Terry Raahauges Memorial Shoot - Raahauge`s Pheasant
Terry Raahauges Memorial Shoot - Raahauge`s Pheasant
RAAHAUGE'S HUNTING AND SPORTING CLAYS Terry Raahauge Memorial Shoot 7/30-7/31/16 Total Main Targets Total Re-entry Targets* Total Overall Targets Total Fees (excluding membership fees) 4900 100 5000 544759 $200.00 Main Shooter Name Awards Main Last First NSCA# Stephens Varozza Kirby Little Whinery Tedesco Allen Wilson Parks Jones Young Dana Barnes Rodriguez Carter Roloff Kilkenny Rocket Murphy Huggins Ginter Brauning Montejano Hagan Juhl Elliott Fitts Troutte Barth Myers Chris Jason John Greg Jim Greg Ron Stehen Bob James Stephen George Bill Jeff Rick Scott Mark AI Steven Stan Steve Jeff Orion Jake Eric Rick Ted Dean Mike Don 547011 609405 501955 541397 549334 600567 621290 520026 549666 528637 542025 512658 515730 555419 607865 522052 505047 510677 532608 617066 533460 646193 645493 643451 528940 550234 502543 553883 543405 602281 State Concurrent CA CA CA CA CA NV CA CA CA CA NV CA CA CA NV CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA JR SV VT SV VT VT SV SV SV SV SV SV VT VT VT VT SV VT SV JR JR SV SV SV SS Class Shot Broke Class M 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 96 84 83 83 83 80 79 79 75 74 71 80 73 72 79 78 77 77 77 68 61 81 75 75 74 69 69 68 68 59 HOA M-1 M M M M M M M M M M AA AA AA A A A A A A A B 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Concurrent Re-entry Shot Broke PUNCHES 2 1 VT SV Iie Break #9 AA-1 1 A-1 1 1 8-1 JR 100 74 Gollinger Eubanks daRoza Thiry Leong Korbs Anderson Jones Hagan Rossi Vermillion Navest Farmer Farmer Garza Landrum Shirar Leong Hamilton Johnson Benhase Duerson Burton Watts Lewis Benhase Yen Gulling Wright Ramsey Schmitz Lai Neeley Stan Bran John Mitchell Jared Sam Forrest Ray Mikayla John Dick John Vicky Mike Jace Bob Jerry Don Dale Don Linda Alan Jim Jerry Steve Guy Randy Bob Thelma Brian Lou Don Pat 617066 616024 631502 616159 652905 642406 637129 556139 651087 608151 544661 639621 622735 622734 623389 523780 652906 733603 CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA VT VT SJ SJ VT SS SJ & LY SV SV LY VT SJ SV SV C C C C C D D D D D D D D E E E E E E 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 75 75 71 70 69 72 70 68 66 66 60 50 50 75 71 70 63 57 37 80 71 69 65 64 64 63 56 52 46 43 42 40 32 C-1 Tie Break #7 D-1 1 LY E-1 Sub Jr H-1 1 1 RAAHAUGE'S HUNTING AND SPORTING CLAYS Terry Raahauge Memorial Shoot 7/30-7/31/16 Total Main Targets Total Re-entry Tarqets" Total Overall Targets Total Fees (excluding membership fees) 544759 250 0 250 .410 Bore $10.00 Shooter Name Varozza Dana Gollinger Malik Mueller Suleman .410 Bore First NSCA # State Jason George Stan Aslam Frank Ali 609405 512658 617066 CA CA CA CA CA CA George Mike 512658 543405 CA CA Concurrent Class Shot Broke 50 50 50 39 39 31 27 27 22 50 50 42 41 JR M SV M VT C SV SV M Side By Side Dana Barth B Awards Class HOA Concurrent (TieBreak #2) Re-entry Shot Broke PUNCHES RAAHAUGE'S HUNTING AND SPORTING CLAYS Terry Raahauge Memorial Shoot 7/30-7/31/16 Total Main Targets Total Re-entry Targets" 544759 300 0 Total Overall Targets 300 Total Fees (excluding membership fees) $12.00 28 Gau~ Shooter Name 28 Gauge First NSCA# State Varozza Dana Murphy Fitts Gallinger Jason George Steven Ted Stan 609405 512658 532608 509543 617066 CA CA CA CA CA SV SV SV VT Pump Fitts Ted 509543 CA SV Concurrent JR Class Shot Broke M AA C 50 50 50 50 50 40 39 40 40 31 B 50 34 A B Awards Class HOA Concurrent (Tie Break #3) Re-entry Shot Broke PUNCHES RAAHAUGE'S HUNTING AND SPORTING CLAYS Terry Raahauge Memorial Shoot 7/30-7/31/16 Total Main Targets Total Re-entry Targets* Total Overall Targets Total Fees (excluding membership fees) 544759 450 0 450 12 Ga. True Pair $18.00 Shooter Name Event Awards Last First NSCA# State Concurrent Class Shot Broke Class Varozza Wilson Seevers Barth Montejano Gollinger Vermillion Murphy Varozza Montejano Jason Stephen Dick Mike Orion Stan Dick Steven Jack Sal 609405 520026 533214 543405 645493 617066 544661 532608 CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA JR SV SV SV M M AA B B C 0 A 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 44 41 33 43 41 39 40 41 28 15 HOA VT SV SV Concurrent Re-entry Shot Broke Punches 1 RAAHAUGE'S HUNTING AND SPORTING CLAYS Terry Raahauge Memorial Shoot Total Main Targets Total Re-entry Targets* Total Overall Targets Total Fees (excluding membership fees) 7/30-7/31/16 544759 400 0 400 20 GauR! $16.00 Shooter Name Varozza Wilson Dana Murphy Fitts Gollinger Gross Bankie 20 Gauge First NSCA# State Concurrent Class Shot Broke Jason Stephen George Steven Ted Stan David Cindy 609405 520026 512658 532608 509543 617066 637211 640567 CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA JR SV SV SV SV VT M M AA A LY E 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 42 42 37 39 34 37 31 29 B C C Awards Class Concurrent HOA Tie Break #3 Re-entry Shot Broke PUNCHES 1 RAAHAUGE'S HUNTING AND SPORTING CLAYS Terry Raahauge Memorial Shoot 7/30-7/31/16 Total Main Targets Total Re-entry Targets* Total Overall Targets Total Fees (excluding membership fees) 544759 1100 0 1100 S4!.ete- St"l<-rl/V'rP $44.00 ~ Shooter Name 5-Stand Awards Last First NSCA# State Concurrent Class Shot Broke Class Tedesco Kirby Stephens Parks Varozza Whinery Wilson Allen Murphy Hagan Montejano Troutte Elliott Gallinger Leong Leong Mitchell Hagan Korbs Farmer Farmer Leong Gulling Greg John Chris Bob Jason Jim Stephen Ron Steven Jake Orion Dean Rick Stan Jared Jared Thiry Mikayla Sam Vicky Mike Don Bob 600567 501955 547011 549666 609405 549334 520026 621290 532608 643451 645593 553883 550234 617066 652905 652905 616159 651087 642406 622735 622734 652906 NV CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA VT SV M M M M M M M M 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 47 45 44 41 41 41 41 40 43 41 41 36 31 38 33 33 32 37 34 33 40 36 29 HOA M-1 SV JR SV SV VT SV JR JR VT SJ SJ VT SJ & LY LY VT A B 8 8 8 C C C C 0 0 0 E E A-1 8-1 C-1 0-1 E-1 Concurrent Re-entry Shot Broke Punches Total Main Targets Total Re-entry Targets* Total Overall Targets Total Fees (excluding membership fees) 400 RAAHAUGE'S HUNTING AND SPORTING CLAYS Terry Raahauge Memorial Shoot 7/30-7/31/16 544759 0 400 Preliminary $16.00 Shooter Name Wilson Conrad Seevers Huggins Barth Gross Vermillion Bankie Prelim First NSCA# State Stephen Ted Dick Stan Mike David Dick Cindy 520026 614536 533214 617066 543405 637211 544661 640567 CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Concurrent Awards Class Shot Broke Class LY E 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 49 41 42 39 37 39 36 32 HOA SV M M AA A B C D SV VT SV VT SV Concurrent Re-entry Shot Broke Punches 1
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