
CFK CONTEST PACKET • [email protected]
Product Recovery Services
Contests & Collection Drives = CA$H • [email protected]
CFK Contest Checklist
Decide contest dates.
• Keep your contest to 4 weeks. Contests working towards bonus money cannot exceed 4 weeks.
• Give your parents and kids plenty of notice before starting your contest.
Send in $150 in qualifying items in any calendar month and automatically receive a $25 bonus. (Available
1 time per month, every month, with the potential to earn an extra $300 for the year.)
Fill out the “Cartridges for Kids® Drive” flier, make copies and send them home with participants.
• Hand out a coloring sheet to each of the K-3rd grade participants.
Make an announcement at your organization. Promote the contest in newsletters.
• Try beginning your contest with an assembly or a fun & exciting announcement over the PA system.
• Have classrooms/groups or individuals decorate a box or bag to hold the recyclable items.
• Remember, the more you get the word out, the better your contest will do!
• Give updates of the contest as it proceeds, reminding participants of the upcoming reward.
• Involve local businesses such as pizza parlors, grocery stores, etc; they are often happy to
donate items or sell them at a reduced cost. Rewarding with extra recess time, homework
passes, gift cards and movie passes are also effective.
• Add your recycle event to Facebook and Twitter; pin your photos to Pinterest and post your
collection videos on YouTube. Don’t forget to mention your event and recycling program on
your school/organization website.
Consistently remind your group of the common goal!
Encourage healthy competition by challenging classrooms, teams, clubs, grade levels, etc. to try to be
the group to bring in the most items.
• Feel free to use our “Contest Tally Sheet” to track your progress.
Announce the results immediately!
• Reward your incentive or prize within the following week; immediate gratification is very important.
Remember to keep the contest
light and fun!
Terms, conditions and prices subject to change without notice. Available in the US only.
Product Recovery Services
2016 Product Recovery Services, LLC
All rights reserved. • [email protected]
• In the U.S. alone, about 375 million cartridges end up in landfills each year. That's about 12
cartridges thrown away every second.
• The average cartridge requires almost a gallon of oil to produce.
• An ink cartridge can take up to 1,000 years to decompose in a landfill.
• The average American cell phone user purchases a new cell phone every 18 months and owns
3 or more expired cell phones.
• Less than 1% of American cell phone owners recycle their old cell handsets.
• About 9 million laptops are headed for disposal each year.
• About 125 million cell phones are sent to landfills every year.
Remind children to ask their
parents and friends to donate:
• Cell Phones
• iPODS®/MP3s
• Laser & Inkjet Cartridges • iPADS®/Tablets/eReaders/Notebooks
• Laptops
Terms, conditions and prices subject to change without notice. Available in the US only.
Product Recovery Services
2016 Product Recovery Services, LLC
All rights reserved. • [email protected]
We recycle the following items year-round:
• Cell Phones
• iPODS®/MP3s
• Laser & Inkjet Cartridges • iPADS®/Tablets/eReaders/Notebooks
• Laptops
Help Us Raise Money & Save the Earth!
the most items between
wins a
that collects
Send in $150 in qualifying items in any calendar month and
automatically receive a $25 bonus.
(Available 1 time per month, every month, with the potential to earn an extra $300 for the year.)
Thank you for recycling.
Terms, conditions and prices subject to change without notice. Available in the US only.
Product Recovery Services
2016 Product Recovery Services, LLC
All rights reserved. • [email protected]
Terms, conditions and prices subject to change without notice. Available in the US only.
Product Recovery Services
2016 Product Recovery Services, LLC
All rights reserved. • [email protected]
CFK Contest Tally
Cell Phones
Laser & Inkjet
Terms, conditions and prices subject to change without notice. Available in the US only.
Product Recovery Services
2016 Product Recovery Services, LLC
All rights reserved.