gazette index 1990 - ACT Legislation Register
gazette index 1990 - ACT Legislation Register
, AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY GAZETTE INDEX 1990 Pnnted by the Government by the authority 0 Copyright Pnnter, D 5 Lawrance. of the ACI Executrve Austral~on Capctal Territory ‘ . AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY I index1990 GAZETTE I This Index covers ACT Gazette issues l-50 and Special issues S l-l 05. Regular issues are paged conknuously throughout the year and are indexed to the page number Specral Issues are separately paged and are generally Indexed to the Issue number only An exceptron IS made for longer Special issues dealing with a variety of subjects Gazettes nos 1 and 2 of the year were mistakenly numbered 32 and 33, and continued the page numbenng (543-96) from 1989 In order to avord confuslon with the same pages occurnng in Issues 21-3, pages n the January Issues are filed before any others and are followed by (J). The index allows access to the Gazette contents by subject and directly by names of rndrvrduals and organrsatrons Vacancies to the Australian Capital Terntory Teachrng Servrce are not indexed. The Index IS arranged alphabetrcally word by word Contractrons are filed as if spelt n full: ‘St’ as ‘Sarnt’, for example. Numbers are filed as spelt ‘3’ as ‘three’. A A & D Di Campli, 71 A & K Electrics, 1196 AC&R, 138 ACS Scientific Services, 1362 ACTA Engineering & Building Service Trade Waste, 1219 ACT Administration contracts arranged, 241,262 contracts awarded, 135 ACT Auto Electrical, 842 ACT Building Controller contracts awarded, 569(J) ACT Community and Health Service fees and charges, S 1, 15, 16, 31, 49, 56 (pp. 4-16) 64, 94 ACT Community Party, 1110 ACT Consumer Affairs Bureau statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 22 (pp 24-31) ACT Doorland, 449,450 ACT Electricity and Water (ACTEW) addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 232, 1300 authorisation to discharge wastes, S 81 charges, 860-87 contracts awarded, 569(J), 570(J), 571(J), 92, 114,212, 213,214,215, 242,262, 263, 291, 293, 310, 332, 334,364, 365, 377, 400, 445, 446, 488, 552, 553, 554, 555,556, 629, 630,631,758,759,760,932,964, 965,966,967,995,1141,1216, 1234,1310,1375,1376,1377 documents used to make decisions or recommendations, S 24 (p 21) fees for permits, 391 statement of organisation, funtions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 24 (p. 20) ACT Electro Painters, 902 ACT Electronics, 70 ACT Fire Brigade contracts arranged, 567(J), 594(J), 292-4,378-80,482-4, 575,689, 855,993, 1194 functions, S 24 (p. 17) ACT Forests, 629 2 ACT Gazette. Index 1990 ACT Forklift Services, 973 ACT Gaming and Liquor Authority, see Australian Capital Territory Gaming and Liquor Authority ACT Government Parks and Conservation contracts arranged, 156-7,292, 448-9, 48Q-90,504,557-8,576-8,632-3, 693-4,742,762-3,841-2,906-7, 933,973-4,997,1012, 1197-9, 1235,1285-6,1379,1444 contracts awarded, 552, 556, 627, 629, 630,740,758,759,760,964,966 ACT Green Democratic Alliance, 708, 1164, 1301 ACT Greens, 497,122Q ACT Government Solicitor, see Government Solicitor for the Australian Capital Territory ACT Housing Trust manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (pp. 40-I) ACT Hygiene Products, 635, 694 ACT Independents For A Viable Environment, 57 ACT Institute of Technical and Further Education (TAFE) addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 384, 1294 contracts arranged, 135-9, 216,243, 264~5,290,310,332,484-7, 902-4,1090-l, 1195,1216,1233, 1284,146O contracts awarded, 557, 690, 1234 ACT Legal Aid Office (Legal Aid Commission) manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (p 37) statement of organrsatron, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 22 (pp 42-4) ACT Maintenance, 136 ACT Milk Authority addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 232, 1294 milk prices, 170, S 45, 80 ACT Office Equipment P/L, 68, 69, 1195 ACTPW Fitout, 1375 ACT Panel Beaters, 855 ACT Public Hospitals redevelopment Project - Package 6, Woden Valley Hospital, 1411 ACT Public Works contracts arranged, 568-71 (J), 92-3, 212-15,242,262-3,290-l, 31 O-l 1,332-4,364-7,380-2, 400-1,445-8,552-7,626-31, 757-61,964-71,994-6,1141-3, 1216-19,1362,1375-Q contracts awarded, 137, 1195, 1217, 1375,1376 statement of organrsatron, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 24 (pp. Q-l 0) ACT Revenue Office contracts arranged, 91, 157, 841 ACT Schools Authority contracts arranged, 68-9,295-6, 363 ACT Shopfitters & Joinery Pty Ltd, 995 ACT Sign Shop, 1091 ACT Teaching Service, see Australian Capital Territory Teaching Service ACT Tops, 907 ACT Tourism Commission contracts arranged, 1092-3 ACT Treasury addresses to which FOI requests may be sent of delivered, 390, 1295 contracts arranged, 761-2 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (pp 5-6) statement of organrsatron, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 18 (pp 38-44) ACT X-ray Services Pty Ltd, 302 A E Baker & Co., 693, 1235 A F Little Pty Ltd, 220 AGC Credit Contract, 225 AGC Mortgagemaster card, S 5 A G Campbells, 903 AGL (Canberra) Ltd, 626, 628, 969, 971, 1142,1217 board of enquiry into reticulation and supply arrangements, 270-I AGPS, 132,135,137,242,740,1185,1195 A.J.‘s Aluminium Pty Ltd, 598 A K M Electrical, 381 AM International, 691 ANUTECH Court work site, 566 ANUTECH P/L, 488,634 ANZ Banking Group Ltd, 1128 A 0 Bloxwich & Partners Pty Ltd, 570(J), 215,626, 553,994 Al Home Maintenance, 932 ACTGazette APD Monaro Engineering (Aust) Pty Ltd, 758 APM Containers, 972 APS, 133 ASCO Security, 1234 AWA Computers, 902 A W & F Sheet Metal, 743 A W Faber-Castell, 933 Able Contractors Pty Ltd, 554, 760, 1217 Access Archaeology Pty Ltd, 1375 Acclaim Trophies, 1362 Ace Cleaning Service P/L, 451,487 Acer Technology P/L, 1308 ACESAT Satellite Corp., 1233 Acme Plastics P/L, 1092 Acme Roofing Ind, 636 Acromat Canberra, 114 Acrow, 136,486 Actcom Computer Centre, 692, 1090, 1095 ACTION fares, S 7, 17, 47, 104 functions, S 24 (pp. 15-16) Acton Section 63 Block 1 work site, 566 Actrol Parts, 1013 Acts administrative arrangements, S 48 commencement dates, S 44 dates of commencement, 99, 643, 748, 1315-17; S 6,35, 44, 46, 88, 94, 95 passed by Legislative Assembly, S 8, 11, 14, 20, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 57, 67,69,72, 75, 76, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90,92, 98, 100, 102 Addison Assocrates Pty Ltd, 568(J) Adept Page, 1444 administration and probate, see probate and administration AdministratIve and Clerical Officers’ Association Commonwealth Public Service, 337 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Regulations (Amendment) S IO,54 administrative arrangements, S 48 Admon Machinery, 1235 Adoptions, Register of fees payable, S 56 (p. 69) Adriatic Bookbinders, 1216 Advanced Builders Suppliers Pty Ltd, 967 Advanced Catenng Equipment, 139 Advani, Kumar, 1039-40 Aenal Taxi Cab Co-op Society Ltd, 363, 691,904,908,1095,1443 Aeromotive Tools and Equipment, 1198 Index 1990 3 agents, 606-I 1 registration fees, 1159-62 A’Giri Pty Ltd, 451 Agnfarm Engineering, 1198 Agnfarm Implement, 577 Ainsworth & Burton Pty Ltd, 70 Air-Met Scientific, 932 Air Plant Sales, 933 Airport Services (Canberra) Pty Ltd, 492 Airsafe Laboratories, 378 Aiton, Jann, 539-40, S 27 (p. 5) Akubra Hat Co., 484 Aladdin Industries, 742 Albion Hat and Cap Coy, 379 Alcock, GiIliam Margaret, 526-7 Aldex Distributors, 693 Aldis, 1196 Alexander, Susan Margaret, S 27 (p. 9) All Round Town Main, 380 Allen, Norman John, 438-Q Allen Bros Alphalt, 366 Allied Data, 997 Allwood Machinery, 484 Alpha Cleaning Service, 451 Alpha Secretarial, 485 Al’s Cleaning, 366 Alsafe, 489, 932 Alternative Computers & Communications, 243,692,1195,1308 Amalgamated Business Machines, 1185 Amatex Rocla, 335 Ambassador Clothing, 841 ambulance fees, S 1 (pp. 12-13), 16 (pp. 11-12) 31 (p. II), 49 (pp. 13-14), 56 (pp 15-16) 64 (pp. 12-13) Ambulance Sevice Levy Act 1990, S 20 Amcal card, 172 AMCOS, 450 Amicron, 293 Amor Sanders, 993 Ampol P/L, 906 Analgas, 690 Anax, Selby, 690 Anther Hortlock and Woolley Pty Ltd, 759 Anderson, Herbert Harper, 142 Anderson Homes, 290 Andracchro, Barbara Emma, 579-81 Andracchro, Rapheak Niccolo, 579-81 Andronicus Coffee, 903 animals diseases, 612 pound fees, S 56 (pp. 1Q-25) Anthony Cooper & Assoc, 966 4 ACT Gazefte Index 1990 Anzol Paints P/L, 335, 1186 Aoun Cleaning Services, 451,486 apiaries bee diseases, 458 Apple Centre Canberra, 363, 692, 756 Appropriation Act 1990-91, S 84 Approved Systems, 568(J), 69, 1443 Aquilina, Lindsay Mary, 126 architects’ registration fees, 979 Ardesia Pty Ltd, 312 Arena Promotional, 965 Arestapest Envirosafe, 381 Arinya P/L, 578,1197 Arnold, William Edwin, S 27 (p 8) Arnstein, Maria Elizabeth, 1341-2 Artec Warehouse, 292,447,968,1012, 1093 Asbestos Branch contracts arranged, 157,377-8, 489, 632,690,932-3, 1233-5 Ash Building, 70 Aslimoski, E., 596 Aslimoski, P., 596 Asma’s Cleaning Service, 115 Aspect Landscaping Pty Ltd, 552,556, 1217 Associates Pty Ltd, 380 associations, incorporation of fees payable, S 60 (pp l-4) official seal of the Registrar, S 58 (p 1) Associations lncorporation (Amendment) Act 1990, S 57 Atkinson, Jordan, 597 Atlas Air Pty Ltd, 1013 Atlas Copco Australia, 680 Attorney-General addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 235, 1298 administrative arrangements, S 46 (pp. 6-l 1) auctions (leases), 572(J), 172-7, 273-7, 806-8,947-52, 1107,1302-4 Audio Visual Copyright Society, 1284 audits standards, S 61 Statutory Authorities (Audit Arrangements) 1990, S 29,35 see also Government Audit Office of the ACT Audit Act 1989, 643 Audit (Amendment) Act 1990,748; S 25 Auditor-General, 644 Aurora Boats, 377, 598 AUSLIG, 70 Auslogic, 379, 692, 1284 Ausplay, 1198 Aussie Prints, 1216 Austral Engineering, 484 Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, 1128 Australia Post, 133 Australian Administrative Staff College, 1377 Australian Airlines, 1228 Australian Capital Territory Electricity and Water Authority, see ACT Electricity and Water Australian Capital Territory Gaming and Liquor Authority addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 235, 1297 Licensing Standards Manual, 809 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (pp. 35-6) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, s 22 (pp 37-41) Australian Capital Territory Gaming and Liquor Authority (Repeal) Act 1990, s 92 Australian Capital Territory Teaching Service promotions, 74, 121,222, 700, 1408 provisional promotions, 120, 1237, 1407 temporary transfers, 562--3, 765-6, 779-80,1099,1290,1381,1463 Australian Card Services Pty Ltd, 171-2 Aust Conf. Res. & Advisory Service, 116 Australian Construction Services (ACS), 69, 114,215,363,450,631,756,1362 Australian Defence Industries, Clothing Division, 1194 Australian Design Rules, S 105 Australian Fire Co , 594(J), 293, 379 Australian Government Publishing Service (AGPS), 132, 135, 137,242,740, 1185, 1195 Australian Guarantee Corporation Ltd Mortgagemaster Card, S 5 Australian Lock Co , 381, 559, 743, 907 Australian Minder Systems Pty Ltd, 291, 994 Australian Padding Co , 490 Australian Paper Manufacturers Pty Ltd, 69, 296,974,1443 Australian Postal Corporation (Australia Post), 133 ACT Gazette Index 1990 Australian Property Group, 1092 Australian Property Service (APS), 133 Australian Protective Service, 1234 Australian Telecommunications Corporation (Telecom Australia), 157, 214, 242, 294,310,333,334,488, 555, 626, 739,756,757,762, 965,968,994, 1141,1142,1377 Australian Window Furnishings, 634, 692, 855 Auto Paint Supplies, 264 Avery Scales, 488 AVISAustralia, 742 Axiom Pty Ltd, 967,994 Azzopardi, Craig, 1195 B B & L Excavations Pty Ltd, 554, 759, 760, 1375 B & W Bricklaying, 216 BBC Hardware, 1233 B Davis Consultants, 777 B G M Electrical Pty Ltd, 1144 BHB Printing Pty Ltd, 68,762,997 BHP Wire Products, 71,448 B. J. & L Drainers, 71 BP Australia P/L, 906 BRS Asbestos Removals, 690, 932 B Seppelt & Sons P/L, 902 BTH Constructions Pty Ltd, 626, 630,758 BTR Indeng, 67 BTR Industrial Products, 680 Back Centre Pty Ltd, 1142 Badham, Michael Andrew, 1395 Baigent, Warwick, 135,311,336, 1309 Bailey, Maureen Susan, 1019 Baird, John Hercules, 1049-50 Baker, Desmond John, 673-4 Baker, Donald Kendall, 527-8 Baker, Gerald Adrian, 600 Baker, lsobel Veronica, 600 Balco, K. B., 693 Balfran Holdings Pty Ltd, 969,996, 1142, 1218,1377,1379 Balogh, Attrla, 1005-6 Baltech Mechanical Services, 364, 597 Bambrick, Susan Caroline, 270-I Bancroft, Daisy Eveline, 975 Bankcard, 1128 Banks Group, 116 Bara Constructions Pty Ltd, 445 barbers’ shops, fees payable, S 94 Barra, Joe, 638-9 5 Barra, LeoniIde, 638-9 Barraclough, Philip John, 165-6 Barry, James Maurice, 369 Bartlett, Carol Elizabeth, 544-5 Barton Section 9 Block 11, 567 Bartoni, Rosa, 163 Bastian, David James, 917 The Battery Factory, 264 Baumann, Thu Bich, 1267-8 Baxter Footwear Group, 292, 855,908 Bayliss, Russell Thomas, 476 Beacher, John Michael, 195-6 Beaurepaires, 1198 Beaver Maintenance, 1196 Beazley & Bruce, 487, 1091 bee diseases, 458 Behan, Judith Lesley, 827-8 Belconnen Section 29 Block 20, 697-8 Belconnen Hire Centre, 335 Belconnen lmaging Unit Trust, 651 Bell, Jennifer Rosalie, 918 Bell, John Daly, 141Q-20 Bell Constructions Pty Ltd, 628 Bembrick, Patricia Marie, 1265-6 Benchmark Building Supplies, 216, 1144, 1310 Benmax Pty Ltd, 967 Bennerr Commercial Electronics Pty Ltd, 969 Bennett, Ernest Theophilus, 219 Bennett, Valerie Esme, 219 Bennett Ebsco, 1197 Bera Industries Pty Ltd, 970, 1142 Bergson, Michael, 150-l Berkeley Challenge, 599 Berkeley Challenge Property Services Pty Ltd, 969, 1142, 1377 Ben Read and Neil Renfree and Associates Pty Ltd, 964 Bertram Real Estate, 1234 Besgrove, Lee, 121 Besley & Pike Pty Ltd, 450, 632 Besselink Bros Pty Ltd, 558 Bestobell Engineering Products, 1362 Beswick, Trevor Leslie, 1072-3 Better Printing Service, 777, 841, 1092 betting, S 22 (pp 17-21,37-41) Australian Capital Territory Gaming and Liquor Authority (Repeal) Act 1990, S 92 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (p. 35-6) 6 ACT Gazette Index 1990 Betting (Totalizator Administration) (Amendment) Act 1990, S 92 Bibby Rusden Thomson Pty Ltd, ‘760 Bibrowicz, Patrick Anthony, 1370-j Bica Prolab, 1093 BiII Guy & Partners Pty Ltd, 571 (J), 213, 214,291,310,552,932, 1375 Binkowski, Gerwazy Adam, 1245-6 Binutti Constructions Pty Ltd, 629, 758 Binzel, 1284 Birch, Cyril James, 764, 1220 Birch, Norma Caroline, 1220 Bird & Stirling Agencies, 576 Bird Cameron, 905 Bird Moore & Partners, 1376 births, deaths and marriages, registration of fees payable, 8 56 (pp 60-2) Bits & Bytes Processing, 310,332 Bitupave Ltd, 335 Blackett Constructions P/L, 291 Blackwell, 484 Blackwood Pty Ltd, 558 Blackwoods, J., 694 Blackwoods & Son Ltd, 1379 Blair, Paul Francis, 322-3 Blaker, Jeanne Randle, 1189 Bleicher, Enid Freda, 161 Bligh Jessup Robinson Pty Ltd, 570(J) Blindell, Nancy Louise, 1228 Blue Chip Electronics Pty Ltd, 450, 1094 board of enquiry into gas reticulation and supply arrangements, 270-I boarding houses, fees payable, S 94 Bob Hogan Maintenance, 1013 Boh-Davis, 902 boiler attendants’ certificates, 1125 Bonanno, Carmelo, 642,847 Bonnci, Dorothy, 383 Boral Besser Masonary, 633 Boral (Country) P/L, 909 Boral Cyclone Ltd, 114, 626 Boral Kinnears P/L, 577 Boral Resources P/L, 742, 1199 Border Stainless Steel P/L, 995 Bostjancic, Boris Peter, 364, 365, 367, 447, 596,743 Bouzas, Angelo, 266 Bowater Tissue Ltd, 997 Bowral Brickworks, 484 Boydell, Geoffrey Philip, 1329-31 Bradbury, Douglas Hilton, 584 Bradbury, LOISZelma, 1222 Braddon Section 21 Block 10,638-Q Bradford Insulation, 1234 Bradlec Pty Ltd, 1362 Brambles Security Services, 1093 Brandella P/L, 906 Brennan, Fearon, 739,740 Brennan, Frank, 890-l Brian Pollock Motors, 264,265, 486, 489, 633,742,1091,1199 Briarwood Pty Ltd, 333, 554, 626 Brickfield Pty Ltd, 596(J) Bridge Motors (QBN), 577 Bridger, Allan Joseph, 1273-4 Bridgestone Aust Ltd, 1285 Brien, Mary Ellen Freda, 999 Brightenti, G., 575 Bristile Ltd, 215 Brochure Flow International, 1092 Broderic, David John, 1334-6 Brogan, Roland Barry, 198-Q Brooks, Barbara, 116 Brown, Barry Robert, 201-2 Brown, Bevan Kenneth, 1255-7 Brown, Christopher Robin, 462-3 Brown, George, 377 Brown, Russell Stuart, 1369 Brown & Co., 1233 Brown & Dureau, 932 BrownbuIlt Pty Ltd, 449, 970 Bruce Section 3 Block 1, 613,707 Bruce, Murray, 120 Bruno Home Maintenances, 448 Brushkleen Services, 364 Bryan Rumble Real Estate, 1235 Buckley, Jane Robyn, 476 Buckley Truck Repairs, 294 Buckner Printing, 693, 1198, 1286 Budget Rent-a-car, 908 building and construction Industry fees payable, 1123-6, S 56 (pp. 40-Q) Long Service Leave (Building and Construction lndustry) Act 1981 corresponding laws, 1209 Long Service Leave (Building and Construction Industry) (Amendment) Act 1990, S 20 see a/so occupational health and safety Building Regulations (Amendment), 979 building sites health and safety arrangements, 945-6, 1108,1163,1411 Bulbeck, D., 91,263 Bull HN Information Systems Australia, 447, 761,969, 1141 ACT Gazene. index 1990 Bullivants Lifting Gear, 680 Bunnan Pty Ltd, 297 Burdon, Barbara Josephine, 83-4 Bureau of Mineral Resources, 919 Burgess, Peter James, 471-2 burial fees, 56-60,786-Q Burnett, Peter Keith, 230 Burns Philp Trustee Company (Canberra) Ltd, 161 bus fares, S 7, 17,47, 104 Bush Fire Council of the Australian Capital Territory appointments etc , 1004 Business and Employment Bureau addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 232 business franchise petroleum licences, S 65 tobacco licences, 915-I 6, S 65 Business Franchise (“X” Videos) Act 1990, S28 business names, registration of fees payable, S 60 (pp. 5-9) official seal of the Registrar, S 58 (p. 3) Business Names (Amendment) Act 1990, s57 Butler, Curtin, 139 Butrovski, Dekaris, 835-6 Butt, E. G., 310,332 Butt, J M., 310,332 Butterworth, Jeffrey David, 1055-6 Byrne, Michael, 116 Byrnes, Alan G., 598 Byrnes, Alan J., 70 Bytecraft Pty Ltd, 743 Bytecraft Pty Ltd, 1144 C C.A.A. Timber, 157 CAF Computers Australia, 296, 363 C B Excavations Pty Ltd, 400, 630 CBF Printers, 1197 CC Graphics, 72, 137 C E Industries, 576 CES Computers Pty Ltd, 136, 450, 484, 631,968,971,996, 1142, 1234, 1377 CFM Kitchens, 933 CIG Pty Ltd, 243,632,906,1233,1284 CMG Electric Motors, 243 CPN Publications P/L, 295, 577, 1094 CPS Credit Union Co-operative Ltd, S 82 CRC, 135 7 CRS, 137 CRT Services Pty Ltd, 172 CSA P/L, 689, 855, 1194 CSIRO Division of Water Resources, 634, 1375 CSP Landscaping Pty Ltd, 70, 335, 596 CSR Homes, 972 CWA Electrical Pty Ltd, 692 CWS, 71,135,137,855 Cadgroup Australia P/L, 67, 1144 Cadogan-Cowper, Geoffrey Frank, 729-30 Caldersmith, Graham William, 726-7 Calico Quick Print, 1093 Callister, Cecil Gordon, 574-5(J), 267 Calmic Hygiene Protection Services, 486, 1218 Caltex Oil Australia P/L, 135, 264, 906 Cameron, Alastair David, 282-3 Cameron, Winifred Elsie, 1221 Cameron & Associates, 447 Cameron, Chisholm and Nicol, 994 Campbell, Kenneth, 560 Canberra & South Coast Diving Services, 599 Canberra Auto Electrics, 933 Canberra Auto Parts and Accessories, 265 Canberra Automotive Paints and Equipment, 264 Canberra Boiler & Combustion Service, 559, 1144 Canberra Broadcasters Pty Ltd, 96 Canberra Care Centre, 73 Canberra Carparts, 908 Canberra Communications, 690 Canberra Contractors Pty Ltd, 333 Canberra Engineering Supplies, 598, 762 Canberra Floorcrafe, 381 Canberra Independents, 57 Canberra Medical Supplies, 292 Canberra Mitsubishi, 1285 Canberra Mower Service, 157, 489, 504, 576,578,694,763,1197,1198 Canberra Packard Pty Ltd, 290 Canberra Party, 1451 Canberra Petroleum Serv., 294 Canberra Publishing and Printing, 115 Canberra Sand & Gravel Pty Ltd, 335,553 Canberra Theatre Trust appointments etc., 916-18, 1301 liquor licence fees, S 96 (p 2) Canberra Theatres Ltd, 217 Canberra Times, 487 Canberra Times Fine Print, 1233, 1308 8 ACT Gazette Index 1990 Canberra Tourism Development Bureau functions, S 24 (pp 16-17) Canberra Toyota, 1197,1444 Canberra Uniform and Bowlers Centre, 908 Canberra United Credit Union Co-operative Ltd, S 82 Canberra Washed Sand, 909 Canberra Wholesale Stationers, 401, 449, 485,631, 692, 741, 908, 968, 996, 1093,1185 Canberra Word Processing & Typing Centre, 310, 332 Canbuilt, 114, 1195 Canon Australia Pty Ltd, 68, 114, 134, 262, 295,447, 450, 486, 488, 558, 576, 632,756,762,777,841,855,856, 932,969,973, 1012,1092, 1095, 1199,1216,1233,1234,1285 Canon Colour Copy Shop, 1143 Capital Bath Resurfacing, 70 Capital Engineering, 382, 448,559, 627 Capital Indoor Plant Hire, 1092 Capital Office Systems, 381, 994 Capitol Chilled Foods, 903 Capt’n Snooze, 855 Carberry, Lionel Nicholas, 1201 Careless Use of Fire (Amendment) Act 1990, s 89 Carlton United Breweries, 904 Carnegie Rental Centre Pty Ltd, 334 Carnell, Anne Katherine, S 27 (p 7) Carolian Systems, 1443 Caron, Maxine, 222 Carr, D. T., 597, 743 Carrier Air Conditioning P/L, 70,381,558, 597,635,743 cars, see motor traffic Case, J. I., 67,973 Case Communication Systems Ltd, 68, 691, 1094 Casey, Francis John, 1394 Casey, Michael John, 1200 Cassar, Edwin Joseph, 915 Casselden, Geoffrey Robert, 1246-7 Castrol Oil Pty Ltd, 578 Catalyst Consulting, 1218 Catherine Pawle Marketing/Public Relations, 116 Catmull, Dawn, 183-4 Celcast Pty Ltd, 485, 1090 Celestiac Products, 970 Celpac Pty Ltd, 296 cemetery fees payable, 56-60,786-Q Centrelease Equipment Finance P/L, 133 certificates of title, see land administration Cess Hill Industries, 558 Chalker, Hubert Charles, 699 Chamberlain, Frank Saddington, 1446 Chambers, Brian, 1369 Chambers, Gallop & McMahon, 377, 690 Champion Motor Sales, 504 Champion Spark Plugs P/L, 72 Chan, Kenneth, 1461 Chan, Patricia, 1461 Chandler, Bertie, 744 Chandler Alexander Travel, 567(J) Chandlers, 489, 1234 Chandran, Krishnasamy Udhaya, 1344-5 Charles Tims Pty Ltd, 136, 137, 294, 295, 449,482,485,741,971 Charlies Electrics, 295, 597, 598, 966 Charlton, Christine Mary, S 27 (p. 14) Chenka Pty Ltd, 310,332 Chep Aust Pty Ltd, 134 Chief Minister addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 388, 1294 administrative arrangements, S 48 (pp. 3-5) Chief Minister’s Department addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 388, 1294 contracts arranged, 568(J), 363 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (pp 7-8) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 18 (pp. 3-12) Chifley Landscaping, 628 Chignell, Stephen, 74 children, Register of Adoptions for fees payable, S 56 (p. 69) Chilvers, Martin John, 315 Chiropractic (Registration) Board of the Australian Capital Territory appointments etc , 1395-7 electrons, 611 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (p. 28) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 23 (pp. 6-7) Chisholm Section 594 Block 4, 101 Chrisodoulou, Anna, 266 Christie, Laurelle Marie, 103-4 ACT Gazette index 1990 Christie, Ronald Martin, 1274-6 Christis Computer Consultants, 1185 Christodoulou, Philip, 266 Chu Mei Yu, Lou, 817-18 Chubb Australia Ltd, 971 Ciba-Geigy AG DIV, 263 Citibank Ltd, 172 Citibank Visa Facility Card, 248 city area leases, see land administration City Graphics, 115 City Parks contracts awarded, 568(J), 569(J), 242, 262,31 I, 334, 336, 445,552, 553, 554,556,626,627 functions, S 24 (p. 14) Civic Section 8, Block 5, 587 Civil and CIVICPty Ltd, , 555, 567, 1217 Clark, Lisette, 368 Clark, Mary Alice, 452 Clarke, Dr Anthony C., 409 Cleary, Gerard Cecil, 730-I Cleveland Computers, 762 Climatrol Airconditioning, 72 Clinical Waste Act 1990, S 14 Clopper Australia, 484 Club Knit, 855 Co-Cam Computer Services, 69 Co-Design, 756 Coates Hire, 907 Cochrane, Hellyne, 1414-l 6 Cochrane, Ronald Edward, 1115 Coffey Partners, 1217 Cognos Pty Ltd, 69,556,995,1094,1444 Cohen, Geoffrey Allan, 1075-7 Cohn, Carolyn Maunne, 126-7 Colaric, I., 628 Colcorp Constructions Pty Ltd, 599 Cold Seas, 904 Coleman, Joan, 1015 Collard, Clarke & Jackson P/L, 446, 553, 636,761,995,1375 Collier, Alan, 1336-7 Collin, Peter, 1407 Collins Caddaye & Humphries, 92, 213, 1216 Collinson, Beth, 556-7(J) Collinson, Peter, 556-7(J) Combined Electrical Plumbing Serv P/L, 72, 933 Comcare, 1219 Comcater, 139 Commerce and Industry Services Bureau contracts arranged, 691 9 Commercial Arbitration (Amendment) Act 1990, s 69 Commercial Catering Equipment, 138, 139 Commercial Research Bureau contracts arranged, 777 Commonwealth Motors, 742,972 Commonwealth Paper Co., 842,1095 Commonwealth Reporting Service, 132 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Division of Water Resources, 634, 1375 The Communication Station, 902 Communications Concepts P/L, 447 Community and Health Service, see ACT Community and Health Service Community Development Fund (Repeal) Act 1990, S 87 Compair Aust Ltd, 558 company windings up, 596(J), 492, 765 Complete Landscaping, 365,366 Component Resources, 379 Computer Eng. Services, 489 Computer Maintenance of Australia Pty Ltd, 996 Computer Power Group, 1094 Computer Resellers International, 57 Computer Resource Company, 1284 Computer Resources Co., 693, 763, 842, lOQO,lOQl, 1194 Computer Sciences, 567(J), 483 Computer Solutions, 1094 Computer Success P/L, 66, 134, 136, 295, 296,482,635,756,909,1094 The Computer Trader, 379,482 Computerland, 136, 1195 Computerland Solutions, 295,740, 741 Computerquest Pty Ltd, 69, 139, 292 Concrete Construction (ACT) Pty Ltd, 567, 707 Condair Refrigeration Ltd, 1093 Connors Card, S 5 Conroy, Kathryn Patricia, 1019, 1324, 1324-5,1325 conservation, see nature conservation Conservation and Land Management contracts awarded, 569(J), 334, 761 Constitution First Party, 1318, 1414 Construction & Planning Management, 445 Construction Contract Services (Southern) Pty Ltd, 1141 Construction Group, 400, 445, 628, 1143 construction industry, see building and construction industry 10 ACT Gazette Index 1990 Construction Protect Law International Pty Ltd, 242 Consumer Affairs (Amendment) Act 1990, s 75,88 Consumer Affairs Bureau statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 22 (pp. 24-31) contracts arranged, 567-71 (J), 594(J), 66-73,91-3,114-16,132-Q, 156-7,21 l-1 6,241-3,262-5, 290-6,310-l I, 323-6,363-7, 377-82,400-l, 445-51,482-90, 504-5,552-Q, 575-8,596-Q, 626-36,680,689-94,739-44, 756-63,777,841-2,855-6,902-Q, 932-3,964-74,993-7,1090-5, 1141-6,1185-6,1194-Q, 1216-19, 1233-5,1284-6,1308-l 0,1362, 1375-9,1443-4,146O Convine, James Harold, 221 Conway, Jayne Mowbray, 709-I 0 Conway, Timothy Byrne, 709-I 0 Cook Public Housing construction site, 945 Section 13 Block 1I, 179 Section 42 Block 19, 1388 Cooper, Robert W., 367 co-operative societies fees payable, S 51 transfer of engagements, S 82 Co-operative Societies Regulations (Amendment), S 55 Coopers & Lybrand, 568(J), 905,121Q Coppell, Ian Robert, 1189 Copy-Qik Print Centre, 116, 1093 Copyright Agency Ltd, 691 Coronati, Marisa, 1347-8 Cory, Douglas John, 418-l 9 Cottee, Harold Spencer, 270-I Coulton Cleaning Services, 451 Country Road Charge Card, S 5 Country-Wide Cleaners, 157 Countrywide Cleaning, 932 Couper, Mary Rose, 1044-6 Coupland, William Warwick, 649 Courtaulds Packaging, 842 Cousin, James, 589 Cover Charge Australia Pty Ltd, 172 Cowen Metal Industries, 578 Cowie, Susan Louise, 372-3 crane dnvers, 1123 Crawley, Roslyn Rae, 1429-30 credit, provision of reciprocal arrangements with Queensland, 407 Credit (Amendment) Act 1990, S 14 Credit Orders, 171-2, 225--8, 247-8, 344-5,703-4,1105, 1128; S 4,52 credit provider’s licence fees, S 56 (pp 82-3) Credit Regulations (Amendment), S 50 credit unions, S 82 Creyke, Joyce, 164 Cridland, Norman Louis, 844 Crime (Amendment) Act (No. 3) 1990, S 98 Crockford, David Edward, 1065-6 Crone Ross Driscoll Pty Ltd, 966 Crowe, Michael Joseph, 158 Crown Controls P/L, 557 Cuff, Roger, 546(J) Currie, John Leslie, 856 Curtis, Bezel, 1142 Cusacks, 632,1234 Custom Computer Service, 295,296 Customs Credit Corporation Ltd, 226-8 D D & M Agencies, 377 DBE Australia, 133, 557, 761 D R Electrics Pty Ltd, 365 DSB Industries Pty Ltd, 965, 1141 D T Carr Plumbing, 597 D W Thorpe Pty Ltd, 114 Dah Dah, Joseph, 908 Daintree, Richard Bertarm, 252-3 Daintree, Ruth Alice, 252-3 dairies, fees payable by, S 94 Dakin, Robert John, 437-8 Dall, Ola Mary, 340 Dalton Packaging, 135, 137, 841, 842, 997, 1090 Damart, 504,1013 D’Ambrosio, Maria, 1438-Q Dammerel, Evelyn Annie, 492 Dan & Dan Contracting, 134, 973, 1145, 1146,130Q Dan & Dan Forestry Services Pty Ltd, 70, 311, 336, 758,759 Dangerfield, Elizabeth, 74 dangerous goods, licence fees payable for, S 56 (pp 32-4) Daniell, Rhonda, 1290 Danielle, Yvonne Mary, 1077-8 Dann, Richard Edwin, 326-7 Darby, Graham John, 1054-5 ACT Gazette. Index 1990 Darby, John Joseph, 1389 Daryl Jackson Alastair Swayn Pty Ltd, 215, 334,759 Dataplex, 157 Davden Machinery Pty Ltd, 68,1094 Davey, John Wesley, 221 Davidson, Donald Carlyle, 1355-6 Davidson, John Alexander, 77-8 Davidson, Roma Evelyn, 77-8 Davies, Elizabeth Anne, 1019 Davies, R. R. T., 545(J) Davis, B., 777 Davis, Robert Owen, 1402 Dawes, Megan, 74 Dawes Wholesale, 903 daylight saving period, 914 Deakin Section 35 Block 8,707 Section 36 Block 8,613 deaths, registration of fees payable, S 56 (pp. 60-2) Debos, 135 deceased estates, see probate and administration deeds, registration fees for, S 56 (p. 68) Deloitte, Ross, Tohmatsu, 487 Deloitte Ross Tohmatsu Perpetual Trustee, 905,121Q Deneefe Signs P/L, 335,488, 633, 680, 1090,1186,1310 Dennett, Michael John, 196-7 Dent, Lauma, 655-6 Dental (Registration) Board of the Australian Capital Territory appointments etc., S 27 (pp. I-2, IO-1 1) electrons, 642, 847 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (p. 28) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 23 (pp. 8-Q) Dental Technicians and Dental Prosthetists (Registration) Board appointments etc., 1389-94 statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 23 (pp. 10-l 1) Denton Corker Marshall Pty Ltd, 400, 631, 966 11 Department of Administrative Services, Construction Group, 400, 445, 628, 1143 Department of Education addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 272 contracts arranged, 114-l 5, 449-51, 691-3 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (pp. Q-25) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 21 Department of Health addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 272 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (pp 27-30) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 23 (pp. 2-5) Department of Justice and Community Services addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 1297 Department of the Environment, Land and Planning addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 1294 Department of Transport and Communications, 378 Department of Urban Services addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 232, 1300 contracts arranged, 66-7,70-l, 91, 134-5,21 I, 263,31 I, 335-6, 488-9,558-Q, 634-6,743-4, 907-9,972--3,1012-13,1144-6, 1308-10,1362,1444 contracts awarded, 293, 294 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (pp. 31-2) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 24 (pp. 2-19) Derlacki, Z. J., 1104 Desi Nominees Pty Ltd, 1378 Design Binders, 485 Detail Pty Ltd, 1141 Deves Field Pty Ltd, 552 Devesfield P/L, 490, 763 Deveson Jahn P/L, 933, 1444 12 ACT Gazette Index 1990 Di Campli, A, 71, 597 Di Campli, B., 597 Di Campli, D., 71 Diatec Diamond Tools, 448-9, 906, 1012, 1198 Dickson, John Braithwaite, 615-I 6, 733-4 Dickson Group Centre, 1327 Dikmans, Adrian Joseph, 1052-3 Dimitri, Sawsan Fahmy, 830-I Dion Card, 171 Director of Public Prosecutions Act 1990, S 32,44 Director of Public Prosecutions (Consequential Provisions) Act 1990, S 32,44 Discount Fibreglass, 380 Discount Glass, 1196 Diversey, 904 Dixon, Dr Nicholas Dixon, 229-30 Dixon, Richard Thomas, 301 Dobbie Carpet Care, 363 Documentation Pty Ltd, 741 dog registration fees, S 56 (pp. 17-18) dogmen, 1123 Doitschinov, Melinda Jan, 253-4 Domestic Violence (Amendment) Act 1990, $67 Domestic Violence (Amendment) Act (No 2) 1990, S 76 Don Burrows Carpets, 296 Donnellan, Shirley Catherine, 384 Donovan, John Windeyer, 915, 1106 Dopod Pty Itd, 1144 Dorrough Britz & Associates Pty Ltd, 569(J), 760 Dow, Duncan Bruce, 341 Dow, Marie Jean, 341 Dow Smith, E., 400 Downard Pickfords, 1234 Drafting & Support Services, 740 drainage, see ACT Electricity and Water drainers licence fees, 980-2 draw poker machines, S 4 Dritsas, Chris, 455 Dritsas, Lorraine, 455 Drivekne Driveways, 366, 597, 743 Drizabone P/L, 842 drugs (restricted substances), S 12 Drugs Advisory Committee statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 23 (pp. 12-13) Dudley, John Kim, 1179-80 Duesburys, 905 Duggan, Geoffrey Donald, 428 Dulux Trade Centre, 264, 488,632 Duncan, Frank, 1378 Dungell Pty Ltd, 290 Dunlop, Brian John, 1084-5 Dunlop Footwear, 694 Dunlop Olympic Tyre Service, 906, 1012 Dunn Hadley Sales, 578, 693, 694 Duracell Australia P/L, 906, 974 Dutton, Edward Ralph, 166 dwarf den machines, S 4 Dwyer, Valerie Clarice, 426 Dynuse Pty Ltd, 486 Dysogo Pty Ltd, 214 E EA & JM Enterprises, 265 ESAB Aust. Pty Ltd, 489 E Shelmerdine and Partners Engineering, 1377 E W Groening & Sons, 576,633 Eagaline Nursery, 1145 Eagle Remac Furniture Co., 295 Eagle Romac Furniture, 450 Earlsbrae Pty Ltd, 765 Earthscape Services, 365 East Coast Helicopters, 66, 134 eating housing, fees payable by, S 94 Ebond (Australasia) Pty Ltd, 213, 31 I, 333 Ebson Pty Ltd, 448-9,558 Economidis, Anna, 574(J) Economidis, John, 574(J) Edinforma Educational, 295 Edments Card, 171 Edmund Barton Building work site, 566 Edward S Archer Pty Ltd, 627 Edwards Dunlop & B. J. Ball, 295, 1094 Efco Manufacturing, 381, 634, 635 Effective Business Systems, 483 Efficient Cleaning Services Pty Ltd, 68, 450, 451,487 Eggert, Gunhild Marlene, 1189 Electaire Pty Ltd, 364, 964, 1217 Electricity and Water (Amendment) Act 7990, S 92 Electricity and Water Regulation, S 59 Electricity Regulation (Amendment), S 59 electricity supply, see ACT Electricity and Water Electro-Mechanical Services, 137, 157, 264,576 Electroboard Pty Ltd, 363 ACT Gazette Index 1990 Electronic Services (Canberra), 599 Ellis, Eli James, 1268-71 Ellis, Margaret Josephine, 778 Elric Crafts, 213 Eltham Woodwind Centre, 69, 114, 296, 363 Elvin Enterprises Pty Ltd, 366 Email Westinghouse (Sales), 1143 Email York, 71 Emblem Supply, 762 Empire Office Supplies, 137, 842, 907 Employment, Education and Training Branch contracts arranged, 557 Encyclopaedia Britannica (Australia) Inc , 247 Endeavour Carpets, 692 Engel, Myrna Laguesma, 1356-7 enquiry into natural gas reticulation and supply arrangements, 270-I Enrico Taglietti and Associates Pty Ltd, 966 Environ Mechanical Services Pty Ltd, 1377 environment Noise Control Manual, 408 see also nature conservation Environmental & Industrial Laboratories, 377 Eric Document Reproduction Services, 1196 Eriksson, Svenolof, 1242-3 Ernst & Young, 634,905 Esso Australia Ltd, 934 Euro Struct lndustries Pty Ltd, 333, 628, 757,967, 1141 Eurotune Motorcycles, 291, 292, 762 Evans, Dianne, 474-5 Evans, John Richard, 474-5 Everard, Andrew John, 810 Eveready Australia P/L, 632, 933, 1198 Evidence (Laws and Instruments) (Amendment) Act 1990, S 57 Ewe Seng Lam, 302 Ewin Electrics, 447 exhumation, fees payable for, 56-60,786-g The Expert Client Pty Ltd, 242,552 F F F D, 903 FFE Canberra, 364, 365, 366, 367, 599, 743,1013. FGP Co. Pty Ltd, 1142,1218, 1378 F J Constructions, 1196 FSE, 377 Fabrication Electronics, 133, 756 Facer Information Design, 447, 1218, 1443 13 Facilities Management, 366 Fakaosi, Sika, 572(J) Fakaosi, Temaleti, 572(J) Faraj Cleaning Services, 451 Farrelly, John, 1228 Fast Cleaning Service, 451 Fearon Brennan Accounts, 739,740 Feigen, Dr Malcolm, 652 Feinauer, Gabrielle Lieselotte, 550- 1(J) Feltham, Mark Hayes, 1368 Ferguson, Kathry Elizabeth, 435-6 Fern Hill Section 32 Block 2, Section 34, Block 9, 567 Fernandez, Victor Jacinto, 193-4 Fernon, Joyce Kathleen, 141 Ferntree Computer Corporation, 489, 856, 1197,1233,1285,1443 Field, Mary Vallack, 323-4 Field Air Sales, 1309 fieri facias sales, 572(J) Fiery Holdings Pty Ltd, 582-3 Film Australia, 1094 finance Treasurer’s quarterly statement, S 9, 53, 74 see also Minister for Finance and Urban Services finance broker’s licence fees, S 56 (pp. 82-3) Finance Bureau addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 232, 1300 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (pp. 33-4) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 18 (pp 49-55) Finance Regulations (Amendment), S 40, 70 financial institutions duty, S 66, 93 Financial Institutions Duty (Amendment) Act 1990, s 86 Financial lnstitutions Duty Regulations, S 91 Finlay, Kathryn Allison, 51 l-12 Fire Control Pty Ltd, 70, 365, 382,596,597, 635 Fire Response, 483, 575 Firefighting Ent , 378 first home owner’s stamp duty, S 99 Fisher, Laurence Bouvard, 1447 Fisher Discounts, 216, 485, 693 Fisher Primary School Site, 985 14 ACT Gazette Index 1990 Fitzhardinge, Arthur Noel Berkeley, 533-4 Fitzpatrick, Ian Noel, 202-3 Fitzpatrick, Joan Margaret, 202-3 five card poker machines, S 4 Flanagan, David, 1228 Fleming, Dr C., 651 Fleming, Hugh John, 642 Fleming, Robin William, 190-i Fleming, William George Rennie, 664-5 Fleming Dr H., 651 Flow Laboratories Australasia Pty Ltd, 301 Flynn, Barry Michael, 301 Flynn Excavations Pty Ltd, 571 (J), 552, 626, 758,1376 Foley, Elizabeth Ruth, S 27 (p. 3) Food Industry Products, 138 Forest & General, 134,311,336, 1144-5, 1146,1309,1310 Forestry Technical Services P/L, 263 Formach (Canberra) Pty Ltd, 1091 1284 Forster, Richard Lees, 469-70 Fort lnteriors Pty Ltd, 995 Forthuber, Karl Heinz, 559-60(J) Foskett, Reginald Alan, 712-13 Foster Test Equipment, 490 Fox, Lorraine Stephanie, 672-3 Fox, Peter John, 672-3 Fox, Phillips, 668(J) Foy, P. A., 553 Foy, V. J., 553 Frammartino, Angela Maria, 346-7 Frank Small and Associates (Aust ) P/L, 634 Frank’s Auto Wreckers, 264 Franks Plastic Binder, 842 Fraser, Paul James, 1391 Fraser & Jenkinson, 577 Frawleys Shoe Store, 504 freedom of information addresses to which requests may be sent or delivered, 231-5,272, 387-90,1293-300,1386-7 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 24 (p. 21), 42 statements of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 18, 21, 22, 24 (pp 2-20) Freeman, Anne Isabel, 325-6 Freeman, Jillian Margaret, 1019, 1324, 1324-5,1325 Fricker, David Brian, 159 Fripp, Alfred Ernest, 1035-6 Fuller, Bruce Anthony, 732-3 Fung, Dr Joseph, 769 Furniture Store contracts awarded, 447 The Furniture Werx, 296. 1094 Fyshwick Section 10 Block 1, 567 Section 36 Block 1,579-81 Fyshwrck Auto Parts, 157 Fyshwick Building Suppliers, 909, 932 Fyshwick TAFE Stage Ill constructron site, 945 G G A Anderson & Son Pty Ltd, 965 G & J Lorkin Pty Ltd, 215, 553, 554, 629, 630 G & S Johnson Cleaning, 364 GBC Australia P/L, 136, ‘I443 GEC Aust, 1234 G E. Shaw & Associates Pty Ltd, 571 (J), 555,994 G J & K Cleaning Services P/L, 1092 GKN Rentals, 907, 996, 1218 GNB Australia Ltd, 906 Gadzic, John, 214 Gallagher, Annette Grace, 1189 Gallay Scientific Aust, 115, 691 Galovic, Galovic, 1461 Galovic, Maria, 1461 Galvin, Jerry, 1014 gambling, S 22 (pp. 17-21, 37-41) Australian Capital Territory Gaming and Liquor Authority (Repeal) Act 1990, S 92 lottery fees, 784 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (p. 35-6) Gaming and Liquor Authority, see Australian Capital Territory Gaming and Liquor Authority Gaming Machine (Amendment) Act 1990, s 69 Gaming Machine (Amendment) Act (No 2) 1990, S 87 Gaming Machine (Amendment) Act (No. 3) 1990, S 92 Gaming Machine Regulations (Amendment), s 97 gaming machines, fees payable for, 785, s4 Gammage, J E , 1219,1378 Gammage, W. L., 1219,1378 Gammon Enterprises, 70 Garland, Marion Joy, 121 ACT Gazette Index 1990 gas (natural), board of enquiry into reticulation and supply arrangements, 270-l gasfitters’ licence fees, 980-2 Gebski, Danuta, 140 Gee Gee Card, S 5 Gelman Sciences, 690 Geolab Systems, 909 Gerakiteys, Agapi, 595(J) Gerald Slaven Holden, 1091, 1379, 1444 Gerards Department Store Card, S 5 Giacobbe Bros, 1142,1143 Gibbs Farm Centre P/L, 448-9 Gilbarco Australia Ltd, 381, 841 Gildea, George Shaw John, 601 Gillard, Clifford, 1406 Gillard, Kathryn Anne, 1406 Gillard, Noel Clifford, 1406 Gillespie, Paul, 1099, 1408 Giuliano, Enid Mary Deane, 581, 603 Glasscrete Pools, 1362 Gleeson, John Frederick, 1014 Glenwood Systems Pty Ltd, 758 Gold Angle Consultants, 777 Goldmark Card, 172 Goodacre, Neil, 766 goods dangerous, licence fees payable for, S 56 (pp. 32-4) registration (prescnbed), S 46 Goodyear Tyre, 1012 Gordon Bowen Plumbing, 1196 Gosford Tailoring, 1235 Government Audit Office of the ACT auditing standards, S 61 contracts arranged, 777, 856, 905, 974, 1219 Government Law Office addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 235, 1298 contracts arranged, 777 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (pp. 35-8) statements of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, s22 Government Solicitor of the Australian Capital Territory manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (p 35) officers to act in the name of, 546(J), 126, 230,278, 476,498, 588, 810, 1109 15 Government Solicitor of the Australian Capital Territory (cont) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 22 (pp 3-6) Gowen, Jennifer Anne, 1401 Gown, Maxwell Leslie, 1401 Grace Bros Card, S 5 Grace Removals, 489 Graham Ladd Pty Ltd, 1218 Grainger, James Keith, 642 Grant, Howard Charles, 936-7 Grant, Lee Douglas, 843 Grassroots Graphics, 116, 1092 Gray, James Edward, 810 Gray, Rodney, 1172-4 Grealish, Laurie Anne, S 27 (p. 4) Green Democratic Alliance, 1164 Green Leaves Indoor Plant Hire, 908 The Greens, 497,708,1229 Greenway Section 6 Block 4, 567 Section 9 Block 3,707 Section 14 Block 2,567 Section 19 Block 19, 567 Gregory, Winston Spencer, 235-6 Gregory’s Motors P/L, 633, 742, 1197, 1198, 1199,1444 Greig, Ian Murray, 182-3 Grey Power, 77 Griffin, Professor D. M., 920 Griffiths, Brett John, 1189 Griffiths, David Gwyn, S 27 (p. 10) Griffiths, Kathleen Margaret, 416-l 7 Griffiths Building Group (NSW) Pty Ltd, 758, 1375 Grossi Cleaning Services, 451 Grout-Smrth, Carol, 1237 Guideline (ACT) Pty Ltd, 597, 626,757, 758,759 760 Guirguis, George Samy, 1079-80 Guirguis, Sohair Fahmy, 1079-80 Guko Industries Pty Ltd, 367, 484, 1144 Guko Industries Pty Ltd, 367 Gunasekera, Penelope Polycarp, 1247-9 Gungahlin Cemetery, fees payable at, 58, 60 Gunning, June Robin, 1019, 1324, 1325 gutters, fees for opening up or breaking surface of, S 56 (pp. 39) 16 ACT Gazette Index 1990 H H & G Ultra Violet, 138 Hackers SiIverplate, 138 Haeberie, John Otto, 584 Haldane-Stevenson, Joan Talbot, 121 l-l 2 Hale, Brian Thomas, 1048-9 Hall, Susan Patricia, 849-50 Hall General Cemetery, fees payable at, 58, 60 Hallam, Clifford, 1379 Halliday, Geoffrey Victor, 199-200 Hamilton, C., 1091 Hamilton, R., 1091 Harden Packaging, 489 Hardi Pumps Sprayers, 292 Hardie lplex Pipeline Systems, 448-Q Hardy Wines Co, 902 Hariss, Trevor James, 1432-3 Harkins, Joseph Patrick, 1254-5 Harris, Ed, 489 Harriss, Trevor James, 1432-3 Harry Lesnie P/L, 138 Hartung, Venus, 932 Hary, Zsolt, 896-7 Haslem, John Whitton, 936-7 Hassett Machinery Sales Vic P/L, 907 Hawker Home Maintenance, 70, 596 hawkers licences, 790-l Hay, Judith Anne, 1454-5 Hay, Peter John, 723-4 Hayes, Terence Wayne, 267 Hayward, Anthony Lewis, 917 Hazell, Ewan Edwin, 563, 780 health services, see ACT Community and Health Service; Minister for Health, Education and the Arts Health Services Act 1990, S 102 Health Services (Consequential Provisions) Act 7990, S 102 Hede, Edel, 718-l 9 Helheart Pty Ltd, 629 Henderson, Peter Arthur, 514-15 Henderson Spring Crest, 969 Henry, John Gerard, 498 Henty On The Hill, 114 Herath, Amelia Manel, 85-6 Hercus, F. W., 1284 Hesford, Trevor Allan, 888-9 Hewlett Packard Australia Pty Ltd, 68, 69, 310,332,631,968,1094,1143, 1443,1444 Hi Soft Computers, 136, 137, 487,756 Hi-Tech Motor Systems Credit Card, S 5 Hill, Marji Christine, 1260-2 Hill Guy & Partners Pty Ltd, 332 Hilly, Margaret Ellen, 1345-6 hire cars, see motor traffic Hodder & Tolley P/L, 292 Hogan, Bob, 367 Hogan, Carmel Elizabeth, 727-8 Hogden, Louise Ann, 1339-40 Holland-Stolte Pty Ltd, 311, 333,757, 759, 995 Hollings, Deirdre Janelle, 1403 Hollins, Geoffrey Leonard, 1062-3 Holt, Harold Gibbs, 1236 Holthouse, lsobel Mary, 278, 476 Honeywell Ltd, 1013 Hood Computers Pty Ltd, 996, 1218 Hood Ergonomics, 486,1216 Hook, Reginald Harley, 518-i 9 Hooker Corporation Ltd, 117-i 8 Hooper, Geoffrey Adam, 250-l Hopkins, Peter, 545(J) Horseland, 171-2 Horsham, Mary Joan, 1189 Hosmer Holdings Pty Ltd, 1147-8, 1404-5 hospital fees, see ACT Community and Health Service Hot Type, 1093 Hotel & Restaurant Suppliers, 139 Hough True & Lodlow, 366 Household Finance Services Ltd, S 52 housing assistance programs, 792-8, 1413, s 68 first home owner’s stamp duty, S 99 see also Minister for Housing and Community Services Hume Section 5 Blocks 12-l 9 and 42,613, S 48 (p. 12) Housing and Community Services Bureau addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 233 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (pp. 39-43) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 22 (pp. 45-52) Housing Assistance (Amendment) Act 1990, S25 Houston, Neville John, 956-7 Howard, Frank, 121 Howard, Dr Houston Phillip, 769, 1042-4 Howard Australia P/L, 577, 578 ACT Gazene. Index 1990 Howe, Jenny Evelyn, 1271-2 Howe, Peter Richard, 1271-2 Howes, Arlene, 74 Howick, Paul Anthony, 628 Howkins, A, 653 Howsheen Cleaning Services, 364, 1091 Huang, Kit Mun, 244 Huang, Stephen Louis, 244 Hudson, Christopher, 1430-i Hughes Bros Pty Ltd, 214,945, 1141 Hughes Industries, 902, 904 Hughes Projects Managements Pty Ltd, 570(J), 445, 553, 1216, 1143 Hughes Trueman Ludlow Engineers Pty Ltd, 92,213,215, 290, 334, 400,739, 964,1217 Hulse, Mark John Revill, 1350-i Hume, Graeme David, 573(J) Hume Section 5 Blocks 12-l 9 and 42, 613 Hume Landscape Supplies, 909 Hunt, Joan Frances, 1080-2 Hunter, Annie, 601 Hurley, Matthew, 364 Huston, Lloyd Wesley Ferguson, 465-6 Hutchinson, G T., 919 Hyde, Michelle Joanne, 61-2 Hyper-Active Clothing, 1198, 1286 Hyslop, Rohan David, 1376 I ICI Australia, 997 IFCO Manufacturing Pty Ltd, 1217 I I R Pty Ltd, 93 lllawarra Stationery, 841, 842 lmageineering Upgrades Pty Ltd, 968 In The Swim Pool Service, 558,1195, 1362 Inall, Brian Albert, 749-50 Inall, Leanne McGregor, 749-50 Independent Group, 57 Industrial Mowers P/L, 292 lndux Pty Ltd, 1217 lnfographics & Publications Sec, 973 lnghams Chickens, 903 lnnes Agencies, 490 Inprint Ltd, 115, 116 lnstat Australia P/L, 693 Institution of Engineers Australia, 215 Instruments (legal), fees payable for, S 56 (pp. 67-8) Insurance, see life insurance; third party Insurance 17 Integrated Construction Management Services Pty Ltd, 946, 964, 965, 966,1216,1376,1377 lnterim Planning Act 1990, S 100 Interim Planning (Consequential Amendments) Act 1990, S 100 lnterim Territory Planning Authority addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 1294 contracts arranged, 1185 draft variations to policy, 125, 178-9, 705-6,848,921,1127, 1226, 1325-7,1367,1412 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (pp. 45-53) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 18 (pp. 45-8) variations to policy, 99-101, 179-80, 278,345,433,509,704,983-5, 1227,1240,1327,1388 lnternational Business Communications Pty Ltd, 263 International Subscription Agency, 1197 Interstate Road Transport Act 1985 delegation of powers under, 124 lnwell Products, 763 irradiating apparatus, see Radiation Council Isis Interiors, 1377 lsuzu General Motors, 1197, 1199, 1286 ltegrated Construction Management Services Pty Ltd, 1141 J J & B Home Maintenance, 1094,1196 J&J Cash & Co, 855 J Barnett Diving Boards, 448 J. Blackwood & Son Pty Ltd, 380,577, 907 J C L Electrics Pty Ltd, 1196 J G Service Pty Ltd, 1142 J I Case Austr P/L, 577,578, 1197, 1379 J M Developments Pty Ltd, 630 J M Home Maintenance, 1196 J M Still & Associates, 92, 995 J N O Baker P/L, 578 J OMalley & Co., 488 J W Almgren Pty Ltd, 215 J + Z Agencies, 841 Jackson Teece Chesterman Willis (ACT) Pty Ltd, 761 Jacobs, Keith, 636 James, Theodore, 137 18 ACT Gazette Index 1990 James Hardie Spicers Ltd, 296 Jansen Electrical, 72 Jansz Park, S 36 Jasbar Pty Ltd, 1378 Jaymac Pty Ltd, 1234,1284 Jek Air Systems, 1217 Jelacic, John, 294 Jeremenko, Valentine, 589-90(J) Jerrabomberra Wetlands Nature Reserve, S62 Jim Farrell & Son, 1197 Joe Gilmayer Pty Ltd, 635 John Firth & Sons P/L, 594(J) John Haskins and Staff Ltd, 571 (J), 212, 1216, 1217, 1376 John Hindmarsh Canberra Pty Ltd contracts awarded, 242, 446, 627,758, 1444 work sites, 552,613, 707 John Holland Constructions Pty Ltd, 400, 1108 John Pfeiffer Pty Ltd, 446 Jolley, Frederick Reidy, 825-6 Jones, Lewis William, 339 Jones, Lynette Gail, 535-6 Jones, Phillip, 1407 Jones, R M., 138 Jones, Robert Mervyn, 535-6 Jones Lang Wootton, 1143 Jones Workwear P/L, 578,841,1198 Jordan, Irena, 771-2 Joseph, Shobha Mary, 1452-3 Joseph Dah Dah, 908 Joule Mechanical Plumbing, 447,448,559 Jukic, J., 135 Just Jeans Card, 171 K KPMG Peat Marwrck, 905,1219 KPMG Peat Marwrck Hungerfords, 740 Kambah Section 7 Part Block 7,704 Karkkainen, Eino, 1096 Karlo, Jozefa, 1222 Katies Charge Card, S 5 Kazak, Ali, 1024-5 Keeffe, K. A., 555,760 Keeffe, P. J., 555, 760 Keeffe Constructions, 760 Keeler Hardward P/L, 762, 1012, 1144 Keir’s of Canberra Charter Coaches, 115 Kelly, Lloyd Andrew, 1228 Kelly’s Real Estate, 932, 1234 Kelman, Helen Longfield, 352-3 Kemp, R. G F ,139 Ken Cook Menswear, 904 Kendall-Torry, Ivan Joseph, 80-I Kendell, J ,554,1217 Kendell, R J ,554, 1217 Kennedy & Bird (Builders) Pty Ltd, 92, 552, 629 Kennedy Taylor (NSW) Pty Ltd, 213,365 keno machines, S 4 Kenoss Pty Ltd, 569(J), 556, 761 Kenro Investments, 743 Kenro Services Pty Ltd, 596,636,743 Kent Hi Fi, 72 Kent Paper, 1235 Kercher, Peter, 1381 Kesak, Stivi, 553 Kev Thorn Upholstery & Furniture Restoration, 970, 971, 1377 Kevin Hoare Typesetting, 1093 Key Shop, 1144 Kickums Industries, 380 Kilimnik, Mirek, 350-I Kilpatrick Green Pty Ltd, 365, 380, 743, 1013,1143 Kimberley Clark Aust P/L, 558,577, 1012 King Gee Clothing Co Ltd, 993, 1285, 1379 Kings Printing Shop, 557, 558,761, 968, 1443 Kingsbury-Carr, Neville, 1353-4 Kinhill Engineers Pty Ltd, 291, 334, 446, 739,740,1217,1377 Kirkwood, Michelle Vanessa, 280-l Kleer Kube, 138 Klep, John Cornelius, 614-15 Kneebone, Michael John, 721-2 Knowles, John Warren, 1059-60 Knowles, Robyne Ann, 1059-60 Knox, William Matthew, 1331-2 Kogon, Charles, 524-5 Kolotex Hosiery, 1013 Konemann, Kevin, 1427-8 Konica Business Machines, 138, 487, 904 Koomarri Association, 1233 Koomarri Industries, 1092 Koppers Timber Preservation, 1228 Kovacic, I ,447,596 Kovacic, L., 447, 596 Kowalski, Julia, 561-2(J) Koziol, Adolf, 520-l Kraljevic, Blaz, 583-4(J) Kresta Blinds Ltd, 996 Kuan Yian Sim, 588 Kui Foon Wong, S 27 (p 13) ACT Gazette. Index 1990 Kurt Jacob & Co. P/L, 296 Kushwaha, Sarala, 1022-3 Kviz, Ladislav, 1103 Kwik-Kopy, 974 Kwikasair. 135 L L C Hughes & Co. Pty Ltd, 365,635 L G & B Luton T/A Gollaabri Park, 996 L.J.R. Machinery Pty Ltd, 156, 1235 L. M. Ericcson P/L, 296 LNC Subaru P/L, 972 L. W. Reid P/L, 378, 1194 Labour, Gilbert, 652, 1102 Labutte, Jacqueline, 354-5 Lachlan Valley Meats, 904 Lakeview Square Stage 2, 1411 Lam, Ewe Seng, 302 Lambert, Olwen Frances Harriet, 1363, 1364 Laminex Industries, 1234 Lamson Engineening Aust Pty Ltd, 1218 land administration applications for leases invited, 1318-23 approval to use residential land for professional and other purposes, 580-90(J), 61-2,77-87, 101-7, 126-7,149-51,180-206,235-6, 249-56,279-84,303-4,319-27, 346-58,372-3,392-4,412-19, 434-9,459-75,510-469547-63, 568-70,589-90,614-21,654-74, 683-5,709-34,749-50,770-2, 81 l-36,849-50,888-97,953-9, 986-9,1005-6,1020-851129-35, 1171-80,1209-12,1240-79, 1328-57,1370-l, 1414-39, 1328-57,1370-l, 1414-39, 1452-6, amendment of, 546(J) auctions, 172-7, 273-7, 806-8, 947-52,1107,1302-4 Certificates of Title, 574(J), 95-6, 118-19,140,158-61,217-20,244, 266,341,368,404,428,454-5, 491,561,602, 699, 843, 856, 934, 1000,1114,1220,1380,1401, 1406,1461, S83 fees, 799-805, S 56 (pp. 63-6) variation of lease purpose applications, 117-18,165-6,297,312-14, 337-9,402-3,453,505,579-81, 582-3,638-g, 697-8,935-7, 1118-20,1147-8,1404-5 19 land administration (cont.) writs of fieri facias, 1207 Lang, Donald, 412-13 Langford, Neil John, 891-2 Langley, Dennis, 1368 Langridge, Marta, 1445 Lanier Business, 841 Lansell, Maria, 988-9 Larstev Painters & Decorators, 596 Lasobook Pty Ltd, 626 law reform, 7-l 0 The Lawn Mower Centre, 763 Lawrence, William James, 587-8(J) Lawrence Nield & Partners Australia Pty Ltd, 569(J), 333 laws, see Acts; Regulations Le Lievre, Paul Raymond, 279-80 Ledson, Brian Maxwell, 683-4 Lee, Lesley Rose, 684-5 Legal Aid Commission (ACT Legal Aid Office) manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (p. 37) statement of organrsation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 22 (pp. 42-4) legal instruments fees payable, S 56 (pp. 67-8) Legislative Assembly contracts arranged, 132-4, 756 laws passed, S 8, 1 I, 14, 20,25,28, 29, 30, 32, 57,67, 69, 72, 75,76, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 92, 98, 100, 102 Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd, 566 Lemin, Randall Williams, 547-8(J) Lemmon, B., 214 Lemmon, G., 214 Lend Lease Interiors Pty Ltd, 1143 Lennock Motors P/L, 633, 972, 1235, 1286, 1379 Les Duetsch Architects Pty Ltd, 559,743, 967,994,1143,1375 Les King Cleaning P/L, 115 Lesnie, Harry, 902 Lester Firth Associates Pty Ltd, 382, 400, 631,966,967 Letraset Aust Pty Ltd, 335 Levice, Patricia Jane, 645 Lewis, George, 998 Lewis, Robert William, 546(J) 20 ACT Gazette. index 1990 life insurance Stamp Duties (Insurance and Vehicle Registration) Determination, s 33 (pp. 5-7) continuing credit contracts, 344-5 Ligtenberg, Frank Ferdinand Rudolf, 427 Lincoln, Steven Charles, 1029-30 Lincolne Scott Australia Pty Ltd, 552, 1376 Lindbeck, Mary Carol, 833-4 Linde Gas, 264 Link Communications, 377, 932, 1194, 1378 Link Telecommunications, 482, 690, 1235 Lion Card, 171 Liquor (Amendment) Act 1990, S 90,95 Liquor (Amendment) Act (No. 2) 1990, S 92 liquor Iicencing, S 22 (17-21, 37-41) fees payable, 783, S 96 Licensrng Standards Manual, 809 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (p. 35) Lloyds Caravans, 964 Loader, Lionel Walter Michael, 642 Local Government Training Council, 557 The Lock Shop, 694 Lock Tech Industries Pty Ltd, 381, 635, 743, 907, 1012, 1013,1144 Lodge, Gilbert, 1284 The Lodge, 972 Logan, Ann, 1407 Logic Group P/L, 134 Logical Applications, 1196 The Logical Approach, 135, 1195 Lomb Scientific, 157, 690, 1235 Long Service Leave (Buliding and Construction Industry) Act 1981 corresponding laws, 1209 Long Service Leave (Building and Construction Industry) (Amendment) Act 1990, S 20 Long Stay Caravan Park Housing Assistance Program, 792 Longpark Butchery, 903 Lonnergun & Gullett, 1284 Lopez, Paloma, 159 Lordco, 680 lottery fees, 784 Lourandos, Aikaterina, 1147-8, 1404-5 Lourandos, James, 1147-8,1404-5 Lourandos, Nicholas James, 1147-8, 1404-5 Lourandos, Stavroula, 1147-8, 1404-5 Lourandos, Stephania, 1147-8,1404-5 Louttit, Cecil John, 936-7 Lovelock Luke Pty Ltd, 91, 156 Low, Irene Sylvia, 696 Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre, S 81 Luddington, Jeanette Marie, 1240-l Lugg, B , 1195 Lugg, M., 1195 Luke Air Conditioning, 447 Lunsdaine, Geoffrey, 400 Luskeys Pty Ltd, 139 Lutz, Nicholas, 1389,390 Lyneham Section 54 Blocks 5 and 8, 345 Sectron 59 Part Block 18, 100 M M & N Builders & Electrical, 597, 1362 M L Farrer P/L, 66 MS McLeod Tyres, 1012 MSS Alarm Services, 596, 1094 MSS Guard Services, 741 Macarthur Section 394 Block 2, Section 344 Block 17,180 McCann, Peter, 545-6 McCann, Rae-Ann, 545-6 McCauley, Donald Thomas, 551-2(J) McCauley, Jaqueline Elizabeth, 106-7 McCauley, Jennifer Dulcie, 551-2(J) McCreath, Annie May, 315 McCreath, William Thomas, 1287 McCullock & Frater, 1196 McDonald, Donald Ian, 1115 McDowall, Anne Catherine, 255-6 McDowall, Donald Arthur, 611 McFarlane, Donald Malcolm Noel, 976 McGee, William Terrence, 526-7 McGrath, Janice Mary, 580-1(J) McGrath, John, 697-8 Macgregor, Ernest Donald John, 1259-60 Macgregor Concreting Pty Ltd, 212, 553 McGuiness, David Colin, 1392 machinery, fees payable for, 1124-6 Mclnnes, Gary, 118 Mclnnes, Janice, 118 McIntosh, Angus John, 915, 1106 Mclver, Janice Marin, 618-19 Mack, Christopher, 517-l 8 McKell, Richard James, 667-8 McKenna, Edwin Robert, 1462 McLachlan, S. J., 1309-10 McLachlan Consultant, 739 McLaren Press P/L, 1194 McLaughlin, Marie Lorraine, 1189 ACT Gazette Index 1990 Mclean, D, 1284 Mclean, E., 1284 McLean, Grace Cecilia, 1149 McLeans Department Store Card, S 5 McLenaghan, Lynette Patricia, 715-I 6 McLeod, Leslie Charles, 297 McMillen, David John, 1117 McNair Anderson, 116 McNamara, Brian Leonard, 1422-4 Mcneils Carpets, 1234 McSpedden, Jillian Beatrice, 1046-7 Mafscon Pty Ltd, 92, 1143 Magee Enterprises Inc, 363 Magistrates Court (Amendment) Act 1990, S 98 Magistrates Court (Civil Jurisdiction) (Solicitors’ Costs) Regulations (Amendment), S 101 Maher, Daniel Layden, 192-3 Main, Peter Ronald, 1129-30 Malco Engineering Pty Ltd, 448 Malcolm Munro & Associates, 629 Management Technology Education Pty Ltd, 447 Manettas & Co, 904 Manning, Judith Hilary, 1189 Mansoor, Manadath Pareed Pillay, 1060-2 Manteena Pty Ltd, 92, 135, 136, 212, 213, 400,446,486,945, 967, 972, 994, 1143, 1163 Manuka Fruit Centre, 904 Manuka Health Foods, 903 Marblecraft & Granite Suppliers, 556, 596 Marburg, Tony Gerard, 814-l 5 Marchant, Dr Harvey, 1369 Mardon, Leigh, 136 Margules and Partners Pty Ltd, 212, 263, 966 Marinolli, Ada, 1207 Marke Paine Landscaping, 758,1141,1217 marketable securities, purchase of, 703-4 Markus, Donald Frederick, 1109 marriages, registration of fees payable, S 56 (pp. 60-2) Master Builders’ Assoc of the ACT, 70, 367 Master Builders Construction and Housing Association, 216 Master Constructions Pty Ltd, 759, 964 Master Gasfitters P/L, 114 Masterbuilt Garages P/L, 295, 632 Masters, W. R., 554 Mat-Lock Carpet Services, 1195 Matruglio, D., 296 Matruglio, M., 296 21 Matsart Holding Pty Ltd, 364 Mattiazza, Robert, 546-7 Maunarc Pty Ltd, 761 Maunsell and Partners Pty Ltd, 569(J), 92, 556,627,629 Mauri Foods, 903 Maxwell Consulting, 363, 449 Mayjon P/L, 974 Mayne Nickless, 488 meat, fees payable for, S 94 Medical (Practitioners Registration) Board of the Australian Capital Territory appointments etc., 647-50 elections, 914-l 5, 1106 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (p. 29) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 23 (pp. 14-I 5) Megatec Pty Ltd, 401,970 Melcann Ltd, 694, 908 Melde, 377, 690 Meli, Alfred Raymond, 1032-3 Meli, Dorothy Joan, 1032-3 Men At Work, 135 Mere, Rosalind Lee, 355-6 Mesics, M., 628 Metal Design Pty Ltd, 597 Metro Quality Foods, 903 Metropolitan Security Service, 969 Microdata P/L, 1092 Microelectronics, 842 Middleton, lain Robert, 392-3, 415-l 6 Miladinovic, Momir, 400, 596 Milk Authority of the Australian Capital Territory addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 232, 1294 milk prices, 170, S 45, 80 Miller, Angela Melita, 1421-2 Miller, Janice Lorraine, 568-9 Miller Business Forms, 136 Millipore Aust, 690, 1234 MiIIs Plumbing Service Pty Ltd, 907, 967 Minister for Finance and Urban Services addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 232, 1300 administrative arrangements, S 48 (pp 12-16) Minister for Health, Education and the Arts addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 272, 1387 22 ACT Gazette Index 1990 Minister for Health, Education and the Arts (cont.) administrative arrangements, S 48 (pp. 16-17) Minister for Housing and Community Services addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 233, 1296-7, 1297 administrative arrangements, S 48 (p. 12) Ministry for Health, Education and the Arts addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 1387 contracts arranged, 1094-5, 1195-7, 1284-5,1443-4 Mitchell, Virginia Louise, 542-3 Mitchell lrrigation & Seed Supplies, 214 Mitchell Lawn Farm Machinery, 906 Mitchell Lawnmower Service, 632,972-3 Mitchell Mini-mix, 909, 1198 Mitchell Mower Centre, 1234 Mitsubishi Motors, 1285 Mitsubishi Pty Ltd, 1195 Mobil Oil Australia P/L, 906 Mobiletronics, 378 Modern Plaster Pty Ltd, 636 Modern Tailoring, 1198 Modular Building Systems, 969 Moir, Wayne Heath, 404 Molcann Ltd, 577 Moloney, Geoffrey Warwick, 831-3 Molonglo Traders P/L, 680, 1090 Monaro Extinguishers, 993 Monaro Irrigation, 576 Monier Tiles, 932 Monitair Pty Ltd, 310, 332 Montgomery, Peter Richard, 1252-3 Montgomery, Robyn, 1252-3 Moore, D. M., 364 Moore, R. J., 364 Moore, Roger James, 94 Moore Business Forms, 72, 135,486, 577, 763,109O Mor, Dr Brian Malcolm, 769, S 27 (p, 11) Morgan, Archibald Stevenson, 95 Morgan, Josette Denise Marie, 95 Morgan, Sandra Kaye, 1338-9 Moriarty, Mary Clare, 1363 Morphet Press, 72 Morris, Dr B. J., 1102 Morris, Faye Ethel, 529-30 Morris, Philip James, 1351-3 Morris Fletcher & Cross, 1141 Morse, Michael P ,919 Mortgagemaster Card, S 5 motor traffic exemptions from compliance with Australian Design Rules, S 105 fees payable, S 3, 26, 41,43, 56 (pp 50-9,84-5) 79, 103 Stamp Duties (Insurance and Vehicle Registration) Determination, s 33 (pp 5-7) subject to registrable interest, S 46 Taxi and Private Hire Care Regulations (Amendment), S 38 taxi licences, S 78 Truck (Amendment) Act 1990,1317, S 72 see also bus fares Motor Traffic (Alcohol and Drugs) (Amendment) Act 1990, S 98 Motor Traffic (Amendment) Act (No. 3) 1989,99 Motor Traffic (Amendment) Act 1990, S 11 Motor Traffic (Amendment) Act (No. 2) 1990, S 28 Motor Traffic (Amendment) Act (No. 3) 1990, S 72 Motor Traffic (Amendment) Act (No. 4) 1990, S 72 Motor Traffic (Amendment) Act (No. 5) 1990, S 76 Motor Traffic (Amendment) Act (No. 6) 1990, S 76 Motor Traffic (Amendment) Act (No. 71 1990, S 76 Motor Traffic (Amendment) Act (No. 8) 1990, S 89 motor vehicle dealers (licensed), 922-6 stamp duties, S 33 Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Regulations (Amendment), S 37 Motor Vehicles (Dimensions and Mass) Act 1990, S 28 Motorcolt Australia P/L, 907 Motormate Products, 576 Motorola, 380, 908, 1234 Motorola Communications, 486 Motorola Electronics, 594(J), 135, 292, 378, 484,909 Mounsey, John Douglas, 1000 Moxon, Edward Francis, 468-9 Moyle, Delphine Naomi, 1019 Muir, Louise Elizabeth, 1189 Mulloon Smash Repairs, 378, 575 Multilease Ltd, 1093 ACT Gazette Index 1990 Munday, G. J., 366 Munday, R. L., 366 Munns Sly & Partners Pty Ltd, 569(J), 570(J), 1375 Munns Sly Scott - Bohanna Moss Pty Ltd, 556 Murray, David Kenneth, 894-5 Murray Connor Pty Ltd, 555 Murray Northrop Consultants Pty Ltd, 263, 552 Music Product Aust P/L, 1443 Myercard, S 5 Myers, Maurice Nicholas Lloyd, 427 Myers, Shirleyanne Sharyce, 1131-2 Mytton Ltd, 138 N NEC Australia Pty Ltd, 968, 1379 NEC Information, 968 N. Gambale Electrical, 598 NHP P/L, 243 NPS Card, 171 NSW Government Clothing Factory, 378, 483 N W Kerry Pty Ltd, 92 Namco lndustries (ACT), 93,1378 names of public places, 1152-8, S 36 Namin Holdings Pty Ltd, 626 Narrabundah Section 75 Block 3,613 Nash Agencies, 156 Nashua Canberra, 137,295,1095,1308 Nashua Disks, 485,109O National Capital Earthmovers Pty Ltd, 1141 National Capital Motors, 114 National Exhibition Centre Trust addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 232, 1294 National Panasonic, 138 National Real Estate Property Management Trust A/C, 1378 natural gas, board of enquiry into reticulation and supply arrangements for, 270-I nature conservation Jerrabomberra Wetlands Nature Reserve, S 62 licence fees payable, S 56 (pp 30-l) Nature Conservation (Amendment) Act 1990, S 76 Neat & Trim, 904 Nectaria-Debra-Hawkesbury Nominees Pty Ltd, 1411 23 Neil Renfree & Associates Pty Ltd, 366, 1376 Nelson Joyce & Co ,489 Neoplex Signs Pty, 380 Ness, Colin George, 167 Neville Jeffress Advertising Pty Ltd, 136, 215,557,740,996,1142,1185, 1233 New South Wales Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, 488 New South Wales Government Clothing Factory, 378,483 New South Wales Government Supply, 974 Nimrod Computer Services, 68,296, 449, 450,691,692,693,1094, 1443 Nix, Leonard Charles, 857 Noise Control Manual, 408 Noone, T. D., 594(J) Norfolk Maintenance & Electrical, 1196 Norman Ross, 157 cards, 171 Norton Pty Ltd, 694 Nosworthy, Kenneth James, 160 Nosworthy, Marion Edith, 160 noxious weeds, 942-4 number plates, see motor traffic Nurses (Registration) Board of the Australian Capital Territory appointments etc., S 27 (pp. 3-4,12-14) electrons, 1189 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (p 29) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 23 (pp. 16-17) nursing home accommodation fees, S 1 (pp g-10), 16 (pp. 8-lo), 31 (pp. 8-9) 49 (pp. 9-l I), 56 (pp 11-13, 14) 64 (pp. 8-10) Nyholt Constructions Pty Ltd, 333 0 OA Link Computers, 69, 114, 115,295, 363, 449,450,691, 1195 OCE Reprographics, 1012 OC Graphics Pty Ltd, 1091 OCM Stores Supply Services contracts awarded, 761, 968, 969 OPI Constructions, 757 OTC, 1443 Oakman, Mark Frederick, 546(J) 24 ACT Gazette. Index 1990 occupational health and safety, 566-7, 587, 613,707,945-6,1108, 1163, 1411 Occupational Health and Safety Act 1989, S6 occupational therapy service fees, S 1 (p. 13) 16 (p 12) 31 (P 12)s 49 (p. 14), 56 (p. 16) 64 (p. 12) O’Connor, David William, 459-60 O’Connor, Margaret, 1333-4 O’Connor, Peter, 1333-4 O’Donnell Griffin Pty Ltd, 70, 967 Office Engineering Pty Ltd, 995 Office of City Management contracts awarded, 691, 693 Office of Industry and Development addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 388 contracts arranged, 739-42 lnfographics & Publication Centre, 133 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (pp. 55-8) statement of organrsatron, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 18 (pp. 13-37) Office of the Public Trustee statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, s 22 (pp. 34-7) Office Planning Pty Ltd, 742 Ogden Industries Pty Ltd, 504, 995, 1199 Olah, S., 628 Olsen Engineering Company, 769 O’Malley, J., 263, 972 Omni Office Interiors, 486, 504,909, 1013, 1218 O’Neill, James Sydney, 644 Optometrists (Registration) Board of the ACT appointments etc., S 63 electrons, 1368 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (p. 29) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 23 (pp. 18-19) O’Reilly, June Josephine, 657-8 Orzeszko, Krysztof, 476 Osborne Computers, 1185 O’Toole, Stan, 393-4 Ott, N., 139 Ottewill, Arthur Fredrick, 384 outpatient service fees, S 1 (p 13) 16 (p 12) 31 (p. II), 49 (p. 14) 56 (p. 16) 64 (p. 12) Ove Arup & Partners, 570(J), 215,310, 332, 366 P P C Extra’s Pty Ltd, 556 PDL Industries Aust Pty Ltd, 1377 PMPM Pty Ltd, 69,691,1196 P O’Dwyer Pty Ltd, 1196 P Ward Civil Engineers Pty Ltd, 569(J) Pacific Waste Management, 486 Pacom Sales Pty Ltd, 598 Page, F. W., 554 Page Pnmary School Site, 983 Pain, Nell, 955-6, 1034-5 Palavestra, George, 74 Panagiotakis, Nick, 598 Panther Printing & Publishing, 69 The Paper House, 449,692,1094,1443 Papermate, 933 Papps, Peter Leo, 516-l 7 Paragon Printers, 115, 1092, 1286 Parameters,,265 Parker, Cecily Margaret, 669-70 parking fees, S 26, 43 Parking Operations contracts arranged, 67,291-2,504 Parking Systems (Aust) Pty Ltd, 291, 629, 908,1362 Parks and Conservation Division addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 1300 statement of organrsatron, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 24 (pp. 13-15) see a/so ACT Government Parks and Conservation Parkwood Eggs, 903 Parliament House Construction Authority, 215 Parole Board of the Australia Capital Territory statement of organrsatron, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 22 (pp. 22-4) Parrett, Ismini, 548-9(J) Parsons, Catherine Anne, 1004 Parsons, Lynne, 180-l Parsons, Scott William, 642, 847 ACT Gazette* Index 1990 pathology service fees, S I (pp. I I-1 2) 16 (p. ll), 31 (p. IO), 49 (p 13) 56 (p. 15}, 64 (p. 12) Paul Easther Holdings P/L, 554, 966 Paul Mace Software, 401 pavements, fees for opening up or breaking surface of, S 56 (pp. 35-9) Pawle, Catherine, 116 Pawnbrokers (Amendment) Act 1990, 1316; S72 payroll tax, S 66 Peacock, Margaret Constance, 463-4 Peacock, W. J., 410 Peak Pacific, 1185 Pearce, Graeme Norman, 719-21 Pearce Primary School worksite, 984 Pease, Julie Elizabeth, 315 Pedersen, Edwin Harry, 1249-50 Pender, Anne, 571 (J) Pendon Constructions Pty Ltd, 262 Percival, Harry Norman, 1435-6 Perform, 557 Permanent Trustee Australia Ltd, 119 pesticides, fees payable, S 13 Peter E May & Associates Pty Ltd, 628, 965,966,995 Peter Lehman Wines, 902 Peters, Herman Anthony, 472-3 Petricevic, Michael, 658-9 Petricevic, Yvette Francine, 658-9 petroleum franchise licences, S 65 Petrovc, Maria Jane, 95 Petrykowycz, Paul, 1228 Peuren Agencies Pty Ltd, 448 Pharmacists Registration Board Pharmacy Board of the Australian Capital Territory (Pharmacists Registration Board) appointments etc., S 27 (pp. 6-9) electrons, 588 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (p 29) statement of organsation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 23 (pp 20-I) Philip, Dr J. R., 652 Philip Cox Richardson Taylor & Partners Pty Ltd, 966, 994 Philip Taylor Architects Pty Ltd, 214 Phillip Section 24 Block 6, 100 Phillips, Mark Lawrence, 1455-6 Phillips Fox, 568(J) 25 Phillips Lighting Industries, 635, 907, 1285 Philmac Pty Ltd, 576 Physiotherapists (Registration) Board of the Australian Capital Territory appointments etc ,645-6 elections, 589, 1019, 1324-5 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (p 29) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 23 (pp. 22-3) physiotherapy service fees, S 1 (p 13), 16 (p. 12), 31 (p. 12) 49 (p 14) 56 (p. 16) 64 (p. 12) Picture Machine, 116 Pidcock, Michael Elliot, 1057-8 piggeries, fees payable, S 94 Pinto, Joseph Conceciao, 521-2 Pipelines SuppIies, 504, 558, 578 Piper, Geoffrey, 120 Pirie Printers, 72, 115,557 place names, 1152-8, S 36 planning, see Interim Territory Planning Authority Playoust Building Pty Ltd, 629, 966 Playsafe Pty Ltd, 71 plumbers, drainers and gasfitters licence fees, 980-2 Pluto Furniture, 970, 971, 996, 1143, 1378 Pogson, Martin Andrew, 434-5 poisons and drugs, S 12 poker machines, S 4, 42 (pp. 35-6) fees payable, 785 Polbud Constructions Pty Ltd, 760 political parties, 57, 77,497, 11 IO, 1164, 1229,1301,1318,1414,1451 pollution, see environment, water pollution Polytek Food Equipment, 138 Pongrass Industries Ltd, 970,971, 996, 1379 Poniatowsky, Alexander, 1037-8 Pool Betting (Amendment) Act 1990, S 87 Pope OE & DR P/L, 763 Porteous, Beverly, 1393 Porter Services P/L, 1092 Portmans Card, 171 pound fees, S 56 (pp 19-25) Powell, Michelle Anne, 454 Power Tool Specialists, 216 Pracy, Brian, 1102 Prail Electrics P/L, 381 Prescott, Loloma Makitalen, 713-I 4 Prescott, Samuel Mataliki, 713-14 26 ACT Gazette Index 1990 pressure vessel inspection fees, 1126 Preston Paper, 1443 Price Waterhouse, 116, 905 Price Waterhouse Urwick, 691 Prior, Ian Dennis, 1069-70 Priorities Review Board contracts arranged, 633-4 probate and administration, 573(J), 574-5(J), 595(J), 94-5, 141-3, 162-4,166-7,221,267,315-16, 339-40,369,383-4,425-7, 452, 492,506,560,581,584,600-l, 603,637,695-6,744,764,778, 844, 857,910,975--6,998-g, 1014-16,1096,1115-17,1149, 1200-1,1221-3,1236, 1287, 1363-4,1402-3,1445-8,1462 fees payable, S 56 (pp. 70-5) Progressive Controls, 71 Project Coordination (Australia) Pty Ltd contracts awared, 1376 work sites, 566, 707, 1411 Project Lighting, 1233 Property and Landscape Maintenance Services contracts awarded, 366 Prophet, Stephen Frank, 1424-5 Protector Safety P/L, 377,577, 1233 Prouds Card, 171 Provincial Painters, 1362 Prowse, Ruth Huntly, 819-20 public health, see ACT Community and Health Service Public Hospitals Redevelopment Project, 1411 public places Jansz Park, S 36 road closures, 1165-70, S IQ street names, 1152-8 Public Rental Housing Assistance Program, S39 Public Service Commission, 215 Public Trustee’ Office fees payable, S 56 (pp 70-5) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, s 22 (pp. 34-7) Publications Control (Amendment) Act 1990, S28 Publications Control Regulations (Amendment), S 34 Pullen, Erika Waltrand, 558-9(J) Purdam, Helen Janette, 104-6, 1102, 1103 Q QCOM Pty Ltd, 447 Q Projects Pty Ltd, 553 quarter horse racing machines, S 4 Queanbeyan Caravan Centre, 933 Queanbeyan Concrete Contractors, 367 Queanbeyan Joinery, 377,932 Queanbeyan Rural Centre, 576 Queanbeyan Sheet Metal Products, 70 Queensland, reciprocal credit arrangements with, 407 Queensland Wire Pty Ltd, 71 Quihampton, Mary Adeline, 1447 quinella machines, S 4 R R A. Young & Associates Pty Ltd, 570(J), 242,310,332,334,445,552,556 R & F Management Pty Ltd, 214,262,965, 967,995,1216 R & G Shelley Pty Ltd, 92, 212, 291,555, 626,627-8,757,759,760 R & M Industries, 364 R & R Laundry, 904 R D Gossip Pty Ltd, 569(J), 570(J), 92, 215, 400,445,627,1217 RDJ Computer Consulting, 295 RE Batger Pty Ltd, 691 R Firth Furnishings, 633 R J Nairn & Partners Pty Ltd, 568(J), 570(J), 571 (J), 212, 291, 555,556,966, 1141 R M S Electrical Pty Ltd, 380, 381,635,743, 1013,1144 A P O’Donnell P/L, 763 rabbit keeping, fees payable, S 56 (p. 26) racing, S 22 (17-21, 37-41) Australian Capital Territory Gaming and Liquor Authority (Repeal) Act 1990, S92 manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (p. 36) Radiation Council decisions, 545(J), 229-30, 301-2, 409-I I, 651-3,769--70,919-20, 1102-5,1227-Q, 1369-70 fees, S 56 (p 3) prescribed qualifications, S 73, correction, S 78 Radmo Constructions Pty Ltd, 630 Ram Constructions, 31 I, 333, 335, 554, 626,760 ACT Gazeite Index 1990 Ramsay, Barbara, 646 Rando, Luigi Lucio, 1264-5 Ranger Geale Enterprises, 55.7,577,742 Ranger Truck Rentals, 972 Rank Xerox Australia, 137, 21 I, 263, 487, 761,969,1090 Rankin & Hill Pty Ltd, 365 Rates and Land Tax (Amendment) Act 1990, S 8 Rates and Land Tax (Amendment) Act (No. 2) 1990, S 29 Rawlinsons (ACT) Pty Ltd, 1376 Ray L. Davis & Company Pty Ltd, 947-51 Read, Neville Farley, 1041-2 Readymix Group Pty Ltd, 1091,1444 real property, see land administration Reardon, Bernard James, 530-l Recon Furniture, 1362 Red Hill Section 28 Block 27, S 36 Section 41 Block 21,613,707 Redmond, Rosaleen, 1134-5 Reg Daly Real Estate, 1234 Regan, Helen Kerry, 1328-9 Regency Decor, 68 Regent Heating and Air Conditioning, 365, 380,598,1013 Region Refrigeration, 972 Registrar’s Office manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (p 38) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 22 (pp. 32-3) Registration of Interest in Goods Act 1990, s 30 Registration of interest in Goods (Consequential Amendments) Act 1990, S 30 Regulations, 587, 979, 1452, S 2, 10, 34, 37, 38,40,50,54,55,59, 70,77, 91,97,101 Reilly, B.A., 114, 692, 1196, 1285 Reilly, P. J., 114, 692, 1196, 1285 remand centres (temporary), 1003 Remington Pty Ltd, 69, 116 Rennaissance Forestry, 1145 Renold Australia P/L, 243 Rentokil Pty Ltd, 487, 692 Repco Auto Parts, 265 Rescue Equipment P/L, 378 Rescue Systems P/L, 293,482,689 Reset (Aust) Pty Ltd, 67, 291, 909 27 Resort Products, 67 restricted substances, S 12 Reuben F Scarf Card, 171 Revenue Office contracts arranged, 91, 157, 841 Reynolds, David Malcolm, 953-4 Reynolds, Frank, 138 Rezo, D. D., 635 Rhiannons Restaurant, 556 Rice, James Archibald, 1426-7 Rice, Mabelle, 1426-7 Richard Glenn & Associates Pty Ltd, 1143 Richards, Brian Howard, 650 Richards, John David, 204-5 Richardson, Michael Thomas, 893-4 Richardson Section 477 Party Block 1,101 Richardsons Department Store Card, S 5 Ridbon & Disk Co., 762 Riddell, Diana Betty, 918 Ridge Consolidated Pty Ltd, 446, 964 Ridgewell, Harley Graham, 546(J) riggers, 1123 Rincon Joint Venture, 554 Ristevski, Milan, 1132-4 Rite Signs, 115 Roach, Christine Anne, 1380 Roach, Colin Richard, 1380 Road Maintenance Branch contracts awarded, 568(J), 570(J), 571(J), 92,214,291,311,333,400, 445,553,626,627,628,629,630 Roadmarkmg Supplies, 505 roads and public places fees for opening up or breaking surface of, S 56 (pp. 35-9) names, 1152-8, S 36 road closures, 1165-70, S 19 Roads Maintenance South contracts arranged, 505, 680, 763 contracts awarded, 757, 759,760 Robert Tibbert & Associates Pty Ltd, 365, 1218 Roberts, John Howard, 303-4 Roberts, W. A, 1219 Robertsons Tanks, 382 Robillard, Vincent, 301 Robinson, Bligh, 213 Robinson, Peter Francis, 347-8, 413-14 Robinsons Farm Machinary, 1443 Robson, Alastair Geoffrey Grinrod, 647 Roche, Catherine Joan, 86-7 Roche, Rodney Neill, 86-7 Rock Art, 1376 28 ACT Gazette. Index 1990 Rodgers, Evelyn, 1234 Rodman, David Thomas, 1348-Q Roger David Credit Pty Ltd, 171-2 Rogers, Carolyn Maree, 476 Rondda Enterprises Pty Ltd, 313-14, 453 Rose Cleaning Service, 451 Ross, William Joseph, 1016, 1287 Ross Graphics, 115,116,1093 Roughton, Doris Kathleen, 142 Routh, Paul Federick, 101-3 Rover Mowers, 1444 Rover-Scott Bonnar Ltd, 558 Rowbotham, Melville Dennis, 1031-2 Roxburgh, Suzanne Mary, 828-9 Royal Canberra Hospital registration of irradiating apparatus, 409,651 Rudwick, Michael Joseph, 186-7 Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia, 1105 Russell Section 82 Block 1,707 Ryan, Ashley John, 764 Ryan, Rev. John Edward, 584-5(J) Ryan, Mark James, 586-7(J) Ryan, Mary Ellen, 506 Ryan, Patrick William John, 506 Ryan, William Patrick, 410, 651 S SAFA, 634 S & E Promotions Pty Ltd, 697-8 S & M Contract Furniture, 970, 971, 996, 1377 S & M Supply Co. Pty Ltd, 366 S&N Grassia Cleaning Contractors, 1091 SCI Operations Pty Ltd, 291 SPSS Australia, 450 ST Grease Guns, 71 Saab Scania Aust P/L, 294,380,381 Saboisky, John, 1243-4 Saddington, Frank, 1446 Sadler, Ray Philip, 916 Safdev Pty Ltd, 552, 556 safety, see occupational health and safety Safetyfast, 742 Safetykleen, 264 Sahhar, Helen, 552-3(J) Sahhar, Shukry, 552-3(J) Saico Products, 1460 St George Permanent Co-operative Building Society (ACT) Ltd, 920 St Peter’s Catholic College constructron site, 945 Sakman, R ,629 Salfran Holdings Pty Ltd, 1379 Salkin, Vicki Elizabeth, 476 Salmela, Tauno Aarre, 523-4 Sandeman, Diana, 319-20 Sanders, Amor, 993 Sanderson, John Leslie, 724-5 Sands, Sarah Angela, 562-3(J), 1433-4 Sangster, Yvonne Anne, 1189 Savannah Forestry Equipment, 1308 Savo Stankovich Pty Ltd, 445, 1143 Sawyer, Lloyd Hanson, 51 O-l 1 scaffolding and lifts, fees payable, 1123-4 Scala Developments Pty Ltd, 1378 Scandia, 310, 332 Scandia Flooring Pty Ltd, 71 Scheme for Providing and Assisting in Providing Dwelling Houses, 1413, s 68 Scheme for Providing Concessional Home Loans, 795-6,1413; S 68 Scheme for Providing or Assisting in Providing Dwelling Houses, 793-4, 797-8, 1413 Schiavello Commercial Interiors Pty Ltd, 381 Schmidt, G. C., 156 Schmidt, Jill Ivy, 81 I-12 Schmidt, W., 136 Scientronics, 133, 134, 335, 756 Scitec Communications Systems Ltd, 31 I, 333,553,630,1378 Scott and Furphy Engineers Pty Ltd, 570(J), 671 (J), 29Q, 310, 332, 377, 400, 401,555, 739, 1216, 1217 Scott & Sons Pty Ltd, 71 Scott Bonnar-Rover, 906 Scruttons Pty Ltd, 138, 485,693 Scuderia Veloce Motors, 135 seals (official), S 58 Sebel Furniture Ltd, 114, 136, 296,487, 693,993, 1091 Second-hand Dealers and Collectors (Amendment) Act 1990,1315, S 72 Secure Parking Pty Ltd, 971 securities, purchase of, 703-4 Segeri, Stefan, 553 Seipke, Carrnel Waltraut, S 83 Seipke, Frederick, S 83 Seipke, Gunter Fredrick, S 83 Selby Anax, 1233,1234,1235 Self-Government (Transitional Provisions) Regulations, S 2 ’ ACT Gazette. Index 1990 Selley’s Chemical, 694 seven card stud poker machines, S 4 Seven Dimensions, 138 sewerage, see ACT Electricity and Water Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Amendment) Act 1990, S 92 Sharp Corporation, 377,378, 632, 690,932, 1094,1195,1308 Sharrod Corporation Pty Ltd, 760, 965 Shaw, Patricia Lorraine, 1189 Shell Co. of Australia Ltd, 594(J), 71, 134, 157,487,576 Shepherd, Roy, 569-70 shop trading hours, 578(J), 319, 1208, S 85 Shorney, Ross William, 357-8 Short Holdings, 483 Shui-Kwan Tam, Max, 770-I Sigma Data, 133, 134 Silenus Laboratories, 545(J) Silverplate Co., 139 Silvoglo Stainless, 139 Sim, Kuan Yian, 588 Simmonds, Jack Leslie, 167 Simplex International Time, 67 Sims, G., 445 Skill Cleaning, 364 Skrtic, B., 570(J), 262, 291 Skrtic, T., 570(J), 262, 291 Skye Workshop, 213 Skyring, Fay, 213 Small, John, 666-7 Smith, Allan George, 581-2(J) Smith, E. Don, 400,964, 965 Smith, Francis Stanley, 1114 Smith, Grant Wilson, 321-2 Smith, Gray, 1448 Smith, Mark, 448 Smith, Thomas Howard, 1397 Snow White Contract Cleaning, 366 Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation Ltd, 739, 1143 Snowy Welding Co Repairs, 157, 636 Sofatzis, Jim, 561 Sokkisha Pty Ltd, 216 South Tuggeranong, 278 Southern Excavations, 760 Southern Frozen Foods, 903 Southern Petroleum, 557 Southwell, Graham Clifton, 1209-l 1 Southwell, Thelma Maria Gladys, 910 Spacecraft Storage Systems, 1378 Specialised Technology Group, 295, 1197 Specified Equipment Sales, 1145 Speedisafe, 377 29 Spicers Paper Pty Ltd, 448, 485 Sportech, 290 Sports and Recreation contracts arranged, 71-3 Srinrvasan, Jaishree, 1342-3 Stallard, Avril Josephine, 218 Stamp Duties and Taxes (Amendment) Act 7990, S 32 stamp duty, S 33,71,99 Stanwix, Justin Thomas, 917 Statutory Authorities (Audit Arrangements) 1990, s 29,35 Stefanou, Emmanuel Peter, 1250-2 Steggall, John Raymond, 249-50 Steinle, John, 634 Stelco, Fabian, 1070-2 Stelco, Wendy Gaye, 1070-2 Stellar Engineering P/L, 365, 448,597, 636 Stenhouse, Alexander, 488 Stephens, John Joseph, 588 Sterzenbach, Darren, 149-50 Stevens, Kevin Peter, 270-I Stewart, Colin Sydmouth, 466-7 Stirling, Kim Horden, 165-6 Stirlings Card, S 5 stock brands, 579(J) stock diseases, 612 Stokes Contractors, 70,626 Stramit Joinery, 576 Strata-Uvex, 690 street names, 1152-8 Strine Design, 571 (J), 92, 445, 758, 995 Stuart, James Leslie, 1262-3 Sturdy Components Pty Ltd, 136, 295, 296, 450,692,1094,1095 Stylex Ergonomics Pty Ltd, 1378 Stylus Tapes, 377, 489 Subaru Austr Pty Ltd, 490 Sum, Stephen, 652 summer daylight saving, 914 Summers, Margaret, 74 Summers Glass & Joinery, 1196 Sunbeam Corporation, 292, 1444 Sunderland, Kenneth James, 410 Sunset Pty Ltd, 380 Supergrasse Pty Ltd, 1376 Superior Carpet Cleaning, 381 Supply Act 1990-91, S 28 Supply Group contracts arranged, 596-9 Surveyors Board manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (p. 58) 30 ACT Gazette. Index 1990 surveyors examination and registration fees, S 56 (pp. l-2) Sussex Inlet Wharf and Piling Contractors P/L, 1310 Sutton, Graham, 1378 Swanson, Raymond Charles, S 27 (p, 1) Sylex-Ergonomics Pty Ltd, 756, 1378 Syman Pty Ltd, 602 Symonston Section 126, Block 3, 613 T TAAC Architects, 636, 965, 967, 968, 994 T & G Construction, 290,401 T & S.B. Simeonov Pty Ltd, 400 T 8 S Simeonov Pty Ltd, 757,758 T & T Constructions, 629 TIC Distributors P/L, 243 TLE. 138 TNT Forklifts P/L, 907 T O’K Carpentry & Partitioning Pty Ltd, 136, 448,635, 636, 743, 966,967, 994, 1375 Tablelands Sawmills, 489 Taglietti, Enrico, 1177-8 Taglietti, Francesca, 1177-8 Takacs, Sandor, 1221 Tancred, Patrick John, 696 Taplin, Frank, 366 Tapper, Dr Mark, 652 Tapper, Mark Phillip, 1064-5, 1396 Target, 632 Target Card, S 5 taxation, 8 66 financial institutions duty, S 93 Stamp Duties and Taxes (Amendment) Act 1990, S 32 stamp duty, S 33,71,99 Taxation (Administration) (Amendment) Act 1990, S 8 Taxation (Administration) (Amendment) Act (No. 2) 1990, S 20 Taxation (Administration) (Amendment) Act (No. 3) 1990, S 28 Taxi and Private Hire Car Regulations (Amendment), S 38, 77 taxi licences fees, S 3, 79 number, S 78 Taylor, David Thornton, S 27 (p 2) Taylor, Ella Blanche, 1403 Taylor Thomson Whitting Pty Ltd, 758 Team Systems P/L, 363,633 Technical Resources Pty Ltd, 967 Technolink, 756 Techway Solutions, 690, 1235 Tedeschr, Michael, 915, 1106 Telecom Australia, 157, 214, 242, 294, 310, 333,334, 488, 555, 626, 739, 756, 757,762,965,968,994,1141, 1142,1377 Telmak Australia P/L, 1103 tenders invited, 11 l-1 3, 131-2, 155-6, 21 O-1 1,240-l) 260-2,288-g, 309, 331,357-8,399,424,444,481, 502-3,550-l, 574,594-5,625, 678-9,738,754-5,776,840,854, 901,931,963, 101 O-1,1089, 1139-40,1184,1193,1283,1361, 1361,146O Territory Owned Corporations Act f 990, s92 Territory Planning Office, 388 Terry Potten Flooring Pty Ltd, 367 Texas Instruments, 841 Thain, John Robert, 1436-7 Theodore Primary School construction site, 1163 Thiess Contractors Pty Ltd, 242, 445 third party insurance Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Regulations (Amendment), S 37 Thomas, Evan, 780 Thomas Business Equipment, 993 Thompson, Gregory, 1407 Thompson, James, 1463 Thompson, Robert Vance Sutherland, 1020-l Thomson, Jennifer, 648 Thomson, John Douglas, 1176-7 Thorp, Richard G., 1301 3M Australia, 292, 505, 680, 909, 973 Thrifty Rent-a-Car Pty Ltd, 968, 1218 Thymis, Marina, 71 O-1 1 Tidbinbilla Works Depot work site, 613 Tieken, Tony, 763 Tierney, Colin Ian, 1418-19 Tilley, Heather Mary, 351-2 Tillyard Centre Association Incorporated, 935-6 Time Manager International, 570(J) Timmons & Partners, 377 Titterton, Ernest William, 425 Tobacco (Amendment) Act 1990, S 76,94 tobacco franchise Iicences, 915-l 6, S 65 Tobler Bros, 489 Todd, C A., 628,630,759 ACT Gazette index 1990 Todd, J W. A, 628,630,759 Tokich Family Trust, 629 Tollett, Nicholas, 823-5 Tom & Vanessa Rankin Eagaline Nursery, 1145 Tom Stoddart Pty Ltd, 627 Tommy Tortoise, 489,632,1284 Toohey’s Breweries, 904 Top Australia Ltd, 742 Top Stage Productions, 489, 906 Topic, Zdenka, 1074-5 Torrens Industries, 294, 482, 993 Torssell, Harriet Berta, 538-9 Toshiba Australia Pty Ltd, 741, 841, 904, 1285 Total Assets Protection (Aust) Pty Ltd, 69 Touche Ross Services Pty Ltd, 568(J), 634 tourism, S 24 (pp. 16-17) Tourism Commission contracts arranged, 1092-3 Tourism Development Bureau contracts arranged, 115-I 6 Tourism Information Software, 138 Tower Cleaning Service, 451 Toyota Motor Sales, 134, 263,311, 336, 489,504,972, 1145, 1285, 1309 Tracey Brunstrom & Hammond Pty Ltd, 966 Trade ACT, 448 Trade Structures, 378 trading hours, 578(J), 319, 1208, S 85 Trafalgar Trading Co., 490 trailers, see motor traffic training Vocational Training Regulations (Amendment), 1452 Trane Company Pty Ltd, 558, 1013 transport delegation of powers under Interstate Road Transport Act 1985, 124 see a/so motor traffic Transport and Engineering contracts awarded, 964,995, 1141, 1143,1217 Transport and Storage Group Fleet Services, 1218 travel agents, 606-I 1 registration fees, 1159-62 Traveland, 904 Travers Morgan NZ, 634 Trayner, Christine Margaret, 532-3 31 Treasurer addresses to which FOI requests may be sent or delivered, 390, 1295 administrative arrangements, S 48 (pp 5-6) quarterly financial statement, S 9, 53,74 see also ACT Treasury Tregear, Gail Annette, 822-3 Trend - LRC (Aust.) Pty Ltd, 633 Trick, Sandra, S 27 (p 12) Triffetts, 377,632 Triffetts Electrical, 1235 Triffets Furniture, 92, 965, 1235 Trilogy Business Systems, 855 Trip Cleaning Services, 366 Triptych Pty Ltd, 907 Triumph Adler, 138 Truck (Amendment) Act 1990,1317, S 72 Trustee (Amendment) Act 1990, S 8 trustees approved building societies for investment, 920 Tube Makers, 137,1284 Tucker, Howard Phillip, 620-I Tucker, Jill Rosemary, 620-l Tucker & Co P/L, 902 Tuckwood, Jo-Anne Barbara, 554-5(J) Turf & Grounds Equipment, 1235 Turner, Philip John, 1276-7 U U-Stow It, 1308 Udovisi, Aldo, 972 unclaimed moneys official seal of the Registrar, S 58 (p 2) Unclaimed Moneys (Amendment) Act 1990, s57 Ungermann Bass Pty Ltd, 1142 Union Offset Co. Pty Ltd, 114,295, 557, 1095,1443 Union Rubber, 335 Union Steel, 335 Unisys Australia Ltd, 67, 133, 241, 756, 1013,1308 unit titles, fees payable, 803-5 United Carpet Mills, 634, 743 United Suppliers, 71, 137, 292, 504, 1090, 1286 United Technologies Carrier, 1362 Units Plan Number 149, 402-3 universities liquor licence fees, S 96 (p 2) University of Canberra construction site, 946 32 ACT Gazette. Index 1990 University of New South Wales, 93 Institute of Administration, 968 Urack, Joelle, 986-7 Urban Contractors Pty Ltd, 628, 631, 757, 759,964 Urban Services contracts arranged, 1090, 1186 Urban Services Section, Road Maintenance Branch contracts awarded, 568(J), 570(J), 571 (J), 92,214,291,311,333,400, 445,553,626,627,628,629,630 Urquhart, Morag, 1416-l 7 V VFJ Electronics, 67 Valley Diagnostic Imaging, 409 Valvoline Oil, 973 Van Dykhuizen, Henrikus Karel, 143 Van Gerwan, John, 1234 Van Ierschot, Eric Jan, 1257-8 Van lerschot, Ruth, 1257-8 Van Meegan, Harris, 739 Vandenberg, Rudi Hendrik, 348-9 Varian Pty Ltd, 290,1228 Vastee Enterprises, 364 Velanis, U., 377 Velvalene Products, 694 Venture Card, 171 Venus Hartung, 690,932 Vermeer Equipment Sales P/L, 633 Vermeer NSW, 578 Veshner, Eugene Henry, 184-5 Veterinary Surgeons (Registration) Board appointments etc., S 27 (p. 5) manuals used to make decisions or recommendations, S 42 (p 30) statement of organisation, functions and powers, categories of documents and facilities for access, S 23 (pp. 24-5) Vetsavong, Pradith, 283-4 Victa, 292,557 Victorian Department of Conservation, 1309 Victorian Department of Conservation and Environment, 1309 Victorian Ministry of Housing and Construction, 334 Viking Diesel, 482 Vinh Duc Lieu, 82-3 Visa Card, 248, 1105, 1128 Voca Communications P/L, 68, 69, 114, 450,482,692,741,762 Vocational Training Regulations (Amendment), 1452 Voting System Referendum Party, I 1IO, 1414 W W & G Precision Inst, 933 WIA, 1284 WPA Supplies, 970 W P Brown & Partners Pty Ltd, 569(J), 571 (J), 92, 213, 263, 553,555,630, 1143,1377 W R Engineering P/L, 311, 336 W T Partnership, 965 Wagga Catering Equipment, 139 Wain, Leanne Maree, 541-2 Wain, Peter John, 541-2 Waldren, Clive James, 1II 8-20 Wales, Beverly Thomas Vincent, 958-9 Walewcz, Eddie, 1234 Walker, Barry, 743 Walker, Matthew Gordon, 1369 Wallace, Gwendoline, 1171-2 Wallboard Tool Co., 485 Waloff Olsen Pty Ltd, 743,995 Walsh, Jan, 1407 Walters, Susan, S 27 (p. 6) Walwa Super Elite, 1145 Wang Australia, 447, 761, 968,969, 970, 1377 Wanniassa Section 132 Blocks 32-4, 1240 Waramanga Section 46 Pan Block 4,99 Ware, Gregory Michael, 816-l 7 waste, authorisation for discharge of, S 81 water pollution authorisation to discharge waste, S 81 licence fees payable, S 59 (pp. 27-9) water supply and drainage, fees payable for, 391,860-3 see also ACT Electricity and Water Water Supply (Chemical Treatment) (Amendment) Act 1990, S 29 Waterland Pty Ltd, 213, 633 Waterman, Adrianne, 1026-7 Waterman, Peter, 1026-7 Waters, Beverley R., 700 Watson & Crane, 933 Wattle Community Association Incorporated, 505,935-6 Wattyl Paints, 487 Way, Cassandra Dawn, 1174-5 ACT Gazette. Index 1990 Webber, Ian, 311, 336, 973, 1145, 1146 Wedderburn, J. W., 138 weeds (noxious), 942-4 Weidemann, Dr M. J., 411 weights and measures testing fees, S 56 (pp. 76-81) Wells, John Charles, 1103 Wenden, Anitra, 1369 Werner, Albert Ronald, 976 Westende, Laurus Vant, 936-7 Weston, Frederick Arthur, 187-8 Weston Personnel Services, 902 Westpac Banking Corporation, 971, 1142, 1219,1378 White, George McFarlane, 1223 Whiteholme (ACT) Pty Ltd, 212,213, 242, 1216,1376 Whitman, Tammy Francene, 513-l 4 Whitnall. Warren George, S 63 Wiffens, 903 Wild Country, 689,055 Wild Leitz, 690 wildlife, see nature conservation Wilkil Weed and Pest Control, 335, 598 William Green Pty Ltd, 919 Williams, Brian Robert, 1082-3 Williams, Clive, 589-90 Williams, Gilbert Frank, 1278-Q Williams, Owen Benson, 162 Williams, Walter Alexander, 617-i 8 Williams, Warren Edwin, 812-14 Williams, Warren John, 999 Willing and Partners Pty Ltd, 570(J), 571 (J), 215,242,262,334,446,555,1377 Willis, lngrid Lynda, 716-i 7 Willoware Austr P/L, 694 wills, see probate and administration Wilson, David William, 1067-8 Wilson, Lynette Patricia, 670- 1 Wilson, Peter John, 654-5 Wilson, Rhonda June, 654-5 Wilson Floors Pty Ltd, 363 Wilsons Furniture, 632 Windage Pty Ltd, 290, 401 Winterburn Fort Interiors, ii 4, 296, 691, 692,693, 1195 Wittner Card, 171 Woden Cemetery, 60 Woden Radiology Services, 1228 Woden Valley High School work site, 566, 1227 Woden Valley Hospital construction site, 946, 1411 dragnostic x-ray machine, 652 33 Wollongong Constructions Pty Ltd, 213 Wollongong Steel Store, 1284 Wolter, John Murray, 695 Woodengraving, 71 Woods, Alan John, 637 Woodward, Ellen Marguerite, 661-2 Woodward, G ,994 Woodward, Gregory Allan, 661-2 Woodward, J ,994 The Woodworks, 67, 72 Woolley, Edgar Harold, 94 work sites, see occupational health and safety Workin Gear, 265, 504, 577, 762,969, 1284 Workspace Commercial Furniture, 1378 Workspace Interiors, 1218 Wormald, 366 Wormald Fire Systems, 71, 364, 365,380, 381,596,597,599,743 Wormald International (Aust) Pty Ltd, 1376, 1379 Wormald Security Australia Pty Ltd, 1094, 1285,1376,1379 Wormald Security Systems, 69 Worrall, Edith Mable, 491 Worth, Brian Edmund, 820-l Worthey, Nigel, 627 Wright, Wayne John, 999 Wurth Fasteners P/L, 906 Wyholt Constructions Pty Ltd, 629 Wykold Pty Ltd, 554, 626, 760 Wylkanee Pty Ltd, 338-9, 628 Wynd, Peter Anno, 660-i Wyss, Frank Leonard, 79--80, 1027-9 X x-ray machines, registration of see Radiation Council Xidex P/L, 974 Y Yakka lndustrial Wear, 1194 Yamaha Music Aust , 1094 Yarralumla Section 40 Blocks 5,6, Section 41, Blocks 4 and 6,509 Section 56 Blocks 1,2,3 and 20, Section 54 Blocks 1, 19 and 20, 433 Section 56 Blocks 2, 3, 582-4 Section 99 Block 4, 566 Yarralumla Nursery, 1310 Yass & District Printing, 577 34 ACT Gazette. Index 1990 Yee, Arthur, 744 Youll, Stephen John, 555-6(J) Z Z & Z Constructions, 242,629 Zakman, A., 242,629 Zakman, R., 242,629 Zawartko, Ludmila, 1051-2 Zelman, Annie Haydon, 205-6,290 Zelman, C H., 290 Zetor Motokov Austr, 576 Zilinskas, Laima Eugene, 460-l Zlater Cleaning Service, 485 Zobec, Rose, 663-4 Zurvas, Raymond Arthur, 189-90
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