Security Code 2329 Tohokushinsha Film Corporation March 2010 Term Information Information Session Session on on the the Full-Year Full-Year Financial Financial Report Report May 27, 2010 Business Overview TFC has three main business segments of Production, Entertainment Media Content and Broadcasting, as well as Retail Merchandising and Others (Education Business) Group companies: 15 consolidated subsidiaries Segment Composition of net sales for the 3/2010 Term (Before offsetting between segments) 11.3% Broadcasting Business Production Business 7,326 16.5% 10,731 15.6% 56.5% 36,690 10,142 Three main entertainment content-related segments content- Retail Merchandising / Others Production Business Tohokushinsha Advertising Production Advertising Production Divisions (No. 1 - 4) Sales Promotion(SP) Sales Promotion Division Interactive Promotion Division, Design Division Post-production TV Distribution Content Rights Management Business Dubbing / Subtitling Main Affiliates Nibankohboh Productions Corp. / Lift Corp. / TFC Plus Corp. Murayama Inc. / White Box Corp. Omnibus Japan Inc. Content Production Division Entertainment Media Division Dubbing and Subtitling Division Broadcasting Broadcasting Division 映像 Others (Education business) Retail merchandising Visual-Techno Academy No.1 & Only 1 Comprehensive Audio-Visual Production TFC’s Strength * Tohokushinsha Creates Inc. Content Rights Management Business : Film Distribution Packaged Media Sales Anime Production Joint Development and Investments Character and Licensing Business ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 9 brands 12 channels Broadcasting Business Entertainment Media Content Business SubSub-Segment Production of feature films / TV programs Entertainment Media Content Business / 8 affiliates subject to the equity method Super! dramaTV / Family Theater History Channel / The Cinema Igo Shogi Channel / Classica Japan Playboy Channel / Channel RUBY Star Channel National Trading, Inc. =Segment where TFC is rated as an industry leader * As of 3/31/2010 Industry leader position in main business segments Synergy effects within the Group generating a competitive edge 1 March 2010 Term Overview of the Full-Year Financial Results 2 Consolidated March 2010 Term: Profit and Loss Summary Net Sales ¥60.9 billion( ‐10.6% YOY, ‐2.6% from revised projection ) ・ Operating Income ¥3.7 billion( ‐42.3% YOY, ‐6.6% from revised projection ) Ordinary Income ¥4.1 billion( ‐36.1% YOY, ‐7.7% from revised projection ) ・ Net Income ¥1.3 billion( ‐12.3% YOY, ‐15.9% from revised projection) 3/2010 Term Results vs. Same Period Last Year Unit: Million Yen Net Sales 60,908 -7,223 -10.6% -7,223 -10.6% Cost of Sales 48,382 -3,414 -3,414 General / Administrative Expenses Operating Income Non-Operating Profit / Loss Ordinary Income Extraordinary Profit / Loss Net Income -1,044 -10.7% -1,044 -10.7% 3,772 309 -2,764 -2,764 -42.3% 4,082 -2,309 -36.1% -2,309 -36.1% -968 1,301 -1,644 -1,644 -2.6% -2.6% -268 -268 -6.6% -6.6% -340 -340 -7.7% -7.7% -6.6% -6.6% 8,753 +454 +454 vs. Revised Projection - - : inventory devaluation 3/2009 term Including ¥2.5 billion in loss on +2,990 +2,990 : - - 3/2010 term Including ¥0.5 billion in directors’ -182 -12.3% -182 -12.3% retirement allowance reserve -246 -15.9% -246 -15.9% ※Revised projection: Revised projection announced on 11/12/2009 3 Consolidated B/S Highlights <As of 3/31/2010> Total Assets ¥101.6 billion ( ‐¥4.1 billion from last year ) Reducing current liabilities by ¥3.3 billion, fixed liabilities by ¥1.6 billion to improve the ratio of net assets to 51.7% Total Assets Current Assets Assets Cash & Deposits Notes & Accounts Receivable Entertainment Content Exploitation Rights Fixed Assets Investment Securities Liabilities Liabilities / Net Aseets Current Liabilities Long-Term Liabilities Net Assets Capital Capital/Profit Retained Earnings etc. Treasury Stock Unrealized Gains on Securities 3/2009 Term (As of the end of 3/2009) 3/2010 Term (As of the end of 3/2010) Share Share YOY 105,784 100.0% 101,663 100.0% -4,120 77,357 73.1% 72,573 71.4% -4,783 31,768 22,178 16,700 28,427 26.9% 5,143 54,099 2,487 52,015 -1,658 -311 29,090 -1,837 28.6% 5,158 51.1% 49,468 4,631 51,685 -1,289 -2,322 30,479 19,856 14,862 49,123 +14 48.3% 46,152 2,970 48.9% 52,540 2,487 52,685 -1,728 -117 +663 -4,976 Unit: Million Yen Main Points ■Reduction due to amortization of exploitation rights Full-year: ¥8.3 billion in acquisition ¥10.2 billion in amortization ■Increase of fixed assets Adding goodwill associated with the acquisition of Igo Shogi Channel ■Loan repayment (¥2.9 billion) etc. -3,315 -1,660 51.7% +855 0 +670 -69 +193 4 Consolidated Cash Flow Highlights <As of 3/31/2010> 4/2009 -end of 3/2010: Operations CF +¥4.3 billion, Investment CF ‐¥2.0 billion, Financing CF ‐¥3.8 billion, Cash & Equivalents Balance ¥27.3 billion ( ‐¥1.5 billion YOY ) (unit: Million Yen) Net income before tax Change in Trade Receivables ( △amount of increase) △ amount of decrease) Change in Advance Payments ( △amount of increase) Change in Inventories ( △amount of increase) Change in Trade Payables ( △amount of decrease) Change in Advance Receipts ( △amount of decrease) Change in Directors' Retirement Allowance Reserve ( From Operations Others Subtotal Interest, corporate tax, etc. CF total From From Investments Financing Change in Time Deposits Balance of Tangible Fixed Assets Balance of Investment Securities Others CF total Balance of Short-term Borrowings Balance of Long-term Borrowings Acquisition of Treasury Stock CF total Cash etc. Balance at the beginning of the term After conversion: Increase Balance at the end of the term End of 3/2009 2,433 7,262 111 3 545 1887 175 1,791 10,427 3,757 6,670 End of 3/2010 3,114 2,447 1,912 86 2,301 909 75 1,000 5,880 1,517 4,362 △ 499 △ 618 △ 463 △ 1,876 △ 3,456 △ 6,111 0 418 △ △ 7,168 △ 458 △ 418 106 △ 1,252 △ 2,022 △ 2,920 0 69 △ △ 3,893 33,037 4,205 28,832 28,832 1,515 27,316 △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ Due to the payment of directors’ directors’ retirement allowance Including the reduction of exploitation rights (¥ (¥1.8 billion) △ Including the acquisition of Igo Shogi Channel Including loan repayments △ 5 Consolidated March March 2010 2010 Term: Term: Main Main factors factors for for fluctuation fluctuation from from previous previous year’s year’s and and projected projected figures figures Both sales and operating incomes in production and entertainment media content businesses declined due to contraction of mass advertising market. Broadcasting business performed steadily to increase sales and operating income. ・Production segment: Suffered a significant drop in SP business amidst market contraction. Both sales and operating income declined from previous year’s and projected figures. ・Entertainment media content segment: Maintained sales roughly at the projected level. However, failed to reach the levels of operating income from previous year’s and projected figures due to the poor showing of foreign movies and loss from devaluation. ・Broadcasting segment: Increased both sales and operating income from previous year’s and projected figures amidst continued market expansion. vs. Previous Year Net Sales vs. Revised Projection Operating Income Unit: Million Yen 3/2009 Term Results Production Business Entertainment Media Content Business Broadcasting Business Retail Merchandising / Others Eliminations Change 3/2010 Term Results - 68,132 6,537 -6,690 -738 +280 +415 -635 - - Net Sales Operating Income Unit: Million Yen 3/2010 Term Revised Projection 62,552 4,041 Production Business -611 -112 -2,510 Entertainment Media Content Business -714 -611 +181 Broadcasting Business +298 +156 +57 Retail Merchandising / Others -594 +246 -7,223 -2,764 60,908 3,772 Eliminations Change 3/2010 Term Results - -211 - +62 -406 +235 -1,644 -268 60,908 3,772 6 Production Business: March 2010 Term Results Consolidated Continued contraction of the mass advertising market dealt a serious blow to advertising production, sales promotion and post-production. Reinforcing intra-group subcontracting and reducing material costs / SGA to improve profitability and maintain / raise the ratio of operating income. Unit: Million Yen 18.0%18.0% 16.9% 6,612 6,724 7,351 8,102 3,798 3,686 4,160 10% ▲112【-1.7%】 5% 2,000 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘10 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ [Projection][Results] 43,380 Revised projection 37,302 -3,664 +233 Sales promotion -1,548 -452 Post production +287 -81 Other / offset -1,764 -310 Fluctuation -6,690 -611 0% ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘10 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ [Projection][Results] 36,690 >Advertising Production ・Major clients remain selective / restraint in advertising campaigns. ・Both sales and operating income declined from last year. (however on par with projection) ・Improving profitability through reducing costs / SGA and reinforcing intra-Group subcontracting. ・Demand showed a recovery in 4Q but remain murky outlook for future trend. >Sales Promotion ・Seriously affected by scale-down of campaigns in automotive / beverage sectors. ・Continued reinforcement of intra-group subcontracting by advertising agencies. (reduced demand for outsourcing) ・Strengthening the internal system and expertise in each segment to implement fundamental reform of the profit-generating structure. 2,925 2,925 3,859 3,942 0 3,158 17,057 17,057 22,613 21,897 19,174 1,000 0 vs. Revised Projection Advertising production Actual 3,491 ▲738【-10.1%】 4,247 4,000 Previous year’s result 15% 6,000 3,000 ▲611【-1.6%】 10,000 5,000 19,632 ▲6,690【-15.4%】 15,000 17.5% 5,000 20,244 20,000 7,000 7,406 36,690 20,767 24,487 23,978 30,000 25,000 20% 8,000 37,302 35,000 vs. Previous Year Unit: Million Yen 10,000 9,00017.2% 43,380 43,153 40,000 46,385 50,000 45,000 Sales Overview of Sub-Segments Operating Income Net Sales >Post Production ・Continued market contraction and unit price reduction in both advertising and post production segments. ・Steady expansion of movie / CGI / filming segments. 7 Consolidated Entertainment Entertainment Media Media Content Content Business: Business: March March 2010 2010 Term Term Results Results Touch market conditions for terrestrial broadcasters reduced operating income from last year’s and projected figures, although sales results met projection. Poor performance of foreign movies resulted in reduced sales / operating income from projection in cinema distribution / DVD package segments, while the character business making positive results. Net Sales 5,377 2,000 2,500 】 +280 +2.8% 0 3,500 593 593 4,764 4,764 5,824 First Half 5,436 2,000 4,164 ▲714【-6.6%】 ▲2510 ▲611 [Projection] [Results] -3,219 -401 +227 -119 -48 -44 (Eliminations) -816 -45 Change -714 -611 Results 10,142 -3,830 >TV Distribution ・Terrestrial broadcasters’ continued cut-back on programming spending led to reduced purchase of foreign movies. ・Continued positive sales of overseas dramas / movies to CS channels. ・Achieving sales as projected, but suffering negative operating income due to inventory devaluation. >Content Rights Management Business ・Continued poor performance of foreign movies resulting in the failure to meet sales budget for cinema-release movies. ・Achieving solid performance in the Character segment with “Yamato” and “GARO” . 4,000 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘10 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 10,856 -76 Other △3,830 Full year 3,000 △3,651 6,091 5,697 【 4,000 Projection Contents Rights △2,709 10,142 9,861 10,856 1,500 8,844 7,203 8,000 △ △3,219 12,640 Second Half △ TV Distribution 1,000 10,000 6,000 △ △1,320 14,669 500 △ 502 △ Full year 2,582 2,361 0 First Half 12,000 Factors Fluctuation from Projection Net Sales Operating Income Unit: Million Yen Unit: Million Yen 16,000 14,000 Overview of SubSub-Segments Operating Income ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘10 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ [Projection] [Results] >Dubbing / Subtitling, Other Achieving results generally according to projection. 8 Consolidated Broadcasting Business March 2010 Term Results Market expansion of CATV・e2・IPTV increased sales and operating income. Solid performance of contracted work and program sales boosted sales and operating income from previous year’s and projected figures despite heavy initial capital investment to accommodate High-Definition technology and reinforce programming. Net Sales Overview of Sub-Segments Operating Income Unit: Million Yen Unit: Million Yen 4,000 12,000 35% Family Theater, Playboy Channel Japan, Classica Japan 31.2% 10,432 10,315 30% 26.6% 26.3% 25.6%25.6% Full 】 1,631 1,000 【 2,000 】 1,318 957 1,416 5,265 5,265 4,544 4,984 [Projection] [Results] 0 2,826 1,329 1,173 】 15% 10% 】 +156 +5.9% 500 First Half ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘10 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 2,670 2,645 【 +181 +6.9% 【 +298 +2.9% First HAlf 20% 5% ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘10 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ [Projection] [Results] ・ >Channels Subject to Consolidation ・Family Theater is steadily increasing subscription, achieving higher sales and operating income than projected. Carrying-over of major programs into next fiscal year presenting a factor for increasing operating income by ¥0.1 billion. Pay channels cutting back on costs amidst tight market conditions. Acquisition of Igo Shogi Channel in December (incorporated into consolidated results from 4/2010). ・ ・ >Contracted Work ・Year-round contribution of Shochiku-affiliated 7chs transmission contract. ・Steady performance of program production, transmission, editing and sales subcontracting boosting sales and operating income despite increased burden of capital investments for High-Definition technology. 1,496 【 +415 +4.0% 1,496 1,500 4,000 4,403 】 The specialized multi-channel broadcasting market continues to expand, led by digital CATV IPTV. Second Half 1,326 2,000 1,421 5,167 5,330 5,179 4,687 5,466 Second Half 0 ・Programming, sales promotion, marketing / Channels sales to cable operators and hotels / Ad sales operations / Program production / Broadcasting preparation / Transmission work etc. Program sales 25% 2,500 6,000 【Contracted work】 【 3,000 Year 2,588 9,724 3,500 2,838 8,000 9,090 10,000 10,731 Full Year TFC Broadcasting Business Sub-segments 【Channels subject to consolidation】 0% >Program Sales Steady performance contributing to increased sales and operating income. 9 March 2011 Term Business Projection 10 Consolidated March March 2011 2011 Full Full Year Year Business Business Projection Projection (Consolidated) (Consolidated) Budget compiled on the premise of murky outlook for the mass advertising market and continued trend of spending cut-backs The overall rate of operating income expected to improve due to enhanced profitability of existing segments and reduced amortization burden in the entertainment content business. Net Sales ¥61.0 billion(+0.1% YOY) ・ Operating Income ¥4.0 billion(+8.1% YOY) Ordinary Income ¥4.5 billion(+10.1% YOY) ・ Net Income ¥1.9 billion(+47.0% YOY) March 2011 Business Forecast Full Year Projection 1st Half 2nd Half Net Sales 30,116 30,883 61,000 【+0.1%】 】 Operating Income 1,427 2,650 4,077 【+8.1%】 】 Operating Income Ratio to Net Sales 4.7% 8.6% Ordinary Income 1,608 2,886 Ordinary Income Ratio to Net Sales 5.3% 9.4% Net Income 672 1,240 Net Income Ratio 2.2% 4.0% Unit: Million Yen YOY +91 +304 6.7% (+0.5%) 4,495 +412 【+10.1%】 】 7.4% (+0.7%) 1,912 +611 【+47.0%】 】 3.1% (+0.9%) 11 Production Business Forecast for the March 2011 Term Consolidated Projected for March 2011 Term: Net Sales ¥35.0 billion( -4.6% YOY) Operating Income ¥6.5 billion( -1.6% YOY) Aiming at 18.6% in the rate of operating income through profitability enhancement in advertising production, sales promotion and post production despite tough market conditions. Post-production aiming to reinforce its growth fields. (Shifting from post-production to comprehensive digital production, covering filming, editing and finishing) Operating Income ▲1,684【 【-4.6%】 】 10,000 15,000 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ [Projected] 9,169 9,357 9,070 7,000 7,533 7,229 6,000 Unit: Million Yen 9,039 8,000 8,273 8,000 8,061 9,000 6,000 5,985 ▲999(-4.1%】 ▲503(-8.4%】 10,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 ▲188(-2.0%】 5% ▲106【 【-1.6%】 】 2,000 5,000 3,021 2,925 3,859 3,942 1,000 3,158 16,934 17,057 22,613 21,897 19,174 0 9,000 5,000 First Half 5,000 10,000 7,000 23,551 20,000 Post Production 10,000 5,482 3,484 29,892 6,505 6,612 25,000 10% 3,686 3,000 15,000 30,000 6,612 7,351 7,4068,102 15% 3,491 4,247 18,071 4,000 Sales Promotion 35,000 4,160 6,000 6,477 7,406 35,006 20,767 24,487 7,000 5,000 19,632 20,000 23,978 25,000 Advertising Production 17.5% 16.9% 17.2% 9,000 8,000 30,000 Second Half Overview of Net Sales by Sub-Segment 20% Full Year 36,690 35,000 18.6% 18.0% 24,550 Full Year 43,380 46,385 46,385 40,000 43,153 45,000 Unit: Million Yen 10,000 28,215 Unit:: Million Yen 50,000 31,504 Net Sales 0 0 3/ 0% 0 0 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ’11 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ [Projected] ‘11 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ [Projected] ‘10 ‘11 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ [Projected] ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ [Projected] 12 Synergic Synergic Effect Effect of of the the Digital Digital Production Production // Exploitation Exploitation Rights Rights and and Broadcasting Broadcasting Businesses Businesses Exploring intra-group synergy for the entertainment content and broadcasting businesses based on the capacity for cutting-edge digital production “Yamato: Rebirth” 3D movie “GARO” To be released in Fall 2010 Released on 12/12/2009 Digital Production (Post Production) Exploitation Rights / Broadcasting Providing value-added solutions in high-end video production Use CGI and other production capabilities to address diversified client needs. Digital Production Labo. Combined delivery Filming (analog) Organizational integration Filming (digital) Linear editing CGI Recording High-end editing non-linear ( ) 3D production Securing profits with focus on contents that TFC has rights for ・Making more active use of characters with TFC copyrights, and expanding profitability. ・Arranging tie-in and reinforcing programming on TFC’s own CS channels. Combining solutions+ solutions+Expanding added values Capturing a greater share of the market for high-end video production, e.g. movies. Ensuring the profitability of the exploitation rights business and utilizing such contents in broadcasting. 13 Consolidated Entertainment Entertainment Media Media Content Content Business Business Forecast Forecast for for the the March March 2011 2011 Term Term The segment is projected to achieve the full-term net sales of ¥10.3 billion ( +¥0.1 billion YOY) and operating income of –¥2.9 billion ( +¥0.9 billion YOY). Net Sales 4,000 +279 -90 -95 -2 (Eliminations) +133 +35 Change +168 +916 △1,587 Contents Rights Other 3/2011 Term Projections 10,310 -2,914 5,358 4,764 4,164 5,824 5,436 3,500 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ [Projected] △3,830 2,000 △3,651 3,000 +168【 【+1.7%】 】 0 +973 △2,914 2,500 -3,830 +916 △2,709 4,951 5,377 5,697 8,844 7,203 6,000 △593 △1,320 △2,582 2,000 , 10,310 8,000 10,142 9,861 1,500 △2,361 10,000 10,142 -148 TV Distribution 1,000 12,640 12,000 3/2010 Term Results 500 14,669 14,000 Factors for Fluctuation from Previous Year Net Sales Operating Income Unit: Million Yen 0 △502 Unit: Million Yen 16,000 Overview of Sub-Segments Operating Income 4,000 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ [Projected 」 14 Consolidated TV TV Distribution Distribution Business Business (sub-segment) (sub-segment) Forecast Forecast for for the the March March 2011 2011 Term Term March 2011 Term: : ¥4.5 billion in net sales ( ‐¥0.15 billion YOY)・ ・ ‐¥3.9 billion in operating income ( +¥1 billion YOY) Continued sales reduction for terrestrial broadcasters contracting this segment to account for 14.3% of program sales and 20.5% of TV distribution business in March 2011 Term. TV Distribution Business Net Sales Operating Income 8,439 951 1,264 500 2,440 0 9,000 140 1,928 Unit: Million Yen 2,890 Unit: Million Yen 8,000 The sales share of TFC TV distribution business to terrestrial broadcasters △ △ △ △ △ 77.8% 49.9% 54.5% 39.5% 28.9% 20.5% Unit: Billion Yen Solid line: Ratio 100% 90% 120 80% 1,000 △2,038 7,000 1,500 6,000 5,883 3,500 ▲148【 【-3.2%】 】 4.6 4.6 60 2.9 2.9 40 Terrestrial commercial 40% broadcaster (TV distribution business) 1.8 1.8 1.3 1.3 0.9 0.9 3.3 BS/CS, etc. 3.6 (TV distribution 10%business) 3/'11 [Projection] 2.8 3/'10 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3.8 3/'09 0 5,000 2.9 3/'08 2.7 3/'07 [Projection] 20 3/'01 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 30% 20% △4,910 2,799 2,156 1,689 2,711 4,500 2,441 50% 4,000 1,000 0 9.4 9.4 △3,936 3,000 2,000 60% △3,323 3,000 △3,640 4,528 4,000 4,677 2,500 70% 80 +973 4,654 5,000 2,000 100 0% 15 Consolidated 5-year plan for the revenues and inventories of entertainment content exploitation rights Amortizing titles for terrestrial broadcasting to achieve a profitable structure, and adjusting inventory to suit the needs of the expanding CS market Projection Unit: Billion Yen 15 13.9 TV Distribution Business Net Sales Operating Income 11.8 1. Sales projection revised from the figures announced in 11/2009 Terrestrial ‐¥0.3 to ‐¥0.4 billion per year CS・BS +¥0.3 to +¥0.5 billion per year Net Sales 8.4 10 5.8 Initially planned level 4.6 4.6 4.5 3.8 5 4.2 Net sales Operating income ¥7-8 ¥7-8billion billion 3.2 3.6 3.2 3.2 2.9 0 0 0 -1.2 0 Operating Income Unit: Billion Yen 25 3/‘05 -2.9 -2.0 -3.6 -3.3 -3.7 -2.8 3/‘06 3/‘07 24.3 21.6 3/‘08 Inventories of the entertainment content exploitation rights 16.2 22.1 3/‘09 3/‘10 16.7 3/‘11 3/‘13 Exploitation rights total 19.0 10 13.3 11.0 13.9 13.9 TV distribution rights for entertainment contents 14.6 3/‘14 3. Reinforcing procurement suitable for CS in response to the positive performance of the CS market, and ensuring a certain level of inventory for such contents. 14.8 9.3 11.3 0 ¥3 ¥3billion billion 2. Anticipating the operating loss of ¥1.1 billion in the March 2013 term due to slow sales to terrestrial broadcasters. TV distribution rights 15.9 19.0 3/‘12 Initially-planned level Others (broadcasting / rights management) exploitation rights 20 5 0 -1.1 Currently Currently projected projectedsales sales -3.9 21.5 15 -4.9 -2.8 Originally Originally projected projectedsales sales 9.3 12.7 11.5 9.2 8.6 8.4 7.7 6.4 5.7 7.5 7.1 5.1 6.8 16 Broadcasting Broadcasting Operation Operation Business Business Forecast Forecast for for the the March March 2011 2011 Term Term Consolidated Continued expansion of HD services and proliferation to households Adaptation to High-Definition and reinforcing programming to make advance investment and improve market positioning Net Sales Operating Income Unit: Million Yen 14,000 Unit: Million Yen 4,000 35% 31.2% 12,182 1,329 1,326 20% 1,265 1,000 18.6% 2,261 2,826 2,645 2,588 2,000 1,500 +1,451【 【+13.5%】 】 2,838 2,500 1,421 10,315 3,000 25% 6,188 5,466 5,179 26.6% 26.3% 25.6% 1,631 4,000 5,330 9,724 9,090 4,687 6,000 10,731 30% 10,000 8,000 ※Family Theater 3,500 12,000 15% 10% ▲565【 【-20.0%】 】 2,000 5% ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ [Projected] 995 1,496 1,318 957 0 1,416 5,993 5,265 4,984 4,544 500 4,403 0 Initial Initial investment investment phase phase amidst amidst market market expansion expansion Introducing Introducing HD HD and and reinforcing reinforcing programming programming 0% ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ [Projected] ・Cost increase due to the delay of titles originally scheduled for last year ( ‐¥0.1 billion). + Special budget for overhauling the programming lineup ( ‐¥0.2 billion). (Strengthening external acquisition of Anime / drama / variety shows.) >Channels subject to consolidation ・ Pay channels: Contraction of the SkyperfecTV 124/8 market causing continued drop in sales and operating income. ・ Anticipating HD introduction to Playboy Channel in mid-term ( ‐¥0.1 billion in operating income). ・ Inclusion of Igo Shogi Channel into consolidation offering a factor for increased sales / operating income. ( +¥1.2 billion in net sales / +¥0.1billion in operating income) >Commissioned work Envisaging solid performance in both HD transmission / editing and service canvassing. >Program sales Inventory adjustment on the part of broadcasters expected to cause negative performance compared to the previous term, which enjoyed good sales of overseas drama, etc. ( ‐¥0.2 billion in operating income) 17 Consolidated March March 2011 2011 Term Term Full-Year Full-Year Business Business Forecast Forecast (Summary (Summary by by Segment) Segment) Production: Reduced sales while securing profitability / Entertainment media content: : Profitability improvement through exploitation rights amortization / Broadcasting: :Increasing initial investments Fluctuation from previous year Operating Income Net Sales Net Sales YOY Unit: Million Yen Production Business 54.0% 35,006 -1,684 Entertainment Media Content Business 15.9% 10,310 +168 Content Rights Management ★Before deletion w/in segments Broadcasting Business 18.8% Retail Merchand -ising 11.3% + Others Total Total after eliminations 【-4.6%】 】 【+1.7%】 】 4,528 3,123 TV Distribution 100.0% 6,505 -2,914 -106 【-1.6%】 】 +916 【-】 -148 +279 -3,936 -51 +973 12,182 【+1,451 +13.5%】 】 2,261 -565 -9 265 【 7,316 】 【-0.1%】 】 64,815 61,000 Operating Income YOY -90 【-20.0%】 】 -15 【-5.4%】 】 Off-set 6,117 +91 【+0.1%】 】 4,077 +304 【+8.1%】 】 18 Attachments Advertising-related indicators: Group inventories (Unit: Title) 250 200 150 100 50 0 3/ ’08 term 3/ ’09 term 3/ ’10 term 3/ ’11 term May Apr 166 169 199 193 168 195 176 162 Jun 208 198 174 Jul 193 203 157 Aug 194 185 168 Sep 172 174 169 Oct 198 169 172 Nov 212 182 179 Dec 199 194 184 Jan 210 177 174 Feb 212 174 178 Mar 184 165 187 20 Production Production Business: Business: Advertising Advertising Production-related Production-related Indicators Indicators Sales Ranking Major Television Advertising Awards Share (FY2008) (FY2009) CM production cost: 195.9 billion yen (Unit: Title) (Unit: Billion Yen) 0 100 200 TFC Group’s 3 Companies in Total 300 Market share (+0.1%) TFC Group’s 3 Companies in Total 9.8% (+0.1%) Tohokushinsha 6.4% (+0.1%) 4.3% (+0.5%) 27.5 14.0% Tohokushinsha 19.3 Company A 12.6 Company B 8.4 0 10 20 34 20.4% 30 (Unreleased) 5.7 5.3 Company D Nibankohboh - 18.% Company a 16 9.6% Company b 16 9.6% 14 Company c Company C 30 - 8.4% 11 Company d 6.6% 2.9% (+0.3%) Company e 2.7% (+0.2%) Company f 5 Nibankohboh 2 Company g 5 Lift 2 Company h 5 Nitten Alti 2.8 1.5% (-0.2%) Company E 2.7 1.4% (-0.1%) Company F 2.6 1.3% (+0.1%) Company G 2.4 1.2% (+0.0%) “Kokoku-to Keizai” 9 5.4% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% Company i 4 2.4% Company j 4 2.4% Company k 4 2.4% Source: “Kokoku Dairi-gyo-no Gensei」 21 Consolidated Broadcasting Broadcasting (CS, (CS, CATV): CATV): Market Market Environment Environment Group channels: Transition of total subscription Subscription to Group channels topping 30 million Continuing expansion buoyed by the digitization of CATV and increase of IPTV subscription 3,090 Unit: 10,000 subscribers 3,500 Pay Channels 565 349 566 History Channel 739 791 Super Drama TV 538 600 651 702 730 Family Theater 3/’03 3/’04 3/’05 3/’06 3/’07 3/’08 3/’09 3/’10 ファミリー劇場 638 537 492 127 688 1,876 440 99 1,630 381 35 ヒストリーチャンネル 575 1,439 315 543 1,254 263 496 247- 419 500 436 1,000 369 1,500 1,126 2,000 303 The Cinema 2,500 2,056 Igo Shogi Channel 482 Expansion at an annual rate of over 10% 2,376 3,000 5 basic channels total 30 million subscribers (as of 3/2010) - 22 Entertainment Entertainment Media Media Content Content BusinessBusiness- Exploitation Exploitation Rights Rights Business Business March March 2011 2011 Term Term Forecast Forecast (Unit:Million Yen) Net Sales Operating Income 500 3,500 1,755 △ 481 500 1,500 △ △ 401 △ 2,000 157 △ 444 △ △51 172 0 63 55 38 3,123 2,843 2,500 2,816 3,000 3,148 △90 +279【+9.8%】 】 1,000 △ 1,077 1,000 1,179 693 771 0 1,420 500 1,037 Consolidated ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 1,500 [Projected] ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ [Projected] 23 Consolidated Content Content Rights Rights Management Management Business: Business: Titles Titles Completed Completed or or Development Development // Production Production Title Planned Development for Mid-Term Plan Description Primary use 3/10 term: H2 (cinema release) Secondary use 3/11 term: H1 (DVD release) 3/11 term: H2 (cinema release) 3/12 term: H1 (DVD release) GARO 3/06 term: H2 (TV release) 3/07 term: H1 (DVD release) GARO Special Byakuya-no Maju 3/07 term: H2 (TV release) 3/12 term: H1 (DVD release) 3/07 term: H2 (DVD release) Special program commemorating the 10th anniversary of Family Theater. A special edition of GARO, written and directed by Keita Amemiya, which enjoyed strong popularity with high-quality action and VFX. A DVD-only spin-off of the 2005 TV series “GARO”, featuring Kiva Masakiku Araba 3/10 term: H2 (cinema release) 3/11 term: H2 (DVD release) A story of forbidden love between a convicted murderer on death row and the victim's former girlfriend. Directed by Kaito Okachimachi and music by Naotaro Moriyama. Features Hiroyuki Kubota and Machiko Ono. Yajima Biyoshitsu The Movie: Yume -wo Tsukama Nevada 3/11 term: H1 (cinema release) 3/11 term: H2 (DVD release) A musical film featuring the popular performance unit “Yajima Biyoshitsu ” (two Tunnels members and DJ OZMA), which made a CD debut in September 2008 after gaining popularity in Fuji Television variety show “Tunnels -no Minasan-no Okage Deshita”. Directed by TFC executive director Nobuya Nakajima. 3/11 term: H2 (cinema release) 3/12 term: H1 (DVD release) Bakamono 3/11 term: H2 (cinema release) 3/12 term: H1 (DVD release) The SF/X drama “GARO”, which portrays a darker version of the typical children’s hero tale, returns as a feature film, enhanced with the latest 3D technology by Omnibus Japan. Directed by Keita Amemiya, who directed the original “GARO.” A love story showing the gentle relationship between an easygoing college student and a strong -willed older woman over the span of 10 years. Based on the book by Akutagawa prize -winning author Akiko I toyama. Features Yuki Uchida and Hiroki Narimiya. Space Battleship Yamato 3/11 term: H2 (cinema release) 3/12 term: H1 (DVD release) Shine a Light 3/09 term: H2 (cinema release) 3/10 term: H1 (DVD release) Chocolate 3/10 term: H1 (cinema release) 3/10 term: H2 (cinema release) 3/10 term: H1 (DVD release) 3/11 term: H1 (DVD release) Rudo y Cursi 3/10 term: H2 (cinema release) 3/11 term: H1 (DVD release) The Girlfriend Experience 3/11 term: H1 (cinema release) 3/11 term: H2 (DVD release) Experimental film, shot with HD camera by the Academy Award winning director Steven Soderbergh The Vintner’s Luck 3/11 term: H2 (cinema release) 3/12 term: H1 (cinema release) 3/12 term: H1 (DVD release) 3/12 term: H1 (DVD release) Portraying people who are trying to produce the ultimate wine with a help from an angel, set in the 19th century Bourgogne. Directed by Niki Caro, the director of “Whale Rider”. Movie adaptation of the Shakespeare’s romance of the same title, featuring the Academy Award winning actress Helen Mirren (“The Queen”). An ambitious attempt by the gifted producer Julie Taymor, changing the gender of the main character in this adaptation. 3/12 term: H1 (cinema release) 3/12 term: H2 (DVD release) Yamato: Rebirth Animation Red Line (cinema version) TV Series Original productions Masked Rider Kiva Movies Garo Red Requiem (3D Cinema Version) The Burning Plain Acquired titles The Tempest Somewhere Animation movie for theatrical release, portraying what happens 17 years after “Final Yamato.” Space Battleship Yamato is resurrected to save humanity from an unknown terror. CG production by Omnibus Japan. First full- length feature film by director Takeshi Koike, director of the “World Record” short from “The Animatrix World Record.” Original script by Katsuhito Ishii (“Samehada Otoko -to Momojiri Onna”), and animation production by Mad House (“Toki -o Kakeru Shojo”). Containing an unprecedented 1,500 scenes and 100,000 cells depicting an anything-goes car race to be crowned the best driver in the universe. Written and directed by Keita Amemiya. Hyper midnight action drama, featuring extensive use of VFX Use of latest CGI & wire action, produced by Tohokushinsha and Omnibus Japan. 3/11 term: H1 (TV release) 3/11 term: H1 (TV release) 3/11 term: H2 (TV release) Long-awaited live-action adaptation of “Space Battleship Yamato”, a TV anime series of national popularity that has been loved for the last 36 years. An ambitious project that has been attempted by many other directors with no success but has finally eventuated with Takuya Kimura playing the lead character A live music entertainment film featuring the Rolling Stones An action-filled Thai movie featuring Hiroshi Abe A drama movie featuring two Academy Award winning actresses, Charlize Theron and Kim Basinger. Entrant of the international competition of the Venice International Film Festival in 2008 The first production by the new ChaChaCha! studio, established by the directors of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” and “Babel”. A comedy drama about the relationship of soccer -playing half-brothers The latest offering of Sofia Coppola, who also directed “Lost in Translation” and “Mary Antoinette” 24 Consolidated Retail Merchandising Business Other Business (Education) ★The figures are before off-set within the segment Net Sales Operating Income Unit: Million Yen 3/2010 results: : Unit: Million Yen Net Sales ¥7.3 billion / Operating Income ¥0.28 billion 600 4.2% 400 461 7,316 6,000 3.8% 3.6% 4% 2.8% 338 5,000 280 4,000 3% -15【 【-5.4%】 】 108 0% 0 0 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ [Projected] 2% 1% 87 288 3,552 3,567 3,985 3,921 4,118 100 107 2,000 223 200 -10【 【-0.1%】 】 180 3,000 265 300 1,000 3/2011 projection: 5% 500 7,326 7,962 7,000 6% 5.5% Net Sales ¥7.3 billion / Operating Income ¥0.26 billion 8,120 8,000 8,407 9,000 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ [Projected] 25 Glossary Postproduction The finishing process after shooting video materials (pre-production), e.g. processing and editing video/ audio to turn it into a completed product. Postproduction represents processing / editing video, and adding voice/ music / sound effects. It requires highly value-added operation know-how using high-performance equipment, including computer graphics and HD (high definition) compatibility. Tohokushinsha / Omnibus Japan has always led the industry in introducing cutting-edge equipment, and developing / accumulating innovative visual technologies/ know-how, yielding an overwhelming impact on the industry. Producers People who oversee each advertising production/movie planning and production. Producers have the responsibility and authority in each project’s profitability and overall quality, covering aspects ranging from project promotion/commissioning to external negotiations, budget management and staff recruitment. Tohokushinsha is the advertising production industry’s pioneer in adopting the “Producer system”, leading others in production quality and cost management know-how. Directors (planning / direction) People who direct and produce advertising production and movie projects. Directors have responsibility and authority in production quality. Tohokushinsha overwhelms competitors in having outstanding directors / planners under contract, such as Shinya Nakajima (winner of 1993 Grand - Prix at Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival). Output deal One of the formats in entertainment content rights license agreements (distribution rights). An output deal buys the distribution rights of all movies and TV programs which a specific movie studio produces during a set period of time, as well as rights for specified library titles. The term of such an agreement is generally for 3 to 5 years. In the case of first-run movies, the cost (purchase price) slides according to their box-office earnings in Japan. An output deal may have an optional agreement (e.g. agreement of extending the term of contract) attached. Package deal One of the formats in entertainment content rights license agreements. A package deal packages a main title produced by a specific movie studio together with other movies / programs in acquiring entertainment content rights. The content, scale and term of such a package is determined in negotiations between the licensee (distribution company) and licensor (movie / program production company). Start date of subsub-licensing period Date from when a certain title can be broadcast, as stipulated in an agreement between a TV station and a distributor in the TV distribution business. A TV station/ channel cannot broadcast the title before this date, but may put it on air anytime after the date within a specified period of time. In other words, the actual broadcasting date is after the sub-licensing start date and within the specified period of time. Baseband In TV broadcasting, “baseband” signifies assembling programs/ video titles/ commercials, accumulated in VTR or a video server, according to program schedule, and making a real-time feeding in a form of broadcasting signals. Tohokushinsha conducts baseband for all related channels at its Satellite Transmission Center UpUp-link Transforming broadcasting signals to electromagnetic waves, and uplinking them to satellite. Basic channels / pay channels Basic channels are channels provided as part of the basic package in CATV services, etc. TFC Group channels include Super Channel, Family Theater, History Channel, THE CINEMA and Igo Shogi Channel (*Provided as part of the basic package at Sky PerfecTV!, rather than part of the Must-Buy package sales.) For pay channels, viewers are required for a subscription contract separate from the basic package. TFC’s affiliated pay channels include Star Channel, Classica Japan, and Playboy Channel. 26 About future projections In this material, performance projection figures have been calculated based on judgments and assumptions made with currently available information. Actual figures and results may differ from projections due to uncertain factors in such judgments/assumptions, and variability of future business administration and domestic/overseas situations. Please also note that this material has been compiled to promote understanding on Tohokushinsha, and is not aimed at soliciting investment in this company. TFC shall not be held liable for any disadvantage or damage arising from information carried in this material. 27
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