April 2012 - Arlington Gem and Mineral Club


April 2012 - Arlington Gem and Mineral Club
VOL.64, ISSUE 4, April 2012
Tom McCormick
We had a great turn out at the March meeting.
Saturday March 11 Don Whitney held his forging and tool making session. It was a
success and the students were able to make 5 tools each before the clouds opened up and
finished the day inside. Many Thanks to Don.
Ronnee Murday has had to resign as the head of the Jade Project for personal reasons. I
would like to thank her for such an outstanding job. I’m sure we all wish her well. Carl
Wells will work on contacting someone who could possibly assume the role.
We received a note from Bill and Kay of the AKS Show thanking the club for participation
at their Grapevine Show. Their next show will be in August and as we get closer to the
dates we will be looking for volunteers for demonstrations and classes. We had a great
turnout this last show and signed up some new members and had some renewals also.
The Glass Fusing books that were ordered from the library budget have been received and
will be cataloged for the library.
At the April meeting watch for the signup sheet for the brand new “Chasing and
Repousee” classes due to start in May. This is a new offering for the classes at AGMC and
is bound to be exciting. John Alexander has been “spearheading” the project.
We need a list of members that don’t have email and want The Hound’s Tale mailed to
them. The list was started at the March General Meeting. Just a reminder that the code for
the gate is the first four numbers of the door code followed by the enter key.
CLUB PURPOSE: To encourage the study of earth
sciences, lapidary arts and other related fields, and to
enjoy good fellowship with those who share like
[email protected]
World Wide Web Home Page
Business meeting and program 1st Tuesday 7:30PM
AGMC Board Meeting Last Tuesday 7:00PM
We hope to have the Dallas Intergem Show information at the April meeting. We will need
volunteers to drape the tables during set up before the dealers arrive and then have
volunteers for our club booth to do demonstrations and talk about our club and how to
become members.
A special thanks to all who brought food to the March meeting. Please don’t forget April’s
Kathy Lawrence is always looking for articles and stories to publish in the Hound’s Tale
and the deadline for submissions is the 15th of each month.
Tom McCormick
ELECTED OFFICERS (Voting Positions)
Treasurer - Finance
1st Vice Pres (Operational/Educational Classes)
2nd Vice Pres (Programs)
3rd Vice Pres (Field Trips)
4th Vice Pres (Youth Education Programs)
Delegate at Large (Omnibudsperson)
Tom McCormick
Sue Poarch
Stephen Bennett
Emie Stewart
Carl Wells
Bob Boyd
Torre Quinn
Ray Wilkes
Arlie The Rockhound Says:
Please Abide By Our AGMC Club Usage Policy
Only those members in good standing may take
classes or use the Club’s assets.
No Club assets or equipment may be used
except as follows:
Shop equipment may be used only when a shop
supervisor is present. Class equipment may be
used only under the supervision of the instructor
of the class for which that equipment is required.
Class instructors and shop supervisors are the
authority for activities during their class or shop
time, respectively. This includes, but is not
limited to, the presence of non-class members.
Classes, workshops, and labs must be scheduled
through the 1st Vice President. Open Shop time
is scheduled by the Lapidary Chairman.
Class fees are due and payable in full at the first
class for all classes in a multi-week course.
Refunds are at the discretion of the instructor.
Classes and workshops must have a minimum of
2 students, plus the instructor. Classes failing to
meet the minimum may be cancelled or
rescheduled at the discretion of the 1st Vice
Past President (Donations Chairman )
Newsletter (The Hound’s Tale) Editor
Show Chairperson
Lapidary Department Chairperson
Membership Chairperson
Elaine O’Donley
Kathy Lawrence
Jack Spinks
Don Lawrence
Lilli Lehtonen
APPONTED POSITIONS (Non-Voting Positions)
Library Chairperson
Historian Chairperson
Building Chairperson
Grounds Chairperson
Grounds assistant
Hospitality Chairperson
Welcome Chairperson
International Gem and Jewelry Chairperson
Telephone calling Chairperson
Educational Outreach – School Curriculum
Graphic Designer
Newsletter Mailing Chairperson
Susan Hale
Beth Spinks
Mike Armstrong
Leslye Wilkes
Sandra Brazzale
Joyce Speed
Elaine Berry
Steve and Mary Hilliard
Marge Harrand
Torre Quinn
Darcy Sety
Published monthly by the Arlington Gem and Mineral Club.
Lapidary related ads and articles from members of AGMC are welcomed. They will
be placed on a space available basis, first in first out. Include your name and contact
Send ads and articles to Kathy Lawrence at our web site:
http://www.agemclub.org, click on “CONTACTS” (upper right), then, on
the next page click on “Hound’s Tale Editor” (bottom center)
Deadline date for ads and articles
is the 15th of the month.
Unless otherwise noted, permission granted for non-commercial reproduction of articles
provided they remain essentially intact and credit is given to the author and original source.
Where noted, the author retains the copyright and must be contacted for permission to
reproduce the article. All articles may also be used as reference provided citation is given.
April 2012 issue of The Hounds Tale, Kathy Lawrence, Editor.
April 2012
Date: March 6, 2012, General Meeting
Call to Order: President Tom McCormick
called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
Secretary’s Report:
Sue Poarch
The minutes from last month were posted in the
Hound’s Tale and on the bulletin board.
Treasurer’s Report: Steve Bennett
Steve reported on both the bank balances and the
CD balances.
Classes: Emie Stewart:
Saturday, Mar 10, will be a daylong workshop
on making Chasing and Repouse tools. Be
certain to read and observe the safety rules.
Fendol Chiles will be holding an alternative
metals class on March 31.
April 14 & 15 Sue Poarch will teach screenprinting on glass. Participants should have had
the beginning glass class.
The beginning Chasing and Repousse class at
AGMC will start in May. Signup will be in
April. Part of the club’s curriculum will be
making your own Chasing and Repousse
punches. John Alexander is in charge of the
“Making It” will next meet March 25. “Making
it” is a group for emerging artists and meets the
fourth Sunday of each month, from 3 to 5 pm.
It’s open to anyone – bring a snack to share. The
group will be putting together an exhibition to
show at a future club meeting and at the club
show in September.
Fendol Chiles has made and donated a large
forming punch – using this Emie hopes to have a
class in constructing 3 dimensional vessels using
the punch.
Our Facebook page has 150 friends.
April 2012
Tomorrow evening at 7pm there will be a DVD
show faceting a standard round brilliant
Programs: Carl Wells
Russell Ferrel is here to present tonight’s
In April the program will either be the
production and making of glass or an update on
the Arlington anthrosaur dig. Carl has
purchased two books “Agates, Treasures of the
Earth” which will be presented to the library in
memory of Paul Durr. Would anyone who
knows the address or telephone number of Paul’s
daughter please contact Carl Wells with the
information. The second book, “Reflections in
Stone”, includes a faceting concept called
concave faceting.
Field Trips: Bob Boyd
March 24 AGMC in conjunction with the
Facetors guild will be having a field trip to
Mason in Mason County, TX. At least two
ranches will be open for hunting of Texas topaz.
The trip starts at 9 am and costs $20 per person.
Participants meet on the Mason square in front of
the store “Gems of the Hill Country”.
Juniors: Torre Quinn
The March meeting will be wire wrapping. The
central Arlington library has authorized AGMC
holding a Junior’s Day in either May or June.
Delegate at Large: Ray Wilkes. Not present
Sunshine Report: Marge Harrand
A get well card was sent to Don Berry.
A thinking of you card was sent to Charlotte
Newsletter: Kathy Lawrence
([email protected] or the link on the
AGMC Web Page)
Please keep the articles coming. Deadline for
newsletter submissions is the 15 th of the month.
For the members who should be receiving the
Hound’s Tale by mail and are not, please sign up
on the list on the membership table. Provide
both name and address. AGMC needs a new
volunteer to mail these newsletters.
Show Report: Jack Spinks
We have seven vendors signed up and are
continuing to get vendors lined up. So far the
vendors do not seem upset about the date or
location change. The show is now September
22-23 at 1010 Collins here in Arlington.
Hospitality: Leslye Wilkes
Thanks for the great turnout of food tonight.
Keep it coming – if you did not bring food this
time, please bring some to the next meeting.
Thanks to Ann and Donna for helping.
Membership: Lilli Lehtonen
We have 244 members and four guests.
New members are: Narva Crear, Ron Crear,
Patricia Barnes, Jon Curry, Wes Turner
Past President: Elaine O’Donely
Paul Murrey donated stones to the club –
gemstones - tiger eye and others. Some are for
making the AGMC sign outside.
Look at ccfaceters.com to obtain information on
concave cutting. The stones are totally different
and simply gorgeous. There may be another site
called ccfaceters.me. (Note from the secretary –
I found http://ccfacets.us/ which is a blog about
concave faceting.)
Lapidary: Don Lawrence
The saw room and polishing room is open
Thursday evenings 7 to 9 pm and Saturday
mornings. On the 2nd and 4th Saturday, the
rooms are open from 7 am until noon. On other
Saturdays they are open from 9 am until noon.
They are also open on the second Tuesday from
9 am until noon. On the third Thursday evening
the rooms may be used for free.
Building Manager: Mike Armstrong
The building has had some damage from
someone trying to climb up onto the room using
the pipes and repair will be necessary. The good
news is that the roof still isn’t leaking.
The gate is working but be patient as it opens
slowly. Enter the gate code from the back of
your membership card into the key-pad and press
enter. When you leave, the gate will open via a
trip mechanism.
Old Business: Dale Miller re-introduced the
option of having Wi-Fi installed at AGMC. Beth
Spinks responded that after talking to our carrier,
to change AGMC to a package that includes
April 2012
Wi-Fi the monthly bill would go up $20 plus tax.
There is a connection fee and one time capital
expenses to purchase a router and a modem.
Dale made a motion to proceed with the Wi-Fi.
Elaine O’Donley seconded. Discussion: The
user must have his or her, own computer or hand
held device. Carl reminded the members that the
board had been in favor of obtaining Wi-Fi once
we had the actual costs. The motion carried.
New Business: Elaine stressed that AGMC
needs to add some additional lighting outside.
We also need some type of “decorative rock area
containing gravel” as a go between the mosque
parking lot and AGMC’s entrance. Tom took an
action item to discuss both of these items at the
next board meeting.
Drawings/Raffle: Name Badge/Sign In:
Jacqueline Chirunga – bag of rocks, Wayne
Detjen - graphite
Raffle: Sandra Brazzale – sapphires, Randy
Lantz – agate, Charles May – flint, Dale Miller slab
Patricia Barnes – agate
San Antonio, Lubbock, and Abilene have shows
shortly. These will be followed by the show at
Alpine which includes field trips to the Walker
Additional information on the Facetors guild
meeting will be posted on the bulletin board.
A reminder to be careful of cleaning the tables
following glass cutting was made at the meeting.
In the board meeting one of the chairs had glass
Tom received a note from Bill and Kay of the
AKS show thanking us for our involvement in
the show. Their next show dates are August
10th thru the 12th.
There is a flyer posted on the bulletin board
about the fourth annual world rock tumbling
championship. If you are interested, please read
the flyer.
Emie needs a few people to assist her in staining
and sealing the new workbenches that were made
by Jack Spinks.
Ronnie Murday is moving and has resigned from
the chairmanship of the designing part of the
jade project. AGMC needs additional people on
this committee. Please contact Carl Wells if you
are interested.
Choctaw Indian Who Outsmarted the
Corporation and Saved the Dinosaur”.
Program :Russell Ferrel presented the March
program. He is the author of a new book with
the longest title – “Acrocanthosaurus The Bones
of Contention The True Story of Cephis Hall and
Sid Love The Arkansas Hillbilly and the
The Meeting Adjourned at approximately 9:45
Submitted by:
Sue Poarch, Secretary AGMC
Bench Tips by Brad Smith
A much better approach is to use a core drill. This is
a small hollow tube with a coating of diamond grit at
the business end. The diamonds easily carve out a
circular arc without undue pressure or heat buildup.
Small pieces need to be held securely while drilling
or burring to prevent them from spinning if the drill
A quick solution is to hold the work piece with a pair
of pliers or your ring clamp. Another alternative is to
clamp your piece to the bench pin or a thin board. If
using pliers, you can avoid scratches by putting a
little tape over the jaws.
One of the things my students often ask to do is drill
a hole through a piece of gemstone. The usual
thought is to get a diamond drill, but I've found these
often break or burn up. The reason I think is that the
drill pivots on the piece of diamond on the drill
tip. By pivoting the diamond does not cut. When it
doesn't cut, you tend to add more force, and the drill
is damaged by excess heat.
A much better approach is to use a core drill. This is
a small hollow tube with a coating of diamond grit at
the business end. The diamonds easily carve out a
circular arc without undue pressure or heat buildup.
Core drills are readily available from lapidary and
jewelry supply companies. They come in sizes as
small as 1mm and are reasonable in price, for
instance $6 for 2mm diameter.
Chuck up the core drill in a drill press or a Foredom
and be sure to keep the drilling zone wet to cool the
tool and to flush out debris. Also, if you're drilling a
through hole, go very easy on the pressure as the drill
is about to break through. Otherwise you will usually
chip off some of the stone surface around the hole.
More BenchTips by Brad Smith are at
groups.yahoo.com/group/BenchTips/ or
April 2012
A huge thank you to MaryTrammell, Emerson Tucker, and Joyce Speed for helping to sell tickets. So far we have sent
130 purchased tickets to AFMS. Thanks also to Emerson Tucker, Joyce Speed, and the Gulf Coast G & M Club for
donation of items. I hope the items will be added to the AFMS website by the time you read this letter.
Go to www.amfed.org and click on 2012 AFMS Endowment Fund Drawing on the home page. Please contact me, if
you or members of your club would like to purchase tickets. Information has been in the last two
Newsletters, but here it is again. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. To order, make your check payable to
“AFMS Endowment Fund” and mail it long with a stamped self-addressed envelope to:
Virginia Adian
109 Katie Court
Boerne, TX 78006
Be sure to include your name, address and phone number when placing your order. Sending an address label with
your phone number added for each ticket will be most helpful. Also indicate which, if any, of the first four items
you wish your ticket(s) submitted. All tickets not designated for one of the first four items will be placed in random
drawing for items #5 and above. Here is a picture of the beautiful sphere, which The Gulf Coast Gem &
Mineral Club, Corpus Christi, Texas has to the AFMS Endowment Fund Raffle.
We are still in need of a Website Contest Coordinator. Although Don Shurtz officially resigned last year from
this duty along with BEAC, he generously arranged for judging one more time. We really must replace him in
2012. This job does not require as much work as other contests. The coordinator does not have to be a club
webmaster, but does need to be a club member and knowledgeable about websites. Please contact me if
you are interested in accepting this responsibility or have someone to recommend. [email protected]
Call For Competitive Displays
By Ed Gage
The South Central Federation will be holding the show this fall in Jasper, TX on August 25 - 26 . This is a
great opportunity to put together a display and enter it for competition. There are some great displays out
there in the club shows that could do very well if entered for awards. A display must first be entered in the
SCFMS show. If it scores high enough, it may be entered in the AFMS (National Show) for additional
awards and recognition. The national show will be held in Austin in 2015 so it will be the closest and most
convenient for several years before it rotates back to our region.
There are numerous categories for displays to be entered for competition. Please go to the AFMS website
and there is a link on the home page for the “Uniform Rules.” Take a look at the “Uniform Rules” to see
where your display might fit. Please take some time to read through the sections which may apply to your
display. Be sure to read the General Section in the front to see rules that apply to all categories. If you have
any questions you may send a message to [email protected] and I will try to answer it.
Thanks for your help in making the regional show a great one by entering a display for competition. The
displays are judged against the rule book posted on the AFMS site and not judged against each other so
being familiar with the rules will make it much easier to get a high score.
Ed Gage, Chair SCFMS Uniform Rule
April 2012
An Invitation to: A Cutters’ Competition
Submitted by Edward Clay
The Houston Gem and Mineral Society is offering a cutters competition, Open to all cutters. It will be a judged
competition based on Role judging Guidelines. First Prize will be $200; Second Prize is $100. The entries are
due no later than September 15th. The materials to be cut are Chrysoprase, Imperial Jasper (red or green) and
(Labradorite or Spectrolite).
The cuts will consist of: A pair cut to match The H.G.M.S. lapidary sections Template #4, the asymmetrical
teardrop shape marked 15 MM in dimension; (the two should be cut mirror image from each other). A single
stone to match the cushioned (pillowed) triangle 20 MM on Template #4; A single stone cut to match the
Marquise cut on Template #1 marked 30 MM. The complete entry will consist of 4 stones cut in 3 shapes as
listed above.
The Templates can be ordered from the H.G.M.S. website:
Send entries plus a $15 entry fee and $6 for return postage to
Phyllis George.
22407 Park Point Dr.
Katy TX. 77450
Checks should be made out to H.G.M.S lapidary Section. The entries and awards will be shown at the
H.G.M.S. show of 2012 and displayed through the show starting Nov 9 th through the 11th. They will be returned
within three weeks after the show.
Quality of stone, proper orientation placement of pattern.......................15 Points
No flat spots, scratches, sufficient sanding, etc.....................................25 Points
High luster, water glass finish..................................................................30 Points
Dome, outline, curvature.........................................................................15 Points
Back Bevel even and approximately 45 degree........................................5 Points
Bezel edge if present even.......................................................................5 Points
Accuracy of template size..........................................................................5 points
A back bevel is required on all submitted stones. A bezel edge is allowed and not required but must be even and
consistently cut if present. The stones must fit the template used without being too large or too loose when
finished polished. Judging will be done with the aid of a 10x Jewelers Loupe.
Questions contact Edward Clay at:
[email protected]
April 2012
Results of the Advanced Glass – Slumping and Draping plus miscellaneous
By Sue Poarch
First we experimented with slumping into a mold. Step one was to create what I call a blank –
the fused piece of glass that is then slumped into the mold. Below on the left are small bowls to be used as a tea bag holder, pill holder, etc. To the right is a slumped, square bowl about 5
inches square.
Two of the draping blanks turned out so nice that the students elected not to drape the piece, but
use as is. One is shown below:
April 2012
One miscellaneous project was to make “fossils” from glass. This technique uses live leaves: see
Another miscellaneous project was the firing of dichroic glass to temperatures over 1700. This is
one way to use scrapes or to reform disasters. Below are several results:
April 2012
Results of draping glass over a mold.
By Sue Poarch
Two molds were used: the first created either a business card holder or a napkin holder.
The other draping projects used a “Floral Former” – this is made of stainless steel and looks like
an upside down water tumbler. The results vary with the glass, the shapes of the glass blank, and
the sizes. One can even drape two un-fused pieces of glass as in the red example. The first
picture below is of a fused blank in the kiln and ready to heat. Next to it is the finished product.
April 2012
April 14 Little Rock, AR Central AR Gem Mineral & Geology Society Annual Swap; Burns Park; Elder
Johnson Pavilion; Sat 9-5; FREE; contact Mike Austen, (501) 868-4553; email: [email protected]
April 14 – 15, Abilene, Tx ; : Central Texas Gem & Mineral Society Show; Abilene Civic Center; N 6 th & Pine
Street; Sat 10-6, Sun 10-5; adults $3, children (6-12) $1.50, under 6 free w/adult; gems, jewels, slabs, rough,
lapidary tools and supplies,
demonstrations, fluorescent display, silent auction, Wheel of Fortune, sand art, hourly door prizes, grand prize
drawing; contact Linda Hollowell, (325) 721-4477; Website: www.txol.net/rockclub
April 14 – 15 Siloam Springs, AR , : Northwest Arkansas Gem & Mineral Society Annual Show; Siloam
Springs Community Bldg; 100 N Mt. Olive Street; Sat 9-6, Sun 10-5; adults $4, students and children $2;
dealers, rough, finished and faceted stones, fossils, jewelry, educational exhibits, lapidary demonstrations,
children's area; contact DeLane Cox, 8152 Spanker Ridge Drive, Bentonville, AR 72712, (479) 254-0894;
email: [email protected]; Website: www.nwarockhounds.org
April 28-29 , Lubbock,Tx; LGMS Annual show;; Lubbock Civic Center; 1501 Mac Davis Lane; Sat & Sun 10-5;
adults $4,
seniors $3, students (6-12) $2, children (under 6) and Scouts in uniform free; Website:
May 12, Arlington, Tx; AGMC tentative date for the Annual Rock Swap Meet
Lapidary Calendar for April 2012
4/5/2012 - 1st Thursday - Jeremy Dubhros (7:30pm - 9:30pm)
4/7/2012 - 1st Saturday – Ray Wilkes (9:00am – Noon)
4/10/2012 – 2nd Tuesday – Steve Bennet (9:00am - Noon)
4/12/2012 - 2nd Thursday – Barbara Maloney (7:00pm - 9:00pm)
4/14/2012 - 2nd Saturday – TBA (9:00 am - Noon)
4/17/2012 - 3rd Tuesday – (Free Tuesday) Bob Boyd (7:00pm - 9:00pm)
4/19/2012 - 3rd Thursday – Don Whitney (7:00pm - 9:00pm)
4/21/2012 - 3rd Saturday – TBA (9:00am – Noon)
4/26/2012 - 4th Thursday – Frank O’Donley (7:00pm - 9:00pm)
4/28/2012 - 4th Saturday – Don Lawrence (7:00 am - Noon)
April 2012
Local Area Club Meetings
Dallas Gem & Mineral Society, 10205 Plano Rd, off of Plano Rd, Dallas, TX, meets the 3rd Tue. of each month at 7 pm
Oak Cliff Gem & Min Soc, South Hampton Community Hospital, 2929 S. Hampton Rd, Dls, TX, 4th Tue. each month at 7 pm
Fort Worth Gem & Mineral Club, 3545 Bryan Avenue, Ft Worth, TX, meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm
Dallas Paleontological Society, EMGI (Bldg H, Brookhaven College, 3939 Valley View Ln, 75244), 2nd Wed each month at 7:30 pm
Pleasant Oaks Gem & Mineral Club, Garland Women's Bldg., 713 Austin, Garland, meets the 1st Thur. of each month at 7:30 pm
Lockheed-Martin Stone Steppers, 3400 Bryant-Irving Road, Fort Worth, meets the 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 pm
April 2012 Class Report, by Emie Stewart
Special Workshops: Sue Poarch will teach a workshop on
screen printing on glass the weekend of April 14 – 15. You
must have already had beginning fused glass.
NEW! Chasing & Repousse Class: Beginning on
Thursday night, May 17, club members will teach a 9 week
class in chasing and repousse, including making your own
tools. These members have already received instruction
under Tom and Kay Benham, and are generously sharing
their knowledge with other members. Pending Board
approval, the club may purchase 5 sets of chasing and
repousse tools for use by students in the class. An additional
five members who have their own tools may also take the
class. The sign up sheet will be posted at the April meeting.
Making It Discussion Group: The Group will meet on
Sunday, April 22, from 3 – 5 p.m. The group is open to all
club members interested in selling their work. We provide a
nurturing and supportive environment along with lots of
useful information, so bring a snack to share and come join
Class Postings: Signup sheets for classes and workshops
are posted on the hallway bulletin board at the clubhouse at
7:00 PM on the 1st Tuesday night of each month. They are
usually posted a month before the class is scheduled to
begin. Only current members, who have paid their
membership fee, may sign up. The class schedule is
published in the club’s newsletter, available via email from
the President and on the club’s website at
www.agemclub.org. When you sign up, please include your
April 2012
phone number and email in case the instructor needs to
contact you. Also, please note the club’s no show policy, set
forth below and on each signup sheet.
Thank You: A big thank you to Don Whitney for bringing
his forge and hammers to the club to teach a basic
blacksmithing class. Look for photos on the club’s
Facebook page. Don will also be making five sets of
chasing and repousse tools for the club. Thanks also to
Fendol Chiles for his donation of a large doming stake and
several railroad anvils. Many thanks to those folks who
continually step up to teach. While other clubs are dying on
the vine, AGMC continues to experience robust growth, due
primarily to active members just like you. If you are
interested in teaching a class or workshop, please contact
Emie Stewart at [email protected]. Thank you for the
generous gift of your time and talent.
AGMC Facebook Page: The club’s Facebook page has
150 fans! Visit the page regularly to see what’s new.
No Shows: If you sign up for a class and are unable to
attend, you must let the instructor know before the class
date so that they can offer your slot to someone on the
waiting list. Failure to do so may cause you to be listed
as a “no show.” Club policy is that no-shows will be
wait-listed for future classes at the instructor’s
AGMC April Class Schedule
Special Workshops:
Screen Printing on Glass
April 14 – 15, 1 – 5 PM
Instructor: Sue Poarch
Cab Class
1st Saturday, 1 – 4 PM
Instructor: Ray Wilkes
2nd Tuesday, 7 – 10 PM
Instructor: Stephen Bennett
Wednesdays, 7 – 9 PM
Instructor: Mike Knuth/Elaine
O’Donley/Frank Krystinik
4th Saturday, 1 – 4 PM
Instructor: Barbara Maloney
Glass Fusing: Beginning
1st & 3rd Saturdays, 1 – 4 PM
Instructor: Lois McCormick
Chainmaking & Wire Jewelry
3rd Thursday, 7 – 9 PM
Instructor: Ann Abate
Beginning Silversmithing CLOSED
Mondays, 7 - 10 PM
Instructor: Jack Spinks
Intermediate Silversmithing
Wednesdays, 7 – 10 PM
Instructor: Rotating
Advanced Silversmithing CLOSED
Fridays, 7 – 10 PM
Instructor: Emie Stewart
Silversmithing Lab
3rd Saturday, 9 – noon
Instructor: Rotating
Glass Fusing: Beginning
2nd & 3rd Tuesdays, 7 – 10 PM
Instructor: Karen Cessna
AGMC Tentative May Class Schedule
Special Workshops:
NEW Class: Chasing & Repousse
Thursdays, beginning May 17, 7 –
10 PM
Instructors: John Alexander,
Marlenia Cohen, Donna Mallory,
and Jack Spinks,
Cab Class:
1st Saturday, 1 – 4 PM
Instructor: Ray Wilkes
2nd Tuesday, 7 – 10 PM
Instructor: Stephen Bennett
Chainmaking & Wire Jewelry
3rd Thursday, 7 – 9 PM
Instructor: Ann Abate
Beginning Silversmithing
Mondays, 7 – 10 PM
Instructor: Jack Spinks
Wednesdays, 7 – 9 PM
Instructor: Mike Knuth/Elaine
O’Donley/Frank Krystinik
Intermediate Silversmithing CLOSED
Wednesdays, 7 – 10 PM
Instructor: Rotating
Glass Fusing: Beginning
2nd & 3rd Tuesdays, 7 – 10 PM
Instructor: Karen Cessna
Advanced Silversmithing CLOSED
Fridays, 7 – 10 PM
Instructor: Emie Stewart
Glass Fusing: Beginning
1st & 3rd Saturdays, 1 – 4 PM
Instructor: Lois McCormick
Silversmithing Lab
3rd Saturday, 9 - noon
Instructor: Rotating
4th Saturday, 1 – 4 PM
Instructor: Barbara Maloney
April 2012