

Monthly updates from your {FULL} Life community
Team members earn Best Friends™
Master Trainer certifications
Life Enrichment/
Wellness Director
Angela Stewart (left) and
Kathleen Warden talk
with David Troxel, MPH,
president of the Best
Friends Approach and
renowned Alzheimer’s
author and trainer, at
Touchmark in Idaho.
David was on site for a
multiday training with
staff from all Touchmark
communities that provide
memory care services.
Following an intensive
written and oral exam, staff were certified as a Best
Friends Master Trainer. This certification is new,
having only been launched a year ago.
David and co-creator Virginia Bell developed the
Best Friends approach to providing memory care
services. The method centers on what people with
dementia need most – a professional “best friend.”
The model of care makes coping with memory
loss, confusion, and mood changes easier for
individuals with the disease as well as caregivers.
Marge Coalman, EdD, vice president of Wellness
& Programs at Touchmark (pictured right, in blue
sweater) also helped lead the staff training. Marge
oversees Touchmark’s memory care services across
the company.
Issue 4, 2013
2011 | page 1
Put a spring in your step
With warmer days ahead, enjoy a private deck with
an eastern view. This Cliff Lodge home offers 1,434
square feet, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a
fireplace. Call today for a personal showing.
Terrace Lodge home 420 has 915 square feet
with one bedroom, one bathroom, a den, and a
fireplace. This eastern-facing penthouse overlooks
a courtyard and has easy access to all the Terrace
Lodge amenities.
Contact a Full Life team member
for additional details, including
registration, transportation
information, and participation
Thursday, Apr. 4, 8:30 am
Men’s Breakfast outing to
Sidelines. Cost: order off
the menu. Transportation
provided. Sign up at any front
Sunday, Apr. 7, 1:15 pm
Chamber Music Concert
Series at Bend High School.
Transportation provided. Sign
up at any front desk.
Wednesdays, Apr. 10, 17, and
24 from 2 - 4 pm
55 ALIVE Defensive Driving
Class. One must attend all six
hours in order to successful
complete the course and get a
certificate. This class is taught
by Mark Larson of Deschutes
Driver Education. Cost: $20
per person (account will be
billed). Sign up at any front
desk. Drivers with a current
license are welcome. Terrace
Lodge Four Seasons Private
Dining Room.
Thursday, Apr. 11, 11 am
Dr. Bonnie Skakel presents
Simple Ways to Prepare for
Allergy Season. Bonnie is
a naturopathic physician,
acupuncturist, Chinese
medicine practitioner, and a
body-mind-spirit counselor.
Thursday, Apr. 11, 4:30 -7 pm
Prime Rib Birthday Dinner.
Complimentary for those
celebrating an April
birthday; $19 if you are not.
Reservations are required.
Please sign up at any front
desk. Four Seasons.
Friday, Apr. 12, 4 pm
Musical performance by Paul
Eddy. Paul is from Austin,
Texas, and sings country, folk,
and classics. Terrace Lodge
Saturday, Apr. 13 and Sunday,
Apr. 14 from 10 am - 1 pm
Film Appreciation Class taught
by producer Skip Clark of
Captain Skipper Productions
and the High Desert Writer’s
Guild. No cost. All welcome.
Terrace Lodge Lounge.
Monday, Apr. 15, 3:30 pm
Rosell Talk on Taxes, (cont.)
Issue 4, 2013 | page 2
(cont.) presented
by David Rosell. All
welcome. Terrace
Lodge Lounge.
Tuesday, Apr. 16, 4:45
Dinner out to
Baltazar’s Seafood.
Cost: order off the
menu. Transportation
provided. Sign up at
any front desk.
Wednesday, Apr. 17,
4 pm
Beltone Hearing Aid
Clinic. Four Seasons
Private Dining Room.
Thursday, Apr. 18, 2
Armchair Traveler –
The History of Bend.
Watch a DVD about
the History of Bend
and enjoy a light
snack. Terrace Lodge
Tuesday, Apr. 23, 11
Appreciation Brunch.
Celebrate one another
and the importance
of volunteering.
Invitations will be
sent. Four Seasons.
Construction update
Thursday, Apr. 25,
4:30 -7 pm
Traveler’s Dinner.
Enjoy a themed
dinner featuring
the state of Oregon.
Reservations are
required. Please sign
up at the front desk.
Four Seasons.
Tuesday, Apr. 30, 2
Art Through the Ages
discussion. Meet once
a month to discuss
art and art history
by theme. Facilitated
by Vera Wesenberg
(*1627). All welcome.
Four Seasons Private
Dining Room.
See the full calendar
of events online:
Resident Council openings
There are three openings to serve on the Resident
Council. If you are interested in a position
or would like additional information, please
contact one of the current Council members:
Ralph Brown, Marilyn Handy, Lois Jones, Jack
MacDonald, Dorothy Moar, Chuck Piersee, or
Chuck Radford. The Elections will take place in
April, and the new Council will be announced in
May. The newly elected will meet in June and will
preside over the July meeting.
October 2011 | page 1
Construction continues on the memory care
addition and homes for residential care, which is
similar to assisted living. Among other projects,
crews continue the vertical work on the walls.
Issue 4, 2013 | page 3
Margie Sherman: A lifetime of volunteering
Service oriented—a fitting description for
Touchmark residents, and one such person is
Margie Sherman.
Margie, a resident since 2006, has dedicated her
life to volunteering. Starting as a candy striper
during her senior year of high school, she has had
a passion for helping others. Margie has spent
most of her time volunteering in hospitals: first
on the east coast and most recently at St. Charles
Medical Center. She speaks highly of the local
hospital, where she has given six years of service,
primarily in the ICU.
When talking about her volunteering, Margie
shares that she, too, receives from all the time
she invests. “I get more out of it than just giving.
Helping others is good for the soul.”
In addition to her candy-stripe years, Margie also
spent seven years working with physically and
mentally disabled individuals on Key Biscayne, in
Florida, teaching people how to sail.
“I would call that period of life an education,” recalls Margie. “It was wonderful and fascinating to see
how people can push through adversities in their lives.”
Margie, who moved to Bend to be near her family, says she wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.
And Margie’s passion has apparently been passed on through the generations, as her teenage
granddaughter, Marley, aspires to travel the world and help those in need.
Welcoming new team members
Meet Mary
“Most of all, I am eager to share time, laughter,
and fun with you all,” says Mary, who grew up in
Bend and has called it home for the last 37 years.
She received her bachelor’s degree in Education
at Eastern Oregon University with minors in
Art and Psychology. Throughout college, Mary
served as a resident assistant and enjoyed
planning social and educational programs. After
graduation in 2000, Mary served the public
through her 10-year position with the Deschutes
County Health Department.
Mary Callison (left) and Liz Rupar recently joined
Touchmark as Life Enrichment/Wellness assistants.
Issue 4, 2013 | page 4
(cont.) Mary spends her time outside of work
volunteering, traveling, walking, reading spiritual
books, and biographies. Art, poetry, theatre, and
writing are other favorite pastimes. Her family
includes a younger sister, who lives in Anchorage,
Alaska, and two younger siblings adopted from
China. At home, Mary’s pride and joy are her cats.
She says, “Two cats live under my roof, and I dare
say I spoil them to the hilt.”
Meet Liz
Born and raised in Wisconsin, Liz moved to Bend
last August with her husband and two children.
Although Liz misses the Green Bay Packers, she is
fond of Bend. “I can do all my favorite activities:
snowboarding, mountain biking, wake boarding,
and hiking … sometimes even on the same day!”
Before coming to Touchmark, Liz had focused
on a fitness career and worked as a personal
trainer for years. She has a Bachelor’s of Science
in Kinesiology from the University of Wisconsin
and is certified with the National Strength and
Conditioning Association in personal training. “I
was ready for something a bit different,” she says.
“I’m very happy to be a part of the Touchmark
Liz has been a certified trainer for more than 13
years and is offering her services for residents.
Do you want to improve your balance to prevent
falls, help increase your circulation, alleviate back
pain, improve posture, or build your strength
and flexibility? Liz will tailor a fitness plan to
meet your personal needs and limitations. Liz
also has experience working with individuals
with neurological diseases. She is able to
accommodate individual or group sessions for all
levels of need—and is available to train residents
in their home, in the River Lodge Exercise
Room, or in the Cliff Lodge Aerobics Room on
a contracted fee. Call Liz at 414-426-2417, to
schedule an appointment.
Celtic celebrations
Residents had a toe-tapping good time watching a local Irish dance group perform.
October 2011 | page 1
Issue 4, 2013 | page 5
Coalman, EdD
Vice President
of Wellness &
Active aging—and
life balance
“Live in the sunshine, swim
the sea, drink the wild air…”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Human beings, like all
species, are aging from the
time they are born. This is
particularly true beginning
at 25 years of age, when
scientists and epidemiologists
agree the body starts to
decline in muscle mass, brain
development, and overall
indicators of well-being.
It is highly unlikely that
you will ever see media or
educational offerings focus
on this well-known fact. In
fact, media around the world
portray the young (usually
25 or younger) as vital and
energetic—except for the
unfortunate percentage of
those who are obese, inactive,
or psychologically unbalanced.
Instead, the media spotlight
shines on those over 55 years
of age—and increasingly
on people over 65. This
population segment is often
portrayed as hopeless,
helpless, and bored. Yet
anyone who has visited a
Touchmark community knows
that this is a fallacy. Residents
well into their 90s and beyond
are engaged in physical
activity, lifelong learning, civic
engagement, and more. These
active, vital individuals have
calendars filled with so many
events that they have to look
hard to find 30-45 minutes
when I am requesting an
interview with them. They’re
Why is the mainstream media
so wrong about the lifebalance equation? I’m not
sure, although it seems to be
based on the premise that the
young are their target market,
when in fact, it is older
adults who have the wisdom,
disposable income, and
interest in acquiring lifestyle
items to enhance their wellbeing.
At Touchmark, there are any
number of opportunities
for personal growth and
development. To find out
more about the Full Life
offerings, contact Angela
Stewart, Life Enrichment/
Wellness director, or join
one of the many resident
committee meetings that focus
on program development and
events. (Of course, you may
not have time, given all your
other activities!)
Community fun
Good times—playing
beanbag baseball with
local children and
taking a showshoe trip
through the beautiful
forest. Check out
more fun photos on
Issue 4, 2013 | page 6
Complete the words in these famous quotes; it’s like Wheel of Fortune.
1. Yo _ mu _ t b _ t _ e c _ ang _ you _ ish to se _ i_ th_ wo _ ld.
~ Mahatma Gandhi
2. W_ m _ ke a l _ vin _ by w _ at _e ge _, w _ ma _ e a l _ fe b_ w _ at w_ gi _ e.
~ Sir Winston Churchill
3. Mo _ t f _ lks a _ e a _ out a _ h _ p_ y as th _ y mak _ u_ t _ eir mi _ ds to b _.
~ Abraham Lincoln
a life by what we give. 3.Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
1.You must be the change you wish to see in the world. 2.We make a living by what we get, we make
©2010 Umpqua Bank. All rights reserved.
Touchmark thanks the following advertisers for their support ...
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Terrace Lodge
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Dr. Peter M. Yonan DMD
625 NW Colorado Avenue, Bend, Oregon 97701
October 2011 | page 1
See next page for more
For great customer service call
Issue 4, 2013 | page 7
Touchmark thanks the following advertisers for their support ...
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Jeanne Turner, Principal Broker
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Karen 541-815-6919
Vicki 541-480-2990
19800 SW Touchmark Way • Bend, OR 97702
541-383-1414 • Touchmark.com
© 2011 Touchmark Living Centers, Inc., all rights reserved