Untitled - Brazilian Publishers


Untitled - Brazilian Publishers
Brazilian Book Chamber (Câmara Brasileira do Livro – CBL) brings
together publishers, distributors, booksellers and door-to-door sales
companies since 1946. With 600 members throughout Brazil, CBL
gathers around a fundamental issue: building a country with better
education through appreciation of books and reading.
For over 69 years, Brazilian Book Chamber has been carrying out
actions of national and international scope. Its main initiatives feature
encouraging the participation of publishers in several international
fairs through the Brazilian Publishers Project, a partnership of CBL
and Brazilian Agency for Export and Investment Promotion (Agência
Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos - Apex-Brasil).
Over the past few years, Brazil has been guest of honor in Bogotá Book
Fair in 2012, Frankfurt Book Fair in 2013 (for the second time), Bologna
Children’s Book Fair in 2014 and Paris Book Fair in 2015. The tribute to
the Brazilian literature has significantly contributed to spreading around
the world diverse aspects of our culture.
In this scenario, the participation of Brazilian Publishers’ associates is
important in order to show the country´s editorial production for books
and rights exporting purposes. These initiatives have presented good
business results, which have turned Brazil into a publishing content
exporting country.
With the concept “Brazil reads the world. The world reads Brazil”, the
project enables publishing houses to become international players,
presenting attractive export offers and increasing the potential for
business generation.
All this work is focused on one purpose: celebrating the richness,
diversity and quality of our publishing industry.
I invite you to get to know more about our publishing production. I am
sure you will be surprised!
Luiz Alvaro Salles Aguiar de Menezes
International Affairs Manager of Brazilian Book Chamber
Founded in September 20, 1946, the Brazilian Book Chamber (Câmara
Brasileira do Livro – CBL) represents 600 members throughout Brazil.
The entity, whose mission is to expand the Brazilian publishing market,
brings together publishers, distributors, booksellers and door-to-door
sellers, which gather around a fundamental issue: building a country
with better education through appreciation of books and reading.
The history of CBL stretches back to the cultural effervescence of São
Paulo in the 1940s, when a group of publishers and booksellers first
came together to discuss sector problems and searched for means
of collective and organized actions. From these meetings arouse the
proposal of creating an entity that could take on the task of publishing
and promoting books all over the country.
Over 69 years, Brazilian Book Chamber has been carrying out actions
of national and international importance. Its main initiatives feature
encouraging the participation of publishers in several international
fairs through the Brazilian Publishers Project, a partnership of CBL
and Brazilian Agency for Export and Investment Promotion (Agência
Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos - Apex-Brasil);
the organization of the São Paulo International Book Biennial (Bienal
Internacional do Livro de São Paulo); the more renowned literary merit
of the country, the Jabuti Award, and CBL International Digital Book
Congress (Congresso Internacional CBL do Livro Digital).
The Book School (Escola do Livro) is another valuable initiative that
provides continuing education and professionalism to representatives
of publishers, managers and executives. Always attentive to the
movements of the publishing market, the Brazilian Book Chamber,
in partnership with the National Union of Books Publishers (Sindicato
Nacional dos Editores de Livros - SNEL) publishes, annually, a complete
market radiography: the research on Production and Sales of the
Brazilian Publishing Market, held by the Institute of Economic Research
(Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas - FIPE) of the University
of São Paulo (USP).
CBL also interacts with various government agencies, with the main
objective of tracking initiatives relevant to the sector, such as
parliamentary and government programs for promoting books and
reading. Its dynamism and capacity for national articulation have
made it a hub, in Brazil and abroad, for all issues relating to the
publishing industry.
Luís Antonio Torelli
President of Brazilian Book Chamber
The mission of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency
(Apex-Brasil) is to foster the overseas competitiveness of Brazilian
companies, by promoting their internationalization and the attraction of
foreign direct investment (FDI) into Brazil.
Apex-Brasil currently supports more than 11,000 companies from 80
sectors of the Brazilian economy, which in turn export their goods and
services to 190 markets. In partnership with Brazilian trade associations,
the Agency carries out international trade promotion initiatives such as
trade missions, targeted business matching rounds, as well as support
for Brazilian companies to participate in major international trade fairs.
Apex-Brasil also conducts business and competitive intelligence studies,
which play a critical role in the decision making process of Brazilian
companies entering foreign markets.
In addition, foreign investors, as well as groups of journalists and other
opinion makers, are guided by Apex-Brasil on truly immersive technical
trips to Brazil. They tour companies, centers of excellence in technology,
industrial complexes, governmental agencies, universities, and research
centers. The visitors are constantly supplied with qualified technical
information about each location they tour.
Apex-Brasil also plays a leading role in attracting foreign direct investment
(FDI) into Brazil, by working to identify business opportunities, promoting
strategic events and lending support to foreign investors willing to
allocate resources in Brazil. The goal is to attract production capital from
foreign companies that will introduce technological innovations and
new business management models into Brazil, as well as to strengthen
the country’s supply chains.
Along with its headquarters in Brasilia, Apex-Brasil has nine offices
around the world. The international offices are platforms to assist Brazilian
companies in reaching new business opportunities, thus increasing
Brazil’s market share in key global markets. The offices also serve as an
access node for foreign investment attraction.
Apex-Brasil’s foreign offices are strategically located in North America
(Miami, FL and San Francisco, CA, USA), European Union (Brussels,
Belgium), Eurasia (Moscow, Russia), Asia (Beijing, China), the Middle East
(Dubai, United Arab Emirates), South America (Bogotá, Colombia), Central
America and the Caribbean (Havana, Cuba), and Africa (Luanda, Angola).
The Support Program for the Translation and Publication of Brazilian
Authors Abroad, launched by the National Library Foundation of
Brazil, a body of the Ministry of Culture, aims at promoting Brazilian
Culture and Literature worldwide. This funding scheme is available
for any foreign publishers that have acquired publication rights and
wish to publish or reissue works of Brazilian authors.
In order to apply for a grant, the publisher must present a title for
translation or reissue in print, e-book or both. All applications must
include a marketing and distribution plan, the translator’s résumé
and contract with the publisher, and a signed copyright agreement
bet ween the publisher and author, if the work is not within the
public domain.
A special commission will evaluate each project, which may be
awarded with the maximum grant of US$ 8,000, for new translations,
and of US$ 4,000 in the case of reprints.
For further information, please contact:
Fundação Biblioteca Nacional
Centro de Cooperação e Difusão • Rua da Imprensa, 16 / 1.110
Rio de Janeiro, RJ • Brasil • 20030-120
Telephone: +55 21 2220-2057
E-mail: [email protected] • Website: www.bn.br
Visit the blog: http://bookcenterbrazil.wordpress.com
Fiction and non fiction;
Children and young adults
16 Biruta
Fiction and non fiction;
Children and young adults
18 Blucher
Scientific, technical, medical and academic
20 Callis
Fiction and non fiction;
Children and young adults
22 Ciranda Cultural Publishing
Children and young adults
24 Cosac Naify
Fiction and non fiction;
Children and young adults
Fiction and non fiction;
Children and young adults
28 Editora SESC SP
Fiction and non fiction
30 Editora do Brasil
Children and young adults
32 Editora Elementar
Fiction and non fiction;
Children and young adults
34 Editora Manole
Scientific, technical, medical and academic;
Fiction and non fiction;
Children and young adults
Children and young adults
38 Editora Napoleão
Scientific, technical, medical and academic
40 Editora Positivo
Fiction and non fiction;
Children and young adults
42 Editora Rideel
Scientific, technical, medical and academic;
Children and young adults
44 Editora Scipione
Fiction and non fiction;
Children and young adults
46 Editora Unesp
Scientific, technical, medical and academic
48 Edusp
Scientific, technical, medical and academic
50 FTD
Fiction and non fiction;
Children and young adults
Children and young adults
54 Global
Fiction and non fiction;
Children and young adults
56 Grupo Companhia das Letras
Fiction and non fiction;
Children and young adults
58 Grupo Editorial Autêntica
Fiction and non fiction;
Children and young adults
60 Grupo Editorial Escrituras
Fiction and non fiction;
Children and young adults
62 Grupo Gen
Scientific, technical, medical and academic
64 Imprensa Oficial
Fiction and non fiction
66 Mauricío de Souza Produções
14 Ática
36 Editora Melhoramentos
Children and young adults
68 Oficina de Textos
Scientific, technical, medical and academic
70 Panda Books
Fiction and non fiction;
Children and young adults
72 R&F
Fiction and non fiction;
Children and young adults
74 Senac Rio de Janeiro
Fiction and non fiction
Scientific, technical, medical and academic
76 Senac São Paulo
Fiction and non fiction
78 SM
Children and young adults
80 Solisluna Editora
Fiction and non fiction;
Children and young adults
82 Todo Livro
Children and young adults
12 Atheneu
Authors: Maria Paulina Villarejo Kede
and Oleg Sabatovich
caRDiology nuRsing
2nD eDition
HanDBooK of cRitical
caRe meDicine
Routines foR Diagnosis
anD tReatment of
infectious anD PaRasitic
teXtBooK of DeRmatology,
2nD eDition
Authors: Ana Paula Quilici,
André Moreira Bento, Fátima Gil Ferreira,
and Luiz Francisco Cardoso
Authors: Hélio Penna Guimarães, Murillo
Santucci Cesar de Assunção, Frederico Bruzzi
de Carvalho, André Miguel Japiassú, Kelson
Nobre Veras, Flávio Eduardo Nácul, Hélder José
Lima Reis and Rodrigo Palácio de Azevedo
Aesthetic Dermatology appears in its
third updated and expanded edition,
with 26 chapters, and works from
164 contributors. The objective is to
present current treatment practices,
with accompanying medical evidence
in order to offer the best possible
treatment for patients.
Cardiology Nursing, now in its second
revised, updated and expanded
edition, continues to be the most
comprehensive work on the subject
published to date in Brazil. The book
involves the work of 6 editors and
123 contributors and has 6 sections,
52 chapters.
Although the Handbook of Critical Care
Medicine - AMIB, includes the word
‘handbook’ in its title, it is in fact a full
and comprehensive work that covers
the most up-to-date and useful
information on intensive care,
supported by the best in medical
evidence. It is an indispensable book,
providing information for decisionmaking at critical moments, which
is the greatest mission of intensive
care medicine.
Routines for Diagnosis and Treatment of
Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, which
includes the work of 2 editors and 193
contributors, and is now in its third
edition, has been fully revised and
updated, with five new and previously
unpublished chapters.
The Textbook of Dermatology, now in its
second revised, updated and expanded
edition, is a voluminous scientific guide
that considers dermatology to be both
an art and a science, reflecting the
maturity of the field in Brazil. The book
involves three editors, 198 contributors,
12 parts, and 148 chapters and
subchapters, with nearly 3,000 Pages:
divided into two volumes – providing
unparalleled depth and breadth
of information on dermatology.
The Textbook of Viral Hepatitis and
Related Diseases is now in its third
edition, and includes the most current
information and research. It has been
updated to include complications and
systemic implications, which are reflected
in the “Related Diseases” addition to the
title. This edition includes study of viral
hepatitis-associated diseases, from liver
semiology and epidemiology to the
diagnostic approach for hepatic nodules,
extra-hepatic impairment, new liver
transplant techniques, management
of new drugs, to new parameters for
diagnostic evaluation and therapeutics.
This is a comprehensive book par
excellence, presenting viral hepatitis in
its multiple and varied aspects.
ISBN: 978-85-388-0615-8
Number of Pages: 1,320
ISBN: 978-85-388-0529-8
Number of Pages: 1,064
ISBN: 978-85-388-0532-8
Number of Pages: 1,238
ISBN: 978-85-388-0641-7
Number of Pages: 1,100
ISBN: 978-85-388-0538-0
Number of Pages: 2,768
ISBN: 978-85-388-0378-2
Number of Pages: 1,320
Founded in October 1928, Atheneu features a catalogue of
more than 1,458 books. We publish a monthly average of six
works, all by Brazilian authors. Dedicated to editorial quality,
Atheneu received the Brazilian Jabuti Prize (considered the
Oscars of literature) for books in the fields of Natural Sciences
and Medicine in 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014.
Additionally, Atheneu won the Latin American “Integración”
Award, from the Câmara Internacional de Pesquisas e Integração
Social (National Chamber of Research and Social Integration).
Authors: Walter Tavares and
Luiz Alberto Carneiro Marinho
Authors: Walter Belda Junior,
Nilton Di Chiacchio
and Paulo Ricardo Criado
teXtBooK of ViRal HePatitis
anD RelateD Diseases,
3RD eDition
Rua Jesuíno Pascoal, 30
Ms. Ana Paula Matias
Santa Cecília • São Paulo
55 11 2858 8750
01224-050 • SP • Brazil
[email protected]
Author: Roberto Focaccia
aestHetic DeRmatology,
3RD eDition
tHe atHenaeum
nigHt in tHe wooDs
Author: Raul Pompeia
Script and artwork:
Marcello Quintanilha
Author: Ana Maria Machado
llustrator: Bruno Nunes
Once upon a time, there was in Bagdad
a caliph who was well-known for his
wisdom and his love of books. It is said
that he used to devote some time of
his busy week to the solution of his
people’s civic problems. Once, there
was a conflict in which the owner
of a restaurant and a beggar called
Hashid were involved. The owner of
the restaurant expected the beggar to
pay him money on the grounds that
he had been outside his restaurant
“capturing the scent” of its food for
twenty odd minutes. By resorting to his
wisdom, which, according to him, he
had acquired from the books he had
read in his library, the caliph took some
coins that belonged to the beggar and
placed them close to the restaurant’s
owner’s nose, thus paying off the
beggar’s debt, considering the way in
which the food had been “consumed”.
At the age of 11, Sérgio must leave
behind his toys, the comfort of his
home and his caring parents to
enter a new phase: boarding school.
He is enrolled in the prestigious
Athenaeum – commanded by an
illustrious director: Aristarco. At first
dazzled by the aura of excellence at
the school, Sergio finds himself alone
in a completely foreign world. Behind
the acclaimed modern education that
attracts the children of the elite, we
discover a tyrannical system, driven
by the greedy excesses of the director.
Keeping the original text of Raul
Pompeia, Marcello Quintanilha creates
a masterpiece in comic book form.
When it is time to go to bed, Philip and
Gabriel always engage in the same
ritualistic routine: either their father or
mother will tell them a story until they
fall asleep, but this time things will be
different. Their parents have let them
know that they will be late from work
so they should not wait for them and
have dinner on their own instead. So,
the kids had dinner, played and waited
for their parents to arrive. When their
parents arrived, they told the kids to go
to bed because they were exhausted.
As a consequence, that night they
would have no stories. Phillip, however,
comes up with an excellent idea: “Why
not alter their nightly routine? What if
they tell stories to their parents until
the latter fall asleep?” In their narration
the kids combine scenes from several
well-known stories, but there was one
condition: they should all take place in
the woods, the mysterious, magic and
dangerous woods! Tom Thumb, The
Book of the Jungle, Snow White.
ISBN: 978-85-08-16584-1
Format: 23 x 28 cm
Number of Pages: 32
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-08-15365-7
Format: 19 x 26 cm
Number of Pages: 96
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-08-17160-6
Format: 25.3 x 30.5 cm
Number of Pages: 32
Rights Available
Ática is nationally recognized for the excellence of its
groups of authors and editorial teams, who have been
honored with several Jabuti awards, among others. The
company is a part of Somos Educação and has nearly
half a century of history, marked by many innovations in
the editorial area of educational products. Among other
initiatives, the company is responsible for the development
of various books and collections on pedagogical orientation
and for the famous teacher’s guide, a format that has
become practically universal in the organization of teaching
materials and textbooks. The company is also responsible
for the launches of series that has attracted several
generations of readers, like (Bom Livro, Vaga-lume, and Para
Gostar de Ler), written by numerous major Brazilian authors.
tHoRny BRusHwooD
of tHe DeeP Jungle
Author: Ricardo Azevedo
Format: 17 x 24 cm
In the 16th century, a 15-year-old boy
finds himself abandoned after the
death of his mother, who is persecuted
on false charges of witchcraft. He is
fated to join the Portuguese overseas
fleet, setting off on a risky voyage to
the New World. His ship is wrecked,
however, and the youth faces months
of solitary survival in the unknown
and exotic lands of Brazil during its
early historical period. Encountering
settlers, he witnesses the curious
relationship between catechized
natives and the Portuguese. Amidst
passions, encounters, dangers and
discoveries, the youngster is exposed
to the conflict between established
truths and the unrest of a vibrant and
questioning life.
ISBN: 978-85-08-16200-0
Number of Pages: 256
Rights Available
looK tHeRe!
tHe fiRst Kiss
Author: José Paulo Paes
Illustrator: Rubens Matuck
Author: Marcia Kupstas
Illustrator: Eduardo Medeiros
The animals of the Brazilian fauna are
the main characters of this delicate
masterpiece by Jos. Paulo Paes and
Rubens Matuck. The work consists
of eight poems accompanied by
beautiful watercolors, each one
dedicated to a different creature:
the ant, the macaw, the sloth, the
alligator, the hummingbird, the
anteater, and the agouti. Through
short and amusing verses, the book
stimulates children’s interest in the
expressiveness of language.
Alex is unhappy with his new life in a
big city apartment. He would rather
go back to the countryside. There he
could play in the street, his parents had
time for him and no one called him a
hick. Back in his hometown, he had no
problems at school and did not have to
put up with obnoxious girls like Beth.
If only she would just leave him alone,
especially now, as he is being punished
for something he didn’t do... If only he
could explain himself, he would have
much to say. Not knowing how to deal
with so many changes, Alex barely
notices the transformations occurring
inside of him, but such conflicts do not
prevent him from experiencing one of
the best discoveries in life.
ISBN: 978-85-08-14672-7
Format: 17.5 x 30.5 cm
Number of Pages: 16
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-08-16111-9
Format: 14 x 21 cm
Number of Pages: 56
Rights Available
Avenida das Nações Unidas, 7.221,
Editorial Department:
3º andar - São Paulo
Mr. Paulo Verano
05425-902 - SP - Brasil
55 11 4383-8525
[email protected]
tHe caliPH’s wisDom
Author: Ilan Brenman
Illustrator: Iban Barrenetxea
witHin DaRKness
lies a secRet
tHe gouRmanD
tHe Day tHat PHiliP
tHe sPiDeR-ZomBies
anD tHe cHRistmas eVe
swimming Pool
RigHt now!!
Author: Caio Riter
Illustrator: Laurent Cardon
Author: Alessandra Roscoe
Illustrator: Albert Arráyas
Author: Julie Hausler
Illustrator: Mika Takahashi
Author: Milu Leite
Illustrator: Sergio Magno
Author: Luiz Antonio Aguiar
Illustrator: Gabriel Góes
Author: Luiz Antonio Aguiar
Illustrator: Tiago Lacerda
Seven ducklings live peacefully in a pond
– until one day the hungry alligator
Barnabé appears. The terrible alligator
is very hungry and wants to eat all the
innocent ducklings. However, Barnabé
realizes that he needs to be really
creative if he wants to catch them, so
he dresses up as a movie star, as an old
lady from Bagdad, and even pretends
to be Batman, saying that he will put
Barnabé in jail. The last of the surviving
ducklings comes up with a crafty idea
and manages to save his siblings from
the alligator’s belly. The book is on the
2014 White Ravens list and is the winner
of many other prizes.
The book sensitively demonstrates how
the relationship between grandson
and grandfather (Leo and Teo) can
help to overcome each character’s
respective fears and anxieties. The little
boy Leo is afraid of the dark, because
in it he cannot see the future. Grandpa
Teo prefers to live in the dark, so he
won’t need to think about his own
future. One day, Teo teaches Leo how
to end his fears by playing with the
shadows in the room. Leo learns how
to be strong and to defeat his fears;
Teo remembers how good it is to
be a boy, with fewer worries… The
book provides a beautiful story about
learning and growing up.
Armanda is a friendly ladybug and
a bit gourmand; she loves to eat
caramel aphids. At school, everybody
likes Armanda and she likes to share
her caramel aphids. One day, when
Armanda runs out of aphids, one of
her schoolmates gets angry and calls
her greedy and fat as a salamander.
Armanda gets upset and her mother
takes her to Florisbela, a ladybug who
helps others to feel better. Florisbela
suggests that Armanda should vary
her meals and combine other foods
with her caramel aphids and get
more exercise. Armanda starts to
feel much better!
A polluted lake intrigues a group
of curious children. One day, Philip,
the most dramatic and worried
of the bunch, wakes up and decides
to discover how and why the lake is
dirty – the same day that Philip
disappears! His parents, his three
friends, his toothless dog Tobias, a
police captain, and a clumsy detective
with a questionable intellect look for
him, but who is going to end all the
family anguish? With very dynamic
and original language, the author
creates a very entertaining whodunit.
Peter Odd is a really strange boy.
He lives in a dungeon – actually the
basement of his parent’s house – and
collects a series of strange objects,
such as relics, vampire teeth and alien
souvenirs. He is sure that Malign, an
enemy spy, is part of a conspiracy that
haunts him. Chico, his only friend, is
not sure if he believes in all this, but
he also likes mystery and adventure:
he is writing a graphic novel about
the invasion of giant spider-zombies
that he and Liona, the Night Queen
(actually a girl he is in love with), must
fight to save the neighborhood. Wow,
that is a lot of odd things together!
Through the eyes of an 11-year-old girl
and her friends, we are transported to
a country under a military dictatorship.
We met General Pepper, who puts a
swift end to the children’s summer
vacation fun: he pumps the water from
the communal swimming pool into his
own private pool! The children decide
to fight against this repression – a fight
that represents much larger ones,
such as the repression of free speech
and individual liberties! The book also
includes the story of Uncle Zeca and
his fight to free his country.
ISBN: 978-85-64816-69-5
Number of Pages: 32
Format: 24 x 24 cm
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-64816-65-7
Number of Pages: 32
Format: 21 x 21 cm
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-7848-129-2
Number of Pages: 88
Format: 15.5x23 cm
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-64816-54-1
Number of Pages: 116
Format: 15.7 x 23 cm
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-7848-144-5
Number of Pages: 104 Pages:
Format: 14 x 19 cm
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-7848-117-9
Number of Pages: 40
Format: 23 x 23 cm
Copyrights: France, South Korea
and Japan
Biruta is a children and young adults publishing house,
founded 15 years ago. We believe that the best way to value
our readers is to produce books of high literary quality,
with beautiful illustrations and bold graphics. Our books
have won many prizes, such as the Jabuti Prize, FNLIJ Prizes
(Brazilian version of the IBBY) and White Ravens. We believe
that allowing young readers to develop their intelligence
and emotions is our way of contributing to society. Biruta
in Portuguese means windsock – an old but still extremely
useful instrument that indicates the wind’s direction. Biruta
also means someone or something that is a little nutty –
and that is a description that fits us quite well!
Editora Biruta
Rights Department:
Rua João Moura, 166,
Ms. Carolina Maluf
Jardim América - São Paulo
55 11 3085-0233
05412-000 - SP, Brasil
[email protected]
seVen DucKlings
in tHe PonD
soil mecHanics anD
founDations foR ciVil woRKs
funDamentals of
PHysical statistics
PHysical PRinciPles
of Remote sensing
fRom mateRial
to Digital
concePtional cHemistRy
collection – Volume 5
BioinoRganic anD
enViRonmental cHemistRy
Author: Manoel Henrique Campos Botelho
Author: Edson Denis Leonel
Author: João A. Lorenzzetti
Author: Gui Bonsiepe
The objective of “Ecosystems” is to
establish a basic doctrine for actions
and attitudes for environmental
protection within a systems view
of the environment. Samuel M.
Branco encourages the reader to
take an intellectual leap forward
in understanding the values and
functioning of analytical and synthetic
thoughts, with the intention of
providing a unified view of nature,
the environment and humanity.
The author emphasizes a unique
approach to solving problems
generated by the relationship
between human beings and
their environment.
This book is aimed at students,
technicians, and civil engineers.
It presents practical and direct
information on the main topics
of soil mechanics and foundations
for common civil works. The book
includes study of soils, characterization
tests, types and applications of the
most-used types of foundations,
embankments, and other works. It
also features case studies to facilitate
understanding of the matter.
This book aims to address the
fundamental concepts of statistical
physics for undergraduate and
graduate study. The book’s first
section discusses the basic structure
of traditional statistical physics, in
particular, various kinds of ensembles
and ideal gases. It is followed by a
discussion of the Langevin and FokkerPlanck equations. The formalism scale,
characterized by critical exponents
and customary phase transitions, and
applications involving phase transitions
in dynamic systems, are also presented.
This book presents the physical
principles of remote sensing (RS).
Intended mainly for graduate students
or advanced undergraduates interested
in the topic, the book can also be
useful for researchers interested in
using images or data gathered
through remote sensing.
This book is the third volume in
a trilogy on design. It presents a
transition or – depending on your
point of view – a departure from
design. Looking back to the1960s, it
serves as a precursor of the current
moment in which designers have
moved from the material the digital
sphere – a change alluded to in the
title. In general, the book is drawn
from lectures, interviews and essays
on topics related to the political and
cultural aspects of design.
Author: Henrique Eisi Toma
ISBN: 9788521208518
Number of Pages: 278
Format: 6 x 9 in
Rights Available
ISBN: 9788521208495
Number of Pages: 184
Format: 6 x 9 in
Rights Available
ISBN: 9788521208907
Number of Pages: 420
Format: 6 x 9 in
Rights Available
ISBN: 9788521208358
Number of Pages: 292
Format: 6 x 9 in
Rights Available
ISBN: 9788521208716
Number of Pages: 234,
Format: 8 x10 in
Rights Available
ISBN: 9788521209003
Number of Pages: 270
Format: 6 x 9 in
Rights Available
“Commitment to science and democratization of knowledge”
is Blucher’s working motto. Founded 59 years ago, the
company has received 16 Jabuti Awards and has published
more than 1,500 high-level scientific research books.
Rua Pedroso Alvarenga, 1245
+55 11 3708-5366
4º andar - Itaim Bibi - 04531-012
[email protected]
São Paulo - SP - Brazil
Bonie Santos
[email protected]
Rights Department
Jonatas Eliakim
Mr. Eduardo Blücher
[email protected]
The biosphere is very delicate and
susceptible to human activities.
Within it, we can find strange elements
discarded by evolution that are now
present through human activity.
Climate cycles are changing, and fossil
and mineral resources may be depleted.
More than ever before, men must
understand and respect the biosphere.
Author: Samuel Murgel Branco
fiRst loVes
(seRies, 5 titles)
tHe aDVentuRes of
Bia & Beto (seRies, 5 titles)
Author: Tiago P. Zanetic
Author: Tony Brandão
Author: Lawrence Schimel
Illustrator: Paz Rodero
Rising from the ashes of an ancient
war, the continent of Relltestra has
experienced a long peaceful period.
The shadows of the past (dear angels
and feared sorcerers) have left, taking
all kinds of magic with them to their
graves. However, the First Iron Age,
when the only kind of “enchantment”
that existed was the forging of metals,
is coming to an end, and darkness
is returning. The Kings who rule in
Relltestra take up arms with a clear
aim: To bring back the power of the
forgotten beings! Shields will break,
swords will be destroyed, and in the
end, nothing will be left except rivers
of tears and broken crowns.
Welcome to the world of Tina, Nanda,
and Camila, the world of Beto, Alex,
Pisco, and their friends. They are all
between the ages of 11 and 12, live in
São Paulo, and attend the same school.
Together, they form friendships, and
experience drama, find their first loves,
and suffer through their first heartaches.
Who will be the first boy to kiss Nanda?
Will Tina ever stop being jealous of
Camila? And which boy will teach her a
lesson? Discover the answers to these
and many other questions as you read
through the Pages: of these books.
Two little foxes and their hilarious
adventures. This exciting new series
featuring two siblings, Bia and Beto,
begins with a sweet story about sibling
rivalry that also introduces children to
the concept of comparisons. In this
first book, each little fox is in search of
a box, but none seems to meet their
needs. Bia is looking for a box that is
smaller and smaller, while Beto hopes
to find a box that is bigger and bigger.
They are in competition for the best of
reasons: they each want to give their
mother a special gift.
Format: 17 x 24 cm
Age Range: 12+
Format: 16 x 23 cm
Age Range: 10+
Number of Pages: 28
Format: 22 x 22 cm
Callis has 25 years of history and more than 300 titles in
its catalogue. Miriam Gabbai founded the company in
1987, publishing Famous Children, the company’s first
children’s series. Callis aims to educate children and
young adults in Brazil. Its catalogue includes works on
art, history, popular culture, music, math and literature
by well-known authors, such as Daniel Munduruku, Ilan
Brenman, Silvana Tavano, Jonas Ribeiro, Ionit Zilberman,
and André Neves. Many books have been officially
recommended by the FNLIJ (Brazilian Foundation for
Children’s and Young Adults’ Books), winning the Jabuti,
and João-de-Barro awards.
olD BoB’s DentuRes
Author and Illustrator: Thiago Lopesi
HaPPiness is a wateRmelon
on youR HeaD
tHe PRincess
wHo saVeD PRinces
Author and Illustrator: Stella Dreis
Author: Claudia Souza
Illustrator: Christelle Ammirati
One morning, old Bob, still half asleep,
accidentally drops his dentures into the
toilet. While he calls many professionals
to solve this problem, the animals in
the sea and on land are having a great
time with the strange object. Thiago
Lopes’ tongue-in-cheek illustrations are
full of funny little details that children
love to discover, with rhymes that are
just as funny as the illustrations.
Where does happiness come from?
There once was a woman who was
laughing and singing and happy all
the time. She loved life! One day, her
three neighbors noticed she was using
a watermelon as a hat. Was that her
secret? Was that what made her so
happy? Happiness Is a Watermelon on
Your Head is a delightful story about
finding your own happiness.
Princes have been saving princesses for
years on end, but they’ve had enough.
Now the princes are the ones who
want to be saved. In this modern fairy
tale, the princess is not helpless, does
not faint when faced by dragons, and
is never locked in a tower. Against all
expectations, she invades the Witch’s
bedroom and must fend off painted
portraits with real eyes and mouths,
just to save the prince, but can she
do it? Can the princess save her
beloved prince in the end?
ISBN: 978-85-7416-962-0
Number of Pages: 40
Format: 22x22 cm
Number of Pages: 40
Format: 27 x 27 cm
Rights sold in Great Britain and France
Number of Pages: 32
Format: 16 x 23 cm
Rights sold to Canada and Turkey
Rua Oscar Freire, 379
Rights Department
conj. 61 - São Paulo
Ms. Claudia Stein
01426-001 - SP - Brasil
+49 69-597-6231
[email protected]
eleVen Kings tRilogy
magic tRicKs
little HeaRts
my secRet DiaRy
oVeR 500 tHings to sPot!
cHess foR KiDs
sPecial PoP-uP BooKs
Children can put on a great magic
show with this book! Children will
learn how to guess cards, make
coins disappear and much more. The
audience will be surprised by these
amazing and fun magic tricks!
With this series of books full of Bible
stories and prayers, children will read
about God’s unconditional love. With
beautiful illustrations on every page,
these stories will shine a light on every
little heart for a lifetime.
Girls will remember good times
with family and friends and record
all special events in these colorful
and charming pages. The diary
comes with a lock to guard many
precious secrets!
With these lovely books, children
will embark on great adventures with
dinosaurs and other animals, princesses
and pirates! The little ones will have
hours of fun searching and spotting
many amazing things!
With this amazing chess book, children
can learn many moves and strategies
of this ancient game and train
concentration and attention. A lively
and colorful way to exercise the mind!
A beautiful collection that will delight
girls who dream of becoming beautiful
princesses and boys who want to be
brave pirates and sail the seven seas!
Children will learn and have fun with
the useful tips and stories in this book!
Number of Pages: 64
Format: 235 mm x 275 mm
Animals in the Bible
ISBN: 9788538061908
Biblical Stories
ISBN: 9788538056164
Stories for Jesus
ISBN: 9788538065012
My First Prayers
ISBN: 9788538056140
Number of Pages: 20
Format: 127 mm x 155 mm
ISBN: 9788538055426
Number of Pages: 96
Format: 163 mm x 205 mm
ISBN: 9788538066026
ISBN: 9788538066019
ISBN: 9788538066002
ISBN: 9788538066033
Number of Pages: 96
Format: 194 mm x 231 mm
Number of Pages: 32
Format: 160 mm x 215 mm
Number of Pages: 16
Format: 255 mm x 305 mm
Knowledge for Everyone
For over 20 years, Ciranda Cultural has been working
in the publishing field bringing books for different
audiences: children, teenagers, adults, teachers and
caregivers. Ciranda Cultural Publishing aims at providing
knowledge for everyone by releasing in the market high
quality, original products at affordable prices.
The major difference in Ciranda Cultural’s catalogue lies in
the books’ diversity, innovation and educational character,
which contain interactive features such as pop-ups, sounds,
textures, flaps, as well as cloth and bath books, among
many others, that contribute to the reader’s development
and education, since an early age, through playful and
meaningful learning.
Ciranda Cultural
+55 11 3761-9500
ramal 9548
International Sales
+55 11 99159-1819
Ingrid F. R. Calderão
[email protected]
tHe woRlD
of Jia ZHangKe
aleXanDRe HeRcHcoVitcH 1:1
Author: Alexandre Herchcovitch
oPisanie swiata
Author: Veronica Stigger
Author: Jean-Michel Frodon
Mário Pedrosa is a very important
Brazilian art critic and political thinker.
Involved with three generations of
artistic tradition and an observer of
the political changes of the twentieth
century, Pedrosa not only sought to
understand his time but also helped to
strengthen the production of Brazilian
artists such as Helio Oiticica, Lygia
Clark, Lygia Pape, and Cildo Meireles.
This book brings together 31 articles
on visual arts written between 1933
and 1978, in which Pedrosa discusses
the basis of his critical position.
Witness of a moment of great change
in Chinese society, filmmaker Jia
Zhangke experienced and recorded
the accelerated transformation that
his country suffered during the period
between the Cultural Revolution and
the opening to capitalism, watching the
demolition of entire cities and the deep
shift in the habits of the population.
Richly illustrated with unpublished
photos of movies and scenes, the
volume contains an interview by the
author with the filmmaker and texts by
Jia himself about youth, creative process
and cinematographic references, beyond
Jean-Michel Frodon and Walter Salles’
essays, siting Zhangke’s production in
comparison to generations of Chinese
moviemakers and scrutinizing
film to film.
This book celebrates the two-decade
career of Alexandre Herchcovitch,
considered one of the most successful
and inventive Brazilian fashion
designers of his time. In the book, he
is interviewed by some of the most
influential names in the fashion world.
The book also addresses key issues in
his career, such as production, creation
methods, obsessions and the changes
the designer experienced as he moved
from his underground phase to the
pinnacle of professional success. Richly
illustrated (with an exclusive photo shoot
by Bob Wolfenson), 1:1 also contains texts
by Álvaro Machado, Fernanda Young,
and Charles Cosac, and is fundamental
for understanding the creative universe
of Alexandre Herchcovitch, as well as the
past two decades of Brazilian fashion.
Opisanie Swiata means “description of
the world”. The title was taken from
the Polish version of Il Milione, Marco
Polo’s travel book. The novel recounts
the journey of Opalka, a Polish man
who lived in Brazil in 1930’s. He receives
a letter from Natanael, an unknown
son who is on the verge of death, and
decides to travel to the Amazon to
meet him. During this long journey,
he meets Bopp, an eccentric man
who decides to travel with him and
becomes his friend.
ISBN: 978-85-405-0799-9
Number of Pages: 624
ISBN: 978-85-405-0787-6
Number of Pages: 320
ISBN: 978-85-405-0837-8
Number of Pages: 192
ISBN: 978-85-405-0462-2
Number of Pages: 160
Cosac Naify is recognized for its high-end catalogue and
for the quality of its publications. Currently, Cosac Naify’s
catalogue includes over 1,000 titles in subjects such as Art,
Architecture, Design, Photography, Essays, Literary Fiction,
both Classic and Contemporary, as well as a distinguished
list of children’s books. In 2013, Cosac Naify was chosen as
the Best Children’s Publisher of the Year in Latin America at
the Bologna Fair, the most important literary event in the
world dedicated to children’s literature. Cosac Naify’s goals
are expanding readers’ horizons, building new audiences
and constructively participating in Brazil’s cultural and
artistic dialogue.
fRom tHe iKPeng cHilDRen
to tHe woRlD: a Day
at tHe iKPeng Village
Author: Cadão Volpato
Illustrator: Felipe Guga
There is nothing like visiting an Ikpeng
village with indigenous children as
guides. In this book, the reader is
introduced to Yampï, Yuwipó, Kamatxi,
and and Eruwó, who invite us to visit
the chief’s house, have a bath in the
river and eat fruit straight from the tree.
We learn about men’s and women’s
tasks – and how boys and girls cooperate
to do chores and play with toys they
build themselves. The A Day in the
Village collection offers an authentic
and contemporary perspective on
different indigenous people, letting
them tell their own stories.
Margarida always heard the phrase
“Hold your horses” when she was
about to do something mischievous.
She just wanted to paint her nails
blue, for example, but her mom would
shout about horses. What her mom
could not imagine is that her daughter
talked to horses telepathically. After
growing up, Margarida forgot about
her gift, recovering it only when she
encountered a horse in the rain. An
enjoyable story about many possible
worlds contained within the one
we live. Photograph-style illustrations
created by Felipe Guga capture the
fantastic tone of the text in
beautiful images.
ISBN: 978-85-405-0681-7
Number of Pages: 48
ISBN: 978-85-405-0758-6
Number of Pages: 64
Adapted by: Rita Carelli
Illustrator: Rita Carelli
Rua General Jardim, 770 - 2º andar
Rights department
São Paulo - 01223-010
Mr. Ricardo Lelis
SP - Brasil
+55 11 3218-1444
[email protected]
HolD youR HoRses
máRio PeDRosa: aRt – essays
Author: Mário Pedrosa
Compiled by: Lorenzo Mammì
Author: Luiz Ruffato
Ilustrations: Ionit Zilberman
A pretty princess, arriving at marriageable
age, could not find a candidate to win
her heart. Her maid, tired of seeing
the sad and lonely girl, believes the
following: the prince is not showing up
because he is enchanted, transformed
into a frog. She simply has to find the
small animal and kiss him, and soon a
handsome and elegant boy will appear
in front of her, but how many frogs will
the princess kiss until she finds the one
who can change her life?
tHe sleePing gRanDma
tHe gReen DReam
This book is about a boy and his
grandmother. This book is about
forgetting and remembering, about
staying and leaving. This book is about
breads and kites, soup of flowers and
invitation to the Moon. This book is also
about a love story. A love so intense that
a child disappears deep inside of it! Do
you believe that? Read it and believe!
The Green Dream Collection (five titles)
was written to raise awareness, through
a literary lens, about new ethical needs.
The idea is to alert new readers to
the challenges imposed by climatic
changes or by unbridled consumerism,
for instance. The goal is to encourage
them to think about their own aspirations
and possible actions to build a future
aligned with sustainable development.
Author: Roberto Parmeggiani
Illustrator: João Vaz de Carvalho
Author: Reinaldo Domingos
i DeseRVe to HaVe money
Author: Reinaldo Domingos
financial tHeRaPy
tHe money Boy
Have you been asleep through your
life like a resigned Sleeping Beauty?
Are you, like Cinderella, waiting for
Prince Charming to solve your financial
life? Or have you settled for spending
part of your days like Snow White, living
in the house of the Seven Dwarfs? In
simple language, Reinaldo Domingos
shows his readers the ten steps on
the way to really having money.
To do this, he summons ten female
characters from fairy tales to help him.
If, from now on, you no longer receive
your monthly income, how long would
you be able to maintain your current
standard of living? With this challenge,
Reinaldo Domingos talks about an
issue common to most people: lack of
a financial reserve to face unexpected
situations and total disregard for
future needs. By applying the DSOP
Methodology, you will learn that saving
money and preparing yourself for a
more comfortable financial future with
many accomplishments is possible.
With the gentle, amusing language,
The Money Boy Collection is composed
of books that aim at nurturing a
small reader’s dreams, dividing them
into material and non-material. Each
volume of this collection is based
on distinct topics: Family, Diversity,
Entrepreneurship, Sustainability,
Autonomy, and Citizenship.
Five Titles:
ISBN: 978-85-8276-097-0
Number of Pages: 40
Format: 24 x 26.5 cm
ISBN: 978-85-8276-086-4
Number of Pages: 40
Format: 19.5 x 29 cm
Rights sold to Portugal, Spain and Italy
The slogan “More than books, dreams!” perfectly sums up
the mission of DSOP Publisher. After all, as Shakespeare so
beautifully said: “We are such stuff as dreams are made on”.
The Bones Long Way
Author: Adriana Lunardi
Illustrator: Catarina Bessell
ISBN: 978-85-8276-083-3
Number of Pages: 52
Format: 13.5 x 21 cm
Rights Available
Indigo Water
Author: Nilma Lacerda
Illustrator: Kammal João
ISBN: 978-85-8276-082-6
Number of Pages: 80
Format: 13.5 x 21 cm
Rights Available
The Lost Bag
Author: Ricardo Lísias
Illustrator: Rodrigo Yokota
ISBN: 978-85-8276-035-2
Number of Pages: 64
Format: 13.5 x 21 cm
Rights Available
Family Sketch
Author: João Anzanello
Illustrator: Rogério Coelho
ISBN: 978-85-8276-073-4
Number of Pages: 40
Format: 13.5 x 21 cm
Rights Available
An Animal Adventure
Author: Maria Valéria Rezende
Illustrator: Luyse Costa
ISBN: 978-85-8276-036-9
Number of Pages: 68
Format: 13.5 x 21 cm
Rights Available
From such a belief, DSOP was created: to publish works that
let the reader dream and to make these dreams come true.
ISBN: 978-85-8276-015-4
Number of Pages: 112
Format: 14 x 21cm
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-6368-028-0
Number of Pages: 128
Format: 14 x 21 cm
Rights sold to México, Argentina,
and Guatemala
Av. Paulista, 726, 1205
Cristiana Negrão
12º andar - Bela Vista
+55 11 3177-7800
São Paulo - SP - Brasil
[email protected]
tHe tRue stoRy
of luiZ tHe fRog
Money Boy
Family Dreams
Author: Reinaldo Domingos
Illustrator: Ariel Fajtlowicz
ISBN: 978-85-6368-015-0
Format: 26.5 x 20.5 cm
Number of Pages: 60
Rights Available
Money Boy
In A Sustainable World
Author: Reinaldo Domingos
Illustrator: Ariel Fajtlowicz
ISBN: 978-85-8276-022-2
Number of Pages: 72
Format: 26.5 x 20.5 cm
Rights Available
Money Boy
Goes To School
Author: Reinaldo Domingos
Illustrator: Ariel Fajtlowicz
ISBN: 978-85-6368-020-4
Format: 26.5 x 20.5 cm
Number of Pages: 112
Rights Available
Money Boy
Young Citizen
Author: Reinaldo Domingos
Illustrator: Ariel Fajtlowicz
ISBN: 978-85-8276-023-9
Number of Pages: 68
Format: 26.5 x 20.5 cm Rights Available
Money Boy
Between Friends
Author: Reinaldo Domingos
Illustrator: Ariel Fajtlowicz
ISBN: 978-85-6368-029-7
Number of Pages: 88
Format: 26.5 x 20.5 cm
Rights Available
Money Boy
Time of Changes
Author: Reinaldo Domingos
Illustrator: Luyse Costa
ISBN: 978-85-8276-131-1
Number of Pages: 92
Format: 15 x 23 cm
Rights Available
A collection of essays by Brazilian and
French philosophers, the Mutations
series discusses new lifestyles created
by technology and the collapse of
strong moral, ethical and political
paradigms. The Future Is No Longer
What It Was discusses the nature of
time and analyses the relationships
that men have established with the
future throughout history in different
fields of knowledge. In Praise of Sloth
addresses idleness as the means
to rethink the meaning of life in a
world of incessant labor. Passional
sources of violence thinks man
and his passions before the technoscientific revolution, biotechnology
and digital. What role today has
the spirit, understood as creative
intelligence or processing power?
Format: 16 × 23 cm
Rights Available
The Future Is No Longer What It Was
ISBN: 978-85-7995-064-3
Number of Pages: 544
In Praise of Sloth
ISBN: 978-85-7995-035-3
Number of Pages: 504
Passional sources of violence
ISBN: 978-85-69298-11-3
Number of Pages: 504
geRalDo De BaRRos:
tHat’s it
HieRoPHany | tHeateR
accoRDing to antunes filHo
Editor: Fabiana de Barros
Author: Sebastião Milaré
Geraldo de Barros (1923-1998) was one
of the most important representatives
of Brazilian modernism. He learned
about the principles of the Ulm
Superior School of Design (Germany),
bringing the knowledge to South
America and encouraging many
of his colleagues to join the concrete
art movement. He cultivated contacts
with the European avant-garde and
was a pioneer in developing new trends
such as pop art in Brazil. This book
presents an overview of his life and
work, chronologically arranged and
covering all types of his works (painting,
industrial design, drawing, engravings)
with an emphasis on photography.
The result of ten years of research,
Hierophany documents and discusses
the method created by director
Antunes Filho, including aesthetical
references, exercises, bibliography,
practice and ideology, in addition
to discussion of performances based
on such work. The first part focuses
on the foundation of the Macunaíma
Group and the Center for Theatrical
Research (CPT), as well as techniques
and expressive means for actors. The
second part includes the systematized
method and exercises, based on the
belief that a human must transform
himself to be an actor. Winner of
the Cooperativa Paulista de Teatro
[São Paulo Theater Cooperative] award
for best publication on the topic of
theater in 2010.
ISBN: 978-85-7995-055-1
Number of Pages: 364
Format: 28 x 28 cm
Bilingual edition (English/Portuguese)
Rights Available
Sesc’s work seeks to integrate ideas and differences, encourage
reflection and develop identity and cultural diversity. Guided
by the concept of continuing education, Sesc promotes
encounters between people and different artistic and cultural
manifestations, publishing books with an emphasis on the
ISBN: 978-85-7995-002-5
Number of Pages: 398
Format: 19 × 25 cm
Rights Available
arts and humanities. With an eclectic catalogue allowing for
reflection on many aspects of contemporaneity, Edições Sesc
reinforces its fundamentally humanist vision, and therefore
contributes to the democratization of culture, a mission that
has been embraced by the institution since its founding.
BRaZilian scenogRaPHy:
notes of a scenogRaPHeR
Author: J. C. Serroni
This work includes content and memories
important for the understanding of
current stage set design in Brazil. With
texts and images gathered from extensive
research, the book is divided into the
following topics: Brazilian set design
from its beginnings to the present day,
scenographers and experiences prior to
the 1940s, scenography decade by
decade (1940s to 1990s), scenography
for festivals, exhibitions and research
centers, the status of the professional
scenographer and the most important
Brazilian scenographers.
ISBN: 978-85-7995-063-6
Number of Pages: 376
Format: 24 × 24 cm
Rights Available
lina Bo BaRDi seRies
BaRÉ | RiVeR PeoPle
Editor: Marcelo Ferraz
(box with 6 books)
Editors: Marina Herrero
and Ulysses Fernandes
Beginning with the original texts
written by Lina Bo Bardi about her
projects, along with contemporary
analysis and abundant illustrations,
this collection brings to the public
six titles, about each individual space.
Edited in partnership with IPHAN –
Institute of the Historic National
Heritage, the collection includes the
following books: São Paulo Museum
of Art, Sesc Pompeia’s Factory, Oficina
Theater, Glass House, Espírito Santo
do Cerrado Church, Unhão Manor.
This book presents the culture,
legends and challenges of the ethnic
communities of Baré, located near the
towns of Santa Isabel do Rio Negro and
São Gabriel da Cachoeira, on the banks
of the Rio Negro in Amazonas state.
The project includes a region with a
strong social breakdown, which has
undergone numerous pressures since
the arrival of Europeans to the most
recent invasion of miners, and which
is notable due to its dramatic rate of
suicides among the young population.
The devastating acculturation process
involves the loss of traditional knowledge,
oral tradition and artistic techniques
of great value, leading the indigenous
population to deny their indigenous
identity. This book is an initiative to
register and therefore strengthen the
Baré people.
ISBN: 978-85-7995-181-7
Format: 24 x 16.5 cm
Rights Available
Rua Cantagalo, 74, 14º andar
Rights & Permissions Department
conj. 1401- Bloco A
Sr. Marcos Lepiscopo
Vila Gomes Cardim - São Paulo
+55 11 2227-7471
03319-000 - SP - Brasil
[email protected]
ISBN: 978-85-7995-174-9
Number of Pages: 340
Format: 19 x 25 cm
Portuguese |English
Rights Available
mutations seRies
Editor: Adauto Novaes
But... collection
(wHo is afRaiD?, is it sweet?,
anD is it always liKe tHis?)
anotHeR PRincess
tHe Best of tHe PaRty
tHe cuRe of tHe eaRtH
tHe Biggest cHamPion
Author: Nye Ribeiro
Illustrator: Bruna Assis Brasil
Author: Eliane Potiguara
Illustrator: Soud
Author: Maria Cristina Furtado
Illustrator: Fabiana Salomão
Cindy is possibly the most beautiful
girl in the kingdom. After losing her
parents too early, she goes to live
with her stepmother and spends
her days crying and complaining.
She doesn’t help in the castle services
or with selling bread. However, an
invitation to a ball makes Cindy
think that she can change her life,
but maybe, things can’t be so
easily solved…
In this tale, the cat with the long nails,
ran to chase the gray haired rat, who
entered in the house of seven doors
where the friar with the black cap and
crooked cane live... The cake is baked
and what will happen to all these
characters? It is confusion that never
ends, but the best of the party will
arrive soon.
Moína is an indigenous girl who is very
curious and loves to sit in her grandma’s
lap, to listening to stories. She wants
to understand the meaning of life and
all of its transformations. However, a
special story will reveal the pain that
the indigenous people experienced,
the discoveries and the wisdom of
her ancestors and how they found
the cure for one of our most precious
possession: the Earth.
Lelê is ready and very excited to
compete in an aerial gymnastics
competition. She wants to win the
medal at all costs, but she doesn’t
realize that she will win an even more
important prize: friendship. The book
offers a CD with songs, which enlivens
and complements this story about
loving others.
The alphabet has 26 letters and each
one has many possibilities. When
they are combined they help us to
create many stories and jokes, but
alone they can do a lot as well. They
talk about love, Anthony and Aline,
the ball game, the alien Enzo, the
florist Floriano and more. They show
us how our vocabulary is rich and
how we can have fun with it.
ISBN: 9788510058056
Number of Pages: 56
Rights Available
ISBN: 9788510058728
Number of Pages: 32
Rights Available
ISBN: 9788510058018
Number of Pages: 32
Rights Available
ISBN: 9788510058049
Number of Pages: 32
Rights Available
ISBN: 9788510059916
Number of Pages: 88
Rights Available
Author and Illustrator: Renata Bueno
The titles in the BUT... Collection present
the most popular children’s characters
in unusual and funny situations. The
books deconstruct stereotypes such as
the big bad wolf, the sweet fairy, and
the pirate with his wooden leg. The
distortion shows different perspectives
on these characters, offering reflection
on fear, anger, Manichaeism, and plenty
of fun for young readers. There is always
another side of the story to see, you just
need to unfold the page!
Who Is Afraid?
ISBN: 9788510056960
Is It Sweet?
ISBN: 9788510057516
Is It Always Like This?
ISBN: 9788510058742
Number of Pages: 46
Rights Available
For more than 70 years, Editora do Brasil S.A. has focused
on educational publications, schoolbooks and literature
– informative children’s and young adults’ books, many
of them award winning for their quality and innovative
features. The books feature topics presented by some of
alPHaBetic – tHe almanac
of tHe Poetic alPHaBet
Author: Telma Guimarães
Illustrator: Jean-Claude R. Alphen
the best Brazilian authors and designers, some of whom are
internationally renowned. With more than 1,000 titles in its
catalogue, Editora do Brasil is one of the ten most important
Brazilian publishing houses in its field.
Rua Conselheiro Nébias, nº 887
Rights Department:
São Paulo - 01203-001
Mr. Felipe Ramos Poletti
SP - Brazil
55 11 3226-0215
[email protected]
Author: Jonas Ribeiro
Illustrator: Various
wHo’s afRaiD
of tHe Big BaD wolf?
VanDa VamP, miRRoR
of mine, wHo am i?
Be BRaVe, little owl!
Author: Sami and Bill
wHat soRt
of animal is tHis?
Author: Rosane Pamplona
Illustrator: Eugenia Nobati
Author: Silvana de Menezes
Author: Silvana de Menezes
Aesop’s fables have traveled across
centuries – and even millennia – without
losing any relevance. These tales allow
us to ponder human nature and to
understand the world we live in.
Aesop, who lived as a slave in Ancient
Greece, managed to be freed thanks
to his storytelling ability, but many of
his fables were actually far older; they
were found in Egyptian papyruses,
dating from nearly a thousand years
before Aesop’s time. The wisdom
found in these fables continues to
fascinate us today.
In a forest on the verge of extinction
lived an old vegetarian wolf. Sad and
lonely, he met a hunter, but his killer
instinct had been out of use too long,
and his sense of smell had diminished.
In this story of life and death, extreme
emotions are captured in black and
white. Who is the man and who is the
wolf? Does it even make any sense
to ask this question?
Vanda Vamp is a little vampire girl who
loves music and dancing. However, she
suffers because she can’t see her own
image reflected in a mirror. In this story,
the little vampire girl’s life and emotions
show the reader that deep feelings can
make the impossible real.
The owl could hardly keep her eyes
open. She was so sleepy…But she was
so scared that she could not sleep.
The Moon was worried and she told
the owl not to be scared. Was the
Moon able to calm the owl down?
What about the owl? Could she
finally get to sleep?
A trunk, a wing, a very long tongue, a
huge neck and an elegant purse. These
are the clues about animals near and far.
“A Gift of Love”, “Ponaim’s Wish”, and
“Potira and Itagibá”. The love stories
found in this book show the beauty
of the symbolic tales that originated
in Brazil’s native tribes. Together with
Portuguese and African influences,
the indigenous tribes form the basis
of Brazil’s historical and cultural
formation and national identity. For
these reasons, these stories must be
preserved for new generations.
ISBN: 978-85-99306-59-8
Number of Pages: 32
Format: 21 x 28 cm
ISBN: 978-85-99306-70-3
Number of Pages: 40 (Full color)
Format: 21 x 28 cm
ISBN: 978-85-99306-90-1
Number of Pages: 36 Pages:
Format: 20.5 x 20.5 cm
ISBN: 978-85-99306-91-8
Number of Pages: 64
Format: 20.5 x 20.5 cm
ISBN: 978-85-99306-93-2
Number of Pages: 32
Format: 21 x 28 cm
ISBN: 978-85-99306-89-5
Number of Pages: 64
Elementar Publishing was founded in 2000, with the strong
belief that ethics can make the world a better place.
Elementar Publishing is dedicated to publishing literary
and educational books for children and youngsters.
The company publishes books to encourage them to question
and investigate, to reflect, and to stimulate a new way of
looking at the world – with more sensitive eyes. Another goal
is promoting integration and solidarity among people.
Author: Liana Leão
Illustrator: Eve Ferretti
natiVe loVes
Author: Lenice Gomes,
Fabiano Moraes
and Severino Rodrigues
Illustrator: Laerte Silvino
Rua Bernardino Fanganiello, nº 543
Rights Department:
Casa Verde - São Paulo
Ms. Elisabete Kawano
02512-000 - SP - Brazil
+55 11 3857-0740
[email protected]
a moRal lesson…
aesoP’s faBles
This second edition presents
epistemological and conceptual
updates on the ability to intervene,
the so-called “anticipation culture”.
This comprehensive approach to the
cancer debate shows the importance
of early educational actions – starting
as early as elementary school – without
abandoning the ongoing aims of
detection and diagnoses, aimed at
generating positive results in cancer
survival and prognoses for different
age groups.
ISBN: 9788578681654
Number of Pages: 640
Rights Available
Authors: Manoel João Batista Castello Girão,
Marair Gracio Ferreira Sartori, Ricardo Muniz
Ribeiro, Rodrigo de Aquino Castro, and
Zsuzsanna Ilona Katalin de Jármy-Di Bella
There has been a gradual improvement
of knowledge regarding urogynecology
over the last few decades. Many
aspects are still controversial and raise
different points of view, as it’s a field
that has a great impact on quality of life
for women and which requires specific
knowledge for the correct diagnosis
and treatment of the urogynecological
illnesses. At the end of each chapter,
multiple choice tests address the
discussed topics, preparing the student
for accreditation degrees.
ISBN: 9788520433997
Number of Pages: 844
Rights Available
Editora Manole is leader in providing essential content for
educating students and professionals in scientific and
technical fields. Its catalogue, with over 1,000 titles by local
and foreign authors, values both graphic design and
editorial content, seeking to provide the reader with the
Authors: Arlindo Philippi Jr
and Valdir Fernandes
PRofiles: tHe woRlD
of otHeRs – 22 PeRsonalities
anD 1 essay – tHiRD eDition
tHe HeaRt of tHe BaoBaB
tHe gReat Doggy Pageant
Author: Heloisa Pires Lima
Illustrator: Laerte Silvino
Author: Tatiana Belinky
Illustrator: Laerte Silvino
Author: Sergio Vilas-Boas
With a unique approach, the text
presents the academic works of
professors and researchers involved in
teaching and research of multi- and
interdisciplinary postgraduate courses.
By highlighting the importance
of theoretical and conceptual
foundations applied to the practice
of interdisciplinarity on teaching and
research, it reveals the development
of a scientific community that is aware
of the complexity of life and society
demands, and shows commitment to
the pursuit of knowledge needed to
address and solve these demands.
From artists and writers to
businessmen, soccer players and
“ordinary people”, the revised and
expanded new third edition of this
book presents literary profiles of 22
personalities, through a journalistic
approach that is both biographical and
autobiographical. With the intention
of better understanding his famous
subjects (such as Paul Auster, Gabriel
García Marquez, Cristovão Tezza, Tostão,
among others), Vilas-Boas creates
unique narratives. A formidable example
of nonfiction writing in the tradition
of The New Yorker pieces, with a pinch
of Brazilian sauce.
Ever so slowly, the bark of the Baobá
tree started to open up. Then, the
hare discovered what laid down there,
hidden deep in the tree’s core. What
made the tree reveal its secrets? Find
the storyteller in the pages of this
book and he’ll lead you to the heart
of the Baobab, far, far way in the
northwest of Africa.
Dogs from several breeds get
together in this story to compete
in a great beauty pageant. Or might
we say... a doggy pageant? Take a look
at big dogs, little dogs, angry dogs,
calm dogs, sporty dogs, and even
those special fancy ones. All of them
are in the running for the prize: the
“Big Golden Bone”!
ISBN: 9788520438930
Number of Pages: 808
Rights Available
ISBN: 9788520439302
Number of Pages: 288
Rights Available
ISBN: 9788520437872
Number of Pages: 24
Rights Available
ISBN: 9788520431535
Number of Pages: 32
Rights Available
best academic works in Brazil and worldwide. Having
acted in the market for more than 40 years, Manole
continues to innovate through its divisions, which
encompass general interest, children’s literature, distance
learning, self-publishing, and new digital platforms.
Av. Ceci, 672
Mr. Enrico Giglio de Oliveira (CYA - FnF)
Tamboré - Barueri
+55 11 4196-6016
06460-120 - SP - Brazil
[email protected]
Mrs. Denise Yumi Chinem (STM-A)
+55 11 4196-6002
[email protected]
Authors: Ricardo César Pinto Antunes,
Antônio André Magoulas Perdicaris,
and Roberto Gomes
tReatise on uRogynecology
PRactice of inteRDisciPlinaRity
anD PelVic flooR Dysfunctions in teacHing anD ReseaRcH
canceR PReVention
2nD eDition
Author: Ilan Brenman
Illustrator: Guilherme Karsten
In this book of illustrations, figures
and shadows make us imagine things.
But when we turn the pages, we realize
the shadows tricked us. A fun play
in which illusion makes us thinks
about the different ways of observing
and perceiving the world.
The book arose from plays in which
the author pointed out distant figures
for his daughters and they tried to
guess what these figures really were.
When they reached out to the figures,
they realized that they were almost
always mistaken!
This fun game generated delicious
and even philosophical conversations
between this dad and his daughters.
ISBN: 978-85-06-07749-8
Number of Pages: 32
Rights Available
Author and Illustrator: Ziraldo
The world may be made out of colors,
but none of them compares to Flicts.
A rare, frail and sad color that doesn’t
seem to fit in anywhere, for it has not
made friends with the other colors,
which despise it. Can you picture Flicts
among the others in the rainbow?!
No way! Cast off, Flicts gazes at the
sky and up it goes: finally, it can see
the world from up above and decides
it has found its righteous place.
Flicts is a poetic, though unassuming,
narrative about the essential need
to respect the differences.
Six-year-old Zeze is poor, intelligent
and sensitive. As he can’t find the love
he craves for at home, he walks along
the streets playing all kinds of pranks.
He learns everything by himself and
devises a fantasy world of his own
where his great confidant is Xururuca,
an orange tree. This is one of Brazilian
Children and Youth Literature greatest
classics of all times.
ISBN: 978-85-06-05558-8
Number of Pages: 48
Rights sold to Argentina, Bolivia,
Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Mexico,
Panama, Peru, Spain, and Venezuela.
ISBN: 978-85-06-06253-1
Number of Pages: 192
Rights sold to China, Germany, Japan,
Korea, Latin America, Poland, Portugal,
San Juan, Spain, and Turkey
Editora Melhoramentos published its first title in 1915,
with Hans Christian Andersen’s The Ugly Duckling. It
was also the first book printed in full color in Brazil and
the beginning of a solid, longstanding and successful
children’s series. Since then, the company has built a
reputation for its pioneering literary quality and printing
standards for children and young adults.
my sweet oRange tRee
Author: José Mauro de Vasconcelos
Cover Illustrator: Rui de Oliveira
Illustrator: Jayme Cortez
During these 100 years, Melhoramentos has kept its
editorial integrity by publishing renowned Brazilian
author`s as well as national new talents in writing and
illustration. In addition, it has worked to enlarge its portfolio
with important non-fiction books, such as award-winning
gastronomy titles and a collection of excellent dictionaries,
like the famous Michaelis series.
DReams in yellow
tHe Boy wHo DiD not
foRget Van gogH
tHe fRame Boy
Author and Illustrator: Ziraldo
Author: Breno Lerner
Illustrator: Domingos Takeshita
Author: Luiz Antonio Aguiar
Illustrator: Luís Lorenzón
This fictional narrative creates a whole
relationship between painter Vincent
van Gogh and Camille Roulin, one of
the children depicted in The Roulin
Family group of portrait paintings.
In the story, Camille is a boy whose life is
filled with enchantment, paintings and
dreams, as he entertains a rather close
relationship to the Dutch painter in the
time during which he produced his
most important works.
ISBN: 978-85-06-05616-5
Number of Pages: 128
Rights sold to Colombia and Italy
tHe BaRnacle goose anD
otHeR KitcHen stoRies
Frame boy? Why? He has been
nicknamed Frame Boy because he is
always passionately concentrated on
his comic books. No friends are ever
around, but... is that really so? Actually,
he has thousands of friends in his
colorful world! They are all heroes of
some kind and come from all different
parts of the globe! And will they be
able to help the Frame Boy when he
finds himself immersed in a colorless
forest? It’s all just letters, punctuation
and words mixed up. Frame Boy is a
fast-paced story filled with creativity
and imagination.
ISBN: 978-85-06-06024-7
Number of Pages: 32
Rights sold to Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia,
Ecuador, Mexico, Panama,
Peru, and Venezuela
Rua Tito, 479
Rights contact
Vila Romana - São Paulo
Walter Weiszflog
05051-000 - SP - Brasil
[email protected]
This book is a collection of stories
and thoughts originally written for
Brazilian newspapers and magazines.
The author addresses a number
of topics in texts characterized by
his unusual yet quite deep historical
research. What was the menu of
the last meal aboard the Titanic?
Reading The Barnacle Goose is
like opening a pack of those
kinds of snacks you never seem
to get enough of.
ISBN: 978-85-06-06816-8
Number of Pages: 232
Rights sold to: United States,
Latin America, and Spain
+ 55 11 3874-0854
+ 55 11 3874-0855
Author: Ricardo Tanus Valle,
Eduardo Grossmann, and
Renata Silva Melo Fernandes
clinical cases – aDHesiVe
ceRamic RestoRation
a clinical Vision
fRagments | facet | cRowns
cutting eDge
Author: Miguel S. Haddad Filho
PeRi-imPlant anD
PeRioDontal suRgeRy
BaseD on eViDence
Dental contact lens
laminateD anD ceRamic
fRagments – 2nD eDition
estHetical DentistRy
tHe cHallenges
of tHe Daily clinic
Author: Leandro Chambrone
Author: Eduardo Miyashita, Eduardo Pizza
Pellizzer and Estevão Tomomitsu Kimpara
Authors: Eduardo Miyashita
and Gustavo Gomes de Oliveira
Authors: Artur Napoleão
and Telmo Rodrigues
This book helps dentists to diagnose and
treat patients with temporomandibular
disorders, and includes many photos
and illustrations to improve clinical
practice and diagnose.
Divided in two volumes, this book
brings to the reader, specialist or
not, all the clinical aspects of adhesive
ceramic restorations to students
(undergraduate or graduate) and
teachers who want to know in an
easy, didactic and illustrative way.
From treatment suggestion to clinical
case resolution and going through
planning clinical cases up to final
cementation, this manuscript points
out the step-by-step of clinical and
laboratory stages based on scientific
papers and gives us the best in
ceramic restorations case resolution.
This is a clinical publication, which
brings together the experience of
leading researchers in endodontics.
New techniques that modify existing
endodontic treatments are shown in
the book’s 12 chapters.
This book shows advanced techniques
in periodontal tissue manipulation. Its
main objective is periodontal plastic
surgery based on evidence.
This new edition addresses dental
veneers contact lenses and fragment
types. It is highly illustrated with many
photos and images.
This book brings together
two leading cosmetic dentistry
researchers, focusing on daily
clinical issues, addressing topics
such as dental veneers, contact
lens type and other breakthroughs.
Number of Pages: 335
Format: 23 x 31
ISBN: 978-85-60842-69-8
Number of Pages: 160 / 386 (2 volumes)
Format: 31 x 31 cm
ISBN: 978-85-60842-84-1
Number of Pages: 511
Format: 23 x 31
ISBN: 978-85-60842-81-0
Number of Pages: 383
Format: 23 x 31
ISBN: 978-85-60842-67-4
Number of Pages: 311
Format: 24 x 30
ISBN: 978-85-60842-72-8
Number of Pages: 463
Format: 23 x 31
Napoleão Publisher started its activities as a bookstore
in 1985. Headquartered in Nova Odessa, Sao Paulo State,
Brazil, we dedicate ourselves to the publication of health
care and children’s books and apps. Our company relies
on an innovative team that makes use of art, technique,
and 3D illustrations for every book release. We count on a
large distribution network and our main priorities are high
quality customer service and offering great publications.
19 3466-2063
19 3498-2339
Vinicius Pereira
skype: editora_napoleao
Dysfunction – clinical
[email protected]
tHe Boat of DReams
Pê anD tHe Vast woRlD
a sPectaculaR eVening
Author: Marcos Bagno
Author: Rogério Coelho
Author: Paulo Venturelli
Illustrator: Fereshteh Najafi
Authors: AnnaLaura Cantone
and Adriano Messias
Nelson Cruz’s Visual Haikus unites
the beauty and simplicity of a haiku,
the playfulness of a newspaper comic
strip and the brevity found in both
types of text. The book presents ten
short, silent stories that invite us to
a surprising journey in the company
of René Magritte, the painter of
dreams, King Kong, who comes
straight from a movie screen,
and Alice, from Wonderland.
This book by Marcos Bagno is an ode to
Bagno’s deceased brother and recounts
“stories” of his simple life, dignified
by his connection with nature. In this
narrative, the tragedy of his death is
perceived from a sensitive point of
view: with no drama, and as a learning
and growth experience. The book has
won the following awards: Fundação
Biblioteca Nacional Award 2013
(1st place) in the category of Books
for Young People and the 2nd Prêmio
Brasília de Literatura Award 2014
(1st place) in the category of Books
for Young People.
The Boat of Dreams is a charming
narrative in which reality and dream
are mixed. The beautiful images
in this book reveal the magic that
can arise from a blank piece of
paper, at the hands of an old
man or a young boy, thanks
to the mysterious correspondence
between both characters.
This book is the fruitful meeting
between Brazilian writer Paulo
Venturelli and an illustrator from
another corner of the world,
Fereshteh Najafi, an Iranian artist.
Together, they tell us the story of
Pê, a small and curious boy who is
surprised by the immensity of the
universe. Pê accepts the challenge of
looking deep into himself to discover
the size and ways of his spirit.
Prize-winning Italian illustrator Anna
Laura Cantone created images for
this fun and absorbing narrative by
Adriano Messias, in which several
animals come together to live a
very special evening together.
ISBN: 978-85-385-9253-2
Number of Pages: 60
Format: 24 x 24 cm
ISBN: 978-85-385-6642-7
Number of Pages: 48
Format: 12.5 x 21 cm
ISBN: 978-85-385-8406-3
Format: 24 x 24 cm
Number of Pages: 84
ISBN: 978-85-385-7902-1
Number of Pages: 64
Format: 18 x 26 cm
ISBN: 978-85-385-6292-3
Number of Pages: 24
Format: 24 x 24 cm
Founded in 1979 Editora Positivo specializes in the
education field and is responsible for all of Grupo Positivo’s
publications in this area. It is present in more than 4,000
private and public schools in Brazil and Japan through
its Positivo Educational System. Editora Positivo also
publishes and sells textbooks, aimed at both primary
and secondary school, as well as literature, atlases and
dictionaries. The highlight of its catalogue is the Aurelio
Dictionary, one of the most important references for
Portuguese speakers. The publishing house has its own
research center with more than 200 specialists in different
fields of knowledge who provide intellectual support for
the development of all books and new products.
Editora Positivo Ltda.
Rights Department
Rua Major Heitor Guimarães, 174
Marcelo Del’Anhol
Seminário - Curitiba
+55 41 3312-3543
80440-120 - PR - Brazil
[email protected]
Visit to tHe wHale
Author: Paulo Venturelli
Illustrator: Nelson Cruz
Author of The Hoarse Angel and Brave New
Egg, Paulo Venturelli presents us with this
delightful text in which desires and doubts
come to light through imagination. A boy
had just finished his homework when
his father stepped in, saying there was a
whale downtown. The news soon caught
everyone’s attention. How could this be
possible as they were far away from the
sea? It did not take long for them to head
to the city center in order to see the whale
with their own eyes. With a good dose of
humor and great illustrations by Nelson
Cruz, Visit to the Whale is a book you can’t
stop reading until the very end. The book
has received the following awards: IBBY
Honor List 2014 (International Board
on Books for Young People); Best Book
for Children and Best Illustration, 2013
– Fundação Nacional do Livro Infantil e
Juvenil (FNLIJ), affiliated with IBBY; Jabuti
Award 2013 (2nd place) in the category
of Books for Children − Brazilian Book
Chamber; Jabuti Award 2013 finalist
in the category Illustration − Book for
Children and Young People − Brazilian
Book Chamber.
ISBN: 978-85-385-5118-8
Number of Pages: 64
Format: 26 x 18 cm
Visual HaiKus
Author: Nelson Cruz
feelings collection
Author and Illustrator:
Vanessa Alexandre
This Bible was designed for small
children. It provides easy and soft texts
completed with beautiful illustrations
on washable pages: It is a child’s
perfect initiation to God’s word.
The best known Bible passages have
been organized in a comic book,
to both guide and entertain. The
birth and the resurrection of Jesus,
Moses, Samson and other narratives
are gathered here in this modern
collection, composed of excellent
illustrations. Enjoy this exciting visit
to the Sacred Pages of the Bible!
Written and illustrated by Vanessa
Alexandre, the collection will help
children understand and identify
their own feelings and know a little
more about themselves. It includes
four books that represent different
feelings: love, anger, jealousy,
tenderness, compassion, fear, and
grief, among others.
ISBN: 978-85-7339-3281-4
Number of Pages: 48
Format: 16.5 x 20.5 cm
Number of Pages: 16
Format: 13.5 x 20 cm
The Creation:
ISBN: 978-85-339-3312-5
Ark of Noah:
ISBN: 978-85-339-3313-2
Birth of Jesus:
ISBN: 978-85-339-3314-9
Resurrection of Jesus
ISBN: 978-85-339-3315-6
The Tower of Babel:
ISBN: 978-85-339-3473-3
Abraham – Father of Faith:
ISBN: 978-85-339-3474-0
Isaac and his sons:
ISBN: 978-85-339-3475-7
Walking with Jesus:
ISBN: 978-85-339-3476-4
Parables – 1:
ISBN: 978-85-339-3477-1
Parables – 2:
ISBN: 978-85-339-3478-8
In business for 44 years, Editora Rideel is a landmark
Brazilian publishing house. It serves direct sales and
collection wHo
goes witH me?
tReatment of wounDs
anD casts
funDamental immunology
Author: Jorge Augusto Borin Scutti
Author: Eliana Martins
Illustrator: Camila Carrossine
Author: Telma Geovanini
Eliana Martins surprises readers with
interesting stories full of meanings
and lessons. The collection consists of
three volumes dealing with a child’s
first visit to the doctor, the dentist,
and the first day at school. The books
in this collection are an invitation for
education and reflection.
This book deals with the techniques
and new technologies for the care
of people with wounds and injuries,
presenting a holistic approach. The
chapters fully tackle the origins,
causes, and consequences of a
wound, regarding all biopsychosocial
and spiritual aspects. Therapeutic
intervention is discussed regarding
prevention, harm reduction, and
available advances for the care of
wounds and injuries.
This book explains the work of
Elie Metchnikoff, Jules Bordet, Paul
Ehrlich, August Paul von Wassermann,
Karl Landsteiner, Charles Nicolle,
Daniel Bovet, François Jacob, André
Lwoff, and others, and how they
have helped in the development of
immunology. Furthermore, throughout
the 29 chapters, readers will have the
opportunity to learn new techniques,
strengthen and expand their knowledge
on the general properties of immune
response, activation and regulation of
immune system, autoimmune diagnoses,
immunotherapy, monoclonal antibodies,
and other relevant topics.
ISBN: 978-85-339-3077-3
Number of Pages: 512
Format: 17 x 24 cm
ISBN: 978-85-339-3515-0
Number of Pages: 480
Format: 17 x 24 cm
comics - BiBle stoRies
Author: Cristina Klein
Illustrators: Jaison Roberto Carvalho,
Fernando Alex, and Jhonat A. Schnaid
ISBN: 978-85-339-3518-1
Number of Pages: 32
Format: 25 x 25 cm
The magic house
Number of Pages: 32
Format: 21.5 x 24.5 cm
Sofia’s secret
ISBN: 978-85-339-3021-6
Nine months
ISBN: 978-85-339-3019-3
Goodbye, Grandma Cândida
ISBN: 978-85-339-3020-9
One plus one
ISBN: 978-85-339-3022-3
publishes educational and children books, and is one of the
largest publishers of dictionaries and law books in Brazil.
ISBN: 978-85-339-3349-1
Number of Pages: 32
Format: 25 x 25 cm
KiDs’ fiRst BiBle
Adapted by: Cristina Klein
Illustrators: Jaison Roberto Carvalho,
Adriana da Silva, and Marcos Gonçalves
A different tour
ISBN: 978-85-339-3351-4
Number of Pages: 32
Format: 25 x 25 cm
Good guys and bad guys
ISBN: 978-85-339-3350-7
Number of Pages: 32
Format: 25 x 25 cm
Avenida Casa Verde, 455
Rights department
Casa Verde - São Paulo
Ms. Iara Andozia
02519-000 - SP - Brazil
+55 11 2238-5127
[email protected]
a glass of wateR
Author: Lalau
Illustrator: Laurabeatriz
caPulana: a clotH
PRinteD witH stoRies
Authors: Heloisa Lima
and Mario Lemos Pires
Illustrator: Vanina Starkoff
caPiongo’s mysteRy
tHe final line
oliVia anD tHe inDians
Author and Illustrator:
Joaquim de Almeida
Author: Luís Dill
Author: Betty Mindlin
lllustrator: Ciça Fittipaldi
A mysterious crow lands on the breast
of a statue of Athena and sees the
profound heartbreak of a man after the
loss of his beloved, Lenore. One of the
best known poems in literature, “The
Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe, is presented
in this book. This is a graphic and
Brazilian version of the classic by the
artist and musician Manu Maltez. The
hardcover volume includes exquisite
graphics and also contains the original
version of the poem in English and two
translations of it into Portuguese.
A glass of water may seem to us to be
of very little importance, but, in fact, in
some cases, it may mean a lot! Think
of a little bird on a very sunny, hot day:
a glass of water will quench the little
bird’s thirst; think of a kid that wishes
to play with soapsuds: a glass of water
means a lot of fun; think of a little fish
out of its pond: a glass of water means
salvation; think of a flower that is
withering away: a glass of water means
survival; think of paintbrushes that
have been working all day long: a glass
of water is the long-awaited rest. In
these humble (but highly meaningful)
verses, we can see that water is really
essential for us; it is also clear that what
we do with it is very important for its
preservation. At a time in which water
is scarce at a worldwide scale, the
verses in A Glass of Water may raise kids’
awareness of the fact that preserving
water is of utmost importance since it
is a non-renewable resource.
Dandara, a little girl that lives is São
Paulo, gets a present from his friend,
Tulany, who lives in Mozambique. It’s
a capulana! In the little boy’s land,
this is a traditional and well-known
material. It is used for many different
things: to cover one’s body or head, as
an ornament, to carry one’s baby on
one’s back, to make very special gifts
on special occasions... The story of the
friendship between the Brazilian girl
and the Mazambiquean boy helps to
keep a very beautiful African tradition
alive, especially among the peoples
of Mozambique. It also bears witness
to the fact that communion between
people from very different cultures is
both possible and enriching.
After its participation in World War II,
Raimundo dos Anjos quits his military
career and sets up a detective agency
called “Anjos Investigação.” The business
is not doing well, but things change
for the better when Colonel Juvêncio
Malaquías hires him to work on a very
intricate case: the disappearance of
cattle from his farm. Without hesitation,
Raimundo decides to take up this
challenge. Next thing we know, he
catches a Sertão Paraibano-bound
train. In order to solve the “riddle”,
Raimundo will need to stop resorting
to logical reasoning, which is what
most detectives do, and he will need
to face up to his past and get mixed
in a world of cowboys, legends and
powerful sentences. With xylography
work produced by the writer himself,
Capiongo’s Mystery portrays the culture
of this region. In addition, suspense will
thrill the reader – the result of
both sound research and Joaquim
de Almeida’s indisputable talent.
Guilherme and William are on the same
train. From the very beginning of their
journey, they are sitting close to each
other and exchange inquisitive looks.
As the story unfolds, the reader starts
discovering what happens on the
young characters’ minds; he learns
about their concerns, discovers the
reason why the events that take place
on the carriage affect each of them;
also, he will adhere to the intolerance
that arises out of prejudices and
assumptions that have no bearing in
reality. Tension mounts and reaches
its peak by the end of the train ride.
With an innovative and creative text
that evokes young people’s language,
the book The Final Line promotes
reflection on controversial issues such
as homophobia, AIDS, and racism, to
name a few.
Although most books on indigenous
people’s issues deal with legends and
stories related to their past, in this
story Betty Mindlin introduces us to
her own granddaughter, Olivia – a girl
from a sky-rocketing city – who lives
in harmony with present-day indians
right in the middle of the Amazon
Jungle: she lives in an oca (typical
Brazilian indigenous house), eats
mandioca, maize, porcupine, sleeps on
a hammock, bathes in the river, listens
to the chamán’s stories, and collects
wild fruit from the jungle… She is
always being taken care of by an older
indian girl; her grandmother is doing
so, too: at a distance she is constantly
keeping an eye on her. This book is
unique; it is the result of combining
two talented authors who have shared
experiences with indigenous people:
anthropologist Betty Mindlin and
illustrator Ciça Fittipaldi.
ISBN: 978-85-262-7958-2
Format: 28 x 21 cm
Number of Pages: 64
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-262-9564-3
Format: 26,5 x 24 cm
Number of Pages: 32
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-262-9261-1
Format: 22 x 30 cm
Number of Pages: 48
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-262-9213-0
Format: 15 x 21 cm
Number of Pages: 120
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-262-9251-2
Format: 13.3 x 21.8 cm
Number of Pages: 80
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-262-9247-5
Format: 22 x 30 cm
Number of Pages: 40
Rights Available
For over 20 years, Scipione Publishing has developed
textbooks and other educational products from
renowned Brazilian and foreign authors. Concern with
meeting the changes and needs within the educational
industry has always guided the company. Therefore,
Scipione presented its first collection of literature books
to the public, composed of the great classics in world
literature, retold by talented writers. Since then, much has
changed. With approximately 650 works in its literature
catalog, with particular attention to the children and
youth market, Scipione is extremely committed to literary
and illustration quality, which has garnered the company
many important awards.
Avenida das Nações Unidas, 7.221
Editorial Department
3º andar
Mr. Paulo Verano
São Paulo
+55 11 4383-8525
05425-902 - SP - Brasil
[email protected]
tHe cRow
Author: Manu Maltez
Author: Emília Viotti da Costa
BRaZil as a Destination
Author: Eva Blay
Voices of tHe
‘Bolsa família’
in seaRcH of tHe
BRaZilian PeoPle
Authors: Walquíria Domingues,
Leão Rego, and Alessandro Pinzani
Author: Marcelo Ridenti
tHe BRaZilian eXPeDitionaRy
foRce camPaign foR tHe
liBeRation of italy
Author: Durval de Noronha Goyos Junior
macHaDo De assis
Organizers: Sílvia Maria Azevedo,
Daniela Mantarro Callipo,
and Adriana Dusilek
Jewish immigrants began to arrive
in Brazil at the beginning of the 16th
century, and they would continue
to arrive into the first decades of the
20th century. Brazilian historiography,
however, ignores the existence of such
immigration; there is no trace of their
story in school or university textbooks.
In this work, the sociologist Eva Blay
proposes the importance of retaining
this historical feature.
In this study the authors evaluate the
family allowance program known as
Bolsa Familia, with a focus on assessing
not only on achieving economic
improvement but on achieving
autonomy – moral, economic and
political – for women who are entitled
to receive this benefit. Furthermore,
it has been demonstrated that cash
aid programs generate significant
impacts on the beneficiaries’ lives,
incomparable to those provided by
other types of benefits.
Connecting with the “people” was one
of the greatest aspirations of both leftwing Brazilian artists and intellectuals
during the civil-military dictatorship
of 1964-1985. The new country they
aimed to construct was therefore
based on nationalistic roots. What
inspired them in this quest, and was
lost in the logic of the global market
of the 1990s? What legacy might the
movement have left?
Meticulous and well-documented,
this study leads the reader through
a historic walk along the military,
social and economic events that
would lead to World War II. The
author incorporates these episodes
to demonstrate the little recognized
importance of the participation of the
Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB) in
the conflict.
Presenting Machado de Assis as a
literary critic, this book also addresses
the beginnings of this type of literary
production in the country, which
flourished in the mid-18th century.
In addition to a significant number
of texts published by de Assis in
periodicals of the era, some never
published in book form, this book’s
content traces his career as a critic,
depicting his maturation as a forefather
on this form of writing in Brazil.
ISBN: 9788539300716
Number of Pages: 140
ISBN: 9788539304912
Number of Pages: 424
ISBN: 9788539303977
Number of Pages: 248
ISBN: 9788539305049
Number of Pages: 450
ISBN: 9788579834240
Number of Pages: 152
ISBN: 9788539304134
Number of Pages: 721
Editora Unesp was established in 1987 as the publishing
branch of Universidade Estadual Paulista (São Paulo State
University) Júlio de Mesquita Filho, one of the largest
and most important higher education institutions in
Brazil. Since the beginning, our goal has been to support
a pluralist view and to disseminate knowledge in such a
manner that can be understood by all, in an effort to bring
major intellectual contributions, traditionally the privilege
of academics, to a broader audience.
São Paulo University State Press
Executive Publisher
São Paulo - Brasil
Jézio Gutierre
Foreign Rights Contacts
[email protected]
An analysis of the political, economic,
social and ideological context that
led to the abolition of slavery in Brazil,
this book demonstrates that although
abolition was an important positive
development, the mere liberation of
the slaves was only a first step toward
the true emancipation of Brazil’s black
population. The author connects the
process of abolition to both the rise
of the bourgeoisie in Europe and the
increasing interest of Brazil’s own
plantation class in employing free
white immigrant labor.
+55 11 3242-7171 - ext. 612
seconD eDition
in BRaZil (1900-1990)
tHiRD eDition
tHe natuRe of sPace:
tecHnique anD time,
Reason anD emotion
Author: Boris Fausto
Author: Hugo Segawa
Covering a period of more than
500 years, ranging from Portuguese
colonization to current times, Boris
Fausto narrates the most important
aspects of Brazilian history. In his
detailed analysis of the greatest
influences in the country’s creation,
the author examines fundamental
institutions, such as the colonial
system and the authoritarian regimes
of the 20th century. He emphasizes
sociopolitical practices, challenges
controversial issues and presents
synthesized and updated statistical
data, as well an overview of recent
years in the concluding chapter.
A perspective into 20 century
Brazilian architecture, which initially
proposes a reinterpretation of the
modern movement up to World War II,
organized in three sections: pragmatic
modernism, pragmatic modernity and
current modernity. Addressing the
post-war period, the author analyzes
ideological impacts as well as the
country’s main architectural works and
their creators – among them, Oscar
Niemeyer, Lúcio Costa, and Vilanova
Artigas. It is an original study on the
controversies, achievements and
failures involved in constructing spaces,
buildings and cities in a country that is
constantly undergoing change.
For Milton Santos, space is an
inseparable whole system of objects
and actions. It is based on this idea
and on the notions of technique and
time, reason and emotion, that the
author proposes the construction
of a system of thought that seeks
to understand geographic areas.
Taking into account the new reality
brought by the globalization process,
the geographer Milton Santos sought
aid in history, philosophy, sociology
and other humanities and social
disciplines, in order to propose the
general theory of human space.
Due to its rich analysis, the book
brings great interest to geographers
and professionals who research
urban issues.
ISBN: 978-85-314-0445-0
Number of Pages: 232
Translated into English and Spanish
ISBN: 978-85-314-0713-0
Number of Pages: 392
Rights sold to English
ISBN: 978-85-314-0592-1
Number of Pages: 328
Translated into English, Japanese, Chinese,
Spanish, Korean, Hungarian, Albanian
Russian. Rights sold to Slovenia.
inDians of BRaZil
Author: Julio Cezar Melatti
Author: Amini Boainain Hauy
Author: Milton Santos
Edusp – University of São Paulo Press – is one of the major
Brazilian publishing houses. Its main aim is to publish works
from renowned specialists in all areas of research. Although
it focuses on the scientific production by the university –
a reference in Brazil and abroad – it does not neglect other
works, classic or contemporary. The titles published are
PoRtuguese gRammaR
planned to meet the academic public’s needs – students,
professors, researchers. Edusp has implemented a new
conception of university publishing in Brazil, managing
to unite the quality of academic works with an innovative
graphic identity, in order to offer to its readers the best
of the Brazilian university’s production.
A reference work on the official language
that does not ignore its variants nor
its transformation process, this book
structures traditional academic
grammatical theory to analyze the
current state of Portuguese. However,
its main objective is to highlight the
importance of standard in textbooks,
in terms of social and cultural roles.
The linguistic corpus of this research
is directed at literary and normative.
The examples presented include
literary texts from different periods
and written according to the operating
“educated” standard.
ISBN: 978-85-314-1419-0
Number of Pages: 1,344
Indians of Brazil offers a well-based
and up-to-date study of the existing
knowledge on Brazilian indians,
ranging from prehistory to today.
The author presents, in a condensed
format, all the aspects referring to
the history, socio-cultural and political
organization of the Brazilian indian
populations, providing a general
overview on the theme in a language
that is accessible to all, including
unspecialized readers. This new edition
has adittional sections, updates and
significant alterations. The book aims
to complement students’ knowledge
and to provide a more realistic view
of the matter.
ISBN: 978-85-314-1013-0
Number of Pages: 304
Translated into Spanish
Rua da Praça do Relógio, 109-A
Foreign Rights:
Cidade Universitária - São Paulo
Ms. Carla Fernanda Fontana
05508-50 - SP - Brazil
+55 11 3091-4007
[email protected]
Becoming fRee: HistoRical
agency, social stRuggles,
anD tHe PRocess of
BRaZilian aBolition
Editors: Maria Helena P. T. Machado
& Celso Thomas Castilho
This book sheds new light on the
complex and multifaceted historical
experiences of Afro-Brazilians in their
struggles to become free and define
freedom. Drawing on an international
team of scholars based in Brazil, Europe,
and the United States, this study
illuminates the international and
trans-Atlantic dimensions of abolition.
Becoming Free situates the process
of emancipation in terms of gender,
family, slave labor, social movements,
urban and rural life, and journalism;
and, it underscores the political nature
of the enslaved’s struggles for freedom,
including their salient roles in setting
anew the debates over their place in
post-emancipation society. According
to the co-editors, “Becoming Free brings
forth new scholarship on Brazilian
abolition, and fosters further reflection
on the gains achieved, as well as, the
challenges that persist for overcoming
the national legacy of slavery.
ISBN: 978-85-314-1503-6
Number of Pages: 480
a concise HistoRy
of BRaZil
tHe BeaR, tHe goose
anD tHe lion
Author: Ana Maria Machado
Illustrator: Roberto Weigand
Every night Monkey went to Daddy’s
bed to play and wouldn’t let Daddy
sleep. Monkey just wouldn’t stay in his
own bed and every night he’d come
up with an excuse – one day he was
cold, the next day he was hungry, then
he needed to go to the bathroom…
There was always something. One day
Daddy had a talk with Monkey, and
Monkey explained he just missed his
father during the night. This is one of
a handful of books that don’t focus on
the stereotypical “macho-man” father
role; rather it reinforces a more modern,
nurturing father figure.
Three of the greatest fables attributed
to Aesop, all sublimely rewritten by
award-winning Ana Maria Machado –
one of the most well-known authors
in Latin American literature. These are
entertaining and instructive tales that
provide lessons in friendship, greed
and honesty. This book is perfect to
teach young children to deduce, infer
or interpret information, events or
ideas from texts.
ISBN: 978-85-322-7602-5
Format: 21 x 24 cm
Number of Pages: 24
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-322-7978-1
Format: 21 x 24 cm
Number of Pages: 48
Rights Available
Excellence and Commitment to Advancing the Cause
of Education for Over a Century.
FTD is a Brazilian Publishing House founded in 1902. It
began with the work of the Marist Brothers (Marist is a
Catholic confessional institution dedicated to education
founded in France in 1817), which has been establishing
schools in Brazil since 1897. FTD publishes a wide range
tales fRom aRounD
tHe woRlD
Author: Tatiana Belinky
Illustrators: Edu, Jótah, Laurabeatriz, Laurent
Cardon, Lúcia Brandão, Lúcia Hiratsuka,
Salmo Dansa, and Suppa
20,000 leagues
unDeR tHe sea
Author: Jules Verne
Translated and adapted by:
Heloisa Prieto
Illustrator: Laurent Cardon
Folktales are the voice of peoples,
transmitted by word of mouth from
generation to generation. This book
is a collection of 11 folktales drawn
from around the world. They are tales
that talk about hopes, dreams, desires,
regrets, the eternal quest for justice,
punishment, reward, and revenge. The
stories range from Germany to Nepal
– and are an inexhaustible source of
delight for children and adults alike.
Jules Verne’s classic novel about
unknown creatures in the sea is
adapted for the young reader. The
masterpiece of adventure, featuring
the brilliant scientist Pierre Aronnax
and mysterious captain Nemo, is
recreated in an illustrated book that
also includes information on the
author´s life and work, curious
facts, the historical context in which
the book was written, and facts about
other authors and personalities during
the author’s era.
ISBN: 978-85-20-00091-5
Format: 20 x 27 cm
Number of Pages: 88
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-322-9144-8
Format: 16 x 23 cm
Number of Pages: 256
Rights Available
of textbook subjects and learning materials for readers from
ages pre-Kindergarten through grade 12, training courses
for illiterate adults, literature, atlases and dictionaries, and
a number of educational online resources. Today, FTD has a
reputation for providing teachers and pupils with the very
best resources and support.
tHe lost city
anD wonDeRment
Authors: Álvaro Cardoso Gomes
and Milton M. Azevedo
Illustrator: Rogério Borges
Author: Lia Neiva
The year is 1939 and the world is
on the verge of WWII. In the Brazilian
Amazon, Nazi spies, a member of
the British secret service, and a few
Brazilians are held captive by natives
of an Amazon tribe and a nutcase
called ‘The Advisor’ in a maze-like
underground city. The wilderness, the
confrontations, and the uncertainty of
their future are among those things
that make this book an enthralling and
memorable read filled with suspense
and action, which will take the reader´s
breath away from beginning to end.
Six stories in which fantastic,
provocative, extravagant, and
fantasy-filled events emerge every
day. Shadows and Wonderment
features characters caught up in
Twilight Zone-like situations that
will grab the reader’s attention
until the last page.
A great mix of suspense, sci-fi,
fantasy, and the supernatural.
The stories are skillfully told, wellpaced, and whet the appetite of
teens everywhere leaving them
wanting more.
ISBN: 978-85-322-9054-0
Format: 14 x 21 cm
Number of Pages: 264
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-322-9303-9
Format: 16 x 23 cm
Number of Pages: 128
Rights Available
Rua Manoel Dutra, 225
Rights Department:
Bela Vista - São Paulo
Ms. Ceciliany Alves
01328-010 - SP - Brazil
+ 55 11 3598-6415
[email protected]
sleeP, monKey sleeP
Author: Ronaldo Simões Coelho
Illustrator: Eva Furnari
1 cm
Buu tHe little gHost
HaunteD numBeRs
Author: Flávia Muniz
Illustrator: Attílio
Author: Ricardo Viveiros
Illustrators: Zélio Alves Pinto
and Luiza Whitaker
angelino, tHe aBsent-minDeD
little angel – going to scHool
tale tHeRaPy
foR HeaRt Healing
Author: Renato Cavalher
Illustrators: Toni and Laíse Rodrigues
Author: Paula Furtado
Illustrator: Carol Juste
tales Healing tales
Author: Paula Furtado
Illustrator: Biry Sarkys
fantastic Beings
of tHe BRaZilian folKloRe
Author: Regina Drummond
Illustrator: Taciana Ottowitz
On board a ghost train, Buu the Little
Ghost and his creepy friends take
us on a ride through the universe
of mathematics. Presenting these
concepts in an attractive way is
crucial, especially considering that
children have been immersed in
the math’s environment since they
started socializing. Being humorously
illustrated with characters that inhabit
preschool 4-6 year olds’ imagination,
this lovely book has counting 1 to 10
and subtraction as great attractions
and the whole rhyming text written
in a playful tone.
This book about saudade – a word
that only exists in Portuguese – subtly
approaches the meaning and finitude
of life. It leads to reflections on the value
of relationships, on loss and grief,
becoming a must-read for the whole
family. The book points out: someone
who feels saudade is never alone,
because saudade has nothing to do
with loneliness. Quite the contrary.
Life is a big jigsaw puzzle and in the
course of our story we build up
saudade from everything that was
important and left its mark on us.
In the meantime, as we fit more pieces
into life’s jigsaw, we gradually cease
to feel saudade. Until it is complete.
Then, we stop feeling and start
spreading saudade.
Angelino is a guardian angel, but he is
very absent-minded. No matter how
hard he tries, he cannot be watchful at
all times to avoid problems. Therefore,
adults and children must always be
cautious. The good news is that 90%
of the problems can be prevented with
quite simple measures. In this helpful
book, you will follow the Silva family
at Annie’s first day at school and all
the risks and adventures of Angelino,
the absent-minded little angel. The
message that remains is that one
cannot rely only on the guardian angel
– adults must learn how to prevent
accidents and teach the children to
protect themselves from an early age.
This captivating book addresses issues
related to children’s everyday life such
as fear, grief, divorce and others, and
helps to awaken the healer in the little
ones by means of touching stories told
in verse.Discover the bird family that
gets a new member when the mother
bird hears a child crying. And Alex,
the elephant who wanted to be
elegant. And there is also the story
of Clara, the ostrich who had two
homes. And much more!
The tales in this charming book
take the reader into a magical world.
The stories point ways out of conflicts,
reveal a new pathway, provide examples
of faith and overcoming, as well as
identifying with problems. They help
children to develop selfassurance,
fellowship and courage, and at the same
time “healing” negative feelings of pride,
envy and wickedness. Above all, they
bring the chance of a happy ending.
In the midst of reality and fantasy,
this book invites us to explore the
four corners of Brazil, with the most
popular and fantastic creatures in the
folklore of this country. Among them,
the Amazon Boto, the backlander Saci
and the forest guardian Caipora excite
our imagination and curiosity about
stories that remain for generations.
After each story, Regina Drummond
dedicates a space to tell curious facts
about the characters and the Brazilian
regions where they are from, without
leaving aside historical, geographic and
social details that place into context,
the origin of their legends. A significant
work that contributes to enlarge the
cultural background of children.
ISBN: 978-85-394-0675-3
Format: 21 x 28 cm
Number of Pages: 32
Rights available
ISBN: 978-85-394-1045-3
Format: 23.5 x 23.5 cm Number of Pages: 28
Rights available
ISBN: 978-85-394-0151-2
Format: 21 x 21 cm
Number of Pages: 36
Rights available
ISBN: 978-85-394-0670-8
Format: 22 x 22 cm
Number of Pages: 168
Rights available
ISBN: 978-85-394-0968-6
Format: 16 x 23 cm
Number of Pages: 64
Rights available
ISBN: 978-85-394-0976-1
Format: 19.5 x 27 cm
Number of Pages: 136
Rights available
Girassol Brasil is 15 years old. Despite still being a young
company, it has reached a prominent position in the children’s
book scene, thanks to the quality and interactivity its books
offers. There are learning books, children’s literature, specially
from renowned Brazilian authors, tales and fables, world
literary classics, games and puzzles, several options for
reference reading. The catalogue is also filled with pop-up
titles, bath books, wipe and clean books, flap books and many
different finishings that provide a pleasant reading experience
and make learning fun for early and young readers.
Alameda Madeira, 162
Rights Department:
17 andar - Sala 1702
Ms. Karine Gonçalves Pansa
Alphaville - Barueri
+ 55 11 4196-6699
06454-010 - SP - Brazil
[email protected]
Author and Illustrator:
Marina Colasanti
giRoflê, giRoflá
Author: Cecília Meireles
Illustrator: Soud
Author: Manuel Bandeira
Illustrator: Orlando Pedroso
concePts of tHings
Author: Darcy Ribeiro
Illustrator: Mauricio Negro
This book includes all the enchanted
stories – otherwise known as fairy
tales – written by Marina Colasanti
over more than three decades.
Nothing about these stories is
predictable, neither the language
nor the content. They are based
on ancient narratives, yet they
are beautifully modern, and able
to speak to people of all ages
and nationalities. Using fantastic
characters and scenarios,
these stories seek answers to
the questions that all human
beings share.
A long time ago, the Brazilian word
“giroflê” was used as a synonym for
“Indian clove”, a spice traditionally used
in Brazilian cooking. Touched by the
enchanting universe of India, Cecília
Meireles brought back the use of that
ancient word, naming her book after
it. In this book, Brazil’s greatest female
poet created narratives that evoke the
poetic aspect of childhood games,
with tales that represent a special
period of time and that, above all, give
readers the opportunity to experience
the magical elements that are always
present in our daily lives.
In Teadorar, Manuel Bandeira,
accompanied by the skillful
illustrations of Orlando Pedroso,
writes on the daily events that
make us tremble, that keep us
awake at night, that burn the heart,
and make us smile and cry. In other
words, the urges that make us feel
alive. With his ability to create
new realities and to easily attract
readers to try them, the writer
lovingly explores the power that
words have to change the world.
In this book, the anthropologist
Darcy Ribeiro explains to children
the basic concepts needed to live
in a society. He talks about major
issues of humanity, showing the
reasons why we all need to care
for Nature and respect the differences
among people. He addresses these
questions that seem so simple, but
in fact end up being great challenges.
Ribeiro approaches issues in a very
light, fun yet authentic way, appealing
to a child’s heart.
ISBN: 978-85-260-2164-8
Number of Pages: 430
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-260-2149-5
Number of Pages: 64
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-260-2150-1
Number of Pages: 56
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-260-2104-4
Number of Pages: 80
Rights Available
Over 42 years, Global Editora has established itself as a
traditional publisher devoted to offering the best of Brazilian
literature. It is the second largest exporter of Brazilian authors
published in Spanish, servicing all of Latin America, the
Caribbean, and the United States. Global also distributes
books in Portugal and Germany. Renowned for its work in
children and young adult publishing, the company offers
a catalogue of internationally recognized writers and
illustrators such as Ana Maria Machado, Marina Colasanti,
Ignácio de Loyola Brandão, Bartolomeu Campos de Queirós,
Roger Mello, Marcos Rey, Gilberto Freyre, Câmara Cascudo,
Cecília Meireles, Manuel Bandeira, and Darcy Ribeiro.
Joaquim naBuco
coRResPonDent (1882-1891)
(two Volumes)
Compiled by: Cícero Sandroni,
José Murilo de Carvalho,
and Leslie Bethell
In a special edition issued with the
Brazilian Academy of Letters, Global
compiles the writings of Joaquim
Nabuco during his time as international
correspondent to newspapers between
the years of 1882 and 1891. The first
edition, in addition to introductory
texts, presents his correspondence
from London for the Jornal do Commercio.
The second one includes his writings
for the Jornal do Commercio, O Paiz,
Jornal do Brazil and the Uruguayan
newspaper La Razón. Reading this book
is a lesson in International Politics at the
end of the 19th century.
ISBN: 978-85-260-1920-1 (vol.1)
ISBN: 978-85-260-1921-8 (vol.2)
Number of Pages: 184
Rights Available
Rua Pirapitingui, 111
Jefferson Luiz Alves
Liberdade - São Paulo
Diretor Editorial
01508-020 - SP - Brasil
+55 11 32777999
+55 11 32777999
[email protected]
macHaDo De assis:
comPlete woRKs
(fouR Volumes)
moRe tHan one HunDReD
amaZing stoRies
Author: Machado de Assis
Machado de Assis is considered Brazil’s
greatest author and is internationally
recognized as a classic writer. The
author of novels like Memórias
Póstumas de Brás Cubas and Dom
Casmurro, he is also known for his
short stories, poetry, plays and
chronicles. Nova Aguilar Publisher –
now a part of the Global group –
releases the entire works of Machado
de Assis, with a special typeface and
a careful update of his critical essays.
This edition has exquisite graphic
presentation and special paper and
binding. The volumes combine high
literary quality with graphic refinement.
ISBN: 978-85-210-0106-5
Number of Pages: 5,648
Rights Available
tHe emeRgency ligHts will
tuRn on automatically
tHe geRman BRotHeR
wHo, me?
P’s tHRee women
Author: Chico Buarque
Author: Fernando Aguzzoli
Author: Miguel Del Castillo
Author: Paulo Emilio Sales Gomes
In 1960s São Paulo, Ciccio finds a letter
written in German in a book from his
father’s vast library, and from this letter
emerge clues that his father had a
son during his time in Germany, from
1929-1930. With this, a lifetime mission
emerges. In a timeframe that reaches
present-day Berlin, with the horror
of the Brazilian military dictatorship
and in the Holocaust as a backdrop,
The German Brother leads the reader
through dizzying paths through this
search for truth and love.
In 2013, Fernando Aguzzoli gave
up his job and studies to take
care of his grandmother, Nilva,
diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
Living together, they shared fun
moments, stories and confidences,
which he decided to share on a
Facebook page. Updated with
Fernando’s daily posts and photos,
the page touched hundreds of people
and gained thousands of fans. This was
the start of Who, Me?, a collection of
their time together, and the book also
includes interviews with professionals
to help other families facing the
same challenge.
One of the greatest revelations in
Brazilian contemporary prose, Miguel
Del Castillo combines memory, politics
and family stories in an amazing book
debut. In Violeta, one of the best recent
Portuguese-language stories, the
author investigates the effects of the
great collective tragedies on private
lives. It’s no surprise that Miguel has
been named among the twenty best
young Brazilian writers by Granta.
Restinga is a strong and new literary
project, with stories that alternate
between the delicacy, solitude and
connections of love and friendship.
P’s Three Women is composed of
three novels that all share a common
narrator in Polydoro, a wealthy figure
in the São Paulo elite. In the first story,
while still young, he is seduced by
his teacher’s wife, discovering thirty
years later that she seduced him at
the request of her husband. In the
second story, he is involved in a marital
war and does whatever he can to get
a divorce. In the final story, now in
his seventies, he records his marital
satisfaction in a diary; against the
wishes of relatives and associates, he
has married a young secretary named
Ela. Years later, he begins a second diary
to understand the changes she went
through, as she now wants a divorce.
ISBN: 9788565530972
Number of Pages: 256
Companhia das Letras
ISBN: 9788535925296
Number of Pages: 128
Companhia das Letras
ISBN: 9788535924565
Number of Pages: 160
Author: Luisa Geisler
With the entry of the Soviet Union
in Hungary in 1956, Írisz runs away
from Budapest, leaving behind her
sick mother and a past full of gaping
holes. When she arrives in São Paulo
to study orchids, this unique and
indecipherable woman soon
fascinates Martim, director of the
Botanical Garden. Now that Írisz has
disappeared, he will have to fill his
emptiness with unorthodox reports
left by her, which traverse the
particularities of language, the crisis
of a communist utopia, personal
memories and some – quite unusual
– observations regarding orchids.
Companhia das Letras
ISBN: 9788535925890
Number of Pages: 224
Henrique is a typical boy. He is in
college, works part-time at a gas
station and has a girlfriend, but
everything changes when his best
friend hits his head in a freak accident
and is hospitalized in a coma. After
emergency surgery, there is not much
to do for him, doctors say. It is then that
he begins to write letters to his friend,
as a conversation, reporting what goes
on during his absence. Interspersed
with short stories, the letters gain a
new dimension: to what extent does
he really know what happens around
him? What do other people think?
ISBN: 9788579623165
Number of Pages: 296
The Companhia das Letras Group is one of the largest
companies in the Brazilian trade publishing market, with
19 imprints publishing an average of 45 new titles per
month and an active catalogue of some 5,000 titles. The
Group publishes Brazilian and foreign fiction, poetry,
detective stories and thrillers, literary criticism, political
Companhia das Letras
ISBN: 9788535925159
Number of Pages: 240
Rights sold to: Picador, UK; Farrar, Straus &
Giroux, USA; Gallimard, France; De Bezige
Bij, Netherlands; S. Fischer Verlag, Germany;
Penguin Random House, Spain; Penguin
Random House, Portugal.
science, anthropology, philosophy, psychoanalysis,
popular science, economics, soft business, biography and
memoir, children’s literature, middle grades and young
adults, commercial fiction, graphic novels, cookbooks, selfhelp, inspirational books, history, journalism and essays.
Companhia das Letras
Rita Mattar
Rua Bandeira Paulista, 702 - cj. 32
[email protected]
São Paulo
+55 11 3707 3547
04532-002 - SP - Brasil
íRisZ: tHe oRcHiDs
Author: Noemi Jaffe
Author: Paula Pimenta
BacK to 15 - my fiRst
Blog seRies
Author: Bruna Vieira
fasHion – coloRing BooK
Author and Illustrator:
Paulo André Ferreira
tHe BooK of gooDness actiVities foR you to Do
anD maKe youR Day HaPPieR
cat giRl
maKe loVe,
not games
Author and Illustrator:
Fefê Torquato
Author: Ique Carvalho
Gigi is a girl who spends half of her
time sleeping… and all of it bored.
Why would anyone care about her life?
Because Gigi is half girl, half cat. She
comes from a family of cat-people, the
only of their kind – or so they think.
In the book, Gigi faces daily problems,
such as stealing other people’s seats,
torturing insects, and living with the
family’s leader Fefê, who is completely
jealous of her boyfriend Danilo.
Ique Carvalho was always fascinated
by people and he decided to write
about this love in a blog, “The Love
Code”, created in 2010. The blog started
on the same day that he found out
that his father was suffering from a
degenerative disease and that his
girlfriend broke up with him. “Faça
amor, não faça jogo” is a book not only
focused on romantic relationships, but
also human relations in general, like his
story with his dad, who becomes sicker
day after day.
ISBN: 978-85-8286-135-6
Number of Pages: 160
ISBN: 978-85-8235-207-6
Number of Pages: 224
Authors: Ariane Freitas and
Jessica Grecco
In Shooting My Life’s Script, we follow
Fani Castelino Belluz’s story. She is a
teenager who dreams about being a
filmmaker. Everything changes when
she receives the opportunity to live
overseas as an exchange student
for one year. In the middle of it all,
she finds love and loyal friends, who
accompany her on this journey.
ISBN: 978-85-8923-984-4
Number of Pages: 336
Copyrights: Spain, Portugal,
Latin America
Anita is 30 years old, but her life is
much different from what she had
expected. One day, in the middle of
a family wedding, she rediscovers her
old blog, written when she was 15,
but something strange happens
and she goes back in time. Now,
stuck in her 15-year-old body, she
relives her teenage years, but she
soon finds out that any change in
her past may alter her life forever.
Full of illustrations clothes and
accessories, including outfits, shoes,
perfumes, and photos of fashion
shows, this book follows the history
of fashion by the major decades.
It includes older works by famous
designers, and sketches from the
1960’s and 1970’s. It also includes
looks from the black power, hippie
and punk movements. This book offers
a journey through the fashion world.
ISBN: 978-85-8235-079-9
Number of Pages: 224
Copyrights: Latin America
ISBN: 978-85-8235-291-5
Number of Pages: 84 (Coloring Book)
The Autêntica Editora, a Publishing House founded on
September 17, 1997, has consolidated itself in the Brazilian
publishing market over these 17 years, and has become a
reference in publishing Human Science books. Always true
to its prospect of launching books of quality, of seeking
innovative subjects and, at the same time, of diversifying
the catalog to meet the demands of new readers, the House
became, in 2011, the Autêntica Publishing Group, bringing
together four Publishing Houses: Autêntica Editora, focusing
on books for college students and children’s literature;
Editora Gutenberg, with titles of general interest, especially
young fiction; Editora Nemo, devoted to comic books;
and Vestígio, dedicated exclusively to the publication of
crime novels. It is also worth noting the commitment of
the Group in the national youth literature, with authors of
great repercussion, such as Paula Pimenta and Bruna Vieira.
Together they have sold nearly 1 million copies.
This book is different, because it is
about someone special: you. This book
encourages you to do things that will
put a smile on your face and make your
life better and happier. These are simple
reflections and attitudes that will remind
you that everything is better if we enjoy
the good things in life.
ISBN: 978-85-8235-211-3
Number of Pages: 224
Rua Carlos Turner, 420
Silveira - Belo Horizonte
Ludmila Mendonça
31140-520 - MG - Brasil
+55 31 3465-4500
+(31) 3465-4500
[email protected]
sHooting my life’s
scRiPt - fani’s DeBut
Author: Alda de Miranda
Illustrator: Cacio Murilo
tHe sun BiRD
Author: Myriam Fraga
Illustrator: Anabella López
tHe woRlD is RounD
anD life is PinK
Authors: Maria Cristina Raposo de Mello
and Milton Célio de Oliveira Filho
Illustrator: Gustavo Rosa
Damião’s HeRo in
“tHe DiscoVeRy of caPoeiRa”
siX Reasons foR taKing
gooD caRe of wateR
Author: Iza Lotito
Illustrator: Paulo Ito
Authors: Nílson José Machado and Silmara
Rascalha Casadei
Illustrator: Vera Andrade
A kiwi turns into a peacock, a shitake
mushroom becomes a turtle, and
a charming green vegetable takes
the form of a threatening alligator.
This is the second book by advertising
executive Alda de Miranda and
photographer Cacio Murilo, who
makes plants, fruits and vegetables
come alive by carving them
into fun animals.
A tale for children and young adults,
containing a version of the indigenous
legend about the discovery of fire. It
narrates the story of a young warrior
who is transformed into a bird, so that
he can fly to heaven to steal the flames
of the Palace of the Sun.
Playful, colorful and round, the figures
created by artist Gustavo Rosa illustrate
this book, which features fun verses
by writers Maria Cristina Raposo de
Mello and Milton Célio de Oliveira
Filho. This book allows for reflection
on childhood, obesity, and bullying.
Damião, who does not identify
himself with any of the heroes
he sees in movies and on television,
discovers a roda de capoeira, a circle
where he learns some basic moves.
Damião discovers that he does not
need heroes, because he has just
become one.
A book written in poetic and
extremely fun language, allowing
the young reader to discover how
life began in water, the importance
of water to our health and to all
living beings, the water cycle in
nature, how we should care for
water in our daily lives, water in
the universe, and everyone’s
responsibility to preserve nature.
ISBN: 978-85-7531-426-5
Number of Pages: 36
Format: 21 x 21 cm
ISBN: 978-85-64127-08-1
Number of Pages: 60
Format: 21 x 21 cm
ISBN: 978-85-64127-11-1
Number of Pages: 36
Format: 21 x 21 cm
ISBN: 978-85-99520-26-0
Number of Pages: 48
Format: 22 x 27 cm
ISBN: 978-85-7531-222-3
Number of Pages: 48
Format: 21 X 21 cm
Escrituras was founded in March 1994 and has established
itself as a publisher of important names in Brazilian and
international literature and photography. The company is a
stand out in the Brazilian publishing industry for integrating
different means of expression (poetry, painting, music,
photography), and excels in editorial quality and graphic
design. It has received more than 30 awards, including some
of the industry’s most important prizes, such as the APCA
(Brazilian Writers Union) award and the Brazilian Academy
of Letters award, among others.
Rua Maestro Callia, 123
Rights Department:
Vila Mariana - São Paulo
Mr. Raimundo Gadelha
04012-100 - SP - Brazil
+55 11 5904.4499
[email protected]
fResHwateRs in BRaZil:
ecological caPital,
use anD conseRVation
some Plants tHat tuRneD
into animals 2
(eDition fouR, uPDateD
anD ReViseD)
Organized by: Aldo da Cunha Rebouças,
Benedito Braga, and José Galizia Tundisi
Written by major authorities on
the subject, this book addresses
main topics like freshwater in the
world and in Brazil, sustainable
development, impacts, recovery of
the aquatic ecosystems, environment
and health, basic sanitation,
agriculture and livestock, industry,
hydroelectricity, and navigation,
among many other issues related
to the topic of water, a matter vital
importance to the future of humanity.
ISBN: 978-85-7531-451-7
Number of Pages: 732
Format: 21 X 28 cm
gPs meDical clinic,
1st eDition
Authors: Carlos Antonio Barbosa
Montenegro and Jorge de Rezende Filho
Organizer: Fernanda Mazza
Rezende Essential Obstetrics is reviewed
annually to ensure updated materials
and excellent illustrations, in order to
keep its position as one of the most
significant reference books in Brazilian
medical literature. The thirteenth
edition of this book has been improved,
especially regarding fetal medicine.
Furthermore, the text has been
thoroughly updated, with particular
attention to illustrations and graphics.
GPS Medical Clinic is an up-to-date
quick reference guide that aims
to help students, residents and
clinicians in various emergency
situations and outpatient settings,
giving them confidence to form
diagnostic hypothesis and
appropriate treatment.
ISBN: 978-85-2772-594-1
Number of Pages: 764
Publishing house: Guanabara Koogan
ISBN: 978-85-8114-195-4
Number of Pages: 844
Publishing house:
AC Farmacêutica
Founded in 2007, GEN – Grupo Editorial Nacional – is a
market leader in STP (scientific, technical and professional)
publishing and content in Brazil, with 12.4% market share
in this segment (according to the SNEL-Fipe 2011 survey).
The editorial platform of some of the most well-known
publishers in this area, GEN offers a catalogue of more
than 3,500 active books, over 700 of which are available
in digital versions and/or apps, in health, legal and social
teXtBooK of inteRnal
meDicine of Dogs anD cats
1st eDition, 2 Volumes
RestoRatiVe DentistRy
funDamentals anD
PossiBilities, seconD eDition
moBile RoBotics
Author: Romero
in PRactice
Author: Dornelas
Authors: Márcia Marques Jericó,
João Pedro de Andrade Neto,
and Márcia Mery Kogika
Authors: Luiz Narciso Baratieri
and Sylvio Monteiro Junior
Illustrations, pictures, charts and
graphs make this book clear and
straightforward, ensuring excellent
content not only for academic
veterinary medicine training,
but also for clinicians requiring
reliable information for dealing
with unexpected situations in
everyday practice.
In its second edition, Restorative
Dentistry – Fundamentals and
Possibilities presents the most
current and relevant reference
for the practice of this specialty.
With objectivity and depth, it
presents content concerning
diagnosis, prevention and restorative
techniques with different materials
throughout the book’s 20 chapters.
In this edition, clinical cases
are demonstrated with new
illustrations and photos.
Robotics is a not very well known
theme and is speculated by society,
whether in literature or in science
fiction movies. However, it is already
a reality and, in this context, Mobile
Robotics is a compilation of study
subjects and papers presented by
leading researchers of the country, in
addition to showing the evolution of
the area in Brazil and the state of the
art abroad. The didactic profile of the
work intends to stimulate the research,
with an interesting starting point for
graduate and postgraduate students in
different lines of work and possibilities
to go deeper into the studies.
Entrepreneurship in Practice - Myths
and Truths Successful Entrepreneur
brings the experience of successful
entrepreneurs. The difference is in
the applicability of the concepts and
reports of the book. It is a practical
guide on the fascinating journey of
the business itself. The work shows
the types of entrepreneurs for the
reader to understand what is best
suited to their profile. There is also
access to the findings of the most
complete study ever conducted
with successful entrepreneurs in
the country. And yet, it is possible to
develop specific skills in tests that
identify the entrepreneurial profile.
ISBN: 978-85-2772-643-6
Number of Pages: 2,464
Publishing house: Roca
ISBN: 978-85-4120-317-3
Number of Pages: 852
Publishing house: Santos
ISBN: 978-85-2162-303-8
Number of pages: 316
Publishing house: LTC
ISBN: 978-85-2162-792-0
Number of pages: 180
Publishing house: LTC
sciences, and humanities. GEN has been building a
catalog of books in Spanish in Latin America, distributed
in 15 countries. The group exports its publications to
Portuguese-speaking countries through its affiliate Nova
Guanabara, based in Portugal. In 2012, the group was
acknowledged by the Brazilian Export Promotion Agency
(Apex Brasil) in the Diversity of Markets category, due to its
exports catalog.
GEN- Grupo Editorial Nacional
Rights Department:
Travessa do Ouvidor, 11
Christina Norén
Rio de Janeiro-
22040-040 - RJ - Brasil
[email protected]
ReZenDe essential
oBstetRics (13tH eDition)
cada qual com sua poesia, cada qual com sua fúria
cada qual com sua
poesia, cada qual
com sua fúria
faBiaNo caliXTo | ruTH barros | TeTÉ marTiNHo
coleTiVo Garapa
tHe HistoRy
of tHe coPan BuilDing
Author: Carlos A. C. Lemos
Caricatures: J. Bosco
The Essential Series (Série Essencial)
consists of anthologies and brief
biographies of authors from the
Brazilian Academy of Letters. Each
volume is related to the work’s
historical and social context, in
addition to an essay about the
author’s biography. Eighty-four
titles have been published, among
them essays about Machado de Assis
(by Alfredo Bosi), Gonçalves Dias
(by Ferreira Gullar), João Cabral
de Melo Neto (by Ivan Junqueira),
Castro Alves (by Alexei Bueno),
Raul Pompeia (by Ivan Teixeira),
and Olavo Bilac (by José Castello).
The author was named by architect
Oscar Niemeyer to develop the
project and supervise the emblematic
building, which was constructed along
as curved plan and façade design.
The edifice took 18 years to be built,
and this book recounts the project’s
story and its progress, as well as its
relevance within the historical context
of São Paulo’s urban and housing
evolution. The book includes technical
drawings, plans and cross-sections of
each block. The text, colloquial and
concise, is illustrated with historic
photos taken during the construction
of the building.
Number of Pages: 64-68 each volume
ISBN: 978-85-401-0050-3
Number of Pages: 168 of
illustrations and technical drawings
Since its founding in 1891, the Imprensa Oficial do Estado
de São Paulo has been responsible for publishing the Diário
Oficial do Estado. Beginning in 1990, with its own publishing
house and in response to community interest, Imprensa
Oficial has become a leader in the Arts, Architecture,
moDeRnism magaZines:
1922-1929 | 6 titles
PictuResque anD HistoRical
tRaVel to BRaZil
saRaus: eacH witH
its own PoetRy, eacH
witH its own fuRy
i foRgot comPletely of
myself: i am a cultuRal
DePaRtment, máRio
De anDRaDe
Organizers: Samuel Titan Jr.,
Pedro Puntoni - Imprensa Oficial do Estado
de São Paulo – Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e
José Mindlin – Biblioteca Mário de Andrade
Author: J.B. Debret
Organizer: Jacques Leenhardt
Imprensa Oficial do Estado de São Paulo,
Cultural Support from Biblioteca Nacional,
Museus Castro Maya, IBRAM, MINC
The box set contains six facsimile
editions of the most important
magazines on Brazilian Modernism
of the 1920’s. Each publication
features the full reproduction of
every issue of the magazines,
including a separate general index:
Klaxon, Revista de Antropofagia, Verde,
Terra Roxa e Outras Terras, A Revista
and Estética, plus essays written by
six experts: Gênese Andrade, Eucanaã
Ferraz, Antonio Arnoni, Ivan Marques,
Eduardo Coelho, and Júlio Castañon.
In a book published between 1834
and 1839, Debret accurately portrays
Brazilian life of the 19th century. In
this book he spent eight years writing,
describing his visit to Brazil with other
French artists who were brought to
Brazil by D. João VI in order to found
the Academy of Fine Arts in Rio de
Janeiro. Of all works written by visitors
to Brazil, Debret’s book is the most
celebrated. It contains about 150 handtinted drawings depicting topics such
as Indians and nature, slavery, Brazilian
urban scenes, and the courts.
Usually performed in bars and public
squares at the suburbs of São Paulo,
the “saraus” are organized around
different artistic languages, but
the focus is poetry. They show an
invigorating aspect of the city’s
culture among disadvantaged
people and at the same time, they
are an example of the transformation
that enables a new form of political
and social organization. This book
portrays the following “saraus”: Sarau
na Quebrada, Sarau Poesia na Brasa,
Cooperifa, Sarau Elo da Corrente, and
Sarau do Binho.
Mário de Andrade, a great Brazilian
intellectual, writer, pianist professor,
poet, was also a government employee.
He took part in the creation of the São
Paulo’s Department of Culture in 1935
when Fábio Prado was the city’s mayor.
Andrade was the first director of the
Department, firmly engaged in a popular
and democratic cultural program for
the state and even for the country. It
was a cultural project of international
exchange and integration with other
cultural expressions. This book gathers
the bureaucratic documents that he
drafted and shows his vigorous
opposition and a severe criticism
of standard bureaucrats.
ISBN: 978-85-401-0111-1
Number of Pages: 1,182 (in six volumes)
ISBN: 978-85-7060-963-2
Number of Pages: 652
ISBN: 978-85-401-0120-3
Number of Pages: 188
ISBN: 978-85-401-0140-1
Number of Pages: 320
Photography, Literature and History, among other areas.
It also re-issues long-out-of-print books. The company is
nationally known as a leader in producing relevant and
quality works.
Authors: Teté Martinho,
Ruth Barros, Fabiano Calixto
Pictures: Coletivo Garapa
Imprensa Oficial do Estado S/A - IMESP
Rights Department
Rua da Mooca, 1921
Mr. Carlos Roberto de Abreu Sodré
São Paulo
+55 11 2799-9688
03103-902 - SP - Brasil
[email protected]
essential seRies
aBl-imesP 84 BooKs
By VaRious autHoR´s
3/16/15 3:32 PM
isBN 978-85-401-0120-3
Organizers: Carlos Augusto Calil,
Flávio Corrêa
monica’s gang
anDeRsen, gRimm, anD
PeRRault tales
tHe genie anD tHe Roses
anD otHeR tales
HistoRical collection
comic BooK
monica teen
comic BooK
Author and illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa
Author and illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa
Author and illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa
Author and illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa
It’s not easy to find children that
have never heard of the classic tales
from Andersen, the Grimm Brothers
and Perrault. Little Red Riding Hood,
Cinderella, Snow-White, The Ugly
Duckling, Hansel and Gretel, Sleeping
Beauty and other stories are artfully
“interpreted” through Mauricio de
Sousa’s characters. In 2012, this artwork
won a Bing Xin literature prize for
children’s work in China. These works
have also been launched separately.
The most internationally famous writer
from Brazil is, without a doubt, Paulo
Coelho. In 2004, Coelho, who is known
for writing for an adult audience,
selected 24 of his stories for Mauricio
de Sousa to illustrate, using characters
from Monica’s Gang. The stories were
then modified for a younger audience.
In a recent survey conducted in Brazil,
Coelho and Sousa were identified as
being in the top ten most admired
writers in the country.
From 1977 to 1982, Pelé, the most
famous soccer player of all time,
was a character in the comic book
world through Mauricio de Sousa’s
‘Pelezinho’ comic. The title was reissued in 2012. Other famous soccer
stars that have since then appeared
in Mauricio’s stories; Ronaldinho
Gaúcho and Neymar Jr.
Since 1970, the comic book Monica
has been published by Abril, Globo,
and Panini. It has become one of
the longest running comics in Brazil
(there exist more than 500 editions),
with continued excellent sales. The
character is such a success that she
has been named a UNICEF ambassador
(she is the only character to have such
an honor) for Culture and Tourism
in Brazil. Her comic book is also
published in English and Spanish.
In 2008, Mauricio de Sousa took
yet another bold step when he
launched a comic book with his
classic characters as adolescents
(15 years old), meshing his own
style with that of Japanese Manga.
It was a huge success! Monica Teen
has become the most-sold comic
book in Brazil in the last 30 years,
reaching impressive numbers,
such as 500,000 copies sold per
month. There are also English
and Spanish versions.
Graphic MSP is line of publication that
involves other Brazilian artists creating
storylines based on the classic characters
from Mauricio de Sousa. It is a widely
praised line with a target audience of
teens and adults. As of now there have
been seven albums published and is on
it’s seventh month of production.
ISBN: 978-85-7488-713-5
Number of Pages: 238
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-2504-865-3
Number of Pages: 64
Rights Available
ISBN: 0104-2882
Number of Pages: 82
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-4260-026-1
Number of Pages: 130
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-6548-441-1
Number of Pages: 80
Rights Available
Author and illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa
Mauricio de Sousa Produções Founded by cartoonist Mauricio de
Sousa in 1963, the company produces content for comic books,
animations, creation and development of characters, product
licensing and many more projects connected with all original
concepts. A company dedicated to entertainment and education
through fun.
The company can proudly boast more than 300 collaborators
and has the fourth largest comic book production studios in
Number of Pages: 128
Rights Available
the world. This studio is comprised of more than 150 artists
that produce an average of 1200 pages of comic book content
per month.
In scope of publishing and editing MSP has extinguished itself
with identifiable markers such as; more than 1 billion comic books
sold in Brazil, leading the children’s comic book market with an
86% dominance, distribution average of 2.5 million copies sold
per month, and also leader of the children’s book market in Brazil.
Rua do Curtume, no 745 - Bloco F
Rights Department
Lapa - São Paulo
Mr. Rodrigo Paiva
05065-001 - SP - Brasil
+ 55 11 3613-5061
[email protected]
gRaPHic msP
Author and illustrator: Danilo Beyruth,
Vitor Cafaggi e Lu Cafaggi, Gustavo
Duarte, Shiko, Eduardo Damasceno,
Luis Felipe Garrocho, Renato Guedes
and Cristiane Godoy
concePts anD aPPlications
Authors: Roberto Zilles, Wilson Negrão
Macêdo, Marcos André Barros Galhardo,
and Sérgio Henrique Ferreira de Oliveira
Authors: Jorge Kazuo Yamamoto
and Paulo Milton Barbosa Landim
Grid-connected photovoltaic
systems (GCPS) are a technology
used in distributed generation of
electricity, allowing the production
of energy where it is consumed
with low environmental impact.
This work presents an overview of
the main technical and operational
characteristics of GCPS, settings and
calculations for the dimensioning
of GCPS, and examples of systems
in operation. Roberto Zilles
is an associate professor at the
Electrotechnical and Energy Institute
at University of São Paulo (IEE-USP).
Wilson N. Macêdo and Marcos A. B.
Gallardo are professors at the Institute
of Technology at the Federal University
of Para. Sergio H. F. de Oliveira is
an adjunct professor at the Federal
University of ABC.
The book introduces the application of
Geostatistics in multiple areas of Earth
and Environmental Sciences, from spatial
inference and the nature of random
variables to experimental variograms
and geostatistical estimation. All these
subjects are presented in clear language
and through detailed explanations of
equations and algorithms. Paulo Milton
Barbosa Landim majored in Geology
at University of São Paulo (USP) in 1961,
where he also completed his PhD degree
in Stratigraphy. Nowadays he works as
a volunteer professor at UNESP, in the
Applied Geology Department. Jorke K.
Yamamoto majored in Geology at USP in
1976. Currently, he is a full professor at USP,
in the Sedimentary and Environmental
Geology Department, where he teaches
Geostatistics in undergraduate and
graduate courses.
ISBN: 978-85-7975-052-6
Number of Pages: 208
Format: 21 x 28 cm
of foRest ResouRces
uRBan DRainage anD flooD
contRol, 2nD eDition
Authors: João Luís F. Batista, Hilton Thadeu Z.
do Couto, and Demóstenes F. da Silva Filho
Author: Aluísio Canholi
Written by the President of the International
Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA),
this reference book presents the most upto-date material on environmental impact
assessment and legislation. It contains
methods and real case studies on all the
stages of the assessment process: impacts,
planning and execution of the environmental
study, decisions and post-approval monitoring.
The 2nd edition adds new case studies and
examples from many different countries,
such as Australia, Canada, South Africa, and
United States; the role of environmental
assessment and performance in international
project funding; and new material on
cumulative impacts and compensatory
measures. Luis Sánchez holds a PhD in
Natural Resources Economics and
Development from Paris School of Mines.
He is currently a professor at University of
São Paulo and a consultant on environmental
impact evaluations.In 2011, he was elected
President of the International Association
for Impact Assessment.
The book deals with the measurement,
assessment and estimate of the amount
of trees in a given area, grove or
forest. It presents, among other topics:
fundaments on metrology, destructive
and non-destructive measurement,
tree monitoring and silvimetry. Using a
practical approach, it presents the best
practices for quantification, explaining
its main concepts and how to best apply
them in real case scenarios. João Luís F.
Batista holds a PhD in Forest Biometrics
Quantitative Resource Management
from University of Washington and is
currently a professor at University of
São Paulo (USP). Hilton Thadeu Z. do
Couto holds a PhD in Biometrics from
North Carolina State University (1977).
He is a professor at USP and participated
as a Lead Author in the 2013 Revised
Supplementary Guidance Arising from
Kyoto Protocol. Demóstenes F. da Silva
Filho is also a professor at USP. He holds
a PhD in Agronomy from Paulista State
University (UNESP).
ISBN: 978-85-7975-090-8
Number of Pages: 584
Format: 21 x 28 cm
Spanish Language Rights Sold
(Ecoe Ediciones)
The book is a unique technical
contribution in the field of urban
drainage. It introduces new concepts
of design, reviews classic concepts
on the dimensioning of hydraulic
works in Sanitary Engineering and
proposes new unconventional
structural measures for drainage in
large cities. A reference to city planners
and professionals of related fields,
dealing with the urban infrastructure
and their several impacts. This new
edition presents considerable revisions
and updates. New and interesting
studies and projects for flood control,
as well as complementation and
updates to the methods, particularly
the hydrological studies, the new
sustainable measures of diffuse
pollution and flood control, and the
studies of economic viability of urban
drainage projects.
Aluísio Canholi is the director of
Hidrostudio Engenharia, a company
specialized in urban drainage projects,
with 40 years of experience in the field.
ISBN: 978-85-7975-160-8
Number of Pages: 384
Format: 21 x 28cm
ISBN: 978-85-7975-160-8
Number of Pages: 320
Format: 16 x 23 cm
foRest RestoRation
Authors: Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues,
Pedro Henrique Santin Brancalion,
and Sergius Gandolfi
Author: Luis Enrique Sánchez
ISBN: 978-85-7975-077-9
Number of Pages: 215
Format: 21 x 28
Oficina de Textos is a relatively new but highly regarded
Brazilian Publishing House founded in 1996. The company
upholds the mission of supporting the Brazilian technical
community by consolidating and publishing national
expertise in areas related to environmental matters.
enViRonmental imPact
assessment: concePts
anD metHoDs, 2nD eDition
ReViseD anD eXtenDeD
Oficina de Textos publishes academic and professional books
on Civil Engineering, Sustainable Architecture, Geology,
Geography, Physics, GIS, Energy, Mining, Environmental
Science & Technology, and related subjects.
Rua Cubatão, 959
Rights Department
Vila Mariana - São Paulo
Ms. Shoshana Signer
040013-0473 - SP - Brazil
+55 11 3085-7933
[email protected]
The book explains the concepts
of forest restoration and assists in
the choice, implementation and
monitoring of the most suitable
methods according to the type of
degradation, addressing ecological
concerns, costs and operability.
Case studies, instructional illustrations,
and photos of real restoration projects
help explain of concepts presented
in the book. An essential reference for
students and professionals in the field.
PHotoVoltaic systems
Number of Pages: 496
Format: 21 x 28 cm
tHe cuRious ReaDeR’s
guiDe to eVeRytHing
Juices By maRi
Author: Mariana Ferrão
Author: Marcelo Duarte
liRolay’s floweR anD otHeR
latin ameRican tales
Authors: Celina Bodenmüller
and Fabiana Prando
Illustrator: Samuel Casal
tHe BlocK
Author and Illustrator:
Marcello Araujo
Journalist and historian Marilu Torres
draws a panorama of the country’s
cultural and historical wealth reflected
in its religiosity through words, images,
and DVD. By approaching the religions
which compose the melting pot that
is the Brazilian faith, she presents the
life of Catholic saints (Portuguese
heritage), the origins of Umbanda
and Candomblé (African roots), and
the beliefs of our indigenous peoples.
The religious guide highlights religious
festivities and processions, faith
rituals and pilgrimage routes, along
with touching testimonials from
devotees on video.
First released 20 years ago, this special
edition of the best-seller The Curious
Reader’s Guide to Everything, which led
to a collection of nine books and two
other titles for children includes the
latest bizarre facts for the most curious
reader. This almanac features William
and Kate’s wedding, Pope Benedict
XVI’s resignation and the most recent
Oscar winners, along with other
unusual and fascinating information.
Enjoy every detail as if you had
experienced all these curious
moments yourself!
Journalist Mariana Ferrão, with the
help of dietitian Andreia Naves,
provides information on the properties
of natural fruit juices. She discusses
how to extract the best of every fruit
and explains concepts such as organic,
wholegrain and antioxidant options,
along with important issues related to
our wellbeing, such as the difference
between juices, nectar and juiced
waters. There are also more than 30
juice recipes made with traditional
Brazilian ingredients, such as watermelon
and lime, including some exotic
combinations, such as a mix of passion
fruit, mango and coconut – and all
healthy and delicious.
Created long ago and transmitted by
oral tradition, these 22 tales present a
Latin America where several peoples
and traditions were combined to
create a culture as rich as it is diverse.
Whether in the Andes mountain range
or in ancient lands in Central America,
we come across sleeping volcanos
and the villages of the Guarani people,
many times inhabited by fantasy
creatures, such as condors in love or
Aztec divinities. The book leads the
reader on a discovery of a unique
world, establishing contact with
many different and fascinating voices.
It also includes historical facts about
Latin America.
1,2, 3 and… It’s Carnival time! This giant
party of joy and music is about to begin!
Full of animations and interactive flaps,
the book teaches young children to
count from 1 to 10 along with the
beats and sounds of the Carnival
“marches”, traditional songs that are
elements in Brazil’s biggest party.
Little readers will learn more about
instruments such as surdo (large bass
drum) and agogô (double bells), how
to make music at home using simple
utensils and, naturally, they are invited
to take part in this big celebration. Get
your costume ready and let’s party at
the block! It’ll be lots of fun!
ISBN: 978-85-7888-374-4
Number of Pages: 248
ISBN: 978-85-7888-488-8
Number of Pages: 704
ISBN: 978-857-8383-83-6
Number of Pages: 104
ISBN: 978-85-7888-495-6
Number of Pages: 112
ISBN: 978-857-888-341-6
Number of Pages: 28
Since 1999, Panda Books/Original has taken upon itself
the responsibility of publishing books that combine
information and entertainment. In a market led by large
publishers, we stand out with quality titles, new authors
and illustrators. It is with great pride that we see our books
distributed in public schools throughout Brazil, through
governmental programs, and in private schools as well. Our
books are the result of our commitment to the reader and
to publishing the unusual and, of course, the curious.
Rua Henrique Schaumann, 286 - Cj. 41
Cerqueira César - São Paulo
Tatiana Fulas
05413-010 - SP - Brazil
+55 11 3088-8444
[email protected]
DinosauRs – tHeiR Daily
liVes as neVeR seen BefoRe
Author: Luiz Eduardo Anelli
and Celina Bodenmüller
Illustrator: Biry Sarkis
The book embarks on a voyage to
231 million years ago and shows
the daily lives of dinosaurs as never
told before. In a fun trip through PreHistory, we see the huge reptiles as
“common” animals and realize that
information about everyday habits,
as well as amazing facts, help us learn
more about these incredible species.
With funny illustrations by Biry Sarkis,
authors Luiz Eduardo Anelli, one of
the main dino-specialists in Brazil,
and Celina Bodenmüller present the
latest paleontological findings in an
engaging manner.
ISBN: 978-85-7888-407-9
Number of Pages: 56
BRaZil – lanD of all saints
Author: Marilu Torres
tHe alligatoR
wHo was on foot
tHe sHePHeRD of ZoaR
PeDRinHo’s tHRee woRlDs
yellow RHyme
tHe totem of tHe Destitute
Author: Thiago Mendes
Author: Déborah Hesmi Cuperschmidt.
Author: Izaura Franco
Author: Luis Carlos Bordoni
Author: Silvio Costta
In the age of technology, Atropelos is a
work of art that reveals our difficulty in
communication, intra and interpersonal,
as well as the mismatch that it promotes,
trampling our highest aspirations, our
most simple desires, our sensitive
humanity that just wants to be happy.
So Marisa, who knows about the
intricacies of the human soul, tells
us with her experience and expertise
on what she has learned in living with
the secrets of human motivations
and aspirations, their weaknesses
and difficulties, as well as their
strengths, potentials, dreams and
abilities to overcome.
What can happen when the Alligator
decides to walk to work? The alligator
who was on foot can entertain and
teach. The author seeks to think
about a big question: urban mobility.
Richly illustrated.
Have you thought, at least once in
life, about leaving everything behind?
Have you ever been tempted to seek
the unknown? This was precisely what
happened to Joseph, a young shepherd
who was tired of the routine and
started an intense inner struggle. His
dilemma was between remaining in the
cave where he was living, just outside
the small town of Zoar, taking care of a
few sheep he had, or going in search of
his dream. The pastor of Zoar chose to
get away and plunged into a world full
of excitement and learning. Through
those experiences, he transforms the
world around him and realizes that
in this path of search he will find true
happiness. An inspiring story that will
surely encourage you to catch all of
your dreams.
A journey through Pedrinho’s worlds.
Yesterday, today and tomorrow, make
Pedrinho realize that there may be
good things in the three ot them, so he
decides to put together what is best of
each one of the three worlds to build
his own world.
How to achieve a harmony relationship
between disparate elements? Yellow
rhyme combines words, situations,
and environments in a playful way,
thus enriching the vocabulary and
enhancing the critical sense of children
in literacy phase. Richly illustrated, it
inebriates the senses and sharpens
the imagination.
In his book The totem of the Destitute,
Luis Carlos Bordoni introduces us to
numerous reflections that address
the human condition. It is interesting
the fact of sticking to the so-called
“helpless” to treat the condition that
embraces us all (humans). Always
involved in a battle to balance (not
just on the feet) this seesaw that the
world is; sometimes falling, sometimes
stepping, other times being crushed.
And life goes on! ...
Thus Man goes on limping trough the
undergrounds of injustice, disrespect,
indifference to his prime characteristic
of soul temporarily coated by a body
mass. Stumbling in the anguish of
his inexorable finitude, he discovers
a plausible way to grow and be
worth: spirituality. In ways as diverse
as humanity itself, transcendence
becomes a powerful truth.
ISBN: 978-85-66875-14-0
Number of Pages: 192
Rights Available
Title: ISBN: 987-85-66912-06-7
Number of Pages: 24
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-66875-10-2
Number of Pages: 104
Rights Available
ISBN: 987-85-66912-05-0
Number of Pages: 32
Rights Available
ISBN: 987-85-66912-08-1
Number of Pages: 28
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-66875-12-6
Number of Pages: 128
Rights Available
R & F Publisher with 16 years of activity, has been seeking
throughout this time, to release quality publications, with a
catalog of over 200 titles published; a job oriented literature
in general with a strong emphasis on children’s and young
adults literature. In 2013 it opened new imprints, which
today bring R&F Publisher segmented quality; they are:
Pé de letras and Pé de letrinha, the last being devoted
solely to children’s literature.
Rua C-134, 168 esquina com C-146
Qd. 272 - Lt. 12
Copyright Officer
Jardim América - Goiânia
Izaura Maria Ribeiro Franco
74.255-480 - Goiás - Brasil
62 3281-5452
[email protected]
[email protected]
Author: Marisa (a)Penas
tHina’s KitcHen | tHe cHef
wHo BRougHt PuRe
VegetaRianism to
DictionaRy of culinaRy
teRms in siX languages
Author: Roberta Malta Saldanha
aBRiDgeD enology
DictionaRy in siX languages
Author: Roberta Malta Saldanha
fasHion mimics life | How to
BuilD a fasHion BRanD
Author: André Carvalhal
Senac Rio de Janeiro and Estação
das Letras e Cores (co-edition)
BRaZilian HollywooD |
a PanoRama of soaP
oPeRas in BRaZil
Authors: Daniel S. F. Boarim
and Carolina Nizer
Author: Thina Izidoro
This book explains why we should skip
gluten and lactose, offering 60 recipes
with ingredients. With several tips,
research data and cases that will help
you understand and identify symptoms
associated with lactose and gluten
intolerance, this book shows that it is
possible to live without certain types of
food. Illustrated with beautiful photos
by Sergio Pagano, Gluten- and Lactosefree is an invitation for a healthier
life. Winner of the Gourmand World
Cookbook Awards 2014 (Category: Best
Diet Book for the Public).
Thina’s Kitchen presents the principles
and benefits of vegan cooking and
features more than 60 delicious and
practical recipes for those who have
already chosen this philosophy or
who are interested in the subject.
The author also gives tips to help
follow a routine and maintain a healthy
and balanced diet. With photography
by Sergio Pagano, the book shows
that giving up animal ingredients
is not only possible but also a more
sustainable way of life that has a
great influence on health.
This dictionary presents more than
4,500 culinary terms, including dishes,
beverages, ingredients, kitchenware,
and techniques in Portuguese, English,
Spanish, French, Italian and German.
This book also offers conversion tables for
measures, equivalence, and temperatures,
serving as a helpful tool for students,
gourmets, and other professionals
working in this expanding area.
This dictionary includes more than
700 carefully selected enological
terms, with their respective translations
into English, Spanish, French, Italian
and German.The book also contains
a section that includes tips and curiosities
about the universe of wine. It also
addresses subjects related to winetasting techniques and the processes
of winemaking and grape growing,
among other items. Ideal for gastronomy
and enology students and professionals,
as well as wine lovers.
“Who are we?”, “Where are we?”, and
“Where are we going to?” are some of
the questions that a brand – as well
as people – should ask, since they
are the focal points of all existence.
The author develops these ideas and
several others in this book, which
addresses the behavior, the building
of perception, identity, image and
placement of fashion brands. Fashion
Mimics Life is the first Brazilian book on
building fashion brands focusing on
national companies. Although many
international brands are mentioned.
This book by Mauro Alencar traces the
path of the most important Brazilian
televisual genre: the soap opera. From
feuilletons and radio series to current
productions, Brazilian Hollywood offers
outstanding stories, characters and
soundtracks, and includes photos
and remarks from great names in
Brazilian TV dramas. It also covers
detailed creative processes, soap
opera production, and all about
job opportunities offered by this
fascinating industry.
ISBN: 978-85-7756-245-9
Number of Pages: 192
Format: 18x 23 cm
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-7756-314-2
Number of Pages: 168
Format: 18 x 23 cm
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-7756-171-1
Number of Pages: 648
Format: 18 x 23 cm
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-7756-197-1
Number of Pages: 184
Format: 11 x 15.5 cm
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-60166-89-3
Number of Pages: 352
Format: 16 x 23 cm
Rights Available
ISBN: 85-87864-18-1
Number of Pages: 176
Format: 20 x 28 cm
Rights Available
Senac is an established Brazilian private institution created
more than 60 years ago, and Editora Senac Rio de Janeiro is
a unit within its large network. Editora Senac Rio de Janeiro
addresses cultural themes, seeking broad dissemination of
knowledge. Our titles comprise themes related to culture
in general. Our goal is to attain excellence in content that
promotes the enrichment of technical skills, enhancing
worker competitiveness and prosperity. The areas we are
interested in include: Culture & Communication, IT, Business
Development, Tourism & Hotel Industry, Gastronomy,
Fashion, Beauty, Design, Languages, Entrepreneurship &
Commercial Development, to name a few.
Rua Pompeu Loureiro, 45 – 11o andar
Rights Department
Copacabana – Rio de Janeiro
Ms. Karine Fajardo
22061-000 – RJ – Brasil
+55 21 2545-4816
[email protected]
Author: Mauro Alencar
gluten- anD lactose-fRee |
laPinHa sPa: ReciPes
anD secRets
manioc flouR:
tHe BRaZilian flaVoR
anD tHe ReciPes fRom BaHia
menus fRom BRaZil:
ReciPes, ingReDients,
anD PRocesses
caRniVal is cultuRe: PoetRy
anD tecHnique on samBa
scHools’ Doings
Organizer: Raul Lody
Author: Ana Luiza Trajano
Author: Milton Cunha
A masterpiece of Brazilian gastronomy
history. It presents 130 selected
menus from the feasts and banquets
held by D. Pedro II and the royal
family, published together for the first
time. Taken from Thereza Christina’s
Collection, the menus are divided in
three sections: Brazilian Menus, Foreign
Menus, and Menus offered on ships.
It also presents several epoch recipes.
In some Brazilian regions, the manioc
flour – the most famous product
extracted from the root – is more
than a cooking ingredient. In the
state of Bahia, manioc flour involves a
whole set of practices and relationships
established through its production
and its uses. The economic, social, and
cultural aspects are presented in the
texts of this collection, diverse in their
approaches as in the very use of the
flour. The typical recipes are reunited
in this book, tempering the reading.
The recipes comprising the 15 menus
presented in this book were collected
all over Brazil, being respectfully
and sensibly reimagined by chef
Ana Luiza Trajano. The processes,
techniques, and richness of Brazilian
gastronomic culture are displayed
in beautiful imagery. The book also
contains an interesting and detailed
photographic glossary of ingredients,
as well as texts in English and French,
something that takes our habits and
traditions a step further.
For over 20 years, carnival producer
Milton Cunha has kept records of the
parades’ backstage, and now he has
decided to make his personal treasure
publicly available through this book.
From his newspaper clippings, he has
selected over 500 photographs that,
besides capturing the parades’ rave,
also show the work performed by
samba schools for more than 10
months before the parades took
place, demonstrating how parades
are designed, planned and performed,
how materials are reused, and how
the party creates job opportunities
for artisans.
ISBN: 978-85-3960-423-4
Number of Pages: 448
ISBN: 978-85-396-0379-4
Number of Pages: 172
Available on digital format
ISBN: 978-85-396-0405-0
Number of Pages: 331
Available on digital format
ISBN: 978-85-396-0849-2
Number of Pages: 368
Available on digital format
Authors: Francisco Lellis
and André Boccato
Senac is a private non-profit institution committed to
culture, professional training, and business development in
commerce, services, and tourism in Brazil. It also offers technical,
professional, undergraduate and graduate courses, and holds
various special events in all of these areas. Senac promotes
educational action committed to social responsibility and offers,
through its publishing houses, publications related to a wide
range of areas of knowledge. In order to help accomplish that
mission, Senac São Paulo Publisher aligns its publications to the
courses and the areas of training. It presently has about 1,000
books in its catalogue, which are distributed all over the country.
small eVeRyDay
floRal aRRangements
Author: Helena Lunardelli
BRaZilian cHeese on tHe
taBle witH cacHaça,
wine anD BeeR
Authors: Bruno Cabral
and Manoel Beato
Small floral arrangements can give
life to a room or brighten up a person.
When flowers and foliage, colors and
shapes, creativity and harmony are
together, it is possible to achieve those
goals in a very simple way. In this book,
the author teaches you how to create
an arrangement and shows how a
simple bottle or a concrete block can
contribute (a lot!) to making a beautiful
floral arrangement. She also gives some
tips to make unusual combinations, for
example, a combination of a bananaof-garden and amaranth in testing tubes.
ISBN: 978-85-396-0764-8
Format: 21 x 23 cm
Number of Pages: 208
Available on digital format
Tania Mayumi Doyama Natal
Adriana de Jesus Ribeiro Freita
Comunicação e eventos
Editoria Mercado
Editora Senac São Paulo
Editora Senac São Paulo
+55 11 2187-4459
A cheese tasting with cachaça, wine or
beer is always surprising. In this book,
the master cheesemaker Bruno Cabral
and the sommelier Manoel Beato
present the characteristics of several
Brazilian cheeses, cachaças, wines
and beers, giving tips of the best
ways to serve them and sharing
their experience in harmonization
of dairy and drinks.
ISBN: 978-85-396-0869-0
Number of Pages: 168
+55 11 2187-4478
[email protected]
tHe emPeRoR’s feasts:
a collection of menus
By Dom PeDRo ii | ReciPes
anD HistoRy of BRaZilian
gastRonomy on tHe 18tH
gooDBye is foR
suPeR HeRoes
tHe giRaffe is mine!
DistRacteD Rita
easy as a-B-c
Author: Heloisa Prieto
Illustrator: Jan Limpens
Author: Fabrício Carpinejar
Illustrator: Miguel Tanco
Author: Carolina Michelini
Illustrator: Michele Iacocca
Author: Armando Antenore
Illustrator: Rita Taraborelli
Author and Illustrator:
Weberson Santiago
Goodbyes are never easy. Just ask
Tom, who worked hard to keep his
cool when saying goodbye to his best
friend. It all happened so fast: he felt
something seize his throat, his stomach
churned, he got that icky taste in his
mouth. There went things and words
like “boat, “castle,” and the “pool”... Lucky
for him there are also more elastic
words, like “friendship” and “love,” and
different ways to express feelings. Tom
uses these to get through this and
other important separations in his life.
Where do stories dwell and how do
they move through different times and
spaces? In this book, three adolescents
travelling hear three different stories
in the oral tradition (one Buddhist,
one Arab and one Gypsy), retold
in an urban and contemporary
setting. Present since the very birth
of the civilization, they remain in the
imagination of those who hear them
and pass them on, helping to spread
different cultures.
Have you heard of the giraffe that eats
20 hours per day and sleeps standing
up? The one who could easily be the
daughter of a camel, leopard and a
ladder? Or that the letter “h” is the
giraffe of the alphabet? Father and
daughter love to talk about these
things when they visit the zoo every
Saturday just to see Theo. They don’t
even pay attention to the other
animals. Love invents its own language,
and the two express their love for one
another in “giraffe-speak.”
Some things make us mad, really
mad! It even feels like you are about
to explode inside. If people knew
what went on inside our heads when
that happens... Lucky for us, it doesn’t
last long. All you have to do is count
until 10 or 15 or 20... It really works! A
humorous look at all of those things
that drive us crazy!
How does Rita travel in her daydreams?
Does she float along the steam of a
teapot? Does she sweep through space
on a Zeppelin banana!? Does she cross
the sky on a balloon bicycle!? The very
creative Rita makes sure she doesn’t
stay rooted to the ground. Therefore,
she travels to many places, full of
flavors, textures and colors.
“B” is for ball, and it is shaped like a
boot; in the “E” for eagle you can see
an elephant; and the “H” for house
may serve as a hotel. In this fun
alphabet book, each letter leads to
a multicolored world. No matter
where a letter falls – either at the
beginning, the middle or the end
of a word, what matters is their
sounds and countless meanings.
ISBN: 978-85-418-0589-6
Number of Pages: 64
Format: 12 x 19cm
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-418-0742-5
Number of Pages: 64
Format: 15.5 x 23 cm
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-418-0481-3
Number of Pages: 40
Format: 17 × 29 cm
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-418-0343-4
Number of Pages: 24
Format: 19 × 19 cm
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-418-0089-1
Number of Pages: 32
Format: 23 × 15.5 cm
Rights Available
Author: Isabela Noronha
Illustrator: Bruna Assis Brasil
In Brazil since 2004, the main objective of Edições SM is
encouraging reading, reflection and creativity in children
and young people to form critical young readers, create
awareness of the world they live in and support the work
of teachers and educators. Works feature a diversity of
topics, and a variety of genres, authors, and illustrators,
both Brazilian and foreign, classical and contemporary,
and literary and graphic quality are hallmarks of our books.
Our catalogue was developed with young readers in
mind, respecting their world, their needs, fantasies, and
anxieties, all without ignoring the importance of learning
and reflection about past, current and future demands and
dilemmas. The catalogue includes approximately 280 titles
for readers of varied levels of maturity.
Rua Tenente Lycurgo Lopes da Cruz, 55
Rights Department
Água Branca - São Paulo
Ms. Graziela R. S. Costa Pinto
05036-120 - SP - Brasil
+55 11 2111-7400
[email protected]
ISBN: 978-85-418-0082-2
Format: 19 × 19 cm
Number of Pages: 60
Author: Edsoleda Santos
ecliPse of tHe
Blue moon
Author: Ney Cayres
Author: João Bosco Quirelli
Chronicling the urban races he has
most enjoyed, Ney Cayres describes
each city’s architecture, literature,
food, and amusing incidents that
happened during the competitions,
historical events and technical details
of the development of the sport. This
book makes it clear that, far beyond
organizing marathons, cities offer a
variety of interesting situations for a
wide range of tastes, expectations and
curiosities, enriching and supporting
the maxim of the Baron de Coubertin,
founder of the modern Olympic
Games: “The important thing is not
winning, but taking part.”
A patchwork quilt of Bahian life.
Perhaps that is the best summary
of this romance. Zulmira is the face of
what it means to be from the state
of Bahia. People from Bahia transcend
the simple way of living just to live;
they pass through the rocks and
thorns of life without scratching
themselves; they radiate human
warmth and charm, despite all of life’s
everyday traps. Zulmira is charm and
magic, wisdom and joy, overflowing,
overcoming and transforming love.
The tale of the orixá Obaluaê,
researched in Africa by the ethnologist
Pierre Verger, tells the story of his arrival
and the development of his cult in
the Mahi territory in Dahomey. This
tale was chosen as the inspiration of
this book by the artist Edsoleda Santos,
as a tribute to the “Velho” (old man) as
he is affectionately called in Bahia, an
orixá of a particular cult, surrounded by
mysteries and secrets. We learn in this
story that under his straw exterior is the
secret of his light; of life and death; of
good and evil. Atotô!
Archeologist John Crane is a specialist
in the history of ancient civilizations
who is always going off on expeditions
around the world. After the death of
his wife, he decides to move to Rio de
Janeiro along with his daughter, Holly,
to be closer to their friends Dr. Ramos,
his wife, Dr. Rita, and their daughter,
Maiara. Just before her 18th birthday,
Holly receives an artifact and tries to
unravel the mysteries surrounding her
father’s disappearance, Maiara’s visions,
and the growing imbalance in Nature.
In this adventure, Holly and her friend
Maiara meet Celino and Kami, beings
from other worlds, and embark on a
journey in which the basic values of
humanity will be put to the test.
ISBN: 978-85-89059-62-6
Format: 15 x 21 cm
Number of Pages: 128
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-89059-66-4
Format: 15 x 21 cm
Number of Pages: 144
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-89059-60-2
Format: 23 x 28 cm
Number of Pages: 32
Rights Available
ISBN: 978-85-89059-58-9
Format: 15 x 21 cm
Number of Pages: 224
Rights Available
Aware of the appeal of Brazilian ethnicity and identity
modeled on diversity, Solisluna, a publishing house located
in the state of Bahia, is dedicated to publishing books
about the Brazilian people’s diverse artistic, cultural and
historical expressions. Their graphic designs creatively
reproduce this Brazilian and Bahian cultural context, while
Author: Débora Knittel
and Érica Falcão
being influenced by it. Solisluna books are distinguished
by graphic designs that portray their Brazilian and Bahian
context and influences. Since its inception, Solisluna has
gained a reputation for disseminating high-quality books:
prose, poetry, Afro-Brazilian culture, and technical, art and
children books.
ice temPle
Author: Débora Knittel
and Érica Falcão
Despite being in love, Holly and Celino
must learn to deal with differences
between their own worlds. After all,
she is human and he is... an angel.
While looking for belongings left by
John at the Museum of Quinta da Boa
Vista, Holly meets Pedro, an attractive
archeology student. This meeting
rekindles Holly’s desire to make a
trip she had planned with John,
her deceased father whom she loved
so much. In this story, love, loyalty,
desire and betrayal intertwine,
awakening feelings that can either
open or heal untouched wounds.
Each must make their own choice
and evil can be anywhere… So be
careful not to wake it.
ISBN: 978-85-89059-72-5
Format: 15 x 21 cm
Number of Pages: 240
Rights Available
Alameda Praia de Barra Grande qd 12 lt 33
Rights Department
Vilas do Atlântico - Lauro de Freitas
Ms. Valéria Pergentino Procópio
42700-000 - BA - Brazil
+55 71 3369-2028
[email protected]
Sales+55 71 3024-1748
[email protected]
cReating anD Playing
Author: Tamires Lima
Toys are made so we can make up
games and imagine a fantasy world
where anything is possible. Formerly,
children made their own toys.
Nowadays, we can still find artisans
who make handmade toys, a rich and
playful expression of popular culture.
What about meeting some artisans
and learning how to make your own
toys? Call your friends and embark on
this adventure.
ISBN: 978-85-89059-68-8
Format: 18 x 18 cm
Number of Pages: 56
Rights Available
tHe Baiana
of tHe quay PieR
a cultuRal View of cities
me seRies
RiKi anD His gang
clotH BooK
anD listen seRies
my musical
BooK seRies
cuBe Jigsaw
PuZZle seRies
moments seRies
Join these lovely and playful animal
babies in their funny adventures with
this charming series of cardboard
books. Read the stories and shake
me – squeak, squeak!
Meet Riki, a very smart and naughty
little mouse who wants to have lots of
fun and adventure with his friends in
this lovely cloth book. Children
will love snuggling up to this little
friend at bedtime.
What’s that sound? Read the story
and press the button to find out and
have fun with our animal friends. This
exciting series of interactive books will
enchant children with its simple texts
and beautiful illustrations.
Enchanting and delightful illustrations
enliven this charming series of musical
books that are lovely bedtime stories.
As you open this book you’ll be
enchanted by timeless classic fairytales
with six cube jigsaw puzzles illustrations
to solve! You just need to turn the
little cubes and put them in the right
position to solve these amazing jigsaw
puzzles. The book encourages early
learning in a playful way through
recognition and matching of pictures
and texts. Children will love reading
and playing over and over again.
This collection focuses on emphasizing
the importance of showing feelings, of
demonstrating how much we care and
love each other, of how we celebrate
our achievements, of how we can
strengthen our bonds of friendship
and love. Presenting lovely texts, these
books are filled with care and lots of
kisses, ans each page shows us the
noblest feeling of all – love!
ISBN: 978-85-376-1170-8
Number of Pages: 8
Woof Woof
ISBN: 978-85-376-1759-5
Ribbit Ribbit
ISBN: 978-85-376-1760-1
Meow Meow
ISBN: 978-85-376-1761-8
Quack Quack
ISBN: 978-85-376-1762-5
Number of Pages: 12
Lilly the Little Lamb
ISBN: 978-85-376-1514-0
Peggy the Piglet
ISBN: 978-85-376-1513-3
Eddie the Little Elephant
ISBN: 978-85-376-1511-9
Mike the Little Monkey
ISBN: 978-85-376-1512-6
Number of Pages: 12
Todolivro is a children’s book publishing house for with
more than 50 years history, focused on hard work, effort
and commitment to its readers. We produce the highest
quality books with great passion. Our colorful books
combine fun and great educational appeal, amazing
illustrations and easy-to-read texts. Todolivro’s headquarters
are located in Blumenau, in the state of Santa Catarina,
Brazil. This city lies strategically close to important Mercosur
(Southern Common Market) cities and to port facilities
through Itajaí Harbor. In addition, the city of Blumenau is
known for its excellence in education, infrastructure and
skilled labor force. We offer a wide selection of great titles
providing high-quality children’s books for readers from
birth to age nine.
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star!
ISBN: 978-85-376-1559-1
The Missing Star
ISBN: 978-85-376-1560-7
Who’s the Best Little Star?
ISBN: 978-85-376-1561-4
Number of Pages: 10
Snow White
ISBN: 978-85-376-1577-5
Little Red Riding Hood
ISBN: 978-85-376-1578-2
ISBN: 978-85-376-1579-9
The Three Little Pigs
ISBN: 978-85-376-1580-5
Number of Pages: 10
Rua das Missões, 696
Rights Department:
Mr. Stephan König
89051-000 - SC - Brazil
+55 47 3221-2222
[email protected]
Where do kisses come from?
ISBN: 978-85-376-1481-5
Why do I love you?
ISBN: 978-85-376-1482-2
Let’s celebrate!
ISBN: 978-85-376-1483-9
Number of Pages: 12
[email protected]
Luís Antonio Torelli - RM Perez Editora EPP - Trilha Educacional
Vitor Tavares da Silva Filho - Distribuidora Loyola de Livros
Luciano Monteiro - Grupo Santillana
Hubert Alquéres - Bandeirantes Comércio de Material Didático - Editora Jatobá
Mansur Abunasser Bassit - Câmara Brasileira do Livro
Alexandre Martins Fontes - Editora WMF Martins Fontes
Susanna Florissi - Editora Galpão
Daniela Manole - Editora Manole
Marcio Borges - Panini Brasil
Antonio Erivan Gomes - Cortez Editora e Livraria
Marcus Teles C. de Carvalho - Leitura Distribuidora e Representações
Flavio Seibel - Livraria da Vila
Marcos Pedri - Distribuidora Curitiba de Papéis e Livros
Luiz Alvaro Salles Aguiar de Menezes
Karina de Pino
Edmar Munhoz
Óscar Curros
Via Impressa Design Gráfico
Carlos Magno Bomfim
Paulo Otavio
Robinson Pereira
Ricardo Sampaio Mendes
Paulo Victor de Carvalho - Inovação Distribuidora de Livros
Nassim Batista da Silva - Bookmix Comércio de Livros
José de Alencar Mayrink - Editora e Distribuidora Lê
Julio Cesar A. S. da Cruz - Catavento Distr. de Livros
Karine Pansa - Girassol Brasil Edições
Luiz Antônio de Souza - Editora Globo
Eduardo Reis - Editora Vale das Letras
Carolina Braga Leal - Árvore de Livros
Reprinting in full or in part is not permited.
The organisers accept no responsability
for incomplete or incorrect entries.
Catalogue entries received after the print
deadline (September 1st, 2015) could not
be included or are only partially listed.
Catálogo desenhado e editorado pela
Via Impressa Design Gráfico Ltda.
em fontes Myriad Pro,
e impresso em Couché Matte 145 g/m² e
Duo Design 300 g/m²
Setembro | 2015
Catalogue designed and edited by
Via Impressa Design Gráfico Ltda.
using fonts Myriad Pro,
and printed on Couché Matte 145 g/m²
and Duo Design 300 g/m²
September | 2015