Aug 2008 UTC - Burnt Store Isles Boat Club


Aug 2008 UTC - Burnt Store Isles Boat Club
August 2008
Volume 21, Issue 3
Commodore’s Homeport
where we discussed the
provide the unique activiLet me start with a heartimportant topic of succes- ties that our members
felt thank you for the
sion planning for the
enjoy. We need to keep
“special tribute” that the
Club. For 2009, BSIBC
members provided to Eithe tradition alive.
will be faced with the task
leen and me at the recent
A Winston Churchill
Commodore’s Ball. It was of replacing several leadquote from the past is
ership posia blast, and we
tions including applicable here. He said,
thank the mem“We make a living by
the commobership very
what we get, but we make
dore, rearmuch for the fun
a life by what we give.”
that we all
The time is ripe for both
and secretary.
shared and for
existing and new memTo that end, I
our wonderful
have asked that bers to step up and
gifts. It would
Frank Wiechec
appear from
lead a nomisome of the
Economics 101
nating comcheers that I
mittee to seek Now that gas at the pump
have a little
Jack Leming,
has passed $4 per gallon,
and appoint
work to do on a
economic reality has set
our leaderfew of my
in for most of us—the
ship team for
Federal Reserve notwiththe coming year. Ed
moves. I’ll have to work
standing. Their recent reMinzer and Jeff Nilsson
on that. Nevertheless, a
marks indicating that inare assisting Frank with
fun time was had by all,
flation was not a major
and we enjoyed sharing
this initiative.
concern created a revelathe evening with all those
tion for me. My takeaway
who attended . . . How
didfrom those comments
about the legs on those
was that these guys don’t
cheerleaders! They were
voluneat, don’t
special, especially
teer service
drive, nor
Ronny’s and Johnny’s,
If you look at it this way;
pay energy
although a little work
it only costs $2 per gallon bills; or
with the Lady Schick is
an essential
else they
if two people share in the
probably in order to curand
price (of fuel). If three
tail some of those wild
tradihave a difpeople share in the cost,
tion of
the out of pocket layout
BSIBC Succession
per individual goes to
concept of
The reality,
$1.33…not bad!
stepping up
With summer here, we
and serving
for most of
are at the mid-point of
us is that there is a probin a leadership role is
our Club’s calendar year
strongly encouraged. It is
lem; and many of us have
and schedule. Our recent
had to cut back on our
this volunteer spirit that
board meeting made this
has sustained the Club to
(Continued on page 9)
juncture a focal point
BSIBC—Striving to Be Great in 2008!
Burnt Store Isles
Boat Club, Inc.
The cruising schedule is active with 11
events September –
Our Social Committee is planning another fun and festive Fleet Captain’s
Dinner Dance on
October 22.
Please join me on
November 12 at
our Annual General
Meeting Luncheon.
This will be my final
official event as the
BSIBC Commodore.
Inside this issue:
Fleet Captain’s
Dinner Dance
Annual General
Meeting Luncheon
Glamour Shots!
Treasurer’s Report
Cruise Schedule
December Activities
BSIBC Checklist
Page 2
Vice Commodore and Safety Officer’s Notes from the Bridge
By now, gas and diesel prices have
gone through the roof and are
headed to the moon. In our last
UTC, Commodore Jack Leming
made some suggestions to “boat
pool” in order to save fuel and
economize the trip by sharing expenses. Not long ago buying the
skipper and his mate lunch at the
destination was an appropriate
gesture to offset the fuel expended. Even with our $12 hamburgers (each), the $24 covers
about 6 gallons of fuel at roughly
$4 per gallon; covering only about
12 miles of travel; hardly adequate. The skipper takes a bit of a
beating here and we need to
economize and thereby increase
our participation in Boat Club
events on the water.
“blow by” caused by
worn rings and I’m
afraid there’s an engine job on the horizon. Plugs with molten metal around the
insulator and electrode indicate detonation and your engine
is basically shot.
The Hull
Give your hull bottom
a good visual inspection. If it’s painted
with a good hull protectant it will show it.
Some paint’s copper
Striving to Be Great in 2008! content actually dissipates intentionally
over time. Check your sacrificial
anodes for corrosion while you’re
Pull your plugs and clean them if
looking and replace when necesthey aren’t too old and re-check
sary. A smooth bottom is great for
the gap to insure proper firing
babies and boats. Wax if not botwhich will give you the most fuel
tom painted.
burn inside the cylinder walls at
the top of the stroke (gases that
A Test Run
push the piston, turn the crank,
Now that you’ve taken care of
and on down the line to the proyour engine and vessel compopeller).
nents, it’s time to climb aboard
The Prop
Tune Up Your Vessel Tips
Check your prop for dents and
dings and file them down for
Fuel Filters
smooth metal-to-water contact. If
Let’s concentrate on the
you’ve struck
vessel itself. When was
. . . we need to econo- something other
the last time your vessel
mize and thereby in- than sand and your
was tuned up? Check
prop is out of pitch
crease our participayour plugs, fuel filters
then have a profestion in Boat Club
(10 Micron is best), and
sional boat dealer
air filters (K&N filters
events on the water
send it out to be
allow best breathing
redone. While
ability) if offered for
you’re at it, change your lower
your motor, especially I/Os and
unit grease, give all your zerk fitinboards. I know of no K&Ns for
tings some grease as well.
outboards but most do have some
Water Exhaust
type of air filter. Change them
regularly. Before discarding, check
Check your water exhaust flow to
your fuel filter for water, debris, or insure that it is forceful and clear.
other contaminants to insure your
If it seems weak, intermittent, or
tank is clean.
sputtering, then your impeller(s)
or water pump may need to be
Spark Plugs
changed as well. When you are
Spark plugs that are black with
satisfied that your engine and
soot indicate a restricted air flow
drive train are up to snuff it’s time
or rich fuel mixture. A white or
to tend to items in or on your
gray insulator or electrode indiboat that will give you peak efficates too lean a mixture or even a
loose plug. Black plugs with heavy
deposits of oil or fuel indicate
BSIBC—Striving to Be Great in 2008!
(Continued on page 9)
Published quarterly for the members of
the Burnt Store Isles Boat Club (BSIBC)
Editing Team
Nancy Prafke
Donna Aveck
Dave Geggis
Marie Geggis
Sharon Groff
Graphics & Cruises Dotti Vaivoda
BSIBC Officers
Jack Leming
Vice Commodore and Safety Officer
Tom Kasprzak
Rear Commodore and Membership
Dotti Vaivoda
Ron Levis
Don Clark
Fleet Captain
John Del Sasso
Ed Minzer
Tom Murphy
Frank Wiechec
Fleet Surgeon
Frank Bichlmeier
BSIBC Committees/Clubs/Etc.
Fishing Club
Club Photographer
Priscilla Gioia
Jeff Nilsson
Charlie Longenbarger
Paul Bankson
Sue Sleight
Jeff Nilsson
Page 3
Fleet Captain’s Halloween Bash Dinner Dance
It’s party time again! Put on your favorite Halloween costume
and join your Burnt Store Isles Boat Club friends in an evening
honoring our Fleet Captain John Del Sasso.
We can’t wait to see the creative costumes this year!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Twin Isles Country Club
6 p.m. Cocktails and Hors d’oeuvres
7 p.m. Dinner
Menu Selection:
Sliced Chateaubriand with Béarnaise
Chicken Piccata
Sheri and John dancing it up!
Baked Salmon with Shrimp Sauce
All served with Roasted New Potatoes and Julienne Vegetables
Dessert — Strawberry Sundaes
Coffee or Tea
Cash Bar:
Cash only or member charge
Back by request—George the DJ
Dressy casual, or better yet your best “Halloween” attire
$38 per person
Reservation Deadline:
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Submit Reservations to: Nancy Brewster, 3538 St. Florent Ct., 639-3378; or
(max. table size—8)
Linda Hay, 353 Segovia Dr., 575-2104
Burnt Store Isles Boat Club Reservation Form
Wednesday, October 22
Fleet Captain’s Dinner Dance
Entrée Choice (select one):
First Mate
Check here if you are a new member ____
Amount enclosed ($38/person) ________
Parties of up to eight, bring checks together or designate party________________________________
Submit Reservation Form with check payable to BSIBC by Thursday, October 16, to
Nancy Brewster, 3538 St. Florent Ct., 639-3378; or Linda Hay, 353 Segovia Dr., 575-2104
Page 4
Notes from the Chief Scribe
The last three months have
been pretty quiet, almost
boring, after the rush at
the beginning of the year
with membership renewal
and Directory publication.
My thanks to all those who helped
with those activities.
Yachting Club of America
Our Club’s membership in the
Yachting Club of America (YCA)
entitles our members to visit
many of the yacht/boat clubs
around the country, including
those in our immediate area. A
significant number of our members enjoy their visits to other
clubs. If you want to visit another
club, either by boat or car, you
will need to have an official YCA
Reciprocal Courtesy Card, which
you can get from me simply by
calling me or sending an e-mail.
To find out what a specific club’s
reciprocity offers are, you will
need to check the club details in
the “YCA Registered Yacht & Sailing Clubs” that you can access on
the YCA Web site
( Log onto the
“Members Only” area by using the
user ID, club1040, and password,
y100446c (no spaces in either),
which are also printed at
the bottom of your membership card. The information for BSIBC is on
“RAYC page 182-4, Late
Additions 4.” In any
event, always call the club you
would like to visit to ensure you
will be welcomed.
Membership Statistics
The current membership is 459
members consisting of 19 single
memberships and 220 family
memberships. The three new family memberships added to the
club since publication of the May
UP-THE-CREEKER are included in
that count. Check the “Welcome
Mat” elsewhere in this issue for
the newest members.
As Always…
Please feel free to e-mail me at
[email protected], or call me at
637-9596 with your comments,
suggestions, and important information that you want to share
with the membership. I will gladly
pass your input along to the rest
of the Club.
Ron Levis, Secretary
Next Canal
CleanClean - up
September 2
E-mail Address Changes
A few folks have changed their email addresses. For your records
they are:
Slade, Robert and Kim –
[email protected]
Chief Garbologist
Coates, Richard and Geri –
[email protected]
Page 5
Annual General Membership Meeting and Luncheon
Join the BSIBC Officers at this important onceonce-a-year event. Hear the latest about
BSIBC, see boating friends, and enjoy a great “Early Dinner Special!”
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Porto Bello at Latitudes
3200 Matacumbe Key Road
12 Noon–Social Time
Meeting follows lunch
Food Selection:
Chicken Marsala with Choice of Side
Shrimp Scampi in Linguini
Flat Iron Steak with Choice of Side
All served with:
Mixed Green Salad with Balsamic Dressing
Rolls and Butter
Dessert—Chocolate Cake
Commodore Jack Leming
at the 2007 Annual
General Meeting.
Coffee or Tea
Cash bar
$19 per person
Reservation Deadline:
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Submit Reservations to: Priscilla Gioia, 3492 Tripoli Dr., 639-0468; or
Sue Sleight, 340 Segovia Dr., 639-3731
Burnt Store Isles Boat Club Reservation Form
General Meeting & Luncheon
Wed., Nov. 12, 2008
Entrée Choice (select one):
First Mate
Check here if you are a new member ____
Amount enclosed ($19/person) ________
Submit Reservation Form with check payable to BSIBC by Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008 to
Priscilla Gioia, 3492 Tripoli Dr., 639-0468; or Sue Sleight, 340 Segovia Dr., 639-3731
Page 6
Fleet Captain’s Log
Can you believe our cruise season
is more than half over? Not to be
deterred by weather or the cost of
fuel, our turnouts have been good
even if we have to use land yachts.
The new destinations so far have
proven to be fun. Please read on!
I have had several suggestions
from members about changing
some destinations and I really appreciate the feedback. I am taking
note of all these ideas and hope to
some of them in next year's activities. Please keep them coming!
Pelican Bay, April 1515-17
Cruise Directors Chuck and Mary
Will’s report that follows says it
all. Thanks for a great job!
“The Pelican Bay raft-up was made
up of three boats. Mary and Tom
Murphy, Jo Ann and Tom Houston, and Mary and Chuck Will. All
enjoyed smooth rides out and
back across the harbor for the raftup. The wind blew on Tuesday
which delayed the trip by one day;
the weather then turned and was
perfect for boating: cool nights
and warm days. We enjoyed chili
and pork tenderloin dinners,
lunch on Cabbage Key by dinghy,
walks on the beach, manatee
watching, and beautiful sunsets.
Mary Murphy won a bag of
charts and beach bag items during the happy hour "Left-RightCenter" game. Two other boats
in the anchorage joined us for a
lunch on the beach. That's part of
the reason boating is so enjoyable— meeting new friends. We
watched the fire burn on Cayo
Costa, saw firefighters being transported to the island, and helicopters dropping buckets of water on
the fires. At night the flames were
visible but the winds were blowing away from us. God bless the
firefighters for saving the island!"
Miller’s Marina, April 27
Miller's Marina on Boca Grande is
another new destination for the
Club. Jeff Nilsson reported that
this was one of the finer lunch
venues the Boat Club has attended. Both the food and service
were excellent. On the return trip,
several boats stopped at the Boca
Grande Pass to watch the tarpon
South Seas Resort, May 13 -16
Art and Fran Koon reported that
10 boats made the trip. The
weather was good and all boats
made it in with no
trouble. The first
night we had a potluck dinner and the
food was plentiful.
We realized there were some newcomers there so after dinner we
had a round-table introduction
which mostly turned into "how
did you find Punta Gorda." The
next couple of days everyone relaxed at the pool, the beach, went
shopping, or took the shuttle bus
to the many dining opportunities
in the area. The last night we
found out it was Rex Anderson's
birthday so we gathered around at
the table area for a surprise birthday cake supplied by his wifeHelen. It was a very pleasant trip
with the weather cooperating
nicely. We all got to know each
other better and everyone had a
good time.”
Bert's Bar and Grill, May 29
This was another new destination
for the Club, led by Cruise Director Bob Gurreri. Bob reported that
40 people attended and three
boats. Some people walked
around looking and shopping in
the galleries and boutiques. Mary
(Continued on page 7)
Page 7
Fleet Captain’s Log
(Continued from page 6)
and Chuck Will anchored overnight on Willpower and came by
dinghy. There are many cool
places to explore there by dinghy
or flats boat. We all had a good
time, cold beer, and great pizza!
Key West, June 33-5
At 7:15 a.m. 22 members boarded
the Key West Express and arrived
in Key West at 12:30 pm. The trip
included calm seas, a first-run
movie, and a full bar and galley.
The “group director” led us to the
front of the boarding line to offer
our members the best seats!
The Westin Hotel featured clean
rooms, a great pool area, and a
location in the midst of the action
on Mallory Square and Duval
Street. The Wiechecs and
Hallmans made a surprise appearance on their way home from
their Bahamas cruise. Vince
Adamaitis, Bill Bareither, Ed
Sleight, and John Kruth, chartered
a 42’ Post Sportfisher, and caught
dolphin, tuna, wahoo, and
tempted a sailfish. Shopping for
custom-made sandals, fine art,
and great people watching was
enjoyed as well. The general consensus was to do three nights next
year instead of two, a good endorsement! P.S. Keep a close eye
on Kay Mooney at “Sloppy Joes!”
Leverock’s, June 27
Cruise Director Ed Minzer led a
lunch cruise to Leverock's where
30 people had a delightful day!
Burnt Store Marina, July 33-5
Wish you guys could have been
there! Eight boats led by Gary and
Nancy Brewster enjoyed the overnight and four more boats led by
Ken and Kathy Mabie joined them
on the Fourth. Counting those
who came by car, there was a total
of 88 people for the picnic.
attend, or hitch a ride on a friend's
vessel. See page 15.
A special presentation of American
Idol; written, directed and acted
by Judy DuMez, Lynn Stanleigh,
and Eileen Leming, was a tribute
to America. The contestants were
Nancy Shriekin (Nancy Brewster),
Johnny Goinflat (Jack Leming)
and Pat Monotonie (Eileen Leming). The Judges, Randy, Paula
and Simon, had differing reviews.
The winner, Nancy Shriekin, led
the entire gathering in a moving
version of God Bless America.
Fisherman’s Village, Sept 2626-28
Upcoming Cruises: Sign Up!
Venice Yacht Club, October 22-4
You may notice that in the last
publication there was mention of
a South Seas lunch cruise to coincide with the overnighters. I have
since learned that South Seas cannot readily accommodate small
boats. To that end, there is no
lunch cruise planned. There have
been a couple of date changes
With Mark Vaivoda fulfilling employment duties back in Colorado, Dotti has vowed to forge
ahead and plans on directing this
cruise—our hats are off to Dotti!
This is a great destination, although a bit further than most of
our other travels, and promises to
be good fun. The weather should
be cooling off by then and make
for great cruising. See page 16.
South Seas Resort, August 44-7
Jeff and Joanne Ziemer will head
up the activities at our hometown
destination. Come enjoy the shopping and convenience of the Village. See page 15 for details.
Harpoon Harry’s, Sept, 27
Gregg and Marybeth Cameron will
lead the day trippers to join the
Fisherman’s Village overnighters at
Harpoon Harry’s for lunch. More
details on page 15.
Debra and Gary Luedtke head up
our second trip in 2008 to this
popular spot. Come see what our
directors have in mind this year!
See page 14.
Palm Island, October 2727-30
‘Tween Waters, Aug 2929-Sept 1
Leverock's luncheon, October 28
Ed and Dot Minzer are handling
the planning for this popular destination. See page 14.
Howard Elkin is our director for
this popular spot. See page 16
Green Flash Lunch, August 30
Paul Hillebrand will be our director for this day cruise. See page 14.
Boats without Potties, Sept. 6
Debra Luedtke and Dotti Vaivoda
will be leading this “Rag Tag"
group of bandits! I am told they
have some great routes, food, and
activities planned so be sure to
BSIBC—Striving to Be Great in 2008!
Warm days and cool nights
should welcome our overnighters
for this trip led by Frank and Allie
Wiechec. See page 16.
The Fishery, November 21
This is a favorite for great scenery
and great food. Sign up early.
Richard Coates will be leading us
there! See page 17.
John Del Sasso,
Fleet Captain
Page 8
Chief Garbologist’s Report
On Tuesday, June 10, we held the
second canal clean-up of the year.
We started the morning with refreshments and then made assignments for the areas to be cleaned.
Please Thank . . .
I would like to thank Fred Bader,
Frank Bichlmeier, Mike Huston,
John Jokerst, Mike Martone, Lew
Morrissey, Eric Munoz, Max Reese,
and Bill Stanwyck for volunteering
their time and the captains who
donated their boats that day. We
had a good turnout in spite of so
many members being out of the
area. I would like to thank those
who called to let me know they
could not attend and hope to see
you all at the next clean-up.
We Found What?
The volunteers collected approximately 190 pounds of debris from
our canal system along with several pieces of lumber. John and
Charlie collected a 2” x 10” x 8’
plank and several bags of debris
from the mangroves. As we were
returning from section one, John
stated, “After this morning I feel I
have earned enough credits
through life experience to add
hooking 101 to my resume.”
When asked if he
was going to add
pole dancing 101
thru life experience
a “John smile” came
to his face and a
laughing "NO!" came out.
We do have a good time on the
water during this worthwhile
event and we hope to have more
If you know of anyone in
our club who is ill, has
had or is scheduled for
surgery, or has had a
death within the
immediate family, please
contact Caryl Bichlmeier
with details.
Caryl will send an
appropriate card from the
BSIBC. Caryl can be
reached at 575-1969 or
[email protected].
members join us for the next canal
clean-up in September.
See you on September 2 for another adventure on the canals!
Charlie Longenbarger,
Chief Garbologist
Grandma’s Attic
Grandma’s Attic is a very valuable
registry that BSIBC members can
call upon to borrow things for visiting children on a short-term basis (baby carriages, playpens, highchairs, toddler bikes, etc.). Contact
“Grandma” Teddy Gudis, at
[email protected] or
575-0096 and she will search the
registry and provide you with appropriate information on who has
the desired item. If you have items
which are suitable and would be
willing to participate, please contact Grandma and let her know.
Page 9
Vice Commodore
(Continued from page 1)
(Continued from page 2)
spending elsewhere.
This brings to mind my comments
in the last Homeport article where
I stressed sharing expenses as a
way to cope. If you look at it this
way; it only costs $2 per gallon if
two people share in the price. If
three people share in the cost, the
out-of-pocket layout per individual goes to $1.33—not bad. A little American ingenuity could go a
long way here. Let it begin with
us—the Saudi, other middleeastern countries, and the oil
speculators will not come to our
aid anytime soon unless we teach
them a lesson about demand and
the American resolve. They have
taught us about the price side of
the equation; now we have to respond in kind on the demand
side. This could be fun especially
if everyone would get behind such
a move.
Other Take Aways
In closing, I have to tell you about
my Father’s Day takeaway. As I
was changing clothes after attending church, I took off my shirt and
my 23-month-old grandson, Sean,
smiled and said, “Grandpop has
Buddha belly.” So I asked Eileen,
“What does Sean mean?” She said,
“Sean thinks your belly looks like
a Buddha (just like his)!” The
moral is that eating everything in
sight while on vacation may have
consequences, some of which you
may not want to hear.
Have a good summer and enjoy!
Jack Leming, Commodore
and give it a test run. You should
know at what RPMs your vessel
gives you its best fuel economy.
For most boats getting on plane
plus a couple hundred more RPMs
will give you optimum economy.
Each vessel is different. Now, let’s
factor in the weight equation.
Your vessel will behave differently
with a full load of people, equipment and fuel than with just you
in it. As skipper you should ensure
seating arrangements so that your
vessel is balanced properly and
when up to speed be sure to trim
it out as well. Do this by using
your trim tabs and your engine
tilt/trim. Producing a nice smooth
flat wake is a good indicator
you’ve got proper balance.
If the trip back home gets a little
bumpy, use your trim tabs to lift
or drop the side of the boat that
may be dousing your passengers
or just to get your “nose” or bow
down to stop the pounding. Find
an appropriate throttle position or
boat speed to accommodate the
existing sea conditions. Your
guests will appreciate it and so
will their molars, bicuspids and
spinal discs.
Lighten the Load
Shedding unnecessary weight off
your boat (not safety equipment),
will also add to your fuel economy. So check each compartment
and see what you can do without.
I recently learned that in my 20’
Shearwater (150 hp four-stroke), I
can operate my vessel at 27 knots
with a full load of fuel, gear, full
bait wells, and two passengers,
and average 3.26 miles per gallon.
Not bad! My Whaler fully loaded
(250 hp four stroke) averages
about 2.60 miles per gallon at the
same speed. The ratio of speed,
BSIBC—Striving to Be Great in 2008!
weight, hull type, and displacement matters. There are a lot of
things to do and be aware of, but
constant vigilance and religious
maintenance can make the difference between SeaTow or BoatUS
bringing you back home or getting
there on your own.
Live long and prosper,
Tom Kasprzak, Vice Commodore and Safety Officer
Rear Commodore
and Membership
I am pleased as punch to serve as
your new Rear Commodore for
BSIBC. With (my husband) Mark's
recent assignment in Denver, I felt
it was necessary to step up and fill
this position. After all, it's pretty
easy for me to talk to others about
how much fun we have in BSIBC;
but I certainly can't do it alone.
This is where all of YOU come in.
Talk to your neighbors. Ask them
to talk to their neighbors, and let's
get some new members into our
Club! We enjoy our luncheons,
cruises, social events, and overnighters. Pass the word around,
and get your fellow BSI friends
and neighbors involved. Better
yet, send them to our website,; and have them
browse our "2008 in Review" section. They'll see how much fun it
is to be a member. If you need
applications, e-mail me at
[email protected], and I'll send
them off right away.
Dotti Vaivoda, Rear Commodore
Page 10
Pelican Bay Overnighter April 1515-17, 2008
E-Z Life
Commodore’s Ball April 23, 2008
BSIBC Cheerleaders–Dotti Vaivoda, Sue Sleight, Deborah Luedtke, Priscilla Gioia, Lynn Stanleigh, Rose
Bratz, John Jokerst, and Ron Levis–cheer on the
crowd in a skit that brought tears of laughter
Fire burning on
Cayo Costa
Mary & Chuck Will
Hanging on
the beach!
Tom & Mary Murphy
& Tom
Regretfully, no other photos of the
Commodore’s Ball were available!
MaryAnn & Herb Remer
Synchronized swimmers MaryBeth & Gregg Cameron, Fran
Koon, and Karen Totten
Gary & Deborah
Birthday Boy Rex & Cake Cutter Helen Anderson
John &
BSIBC pin up
model Art Koon
Mae & Pete
& their dog
South Seas Resort,
Key West ThreeThree-day Trip, June 33-5, 2008
Stanleigh &
Bill Klarik
Bill & Sue
Jim &
Du Mez
Shop, shop, shop!
Sheri Del Sasso
Frank & Caryl Bichlmeier
Enjoying dinner
John & Kathy
Kruth from BSIA
Sheri & John
Del Sasso
Phyllis & Vince
Page 11
Key West Trip included a deep sea fishing expedition!
John Kruth, Bill Bareither, Vince Adamaitis, and
Ed Sleight aboard their fishing charter
Vince Adamaitis shows off
his tuna catch!
Bareither gaffs
a dolphin
Fourth of July at Porto Bello (Burnt Store Marina Overnight and Lunch Cruise, and Party!)
Eileen &
Jack Leming
Les & Karen Totten
Judy & Ted Johnson
Fran & Art Koon
Dot & Ed Joe & Elaine Kathy
Clements Minzer
Ronnie & Ted Nerlinger
Priscilla Jim
John Claire
Brewster Gioia O’Donnell Gioia Phelen Brewster
Vote for me,
Ron Levis!
Corby & Terry Len Ed & Ellen Cynthia & Charlie Mavis
Harris Myers
Lynn Stanleigh, Judy & Jim Du Mez, Jim Townsend
Brenda Townsend, Bill & Rose Braatz, Bill Klarik
Cathy Mabie (2nd from left)and Crew
The Creighton
Joe Osborne & Gina Styron
George & Judy Guttschalk
Allie & Frank Wiechec
Ron & Joan Lindskog, Jerry & Edie Saari
Old Glory!
Marilyn Linda
Kenison Powell
Vote now and
vote often!
Page 12
JP’s Top Reasons to Use Your Fuel Guzzling Water Toys
David Letterman can’t outdo
BSIBC! John Prafke has been
busy observing our activities
as boating fuel prices top $5
per gallon. Here are his Top
16 Reasons to go boating despite the high cost of fuel!
16. Publix ran out of the
Catch of the Day!
15. Boat to Mexico—el
cheapo per gallon to refuel!
14. It’s for a sea trial because
you’re selling your loved
13. Your kids won the lottery
and they will pay for the
nursing home. Wahoo!
12. You conjure up the scenario that you will be attacked by pirates, they
steal your boat, and you
collect full insurance.
11. Saudi Arabia needs more
F-18s. Doesn’t that make
you feel safer at night?
10. Lots of boats on the water
will aerate the Gulf, lower
the water temperature,
and reduce the chance of
a hurricane. Tell this to
The Weather Channel!
9. If you don’t want to get a
Christmas card from Al
Gore, go boating.
lift still works?
And JP’s number one reason to go boating
despite the high cost of fuel is:
1. Because it’s fun and we love it!
(Hey, it’s summer and we need content!)
8. You filled up three years
ago at $2.19 per gallon—
and your tank is still full!
Get rid of that old, cheap
7. Dubai needs another
eight-star hotel. (Right!)
6. It’s Budweiser and
Hooter’s Girls Day at Barnacle Phil’s.
5. You got your stimulus
check. Oh boy!
4. It keeps your boat from
becoming a bird sanctuary! (See page 20.)
3. You own ExxonMobil
2. You wonder if the boat
Shop at the BSIBC Ship’s Store!
There is no better
time to give yourself the present
you’ve always
wanted. Reward
yourself with a
gift from the
Ship’s Store and
don’t forget the
holidays are just
a short four
months away.
order form at
and click on
“Ship’s Store.”
Allie Wiechec is
doing a great job
of managing our
Ship’s Store. To
Joe and Barb Lakatos wear
personalized apparel available place an order or
if you have quesonly at the Ship’s Store!
tions, contact
Allie at [email protected]
or 505-5763. Wear your
Shop from the convenience
BSIBC spirit!
of your home. Download the
BSIBC—Striving to Be Great in 2008!
Page 13
$$$ – Treasurer’s Report–
Report – $$$
Chris and I want to thank the Club members for the thoughtful e-mails, calls, cards, and
flowers we received. - Don Clark, Treasurer
BSIBC—Striving to Be Great in 2008!
Page 14
It’s our second
cruise to South
Seas this year.
The Luedtkes
make this a memorable trip, as if being at South Seas wasn’t
enough! They are beginning to work out plans now for this
special trip. It is sure to be a delightful time! South Seas Island Resort provides a quiet refuge for a unique nautical experience with exceptional resort amenities. Relax in the still,
tranquil waters of swimming
pools sparkling under the tropical sun, or enjoy a day at the
beautiful white-sand beach. For
more information, go to http:// Take advantage
of our Boat Club rate.
Sou th Seas
Ove rnight Crui se
Mon.Mon.-Thurs., August 44-7
Reservation Deadline:
Tuesday, July 1
Cruise Director:
Deborah Luedtke
[email protected]
Skippers’ Meeting:
Tuesday, July 29 at 10 a.m.
4067 San Massimo Dr.
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
‘Tween Waters Inn, Day Spa and Marina
Do you dream of filling your vacation days with play, activity,
adventure, and fun? Or do you
prefer a simple day devoted to
daydreaming? Either way, you’ve
come to the right place at ‘Tween
Waters Inn. Here, from beach to
backbay to everywhere in between, across 13 gorgeous Gulf-to
-bay acres, you can enjoy just
about anything, land or sea—or if
you’re so inclined, enjoy doing
absolutely nothing at all. Join other BSIBCers on this wonderful and relaxing
‘Tween Wate rs
Ove rnight Crui se
Fri.Fri.-Mon., August 2929-Sept.1
Reservation Deadline:
Friday, August 8
Cruise Director:
Ed Minzer
[email protected]
Skippers’ Meeting:
Mon., Aug. 25, 10 a.m.
3432 Tripoli Blvd.
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Come and join the overnighters from the
‘Tween Waters overnight cruise. Situated on
the waters of Roosevelt Channel, The Green
Flash restaurant overlooks the Intracoastal
Waterway, the tranquil waters of Pine Island Sound, and the pristine beauty of
Buck Key. It is easily navigable by boat and
is located southwest of Marker 38 on the
Intracoastal Waterway. Enjoy a picturesque
view, watch the otters cavort, and fantasize
about the elusive green flash while their
distinguished chefs prepare your culinary
delight! The Green Flash is located at 15183
Captiva Drive, Captiva Island.
The Green Flash
Lunch Crui se
Saturday, August 30
Reservation Deadline:
Sunday, August 24
Cruise Director:
Paul Hillebrand
[email protected]
Skippers’ Meeting:
Thurs., Aug. 28 at 10 a.m.
622 Brindisi Ct.
Page 15
Boats WithOut Potties (BWOP) is BACK
and are you going to be pleased with the events
planned! Everyone is invited to attend—you
don’t have to have a boat. If you want to join in
the fun on the water all small boats are to meet
at the vacant lot next to the Luedtke’s house at
4067 San Massimo. Make sure you are
equipped with your “armament” and get ready
for some wet action including a Scavenger Hunt
with a cash prize for the winning boat. A cookout is planned beginning at 1p.m. at the Villas
at Burnt Store Isles clubhouse pool. Meat will
be provided but everyone needs to bring a dish
to share. Stay tuned for more updates via e-mail.
Boats Without
P otties Cruise
Saturday, September 6
Reservation Deadline:
Saturday, August 23
Cruise Directors:
Dotti Vaivoda 575-6700
Deborah Luedtke 637-0044
Skippers’ Meeting:
Sat., Sept. 6 at 9:30am
vacant lot next to 4067 San
Massimo Dr.
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Twice the fun Fishe rman ’s
at half the
Village Cruise
Fri.Fri.-Sun., September 2626-28
Get ready for an action–packed
cruise to our famous Fisherman’s
Village. This marina is a beautiful
“Clean Marina” and offers five restaurants and 33 shops,
wireless internet, cable TV, loaner bicycles, clay tennis courts, and a boater’s day
room. Fisherman’s Village has everything to guarantee you a first-class stay.
Check in at 11 a.m. on Friday and plan on coming to the “All American Cookout” serving hot dogs, burgers and brats at 5 p.m. Just bring a dish to share.
Dancing at Harpoon Harry’s from 9 p.m. until midnight.
Reservation Deadline
Tuesday, September 2
Cruise Director:
Jeff & Joann Ziemer
[email protected]
Skippers’ Meeting:
None planned
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Don’t miss out on the lunch
cruise to Charlotte County’s
“Best Waterfront Restaurant,”
Harpoon Harry’s Restaurant &
Bar. This lunch cruise led by
Gregg and Mary Beth Cameronwill join the Fisherman’s Village
Overnighters and is sure to be
loads of fun!
H arp oon Harry ’s
Lunch Crui se
Saturday, September 27
Reservation Deadline:
Wednesday, September 17
Cruise Director:
Gregg & MaryBeth Cameron
Come by boat or by car. If you come by boat you can tie up in the front of Har- 637-7119
poon Harry’s or along the side dock. We should be able to accommodate 15
[email protected]
boats. This is a first-come, first-served lunch cruise, so make your reservations
early. We will be ordering off the menu so you’ll be sure to get your favorites at Skippers’ Meeting:
Tuesday, Sept. 23 at 9:30 a.m.
Harpoon Harry’s. Don’t delay—make your reservations now for this all-time
4053 San Massimo Dr.
favorite! Dining is planned for noon.
Page 16
Venice Yacht Club
Ove rnight Crui se
Thurs.Thurs.-Sat., October 22-4
Don’t miss
the opportunity to cruise to the
Venice Yacht Club. This is a private club, but through our fellow Boat Club
member, Frank Wiechec, we can now include it in our list of cruise destinations. There’s plenty to do here in Venice. Try a bicycle ride downtown to "The
Avenue" for unique shopping boutiques and gift shops or visit the art gallery,
Venice Little Theater, antique shops, library, and many restaurants. There are
several amenities right at the Yacht Club— restaurants, a tiki bar, a full ship’s
store, a sunset room, and a gorgeous pool. We have several fun and interesting
events plan so get on your boats and let’s cruise to Venice! Dock space is limited so get your reservation in early. Stay tuned for more updates via e-mail.
Reservation Deadline:
Thursday, September 18
Cruise Director:
Dotti Vaivoda
[email protected]
Skippers’ Meeting:
Thursday, Sept. 25 at 10 a.m.
413 Macedonia Dr.
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
The Palm Island Halloween Cruise!
Get ready for a ghoulish time at beautiful Palm Island Marina
with your BSIBC friends. It’s a tradition that boats attending this
event decorate for Halloween, something visible during the day and something
lighted at night. It’s not a contest; it doesn’t have to be elaborate; it’s just a
group of people having fun! Join the festivities by lounging at the pool, listening to the birds, watching the boats, and spending time with
your BSIBC friends.
Frank and Allie will have transportation available with their
personal van for side trips to Englewood and other nearby
destinations. They are also planning a dinner at Rum Bay.
Don’t miss this event—it’ll be a howling experience!
P alm Island
Ove rnight Crui se
Mon.Mon.-Thurs. October 2727-30
Reservation Deadline:
Monday, October 13
Cruise Director:
Frank & Allie Wiechec
[email protected]
Skippers’ Meeting:
Thursday, Oct. 23 at 10 a.m.
618 Maltese Dr.
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Johnny Leverock’s
Seafood House
J ohnny Le verock’s
Lunch Crui se
Johnny Leverock’s Seafood House has enjoyed the
reputation of having the freshest seafood and most
unique decor in the area. Johnny Leverock’s is a
small, friendly restaurant offering a wide variety of
appetizers, freshly-prepared salads, steak and
chicken entrees, in addition to their namesake seafood. Their casual outdoor patio overlooks a picture-perfect view of Palm Island
Marina on the Intracoastal Waterway. Bring as many people on your boat as
possible. Since there is VERY limited docking, the reservation deadline will be
as soon as we have 6-8 boats. By car, take Rt. 776, left onto Rt. 771 to 7279
Placida Road. Turn left into the Sea Ray dealership, Marine Max, and Leverock’s
is at the rear of their parking lot.
Tuesday, October 28
Reservation Deadline:
Saturday October 18
Cruise Director:
Howard Elkin
[email protected]
Skippers’ Meeting:
Friday, Oct. 24 at 10 a.m.
3650 San Sebastian Ct.
Page 17
The Fishery Restaurant is a
very popular destination
point on the BSIBC’s lunch
cruise schedule. It is old
Florida-style waterfront
dining on beautiful and
scenic Gasparilla Sound. A cash bar is
available. We’ll order from the menu, also available on the Fishery’s website: The Margaret Albritton Gallery next door is a
very popular stop after lunch.
Come by water or come by land! By water, call Richard Coates with the name
of your boat, length, and number of passengers by Nov. 14. Docking space is
limited so please buddy up if possible to ensure that we have ample room. By
car, also call Richard for reservations and number of people by Oct. 29. Driving
directions: Rt. 41 north to Rt. 776. Turn left. Go to Rt. 771. Turn left and follow
771 several miles to the sharp right turn. The Fishery entrance is on the left side
at about the middle of the turn (follow sign). Be there by 11:30 a.m.
Fishe ry Restau rant
Lunch Crui se
Friday, November 21
Reservation Deadline:
Friday, November 14
Cruise Director:
Richard Coates
[email protected]
Skippers’ Meeting:
Thursday, Nov. 20 at 10 a.m.
502 Macedonia Dr.
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Every boater needs this training!
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Adult choking
Use of an automated external defibrillator (AED)
Date: Monday, October 13, 1-5 p.m.
Reservation Deadline: Monday, October 6
Instructor: Eileen Leming
Location: 319 Segovia Dr.
Red Cross Administrative Fee: $5
Register: 637-3966 or at [email protected]
Course Topics include:
This Red Cross certified course is a must for boaters.
Participants demonstrate the learned CPR skills on the
mannequin and pass a written test. (No one fails the
written test.) Don’t let this opportunity pass you by!
Already taken this class? You must re-certify annually. BSIBC picks up expenses for materials. Others pay
much more to get this certification. It’s a great value!
The Social Commit-
Mat is Out!
NEW MEMBERS (Since the May UTC)
Roger & Rita
588 Macedonia Dr
[email protected]
David & Dona
Vincent & Cheryl
548 Port Bendres Dr
3600 San Sebastian Ct
[email protected]
[email protected]
BSIBC—Striving to Be Great in 2008!
tee has openings!
Do you enjoy meeting other
fun-loving people in BSIBC?
Are you the creative type that
can help us continue to host
great events? Do you like
serving on a committee and
sharing in the event planning? Why not lend a hand
with the upcoming holiday
season events. Don’t waste a
Page 18
Your UTC!
Why not stay in the
know about the
BSIBC when you are
out of town for an
extended time? Join
the ranks of those
who get the UP-THECREEKER mailed to
them when they are
out of town, whether
for a month when
the UTC will arrive
(February 1, May 1,
August 1, and November 1) or for the
Contact me to have it
mailed to your designated alternate address. Make sure to
let me know when
you’ll be returning to
paradise so your next
will find you.
Ron Levis,
December 2008 BSIBC Events
Cruise Director/Contact
Dec 2
Canal Clean-up
Charlie Longenbarger
Dec 6
Peace River Lighted Boat Parade on Good Times II
Social Committee
Dec 8
Canal Maintenance Advisory Committee
Joe Gil
Dec 10
BSIBC Christmas/Holiday Party
Social Committee
BSI Canal Lighted Boat Parade
Nick Hay
Dec 31
Fisherman’s Village New Year’s Overnight Cruise
Jeff Ziemer
Dec 31
New Year's Eve Progressive Dinner
Social Committee
Go Giant Fishing!
In the Charlotte Sun Waterline on June
26,2008, an expert fisherman told of
the days when giant grouper were routinely caught in the Florida Keys. Today,
the average grouper caught in the keys is
merely 8 pounds.
There are BIG fish in these canals! Tom Kasprzak
grimaces while holding a 5858-pound goliath
grouper for this photo. What else lurks below?
Obviously the writer hasn’t heard about
the giant creatures that have found a
safe haven in the canals of Burnt Store
Isles. No, we’re not talking about Loch
Ness’ Nessie or any other sea serpent
unless someone is keeping a secret.
We’re talking about the giant fish that
Tom Kasprzak catches off his dock.
Tom needs to wear a support belt
(available at our local big box store)
while fishing so we don’t have to hear
about our Vice Commodore needing
back surgery.
BSIBC—Striving to Be Great in 2008!
Page 19
August – November 2008 BSIBC Checklist!
Cut along the dotted line and post as a reminder
* Reservation
Aug. 4-7
Deborah Luedtke
Check with
Mon., Aug. 11
Joe Gil
Call Ed
Sat., Aug. 30
Paul Hillebrand
Sun., Aug. 24
Tues., Sept. 2
Charlie Longenbarger
Fri., Aug. 29
Sat., Sept. 6
Dotti Vaivoda
Deborah Luedtke
Mon., Sept. 8
Jeff Nilsson
Mon., Sept. 8
Joe Gil
Fri.-Sun., Sept.
Jeff & Joanne
Sat., Sept. 27
Gregg & Mary Beth
Oct. 2-4
Mark & Dottie
Mon., Oct. 13
Jeff Nilsson
Mon., Oct. 13
Joe Gil
Wed., Oct. 22
Nancy Brewster
Linda Hay
Thurs., Oct.
Oct. 27-30
Frank & Allie
Tues., Oct. 28
Howard Elkin
Jack Leming
Mon., Nov. 10
Jeff Nilsson
Mon., Nov. 10
Joe Gil
Wed., Nov. 12
Priscilla Gioia
Sue Sleight
Thurs., Nov. 6
Fri., Nov. 21
Richard Coates
Fri., Nov. 14
BSIBC—Striving to Be Great in 2008!
Burnt Store Isles Boat Club, Inc.
P.O. Box 510203
Punta Gorda, FL 33951-0203
Presorted Standard
U.S. Postage
Punta Gorda, FL
Permit #104
How Your Boat Might Be Another’s Love Nest!
We all take a vacation now and
then. Some of us also leave for
months at a time. Have you ever
wondered what can happen to your
prized boat while you’re gone?
Take a look at what took up residency on the Prafke’s SEA B2. They
took off for a week to attend an out
-of-state wedding only to return to
find they weren’t the only ones
who enjoy staying on their boat.
Burnt Store Isles
Boat Club, Inc.
luck charm to have a mourning
dove pick you for a co-habitant or
you view them as “air rats” as one
friend put it. Another claimed to
hunt for them and that they’d be
glad to help us get SEA B2 back in
the water.
Incubation for mourning doves
lasts for about two weeks. Once the
chicks emerge, it takes 11-15 days
before they spread their wings and
lift off. Guess the Prafke’s have a
real excuse for not using expensive
“motion lotion” these days.
Much to our dismay, after two
weeks of incubation and anticipation of babies, during our daily
morning check we found the doves
gone and the nest empty! When we
thought about it, we had seen an
osprey and other large birds in the
area. We can only surmise the demise of the eggs/hatchlings. We
quickly dispatched the nest before
more eggs were layed.
We’ve had varied feedback on
whether to let the eggs hatch or let
them go for a swim in the canal. It
depends on if you think it’s a good
To avoid reading about silly escapade like this, please submit your
UTC articles to [email protected].
Isn’t life fun?
Yep! There are two eggs in the nest
built on SEA B2’s starboard trim tab.
Is it Mom or Dad? They take turns
sitting on the nest—
nest—job sharing!
BSIBC—Striving to Be Great in 2008!