2009 Yearbook (Special Edition)


2009 Yearbook (Special Edition)
St. John Armenian Church
of Greater Detroit
2009 Yearbook
St. John Armenian Church of Greater Detroit
The Reverend Father Garabed Kochakian ~ Pastor
The Reverend Father Diran Papazian ~ Pastor Emeritus
Deacon Rubik Mailian ~ Director of Sacred Music and Pastoral Assistant
22001 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48075
Phone: 248.569.3405 • Fax: 248.569.0716
www.stjohnsarmenianchurch.org • www.stjohnsarmenianchurch.com
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Parish Staff
Parish Council Members
Diocesan Delegates
Mr. David Dardarian
Mr. John Yavruian
Ms. Lilit Grigoryan
Mrs. Karmen Santourian
Mrs. May Kafafian
Ms. Sara Andonian
Mrs. Alberta Godoshian
Mr. Raffi ElChemmas
Mr. Howard Atesian, Jr.
Mrs. Jacqueline ElChemmas
Mr. Edward Korkoian
Mrs. Janet Mardigian
Mr. Richard Norsigian
Dr. Edward G. Sarkisian
Dr. Gary Zamanigian
Ms. Lisa Mardigian
Mr. Tom Stamboulian
Diocesan Council Member
Ms. Margaret Lafian
Ms. Mary A. Vanerian
Mrs. Janet Mardigian
Parish Administrator
Parish Secretary
Principal, Church School
Youth Coordinator
Parish Organist
Mrs. Lucy Ardash
Executive Assistant
Armenian Apostolic Society, Inc.
Mr. Chuck Sansone
Banquet Mgr, Continental Dining Services
Mr. Ron Ware
Maintenance Supervisor
Vice Chairman
Assistant Treasurer
(Term ending 2011)
Assistant Secretary
Diocesan Board of Trustees
Mr. Gary Gumushian
Mr. Gary Hachigian
Mr. Steve Nazoyan
Mr. Ardag Tachian
Dr. Salpi Toroyan
Mrs. Helen Mardigian
(Term ending 2016)
Mission Statement
Torchbearer v Jahagir
The official parish chronicle of Saint John Armenian Church, the Torchbearer/Jahagir, a historical archive of the parish,
shall provide news of events that have occurred in the life of the parish and announcements of forthcoming activities and significant
religious observances and celebrations of the Armenian Church. In addition, this publication will present appropriate articles of interest about Christian Faith, Heritage, Armenian Culture, Social and Outreach ministries, Diocesan and global events in the life of the
Armenian Church, her communicants and other members of the Armenian family. It is through the Torchbearer/Jahagir that the active
involvement of members of Saint John’s parish will be strengthened and perpetuated for future generations.
Torchbearer Staff
Fr. Garabed Kochakian, Editor-in-chief
Anna Sarkisian, Managing Editor, Copy & Layout
Harry Avagian, Mary Davidson, Diane Ekizian, Dolly Matoian
Please visit the St. John web site for up-to-date calendar information, the Sunday Bulletin, The Torchbearer, event information
and links to internet sites of interest to our parishioners:
Horizontal photos on the cover courtesy of Ara Howrani.
St. John Armenian Church
in your will.
Choose a ministry to support,
establish an endowment,
supplement the General Fund.
Contact the Church Office,
your pastor or a Parish Council member
for ways to leave a legacy to your Church.
St. John Armenian Church
From Father
We, the Pastor and Parish Council, are humbled by the generosity and goodwill offered to the parish of
St. John in loving remembrance of the departed souls who have entered their eternal rests, as well as
the genuine concern and outpouring for the gifts of time, talent and treasure of many who have noted and
acted upon our appeals. Your responses to the needs of our ever-growing parish have helped in keeping
our spiritual home afloat upon the crests of turbulent waves during this past year of economic stress which
has affected virtually every sector of our lives. The personal sacrifices you have made for the ministry and
on-going work of our Armenian Church have certainly demonstrated where your hearts, minds, souls and
strength lie. We are certain that as we step into a new year, the horizon ahead of us will be flooded
with continued light; those rays of hope and promise from Christ our Lord will guide us onward to do His work and
will upon this earth.
We thank you one and all and pray for a prosperous and healthy New Year for your families and for our beloved parish of
St. John the Baptist Armenian Church of Greater Detroit.
~Father Garabed
For all good gifts and all perfect bounties come down from above,
from You, the Father of Light;
and to You is befitting glory dominion and honor,
now and always and forever and ever.
Edward and Helen Mardigian Library
Book Donations
Edward & Helen Mardigian Foundation
Margaret Derderian
Rose Marie Megregian
Charlene Apigian
Douroujalian Family
in honor of Andrew & Mary Douroujalian
on their 60th anniversary
Noraian Family
Apkarian Family
in memory of Varsenick Apkarian
Elizabeth Aprahamian
Lucy Ardash
Gloria Baykian
Violet Cholakian
Tacque Derbabian
Dn. Mihran & Gayle Hoplamazian
Papelian Family
in memory of Anoush Papelian
Khatchig & May Kafafian
Nancy Meledosian Rauf
in memory of George Melidosian
Edward & Yvonne Korkoian
St. John’s Church School
Frances Korkoian
Richard & Gloria Vartanian
Margaret Lafian
Vosganian Family
in memory of Hnazant Bohigian
Paul Margosian
Parishioners and friends are encouraged to donate new or used books on Armenian subjects to the Library.
Books can be donated in honor/memory of friends or relatives.
Donations of Divine Liturgy Missals
In Appreciation
We express our heartfelt thanks to the following
parishioners who donated Divine Liturgy missals in honor
or in remembrance of a relative or friend. The books have
been placed in the pews of our sanctuary for use by the
congregation during the celebration of the Divine Liturgy and
other religious services. The donor’s name appears in bold
letters. The person(s) remembered appears just below it.
The Pastor and Parish Council wish to thank
the following parishioners for their very generous gifts
towards the creation of special wooden blessing tables:
Rose Samarian
Sarkis Samarian
Melek Samarian
2009 Yearbook
Ann Laktzian
Vasken George Laktzian
Honorable Judge Lisa Asadoorian
Deacon & Mrs. Mihran Hoplamazian
Dr. & Mrs. Khatchig Hamamdjian
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Derderian
Mrs. Alice Prudian
In Lieu of Flowers
We encourage our parishioners and friends to remember St. John Armenian Church when designating the beneficiary of their “In
Lieu of Flowers” donations. Your prayers, assistance and support is requested in order to meet the needs of the physical structure
of our parish complex, and above all to carry out our spiritual and educational ministry to our faithful. We are grateful to all who
have remembered the needs of our church where Christ continues to grant us His blessings.
The donations listed here were received during the 2009 calendar year.
~Pastor and Parish Council
Amalia Grigorian-Topalian
June 21, 2008
$25.00 Dr. & Mrs. Harry Kems
NEW TOTAL: $2,060.00
June 26, 2008
$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Karougian;
Mr. & Mrs. Cazandjian; Bedros Civelek
& Suzi Damlama
$30.00 Varujan Kabakciyan,
Irma Kabakciyan
$25.00 Lucy H. Koncagul
NEW TOTAL: $205.00
August 18, 2008
$65.00 The Employees at Henry Schein Dental
$50.00 Kelly & Janine Rollins
$40.00 Jon & Shelly Litteral
NEW TOTAL: $215.00 Susana morukian
August 21, 2008
$25.00 Mike and Sue Kilijian
$20.00 Mrs. Margaret Hadjian
October 30, 2008
Mrs. Laurie Toomajanian; Randolph and
Laurie Pepper; Mrs. Mary Mugerian; Bob
& Annette Harrison; Anne & Khalil Dirani;
Virginia & Barbara Megregian
NEW TOTAL: $9,035.00 vasken george laktzian
November 2, 2008
$50.00 Ms. Mary Nalbandian
$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Vartanian
NEW TOTAL: $4,735.00
Esther Joyce Amadori
December 1, 2008
$100.00 James & Delores (Yagoobian)
King,Jorge & Kelly (King) Torres &
Evangline Christine King;
Anthony M. Amadori
NEW TOTAL: $2,480.00
Angel Mugerdichian
December 5, 2008
$500.00 Arthur & Margaret Vartabedian,
Drs. Robert & Jeri Vartabedian, Ted
Vartabedian, Dr Paul & Lisa Vartabedian,
Ara Vartabedian
NEW TOTAL: $3,830.00
Ronald Sarkis Najarian
December 15, 2008
$25.00 Mrs. Ruby Kolec
TOTAL: $25.00
DR. Armen Shekerjian
December 27, 2008
$100.00 Virginia Avakian
$50.00 Grace Couyoumjian;
Janice & Irv Goldfein
$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Tutelian;
Mr. & Mrs. George Cross
NEW TOTAL: $425.00
Edward K. Torossian
January 2, 2009
$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Karl Sarafian; Gloria
Baykian & Family; Mr. Edward Papelian; Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stamboulian;
Ann S. (Stephanian) Kale
$15.00 Mary Mashlakjian
TOTAL: $265.00 Virginia Cheteyan
January 20, 2009
$50.00 David, Marianne, Daniel and
Karen Dardarian
$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Apkarian
$20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stamboulian
TOTAL: $95.00 Paul Tootikian
January 28, 2009
$100.00 St. John’s Armenian Church School
$25.00 Dr. & Mrs. Harry Kems
$15.00 Nina Sarkisian
TOTAL: $140.00 Margaret Dakessian
February 13, 2009
$200.00 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Tokatlian
$100.00 Kasper Ohannasian & Family;
Mary Altounian; Ms. Rose Samarian;
Manouk & Nancy Altounian, Martin
& Becky Altounian; Mr. & Mrs. Harry
$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. George Boyagian;
Paul Mazmanian; Mary Davidson;
George Tokatlian; Kasper & Elizabeth
Tokatlian; Carl & Angela Banerian & Family
$40.00 Miss Susan Janigian
$35.00 The Women’s Guild of St. John’s
Armenian Church
$30.00 Esther Manoogian; Miss
Margaret Derderian
$25.00 Violet DerManulian; Joanne
Tokatlian; Agnes Sohegian; Mr. & Mrs.
Grover Hillard Rodgers; Edna Avedesian;
Dr. Rose Marie Berberian;
Mr. & Mrs. Hagop Alexanian; Judge Y.
Gladys Barsamian; Jilber & Katherine
Abajian; Mrs. Sarkeis Negohosian;
John Noraian
$20.00 Maida Abajian Altinok; Helen
Mempreian Movsesian;
Miss Helen Sahakian
$15.00 Mrs. Rose Gargarian; Nina
Sarkisian; Tom & Zee Sarkesian
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Burchill
TOTAL: $1,580.00 Mary Semeroff
February 26, 2009
$250.00 Mrs. Helen Mardigian
$200.00 Gregory & Richard Nigosian
$100.00 Robert & Linda DePietro, Ryan,
$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hovsepian;
Armen & Teryl Lynn Asher; Mr. & Mrs.
Edward Vosganian; Mrs. Ramela
Carman; Mr. & Mrs. George Manoogian;
Deacon Onnig & Luiz Boyajian; Mr. &
Mrs. Ara Ekizian; Ms. Nan Bogosian
$35.00 Edward, Yvonne & Christopher
Korkoian; The Women’s Guild of St.
John’s Armenian Church;
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Sadoway
$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Benian;
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Mekjian; Alice & Emma
Betrosian; Susan Kluczynski; Mr. &
Mrs. Harry Carman; Mr. & Mrs. Aram
Pambookian; Mr. & Mrs. Sam Torossian;
Mrs. Joyce Obenhoff; Myron & Dede
Ohanian; Gary & Juliette Chevikian;
Margrit Demirci; Mrs. Marguerite
Dakhlian; Sona & John Nahabedian;
Mrs. Ida Gononian; Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Tutelian; Alice, Melanie & Kevin
$20.00 Jeanette & Mike Vartanian;
Maida Abajian Altinok; Carl & Alice
Malakhanian; Miss Alma Krikorian;
Mr. & Mrs. Nerses Markarian; Rose W.
Petryszak; Steve & Lydia Doyon;
Mrs. Rose Vartouhi Baykian
$15.00 Mrs. Rose Boudakian
March 4, 2009
$200.00 Edward, Yvonne & Christopher
$100.00 Marty & Diana Shoushanian;
Mr. & Mrs. Archie Samouelian; Mr. &
Mrs. Antonio Iafrate; Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Hamparian; Dr. & Mrs. Vartkes Tadian;
Dr. Ignatios & Penny Voudoukis
$50.00 Mr. William Tadian;
St. John Armenian Church
Mr. & Mrs. Louie Hagopian; Lisa
Hagopian, Eric Harabadian; Sandy
$40.00 Mariam & Keith Davis
$30.00 Manuel Cook; Mrs. & Mr.
Margaret Hadjian
$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Negosian;
Ms. Queenie Sarkisian; Mrs. Andrea
Soultanian; Kasper Ohannasian, Jr; A.
& M. Arslanian; Eldon L. Martin; Diane &
Bruce Kezlarian & Family
$20.00 Mrs. Anita Kachadurian; John
TOTAL: $1,315.00 Sooran Yavruian
March 8, 2009
$100.00 Don, Carolyn & Anto Arslanian;
Ms. Mary Nalbandian; Mr. & Mrs. Robert
$75.00 Edward S. Papelian
$50.00 Edward, Yvonne & Christopher
Korkoian; Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Vartabedian;
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Minasian; Deacon & Mrs.
Mihran Hoplamazian
$40.00 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Keramedjian;
Mr. & Mrs. Masis Godoshian
$35.00 Rose M. Rumble
$25.00 Robert & Kim Simonian and
Family; Mr. & Mrs. Randy Hawes;
Ms. Gloria Baykian; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Stamboulian; David, Marianne, Daniel
and Karen Dardarian; Edwin Neffian;
Brooke Hoplamazian; Mr. & Mrs. Jerry
Dayinian; Charles Karibian
March 9, 2009
$100.00 Christine Bonner; Edward S.
Papelian; Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sitto
$50.00 Ms. Gloria Baykian; Sonia
$30.00 Mrs. Kora Jamian; Mathew &
Sirarpi Klujian
$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Vartanian;
Rose & Miriam Gargarian
TOTAL: $510.00 Dr. Hamazasp Darian
March 13, 2009
$1,000.00 Vrejouhi & Armen Darian;
Ben & Janet Roth
$500.00 Herbert Schunk; Dr.& Mrs.
Vigen Darian & Family; Michael & Linda
Karibian $200.00 Razmik & Armine Perian;
Kaaren Khoudikian
$150.00 Pete & Mary Karibian
$100.00 Manya Korkigian; Marshall &
Jan Karibian; Frank & Carol Salucci;
John & Linda Hodakowski; Karine
Khudikian; John Hogikyan & Barbara
Kaye; Karl & Nancy Couyoumjian; Marty
& Diana Shoushanian; Dr. & Mrs. Robert
Hogikyan; Mike & Shirley Kojaian;
Deacon & Mrs. Mihran Hoplamazian;
Mrs. Emma Sogoian; Ann Laktzian;
Kurjian Family; Gregory Jamian &
Family; Dr. & Mrs. Norman Hogikian; Dr.
& Mrs. Gary Belian; St John’s Armenian
Church School; Mr. & Mrs. Matthew
Karibian; Vanig Godoshian;
2009 Yearbook
Mrs. Helen Mardigian; Mr. Edward
Hogikyan; James G. Derian
$75.00 Dr. & Mrs. Edward Bayleran
$60.00 Mr. & Mrs. Masis Godoshian
$50.00 Robert S. Harrison;
Mr. Zaven Dolik; Anahid, Ara & Cynthia
Kachadoorian; Edward Deghroony,
Patricia & Harry Berra; Mr. & Mrs.
George Manoogian; Armen & Mary
Korkigian; Sonia Terterian; Dr. & Mrs.
Roy Misirlyan; Mrs. Helen Karibian;
Mrs. Alice Manoogian; John & Virginia
Lucas; Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tutelian; Mary
Boyadjian; Jim & Patricia Stamboulian &
Family; Mr. & Mrs. Robert Karakashian;
Edward, Yvonne & Christopher Korkoian;
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Reizian; Mr. & Mrs.
Richard Apkarian; Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Sarkesian; Mrs. Silva Sahakian;
Drs. Theodore & Nana Pantos;
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Bourgeois
$40.00 Dicran & Aralynn Haidostian
$35.00 Mr.& Mrs. George Zamanian;
Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Karougian
$30.00 David, Marianne, Daniel and
Karen Dardarian; Mr.& Mrs. Mark
Mamassian; Greg & Joanne Todd;
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bedikian
$25.00 Beatrice Bazoian; Miss Judy
Hovnan; Mrs. Jane Hovsepian; Ms. Lucy
Merzian; Mr. & Mrs. Sam Arslanian;
Deacon & Mrs. Richard Norsigian; Mr.
& Mrs. Jerry Dayinian; Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Keoleian; Ms. Queenie Sarkisian; Mr.
& Mrs. Kelly Kuchukian; Mr. & Mrs.
Bryan Boyadjian Paul & Marie Aramian;
Miss Marilyn Boladian; Mrs. Barbara
Haroutunian; Miss Susan Janigian
$20.00 George & Eva Tsiatalas; Mrs.
Queenie Hazergian; Ms. Sara Andonian;
Dr. Rose Marie Berberian; Mr. & Mrs.
Matthew Sarafian
$5.00 Mrs. Violet Greenberg & Family of
the late Dr. Ralph A. Greenberg
TOTAL: $8,295.00
Lucy G. Aram
March 19, 2009
$975.00 Carol Aram, John J. Aram,
George & Constance Aram,
Louise A. Duchesneau
$100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Archie Samouelian;
Adreena Harley; Dr. Alan & Janet
$75.00 Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bjornstad;
Mr. & Mrs. Sooren Gozmanian;
Maryann & Artin Artinian & Family;
John & Debi Green
$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Keurajian
$40.00 Denise Floe
$35.00 Mrs. Sema Tafralian;
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bagdasarian
$30.00 Valerie Watson
$25.00 Pearl Mooradian; John & Lucille
Noraian; Dorothy & Greg Burek; Gloria
G. Marlett; Gregory & Therese Alton;
Stephen & Susan Clement; Robert &
Marsha Tofte
$20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Kuchukian; Alice
& Narses Gedigian; Karen Ralya
$10.00 Sharon Deron
TOTAL: $2,010.00 John Kazarian
March 20, 2009
$250.00 Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis Stepanian
$125.00 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Blakian
$100.00 Ara & Roxanne Gharibian
$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. George Godoshian;
Michele Samouelian; Mr. & Mrs. Edward
$40.00 Jr. & Alice Patrick; Mr. & Mrs.
Stepan Stepanyan
$35.00 Miss Gladys Krikorian
$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Art Krikorian; Mr.
Charles Merigian; Mr. John Mahakian;
Mr. Armen Boladian; Mr. & Mrs. Harry Mardirosian; Andrew
& Mary Douroujalian; John & Lucille
Noraian; Florence Jevahirian; Dan &
Lillian Kachadourian
$20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Iafrate; Monty
$15.00 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Negosian; Miss
Margie Simonian
$10.00 Stephanie Valentini
TOTAL: $1,045.00 Robert S. Ajemian
March 24, 2009
$100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Keoleian
$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kulhanjian;
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sarkesian; Harold B.
Missakian; Ms. Virginia Jooharigian;
Rose & Norman Avedian
$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Santourian
$15.00 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Negosian;
Marian Malian Gill
TOTAL: $405.00 Rose Mardirosian
May 4, 2009
$1,000.00 Mark Mardirosian Family &
Gloria Savory Family
$200.00 Robert Marderosian & Family
$100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Dicran Haidostian;
Mr. & Mrs. Louie Hagopian; Mr. Harry
Mardirosian; Harry & Gail Minassian
$75.00 Mr. & Mrs. George Godoshian;
Mr. & Mrs. John Samarian
$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. J. Kozlowski; Mr. &
Mrs. Levon Keshishian; Mr. & Mrs. John
Bahadurian, Jr; Mrs. Arpena Kahayian; Mr. & Mrs. Richard Vartanian; Mr. &
Mrs. George & Carole Basmadjian; Mr.
& Mrs. Jon Sarkesian; Daughters of
Vartan; Frank & Anita Rizzo; Mr. & Mrs.
Rick Widener; Mr. & Mrs. Karl Sarafian;
Kennedy Family
$40.00 Lisa Hagopian; Mr. & Mrs.
Charles Stamboulian; Rosemary
Haroutunian; Miss Gladys Krikorian;
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Zwinck; Mrs. Queenie
$35.00 George & Anne Zamamian;
Edward, Yvonne & Christopher Korkoian;
Mrs. Hermalene Kahayian; The Women’s
Guild of St. John’s Armenian Church
$30.00 Isabelle Kesh; Mrs. Sylvia
Aglamishian; Sema Hayalian
$25.00 Victor Papakhian; Mary Mullally;
Mrs. Anna Soultanian; Mr. & Mrs.
Thomas Stamboulian; Deacon & Mrs.
Mihran Hoplamazian; Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Hovsepian; Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hamparian;
Mrs. Agnes M. Dourjalian; Ann Laktzian;
Ms. Gloria Korkoian; Mrs. Jane
Hovsepian; Evereg Fenesse Educational
Society; Dr & Mrs. V. Michael
Armoudlian; Mr. & Mrs. John Kachigian;
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Messelian
$20.00 Joanne Tokatlian; Mr. & Mrs.
Gregory Mamassian; Mrs. Sema
Tafralian; Mrs. Sally Kabodian; Mr. &
Mrs. Walter Negosian; Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Karebian; Mrs. Nina Sarkisian
$15.00 Mariam Malian Anderson-Smith
$10.00 Zaven Mavian; Bob & Melissa Lurie
TOTAL: $3,370.00 Rose Choukourian
May 30, 2009
$35.00 Gregory Jamian Family
$25.00 Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Baylerian;
Mary Toovalian
TOTAL: $85.00 Levon Maranci
June 6, 2009
$100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Osep Sarafian; Mr. &
Mrs. Kazar Terterian
$75.00 Mr. & Mrs. Kirakos (Greg)
$60.00 Tereza Cesmeci (Canadian
Funds) $52.99
$50.00 Norman Akarakcian; Dr. & Mrs.
Ara Yarjanian; Haik Terterian; Silva Ficici;
Arbi & Vahram E. Papaghanian; Olga
Maranjian Church; Nazar & Hayguhi
$40.00 Deacon & Mrs. Ohannes
$30.00 John Ohanyan; Alis Ekmekci;
Ohannes & Irma Mihalian; Yn. Shakeh
$20.00 Nazeli Shirvanian & Family
June 9, 2009
$1,000.00 Ken & Elise Landis and
Families, John & Denise Pochas and
$250.00 Mr. & Mrs. George (Ruth)
$200.00 Mrs. Kora Jamian; Mr. & Mrs.
Mike Kojaian
$100.00 Virginia Avakian; John &
Cynthia Jamian Family
$75.00 John & Grace Boladian; Mr. &
Mrs. George Derderian, Jr.; Gregory
Jamian Family
$60.00 Mrs. Stephanie Dallakian
$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gazmararian;
Dr. Julie Gazmararian & Dr. Paul
Foster; Mr. Simon Tashjian; Ms. Rose
Hazergian; Mr. & Mrs. David Hazergian
& Family; Adam & Louise Vahratian;
Miss Marilyn Boladian; Mr. & Mrs.
Gregory Boyajian; Brook & Mike
Fullagar; Mr. & Mrs. Steve Varjabedian;
Jessie Gary; Mr. & Mrs. Michael T
Minasian; Gerald L. M. Parks; Mr. & Mrs.
John Stephanian; The Szczurek Family
$35.00 Mrs. Queenie Hazergian;
Edward, Yvonne & Christopher Korkoian;
Perry & Michelle Minasian; The Women’s
Guild of St. John’s Armenian Church;
Mrs. Virginia Melkonian
$30.00 Mrs. Araxie Choukourian; Mr. &
Mrs. John Nagohosian
$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Demirjian;
Robert & Lucy Yazejian; Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Hovsepian; Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rupas;
Deacon & Mrs. Mihran Hoplamazian; Mr.
& Mrs. Thomas Stamboulian; Mrs. Jane
Hovsepian; Margaret Benian; Gloria &
Frances Korkoian; Mary Kazanjian; Mr. &
Mrs. Armen Safilian; Madeline Chooljian;
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Messelian
$20.00 Mrs. Nina Sarkisian; Mr. & Mrs.
Stephen Derderian; Mrs. Louise A.
Brocher; Prof. & Mrs. George Kurajian;
Ken & Lu Downing; Mrs. Elizabeth
$15.00 Zita Nagel
June 24, 2009
$1,000.00 Rose, Miriam, Margaret
Ann Gargarian; Harry, Mark and Paul
Barsamian Families
$500.00 Miss Margaret Derderian
$125.00 Edward S. Papelian
$100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Tokatlian;
Mr. & Mrs. Hillard Rodgers; Mr. & Mrs.
Edward Jizmejian; Deacon & Mrs. Mihran
Hoplamazian; Richard & Helen Torigian,
Kathryn Torigian, Jeff & Karen Kalajian,
Eric & Nicole Torigian, Mark & Deana
Torigian; Consulting Engineering Assoc.
& Employees; Mr. & Mrs. Simon Javizian;
Robert & Dorothy Juskalian & Family; Dr.
Rose Marie Berberian; Judge Y. Gladys
Barsamian; OSU Eye Physicians and
$75.00 Christine & Mae Derdarian
$70.00 Dr. Arthur Hamparian
$50.00 Ms. Helen Kashian; Mr. & Mrs.
Arthur Mekjian; Mrs. Margaret Derderian;
John J. McClay; Ms. Rose Samarian;
Elizabeth Hovsepian;
Daughters of Vartan
$40.00 Mr. & Mrs. Adam Vahratian; Mr. &
Mrs. John Nagohosian
$35.00 Mr. & Mrs. George & Anne
Zamanian; Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Baylerian;
Agnes M. Dourjalian; Dr. & Mrs. Gary
Zamanigian; Mr. Simon Tashjian
$30.00 Mrs. Alice Chavdarian; Ann
Laktzian; Mr. & Mrs. Edward Vosganian
$25.00 Stephen & Lisa Derderian; Edwin
Neffian; Gloria & Frances Korkoian; Mr. &
Mrs. Harout Sanjian; Isabelle Kesh; Mary
& Bill Mullally; Mrs. Virginia Aginian; Mrs.
Jane Hovsepian; Prof. & Mrs. George
Kurajian; Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Tarpinian;
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Negosian; Mrs. Nina
Sarkisian; Mrs. Anita Kachadurian;
Dennis & Vicky Hagobian; Mr. & Mrs.
Paul Kulhanjian; Mr. & Mrs. Richard
$20.00 Ed & Vicky Baharian; Mr. & Mrs.
Robert Bagdasarian; Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Amboian; Mrs. Elizabeth Mamassian
July 8, 2009
Mrs. Jane Hovsepian; David, Marianne,
Daniel and Karen Dardarian; Mr. & Mrs.
Peter Hovsepian; Edward, Yvonne,
Laura, & Christopher Korkoian; Ms.
Barbra Bourcier; Harry, Patty, Harry
III and Michael Kezelian; Carole Lynn
Hovsepian; Susan Hovsepian; Richard
Hovsepian, Arlene, Kristin, Kelly,
Ricky and Andrew; Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Baylerian; Teryl & Armen Asher
TOTAL: $1,010.00 Valeriy Bagdasaryan
July 9, 2009
$25.00 David & Marianne Dardarian & Family
July 9, 2009
$150.00 Mr. Manuel Cook
$100.00 Hugh & Nancy Ryan; Dr. & Mrs.
Andrew Nersesian & Family; Mr. & Mrs.
Gregory Movsesian; Mrs. June Mekjian;
Miss Hasmik Betrosian
$50.00 Miss Katherine Mekjian;
Edward, Yvonne, & Christopher
Korkoian; Mrs. Barbara Haroutunian;
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Aprahamian; Martin
& Diana Shoushanian; Miss Mary Ann
Nersessian; Movses & Anna Movsesian
$40.00 Joyce Holmes; David Movsesian;
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Mekjian; Mr. & Mrs.
Harry Couyoumjian
$35.00 The Women’s Guild of St. John’s
Armenian Church
$30.00 Hasmik Sarhan; Mrs. Anita
Kachadurian; Mr. & Mrs. Robert
$25.00 Mrs. Agnes M. Dourjalian; Miss
Almas Derderian; Emeline Santikian;
Sona Eurdekian; Margaret Derderian;
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Vosganian; Rosemary
Kaloustian Smith; Ms. Alice Argnian;
Ms. Rose Najarian; Phillip & Cynthia
Kashigian; David, Marianne, Daniel and
Karen Dardarian; Ms. Gloria Korkoian;
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kulhanjian
$20.00 Ed & Vicky Baharian; Nancy
Swords; Jerry & Marlene Chwalek;
Mohammad Hamzeh & Alex Mallah; Amy
Betrosian; Ms. Sara Andonian; Mrs. Rose
Shahinian; Mrs. Sema Tafralian; Mrs.
Jane Hovsepian; Mrs. Alice Mekjian; Mr.
& Mrs. Antonio Iafrate; Mr. & Mrs. Walter
Negosian; Dr. & Mrs. Gary Assarian; Mr.
John Mahakian; Mrs. Jean Sarkisian
$15.00 Miss Margaret Oknaian; Mrs.
Rose Megerian; Mrs. Nina Sarkisian
$10.00 Mary Robertson; Robert & Mary
Jane Bertin
July 20, 2009
$300.00 Edward S. Papelian, Renee
J. Papelian, Joseph & Linda Papelian,
Edwina Papelian Michalski, Steve & Lisa
Simpson, Dennis, Matthew & Silvina
Michalski & Nicholas
$250.00 Mrs. Helen Mardigian
$200.00 Tireco Inc.; Marylou Serb
$100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Alex Jemal, Jr; Garret
W Crook Jr.; Mrs. Alice Manoogian; Mr. &
Mrs. Edward Mardigian, Jr;
St. John Armenian Church
Mr. & Mrs. George Manoogian; Mr. &
Mrs. Richard Apkarian; Mr. & Mrs. Karl
Couyoumjian, Jr; Mrs. Alexander Walt;
Dr. & Mrs. K. Dirani & Mr. Vincent Kaye
$75.00 Mr. & Mrs. Masis Godoshian; Mr.
& Mrs. Richard Keramedjian
$50.00 Edwin Bozian; Deacon & Mrs.
Mihran Hoplamazian; Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Hovsepian; Edward, Yvonne, Laura
& Christopher Korkoian; Mrs. Grace
Couyoumjian; Mrs. Sirarpie Ohanian; Ms.
Lucy Merzian; Mr. & Mrs. Kent Johnson;
Laura D. Sarkesian; Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Zwinck; Patti & Joe D’Avanzo; Mr. & Mrs.
Jerry Dayinian
$40.00 Mr. Zaven Dolik
$35.00 The Women’s Guild of St. John’s
Armenian Church; Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Keoleian; Miss Mary Davidson
$30.00 Cheryl Mattingly
$25.00 David & Marianne Dardarian &
Family; Mr. & Mrs. Edward Vosganian;
Mrs. Jane Hovsepian; Mr. & Mrs. John
Noraian; Mr. & Mrs. Tom Banks; Mr. &
Mrs. Gary Chevikian; Mr. & Mrs. Myron
Ohanian; Ann Laktzian; Tom & Zee
Sarkesian; Rosemary & Dyana Kezelian;
Dickran & Anahit Toumajan; Mrs. Diane
Yessaian Costa; Mrs. Ann Margosian;
Ed & Flora Rozman; May & Khatchig
Kafafian; Mary & Carolyn Plsek; Mr. &
Mrs. Ardash Apigian; Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Aginian; Nick & Dana Chuchi ; Gloria
Baykian & Mother; Mr. Simon Tashjian;
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Atesian; Carl & Ida
$20.00 Ms. Sara Andonian; Mr. & Mrs.
Robert Benian; Mary Radlicki; Mr. & Mrs.
Kelly Kuchukian; Peg & Arlon Quigley
$15.00 Corine Asher & Lester Weitman;
Madeline George
$10.00 Margaret Carnaghi
July 25, 2009
$1,000.00 Brian and Karen Toovalian,
Jano and Tracy Janoyan, Lorig and Mark
Keith, Ani and Brian Turner
$200.00 Mr. & Mrs. Dan Yessian
$150.00 Mr. & Mrs. Simon Javizian
$100.00 Mary Toovalian; Dr.& Mrs.
Harry Kems; Mike & Sarah Kaysserian;
Roseann Manoogian Attar
$50.00 Marguerite & Karen Dakhlian;
Mr. & Mrs. George Kudanian; Mrs.
Sarkeis Negohosian; Deacon & Mrs.
Mihran Hoplamazian; Mr. & Mrs.
George Gazmararian; Mr. & Mrs. Mark
Mamassian; Mark & Cindy Yessian; Mrs.
Elizabeth Mamassian
$40.00 Dr. & Mrs. Gary Assarian; Mrs.
Nina Sarkisian
$35.00 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Keoleian
$30.00 Mark & Nannette Dakhlian;
Mr. John Mahakian; Mrs. Araxie
Choukourian; Mr. & Mrs. Adam Vahratian;
Mrs. Flora Yessaian; Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Jizmejian; Dr. Larry, Graceann, Carolyn,
Erica Nishon
$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rupas; Mrs.
Esther Najarian; Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth
Burchill; Mrs. Elizabeth Amboian;
2009 Yearbook
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Mamassian; Mr. &
Mrs. Myron Ohanian; Mrs. Alice Prudian
$20.00 Kelly & Sima Kuchukian; Mr. &
Mrs. Walter Negosian; Mr. & Mrs. Sam
Arslanian; Miss Anita Saboonjian
$15.00 Mrs. Sema Tafralian
September 22, 2009
$1,600.00 Art & Judy Mardossian,
Alice & Sarkis Kazarian, Delores & Al
Karibian, Kai & Gay Kazarian, Holly &
Robert Dadekian & Family, Carol & Steve
Cariello, Craig & Suzanne Karibian & Son,
Todd Karibian, John & Leah Karibian &
Son, Kim & John Killian & Family, Brandon
& Ashley Mardossian & Family
$500.00 Marguerite Baylerian
$250.00 Zaven & Arline Dadekian
$200.00 Dr. & Mrs. Edward Sarkisian;
Dr. & Mrs. Haig Yardumian and Family/
Mr. Leon Sarkisian
$100.00 Mr. & Mrs. John Esayian;
John Gilker; Dr. & Mrs. Chitranjan Lall
; Rose Brooks; Mr. & Mrs. Jim Nardell;
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Matoian; Mrs. Nina
Sarkisian; Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bedikian;
Shaghoian & Debay Family; Mr. & Mrs.
Hayk Kayayan; Harry & Janice Megerian
and Family; Robert & Mary Zauner
$75.00 Marderus Kadian; Ardag & Salpi
$60.00 Robert & Jeri Vartabedian
$50.00 Frank & Laura Straus; Mr. & Mrs.
Haig Baylerian; Helen Karibian; Peter &
Barbara Rupas; Ms. Nicole Matoian; Mr.
& Mrs. George Gazmararian; Shirley &
Ed Zabczynski; Atam & Dianne Bedikian;
Dorothy Gallo; Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Houhanisin, Jr; Dr. Christine Matoian; Mr.
& Mrs. Pete Nardell; Alice Kadian;
Mrs. Agnes Thompson; Marie & Larry
Suarez; Mr. & Mrs. Simon Javizian;
Mikael & Alice Garoukian; Mr. & Mrs.
Stephen Derderian; Mitchell & Janice Radon
$40.00 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Negosian; Mr.
& Mrs. Richard Baylerian; Susan Warner;
Lium & Michelle Oxley
$35.00 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Varadian
$30.00 Nabeeh & Hilda Beshara; Mat.
Melanya Svirid; Mr. & Mrs. Stephan
Karougian; Mrs. Margaret Derderian;
Rose Oknaian; Dr. & Mrs. Vincent
Baylerian; Sylvia & Lisa Aglamishian;
Lucy Samessian
$25.00 Perry Paragamian; Edith Liptow;
Cynthia Peterson; Anna Aghababian;
Subdeacon Aram Sarkisian; Mrs. Gladys
Margosian; Maida Atamian Altinok
(Abajian); Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cristiano;
Mrs. Barbara Haroutunian; Edward,
Yvonne, & Christopher Korkoian;
Rose Atamian, Rosemary & Katherine
Petryszak; Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Melkonian;
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hovsepian; Deacon
& Mrs. Richard Norsigian; Miss Anita
Saboonjian; Mr. & Mrs. Sam Arslanian;
Peter Kazarian; Mr. & Mrs. Andre
Antreassian; Helen Barsamian; Mary &
Mark Akgulian; Mike & Claire Kadamian
$20.00 Prof. & Mrs. George M. Kurajian;
Ms. Anna Karakashian; Marlene Smith;
Gene & Marie Chardukian; Harry Akgulian
$15.00 Mary Toovalian; Zovart Dakesian
$10.00 Sally A. Tarpinian; Dan & Marj
September 28, 2009
$500.00 Anne Tarpinian & Family
$150.00 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Varadian
$125.00 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Blakian
$100.00 George & Zabel Arakelian;
Audrey Derderian; Richard & Deborah
Stamp; Dr. Salpi Toroyan; Mrs. Alice
Chavdarian; Frank, Karen, Lisa, and
Glenn Pulice; Mr. & Mrs. Karl Sarafian;
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Baylerian; Mary &
Dianne Nranian & Mike & Rosemary
Morbitzer; Andrew Tarpinian; St. John’s
Armenian Church School; Herman,
Susan & Ron Sarkisian; Art & Margaret
Amroian; Mr. & Mrs. Zaroogian; Herm
Fishman; Glenn & Kim Liebowitz
$75.00 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Boucher;
Mr. & Mrs. Simon Javizian
$60.00 Harriet Freeman
$50.00 Mrs. Grace Couyoumjian; Mr.
& Mrs. Haig Baylerian; Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Hovsepian; Mrs. Alice Chavdarian; David,
Lori, Jacqueline & Jennifer Kontry; Mr. &
Mrs. John Kachigian; Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Matoian; Joyce Shakay and James
Majeska; Dorothy Avakian; Richard
Nalbandian; Dr. Harry Reizian; Mrs.
Karen Bullion; Mr. & Mrs. Noray Sarkisian;
Mrs. Rose Shahinian; Mary R. Smith
$40.00 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Baylerian;
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stamboulian;
Suzanne Hovnanian
$35.00 Mr. & Mrs. Vahram Fantazian;
John & Terrie Karebian; Mrs. Margaret
Kemian; Dr. & Mrs. Gary Zamanigian;
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Malakhanian;
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stamboulian
$30.00 Miss Hasmik Betrosian;
Sylvia & Lisa Aglamishian; Mr. & Mrs.
Ara Basherian; Mrs. Alice Mavian;
Mrs. Louise A. Brocher; Mr. & Mrs.
Arthur Aprahamian; Ralph & Frances
Garabedian; Leo & Gladys Artinian
$25.00 Janice Torosian; Mr. & Mrs.
Arthur Mekjian; David & Judith
Shahinian; Deacon & Mrs. Richard
Norsigian; Takouhi Kazarian; Alice &
Emma Betrosian; Mr. & Mrs. George
Cross; Mrs. Araxie Choukourian; Mr. &
Mrs. Mitchell Topalian; Deacon & Mrs.
Mihran Hoplamazian; Mr. & Mrs. Jim
Stamboulian; Mrs. Anna Soultanian; Mr.
& Mrs. Howard Atesian; Dickran & Anahit
Toumajan; Jack & Barb Aprahamian;
Mr. & Mrs. Cross Mooradian; Mr. &
Mrs. Harry Kazanjian; Edward, Yvonne,
& Christopher Korkoian; Mr. & Mrs.
George Godoshian; David, Marianne,
Daniel and Karen Dardarian; Mr. & Mrs.
Edward Vosganian; Ann Laktzian; Mr. &
Mrs. Harry Toomajian; Tafralian Family;
Bryan, Lisa Boyadjian & Family; Mr. &
Mrs. Phillip Shishmian; Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Karakashian; Joe V. Melidosian; Harry &
Mary Kems; Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Pilibosian;
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Jizmejian; Mitchell
& Rose Kehetian; Mrs. Sally Kabodian;
Rosalie Torossian; Miss Elizabeth
Melidosian; Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Angotti;
Helen Derderian; Mr. & Mrs. George
Adams; Mr. & Mrs. Robert Attar; Mrs.
Cynthia Apkarian; Ms. Lucy Merzian; Mr.
& Mrs. George Keurajian; Miss Susan
Janigian; Mrs. Agnes M. Dourjalian
$20.00 Mrs. Jean Sarkisian; Prof. & Mrs.
George Kurajian; Arick Kasper; Ms. Nan
Bogosian; Norman & Esther Javezian;
Armenian American Veterans; Dr. & Mrs.
Gary Assarian; Mrs. Nina Sarkisian;
Denny & Virginia Fletcher; Mr. & Mrs.
Patrick Torossian; Ms. Alice Argnian;
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Torigian; Ms. Sara
Andonian; Mrs. Susan Ameriguian;
Steve & Carol Palian and Family;
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Karebian
$15.00 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Negosian
$10.00 Mrs. Alice Takessian
September 30, 2009
$200.00 Directors, Officers and
Employees of American Mutual
Insurance Company
$100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Melkonian;
Ms. Rose Samarian; Mary Davidson;
Edward Vosganian Family
$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. John Samarian,
Karen Samarian and Gregory Samarian;
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Emelian; Elizabeth &
Sylvia Samarjian Family; Paula Terzian
Meyers & Dennis Terzian; Mr. & Mrs.
Mike Donoian; Sheria & Roy Howington;
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Johnson
$45.00 Anonymous
$35.00 Mrs. Mary Seremjian
$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Couyoumjian;
Ms. Sylvia Axt; Ms. Queenie Sarkisian;
Mr. & Mrs. John Pilibosian; Tom & Pauline
Sanderson; Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carman
$20.00 Mr. Harry Mardirosian; Ann
Okolovitch; Robert McKaelian
October 17, 2009
$250.00 Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Mooradian
$100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Mullen;
George & Zabel Arakelian
$50.00 Lauren & Arthur Mullen; Gerald
& Judith Kotasek; Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Kurjian; Mrs. Nennette Merametdjian;
Shakay Mooradian & Karen Florka
Walker; Mr. Joseph George
$25.00 Ron & Nancy Dolkowski
October 23, 2009
$500.00 Angela & Cheryl Banerian, Carl
& Harriet Banerian & Family and Dr. Kirk &
Leslie Banerian & Family; Robert V. Arabian
$100.00 Rick & Robin Hagopian;
John & Marilyn Reizian; Rev. Louise
Kalemkerian, Susan Yeghissian & Janet
Yeghissian; Raffi & Gloria Toroyan; Ms.
Rose Samarian; Alice Kadian; Dr. Salpi Toroyan; Dr. Harry Reizian;
Alice, Melanie, Kevin Mikaelian
$75.00 Marderos Kadian & Michael
Kadian; Mrs. Gladys Margosian
$60.00 Mr. & Mrs. Haig Baylerian
$50.00 Lauren Burris; Ms. Mary
Nalbandian; Miss Susan Janigian; Mr. &
Mrs. John Reizian; Mrs. Rose Assarian;
Mrs. Silva Sahakian; Marsha & Bruce
Chapman; Mr. & Mrs. Harry Keoleian;
Sue & Haig Arabian; Mr. & Mrs. Simon
Javizian; Mr. & Mrs. Gary Reizian &
Nicole; Dr. & Mrs. Edward Baylerian; Mr.
& Mrs. Michael Hazergian;
Miss Nora Noraian
$40.00 Dr. & Mrs. Edward Sarkisian; Mr.
& Mrs. Armen Safilian; Movses & Anna
$35.00 Robert & Isabel Kurkechian; Mr.
& Mrs. Vahram Fantazian
$30.00 Richard & Gloria Vartanian;
Mr. & Mrs. Mihran Joboulian; David,
Marianne, Daniel and Karen Dardarian;
Ms. Margaret Dayinian; Harry Barsamian;
Shirley Priskorn; Anne Tarpinian; Mr. &
Mrs. John Noraian; Mr. Harry Mardirosian
$25.00 Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Baylerian;
Mrs. Rose Shahinian; Rosalie Torossian;
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Burchill;
Mrs. Margaret Moushmoulian;
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Shishmian; Sylvia &
Lisa Aglamishian; Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Vosganian; Mrs. Rose Gargarian; M.
H. Negohosian; Mr. & Mrs. George
Keurajian; Tacque & Paula Derbabian;
Mrs. Agnes M. Dourjalian; Mr. & Mrs.
Peter Hovsepian; Mrs. Joyce Obenhoff;
Mrs. Alice Chavdarian; Mr. & Mrs. Daniel
Cristiano; Levon & Dickie Keshishian;
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Benian; Mrs. Nina
Sarkisian; Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kojamanian;
Mr. George Noraian; Mrs. Anna
Soultanian; Mr. & Mrs. Richard Baylerian;
Gloria & Frances Korkoian; Mr. & Mrs.
Peter Rupas; Bob & Lucy Yazejian;
Deacon & Mrs. Mihran Hoplamazian;
Edward, Yvonne, & Christopher Korkoian;
Mrs. Jane Hovsepian; Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Houhanisin, Jr; Dr. & Mrs. Gary Assarian;
Stephen & Lisa Derderian
$20.00 Prof. & Mrs. George Kurajian; Mr.
& Mrs. Harry Karebian; Mrs. Elizabeth
Mamassian; Helen Gocharian Olson;
Mrs. Queenie Hazergian; Mrs. Arick Kasper
$20.00 Gladys Krikorian
$15.00 Anjel Yessayan;
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Negosian
November 13, 2009
$800.00 Mary Davidson, Gloria &
Arthur Melkonian, Lorrie & Philip Keila
and Family, David Melkonian, Patricia
$100.00 Dave & Noellie Bernerian; Ms.
Susan Kapagian
$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Sam Torossian; Mrs.
Arpy Mooradian
$25.00 Michael & Lucy Kashishian;
Sarkis & Nancy Kazarian; Ann Laktzian;
Rose Mooradian; Helen & Toni Pappas
$20.00 Prof. & Mrs. George M. Kurajian
November 27, 2009
$200.00 Alice & Bill Mortimer & Family,
Margaret Smith & Family
$100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kojaian; Mr.
Simon Tashjian; Mr. & Mrs. Arthur
Mekjian; Mr. & Mrs. George Manoogian;
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Jemal, Jr; Mr. &
Mrs. Ara Ekizian; Nick, Nancy & Mark
Berberian;.Mitchell Topalian; Mr. &
Mrs. S. Peter Bayekian; Ms. Elizabeth
Brazilian; Mrs. Helen Mardigian
$60.00 Mrs. Margaret Reason
$50.00 Lambros & Ria Viores; Kaliope
Christo; Paul & Patricia Christo; Kathryn
& Chris Vartanian; Ms. Mary Nalbandian
; Mrs. Alice Manoogian; Mr. & Mrs.
Harry Keoleian; Alice Kadian; Mr. & Mrs.
Simon Javizian; Mr. & Mrs. Michael T.
Minasian; Mrs. Grace Couyoumjian; Mr.
& Mrs. George Cross; Mr. & Mrs. Mike
Kaysserian; Margaret Benian; Mr. Brian
Manoogian; Mrs. Rosalie Torossian,
Celia & Elaine; Pan-Icarian Brotherhood
of America Chapter Spanos-Areti; Brook
& Michael Fullagar
$40.00 Richard & Jeanette Keramedjian
$35.00 Hachig & Susan Gopigian;
Miss Marilyn Boladian; Mary Davidson
& Gloria Melkonian; Mrs. Agnes M.
Dourjalian; The Women’s Guild of St.
John’s Armenian Church
$30.00 Anjel Yessayan; Mr. & Mrs. Jack
Mekjian; Mary & Gary Krebs
$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Dayinian;
Mr. & Mrs. John Nahabedian; Alice
Mikaelian; Kay Berberian; Mr. & Mrs.
Edward Korkoian; Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Vartanian; Mr. & Mrs. Charles Palaian;
Mrs. Jane Hovsepian; Mr. & Mrs. Levon
Nazoyan; Mr. & Mrs. Edward Vosganian;
Ann Laktzian; Mrs. Nina Sarkisian;
Ms. Queenie Sarkisian; Mrs. Isabelle
Cholakian; Gloria & Frances Korkoian;
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Armoudlian; Andrew
& Mary Douroujalian; Mr. & Mrs. Sooren
Gozmanian; David, Marianne, Daniel
and Karen Dardarian; Mr. & Mrs. Howard
Atesian; Mrs. Mary Simonian; Mrs. Ida
Gononian; Mrs. Araxie Choukourian; Mr.
& Mrs. Edward Sarkesian; Janet Spann;
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hovsepian; Diane
Aginian; Edward Papelian
$20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stamboulian;
Jackier Gould Corporation; John & Rose
Kalfaian; Robert Kalfaian & Family;
Mrs. Elizabeth Mamassian; Mr. Harry
$15.00 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Negosian
December 2, 2009
$1,000.00 Valrich, Sara, Paul, Kristine,
Matthew, Mark, Carolyn, and Kathleen
$200.00 Ford Motor Company
Accounting Dept.
$175.00 Mr. & Mrs. David Hodgkins, Mrs
Sarah Moroukian, Mrs Ann Boyajian
$150.00 Harry Karagosian Family
$100.00 Dr. & Dr. David Aprahamian;
Lafian Family: Donna, Tia & Tanya;
St. John Armenian Church
Ford’s SEC & Capital Markets Team;
Mark & Katherine Haase; Mr. & Mrs.
Mugitch Karageusian; Ms. Elizabeth
Aprahamian; Araxsie Andonian, Karen
& Cross Mooradian Family; Alberta &
Masis Godoshian; Barry Schreier & Tom
Birkenholz; Clark Hill PLC; St. John’s
Armenian Church School; The Mitter
Family; Tom Sweeney; Sharad Jain
$75.00 Celeste & Chuck Chippero
$50.00 Linda & Patrick McCauley; Mr. &
Mrs. George Baloozian; Marie Heshczuk;
John Avdoian & Al & Deborah Amato; Ms.
Nicole Matoian; Dr. Christine Matoian;
Sarah, Mike & Lauren Sparks; Mr. &
Mrs. George Godoshian; Mr. & Mrs.
Jack Kojamanian; Edward, Yvonne, &
Christopher Korkoian; Laura Negosian
Lucassian; Mr. & Mrs. Harry Dakesian;
David, Marianne, Daniel and Karen
Dardarian; Mrs. Sally Kabodian; Dr. Salpi
Toroyan; Mr. & Mrs. George Moorachian;
Diane Gillette; Vars & Grant Seraydarian;
Andover Touchdown Club; Litzenburg
Family; Louisa & Karen Goulasarian;
Stefanie Karadian; The Dermanuelian Family
$30.00 Donna J. Cole; Anonymous; Mr.
& Mrs. Edward Zwinck; Mr. & Mrs. Stefan
Karadian; Mr. & Mrs. John Noraian; Mrs.
Alice Mavian; Dr. & Mrs. Harry Kezelian,
Jr; Shoghig & Arsen Terjimanian; Michael
M. Thorstad
$25.00 Pamela Breazeale; George &
Rose Moorachian; Bill & Betty Zipp;
Roseann & Bobby Attar; Mr. & Mrs.
Richard Santourian; Janice Torosian;
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Shakarjian; Mr. & Mrs.
Faouzi El Chemmas & Sons; Judy &
Terry Parks and Family; Mr. George
Noraian; Mr. & Mrs. Walter Negosian;
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Keoleian; Mr. & Mrs.
Thomas Stamboulian; Dr. & Mrs. Vincent
Baylerian; Mrs. Anne Tarpinian; Mr. &
Mrs. Arthur Aprahamian; Mr. & Mrs. Paul
Kulhanjian; Mr & Mrs. Sarop Kaprielian;
Carolyn Schreiber; Margaret Balian; Ann
F. Maguran; Tom & Cindy Zipp; $25.00 The Muchas; Ann Adams;
Kathleen Gamache
$20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Dikran Callan;
Robert & Kim Simonian and Family;
May & Khatchig Kafafian
$15.00 M. H. Negohosian;
Rose Gerjekian
$10.00 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tiffany
December 4, 2009
$200.00 Mary Altounian; Mrs. Isabel
Quintana; Silva, Yetvart, Arlene & Tallene
Hacatoryan; Charles Keoleian, Audrey
Armoudlian, Michael & Karen Armoudlian
$118.00 Mexico Lindo Employees
$100.00 J. R. & M.G. Tokatlian; George,
Lisa, Olivia & Caroline Kurajian; Mr. &
Mrs. Charles Negohosian; Eddie, Renee,
Sydney & Clare Baharian; Miss Susan
Janigian; Mrs. Silva Sahakian; Delores,
Nick, Sherry Ochoa; Dr. & Mrs. George
L. Poy; Neil Kajy; Mr. & Mrs. Harry
$75.00 Rev. Fr. Abraham & Yn. Shakeh
2009 Yearbook
Ohanesian Family; Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Bagdasarian; Mr. & Mrs. Harry Keoleian;
Scott & Paula Emeny
$50.00 Deb & Matt O’Hagan; Mr. & Mrs.
Howard Fundukian; Prof & Mrs. George
Kurajian; Harry & Rose Papazian; Mr.
& Mrs. Ara Ekizian; Mr. & Mrs. Steven
Palaian; Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kurajian;
Edward, Yvonne, Laura, & Christopher
Korkoian; Mr. & Mrs. George Campbell;
Mary & Michael Gutierrez; Mike Shango;
Sherri Clem Plowman
$40.00 Mrs. Araxie Choukourian;
Rosemary & Dyana Kezelian
$30.00 Miss Helen Sahakian; Dr. & Mrs.
Harry Kezelian, Jr; Mrs. Alice Mavian;
Ralph Shefferly; Buck & Kathy Whiteman;
Tom Galloz
$25.00 Nancy Chagnon; Mr. & Mrs.
Norman Messelian; Cary & Lynne
Kojamanian; Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Baylerian; Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Baylerian;
Evereg Fenesse Educational Society;
Jack & Hriss Guleserian; Rosemary
Tokatlian & Ed Mouland; Anonymous
$20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Negosian; Miss
Judy Hovnan; Ms. Sara Andonian; Robert
& Kim Simonian and Family; Mrs. Anita
Kachadurian; Jessi Macri; Mr. & Mrs.
Robert Kowalski; Ed & Vicky Baharian;
Mary Hughes
$15.00 M. H. Negohosian; Joe Kludjian
$10.00 Eileen Pollard
$50.00 Onnig & Luiz Boyajian
TOTAL: $50.00
December 14, 2009
$35.00 The Women’s Guild of St. John’s
Armenian Church
$30.00 Mrs. Ann Margosian
$25.00 Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Baylerian
TOTAL: $90.00
$50.00 Mrs. Margaret Benian,
Mrs. Joyce Obenhoff
Total: $50.00
December 18, 2009
$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Popkin and Alice
TOTAL: $50.00
$25.00 David, Marianne, Daniel and
Karen Dardarian
$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cristiano;
St. John’s Armenian Church Parish
Council; David, Marianne, Daniel and
Karen Dardarian; Edward, Yvonne, &
Christopher Korkoian
$15.00 Mr. John Mahakian; Mr. & Mrs.
Walter Negosian
TOTAL: $130.00
$70.00 George A. Robertson
$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Karl Sarafian
$50.00 Ann S. Kale
$25.00 Alice Mikaelian
$50.00 Mrs. Mary Mugerian
$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Apkarian
$50.00 Daughters of Vartan
$35.00 The Women’s Guild of St. John’s
Armenian Church
$25.00 Joan Mc Glincy; Edward,
Yvonne, & Christopher Korkoian
$50.00 Edward S. Papelian
$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Karebian
$10.00 Joe Kludjian
$25.00 Mrs. Michael Maraian
$50.00 Edward S. Papelian, Rene
Papelian, Edwina Michalski & Family,
Joseph & Linda Papelian
TOTAL: $50.00
$100.00 Margaret Moushmoulian
$25.00 Evereg Fenesse Educational
TOTAL: $25.00
$500.00 Rick Tanielian & Karen Dean
$100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Melkonian;
Lucille Tanielian; Miss Mary Davidson
$60.00 Lorrie & Phillip Keila, David
Melkonian, Pattie Melkonian
$50.00 Harold A. Pryor
$10.00 Barbara L. Kestegian
TOTAL: $920.00 Christine Danielian Vaughn
$50.00 Gloria Baykian & Mother
TOTAL: $50.00
$100.00 Rose, Miriam & Margaret Ann
$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Osep Sarafian
$25.00 Mrs. Virginia Aginian;
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hovsepian
$20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Vartanian
TOTAL: $220.00 9
Gifts to the Church
The following gifts were made to St. John Armenian Church from January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009:
$500 $400
$100 Ms. Elizabeth Aprahamian
For the sewing of Deacons’ Cassocks
Mr. & Mrs. George Boyagian
Mr. John Yavruian
Cynthia Arslanian-Engore
Ms. Sophie (Kralian) Schade
In memory of parents Hagop & Mary Kralian
Mr. Zaven Dolik
In memory of James Dolik
Mr. C. Michael Kojaian
Mr. Lazarus Surabian
Mr. & Mrs. William Derouchie
Ms. Rita Ward
In memory of father Dickran Tirakian
Mrs. Mary Ferhadson
Mr George Krikorian
Ms. Gloria Baykian
In memory of mother Rose Baykian
Mr. George Boyagian
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Keurajian
Mr. Dick Kralian
In memory of Tom Kralian
Mr. James Nardell
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Jamian
Mrs. Katherine Herrick
In memory of the Srabian Family
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Sarkisian
Sprinkler System Winterizing
Armenian Renaissance Assoc.-Sophia Chapter
Ms. Lilit Babloomian
Mr. Gregory Zaven Dadian
In honor of son Zaven, Godfather of the Cross
Mr. Arshag Daiyan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bahm, Mr. George Elian, Ms. Sharon Bahm, Mr. & Mrs. Dave Bahm
In honor of Jacob Bahm, Godfather of the Cross
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Habring
Mr. Garabed Hoplamazian
Mrs. Susan Kapagian
Mr. Ronald Keurajian
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Krikorian
Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Korkoian, Holy Friday
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kulhanjian
Mr. Mihran Kupelian, Youth Programming
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mardigian
In honor of grandson, Zaven, Godfather of the Cross
Ms. Dorothy Mavian
Mr. Philip Philip
Mrs. Silva Sahakian
Ms. Marie Vanerian
Dr. Arthur Hamparian
In memory of Robert Benian
Ms. Naomi Donoian
Ms. Sara Andonian
Ms. Rita Atikian
In memory of Valerie Atikian
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bagdasarian
Mrs. Rosette Bagdasarian
Mrs. Margaret Benian
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Carman
Mr. & Mrs. David Dardarian
Mr. & Mrs. Harry DerKevorkian
Mrs. Clara Dzovigian-Varjabedian
Deacon & Mrs. Mihran Hoplamazian
Mrs. Kora Jamian
Mr. Michael & Dr. Linda Karibian
Ms. Anouch Kevorkian
Mrs. Laura Lucassian
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Negosian
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Sarkisian
House Blessing
Mrs. Sona Yavruian
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Bourgeois
Mr. Hagop Alexanian
Mr. & Mrs. Mirican Arslanian
Ms. Olga B. Boloyan
Mrs. Talene Baldwin
Ms. Gloria Korkoian, Palm Sunday
Mr. George Kudanian
Mr. Martin Shoushanian
Ms. Lucine Guluzian
Mr. Pavel Mirzoyan
Ms. Taline Kalanjian, Mother’s Day
Mr. Joseph Kludjian
Gifts were presented to the church in honor of the following special occasions in our parish during 2009:
In honor of Fr. Diran Papazian’s 50th Anniversary
in the Priesthood
Dr. Arthur Hamparian
In honor of Carl & Clara Kalayjian’s
65th Wedding Anniversary
Mrs. Patricia Kalayjian Fucinari
In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Mekjian’s Wedding Anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Mekjian
You can be a
In honor of Peter Negohosian’s Graduation
Mrs. Sarkeis Negohosian
In honor of Beatrice Paul’s 90th Birthday
Mr. & Mrs. David Dardarian
Mrs. Jane Hovsepian
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hovsepian
Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Korkoian
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Baylerian
Fr. Garabed & Yn. Roberta Kochakian
Torchbearer Sponsor, too!
Dawn’s Sou-Beoreg
Contact May Kafafian
at the Church Office
[email protected]
Dawn C. Aginian
Anna Svirid Sarkisian
Event Publications
Weddings and Special Occasions
Programs • Brochures • Bulletins • Flyers
Phone 248.344.4321
• Cell 248.770.4343 • Fax 248.344.4321
[email protected]
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St. John’s Women’s Guild
Edward G. Sarkisian, D.D.S.
Professional Corporation
Dentistry for Adults & Children
Simon Javizian Funeral Home
17550 Woodward Avenue Detroit, MI 48203
22190 Garrison, Suite 201
Dearborn, MI 48124
Mailing Address
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[email protected]
(313) 277-8900
For a complimentary
physician consultation call:
Dr. Greg Derderian
700 N. Old Woodward - Suite 100
Birmingham, MI 48009
Edward Korkoian Funeral Home
836 N. Main Street
Royal Oak, MI  48067
(248) 541-4800 • (248) 541-8325
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28003 Five Mile Road • Livonia, MI 48154
(734) 422-0930
St. John Armenian Church - 2010 Calendar
All events on St. John’s campus, unless otherwise noted. • Dates and times may be subject to change.
February 9
St. Ghevont the Priest
May 8
Women’s Guild Spring Event February 11
St. Vartan the Warrior - Vartanantz
“The Wedding Party,” a luncheon
February 12
“Kef Club” at St. John’s Recreation Center
& fashion show of vintage wedding attire
February 14
Presentation of our Lord - Diarrnuntarach May 13 Holy Ascension - Hampartsoom
Great Barekendan
May 16
Church School Graduation & Tea
Infants Blessing
May 21
“Kef Klub” at St. John’s Recreation Center
February 15
First Day of Lent
May 23
Pentecost - Hokekalousd
February 21
Annual Parish Assembly after Divine Liturgy
May 31
Memorial Day - Complex Closed
February 17, 24; March 3, 10, 17 - ACYOA Fish Dinners, June 6
Feast of Holy Etchmiadzin
Lenten Vigils
June 18
“Kef Klub” at St. John’s Recreation Center
March 12
Komitas Choir Concert featuring
July 5
Complex Closed for Independence Day
pianist Natalia Kazaryan
July 11
Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord
March 19
“Kef Klub” at St. John’s Recreation Center
July 16
“Kef Klub” at St. John’s Recreation Center
March 20
Annual Spiritual Retreat - “The Faith That August 15
Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Survives Through the Lens of the Nicene Mother-of-God - Church Picnic
Creed” - V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyian
August 20
“Kef Klub” at St. John’s Recreation Center
March 24
ACYOA Fish & Lobster Dinner, Lenten Vigil
September 6 Labor Day - Complex Closed
March 28
Palm Sunday & ACYOA Day
September 8 Nativity of the Holy Mother-of-God
Holy Week
September 12 Feast of the Exaltation of
March 30
Remembrance of the Ten Virgins;
the Holy Cross - Church School opens
Annunciation of the Virgin Mary
September 17 “Kef Klub” at St. John’s Recreation Center
April 1
Great & Holy Thursday
September 22-26 Annual Festival
April 2
Great & Holy Friday
Octtober 15
“Kef Klub” at St. John’s Recreation Center
April 3
Great & Holy Saturday - Church School September 26 Holy Cross of Varak
Easter Family Dinner
October 24
Discovery of the Holy Cross
April 4
Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord - November 19 “Kef Klub” at St. John’s Recreation Center
Easter; Women’s Guild Easter Tea
November 21 Presentation of the Holy Mother-of-God; April 7
First Sunday of Advent
April 16
“Kef Klub” at St. John’s Recreation Center
November 25 Thanksgiving – Complex Closed
April 18
Town Hall Meeting
November 27 ACYOA November Dance
April 24
Armenian Martyrs Day
December 9 Conception of the Holy Mother-of-God
April 25
Armenian Martyrs Day - Divine Liturgy,
December 17 “Kef Klub” at St. John’s Recreation Center
Requiem Service, Madagh Dinner
December 18 St. James (Hagop), Bishop of Nisibis
& Program
December 24 Western Christmas Eve Service, April 26-28
Annual Clergy Conference (Chicago, IL)
Caroling & ACYOA Tea
April 29-May 2 Annual Diocesan Assembly (Chicago, IL)
December 25 & 27 Complex Closed for Christmas
December 29 Barekendan of the Fast of Nativity
* Dates in BOLD are Tabernacle Feasts
St. John Armenian Church
22001 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48075
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 647
Southfield, MI

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