August 2011 - I Speak Hindi
August 2011 - I Speak Hindi
qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqw ertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwert yuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopa August 2011 Lesson Guide sdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghj klzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklz xcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv bnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn mqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwe rtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuio pasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopas dfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg nathan Contents August 1, 2011 - {Suresh176} Items used at home ......................................................................... 2 August 2 - {Suresh 177}: Sentences ................................................................................................... 6 August 8 - [Suresh 178] Astrology :Vocabulary ............................................................................ 10 AUGUST 10 - [Suresh 179] Vocabulary ............................................................................................ 18 [Suresh 180] Where nest the golden birds on each branch ....................................................... 22 August 14 - {Suresh 181} Boy’s names in India ............................................................................ 25 August 16 - [Suresh 182] Girl’s names in India.............................................................................. 29 August 18 - [Suresh 183] Poem: Colour Festival of India- Holee .............................................. 32 August 20 - [Suresh 184] :Poem:The world is round. .................................................................. 36 August 22 -[Suresh 185] Poem: The train moved .......................................................................... 38 August 24 - [Suresh 186] Poem: Butterfly ....................................................................................... 40 August 26 - [Suresh 187] Poem: Cute Elephant............................................................................. 42 August 28 - [Suresh 188] Poem: PEACOCK ................................................................................... 45 August 30 - {Suresh 189}: Poem: Get Up Son ................................................................................ 48 August 1 - {Suresh176} Items used at home {Suresh176} Items used at home घर में उपयोग की जाने वाली चीजें (Ghar mein upyog ke jaanay walee cheejein) दे वनागरी/Devanagari transliteration/Translation/Glossary PS: Also refer to my lesson no.24 in this site. सीप (seep) Oyster शाही जीरा (shahee jeera) Caraway seeds शशमला शमचच (Shimala Mirch) Capsicum / Bell pepper तुरई (turai) Ridge gourd सेंधा नमक (sendha namak) Rock salt सोंठ (sonth) Dry ginger पोस्ता दाना (post daana) Poppy seeds पद ु ीना (pudinaa) Mint - reported to be good for indigestion बथुआ / पेठा (bathua/petha) Ash gourd कद्दू /कोहडा ( Kaddi/kohada : Different types of Gourd/pumpkin लौकी/दधू ध (laukee/dudhi) Bottle gourd मूढी/मुरमुरे (moodhee/murmurey) Puffed rice धचवडा/चूरा (Chiwda/choora) Flaked rice or beaten rice कुंु दरू (kundru) – Gherkins (a type of green vegetable ) धचरोंजी/ पपयाला/ चारोली (chironjee/Piyala/charolee) Cudpahnut कुकुरमुत्ता (kukurmutta) Mushroom चौली /अमरनाथ/चवलेरी (chaulee/amaranth/chavleree)Black/white eyed beans राजमा (raajma) Kidney beans काबुली चना (Kabulee chana) Chick peas सेम (sem) Beans खमीर (khameer) Yeast खोया /मावा ( Khoya/maava ) Dried whole milk/Thickened milk मुसब्बर (musbbar) Aloe नीम (neem) Margosa रें डी (erandee) Castor खसखस (khaskhas) Poppy खुमानी (khumanee) Apricot कमल ककडी (kamal kakadee) Lotus stem कलौंजी (kalaunjee) Nigella seeds जापवत्री (jaavitree) Mace जायफल (jaifal) Nutmeg हरा प्याज (hara pyaaz) Spring onion ग्वार फली (gwaar falee) Cluster beans साबूदाना (saboodana) Sago बाजरा (baajra) Millet जई (jayee) Oats जौ (jau) Barley मट्ठा (mattha) Whey अरबी (arbee) colocasia ओल (ol) Yam अजवाईन के फूल (ajwayeen ke phool )Thymol अजवाईन (ajwayeen) Oregano (Karunda) करौदा gooseberry हफी (harfee) Star gooseberry कुल्थी (kulthee) Horse gram DO YOU KNOW THIS IS EXCELLENT IF YOU CONSUME IN THE EVENT SUFFERING FROM STONES IN ANY PART OF BODY. मेंहदी/ हहना (Mehandee/ Henna ) Henna/ Hyrtle रागी/नाचनी (Ragee/nachnee)Elucine coracana अमचूर (amchoor) Mango powder बेल (bel) Stone-apple चकोतरा (chakotra) Grapefruit लीची (Litchee) (litchee) जामुन (jamun)Berry- violet in colour(Jambul/Java plum)- Excellent to consume if you are diabetic. खरबूजा (kharbooza) Mash-melon/ Muskmelon आलूबुखारा (aloobookhaara) Plum मौसुंबी (mausambee) Sweet lime बेर (ber) Zizyphus शतवर/शूतमल ू ी/ मुस्ली (shatwar/shootmoolee/musleeAsparagus मखनफल (makhanfal)Avocado/ butter fruit लोबबया (lobia) Cowpea फ्रेंच बीन्स (French beans) Flas beans भाुंग (bhang)Hemp करौदा (karaunda) Gooseberry धचधचुंदा (chichinda) Snake gourd घघया तुरई(ghiya turai) Calabash cucumber बलत ू / छोटा अखरोट (baloot/chhota akhrot )Chestnut धचलगोजा (chilgoza) Fibernut कत्था(Kattha) Catechu सलाद पत्ता / कसमी साग (salad paata/Kasmee saag) lettuce करडी/कुसुम्भा (karadee/Kusumbha) Safflower seeds पनीर (paneer) Cottage cheese फफटकरी (fitkaree) Alum S.Suresh Kumar An online Hindi tutor cum translator [email protected] 91 0 9840643690 August 2 - {Suresh 177}: Sentences Suresh 177}: Sentences ह द िं ी पाठ सिंख्या एक सौ सत्ततर (१७७ ) , Hindi Paath sankhya ek sau sattatar (177) Hindi lesson number one hundred and seventy seven वाक्य (vaaky) (Devanagari)/Transliteration/Translation यह मैदान ( ground ) घर के बबलकुल पास (near/close) है | (Yah maidaan ghar ke bilkul paas hai.) This ground is very close to the house. बहुत से बच्चे इस मैदान (ground) में खेल रहे है | (Bahut se bacchey is maidaan mein khel rahein hai. (many children are playing in the ground. कुछ बाशलकाएुं (girls) क्रीडा (sport) में व्यस्त है | (Kuchh balikaayen kreeda mein vyast hain.) Some girls are busy (involved) in sports. एक नटखट ( naughty) लडका दीवाल (wall) पर कुछ शलख रहा था | (Ek natkhat ladka deewaal par kuchh likh raha thai.) A naughty boy was writing something on the wall. मेरे पवचार (think) से उसे ऐसा नहीुं करना चाहहए था| (Merey vichaar se usey aisa nahin karma chahiye.) I think he should not have done like this. हम दरू दशचन (TV) पर घनशल् ु क (free) कायचक्रम (programme) दे खेंगे | (Ham doordarshan par nishulk kaaryakram dekheinge.) We will watch the free programme /show on Television. खजाुंची (cashier) बैंक में रुपयों -पैसों का हहसाब (account) रखता है | (Khajaanchee baink mein rupayon-paison ka hisaab rakhta hai.) The cashier keeps account of the money in bank. नलसाज (plumber) नल की मरम्मत (repair) कर जा चक ु ा है| (Nalsaaj nal kee marammat kar jaa chuka hai.) The plumber has gone after repairing the tap. मैने घडीसाज को मेरी घडी (watch) दी थी | Mainey ghadeesaaj ko meree ghadee dee thee.) I had given my watch to the watch mechanic. पनवाडी पान (betel) बेचता है | (Panwadee paan bechta hai.) The betel-seller sells the betel. वह एक चड ै (witch) है | ु ल (Vah ek chudaiyl hai.) She is a witch. मुझे उसके चुंगुल (clutch) से बचाओ| ( Mujhe uskay changul se bachaao.) Save me from her clutches. हमारा दे श( country ) कब (when) आजाद हुआ था ? (Hamaaraa desh kab aazaad hua tha.?) When was our country freed? मेरे चाचाजी (father’s brother=uncle) एक शशक्षक हैं जो हमें पाठशाला में भग ू ोल (geography) पढाते हैं | (Merey chachaajee ek shikshak hain, jo hamein paathshaala mein bhoogol padhaatey hain.) My uncle is a teacher , who teaches us geography in school. बढई अपने कायच में घनपुण or दक्ष (skilled) है | (Badhyee apney kaary mein nipun or daksh hai.) The carpenter is skilled in his work मैं जब घर आया (came) तब (then) मैने दे खा फक वहाुं कोई भी मौजूद ( or उपस्स्थत) नहीुं था | PS: Please pay attention to the use of Jab and tab in this sentence. (Main jab ghar aaya tab mainey dekha ki vahan koi bhee maujood or upasthit nahin tha.) When I came home, then I saw that nobody was present there . जैसे ही मैं घर पहुुंचा, भारी ( heavy ) बाररश(rain) शरू होने लगी| (Jaise hee main ghar pahunchaa, bharee baarish shuru honay lagee.) As soon as I reached home, it started raining heavily. मझ ु े नहीुं मालम ू था फक उसके पैर में मोच (sprain) है | (Mujhe nahin maaloom tha kie uskay paiyr mein moch hai.) I did not know that he has sprain in leg.) Quiz? 1. Synonym for उपस्स्थत , मालूम? 2. Fill in the blank. ___ अपने कायच में ___ है | Also please explain the meaning. 3. make an effort to answer to this question in Hindi. हमारा दे श कब आजाद हुआ था ? 4. Synonym for पास ? S.Suresh Kumar,An online Hindi tutor [email protected],Cell: 91 09840643690 August 8 - [Suresh 178] Astrology :Vocabulary [Suresh 178] Astrology :Vocabulary ज्योघतष, (Jyotish )Astrology Some of my favorite authors in these subjects are Ms. Linda Goodman, Mr. Jagjit Uppal, Mr. Bezaan Daruwala , Late Kero दे वनागरी/ Devanagari शलप्युंतरण (Lipyantaran) Transliteration अनुवाद (Anuwaad)Translation Some related vocabulary words: ज्योघतष शास्त्र (Jyotish shaastr) – Astrology राशश चक्र (Rashi chakra) zodiac: जन्म कुण्डली (Janm-kundalee) horoscope भपवष्यवाणी (Bhavishyavaanee) – predictions नक्षत्र (Nakshatra): constellations मास (maas) month शुभ (shubh) or मुंगल auspicious मुंगलमय (mangalmay) good luck अनुकूल (Anukool) favourable पवघ्न (vighn) disturbance स्पुंदन (spandan) vibration उपाय (oopaay) remedy अनक ु ू लता (anukoolata) compatibility रत्ती (rattee)- .59 metric carats. पूवप च द (purvpad) antecedent दोष (dosh) defect हाघनकर (haanikar) malefic खगोल – पवद्या (Khagol vidhya) astronomy अुंक ज्योघतष (ank jyotish) numerology लॉटरी (lottery) game of chance टै रो पत्ते (Taro Pattey) Tarot cards. पारा (Paara) Mercury पूर्णचमा Poornmia) full moon or शुक्ल पक्ष (shukl paksh) अमावस्य (Amaavasya) waning moon or कृष्ण पक्ष (Krishn paksh) वास्तु रे खा (Vaastu Rekha): talks about directions (हदशा) plot size ,, construction of house/rooms and it’s locations etc. राशश (rashi) zodiac 12 signs: for the Year 2011 1.मेष (Mesh): Aries- March 21-April 20, It represents adventure (साहस- saahas), , short lived fascination (अल्पकाशलक आकषचण,-alpkaalik aakarshan) , unpredictable (अप्रत्याशशत,-apratyashit) , unconventional (अपरुं परागत-apramparagat) , speaks fluently (धाराप्रवाह बोलना =dhaaraapravaah bolna), Change of house, depression, outspoken, lack of discipline, full of ideas, treats life a game Please set the Ruby gem in gold ring to be worn in ring finger of any hand.(will control quick in anger habit) 2. वष ृ भ (Vrishabh) Taurus: April 21,- May 20, साहूकार (sahookar Banker/moneylender , rigid stance(कठोर रुख-kathor rukh) , good listener (अच्छा श्रोता-acchha shrota) , nurse a grudge (कुढना-kudhna) would struggle , a change of location(may be overseas), frequent travel, good health, pay attention arthritis patients,), loyal , fine voice and observer, Set the sapphire(preferably white or blue( in gold and put in middle finger. If it does not suit in a months time replace sapphire with ruby on either hand.(for all round prosperity) 3. ममथन ु (Mithun) Gemini:- May 21-June 20 Conversationalist, Tension ( तनाव,-tanaav) , (बेचैन,-baichaiyn) , good speaker (अच्छा वक्ता,-acchha vakta) good health , humane, generous, highly imaginative, restless , quite popular, moody, flair for writing, stubborn & self centered Single diamond set in gold wring to be worn in little finger of either hand. –will be able to realize most of your dreams. 4. कककट (Karkat) – Cancer: June 21-July 21 :, Nurtureer (पोषणकताच-poshankarta) , fluctuation (अस्स्थरता –asthirata) of moods Excellent health, successful year , sincere and could be highly successful (Coral in gold ring to be put in little finger of either hand. 5. मसिं (Sinh): Leo: July 22-Aug. 21 नेता Neta (leader), live in glory (महहमा-mahimaa) of past or future utopia (स्वप्नलोक=swapnlok), Second half may not be good compared to first six months. flair, tall, long strides, happy to be by yourself, particular about own image, yellow sapphire in gold ring to be worn in index finger of either hand.. Also coral in ring finger of either hand. 6. कन्या (Kanya) Virgo: Aug 22, Sept. 21 व्यापारी (vyapaaree) :trader, spruce (सजाना –sajaanaa), tidy(सुथरा-suthara) home, will achieve goal by year end, auspicious occasion in family, jovial person, indecisive in choosing a profession, Emerald set in gold ring and wear in ring finger in either hand. 7. तुला (Tula) Libra: Sept22, Oct. 21 : भाग्यशाली (Bhaagyashaalee)= lucky , gentle voice (कोमल आवाज- komal awaaz) , slender(पतला=patla) , tall, good looking, soft , will travel lot and ambitious, Second half should be good, lucky Single blue sapphire set in gold ring to be worn in middle finger of either hand. If it does not suit in a months time, replace with coral and put in ring finger of either hand. 8. वश्ृ चिक (Vrishchik) Scorpio: Oct. 22, Nov. 21 र स्यवादी (Rahasyawadee) mystic dignified (सम्मानजनक,-sammanjanak), keen observer (पयकवेक्षक), unbiased opinion( घनष्पक्ष राय,-nishpaksh rai) , outspoken (मुखर-mukhar), original, highly imaginative (उच्च कल्पनाशील -Ucchh Kalpanasheel), a shift in job, location or studies), well built, A good quality Pearl set in gold ring to be worn in index or little finger of either hand. Besides, women can try single drop pearl in both ears. But only for career growth /financial security ruby will help you. 9. धनुष (Dhanush) Sagittarius : Nov. 22 – Dec. 20 उपदे शक (Updeshak) preacher, mental stress (मानशसक तनाव-maansik tanaav), optimistic (आशावादीaashaavadee) setting up in office, employed much in demand, bold, a little too blunt, self-reliance in careers , two occupations at a time , highly talented, Ruby set in gold ring in ring finger of either hand. In case of any problem, coral in gold ring, in ring finger of either hand to be worn. 10. मकर (Maker) Capricorn: Dec. 21-Jan.20 will get admin job, कोषाध्यक्ष (Koshadhyaksh); Financier, Highly ambitious (अत्यधधक महत्वाकाुंक्षी-atyadhik mahatvakaankshee) , aristocratic (कुलीनतुंत्रीय-kuleentantreey ), Keen (इच्छुक-icchuk), major changes in career, offer (प्रस्ताव-prastaav) from multinational for some, tall , loves to travel , suffers from complex , excel in studies, sports, serious outlook of life (early troubled childhood.), some of you may be charitable, a responsible family person, Diamond set in gold ring to be worn in little finger on either hand. 11.कुम्भ (Kumbh) Aquarius: Jan 20 -Feb. 21 : जन – हहतैषी(Jan-hitaishee) Philanthropist, Good for career, marriage , will have baby , deeply intelligent, voracious reader, A single diamond set in gold ring to be worn in little finger on either hand. 12. मीन (Meen) Pisces Feb.22-Mar. 20 कल्पना करनेवाला (Kalpana karneywala)- Dreamer refined in taste = सुरूधच –suruchi), highly sensitive= बेहद सुंवेदनशील(Behad samvedansheel), in education will do remarkably (उल्लेखनीय-ullekhneey) well, friendly & Lucky/ fortunate, Pearl in a gold ring to be worn in the index finger on either hand. The women can wear a single drop pearl in each ear. S.Suresh Kumar, An online Hindi tutor [email protected], Cell: 91 09840643690 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION नव ग्रह (NAV GRAH) nine plants: Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Shani, Sun, Rahu & Ketu 1. शघन (shani) Saturn-sun of Son God : साढे सात साल की शघन खतरनाक मानी जाती है |(Saadhey saat saal kee shani khatarnaak maanee jaatee hai.) . The seven and half years Saturn is considered dangerous 2. बह ृ स्पघत (Brihaspati)-God of learning ); Jupiter बह ृ स्पघत सभी तारामुंडल के बीच सबसे शस्क्तशाली है | (Brihaspati sabhee nakshatron mein sabsey adhik shaktiwalee hai ). Jupitar is the most powerful signs amongst all the constellations 3.शक्र ु (shukr) Venus-Guru of demons-Sukracharya : शक्र ु दौलत इकठ्ठा करने में मदद करता है|(Shukr daulat Ikattha karney mein madad karta hai.) Venus helps to raise wealth. 4.मुंगल(Mangal) Mars : इस ग्रह की शाुंघत के शलए चेष्टा करें | ( Is grah kee shanti key liye cheshta karein. ) Try for the peace of this constellation. 5.राहू(raahu) 6.केतु(ketu) : यह जीवन के चक्र के दौरान बाधा में लाता है |(Yah jeevan ke chakra ke dauraan baadhaa laata hai.): This brings impediment during the life cycle .Please note: Rahu (In Hindu mythology, Rahu is a snake that swallows the sun or the moon causing eclipses.) Ketu (In Vedic astrology, Ketu is the Moon’s South (descending) node.) legends have a different view from astrology. There was a demon who got his head chopped off by God Vishnu. He was trying to drink nectar. Lord Vishnu chopped off his neck so that the nectar could not go fully into his body. The head is called “Rahu” and the remaining body is called “Ketu”. 7. बध ु (Budh)-mercury 8. चन्र (Chandra) moon : अगर चुंरमा कमजोर है , तब यह आपके स्वास््य को प्रभापवत करे गा | ( Agar chandrama kamzor hai, tab yah aapkey swaasthy ko prabhaavit karenga.) If moon is weak, it would affect your health 9.. सूयच (Sury)- Sun), Added later: 10..अरुण(Arun) Uranus)-God of dawn 11.यम(Yam-god of death/hell) -प्लूटो(Pluto)12.वरुण(Varun)-neptune -Indian god of water, , रत्न ववज्ञान(ratn vigyaan) Gemology नवरत्न (Navratna) : Nine gems. are A) मार्णक(maanik) ruby(for Sun) B) मोती (motee ) pearl for moon C) मूुंगा(moonga)- coral( for Mars) D) पन्ना(Panna) Emerald(बुध(Budh) for mercury E) पख ु राज ,(pukhraaz); topaz,: or नीलम(neelam)/ पीला: Blue or yellow sapphire for jupitar. F) हीरा (heera) diamond – for Venus G) नीलम(neelam)-blue sapphire- for Saturn H) सुलेमानी पत्थर(sulemanee patthar) Agate/ Hessonite – for Rahu I) फ़िरोजा(Firoza):cat’s eye/ Lapis lazuli/ beryl – for Ketu Some more stones/Gems are; जुंबुमर्ण(jambumani)/ बबल्लौर(billaur) amethyst गोमेद(gomayed) Onyx दधू धया पत्थर(dudhiya patthar) opal 27 Nakshatras(constellations) :The above twelve months have following 27 Nakshatras(constellations) (अस्ववन (Ashwin), भरनी (Bharnee) , कृघतका (Kritika).,रोहहणी (Rohinee), मग ृ शशरा (Mrigshira), आरच (Ardra), पुनवचसु (Punarvasu) ,पष्ु य (Pushya), अवलेश (Ashlesh), माघ(Maag) , पव ू च फाल्गन ु ी (Purva Phalgunee , उत्तर फाल्गन ु ी (Uttar Phalgunee), हस्त(Hast) , चैत्र(Chaitr), स्वाघत(Swati),पवशाख(Vishaakh) ,अनुराधा (anuraadha) , ज्येष्ठ, (Jyeshth):, मूल (Mool) , पूवच आसाढ (Pur Aaasaadh),उत्तर आसाढ(Aaasaadh) , श्रवण (Shravan) , धघनष्ट (Dhanisht), शतशभषा (shatbhisha) , पूवभ च र,(purvabhadra) ,उत्तरभर(Uttarbhadra) & रे वती(Revatee) Month names:There are twelve months in Hindu lunar Calendar: 1. चैत्र, चैत ( Chaitr or chait) 2. वैशाख, बैसाख (Vaishākh/vaisaakh) 3. ज्येष्ठ/ जेठ(Jyaishtha/jeth) 4. आषाढ( Āshādha_ 5. श्रावण/ सावन) Shrāvan/Saawan 6. भारपद/भादो(Bhaadrapad or bhaado) 7. आस्ववन(Ashwin) 8. काघतचक (Kartik) 9. मागचशीषच/ अगहन(Maargsheesh/aghan) 10. पौष/ पस ू (Paush/poos) 11. माघ(Maagh) 12. फाल्गुन(Phalgun) Kindly also note the following:. . Yamakandam Not to do anyAuspicious task KuliganBest period/ auspicious work Sun 04.30pm – 6.00pm 12.00pm – 1.30pm 03.00pm – 04.30pm Mon 07.30am - 9.00am 10.30am – 12.00pm 01.30pm – 03.00pm Tue 03.00pm - 4.30pm 09.00am – 10.30am 12.00pm – 01.30pm Wed 12.00pm – 1.30pm 07.30am – 09.00am 10.30am – 12.00pm Thu 01.30pm – 3.00pm 06.00am – 07.30am 09.00am – 10.30am Rahukalm Not to do anyAuspicious task Fri 10.30am – 12.00pm 03.00pm – 04.30pm 07.30am – 09.00am Sat 09.00am – 10.30am 01.30pm – 03.00pm 06.00am – 07.30am Some addl. information: Some of the problematic Nakshatras are Ashlesha(if born in first quarter, death of mother-in law), Vishakha(IInd quarter – death to married partner’s younger brother), Jyeshta ( if born in first quarter, death of partner’s elder brother), and Moola(if born in first quarter, may indicate early death of father-in-law).; AUGUST 10 - [Suresh 179] Vocabulary [Suresh 179] Vocabulary शब्दावली (shabdawalee) दे वनागरी (Devanagari) शलप्युंतरण (Lipyantaran) Transliteration अनुवाद (Anuwaad) Translation शब्दावली (shabdawalee) vocabulary अजीणच (ajeern) indigestion अज्ञात (agyaat) unknown अतएव (atev)- therefore(that is why) अत्युंत (atyant) extremely अधूरा (adhoora) incomplete अनुंत (anant) infinite/endless के अनुरूप (kay anuroop) in conformity with अन्यान्य (anyanya) various/other अपेक्षा (apeksha) expectation उपेक्षा (Upeksha) neglect अप्रासुंधगक (apraasangik) irrelevant अभागा (ahaaga) unlucky अप्रचशलत (aprachlit) obsolete अमुक (amuk) so and so/certain one असर (asar) influence/effect आदाब (aadaab) salutation अजी (arjee) application/petition मजी (marjee) will आधधपत्य (aadhipatya) supremacy/lordship/ subjugation आसरा (aasara) shelter इजहार (ijhaar) express इवक (ishk) love नालायक (naalaayak) unworthy घनकम्मा (nikamma) unusable/useless कमबख्त (kambakht) damned उगलना (ugalana) disgorge अवनघत (avnati) decline उपाजचन (upaarjan) acquisition उल्टा- सीधा (ulta-seedha) haphazardly उल्टा पुल्टा (Ulta=pulta) topsy-turvy/upside-down उस्ताद (Ustaad) master ओसारा (Osaaraa) porch/shed/penthouse कदापप (kadapi) absolutely कदाधचत (kadachit) seemingly कली (kalee) bud कलुपषत (kalushit) foul/impure कसैला (kasaila) astringent/styptic कसौटी (kasautee) criterion/test कायदा (kaayda) rules/customs फकन्तु (Kintu) but कुटुुंब गह ृ स्थी (kutumb) family (grihasthee) household कैफफयत (Kiafiyat) giving account/statement कोस (kos) about two miles or to curse क्षुब्ध (kshubdh) disturbed/annoyed/angry केशल (kayli) sport कृघत (kriti) art/literature/work खटराग (khatraag) discord/wrangling खडडया (khadiya) chalk गतागत (gatagat) coming and going गद्य (gadhy) prose गोष्ठी (goshtee ) forum/assembly ग्लाघन (glani) remorse/repentance घघनष्ट (ghanisht) intimate घुसेडना (ghusedna) shove/intrude/to foist upon/cram चुंडी (Chandee ) Goddess Kalee चमन (chaman) small garden चारपाई (charpai) low wooden string based cot/bedstead चीुंटी (cheentee ) ant चौथाई (chauthai) one fourth छाुंह ( Chhanh) shade जपना (japna) to chant जाहहर (jaahir) obviously स्जल्द (zild) cover स्जह्वा (jibha) tongue ज्योघतष (jyotish) astrology टहोका (Tahoka) a blow झझ ुुं लाना (jhunjhlana) to fume हठकाना (thikaana) whereabouts तुक (tuk) rhyme तख्तपोश (takhtposh) low wooden seat/bed with cloth covering तख्ती (takhtee) children’s writing board तघनक (tanik) little तगमा (tagma) medal ताडना (taadna) to perceive RECOMMENDATIONS: There are some useful, may be new words for you, replay audio in order to have better understanding of the pronunciation. You can always write to me([email protected]) with regard to queries on any word. Thank you. S.Suresh Kumar An online Hindi tutor [email protected] Cell: 91 09840643690 [Suresh 180] Where nest the golden birds on each branch [Suresh 180] Where nest the golden birds on each branch ज ााँ डाल डाल पर सोने की चिड़ियााँ करती ैं बसेरा (Jahan daal daa par sonay kee chidiyan kartee hain basera ) PS: Please see the link to listen to this wonderful patriotic song.(Bollywood Movie: Sikandar E Azam (1965) दे वनागरी/Devanagari शलप्युंतरण (Lipyantaran) Transliteration अनुवाद (Anuwaad)Translation जहाुं , डाल- डाल (branch-2) पर सोने की धचडड यााँ (birds) करती हैं बसेरा (nest), (Jahaan ,Daal-Daal par sone kii chidiyaan karatee hain baseraa) Where ,nest (reside) the golden birds on each branch) वो भारत दे श है मेरा| (Vo Bharat desh hai meraa) That country India is mine . जहाुं सत्य , अहहुंसा (non-violence) और धमच का पग –पग (foot-step) लगता डेरा (camp) , (Jahaan satya, ahinsaa aur dharm kaa pag-pag lagataa Dera,) Where the truth, non-violence and religion camp is at every foot step. वो भारत दे श है मेरा| (Vo Bhaarat desh hai meraa) That country India is mine. ये धरती वो जहाुं ऋपष मुघन (saints-hermits) जपते (chant) प्रभु (Lord) नाम की माला , (Ye dharatee vo jahaan rishi munijapate prabhu naam ki maala,) The land where the holy monks/saints/hermits/sages recite Lord’s Name’s garland(Have you seen the garland with like 108 beads, devottes chant god’s name) जहाुं हर बालक (male child) एक मोहन (Lord Krishna’s another name) है और राधा हर एक बाला (female child) , (Jahaan har baalak ek Mohan hai aur Radha har ek baalaa,) Where every male child is Krishna (i.e.Mohan) and every female child is Radha , जहाुं सूरज सबसे पहले आकर डाले अपना फेरा (round) , (Jahaan suraj sabasey pahaley aakar Daaley apanaa pheraa,) Where sun casts its first round वो भारत दे श है मेरा (Vo bhaarat desh hai meraa) That country India is mine. अलबेलों की इस धरती के त्योहार (festivals) भी हैं अलबेले , (Alabelon kee is dharatee key tyohaar bhee hain alabeley.) The Earth of Happy go lucky (jubilant) people have joyous festivals. कहीुं दीवाली की जगमग (illumination) है ,कहीुं हैं होली के मेले (fair) (Kaheen deevaalee ki jagmag hai ,kaheen hain holee key meley) The illumination is there of Deewalee somewhere and the fair of Holee is elsewhere. जहाुं राग (melody) रुं ग (colour) और हाँसी (laughter) खुशी(joy) का चारो ओर है घेरा (surround) , (Jahaan raag rang aur hansee khushee kaa chaaro or hai gheraa.) Where all the four sides are surrounded with melody, colour , laughter and joy . वो भारत दे श है मेरा| (Vo bhaarat desh hai meraa) That country India is mine. जहाुं आसमान (sky) से बातें करते मुंहदर (temples) और शशवाले (Shiva shrines) | (Jahaan aasamaan se baatey karatey mandir aur shivaaley.) Where the temples and Shiva shrines are the skyscrapers(talking to the sky.) जहाुं फकसी नगर (town) में फकसी द्वार (door) पर कोई न ताला (lock) डाले | (Jahaan kisi nagar me kisi dwaar par koi na taalaa Daaley.) Where no body puts the lock at the door in any town/city.(शहर-shahar) प्रेम(love) की बुंसी (flute) जहाुं बजाता है ये शाम (evening) सवेरा (morning)| (Prem ki bansee jahaan bajaataa hai ye shaam saveraa.) Where the flute of love is played in the evening and in the morning, वो भारत दे श है मेरा| Vo bhaarat desh hai meraa. That country India is mine. August 14 - {Suresh 181} Boy’s names in India Suresh 181] The boy’s names in India भारत में लडकों के नाम = (Bharat Mein ladkon ke naam ) The boy’s names in India Ps; IN CONTINUATION TO MY LESSON NO.56 IN THIS SITE. दे वनागरी/Devanagari शलप्युंतरण (Lipyantaran) Transliteration अनव ु ाद (Anuwaad) Translation आशसम (Aasim) Protector आघतश (Aatish) Fireworks,name of lord Ganesh अभीक (Abheek) Fearless अशभनीत (Abhineet) Perfect अशभराज (Abhiraaj) Fearless king अभ्युदय (Abhyuday) Luck आहदनाथ (Aadinaath) Lord Vishnu अहदत (Adit) First born अद्वैत (Advait) Focused अस्जताभ (Ajitaabh) Victor अखुंड (Akhand) Calm अर्खल (Akhil) Complete अमलेंद ु (Amlendu) Pure like moon अमोघ (amogh) Lord Ganesh अनल (Anal)fire अुंगद (Angad)Powerful अुंगज (Angaj)Son अघनकेत (Aniket) Lord of the world अमरीश (Amreesh) Lord Indra अघनल (Anil)God of wind अघनरुद्ध (Aniruddh) Boundless/lord Vishnu अघनमेष (Animesh) Bright अघनवाचण (Anirvaan) Undying अुंशुल (Anshul) Sunny आशुतोष (Aashutosh) Name of Lord Shiva अवनीश (Avaneesh) God of the earth बटुक (Batuk) Boy भागचव (Bhaargav) Lord Shiva भूपेंर (Bhupendra) Emperor भुवनेश (Bhuvanesh) Lord Vishnu बिजेश (Brijesh)Lord Krishna चहल (Chahal) Cheer चाणक्य (Chanakya) bright धचन्मय (Chainmay) Supreme consciousness; Name of Lord Ganesha दे वपषच (Devrishi) Another name for Naarada धनञ्जय (Dhanajay) Arjuna धीमुंत (Dheemant) Intelligent हदलीप(Dileep) Protector दीपेंद ु (Deependu) Moon हदपवज (Divij) One who has appeared from heaven दल ु ाल (Dulaal) Loved one दष्ु युंत (Dushyant) Destroyer of evil एकदुं त (Ekdant) Lord Ganesh हरे न्र (Harendra) Lord Shiva हहमाुंशु (Himanshu) Moon हृपषकेश (Hrishikesh) Lord Vishnu जसवुंत (jaswant) Victorious कपपल (Kapil) Sage/sun करतार (Kartaar) lord of creation केतन (Ketan) Pure gold फकन्नर (Kinner) Singing gods in heaven कुंु तल (Kuntal) Rice कुश (Kush) Sacred grass महहपाल (Mahipal) Lord Krishna मनोज (Manoj) Mental love मयुंक (Mayank) Moon महुं त (Mahant) Great मेहुल (Mehul) rain शमथुन (Mithun) Pair मण ृ ाल (Mrinaal) lotus मुकुल (mukul) soul नकुल (Nakul) Lord Shiva नाथन (Nathan) Lord Krishna नवनीत (Navneet) Fresh butter Quiz? 1.Synonym for मण ृ ाल in Hindi? 2. Three synonym words for हहमाुंशु in Hindi? 3. Synonyms for आघतश in Hindi? 4. Synonym for मेहुल in Hindi ? S.Suresh Kumar An online Hindi tutor [email protected] Cell: 91 09840643690 August 16 - [Suresh 182] Girl’s names in India [Suresh 182] Girl’s names in India भारत में भारत में लडफकयों के नाम = (Bharat mein ladkiyon ke naam) girl’s names in India PS; In continuation to my lesson no..57 in दे वनागरी (Devanagari) शलप्युंतरण (Lipyantaran) Transliteration Sl. Devanagari (transliteration) 1. उपमा ( Upma) the best translation 2.उममकला ( Urmeela) enchantress – Urmila was Ram’s brother( lakshmana)’s wife, a nice woman who sacrificed her 14 years of life for the sake of her husband who had to go on exile in support of his brother, Lord Rama. 3.उषा ( Usha ) dawn 4. सुनिंदा ( Sunanda) sweet character 5. .मेधा( Medha) goddess Saraswati/ wisdom/ intellect 6. अल्पना (Alpana )beautiful 7.सरोश्जनी ( Sarojinee) in the lotus 8.सववता ( Savita ) sun 9.साववत्री( Saavitree) mother 10..सुविया ( Supriya) well-loved)/full moon 11. ररवि (Riddhi) fortunate 12 ज्योत्सना ( Jyotsana ) moon light 13. वननता (Vanita ) graceful lady 14.नीना( Neena) beautiful eyes 15. लीना ( Leena) a devoted one/ tender 16. काममनी ( Kaminee) beautiful woman 17. अनीता (Anita) full of grace 18.रे वती (Revatee) prosperity also, name of one of 27 Indian star’s (नक्षत्र – i.e Nakshatra =constellation ) name 19. याममनी ( Yaminee) nocturnal 20.सुरमभ ( Surabhi ) beauty 21.तनुश्री/ तन्वी ( Tanushree/ Tanvee) beautiful 22.तष ृ ा ( Trisha ) wish / desire 23..ररया (Rhea/ Ria) singer 24.मद ु ा (Mridula) an ideal woman ृ ल 25. नुपूर (Nupoor) anklet 26.रजनी (Rajnee) night 27.नममता ( Namita) humble 28.भूममका (Bhumika) earth 29. िैताली (Chaitalee) a season( born in the Chaitra month) 30. निंहदता (Nandita) cheer 31. पल्लवी ( Pallavee ) bud also called कली (kalee ) in Hindi 32.नमलनी (Nalini) lotus/ sweet nectar 33. शीतल ( Sheetal ) cool 34. आहिका (Aadrika) mountain 35. आम्रपाली (Aamrapaalee) leave of mango tree 36. अमोहदनी (Amodinee) joyful 37. आरो ी (Aarohee) tune/climber 38. आमशयाना (aashiyaana) beautiful home/nest 39. आत्मजा (Aaatmaja) daughter 40. अब्जा (Abja) born in water 41. भागीरथी (bhageerathee) The Ganges 42. अमला (Amla) pure 43. अम्बामलका (Ambalika) mother/who is sensitive 44. अशोका (Ashoka) without grief 45. वैदे ी (vaidehee) Sita(Lord Rama’s wife name) 46. बेनजीर (Benazeer) incomparable 47. बबपाशा (Bipaashaa) river 48. दे वकन्या (Devkanya) celestial maiden 49. इिंदज ु ा (Induja) Narmada river Quiz? 1. Synonym for वैदे ी ? 2. Synonym for भागीरथी ? 3. Synonym for रजनी ? 4. Who was उममकला ? Please respond in Hindi. S.Suresh Kumar An online Hindi tutor [email protected] Cell: 91 09840643690 August 18 - [Suresh 183] Poem: Colour Festival of IndiaHolee [Suresh 183] Poem: Colour Festival of India – Holee कपवता : भारत का रिं गीन India(Kavita) त्यो ार ोली( Kavita: Bharat ka rangeen tyohaar-Holee)- Poem :Colour festival of INTRODUCTION: Please be informed Holee is a colour festival of India which is celebrated during February/March in the phagun month . In the morning people sprinkle/splash coloured water on each other. They smear colour paste on your face, clothes, body etc. In the afternoon those who enjoyed playing holee need to take great pain in removing those stains from face/body etc. In the evening Gulal (Abeer)-colour powder is used on face of friends, guests, visitors and passers- by etc. On this day once a year, evening enemy gets chance to become friends again. People invite each other to their homes and have sweets (Sweet pancake etc.). This day Holi is celebrated when it is considered that evil is warded off/removed. A day before Holika Dahan is celebrated. She was the sister of Hiranyakashyapu who wanted to kill Prahlaad, devotee of Lord Vishnu but Holika dies of burns. Hiranyakashyapu is killed by Lord Vishnu who takes incarnation as Narsinghavtaar. Please read the lesson No.28 for the story of Prahlaad in detail I am pleased to share with you a small poem on Holee festival of India. रुं गों का है त्योहार होली , (Rangon ka hai tyohaar holee.) Holee is the festival of colours, फागुन का शसुंगार, (Phaagun ka singaar), The make up / beautification of Phaagun, झम ू ें नाचें मस्ती काटें , (Joomein, Naachian, mastee kaatein.) Spend time in frolicking, dancing and having fun, डाल गले बाहों के हार, (Daal galay baahon kay haar.) Put the garland/necklace of arms around the neck. कैसे मजे की होली आई? (Kaise majay kee holee aayee.) How interesting Holee came,?(with full of fun) चारों ओर खश ु ी है छाई , (Charon oar khushee hai chhayee,) (Happiness is spread around all four sides नाचें ,गायें,कूदें ,भाई , (Naachein, gaayein, koodein, bhayee) Dance, sing, jump, brother, सबके हदल में खश ु ी समाई | (Sabkay dil mein khushee samayee.) Everyone’s heart is filled with joy. शब्दावली(Shabdawalee) Vocabulary त्योहार (tyohaar): festival फागुन (phaagun) a month comes in Feb./March शसुंगार: (singaar) beautification , also called: श्रुंग ृ ार(shringaar)/ornamentation झम ू ें ( Jhumein) frolic मस्ती (mastee) fun डाल (daal) put गले (galey) neck बाहों (banhon) arms हार (haar) necklace/garland In other context, also known as defeat चारों ओर (charon ore) all four sides खुशी (Khushee) happiness/pleasure छाई (chayee) spread गायें (Gaayein) sing कूदें (Koodein) jump हदल (dil) heart समाई (samayee) filled Quiz? 1. Synonym for खुशी ? 2. Complete this word _गीन like रिं गीन by inserting another letter and explain the meaning. 3. मन खुशी से झम ू रहा है | Explain the meaning of this sentence. 4. कपवता शलखने वाले को क्या कहते हैं ? Please answer in Hindi. S.Suresh Kumar An online Hindi tutor [email protected] Cell: 91 09840643690 August 20 - [Suresh 184] :Poem:The world is round. [Suresh 184] :Poem:The world is round. कववता (Kavita) :दनु नया गोल चुंदा(moon) मामा (maternal uncle) गोल है | ै | (Duniya goal hai.) The world is round. चााँद (Chaand) or चुंरमा (chandrama )also means moon. (Chanda mama goal hai.) The moon uncle (maternal) is round. दीदी (elder sister) की बबुंदी गोल है | (Deedee kee bindee goal hai.) The elder sister’s bindi (small dot. placed or sticker pasted on forehead of Hindu girl/woman) is round. भैया (brother) का गें द (ball) गोल (round) है | (Bhaiyya ka gend goal hai.) Brother’s ball is round. मााँ की रोटी (bread ) गोल है | (Maa kee rotee goal hai.) Mother’s chapatee/bread is round. बाबूजी (father) के पैसे (coins) गोल हैं | (Baboojee key paise goal hain. ) Father’s coins are round. दादाजी (grandfather) के चवमें (goggles) गोल है | (Dadajee kay chashmein goal hain.) Grand -father’s goggles are round. साईफकल का पहहया (wheel) गोल है | (Cycle ka pahiya goal hai.) The cycle’s wheel is round. नानीजी (maternal grand mother) के बनाये लड्डू (sweet balls) गोल हैं | (Naneejee ke banaaye laddu goal hain. (The sweet balls made by granny are round.) ये (These) अमरुद (Guava) गोल हैं | (Ye amrood goal hain.) These guavas are round. सारी (entire) दघु नया (world) गोल है | Also सुंसार(sansaar) or पववव (vishv) means world Saree duniya goal hai. The entire world is round. Quiz? 1. Three synonym words for चााँद 2. साईफकल पहहया का साईफकल गोल है | Is this sentence correct? 3. Synonym for चवमा 4. Synonym for भैया August 22 -[Suresh 185] Poem: The train moved [Suresh 185] Poem: The train moved कववता (Kavita): रे ल िली | (Rail chalee ) The train moved दे वनागरी (Devanagari) शलप्युंतरण (Lipyantaran) Transliteration अनुवाद (Anuwaad)Translation रे ल (train) चली (moved) , भाई (brother) ,रे ल चली ,-2 (Rail chalee bhayee rail chalee,) Train moved ,brother, train moved, छुक (Chug..) छुक छुक छुक रे ल चली,-2 (Chhuk chhuk chhuk chhuk rail chalee,) The train moved chugging. लगता इसमें हटफकट नहीुं पर ,-2 (Lagata ismein tikit nahin par,) No ticket is needed at this,( toy train) जाती (goes) शहर (city) और गली- गली(streets/lanes)-2 (Jaatee shahar aur galee galee,) Goes to the cities and street after street, जल्दी जल्दी (quickly) बैठो (sit)भाई (brother) -2 (Jaldee Jaldee baithon bhayee,) Sit quickly brother, कभी नहीुं (Never) है दे र (late) भली ,-2 (Kabhee nahin hai deyr bhalee,) Better , is never late. Quiz? 1. Synonym for जल्दी जल्दी ? 2. Synonym for भाई ? 3. Synonym for दे र ? 4. शहर means city, what do you call नगर S.Suresh Kumar An online Hindi tutor [email protected] Cell: 91 09840643690 and make a sentence with this word. August 24 - [Suresh 186] Poem: Butterfly [Suresh 186] Poem: Butterfly कववता (kavita) नततली (Titalee ) Butterfly दे वनागरी (Devanagari – name of the Hindi script) शलप्युंतरण (Lipyantaran) Transliteration अनुवाद (Anuwaad) Translation घततली (Butter-fly) रानी, इतने (such) सुन्दर (beautiful) पुंख (wings) कहााँ (where) से लाई हो ( have brought)? (Titalee ranee itnay sundar pankh kahan se laayee ho?) Queen Butterfly, where from have you brought such a beautiful wings? क्या तुम कोई शहजादी (princess) हो , जो परी (fairy/angel ) लोक (world) से आई हो | ? (Kya tum koyee shahjaadee ho, jo paree lok sey aayee ho?) Are you a princess, who has come from a fairy world? पुंख(wings) अगर (if) शमलते (would have got) घततली के, दरू दरू (far off) उड (fly) जाती मैं. (Pankh agar miltay titalee ke ,duur duur ood jaatee main.) If I would have got the butterfly wings, I would have gone away (pretty far) flying. फूल (flower) फूल और कली (bud) कली पर ,उडती (fly) और मुंडराती ( to hover) मैं | (Phool Phool aur kalee kalee par,oodtee aur mandaraatee main.) I would have been flying around and hovering from flower to flower and bud to bud. QUIZ? 1.Please confirm if, these sentiences are correct and also indicate the meaning. हवाई जहाज आसमान में मुंडरा रहा है | भौंरा मुंडराता है | 2. Antonyms for शहजादी 3.पुंख एवुं पुंखा में अुंतर क्या है ? अुंग्रेजी में उत्तर दें | 4. अगर ,like this, complete these blanks with a _गर S.Suresh Kumar An online Hindi tutor [email protected] Cell: 91 09840643690 different letter each _गर, August 26 - [Suresh 187] Poem: Cute Elephant ह द िं ी पाठ सिंख्या एक सौ सत्तासी १८७ (Hindi path sankhya ek sau sattaasee 187) Hindi lesson no. one hundred and eighty seen. कपवता (kavita) – poem प्यारा हाथी (pyaara haathee) – cute elephant Learning vocabulary is a key part of learning any language. Learn a few words each day and in a few weeks you will know hundreds of words. Try out the Master 4 Hindi Words a Day tool. See how your progress compares to other learners on the site. Check out the Top 10 Learners List. दे वनागरी (Devanagari) शलप्युंतरण (Lipyantaran) Transliteration अनव ु ाद (Anuwaad) Translation अत्युंत (Extremely) प्यारा (cute) है यह हाथी | (Atyant pyaara hai yah haathee.) This is an extremely cute elephant सबका राज दल ु ारा (darling) है यह हाथी | (Sabkaa raaj dulaara hai yah haathee. ) This elephant is cherished by (most darling to) all. जब पानी (water) में जाता (goes) हाथी| (Jab panee mien jaata haathee) When Elephant goes in water, भर भर सूुंड (trunk) नहाता (takes bath) हाथी | (Bhar bhar soond nahaata haathee.) The elephants takes bath, filling the trunk ,repeatedly अनधगनत (countless) केले खाता (eats) हाथी | (Anginat kelay khaata haathee.) The elephant eats countless bananas. यह तो नहीुं बताता (tells) हाथी| (Yah to nahin bataata haathee.) The elephant does not tell this. अघत बपु द्धमान (wise) है यह हाथी | (Ati buddhimaan hai yah haathee.) This elephant is very wise. सबको बनाता (makes) है अपना (own) साथी (friend)| (Sabko banaata hai apnaa sathee.) Elephant makes all his (own) friend. शसफच महावत की बात सन ु ता है हाथी| (Sirf Mahavat kee baat sunata hai haathee.) The elephant listens only to the Mahout. अपने दवु मन (enemy) को कभी नहीुं (never) भूलता (forgets) हाथी | (Apney dushman ko kabhee nahin bhoolta haathee.) Elephant never forgets his (own) enemy. अत्युंत प्यारा है यह हाथी | (Atyant pyaara hai yah hathee) This is an extremely cute elephant सबकी आाँखों का तारा (star – here it means dearest) है यह हाथी| (Sabkee aankhon ka taara hai yah haathee ) The elephant is an apple of eyes to all.. Quiz? 1. What do you call a she-elephant. 2. Synonym for हाथी and पानी 3. Two synonym words for दवु मन ? and friend in Hindi ? 4. Two Synonym words for अनधगनत ? S.Suresh Kumar An online Hindi tutor [email protected] Cell: 91 09840643690 August 28 - [Suresh 188] Poem: PEACOCK CC - Chester Zoo Here are two poems that will give you practice with Hindi. The first one is the Peacock. (Do you know how to say peacock in Hindi?) Peacock’s dance pleases everyone, whenever he spreads his feathers. He makes noise of coo coo, and moving around, shows the dance, He is very courageous, never afraid of and fights fiercely against the snake. He is considered as the vehicle of Lord Kartick (Lord Shiva’s son) and he is also called the national bird of India. दे वनागरी (Devanagari) शलप्युंतरण (Lipyantaran) Transliteration अनुवाद (Anuwaad) Translation नाच (dance) मोर (peacock) का है सबको भाता (pleases) , जब- जब वह उसके पुंखों (feathers) को है फैलाता (spreads)| (Naach mor ka hai sabko bhaata, Jab- jab vah uskay pankhon ko hai failaata .) Peacock’s dance pleases everyone, whenever he spreads his feathers. फकहुुं फकहुुं का है वह शोर (noise) मचाता और घूम घूम (moves round) कर है नाच (dance) हदखाता (shows)| (Kihun kihun ka hai vah shor machaata, ghoom ghoom kar hai naach dikhaata.) He makes noise of coo coo, and moving around, shows (demonstrates) the dance, साुंप के पवरुद्ध (against) है ,वह डरता (afraid)| जमकर टक्कर लेता (fights fiercely) , और बहुत हहम्मतवाला (courageous) है ,कभी न (Saanp ke viruddh hai vah jamkar takkar leta, aur bahut himmatwaala hai , kabhee na darta,) He is very courageous, never afraid of and fights fiercely against the snake. उसे प्रभु (lord) काघतचक (Lord Shiva & Parvathi’s son or Ganesha’s brother) के वाहन (vehicle) के रूप में, है माना (considered) जाता , और भारत का राष्रीय (national) पक्षी (bird) भी है , कहलाता (called)| (Usey prabhu Kartick ke vaahan ke roop mein, hai jaana jaata ,aur Bharat ka raashtriya pakshee bhee hai kahlaata.) He is considered as the vehicle of Lord Kartick (Lord Shiva’s son) and he is also called the national bird of India. Another poem: water in well कुएुं (well) में पानी , मााँ मेरी रानी ,=2 (Kuein mein panee, maa meree ranee.) Water in well, my mother is queen, बाबूजी (father) मेरे राजा, फल खाए ताजा (fresh)=2 (Baboojee merey raja, fal khaye taaza ) My father is the king, eats fresh fruits. चाुंदी (silver) की सीहढयाुं (ladders) , और है सोने (gold) का दरवाजा (door)=2 ( Chandee kee seedhiyan, aur sonay ka darwaaza.) ( Ladders are of silver and door is of gold.) वहाुं से घनकला (came out) , भय्या मेरा राजा (Usmein se nikala, Bhaiyya mera Raja.) (From there, my King, brother came out) Quiz? 1. Antonym for राजा 2. मैं सोना चाहता हूाँ | Please write two meanings for this sentence. 3. Antonym for पवरुद्ध word in Hindi and then make a sentence using that word. 4. Synonym for नाच and मोर ? S.Suresh Kumar An online Hindi tutor [email protected] Cell: 91 09840643690 August 30 - {Suresh 189}: Poem: Get Up Son CC - Bluelemur Good morning folks! Suresh has a poem about a son getting up in the morning. Here is the translation in English to give an idea of what you will learn: Get up son. Now open your eyes. I have brought water. Wash up mouth. Sun rose. Birds spoke. Buds have also opened eyes. Reddishness spread in the sky. Pleasant wind blew. Do not lose such a beautiful time, do not sleep now,my dear. उठो (wake up) लाल (son) अब (now) अपनी आाँखें (eyes) खोलो (open), मैं पानी लाई हूाँ (brought) मुंह (mouth) धोलो (wash) | ु (Utho laal ab apnee aankhein kholo, main panee layee huun ,munh dhowlo.) Get up (wake up) son, now open your eyes , I have brought water, wash up mouth. सूरज (sun) घनकला (rose), धचडडयााँ (birds) बोलीुं (spoke) ,कशलयों (buds) ने भी आाँखें (eyes) खोलीुं | (Sooraj nikala chidiyan boleen, kaliyon ney bhee aankhey kholeen.) Sun rose, birds spoke, buds have also opened eyes. आसमान (sky) में छायी (spread) लाली (reddishness) , हवा(wind) बही (blew) सुख (pleasant) दे ने वाली| (Aasmaan mein chaayee laalee, hava bahee sukh danay waalee.) Reddishness spread in the sky, pleasant wind (air) blew. इतना सन् ु दर (beautiful) समय (time) न खोओ (lose), मेरे प्यारे (my dear) अब (now) मत (do not) सोओ (sleep) | (Itana sundar samay na kho-owe, mayray pyaarey ab mat so.-owe.) Do not lose such a beautiful time, do not sleep now,my dear. Task:Please write a 4 lines poem in Hindi in the similar manner and explain the meaning. Quiz? 1. Synonym for समय ? 2. Three synonym words for सूरज ? 3. Three synonym words for आसमान ? 4. Why मैं पानी लाई हूाँ ? is used, explain, in reference to the above poem? 5. Singular for धचडडयााँ ? 6. Three synonym words for पानी ? S.Suresh Kumar An online Hindi tutor
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