2013 Town Report - Town of Sidney, Maine
2013 Town Report - Town of Sidney, Maine
Annual Report of the Town Officers of SIDNEY, MAINE for the Year Ending January 31st 2013 INDEX IN BACK OF REPORT TOWN REPORT DEDICATION This 2013 Town Report is dedicated to Rachel Drummond Williams. Rachel is a lifelong resident of the Town of Sidney. She has served on the Rescue Department since 1982 and has been the Rescue Chief for the last fifteen years. In 2012, the Rescue Department responded to 162 medical emergencies, Rachel responded to 150 of these calls! She has dedicated her time and skills to answer the calls for residents and those individuals passing through this town requiring emergency assistance. Rachel ran an extremely tight Rescue budget by always considering taxpayers’ money while providing the best service to this town. Unfortunately, Rachel resigned as Rescue Chief in 2012. Please help us to acknowledge this very special lady for her service that will be sadly missed! 3 4 5 6 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2 STATE HOUSE STATION AUGUSTA, MAINE 04333-0002 (207) 287-1440 TTY: (207) 287-4469 Robert W. Nutting P.O. Box 100 Oakland, ME 04963 Home: (207) 465-7139 E-MAIL: [email protected] January 2013 Dear Friends & Neighbors: It is a sincere privilege to once again have the opportunity to serve the residents of Sidney. I hope that 2013 brings you and your families’ good health and prosperity. As you are likely aware, the 126th Legislature must address some very serious financial challenges. Fortunately, many of the responsible reforms enacted over the previous two years, such as pension reform and tax reform, have created a solid foundation to build upon. Unlike Washington politicians who just imposed a significant tax increase, Maine’s lawmakers left more money in citizens’ pockets by freeing 70,000 low- and middle-income people from having to pay Maine income tax, offering higher exemptions for pension income, and increasing the income threshold for the estate tax. Efforts are now underway to better understand the impact of Governor LePage’s $35.5 million curtailment order, which was imposed to resolve lagging State revenue. Nonetheless, contrasting what some believe, we cannot borrow and spend our way out of deficits. We must be frugal now, rather than “kicking the can down the road” to settle our budget gap at a later date. Despite the new Democratic majority makeup of the Legislature, I look forward to working with all of my colleagues from both sides of the aisle to create an environment that will improve our state’s business friendliness and overall economy while ensuring that the most vulnerable receive the help that they need. Again, thank you for the honor of allowing me to represent your interests in Augusta. If I may ever be of assistance to you in answering a question about State government or in settling an impasse with a State agency, feel free to call upon me. Best wishes, Robert W. Nutting State Representative District 78 Oakland (part) and Sidney 7 Annual Report to the Town of Sidney A Message from Senator Roger Katz Dear Friends and Neighbors: It is an honor to represent you in the Maine Senate for a second term, and I am grateful for the trust you have placed in me to work for the betterment of Sidney and Central Maine. Looking back at the results of the past two-year session, I am proud of the work we accomplished in an extremely difficult fiscal climate. We increased state funding to local schools, brought solvency to the retiree pension system, created more transparency and accountability at state agencies, and paid back our local hospitals millions of dollars. We worked hard to deliver the changes we promised, and we succeeded. Lawmakers have a great deal of work on their plates when the session kicks into full swing in January. The most daunting task will be addressing a $120 million shortfall within the Department of Health and Human Services and its MaineCare program. We must also address a $35 million revenue shortfall in the budget that ends June 30 and a projected $880 million gap in the next two-year budget. Maine continues to be hampered by high energy costs and an aging population. It is a priority of mine to find a way to lower energy costs to help preserve the jobs we have in our state and encourage new job growth. Maine has the oldest state population in the nation. We must work in Augusta to pass legislation that will help grow our economy so that our youth can find opportunities here at home to work and live. Until we address these issues, Maine will continue to lag behind other states. This session I have been given the honor of serving as the Senate Republican Assistant Leader having been elected to this post by my Republican colleagues. This position brings new responsibilities which include helping to steer the direction of the Maine Senate and better position the state for economic success. Again, thank you for entrusting me to represent you in Augusta. Please feel free to contact me if you ever need my help in navigating the state bureaucracy. I would be happy to help in any way that I can. I can be reached in Augusta at 287-1505 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Sincerely, Roger Katz Maine State Senator 8 TOWN OF SIDNEY OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2012-2013 MODERATOR: Waldemar Buschmann SELECTMEN: Peter Schutte Kelly Couture (serving the remaining 2 years of a 3 year term) Brent Dugal Doug Eugley John Whitcomb, Chairman TREASURER, TAX COLLECTOR & CLERK: Shawna Foye DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR & CLERK: Diane White ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO SELECTMEN: Sheila Thorne OFFICE ASSISTANT: Mary Blaschke ROAD FOREMAN: Leon Burgess ROAD CREW: Michael Gilley Dale Mullen Tom Bigelow (sexton/winter call-in driver) TRANSFER STATION ATTENDANTS: Victor Grivois George Corey Nick Levenseller 9 (2012-2014) (2011-2013) (2011-2013) (2012-2015) (2011-2014) SUPERINTENDENT OF RSU #18 Gary Smith RSU #18 DIRECTORS: Lora Downing Kerry Oliver BUDGET COMMITTEE: Bob Willette Roger Bedard John George, Chairman Don Farnham Floyd Luce William Cole (2011-2013) (2011-2013) (2011-2014) (2011-2014) (2012-2015) (2012-2015) Alternates: Tim Russell Mark Gould (2012-2013) (2012-2013) FIRE CHIEF: Richard Jandreau FIRE WARDEN: Richard Jandreau ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF: Robert Bacon FIRE CAPTAINS: Kevin Bacon Dan Fish Tim Williams LIEUTENANT: Brian McKinnon Ben Jandreau RESCUE CHIEF: Rachel Williams (resigned 1/31/13) 10 ASSISTANT RESCUE CHIEF: Mary Jane Parks (Interim Chief) RESCUE CAPTAIN: Scott Routhier EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR: Richard Jandreau SAFETY COORDINATOR: Leon Burgess REGISTRAR OF VOTERS: Simone Kramer (resigned) Sandra Ouellette DEPUTY REGISTRARS OF VOTERS: (All terms expire 2013) Shawna Foye Diane White BALLOT & ELECTION CLERKS: Patricia Bragg Sandra Ouellette Alternates: Bonnie Cohen Shelly Bacon Angela Brown Richard McMahon Alanna Cole Tim Russell Margaret Loveless Lulu Luce Germaine McLellan Robert Lorenzo Dr. Tom Fiola Monique Fiola Ryan Poulin Mary Bean Gail Smith Bruce Hillman Kathy Hamlin Charlotte Sawtelle William Sawtelle PLUMBING INSPECTOR: Gary Fuller, Certified by State Alternate: George Soucy, Certified by State CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: Gary Fuller 11 MEMORIAL DAY COORDINATOR: Board of Selectmen ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICERS: Christopher Martinez Contact # Justin Lockhart (Alternate) Contact #- 446-0438 314-3849 REPRESENTATIVE TO SANDY RIVER RECYCLING: Donald Robbins (retired 2012) PLANNING BOARD: Robert Philbrick, Chairman David Bernier Theresa Savage Tom Vigue George Savage Alternate: Mary Blaschke, Secretary / Alternate (2010-2013) PLANNING BOARD OF APPEALS: Frank Southard, Chairman Marilyn Eccles Wayne Bragg (2010-2013) (2010-2013) (2010-2013) Alternates: Wayne Niles Ron Masure (2011-2014) (2011-2014) ASSESSMENT BOARD OF APPEALS: Floyd Luce Shawn Marquis (2011-2014) (2012-2015) (2011-2014) (2010-2013) (2010-2013) (2010-2013) (2011-2014) WELFARE FAIR HEARING AUTHORITY: Donna Farnham SCHOLARSHIP FUND COMMITTEE: (All terms expire 2014) Dr. Nancy Reynolds, Chairman Louise Erskine Theresa Savage Sheila Thorne Mindy Whitcomb 12 FIRSTPARK REPRESENTATIVE FOR SIDNEY: Donna Farnham SIDNEY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION: Brian Lambert, President Keith McGlauflin, Vice President Dean Hall, Secretary Bob Dube, Treasurer Rick Greene Shawn Brunelle Amber Bragg Tait Rodgers ROAD PLANNING COMMITTEE: (All terms expire 2013) Ed Ayers Leon Burgess, Road Foreman Jon Dubois Floyd Luce Ed Manter John Philbrick Robert Willette 13 (2012-2015) SIDNEY'S ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT Senator Roger Katz District 24 State House Station # 3, Augusta, Maine 04333 (207)287-1505 E-mail: [email protected] Representative Hon. Robert W. Nutting to the Legislature, District 78 House of Representatives 2 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0002 1-800-423-2900 (State House message phone) (207)287-4469 (TTY) or P.O Box 100 Oakland, Maine 04963 Email: [email protected] ______________________________________________________ SIDNEY'S ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (Sidney is in the 1st Congressional District) Senator Angus King 174 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 (202)224-5344 or (207)622-8292 Senator Susan Collins (R) B-40 Dickerson Senate Office Washington, D.C. 20505 (202)224-2523 Augusta office- (207) 622-8414 14 SELECTMENS REPORT 2012 was a productive year for the Town of Sidney. We borrowed almost $500,000 to rebuild the Goodhue Road, which included ditching, culverts, reclaiming and paving the entire road. This work will extend the life of the Goodhue Road for many years. A combination of efforts between volunteers and the town allowed us to greatly upgrade the Grange Hall. In addition, the Town launched a new website, which will be a convenient benefit for our community. Once again the employees of the Town and countless volunteers have done remarkable work ensuring longevity for the Town. The continuation of a weak economy both locally and around the country presents challenges for all of us. This past year, through close management of our Town projects and cost-saving ideas from our employees, the Town of Sidney has been able to stretch our finances, which has allowed our surplus to be higher than last year. With increases in the county taxes and the school payments, as well as a decrease in state revenue sharing, we are struggling once again try to keep the mil rate flat. This year you will see the town asking to replace two town vehicles; the 2003 Ford F550 and the 1995 rescue truck. Both vehicles have served us well but are beyond their useful lives. In addition, we will also be asking voters to purchase a pickup truck for the highway crew. This vehicle will be used for multiple tasks year round and will save us time and money in the future. This past year we welcomed one new member to the Board, Peter Schutte. Peter has brought a high level of expertise to the Selectboard with background experience as a former Fire Department volunteer. The Selectboard also welcomed Doug Eugley. Doug brings past experience as a Selectman as well as a financial background to the Board. We 15 also say farewell to Brent Dugal, who has been a great asset to the board over the past two years. His experience with his own company has led the way for the town to save money on employee health insurance and improvements with Employee relations. In closing, we would like to thank all the individuals who have given and continue to give their time and effort to serve on the many boards and committees necessary for the smooth operation of the Town. Without the many volunteers who serve this Town, we could not operate as efficiently as we do, nor could we keep the mil rate among the lowest in Kennebec County. We would like to give a special thanks to the employees of the Town. Their outstanding work ethic and dedication has been a tremendous asset to our town and we want to make sure they know that they are greatly appreciated. Respectfully submitted, John Whitcomb, Chairman of the Board Doug Eugley Brent Dugal Peter Schutte Kelly Couture Please visit our website at www.sidneymaine.org! 16 SELECTMEN FINANCIAL REPORT Department Town Administration Salaries Utilities Maintenance Supplies Training Insurance Professional Services Equipment Contracts Buildings Miscellaneous Total Budget Public Safety Fire/Rescue calls Rescue Department Fire Department PSAP services Animal Control Total Budget Health & Sanitation Transfer/recycling center Refuse Disposal Total Budget Public Works Summer Highways Salaries Utilities Maintenance Supplies HotTop/ Road Supplies Training Insurance Professional Services Equipment Buildings Contracts Miscellaneous Total Budget Budget Receipts/Fees Expended 184,950 8,200 5,100 6,200 750 43,725 39,050 2,500 8,600 2,000 5,000 306,075 171,510 9,192 3,689 6,747 420 42,141 38,843 1,249 8,964 3,356 5,669 291,780 32,500 14,000 65,120 40,742 10,725 163,087 32,500 12,679 63,159 40,742 7,446 156,526 39,720 39,720 71,100 2,340 14,500 1,750 263,000 750 23,265 2,650 18,750 1,600 3,200 900 403,805 17 64,439 64,439 37,389 60,462 97,851 57,990 2,077 12,037 992 222,615 100 22,840 315 15,825 1,405 3,150 610 339,956 SELECTMEN FINANCIAL REPORT Winter Highways Salaries Utilities Maintenance Supplies Training Insurance Professional Services Equipment Road Supplies Buildings Miscellaneous Total Budget 79,900 5,640 29,500 9,200 750 23,900 600 7,500 112,900 1,250 250 271,390 Leisure Services Sidney Athletic/Recreation Sidney Trail Riders Snowmobile Total Budget 13,000 13,000 Debt Services Principal Interest Total Budget 2,158 2,158 13,000 2,158 15,158 108,800 10,580 119,380 108,731 11,882 120,613 5,000 4,000 1,100 1,000 11,100 3,153 4,000 1,100 1,000 9,253 3,011,057 3,011,057 2,922,768 2,922,768 339,337 339,337 339,337 339,337 Public Assistance General Assistance Sidney Food Cupboard BRCA - Conservation Alliance BRCA - Milfoil Total Budget Education RSU #18 Total Budget 65,013 7,683 22,159 7,813 299 22,187 266 3,996 80,851 820 252 211,339 County Tax Kennebec County Total Budget Unclassified First Park 35,363 Grange Hall Air Quality/Furnace 20,000 Cemetery/Headstone Maint 5,000 Cemetery Trees 4,700 Transfer Station Container 8,000 TRIO Training 4,000 SELECTMEN FINANCIAL REPORT Technology updates 7,500 Total Budget 84,563 Overlay 61,888 18 35,363 10,364 4,782 4,660 0 2,250 7,500 64,919 4,996 Do you have business to do at the Town Office, but you can’t make it in during our regular hours?? A lot of business can be done on-line, at your convenience, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is easy and available when you are ready. See the following links……. Motor Vehicle and Trailer Re-registrations: http://www.informe.org/bmv/rapid-renewal Vanity Plate Search or Duplicate registration http://www.informe.org/bmv/rapid-renewal click on Vanity Plates or Duplicate registration ATV/Snowmobile Renewals http://www.maine.gov click on ATV/Snowmobile renewals Hunting/Fishing Licenses http://www.maine.gov click on Hunting/Fishing licenses Deer /Moose Permit Applications http://www.maine.gov click on Check for online services and type in Any Deer Permit or Moose Hunting Appl Absentee Ballots for State Elections http://www.maine.gov click on Check for online services and type in Check out our new website for a quick link to any of these sites on the home page http://www.sidneymaine.org 19 TOWN CLERK REPORT Vital Records Births 30 Marriages 34 DEATHS SIDNEY RESIDENTS 01/26/2012 01/27/2012 02/10/2012 02/19/2012 03/06/2012 03/19/2012 03/29/2012 04/09/2012 04/09/2012 04/13/2012 05/02/2012 05/05/2012 05/09/2012 07/27/2012 08/18/2012 08/23/2012 08/23/2012 08/28/2012 09/19/2012 10/06/2012 11/16/2012 12/02/2012 12/07/2012 MACMILLAN, RAY CLEMENT, RAYMOND ADLEY, MENDEL CUMMINGS, RUSSELL WENTWORTH, KATHRYN GUERRETTE, ANITA HARDCASTLE, ALAN GUILMETTE, EDWARD KOONS, EDWIN PHELPS, ROBERT CHASE, KENNETH STUDLEY, ROBERT OUELLETTE, RUSTY DUDLEY, CHRISTINE CHARETTE, DONALD DRESCH, ARLINE SAWTELLE, VERA MCLELLAN, GLADYS MARCEAU, ALFRED DUDLEY, ROBERT WRIGHT, LORA ROY, CECILE SAWLIVICH, EDWARD 67 75 68 83 98 91 80 50 94 90 80 42 56 88 80 86 88 86 83 68 84 91 79 REPORTS ON DOGS Males/Females 150 Neutered /Spayed Kennels 703 4 Respectfully submitted, Shawna Foye Town Clerk 20 Tax Collector’s Report *see itemized list in town report *Paid after books closed 2007 Personal Property Uncollected 1/31/12 185.85 Paid Treasurer 123.90 Uncollected 1/31/13 61.95 185.85 Rentway Inc 61.95 2008 Personal Property Uncollected 1/31/12 389.70 Paid Treasurer 326.70 Uncollected 1/31/13 63.00 389.70 Rentway Inc 63.00 2009 Personal Property Uncollected 1/31/12 831.04 Paid Treasurer 350.84 Abated 411.60 Uncollected 1/31/13 68.60 831.04 Rentway Inc 68.60 2010 Personal Property Uncollected 1/31/12 880.04 Paid Treasurer 399.84 Abatement 411.60 Uncollected 1/31/13 68.60 880.04 Rentway Inc 68.60 21 2011 Personal Property Uncollected 1/31/2012 1199.10 Paid Treasurer 221.00 Abatement 420.00 Uncollected 1/31/2013 558.10 1199.10 Paul Dorval 58.00 Rentway Inc 70.00 Trees LTd 430.10 558.10 2011 Liens Filed Name ADLEY, MENDEL R. & LILLIAN L. 611.00 ALOFAITULI, ANN M & MAC M. 908.00 318.00 AMMARELL, ANNETTE 1134.00 ANDRES, LINDA 896.00 ARCHER, AMANDA 555.94 BARKER, RAY & RUTH 1241.00 BEAN, EDWARD 290.00 BEAN, EDWARD & DONNA BECHARD, GERARD J, JR & 1121.00 BECHARD, GERARD J, JR & 1140.00 BECHARD, LAWRENCE J 1156.00 2.34 BERGER, ANITA BERUBE, ALAN 1433.00 BERUBE, ALAN 615.00 BERUBE, ALAN D. 156.00 88.00 BESSEY, BRIAN & NICOLE 81.00 BICKFORD, LESLIE 437.00 BICKFORD, LESLIE & MARY A BLETHEN, JOAN 1512.00 BOGACZYK, DANIEL & MAYO, ANNIE 2116.00 BREWSTER, JONATHAN 236.00 BURGESS, SHIRLEY L. & DELMONT H. 535.00 2.00 BURGESS, SHIRLEY L. & DELMONT H. CAMPBELL, JAMES R.JR. 1187.00 CARSON, CHRISTOPHER & JEAN 1012.14 CHAREST, DANIEL & BRYNN 349.00 COLE, SHARI 507.00 COLLINS, KIM 817.00 COLLINS, PAULA 575.00 22 341.00 CRAIG, MICHAEL CUMMINGS, JASON 288.00 CUMMINGS, KELLIE 1485.00 623.00 DECHAINE, SUSAN & DORVAL, PAUL 2093.00 DOSTIE, SUSAN 629.00 DUDMONT, DAVID/NANCY 242.00 DYER, HOWARD W. JR. 856.00 14.19 EDGECOMB, VICTOR & EUGENE EDGECOMB, VICTOR 894.00 EGO, WAYNE 269.00 ERSKINE, ERIC P. & ANDREA 503.33 ESTABROOK, DANA & JANET 670.59 GOODNO, CECILE 225.12 GREENE, JACQUELINE 754.00 HEALY, GEORGE 251.00 HIGGINS, JAMES 1194.00 504.00 HUNT, PHILIP J. & LORI A. 1215.00 KNOX, KIRBY 8.00 LADEW, LINDA LALIBERTE, LIONEL 1545.46 LAVALLEE, TAMRAN & ERIC 2140.00 MADORE, CYNTHIA A. 1829.00 MARQUIS, SHAWN P. 310.00 307.00 MARQUIS, SHAWN P. 1325.00 MARSHALL, GILBERT JR & VIOLA 820.00 MARSHALL, GILBERT SR. HEIRS OF 660.00 MARTEL, DONALD & MARIELAINA 1869.00 MCFADDEN, SCOTT & ZENA MCFADDEN, THEODORE T & MARLENE 913.00 280.00 MCFADDEN, THEODORE T. 2097.00 MCMAHON, PATRICIA MCMAHON, RICHARD & KIM 918.00 MELANSON, JUDITH A. & RAND, KELLY 699.00 MERROW, THOMAS 421.00 877.00 MOODY ROGER E. JR. & 2034.00 MOODY, CATHY JEAN 35.00 MOODY, MARCIA 2634.00 MORIN, ANDRE II & DAWN MUDGETT, KEITH JR, 141.00 NF LUCE INC 313.00 NF LUCE INC 549.00 NF LUCE INC 706.00 23 291.00 NF LUCE INC NF LUCE INC 324.00 NF LUCE INC 300.00 NF LUCE INC 319.00 NF LUCE INC 1.64 NF LUCE INC 287.00 NF LUCE INC 315.00 NF LUCE INC 295.00 NF LUCE INC 287.00 NF LUCE INC 289.00 NF LUCE INC 313.00 140.00 OUELLETTE, JENNIFER 1072.00 PELOTTE, PAMELA PENNEY, LINDA & ALBERT 69.44 PENNEY, LINDA & ALBERT 147.00 PENNEY, LINDA & ALBERT 47.00 PENNEY, LINDA & ALBERT 1646.00 PHILBRICK, NATHAN & ANGELA 1567.00 71.00 PHILBRICK, NATHAN & ANGELA PICKELL, TRAVIS 738.00 PINE VIEW MOBILE HOMES 315.00 POULIN, GERALD 132.00 POULIN, GERALD A. 668.00 809.00 POULIN, GERALD A. 1412.00 POULIN, MARK R. & CINDY 364.00 QUIMBY, MATTHEW & SUSAN ROBERTS, DONALD C. &*ROBERTS, ANNE M. 1835.00 713.00 RODRIGUE, GEORGE ROSADO, RUTHANN 89.00 ROSADO, RUTHANN 521.00 SAWLIVICH, BRENDA 619.00 SCOTT, ROBERT 473.00 703.04 SHARAFFA, DAVID & MAE 1762.00 SMITH, BRENT SMITH, GORDON-HEIRS 318.00 SMITH, KATIE 268.00 SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF 701.00 SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF 909.00 460.00 SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF 1262.00 SMITH, MONA T., HEIRS OF 224.00 SMITH, MONA T.,HEIRS OF SNYDER, GREGORY & RONDA 5938.00 SOMES, ROBERT K. JR. 2128.00 24 262.00 ST. PIERRE, GINGER 303.85 STAPLES, CARL 2213.00 STEWARD, JAMES & ELIZABETH 90.00 TILLSON, SCOTT & TAMMY 986.00 TILLSON, SCOTT M. & TAMMY L. 95.18 TRACY, LEAH 1255.00 WEBB, MARGARET 47.00 WELCH, ANTHONY J & LINDA J WELCH, LINDA 1406.00 WELCH, LINDA J 1324.50 WHEELOCK, ROBERT JR 1125.00 590.00 WHITEHOUSE, LANCE W. 1752.00 WHITNEY, LORI L. Total 100104.76 2012 COMMITMENT Commitment 3686638.28 Supplement 878.64 Paid to Treasurer 3338233.12 Abatements 1560.90 Refunded Abatements Tax Acquired 1271.61 Uncollected 1/31/12 346451.29 3687516.92 Abatements Bean, William & Kelsey 316.00 Foye, Thomas & Shawna 93.72 Kincaid, John & Helen 21.30 Kincaid, John & Helen 71.36 Allen, Terry 95.75 Dumont, David & Nancy 257.73 Stiles, Megan/Nuza, Philip 3.20 Douin Family Trust 2.13 Noble, Mark/Tondreau, Joann 516.53 Gagnon, Timothy 183.18 1560.90 2012 Supplements 25 3687516.92 Dumont, David & Nancy 3.20 Stiles, Megan/Nuza, Philip 257.73 Pierce, David & Carol 454.76 Gagnon, Timothy Jr & Danielle 162.95 878.64 2012 UNPAID TAXES Real Estate Name ---ALLEN, CRAIG J. & BRENDA J. ALOFAITULI, ANN M & MAC M. AMMARELL, ANNETTE ARCHER, AMANDA ARNOLD, LARRY & CAROL BACKMAN, WILLIAM H. BAILEY, MICHAEL & LINDA BALLARD, GLEE C & BALLARD RUTH M BALLARD, RUTH BARKER, RAY A. & RUTH E. BARNETT, RACHEL M. BARRY, STARR BEAN, EDWARD BEAN, JOSHUA P & LAURA A BEAN, MICHEAL & JENNY L BEAN, TRAVIS & MARY BEAULIEU, HEIDI BECHARD, GERARD J, JR & BECHARD, 1410.06 967.02 338.67 954.24 1148.07 125.52 957.44 10215.48 755.09 1823.28 1175.76 276.90 1172.30 866.91 700.60 388.73 629.42 288.62 GERARD J, III 1188.42 1214.10 1231.14 1577.27 1558.10 1526.15 166.14 654.98 963.83 147.10 86.27 465.41 1289.71 1610.28 BECHARD, GERARD J, JR & TINA BECHARD, GERARD JR & ERNESTINE BECHARD, LAWRENCE J BELGRADE AUTO INC BERETSOS, TINA BERUBE, ALAN BERUBE, ALAN BERUBE, ALAN D. BERUBE, DAVID J. & LILA BESSEY, BRIAN M & NICOLE J BICKFORD, LESLIE BICKFORD, LESLIE & MARY A BLAISDELL, MICHAEL G. BLETHEN, KRISTIN & CHAD D. 26 Personal Property 2253.54 844.03 0.50 1150.20 4044.87 1990.49 1060.74 1839.26 553.80 42.60 517.59 1803.04 1911.68 791.30 569.78 2.13 1527.21 1008.56 1085.23 1161.92 1619.87 7.46 25.56 1477.16 576.17 558.06 3627.39 340.80 181.05 7.46 18.11 539.96 1166.18 870.11 1270.55 2222.65 381.27 885.67 972.35 687.72 297.25 1610.22 1450.53 BOGACZYK, DANIEL & MAYO, ANNIE BOLDUC, GEORGE R & SHIRLEY I BOUDREAU, DONALD A. & BOWMAN, SANDRA BRADFIELD, WILLIAM K. & DAWN M. BRANN, JASON A & SHERRIE L BREARD, FRANCIS JOSEPH BREARD, FRANCIS JOSEPH BRETON, DALE BRETON, DAVID BREWSTER, JONATHAN BROOKS, ROBERT D. & MARTHA T. BRYANT, MARK E BUJOLD, JANET L. BURGESS, SHIRLEY L. & DELMONT H. BURGESS, SHIRLEY L. & DELMONT H. CAMPBELL, JOHN A & BRIDGET H CANDAGE, RAYMOND CARSON, CHRISTOPHER & JEAN CHOATE, LARRY J. & NANCY A. CHOATE, STEPHEN S COITRONE, TIMOTHY J. COITRONE, TIMOTHY J. COLE, DALE COLE, DALE COLE, DALE & NANCY COLE, DALE & NANCY COLE, DALE & NANCY COLE, DALE & NANCY COLE, DALE T. COLE, DALE T. COLE, SHARI L. COLLIER, RAYMOND & ELAINE COLLINS, KIM CORMIER, JAMIE & KATIE COTE, DONALD JR. & KAREN CRAM, BRIAN C CUMMINGS, PATRICK S CUMMINGS, RICHARD A & PAMELA CUMMINGS, RUSSELL F, RONALD H & CUMMINGS, TONY CURATO, HILDY DAVIS, ANN 27 1890.69 663.50 859.46 534.63 2394.12 893.54 353.58 1811.57 1057.55 911.64 386.60 952.11 286.49 919.68 1389.83 473.93 1051.15 1581.53 1373.90 1793.46 1723.17 1786.01 1983.03 1868.01 9770.31 3582.66 1912.74 559.13 532.50 1199.19 1101.21 618.13 941.46 1886.12 1449.47 1248.18 1091.63 601.73 1717.85 1808.37 810.47 197.03 567.64 DEBLOIS, TODD E. DECHAINE, SUSAN DESMOND, MARK DESVEAUX, GARY DORVAL, PAUL A. DOSTIE, SUSAN DOUIN, KENNETH DOUIN, KENNETH M. & DULAC, RONALD G. DYER, HOWARD W. JR. EDGECOMB, VICTOR & EUGENE SR & EDGECOMB, VICTOR A EGO, WAYNE ERSKINE, ERIC P. & ANDREA ESTABROOK, DANA A. & JANET E. FAIRFIELD, MATTHEW H. FORTIN, TERRY J. & SHARON FOYE, KELLIE J. FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS O. & SHAWNA G & G PROPERTIES, LLC G & G PROPERTIES, LLC GAGNE, WANDA S GAGNON, JEFFERY A. & TAMMY L. GAGNON, JEFFREY A. GAY, FREDERICK R, JR & TISHA B GILBERT, ROBERT L & LINDA L GILLEY, MICHAEL & CARLA GILMORE, PETER J & GOODHEART, RONALD S GOODHUE, GREGORY GOODNO, CECILE GOULD, MARK G. GOULD, MARK G. GOULD, MARK G. GREEN, DIANE S & HOWARD DALE GREENE, JACQUELINE S. GRIFFIN, DEBORAH HALL, LINWOOD & JANE K 28 61.77 600.02 1994.75 1370.66 83.04 1271.61 320.57 6.39 2356.84 1839.26 1441.14 HALLEE, TIMOTHY & LAUREN S. HAMLIN, KATHERINE L.& PHILLIP L. HATT, DAVID F., JR HEALY, GEORGE HIGGINS, JAMES HOEL, THOMAS P. HOEL, THOMAS P. & LAUREL A. HOWARD, JAMES HUBBARD, BARBARA J & MICHAEL A HUMPHREY, WALLACE JR. & CONSTANCE 536.76 740.18 1569.81 HUNT, PHILIP J. & LORI A. IRELAND, JEFFREY A JANDREAU, BENJAMIN 15.98 JANDREAU, MICHAEL & LYNN 1588.98 383.82 607.05 1293.97 3239.73 2372.82 184.25 16.32 8.52 1700.80 5659.41 1158.72 1306.75 2279.10 943.59 1986.23 924.42 14.91 533.56 2659.31 150.17 JANDREAU, RICHARD KIM, SUNGYUL & BOCKSOON KING, JERE T. & CHARLENE M. KNOX, KIRBY & KOONS, JOHN D. KORBET, STEPHEN & BARBARA KRUK, LOUISE LACHANCE, CANDY LADEW, LINDA LALIBERTE, LIONEL & DIANE LALIBERTE, NOEL R & CONNIE L LANDRY, CHRISTOPHER & HEIDI LATHE, VALERIE M LAVALLEE, TAMRAN & ERIC LECLAIR, RICHARD C. & CLAIRE A. LEVASSEUR, AMY & MICHAEL LEVASSEUR, LORRAINE & MICHAEL A ii LEVASSEUR, MICHAEL & LORRAINE LEVASSEUR, MICHAEL & LORRAINE LIBBY, HEATHER & BRETT LIBBY, TINA LIZOTTE, PETER & PATRICK 53.25 318.44 300.33 318.44 298.20 2103.38 LOVEITT, GALE LOVEITT, GALE LOVEITT, GALE LOVEITT, GALE LOVEITT, GALE G & 29 LOVEITT, GALE G & MADDEN, RICHARD M. MANLEY, TRAVIS A & MARY E MARKOWITZ, LARRY M. & KAREN M. MARQUIS, SHAWN P. MARQUIS, SHAWN P. MARSHALL, GILBERT JR & VIOLA MARSHALL, GILBERT SR. HEIRS OF MARTEL, DONALD & MARIELAINA MCDONALD, DELBERT & MONA MCFADDEN, DONALD A. & ELOISE A MCFADDEN, SCOTT & ZENA MCFADDEN, THEODORE T & MARLENE MCFADDEN, THEODORE T. MCKENNA, DANIEL R. & CATHY L. MCKENNA, LAWRENCE G. & PATRICIA MCKENNEY, DIANE MCMAHON, PATRICIA H. MELANSON, JUDITH A. & RAND, KELLY MELLOWS, SHERYL MERRITT, FLOR & LANCE MERROW, THOMAS MIDDLE ROAD REALTY TRUST MILLIGAN, JAMES MILLIGAN, WALTER F. & STELLA L MOODY ROGER E. JR. MOODY, CATHY JEAN MOODY, DENNIS MOODY, MARCIA MORIN, ANDRE II & DAWN E MOUNTAIN, SHIRLEY M & DANA S MUDGETT, KEITH JR & 575.10 160.02 2223.72 1709.33 330.15 326.96 1411.13 873.30 702.90 944.66 1061.07 1990.49 972.35 298.20 7871.42 1192.80 499.88 2233.30 744.44 72.17 91.91 330.15 1185.35 7451.80 137.39 934.01 2166.21 1050.89 37.28 2805.21 1174.70 150.17 EDGECOMB-MUDGETT, CHRISTEEN M 11.72 584.68 751.89 302.46 301.40 1106.54 149.10 300.00 MULLEN, JOHN N. F. LUCE, INC N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. NORTON, STANLEY L. JR & MARY E OUELLETTE, JENNIFER OWSLEY, H.A JR & AUDRIE JOINT REVOCABLE TRUST 775.32 PAQUETTE, ROBERT D. 30 10.65 285.42 PELLETIER, BILLY I & MARY T PELOTTE, ANTHONY L. & JAIME L. PELOTTE, NICK G & PELOTTE, PAMELA PENNEY, LINDA J & ALBERT PENNEY, LINDA J & ALBERT PENNEY, LINDA J & ALBERT PERRY, HELEN PETELA, MARK & LINDA PHILBRICK, ANNIE M. PHILBRICK, JEFFREY PHILBRICK, MICHAEL A. SR. PHILBRICK, NATHAN & ANGELA PIERCE, DAVID & CAROL PIERCE, DAVID & CAROL PIERCE, DAVID & CAROL PLACE, CARLETTE L, TRUSTEE OF POOLE, KARL JR. & HEIDI POULIN, GERALD POULIN, GERALD A. POULIN, GERALD A. POULIN, MARK R. & CINDY PREO, RANDALL J & QUIMBY, MATTHEW & SUSAN RACKLEFF, KIM C RACKLEFF, KIMBER LEE & PETER RIPLEY, CYNTHIA ROACH, ERIC D. & JUDITH B. ROBBINS, MATTHEW & MILLIS, KENDRA ROBERTS, DONALD C. & ANNE M. ROCQUE, CHRISTOPHER & CYNTHIA RODRIGUE, GEORGE ROSADO, RUTHANN ROSADO, RUTHANN ROSE, KELLY & MARTIN, RICHARD A ROY, PAUL M. & VICKI A. RYAN, BRET RYAN, BRET J SANTILLI, LUIGI SAWLIVICH, ANDREW SAWLIVICH, ANDREW & BRENDA SAWLIVICH, ANDREW & BRENDA SAWLIVICH, BRENDA 31 880.76 727.40 1005.72 1057.77 358.75 50.06 1752.99 140.58 1044.76 1400.48 1482.48 1955.34 1668.86 476.06 306.72 454.76 2008.59 1231.14 140.58 711.42 861.58 1503.78 1144.88 387.66 663.50 356.78 1094.23 739.11 2106.57 1954.28 1438.82 759.35 554.87 94.79 1477.16 39.69 506.94 1164.05 1047.96 445.17 446.24 554.87 659.24 503.75 330.15 1819.02 357.84 1487.81 620.90 1876.53 338.67 133.13 1581.53 746.57 968.08 489.90 1344.03 238.56 6323.97 2164.08 2266.32 279.03 1375.98 324.83 1803.04 2356.84 643.47 1033.05 2724.27 1404.47 1576.75 460.08 760.41 1330.19 1393.02 292.88 1940.43 766.80 1842.45 3343.04 553.80 50.06 1497.39 1410.59 1198.13 1129.96 SCOTT, ROBERT SIENKO, KENNETH E. & JAMIE M. SIENKO, KENNETH E. & JAMIE M. SIROIS, GARY R. SIROIS, SCOTT & CROCKETT, BOBBI SMITH, BARBARA SMITH, BRENT SMITH, GORDON-HEIRS SMITH, JASON SMITH, JOYCE E. & DANIEL L. SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF SMITH, MONA T., HEIRS OF SMITH, MONA T.,HEIRS OF SNYDER, GREGORY R & RONDA C SOMES, ROBERT & ELIZABETH SOMES, ROBERT K. JR. ST. PIERRE, GINGER STANHOPE, BRANT & LAURIE STAPLES, CARL STEVENS, LLOYD C. & BARBARA STEWARD, JAMES & ELIZABETH STRICKLAND, CAETLIN D. STUDLEY, ROBERT W. & CECILE A. THOMPSON, STEPHEN J & LORELAI E TILLSON, WALTER & EFFIE TIPPET, SAMUEL J. TOWERS, BRAD TRACY, LEAH C TRASK, JONI M. TUTTLE, ROSE MARIE & GARY L JR VEILLEUX, BRIDGITTE M. & MARC G. VEILLEUX, JOHN & ROBIN VEILLEUX, MARC G & BRIDGITTE M. VINSKEY, JONATHAN VIOLETTE, RANDY R. WEBB, RONALD & MARIE WELCH, ANTHONY J. WELCH, LINDA WELCH, LINDA J WHEELOCK, ROBERT E JR WHITE, CLARENCE 32 628.35 1746.60 1865.88 2152.36 3669.99 770.00 984.06 1989.42 1716.78 WHITEHOUSE, LANCE W. WHITEHOUSE, LANCE W. WHITNEY, LORI L. WIGGIN, JOHN WIGGIN, JOHN WIGGIN, JOHN WINKLEY, DEBORAH ANN CAMPBELL WITHAM, WILLIAM & SARAH YANNELLI, DANA 347295.83 Uncollected 2012 347722.90 33 427.07 TREASURERS REPORT *Paid after books closed *See itemized list in town report Cash On Hand 1/31/2012 849,292.99 Deposits, Transfers,Interest 5977648.46 Warrants, Transfers/Service Charges -5513352.30 Cash On Hand 1/31/2013 1,313,704.31 SUMMARY OF TAX LIENS 2011 UNCOLLECTED Alofaituli, Ann/Mac 908.00 Ammarell, Annette 318.00 Archer, Amanda 896.00 Bechard, Gerard Jr/Ernestine 1140.00 Bechard, Lawrence 1156.00 Berube, Alan 612.72 Berube, Alan 156.00 Berube, Alan 615.00 Bickford, Leslie 81.00 Bickford, Leslie/Mary 437.00 Blethen, Joan 1512.00 Bogaczyk, Daniel/Mayo, Annie 2116.00 Brewster, Jonathan 236.00 Burgess, Shirley/Delmont 535.00 Burgess, Shirley/Delmont 2.00 Carson, Christopher/Jean 296.34 Cole, Shari 507.00 Collins, Kim 817.00 Craig, Michael 341.00 Dechaine, Susan & 623.00 Dorval, Paul 2093.00 Dostie, Susan 213.60 Dyer, Howard Jr 856.00 Ego, Wayne 269.00 Goodno, Cecile 171.10 Hunt, Philip & Lori 504.00 Ladew, Linda 8.00 Lavallee, Tamran & Eric 2140.00 Marquis, Shawn 310.00 Marquis, Shawn 307.00 Marshall, Gilbert Jr/Viola 1325.00 Marshall, Gilbert Sr Heirs of 820.00 Martel, Donald & Marielaina 660.00 McFadden, Scott & Zena 1869.00 McFadden, Theodore & Marlene 913.00 McFadden, Theodore 280.00 McMahon, Patricia 2097.00 Melanson, Judith & Rand, Kelly 699.00 34 Merrow, Thomas 421.00 Moody, Roger Jr/Cathy 877.00 Moody, Cathy 336.11 Morin, Andre II & Dawn 2634.00 Mudgett, Keith Jr & Christeen 141.00 Ouellette, Jennifer 140.00 Penney, Linda & Albert 147.00 Philbrick, Nathan/Angela 1567.00 Poulin, Gerald 132.00 Poulin, Gerald 668.00 Poulin, Gerald 809.00 Poulin, Mark & Cindy 1412.00 Quimby, Matthew/Susan 364.00 Rosado, Ruthann 89.00 Rosado, Ruthann 521.00 Sawlivich, Brenda 619.00 Scott, Robert 473.00 Smith, Brent 1762.00 Smith, Gordon heirs 318.00 Smith, Mona T Heirs of 701.00 Smith, Mona T Heirs of 909.00 Smith, Mona T Heirs of 460.00 Smith, Mona T Heirs of 1262.00 Smith, Mona T Heirs of 224.00 Snyder, Gregory/Rhonda 5938.00 Somes, Robert Jr 2128.00 StPierre, Ginger 262.00 Staples, Carl 303.85 Tracy, Leah 95.18 Welch, Anthony 47.00 Welch, Linda 1406.00 Welch, Linda 1324.50 Wheelock, Robert Jr 1125.00 Whitehouse, Lance 590.00 Whitney, Lori 1752.00 60797.40 2011 TAX ACQUIRED Higgins, James Estate of NAME Adley, Mendall/Lillian 1194.00 COLLECTED TAX LIENS 2011 611.00 2010 598.78 Alofaituli, Ann/Mac 889.84 Ammarell, Annette 311.64 Andres, Linda 1134.00 35 1,111.32 Barker, Eay & Ruth 555.94 Bean, Edward & Donna 290.00 Bean, Edward 1241.00 Beaulieu, Heidi 1,216.18 579.18 Bechard, Gerard Jr.& Ernestine 1121.00 Bechard, Gerard Jr. 265.58 Bechard, Lawrence 1,132.88 Beretsos, Tina 1,433.74 Berger, Anita 2.34 Berube, Alan 820.28 Bessey, Brian & Nicole 88.00 Bickford, Leslie/Mary 428.26 Bogaczyk, Daniel/Mayo, Annie 2,073.68 Burgess, Shirley/Delmont 524.30 Burgess, Shirley/Delmont 1.96 Campbell, James 1187.00 Carson, Christopher & Jean 715.80 Charest, Daniel & Brynn 349.00 Collins, Kim 1,163.26 601.51 Collins, Paula 575.00 Cummings, Jason 288.00 Cummings, Kellie 1485.00 Cummings, Ronald 960.12 Dechaine, Susan & 137.92 Dostie, Susan 415.40 Dumont, David 242.00 Dyer, Howard Jr 838.88 Edgecomb, Victor & Eugene 14.19 Edgecomb, Victor 894.00 Ego, Wayne 263.62 Erskine, Eric & Andrea 503.33 Estabrook, Dana & Janet 670.59 Goodno, Cecile 54.02 Green, Jacqueline 754.00 Healy, George 251.00 Hunt, Philip/Lori 245.98 493.92 Knox, Kirby 1215.00 Johnson, Janet 1,112.30 Lagueux, Daniel R 422.38 Lagueux, Daniel R 311.64 Lagueux, Daniel R 899.64 Laliberte, Albert 1545.46 Lauder, Edsall L Life Estate 2,479.40 Lavallee,Tamran/Eric 2,097.20 Letourneau, A Lorraine 625.24 Madore, Cynthia 1829.00 1,737.54 Marquis, Shawn P 303.80 Marquis, Shawn P 300.86 36 Marshall, Gilbert/Viola 1,298.50 Marshall, Gilbert heirs 803.60 Mcdonald, Delbert & Mona 869.26 Mcfadden, Theodore T & Marlene 1,831.62 Mcfadden, Theodore T & Marlene 894.74 274.40 Mcfadden, Theodore T. 7,021.70 Mckenna, Daniel R. & Cathy L. McMahon, Richard & Kim Melanson, Judith/Rand, Kelly 918.00 685.02 Merrow, Thomas 314.58 Milligan, Daniel 777.14 Moody, Marcia 35.00 Moody, Roger Jr & 859.46 Moody, Cathy Jean 1697.89 1,993.32 Mudgett, Keith, Jr 138.18 Ouellette, Jennifer 235.20 N F Luce Inc 313.00 N F Luce Inc 549.00 N F Luce Inc 706.00 N F Luce Inc 291.00 N F Luce Inc 324.00 N F Luce Inc 300.00 N F Luce Inc 1.64 N F Luce Inc 287.00 N F Luce Inc 315.00 N F Luce Inc 295.00 N F Luce Inc 287.00 N F Luce Inc 289.00 N F Luce Inc 313.00 N F Luce Inc 319.00 Pelotte, Pamela 1072.00 Penney, Linda & Albert 1,050.56 69.44 Penney, Linda & Albert 47.00 Penney, Linda & Albert 1646.00 Philbrick, Nathan/Angela 1,535.66 Philbrick, Nathan/Angela 71.00 69.58 Pickell, Travis 738.00 723.24 Pine View Mobile Homes 315.00 308.70 Poulin, Gerald A. 129.36 Poulin, Gerald A. 654.64 Poulin, Gerald A. 792.82 Poulin, Mark & Cindy 1,383.76 Preo, Randall 990.78 Quimby, Matthew/Susan 356.72 Rackleff, Kim 610.54 Roberts, Donald & 1835.00 Rodrigue, George 713.00 Rosado, Ruthann 698.74 549.78 37 Sawlivich, Brenda 606.62 Sharaffa, David & Mae 703.04 Scott, Robert 463.54 Skidel, Sheldon 834.96 Skidel, Sheldon 517.44 Smith, Brent 1,726.76 Smith, Gordon Heirs 311.64 Smith, Katie 268.00 Smith, Mona Tanner Heirs 686.98 Smith, Mona Tanner Heirs 890.82 Smith, Mona Tanner Heirs 450.80 Smith, Mona Heirs of 1,236.76 Smith, Mona Heirs of 219.52 Somes, Robert Jr 2,085.44 St Pierre, Ginger 256.76 Steward, James/Elizabeth 2213.00 2,168.74 Tillson, Scott M/Tammy L 90.00 88.20 Tillson, Scott M/Tammy L 986.00 966.28 Webb, Margaret 1255.00 Welch, Anthony/Linda 46.06 Welch, Linda J 1,377.88 Welch, Linda J 517.44 Whitehouse, Lance W 605.64 Whitehouse, Lance W 578.20 Whitehouse, Lance W 1,607.20 Whitney, Lori 1695.4 Total 38113.36 73353.23 1194.00 1,268.12 Tax Acquired Higgins, James Estate of Respectfully submitted Shawna Foye 38 REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES Exempt Codes Homestead - * Veteran - & Blind - # Taxpayer Value * ACHEY, DYLAN * ADAMS, ANITA ADAMS, DAVID J & BOLDUC, AMY L * ADLEY, MENDEL R. & LILLIAN L. AHO, MARK C & LAURIE J AINSLIE, BOYE & SUSAN * AINSLIE, JAY & DEBRA AINSLIE, JOHN & MARJORIE * AINSLIE, JOHN & RHONDA AINSLIE, RHONDA & JOHN C * ALDEN, JAMES C. ALDERMAN, RODNEY ALKURABI, FERAS M. & KERRIE * ALLARIE, DANIEL F. & SUSAN L. * ALLEN, CRAIG J. & BRENDA J. ALLEN, GARY M. * ALLEN, JAMES & THERESA * ALLEN, KATHRYN L. * ALLEN, KELLEY R. ALLEN, TERRY * ALLEN, TERRY M. ALLEN, WILLIAM E & MARY LOU S * ALLEN, WILLIAM E.& MARY LOU S. * ALLEN-TIERNEY, JANE * ALOFAITULI, ANN M & MAC M. ALTO, WILLIAM & SUSAN LIVING TRUST * AMADEI, ROBERT W. & REGINA M. AMES, BRENDA CAREY * AMES, PAMELA AMMARELL, ANNETTE * AMMARELL, ARTELISSIE V. AMMARELL, PRESCOTT & DEBORAH AMMARELL, PRESCOTT & DEBORAH AMMARELL, PRESCOTT & DEBORAH AMMARELL, PRESCOTT & DEBORAH ANDERSON, KENNETH P & JUSTINA A ANDERSON, KENNETH P. & JUSTINA A. * ANDERSON, MARK K. * ANDRES, LINDA * ANDREWS, JAMES & CYNTHIA * ANDREWS, LINDA L. ANDREWS, PATRICK R ANGELIDES, LEO P & DEBBIE A * ANGELIDES, LEO P & DEBBIE A ANNIE'S VARIETY/MANLEY,ANNIE * ANTANAVICH, RONALD M. APPANEAL, JAMES A. ARBOUR, ERIC & CRYSTAL ARBOUR, JEFFREY ARCHER, AMANDA * ARMSTRONG, BRIAN & ELYSABETH ARNOLD TRAIL SPORTSMAN CLUB * ARNOLD, LARRY & CAROL 169,100 50,700 103,200 61,100 167,600 153,400 259,400 20,300 193,100 61,400 100,900 195,100 228,300 154,500 132,400 282,300 134,600 136,600 109,100 64,591 174,100 28,000 185,000 144,900 90,800 125,400 51,000 77,100 163,200 31,800 112,700 59,300 29,000 181,000 223,600 500 53,200 63,300 113,400 211,900 115,800 165,400 600 209,900 25,000 117,900 59,100 165,900 196,200 89,600 161,200 122,100 107,800 39 RE Taxes PP Taxes 1,800.92 539.96 1,099.08 650.72 1,784.94 1,633.71 2,762.61 216.20 2,056.52 653.91 1,074.59 2,077.82 2,431.40 1,645.43 1,410.06 3,006.50 1,433.49 1,454.79 1,161.92 687.89 1,854.17 298.20 1,970.25 1,543.19 967.02 1,335.51 543.15 821.12 1,738.08 338.67 1,200.25 631.54 308.85 1,927.65 2,381.34 5.33 566.58 674.15 1,207.71 2,256.74 1,233.27 1,761.51 6.39 2,235.44 266.25 1,255.64 629.42 1,766.84 2,089.53 954.24 1,716.78 1,300.37 1,148.07 * ARNOTT, NORMAN A. & KATHRYN L. AT & T MOBILITY LLC *& AUDET, PAUL & LUCILLE * AUSTIN, DALE E & MAXINE L *& AUSTIN, JANET A * AUSTIN, ROBERT L. & BETTY M. AYERS, EDWIN * AYERS, EDWIN & BRENDA AYERS, EDWIN R. & BRENDA AYERS, EDWIN R. & BRENDA AYERS, MAXINE D. * AYERS, MAXINE D. * AYERS-MILLER, PATRICIA * AYOTTE, PAUL E & MARY L * AYOTTE, RAYMOND & JANET L. AYRES, ALICE D BACKMAN, WILLIAM H. BACON, ADAM BACON, BRENDA J. BACON, BRYAN BACON, BRYAN & GWENDOLYN BACON, BRYAN & GWENDOLYN BACON, BRYAN & GWENDOLYN BACON, BRYAN O. BACON, BRYAN O. BACON, BRYAN O. * BACON, BRYAN O. BACON, EARL, PAULINE & LINDA * BACON, KEVIN & SHELLEY BACON, KEVIN, SOLE TRUSTEE UNDER THE BACON, NICHOLAS BACON, RICHARD A. & DEANNA *& BACON, ROBERT H & PAMELA M * BAILEY, MICHAEL & LINDA BAILEY, RALPH E & ELIZABETH F BAKER, TINA BALLARD, BROOKS & BALLARD, GLEE C & BALLARD RUTH M BALLARD, JEANALYS BALLARD, LANCE D. & LAURENE * BALLARD, LANCE D. & LAURENE BALLARD, RUTH * BARD, DEANNA L. * BARD, RYAN P. BARD, STEVEN & * BARD, STEVEN & LINDA BARDEN, MICHAEL M & ELAINE BARDEN, THOMAS A. & WILLIAM F. BARKER, RAY A. & RUTH E. BARNA, ROBERT & CYNTHIA M. BARNETT, JEROME J. BARNETT, LEO BARNETT, LEO * BARNETT, MARLENE A BARNETT, RACHEL M. BAROW, SEAN & SARAH * BARRETT, ROBERT C BARROWS, STEVEN A & DARCY A 129,200 3,200 51,600 194,200 108,800 85,000 21,900 94,700 69,600 28,000 22,900 99,000 203,600 129,400 195,100 224,500 193,100 197,500 172,600 48,000 1,400 36,600 36,600 64,100 457,300 140,300 298,900 201,100 161,600 124,200 14,200 191,600 141,900 89,900 131,300 12,700 185,800 959,200 140,200 3,000 425,300 70,900 232,700 237,500 10,400 284,600 36,500 187,800 171,200 137,600 71,500 43,900 54,400 56,300 110,400 253,000 99,400 1,042,700 40 1,375.98 34.08 549.54 2,068.23 1,158.72 905.25 233.24 1,008.56 741.24 298.20 243.89 1,054.35 2,168.34 1,378.11 2,077.82 2,390.92 2,056.52 2,103.38 1,838.19 511.20 14.91 389.79 389.79 682.67 4,870.25 1,494.20 3,183.29 2,141.72 1,721.04 1,322.73 151.23 2,040.54 1,511.24 957.44 1,398.35 135.26 1,978.77 10,215.48 1,493.13 31.95 4,529.45 755.09 2,478.26 2,529.38 110.76 3,030.99 388.73 2,000.07 1,823.28 1,465.44 761.48 467.54 579.36 599.60 1,175.76 2,694.45 1,058.61 11,104.76 * BARROWS, STEVEN A & DARCY A BARRY, ERIC W BARRY, STARR BARTER-CHESSMAN, PAMELA * BARTER-CHESSMAN, PAMELA BARTLETT, ERIC H. & MISTI BARTLEY-WING, DEBORAH A. BEAL, FULTON I * BEALS, MARTHA & MILLIS,WILLARD JR. BEAN, ANN M. BEAN, ANN M. * BEAN, CALVIN & PENNY BEAN, CALVIN H. & PENNY L. BEAN, CALVIN H.& PENNY BEAN, DONALD P. & CAROL L. BEAN, EDWARD * BEAN, EDWARD & CALVIN H. BEAN, EDWARD C. & DONNA M. *& BEAN, GEORGE BEAN, GEORGE F & ANN M BEAN, JOSHUA P & LAURA A BEAN, MARION & CALVIN & PENNY * BEAN, MARION & CALVIN & PENNY * BEAN, MICHEAL & JENNY L BEAN, ORLAND E. & DONNA M. *& BEAN, ORLAND E. & DONNA M. BEAN, ROLAND & DIANE BEAN, ROLAND & DIANE BEAN, ROLAND & DIANE BEAN, ROLAND & DIANE BEAN, ROLAND G & DIANE T BEAN, ROLAND G. & DIANE T. * BEAN, ROLAND G.& DIANE T BEAN, RYAN A. BEAN, TRAVIS & MARY * BEAN, WILLIAM F. & KELSEY BEAUDOIN, JEFFREY & SUE BEAUDOIN, PAUL E & PATRICIA J * BEAUDOIN, PAUL E. & PATRICIA J *& BEAULIEU, ALBERT L. & CHRISTINA L. * BEAULIEU, BRIAN R. BEAULIEU, CLEMENT & BRENDA BEAULIEU, DAWN CAROL & ALAN NORMAN * BEAULIEU, HEIDI *& BEAULIEU, HEIDI * BEAULIEU, RAYMOND & DEBORAH * BEAULIEU, STEPHEN & ANN BEAULIEU, WILLIAM A BECHARD, GERARD J, JR & BECHARD, GERARD J, BECHARD, GERARD J, JR & TINA * BECHARD, GERARD JR & ERNESTINE BECHARD, LAWRENCE J BECKERMAN, LUCILLE A & SCOTT M * BECKERMAN, PETER & JOAN BEDARD, CARMEN & ROGER TRUSTEES * BEDARD, CARMEN A & ROGER G *& BEDARD, WILLIAM & JOYCE BEGLEY, LAURA D. & MARK W. 41 529,300 201,000 26,000 40,000 137,900 169,600 127,500 113,700 857,800 1,800 76,600 203,100 29,200 5,200 123,700 124,100 99,000 29,000 114,800 96,000 81,400 56,700 109,800 125,200 76,400 118,600 34,800 21,700 18,400 64,000 181,100 27,700 175,200 164,600 36,500 135,200 27,200 34,900 146,600 100,200 146,700 142,100 28,600 59,100 87,800 119,100 51,600 94,300 27,100 112,100 114,000 115,600 64,600 310,600 83,700 205,700 115,200 31,100 5,637.05 2,140.65 276.90 426.00 1,468.64 1,806.24 1,357.88 1,210.91 9,135.57 19.17 815.79 2,163.02 310.98 55.38 1,317.41 1,321.67 1,054.35 308.85 1,222.62 1,022.40 866.91 603.86 1,169.37 1,333.38 813.66 1,263.09 370.62 231.11 195.96 681.60 1,928.72 295.01 1,865.88 1,752.99 388.73 1,439.88 289.68 371.69 1,561.29 1,067.13 1,562.36 1,513.37 304.59 629.42 935.07 1,268.42 549.54 1,004.30 288.62 1,193.87 1,214.10 1,231.14 687.99 3,307.89 891.41 2,190.71 1,226.88 331.22 * BEGLEY, PAUL & STEPHANIE BELGRADE AUTO INC BELGRADE AUTO INC * BELL, PATRICIA BELL, RICHARD N. JR. & MELISSA C. BELL, ROBERT R. III & MEGAN J. * BELL, WILLIAM J III & BETH A BENEDICT, LAURA J. LIVING TRUST * BENSON, HANNA & DAVID A. *& BERARD, DANIEL G. SR. & MARY * BERETSOS, TINA BERGER, ANITA L * BERGER, PATRICIA BERNIER, CARI M. & DAVID J. * BERNIER, PETER * BERNIER, RON & ANNE BERNIER, RONNEY & BERUBE, ALAN * BERUBE, ALAN BERUBE, ALAN D. * BERUBE, DAVID J. & LILA BERUBE, NANCY A BESSEY, BRIAN M & NICOLE J BESSEY, BRIAN M & NICOLE J BEST CONSTRUCTION * BEVERIDGE, CURTIS A. & PAMELA A. BICKFORD, BETTY JANE * BICKFORD, BETTY JANE * BICKFORD, JACK * BICKFORD, JERRY R BICKFORD, JIMMIE, JANE, & JOHN * BICKFORD, LESLIE BICKFORD, LESLIE & MARY A BICKFORD-STRAINER, NORMA J BICKMORE, ANDREW BIELAU-NIVUS, JAN BILLINGTON, CAROL & GORDON BILLINGTON, GILBERT BILLINGTON, GILBERT & DEBORAH A. BILLINGTON, GORDON & CAROL * BILODEAU, DONNA & INGRAHAM, SRA BILODEAU, RITA BILODEAU, STEVEN M & CASSINA B * BISHOP, MICHAEL D & NORINE A * BISPHAM, HARRISON A. III * BISSON, RACHEL & RONALD BLAIR, DAVID * BLAISDELL, DEBRA BLAISDELL, MICHAEL G. * BLAKE, MATTHEW A. BLANCHARD, JASON W * BLANCHARD, JOYCE M * BLANCHARD, STEVEN W & LISA I * BLASCHKE, MARK A & MARY E BLETHEN, CHAD D. & KRISTIN E. BLETHEN, DALE C BLETHEN, DALE C. BLETHEN, DALE C. & JOAN G. 290,200 148,100 93,700 38,700 143,900 203,500 281,600 138,200 217,200 260,400 146,300 33,200 199,000 197,600 202,700 146,200 28,000 15,600 143,300 61,500 90,500 144,200 156,600 32,000 49,000 168,700 67,400 100,700 51,500 175,000 41,900 8,100 43,700 81,700 348,500 103,800 381,500 169,100 312,600 39,200 165,300 166,700 232,700 195,100 188,500 138,900 312,900 152,100 121,100 98,500 61,700 193,000 162,400 174,000 58,600 32,000 18,900 56,600 42 3,090.63 1,577.27 997.91 412.16 1,532.54 2,167.28 2,999.04 1,471.83 2,313.18 2,773.26 1,558.10 353.58 2,119.35 2,104.44 2,158.76 1,557.03 298.20 166.14 1,526.15 654.98 963.83 1,535.73 1,667.79 340.80 521.85 1,796.66 717.81 1,072.46 548.48 1,863.75 446.24 86.27 465.41 870.11 3,711.53 1,105.47 4,062.98 1,800.92 3,329.19 417.48 1,760.45 1,775.36 2,478.26 2,077.82 2,007.53 1,479.29 3,332.39 1,619.87 1,289.71 1,049.02 657.11 2,055.45 1,729.56 1,853.10 624.09 340.80 201.29 602.79 * BLETHEN, DALE C.& JOAN G BLETHEN, JOAN G BLETHEN, KRISTIN & CHAD D. BLETHEN, PARKER D. & BERNICE L. * BLETHEN, PARKER D. & BERNICE L. TRUSTEES BOEGE, WILLIAM T. BOGACZYK, DANIEL & MAYO, ANNIE * BOISVERT, CHRISTINE N. BOLDUC, DANIEL G & JANE A * BOLDUC, DANIEL G & JANE A * BOLDUC, GEORGE R & SHIRLEY I BOLDUC, LUKE M BOLDUC, LUKE M. & CAOUETTE, HUGUETTE * BOLDUC, SUSAN V. *& BONENFANT, RICHARD J & DOROTHY * BONNEY, GEORGE F & PATRICIA BONNEY, GEORGE F. & PATRICIA * BOROW, ELLERY BOUCHARD, DAVID P. & HAZEL L. BOUCHARD, TODD M. BOUCHER, LISA J. BOUCHER, MICHAEL BOUCHER, MICHAEL BOUCHER, MICHAEL A. BOUCHER, MICHAEL A. * BOUDREAU, DONALD A. & BOUDREAU, MARK BOUDREAU, MARK * BOUDREAU, MARK R BOUTIN, BRIAN * BOUTIN, JAMES A. JR. & DONNA J M * BOWMAN, SANDRA BOWRING, KENNETH J. * BOYCE, LAWRENCE M & LESLIE A BOYLE, DANIEL P & KRISTINA C BRADFIELD, WILLIAM K. & DAWN M. BRAGG FAMILY TRUST BRAGG FAMILY TRUST * BRAGG FAMILY TRUST * BRAGG, CLIFTON W. & AMBER L. BRAGG, HARLAND & SHIRLEY BRAGG, HARLAND & SHIRLEY BRAGG, HARLAND & SHIRLEY BRAGG, HARLAND & SHIRLEY BRAGG, HARLAND & SHIRLEY BRAGG, HARLAND & SHIRLEY * BRAGG, HARLAND & SHIRLEY BRAGG, JEFFREY & KATHY BRAGG, JEFFREY & KATHY BRAGG, JEFFREY & KATHY BRAGG, JEFFREY H & KATHY G BRAGG, KATRINA * BRAGG, KRIS M BRAGG, LYNDSY BRAGG, MARGARET D. * BRAGG, MARGARET FAMILY TRUST * BRAGG, NICHOLAS * BRAGG, RICHARD J & CHRISTINE 184,000 42,300 151,200 71,300 140,100 135,100 211,600 117,700 38,400 467,200 116,200 14,200 21,900 139,100 134,400 154,000 7,000 112,100 215,100 157,400 187,100 53,900 94,430 144,000 26,400 167,500 154,000 145,800 175,200 215,200 450,600 108,000 87,700 211,400 305,300 379,800 348,500 15,700 186,400 98,400 24,500 4,400 38,400 446,200 40,500 43,300 146,500 218,700 81,500 14,300 85,900 79,000 213,000 148,000 62,600 127,500 222,800 188,200 43 1,959.60 450.50 1,610.28 759.35 1,492.07 1,438.82 2,253.54 1,253.50 408.96 4,975.68 1,237.53 151.23 233.24 1,481.42 1,431.36 1,640.10 74.55 1,193.87 2,290.82 1,676.31 1,992.62 574.04 1,005.68 1,533.60 281.16 1,783.88 1,640.10 1,552.77 1,865.88 2,291.88 4,798.89 1,150.20 934.01 2,251.41 3,251.45 4,044.87 3,711.53 167.21 1,985.16 1,047.96 260.93 46.86 408.96 4,752.03 431.33 461.15 1,560.23 2,329.15 867.98 152.29 914.83 841.35 2,268.45 1,576.20 666.69 1,357.88 2,372.82 2,004.33 * * * * * * * * * * * * *& * * * * * * * *& * * BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA BRANDWEIN, LEE BUDNER & REBECCA BRANN, JASON A & SHERRIE L BRAZZ, DOUGLAS & WENDY BREARD, FRANCIS JOSEPH BREARD, FRANCIS JOSEPH BREAULT, DOUGLAS BREIDEN, MARTHA H BREIDEN, NANCY BRENDLE, RUTH, & SCHWARTZ,CHARLENE BRETON, DALE BRETON, DALE & CRYSTAL BRETON, DAVID BRETON, JEFFREY M. BRETON, LAURENT J. & SANDRA M. BRETON, MICHAEL J BREWER, SUZANNE S. & STEPHEN G. BREWSTER, JONATHAN BREZNYAK, TONYA BROOKS, ROBERT D. & MARTHA T. BROWN, ANGELA M. BROWN, CARL FAMILY TRUST BROWN, CAROL A. & HAROLD BROWN, DIANE BROWN, JEANINE M BROWN, MARILYN BROWN, SALLY BROWN, SANDRA & RICHARD BRUNELLE, SHAWN R. & JENNIFER M. BRYANT, BETTY BRYANT, BETTY J. BRYANT, MARK E BRYSON, JOAN W. & MICHAEL A. BUCK, TRAVIS A. & TANIA L. BUCKNAM, PETER J. & MANDY E. BUCKNAM, SCOTT & ANN BUJOLD, DONALD BUJOLD, JANET L. BUMFORD, SCOTT & KIMBERLY BUMPS, SHERWOOD M & LORNA R BUMPS, SHERWOOD M & LORNA R BUOTTE, ALLAN & DAVIS, HEIDI J. BURBANK, FRANK W & BARBARA G BURGESS, ARMANDE M. BURGESS, BRIAN P. & MAUREEN E. BURGESS, SHIRLEY L. & DELMONT H. BURGESS, SHIRLEY L. & DELMONT H. BURKE, JOHN W BURNS, ROBERT T. & CYNTHIA BURRILL, MARGUERITE M BURWOOD, TIMMY & CARYN 41,100 50,900 27,900 59,300 19,700 17,900 184,900 191,800 431,200 186,900 187,000 172,700 99,600 29,300 346,500 37,900 66,100 52,000 156,200 4,000 146,300 118,500 105,900 124,800 48,600 106,200 169,300 136,000 235,400 169,200 175,900 154,300 93,600 628,400 90,000 147,800 76,900 136,200 179,500 93,000 213,400 210,700 133,600 121,400 74,300 164,300 500 80,700 28,600 211,300 51,900 136,000 53,500 200 143,300 185,600 103,000 187,200 44 437.72 542.09 297.14 631.54 209.81 190.64 1,969.19 2,042.67 4,592.28 1,990.49 1,991.55 1,839.26 1,060.74 312.05 3,690.23 403.64 703.97 553.80 1,663.53 42.60 1,558.10 1,262.02 1,127.84 1,329.12 517.59 1,131.03 1,803.04 1,448.40 2,507.01 1,801.98 1,873.34 1,643.30 996.84 6,692.46 958.50 1,574.07 818.99 1,450.53 1,911.68 990.45 2,272.71 2,243.96 1,422.84 1,292.91 791.30 1,749.79 5.33 859.46 304.59 2,250.34 552.74 1,448.40 569.78 2.13 1,526.15 1,976.64 1,096.95 1,993.68 * BUSCHMANN, WALDEMAR G & CYNTHIA BUSCHMANN, WALDEMAR G. & CYNTHIA BUSCHMANN, WALDEMAR G.& CYNTHIA BUSCHMANN, WALDEMAR G.& CYNTHIA * BUSSEY, DONNIE P. & VICKIE L. * BUTLER, BERNARD & JEAN * BUTLER, CAROL L. & RICHARD M. BUTLER, DOROTHY BUTLER, MICHAEL & JANE BUTTLER, WILLIAM & NICOLE BUZBY, ROBERT E & CYNTHIA A BUZZELL, LENORE BUZZELL, LENORE K & PERRY M BYRNE, ROBERT C & JOAN E CAIN, JASON M. * CAMPBELL, ANTHONY & JENNIFER CAMPBELL, JAMES A & MARGARET B * CAMPBELL, JAMES R.JR. * CAMPBELL, JEFFREY CAMPBELL, JEFFREY A CAMPBELL, JOHN A & BRIDGET H CAMPBELL, MRS. JOYCE CAMPBELL, ROBERT H & DIANE M CAMPBELL, ROBERT H. * CAMPBELL, ROBERT H. CAMPBELL,JAMES,MARGARET,JOHN CAMPBELL,STEPHEN & CAROLYN * CANDAGE, RAYMOND * CAOUETTE, DANIEL E & LINDA A CAOUETTE, HUGUETTE CAOUETTE, HUGUETTE * CAOUETTE, MATTHEW A. & DENISE CARD, FRANK L.JR & PAMALA J * CARDILLO, KELLY M & ANTONIO CARLSON, KURT K.F. & ALISON K. * CARON, BRIAN L. CARON, DONALD M & ELIZABETH A & CARON, JEAN P. TRUSTEE OF CARON TRUST CARON, JEAN P. TRUSTEE OF CARON TRUST *& CARON, JEAN P. TRUSTEE OF CARON TRUST * CARON, KENNETH & MARY LOU * CARON, ROBERT J. & MELISSA CARR, STEVEN M. * CARRIER, DONALD & GAETANE * CARRIER, ERNEST A & GINETTE * CARSON, CHRISTOPHER & JEAN *& CARTER, ROBERT & CHRISTINE * CARTER, SHARON L. * CARVER, DEAN A & MELISSA L * CASTONGUAY, DEBRA L.H. CATES, BRUCE S & DEBRA L CENTRAL MAINE POWER COMPANY * CHAPMAN, STEVEN G & CAROL A, COCHAREST, DANIEL CHAREST, DANIEL CHAREST, DANIEL CHAREST, DANIEL CHAREST, DANIEL 342,700 35,800 271,800 81,500 129,600 88,300 167,400 23,900 257,200 148,000 133,500 39,500 294,900 522,600 89,900 187,900 224,300 118,700 170,000 96,500 143,400 96,000 283,000 82,400 246,200 238,000 180,700 94,700 171,800 14,200 1,600 132,500 181,600 200,900 419,200 179,300 136,400 1,000 91,900 118,000 145,900 121,400 69,400 211,200 215,500 101,900 123,900 150,900 171,900 127,800 356,000 3,229,200 126,400 31,900 1,500 30,000 26,200 26,400 45 3,649.76 381.27 2,894.67 867.98 1,380.24 940.40 1,782.81 254.54 2,739.18 1,576.20 1,421.78 420.68 3,140.69 5,565.69 957.44 2,001.14 2,388.80 1,264.16 1,810.50 1,027.72 1,527.21 1,022.40 3,013.95 877.56 2,622.03 2,534.70 1,924.46 1,008.56 1,829.67 151.23 17.04 1,411.13 1,934.04 2,139.59 4,464.48 1,909.54 1,452.66 10.65 978.74 1,256.70 1,553.84 1,292.91 739.11 2,249.28 2,295.07 1,085.23 1,319.54 1,607.09 1,830.74 1,361.07 3,791.40 34,390.98 1,346.16 339.74 15.98 319.50 279.03 281.16 * CHAREST, DANIEL P & BRYNN A CHAREST, DANIEL P. & BRYNN A. * CHAREST, LAURA L CHAREST, RAYMOND J & CAROL A * CHARETTE, DONALD J., TRUSTEE CHARETTE, RUSSELL D & MARGARET L * CHARRIER, SHERRY L CHASE, ROSEMARIE * CHAVARIE, ABEL D * CHAVARIE, DAVID & THERESA * CHAVARIE, EMILY M & ANDREW *& CHAYER, RONALD J & CLAIRE CHIASSON, TIM CHICKO, FRANK A & RHONDA M. * CHOATE, LARRY J. & NANCY A. * CHOATE, STEPHEN S CHRISTIANSON, CHARLES & CHRISTIANSON, ETHELYN CHRISTIANSON, CHARLES T. CHRISTIANSON, GWENDOLYN M. CHRISTIANSON, NATHAN W. & TAMMY CHURCHILL III, ARTHUR L. CLARK, ANDREW J, HEIRS OF CLARK, DANA * CLARK, DEBORAH CLARK, IRIS., HEIRS OF CLARK, JAMES CLARK, JAMES CLARK, JAMES CLARK, JAMES C/O TAKAKO CLARK CLARK, JOHN CLARK, TAKAKO & ANN * CLAVETTE, RUSSELL D & NICOLE L CLEARY, CARALEE M. CLEMENT, BRADFORD * CLEMENT, RAYMOND B. & ANDREA M. CLIFFORD, DEBRA M, ESTATE OF * CLIFFORD, JAMES M. & DONNA P. CLOUGH, MICHAEL S * CLOUTIER, GEORGE D * CLOUTIER, JODY A. CLOUTIER, MYLES A. * CLOWES, MARK A. & ROSEMARY A. * COBB, WILLARD S, JR COCA-COLA SOUTHERN MAINE COCHRANE, EDWARD M & JANET L COGNETTI, FRANK R COGNETTI, FRANK R COHEN, PAUL E & BONNIE D COITRONE, TIMOTHY J. COITRONE, TIMOTHY J. COLBY COLLEGE COLBY COLLEGE COLBY COLLEGE COLBY, ROBERT A. & CATHERINE B. COLE BROTHERS, DBA: TREES LTD. COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY 46 243,500 34,900 177,100 28,200 149,300 88,600 155,400 20,200 155,800 203,500 101,100 127,900 221,200 116,900 109,100 152,100 7,700 196,100 28,500 198,000 90,000 36,400 59,500 127,800 51,700 53,400 23,000 36,600 33,700 217,900 65,600 177,800 131,200 21,000 64,300 87,500 123,400 12,700 133,600 60,100 152,100 224,700 109,600 800 32,100 248,700 1,000 273,500 700 2,400 347,300 408,800 3,800 175,300 85,600 60,700 56,000 654,100 2,593.28 371.69 1,886.12 300.33 1,590.05 943.59 1,655.01 215.13 1,659.27 2,167.28 1,076.71 1,362.14 2,355.78 1,244.98 1,161.92 1,619.87 82.01 2,088.47 303.52 2,108.70 958.50 387.66 633.67 1,361.07 550.61 568.71 244.95 389.79 358.91 2,320.63 698.64 1,893.57 1,397.28 223.65 684.80 931.88 1,314.21 135.26 1,422.84 640.06 1,619.87 2,393.05 1,167.24 8.52 341.87 2,648.66 10.65 2,912.78 7.46 25.56 3,698.75 4,353.72 40.47 1,866.95 911.64 646.46 596.40 6,966.17 * * * * * *& * * * * * * * *& * * COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE, DALE COLE, DALE COLE, DALE & NANCY COLE, DALE & NANCY COLE, DALE & NANCY COLE, DALE & NANCY COLE, DALE T. COLE, DALE T. COLE, DELLA B COLE, DONALD W.& ALANNA C. COLE, NANCY COLE, NANCY COLE, SHARI L. COLE, WILLIAM COLE, WILLIAM & LISA COLE, WILLIAM & NANCY COLE, WILLIAM & NANCY COLE, WILLIAM & NANCY COLE, WILLIAM & NANCY COLE, WILLIAM & NANCY COLEMAN, ANDREW, MARTIN & JANE COLLIER, FLINT L. & SUSAN M. COLLIER, RAYMOND & ELAINE COLLIER, RAYMOND & LAURALEI COLLINS, GLENN & BROUGH, KATHERINE COLLINS, KIM COLLINS, MICHAEL & KIMBERLY COLLINS, PAULA COLORGRAPHICS, LLC COMEAU, CRAIG & KATHRYN COMSTOCK, PETER & EDNA CONARY, ROBERT A SR CONDON FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CONDON FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CONDON, HELEN V CONDON, MICHELLE & BENJAMIN J. CONTI, ENRICO F & WILMA A CONTI, PAUL A. & SHERRY A. CON-WAY FREIGHT INC COOK, DANIEL J. & PAULA K. COOK, MICHAEL W. & COLLEEN S. COOLEY, HAROLD D & SANDRA J COOMBS, RON COPENHAVER, JANIS; AMOROSO, SUSAN COREY, GEORGE JR. COREY, GEORGE M. & PHYLLIS A. COREY, GEORGE M. & PHYLLIS A. 59,100 57,600 59,800 28,600 57,400 57,200 60,200 58,800 58,100 57,600 58,800 54,100 138,700 32,000 17,000 52,400 340,600 700 1,700 139,900 163,600 8,400 30,800 50,700 1,500 141,900 9,900 4,700 900 17,300 155,600 222,500 141,700 109,500 258,500 316,600 81,700 174,900 57,500 34,700 163,900 159,400 58,100 64,000 600 600 207,400 111,900 89,600 95,600 173,600 117,300 31,500 28,700 38,400 43,500 44,700 120,700 47 629.42 613.44 636.87 304.59 611.31 609.18 641.13 626.22 618.77 613.44 626.22 576.17 1,477.16 340.80 181.05 558.06 3,627.39 7.46 18.11 1,489.94 1,742.34 89.46 328.02 539.96 15.98 1,511.24 105.44 50.06 9.58 184.25 1,657.14 2,369.63 1,509.11 1,166.18 2,753.03 3,371.79 870.11 1,862.69 612.38 369.56 1,745.54 1,697.61 618.77 681.60 6.39 6.39 2,208.81 1,191.73 954.24 1,018.14 1,848.84 1,249.24 335.48 305.65 408.96 463.28 476.06 1,285.46 * CORMIER, DUANE R. CORMIER, JAMIE & KATIE * CORMIER, SHANNON & BRENDA * CORRIGAN, ZENO & MELISSA CORSON, TRAVIS L. CORWIN, DAVID S. & CAROL B. * COSGROVE, BERTHA COSGROVE, BERTHA L & COTE, JOAN * COTE, DONALD JR. & KAREN * COTE, DONALD SR & LORRAINE COTE, TODD M COULOMBE, MICHAEL * COULOMBE, MICHAEL P & GAIL P * COULOMBE, PETER & RAYLEEN * COULOMBE, PHILIP & CONSTANCE * COULOMBE, SYLVIA COUTTS, SCOTT G & * COUTURE, ANTHONY & KELLY *& COUTURE, CHRISTINE & JOHN * COUTURE, JOSEPH H III & MARY ANNE COUTURE, JOSEPH W. CRAM, BRIAN C *& CRAM, DUSTIN & RUTHANN CROCHERE, DAVID CROCKER, CHARLES E. III & JEREMY R. CRONIN, JOLINE B & DANIEL T * CROSS, PETER * CROSS, VICTORIA * CROTHERS, MARSHALL C. & CAROL A CROWE, DARLENE *& CROWE, DARLENE G. & GARY W. * CROWLEY, KATHERINE A. * CUMMINGS, BROOK & LAURIE L. CUMMINGS, BROOK & LAURIE * CUMMINGS, DAVID H.& EVELYN R. CUMMINGS, HARLAND & NOELLA * CUMMINGS, HARLAND S JR CUMMINGS, HARLAND S. * CUMMINGS, HARLAND S. & NOELLA F. CUMMINGS, JANICE CUMMINGS, JANICE M. CUMMINGS, JASON *& CUMMINGS, LORRAINE CUMMINGS, PATRICK & STANLEY C. JR. * CUMMINGS, PATRICK S * CUMMINGS, RICHARD A & PAMELA * CUMMINGS, RICHARD A, JR * CUMMINGS, ROBERT & DIANE CUMMINGS, RONALD & LINDA CUMMINGS, RUSSELL F, RONALD H & * CUMMINGS, RUSSELL F.& JANICE M. CUMMINGS, RUSSELL F., BROOK A. * CUMMINGS, STANLEY & HOLLY M CUMMINGS, STANLEY C. JR. CUMMINGS, STANLEY JR. CUMMINGS, TONY CUNNINGHAM FAMILY TRUST 398,400 119,300 152,800 214,600 188,600 284,000 114,700 153,700 57,500 208,700 166,200 159,200 37,200 201,700 133,500 142,700 96,600 159,400 197,900 110,400 174,700 115,100 35,800 147,200 26,700 122,900 152,400 59,000 98,300 98,800 54,900 176,300 211,800 156,800 62,300 74,800 25,900 178,400 25,600 154,000 66,900 36,000 28,800 1,800 48,400 106,100 91,300 158,700 123,600 140,600 96,300 247,700 11,400 93,700 9,400 9,400 28,100 68,700 48 4,242.96 1,270.55 1,627.32 2,285.49 2,008.59 3,024.60 1,221.56 1,636.91 612.38 2,222.65 1,770.03 1,695.48 396.18 2,148.11 1,421.78 1,519.76 1,028.79 1,697.61 2,107.63 1,175.76 1,860.56 1,225.82 381.27 1,567.68 284.36 1,308.89 1,623.06 628.35 1,046.90 1,052.22 584.68 1,877.60 2,255.67 1,669.92 663.50 796.62 275.83 1,899.96 272.64 1,640.10 712.49 383.40 306.72 19.17 515.46 1,129.96 972.35 1,690.16 1,316.34 1,497.39 1,025.60 2,638.01 121.41 997.91 100.11 100.11 299.27 731.66 * CUNNINGHAM, DOUGLAS R.& PATRICIA CUNNINGHAM, ERIC & NENA M. * CUNNINGHAM, RUTH A. CUNNINGHAM, RUTH A. * CURATO, HILDY CURRIE, SHAWN D. & LORI L. * CURRIE, SHAWN D. & LORI L. CURRIER, GARTH CUSHNER,TEMA, TRUSTEE OF TRUST D.L. ELECTRIC, INC DACHSLAGER, LUCILLE L. DAMREN, JENNY R. * DAMREN, LEO A. & PATRICIA J. DANFORTH, DANNY W. * DAUTEUIL, ALBERT & MARION * DAVENPORT, FAYE * DAVENPORT, STERLING T & EMILY E * DAVIS, ANN * DAVIS, DARYL L. & BETTY DAVIS, DEAN * DAVIS, HEIDI DAVIS, HELEN A * DAVIS, JON M & BARBARA J DAVIS, JON M JR DAVIS, MICHELLE L. * DAVIS, SCOTT D. & HELEN A. * DAWES, CRAIG A. & DIANNE M. * DAY, JEREMY D & TANAYA N *& DEANE, TIMOTHY A DEBLOIS, JACOB * DEBLOIS, JEAN & BETTY A. * DEBLOIS, TODD E. * DECHAINE, PATRICK DECHAINE, SUSAN DECKER, JAMES R * DEERING, CABOT DEERING, MARK C & JENNIFER H * DELONG, CRAIG O.& ANITA L. * DEMERITT, MARTHA L. & DANIEL C. DEMOSTHENES, DEBORAH & JAMES DEMOSTHENES, DEBORAH & JAMES * DEMPSKI, JULIAN C, JR * DEROCHER, FREDERICK A DESJARDIN, ANGELA M DESMOND, MARK *& DESROSIER, GEORGE H. DESROSIERS, STEPHEN M. * DESVEAUX, GARY DEWITT, CHARLES E.M. * DEWITT, JOHN D & SARAH A * DIBENEDITTI, WILLIAM N. * DICK, ERIC DICK, RICHARD T. DICKEY, TIMOTHY A & CHERYL L DICONZA, JOHN M DICONZA, JOHN M DIEHL, LEANN R. DIONNE, ANDREW J. & MARY A. 117,400 186,000 145,300 30,900 151,400 44,700 184,700 34,500 228,500 29,400 289,900 176,700 170,500 163,600 384,900 94,900 91,400 136,200 107,800 93,700 183,200 56,000 221,500 167,900 143,000 203,900 92,800 215,700 165,500 238,100 179,600 268,200 117,000 62,300 118,000 141,900 207,200 120,400 200,600 300,100 8,500 227,700 128,000 138,000 80,700 34,100 311,100 50,200 174,300 141,900 159,100 580,100 672,200 131,500 199,600 93,200 38,500 228,300 49 1,250.31 1,980.90 1,547.45 329.09 1,612.41 476.06 1,967.06 367.43 2,433.53 313.11 3,087.44 1,881.86 1,815.83 1,742.34 4,099.18 1,010.69 973.41 1,450.53 1,148.07 997.91 1,951.08 596.40 2,358.98 1,788.14 1,522.95 2,171.54 988.32 2,297.21 1,762.58 2,535.77 1,912.74 2,856.33 1,246.05 663.50 1,256.70 1,511.24 2,206.68 1,282.26 2,136.39 3,196.07 90.53 2,425.01 1,363.20 1,469.70 859.46 363.17 3,313.22 534.63 1,856.29 1,511.24 1,694.42 6,178.07 7,158.93 1,400.48 2,125.74 992.58 410.03 2,431.40 * * * * *& * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *& * * * * * *& * * * * * * *& * DIRECTV, INC DISH NETWORK, LLC DIX, GINNA DIXON, DOUGLAS P & REBECCA L DOIRON, KAREN DORE, CLARENCE, ESTATE OF DORE, RICHARD A. & EDITH B. DORVAL, ELWOOD & JEANNETTE DORVAL, PAUL A. DORVAL, PAUL A. DOSTIE, AARON P & STACY M DOSTIE, BARBARA J M & GREGORY A DOSTIE, BEATRICE DOSTIE, CHERYL L. DOSTIE, GABRIEL & DONNA L. DOSTIE, GABRIEL & DONNA L. DOSTIE, GABRIEL V. & DONNA L. DOSTIE, MARC A. & JEAN M. DOSTIE, SUSAN DOSTIE, WILLIAM & SANDRA DOSTIE-SMITH, JACQUELINE DOUCETTE, BLAIR A & STACY L. DOUCETTE, JACQUELINE DOUGLAS, ROCKY E DOUGLASS, JULIE R. DOUGLASS, JULIE R. DOUGLASS, KENNETH & LOIS DOUGLASS, KEVIN M & DANIELLE L DOUIN FAMILY TRUST DOUIN, CASEY A. DOUIN, JACQUELINE DOUIN, KENNETH DOUIN, KENNETH M. & DOUIN, LARRY H. & SHIRLEY A. DOUIN, NORMAN & ELSIE DOUIN, RODNEY DOUIN, RODNEY DOUIN, RODNEY DOWNE, RICHARD A. DOWNES, PHILIP & PATRICIA DOWNING, LORA S. & ARTHUR T. DOYON, MICHAEL R. & ELIZABETH DOYON, PETER & PAMELA DRAKE, DARYL & ELLEN J DRAKE, KENNETH & SANDRA DRAKE, KENNETH & SANDRA DRAKE, ZELMA R, TRUSTEE, DRAKE FAMILY TRUST DRAKE, ZELMA TRUSTEE, DRAKE FAMILY TRUST DRESCH, ARLINE I. & SAGE, THEODORE W. DUBE, JACOB DUBE, JACOB DUBE, LOUISE DUBE, MICHAEL L. & LOUISE E. DUBE, ROBERT JR & SARAH DUBOIS, DOMINIC J. & ANDREA M. DUBOIS, KEITH & LAUREN DUBOIS, ROBERT & SHARON DUBOIS, ROSE M.& JONATHAN 50 20,800 27,900 137,700 181,400 146,400 248,400 114,300 143,200 5,800 224,800 216,200 191,900 139,700 338,300 20,700 7,200 290,100 172,900 83,900 106,300 117,200 120,700 142,100 340,000 217,500 190,100 122,600 147,000 211,700 61,800 125,200 33,200 170,100 132,000 128,600 2,700 22,700 143,400 94,400 182,333 170,200 141,300 128,800 134,900 26,500 331,600 26,500 157,700 196,300 3,500 200,600 13,500 237,900 166,800 139,100 205,700 93,900 140,800 221.52 297.14 1,466.51 1,931.91 1,559.16 2,645.46 1,217.30 1,525.08 61.77 2,394.12 2,302.53 2,043.74 1,487.81 3,602.90 220.46 76.68 3,089.57 1,841.39 893.54 1,132.10 1,248.18 1,285.46 1,513.37 3,621.00 2,316.38 2,024.57 1,305.69 1,565.55 2,254.61 658.17 1,333.38 353.58 1,811.57 1,405.80 1,369.59 28.76 241.76 1,527.21 1,005.36 1,941.85 1,812.63 1,504.85 1,371.72 1,436.69 282.22 3,531.54 282.22 1,679.51 2,090.59 37.28 2,136.39 143.78 2,533.63 1,776.42 1,481.42 2,190.71 1,000.04 1,499.52 DUDLEY, CHRISTINE A & FRED E * DUDLEY, CHRISTINE A & FRED E * DUDLEY, JAMES F & BARBARA DUDLEY, JAMES F. & BARBARA * DUDLEY, JOEL & KELLIE A * DUDLEY, ROBERT A. JR. & SUSAN J. * DUFFY-MORIN, ELISE * DUGAL, BRENT R. & MELISA G. * DULAC, RONALD G. DUMONT, DAVID & NANCY DUMONT, DAVID & NANCY DUMONT, DAVID A. & NANCY A. DUMONT, DAVID L. & VERONICA A. DUNCAN, RICHARD E. & CAROLEE W. * DUNHAM, BRUCE W & DORIS L * DUNLAP, HAROLD & SHIRLEY DUPERRY, DONALD R. DUPERRY, DONALD R. * DUTILL, CARL L. JR.& VICTORIA M & DUTTON, PAMELA J * DYER, HOWARD W. JR. DYER, RANDALL & DOLORES E & M ROSSIGNOL, LLC EASLER, JAMES D & MADELYN A EASLER, STEVEN EASLER, STEVEN * EASLER, STEVEN EASTON, MARK C. & ROSA K. TRUSTEES ECCLES, MARILYN & HUDSON, CYNTHIA * ECCLES, MARILYN & HUDSON, CYNTHIA * EDDY, THOMAS S. & JOYCE EDGECOMB, VICTOR & EUGENE SR & EDGECOMB, VICTOR A EDMAN, JEREMY D. & REBECCA A. EGO, WAYNE ELIAS, COREY W. & RACHAEL ELIAS, COREY W. & RACHAEL ELIAS, ROCHID & JODY ELIAS, ROCHID & JODY * ELIAS, ROCHID J & JODY W ELIAS, ROCHID J. & JODY W ELIAS, ROCHID J. & JODY W * ELKIN, PAUL R. & KAREN K * ELLSWORTH, EUGENE & MARY ANN *& EMERSON, ROBERT * EMMONS, RYAN W. ERICKSON, BONNIE K 2011 REVOCABLE TRUST ERICKSON, BRIAN B. & STACEY O. * ERICSON, MARGARET D. ERNST, CHRISTOPHER & LENARDSON, RACHEL A * ERSKINE, ERIC P. & ANDREA * ERSKINE, LOUISE A & MICHAEL A * ESKELUND, RICHARD * ESTABROOK, DANA A. & JANET E. * ESTES, ROBERT A. JR. & SHARON * ETTINGER, DAVID & DEBRA G. * EUGLEY, DOUGLAS M & COLLEEN A * EVANS, AMY E. & JAMIE R. 51 22,900 126,100 137,500 37,500 147,200 146,400 165,300 250,000 99,300 24,200 300 189,400 110,600 159,400 108,400 134,500 47,800 44,600 111,900 52,100 85,600 161,900 66,400 133,500 36,700 94,400 104,000 225,500 17,700 282,700 163,100 36,300 89,400 140,100 26,900 45,700 147,900 57,500 36,700 121,100 195,700 49,600 278,200 95,000 126,800 142,700 128,600 216,400 184,100 144,700 182,300 147,800 300,700 130,500 190,800 197,700 174,700 121,000 243.89 1,342.97 1,464.38 399.38 1,567.68 1,559.16 1,760.45 2,662.50 1,057.55 257.73 3.20 2,017.11 1,177.89 1,697.61 1,154.46 1,432.43 509.07 474.99 1,191.73 554.87 911.64 1,724.24 707.16 1,421.78 390.86 1,005.36 1,107.60 2,401.57 188.51 3,010.76 1,737.02 386.60 952.11 1,492.07 286.49 486.71 1,575.14 612.38 390.86 1,289.71 2,084.21 528.24 2,962.83 1,011.75 1,350.42 1,519.76 1,369.59 2,304.66 1,960.67 1,541.06 1,941.50 1,574.07 3,202.46 1,389.83 2,032.02 2,105.51 1,860.56 1,288.65 * EVANS, CAROLE EZZY, GEORGE R. & SHIRLEY ELAIS EZZY, GEORGE R. & SHIRLEY ELAIS EZZY, JULIE A. & PAYNE, JEREMY N. EZZY, PETER & JANE FAIRFIELD, MARK FAIRFIELD, MATTHEW H. FAIRFIELD, MICHAEL * FAIRFIELD, TIMOTHY FAIRFIELD, TIMOTHY J. FAIRFIELD, TIMOTHY J. FAIRFIELD, TIMOTHY J. FAIRPOINT NEW ENGLAND FAIRPOINT NEW ENGLAND FAIRPOINT NEW ENGLAND FAIRPOINT NEW ENGLAND FAIRPOINT NEW ENGLAND FARBER, BARRY & SUSAN * FARNHAM, DONALD C & MARTHA C * FARNHAM, DONNA * FARNHAM, JONATHAN * FARNSWORTH, SHAWN A. & TAMI L. FARQUHAR, CYNTHIA LIFE ESTATE FARQUHAR, CYNTHIA LIFE ESTATE FARQUHAR, CYNTHIA LIFE ESTATE FARQUHAR, CYNTHIA LIFE ESTATE FARQUHAR, CYNTHIA LIFE ESTATE FARQUHAR, DOUGLAS MAINE SEPERATE * FARRAR, TIMOTHY J. & RHONDA D * FARRELL, JASON R & KRISTI R FARRINGTON, C. FREDERICK FAUCHER, ECHO L. & TROY * FAY, JEFFERY E. & LINDA FAY, JEFFREY E. & LINDA A. FECK ASSOCIATES FECK ASSOCIATES FECK ASSOCIATES FECK ASSOCIATES FECK ASSOCIATES * FECTEAU, ALAN & STEPHANIE * FENWICK, CARL R LIVING TRUST & FENWICK, CHRISTOPHER J & SARA B * FENWICK, TODD J. & MELISSA * FERGUSON, LOUIS E. & SARAH J * FERLAND, JAMES & VERNA * FERRAN, JOAN T FIDLER, WILLIAM P. SHARON R. * FIELD, LEE & HEIDI FIELDS, DANA L. & GLENNIS B. FIOLA, MONIQUE FIOLA, THOMAS J. & MONIQUE * FIOLA, THOMAS J. & MONIQUE * FISCHETTI, MICHAEL & CAROLINN * FISH, ALAN & JOYCE * FISH, DANIEL S & NATALIE M * FISH, DAVID & EVELYN * FISH, DOUGLAS M & TRICIA A * FISH, KEVIN E & DENISE D 170,100 4,500 333,600 159,800 46,600 90,600 44,500 117,000 45,600 37,500 29,800 8,500 1,000 58,900 19,600 136,400 200 315,300 61,800 41,500 123,800 175,600 2,600 52,400 7,100 39,900 35,300 5,100 199,600 251,300 263,000 151,100 289,500 41,700 28,000 777,800 165,900 51,666 57,300 103,600 314,400 162,700 93,300 172,700 217,700 149,700 149,600 154,000 163,000 317,600 35,600 193,000 169,400 134,800 167,400 125,500 167,200 96,600 52 1,811.57 47.93 3,552.84 1,701.87 496.29 964.89 473.93 1,246.05 485.64 399.38 317.37 90.53 10.65 627.29 208.74 1,452.66 2.13 3,357.95 658.17 441.98 1,318.47 1,870.14 27.69 558.06 75.61 424.94 375.95 54.32 2,125.74 2,676.35 2,800.95 1,609.22 3,083.18 444.10 298.20 8,283.57 1,766.84 550.24 610.25 1,103.34 3,348.36 1,732.76 993.65 1,839.26 2,318.51 1,594.31 1,593.24 1,640.10 1,735.95 3,382.44 379.14 2,055.45 1,804.11 1,435.62 1,782.81 1,336.58 1,780.68 1,028.79 * *& * * * * * * *& * * * * * * * * * *& * * * * FISH, KIMBERLY FISH, KIMBERLY A FISHER, JOYCE & TEDD FISHER, TEDD C & JOYCE A FITZHERBERT, RICHARD W. FLEMING, MICHAEL P & PATRICIA A FLETCHER, LORIE L. FLETCHER, TODD H & CYNTHIA E FLETCHER, TODD H & CYNTHIA E FLETCHER, TODD H & CYNTHIA E FLETCHER, TODD H. & CYNTHIA E. FLEURY, DAVID & NANCY REVOCABLE TRUST FLINT, ANDREW C & AMBER L FOLGER, DAVID FOLGER, JAYNE C. FOLGER, JEFFERY L & JAYNE C FOLGER, JEFFREY L FOLGER, JEFFREY L & JAYNE C FOLGER, JEFFREY L & JAYNE C FONTAINE, LOUIS R & CHERYL W FORTIN, JOSEPH LEO & DOCILE R. FORTIN, JOSEPH R. & BERNADETTE S FORTIN, KEVIN & SHANNON FORTIN, TERRY J. & SHARON FORTIN,VINCENT & FORTUNATO, MICHAEL & FOSS, ROBERT F. FOSSETT, SCOTT E FOSTER, ALLEN J. & JEANNE C. FOTTER, GLENWOOD S. FOUGERE, KEVIN & AMY FOUGERE, KEVIN & AMY FOWLER, LAURIE L & SCOTT A FOWLER, SCOTT FOX, KRISTIN L. & GILLIAN, KELLY L. FOYE, KELLIE J. FOYE, PHYLLIS LIFE ESTATE FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS O & SHAWNA L FOYE, THOMAS O. & SHAWNA FRANCK, SUSAN K FRANKEL, ALAN M. FRASCA, THOMAS & LYNN A. FRASER, RICHARD L. & HEIDI M. FREDETTE, LEON V. & MARGARET FREDETTE, LEON V. & MARGARET FROST, CHARLENE & JEFFERY FROST, DARLA J. FURBUSH, ARCHIE & SANDRA FURBUSH, JAMES L. FURBUSH, ROBERT A. & CATHERINE G FURROW, HELEN B. 31,600 138,100 33,500 156,400 328,900 197,300 104,700 59,600 19,700 25,200 177,700 615,000 167,900 119,500 7,400 136,500 28,000 56,900 64,500 179,000 90,800 85,000 141,100 282,900 274,400 192,200 200 65,500 221,400 224,700 118,400 53,600 119,000 49,700 166,900 148,500 59,800 161,800 195,000 34,300 159,400 133,800 167,700 168,400 300 175,400 38,700 199,700 289,900 114,300 48,500 33,600 198,200 96,400 233,100 132,500 36,200 58,600 53 336.54 1,470.77 356.78 1,665.66 3,502.79 2,101.25 1,115.06 634.74 209.81 268.38 1,892.51 6,549.75 1,788.14 1,272.68 78.81 1,453.73 298.20 605.99 686.93 1,906.35 967.02 905.25 1,502.72 3,012.89 2,922.36 2,046.93 2.13 697.58 2,357.91 2,393.05 1,260.96 570.84 1,267.35 529.30 1,777.49 1,581.53 636.87 1,723.17 2,076.75 365.30 1,697.61 1,424.97 1,786.01 1,793.46 3.20 1,868.01 412.16 2,126.80 3,087.44 1,217.30 516.53 357.84 2,110.83 1,026.66 2,482.52 1,411.13 385.53 624.09 * * *& * * * * * * * *& * * * * *& * *& * * * * * * * * * * * FUSCO, ALPHONSE FUSCO, ALPHONSE G & G PROPERTIES, LLC G & G PROPERTIES, LLC GABOURY, RICHARD R. GAGNE, MATTHEW GAGNE, DOUGLAS & DIANE GAGNE, TERRENCE & *HATCH-GAGNE, KAREN GAGNE, THERESA M. GAGNE, TODD A. & SHARON GAGNE, WANDA S GAGNON, ANDREA GAGNON, CARROLL & GAGNON, GEORGE HEIRS OF & GAGNON, JASON D & TRICIA GAGNON, JEFFERY A. & TAMMY L. GAGNON, JEFFREY & BARBARA GAGNON, JEFFREY & KRISTIN GAGNON, JEFFREY A. GAGNON, THOMAS GAGNON, TIMOTHY GAGNON, TIMOTHY J, JR. & DANIELLE J GAGNON, TIMOTHY J. JR. & GAGNON, WILLIAM R & MARCY GAIGNARD, GLORIA GALLAGHER, DONALD GALLANT, SHARON GAMMANS, JONATHAN & MAURA GARAND, PATRICK L GARDELLA, RANDY L & SARAH B GARDINER, CONRAD R. GARDNER, LORI J. & REDMOND, KEVIN J GARLAND, RICHARD & LAURIE GARRETT, ROBERT L & PEGGY A GAUDET, JOHN GAUDET, JOHN R GAY, FREDERICK R, JR & TISHA B GE CAPITAL INFORMATION TECH SOLU GEMERY, HENRY GEMERY, HENRY & PAMELA GEMERY, HENRY & PAMELA GEMERY, PAMELA GENEST, KEITH P & HEATHER E GENEST, ROBERT & SACHA GEORGE, JOHN S. & GAIL M. GERTLOFF, ARTHUR E. & RACHEL P. GESTWICKI, ANNETTE P GETCHELL, ROXY A. GIBBS, ANDREW D. & SHARON A. GIFFORD, SHANNON GILBERT, ANGELA M GILBERT, DEBRAH ANN GILBERT, DIANE C. LIBBY GILBERT, DONALD & LOIS GILBERT, DONALD G. & LOIS L. GILBERT, GARY P & LISA GILBERT, JOAN GILBERT, ROBERT L & LINDA L 65,500 123,500 917,400 336,400 230,600 44,700 157,600 287,100 479,900 213,400 179,600 142,100 266,800 155,300 213,300 52,500 143,300 217,700 50,000 30,600 130,300 15,300 28,500 31,800 86,000 99,800 187,100 194,700 126,500 209,500 53,900 150,800 123,500 162,900 83,000 252,800 112,600 5,200 137,500 168,000 179,500 137,500 151,000 205,300 226,000 111,600 93,700 121,300 284,700 122,600 58,000 186,000 119,900 268,200 209,600 64,100 119,500 103,400 54 697.58 1,315.28 9,770.31 3,582.66 2,455.89 476.06 1,678.44 3,057.62 5,110.93 2,272.71 1,912.74 1,513.37 2,841.42 1,653.95 2,271.65 559.13 1,526.15 2,318.51 532.50 325.89 1,387.70 162.95 303.52 338.67 915.90 1,062.87 1,992.62 2,073.55 1,347.23 2,231.17 574.04 1,606.02 1,315.28 1,734.89 883.95 2,692.32 1,199.19 55.38 1,464.38 1,789.20 1,911.68 1,464.38 1,608.15 2,186.45 2,406.90 1,188.54 997.91 1,291.85 3,032.06 1,305.69 617.70 1,980.90 1,276.94 2,856.33 2,232.24 682.67 1,272.68 1,101.21 & GILE, HERMON E. & CAROLYN D. GILLES, ANN & NORMAN GILLES, ANN L. & NORMAN * GILLEY, MICHAEL & CARLA * GILMAN, LAWRENCE G, JR. GILMORE, PETER J & GIROUX, DAVID GIROUX, JEFFREY A. & CYNTHIA R. GIROUX, NORMA & PAUL GIROUX, NORMA E. GIROUX, TIMOTHY A & DEBORAH A * GLEASON, EDWARD E. & LISA A. GLEASON, EVAN & VERNA GLEASON, EVAN & VERNA * GLIDDEN, AIMEE J. GLINES, BERT & CAROL GOFF, ALBERT J. * GOFF, EDWARD & BERNADETTE * GOFF, LENDALL & WYNNE J. * GOGUEN, ROLAND E. & SANDRA J. GOLBEY, ROBERT B. & MONICA HUNT * GOLDEN, SUSAN H. GOLDING, BETH GOLDING, PETER * GOLDING, PETER A. & BETH K. * GOMEAU, DAVID L, JR. GOOCHER, MICHELLE GOOD, DAVID GOODHEART, RONALD S GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA GOODHUE, CLINTON GOODHUE, GREGORY * GOODNO, CECILE GOODRICH, JUSTIN L & CHEYENNE M * GOODRICH, RANDY J. & LISA M. GOODRICH, ROBERT A. & MAUREEN F. GOOLDRUP, RICHARD P. & MARJORIE S. GOP, CECILE A. & WILLIAM J. & GORDON, KIMBERLEY * GORNEAU, VICTOR J. * GOSSELIN, PETER & SUSAN * GOSSELIN, RYAN GOSSELIN, SUSAN G. * GOTREAU, KENNETH A. & JEAN M. GOULD, BERNARD & SOPHIE GOULD, MARK G. GOULD, MARK G. * GOULD, MARK G. GOULET, KELLY A. GOW, MARK 132,800 173,100 43,600 120,900 564,800 88,400 140,600 8,200 202,900 241,000 169,600 172,900 45,900 20,100 243,900 2,200 160,900 56,800 340,200 111,000 354,600 376,000 30,000 8,900 303,900 117,300 162,700 166,700 177,100 6,400 29,100 16,200 35,000 299,000 299,600 78,300 10,440 16,600 14,500 136,100 117,200 25,400 153,200 219,800 164,900 10,500 141,500 108,200 174,900 94,600 31,200 187,900 860,400 56,500 102,500 161,300 70,700 25,700 55 1,414.32 1,843.52 464.34 1,287.59 6,015.12 941.46 1,497.39 87.33 2,160.88 2,566.65 1,806.24 1,841.39 488.84 214.07 2,597.54 23.43 1,713.59 604.92 3,623.13 1,182.15 3,776.49 4,004.40 319.50 94.79 3,236.54 1,249.24 1,732.76 1,775.36 1,886.12 68.16 309.92 172.53 372.75 3,184.35 3,190.74 833.90 111.19 176.79 154.42 1,449.47 1,248.18 270.51 1,631.58 2,340.87 1,756.19 111.83 1,506.98 1,152.33 1,862.69 1,007.49 332.28 2,001.14 9,163.26 601.73 1,091.63 1,717.85 752.96 273.71 GOW, MARK A * GRAHAM, LINDA & DAVID GRAHAM, THEODORE W JR * GRANT, ANDREW N. & KARA L. GRANT, BOBBIE-JO L. & JOSHUAJ. *& GRANT, GARY & CONSTANCE GRANT, PETER E & GREENE, REBECCA S * GRAVES, GERALD & DARLENE GRAVES, MARIE H. * GRAVES, MARIE H. GRAVES, MARIE H. & GERALD GRAVES, MARIE H. & GERALD GRAVES, NEIL N GRAYHAWK LEASING, LLC *& GREELY, ROBERT E. & FRANCES B. GREEN, DIANE S & HOWARD DALE * GREEN, DIANE S & HOWARD DALE * GREENACRE, DAVID E. & KAREN Y GREENE, DANIEL J. * GREENE, JACQUELINE S. GREENE, RICHARD & CATHY GREENLEAF, JASON P & MARY F * GREGOIRE, JOHN E. * GREGOIRE, PAUL D. & * GRENIER, JEFFRY & ALETA GRIFFIN, DEBORAH GRIGNON, CHRISTOPHER R. * GRIMSHAW, SEAN M. GROVER, LINDA M. & GTP ACQUISITION PARTNERS II LLC GTP ACQUISITION PARTNERS II LLC GUARINO, KELLIE A. & MICHAEL T. * GUERRETTE, PAUL J & CARRIE D * GUILMETTE, EDWARD E. GUIMOND, VIC * GURA, MARY ELLEN GURNEY, CATHERINE GURNEY, DONALD J. INC. GURNEY, JOAN & EUGENE A. GURNEY, RONALD GURNEY, RONALD & ANN GUSACK, MARK D & BONAVY U HABIB, KHALIL & * HACHEY, GERALD & LONA HACHEY, STACEY * HAISCH, RICHARD A, TRUSTEE HALL, DEAN W. & LINDA J. HALL, DEAN W. & LINDA J. * HALL, KENDRA & JOHN * HALL, LINWOOD & JANE K HALL, STEWART C & ERIKA J HALL, TRISH L & GALLANT, MICHAEL A * HALLEE, THEODORE HALLEE, TIMOTHY & LAUREN S. HALLISEY, BRIAN & MITCHELL-HALLISEY,BEVERLY * HAMILTON, REBECCA L. * HAMLIN, KATHERINE L.& PHILLIP L. * HAMLIN, TREVOR E & ERIKA L 56 88,800 6,600 188,900 286,300 201,100 150,300 208,400 15,300 69,000 168,900 1,300 21,900 150,600 4,100 209,800 169,800 103,200 155,700 130,340 76,100 189,200 220,500 123,100 122,500 169,400 18,500 119,800 107,700 94,200 103,500 110,200 175,000 214,200 65,800 197,600 112,200 308,300 134,200 92,700 5,900 122,200 48,700 160,300 181,700 73,100 364,700 28,800 186,700 114,800 193,100 185,000 118,400 294,500 224,900 92,600 59,100 187,300 113,400 945.72 70.29 2,011.79 3,049.10 2,141.72 1,600.70 2,219.46 162.95 734.85 1,798.79 13.85 233.24 1,603.89 43.67 2,234.37 1,808.37 1,099.08 1,658.21 1,388.12 810.47 2,014.98 2,348.32 1,311.02 1,304.63 1,804.11 197.03 1,275.87 1,147.00 1,003.23 1,102.27 1,173.63 1,863.75 2,281.23 700.77 2,104.44 1,194.93 3,283.40 1,429.23 987.26 62.84 1,301.43 518.66 1,707.20 1,935.11 778.52 3,884.06 306.72 1,988.36 1,222.62 2,056.52 1,970.25 1,260.96 3,136.43 2,395.19 986.19 629.42 1,994.75 1,207.71 * HAMLIN, VIOLET A. HAMMOND, DAVID * HAMMOND, DAVID S HAMMOND, GARY L. & MARTHA J. * HAMMOND, GARY L. & MARTHA J. HANDLEY, CRAIG F. HANDLEY, ERIC A. * HANNES, MARIA HANNING, RAYMOND G & EILEEN S HANSCOM, DOROTHY *& HANSCOM, DOROTHY * HANSEN, JEFFREY S. & FAITH L. HANSON, CHRIS & TANIA HANSON, JEFFREY & DONNA *& HARDCASTLE, ALAN & BIRGIT HARDE, GORDON & CLARA *& HARDE, GORDON & CLARA HARDE, MICHAEL B & DARLENE D HARGROVE, JASON K. & ROBIN R. * HARGROVE, JASON K. & ROBIN R. HARLAN, MARALEE & HARRY HARLAN, MARALEE & HARRY HARMS, JOHN H. HARMS, JOHN H. HARMS, JOHN H. HARRIS, BRUCE A. & LORRAINE V. HARRIS, BRUCE A. & LORRIANE V. HART, DENISE M. & RANDALL H. HARTFORD, DARREN HARTIGAN, MARIE * HARTIGAN, MARIE S. HARTUNG, DALLAS L. & EMILY HARTUNG, DALLAS L. & EMILY HARVEY, EUGENE V. * HASKELL, CHAD & BECKY HASKELL, JAMES & NANCY * HASKELL, JAMES D & NANCY E HASKELL, MICHAEL N. HASKELL, NORMAN & EMELDA HASKELL, PATRICIA * HASKELL, PATRICIA HASKINS, RICHARD & BARBARA * HASKINS, RICHARD & BARBARA HATCH, MARK P. & DENISE Y. HATT, DAVID F., JR * HAYWARD, SHELLY HEALY, GEORGE * HEATH, THOMAS & KATHLEEN * HECKMAN, SYLVIA *& HELM, WILLIAM JR * HENDERSON, WAYNE P & HAZEL B HENDSBEE, RICHARD HENNING, KAREN & MICHAEL HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES 70,400 48,600 382,500 224,300 347,500 179,600 142,700 119,200 115,300 191,500 152,000 125,800 112,500 35,000 109,600 41,900 164,600 58,100 160,900 205,600 327,100 29,400 192,900 29,100 63,300 670,000 32,800 175,000 218,700 40,200 160,000 39,800 123,100 186,600 228,100 38,300 161,800 1,800 16,400 34,900 141,100 29,200 214,800 30,700 128,700 153,800 25,100 185,000 91,000 129,200 167,400 404,100 193,700 28,700 31,200 29,800 29,400 28,700 57 749.76 517.59 4,073.63 2,388.80 3,700.88 1,912.74 1,519.76 1,269.48 1,227.95 2,039.48 1,618.80 1,339.77 1,198.13 372.75 1,167.24 446.24 1,752.99 618.77 1,713.59 2,189.64 3,483.62 313.11 2,054.38 309.92 674.15 7,135.50 349.32 1,863.75 2,329.15 428.13 1,704.00 423.87 1,311.02 1,987.29 2,429.27 407.90 1,723.17 19.17 174.66 371.69 1,502.72 310.98 2,287.62 326.96 1,370.66 1,637.97 267.32 1,970.25 969.15 1,375.98 1,782.81 4,303.67 2,062.90 305.65 332.28 317.37 313.11 305.65 * *& * * * *& * * * * * * *& * * * * * * * * * * HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES HERSOM, CHERYL S. & CHARLES M HERSOM, JOHN B. & ROBERTA E. HEWETT, AUDREY HEWETT, AUDREY HEWETT, ERIC J HEWEY, MARY HIBBARD, JULIE HIGGINS CONSTRUCTION, INC. HIGGINS, JAMES HIGGINS, JEFFREY A. & RAYOLA A. HIGGINS, JEFFREY A. & RAYOLA A. HIGGINS, KEVIN L. & SMITH, JAMIE HIGGINS, LARRY G. & CHARLOTTE HIGGINS, TRACEY A. HILL, TOMMY E. & LETA J. HILLMAN, BRUCE J. & JANE G. HILLMAN, FRANK & & VALERIE E. HINTON, HEATHER S. HITE, GEORGE A. & YVONNE A. HOEL, THOMAS P & LAUREL ANN HOEL, THOMAS P. HOEL, THOMAS P. & LAUREL A. HOLLAND, HENRY & HOLT, EARL D. II HOPPER, CHRISTOPHER HORTON, GEORGE D. JR HOWARD, JAMES HOWE, STEVEN E. & CRYSTAL L. HOYLE, SHAWN B & NICOLA B HOYLE, SHAWN B. & NICOLA B. HUARD, JOSEPH HUBBARD, BARBARA J & MICHAEL A HUGHES, MICHELLE HUGHES, TERRENCE G. & CHARLOTTE HUME, DOROTHY C. HUME, H. ALAN & DOROTHY C. HUMPHREY, WALLACE JR. & CONSTANCE HUNT, PHILIP J. & LORI A. HUNTER, MARJORIE HUNTER, MARJORIE HUNTER, MARJORIE HURTUBISE, JUDI HUTCHINSON, BEATRICE M. HUTCHINSON, JANICE MITTON IENG, CHHAY K. & YOEUN P. ILS PROPERTIES ILS PROPERTIES, LLC INDRIERI, JOHN S. & PATRICIA IRELAND PEAT 29,400 28,500 64,500 29,000 28,600 28,600 28,600 28,700 28,600 138,400 205,500 35,700 121,700 104,200 171,300 35,100 45,500 119,400 35,500 32,100 78,400 117,800 153,400 162,300 219,300 80,900 137,300 167,500 112,500 30,100 600 275,500 146,200 223,500 73,000 221,300 83,500 125,200 196,100 115,800 172,700 28,000 129,200 179,900 444,300 135,400 50,400 30,000 22,900 8,900 232,700 75,200 109,300 38,600 29,800 550,700 214,900 11,000 58 313.11 303.52 686.93 308.85 304.59 304.59 304.59 305.65 304.59 1,473.96 2,188.57 380.21 1,296.11 1,109.73 1,824.35 373.82 484.58 1,271.61 378.08 341.87 834.96 1,254.57 1,633.71 1,728.50 2,335.55 861.58 1,462.25 1,783.88 1,198.13 320.57 6.39 2,934.08 1,557.03 2,380.28 777.45 2,356.84 889.28 1,333.38 2,088.47 1,233.27 1,839.26 298.20 1,375.98 1,915.94 4,731.80 1,442.01 536.76 319.50 243.89 94.79 2,478.26 800.88 1,164.05 411.09 317.37 5,864.96 2,288.69 117.15 IRELAND PEAT*C/O JOEL POOLER * IRELAND, JEFFREY A * IRELAND, WAYNE & SUSAN ISBISTER, FREDERICK * ISBISTER, FREDERICK ISBISTER, FREDERICK E. ISBISTER, FREDERICK E. ISBISTER, FREDERICK E. * ISHAM, PAMELA A. J R DEVELOPMENT LLC JACKSON, LEVI G & INGRID A JACKSON, ROBIN J. JACKSON, SHARON * JACQUES, DAVID & PATRICIA JACQUES, FLORIAN, NANCY,JEANNE,PAUL * JACQUES, MARK G. * JACQUES, PATRICK & LISA *& JACQUES, RICHARD & GERMAINE JACQUES, RICHARD J. & PATRICIA M. JACQUES, RYAN * JACQUES, STEWART & ELAINE JANDREAU, BENJAMIN JANDREAU, MICHAEL J. & LYNN * JANDREAU, MICHAEL J. & LYNN * JANDREAU, RICHARD JENNINGS, ELIZABETH JIM PEPIN HOMES, LLC * JOFFE, NANCY JOHNSON, ARTHUR & RUBY *& JOHNSON, ARTHUR & RUBY * JOHNSON, CLIFTON V & ALICE M JOHNSON, CLIFTON V. & ALICE M. JOHNSON, JAMES F. JOHNSON, JANET & JOHNSON, MICHAEL W & WANDA J JOHNSON, RUSSELL A JR JOHNSON, RUSSELL II * JOHNSON, TENEALE & DAVID JOHNSON, WAYNE E & LAGASSEY, CAROL L JOHNSTON, EMILY M. * JOLER, SHAWN M. JORDAN, STEPHEN R & KRISTIN M JOYEUX, JANET & DORIAN, PATRICK M JUDKINS, SHARON B * KADNAR, SCOTT J & JENNIFER B KANARIS, LISA MARIE KANE, DANIELLE & JOSEPH J *& KARCZEWSKI, CAROL L. KARTER, BRENDA R. KAUPPINEN, JON & NICOLE KEENE, HAROLD HEIRS KEIMEL, JOHN A & ALISA P KEITH & SONS CONSTRUCTION, LLC KELLER L.A. & SON INC. KELLER, LINWOOD KELLER, LINWOOD KELLER, LINWOOD KELLER, LINWOOD 51,300 69,500 180,400 245,500 352,000 28,100 177,200 87,700 146,200 348,200 182,900 122,000 34,900 151,500 24,600 132,800 81,700 171,900 65,500 50,900 175,200 147,400 1,500 159,800 149,200 159,500 156,700 115,300 54,500 77,200 87,400 44,400 153,300 113,500 140,700 59,300 29,800 95,700 122,400 139,900 90,400 178,900 311,200 258,100 199,300 103,100 162,400 115,500 337,900 141,000 27,400 163,300 105,900 410,700 38,000 34,300 113,200 148,500 59 546.35 740.18 1,921.26 2,614.57 3,748.80 299.27 1,887.18 934.01 1,557.03 3,708.33 1,947.89 1,299.30 371.69 1,613.48 261.99 1,414.32 870.11 1,830.74 697.58 542.09 1,865.88 1,569.81 15.98 1,701.87 1,588.98 1,698.68 1,668.86 1,227.95 580.42 822.18 930.81 472.86 1,632.65 1,208.77 1,498.46 631.54 317.37 1,019.21 1,303.56 1,489.94 962.76 1,905.29 3,314.28 2,748.77 2,122.55 1,098.01 1,729.56 1,230.08 3,598.64 1,501.65 291.81 1,739.15 1,127.84 4,373.96 404.70 365.30 1,205.58 1,581.53 * KELLER, LINWOOD KELLEY, JULIE & ROY KELLEY, JULIE & ROY KELLEY, JULIE & ROY * KELLEY, RANDY KENNEBEC LAND TRUST KENNEBEC LAND TRUST KENNEBEC SAVINGS BANK * KENNEY, GREGORY D & SHERRY A * KENNEY, SHANNON & EDWARDS, SHERRY KENYON, THOMAS KERR, DAVID E. & SEARS, TORREY KIBBIN, DANIEL KICK, PAMELA * KIERNAN, KATHLEEN L. KIM, SUNGYUL & BOCKSOON * KIMBALL-RYERSON, SUSAN E KINCAID, JOHN T. & HELEN A. KINCAID, JOHN T. & HELEN A. * KING, CLIFFORD JR. & BRENDA * KING, JERE T. & CHARLENE M. * KING, MARY PELLETIER *& KING, RALPH H. & EDRIS M. * KINGSBURY, BRIAN KINNEY, DUNCAN & SANDY KINNEY, DUNCAN & SANDY KINNEY, DUNCAN & SANDY KINNEY, DUNCAN & SANDY * KINNEY, DUNCAN & SANDY * KIRK, WANDA J KITTREDGE, DAVID & ELAINE * KLINGE, MICHAEL & DEBRA J. *& KNAPP, ALICE KNAUER, EDWARD B * KNIGHT, GARY A. & JANE E. KNIGHT, GEORGE & DOLORES *& KNIGHT, GEORGE & DOLORES * KNIGHT, RALPH E. III * KNOWLTON, JAMES L. & JUDY M. KNOX, CRAIG K & TRACY L *& KNOX, KIRBY & * KNOX, REBECCA * KNOX, STEPHEN R. & JODY L. * KOHL, GEORGE K. & JULIE A. KOONS, E.DONALDSON & ELIZABETH KOONS, JOHN D * KOONS, JOHN D. KOONS, PETER & JEAN KOONS, PETER O * KOONS, PETER O. & JEAN E. KORBET, MATTHEW A. & PATRICIA L. KORBET, STEPHEN & BARBARA *& KORBET, STEPHEN & BARBARA * KORSKE, LAWRENCE M & CHRISTINE A KOSIS, BENNY M & MARILYN A,TRUSTEE KOSIS, BENNY M & MARILYN A,TRUSTEE KRAMER, CLIFTON KRAMER, CLIFTON & JULIE 155,700 400 15,600 69,200 40,100 100 6,000 181,400 153,000 96,500 166,000 63,000 35,500 235,400 161,200 360,000 125,400 6,400 23,300 106,600 57,000 124,500 102,200 177,800 2,000 5,900 2,200 2,000 173,700 121,200 155,500 124,100 67,400 46,300 140,000 46,600 119,100 163,900 114,000 129,100 121,500 134,100 117,200 224,500 61,500 223,400 304,200 5,800 222,600 295,300 179,700 38,200 222,800 215,300 77,100 60,400 2,800 122,100 60 1,658.21 4.26 166.14 736.98 427.07 1.07 63.90 1,931.91 1,629.45 1,027.72 1,767.90 670.95 378.08 2,507.01 1,716.78 3,834.00 1,335.51 68.16 248.15 1,135.29 607.05 1,325.93 1,088.43 1,893.57 21.30 62.84 23.43 21.30 1,849.91 1,290.78 1,656.08 1,321.67 717.81 493.10 1,491.00 496.29 1,268.42 1,745.54 1,214.10 1,374.92 1,293.97 1,428.17 1,248.18 2,390.92 654.98 2,379.21 3,239.73 61.77 2,370.69 3,144.95 1,913.81 406.83 2,372.82 2,292.95 821.12 643.26 29.82 1,300.37 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * KRAMER, CLIFTON R KRAMER, CLIFTON R. KRAMER, CLIFTON R. KRAMER, CLIFTON R. KRAMER, DANIEL L. & MARILYN A. KRAMER, ERIC F KRAMER, ERIC F KRAMER, ERIC F KRAMER, ERIC F KRAMER, ERIC F & KRAMER, ERIC F & KRAMER, FRANKLIN KRAMER, FRANKLIN KRAMER, FRANKLIN & SIMONE KRAMER, JULIE A & KRAMER, KENNETH L & MAUREEN C KRAMER, SIMONE KROUS,STUART W-C/O SULLIVAN, CAROL KRUK, LOUISE L & N LAND INVESTMENT, LLC LABBE, JAYNE LABBE, MICHAEL R & VIRGINIA L LACHANCE, CANDY LACHANCE, MICHAEL & MANON LACROIX, GERMAIN LADEAU, GERALD & ALEXANDER, NELLIE LADEW, LINDA LADEW-DUNCAN, JENNIE LAFLAMME, WILLIAM N. & TERRY LAGACE, DONALD O, JR & MELISSA A LAGACE, DONALD O. JR. LAGACE, DONALD O. JR. LAGACE, DONALD O. JR. LAGASSE, HELEN LAGASSEY, PATRICK J LAHAYE, A. PETER & CHRISTINA M. LAJOIE, BRIAN D. LAJOIE, JOHN & DEBRA LAKE RIDGE ASSOCIATION LAKE, AMBER & NICHOLAS LALIBERTE, DIANE T. & LIONEL J. LALIBERTE, LIONEL & DIANE LALIBERTE, LIONEL J.& DIANE T. LALIBERTE, NOEL R & CONNIE L LALLEMAND, MICHAEL & REBECCA LAMBERT, BRIAN C & KIMBERLY A LAMBERT, JOHN & DEANE, LISA A. LANDRY, CHRISTOPHER & HEIDI LANDRY, MARCEL A. & DIANE M. LANE, LINDA F. LANE, LINDA F. LANE, RALPH C. SR. LANE, RANDY & SUE LANE, RANDY & SUSAN LANE, RANDY & SUSAN LANE, RANDY LEE LANE, ROBERT & JUNE A. LANEY, NANCY D. 11,000 5,700 3,600 182,400 175,300 2,700 68,500 9,200 162,600 80,700 103,500 79,000 261,200 154,700 32,400 162,800 80,000 117,200 17,300 46,700 185,900 96,100 25,100 197,000 2,000 149,100 800 34,500 158,500 149,700 26,600 28,200 238,100 92,200 167,000 146,500 129,700 146,200 41,400 28,800 60,500 173,400 300 531,400 102,100 217,700 251,900 108,800 129,100 61,900 400 221,700 70,600 50,000 191,900 176,000 208,600 115,700 61 117.15 60.71 38.34 1,942.56 1,866.95 28.76 729.53 97.98 1,731.69 859.46 1,102.27 841.35 2,781.78 1,647.56 345.06 1,733.82 852.00 1,248.18 184.25 497.35 1,979.84 1,023.47 267.32 2,098.05 21.30 1,587.92 8.52 367.43 1,688.03 1,594.31 283.29 300.33 2,535.77 981.93 1,778.55 1,560.23 1,381.31 1,557.03 440.91 306.72 644.32 1,846.71 3.20 5,659.41 1,087.37 2,318.51 2,682.74 1,158.72 1,374.92 659.24 4.26 2,361.11 751.89 532.50 2,043.74 1,874.40 2,221.59 1,232.21 * * * * * * * * * * & *& * * * * * LANGUET, AIMEE E LANZILLO, JOSEPH H LAPAN, JOSHUA W. & KAREN E. LAPLANTE, TERRY W & DONNA L.N. L LAPLANTE, WALTER LAPLANTE, WALTER LAPLANTE, WALTER LAPLANTE, WALTER LAPLANTE, WALTER LAPLANTE, WALTER LAPLANTE, WALTER LAPLANTE, WALTER LAPLANTE, WALTER LAPLANTE, WALTER LAPLANTE, WALTER LAPLANTE, WALTER LAPLANTE, WALTER LAPLANTE, WALTER LAPLANTE, WALTER LAPLANTE, WALTER LAPOINTE, BRANDI A. LAPOINTE, MICHAEL & ARNETTE LAPORTE, EVERETT F. & JACQUELINE T. LARSEN, MARK A. & LEE ANNE LASTELLA, ANTHONY B. LASTELLA, CARMINE LASTELLA, CARMINE LASTELLA, CARMINE A. LASTELLA, CARMINE A. LASTELLA, CARMINE A. & CHARLENE J LATENDRESSE, LAURIE J. & DENNIS LATHE, BEVERLY & WRIGHT, BETTY LATHE, BEVERLY & WRIGHT, BETTY LATHE, VALERIE M LATNO, RICHARD JR. & ANGELA M. LAVALLEE, ANGIE L & DOOLEY, PATRICK S LAVALLEE, TAMRAN & ERIC LAVERDIERE, RAYMOND R. & DORIS B. LAVOIE, BONNIE LAW, MARK ALAN & MONTGOMERY,ROXANN LAWRENCE, CLAUSTIN & KATHERINE LAWRENCE, MARVIN K. & ANN B. LEBLANC, ALAIN & CARRIE LECLAIR, RICHARD C. & CLAIRE A. LEE, EDWIN K. & LISA LEE, ROBERT LEFEBVRE, CRAIG R. & TAMMY L. LEIGHTON, JEANNETTE & DAVID LEMELIN, DEBORAH LEMELIN, DEBORAH LEMIEUX, DONALD R.& LENENTINE, MARK A & MICHELLE M LESSARD, GASTON & DIANE E. LESSARD, GASTON R. & DIANE E. LESSARD, GASTON R. & DIANE E. LETOURNEAU, A. LORRAINE LETOURNEAU, A. LORRAINE LETTRE, DEBRA C. 187,600 40,400 119,400 263,100 31,000 30,400 30,200 30,200 31,400 30,200 30,000 59,500 31,200 30,000 30,000 31,200 30,000 30,000 30,800 30,000 94,700 91,500 179,300 185,900 44,000 13,900 19,100 54,100 53,400 151,300 141,200 47,500 200 122,700 155,900 236,900 214,000 123,300 13,100 138,100 174,500 303,500 168,600 88,600 202,700 30,000 64,500 231,700 21,200 116,500 132,400 259,700 126,200 84,800 124,800 2,200 63,800 165,000 62 1,997.94 430.26 1,271.61 2,802.02 330.15 323.76 321.63 321.63 334.41 321.63 319.50 633.67 332.28 319.50 319.50 332.28 319.50 319.50 328.02 319.50 1,008.56 974.48 1,909.54 1,979.84 468.60 148.04 203.42 576.17 568.71 1,611.35 1,503.78 505.88 2.13 1,306.75 1,660.34 2,522.99 2,279.10 1,313.15 139.51 1,470.77 1,858.43 3,232.28 1,795.59 943.59 2,158.76 319.50 686.93 2,467.61 225.78 1,240.72 1,410.06 2,765.81 1,344.03 903.12 1,329.12 23.43 679.47 1,757.25 * * * * * * * * & * * * * * *& * * LETTRE, JON LETTRE, ROBERT F LETTRE, ROBERT F. LETTRE, ROBERT F. SR. & AUDREY L. LEVASSEUR, AMY & MICHAEL LEVASSEUR, LORRAINE & MICHAEL A II LEVASSEUR, MICHAEL & LORRAINE LEVASSEUR, MICHAEL & LORRAINE LEVASSEUR, ROCH TRUST LEVENSELLER, MICHAEL J II LEVESQUE, GILBERT P., II LEVESQUE, MATTHEW P LEVESQUE, RICHARD & GARY LEVIN, NORMAN LEVY, GERALD R. & BARBARA L. LEWIS, CHARLES S. III LEWIS, RAYMOND LEWIS, ROBERT E. & CHERI LEWIS, WILLIAM E. LIBBY, CHRISTOPHER A & SHEILA M LIBBY, CLAIR LIBBY, DAVID O. & SUSAN E. LIBBY, HEATHER & BRETT LIBBY, JOHN W & CYNTHIA F LIBBY, JOHN W & CYNTHIA F LIBBY, TINA L'ITALIEN, MATTHEW & RANAE LITTLEFIELD, DANIEL R. LITTLEFIELD, DANIEL R. LITTLEFIELD, DANIEL R. LITTLEFIELD, DWIGHT & KRISTIE LIVINGSTON, RONALD & BONNIE LIZOTTE REALTY, LLC LIZOTTE, PAUL J & MARY S LIZOTTE, PAUL J & MARY S LIZOTTE, PETER & PATRICK LIZOTTE, PETER C LIZZOTTE, BENJAMIN J. LIZZOTTE, GEORGE R & LEEANN LLOYD, ERIC & MCKAY, KOURTNEY LOCKE, JACQUELYN E. LOGAN, DANNY LOGAN, DANNY LOG-LAND CORP. LOG-LAND CORP. LOG-LAND CORP. LONG, KELLY J. LORD, RICHARD E. LOVEITT, GALE LOVEITT, GALE LOVEITT, GALE LOVEITT, GALE LOVEITT, GALE G & LOVEITT, GALE G & LOZINSKI, JOHN J. & DAWN L. LUCARELLI, JOHN & JUDITH LUCE, BRIAN & DEBORAH LUCE, DENNIS & SYLVIA 3,800 1,400 15,100 4,900 186,500 86,800 50,100 1,400 48,800 135,400 158,600 128,800 7,200 25,600 294,100 145,100 195,900 181,900 143,500 158,400 6,100 215,400 249,700 129,000 273,900 14,100 205,800 1,300 1,400 136,700 193,800 98,600 131,600 311,900 19,700 5,000 57,000 28,800 124,800 141,500 100,600 9,100 2,800 9,600 3,500 7,200 77,300 112,000 29,900 29,900 28,000 28,200 54,000 197,500 250,500 167,700 195,400 161,300 63 40.47 14.91 160.82 52.19 1,986.23 924.42 533.56 14.91 519.72 1,442.01 1,689.09 1,371.72 76.68 272.64 3,132.17 1,545.32 2,086.34 1,937.24 1,528.28 1,686.96 64.97 2,294.01 2,659.31 1,373.85 2,917.04 150.17 2,191.77 13.85 14.91 1,455.86 2,063.97 1,050.09 1,401.54 3,321.74 209.81 53.25 607.05 306.72 1,329.12 1,506.98 1,071.39 96.92 29.82 102.24 37.28 76.68 823.25 1,192.80 318.44 318.44 298.20 300.33 575.10 2,103.38 2,667.83 1,786.01 2,081.01 1,717.85 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *& * * LUCE, FLOYD & LULU LUCE, FLOYD & LULU LUCE, FLOYD & LULU LUNDQUIST, ROBERT E. & PAMELA L. LUNDQUIST, ROBERT E. & PAMELA L. LYFORD, JASON D. LYON, DAVID L. & SYLVIA C. LYON, SCOTT & DAVID LYONS, CHRISTOPHER, H. MACDONALD, DAVID C& MURRAY, LISA M MACDONALD, DAVID W. & SUSAN D. MACKENZIE CONSTRUCTION MACKENZIE, GERALD R MACKENZIE, GERALD R SR MACKENZIE, GERALD R SR MACKENZIE, GERALD R SR MACMILLAN, RAY L. & KAREN MADDEN, RICHARD M. MADORE, CYNTHIA A. MADSEN, ARTHUR C. MAINE RSA #1, INC. MAJKA, ALAN D. & KATHLEEN A. MALO, GERARD MANLEY, ANNIE C MANLEY, GEORGE JR. & GERALD ALLEN MANLEY, GEORGE JR. & GERALD ALLEN MANLEY, GEORGE JR. & MARY L. MANLEY, GERALD A. & GAIL Y. MANLEY, MARY & TRAVIS MANLEY, TRAVIS A & MARY E MANSFIELD, FABIAN R. MANSIR, JAMES S & BARBARA E MANTER CO. INC. MANTER HAVEN TRUST MANTER HAVEN TRUST MANTER, BARRY K & JEANIE K MANTER, DALE & MARGARET MANTER, DONALD & THELMA MANTER, DONALD & THELMA MANTER, DONALD I. & THELMA A. MANTER, DOUGLAS & JENNIFER MANTER, EDWARD D. & ANN M. MANTER, EDWARD W. MANTER, WARREN MANTER, WARREN & IVA MANTER, WARREN & IVA MANTER, WARREN & IVA MANTER, WARREN & IVA MANTER, WARREN & IVA MANTER, WARREN & IVA MARAGGIO, THOMAS & ROBIN L. MARASCIO, JAMES B & CAROL L MARCEAU, SHIRLEY LIVING TRUST MARCOUX, LIONEL MARCOUX, LIONEL JOSEPH MARCOUX, LIONEL JOSEPH MARCOUX, LIONEL JOSEPH MARDEN, HAROLD E. & MARY A. 36,600 31,800 154,500 182,400 304,200 237,600 200,100 68,000 136,900 174,100 195,600 3,000 312,200 23,900 10,800 41,600 120,100 30,000 172,900 157,600 19,500 174,600 196,900 181,900 3,600 400 132,300 124,700 1,000 208,800 165,500 134,100 8,000 137,800 26,700 165,100 180,800 28,600 28,300 647,600 227,800 398,600 353,400 13,000 210,800 149,800 47,000 119,600 31,800 342,700 194,200 399,600 135,300 2,800 86,400 6,600 111,000 156,900 64 389.79 338.67 1,645.43 1,942.56 3,239.73 2,530.44 2,131.07 724.20 1,457.99 1,854.17 2,083.14 31.95 3,324.93 254.54 115.02 443.04 1,279.07 319.50 1,841.39 1,678.44 207.68 1,859.49 2,096.99 1,937.24 38.34 4.26 1,409.00 1,328.06 10.65 2,223.72 1,762.58 1,428.17 85.20 1,467.57 284.36 1,758.32 1,925.52 304.59 301.40 6,896.94 2,426.07 4,245.09 3,763.71 138.45 2,245.02 1,595.37 500.55 1,273.74 338.67 3,649.76 2,068.23 4,255.74 1,440.95 29.82 920.16 70.29 1,182.15 1,670.99 * MARDEN, ROBERT MARGOLIUS,KEIRA & PIPER,VANESSA & MARINO, VINCENT & DEBRA * MARKOWITZ, LARRY M. & KAREN M. MARKOWSKI, MELISSA * MARLEY, JANE E. MARQUIS, MATTHEW H. & DANIELLE K. MARQUIS, SHAWN P. MARQUIS, SHAWN P. * MARQUIS, SHAWN P. & CATHY * MARSHALL, GILBERT JR & VIOLA MARSHALL, GILBERT SR. HEIRS OF * MARSH-SACHS, WILLIAM O. & RACHEL R. *& MARTEL, DONALD & MARIELAINA * MARTIN, DAVID & JEAN B. * MARTIN, JAMES W. & LINDA L.M. MARTIN, JOHN S & MURIELLE T MARTIN, JOHN S & MURIELLE T * MARTIN, LISA DAWN MARTIN, MARC & CHERYL A. MARTIN, NATHAN K. & SANDRA J. MARTIN, PETER & LYNDA MASLOSKI, WILLIAM M. * MASURE, RONALD L & RHONDA; M, LISA MASURE, ROSALIE E * MATHEWS, FRANK MATHEWS, FRANK D. MATHEWS, FRANK D. MATHIEU, JANICE * MATHIEU, SONIA & JOHN MAWHINNEY, NICOLE LEE MAYO, TIMOTHY J & KAREN F * MCAVOY, JOHN & KIMBERLY MCAVOY, KIMBERLY KRAMER MCAVOY, KIMBERLY KRAMER MCAVOY, KIMBERLY KRAMER MCAVOY, KIMBERLY KRAMER MCBRIERTY, THOMAS D. MCBRIERTY, THOMAS D. MCBRIERTY, THOMAS D. * MCCANN, STEPHEN M. & GLORIA L. *& MCCARTHY, ALFRED & MARGARET * MCCARTHY, JENNIE * MCCORMICK, ANDREW B. & MCCURDY, DONNA L & STACY J MCCUTCHEON, TROY MCDANIEL, BEVERLY A. MCDANIEL, JAMES H. MCDONALD, DELBERT & MONA *& MCDONALD, MONA J & DELBERT I * MCDOUGAL, KEVIN MCDOUGALL, KEVIN * MCFADDEN, DONALD A. & ELOISE A * MCFADDEN, SCOTT & ZENA * MCFADDEN, STEVEN & KELLY * MCFADDEN, THEODORE T & MARLENE MCFADDEN, THEODORE T. * MCFADDEN, VANESSA J & KEVIN 156,900 58,800 28,000 160,500 150,300 74,400 545,500 31,000 30,700 239,300 132,500 82,000 202,600 66,000 206,000 159,300 46,000 40,700 270,500 199,300 152,000 146,800 201,500 447,200 147,200 179,200 45,900 206,000 29,100 246,400 178,500 198,400 331,300 19,700 50,400 27,400 12,200 150,200 71,800 128,300 193,500 120,500 182,400 92,300 173,000 186,200 25,200 1,800 88,700 101,600 183,500 147,000 127,800 186,900 512,600 91,300 28,000 56,200 65 1,670.99 626.22 298.20 1,709.33 1,600.70 792.36 5,809.58 330.15 326.96 2,548.55 1,411.13 873.30 2,157.69 702.90 2,193.90 1,696.55 489.90 433.46 2,880.83 2,122.55 1,618.80 1,563.42 2,145.98 4,762.68 1,567.68 1,908.48 488.84 2,193.90 309.92 2,624.16 1,901.03 2,112.96 3,528.35 209.81 536.76 291.81 129.93 1,599.63 764.67 1,366.40 2,060.78 1,283.33 1,942.56 983.00 1,842.45 1,983.03 268.38 19.17 944.66 1,082.04 1,954.28 1,565.55 1,361.07 1,990.49 5,459.19 972.35 298.20 598.53 * * * * * *& *& * * * * * * *& * * * * * * * MCFADDEN, WESLEY MCFADDEN, WILLIAM & ROSANNE M. MCFADDEN, WILLIAM JR.& ROSANNE M. MCFADDEN, WILLIAM JR.*MCFADDEN, ROSANNE MCGINNESS, ANDREAS & MCGLAUFLIN, KEITH A. MCGLAUFLIN, KEITH A. & SELINA L. MCGOWAN, BERTHA J. MCGOWAN, BERTHA J. MCGOWAN, BERTHA J. MCGOWAN, BERTHA M. MCGOWAN, BERTHA M. MCGOWAN, DAVID J. MCGOWAN, DAVID W & SHELLEY M MCGUIRE, J. POWERS & ELLEN MCKENNA, DANIEL & CATHY MCKENNA, DANIEL R. & CATHY L. MCKENNA, JAMES A. MCKENNA, LAWRENCE G. & PATRICIA MCKENNA, MIRIAH L. MCKENNEY, CHERYL A. MCKENNEY, DIANE MCKINNON, BRIAN A. MCLAUGHLIN, DON & MARION W. MCLELLAN, CLIFTON MCLELLAN, CLIFTON MCLELLAN, FRANK & TINA MCLELLAN, GERMAINE MCLELLAN, ROBERT & MELISSA MCLELLAN, ROBERT W. & MELISSA D. MCLELLAN, WOODROW & CHANDRA MCMAHON, PATRICIA H. MCMAHON, RENEE & MICHAEL MCMAHON, RICHARD & KIM MCMAHON, RICHARD J. & KIM R. MCNAUGHTON, PAUL & CARLENE MCNAUGHTON, PAUL H. MCNAUGHTON, PAUL H. & CARLENE MCNAUGHTON, TODD & TAMMY MCNEIL, SCOTT & SUZANNE MCQUILLAN, KIRSTIN & TYLER J. MCQUILLAN, NATASHA MCQUILLAN, ROBERT A. JR MCQUILLAN, ROBERT A. JR, RORY MCQUILLAN, RORY & JUDITH MCQUILLAN, RORY & JUDITH MCQUILLAN, RORY M. MELANSON, JUDITH A. & RAND, KELLY MELLOWS, SHERYL MERCER, TIMOTHY & CAROL MERCIER, GREG A & CHERYL A MERCIER, SHARON L & GLENN L MERCKENS, LAWRENCE E. & HILDA S. MERK, DAVID J. MERRITT, FLOR & LANCE MERROW, JENNIFER J & LAWRENCE M, JR MERROW, THOMAS MICHAUD, DEBRA D & 66 65,000 60,800 110,500 34,100 162,600 4,300 176,200 58,600 518,700 189,100 148,700 437,100 97,500 159,600 94,300 26,800 739,100 91,200 112,000 116,900 112,400 83,300 193,000 192,700 38,000 130,700 157,700 188,200 241,500 210,400 167,000 209,700 111,300 91,800 190,600 238,500 40,000 55,000 96,800 39,200 191,300 141,200 38,500 49,500 50,900 220,700 34,900 69,900 13,000 169,100 447,600 107,500 34,900 325,700 141,400 70,200 31,000 190,600 692.25 647.52 1,176.83 363.17 1,731.69 45.80 1,876.53 624.09 5,524.16 2,013.92 1,583.66 4,655.12 1,038.38 1,699.74 1,004.30 285.42 7,871.42 971.28 1,192.80 1,244.98 1,197.06 887.15 2,055.45 2,052.26 404.70 1,391.96 1,679.51 2,004.33 2,571.98 2,240.76 1,778.55 2,233.30 1,185.35 977.67 2,029.89 2,540.03 426.00 585.75 1,030.92 417.48 2,037.35 1,503.78 410.03 527.17 542.09 2,350.46 371.69 744.44 138.45 1,800.92 4,766.94 1,144.88 371.69 3,468.71 1,505.91 747.63 330.15 2,029.89 MICHAUD, PATRICK D. & LEZLEE E. * MICHAUD, ROBERT L & COLFER, LORI L * MICHAUD, THOMAS R. * MICHAUD, VICKIE R. MIDDLE ROAD REALTY TRUST MIHM, CHANTAL N & CHARLES M MILLER, WENDY & JULIE * MILLIARD, PATRICK S. & SHERYL A. MILLIGAN, DANIEL MILLIGAN, JAMES MILLIGAN, ROBERT & MILLIGAN, WALTER F. & STELLA L * MILLS, BRIAN P * MILLS, JARED & VIVIENE M. * MILLS, JEFFREY J & KAREN G * MILLS, SUZANNE A. MILNE, JONATHAN D & HANAUER-MILNE, JULIA MILNE, SUSAN R. & CAROL K. * MINER, MARIE L. & THEODORE A. * MITCHELL, C. WAYNE & BONNIE K * MITCHELL, SUSAN B. & ASSELIN, ROBERT P * MITTON, SUSAN & FONTAINE, MARC R. * MITTON, WAYNE M. MITTON, WAYNE M. & HUTCHINSON, JANICE MOLAND, JUDITH H TRUST MONROE, DOROTHY & MOODY ROGER E. JR. MOODY, BRIAN G. MOODY, BRIAN GENE MOODY, BRIAN GENE * MOODY, CATHY JEAN *& MOODY, DENNIS MOODY, LAWRENCE G & LINDA M * MOODY, MARCIA * MOODY, STEPHEN & SHEPARD, CYNTHIA * MOORE, ERIC S. & CONSTANCE L. * MOORE, RYAN M & AMBER MOORES, BRIAN MOREAU, DAVID A. MORIARTY, DONNA T. MORIN, ANDRE II & DAWN E * MORIN, ANDRE II & DAWN E MORIN, ELISE MORIN, GARY M. MORIN, MICHAEL R. * MORISON, MAUREEN * MORRILL, DIANE M. & JAIME P. MORRIS, MARY *& MORRISSETTE, DOROTHY & *WITHAM, DONNA * MORRISSEY, PETER D. & ANITA M. MORROW, CATHLEEN E. * MORSE, KARL J. * MOSHER, JANET J. MOSKOWITZ, ROBERT & MARJORIE S., TRUSTEES MOSQUITO, LLC * MOSS, ROY G & CAROLYN * MOUNTAIN, SHIRLEY M & DANA S MUDGETT, KEITH JR & EDGECOMB-MUDGETT,CHRISTEEN * MULLEN, JOHN 67 2,000 109,500 118,000 57,900 111,300 263,800 293,600 352,100 91,900 699,700 61,600 12,900 232,700 157,900 108,500 139,000 178,300 151,700 187,800 157,500 191,600 180,400 94,400 34,600 162,300 147,200 87,700 42,400 4,000 108,600 203,400 108,500 132,900 3,500 178,600 122,300 98,900 209,700 180,800 52,300 18,800 263,400 32,100 118,000 67,300 115,600 421,500 296,100 217,700 188,900 477,900 101,600 130,400 168,300 265,500 198,700 110,300 14,100 1,100 21.30 1,166.18 1,256.70 616.64 1,185.35 2,809.47 3,126.84 3,749.87 978.74 7,451.80 656.04 137.39 2,478.26 1,681.64 1,155.52 1,480.35 1,898.90 1,615.61 2,000.07 1,677.38 2,040.54 1,921.26 1,005.36 368.49 1,728.50 1,567.68 934.01 451.56 42.60 1,156.59 2,166.21 1,155.52 1,415.39 37.28 1,902.09 1,302.49 1,053.29 2,233.30 1,925.52 557.00 200.22 2,805.21 341.87 1,256.70 716.75 1,231.14 4,488.97 3,153.47 2,318.51 2,011.79 5,089.64 1,082.04 1,388.76 1,792.40 2,827.58 2,116.15 1,174.70 150.17 11.72 *& MUNCEY, ARTHUR L. & MARY ELLEN * MUNIZ, VIRGINIA B MURCH, DANA & JONES, MEREDITH MURCH, DANA & JONES, MEREDITH MURCH, DANA & JONES, MEREDITH H MURPHY, BRIDGETT MUSHERO, PAUL * MUZEROLL, EDWARD & DIANE MYERS, NICK & DEBORAH N. F. LUCE, INC N. F. LUCE, INC N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. NADEAU, ALAN DAVID * NADEAU, DARRYL * NADEAU, GERARD SR. * NADEAU, LEE A. NADEAU, PETER * NADEAU, PETER NALE, THOMAS J. NAWFEL, MICHAEL R. NAWFEL, PENNY NAWFEL, PETER M. NAWFEL, SAM M. NEILSON, PAUL *& NELSON, DONNA L. & JOHN T. * NEVELLS, ROGER NEVELLS, ROGER M. & PATRICIA A. NEW ENGLAND MUSIC CAMP NEW ENGLAND MUSIC CAMP * NEWHOUSE, BARTON J.& ANGIE L. * NEWMAN, DAVID C. JR & JODY L. NEWSOME, GLENN & HARRIS, TRACY L NEWTON, SANDRA A. * NEWTON, SANDRA A. NICHOLAS, MARY & BIRNEY, MARSHA NICHOLS, SHELLIE R. NICHOLS, SHELLIE R. *& NICKERSON, FENTON & JEANETTE * NICKERSON, GLENN * NIELSEN, GARY M. & CATHERINE E. * NILES, DALE H. & MARY M. * NILES, WAYNE F. & DIANE H. NILSEN, DAVID C. NOBLE, MARK & TONDREAU, JOANN E 172,100 170,100 13,400 78,700 2,400 184,100 95,900 161,300 216,500 54,900 31,300 28,400 32,400 30,000 29,100 28,700 28,700 29,500 28,300 28,100 28,600 31,300 70,600 31,900 28,900 31,500 27,100 90,600 137,500 191,300 3,200 342,400 235,100 179,700 197,100 173,400 185,600 84,700 171,800 126,600 61,400 83,300 975,800 88,400 148,300 343,600 21,700 108,200 181,300 189,800 6,100 46,200 178,300 278,600 102,500 103,900 181,900 232,200 68 1,832.87 1,811.57 142.71 838.16 25.56 1,960.67 1,021.33 1,717.85 2,305.73 584.68 333.35 302.46 345.06 319.50 309.92 305.65 305.65 314.18 301.40 299.27 304.59 333.35 751.89 339.74 307.78 335.48 288.62 964.89 1,464.38 2,037.35 34.08 3,646.56 2,503.82 1,913.81 2,099.11 1,846.71 1,976.64 902.06 1,829.67 1,348.29 653.91 887.15 10,392.27 941.46 1,579.40 3,659.34 231.11 1,152.33 1,930.85 2,021.37 64.97 492.03 1,898.90 2,967.09 1,091.63 1,106.54 1,937.24 2,472.93 * * * * * * * * * * *& *& * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *& * * NOBLE, WILLIAM T. & ARISTINA M. NOEL, ANDREW S. & SONJA L. NOONAN, DAVID & PATTY NORTON, STANLEY L. JR & MARY E NUTTER, THOMAS J & CELESTE Z O'BRIEN, BONNIE O'BRIEN, TIMOTHY & PATRICIA E. OLIVER, EDWARD C. & KERRI ONEIL, JOHN & BETTY OSBORN, JANICE E. OTIS, DAWSON E. & ELAINE T. OTIS, RANDY & HEIDI OUELLETTE, ALLEN OUELLETTE, ANTHONY J & SUE E OUELLETTE, DAVID F & PAULA M OUELLETTE, ERNEST & RENA OUELLETTE, FAYE M. OUELLETTE, FRANKLIN OUELLETTE, FRANKLIN T OUELLETTE, GARY A. & CHERYL J. OUELLETTE, JENNIFER OUELLETTE, JULIE OUELLETTE, RUSTY A. OUELLETTE, RUSTY A. & SANDRA J. OWSLEY, H.A JR & AUDRIE JOINT REVOCABLE TRUST OWSLEY, H.A. JR. & AUDRIE D. PACIFIC & SOUTHERN INC. PACKARD, RAYMOND & CARRIE M. PAGE, MAE PAINE, RANDALL B & PALENSKI, MICHAEL S. & DARLENE M. PALMER, CHERYL L & PALMER, DAVID M JR. & KELLY R PALMER, STEVEN B & CYNTHIA S PAQUET, PATRICIA PAQUETTE, JAMI PAQUETTE, MICHAEL J. PAQUETTE, ROBERT D. PARADIS NURSERY & GARDEN CENTER PARADIS, CHRISTIE A. PARADIS, JEFFREY & SUSAN M PARADIS, LANCE PARADIS, LANCE R & JEFFREY R PARADIS, ROBERT & CECILE PARADIS, ROBERT, LANCE & JEFFREY PARADIS, WILLARD J. JR PARADIS, WILLARD JR PARE, JONATHAN W. PARE, RAYMOND J. & LISA A. PARKER, BENJAMIN P. & LAURA B. PARKER, DONALD PARKER, DONALD & EDITH PARKS, JILL F. PARKS, MICHAEL & LORIE PARKS, MICHAEL C. & LORIE L. PARKS, STEPHEN L. PARKS, STEPHEN L. PARKS, TIMOTHY & MARY JANE 69 111,500 85,700 311,300 103,900 204,100 14,600 619,100 444,800 446,500 96,500 217,200 120,300 8,200 255,700 97,000 156,100 109,000 141,100 34,000 142,700 14,000 5,500 145,500 133,900 123,600 324,800 53,800 130,900 9,900 9,700 173,500 114,200 160,700 138,400 83,900 148,200 168,900 72,800 401,400 228,100 133,100 268,300 49,100 348,400 32,200 108,700 257,800 101,500 124,200 149,800 137,100 246,200 86,200 245,400 70,300 37,600 131,700 62,300 1,187.47 912.71 3,315.35 1,106.54 2,173.67 155.49 6,593.42 4,737.12 4,755.22 1,027.72 2,313.18 1,281.20 87.33 2,723.21 1,033.05 1,662.47 1,160.85 1,502.72 362.10 1,519.76 149.10 0.00 1,549.58 1,426.04 1,316.34 3,459.12 572.97 1,394.09 105.44 103.31 1,847.78 1,216.23 1,711.46 1,473.96 893.54 1,578.33 1,798.79 775.32 4,274.91 2,429.27 1,417.52 2,857.40 522.92 3,710.46 342.93 1,157.66 2,745.57 1,080.97 1,322.73 1,595.37 1,460.12 2,622.03 918.03 2,613.51 748.70 400.44 1,402.61 663.50 * PARKS, TIMOTHY & MARY JANE PARSONS, CHRISTOPHER F * PARSONS, TERRY M & JAYNE PATENAUDE, DENIS L. * PATENAUDE, DOMINIC G. PATENAUDE, ELIZABETH * PATENAUDE, ELIZABETH PATENAUDE, GEORGE R. PATENAUDE, IRENEE A. IRREVOCABLE TRUST PATENAUDE, THOMAS * PATENAUDE, THOMAS R. & ELISE B. PATENAUDE, TODD J. * PATRIE, SCOTT D & GAIL A PATTERSON, GERALD G * PAULETTE, VAUGHN R. & CRYSTAL K * PEARSON, MARK R PEARY, CHRISTA B PEARY, RICHARD L PEASE, CRYSTAL L. * PEET, DONALD U. & GEORGIA E. * PELLETIER, AMANDA & BRADLEY & PELLETIER, BILLY I & MARY T * PELLETIER, DAVID & SHANNON * PELLETIER, ELMER PELLETIER, ELMER & PAMELA PELLETIER, JANET * PELLETIER, LOMER & CHASE, ROSEMARIE PELLETIER, LOMER P. & CHASE, ROSEMARIE PELLETIER, LOMER P. & CHASE, ROSEMARIE * PELLETIER, PETER H. & DELORES S. * PELLETIER, PETER J. * PELLETIER, SCOTT L & JUDITH A PELLETIER, WENDY PELOTTE, ANTHONY L. & JAIME L. PELOTTE, FANADO PELOTTE, FANADO PELOTTE, FANADO & YVETTE PELOTTE, FANADO J & RAYMOND J PELOTTE, FANADO J & RAYMOND J PELOTTE, FANADO J & RAYMOND J & PELOTTE, FANADO J, RAYMOND J & PELOTTE, FANADO, LINWOOD PELOTTE, JAMES E * PELOTTE, LINWOOD PELOTTE, MATTHEW * PELOTTE, NICK G & PELOTTE, PAMELA * PELOTTE, ROBERT & DAWN PENNEY, LINDA J & ALBERT PENNEY, LINDA J & ALBERT PENNEY, LINDA J & ALBERT PENNEY, LINDA J & ALBERT PEPIN, JAMES P. PEPIN, JIM PEPIN, JIM PEPIN, JIM PEPIN, JIM PEPIN, JIM 167,500 162,500 128,700 30,300 319,400 21,300 137,500 32,200 30,300 72,000 182,100 28,600 263,200 192,700 115,000 252,500 192,400 40,000 206,900 202,500 178,800 82,700 265,100 503,800 38,900 130,600 343,200 64,100 37,600 154,900 197,600 155,100 173,000 68,300 63,600 113,200 94,200 152,100 33,000 67,100 30,200 97,400 28,000 152,600 32,900 143,400 107,200 143,600 63,100 164,600 4,700 14,700 48,800 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 62,300 70 1,783.88 1,730.63 1,370.66 322.70 3,401.61 226.85 1,464.38 342.93 322.70 766.80 1,939.37 304.59 2,803.08 2,052.26 1,224.75 2,689.13 2,049.06 426.00 2,203.49 2,156.63 1,904.22 880.76 2,823.32 5,365.47 414.29 1,390.89 3,655.08 682.67 400.44 1,649.69 2,104.44 1,651.82 1,842.45 727.40 677.34 1,205.58 1,003.23 1,619.87 351.45 714.62 321.63 1,037.31 298.20 1,625.19 350.39 1,527.21 1,141.68 1,529.34 672.02 1,752.99 50.06 156.56 519.72 298.20 298.20 298.20 298.20 663.50 * * * * * * * PEPIN, JIM PEPIN, JIM PEPIN, JIM PEPIN, JIM PEPIN, JIM PEPIN, JIM PEPIN, JIM PEPIN, JIM PEPPER, DAVID PEPPER, GORDON & PRISCILLA PEPPER, GORDON S. PERKINS, DAVID & ANNA PERRY, HELEN PERRY, JENNIFER PERRY, JENNIFER PERRY, KIMBERLY L. PERRY, PAUL & DEBORAH PETELA, MARK & LINDA PETERSON, KURT PHAIR, JAMIE P. & LUANNE I. PHELPS, JOHN E. & JOYCE R. PHELPS, JOHN E. & JOYCE R. PHILBRICK, ANNIE M. PHILBRICK, DELWIN PHILBRICK, DELWIN PHILBRICK, DELWIN PHILBRICK, DELWIN C. & SANDRA M. PHILBRICK, DELWIN C. & SANDRA M. PHILBRICK, JAMES PHILBRICK, JAMES F. PHILBRICK, JEFFREY PHILBRICK, JENNIE PHILBRICK, JENNIE PHILBRICK, JENNIE PHILBRICK, JENNIE PHILBRICK, JENNIE PHILBRICK, JENNIE PHILBRICK, JENNIE PHILBRICK, JENNIE PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN 28,600 28,800 28,000 30,200 29,000 60,800 28,000 31,500 16,700 15,000 160,000 82,000 13,200 132,900 14,300 115,500 219,800 98,100 318,800 29,500 48,900 151,600 131,500 9,800 11,400 6,000 73,900 329,600 115,800 241,800 139,200 10,100 21,600 4,300 5,100 1,400 30,600 25,300 81,000 28,600 28,200 28,100 28,200 28,500 36,000 28,100 59,700 28,500 28,100 29,100 28,700 28,900 28,400 58,600 28,100 28,100 29,000 28,300 71 304.59 306.72 298.20 321.63 308.85 647.52 298.20 335.48 177.86 159.75 1,704.00 873.30 140.58 1,415.39 152.29 1,230.08 2,340.87 1,044.76 3,395.22 314.18 520.79 1,614.54 1,400.48 104.37 121.41 63.90 787.04 3,510.24 1,233.27 2,575.17 1,482.48 107.57 230.04 45.80 54.32 14.91 325.89 269.45 862.65 304.59 300.33 299.27 300.33 303.52 383.40 299.27 635.80 303.52 299.27 309.92 305.65 307.78 302.46 624.09 299.27 299.27 308.85 301.40 * * * * * * * * * PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, PHILBRICK, JOHN JOHN JOHN & REBECCA JOHN & REBECCA JOHN & REBECCA JOHN & REBECCA JOHN & REBECCA JOHN A JOHN A JOHN A JOHN A JOHN A JOHN A JOHN A JOHN A JOHN A JOHN A JOHN A JOHN A JOHN A JOHN A JOHN A JOHN A LUCAS MATTHEW MICHAEL A. SR. NATHAN & ANGELA NATHAN & ANGELA RAY E, JR. RAY E. JR. RAY E. JR. REBECCA REBECCA REBECCA REBECCA REBECCA L. REBECCA M. REBECCA M. ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT E. ROBERT E. SANDRA SANDRA M. & DELWIN C. TONYA L & 28,800 64,100 40,000 28,000 28,100 28,000 507,800 28,000 17,000 29,400 14,000 14,200 14,500 15,800 16,400 16,700 14,700 16,100 151,100 31,400 15,200 17,400 28,000 92,700 216,300 183,600 7,100 156,700 90,700 72,100 120,200 93,900 7,700 53,500 36,000 116,400 52,800 124,900 28,500 28,000 14,300 14,300 53,000 28,700 14,300 34,900 28,600 34,600 34,600 34,600 34,600 28,600 224,000 42,500 77,000 54,100 131,900 106,800 72 306.72 682.67 426.00 298.20 299.27 298.20 5,408.07 298.20 181.05 313.11 149.10 151.23 154.42 168.27 174.66 177.86 156.56 171.47 1,609.22 334.41 161.88 185.31 298.20 987.26 2,303.59 1,955.34 75.61 1,668.86 965.96 767.87 1,280.13 1,000.04 82.01 569.78 383.40 1,239.66 562.32 1,330.19 303.52 298.20 152.29 152.29 564.45 305.65 152.29 371.69 304.59 368.49 368.49 368.49 368.49 304.59 2,385.60 452.63 820.05 576.17 1,404.74 1,137.42 * PHILLIPS, BRUCE & LUCILLE P PHILLIPS, BRUCE A. & DAVID & MICHAEL * PHILLIPS, DAVID A. & DEBRA L. PHIPPS, WILLIAM H. PHIPPS, WILLIAM H. PICKELL, TRAVIS PICKETT, A. JOHN III & JENNIFER M. PIERCE, DAVID & CAROL PIERCE, DAVID & CAROL * PIERCE, DAVID & CAROL * PIERCE, EDWARD E & SANDRA D PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC. PIKE, SHERRY L. PINE VIEW MOBILE HOMES *& PINE, FREDERICK, JR. & DONNA J. * PINKHAM, DALE R. & BRENDA M. * PINKHAM, LYLA * PINKHAM, MILLARD & DOROTHY PLACE, CARLETTE L, TRUSTEE OF PLISGA, STANLEY J JR & BARBARA PLISGA, STANLEY J JR & BARBARA *& PLOURDE, JOSEPH & DOROTHY * POIRIER, ERNEST F & HOLLY M POIRIER, JEROME P. POIRIER, RHONDA A. * POIRIER, SHEILA & FRECHETTE, JEAN T POISSONNIER, LAURA J & LINWOOD D *& POMERLEAU, GERALD T. & PAULA * POMERLEAU, JEAN-LUC & CONSTANCE * POMERLEAU, MADELEINE C. POMERLEAU, MAURICE G & ALBERTA D PONITZ, GEOFFREY C. * POOLE, KARL JR. & HEIDI POOLER, MAURICE L. & MICHELLE D. PORTLAND CELLULAR d/b/a VERIZON PORTO, PATRICIA * POST, KRISTIN & SHANON POULIN, CELESTE J. & RICHARD H. POULIN, DENISE M. POULIN, GERALD * POULIN, GERALD & HELEN POULIN, GERALD A. POULIN, GERALD A. * POULIN, JOHN B. & AMBER * POULIN, JON E & DEBRA L POULIN, JOSEPH G. & SILVIA J. POULIN, LARRY POULIN, MARK R. & CINDY POULIN, PETER & POULIN,KENNETH POULIN, PHILIP R. 158,700 85,100 96,900 98,500 700 73,800 199,500 42,700 28,800 44,700 143,700 29,800 11,600 32,700 23,600 12,700 46,700 1,396,000 17,100 4,961,600 142,300 31,500 71,000 120,500 89,700 97,400 188,600 29,400 38,600 143,400 159,300 33,100 187,500 173,600 150,600 235,100 144,900 125,300 105,700 16,200 115,600 173,400 8,400 224,700 172,600 285,300 80,500 13,200 64,200 66,800 80,900 276,300 125,600 81,900 25,700 141,200 17,600 344,600 73 1,690.16 906.32 1,031.98 1,049.02 7.46 785.97 2,124.67 454.76 306.72 476.06 1,530.41 317.37 123.54 348.26 251.34 135.26 497.35 14,867.40 182.12 4,916.04 1,515.50 335.48 756.15 1,283.33 955.31 1,037.31 2,008.59 313.11 411.09 1,527.21 1,696.55 352.52 1,996.88 1,848.84 1,603.89 2,503.82 1,543.19 1,334.45 1,125.71 172.53 1,231.14 1,846.71 89.46 2,393.05 1,838.19 3,038.45 857.33 140.58 683.73 711.42 861.58 2,942.60 1,337.64 872.24 273.71 1,503.78 187.44 3,669.99 * POULIN, RYAN & CHARITY * POULIN, TIMOTHY R. & ELIZABETH J. POULIOT, JAMES N. * POULIOT, JAMES N. * POULIOT, MATTHEW & TRACY L PREBLE, WILLIAM * PREO, RANDALL J & * PRESCOTT, DAVID * PRIME, PATRICK D. * PROCTOR, KELLY & MAYLAND PURTON, ALLAN F. * PUTNAM, JAMES R. QUIMBY, MATTHEW & SUSAN *& QUIRION, ARLENE V. QUIRION, CARL QUIRION, CARL RACINE, JONATHAN ROBERT & DRUMM, LINDSEY RACKLEFF, KIM C RACKLEFF, KIMBER LEE & PETER * RACKLEFF, PETER A. * RANCOURT, PRISCILLA A. * RANCOURT, REGINALD F. & MARIE G. *& RANSLOW, STEPHEN G * RAPACKI, AMANDA L * RAVELO-TIMMINS, LISA M. * RAY, ARTHUR C. REARDON, KIRBY R & SHERRI W REDLEVSKE, ROBERT REDMOND, RICHARD W. & REED, KENNETH L, II REEDER, RANDY R. REINFELDS, VICTOR V & LYDIA E * RENFROE, WAYNE RENOCK, KENNETH M & NANCY A * REYNOLDS, BEATRICE RICHARDS, JOHN H. * RICHARDSON, ANGELIQUE A. * RICHARDSON, DOROTHY & WESLEY RICHARDSON, ROBERT O & NANCY J RICOH USA, INC RIPLEY, CYNTHIA * RIPLEY, GLORIA * RIPORTELLA, CRAIG V & LISA L. RIVARD, DEREK & BARRON, JAMIE RJC ENTERPRISES *& ROACH, ERIC D. & JUDITH B. ROADRUNNER HOLDCO, LLC * ROBBINS, CARL * ROBBINS, DONALD C & NANCY D ROBBINS, MATTHEW & MILLIS, KENDRA ROBBINS, MATTHEW & MILLIS, KENDRA H. * ROBBINS, WINONA ROBERTS, DONALD C. & ANNE M. * ROBERTS, LEROY E & ANGELA R * ROBERTSON, JANE A & JOHN R. ROBERTSON, JANET L. & STANLEY W. ROBERTSON, JANET L. & STANLEY W. ROBINSON, DAVID E & SUSAN E 74 306,900 137,900 152,500 188,400 215,800 85,000 107,500 217,400 101,400 118,200 180,900 516,700 36,400 152,500 83,700 26,200 198,100 62,300 33,500 184,600 106,000 191,000 187,500 79,600 153,000 158,100 190,000 111,700 170,700 25,600 109,200 275,800 15,600 220,100 229,700 313,500 122,900 105,100 229,000 2,300 119,000 173,600 243,800 225,100 38,700 69,400 10,600 136,200 135,500 197,800 419,200 131,400 183,500 196,800 142,200 77,600 45,200 175,200 3,268.49 1,468.64 1,624.13 2,006.46 2,298.27 905.25 1,144.88 2,315.31 1,079.91 1,258.83 1,926.59 5,502.86 387.66 1,624.13 891.41 279.03 2,109.77 663.50 356.78 1,965.99 1,128.90 2,034.15 1,996.88 847.74 1,629.45 1,683.77 2,023.50 1,189.61 1,817.96 272.64 1,162.98 2,937.27 166.14 2,344.07 2,446.30 3,338.78 1,308.89 1,119.32 2,438.85 24.50 1,267.35 1,848.84 2,596.47 2,397.32 412.16 739.11 112.89 1,450.53 1,443.08 2,106.57 4,464.48 1,399.41 1,954.28 2,095.92 1,514.43 826.44 481.38 1,865.88 * ROBINSON, RICHARD & EVELYN ROBINSON, RICHARD A. LIVING TRUST *& ROBINSON, RICHARD A. LIVING TRUST ROCHE, THOMAS F. III & ROCKWOOD, CONSTANCE E. & ROCKWOOD, CONSTANCE E. & * ROCQUE, CHRISTOPHER & CYNTHIA A. * RODGERS, ERIN T. & ELIZABETH A. * RODGERS, RICHARD & JENNIFER * RODRIGUE, DEAN A. * RODRIGUE, GEORGE * RODRIGUE, LEE J. & CORINNA A RODSATRA, ARUNEE RODSATRA, ARUNEE *& ROGERS, JAMES A. & SANDRA L. ROGERS, MARCIA & JOHN ROGERS, MARCIA & JOHN * ROIX, PATRICIA D. * ROLLINS, WILLIAM H III & FATIMA ROMANO, RICHARD F & NANCY L * RONCO, RALPH & GERALDINE A. ROSADO, RUTHANN ROSADO, RUTHANN ROSE, KELLY & MARTIN, RICHARD A * ROSS, KIRK & ADRIANE ROSS, NANCY & * ROSS, NANCY & VILES, GEORGE H. II ROSS, NANCY J. ROSSIGNOL EXCAVATING INC ROSSIGNOL EXCAVATING, INC. ROSSIGNOL, ERIC R. & ROBERT A, REBECCA S. ROTCHFORD, HOWARD E. TRUSTEE ROTCHFORD, HOWARD E.& ELIZABETH ROTCHFORD, HOWARD E.& ELIZABETH ROTCHFORD, HOWARD E.& ELIZABETH * ROUTHIER, RALPH J & JOYCE M ROUTHIER, ROGER E. & JANE A. * ROUTHIER, ROGER E. & JANE A. ROWE, HALEY T. ROWE, JUSTIN & RINES, HOLLIE * ROWELL, DAVID & JEANETTE * ROY, GERMAINE D ROY, MONICA & POULIN, ADAM J. * ROY, PAUL M. & VICKI A. ROYLE, DENISE D & FLETCHER, CYNTHIA E ROYLE, FREND J & DENISE D * RUEL, MATTHEW R. & KATHLEEN M. * RUNSER, MICHAEL P. & JOYCE P. * RUSSELL, J. MAXWELL III *& RUSSELL, TIMOTHY A. & SHEILA M. * RYAN, BRET RYAN, BRET J RYAN, LESLIE D S.W.O.A.M. * SADLER, DANIEL EDWARD & JILL M. * SADLER, MATTHEW & HEATHER * SADLER, TERRY A. SAFETY-KLEEN SYSTEMS, INC 28,300 163,100 179,100 283,100 52,000 135,100 137,400 127,800 189,400 71,300 224,700 66,100 212,500 152,675 68,000 300 184,800 116,900 132,200 140,500 8,900 52,100 138,700 204,100 45,400 193,400 32,000 76,100 14,000 144,700 171,800 168,700 37,400 131,100 131,200 61,600 176,800 130,200 142,200 212,600 43,400 130,600 158,400 169,500 33,900 173,700 416,300 318,800 191,000 47,600 109,300 81,500 17,100 174,100 172,600 288,100 1,100 75 0.00 301.40 1,737.02 1,907.42 3,015.02 553.80 1,438.82 1,463.31 1,361.07 2,017.11 759.35 2,393.05 703.97 2,263.13 1,625.99 724.20 3.20 1,968.12 1,244.98 1,407.93 1,496.33 94.79 554.87 1,477.16 2,173.67 483.51 2,059.71 340.80 810.47 149.10 1,541.06 1,829.67 1,796.66 398.31 1,396.22 1,397.28 656.04 1,882.92 1,386.63 1,514.43 2,264.19 462.21 1,390.89 1,686.96 1,805.18 361.04 1,849.91 4,433.60 3,395.22 2,034.15 506.94 1,164.05 867.98 182.12 1,854.17 1,838.19 3,068.27 11.72 * * * * * * * * * *& * * *# *& * * * * * * SALZHAUER, AMY L SALZHAUER, AMY L SANBORN, CHRISTINE & PRESTON F. SANBORN, GREGORY W & DEBORAH J SANBORN, JENNIFER E. SANBORN, KATE SANBORN, MEREDYTH A. SANBORN, PERRY F. & LISA D. SANBORN, ROGER W. & BRENDA L. SANBORN, WILSON & SANBORN, WILSON M. & STOTHOFF, SALLY S. SANFORD, NANCY A SANTILLI, LUIGI SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC II & STACY SAUCIER, TAMARA, TRUSTEE OF THE SAUNDERS, PATRICK R & JOYCE A SAVAGE, DEBRA J. SAVAGE, GEORGE A. & LOUISE SAVAGE, GEORGE A. & THERESA M. SAVAGE, MICHAEL SAVAGE, MICHAEL & SAWLIVICH, ANDREW SAWLIVICH, ANDREW & BRENDA SAWLIVICH, ANDREW & BRENDA SAWLIVICH, ANDREW G & SUSANNE E SAWLIVICH, BRENDA SAWTELLE, KERMIT & VERA SAWTELLE, KERMIT & VERA SAWTELLE, KERMIT & VERA SAWTELLE, WILLIAM D. & SAWYER, JOHN V. III & LAURIE SCHLEHR, FRANK & KIMBERLY SCHMECHEL, PAUL D. SCHMIDT, DAVID & HARRIETT SCHUPPIN, KENNETH E & LEWIS, MARY E, SCHUTTE, PAMELA T. & PETER SCOTT, ROBERT SCOTT, RYAN SEAVEY, SUSAN SEAVEY, SUSAN SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH SEEL, CARYL A. SEIGARS, ELIZABETH SELUKE, WILLIAM G & CATHY L 388,700 94,200 159,500 170,700 132,000 174,900 124,200 100,000 210,400 184,200 163,300 167,500 98,400 33,400 62,800 29,200 28,200 30,000 28,800 28,600 28,800 29,200 28,600 28,800 29,200 33,200 30,800 206,400 307,900 175,600 59,800 165,300 193,400 41,900 160,500 41,800 52,100 41,900 178,300 61,900 9,500 600 63,700 284,900 245,100 617,000 191,200 15,200 387,700 299,200 47,300 159,300 34,900 103,800 50,800 242,700 186,300 169,200 76 4,139.66 1,003.23 1,698.68 1,817.96 1,405.80 1,862.69 1,322.73 1,065.00 2,240.76 1,961.73 1,739.15 1,783.88 1,047.96 355.71 668.82 310.98 300.33 319.50 306.72 304.59 306.72 310.98 304.59 306.72 310.98 353.58 328.02 2,198.16 3,279.14 1,870.14 636.87 1,760.45 2,059.71 446.24 1,709.33 445.17 554.87 446.24 1,898.90 659.24 101.18 6.39 678.41 3,034.19 2,610.32 6,571.05 2,036.28 161.88 4,129.01 3,186.48 503.75 1,696.55 371.69 1,105.47 541.02 2,584.76 1,984.10 1,801.98 SHARAFFA, DAVID J & MAE A * SHAW, DAVID C. * SHAW, HAROLD JR & MARY * SHERMAN, DIANE L. SHERMAN, RANDY *& SHORE, ROBERT & MARGARET SHORES, DANA J. SIDNEY LAKE RIDGE EAST ASSOC. SIDNEY REALTY LLC SIDNEY TRAIL RIDERS, INC. SIDNEY TRAINING CENTER LLC Sidney-12 Sidney-12 Sidney-12 Sidney-12 SIENKO, KENNETH E. & JAMIE M. SIENKO, KENNETH E. & JAMIE M. SIGMUND, PHYLLIS SILVER SPUR RIDING CLUB, INC SIMMONS, ELIZABETH * SIMMONS, CATHLEEN E. SIMMONS, DEBRA & LANCASTER, ALFRED * SIMMONS, DEBRA & LANCASTER, ALFRED * SIMMONS, MARY L & JOHN E * SIMONEAU, RENALD O & LISE N * SIMONS, VIRGINIA SIMPSON, PAUL R. * SIMPSON, SHAWN E. SINCLAIR, EDWARD J. & EMILIE E. * SIROIS, FRANCIS P & DEBORAH L SIROIS, GARY R. * SIROIS, GARY R. SIROIS, JAMES R SIROIS, JASON F. SIROIS, JASON F. & SUSAN A. * SIROIS, JASON F. & SUSAN A. SIROIS, SCOTT & CROCKETT, BOBBI * SIROIS, TAMMY L. SISKO, STEPHEN A & JANINE M * SKIDGEL, SHELDON SKIDGEL, SHELDON W SLACK, JESSE & MACKENZIE SMALL, JEFFREY & ANNE * SMART, MARYANN D * SMITH, ANDREW N. & LISA * SMITH, ARTHUR J. & *SANTINI-SMITH, LAURA * SMITH, BARBARA SMITH, BETTY * SMITH, BETTY, CAROL & LINDA SMITH, BETTY, LINDA & CAROL * SMITH, BONNIE L. SMITH, BRENT * SMITH, BRIAN G & TRACEY S * SMITH, CHRISTINA *& SMITH, CLYDE L. & MARGARET E. * SMITH, CURTIS A JR & MARY A *& SMITH, DAVID B & KATHERINE G *& SMITH, DAVID C. & GAIL 77 70,600 131,800 103,600 99,800 86,000 133,500 130,700 81,400 176,700 106,600 352,700 751.89 1,403.67 1,103.34 1,062.87 915.90 1,421.78 1,391.96 866.91 1,881.86 1,135.29 3,756.26 31,000 170,800 131,800 161,000 47,500 153,300 93,000 154,100 168,700 139,500 12,100 184,800 155,800 117,600 218,500 33,600 146,100 94,400 332,200 29,900 231,500 139,700 113,500 184,700 85,200 52,800 185,000 157,700 140,000 153,500 205,100 58,300 117,700 92,700 27,600 91,200 176,200 267,600 96,200 117,900 133,000 156,700 121,800 330.15 1,819.02 1,403.67 1,714.65 505.88 1,632.65 990.45 1,641.17 1,796.66 1,485.68 128.87 1,968.12 1,659.27 1,252.44 2,327.03 357.84 1,555.97 1,005.36 3,537.93 318.44 2,465.48 1,487.81 1,208.77 1,967.06 907.38 562.32 1,970.25 1,679.51 1,491.00 1,634.78 2,184.32 620.90 1,253.50 987.26 293.94 971.28 1,876.53 2,849.94 1,024.53 1,255.64 1,416.45 1,668.86 1,297.17 * SMITH, DIXON E. * SMITH, DON R. SMITH, DONALD & DOREEN SMITH, DONALD & DOREEN SMITH, DONALD & DOREEN SMITH, DONALD & DOREEN * SMITH, DONALD T. & DOREEN A. * SMITH, GARY W. & PATRICIA F. * SMITH, GEORGE B. III SMITH, GORDON-HEIRS * SMITH, JASON SMITH, JONATHAN & HEATHER SMITH, JONATHAN A. & DENISE L. * SMITH, JOYCE E. & DANIEL L. * SMITH, KATIE L SMITH, KATRINA * SMITH, KEVIN & JESSICA SMITH, LEE N. * SMITH, MARY L. SMITH, MICHAEL J. SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF SMITH, MONA T., HEIRS OF SMITH, MONA T.,HEIRS OF SMITH, RONALD P & JULIE M * SMITH, RONALD P & JULIE M * SMITH, ROSLAND SMITH, STANLEY H. * SMITH, TIMOTHY L & SUSAN S * SNIDE, CHRISTINE N. * SNOW, MICHAEL & LISA * SNOWDEN, BOYD & TRACY SNYDER, EDWARD A & KIMBERLY A SNYDER, EDWARD A. SNYDER, GREGORY R & RONDA C * SOBECK, LESLEY * SOBOLESKI, DARLENE & * SODOMA, DEBRA A & WILLIAM C SOMES, ROBERT & ELIZABETH * SOMES, ROBERT K. JR. SONNY J. SEARLES LIVING TRUST * SOUCY, CLARENCE J. & MAY A. SOULE, CHRISTOPHER D. * SOULE, DAVID & DONNA * SOUTHARD, FRANK E. & ETHEL M. SOUTHER, RUSSELL S & KIESLING, MARYKAY SPEARS, KRISTY A & PETER T * SPENCER, CRAIG A. & LISA R. SPENCER, LINDA SPILLER, HOWARD B. & LORRAINE D SPOONER, DAVID B. * SPOONER, EUNICE B & DAVID B SPORTSMAN'S ALLIANCE OF MAINE *& SPRAGUE, BARBARA F. SPRAGUE, MICHAEL & RACHAEL * SPROUL, BRYCE J. SPROUL, HOWARD W. JR. 101,000 20,000 27,400 25,700 25,700 27,300 183,600 196,200 296,400 31,800 12,500 134,200 218,200 148,500 16,800 163,100 149,800 268,000 94,000 6,300 90,900 70,100 46,000 126,200 22,400 103,100 137,900 127,300 188,700 175,400 110,400 107,400 189,500 199,000 29,300 593,800 194,600 271,900 129,400 203,200 212,800 156,700 152,700 27,900 79,900 149,300 224,600 195,300 131,100 69,400 77,900 187,600 220,700 28,500 116,500 121,900 163,300 170,300 78 1,075.65 213.00 291.81 273.71 273.71 290.75 1,955.34 2,089.53 3,156.66 338.67 133.13 1,429.23 2,323.83 1,581.53 178.92 1,737.02 1,595.37 2,854.20 1,001.10 67.10 968.08 746.57 489.90 1,344.03 238.56 1,098.01 1,468.64 1,355.75 2,009.66 1,868.01 1,175.76 1,143.81 2,018.18 2,119.35 312.05 6,323.97 2,072.49 2,895.74 1,378.11 2,164.08 2,266.32 1,668.86 1,626.26 297.14 850.94 1,590.05 2,391.99 2,079.95 1,396.22 739.11 829.64 1,997.94 2,350.46 303.52 1,240.72 1,298.23 1,739.15 1,813.70 SQUIERS, ANITA L. & BRIAN * SQUIERS, BRIAN & ANITA * ST. PETER, JOEY B & ERICA B ST. PIERRE, AARON * ST. PIERRE, BARBARA ST. PIERRE, GINGER * ST. PIERRE, LEONARD J III & JEANNE ST. PIERRE, RAYMOND & DIANE P * ST. PIERRE, RAYMOND D & DIANE P * ST. PIERRE, SALLY A. * ST. PIERRE, SARAH JW & JEFFREY A * STACEY, BRIAN J & VALERIE J STAFFORD, CYNTHIA * STAGGE, ROBERT L. STANHOPE, BRANT & LAURIE * STANHOPE, BRANT & LAURIE STANHOPE, BRETT J. & GABRIELLE * STANHOPE, BRETT J. & GABRIELLE * STANHOPE, JORDAN L & BEVERLY J STAPLES, CARL * STAPLES, LOUISE & BRUCE STEINMEYER, RAY B *& STEINMEYER, RAY B.& STEPHENSON, SOLVEIG IRREVOCABLE TRUST STEVENS, ALAN C & DIERDRA S * STEVENS, ALAN C. & DIEDRA S. * STEVENS, CARLA J. * STEVENS, DENNIS R. * STEVENS, DOUGLAS J. & JERI W. *& STEVENS, GLENN A. & ETHEL STEVENS, GLENN F. * STEVENS, JANE W. STEVENS, JANEL D. * STEVENS, KATHY STEVENS, KEITH M. JR. *& STEVENS, KEITH M. JR. STEVENS, L. CARLTON, DURWOOD, ERNEST, * STEVENS, LLOYD C. & BARBARA STEVENS, NATHAN P. & EMILY A. * STEWARD, JAMES & ELIZABETH STILES, MEGAN R & NUZA, PHILIP STILES, MEGAN R. & NUZA, PHILIP A. STILES, MEGAN R. & NUZA, PHILIP A. STILES, MEGAN R. & NUZA, PHILIP A. STILES, MEGAN R. & NUZA, PHILIP A. * STITT-KITTREDGE, NANCI STITT-KITTREDGE, NANCI & STODDARD, ADAM C STODDARD, JEFFREY W. & PAMELA J. STODDARD, RONALD W. & ERNESTINE G. * STONE, JEFFREY & DEBRA STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC 26,800 118,100 168,400 58,100 12,000 26,200 208,400 41,300 205,700 161,000 186,100 201,700 161,300 86,600 14,600 129,200 111,960 99,200 63,100 30,500 123,800 41,100 170,600 176,000 55,600 215,400 77,400 186,400 218,900 107,200 172,000 97,500 49,900 3,700 27,400 88,900 8,900 169,300 235,534 221,300 27,900 29,600 24,200 234,900 300 189,800 61,700 90,600 168,500 54,800 370,600 28,000 29,900 29,900 28,100 28,700 28,200 28,000 79 285.42 1,257.76 1,793.46 618.77 127.80 279.03 2,219.46 439.85 2,190.71 1,714.65 1,981.97 2,148.11 1,717.85 922.29 155.49 1,375.98 1,192.37 1,056.48 672.02 324.83 1,318.47 437.72 1,816.89 1,874.40 592.14 2,294.01 824.31 1,985.16 2,331.29 1,141.68 1,831.80 1,038.38 531.43 39.41 291.81 946.79 94.79 1,803.04 2,508.44 2,356.84 297.14 315.24 257.73 2,501.69 3.20 2,021.37 657.11 964.89 1,794.53 583.62 3,946.89 298.20 318.44 318.44 299.27 305.65 300.33 298.20 * * * * * * *& * * * * * * * *& * * *& * * *& * * *& *& * *& * * * STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STOREY, PATRICIA A. STRAFFIN, NORMAN I & MARGARET F STRATTON, EUGENE P & SARA J STRATTON, EUGENE P SR STRATTON, EUGENE P. SR, & STRATTON, STRICKLAND, CAETLIN D. STRICKLAND, JOHN STUDLEY, ROBERT W. & CECILE A. SULLIVAN,PATRICK & EASTON,MARTHA SURPRENANT, JAMES R. SUTTON, DEBORA SWAILS, ERIC SWEENEY, PAMELA P. & RYAN C. SWETT, MARK D. & PAMELA J. SWIFT, JEFFREY & BETTY SYMONEVICH, JOHN A. TAKACH, ROBERT J. TANSEY, JAMES TARDIFF, EDWARD THE BANK OF MAINE THERIAULT , CARMEN THERIAULT, MANNING J. SR & JANET L. THERIAULT, ROLAND & AMY THOMAS, BRENDA M. THOMPSON, EDWARD A. & ANN M. THOMPSON, JAMES & LOIS THOMPSON, JAMES & LOIS THOMPSON, MICHEAL & CANDACE THOMPSON, STEPHEN J & LORELAI E THOMSON, LISA-ANNE THOMSON, DAVID & LISA-ANNE THORNE, CHRISTOPHER A & SARAH J THORNE, GARY L THORNE, JANET LIFE ESTATE THORNE, JEROMIAH A & SHEILA M THORNE, LAWRENCE & NANCY THORNE, ROBERT THORNE, ROBERT S. & KATHLEEN G. THURLOW, DAVID & ANDREA THURLOW, TIMOTHY & GLORIA J TIBBETTS, ALAN & KATHERINE TIBBETTS, HEIDI J. & ALAN B. TIBBETTS, KATHERINE & ALAN TIBBETTS, LAWRENCE A. & SANDRA TIERNEY, JAMES & ALLEN-TIERNEY, JANE TILLSON, ARTHUR D. TILLSON, BENJAMIN TILLSON, EDWARD W SR & JEAN L TILLSON, EDWIN H & SHERRY R TILLSON, EDWIN H. & SHERRY R. TILLSON, EDWIN H. & SHERRY R. TILLSON, GERRY M. TILLSON, JEREMY TILLSON, LEE R. & SHERRY B. TILLSON, SCOTT & TAMMY 28,300 28,600 28,300 258,100 180,300 115,800 9,900 8,900 105,300 150,100 97,000 98,700 108,700 34,400 172,500 212,600 169,100 258,500 60,900 443,900 249,900 85,700 245,600 193,900 92,700 163,400 167,400 207,200 88,400 266,500 162,600 255,800 30,200 184,600 157,000 224,600 113,800 244,100 104,000 37,600 114,100 88,500 180,800 28,100 28,900 152,000 165,400 95,500 133,500 62,800 168,900 140,400 1,600 197,700 166,100 13,100 217,100 9,000 80 301.40 304.59 301.40 2,748.77 1,920.20 1,233.27 105.44 94.79 1,121.45 1,598.57 1,033.05 1,051.16 1,157.66 366.36 1,837.13 2,264.19 1,800.92 2,753.03 648.59 4,727.54 2,661.44 912.71 2,615.64 2,065.04 987.26 1,740.21 1,782.81 2,206.68 941.46 2,838.23 1,731.69 2,724.27 321.63 1,965.99 1,672.05 2,391.99 1,211.97 2,599.67 1,107.60 400.44 1,215.17 942.53 1,925.52 299.27 307.78 1,618.80 1,761.51 1,017.08 1,421.78 668.82 1,798.79 1,495.26 17.04 2,105.51 1,768.97 139.51 2,312.11 95.85 TILLSON, SCOTT M. & TAMMY L. * TILLSON, WALTER & EFFIE * TILTON, DALE V. & SANDI TILTON, DALE TILTON, DALE V & SANDRA TILTON, DALE V. & SANDI TILTON, DALE V. & SANDI TILTON, DALE V. & SANDI TILTON, DALE V. & SANDRA L. TILTON, DENNIS H & SHARON J * TILTON, DENNIS H & SHARON J TIME WARNER TIPPET, SAMUEL J. TOBEY, BARBARA & ROBIN TOMAN, GEORGE R & JOYCE TOMPKINS, RICHARD, STEPHEN & TONDREAU, PAMELA & REGINALD * TONDREAU, REGINALD P & PAMELA M TONDREAU, ZACHARIAH R. & * TOSI, STEVEN & TRACY *& TOULOUSE, ROGER B. TOWERS, BRAD TOWLE, HOWARD L & JESSICA L TOWNSEND, KIMBERLY A & STEVEN C TOZIER, DONALD & DONNA * TOZIER, JOEL K. & NANCY J. TRACY, CONSTANCE I * TRACY, CONSTANCE I * TRACY, JAMES G & JODIE J TRACY, LEAH C TRACY, RAYMOND & NANCY TRACY, RAYMOND D & NANCY M TRACY, RYAN & ANDREA * TRACY, THOMAS TRACY, UNA TRUSTEE OF THE TRAFTON PROPERTIES TRAFTON PROPERTIES TRAFTON PROPERTIES TRAFTON PROPERTIES LLC TRASK, JONI M. TRASK, LEEANN L. TRASK, ROBERTINA B. TRASK, ROBERTINA B. *& TRASK, VINCENT W & LEEANN L * TRAUSSI, GREGORY J & JOANNA P * TREADWELL, PAMELA & DANA II TREPANIER, DIANA * TREPANIER, DIANA M. * TRUE, MICHELLE M. TUELL, ANTHONY J. TUPLIN, CYNTHIA * TURGEON, CATHY & RAYMOND * TURGEON, ERICA L. * TURGEON, GERARD J. & JEANNE M *& TURNER, GILBERT & FRANCES * TURNER, JOHN H JR & JOLENE D * TURNER, KATHLEEN P & JACK B * TURNER, STEPHEN & JO-ANN 98,600 158,900 342,600 13,000 29,100 13,200 78,100 208,700 16,800 93,800 196,700 989,400 195,000 27,600 40,200 6,200 252,100 184,000 152,700 116,800 169,000 43,200 144,600 211,800 235,300 225,200 22,400 98,000 198,000 71,400 98,200 260,200 195,600 13,700 126,100 65,300 168,400 50,500 66,500 124,900 153,500 12,500 45,200 104,500 142,200 128,000 53,300 150,300 205,900 213,700 75,600 182,400 117,100 109,800 132,000 131,500 230,800 173,200 81 1,050.09 1,692.29 3,648.69 138.45 309.92 140.58 831.77 2,222.65 178.92 998.97 2,094.86 10,537.11 2,076.75 293.94 428.13 66.03 2,684.87 1,959.60 1,626.26 1,243.92 1,799.85 460.08 1,539.99 2,255.67 2,505.95 2,398.38 238.56 1,043.70 2,108.70 760.41 1,045.83 2,771.13 2,083.14 145.91 1,342.97 695.45 1,793.46 537.82 708.23 1,330.19 1,634.78 133.13 481.38 1,112.93 1,514.43 1,363.20 567.65 1,600.70 2,192.84 2,275.90 805.14 1,942.56 1,247.12 1,169.37 1,405.80 1,400.48 2,458.02 1,844.58 * TUTTLE, ALLEN G & MARCIA J TUTTLE, GARY L. & ESTHER * TUTTLE, GREGORY A. & RACHEL A * TUTTLE, LINDA TUTTLE, ROSE MARIE & GARY L JR * TUTTLE, ROSS A. TWINLEAF LANE ASSOCIATION, INC * VAFIADES, SCOTT & DOMENICA * VALERA, SANDRA * VAN HORN, LEON * VAN HORN, NORMAN * VAN ORMAN, SCOTT LIVING TRUST & * VAN WART, ARTHUR R. & SANDRA L VANADESTINE, LEE R & ROXANNA M * VARNERIN, JEFFREY D. & CAROLYN A. VASVARY, DAWN M. & LOUIS W. VEILLEUX, BRIDGITTE M. & MARC G. * VEILLEUX, CLAUDE & SONIA * VEILLEUX, JOHN & ROBIN * VEILLEUX, LYNETTE T. * VEILLEUX, MARC G & BRIDGITTE M. * VEILLEUX, MARC L. * VEILLEUX, RICHARD J. & JULIETTE * VENABLE, STACY & CHAD * VIGUE, THOMAS & FINGERMAN, EILEEN * VINSKEY, JONATHAN VINTINNER, PATRICIA & ST PIERRE, CYNTHIA * VIOLETTE, MICHAEL & DEBORAH L. VIOLETTE, RANDY R. VOGT, WILLIAM C. & MARTHA L. * VOISINE, RENARD P. & NANCY L. * VYE, ALBERT H.JR. W+S ENTERPRISES W+S ENTERPRISES WABI RADIO TV * WACOME, DONALD & DONNA M. WACOME, DONALD G. & DONNA M. WADE, CHRISTOPHER T. WADE, DEAN & CYNTHIA * WADE, DEAN L. & CYNTHIA C * WADE, MELVIN JR. & JOAN M. * WADE, RANDY L & * WADE, TIMOTHY M WALKER, FRANK E. WALKER, JOHN S & JUDITH WALKER, MARK A & CAROL A WALSH, RICHARD & JAYNE WANSER, MARIE WANSER, MARIE WARD, BRYAN WARD, BRYAN B. & KATE H. WARMAN, CLYDE & PATRICIA WARNER, JOHN R & SUSAN B *& WARREN, CLEMENT & CONSTANCE WARREN-GAUTHIER, NANCY WARREN-GAUTHIER, NANCY * WATSON, THOMAS O. & SHIRLEY M. WEAVER, ALISON L. & BRUCE C. 146,500 61,800 97,500 43,300 130,800 176,000 28,200 264,800 207,200 88,000 166,900 304,800 200,200 269,300 152,500 65,900 27,500 125,800 182,200 104,800 72,000 87,900 103,000 250,600 231,000 173,000 165,100 121,300 313,900 234,900 168,200 104,700 40,000 2,100 13,800 169,300 29,800 122,200 36,800 343,500 213,800 135,300 188,900 154,200 187,600 109,900 241,600 133,400 30,800 180,500 38,000 100,300 265,600 231,500 91,800 43,100 387,500 348,900 82 1,560.23 658.17 1,038.38 461.15 1,393.02 1,874.40 300.33 2,820.12 2,206.68 937.20 1,777.49 3,246.12 2,132.13 2,868.05 1,624.13 701.84 292.88 1,339.77 1,940.43 1,116.12 766.80 936.14 1,096.95 2,668.89 2,460.15 1,842.45 1,758.32 1,291.85 3,343.04 2,501.69 1,791.33 1,115.06 426.00 22.37 146.97 1,803.04 317.37 1,301.43 391.92 3,658.28 2,276.97 1,440.95 2,011.79 1,642.23 1,997.94 1,170.44 2,573.04 1,420.71 328.02 1,922.33 404.70 1,068.20 2,828.64 2,465.48 977.67 459.02 4,126.88 3,715.79 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WEAVER, ALLISON L. & BRUCE C. WEBB, MARGARET H. & PIERCE, PATRICK D WEBB, RONALD & MARIE WEBBER, CORAL E. WEBBER, CURTIS & BRENDA WEBSTER, DAVID A WEBSTER, DAVID A. WEEKS, ALTON & BOUCHER,TERESA WEISS, DACE WELCH, ANTHONY J. WELCH, ERIC & JENNIFER WELCH, KEVIN WELCH, LINDA WELCH, LINDA J WELCH, PHILLIP & WELLS, DANIEL & BRENDA WELTON, JAMES C & ELIZABETH L WENTWORTH, JIM & CHERYL WENTWORTH, JIM D. & CHERYL L. WESCOTT, BRUCE D. WESCOTT, DONALD T. & BEVERLY J. WESCOTT, KYLE WEST SIDNEY BAPTIST CHURCH WEST, PATRICIA A. WESTOVER REALTY TRUST WHEELER, GARY & KELLEY P WHEELOCK, ROBERT E JR WHITCOMB, JONATHAN & MELINDA WHITCOMB, ORMAN WHITCOMB, ORMAN E. WHITE, BOBBI JO WHITE, CLARENCE WHITE, CLARENCE WHITE, CLARENCE WHITE, CLARENCE WHITE, CLARENCE WHITE, DARCY N & NANCY J WHITE, DARIN & SARAH WHITE, JACOB & KIMBERLY WHITE, MARK & DIANE WHITE, MARK A & DIANE M WHITE, MARK A. & DIANE M. WHITE, TUNNEY A & MARIANNE C WHITEHOUSE, LANCE W. WHITEHOUSE, LANCE W. WHITNEY, LORI L. WHITTEN, HOWARD A. & JUDITH K WHITTIER, KENNETH WIGGIN, DAVIS E. WIGGIN, JOHN WIGGIN, JOHN WIGGIN, JOHN WILBER, NANCY WILKINS, STEPHANIE M WILLETTE, LAWRENCE & CANDICE WILLETTE, LAWRENCE & CANDICE WILLETTE, MELISSA A. WILLETTE, PATRICK W. & SUSAN M 33,800 125,500 52,000 102,900 123,500 169,900 115,400 154,700 242,700 4,700 173,200 87,900 140,600 132,450 196,400 184,800 138,900 29,500 273,500 166,000 142,800 32,900 73,100 164,700 51,200 207,500 112,500 239,300 268,200 97,500 53,800 106,100 54,500 34,500 111,400 214,900 187,600 188,700 203,500 295,000 30,200 70,200 263,700 59,000 164,000 175,200 167,600 128,000 451,700 202,100 344,600 72,300 55,400 37,800 36,700 242,900 111,900 95,600 83 359.97 1,336.58 553.80 1,095.89 1,315.28 1,809.44 1,229.01 1,647.56 2,584.76 50.06 1,844.58 936.14 1,497.39 1,410.59 2,091.66 1,968.12 1,479.29 314.18 2,912.78 1,767.90 1,520.82 350.39 778.52 1,754.06 545.28 2,209.88 1,198.13 2,548.55 2,856.33 1,038.38 572.97 1,129.96 580.42 367.43 1,186.41 2,288.69 1,997.94 2,009.66 2,167.28 3,141.75 321.63 747.63 2,808.41 628.35 1,746.60 1,865.88 1,784.94 1,363.20 4,810.60 2,152.36 3,669.99 770.00 590.01 402.57 390.86 2,586.88 1,191.73 1,018.14 WILLETTE, ROBERT & PAMELA * WILLETTE, ROBERT & PAMELA *& WILLETTE, ROBERT L. & RUTH H. WILLIAMS, PERLEY & TRUMAN, ROXANNE WILLIAMS, RACHEL & TIMOTHY WILLIAMS, RACHEL & TIMOTHY * WILLIAMS, RACHEL & TIMOTHY * WILLIAMS, TIMOTHY D & ANDREA WILLIAMS, TONYA M & GLENN R WILLIAMSON, JAMES J. IV * WILLIGAR, DESIREE N. & NATHAN J. * WILSON, BETH A * WILSON, DAVID L & NANCY P WILSON, LINDA * WILSON, LINDA * WILSON, SCOTT L. & KAREN L. * WINCHENBACH, ALLAN C. * WINDSOR,WILLIAM JR & ROOD-WINDSOR,LINDA WING, ANGELA D. & WINKLEY, DEBORAH ANN CAMPBELL * WINTER, TRUDY S. WITHAM, WILLIAM & ELLEN WITHAM, WILLIAM & SARAH * WITHAM, WILLIAM & SARAH * WITHAM, WILLIAM R & ELLEN A. WITHAM, WILLIAM R SR & ELLEN A WITHAM, WILLIAM R. & ELLEN A. WITHAM, WILLIAM R. JR. & SARAH A. WITHAM, WILLIAM R. SR. WITHAM, WILLIAM SR. & ELLEN WITHAM, WILLIAM, SR. & ELLEN WLBZ 2 WOHLFORD, RODNEY & LESLIE WOLF CREEK FARM, LLC * WOOD, ALLEN R & SHELLY A WOOD, DEREK E * WOOD, KAREN * WOOD, KEITH S WOOD, ROBIN & EILEEN WOODARD, LYNN C. * WOODHEAD, ANDREW & ANGELA * WOODSIDE, PATRICK M & CYNTHIA A WOODWARD, CRAIG WOODWARD, CRAIG W. & SANDRA * WOODWARD, ROBERTA R & LOFTUS, ELIZABETH WRIGHT, KERRYANNE & * WRIGLEY, DONNA E YANNELLI, DANA YERIGAN, BRUCE D & KRISTINE L YERIGAN, KRISTINE L & BRUCE D YETERIAN, EDWARD H & MARGARET W YOTIDES, CHRISTINE YOUNG, CLIFFORD & PATTY ANNE * YOUNG, MICHAEL & JENNIFER LEE ZIMBA, JASON ZIMBA, JASON & AMY 84 38,200 236,900 50,100 101,800 10,500 168,000 124,500 196,900 111,400 119,600 179,300 159,700 290,900 35,300 222,700 129,600 110,900 270,300 172,400 92,400 94,400 9,300 186,800 201,100 273,400 1,200 89,200 26,200 117,600 30,900 126,700 79,300 270,100 3,700 206,500 35,600 152,700 134,100 293,000 47,800 189,400 210,000 42,000 176,400 77,400 177,900 148,500 161,200 544,700 104,400 289,300 270,800 91,700 121,300 29,000 118,800 406.83 2,522.99 533.56 1,084.17 111.83 1,789.20 1,325.93 2,096.99 1,186.41 1,273.74 1,909.54 1,700.81 3,098.09 375.95 2,371.76 1,380.24 1,181.09 2,878.70 1,836.06 984.06 1,005.36 99.05 1,989.42 2,141.72 2,911.71 12.78 949.98 279.03 1,252.44 329.09 1,349.36 844.55 2,876.57 39.41 2,199.23 379.14 1,626.26 1,428.17 3,120.45 509.07 2,017.11 2,236.50 447.30 1,878.66 824.31 1,894.64 1,581.53 1,716.78 5,801.06 1,111.86 3,081.05 2,884.02 976.61 1,291.85 308.85 1,265.22 REPORT OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER The total number of building permits in 2012 was 70 compared to 72 in 2011 and 76 for the year 2010. The breakdown is as follows: 2010 2011 2012 New Homes 19 19 13 Mobile Homes 7 6 5 Barns & Garages 30 21 30 Repairs & Additions 12 16 17 Decks & Pools 7 9 4 Commercial Buildings 1 0 3 Should you have any questions, I can be reached at my home 4953868, or at the office during my office hours (Monday nights 6PM - 9PM during the winter months & Mon. 6PM - 9PM & Sat. 9AM - NOON during summer months) at 547-3159. You may also call my cell phone anytime at 441-5302. Respectfully submitted, Gary R. Fuller, Code Enforcement Officer REPORT OF THE PLUMBING INSPECTOR The number of plumbing permits that were issued in 2012 was 39 compared to 48 in 2011. The breakdown is as follows: 2011 2012 31 – ext. 26 – ext. 17 – int. 13 – int. If you need a plumbing permit, or your project is ready for inspection, please contact me at 495-3868, or at the office during my regular office hours (Mon. 6PM - 9PM during the winter and Mon. 6PM 9PM & Sat 9AM - NOON during the summer) at 547-3159 or my cell phone anytime at 441-5302. Respectfully Submitted, Gary R. Fuller, Plumbing Inspector 85 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SIDNEY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION This has been a very successful past year for the Sidney Athletic Association. The participation numbers of our youth programs are relatively consistent with last year in all sports. In November, our membership elected new board members. • • Tait Rodgers, Amber Bragg, and Brian Lambert were elected to new three year terms. Our 8-member board for 2013 consists of Brian Lambert - President, Keith McGlauflin - Vice President, Bob Dube - Treasurer, Dean Hall Secretary, Rick Greene, Shawn Brunelle, Amber Bragg, and Tait Rodgers. A chronic erosion issue below Pit3 parking lot surfaced in the fall that required immediate attention or risk potential loss in spring 2013. Special thanks to Best Construction for providing no cost transportation of the materials needed for this remediation. The “Snack Shack” was a huge success this year for both the volunteers that manned the shack and patrons. This continues to be our largest fund raising effort to provide funding for SAA programs. Special thanks to SAA general member Kathy Taylor for her tireless efforts in coordinating Snack Shack operation. Keith McGlauflin coordinated a successful youth soccer program with 131 youth participants and 28 volunteer coaches. Autumn Saturday mornings are an awesome event at the Sidney Pit fields with large crowds of youth soccer players and their supporting friends and family. Thank You Keith and coaches for all your service! Bob Dube (T-ball), Dean Hall (baseball), and Mark Larson (softball) coordinated another successful spring sports season. Participant numbers for baseball, softball and T-ball programs were 161 players with 42 volunteer coaches. Many thanks to SAA general member Dean Fair for his tireless dedication in volunteering his time to prepare the pit playing fields for game competition. Travel teams for both softball and baseball were again successful in district, state and national play. 10U, 14U, and 16U MAYSA softball teams all 86 finished second in state tournament competition. Messalonskee Cal Ripken won the district 12U tournament and advanced to play in the state tournament. All told, 36 Sidney youth played travel/all-star ball and 9 Sidney residents served as coaches. There is an ever-growing number of athletic opportunities for our youth. The field hockey program has continued to serve participants from Sidney as well as the lacrosse program. While these programs are not provided by or run by the Sidney Athletic Association we do support them in offering activities for the Town’s youth. The basketball program runs under the guidance of Eric Seekins and the Messalonskee Youth Basketball Association (MYBA), while football and cheering programs are offered through Messalonskee Youth Football. Many Sidney residents volunteer their time coaching and assisting these organizations. The adult volleyball program, coordinated by Jason Hargrove, is now in its sixth year at the Bean School gym. Volleyball is played on Sunday nights from early December through April. We encourage and invite all Sidney residents that wish to play to join us at the Bean School from 5:30 – 8 PM on Sunday nights. Those involved in SAA are very proud of our organization and the time we spend volunteering for the benefit of our youth and community. We strive to have our meetings on the first Sunday of each month at 6 PM at the James H. Bean School – athletic events and holidays affect our meeting dates, but they are generally posted on channel seven and on our website – www.sidneyathletics.com. Membership is open to any adult in Sidney, and we encourage you to attend our meetings and lend your support! Many thanks to those who have volunteered time and experience to coach our kids. Thanks are also due to the taxpayers of Sidney for their support in providing vibrant, positive athletic opportunities for the residents of Sidney. Respectfully submitted, Sidney Athletic Association Board of Directors 87 Cemetery Committee Annual Report December 30, 2012 1. The Cemetery Committee supported the Planning Board’s review of the draft ordinance for Cemetery Regulations that we had prepared and submitted to the Select Board in 2011. 2. Under Warrant Article 20 ($5,000), the Select Board approved a contract with Gravestone Concerns, LLC (locally owned by Donna-Mae Bean) to continue gravestone preservation efforts. Stone preservation work was performed in Bangs, Field, Lovejoy, and Sibley Cemeteries. 3. Under Warrant Article 21 ($4,700), we made recommendations to the Select Board for removal of hazardous trees; we sought proposals and met with 3 tree-removal contractors; the Select Board approved Foster Tree and Landscaping, LLC (locally owned by the Paradis family) to remove several danger trees from Field, Longley, Lovejoy, and Tiffany Cemeteries. 4. Private funding supported preservation efforts by Gravestone Concerns, LLC in the Blaisdell Graveyard on land of Fortin, southerly of the Town Farm Road, where all stones were fallen, some broken, and at least one is known to be missing. Private funding also supported additional work within Bangs Cemetery. We are grateful to those donors for their support. 5. For an Eagle Scout project, seventeen-year-old Sidney resident Kyle Lee (Troop 454, Oakland) spearheaded efforts to clean up and preserve the Getchell Cemetery on land of Hanscom, easterly of the Pond Road. Work was performed under the guidance of Beth Golding with some labor supplied by the Lee family and members of the Troop. Kyle has developed a plan of the site and his report is on file. Congratulations to Kyle for a job well done. 6. With the help of several volunteers, including Sidney Historical Society members, veterans’ graves were decorated with American flags in time for Veterans Day recognition. Those flags were removed in early autumn. This Committee was unsuccessful in its ground search for evidence of three missing cemeteries described in deeds. We continue to monitor tree conditions at least twice yearly and following severe windstorms. We have enjoyed great relations with the two local contractors, each having donated hundreds of dollars of labor beyond their contract prices. Volunteers, the Town staff, and the Select and Planning Boards have been very supportive, as have the landowners adjoining the several sites where work has been 88 performed or searches conducted. We are concerned that the present level of funding for preservation efforts barely allows for maintaining the status quo. Current conditions of many broken and fallen stones in just the Field and Sibley Cemeteries will require tens of thousands of dollars of labor and materials to preserve. At the current budget of $5,000 per year, we can’t catch up. Then there are the many smaller graveyards still needing attention. For example, Bean and Longley Cemeteries need new fences, and stones in Lincoln Cemetery need extensive repair, just 3 of 28 known sites. Our tree maintenance efforts have resulted in laudable results in preventing damage to ancient memorial stones in many graveyards. Still, we don’t catch them all. Large trees have fallen into Barton, Field and Reynolds Hill Cemeteries this year – luckily with minimal stone damage. It is time to develop a plan for replanting some hardy tree species for some of these sites. Longley Cemetery is one example. This year we removed several large and formerly attractive cedar trees that had stood for 150 years or more, adding beauty and solitude to the site. We should work toward another century or more of continuing this tranquil and respectful atmosphere. Then, there’s site development to be considered. We understand from Shawna Foye there is a waiting list for gravesites. We suggest budgeting now for expansion through further mapping and landscaping within existing sites where undeveloped space is available. We also see room for dedication of additional land adjoining some sites. Early negotiations for these parcels should be addressed. We remain eager to preserve our heritage and maintain our ancestral graveyards in a manner that will make us all proud. Respectfully submitted, Town of Sidney’s Cemetery Committee: Beth Clark Golding, Chair Lawrence A. Tibbetts 89 Sidney Trail Riders Financial Report to Taxpayers December 17, 2011 - December 16, 2012 INCOME MEMBERSHIPS $1557.00 FAMILY $1165.00 BUSINESS $210.00 MSA RAFFLE TICKETS $182.00 FUNDRAISING $457.00 50/50 RAFFLE $57.00 SPONSORSHIP SIGNS DONATIONS $400.00 $238.25 SODA MACHINE SALE $50.00 BOTTLE RETURNS $33.35 CLUBHOUSE RENTALS $800.00 SNOWMOBILE REG. REIMB. GROOMING GRANT FROM STATE $3361.84 $3375.00 TOTAL INCOME $9872.44 EXPENSES CLUB EXPENSES $1306.49 MSA EXPENSES $889.00 membership, insurance, raffle BANK FEES/CHECKS $52.00 POSTAGE $137.93 PAPER/INK $18.71 POTLUCK SUPPER COST $76.51 paper plates, silverware, etc. CHRISTMAS PARTY 90 $132.34 CLUBHOUSE EXPESES $4188.97 BUILDING MAINTENANCE $84.01 cleaning supplies kitchen items ELECTRICITY $453.16 OIL $1083.19 TRASH REMOVAL $89.00 TAXES $1135.29 REIMBURSE TO HASKELLS $389.79 for extra evaluation FIRE/LIABILITY INSURANCE INCORPORATION FEES $736.00 $35.00 CRUSHED GRAVEL $183.53 EXPENSES CONTINUE GROOMING EXPENSES $2,534.84 LIABITLITY FOR GROOMERS $1,133.00 REPAIRS TO SLED $430.40 GAS/OIL $321.44 TRAIL CLEARING $650.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $8030.30 The Officers of the Sidney Trail Riders Club would like to thank all its past and present members for your continued support. This past year we held a Land Owner/Membership BBQ, a Christmas party and Pot luck suppers all events had a great turn out. Please see the clubs calendar for a list of future events. The clubs goals for the next few years are to save enough money for a newer furnace, and raise money for a newer sled for grooming. Remember to respect the land owners, and use caution on the trails. Respectfully submitted by, Tonya Philbrick, Secretary/Treasurer Sidney Trail Riders 91 SIDNEY FOOD CUPBOARD The Sidney Food Cupboard continues to grow in the number of families we serve. We are seeing several new families and the stories are all the same. Gas prices and food prices are so high their money just does not stretch far enough. In 2012 we had 251 requests for food. Those 251 requests fed approximately 990 people. We continue to be successful at getting a grant from Mid-State Machine Foundation. I put in a request for $2,500.00 again this year and it was approved. Praise God! That Grant makes it possible for us to have so many different items of food on the shelves. The Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and the James Bean School all continue to have great food drives in November; this helps get us through the holidays. The MHS and the Middle School in Oakland brought us three pickup loads of food in December. Praise God! The turkey baskets for Thanksgiving really take a lot of food. The Conway Trucking Company employees brought many items for the Thanksgiving baskets. They have become a great supporter of the food cupboard. They also took 10 balls off the giving tree and filled them and gave us more food at Christmas time. It is great to have such wonderful neighbors. The teachers of the James Bean School put together 10 food baskets to go to local families at Thanksgiving time. I gave those baskets to families with children at the Bean School and made sure the families knew where those baskets came from. Also the Middle Road General Store put out a can for donations through the holidays and did very well. The LePage Bread Co gives us 40-50 loaves of bread each week so our clients always have bread to eat. The church members and the Sidney Historical Society members put together and served lunch at the Sidney Town Meeting. Thanks to Patty Bragg and Charlotte Higgins for doing the kitchen for us. Patty's cinnamon rolls are always a big hit. Thanks to all who made sandwiches and desserts. We made over $700.00 on the luncheon and the voters of Sidney appropriated $4,000.00 to be used to purchase food. A great day for the Sidney Food Cupboard! 92 We still receive food from KVCAP four times a year. We also have a great working relationship with Marcoux Meat Shop so we continue our meat voucher program. We also received several hundred dollars from the End Hunger Program from the Maine State Employees Credit Union. Thanks to all who participated in the walk-athon. We have been so fortunate to receive so many donations to keep this mission going. Respectfully submitted, Sandra Tibbetts 93 Sandy River Recycling Association Report for 2012 The continuing downturn in the prices paid for recyclable materials and the loss of recyclable tonnage from member towns in recent years has forced the SRRA Board of Directors to make adjustments to its staffing and to the formula by which member towns are charged. The changes were inevitable: the gap between SRRA’s income and its expenses was continuing to widen and the reserve fund which it used to bridge the gap in order to keep member costs low and stable has been depleted. To ensure that SRRA continues to serve its 18 member towns with the award winning services it is noted for, the Board adopted the following measures: • Cut $19,360, including a part-time position, from SRRA’s operating budget, reducing it to $201,990, the lowest since 2005. • Increased the revenue we receive from member towns by 31%: from $57,308 to $75,000 to reflect the true cost of services. • Adopted an allocation formula that more equitably apportions the cost of transportation among member towns by charging a “trip fee” based on the distance from SRRA’s Farmington facility to a member’s transfer station. In 2012 SRRA’s member towns recycled 983 tons of material. Revenue for 2012 from the sale of the material was $120,902. Operating costs for 2012 were $223,964. We also spent $36,281 from our Capital Reserve Account on the repair and purchase of new roll-off containers and the repair of our truck scales Our Food Residual Composting Project underwent some major changes in 2012. We screened 120 cubic yards of compost to produce a higher quality material and sold it to 94 area residents for $20 a cubic yard, generating $2,400 in new revenue. We also reduced costs by working with the UMF Sustainable Campus Coalition to transport compostable materials from UMF’s cafeteria to our facility. Organic materials also included food scraps from the cafeteria at Mallett School, manure from the Farmington Fair Grounds and leaves from the town of Farmington.. Our web site sandyriverrecycling.org is regularly updated. It includes the budget and other important information as well as much educational material. Call 778-3254 or e-mail [email protected] if you have any questions. Respectfully Submitted Ron Slater Mgr. SRRA 95 REPORT OF THE ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER Greetings from Animal Control, 2012 was a slow year for animal control related calls. There were a total of 65 calls for service. This included 19 dog calls, 10 cat calls, 8 cow calls and 6 wildlife calls. Five people were summonsed on animal related violations. In May, the Department of Animal Welfare and I handled a severe case of canine animal cruelty. The dogs were relinquished to the Waterville Humane Society and were later adopted into good homes. This year we saw one case of rabies. In October, a rabid raccoon was killed on Holway Road after it had chased two dogs and their owner. The two dogs were current on their rabies vaccinations and only had to undergo a rabies booster shot and a routine home quarantine. Had the owner been bitten, he would have had to undergo a series of rabies vaccinations. The dead raccoon was taken to the Augusta State Laboratory were it was tested and later confirmed that it had rabies. Remember, Maine state law requires that both cats and dogs are to be vaccinated against rabies, Title 7 section 3916. It not only benefits your pet, but you as well. By doing this, you are in part helping to keep the spread of Rabies and other infections down. A fine of up to $100.00 can be issued to animal owners if their cat or dog is found to be unvaccinated. Also, Town ordinance and Maine state law require all dogs to be license each year, Title 7 section 3921. A fine of up to $100.00 can be issued for an unlicensed dog. ACO has continued to handle an ongoing animal trespassing case involving cows wandering onto I-95. Whether it is I-95 or a local roadway, large animals present a dangerous situation to motorists and I hope this problem will soon be resolved. If you have any questions regarding animal issues, animal law, or need advice with animal wildlife, please don’t hesitate to call me. All though animal wildlife is not part of my animal control duties, I am a certified animal damage control agent with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. A fee may be charge for any trapping and removal of nuisance wildlife. However, if the animal is exhibiting signs of rabies, contact me immediately as this is an animal control related issue and needs to be handled right away. I would like to wish you all and safe and happy year. Thank you for your support. Chris Martinez Animal Control Officer 96 REPORT OF THE SIDNEY RESCUE CHIEF Sidney Rescue responded to 162 medical emergencies and Fire and Rescue responded to 57 motor vehicle accidents. Rescue also stood by at structure fires to provide medical assistance if needed. Top four responders to these calls were: 1. Rachel Williams…….150 2. Chris Giroux…………99 3. Mark McMahon……...65 4. Dan Courtemanch…..54 We had two people who completed the Emergency Medical Technician course and passed the National Registry test and are now members of Sidney Rescue. Rescue 5 stood buy at the Sidney Historical Society’s antique car and tractor show. With donations that we have received, we were able to put together a kit to be used for Firefighter Rehab at the scene of structure fires and we purchased a scoop stretcher and long board to have in the inflatable boat for river rescues. These are purchases that did not have to come out of Rescue’s operating budget, thanks to the generosity of the Townspeople. Again, we would like to thank the Firefighters who have responded, when called, to assist Rescue personnel on medical calls. We would like to thank the Townspeople for their continued support. Please remember to buckle up……….seat belts do save lives!! Respectfully submitted, Rachel Williams Rescue Chief 97 REPORT OF THE FIRE CHIEF It has come that time of year again to submit the annual report for the Sidney Fire Department, for the fiscal year of February 1, 2012 to January 31, 2013. The members of the Sidney Fire Department have completed one more year of dedication to the Town of Sidney. Their commitment to respond to emergencies of all hours of the day and night should give the Town of Sidney comfort knowing that they are protected by these individuals. For the period included in this report Sidney Fire Department responded to 83 Fire calls and 57 Fire/Rescue calls. Which were received all hours of the day and night throughout the year. In order to respond to the many emergencies that we have in our town, including I-95, our firefighters train several hours throughout the year. As Chief, feel that we are well prepared to encounter any emergency situation the Town of Sidney may encounter. The Fire Department received a few small grants last year which helped the Town purchase pagers and portable radios which cost the Town of Sidney zero amount of dollars. The Sidney Firefighters Association purchased a John Deere Gator and trailer to donate to Sidney Fire and Rescue. The Town has yet to accept the donation but will vote on it at Town Meeting. Hopefully, the townspeople will accept this donation due to the usage and demand for this type of equipment. Like most Fire Departments, we are faced with increased budgets and a decrease in firefighters. With the number and severity of calls that are received today, our mutual aid towns recognize the great need for their assistance. The towns that are involved in the mutual aid recognize that the need for their response. Thank you to our mutual aid towns for the assistance and help on our emergency situations. At this time the Sidney Fire Department would like to thank the following mutual aid departments - Augusta, Oakland, Belgrade, Rome, Smithfield, Waterville, and Winslow. The Sidney Fire Department would like to thank everyone in town for their continued support to our department. Without your continued support it would be very hard to what we do. Thank you, Chief Richard Jandreau 98 Sidney Historical Society The Sidney Historical Society has had a busy year. Our members have put a lot of work into the Grange Hall, and we're very pleased with the new furnace put in by the Selectmen. We've had interesting speakers and worked on several projects this year. Our fundraisers have been successful and we're planning for the future. The Sidney Historical Society, for the Town of Sidney, obtained funding to restore and to preserve town records and to prepare them for safe access. With help from Maine State Archivist, David Cheever, and with the endorsement and encouragement of Sidney's Selectmen and Shawna Foye, Sidney's treasurer, tax collector and clerk, SHS member Charlotte Sawtelle applied for and was granted $6,100 in funding from the New Century Community Program. In addition to Bill and Charlotte Sawtelle, many SHS members, notably Jonathan Gammans, Jeff Frost, and Polly Furber, donned masks for the unpleasant task of removing moldy walls. SHS building chairman, Red Laliberte, obtained estimates and materials, hired contractors, and mudded and taped all of the new drywall. David Lyon and Frank Kramer fabricated and installed new trim work for the space. The result is that the south side of the Sidney Grange Hall basement is now mold-free, with new walls, ceiling, freshly-painted surfaces, and upgraded wiring and lighting. Town records are in the process of being treated for mold, free of charge, by the Maine State Archives. Many of the sensitive records now are stored in a clean, locked, wellventilated room and the rest will follow. In addition to providing a safe area for records, the funding covers the cost of new, appropriate shelving and long-term, archival storage materials. The third annual Antique Car and Tractor Show was held in July at the Sidney Silver Spur Riding Club. We had a turnout of 66 cars, trucks, and tractors with music, door prizes, and great food. We appreciated the 30 + local businesses, and individuals who provided financial support and donations. We also had our inaugural Peter Golding 5K and Fun Run with help from Gene Roy. Plans are progressing for the fourth annual Antique Car and Tractor Show scheduled for July 27th 2013. The SHS Veteran's Memorial committee celebrated Sidney's veterans with a Memorial Day ceremony at our current WWII Memorial in front of the Grange Hall. General Bill Libby was master of ceremonies in what one participant called "a proud moment for Sidney". Honors were bestowed and veteran's remembered with a parade, special music, and dancing. The committee continues work on the "Buy a Brick Campaign" to raise money for an expanded memorial to honor all of Sidney's veterans. 99 Many thanks go to Bill and Charlotte Sawtelle for producing the 2013 Sidney Historical Society Calendar. It continues to be an annual fundraiser and a must have calendar for Sidney folk near and far. Calendars may be purchased at the Town Office or from an SHS member. Another fund raiser was the beautiful quilt created by Simone Kramer and her quilt group. The winner's name was drawn at our November meeting. Charlotte and Bill Sawtelle continue to produce the Sidney Historical Society monthly newsletter of which we are quite proud. It is e-mailed to members locally and across the country and we receive many compliments on its content. If you have an interest in the history of Sidney or any of our community activities, we encourage you to attend our meetings on the second Wednesday of each month. We welcome new members. Respectfully Submitted Roberta Drummond Bill and Charlotte Sawtelle Kathi Smith 100 Office of the Sheriff Kennebec County, Maine Captain Daniel C. Davies Law Enforcement 125 State Street Augusta, Maine 04330 Telephone (207) 623-3614 Fax (207) 623-6387 Randall A. Liberty, Sheriff Everett B. Flannery, Jr., Chief Deputy January 11, 2013 Captain Marsha J. Alexander Corrections Administrator 115 State Street Augusta, Maine 04330 Telephone (207) 623-2270 Fax (207) 621-0663 The Kennebec County Sheriff’s Office continues to proudly serve the citizens of Kennebec County. The Sheriff’s Office has a long history of service, dating back to 1799. Our agency serves many functions in the communities of Kennebec County. In addition to rural patrol, the Law Enforcement Division provides many regional assets to our communities including Drug Investigations, K-9, Dive Team, Accident Reconstruction and the Special Response Team. In 2012, Deputy Sheriffs responded to a total of 29,029 calls for service. We answered (458) calls for service involving theft; (830) motor vehicle accidents with (10) reconstructions; (436) alarms; (269) domestic violence; (224) 911 hang-ups; (120) assaults; (144) K-9 calls and (731) assisting other agencies. We also managed (83) registered sex offenders within the County and registered (172) at the agency. During the past year, our Correctional Facility managed 3,226 inmates. The offenses committed by defendants included everything from Burglaries to Homicides. Substance abuse and the proper treatment of citizens with mental illness continue to be two primary concerns at the Correctional Facility. Despite significant fiscal challenges, the CARA program continues to operate, serving as a state-wide substance abuse treatment program. Inmates at the Kennebec County Correctional Facility are required to work. Inmates that are considered to be a risk to the community work inside the facility cleaning and cooking, while others are supervised on outside projects. For every two days worked, one day is reduced from their sentence, resulting in a $683,000 bed day savings to the citizens of Kennebec County. Throughout 2012, inmates worked 25,439 community service hours, valued at approximately $190,793. Our inmates raised 45,738 pounds of produce for the inmate kitchen and area food pantries in 2012. We are committed to providing innovative programs to reduce crimes, assist victims and to provide enhanced public safety. I acknowledge the ever-growing opiate addiction problem and have committed to partnerships at the Federal, State and Local levels to combat this problem. Our approach is aggressive enforcement, education and treatment for those afflicted. I will provide the 122,150 citizens of Kennebec County with progressive and professional Law Enforcement and Correctional Services. I welcome any comments or suggestions which improve our service to the citizens of Kennebec County. Randall A. Liberty Sheriff, Kennebec County 101 102 103 Proven Expertise and Integrity February 11, 2013 Board of Selectmen Town of Sidney Sidney, Maine We were engaged by the Town of Sidney, Maine and have audited the financial statements of the Town of Sidney, Maine as of and for the year ended January 31, 2013. The following schedules have been excerpted from the 2013 financial statements, a complete copy of which, including our opinion thereon, will be available for inspection at the Town. Included herein are: Balance Sheet – Governmental Funds Statement C Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances – Governmental Funds Statement E Budgetary Comparison Schedule - Budgetary Basis – Budget and Actual - General Fund Schedule 1 Schedule of Departmental Operations – General Fund Schedule A Balance Sheet – Non-Major Governmental Funds Schedule B Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances – Non-Major Governmental Funds Schedule C Certified Public Accountants 3 Old Orchard Road, Buxton, Maine 04093 Tel: (800) 300-7708 (207) 929-4606 Fax: (207) 929-4609 www.rhrsmith.com 104 STATEMENT C TOWN OF SIDNEY, MAINE BALANCE SHEET – GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS JANUARY 31, 2013 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Investments Accounts receivable (net of allowance for uncollectibles): Taxes Liens Tax acquired property Due from other funds TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts payable Accrued expenses Due to other governments Due to other funds Deferred revenue TOTAL LIABILITIES General Fund $ $ $ FUND BALANCES Nonspendable Restricted Committed Assigned Unassigned TOTAL FUND BALANCES TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES 1,314,103 347,272 60,797 5,323 900 1,728,395 6,481 254 75 313,566 307,963 628,339 Nonmajor Funds $ $ $ 5,323 88,289 1,006,444 1,100,056 $ 1,728,395 192,771 89,205 313,566 595,542 900 900 $ $ $ 281,076 269,330 44,236 594,642 $ 595,542 See accompanying independent auditors' report and notes to financial statements. 105 Total Governmental Funds 1,506,874 89,205 347,272 60,797 5,323 314,466 2,323,937 6,481 254 75 314,466 307,963 629,239 5,323 369,365 1,275,774 44,236 1,694,698 $ 2,323,937 STATEMENT D TOWN OF SIDNEY, MAINE STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JANUARY 31, 2013 REVENUES Taxes Excise taxes Intergovernmental Investment income, net of unrealized gains/(losses) Interest / costs on liens Charges for services Other income TOTAL REVENUES General Fund $ EXPENDITURES Current: General government Public safety Health and sanitation Public works Leisure services Public assistance Education County tax Overlay Unclassified Debt service: Principal Interest Capital outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,631,559 725,205 216,506 23,226 7,541 51,974 20,997 4,677,008 Total Governmental Funds Nonmajor Funds $ 49,860 (4,709) 67,185 112,336 $ - 3,631,559 725,205 266,366 18,517 7,541 51,974 88,182 4,789,344 291,780 156,526 37,389 551,295 13,000 9,253 2,922,768 339,337 4,996 64,919 76,243 291,780 156,526 37,389 551,295 13,000 9,253 2,922,768 339,337 4,996 141,162 108,731 11,882 456,836 4,968,712 76,243 108,731 11,882 456,836 5,044,955 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (291,704) 36,093 (255,611) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Debt proceeds Operating transfers in Operating transfers (out) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 456,836 49,879 (66,500) 440,215 66,500 (49,879) 16,621 456,836 116,379 (116,379) 456,836 NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES 148,511 52,714 201,225 FUND BALANCES - FEBRUARY 1 951,545 541,928 1,493,473 FUND BALANCES - JANUARY 31 $ 1,100,056 $ See accompanying independent auditors' report and notes to financial statements. 106 594,642 $ 1,694,698 SCHEDULE 1 TOWN OF SIDNEY, MAINE BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE – BUDGETARY BASIS BUDGET AND ACTUAL – GENERAL FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED JANUARY 31, 2013 Budgeted Amounts Original Final Budgetary Fund Balance, February 1 Resources (Inflows): Property taxes Excise taxes Intergovernmental State revenue sharing Homestead reimbursement Other Investment income, net of unrealized gains/(losses) Interest / costs on liens Charges for services Other income Debt proceeds Transfers from other funds Amounts Available for Appropriation $ Charges to Appropriations (Outflows): General government Public safety Health and sanitation Public works Leisure services Public assistance Education County tax Unclassified Overlay Debt service: Principal Interest Capital outlay Transfers to other funds Total Charges to Appropriations 951,545 $ 951,545 Variance Positive (Negative) Actual $ 951,545 $ - 3,686,638 - 3,686,638 - 3,631,559 725,205 (55,079) 725,205 151,179 56,171 9,341 4,854,874 151,179 56,171 9,341 456,836 5,311,710 148,478 53,567 14,461 23,226 7,541 51,974 20,997 456,836 49,879 6,135,268 (2,701) (2,604) 5,120 23,226 7,541 51,974 20,997 49,879 823,558 306,075 163,087 39,720 675,195 13,000 11,100 3,011,057 339,337 76,563 61,888 306,075 159,805 39,720 675,195 13,000 11,100 3,011,057 339,337 76,345 61,888 291,780 156,526 37,389 551,295 13,000 9,253 2,922,768 339,337 64,919 4,996 14,295 3,279 2,331 123,900 1,847 88,289 11,426 56,892 108,800 10,580 69,927 4,886,329 108,800 10,580 456,836 73,427 5,343,165 108,731 11,882 456,836 66,500 5,035,212 69 (1,302) 6,927 307,953 Budgetary Fund Balance, January 31 $ (31,455) $ (31,455) $ 1,100,056 $ 1,131,511 Utilization of unassigned fund balance Utilization of restricted fund balance $ 983,000 983,000 983,000 983,000 $ $ See accompanying independent auditors' report. 107 $ $ $ $ - $ (983,000) (983,000) 108 HEALTH AND SANITATION Transfer/recycling center Total PUBLIC SAFETY Fire/Rescue calls Rescue Department Fire Department PSAP services Animal control Total TOWN ADMINISTRATION Salaries Utilities Maintenance Supplies Training Insurance Professional services Equipment Contracts Buildings Miscellaneous Total $ 39,720 39,720 32,500 14,000 65,120 40,742 10,725 163,087 184,950 8,200 5,100 6,200 750 43,725 39,050 2,500 8,600 2,000 5,000 306,075 Original Budget $ - - (1,321) (1,961) (3,282) Budget Adjustments $ 39,720 39,720 32,500 12,679 63,159 40,742 10,725 159,805 184,950 8,200 5,100 6,200 750 43,725 39,050 2,500 8,600 2,000 5,000 306,075 Final Budget $ 37,389 37,389 32,500 12,679 63,159 40,742 7,446 156,526 171,510 9,192 3,689 6,747 420 42,141 38,843 1,249 8,964 3,356 5,669 291,780 Expenditures SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS – GENERAL FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED JANUARY 31, 2013 TOWN OF SIDNEY, MAINE $ 2,331 2,331 3,279 3,279 13,440 (992) 1,411 (547) 330 1,584 207 1,251 (364) (1,356) (669) 14,295 Balances Positive (Negative) SCHEDULE A 109 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE General assistance Charities/donations Total DEBT SERVICE Principal Interest Total LEISURE SERVICES Parks and recreation Total PUBLIC WORKS Summer highways Winter highways Total 5,000 6,100 11,100 108,800 10,580 119,380 13,000 13,000 403,805 271,390 675,195 Original Budget Budget Adjustments - - - - 5,000 6,100 11,100 108,800 10,580 119,380 13,000 13,000 403,805 271,390 675,195 Final Budget 3,153 6,100 9,253 108,731 11,882 120,613 13,000 13,000 339,956 211,339 551,295 Expenditures SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS – GENERAL FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED JANUARY 31, 2013 TOWN OF SIDNEY, MAINE 1,847 1,847 69 (1,302) (1,233) - 63,849 60,051 123,900 Balances Positive (Negative) SCHEDULE A 110 See accompanying independent auditors' report. 4,886,329 5,000 64,927 69,927 TRANSFERS Special revenue funds Capital project funds Total $ 61,888 OVERLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES 35,363 20,000 4,000 9,700 7,500 76,563 UNCLASSIFIED First Park Grange hall smoke detector TRIO training Cemeteries Technology updates Total - 339,337 COUNTY TAX CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,011,057 3,011,057 EDUCATION RSU #18 Total Original Budget $ - - 456,836 3,500 3,500 - (218) (218) 456,836 Budget Adjustments $ 5,343,165 5,000 68,427 73,427 61,888 35,363 20,000 4,000 9,482 7,500 76,345 456,836 339,337 3,011,057 3,011,057 Final Budget $ 5,035,212 5,000 61,500 66,500 4,996 35,363 10,364 2,250 9,442 7,500 64,919 456,836 339,337 2,922,768 2,922,768 Expenditures $ 307,953 6,927 6,927 56,892 9,636 1,750 40 11,426 - - 88,289 88,289 Balances Positive (Negative) SCHEDULE A (CONTINUED) SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS – GENERAL FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED JANUARY 31, 2013 TOWN OF SIDNEY, MAINE SCHEDULE B TOWN OF SIDNEY, MAINE COMBINING BALANCE SHEET - NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JANUARY 31, 2013 Special Revenue Funds ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Investments Due from other funds TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts payable Due to other funds TOTAL LIABILITIES $ $ $ FUND BALANCES Nonspendable Restricted Committed Assigned Unassigned TOTAL FUND BALANCES TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES $ 44,236 44,236 - Total Nonmajor Governmental Funds Capital Project Funds Permanent Funds 269,330 $ 269,330 $ 192,771 89,205 $ 281,976 $ $ $ $ $ - 900 900 44,236 44,236 269,330 269,330 281,076 281,076 44,236 $ 269,330 $ 281,976 See accompanying independent auditors' report. 111 $ 192,771 89,205 313,566 595,542 900 900 281,076 269,330 44,236 594,642 $ 595,542 SCHEDULE C TOWN OF SIDNEY, MAINE COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JANUARY 31, 2013 Special Revenue Funds REVENUES Investment income Capital gains/(losses) Intergovernmental Other income TOTAL REVENUES $ 50 2,595 2,645 Capital Project Funds $ 239 49,860 64,440 114,539 Permanent Funds Total Nonmajor Governmental Funds $ $ 982 (5,980) 150 (4,848) 1,271 (5,980) 49,860 67,185 112,336 EXPENDITURES 10,141 60,463 5,639 76,243 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (7,496) 54,076 (10,487) 36,093 5,000 5,000 61,500 (49,879) 11,621 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in Operating transfers (out) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) - 66,500 (49,879) 16,621 NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES (2,496) 65,697 (10,487) 52,714 FUND BALANCE - FEBRUARY 1 46,732 203,633 291,563 541,928 FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 31 $ 44,236 $ 269,330 $ 281,076 See accompanying independent auditors' report. 112 $ 594,642 TOWN OF SIDNEY WARRANT FOR ANNUAL TOWN MEETING To Mary Blaschke, Resident of Sidney, Kennebec County Greetings: In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Sidney, qualified by law to vote in Town affairs, to assemble at the Sidney Town Office, Friday the 22nd of March A.D., 2013 at 12:15 P.M., Eastern Standard Time to vote on Articles One and Two. Then the meeting will recess until 9:00 A.M., Eastern Standard Time, Saturday, the 23rd of March A.D., 2013, at which time it will proceed to vote on the remaining articles at the James H. Bean School, to wit: ARTICLE 1: To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting. ARTICLE 2: To choose by ballot the following officers for the ensuing year in accordance with M.R.S.A. 30, Sec. 2061, thereto wit: one Selectman, Assessor, Overseer of the Poor to serve for a three year term and one Selectman, Assessor, Overseer of the Poor to serve for a two year term. The polls or ballot box for receiving ballots for the above mentioned officers will be open at 12:30 P.M., Eastern Standard Time and will close at 8:00 P.M., Eastern Standard Time. ARTICLE 3: To see if the Town will vote to set September 1, 2013 as the due date for payment of 2013 taxes with interest on unpaid balances beginning October 1st, 2013 at 7%. (2012 due date was September 1st, 2012 with 7% interest charged October 1st, 2012) ARTICLE 4: To see if the Town will vote to fix an amount of interest to be paid by the Town on abated taxes that have been paid for the fiscal year 2013-2014. (Current rate fixed by the Town is 4.75%) ARTICLE 5: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Tax Collector to accept pre-payment of taxes for 2013, not yet assessed and to pay interest at a rate of ____% (not to exceed 9%) on such pre-payment made prior to commitment of those taxes. (Interest was not paid in 2012) ARTICLE 6: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to expend overlay money to pay tax abatements and applicable interest granted during this fiscal year. 113 ARTICLE 7: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to spend an amount not to exceed 1/6 of the budgeted amount in each category of the 2013 annual budget during the period from Feb. 1, 2014 to the year 2014 annual Town Meeting. ARTICLE 8: To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to transfer monies received from excise tax to the surplus account at the close of the 2013-2014 fiscal year. ARTICLE 9: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen, on behalf of the Town, to sell any real estate acquired by the Town for non payment of taxes, and to execute the quit claim deeds for such properties. ARTICLE 10: To see if the Town will elect two members to serve for three year terms, and two alternates to serve for one year terms on the Budget Committee. (Present members: Roger Bedard and Bob Willette terms expire 2013; John George and Don Farnham terms expire 2014; Floyd Luce and William Cole, terms expire 2015; Alternates: Tim Russell and Mark Gould, terms expire 2013) ARTICLE 11: To determine the rates of pay for the following Town elected and appointed Officials or take any other action thereon. Selectmen recommend the following amounts, 5 for/0 opposed: Budget Committee recommends the following amounts, 6 for/0 opposed: Four Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of Poor One Chairman of the Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of Poor 2012-2013 $18/hr up to $3500 2013-2014 $18/hr up to $3500 $19/hr up to $3700 $19/hr up to $3700 $7.50 $7.50 Ballot / Election Clerks minimum $15.00/ $7.50 per hr after 2 hrs worked minimum $15.00/ $7.50 per hr after 2 hrs worked Moderator $100/day Town Meeting Constables 114 $100/day Town Meeting ARTICLE 12: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money and how much, plus receipts, to be used for operating expenses of Town Government, to fund CEO, and to pay Planning Board members an authorized fee of $10.00 per member per meeting attended, not to exceed 24 meetings, and place the unexpended Employee HRA funds into an Employee HRA reserve account, or take any other action thereon. Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2013-2014 2012-2013 2012-2013 Salaries / OH $184,950.00 $171,510.00 $185,750.00 Maintenance/Supplies $ 15,800.00 $ 15,461.00 $ 16,000.00 Utilities $ 8,200.00 $ 9,192.00 $ 8,300.00 Insurance $ 33,210.00 $ 35,646.00 $ 34,810.00 Employee HRA $ 10,515.00 $ 6,494.00 $ 12,550.00 General Assistance $ 5,000.00 $ 3,153.00 $ 5,000.00 Professional Services $ 48,400.00 $ 47,806.00 $ 47,410.00 Printing/Misc. $ 5,669.00 $ 7,600.00 $ 5,000.00 $311,075.00 $294,931.00 $317,420.00 Selectmen recommend taking $317,420.00 from surplus, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking $317,420.00 from surplus, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 13: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money and how much, plus receipts, for the purpose of paying principal due on the following notes, or take any other action thereon. Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2012-2013 2013-2014 2012-2013 Recreation Area $ 35,900.00 $ 35,900.00 $ 35,900.00 Matures 10/2013 2010 Volvo Truck Note $ 19,400.00 $ 19,362.00 $ 19,400.00 Matures 12/2014 2010 Fire Truck $ 53,500.00 $ 53,456.00 $ 53,500.00 Matures 12/2015 Goodhue Rd Paving $ 0.00 $ 97,200.00 Matures 09/2017 $ 0.00 $108,800.00 $108,718.00 $206,000.00 Selectmen recommend taking $206,000.00 from surplus, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking $206,000.00 from surplus, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 14: To see of the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money and how much, plus receipts, for the purpose of paying all interest which will become due on monies already, and to be borrowed, or take any other action thereon. Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2013-2014 2012-2013 2012-2013 Recreation Area $ 2,400.00 $ 2,415.00 $ 1,200.00 Matures 10/2013 2010 Volvo Truck Note $ 1,980.00 $ 1,982.00 $ 1,320.00 Matures 12/2014 2010 Fire Truck Note $ 6,200.00 $ 7,497.00 $ 5,780.00 Matures 12/2015 Goodhue Rd Paving $ 0.00 $ 9,690.00 Matures 09/2017 $ 0.00 $10,580.00 $11,894.00 $17,990.00 Selectmen recommend taking $17,990.00 from surplus, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking $17,990.00 from surplus, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed 115 ARTICLE 15: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money and how much, plus receipts, to add to the Contingency Fund, or take any other action thereon. If approved, the Selectmen recommend raising $5,000.00. (Selectmen vote in support of this Article; 5 for/0 opposed) Budget Committee recommends raising $5,000.00. 5 for/1 opposed (DF) ARTICLE 16: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money and how much, plus receipts, to compensate Fire and Rescue personnel for calls and place the unexpended funds into a Fire/Rescue Pay Reserve account, or take any other action thereon. (Fire Chief and Rescue Chief request $36,500.00) If approved, the Selectmen recommend raising $36,500.00, plus receipts. (Selectmen vote in support of this Article; 5 for/0 opposed) Budget Committee recommends raising $36,500.00, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 17: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money and how much, plus receipts, for the operation and training of the Sidney Rescue Department with the unexpended money to go into the Rescue Department’s Capital Reserve account, or take any other action thereon. (Rescue Department requests $16,415.00) Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2013-2014 2012-2013 2012-2013 Salaries / OH $ 1,675.00 $ 774.00 $ 2,325.00 Maintenance/Supplies $ 7,545.00 $ 5,631.00 $ 7,450.00 Utilities $ 2,100.00 $ 1,962.00 $ 2,050.00 Insurance $ 2,180.00 $ 2,187.00 $ 2,890.00 Professional Services $ 500.00 $ 2,125.00 $ 1,700.00 $14,000.00 $12,679.00 $16,415.00 Selectmen recommend taking $16,415.00 from surplus, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking $16.415.00 from surplus, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed 116 ARTICLE 18: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money up to $95,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing a Rescue Vehicle, or take any other action thereon. Financial Statement Total Town Indebtness: A. Bonds outstanding and unpaid B. Interest to be paid on outstanding bonds C. Total debt service on outstanding bonds D. Bonds to be issued if article is approved E. Estimated interest on new bonds F. Total debt service if additional bonds issued $691,831.00 44,451.00 736,282.00 75,000.00 3,020.00 $814,302.00 When money is borrowed by issuing bonds, the Town must repay not only the principal amount of the bonds but interest on that amount as well. The amount of interest to be paid will vary depending upon the rate of interest and years of the bonds which are subject of this vote is $3,020. Thus, the total principal and interest to be repaid over the life of these bonds is estimated to be $78,020. Validity: The validity of the bonds and the voters’ ratification of the bonds may not be affected by any errors in the above estimated. If the actual amount of the total debt service for the bond issue varies from the estimate, the ratification by the voters is nevertheless conclusive and the validity of the bond issue is not affected by reason of the variance. If approved, the Selectmen recommend borrowing up to $75,000.00, taking up to $10,000.00 from the Rescue Truck Reserve, and taking up to $10,000.00 from the Rescue Capital Reserve, plus receipts. (Selectmen vote in support of this Article; 0 for/5 opposed) Budget Committee recommends borrowing up to $75,000.00, taking up to $10,000.00 from the Rescue Truck Reserve, and taking up to $10,000.00 from the Rescue Capital Reserve, plus receipts. 0 for/6 opposed Above rates figured on an estimated interest rate of 2.00% for a three year term through Bangor Savings Bank. 117 ARTICLE 19: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money and how much, plus receipts, to place in a Rescue Vehicle Escrow account, or take any other action thereon. (Rescue Department requests $25,000.00) If approved, the Selectmen recommend raising $15,000.00, plus receipts. (Selectmen vote in support of this Article; 5 for/0 opposed) Budget Committee recommends raising $15,000.00, plus receipts. 4 for/2 opposed (JG,DF) ARTICLE 20: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money and how much, plus receipts, for operations, and training expenses of the Sidney Fire Department with unexpended money to go into the Fire Department’s Capital Reserve account, or take any other action thereon. (Fire Department requests $67,475.00) Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2012-2013 2013-2014 2012-2013 Salaries / OH $ 6,750.00 $ 6,449.00 $ 6,750.00 Maintenance/Supplies $ 21,600.00 $ 17,987.00 $ 22,050.00 Utilities $ 8,650.00 $ 9,296.00 $ 9,150.00 Insurance $ 7,870.00 $ 8,567.00 $ 9,325.00 Training $ 4,550.00 $ 2,696.00 $ 4,500.00 Equipment $ 15,700.00 $ 18,164.00 $ 15,700.00 $ 65,120.00 $ 63,159.00 $ 67,475.00 Selectmen recommend taking $67,475.00 from surplus, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking $67,475.00 from surplus, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 21: To see if the town will vote to accept the gifts of a 2012 John Deere Gator XUV550 and a 2012 Ringo Utility Trailer from the Sidney Firefighter’s Association for use by the Sidney Fire Department, or take any other action thereon. ARTICLE 22: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money and how much, plus receipts, to be used to clean and repair headstones, purchase flags, general upkeep, and remove trees from Town maintained cemeteries, with unexpended money to go into a Cemetery Headstone Reserve, or take any other action thereon. (Cemetery Committee requests $9,700.00) Headstone Maintenance And Repairs Flags/Flag Holders Tree Removal Appropriated 2012-2013 Unaudited Expenditures 2012-2013 Proposed 2013-2014 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 500.00 $ 282.00 $ 500.00 $ 4,660.00 $ 4,700.00 $ 4,700.00 $ 9,700.00 $ 9,442.00 $ 9,700.00 Selectmen recommend raising $4,700.00 and taking $5,000.00 from surplus, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends raising $4,700.00 and taking $5,000.00 from surplus, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed 118 ARTICLE 23: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money and how much, plus receipts, to be used for Summer Highways, with unexpended Employee HRA funds to go into an Employee HRA reserve account and unexpended hot top money to go into the Hot Top Escrow, or take any other action thereon. Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2012-2013 2013-2014 2012-2013 Salaries / OH $ 71,100.00 $ 57,990.00 $ 65,800.00 Maintenance/Supplies $ 18,750.00 $ 15,144.00 $ 17,600.00 Utilities $ 2,340.00 $ 2,077.00 $ 2,340.00 Insurance $ 19,305.00 $ 20,197.00 $ 21,115.00 Employee HRA $ 3,960.00 $ 2,643.00 $ 4,700.00 Equipment $ 18,750.00 $ 15,825.00 $ 14,500.00 Professional Services $ 6,600.00 $ 3,466.00 $ 9,850.00 Road Supplies $ 28,000.00 $ 18,833.00 $ 23,000.00 Hot Topping $235,000.00 $203,781.00 $140,000.00 $403,805.00 $339,956.00 $298,905.00 Selectmen recommend raising $82,317.00, taking $166,728.00 from surplus, and taking $49,860.00 from Block Grant, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends raising $82,317.00, taking $166,728.00 from surplus, and taking $49,860.00 from Block Grant, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 24: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money and how much, plus receipts, to be used for Winter Highways and Maintenance, and place the unexpended Employee HRA funds into an Employee HRA reserve account, or take any other action thereon. Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2012-2013 2013-2014 2012-2013 Salaries / OH $ 79,900.00 $ 65,013.00 $ 81,700.00 Maintenance/Supplies $ 40,950.00 $ 31,343.00 $ 22,550.00 Utilities $ 5,640.00 $ 7,683.00 $ 6,640.00 Insurance $ 16,100.00 $ 19,586.00 $ 18,015.00 Employee HRA $ 7,800.00 $ 2,601.00 $ 4,700.00 Equipment $ 7,500.00 $ 3,996.00 $ 11,500.00 Professional Services $ 600.00 $ 266.00 $ 400.00 Road Supplies $113,400.00 $ 80,851.00 $112,900.00 $271,390.00 $211,339.00 $258,905.00 Selectmen recommend raising $82,318.00 and taking $176,587.00 from surplus, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends raising $82,318.00 and taking $176,587.00 from surplus, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 25: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money and how much, plus receipts, for the purpose of purchasing a Highway Pick-Up Truck, or take any other action thereon. If approved, Selectmen recommend taking up to $20,000.00 from the Highway Truck Reserve, plus receipts. (Selectmen vote in support of this Article; 4 for/1 opposed [DE] ) Budget Committee recommends taking up to $20,000.00 from the Highway Truck Reserve, plus receipts. 5 for/1 opposed (FL) 119 ARTICLE 26:To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money up to $100,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing a Highway Truck, or take any other action thereon. Financial Statement Total Town Indebtness: A. Bonds outstanding and unpaid B. Interest to be paid on outstanding bonds C. Total debt service on outstanding bonds D. Bonds to be issued if article is approved E. Estimated interest on new bonds F. Total debt service if additional bonds issued $691,831.00 44,451.00 736,282.00 44,000.00 1,772.00 $782,054.00 When money is borrowed by issuing bonds, the Town must repay not only the principal amount of the bonds but interest on that amount as well. The amount of interest to be paid will vary depending upon the rate of interest and years of the bonds which are subject of this vote is $1,772. Thus, the total principal and interest to be repaid over the life of these bonds is estimated to be $45,772. Validity: The validity of the bonds and the voters’ ratification of the bonds may not be affected by any errors in the above estimated. If the actual amount of the total debt service for the bond issue varies from the estimate, the ratification by the voters is nevertheless conclusive and the validity of the bond issue is not affected by reason of the variance. If approved, the Selectmen recommend borrowing up to $44,000.00 and taking up to $56,000.00 from the Highway Truck Reserve, plus receipts. (Selectmen vote in support of this Article; 5 for/0 opposed) Budget Committee recommends borrowing up to $44,000.00 and taking $56,000.00 from the Highway Truck Reserve, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed Above rates figured on an estimated interest rate of 2.00% for a three year term through Bangor Savings Bank. ARTICLE 27: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money and how much, plus receipts, to place in a Highway Truck Escrow account, or take any other action thereon. If approved, the Selectmen recommend raising $10,000.00, plus receipts. (Selectmen vote in support of this Article; 5 for/0 opposed) Budget Committee recommends raising $0.00. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 28: To see if the Town will raise or appropriate a sum of money and how much, plus receipts, for the operation of the Transfer/Recycling Station, or take any other action thereon. Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2013-2014 2012-2013 2012-2013 Salaries / OH $30,700.00 $29,710.00 $30,500.00 Maintenance/Supplies $ 1,400.00 $ 912.00 $ 1,100.00 Utilities $ 2,150.00 $ 1,542.00 $ 1,900.00 Insurance $ 3,220.00 $ 2,930.00 $ 3,170.00 Professional Services $ 2,250.00 $ 2,296.00 $ 2,150.00 $39,720.00 $37,390.00 $38,820.00 Selectmen recommend taking $18,820.00 from surplus and $20,000 from the Waste Disposal Reserve, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking $18,820.00 from surplus and $20,000 from the Waste Disposal Reserve, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed 120 ARTICLE 29: To see if the Town will vote to use monies from the refuse fees to pay for the refuse/recycling disposal contracts and to place unexpended monies in the reserve account for the on-going refuse disposal costs. The monies may be expended as disposal expenses are incurred, or take any other action thereon. ARTICLE 30: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money and how much, plus receipts, for Animal Control, or take any other action thereon. Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2012-2013 2013-2014 2012-2013 Salaries / OH $ 3,000.00 $ 870.00 $ 2,300.00 Shelter $ 5,975.00 $ 5,975.00 $ 5,975.00 Insurance $ 150.00 $ 96.00 $ 190.00 Mileage $ 1,500.00 $ 420.00 $ 1,000.00 Supplies/Misc. $ 85.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $10,725.00 $ 7,446.00 $ 9,565.00 Selectmen recommend taking $9,565.00 from surplus, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking $9,565.00 from surplus, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 31: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money and how much, plus receipts, to fund the Sidney Athletic Association and the Recreation Committee for the operation and maintenance of the Town recreation fields, and to place unexpended Recreation Committee monies into reserve, or take any other action thereon. (S.A.A. / Field Committee Request $13,000.00) Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2012-2013 2013-2014 2012-2013 S.A.A $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $10,000.00 Field Committee $10,000.00 $13,000.00 $13,000.00 $13,000.00 If approved, Selectmen recommend taking $13,000.00 from surplus, plus receipts. (Selectmen vote in support of this Article; 4 for/1 opposed [PS] ) Budget Committee recommends taking $13,000.00 from surplus, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 32: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $4,000 for the Sidney Food Cupboard, or take any other action thereon. (Provides food and various household items for Sidney residents). 2012 request was $4,000.00; $4,000.00 raised 2012: Four volunteers contributed approximately 4,500 volunteer hours. Served 185 Sidney residents. If approved, the Selectmen recommend raising $4,000.00, plus receipts. (Selectmen vote in support of this Article; 5 for/0 opposed) Budget Committee recommends raising $4,000.00, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed 121 ARTICLE 33: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money and how much, plus receipts, to continue the repairs to the Grange Hall, or take any other action thereon. Repairs include installing a door at ground level between the main stairs going upstairs and the stairs going into the lower level to access the restrooms, replacing drywall in the main room and kitchen ceilings, installing an under the sink pump and fix floor drain. (Sidney Historical Society requests $2,762.00) If approved, the Selectmen recommend raising up to $2,762.00, plus receipts. (Selectmen vote in support of this Article; 0 for/5 opposed) Budget Committee recommends raising up to $2,762.00, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 34: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate $1,100.00, to fund the Belgrade Regional Conservation Alliance-Youth Conservation Corps (BRCA), or take any other action thereon. (BRCA provides area high school students with meaningful summer employment working on projects to protect our lakes from Nonpoint Source Pollution [erosion]). 2012 request was $1,100.00; $1,100.00 approved 2012: BRCA completed 145 jobs, including 51 jobs in Sidney on Messalonskee Lake. If approved, the Selectmen recommend raising $1,100.00, plus receipts. (Selectmen vote in support of this Article; 5 for/0 opposed) Budget Committee recommends raising $1,100.00, plus receipts. 5 for/1 opposed (DF) ARTICLE 35: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate $1,000.00, to fund the Belgrade Regional Conservation Alliance-Milfoil Program (BRCA), or take any other action thereon. This is a regional team established to combat the threat of Aquatic Nuisance Species to area lakes. The program fields vigorous programs of public education and boat inspections to stop the spread of Eurasian Milfoil. 2012 request was $1,000.00; $1,000.00 approved 2012: The Milfoil Program inspected over 3,084 boats on Messalonskee Lake. Recruited & trained 60 volunteers who in turn contributed at least 4,327 volunteer hours. If approved, the Selectmen recommend raising $1,000.00, plus receipts. (Selectmen vote in support of this Article; 5 for/0 opposed) Budget Committee recommends raising $1,000.00, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 36: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $2,500.00 for the Friends of Messalonskee, or take any action thereon. The Friends of Messalonskee provide services such as mapping, assessing & removal of milfoil on Messalonskee Lake. (In 2012 over 1,100 gallons of milfoil was removed from Messalonskee Lake and Belgrade Stream ). No request in 2012 If approved, the Selectmen recommend raising $2,500.00, plus receipts. (Selectmen vote in support of this Article; 5 for/0 opposed) Budget Committee recommends raising $2,500.00, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed 122 ARTICLE 37: To see if the Town will vote to increase the property tax levy limit of $64,605 established for Sidney by State law in the event that the municipal budget approved under the preceding articles will result in a tax commitment that is greater than that property tax levy limit. ARTICLE 38: To see what action the Town wishes to take regarding the release of funds returned by the State of Maine from snowmobile registration fees. (Requested by Sidney Trailriders Snowmobile Club) 2012 funds of $2,158 were released to Sidney Trailriders Snowmobile Club ARTICLE 39: To see if the town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to accept and expend or utilize on behalf of the Town any grants or funds awarded to the Town by any State or federal agency, any grant or other monetary donation from any other public or private entity, organization or individual, and any gift of personal property. This includes the authority to apply for such grants, funds or donations where an application is required, or take any other action thereon. 123 124 Definitions of Terms The following are definitions of terms are used in this manual: 1. Abatement: A reduction of assessed property taxes, if it is deemed that an error was made in the original assessment of the said property. 2. Accrual: This is money that was appropriated at Town Meeting for a specific expense or project that is not completed before the end of the year. Money left over is carried forward to finish the project in the next fiscal year. 3. Block Grant: Is funds received from the State to compensate towns for winter plowing of State roads. 4. Borrow: A loan to fund large ticket capital improvement items such as vehicles, new buildings or improvements to existing buildings, etc. 5. Contingency Fund: Money that can be used only for unbudgeted emergency use. 6. Escrow / Reserve: Money that was approved to be set aside for future use for a specific item or purpose. Voters must approve the use of escrow money. 7. Overlay: Monies that are appropriated at commitment time to cover errors in property assessments through an abatement process. Overlay amounts are determined by a formula set up by the State. 8. Raise: Funds that are appropriated through the mil rate, to fund expenses such as education, County, overlay, the Kennebec Regional Development Authority and items voted on at the Town Meeting that are not appropriated through the surplus. 9. Receipts: Income received, such as interest or donations that can be utilized to cover a shortage in a specific account. If not used, it will be placed into the reserve account for that department or will be rolled over into surplus. 10. Surplus / General Fund: Money left over at the end of the Fiscal Year. It consists of collected excise tax, fees, undesignated receipts, and unexpended money. Surplus reduces the amount money to be raised to cover the approved budget. Rather than using projected receipts like the State of Maine and other municipalities, we use only collected receipts to help keep our budget in check. 125 INDEX Legislators’ Letters.…………………………………......... 3 Officers & Committee Members……………………… 9 Selectmen’s Report………………………………………… 15 Selectmen’s Financial Report…………………………. 17 Town Clerk……………………………………………………. 20 Tax Collector Report……………………………………… 21 Treasurer’s Report………………………………………… 34 Real Estate / Personal Property Tax…………......... 39 Code Enforcement Officer’s Report…………………. 85 Plumbing Inspector’s Report……………………………85 Sidney Athletic Association Report………………….. 86 Cemetery Committee Report…………………………… 88 Sidney Trail Riders Report……………………………… 90 Sidney Food Cupboard…………………………………… 92 Sandy River Recycling Report………………………… 94 Animal Control Officer’s Report……………………… 96 Rescue Chief’s Report…………………………………….. 97 Fire Chief’s Report…………………………………………. 98 Sidney Historical Society Report…………………….. 99 Kennebec County Sheriff’s Report ………………….. 101 Superintendent’s Report …………….............................. 102 Independent Auditor’s Report ending 1/31/13…… 104 Warrant…………………………………………….………………. 113 126
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