Your Place to Volunteer


Your Place to Volunteer
Your Place
to Volunteer
Spring/Summer 2013
Coulee Region RSVP Newsletter
Inside This Issue
• Letter from the Director1
• New Volunteers 2
• Meet your Board
• 50Fest
• RSVP Volunteers
Honored in our
• Who Will be Smarter
than a 5th Grader? 5 - 7
• Volunteer Opportunities 8
• RSVP Community
Collaboration 9
• RSVP Key Areas of
Service – Education 10
• RSVP Key Areas of
Service – Healthy
• RSVP Key Areas of
Service – Environmental
Stewardship 12
• Handcraft Program
• Donations &
Contributions 12
13 - 14
• Your Support Welcome 15
• Please Keep Us
• Calendar of Events
• RSVP Staff
• RSVP Board of
Spring/Summer 2013
Happy Summer!
ummer has finally arrived…or at least it has today, and lucky for us, there is not a
cloud in the sky and no rain in the forecast; yes, it is summer in Wisconsin.
72 degrees, bright sunny sky and a gentle breeze, this is what we wait for all winter.
Well, just like always, I am sitting at my desk staring out the window in amazement
at all the beauty of the Coulee Region, thinking how fortunate we are to live in such
a beautiful area. However, unlike many times before where I stare out the window
pondering what to write about in my letter, this time it did not take me very long to
decide. This time, the topic was very clear, as it has been staring at me all year, and
that is, our 40th anniversary.
Yes, Coulee Region RSVP is celebrating forty years of service giving back to our
community. In those forty years, RSVP has seen many changes, from being with
La Crosse County for a brief period in the early stages of our existence; being
sponsored by St. Francis-now Mayo Clinic Health System, and by Bethany Lutheran
Homes, all of which helped us to build the foundation of which we stand on today,
a self-incorporated, non-profit organization that continues to grow in strength and
volunteers. Coulee Region RSVP has been connecting volunteer’s age 55 and better
with people and organizations in La Crosse and Monroe counties for forty years,
and yet, our focus has always remained consistent; and that is providing meaningful
volunteer opportunities and services.
Since our inception, over 2,100 Coulee Region RSVP volunteers have served at 276
community agencies and given over, are you ready for this? Over 2 million service
hours, which using an average Wisconsin wage of $18.50 per hour, RSVP volunteers
have given approximately $37 million dollars in service back to the community. Now
that is something to talk about!
Whether it is volunteering as a mentor and tutor to a young student, helping
entrepreneurs through SCORE, doing repairs for those in need, driving for those who
are unable, helping prepare a meal for someone who would otherwise not have one,
teaching families the importance of healthy eating, or assisting at the Chamber, the
service Coulee Region RSVP volunteers give is amazing.
Already I am at the end of my allotted space and I have only just begun to touch on
the wonderful ways our volunteers give, but before
I run out completely, I want to say how proud I
am to be a part of this great family we call Coulee
Region RSVP and to say thank you to all our past,
present, and future volunteers and partnering
organizations. Thank you for all you have done
and continue to do to make our RSVP great.
Happy Fortieth Anniversary.
~ Lynnetta
Happy 40
New Volunteers
Welcome to the newest Members of the RSVP Volunteer Family.
New Volunteers as of January 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013
Leanne Allen
Elizabeth Althoff
Anna Anderson
Kathleen F. Anderson
Ann Baker
Odelia Bina
Gerald Bonsack
Russell Brieske
Daniel Brodrick
Michael Brown
Nancy Casper
Ruth Currie
Lois Durall
Douglas Fischer
Paulette Gabrielson
Ann Graff Fluehiger
Liz Greenwald
Sonja Halverson
Donna Jean Harris
Kim Herman
Jolene Huiss
Lynn Humphrey
Laura Ira
Marjorie Jacobs
Ruby Jacobson
Bonnie Jeranek
JoAnn Kennedy
Sharon Koglin
Theresa Koszarek
Annette Landmann
Joy Olson
Mark Outzen
Wayne Peterson
Nancy Rank
Elaine Roob
Charles V. Sans Crainte
Jeri Sebo
Janice Sherman
Sam Skemp
Elizabeth Solverson
Deb Stanage
Barbara Strohm
Don Venner
Deb Wakeen
Patrick Wilson
Terry Witzke
Connie Zenke
Do you know someone who would enjoy volunteering and making a difference
in our community? As an RSVP volunteer, you are our best recruiters. Spread
the word about why you like to volunteer and encourage others, there is
always a need for more volunteers. For a sampling of current requests, check
out our Volunteer Opportunities section. We currently have volunteer needs
throughout La Crosse and Monroe counties. Please pass this newsletter on to
a friend or neighbor and tell them about RSVP and our many programs! Who
knows – you might even find another opportunity that interests you!
Save The
RSVP 40th
September 12th,
La Crosse Center
North Hall
3:00 p.m.
Happy 40
Meet your Board Member!
Name: Chris Brown
Hometown:La Crosse
Job: Medical Social Worker, Mayo Clinic Health System
Civic Involvement: 21 years in the Army National
Family: Was raised in a family of 10 children and now
my husband and I have 3 children of our own.
Favorite part of the Coulee Region: I’ve traveled
around much of the world but am still awestruck and
humbled each time I look out over my yard/land and see
the marsh, the natural creek, the wildlife, and the friendly
faces that pass by each morning.
Why are you involved with RSVP? I believe in RSVP’s
core values. RSVP allows volunteers to use their skills
to touch the lives of others and give back to their
community. It promotes community, independence, and
What would be your ideal retirement? Volunteering to
help the less fortunate.
What is your favorite color and why? Red because it
is the color of fire and energy.
What is the most interesting thing about you? My
oldest daughter is getting married in November 2013
and I am honored to help in planning the celebration.
What is your greatest achievement thus far? Raising
3 children who are grounded in faith, work hard, and
give back to others.
Anything else you would like to add: “Service which
is rendered without joy helps neither the servant nor
the served. But all other pleasures and possessions pale
into nothingness before service which is rendered in a
spirit of joy.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Coulee Region RSVP Newsletter
oulee Region RSVP and Midwest
Family Broadcasting teamed up
to present 50Fest. The event was
held on Thursday, April 11th at the
Onalaska OmniCenter. Attendees enjoyed great music by
The Pinsetters, fantastic food by Big Boar Smokers, and
participated in health checks, functional fitness testing,
informational booths, and presentations. This year’s
presentations featured Lindsey Hayes, WXOW Daybreak
Co-Anchor and Special Correspondent for Northland
Adventures, Lindsey shared ideas on staying active in the
outdoors and outdoor activities that everyone can enjoy.
Additional presentations included; Forty, Fifty, Sixty…
Stay Active and Fit at Any Age by Linda Larson, Registered
Clinical Exercise Physiologist and Gundersen Lutheran
Wellness Education Specialist, The Key to Life is Balance by
Title Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Art Peek, MSW, Mayo
Clinic Health System–
Franciscan Healthcare,
La Crosse, Planning
for Life: Life Insurance
and Annuities by Jim
Schmitz, Territory
Sales Manager,
Life Insurance and
Annuities, State of
Wisconsin, Independent Agents, AAA Wisconsin and
AAA Travel: Fifty Top Travel Destinations by Janet Marie
Fowler, CTIE, CTA, Regional Travel Sales Consultant, Agent
Development Specialist – Travel, AAA Wisconsin. Our
thanks to all of the presenters, exhibitors, attendees and
Silver Sponsors
idea 5
Bethany St. Joseph Corporation
bath FIXER
RSVP Volunteers Honored in our Community
Coulee Region
RSVP salutes
our volunteers
for receiving
recognition and
awards for their
service in our
to the following:
Spring/Summer 2013
Bob Borchardt on receiving the La Crosse Area Chamber of Commerce
Volunteer of the Year Award. RSVP staff attended the event and celebrated
Bob’s honor with him. Bob has been an RSVP volunteer since 2005,
volunteering for many local organizations, spending the majority of his time
serving with Gundersen Health System, SCORE, and the Sweet Notes Band.
RSVP Volunteers Honored in our Community
Norm Ira was
recognized as the
Hometown Hero of the
Week in West Salem
in May for his service
to our community
as a volunteer driver
through both RSVP and
the La Crosse County
Aging Unit. Norm
has been transporting
clients to and from
medical and personal
appointments for over
9 years.
Art Butterworth & Roger Christians, known to many as
the RSVP Handyman Duo, were honored at the Coulee Region
Volunteer Coordinators Volunteer Breakfast in April, receiving the
Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award in the Group Category.
Loren Krueger, past RSVP Board President and longtime
volunteer, was the May 2013 WXOW TV 19 Jefferson
Award Recipient for his outstanding commitment to
volunteerism in our community. Loren serves as a study
buddy at Eagle Bluff Elementary School in Onalaska,
volunteers as an usher with Viterbo University and the
La Crosse Symphony, serves as a volunteer driver, and
provides assistance for patients and their families at
Gundersen Health System and during his spare time
volunteers for PGA tournaments across the United States.
Congratulations also to our RSVP Board Members on
their recent honors and recognitions.
Sister Fran Browning,
FSPA, current RSVP Board
Secretary was recognized
for her service to our
community by the Women
in Philanthropy during
our March Board Meeting.
Sarah Havens, RSVP’s
Board of Director’s Past
President, was honored
with the “Give, Advocate,
Volunteer, and Live United”
Award from Great Rivers
United Way.
Fran Pollard, RSVP Board Member received a
Lifetime Achievement Award from the Tomah
Area Chamber of Commerce for her volunteer
assistance and guidance. Fran is the first
individual to receive this great honor.
Coulee Region RSVP would again like to congratulate all of
our volunteers and board members who received honors and
commend them for their outstanding service to our community.
Coulee Region RSVP Newsletter
Who will be Smarter than a 5th Grader?
wesome, Exciting, Nail biting,
Educational and Fun. There is no
better way to describe the 2013 RSVP
“Who Will be Smarter than a 5th
Grader?” fundraiser held on Saturday,
May 18th.
16 fantastic fifth graders and
courageous community celebrities
matched wits and wisdom at Valley
View Mall for the chance to be
the 2013 Who Will Be Smarter
than a Fifth Grader Champions.
Congratulations to the winning team
of Midwest Family Broadcasting’s Host
of La Crosse Talk PM on WIZM, Mitch
Reynolds and his fifth grade partner,
Tommy Lenz of Emerson Elementary
As the grand prize winners, Mitch
received a $500.00 travel voucher
courtesy of Travel Leaders, owned
and operated by Goli’s Avenue of
Travel, a Mississippi River Cruise, gift
certificates to Radisson and Freight
House, a Pepsi lawn chair, and a Green
Bay Packers t-shirt and bag. Tommy
2013 Winners Tommy & Mitch
received a Pizza Doctors
Pizza Party, gift certificates
to The Big E, Smith’s
Cycling, and Coalition
Drum, a Pepsi water
bottle and lunch bag, two
Coalition Skate Park passes,
a Marcus Theater Movie
Package, and a check for his
school for $1,000.00. Way
to go Mitch and Tommy!
Congratulations to the
People’s Choice Award
Winner, Sandra Cleary,
Vice President of Cleary
2013 Winners Tommy & Mitch
Management. Sandra
raised over $5,000.00
Thank you to our Founding Partners –
in support of RSVP. On
Midwest Family Broadcasting, Travel
behalf of the Board of Directors,
Leaders, Coulee Bank, Valley View
staff, and volunteers of the Coulee
Mall, and Fox 25 48; our Platinum
Region RSVP, our sincere thanks
Sponsors- Cleary Kumm Foundation,
and gratitude to all of the “celebrity
Inc., DeBauche Truck and Diesel,
contestants” and students who
Inc., Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual
participated. This year’s event again
Adoration, Hale, Skemp, Hanson,
topped previous years, raising over
Skemp & Sleik, Gundersen Health
$50,000 in donations.
Plan, Kaplan Professional Education,
La Crosse Magazine, Mayo Clinic
Health System, Midwest Fuel, River
States Truck and Trailer, Robert &
Eleanor Franke Charitable Foundation,
Inc., and WXOW TV 19. Our Gold
Sponsors - Sandra G. Cleary, Dahl
Automotive La Crosse, Dairyland
Power Cooperative, DigiCOPY,
Hawkins, Ash, Baptie & Company,
LLP, Inland Label & Marketing
Services, LLC, A proud partner of the
La Crosse Design Institute, Steven &
Lynnetta Kopp, Market & Johnson,
People's Choice Contestant Sandra Cleary
Inc. of La Crosse, Merchants Bank
& Russell Heise
Onalaska/La Crosse, Mooresmiles
Dental, State Bank Financial, and
T.I.C., Inc.
Thanks to our Silver Sponsors,
Question Sponsors and in kind
donors for supporting this event, and
everyone who came out to cheer on
the contestants. We couldn’t have
done it without your help.
2013 Judges
Spring/Summer 2013
continued on page 6. . .
Who will be Smarter than a 5th Grader?
Thanks to our celebrity judges –
Kay Berra, John Burnett, Nancy
Matchett, and Amy Schneider; to
Brandon Holt and Dan Wiese for
their audio visual assistance; our
thanks also to our great game show
host, Mr. Memory-Brad Williams.
Together all of you helped make this
the best “Who Will Be Smarter than
a 5th Grader?” ever.
2012 Winners Sophie & David
2011 Winners Andrew & Nick
2010 Winners Shafee & J. Michael
2009 Winners Terry & Maddie
Thank you to our
Founding Sponsors!
And a final thanks to our previous
winners who came back to match
wits again; Terry Collins & Maddie
Von Muchow, J.Michael Hartigan
& Shafee Rayhan, Nick Grunseth &
Andrew Runde, and David Amborn
& Sophie Baggett. While they were
all winners, Nick & Andrew proved
once again, they still had the right
stuff. Congrats and thanks for
helping us celebrate our fifth year.
Thank you to our
Platinum Sponsors!
DeBauche Truck and Diesel, Inc.
535 Fanta Reed Place
La Crosse, Wisconsin 54603
Coulee Region RSVP Newsletter
Who will be Smarter than a 5th Grader?
Ryan Schwartz, Blessed Sacrament School
& Peggy Herlitzka, Hale, Skemp, Hanson,
Skemp & Sleik Law Firm
Kayla Bahr, St. Patrick School & Joan
Weisenbeck, FSPA, Franciscan Sisters of
Perpetual Adoration
Mason Palmer, Viking Elementary & Peter
Hughes, Mayo Clinic Health System
Jadrian Lor, Coulee Montessori & Mel
Hoffman, Robert & Eleanor Franke
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Tommy Lenz , Emerson Elementary
& Mitch Reynolds, Midwest Family
Jake Genz, Northside Elementary –
Franklin Campus & Dave Solie, WXOW
News 19
Rohit Vurity, Hintgen Elementary & Mike
Stuhr, Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
Levi Magnuson, North Woods
International School & Traci Weber, 4
Sisters Wine Bar and Tapas Restaurant
Russell Heise, State Road Elementary &
Sandra G. Cleary, Cleary Management
Leiba Schwalbe, SOTA I: School of
Technology & Art & Randy Nelson,
School District of La Crosse
Adian Roth, Southern Bluffs Elementary
& Bryan Erdmann, Gundersen Health
Destiny Krause, Spence Elementary
& Brian Rude, Dairyland Power
Marlie Voigt, Summit Environmental School
& Adam Weissenberger, Sloopy’s Alma
Taylor Edwards, Eagle Bluff Elementary &
Jennifer Kloehn, The Waterfront Restaurant
Jordan Grider, Irving Pertzsch Elementary
& Steve Berg, Pepsi-Cola of La Crosse
Henning Hanson, Northern Hills
Elementary & Mayor Joe Chilsen, City of
Spring/Summer 2013
Volunteer Opportunities
Coulee Region RSVP has many volunteer
Tor goheopportunities!
Please contact our office, 608.785.0500
to our website at to find out more
stringing large beads, stacking, etc. We are looking for
volunteers to help residents engage in the various activities.
The program takes place Monday through Friday from 5:00
p.m. to 7:00 p.m. A staff member is always present to
answer any questions or help when needed. If you are
interested, or have more questions, please contact RSVP.
Go Red For Women Bag Stuffing
Mayo Clinic Health System – Franciscan
Healthcare La Crosse
about how you can get involved! Monthly updates and
listings of new volunteer opportunities are also published
in the Senior Edition and the Senior Life.
Volunteers are needed to assemble gift bags for the Go Red
for Women Luncheon on Tuesday, July 23rd. Volunteers
will assemble bags at the Cargill Room at the Waterfront.
Call RSVP for more information.
Grow Your Brain
This organization is dedicated to promoting the health and
wellness of children in La Crosse through school gardens.
Volunteers are needed to help maintain school gardens and
participate in garden programming activities at State Road
Elementary school and Hamilton/SOTA schools. If you like
gardening and sharing that talent with area youth, call to
find out more about this opportunity.
Kids and Mentors Outdoors (KAMO)
Do you know a child that would benefit from having a
mentor to take them on outdoor adventures every month?
Do you know an adult who would really like to have a fishing,
hunting, or general outdoor buddy?
Kids and Mentors Outdoors (KAMO) is a Wisconsin based
non-profit group that exists to get children between the ages
of 8-17 into the great outdoors. KAMO mentors organize,
finance, and run outdoor adventures including hiking,
wildlife viewing, canoeing, camping, fishing, skiing, hunting,
photography, and orienteering. The group does a few group
outings every year, but most activities are in small group or
on a one on one basis and are year around. For this reason
the group is sometimes called “The Big Brothers/ Big Sisters of
the outdoor world”. Call today to find out how you can get
Lakeview Health Center
Lakeview Health Center has implemented an Evening
Lounge Program for residents with lower level functionality.
The program takes place in our classroom where different
activities are set up at different stations. Some of the
activities are folding laundry, putting puzzles together,
Have you changed volunteer
activities recently or started
serving some place new?
Call RSVP at 608.785.0500 to make
sure we have you listed at the correct
volunteer stations.
Mayo Clinic in La Crosse is in critical need for volunteers
to serve as HelpLink Installers and Patient Transport
Assistance. HelpLink installers volunteer in patient’s
homes and have very flexible scheduling, Patient Transport
Volunteers help within the hospital complex (no cars;
nothing outside the building) and serve in 4 hours shifts
Monday through Friday.
The Parenting Place
The Parenting Place’s Children’s Festival is coming up on
Saturday, August 24th from 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. They
could use volunteers to assist with prep work on Tuesday,
August 13th, Thursday, August 15th; Tuesday, August
20th, and August 22nd from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
preparing crafts and activities for the festival. Volunteers
need to be able to sit and do repetitive tasks like cutting.
Volunteers are also needed to assist with the Children’s
Festival event from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., helping with
craft activities and interacting with the families that attend.
Call RSVP to sign up to help.
YWCA Adaptive Garden seeks Volunteer
Helping the YWCA maintain our adaptive garden by assisting
with Garden Nights (Mondays from 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.)
The garden is a free space accessible to wheel chairs and other
folks with limited mobility. You can tackle this project with
friends anytime during the summer months.
If you are volunteering at any
of the following locations,
please let us know:
Any of our local schools •
American Red Cross
Blood Center of Wisconsin •
Habitat Restore
Hunger Task Force
Mobile Meals of La Crosse •
Tomah VA Hospital
Any veterans activities
AARP Tax Aide
Gundersen Health System
Home Delivered Meals
Mayo Clinic Health System
Salvation Army
Call 608.785.0500 and make sure we are giving you
credit for your service.
Coulee Region RSVP Newsletter
RSVP Community Collaborations
Coulee Region RSVP partners
with Hillview Urban Agriculture
Center’s Market Baskets Program
illview Urban Agriculture Center’s Market Baskets Program
is an easy, fun, and interactive way to bring low cost, tasty,
and nutritious meals to families’ tables in the La Crosse area.
Designed to appeal to all ages, the Market Baskets classes and
demonstrations are created to quickly teach participants how
to prepare low cost, tasty meals with minimal preparation and
clean up using one-pot slow cookers. The goal of the program
is to distribute 800 free slow cookers and enough ingredients
for 20,000 meals for families throughout the La Crosse area.
Coulee Region RSVP volunteers are packing the Market Baskets
for distribution and serving meals once a month at the Boys
and Girls Club’s Mathy Center’s Multicultural night. RSVP
volunteers have helped Hillview Urban Agriculture Center and
the Boys and Girls Club feed over 200 individuals and distributed
the same number of Market Baskets to encourage families to
make their own healthy meals at home. If you are interested in
learning more about this program or getting involved call RSVP
at 608.785.0500.
Deb Wakeen & Jeri Sebo pack Market Baskets at
the RSVP office
Market Baskets & Slow Cookers at Multicultural Night
Dick & Bonnie Meinzer help kids
smell and identify potted herbs
Spring/Summer 2013
Jeanne Stevermer & Jeri Sebo help
serve fresh fruit and salad
RSVP Key Areas of Service – Education
Foster Grandparent
oulee Region Foster Grandparents wrapped up
an amazing year in our area schools. Serving in
nine different schools and helping over 300 students
become academically successful. If you are interested
in learning more about the Foster Grandparent Program
and how to get involved contact Heather. Foster
Grandparents must meet certain income guidelines, be
at least 55 years old and willing to share a minimum
of 15 hours per week in the classroom. It offers a
great opportunity to make a difference in a child’s life
academically and socially.
Grandma Mary and Grandma Regina recieved end of year
gifts from Eagle Bluff students
Foster Grandparents
attended the Vital Aging
Conference – Unleash the
Power of Age!
Grandma Jeanne at Hintgen
AAUW Art Fair
on the Green
oster Grandparents celebrated the “New Aging in
America“ with over 185 participants on June 6, 2013
at UWL. Keynote speaker, Brian Udderman, set the tone
for the day with excitement, interest and good humor.
Tom Thibodeau closed inspiring everyone to continue to
grow for a lifetime in wisdom, grace and joy.
July 27 10 p.m. - 5 p.m.
July 28 10 p.m. - 4 p.m.
UW-L Campus, 16th & State Sts. La Crosse
Juried Fine Art Show
Admission $4, children 12 and under are free
Proceeds fund local scholarships
Live music
Variety of Concessions
Information: 788-7439
or [email protected]
Coulee Region RSVP Newsletter
RSVP Key Areas of Service – Healthy Futures
Volunteer Driver Program
e would
like to
welcome Russell
Brieske and Shirley
Bryhn as volunteer
drivers. Russell
comes to us after
retiring from
Computer Sign
Engraving. Looking
for something to
keep him busy
Russell Brieske
Shirley Bryhn
and knowing he
enjoyed driving he
came to RSVP. We are glad to have him as a driver!
Shirley retired from UWL in the ROTC department. She loves
helping people and thought this would be a good fit for her.
Next time you see Russell & Shirley welcome and thank them for
becoming part of the RSVP family.
RSVP is always looking to add additional drivers to the program;
volunteer drivers transport clients to their appointments using
their own vehicle. Appointments may include medical, dental
or chiropractic, beauty shops, grocery shopping, etc. We offer
mileage reimbursement, supplemental insurance, and out of
pocket expense reimbursement for long distance transportation
such as meals and parking. The Volunteer Driver program
operates Monday-Friday 7:30-5:00p.m. You pick the days and
times you are available. To learn more about the volunteer driver
program please contact Heather at 608.785.0500.
n October 15, 2013, RSVP will again host a session on
Medicare changes. La Crosse County Benefit Specialist
Larry White will present information to help explain some of
the Medicare changes. If you are interested in understanding the
changes for 2014 please contact the RSVP office to sign up.
Spectacular Seniors 60+
Are you a volunteer with us and
haven’t had your picture taken for
a nametag yet? Please stop by the
RSVP office during our business
hours to have your photo taken.
“Prepare Now”
for Emergencies
Are you prepared for nasty weather? You never
know when tornadoes, floods, or even power
outages will come, making it important to always
be prepared for any kind of a disaster. The La
Crosse County Aging Unit can help you get
prepared with:
•Prepare Now, a four page flyer with
everything you need for building a disaster
supply kit and developing an evacuation
•Special Needs Registry, a one page form
to provide emergency responders with any
special needs you have (e.g. wheelchair,
oxygen machine, etc.) that may require
assistance during an emergency. This is only
for people who are in their own home.
•A Speaker can come to your church,
neighborhood, or retiree group to present on:
•Disaster Preparedness
•How to Prevent Fires
•How to Prevent Falls
To sign up for the Special Needs Registry or
for more information, please call the La Crosse
County Aging Unit at 608.795.9710.
Are you looking for a group to socialize with or
plan recreational activities? Spectacular Seniors
is a group that meets monthly at The View Bar
& Grill. It’s a great place to meet other seniors,
embrace life, and create new friendships. Call
Mary at 608.519.2587 for more information.
Spring/Summer 2013
RSVP Key Areas of Service –
Environmental Stewardship
Blue Wrap Program
ast summer, Coulee Region RSVP received national
recognition for our Blue Wrap Program collaboration
with Gundersen Health System. Since then, the program
has gone Global! This past May, Gundersen’s Sustainability
Coordinator, Tom Thompson presented information about
the partnership to visiting delegates from Japan. The Blue
Wrap Program recycles Gundersen’s blue sterile surgical
wrap, by reimaging the material, otherwise destined for
landfill, into patient care items such as aprons, patient
information bags, wheelchair/walker bags, and personal
caddie bedside bags. To date RSVP has saved more than
1,000 pounds of material from becoming landfill. We
continue to grow and improve this program to better
meet the needs of patients at Gundersen. RSVP is now
working with the Norma J. Vinger Center for Breast Care
at Gundersen to provide patients with a patient care
bag to hold their treatment information as well as their
personal items as they travel to and from the Breast
Center for appointments. If you have sewing experience
and are looking for a project to work on in the comfort
& convenience of your own home, call today to learn
more about this opportunity. All materials are provided.
In addition to needing breast cancer bags, other projects
to work on include wheelchair/walker bags and regular
educational material bags. Patterns for all three bags are
available at the RSVP office or via email.
Handcraft Program
Handcraft Donations Welcome!
2013 RSVP Quilt Raffle
Sewing Volunteers Needed! Patterns
and material provided - your skills and
volunteer service needed.
We will begin selling tickets for the annual Quilt Raffle
on September 12th at our 40th Anniversary Banquet. If
you cannot make it to the banquet stop into our office
any time before December 11th to purchase tickets for a
chance to win one
of three handmade
quilts, including
the one pictured
here. Thanks again
to Linda Hamilton
for donating all
three of this year’s
beautiful quilts for
the raffle.
• White Thread
• Fleece
• Kid Friendly Fabric
• Yarn
• Batting
• Stuffing
• Wheelchair/Walker Bags
• Adult Clothing Protectors (Bibs, Scarves)
• Kid’s Surgical Caps
• Blue Wrap Projects
Coulee Region RSVP Newsletter
Donations & Contributions
Thank you to everyone for your support of the Coulee Region Retired & Senior Volunteer Program. The following
list includes donations received from January 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013. Without your gifts, RSVP would not
be able to offer its many wonderful volunteer programs and services. THANK YOU! Please know that we make every
attempt to include all donors on this list. If we inadvertently failed to include your name, please contact us and we
will include your name in our next newsletter. Thank you for being a friend of RSVP.
95.7 The Rock
A Plus Imaging, Inc.
Michael Ablan
David & Debra Abt
Ad Aids, Inc.
Renuka Ailiani
Jim Allen
Altra Federal Credit
Brant & Susan Amble
David Amborn
Kelley Bahr
Gerald Baldner
Erin Balsiger
Walter & Ann Baltz
Pamela Barge
Bonnie Barrer
Stan & Celia Berg
Steve & Julie Berg
William Berg
Dennis & Kay Berra
Harvey Bertrand
Best Western PlusRiverfront Hotel
Jean Beyer
Marilu Bintz
Heidi Blanke
Staff & Students of
Blessed Sacrament
Elementary School
Jill Blokhuis
BMO Harris Bank, N.A.
Audrey Bogdiz
Kevin Bonnar
Bonsack & Associates
Dave & Judy Bouffleur
Kurtis & Angela
Don & Cheryl
Brenengen Chevrolet,
Brickl Bros., Inc.
Bridgeman Foods Wendy’s of Onalaska
Thomas & Jan Brock
Donna Brooks
Dyanne Brudos
Jason & Amanda Buros
Kari & Gary Buros
Chuck & Carla Callies
Melinda Carlisle
Jonatha Caspian
Mark & Minda
Joel & Patricia Chilsen
Roger & Kenna
Kristine Cleary
Sandra G. Cleary
Foundation, Inc.
Dave Clements
Community Credit
Charles Congo
Mark & Jeanne
Melissa Cottrell
Coulee Bank
Courtyard by Marriott
Michelle Cowgill
Cowgill Dental
Margaret Cunningham
Elizabeth Curtis
Ken & Shirley Cvikota
D. M. Harris Law, LLC
Eva C. Dahl, D.D.S
Dahl Automotive La
Evelyn Dahlen
Mark Dahlke
Wayne Daily
Dairyland Power
Huesmann Law Office,
Neva Dayl Winfrey
DeBauche Truck &
Diesel, Inc.
Elaine DeBuhr
Dezigns, Inc.
Laurie Dies
John Dietrich
James & Susan
Joan Doescher
Pam Donarski
Oliver Downer
Spring/Summer 2013
Mainstreet, Inc.
Karen Drazkowski
Dorothy Dunbar,
Dynamic Recycling
Gayle Eggerstedt
Ernest Eggett
Heidi Eglash
Howard Eglash
Pete Eide
LuAnne & Gary
Jon Ellefson
Jean Ellis
Cheryl Endres
Engelson &
Associates, Ltd.
Peter F. Engh
Bryan Erdmann
Dr. Bruce & Meri Sue
Paul Felion
D.A. Ferguson
Rita Mae Fischer,
Thomas Fitzpatrick
Thippi Fleckentein
Mary Kathryn
Fogarty, FSPA
Joshua Fortun
Fowler and Hammer,
Fox 25 48
Franciscan Sisters
of Perpetual
Adoration, Inc.
Maureen & Bob
Herb & Lorrayne
Barry Fried
Sister Maria
Patrick & Deborah
Eric Garland
Marcie Gaspers
Bonnie Geisler
Roberta & Dan
Tomee Genz
Tonia Genz
Lee Germann
Nola Gibson
Mark Goede
Jeannie & Dan Gordon
D’Mitriann Gray
Green Bay Packers
Jolyce Greteman, FSPA
Carol Gross
Lynda Gruber-Suskey
Mary Ann Gschwind,
Julie Gumz
Gundersen Health Plan
Jerome & Charlene
Sigurd Gundersen
Gundersen Health
Jennifer Hablewitz
Hale, Skemp, Hanson,
Skemp & Sleik
Thomas Halpin
Linda Hamilton
Jackie Hanson
Carol Hanus, FSPA
Troy Harcey
Heather & Frank
Harter’s Quick Clean
Up Services, Inc.
Beth Hartung
Vincent J. Hatt
Sarah Havens
Hawkins, Ash, CPA’s
Patricia Heim
Lori Helke
Anne Hendrickson
Herberger’s of La
Peggy Herlitzka
Mrs. Earl Hetrick
Ron Hoff
Cynthia J. Hoffman
Mel Hoffman
Shirley Holman
Rosalie Hooper Thomas
Horizon Management
Group, Inc.
Susan Houlihan
John & Beth Houskamp
Douglas Howard
Laura Huber
Huck Finn’s on the
Peter R. Hughes
Kurt & Jeanne Hulse
David Humfeld
Lynn Humphrey
Judith A. Hutchens
Inland Label &
Marketing Services,
LLC, A proud partner
of the La Crosse
Design Institute
Paulynn Instenes
Interstate Roofing &
Wtp., Inc.
Pauline Jackson, M.D.
Brenda Jensen
Johns, Flaherty &
Collins, S.C.
Carol Johnson
Darla Johnson
Lorraine Johnson
Luann Kaatz
Denise Kachel
Michelle Kallenbach
Kaplan Professional
Ladonna Kassmeyer
Louann & George
Samantha Keck
Tom & Karen Kelbel
Brian Kent
Linda Kerrigan
Kish & Sons Electric,
Romana Klaubauf
Sharon Klinski
Jennifer Kloehn
Russell Kloehn
Marian Kluesner
Kalyanan Kolouju
Steven & Lynnetta
Nancy Korn Smith
Joseph Kress
Debbie Kroner
Joseph & Barbara
Donations & Contributions
Darla Krzoska
Clara Mae Kuempel
Mary Kuffel
Kwik Trip, Inc.
Marie Kyle
La Crosse Area Family
La Crosse Loggers
La Crosse Magazine
La Crosse Symphony
Orchestra, Inc.
Lackore Electric Motor
Repair, Inc.
Mary Larson
Tammy Larson
Crystal Layland
Brian & Kris Lee
Bernard Lenz
Darcy Lenz
Theresa Lenz
Shari Locante
Denise B. Loveland
Gregory & Katarzyna
Renee Luce
Mary L. Lund
Roger Lundsten
Jody Lyon
Victoria Lyons
Pamela Maas
Macy’s of La Crosse
Breanna Malin
Marcus Theatres of La
Market & Johnson, Inc.
of La Crosse
Kristen Markworth
Mayo Clinic Health
Kay Mazza
Larry McMahon
Donna McQuin
John & Dee Medinger
Bill & Donna Medland
Merchants Bank
Onalaska/La Crosse
Midwest Coca-Cola
Bottling Co.
Mid-West Family
Midwest Fuels
Annette Mikat
Jaqueline Miller
Rachel Miller
Howard & Nancy Mills
Milwaukee Brewers
Baseball Club
Deb & Joe Mirasola
Forrest Moe
Phil Moilien
Tom & Ann Monson
Moorsmiles Dental
John & Deb Morrissey
Kurt & Mary Mueller
Rajiv & Sarah Naik
Randy Nelson
Kermit Newcomer
Rochelle Nicks
Nicolai Apartments
Roger & Rachel Niedfeldt
Mary Niemeyer
Carroll & Pat Olson
Nancy Olson
Melissa O’Neill
Cathy Onsager
Lyle & Dee Peacock
Ronald Pearson
Pepsi-Cola of La Crosse
Susan Peterson
Joe Pfaff
Rahn Pischke
Pizza Doctors
Mikel Poellinger
Fran Pollard
Kelley Prise
Radisson Hotel La Crosse
Louise Rake
Rose Ramnarace
James Lee Rasch
Richard T. Record
Tom Reinert
Kellie Reitzel
Mitch Reynolds
Rich Rice
Robert & Silvana
River States Truck and
Trailer, Inc.
River Town Dental
Robert & Eleanor Franke
Charitable Foundation,
Cam & Carlene Roberts
Robertson Ryan &
Associates, Inc.
Dave Rogers
Mary Rohrer
Janet Rosseter
Carter & Aimee Roth
Leslie Roth
Brian & Karen Rude
Dianne Ruetten
Jack & Judy Rusch
Bonita J. Sacia
Barbara Saiz
Alissa Sanders
Charles V. Sans Crainte
Alice M. Sather
John Sauls
Bosshard Parke LTD
Peggy Schlifer
Tracy Schmitz
Dale & Rachel Schultz
Becky & Phil Schumacher
Rita Schuman
Laura Schwalbe
Marilyn Schwalbe
Robin Schwarz
Seven Bridges Bank,
Branch of Bank of
Scott Shaw
Kay F. Shepherd
James & Linda Sherwood
Chris & Jennifer Shilling
Susan M. Sieger
Rebecca Silker
Russ Skifton
David & Barb Skogen
Tom & Judy Sleik
Smith’s Cycling &
Coalition Drum
Dave Solie
Steve Spilde
Sister Laurette Sprosty
Dan Stacey
Andrea Stakston
Mary Stanek
State Bank Financial
Annette Steele
Eric Steffes
Joanne Stephens
Shannan Stephens
Stifel, Nicolaus &
Company, Inc.
Suzanne Stika
Gary & Lois Stuhr
Michael & Pamela Stuhr
Bruce Swanwick
Bob & Cindy Swartz
Carol Taebel
Robyn Tanke
TCI Architects/Engineers/
Contractor, Inc.
Andy & Linda Temte
Deborah K. Tesch
The Big Event Company
The Insurance Center ~
Jeff & Sandra Thompson
Tom & Jean Thompson
Karen & Tom Tischer
Allen Trapp
Travel Leaders/Owned
and Operated by Goli’s
Avenues of Travel
Connie Troyanek
Steve Turriff
Kathryn F. Urban
Valley View Mall
Vantage Architects, Inc.
Cinda Vingers
Janet Virata
Jodie Visker
Robin Vos
Rohit Vurity
Wal-Mart Foundation
Wal-Mart La Crosse
Wal-Mart Onalaska
Jenny Walter
Al Wartinbee
Peggy Way
Don & Roxanne Weber
Marlene Weber
Traci Weber
Steve & Katie Webster
Joan Weigel, FSPA
Arnold Weisenbeck
Chris Weisenbeck
Joan Weisenbeck, FSPA
Marlene Weisenbeck
Adam Weissenberger
Mike & Joan
Phil Weissenberger
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
Mary Jo Werner
Dan Wettstein
Jodi Widuch
Kathy S. Wieser
Wieser Brothers General
Contractor, Inc.
Mary Ann Wiesman
Kathy M. Wilhelm
Rebecca Wilhelm
Doug Willer
Joan Wilson
Xcel Energy
Xcel Energy Foundation
Frances I. Young
Issac Zickert
Juanita M. Zimmerman
Look for us on Facebook!
We are listed as Coulee Region
RSVP. It is a great way to keep up
on all the latest happenings in our
office as well as watch for new
volunteer opportunities and event
Check out our website for more information
New volunteers can now enroll directly on our website and volunteer hours can be submitted as well!
Coulee Region RSVP Newsletter
Your Support Welcome
Please consider helping RSVP with a
tax-deductible donation.
RSVP is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Yes, I would like to make a donation to RSVP in the amount of:
Other $_________
This gift is IN MEMORY OF _______________________________________________________________
This gift is IN HONOR OF________________________________________________________________
Please make checks payable to: Friends of Coulee Region RSVP
2920 East Avenue South, Suite 104 La Crosse, WI 54601
Please cut and mail
Please keep us Informed!
I have a change of address or new phone number I know of a fellow volunteer who has moved, is sick, or has passed away I would like to start volunteering at a new station
I know a non profit group that would like to become an RSVP station
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________________________________________
Information: ___________________________________________________________________________
Please cut and mail
2013 Calendar of Events
Saturday, July 27- Sunday, July 28 – AAUW Art
Fair on the Green
Wednesday, July 24 - La Crosse Go Red For Women
Friday, August 9 – Sunday, August 11 – Irishfest
Thursday, September 12 – 40th Anniversary RSVP
Volunteer Recognition Banquet
Friday, September 27 – Saturday, October 6 –
Spring/Summer 2013
Saturday, October 12 – Downtown Mainstreet
Historic Downtown Day
Thursday, November 14 – RSVP Handcraft
Open House at the RSVP Office from 9:00 a.m.
until 3:00 p.m.
Friday, November 29 – Tuesday, December
31 – Rotary Lights
December - Please remember to send in all
2013 volunteer hours!
Coulee Region RSVP, Inc.
Non-Profit Org.
2920 East Avenue South, Suite 104
La Crosse, WI 54601
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 372
La Crosse WI 54601
Phone: 608.785.0500
Fax: 608.785.2573
Email: [email protected]
RSVP Staff
Heather M. Harpenau
Program Specialist
[email protected]
Amanda J. Buros
Assistant Director
[email protected]
Lynnetta P. Kopp
Executive Director
[email protected]
Friends of Coulee Region RSVP, Inc.
Board of Directors
Beth Curtis
Retired ~ Onalaska School
Past President
Sarah Havens
Director of Community and
Preventive Care Services
Gundersen Lutheran
Vice President
Lorrayne French
Retired ~ Accountant
Sister Fran Browning,
Board Counsel
Terence Collins, Attorney
Johns, Flaherty & Collins, SC
Chris Brown
Elder Services
Mayo Health System Franciscan
Robert “Bob” Brudos
Retired ~ B&B Ceramics
Dottie Miller
Event Planner
An Affair to Remember
Lyle Peacock
Retired ~ Community Camera
Franciscan Sister Perpetual
Myrna “Dee” Peacock
John Hamilton
Fran Pollard
Retired ~ Vice President
Western Technical College
Retired ~ Community Camera
Retired ~ CenturyTel
Former Mayor of Tomah
Printing Services donated by Dairyland Power Cooperative
Coulee Region RSVP Newsletter