Boo Coo News - Vietnam Veterans of America
Boo Coo News - Vietnam Veterans of America
Boo Coo News Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 MAY 2016 WELCOME HOME! Update on POW/MIA Memorial at Resurrection Cemetery ~ Brian Bobek VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER 18025 E. 15 MILE ROAD CLINTON TOWNSHIP MI 48035-2403 586-776-9810 PHONE 586-776-9683 FAX MONDAY - FRIDAY 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. STOP BY. HANG OUT & HELP OUT. s you are aware, we moved our annual 24-hour POW/MIA vigil to Resurrection Cemetery last fall. We also shared with you that we were entering into discussions with the cemetery about erecting a Michigan Vietnam POW/MIA memorial at the cemetery. Because we didn't know much about memorials and costs, we formed a small subcommittee from the chapter to brainstorm some ideas about what type of memorial we would like. Although there is already a POW/MIA memorial in the veteran's section of the cemetery, we considered that more of a "generic" POW/MIA memorial since we're the group that has led the charge with support of the POW/MIA initiatives over all these years, we thought it was appropriate to have a dedicated memorial for "our" war. *** GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS 7 P.M. SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH AT AMERICAN LEGION POST 4, 401 N. GROESBECK HIGHWAY SOUTH OF ELIZABETH ROAD *** BOO COO NEWS DEADLINE: PREVIOUS MONTH’S MEETING TO SUBMIT ITEMS, PHOTOS, AD COPY: MAIL, FAX OR DELIVER TO THE VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER 1,621 AMERICANS STILL MISSING IN SOUTHEAST ASIA 49 FROM MICHIGAN A After discussing a couple of concept proposals, we sat down with Resurrection cemetery personnel and Richard Cardinal from Inch Memorials in Northville. They are the preferred source for memorials of this type according to Resurrection. Dick took our ideas and went off to a monument convention to pick their brains about a suitable concept. Inch Memorials came back to us with their concept that captured everything we could have asked for, and more. Their expertise on materials, and their suggestions, were sound and led us through a maze of concerns. Here are the concept sketches that Inch proposed, and these have been accepted by the Chapter 154 committee as the chosen direction. We have given Inch the go-ahead to start production based on this proposal. Essentially, Inch will create the memorial and place it at the location designated by Resurrection. Resurrection will prepare the site and will be responsible for all the landscaping that will surround the memorial. They say the job isn't finished until you understand the costs, and that was a major concern of ours heading into this project. It lives or dies based on the cost. On that note, we have great news. Although I cannot tell you what the entire project cost is (because I don't know), I can tell you that Inch Granite is absorbing a huge part of the cost as a donation to this chapter. That being said, what was left after Inch's contribution was $8,000. Resurrection agreed to pay half, leaving $4,000 for Chapter 154 to pay. We said that was acceptable to us, believing the chapter would support our decision and help raise the needed funding. But wait. It gets better! Immediately following the meeting, our color guard commander, Jim Watts, got on the phone with two of his "deep pocket" friends and got their commitment to pay the chapter's portion of the memorial. So our resultant bottom line cost to this chapter is: zero. It pays to have friends in the right places, and a big thank-you goes out to Jim for facilitating this donation, and also to his friends for their generosity. I believe this is yet another testimonial to this chapter for all the great things we do for veterans and the community. We have been assured that the memorial will be installed in time for the September 16 vigil ceremony. As this is the 30th year of the vigil, it is fitting that this memorial be dedicated at this honorable event. Jim Watts, myself and others are already looking at an honored guest list to help us make this 30th anniversary celebration a huge success. Last year was very good, but this year will prove to be exceptional. Please make sure you're planning on attending this event. It's because of YOU and all the good things that you do that this has been made possible. Come out and share in the celebration. While things are underway, if you have any questions regarding the memorial, please contact one of the committee members: Gary Purcell, Ted Szymanski, Jim Watts or myself. We'll be updating everyone as things develop. President's Message ~ Brian Bobek here's so much good news elsewhere in this newsletter that I'm at a loss to know what to say for this column. Elections are over and your new officers and board members are listed in the meeting minutes. We had a record turnout of voters; 122 members cast ballots. Thank you to everyone who put in their names for consideration for the various positions. Your interest says a lot about your desire to help this chapter continue moving forward. There is so much going on that it boggles my mind. I look at my calendar one day and I see a lot of open spaces. A day later and they're all filled in. I need a personal secretary (and I'm not talking about Mike Schneider!) At the chapter meeting on May 11, a group representing the WWII memorial that is being built in Royal Oak will be making a presentation about the memorial. They have a "buy-a-brick" program going on whereby you can buy a brick with your choice of inscription on it. Additionally, if ten chapter members purchase a brick at the meeting the chapter will be given a 10"x10" brick with our chapter information on it free of charge. I will send out more information just prior to the meeting since we want you to bring your checkbook to the meeting. May 14 is the annual postal workers’ food drive where people from all the districts leave food items for their carriers, which is brought back to the post office on 22 Mile Road just west of Van Dyke. Every year we receive a tremendous amount of food from this drive, but it is a function that needs a lot of strong backs (read this as "young people"). We expect the Young Marines to assist again, along with a Boy Scout troop that Mike Schneider is lining up. But the more people, the easier the job becomes. Spread the word to your friends and neighbors that we could use their help. Last year we had to leave some food on the loading docks because we didn't have the manpower or transportation to get it all back to the vet center. Greg Bowman had said that we're not going to miss out this year, so the challenge lamp has been lit. Come help out so we can stock our shelves at the food pantry. May is also bringing the Vietnam 50th Commemorative ceremony that a lot of you signed up for. It appears that we will have over 100 veterans receiving pins that day. As a reminder, the ceremony will be held at noon May 15 at Zuccaro's Banquet Center on Gratiot just south of 21 Mile Road. Representative Candice Miller will be presenting pins T and certificates to those being honored. Wolverine Harley-Davidson is planning a hot dog/hamburger luncheon following the ceremony at their building on Gratiot just south of Hall Road. All are invited. May 22 will be our annual Veteran's Day ceremony at Cadillac East Cemetery. This event has been plagued in recent years by lack of participation, going from old crowds of 100 vets to its present level of our honor guard and a few members. I'm going to be making an appeal to all the major VSOs in this area to come out and support it. In any event, Chapter 154 is committed to doing it if even if no one else shows up, so at least come out and support your color guard. May 23 we're having a veteran's event at the American House on 15 Mile near Dodge Park. This is the event we've done in the past in Auburn Hills where junior high and high school students come over and tour our display of memorabilia. The high point is always where we dress them up with all of the old battle gear and take their pictures. They really get a kick out of that portion. We'll be there all day, with the younger students coming in the morning and the older students and general public/AH residents coming in the afternoon for the formal ceremony. I encourage everyone to attend to see what goes on at these events. The interface with the students is a lot of fun. Our memorial will also be on display for all to see. Sunday, May 29 is our usual ceremony at Clinton Grove Cemetery and the Mount Clemens Fire Station. The program usually starts at 11 a.m. I do not know who the host post is as of yet. More information will be broadcast on our email blast as we receive it. The following day, May 30 the color guard will be participating in the ceremony at Resurrection Cemetery. We will do military honors following the Mass as well as at the service at the veteran's section. Following that, we will finish the day at our Freedom Hill memorial. Exact times are yet TBD. The three-day VVA state convention is scheduled for June 3-5 in Bay City. As I have a prior commitment, I will be asking two of the alternate delegates to attend in my absence. VVA chapters from all over the state are supposed to attend to better understand the issues that affect veterans across the state. President’s message continued on page 3 VVA CHAPTER 154 EXECUTIVE BOARD President Brian Bobek 586-524-3806 1st VP Gary Purcell 586-243-6293 2nd VP Steve Bago 586-419-2212 Secretary Mike Schneider 586-567-0731 Treasurer Mike Jacobi 586-504-0781 TRUSTEES Gary Sox (2017) Tim Ignash (2018) Tom Puruleski (2019) VVA STATE DELEGATES Brian Bobek Alt. Delegates Steve Bago, Chris Franklin Mike Schneider Board of Directors Terms Expiring 2017 Leo Lalonde Larry May Donn Sinclair Gary Stephens Robert Steward Terms Expiring 2018 Greg Bowman Gil Claunch Dave Schoenherr Jim Watts Ron Squires VVA NATIONAL LIAISON Steve Bago WEBMASTER Mike Sauger FUNCTIONAL COMMITTEES Agent Orange Honor Guard Food Pantry Freedom Hill & Eastpointe Memorials Hospitalized Vets Lottery Membership Merchandise Michigan Traveling Memorial Nominations Operation Christmas POW/MIA Scholarship Speaker’s Bureau Welcome Home George Sawyer Jim Watts Gil Claunch Dave Porter Tom Duff Jim Auito Larry May Tim Ignash Dave Schoenherr Tom Puruleski, Doug Zieger TBA Tom Duff Woody Horne Ed Zysk TBA 586-838-9851 586-790-0008 586-243-0222 586-747-8149 586-504-0781 586-650-1800 586-854-7842 586-940-2568 586-524-9705 586-747-8881 Boo Coo News Publisher - The Board of Directors Boo Coo News Editor Brian Bobek Typesetting ~ Linda May Thank you! to all of our sponsors. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MAY 2016 - Page 2 ASSOCIATES OF VIETNAM VETERANS OF AMERICA We meet at 7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month at the Vet Center PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE APRIL 20 MEETING MINUTES Continued from page 2 7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order ANNOUNCEMENTS •Mike Jacobi updated information on the upcoming Car Show held at Gibraltar Trade Center. 125 cars entered the show but with the forecast of rain there is concern some may back out. At least half of the entries are still in. Mike is asking for ticket sellers and ticket takers to work 2-3 hour segments. Saturday and Sunday April 23 & 24 has many openings and interested volunteers need to contact him @ 586-776-9810 Cost is only $3 Adults, $2 Children Again, the combined efforts of the veterans’ voices helped to defeat the proposed veteran's property tax exemption bill. Don't expect this to go away. A defeat to a politician only means another opportunity to reword something and make another run at it. Thanks to everyone who jumped aboard the protest train and got this thing shelved. This is why it's so important for veterans to stand united and have a common voice in these matters. The problem is, we get so fragmented that we're losing the collective strength of our numbers. With the failure of groups like the MCCVO, that common voice is getting lost and we risk reducing our effectiveness. As always, plenty to do and a lot of opportunities to go around. And this is only May! Every month will have things coming up to excite your volunteer spirit, so get involved. Brian Bobek 20th Engineering Brigade (Combat) Vietnam 1967-68 Member Receives Some Much-Needed "Comfort" hapter member Bobby Steward was recently presented with a very unique gift. Associate member Carlene Cremin made a comforter for Bobby with the Purple Heart logo on it. This was in recognition of his recent award of the MOPH plaque at the December 12 ceremony at Fern Hill. As is evident in the picture, Bobby was absolutely beaming when he received the comforter. It was certainly very appropriate because, as we all know, Bobby needs a lot of comforting! Congratulations go out to Bob for being recognized, and to Carlene for expending her time and effort to honor Bob. It's acts like this that truly make us a family. C •Phyllis thanked those that came last Friday to help with the filling of Goody Bags. •Mary Squires volunteered to be our Sunshine Person. She will be responsible for sending out condolence, sorry you’re sick, birthday, etc. cards to associate members. •Phyllis gave a heartfelt thanks for the many expressions of love and support for the wellbeing of her son that spent a weekend back in U of M Hospital due to complications from his recent surgery. He is now at home. UPCOMING EVENTS •May 13 & 14 and 20 & 21, 2016: Gary Purcell, Vice President of VVA Chapter 154 is running the food bank trailer at the Kroger on Canal & Garfield in Clinton Twp. He is looking for VOLUNTEERS •May 14, 2016: Postal Food Drive. VOLUNTEERS need to show up at 11:30 at the USPS located at 22 Mile and Van Dyke. Both football players and Boy Scouts will be in attendance to help move the food. VOLUNTEERS are needed at the Post Office and Chapter 154 and can just show up. •May 22, 2016: Cadillac Memorial. Memorial Day Honor. Laying of wreaths will take place. •May 29, 2016: Clinton Grove Cemetery •May 30, 2016: Resurrection Cemetery 10 a.m. Catholic Mass and at 12:00 Memorial Service at the Veterans Memorial. •May 30, 2016: 2 to 4 p.m. Freedom Hill reading of the 49 Macomb County soldiers that died in combat in Vietnam •July 10-14, 2016: Golden Age Games (this is a competitive event for disabled vets 55 and older similar to Special Olympics). This event needs 4,000 VOLUNTEERS. Presently only 400 have signed up. •July 23, 2016: Golf Outing. Debbie Stephani updated the committee requesting VOLUNTEERS to fill positions on the day of the event. All 78 letters went out to vendors asking for donations. She is still looking for more donations e.g. sunblock/chapstick from Dermatologist offices. Also it was decided that a silent auction would take place and Mary Barrett has submitted a donation. At this time no one has signed up to golf. Members need to be proactive by reaching out to their friends and co-workers to put together golf teams. $50 hole sponsors are available and 3 VOLUNTEERS are needed to contact previous hole sponsors to request sponsorships. •Sept. 16, 2016: 24 Hour Vigil @ Resurrection Cemetery •Various subcommittees met after the meeting to fill upcoming event openings with member volunteers. ELECTIONS Ballots were counted by April Bell and Debbie Stephani. Results of the election is as follows: •President: Margaret Schoenherr •Vice President: Carol Johnson •Secretary: Kim Meltzer Last year’s ballots will be destroyed and this year ballots will be placed in the safe. ADJOURN: 7:35 p.m. Matt Weigle/ Mary Anne Novak Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MAY 2016 - Page 3 # HONOR GUARD REPORT - Jim Watts, Commander N o honor guard report this month. Jim Watts Steve Bago John Mohan Ted Szymanski Glenn Cash Ron Drdul Commander Vice Commander Treasurer Armorer/Property Officer Armorer/Assistant Chaplain Chaplain CHAPTER 154 EXECUTIVE BOARD 2 vice president Steve Bago, 1st vice president Gary Purcell, president Brian Bobek, treasurer Mike Jacobi, secretary Mike Schneider nd CHAPTER 154 BOARD MEMBERS 2018 terms Jim Watts, Ron Squires, Dave Schoenherr, Gil Claunch, Greg Bowman Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MAY 2016 - Page 4 VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER 18025 E. 15 MILE ROAD CLINTON TOWNSHIP MI 48035-2403 FREE SERVICES 10 A.M. TO 4 P.M. MONDAY - FRIDAY ! 586-776-9810 HELP WANTED: VOLUNTEERS TO STAFF THE VET CENTER AND WORK ON THE FOOD PANTRY. MACOMB COUNTY VETERANS AFFAIRS OFFICE SERVICE OFFICERS (FILE CLAIMS AND ANSWER QUESTIONS) • MARY BARRETTE ~ TUESDAYS ~ FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED BASIS • LISA MARIE DUNCAN-EDWARDS ~ THURSDAYS ~ APPOINTMENTS ONLY • MELANIE THON VVA SERVICE OFFICER ~ MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS MONDAYS, TUESDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS ARE “WALK IN” SERVICE, FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED. THURSDAYS ARE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. IT’S ALWAYS WISE TO CALL AHEAD AS SOMETIMES THE SERVICE OFFICER’S SCHEDULE CHANGES ON SHORT NOTICE. PLEASE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS EXPANDED COVERAGE WITH ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE REGARDING THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION. ***** SICK CALL & CONDOLENCES Contact Ron Drdul [email protected] or 586-899-7112 If you know of a death or illness of a chapter member or their family, please notify Ron Drdul so that we may get the information in the Boo Coo News in a timely manner. All of the kind thoughts and prayers offered up by our membership are truly appreciated by these folks, and apparently are working to help them through their tough times. Keep ‘em coming. HOSPITAL REPORT # Submitted by Tom Duff SICK CALL Chapter member Dave Porter is awaiting a re-appointment at the Ann Arbor Veteran's Hospital for a hip replacement on his left hip. He reported once for the surgery, but his doctor decided to pull a "nooner" and didn't show up for work. Maybe that was a good thing. At any rate, Dave is awaiting a new surgery date. Chapter member Jerry Clara is continuing his fight with cancer. He has undergone several rounds of chemo and this has weakened him, along with the usual nausea that accompanies this treatments. His spirits remain high and he is anxious to get back with his chapter friends and the color guard. Roger Krzeminski appears to be doing well in his ongoing battle with cancer. He is up and about and has been attending some chapter functions as he can. • • • TAPS • • Chapter life member Steve Gabridge passed away. The chapter held a pass-in-review for Steve at the funeral home. The sister of Bob Deckers, Janice, passed away April 18. Our condolences go to out to the Deckers family. VETERANS TREATMENT COURT SEMINAR May 3 The Federal Bar Association Federal Disability Benefits Committee’s fourth annual seminar on Veterans Treatment Courts is 1-4 p.m. May 3 in Room L-44 at the Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law School, 2630 Featherstone Road, Auburn Hills MI 48326. The VTC assists military veterans who have honorably served in the armed forces of the United States but who have become involved in the criminal justice system. It uses a team approach that attempts to get beyond the legal problems to address the underlying physical, psychological, and substance abuse issues that may have resulted in criminal conduct. Successful completion of the program may result in a reduced plea and reduction in sentence. This seminar provides an overview and an update on the VTC status within the state. A manual regarding the policies and procedures for the veteran mentors is being developed. This seminar is at no cost to attendees. Contact John E. Walus at [email protected] n April 13, 2016 John Hages, Carlene Cremin, Linda Baisden, Joe Spencer, Harry Wisniewski, Don Cremin, John Vierhelig and I went to the VA Hospital. We went to wards A-4 north and A-3 north, the substance abuse ward and the dialysis ward. We visited with 77 vets. We passed out personal items bags, magazines, crossword puzzle books, blankets, lap robes, wheel chair bags, bananas, pretzels, Hostess products, cookies, suckers, chips, cheese-its and candy. We had a great time and most of all we let at least 77 vets know that we care and they are not forgotten. Next hospital visit will be Wednesday, May 11, leaving the vet center at 8 a.m. O Meeting Reminder The in-country vet group that meets at the vet center on Tuesday morning wishes to extend an invitation to any other in-country vets to join their meeting. It is informal and is aimed at having open discussion on any topic of interest to the group. If you'd like to participate, just show up at the vet center conference room at that time. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MAY 2016 - Page 5 Minutes of General Membership Meeting 4/13/16 ~ Submitted by Mike Schneider eeting called to order by President Brian Bobek at 1900 hours. Pledge of Allegiance recited and moment of silence observed. New member introduced, Terry Glosser, US Navy 68-72. Welcome home Terry and welcome to the chapter. Motions approved by the board were read and approved by the membership. Motion to accept March minutes of the Boo Coo News made by Doug Z, seconded by Terry D. Motion made by Bob B, seconded by Bruce to accept minutes published in the April Boo Coo News. Treasurer's report by Mike Jacobi stated that all accounts are up and we received a generous donation from an anonymous donor to the chapter. Motion by Butch, seconded by Cheryl H to accept the Treasurer's report. Mimi Argyris thanked all in the chapter for taking time to honor Mitch and for helping at this tough time. She said that Mitch loved Chapter 154 and we know that he was active with us. God bless you, Mimi and Mitch too. M COMMITTEES: Hospital, POW/MIA to follow. No merchandise, color guard, Agent Orange or state council. Speakers Bureau: We had two presentations, the Eastpointe Rotary and Fitzgerald High in Warren. Richmond High school is lined up. Kim Meltzer is trying to get schools in Fraser and Clinton Twp to come on board. Other schools are to schedule dates. Scholarship: Woody stated that 11 applications were turned in and 6 will be awarded in June. Food Bank: 90 veterans and 260 people were served during March. Gil thanked Chuck Charbeneau for being our contact to receive 3,000 lbs. of food from a fund raise at the Gazebo Banquet Center. Monthly Raffle: Jim thanked Terry, John and Bob for all their help the presented a check for $5,000 to the chapter. Traveling Memorial: We were at Grace Christian Church in April and will be on the road soon. Old Business: The 50th commemoration presentation will take place at Zuccaro’s on May 15 at 12:00 noon. Pins and certificates will be presented. We have been invited to Wolverine Harley-Davidson for a cookout afterward. Car raffle tickets for a two-year lease are available at the vet center. The lighting grant from Home Depot was denied but we are working with the Chesterfield Home Depot for help. The MCCVO seems to be coming to an end but we're still trying to get someone to step up and rekindle the group. Volunteers are need for the Golden Age Games, July 10-14. Please sign up if you can help. The Member of the Year presentation will be at the May meeting. Forms for the dog tag legacy program are available at the vet center. NEW BUSINESS: The church at Selfridge is open on drill weekends, once a month, with a 9:30 mass. We will be at Cadillac East on May 22 for a memorial service at noon. Please try to attend. May 14 is the postal workers annual food drive and we will need help on that day for the food that we receive. A veteran's celebration will take place at American House on 15 Mile, we will have vehicles and equipment for show. Please try to attend. May 29 the annual celebration will take place at Clinton Grove Cemetery and the Mount Clemens Fire Station. On May 30 we will be at Resurrection Cemetery for their ceremonies and later at Freedom Hill at our monument. Steve Bago and Chris Franklin will attend the VVA state convention June 3-5 in Bay City. The VVA Leadership Conference will be in Tucson, AZ July 20-23, more to follow. At next month's meeting we will have a guest to talk about the new WWII Memorial in Royal Oak. We will be set up at Kroger's on Garfield May 13-15 and 20-22 for veteran's awareness and to get donations for the food pantry. The Arsenal of Democracy Museum is temporarily closed until they find a new location. Motion made by Ben E, seconded by Cheryl H to secure new ballots and destroy last year's ballots. Election Results: Associates: Elections were held this month. We filled bags for the car show, please sign up to help and forms for the golf outing are at the vet center. Car Show: Mike said that he has registered 125 cars and there is a waiting list. Thanks to all who have helped and continue to help. We also have an August show scheduled. Memorial at Resurrection: We took our plans to Inch Memorial and they got more ideas while at their convention. The proposed monument and surrounding area, opposite the Veterans section, are to be completed by POW/MIA Recognition Day September 16. Membership: We have 709 members, 552 life members, we are 4th in the country. The Associates have 86 members, 48 life. President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Treasurer Secretary Brian Bobek Gary Purcell Steve Bago Mike Jacobi Mike Schneider Board of Directors Greg Bowman Gil Claunch Dave Schoenherr Jim Watts Ron Squires State Delegat Brian Bobek Nominating Comm. Tom Puruleski Doug Zeiger Trustee Tom Puruleski 50/50 ticket #751824 won by Jim W. LETTERS TO THE WALL BY MAY 14 Veterans For Peace will deliver 1,500 letters to The Wall in Washington, D.C. this Memorial Day as a way of acknowledging the impact of that war on our lives. We need YOU to write one of these letters BY May 14. We want to hear from everyone and anyone who was directly affected by the Vietnam War, the soldier, the conscientious objector, the war resister, the grieving family member, the daughter or son of a soldier, the “boat people.” All of us have something to say. But to whom? One profound “audience” is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial itself. The Wall, the very embodiment of that war, is crying out to us if we listen. Last Memorial Day, we delivered 151 letters and 32 postcards to The Wall. It was a solemn ceremony of remembrance and, yes for many of us, of grief. Last year after we placed the letters at the foot of The Wall, we joined the crowds and watched. Sure enough, passersby responded to the note we placed on each envelope – “please read me.” Letters were handed back and forth, conversations were struck up over the words written by us as we shared our journey through the war and its aftermath. We received a request from the National Park Service to display some of the letters in their archival museum. Our words were resonating far beyond what we had imagined. We want to increase our letters tenfold, to 1,500 delivered on Memorial Day. Won't you join us? You can email a letter to: [email protected] Or, send a print copy to: Doug Rawlings, 13 Soper Road, Chesterville, ME 04938 Read some of last year's letters: www. We want our children and grandchildren to know the full story of the Vietnam War. Motion to adjourn made by Harry W, seconded by Gary S. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MAY 2016 - Page 6 POW/MIA Reports Submitted by Tom Duff POW/MIA Welcome Home! 1,621 Missing 49 Michigan REMEMBER THE POW/MIAs from MICHIGAN for MAY Louis Buckley, from Detroit, 5-21-1966, South Vietnam, Army Charles Cudlike, from Detroit, 5-18-1969, South Vietnam, Army Francis Feneley, from Curtis, 5-11-1966, North Vietnam, Air Force Donald King, from Muskegon, 5-14-1966, North Vietnam, Air Force “I was prepared to be wounded --- prepared to be captured --even prepared to be killed. I was not prepared to be abandoned by my country.” Former POW U.S. Navy Captain Eugene “Red” McDaniel • A man is not dead until he is forgotten. We will never forget. Welcome Home! • “When one member of the armed forces is not worth the effort to be found, then we have lost our honor.” ~~ VVNW *** Support your POW/MIAs. Fly your POW/MIA flag. Display a POW/MIA decal. If you need a POW/MIA decal for your car, truck or bike, or certificate of appreciation for flying a flag, see Tom Duff. If a company or homeowner is flying a POW/MIA flag, let Tom Duff know so we can give them a certificate. WWII PFC Anthony Brozyna, Marine Corps, 2nd Marine Div. missing 11-20-1943 in Gilbert Islands. Accounted for on 4-6-2016. PFC John Prince, Marine Corps, 2nd Marine Div. missing 11-20-1943 in Gilbert Islands. Accounted for on 4-2-2016. Fireman 3rd Class John Lindsley, Navy, USS Oklahoma, missing 12-7-1941 Pearl Harbor, accounted for 3-25-2016. 1st Lt. Frederick Langhorst, Army/Air Force, 1330 Army Air Force Air Transport Command, missing 7-17-1945 in India. Accounted for 3-17-2016. Flight Officer Dewey Gossett, 23 years old from South Carolina, with the Army/Air Force 527th Fighter Squadron 86 Fighter Group, missing 9-27-1943 in Italy. Accounted for 2-25-2016. More than 73,000 still missing. Korea Cpl. Kenneth Stuck, Army, 20 from Pennsylvania with 1st Cavalry Div., missing 11-2-1950, North Korea, accounted for 1-8-2016. He was buried with full military honors January 30 in his hometown. PFC Roy Henderson, Army, 18 from Ohio with 25th Infantry Div. missing 7-27-1950, North Korea. Accounted for 1-14-2016. His remains have been returned to his family for burial with full military honors. Cpl. Dudley Evans, Army, 2nd Infantry Div., missing 7-27-1950 North Korea. Accounted for 1-14-2016. Cpl. Eldon Ervin, Army, 21 from Oklahoma with 7th Infantry Div. 57 Field Artillery. Missing 11-28-1950 North Korea. Accounted for 2-9-2016. There are more than 7,000 still missing. Proposed POW/MIA memorial at Resurrection Cemetery VIetnam SFC Alan Boyer, Army Special Forces, MIA 3-8-68 Laos. Identified 3-16-16. Major Donald Carr, Army Special Forces, MIA 7-6-71 in South Vietnam. Remains returned 8-29-14 and identified 8-10-15. 1st Lt. Donald Burch, Air Force, listed as KIA/BNR on 4-29-66 in North Vietnam. Remains recovered 12-14-11 and identified 9-4-15. There are still 1,621 missing. 49 from Michigan. Cold War There are 126 missing. There are 6 missing from Iraq and other conflicts. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MAY 2016 - Page 7 Shelby Junior High School Visits ~ Brian Bobek n March 11, students from Shelby Junior High School in Utica paid a visit to our vet center. Awhile back, I received a call from their teacher asking what they could do to help our vet center. I mentioned that we are always in need of food items to help stock our food pantry. These students took that information and set out to collect staples and canned goods for us. The teacher contacted me when it was over and said that they'd like to drop off the items at the vet center. We set a date and the group came over late in the day, after the school had been dismissed for the day. They came in two vehicles that were brimming with food. I believe the teacher told me there were something like 5,000 items in the boxes. A very impressive haul to be sure. Our food pantry staff hung around to make sure all the food got unloaded and moved into the building. While they were there, I took advantage of the opportunity to give them a tour of our center, specifically the food pantry and the museum areas. I think it's enlightening when people see the volume of food we're dealing with and the impact we have on the community. The students and their chaperones enjoyed the tour of the museum and asked a lot of questions about everything they were seeing. I presented a medal to two of the teachers whose children had served, or were serving, in the GWOT. I believe everyone went away impressed, and I extended the invitation to return whenever they wished with more of their students. O President Reads to Montessori School Children n March 30, I was invited to the Oxford Academy to read to a couple of groups of schoolchildren as part of “March Reading Month.” Oxford Academy is a Montessori school located in Macomb Township. Back in December, their school held a food drive to support our Operation Christmas program, and this was a way to repay their efforts and generosity. An important part of our mission is to give back to the communities that do so much for us. The groups were split by ages, with the first being the youngest students and the second being a little older. I specifically asked for easy books that wouldn't be too much of a challenge for me to get through. The toughest part of dealing with young people is to be able to talk “at their level”" and not get too advanced for their age brackets. After the readings were complete, the older students had some interesting questions about military service and Vietnam. It was an enjoyable couple of hours and, I hope, left the students with a lead-in to what they'll be discussing later in their academic studies. O Chapter Honors Support Group embers of Chapter 154's hospital committee recently visited with the ladies who make all the lap robes and wheelchair blankets for our use at the VA hospital. This group, appropriately known as “Loose Threads” devote many, many hours to make these items without any type of compensation. This is truly a labor of love for these ladies, and we couldn't do what we do without them. As a token of our appreciation, hospital committee chairman Tom Duff had a couple of plaques made up which were presented to the group to acknowledge their efforts and hard work. M Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MAY 2016 - Page 8 Native Americans Hold Two Events ~ Brian Bobek hris and Sue Franklin from the American Indian Veterans of Michigan again hosted a couple of events at their newly renovated support center pictured here . . . just kidding Chris & Sue! On March 29 they held a “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans” dinner where they served venison chili, mostaccioli with meat sauce, frybread, salad and drinks to any veteran who attended. The crowd was strung out over the several hours that it ran and everyone had a good time eating and socializing. While there, we had an Iraq vet come in, so we put him through the paces with our typical medal-award ceremony. C Then on April 8, it was time for the right of passage into spring – the first of two karaoke nights. All the brave souls gathered to watch and, for the more adventurous, get up and dazzle everyone with their singing abilities. While the second part of that statement could be questionable, it is always a good time with a very non-judgmental crowd. The Associates duo of Karl Darling and Guy Kaercher redefined the entire spectrum of musical genres with their performances. The event is starting to attract people who really know how to sing, and those of us who are mediocre at best don't stand a chance. Best I could do was an “honorable mention” and that was only because of my Charlie Daniels cowboy hat. It's all in good fun. You can't find another venue with as much laughter, hooting and hollering, and still walk away as friends. If you haven't been to one of these nights, come join in at the fall event that usually takes place in October. You can be a wallflower and still enjoy a good time. From Mike Sand 586-879-9336 or [email protected] Veterans Memorial Park of Detroit, Inc., Vice Chair and Vietnam Veterans of America, Detroit Chapter 9, Public Information Officer The VA has a responsibility to recognize our Vietnam veterans twice per year in conjunction with the 50th Commemoration of the war. Vietnam Veterans of America Detroit Chapter 9 and its affiliates are playing a major role in the event which is to take place on Armed Forces Day, May 21 beginning at 10 a.m. This could tie in famously with the afternoon Tigers game that day. Here is what has been discussed in brief: The committee wants to hold the event at Cass Park where a tent, band (preferably Cass Tech), honor guards and veterans will congregate. The Vietnam vets will be awarded a special commemorative lapel pin that day. We expect upward of 1,500 veterans if it is anything like the one held at the State Capitol in October. Groups directly involved with this event include, but not limited to the following • Detroit VA office, Bill Browning • Detroit City Council and Mayor along with the Detroit Veterans Task Force, Ike McKinnon • The Masonic Temple, Steve Genther • The State of Michigan (Senator Mike Kowall’s office in particular; they ran the event in Lansing)• The UAW Region 1 VMPoD President, Alan Opra • Metro Detroit Veterans Coalition, Dick Chatman • Michigan Veterans Foundation, Tyrone Chatman • Southwest Solutions (Piquette Square), Bob O’Brien • Ford Motor Veterans Affinity Group, Mario Campos • GM Affinity Group, Don Gore • Marine Corps League, Robert Middleton • Foundation for American Veterans, Robert McDonald • Jewish War Veterans, Marty Levine. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MAY 2016 - Page 9 Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MAY 2016 - Page 10 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday MAY 2016 1 2 VVA service officer 3 County Service Officer 4 VVA Service Officer 5 County Service Officer 6 Memorial at Stockbridge Board meeting In country vets meeting 8 MOTHER’S DAY 9 VVA service officer Pointman ministries 15 50th anniversary pinning ceremony at Zuccaro's 16 VVA service officer 7 Al Anon 10 County Service Officer In country vets meeting Honor Guard Meeting 11 VVA Service Officer Hospital visit 12 County Service Officer 13 United Military Families Chapter General Meeting Al Anon Memorial at DAR 17 County Service Officer 18 VVA Service Officer 19 County Service Officer 20 14 Associates Meeting in country vets meeting Memorial at Zuccaro’s 22 Memorial Day ceremony at Cadllac East at noon 23 VVA service officer 29 Memorial at St. Clair Shores Memorial Park; 11 a.m. Clinton Grove ceremony 30 MEMORIAL DAY Vet Center closed; ceremony at Resurrection Cemetery; ceremony at Freedom Hill Memorial Day ceremony at American House Sterling Heights 24 County service officer Al Anon 25 VVA service officer In country vets meeting 31 County Service Officer In country vets meeting 26 County Service Officer 27 Al Anon LOOKING AHEAD: June 3-5 VVA State Convention Bay City June 4 Memorial at Dearborn June 11-12 Memorial at Port Huron; June 17-18 Memorial at Rolling Thunder; June 30-July 3 Memorial at Stars & Stripes 28 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 18025 E. 15 Mile Road Clinton Township MI 48035-2403 OPEN to read the GOOD NEWS about Chapter 154 WWW.VVA154.COM a VVA CHAPTER OF THE YEAR! MAY 2016 issue of BOO COO NEWS Veterans Support Center 18025 E. 15 MILE ROAD ~ CLINTON TOWNSHIP MI 48035-2403 (586) 776-9810 ~ (586) 776-9683 fax Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. All Volunteer-Run Chapter Business Center Veterans Food Pantry Employment Assistance Veterans Benefits Service Officer Free Counseling Information Camaraderie Drop In & Hang Out & Help Out 1,621 still unaccounted for; 49 from Michigan
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