Equipment Catalog Molds Section
Equipment Catalog Molds Section
molds All measurements are in inches unless otherwise indicated Timbale Molds in Stainless Steel Our best quality, most versatile and durable molds. Thick-gauge 18/10 stainless steel, beautifully finished and polished for years of service. High resistance to denting, acids, and rust. m a b c a. M184-A b. M184-B c. M184-C d. M184-D d TØ BØ H C (oz) 2 23⁄8 21⁄2 23⁄4 11⁄2 11⁄2 13⁄4 2 2 21⁄4 21⁄2 23⁄4 2 4 51⁄2 61⁄2 Timbale Molds in Heavy Aluminum Extra-thick aluminum is dent-resistant, rust proof and an excellent conductor of heat. Excellent quality. e. M183-A f. M183-B g. M183-C h. M183-D i. M183-E g e f h TØ BØ H C (oz) 11⁄4 13⁄4 2 21⁄4 21⁄2 3 11⁄8 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 23⁄4 3 ⁄4 11⁄2 21⁄2 4 5 ⁄4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 13⁄4 i Timbale Molds Rolled edges give added strength to standard-gauge molds. j. M125-C non-stick TØ BØ H C (oz) 21⁄4 13⁄4 21⁄4 5 Oval Molds Attractive oval shape with sanitary, open-bead edge. j k m l k. M126-C non-stick l. M126-B aluminum W H C (oz) 21⁄4 21⁄4 11⁄2 11⁄2 31⁄2 31⁄2 Rectangular Ring Mold Stainless steel. n m. M640-12 n. M640-16 o. M640-18 p. M641-9 q. M641-10 r. M524 o p L 3 3 q L W H C (oz) 43⁄4 61⁄4 7 31⁄2 4 21⁄2 11⁄2 11⁄8 11⁄8 13⁄8 13⁄16 2 13⁄16 1 3 ⁄4 13⁄16 13⁄16 11⁄5 4 21⁄2 3 3 21⁄2 3 r Square Ring Molds Stainless steel. s. M522 t. M521 u. M642 s 2 t L W H C (oz) 21⁄2 2 31⁄8 21⁄2 2 31⁄8 11⁄4 3 13⁄4 31⁄2 6 8 u 212-683-3553 800-473-0577 Fax: 212-683-4488 molds L: length W: width (T: top, B: bottom) D: depth H: height C: capacity Ø: diameter f e d Individual Rings Stainless steel. Under 13⁄4" High. M229 a. M230 b. M231 c. M246-2.75 d. M246-3 e. M246-3.5 f. M246-4 Ø H C (oz) 2 21⁄3 21⁄2 23⁄4 3 31⁄2 4 11⁄2 11⁄4 11⁄2 11⁄3 11⁄3 11⁄3 11⁄3 11⁄2 2 4 5 6 8 11 m b a Extra Tall Individual Rings Stainless steel. 13⁄4" High & Up. M592-1.75 g. M351 h. M239 i. M233 j. M234 M570-2.75 M354 M247-2.75 k. M247-3 l. M446-2.75 c l Ø H C (oz) 2 27⁄8 3 31⁄2 4 23⁄4 2 23⁄4 3 23⁄4 13⁄4 13⁄4 13⁄4 13⁄4 13⁄4 2 3 21⁄3 21⁄3 3 3 6 7 9 12 7 4 8 9 10 j h k g i m. Heavy Duty Seamless Rings Superior stainless steel rings are thicker gauge and more sanitary because they do not have seams. They won’t bend and they release food easily. M581-1.25 M581-1.5 M582-1 M582-1.5 M582-2 M583-1 M583-1.75 Ø H 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 11⁄4 11⁄2 1 11⁄2 2 1 13⁄4 m Stainless Steel Rings n. M354 o. M355 p. M356 Ø H C (oz) 2 11⁄2 13⁄4 3 11⁄2 1 4 1 11⁄2 n p o q. Pre-Cut Acetate Strips* For lining dessert molds. Makes removal easier. 1,000 strips per package. Measurements are for maximum allowable diameter. M435-1 M435-1.5 M436-A Ø L H 2 3 21⁄2 61⁄2 91⁄2 8 1 11⁄2 11⁄2 M436-C M436-D M436-E Ø L H 3 3 3 93⁄4 93⁄4 93⁄4 13⁄4 21⁄3 2 r q r. Rolls of Heavy Clear Acetate* Acetate roll for cakes and dessert wraps or as mold liners. 500 ft. per roll. H B860-1.38 B860-1.75 B860-2 13⁄8 13⁄4 2 H B860-2.38 B860-2.5 B860-3 23⁄8 21⁄2 3 *The plastic used is food-safe polystyrene. If you don’t see it here, try Strips Roll 3 molds All measurements are in inches unless otherwise indicated a. Flan Rings - Classic Stainless steel with rolled edges. M266-2.3 M266-2.5 M266-2.75 M266-3 M266-3.5 m a Ø H 23⁄8 (60mm) 21⁄2 (67mm) 23⁄4 (70mm) 3 (80mm) 31⁄2 (90mm) 5 ⁄8 5 ⁄8 3 ⁄4 3 ⁄4 3 ⁄4 M266-4 M266-6.25 M266-8 M266-9.5 Ø H 4 (100mm) 61⁄4 (160mm) 8 (200mm) 91⁄2 (240mm) 3 ⁄4 ⁄4 3 ⁄4 3 ⁄4 3 Flan Rings - Taller Stainless steel with rolled edges. Each is 1" high. Ø M574-70 M574-80 M574-90 Ø 23⁄4 31⁄4 31⁄2 M574-100 M574-200 M574-240 4 8 91⁄2 b. Entremet Rings Strong stainless steel, 13⁄8" high. Ø b M246-2.75 M246-3 M246-3.5 M246-4 M246-4.5 Ø 23⁄4 3 31⁄2 4 41⁄2 M246-6 M246-8 M246-9.5 M246-10 6 8 91⁄2 10 c. Cake Rings Strong stainless steel, 2" high. Ø c M570-2.75 M570-3 M570-3.5 M570-4 M570-6 Ø 23⁄4 3 31⁄2 4 6 M570-8 M570-9 M570-10 M570-12 8 9 10 12 23⁄8" high. Ø M247-2.75 M247-3 M247-3.5 M247-4 M247-6 d Ø 23⁄4 3 31⁄2 4 6 M247-8 M247-9.5 M247-10 M247-12 d. Tall Cake Rings Strong stainless steel, 3" high. Ø M446-2.75 M446-3 M446-3.5 M446-4 M446-6 e Ø 23⁄4 3 31⁄2 4 6 M446-8 M446-9.5 M446-10 M446-12 M446-14 8 91⁄2 10 12 14 e. Square Ring Molds Stainless steel. Each mold is 3⁄4" high. W M605-3.25 M605-4.75 M605-6.5 4 8 91⁄2 10 12 31⁄4 (8cm) 43⁄4 (12cm) 61⁄2 (16cm) W M605-8 M605-9.5 M605-11 8 (20cm) 91⁄2 (24cm) 11 (28cm) 212-683-3553 800-473-0577 Fax: 212-683-4488 molds L: length W: width (T: top, B: bottom) D: depth H: height C: capacity Ø: diameter Octagonal Cake Form Stainless steel. 8" diameter by 2" high. m M248-8 Square Ring From Asia, stainless steel (18/8), 2" x 2" x 13⁄4" high. a. M590 Round Rings From Asia, stainless steel (18/8). b. M592-1.75 c. M592-3 d. M593-1.75 Ø H C (oz) 2 2 3 13⁄4 3 13⁄4 2 4 6.5 a b c f g d Stainless Steel Multi-Shape Rings W H C (oz) Tear Drop Ring e. M442 31⁄8 L -- 11⁄2 21⁄2 Heart Shape Ring f. M543 31⁄4 31⁄4 11⁄4 5 Hexagonal Rings g. M235-B -- 23⁄4 11⁄4 4 Pointed Oval Ring h. M238 31⁄2 2 11⁄4 31⁄2 Gothic Triangle Ring i. M342 -- 21⁄2 11⁄2 2 Diamond Shape Ring j. M236 31⁄2 21⁄3 11⁄4 21⁄2 Oval Race Track Ring k. M454-3.75 31⁄2 2 2 6 Oval Ring l. M237 2 11⁄4 2 3 e i j h k l m. Trays of Plastic Cone Molds Each cone is 21⁄4" diameter, 3" high, 2 oz capacity. There are 12 molds per tray and 25 trays per package (300 molds in total). M497 n. Trays of Plastic Pyramid Molds Each pyramid is 21⁄8" x 21⁄8" on the bottom and 31⁄4" high, 3 oz capacity. There are 12 molds per tray and 25 trays per package (300 molds in total). M567 m n o. Plastic Food Mold Disposable or re-usable for chocolate, chilled or frozen products. Not for baking. Excellent for caterers. Sold in packs of 100. Oval. 3" x 11⁄4", 3 oz. M462 o If you don’t see it here, try 5 molds All measurements are in inches unless otherwise indicated Savarin Molds Non-stick. m a. M124-70NS b. M124-80NS c. M124-120NS a b Ø H C (oz) 23⁄4 31⁄4 43⁄4 1 ⁄2 3 ⁄4 1 1 13⁄4 4 c Aluminum Non-Stick Molds “Tefal” non-stick over aluminum. d. M275-B 4 t ø 31⁄2 b ø d 4 oz Heavy aluminum with non-stick finish inside and outside. Resist dents and bending. 7 e. M325 43⁄4 t ø 33⁄4 b ø ⁄8 h 8 oz e f ⁄4 h 3 Steel Non-Stick Flan Molds Steel with non-stick finish. 1" high. g f. M484-10 g. M484-12 TØ BØ C (oz) 4 5 31⁄3 4 7 11 Steel with non-stick finish, 3⁄4" high. l h M201-60 M201-80 M201-90 M201-100 M201-120 TØ BØ C (oz) 21⁄3 3 31⁄2 4 43⁄4 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 1 2 3 5 8 k i j m n p h. i. j. k. l. o q r Individual Petit Four Molds Non-stick. Sold in packs of 25. STYLE m. M148-A Brioche n. M148-B Square o. M148-C Fluted Round SIZE 13⁄4 11⁄2 2 p. M148-D q. M148-E r. M148-F STYLE SIZE Plain Round Rectangle Triangle 13⁄4 2 13⁄4 Petits Four Set Non-Stick. Boxed set of 60 molds in a round plastic case. Contains 11 different designs. There are 5 each of ten styles and 10 each of the smallest tartlet. M483 Boxed Sets of 50 Petit Four Molds Contains 5 each of 10 designs in plastic box. M147-S Tinned Steel (not shown). M148-S Non-stick. 6 212-683-3553 800-473-0577 Fax: 212-683-4488 molds L: length W: width (T: top, B: bottom) D: depth H: height C: capacity Ø: diameter a. Individual Kugelhopf Silicone glazed steel for easy release. M301 31⁄2 ø 15⁄8 h 41⁄2 oz m b. Small Mousse/Pate Mold U-shaped miniature, tinned steel. 11⁄2 w 11⁄2 h M192 51⁄2 l 5 oz c. Round Ring With Rolled Edge Sturdy tinned steel, also excellent as a cutter. M225 23⁄4 ø 2 h 5 oz b a c Plain Tartlettes Tinned steel and non-stick, 1⁄2" high. TØ Tinned steel M123A-35 M123A-50 M123A-60 M123A-70 BØ 11⁄2 2 23⁄8 23⁄4 Non-stick M123A-35NS M123A-50NS M123A-60NS M123A-70NS 5 ⁄8 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 TØ BØ 11⁄2 2 23⁄8 23⁄4 ⁄8 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 5 Stainless Steel Tartlettes All items below are 3⁄8" to 1⁄2" high. M289-50 M289-60 M289-70 TØ BØ 2 23⁄8 23⁄4 11⁄2 11⁄2 2 M289-80 M289-90 M289-100 TØ BØ 31⁄8 31⁄2 4 21⁄4 21⁄2 3 Fluted Tartlettes Tinned steel and non-stick. TØ Tinned steel M123B-50 M123B-60 M123B-70 M123B-80 M123B-90 BØ H 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 21⁄4 23⁄4 2 23⁄8 22⁄3 31⁄8 31⁄2 Non-stick M123B-60NS M123B-80NS M123B-100NS ⁄8 ⁄8 3 ⁄8 3 ⁄8 5 ⁄8 3 3 TØ BØ H 23⁄8 31⁄8 4 11⁄2 21⁄4 31⁄4 3 ⁄8 ⁄8 5 ⁄8 3 Removable Bottom Tartlettes Non-stick coating. 3⁄4" high. Tinned steel. 3⁄4" high. Ø Ø M145-4 M145-4.4 M145-4.75 M145-4NS M145-4.4NS M145-4.75NS 4 43⁄8 43⁄4 4 43⁄8 43⁄4 Removable Bottom Tartlettes Fluted d. M186-100 M187-100 e. M295-4.75 Ø H 4 4 43⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 3 ⁄4 Smooth (non-fluted) f. M566-120 43⁄4 ⁄8 7 tinned steel non-stick stainless steel non-stick d e If you don’t see it here, try f 7 molds All measurements are in inches unless otherwise indicated Hemisphere Molds Stainless steel, half round, seamless. m M285-1.25 M285-1.5 M285-2.5 M285-2.75 M285-3.25 M285-3.5 Ø H C (oz) 11⁄4 11⁄2 21⁄2 23⁄4 31⁄4 31⁄2 ⁄4 3 ⁄4 11⁄4 13⁄8 15⁄8 13⁄4 3 ⁄4 1 2 3 5 7 3 M285-4 M285-4.75 M285-5.5 M285-6.25 M285-7 M285-8 Ø H C (oz) 4 43⁄4 51⁄2 61⁄4 7 8 2 23⁄8 23⁄4 3 31⁄2 4 9 14 20 32 48 70 Plain Barquettes Non-stick, 3⁄8" high. M122A-60NS M122A-70NS M122A-80NS L W 21⁄3 23⁄4 3 ⁄4 1 11⁄4 M122A-90NS M122A-100NS 3 L W 31⁄2 4 11⁄2 13⁄4 Pyramid Molds Perfectly shaped, waterproof, stainless steel. M286-1.5 M286-2.25 M286-3 W H C (oz) 11⁄ 21⁄4 3 1 13⁄4 21⁄4 1 2 3 M286-3.5 M286-4.75 M286-6 W H C (oz) 31⁄2 43⁄4 6 21⁄2 31⁄2 41⁄4 5 16 26 Small Brioche Tinned steel or non-stick. M118-60 M118-75 M118-80 M118-80NS M118-90 M118-90NS M118-100 TØ BØ H C (oz) 23⁄8 27⁄8 31⁄8 31⁄8 31⁄2 31⁄2 4 1 11⁄2 13⁄8 13⁄8 13⁄4 13⁄4 2 1 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 13⁄8 13⁄8 11⁄2 1 11⁄2 2 2 3 3 4 NS = non-stick Individual Angel Food Pan Commercial quality aluminum Individual Cake Pans Rolled edge, heavy aluminum. a b c a. Fixed Bottom M349 23⁄4 ø 11⁄2 h b. Removable Bottom M478 3ø 2h Individual Cake (Cannele) Mold Precise fluting. Heavy copper with tin lining for small cakes. d. M480-35 11⁄2 Ø e. M480-45 11⁄2 Ø f. M480-55 2Ø d 8 e f 13⁄8 h 11⁄2 h 2h 1 oz 2 oz 3 oz c. M281-4 4tø 31⁄4 b ø 2 h 9 oz 5 oz 8 oz h g Deep Plain Tartlettes Tinned steel. g. M140-50 h. M140-80 TØ BØ H 2 31⁄8 11⁄8 13⁄4 1 ⁄2 ⁄8 7 212-683-3553 800-473-0577 Fax: 212-683-4488 L: length W: width (T: top, B: bottom) D: depth H: height C: capacity Ø: diameter molds m Stainless Steel, Watertight Molds Rounded bottom, fully sealed restaurant quality molds. M283 M282 L W H C 193⁄4 193⁄4 3 21⁄2 21⁄2 15⁄8 6 cups 3 cups Buche De Noel Molds Leak proof. W H C Stainless steel M538-A 133⁄4 M538-B 191⁄2 M538-D 193⁄4 L 23⁄8 23⁄4 31⁄4 13⁄4 2 21⁄4 3 cups 6 cups 8 cups Tinned steel M169-A M169-B 23⁄8 31⁄4 13⁄4 21⁄4 3 cups 8 cups 133⁄4 193⁄4 Hors d’Oeuvres Size Pate Mold The perfect size for beautiful presentations of the finest quality pates; with removable bottom in tinned steel. M128-A 16 L 21⁄4 w 3l⁄4 h 9 cups Mini Pate Molds With Non-Stick Surface Extra-small slices for special presentations. M207 M482 L W H C 20 12 13⁄4 11⁄2 21⁄4 2 5 cups 2 cups Small Bread Mold Hinged tinned steel. 12" long x 13⁄4" diameter. M174 Triangular Mold Our triangular mold is very popular for pates and baked or frozen desserts. Finest quality stainless steel. M171-A 14 L 3w 23⁄8 h 1 qt If you don’t see it here, try 9 molds All measurements are in inches unless otherwise indicated Stainless Steel Molds Versatile, long lasting, high quality molds for baking or freezing. m a L W a. Rectangle M215 H 20 31⁄8 t 23⁄4 b 31⁄4 131⁄2 cups b. U-shaped M216 19 31⁄4 31⁄4 12 cups c. Triangle M217 19 31⁄4 31⁄4 6 cups b c Plastic Food Molds Excellent for ice creams, mousses, and sorbets. Water tight construction. Made from thick food safe plastic for commercial use. Cannot be used for baking. Triangular Mold d. M470 18 L 23⁄4 w 4 cups Rounded Mold e. M471 18 L 2h 41⁄2 cups e d Asian Covered Molds Stainless steel (18-8). Water tight. Cover included with each. f f. M600 Triangle g. M601 U-Shape h. M603 Rectangular L H C (oz) 12 12 12 21⁄4 21⁄4 21⁄4 16 24 22 g h Alu-Steel Baking Molds Alu-Steel is a very strong material made by fusing a layer of aluminum around steel. It maintains excellent heat conductivity without rusting. i. Round Bottom M213 15 L j. Rectangle M212 15 L i 41⁄4 w 23⁄4 h 10 cups 31⁄2 t 21⁄2 b 31⁄8 h 11 cups j 10 212-683-3553 800-473-0577 Fax: 212-683-4488 molds L: length W: width (T: top, B: bottom) D: depth H: height C: capacity Ø: diameter a. Pate Molds With Ridges Hinged. Tinned Steel. M112-10 M112-14 L W H C 10 14 21⁄2 3 3 31⁄4 5 cups 10 cups m Pate Molds With Smooth Sides Hinged. L a W H C b. Tinned steel M113-10 10 M113-14 14 21⁄2 3 3 31⁄4 5 cups 10 cups c. Non-stick M113-12NS 12 23⁄4 3 7 cups b c Pointed Oval Pate Mold - Non-Stick Silicone coated steel with 2 sides & bottom. d. M111-8.5NS 81⁄2 L 53⁄4 w 21⁄2 h 7 cups capacity d Enamelled Cast Iron Pate Molds and Covers Unbreakable, heavy quality for perfect results. Made in France by Le Creuset. e. R103-F 11 L R103-W 11 L 3w 3w 21⁄2 h 21⁄2 h 11⁄2 qt capacity. Flame color. 11⁄2 qt capacity. White color (not shown). e China Galantine Mold Classic elegance in a high-fired, oven proof white china terrine, made in France. L f. R230-A 10 g. R230-B 111⁄2 W H C 31⁄2 4 31⁄2 4 1 liter 2 liters g f Bundt Cake Pans Heavy cast aluminum construction. Non-stick inner surface. Mini Bundt Mold each cavity: 1 cup, 6 per mold. Pan size: 141⁄4" long, 9" wide, 2" high. h. M271 i. M272-A j. M272-B i h Bundt Cake Mold W H C 10 8 4 3 12 cups 6 cups If you don’t see it here, try j 11 molds All measurements are in inches unless otherwise indicated Rectangular Tart Molds Tinned steel with removable bottoms. 1" high. m M257 M257-NS L W 133⁄4 133⁄4 41⁄2 41⁄2 ns = non-stick Classic Tart Molds Tinned steel with removable bottom. M145-4 M145-4.4 M145-4.75 M145-8 M145-9.5 M145-11 M145-13 Ø H 4 43⁄8 43⁄4 8 91⁄2 11 13 ⁄8 ⁄4 3 ⁄4 7 ⁄8 1 1 11⁄8 5 3 Classic Tart Molds with Non-Stick Coating With removable bottoms. M145-4NS M145-4.4NS M145-4.75NS M145-8NS M145-9.5NS M145-11NS M145-13NS Ø H 4 43⁄8 43⁄4 8 91⁄2 11 13 ⁄8 ⁄4 3 ⁄4 7 ⁄8 1 1 11⁄8 3 3 Medium High Tart Molds With removable bottoms. Ø Tinned steel M256-8 M256-9.5 M256-11 8 91⁄2 11 H Non-stick M256-8NS M256-9.5NS M256-11NS 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 Ø H 8 91⁄2 11 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 Extra Deep Tart Molds With removable bottoms. Ø Tinned steel M186-100 M186-250 4 10 H Non-Stick M187-100 M187-250 11⁄4 21⁄4 Ø H 4 10 11⁄4 21⁄4 Round, Non-Stick Tart Molds Non-stick coated steel with removable bottoms. M566-120 M566-240 M566-280 12 W H 43⁄4 91⁄2 11 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 212-683-3553 800-473-0577 Fax: 212-683-4488 molds L: length W: width (T: top, B: bottom) D: depth H: height C: capacity Ø: diameter Stackable Frame Set Used for making entremets and mousses with different flavors. This set facilitates precise layering as flavors are smoothed on and frames are added. Consists of one tray, 24" x 16", and three interchangeable frames that lock into the base and each other. The frames are: 3⁄8", 5⁄8" and 3⁄4" tall. Made of aluminum with plastic corner locks. M515 m Extra Frames and Trays For M515. M515-A 3⁄8 h M515-B 5⁄8 h M515-C 3⁄4 h M515-T Extra bottom tray Tuiles Cookie Sheets ROWS WIDTH DEPTH OVERALL Tinned steel M251 6 12⁄3 1 10 x 14 Stainless steel M251-ST 6 13⁄4 7 ⁄8 13 x 14 Croquembouche Molds Stainless steel. Cake Testers Rust proof. 6" long. M144-14 M144-20 B944 Oxo Good Grips B943 Ateco BASE Ø H 91⁄4 113⁄4 14 20 Kugelhopf Molds Ø H TUBE C 13⁄8 11⁄2 11⁄2 qt 3 qt b. Tinned steel with non-stick coating 43⁄4 11⁄2 M106-9.5NS 91⁄2 3 qt a. Heavy tinned steel with tube. M106-8 8 4 M106-9.5 91⁄2 43⁄4 b c. Siliconized steel (for easy un-molding) 1 M327 8 4 1 ⁄2 qt a Angel Food Pan Commercial gauge aluminum. M361-3.5 91⁄2 t 7b 5h 31⁄2 quarts Individual Angel Food Pan Commercial quality aluminum M281-4 4t 31⁄4 b 2h 9 oz Charlotte Mold Very thick tin coating over steel. M117-4 4t 31⁄2 b 21⁄4 h 12 oz If you don’t see it here, try c 13 molds All measurements are in inches unless otherwise indicated a Madeleine Sheets Non-stick. m FORMS HEIGHT OVERALL b FORMS L W D 100 13⁄4 11⁄4 1 d. Flexipan M370-L 40 3 13⁄4 1 12 20 3 15⁄8 14 x 7 15 x 5 c Non-Stick Flexible Madeleine Sheets. Non-stick, silicone. Full sheet pan sizes. c. Gray Flex M489-A a. M495 b. M496 C (oz) ⁄2 1 ⁄2 ⁄2 11⁄2 d For other silicone molds, see back of this section pages 20-31. Sheet Pan Extenders Stainless steel, fit standard U.S. size sheet pans. Full size sheet pan extender M268-A 233⁄4 L 16 w 2h Half size sheet pan extender M268-B 151⁄2 L 103⁄4 w M268-C 151⁄2 L 103⁄4 w 23⁄8 h 11⁄2 h (not shown) Sheet Pan Forms Stainless steel, fit U.S. or European size sheet pans. M539-A M539-B L W H 221⁄2 221⁄2 145⁄8 145⁄8 1 11⁄2 e. Aluminized Steel Pullman Pans Aluminized steel, watertight construction and easy release glaze. Lids not included with pans. L e f W D C M503 13 4 M504 16 4 M503-T Lid for M503 M504-T Lid for M504 4 4 11⁄2 lbs 2 lbs f. Non-Stick Pullman Pan and Lid 1000 grams (2.2 lbs). Lid included. Tapered sides. M568 14 111⁄2 L 41⁄2 w 4h 212-683-3553 800-473-0577 Fax: 212-683-4488 molds L: length W: width (T: top, B: bottom) D: depth H: height C: capacity Ø: diameter a. 2" Straight Sided Cake Pans Heavy duty aluminum construction (18 gauge), seamless, 2" high with straight sides. m Ø M454-6 M454-8 M454-9 M454-10 6 8 9 10 a b b. 3" Straight Sided Cake Pans Heavy duty aluminum construction (16 gauge), seamless, 3" high with straight sides. Ø M455-6 M455-8 M455-9 M455-10 6 8 9 10 c. Springform Baking Pans Aluminum, flat bottom, 3" high. c Ø M280-6 M280-8 M280-9 M280-10 M280-12 6 8 9 10 12 d. Removable Bottom Cake Pans The better way to bake cakes. Made of heavy duty aluminum, they will not bend or deform. The removable bottom makes it easy to unmold and there’s no indentation on the bottom. Professional quality, 3" high, straight sides. Ø M502-6 M502-9 M502-10 M502-12 6 9 10 12 d e. KAISER Springform Baking Pan Highest quality available. Made in Germany. Stronger buckle. Better rim catches leaks. Bottoms are flat steel with non-stick coating inside. 41⁄2" diameter, 1" high. M530-4.5 f. SILVERSTONE Round Cake Pan Seamless aluminum cake pan with non-stick inner surface. 9" diameter, 2" high. M208-9 e f g. Mini Loaf Frame Heavy duty, aluminized steel, glazed for easy release. Tapered. Frame is 191⁄2" long, 97⁄8" wide. Each form is 37⁄8" long, 21⁄2" wide, 15⁄16" deep. M259 h. SILVERSTONE Commercial Loaf Pans Seamless aluminum baking pans with non-stick surface on inside. Slightly tapered, NSF listed. M209-3 M209-5 L W H C 81⁄2 10 41⁄4 5 3 4 3 lbs 5 lbs g i. Commercial Loaf Pans Aluminized steel, watertight construction with easy release glaze. Tapered. L M452-A 55⁄8 M452-1 81⁄2 M452-1.5 10 W H C 31⁄8 41⁄2 5 23⁄16 23⁄4 3 ⁄8 lb 1 lb 11⁄2 lb 3 If you don’t see it here, try h i 15 molds All measurements are in inches unless otherwise indicated French Bread (Baguette) Pan Made from commercial gauge aluminum for foodservice use. Each pan makes 6 loaves. m a. M505 Perforated pan. 26" long x 18" wide. Each loaf is 26" long x 21⁄2" wide. b. M455 Solid pan. 26" Long x 17" wide. Each loaf is 26" long x 21⁄4" wide. Baker’s blade available on page 50. a b Muffin Pans Aluminized steel with silicone glazing for easy release. c. Jumbo Muffin Pan Three rows of 4 cups, 12 cups total. Pan size is 177⁄8" long, 131⁄2" wide. M491 each cup: 33⁄4 t 21⁄2 b 13⁄4 d 81⁄5 oz 2d 73⁄10 oz 11⁄4 d 53⁄5 oz 13⁄8 d 34⁄5 oz 11⁄8 d 21⁄10 oz ⁄8 d 11⁄10 oz d. Crown Muffin Mold Three rows of 4 cups, 12 cups total. Pan size is 18" long, 13" wide. M492 each cup: 31⁄2 t 21⁄16 b e. Texas Size Muffin Pan Three rows of 4 cups, 12 cups total. Pan size is 177⁄8" long, 127⁄8" wide. c M447 each cup: 31⁄4 t d 23⁄4 b e f. Standard Muffin Pan Four rows of 6 cups, 24 cups total. Pan size is 203⁄4" long, 14" wide. M262 each cup: 23⁄4 t 21⁄16 b g. Mini Muffin Pan Four rows of 6 cups, 24 cups total. Pan size is 173⁄16" long, 127⁄8" wide. M261 each cup: 21⁄16 t 15⁄8 b h. Micro Muffin Pan Five rows of 6 cups, 30 cups total. Pan size is 18" long, 13" wide. f M493 each cup: 17⁄8 t g 11⁄4 b 7 h 16 212-683-3553 800-473-0577 Fax: 212-683-4488 molds L: length W: width (T: top, B: bottom) D: depth H: height C: capacity Ø: diameter LINCOLN WEAREVER Sheet Pans The finest quality available. Thick aluminum with rolled edges to preserve shape. Exclusive concave bottoms flatten during heating for even heat distribution. All pans have 1" high sides. Natural Aluminum Finish Pans. M448* M449* M450 L W GAUGE PAN SIZE 253⁄4 127⁄8 13 173⁄4 173⁄4 91⁄2 12 13 16 Full Half Quarter m Silverstone Non-Stick Pans Patented non-stick coating over thick aluminum. M210* M211 L W GAUGE PAN SIZE 253⁄4 127⁄8 173⁄4 173⁄4 12 18 Full Half *NSF listed LINCOLN Perforated, Aluminum Pans M541 M542 L W GAUGE PAN SIZE 253⁄4 127⁄8 173⁄4 173⁄4 18 18 Full (Not shown) Half (Not shown) Standard Sheet Pans Seamless, one-piece construction. Tapered to nest & stack easily. Aluminum, natural finish. M560 M561 L W GAUGE PAN SIZE 26 13 18 18 16 18 Full Half European Sheet Pans Black steel, heavy duty, 1⁄16" thick pans with 4 angled sides. 5⁄16" high. M451 M451-B L W PAN SIZE 173⁄4 (45cm) 12 (30cm) 251⁄2 (65cm) 153⁄4 (40cm) Full Half Sklip Rack Mounting System Sklips are aluminum brackets that allow you to create a shelf or rack system with full and half size sheet pans. These extremely versatile and easy to use braces allow you to quickly create shelves in situations where space is at a premium. Sklip is a durable, compact, and light-weight solution for offsite catering or environments where bun pan racks are not appropriate. This essential tool can also be used to temporarily modify the interior of ovens and refrigerators in an effort to maximize space. You can stack sheet pans up to 6" high with a recommended load capacity of up to 50 lbs., making Sklip a convenient shelving system for all types of kitchens. 4" high. 24 pieces. U931-4 If you don’t see it here, try 2" high. 24 pieces. U931-2 17 molds All measurements are in inches unless otherwise indicated Universal Modular Molds For the preparation of frozen, cold, or warm desserts, mousses, hors d’oeuvres and portion controlled dishes. Food-safe acrylic molds are crystal clear so that you can see the layers and other decorative effects that you create. Use one mold, all of them, or as many as you need. You can combine different designs on a tray. Not Suitable for Baking. UNIVERSAL modular molds give maximum flexibility. m Cutters and Extractors sold separately. Entire Tray Dimensions: 233⁄8" x 155⁄8" 4 oz size: 35 individual molds per tray. Each mold 11⁄2" high. 11⁄2 oz size: Each mold is 1" high. 4 molds in each square, 24 squares per tray. Total: 96, 11⁄2 oz molds. Cutter Mold Extractor Stencils help make decorative designs from chocolate, sugar, paste, biscuit dough, etc. See page 48. Molds are filled ... in layers if desired. Decorations can be added before, during, or after the filling process. After filled and decorated molds are cooled or frozen, further decorations can be added. Spatulas on page 50. 18 Oval 4 oz size, 31⁄4" long. M401-D 35 molds & tray M402-D extractor M403-D cutter M401-B 35 molds & tray M402-B extractor M403-B cutter Round 4 oz size, 25⁄8" diameter. Heart 4 oz size, 21⁄2" wide. M401-E 35 molds & tray M402-E extractor M403-E cutter M401-A 35 molds & tray M402-A extractor M403-A cutter Cake combos make decorative stripes. See page 48. 1 Comma 4 oz size, 31⁄2" long. 32 2 The dessert or mousse is removed with a special extractor. Molds are pushed down onto the matched extractor which forces the contents out of the mold and leaves it resting on top of the extractor where it can be easily removed to serve or store. Present your creations on gold foil cake boards. See page 40. Use plastic strips for easy unmolding. Details on page 3. 212-683-3553 800-473-0577 Fax: 212-683-4488 molds L: length W: width (T: top, B: bottom) D: depth H: height C: capacity Ø: diameter Production Modular Molds For faster production and larger quantities. Molds are arranged in strips allowing faster filling, quicker extraction and easier clean-up. White food-safe plastic. Not Suitable for Baking. m Cutters and Extractors each sold separately. Molds Entire Tray Dimensions: 23 ⁄8" x 15 ⁄8" 3 5 4 oz size: Five, 11⁄2" deep molds per strip. 7 strips per tray. Total: 35 molds. Round 4 oz size, 21⁄2" diameter. 11⁄2 oz size, 15⁄8" diameter. M411-A 35 molds & tray M412-A extractor M413-A cutter M416-A 96 molds & tray M417-A extractor M418-A cutter Cutter 11⁄2 oz size: Sixteen, 1" deep molds per strip. 6 strips per tray. Total: 96 molds. Extractor Comma 4 oz size, 31⁄2" long. 11⁄2 oz size, 2" long. Oval 4 oz size, 31⁄4" long. 11⁄2 oz size, 2" long. M411-D 35 molds & tray M412-D extractor M413-D cutter M416-D 96 molds & tray M417-D extractor M418-D cutter M411-B 35 molds & tray M412-B extractor M413-B cutter M416-B 96 molds & tray M417-B extractor M418-B cutter Square 4 oz size, 21⁄4" side. Tear Shape 4 oz size, 31⁄2" long. Hexagon 4 oz size, 23⁄4" wide. M411-J 35 molds & tray M412-J extractor M413-J cutter M411-F 35 molds & tray M412-F extractor M413-F cutter M411-C 35 molds & tray M412-C extractor M413-C cutter Silpats on page 42. If you don’t see it here, try Decorating comb sets page 48. 19 molds All measurements are in inches unless otherwise indicated Flexipans Flexipan Molds surfaces are as smooth as glass and permanently treated with non-stick silicone - baked items pop right out of the mold. No scraping! Frozen or gel foods are pushed out from the bottom without extractor! These molds are so flexible you can actually turn them inside out without causing damage. Withstands temperatures -40° to 536° F. m • Full size Flexipan measurements are 23" x 15". • Half size Flexipan measurements are 15" x 111⁄4". • Non-stick surfaces mean you never need to grease molds! • Easy to clean...just rinse and wipe dry. No rust ever! • NSF approved Small Muffins 2ø 13⁄16 d 11⁄2 oz 40 forms. M370-J Micro Hemispheres 9 ⁄16 d 1⁄5 oz 96 forms. 1ø M371-H Small Muffin Half Sheet 2ø 13⁄16 d 11⁄2 oz 20 forms. M373-J Mini Half Sphere Half Sheet 13⁄16 ø 11⁄16 d 1⁄3 oz 35 forms. M373-E Regular Muffins 23⁄4 ø 13⁄16 d 41⁄5 oz 24 forms. M370-I Mini Hemispheres 13⁄16 ø 11⁄16 d 1⁄3 oz 70 forms. M370-E Regular Muffin Half Sheet 23⁄4 ø 13⁄16 d 41⁄5 oz 12 forms. M373-I Small Hemispheres 7 15⁄8 ø 3⁄4 d ⁄10 oz 48 forms. M370-D Upside Down Mini Hemispheres 9 ⁄16 d 1⁄5 oz 45 forms. 1ø M375-A Mini Pyramids 13⁄8 L 13⁄8 w 1 d M370-B Medium Hemispheres 2ø 13⁄16 d 17⁄10 oz 28 forms. M370-W Regular Hemispheres 23⁄4 ø 19⁄16 d 31⁄2 oz 24 forms. M370-C Half Spheres Half Sheet 23⁄4 ø 19⁄16 d 31⁄2 oz 12 forms. M373-C Tapered Muffins 35⁄16 ø 13⁄8 d 39⁄10 oz 24 forms. M370-R ⁄2 oz 54 forms. Pyramids Half Sheet 23⁄4 L 23⁄4 w 19⁄16 d 3 oz M373-A 12 forms. Pyramids 23⁄4 L 23⁄4 w 19⁄16 d 3 oz M370-A 24 forms. 1 Extra Large Half Sphere Half Sheet 33⁄16 ø 19⁄16 d 41⁄5 oz 12 forms. M373-N Extra Large Hemispheres 33⁄16 ø 19⁄16 d 41⁄5 oz 24 forms. M370-N Pyramid (Truncated) 2L 2w 13⁄8 d 17⁄10 oz 35 forms. M372-R 20 212-683-3553 800-473-0577 Fax: 212-683-4488 molds L: length W: width (T: top, B: bottom) D: depth H: height C: capacity Ø: diameter m Small Cylinders 7 19⁄16 ø 3⁄4 d ⁄8 oz M372-D 48 forms. Mini Oval Savarins 1 19⁄16 L 13⁄16 w 1⁄2 d ⁄3 oz M375-B Cylinders 21⁄2 ø 13⁄8 d M370-V 3 oz 24 forms. Regular Oval Savarin 23⁄4 ø 2 d 13⁄5 oz 30 forms. M375-T Large Cylinders 33⁄16 ø 13⁄16 d 5 oz M372-E 24 forms. Hearts 25⁄8 L 27⁄16 w 1 d M372-G 14⁄5 oz 20 forms. Mini Hearts 15⁄8 L 11⁄2 w 9⁄16 d M375-H Mini Quenelle 15⁄8 L 3⁄4 w 5⁄8 d M375-G 1 ⁄5 oz Round Flan 22⁄5 oz 24 forms. 33⁄16 ø 3⁄4 d M372-U Quenelles 15⁄8 L 1 w M371-M 19⁄10 oz 72 forms. ⁄4 d 3 100 forms. 60 forms. Tarte Tatin 4ø 13⁄8 d M371-G 81⁄3 oz 12 forms. Large Oval Savarins 33⁄16 L 23⁄8 w 1 d 22⁄5 oz 24 forms. M372-Q If you don’t see it here, try ⁄2 oz 1 70 forms. Eggs 23⁄8 L 19⁄16 w 1d M372-N 1 oz 42 forms. Rectangular Cakes 31⁄8 L 13⁄16 w 13⁄16 d 17⁄8 oz 24 forms. M370-U Large Rectangle Cakes 4L 2w 13⁄16 d 4 oz. M372-J 21 forms. 21 molds All measurements are in inches unless otherwise indicated m Mini Square 13⁄4 L 13⁄4 w 7⁄16 d M375-M 2 ⁄3 oz 60 forms. Square 23⁄16 L 23⁄16 w 1 d M375-N 2 oz 35 forms. Triangles 17⁄8 L 19⁄16 w 3⁄8 d M370-Y Medium Brioches 211⁄16 ø 1 d 2 oz M372-H ⁄4 oz 1 80 forms. 24 forms. Large Brioches 33⁄16 ø 17⁄16 d 31⁄2 oz 24 forms. M370-T Timbales 15⁄8 ø 13⁄8 d M372-V Pomponettes 1 ⁄2 oz 13⁄8 ø 5⁄8 d M370-G 96 forms. Shallow Cakes 3 4ø ⁄4 d 43⁄4 oz 15 forms. M372-B Barquettes 29⁄16 L 1 w M372-A 7 1 Petits Fours 3 19⁄16 ø 3⁄4 d ⁄4 oz M371-E Tartlettes 3 ⁄4 d 3ø M370-X 21⁄5 oz 24 forms. 12⁄5 oz 40 forms. 54 forms. ⁄16 d Mini Tartlettes 1 15⁄8 ø 3⁄8 d ⁄2 oz M370-F ⁄3 oz 48 forms. 60 forms. Flexipan Dough Pusher This tool will simplify the lining of molds M370-F (mini tarts) and M372-A (barquettes) with doughs. M371-A 22 212-683-3553 800-473-0577 Fax: 212-683-4488 molds L: length W: width (T: top, B: bottom) D: depth H: height C: capacity Ø: diameter m Lozenges 23⁄8 L 19⁄16 w 3⁄8 d M370-Z Savarins 23⁄4 ø 1 d M370-Q 3 oz 70 forms. 21⁄5 oz 24 forms. Mini Savarins 1 19⁄16 ø 1⁄2 d ⁄3 oz M370-P 60 forms. Oblong Cake 43⁄4 L 12⁄3 w 1 d M375-P 33⁄8 oz 24 forms. Mini Financiers 3 2L 1w ⁄8 d M372-M 1 Dog Bones 23⁄4 L 13⁄8 w M375-S 2 ⁄2 d 1 ⁄4 oz 84 forms. Oblong Cake w/ Indent 3 oz 43⁄4 L 12⁄3 w 1 d M375-Q 24 forms. ⁄3 oz 36 forms. Half Cylinders 31⁄3 L 5⁄8 w 9⁄16 d M375-L 48 forms. Mini Florentines 23⁄8 ø 1⁄2 d 1 oz M371-F 40 forms. Florentines 39⁄16 ø 5⁄16 d 2 oz M370-H 15 forms. If you don’t see it here, try ⁄3 oz 2 Mini Yule Logs 33⁄4 L 19⁄16 w 13⁄16 d 27⁄10 oz 24 forms. M372-P 23 molds All measurements are in inches unless otherwise indicated m Mini Saphire 12⁄3 L 12⁄3 w 1 d M375-K ⁄3 oz 2 54 forms. Delicacies Various Shapes ⁄2 d 12 forms. M374-A 1 Madeleines 3 3L 1w ⁄4 d M370-L 11⁄5 oz 40 forms. Shallow Round 31⁄8 ø 9⁄16 d 21⁄5 oz 24 forms. M372-C Flowers 3 ⁄4 d 3ø M372-T Mini Cones 13⁄16 ø 3⁄4 d M375-D 23⁄4 oz 24 forms. ⁄5 oz 1 96 forms. Regular Cones 23⁄4 ø 23⁄8 d 27⁄10oz 20 forms. M375-E 24 Mini Ingot 19⁄16 L 9⁄16 w M375-J Scallops 33⁄16 L 3 w M371-J ⁄2 d 1 ⁄5 oz 1 120 forms. 21⁄2 oz 24 forms. Mini Square Savarin 1 ⁄2 oz 17⁄16 L 17⁄16 w 5⁄8 d M375-F 60 forms. Square Savarins 23⁄4 L 23⁄4 w 13⁄16 d 32⁄5 oz 24 forms. M375-C 212-683-3553 800-473-0577 Fax: 212-683-4488 molds L: length W: width (T: top, B: bottom) D: depth H: height C: capacity Ø: diameter m Savarin Saphire 23⁄4 L 23⁄4 w 11⁄4 d M375-I 27⁄10 oz 24 forms. Spoon 31⁄2 L 13⁄16 w 1⁄2 d M375-R Mini Ovals 21⁄4 L 13⁄8 d M371-N ⁄2 d 3 ⁄5 oz 64 forms. Mini Charlottes 13⁄8 ø 9⁄16 d 1⁄3 oz M371-K Small Ovals 2L 13⁄4 w 3⁄4 d M370-K 7 ⁄10 oz 50 forms. 1 ⁄2 oz 1 36 forms. Exoglass Spoon Cutter Exoglass Spoon Cutter for Spoon mold M375-R. M375-RSP 60 forms. Large Disks 511⁄16 ø 1⁄2 d 68⁄10 oz 6 forms. M372-K Charlottes 31⁄16 ø 19⁄16 d 3.4 oz 18 forms. M372-S Extra Large Disks 61⁄2 ø 1⁄2 d 81⁄8 oz 6 forms. M372-L Regular Ovals 211⁄16 L 115⁄16 w 13⁄16 d 21⁄2 oz 30 forms. M370-S Large Ovals 33⁄8 L 23⁄8 w 13⁄16 d 32⁄5 oz 20 forms. M372-F For the latest styles, visit us at If you don’t see it here, try 25 molds All measurements are in inches unless otherwise indicated Pavoflex Silicone Molds m A line of flexible non-stick silicone molds with contemporary and innovative shapes for both sweet and savory applications. They can be used in a temperature range of -40° F to 536° F (-40° C to 280° C) and have been designed to accommodate the maximum number of forms per sheet. Overall dimensions for each sheet are: 23.5 x 15.75. Mini Spiral 13⁄5 ø 11⁄5 d M621-C ⁄8 oz 7 54 forms. Mini Indented Cube 17⁄8 L 17⁄8 w 17⁄8 d 7⁄8 oz M621-B 54 forms. Triple Cube 47⁄10 L 11⁄4 w 11⁄4 d M620-C 37⁄8 oz 20 forms. Spiral Tower 27⁄10 ø 2 d 42⁄5 oz 24 forms. M620-A Indented Cube 2L 2w 2d M620-B 37⁄8 oz 28 forms. Twisted Rectangle 43⁄4 L 11⁄4 w 11⁄2 d 37⁄8 oz 20 forms. M620-G Ramp 43⁄4 L 11⁄5 w 13⁄8 d M620-H 37⁄10 oz 20 forms. Indented Offset Cube 37⁄8 oz 24 forms. 21⁄4 L 2 w M620-J Wave 31⁄8 L 13⁄4 w 11⁄2 d M620-I Indented Racetrack 5L 13⁄8 w 11⁄4 d 33⁄8 oz 20 forms. M620-P Mini Ridged Cylinder 13⁄8 ø 11⁄5 d 7⁄8 oz 54 forms. M621-E 42⁄5 oz 25 forms. Ridged Cylinder 22⁄5 ø 13⁄4 d 37⁄8 oz 24 forms. M620-E 26 212-683-3553 800-473-0577 Fax: 212-683-4488 molds L: length W: width (T: top, B: bottom) D: depth H: height C: capacity Ø: diameter m Sloped Rectangle 42⁄5 L 13⁄8 w 12⁄5 d M620-N 37⁄10 oz 20 forms. Mini Kugelhopf 23⁄4 ø 11⁄3 d 23⁄8 oz 24 forms. M621-G Tilted Oval 27⁄8 L 2 w M620-K 33⁄8 oz 24 forms. Tapered Charlotte 3ø 17⁄8 d 4 oz 24 forms. M620-D 13⁄4 d Tiered Dome 37⁄10 oz 24 forms. 23⁄4 ø 2 d M620-M Mini Pinwheel 11⁄2 ø 11⁄8 d 7⁄8 oz M621-D 54 forms. Mini Slanted Cylinder 13⁄8 ø 13⁄8 d 7⁄8 oz 54 forms. M621-A Domed Pinwheel 23⁄4 ø 13⁄4 d 33⁄4 oz 24 forms. M620-L Mini Ridged Cone 11⁄2 ø 13⁄4 d 1 oz 54 forms. M621-F Ridged Cone 21⁄2 ø 23⁄4 d 41⁄4 oz 24 forms. M620-F If you don’t see it here, try 27 molds All measurements are in inches unless otherwise indicated Non-Stick Flexible Molds m Flexible Silicone Molds. Quarter sheet pan size; 4 can be put in a standard sheet pan. Usable from -10º to +500º F. These molds are dishwasher safe, non-stick and made from food safe silicone. The small size of these sheets (12" x 7") allows purchase of multiple styles at a low cost. Useful when oven or cold space is limited. For Baking or Freezing. Small Rectangular Savarins 1 ⁄2 oz 25 forms. 17⁄10 L 11⁄5 w 7⁄8 d M511-R Regular Cylinders 1 ⁄3 oz 15 forms. 11⁄2 ø 3⁄4 d M510-E Mini Muffins 2ø 1d 12⁄5oz M510-P 11 forms. Rectangular Savarins 11⁄2 oz 10 forms. 22⁄5 L 19⁄16 w 1 d M511-S Large Cylinders 21⁄3 ø 11⁄3 d 21⁄2 oz 8 forms. M511-L Muffins 23⁄4 ø 11⁄3 d M510-N 6 forms. Mini Pyramids 11⁄3 L 11⁄3 w 7⁄8 d M510-U 1 Small Geodesic Dome 4 13⁄8 ø 7⁄8 d ⁄5 oz 18 forms. M511-M Tartlelettes 1 13⁄4 ø 3⁄8 d ⁄3 oz M510-C Pyramids 23⁄4 L 23⁄4 w 11⁄2 d M510-L 21⁄2 oz 6 forms. ⁄3 oz 15. 3 oz 15 forms. Large Geodesic Dome 21⁄3 ø 13⁄4 d 21⁄2 oz 6 forms. M511-A Mini Hemispheres 1 13⁄16 ø 5⁄8 d ⁄6 oz 24 forms. M510-Y Mini Cannele 11⁄4 ø 11⁄4 d 1⁄2 oz M510-T Cannele 23⁄16 ø 7⁄8 d M511-B 28 18 forms. 21⁄2 oz 8 forms. Mini Savarins 1 15⁄8 ø 1⁄2 d ⁄5 oz M511-K Savarins 21⁄2 ø 7⁄8 d M510-K 18 forms. 11⁄2 oz 6 forms. Hemispheres 1 11⁄2 ø 1⁄2 d ⁄3 oz M510-A 15 forms. Large Hemispheres 23⁄4 ø 11⁄4 d 2 oz 6 forms. M510-F 212-683-3553 800-473-0577 Fax: 212-683-4488 molds L: length W: width (T: top, B: bottom) D: depth H: height C: capacity Ø: diameter m Mini Discs 11⁄3 ø 1⁄5 d M510-X Florentines 21⁄3 ø 1⁄2 d 11⁄5 oz 8 forms. M510-H Rectangles 2L 1w M510-G Crown Molds 21⁄4 ø 21⁄4 d 31⁄2 oz 8 forms. M511-C Madeleines 12⁄3 L 1⁄2 w 1⁄6 oz M510-M Pomponettes 2 11⁄2 ø 5⁄8 d ⁄5 oz M510-J Ovals 2L 1W Hemispheres with Indent 3ø 11⁄2 d 3 oz 6 forms. M511-Q Small Square Savarins 17⁄8 L 17⁄8 w 13⁄16 d 1⁄2 oz M511-P 15 forms. Tapered Loaf 33⁄16 L 11⁄5 w 11⁄5 d M511-N Mini Cakes 33⁄16 L 13⁄16 w 13⁄16 d M510-R 12 forms. ⁄6 oz 1 ⁄4 d 24 forms. ⁄4 oz 16 forms. 3 3 2 oz 6 forms. M510-B Kugelhopf 22⁄3 ø 11⁄3 d M511-G If you don’t see it here, try 20 forms. 11⁄2 oz 9 forms. ⁄8 d 3 ⁄5 oz 1 20 forms. 24 forms. 2 oz 29 molds All measurements are in inches unless otherwise indicated Mini Timbales 11⁄3 ø 11⁄2 d 3⁄4 oz M511-D m 15 forms. Regular Timbales 13⁄4 ø 17⁄8 d 11⁄2 oz 11 forms. M511-H Large Timbales 21⁄4 ø 21⁄3 d 4 oz M511-J Hearts 21⁄2 L 21⁄3 w 11⁄3 d M510-W 2 oz 8 forms. 8 forms. Elastomoule Flexible Molds Unique silicone-based formula contains an additive which increases heat distribution for quicker cooking and better browning. Softer and more flexible for easier un-molding and greater detail than other silicone molds. They have a temperature range from -90º to +580º F, making them ideal for baking or freezing. Pyramids 17⁄8 L 17⁄8 w 11⁄8 d M489-E 1 Medallions 11⁄8 ø 3⁄8 d M490-G 187 forms. ⁄5 oz 1 ⁄5 oz 108 forms. Canneles 13⁄8 ø 13⁄8 d M489-F 1 oz Mini Madeleines 11⁄4 L 13⁄4 w 1⁄2 d M489-A 112 forms. Demispheres 1 ⁄8 oz 11⁄4 ø 5⁄8 d M489-B ⁄8 oz Small Cubes - 1/4 Sheet 13⁄8 L 13⁄8 w 13⁄8 d 13⁄4 oz 15 forms. M604-A 1 100 forms. 80 forms. Large Cubes - 1/4 Sheet 2L 2w 2d 4 oz M604-B 30 8 forms. 212-683-3553 800-473-0577 Fax: 212-683-4488 molds L: length W: width (T: top, B: bottom) D: depth H: height C: capacity Ø: diameter Moul’flex Mold Pro An innovative way to produce classic rectangular and u-shape style terrines. They are made of high quality non stick silicone with a temperature range of -40°F to 580°F. The translucent silicone has the added benefit of allowing you see what is being introduced into the mold; simplifying the task of creating uniform layers. These molds are great value for production work that requires volume and precision. Rectangular Mold 193⁄4 L 11⁄5 d 16 oz 6 forms. M651-A Rectangular Mold 193⁄4 L 22⁄5 d 80 oz 4 forms. M651-B m U-Shape Mold 193⁄4 L 13⁄4 w 72 oz 4 forms. M651-C Perfect Culinary Geometrics These silicone molds are a great, way to quickly prepare clean uniform shapes out of sweet and savory foods. They withstand temperatures from -50° to +500° C (-58° to +482° F), and can be used in the oven, freezer, microwave, or steamer. Designed for chefs to mold ganache, praline mixtures, fondant centers, and, gelees into bite size shapes. You can then allow the contents to set, and then easily be un-molded. The perfectly formed sweet centers can be enrobed with chocolate and decorated. Not just limited to sweet applications, these molds are also ideal for making hors d’ oeuvres or amuse bouche in bite size portions. 111⁄2" x 71⁄2" overall. Oval Silicone 1 11⁄4 ø 4⁄5 d ⁄2 d M606 49 forms. Round Silicone 21⁄5 ø 1⁄2 d 54 forms. M607 Rectangular Silicone 12⁄5 L 3⁄5 w 1⁄2 d 54 forms. M609 Doughnut Silicone 2 11⁄5 max. ø ⁄5 min. ø M610 If you don’t see it here, try Square Silicone 7 7 ⁄8 L ⁄8 w 1⁄2 d M608 ⁄2 d 1 54 forms. 40 forms. 31
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