MAR Newsletter 2015
MAR Newsletter 2015
Gold Wing Road Riders Association Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge 2015 Chapter K Staff Becky Sangster Jonathan Bailey Mike Sangster Maryann Jordan Chapter Director Assistant Chapter Director Chapter Educator Chapter Treasurer Open Position Nancy Hrigora Nancy Hrigora Jonathan Bailey Kent & Alice Lash Cliff Sias Maryann Jordan Membership Chairperson Chapter Newsletter Editor Chapter WEB Master Chapter Ride Coordinator Chapter Store 50/50 Coordinator Event Planning Coordinators Mike Hrigora Open Position Open Position Open Position Open Position Sunshine Coordinator Chapter Couple of the Year Chapter Individual of the Year Chapter Historian Chapter Motorist Awareness (520) 229-8670 [email protected] (520) 404-8345 [email protected] (520) 306-7574 [email protected] (520) 299-4440 [email protected] (810) 923-4117 [email protected] (810) 923-4117 [email protected] (520) 404-8345 [email protected] (520)-289-9840 [email protected] (520) 297-9462 [email protected] (520) 299-4440 [email protected] (810) 227-3937 [email protected] Open Position Open Position Open Position Open Position 2015 Arizona District Staff District Director Chuck & Kris Li berty 2951 W. A laska Dr Tucson, AZ 85746 Ph: 520-883-7883 E-mail: Assistant District Director-South Larry & Gail Howard 520-459-0079 E-Mail: [email protected] Assistant District Director-North Jim Oli ver 623-694-6356 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] District Treasurer Dennie Long District Membershi p Cindy Kell y [email protected] m [email protected] District Educator Rich Sturgeon 102 E. 8th Street Benson, AZ 85361 Ph: 520-720-6207 Asst. District Educator Robert Bray Ph: 614-563-8722 E-mail: [email protected] Ph: 623-899-3620 Leadership Traini ng Gail & B ob Johnson 27773 N 129th Lane Peoria, AZ 85383 Ph: 623-414-300 E-mail: [email protected] Asst. District Educator - South OPEN E-mail: [email protected] District Conventi on Coordinator OPEN District MEDIC First Ai d OPEN Conventi on Vendor Coordinator Dan & Donna Humphrey AZ-A 520-204-5223 E-Mail: [email protected] District Motorist Awareness Duncan Saunders [email protected] 520-233-6344 District Newsletter Edi tor Kris Li berty 520- 883-7883 [email protected] ( underscore between names ) Chapter of the Year COY & IOY Coordinator Bill Leach 520-747-5276 520-240-0373 Email: [email protected] District Webmaster Chuck Ains worth (AZ-D) Ph: 480-491-5010 E-mail: [email protected] web master.gwrra@g m District Store Sallie & John B al dwi n (AZ-D) Ph: 480-983-0823 E-mail: [email protected] Arizona Chapters Chapter: Meeting Day/Time: Location: Directors: A 3rd Saturday 08:15 AM Breakfast 09:00 Meeting Golden Corral 4380 East 22nd Street@co, Tucson Dennis & Debbie A mmons (520) 405-5455 [email protected] m C 4th Wednesday 5:30 PM Pizza Hut Lake Havasu City. Alan Weaver 928-458-7842 D 2nd Saturday 07:30 AM E 1st Saturday 08:00 AM Breakfast - 09:00 AM Meeting G [email protected] Old Country Buffet 6625 E Southern Ave. Mesa, AZ Teena and Ted Prentice 602-438-9660 [email protected] Larry & Gail Howard 520-459-0079 L.Howard@g m 2nd Saturday 09:00 AM Golden Corral 798 South Highway 92, Sierra Vista Coyote Grill San Ignacio Go lf Club Green Valley K 4th Saturday 08:00 AM Breakfast - 09:00 AM Meeti ng Golden Corral 6865N.Thornydale Tucson, AZ O 1st Saturday 8:00AM Breakfast 9:00AM Ride Perkin’s Restaurant 2250 AZ 95 Bullhead City, AZ Becky Sangster (520) 229-8670 rsangster.06@co Greg Bro wn 760-500-3084 [email protected] R 3rd Saturday 08:00 AM Old Country Buffet 17125 N 79th Ave, Glendale, AZ S 1st Saturday 07:30 AM The Egg I Am 10155 E Via Linda Scottsdale , AZ U 3rd Saturday 08:00 AM The Landing Bar & Grill 195 S. 4th Ave Yu ma, AZ Chris & Sandy Ward 928-580-2996 [email protected] m 4th Saturday 08:00 AM Prescott Golf & Country Club Dewey, AZ Sandy Gaston 928-759-9719 [email protected] m P X 4th Saturday 7:30 Meeting 8:15 Dee Baird 1-520-730-6849 [email protected] m Jim Oliver 623-581-8472 [email protected] John Read 480-406-5871 [email protected] s Golden Corral Mike & Mary Anne Melby Flo rence Blvd 408-963-8392 Casa Grande , AZ [email protected] m ======================================================================================= GWRRA – Arizona Chapter “K” Kachina Chapter March/April 2015 Director’s Corner RIDE OFTEN, RIDE SAFE AND HAVE FUN!!!!! REMEMBER TO UTILIZE OUR SPONSORS. By: Becky Sangster Chapter Director RIDE, RIDE, & RIDE The next few months will be the last few months that it is not HOT, HOT. So let‟s ride. We need some sponsors for the rides scheduled in April, May and June. If you are interested in sponsoring or doing an impromptu ride, please RSVP at [email protected]. REMEMBER to register for Regional “F” Fun Family Reunion at JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort & Spa for May 22nd- May24th. Chapter K is in charge of rides on Saturday May 23 rd. One ride in the morning, one ride in the afternoon, and maybe an oddity ride are being discussed. Please let me know if you would like to be a sponsor on one of these rides. April 18th is Mussleman‟s Honda motorcycle show and some of the activities include prize drawings every half hour 10-3, give away bike – 1973 350 Honda Scramble , bike show, 30% off tires and 15% off everything..other specials. Open from 8:30 to 5:00 and should be there no later than noon to enter drawings. As mentioned in February newsletter, the chapter is having a fund raiser in the fall. We will be selling “stuff” at the Tanque Verde Swap Meet. These items do not need to be motorcycle related. Anything would be appreciated. Chapter Educator’s Corner Practice Does Not Help… By Bob Berry …Unless the practice is correct. We know two things for sure from experience and research that have a direct effect on our ability to ride safely. In the absence of practice, learned skills begin to deteriorate 6- months after they are learned; You will do in an emergency what you have practiced doing. Fortunately for Southern Arizona members, there is ample opportunity to learn how to practice correctly via MSF and GWRRA Riding courses that are readily available. In fact, there is a Trike Rider Course and a GW Advanced Rider Course scheduled right here for the end of May. See your Educator for details. Taking these courses gives us a chance to develop and/or hone our skills and to learn how to correctly practice those skills long after the course is over. So, let me ask you this. When was the last time you took a riding course, or spent an hour or so in a parking lot practicing the skills critical to safe riding (braking, cornering, swerving)? If your answer is “more than 6-months,” maybe it‟s time. The HURT study tells us that over 90% of the riders who crashed, did nothing to avoid the crash. Why? See item two above. They “practiced” doing nothing so they did nothing. Take yourself out of that “do nothing” equation, find an appropriate practice area and revisit those skills you learned in a rider course. And if you have not yet taken a rider course, well, you can‟t practice correctly if you don‟t know what “correct” is. Be smart. Be safe. Have fun The Next Ride (Advanced Leadership Seminars) WW [Bill] Trask, AZ District Trainer April 2015 This month we‟ll discuss Advanced Leadership Seminars. These are important, informative and a necessity for anyone hoping to get into a leadership post on GWRRA. The chapter leadership posts are: Chapter Director, Assistant Director, Educator, Assistant Educator, Treasurer, and Membership. Anyone, however,can take these seminars: they are very useful for any role you may like to assume. So, what is a leader? People will listen to and follow someone who does not always get their own way, but listens and reacts to others around them. A true leader is not someone who tells you what to do, but someone who guides you when you need direction. A person of one-sided opinions and limited listening skills can be of interest for a short time; but in the long run they usually get boring. A real leader in GWRRA has to listen to many ideas and sort out the ones that work best for the group, not an individual. Here are the Intermediate Skills seminars you may want to consider: 1. The Nature of Leadership – This seminar sets the stage for the following seminars. Attendees begin to develop or refine existing leadership skills and self-awareness through self-assessment exercises. 2. High Impact Leadership Skills – What leaders have, are and do in a principle centered style. Explore the differences between leading and managing and look at some key leadership techniques. 3. People Based Leadership Skills – Leading volunteers requires special skills for teambuilding, delegating, and coaching. Learn how motivating and leading is seen from the Members‟ point of view. 4. Leadership Survival Skills – Excellent leaders must learn to adapt to quickly changing situations while keeping the proper perspective. They also have to learn good time management skills and maintain a balance between their home, personal, work, and GWRRA life. 5. True Colors – An interesting discussion of leadership types based on four colors rather than the sixteen possible Myers-Briggs types. Investigate how a mix of “colors” makes a strong team. 6. Coaching and Mentoring – Leading by coaching and mentoring helps the whole team grow and become more cohesive and energetic. Find out how to be a more successful leader by utilizing the strengths of your team. You need them more than they need you. 7. Conflict Management – Most people are inherently afraid of conflict and would rather avoid it. However, like problems, conflicts do not go away and will only escalate over time. Learn some tactics to deal with conflict and how to correctly respond to the different types of conflict. 8. Studies in Applied Leadership – In a group discussion setting actual events are discussed to determine how they could have ended on a positive note. Attendees will use the principles and concepts they have learned in previous seminars to work through the scenarios. In addition to these the following seminars are offered to the Membership as comprehensive and focused extended training for a particular purpose. They include the following: . Horizon Program . University Trainer Development Program (UTDP) . Officer Certification Program (OCP) These seminars are offered at various times throughout the year. If you have not seen or heard of them, contact your Chapter Director and ask about when you can get involved. If you want to be a leader, these seminars are here for you. Take advantage of them. If you are not interested in leadership take them anyway for a chance to see how things actually work. It is easy to criticize how things are handled; it is another thing to actually learn why they work the way they do. You can benefit with GWRRA University training. Next month: Let‟s talk about the Horizon, University Trainer, and Officer Certification programs..! Chapter K Rides / Photos . Talking with Bruce Butler ex „Marlboro Man‟, now a metal sculptor . Bob receiving a „safety‟ award from Mr. Sunshine at the Chapter meeting in Februar. Psst, how many nudes do you see in this sculpture? . Viewing many large metal sculptures in the yard, while on Oddities II ride. Unbelievable creative homeowner‟s wall/yard by recycling all sorts of items. All from the creator‟s mind and hands. GWRRA Staff and AZ-K members Viewing colors in Saguaro on a pretty afternoon. Waiting for the Chili …. Judging AZ-A Chili Cook-off … or just sneaking tastes??? And the Chili Cook-off winner from AZ-K...Mike . Chapter Safe Miles Program Please remember to submit your miles each month at the chapter meeting on the “sign in sheet” or email them to Nancy Hrigora at [email protected] by the end of each month. Please put ‘SAFE MILES AZ-K ‘ in the subject line. This makes it easier to identify your email. 8 9th 22nd th APRIL BIRTHDAYS SHIRLEY BEAVEN LIZ BAILEY Althea Berry APRIL ANNIVERSARIES ( None ) CHAPTER AZ-K SAFE MILES 2015 GOAL 100,000 MILES THOUGHTS from MIKE Submitted by Mike Hrigora Never surrender the youth in your heart. Life is a dance. Lead. Don‟t follow. REMINDER: Restart your mileage records , we are recording miles for 2015 . Attract luck by being prepared. When someone offers you ice cream , a compliment, or a breath mint , take it. If walking is good for your health , postman and UPS drivers should be immortal. Birthdays and Anniversaries GWRRA INFORMATION FROM CHARLES LIBERTY MARCH BIRTHDAYS None MARCH ANNIVERSARIES 8 JON & LIZ BAILEY Last week Jim Oliver (Chapter R Director and Assistant District Director) met with the GWRRA Home Office personnel to talk about the upcoming 40 To Phoenix event which will be held on April 16th this year. Below is what transpired. th The Home Office will be hosting an Open House with games, festivities, rides, door prize drawings, etc.... The 40 To Phoenix Riders will be arriving at the Home Office the morning of April 16th around 8:30 AM. There will be a group photo shoot held between 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM. Home Office Tours will start around 10:00 AM and will run approx every 15 minutes. The Phoenix Valley Chapters are planning a couple rides leaving the Home Office by 10:30 AM with plans to stop for lunch as part of the ride. There will be an on-site food wagon like last year for those not going on rides or wanting to leave the property. Like last year, the Home Office will have quite a bit of GWRRA items and merchandise on display and discounted to GWRRA Members. Door Prize drawings are scheduled for around 2:00 PM. After the day at the Home Office (approx 5:30 pm), the group will travel to the Old Country Buffet (9620 N. Metro Parkway #153) at the Metrocenter Mall and all are invited. Cost has been cut to $12.50 per person and this includes food, beverage, tax and tip. Mark your calendars and try to attend. ………………………………………………….. GWRRA is looking for some volunteer help at the Reno Rendezvous. GWRRA is setting up a store to sell their items at this year‟s Reno Rendezvous and could use a helping hand. If anyone is interested in doing so please let me know. I have been told that the Home Office will be sure and say "Thank You" to those that help. .................................................................. Keith Morrison, our Region F Director has asked the District Directors to see if there is anyone within the District that would like to lead a ride to Huntsville, Alabama for the 2015 Wing Ding. So please ask around to see if anyone is interested, either through e- mail or at the next couple Chapter Gatherings (or both). There was talk that the individual (or couple) that is chosen to do so could possibly have their registration reimbursed. Ask around and let me know by the first of June, 2015. Thanks! …………………………………………………… Duncan Saunders has been appointed as the new Arizona District Motorist Awareness Coordinator. He follows Cliff and Char Simpson who have recently been appointed as Region F Motorist Awareness Coordinators. Duncan and his wife, Judy reside in /Florence, AZ and have been GWRRA members for almost 20 years. They have served in various GWRRA positions in Maine, New Hampshire, and AZ. Those included Chapter Director, Chapter Educator, Chapter Motorist Awareness Coordinator and Chapter Treasurer. We welcome Duncan and Judy to the AZ District Staff and look forward to his leadership as we move forward with our Motorist Awareness Program in Arizona. Following is their contact information: Email: [email protected] Phone: 520-233-6344 (H) MARK YOUR CALENDARS: REGION F Convention May 22nd – 24th 2015 UTAH Convention July 17th – 18th 2015 CALIFORNIA Convention Sept 4th – 6th 2015 Classifieds – For Sale throaty sound but I don‟t. Do you know of anyone in your club that might want to trade me mufflers? Do you have a Motorcycl e or riding related item s that you would like to sell?? OR looking for an item OR have something to swap? I would be willing to do the work to switch them. Please see photo. Contact [email protected] for further information or to post your article in AZ -K Chapter newsletter. Hi to all. No, I/we are not selling in WA, but we are coming to the PHX area by 24 Feb 2015, will have my 2007 Honda GW 1800 w/me and I am serious about getting it sold. Spring will soon be in the air and prime motorcycling is about to begin. It is midnight Blue, loaded w/many little extras . I would like $12,500 for everything. No dents, scratches and in excellent condition. Please pass it around that this motorcycle is to be sold and am not planning on returning it to WA. It will be housed in Queen Creek at our soon be completed and occupied small villa. It will be available for viewing at any time. Again I would really appreciate it if you could put out the word of its availability to anyone interested in motorcycles Greg Gibbons 360-929-7341 CLASSIFIEDS - WANTED: MUFFLERS I have just purchased a 2000 Gl1500SEA with a sidecar. I was a member of GWRRA in Seattle quite a few years ago. I am planning to join here in Tucson. I love my new rig except for the exhaust. The stock mufflers have been modified to give a more throaty sound. I like the stock sound better. The wife and my friends like the Joe Zinn 520 578-3557 [email protected] Let’s support our great sponsors REMINDER: Check out the dedicated Law Tiger Face Book Page – they will be posting specific events, news for our riding community, fun videos and pictures along with updates of interest to our riding colleagues. „LIKE‟ the new Arizona page at Please spread the word about our new AZ page so we can build it to be a good resource for all. Chapter K Ride Schedule (updated 3/23/15) Chapter K-sponsored events are in bold MARCH March 7 th Saturday: Mystery Oddity Ride #2 ( no repeats) Leave at 9:00 am from Circle K at Ina & East of I-10 .Will have lunch somewhere. Short distance ride through the city seeing ?????? Sponsor Mike Hrigora RSVP [email protected] March 15 th Sunday: Renaissance Festival (12601 Us 60, Gold Canyon, AZ/520-463-260) Leave at 8:30 am from the Valero Gas Station at Golder Ranch RD and Oracle RD. ( $20.00 per adult advance tickets at Fry‟s Grocery Stores, $21.00 online (, and $22.00 at box office) March 21st Saturday: Chapter A‟s Chili Cook-out at 11:00 TBA to follow March 28 th Saturday: CHAPTER K‟S MEETING at 8:00 am at the Golden Corral on 6865 Thornydale Rd, Tucson PLEASE COME!!! Ride after meeting. IMPROMPTU RIDES are always welcome just let me know asap and I will send out a blast to our members. [email protected] or 520-229-8670 ***** Please RSVP to the Sponsor if planning to make the ride **** Chapter K Ride Schedule (updated 3/23/15/15) APRIL April 4th Saturday: Boyce Thompson Arboretum (US 60 Superior, AZ/689-2723)Leave from Circle K at 4540 W. Ina Rd at 9:00 am. Brown Bag Lunch: Sponsor: Jon Bailey, RSVP at [email protected] April 10th& 11th Friday & Saturday: Join Chapter A‟s Overnighter to Bullhead City, AZ for Chapter O (Oatman) Fund Raiser: For more information contact: Dennis Ammons (Chapter A‟s Director) [email protected] April 11th Saturday: Parker Canyon (Sonoita, AZ) Leave from Circle K at 4540 W. Ina Rd at 9:00 am. Brown Bag Lunch: Sponsor: Mike Hrigora, RSVP at [email protected] April 16th Thursday: “40 to Phoenix” Leave from Circle K at 4540 Ina Rd at 7:00 am. For more information,check article in this month‟s newsletter or at April 17th Friday: “Southwest Police MotorcycleTraining & Competition” in Phoenix. Leave at 9:00 am from the Circle K at 4540 W Ina Rd. For information, check: Sponsor: Jon Bailey, RSVP at [email protected] April 18th Saturday: Musselman Honda “AZshindigz Motorcycle Show” open house Meet at Musselman at 9:00 am. Lunch at Coyote Pause Café (2740 s. Kinney Rd/993-7297) April 25 th Saturday: CHAPTER K‟S MEETING at 8:00am at the Golden Corral at 6865 N. Thornydale Rd, Tucson,AZ PLEASE COME!! Ride after meeting to Porter‟s Café for lunch or dinner (404 Main St/ 689-5003) Superior, AZ IMPROMPTU RIDES are always welcome just let me know asap and I will send out a blast to our members. [email protected] or 520-229-8670 ***** Please RSVP to the Sponsor if planning to make the ride **** Chapter K Ride Schedule (updated 3/23/15/15) MAY May 2 nd Saturday: Chapter E Fund Raiser starts at Cochise Motorsports (1100 Avenida Cochise, Sierra Vista) where coffee and donuts provided by Cochise Motorsports. You will be get instructions guiding you to your destination where food and prizes are waiting for you to arrive. Leave from Circle K at 4540 W Ina Rd at 8:00 am. See attached flyer in our newsletter.Sponsor: Mike Hrigora, RSVP at [email protected] May 3rd Sunday: Join Chapter A for pizza in Kearny, AZ. Leave at 10:00 am from the Chevron Gas Station at Oracle and Magee. May 9th and May 10thSaturday and Sunday: Overnighter: Join Chapter A for “Touring Arizona”, Grand Canyon, Caverns & Seligman. More information to follow. May 9 th Saturday: Lunch at Wisdom Café via Picture Rocks (Tumacacori, AZ/ 1931 I-19 Frontage Rd/398-2397)Leave at 9:00 am from Circle K at 4540 W Ina Rd May 14 thThursday: Copper Butt Ride. Leave at 6:30 am from Circle K at 4540 W Ina Rd (breakfast, lunch & dinner on the road): Sponsor: Jon Bailey, RSVP at [email protected] May 16th Saturday: Mystery Ride: Leave at Circle K at 4540 W Ina Rd at 9:00 amSponsor: Jon Bailey, RSVP at [email protected] May 22nd- May 24th Friday, Saturday & Sunday: Regional F “Fun” Family Reunion Convention at JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort & Spa. See attached flyer in our newsletter. May 23 rd Saturday: NO CHAPTER K MONTHLY MEETING: Region F Convention May 30th Saturday: Join Chapter A to A & M Pizza (445 AZ-287/868-0170)in Florence, AZ: Leave at 2:00pm from the Chevron Gas Station at Oracle and Magee *** Please RSVP to the Sponsor if planning to make the ride **** Chapter K Ride Schedule (updated 3/23/15/15) JUNE June 6 th Saturday: Mt Graham, Safford, AZ: Leave at 7:00 am from Circle K at 4540 W Ina Rd. Brown Bag Lunch June 7th Sunday: Join Chapter A for Kitt Peak: Leave at 9:00 am from McDonalds at Ajo and Kinney Rds. Brown Bag Lunch June 13 th Saturday: Mt Lemmon: Leave at 9:30 am from Circle K at 4540 W Ina Rd or join group at McDonalds at Tanque Verde and Catalina Highway at 10:00am. Lunch at where ever group decides. June 18th-20th Thursday-Saturday: “Reno Rendezvous Convention” Reno, NV June 20 th Saturday: Kitt Peak: Leave at 9:00 am from McDonalds at Ajo and Kinney Rds. June 27 th Saturday: CHAPTER K‟S MEETING at 8:00 am at the Golden Corral at 6865 Thornydale Rd,Tucson PLEASE COME!! IMPROMPTU RIDES are always welcome just let me know asap and I will send out a blast to our members. [email protected] or 520-229-8670 ***** Please RSVP to the Sponsor if planning to make the ride **** MARK YOUR CALENDARS - NEW PROGRAM FROM YOUR ARIZONA RIDER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Who wants to win one of two $50.00 gift cash cards? One for the north area which includes all Chapters north of Casa Grande One for the south area which includes Casa Grande and all south Chapters Rules: Open to all Arizona GWRRA members Must be current through December 2015 in your membership Anyone who takes any Rider Education Seminars, Medic FA/CPR Classes will get a chance to win. One seminar = one entry, two seminars = Two entries, so on and so forth. These classes can be taken at any GWRRA event(rally, gatherings or conventions) around the USA. Any riding courses, such as ARC, TRC or ERC will earn you an entry. A completion card or proof of attendance is required and must be presented to your Chapter Educator. Drawing will be held January 1st , 2016 Challenge will run from January 1st , 2015 to December 31st , 2015
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