St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church Location: 8540 Weirick Road, Corona CA 92883 Mailing Address: 2279 Eagle Glen Pkwy# 112-136 Phone: 951-277-1801 Fax: 951-277-2104 OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday HORAS DE OFICINA: Lunes - Viernes 9:00am to 4:00pm Closed: 12:00pm to 12:30pm June 5, 2016 10TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5 de Junio, 2016 X DOMINGO ORDINARIO Our Mission | Nuestra Misión Love Jesus Wholeheartedly | Love Others Unconditionally | Make Disciples Intentionally Ama a Jesús Devotamente | Ama al Prójimo Incondicionalmente | Fomenta Discípulos Intencionalmente Sunday Masses / Misas Dominicales Saturday/Sábado ................................................... 5:00pm Sunday/Domingo ............... 7:00am, 10:30am & 12:30pm (Español) ………………………….8:30am & 6:30pm Daily Masses / Misas Diarias Monday - Friday ..... 9:00am 1st Thursday of the month ........................ 9:00am & 7:00pm 1st Saturday of the month .................................... 9:00am Reconciliation / Confesiones Saturday (in English) ........................................... 4:30pm Domingo (en Español) ........................................ 6:00pm or by appointments ........................................... call office Adoration / Adoración Every 1st Friday ................................... 9:30am - 6:00pm Cada Primer Viernes del mes Divine Mercy Chaplet / Daily Rosary Monday - Friday .................................................. 8:30am Library Hours: Sunday .............................................. 11:35am - 12:35pm Tuesday .............................................. 9:35am - 11:05am Baptisms, Weddings / Bautismos, Bodas, Quinceañeras Contact the Coordinator 6 months in advance / Llamar 6 meses de anticipación ....................................277-2513 Parish Staff / Personal Parroquial Pastor Rev. Joseph Than Liem, CMC [email protected] 277-1801 Ext. 305 Vicar Rev. Paul Nuyen, CMC [email protected] Deacon Couples Dcn. Armando Hernandez & Lidia Mendoza [email protected] 277-8304 Dcn. Marlin & Dottie Filipek [email protected] 371-0389 Community Life Director Chris Vital [email protected] 277-1801 Ext. 306 Secretary Laura Ortega [email protected] 277-1801 Ext. 302 Bookkeeper Linda Velasquez [email protected] 277-1801 Ext. 304 Catechetical Ministry Coordinator (English) Margaret Miller [email protected] 277-3038 Catechetical Ministry Coordinator (Español) Lidia Mendoza 277-2513 [email protected] Music Coordinator Lexie Coliflores [email protected] 316-0456 Office of Communication & New Evangelization Dominick Tecson [email protected] Supply Priest Rev. Vince Connor [email protected] Rev. Francisco Gomez [email protected] 951-742-8958 Food Pantries St. Vincent de Paul [email protected] St. Edward’s Food Pantry Our Lady of Perpetual Help Services Corona Life Services Rachel’s Vineyard Domestic Violence Hotline Child Abuse Hotline 6/6 Monday / Lunes 9:00am Souls of Purgatory 6/7 Tuesday / Martes 9:00am Ruben Calderon † 6/8 Wednesday / Miércoles 9:00am Marlin Filipek 6/9 Thursday / Jueves 9:00am Louie Coliflores † 6/10 Friday / Viernes 9:00am Anne Ellow † 6/11 Saturday / Sábado 5:00pm Jack & Betty Killeen † 6/12 Sunday / Domingo 7:00am Marjorie Davies † 8:30am Julio Cesar García † 10:30am Cresencia de Leon Banzuela 12:30pm Sharon Tiernan † 6:30pm Ana Karen Frias Prayer For Health: Monina Lee, Deven Mendoza, Megan Villar, Rest in Peace: Abelardo Martinez, Carol Asperin-Vu, Matthew Lee, Rubin Kopensky, For Prayer Corner request call 951-277-1801 Weekly Donations Sunday Collection for May 29, 2016 Plate Envelope Help Lines Counseling Programs Catholic Charities Mass Intentions • Intenciones de Misa $ 1,212.26 $ 4,830.00 $ 6,042.26 Spring Combined Collection $ 1,359.90 909-763-4970 Monthly Donations 277-2270 Faith Direct Donations April 2016 Monthly Donations—$19,084.24 549-6000 Operating Income & Expenses For the month of March 2016 689-8921 Income Expense Yearly Donations 272-3670 877-467-3463 800-799-7233 800-442-4918 $ 69,516.18 - $ 58,888.10 +$ 10,628.08 Year to Date from July 2015 - March 2016 Income Expense $ 603,493.70 - $ 633,381.46 - $ 29,887.76 Weekly Calendar Monday, June 6, 2016 8:20am Rosary - MPR 9:00am Mass - MPR 9:00am Ministry Closed Meeting - HFH 10:00am Health Exercise Program - Mercy Hall 10:00am Staff Meeting - Mod 1 7:00pm Pueblo de Sal y Luz - HFH 7:00pm Liturgy Committee - Mod 2 Tuesday, June 7, 2016 8:20am Rosary - MPR 9:00am Mass - MPR 6:00pm Consoling Ministry - HFH/Library 7:00pm Knights of Columbus - MPR 7:00pm St. Vincent de Paul - HFH/CR Wednesday, June 8, 2016 8:20am Rosary - WA 9:00am Mass - WA 10:00am Health Exercise Program - Mercy Hall 11:00am Chair Fitness Program - Mercy Hall 7:00pm RCIA - HFH/ALL 7:00pm RICA Spanish - Mod 2 Thursday, June 9, 2016 8:20am Rosary - MPR 9:00am Mass - MPR 10:00am Health Exercise - Mercy Hall 5:00pm Rehearsal for a Quince & Wed - WA 7:00pm EMHC Training - WA 7:00pm Communion Service - MPR 7:00pm FCCW - HFH/CR 7:00pm Coro Rehearsal - Mod 2 Friday, June 10, 2016 8:20am Rosary - MPR 9:00am Mass - MPR 6:00pm SMMOOTH Band - Mod 2 6:00pm Filipino Min. Dancing Practice - MH 6:30pm English Baptism Class - WA 7:00pm Marriage Building - Mod 2 7:00pm Divina Misericordia - HFH Saturday, June 11, 2016 11:30pm Quince Jackelyn Alba - WA 12:00pm Natural Family Planing - HFH 2:00pm Wedding Neice - WA 4:30pm Confession - Chapel 5:00pm Mass - WA 6:00pm Courageous Heart Minsitry - HFH Sunday, June 12, 2016 7:00am Mass - WA 7:00am Coro Rehearsal - Mod 2 8:30am Misa - WA 10:30am Mass - WA 12:30pm Mass - WA 5:00pm Coro Practice - WA 6:00pm Confessions Spanish - Chapel 6:30pm Misa - WA New Parish Prayer Support Here is a new opportunity for all of us to answer Pope Francis' call to a Year of Mercy. It is a prayer line with a daily email sent to anyone who wants to be a Prayer Warrior. Your Email address will not be visible to others on the Prayer Line. The Prayer Line will give us a great opportunity to request prayers for loved ones and friends and to have those requests answered quickly by the whole community. If you have a request, just send it to [email protected] The request will be sent out the next day. As you send updates, the Prayer Line will be updated. If someone is in the hospital, hospice, waiting for a diagnosis or looking for a job, etc., send an email. Please include at least the first name of the person needing prayer. If you want to be a Prayer Warrior, send your email address to [email protected] and you will be added to the Prayer Line. Music Ministry Volunteers Needed Please contact Lexie Coliflores if you are interested in playing an instrument or singing at any of the Masses. Contact information for Lexie is: 951-316-0456 or [email protected] Office Volunteer Needed Do you like answering the phone, greeting people and doing light office work? Please contact Chris Vital at 277-1801 ext. 306 for a volunteer office opportunity. We have flexible hours and days. Health & Fitness Ministry Exercise Program Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 10:00am-11:00am in Mercy Hall Lead by our own expert! It’s only $6.00 per session! Chair Fitness Wednesday’s 11:00am to 12:00am In Mercy Hall! Building Campaign Fundraiser DINNER UNDER THE STARS Saturday, June 25, 2016 at St. Mary Magdalene. 7:00pm to 11:00pm. The theme for the Dinner is Hawaii Luau and casual dress is the order of the night. The cost of the Dinner is $40.00 per person. Please return tickets to St. Mary Magdalene along with your payment no later than June 20. We look forward to seeing all of you at the event. Children Are Invited Too! We welcome children to the Dinner Dance Hawaii Luau. The donation will be $10.00 per child from 5 to 12, kids under 5 are free. Please come to the office and get your little ones tickets. CAR RAFFLE In addition to the “Dinner Under the Stars” the Development Committee is also sponsoring an Opportunity Drawing to win Cash, a new Ford Mustang or Chevrolet Camaro. The Official Rules are available on the parish website. The drawing will be held on Saturday, June 25, 2016. The cost for each ticket is $25.00 or 5 for $100.00. Please turn in your tickets with your payment to St. Mary Magdalene no later than Friday, June 24th to be eligible to win. I want to thank all of you who support our “Build My Church with Living Stones” Capital Campaign. With your participation we will build His new church here at St. Mary Magdalene. The Development Committee would like to thank all those who have purchased Dinner Dance And Car Raffle Tickets. If you are planning on attending the Dinner Dance and have not returned your paid tickets, please return your tickets to the Parish Office. Also, if you are purchasing Car Raffle Tickets or would like to purchase more Car Raffle Tickets, contact the Parish Office. Special Thanks! The St. Mary Magdalene Filipino Ministry wish to thank all the fellow parishioners and Ministry Members who either donated plants, made the arrangements to sell, sales people for a day, and all the customers who made it possible to make the one day Mother’s Day Plant Sale a success. A total proceeds of $2,860.00 was added on to our Building Fund. High School Youth Ministry CRUZADA DE EVANGELIZACION "Misericordiosos como el Padre" El grupo de oración Divina Misericordia, les invita a una cruzada de evangelización con motivo del Año Jubilar de la Misericordia, aquí en Santa Maria Magdalena. Esta cruzada se llevará acabo todos los viernes siguiendo el 10 de Junio al 1 de Julio y del 30 de Septiembre al 11 de Noviembre de 7-9 pm en el salón multiusos. Para mas información llévese un folleto o llame a Delia o Jose Soto al número 951-259-0374. Campaña del Fondo para la Construcción CENA BAJO LAS ESTRELLAS Sábado, 25 de Junio del 2016 Santa María Magdalena 7:00pm a 11:00pm El tema de la Cena es Luau Hawaiano y vestuario casual es requerido. El costo de la cena es de $40.00 por persona. Por favor devuelva los boletos a la oficina parroquial de Santa María Magdalena junto con su pago antes del 20 de Junio. Esperamos verlos a todos en el evento. RIFA DEL AUTO Recuento de Boletos Gracias a todos los que han comprado boletos para la cena y la rifa del carro. Si todavía no ha mandado sus boletos, por favor llévelos a la oficina parroquial. También puede pedir mas boletos si así lo requiere. Vacaciones de Verano de Biblia CAVE QUEST - BUSQUEDA CABERNICOLA LUNES A VIERNES Julio 11-15 9:00am a 12:00pm En el Shrine of the Presentation (1775 S. Main St. 92882) Además de la “Cena Bajo Las Estrellas” el Comité de Desarrollo está ofreciendo la oportunidad de ganarse un Auto Nuevo o Dinero en efectivo, puede ser un Ford Mustang o un Chevrolet Camaro. Las reglas oficiales de la rifa las encontrará en la página web de la parroquia. La rifa se hará la noche del Sábado 25 de Junio, 2016. El costo de cada boleto es de $25.00 ó 5 boletos por $100.00. Por favor entregue sus boletos con el pago a Santa María Magdalena antes del viernes 24 de Junio para participar en la rifa. Quiero agradecerles a todos su participación en nuestra Campaña Capital: “Construir Mi Iglesia con Piedras Vivas”. Con su ayuda podremos construir Su nueva iglesia aquí en Santa María Magdalena. El tema de este año es Búsqueda Cavernícola y promete ser una aventura increíble para todos los jóvenes. Ya están abiertas las inscripciones para niños de prekinder a 6to grado. Puede tomar una registración en la oficina de lunes a viernes de 9am a 4pm. La cuota por 1 niño es $45, dos niños $85, 3 niños $125, 4 niños $165. Cena Baile Hawaiana Los niños también son invitados a participar de la Cena Baile Hawaiana. Por una donación de $10.00 por cada niños de 5 a 12 años, menores de 5 entran gratis. Adquiera sus boletos en la oficina parroquial de lunes a Viernes de 9am a 4pm. Becas Los Caballeros de Colón están ofreciendo una beca de $1,000.00 y una de $500.00 para el 2016. La beca es para ayudar a los estudiantes de Santa María Magdalena que sobresalgan en la escuela, iglesia y servicios comunitarios. Todos los estudiantes tendrán que preparar su propia aplicación y entregarla con los documentos requeridos. Por favor de tomar una aplicación y regresarla antes del 15 de Julio. Lecturas Semanales Domingo 5 de Junio al Domingo 12 de junio del 2016. X Semana del Tiempo Ordinario Dom- 1 Reyes 17, 17-24. Sal. 29. Gal 1, 11-19. Ev. Lc 7, 11-17 Lun- 1 Reyes 17, 1-6. Salmo 120. Ev. Mt 5, 1-12 Mar- 1 Reyes 17, 7-16. Salmo 4. Ev. Mt 5, 13-16 Mie- 1 Reyes 18, 20-39. Salmo 15. Ev. Mt 5, 17-19 Jue- 1 Reyes 18, 41-46. Salmo 64. Ev. Mt 5, 20-26 Vie- 1 Reyes 19, 9. 11-16. Salmo 26. Ev. Mt 5, 27-32 Sab- Hch 11, 21-26; 13, 1-3. Salmo 97. Ev. Mt 5, 33-37 Dom- 2 Sm 12, 7-10. 13. Salmo 31. Gal 2, 16. 19-21. Lc 7, 36–8, 3 Scholarships Pope Francis New Document The Knights of Columbus is offering one $1,000 scholarship and one $500 scholarship for 2016. This scholarship program is structured to help St. Mary Magdalene students who excel at school, church, and community service activities. All applicants must prepare their own application package and submit the required documents no later than July 15, 2016. You can find the application and more information about the scholarship on the information racks at the back of the church! The lengthy document, entitled ‘Amoris Laetitia’, or The Joy of Love, affirms the Church’s teaching that stable families are the building blocks of a healthy society and a place where children learn to love, respect and interact with others. DOWNLOAD AND READ IT AT: WWW.SMMCORONA.ORG Vacation Bible School Don't miss the Immaculate Heart Radio Bay Area CAVE QUEST July 11-15 at the Shrine of the Presentation. MONDAY—FRIDAY 9:00am to 12:00pm This year’s theme is Cave Quest and it promises to be an incredible adventure for all the youth. So save the date and we look forward to seeing all the excited kids in July. Fees for 1 child is $45, 2 children $85, 3 children $125 "ELEVATE CONFERENCE". This special day is packed with encouraging and inspirational talks by your favorite Immaculate Heart Radio personalities! June 25th at the Santa Clara Marriott. Go to for tickets and details. Families of the Sacred Heart Ministry The Twelve Promises of The Sacred Heart: I will give them all the graces necessary for their state in life. I will establish peace in their families. I will bless every home in which an image of My Heart is Exposed and Honored. I will console them in all their difficulties. I will be their refuge during life and especially at the hour of death. I will shed abundant blessing upon all their undertakings. Sinners shall find in My Heart a fountain and Boundless Ocean of Mercy. Tepid souls shall become fervent. Fervent souls shall rise speedily to great perfection. I will give to Priests the power of touching the hardest hearts. Those who propogate this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart never to be blotted out. I promise you, in the excessive mercy of My Heart that my all-powerful love will grant to all who communicate on the First Friday of the month for nine consecutive months, the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in My displeasure nor without their last Sacraments: “My Divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment.” Questions?: Visit our website or call Josie: 279-1782. Recommended Books A Travel Guide to Life: Transforming Yourself from Head to Soul by Anthony DeStefano For the many inspired by Anthony DeStefano's A Travel Guide to Heaven -a remarkable tour of the pleasures God has in store for us in the next and everlasting life-more inspiration is here in A TRAVEL GUIDE TO LIFE, offering an enlightening tour of the kind of deeply meaningful and happy life we can live here on earth. DeStefano outlines the path that can lead each and every one of us to renewed faith, understanding and fulfillment. With simplicity, honesty and a personal and practical look at the challenges God places before us, he outlines a reassuring and hopeful framework for living the life God has designe for us all ... even if we're not sure (yet) that we're true believers. MINISTRY COORDINATORS • COORDINADORES DE MINISTERIOS Adoration Team Altar Linens Altar Servers [email protected] Luci Ruiz 733-2449 [email protected] Desiree Romano 288-6424 [email protected] Art & Environment [email protected] Norma de la Cruz 916-513-0923 Baptism Adrienne Krock 277-3038 Bautismos Dcn. Armando Hernandez 277-2513 Building Committee [email protected] Rick Lee (562) 716-9035 Catholic Divorce Care [email protected] Dottie Filipek 371-0389 Children's Liturgy [email protected] Cindy Baytosh 277-3038 Consoling Ministries [email protected] Laureen Mendenhall 310-1273 Couples for Christ [email protected] Ray and Mary Sanchez 277-5125 Coro en Español [email protected] Evelyn Subero 751-9748 Cursillos Cristóbal Diaz 898-4795 Development Team [email protected] Rick Lee (562) 716-9035 Divina Misericordia José & Delia Soto 259-0374 Divine Mercy [email protected] Evelyn Del Rio 768-2115 or Kathy Woehrer 277-2145 Eucharistic Ministry [email protected] Ed Stow 734-3623 Families of the Sacred Heart [email protected] Josie Edmisten 279-1782 Fellowship of Christian Catholic Women [email protected] Ladella Babb (909) 732-9149 or Sylvie Chavez 737-2214 Filipino Ministry [email protected] Fe Sepulveda 603-0731 Finance Council [email protected] Joe Pileggi 638-5002 Forever Young [email protected] Marc & Evelyn Del Rio 642-2303 or 768-2115 Guadalupanos Rosa Hernandez 992-2876 Hispanic Ministry [email protected] Irma Jaramillo 603-3640 Xóchitl Salas 722-8578 [email protected] Fred Saldana 314-8593 Knights of Columbus [email protected] Tom Garcia 805-7474 Lectores Alva Murillo 277-0165 Lectors [email protected] Terri Pollino 333-1123 Liturgy Committee [email protected] Lidia Mendoza 277-2513 Marriage Preparation/Preparación Matrimonial [email protected] Dcn. Armando Hernandez & Lidia Mendoza 277-2513 Hospitalidad Hospitality Maestros de Ceremonias Masters of Ceremonies Juan Vazquez 738-8716 [email protected] Audrey Miller 264-9742 Middle School - Grades 6-8 [email protected] Margaret Miller 277-3038 Ministerio Eucarístico Eloisa Rivera 272-4610 Mariluz Garcia 314-9584 Ministry to the Sick [email protected] Laureen Mendenhall 310-1273 Monaguillos Rudy Murillo Jr. 264-9761 Natural Family Planning [email protected] Greg & Peggy Leger (719) 291-3426 Pastoral Council [email protected] Jose Soto 422-7058 Peace & Justice [email protected] Alice Bennett (714) 510-1191 Palabra Para Niños Marissa Correa (714) 296-7870 Pueblo de Sal y Luz [email protected] Paul Flores 949-468-6189 Quinceañeras Maricela Rojas 532-8129 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) [email protected] Kellie Clover 283-0178 Sacristanes Eddie Correa 833-2801 Sacristans [email protected] Walt Dworschak 520-3894 SMMOOTH Band [email protected] Lexie Coliflores 316-0456 Sri Lankan Ministry [email protected] Dushantha Kurera (909) 974-9199 Stewardship Committee [email protected] St. Gabriel’s Horn [email protected] Stephanie Smith 218-6783 St. Joseph Workshop [email protected] Mike Darger (714) 235 2734 St. Martha's Kitchen [email protected] Chenta Quintana 735-7675 or Mila Escano (714)-458-8392 St. Mary Magdalene Library Sue Reister 310-3733 St. Vincent de Paul [email protected] Helping Hands Line 277-2270 Tercera Edad Irma Jaramillo 603-3640 The Courageous Heart [email protected] (LGBTQ Ministry) Kellie Clover 283-0178 Tweens - Grades 3-5 [email protected] Margaret Miller 277-3038 Welcoming Ministry [email protected] Dori Lee 278-3706 Ext. 2 Widow/Widowers [email protected] Marlene Cervantes 277-2460 Revive I 40 Band [email protected] Lexie Coliflores 316-0456 Youth Ministry - Grades 9-12 [email protected] Margaret Miller 277-3038 Place Ads Here.