Advance Notice TSR 2014-ECopy (to be finalised)
Advance Notice TSR 2014-ECopy (to be finalised)
ADVANCE NOTICE The Tall Ships Races 2014 Organised by Sail Training International 1 ADVANCE NOTICE SAIL TRAINING INTERNATIONAL THE TALL SHIPS RACES 2014 (3 JULY to 5 AUGUST) This Advance Notice is to provide owners, vessel operators and Masters/Captains with information about the plans made so far for The Tall Ships Races 2014 and associated events. Further information is available at and will be issued by Sail Training International in the “Arrival Arrangements” document, which will be posted on the website approximately six weeks before the start of the Race Series. The following files are to be downloaded from the Captains’ Page on our website at 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The current edition of the Racing & Sailing Rules Crew List Form (EXCEL spreadsheet) Vessel Life Saving Appliance Check List Sail Training International Memorandum on Safety Race Captains’ Documentation Paper Trail Owners and Captains/Masters MUST download and read these documents to help them prepare for this year’s Races. GENERAL INQUIRIES If you have any queries, or need further information, please contact: Amanda Goodden Race Directorate Administrator Sail Training International Charles House Gosport Marina Mumby Road Gosport Hampshire, PO12 1AH, UK Tel: + 44 (0) 23 9258 6367 Fax: + 44 (0) 23 9258 4661 E-mail: [email protected] RACING & SAILING RULES – CURRENT EDITION The current version of the Racing & Sailing Rules and Special Regulations is available to download from the Captains’ Page on our website: Race One (Harlingen to Fredrikstad) and Race Two (Bergen to Esbjerg) are designated as Category 1 in accordance with Rule 2.02 of the Racing and Sailing Rules. Please note that there are parts of the following safety equipment Rules that are specific to Category 1: 3.07.2 Marine Radio 4.01.3 Liferafts 4.06.1 Pyrotechnic Signals 4.19 EPIRBs Participants are urged to make sure they study and use the Current Edition of the Racing & Sailing Rules and Special Regulations. SAIL TRAINING INTERNATIONAL RULE OF RATING AND RACE PRIZES Each registered vessel will be issued with a Rating Certificate which will be calculated by Sail Training International’s unique Rule of Rating that ensures that all vessels will be able to race equally on corrected time. All new vessels to Tall Ships Races will be provided with a Measurement Form which will need to be completed in advance. Trophies will be awarded for first, second and third places per class on corrected time, and for first on elapsed time (line honours) and overall on corrected time for each race leg. There will be many other special prizes for competing vessels, including for the best crew in the crew parade. Vessels from all classes competing in all race legs will be eligible for the overall race series prizes. The principal award will be the Tall Ships Races 2014 Friendship Trophy which will be awarded to the vessel which, in the opinion of the competing captains and crews, has contributed the most to international understanding and friendship. RACE POSITION REPORTING AND MARINE COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT For safety reasons, and to help the interest of the young crews during a race, Sail Training International organises a twice-daily radio schedule. Vessels’ positions are passed over the radio and logged by the communications vessel. The corrected placings are then re-broadcast so that they may be plotted for all on board to see. Results and charts showing the fleet’s positions are also posted onto the race websites at Full Sailing and Communications Instructions are to be collected by Captains/Masters on arrival from the Sail Training International Mobile Office in Harlingen for Race 1 and Bergen for Race 2. Radio schedules will be conducted on MF and VHF. The MF frequency used will be 4146 KHz. The VHF frequency used will normally be channel 72. Any change to these frequencies will be notified in due course. Race starts are normally conducted on VHF channel 72. Please note that a VHF radio and type approved 406 MHZ EPIRB are compulsory for these races. 3 SATELLITE TRANSPONDERS Sail Training International will again provide participants with a ‘YellowBrick’ satellite transponder for The Tall Ships Races 2014. There will be no charge to the participating vessels but the ‘YellowBrick’ transponder will be the responsibility of the Captain/Master until they return it to Sail Training International at the end of the last race that they participate in. Captains/Masters will need to sign to this effect. We hope that everyone will appreciate the significant benefits that this scheme brings to vessel operators and their sponsors, as well to the crews and their family and friends ashore who wish to follow their vessel’s progress. For more information about the ‘Yellowbrick’ satellite transponder, please go to: Additional information about fitting these units etc. will be posted on the Captains’ Page on CREW CHANGES Vessel operators and captains/masters are reminded that the social programmes in each of the four ports are designed to a similar pattern [see “Draft Port Programmes” below]. The main crew activities - sports, prize giving and crew party – are usually held on the second day of the official port dates. In order to allow a vessel’s trainee crew to gain maximum benefit from the social programme and, in particular, to take part in the prize giving and crew party which follows it, it is strongly recommended that crew changes are conducted on the third day of the official port dates. Many vessels do this already and crew changes often take place in the very early hours of day three. Our experience is that trainees who have to leave their vessel before the prize giving and crew party feel they are being deprived of an important part of the whole “experience” and would much prefer to have the chance to stay for those events, even if it means having to travel late at night or early in the morning. For 2014, the recommended crew change dates are: Harlingen: 5 July; Fredrikstad: 14 July; Bergen: 26 July; Esbjerg: 4 August. CRUISE-IN-COMPANY: FREDRIKSTAD TO BERGEN 15 - 24 JULY A Cruise-in-Company is planned between Fredrikstad and Bergen, giving ships the chance to visit some guest harbours between the two ports. These guest harbours are busy working to welcome the fleet with the best they have to offer. The Cruise-in-Company brochure can be found at the Captains’ Page on our website: VESSEL LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES INSPECTIONS All vessels will be required to conform to the Sail Training International Special Regulations in the Racing & Sailing Rules and Special Regulations, Current Edition. The Vessel Life Saving Appliances Report form can be viewed and downloaded from the Captains’ Page on The Vessel Life Saving Appliances Report form MUST be completed prior to each race and signed by the captain/master and presented to the STI Mobile Office within 12 hours of the official start of the event (see draft port programmes). Sail Training International will endeavour to inspect all non state-owned vessels before the Race start. VISAS Visa Requirements for The Netherlands, Norway and Denmark Individual race entrants are responsible for ascertaining what visas or other documents will be required by their ship’s company when arriving in The Netherlands, Norway and Denmark, and to obtain such visas themselves. Captains/Masters should note that ships or crew originating from any EU and Schengen countriesNote1 do not need visas to visit any of this year’s ports. However, they are advised to check that individual crew members conform to this requirement. Lists of countries whose citizens do require visas can be obtained from any of the host ports. Note 1: The Schengen countries are: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. All these countries except Norway and Iceland are European Union members. Please be aware that Russian ships will have to contact the relevant countries’ consulates since they will need visas for entering the Schengen area. DIPLOMATIC CLEARANCE – Military Vessels Military vessels taking part in the Races will need diplomatic clearance to enter foreign territorial waters. Captains/Masters of military vessels are reminded to make sure that the period of time they have applied for takes into account the possibility of their vessel finishing the Race early and arriving in port outside the published official port dates. They are also advised to ensure that they have clearance for the Cruise-in-Company area of sailing and intended visit ports. CLASS A SHIP OPENING TIMES TO THE PUBLIC The Tall Ships Races usually attract hundreds of thousands of visitors during the festivities in the host ports, and there is often huge interest in visiting ships. It is therefore greatly appreciated if ships would open their decks to the public. Whilst it remains at the discretion of the Captain/Master to decide ship opening times, ports have suggested that the following times would be appropriate for ships to be opened to the public: Harlingen Fredrikstad Bergen Esbjerg Times between 1000 and 2100 Times between 1000 and 2100 Times between 1000 and 2100 Times between 1000 and 2100 5 DRAFT PORT PROGRAMMES HARLINGEN - 3 July to 6 July (Local Times) Thursday 3 July 1000-2300 1200 1930 Event Area Open Deadline for participating vessels to be in port Opening Ceremony Captains’ Dinner & Reception 1000-1500 1700 1900-2300 Crew Sports Activities Crew Parade and Prize Giving Crew Party 1500-1600 Captains’ Briefing 1400 Official Start of Fleet Undocking 1600 Start of Parade of Sail 1400 Start of Race 1 to Fredrikstad (54°14’N 004°35’E) Friday 4 July Saturday 5 July Sunday 6 July Monday 7 July FREDRIKSTAD 12 July to 15 July (Local Times) Saturday 12 July 1200 1200 1700 – 1745 1930 Deadline for participating vessels to be in port City sightseeings for crews Official opening ceremony Captains’ Dinner 1600 1900 – 0000 Crew Parade & Race Prize Giving Crew Party 1500-1600 2300 Captains’ Briefing Musical Fireworks 1200 1400 Official start of Fleet Undocking Parade of Sail Sunday 13 July Monday 14 July Tuesday 15 July 7 BERGEN - 24 July to 27 July (Local Times) Wednesday 23 July 1700 – 2200 Cultural program for crew arriving early 1000 – 2200 1200 1800 Crew Center open Deadline for participating vessels to be in port Opening ceremony for the Tall Ships Races 2014 Bergen, including Daily Shanty from SS Statsraad Lehmkuhl Cultural program from 2 stages Captains’ Dinner and reception at Haakonshallen Thursday 24 July 1200 – 2200 1900 Friday 25 July 1000 – 2200 1000 – 1400 1200 – 2200 1600 1630 1800 1900 Crew Center open Crew activities: Sport/cultural program for participating crew Cultural program from 2 stages Crew parade Prize giving ceremony Daily Shanty from SS Statsraad Lehmkuhl including name giving ceremony for a modern supply ship Crew Party 1000 – 2200 1000 – 1100 1200 – 2100 1500 – 1600 1800 – 1815 2100 – 2300 Crew Center open Ecumenical morning service on board SS Statsraad Lehmkuhl Cultural program from 2 stages Captains’ Briefing Daily shanty from SS Statsraad Lehmkuhl Closing Ceremony with fireworks 1000 1400 Official Start of Fleet Undocking Parade of Sail 1000 Start of Race 2 to Esbjerg (60°44’N 004°31’E) Saturday 26 July Sunday 27 July Monday 28 July ESBJERG - 2 to 5 August (Local Times) Saturday 2 August 1200 1400 – 1800 1800 – 1900 1900 Deadline for participating vessels to be in port Crew Activities Opening Ceremony Captains’ Dinner 1400 – 1500 1500 – 1600 1900 – 2300 Crew Parade Race Prize Giving Crew Party 1500 – 1600 1600 – 1700 1800 – 2000 2300 – 0000 Captains’ Briefing End of Race Series Captains’ Wash-up Afterguard Party Fireworks Sunday 3 August Monday 4 August Tuesday 5 August TBC 1300 Official Start of Fleet Undocking Parade of Sail 9 DRAFT COURSES NOTE The courses given below are provisional and may be changed. Confirmation of the courses to be sailed will be given during the Captains’ Briefing in each race start port. Confirmation of the courses is also published in the SAILING & COMMUNICATIONS INSTRUCTIONS which Captains/Masters collect from the Sail Training International Mobile Office in Harlingen for Race 1 and Bergen for Race 2. (Please note that the Race Committee reserve the right to change these race courses) Race 1: Harlingen (3 – 6 July) to Fredrikstad (12 – 15 July) FLEET DEPARTS HARLINGEN SUNDAY 6 JULY RACE 1 STARTS AT 1500 (local) HRS MONDAY 7 JULY Approximate distance from Harlingen to start area: 74 nautical miles Race Start Monday 07 July 54°14’N 004°35’E WP 1 57°15’N 007°55’E Leave to STARBOARD Finish Fredrikstad 58°58’N 010°09’E 160°T from Svenner Lt Race 2: Bergen (24 – 27 July) to Esbjerg (2 – 5 August) FLEET DEPARTS BERGEN SUNDAY 27 JULY RACE 2 STARTS AT 1000 (local) HRS MONDAY 28 JULY Approximate distance from Bergen to start area: 37 nautical miles Race Start Monday 28 July 60°44’N 004°31’E WP1 59°18’N 004°52’E Leave to PORT WP2 55°34’N 007°26’E Leave to PORT Finish Line (approx.) 55°26.3’N 007°50’E 230°T from South Cardinal buoy for 5 miles SHIPS’ MAIL The addresses below are the official addresses for any mail being sent during the Races either to a vessel or an individual crew member on board. When addressing mail to anyone in the fleet it is imperative that the NAME OF THE VESSEL is clearly given in the address. HARLINGEN Fleet’s last full day in port: Saturday 5 July FREDRIKSTAD Fleet’s last full day in port: Monday 14 July Name of Individual Name of Vessel The Tall Ships Races Harlingen 2014 The Tall Ships Races Harlingen 2014 Stichting Harlingen Sail Noorderhaven 109 8861 AM Harlingen The Netherlands Name of Individual Name of Vessel The Tall Ships Races Fredrikstad 2014 Servicetorget Rådhuset Nygaardsgaten 14/16 NO-1606 Fredrikstad Norway BERGEN Fleet’s last full day in port: Saturday 26 July ESBJERG Fleet’s last full day in port: Monday 4 August Name of Individual Name of Vessel The Tall Ships Races 2014 Bergen Skur 7, Bradbenken 2 N5003 Bergen Norway Name of Individual Name of Vessel The Tall Ships Races Esbjerg 2014 Poste Restante Esbjerg Posthus Jernbanegade 1 DK – 6700 Esbjerg Denmark 11 CREW TRAVEL HARLINGEN: Arrival/Transfer Information Harlingen is located in the province of Friesland. From Amsterdam it is about one hour’s drive by car. By Road When arriving in The Netherlands by car, aim for - Lemmer (A6), than Joure (A6), than Harlingen (A7) when traveling through the region of Flevoland Amsterdam (A7), than The Afsluitdijk, which is a big embankment that divides the Wadden Sea and the Ijsselmeer . When crossing The Afsluitdijk Harlingen is only 10 km away. By Bus or Rail Harlingen is easily reached by bus or train. When traveling from Amsterdam (Schiphol), Rotterdam, Eindhoven or Groningen, there is a direct train connection to the festival location. Check or for your personal travel schedule. (English available) From these cities there are bus travels services available as well. By Air Many different airlines fly to Schiphol (Amsterdam). Check websites in your country that compare different airlines for flying with the best deal. Local Dutch websites: Rent a car in Schiphol (Amsterdam, 120 km drive from Harlingen) It’s possible to rent a car at the airport of Amsterdam, Eindhoven or Groningen. Check the following websites: Taxis In front of practically all the train stations cabs are waiting to take you all over the country. Taxis are not that cheap, but for short distance (5 km) an approximate € 15,00 is charged. By Sea There are frequent StenaLine ferries from Harwich to the Hook of Holland. Harlingen is a two-hour drive from the Hook of Holland. HARLINGEN BERTHING PLAN 13 FREDRIKSTAD: Arrival/Transfer Information By Road Fredrikstad is within easy reach of northern Europe and Scandinavia by car. Fredrikstad is situated 15 kms off the E6 highway and is about 2,5 hours drive away from the Stenaline ferry terminal in Gothenburg and 1 hour away from ferry terminals (Stenaline and DFDS) in Oslo. By Rail Train from/to Gothenburg takes about 3 hours and departs three times a day. Oslo is about 1 hour away and departs 17 times a day. NSB: By Air There is easy access from/to 3 international airports. Oslo Airport has many daily international flights, 2 hours away by bus or train. Moss Airport Rygge (also called Oslo Rygge) is 25 minutes north of Fredrikstad and has daily departures to European airports, among them: Alicante, Barcelona, Berlin, Beziers, Brüssel, Dublin, Edinburgh, Frankfurt (Hahn), Gdansk, Kaunas, London, Madrid, Malaga, Manchester, Milan, Riga, Roma, Tallinn, Toulon, Valencia, Vilnius, and Warsawa Rygge Sandefjord Airport Torp, two hours west of Fredrikstad (including a ferry crossing) has daily and weekly connections to a large number of European destinations including Amsterdam, Bremen, Budapest, Krakow, and Liverpool. By Sea Ferries via Gothenburg or Oslo Stena Lines: DFSD: FREDRIKSTAD BERTHING PLAN 15 BERGEN: Arrival/Transfer Information Bergen is situated on the west coast of Norway and is well served by excellent road, rail, bus and air transport links. By Air Bergen Airport, Flesland, is an international airport and is about 23 minutes’ drive from the City Centre. It is possible to rent a car there, but there are also buses going to/from City Centre leaving every 15 minutes between 0600 and 2000, and every 30 minutes after 2000. Until 0100 buses depart approx. 20 minutes after incoming scheduled flights. Fares are 100 NOK for adults and 70 NOK for students/seniors one way. For timetables see or By Road Bergen is about 478 km from Oslo, the capital of Norway. There is a national bus service from Oslo to Bergen. Please see Norway Bussekspress at You can get to Oslo by bus from Sweden and Denmark. Please see, for more information. Oslo is about 6,5 hours drive from Bergen. The bus station in Bergen is 10 minutes’ walk from the event site. By Rail The train station in Bergen is located 10 minutes’ walk from the event site and the train service is operated by NSB. There is a long-distance route from Bergen to Oslo and it takes from 6,5 hours to 7,5 hours, depending on which departure you choose. There are 4 departures every day. You can also get to Oslo by train from Sweden and Denmark. By Sea There is a direct ferry route from Bergen to Hirtshals, Denmark. The week of the Tall Ships Races 2014 Bergen, the ferry leaves Hirtshals every night at 2100. The travel is 16 h 15 m – 16 h 45 m depending on the day you would like to travel. It leaves Bergen every day at 1445. For booking, see The terminal for Fjord Line is located 10 minutes’ walk from the City Centre. In Bergen In the City Centre you will find local buses, taxis and Bergen Light Rail if you would like to get around. For more travel information, see BERGEN BERTHING PLAN 17 ESBJERG: Arrival/Transfer Information By Road Esbjerg is within easy reach of northern Europe and Scandinavia by car. Esbjerg is situated on the E20 highway and is only an hour’s drive from Germany. By Rail The train journey from/to Copenhagen takes about 3 hours. Hamburg is about 5 hours away. By Air There is easy access from/to 3 international airports. Copenhagen Airport has many daily international flights and connections to the airports nearby. There is a train connection from Copenhagen to Esbjerg every hour. Aarhus Airport is 90 minutes north of Esbjerg and has daily departures to Copenhagen and daily and weekly connections to Aalborg, London, Stockholm, Oslo, Gdansk, Manchester, Gothenburg and Barcelona. There is a train connection from Aarhus to Esbjerg every hour. Billund Airport, 60 minutes east of Esbjerg, has daily and weekly connections to a large number of European destinations including Amsterdam, Düsseldorf, Barcelona, Edinburgh, Mallorca, Milano, Pisa, Venice, Malaga, Budapest, Krakow, Alicante, Rome, Zadar, Istanbul, Brussels, Carcassonne, Frankfurt, London, Manchester, Munich, Oslo, Paris, Stavanger and Stockholm. There are buses each hour between Billund and Esbjerg. Esbjerg Airport, is 10 minutes from Esbjerg and has commercial flights to Aberdeen and Stavanger. By Sea Ferries sail from and to Harwich. DFDS: More info on transportation see ESBJERG BERTHING PLAN 19 CAPTAINS’/MASTERS’ NOTES: CAPTAINS’/MASTERS’ NOTES: 21