palace st, Petersham
Hudson Alfred, Bucklaud st, Alexandria Hudson William, Alan st, North Sydney
Hoye Freilerick, 16 Louis st, Redfern
W. H., 70 Mansfield Bt, Rozelle
Hudson Mrs. B., 5 Dowling st, Oampdown
Hoyer Otto, 160 Woolloomooloo st
Hudson C. B. C, 180 Edgewaro rd, N'town Hucgill J., Spring st, Rockdale
Hoyle Arthur, 00 Tclopea st, Redfern
Uucucrbein A, nnd Co., pianoforte imHoylc Austin, 122 Terry st, Rozelle
Hudson O. G., Homebush rd, Strathfleld
porters, 70 Pitt st
Hoyle Onpt. G.,02 Smith st, Rozelle
Hudson O. M., 14 Shepherd st, Darlington
Hoyle E. T., fuel merchant, 20 Cleveland st Hudson Mrs. Ohas., 22 City rd, Darlington Hucnerbein C. F. and M., music warehouse, Pnrnimnttn rd, Petersham
Hoyle E. T., Premier st, Marrlckville
Hudson Ohns., TJmvln's Bridge rd, St. Peters
Huonorboln A., 170 Globe rd, Glebe
Hoyle Frederick A., Day st, Drummoyno Hudson Mrs E„ 15 Eunls st, Balmain
Huenci belli Mrs. C., Darling st, Balmain
Hoylo G. E., 4 Golden Grove st, Darlington Hudson E„ 26 Cleveland st, Darlington
Hovlo H., Oronnulla st, Hurstvillo
Hudson Mrs. E., 24 Farrst, Marrickvillo Hucnerbein Mrs., theory and piano, 5
Hunter st
Hoylc Henry C, 573 Dowling st
Hudson Mrs. E., Victoria rd, Marriokvillc
Hoyle Joshua, Short st, Parramatta
Hudson K. A. K., 72 Harrow rd, Stahmorc lluer J. J., 70 Ormond st,.Paddlngton
Hucsshkel Carl, 40 Lennox st, Newtown
Hoylo Thos., Marrlckville rd, Dnlwioh Hill Hudson E. S., 3 Ewell st, Rozelle
Hueson Charles H., 210 Cleveland st
Hoylo W. J., 4 Julliett st, Marrickvillo
Hudson E. T., 416 Miller at, N. Sydney
Hoystcd John, Church st, Parramatta
Hudson Edward, 180 Grafton st, Woollahra Huet and Huet, dentists, 560 Georgo st
Belmore nl, Rnndwiek
Huband Arthur, Dora st, Hurstville
Hudson Ernest, 72 Nelson st, Annandale Hucy Henry,
B., Shadforth st, Mosman
Hubbard Stove Syndicate, Ltd.—Rabone, Hudson Ernest, 4 n a r t st
Hufiudinc John H., Way st, Mnrrlekville
Feez oiul Co., agents, 267a George st Hudson Francis, 63 Lawson st, Waverley Huffinm A., " Glen Rock," Ocean st. Bondl
Hubbard Alex., 15 Forbes st, Darlington Hudson Frank, 128 Pyrmont st
Iluftou Edwnrd, 17 Emmerick Bt, L'bnrdt
Hudson Frederick, 35 Wattle st
Hubbard Arthur, Gladstone st, Kogurah
Huftou Jno.,105 Annnndnlc st, Annnudale
Hubbard Charles H., Keith st, Randwlok Hudson Frederick, 35 Thurlow st, Redfern Hufton Tliomns, Falls st, Lclclihnrdt
Hubbard F., 40 Lavender st, North Syduoy Hudson George, 202 Redfern st, Redfern Hug Charles, 4 Suffolk st, Pnddingion
Hudson George, timber merchant, 52 Huggnrd G., Liverpool rd, Ashfleld
Hubbard George, 01 Wigrnm rd, Glebe
Regent st, Redfern; p.r., Gcorgo st, Huggnrt W. J., 190 Elswick st, Leiciiunrdt
Hubbard George, 140 Regent st, Redfern
Hubbard Henry, Claude st, Chatswood
Huggerstonc G., King Willinm Bt, G'uwich
Hubbard Henry, 7 Louisa rd, Balmain
Hudson George, 33 Elswick st, Lclchhardt Huggett A , 324 Oxford st, Pnddlngtou
nubbanl Jns, E., 18 Lclchhardt st, Glebe Hudson George, Victoria st, Alexandria
Huggett D., Penslmrst st, Wllloughby
Hubbard Jas. P., Avenue, Hurstvillo
Hudson George, 71 Good Hope st, Pnd'ton Huggett V., 1 Norfolk st, Newtown
Hubbard Miss M. A., 18 Marshall st, Hudson George, 3 Moonblo st. Sum. Hill Huggett Mrs. J., 103 Grafton Bt, Woo'Inhra
Hudson George E., 21 Hnthcni st.L'hnrdt Huggett James, Slnde Bt, Nnrcmburu
Hudson H. 0., Homebush ores, Homebush Huggett W„ tinsmith, 21 King st
Hubbanl P. E., Osborne st, Mnnly
Huggett Willinm, Slndo st, Nnremburu
Hudson H. L., Emmett st, N. Sydney
Hubbard S., 6 Pommel st, Newtown
HnbbnnlThos. H., Third ave, Rookwood Hudson Harry P., 43 Cromwell st, Ashfleld Huggett William, Cameron st, Rockdale
Hugglns Denis, grocer, 69 Aim st
Hughes Fredoriok J., 28 Egan st, N'town Hughes Mrs. M. A.,Willoughby st, OnrliiigHuggins George, 3 Regent Bt, Petersham
Hughes Mrs. G., 21 Elizabeth st, Rcdfcrn
Hugging Hnrry, West Botany id,Rockdale Hughes Mrs. G., off Russell st, Burwood
Hughes Mss. M. A., Holnisdale st, Mar'vllle
HuggiiiB Robert, High st, AVilloughby
Hughes Mrs. G., 141 Balmaln rd, L'hardt Hughes Mrs., 66 Elizabeth Bay rd
Hugglns William, 7 Albert st, Fnd'ton
Hughes G. J., Sans Souoi
Hughes Mrs., school, 6 Tho Avenue, R'wlok
Huglian Mrs., 37 Elliott st, Balmnlii
Hughes George, 127 Dcnlsou st, Woollahra Hughes M. O'Gormnn, surgeon, Oxford st,
Hughau G., 39 Elliott st, Unlmnln
Hughes George, Terry's rd, Dundaa
Paddington, and 418 Park rd
Hughau Georgo, AVhlstlerat, Manly
Hughes Geo., Ernilngton rd, Ermlngton I Hughes Mrs. M. O'Gormau, 418 Park rd
Hughau Oscar, 9 Vlncontst, Balmaln
Hughes George, Dixon st, Parramotta
Hughes Mrs. Margaret, 100 Victoria st
Hughau AV. W., George st, Ashfield
Hughes Goo., 28 Little Underwood st, Hughes Owen, 130 Darling st, Balmaln
Hughes and Co., tailors, 72 lirsklnc at
Hughes P. O., 127 St. John's rd, F.Lodge
Hughes W. H. and Co., proprietors Ironitc Hughes Geo., Brickfield st, Parramatta
Paving Co,, 68 Georgo st west and 110j Hughes George, Marsdcn st, Parramatta Hughes P. H., 13 Lodge st, Forest Lodge
Hughes Patrick, Tilford st, Waterloo
Dargliau st, Glebe
Hughes George 11^17 O'Connor st
Hughes and Huglic3, solicitors and com- Hughes George B,,Hi Boundary st. Rcdfcrn Hughes Patrick 0., postmaster, Beaconsfield Post Office, Botany rd, Alexandria
missioners for aflldavits for nil colo- Hughes Qua, 5 Chester st, Annandalc
Hughes Pryce, 110 Buckingham st
nies, 20 Hunter st
Hughes H., 134 Devonshire st
Hughes Misses, dressmakers, 49 Westmore- Hughes H., Oolllngwood st, Hunter's Hill Hughes It., 80 Benning 6t, Erskinevlllo
Hughes R., 42 Jeffreys st, North Sydney
land st, Forest Lodge
Hughes Mrs. H., tea rooms, lOn Market st Hughes H. J., 78 Ebley st, Waverley
Hughes T. and J , solicitors, 121 Pitt st
Hughes H. B„ 80 Smith st, Summer Hill
Hughes, Warner and Taylor, The Sydney Hughes H, E., Broughton st, Canterbury Hughes 11. L., 8 Buokncll st, Newtown
Hughes R. W., 20 Cambridge st, Stnnmore
Wood-turning Co., Miller st
Hughes Mrs. Hannah, Gilbert ot, Manly
Hughes R. W., plumber, 14 Cowper st,
Hughes Mrs. A., 273 Baliuain rd, L'hardt . Hughes Hnrry, 78 Dnrllnghurst st
Hughes Mrs. A., North Steyne, Mnnly
Hughes Harry, 11 John st, Ashfield
Hughes Richard, 0 Downsbirc st
Hughes A. B., Ernest st, North Sydney
Hughes Henry, 70 Cnmpbell st, Bnlmnln
Hughes Richard, tinsmith and canister
Hughes A. E., 60 Broughton st, Glebe
Hughes Henry, 18 Eatonsville st, Croydon
maker, 126 S ussex s t ; p.r., 42 Nowranie
Hughes A. K., 8 Cook st, Mnrrickville
Hughes Henry, 14 Parramatta rd, Glebe
st, Summer Hill
Hughes Mrs. A. Mo., secretary Queen Hughes Henry, Dixon st, Parramatta
Hughes Richard, Marsdcn st, Ryde
Victoria Consumptive Home (Thlrl- Hughes Henry, 54 Edward st, Rcdfcrn
Hughes Richard, Olarcmout st, Rozelle
mcrc), off Jamlesou lane
Hughes Henry J., 310 Cleveland st
Hughes Robert, Renwick st, Alexandria
Hughes A S., 130 Nowlondst, Waverley
Hughes Herbert A., 22 Hensou st, Sum. Hill Hughes Robert, 3 Queen st, Paddington
Hughes Albert J., oilskin maker, 100 Hughes Mrs J., 80 City rd
Hughes Miss Rosnnna, 131 Albion st
Hughes Mrs. J., 224 Millor st, N. Sydney Hughes Mrs. S.. 23 Pine Bt. Newtown
Regent st
Hughes Mrs. J., 61 Victoria st, N. Sydney Hughes Samuel W., 8 Bucknell st, Newtowu
Hughes Alfred, 129 Bridge rd, Glebe
Hughes Miss J. E., 09 High Holboru st
Hughes Arch., Brisbane st, Granvlllo
Hughes Samuel, 89 Evelelgh st, Rcdfcrn
Hughes Arthur, French's* Forest id, Manly Hughes J. H., 201 Devonshire st
Hughes T., 10 Isabella st, Cainpcrdown
J. J., 30 Hornscy st, Rozello
Hughes Arthur, 71 Victoria st
Hughes T„ 18 Duke st, Balmaln
Hughes Arthur J., 13 Victoria st, Hozollo Hughes J. T., 41 Glcnmore rd, Paddington Hughes Mrs. T., Pittwater rd, St. Ives
Hughes J. T., 181 Oxford st, Waverley
Hughes 0. A., Annandalc st, Anuandalo
Hughes T. E., Gladstone st, Kogarah
Hughes Jas., Mitchell rd, Alexnndrin
Hughes O. H., 6 llldgo st
Hughes T. M., tanner. Water st, Auburn
Hughes Jns., 48 Liverpool rd, Ashfield
Hughes O. H., 37 Pcnkivil st, Bondl
Hughes T. W., Ruthven st, Randwiok
Hughes C. V., Marlborough rd, Flom'ton Hughes James, Bnrkcr st, Auburn
Uughcs Thomas, Edwnrd st, Woollnhrn
Hughes James, Wcldon st, Burwood
Hugflos Charles, 2 AVigram rd, Glebe
Hughes Thos., J.P., solicitor, 20 Hunter Bt
Hughes Jas., 63 Darling st, Glebe
Hughes diaries, jun., 1 Regent st
Hughes Thomns, Aylesbury st, Botany
Hughes Oharles, Cambridge st, Grnuvllle Hughes James, 20 Cambridge st, Rozello Hughes Thomas, off 38 Little Essex st
Hughes diaries J., Balfour hotel, oomer. Hughes Jas. H., Ohnroh st, St. Peters
Hughes Thomas, 2 McCredle st
Hughes Jas. AV_ 39 Wilson In, Redfcrn
Hughes Thomas, Church st, Carlingford
King and Elizabeth sts
IHughes Jesse, 83 Hordeni st, Newtown
Hughes Thomas, sen., Terry's rd, Duudas
Highes D., Spring Garden St. Granville
Hughes Jesse, 14 George st, Oamperdown
Hughes D., 160 Victoria rd, Mnrrickville Hughes Hon. John, M.L.O., lion, treasurer Hughes Thos., Doncustcr rd, Flemington
Hughes Thomas, Darley st, Manly
Hughes D., Penshurst at, Willoughby
St. Vincent's Hospital (Sisters of Hughes Thomas, Pittwater rd, St. Ives
Hughes Daniel, 18 Marian st, Red fern
Charity), Victoria street
Thomas, J.P., N.S.H. rd, Rose Bay
Hughes Mrs. E., 194 Underwood St., P'ton Hughes John, soap and candlo faotory,
Hughes Thomas A., 16 William st, Rcdfcrn
Hughes Mrs. K., 18 Redmond st, L'hardt
Hutchinson's wharf, Abattoirs rd, Hughes Thos. H„ 240 West st, N. Syduoy
Hughes Mrs. E , Leicester st, Paddington
Hughes Mrs. E., Kissing Point rd, Dundos Hughes Hon. John, M.L.O., solicitor, 20 Hughes Thomas J., J.P., solicitor, 121
P l t t s t ; p.r.. "Hersohell," Karraba
Hughes E., 210 Bondi rd, Waverley
Hunter s t ; p.r., " Rocklelgh Grange,"
rd, Neutral Bay
Hughes E. 0., manager The Oo-operatlvc
Edwnrd st, North Sydney
Disinfectants Manufacturing Co., 140 Hughes John, solicitor, 121 Pitt s t ; p.r., Hughes AV., off Gcrrard st, Alexandria
Hughes W., French's Fore-t rd, Mnnly
Eumoro rd, Newtowu
" Hcrechell," Karraba rd, Neutral Bay Hughes W,, Belmont rd, Mosman
Hughes E. C, 167 Victorio st, Petersham Hughes John, off 07 Hunter st
Hughes W„ Wardcll rd, Mnrriokvillo
Hughes E. H., 43 Gloucester st
J[Hughes John, 100 Grown st
Hughes W. E„ Railway par, S. Granville
Hughes K. J., 62 Cook rd, Marrickvillo
Hughes John, Abattoirs rd, Rozello
Hughos W. H., 6 Toogood st, Erskinevllle
Hughes E. R., Oswald st, Rnndwick
Hughes John, 23 Cook st, Rozcl'O
Hughes W. H., Trafalgar ter, Staniuore
Hughes Edmund M., 370 OaBtlcrcsgh st
Hughes John, Birohgrovo rd, Balmaln
Hughes Mrs. W. H., Oorunna Bt, Petersham
Hughes Edmond M., Alma are, Mar'vllle Hughes John, 28 Hornsoy st, Rozelle
IHughes AV. J., grocer, 45 Brisbane st
Hughes Edward, 12 Prospect st
Hughes John, Frederick st, Rockdale
Hughes Edward, Thornleigh rd, S. Hornsby Hughes John, 29 Fltzroy st, North Sydney IHughes W. O'G., dentist, 177 Pitt st, and
Hughes Edward, 42 Farr st, Jfarrickvllle Hughes John, Darley rd, Manly
Hughes Edward, Alrd st, Parramatta
a t " Ernng," Oxford st, Paddington
Hughes John, Stanley st, St. Ives
Hughes E. M„ 676 Illawnrrra rd, M'villo
Hughes W. S., Marion st, Parramatta
Hughes Mrs. Eliza, 26 Charles st, P'sham
Hughes Walter, Kalgoorlle hotel, Levey fit
Hughes Emily, Garry Owen hotel, 784 Dnrl-i[Hughes John, Unwln's Bridgo rd, St. Peters | Hughes Walter, 68 Wigram rd, Glebe
Hughes John H., William st, North Botany IHughes Walter, 530 O.S.H. rd, Woollahra
ing st, Balmaln
Hughes John S., Down's rd, Kognrnh
Hughes William, 124 Bowman st
Hughes F. 0., Wcntworth rd, Bnrwood
I Hughes Joseph, 199 Crown st
Hughes William, 18 Grove st, Lelohhardt
Hughes F. J., 27 Rosedale st. Petersham
Hughes Joseph, 20 Milton st, N. Ashfield Hughes William, Carrington rd, Waverley
Hughes F. W., mnnnglng director Sydney Hughes Joseph, 473 Riley st
Hughes William, 00 Mullens st, Balmain
Woolscourlng Co.. Ltd., Botany rd, Hughes Joseph, 36 Wilton st
Hughes William, Botany rd, Botany
Botany; p.r., Lord's rd, N. Botany
Hughes Joseph, 40 Smith st. Summer Hill Hughes William, Lone Cove River, Ryde
Hughes Francis, 30 Hugo st, Rcdfcrn
Hughes L., 94 Grnfton st, Woollahra
William, Bent st, North Sydney
Hughes Frank H., Ohurch st, Parramatta Hughes M., J.P., 180 Karraba rd, N e u t Bay
Hughes William, 141 Simmons st, N'town
Hughes Frank H., 43 Lackey st, Sum. Hill Hughes Mrs. M., 0 Rose st, Balmaln
Hughes 0.. Livingstone rd, MarrickviUe Hughes Mrs. M.,88 Undercllffc st, Neut. B. Hughes William, 53 Oxford st, Paddington
Hughes William, 0 Burt st, Rozello
Hughes Frederick, 88 College st, Balmaln Hughes Mrs. M., 88 Ebley st, Waverley
Hughes William, Station st, Parramatta
Hughson Mr-. M„ BO Liverpool rd, Ashfield
Hughson M„ 287-239 King fit, Newtown
Hughson M., 383 Kinir st, Newtown
Hughson William, Osborne st, Penshurst
Hugo Charles, George st west, Burwood
Hugo Ernest 0., Woodward nv, Strnthlleld
Hugo H., 171 Hourke Bt
Hugo Victor, Winchester rd, Handwick
Hugonnct Mrs. A., 41 Denlson st, Rozelle
Huhery E., Burwood id, Burwood
Huish Percy, 3 James st, Bnl i uin
Hukcn Tliomas, 11 Redmond st, L'hardt
Hukins A., 40 Bullauamlng st, Rcdfcrn
Hukins Arthur, 00 Raglan st, Waterloo
Huklus James', 80 Read st, AVaverley
Hukins James, 141 llomli rd, Bond!
Hulbcrt Alfred, 220 Enmorc rd, Kumorc
llulbcrt Henry, 437 King st, Newtown
Hulbcrt Mrs. J., 5 Dick st, lliiliiiain
Hulbcrt Joseph, 31 Nowhind st, Waverley
Hull A. E., 31 Dickson Bt.Newtown
H U L L M I S S A D A M . , LInwood College, Livingstone id, Mnrrickville
Hull Arthur, Georgo st, Parramatta
Hull Airs. O. A., 15 Annandalc st, An'dnlo
Hull O. L., 02 Marriott st, Redfern
Hull Edward J., 57 Shepherd st
Hull George, 080 Darling Bt, Rozelle
Hull James, 39 Malcolm st, Ersklnuvillc
Hull Joseph, 82 Arthur st
Hull Mrs. S., 12 Cavendish st, Stnnmore
Hull W. A., postage stamp dealer, Imperial
Arcade. 170 Pitt st
Hull W. 0„ 39 Mannion s", Campordown
Hullo Mrs. E. S., 045 Bourko st
Hullick Leslie, Waverley rd, Rnndwick
Hulls F. W., Barton av, Summer Hill
Hulme Mrs. A., Fitzroy av, Balmaln
Hulmo Arthur, 36 Marriott st, Redfcrn
Hulme F. W , 30 Dock rd, Bahrain
Hulmc Frank, 40 Norton st, Ashfield
Hulme George. Gould av, Mnrrickville
Hulme Mis* K., Arden st, Ooogco
Hulmo Mrs. Mary, 13 Wells st, Balmain
Hulmo Samuel, 3 College st, Oamperdown
Hulmo William, 0 Phillip st, Alexandria
Hulmes Andrew J., 7 Hnrnettst
Hulines Isaac, Mncqunrle st, N. Botany
Hulten Alfred, 00 John st '
Hnlycr Thomns, Splcer lane, Woollahra
Humbert H., 210 Oxford st, Paddington
Humbcrtson J., 13 Burnett st, Redfern
Humble Samuel, 102 frown rd
Humbley.T. W., 161 Dullanamlng st R'f'n
Humbley W., 77 ICdgccllll'e rd, Woollahra
Humbley W. A., Bowman st, Drunimoync
Humbley Rd., 16 Jacques st, IJnlmaln
Humby A. IS., Railway st, Petersham
Uumby Arthur, 39 Caroline st, Redfern
Humby H. O., Lnne Cove rd," Wnliroongn
Humby W.H., 70 Gt. Buckingham st.R'f'n
numo A. K„ King Lnngloy's rd, Gr'nwieh
Hume Alfred, 233 Clevelnnd st, Redfern
Hume Andrew H., High st, Epping
Hume David S., 89 Goodlet * t
Huino Mrs. E. A., Adelaido par, Woollahra
HumcE. H.,120 Miller st, North Sydney
Hume E. H., King Lnngloy's rd, Gr'wich
Hume George, Bcstlc st, llockdnle
Hume Geo. E., 75 Great Buckinghnm st,
Hume ,T. O., news agent, 19 Bank st
Hume Miss Jnnc, Nicholson Bt, Burwood
Hume Joseph, 25 Hugo st, Redfcrn
Hume Robert, 31 Cleveland st,Redfern
Hume T„ 0'Coiincllst,Pnrrninatta
Hume Walter S., 39 Chandos st, N. Sydney
Hume William O., Railway par, Kogarah
numo W. M., 500 Bourko st
Humclstcd Hnlfdnn. Louisa rd, Balmain
Humfress Mrs. E. T., Kenton ave, Mosman
Hunifrey T. S., 85 Brougham st, Glebe
Hummel F., 66 Dcnison st, Waverley
Humphries John, Nortli Sydney Public
HummelBtnd E. R., 5 Union st, Balmain
School, Burton st, Nortli Sydney
Hummcrston E., Church st, Waverley
John, off Mitchell rd, Al'cx'dria
Uummcrston E., 9 Henry st, Waverley
Hummcrston G., 59 Westmoreland et, For- Humphries John, 51 Alma st, Darlington
Humphries John, Oity rd, Darlington
est Lodge
Hummcrston G. AV., 33 Oxford st, Wnv'ley Humphries John P., 17 I'ittst, N. Sydney
Humpape AV. F., 23 Hanover st, AVaterloo Humphries Mrs. M., Forest Jd, Hurstville
Hnmphery Hon. F, T , attomey, Anglo-Aus- Humphries Mrs. M., 4 Gordon st. Rozelle
tralian Assets Company, Ltd., London; Humphries P., Military rd, Vnucluse
liquidator Stockowners' Meat Co. of Humphries R., 29 Grove st, Balmain
N.S.W., Ltd. (in liquidation), 129 Plttst Humphries It., Snns Souci
Humphcry Hon. Frederick T., M.L.C., 129 Humphries Richard, Botany Bt, Randwick
Pitt s t ; p.r., "Glenrose," Elizabeth Humphries Roland E., Dean st, Enfield
Humphries Samuel, George st, Granville
Bay reserve
Huniphery Mrs. E.,Pctcrshnm rd, Mnrrick- Humphries Mrs. Sarah, Gap st, Vnucluse
Humphries T., 239 Addison rd, M'vlllc
Humphcry John, 19 Albion st, Annnndnle Humphries T. G., 624 Illawarra rd. M'villo
Humphrey F. T., Klngsclear rd Alox'drin Humphries \V., Belmont st, Alexandria
Humphries AV., 0 Portland st, AVaterloo
Humphrey J. 0., 72 Hbley st, AVaverley
Humphrey Joseph, Union st, A\'. Kogarah Humphry Henry R., 1U8 AVells st, N'town
Humphry James Brighton avc, Canterbury
Humphrey Mrs. Mary, Bay st, Botany
Humphrey Robert, 27 Lawson st, Waverley Humphrys Mrs. AV., Church st, Ryde
Humphrey Robert, Ruthven st, AVaverley Hnmplcy E„ 12 Little Buckingham st
1 [umphrcy Thos., Union st, AVest Kogarah Hund A„ O'Oonncll st, Parramatta
Humphrey AV.G.,80AVyiidliamst,Aiex'dria Hundson Jas., 97 Annandalc st, An'dalo
Hundt O. H., 35 Campbell st, Glebe
Humphrey AV. J., Carlton par, Bexley
Humphrey AVin., 24 Kcnilworth st, AVnv'lcy Hungcrford O. P., Hampden st, Ashfield
Hungerford C, accountant, 90 Pitt st
Humphreys A., 10 Allen st
Hungcrford 0., Norfolk rd, Longucville
Humphreys Chas., 101 P i t t st, Redfern
Humphreys Chas. J., 3 Hennessy st. A'field Hungcrford Mrs. K., 149 AVindsorst, Pailt'n
Hungcrford Geo., Argulnibuu st, Ann'dale
Humphreys David, 178 Cumberland st
Hungcrford H. W., 40 Marian Bt, N'town
Humphreys Miss E., 132 Ocean st, Bondl
Hungerford ll.-O.. secretary N.S.AV.TrottHumphreys F., HI Almn st, Paddington
Humphreys G., 185 N.S. H. rd, Paddington
ing Club, 202 Pitt st
Humphreys G., 073 Darling st, Rozelle
Hungerford Miss L. A., 71 Liverpool rd,
Humphreys George, Ancient Jirlton hotel,\
Hungerford Miss, Arthur st, Ashfield
225 Glebe rd, Glebe
Hungerford Rev. S. (O. of £..), Boyle st,
Humphreys Geo., 109 Derwcnt st, F. Lodge
Humphreys George, 0 Batty st, Rozelle
Hungerford T. AV., Eastern nve, Kensington
Humphreys George, Terry st, St. Peters
Hnneerford Thos. J.P., Milton Bt, Ashfield
Humphreys 11., KIngsgrovc rd, Penshurst Hunkinson Alf., 68 Oarrnbclln st, N. Svd.
Humphreys II., Charles st, North Sydney Hnnn Mrs. 11., 5 Wellington st, AVaterloo
Humphreys Henry, Belmoro rd, Dalmorton Hunns C. E.. 53 Pitt st, Wntorloo
Humphreys J., agent, 03 Pitt st,
Hunns AV. T., Military rd, Mosman
Humphreys Mrs. J., Unwin's Bridge rd, Hunt and Co., shlrtmakcrs, 13 Hunter st
Hunt P. S. nnd Co., sewing ninnhlnc ImSt. Peters
porters, 41 Elizabeth st
Humphreys John, 1 Dcnison st, Rozelle
Richard and Co., hosiers nnd outHumphreys John, Luff st,llockdnle
fitters, 13 Hunter st
Humphreys Joseph, 223 Pyrmont st
Humphreys Miss M. A., Lane Cove rd, Hunt Mrs. A. S., Charles st, Mnrrickville
Hunt Alban, 10 Sixth st.QranvIIle
Humphreys R., 63 Bnllnst Point rd, B'ninln n i m t Albert, 271 Victoria st
Hunt Alfred 76 Evans st, Rozelle
Humphreys R., Cowle's rd, Mosman
Hunt Mrs. Annie, 03 Glnssop st,"Balmain
Humphreys R., 40 John st
Hunt Anthony, Cooper st, Granville
Huniphreys T., Church st, Pnrmmatta
Huniphreys Thos., 44 Bank st, N. Sydney Hunt Arthur, 14 Domnln tor
Hunt Arthur, 130 Norton Bt, Leichhardt
Humphreys AV., SO Pitt st, North Sydney
Hunt O. B., Park rd, Hurstville
Humphreys AV. P., Avenue, Hurstvlllc
Humphreys AVilllam, James st, Rockdale Hunt O. H., artist, 44 Custlcrcagh s t ; p.r.,
Humphries A., 20 Birrell st, AVaverley
85 Falcon st, North Sydney
"lumphries A. E., Forest rd, llurstvillo
Hunt Charles, Garden st, MarrickviUe
Humphries A. P., Darvnl st, Eastwood
Humphries Chas., 08 O. S. H. rd, W'lnhra Hunt Christopher, 59 Lower Fort st
Htimphries D. AV. J., 3 AVilloughby st, Hunt Daniel, 70 Albany rd, Petersham
Hunt Dlgbv, Bums Bay rd, Lano Cove
North Sydney
Hunt Mrs. E. J., 21 Gordon st, Paddington
Humphries E., 27 Booth st, Balmnin
Hunt Ebcnezer, 13 Broadstalrs st, Bahnaiu
Humphries Mrs. E., 8 Charles st enst. Peter- Hunt Edward, 50 Wellington st
Hunt Edward, (loeernor Hourke hotel,
George st, Oamperdown
Humphries Edward, 10 AVatson st
Humphries Edward, AVoodstock st, Botany Hunt Edward, 39 Ross st, Forest Lodge
Ernest, 11 Nicholls st
Humphries F. W., Livingstone rd, M'kville
Humphries G., 171 Alfred st, North Sydney Hunt Ernest 15., AVarren rd, MarrickviUe
Humphries G. F., 10 Heeley st, Paddington Hunt F., 121 Darlington rd, Darlington
Huniphrics G. R.J., 33 Alfred st, N. Sydney Hunt F. S R.. Ross si, Forest Ledge
Humphries George A., City rd, Darlington Hunt Francis, secretary Mnnly Gaslight
nnd Coke Co., Ltd ; ofllcc, AA'ool ExHumphries H., Cooks River rd, St. Peters
change, Mnequaric plaec^nnd Mnnly ;
Humphries H., Belmont rd, Mosman
p.r., Wood st, Manly
Humphries J., land and estate agent,
Francis, Station st, Parraninttn
00 Onstlcrer.gh st
Humphries J. 0., 314 Lano Cove rd, North Hunt Francis, Church st, St. Peters
Hunt Francis S., Maeqnnrlo st, P'mattn
Hunt Frnnk, 177 Morehend st, Redfern
Humphries John. Bridge rd, Glebe

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