Save the art - Legambiente
Save the art - Legambiente
MAIN ACTIVITIES CAMPAIGNING The most important campaigns are: Goletta Verde (Green Schooner) Cento Strade per Giocare (One hundred streets to play) Mal’aria (Sick Air) Operazione Fiumi (Operation Rivers) Piccola Grande Italia (Little Big Italy) Puliamo il Mondo (Clean up the World) Salvalarte (Save the Art) Treno Verde (Green Train) Why Legambiente is involved in the cultural heritage sector? ÖThe cultural heritage is a key element of the quality of a region and contribute to create social cohesion of both local and national identity. ÖThe cultural heritage in a specific territory creates a widespread social awareness and become an important factor of cultural growth of the area. In Italy the support of cultural heritage and the promotion and organization of cultural activities is stated in the National Constitution The authorities responsible for the vertical subsidiary are the State Ö the Regions Ö the Provinces Ö the Municipalities Ö But the vertical subsidiary is assisted by the horizontal one The citizens individually or in partnership can contribute to the pursuit of public interests, including the promotion of cultural heritage. When we are in partnership, we became an associations for the promotion of cultural heritage. Legambiente national activities in the cultural heritage sector National awareness campaign Salvalarte & Salvailmuseo National awareness campaign Piccola Grande Italia Legambiente Civil Protection Department Volontariambiente – the national groupworking on theworkcamps and volunteer activities ‘SAVE THE ART’ OBJECTIVES ARE: Ö To give back to the people an appreciation of parts of cultural history, represented by works of art and architecture, that have been forgotten Ö To demonstrate how enhancing and promoting forgotten areas of cultural heritage can be a way to create new jobs Ö To promote a unified and environmentally sustainable approach to development where cultural interest is stressed APPROACH ALL PEOPLE Discovering and understanding the meaning of forgotten works of art is a way of learning about your own cultural heritage. TO DEMONSTRATE THE POOR STATE OF CONSERVATION OF MUCH OF OUR CULTURAL HERITAGE. THREATS INCLUDE: Ö Neglect and careless protection or restoration Ö Vandalism Ö Air pollution NEGLECT AND CARELESS PROTECTION OR RESTORATION VANDALISM ‘SAVE THE MUSEUM’ In Italy there are than more 4700 museums allocate in the whole country Just 10% of them are national the others are regional, provincial, municipal, private and ecclesiastical In the last 60 years the slow, but natural process of monument’s aging, is become faster because of the environmental pollution. The air pollution negatively impacts the monuments that are en plein air, but it enters also in the schools, in the hospital and in the museums, because we are not able to stop the circulation air and the pollution too. Most of the Italian’s museums are built in the end of the XIX century and at the time the architects didnt’ think about modern pollution problems. So in this time the damages of air pollution on the art craft as painting, arazzo, textiles, are many and diversified like erosion, dirty, discolours etc. In the 2001 the Italian legislation promulgates a law to fix the limits of the polluting substances that are allowed in the museum and other guidelines. But one year before Legambiente, with a new campaing named Salvalilmuseo (Save the museum), starts to do the analysis of air quality in few public museums and the result was not so encouraging. POLLUTANT MUSEUM ARCHIVES sulphur dioxide (SO2) <1 µg/mc 15-25µg/mc nitrogen dioxide (NO2) <5 µg/mc 10-20µg/mc 2 µg/mc 10-20µg/mc ozone (O3) MATERIAL Internal mural painted DAMAGE POLLUTANT Superficial erosion Fouling Discolouring Acid gases (SO2, NO2, CO2) Cellulosic material & tissue Embrittlement Defibration Opacification Discolouring SOx, NOx, O3, Leather Embrittlement Fouling Cracking Superficial powdering SOx, NOx, O3 Black crusts Wood swelling SOx, NOx, NH3 Wood particulate matter particulate matter particulate matter Ge nova - SO2 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 Ge nova - NO2 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 Genova - O3 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 In the 2007 Legambiente, in collaboration with Italy ICOM, has realized an investigation through a questionnaire in 200 museums in order to explore the position of the museums after the publication of the guidelines % Staff shortages % Use of funding The distribution of the questionnaire showed that the 73% of museums are aware of the natural and anthropoid risks of territory: 5% 32% Earthquake (56%) Hydro geological (25%) Industrial (5%) Forest fire (19%) 63% si no non sa % the emergency plan The Directors of the museums (47%) know that exist a civil Protection municipal plan; but only 32% has got a specific emergency plan for the museum SALVALARTE’s success In the civil society, it’s very important the role that of the citizen play as the principle actors in the changing of bad habits. The cultural heritage is something that the citizens have to feel like how a part fundamental, of their life. Every year Legambiente publish reports and dossier: Ecomafia (Eco-crimes): Legambiente’s fight against the illegal traffic and disposal of waste, illegal excavation and unauthorised building, and the effort to make the public opinion aware of various phenomena of environmental illegality through an annual report and other activities. Archeomafia In the same dossier is published Archeomafia dealing with the illegal traffic of cultural heritage. Place where is stolen the cultural heritage Place Number % Museums 18 2,2 Local and private authorities 83 10,2 Churches 403 49,3 Private 313 38,3 Total 817 100 Source Carabinieri TPC 2010 Number of cultural heritage stolen Place Number % 138 0,7 Local and private authorities 11.020 54,2 Churches 2.286 11,3 Private 6.876 33,8 Total 20.320 100 Museums Source Carabinieri TPC 2010 Archeomafia business 2010 Estimated value € Cultural Heritage recovered or sequestered 69.655.251,00 Fake sequestered 123.886.340,00 Oter sequestered stuff 22.579.600,00 Total 216.121.191,00 Source Carabinieri TPC 2010 The best way to oppose the illegal traffic is to talk about these themes, because for the thieves becomes more difficult sale the objects. This is why, in the 2010, Archeomfia becomes a Cartoon exhibition, realized in cooperation with the Carabinieri TPC History of Art &Crime six investigations of “Carabinieri dell’Arte” explained by cartoon for Legambiente The artcraft and the cartoon in the same exibition …a good chance to learn how to love Italian cultura heritage LITTLE BIG ITALY This is Legambiente’s campaign born in 2001 to promote and increase the role and importance of the small Italian municipalities for environmental protection LittleBigItaly’s Numbers Ö72% of Italian municipalities have less than 5.000 habitants Ö19% of the Italian population lives in these municipalities Öthese municipalities’ territory represents 55% of the Italian land mass Small municipalities are the guardian of the largest part of Italy’s extraordinary artistic, historical, natural and even gastronomic heritage LEGAMBIENTE CIVIL PROTECTION It’s ready to operate in case of disaster. Has got a properly teams with a high level training course and specialization. LEGAMBIENTE CIVIL PROTECTION The team is able to put in safety sculptures, paintings, historical archives, etc LEGAMBIENTE CIVIL PROTECTION Not just emergency response Ö Training and analysis courses Ö Exercises and training activities Ö Meetings and conventions Volunteers for Environment is aimed at enhancing public awareness on environmental issues such as promoting green tourism in order to develop a sustainable economy, at helping people to be proactive for the conservation of our natural and cultural heritage The volunteers are involved in different kinds of work camps as conservation of historical sites. [email protected]