analysis of trace metals in lubricating oil using - Encore
analysis of trace metals in lubricating oil using - Encore
DETERMINATION OF TRACE METALS IN LUBRICATING OILS BY ICP-OES by HAILE ARAYA TEKIE Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: CHEMISTRY in the Department of Chemistry FACULTY OF SCIENCE TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Supervisor: Prof RI McCrindle Co-supervisor: Prof PJJG Marais Co-supervisor: Dr AA Ambushe February 2013 ii DECLARATION BY CANDIDATE “I hereby declare that the dissertation submitted for the degree Magister Technologiae: Analytical Chemistry, at Tshwane University of Technology, is my own original work and has not previously been submitted to any other institution of higher education. I further declare that all sources cited or quoted are indicated and acknowledged by means of a comprehensive list of references”. Haile Araya Tekie Copyright © Tshwane University of Technology (2013) iii DEDICATION This work is dedicated to my elder brother, Goitom, for his unrestricted support and encouragement during the entire study. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all I would like to express my thanks and glory to Almighty God, who provided me with strength and inspiration throughout my life. My profound gratitude and appreciation goes to: my supervisor, Prof RI McCrindle, for making this study possible through his wealthy academic experience. He was always there and patient with me any time throughout my study period, whenever I had problems; my co-supervisor, Prof PJJG Marais, for his positive attitude and guidance; my co-supervisor, Dr AA Ambushe, for his unrelenting assistance in organizing the study and critical review of the dissertation; Tshwane University of Technology and the National Research Foundation, for funding the project; The Department of Chemistry for providing a rich atmosphere to work on my studies and the opportunity of teaching assistantship. My sincere thanks are also expressed to: my wife, Meaza Habtegiorghis, my son Henok and daughter Delina, for their understanding, encouragement and patience during my study; my parents, sisters and brothers, for their support and encouragement. Among them are: Ato A Tesfagiorghis and family, Dr T Araya and family, Dr A Ghebremeskel and family. I would also like to express my sincere thanks to: Stanley Moyo, for teaching me the ICP-OES, his positive attitude and team spirit; Mr P Kobue, statistical analyst, for his kind assistance with data analysis using ANOVA; All the authors referenced throughout my research work; The unique and diverse Chemistry postgraduate team, for their friendly cooperation and open discussions in all aspects of life. Last but not least, my thanks also go to administrative staff members of Tshwane University of Technology for their kind support throughout my research work. v ABSTRACT Quantification of trace elements in used lubricating oil forms a vital part in monitoring engine conditions and impact on the environment. In this study, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) was used for the determination of trace elements (Ag, Ba, Cu, Mn and Ni) in lubricating oils. The methodology was developed intending to minimise the oil’s carbonaceous matter and viscosity. Accordingly, six oil preparation techniques (xylene dilution, detergent emulsion, microwave digestion, dry-ashing, wet-ashing and ultrasonic extraction) were investigated. Optimisation of the factors influencing an ultrasonic extraction and ICPOES operating parameters enabled quantification of the trace metals in oils. Limits of detection (3Sb/m), in the ng g-1 range, were obtained for each element of interest using each method investigated. The validity of the methodologies studied was checked through the analysis of a certified reference material in used oil (EnviroMAT, HU-1) and Conostan S-21 standards. Good analyte recoveries, ranged 48.3 to 106%, were obtained. Evaluation of the analytical methods studied with regard to accuracy, precision, LOD, linearity, applicability for routine analysis, preparation time and cost was made. Based on these evaluations, ultrasonic extraction has a clear advantage in terms of accuracy, applicability for routine analysis, time and cost of sample preparation. vi CONTENTS PAGE DECLARATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii DEDICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii AKNOWLEDGEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv ABSTRACT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v CONTENTS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi LIST OF FIGURES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xi LIST OF TABLES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xiii LIST OF ABREVIATIONS USED -----------------------------------------------------------xv GLOSSARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xvii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION --------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.1 BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION ----------------------------------------- 1 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT -------------------------------------------------------- 5 1.3 HYPOTHESIS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 1.4 OBJECTIVES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 1.4.1 General objective ----------------------------------------------------------------- 6 1.4.2 Specific objectives --------------------------------------------------------------- 7 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE SURVEY----------------------------------------------------- 8 2.1 INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 2.2 LUBRICATING OIL CHEMISTRY --------------------------------------------- 8 2.2.1 Background ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 2.2.2 Refining lubricating oil from crude petroleum-------------------------- 8 2.3 TYPES OF LUBRICATING OILS ---------------------------------------------- 9 vii 2.3.1 Mineral oils -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Paraffinic oils----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Naphthenic oils -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Aromatic oils ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 2.3.2 Synthetic oils --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 2.4 PROPERTIES OF LUBRICATING OIL ------------------------------------ 11 2.4.1 Viscosity --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 2.4.2 Viscosity index ------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 2.4.3 Total acid and base numbers ----------------------------------------------- 12 2.5 SOURCES OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN LUBRICATING OILS ------ 13 2.5.1 Additive elements--------------------------------------------------------------- 13 2.5.2 Wear metals ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 2.5.3 Lubricating oil contaminants ----------------------------------------------- 15 2.6 SEQUENTIAL SIMPLEX OPTIMISATION -------------------------------- 16 2.6.1 Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 2.6.2 The simplex calculations ----------------------------------------------------- 17 2.6.3 Rules of the simplex algorithm -------------------------------------------- 17 2.6.4 Boundary violation ------------------------------------------------------------- 18 2.6.5 The convergence criteria ----------------------------------------------------- 18 2.7 INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA-OPTICAL EMISSION SPECTROMETRY --------------------------------------------------------------- 18 2.7.1 Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 2.7.2 Instrumentation for ICP-OES ----------------------------------------------- 19 2.7.3 Sample preparation for ICP-OES analysis ----------------------------- 20 Dilution of lubricating oil with xylene ---------------------------------------- 20 Emulsification ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 Dry-ashing -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 Wet-ashing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 Microwave-assisted acid digestion------------------------------------------- 23 viii Ultrasound-assisted extraction ------------------------------------------------ 24 2.7.4 Optimisation of ICP-OES operating parameters --------------------- 24 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 The optimisation scheme ------------------------------------------------------- 25 2.8 ANALYTICAL LIMITS OF DETECTION ----------------------------------- 25 2.8.1 Limit of detection --------------------------------------------------------------- 26 2.8.2 Limit of quantitation ----------------------------------------------------------- 26 CHAPTER 3: EXPERIMENTAL ------------------------------------------------------------- 27 3.1 INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------- 27 3.2 REAGENTS AND STANDARDS -------------------------------------------- 27 3.3 APPARATUS AND INSTRUMENTATION -------------------------------- 28 3.3.1 Apparatus for microwave digestion -------------------------------------- 28 3.3.2 Apparatus for ultrasonic-assisted extraction ------------------------- 28 3.3.3 Setup for ICP-OES instrumentation -------------------------------------- 28 3.4 SAMPLE PREPARATION FOR ICP-OES ANALYSIS ---------------- 29 3.4.1 Xylene dilution ------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 3.4.2 Oil emulsification --------------------------------------------------------------- 30 3.4.3 Dry-ashing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 3.4.4 Wet-ashing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31 3.4.5 Microwave-assisted acid digestion --------------------------------------- 31 3.4.6 Ultrasonic-assisted extraction --------------------------------------------- 32 3.5 SELECTION OF ANALYTICAL WAVELENGTHS---------------------- 33 3.6 OPTIMISATION ------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 3.6.1 Simplex optimisation of ICP-OES operating parameters --------- 33 3.6.2 Factorial optimisation of an ultrasonic extraction ------------------ 34 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSION ------------------------------------------- 36 4.1 INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------- 36 ix 4.2 ELEMENTAL WAVELENGTH SELECTION ----------------------------- 36 4.3 OPTIMISATION ------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 4.3.1 Simplex optimisation of ICP-OES operating parameters --------- 38 4.3.2 Factorial optimisation of the ultrasound-assisted extraction for trace metals in lubricating oils --------------------------------------------- 43 Influence of HNO3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------43 Influence of aqua regia ---------------------------------------------------------- 45 Influence of HNO3:H2O2 (2:1) ------------------------------------------------- 48 Influence of HNO3:HCl (1:1) --------------------------------------------------- 50 Influence of sonication time ---------------------------------------------------- 51 4.4 ANALYSIS OF UED LUBRICATING OILS BY ICP-OES ------------- 52 4.4.1 Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 4.4.2 Linearity of calibration curves --------------------------------------------- 52 4.4.3 Determination of limits of detection and quantitation ------------- 53 4.4.4 Determination of trace elements in used oil samples -------------- 55 4.5 ANALYSIS OF QUALITY CONTROL SAMPLES BY ICP-OES ---- 60 4.5.1 Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 4.5.2 Accuracy and precision ------------------------------------------------------ 61 4.5.3 Validation criteria applied ---------------------------------------------------- 66 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ---------------- 73 5.1 INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------- 72 5.2 ACHIEVEMENT OF THE OBJECTIVES----------------------------------- 72 5.3 CONTRIBUTION OF THE STUDY ------------------------------------------ 77 5.4 SHORTCOMING OF THE STUDY ------------------------------------------ 77 5.5 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH ---------------- 77 REFERENCES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79 x ANNEXURE A: DETAILS OF THE SIMPLEX ALGORITHM -------------- 86 A.1 DEFINITION OF THE SIMPLEX ALGORITHM -------------------------- 86 A.2 TYPES OF THE SIMPLEX ALGORITHM --------------------------------- 86 A.2.1 Fixed step simplex algorithm ----------------------------------------------- 86 A.2.2 Variable step simplex algorithm ------------------------------------------- 86 A.3 RULES OF THE SIMPLEX ALGORITHM --------------------------------- 87 A.3.1 Rules of the fixed step simplex algorithm ----------------------------- 87 A.3.2 Rules of the variable step simplex algorithm ------------------------- 88 ANNEXURE B: ADDITIONAL TABLES ---------------------------------------- 89 ANNEXURE C: ADDITIONAL FIGURES --------------------------------------- 95 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Figure 2.1 Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Figure 4.3 Figure 4.4 Figure 4.5 Figure 4.6 Figure 4.7 Figure 4.8 Figure 4.9 Bathtub curve showing the wear pattern of an internal combustion engine --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Schematic representation of a typical ICP-OES instrument----------- 19 Determination of the most sensitive analytical line for (a) Ag 328.068, (b) Ba 455.404, (c) Cu 324.754, (d) Mn 257.611, and (e) Ni 341.476 --------------------------------------------------------------- 37 Progress of the simplex optimisation when applied to (a) forward power, (b) plasma, (c) auxiliary and (d) nebuliser flow, for Cu in xylene ------------------------------------------------------------ 41 Simplex optimisation progress showing trial number versus SBRs for Mn in aqueous solution -------------------------------------------- 42 Influence of HNO3 on the extraction of (a) Ag, (b) Ba, (c) Cu, (d) Mn, and (e) Ni, in used oils ------------------------------------------------ 44 Influence of aqua regia on the extraction of (a) Ag, (b) Ba, (c) Cu, (d) Mn, and (e) Ni, in used oils -------------------------------------- 46 Calibration curves constructed using 0-50 µg g-1 Ag in 25% aqua regia (m/v) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 47 Influence of HNO3:H2O2/2:1 on the extraction of (a) Ag, (b) Ba, (c) Cu, (d) Mn, and (e) Ni, in used oils -------------------------------------- 49 Influence of HNO3:HCl/1:1 on the extraction of (a) Ag, (b) Ba, (c) Cu, (d) Mn, and (e) Ni, in used oils ------------------------------------- 50 Calibration curve for the determination of Cu (324.754) in xylene -- 52 Figure 4.10 Mean concentrations of trace elements, in sample A of used lubricating oil, analysed by ICP-OES ---------------------------------------- 55 Figure 4.11 Mean concentrations of trace elements, in sample B of used lubricating oil, analysed by ICP-OES ---------------------------------------- 55 Figure 4.12 Mean concentrations of trace elements, in used engine oil (15W-40) analysed by ICP-OES---------------------------------------------- 56 Figure 4.13 Mean concentrations of trace elements, in used engine oil (20W-50) analysed by ICP-OES---------------------------------------------- 57 Figure 4.14 Mean concentrations of trace elements in used gear oil (EP 90), working for about 12,000 km in a TOYOTA COROLA motor car ---- 57 Figure 4.15 Mean concentrations of trace elements in used gear oil (EP 90), working for more than one year in a OPEL CORSA motor car ------- 58 Figure 4.16 Ultrasonic extraction of Ba under constant conditions of 10 mL xii aqua regia and 120 min sonication time ------------------------------------ 63 Figure A.1 Possible moves in the variable size simplex algorithm ----------------- 87 Figure C.1 Progress of the simplex optimisation of the ICP-OES when applied to (a) plasma flow, (b) forward power, (c) auxiliary flow and (d) nebuliser flow for Mn in aqueous matrix ------------------------- 95 Calibration curve for the determination of Ag in xylene diluted oils - 96 Figure C.2 Figure C.3 Figure C.4 Calibration curve for the determination of Ba in microwave digested oils ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 96 Calibration curve for the determination of Cu in emulsified oils ------ 97 Figure C.5 Calibration curve for the determination of Mn in dry-ashed oils ------ 97 Figure C.6 Calibration curve for the determination of Ni in wet-ashed oils ------ 98 Figure C.7 Calibration curve for the determination of Cu in ultrasonically extracted oils ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 98 xiii LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Boiling ranges of crude oil fractions ------------------------------------------- 9 Table 2.2 Common lubricating oil additives and their functions ------------------- 13 Table 2.3 Common wear metals and their origins ------------------------------------- 14 Table 2.4 Common lubricating oil contaminants and their origins ---------------- 15 Table 3.1 Ramp to temperature heating program of the MARS 5 microwave -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 Table 3.2 Instrumental limits of control variables for the simplex scheme ------ 34 Table 3.3 Setting of control variables for the modified simplex in aqueous matrix -------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 Table 3.4 Setting of control variables for the modified simplex in xylene matrix ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 Table 3.5 Setting of the modified simplex algorithm ---------------------------------- 34 Table 3.6 Factors and levels used in the full factorial experimental design (43) of the ultrasonic extraction scheme ------------------------------------ 35 Table 4.1 Analytical lines established for the determination of trace metals --- 38 Table 4.2 Simplex optimised plasma conditions in aqueous matrix -------------- 39 Table 4.3 Simplex optimised plasma conditions in xylene matrix ----------------- 39 Table 4.4 Optimum conditions of an ultrasonic-assisted extraction -------------- 43 Table 4.5 Linear regression equations obtained by all methods studied -------- 53 Table 4.6 Radial ICP-OES limits of detection and quantitation of the trace elements investigated ---------------------------------------------------- 54 Statistical comparisons of the analytical methods studied using ANOVA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 Table 4.7 Table 4.8 Analysis of variance for Cu results ------------------------------------------- 60 Table 4.9 Comparison of Cu by treatments (methods) ------------------------------ 60 Table 4.10 Mean recoveries (±SD) obtained from the analysis of Conostan S-21 standard by ICP-OES -------------------------------------- 61 Table 4.11 Mean recoveries (±SD) obtained from the analysis of EnviroMAT (certified reference material) by ICP-OES------------------ 63 xiv Table 4.12 Analytical criteria applied for method validation -------------------------- 67 Table B.1 Simplex optimisation progress data of ICP-OES operating parameters, for Ag in xylene matrix ------------------------------------------ 89 Simplex optimisation progress data of ICP-OES operating parameters, for Mn in aqueous matrix -------------------------------------- 91 Table B.2 Table B.3 Sensitivity study of ICP-OES lines for the elements investigated---- 92 Table B.4 The full factorial experimental design (43) applied to the optimisation of the ultrasound-assisted extraction of metals in lubricating oils --------------------------------------------------------------------- 93 xv LIST OF ABREVIATIONS USED AAS: atomic absorption spectrometry AGMA: American gear manufacturers association ANOVA: analysis of variance ASTM: American society for testing materials CCD: charge coupled device CID: charge injection device DCP: direct current plasma GF-AAS graphite furnace- atomic absorption spectrometry GNP: gross national product ICCD: intensified charge coupled device ICP-MS: inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry ICP-OES/AES: inductively coupled plasma-optical/atomic emission spectrometry IDL: instrument detection limit ISO: international organisation for standardisation JOAP: joint oil analysis program LOD: limit of detection LOQ: limit of quantitation MDL: method detection limit MHz: mega hertz MIP: microwave induced plasma OECD: organisation for economic co-operation and development PAG: polyalkylene glycols PAH: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon PAO: polyalphaolefins PCB: polychlorinated biphenyl PCT: polychlorinated terphenyl QC: quality control RDE-OES: rotating-disc electrode sparks optical emission spectrometry xvi RF: radio frequency SBR: signal to background ratio SUS: saybolt universal seconds TAN: total acid number TBN: total base number ZDDP: zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate xvii GLOSSARY Glossary of terms as applied to this study: Algorithm: A prescribed set of rules or procedures for the solution of a problem in discrete steps. Atomization: Process of dissociating vaporised sample molecules into free atoms. Blank solution: A solution that doesn’t contain a detectable amount of the analyte of interest. Usually used for calibration purposes. Calibration curve: A plot or equation that describes the relationship between the variable that is measured to indicate the presence of an analyte and the concentration of the analyte. Decay: Any process in which an excited atom or ion changes to a lower energy state. Desolvation: Process of removing the solvent molecules from a sample droplet, resulting in a dried sample particle. Detector: A photosensitive device that absorbs photons and converts them into electrons with certain efficiency. These photoelectrons can be measured to indicate the intensity of the incoming light. Excitation: A process, in which an electron is promoted to a higher energy level, resulting in an atom or ion said to be in an excited state. Flash point: The lowest temperature at which the lubricant emits enough vapour to ignite in the presence of flame but not continue to burn. Injector: The centremost tube of an ICP torch through which the sample aerosol is introduced to the plasma. Interference: Any thing that causes the signal from an analyte in a sample to be different from the analyte signal for the same concentration of that analyte in a single element calibration solution. Matrix matching: An approach to interference correction in which the major chemical compositions of the standards, blanks and samples are xviii made identical aiming to cancel out the effect of sample matrix on the analytical results. Matrix: The components of the sample other than the elements of interest. Nebulisation: The process of creating aerosols from liquid samples using mechanical or other forces. Optimisation: The process by which the response of a system is improved to its best possible response. Pour point: The lowest temperature at which the paraffinic wax content of the oil becomes crystallizes and loses its flow characteristic. Real sample: Refers to used oil samples collected from local garages for investigation. Sonochemistry: The branch of chemistry which concerns with chemical changes caused by or involving sound, particularly ultrasound energy. Tesla coil: An electrical device used to create a high-voltage spark; often used for igniting an ICP discharge. Wavelength: The distance between two adjacent peaks of a monoenergetic electromagnetic wave. Working range: The range of concentrations over which reliable analyte determinations can be made. 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION Lubricating oils, such as engine, gear, hydraulic and turbine oils, are primarily used to reduce friction and reducing heat generation between contacting surfaces (Jha, 2005). They are generally formulated from mineral base oils, obtained from one of the fractions of crude oil distillation. These petroleum based lubricants are composed primarily of paraffinic, naphthenic and aromatic hydrocarbons, distilled between 300 and 400 oC. A variety of oil additives, introduced to enhance the oil’s performance, also contribute to the final composition of the lubricating oil (Aucelio et al., 2007b; Barbeira & Ferreira, 2009). Lubricants that have been used in machine components for a period of time have their composition altered because of the breakdown of additives, contamination with the products of combustion and the addition of metals from component wear and tear. Although it is difficult to generalise about the exact composition of used engine oil, the major components include aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons including phenol, naphthalene, benzanthracene, benzopyrene and fluoranthene (Basham et al., 1997). The main sources of metals in lubricating oil include additives, wear metals and contaminants (Bombelka & Nham, 1991). Additive metals are deliberately blended into the final product, in order to enhance the oil’s performance (Aucelio et al., 2007b). Some of the most common oil additives include: anti-wear, anti-rust, oxidation inhibitors, viscosity index improvers, dispersants, anti-foaming agents, extreme pressure additives and corrosion suppressors (Thermo Elemental, 2002; Thomson, 2007). Contaminants including metals, fuel, glycols, water and debris can be introduced into the lubricating oil, most often through dust, leaks or residual metal pieces (Jha, 2005). Wear metal residues occur when moving metal surfaces come 2 into contact with each other. The sources of wear could result from either physical or chemical mechanisms (Aucelio et al., 2007b; Kuokkanen et al., 2008). When the lubricated metal surfaces rotate, the wear metal concentrations slowly increase due to normal wear processes. However, if the concentration of one or more metals in the oil suddenly increases, it may be an indication of excessive wear of that component (Body et al., 2005). The onset of wearing is often represented with a bathtub curve as shown in Figure 1.1, in which the machine initially experiences running-in-wear, followed by normal wear and finally fast abnormal wear. This eventually leads to extreme component damage. Evaluations have been carried out in the United States of America, England and Germany to estimate the costs due to friction and wear. These were found to be between 2 to 7% of the gross national product (GNP) of the country in which the oil was studied (Kuokkanen et al., 2008). Figure 1.1: Bathtub curve showing the wear pattern of an internal combustion engine (Kuokkanen et al., 2008) Lubricating oils, particularly those used in an internal combusting engine, perform their function under the adverse conditions of high temperature and pressure. Fortunately, lubricating oils can be designed or modified according to the amount and 3 nature of the metals present in the machine component (Chausseau, Lebouil-Arlettaz & Thomas, 2010). In general, the most important functions of lubricating oils, as mentioned in the literature by Gedeon (1999) and Thermo Elemental (2002), include: Reduction of the overall system friction that subsequently reduces heat generation and formation of wear particles. Removal of considerable amounts of heat from a system. Protection of metal parts from corrosion and rust. Removal of internally generated debris and contaminants from the system. Transmission of mechanical power as in hydraulic systems. Sealing of machine components against dust, dirt and water intrusion. Provision of insulation in transformer applications. New engine oil contains lighter hydrocarbons that may cause a short-term toxicity to aquatic species, whereas used engine oil contains more metals and heavy polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Aromatic hydrocarbons are acutely hazardous products that can cause chronic toxicity and are often carcinogenic (Basham et al., 1997). Used oils are extremely hazardous to the environment due to their persistent nature and their tendency to become disseminated in soil and water. A significant amount of used oil enters the environment due to reservoir leaks and sudden spills or illegal disposal. Bartz (cited by Vahaoja, 2006) found in 1998, that worldwide, more than 12 million tons of used oil is released into the environment annually. Once used oil has been spilled or enters sewers, it seeps to underground water and causes severe pollution. For example, one litre of used oil has the capacity to pollute one million litres of water, rendering it undrinkable (Jha, 2005). The analysis of used lubricating oil dates back to the early 1940s. It was done by railway companies, in an effort to detect wear in heavy diesel locomotive engines. Lubricant inspection and testing has been used for many years to help diagnose the internal condition of oil‐wetted components. Due to the expansion of basic research and technology, lubricating oil analysis has evolved and is becoming the most widely 4 implemented form of proactive maintenance technology (Analysts, 2008; Milner, 2009). Regular oil testing is now an integral part of the maintenance plan for shipping, aviation, the military, oil refineries, mining operations, processing and chemical plants (Body et al., 2005; Milner, 2009). Lubricating oil that has serviced moving parts of machine components for a period of time reflects the exact condition of the assembly of the machine. This is because wear particles, detached from various types of metal parts, as well as combustion products, are suspended in the lubricating oil and circulate with it. In this way, the oil composition becomes the working history of the machine. This forms the basis of oil analysis used to determine wear status through the level of contamination (Vahaoja, 2006; Kuokkanen et al., 2008). Oil analysis provides a means of predicting impending failure without dismantling the machine. Oil analysis can also detect fuel dilution, oil contamination, antifreeze leaks, excessive bearing wear and incorrect application of lubricants (Analysts, 2008). Early detection of wear status and level of contaminants through oil analysis reduces repair bills, increases machinery life, reduces unscheduled downtime, extends lubricant life and improves safety and environmental awareness (Mobil, 2009). Elemental analysis of lubricating oil is often difficult, due to the complexity of the oil matrix, its high organic load and viscosity. Hence, a very sensitive analytical technique is required to be able to monitor small changes in concentration of the key elements (Aucelio et al., 2007b). This technique should be sufficiently sensitive, accurate, reliable, easily automated and computer controlled. The most common analytical techniques employed for used oil analysis include rotating-disk electrode spark-optical emission spectrometry (RDE-OES), laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), graphite furnace-atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS), inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (Body et al., 2005). These techniques eliminate complex dissolution procedures and can be used for multi-element analysis. In addition, LIBS can be used for analysis of samples of any type (solid, liquid and gas) with minimal or no sample preparation (Body et al., 2005; Agnelli et al., 2009). 5 Most spectrometric techniques require some kind of sample pre-treatment prior to elemental analysis, in order to make the sample compatible with the sample introduction system. The choice of such preparation procedure is critical for the success of the analytical methodology (Aucelio, Silveira & Souza, 2004). Several oil pre-treatment approaches have been proposed by Angnes, Munoz and Oliveira (2006), Ana et al. (2007) and Aucelio et al. (2007b) and are listed below: 1.2 Sample dilution with appropriate organic solvents. Conversion of the sample into oil-in-water emulsion. Dry and wet ashing. Microwave assisted acid digestion. Ultrasonic-assisted extraction. PROBLEM STATEMENT Methods developed for the analysis of used oil can play a vital role in monitoring the condition of engines and may help to improve overall equipment effectiveness. International organisations like the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), have developed standards for oil analysis (Vahaoja, 2006). Despite this, there still are major analytical challenges associated with oil analyses. The complexity of the oil matrix and its high organic load and viscosity, complicate the accurate determination of trace elements. Moreover, various analytical techniques for lubricating oil analysis give rise to different results (Aucelio, Silveira & Souza, 2004; Filho & Netto, 2009; Goncalves, Gonzalez & Murillo, 1998). This should be investigated to determine the reasons for the differences. Traditionally, organo-metallic compounds have been employed as standards, aiming to compensate for matrix effects and allow the use of simple and direct external calibration. However, organic standards are expensive and may lead to inaccurate results due to concentration changes, arising from the evaporation and deposition of these species on the walls of the storage container (Aucelio et al., 2007b). 6 To address the above analytical challenges, the following research questions need be investigated through experimental studies: Which sample pre-treatment technique minimises the organic load of the oil? What are the optimal ICP-OES operating parameters that give the most sensitivity? Is it possible to extract inorganic analytes from used lubricating oil samples using ultrasonic energy generated from an ultrasonic bath? If so, what extraction conditions could be applied? Different sample preparation methods often yield different results for the same sample type. What could be the possible reason for such differences? 1.3 HYPOTHESIS Trace elements in lubricating oil can be determined accurately by spectrometric techniques if an appropriate sample pre-treatment has been carried out. 1.4 OBJECTIVES 1.4.1 General objective The main objective of this work is to investigate methods used for the accurate determination of trace elements in lubricating oils. In this study, determination of trace metals (Ag, Ba, Cu, Mn and Ni) in six different used lubricating oil samples was performed by ICP-OES. The reason for choosing these elements was because of: Organo-metallic compounds of Ag, Ba and Ni are commonly used as oil additives (Aucelio et al., 2007b). 7 Ag and Ba are among the elements regulated as hazardous under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRC) (Eslling et al., 1995). Cu and Mn are wear metals and at the same time they are also oil contaminants (AGAT laboratories, 2004). 1.4.2 Specific objectives The specific objectives are to: compare and evaluate the efficiencies of six sample pre-treatment methods (xylene dilution, emulsification, microwave assisted digestion, dry and wet ashing and ultrasonic extraction) in terms of accuracy, precision and analytical drawbacks using ANOVA; optimise ICP-OES operating parameters both for aqueous and organic matrices, using a modified simplex algorithm; optimise factors affecting the ultrasonic extraction of analytes in used lubricating oils, employing full factorial design; establish interference free analytical lines for the determination of selected trace metals in used lubricating oil; determine limits of detection and quantitation for the selected trace metals in used lubricating oil; and perform method validation employing certified reference materials. 8 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE SURVEY 2.1 INTRODUCTION This literature review provides details of the fundamental concepts of lubricating oil. The concepts include: lubricating oil chemistry, types and functions of lubricating oil, properties of lubricating oil, and sources of elements in lubricating oil. In addition, details of optimisation schemes and method for oil analysis are included. 2.2 LUBRICATING OIL CHEMISTRY 2.2.1 Background Lubricating oil, sometimes referred to as “lube oil”, is usually a liquid substance introduced between two moving surfaces, primarily to reduce friction and wear (Castro & Priego-Capote, 2004). It is one of the fractions of crude oil distillation, containing 20 to 70 carbon atoms per molecule, often in an extremely complex arrangement of straight chains and side chains of five and six membered ring structures (New Zeeland Institute of Chemistry, 2002). 2.2.2 Refining lubricating oil from crude petroleum Crude oil is a naturally occurring mixture, consisting largely of hydrocarbons formed by bacterial decomposition of animal and plant remains, deposited about a hundred million years ago. Though the composition of crude oil is highly dependent on the source, it usually contains 2% lubricating oil (New Zeeland Institute of Chemistry, 2002). Crude oil is refined by a process of fractional distillation, in two stages, to drive off the various fractions as vapour. The first-stage, known as crude distillation, 9 reduces the number of compounds within each fraction and provides different qualities of fuels. The final products derived from this distillation stage are raw gasoline, kerosene, and diesel fuel. The product that does not distil off in the first distillation stage, that is, the residuum, distils in the second stage. Correct distillation of the residuum yields oils with different boiling points, including lubricating oil. Since the lubricating oil fraction is very stable and difficult to volatilize, heating the oil to the temperature required for distillation will result in decomposition (Gedeon, 1999; New Zeeland Institute of Chemistry, 2002). Hence, the lubricating oil fraction is best carried out under vacuum distillation, which reduces the boiling point from 500 oC to about 300 oC. In Table 2.1 the boiling ranges of crude oil (New Zeeland Institute of Chemistry, 2002) are listed. Table 2.1: Boiling ranges of crude oil fractions (New Zeeland Institute of Chemistry, 2002) Crude component Gasoline Kerosene Diesel Lubricating oil Boiling Range (oC) 40 – 190 190 - 260 260 - 330 330 – 400 (under vacuum) 2.3 TYPES OF LUBRICATING OILS 2.3.1 Mineral oils The base stock of mineral or petroleum lubricating oils is derived primarily from crude oil refining (Castro & Priego-Capote, 2004). These mineral base stocks are complex mixtures, which cannot typically be defined by detailed compositional information. They are studied by their process history, physical properties, and product use specifications (Petroleum HPV Testing Group, 2003). Depending on the prevailing composition, mineral oils are further classified into three categories: namely paraffinic, naphthenic and aromatic oils. 10 Paraffinic oils Paraffinic oils are predominantly characterised by long straight chain hydrocarbons derived from crude petroleum. The hydrogen and carbon atoms in paraffinic oils are linked in a long linear pattern, similar to a chain. Paraffinic oils contain paraffinic wax and are the most widely used base stock for lubricating oils. When compared with naphthenic oils, paraffinic oils have characteristics of excellent stability (higher resistance to oxidation), higher pour point and viscosity index, low volatility, high flash point, low specific gravity and tend to be waxy (Gedeon, 1999; New Zeeland Institute of Chemistry, 2002). Naphthenic oils Naphthenic oils are predominantly characterised by a molecular structure composed of rings of hydrocarbons derived from crude petroleum. The hydrogen and carbon atoms in naphthenic oils are linked in a circular pattern to form their characteristic saturated ring structure (Gedeon, 1999). Unlike paraffinic oils, naphthenic oils have low pour point and don’t contain wax. Naphthenic oils are generally applied for narrow temperature ranges, where a low pour point is required, such as refrigeration oil. When compared to paraffinic oils, naphthenic oils have good stability, lower pour point and viscosity index, higher volatility, lower flash point, higher specific gravities and are highly carcinogenic (Gedeon, 1999; New Zeeland Institute of Chemistry, 2002). Aromatic oils Aromatic oils include polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs), some of which are heterocyclic and incorporate S, N, and O. These oils are characterised by their high volatility and low oxidative stability. In general, aromatics are the unwanted components of the mineral base stock, which lower the performance of the lubricant. 11 Usually, they are removed from the base stock by a process of hydro-cracking (Petroleum HPV Testing Group, 2003). 2.3.2 Synthetic oils Synthetic oils are produced by chemical synthesis rather than from the refinement of petroleum based oils. When compared with mineral oils, synthetics are generally superior with respect to excellent oxidation stability and viscosity index, much lower pour point (as low as -46 oC) and lower coefficient of friction. Synthetic lubricants can be used both in extremely low and high temperature applications. The main disadvantage of synthetic lubricants is their high initial cost, which is about three times that of petroleum based lubricants. However, the high cost of synthetic oils is compensated for by their prolonged serviceability, which is about three times longer than mineral oils (Gedeon, 1999). 2.4 PROPERTIES OF LUBRICATING OIL Details of the most important properties of lubricating oil are described in the literature by Gedeon (1999) and Analysts (2008). These include the viscosity, viscosity index, total acid number and total base number of the oil. 2.4.1 Viscosity The most important physical property of a lubricant is its viscosity. It is the fluid’s resistance to flow. Viscosity and resistance to flow are directly proportional, that is, a high viscosity gives rise to a high resistance to flow and vice versa. Viscosity and pressure have also a direct relationship, whereas viscosity and temperature are inversely proportional. The viscosity measurement most commonly carried out is that of kinematic viscosity, which is the ratio of the fluid’s absolute viscosity to its density and is expressed in centistokes (cSt) at conventionally accepted temperatures of 40 12 and 100 oC. It can also be expressed in centipoises (cP) and Saybolt Universal Seconds (SUS), depending on the test method used. Lubricants are distinguished from each other by their viscosity ranges, known as oil grades. The most familiar oil grading systems include the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), the American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA), the International Organisation for Standards (ISO) and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2.4.2 Viscosity index The viscosity index (VI) is a number that indicates how the oil viscosity changes with temperature. Since the introduction of viscosity index in 1929, a reference paraffinic base stock has been assigned a VI of 100 and a naphthenic base stock a VI of zero. A high viscosity index implies small oil viscosity changes with temperature, while a low viscosity index implies high viscosity changes. The knowledge of oil’s viscosity index is a crucial factor when selecting a lubricant for an application at extremely hot or cold temperatures. 2.4.3 Total acid and base numbers The total acid number (TAN) or neutralisation number, measures the total amount of acidic material in lubricating oils. An increase in the TAN of a working lubricant, with respect to a new lubricant, is an indication of the occurrence of oil oxidation or contamination by acidic products. Lubricants applied at extreme temperature usually become oxidised and subsequently produce organic acids. The TAN is thus a good diagnostic tool for indicating when an oil change is required. In contrast, the total base number (TBN) measures the total alkaline content in the lubricating oil. Lubricants applied in internal combustion engines are often designed with additives offering higher alkaline content in order to neutralise the acid produced from oil oxidation. A significant decrease in the lubricant’s alkaline content is a sign of low acid-neutralising ability or depletion of the additives that enhance the oil’s alkalinity. 13 2.5 SOURCES OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN LUBRICATING OIL This section provides a general orientation on oil additives, wear metals and contaminants, which are considered as the most important sources of trace elements in oils or oil tests. 2.5.1 Additive elements Organo-metallic compounds containing Ag, B, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mo, Ni, P, Sb, and Zn are deliberately added to lubricating oil to increase performance. Almost all lubricating oils are blended with additives in controlled amounts (Aucelio et al., 2007b). However, additives alone cannot establish oil quality with respect to oxidation resistance, emulsification, pour point and viscosity index. Therefore, oil additives need to be blended with premium quality base stock, in order to yield quality lubricants (Gedeon, 1999). The most common lubricant additives and their functions are illustrated in Table 2.2. Table 2.2: Common lubricating oil additives and their functions (AGAT laboratories, 2004; Analysts, 2008; BITOG, 2010; Chausseau, Lebouil-Arlettaz & Thomas, 2010; Evans, 2010) Additive elements Ag B Ba Ca Fe K Mg Mn Mo Na Ni P Sb Zn Functions Antifriction and coatings. Corrosion, oxidation, wear and water inhibitor. Detergent, corrosion and rust inhibitor. Detergent, dispersant and alkalinity increaser. Antifriction in rolling elements or bearings. Corrosion inhibitor. Detergent, dispersant and alkalinity increaser. Combustion improver and smoke suppresser in residual and distillate oil. Anti-wear and EP additive (in special oils). Corrosion inhibitor. Antifriction alloy and coatings Anti-wear, anti-oxidant, corrosion inhibitor and EP additive. Anti-wear and anti-oxidant additive. Anti-wear, anti-oxidant and corrosion inhibitor additive. 14 According to BITOG (2010) the three functions of oil additives are to: protect lubricated metal surfaces from rust and corrosion; extend the range of lubricant applicability; and extend lubricant life. 2.5.2 Wear metals Wear is the progressive damage resulting in material loss due to the relative contact between adjacent working parts (Gedeon, 1999). Motion types that cause wearing are sliding, rolling, impact loading, vibration and liquid flow with or without solid particles (Kuokkanen et al., 2008). During normal operations, wearing is considered to be inevitable. However, excessive friction causes premature wear, which results in significant economic loss due to equipment failure, cost of replacement parts and downtime (Gedeon, 1999). The wear products are composed of the same material as the metal surfaces from which they originated (Gedeon, 1999; Kuokkanen et al., 2008). The most common wear metals and their sources are listed in Table 2.3. Table 2.3: Common wear metals and their origins (AGAT laboratories, 2004; Analysts, 2008; BITOG, 2010; Chausseau, Lebouil-Arlettaz & Thomas, 2010) Wear metals Al Cr Cu Fe Mg Mn Mo Pb Si Sn Zn Origins Engine block, oil coolers, pistons, push rods, blowers, oil pump bushing, bearing cage and gears. Cylinders, piston rings, compression rings, gears, crank shaft, seals, piston rings and plating materials. Bearing, oil coolers, connecting rods, piston pins, gears, clutch plate, valves, radiators, bushes and injector shields. Cylinders, piston rings, engine block, valve train, oil pump bearings, spring gears, rolling elements, shaft and rust. Component housing, wear of cylinder liner and gears. Wear of cylinder liner, blower, exhaust and intake systems, shafts and valves. Wear of bearing alloys, surface coating in some piston rings. Bearing, seals, clutch and solder. Engine block and gasket sealants. Bearings, wrist and piston pins, solder, piston overlay seals and bushes. Wear of galvanised piping and brass alloy. 15 2.5.3 Lubricating oil contaminants Contamination is usually associated with the introduction of foreign substances into the oil system. Particulate matter, water, fuel dilution and anti-freeze are some of the most common lubricant contaminants (New Zeeland Institute of Chemistry, 2002; Analysts, 2008). Contaminants act as catalysts to facilitate the process of oil degradation and system component deterioration. Severe oil contamination deteriorates the system’s operation, life and reliability. The Oklahoma State University reported (Jeremic & Macuzic, 2004) that if a hydraulic fluid is kept ten times cleaner, a fifty times extension in hydraulic pump life would be possible. Some of the most common lubricant contaminants and their sources are listed in Table 2.4 Table 2.4: Common lubricating oil contaminants and their origins (AGAT laboratories, 2004; Analysts, 2008; BITOG, 2010; Chausseau, LebouilArlettaz & Thomas, 2010) Wear metals Origins Al B Ba Ca Cr Cu K Mg Mn Mo Na As aluminium silicate from ingested sand or dust. Coolant and grease leaks. From diesel fuel (smoke depressant) and grease contamination. From hard water, road salts and grease contamination. From chromate coolant treatment and dirty intake. Coolant leak. Coolant leak. From hard water and road salts. From detergent additive in unleaded gasoline. From grease and some coolants (anti-corrosion). Grease and coolant additive, road salt and ingested dirt. P Coolant leak. Pb Regular (leaded) gasoline leak. Si From grease, sand or dust breathers. Sn From oil coolers. 16 2.6 SEQUENTIAL SIMPLEX OPTIMISATION 2.6.1 Introduction A good analytical method acts on parameters that influence the response of the instrument at settings that give maximum readings. The traditional univariate method that optimises one parameter at a time, while holding the others constant, often fails to find the optimum conditions for interdependent parameters (Allman, 1995). Multivariate approaches, such as factorial design, can be applied for such interdependent parameters, but are more complicated, tedious and time-consuming. The simplex optimisation technique is the most popular approach for true optimisation of interrelated parameters with ease and speed (Cave, Ebdon & Mowthorpe, 1980; Carpenter & Ebdon, 1986). The two most important aspects of the simplex approach are the small number of experiments required for the initial simplex (k+1) and the efficiency of finding the optimum (Deming et al., 1999). Galley, Hieftje and Horner (1995) used both net signal and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as response functions to optimise four operating parameters of an ICP-OES (rf power, intermediate argon flow, nebuliser flow and sample uptake rates) using the CaII and MgI lines and automated simplex optimisation. Cave, Ebdon and Mowthorpe (1980) successfully optimised five operating parameters of an ICP-OES (rf power, coolant gas flow, injector gas flow, plasma gas flow and observation height) using variable size simplex, employed both signal-to- background ratio (SBR given in Eq. 2.1), which is a measure of the range of total signal intensity and background relative to the background values, and SNR, as criterion of merits. Carpenter and Ebdon (1986) also optimised three ICP-OES parameters (rf power, injector gas flow and observation height) for two sample introduction–torch configurations using variable size simplex and SBR as a response function. They obtained small but significant limits of detection for the six elements studied. Salin and Sartoros (1997) also used SBR as a figure of merit to optimise ICP operating parameters (rf power and observation height) for seven elements using a simplex algorithm. 17 SBR = 2.6.2 (Eq. 2.1) The simplex calculations The various projections of the simplex algorithm moving away from the rejected trial (W) are calculated using the following equations (Deming et al., 1999): P= (Eq. 2.2) R = P + (P-W) (Eq. 2.3) E = P + (P-W) = R + (P-W) (Eq. 2.4) C+ = P + +(P-W) (Eq. 2.5) C- = P - -(P-W) (Eq. 2.6) where, P is the centroid; R the reflection; E the expansion; W the worst trial; C+ the positive contraction; C- the negative contraction; the reflection coefficient (usually 1); the expansion coefficient (usually 2); + the positive contraction coefficient (usually 0.5); and - the negative contraction coefficient (usually 0.5).. 2.6.3 Rules of the simplex algorithm The simplex procedure is designed to force the simplex experiments away from regions of poor response to towards the region of optimum response, guided by a well defined series of rules and moves, given in Annexure A. The possible moves of the modified simplex algorithm are depicted in Figure A.1 of Annexure A (Deming et al., 1999). 18 2.6.4 Boundary violation The simplex algorithm may require to carry out an experiment outside the boundary variables, which is termed a boundary violation. If the boundary constraints are set for convenience and are not absolute, removing the boundary constraints can be considered. However, if the boundaries have been set because of safety considerations, the boundaries should not be removed. Alternatively, the investigator can simply assign the out-of-bounds vertex with an infinitely bad response. This action automatically forces the simplex to undergo a negative contraction (C-) that brings the simplex back within bounds (Deming et al., 1999). 2.6.5 The convergence criteria The simplex experimentation must be halted at some point of convergence. The k+1 rule, proposes that if a vertex were in a simplex k+1 times and was not about to be rejected due to the possibility of recording an incorrect good response, then the progress of the simplex should be halted and the vertex re-evaluated. The threshold criteria also suggest that the experiment should stop when the threshold is reached. Further experimentation is unjustified. This rule is widely used in most optimisation projects (Deming et al., 1999). 2.7 INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA-OPTICAL EMISSION SPECTROMETRY 2.7.1 Introduction Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) is a technique, based on electrons of an excited atom emitting energy, at a given wavelength, as they return to their ground state. The energy emitted by the excited atoms or ions is a characteristic of the atom. Wavelength separation takes place in the spectrometer. 19 The intensity of the emission radiation, which is directly proportional to the concentration of these species, is measured by the aid of advanced detectors (Boss & Fredeen, 2004). 2.7.2 Instrumentation for ICP-OES The main components of a typical ICP-OES instrument setup are as depicted in Figure 2.1. These include: the ICP-discharge, a highly ionised gas where excitation and ionisation takes place; ICP-torch, a quartz tube used to support and introduce the sample into an ICP-discharge; rf generator, a device providing the power for the generation and sustainment of the ICP-discharge; nebuliser, a device used to create aerosols from liquid samples; spray chamber, a device that removes large droplets from the aerosol; and computer system, where instrument control and data processing takes place. Figure 2.1: Schematic representation of a typical ICP-OES instrument (Boss & Fredeen, 1997) 20 2.7.3 Sample preparation for ICP-OES analysis Few analytical techniques allow direct sample analysis with minimal or no sample pre-treatment. Most analytical techniques require the sample used for analysis to be in solution form. This sample solution should not contain a high level of insoluble particles and its viscosity should be reasonable (close to water). Unfortunately, most of the pre-treatment approaches to samples are relatively labour intensive and timeconsuming, in particular for large samples (Kuokkanen et al., 2008). Consequently, 60% of the total time required for complete analysis is spent in sample preparation. This also accounts for 30% of the total analysis error (Oliveira, 2003; Costa et al., 2005). The purpose of sample pre-treatment for ICP-OES analysis is primarily to minimise the organic load and viscosity of oils. Samples with high organic load affect the stability of the ICP, increase background emission and reduce the level of energy suitable for ionisation and excitation. These factors are closely related to the sensitivity of the ICP-OES and to the correlation between sample and standard signals that form the calibration curve (Aucelio, Silveira & Souza, 2004). Dilution of lubricating oil with xylene The traditional dilution method for oil samples, using organic solvents, is simple and rapid. It is convenient for rapid estimation of indicator metals. Organic solvents such as xylene and kerosene are typical solvents used with ICP-OES. Instrument calibration for the simple dilution method, has to be carried out using organo-metallic standards. The obvious drawback of this method is the high cost of these standards and the inability of the organic solvents to dissolve particles larger than 10 μm. This may cause loss of sensitivity for the emission spectrometers, during the nebulisation process (Kuokkanen et al., 2008). Aucelio, Silveira and Souza (2004) diluted oil samples using kerosene to determine refractory elements by ICP-OES. Chausseau, Lebouil-Arlettaz and Thomas (2010) also diluted oil samples using kerosene, to 21 determine wear metals and additives using ICP-OES. They obtained results with a deviation of less than 5% from the expected concentration. Goncalves, Gonzalez and Murillo (1998) applied xylene to dilute oil samples for the determination of metals by AAS. Emulsification A detergent emulsion of oil-in-water is formed by adding water and surfactant to oil samples, in order to convert them into homogenously dispersed micro-droplets in the aqueous phase. This approach does not require destruction of the organic matter or use of large amounts of organic solvents; however, it reduces the organic content of samples. When the oil sample is homogenously dispersed in the water phase, the mixture behaves similar to an aqueous solution (Aucelio et al., 2007b). Acidification of the emulsion converts insoluble particles, organo-metallic species and oxides into dissolved inorganic species (Aucelio, Silveira & Souza, 2004). Goncalves, Gonzalez and Murillo (1998) tested different emulsification methods, with and without acid treatment, and emphasised the importance of carrying out acid treatment in order to dissolve solid metal particles. Aucelio, Silveira and Souza (2004) also compared the use of detergent emulsions with microwave-assisted acid digestion and kerosene dilution, for the analysis of refractory elements in lubricating oils. They observed certain advantages when using emulsification in comparison with the traditional pretreatment methods. Leocadio, Silveira and Souza (2008) proposed detergent emulsion formation with biodiesel, for the determination of Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Na, and P, using radial and axial ICP-OES. They used a mixture that had 1.0 g biodiesel, 0.2 mL conc. HNO3, 6% Triton x-100 and water. They were able to achieve at least 12 h of detergent stability. Goncalves, Gonzalez and Murillo (1998) treated oil samples with an acid mixture, water and nonylphenol, as surfactant, to determine metals by AAS. They found good agreement between calibration curves of aqueous and emulsified standard solutions. 22 Dry-ashing The dry-ashing technique is based on the organic material being ignited in air or oxygen, in order to determine the inorganic elements present in the organic substance. The organic substance reacts to form gaseous carbon dioxide and water vapour, leaving the inorganic materials behind as solid oxides. Usually, ashing is performed using crucibles or an evaporating dish of platinum or fused silica, in a muffle furnace. Dry-ashing cannot be applied to determine volatile elements such as Hg, As or Cd, as they can be lost even at relatively low temperatures (Frame, Frame & Robinson, 2005). The dry-ashing procedure is extremely time-consuming; however, it ensures that the organic matrix is mineralised and the total metal content (coming from both physical and chemical wear) is converted to simple water-soluble species. These water-soluble species allow the use of inorganic standards for calibration (Aucelio et al., 2007b). Goncalves, Gonzalez and Murillo (1998) used a method in which the treatment of 5 g of oil sample took over 5 h. The sample was first heated until dryness, when no more smoke appeared; two digestion temperatures of 250 oC for 1 h and 600 oC for 4 h were applied. The final residue was dissolved with concentrated HCl and diluted with water. Similarly, Agarwal, Sharma and Singh (2006) took over 6 h to treat 5 g of oil sample. The oil was first heated on a hot plate until completely dry, after which two digestion temperatures of 450 oC for 4 h and 650 oC for 2 h were applied to samples in a muffle furnace. The final residue was then dissolved with concentrated HCl and diluted with water. Wet-ashing The wet-ashing technique is based on the organic material being degraded, using high ignition temperatures, strong acids and atmospheric pressure, in a muffle furnace. The acids used in the digestion process are evaporated and the resulting residue is dissolved with a mild acid. Hydrogen peroxide may be added at the end of the ashing procedure to improve digestion efficiency. Concentrated H2SO4, HCl and HNO3, alone or as mixtures, are widely used for the mineralisation of oil samples. 23 When compared to dry-ashing, wet-ashing is relatively quicker, usually taking from 1– 3 h (Kuokkanen et al., 2008). Goncalves, Gonzalez and Murillo (1998), heated 5 g of an oil sample in concentrated H2SO4 to dryness, after which two digestion temperatures of 250 oC for 1 h and 600 oC for 4 h were applied. The final residue was then dissolved with concentrated HCl. Further, they proposed a modified wetdigestion method, in which silica gel and calcium chloride were used as auxiliary reagents. Microwave-assisted acid digestion Microwave-assisted acid digestion is carried out in closed and pressurised vessels employing various acids or acid mixtures. It is an efficient digestion technique for a variety of industrial and biological samples (Jankowski et al., 2001). When compared to classical digestion methods, microwave digestion offers better recoveries of volatile species, minimises the organic load and risk of sample contamination, gives faster sample decomposition, better reproducibility (Kuokkanen et al., 2008), minimal volume of reagents, better working environment and a very high digestion temperature for shorter digestion times at relatively low pressures (Agazzi & Pirola, 2000). Using closed microwave vessels, HNO3 digestion at elevated temperature and pressure, can rapidly decompose the oil matrix. However, it produces a significant amount of pressure in the vessels due to the formation of digestion by-products, CO2, NO, NO2 and H2O. This limits the sample size that can be digested (Essling et al., 1995). Aucelio, Silveira and Souza (2004) used microwave digestion, employing HNO3 and H2O2, to determine refractory metals in oils. A two-stage microwave programme was suggested to digest 0.2 g of oil, in which pressure was released between digestion stages. The digestion process lasted 55 min, excluding the 30 min cooling time. Essling et al. (1995) proposed microwave acid digestion involving HNO 3 to digest 0.5 g of waste oil in two digestion stages. The digestion time was rather long, 120 min plus additional cooling time. 24 Ultrasound-assisted extraction Ultrasound energy is an alternative means of analyte extraction from biological and environmental samples. Probe and ultrasonic bath are the most common ultrasonic devices for sonochemistry. Variables of this technique that affect cavitation bubbles and hence the analyte extractions include: the frequency and intensity of ultrasound, type of solvent, bubbled gas and external temperature and pressure. The ultrasonic probe appears to be the choice of ultrasonic device as it offers the best extraction efficiencies, in less time and with less acid. An ultrasonic bath is the most widely available and cheapest source of ultrasonic irradiation. The volume of water bath, sample position, percentage of detergent in the bath, and the bath temperature, are some of the most important variables. The major limitations of an ultrasonic bath is that ultrasound waves have to cross the sample vessel, which results in less cavitation efficiency and hence less analyte extraction. The ultrasonic electromagnetic transducer, which is often situated in the centre of the bath, also causes variation of cavitational efficiency within locations of the bath (Capelo, Maduro & Vilhena, 2005). 2.7.4 Optimisation of ICP-OES operating parameters Introduction A good analytical method has a high level of sensitivity, low detection limit and high accuracy and precision. However, the procedure of finding the optimum parameters becomes complicated, particularly when more than two parameters need to be optimised or if they are interdependent (Galley, Hieftje & Horner, 1995). Optimisation of the ICP-OES is more crucial, due to the availability of different types of torches and sample introduction devices (Galley, Hieftje & Horner, 1995). The ICP operating parameters affecting the performance of plasma conditions that may need optimisation include rf power, gas flow rates (coolant, plasma and injector), observation height and solution pump rate or sample flow rate (Cave, Ebdon & 25 Mowthorpe, 1980; Salin & Sartoros, 1997). The ICP is a complex emission source and the operating parameters are clearly inter-related. For example: observation height and injector gas flow rate, as well as power and plasma or coolant gas flow rates, are inter-related. This inter-relationship among the parameters makes the use of univariate optimisation impossible. Instead, multivariate approaches, such as factorial design, can be applied but are more complicated, tedious and timeconsuming (Cave, Ebdon & Mowthorpe, 1980; Carpenter & Ebdon, 1986). Optimisation techniques that have been used with ICPs are the simplex and DavidonFletcher-Powell algorithms (Salin & Sartoros, 1997). Simplex optimisation is the most popular approach for true optimisation of both argon and nitrogen cooled ICPs, as it permits a number of inter-related variable parameters to be optimised with relative ease and speed (Carpenter & Ebdon, 1986). The optimisation scheme The response functions used with the simplex approach to determine the optimum instrument operating conditions include: SBR, SNR, precision and accuracy. The SBR is easily obtained, requires a small number of replicate measurements and is a good figure of merit that is correlated to a better detection limit. It can be calculated using equation 2.1 (Salin & Sartoros, 1997). 2.8 ANALYTICAL LIMITS OF DETECTION For trace elements and environmental analysis, proper judgment, validation and selection of a procedure, or instrument, is an important issue to obtain information about the lower limits at which analytes can be detected with confidence. For this reason, a number of terms and concepts are available, including the limit of detection and limit of quantitation (FAO Corporate Document Repository, 1998). 26 2.8.1 Limit of detection The limit of detection (LOD) is the minimum concentration of an analyte that can be distinguished, with 99% confidence, to be significantly different from the blank. It is impacted by the analytical method, sample matrix and type of analyte (Ripp, 1996). One of the most common approaches to establish the LOD is to measure a suitable number of replicates of the blank solution and apply equation 2.7 (FAO Corporate document repository, 1998; Aucelio, Silveira & Souza, 2004). LOD = 3 (Eq. 2.7) where, Sb is the standard deviation of 10 or 20 replicate measurements of the blank solution and m is the sensitivity of the calibration curve. 2.8.2 Limit of quantitation Limit of quantitation (LOQ) is the level above which quantitative responses are possible with a specified degree of confidence. Like the LOD, LOQ is also affected by the analytical method, sample matrix and the type of analyte (Ripp, 1996). It is computed using equation 2.8 from the data obtained using the blank analysis. LOQ = 10 (Eq. 2.8) where, Sb is the standard deviation of 10 or 20 replicate measurements of the blank solution and m is the sensitivity of the calibration curve. 27 CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL 3.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter detailed description of the instruments, reagents and standards used throughout the study are given. In addition, sample preparation procedures and optimisation schemes are also briefly described. 3.2 REAGENTS AND STANDARDS High purity doubly-deionised water, obtained using a Millipore Rios 5® reverse osmosis and a Millipore Milli-Q Academic® deioniser system (resistivity 18.2 MΩ cm, Millipore, Bedford, MA) was used throughout this project. High purity, 65% HNO3, 30% H2O2 (m/m), 32% HCl, 98.08% H2SO4 and xylene (all AR grade, from SMM Instruments Pty. Ltd., Johannesburg) were used to prepare all solutions. A non-ionic surfactant (Triton X-100), obtained from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany), was used for detergent formation. Aqueous standard solutions were prepared from 1000 µg g-1 stock solution, containing Ag, Ba, Cu, Mn and Ni in 5% HNO3 (Teknolab AB, Kolbotn, Norway). A organo-metallic standard (Conostan S-21, Conoco Specialty Products Inc., Ponca City, OK, USA), with analyte concentration of 500 µg g-1 in oil, was used for the xylene dilution method. EnviroMAT used oil certified reference material, HU-1, (SCP SCIENCE, Quebec, Canada), was used to validate the analytical methods applied to quantify trace metals in used lubricating oils. All glassware was washed with detergent and water. After being rinsed with deionised water three times, they were soaked in 10% HNO3 (v/v) solution for 24 h. The glassware was then rinsed three times with doubly-deionised water and oven-dried before use. Six used lubricating oil samples (sample-A, sample-B, 15W, 20W, EPO and EPT) were collected from a local garage. The first two are unknown grade used oils, the next two 28 (15W40 and 20W50) multipurpose engine oils and the latter two (EP 90) are multipurpose gear oils. 3.3 APPARATUS AND INSTRUMENTATION 3.3.1 Apparatus for microwave digestion A MARS 5 microwave digestion system (CEM Corporation, USA) was employed for the mineralisation of lubricating oils. At full power, the MARS 5 delivers approximately 1200 W of microwave energy at a magnetron frequency of 2450 MHz. The MARS 5 was equipped with an ESP-1500 plus pressure control and RTP-300 plus temperature control system. Teflon EasyPreps vessels, allowing a maximum decomposition pressure of 800 psi at 240 oC were used to digest oil samples. These vessels do not employ vent nuts or membranes, as in Xp-1500 plus vessels, but require typical ramping times of 25 min to perform effectively. 3.3.2 Apparatus for ultrasonic-assisted extraction An ultrasonic bath (Ultrasons, J.P. Selecta, Barcelona, Spain) was used for the ultrasonic-assisted extraction and agitation of oil samples. Ultrasonic bath parameters, like the intensity of the ultrasonic energy and temperature, which were supposed to play a great role in sample sonication, were monitored automatically by company default. Volumetric flasks of 100 mL were used as reaction vessels for the extraction procedure. Burette supports were used to place the reaction vessels in a selected location in the bath. 3.3.3 Setup for ICP-OES instrumentation Analysis of used lubricating oils for trace metals was carried out using a simultaneous SPECTRO ARCOS ICP-OES with radial plasma viewing (Spectro Instruments, Kleve, Germany). The ICP-OES utilises 32 linear CCD detectors in a Paschen-Runge mount 29 for the simultaneous recording of wavelengths between 130 and 770 nm. The sample introduction system was a Scott type double-pass spray chamber and a cross flow nebuliser. A peristaltic pump with Solvent-flex1 PVC tubing was used to feed the nebulisation system with sample solution. A fixed one-piece ICP torch with 1.8 mm internal diameter injector tube was applied. The argon plasma was sustained by an air-cooled “free-running” rf generator, at 27.12 MHz with a power output of 0.7 to 1.7 kW. The ICP operating parameters, pumping speed, integration time, rf power, torch position and gas flows (coolant, auxiliary and plasma flow) were monitored by Spectro Smart Analyser Vision Software (Spectro Instruments, Kleve, Germany). 3.4 SAMPLE PREPARATION FOR ICP-OES ANALYSIS Sample introduction for ICP-OES analysis requires the sample to be a homogenous liquid that can be aspirated easily using a nebuliser. The primary purpose of the preparation was to minimise the oil’s organic load, viscosity and suspended solid particles, which affect the plasma stability, reduce ionisation and excitation energy, increase background and possibly block the nebuliser (Aucelio, Silveira & Souza, 2004). 3.4.1 Xylene dilution An aliquot of used oil sample (2 g) was accurately weighed and diluted to final mass of 40 g with xylene. A blank solution was also prepared in the same way, but using base oil 75. Masses of 0.08, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6 and 2.0 g of organo-metallic stock solution with analyte concentration of 500 µg g-1 were accurately weighed and made up to 2 g with base oil 75, and diluted to 40 g with xylene. These solutions formed a series of calibration standards, containing 1, 5, 10, 20 and 25 µg g-1 of analyte. Check standard, having analyte concentration of 10 µg g-1, was prepared in a similar manner as the calibration standards. Spiked organo-metallic standard and a certified reference material (CRM) were also prepared in a similar manner as the real oil samples. The oil content was kept at 5% in all types of solutions (blanks, calibration 30 standards, organo-metallic standards, CRM and real oil samples), in order to match the viscosities. 3.4.2 Oil emulsification Oil-in-water detergent emulsions were prepared using a specific sequence to guarantee homogeneity and stability. An aliquot of 0.5 g of used oil was placed in a 25.0 mL volumetric flask. A volume of 0.5 mL concentrated HNO3 was added to dissolve some metals and decomposes organo-metallic species. The mixture was then agitated in an ultrasonic bath for 5 min for homogenisation. A mass of 1.0 g Triton X-100 was added to stabilise the oil-in-water emulsion. The resulting mixture was then shaken gently, after which Milli-Q water was added under continuous agitation until a final mass of 10.0 g was obtained. The resulting mixture was finally shaken vigorously and agitated in an ultrasonic bath for 5 min to homogenise the contents. Calibration standards were prepared in a similar manner as the real samples, but using the required quantity of aqueous stock standard solution. The blank solution was also prepared in a similar manner as the real samples, but using the reagents only. 3.4.3 Dry-ashing An aliquot of used lubricating oil (2 g) was accurately weighed in a porcelain crucible and heated on a hot plate until completely dry or no more fumes appear. The dried sample was then exposed to a two stage muffle furnace heating program until completely ashed: 450 oC for 11 h (overnight) and 550 oC for 1.5 h. The crucibles were partially opened during heating on a hot plate and completely closed during muffling, in order to minimise sample contamination. The resulting ash was dissolved in 2 mL concentrated HNO3 and finally diluted to 40 g with doubly deionised water. Corresponding blank solutions were prepared in the same manner as real samples, 31 but using blank oil. Calibration standards were prepared from aqueous stock solution and matrix matched contains the acids used to dissolve the ash. 3.4.4 Wet-ashing A mass of 2 g used lubricating oil was accurately weighed in a porcelain crucible. After addition of 2 mL H2SO4, the sample was subjected to heating on a hot plate until completely dried or no more fumes appeared. The dried sample was then subjected to a two-stage muffle furnace heating program until completely ashed: 450 oC for 2 h and 550 oC for another 2 h. The crucibles were partially opened during heating on a hot plate and completely closed during muffling, aiming to minimise sample contamination. The resulting ash was dissolved in 1.5 mL of concentrated HNO3, and diluted to 40 g with doubly deionised water. For Ba analysis, 2 g of oil sample was accurately weighed into a porcelain crucible. After addition of 0.5 mL HNO3, the crucible was heated on a hot plate. While the sample was heating, an additional 1 mL of HNO3 was added, drop-wise, to assist with complete oxidation of the organic matrix. The oxidant, HNO 3, was introduced dropwise to minimise sample splashing during heating. The dried sample was then subjected to a two-stage muffle furnace heating program until completely ashed: 450 o C for 2 h and 550 oC for another 2 h. The resulting ash was dissolved in 1.5 mL of concentrated HNO3 and finally diluted to 40 g with doubly deionised water. Corresponding blank solutions were prepared together with the real samples, using the blank oil and reagents. Calibration standards were prepared from aqueous stock solution and matrix matched to contain the acids used during the entire wet-ashing procedure. 3.4.5 Microwave-assisted acid digestion An aliquot of used oil (0.2 g) was accurately weighed into an EasyPreps vessel liner. After an addition of 4 mL HNO3, the vessels were assembled on the turntable and 32 subjected to digestion based on the MARS 5 heating program given in Table 3.1. In each batch, six vessels were used for simultaneous digestion. When the digestion program was complete, the vessels were allowed to cool and vented correctly. After venting, the digestate was transferred to a pre-cleaned high-density polypropylene (HDPP) vessel. It was then diluted to 20 g with doubly deionised water. Corresponding method blanks were digested in a similar manner as the real samples using only HNO3. A series of working standards were prepared from a 1000 µg g-1 inorganic stock solution and matrix matched for the oxidant used in real oil samples. Table 3.1: Stage 1 3.4.6 Ramp to temperature heating programme of the MARS 5 microwave Max. Power Power Ramp time Pressure Temperature o Hold time (W) (%) (min) (psi) ( C) (min) 1600 100 30 800 200 10 Ultrasonic-assisted extraction A mass of 2 g used lubricating oil was accurately weighed and placed in a precleaned volumetric flask. An optimised amount of extractant solution was then added and the resulting mixture irradiated at the optimum sonication time in an ultrasonic bath. The volumetric flasks, containing the sample, were kept stationary within the bath at a position of maximum irradiation. To guarantee complete sample irradiation, only four samples were sonicated simultaneously. After sonication, the supernatant liquid was separated from the solid phase using a centrifuge at 2500 rpm for 15 min. The resulting solution was finally diluted to 40 g with doubly deionised water for analysis by ICP-OES. Corresponding method blanks were also prepared in the same manner but using blank base oil as sample. With each series of extraction, quality control (QC) standards were also prepared by adding a known concentration of organo-metallic standard or CRM to the blank oil and ensuring the same procedure as the real samples. Working standards ranging from 1-50 µg g-1 were prepared from 33 a 1000 µg g-1 inorganic stock solution and matrix matched for the extractant solutions used in real oil samples. 3.5 SELECTION OF ANALYTICAL WAVELENGTHS A known concentration of sample solution was scanned using each line from the ICPOES menu, aiming to establish a reliable analytical line for each element studied. The results of this analysis were used to calculate the SBR of the elements at each wavelength evaluated. Finally, the line with minimum potential spectral interferences and maximum analytical performance was selected for each element. These served during the entire ICP-OES sample analysis. 3.6 OPTIMISATION 3.6.1 Simplex optimisation of ICP-OES operating parameters The forward power, coolant flow, auxiliary flow and nebuliser flow rates were used as control variables with SBR as response function for the modified simplex optimisation scheme. Although the torch height is another important ICP control variable to be considered for optimisation, it was kept constant at 10 mm below the load coil for aqueous and 0 mm for organic matrices because of limitations with the instrumental Set up. A signal integration time of 30 s and a pumping rate of 30 rpm were used throughout the optimisation procedure. All the remaining ICP operating parameters were held constant. Boundary limits were set for each control variable (Table 3.2) based on the instrument’s capability. Coordinate of the starting vertex and step-size for each control variable and sample matrix was set as shown in Tables 3.3 and 3.4. These served as reference point for the generation of the other vertexes. Table 3.5 lists the setting of the modified simplex algorithm used throughout optimisation. A known concentration of standard solution was prepared for each sample matrix and analysed at the simplex generated experimental conditions by ICP-OES. The results obtained from this analysis were used to calculate the SBR of elements at each 34 vertex used. The simplex was terminated when there was little difference in SBR values between consecutive experimental trials. That is, when the graph of SBR values versus trial number converged to some point in the graph. Table 3.2: Instrumental limits of control variables for the simplex scheme Boarder limits for the analysis in: Control variables Aqueous matrix Xylene matrix Forward rf power (W) 950-1600 1300-1650 Coolant Ar flow (L min-1) 11-20 12-20 Auxiliary Ar flow (L min-1) 0.6-3.0 1.2-3.0 Nebuliser flow (L min-1) 0.5-2.5 0.5-2.5 Table 3.3: Setting of control variables for the modified simplex in aqueous matrix Control variables rf power Coolant flow Auxiliary flow Nebuliser flow (W) (L min-1) (L min-1) (L min-1) Step size 150 1 0.5 0.4 Reference value 1400 13 1 1 0 0 1 1 Decimals Table 3.4: Setting of control variables for the modified simplex in xylene matrix Control variables RF power Coolant flow Auxiliary flow Nebuliser flow (W) (L min-1) (L min-1) (L min-1) Step size 100 2 0.5 0.1 Reference value 1600 16 2.2 0.6 0 0 1 2 Decimals Table 3.5: Setting of the modified simplex algorithm Re-evaluation α β- β+ ϒ No. of Variables + 3 1 0.5 0.5 2 35 3.6.2 Factorial optimisation of an ultrasonic extraction Ultrasonic energy, generated from an ultrasonic bath, was thoroughly studied for its capability to extract analytes in used lubricating oil samples. A full factorial experimental design of 43 was proposed to study the effects of sonication time, extractant solution ratio and volume. This is illustrated in Table B.4 of Annexure B. The extracting solutions selected for this study were 65% HNO3, 30% H2O2 and 32% HCl in different proportions. The maximum analyte recovery was used as a response criterion and the three factors, together with the four levels, were used as control variables for the optimisation scheme. Table 3.6 lists the factors and levels used in the factorial optimisation design. Table 3.6: Factors and levels used in the full factorial experimental design (4 3) of the ultrasonic extraction scheme Factors Sonication time (min) Acids mixture ratio (HNO3:H2O2:HCl, v/v) Volume of acid mixture (mL) Levels 30 60 90 120 2:1:0 1:0:0 1:0:1 1:0:3 3 6 8 10 A known concentration of organo-metallic standard was sonicated in each set of experimental condition and the resulting supernatant solution analysed by ICP-OES. The results obtained from this analysis were used to calculate the recovery efficiency of each experimental condition applied. The mass of sample (2 g), volume of water bath (2000 mL) and volume of detergent (2%) were kept constant throughout the optimisation scheme. 36 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter all the experimental results of the optimisation schemes are reported as well as the determination of trace elements in used oil and corresponding figures of merit, i.e., optimum ICP operating parameters, optimum ultrasonic extraction conditions, level of trace elements in used lubricating oils, quality control (QC) results, limits of detection and limits of quantitation are briefly reported. 4.2 ELEMENTAL WAVELENGTH SELECTION Lubricating oil samples were scanned at various analytical lines from the instrument (ICP-OES) menu in order to test their sensitivity with regard to the oil’s matrix. Based on the measured analyte’s peak signal and background emissions, the SBR was calculated for each element at each analytical wavelength, as shown in Table B.3 of Annexure B. The analytical lines listed in Table 4.1 were finally established based on the minimum potential spectral interferences (Figures 4.1(a-e)) and maximum SBR values of the elements investigated. For Ni, seven different wavelengths were investigated for sensitivity; however, it was not possible to find a line entirely free of interfering species. Figure 4.1 (e) indicates that there was an interfering species around the Ni line, at wavelengths between 341.35 and 341.4 nm. In addition, the background of the Ni line was enhanced (background shift), which subsequently could reduce the SBR values. Background correction was applied to minimise the background shift. 37 (a) (b) (d) Figure 4.1: (c) (e) Determination of the most sensitive analytical line for (a) Ag 328.068, (b) Ba 455.404, (c) Cu 324.754, (d) Mn 257.611, and (e) Ni 341.476 38 Table 4.1: Analytical lines established for the determination of trace metals Element Wavelength (nm) Ag 328.068 Ba 455.404 Cu 324.754 Mn 257.611 Ni 341.476 4.3 OPTIMISATION 4.3.1 Simplex optimisation of ICP-OES operating parameters Data was obtained for both sample matrices within the ICP boundary limits, discussed in Section 3.6.1. The optimum instrumental operating conditions for each element, in both aqueous and organic matrices, were determined and are presented in Tables 4.2 and 4.3, respectively. According to regression analysis of the results, an increase of the coolant gas flow rate was generally shown to decrease the forward power, which consequently increased the SBRs of the elements. Alternatively, increasing the coolant gas flow rate was observed to cause contraction and elongation of the plasma, which agreed with the finding of Carpenter and Ebdon (1986). The SBR of the elements appeared to decrease as the forwarded power increased; i.e., increasing the power resulted to an increase in the background greater than that of the signal, a finding which is supported by Salin and Sartoros (1997). Interactions between the plasma power and nebuliser flow rate showed a negative correlation, where as the auxiliary and nebuliser gas flow rates a positive correlation, for most of the elements investigated. Increasing the auxiliary gas flow rate caused positive influence to the SBR of the elements studied; i.e., for every point increase in the auxiliary gas flow rate, the SBR of elements increased by 2145 and 947 points for organic and aqueous solutions, respectively. Likewise, a simultaneous increase in the plasma power and nebuliser flow rate resulted in an enhanced SBR values of the elements studied, i.e., for every point of a simultaneous increase of the plasma power 39 and the nebuliser gas flow rate, the SBR of elements increased by 3.06 and 0.536 points for organic and aqueous solutions, respectively. Table 4.2: Simplex optimised plasma conditions in aqueous matrix Element Wavelength (nm) rf power (W) Plasma flow (L min-1) Auxiliary flow (L min-1) Nebuliser flow (L min-1) Ag 328.068 1141 18 1.2 0.7 Ba 455.404 1238 12 0.9 0.9 Cu 324.754 1113 11.7 0.94 1.27 Mn 257.611 1359 13 0.9 0.9 Ni 341.476 1289 15 1.1 0.9 1228 13.9 1.0 0.93 Compromise optimum Table 4.3: Element Simplex optimised plasma conditions in xylene matrix Wavelength rf power Plasma flow Auxiliary flow -1 Nebuliser flow (nm) (W) (L min ) (L min ) (L min-1) Ag 328.068 1473 15 2.4 0.8 Ba 455.404 1532 17 2.07 0.8 Cu 324.754 1586 16 2.28 0.9 Mn 257.611 1549 17 2.42 0.9 Ni 341.476 1560 20 1.89 0.7 1540 17 2.21 0.82 Compromise optimum -1 For every point of simultaneous increase in coolant and nebuliser flow rates, the SBRs of elements were shown to increase by 30.5 points. In contrast, a simultaneous increase in the auxiliary and nebuliser flow rates resulted in decreased SBR values for the elements. Moreover, increasing the auxiliary gas flow rate was observed to have a significant effect in stabilising plasma conditions during an analysis of organic samples by preventing carbon depositions at the injector tube, which agrees with the finding of Marais (1987). During the optimisation process, an auxiliary gas flow rate lower than 1.4 L min-1 appeared to cause a significant amount of carbon deposit, 40 which totally blocked the injector tube within minutes. All these findings lead to a conclusion that the auxiliary gas flow rate was more important for the enhancement of the SBRs of elements, which is more pronounced for organic analysis. During aqueous analysis, sample nebulisation at low plasma power (in most cases less than 1300 W) and relatively high nebuliser flow rate (> 0.9 L min -1) appeared to cause instrumental drift, which also increased the background more than the signal. When the instrument drifted, the plasma became darker. Higher values for the forward power, plasma and auxiliary gas flow rates, were recorded for organic samples (Table 4.3), confirming the finding of Marais (1987). This is primarily due to the high organic vapour loadings exerted by the organic matrix, which can absorb rf power of the plasma and thus reducing the excitation temperature and analytical signal (Chirinos, Fernandez & Franquiz, 1998). Further observation of the optimised ICP conditions indicated good agreement between the optimum conditions established for Mn 257.611 line and the compromise conditions. This phenomenon was previously reported by Marais (1987). Used lubricating oil, blank and quality control samples were analysed using the optimised ICP operating conditions and produced LODs in the ng g-1 level for all elements studied. Progress of the simplex optimisation and the variable sizes of the steps are illustrated in Figure 4.2 for the determination of Cu in xylene and in Figures 4.3 for Mn in water. After some experimental trials, the variable size simplex was observed to converge around the sub-optimal region and spin around this best vertex. The forward power, plasma, auxiliary and nebuliser flow rates appeared to rotate around the sub-optimal regions of 1570-1630 W, 15-17 L min-1, 2.0-2.35 L min-1 and 0.8-1.0 L min-1, respectively (Figure 4.2 (a-d)). These sub-optimal regions clearly indicate the location of the optimum, which was marked by higher SBR values and denser data points. Additional simplex optimisation progress of Mn, for aqueous solution, can also found in Figure C.1 (Annexure C). 41 Cu 324.754 Cu 324.754 SBR 60 60 40 40 SBR SBR 80 SBR 80 20 20 0 0 14 1520 1540 1560 1580 1600 1620 1640 1660 1680 1700 15 18 Plasma flow rate (L min ) (a) (b) Cu 324.754 Cu 324.754 SBR 80 SBR 80 60 60 40 SBR SBR 17 -1 Forward RF power (W) 40 20 20 0 0 1.4 16 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 -1 Auxiliary gas flow rate (L min ) (c) 2.6 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 -1 Nebulizer flow rate (L min ) (d) Figure 4.2: Progress of the simplex optimisation when applied to (a) forward power, (b) plasma, (c) auxiliary and (d) nebuliser flow rates, for Cu in xylene The simplex software provided plots of control variables and response functions against trial numbers, as illustrated in Figure 4.3. Progress of the optimisation process could thus be monitored. The modified simplex underwent a number of expansion and contraction moves within 16 successive experimental trials to reach the sub-optimum region (Figure 4.3). Starting from trial number 17, the SBR values Figure 4.3: Simplex optimisation progress showing trial numbers versus SBRs for Mn in aqueous solution 42 43 were shown to converge around the sub-optimal region and continued to almost rotate around the same range, for the next 13 trials. 4.3.2 Factorial optimisation of the ultrasonic-assisted extraction for trace metals in lubricating oils Optimisation of the factors influencing an ultrasonic extraction of analytes in used oils was conducted applying the full factorial (43) experimental design, shown in Table B.4 (Annexure B). Details of the factors and levels used in the optimisation scheme are provided in Section 3.6.2. Sonication of oil samples using the full factorial design produced supernatant solutions, which could easily be aspirated into the plasma. Analysis of this supernatant solution by ICP-OES and employing aqueous calibration standards, gave quantifiable data. These data were used to compute the recovery efficiency of each experimental condition, as depicted in Figures 4.4 to 4.8. The maximum analyte recovery was finally used as criteria to establish optimum extraction conditions, as listed in Table 4.4. These optimum conditions are therefore recommended for the extraction of analytes in used oils using an ultrasonic bath. Table 4.4: Optimum conditions of an ultrasound-assisted extraction Element Sonication time (min) Acid mixture (HNO3:H2O2:HCl) Volume of acid (mL) Ag 120 1:0:3 10 Ba 60/120 1:0:0/1:0:3 10 Cu 120 1:0:3 10 Mn 120 1:0:3 10 Ni 120 1:0:3 10 Influence of HNO3 Extracting reagents with volumes of 3, 6, 8 and 10 mL, which made 7.5, 15, 20 and 25% (v/m) of the final solution, respectively, were studied for their analyte extracting efficiency. Used oil samples sonicated with HNO3 alone appeared yellow in colour 44 and gave poor recoveries for Ag (1.7-4.5%) and Ba (15.9-79.9%), as shown in Figures 4.4 (a-b). However, HNO3 was shown to have enhanced performance for the extraction of Cu, Mn and Ni, with recoveries ranging from 52.3 to 106.6%, as illustrated in Figures 4.4 (c-e). (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Figure 4.4: Influence of HNO3 on the extraction of (a) Ag, (b) Ba, (c) Cu, (d) Mn, and (e) Ni, in used oils 45 Pearson correlation function was applied for these recoveries to study the effect of HNO3. Based on the calculated Pearson correlation coefficient (r) values, increasing the volume of HNO3 from 3 to 10 mL, while the sonication time was kept constant at 30 min, produced a relatively small positive effect on the extraction of all the elements investigated, with the exception of Ni. A simultaneous increase in the volume of HNO3 (3-10 mL) and sonication time (30-90 min) promoted a strong positive interaction for all the elements studied. However, increasing the sonication time from 90 to 120 min together with an increase in the volume of HNO3 from 3 to 10 mL caused strong (r = 0.81) and moderate (r = -0.67) negative interactions for the extraction of Cu and Mn, respectively. Influence of aqua regia Used oil samples extracted using aqua regia (HNO3:HCl/1:3) resulted in clear solutions. As a strong oxidising agent, aqua regia gave good analyte recoveries of all the elements studied, except Ba. These are depicted in Figures 4.5 (a-e). An increase in volume of aqua regia, while the sonication time was kept constant at 30 min, strongly promoted the recoveries of Ag and Ba. Simultaneously, it strongly suppressed the recoveries of Cu and Mn. When the sonication time was increased to 60 min, the efficiency for extraction of Ag (53.9-106%), Ba (20.5-31.4%) and Mn (95.9-103%) was substantially increased with an increase in aqua regia volume from 3 to 10 mL. In general, a simultaneous increase in the volume of aqua regia and sonication time resulted in improved extraction efficiency in all the elements studied, except for Ni. The recovery of Ag was found to increase approximately by 50% with an increase in the volume of aqua regia from 3 to 10 mL. The increase in the volume of aqua regia possibly introduced more chloride ions into the solution, which might contribute to the formation of silver anionic complex (AgClx1-x), in solution, rather than the precipitation of AgCl. For this context, concentrations of Ag ranging from 0 to 10 µg g-1 in 25% 46 aqua regia (v/m) formed a clear solution and hence resulted in a good linearity (r2 = 0.99993) calibration curve, as depicted in Figure 4.6. This implied that (a) (c) (b) (d) (e) Figure 4.5: Influence of aqua regia on the extraction of (a) Ag, (b) Ba, (c) Cu, (d) Mn, and (e) Ni, in used oils 47 Ag 328.068 Ag 328.068 120000 50000 40000 80000 y = 2316.8x + 13245.6 2 r = 0.93116 60000 Signal (cps) Signal (cps) 100000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 y = 4966.15x-298.01 2 r = 0.99993 20000 50 0 2 -1 100000 100000 80000 80000 2 y = -647.6+5480.8x-53.4x -0.22x 2 r = 0.99976 Signal (cps) Signal (cps) 120000 3 60000 20000 0 0 20 30 40 2 0 50 3 y =2.13+4392.4x+128.4x -8.2x +0.095x 2 r = 1.0000 40000 20000 10 10 Ag 328.068 Ag 328.068 0 8 Concentration (µg g ) 120000 40000 6 -1 Concentration (µg g ) 60000 4 10 20 30 40 4 50 -1 -1 Concentration (µg g ) Concentration (µg g ) Ag 328.068 120000 Signal (cps) 100000 80000 60000 2 3 y =2.13+4392.4x+128.4x -8.2x +0.095x 2 r = 1.0000 40000 4 20000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 -1 Concentration (µg g ) Figure 4.6: Calibration curves constructed using 0-50 µg g-1 of Ag in 25% aqua regia (m/v) 48 a reasonably low concentration of Ag is unlikely to form AgCl residue if kept in excess aqua regia (chloride), a finding which is supported by Gaines (2004). In contrast, calibration standards containing 25 and 50 µg g-1 of Ag in 25% aqua regia (v/m) were observed to form more precipitate of AgCl, and so significantly deviated from the certified values (r2 = 0.93116). The linear calibration curve, illustrated in Figure 4.6, clearly indicated the degree of deviation from a straight line or loss of linearity when high concentrations of Ag (25 and 50 µg g-1 of Ag in 25% aqua regia (v/m)) were used. Influence of HNO3:H2O2 (2:1) Used oil samples extracted by HNO3:H2O2 (2:1, v/v) appeared pale yellow in colour. The difficulties encountered with this reagent was that more pressure in the reaction vessels was formed, which caused an explosion if the pressure in the flask was not frequently released, particularly during the first 30 min of sonication. The use of HNO3:H2O2 as extracting solution had similar effect on the recoveries of the elements studied, when compared with HNO3 alone. This extracting reagent yielded very poor recovery values for Ag and Ba, ranging from 0.7 to 73.2%, as illustrated in Figures 4.7 (a-b). However, HNO3:H2O2 (2:1) gave good recoveries of Cu, Mn and Ni, ranging from 74.6 to 105%, as depicted in Figures 4.7(c-e). Increasing the volume of HNO3:H2O2/2:1 from 3 to10 mL while the sonication time was kept constant at 30 min, produced a small positive effect (r = 0.02 to 0.33) for the extraction efficiency for all the elements studied, except for Ag, which was negatively affected (r = -0.22). Increasing the sonication time to 60 min, together with an increase in the volume of reagent, moderately enhanced (r = 0.49 to 0.74) the extraction efficiency for Ba, Cu and Mn and caused a low negative influence (r = -0.015 to -0.12) for Ag and Ni. However, at constant sonication time of 90 min, increasing the volume of reagent from 3 to 10 mL moderately enhanced (r = 0.36 to 0.77) the extraction efficiency of all the elements investigated. 49 (a) (c) (b) (d) (e) Figure 4.7: Influence of HNO3:H2O2 (2:1) on the extraction of (a) Ag, (b) Ba (c) Cu, (d) Mn and (e) Ni, in used oils 50 Influence of HNO3:HCl (1:1) Oil samples extracted using HNO3:HCl (1:1) were pale yellow in colour. This extracting solution gave good recovery for Cu, Mn, and Ni, as depicted in Figure 4.8. (a) (c) (b) (d) (e) Figure 4.8: Influence of HNO3:HCl (1:1) on the extraction of (a) Ag, (b) Ba (c) Cu, (d) Mn and (e) Ni, in used oils 51 The recoveries of Ag and Ba (Figures 4.8(a-b)) were not satisfactory, but had improved when compared to the recoveries obtained using HNO3 alone or HNO3:H2O2 (2:1). At constant sonication time (30 min) but increasing the volume of the reagent (3 to10 mL), caused a strong negative effect for the extraction efficency for Cu, Mn and Ni (r = -0.74), and a moderate negative effect for Ag and Ba (r = 0.50). However, increasing the sonication time to 60 min, together with an increase in the volume of HNO3:HCl (1:1), produced a strong positive association for Ag, Ba and Mn (r = 0.73-0.95) and moderate for Cu and Ni (r = 0.67). A strong positive interaction (r = 0.82-0.88) was also observed for all the elements studied, except Ni (r = -0.48), when the volume of this reagent was increased, while the sonication time was kept constant at 90 min. The recoveries of Ag, Cu, Mn and Ni generally increased with an increase in the volume of HNO3:HCl (1:1) from 3 to 10 mL. Influence of sonication time The effect of sonication time on the extraction of analytes in used lubricating oils was studied at 30, 60, 90 and 120 min intervals. Increasing the sonication time was shown to increase the temperature of the bath, and hence that of the sample solution. The ultrasonic extraction efficiency of the elements studied, except Ni, was enhanced with an increase in sonication time together with an increase in aqua regia volume. When using HNO3 as extractant, increasing the sonication time was generally observed to depress the recoveries of Ba and Ni, but enhanced the recovery of Ag. Increasing the sonication time, for analyte extraction with HNO3:H2O2 (2:1), generally increased the recoveries of Ag, Cu and Mn. When using low volumes of the extracting reagents, 3 to 6 mL, increasing the sonication time was found to weakly influence the extraction efficiency of the elements investigated. Similarly, increasing the sonication time, employing low volumes (3 to 8 mL) of aqua regia and HNO3:HCl (1:1) as extracting reagents, depressed the recovery of Ag. A simultaneous increase in sonication time and volume of extracting reagent was generally found to enhance the extracting efficiency of the elements studied. This was critical when aqua regia and HNO3:HCl (1:1) were used as extracting reagents. 52 4.4 ANALYSIS OF USED LUBRICATING OILS BY ICP-OES 4.4.1 Introduction The methodology for the analysis of lubricating oils by ICP-OES involved simultaneous preparation of samples and calibration standards, choosing suitable sample introduction assemblies, establishing analytical wavelengths, selecting or optimising instrument operating parameters, constructing calibration curves, correcting for background emission and finally the analysis of real samples. 4.4.2 Linearity of calibration curves Organo-metallic working standards were used to construct calibration curves for the oil dilution, whereas aqueous standards were used for the remaining five methods. Using both organo-metallic and aqueous standards, it was possible to establish a linear calibration curves (r2 = 0.9993-1.0000) for all elements studied. A typical calibration curve of Cu, in xylene matrix, is depicted in Figure 4.9, which is representative of all the other elemental calibration curves for each method. Signal intensity (cps) Cu 324.754 2000000 1500000 y = 74483.7x - 7134.4 2 r = 0.99996 1000000 500000 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 -1 Concentration (µg g ) Figure 4.9: Calibration curve for the determination of Cu (324.754) in xylene 53 Additional calibration curves can be found in Annexure C (Figures C.2-C.7). Linear regression equations obtained for the elements of interest in each method studied are illustrated in Table 4.5. Table 4.5: Linear regression equations obtained by all methods studied Element λ (nm) Ag 328.068 Ba 455.404 Cu 324.754 Mn 257.611 Ni 341.476 4.4.3 Method Dilution Microwave Emulsion Dry-ashing Wet-ashing US extraction Dilution Microwave Emulsion Dry-ashing Wet-ashing US extraction Dilution Microwave Emulsion Dry-ashing Wet-ashing US extraction Dilution Microwave Emulsion Dry-ashing Wet-ashing US extraction Dilution Microwave Emulsion Dry-ashing Wet-ashing US extraction Equation y = 43597.7x + 4151.92 y = 6663.4x - 1272.2 y = 15043.75x + 807.64 y = 14286.5x - 791.92 y = 7331.8x + 832.7 y = 20388.99x + 3178.58 y = 94142.2x - 30597.5 y = 25430.6x - 6774.9 y = 38213.75x + 78.4 y = 37315.3x - 4082.3 y = 61705.06x + 46291.7 y = 61705.1x + 46291.7 y = 74483.7x - 7134.5 y = 18012.98x + 387.38 y = 29900.5x + 2331.8 y = 23618.9x + 2430.07 y = 22198.96x + 4965.4 y = 26004.63x + 6368.87 y = 92190.4x - 31947.8 y = 12523.96x - 1265.18 y = 43500.58x + 9470.22 y = 25826x - 2157.8 y = 7548.85x + 1097.4 y = 32632.9x + 133.96 y = 14107.6x + 1696.1 y = 2202.7x - 662.51 y = 2184.63x + 111.43 y = 2495.67x - 532.93 y = 3087.66x + 156.63 y = 3087.66x + 156.63 r2 0.99903 0.99995 0.99996 0.99998 0.99994 0.99999 0.99992 0.99987 0.9999 0.99997 0.99973 0.99973 0.99996 0.99999 0.99998 1.00000 0.99999 0.99999 0.99962 0.99996 0.99995 0.99998 0.99997 0.99990 0.99955 0.99984 0.99996 0.99996 0.99999 0.99999 Determination of limits of detection and quantitation The data obtained from 10 consecutive nebulisations of the blank solution were used to calculate the limits of detection and quantitation applying equations 2.7 and 2.8, respectively. The limits of quantitation obtained using the six methods (Table 4.6) 54 were in the range of 3.01 to 117 ng g-1, which permits trace levels of wear metals to be quantified and a trend to be observed, even at low levels. Table 4.6: Radial ICP-OES limits of detection and quantitation of the trace elements investigated (n=10) Parameter (ng g-1) Ag (328.068) Ba (455.404) Cu (324.754) Mn (257.611) Ni (341.476) Xylene dilution LOD LOQ 5.38 17.9 8.24 27.5 2.97 9.91 2.20 7.32 26.0 86.8 Microwave digestion LOD LOQ 1.92 6.38 1.07 3.58 6.92 23.1 1.16 3.85 18.0 60.2 Emulsion LOD LOQ 4.79 16.0 4.06 13.5 4.36 14.5 1.18 3.92 20.6 68.7 Dry ashing LOD LOQ 1.79 5.96 0.904 3.01 12.7 42.3 1.36 4.55 5.60 18.7 Wet ashing LOD LOQ 4.50 15.0 2.87 9.56 8.14 27.1 3.32 11.1 15.4 51.4 Ultrasonic extraction LOD LOQ 4.13 13.8 2.36 7.87 35.1 117 2.64 8.79 22.9 76.2 *Literature LOD 7.00 2.00 60.0 1.4 20.0 Method *Estimated LOD for radial ICP-OES analysis (Inorganic Ventures, 2012) The LODs obtained in this study were compared with the estimates of detection limits proposed by Inorganic Ventures (2012). Based on these comparisons, all the six methods investigated gave better LODs for Ag and Cu. The microwave and dryashing methods offered much better LODs (0.904-18.0 ng g-1) for all the elements studied. The wet-ashing method for determining Ba and Mn; and the ultrasonic extraction for Mn and Ni, gave slightly higher LODs. However, they gave better LODs for the other three elements. The emulsification method for Ba and xylene dilution for Ba, Mn and Ni, yielded slightly higher LODs. 55 4.4.4 Determination of trace elements in used oil samples Analysis of used oil samples prepared using each of the six methods studied (xylene dilution, microwave digestion, oil emulsification, ultrasonic extraction, dry and wetashing) yielded the results depicted in Figures 4.10 to 4 15. Based on these results, both unknown grade used oil samples (samples A and B), exhibited high concentrations of Cu and Mn (Figures 4.10 and 4.11). Figure 4.10: Mean concentrations of trace elements, in sample A of used lubricating oil, analysed by ICP-OES Figure 4.11: Mean concentrations of trace elements, in sample B of used lubricating oil, analysed by ICP-OES 56 The concentration of Cu, ranged from 3.3 to 6.1 µg g-1, found in the 15W-40 engine oil prepared by microwave digestion, wet-ashing and ultrasonic extraction methods (Figure 4.12). Analysis of 20W-50 used engine oil, prepared using the six methods studied, had higher concentration of Mn, ranging from 96.5 to 203 µg g-1 (Figure 4.13). Analysis of used gear oil (EP 90), obtained from a TOYOTA COROLA motor car, had concentrations of Cu ranging from 7.66 to 20.3 µg g-1 (Figure 4.14). Similarly, analysis of used gear oil (EP 90), obtained from a OPEL CORSA motor car, had high concentration of Ba (8.05-53.6 µg g-1) and Cu (20.5-67.2 µg g-1) (Figure 4.15). Figure 4.12: Mean concentrations of trace elements, in used engine oil (15W-40), analysed by ICP-OES In all analysed samples, high concentration of Cu and Mn were found. According to AGAT laboratories (2004), a high level of Cu could result from wearing of bearings, bushings, oil coolers, radiators, camshaft thrust washers, gears, valves, clutch plate and sealing compounds. The significant level of Mn might have also been due to wear of cylinder liner, blower, exhaust and intake systems, shafts and valves. “Leak” of unleaded gasoline could also increase Mn level in oils (AGAT laboratories, 2004). Since Mn is introduced as a combustion improver and smoke suppressor in residual and distillate oils, a “leak” of this component into the oil system could increase Mn concentration (Chausseau, Lebouil-Arlettaz & Thomas, 2010). 57 Figure 4.13: Mean concentrations of trace elements, in used engine oil (20W-50), analysed by ICP-OES Figure 4.14: Mean concentrations of trace elements in used gear oil (EP 90) working for about 12,000 km in a TOYOTA COROLA motor car 58 Figure 4.15: Mean concentrations of trace elements in used gear oil (EP 90), working for more than one year in a OPEL CORSA motor car The results obtained using the six methods (Figures 4.10 to 4.15) were statistically compared with each other using the analysis of variance (ANOVA), in order to determine any significant differences between the means. The overall ANOVA result, obtained from comparison of treatments (methods) against variables (elements), is illustrated in Table 4.7. From the ANOVA table of Cu (Table 4.8), it can be observed that the sum of squares between groups (530.67) is very close to the total sum of squares (542.33), which indicate mean variation between the methods used for Cu determination. Likewise, the high F-value (109.25) or low p-value (0.000) also indicates statistically significant differences in mean between the methods studied when compared at the 95% confidence level. Table 4.9 illustrates comparison of Cu results, by treatments. Based on this table, comparison between microwave digestion and dry-ashing as well as xylene dilution and oil emulsification, for Cu results, gave pvalues of 0.083 and 0.011, respectively. In general, more than 65% compared combinations of any two methods gave statistically similar concentrations for Ag, Ba and Mn at the 95% confidence level. Comparisons between microwave digestion versus dry ashing, microwave digestion versus ultrasonic extraction, microwave digestion versus emulsion and dry-ashing versus ultrasonic extraction gave 59 statistically similar concentrations of Cu at the 95% confidence level. Likewise, xylene dilution versus oil emulsion and wet-ashing versus ultrasonic extraction yielded statistically similar concentrations of Ni at the 95% confidence level. These ANOVA results for Cu also can represent the other four elements studied. Collectively, the concentrations of trace elements obtained using the six methods showed significant differences at the 95% confidence level, as illustrated in Table 4.7. Table 4.7: Statistical comparisons of the analytical methods studied using ANOVA (α = 0.05) P values No. Methods compared Ag Ba Cu Mn Ni 1 Microwave vs dilution 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 2 Microwave vs emulsion 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 3 Microwave vs dry-ashing 0.000 0.000 0.083 0.000 0.000 4 Microwave vs wet ashing 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5 Microwave vs us extraction 0.000 0.000 0.472 0.000 0.000 6 Dilution vs emulsion 1.000 1.000 0.011 1.000 1.000 7 Dilution vs dry-ashing 0.148 0.158 0.000 1.000 0.000 8 Dilution vs wet-ashing 1.000 0.702 0.000 1.000 0.000 9 Dilution vs us extraction 1.000 0.480 0.000 1.000 0.000 10 Emulsion vs dry-ashing 0.375 1.000 0.005 1.000 0.000 11 Emulsion vs wet-ashing 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 12 Emulsion vs us extraction 1.000 1.000 0.023 1.000 0.000 13 Dry-ashing vs wet-ashing 0.589 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 14 Dry-ashing vs us extraction 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 15 Wet-ashing vs us extraction 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 16 All 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 *p values > 0.05 (in bold captions) indicate statistical similarity, whereas P values < 0.05 indicate significant differences at the 95% confidence level. 60 Table 4.8: Analysis of variance for Cu results Source SS df Between groups 530.673084 5 MS F Prob > F 106.134617 109.25 0.0000 Within groups 11.6579972 12 0.971499767 Total 542.331081 17 31.9018283 Table 4.9: Row meanCol mean Emulsion Comparison of Cu by treatments (methods) Dilution Emulsion Microwave Dry-ashing Wet-ashing 3.61573 0.011 Microwave 4.93138 1.31564 0.001 Dry-ashing 7.64891 1.000 4.03318 0.000 Wet-ashing 17.5839 0.005 13.9682 0.000 Ultrasonic extraction 6.89097 0.000 3.27524 0.000 0.023 2.71753 0.083 12.6526 0.000 1.95959 0.472 9.93504 0.000 -0.757939 1.000 -10.693 0.000 4.5 ANALYSIS OF QUALITY CONTROL SAMPLES BY ICP-OES 4.5.1 Introduction Analytical methods developed for sample analysis should be validated to ensure reproducibility of the data. In this study, six analytical methods were investigated for their ability to determine trace elements in used lubricating oils. The accuracy of these developed methods was checked through the analysis of EnviroMAT (HU-1), used oil certified reference material (CRM). Organo-metallic standard, added to the base oil, was also analysed and served as a comparative approach to the CRM. 61 4.5.2 Accuracy and precision Appropriate spikes of both organo-metallic standard (Conostan S-21) and certified reference material (CRM) of used oil, which employed external calibrations, were analysed by ICP-OES. The quantitative data obtained was used to evaluate the accuracy and precision of the methods studied. The recoveries were computed, based on the measured and consensus values of the standards. Statistical analysis of these data using the Student's t-test indicated good agreement between the certified and measured values at the 95% confidence level, for most of the elements studied. All the methods investigated gave comparable results for most of the elements studied, as illustrated in Tables 4.10 to 4.11. Table 4.10: Mean recoveries (±SD), obtained from the analysis of Conostan S-21 standard, by ICP-OES (n=3) Ag (µg g-1) Ba (µg g-1) Cu (µg g-1) Dilution Spiked Obtained %Recovered 500 497±11 99.3±2.2 500 486±17 97.2±3.5 500 494±7.1 98.8±1.4 Emulsion Spiked Obtained %Recovered 500 432±5.8 86.4±1.3 500 500 456±11 462±2.3 91.1±2.4 92.3±0.62 Method Description Mn (µg g-1) Ni (µg g-1) 500 500 489±4.2 498±2.9 97.8±0.84 99.7±0.59 500 497±11 99.3±2.3 500 471±2.9 94.0±0.75 Spiked 500 500 Obtained 27.1±1.3 447±8.7 %Recovered 5.41±0.30 89.4±1.7 Spiked 500 500 Obtained 245±23 457±22 %Recovered 48.9±5.0 91.4±5.2 500 464±8.9 92.8±1.8 500 422±23 84.4±5.5 500 521±8.2 104±1.6 500 411±21 82.2±5.2 500 460±7.6 92.0±1.5 500 185±27 36.9±5.8 Wet-ashing Spiked Obtained %Recovered 500 382±21 76.3±4.3 500 476±30 95.1±6.1 500 433±18 86.5±3.6 500 499±1.4 99.7±0.27 500 100±6.2 20.0±1.2 Ultrasonic extraction Spiked Obtained %Recovered 500 506±11 101±2.3 500 241±45 48.1±9.1 500 471±7.1 94.2±1.4 500 501±7.1 100±1.3 500 465±9.3 93.1±1.8 Microwave Dry-ashing 62 All the methods studied, except microwave digestion and dry-ashing, generated good recoveries of Ag for spiked Conostan standards. On the other hand, all methods produced poor recoveries of Ag from the CRM. In all cases, the precision of Ag was generally good, with %RSDs ranging from 1.53 to 5.62%, except for dry-ashing method (16.2%). The variation in accuracy could be because of the low level of Ag in the CRM, and to some extent, the possible risk of chloride contamination, which probably had reacted with the limited spike level to form insoluble AgCl. All studied methods, except oil emulsification (48.3% accuracy), were found to be convenient for the determination of Ba in CRM, with good accuracy. Even so, oil emulsification, employing spikes of Conostan standards, produced good recovery for Ba (91.1%). This variation in accuracy primarily occurred due to the low level of Ba in the CRM samples. In addition, the relatively high viscosity of the CRM, which caused emulsion to be stable for short periods, probably prevented the release of Ba from the organic matrix. Viscosity matching that employed less viscous base oils, was necessary. However, this was not attempted due to the limited sample mass required to form a stable emulsion, and the low level of Ag and Ba analytes in the CRM. Unlike ultrasonic extraction of CRMs, ultrasonic extraction of Conostan standards yielded a low recovery for Ba (48.1%). To study this variation, five recovery experiments, containing 5.95, 5.16, 0.463, 0.453 and 0.233 µg g-1 Ba analytes were performed. The first two additions were from the Conostan S-21 standard and the latter three from the CRM. Under constant extraction conditions of 10 mL aqua regia and 120 min sonication time, these additions gave Ba recoveries of 42.9, 48.1, 87.4, 93.2 and 96.3%, respectively. These results are illustrated in Figure 4.16. The above observations led to a conclusion that under the same extraction conditions, the recovery of Ba decreased as the spike level increased. This could be due to the limitation of the extracting agent (aqua regia) to isolate Ba analytes from the organic matrix as the spiked level exceeded some limit, in this case about 0.45 µg g-1. 63 Table 4.11: Mean recoveries (±SD), obtained from the analysis of EnviroMAT (certified reference material in used oil), by ICP-OES (n=3) Method Description Certified Obtained %Recovered Certified Emulsion Obtained %Recovered Certified Microwave Obtained digestion %Recovered Certified Dry-ashing Obtained %Recovered Certified WetObtained ashing %Recovered Certified Ultrasonic Obtained extraction %Recovered Xylene dilution Ag (µg g-1) Ba (µg g-1) 13.0 2.21±0.13 17.0±1.2 13.0 3.93±0.36 30.2 ± 2.5 13.0 6.55±0.08 50.4 ± 1.4 13.0 2.34±0.15 18.0±2.9 13.0 1.42±0.15 10.9±1.2 13.0 6.29±0.17 48.4±0.7 9.00 9.22±0.85 102±7.2 9.00 4.35±0.25 48.3±2.3 9.00 8.62±0.27 96.2±0.64 9.00 9.20±0.32 102±6.4 9.00 8.56±0.03 95.1±1.0 9.00 8.67±0.47 96.3±2.4 Cu (µg g-1) Mn (µg g-1) 3132 18.00 3312±26 14.5±0.31 80.3±3.2 106±3.0 3132 18.00 3290±191 13.25±0.79 73.6±3.5 105±5.2 3132 18.0 3248±5.2 18.5±0.68 104±3.8 103±0.48 3132 18.0 3173±117 14.8±1.2 81.9±1.7 101±5.9 3132 18.0 3314±67 18.9±0.84 106±1.2 105±4.8 3132 18.0 3064±25 14.3±0.84 79.5±2.2 97.8±2.9 Ni (µg g-1) 45.0 37.5±0.70 83.3 ±3.3 45.0 43.2±1.6 96.0±3.2 45.0 43.0±1.7 95.6±2.6 45.0 21.8±2.5 48.3±3.8 45.0 42.9±4.2 95.2±9.0 45.0 46.0±4.6 102±13 *a. Recovery values in normal print fall within the confidence limit (CL) adopted (95%). *b. Recovery values in bold fall within the tolerance interval (TI) adopted (95%). *c. Recovery values in italics fall outside the TI adopted (95%). % Recovered 100 96.3% 93.2% 87.4% 80 60 48.1% 42.9% 40 20 0 0.233 0.453 0.463 5.16 5.95 Concentration (µg g-1) Figure 4.16: Ultrasonic extraction of Ba under constant conditions of 10 mL aqua regia and 120 min sonication time 64 All the studied methods were found to be useful for the determination of Cu in both sample spikes (CRM and Conostan S-21). Microwave digestion and wet-ashing procedures allowed Mn recoveries from the CRM that fell within the confidence interval adopted (95%). The other four methods yielded Mn recoveries out of the confidence interval, but within the tolerance interval adopted at 95%. However, all the studied methods gave enhanced recoveries of Mn, ranging from 82.2 to 104%, when spikes (additions) of Conostan standard, containing 4.98 to 15.0 µg g-1 of Mn, were used. The ultrasonic extraction method gave good recovery of Mn (100%) for additions of Conostan standard, containing 5.18 µg g-1 Mn, but generated unsatisfactory Mn recovery (79.5%) in the CRM, containing 0.466 µg g-1 of the analyte. The studied methods, except dry-ashing, generated quantitative recoveries of Ni for both spiking standards. The dry-ashing approach caused a significant loss of Ni using both type of additions, which became worse (49.8 to 7.67% accuracy) when the spike level increased from 1.18 to 10 µg g-1. This loss of Ni was probably caused by the volatilisation that might have occurred during the intense heating and muffling processes. Like dry-ashing, wet-ashing method also produced poor recovery for Ni (38.7%) when only HNO3 was used as oxidising agent. However, wet-ashing, involving concentrated H2SO4 as oxidising agent, offered better recovery of Ni that fell within the confidence limit adopted (95%). Taking the above into consideration, the loss in Ni was primarily caused by the formation of volatile Ni compounds, which could be retained by sulphated ashing. This phenomenon is in agreement with the finding of Aucelio et al. (2007a). Another observation is that the analysis of QC samples, containing around 1 µg g-1 of Ni, ashed using 2 mL of H2SO4, yielded better reproducibility of Ni (95.2%). However, increasing the concentration of Ni to 5.79 µg g-1, for a given volume of H2SO4 (2 mL) resulted in an abrupt loss of Ni (a loss of 79%). Though it needs further investigation, this phenomenon indicates the need for monitoring the quantity of H2SO4 that can efficiently retain a given concentration of Ni. Sample adsorption onto the vessel walls of the porcelain, which was unavoidable, could also have played a 65 part in the loss of Ni. All in all, it can be concluded that the dry-ashing approach is inefficient for the determination of Ni. When the recovery results obtained using both QC samples were evaluated, all the methods studied, except dry-ashing, were found to be suitable for the determination of the elements investigated with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Ultrasonic extraction and xylene dilution for the determination of Ag, with recovery of 99.3 to 101%, wet-ashing, xylene dilution, microwave digestion and dry-ashing methods for Ba (92.8-99.6%), xylene dilution, oil emulsification, microwave digestion and ultrasonic extraction for Cu (96-102%), microwave digestion, wet-ashing, ultrasonic extraction and xylene dilution for Mn (89.1-104%) and oil emulsification, microwave digestion, ultrasonic extraction and xylene dilution for Ni (91.5-97.6%), were found to be the most suitable choices. Analysis of QC samples in each method was performed in three replicates. These replicated results were used to calculate the %RSD, which was used to evaluate the precision of each method investigated. The dilution method for Conostan standards gave good precision, with %RSDs below 3.6. However, it produced low precise recoveries for Ag and Ba (7.36 and 7.03 %RSD, respectively) in CRM samples. This low precision for Ag and Ba occurred most probably due to their low level in the CRM. The oil emulsification approach generated good precision of results (< 5.00 %RSDs) for both QC samples, with the exception for Ag (8.40 %RSD) in CRM samples. The precision of results for both microwave digested QC samples was very good, always lower than 5.00 %RSDs. In contrast, the dry-ashing method exhibited lower precision of results (always >5.00 %RSDs) for both QC samples. Reasonably good precision of results was obtained for both wet-ashed QC samples, except for Ag and Ni (>5.00 %RSDs). Precision of results obtained from ultrasound-assisted extraction method were generally good (<5.00 %RSDs), with the exception for Ni (12.6 %RSD) in CRM and Ba (18.9 %RSD) in Conostan standard samples. In general, the determined precision of results for all methods studied was good (<5.00 %RSDs), except for the 66 dry-ashing technique. The possible reason for the variation in accuracy and precision of each method is described in Section 4.5.3 below. 4.5.3 Validation criteria applied The six analytical methods investigated were validated in terms of accuracy, precision, linearity, LOD and LOQ. Details of the five validation criteria applied is illustrated in Table 4.12. Calibration curves constructed for the ultrasonic extracted oils, which involved a series of aqueous standards, gave good linearity with r 2 ranging from 0.9997-1.000. The calculated LOQs for the ultrasonic extraction method were between 7.87 and 117 ng g-1, which can allow the determination of trace levels of wear metals in lubricating oils. Analysis of both QC samples, prepared using the ultrasound-assisted extraction, generally gave good analyte recoveries of all the elements studied. The precision of these recoveries was also fairly good, with %RSDs ranging from 2.26-2.76%, except for Ni (12.6%). The slight variations in accuracy and precision of these results might have been due to the position of the sample within the ultrasonic bath; that is, the closer the sample was to the ultrasonic transducer, the more it was reproducibly extracted. This phenomenon was reported in the works of Angnes, Munoz & Oliveira (2006). The probability of sample loss and contamination during filtration and transferring the digestate to and from centrifuge tubes could also have contributed to variations in accuracy and precision. The oil dilution method, which employed a series of organo-metallic working standards for the analysis of oil samples, gave good linearity calibration curves with r 2 ranging from 0.9997 to 0.9998. The LOQs determined for this method ranged from 7.32 to 86.8 ng g-1. These LOQs can allow the determination of trace levels of wear metals in lubricating oils. Analysis of xylene diluted QC samples yielded satisfactory recoveries (98.1-102%) for all the elements studied. The precision, as given by %RSD, of these results was generally good, ranging from 0.591 to 2.85%, except for Ba, which was 7.03% (Table 4.12). 67 Table 4.12: Analytical criteria applied for method validation Method Xylene dilution Emulsion Microwave digestion Dry ashing Wet ashing Ultrasonic extraction Validation criteria % Recovery % RSD Linearity (r2) LOD (ng g-1) LOQ (ng g-1) % Recovery % RSD Linearity (r2) LOD (ng g-1) LOQ (ng g-1) % Recovery % RSD Linearity (r2) LOD (ng g-1) LOQ (ng g-1) % Recovery % RSD Linearity (r2) LOD (ng g-1) LOQ (ng g-1) % Recovery % RSD Linearity (r2) LOD (ng g-1) LOQ (ng g-1) % Recovery % RSD Linearity (r2) LOD (ng g-1) LOQ (ng g-1) Trace elements in lubricating oils Ag 99.3±2.1 2.16 0.9997 5.38 17.9 86.4±1.3 1.53 0.9999 4.79 16.0 50.4±1.4 2.72 0.9999 1.92 6.39 48.9±5.0 16.2 0.9998 1.79 5.96 76.3±4.3 5.62 0.9999 4.50 15.0 101±2.3 2. 26 0.9997 4.13 13.8 Ba 102±7.2 7.03 0.9998 8.24 27.5 91.1±2.4 2.66 0.9998 4.06 13.5 96.2±0.64 0.669 0.9997 1.07 3.58 102±6.4 6.33 0.9998 0.904 3.01 95.1±1.1 1.10 0.9999 2.87 9.56 96.3±2.4 2.49 0.9997 2.36 7.87 Cu 106±3.0 2.85 0.9998 2.97 9.91 105±5.2 4.99 1.0000 4.36 14.5 104±3.8 3.63 1.0000 6.92 23.1 101 ± 5.9 5.80 1.0000 12.7 42.3 106 ± 1.2 1.15 1.0000 8.14 27.1 97.8 ± 2.9 2.97 1.0000 35.1 117 Mn 97.8±0.84 0.862 0.9996 2.2 7.32 99.3±2.3 2.35 0.9999 1.18 3.92 103±0.48 0.467 0.9999 1.16 3.85 81.9±1.7 2.06 0.9999 1.36 4.55 105±4.8 4.57 0.9997 3.32 11.1 100±1.3 2.76 1.0000 2.64 8.79 Ni 99.7±0.59 0.591 0.9998 26.0 86.8 96.0±3.2 3.30 0.9999 20.6 68.7 95.6±2.6 2.71 0.9997 18.0 60.2 48.3±3.8 7.89 1.0000 5.60 18.7 95.2±9.0 9.47 0.9998 15.4 51.4 102±13 12.6 0.9999 22.9 76.2 The wet-ashing method generated good analyte recoveries for Ba, Cu, Mn and Ni, ranging from 95.1 to 106%. Even so, the recovery of Ag was found to be unsatisfactory (76.3%), most probably due to chloride contamination. The precision of results obtained by the wet-ashing method were generally good (1.10-4.57 %RSD), with the exception of Ag (5.62%) and Ni (9.47%). The possible reasons for these slight variations in precision and accuracy may include: 68 The observed inability of the ash to dissolve completely in commonly used acids (HNO3, HCl, H2SO4, aqua regia and HF). Unlike used oil samples, EnviroMAT and Conostan standards were found to form insoluble brown residues, even after dilution. The formation of residue was more pronounced for additions (spikes) of Conostan standards than CRMs. The residue was further tested if complete dissolution could be possible using hot or cold HNO3, HCl, aqua regia and HF, but neither was successful. HF etched the porcelain crucible without affecting the residue. Sample adsorption onto the reaction vessel walls was unavoidable and might have resulted in sample loss. Sample contamination possibly occurred during open heating procedure. The formation of precipitates of BaSO4 and AgCl, which occurred when using H2SO4 (as oxidant) and HCl (as solvent) during the wet-ashing procedure, might have caused difficulties for sample aspiration. A series of aqueous working standards for the analysis of wet-ashed oils gave good linearity calibration curves with r2 between 0.9997 and 1.000. The LOQs obtained by this method ranged from 9.56 to 51.4 ng g-1, which indicates that the method can be used for the determination of trace levels of wear metals in lubricating oils. The dry-ashing method for oil preparation yielded good analyte recoveries for Ba and Cu that fell within the confidence level adopted at 95%. However, this method yielded unsatisfactory recoveries of Ni, Ag and Mn (48.3, 48.9 and 81.9%, respectively). The recovery of Ni, in both QC samples, was totally out of the tolerance interval adopted of 95% confidence level. This loss of Ni was probably caused by the volatilisation that might have occurred during the intense heating and muffling processes. Generally, this method was found to be inefficient for the determination of Ni in used oils. The precision of these results was poor, with %RSDs ranging from 5.80 to 16.2%, except for Mn (2.06%). The variation of accuracy and precision in the results could be due to: The inability of the ash to completely dissolve in commonly used acids, such as HNO3, HCl, H2SO4, aqua regia and HF. Sample loss due to sample adsorption onto the crucible walls. 69 The possibility of sample contamination caused by the open air heating procedure. A series of aqueous working standards for the analysis of dry-ashed oil samples gave good linear calibration curves with r2 between 0.9998 and 1.000. The determined LOQs for this method were between 3.01 and 42.3 ng g-1, which indicates that the method can be used for the determination of wear metals in lubricating oils. Oil-in-water or oil emulsification method yielded good analyte recoveries (86.4-99.3%) for all the elements studied when additions of Conostan standards were used. However, this method yielded unsatisfactory recoveries for Ag and Ba with the CRM. This variation in accuracy might have occurred due to the low levels of these elements in the CRM and the problem of viscosity matching experienced during experimentation. The limitation with viscosity matching occurred due to the low level of Ag and Ba analytes in the CRM, as well as the limited sample size that can efficiently form a homogenous and stable emulsion. For this reason, viscous oils experienced short term emulsion stability, whereas thin oils formed emulsions that were stable for more than 2.5 h. The precision of results determined for this method were fairly good, with %RSDs ranging from 1.53 to 4.99%. Working standards for the emulsification method were prepared from aqueous standards and gave good linear calibration curves with r2 ranging from 0.9998 to 1.000. The calculated LOQs for this method were in the range of 3.92 and 68.7 ng g-1. These LOQs will imply that the method could be used for the determination of trace levels of wear metals in lubricating oils. Microwave-assisted acid digestion using pressurised closed vessels yielded good recoveries (95.6-104%) of all the elements studied, except Ag (50.4%). Silver showed the worst recovery and this may have been due to its low concentration of that metal in the CRM and the high dilution factor (about 100x), which led, in the final solution, to levels close to the LOQ of the method. The precision, as determined by %RSD (0.467-3.63%) was very good when compared to the other methods. The determined 70 LOQs for the microwave digestion method, were in the low ng g-1 level (3.58-60.2 ng g-1), which would indicate that the method could be used for the determination of trace levels of wear metals in lubricating oils. Aqueous working standards prepared for the analysis of microwave digested samples yielded good linearity calibration curves with r2 ranging from 0.9997 to 1.000. This achievement of comparatively good results by the microwave digestion method can be explained in terms of the complete digestion of the oil and low sample contamination incurred during microwave digestion. Based on the five validation criteria given in Table 4.12, the method of choice for the determination of Mn was found to be microwave digestion, for Cu, xylene dilution, for Ba, wet-ashing, for Ni, oil emulsification and for Ag, ultrasonic extraction. In addition to the validation criteria given in Table 4.12, the analytical methods investigated were also evaluated based on their suitability for routine analysis, cost and ease of sample preparation, as detailed below. The cost of sample preparation, which was based on approximate costs of reagents and instrumental running costs, was approximated to be microwave digestion > xylene dilution > wet ashing > dry ashing > ultrasonic extraction > detergent emulsion. Xylene dilution method required the use of organo-metallic standard for calibration, which was more expensive than aqueous inorganic standards. The choice of special sample tubes that can withstand organic solvents also contributed to the additional cost of the xylene dilution method. The inability of xylene to dissolve some suspended large wear particles in used oils and the lack of the method to minimise the organic content of the oil were the main concerns with the applicability of the xylene dilution method. These limitations are some of the main factors that could restrict the dilution method for routine analysis. In contrast, this method offered minimal sample contamination, was fast and simple. The pressurised microwave digestion system, which employed inorganic acids as oxidants, resulted in complete digestion of the oil samples. These digestates were clear and easily aspirated without affecting plasma stability. Moreover, the closed 71 digestion system also offered minimal sample contamination, which is a major concern in trace element analysis. In contrast, the initial and running-costs of the microwave apparatus were found to be high, which could limit its use for routine analysis. The limited organic sample size recommended for digestion was also a major drawback for the microwave digestion method. For this reason, it was not possible to digest the same sample size or use the same dilution factor, as was used in the other methods. In addition, the closed microwave digestion technique is moderately unsafe due to the possible occurrence of explosion, promoted by faults such as vessel leaks, sample size, sample matrix and operator’s error. The dry-ashing method completely mineralised the oil matrix and resulted in a clear solution, which could be easily aspirated into the plasma. It was simple to use and easy to control the procedure. Sample preparation costs were also moderate. However, sample preparation time was rather long (about 17 h), which could limit its use for routine analysis. In addition, sample contamination could be a major concern for this method because of the open heating procedure. Furthermore, this technique caused loss of volatile species and hence was found to be inefficient for the determination of Ni. The wet-ashing method completely destroyed the oil matrix and resulted in a clear solution. Unlike dry-ashing, the wet-ashing method offered a relatively short sample preparation time, taking 6 h (2 h heating to dryness and 4 h muffling). Sample heating and muffling employed in both dry and wet-ashing procedures was relatively inexpensive when compared to microwave digestion. It gave lower LODs (2.87-15.4 ng g-1), good accuracy (95.1-106%), except for Ag (76.3%) and good precision (1.105.62% RSD), except for Ni (9.47%). Hence, the wet-ashing approach can be used, as an alternative method to microwave digestion, for routine analysis. In contrast, sample contamination, precipitation of AgCl and BaSO4 when HCl and H2SO4 were used, loss of Ni in the absence of H2SO4, sample loss due to foaming and sample adsorption were some of the major limitations for the wet-ashing technique. 72 The ultrasonic extraction method, using extractant reagents, was found to be effective for extraction of analytes from used lubricating oil. Initial and running costs for an ultrasonic bath are inexpensive. The reaction vessels (volumetric flasks) are also cheap and available in any laboratory. However, finding the location of the ultrasonic transducer, which generates the ultrasonic energy, was a major limitation for this method. Consequently, only four samples were used in each batch to guarantee efficient extraction. When used oil samples were exposed to ultrasonic energy, formation of intense bubbles inside the reaction vessels could be observed. These effects suggest the occurrence of an oxidative process in the oil, which was necessary to liberate the metals from the organic matrix. Samples situated far from the location of the ultrasonic transducer remained unchanged. However, samples within the location of maximum irradiation were observed to create pressure that stressed the reaction vessels and finally formed an organic layer with agglomerated solid material. The pressure was more pronounced during the first 30 min of sonication. Therefore, an ultrasonic extraction of oils needs continual follow-up in order to avoid the possibility of the vessels exploding. For its low cost of sample preparation, reasonably short preparation time (2 h) and ease of procedures, the ultrasonic extraction approach can be applied for routine analysis. 73 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter provides summaries of the study outcome or conclusions, achievement of the objectives, contribution of the study and recommendations for further study. 5.2 ACHIEVEMENT OF THE OBJECTIVES The main objective of this study was to evaluate methods used for the determination of trace elements in lubricating oils. The specific objectives of the study were set, as given in Section 1.4.2, and experimentally tested according to their sequential priority. The most sensitive analytical lines that can be used for the determination of trace elements by ICP-OES were investigated prior any kind of sample analysis. The measured peak signal and background intensities determined by ICP-OES served to calculate the SBRs for each element. The maximum SBR was then applied as criteria for line selection. Analytical lines with higher SBR values, together with no interfering species in the vicinity of the lines, were established. These established analytical lines served for the entire determination of trace elements in both aqueous and organic sample matrices. The modified simplex optimisation approach has been shown to be a rapid and effective technique for the optimisation of ICP-OES operating conditions. The criteria of maximum SBR values produced efficient ICP optimum conditions both for aqueous and organic sample matrices. These optimum conditions guaranteed low background emission and continuous aspiration of oils without plasma extinction and the build up of carbon deposits on the injector tip. Evaluation of the ICP optimum conditions 74 indicated that the organic matrix required greater values of forward power, coolant and auxiliary gas flow rates, as compared to the aqueous matrices. On the other hand, increasing the auxiliary gas flow rate or a simultaneous increase both in the coolant and nebuliser flow rates was shown to strongly increase the SBRs of the elements studied. The performed regression analysis clearly illustrated that the auxiliary gas flow rate was the most significant variable in generating enhanced SBR values for the elements of interest, particularly during the analysis of organic samples. Three factors that were considered to have the greatest impact on ultrasonic-assisted extraction procedure were studied. A four-level full factorial design (43), with 64 runs, was developed in order to determine the influence of the factors and their interactions on extraction efficiency. The criteria of maximum analyte recovery generated efficient extracting conditions for all the elements studied. Metal recoveries obtained from the ultrasonic extraction method were quantitative, presenting values better than 93%. Such values denote that the ultrasonic extraction procedure, proposed in this work, is efficient in destroying the organic matrix and allowing the release of metals. The application of the Pearson correlation function to the recovery data simplified the evaluation of factors that influenced the performance of ultrasound-assisted extraction. It was demonstrated that the most important interaction between variables occurred when a simultaneous increase in sonication time (30-120 min) and volume of the extracting reagent (3-10 mL) was used. This was critical, particularly when HNO3:HCl (1:1, v/v) and HNO3:HCl (1:3, v/v), were used as sonicating reagents. Of the four sonicating reagents studied, aqua regia was found to be the most powerful and universal extracting agent for all the elements studied. Nebulisations of 10 replicates of blank solutions, prepared together with the real samples, were used for the determination of the LOD and LOQ for each element. The obtained LODs and LOQs were in the low ng g-1 level, which indicated that the methods could be easily be used for the determination of trace metals in lubricating oils and compares very well with those proposed by Inorganic Ventures (2012). 75 Evaluation of the six analytical methods investigated (xylene dilution, detergent emulsion, microwave digestion, dry-ashing, wet-ashing and ultrasonic extraction) for determining trace elements in used lubricating oils showed significant differences when statistically compared using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) at the 95% confidence level. Nonetheless, more than 65% compared combinations of any two methods gave statistically similar concentrations of Ag, Ba and Mn at the confidence level adopted (95%). Additions of both organo-metallic standard (Conostan S-21) and CRMs, analysed by ICP-OES, permitted the evaluation of each method studied based on its accuracy and precision. All the methods studied, except dry-ashing, gave quantitative recoveries of Ag. In all cases the precision (as measured by the %RSD) for the determination of Ag in the CRM samples, was found to be poor (7.36-16.2%), with the exception of results obtained by microwave digestion and ultrasonic extraction (1.45-2.72%). The low level of Ag in the CRM and sample contamination, particularly chloride contamination, complicated the accuracy and precision of Ag. Precipitates of AgCl, Ag2SO4 and BaSO4 were formed during sulphated wet-ashing, when followed by concentrated HCl dissolution. The method was thus ineffective for the determination of Ag and Ba. The dry-ashing approach gave unsatisfactory Ag recoveries. This was probably due to loss caused by sample adsorption onto the vessel walls, which was unavoidable, and sample contamination caused by prolonged open heating on a hot plate. All the studied methods were found to be effective for the determination of Ba in used oil samples. Evaluation of the recovery results for Ba, obtained by ultrasonic extraction, indicated a clear dependency on the concentration of the additions. This concentration dependency could have been due to some limitations of the aqua regia (extracting agent) to release Ba from the organic matrix when the addition level exceeded some concentration, in this case about 0.45 µg g-1. All the studied methods permitted the determination of Cu and Mn in lubricating oils with good accuracy. Quantitative recovery of Ni was also possible using all the 76 methods, except for the dry-ashing technique. Only the dry-ashing method provided Ni recoveries below 50% in the two QC samples analysed by ICP-OES. This result indicated that the metal is possibly volatilised and lost during intense heating promoted by the dry-ashing programme. This phenomenon for Ni has been reported by Aucelio et al. (2007a). The loss of Ni in the dry-ashing procedure was observed to increase with increased levels of Ni; however, the technique of wet-ashing, which employed oxidation of the organic material using concentrated H2SO4, followed by HNO3 dissolution, solved the problem of Ni losses. Wet-ashing, which employed HNO3 as oxidising agent, was found to be ineffective for the determination of Ni, but effective for Ba. Similarly, sulphated wet-ashing was ineffective for the determination of Ba due to the formation of insoluble BaSO 4. Based on the above, ashing procedures for the determination of Ni need to be performed using H2SO4 in order to reduce the loss of Ni as non-volatile sulphur compounds, most probably NiS, which is readily soluble in HNO3. Validation of the studied analytical methods was performed through the analysis of additions of Conostan standards and EnviroMAT (CRM). The results obtained using both sample additions were used to determine the accuracy, precision, linearity, LOD and LOQ of each method. Based on these evaluations, the choice of method for the determination of Mn in used oil samples was microwave digestion, for Ba, wet-ashing, for Cu, xylene dilution, for Ni, detergent emulsion and for Ag, ultrasonic extraction. Further evaluation of these methods in terms of applicability for routine analysis, sample preparation time and cost (cost of reagents and instrumental running costs) was performed. Based on these comparisons, ultrasonic extraction has a clear advantage in terms of accuracy, cost of sample preparation, simplicity of use, safety and suitability for routine analysis. 77 5.3 CONTRIBUTION OF THE STUDY Used lubricating oil has always been a difficult sample matrix to dissolve so as to be efficiently aspirated into the plasma. Its dissolution mainly involves dilution or oxidation of the organic matter and this is usually achieved by employing several inorganic acids or organic solvents. In the current study, dissolution of used lubricating oil samples were carried out using six different analytical procedures that involved the use of mineral acids, when necessary; xylene dilution, oil emulsification, microwave digestion, ultrasonic extraction, dry and wet ashing. Despite its low cost, literature research has shown that ultrasonic energy, generated from an ultrasonic bath, has not yet fully been exploited for analytical applications. As a result, literature related to ultrasound-assisted extraction approach, which employ an ultrasonic bath is very limited. In this study, though the precision of results for Ni was poor (12.6%) relative to other techniques, lubricating oils extracted using an ultrasonic bath produced good recoveries for all the other elements studied. This indicates the strength of ultrasonic energy, generated by the ultrasonic bath, to isolate inorganic species from complex organic matrices. Hence, the finding of this study is expected to create some motivation for future research, based on the use of ultrasonic energy. 5.4 SHORTCOMING OF THE STUDY Working with used lubricating oil sample was a difficult task due to its matrix complexity and viscosity, which compromises plasma stability. The problems associated with the viscosity of used oil samples might have probably been resolved using a V-groove nebuliser, which was not available in our laboratory. 5.5 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH For future research work in this field, further optimisation of the main factors that influence the ultrasonic extraction of analytes in used lubricating oil samples need to 78 be done. 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PhD, thesis, University of Oulu, Finland. 86 ANNEXURE A DETAILS OF THE SIMPLEX ALGORITHM A.1 DEFINITION OF THE SIMPLEX ALGORITHM A simplex is a geometric figure defined by a number of points or vertices equal to one more than the number of dimensions of the factor space. If k is the number of dimensions in the factor space, then a simplex is defined by k+1 points in that factor space. Each vertex, or corner, of a simplex optimisation experimental design corresponds to a set of experimental conditions (Deming et al., 1999). A.2 TYPES OF THE SIMPLEX ALGORITHM A.2.1 Fixed step simplex algorithm Fixed step simplex is the original or basic simplex algorithm, which was introduced as an alternative evolutionary operation method for increasing the productivity of existing industrial processes (Deming et al., 1999). The progression along the response surface is in fixed distance units, which is used when there is a need for maximum control of the experiments (Allman, 1995). A.2.2 Variable step simplex algorithm The variable step simplex is also referred to as the modified simplex because several new rules were added to the basic simplex, to allow the simplex to change its size. These new rules permit the modified simplex to expand in a direction of more favourable condition and contract in a direction of unfavourable condition (Deming et al., 1999). The variable step simplex is not stranded by ridged systems and can therefore speed up the optimisation progress, prevent the attainment of a false 87 optimum and permit a closer definition of the optimum conditions (Cave, Ebdon & Mowthorpe, 1980). A.3 Rules of the simplex algorithm The possible moves in the modified simplex algorithm are as depicted in Figure A.1. Each move is governed by a series of rules. The rules that govern both the fixed and the variable size simplex algorithm which are described in the literature by Allman (1995) and Deming et al. (1999) are as follows: E N R C + P CW Figure A.1: B Possible moves in the variable size simplex algorithm. Where P is the centroid of the hyperface; B the best vertex; N the second worst vertex; W the worst vertex; R the reflection vertex; E the expansion vertex; C+ the contraction vertex on the R side and C- the contraction vertex on the W side (Deming et al., 1999) A.3.1. Rules of the fixed step simplex algorithm Rule-1: Rank the vertex of the first simplex on a worksheet in decreasing order of response from best to worst and put the worst vertex into the row labelled W. Rule-2: Calculate and evaluate R. 88 Rule-3: Never transfer the current row labelled W to the next worksheet. Always transfer the current row labelled N to the row labelled W on the next worksheet. Rank the remaining retained vertices in order of decreasing responses on a new work sheet and go to rule 2. A.3.2. Rules of the variable step simplex algorithm The sign “≥” represent “better than or equal to” and “≤” worse than or equal to. Rule-1: Rank the vertex of the first simplex on a worksheet in decreasing order of response from best to worst and put the worst vertex into the row labelled W. Rule-2: Calculate and evaluate R: A. If N ≤ R ≤ B, use simplex B..NR. B. If R > B, calculate and evaluate E: i. If E ≥ B, use simplex B..NE. ii. If E < B, use simplex B..NR. C. If R< N: i. If R ≥ W, calculate and evaluate C+, use simplex R..NC+. ii. If R < W, calculate and evaluate C-, use simplex R..NC-. Rule-3: Never transfer the current row labelled W to the next worksheet. Always transfer the current row labelled N to W on the next worksheet. Rank the remaining retained vertexes in order of decreasing responses. 89 ANNEXURE B ADDITIONAL TABLES Table B.1: Trial No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 4RE1 18 19 20 21 22 23 9RE1 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Simplex optimisation progress data of ICP-OES operating parameters for Ag (328.068) in xylene matrix RF power Coolant flow Aux. flow Neb. Flow (W) (L min ) (L min ) (L min ) 17 17 17 15 15 18 17 16 16 16 14 17 15 14 14 13 16 15 15 14 13 15 15 13 16 15 14 15 16 16 15 15 1.8 2.3 1.8 2.3 1.8 2.3 1.8 1.5 2.1 2.3 1.6 2.1 2.2 2.4 2 1.9 1.6 2.3 2.1 2.7 3.3 2.4 2.2 2.5 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.2 2.7 3 2.7 2.3 0.55 0.55 0.65 0.65 0.55 0.65 0.7 0.77 0.81 0.94 0.79 0.69 0.81 0.89 0.83 0.9 0.96 0.65 0.73 0.82 0.85 0.91 0.77 0.8 0.81 0.81 0.8 0.81 0.78 0.75 0.78 0.8 1550 1650 1650 1550 1650 1550 1500 1425 1538 1531 1532 1545 1379 1244 1401 1329 1322 1550 1493 1481 1508 1407 1471 1328 1538 1486 1541 1419 1528 1591 1464 1480 -1 -1 -1 Signal (cps) 919424 968661 1333387 1317785 814311 954903 859457 748565 746312 295580 363387 1304887 899357 BV 900000 BV BV 1178583 1337671 1181737 BV 555935 1290540 BV 1376599 1259793 1360132 1097991 1384519 1433576 1135965 1120795 Back ground (cps) 57783.6 80031.8 55124.6 47136 82862.2 42540.2 28161.3 18025.8 16123.2 22417 22499.8 39772.4 18182.5 -17948.7 --48393.6 29545.2 22032.3 -21564.8 23847.2 -28702.2 24231.4 28646.6 20615.2 25169.4 38877.8 22973.8 22929.9 SBR T Ret Type 14.9 11.1 23.2 27.0 8.8 21.4 29.5 40.5 45.3 12.2 15.2 31.8 48.5 -49.1 --23.4 44.3 52.6 -24.8 53.1 -47 51 46.5 52.3 54 35.9 48.4 47.9 3 2 5 7 1 3 0 6 7 0 0 2 6 0 6 0 0 0 2 7 0 0 7 0 0 3 0 3 7 0 0 2 F F F F F R R E R E R CR E R E R F CR E R CR R CR CR E R C- 90 31 32 33 19RE1 34 35 22RE1 36 37 38 39 40 41 27RE1 42 36RE1 43 44 45 36RE2 46 22RE2 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 42RE1 54 36RE3 55 52RE1 56 57 58 36RE1 51RE1 53RE1 1561 1455 1488 1481 1482 1526 1471 1473 1496 1485 1497 1500 1501 1528 1487 1473 1467 1424 1458 1473 1468 1471 1527 1450 1474 1472 1503 1529 1509 1487 1526 1473 1532 1529 1494 1500 1477 1473 1503 1509 15 15 15 14 15 15 15 15 17 15 16 15 16 16 16 15 15 15 16 15 15 15 16 15 16 15 16 16 16 16 17 15 16 16 15 15 15 15 16 16 2.8 2.3 2.7 2.7 2.4 2.7 2.2 2.4 2.1 2.6 2.6 2.2 2.1 2.7 2.5 2.4 3.2 2 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.8 2.2 2.5 2.4 2.7 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.9 2.4 3 2.9 2.6 2.1 2.1 2.4 2.7 2.7 0.77 0.8 0.78 0.82 0.8 0.78 0.77 0.8 0.76 0.8 0.78 0.65 0.7 0.78 0.87 0.8 1.01 0.84 0.89 0.8 0.8 0.77 0.79 0.83 0.85 0.84 0.82 0.82 0.81 0.87 0.85 0.8 0.77 0.82 0.77 0.6 0.69 0.8 0.82 0.81 1225043 1079768 1171119 1037904 1167012 1206417 1173315 1112030 1235909 1145426 1207034 1072935 1170195 1292941 921434 1552811 BV 1074865 812462 1411804 1386284 1518611 1545182 1167711 1126988 1162315 1355239 1411632 1404011 1068673 1258436 1384091 1578056 1407955 1525195 1103767 1413215 1371318 1379512 1419076 30165.4 21530.7 24207 21810.3 23891.2 27021 22504 17727.6 26488.1 23844 27347 38346.9 34451 28200.5 15167.8 24685 -18249.2 20770 24826.2 25840.7 28908.9 29337.4 20512.8 20853.7 22538.8 21272.6 19638.6 23339.9 20999.8 22929.2 24488.4 32043 27284.7 30571.2 47863.2 32252.2 22477 23954.4 27110.2 39.6 49.2 47.4 46.6 47.8 43.6 51.1 61.7 45.7 47 43.1 27 33 44.8 59.7 61.9 -57.9 38.1 55.9 52.6 51.5 51.7 55.9 53 50.6 62.7 70.9 59.2 49.9 53.9 55.5 48.2 50.6 48.9 22.1 42.8 60.0 56.6 51.3 0 2 0 2 3 0 7 7 0 2 0 2 2 3 7 7 0 2 0 5 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 6 5 2 2 4 0 2 0 2 1 2 2 1 *T Ret stands for “total retained”, REn “n-times re-evaluation” and F “first vertex”. R CR R CR CCR CR CR R R R E R R CCCR CR C+ R E R R R R R CR CR E CC- 91 Table B.2: Trial No. Simplex optimisation progress data of ICP-OES operating parameters for Mn (257.611) in aqueous matrix RF power (W) 1 1400 2 1400 3 1200 4 1200 5 1400 6 1200 7 1400 8 1250 9 1425 10 1538 11 1463 12 1409 13 1317 14 1379 15 1293 16 1235 17 1549 2RE1 1400 18 1461 19 1379 20 1277 21 1308 9RE1 1425 22 1361 23 1299 24 1359 25 1442 26 1303 15RE1 1293 27 1241 28 1307 29 1382 30 1359 31 1191 32 1379 33 1284 Coolant flow (L min-1) 12 13 12 13 13 12 13 12 12 11 13 12 13 12 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 13 12 12 13 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 13 14 13 15 Aux. flow (L min-1) 1.3 0.8 0.8 1.3 1.3 0.8 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.8 0.9 0.3 1 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.7 1 0.9 1 0.9 1.1 0.8 1 Neb. flow (L min-1) 0.8 0.8 1.3 0.8 1.3 0.6 0.2 1 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.1 1 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 Signal Back ground SBR T Ret Type (cps) 1591185 1466942 3090.9 247107 19559 840496 BV BV 1631405 BV 900826 1404959 BV 1616529 661433 26148.8 1264187 1560331 1466942 1146281 1036364 1257025 1705785 1057576 BV 1483471 1380716 805785 680716 173058 795592 599725 1042424 322865 1097521 234050 (cps) 44077 37190 225.9 15427 1652.9 22314 --39669 -35813 45455 -39669 13499 771.3 32231 39669 37190 28926 24242 32231 39669 24242 -33058 30854 17355 15427 3471 17631 13499 21212 7713.5 26446 5289.3 35.1 38.4 12.7 15.0 10.8 36.7 --40.1 -24.2 29.9 -39.8 48.0 32.9 38.2 38.3 38.4 38.6 41.8 38.0 42.0 42.6 -43.9 43.7 45.4 43.1 48.9 44.1 43.4 48.1 40.9 40.5 43.2 5 7 2 3 1 6 0 2 7 0 0 2 0 6 7 0 0 1 2 2 3 0 3 4 0 6 4 0 2 7 7 0 7 0 2 2 F F F F F R R CR E R C+ R CR E R F C+ R R R R CR CR R R E R R C+ R CR 92 34 35 36 37 27RE1 38 28RE1 39 40 1217 1278 1280 1377 1241 1456 1362 1307 1462 Table B.3: 15 13 14 13 14 11 13 14 13 1.1 0.9 1 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.7 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 1 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.8 114270 686501 653719 1503030 163636 1939394 1033333 762534 1818182 2534.4 15427 15427 35262 3966.9 49587 24242 17631 44077 44.1 43.5 41.4 41.6 40.3 38.1 41.6 42.2 40.3 2 0 2 2 2 0 1 1 0 Sensitivity study of ICP-OES lines for the elements investigated Wavelength Signal Element (nm) (cs-1) Ag I 328.068 2574617 Ag I 338.289 160000 Ag II 224.641 4300 Ag II 243.779 5508 Ba ll 455.404 6301994 Ba ll 233.527 1670472 Ba ll 230.424 1632506 Cu I 324.754 4145299 Cu I 327.396 478908.2 Cu II 224.700 383126.6 Cu II 219.226 240000 Cu I 219.958 159603 Mn II 257.611 5641026 Mn II 259.373 505785.1 Mn II 260.569 392286.5 Mn II 294.921 349311.3 Mn I 403.076 257135.0 Ni II 231.604 616625.3 Ni II 221.648 556823.8 Ni I 232.003 219454.1 Ni II 227.021 14069.5 Ni II 174.828 19454.1 Ni I 300.249 130000 Ni I 341.476 516239.3 -1 * cs “counts per second” Back ground (cs-1) Net Signal (cs-1) SBR 7407.4 4367 176 268 39886 25310.2 25310.2 14245 29776.7 11910.7 10322.6 10322.6 17094 11570.2 8815.4 8815.4 15757.6 17632.8 15399.5 12009.9 1749.4 2183.6 27369.7 13675.1 2567210 155633 4124 5240 6262108 1645161 1607196 4131054 449131.5 371215.9 229677.4 149280.4 5623931.6 494214.9 383471.1 340495.9 241377.4 598992.5 541424.3 207444.2 12320.1 17270.5 102630.3 502564.2 346.6 35.6 23.4 19.6 157.0 65.0 63.5 290.0 15.1 31.2 22.2 14.5 329.0 42.7 43.5 38.6 15.3 34.0 35.2 17.3 7.0 7.9 3.7 36.8 R R C+ R E E R R R 93 Table B.4: Trial No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 The full factorial experimental design (43) applied to the optimisation of the ultrasound-assisted extraction of metals in lubricating oils Sonication time (min) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 Ratio of extractant (HNO3:H2O2:HCl) 2:1:0 2:1:0 2:1:0 2:1:0 1:0:0 1:0:0 1:0:0 1:0:0 1:0:1 1:0:1 1:0:1 1:0:1 1:0:3 1:0:3 1:0:3 1:0:3 2:1:0 2:1:0 2:1:0 2:1:0 1:0:0 1:0:0 1:0:0 1:0:0 1:0:1 1:0:1 1:0:1 1:0:1 1:0:3 1:0:3 1:0:3 1:0:3 2:1:0 2:1:0 2:1:0 2:1:0 1:0:0 1:0:0 1:0:0 1:0:0 Volume of extractant (mL) 3 6 8 10 3 6 8 10 3 6 8 10 3 6 8 10 3 6 8 10 3 6 8 10 3 6 8 10 3 6 8 10 3 6 8 10 3 6 8 10 94 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 1:0:1 1:0:1 1:0:1 1:0:1 1:0:3 1:0:3 1:0:3 1:0:3 2:1:0 2:1:0 2:1:0 2:1:0 1:0:0 1:0:0 1:0:0 1:0:0 1:0:1 1:0:1 1:0:1 1:0:1 1:0:3 1:0:3 1:0:3 1:0:3 3 6 8 10 3 6 8 10 3 6 8 10 3 6 8 10 3 6 8 10 3 6 8 10 95 ANNEXURE C ADDITIONAL FIGURES Mn 257.611 Mn 257.611 50 SBR 45 45 40 40 35 35 30 30 SBR SBR 50 25 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 SBR 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 -1 Forward RF power (W) Plasma flow rate (L min ) (a) (b) Mn 257.611 Mn 257.611 SBR 45 45 40 40 35 35 30 30 SBR SBR 50 50 25 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 -1 Auxiliary gas flow rate (L min ) (c) SBR 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 -1 Nebulizer flow rate (L min ) (d) Figure C.1: Progress of the simplex optimisation of the ICP-OES when applied to (a) plasma flow, (b) forward power, (c) auxiliary flow and (d) nebuliser flow rate for Mn in aqueous matrix 96 Ag 328.068 Signal intensity (cps) 1200000 1000000 800000 y = 43597.7x + 4151.9 2 r = 0.99903 600000 400000 200000 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 -1 Concentration (µg g ) Figure C.2: Calibration curve for the determination of Ag in xylene diluted oils Ba 455.404 1400000 Signal intensity (cps) 1200000 1000000 800000 y = 25430.6x - 6774.9 2 r = 0.99987 600000 400000 200000 0 -200000 0 10 20 30 40 50 -1 Concentration (µg g ) Figure C.3: Calibration curve for the determination of Ba in microwave digested oils 97 Cu 324.754 1600000 Signal intensity (cps) 1400000 1200000 1000000 y = 29900.5x + 2331.8 2 r = 0.99998 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 -200000 0 10 20 30 40 50 -1 Concentration (µg g ) Figure C.4: Calibration curve for the determination of Cu in emulsified oils 1400000 Mn 257.611 Signal intensity (cps) 1200000 1000000 y = 25826x - 2157.8 2 r = 0.99998 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 -200000 0 10 20 30 40 50 -1 Concentration (µg g ) Figure C.5: Calibration curve for the determination of Mn in dry-ashed oils 98 Ni 341.476 350000 Sgnal intensity (cps) 300000 250000 200000 y = 3087.66x + 156.63 2 r = 0.99999 150000 100000 50000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 -1 Concentration (µg g ) Figure C.6: Calibration curve for the determination of Ni in wet-ashed oils Cu 324.754 3000000 Signal intensity (cps) 2500000 2000000 y = 26004.63x + 6368.87 2 r = 0.99999 1500000 1000000 500000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 -1 Concentration (µg g ) Figure C.7: Calibration curve for the determination of Cu in ultrasonically extracted oils