the Interface/Antennas/Cellular section with
Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 VEHICLE AUDIO INTERFACES GMOS-044 GMOS-01 GMOS-04 AL-LAN29ON GMAH21A GM 44way Amp/Non-amp Interface -retain OnStar & Chimes with mute/ parking brake/vss or speed sense and a reverse output for NAV GM On Star Plus Chime/Use with On Star Class II Non-Bose Interface GM Newer trucks/SUVs Class II data bus interface-keep ONSTAR system, door chime & Bose system for aftermarket radio GM Turn-on Interface for 29-bit LAN GM Radios - Powers radio outside of vehicle. Perfect for use on display in store GM 2000-2004 Full Size SUVs Add-a-Head. NOT SHOWN GMOS-05 GMOS-06 GMOS-07 GMOS-08 GM plug-and-play interface; adapt aftermarket head unit to vehicle; Retain OnStar features & front door warning chimes Cadillac 1997-2004 Plug and play; Retain factory OnStar, factory chime system; Retain factory amplifier Chevy Equinox 2004+ Onstar & Databus Interface Chevy Equinox 2004+ Onstar & Databus Interface equipped with On-Star and Premium Amplified sound GMOS-09 GMOS-10 GMOS-11 GMOS-12 GM On Star Interface DockNLock - Amplified Cadillac CTS-SRX 2004+ Onstar and Databus interface GM Trucks 1999-2002 Interface - not shown Saturn 2004-2005 Interface RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 202 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 VEHICLE AUDIO INTERFACES - Continued GMOS-13 GMOS-LAN-01 LC-GMRC-LAN-01 GMOS-LAN-02 GMOS-LAN-03 LC-GMRC-LAN-03 Cadillac STS 2006-2009 Interface with OnStar/Amplified System Chevy Impala 2006 LAN Interface - non Amplified systems Low Cost LAN-01 No Onstar. Not Pictured GM 2006+ LAN Interface - Amplified Systems GM HHR 2006+ LAN Interface - non-Amplified systems Low Cost LAN-03 No Onstar. Not Pictured GMOS-LAN-04 GMOS-LAN-05 GMOS-LAN-06 BACKUPCAM XSVI-2003 XSVI-2003NAV GM HHR 2006+ LAN Interface - Amplified systems GM 2007 Digital Amp Interface Saturn 2007 With On-Star Interface GM 29bit LAN Backup Camera Retention Cable GM Class 2 Vehicles - not shown GM Class 2 Vehicles with NAV Output RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 203 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 VEHICLE AUDIO INTERFACES - Continued XSVI-2103 XSVI-2103NAV XSVI-2104 XSVI-2105 XSVI-2105NAV XSVI-5520 XSVI-5520NAV XSVI-5521NAV GM LAN Vehicles - not shown GM LAN Vehicles with NAV GM 2006-2007 Chevy/Pontiac/Saturn Interface GM 2006-2007 Buick/Chevy/GMC Accessory Interface - Not Shown GM 2006-2007 Buick/Chevy/GMC Accessory Interface WITH NAV Ford/Lincoln Interface - not shown Ford 2006+ CAN RAP with NAV output Ford 2006-Up CAN w/ RAP Acc. & Nav Outputs & Sub Plug XSVI-5524-NAV XSVI-6502 XSVI-6502NAV XSVI-6515NAV XSVI-6522 XSVI-6522NAV XSVI-1784NAV Ford Fiesta 2011+ harness with R.A.P retention and NAV output - non-amplified system or when removing amplified system Chrysler CAN Bus Interface - 12V - not shown Chrysler CAN Bus Navigation System Interface - 12V Fiat 2012+ Interface Module Chrysler 2007+ Interface - not shown Chrysler 2007+ Navigation Radio Interface Dodge 2007+ Sprinter Van RAP with NAV RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 204 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 VEHICLE AUDIO INTERFACES - Continued XSVI-9003 XSVI-9003NAV CHRY-AMP01 NIRD-01 USB-CAB Volkswagen CAN Bus Interface -not shown Volkswagen CAN Bus Interface - vehicles with NAV output Chrysler Add an Amp Interface for Chrysler Digital systems Nissan Bluetooth Interface to Retain Upper Display Metra Interface Update Cable VT-GMRC-01 LC-GMRC-01 LC-GMRC-LAN-01 GMRC-02 GM Class 2 Data Interface for non-amplified/non-On-Star Systems - maintains chimes & access. using car speaker Low Cost Class 2 Data Bus Interface Low Cost GM LAN 29 Bit Accessory Interface with Chime Renention GM Class 2 Data Interface for non-amplified/non-On-Star systems with speaker in driver's side door location GMRC-03 GMRC-04 GMRC-05 Cadillac Deville/Seville/Eldorado Class 2 Data Interface - non-amplified/non-On-Star system; retains chimes and accessories GM 2000-2005 Dock N Lock Interface Chevy Equinox 2005 Class 2 Data Interface RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 205 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 RADIO ANTENNAS 44-CR190B 44-CR70 44-CR72 44-CR88 Dodge Ram Truck 1995-Up.31" 1-section BLACK removable mast antenna/42" cable/fact.connector GM A-Body Small Rectangular Base for narrow fender- 31" mast, 61" cable Jeep Comanche/Cherokee/Wagoneer 1985-96. 31" antenna, removable mast, 80" cable Dodge/Plymouth Colt/Mitsubishi Mirage 1985-1988 - 37" 2 section mast, 79" cable 44-FD77 44-FD79 44-FD80 44-FD80B 44-FD81 44-FD81B 44-FD801 44-FD802 44 FD802 44-FD810 44-FD810B 44-GM66 44-GM90 Ford Taurus/Mercury Sable 1986-95 & Chevy Beretta/Corsica 1987-93 31" antenna, 48" cable Ford Escort 1986-90. 31" Removable mast, 63" cable - not shown Ford 1965-Up. Universal Rectangular Base. 31" removable mast, 72" cable Ford 1965-Up. BLACK Universal Rectangular Base. 31" removable mast, 72" cable - not shown Ford 1979-Up. Universal Oval Base. 31" removable mast, 72" cable Ford 1979-Up. Universal Oval Base. BLACK 31" removable mast, 72" cable Ford Explorer 1997-Up Replacement Mast - not shown Ford Expedition/F Expedition/F-150/Mustang 150/Mustang 1997 1997-Up Up Replacement Mast - not shown Ford Rectangular and Oval Bases. 1" hole. 31" removable mast, 72" cable - not shown Ford Rectangular and Oval Bases. 1" hole. BLACK 31" removable mast, 72" cable - not shown GEO Metro/Suzuki Swift 1989-94. 35" 2-section retractable mast, 76" cable - not shown Chevy/GMC Full Size Truck 1973-87. 39" 3-section mast, 72" cable - not shown 44-GM92 44-GM92B 44-GM93 44-GM93B Chevy/GMC Full Size Truck (1500/2500/3500) 1988-98 31" removable mast, 72" cable Chevy/GMC Full Size Truck (1500/2500/3500) 1988-98. BLACK 31" removable mast, 72" cable GM 1982-Up Most Applications/J-Body/Universal Applications. 31" removable mast, 72" cable GM 1982-Up Most Applications/J-Body/Universal Applications. 31" removable mast, 72" cable - Black. NOT SHOWN RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 206 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 RADIO ANTENNAS - Continued 44-GM935 44-GM935B 44-GM94B 44-GM95 44-GM97B GM 1982-Up Universal with 5 fixed-angle bases. 31" 1-section removable mast, 72" cable GM 1982-Up BLACK Universal with 5 fixed-angle bases. 31" 1-section removable mast, 72" cable - not shown Chevy Astro/Lumina APV-BLACK 31" removable mast, 61" cable Chevy Cavalier/Pontiac Sunfire 1995-Up.31" removable mast - not shown GM 1993-Up "Barbed" Multi Applications with 5 fixed-angle bases. BLACK 31" removable mast, 72" cable - not shown 44-HD92 44-HD94 44-HD94B 44-HD95 44-HD96B 44-HD98 44-HD98B Honda Accord 82-89/Prelude 83-87/Mazda MX3 92-94. 37" 2-section retractable mast, 82" cable. NOT SHOWN Honda Accord 1994-Up/Prelude 92-2001. 31" 1-section removable mast, 12" cable Honda Accord 1994-Up/Prelude 92-2001. BLACK 31" 1-section removable mast, 12" cable - not shown Honda Civic1980-83/CRX84-87/Accord76-81/Prelude80-82/ DodgeColt.BLACK 37"2-sec.79"cable - not shown Honda Civic 84-91/CRX 88-91/Accord 76-81 Rectangular (other applications). BLACK 37" 2-section mast, 79" cable Honda Civic 92-Up/Toyota Corolla SR5 RWD 88-91/GEO Prism 93-Up&Storm 90-93. 37" 2-sec mast, 80" cable Honda Civic 92-Up/Toyota Corolla SR5 RWD 88-91/GEO Prism 93-Up/Storm 90-93.BLACK 37"2-sec mast,80" cable - not shown 44-HD99B 44-MZ60 44-MZ61 44-MZ62 44-NI24 44-NI26 44-NI26B Honda Del Sol 1993+ Antenna - Black Mazda 626 78-87& GLC Sedan 81-85/Ford Fiesta 87-93. 35" 1 section retractable mast, 82" cable - not shown Mazda 323 & GLC HB Sedan 1986-89/Mercury Tracer 87-89. 35" 1 section retractable mast, 82" cable - not shown Mazda Protégé/626/MX6 1988+; Pillar mount 35" 1-section retractable mast with 75" cable Nissan Hardbody Truck/Pathfinder 1986-Up. 31" 1-section removable mast, 72" cable Nissan/Other vehicles with Japanese standard thread - MAST ONLY - 31" 1-section mast - not shown Nissan/Other vehicles with Japanese standard thread - MAST ONLY - BLACK 31" 1-section mast - not shown RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 207 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 RADIO ANTENNAS - Continued 44-TY205 44-TY205B 44-TY21B 44-TY23 44-TY26 44-TY28 44-UL105B 44-UP21 Toyota Camry/Corolla 84-Up/Tercel 87-Up;Other Applications; 31" 1-section mast, 88" cable Toyota Camry/Corolla 84-Up/Tercel 87-Up;Other Applications; BLACK 31" 1-section mast, 88" cable - not shown Toyota/Dodge/Mitsubishi; BLACK 31"removable mast, 27"cable w/factory connector, 15"adapter cable - not shown Toyota Truck/4-Runner 89-95; Camry 83-86; Celica/Supra 83-85. 31" removable mast, 59" cable - not shown Toyota Corolla 1993-Up. 35" 2-section retractable mast, 80" cable - not shown Toyota CorollaSR5(RWD) 88-91;GTS Coupe 90-Up;MR2 87-90;GEO Prism 93-up. 39" mast, 98" cable - not shown BMW/Mercedes/Jaguar/Peugeot/Porsche Black 5-section 37" mast, 48" cable/ 1 1/2" under fender Toyota/Universal pillar mount. 50" 3-section retractable mast, 48" cable Jeep CJ-7 79-86, Wrangler 85-96 Side Mount 4-hole Base. 39" 3-section mast, 60" cable 44-US502 Antenna Replacement Masts 44-RM1R 44-RM02 44-RM22 44-RM22B Replacement Mast for GM, Ford, Chrysler and vehicles with Japanese threads; 14" black conductive rubber mast only Replacement Mast - Aluminum Short Mast Replacement Mast for Japanese threads: GM/Ford/Chrysler others. 31" 1-section MAST ONLY BLACK Replacement Mast for Japanese threads: GM/Ford/Chrysler others. 31" 1-section MAST ONLY - not shown RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 208 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 Universal Antennas 44-UA20 44-UA25 44-UA30 44-UA200 Hide-Away AMPLIFIED antenna-AM/FM. 102" Coaxial cable and power supply wire On-Glass Micro Screen AM/FM Antenna, 54" cable European AMPLIFIED Rubber Roof Mount AM/FM Antenna. BLACK 15" mast, 6" coax cable & power supply Deluxe AMPLIFIED Window Antenna for AM/FM. 14 1/2" overall width, 93" cable 44-UA205 44-UA40 44-UA44 44-UA46 Slim-style AMPLIFIED Glass-mount antenna. FM gain: -10dB/12dB; AM gain: -5dB/2dB European-style Amplified Roof Mount Antenna Fin Amplified Roof Mount Antenna 3/4" high Electronic Roof-mount AM/FM antenna, 3dB gain; 7" black rubber mast, 195" cable; requires 9/16" hole 44-UA60 44-UL09 44-UL10 44-UL15 FM-band Amplifier with Bypass Switch Disappearing Top-mount w/Key for 3/4" hole. 31" 4-section retractable mast, 48" cable. 9 1/2" under fender Universal Locking 1" Top Mount w/Key. 37" 4-section retractable mast, 48" cable. 9 1/2" under fender Locking 3/4" Top Mount w/Key for 3/4" hole; 37" 5-section retractable mast, 48" cable. 9 1/2" under fender RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 209 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 Universal Antennas - Continued 44-UL15B 44-UP58 44-UP58B Locking 3/4"Top-mnt w/Key for 3/4"hole;BLACK 37"5-section retractable mast,48"cable.9 1/2"under fender Offset Left/Right hand Pillar Mount antenna. 50" 3-section retractable mast, 65" cable Offset Left/Right hand Pillar Mount antenna. BLACK 50" 3-section retractable mast, 65" cable 44-US07R 44-US19 44-US30 Side/Top Mount Rubber Antenna for 1" hole, split ball. 14" BLACK conductive rubber mast, 54" cable Top/side mount antenna for 1" hole. Adjustable angle to 180°, 45" 3-section mast, 54" cable Side/Top Mount for1" Hole. Split Ball. 31" 1 section mast w/spring, 54" cable 44-US401 44-US51 44-US51B Side Mount Black Base with Spring 60" Chrome Side Mount Triangle Shaped Base Antenna Black Side Mount Triangle Shaped Base Antenna 44-UT03R 44-UT10 TRC-UT10B 44-UT30 Universal Rubber Antenna Top Mount for 1" hole. 38" 3-Section Removable Mast, 48" cable Top Mount for 1" hole. BLACK 38" 3-Section Removable Mast, 48" cable - not shown Top Mount for 1" hole. 38" 1-Section Removable Mast, 50" cable 44-UT30B 44-UT91 Top Mount for 1" hole. 38" BLACK 1-Section Removable Mast, 50" cable Top Mount for 3/4" hole-Narrow Fenders. 31" 1-Section Removable Mast, 72" cable RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 210 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 POWER ANTENNAS 44-PW20 44-PW22 44-PW22B Fully-Automatic Power Antenna. 5 mounting bases, 31" 4-section mast, 55" cable. 11 1/2"clearance Fully-Automatic Power Antenna. 6 mounting bases, 31" 4-section mast, 55" cable. 11 1/2"clearance Fully-Automatic BLACK Power Antenna. 6 mounting bases, 31" 4-section mast, 55" cable. 11 1/2"clearance 44-PW32 44-PW530 44-PWHD94 Fully-Automatic Mini Power Antenna. 6 mounting bases. 8 1/2" clearance. 18" 5 section mast. 55" detachable cable-NO PIC Full Auto EURO Power Ant. 6 mounting bases (1 adjustable), 39" 4-section mast, 55" cable. 13" clearance Honda Accord 94-Up Full Auto Power Antenna. Custom OEM look. 31" 5 section mast 44-PWR22 Replacement Mast for 44-PW12 / 44-PW22 BLACK Replacement Mast for 44-PW12 / 44-PW22 44-PWR22B Replacement Mast for Toyota 90-93 Celica Hatchback/Convertible, 92-96 Camry Cpe/Sedan 44-PWRTY866 Sirius Antennas and Accessories 44-SIXM Sirius/XM Magnet Mount Antenna MAANT0037 Sirius Spltter Box. NOT SHOWN SIR-1DAS Sirius Dual Arm Antenna Splitter. NOT SHOWN RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 211 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 ANTENNA ADAPTERS TRC-CR10 40-CR10 40-CR20 TRC-CR20 40-CR30 Chrysler Vehicle ANT Adapter Cable 2002-Up (ANT to Radio) Chrysler Vehicle ANT Adapter Cable 2002-Up (ANT to Radio) Chrysler/Jeep 2002+ Antenna Adapter Chrysler Vehicle ANT Adapter Cable 2002-Up (Radio to ANT) Chrysler Vehicle Antenna Adapter Cable Kit 2002-UP - not shown 40-EU10 TRC-EU10 TRC-EU20 40-EU30 TRC-EU30 VW/BMW/Euro Vehicle ANT Adapt Cable 2002-Up (ANT to Radio) VW/BMW/Euro Vehicle ANT Adapt Cable 2002-Up (ANT to Radio) VW/BMW/Euro Vehicle ANT Adapt Cable 2002-Up (Radio to ANT) VW/BMW/Euro Vehicle ANT Adapter Cable Kit 2002-Up VW/BMW/Euro Vehicle ANT Adapter Cable Kit 2002-Up 40-EU55 TRC-FD10 40-FD17 TRC-FD20 VW/BMW/Euro Powered ANT Adapter Cable Kit 2002-Up Aftermarket Radio to Ford ANT Aftermarket Radio to Ford ANT Cable Aftermarket ANT to Ford Radio RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 212 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 ANTENNA ADAPTERS - Continued 40-FD30 40-GM10 TRC-GM10 40-GM12 TRC-GM12 40-GM17 40-GM18 Ford Adapters for CD Aftermarket Radio to GM Antenna W/Mini Aftermarket Radio to GM Antenna W/Mini Aftermarket Radio to GM Antenna W/Mini. PLUG ONLY Aftermarket Radio to GM Antenna W/Mini. PLUG ONLY Aftermarket Antenna to GM factory Antenna cable Aftermarket ANT to GM ANT Cable 40-GM20 40-GM21 40-GM27 40-GM28 TRC-GM30 40-GM30 40-GM31 TRC-GM31 GM 1988-2005 Factory Radio w/mini "barbed" connector to aftermarket antenna GM 1988-2005 Factory Radio w/mini "barbed" connector to aftermarket antenna GM 1988-2005 Factory Radio w/mini "barbed" connector to GM ant w/mini "barbless" plug. NOT SHOWN GM 1988-2005 Factory Radio w/mini "barbless" connector to GM ant w/mini "barbed" plug. NOT SHOWN Adapters W/ "Barbed" for CD Adapters W/ "Barbed" for CD GM 1988-2005 "Barbless" ant adapter - add CD with FM Mod. Use with 60-Series Metra hardware TRC Brand GM 1988-2005 "Barbless" ant adapter - add CD with FM Mod RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 213 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 ANTENNA ADAPTERS - Continued 40-HD10 40-HD11 40-HD20 40-HD21 Honda/Acura Factory Antenna to Aftermarket Radio Honda/Acura 2009+ Factory Antenna to Aftermarket Radio Adapter Honda/Acura Factory Radio cable to Aftermarket Antenna Honda/Acura 2009+ Factory Radio cable to Aftermarket Antenna 40-HD30 40-HD31 40-KI10 40-KI11 Honda/Acura Antenna Adapters - use with FM Modulators Honda/Acura 2009+ Honda Antenna Adapter Set KIA 2007+ Antenna Adapter Factory Antenna to Aftermarket Radio KIA/Hyundai 2007+ Antenna Adapter 40-K120 40-KI21 40-KI130 KIA 2007+ Antenna Adapter Factory Radio to Aftermarket Antenna KIA/Hyundai 2007+ Antenna Adapter KIA 2007+ Antenna Adapter RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 214 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 ANTENNA ADAPTERS - Continued 40-KI31 40-LX10 40-LX11 Hyundai antennat adapters Lexus Factory Antenna to Aftermarket Radio Lexus Antenna Adapter cable - 2002+ 40-LX20 40-LX30 40-NI10 TRC-NI10 Lexus Factory Radio to Aftermarket Antenna Lexus Antenna Adapters - use with FM Modulators Nissan/Infiniti Aftermarket Radio to Diversity Antenna Nissan/Infiniti Aftermarket Radio to Diversity Antenna 40-NI11 TRC-NI11 40-NI12 TRC-NI12 TRC-NI20 TRC-NI21 Aftermarket Radio to Nissan ANT Aftermarket Radio to Nissan ANT Aftermarket Radio to 2007-Up Nissan ANT Aftermarket Radio to 2007-Up Nissan ANT Diversity Radio to Aftermarket Antenna Aftermarket ANT to Nissan Radio RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 215 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 ANTENNA ADAPTERS - Continued 40-NI22 TRC-NI30 TRC-NI31 40-NI32 Aftermarket ANT to Nissan Radio - 2007+ Adapters for CD Adapters for CD Nissan/Infiniti 2007+ Antenna Adapter for use with FM Modulators 40-SB10 40-SB20 40-SB30 Subaru Factory Antenna cable to Aftermarket Radio Subaru Factory Radio to Aftermarket Antenna Subaru Antenna Adapters - use with FM Modulators 40-UV40 TRC-UV41 TRC-UV42 TRC-UV43 Standard Male Antenna Plug-5/Bag Female to Female Motorola Male to Male Motorola Male to (2) Female Motorola "Y" RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 216 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 ANTENNA ADAPTERS - Continued 40-UV44 TRC-UV44 40-UV45 40-VL10 TRC-VL10 1 Female to 2 Male Motorola Y-Adapter Female to (2) Male Motorola "Y" Universal female antenna adapter connector - bag of 5 Volvo 1999-Up Antenna Adapter cable (ANT to aftermarket Radio) Volvo Vehicle ANT Adapter Cable 1999-UP (ANT to Radio) 40-VL20 TRC-VL20 40-VL30 TRC-VL30 40-VW10 TRC-VW10 TRC-VW12 Volvo 1999-Up Antenna Adapter cable (Radio to aftermarket ANT) Volvo Vehicle ANT Adapter Cable 1999-Up (Radio to ANT) Volvo 1999-Up Antenna Adapters for adding CD with FM Modulator Volvo Vehicle Antenna Adapter Cable Kit 1999-Up Audi/BMW/MBZ/VW Aftermarket Radio to Antenna Aftermarket Radio to Antenna Aftermarket Radio to Antenna 40-VW16 40-VW17 40-VW18 Audi/BMW/MBZ/VW 1988-2005 Factory antenna cable to aftermarket antenna Audi/BMW/MBZ/VW 1988-2005 screw-on connector antenna to aftermarket antenna cable Screw-on Motorola Female Antenna Adapter RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 217 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 ANTENNA ADAPTERS - continued 40-VW20 TRC-VW20 40-VW21 TRC-VW30 Audi/BMW/MBZ/VW Aftermarket Antenna to Factory Radio Radio to Aftermarket Antenna Audi/VE/Euro Factory Ratio to Antenna Adapters for CD Audi/VW 1997-2002 Aftermarket Radio to factory Coax cable powered amplified antenna 40-VW53 TRC-VW53 Aftermarket Radio-VW Amp Roof ANT Audi/VW 1997-2002 Aftermarket Radio to factory Coax cable powered amplified antenna 40-VW54 ANTENNA EXTENSION CABLES 44-EC6R Extension Cable 6" W/ Right Angle Male 44-EC12 Extension Cable 12" TRC-EC12 Extension Cable 12' 44-EC12R Extension Cable 12" W/ Right Angle Male 44-EC18 Extension Cable 18" TRC-EC18 Extension Cable 18" 44-EC240 Extension Cable 24" TRC-EC24 Extension Cable 24" 44-EC36 Extension Cable 36" TRC-EC36 Extension Cable 36" 44-EC48 Extension Cable 48" TRC-EC48 Extension Cable 48" 44-EC72 Extension Cable 72" TRC-EC72 Extension Cable 72" 44-EC96 Extension Cable 96" TRC-EC96 Extension Cable 96" 44-EC120 Extension Cable 120" 44-EC144 Extenstion Cable 144" TRC-EC144 Extension Cable 144" 44-EC204 Extension Cable 204" TRC-EC204 Extension Cable 204" 44-EC240 Extension Cable 240" RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 218 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 Cellular Phone/Video Mounts and Accessories Cell Phone/Video Mounts 40-69712 12" Mobile Video Flex Mount. PANAVISE 40-651 T-Bolt Head Knuckle Video Mount. PANAVISE 40-685TS T-Bolt Tipper 40-79710 10" Flex Mount with Universal Joint Knob Adjustment. PANAVISE 40-703 Fully Adjustable Cell Phone Holder - Universal. PANAVISE Phone Cradles and Mounting Brackets 40-705 Universal Phone / MP3 Holder 40-721 Motorola Flip Phone Cradle Seat Mount Bracket. Attach easily to seat bolt on most vehicles, accommodates triangular 40-820 or 2.5" round base pedestal or flex mount. Steel with durable black textured coating PORTAGRIP® Universal Phone Cradle. Holds most phones from 1.6" to 2.6" wide. Jaws adjust independently 40-701 for custom fit. Sure-Grip soft jaw pads won't scratch the phone. Easy one-hand operation. Easy installation C ll l Phone Cellular Ph Mounts M t 40-704 4" Length - Thumb Screw adjustment. PANAVISE 40-706 6" Length - Thumb Screw adjustment. PANAVISE 40-709 9" Length - Thumb Screw adjustment. PANAVISE 40-712 12" Length - Thumb Screw adjustment. PANAVISE 106T 6" Length - Thumb Screw adjustment. Aircraft-grade aluminum, Teflon-coated fasteners. Made in U.S.A. by SMC 108T 8" Length - Thumb Screw adjustment. Aircraft-grade aluminum, Teflon-coated fasteners. Made in U.S.A. by SMC Stay-Put® 6" length - Vinyl-Clad Flex Mount. PANAVISE 40-806 Stay-Put® 8" length - Vinyl-Clad Flex Mount. PANAVISE 40-808 Stay-Put® 10" length - Vinyl-Clad Flex Mount. PANAVISE 40-810 Stay-Put® 12" length - Vinyl-Clad Flex Mount. PANAVISE 40-812 40-807 7" Length - Executive Vinyl-Clad Flex Mount. Triangle base. Made in U.S.A. by SMC 40-809 9" Length - Executive Vinyl-Clad Flex Mount. Triangle base. Made in U.S.A. by SMC 40-811 11" Length - Executive Vinyl-Clad Flex Mount. Triangle base. Made in U.S.A. by SMC 40-813 13" Length - Executive Vinyl-Clad Flex Mount. Triangle base. Made in U.S.A. by SMC 40-815 15" Length - Executive Vinyl-Clad Flex Mount. Triangle base. Made in U.S.A. by SMC 108FM 8" Length - Thumb Screw adjustment. Standard Flex Phone Mount. SMC 110FM 10" Length - Thumb Screw adjustment. Standard Flex Phone Mount. SMC 113FM 13" Length - Thumb Screw adjustment. Standard Flex Phone Mount. SMC RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 219 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 Cellular and Specialty Connectors. Sold Each 40-101 40-101Q 40-102 40-107 40-105 TNC MALE Crimp-on. 24kt Gold-plated tip TNC MALE Push-on. 24kt Gold-plated tip TNC MALE 90° Crimp-on. 24kt Gold-plated tip TNC FEMALE 90° Adapter. 24kt Gold-plated tip TNC MALE to (2) TNC FEMALE Adapter. 24kt Gold-plated tip 40-108 40-201Q 40-401 40-411 40-201 TNC MALE to BNC FEMALE Adapter. 24kt Gold-plated tip Mini UHF MALE Push-on. 24kt Gold-plated tip UHF MALE Crimp-on. 24kt Gold-plated tip "F" Connector. 24kt Gold-plated tip Mini UHF MALE Crimp-on. 24kt Gold-plated tip 40-109 40-202 40-100 40-206 40-303 40-304 40-308 TRC-UV40 BNC MALE to TNC FEMALE Adapter. 24kt Gold-plated tip Mini UHF FEMALE Crimp-on. 24kt Gold-plated tip BNC MALE Crimp-on. 24kt Gold-plated tip Mini UHF FEMALE to TNC MALE Adapter. Gold-plated tip SMA Double FEMALE Splice. 24kt Gold-plated tip SMA 90° Adapter. 24kt Gold-plated tip SMA FEMALE to TNC FEMALE Adapter. 24kt Gold-plated tip Standard Male Antenna Plug-5/Bag RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 220 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 Ratchet Crimper For RG-58/59/62 10-111 Ratchet action also crimps center pin. Comfortable handles CALL CAPTURE Amplification System to maintain Cell Phone Signals even in weak areas. Fixed and Portable versions CCA-1BF Call Capture Fixed Mount for Nextel Phones CCA-1BP Call Capture Portable Mount for Nextel Phones CCA-2BF Call Capture Fixed Mount for Dual Band Phones CCA-2BP Call Capture Portable Mount for Dual Band Phones BLUETOOTH WIRELESS PHONE SYSTEMS RT-ELOOK RT-ELOOKDISP RT-85855 RT-RAYMUTE RT-EMUTE RT-TPSPKR Funkwerk Bluetooth Handsfree Kit - Audio Streaming, Color Display, Wireless Remote, Text-to-Speech and Voice Recognition DISPLAY for RT-ELOOK. NOT SHOWN Ego 14/8 Pin Adapter. NOT SHOWN Raytel Radio Mute. NOT SHOWN Stereo Mute Box for EGO models. NOT SHOWN Add-on Speaker for Handsfree Phones. NOT SHOWN RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 221 Prices, Products and Specs subject to change without notice 8/20/2012 NAVIGATION - Stand Alone/Portables GM-510 Portable GPS Navigation System, 5" touch screen, Built-in Lithium Battery, FM Mod, SD/MMC Card Reader GM-48TB Portable GPS Navigation System, 4.8" touch screen, Text-to-Speech; Bluetooth Interface; Built-in Lithium Battery, FM Mod. NOT SHOWN GM-43B Portable GPS Navigation System, 4.3" touch screen, Text-to-Speech; Bluetooth Interface; Built-in Lithium Battery, FM Mod. NOT SHOWN GM-351 Entrada 3.5" Portable GPS Navigation/MP3 Player; Touchscreen, FM Mod; Built-in Rechargable Battery NAVIGATION ACCESSORIES GM-7BRACKET Mounting Bracket for GM-701. NOT SHOWN GM-7CIG12V Cigarette Plug Adapter for GM-701/GD72. NOT SHOWN GM-7MOUNT Window Mounting Bracket for GM-701. NOT SHOWN GM-7WA110V 110V Wall Adapter for GM-701/GD72. NOT SHOWN GM-7DISPLAY GPS Navigation Demo Display. NOT SHOWN SECURITY PRODUCTS TRC REMOTE STARTER RST-880 90-REMLCD8 RST-880ANT Premium 2-Way AM-AM 6-Channel Remote Start/Security System w/Temperature Sensor 2-Way 5-Button AM/AM LCD Remote Transmitter for RST-880 Remote Starter system 2-Way Antenna for RST-880 - Dark Grey TRC KEYLESS ENTRY RKE-520 90-REMRKE 3-Channel Keyless Entry System 3-Button Remote (Red LED) for RKE-520 RIGHT CONNECTION ELECTRONICS Uses 90-23A Battery CONFIDENTIAL DEALER PRICING 222
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to see TRC`s Audio Interfaces, Antennas (with accessories)
GM On Star Plus Chime/Use with On Star Class II Non-Bose Interface
GM Newer trucks/SUVs Class II data bus interface-keep ONSTAR system, door chime & Bose system for aftermarket radio
replace oem applications
see the information. If you have an amplified or nonamplified sound system,
The GMOS-100 includes the interface, a CLASS II
wire harness, a GM LAN wire harness for the 29
BIT vehicles, a GM LAN wir...
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Headlight Kits, DJ Speaker
Systems, Amplifier Install Kits
Die BUCHSTAVIER - Das Dosierte Leben
findigen und gewitzten Beiträge „Die Ordnung in der Kunst – die Kunst der
Ordnung“ (inklusive der Ihnen sehr ans Herz gelegten
Buchstabenrechnersache – vgl. die ANZEIGE drei Seiten weiter) und den
Application Chart
replace the OEM radio with an aftermarket unit in the 2007 GM
vehicles equipped with the Bose digital audio system that use
the new GMLAN data bus system and retains full functionality
of the OnSta...