The Perfect Club for the Car Enthusiast
The Perfect Club for the Car Enthusiast
The Perfect Club for the Car Enthusiast CABOOLTURE REGIONAL CAR CLUB INC Tappet MARCH 2016 WWW.CRCC.COM.AU Chatter The official newsletter of the Caboolture Regional Car Club Inc The Perfect Club for the Car Enthusiast New Committee Members — On 02 Mar 2016, CRCC members voted-in a new management committee and other committee members to fill positions made vacant over the past few months. The good news is we were successful in filling the vacant positions, bar one. The new committee and CRCC members would like to thank the out-going committee and offer a warm welcome to the new committee who put their hand-up to fill these positions and to serve the Club. Famished on Frasers’ Restaurant, Ashgrove on 28 Feb 16 — We started off at BP South, coffee in hand at 7:00am to begin the drive to Ashgrove for breakfast. Yep, Sunday morning sleep in was not happening today. Noasha took the lead, Vince watched from the middle and Lance keeping us all together from the rear. Breakfast was lovely as there has lots of crispy bacon being dished-up and the smell of the coffee was great. We all enjoyed the meal and the great company. Lance’s car was the star of the show with lots of strangers taking photos of his car. He should of charge $5 a photo and he could have paid for all our meals! We need to plan it a bit better to charge for the photos next time Lance. Really good to see the club have a great friendly club run. Great job guys! WWW.CRCC.COM.AU MARCH 2016 Page 2 RAAF Amberley Aviation Heritage Centre on 21 Feb 16 — Probably without doubt the biggest runs ever organised by CRCC with 82 cars from six groups. These comprised the Caboolture Regional Car Club, A9X Club of Australia, Queensland GTR and XU-1 Club, Queensland Torana Car Club, Thunderbird Club, Best of Yesteryear’s Club and DeLorean enthusiasts. The run kicked-off at 6:30am from BP South with a brief stopover at Repco Goodna to meet-up with others, then proceeded to Amberley arriving at about 8:20am. On arrival, there was a bit of congestion and waiting around, but once processed by Heritage Centre staff, everybody was insitu at the centre by about 9:15am. For the next few hours members milled about looking at the many aviation-related exhibits and cars. The Centre sausage sizzle and drink kiosk ran into overload trying to keep up to the demand. In the meantime, there was a steady flow of visitors to the Centre which made the day even more challenging and interesting for Centre staff who were kept busy. By midday most were ready to depart. As we left, it was astounding to see high volume of traffic awaiting to enter the base, presumably for the Aviation Centre. The queue must have been close to a kilometre in length. CRCC would like to extend its thanks to all who attended as well as Wing Commander Clive Wells and staff at the RAAF Amberley Aviation Heritage Centre. A gentle reminder that memberships are due on 30 June. Please be aware of the increase in the membership fee which is now $30.00 per annum. Note, too, that the ‘second vote’ membership fee of $10.00 has been abolished. A fully completed membership form must accompany payment. The preferred method of payment is by cash, cheque or money order. Membership forms are available on the CRCC web site or at the general meeting. If mailing payment, the address is: Membership, CRCC, PO Box 1668, CABOOLTURE, QLD, 4510. Page 3 MARCH 2016 Tappet Chatter CABOOLTURE REGIONAL CAR CLUB INC CLUB The Perfect Club for the Car Enthusiast Photographs of members, family and friends and their vehicles may appear in the Club newsletter or on the website and on Facebook. Should a member not wish for this to occur, the member should inform the Secretary in writing. Whilst every care will be taken to adhere to a member's request, no guarantee can be given. Your Committee …. Tappet Chatter MARCH 2016 Page 4 Proudly Serving Position Incumbent Phone Email President: Dennis Seidel 0402 077 519 [email protected] Vice President: Ken Richards 0423 919 229 [email protected] Secretary Claire Strickfuss 0419 651 565 [email protected] Treasurer Doug Appleton 0412 675 528 [email protected] Run Coordinator 1 Vince Blanchard 0412 171 787 [email protected] Run Coordinator 2 Noasha Chalvatzis 0410 515 392 [email protected] Editor 1 Victoria Lewis 0402 457 092 [email protected] Editor 2 Cyril Bates 07 3888 4164 Nil Membership Lance Haslewood 0414 295 888 [email protected] SIV Rego Robert Blake 0400 974 717 [email protected] Swap Meet Coordinator 1 Cathy Kuhrt 07 5495 3312 [email protected] Swap Meet Coordinator 2 David Kuhrt 07 5495 3312 [email protected] Show ‘N Shine Kevin Lewis 0434 532 933 [email protected] Property Member Tim Howe 0428 939 646 [email protected] Christmas Function Sue & Richard Droughton 0415 177 126 [email protected] Webmaster/Facebook Lance Haslewood 0414 295 888 [email protected] QHMC Rep Craig McManus 0407 648 871 [email protected] Catering Convenor Vacant Page 5 MARCH 2016 Tappet Chatter Minutes of the General Meeting Held at ‘Stanmore Hall’, Caboolture Historical Village Beerburrum Road, Caboolture on 03 February 2016 1. Opening. The meeting was declared open by Devin Pearce at 7:30pm. He announced that the meeting would be held in two sessions; first with general interest topics then followed by general business. The latter to be held following the tea break and chaired by John Fenech. 2. Attendance. As per the attendance sheet. 3. Apologies. Victoria and Mitch Lewis, Ken Deakin, Liz Harris, Lance and Debbie Suthers, Darren Chalk, Alf and Trish Richardson, Brad Franklin, Kevin Gibbins, Glenn Keogh, Chris Dutton, Hayden and Rosina Bright and Allan Adams. 4. Birthdays. Members’ birthdays for January and February were read-out. 5. Minutes of the Previous Meeting. Accepted. Moved Jan Badham. Seconded (not recorded). Carried. 6. Business Arising from the Previous Minutes. Donation to Legacy. Representative of Legacy not in attendance to receive donation. Donation to be presented at a later date. Lance Haslewood highlighted that he was unable to find a motion in the Minutes which approved the donation to Legacy. Jan Carstairs produced a copy of the Minutes and directed Lance to the tabled section. Lance then pointed-out that the donation was not recorded as being moved, seconded or carried. Devin Pearce advised that the donation was discussed and approved by members and that the Minutes would be amended to reflect this. 7. Correspondence In. Letters of resignation from the committee by Victoria Lewis (Editor), Lance Haslewood (Webmaster/Membership Officer) and Claire Strickfuss (Assistant Treasurer). 8. Correspondence Out. Letter to Lance Haslewood requesting return of Club membership property. 9. President’s Report. Devin Pearce outlined the Club’s activities and progress for the months of December and January. 10. Treasurer's Financial Report. The Treasurer, John Hogg, presented the Club’s financial statement for the months of December and January. 11. Run Coordinator’s Report. Vince Blanchard gave a report on the Australia Day run to the Samford Museum and afterwards to the Pitstop Café at Mount Mee at which 22 cars and 37 people attended. He also spoke of upcoming runs and events. Lance Haslewood gave a rundown of the upcoming 21st February run to the RAAF Amberley Aviation Heritage Museum. Dennis Seidel spoke about his upcoming Fair Dinkum Aussie Day run to Lakeside on 6th March. 12. Tea Break. The meeting was adjourned for a tea break at 7:50pm and resumed at 8:15pm. 13. General Business. The Chairman, John Fenech, outlined the procedure for which the general business aspect of the meeting was to be conducted and, above all, he stressed that it was to be orderly. The general business was essentially to focus on grievances in respect to the running of the Club, and the discontent by some, in the performance of the Management Committee. 14. Motion of Vote-Of-No-Confidence. Naosha Chalvatzis moved a motion of a vote-of-no-confidence in the President and the Secretary and outlined her reasons why. The motion was seconded by Johrik Chalvatzis. 15. The motion resulted in a vigorous debate amongst members and committee. The Chairman asked the Committee and Sub-Committee to come to the front of the hall which they did. He then asked committee members if they wished to stand-down, and if so, to resume their seats. All committee members with the exception of the management committee stood down. At this point, the Chairman gave the President and the Secretary the opportunity to respond to the motion, which they did. 16. Vote for Vote-Of-No-Confidence. The motion, as proposed by Naosha and seconded by Johrick, was put to the members and carried 64 for, 16 against and 10 abstaining. 17. Reinstatement of Committee Members. The Chairman asked former committee members if they would like to continue in their current committee positions. All agreed with the exception of John Hogg who advised that he felt he was unable to continue in any of the positions he has held. He offered his resignation as Vice President and Treasurer. Cathy Kuhrt, Swap Meet Coordinator, expressed that she would consider her position to be advised at the next meeting. Moved Ken Richards. Seconded Claire Strickfuss. Carried. 18. Nomination of Webmaster and Membership Officer. Kevin Lewis moved that Lance Haslewood be nominated for the positions of webmaster and membership officer. Lance accepted the nominations. Seconded Peter Dickson. Carried. 19. Nominations and Election of Management Committee. Election of Management Committee to be conducted at the 2nd March General Meeting. Doug Appleton asked the Chairman how nominations would be called and he responded that nominations would be called from the floor. 20. Meeting Closure. There being no further business, the meeting concluded at 9:55pm. Next meeting 2nd March 2016. Page 6 MARCH 2016 Tappet Chatter Minutes of the General Meeting (1) Held at ‘Stanmore Hall’, Caboolture Historical Village Beerburrum Road, Caboolture on Wednesday 02 March 2016 1. Opening. The Chairman, Doug Appleton, opened the meeting at 7:30pm and welcomed those present. He explained that he was appointed to chair the meeting by the Committee and that the meeting would be held in two sessions, the first being to elect a new management committee and other committee positions, and the second, to be conducted by the new management committee. Doug then asked for those with proxy vote forms to ensure they had signed the attendance book and that they had received their proxy cards. He then announced and explained the committee positions and their job descriptions. The election of the committee then commenced. a. President. Dennis Seidel nominated by Naosha Chavaltis, No other Nominations. Seconded by Johrik Chavaltis. Accepted by Dennis. Carried. b. Vice President. Doug Appleton nominated by Naosha Chavaltis, Ken Richards nominated by Claire Strickfuss. 13 Votes to Doug, Unanimous to Ken. Accepted by Ken. Carried. c. Secretary. Claire Strickfuss nominated by Naosha Chavaltis, No other Nominations. Seconded by Johrik Chavaltzis. Accepted by Dennis. Carried. d. Treasurer. Doug Appleton nominated by Kevin Lewis. No other nominations. Seconded by Naosha Chalvatzis. Accepted by Doug. Carried. Deputy Run Coordinator. Vince Blanchard nominated Naosha Chalvatzis. No other nominations. Seconded by John Dickson. Accepted by Naosha. Carried. Editor. Mitch Lewis nominated Victoria Lewis. No other nominations. Seconded by Vince Blanchard. Position accepted. Carried. e. f. g. Catering Convenor. No nominations. Position not filled. 2. Doug welcomed the new committee and thanked them for their support to the Club by accepting the positions. He then adjourned the meeting for a tea break to allow the new committee to prepare for the General Meeting. Minutes of the General Meeting (2) Held at ‘Stanmore Hall’, Caboolture Historical Village Beerburrum Road, Caboolture on Wednesday 02 March 2016 1. Opening. The new President, Dennis Seidel, opened the meeting at 8.15pm and welcomed those present. Dennis thanked the previous committee. 2. Attendance. As per attendance sheet. 3. Apologies. Graeme Butters, Grant Abbott, Bary Manks, Brodie De Does, Neil Cluff, James Lock, Cassandra and Jason Brown, Sue and Richard Droughton, Narelle Farmer, David Varady, Jim and Kris Mazok, Victoria Lewis and Robert Jones. 4. New Members. Brett Smith, Mark Booth, Mark Buckland, Mark Hoffman and Steven Miles. 5. Visitors. Aleck - Camaro Z29, Johann - Volvo and Mercedes. 6. Birthdays. The President mentioned members who are celebrating their birthday for the month. Happy Birthday everyone. 7. Guest Speaker. There was no guest speaker. 8. Minutes of the Previous Meeting. The Secretary read the Minutes from the February meeting which were compiled by committee members. John Dickson moved that the minutes be accepted. Seconded - Mark Toppliff. Carried. 9. Business Arising from the Previous Minutes. Nil 10. Correspondence In. Spam email from Chris and Colin Wier, Email from RHMC Easter rally discount Accommodation, Spam email from Jin Chung, QHMC Minutes and Correction dates for Rally, FX FJ Holden club New Postal Address, Spam email from City of Hope, RHMC Discount Accom offer, QHMC Attachments of combined RACQ - QHMC rally, Brisbane Vintage Auto club next meeting date, Spam email from TrackRBravo, Resignations from Treasurer, Vice President and Catering Convenor, Photocopy of Club Property list handed over by previous Secretary. Moved Claire Strickfuss that the inwards correspondence be received. Seconded Lance Haslewood. Carried. 11. Correspondence Out. Thankyou Letter to RAAF Amberley Aviation Heritage Centre, Get Well Cards to Stu Gross, Allan Adams and Liz Harris. Moved Claire Strickfuss. Moved Lance Haslewood that the outward correspondence be adopted. Carried. 12. President’s Report. The President had nothing to report at this meeting as the new President. He thanked members for the votes. Page 7 MARCH 2016 Tappet Chatter 13. Vice President’s Report. The Vice President had nothing to report at this meeting as the new Vice President. He thanked members for the votes. 14. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer reported that he had not received copies of the month's bank statements from previous Treasurer therefore he was unable to report. The Treasurer talked, in short, about the Club's term deposit renewal date and ensured members he would have a full report for Show, Shine and Swap Meet and membership deposits at the April Meeting. Moved Doug Appleton that the financial report be accepted. Seconded by Tim Howe. Carried. 15. a. Run Coordinator. The Run Coordinator gave a report on the following runs: Vince Blanchard gave a report on run to Wivenhoe Dam Cormorant Bay Café on 7th Feb for Morning tea. David and Lisa Spencer led the run of 25 plus cars. b. Vince spoke about the brekky run to Famished on Frazers on 28th February. Naosha led the run of 22 cars. Good food and service by staff. c. Vince mentioned run on Saturday afternoon 5th Feb to Eat Street, March 13th to Samford, March 20th to Helltown Hotrods in Gympie, Go Kart day coming-up in April and a brekky run to Scarborough coming-up in April as well. All runs will be listed on the Club Website and Facebook Page. e. Lance Haslewood spoke about the RAAF Amberley Aviation Heritage Centre run. After an early start they headed-off to meet up with others at Goodna. CRCC, Thunderbird Club, two Torana Clubs, BOYS Club and DeLorean enthusiasts joined in on the run. Approx 82 cars in total. Great day! f. Dennis Seidel spoke about the All Aussie Day at Lakeside on Sunday 6th March. $10 entry per person, Meet at BP Southbound for 7.30am Departure. Arrive at Lakeside around 8am. 15. General Business. a. Brandt King talked about a fundraising event for the Leukaemia Foundation on Saturday 12th March. Anyone interested can meet at IGA on Michael Avenue at 8:30am. Hoping for approx 10 to 15 cars. b. c. Members discussed the Swap Meet and Show and Shine at Banyo and Redcliffe showgrounds on the weekend. Dennis Seidel talked about the All Aussie Day at Lakeside on Sunday 6th March. He told members they needed to get their ‘Backside, Trackside at Lakeside’. d. Ken Richards offered his services to members to conduct workshops at his workshop in Lawnton to teach other members basic panel beating tips and to give help to members to be able to repair their own vehicles. John Dickson offered his knowledge of his Mechanical background to members and will liaise with Ken to arrange monthly get togethers. Graham Pitts offered his time as well. First meeting will be held after Easter. Date TBA. e. Robert Dalton offered his trade plate for urgent cases to members. He will be a passenger on all journeys. No cost. f. Lance Haslewood mentioned the website hosting and domain fees. He sais that the hosting fee was due for renewal on 6th March which. The cost is $239.40 for 12 months. The domain name fee is due every two years at a cost of $39.00 and is due in March 2017. Lance paid the hosting account. Moved Carl Tallboys that Lance be reimbursed the amount of $239.40. Seconded Ken Richards. Carried. g. Lance Haslewood asked to purchase more membership cards as he was just about out of them. Box of approximately 250. He also asked to purchase a ream of Club Letterhead paper. This to be be split four ways to Show/Shine and Swap, Secretary and Membership. Lance will arrange a quote for both items from WebSta or Officeworks and present at the April Meeting. h. Ken nominated John Dickson to be Garage Manager. Not an official position as such but as a go-to-person. Everyone was happy with the decision. i. Dennis Seidel mentioned John Dickson’s tips on the club Facebook page and noted they are very useful. j. John Dickson talked about Graham Pitts’ original suggestion for workshops to share members’ knowledge. 16. Raffle Draws. The President started the raffle draw. Prizes donated by Repco. Congratulations to the winners. Raffle ticket drawn for next months member’s car on display. Winner Steve with his 1950 Chevrolet. 17. a. Swap Meet Officer’s Report: Cathy Kuhrt spoke about the St John's Ambulance attendance being organised and will pass invoice to the Treasurer once it has been received. Page 8 MARCH 2016 Tappet Chatter b. Cathy also mentioned the SES will provide 6-8 people on the day. Scott has kindly donated his vehicle for the shopping centre display for Thurs, Fri and Sat on the week prior to the 18th of June. Cathy will be organising a roster for the three days to help with the display. c. Cathy moved to purchase two boxes of paper for Brian Bates at Caboolture Bowl. Seconded Kevin Lewis. Carried. d. e Cathy mentioned she had received SPAM email and cautioned members about opening emails etc.. Cathy asked members to collect flyers from her to pass around if anyone is attending swap meets ect. f Cathy mentioned she would be arranging a roster in a month or so for the Show/Shine and Swap meet for 18. members to help out on the day. Show N’ Shine Coordinator’s Report: a Kevin Lewis thanked those members who helped to arrange sponsors and talked about bands and entertainment for the day. He mentioned Trophy World is under new management. They are sending him a catalogue to choose the trophy designs from. b Kevin asked if he could purchase new marquees and new tables for the show and shine. Moved by Tim Howe to purchase when sales are on. Seconded by Johrik Chavaltis. Carried. 19. SIV Registration Officer’s Report. Rob Blake had nothing to report. Queensland Historic Motoring Council Report. Craig McManus had nothing to report 20. 21. Membership/Membership Officer’s Report. Lance Haslewood spoke briefly about website renewal and the membership card order during general business. 22. 23. Property Officer’s Report. Tim Howe had nothing to report. Christmas Function Officer’s Report. Nil as Sue and Richard Droughton were not present for the meeting. 24. Editor’s Report. Nil as Victoria Lewis was not present for the meeting. 25. Meeting Closure. There being no further business, the President declared the meeting closed at 9:21pm and thanked all for their attendance. The next meeting is scheduled for 6th April 2016 at 7.30pm Claire Strickfuss, Secretary, 4th March 2016. Cormorant Bay Café, Wivenhoe Dam, 7th Feb — The run departed BP North at 8:20am and headed to Wivenhoe via Woodford, Kilcoy and Somerset Dam. Several members who were waiting at Woodford, joined-in, and this brought the tally of cars to 25. It was a casual two-hour drive to Wivenhoe, and on arrival, members parked their cars, milled about, and then headed for the café. Great food, great service and a great social gathering for members and visitors. Afterwards a group photo and then members headed-off, some via the dam information centre and others to Fernvale or directly home. A great relaxing social get together and enjoyed by everyone. The only misadventure was with Olive and Noel Jones whose trusty Ford Fairlane’s brake booster decided to fail. Luckily this occurred on the way home and at Woodford which was within striking distance of their home. It is hoped that Noel sortedout the issue and got his faithful Ford Fairlane safely home to bed. Page 9 MARCH 2016 CRCC WELCOMES THE FOLLOWING NEW MEMBERS Tappet Chatter 246, Russell Marshall, Deception Bay, 1968 HK Holden Ute. 247, Andrew Hausler, Wamuran, 1970 Holden HG Station Sedan. 248, Gezim Bashi, Caboolture, 1995 Ferrari 456 GT. 249, Barry Jones, Caboolture, 1969 Ford Mustang Coupe. 250, Russell Hood, Kallangur, 1982, Holden Commodore. 251, Geoff Norris, Kenilworth, 1965 Ford Falcon. 252, Brett Smith, Wamuran, 1967 Valiant VC. 253, Matthew Buckland, Beachmere, 1978 Ford XC. 254, Aleck Hoffman, Bray Park, 1980 Chevrolet Camaro Z28. 255, Johann, Koelmeyer, Beachmere, 1973 Volvo 450SLC. 256, Steve Miles, Morayfield, 1980 Holden Commodore. Note: some members have more than one car. Run suggestions will be considered …. Do you have a run destination in mind? Perhaps an overnighter somewhere or to a place within reasonable distance which the Club has not visited before. Then please pass your ideas onto the run coordinators, Vince or Noasha for consideration. What’s Up The Road …. Sun 13 Mar 16—‘Brekky Habit’ - Flying Nun Café, Samford Meet BP South at 7:00am for a 7:15am departure. Plenty of parking. Discussions will be held after breakfast and a short visit to the village as to furthering this run for a luncheon as well. Run leader ~ Vince Blanchard. Sun 20 Mar 16—Helltown Hotrods, Gympie Meet BP North at 8:00am for a 8:30am departure. About 120km with a driving time of approximately 90 minutes. ETA around 10:00am for morning tea. More than enough display items to occupy the minds of car enthusiasts with automotive memorabilia and antiquities available for viewing and purchase. The Helltown Hotrods expects to be able to offer a more extensive menu. Alternatively, the town of Gympie is a historical one and has an abundance of cafes and restaurants within grasp. Run Leader TBA. Sun 10 April - Landsborough Go Karts. Meet BP North at 8:00am for a 8:30am departure. ETA around 9:00am for opening time. As it is the last day of school holidays, it is expected that families will be travelling back from holidays and may give Club members priority on the group of 12 or more. Discounts are as followed: 15 minutes of track time—$40.00 ~ 30 minutes of track time—$60.00 Partners should be able to share the 30 minute track time as this deal can be split into two 15 minutes sessions. Will confirm on the day. BBQs are available therefore BYO food is essential for the use of these facilities. Morning purchased from the centre, or alternatively, lunch can also be purchased for this who do not prefer to use the BBQ. Please note: CLOSED SHOES are a must to participate in karting. Sunday 17 April, Brekky Run, The Sugar Deli, Scarborough. Meet BP South 7:00am for a 7:30am departure. ETA approximately 8:00am. This event is a reserved function room event, hence RSVP is a must. Parking abundant. Afterwards take a pleasant stroll along the waterfront and suck-in the sea air. As there is plenty of BBQ areas available directly across the road, please feel-free to extend your day by bringing your picnic necessities and following through for a BBQ lunch. Alternatively, the Sugar Deli has a vast lunch menu to cater for the most fastidious palate. The servings at this establishment are a little on the large size FYI. Sunday 15 May, Brekkie Run. Details TBA. Sunday 26 June, Magical Mystery Tour. This will be fine-tuned by take-off. Meet BP South at 8:00am for a 8:15am commencement! Latecomers will delay their take-off! It will be a day of hunting for clues, searching for signs, filling-in questionnaires, finding the tokens, receiving your envelopes and moving to the next space on the monopoly board. Come with your thinking caps on and this will require two people per car with one as navigator, a must to assist in finding your way to the end of the maze. A lot of work gone into organising and preparing this run. MARCH 2016 Page 10 Tappet Chatter Regular Optional Runs. Each Thursday Night: Rick’s Garage and Diner, 14-16 Margaret Street, Palmwoods. 5:00pm to 10:30pm. Make own arrangements. Each Friday Night: Harry’s Diner. However 1st and 3rd Fridays are the are the main activity nights. Old Petrie Town, Petrie Markets. Munch Inn. Corner Beaudesert Road and Elizabeth Street, Acacia Ridge. Meet BP South Caboolture at 5:15pm for a 5:30pm departure. Petrie Markets. Meet BP South Caboolture at 6:30pm. Each Sunday: Bribie Island Hotel Cruise 'N Show 'N Shine and Indoor Retro Markets. Gold coin entry. Prizes which include fuel vouchers, cash, hampers food and drinks. Supporting the Endeavour Foundation. 29 Sylvan Beach Esplanade. 9:00am - 1:00pm. Lacey on 0468 634 037. Each Saturday and Sunday: Esk, Nanango, Kenilworth, Gympie, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Beachmere, Bribie Island. Run to be organised prior to the event by an appointed run organiser. 1st and 3rd Friday: Harry's Diner, Newmarket Road, Newmarket (Brisbane). Meet BP South Caboolture at 6:30pm. Enjoy the many different makes and models of 'Old Skool' and modern cars which congregate at Harry's Diner each Friday evening. Excellent dining also. 1st and 3rd Friday: Annie's Diner, 405 Elizabeth Avenue, Kippa-Ring. 5:30pm-8:30pm. Great food, music, award-winning coffee and the best milkshakes in town. 3rd Friday: Auto One Kawana, 6:00pm till late. 1st and 3rd Saturday: Redcliffe, Scarborough or Sandgate Cruise. Meet BP South. 1st Saturday: Old Skool Cars and Street Machines, Barr Oval Complex, Beerburrum Road, Caboolture. $5.00 entry. Public $2.00 coin. 5:00pm onwards. 3rd Satruday: Northern District Rodders. Northlakes from 5:30pm. Behind Myers/Target. $5.00 entry. Eat Street Markets, Hamilton, 05 March 2016 — An afternoon/evening event. By all accounts, a great outing checking-out the many eateries and sampling the delicious food. Members then gathered at the end of this gastronomic fest to visit Milany Gelati in Racecourse Road for more dessert and coffee bringing a sweet end to a very memorable and exciting evening. Are you aware of a Club member or partner who may be unwell or in hospital? Please let a committee member know. Page 11 MARCH 2016 Tappet Chatter All Aussie Day, Lakeside, 06 March 2016 — Another splendid day ‘trackside at Lakeside’ for the All Aussie Day event with plenty of action on the track as well as a car show and shine. Some members went on track and cruised while others just enjoyed the show and ontrack viewing but a great day overall for everybody. Saturday 18th June being the date for the Club’s Show, Shine and Swap is fast approaching and there’s still plenty to do to get the event into full swing. Prior to the event, a member’s car will be on display at the Morayfield Shopping Centre as a promotion for the Club and for the event. Volunteers will be needed to man the display and to hand-out flyers and this will be achieved by a roster system. Therefore, if anybody can spare a few hours on any of the display days, please contact Cathy on 0419 331 213. The dates of the display are from Thursday 09th to Saturday 11th June inclusive. The assistance of members at the Show, Shine and Swap is vitally important, particularly on the day with assisting swap vendors, manning gates, marshalling cars and setting-up of the Club administration area. Assistance is also required on the preceding day (Friday 17th June) as many of the swap’s vendors will be arriving and will require directing to their display sites. It will be an early start for members on the Saturday … 4:30am. Most important for Club members …. members are encouraged to display their cars at the Show and Shine and there will be a designated area for this at the front of the oval, however, it is Club policy that they will not be judged. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP OR RENEWAL Membership fees due by 30th June each year. Postal Address: Membership, CRCC, PO Box 1668, CABOOLTURE, QLD, 4510. The Perfect Club for the Car Enthusiast New Membership [ ] Renewal [ ] E-mail: Please print email address clearly Name: Date of Birth: Married/Partner's Name (Optional): Date of Birth: Name of Children (Optional): Address: Post Code: Phone No (H): Work: Vehicle 1 Mobile: Vehicle 2 Vehicle 3 Vehicle 4 Make: Make: Make: Make: Model: Model: Model: Model: Year: Year: Year: Year: Colour: Colour: Colour: Colour: Reg No: Reg No: Reg No: Reg No: MEMBERSHIP FEES: (New membership includes one embroidered Club polo shirt). New Membership: $70.00. Shirt Size [ ] Embroidered Name: [ ] Extra Club Shirt: $40.00. [ ] Size [ ] Embroidered Name: [ ] Membership Renewal: $30.00. Shirt sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL, 4XL. Preferred method of payment is by cheque or money order only which must be made payable to the Caboolture Regional Car Club Inc. Cash payments will be accepted at meetings or at Club events. Postal Address: Membership, Caboolture Regional Car Club Inc, PO Box 1668, CABOOLTURE, QLD, 4510. Please tick your Club run interests. Breakfast Run [ BBQ [ Car Shows [ Observation/Mystery Runs [ Swap Meets [ Weekends Away/Camping [ Other Suggestions: ] ] ] ] ] ] Please note … all membership renewals must be submitted on a fully completed membership form. Memberships due 30 June. Membership cards and shirts may be collected at general meetings or at most Club events. Uncollected shirts will not be held beyond 12 months. * Important Information for New Membership: In accordance with the Club Rules, a new membership must be proposed by a financial member of the Club and seconded by another financial member of the Club. * Important Information for SIV Registration: In accordance with the Club Rules, new members must attend a minimum four (4) Club-sanctioned activities, which may comprise Club general meetings, within the first six (6) months of joining the Club before Special Interest Vehicle (SIV) concessional registration will be considered. * I have read and agreed to abide by the Club Rules (Constitution) and understand that my/our membership may be revoked if I do not abide by these Rules. The Club Rules are available on the Club’s web site. Signature: Date: Proposed By: Membership No: Signed: Seconded By: Membership No: Signed: Club Use: Amount Received: $ Shirt Ordered (date): Date: Invoice No: Receipt No: M’ship No: Member Collected (Date): Form Revised: 01 March 2016 ~ LRH OIC SLJs