What is VERVA Street Racing?


What is VERVA Street Racing?
Street race
in the heart of the city!
5 million
television viewers
85 thousand
110 vehicles
fot. Lukas Nazdraczew / LIVE
spectators along the track
fot. Photosynteza.com / LIVE
What is VERVA Street Racing?
str. 3
PKN ORLEN – title sponsor
str. 4
Poland – a European Leader
str. 5
Warsaw is also the automotive
capital of Poland
str. 6
Loop-shaped track
str. 7
Infrastructure – a racing town
str. 8
Safety comes first
str. 9
VERVA Street Racing Programme
str. 10
Pit Party
str. 11
str. 12
VERVA Street Racing w mediach
str. 13
World stars at VERVA Street Racing
str. 14
Selected participants of
VERVA Street Racing (2010 and 2011)
str. 15
Teams hospitality
str. 16
VIP zones
str. 17
str. 18
Partners of VERVA Street Racing
str. 19
str. 20
str. 28
VERVA Street Racing
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What is
The idea of the VERVA Street Racing project is to
create a spectacular festival of cars in the heart of
the Polish capital, which combines the formula of
leading motor car races (e.g. F1, GP2, F3, Porsche
Supercup, GT1 and GT3) with an automotive
show (e.g. Stunt, Drift, NASCAR and Dragsters
exhibitions). The selection of teams participating in
VERVA Street Racing is not incidental and is aimed
at showing the variety of motor sports.
VERVA Street Racing is a one-day regular event dating back
to 2010, when the main sponsor of the project, PKN ORLEN,
decided to show to all motor sport fans the emotions they
could have experienced only in television before. In its
consecutive editions, the VERVA Street Racing is getting close
to such leading projects as e.g. Goodwood Festival of Speed,
Bavaria City Racing or Race of Champions.
Warsaw is visited by leading world racing and really teams,
legendary drivers and motorcyclists every year, making VERVA
Street Racing a highlight on the map of most important
automotive events, which you cannot miss.
Admissions are free, with tickets sold only for the Pit Party
and seats in the stands.
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fot. Luka
s Nazdr
aczew /
The last edition of VERVA Street Racing featured 110 cars and
motorbikes and the competition of the fastest cars in the world
was watched directly by more than 85 thousand spectators
and millions TV viewers.
See more at www.vervastreetracing.pl
VERVA Street Racing
PKN ORLEN – title sponsor
PKN ORLEN is a leader of the oil sector and a leading producer
and distributor of refinery and petrochemical products in the
region. The core business of the concern is oil processing
into gasoline, diesel oil, fuel oil, aviation fuel, plastics and
The Company operates seven refining plants in Poland, the Czech
Republic and Lithuania, including the refining and petrochemical
complex in Płock, Poland, recognised as one of the state-of-the-art
plants of the sector in Europe.
PKN ORLEN has the largest chain of fuel stations in the Central
Europe (2 601 points) located in Poland, Germany, the Czech
Republic and Lithuania.
As of the end of 2010, Grupa ORLEN employed about
22,040 persons and its income on sales in 2010 amounted to
PLN 84 billion, i.e. about EUR 20 billion.
PKN ORLEN has been supporting the Polish motor sport on
the international arena for more than a decade. In 1999, the
ORLEN Team debuted in the Dakar Race and its members
have been in the lead of the competition ever since,
both in the motorcycle and car categories. In 2010, the
concern extended its involvement in motor sports,
by creating the first Polish racing team, VERVA Racing
Team, competing in the prestigious Porsche Supercup
VERVA is a brand of high generation fuels; its
exclusive producer is PKN ORLEN.
– a European Leader
A very important element of the project is the social and economic
environment. Poland has been the most dynamically developing country
out of all new EU members.
Poland is distinguished primarily by the large internal market (the population of 38 million)
and a stable economic development (in terms of GNP, Poland is the 8th economy in Europe
and 21st globally). In 2009, i.e. during the deepest world recession, the Polish economy was
unique by recording positive growth of GNP (1.8% – 2009, 3.8% – 2010, 4% – 2011), and
developing at the fastest pace in Europe! Poland is also the largest market of the Central and
Eastern Europe and the sixth market on the continent.
It is noteworthy that in the report of Ernst & Young European Attractiveness Survey 2010,
Poland is most often indicated by managers of foreign companies as the potential location
for new investment projects in Europe.
In 2012, Poland will host the EURO2012 Cup together with Ukraine.
Poland has been a member of NATO since 1999 and of the European Union since 2004.
VERVA Street Racing
Warsaw is also
the automotive capital of Poland
Alike only few other motor sport events in the world, VERVA Street Racing takes place in the very centre
of one of the European capitals – Warsaw. As a result, the project takes advantage of the demographic
potential of the city (about 3 million inhabitants) and the fact that Warsaw is the political, economic
and media centre of Polish life.
The most important element of this location is a temporary
racing track located in the heart of the city, which is delineated
by narrow streets among tall buildings. Some of them date
back to the 19th century.
This is also the most historic and prestigious quarter of the
Warsaw metropolitan area, next to the Old City, entered in the
UNESCO global heritage list. The arena of VERVA Street Racing
is only a two-minute walk away from the main tourist attraction
of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście, which features the Royal
Castle and the Presidential Palace. The most representative
street of Warsaw (Nowy Świat) is also nearby, as well as the
most exclusive clubs and restaurants in the capital of Poland.
The largest Polish airport is situated in Warsaw, only 10 km from
the city centre. The location so close to the developments
makes it sometimes called the ‘Airport city’.
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fot. Lukas Nazdraczew / LIVE
The capital of Poland has the best developed hotel network
with the highest quality service in Poland. Numerous
chains have their hotels in Warsaw, such as: Hilton, Hyatt,
InterContinental, Marriott, Radisson SAS, Sheraton, Sofitel
and Westin.
VERVA Street Racing
Loop-shaped track
VERVA Street Racing takes place on a temporary
street track, which runs among the buildings
located in the very centre of Warsaw. Several days
before the event the streets get closed for the city
traffic and are adapted to the race.
l Vic
The track is about 1200 m long and comprises a loop with
7 curves. The paddock is directly adjacent to the track and
they communicate very well.
in several places. Alike in professional urban racing tracks,
the track in Warsaw is separated with concrete rails that do
not tolerate even the smallest errors of drivers.
Despite its length, the track is demanding. The greatest
challenge for drivers is its width, which hinders overtaking
The surface is even and made of asphalt along the whole
length, but its grip is moderate due to the urban conditions.
In the coming years, an additional hard surface track
(cobbled road surface) is planned next to the present racing
track, to become a special show section for rally cars.
Circuit length: 1200 m
Number of turns: 7
Surface: asphalt
Infrastructure – a racing town
A fragment of the very city centre is converted into the VERVA Street Racing track. Obviously, the area
where the race takes place is not adapted to the organization of motor sport events on such a scale.
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Therefore, in addition to the construction of the motor track,
the following technical infrastructure necessary for the event
is installed:
• a power network (6.5 km long) and an IT network
• a television network
• a public address system tower (20) and large screens (70)
• mobile stands (4) for about 8 thousand spectators
• footbridges above the track (4)
• the stage structure directly above the start / finish
• mobile production offices (15)
• a paddock
• a catering zone (2)
• commercial zones
• VIP zones (2)
The construction of the infrastructure is a major logistic
challenge and continues for about 10 days non-stop.
It involves about 200 experts in different areas.
Safety comes first
Already since the first edition of VERVA Street
Racing the issues of safety, both of spectators and
drivers, have been of utmost importance for the
organisers of the event. A multi-level protection
system has been developed especially for VERVA
Street Racing.
Already since the first edition of VERVA Street Racing the issues
of safety, both of spectators and drivers, have been of utmost
importance for the organisers of the event. A multi-level
protection system has been developed especially for VERVA
Street Racing
The basic element that provides safety includes mobile
concrete barriers set up in crucial fragments of the track. More
than 700 such barriers are used to protect the competitors
and the public. An additional protection element are several
hundred tyres that shelter special crash columns located at the
edge of road as well as plastic boards filled with water.
The track and the spectators are constantly monitored and
protected on the event day by 700 qualified security officers.
The communication is digital with advanced systems, the same
as applied in the Formula 1 races.
The last safety element is the medical aid services of almost
60 physicians and paramedics and several dozen ambulances
and fire brigade trucks, which keep monitoring the site
of the event.
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The area of the event is fenced with more than 6.5 km of various
barriers and fences. 4 special communication footbridges
are constructed above the track, to prevent spectators from
running across the car route.
VERVA Street Racing
VERVA Street Racing Programme
The scenario of VERVA Street Racing is aimed at getting most out of a single day of the event and at creating an exciting
and lively atmosphere. An important part of the programme is the Pit Party, i.e. visits to the machine park, as well as the
inter-disciplinary final race, which arouses most emotions. The sport content is divided into thematic blocks.
An example framework programme of the last edition
of VERVA Street Racing 2011:
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9.00 - 12.00
13.30 13.50 15.30 17.00 18.00 18.30 Pit Party
Official opening ceremony and a car parade
Racing block: Formula 1 series, Formula 3 series,
Porsche Supercup, DTM and Le Mans
Sport block: Drifting, Stunt, GT Cars, and Dragsters
Rally block: cars, motorcycles, quads, and Dakar trucks
Grand final: an interdisciplinary race
Autograph session
An inherent part of the VERVA Street Racing programme is the motor competition (e.g. a carting race or a team pit stop race),
where celebrities compete. The competitions are very popular among the spectators and the media.
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The programme of the event is planned in detail also in terms of television production and live broadcasts.
VERVA Street Racing
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Every team or event partner may arrange its space at its
discretion. Many teams build special promotional stands for
the event, which are a great attraction for the spectators.
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VERVA Street Racing means more than a race – it gives
a unique opportunity to visit the pit zone, which is not
accessible to the public during the actual competition.
Everyone who buys a special ticket in advance can see the
fastest vehicles in the world, the exciting work of mechanics
and get an autograph of a favourite driver.
The Pit Party zone is adjacent to the event area, being also
the technical zone during the race.
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fot. Rafał Wielgus / LIVE
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Pit Party
VERVA Street Racing
The television material is recorded in the HD format. The
coverage is broadcast in almost all channels of the TVN Group,
• TVN – the second most popular television channel in Poland
(14.92% market share)
• TVN24 – the most popular information station and theme
channel in Poland
• TVN Turbo – the first Polish automotive theme channel
TVN is the most dynamically developing television station in • TVN Style – the channel dedicated to modern women
Europe, which is particularly popular among advertisers who • TVN Meteo – the first Polish weather channel
want to reach out to city dwellers aged 16-49, with aboveaverage incomes and education.
During the second edition of VERVA Street Racing, the TVN
Group stations had 17 live broadcasts from the site of the event.
TVN provides gigantic technical and personnel resources for
VERVA Street Racing, such as:
The audience ratings of all TVN programmes dedicated to VERVA
Street Racing increase every year.
• 28 television cameras (including on-board and boom cameras)
• 6 transmission and satellite trucks
• 3.3 million viewers (2010)
• 80 personnel members
• 5.0 million viewers (2011)
fot. Paweł Nałęcz / LIVE
VERVA Street Racing is an event that is organised
in cooperation with the largest national private
television, TVN.
Street Racing
in media
The following media coverage has appeared within the two
editions of VERVA Street Racing:
Press: About 100 press articles
Internet: About 450 internet articles
Radio: About 150 radio broadcasts
Television: 4591 + 2579 television broadcasts
The estimated value of the logo exposition of all brands in
television during the two editions of VERVA Street Racing
(including brands not related to the titular sponsor) amounted
to about EUR 1.3 million.
The estimated media value of the broadcasts involving the
name of the titular sponsor within the two editions of VERVA
Street Racing amounted to about EUR 1.5 million.
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The competition of the fastest vehicles in the world
has been the largest regular automotive event in
Poland in recent years. It attracts great interest
of leading media specialising in news, sport, the
automotive industry and lifestyle.
200 carefully selected journalists from the most important
media receive credentials to cover the event every year. Only
half of the applications are granted.
VERVA Street Racing
World stars at VERVA Street Racing
The organisers of VERVA Street Racing invite the
greatest starts of motor sports and pop culture
to join the event, which builds up its reputation.
So far, the following persons have participated in
VERVA Street Racing:
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Jay Kay – a big star of funk music (a leader of Jamiroquai), known
for his love for sport cars. During a special Porsche Legends
parade, the artist drove a unique 914/6GT model from 1970.
Ben Collins – an icon and a famous Stig performer in the most
popular motor programme, Top Gear; he participated in the second
edition of VERVA Street Racing in the parade of legendary Porsche,
driving Shelby GT500, as a part of promoting his newly published
David Piper – 79-year-old veteran of racing; at VERVA Street Racing
he drove Porsche 917k of a slightly futuristic design. In this car ‘Pipes’
(together with Richard Attwood) won the South-African rally Kyalami 9
Hour in 1969. The car started also in the classic Le Mas and Nürburgring
1000 km.
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Marc Coma – a prize-winning Spanish motor rider in off-road rallies; a
three-time winner of the Dakar Rally and a four-time winner of the Cross
Country World Championship.
Stéphane Peterhansel – a French motorcyclist and rally driver, at present
a member of the X-raid team; he has won the Dakar Rally six times in the
motorcycling category and three times in the car category.
Cyril Despres – a French rally motor rider specialising in off-road rallies,
considered to be the successor of Peterhansel in desert rallies; a three-time
winner of the Dakar Rally.
Augusto Farfus – a racing driver of Brazilian descent, second in the all-time
WTCC classification in the number of wins; at present in the BMW Team RBM.
fot. Monika Wiąckiewicz / LIVE
Jörg Müller – a German racing driver and a winner of a great many racing series
such as WTCC, American Le Mans Series and GT class.
Heinz Kinigardner – an Austrian motocross and rally champion, well-known for his
charity programmes for motorcyclists injured in accidents.
Chris Pfeiffer – a German motorcyclist, a four-time World and Europe Champion in
motorcycling stunt.
fot. Lukas Nazdraczew / LIVE
Selected participants
of VERVA Street Racing
(2010 and 2011)
VERVA Racing Team
Kuba Giermaziak and Stefan Rosina, the drivers of the first
Polish team starting in the Porsche Supercup, race on the
Warsaw’s streets in their 911 GT3 Cup. Since the 2010 season,
the Team has been competing in international races held
during the Grand Prix Formula 1. The team are the hosts of
VERVA Street Racing.
The first Polish professional rally team, created at the turn
of 1999 and 2000 and competing regularly in the Cross
Country Cup and the legendary Dakar Rally. Its members
are motor riders – Jacek Czachor, Marek Dąbrowski and
Kuba Przygoński, and car drivers – Krzysztof Hołowczyc and
Szymon Ruta.
Classic Team Lotus
During the 2011 edition, the spectators had a unique
opportunity to see 6 historic racing cars of the queen of all
races, Formula 1, at the Warsaw track. Copies of the Lotus
make, the stable that won the constructor’s cup 7 times,
came from 1925, 1949, 1976, 1979, 1991 and 1992.
The roaring sound of the Toyota Camry engine aroused
extraordinary emotions. Tomasz Kuchar, a guest driver
of this American demon of speed from the most popular
racing series in America, did his utmost, making the back
tyres explode during the show. The NASCAR representative
(in the colours of the Red Bull brand) came to Poland for the
first time for VERVA Street Racing 2011.
BMW Motorsport
BMW Z4 GT3, the winner of the 24h Dubai race in 2010,
was designed especially to start in long-distance events.
Jörg Müller, a multi-champion of the series such as WTCC,
American Le Mans Series and GT class, sat behind its wheel
during VSR.
The team established in 1974 in Belgium (Mechelen) enjoys
the status of a private stable, but has always been related
strongly to BMW. The team started to compete in the WTCC
series since the first season. The team was represented in
Warsaw by Augusto Farfusa.
Formula 3 (Motopark Academy)
Formula 3 is the second motor sport discipline where Kuba
Giermaziak, a young Polish driver supported by PKN ORLEN,
has been so successful. Motopark Academy is famous for the
education of young racing drivers, as shown by as many as
8 titles won in the junior series of Formula Renault 2.0. F3
racing cars of the Motopark Academy team have started in
the Warsaw race twice.
Legendary Porsche
In this block of the event spectators admired 5 historic cars
of the motor aristocracy, i.e. the Porsche make. The oldest
model was 356 SL from 1953. The event featured also 914/GT
(1970) driven by Jay Kay (a vocalist and leader of Jamiroquai)
and the futuristic 917k, with 79-year-old David Piper, a racing
legend, behind its wheel.
Red Bull KTM / MRW KTM
The motor riding stars of the Dakar Rally graced Warsaw with
their presence. In their excellent drives and time contests in
the Supermoto competition, the Polish representatives of
the ORLEN Team competed against Cyril Despres and Ruben
Faria from Red Bull KTM, Marc Coma from MRW KTM and
Helder Rodrigues. It is noteworthy that Despres and Coma
are the winners of the Dakar Rally!
The first edition of VERVA Street Racing hosted also other
leading motor riders, such as Pal Anders Ullevalseter, with
Heinz Kinigardner as a special guest.
One of the two strongest teams in the cross country rally
cars. The climax of the Dakar Spirit 2011 block was the
fratricidal duel between Krzysztof Hołowczyc and the threetime winner of the Dakar Rally, his colleague from the X-raid
team, Stephan Peterhansel from France. One year earlier
‘Hołek’ competed against famous Guerlain Chicherit.
VERVA Street Racing
fot. Lukas Nazdraczew / LIVE
Teams hospitality
The organiser of VERVA Street Racing makes sure
that the stay of drivers and team members should
be on the highest level. We provide assistance since
the arrival of teams to Warsaw.
Pick up & drop off
Teams that come to the Fryderyk Chopin Warsaw Airport are
picked up by a special shuttle bus of VERVA Street Racing and
dropped off at their accommodation sites. The journey is short
and takes about 20 minutes, as the airport is conveniently
located near the city centre of Warsaw (only 10 km). After the
event, the teams are taken back to the Airport. The pick-up and
drop-off service is rendered exclusively for registered teams.
The teams stay at the Sofitel Warsaw Victoria **** hotel, located
only 400 m from the paddock and the VERVA Street Racing
track! The hotel, famous for the highest quality of its services,
is located in the most representative part of Warsaw, very close
VERVA Street Racing
to the Old City and the best clubs and restaurants in the capital
of Poland.
At the site
A special separate zone for drivers and all members of the team
is arranged at the site. The zone is the resting place during the
event, with catering facilities as well.
An assistant is designated for every team. The job of the
assistants is to provide an optimum stay during the VERVA
Street Racing. The assistant, who speaks fluent English, is also
responsible for coordinating the performance of the team
during the event.
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VIP zones
fot. Sebastian Wolny / LIVE
VERVA Street Racing is an ideal opportunity to have informal business
talks, make valuable contacts or just watch the races in a distinguished
company. All that is possible in the exclusive VIP zones near
the event area (e.g. the Grand Theatre, Hotel Sofitel
Victoria). Guests of the VIP zones include leading
representatives of Polish business, art and
sport as well as top politicians.
A special zone design that refers
to the sport nature of the event
• Art performance and shows
• Advance multimedia back-up facilities
• A separate stand for VIP guests
• All-day catering and an open bar
• An after party
fot. Sebastian Wolny / LIVE
fot. Rafał Wielgus / LIVE
VERVA Street Racing gives the opportunity to
promote a brand by installing stands at an event
site. To this purpose, a special zone is designated
every year, where shops are located and the
spectators can buy brand gadgets and souvenirs
related to the event. The kids’ zone and the
catering area are also located nearby.
A partner interested in preparing its own sale or exhibition
zone receives a specific area with a power connection from the
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fot. Rafał Wielgus / LIVE
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• Brenda
• Mercedes – Benz
• Monster Jam
• Phillip Morris
• Rajd Polski
• Sony
• Stig (promotion and sales of book)
• Transformers (Hasbro)
• Vitay Team Shop (PKN ORLEN)
fot. Dawid Dybol / LIVE
The merchandising stands at VERVA Street Racing have been
used by:
fot. Lukas Nazdraczew / LIVE
of VERVA Street Racing
Mercedes – Benz
Red Bull
VERVA Street Racing
VERVA Street Racing
VERVA Street Racing
Second Floor, Earls Court Exhibition Centre Warwick Road London SW5 9TA
tel 020 7471 1080
fax 020 7471 1090
Bartosz Bieszynski
Ul. Wielicka 36 02-657 Warsaw
Organiser of the Verva Street Racing event
20th July 2011
Dear Bartosz
It was really great to travel to your country and witness such an extremely
impressive event, Verva Street Racing was truly an event the team should
be proud of.
As an organizer of the Top Gear World Tour events, I would like to ofer
my congratulatons on what I felt was a thoroughly impressive event the organizaton, the layout, (the car content was superb),
handling the build and break down in such a tght tmeline all looked
In additon, the passion for motorsport in your country is very
prominent, felt through the atmosphere, the vast numbers that
atended and the media presence.
As organizers of Top Gear Live & Festvals, I look forward to hearing your
plans for Verva Street 2012 and seeing if we can assist with your grand plans
next year.
Well Done.
Kind regards
Bas Bungish
Editorial Director
Sub-Zero Events Limited
Registered in the UK, number 06499361
VAT Registration number 928 0428 22
Registered Office: Earls Court Exhibition Centre, London, SW5 9TA
Tinnease House 67 Friars Street Sudbury Suffolk CO10 2AJ
Tel: +44 (0) 1787 88 2 060 Mob: +44 (0) 7711 956 526 Email: [email protected]
To Whom it May Concern
11th July 2011
We were delighted to be asked to provide content for the second edition of the Verva Street Racing
event in Warsaw. This included Sir Stirling’s Porsche RS 61, a collection of classic Porsche racing
cars, including a Porsche 917 driven by David Piper and a Porsche 914GT/6 driven by Jay Kay and
facilitated the six Classic Team Lotus Formula 1 cars.
The organisation and logistical support provided prior to the event date was excellent with no
problems encountered with travel for the teams, the transport of the cars and documentation
required to allow the content supplied above to take part.
All the team members from the UK who took part, all of whom have attended many motoring events
around the world, were very impressed by the individuals who made up the Live team that ran the
event, given the size and location. The circuit lay out, branding, live TV broadcasts, safety,
marshals, event management, logistics, support staff, catering and hospitality all contributed to
create an event that can happily rival any of the established global motoring events, with the Verva
sponsor message clearly communicated.
Verva Street Racing also portrayed Warsaw, and indeed Poland, as an excellent tourist destination,
with the Polish people making us all feel very welcome.
We would all happily attend the next edition of the Verva Street Racing event and recommend the
event to fellow professionals in the motorsport and automotive industries.
Best Regards
Patrick Crew
Brand & Marketing Manager
Sir Stirling Moss OBE
VERVA Street Racing
Bartosz Bieszynski
Live Sp z.o.o ul
Wielicka 36
02-657 Warszawa
20 June 2011
Dear Bartek
Verva Street Racing
I wanted to thank you and your team for a great weekend. We all very much enjoyed ourselves,
and very much hope that our cars added something to the spectacle. Verva Street Racing is an
interesting concept but one that seems to work very well indeed. The crowd was enormous and
everyone that we talked to said that they were really enjoying it. We were also surprised by how
knowledgeable and well-informed people were about the historic cars. One man even had some
original period pictures of David Piper, which he wanted autographed.
Jay Key also asked me to pass on his thanks and application he really enjoyed the race and the
Thank you again for all of your hard work and hospitality. For many of us it was our first trip to
Poland and I am sure that it won't be our last.
Best Regards
Andy Prill
X-raid GmbH  Adam-Opel-Str. 4  65468 Trebur
Ul. Wielicka 36
02-657 Warsaw
Unser Zeichen
Organization of the Verva Street Race 2011
Dear Sir or Madam,
On the behalf of X-raid team I would like to thank you as the organizer of the Verva Street Racing for a
fantastic cooperation regarding the participation of our team in this event.
In 2011, we joined for the second time and we are very glad to have been part in such an amazing
event with two drivers, Krzysztof Holowczyc and Stephane Peterhansel and the BMW X3 CC. We are
astonished by the amount of spectators and very high quality of the organization of the event event. All
aspects of event ranging from arranging the paddock, race track safety, communication onsite,
hospitality to media coverage were provided in a very professional way.
We are looking forward for the next year edition and we can recommend this event to anyone who
loves motorsport. It is a great event for fans and as well for the teams.
Best regards
Thomas Quandt
Head of Marketing and Sponsoring at X-raid
X-raid GmbH
Adam-Opel-Str. 4
65468 Trebur
Sven Quandt
Tel.: +49 6147 2046-70
Fax: +49 6147 2046-79
HRB Darmstadt 54802
E-mail: [email protected]
UST. ID.-Nr.: DE 129 311 375
Konto-Nr.: 1430 3502
Groß-Gerauer Volksbank
BLZ: 50892500
IBAN DE40508925000014303502
fot. Tomasz Sikora / LIVE
LIVE Agency
– the producer of VERVA Street Racing
The LIVE Agency was established in 2002 and it specializes in the production of mass sport and music
events as well as in team-spirit building events and business conferences. The Agency’s staff of 25 work
from two offices in Gdańsk and Warsaw, Poland.
During 10 years of its operation on the Polish market, the LIVE
Agency has succeeded in organising more than 500 events,
for clients such as:
2010 competition in the category ‘Experiential Marketing –
Event Marketing’. In the latter competition, also the VERVA
Street Racing 2010 was recognised.
Bank BPH S.A. - One of the ten largest banks in Poland
Energa S.A. - The largest producer of renewable energy
in Poland
Ernst & Young Polska - A leading auditing firm on the
Polish market
Etos S.A. – DIVERSE POLSKA - A popular clothes producer
for young and middle-aged customers
Grupa Żywiec S.A. - A part of the global Heineken Group,
one of the three largest beer producers in Poland
Kulczyk Tradex Sp. z o.o. - The main importer of Volkswagen,
Audi and Porsche cars to Poland
Phillip Morris S.A. - A leading cigarette producer in Poland
PKN ORLEN S.A. - The largest petrochemical concern
in the Central Europe
Red Bull Sp. z o.o. - A leading producer of energy drinks
in Poland
Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. - The largest traditional
telephone operator in Poland, a part of France Telecom;
organising events mostly for the mobile brand – Orange
Monster Jam, Męskie Granie and VERVA Street Racing were
continued successfully in 2011.
In 2009, the LIVE Agency was the producer of the first edition
of the ORLEN Monster Jam in Poland. The event was awarded
in the Golden Arrow competition in the ‘Experiential Marketing
– Event Marketing’ category. The production of the famous
concert tour ‘Męskie Granie’ received the first award in the
Media Trendy 2010 competition in the ‘Special actions and
events’ category as well as the main award in the Golden Arrow
Competition Manager:
Bartosz Bieszynski, LIVE
tel.: +48 600 800 924, e-mail: [email protected]
See more at www.live.com.pl.
company name: LIVE Ltd.
street: ul. Wielicka 36
zip code: 02-657
city: Warsaw
country: Poland
tel.: 0048 22 852 24 13
e-mail: [email protected]
The Chief Manager of the Event Production:
Maciej Brzozowski, LIVE
tel.: +48 602 670 719, e-mail: [email protected]
Media Manager:
Tomasz Ignatowicz, LIVE
tel.: +48 600 384 484, e-mail: [email protected]
VERVA Street Racing