- Swiss Timing


- Swiss Timing
WinBPM in WSB Events
Quickstart Manual
Version 1.0
Edition November 2013
Documentation Updates
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WinBPM in WSB Events / BSS2013
About This Document ................................................................................................... 3
Associated Documents ................................................................................................. 3
Version History ............................................................................................................. 3
USING WINBPM IN WSB COMPETITIONS.................................................................4
Page 1
WinBPM in WSB Events / BSS2013
1.1 About This Document
This document contains a short description (Quickstart manual) for the use of the Scoring System
for WSB.
This Quickstart manual is not valid as an official end-user document.
A disclosure to third parties must be authorized by the respective project leader or head of
department at SWISS TIMING.
1.2 Associated Documents
(delete paragraph if not necessary)
1.3 Version History
Version Date
07.11.2013 KAIMAT/LUFTIM
Modifications since last version
Initial version
Page 3
Double-click the [MultiUploader] symbol on the desktop.
When started, a green indicator at the bottom of the
MultiUploader's program window will indicate a properly
working server connection.
Wait until the download has finished.
You can close MultiUploader once the download has
finished, but remember to start it again just before a
match begins.
Double-click the [WinBPM] symbol on the desktop.
WinBPM's quick access toolbar in the upper part of the
window has the following functions:
Next Bout: Start the next bout
Athletes: Athletes database
Officials: Officials database
Properties: Project settings
Session: Settings, applicable to the competition
Judges: Judges assignments
Draw: Automatic draw of judges
Choose "Combox">"Setup" to access the "Setup
Combox" dialog, where you can settings concerning the
boxing hardware interface.
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WinBPM in WSB Events / BSS2013
On the dialog, first set up the COM ports for the Scoring &
Timing interfaces.
Next, set up the IP and UDP port used for the TV
interface. You can check the current connection status in
the "Status" pane on the right side.
Click [OK] to close the dialog.
Choose "Combox">"BPM Check" to access the "Check
Keypads" dialog, where you can assign and check the
functions of the five judges keypads.
To assign the individual keypads, first select [Assign] at
the bottom of the dialog. Next, press a button on each
keypad to assign it to a judge. The sequence in which the
keypads are triggered, determines the sequence of the
judges (1 - 5).
You can verify the current keypad assignments (number),
by selecting [Check] and then pressing a button on a
desired keypad.
Page 5
Choose "Event">"New Event" to access the Import dialog.
Choose [Import] to access the list of events in the “Select
Import File” dialog.
Here the matches are sorted by date. Choose your
relevant match. Have a look at the date (year, month,
date) and the nation codes.
Click [OK] to start the import.
You will get the information that the import is complete,
and the data is loaded for the selected match. Click [OK]
to finish the import.
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WinBPM in WSB Events / BSS2013
To check the athlete’s data in the database click the
[Athletes] button. The “State” information “n/a” means that
the athlete is active and that he will compete in a bout.
The “State” information “cancel” means that the athlete is
the reserve athlete.
If it is necessary to change the “State” choose [Edit]. It is
important that you change the state for both athletes.
To check the data of Supervisor, Referees and Judges
click the [Officials] button.
It is important that the Referees and Judges have a
“Number in Event” and that the Supervisor and the other
officials have NOT such a number.
Page 7
Choose the “Session” dialog by click on the [Session]
button. Here all the bouts are displayed and you can
check the competitors.
On the right side of the screen you can choose each of
the 5, in the play offs 6 bouts.
On the left side you can edit the details for each bout.
The order of the bouts can be changed by click on the
[Arrow] buttons on the right side of the [Postpone] button.
Choose the tab “Officials” to assign the referee and
judges to the selected bout. Click on [Edit]>[...] to access
the “Select Judge” dialog.
Select the referee in the list and confirm the nomination
with click on [Select Referee] button.
Select each of the 5 judges in the same way and confirm
with click on [Select Judge] button.
Important: Before the 1st bout referees and judges need to
be set for all the bouts of the day!
Choose “List”>”Session”>”Daily Schedule (C58)” to create
the schedule.
The schedule must be created after the referees and
judges were assigned for all bouts.
Important: The schedule must be re-created after any
changes (for example name changes, changes in referee
or judges allocation, new added athletes and officials,
change of the bout-order).
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WinBPM in WSB Events / BSS2013
Example of the Daily Schedule. Click on the marked
button shown in the picture to make a printout on your
local default printer.
Important: Start the MultiUploader before the 1st bout to
upload the live results to the WSB server!
Click on the [Next Bout] button to start the competition.
Click on [Start R1] to start the bout.
Anytime a bout is stopped prematurely the round has to
be stopped by click on the [Stop Bout] button.
In case of a warning pronounced by the referee and
confirmed by the Supervisor click the [Warning] button
according to the athletes corner. If the Supervisor decides
to withdraw an already entered warning delete the
warning by click on [Shift] + [Warning].
In case of a Knock-down click on the [KD] button
according to the athletes corner which received the
At the end of a bout the result will be calculated
automatically i.e. the total score is calculated if the results
of the last round have been entered by the judges. The
[Bout End] button will be enabled. Click on [Bout End].
The final result including the result code is shown in the
corner lower left on the screen.
After the result has been confirmed the bout needs to be
set to official using the [Set OFF] button.
To print the Result Sheet for the bout click on the [Bout
Result] button.
Page 9
Anytime a bout is stopped prematurely the round has to
be stopped by click on the [Stop Bout] button to access
the “Stop Bout” dialog.
Here you have to select the winner of the bout and to
enter the result code (victory type).
Check the round number and time and adjust it according
to the actual occurrence. The comment textbox is used for
additional result information like rules which will be given
by the Supervisor. Before click on [OK] the Supervisor
must confirm the selections made.
After the last bout is official choose “List”>”Session”>
”Session Results (C74)” to create/access the result
Print a local copy of the match results (left [print] button)
and get the confirmation from the Supervisor.
Important: The right [print] button creates the PDF-file
for the upload to WSB server!
If there was any problem with the upload of the PDF-file,
you can repeat the export with click on “List”>”Export”>
”Results PDF”.
If you have made any changes to the database or if some
data is missing for tv graphics, select “TV Data” to
generate again all outputs for tv graphics.
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WinBPM in WSB Events / BSS2013
In the “List”-menu you can also find some other lists that
can be generated and printed if necessary.
The picture shows how you can generate a Weigh-In
sheet for the general Weigh-In before the event.
“List”>”Athletes”>”Weigh-In List by Weight category
Example of the Weigh-In sheet (C56_all).
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WinBPM in WSB Events / BSS2013
Wiesenring 11
D-04159 Leipzig, Germany
+49 341 46 21 100
+49 341 46 21 400
[email protected]