Press Sit - Tricicle
Press Sit - Tricicle
Sit Production: Factoria d'Espectales Performing: Tricicle: Joan Gràcia, Carles Sans, Paco Mir. Executive producer: Oriol Ferrer Music: Pere Bardagí Technical Director: Joan Jorba Technical manager: Tomàs Vila Scenography: Lluc Castells Lighting: Albert Ruiz Sound:Jordi Ballbé Technicians: Carlos Andrés, Fran Cruz Wardrobe: Anna Güell Management: Pilar Mir Screenplay and Direction: Tricicle Graphic design: Albert Planas, America Sanchez Lighting design: Roger Puiggener Photography: Carratalà International: Núria Ferret Administration: Silvia Sagué, Elena Ruiz, Pere Blazquez Who are Tricicle? 1 Sit 3 Biographyof of Tricicle Tricicle Biography 4 Press 13 Who are Tricicle? Creativity Over the past years, Tricicle have worked consistently hard on what is considered to be their main speciality stage performance. However, their natural creativity has led them into other areas such as cinema, television, radio and advertising as well as the production of plays, TV scripting, stage direction and the artistic direction of social and cultural events. Tricicles creative approach has indeed contributed to creating a new genre: a mixture based on silent movies, clown technique, mime and conventional theatre a unique hybrid the Company have applied to the various genres in which they have worked. Although they regard themselves as self-taught, they are undoubtedly successors of great comedians such as Buster Keaton, Jango Edwards, the Marx Brothers or Jacques Tati. The gag as an objective Tricicle´s aim is to make people laugh using a subtle, simple, surprising and uninhibited type of humour somewhere between reality and the absurd, and this indeed has been the driving force behind the Company since its formation back in 1979. Tricicles humour is channelled through what is perhaps the key element in their success the gag. The gag as a vehicle of humour cuts through the logic of a situation at the precise instant, like a musical tempo, and produces a surprising, unreal moment that gives rise to amusement and laughter. All the Companys productions use gags every ten to fifteen seconds and the result is a vibrant rhythm of humour that has contributed to their success over the years. Timelessness Tricicles comedy is based on everyday life and everyday characters transformed by humour. The subject matter eschews the dictates of fashionable in-jokes or situations and succeeds in producing a more universal and timeless flavour, which is why their productions wear well with time. Simply view their earlier work to see how freshly and undated it comes across. This timelessness can currently be seen both nationally and internationally in the form of a sister clown companies (selected, directed and produced by Tricicle) who are performing the Companys earlier productions Slastic, Exit and Tricicle 20 (best of Tricicle). 1 Who are Tricicle? Internationality Tricicles productions use gesture as a language of communication. With a natural, credible, everyday gesture, they have succeeded in breaking down the language barrier and creating their own home-grown lingua franca. This is undoubtedly the key to the Companys success at home and abroad and has enabled them to export their productions to the great theatre capitals of the world such as London, New York, Paris and Buenos Aires. Quality and marketability Over the past years, the name Tricicle has become synonymous with quality. This is greatly due to their thorough approach to detail when determining the lighting, sound, costume and set design of their shows and is a further guarantee of the overall quality of their productions. Tricicle have consistently come up with commercially-viable, quality-based products which attract wide audience segments and, indeed, this is what they consider to be the greatest award and the greatest reward of all - their audience - the full houses that delight in their performances day after day, year after year. Management and production Tricicle, together with the Dagoll Dagom theatre company and the Anexa theatrical agency, is a founding member of 3xtr3s (Tres per tres/3 times three). This tripartite company both manages and programmes Barcelonas prestigious Victòria and Poliorama theatres. The aim of 3xtr3s is to offer a high-quality programme that is not incompatible with commercial success. Either with 3xtr3s, or as private promoters, Tricicle have participated in the following productions: Por delante y por detrás (Noises off), La Venganza de Don Mendo, Por los pelos (Shear Madness), La cena de los idiotas (Le dîner de cons), La Botiga dels horrors (The Little Shop of Horrors) and El Barbero de Sevilla (The Barber of Seville) to mention but a few. Tricicle are also associated with the audiovisual production company, Ovideo, with which they have created TV series such as Chooof!, La saga de los Clark and Craks. 2 Current performance tricicle Sit The chair is and has always been an indispensable object in the odyssey of humans through time. Ever since its discovery (one assumes in some prehistoric era replete with natural phenomena and now-extinct animals), the chair has accompanied humans beings in the vast majority of their endeavours. The chair is and has been a privileged witness to peace treaties, mouth-watering feasts, congenial conversations, sensational shows, tough trials, long waits and passionate love affairs. The chair has also been a co-star of Tricicles on countless occasions, present in gags and sketches from previous shows such as Slastic, Exit or Entretrès (Three for all). Today, we have chosen the chair as our focal point, the main character, the central inspiration for our new show. SIT (or The incredible chair-men) tells the story the history, of the chair, its different uses and the everyday situations in which it finds itself, from its invention to present day. It is a story told by a series of fictitious characters known as the Chairwoods. The Chairwoods belong to the saga of the very first hominids to use the chair, not just to sit down and rest upon, but also in the context of many other interactions such as the fact, for example, of being seated to watch a theatre performance. At the same time, the Companys intention was to create a show in which the chairs aesthetic nature and its functionality turn it into a part-and-parcel character of the performance. Tricicle have created a show in which humour is explored through scenic and aesthetic interaction within the framework of their unique theatrical approach to everyday situations a formula with which the audience can readily identify themselves time and time again. 3 Tricicle's biography 1979 July 79. Mime workshop in Menorca, organised by El Timbal Theatre School. Carles Sans, Joan Gracia and Paco Mir meet up for the first time. Carles, Joan and Paco begin their studies at Barcelonas Institut del Teatre where they encounter pantomime teachers Pawel Rouba and Angie Leparsky, 1980 El Llantiol, Barcelonas first café-théâtre dedicated entirely to mime, opens its doors. Performances by Carles, Joan and Paco. Carles Sans spends his time performing with both Tricicle and the El Teatrí company. Tricicle stage their first show Coloraines for the "teatre a les escoles" campaign promoted by the La Caixa savings bank. The show is based on the theme of colour. 1981 The Company take part in Barcelonas first mime festival receiving adverse reviews such as: Let us pray they take an early retirement. Change of style. Tricicle say goodbye to the make-up and incorporate sounds to their movements. Professionals from the world of mime are scandalised. El Llantiol is turned into a training lab where the Company experiment with an audience increasingly appreciative of their work. They create and try out new sketches such as La isla and Jango, which are later incorporated into the Manicomic show. They adapt, perform and direct Italo Calvinos El baró esberlat. 1982 The sweet hand of fate. The Company are booked to perform in Vilassar de Mar. Carles Sans was to perform in Vodevil with his other company El Teatrí, but the set wont fit on the stage. Carles calls his friends from Tricicle and asks if they can cover for Vodevil. They jump at the chance and act out the sketches they have been rehearsing at El Llantiol theatre. They perform for over 45 minutes without a break. The Company are then invited to perform a 4-day run at the Sala Villarroel in Barcelona. They create Manicomic specially for the occasion - five independent sketches using a variety of techniques. Encouraged by the experience at the Sala Villarroel, they present Manicomic at a private viewing with two Barcelona business agents who ultimately find it boring. 4 Tricicle's biography They perform at the 1st Tàrrega Theatre Festival organised by the Comediants Company. Manicomic is a great success. They then take part in the fringe festival at the Sitges Theatre Festival. The first performances at the marquee installed on the beach are ignored by the public, but by the end of the festival, the venue is crammed with spectators and Tricicle are ultimately awarded a prize created specially for the occasion. Producers and distributors begin to take an interest in Tricicle. The Company perform for the first time outside Catalonia. Destination - Zaragoza Manicomic is previewed in the foyer of La Farándula theatre in Sabadell. One of the businessmen who had considered the show a bore offers Tricicle the opportunity to perform for a season at the Regina Theatre in Barcelona, where they break all the houses attendance records. 1983 First overseas performance. Destination - Brescia, Milan (Italy). Manicomic is premiered at the Sala Cadarso, Madrid. Word of mouth makes the stay in Madrid a great success for the audience and producers alike. First major tour of Spain. Destination - Almena, Cala Ratjada, Valdemoro, Vacarisses and Cantonigrós to name but a few of the venues. Tricicle begins a season in Madrid at the Bellas Artes Theatre. The long hours spent at numerous airports give them the idea for a new show: Exit. 1984 Tuesday March 13th. Exit is premiered at the Sala Villarroel in Barcelona. Exit is Tricicles first single-theme performance. It uses parody to portray human behaviour in the context of airports and aeroplanes. Exit tours Spain - Alicante, Logroño, Mahó, San Sebastián and Tarragona. As part of La Caixas Teatre a les escoles school theatre campaign, the Company perform Un quart de quatre - a show based on Manicomic and adapted for a younger audience. 5 Tricicle's biography 1985 First European tour. Destination - France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy and Greece. A long run at Madrids Martín theatre. While performing in Madrid, an American agent approaches the Company with the possibility of a Broadway contract. The agent gets an excellent review published in Variety, the world-wide entertainment magazine, resulting in non-stop phone-calls from interested American producers. When a number of American producers express an interest in taking Exit to the United States, the American agent somehow manages to scare them all off. Exit is performed at the Edinburgh Festival (UK). Exits farewell Season at the Romea theatre, Barcelona. Tricicle set up La Tricicleta, a sister company to restage Coloraines. 1986 Slastic is premiered at Alicantes Principal Theatre on Tuesday March 13th. Slastic is a series of sketches based on different sports sponsored by a fictitious commercial brand of the same name. International Theatre Festival Award, La Laguna, Las Palmas. Trofeo Ercilla de Bilbao to the best theatre performance for Exit. The Company take part in the Chicago Festival (United States). They create the theatrical agency 3xtr3s with Anexa and Dagoll Dagom with the aim of managing and programming events at Barcelonas Teatre Victòria. They produce La Botiga dels Horrors (The Little Shop of Horrors) by Howard Ashman and Alan Menken. 6 Tricicle's biography 1987 Together with Anexa, Tricicle produce Paul Pörtners Por los pelos (Shear Madness) directed by Pere Planella and staged for the first time on April 24th at the Teatre Victòria, Barcelona. They make their TV debut with the series Tres estrellas (Three Stars). Tres estrelles is based on adventures and misadventures in a luxury hotel. Tour of Holland and Finland. Exit performed at the Los Angeles Festival (USA) Montreux Festival Award to the Best Comedy Serial for Tres estrelles. First season at the Teatre Victòria. The Company had not performed in Barcelona for four years and the streets were full of people queuing. 1988 Second part of the Tres estrelles series. Premio Ondas award for the Tres estrelles TV show. Radio Minutos Minuto de Oro award for Slastic. Augusto de Oro award (international section) for best performance and Augusto de Plata award (European section) for best serial in the Munditele festival for Tres Estrelles. International tour of Slastic - France, Germany, Brazil, Argentina and the premiere of Exit in Japan. Slastic is premiered at the Théâtre de la Ville in Paris. It is a sell-out. Slastic is performed for the first time at the Alcalá Palace Theatre in Madrid. The Company star in a Christmas TV ad for Castellblanch cava (Catalan champagne). They record a number of gags for the TV ad of Barcelonas 1992 Olympic bid. 1989 Slastic goes to France and Canada. In Montreals prestigious Juste pour Rire Festival, they are described as the stars of the festival by the director of the event. Radio Miramars Elite award for Slastic. 7 Tricicle's biography 1990 Tricicle write the scripts for Mariscals televised cartoon series - La troupe de Cobi. They take Slastic on tour to the United States, Italy, Switzerland and France. They direct and perform Buffet Lliure, a radio show for Catalunya Ràdio. TP Award for best self-produced television series for Tres estrellas. 1991 Terrrific is premiered at the CICCA, Las Palmas on March 12th. Co-production of Terrrific with Théâtre de la Ville, Paris. Terrrific is based on fun-fair houses of horror. Edith Piaf award from the Paris critics for best foreign performance given to Slastic. Fotogramas Silver Award for best theatrical performance for Terrrific. Slastic tour of France, Switzerland, Argentina and the United Kingdom. Performance at Alicantes V Centenary concert. Creation of a TV campaign Mou-te! from the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya. They set up a theatre company called Clownic to tour Argentina and France with Slastic. 1992 They take part in the TV programme celebrating the opening of Expo Seville (Universal Exhibition). They are one of the many bearers of the Barcelonas Olympic Torch and take part in the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Barcelona, watched live in the Olympic Stadium by 65,000 spectators and over 200,000,000 TV-viewers world-wide. Coinciding with Barcelonas Olympic Games, the Company revive Slastic at the Teatre Tívoli, Barcelona. They record a mini-series called Festes populars for TV3. The programme presents the popular local feasts of Catalonia. 8 Tricicle's biography They perform in cultural events at the Paralympic Games. Estrella de Mar Award to the Best Comedy Show for Slastic, Mar de Plata (Argentina). Terrrific is staged for the first time at the Théâtre de la Ville, Paris. Recording of a TV ad for a new newspaper - Nou Diari. 1993 They produce, adapt and direct El barbero de Sevilla (The Barber of Seville) Rossini - an opera for children and young adults. It is first staged on March 2nd at the Teatre Victòria, Barcelona. They appear in the Dagoll Dagom television series Oh! Europa for TV3. Season in Lisbon (Portugal) with Slastic. During the hosting of Barcelonas Special Olympics, Tricicle perform one of their popular gags along with ten participants affected with Downs Syndrome. 1994 They record Chooof!, a television serial for TV3. Chooof! is the story of three castaways on a small island in the middle of the ocean. International tour of Slastic. Seasons in Rome, Lisbon, Boston and a tour of several Israeli cities. Celebration of Tricicles fifteenth anniversary. A tour is specially organised for the occasion to take Manicomic to all the towns and cities in Spain where it had not previously been performed. They appear in Rosa Vergéss film, Souvenir. 1995 The Company make their first feature film Palace based on the Tres estrellas TV show. They receive the New York Festivals International Competition Finalist Award for Television, Film and Video Communication for Chooof!. They are finalists of the Rose dOr award in Montreux, Switzerland. Road safety TV ad Al trànsit, poca broma for the Generalitat de Catalunya. TV ad campaign for Ruffles crisps. 9 Tricicle's biography 1996 Entretrès is staged for the first time at Vitorias Principal Theatre on February 29th. Entretrès stages the recording of a sit-com based on three misunderstood artists who share a tiny apartment. With the aim of consolidating the increasing demand for Tricicle on TV and radio, the Trivideo and Ovideo companies merge. Creation and direction of Crack, a series of 170 televised monologues for Canal+. Fotogramas Silver Award for Best Theatre Actor for Entretrès. The Company present Manicomic in Sarajevo as part of a project to aid social and cultural activity in the city after the war. As 3xtr3s, they produce Per davant i per darrera (Noises Off) by Michael Frayn. It is premiered on January 19th at the Victòria Theatre, Barcelona. 3xtr3s takes on the management of another important Barcelona theatre - the Poliorama. 1997 Tricicle present Entretrès at the Union Square Theater Off Broadway, New York with a very good reception from the public, but not so from the critics. But they still have hope! We are still in search of our American dream! They direct and perform the SegurCaixa TV ad for La Caixa. As 3xtr3s, they produce Jordi Galceráns Dakota directed by Josep M. Mestres. It is premiered on October 21st at Barcelonas Teatre Poliorama. They create and direct La saga de los Clark - a mini-series of fifty-four 1,5 minute episodes for Canal+ Television. 1998 They set up again the Clownic theatre company to tour Manicomic both in Spain and abroad. Butaca Professional Career Award. Extensive Spanish tour of Entretrès. Production of Alan Ayckbourns ¿De qué hablábamos? (Relatively Speaking) directed by Tamzin Townsend. It is premiered on March 26th at the Teatre Arnau, Barcelona. Production of Andrés Sopeñas El florido pensil with Tantakka Teatroa directed by Fernando Bernués and Mireia Gabilondo. Premiered on January 15th at the Teatre Poliorama, Barcelona. 10 Tricicle's biography They take part in the production of Francis Vebers El sopar dels idiotes (Le dîner de cons) for the Grec Festival, Barcelona. It is premiered on June 30th at the Condal theatre, Barcelona. Creation of another clown company Clownica with an American theatre group. They produce and direct Slastic, which tours the United States and France. 1999 They appear on BTVs closedown La peixera (The Fishtank). Premiere of the Palace movie at five cinemas in Paris and four in the rest of France. Season of Entretrès at the Deutsche Theater, Munich (Germany) Direction of the show La venganza de don Mendo by Pedro Muñoz Seca coproduced by 3xtr3s, Vania and Gay Mercader. Premiered on March 12th at the Teatre Arnau, Barcelona. As 3xtr3s they produce the show Comèdia negra (Black Comedy) by Peter Shaffer directed by Tamzin Townsend. Premiered April 9th at Barcelonas Teatre Poliorama. Turia Award, Valencia to the best stage design of 1998 for Entretrès. Weekly collaboration on Catalunya Ràdios Versió Original programme. Tricicle 20 is premiered on October 8th at the Victòria Theatre, Barcelona. Tricicle 20 is an anthology of Tricicles most popular sketches. The Spanish tour commences. Tricicle devises and edits Tricicle 20 (the best of 1979-1999) with the sponsorship of the association of authors SGAE. A show in book format featuring the companys 20-year history. FAD Honorary Sebastià Gasch Professional Career Award. Tricicle co-produce No és tan fàcil (Its Not So Simple) by Paco Mir with Vania Produccions and Gay Mercader under the stage direction of Josep Maria Mestres. It is premiered on December 25th at the Club Capitol Sala 2, Barcelona. 2000 Creation and direction of Dinamita!. A series of 160 spoken-comedy sketches for TV3 in thirteen 25-minute episodes. Airtels advertising campaign image. II Award for Teatre Ciutat de Cazorla to Tricicle on their 21st Anniversary. 11 Tricicle's biography 2001 Creation and direction of Dinamita!. Second part of the spoken comedy sketch series for TV3 in twenty-six 25-minute episodes. Los mejores del año 2000 (The Best of 2000 Awards) awarded by the Cambio 16 magazine for best show of the year. The Madrid City Council awards the Ricardo Calvo Prize for best male performance to Tricicle 20 at the Albéniz theatre. Tricicle coproduces Familia (Family) with Nearco Producciones and Gay Mercader. The original script was by Fernando León de Aranoa and the show was directed by Tricicle member Carles Sans. The Tricicle-created theatre script award Per Humor a lArt is held for the first time. The Company film the TV advertising campaign for La Gula del Norte. Performance at the New Year's Eve. 2002 Tricicle present the Award Per Humor a lArt, to the script Beats at La Paloma Theatre, Barcelona. The Tricicle 20 tour comes to its close at the Thêatre Casino in Paris. Editorial Planeta publishes the scripts from Dinamita entitled Estem penjats Dinamita! Part 3 for TV3. SIT is premiered at Alicantes Teatro Principal on May 10th. 2003 The Fotograma de Plata best-performance award for SIT. Community of Madrid advertising campaign Por un Madrid limpio (Keep Madrid Tidy) Tricicle present Asalto de cama with the Per Humor a lArt Award for best play at La Paloma, Barcelona. 12 Tricicle's biography La Generala by Perrín y Palacios (Zarzuela) is premiered on April 1st at Barcelona's Teatre Victoria. Produced by 3xtr3s. El Superbarbero de Sevilla by Rossini at Teatre Romea, Barcelona. Scenic direction by Tricicle and production by Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona. 2004 SIT is premiered in Madrid at the Teatro Nuevo Apolo on January 13th. On sale the DVD colection of Tricicle. They take in the Inauguration Gala of the Museu d' Art Modern i Contemporani Es Baluart in Palma de Mallorca. Performance for the company Campofrío. Dinamita al Teatre is premiered in Sta. Coloma de Gramanet (Barcelona). A new performance based on the best moments of the TV show Dinamita! On July they sign a collaboration agreement with Tele-5 taking off on August with the TV show Dinamita! Creation and direction of Triglita, a TV show. On September 15th they give a Magisterial Class at the 15th Mostra de Mim de Sueca. Sit is premiered at the Théàtre de Paris on October 1st until December 31st. On November 3rd at the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona, Sport and Tricicle present 25+25, an unpublished show based on Slastic. 2005 On January 21, 22 and 23 they present SIT at the International London Mime Festival, at the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London, UK. Tricicle reinitiates an Spanish tour with SIT: Granada, Jerez, Sevilla, León, Salamanca, Córdoba, Cádiz, Jaen, Almeria, San Fernando, Valencia, Santander, Galicia and Málaga. New performance for the company BBVA on their anual convention. 13 Press Sit SIT. A lordly humor. El Pais, November 10th 2002. 14 Press Sit To Sit or not to Sit. Tricicle presents their new show "Sit" at the Teatre Victoria L'Avui, October 29th, 2002. 15 Press Sit Tricicle is back with a chair. Informacions, November 2002. 16 Press Sit Tricicle re-invents the story of the chair. The catalan trio presents in november 7th. at the Teatre Victoria "SIT", a stage performance that shows the diferent uses of the chair. El Periódico, Octuber 29th 2002. 17 Passeig de Gràcia 20 E 08007 Barcelona Tel 93 317 47 47. Fax 93 318 08 06 [email protected]