Great relationship results in Tri Bikes In this issue…


Great relationship results in Tri Bikes In this issue…
5 August 2013, Issue 7
Great relationship results in Tri Bikes
By Marlene Rowlinson, Senior Support Worker
The enjoyment of riding is evident in Bruce Corrin's face as he shows off the new
Tri Bike that was kindly donated by Fonterra.
The story began with Andrew Oliver, who attends Enrich+ Innovation Park, his
love of trucks and his relationship with Fonterra. Andrew, on his old tri-bike,
would greet Fonterra tanker drivers who picked up the milk from his family's
farm, and natural friendships grew. One such tanker driver, Andrew Lusty,
decided to enlist the help of his colleagues at Fonterra, and fund raise to purchase
a new tri-bike for Andrew.
Not only did Fonterra raise enough funds to purchase the new bike, they were
able to fix Andrew's old bike and obtained an additional bike. Fonterra donated
the latter two tri-bikes to Enrich+, along with helmets and hi-vis vests so Andrew
could have the opportunity to ride with peers around the Ruakura Campus.
Unfortunately when Fonterra were presenting us with the tri-bikes, Andrew was
unable to be there, however, the bikes created immediate interest and were
ridden straight away. Ken Oliver, Andrew's dad, said that the smile on the faces of
the cyclists was what it was all about.
From Left: Ken Oliver, Marion Sundborn and Andrew Lusty (Fonterra),
and Bruce Corin on the bike. Photo by Hamilton Press.
Kō[email protected]
In this issue…
Page 2 Wendy’s E+
Page 2 Benefit changes
Page 3 Awards Awards
Page 3 Fabulous Forum
Page 4 Smokefree competition
Page 4 Fieldays experience
Page 5 Nanaia Mahuta MP Visits
Page 5 Tōku Whakapapa
Page 6 Spotlight on Grant
Page 7 A special young man
Page 8 Haere Mai to the new
Page 8 Staff meeting day
Page 9 Classifieds
Wendy’s +
Benefit changes
By Wendy Becker, Chief Executive Officer
By Gill Turner, Quality & Excellence Manager
Our organisation has now
officially changed its legal
name to Enrich+ Trust.
While our trading name
changed on 1 January 2013,
we had to revise and update
our Trust Deed, and then
apply to the Charities
Commission for a change to
our legal name.
Property Trust has also
undergone a name change, and will, unsurprisingly, be
known as the Enrich+ Property Trust. We are now notifying
our contract holders, banks, amidst others, of this change.
Work and Income and the Ministry of Social Development
have provided details of changes to benefits for people with
disabilities or mental health conditions that will take effect
from July 2013.
If current benefit is:
 Invalid’s Benefit
 Domestic Purposes Benefit – Care of Sick or Infirm
This will change to Supported Living Payment
 Unemployment Benefit
 Sickness Benefit
 Domestic Purposes Benefit – Women Alone
 Domestic Purposes Benefit – Sole Parent if youngest
child is aged 14 or over
It was great to see you all at the Staff Meeting Day! From
 Widow’s Benefit – without children, or if youngest
the feedback, it seems you enjoyed it as much as I did. I
continue to be in awe of so many of your creative talents,
child is aged 14 or over
many of which were on display when updating on the This will change to Jobseeker Support
various services.
Some of you will be aware Enrich+ was a finalist in the
Waipa Business Awards, Social Enterprise category. The
senior team and their partners attended a wonderful
Awards event at the Don Rowland’s Centre. We had a
fantastic evening, and while we didn’t win anything, it was
great celebrating with the various fabulous companies in
the Waipa District. Congratulations go to Resthaven
Retirement Village, based in Cambridge, who took out the
Supreme award. Entering into the awards allowed us to
challenge ourselves further to be the best we can be, and
build on our value of ‘excellence’, and the feedback
provided by the judges will help us to further improve some
of our systems and services.
 Domestic Purposes Benefit – Sole Parent if youngest
child is aged under 14
 Widow’s Benefit – if youngest child aged under 14
This will change to Sole Parent Support
Further details are available at the following website.
Page 2
Awards, awards, awards
By Stephanie Shores, Executive Leader – HR
Aside from having an amazing day hearing about the
wonderful services Enrich+ provide and being in good
company, we also had our Employee Awards
Congratulations to the winners but also ‘congratulations’
to those who were nominated – this in itself is an
achievement and something to be proud of – you have
been noticed!!
Those nominated for the Nothing is Too Much Trouble
Aroha Kenny
Sharon Garrick
Amour Louwrens
Ditda Komene
Craig Bell
Sam Kemp
Arthur Crane
Christine Erasmuson
The Award went to: Arthur Crane
Those nominated for the Role Model Award:
Kelvin Morunga
Jay Berwick
Xiao Ma Pang
Sarah Hobden
Tania Lord
Esme du Plessis
Lesley Bright
Gill Turner
Jean Crane
Annette van Lamoen
Craig Bell
The Award went
to: Esme du
Fabulous forum
By Gill Turner, Quality & Excellence Manager
One of the most rewarding days I remember in my
working life was this, the gathering of all the staff
altogether in one place for a day of informative
presentations, inspiring ideas and general all round fun.
The day began with a welcome to the many new staff
that have come on board since the last staff meeting in
December. There were plenty of us and we were
welcomed with good cheer. Then the teams had their
updates. The information was inspiring. I found
Innovation Park’s rendition of “I am me” by Eddie Low
very apt and from the comments afterwards I think many
found the song a great representation of what Enrich+ is
about. We heard about how Education gets the students
involved, Supported Employment reaching and exceeding
their targets and the great ‘Hats” story from Te
Awamutu. All presentations were great. The Health and
Safety Pop Quiz got the noise levels up and the afternoon
bought the new Intranet to life with another pop quiz and
then Saen’s army exercise had us all debating the values
of items on a survival exercise which I am sure will come
in extremely handy if we are ever in a plane crash in the
Canadian Rockies in the middle of winter – good to know
From the consensus, I would say that everyone enjoyed
the day and have come away with some great thoughts
and new ideas. More about the staff day on Page 8.
CEO Award for
Innovation &
Best Practice
Magdel Piso
Health and
Safety Award
Sharon Garrick
Wendy Becker presents the Role Model
Award to Esme Du Plessis. Photo by
Stephanie Shores
Magdel addressing the staff at the staff training day. Photo by
Stephanie Shores.
Page 3
Smokefree competition
By Gill Turner, Quality & Excellence Manager
What great fun the Smokefree Group had deciding on a
winner from the entries we had for the Smokefree Design
a Poster competition. Some really creative and great
artwork was submitted.
The winning poster was
submitted by Bevan Taylor from Te Awamutu and the
Runner-up was Te Ahihorongo Harris, a student from
New Plymouth. We hope you enjoy the movies prize.
Fieldays experience
By Jason Smith and Paikea Apanuni with support from
Ben Swain
We attended the first day of the 2013 field days at
Mystery Creek. We paired ourselves up with Steve Adair
and his team from Genesis Energy and then the fun
We walked for hours discovering many new foods,
looking at the machinery and bonding with our new
friends. We watched a young man jump with his motor
bike over large metal ramps.
During the day we collected lots of give away and
promotional gifts and we filled our bags with these and
had a lot of fun trading them with each other.
Experienced farmers gave lots of talks and we learnt a lot
about what animals are farmed in New Zealand and the
advancements in care and technology in farming today.
We were able to watch a cool live show about how to
become a successful farmer and that interested us all.
Bevan Taylor proudly
displaying "Skully".
Photo by Craig Bell
We had such a wonderful day and loved being there and
we really hope to be there again next year.
From left: Paikea Apanui, Chris Williamson, Joshua Buchanan,
Rachael Fletcher, Kelvin Adair, Jason Smith, Ben Swain, Jessica
Manning . Photo by: Elsabe Fleming
Runner-up Te Ahihorongo Harris's
colourful masterpiece
Page 4
Nanaia Mahuta MP visits
Tōku whakapapa
By Jean Crane, Tutor, Caring for Young Children
By Te Ahihorongo Harris, student, New Plymouth
received a visit
Mahuta MP – Nanaia Mahuta MP and Jean Crane.
Hauraki -Waikato Photo by
Spokesperson for Youth Affairs.
Nanaia spoke with the students who were busy creating
art with play-dough, about their studies and health and
wellbeing. Nanaia said she would love to be a student in
the programme as it had such a welcoming and
stimulating atmosphere. She also commented on the
wall displays around the room and was really impressed
with the ‘Pania of the Reef’ mural that the students had
created in the cafe.
This picture represents who I am and where I come from.
But like everyone else. I am human, I cry, I bleed, just like
you. I’m me and this is my whakapapa.
Ko Waikato rāua ko Waipa te awa
Ko Kawhia rāua ko Aotea te moana
Ko Taupiri rāua ko Pirongia te maunga
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Okapu rāua ko Waipapa te marae
Ko Te Wehi rāua ko Ngati Hikairo te hapu
Ko Tainui te iwi
Ko Rachel rāua ko Helen tōku mama
Ko Kevin tōku papa
Ko Te Ahihorongo Harris tōku ingoa.
Nanaia discussed the Youth Guarantee Programme at the
Hamilton Branch of Enrich+ Education and its value to the
students. She was interested to learn that the students
gained two National Certificates by completing the Caring
for Young Children Programme, being the Early Childhood
Education and Care Level 3 and Employment Skills Level
1. The additional benefit is that students also gained
their NCEA Levels 1 and/or 2.
Nanaia was impressed that the majority of students
enrolled in the programme, completed their studies and
went onto further Early Childhood Education either at
WINTEC, The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, Vision
College or Waikato University.
It was great to be able to show Nanaia what a valuable
programme we offer.
Page 5
Spotlight on Grant Gardiner
By Grant Gardiner, Supported Employment Team Leader
I was born in Levin a
long, long time ago.
I married a great Te
Awamutu girl and
Waikato. I love all
sports and still try
to play softball,
squash and golf.
The majority of my
working life has
with people with
Being a pilot, not
the airborne type
but a road pilot.
Guiding five Waka from
Ngaruawahia to Waitangi and back for Waitangi day
celebrations. Awesome.
Best Holiday
Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas and Hawaii. I had
to go on all the rides at Disney, Knotts Berry Farm
and Universal Studios, my 12 year old son made
me!! Have to go again.
Favourite Music
Anything but grunge or rap but for those who have
seen my personalised plate BGSFAN would know my
favourite “Marley Purt Drive”.
If I knew what I know now when I was 16 - what
would I do?
Absolutely nothing, any change back then and I
wouldn’t have got to know and love an array of very
special people and check out the photo of me at that
time – would you change it?
Why do I like what I’m doing?
The people, those I work with and for enriching my
life. It’s also great when you get positive results that
make a difference to someone’s life.
Health & Safety Notice
Enrich+ is pleased to announce that we have obtained
some great Disaster Survival Packs which we are
calling The Enrich+ GO BAGS. They are now on their
way to each site so we have emergency supplies
available in the event of a major emergency.
Notification of Approved Documents
The following documents have been approved and
have been uploaded to the Intranet under Policy &
Public Relations & Media - New
Petty Cash - amended
Please ensure you go over these new documents at
your next staff meeting.
Page 6
A special young man
By Karen Halse, Supported Employment Coordinator
Jaime Moore
December 2011
Jaime started his
journey with us in
his quest to find
employment. This
couldn’t wait to
get out of home to
useful. He had just
attained Level 3
computer studies Jaime Moore at Cambridge High School Ball
and was keen to 2013. Photo supplied by family.
find somewhere
to expand his skills.
In March 2012, I met Jaime at Cambridge Library for the
very first time, and I was keen to support this bright
young man into paid employment. Jaime wanted to have
something productive and meaningful to do during his
week, so that he could be like everyone else.
Jaime had a visual disability, but no way was he going to
let this disable him and stop him from being somebody.
This is what I liked about Jaime, he had that ‘go get it’
attitude. Jamie’s view of his disability was like playing a
game on ‘Hard’ mode. Jamie did really well so he must
have found the ‘cheats page’ because he could handle all
that was thrown at him. All Jaime wanted was to work in
a Library, and he had me calling all the local libraries
within the Waipa area. Towards the end of July last year,
Jaime was given an opportunity for a placement in the
library at Cambridge High School.
On the 24 October 2012 Jaime started his first day of
work at Cambridge High School on staff, “Jaime the
School Librarian”. I remember when he said this, it
brought the biggest smile to his face and just to have a
title changed his life. I attended with Jaime on his first
day, and of course helped to ensure that it was a good
one. Jaime was a quick learner and in no time I was able
to leave him to find his own path, with support from
Glynis, and Sarmie, and later on Louisa at the library, but
of course Jaime knew I was there when he needed me.
On 1st of July this year I was able to deliver the best news
to Jaime, telling him that he had been granted his
mainstream funding for paid employment and this was
going to secure his employment placement for 2 years.
Jaime was over the moon, he said “ I’m finally in a paid
job, No more paying for a damn taxi”.... Jaime’s chuckle
said it all. I should explain that Jamie had started off
walking to and from the library (total of 32 kms daily) but
eventually gave in and paid for a taxi every day ($84 per
week). A meeting was arranged with Cambridge High
School, Lance Taylor of WINZ Mainstream programme. It
was decided that Jaime would start on the pay role as of
Monday 29th July 2013. Yeah Jaime you made it!!!
On Friday 12th July, Jaime and I went off on (as he
described) “a shopping spree”. Jaime and I were heading
off to find him his very own computer chair to use at
work. Jaime and I finally ended up at Office Max in
Hamilton where we ended up with the perfect chair. We
did well, taking three different chairs and making it into
one, “nothing but comfort for me Karen,” Jaime said with
the biggest smile. We could have settled for a $300-$400
chair, but no, the cost of the chair was $736. He said
“Can’t put a price on comfort”.
Sadly Jaime did not get the opportunity to use this
specially made chair, as I received news from Jaime’s
mother the following week, informing me that Jaime had
passed away on Tuesday 16th July.
Jaime was an amazing young man, always happy and
never letting anything get him down. He fought to
achieve all that he put his mind to, and was keen to give
anything a try. Jaime had the world at his feet, a paying
job and a girlfriend. He was surrounded by a loving
caring family, friends and supportive people. He was
living a life like any other. He was a bright young man
with a lot to offer and I was so fortunate to be able to
know Jaime. He will be missed.
Page 7
“Haere Mai to the new Intranet
By Jenny Smith, Executive Assistant
The new Enrich+ Intranet was launched last week after
seven months of development! It’s been an exciting and
enjoyable process with challenges along the way – one
being learning how to use SharePoint Designer!
All of the information that was stored on the old intranet
has been transferred over and reformatted to reflect
Enrich+, however where that information is stored may be
different and you may see a few changes in how you
request things.
If you do struggle to find something, there is a search
function and you will find this in the top right hand corner
of the page.
The intranet is still a work in progress and if there is any
feedback, comments or queries you have please contact
me (Jenny Smith). Remember improvements can only be
made with feedback!
We hope that you are enjoying the new look though and
finding your way around the site.
Staff meeting day
were one of eight passengers in an aircraft that crash
landed in Northern Canada, the pilot and co-pilot didn’t
survive and the nearest town was 30 kilometers away,
criss-crossed with high passes, numerous streams and
rivers, and the outside temperature minus 25 - 40 degrees
fahrenheit (-30 - -40 Celcius). The passengers had minutes
to get a safe distance away from the plane as it was leaking
fuel and sparking from damaged internal wiring exposed in
the accident.
The teams had to decide how they were going to keep
warm, signal their whereabouts and could chose 5 items to
salvage to help them do this. After discussing it in their
groups everyone had to present back explaining their
decisions. Teams were awarded points on the most useful
and least useful items salvaged and those that survived
were extremely proud of themselves.
The feedback showed that everyone enjoyed the team
building exercises, it was fun, exciting and interesting and
got people debating.
We asked for feedback at the end of the day and 84 out of
96 people provided this. 87% of you thought the meeting
day as a whole was excellent, really enjoying the day and
hearing a lot more that was interesting. Here are some of
the comments about the day:
By Jenny Smith, Executive Assistant
The Staff Meeting Day on Wednesday 17 July was a great
success. The day included updates from all teams and
information about the Strategic Plan and financial budgets.
Staff were shown the new Enrich+ Intranet and had the
opportunity to look at the site and get familiar with it. HR
also shared information the VITAE-EAP service which
provides confidential counselling to staff and the new
Whānau Ora concept that the organisation will be
undertaking in the future which is working with whānau on
an individual’s goals.
“Good idea to mix
staff after breaks”
”Well structured and very
informative. Great team builder
and as a new member to the
team I felt very included and
welcomed. Thank you all for
making me feel very welcome to
the Enrich+ family - I am
“Always awesome
to catch up with
all staff and see /
hear what is
The team building exercise led by Saen O’Brien had teams
working on a hypothetical major transport accident. Staff
Page 8
The food was enjoyed with 89% voting it as excellent!
The venue was also liked, 87% voted it as excellent!
The feedback was that it was warm and the venue
“Water only for the
rest of the week - so
“Always lovely to
come here”
“Warmer than previous
“Great room, not
hemmed in”
“Glad there
were healthy
options too”
“Always good
A whopping 95% of you thought the team updates
were excellent and absolutely loved hearing about
what your colleagues are doing. 94% of staff felt the
team building exercise was excellent
The HR presentation was informative and 80%
thought an excellent part of the day. The feedback on
the Whānau Ora presentation showed that people
were looking forward to finding out more information
about the concept.
79% of you thought the Strategic Plan Update was
really good and informative and 77% thought the
Money, Money, Money presentation was great. Many
people commented that it was good to be updated on
the organisations goals, plans and finances.
The Awards part of the day was thought to be
fantastic and there were quite a few comments about
the recipients of the awards being well deserved.
The Health & Safety Pop Quiz and Intranet Quiz were
fun and interactive, although a little bit noisy. Despite
the lack of computers for the Intranet session and
people having to work in large groups people really
enjoyed being able to see it and said they were
looking forward to being able to use the new site.
“Fantastic H&S
quiz, with staff
“Great presentations
from all teams”
“I look forward
to following
the results of
Whānau Ora.
Ka pai!
“Very clear, concise
and valuable
information from
“Good visuals for the
Money, Money,
Money presentation”
“Maybe needed a
demonstration on
screen or more
computers at each
“The Intranet looks fantastic,
work well done and looking
forward to using our new
“Great to value people
who do a fab job”
“Would like to have had
“Well done to
Gill, for good fun
and interactive
“Great to hear
what direction
the organisation
is going in”
“Strategic Plan Update was
nicely put and interactive so
it was not overwhelming to
more about Skillwise
“Great to see teams
being creative and
working together”
Team Building
“Fun, fun, fun”
“Lots of fun and debating within our
“Fantastic to work was a team with
other members of the organisation”
Page 9
We are delighted to announce that Alison Wilson had a baby girl on Wednesday 31st July - our
congratulations to Alison and Karlos.
Engagements and Wedding Bells - Happy days to the following …
 Ruute Kabwea is now Mrs Ruute Silao!!
 Nikita Brown from our Empowerment Te Awamutu service is engaged Andrew Muller
 Annette Martin and Andrew Kershaw also announced their engagement
A warm welcome to:
Lynette Wong, Kaushik Nair, Rochelle Rua and Elske Reyneke-Barnard – all casuals who are coming
on board as permanent staff members and will be working in the Empowerment services.
We also welcome four new contractors to the Enrich+ fold:
 Pavan Singh, who joins our Rehab/Work Outcomes team
 And Margaret Collins-Wood, who will be doing some key project work for the
 Jason McDowell who joins Enrich+ Education Hamilton
 Jennifer Alexander who joins Enrich+ Education Hamilton
Staff farewell
Last month we said farewell to a number of long-serving staff including Tangiwai Ruakere,
Kahuwhariki Joseph, Min Whistler, and Tuti Borell. We also said goodbye to George Marsh and
Simon Bell.
Part-time Empowerment Facilitator
Contact Michelle on 07 872 0956 for more information.
Education – Business Development Manager
Enquiries to Stephanie Shores by Friday 16 August.
07 872 0951 or 027 663 3513
Page 10