Titus - Roseburg Public Schools
Titus - Roseburg Public Schools
TUESDAY November 23, 2010 What’s in this issue? Hungarian Flood Page 2 photo provided by Google Images Anorexia Page 3 photo provided by Google Images Dear Delila Page 10 photo provided by Google Images Sport wrap-ups Page 9 photo provided by RHS Web Games! Games! Games! Games! Back Page Orange LGBT Club Garcia Feature Editor On the first days of the new school year, while students were walking around, talking to friends, and exploring the campus, the walls were covered with papers announcing new clubs of the school, and old ones that wanted you to rejoin. One flyer that caught almost everyone’s attention, was a club called the LGBT club. LGBT is an acronym that refers collectively to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. The club was created by two students who approached Mrs. April Bauguess about the idea of having a place for LGBT students to meet, hang out, organize, and learn about LGBT issues. “I think the students approached me because LGBT students do not always feel welcome,” explains Bauguess, “I think they wanted a place where they could be themselves without the judgment they might face elsewhere.” “Every student deserves the right to feel like they belong..” There should be no reason for any student to be afraid of whom they are. High school is already difficult for teenagers, and Baugess reveals how important it is to have an LGBT club at any school with an LGBT population. “Every student deserves the right to feel like they belong to something. The RHS LGBT club is that place for some people.” Unlike the students that say, “Going to the LGBT will make you gay even if your not,” the LGBT club is just a gathering of friends in a comfortable environment. Like Bauguess retorts, “If students don’t like the club, then they shouldn’t come.” It’s as simple as that. There have also been remarks that if there is an LGBT club then there should be a straight club as well. The fact of the matter is, if someone really wanted to make a “straight club,” they could. “Our first amendment right protects this assembly,” Bauguess states, “The club went through all the proper channels to get the club approved.” There are certain procedures that must be taken to start a school sanctioned club, but if all of the steps are done correctly, anyone can start any kind of club. “The club is about forming a network of students who can be friends, with out... being judged” Many members of the teaching and custodial staff are very supportive of the new LGBT club on campus. “I couldn’t be happier about how many times teachers and administrators have stopped me in the halls and thanked me for being the advisor,” admits Bauguess. The truth is, this school needs a place for LGBT students whether or not straight students agree with that. Another fact is that some LGBT members are straight. A lot of the students that attend LGBT meetings are supporters of our LGBT community. “These [LGBT members] are teenagers,” claims Baugess, “They talk about a lot of the same things that any other students would be talking about.” Supporters are strongly encouraged to attend the meetings, which take place after school on Thursdays until 4:00. “The LGBT club is for any student who accepts LGBT students for who they are,” remarks Bauguess, “The club is about forming a network of students who can be friends without the worry of being judged. This applies to a lot of students, LGBT or not.” R Game ban raises debates Titus Editor in Cheif This month in Washington, the Supreme Court will review the video game, “Postal 2” for “violent” features. In the game, “Postal 2” the main interactive video character is a “Postal Dude” who carries out everyday tasks. But here is the catch; in this first-person shooter video game, the player has the power and option to shoot police, behead women, set people on fire and urinate on victims. While engaging in these homicidal acts (called “going postal”) is not necessary to complete all tasks, the game highly encourages it by making the game difficult to beat without the use of violence. “Postal 2” and many other violent games are under the review of the Supreme Court. Now, violent video games are under debate in the Supreme Court, as the court meets over a law passed in California that bans certain video games from children. In this law, retailers would receive a $1,000 fine for selling a banned game to a person under 18, and game makers are required to place “18”, where it can be seen on the game. This law in California never went into effect, after being deemed unconstitutional. Video game makers say this ban goes too far. Some members of the Supreme Court agree, and others want to restrict the regulatory role of the state when it comes to banning violent content. The big deal in this case is; how far does the Constitution protect freedom of speech and expression when applied to children. Another big issue is how one distinguishes between which video games are just outwardly violent and which games are considered protected forms of art. The Supreme Court is expected to release a ruling next spring. Elections 2010 LANGE Staff Writer The results of the 2010 Oregon elections are in, with the Democratic Party winning the majority of the votes for most categories. Tom Hughes who was running for Metro President came out on top. For U.S. Senate Ron Wyden, of the Democratic party triumphed over Jim Huffman. For Oregon District one, U.S. Congress David Wu won over Rob Cornilles, his closest competitor. For Oregon District five Kurt Shrader gained the lead. All five members of the House and one Senator returned. The race for governor was more complicated. Republican Chris Dudley had an early lead. But Democrat John Kitzhaber seized control and cruised to a victory by a very thin margin. Multnomah County’s heavily democratic populace pushed him into the lead. This will be Kitzhaber’s third consecutive win. In ballot measures the majority of the votes came out to no in the categories. For Measure 73, sentences for sex crimes, the measure was passed. Measure 74, for medical marijuana supply systems the vote came out to an overall no. The vote resulted in a pass for Measure 76, lottery funding for parks, and wildlife. Also for Treasurer, democrat Ted Wheeler won by about two million. To register to vote for the next election visit http://www.registervote.com/ for information and voter education. 11/23/10 News Baby at age 10 Proposition 19 Merry page 2 Commentary Editor A 10-year-old Romanian Gypsy in Spain has given birth to a brand new baby girl. The mother of the 10-year-old girl claims to be overjoyed that she is now a grandmother. However, the new grandmother has yet to understand the controversy and shock of this birth. This is because, both the girl and the mother are Romanian Gypsies, and according to their beliefs, it is custom for girls to marry young and have children, even though this is against the Romanian law. However, due to the 10year-old mother being a minor, there has been little information released by the Spanish Authorities, for the reasons to protect the girl’s privacy. Nevertheless, it is known that the father of the child was a 13year-old boy in Romania, and is no longer involved with the 10year-old girl. The mother of the 10-year-old girl plans to stay in Spain due to the separation of her daughter and the young boy. Until social welfare authorities are able to decide whether or not the family can provide for the new baby, they will not be allowed to move back to Romania, if that is the choice they were deciphering. Due to the 10-year-old girl and the 13-year-old boy being minors, under Spanish law, having sex with someone under the age of 13 is considered child abuse. The Spanish Authorities are investigating whether or not to charge the girl’s mother with unfit parenting, and the boy of abuse and/or rape. However, because the father is a citizen of Romania, the laws differ from that of Spain. There is further investigation to be carried out by the Justice Ministry officials. Photo provided by DailyRecord. co.uk 10-year-old Romanian girl and the father of her new baby. Callahan Staff Writer In the 1960’s the amount of people who smoked marijuana was actually quite small. Even less abundant were the people who knew where to get it. Today, over 25% of all Americans partake in the recreational use of marijuana. That may not seem like a big number, but if you consider the massive amount of people living in our country alone and divide it all by four, then maybe it will paint a bigger picture. What was originally grown as a “miracle medicine” to fight cancer, smoking addictions, multiple sclerosis, and other critical illnesses is now the new and most popular fad with kids, teens, and adults of all ages. “Stoners” are becoming more and more abundant as time goes on. It is only 25% for now, but statistics show that at the rate, this trend has growing in just the past ten years; it will not take long for the U.S. to blow that percentage completely out of the water. Although marijuana is technically still illegal in the U.S. certain people are extremely open and honest about the fact that they do smoke it recreationally without medical prescriptions, and that they firmly support proposition 19, legalizing marijuana. There is much disagreement and controversy surrounding the issue, not only in California, but all around America. Some people are happy with the proposition, and would say “Yes! Legalize marijuana!” while others would argue, “What? Legalize Marijuana? Are you stupid!” Both sides, however, have valid points. There are a few reasons why the idea was proposed in the state of California in the first place first; it contributes a large part of the state income of California. Also, people of power (i.e. the government) believe that if they make it legal to buy, sell, and smoke marijuana, then the crime rate would decrease sufficiently. Approximately 48% of all arrests made in the last ten years were made on drug charges. Crime is a huge problem in California, and state law enforcement is just about desperate for relief. However, there are still those who are well aware of the stated circumstances of legalizing marijuana, who remain firm in their belief of the abolishment of Proposition 19. They say that while drug charges may decrease, drug related accidents would not. It only takes one marijuana cigarette to decrease all of your coordination skills by 41%, and only Photo provided by Militantlibertarian. two in order to decrease them by 63%. Also, abolitionists believe that making it legal, is only sending the next generation the message that it’s okay to throw they’re lives away. Making it legal does not make it healthy, will not solve the current budget crisis, and will not reduce drug related accidents by any means, according to those who do not want the legalization of marijuana cigarettes. The California poles took place, and the results were 54% no to 46% yes. So, Proposition 19 was not passed and recreational marijuana is still illegal, for now. Although the results are in and voting is over, this still remains an extremely controversial issue and a very serious addiction. Floods sweep through Hungary Leonard Editor in Chief A flood of toxic sludge has swept through a town of nearly a million in Hungary. The red sludge came from an aluminum plant, and is threatening to become an ecological disaster as it becomes closer to the Danube River. So far a reported four were killed, 120 injured, and at least six are missing. Many injuries are serious burns from the caustic and radioactive sludge. Villagers described a 12foot wall of sludge rushing towards them after the banks of a reservoir at a metal refinery collapsed. The government has called for a state of emergency as it attempts to evacuate majority of the village. The government also states that the cleanup will take up to a year. Somlovasarhely, in southwestern time of the flood, calls the accident The reservoir, located in Ajka, Hungary, and set up makeshift an “environmental disaster”. The flooded nearby towns with sludge spread over an area of 185 million gallons of the 16 square miles, and some 270 sludge, sweeping cars off homes were engulfed. roads, damaging bridges, and Gabor Figeczky, deputy houses. People who came in country officer of WWFcontact with the substance Hungary, an environmental were burned through their group, said the main threat from clothes. The four that were the sludge was that it is very reported dead, drowned in the alkaline, with a pH as high as toxic sludge. 13, making it a caustic detergent Hungarian government that could burn. It is remained states that the flood was unclear on whether or not if potentially very serious, that rainfall and upstream water it almost polluted the Danube could help dilute the sludge, River, which would kill and avert more damage from Photo provided by The Huffington Post. hundreds of species of fish and downstream rivers. wildlife, including vegetation. Floods in Hungary devistates those who All operations at the The land under the sludge where very unfortunate. Hungarian Aluminum will have to be replaced, a Production and Trade Co., potentially very high cost. camps in schools and community have been ordered to suspend all Authorities and emergency centers. operations by the Environment residents services evacuated State secretary of the Environment Ministry. from Kolontar, Devecser, and Ministry who was is Devecser at the Viktor Orban, the prime minister, appealed for calm. “There are grounds for panic, and this is understandable,’’ he told reporters. Adding that the government has enlisted the help of experts to analyze the accident, which may be fault of human error not natural causes. He also states there is no threat of radiation to the affected area. The red sludge is a byproduct of the refining of bauxite into alumina, the basic material for manufacturing aluminum. The sludge, a waste product in production, contains heavy metals that are toxic if ingested according to the Aluminum Association, based in Arlington Va., The plants owner issued a statement after the flood stating that the sludge was “not considered hazardous waste” by European Union standards. News page 3 11/23/10 Anorexia; big problem Titus Co-Editor in Chief On an average day at RHS, one walks past at least 200 different people. One out of those 200 people could be struggling with anorexia, which totals almost 100 and emaciation. Anorexia can lead to hospitalization, and if left unaddressed for too long, death. Young women between the ages of 15-18 are the most likely age group and gender to be diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. Anorexia is not just an eating disorder; it is also a psychological disorder in which a person will convince himself or herself that they are overweight regardless of how much weight they lose. This disorder is often initiated by adulation of celebrities, who always appear thin and beautiful to young women. Young girls often idolize a celebrity to a point where t h e y believe that in order to be deemed “pretty”, and socially acceptable, they need to look a certain way, which is more often than not, thin. This obsession with self-image is often blamed on the media, but in the end it is up to parents to inform their children about healthy lifestyles. Young people who suffer from depression, perfectionism, and high stress lifestyles are also more likely to develop an eating disorder. Despite all these possible onsets of anorexia, is it ultimately up to the person and their self-esteem. An eating disorder often starts out as diet and exercise, but once weight starts coming off something can be triggered that makes one want to lose more and more weight, and eat less and less. Some people afflicted with anorexia feel powerless in their everyday lives, and the only thing they can control in their life is what they eat. Counting calories and overcoming hunger can help someone who is genetically thin and someone who is starving themself? There are numerous red flags of anorexia, a few include: the obvious sudden and severe weight loss, obsession with food and calorie counting, alienation from social situations that involve eating, strange eating habits, intake of diet pills, vomiting after eating, which is a sign of bulimia, but it is applicable t o feelings of inadequacy, but only for so long. An anorexic person will feel deficient no matter how much they diet or exercise. One hears the word “anorexic” often abused. Usually it is used between friends to jealously describe a thin friend, or even sometimes to characterize a skinny girl in a negative way. But what if that one unusually thin friend is actually anorexic? A good friend would offer help. But how does one know the difference between express concern about their weight or eating habits. There are also physical symptoms of anorexia besides the obvious weight loss. Anorexics may develop yellowish skin and skin may tend to breakout. Hair and nails will become brittle and hair loss will occur. A fine layer of hair called lanugo will cover the anorexic’s body in order to keep them warm. In the pursuit of beautifying themselves, anorexics actually make themselves less attractive. Anorexia is a serious disorder that can lead to many health complications, some include: irregular heartbeat and cardiac arrest, delayed growth, loss of bone mass which can lead to osteoporosis, and infertility due to amenorrhea. Often anorexia patients will refuse treatment and have to be force-fed. Of all anorexics r orde s i d ting a e n anorexia ave a h as well, and finally, s an c i r excessive exercise. Anorexic e n am t h e m people do not like to eat in public; o i l l i cope with their they worry that others might 8 m Photo provided by fathersforlife students who could be battling with self-image at our high school alone. Nearly half of all Americans know someone afflicted with anorexia. Seven million women and one million men have been diagnosed with anorexia in the United States. According to Dictionary. com, anorexia nervosa is: an eating disorder primarily affecting adolescent girls and young women, characterized by pathological fear of becoming fat, distorted body image, excessive dieting, Chilling statistics Anorexia’s mortality rate is 12 times higher than any other mental illness 10-15% of anorexic people are males Chart provided by dorchesterhealth.org Photo provided by freewebs treated, 60 % will fully recover, and 20% will recover but continue to struggle with eating disorders for the rest of their lives. The road to recovery typically takes five years. Anorexia affects more than just the patient; it affects their family and friends as well. If left untreated, anorexia can lead to death. What is more important, losing five dress sizes or losing your life? High school has proven to be a difficult time in one’s life, but self-esteem and self-image is one thing that a person can control in high school, cherish that. Chilling statistics One in 200 American women suffer from anorexia The cost of treating anorexia can cost up to $100,000 Feature page 4 Foreign exchange: 11/23/10 Roseburg two perspectives hall of fame Boes Staff Writer Riley on a camel in Egypt. Photos provided by Riley and Poon. Every year students from Roseburg High School embark on journeys to ‘faraway lands’, and every year we welcome students from those ‘faraway lands’. Read on to discover the highlights of trips taken by both a student from RHS, and a student who has come to RHS this year. Riley Rice: Spent the first half of this year in 6th of October City, a district of Cairo, Egypt. School: Although Riley attended a public school that offered similar classes to the ones we take here, his school experience was not similar as he was experiencing it in a distinctly contrasting environment. Culture: One of the cultural differences he was not accustomed to was the role that gender played within his family in Egypt. At home he was used to hanging out with his sister, but hanging out with his host sister would have been a different story. Food: A favorite meal of Riley’s was a dish called koshari. This dish consists of rice, various noodles, lentils, fried onions, and comes with a type of tomato sauce. Overall he enjoyed the food. Favorite part: Riley’s favorite part about his encounter with Egypt was the ability to see new things, and talk to new people every day. Riley appreciated his time in Egypt and stated that, “The most important thing I learned is that really, people are the same no matter where you go.” Poon Woravutrangkul: Came to Roseburg from Bangkok, Thailand and is spending the whole school year here. School: The structure of our class schedule here at RHS is different than it is in Thailand. Classes in Thailand are held in one classroom, with the same people for the whole school year. Teachers make their way around the school to their various classes instead of the other way around. Culture: In the U.S. we celebrate more holidays, and we celebrate them more enthusiastically than they would in Thailand. Food: Breakfast for Poon in Thailand would not consist of the eggs, toast and stack of pancakes we enjoy here. We generally have substance to every meal we eat, whereas in Thailand they stick to rice and soup. Favorite part: Poon did not celebrate birthdays or holidays like Halloween at home. She really enjoyed dressing up on Halloween, and had a good time at the birthday party that her host family threw for her. During her first few weeks here Poon felt homesick, but has since reveled in the newfound maturity she has found herself developing in the absence of family and friends. She knows this experience is making her very strong. Staggs Staff Writer Roseburg High School has many graduates that have done great things with their lives. Art Pollard, John Roth, and Chris Thompson are just a few names that have positively impacted the community since graduating from RHS. Art Pollard graduated in 1945 from RHS and went on to be a famous racecar driver. Art had two children named Michael and Judy. In the 1950’s and 1960’s, Art participated in races all over the Western United States and in Photo provided by ArtPollard.com 1961, Art won 22 out of 28 races. Even though he passed away on May 12, 1973, Art led a great life. In 1997, Chris Thompson graduated from Roseburg High School and went on to be an Olympic swimmer! Before the Olympics and the scholarships, he swam at the YMCA in his spare time here in Roseburg. Chris won the Bronze medal in the 2000 Olympics in Sydney and the Silver at the 2002 games in Moscow from the 1500 m freestyle. He has been a motivational speaker at the Celebration of Literacy weeks in Sutherlin and Oakland. “If there is something you want to do, sacrifice the time and energy it takes to do it,” stated Thompson at one of the many motivational speeches that he conducted. John Roth, who graduated in 1998, volunteered in Nicaragua after the devastation of Hurricane Mitch. After his volunteer work, he decided on a career in medicine and after graduating from OHSU, Roth became a physician’s assistant. Clearly, Roseburg High School has had many students that have gone on to accomplish great things. This proves that if you work hard, dedicate yourself and commit, then you can fulfill your dreams. Botany Club is calling all green thumbs Poon dressed up for Halloween. Dawson Staff Writer Photo provided by RHSWebTeam. What is botany club; you may ask? Botany is the science of plants. Growing, selling, and learning about plants to be exact. The Botany Club here at Roseburg High School collects plants and even works with the Oregon Forest Service. There is much more to the Botany Club than most people think. The club goes on field trips to botanical facilities, they grow and cultivate both local and exotic plants, and guest speakers come to talk about the subject of botany. The president of the Botany Club is Luke Fischer, and the two vice presidents are Terry Barnett and Kyha Adams. When asked if it is recognized by the Roseburg community Luke responded, “We are trying to do stuff with the Oregon Forest Service and to get more people to join.” The club meets every Thursday at 3pm in room M-206. It is free to join and all you have to do is show up to be a member. There are only six members in the club at the moment, and the club is looking for new members. Because the club is new, it needs ideas so members who join are encouraged to voice their opinions. If you are serious about joining club functions, give the Botany club your email address so they can contact you. If you are unable to provide an email, you should to talk to a senior member or Mr. Lindstrom, the advisor. If you are interested in plants and plant life, joining the Botany Club would be the way to go volunteer hours, field trips, and a lot of outdoor time (if the weather permits) is waiting for you in the Botany club. commentary page 5 11/23/10 School budget cuts: no end in sight RHS, nothing but the best We have all been affected by the financial economic crisis going on right now whether you are a business, a family, or even a school. Our school is just one of the many schools in the country affected by the budget cuts. However, some people notice and some do not. “I haven’t really noticed”, says Freshmen Jasmin Weber. It seems like everything was okay and then one day it just started slowly spiraling downwards. According to one of our administrators, Mr. Huntley, our budget cuts have been an effect of the National Housing Crisis. The National Housing Crisis affected the state and then affected the community, especially Douglas County. There is a high unemployment rate right now so people do not have any income. If people are not getting any income, then not many people are paying taxes. “Until people start getting jobs and getting some income there isn’t much we can do,” says Mr. Huntley. J E S S I E There have been some rumors circulating about what has been cut and what has changed due to the budget cuts. Someone told Jasmin Weber that she would have to bring her own toilet paper to school. Well, that is not true. There has been another rumor going around that RHS bought brand new laptops this year for students and some faculty and laid off a few teachers. That is only half true according to Mr. Huntley. You see, they purchased the new laptops last school year prior to the budget cuts. The payment plan for the computers required the school to pay a certain amount every month until the computers are paid off, so they did not lay-off teachers to buy new laptops. So as far as rumors go you really need to be careful about what you believe. Our school is doing as much as they can to ensure a successful and fun school year for all while dealing with the budget cuts. Hopefully, we will see this economic crisis solved soon and all the problems will just be a memory. At Roseburg High School we have seen many portrayals of school spirit, along with many students having been very supportive of our high school sports teams. However, the school spirit that has been seen is not the best that we can do. How cool would it be to see every high school student at RHS dressed in orange and black, on spirit days? School spirit is for the purpose of showing our sports teams how much we really are rooting for them. Some students may not really care how our sports teams are doing, however, school spirit is not just for sports, but for our band, choir, and flag team as well. We, the students, need to find more ways to acknowledge all the events that takes place in our high school, whether that be wearing orange and black on the days requested, or even going out of your way to add an announcement into our school bulletin. From recent spirit Fridays, we have learned that most of the freshmen have been the most supportive of our high school. I believe that if the under classmen can show their school pride to their best ability, then the entire school can participate just as well. If there was more school spirit, it would really show how much we truly cared about our school, and what it offers the students. This is because when students participate in school spirit it shows our support for our teams, being the sports or arts at our school. Supporting our events at school shows that we are acknowledging the efforts other students put forward. A M B E R The controversy of 3-D movies Within the next year or two, 261 films are going to be released in 3D. Ranging from G to R rated, there’s a 3-dimentional movie out there for everyone. However it is extremely surprising to me that folks around the world would pay anywhere from $13 to $15 a ticket, for crappy seats in a sticky movie theater, sitting next to someone with very bad BO, some stupid kids feet kicking the back of your seat, and the feeling of wooziness and a headache from the “3D experience”. Is it worth spending $63 bucks for you and three friends to go see “Jackass 3D”? There is even controversy over whether 3D glasses are bad for your health. A recent study by the University of California Berkeley showed that the glasses used to view the 3D movie causes headaches and blurred vision. The glasses forces viewers to focus on things in the foreground (which causes eyes to converge) and distance (which causes them to separate) simultaneously. The effect is called “vergence accommodation conflict,” and its unwanted side effects tend to be strongest in younger people. I’m not sure about you, but I’m not paying a fortune for a headache. Advocates for 3D films say it’s not proven that any side effects can occur. Let me just say I didn’t feel to chipper after sitting in the theater for 171 minutes watching “Avatar: The 3D Experience”. “For most, the 3-Dimentional technique adds nothing to the movie CH ELSEA going experience,” says renowned movie critic Roger Ebert. “Ask yourself this question: Have you ever watched a 2-D movie and wished it were in 3-D? Remember that boulder rolling behind Indiana Jones in “Raiders of the Lost Ark?” Better in 3-D? No, it would have been worse, would have been a tragedy. The 3-D process is like a zombie, a vampire, or a 17year cicada: seemingly dead, but crawling out alive after a lapse of years. We need a wooden stake.” And what about the audience who have sight trouble? Like amblyopia? (Commonly known as “lazy eye”)? What about those people who can watch a regular 2D movie, but don’t have the ability to see 3D? Are they just out of luck? Who knows what the future has in store for us. In the past 100 years, the human race has done wonders in expanding our technological knowledge, and I’m sure we’ll advance at the same speed. As of right now, I agree with many in hopes 3D will die a painful death. But I have the hope that if it does stick around, it actually becomes 3-dimensional, where we have to literally duck out of the way of a speeding bullet. But can we just stick to action flicks for 3D? And leave Precious off the list? page 6 Commentary 11/23/10 Be thankful, it could always be worse Rather you are a student, an employee, both, or neither, chances are that you complain way too much. I often hear complaints about people’s job, school, life, etc. Well, I’ve got a newsflash for you; things could be a heck of a lot worse. More and more people are losing jobs or unable to get one. So, to those who have one, and still complain, please stop. I understand that people have days when things aren’t going their way, but at least you have an income. To the increasing population of people who don’t have jobs, for whatever reason, you have a reason to get frustrated when the bills come, or when you have to turn down a lunch invitation due to lack of money. It sucks. Most people can understand that it is near impossible to go through life stress free when you have no income. Which brings me to the importance of optimism and thankfulness. Teenagers, next time you get upset with not being able to go up to Eugene for a shopping spree, consider how your parents may feel. While they are paying for water, electricity, car insurance, and all the other bills, you are mad that you can’t go buy the newest iPhone or the most expensive clothes. Try to take a moment and think about Substitute behavior All rules go out the window when students see a substitute in the classroom. It is a guarantee that no work will be done and students can just sit and visit the whole period. Who cares? It’s not like the teacher is there. However, this attitude is far from respectful or follows the honor code that Roseburg High School stands by. Nearly everyone misbehaves when a substitute is running things for a day. The disrespect varies between types of students. The grade A student may just not pay attention for the class period, or do homework from another class. The less reputable student may go out of his or her way to make the sub’s day a living nightmare. However, it does not matter which kind of student it is, both are disrespectful and both need to ease up on the substitute. A substitutes job is difficult. Most subs specialize in a specific subject, but often times are not assigned to their specialty. For instance, a substitute that wishes to be a teacher in English might be assigned to a music class for a day. In this instance, it is very difficult for the substitute to explain the directions the teacher left because they do not fully understand the topic or material. It is not their fault, the subject is just not Brenna what they have been going to school for. Substitutes also do not know most of the students. Some substitutes can recognize faces or even some names but for the majority of the day they do not know whom they are teaching. This may seem unimportant, but the subs might need to help students or leave notes for the teacher about different students, and it is quite a bit harder to do so when they do not know names. It seems like when most students misbehave in front of a sub, they forget that the sub is also a human being. They treat the sub with contempt, like the sub is someone below them. Why would anyone want to disrespect another person like that? Subs do not deserve the kind of treatment that RHS has been giving them. I have never seen a sub that was intentionally cruel to a class. For the most part, subs are generally positive and try their best to keep the class on track with the teacher’s plans. So why do students treat subs so badly? If the subs are just trying their best, why do students act so disrespectfully? Is it because they can get away with it since the teacher is not present? If that is true, then it’s not a reason. It is an excuse. Students of RHS need to act more honorably and respectfully in order to live up to the school’s code. And if the students are already living up to the code, then the school needs to seriously consider raising it’s standards. Kelsey all of the things that you do have. Eventually you will realize that having the most expensive things is not a necessity to being happy. Nearly every day I hear someone say that they hate school. Well, to all of these complainers, which often includes myself, realize that we are lucky to have school offered to us. There are people in other countries who can’t go to school, or do a lot of things that we do, no matter how much they may want to. They may be thousands of miles away, but they are still human beings. Roseburg High School has a huge variety of clubs, sports, and electives offered to us year round. We are one school out of a few who offers joining the lacrosse team, taking part in the beginning guitar class, or becoming a member of the new LGBT club. Try to take advantage of all the opportunities that are offered to us here at RHS and be thankful while participating in them. My point is, a lot of people go through life focusing solely on what they don’t have. But, it is so important, especially around this time of year, to be thankful for the things that you do have. So, the next time your tears ducts are about to burst, or your fist is about to go through a wall, take a few deep breaths, and remember that things could always be worse. Get fat, lose social life, and flunk school As technology has advanced through time, video games have also continued to improve, and encouraging teenagers to spend there time playing them. The average teen spends 15 to 20 hours playing video games a week. All this time spent playing video games has some negative effects. The whole role of video games is so that the player can have some fun. Although as the games get more realistic and graphic, they are also becoming more addicting. With them becoming addicting, the average time spend playing video games is actually going up. With school and homework, spending so much time playing video games can have a lot of negative effects on the students schooling. With so much time being consumed by playing video games less homework is getting done and less studying for school is also being done. With all this stuff not happening the students grades are more likely to drop and their test scores are more likely to decline. Not only will their schooling be affected by video games so will the social life of the students. Now you can have friends and stuff that you may play video games with, but you are not actually learning how to interact with people when you are talking to the people you that you are playing with Zak about completing the next quest, or finding the other teams base and destroying it. You actually have to get off the couch bed or whatever you’re playing to increase you social skills, you have to go meet new people. And of course the most talked about negative effect of video gaming is childhood obesity. Currently, 12.5 million American kids ages 2 to 19 are obese- 17 percent of the population. And another 16.5 percent are at risk for becoming overweight. With all the time gotten to be such a problem that fitness video games are now being created too, hopefully, lower the obesity rates. Too much time is being spent playing video games instead of doing physical activities, such as riding your bike, playing football, or basketball with your friends, or something to just get your heart pumping that was keeping you physically active as they use to be. Although video games are fun, there is being way too much time spent playing them. There has to be a balance in which a student can get all his work done, hang out with people to increase his social skills, and to be active physically. Video games are not all bad, but when you spend too much time on them, they can be horrible. Commentary page 7 11/23/10 Bracelets for cancer Breast Cancer Awareness month and people all over the world are raising money and awareness for the cause. However, at Roseburg High School, students act like every day is part of Breast Cancer Awareness month. They are doing this by wearing “I Love Boobies” bracelets created by Keep A Breast Foundation. Even though it is an actual Breast Cancer Awareness bracelet, the bracelets have been striking up a lot of controversy among the schools in the area. JoLane Middle School has banned all of their students from wearing these bracelets, and Fremont Middle School is still making their official decision. I asked several teachers about this topic, but when I spoke to Assistant Principal Larry Rich he stated, “I do not support the fake bracelets, only the real ones.” This made me turn my head a little because I had no idea what he was talking about. He then pulled a one-inch thick, colorful “I Love Boobies” bracelet from his desk. It looked like all of the ones I have seen before, but Mr. Rich began to tell me about how the bracelets like the one he showed me are the fake ones, and the smaller pink bracelets, just like the Lance Armstrong ones are the real ones. Whether or not the well-known Breast Cancer Awareness bracelets are not truly raising money for the cause, they are still getting teens to talk about the problem. Which in my opinion is far better than keeping quiet about it. You want to raise awareness so that everyone will be filled with the knowledge of breast cancer so that they’ll be able to help, and I believe that starting AMANDA with teens is the way to do it. We are the future of Breast Cancer in every way; one in eight men and Homeless teens: growing up too quickly why you turn your head and act like you don’t see them while driving in the car your parent’s money bought you, listening to the newest CD. “All of them beggars, I bet SAVANNAH High school students’ daily schedule: go to school, drive home, make some Top Roman, kick back on the comfy recliner and bum $20 bucks from mom to go see that new movie in theaters that’s supposed to be even funnier then the Hangover. Sounds pretty great right, then why do we take it for granted? Its time for a reality check! Homeless teens daily schedule: wake up somewhere uncomfortable and dirty, get laughed at and stared at by people who walk by, making rude remarks about, “alcoholics just wanting some drinking money,” find food somewhere, even if they have to get it out of trashcans, then try to get rich, ignorant people to spare change, and the saddest part, try to find somewhere warm enough to actually be able to fall asleep in the streets. I know the argument for they do this then go home to a nice house. Moochers are all they are!” Don’t get me wrong, homeless people asking for money can make up to $60 a day, that’s more then I make in a six hour day at work. Overall, yes, I understand that that is a lot, but what about the people who don’t make more then $5 a day when the average, warm blanket at Walmart is $8. Now tell me, is stereotyping them all worth letting the true homeless, helpless people worth letting them sleep cold and hungry. Is that truly fair? According to homelessteens.com they are feeling worthless, uneducated, dirty, and unloved. Ask yourself as you drive by the corner market and see the homeless woman, is it fair to hold back one dollar for something stupid that you won’t even remember buying next week when you could be supplying someone in need with food for just a night or two nights. How bad are our lives when we are sleeping in a bed, eating sanitary food, and driving in our fancy family cars? Think about it, spare a little and live enriched. woman will develop breast cancer by the time they turn 95. Also the other percentage of us will be the ones raising money and awareness for their cause. Mr. Wilton as well as Mrs. Cruger says it all has to do with maturity level. Being a student here at RHS, I know exactly what these teachers are talking about. I personally know about half of students who wear the bracelet for the actual cause, and half that wear it for the obscene and tasteless joke. I myself do not wear, nor do I own the particular bracelet even though my great grandmother has breast cancer. I believe that there are so many other ways to raise awareness without being childish about it. Mr. Jarrett and I both wonder, where does the school draw the line between a good laugh, and a harsh joke. What happens when students begin to wear other types of merchandise that sport the “I Love Boobies” logo, such as shirts, bags, and hats? As of the month of October, there are 1824 students enrolled at RHS, and if one in eight men and women develop breast cancer by the time they are 95, then statistics show that 228 students here will be diagnosed with the cancer. I would also bet that half of those students would have owned an “I Love Boobies” bracelet when they were in high school. I believe that if you truly care about raising awareness for breast cancer, then you would find another way to support it other than buying a bracelet just because it says “Boobies” on it. Orange R Faculty Advisor: Sarah Smith Editors-in-chief: Annie Titus, Chelsea Leonard. Copy Editors: Amber Merry, Savannah Wagoner, Savanah Davis, Kelsey Nordlund, and Lillian Garcia. Savannah Davis Business Manager: Amber Merry Staff Writers: Lindsey Hegele, Brenna Martin, Emily Lange, Zak Briggs, Kathryn Fix, Savannah Callahan, Hannah Truitt, Amanda Burge-lybarger, T'leah Staggs, Angelica Dawson, Jessica Nelson. Commetary mugs: Ourselves The Orange R is published every five weeks by the newspaper staff of Roseburg High School. It serves as a forum for individual expression as well as a learning tool for students. It serves also to inform students on current events both of school and national importance. The opinions presented do not in any way reflct those of the high school itself. The advertisment of products or services in the Orange R does not imply endorsement by either the Orange R or the Douglas County School District 4.All materials for production provided by the News Review. Sports page 8 11/23/10 Cheerleading: America’s Race to the finish nelson most dangerous sport Staff Writer Garcia requiring skill or physical strength and often of a competitive nature. “I think its absurd,” says junior Riza Liu, a varsity cheerleader for two years, “If running around with a ball can be a sport, then why on earth can’t throwing Roseburg’s cheerleaders have gone to cheer competitions all over Oregon and gone head Staff Writer to head against the best, just In 1898, a University of like football, wrestling, and Minnesota student, Johnny basketball do. “It makes me mad Campbell, directed a crowd that they don’t consider it in cheering, “Rah, Rah, a sport,” junior Shawnee Rah! Sku-u-mar, Hoo-Rah! Garza claims, also a varsity Hoo-Rah! Varsity! Varsity! cheerleader, “We work just Varsity, Minn-e-So-Tah!” as hard as every other sport, This made Campbell the and we support the school at very first cheerleader and the same time.” November 2, 1898 the official Just like sports such as birth date of organized soccer, volleyball, and track, cheerleading. Since it’s cheerleaders get injured in creation, high school the action. But unlike those cheerleading has gotten sports previously listed, notably more popular. Even cheerleaders get significantly though movies like “Bring more injuries. The It On” glorify cheerleaders, Oregon School Activities they are still taken for Association claims that 65% granted as a sport at most of all injuries in high school high schools and even some sports are cheer related. colleges. What people do not “We do conditioning realize is that cheerleading and running just like other is harder than most sports. sports. We get hurt and In fact, with elaborate stunts practice everyday, and we and tumbling, cheerleading do it for ten months out of has become the most the year!” exclaims Jessica Photo provided by Kelsey Nordlund. dangerous sports for females Blackmon, a freshman Brittany Stiles, Cece Myhill, and Hannah in America, while wrestling and JV cheerleader, “We Furlow hold up Michaela Jeffredo in a is the most dangerous sport dedicate our lives to this. I liberty. for men. think people should try and A sport is defined in the people in the air, jumping, dancing, do what we do for a day and dictionary as an athletic activity and tumbling be a sport too?” then see who’s talking.” Crunch time for Umpqua Valley gymnasts Truitt Staff Writer The Umpqua Valley Gymnastics Optional team is pushing hard to be well prepared for the nearing season. Come Saturday, December 11th, Gymnasts Kily Gilbert, Kristin Potter(sophomore at RHS), and Kailey Westbrooks will compete for both indivual and team Level 7 firsts. Gymnast Hannah Truitt, also a student at RHS will be competing individually in her second season of level 8. Most high school students look forward to a summer of relaxing, hanging out with friends, and participating in social events. However while that went on, the optional team was training full swing. It consumes 25 hours a week of their summertime, and coach Khumbuloni Moyo, former world championship competitor, does not see summer as a time of relaxation. As of right now, it is crunch time. Routines are being choreographed, injuries are being wrapped up and blocked by ibuprofen, and complaints, well, there is no time for them. A punishment the girls experience too many times a day are suicides. Talking, not doing well enough, not finishing on time, back-talking, or simply dissatisfying coaches all lead to the same consequence, suicides. The forty-foot floor is divided into five sections. You probably know the drill. “Tag the line, go back, tag the next, go back...all the way to the end of the floor” If the suicides are not completed in under 20 seconds, you guessed it, start over. However, recently the punishment has become several sets with a time limit, and it happens so often it’s considered a daily ritual. Today peoples unawareness of the sport comes as a frustration to the gymnasts. “People ask if I can do a backflip, they have no clue. How could we put so much time into it to learn a bunch of nothing. We don’t, and people don’t understand what exactly we do and the dangers of it,” says Kily Gilbert. The sport is divided by levels. Levels 1-3 are very basic, and Levels 4-6, known as compulsory are competitive but routines are choreographed identical in every gym by USAG judges. Optionals, Level 7-10, are competitive, and the gymnasts are able to have their own routines. Choreographers are payed to come and create routines for each girl. Truitt had the privelege earned of making up her routine on her own. This year she expects to shine on floor and is over excited about the routine she will make up to mixed instrumentals of Snoop Dog, LMFAO, Aerosmith & Run DMC, and Flo-Rida. Putting on a show is what she enjoys, crowd pleasing, and floor is that perfect option. Kailey Westbrooks and Kristin Potter are newcomers to the Optional team, and the December 11th, NAAG competition will show themselves and everyone else where exactly they stand. Roseburg High School has many sports to choose from and many students who love doing them. It is a great way to make new friends, stay in shape, and out of trouble. One of those sports is cross country. Some people say that cross country isn’t a sport but others beg to differ, “I would tell them they are stupid,” says Freshman Ben Rodriguez, about people who think Cross Country is not a sport. Cross country races are usually around 3.1 miles long except the Prefontaine Memorial Run in Coos Bay, which is 6 miles. Either way, our times are fast enough to earn the guys a fifth place spot at the Nike Pre-Nationals. Here is a look at the team’s times: Photo Provided by the parents of the cross country members. Boys Kenny Freeman – 16:21 Stephen Cruz – 16:33 Salvador Valencia – 16:39 John Talik – 16:51 Ben Rodriguez – 16:55 Chayse Jackson – 17:13 Reed Van Anrooy – 17:19 Dylan Woodward – 17:28 Aaron Valdivia – 17:29 Jose Flores – 17:35 Drew Van Anrooy – 17:38.86 Andrew Stone – 17:53 Jason Duval – 17:58 Alec Johnson – 18:04 Tyler Roberts – 18:44 Tyler Becherer – 18:52 Drew Coughlin – 18:55.73 Ian James – 18:59 Codey Fields – 19:03 Jason Thomas – 19:04 Graydon Reed – 19:38 Riley Rice – 19:38 CJ Ball – 19:39 Matthew Johanson – 19:41 Donny Johnston – 20:24.35 Andy Girod – 20:31 Aaron Costner – 20:52 Jacob Gorenflos – 20:56 Michael Newey – 20:59 Kevin Talik – 21:30.33 Rylan Burum – 21:35 Erick Wonderly – 21:36 Natty Burmeister – 21:49 Alan Wood – 22:53 Kyle Adams – 22:59 Mike Hector – 22:57.4 Girls Hayley Girod – 20:48 Allison Churchill – 21:23 Fiona Johnson – 21:51 Roze Oakley – 21:56 Jessica Nelson – 22:40 Megan Larkin – 22:49 Natalie Stenback – 23:08 Jaclyn Humphrey – 23:20 Julia Ma – 23:21.43 Hannah Roberts – 23:29.05 T’Leah Staggs – 23:40 Taylor Cuilty – 24:36 Anna Swanson – 24:47.12 Tristan Dahl – 27:48 Jenna Sandling – 24:58 Harlie Johnson – 25:07 Alex Standridge – 25:15.66 Brittnee Stevens – 25:41.05 Marissa Kagele – 26:25 Ally Malone – 26:59 Ashley Dombrowski – 27:00 Maggie Potter – 27:04 Sydney Reyonlds – 27:23 Lauren Baque – 27:24.93 Emily Harker – 27:33 Michaela Bailey – 28:04 Emma Thompson – 28:10 Emily Farmer – 28:43 Maria Bonner – 29:23 Serena Board 31:32 Jenni Lara-Sullivan 32:45 Mary Moll – 32:52 Good season cross country! SPORTS page 9 11/23/10 Volleyball undefeated Football succeeds in playoffs HEGELE Staff Writer This season the girls have been pumped and ready to be number one. Senior, Lynsey Johnson, stated this has been the “best season” from the past years. They came out undefeated just as “Every team has things they could improve on,” says senior, Neva Smith. Sophomore, Cali Tovey, says they could work on “communication throughout their team.” Some of the seniors are planning on playing volleyball in college, while others are not. Lynsey says, “At first I wasn’t planning on it, but now that we have had such an amazing season, I feel like I am not finished. So I do want to continue in college.” For the sophomores and juniors they are really looking forward to next year. “I expect us to win next year and for everyone to Photo provided by RHS web team get along,” said Tovey. Overall our they wanted and are very excited volleyball team has had an amazing about the end result. Even though season and we are all hoping that we they had such a great season, can improve even more next year! Boys soccer tribute TRUITT Staff Writer high school?” Garreck Knowles gave a firm yes and stated that he is looking into PSU. Zach Phillips also wants to play outside of high school, The Boys Varsity Soccer season turned out to be an impressive winning season. After speaking with Garreck Knowles, Sam Hervey, and Chris Timm, the three team captains, and Zach Phillips, the players were in agreement that the season started off solid and strong and got a little tougher towards Photo provided by Kelsey Nordlund the end. They all formed some well thought out strategies such as but where, it is undecided. They aiming to score early into games believe the team could make some to build confidence and a strong slight improvements on preparation foundation, and to make it easier for games, communication and to take the lead. They also tried to focus. The Soccer Ballers all bond score 50/50 balls, work together, well on and off the field and enjoy and play hard. When asked “Do team dinners before every single you plan to continue soccer after game. Dawson Staff Writer Wagoner Entertainment Editor As the high school football season is drawing to a close and playoffs are taking place, the Indians’ playoff success is crucial to their chance of taking the top spot in the Class 6A division. Ranging from 126 to 343 pounds, we have a variety of different football players who bring the Roseburg Varsity team what it needs in order to succeed. As it turns out they are 9-1 overall, losing only one game to rival Sheldon. In the result of winning against Grant 42-28, Roseburg faces off against West Linn (5-5 overall) Friday the 19 on Finlay Field at 7pm. The first home playoff game led to some great plays and touchdowns by Roseburg players Selmar Hutchins, Ben Goirigolzarri, and Micah Audiss. Roseburg, in the first quarter, took a strong lead of 210 on Grant and as the night went on Grant scored four touchdowns but that was nothing compared to the excellent six rushing touchdowns that the Indians made. Playoffs are an important part of football and Roseburg is hoping to go all the way to the end. As the team gets ready to face off against West Linn Friday, the city of Roseburg is getting ready as well. So let’s cross our fingers, hope for the best, and be there to support our team. Hopefully we’ll see them leaving nothing but a trail of dust in their wake. Photo provided by RHS web team Baseball legend gives back Nordlund Sports Editor Does attending the 2011 Major League Baseball All Star Game as a special guest of Cal Ripken Jr. do anything for you? If you answered yes, then you have until May 15, 2011 to try and win! Former Major League Baseball player, Cal Ripken Jr., has put together an online game sight through his organization, Ripken Baseball, that gives kids all across the country an opportunity to knock their math skills out of the park in a 2D, or 3D experience. The Baltimore “Iron Man” launched a Grand Slam Math Challenge, which is asking students in grades kindergarten through twelfth to play the online and board game TiViTz to improve their math skills. All you need to do is go to www.TiViTz.com and the game can begin. The five top players will win a chance to go to the 2011 Major League Baseball All Star Game as special guests of Cal Ripken, Jr. 50 players will get a free trip for an entire school year for every kindergarten through twelfth grade student. Cal Ripken Jr. has done an amazing thing with his retired time and as a baseball legend to some, learning will get the attention of millions! Rather you participate or Photo provided by ripkenbaseball.com to Washington, D.C. to play in a live-action board game tournament. And, the state with the most games played will receive 3D Premium Play on his website not, students around the country will be increasing their math skills without even realizing it because the games are so fun. page 10 New releases Movies to DVD 1. Eat. Pray. Love 11/23/10 2. Flipped 11/23/10 3. The Expendables 11/23/10 4. Knight and Day 11/30/10 5. Vampires Suck 11/30/10 6. Eclipse 12/4/10 7. Inception 12/7/10 8. The Other Guys 12/14/10 9. The A-Team 12/14/10 10. Twelve 12/28/10 Theater Releases 1. Skyline 11/12/10 2. The Deathly Hollows P. 1 11/19/10 3. The Next Three Days 11/19/10 4. Tangled 11/24/10 5. I Love You Phillip Morris 12/3/10 6. The Tourist 12/10/10 7. Tron: Legacy 12/17/10 8. How Do You Know 12/17/10 9. Little Fockers 12/22/10 10. Country Strong 12/22/10 From TV to DVD 1. Glee 11/16/10 2. Flashpoint 11/16/10 3. Heroes 11/16/10 4. The Office – Overtime 11/16/10 5. Parks and Recreation 11/30/10 6. Law and Order 12/7/10 7. 24 12/14/10 8. Army Wives 12/14/10 9. Family Guy 12/21/10 10. Secret Life Of An American Teenager 12/21/10 Entertainment Dear Delilah.. . Dear Delilah: My boyfriend and I are in a very good relationship. We have a past and have accomplished a lot together. We are both seniors in high school and while he isn’t going to college, I probably will. I don’t want either of us to experience that time apart, but neither of us are looking to break up! What do I do? -Concerned Significant Other Dear Concerned Significant Other: It is great to hear you and your boyfriend’s relationship is healthy. This is a very difficult question. My suggestion is that you and your boyfriend be completely open with each other and have a conversation about it. It might get rough, or start a fight but run through every detail and don’t hold back your whole opinion. Also, you need to ask yourself what the future holds for you guys, if your morals match up, and it may sound funny, but if you guys plan on staying together forever or not. Out of high school things are a little more serious and if you don’t see yourselves staying together, then quite honestly, it’s a big waste of time. Once you have gotten answers to these questions take it from there. It is time to make your decision, and which ever route you choose there is a sacrifice to be made. Life is hard like that, but making anything less than the best decision for you could change your whole entire life. Good luck. -Love Delilah Dear Delilah: My boyfriend and I have been dating for six months, and he has done nothing but question me about who I’m talking to or texting and it always causes fights. What should I do? Dump him? Or work it out? Thanks, -Helpless Hater Dear Helpless Hater: Unless there is something I’m missing, it sounds like he has some serious maturing to do. Six months of complaining and irritating distrust would leave just about anyone feeling frustrated. If you have to continually confront him about this, and it appears he won’t seek to meet you halfway and make the slightest change, then my harsh but truthful opinion is that you should dump him. You don’t want to be wasting your time with just some guy when your Prince Charming comes along. -Love Delilah Dear Delilah: My sister recently got dumped by her 10-month hunk of a boyfriend and is moping around about it. I liked her ex before they dated and now he likes me. I REALLY like him, but I don’t want my sister to kill me. My sister was aware of my big crush when they started dating. That either gives me an excuse to go back for him or it makes me a hypocrite forever by being upset about them dating. On top of all that, us three have four classes together. How would you handle this situation? -Sincerely Behind the Back Boyfriend Stealer Dear Behind the Back Boyfriend Stealer: That’s a tangled web. You have lust for him? Or you truly like him? There is a huge difference. Texting and flirting should be your limit at this point in time. If you fail to mention to your sister that you have feelings for him and she finds out then she will be irate, so make sure you tell her. Listen to how she reacts to you and take it from there. You and her ex may have a future down the road, but it might have to wait a little while. -Love Delilah 11/23/10 IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION... ASK DELILAH! Dear Delilah: My best friend has become obsessed with her weight. I am very sure she is not eating enough food to supply her body with proper nutrition. She also has been using laxatives. Her weight is dropping rapidly and I am very concerned. She admitted to me what she has been doing and made me swear to tell no one. I really want to tell her mom if she doesn’t quit this unhealthy habit, but if I do I will lose my best friend. What do I do? -Sincerely Worried Best Friend Dear Worried Best Friend: Could you live with yourself if anything happened to your best friend? Imagine how you would feel if you were given the opportunity to save her life and you didn’t take it. That is exactly what this is. Whether she hates you or not after you tell is her is her choice, but later down the road chances are she will be thankful that you cared so much. You may feel alone but there is peace in knowing that you have done what is right. Doing what is right is not always easy, but it’s what you need to do. -Love Delilah So You Think You Can Dance: where are they now? Davis Staff Writer So You Think You Can Dance first originated on July 20, 2005 in America. Because of its success, it is not only a show aired in America but throughout the world. This show not only focuses on finding America’s favorite dancer through the talent and skill of the individuals that audition, but the talent of the cutting edge choreographers and their work crafted specifically for the show. The show was created by Simon Fuller and Nigel Lythgoe and is produced by 19 Entertainment and Dick Clark Productions. Auditions are held all over America with a variety of different contestants. They range from unknown street dancers to winners of national championships. All dancers are encouraged to audition whether it be ballroom, hip-hop, street dancing, contemporary, ballet, tap, and so many more. The contestants work their way through auditions to make it on a spot on the show ranging from about ten to twenty individuals depending on the format of the show that season. They all work their way to compete Schwimmer. Post SYTYCD he for the grand prize. As of today, appeared in Christina Aguilera’s there are seven seasons with seven “Candyman” video and was hired as winners. These include Nick Lazarini, Paula Abdul’s creative director for Benji Schwimmer, Sabra Johnson, her final performance on “American Joshua Allen, Jeanine Mason, Russel Idol”. He is working on an album and co-star Ferguson, in the movie and Lauren “Leading Froderman. Ladies”, set to They all be released in competed and 2010. were voted F r o m America’s season three f a v o r i t e we have Sabra dancer and Johnson. were awarded Sabra has been a variety of performing prizes. But and teaching Photo provided entertainmentwhere are they wallpaper.com all over the now? Which country at ones went on to a variety of events. In 2009, she live their dance dream? Starting off with season one’s was a member of the Cedar Lake winner, Nick Lazzarini. In 2006 he Contemporary Ballet Company in became one of 15 founding members New York for a short while. The winner of season four was of the Evolution Dance Company. He is a faculty member of Break the Floor Joshua Allen. Since his win he has Productions, a dance entertainment been teaching master hip-hop across America. production company. Season five with Jeanine Mason The winner of season two Benji who has been teaching classes at her home dance studio in Miami, Focal Point Dance Studio. She is now currently filming a starring role in the USC student film “Understudy”. Russel Ferguson who won season six has been teaching dance workshops all over the country and is considering acting as a career. Recently with season seven we have Lauren Froderman who is actually still on tour with SYTYCD as we speak. All in all the winners have come from all over America and have very different backgrounds and style in their dancing technique. Not only the winners but past contestants are living their dream and SYTYCD was the building blocks to their success. Most of them are admired by individuals who share the same passion for dance. Moving on to season eight the next auditions take place November 15 in Brooklyn, New York. I know it’s far but the miles traveled can turn into a lifetime experience. page 11 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Hegele Staff Writer November 19: the day that Harry Potter lovers have been waiting for since last summer. They have been waiting for the premier of the first segment of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! This segment of the Harry Potter series has been said to be the best Harry movie to date, so expectations are very high. It is also the first Harry Potter movie to be separated into two parts. Voldemort’s powers are growing stronger, Harry is trying to finish the work Dumbledore left for him and Entertainment 11/23/10 Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, I was wondering if there was any way you could remove the word tourism from our dictionaries. It sounds a little too much like terrorism for this patriot. I read some crazy stuff on Sarah Palin’s blog, and I’m interpreting it as true. The inventors of our language clearly had dangerous intentions. Dear Patriot, You betcha! Dear Readers, We understand that our newspaper contains an inexcusable amount of grammatical and spelling errors. The Orange R staff appreciates your concern over this matter, and we are doing our best to make our newspaper an accountable and respectable one. Sincerely, The Editors Thank you all for your letters! Photo provided by obamaantichrist. Photo provided by dummies.com Crazy Cat Mad Lib Photo provided by Season8 find the rest of the horcrux’s in order to defeat the Dark Lord. Tempers between Harry, Ron and Hermoine are running high as they fight to the death to save Hogwarts. At midnight on Nov. 18, fans are going to be gathering at their local movie theatres to wait in line for hours in the freezing cold, in order to see Harry Potter in action once again. When the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 premiers, everyone is definitely going to want more, but they will have to wit until July 15, 2011 to see the final chapter of Harry Potter. 1. Noun 2. Noun 3. Verb Photo provided by blogspot 4. Adjective 5. Adverb 6. Exclamation Photo provided by bradfitzpatrick.com Today was the worst day of my life. First 1.____________ ran into the 2.__________. Then a cat 3.________ past my 4._________ car. It was 5.__________ sipping on tea. 6.________! I screamed when I saw it. page 12 Entertainment Q a Help the turkcy find the woods r e u n i c e k T i m e ™ d e c o m p d e d e r e s t o a s n o d r s a e e t h i s p i c t u r e . 11/23/10