The SubAir System - Great Sports Infra


The SubAir System - Great Sports Infra
The SubAir System
The SubAir aeration and moisture removal system
promotes healthier and stronger playing surfaces
through moisture content management, subsurface
aeration, and root zone temperature control. As a result,
SubAir provides optimum aerobic subsurface growing conditions.
SubAir is integrated underground with no impact on the design of the golf course.
A SubAir Elite vault, housing the blower that provides both vacuum and
pressure mode, is
connected to the green’s
drainage piping network.
Elite Vault
A Distributed Separator is
connected to the green’s
drainage network. This
patented assembly
separates the air from the
water so that the air flows
to the SubAir vault and the
water drains to the outfall.
A Dual Valve is used on the
end of each outfall to create an air lock. This directs the air through the
soil profile so it does not escape through an open ended pipe.
The SubAir system applies a vacuum within the subsoil drainage pipe
network to increase the rate at which water is moved from the surface
and through the soil profile. The management of subsoil moisture also
helps with temperature moderation in the entire soil profile.
(Above - Dual Valve interior in vacuum mode)
In vacuum mode, SubAir routes air to the
blower and water to a drainage area for
moisture control.
SubAir also applies pressure to force air from the subsoil pipes through
the soil profile. This patented technology creates air movement that
provides aeration while moderating temperature in the root zone.
The Distributed Separator and the Dual Valve are components of the SubAir Operation Package . These
components are also used to operate the SubAir portable system, the Air Force One.
(Above - Dual Valve interior in pressure mode)
During pressure mode, the SubAir unit moves
air upward through the soil.
Distributed Separator | www.
Dual Valve
SubAir’s control system is housed in a standard irrigation satellite
and is located away from the green. Once the installation is complete,
only the air intake/exhaust ( 9” x 9” ) and vault inspection port are visible.
SubAir Control Panel
How the SubAir System Operates
The best location for the SubAir vault is at the high end of the green. The elevation
forces the air to flow uphill to the SubAir unit and allows gravity to drain water down to
the outfall. In vacuum mode, air and water are moved downward through the soil
into the drainage pipes. Once the air and water enter the pipe, gravity moves the water
down to the outfall and the SubAir moves the air to the back of the green and out
through the SubAir exhaust. Installation typically takes one day per unit and can
be accomplished with minimal disruption of play.
SubAir Vault
Distributed Separator
Dual Valve
Dual Valve
803.641.6663 | 866.641.6663
SubAir Planning & Installation
Since the SubAir system can be installed on
a progressive basis, many clubs begin their
SubAir turf maintenance routine by
installing the SubAir Operation
Package ((distributed separator, dual
valve, and AC-6 ) on one, a few, or
all of their greens.
After installation of the SubAir
Operation Package, many
clubs choose to utilize the Air
makes putting
Force One (SubAir portable
together the SubAir
system) on their most
puzzle easy and affordable.
problematic greens. By using
the Air Force One and learning
how it benefits troubled areas, the next progression is to install an Elite (a
SubAir permanent system) on problem greens. The Air Force One is then
free to be moved around the course
for regular aeration of the remaining
greens. As the budget allows, SubAir
Elites can be added, two or three each
year, to the rest of the golf course.
SubAir Project Managers can assist in
long range planning and strategy to
ensure smooth installation over an
extended time period.
To install SubAir, the course will need
USGA specification greens or
California style greens. No matter
After installation of the SubAir Operation
which SubAir product is chosen, the
Package, an Air Force One may be utilized
SubAir Operation Package is required
to begin an aerification regimen.
to connect the drainage system to
SubAir. These components can be installed during construction, during
renovation projects, or while the course is open for play. Installation does
not disrupt play and all the work is performed off the green so it will not
interfere with golfers on the course. | www.
SubAir Project Managers are qualified
agronomists with experience in both
golf course construction and
maintenance. Using topographical
maps and coordinating with the golf
course architect, project supervisor,
irrigation specialist, superintendent,
and the local utility company, SubAir
provides a comprehensive plan for
SubAir can develop a plan for installation
the mechanical and electrical
to ensure it is performed as quickly as
installation of your SubAir system.
possible with little disruption to the
SubAir provides on-site supervision
operation of the course.
of the golf course contractor or staff
to ensure proper installation and
commissioning of your SubAir
components. SubAir’s Project Managers also provide consultation with
the superintendent to develop an operating program based on
environmental conditions (temperature, moisture, etc.) and turf health
(root length, root density, thatch accumulation, etc.). After the SubAir
system is operational and the operating program has been implemented,
SubAir is always available to provide technical and consultative service.
Once SubAir becomes an important aspect of your turf management
routine, you want to be certain your SubAir units are in top operating
condition year round. SubAir offers
standard or custom designed
service and support contracts
tailored to meet the demands put
on your SubAir equipment. Whether
you have SubAir on one or all
greens, SubAir is there providing
superior service for a superior
product. SubAir Service & Support
Packages include annual site visits,
technology updates, urgent
SubAir Service and Support Packages
response, training programs for
provide certainty that your SubAir units are
course staff, and discounts on
in top operating condition year round.
additional site visits and parts.
The Hydronics System
For grass plants to thrive they need certain
conditions. An optimum growing
environment consists of the proper amount
of sun, proper air/water ratios and proper soil
temperatures. The Hydronics system can
provide heating or cooling to maintain ideal
root zone temperatures by pumping warm
or cool fluid from the holding tank to the
green via a supply pipe. The fluid circulates
under the root zone of the green through a
network of flexible tubing. The working fluid
is then returned to the holding tank.
The Hydronics turf temperature control
system consists of several important pieces
of equipment - a boiler, chiller, chiller pump,
green pump, holding tank, temperature and
pressure instrumentation, and control
enclosure. Each system is skid mounted with
and pump
on one
skid and
the chiller
and chiller
pump on
The skid
Chiller Return
& Supply Lines
Chiller Pump
is housed
away from
the green in a building aesthetically pleasing
to the surroundings of the golf course.
Greens at Haesley Golf Club, South Korea. This dramatic photo illustrates the operation of SubAir Hydronics and SubAir.
SubAir’s Hydronics system is designed to condition and maintain ideal root zone temperatures
during warm and cool season operation.
Using the Hydronics
system along with
SubAir will create an
air flow through the
root zone to evenly
distribute the heating
or cooling effects
of the Hydronic
tubing. This even
treatment of the
playing surface
eliminates hot and
cold spots in the soil.
Elite Vault
Dual Valve
Dual Valve
Hydronic Tubing
803.641.6663 | 866.641.6663
The AirWave Monitoring & Control System
Remotely monitor the agronomic impact of
SubAir to achieve optimal turf conditions with
the AirWave wireless monitoring and control
system. AirWave features and options include
simultaneously controlling each SubAir
system, scheduling SubAir operation time and
duration, and optimizing SubAir performance
based on sensor readings and user specified
target conditions. Add wireless dual layer
sensors to your AirWave system to monitor
soil temperature, moisture, and salt levels
at two separate depths in the soil profile.
Sensors can also be installed to monitor tee
boxes, fairways, flower beds, or other areas of
interest .
The data collected by the sensors is
transmitted back to the base computer via the
SubAir control panel and/or AirWave
repeaters. The need for repeaters is
determined by course topography and
At the base station, real-time data collected
by the sensors is used by AirWave to optimize
parameters. Sensor
data (logged at 5
minute intervals)
can be viewed on
historical data plots
to provide a clear
picture of the
impact of agronomic
practices, natural
phenomena, and
weather events on
turf conditions.
The AirWave Sensor is installed
in the green with a standard cup
cutter. Soil data is collected by the
sensors and transmitted back to
the computer base via the Sub Air
Control Panel and AirWave
Repeaters. At the base station,
the real-time data collected by
the sensors is used to optimize the
operational parameters of the
SubAir System. | www.
Cog Hill
Country Club
Chicago, Illinois
“Naturally we use SubAir
Cog Hill Country Club in Chicago, Illinois
when we have heavy rains.
includes almost every product SubAir
We can use it whenever we need it, but we also have
offers in their turf maintenance routine.
them running on an intermittent schedule.”
There are SubAir systems on 19 greens and
Ken Lapp, Superintendent
one tee. All are controlled by the AirWave
wireless monitoring and control system with AirWave soil sensors on holes number 16 and number 4.
In addition, they have four TurfBreeze fans located in areas with poor air circulation.
When Cog Hill began its renovation of their Dubsdread Course in 2007, owner Frank Jemsek chose to
include SubAir on every green. Superintendent Ken Lapp has been in golf course maintenance for 55
years and has been impressed by the technology he now uses daily to maintain his greens. “Naturally
we use SubAir when we have heavy rains. It takes the water right off. Then, when we want to firm
up the greens we use it as a tool for that. We can use it whenever we need it, but we also have them
running on an intermittent schedule,” explains Lapp.
Cog Hill’s SubAir system is controlled by AirWave. “The AirWave has really surprised me. This
technology has really helped out. We have AirWave soil sensors on two greens – number 16 and
number 4. On these greens I can tell what my moisture level is and the soil temperature. I think it’s a
valuable tool and I wouldn’t mind seeing AirWave sensors on all the greens. During the summer, and
especially this summer, I was looking at it (AirWave monitoring screens) everyday just to see where we
Lapp is also very satisfied with SubAir’s customer service. “The units were put in during the rebuilding
of the greens by the golf course construction company under SubAir’s supervision. Before construction
began, a SubAir Project Manager laid out all the spots where the vaults would be installed. He has
been there to help me learn the best ways to use the system. And with the SubAir Service and Support
Package, he comes annually and checks every green and runs tests on everything to make sure there is
no trouble at all. SubAir’s customer service has been tremendous!”
“I can definitely tell a difference between now and before SubAir was installed,” praises Lapp.
“Especially when you get a rain, you turn it on and the water is sucked right out of the greens, gets the
players out faster!”
Cog Hill has been attracting golfers since 1927. Located in the Des Plaines River Valley 30 miles
southwest of Chicago, the Club has four courses including the world famous Dubsdread Course.
SubAir Product Specifications
Elite Specifications
Max. Air Flow
1200 CFM);
Max. Vacuum
22” (WG);
Max. Pressure
24” (WG);
Motor 7.5 hp wash-down duty
motor/direct drive;
Impeller anti-corrosion aluminum
Enclosure - Direct Burial Vault
Corrugated dual-wall HDPE;
Dimensions 57” Dia. x 35.5” H
Weight 650 lbs;
Prewired and includes wire run
of 100 ft. to attach vault
to control panel
Blower pressure switch
Vault high temp cut-off switch
Power switch and magnetic
safety Interlock
Distributed Separator
Air separator assembly
HDPE / PVC configuration
Dual Valve Assembly
One piece PVC construction
Control Panel
Standard enclosure molded plastic
17”W x 16”D x 41”H
Optional enclosures - built to suit
Irrigation control signal interface
24-volt AC on/off, pressure/vacuum
Service indicator light illuminates
when service is required
Safety disconnect power
Interlock switch
Noise Reduction
Sound attenuator
connected to intake/exhaust
Power Requirement Options
230 volt 1 phase - 33 AMPS full load
208 volt 3 phase 18.5 AMPS full load
230 volt 3 phase 17.4 AMPS full load
460 volt 3 phase 8.7 AMPS full load
Other power supplies accommodated
by special order
Air Force One
Engine 25hp
water cooled
Kohler engine
Anti-corrosion aluminum
Maximum air flow 2500
cubic feet per minute
Maximum vacuum 44 inches
water gage (WG)
Maximum pressure 46 inches
water gage (WG)
Portable Unit
Dimensions 70” L x 55“ W x 57” H
Weight 1018 lbs
18 gallon fuel tank
Flex Hose
12.5 ft transparent flex hose with
camlock couplings to connect
to drainage system at
each playing surface
Additional Features
Adjustable jack stand
Belt drive
Hose rack
Adjustable tow
Bar 16” - 40”
803.641.6663 | 866.641.6663
The TurfBreeze Benefit
Promoting a healthier turf
environment through improved
air circulation and the alleviation
of heat stress are the primary
reasons most golf course
superintendents use fans on their
greens. Solar heat can have a
devastating effect on turfgrass.
When a green’s subsoil
Developed to provide air
airflflow on the
temperature reaches high levels,
surface of golf course greens,
turfgrass roots begin to shrink,
TurfBreeze is the most respected
diminishing the quality of the
name in surface aeration.
putting surface. Fan use can
lower the surface temperature of
a green up to 10° Fahrenheit, which in turn, lowers the soil temperature
approximately 4° to 6° F. Fan use increases turfgrass transpiration, cooling
the plant internally and keeping it healthier overall. As an added benefit,
TurfBreeze fans can be used to evaporate excess moisture from heavy
morning dew. Although thinning trees works best, fans have shown
to improve the quality of shaded greens. TurfBreeze will assist you in
planning fan size, quantity, and placement to best suit the needs of your
TurfBreeze Premium at The Patriot Club, Owasso, Oklahoma
“I chose the TurfBreeze
Premium Fan based on
its efficiency and its lower
noise level compared
to the bigger 7.5 HP
motor. There is no doubt
these fans helped us
get through the most
brutal summer I’ve ever
Jeremy Dobson,
The Patriot Club | www.
The TurfBreeze Fan
TurfBreeze Features
The TurfBreeze maintenance
free design offers simple
installation. Pre-wired fan motors,
oscillating motors, and control
packages come pre-assembled
for easy plug-in installation.
Ground poles, fan poles, oscillating
assemblies, and power control packages
are standard TurfBreeze features.
TurfBreeze fans are pre-wired and
pre-assembled for easier installation. Fan
housings are shipped with oscillating
assemblies and linkages installed and fan
poles have all electrical controls
pre-mounted. In addition, the fan motor,
oscillating motor, and control packages
are pre-wired with inter-connecting water
proof plugs for simple plug-in installation.
The power control package, includes a
lockable power disconnect, an electronic
starter contact for remote use through an
irrigation signal, an overload protection
circuit, and a manual start/stop switch.
TurfBreeze fans are virtually maintenance
free. A new synchronized drive system
eliminates the need for periodic belt
tensioning and sealed pillow block
bearings require no re-lubrication.
TurfBreeze Premium
For situations in which power and sound create special requirements,
TurfBreeze offers a Premium model producing maximum cooling with
minimal power use and motor noise.
The TurfBreeze Premium 5 HP Fan has the efficiency of a 7.5 HP, the
quietness of a 3 HP, and durable steel construction. The TurfBreeze
Premium offers courses a “green” option by consuming less power
(see power chart on page 9), yet providing the same great results you’ve
come to expect from a TurfBreeze Fan.
Golf Club
TurfBreeze Planning
Fans are rated in CFM (cubic feet per
minute) at a specific static pressure.
Similar to sprinkler heads, fan size must
provide adequate energy to offer
sufficient velocity at the furthest point
from the fan.
Charlotte, North Carolina
Fans can be discreetly hidden
in tree lines and silhouetted
against a background.
The general rule of thumb is one fan per
green. One large fan always works better
than two
or more smaller fans. Even for deeply
pocketed greens, one fan will suffice,
but you may need to choose a fan with
a higher CFM to provide adequate air
movement over the entire surface.
Fans can be discreetly hidden in tree
lines and silhouetted against a
background. Even though fans are
usually quieter than a homeowner’s air
conditioning system, it is best to keep
fans as far as possible from patios and porches as the predominant fan
“sound path” is from the inlet to outlet. Set the oscillation range as short
as possible to achieve the best coverage. If the oscillator is set at half of
the maximum range, twice the amount of air reaches the green.
Optimally, a fan should be positioned horizontal to the green with
a 30° cone of air catching the edge of the green closest to the fan.
Placing a TurfBreeze Order
With the high demand during warm weather, the best time to order your
TurfBreeze product is during fall, winter, or early spring. TurfBreeze
encourages early orders so that fans can be delivered, properly installed
and ready to operate prior to the arrival of hot, humid weather.
“I can’t find the words to describe
the great customer service. As soon
as you place an order the ball is
rolling. The entire team has been
tremendous to work with. We’ve
had no issues at all!”
Matthew Warton, Superintendent
Matthew Wharton,
Superintendent at Carolina Golf Club in Charlotte, North Carolina,
became interested in TurfBreeze fans simply because of their size.
“I saw some TurfBreeze fans on another course in Charlotte and was
impressed by how big they were,” explains Wharton.
In 2008, Carolina Golf Club underwent a total restoration. Because of the new course configuration,
Wharton made advance arrangements for the purchase and installation of two TurfBreeze fans. A
TurfBreeze representative visited the course and determined locations for the best performance and
minimal visibility. “We completed the grow-in and the fans helped tremendously.”
The wet summer of 2009 forced Wharton to acquire one additional fan for Carolina Golf Club. “I had issues
with our first green that year because of numerous severe thunderstorms. It was definitely our worst
putting surface and we decided a fan would solve any similar issues in future years.” Again Matthew
contacted his TurfBreeze representative and together they determined the location for maximum
performance. The fan was installed just prior to the summer of 2010.
The summer of 2010 put Wharton’s fans to the test and before its end, Carolina Golf Club would purchase
five more TurfBreeze fans. “The combination of heat and humidity, the consistency of it with no relief at
night led to the severe decline of five greens. I had fans on three greens and by mid-July they were the
three best conditioned putting surfaces on the course. I went to the Board and received approval to buy
five more fans. We were able to quickly get four of them installed and operational in less than two weeks.
I was able to see visible turf improvement in less than a week. Unfortunately we had issues getting power
to the fifth location and were not able to get the final fan operational until mid-September. The
immediate improvement of the four greens while the fifth continued to suffer for another six weeks put the
final stamp of approval on the importance of our fans.”
Wharton continues to illustrate how much he has come to rely on his TurfBreeze fans. “This year the
weather was so bad even the putting greens located in ideal growing environments declined to a point
where the greens with fans looked better. Our number 16 green is in a less than ideal location and this
year it was the best conditioned putting surface on the course. Plus our number one green went from
being the worst putting surface in 2009 to one of the best in 2010.”
The Carolina Golf Club is located in Charlotte, NC. Matthew Wharton, a native of Castlewood,
Virginia, is a graduate of Virginia Tech. He has been the Golf Course Superintendent at Carolina Golf
Club since 2005.
803.641.6663 | 866.641.6663
TurfBreeze Product Specifications
Model Numbers
All model numbers begin with the letter “TB” for TurfBreeze. The second
portion of the model number represents the fan size and the final portion
represents the horse power of the fan motor.
Size and Power
Cubic Feet
per minute
at 3 mph
Premium / 5 HP
150 feet
60 dba @ 50 ft.
TB - 50 - 7.5
50” / 7.5 HP
150 feet
67 dba @ 50 ft.
TB - 50 - 5
50” / 5 HP
125 feet
62 dba @ 50 ft.
TB - 50 - 3
50” / 3 HP
100 feet
59 dba @ 50 ft.
TB - 50 - G
50” / Gas
150 feet
77 dba @ 50 ft.
TB - 36 - 3
36” / 3 HP
125 feet
65 dba @ 50 ft.
TB - 30 - 3
30” / 3 HP
115 feet
64 dba @ 50 ft.
TB - 30 -2
30” / 2 HP
100 feet
59 dba @ 50 ft.
Electrical Requirements
TurfBreeze Model
Full Load AMPS
5 HP
TB - 50 - 7.5
7.5 HP
TB - 50 - 5
5 HP
TB - 50 - 3
3 HP
TB - 36 - 3
3 HP
TB - 30 - 3
3 HP
TB - 30 -2
2 HP
3.4 | www.
Kings River Golf
& Country Club
Kingsburg, California
“After putting the
fan on the green, we
cut down our water
usage, we cut down our
fungicide usage, and,
we cut down
our stress level. “
Mike Kroeze,
Four years ago Superintendent Mike Kroeze
was advised by the USGA to purchase a fan
to improve a historically bad green at Kings
River Golf and Country Club. “We purchased three TurfBreeze fans for our three worst greens,” says
Kroeze, “and as the saying goes, our worst greens became our best greens.”
Explains Kroeze, “Prior to the fans there was a considerable amount of disease, we were spraying one to
two times per week throughout the summer months. Our course has a lot of mature trees which limits
air flow creating micro-climates for several of our greens. They seem to really hold on to the heat. Poor
turf density, along with being the first to show signs of disease, was the norm for these greens versus
the others with adequate air flow. Historically, they would always recover the worst – from ball-mark
damage, from foot traffic, and ultimately from summer stress. After putting the fan on the green,
we cut down our water usage, we cut down our fungicide usage, and, we cut down our stress level.
Ultimately it was just a win-win and our members noticed. On one green which was a par 3, it was not
uncommon for balls to plug on the green during the summer. But after we were able to install the fan,
the green was firmer. We were able to manage our water a lot better by installing the fan. We didn’t
have the plugging effect like we did before.”
Kroeze likes the flexibility of being able to manipulate his fan usage according to the weather forecast.
He sets simple timers to turn the fans on and off, usually running them between 9-10 hours per day. “I
tend to turn them on when I know the temperature is rising. It will be 103-106 (degrees) on an average
day from mid June to early September. If the humidity is really bad, then I will run them during the
night.” For the first time this year, Kroeze plans to leave his fans up during the winter to evaluate
getting the golfers out earlier on mornings when frost is present.
“The TurfBreeze customer service team does a great job of getting me what I need ASAP – anything
from order acknowledgements to schematics and,” laughs Kroeze, “their Southern charm is the icing on
the cake!”
The Kings River Golf and Country Club is located in Kingsburg, California. The club is a private,
member-owned 18- hole championship golf course. It opened in 1955 and was designed by
Bert Stamps and Neal Meagher.
Cedar Ridge
Golf Club
SubAir and TurfBreeze
Adding Pieces to the Puzzle
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Mike Wooten, Superintendent at Cedar
Ridge Golf Course in Broken Arrow, OK
learned about TurfBreeze from a fellow
superintendent in his area. Wooten
was already the owner of 14 fans, but
none were TurfBreeze. He now owns
one TurfBreeze fan.
“The TurfBreeze fan seems to push more air. It seems
like the TurfBreeze fan reaches out farther.”
Mike Wooten, Superintendent
Wooten has seen a comparison
between his fans. “The TurfBreeze fan
seems to push more air. It seems like
the TurfBreeze fan reaches out farther. It really seems like it puts out more (air).”
Wooten explains, “A TurfBreeze representative came out and we talked about the fans themselves
and then we talked about the electrical wire sizing. He also set the locations. Six of our previously
purchased fans were made by a local person and TurfBreeze was also able to retro-fit these old fans
with oscillators.”
“We are looking at new placements closer to the greens because fans have become much more accepted
by the members. I believe you could place the fan right in the middle of the green and have it oscillate
360 degrees and they would accept it now,” jokes Wooten.
The two processes - SubAir and TurfBreeze - are
different, and yet both beneficial in their own way.
SubAir is used primarily for good gas exchange in the soil and to create
optimum air/water ratios in the soil profile. TurfBreeze fans are designed
to improve surface conditions. The two processes together help provide
the best possible conditions for growth and survival of a plant species in
very challenging conditions. Clubs using both SubAir and TurfBreeze are
proactive in their approach, using different tools to extend the life of the
greens and ensure that not only do they survive, but they are the
championship caliber that their members expect.
“August is our worst month for bentgrass in Dallas with the roots shrinking up to
almost nothing. The putting green is our worst green because it’s small and gets a lot
of traffic. SubAir has been in use the last two summers and it has been one of our better
greens since. Every summer before the SubAir was installed we would close the green
for a couple of weeks each summer, but not anymore. It’s also important to note that
we installed TurfBreeze fans on this green at the same time.“
Kevin Carpenter, Superintendent, The Northwood Club, Dallas, Texas
Wooten discusses how he uses fans in his turf maintenance routine. “We set them up usually the third
week of June following the club’s member guest tournament and take the fans in for the winter, right
after Labor Day. If we can ever get them out earlier we will. We run them all day – 24 hours per day.
Ninety-nine percent of the time, once they get turned on, they don’t get turned off until we bring them
Wooten adds, “The fan works great – no problems. It just seems like the TurfBreeze does more. All the
guys that have called me about fans, I’ve told them, they ought to be dealing with TurfBreeze!”
The golf course at Cedar Ridge Country Club was designed by Joe Finger in 1967 and is described
as one of the country’s finest. Cedar Ridge has hosted many outstanding national and regional
August 2007 - The Northwood Club root sample
prior to SubAir and TurfBreeze installation.
August 2010 - The Northwood Club root sample
after using SubAir and TurfBreeze.
803.641.6663 | 866.641.6663
Bent Brook Golf Course
Capstone Club
Cider Ridge
CC of Birmingham
Decatur Country Club
Gadsden Country Club
Hampton Cove
Heatherwood CC
Highland Park GC
Hoover Country Club
Huntsville Country Club
Indian Hills Country Club
Mountain Brook Club
North River Yacht Club
Old Overton Club
Riverchase Country Club
Robert Trent Jones Trail
Grand National
Hampton Cove
Oxmoor Valley
Ross Bridge
Silver Lakes
Shoal Creek Golf Club
Turtle Point Yacht and CC
Twin Bridges Golf Club
University of Alabama
Valley Hill Country Club
Vestavia Country Club
Ventana Canyon GC
Chenal Country Club
Clear Creek
CC of Little Rock
Diamante Golf Club
1st Tee of Little Rock
Stonebridge Meadows
Tannenbaum Golf Club
Coto De Caza Golf &
Raquet Club
Eldorado Country Club
Kings River
Lakeside Golf Club
Oak Creek
Palms Golf Club
Rancho La Quinta CC
Riverview Golf & CC
San Joaquin CC
Shady Canyon GC
The Madison Club
The Vintage Club
Woodbridge Golf & CC
Castle Pines Golf Club
Fossil Trace Golf Club
Roaring Fork Club
Redding Country Club
CC of Waterbury
Baywood Greens GC
Colliers Reserve CC
Country Club of Naples
Eagle Creek Country Club
John’s Island Club
Jupiter Island Club
The Concession Club
Wilderness Country Club
Willoughby Country Club
Athens Country Club
Atlanta Athletic Club
Atlanta National
Augusta Country Club
Barnsley Gardens Resort
Bartram Trail Golf Club
Bent Tree Golf Course
Big Canoe
Brookstone Golf & CC
Capital City Club Brookhaven
Capitol City Club
Cartersville Country Club
Champions Retreat GC
Cherokee Towne & CC
Country Club of the South | www.
Crystal Lake Golf & CC
Cuscowilla Golf Course
Dunwoody Country Club
Eagle’s Landing
Eagle Watch
Flat Creek Golf Club
Golf Club at Cuscowilla
GC of Bradshaw Farms
GC of Georgia
Governors Towne Club
Hamilton Mill Golf Club
Hampton Golf Village
Harbor Club Lake Oconee
Heron Bay
Indian Hills Country Club
Mirror Lake Golf Club
Ocean Forrest Golf Club
Olde Atlanta
Polo Golf & CC
Reynolds Plantation
Great Waters Course
Plantation Course
National Course
Oconee Course
River Forest Golf Club
Smoke Rise Golf & CC
SummerGrove Golf Club
Summit Chase
St. Ive’s Country Club
The River Club
The Standard Club
The Trophy Club
TPC Sugarloaf
University of Georgia GC
White Columns
White Oak
White Water Creek
Annbriar Golf Club
Benton Country Club
Cog Hill
Eagle Ridge Resort
Edgewood Valley CC
Heritage Bluff
H. Mussatto GC/WIU
Hickory Ridge
Northmoor Country Club
Rend Lake Golf Course
Spencer T. Olin GC
TPC Deer Run
Chariot Run
Crooked Stick
Evansville Country Club
Wolf Run Golf Club
Victoria National GC
Glenwood Golf Course
Flint Hill
Hallbrook Country Club
Mission Hills CC
Quivira Lake
Shadow Glen Golf Club
Sycamore Ridge GC
Ballard County CC
Benton Golf & CC
CC of Paducah
Club at Olde Stone
General Burnside
Hunting Creek CC
Hurstbourne CC
Idle Hour Country Club
Kentucky State Parks
Dale Hollow
Mineral Mound
Louisville CC
Rolling Hills CC
Valhalla Golf Club
Wildwood Country Club
L’Auberge Du Lac
Bethesda CC
Bulle Rock
Burning Tree
Cattail Creek CC
Caves Valley Golf Club
Chartwell Golf & CC
Chester River Yacht & CC
CC of Maryland
CC at Woodmore
Greystone Golf Course
Lakewood CC
Norbeck Country Club
River Run Golf Club
Timbers at Troy Golf Club
TPC Potomac
Whiskey Creek
Woodholme CC
Woodlands Diamond Ridge
Milton Hoosic Golf Course
Turner Hill Golf Club
Lost Dunes Golf Club
A.L. Gustin Golf Club
Bellerive CC
Crystal Springs Quarry
Dalhousie Golf Club
Columbia Country Club
Greenbriar Hills CC
Highland Springs CC
Lake Forest Golf & CC
Missouri Bluffs
Old Warson Country Club
Ozark Ridge Golf Course
Payne Stewart GC
Persimmon Woods GC
Railwood Golf Club
Sunset Country Club
Winghaven Country Club
Annandale Golf Club
Big Oaks Golf Club
Country Club of Jackson
Dancing Rabbit Golf Club
Old Waverly Golf Club
Olive Branch CC
Beatrice CC
Shadow Creek GC
Arcola Country Club
Brooklake Country Club
Charleston Springs GC
Echo Lake
Galloway National
Greenbriar Ocean Air & CC
Mountain Ridge CC
Rock Spring Club
Trenton Country Club
Atlantic Golf Club
Bethpage State Park GC
Deep Dale Golf Club
Glen Oaks Country Club
Piping Rock GC
Old Westbury Golf & CC
Anderson Creek GC
Bald Head Island Club
Ballantyne Resort
Bryan Park
Bentwinds CC
Cape Fear
Carmel Country Club
Carolina Golf Club
Catawba Country Club
Chapel Hill Country Club
Charlotte Country Club
Club at Longview
CC of North Carolina
Crooked Creek Golf Club
Devils Ridge
Duke University
Eagle Ridge
Forsyth Country Club
Gaston Country Club
Goldsboro Municipal
Governor’s Club
Greensboro CC
Highland Country Club
Heritage GC
Hope Valley CC
Hounds Ears Club
Little River Farm
MacGregor Downs CC
Meadowlands Golf Course
Myers Park
Morehead Country Club
The Neuse Golf Club
New Bern Coutry Club
NC State University Lonnie Poole
North Ridge CC
Pine Hollow Golf Club
Pointe Lake Golf Club
Porter’s Neck CC
Providence Country Club
River Landing CC
Raintree Country Club
Raleigh Country Club
Raleigh Golf Association
River Run Country Club
River’s Edge CC
Lakes CC
Sedgefield Country Club
Stonebridge GC
The Cardinal
The Palisades CC
Treyburn Country Club
TPC Piper Glen
TPC Wakefield Plantation
UNC Finley Golf Course
Wade Hampton
Walnut Creek CC
White Oak Plantation
Willowhaven CC
Beechmont Country Club
Golf Club at Yankee Trace
Legendary Run GC
Muirfield Village GC
Tartan Fields Golf Club
Cedar Ridge GC
Cherokee Hills
Fairfax GC
Forest Ridge Golf Club
Kicking Bird CC
McAlester Country Club
Oak Tree
Rose Creek Golf Club
Shawnee Golf & CC
Southern Hills CC
The Patriot Club
Applebrook Golf Club
Ledgerock Golf Club
Philadelphia Cricket Club
White Manor CC
Berkeley Hall
Carolina Country Club
Carolina Springs GC
Cherokee National
Clemson/Walker Course
Cliffs at Keowee Vineyards
Cliffs at Keowee Falls
South Course
Cliffs Keowee Spring
Debordieu Club
Dunes Golf & Beach Club
Florence Country Club
Greenville Country Club
Holly Tree Country Club
International World Tour
Keowee Key CC
Members Club-Grand Dunes
Mt. Vintage Plantation
Musgrove Mill GC
Regent Park Golf Club
Reserve at Lake Keowee
Reserve Club at
Pawley’s Island
Sage Valley GC
Spring Valley CC
Springfield Golf Course
The River Club/N. Augusta
The River Club/Pawley’s
River Hills
Wachesaw Plantation
Bear Trace
Tims Ford
Belle Meade CC
Chickasaw Country Club
Colonial Country Club
Council Fire Golf Club
Eagle’s Landing Golf Club
Fairfield Glade
Fox Den Country Club
Gaylord Springs/
Golf Club of Tennessee
Governors Club
Hermitage Golf Club
Jackson Country Club
King’s Creek Golf Club
Nashville Metro Parks
Harpeth Hills Golf Course
McCabe Golf Course
Two Rivers Golf Course
Old Fort Golf Club
Pebble Brook Golf Club
Ravenwood Golf Club
Richland Country Club
Ridgeway Country Club
Spring Creek Ranch
The GC of Tennessee
The Honors Course
University of Tennessee
Willow Creek Golf Club
Bent Tree CC
Cimarron Hills CC
Colonial Country Club
Dallas Athletic Club
Dallas Country Club
Denton Country Club
Lochinvar Golf Club
Northwood Club
Paul Wood Estates
Preston Trail Golf Club
Ridgewood CC
Royal Oaks Country Club
San Antonio CC
Shady Oaks
Sky Creek Ranch GC
The Retreat GC
TPC Craig Ranch
TPC Las Colinas
University of Texas
White Bluff Resort
Colonial Golf Course
Country Club of Virginia
Cypress Creek Golf Club
Fauquier Springs CC
Ford’s Colony CC
Foundry Golf Club
Glenmore Country Club
Greenbrier Country Club
Hermitage Country Club
Hidden Creek CC
Kanawha Club
Kinloch Golf Club
Mt. Vernon Country Club
Providence Golf Club
Robert Trent Jones Club
Salisbury Country Club
Somerset Golf Club
The Dominion Club
Two Rivers Country Club
Virginia Beach National
Westwood Country Club
Golf Club at Newcastle
Hillwood Estates Museum
and Gardens
Pikewood Golf Club
The Bull
Avondale Golf Club
Terrey Hills
Fontainbleau Golf Club
Glen Abbey Golf Club
Lake Joseph Club
Mad River Golf Club
Rocky Crest Club
Dragon Lake
Las Misiones
Camp John Hay
Hong Kong Golf Course
Shek O Country Club
Tanah Merah CC
Leopard Creek
803.641.6663 | 866.641.6663