Global Annual Report 2013-14


Global Annual Report 2013-14
Global Annual
Report 2013-14
Welcome to WaterAid
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 3
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 3
Our vision is of a world where
everyone has access to safe water
and sanitation.
Our mission is to transform lives by
improving access to safe water,
hygiene and sanitation in the
world’s poorest communities. We
work with partners and influence
decision-makers to maximize our
This report represents just a few highlights from the work our supporters made possible last
year. We hope you are inspired by the progress the communities have made.
Watch our Annual Report video at:
The sources for all the facts and figures in this report can be found at:
Front cover: Ricardo, 5, Andreana, 4, and Beatrice, 7, wash at their village’s
new water pump in Timor-Leste. Photo: WaterAid/Tom Greenwood
The crisis continues
Everyone, everywhere
Where we work and the people
we have reached
Delivering services:
Sierra Leone10
Making change happen:
Influencing others
Changing behavior Spreading the message 24
Your support 26
Financial information
Thank you30
Children wash their hands at a pump rehabilitated with WaterAid’s support in Sierra Leone.
Photo: WaterAid/Anna Kari
The crisis continues
people live without
safe water
Annual Report 2013-14
2013/14 | |Page
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5 5
people live without
die every day from the
resulting diseases
Teenage girls collecting unsafe water from a dam in Koala, Burkina Faso.
Photo: WaterAid/Nyani Quarmyne/Panos
Everyone, everywhere
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 7
In 2013-14 WaterAid reached:
2 million
people with
safe water
Since 1981, we have reached 21.2
million people with safe water
small towns
In 2013-14 WaterAid reached:
3 million
people with
Since 2004, we have reached 18.1
million people with sanitation*
small towns
Everyone, everywhere
We want everyone, everywhere to have clean water, toilets and hygiene by 2030. These
basic services underpin health, education and livelihoods, and are central to eradicating
extreme poverty.
Making change happen last year
We helped influence governments around the world to commit to reaching many millions
more people. At the bi-annual meeting of the Sanitation and Water for All partnership,
more than 20 developing country delegations promised to achieve universal access to
water and sanitation by 2030 and many committed to ending open defecation.
Children celebrating the completion of a toilet block built with WaterAid’s
support in Madagascar. Photo: WaterAid/Ernest Randriarimalala
Delivering services last year
Through our partners, we reached two million people with safe water and three million
with sanitation last year. Our hygiene promotion work reached an estimated four million
people, encouraging practices such as hand washing with soap, safe use of toilets, safe
storage of drinking water, food hygiene and menstrual hygiene management.
* We did sanitation work before this date but this is when we started formally recording numbers.
Where WaterAid works
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 9
Central America
2,000 / 1,000
of people
in 2013-14
water / sanitation
West Africa
Burkina Faso
53,000 / 150,000
3 Ghana
73,000 / 27,000
4 Liberia
12,000 / 19,000
5 Mali
37,000 / 49,000
6 Niger
10,000 / 6,000
7 Nigeria
116,000 / 308,000
8 Sierra Leone
6,000 / 16,000
466,000 / 374,000
21 Nepal
81,000 / 105,000
22 Bangladesh
331,000 / 620,000
23 Pakistan
172,000 / 338,000
East Africa
177,000 / 218,000
10 Tanzania
148,000 / 271,000
11 Uganda
41,000 / 87,000
8,000 / 1,000
Southern Africa
61,000 / 110,000
15 Malawi
44,000 / 105,000
16 Mozambique
53,000 / 50,000
17 Zambia
46,000 / 55,000
18 Swaziland*
19 Lesotho*
Southeast Asia
4,000 / 4,000
Pacific Region
Papua New Guinea
4,000 / 3,000
Member countries
1. WaterAid Canada**
2. WaterAid America
3. WaterAid UK
4. WaterAid Sweden
5. WaterAid Japan
6. WaterAid Australia
*No data, country in pilot phase. **WaterCan became the Canadian member of WaterAid in July 2013.
Sierra Leone
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 11
In the wake of war
We reached
In Sierra Leone, a decade-long civil war has
devastated communities and left many waterpoints
and toilets in ruins. Our work to support local
governments and communities to rebuild these
vital services is helping people get back on their
6,000 people
with safe water
Cholera claims lives
During the conflict, people were forced to leave
their homes and many wells were destroyed. Nearly
half the population were left without safe water or
sanitation. When Hawa Turay returned to her village
of Vaama, there was no choice but to collect water
from a nearby river, which was contaminated with
waste from a local hospital. Tragically, three of her
children died of cholera.
Community takes charge
Our local partners helped communities like Hawa’s
to rehabilitate broken infrastructure and improve
hygiene. In Hawa’s village, we’ve trained a committee
of local residents to maintain the water and
sanitation facilities so the community can build a
better future.
“The river was as dirty
as anything. People
were dying as if it was
an outbreak of war.”
– Hawa Turay, Pujehun District,
Sierra Leone
and 16,000 people
with sanitation in
Sierra Leone in 2013-14
people still live without
safe water
Hawa Turay collecting clean water with her granddaughter Isattu in Sierra Leone. Photo: WaterAid/Peter Abdulai
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 13
Ending open defecation,
one community at a time
We reached
In India, where nearly 800 million people live without a toilet,
our work with government and community leaders to end
open defecation saves lives.
466,000 people
with safe water
Driving change
Twenty-four-year-old Pooja is a true leader. As a member of
a water and sanitation committee in an urban slum
community in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, Pooja works tirelessly
to raise awareness of the benefits of toilets, and teach young
women and girls about menstrual hygiene management.
and 374,000 people
with sanitation in India in
die every year from
diarrh ea caused by
unsafe water and poor
sanitation in India
Photo: Lynn Johnson / Ripple Effect Images
“I went to people’s
houses and taught them
to wash their hands
and to wash vegetables
before cutting them.
Now they see that I was
talking sense. I may be
small but I was talking
Thanks to her campaigning, the local authority has agreed to
restore a sanitation block of 30 toilets and she has started
work on a tariff system for the community. Encouraged by
her role as a community leader she signed up for a
beautician course and hopes to open her own beauty parlor
one day.
Looking to the future
To help ensure these changes last long into the future, we
work with our local partners to monitor projects like this. After
work is completed, we check that facilities are working at
one, three, five and ten year intervals. For thousands of
people like Pooja, safe water and toilets save and transform
lives for generations to come.
– Pooja, Uttar Pradesh, India
Pooja Bharti, 24, a community leader, teaches menstrual hygiene and women’s health
to local women. Photo: WaterAid/Poulomi Basu
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 15
We reached
Business built on water
4,000 people
with safe water
In a village in the isolated and rugged terrain of the
Liquica district in Timor-Leste, people are using water
and sanitation maintenance training to make their
businesses thrive.
Toilets sell out
Celestina, 25, lives in Nunhou. Her family runs a kiosk
selling groceries to the village. Our partners recently
built safe water facilities in the area and generated
awareness of good sanitation and hygiene. Since
then, businesses have diversified to support these
new services. Celestina’s husband, Silverio, learned to
make cement toilet pans at a WaterAid-funded training
session. The first batch he produced were so popular
they sold out!
Advising communities
The kiosk is now a hub for people to talk about
water and toilets. Villagers can visit the kiosk to ask for
advice about their facilities, and buy parts to repair or
construct their own toilets. People in the community
have somewhere to share knowledge and help each
other, ensuring that services keep working well into
the future.
and 4,000 people
with sanitation in
Timor-Leste in 2013-14
“I tell people if they
have something broken
in their water system
they can come and buy a
spare part and fix it. We
talk to the community
and they can come and
buy it from us to make
sure it keeps working.”
– Celestina, Nunhou, Timor-Leste
Photo: Lynn Johnson / Ripple Effect Images
Maria Stella,
age 12, Kasasa
School, Kampala,
Nearly a
of the population in
Timor-Leste don’t have access
to safe water and almost
two thirds don’t have proper
Celestina, pictured with her husband Silverio and daughter. Photo: WaterAid/Tom Greenwood
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 17
Delivering services
We reached
How gravity changed a
Harnessing the local geography has ended the daily
struggle for water in Adi Sibhat.
A treacherous struggle
177,000 people
with safe water
In the remote village of Adi Sibhat in the highlands of
Tigray, Ethiopia, women’s daily walk for water meant
not only hardship but fear. After scaling dangerous
paths, they had to collect their water from a small,
leech-infested pool. They worried for their cattle’s
health as much as their own. Swallowing a leech
could kill a cow, and losing a cow could mean losing
their livelihood.​
The community springs into action
and 218,000 people with
sanitation in Ethiopia in
“The water is so
close to home that my
daughters never have
to miss school.”
– Tirfie, Adi Sibhat, Ethiopia
Photo: Lynn Johnson / Ripple Effect Images
In this rocky terrain, building a well was ruled out.
However, the water source was part of a natural
mountain spring, and could still be harnessed, made
safe and accessible.​We raised funds to cap the spring,
construct a storage reservoir and lay a pipeline that
would use gravity to take the water downhill.
Maria Stella,
age 12, Kasasa
School, Kampala,
While WaterAid and local partners provided the
technical know-how, the community provided the hard
work of building the system. Now safe, clean spring
water is readily available on tap in the heart of the
Tigist washes her face at the new waterpoint. Photo: WaterAid/Behailu Shiferaw
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 19
Turning teens into
We reached
In Nicaragua, we’re working with young people who
are at risk of being drawn into drugs and street gangs.
We offer them a different future by getting them
involved in solving the water and sanitation skills
2,000 people with
safe water
A chance to escape
In the bustling coastal city of Bilwi, capital of Nicaragua’s
remote North Atlantic Autonomous Region, many
teenagers face poor job prospects. Seventeen-year-old
Cora’s place on a WaterAid training course has offered
her a chance to escape poverty. Alongside other
vulnerable teenagers, she has learned new business
Stella, management, well-building and latrine
age 12, Kasasa
School, Kampala,
Uganda future
and 1,000 people with
sanitation in Nicaragua
in 2013-14
80% of
in the isolated northern
Caribbean area of Nicaragua
still live without safe water
or toilets
Photo: Lynn Johnson / Ripple Effect Images
“I’ve never had skills
like this before. I’m
happy I’ve learned
how to build.”
– Cora, 17, Bilwi, Nicaragua
Now, Cora earns a living managing a team of five men
she hired herself to construct toilets for the local
community. In a city where only half of families have
access to a toilet, plumbing is a rare and precious
profession. She and the other new trainees are given a
promising new future, benefiting from steady jobs and
the knowledge that they are helping their community
with affordable water and sanitation services.
Cora, 17, works on the construction of a bathroom. Photo: WaterAid/Rodrigo Cruz
Influencing others
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 21
Influencing others
To reach everyone, everywhere by
2030, leaders around the world
need to make strong commitments
to reach the poorest and most
marginalized people.
United Nations
WaterAid UK’s Chief Executive
Barbara Frost addressed the UN
General Assembly, alongside UN
Secretary General Ban ki-Moon.
She highlighted the profound
impact that safe water, improved
hygiene and sanitation have on the
lives of poor people, particularly
women and girls, and the
importance of keeping these
issues central to the UN’s poverty
eradication agenda.
Photo: Lynn Johnson / Ripple Effect Images
Delivering services
South Asia
We promoted our messages at the
crucial South Asian Conference
on Sanitation – a region where
750,000 children are estimated
to have died from diarrhea since
the last conference in 2011. We
worked hard with our partners to
help secure a commitment by
governments to end open
defecation in South Asia by 2023.
Sanitation and Water for All
Over 20 developing country
delegations promised to achieve
universal access to water and
sanitation by 2030 at the
Sanitation and Water for All
partnership meeting in April 2014,
and many committed to ending
open defecation. WaterAid
supporters urged the UK Secretary
of State for Development Justine
Greening to attend the meeting,
which she did, confirming that
the UK was on track to keeping
its promise of reaching 60 million
people with safe water and
sanitation by December 2015.
Maria Stella,
age 12, Kasasa
School, Kampala,
Naznin Nahar expressing concerns about the environmental and health impacts of waterlogging in her area.
Photo: WaterAid/Habibul Haque
Changing behavior
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 23
Changing behavior
Good hygiene practices such as handwashing with
soap, safe use of latrines and safe storage of drinking
water are essential for water and sanitation services to
be effective. Personal hygiene can be difficult to discuss,
even taboo, but our partners worked sensitively with
millions of people to motivate communities to change
their habits.
We reached
Menstrual hygiene
WaterAid ran menstrual hygiene management
programs in 14 countries this year, helping women
and girls such as adolescents at Kasasa School in
Kampala, Uganda, who now have access to private,
lockable rooms where they can wash and change
sanitary pads. In Pakistan 200 school sessions
reached 3,000 girls and teachers, and in India
community-based suppliers distributed affordable
sanitary pads.
In Bangladesh, we supported an all-singing, alldancing kids’ TV show called Jol Danga (which means
‘water and earth’), featuring six colorful puppets who
helped 1.2 million young TV viewers learn more about
climate change, water, sanitation and hygiene issues.
an estimated 4 million
people worldwide with
hygiene promotion
took part in 4,000
menstrual hygiene
information sessions in
Bangladesh in 2013-14
“I don’t miss school
“I don’t miss school
when I have my
I have my monthly
periods. Now we have
[monthly periods].
room to wash.”
we have room to wash.”
– Maria Stella. 12, Kasasa School,
Kampala, Uganda (pictured in front)
Maria Stella, age 12, Kasasa School, Kampala,
Teenage girls at Kasasa School in Kampala, Uganda, a school where WaterAid has helped to build new
toilets and promote good menstrual hygiene. Photo: Lynn Johnson/Ripple Effect Images
Spreading the message
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 25
Spreading the message
A huge part of our work is about raising awareness of
the water and sanitation crisis. As a result, the profile
of the issue increases and people help us build
pressure on decision-makers to do more.
Jennifer Barbour of Mom Bloggers for Social Good
visited Nicaragua and sparked a Twitter conversation
that trended in the US on World Water Day. The Crown
Princess of Sweden visited our work in Tanzania,
gaining great media coverage. In Australia, our Malawi
country representative Mercy Masoo did a speaking
tour to bring the crisis home to new audiences.
In the UK, the singing toilet Louie the Loo took social
media by storm on World Toilet Day, and on World
Water Day we took a giant interactive waterfall to
Canary Wharf in London, displaying the signatures
of thousands of supporters petitioning the UK
Government to help reach more people with safe
water and sanitation.
YouTube views
Twitter followers
Instagram followers
Facebook fans
Background photo: an interactive waterfall in London.
This page, from top: the Crown Princess of Sweden in Tanzania, and our World Toilet Day singing star
Louie the Loo. Photos: WaterAid/Sela Lewis, WaterAid
Your support
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 27
Thank you
Our global community of WaterAid supporters
never stops doing amazing things to make our
work possible.
Be it those in America who rallied to WaterAid’s
#doubleit campaign on #GivingTuesday to raise
US$250,000; the 144-hour radio marathon
Musikhjälpen in Sweden where the public rallied
and raised money for maternal health; the people
in Australia who clocked up 10,000 steps a day and
raised over AUS$145,000 in Walk 4 Water; or the
runners who trained for months and took on the
London Marathon for us: your support raised vital
funds and spread awareness of the water and
sanitation crisis.
Carly, Maggie and Ginger from California rallying for WaterAid to #doubleit on #GivingTuesday.
WaterAid’s financial information
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 29
WaterAid’s global consolidated
income and expenditure*
Global consolidated income 2013-14
WaterAid UK
$ 100.5 million (£64.4 million)
WaterAid America $ 6.7 million
WaterAid Australia $ 8.7 million (A$ 9.2 million)
WaterAid Sweden
$ 9.4 million (SKR 62 million)
WaterAid Canada $ 2.3 million (C$ 2.4 million)
Total$ 127.6 million
Global consolidated expenditure 2013-14
WaterAid America statement of
activities and changes in net assets
Revenue 2014 2013
Contributions –
Foundations and corporations $ 6,182,190 $ 6,865,654
Individuals and others 561,106 498,127
Government grants
Investment income 3,110 4,800
Miscellaneous income Net assets released from restrictions - Total revenue 7,822,338 *
Water, sanitation and
hygiene programs
$ 89.5 million
$ 26.2 million
Support costs
$ 11.4 million Total$ 127.1 million
* Includes $1.1 million from WaterAid UK
Program services Support services Management and general Fundraising Total expenses Change in net assets
Net assets
Beginning of year
End of year How WaterAid America’s funds are used
6,450,500 6,246,082
755,158 812,613 8,018,271 (195,933) 796,930 570,801 7,613,813
$ 2,253,987
$ 2,449,920 ​
program expenses
management & general
*Total consolidated income and expenditure of all WaterAid’s member country
offices in the UK, the USA, Australia, Sweden and Canada.
WaterAid America’s grants
Burkina Faso
Global Advocacy
$ 876,856
Mali Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Senegal
Tanzania Zambia 329,929
Total $ 5,784,647
For the complete audited WaterAid America financial statements go to
Thank you
Thank you
Special thanks to the following
individuals, groups and organizations, as
well as the many anonymous
donors, for their vital support in
1% for Humanity
Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School
British International School of
New York
Carden Cascade Academy
Community Reformed Church
Felician College
Felician Sisters
Girl Scouts of Northern California Troop 61581
Good Shepherd Pelletier Hall
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 31
Grace Community Complex for the
Hillside High School
Holy Family School
Huttonville Public School
Irvine High School
Jonathan Alder High School
Kappa Epsilon Fraternity,
Omega Chapter
Lake Bluss Middle School
Menlo Park Live Oak Lions
Morikami Park Elementary School
Oak Park Unified School District
Paramus Board of Education
Prairie Trace Elementary School
Resurrection Lutheran Church
River Oaks Elementary School
Rotary International District 7430
Springfield Christian School
St Paul’s Senior Luther League
Swarthmore Presbyterian Church
The Episcopal Church of St Peter
by the Lake
The Flagg Road United Church of
The Shock T’s
Thousand Islands Schools
United Presbyterian Church of
Warwick High School
Woodland Park High School
Corporate partners
Abbott Laboratories
AIG Matching Grants Program
Alliance Data
American Express Foundation on
behalf of Ericka Harris
American Flatbread
American Standard Brands
American Tower Corporation
Arup Americas
Auction Cause Corporation
BNY Mellon Community
Partnership on behalf of Katharina
Bonita Lawhead Counseling
Buffalo Grove Law Offices
Choice Teas
CO2 Bambu
The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation
David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Dell Giving on behalf of Mrinalini
Deutsche Bank Americas
Foundation on behalf of Megan
Exotic World of Frangrances, Inc
F5 Networks
GlobeScan Incorporated
Goldman, Sachs & Co Matching
Gift Program
Google Matching Gifts Program on behalf of Justin Moore &
Matthew Smith
Goris Financial Group
Hospira Foundation Employee
Giving Campaign
HSBC Philanthropic Programs on
behalf of Raymond Johnson
Children play in Auhya Pihni, RAAN, Nicaragua. Photo: WaterAid/Rodrigo Cruz
Thank you
International Monetary Fund on
behalf of Sergejs Saksonovs &
Laura Valderrama-Ferrando
Lawrence Livermore Labs on behalf
of Thomas McVey
MasterCard Matching Gift Program
Microsoft Giving Campaign on
behalf of Javier Luraschi
MLB Design Group
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Employee Matching Gift Program
on behalf of Mary Drake; Daniel
Nature’s Gate
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gift
Program on behalf of Patricia
Walmsley; Lily Hsieh
Qualcomm Inc
Royal Institute of Chartered
Salesforce Foundation
Snox, LLC
Social Transitions, LLC
Standard Chartered Bank
TNS Global
UBS Financial Services, Inc on
behalf of Edward Kritzman
Vitol Charitable Foundation
Water Asset Management
YourCause, LLC
American Endowment Foundation
on behalf of Drs Alan B and
Joanna Douglass
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 33
Ayco Charitable Fund on behalf of
The Kenneth B Seamon & Jane
A Biddle Family Fund
Babtkis Foundation
Black & Veatch Building a World
of Difference Fund, a fund of the
Greater Kansas City Community
Bright Funds
Catalan Fund of Cooperation for
charity: water
Martin J & Susan B Kozak Fund
of the Chicago Community Trust
Community Foundation of New
Conrad N Hilton Foundation
Fash Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund on
behalf of Anonymous, Sarah
Brandston, David Jones, Sharie
Fondation Pro Victimis
Foundation Source
Fox Family Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
German Agro Action
Give Back Foundation
Gorbach Family Foundation
Harvey Family Charitable
Helen & Alex Schlaffer
Henry E Niles Foundation
Hope for Poor Children Foundation
Important Gifts, Inc
Innovations for Poverty Action
Laird Norton Family Foundation
Lawrence Foundation
Leaves of Grass Fund
Litchfield Donor Advised Fund at
Yale Law School
Marian & Eva Rokacz Family
Foundation Trust
Metropolitan Arts Partnership
Millennium Water Alliance
Morse Family Trust
Nielsen-Massey Foundation
Ralph Burnham Charitable Lead
Rita & Leo Greenland Family
Rivendell Foundation
Shapiro Family Foundation
The Community Foundation for
Greater New Haven on behalf of
Derry Moritz
The Harvey & Leslie Wagner
The Heller Foundation
The Marshall Family Foundation
The New York Community Trust on
behalf of Katherine Jennings
The Parekh-Vora Charitable
The Ruth L Lee Fund
The Signe Hanson Charitable Fund
Ting Tsung & Wei Fong Chao
US Trust/ Bank of America Private
Wealth Management on behalf of
the Wilcox Family Foundation
Jeane Nyirangaruye, 41, brings water to her home in the village of Kabuye in Bugesera District, Rwanda.
Photo: WaterAid/Siegfried Modola
Thank you
Vanguard Charitable
Program on behalf of
Bridges, William &
Garrison, Devdutt &
Asha Nayak
VMWare Foundation
Wallace Genetic
Florida International
Glenn Aaronson
Nikhil, Savita, Jai &
Yash Advani
Perry Allen
Bank of America
Corporate Philanthropy
on behalf of William
Jason Barnabe
Sean Barron
David & Kathryn
Jo Ellen Berger
Jessamyn Berniker
Sunil Bilolikar
Linda Brown
William Brown
Avis Buckley
Jackie Campbell on
behalf of the First
United Methodist
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 35
Church of Allen
Neil Campbell
Beth Carpel
Myles Druckman
David & Sarah
Andrew Fairley
Beth Falk
Tawna Farmer
Gary & Mary Ferman
Desmond G FitzGerald
Roman Fuzaylov
Jeff Gardner
David Gilbert
Eric Glass
Dwight & Jacqueline
Linda E Hancock
Ajul Haria
Margaretta Hausman
Neil Hedlund
Martha Heiser
George Heitz
Pete & Rebecca Helme
Robert Hipschman
Adam Hitch
Samuel Huber
Daniel Hunt
Benoit Jadoul & Diana
Rachel Brydon Jannetta
Richard J Jeffreys
June Lin Kerr
Lawrence Klee
Janet Lawrence
Ronald Lefton
Roberto & Julia Lenton
Mark & Petra Lively
Akbar Mahmood
Raymond Mai
Mandeep Manku
Michael Martin
Steve & Susan Maxwell
Erin McConahey
Cornelia McGuinness
Matthew & Nicole
William & Pamela
Drew Mikluscak
Joan Poots Mills
Paul & Sandra
Justin Moore
Jon Morrish
Magdalena Nadar
Peter Nichols
Robert J Roche &
Letitia A Obeng
Lauren O’Meara
Michael Owens
William Pease
Douglas E Peterson
Pramod Pillai
Javier Quintans
Victor & Allyson
Marc Robert
Eric Roost
James Schwartz
Ruchira Shah
Suzanne Spell
Christine Spolar
Madeleine Sumption
Nadeem Syed
Patrick Tang
Gracie J Terrill
Sarah L Timpson
Sally Uisk Bright
Karen Weissman
Lindsay Welch
Anthony Welsh
Mark & Allison Wetzel
John, Ian & Marjan
David & Molly Winder
Janine Yatko
Jerry Yen
Edward, Melanie,
Gabriel, Christian &
Gretchen Zwyghuizen
Almas Abbas
Sufia Abdur-Rahman
Jurgen Abergas
Jojy T Abraham
Judith Abrams
Joan Abruzzo
Saad Abukhadra
Anne Adams
David Adams
Jerry Adams
Brian Adler
Christopher Adlington
Elizabeth O Adu
Zenaida Agtarap
Douglas Ahearne
Germaine Ahearne
Michael Ahearne
Bazgha Ahmad
Amr Ahmed
David Ajemian
Charles Akins
Ellen Akins
Yasser Alaska
Gerald Aldrich
Michael Aldrich
M C Alexander
Charlotte Alexandre
Colleen Allan
David Allen
Mary Allen
Patricia Allen
Stephanie Allen
Bashayer Alrashed
Faisal Alshallal
Munsey Alston
Mary Altonji
Mahesh Babu Alugadda
Lhundup Amdo
Janice Ames
Mohammad Amin
Ashlie Anctil
Cindy Anderson
Don Anderson
Karen Anderson
Lawrence Anderson
Lisa Anderson
Sandra Anderson
Mary Andrews
Patricia Andrews
Natalie Angell
Laura Anselmi
James Anstead
John Archer
Vishwanath Ardha
Kade Ariani
Amy Armstrong
Cynthia Arnold
Neeraj Arora
Gabrielle Arsenault
Marcy Ashby
Residents collect clean water from a water point, Rwakibirizi Village, Rwanda.
Photo: WaterAid/Siegfried Modola
Thank you
Daniel Asher
Michal Ashley
Rebecca E Ashley
Craig Ashurst
Charlotte Ashworth
Maggie Attaway
Keith Atwood
Teresa M Augello
Austin Auger
Brianne Aul
Chad Ausburn
Christine Autry
Don Avant
Sylvie Aviram
Evelyne Axelrod
Michael Ayers
Lynda Ayish
Joelle Azoulay
Lillian Baber
Ted Babiy
Adina Bachrach
Pankaj Bagchi
Suellen Bahleda
Shabana Baig
Elizabeth Bailey
Sharon Baker
Christopher Baldwin
Megan Baqui
Skye Bar
Cheryl Barber
Andrew Barrett
Renee Barron
Tyler Barth
Alan Bate
Mary Bauer
Lisa Bayer
Christopher Beaman
Robert Bear
Heather Beauchemin
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 37
Paolo Belfiglio
Elizabeth Bell
Lucy Bennet-Baggs
Edward Benskin
Elizabeth Benskin
Stephen Bereznai
George Bergman
Arthur Berman
Jose Bermudez
Anaruth Bernard
Rachel Bernstein
Adam Berry
James E Berry
MJ Bettenhausen
Rajika Bhasin
Tony Bickel
Alexa Bigwarfe
Kieran Billen
Andrew Binette
Karen Bird
Linda Bishop
Mary L Bissonette
Lea Black
Nancy Black
Diane Blackman
Robert A Blelloch
Sandra Blessing
Joshua Bloch
Samantha Boden
Richard B Bodman
Sarah Boehm
Diane Boerstler
Lew Bohm-Becker
Jeffrey Boichuk
Patricia Bolin
Brooke Bolte
William & Esther Bolton
Gary Bommelaere
Jill Bond
Carmen Elisa
Annie Bonner
Sally Bookwalter
Ellen Borjesson
Amy Bosma
Thomas Bouwens
Jana Bovill
James Boyd
Patricio Boyd
Sharon Boyd
Anne Brabson
Bryce Brachten
Vivian Brackeen
Noland Bradshaw
Michael Brandl
Katie Braner
Linda Brebner
Kristin Breen
Jason Bregman
Heidi Brenke
Lorraine Bresler
Michael Breslin
Oliver Brew
Marcia Brewster
Jana Bricker
Rosanne Bricker
Clara Brillembourg
Nicholas Britten
Caroline Brockman
Paul Broderick
Cicely Brooks
L David Brown
Linda Brown
Mark & Holly Brown
M Tonette Brown
Stephan Brubacher
Voris Brumfield
Patrick Brunett
Mary Bryant
Thaire Bryant
Zoe Bryant
Stephanie Brydon Sirr
Debra Buhring
Margaret Bull
Adrianne Bunn
Katrina Burgess
Beth Burke
Deanna Burkett
Elizabeth Burns
Darrell Burton
Joseph Bush
Martha W Bushnell
Mark L Bussler
Francisco Bustillo
John M Buteyn
Caroline Butler
Catherine Bye
William Byrd
Cynthia Cable
Lois Caffrey
Ruth Fatolitis
Jordan Calampiano
Zachary California
Bryce Callahan
Ron & Jane Calvo
June Caminiti
Greg Campbell
Robert Campbell
Michael Canfield
Kathleen Carrico
Rusty Case
Linnea Casey
Jerwyn Castillo
Genesis Castrellon
Jorge Castro
Barbara Cavallaro
David & Anne Cehrs
A child exiting a latrine built with WaterAid’s support in Madagascar. Photo: WaterAid/Dieter Telemans
Thank you
Javier Cervera
Samuel Chackalamannil
Chaffey College
Jeri-Lynn Chalmers
Amelia Chamberlain
Matthew Chamberlin
Courtney Chandler
J Harley Chapman
Raj Chappidi
Isabel Chard
Maureen Charron-Shea
Andrea Chase
Katherine Chau
Aliona Chebac
Ken Chen
Albert Cheng
Rick Chernok
John Chesen
Cathy S Chester
Natalie Cheung
Pam Chevrefils
Janet Chichester
Matthew Childs
Sonia Chonkria
Anil Chopra
Alfie Christiansen
Ursula Christie
Taylor Chronert
Andrew Chulock
John Chvatal
Laura Cisar
Ronna Clapsaddle
Alita Clark
Cameron Clark
Linda Clark
Ian Clarke
Gerald Clary
Diana Clemens
Jessica Clement
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 39
Ann Clothier
Priscilla Cobb
Brian Cocke
Melinda Coffman
Amy Cohen
Joshua Cohen
Richard Cohen
Joe Coleman
Kelley Collins
Yecenia Congote
Terri Conley
Glen Connell
Adelaida Conove
Sonia T Contreras
Kathryn Conway
Marcella Cooke
Ruth Cooke
Patty Coonrod
Andrew Cooper
Beth Cooper
Melissa Cooper
Bill Coppock
Elizabeth Corbett
Mary Correro
Edward Corwin
Mario Costa
Philip Costa
Nancy Costello
Andrew Cover
Shanny Covey
Mary Cowles
Pamela Cox
Laura Craig
Jonathan & Diane Crider
Justin & Katherine
Royce Crimmin
Clare Cromie O’Toole
Matthew Cronin
Paul Crosby
Kingsley Cruickshank
Beth Cummings
Edward Curren
Ursula Currie
David Curry
Jenet Curtier
Henry Dabibi
Elizabeth Dalton
Heidi Dalzell
Easo Daniel
Luis Danielcabrera
Belinda Daugherty
John Davenport
Ronald David
Alistair Davidson
Julian Davies
Nick Davies
Margaret Davis
Bobby Dawan
Simon Daws
Robbyn Shannon C
Dawson Banks
Timothy Day
James Dean
Peter DeAngelo
Iris DeCock
Anne Deery
Beverly Dehu
Deirdre Deignan
Eric & Nakisha Dejong
Mark DeMartine
Marcy DeMillion
Janice Dennis
Amanda Densk
Emma Lou Denton
Katie J Devine
Robert Dickinson
Andrew Dickson
Shawn Dietz
Carolyn Dishman
Mary Dixon
Brenda Dixon-Gottschild
Ruth Dobsevage
Sarah Dobsevage &
Eddy Joseph
Tina Dobsevage
Jonathan Dodd
Mary Jo Doherty
Aaliyah Dominguez
Maura Donahue
Michael Donahue
Joseph Donnelly
Paula M Donovan
Ann Doran
Anita Dougherty
Omari Douglas-Hall
Deborah Dove
Natasha Dow
Christie Dowling
Renee Downs
William T Drennen
Debbie Drury
Carol Dubay
Samuel Dugan
Linda Duke
Barbara Dumont
Tyrone Dunbar
Robyn Dunham
E V Dunnigan
Paul Durdan
Pamela Durdey
Christina Duthie
Judith Dvorak
Natasha Dvorak
Frank D Eaman
William Eden
Karyn Edison
David Edwards
Lynda Edwards
Rebecka Eggers
Helen Ekonomidis
Noha Elanwer
Chris Elder
Ralph Ellett
Gina Elmendorf
Ann El-Moslimany
Andreas Enderlein
Pia Engel
Paul Engstrom
Ellen Epstein
Anne L Erdmann
Rose Erickson
Caroline Errington
Elke Erschfeld
Carlos Escapa
Bianca Espinoza
Julio Espinoza
Richard Esten
Deborah Estes
Stacy Estrada
Vickie Estrada
Loch Ethridge
Irene Evans
Kelly Evans
Matthew Evans
Paula Evans
Carolyn Everhart
Mary Evora
Karla Eyre
John Ezzy
Ann E Faber
Rebecca Faber
Julie Falzone
Robert Faust
Jeanne Fec
Thomas Fedewa
Six-year-old Zafu on her way back from collecting water in the vilage of Abyeto, Ethiopia.
Photo: WaterAid/Guilhem Alandry
Thank you
Bette Feist
Edward Feldsott
Dana Felthauser
Cammy Ferguson
Darlena Ferguson
Karen Ferguson
Matthew Ferguson
Renee Ferguson
Tracy Ferguson
Dee Ferranti
Justin Ferrell
Renee Ferrentino
Rita Finley
Carey Finn
Rani Fischer
Jelly Fish
Duncan Fisher
Marcus Fisher
Julia Flachman
Horacio Fleischman
Pedro Flores-Santos
Grace Folsom
Adriana Fonseca
Diamond Dan Foreman
Michael Fortney
Dawn Fossand
Christopher Foster
Philip Foster
Timothy Fowler
Ron Frank
Barbara Franklin
Norman Franz
Christopher Fredericks
Jamal Freeman
Renate Frei
Alberta Jo Freidus-Flagg
Margaret A Frew
Kessler Frey
Roger & Sarah Friedel
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 41
Michael Friedman
Sharon D Friedman
Stanley Friedman
James Frohna
Blake Fry
Ifeona Fulani
Anthony Fuller
Gene Fuller
Patricia Fuster
Arlyn L Gagnon
Phillip Gaisford
Shashi Galava
Kathryn Gallagher
Neal Gallagher
Peter Gallagher
Tara Gallagher
Rebecca Gallaher
Michelle Galpern
Todd Gander
Atanas Ganev
Jordan Garbis
Katie Garbis
Darien Garcia
Federico Garcia
Pedro Garcia
Iris Gardner
Josh Gardner
Mike Gardner
Tracy Gardner
Gary Garofalo
Allison Garskof
Mathieu Gauthier
Brielle Gearson
Marty Geatches
David Geishart
Aaron L Gelbman
Polly Geller
Greg Gellerman
Cornelia Georgantas
Matthew George
David Gerke
Lynn Germscheid
Denise Getchell
Kathryn Getchell
Sally Getchell
Steven & Jennifer
Jack Getz
Aileen Ghee
Joy Ghosh
Steve Giere
Daniel Giesy
Steven Gilbert
Christopher Giles
Mickey Gillie
Mary Gilroy
George & Gracie
Saheed Gina
Dan Ginsberg
Sara L Gipson
Helen Gjessing
Teri Glassman
Gary Gliddon
Nicholas F Gmur
Laura Goble
William Gochnauer
Gay Goforth
Sarah Gold
Zachariah Goldenberg
Allan Goldfeder
Orrin Goldsby
Ann E Goodman
Marvin Goodman
Robert Goodrich
Jeffrey Gordon
Kathleen Gordon
Sally D Gordon
Chris Gornik
Katherine Gould-Martin
Mike Graf
Nathaniel Graham
Stephen Graham
Nancy Grandys-Jones
Eric Granlund
Alice Grant
Mareshah Gray
Deirdre Greelish
Elaine Green
John Greenman
Harry Gries
Kiara Gries
Ann Griffin
Joseph & Susanne
Valerie Grosso
Nancy Grundman
Paula Gudger
Raul Guerra
Ashley Guerrero
Michael Gullicksen
John F Gundersen
Shaniel Guthrie
Magnus Guthrie-Brown
Jim Gutierrez
Kristin Guy
Bruce Hadburg
Norma Hagen-Jackson
Andrea L Hagerup
Harris Haider
Patrick Hainault
Philip & Martha Hall
Antonio Hallak
Maria Hallak
Ingrid Hamilton
Van Hamilton
Brandy Hammack
Four-year-old Blanca in Nicaragua. Photo: WaterAid/Rodrigo Cruz
Thank you
William & Sherry
John Hamrick
Emily Hanford
Seth Hanley
Jolene Hansen
Karen Hansen
Lana Hansen
Verna A Hanser
James & Patricia
Paul & Kathy Harms
James Harrell
Christi Harris
Todd Harris
Kathleen Harrison
Nancy V Hart
Penelope Hartnell
Brooks Hartsock
Amy Hartsough
Margaret Harvey
P Harrison Harvey
Shahana Hasnain
Eugene Hatfield
Scott Hathaway
Eleanor Haugh
Heather Hawkes
Sylvia Heacox
Kathie Healy
Jina Hearne
Joanne K Heaton
Michelle Hebert
Patricia Hebner
Pat Heffron-Cartwright
Megan Hegna
John Heller
Rena Helley
James P Helm
Robert Henderson
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 43
Jarmila Hennelova
Jeff & Katie Henriques
Jasmin Hernandez
Kara Hernandez
Kathleen Heron
Diane Herrig
Doreen Hettich-Atkins
William Hewitt
Torsten Heycke &
Beth Geismar
Andrew Hieber
Johanna Hiemstra
Greg Higgins
Ross Higgins
Judy Hildebrand
Jennifer Hill
P David Hill
Nicholas R Hillhouse
Arthur Hills
Martin L Hillscan
Tim Hilpert
Michelle Hilsabeck
Geetha Hiremath
Mandakini Hiremath
Megan Hockwalt
Tobias Hoeink
Rick Hoffarth
Anne Hoffman
Eric Hoffman
Mary Hoffmann
Elisabeth Hogg
Jacqueline Hogg
James & Jacqueline
Helen Briavel Holcomb
Jennifer Holden
Timothy Holmen
Gail L Holzrichter
Jeff Homan
John Hone
James N Hood
Sara Horan
Andrea Horton
Clay Horton
Peggy Horton
Robert Horwitz
Alistair House
Gregory Howard
Michael Howard
Anne B Howe
Richard Howe
Sara Howell
Charlene Hubbard
Philip Hublitz
Elizabeth Hudson
Simone Hudson
Angela Huffman
Jonathan Huggins
Kristen Hullinger
Michele Hulse
Susan Hultgren
Scott Humphrey
Thomas Hungerford
Laura Hunt
Sarah Hunter
Susan Hunter
Ella Hurrell
Julie Hutchens
Nicole Hutter-Nelson
Muhammad Ibrahim
Wael Ibrahim
Luda Igantjeva
Hamayun Imran
Linda Inmanhoffert
Seth Isenberg
David Jackson
J D Jackson
Arpit Jain
Sylvia Jakubowski
Amy Jalbert
Sandra Jane
Elizabeth Janes
Lana Jang
Sung Jang
Brian Jankovich
Betsy Janowak
Veronica Jaram
Danny W Jayne
Margaret Jeffreys
Maurice Jeffreys
Elizabeth A Jenkins
Mary Jenkins
Mary B Jenkins
Margaret P Jensen
David A Jeyasunder
Anne Johnson
Duane A Johnson
G Taylor Johnson
R Scott Johnson
Raymond Johnson
Reena Johnson
Cedric Jones
Kelly Jones
Mari Jones
Theo Jones-Quartey
Bruno José Facca dos
Gerald Joyce
Kamarena Juarez
Anup Kafle
Adam Kahn
Elaine B Kallenbach
Henry Kammetler
Betsy Kampmeinert
Thomas & Shannon
Mona Kansagra
Mamie Kamara carries a bucket of safe, clean water on her head in the village of Fayama, Sierra Leone.
Photo: WaterAid/Anna Kari
Thank you
Benjamin Kaplan
Evan Karabell
Karen Karavatos
Holly Karr
Ajay Kaul
Jaspreet Kaur
Sherry Kavanagh
Yukari Kawagoe
Steve Keaton
Jestina Keels
Deborah Keen
Anna Keller
John Kelly
Matthew Kelly
Josephine Kelsey
Mariana Kennedy
Kimberly Kern
Zeeshan Khan
Hashim Khandwalla
Shiek Ting Khoo
Durrine Kilgore
Steve & Minsook Kim
Yong Kim
Linda King
Ruth King
Theresa King
David Kinskey-Lebeda
Stewart Kirkaldy
Brian Kirschling
Linda Klaasmeyer
Marsha Klancke
Brenda Klebau
Allan Klepfisz
Monica Kline
Terese Klitenic
Darrell A Klotz
Pat Kniesner
Christine Knight
Barry A Knowles
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 45
Brian D Knueppel
Edward H Knych
Edward A Koechle
Kenneth R Koedinger
Connie Koengeter
Daniel Kogel
BJ Kohlstedt
Matthew Kolon
Kristal Kompes
Kendall Koning
Nicole Kontolefa
Margaret D Kooistra
Sean Kornegay
Elaine Kosik
Joan Kraft
Lindsay Kramer
Stella Kramer
Rene Kratz
David Kreissler
Roree M Krevolin
Doug Kriebel
Mary E Kringel
Ganesan Krishnamoorthy
William T Krueger
James Kullberg
Krishna Kumar
Steve Kunkel
JoNell R Kvamme
Susan LaBrie
Mariko LaFleur
Eleanor Lahr
Judith Laitman
Carrie Lamb
Kelly Lamers
Clara Lander
Skye Landon
Michael Langan
Neal Langholz
Gerry Lantto
Lauren LaPietra
Juan Felipe Lara
Husna Lari
Suzanne LaRonde
Aaron Lasseigne
Kevin Latham
Mary Law
Marnie Lawrence
Heather Layland
Sheila K Leach
Donna Leacock
Judy A Leahy
Kathryn Leavey
Brian Lee
Erin Lee
Jennifer Lee
Joyce Lee
Kai N Lee
Linda-Eling Lee
Patricia Lee
Sheilah Lee
Guillaume Lefebvre
Paul Legere
Mary Leithead
Jessa Lemoine
James Leonard
Victoria Leonard
Bryson Leong
Monika Lesch
Gene Lesser
Patricia Leuchten
Stephen Levee
Adam E Levine
Cliff Levine
Peter G Levine
Randy Levine
Carol Levy
Anthony Lewis
Bethany Lewis
Lori Lewis
Robert Lewis
Julia Li
William Libert
Roberto Librandi
Amanda Liddle
Casey Lieberman
Shelly Lieberman
Nathan Liepold
Ann Like
Marjorie Lind
Laraine Lippe
Ludmila Lisii
Benjamin Liu
Jing Wei Liu
Joey Liu
Charles Lo
Max Lock
Jugal Lodaya
Ruth Lofthouse
Liana Loh
Kristina Long
Leah Long
Heather Lorette
Marcus Lovett
Robert Lowry
William Luddy
Evelyn Luke
Betty Luna
Audrey Lynch
John C Lynskey
Kurt Machacek
Adam Mack
Duncan Macmaster
Anthony Maddela
Bernice C Maertz
Deborah Magid
Margaret Magida
Sam Magill
12-year-old Tuyisenge collects water from a water pump in Rwanda. Photo: WaterAid/Siegfried Modola
Thank you
Ann Maguire
Gretchen Maguire
Margaret Maher
Savannah Mahone
Ryan Maierson
King Tim Mak
Indra Malhotra
Paulline Mallea
Paz Mallea
Concordia Mandarano
Nishant Mani
Deborah Manion
Lauren Mansfield
Jim Manzardo
Ronald Manzi
Merriann Manzonelli
Alvin Marble
James Maritan
Suzanne Markwalter
James Marshall
Shauna Marshall
Courtney Martin
Pat Martin
Gabriel Martinez
Gonzalo Martinez
Carl & Donna Mason
Sabrina Matheson
Alex Mathew
Jeby Mathew
Susan Matthew
Kathleen Maurella
Kevin Mayfield
Jennifer McBlaine
James McBride
Judith Mccarthy
Elizabeth McCleary
Mary Ann McCleary
Kysia McCormick
Alison McDonough
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 47
Sandy McFadden
Anna McGarry
Karen McGee
Linda McGlynn
Alisdair McGregor
Georgeann McGuinness
Martha McGuinness
Peggy McGuinness
Michael McHugh
Janet Mckee
Robin L McKenna
Susan McKenna
Suzanne Mckenzie
W McKibben
Sarah Mclachlan
Donald McLaren
Sharon McLaughlin
Suzanne Mcnear
Andy McPhee
Danny McRoberts
Nancy Meadows
Jonathan Meer
Abbas Mehdi
Eileen Mehta
Elizabeth Melendez
Justin Melia
Rita Meltzer
Carissa Merrill
Susan Merritt
Vanessa Methvin
Todd Meyer
Kenneth & Stephanie
Mike Michelson
William Milam
Joseph Milana
Ira Miley
Arthur Miller
Georgia Miller
Karryn Miller
Mark Miller
Phyllis Miller
Richard C Miller
Ruth Miller
William Miller
Lisa K Millman
Ronald & Muriel
Veronica Mills
Melissa Minkler
Lois Minnich
Shyam Mohanka
Catherine Mollandor
Iris Montiel
Jean R Mooney
Carolyn Moore
Elizabeth Moore
Judy Moore
Bonny Moresco
Amanda Morgan
Brian Moriarty
Alison Morpurgo
Teressa Morris
Dan Morrison
Truman Morrison
Sharron Morrow
Jennifer Morse
Leanne Morter
Karl Moser
Stephen Moskowitz
Robbie Motton
Helen Moulis
Rachel Muller
Mary Mullins
Heidi Munin
Katherine Murphy
Thomas Murphy
Earl Mussett
Marckle Myers
Jonathan Myres
Grace Nadar
Joan Naidu
Kiran Narsinh
Fazila Nasib
Marria Nazif
Quincy Ndekwe
James Nees
Naomi & David Neilson
Spencer Nel
Antonia Nelson
Carol Nelson
Howard Nelson
Molly Nelson
Patrick Nelson
Jeffrey Nemhauser
Kevin Neville
Timothy Neville-Lee
Stephanie Newkirk
Benjamin Newman
Simon Newman
Kashif Niazi
Jane Niehaus
Austin Nieters
Anthony Nistico
Jane A Nolan
Donald Nord
James Norman
Merilee Oakes
Kerry O’Brien
Daniel & Deborah
Gary Ocheltree
Derek O’Connor
Robert O’Connor
Diane O’Dowd
Grace J Offt
Matthew Ogus
Michael K O’Hara
Meg O’Hare
Adam Olshen
Connie Olson
Jacqueline Olson
Cole Olvera
Ayomide Omotuyi
Aaron Opdyke
Alison Oppenheim
Oghomwen Osayi
David Osborn
John Osborn
Karen Osborn
Mary O’Shei
Stephen Osmani
Tracy Osterhoudt
Sara Oussar
Daniel Overton
Donald Paarlberg
Chandra Paetsch
Mary Pagano
Roy Pagano
Melissa Panara
George & Nancy
Merle Panick
Folimena Paoliello
Janice Park
Breah Parker
Fiona Parker
Michael Parks
James Parr
Patti Parson
Anjali Patel
Dipali Patel
Hemangkumar Patel
Keval Patel
Viral Patel
Ann Pauley
Baby Alhaji has just had bathtime in safe, clean water, in the village of Fayama, Sierra Leone.
Photo: WaterAid/Siegfried Modola
Thank you
Jerry Paxson
Jennifer Pearson
Shirley Pearson
Benjamin Peet
Heather Pelkey
Emily Pelton
Andrew Pemble
Ray Pengelly
David Penn
Susan Perea
Sonia Pereira
Verival Pereira
Christopher Perez
Michele Perez
Pamela Perez
Kelley Perkins
Susan Perkins
Philip & Lois Perlah
Sherry Perlman
Donna Persaud
Andrew Perumal
Tahira Perveen
Howard & Susan
Jeanette Peter
Amber Peterman
Michael & Mary Jo
Erika Petersen
Joseph Petersen
Anna Peterson
Judith Peterson
Matt Peterson
Ann Pettit
Anthony Phillips
Barbara Phillips
Jan Phillips
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 49
Janice Phillips
Mary Phillips
Luke Piburn
Jodi Pickering
Wesner Pierre
Ilene Pinsker
Brent Pippin
Jerome Plante
Laurence Platt
M Plessis-Fraissard
John Plunkett
John Politis
Joseph Pollacek
Theodore Pomeroy
Nelson Poon
James B Pope
Tobin Poppenberg
Doreen Portelli
Tim Postma
Frederick Potter
Steven Potter
Erma Pottruff
Judi Poulson
Nina Powers
Sarina Prabasi
Apoorva Prabhu
Alan D Pratt
Melissa Pratt
Julie Pribble
Michael Price
Laura Prichard
Edna Pritchett
Caroline Pufalt
Stephen Pullis
Mervyn Punnett
Jolene Pupo
Robert Purnell
Umair Qadeer
Constance Quigley
Victoria Quinn
Kamran Qureshi
Bruce & Harriet Rabb
Harry Rabinowitz
Aliz Radek
Rita Raftery
Hajra Rahman
Matthew Ralph
Sai Ramakrishnan
Melinda Ramsey
Mohammed Rana
Nancy Ranieri
Roxanne Rapan
Lois Rawson
Linda Ray
Burbon Redd
William Reed
Dwayne Reid
Sandra Reinardy
Alexander Reisberg
Stephanie Relfe
Phyllis Renfro
Ryan Renner
Lucinda Reppel
Violet Restall
Laura Resteghini
Ashley Rex
Arthur Rhuda
Ellen Rice
Mark Richardson
Robert F Richardson
Ted Richardson
Sarah S Rick
Jack Rieger
Emily Riesser
Adam Riggle
William Riggle
Jacqueline Riotto
Elliot Rivera
Miguel Rivera
Geetha Roberts
Mark Roberts
Elise Roberts-Messing
Carol Robinson
Jared Robinson
Ruthann Robinson
Tim Robinson
Tom Rocco
Dianne Rochford
Debra Rodgers
David Rodi
Christopher Rodriguez
Bruce Roe
David Roe
Jeff Roeser
James Rogers
N Bruce Rogers
Julio Rojas
Sarah Romain
Barbara Roman
Ramsay Romero
Edward Rose
George Rosenstein
Doug Ross
William Rothbard
Eve Rothenberg
Roberta Rottman
Rachel Rounds
Pete Royle
Robert Ruggles
Edward Rule
Betty Runnel
Susan Rush
Kyle Ruthsatz
Elizabeth Rutledge
Frances Ryan West
Robert Ryan
Rosemarie Ryan
Freitas Sabah
Qayyim Said
Leah Sakdol
Teresa Sal
Laura Salas
Deena Salvatore
Andrew Salverda
Good Sam
Michael Samuel
Robert Sanders
Alexandra Santiago
Joann Sarachman
Matthew Sargenti
Takouhi Sarian
Elizabeth SawyerCunningham
Zuzana Schaderova
Lisa Schaller
Phyllis Schaubert
Lisa Schechtman
Billy Scheets
Dorothy A Scheuer
Henry Schlinger
Daniel Schmidiger
Dale Schmidt
Karl Schmidt
Kathryn Schmidt
Sofia Schmidt
Eric Schmidtke
Kristen Schmorleitz
Jamie Schneider
Jessica Schneider
Douglas Schneller
Jennifer Schoenwetter
David Schooley
Renee Schor
Miles Schreiner
Ann-Sofie Schreurs
Krishan, 12, washes his hands using a tippy tap in his school in Pakistan.
Photo: WaterAid/Mustafah Abdulaziz
Thank you
Constance Schulte
Ralph Schwartz
Aaron Schwirian
Thomas J Scifo
Jonathan Scott
Tiffiny Scott
Dangoule Sealey
Cubie Seegobin
Denise Seldon
Earl Semones
Arnab Sen
Ariel Sexton
Kamran Shah
Manisha Shah
Anne Shakespeare
Wesley Shapiro
Lillian Shaughnessy
Val Shcherbakov
Susan Shearouse
Sally Sheck
Alexandra Shepherd
Naomi Sherpa
Nimish Sheth
Bertram Shih
Terrance Shoemaker
Kim Showalter
Ann Shult
Kevin J Shute
Rahshanda Sibley
Scott Siders
Gary Sierra
Rita Elaine Silver
Kirstopher S Simmons
Melanie Simons
Carolyn Singer
Harman Singh
Joginder Singh
Bert Skellie
Steve Skillman
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 51
Dorothy Skofronick
Melissa Slack
John D Slinkard
Joseph Slivensky
Lindley Sloan
Wendy Sloan
Solomon Smartt
Carl Smith
Cheryl Smith
Daniel Smith
Debra Smith
Eric Smith
Janice Smith
Matthew Smith
Rob Smith
Ronald Smith
Stanley Smith
Laura Snead
Jeremy Sokolec
Natalie Somer
Robert Sommerich
Diana Sonmez
Steven Sorel
Donna Spengler
Halie Spitzer
Brian Sprenger
Janet Squitieri
Karen St Clair
Danny Standridge
Jamie Stanistreet
George Stankow
Sandy Stares
Lori Stayton
Robert Stayton
Robert Steadman
Elena Stephan
Frances Steward
Vianna Stibal
Andrew Stiller
Joseph Stock
Amy Stout
Mark Strauss
Jerry Stremel
Nicole Stuckey
Alicia Suh
Ishrat Sultan
Virendra Summanwar
Marshall Summers
Ronald Paul Sundmark
Christopher Swann
Sally Swanson
Anne Sweazey
George Sweazey
Nigel Swinscoe
Maria Flora Taboada
Hallie Tamez
Jesus Tamez
Jason Tang
Terrie Tannehill
Ria Tanz Kubota
Andrew Tardiff
Faith Tate
Lillianne Taugher
Fern Tavalin
Denise Taylor
Peter Taylor
Sharon Taylor
Rouzbeh Teimouri
Katharine Tennyson
Tony Speranza
Lee Tevebaugh
Raj Thadani
Rungtida Tharawut
The Crazy Loomers
Kirsten Thiam
Linda Thibault
Stefanos Thomaidis
Alison Thomas
Carroll Thomas
Jeffrey Thomas
Molly Thomas
Paul Thomas
Roy Thomas
Sheryl Thomas
Thomas B Thomas
George Thomasson
Elizabeth Thompson
Jeremy Thompson
Nancy Thomsen
Jane Thomson
Cameron Thrall
Doreen Tignanelli
Sharon Tilghman
Michael Timmick
Theresa Timmick
Vinayak Tirmal
Mark Todd
Jen Toll
Silvia Tomaskova
Terry Tomlin
Jennifer Tomme
Andrea Tompkins
Michael Toner
Scott Tooley
Geralyn Torres
Carlos Torres-Cabala
Judy Toupin
Judith Towle
Anne Traynor
Frederic & Virginia
Andrea Tribastone
Nguyet Trinh
Ron Trow
Allison Tse
Sandy Tseng
Denise Tubino
Hulusi Turgut
Robert Turner
Jack Tuschall
Michael Tyler
Sharon Tyson
Dennis Unites
Daniela Uribe
Seema Usmani
Darwin Valdez
Kathy Van Dame
William Van Vechten
Richard VanDenHeuvel
Adriana Vargas
Rachel Varon
Jacob Varughese
Jason Vaughn
Satyan& Kumar
Maureen Velasquez
Jose Veliz
Kimberly Vennacchio
JB Verances
Rochelle Verchick
Thais Verdu
Anthony P Vessicchio
Lana Vhansen
Kenneth Vick
Peter Vicklund
Geraldine Viglione
Julie Viken
Joseph Vinson
Mary Ann Violette Vogt
Robert Von Burg
Patric von Drashek
Alois Von Matt
Sarah von Pollaro
Jennifer Vongsathorn
Ellen Vopicka
Thomas G Wack
Kajal, 16, on her way back from collecting safe water in Nihura Basti, Kanpur, India.
Photo: WaterAid/Poulomi Basu
Thank you
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 53
Vipan Wadhera
Anne Wadsworth
Nancy Wagar
Chris Waite
Andre Walker
David Walker
Jan Walker
Patricia Walmsley
Michael Walshaw
Donna C Walton
Suya Wang
Yichuan Wang
Christine Warco
Rosemary Ward
Janie Ward-Newton
Shawn Ware
Brandon Washington
Adiba Watanyar
Richard Watson
Bradley Webb
Danny Webb
Elizabeth Weber
Paul Weber
Mark Webster
Richard Weedon
Lisa Weikert
Douglas Weir
Patricia Weise
Margaret Weiss
Elizabeth Weisser
Jane Welch
Tim Wellman
Jane Wemett
Clement Wendel
A William Westbrook
Sarrah Weston
Geraldine Westwood
Marjorie Wherley
Francine White
Patricia White
Janet Whitfield
Mark Whitford
James O Whitlock
Harry Widman
Bret Wiener
Steven Wiley
Barbara Williams
Beth Ann Williams
C J Williams
Deborah Williams
James Williams
Stuart Williams
Fred Willis
Park Willis
Stephanie Willis
Maria I Wilpon
David Wilson
J B Wilson
Tom Wilson
Carmel Page
Patricia Winborne
Reinaldo B Winer
Kathleen Wolfe
Ruth Wong
Robert Wood
Donna Woodard
Robaleen Woodson
Marie Woodward
Matthew Wool
George Work
Quintina Worsfold
Arthur Worst
Rebecca Wortman Luna
Bonnie Wright
Larry Wright
Mary Wright
Brian Wu & Anne-Marie
Sharon Wylie
Edward G Wyshock
Graham Wysong
Gregory Yang
Wen-ling Yang
Peter Yolles
SungWoo Youn
Kinear Young
Stephen Young
Troy W Young
Wendy Young
Weston Young
Mark Zachary
Matteo Zanardi
Susan Zebrosky
Zoe Zell
Dan Zigmond
Jeannie Zikri
Natalie Zimmet
Michele Zittle
H J Zoffer
Amr Zoheir
Michael Zorek
Bangi Mundain, 30, collects safe, clean water from a handpump in the forest of Baradah, Bihar, India.
Photo: WaterAid/Siegfried Modola
WaterAid America
Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 55
board of
Marc Robert
Desmond FitzGerald
Vice Chair
Steve Maxwell
Myles Druckman, MD
John Heller
Rachel Brydon Jannetta,
Roberto Lenton
Letitia A Obeng
Rosemarie Ryan
Sarah Timpson
Sarina Prabasi
CEO, WaterAid America
Joélle Azoulay
Creative Officer
Romain Broseus
Institutional Development
Catherine Calvo
Individual Giving Officer
Jennifer Colletti-Membreño
Associate Director of
Corporate Partnerships
Katherine Crider
Operations Manager
Sarah Dobsevage
Associate Director, Program
Robyn Fischer
Policy & Advocacy Officer
Jim Gutierrez
Director of Finance
& Administration
Jon Hillery
Executive Assistant/Office
Alanna Imbach
Media & Communications
Elizabeth Jenkins
Institutional Development
Libby Plumb
Senior Communications
Lisa Schechtman
Director of Policy & Advocacy
Hallie Tamez
Associate Director of Major
Women working together to pull up water from a well in Pakistan. Photo: WaterAid/Mustafah Abdulaziz
315 Madison Avenue
Suite 2301
New York, NY 10017
Tel: + 1 212 683 0430
(Policy office)
1400 16th Street NW
Suite 210
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: + 1 202 729 6997
[email protected]
WaterAid America is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
(EIN/tax ID number: 30-018-1674)
Etalem stands smiling as she fills her jerrycans with safe, clean water from a new water source in Ethiopia.
Photo: WaterAid/ Mustafah Abdulaziz

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