Winter 2015 - John Good Shipping
Winter 2015 - John Good Shipping
Good News All the up-to-date news from the John Good Group Issue Number 14: Winter 2015 John Good Shipping TEPS – Warehousing & Distribution DAN Shipping www.teps-‐ John Good Turkey C BI Transportation UK Ltd E French – Warehousing Good Travel Management Cougar Freight www.good-‐ Mercian Travel Felixstowe Warehousing UN RO-RO / Owners Appointed Agents Darren Spence and David Churchyard visited the "CEMIL BAYULGEN" when berthed alongside at Cobelfret's / CLdn , Purfleet Terminal, on the River Thames i n October. Captain Cora had signed on the vessel the previous week at Pufleet and we made all the necessary arrangements with the Immigration Authorities c overing the required formalities to meet at Gatwick Airport and j oin the vessel at Purfleet. In total there were 8 on-‐signers and 8 off-‐signers all c arried out within a four hour window and without any issues, from and to Gatwick Airport -‐ (arrangements were made by Billy Dey and Connor L alieu from the London Office). Further to the previous article that appeared i n the l ast edition of "Good News" c onfirming our appointment as Owners / Representatives for UN RO-‐RO c alls at Purfleet and Killingholme, both DAN Shipping, Grimsby and J GS L ondon have been actively i nvolved i n carrying out various services on the "Cemil Bayulgen" c overing c rew exchanges, crew medical treatments, j ust part of our services supplied. Both Darren and David received a warm welcome on-‐board the "Cemil Bayulgen" from all the officers and c rew. The Chief Officer Senol Calisan, explained the ramp workings during discharge / l oading operations, which are a vital operation required i n the quick turn around times that the schedule demands. The picture taken from the bridge deck shows the Essex / Kent M25 motorway ‘Queen Elizabeth II Bridge’. Brian Megran received the following message from UN RO-‐ RO's Captain, Ugur Demir, after the visit: Pictured is the Master, Captain Aski Ismail C ora, and the 2nd Officer, Merve Gul Sezer, with Darren and David. Also in this issue… P2. London Gateway Office hit record numbers P4. F ast cars and fast shipments P7. R esults of the employees survey P9. Long S ervice Awards P10. Changes to Our Values P12. LED lighting installed at Felixstowe “Good Morning Brian, I am very pleased to hear your kind visit to Captain Cora and to see you i mpressed by our good vessel.” Captain Cora and his c rew members are doing their best with high performance for the sake of overall operations despite working on tight schedules with minimum resting time. This i s absolutely an appreciated performance. Thank you very much for visiting again and always pleased to see you c lose to CEMİL BAYULGEN. Issue Number 14: Winter 2015 Good News Pg. 2 London Gateway Office hit record numbers of Bond Entry Removals in December One of our key accounts managed by Geoff Ashurst in the L ondon Gateway office hit a record number of bond entry removals i n December. The Account has seen continued growth this year and completed by Sunday 1 3 December by Geoff Ashurst, L eanne Freeman and Nic Ashurst which enabled the removals releases to be sent over during Monday morning, 1 4 December, so that the various products c an get to market. earlier i n the year, saw record bond removals with 1 00+ entries completed within two days. The bond removal request week commencing 7 December reached over 2 00 entries which were all London Office takes connection to Bristol / Portbury JGS L ondon Office i s now c onnected to the Port Of Bristol / Portbury Community System which enables them to offer a service for c ustoms c learance to all c ustomers and other Group offices. Group activities have i ncreased at the Port and JGS L ondon will now work c losely with DAN Shipping c ompleting their import declarations for their bulk c argoes of c oal handled for International Power Fuel Co Ltd. Please Contact e ither David Churchyard or Tom Ellis at the L ondon office for further details. David Churchyard c ommented that the addition of the Bristol / Portburybadge i s i n l ine with our growth plans as we continue to grow our l ogistics activities. Swedish Orient Line celebrate their First Anniversary connection to the UK via The Port of Tilbury. On 1 2 November 2 015 our Principal SOL (Swedish Orient L ine) invited John Good Shipping to attend their one year anniversary party which was held at The House of Emigrants at Casino Cosmopol, Stenpirenin Gothenburg. The event was to c ommemorate the first birthday of their most recently-‐ started RoRo line service from Gothenburg to Zeebrugge with the Shipping & L ogistics David Churchyard, Forwarding and Agency Manager at our L ondon Gateway office, represented John Good Shipping and after meeting the SOL Gothenburg office staff during the afternoon (photo attached, Karl Minkkinen / Anne-‐Marie Bodin) he was entertained i n the evening with pre-‐dinner drinks, a presentation of SOL Continent L ine and the c ost effective sea transportation options directly from Gothenburg to Western Europe, a L ecture on the main emigration route to America by Roger Bodin, Director of the House of Emigrants, Mats Nordstrom’s buffet ‘A Taste of Gothenburg’ and music from Tredrag. highly recognised attendees making good c ontact with Greencarrier AB and Global Freight Solutions AB. David also managed to c omplete a brief Port of Gothenburg tour the day after the event guided by Par Ekelof, SOL’s L ine Manager, and also visited our partners Interfreight Scandinavia AB who currently work with our FCL c ross trade consignments from Ningbo to Stockholm via Bremerhaven. Robert Bystedt and Olof Ahlstrom of Interfreight Scandinavia AB made David very welcome and positive dialogue was exchanged regarding development of future business utilising J ohn Good Shipping’s services. The event was a great success and David was very proud to represent John Good Shipping among a host of Warehousing & Distribution Corporate Travel Issue Number 14: Winter 2015 Good News Pg. 3 NVO Celebrates Two Years Trading In August, NVO Consolidation c elebrated i ts second birthday. After starting out in 2 013, the Manchester c onsolidation specialists have gone from strength to strength and c an now boast a number of export trade l anes to c omplement the import services that served them so well during their first year. With recent additions to the team in 2 015, NVO have more than tripled the number of their original staff and due to c ontinued growth, moved i nto their own office suite when the Manchester operation relocated earlier this year. In August, NVO Consolidation also signed an exclusive agreement with Polestar L ines i n Ningbo, China and are c urrently looking to expand on their weekly services from Shanghai with an additional sailing each week adding yet more strength and expertise to their already well established global network of agents and partners. Great Baking! Paul Auerswald’s mum bakes c akes for the Manchester office at l east once a month – this month was the best yet. She c ustom made a Christmas c ake with the NVO l ogo on i t which went down a treat! The Manchester office send a big thank you to Paul’s mum for her delicious c akes, these are really appreciated … Hazardous Awareness Aimee Yuille and Claire Fisher attended a hazardous awareness c ourse beginning of December and gained a c ertificate in relation to the carriage of dangerous goods. Hannah secures first break bulk shipment!!! Hannah Wilson, Manchester Office, secured her first break bulk shipment ex Korea to USA. The break bulk piece i s c orrugating machinery which is exported all over the world. Shipping & L ogistics Warehousing & Distribution Corporate Travel Issue Number 14: Winter 2015 Good News Pg. 4 Rally Cars unloaded at Felixstowe James Smith attended the unloading o f two rally cars returning to the UK after various world rally events. JGS Felixstowe provided assistance to the i mporter with their management of various i mport vehicle c ustoms entry procedures, promptly c learing c ustoms for both the vehicles on the vessel’s arrival and with the support of the Felixstowe Warehousing unloading team who helped to shunt and The i mporter was very pleased unload the vehicles. with the professional service These unique Proton Rally c ars are provided by JGS Felixstowe and only 2 of 1 2 i n the world that were Felixstowe Warehousing, making ever built (only 9 now exist due to the destination l ogistics movement seamless for the various rally i ncidents) valued i n vehicle c ollections. excess of £ 70,000 each. Fast Car on its way to Felixstowe Warehousing take delivery Tokyo thanks to the of 5 MAN trucks On 9 November Felixstowe Warehousing took delivery of 5 new TGX Manchester Office 26.480 XXL c ab MAN trucks. These vehicles have proven reliability and fuel efficiencies and have already been put to work on general haulage activities. Kathy Moore, J GS Manchester office, recently c o-‐ordinated the l oading and shipment of a BAC Mono Motor vehicle from Southampton to Tokyo, J apan. The BAC Mono i s a road c ar with a top speed of 1 70 mph and goes from 0 -‐62 mph i n 2 .8 seconds. Currently only 5 0 vehicles a year l eave the Cheshire manufacturers production l ine. One of these c ould be yours for……£112,000!! Shipping & L ogistics Early this year they decided that one of their key strategic targets for l ate 2015/ 2 016 will be the development of their own vehicle transport division. In February they applied for their first Operators L icence for 5 vehicles this has now been extended to 1 5. Transport will continue to play an i mportant part in the c ontinued development of Felixstowe Warehousing enabling them to offer c lients a solution from quay to warehouse to end receiver. Also TEPS add two new lorries to their fleet! Warehousing & Distribution Corporate Travel Issue Number 14: Winter 2015 Good News Pg. 5 IT – Email Security -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐Original Message-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ From: Andrew Sedman [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 03 November 2015 10:13 To: Christine Hodges Subject: Urgent request for 3/11/2015 Christine, I will need y ou to process an urgent F aster/CHAPS payment for me. What is the required information needed for y ou to process it? Best regards, Andrew Sent from my iPhone We’ve seen a c hange in the nature of spam emails recently. This i s a particularly i mportant matter that i n the c urrent global climate i s not going to go away and that we all need to beware of, not only i n our work time but also i n our personal l ife. We have had several c ases recently of group employees receiving emails trying to persuade them to make urgent payments i nto bank accounts. There’s nothing new about this but, worryingly, these emails have differed from the usual spam that we receive i n that they are targeted at a particular person and their proper name i s used within the email. They are supposedly from another real person within the group. The real c lincher when it c omes to these emails i s that they look as i f they have actually been sent from a real j account. This i s not the c ase but the senders are c leverly disguising their generic Hotmail accounts so that they l ook like they are real j addresses. So a particular email that we would receive would l ook something l ike the above i nset i mage. So a particular email that we would receive would l ook something l ike this… Unfortunately, for me, Christine was awake that day and didn’t make the CHAPS payment!!!!! So, a warning… if you receive an unexpected email from someone within the group asking for an urgent payment i nto an unknown bank account then take c are. Think before you action. It is not necessarily from the person you think i t is. The emails are always very plain and boringly worded. They often i mply an urgency i n order to get you to action the request quickly without thinking. Sometimes the grammar can be a l ittle foreign. The emails tend to be i mpersonal and formal. If i n doubt c ontact either the sender or the IT department to verify the email i s real. Under no circumstances should you reply to the email i f you think that i t i s fraudulent. Rather you should send a new separate email to the staff member. By doing this you c an guarantee i t i s going to the c orrect email address. Shipping & L ogistics Warehousing & Distribution Another way to prevent fraud c an be to make sure that your emails are more personal and specific. This way, fraudulent emails are more prominent when they arrive. Another method used i s to have an agreed safe-‐word i n emails requesting payments. It i s difficult for us to block the emails as, unlike the usual spam, these emails are being sent by real people, even i f they are fraudsters, and they are very c lever. They are continually c hanging the addresses that they use. If I were to try to block all of these emails then I would also block l egitimate emails which is something that I have to avoid at all costs. Be vigilant! We have done well to avoid being stung by i nternet fraudsters but as our online profile develops we are bound to become more of a target. We need to be aware that there are i ndividuals out there that are c onstantly trying to defraud c ompanies l ike ours and that they are very skilled when i t comes to getting what they want. Please take note of this i n your personal l ife too. It’s much better to take a l ittle time, think about what you’re doing and c heck that the email i s l egitimate than to get stung. Corporate Travel Issue Number 14: Winter 2015 Good News Pg. 6 GIBRALTAR ALL READY FOR THE NEW YEAR FESTIVITIES AFTER GROUP CO-OPERATION FOCS L ogistics Felixstowe (Pat Allen / Geoff Hope) arranged for a trailer movement of fireworks for the New Year c elebrations i n Gibraltar. The movement i nvolved the collaboration of three J ohn Good Shipping offices. Felixstowe office (Pat Allen) were i nvolved in the whole movement and arranged the collection from Market Rasen and onward shipment to Gibraltar. JGS Hull office (John Hunsley) acted on behalf of SOL and was i nvolved i n the movement of the trailer from Tilbury to Zeebrugge. London Gateway Office were i nstrumental in the specific requirements at the Port of Tilbury so the c argo c ould transit through the Port due to i ts hazardous c ontent (Class 1 .4S). The transit to Gibraltar was c ompleted i n three and a half days excluding weekend restrictions on the Continent. Well done to everyone!! FOCS SALES DRIVE IN THE CANARY ISLANDS In November Geoff Hope (FOCS Felixstowe) visited Tenerife and L as Palmas. He visited existing c ustomers and potential new c lients which were c oncentrated on Santa De L a Cruz Tenerife and L as Palmas, Gran Canary. Extensive c alls were made on both Islands which were all very positive. New business was fixed during the visit for our weekly c onsol operation, plus a number of FCL’s, which have actually shipped and been delivered since our return. Our partners i n the Canary Islands are MPG Logistics who are part of the Perez Y Cia S.L. Group. Pictured in the photograph i s Geoff Hope with the MPG’s Sales L-‐R is F riederike Hengstermann, Yanira Management Team – Carmen Toledo, MPG Tenerife and Nicolas Hernandez, MPG Peña, Geoff Hope and Raquel Castillo. Las Palmas. The discussions with MPG c overed the future planning and strategy of the UK / Canary Islands market and during our visit we i dentified several new opportunities especially with household and personal effect removals, which i s a l arge market. The plan for 2 016 i s to i nvolve new markets where the parent Company Perez have established offices, Cuba, Colombia and Panama, plus the Caribbean Islands. Ship diverted to London Gateway The “ Barzan” was due to c all Felixstowe on 20.9.15 but due to berth congestion at the Port of Felixstowe UASC made the decision to divert the vessel to L ondon Gateway to carry out discharge operations. Both David and Geoff Ashurst boarded the vessel upon arrival (20.9.15 2 042 hrs) along with two personnel from UASC L ondon – Neil Ashurst (Geoff’s son) and Richard Sawyer. MV “ Barzan” was the l argest container vessel to c all i n the Thames to date and according to DP World’s (London Gateway) stevedores they beat their current c rane l ift record of 58 c ontainers i none hour with one c rane i n one bay, at the time of the vessel c all. Shipping & L ogistics Warehousing & Distribution Corporate Travel Issue Number 14: Winter 2015 Good News Pg. 7 The Opening of Port of Felixstowe’s Berth 9 Extension L-‐R: Rachel Davies, Capt Mohammad S ajid Hussain and J acky Clarke MV A l Nasriyah, Berth 9 Extension Opening Ceremony On Thursday 5 November both Rachel Davies and J acky Clarke (JGS Felixstowe) attended the opening of the Port of Felixstowe’s Berth 9 Extension. The 1 90 metre extension increases the port’s c apability to work two of the world’s largest c ontainer ships simultaneously. Berths 8 and 9 now have a total quay l ength of 9 20 metres and the overall total quay l ength in the port i s nearly 4,000 metres. Three new ship-‐to-‐shore gantry cranes have been acquired for the Berth 9 extension now giving a total of 1 0 c ranes on Berths 8 &9 and 36 in the port as a whole. This day also saw the i naugural voyage of UASC’s vessel MV “ Al Nasriyah” at Felixstowe, she berthed 4 November at 19.36 hrs and J acky Clarke boarded the vessel on arrival. The MV “ Al Nasriyah” i s part of UASC’s A15 fleet (15,000 TEU c apacity). OUR PEOPLE EMPLOYEE SURVEY The results from the employee survey which we received back from Bluestorm at the end of October were very positive. We c ompared the results with surveys c arried out i n 2 011 and 2 013 and you told us the following, some of which we c overed at the roadshows. Areas of Improvement • Against every single value, the number of 1 0 scores has increased year on year. • For all values, the 8 -‐10 scores have risen (between 0 .67% and 13.72%) i .e. our performance against these values has improved over the l ast 2 years • For all values the good-‐excellent score (8-‐1 0) outweighs the poor-‐ average score (1-‐7 ) • The weighted average scores have i ncreased on all values on both surveys since 2 011. Shipping & L ogistics Warehousing & Distribution Corporate Travel Issue Number 14: Winter 2015 Good News Pg. 8 Internal Communications – GOODNET One of the biggest c hanges that has been made to our c ommunication methods has been the i ntroduction of our Intranet “GOODNET”. This will become the main method of communication within the business in the future. If you have not already logged-‐i n, please do so as there i s a lot of useful i nformation now on there. If you need some assistance, please c ontact the HR team [email protected] . Soon GOODNET will be the first page that you c ome to when you go onto the i nternet. We hope that you are finding this a time-‐saving resource. If there i s anything else you would l ike to see appearing on GOODNET, please l et the HR team know via the e-‐mail address above. Areas for improvement in the future The percentage of employees c ompleting the survey (46.18%) has decreased since the l ast survey (-‐3 %) There were only 1 21 c ompleted surveys and 8 partially c ompleted surveys out of a potential 2 62 people At the end of the survey were a number of questions i ncluding “ If you c ould c hange one thing to i mprove l ife at work, what would it be?” and you have sent i n lots of suggestions. We will be working on these i n 2 016 and will report back on our progress i n the next newsletter. Shipping & L ogistics Warehousing & Distribution Corporate Travel Issue Number 14: Winter 2015 Good News Pg. Long Service Awards Our congratulations to the following people w ho received long service awards in 2015: John Good & Sons Ltd Good Good Julie Tim 10 5 JGS Brentwood Murray Simon 10 JGS Felixstowe Smith Smith Thomas James Suzanne Graham 10 10 10 JGS Hull Ackermann Cowham Mackerman Foster Miranda Neil Steve Katie 5 5 5 10 JGS Manchester Dalby Colebrook Brian Paul 5 10 CBI Window Fitzgerald Alan Pete 10 20 Cougar Emily John Wendy Howard David Campbell Hirst Bryan Granger Hartley 5 10 20 30 30 Felixstowe Warehouse Harvey Tyler Cowdell Woollard Ian Aidan Stuart Jason 5 5 10 10 TEPS & E.French Harvey Davies Wilson Oglesby Greaves Ian John Colin Malcolm Shaun 5 10 10 20 40 GTM -‐ Hull Parsons Sison Harrison Pedder John Andrew Kevin Phil 5 5 10 10 GTM -‐ West Midlands Tyers Samantha Shipping & L ogistics 5 Warehousing & Distribution Corporate Travel 9 Issue Number 14: Winter 2015 Good News Pg. 10 Our Values The wording of Our Values has been shortened slightly (please see below) – the meaning i s still the same but we hope that they are now much easier to remember. The values are now on the office walls at our Head Office, Matthew Good House and will begin to appear on the walls of our other offices – the next offices where this will be arranged are L ondon Gateway and Manchester. 1. We are c ommitted to providing a service to our c ustomers, business partners and each other that we are proud of. We a re c ommitted to p roviding a service we a re proud o f 2. We are c ommitted to treating people the way we would l ike to be treated ourselves – in an honest and fair way We a re c ommitted to treating p eople the way we would l ike to b e treated o urselves 3. We are c ommitted to the l ong term, profitable future of our business and reflect this in the decisions we make We a re c ommitted to the l ong term, p rofitable future o f o ur business 4. We will strive for excellence and be professional i n everything we do – our own reputation and the reputation of the business i s at stake We strive for excellence a nd to be p rofessional in everything we d o 5. We encourage enterprise, recognise new ideas and always seek to i mprove the way we do things We encourage enterprise a nd seek to improve the way we do things 6. We want to be a responsible member of the c ommunities and environment we l ive and work i n We c are a bout o ur c ommunities a nd the environment 7. We have respect for our c olleagues – listening to them, being supportive and encouraging teamwork We h ave respect for our c olleagues 8. We want our business to be an open, enjoyable place where talent and hard work are rewarded and people have the opportunity to achieve their personal goals We want our business to be an open, enjoyable place where talent and hard work are rewarded The John Good Group Team Since the l ast newsletter we have had a number of starters and l eavers but the overall figures at the end of November are as follows: Company Cougar Freight Services Ltd Bradford DAN Shipping and Chartering Ltd Hull, Grimsby and Tyne Good Travel Management Limited Hull, Leeds, Stockport, West Midlands including Mercian Tours John Good & Sons Ltd Group John Good Shipping Limited Felixstowe, Grimsby, Hull, London Gateway, Manchester (also including NVO Consolidation) John Good Denizcilik Istanbul and Izmir Trans-‐European Port Services (GB) Limited (TEPS) including E French (6) & Felixstowe Warehousing (40) Total Shipping & L ogistics Warehousing & Distribution Employees 7 10 42 11 89 11 98 268 Corporate Travel Issue Number 14: Winter 2015 Good News Pg. 11 We would like to welcome the following new employees: Tom Reid Mark Shimells Joined TEPS as a HGV Driver on the 01.09.15 Joined J GS as Group Financial Controller 2 6.10.15 Paul Birch Callum Aldrich Joined TEPS as a HGV Driver on the 07.09.15 Joined J GS L ondon Gateway as Account Manager 0 2.11.15 Lloyd Brown Emma Fitton Joined TEPS (Arco) as a Warehouseman 0 7.09.15 Joined J GS Manchester as Account Manager 0 2.11.15 Scott Gornall Tom Nelson Joined TEPS (Croda) as a Warehouseman 1 4.09.15 Joined Felixstowe Warehousing Ipswich as a Warehouseman 0 2.11.15 Siobhan Alley Chris Ryan Joined Felixstowe Warehousing as a Stock Controller 2 1.09.15 Joined Felixstowe Warehousing Ipswich as a Warehouseman 0 2.11.15 Kate Buchanan Stella J acobs Joined J GS Manchester as an Import Co-‐ordinator 05.10.15 Joined GTM Hull as Head of Sales 04.11.15 Frederick Harris Tom Reid Joined TEPS as a HGV Driver on the 12.10.15 Joined J GS L ondon Gateway as a Field Sales Executive 0 9.11.15 Sarah Edmondston Katie Foster Joined GTM L eeds as a Business Travel Consultant 1 9.10.15 Joined J GS Hull as a Freight Forwarder 16.11.15 John Dugdale Sylwia Trabka Joined Felixstowe Warehousing as a Warehouseman 2 6.10.15 Joined GTM L eeds as a Trainee Business Travel Consultant 1 0.12.15 Shipping & L ogistics Warehousing & Distribution Corporate Travel Issue Number 14: Winter 2015 Good News Pg. 12 Health & Safety News The Group H&S meeting was held at Matthew Good House in Hessle on 1 October 2015 – pictured below during their meeting at the Head Office in Hessle are: (clockwise around the table starting back row l eft – John Hirst (Cougar), Martin Bates (TEPS) Adam Grimwood (Felixstowe Warehousing Co), Calvin Berry (John Good Shipping Felixstowe), Dave Herbert (John Good Group – Head Office), Helen Dennie (JGG Head Office) J ohn Rutherford (JGG – Head Office), Maggie Adams (Mercian Tours), Tanya Wilkins (JGS Immingham), Brian Dalby(JGS Manchester). We had a very positive meeting and welcomed some reps for their first time. Paul Kent our H&S c onsultant from Stallard Kane who also j oined us said “I have noticed a significant improvement in both the implementation of H&S procedures and also the positive attitude of staff towards H&S” John Rutherford took the opportunity to welcome everyone to the meeting and talked through a number of areas of progress within the c ompany. The minutes of this meeting are available on GOODNET under Health and Safety. LED Lighting at Felixstowe Warehousing Before After FWC has recently had some new LED l ighting installed and the difference i t has made to working c onditions and health and safety i s huge as you will see from the photographs! It will also make a significant difference to our electricity consumption. Most of the i nformation i n this “ Our People” article i s either available on GOODNET now or will be i n the future when all of the roadshow and long service awards have been c ompleted. Shipping & L ogistics Warehousing & Distribution Corporate Travel Issue Number 14: Winter 2015 Good News Pg. 13 Happy Birthday to the following: Graham Thomas who celebrated his 6 0th Birthday on 1 0 th November – his colleagues i n Felixstowe bought him an Everton football shirt – Happy Birthday Graham! Mike Price, Hull office, c elebrated his 3 0 th birthday j umping out of an aeroplane, a present from his wife Sarah (GTM). L ooking forward to seeing what Sarah will buy him for his 4 0 th!!!!!! Happy Birthday Mike! Jan Hollows, Mercian Travel office, c elebrated her 6 0 th Birthday Friday 3 rd December. Her colleagues decorated her desk before she arrived in the office as a surprise – Happy Birthday J an! Also i n the Felixstowe office Jacky Clarke c elebrated her 40 th birthday i n September. Jacky i s pictured i s showing off her presents from everyone in the office – Happy Birthday Jacky! Congratulations Claire and Scott! Claire Fisher, NVO Manchester, has recently become engaged to Scott Daniels – Scott proposed to Claire at the Indyman beer festival i n Manchester i n October. Paul Colebrook, Manchester office, unknowingly had front row seats and witnessed this event i n full! It’s been almost 1 0 years i n the making so c ongratulations all round! Congratulations J oe! Joseph Burns an apprentice at the J ohn Good Shipping Manchester office has successfully c ompleted his NVQ L evel 2 studies i n business administration. Mercian Travel Rachael is pictured 4 th from the left with fellow travel personnel Mercian recently had an October i ncentive with the L ufthansa group, they had to make bookings i n First, Business or Premium Economy with any of the four L HG Airlines (LH, L X, SN and OS ). Once the booking was made they had to register this on the L ufthansa Experts website. The draw was made and Rachael Weston was l ucky enough to win a place on this trip along with other people from various travel c ompanies. They travelled Premium Economy both ways which was good to experience as they c an sell better to their customers. They experienced Table Mountain with beautiful views from the top. They did the peninsular tour and visited some l ovely beaches and the penguin c olony, they also took part in the annual yacht race which was taken very seriously by all competitors and were split up i nto groups of 2 /3 and put i nto teams for the two hours race at the yacht c lub. Rachael said that the sun was shining, the group of people were great. Great experience. Elaine J eavons and Sam Tyers from Mercian Travel recently attended an event at The Ritz Hotel L ondon, with ITC Classics. The girls had a fantastic night and were truly spoilt. The highlight of the evening was Mercian Travel winning an award for Exceptional Growth with ITC. Shipping & L ogistics Warehousing & Distribution Corporate Travel Issue Number 14: Winter 2015 Good News Pg. 14 Matthew Good Foundation Well done to e veryone at J ohn Good Shipping, Felixstowe. They held a raffle (prizes donated by staff), baked c akes, made sweet bags, made wine glass charms and wore multi-‐c oloured c lothes for the day. £143.07 raised so with match funding a l ovely total of £286.14. Well done guys, a great day had by all. Liz Gosling, F elixstowe Warehousing, organised a Black Tie Charity Ball to help raise money for Seb’s Legs. Seb has Cerebral Palsy Spastic Diplegia. He has difficulties with muscle c ontrol, balance and coordination. Spasticity i n his l egs makes them stiff and rigid so that he i s not yet able to stand or walk independently. Despite this, Seb is a happy, fun l oving little boy. He i s bright and i ncredibly determined. He i s very sociable, has the most beautiful smile and a wonderfully infectious giggle. He melts hearts wherever he goes. Seb’s family and friends are raising money for him to have a life c hanging surgical procedure, called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR), which will remove or reduce the spasticity i n his l egs giving him the c hance of a more normal l ife. SDR i s fairly new i n the UK; c urrently only a select few c hildren are able to receive this surgery on the NHS. The St Louis Children’s Hospital i n America are world l eaders i n SDR and have transformed the l ives of over 3 ,000 c hildren. A total of £ 10,129.34 was raised at the c harity ball and the Foundation match funded both Liz and Stuart the maximum of £1,000 each. Tanya Wilkins, Grimsby / Hull Office, had an alcohol free October by taking part i n ‘Go Sober’ to raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support. Tanya raised £ 120.00, which was match funded by the Foundation. Tanya said that she was brave, fearless and beerless!!!! Well done Tanya! Caption Competition! The winner of the Caption Competition from September’s i ssue i s Danny Price (Hull Office) who wins a £ 50 Travel Voucher with the following: ‘Why on earth didn’t you tell me you get sea sick? It’s going to take me ages to mop all that up!’ (please note t hat t his is selected by t he Directors w ho are unaware of w ho submits t he captions) Well done to everyone who submitted their c aptions, here are just a few other c aptions received: “Did y ou say w e w ere having pigeon pie for lunch J ulie?” “Well t his is a first y ou mopping t he deck ! !!” “I’m not coming on board until y ou remove all t race of t hose seagulls!” “just a moment w hile I plug t his hole t hen w e w ill set sail ” “ I can’t hold t his door shut much longer w e w ill have t o let Tim out in a minute” “ A re w e going on t his round t he w orld cruise t oday or not?” “ When you said w e w ere going t o t he sails, I t hought y ou meant shopping!” “John, y ou’re really going t o have t o find somewhere else for y our ‘curling’ practise!” “It's no good t rying t o cover t hat hole up, y ou're not getting me back on that boat!” ‘’ It’s w ind powered silly, y ou don’t have t o w ind it up‘’ New Caption The following p hoto was s ent in by Steve Pullen – now what is Seamus thinking ( only p rintable wording p lease!!!) s end your entry to Christine H odges, H ull office and the winning caption will win a £ 50 travel voucher. Merry Christmas to everyone and best wishes for 2016