AUBURN HILLS MEETING SCHEDULE 248-370-9402 MARCH 2011 (3-17-11) 21 City Council, 7:00 p.m., Council Chamber 22 Library Board, 4:00 p.m., Library Conference Room 23 Beautification Advisory Commission, 6:00 p.m., Admin Conference Room 29 Planning Commission, 7:00 p.m., Council Chamber APRIL 2011 04 City Council, 7:00 p.m., Council Chamber 05 Planning Commission, 7:00 p.m., Council Chamber (Planning Study or Squirrel P.H) 11 Tax Abatement Review Committee, 5:00 p.m., Admin Conference Room 12 Tax Increment Finance Authority, 4:00 p.m., Admin Conference Room 14 Zoning Board of Appeals, 7:00 p.m., Council Chamber CANCELED 18 City Council, 7:00 p.m., Council Chamber 20 Planning Commission, 7:00 or 6:00, Council Chamber (Planning Study or Squirrel P.H) 26 Library Board, 4:00 p.m., Library Conference Room 26 Planning Commission, 7:00 p.m., Council Chamber 27 Beautification Advisory Commission, 6:00 p.m., Admin Conference Room City Council Chamber – 1827 N. Squirrel Road Administrative Conference Room – 1827 N. Squirrel Road Public Safety Building – 1899 N. Squirrel Road Community Center – 1827 N. Squirrel Road Department of Public Services (DPS) – 1500 Brown Road Fieldstone Golf Course - 1984 Taylor Road Library - 3400 Seyburn Drive Downtown City Offices – 3395 Auburn Road, Suite A The City of Auburn Hills Regular City Council Meeting Monday, March 21, 2011 * 7:00 p.m. AGENDA Council Chamber 1827 N. Squirrel Road Auburn Hills MI 248-370-9402 1. 2. 3. 4. 4a. 4b. 4c 4d MEETING CALLED TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meeting – March 7, 2011 Executive Session – February 7, 2011 Executive Session – February 21, 2011 Executive Session – March 7, 2011 5. 5a. 5b. 6. 7. APPOINTMENTS & PRESENTATIONS Appointment – Stan Torres to Public Safety Advisory Committee Presentation - Michigan Concrete Association's Michigan Awards of Excellence – Squirrel Road Rehab PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. 7a. Board & Commission Minutes 7a.1. Beautification Advisory Commission – February 23, 2011 7a.2. Planning Commission – March 1, 2011 7a.3. Tax Increment Finance Authority – March 8, 2011 7a.4. Planning Commission – March 15, 2011 8. OLD BUSINESS 8a. Public Hearing/Motion – Renewal of 2011 Liquor Licenses 8b. Public Hearing/Motion – Renewal of 2011 Public Recreation Hall Licenses 8c. Rescind Resolution 11.03.050 - Alternative Energy Personal Property Exemption/United Solar Ovonic, LLC 8d. Forester Square SAD 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. COMMENTS AND MOTIONS FROM COUNCIL CITY ATTORNEY’S REPORT CITY MANAGER’S REPORT EXECUTIVE SESSION – City Attorney Opinion ADJOURNMENT City Council meeting minutes are on file in the City Clerk’s office.¾ NOTE: Anyone planning to attend the meeting who has need of special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is asked to contact the City Clerk's Office at 370-9402 or the City Manager's Office at 370-9440 48 hours prior to the meeting. Staff will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements. The City of Auburn Hills City Council Meeting Minutes CALL TO ORDER: LOCATION: Present: Absent: Also Present: March 7, 2011 by Mayor McDonald at 7:00 p.m. City Council Chamber, 1827 N. Squirrel Road, Auburn Hills, MI 48326 Mayor McDonald, Mayor Pro Tem Hammond, Council Members Doyle, Kittle, Knight, McDaniel, Newkirk None City Manager Auger, Assistant City Manager Tanghe, Police Chief Olko, Fire Chief Burmeister, City Assessors Bennett & Lohmeier, Community Development Director Cohen, Police Lt. Manning, City Attorney Beckerleg, City Engineer Stevens, Library Director McCoy, Planning Commissioner Mitchell, TIFA Chair Bennett 156 Guests Mayor McDonald stated he was amending the agenda; Public Comment would be heard first, 4. Approval of Minutes next, followed by Item 5f. Historical Sign Presentation, and then proceed with the agenda. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT Veronica Mitchell introduced the new Library Director Stephanie McCoy. Numerous people spoke in opposition to the proposed Planned Parenthood facility in Auburn Hills. Julianne Reyes read a letter from the Superintendent of Oakland Christian School opposing the proposed Planned Parenthood facility. Kay Sendegas noted the golf season is approaching and netting at the golf course on Opdyke Road is in need of repair. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4a. Regular City Council Minutes – February 21, 2011 Moved by Mr. McDaniel; Seconded by Mr. Newkirk. RESOLVED: To approve the February 21, 2011 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. VOTE: Yes: Doyle, Hammond, Kittle, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald, Newkirk No: None Motion carried (7-0) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.037 5. APPOINTMENTS & PRESENTATIONS 5f. Presentation – Proposal for Historical Signage at Log Cabin in the Downtown Wilson Garner, Historical Society Chair, presented a rendering of a proposed sign for the old log cabin building downtown. It will be the third such sign for a heritage location in the City. The Historical Society requests if Council makes any changes to the sign, that they be notified of the changes. 5a. Appointment – Keith Stonehouse to the Tax Increment Finance Authority Moved by Mr. Newkirk; Seconded by Mr. McDaniel. RESOLVED: To confirm the appointment of Keith Stonehouse to the Tax Increment Finance Authority for a term ending February 28, 2015. VOTE: Yes: Doyle, Hammond, Kittle, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald No: Newkirk Motion carried (6-1) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.038 5b. Appointment – Reanna Douglas to the Tax Increment Finance Authority Moved by Ms. Hammond; Seconded by Mr. Kittle. RESOLVED: To confirm the appointment of Reanna Douglas to the Tax Increment Finance Authority for a term ending February 28, 2015. VOTE: Yes: Doyle, Hammond, Kittle, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald, Newkirk No: None Motion carried (7-0) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.039 City Council Minutes – March 7, 2011 Page 2 of 8 5c. Reappointment – Steve Goodhall to the Tax Increment Finance Authority Moved by Mr. Knight; Seconded by Mr. McDaniel. RESOLVED: To confirm the reappointment of Steven Goodhall to the Tax Increment Finance Authority for a term ending February 28, 2015. VOTE: Yes: Hammond, Kittle, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald, Newkirk No: Doyle Motion carried (6-1) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.040 5d. Reappointment – Charlotte Copple to the Tax Increment Finance Authority Moved by Mr. McDaniel; Seconded by Ms. Hammond. RESOLVED: To confirm the reappointment of Charlotte Copple to the Tax Increment Finance Authority for a term ending February 28, 2012. VOTE: Yes: Hammond, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald, No: Doyle, Kittle, Newkirk Motion carried (4-3) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.041 5e. Reappointment – Dave DeClerck to Local Officials Compensation Commission Moved by Mr. Knight; Seconded by Mr. Kittle. RESOLVED: To confirm the reappointment of Dave DeClerck to the Elected Officials Compensation Committee for a term ending February 28, 2016. VOTE: Yes: Doyle, Hammond, Kittle, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald, Newkirk No: None Motion carried (7-0) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.042 7. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Kittle requested Items 7c., 7d., 7e. and 7f. be removed from the Consent Agenda. 7a. Motion – Approve 2011 Public Recreation Hall License Renewals RESOLVED: To accept the report and recommendation for renewal of Recreation Hall license for the listed establishments who have passed City inspections, paid the appropriate licensing fee and presented the necessary documents. Furthermore, to set a Public Hearing on March 21, 2011, for Duffy’s, Tobey Keith and The Post Bar to consider evidence in regards to nonrenewal of their license. 7b. Motion – Approve Purchase of Motorola Mobile Workstations for Police Department RESOLVED: To approve the purchase of nine (9) Motorola MW810 Mobile Workstations by the Auburn Hills Police Department under the Oakland County Cooperative bid price of $44,568. Moved by Mr. Kittle; Seconded by Mr. McDaniel. RESOLVED: To approve Consent Agenda items 7a. and 7b. VOTE: Yes: Doyle, Hammond, Kittle, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald, Newkirk No: None Motion carried (7-0) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.043 7c. Motion – Approve Budget Amendment to the 2011 Police Budget Moved by Mr. McDaniel; Seconded by Mr. Knight. RESOLVED: To allocate $147,000.00 from the police fund balance to cover the cost of equipping the patrol fleet with in-car video camera systems. VOTE: Yes: Doyle, Hammond, Kittle, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald, Newkirk No: None Motion carried (7-0) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.044 7d. Motion – Approve request to transfer all stock interest in 2010 Resort B-Hotel licensed business Moved by Mr. Kittle; Seconded by Mr. Knight. RESOLVED: To adopt the resolution approving a request to transfer all stock interest in 2010 Resort B-Hotel licensed business issued under MCL 436.1531(4) located at 2300 Featherstone, Auburn Hills, MI, Oakland County wherein co-licensee, AH Tenant Corporation, stockholder CHH Auburn Partnership LP transferred 100 shares of stock to new stockholder, Ashford HHC Partners, LP; wherein co-licensee, AH Hotel Partner, AH Hotel GP, LLC's member, CHH City Council Minutes – March 7, 2011 Page 3 of 8 Auburn Partnership, LP transferred 100% membership interest to new member CNL HHC Partners, LP, sometime in April 2007; wherein co-licensee, AH Tenant Corporation, stockholder Ashford HHC Partners, LP transferred 100 shares of stock to new stockholder Ashford TRS Corporation; and wherein co-licensee AH Hotel Partners, LP's general partner, AH Hotel GP, LLC's member, CHH Auburn Partnership, LP transferred 100% membership interest to new member Ashford HHC Partners, LP (f/k/a CNL HHC Partners, LP), sometime in December 2008 and to authorize the City Clerk to forward said resolution to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. VOTE: Yes: Hammond, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald, Newkirk No: Doyle, Kittle Motion carried (5-2) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.045 7e. Motion – Approve request from AH Hotel Partners and LP AH Tenant Corporation to drop Hilton Suites, Inc. as a co-licensee in a 2009 Resort B-Hotel license Moved by Mr. Kittle; Seconded by Ms. Doyle. RESOLVED: To adopt the resolution approving the request from AH Hotel Partners and LP AH Tenant Corporation to drop Hilton Suites, Inc. as a co-licensee in a 2009 Resort B-Hotel license with Official Permit (food), 3 bars, and 224 rooms located at 2300 Featherstone and to authorize the City Clerk to forward said resolution to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. VOTE: Yes: Doyle, Hammond, Kittle, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald, Newkirk No: None Motion carried (7-0) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.046 7f. Motion – Approve request from AHHS Acquisitions, LLC to transfer ownership of a 2010 Resort BHotel licensed business from AH Hotel Partners, LP & AH Tenant Corporation. Moved by Mr. Kittle; Seconded by Mr. Newkirk. RESOLVED: To adopt the resolution approving the request from AHHS Acquisitions, LLC to transfer ownership of a 2010 Resort B-Hotel licensed business with minimum seating 100, Official Permit (food), 3 bars & 224 rooms located at 2300 Featherstone in Auburn Hills from AH Hotel Partners, LP & AH Tenant Corporation and to authorize the City Clerk to forward said resolution to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. VOTE: Yes: Doyle, Hammond, Kittle, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald, Newkirk No: None Motion carried (7-0) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.047 8. OLD BUSINESS – none. 9. NEW BUSINESS 9a. Public Hearing and Motion – Michigan Next Energy Authority- Alternative Energy Personal Property Exemption United Solar Ovonic, LLC Mayor McDonald opened the public hearing at 9:04 p.m. John Morgan, Vice President, explained in the past year the company has invested $20 million in the Auburn Hills facility and will be investing an additional $15 million this year. The incremental tax relief is a percentage based on the amount invested. Even though it was necessary to let 140 people go, it has helped the company to consolidate, resulting in closing the Rochester Hills facility and bringing those 200 jobs to Auburn Hills. The Troy research facility will also be moved to Auburn Hills in the next year. The company has also become more competitive by expanding beyond the roof systems they produce. Mr. Morgan stated the company employees approximately 1,500 with 272 employees in Auburn Hills. The current new equipment and the additional equipment this year will not generate any new jobs, but will have saved jobs. In the long term however, expanding into other markets will generate more jobs. Mr. Beckerleg confirmed the option presented before Council to either grant or deny the request is the same option that the school board is given, the City does not speak on behalf of the school district. Mr. Morgan explained the only avenue to receive an abatement on this equipment is through the federal government. Mr. Bennett explained this abatement, through the federal government, is a 100% abatement, the PA198 through the City is a 50% abatement. Mr. Knight was in favor of the current request since the company hadn’t requested any abatements from the City for this new equipment. It was noted if the Council wishes to grant the abatement, then no action is necessary – no motion; however, to determine a consensus of the Council a vote could be taken. City Council Minutes – March 7, 2011 Page 4 of 8 The application for the abatement is based on the $20 million that was invested in 2010. Mr. Bennett explained the State has approved $7.6 million maximum allowed for the abatement of the $20 million. Council is being requested of 100% relief of the personal property tax on $7.6 million of the $20 million invested, over the next three years. The State has certified the property as being eligible to receive this exemption. The amount the City would forgive over the next three years would be $87,637. Mr. Morgan noted his company has never asked schools for the incentives. With no further comments, the Mayor closed the public hearing at 9:29 p.m. Moved by Mr. Knight; Seconded by Ms. Hammond. RESOLVED: To adopt the attached Resolution to opt-out of the exemption for Alternate Energy Personal Property from local taxes for United Solar Ovonic LLC as designated under MNEA Resolution 2010-10. VOTE: Yes: Hammond, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald, Newkirk No: Doyle, Kittle Motion carried (5-2) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.048 Moved by Ms. Hammond; Seconded by Mr. Newkirk. RESOLVED: To Reconsider the previous motion. VOTE: Yes: Doyle, Kittle, McDonald, Newkirk No: Hammond, Knight, McDaniel RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.049 Motion carried (4-3) Moved by Mr. Knight; Seconded by Mr. McDaniel. RESOLVED: To adopt the attached Resolution to opt-out of the exemption for Alternate Energy Personal Property from local taxes for United Solar Ovonic LLC as designated under MNEA Resolution 2010-10. VOTE: Yes: Hammond, Knight, McDaniel, Newkirk No: Doyle, Kittle, McDonald Motion carried (4-3) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.050 9b. Motion – To recommend approval of the annual liquor licenses of those establishments that have met the licensing requirements of the City; and that a public hearing be scheduled for Monday, March 21, 2011 to consider evidence regarding the recommendation of non-renewal of a liquor license to those establishments who have not met the City’s requirements Moved by Mr. McDaniel; Seconded by Ms. Doyle. RESOLVED: To Move to recommend approval of the annual liquor licenses of those establishments that have met the licensing requirements of the City; and that a public hearing be scheduled for Monday, March 21, 2011 to consider evidence regarding the recommendation of non-renewal of a liquor license to those establishments who have not met the City’s requirements. VOTE: Yes: Doyle, Hammond, Kittle, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald, Newkirk No: None Motion carried (7-0) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.051 9c. Motion – Approval of Special Land Use Permit / Dow Automotive Systems - Outside Storage Moved by Mr. Knight; Seconded by Ms. Hammond. RESOLVED: To accept the Planning Commission’s recommendation and approve the Special Land Use Permit for Dow Automotive Systems to allow outside storage of vehicle bodies subject to staff notes and conditions VOTE: Yes: Doyle, Hammond, Kittle, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald, Newkirk No: None Motion carried (7-0) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.052 10. COMMENTS AND MOTIONS FROM COUNCIL Mr. Knight: • Being the representative of City Council, he presented a Proclamation to Dr. John Marine, Pastor of North Auburn Hills Baptist Church in honor of his 70th birthday. Dr. Marine appreciated it very much. City Council Minutes – March 7, 2011 Page 5 of 8 • Noted how dreary the downtown looks since the tree lights had been taken down, but appreciated them being up the additional time. • Suggested investigating the possibilities of including electric or hybrid vehicles in the City’s vehicle fleet. Ms. Hammond: • Requested the landfill be advised of all the blown trash along the fence on M-24. Mr. McDaniel: • Inquired about the downtown wi-fi system. Mr. Auger stated he will be reporting on that under his comments. • Asked if the Fire Chief had looked into the parking situation on Oakmont. Fire Chief Burmeister stated it was investigated and isn’t an issue. Mr. Kittle: • Asked if it was possible to reconsider the action that was taken on the United Solar Ovonic request of tax exemption, since it seemed quite confusing. Mayor McDonald stated it could be reconsidered at the next meeting. • Questioned if the frequent power outages in the Heritage in the Hills neighborhood had been investigated. Mr. Auger stated Ms. Carroll has been in contact with a DTE representative who explained a fuse had blown this last outage. There are two individuals who will not allow tree trimming on their property. Consequently limbs have come down on the power lines that feed the Heritage in the Hills neighborhood. • Hats off to all of the people that come out to support life, against the Planned Parenthood facility. Appreciates that people feel this is a real detriment to the community and support Auburn Hills, even though it is an issue that Council doesn’t have much authority over. Ms. Doyle: • • Noted she appreciated the opportunity to talk with Board and Commission applicants. She asked that reappointments submit new applications and resumes and also come before Council. It would be beneficial for those who don’t know the reappointed board members. Mayor McDonald stated that would be possible. Mr. Newkirk: • Congratulated Ms. Doyle on the publication of her book ‘Powering Up! How America’s Women Achievers Become Leaders’. 11. CITY ATTORNEY’S REPORT – none. 12. CITY MANGER’S REPORT • Distributed his ‘Open Issues Log – February’ noting items that were a concern of Council. School links on the web page has been completed; there are 366 Auburn Hills students that attend Pontiac schools; Tim Melton/Tim Grimmel has been resolved on the web page; changed ‘investment’ to ‘cost’ on assessing document; regarding the downtown wi-fi, there will be two meetings held downtown this month, with one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Recommendations from staff will be available after the report from Netarx has been received and reviewed. Mr. McDaniel requested that those reports be forwarded to Council when received. The cost of running the pension board is $109,000 per year. Annual expenses for attorney fees, consultants costs and liability insurance is approximately $52,000 for the pension board and $46,000 for the retiree health care board. Mr. McDaniel asked if those costs fluctuate. Mr. Auger explained the meetings had previously run four or five hours, but they have tried to keep them at two hours or less. Mr. Knight asked Mr. Auger if he could supply a written report to him regarding these items. Mr. Auger stated he would do so. City Council Minutes – March 7, 2011 Page 6 of 8 Mr. Knight asked what the cost might be to replace the current consultants. Mr. Auger stated he didn’t figure that in, and would look into it. 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Property Sale Moved by Ms. Hammond; Seconded by Mr. Kittle. RESOLVED: To adjourn to Executive Session VOTE: Yes: Doyle, Hammond, Kittle, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald, Newkirk No: None Motion carried (7-0) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.053 Moved by Mr. McDaniel; Seconded by Ms. Doyle. RESOLVED: To approve the lease between the City of Auburn Hills and the Traffic Improvement Association for approximately 1,143 square feet of space in the former Community Development Building in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth in the proposed Commercial Gross Lease Agreement and authorize Assistant City Manager Thomas Tanghe to execute the lease on behalf of the City. VOTE: Yes: Doyle, Hammond, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald, Newkirk No: None Abstain: Kittle Motion carried (6-0-1) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.054 Moved by Ms. Hammond; Seconded by Mr. McDaniel. RESOLVED: To approve the sale of twenty-four single family residential lots in the Forester Square Development to Trowbridge Homes Construction LLC, on behalf of an entity to be formed, in accordance with the terms and conditions found in the purchase agreement. Furthermore, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement on behalf of the City and authorize Assistant City Manager Thomas Tanghe to attend and execute the necessary documents at closing on behalf of the City of Auburn Hills. VOTE: Yes: Doyle, Hammond, Kittle, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald, Newkirk No: None Motion carried (7-0) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.055 Moved by Mr. Knight; Seconded by Ms. Hammond. RESOLVED: To approve the sale of twenty-four single family residential lots in the Forester Square Development to Michele (pronounced Michael) P. Mattera, on behalf of an entity to be formed, in accordance with the terms and conditions found in the purchase agreement. Furthermore, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement on behalf of the City and authorize Assistant City Manager Thomas Tanghe to attend and execute the necessary documents at closing on behalf of the City of Auburn Hills. VOTE: Yes: Doyle, Hammond, Kittle, Knight, McDaniel, McDonald, Newkirk No: None Motion carried (7-0) RESOLUTION NO. 11.03.056 The Regular meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. and reconvened at 10:27 p.m. 13. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no objections, the meeting was adjourned at 10:41 p.m. _____________________________ Mayor James D. McDonald ___________________________ Linda F. Shannon, City Clerk City Council Minutes – March 7, 2011 Page 7 of 8 Attachment A CITY OF AUBURN HILLS RESOLUTION TO NOT EXEMPT ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PERSONAL PROPERTY UNITED SOLAR OVONIC, LLC At a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Auburn Hills, Oakland County, Michigan held in the Council Chambers at 1827 N. Squirrel Road, Auburn Hills, Mi 48326, on the 7th day of March, 2011. The following resolution was offered by Council Member Knight and supported by Council Member McDaniel: WHEREAS the Michigan NextEnergy Authority has notified the City that United Solar Ovonic LLC has been certified as an Alternative Energy Technology Business under PA 593 of 2002, as amended; and WHEREAS the Michigan NextEnergy Authority has certified certain personal property owned by United Solar Ovonic LLC, and located at 2705 Commerce Parkway, Auburn Hills, and 3800 Lapeer, Auburn Hills, as Alternative Energy Personal Property exempt from certain property taxes; and WHEREAS the maximum value of the exempted property is $7,691,059; and WHEREAS the removal of this personal property from the personal property tax roll would create an economic burden on the City of Auburn Hills and other local taxing units, and result in the potential shifting of the tax burden to other residential and commercial properties within the City; and WHEREAS, PA 593 of 2002, MCL 211.9i (4), allows the governing body of the local tax collecting unit in which the alternative energy personal property is located to adopt a resolution to not exempt that Alternative Energy Personal Property from taxes collected in that local tax collecting unit, except taxes collected under sections 1211 and 1212 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451 MCL 380.1211 and 380.1212 , a tax levied under the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1 to 380.1852 to retire outstanding bonded indebtedness, or the tax levied by the state under the state education act, 1993 PA 331, MCL 211.901 to 211.906; and WHEREAS, before acting on said exemption, the City Council of Auburn Hills held a hearing on the 7th day of March, 2011 at a regularly scheduled meeting, at which time United Solar Ovonic, LLC, the City Assessor, and a representative of the affected taxing units were given written notice and were afforded an opportunity to be heard on said exemption; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City Auburn Hills that 1. The City Council herby determines to not exempt the alternative energy personal property of United Solar Ovonic LLC as certified by the Michigan NextEnergy Authority Certificate Resolution 2010-10 from the taxes collected in the City of Auburn Hills as provided by PA 593 of 2002, MCL 211.9i(4); and 2. The City Assessor is herby authorized and directed to file with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation a certified copy of this resolution. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: Hammond, Knight, McDaniel, Newkirk Doyle, Kittle, McDonald None None RESOLUTION ADOPTED (4-3) STATE OF MICHIGAN) )SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND) City Council Minutes – March 7, 2011 Page 8 of 8 I, the undersigned, the duly appointed City Clerk for the City of Auburn Hills, Oakland County, Michigan do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Auburn Hills City Council held on the 7th day of March, 2011. IN WITNESS HEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature of this 14th day of March, 2011. Linda F Shannon, City Clerk CITY OF AUBURN HILLS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA M A R C H 21, 2011 AGENDA ITEM NOS. 4B, 4C, 4D. 4b. Executive Session Minutes – February 7, 2011 4c. Executive Session Minutes – February 21, 2011 4d. Executive Session Minutes – March 7, 2011 These minutes have been provided under separate - confidential cover. O:\CITY COUNCIL PACKET\MARCH 21\4b Executive Session Minutes.Doc CITY OF AUBURN HILLS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA M A R C H 21, 2011 To: City Council From: Mayor James McDonald AGENDA ITEM NO. 5A. MAYOR’S OFFICE Submitted: March 17, 2011 Subject: Motion – Confirming Appointment of Stan Torres to the Public Safety Advisory Committee for a term ending November 30, 2011. INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Please consider confirming the following appointment/reappointment: Name Board Term Ending Date Stan Torres Public Safety Advisory Committee November 30, 2011 MOTION Move to confirm the appointment of Stan Torres to the Public Safety Advisory Committee to fulfill the unexpired term of Phillip Castonia, ending November 30, 2011. O:\CITY COUNCIL PACKET\MARCH 21\Appointment.doc CITY OF AUBURN HILLS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA M A R C H 21, 2011 To: City Council From: Mayor James McDonald AGENDA ITEM NO. 5A. MAYOR’S OFFICE Submitted: March 17, 2011 Subject: Motion – Confirming Appointment of Stan Torres to the Public Safety Advisory Committee for a term ending November 30, 2011. INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Please consider confirming the following appointment/reappointment: Name Board Term Ending Date Stan Torres Public Safety Advisory Committee November 30, 2011 MOTION Move to confirm the appointment of Stan Torres to the Public Safety Advisory Committee to fulfill the unexpired term of Phillip Castonia, ending November 30, 2011. O:\CITY COUNCIL PACKET\MARCH 21\Appointment.doc C I T Y O F A U B U R N H I LL S C I T Y C O U N C I L A G E N DA M A R C H 21, 2011 A G E N D A I T E M N O . 5B. 5b. Presentation – Michigan Concrete Association’s Michigan Awards of Excellence – Squirrel Road Rehab NO ELECTRONIC INFORMATION AVAILABLE CITY OF AUBURN HILLS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA M A R C H 21, 2011 A G E N D A I T E M N O . 7 A .1. NOT YET APPROVED The City of Auburn Hills Beautification Advisory Commission Meeting 1. CALL TO ORDER: February 23, 2011 Chairperson Hamm called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Arendt, Foster, Hamm, Hendricks, Watson Absent: Doyle, Brockelbank Also Present. Community Development Executive Assistant, Elizabeth Brennan Location: Administration Meeting Room, 1827 N. Squirrel Rd., Auburn Hills MI 48326 3. PERSONS WISHING TO BE HEARD - none 4. CORRESPONDENCE – Ms. Brennan informed the commission of a quarterly meeting of the Beautification Council of Southeast Michigan on March 17, 2011. In Gibraltar, MI. Mr. Foster expressed interest if Mr. Brockelbank was attending. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion made by Ms. Hamm to accept the minutes of January 26, 2011 as submitted. Moved by Mr. Arendt, supported by Ms. Watson. VOTE: Yes: Arendt, Foster, Hamm, Hendricks, Watson No: None Motion carried (5-0) 6. OLD BUSINESS 2010 Budget Ms. Brennan informed the committee that three additional invoices were submitted by Kevin Lent for the 2010 budget year. The invoices totaled $916.52 which did not exceed the budget for 2010. 2011 Monthly Budget Report Ms. Brennan presented the monthly report to the Commission. Nothing to date has been billed or paid. Beautification Council of Southeast Michigan Luncheon Ms. Brennan informed the Commission that the best available date to host a BCSEM luncheon was March 2012 (as an alternative to hosting the luncheon this fall – in the same month as the Beautification Awards). The Board decided that March 2012 was not good due to increased work load for planning the Perennial Exchange. Ms. Brennan was asked to review other possible dates and submit options at the March meeting. Banner Replacement The Committee agreed that the summer banners are the most in need of replacement. A few samples were presented to the commission by Ms. Brennan for their review. Our City intern will be contacted to check his availability to assist with the design of the new banners. BAC ~ February 23, 2011 Page 2 7. NEW BUSINESS Perennial Exchange The Committee discussed the idea of ordering t-shirts or polo shirts with the BAC logo to be worn at the Perennial Exchange and roadside clean-up dates. Ms. Brennan will present pricing at the March meeting. Advertising The Commission unanimously agreed to update the Perennial Exchange ad in the Auburn Hills Review. A rough draft of the new format will be developed by Kevin Lent and forwarded to the Committee for approval. Once approved, a similar design will be produced for use on the I-75 LED billboard to promote the event. Also, the Committee discussed adding a one-page flier to the water bills that go out before the Perennial Exchange. Beautification Awards Ms. Brennan recommended that the August meeting, currently scheduled for August 24th at 6pm, move to August 10th at 5pm for the purpose of reviewing beautification award nominations. This will provide more time to plan the event. Committee members will check their calendars and decide at the March meeting. To streamline planning, it was unanimously agreed upon by the Committee that response cards (mailed out with the invitations) must be returned via US Mail to RSVP for the Awards Dinner. Seating this year will be limited to immediate family only, with a maximum number still to be determined. 9. OPEN DISCUSSION 10. CONFIRM NEXT MEETING The next meeting is confirmed for March 23, 2011. 11. ADJOURNMENT Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Benita LaLone Community Development CITY OF AUBURN HILLS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA M A R C H 21, 2011 A G E N D A I T E M N O . 7 A .2. Not Yet Approved CITY OF AUBURN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING March 1, 2011 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Ouellette called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present. Absent. Also Present. Guests. Hitchcock, Kittle, Mitchell, Pierce, Ouellette, Salerno, Spurlin, Verbeke Beidoun Director of Community Development Cohen, DPS Deputy Director Grice, OHM Civil Engineers Juidici, Loveland, Stevens 2 LOCATION: City Council Chamber, 1827 N. Squirrel, Auburn Hills, MI 48326 PERSONS WISHING TO BE HEARD - None MINUTES Ms. Verbeke moved to approve the minutes of February 1, 2011. Supported by Ms. Salerno VOTE: Yes: Hitchcock, Kittle, Mitchell, Pierce, Ouellette, Salerno, Spurlin, Verbeke No: None Motion Carried (8-0) PETITIONERS 5a. Public Hearing / Motion – Recommendation to City Council for Approval of Special Land Use Permit / Dow Automotive Systems – Outside Storage (7:04 p.m.) Mr. Ouellette and Mr. Cohen explained that the applicant has requested Special Land Use Permit approval to allow the outside storage of up to eight (8) vehicle bodies utilized for product testing at 1250 Harmon Road. The proposed storage area will be 1,320 sq. ft. in size. The property is zoned I-1, Light Industrial district. Conny Lauzon, representing Dow Automotive Systems, explained that all vehicle testing will occur inside the building. The company tests polyurethanes, elastomers, films, fluids, adhesives, emissions solutions, and acoustic-management materials on the vehicles. The Commission’s discussion covered the following: • Mr. Lauzon expects to have one (1) to three (3) vehicles in the storage area at a time, but could have up to eight (8) total during some testing cycles. The length of storage is variable because the company may test the vehicle with multiple products at various stages of construction. • The vehicle bodies will be covered during storage inside the enclosure. • No leakage of chemicals will occur outside the building because the products used on the vehicles have to cure inside before storage. • The storage area will be screened from view within an eight (8) foot tall vinyl fence enclosure. All storage will be at least one (1) foot shorter than the enclosure. The fence will be white in color so that it matches the adjacent storage building. Planning Commission – March 1, 2011 Page 2 of 4 • After construction of the enclosure, staff may require additional landscaping along Harmon Road in two small gaps in the existing vegetation. Staff would only require additional landscaping if the interior of the storage area were deemed visible from the roadway due to its lower topographic elevation. The public hearing was opened and closed at 7:12 p.m. No comments from the public were made. Mr. Kittle disclosed that Dow Automotive Systems has been a customer of his business for many years and he is familiar with the company. He stated that he is willing to abstain if the Commission felt there was a conflict of interest. Mr. Ouellette and the Commission advised Mr. Kittle that they found no conflict and had no objection to him voting on the request. Ms. Verbeke moved to recommend to City Council approval of the Special Land Use Permit for Dow Automotive Systems to allow outside storage of vehicle bodies subject to staff notes and conditions. Supported by Ms. Mitchell VOTE: Yes: Hitchcock, Kittle, Mitchell, Pierce, Ouellette, Salerno, Spurlin, Verbeke No: None Motion Carried (8-0) OLD BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS - None 7a. Overview of the Draft Infrastructure Studies for North Squirrel Road and Taylor Road/Lapeer Intersection (7:25 p.m.) Mr. Stevens, Mr. Juidici, and Mr. Loveland presented findings from two (2) traffic and geometric studies. The first study area is North Squirrel Road from Walton to Dutton, and the second involves the Taylor/Opdyke/ Lapeer intersection and the Taylor Road extension. North Squirrel Study The North Squirrel Road Study involved first completing a traffic study and analysis to examine the existing conditions and future needs of the roadway corridor. Mr. Stevens explained that traffic volume counts and three (3) years of crash data were obtained and reviewed. Based on the information collected, the intersections see typical crash rates for the area but there appears to be a higher rate of rear-end crashes between the intersections. This is likely caused when vehicles are stopped to make a left turn into properties. Adding a center turn lane and improving the road profile to increase sight distance would likely reduce these crashes. Existing traffic volume is approximately 17,000 vehicles per day. Study utilized a one percent (1%) growth factor to project to 2035, which is in line with SEMCOG projections for the area. This results in a future volume of 22,000 vehicles per day. The existing road cross section is a single travel lane in each direction with occasional auxiliary turn lanes at intersections and/or driveways. Mr. Loveland reviewed the existing intersection operations and showed the traffic model with the existing volumes. Most of the current intersections operate at an acceptable level of service, although eastbound Shimmons Road and westbound Tienken Road approaches have delays during the peak hours. With no improvements, all intersections fall below acceptable levels of service based on the future traffic volumes. Options for each future intersection were presented. The options involved a traffic signal or roundabout at each location. The signal options with expanded thru-lanes as well as the roundabout options operate well, with the roundabouts having less overall delay. Based on future volumes, the roadway section would be five (5) lanes between Walton Boulevard and Tienken Road and three (3) lanes between Tienken Road and Dutton Road. The option of having a narrow boulevard in locations where the center turn lane was not needed was also presented. Based on the traffic analysis and recommendations, an alignment study along the roadway was completed. Mr. Juidici reviewed the alignment study objectives and constraints, including right-of-way impacts, environmental concerns, aesthetics, utility conflicts, and estimated costs. By widening the roadway, there will be impacts to Planning Commission – March 1, 2011 Page 3 of 4 existing trees, property frontages, wetlands, etc. Most of the road footprint would fit within the existing right-ofway, but additional would be needed in some areas. The different intersection options also have different impacts. The roundabout options would require more right-of-way than signals, but will reduce long-term costs. Roadway profile corrections would also result in significant grading work up to, and in some cases beyond, the right-of-way. The preliminary costs for each of the options were discussed as well as potential funding opportunities. The Commission, City staff, and OHM discussed the options and reviewed exhibit diagrams. It was discussed that this is a long-term plan and not intended to be constructed in the immediate future. The long-term plan will help guide road improvement projects, land use plans, and development projects along the corridor. Options for “phasing” the project were discussed, such as constructing three (3) lanes with the future plan to widen to five (5) lanes. A public open house meeting will be scheduled to present the plan and seek resident input. Mr. Cohen advised the Commission that the anticipated date of that meeting is April 20th. The Commission also recommended that staff meet with the most affected property owners again prior to the April 20th public open house to further explain the City’s long term vision. It was suggested that City Manager Auger participate in those meetings, if available. Taylor Road Study Mr. Stevens explained the main objective of the Taylor Road study is to evaluate options to improve the Taylor Road intersection with Lapeer Road as a means to promote development along Taylor Road. The study involved a traffic analysis to forecast anticipated traffic and examine the operation of different intersection types and alignments. Traffic volume counts and three (3) years of crash data were obtained and reviewed. Based on the information collected, the intersection sees typical crash rates for the area. The highest number of crashes occurs on Lapeer Road at the Taylor Road intersection and at the median cross-over south of Taylor Road. This is likely caused by limited sight distance at these locations and the “weaving” being done by vehicles leaving Taylor Road to use the cross-over. Existing traffic volumes were obtained for the road network and were projected in the study to 2035 using a one percent (1%) growth factor. The undeveloped property along Taylor Road was reviewed and anticipated traffic that could be generated based on the City’s existing zoning requirements. The study projected future 2035 traffic based on full build-out of the undeveloped land to zoning requirements. Mr. Loveland reviewed the existing intersection operations using the traffic model. The existing operation operates well for Lapeer Road and Opdyke Road, but does not allow for complete connection/movement of Taylor Road. This intersection involves other jurisdictions including the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC). A brainstorming session was previously held with representatives from the City, MDOT, and OHM to look at intersection options that could be considered. Many configurations were discussed and five (5) layouts were selected for further evaluation: a signalized intersection, single roundabout, dual roundabout, signalized intersection with bridge bypass, and roundabout with bridge bypass. The various options were reviewed using the traffic model to illustrate the signalized options. Based on the projected volumes, significant change to the intersection would be required to have an acceptable level of service. It was noted that this future growth would not happen immediately, and the improvements may be “phased” as the demand increases. The impacts of the various options and costs were presented. The Commission, City staff, and OHM discussed the options and reviewed exhibit diagrams. Similar to the Squirrel Road study, this analysis is meant to serve as a long-term plan to help guide future projects and decisions. It was discussed that it would be ideal to have a joint workshop between Planning Commission and City Council to discuss the traffic infrastructure options and vision for this area. Ms. Verbeke moved to request a Joint Meeting with City Council to review the Taylor Road Traffic Study and future land use plans for Taylor Road near Lapeer. Supported by Mr. Kittle VOTE: Yes: Hitchcock, Kittle, Mitchell, Pierce, Ouellette, Salerno, Spurlin, Verbeke No: None Planning Commission – March 1, 2011 Page 4 of 4 Motion Carried (8-0) COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Cohen announced the following items: • It appears Kensington Church will locate their church in Orion Township and not in Auburn Hills as originally planned. Church officials explained to staff that it is cheaper and faster to rehabilitate an existing industrial building, than build a new church. • A rezoning of the old Wal-Mart site at 300 North Opdyke Road is scheduled for March 29th. Legend Value is requesting a rezoning from B-2, General Business District to I-1, Light Industrial District. Legend Valve has been in business in Michigan for over 20 years, supplying plumbing valves and fittings to plumbing wholesalers across the United States for use in residential and commercial construction. Their intent is to utilize the site as their company headquarters and for warehousing and distribution. • Staff will be presenting the Riverwalk Master Plan at the Oakland County Planner’s Gathering on March 4th. ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEXT MEETING The next scheduled meeting is March 15, 2011. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:14 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Steven J. Cohen Director of Community Development CITY OF AUBURN HILLS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA M A R C H 21, 2011 A G E N D A I T E M N O . 7 A .3. “Not Yet Approved" CITY OF AUBURN HILLS TAX INCREMENT FINANCE AUTHORITY MEETING March 8, 2011 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Bennett called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Also Present: Guests: Bennett, Creager, Douglas, Goodhall, Hassett, Landsberg, Stonehouse, Thornton Copple Assistant City Manager/TIFA Executive Director Tom Tanghe, Finance Director Gary Barnes, Coordinator of Community Relations and Legislative Affairs Stephanie Carroll, Management Assistant Matthew Rizzo, Gary Korleski, Executive Assistant Karrie Marsh None LOCATION: Auburn Hills City Hall, Council Chambers, 1827 North Squirrel Road, Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326 PERSONS WISHING TO BE HEARD Mr. Bennett asked Mr. Tanghe to introduce the new members to the Board. Mr. Tanghe made a brief introduction and then invited the new Board members to further introduce themselves. Ms. Douglas and Mr. Stonehouse spoke briefly and provided the Board with a little background about themselves. Mr. Tanghe distributed a number of work samples from Marketing Coordinator Andrew Opalewski in order to familiarize the Board with what he is accomplishing. CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Tanghe explained the memo from DPS Deputy Director Don Grice regarding the Opdyke Road Maintenance Contract which included bids from four companies. Mr. Landsberg questioned the discrepancy of the wide range of bid amounts submitted. Mr. Tanghe explained that overhead and labor costs and other factors affect the bid amounts submitted and that the low bidder was deemed qualified. Because the amount did not meet the threshold of formal approval, no action was required. . APPROVAL OF MINUTES For clarification, Mr. Tanghe asked Mr. Goodhall whether the new members could vote on previous minutes. The answer was no. Moved by Mr. Creager to approve the December 14, 2010 minutes as submitted. Supported by Mr. Hassett. Yes: No: Bennett, Creager, Goodhall, Hassett, Landsberg, Thornton none Motion carried page 2 of 5 March 8, 2011 minutes FINANCIAL REPORT Mr. Barnes presented the financial report for December 31, 2010, reviewing the activities for this period, including the most recent revenues and expenses. That report included the following Total Liabilities and Fund Balances and Available Cash: TIFA 85-A TIFA 85-B TIFA 86-D $ 29,212,337 12,910,027 25,180,610 $ 67,311,974 Available Cash (TIF-A) $8,173,857 Available Cash (TIF-B) $8,228,006 Available Cash (TIF-D) $1,818,402 Moved by Mr. Creager to approve the Financial Report of December 31, 2010 as submitted. Supported by Mr. Hassett. Yes: No: Bennett, Creager, Douglas, Goodhall, Hassett, Landsberg, Stonehouse, Thornton none Motion carried OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS 7.a. Mr. Korleski was present to request a Site Improvement Grant. He has asked that we consider one of the other three contractors than the one that is in the original memo awarding his project. He believes that he will not be able to successfully complete the project with the company that was the original low bidder. Julion Construction has submitted a revised bid in the amount of $63,500. This satisfies our “lowest qualified bidder” requirement. Because the Julion Construction bid is not itemized, Mr. Tanghe deducted a lump sum of 5% of their total bid for permits, scaffolding, and clean up. Therefore, the request is based on $57,150. On a dollar‐for‐dollar matching basis, the recommendation is a grant in the amount of $28,575. Mr. Korleski shared a rendering of the new façade and described a timeline for expected completion. Moved by Mr. Goodhall to approve the request from Gary Korleski (3329 Auburn Road LLC) for a Village Center Site Improvement Grant in the amount of $28,575 for qualifying exterior façade improvement expenses, for the property located at 3329‐3341 Auburn Road. Furthermore, payment shall be made directly to the contractor, Julion Construction in the amount of $28,575.00, upon completion of the work being funded and approval by the Building Department that the work is acceptable by building code and local ordinances. Payment is subject to all outstanding taxes, assessments, and City utility bills being paid to the page 3 of 5 March 8, 2011 minutes City and/or County by the building owner. Funds are available in TIFA‐A, Account No. 27350/76815. Supported by Mr. Landsberg. Yes: No: Bennett, Creager, Douglas, Goodhall, Hassett, Landsberg, Stonehouse, Thornton none Motion carried 7.b. Coordinator of Community Relations and Legislative Affairs Stephanie Carroll informed the Board that the Farmers’ Market did very well in 2010. The Market had between 20-25 vendors last year. On average there were approximately 200 visitors each week. Six vendors have already signed up for this year’s Market and we anticipate the same number of vendors for the 2011 season. As outlined in the memo to the Board, Mrs. Carroll is requesting funding from the Board in the amount of $15,000.00 and would like to rename the Marketing Subcommittee the Events & Marketing Committee, since the number of events being held in the Downtown are increasing each year. The funding will be used for advertising, marketing and to purchase items such as picnic tables to create a more ambience for the market attendees. While the sponsors from last year have declined, Mrs. Carroll was pleased to announce the partnership with Genisys Credit Union who will be the presenting sponsor for the 2011 Market. Mr. Stonehouse asked if the Farmers’ Market had potential to generate revenue. Mrs. Carroll said that was a goal, but according to other local markets, the first few years the focus is on growing the Market and attracting customers to the Downtown area in hopes of later being able to generate revenue and make a profit. Ms. Douglas inquired as to how to improve attendance. Mrs. Carroll responded that advertising is important. For example, the 2010 Market was advertised in the Michigan Gardener for eight weeks at the cost of $50.00. Word of mouth also improves attendance as well as working with other local Markets. Mrs. Carroll stated that a press release will be issued at the beginning of April regarding the Farmer’s Market. She would like to call a meeting of a subcommittee in a couple of weeks. That subcommittee will consist of Mrs. Thornton, Mr. Landsberg, Ms. Douglas and Mrs. Copple if she wished to remain. Mrs. Carroll is looking forward to the Farmers’ Market Grand Opening on May 19th. Moved by Mrs. Thornton to approve Funding the 2011 Farmer’s Market Marketing Plan as submitted. Supported by Mr. Creager. Yes: No: Bennett, Creager, Douglas, Goodhall, Hassett, Landsberg, Stonehouse, Thornton none Motion carried 7.c. Mr. Tanghe explained that there was no reason for a closed session to discuss the acquisition of land that is on the agenda. This parcel is not something of interest to anyone else but the City and will be used for the construction of a pathway for our river walk. Additionally, there is no great urgency to acquire it but it is important for us to own it for our future plans. The property is approximately 1.25 acres in size and contains a good stretch of river frontage. It is adjacent to land the city currently owns that is part of River Woods Park. A purchase agreement has been forwarded to the owner. They have agreed to the price offered and a response is expected shortly from the individual who has authority to sign the purchase agreement on behalf of the ownership. The property has an assessed value of $20,250 and page 4 of 5 March 8, 2011 minutes therefore an assumed market value of $40,500 per our Assessor’s office. A purchase price of $15,000 has been agreed upon. The land has limited access and use. The land is actually not included in TIF District A, but is wedged between two parcels that are contained in Development District A. It is appropriate and permissible to acquire a parcel of this nature using TIFA funds when in fact it is a key component that links two district parcels together. Our City Attorney has reviewed this acquisition and has given his stamp of approval. Moved by Ms. Douglas to recommend approval to City Council, the purchase of a 1.25 acre parcel of land with property identification number 14‐25‐401‐003 in the amount of $15,000, and authorize TIFA Executive Director Tom Tanghe to execute the necessary documents on behalf of the Tax Increment Finance Authority. Supported by Mrs. Thornton. Yes: No: Bennett, Creager, Douglas, Goodhall, Hassett, Landsberg, Stonehouse, Thornton none Motion carried 7.d. Mr. Tanghe introduced Mr. Matt Rizzo, Management Assistant. Mr. Rizzo gave a presentation of the DTE overhead line relocation in the Downtown. His presentation showed where the current lines are and where they could be relocated along the north side of Primary Street. The lines to be relocated include those that are mid‐block from South Squirrel Road to Grey Road, and between Primary and Auburn Roads. The transformer would be located on the west side of South Squirrel Road. Mr. Rizzo presented cost estimates from DTE, AT&T, and Comcast. The costs did not include additional expenses to connect businesses along Auburn Road with new services, that which the TIFA would be expected to pay. The expected cost for each would be in the range of $3,000 to $4,000 and there will likely be a handful of businesses that will need to be converted to the new service. There will be some underground work that needs to be performed utilizing conduit. Mr. Rizzo will follow up with more details at an upcoming meeting after a final cost proposal is prepared by all of the utilities. 7.e. Mr. Tanghe discussed establishing a Phase I implementation of the River Walk Master Plan. City staff has begun to meet about what the logical next steps might be for implementing the plan. The proposed amphitheater in Riverside Park was discussed and some conceptual drawings were shared. Price ranges for construction of an amphitheater vary based on needs which have not yet been finalized. The purpose of the discussion today was to prepare the Board for plans that will be forthcoming. The TIFA will be funding the improvements contained in the River Walk Master Plan. page 5 of 5 March 8, 2011 minutes ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION ITEMS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Historical Society Signage – A Proposal for Historical Signage at the Log Cabin in the Downtown was presented to City Council by Wilson Garner, and accepted. The TIFA will be paying for the sign and the content of that sign is yet to be determined. A staff review in conjunction with the Historical Society will produce a final product. Mr. Tanghe reminded the Board of the Auburn Hills Chamber and TIFA Ribbon Cutting and Open House this Thursday, March 10th from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at 3395 Auburn Rd. Ste A. The ribbon cutting will take place promptly at 5:00 p.m. DPS Deputy Director Don Grice is moving forward on implementing LED Technology Lighting Downtown. An ad‐hoc committee was formed due to the fact that three different lighting solutions are being proposed. The following TIFA Board members volunteered to serve on an ad‐hoc committee. They are: Mr. Bennett, Mr. Hassett, Mr. Creager and Mr. Stonehouse. Mr. Tanghe distributed 2011 budgets for TIFA A, B and D, as well as the 2012 Amendments to the Development Plan & Tax Increment Financing Plan for Auburn Heights Development Area 85‐A, B and D. He asked that each Board member insert them into their three‐ring binders. ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEXT MEETING – The next regularly scheduled TIFA Board meeting is Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. in the Admin. Conference Room at City Hall. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Mr. Creager to adjourn the meeting at 5:42 p.m. Supported by Mrs. Thornton. Yes: No: Bennett, Creager, Douglas, Goodhall, Hassett, Landsberg, Stonehouse, Thornton none Motion carried Respectfully submitted, Charlotte Copple Karrie L. Marsh Thomas A. Tanghe Secretary of the Board Recording Secretary Assistant City Manager TIFA Executive Director CITY OF AUBURN HILLS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA M A R C H 21, 2011 A G E N D A I T E M N O . 7 A .4. Not Yet Approved CITY OF AUBURN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING March 15, 2011 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Ouellette called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present. Absent. Also Present. Guests. Beidoun, Hitchcock, Kittle, Mitchell, Pierce, Ouellette, Salerno, Spurlin, Verbeke None Director of Community Development Cohen, OHM Civil Engineer Juidici, Water Resources Coordinator Keenan None LOCATION: City Council Chamber, 1827 N. Squirrel, Auburn Hills, MI 48326 PERSONS WISHING TO BE HEARD - None MINUTES - None PLANNING WORKSHOP DISCUSSION – Auburn Road Corridor Planning Study The Commission began brainstorming discussions on a vision for the property along Auburn Road at the periphery of the Downtown core. The purpose of the workshop was for the group to become familiar with the study areas (e.g., existing conditions, constraints, and potential land use options) prior to meeting with property owners. The intent of the discussion was not to focus on the core, since the HyettPalma study had recently been completed for that area. Staff presented concepts for two (2) study areas in detail. The first area called “East Auburn Road” was from Juniper east to Adams Road. The second area called “West Auburn Road” was from the Clinton River west to I-75. All attending gathered around the maps and generally discussed the pros and cons of various land use options and ideas for future development. No consensus was made in terms of land use policy direction for the study areas; however all felt the discussions were fruitful. The Commission plans to proceed with the following schedule: • Conduct a walking tour of the study areas on Tuesday, April 5th (weather permitting) • Visit various Downtowns in Michigan, with an intentional focus on observing what land uses are commonly found at the edges or periphery of those areas. This will occur in the months of March and April. Commission members will team-up in groups of two (2) and visit up to ten (10) Downtown areas and report back with their findings. • Hold visioning meetings with property owners in May and/or June • Complete the study by August COMMUNICATIONS - None ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEXT MEETING The next scheduled meeting is March 29, 2011. Planning Commission – March 15, 2011 Page 2 of 2 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Steven J. Cohen Director of Community Development CITY OF AUBURN HILLS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA M A R C H 21, 2011 AGENDA ITEM NO. FOR CLERK'S USE POLICE DEPARTMENT To: Mayor and City Council From: Peter E. Auger, City Manager; Doreen E. Olko, Chief of Police Submitted: March 17, 2011 Subject: Public Hearing and Motions - Approving 2011 Liquor License Renewals for Establishments in Compliance. Public Hearings and Resolutions – Objecting to 2011 Liquor License Renewals for Establishments Not in Compliance. INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Establishments in Compliance: In addition to those liquor licenses recommended for approval on March 7, 2011, the following establishments have now met all the requirements for liquor license renewal for 2011: Applebee’s # 5832 Applebee’s # 5860 Macaroni Grill Hoops Sports and Spirits (Green Pastures) The Palace of Auburn Hills The Post Bar Establishments Not in Compliance: The following establishments, as of March 17th, 2011, at 10:00 am, still have an outstanding financial obligation to the City and, therefore, under section 6-11 of the City of Auburn Hills Code of Ordinances do not meet the requirements for liquor license renewal: LICENSES NOT MEETING ELIGIBILITY FOR RENEWAL The following establishments have not met the requirements for license renewal due to non-payment of renewal fees, water/sewer fees, and/or taxes. Real Property Taxes as of 03/01/11 Personal Property Taxes as of 03/01/11 2010 Summer 2010 Winter 2010 Summer 2010 Winter Total Taxes Due Callahan Holdings 0.00 8,297.70 0.00 1,229.41 9,527.11 Duffy's Irish Pub 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fiero Lanes 15,412.40 12,758.68 2,637.76 2,111.13 Lelli's 33,115.41 10,359.12 2,392.37 1,133.41 The Post Bar* 32,393.53 10,133.31 Company Name 74.39 License Renewal Fees 261.27 9,788.38 250.00 2,503.82 2,753.82 32,919.97 250.00 0.00 33,169.97 47,000.31 0.00 1,276.98 48,277.29 42,601.23 0.00 0.00 42,601.23 *Note: Status as of 03/17/11 ** Lelli's still owes 2009 taxes to Oakland County - $33,350.87 (Real) ** The Post Bar still owes 2009 taxes to Oakland County - $128,909.29 (Real) 0.00 Water & Sewer Total Amount Due Grand Total Delinquencies 136,590.69 Page 2 *Post Bar made partial PP payment on 3-2-11, forwarded to County, leaving a balance of $74.39 Post Bar real property owned by landlord Max & Erma's removed per Derk due to bankruptcy that is open The Clerk’s office sent notices to each of these establishments advising that the City Council would be holding a hearing on March 21, 2011, regarding the City’s potential objection to the renewal of their liquor licenses based on outstanding financial obligations to the City. These notices were sent two ways: • • • By first class certified mail on March 8, 2011. By letters hand delivered by the Auburn Hills Police Department on March 9 & 10, 2011 Licenses of Special Note o Max and Erma’s is in bankruptcy o Mountain Jack’s, Fiero Lanes, La-Shish, Taste of Thailand and Blue Water Bistro are in Escrow STAFF RECOMMENDATION For those establishments which have now paid their outstanding financial obligation to the City staff recommends the City Council recommend to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission renewal of their liquor license. After the public hearing for those establishments not in compliance, if City Council finds financial obligations still outstanding by 5:00 P.M.,March 29, 2011, staff recommends that the City formally object to the renewal of these liquor licenses. MOTION Move to recommend approval of the annual liquor licenses of those establishments who have now met the licensing requirements of the City: Applebee’s #5832, Applebee’s #5860, Hoops Sports and Spirits (Green Pastures), The Palace of Auburn Hills, The Post Bar and Macaroni Grill. Move to adopt the attached resolution(s) directing the City Clerk to file objection on behalf of the City Council to renewal of liquor licenses for Callahan Holdings, Duffy’s Irish Pub and Lelli’s due to outstanding financial obligations to the City, which objection will be forwarded to Liquor Control Commission unless such financial obligations are met by March 29, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. I CONCUR: PETER E. AUGER, CITY MANAGER Resolution No. CITY OF AUBURN HILLS RESOLUTION OBJECTING TO RENEWAL OF LIQUOR LICENSE FOR LELLI’S At a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Auburn Hills, Oakland County, Michigan, held in the Council Chambers at 1827 N. Squirrel Road, Auburn Hills MI 48326 at 7:00 p.m., on the 21st day of March, 2011 The following resolution was offered by and supported by . RESOLVED: To adopt the attached resolution(s) directing the City Clerk to file objection on behalf of the City Council to renewal of liquor licenses for Lelli’s, Duffy’s Irish Pub, Callahan Holdings, for the establishment Callahan’s, due to outstanding financial obligations to the City, which objection will be forwarded to Liquor Control Commission unless such financial obligations are met by March 29, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. VOTE: Yes No: Motion carried (-) RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, Lelli’s is the holder of the liquor license for the establishment known as “Lelli’s” located at 885 N. Opdyke, Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326; and WHEREAS, the Lelli’s’ Liquor License for Lelli’s is currently under consideration for renewal in 2011; and WHEREAS, Section 6-11 of Chapter 6 of the City of Auburn Hills Code provides that the City Council shall review each licensee’s on-premise liquor license, annually, before March 30, to determine whether or not to object to the Liquor Control Commission’s renewal of the license, and WHEREAS, Section 6-11 of Chapter 6 of the City of Auburn Hills Code also provides that the City Council may object to renewal of a liquor license, • If the licensed establishment has not complied with all standards, plans and conditions established and approved at the time of the issuance of the license or at a time of later city approval. • If any personal property taxes, real property taxes and/or other obligations due and payable to the city are not paid in a timely manner or are outstanding. • For any of the reasons set forth in section 6-12 of the Code, and WHEREAS, Section 6-13 of Chapter 6 of the City of Auburn Hills Code provides that The City Council shall hold a hearing on the proposed objection prior to filing such objection with the Liquor Control Commission, written notice of which shall be served on the licensee by first-class mail at least ten days prior to a hearing, and WHEREAS, on March 21, 2011, the Auburn Hills City Council held a hearing on the proposed objection to the renewal of liquor license currently held by Lelli’s for the establishment known as Lelli’s, with the licensee having been timely and duly notified of the hearing and the right to attend the same as required by Chapter 6 of the Auburn Hills City Code, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Auburn Hills finds that the following obligations and property taxes for the establishment known as Lelli’s have not been timely paid, are due, and are, at this time, outstanding; Lelli's Real Property Taxes as of 03/01/11 Personal Property Taxes as of 03/01/11 33,115.41 2,392.37 10,359.12 1,133.41 47,000.31 0.00 1,276.98 48,277.29 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, due to Lelli’s’ failure to meet the aforementioned outstanding obligations by the deadline established in the adopting resolution and pursuant to Chapter 6 of the City of Auburn Hills Code, the City Council hereby directs the City Clerk to file objection on behalf of the Auburn Hills’ City Council to renewal of the 2011 Liquor License held by Lelli’s by forwarding the following documents to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission in such a manner as to be received by the Liquor Control Commission no later than March 31, 2011: • A certified copy of the Auburn Hills Liquor Licensing Ordinance, as currently contained in Chapter 6 of the Auburn Hills City Code, including the date of adoption of the Code and the date of publication of the same. • A certified copy of the notice sent to the licensee advising the licensee of the March 21, 2011 hearing on the issue of renewal of the liquor license. • A Proof of Service and/or Affidavit indicating that the notice of the March 21, 2011 hearing was sent to the licensee. • A certified copy of this Resolution objecting to the Liquor Control Commission’s renewal of the subject liquor license. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: RESOLUTION ADOPTED (-) STATE OF MICHIGAN) )SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, the undersigned, the duly appointed City Clerk for the City of Auburn Hills, Oakland County, Michigan do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Auburn Hills City Council held on the 21st day of March, 2011. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature on this 22nd day of March, 2011. ______________________________________ Linda F. Shannon, City Clerk Resolution No. CITY OF AUBURN HILLS RESOLUTION OBJECTING TO RENEWAL OF LIQUOR LICENSE FOR DUFFY’S IRISH PUB At a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Auburn Hills, Oakland County, Michigan, held in the Council Chambers at 1827 N. Squirrel Road, Auburn Hills MI 48326 at 7:00 p.m., on the 21st day of March, 2011 The following resolution was offered by and supported by : RESOLVED: To adopt the attached resolution(s) directing the City Clerk to file objection on behalf of the City Council to renewal of liquor licenses for Lelli’s, Duffy’s Irish Pub and Callahan Holdings, for the establishment Callahan’s, due to outstanding financial obligations to the City, which objection will be forwarded to Liquor Control Commission unless such financial obligations are met by March 29, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. VOTE: Yes: No: RESOLUTION NO. Motion carried (-) WHEREAS, is the holder of the liquor license for the establishment known as “Duffy’s Irish Pub” located at 3320 Auburn Road, Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326; and WHEREAS, the liquor license for Duffy’s Irish Pub is currently under consideration for renewal for 2011; and WHEREAS, Section 6-11 of Chapter 6 of the Auburn Hills City Code provides that the City Council shall annually review before March 30 each licensee’s on-premise liquor license to determine whether or not to object to the Liquor Control Commission’s renewal of the license, and also provides that the City Council may object to renewal of a liquor license if all personal property taxes, real property taxes and any other obligations due and payable to the City are not timely paid and are outstanding; and WHEREAS, Section 6-13 of Chapter 6 of the Auburn Hills City Code provides that prior to the City filing an objection with the Liquor Control Commission for the renewal of a liquor license, the City Council shall hold a hearing on the issue of whether to object to the renewal of the liquor license and shall serve the licensee by first-class mail at least ten days prior to a hearing with written notice of the hearing; and WHEREAS, on March 21st, 2011, the Auburn Hills City Council held a hearing on the issue of whether to object to the renewal of the liquor license currently held by Duffy’s Irish Pub with the licensee having been timely and duly notified of the hearing and its right to attend the same as required by Chapter 6 of the Auburn Hills City Code, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Auburn Hills finds that the following obligations and property taxes for the establishment knows as Duffy’s Irish Pub have not been timely paid, are due, and are, at this time, outstanding; Real Property Taxes March 2009 Company Name Duffy’s Irish Pub Personal Property Taxes March 2009 2009 Taxes 2009 Taxes Total Taxes Due 0.00 0.00 0.00 License Renewal Fees 250.00 Water & Sewer 2,503.82 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 2,753.82 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, due to Duffy’s Irish Pub’s failure to meet the aforementioned outstanding obligations by the deadline established in the adopting resolution and pursuant to Chapter 6 of the City of Auburn Hills Code, the City Council hereby directs the City Clerk to file objection on behalf of the Auburn Hills’ City Council to renewal of the 2011 Liquor License held by Duffy’s Irish Pub by forwarding the following documents to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission in such a manner as to be received by the Liquor Control Commission no later than March 31, 2011: • A certified copy of the Auburn Hills Liquor Licensing Ordinance, as currently contained in Chapter 6 of the Auburn Hills City Code, including the date of adoption of the Code and the date of publication of the same. • A certified copy of the notice sent to the licensee advising the licensee of the March 21, 2011 hearing on the issue of renewal of the liquor license. • A Proof of Service and/or Affidavit indicating that the notice of the March 21, 2011 hearing was sent to the licensee. • A certified copy of this Resolution objecting to the Liquor Control Commission’s renewal of the subject liquor license. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: RESOLUTION ADOPTED (-) STATE OF MICHIGAN) )SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, the undersigned, the duly appointed City Clerk for the City of Auburn Hills, Oakland County, Michigan do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Auburn Hills City Council held on the 21st day of March, 2011. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature on this 22nd day of March, 2011. ______________________________________ Linda F. Shannon, City Clerk Resolution No. CITY OF AUBURN HILLS RESOLUTION OBJECTING TO RENEWAL OF LIQUOR LICENSE FOR CALLAHAN HOLDINGS At a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Auburn Hills, Oakland County, Michigan, held in the Council Chambers at 1827 N. Squirrel Road, Auburn Hills MI 48326 at 7:00 p.m., on the 21st day of March, 2011 The following resolution was offered by and supported by : RESOLVED: To adopt the attached resolutions directing the City Clerk to file objection on behalf of the City Council to renewal of liquor licenses for Lelli’s, Duffy’s Irish Pub and Callahan Holdings, for the establishment Callahan’s, due to outstanding financial obligations to the City, which objection will be forwarded to Liquor Control Commission unless such financial obligations are met by March 29, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. VOTE: Yes: No: RESOLUTION NO. Motion carried (-) WHEREAS, Callahan Holdings is the holder of the liquor license for the establishment known Callahan’s located at 2105 E. South Blvd., Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326; and WHEREAS, the liquor license for Duffy’s Irish Pub is currently under consideration for renewal for 2011; and WHEREAS, Section 6-11 of Chapter 6 of the Auburn Hills City Code provides that the City Council shall annually review before March 30 each licensee’s on-premise liquor license to determine whether or not to object to the Liquor Control Commission’s renewal of the license, and also provides that the City Council may object to renewal of a liquor license if all personal property taxes, real property taxes and any other obligations due and payable to the City are not timely paid and are outstanding; and WHEREAS, Section 6-13 of Chapter 6 of the Auburn Hills City Code provides that prior to the City filing an objection with the Liquor Control Commission for the renewal of a liquor license, the City Council shall hold a hearing on the issue of whether to object to the renewal of the liquor license and shall serve the licensee by first-class mail at least ten days prior to a hearing with written notice of the hearing; and WHEREAS, on March 21st, 2011, the Auburn Hills City Council held a hearing on the issue of whether to object to the renewal of the liquor license currently held by Callahan’s Holdings for the establishment known as Callahan’s with the licensee having been timely and duly notified of the hearing and its right to attend the same as required by Chapter 6 of the Auburn Hills City Code, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Auburn Hills finds that the following obligations and property taxes for the establishment knows as Callahan’s have not been timely paid, are due, and are, at this time, outstanding; Real Property Taxes as of 03/01/11 Company Name Callahan Holdings Personal Property Taxes as of 03/01/11 2010 Summer 2010 Winter 2010 Summer 2010 Winter Total Taxes Due 0.00 8,297.70 0.00 1,229.41 9,527.11 License Renewal Fees 0.00 Water & Sewer 261.27 Total Amount Due 9,788.38 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, due to Callahan’s failure to meet the aforementioned outstanding obligations by the deadline established in the adopting resolution and pursuant to Chapter 6 of the City of Auburn Hills Code, the City Council hereby directs the City Clerk to file objection on behalf of the Auburn Hills’ City Council to renewal of the 2011 Liquor License held by Callahan Holdings, for the establishment Callahan’s, by forwarding the following documents to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission in such a manner as to be received by the Liquor Control Commission no later than March 31, 2011: • A certified copy of the Auburn Hills Liquor Licensing Ordinance, as currently contained in Chapter 6 of the Auburn Hills City Code, including the date of adoption of the Code and the date of publication of the same. • A certified copy of the notice sent to the licensee advising the licensee of the March 21, 2011 hearing on the issue of renewal of the liquor license. • A Proof of Service and/or Affidavit indicating that the notice of the March 21, 2011 hearing was sent to the licensee. • A certified copy of this Resolution objecting to the Liquor Control Commission’s renewal of the subject liquor license. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: RESOLUTION ADOPTED (-) STATE OF MICHIGAN) )SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, the undersigned, the duly appointed City Clerk for the City of Auburn Hills, Oakland County, Michigan do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Auburn Hills City Council held on the 21st day of March, 2011. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature on this 22nd day of March, 2011. ______________________________________ Linda F. Shannon, City Clerk CITY OF AUBURN HILLS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA M A R C H 21, 2011 To: Mayor and City Council From: Peter E. Auger, City Manager; Doreen E. Olko, Chief of Police AGENDA ITEM NO. 8B POLICE DEPARTMENT Submitted: March 17, 2011 Subject: Public Hearing and Motions - Approving the report and recommendation for issuance/renewal of Recreation Hall Licenses INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY To insure appropriate oversight of Recreation Hall licenses, City Council enacted “Ordinance for Mechanical Amusement Devices, Video Games and Pool Tables” under Chapter 10, Article III of the Code of Ordinances. In addition to those Recreation Hall Licenses recommended for approval on March 7, 2011, the following license holders have paid the required fee and posses the necessary certificates. Furthermore, the Police, Fire, and Building Departments have conducted inspections at these establishments requesting renewal of a Recreation Hall license. No major violations were found which would prohibit the renewal of these licenses, and none of the businesses listed below had any violations relating to their recreation hall license in 2011: The Post Bar Establishments Not in Compliance: The following establishments, as of March 17th, 2011, at 1:00 pm, have not applied for renewal for their Recreation Hall License. On March 31, 2011 these licenses will expire. The license holders may apply to renew their license and the City Council may object to that renewal. Duffy’s Irish Pub and Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar and Grill. The Clerk’s office sent notices to each of these establishments advising that the City Council would be holding a hearing on March 21, 2011, regarding the City’s potential objection to the renewal of their Recreation Hall Licenses based on their failure to pay the renewal fee. These notices were sent two ways: • • By first class certified mail on March 8, 2011. By letters hand delivered by the Auburn Hills Police Department on March 9, 2011 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the renewal of the Recreation Hall license for the businesses listed as having passed City inspections, paid the appropriate fee, and possess the necessary certificates. MOTION Move to accept the report and recommendation for renewal of Recreation Hall license for the listed establishments who have passed City inspections, paid the appropriate licensing fee and presented the necessary documents. I CONCUR: PETER E. AUGER, CITY MANAGER O:\CITY COUNCIL PACKET\MARCH 21\Added\COVER MEMO Public Hearings And Motions - Approving The Report And Recommendation For Issuance Renewal Of Recreation Hall Licenses.Docx C Ciittyy ooff A Auubbuurrnn H Hiillllss City Council Agenda March 21, 2011 Meeting Agenda Item No. 8c. CITY ASSESSOR To: Mayor and City Council From: Peter Auger, City Manager, and Victor Bennett, Assessor Submitted: March 17, 2011 Subject: Rescind Resolution No. 11.03.50 opting out of the Alternate Energy Personal Property Exemption from local taxes for United Solar Ovonic LLC INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY All material presented herein is identical to that presented to Council at the meeting of March 7, 2011. Notification was received on January 19, 2011 that the Michigan Next Energy Authority (MNEA) has certified personal property purchases in 2010 by United Solar Ovonic LLC as Alterative Energy Personal Property (AEPP) (MNEA Resolution 2010-10), thereby exempting the property from local property taxes thru the year 2013, unless the local taxing unit and or the local school district resolves to opt out of the exemption. The personal property in question is located at 3800 Lapeer and 2705 Commerce Parkway. City Council has 60 days from the receipt of the letter to exercise the opt-out option. This certificate is the 12th AEPP certificate issued by MNEA to United Solar Ovonic and its predecessors since 2003. City Council resolved to opt out or not exempt local taxes from the first two certificates issued to United Solar by MNEA in 2003, and 2008. City Council did not opt out of certificates issued in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2009. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The personal property involved in this certification by MNEA was to be purchased in 2010 and the maximum value is $7,691,059. If the City opts out of the tax exemption, the maximum amount of new city taxes realized on this equipment in 2011 would be $34,637. The total new taxes to the City over the three (3) years of the certificate would be $87,637. Total potential savings to the company, if all local taxes are exempted would be $191,119. Reasons for City Council to not take action or to not opt out would be that United Solar is a growing and expanding company and is engaged in the development of alternative energy resources, and the City wishes to further encourage the company to expand in Auburn Hills. It is understood that upon further review and clarification, Council wishes to re-address this matter. Therefore, it is required that Council rescind Resolution No. 11.03.50. If, by a majority vote of those present, Council votes in favor of rescinding Resolution No. 11.03.50 and is in favor of granting the exemption, NO FURTHER ACTION IS NECESSARY after the below stated motion. MOTION If Council wishes rescind Resolution No. 11.03.50, the following motion should be offered: Move to rescind Resolution No. 11.03.50 as adopted March 7, 2011. I CONCUR: PETER AUGER, CITY MANAGER CITY OF AUBURN HILLS ALTERNATE ENERGY PERSONAL PROPERTY LISTING City of Auburn Hills United Solar Ovonic Michigan Next Energy Authority Alternate Energy Personal Property ListingCertificate # Company Name Property Address $ Amount Approved $ Amount Acquired Year of Acquisitions Parcel Opt Out Resolution Expires Taxes Paid 2010 2003-12 United Solar Ovonic Corp 3800 Lapeer $ 36,220.35 26,105.00 2003 95-03-100-012** Local Taxes 12/30/2012 $ 2003-13 United Solar Ovonic LLC 3800 Lapeer $ 1,697,035.00 1,550,023.00 2003 95-03-100-013** Local Taxes 12/30/2012 $ 2004-08 United Solar Ovonic LLC 3800 Lapeer $ 741,644.00 73,653.00 2004 95-04-100-008 None 12/30/2012 2004-09 United Solar Ovonic Corp 3800 Lapeer $ 130,934.00 94,455.00 2004 95-04-100-009 None 12/30/2012 2005-09 United Solar Ovonic Corp 3800 Lapeer $ 147,177.00 55,262.00 2005 95-05-100-009 None 12/30/2012 2005-10 United Solar Ovonic LLC 3800 Lapeer 2705 Commerce Pkwy $ $ 30,609,937.03 11,841,325.00 290,940.00 2005 2005 95-05-100-010 95-05-200-010 None 12/30/2012 12/30/2012 2006-08 United Solar Ovonic Corp 3800 Lapeer $ 237,076.35 2006 95-06-100-008 None 12/30/2012 2006-09 United Solar Ovonic LLC 3800 Lapeer $ 873,815.28 399,326.00 2006 95-06-100-009 None 12/30/2012 2705 Commerce Pkwy $ 67,029,844.00 62,870,020.00 2006 95-06-200-009 None 12/30/2012 2007-11 United Solar Ovonic LLC 3800 Lapeer 2705 Commerce Pkwy $ $ 1,231,813.00 2,705,674.00 918,204.00 2,138,220.00 2007 2007 95-07-100-011 95-07-200-011 None 12/30/2012 12/30/2012 2008-12 United Solar Ovonic LLC 2009-07 United Solar Ovonic LLC 3800 Lapeer 2705 Commerce Pkwy 3800 Lapeer 2705 Commerce Pkwy $ $ $ $ 4,111,693.00 325,110.00 10,254,805.00 164,263.00 1,353,741.00 238,932.00 148,447.00 171,048.00 2008 2008 2009 2009 95-08-100-012 95-08-200-012 98-09-100-007 98-09-200-007 Local Taxes Local Taxes None 12/30/2012 $ 12/30/2012 12/30/2012 12/30/2012 Total to date $ 132,138,366.01 $ 70,328,376.00 7,513.93 10,579.98 CITY OF AUBURN HILLS ALTERNATE ENERGY PERSONAL PROPERTY LISTING Other Personal Property Company Name United Solar Ovonic LLC Property Address Parcel Year Established TRUE Cash Value 2010 3800 Lapeer 99-00-002-014 2000 $ 21,540,060 United Solar Systems 3800 Lapeer 99-00-003-119 2000 $ 134,780 Tax Abatement? Taxes Paid 2010 no 7 year Act 198 abatement for $50 million expired in 2007 no $ 250,510.79 $ 1,567.42 Real Property Leased by United Solar Owner Name 3800 Lapeer Investo Property Address 3800 Lapeer Parcel 14-02-401-031 Year Leased 2000 TRUE Cash Value $ 7,796,540 Tax Abatement? Taxes no $ Paid 2010 185,167.73 $ 294,557.39 5 year Act 198 abatement for $2 million expired in 2006. . Auburn Hills LLC et-al 2705 Commerce Pkwy 14-02-200-030 2006 $ 12,402,420 no I year Act 198 abatement for $14 million expired in 2007 Total 2010 Tax $ Paid $749,897.24 C I T Y O F A U B U R N H I LL S C I T Y C O U N C I L A G E N DA M A R C H 21, 2011 8d. Forester Square SAD NO ELECTRONIC INFORMATION AVAILABLE AGENDA ITEM NO. 8D. Memo To: From: Date: Re: Aerial Auburn Hills Fire Department Auburn Hills Fire Department Pete Auger, City Manager John Burmeister, Fire Chief March 17, 2011 Monthly Activity Report January 2011 During the month of January the department responded to 266 calls for service. This represents an increase of 52 incidents, or a 20% increase from the same month last year. There was 1 actual fire, and 265 non-fire related incidents. Of the 265 non-fire related incidents 183 were calls for Emergency Medical Service and Injury Accidents which represents an increase of 20% over the same month last year. Combined these two categories represent 69% of our activity. The busiest part of the day between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., experienced 170 alarms or 64% of all activity. Incident responses: 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Station Total NonPriority Calls Total Priority Calls Non Priority Response Time Priority Response Time 1 42 21 7:43 5:50* 2 59 21 10:34 4:32 3 19 8 11:20 5:51* SRU & mutual aid 6:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. 1 23 9 8:47 6:41* 2 42 9 6:58 6:02* 3 12 1 10:59 10:53* SRU & mutual aid Total 197 69 *An explanation of all priority calls over 5 minutes is attached. cc: All Staff All Stations PSAC Priority Calls over 5 minutes January‐11 Date Location Alarm Time Incident # Response time Nature of call Explanation 1‐Jan 835 Nichols Drive 16:21 9 6:25 chest pain 1‐Jan 715 Provincetown 16:22 10 5:54 siezure 5‐Jan 800 Chrysler Drive 11:45 41 6:28 chest pain 8‐Jan 2100 Willot Road 1:28 61 7:14 Difficulty Breathing Unit did not call on scene immediately 8‐Jan Brown & Giddings 4:57 63 10:53 PI Accident Distance to scene. PD on scene requested medical. 9‐Jan 2700 Shimmons #154 7:02 73 8:03 Difficulty Breathing Second call wihin 10 minutes. Engine responded. 10‐Jan 978 Hunt Club 5:26 77 8:00 trouble breathing Distance from Station 2 10‐Jan 683 Tall Oaks 9:41 79 6:45 Difficulty Breathing First unit in had difficulty locating specific address 10‐Jan 700 Brown Road 15:34 83 5:25 stroke Distance with traffic from station 3. 10‐Jan Lapeer/Harmon 7:55 87 6:29 facial injuries Distance with traffic. 11‐Jan Baldwin and I75 9:29 88 5:55 PI accident Distance 11‐Jan 2646 Patrick Henry 5:51 92 5:51 Difficulty Breathing Fourth call within 90 minutes. Engine responded from Opdyke/University also snowing. 11‐Jan 1500 University Drive 14:11 93 6:04 passed out road conditions from snow. Distance from Station 2 second call within 1 minute. First unit in could not call on scene due to radio traffic from 3 different calls. Third call within 90 minutes. Patient being cared for CTC medical staff. First unit in from station 1. 11‐Jan 3258 Countryside 16:02 95 6:34 sugar issues second call within 15 minutes. Engine responded with poor road conditions from snow. 11‐Jan 2700 Shimmons #33 21:15 97 5:54 unconscious Distance and road conditions from snow. 12‐Jan 3004 Henrydale 0:32 98 11:44 Congestive Heart Failure Distance and road conditions due to snow 12‐Jan 2650 N. Opdyke 6:59 100 8:45 chest pain Distance and road conditions from snow. 12‐Jan 2595 Auburn Road 18:07 108 7:57 chest pain Second call within 20 minutes and distance from station 2 13‐Jan 2800 Waukegan 8:13 110 5:34 Difficulty Breathing updated information prior to fd arrival 13‐Jan 800 Chrysler Drive 9:39 112 6:59 chest pain second call wihin 90 minutes. Patient in care of CTC medical staff. Fire units followed CTC security. 13‐Jan N I75 NO Auburn and E M59 16:15 121 6:57 PI Accident Fifth call within 75 minutes. Limited access to scene. 14‐Jan 1370 Pacific 7:39 125 8:31 passed out Distance to scene 15‐Jan 351 N. Squirrel Road #228 23:27 139 8:14 Difficulty Breathing Distance from station 2 & location. 18‐Jan 885 West Entrance 2:46 152 7:59 possible stroke Distance from Station 2 18‐Jan 800 Chrysler Drive 11:56 155 7:56 chest pain Second call within 15 minutes. Engine responded from station 2. Patient being cared for by CTC staff. 19‐Jan 4444 Giddings Road 8:13 165 9:01 rapid heart rate Distance to scene from station 2 with slick roads 19‐Jan 800 Chrysler Drive 15:50 170 5:07 cardiac arrest Wrong address given to responding units, corrected while enroute. 19‐Jan 2555 South Blvd. 1:15 190 9:10 Difficulty Breathing Distance from station 2 18:35 192 12:32 PI Accident Snow event. Second call within 35 minutes. First unit in did not call on scene. Patients in care of AHPD. 19:43 194 5:55 unresponsive Distance from station 2 snow event 10:28 198 7:52 chest pain Distance from stations 15:55 203 7:06 PI Accident Access to scene 12:03 213 5:18 Difficulty Breathing Address near the rear of park entrance. 22‐Jan 22‐Jan 24‐Jan 24‐Jan 25‐Jan N. Squirrel & N. Shimmons 165 S. Opdyke Road #151 3199 Lapeer Road N. I75 ‐ South Blvd. & South 351 N. Squirrel Rd. #268 26‐Jan N. I75 & Auburn Road 10:26 221 7:29 PI Accident Access to scene 26‐Jan 800 Chrysler Drive 15:44 225 5:15 chest pain Patient in care of CTC medical staff. First unit in came from station 1. 26‐Jan 3851 N. Briarvale 7:49 239 7:47 seizure Distance from station 2. 29‐Jan 2700 Shimmons Road #45 18:49 243 6:04 Difficulty Breathing Distance from station 29‐Jan 4144 Blue Heron 21:37 244 6:38 passed out Distance from station 31‐Jan 800 Chrysler Drive 6:06 254 10:32 chest pain units followed CTC security to remote site. Pt not in first aid 31‐Jan 800 Chrysler Drive 11:48 258 5:34 cardiac arrest unit followed CTC security to first aid. Patient in care of on duty CTC medical staff Calls of interest On January 28, 2011, at 9:03 a.m., we responded to a smoke investigation. Upon arrival of our Police department, they notified dispatch that this was a working structure fire with heavy smoke pouring out of the eaves. Upon Fire Department arrival an offensive attack was initiated. The first crew reported zero to low visibility. Ventilation was initiated and the seat of the fire was discovered between the many levels of sub‐flooring. The fire was extinguished with minimal amount of water. An investigation was completed by AHFD and Oakland County Sheriff Department fire investigation team where they found the fire to be accidental in nature. The only source of ignition that they could not rule out was electrical. This coincides with a call from Det. Martin who stated that he was advised by the resident of an on‐ going electrical problem. This incident is a prime example of teamwork within the city. The original caller hung up, and the dispatchers, who were very persistent, were able to call him back. They then determined this was a smoke investigation in the area of Adams and Auburn. Units were dispatched to the area, PD was first to arrive on scene and gave a specific address and upgraded the scene to a structure fire, and DPS responded to the incident and started spreading salt to help alleviate slip and falls. AUBURN HILLS FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT January, 2011 Personnel Current Month Same Month Last Year Staff Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 16 15 12 15 16 14 15 12 11 - Structure Fire Current Month Same Month Last Year Structure Fire Arson/Suspicious Arson Percentage Arson Dollar Loss Total Dollar Loss 1 0 0 0 80000 4 0 0 0 5520 12- Outdoor Fire Current Month Same Month Last Year Outdoor Fires Arson/Suspicious Arson Percentage Arson Dollar Loss Total Dollar Loss 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 - Vehicle Fire Current Month Same Month Last Year Vehicle Fires Arson/Suspicious Arson Percentage Arson Dollar Loss Total Dollar Loss 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 6550 All Fires Combined Current Month Same Month Last Year All Fires Combined Arson/Suspicious Arson Percentage Arson Dollar Loss Total Dollar Loss 1 0 0 0 80000 8 0 0 0 12070 Non Fire Current Month Same Month Last Year 30 - Emergeny Medical 35 - Injury Accident 40 - Hazardous Conditions 50 - Service Calls 60 - Good Intent 70 - Alarm Activation 172 11 3 19 33 27 134 13 4 15 21 19 Category Current Month Same Month Last Year Total Non-Fire Incidents Total Fire Incidents Total of All Incidents 265 1 266 206 8 214 Current Year Last Year to to Date Date Percent Change from Prior Year Current Year Last Year to to Date Date Percent Change from Prior Year 1 0 0 0 80000 4 0 0 0 5520 Current Year Last Year to to Date Date 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Year Last Year to to Date Date 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 6550 Current Year Last Year to to Date Date 1 0 0 0 80000 8 0 0 0 12070 Current Year Last Year to to Date Date 172 11 3 19 33 27 134 13 4 15 21 19 Current Year Last Year to to Date Date 265 1 266 206 8 214 -75.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1349.28% Percent Change from Prior Year 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Percent Change from Prior Year -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% Percent Change from Prior Year -87.50% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 562.80% Percent Change from Prior Year 28.36% -15.38% -25.00% 26.67% 57.14% 42.11% Percent Change from Prior Year 28.64% -87.50% 24.30% EMS Transports Current Month Same Month Last Year Current Year Last Year to to Date Date 106 111 Percent Change from Prior Year Transports 106 111 Investigations Current Month Same Month Last Year Fires Investigated 1 0 Plan Review Current Month Same Month Last Year Site Suppression Detection 8 11 3 1 5 1 Inspections Current Month Same Month Last Year Annual Final Suppression/Detection Follow-up Home Complaints Smoke Detectors Installed 33 4 9 23 0 3 0 17 5 4 70 0 0 0 Injuries Current Month Same Month Last Year Employee Injuries Employee Fatalities Civilian Injuries Civilian Fatalities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Department Training Current Month Same Month Last Year Administration Fire Officer Suppression Hazmat EMS Technical Rescue 141.25 0 151.25 4.5 174.5 12 0 0 191.75 7.25 45 9 141.25 0 151.25 4.5 174.5 12 0 0 191.75 7.25 45 9 100.00% 0.00% -21.12% -37.93% 287.78% 33.33% TOTAL TRAINING HOURS 483.5 253 483.5 253 91.11% Current Year Last Year to to Date Date 1 0 Current Year Current to Date Year to Date 8 11 3 1 5 1 Current Year Last Year to to Date Date 33 4 9 23 0 3 0 17 5 4 70 0 0 0 Current Year Last Year to to Date Date 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Year Last Year to to Date Date -4.50% Percent Change from Prior Year 100.00% Percent Change from Prior Year 700.00% 120.00% 200.00% Percent Change from Prior Year 94.12% -20.00% 125.00% -67.14% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% Percent Change from Prior Year 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Percent Change from Prior Year PUBLIC EDUCATION Number of Programs Type of Program Children in Attendance Adults in Attendance Pre-school Elementary School Middle School High School Tour of station Community parade Senior Citizen Civic Organization 1 Business 30 Fire Prevention Week Fire Extinguisher Community Displays 1 C.P.R. 8 1 First Aid 14 Car Seat Checks Counseling Programs Year to Date Programs Last Year Attendance Year to Date Attendance Last Year to Date 3 4 52 49 City of Auburn Hills Parks & Recreation Dept. January Update Monthly Report Vol.8 No.53/2011 _________________________________________________ Field Reservations for 2011 We started taking reservations on Jan 3rd for 2011 fields (ball diamond and athletic field) in Civic Center Park. To date, we’ve reserved time on the ball diamond this spring for: boys baseball practices and games (4 teams); girls softball practices and games (one team); mixed with our t-ball, pre t-ball and adult softball leagues this season. Program Category participants Comp w/Jan. 10 (+/-) Year to Date ‘11 Comp w/ YTD ‘10 596 -14 596 -14 1106 -135 1106 -135 925 +49 925 +49 Na Na Na Na 43 -4 43 -4 +47 178 Total: 9,986 +47 End less! Jan. 11 # of Youth Programs Adult Programs All Ages On the multi-sport athletic field, we’ve reserved time this spring and fall for: Holy Family boys lacrosse, OU Men’s Lacrosse games, Avondale girls soccer practice and games (their field is under renovation); MUSL men’s soccer games; Oakland Christian football; and Makos football, mixed with our youth soccer leagues, beginner’s soccer and flag football leagues. Thank You Mike – (Mike Mansour, Naturalist) I just wanted to thank you for a great den meeting my seven cub scout bears had at Hawk Woods several weeks ago. My usually very rambunctious boys have never been so well-behaved, because they were so engaged and interested in your program. You have such a good rapport with kids. I am sure you were a very respected, effective teacher, and still are. Yesterday, I dropped off two bags of sunflower seeds at the Community Center. Thanks again. I look forward to returning with my scouts for another great program. Renée Prisciandaro Respectfully submitted by: Brian Marzolf & Staff Recreation Director 248.370.9353 [email protected] Park Reservations Comm Center Room/Gym Reservations Community Center Cards Issued Parks & Recreation… 178- New 88-Renew the benefits are