standard kemahiran pekerjaan kebangsaan
standard kemahiran pekerjaan kebangsaan
STANDARD KEMAHIRAN PEKERJAAN KEBANGSAAN (NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL SKILL STANDARD) I-031-3 PEGAWAI LATIHAN VOKASIONAL (Vocational Training Officer) Kementerian Sumber Manusia, Malaysia 5. JAWATANKUASA PROFIL TUGASAN 6. PROFIL TUGASAN PENDAHULUAN 1. Pembentukan Standard Kemahiran Kebangsaan (SKK) 1.1 Standard Kemahiran Pekerjaan Kebangsaan (SKPK) [National Occupational Skill Standard (NOSS) adalah satu dokumen yang menggariskan perkaraperkara yang perlu diperolehi oleh seseorang pekerja di dalam sesuatu bidang kemahiran. Semua perkara yang terkandung di dalam SKPK akan dinilai berasaskan ketrampilan untuk memastikan setiap pekerja berkebolehan melakukan perkara-perkara berkenaan pada tahap yang boleh diterima. 1.2 Pembentukan Standard Kemahiran Pekerjaan Kebangsaan dilakukan dengan melibatkan pakar-pakar dari industri (awam dan swasta) dan personel dari agensi/institusi latihan, mengikut bidang masing-masing. Pembentukannya dilakukan dalam dua peringkat: • Peringkat pertama dinamakan “Job Analysis” melibatkan antara lapan hingga sepuluh orang personel industri yang dijemput mengambil bahagian dalam pembentukan standard berkenaan. Mereka bersidang antara dua hingga tiga hari untuk menghasilkan rangka standard, yang disusun dalam bentuk carta. Carta ini mengandungi dua komponen penting iaitu Duti (Duty) dan Tugasan (Task) yang dinamakan carta profil pekerjaan. Carta ini kemudiannya diedarkan kepada industri yang terlibat untuk mendapatkan komen. • Peringkat kedua dinamakan “Task Analysis” dilakukan dengan melibatkan ahli-ahli jawatankuasa peringkat pertama tadi dan ditambah dengan beberapa orang personel dari agensi/institusi latihan. Mereka bersidang empat hingga lima hari. Pada peringkat ini, carta profil pekerjaan yang mengandungi duti dan tugasan itu dikupas secara terperinci. Sesuatu tugasan itu disediakan dengan “Terminal Performance Objective” (TPO), langkah-langkah kerja, keperluan memboleh (Enabling Requirement) dan peralatan dan perkakas. Produk “Task Analysis” ini dinamakan “Task Profile”. 2. Format Standard Kemahiran Pekerjaan Kebangsaan 2.1 Dokumen standard adalah mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut: • Tajuk • Takrif Pekerjaan • Task Profile yang merupakan jadual-jadual yang mengandungi “Terminal Performance Objective”, langkah-langkah kerja, keperluan memboleh “Enabling Requirement” dan peralatan dan perkakas. 2.2 Tiap-tiap dokumen standard yang dibentuk, disediakan dengan Takrif Pekerjaan (Occupational Defination) mengikut tajuk standard berkenaan Seboleh mungkin, takrif pekerjaan ini akan berlandaskan kepada “Dictionary of Classification” (DOC) yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Tenaga Manusia Kementerian Sumber Manusia. Terdapat dua kategori takrif pekerjaan iaitu: • Takrif pekerjaan di peringkat mekanik/operator yang merangkumi kemahiran pada Tahap 1 dan 2. • Takrif pekerjaan diperingkat penyelia/juruteknik yang merangkumi kemahiran pada Tahap 3. 2.3 Sesuatu standard mengandungi sekumpulan duti yang merupakan unit-unit kemahiran dalam standard berkenaan, dan duti-duti tersebut adalah tidak bergantungan di antara satu sama lain. Tiap-tiap duti mengandungi sekumpulan tugasan. Pengrekodan tugasan-tugasan adalah mengikut ciri berikut: • Ia mengandungi kata perbuatan (action verb) dan objek yang menerima perbuatan tersebut. • Ia mestilah jelas dan tepat. • Ia boleh mengandungi satu atau lebih “qualifier” 3. Tahap-tahap dalam Standard Kemahiran Pekerjaan Kebangsaan 3.1 Dokumen standard ini mengandungi tiga tahap iaitu 1.2 dan 3. Tahap-tahap tersebut adalah berkait rapat dengan sistem Persijilan Kemahiran Pekerjaan Kebangsaan. Dalam erti kata lain, seseorang individu yang telah mencapai kemahiran pada Tahap 1akan diberi Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia Tahap 1 dan seterusnya. 3.2 Penjelasan bagi ketiga-tiga tahap adalah seperti berikut: Tahap 3 Trampil dalam melakukan sekumpulan duti pada tahap ini. Ketrampilan yang terkandung dalam tahap ini merangkumi sekumpulan duti yang luas dalam pelbagai konteks dan bukan “routine” dan autonomi serta perlu memberi kawalan dan panduan kepada yang lain. 3.3 Khusus bagi Tahap 3, kandungan kemahiran yang terdapat dalam dokumen ini adalah juga meliputi kemahiran penyeliaan disamping kemahiran teknikal. Ketua Pengarah Majlis Latihan Vokasional Kebangsaan Kementerian Sumber Manusia Malaysia KUALA LUMPUR EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. NOSS Job Titles a. Vocational Training Officer Level 3 b. Vocational Training Executive Level 4 c. Vocational Training Manager Level 54 2. Professionals Titles a. Expert Vocational Training Officer b. Expert Vocational Training Executive c. Expert Vocational Training Manager 3. Development Sessions Date Venue Activity No of Participants 25 - 28 May 2004 Awana Genting Highlands Job Analysis (Review) 11 21 - 22 Jun 2004 MLVK Job Analysis (Verification and Proof Reading) 7 10 - 14 May 2005 Awana Genting Highlands Task Analysis Level 3 20 27 - 29 May 2005 Equatorial Hotel, Bangi Task Analysis Level 4 &5 14 25 - 29 July 2005 Eastin Hotel, Petaling Jaya Task Analysis Level 3 (Verification and Proof Reading) 10 19 - 23 Sep 2005 Cyberview Lodge Resort, Cyberjaya Task Analysis Level 4 (Verification and Proof Reading) 8 18 - 19 Oct 2005 Cyberview Lodge Resort, Cyberjaya Task Analysis Level 4 (Verification and Proof Reading) 8 4. Rational This NOSS has been reviewed due to the requirements of MLVK in enhancing the quality of Vocational Instructors in delivering training in Malaysia Due to economic growth of Malaysia, the demand for qualified and certified vocational training experts in public and private sector is increasing rapidly. Currently, there is a great shortage for such personal. Expertise in Vocational training is critical to ensure the quality of skill workers in the industry is of world standard. This is to achieve Malaysian Vision 2020 to become an industrialize country by year 2020. 5. The pre requisite for the enrolment of the program is as follows: a. Vocational Training Officer Level 3 - SPM/SPMV Pass English Language, Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics SKM 2 in relevant NOSS b. Vocational Training Executive Level 4 - SKM 3 of Vocational Training Officer (I-031-3) (Formal Training or APA) and 2 years of working experience in related field c. Vocational Training Manager Level 5 6. DKM of Vocational Training Executive and additional 1 year of working experience in related field Pre-requisite for Professionals a. Expert Vocational Training Officer - SKM Level 3 of Vocational Training Officer (I-031-3) and 5 years as Vocational Training Officer b. Expert Vocational Training Executive - DKM Level 4 of Vocational Training Executive (I-031-3) (Formal Training or APA) and 2 years of working experience in related field c. Expert Vocational Training Manager - DLKM Level 5 of Vocational Training Manager (I-031-5) and 5 years as Vocational Training Manager NOTE: To be an Expert Vocational Training Executive the participants need to be Expert Vocational Training Officer. It also applies to Expert Vocational Training Manager; participants need to be an Expert Vocational Training Executive. 7. Basic Instructional Methodology (BIM) (2 weeks) MLVK has decided that every accredited MLVK centre must ensure that the vocational instructor who are delivering MLVK accredited program, should possess and has undergone a basic instructional methodology course is of 2 weeks duration (60 hours) of either blocked or staggered approached. This particular course is designed to equip the instructors with basic instructional methodology. The NOSS development committee recommends that MLVK should issue provisional teaching permit valid for the period 6 months. The Basic Instructional Methodology course outline is as shown in the Appendix. After the completion of Basic Instructional Methodology (BIM), and within 6 months the instructor should pursue further to complete the whole program of Vocational Training Officer Level 3 (I-031-3) in order to acquire SKM Level 3 certification 8. Recommendation from NOSS Development Committee Due to shortage of qualified vocational trainers it is critical that this program to be implemented immediately and systematically. To ensure the quality of the program meets the high standard as outlined in the NOSS, it is therefore recommended that committee members who were involved in the development of this NOSS be considered as External Verifier (PPL) to verify the implementation and hence certify the competency of candidates, until such time other qualified External Verifiers are identified. It is also suggested that in the process of verification, the external verifier should observe a life demonstration by the candidates on how to deliver the training based on all the competency and skill acquired during the training. This is to confirm the competency of the candidates and the authenticity of the evidences. TAKRIF PEKERJAAN (OCCUPATIONAL DEFINITION) STANDARD PRACTICE NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL SKILL STANDARD (NOSS) FOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINERS IN VOCATIONAL TRAINING 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Standard Practice is a document showing the career path of any particular professionals 1.2 Standard Practice and Standard Content are part of NOSS document and are developed with Training Manual and Internship Manual to complete the whole NOSS 2. OCCUPATIONAL DEFINATION NOSS is defined as a specification of the competencies expected of a skilled worker who is gainfully employed in Malaysia for an occupational area and level and a path to acquire the competencies SKM LEVEL 1: (Operation and Production Level) Competent in performing a range of varied work activities most of which are routine and predictable. SKM LEVEL 2: (Operation and Production Level) Competent in performing a significant range of varied work activities, performed in a variety of contexts. Some of the activities are non-routine and required individual responsibility and autonomy SKM LEVEL 3: (Supervisory Level) Competent in performing a broad range of varied work activities, performed in a variety of contexts most of which are complex and non-routine. There is considerable responsibility and autonomy and control or guidance of other s is often required. SKM LEVEL 4: (Supervisory Level) Competent in performing a broad range of complex technical or professional work activities performed in a wide variety of contexts and with a substantial degree of personal responsibility and autonomy. Responsibility for the work of others and allocation of resources is often present. SKM LEVEL 5: (Managerial Level) 3. Competent in applying a significant range of fundamental principles and complex techniques across a wide and often unpredictable variety of contexts. Very substantial personal autonomy and often significant responsibility for the work of others and for the allocation of substantial resources features strongly, as do personal accountabilities for analysis, diagnosis, planning, execution and evaluation. MALAYSIA SKILL QUALIFICATIONS Since there is no Level 1 and 2, candidates after being assessed and verified and fulfilled Malaysian Skill Certification requirements shall be awarded with Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) for Level 3 and as for Level 4 and 5 shall be awarded with Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia and Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia respectively. 4. PROFESSIONAL FOR VOCATIONAL TRAINERS QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK Expert Vocational Training Officer SKM Level 3 Vocational Training Officer (I-031-3) + 5 years working experience as Vocational Training Officer Expert Vocational Training Executive SKM Level 4 Vocational Training Officer (I-031-4) + 5 years working experience as Vocational Training Executive Expert Vocational Training Manager SKM Level 5 Vocational Training Officer (I-031-5) + 5 years working experience as Vocational Training Manager 5. NATURE OF WORK (a) Expert Vocational Training Officer delivers the theory and practice in their related discipline at different vocational levels. He / she apply concepts, theories and operational methods pertaining to their own discipline and develop learning resources to support learning. In particular he / she: i) Acquires the knowledge and skills for teaching and training ii) Fully aware of the structure and requirements in their own discipline iii) Plans, prepares and delivers lessons in accordance to the prescribed curriculum iv) Delivers lesson in their own discipline and supervise trainees work v) Prepares assignments and evaluates performance of trainees vi) Develops instructional learning material and training aids to support learning activities. vii) Maintains equipment and facilities for learning and training activities viii) Plans and organizes on-the-job training and industrial visit for the trainees ix) Participate in staff meetings, educational conferences and workshops x) Supervises trainees and supporting staff activities. (b) Expert Vocational Training Executive plans, organizes and coordinates training curriculum, staff development, clerical and auxiliary services in the training center / institution. In particular he / she: i) Determine training program to be instituted by the centre ii) Conduct Training Needs Analysis at departmental level iii) Plans, organizes, direct and coordinates activities of subordinates iv) Administer clerical activities concerning trainees admission and records v) Executes provision of supplies and equipment and other auxiliary services required for program delivery vi) Maintains good relationship with other educational establishment, health, welfare, employment services and professional bodies vii) Maintain good relationship and partnership with industry viii) Organizes on-the-job training / placement and evaluates trainees performances ix) Plans and implements evaluation system, complies and analyzes evaluation evidence x) Maintains standard of discipline, general behavior and cleanliness in the center/institute xi) Evaluates adequacy and relevancy of training facilities xii) Supervises curriculum and co curriculum development activities xiii) Plans and organizes professional development programs for the staff xiv) Plans and coordinates the teaching operations and training schedules xv) Ensure occupational safety and health requirements xvi) Plans and organizes maintenance activities (c) Expert Vocational Training Manager is a professional who has the qualifications, skills and experiences in the vocational area and management of training. He / she possess a broad understanding of training and assessment to plan, organize and design the required curriculum. He / she are responsible of managing training and personnel in his / her area of responsibility. He / she is required to ensure that training is carried out as schedule in-line with the curriculum developed and meets the quality assurance requirements and the policy and direction as stipulated by the organization and the stakeholders. In particular he / she: i) Conduct Training Needs Analysis at organizational level ii) Develops, manages and promotes training iii) Manages changes and influences workplace culture iv) Supervises, supports and develops subordinates v) Exercises leadership at workplace vi) Enforces rules and regulations as stipulated by the organization vii) Plans, organizes and develops training programs viii) Plans, organizes and ensures development of training curriculum is implemented ix) Plans, organizes and prepares budget for training and professional developments x) Plans, organizes and prepares schedule for equipment maintenance and refurbishment xi) Develops professional development programs for subordinates xii) Enforces safety & health and security rules and regulations xiii) Provides feedback to the management on present and future directions xiv) Enforces disciplines of subordinates and trainees xv) Enhances and develops improvement strategies xvi) Develops mechanism to carry-out compliance audit xvii) Performs managerial responsibilities and work closely with stakeholders xviii) Ensures adequacy and relevancy of training facilities xix) Designs contemporary teaching and learning resources xx) Strategize promotional and marketing activities 6. WORKING CONDITIONS Generally they work under similar operating hours of the organization / company. May involve in organizing extra training activities outside normal working hours. Normally they work in classrooms, workshops, laboratories, workplaces or at the allocated sites. 7. EMPLOYMENT PROSPECTS Excellent prospect in either public or private sectors due to shortage of experts in vocational training. Excellent career potential for vocational training officers, executives and managers due to industrialization and globalization Government policy to promote Malaysia as Center of Excellence for academic and vocational training in the region 8. JOB OUTLOOK Employment growth for the professionals due to the requirement in the industry is promising. In view of the political stability and economic growth the demand for these experts will be tremendous and also to overcome the current shortages 9. TRAINING, OTHER QUALIFICATIONS AND ADVANCEMENT Vocational training experts are trained in accredited training centers. The minimum entry qualification for the program is SKM level 2 of various existing NOSS or equivalent. They are trained in the accredited training centers for 9 months inclusive of institutional training and internship training besides possess several years of working experience as stipulated in Qualifications for Professionals. For those with working experience can also be certified through Accreditation of Prior Achievement (APA). However, a minimum teaching experience of 2 years is required to advance their training to level 4 and may continue to level 5 upon completion of level 4 with additional of 1 year working experience in related field. 10. RELATED OCCUPATIONS • • • • • • • • Training Consultant Training Manager Training Executive Training Officer Training Instructor Technician Lab Assistant Vocational Training Practitioner 11. RELATED INDUSTRIES • • • • • • 12. Training Institution Public Sector Manufacturing Services Construction Agriculture and other sectors SOURCES OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • NVTC information Center COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR DEVELOPMENT STANDARD PRACTISE & STANDARD CONTENT OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER LEVEL 3 1. En. Mallow Bin Butha Project & Marketing Manager Adskill Sdn Bhd 2. En. Chandrapal Arunasalam Training Manager FIESTO Sdn Bhd 3. Tn. Hj. Yahya Bin Hj. Ahmad Timbalan Pengarah IKRAM Latihan Sdn Bhd 4. PM Dr. Ahmad Bin Othman Dekan Fakulti Pengurusan Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussien Onn 5. En. Baharudin Bin Haji Abdullah Pengarah Eksekutif Pusat Pembangunan Kemahiran Sarawak (PPKS) 6. En. Mohd Azam Bin Mohd Salleh Pengarah Bahagian Pendidikan dan Latihan Kemahiran MARA 7. Hj. Idris Mohamad Pengurus MENSILIN Sdn Bhd 8. Dr. Abdul Aziz B. Azimullah Principle Training Consultant Entrepreneurs Development Institute 9. En. Ranjit Singh A.M.N Managing Director AIT (Advanced Industrial Training) Management Consultant 10. En Joseph Naden Pengurus Naden Technical System 11. En. Ahmad Bin Sulaiman Pegawai Latihan Vokasional Institut Kemahiran Tinggi Belia Negara, Sepang 12. En Abdul Halim Bin Yahya Pegawai Latihan Vokasional Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara, Pagoh 13. En. Saidon Bin Borhan Pegawai Latihan Vokasional Institut Kemahiran Tinggi Belia Negara, Bukit Mertajam 14. En. Chureimi Bin Sairi Pegawai Latihan Vokasional Institut Kemahiran Tinggi Belia Negara, Dusun Tua 15. En. Hairul Raduan Bin Abdullah Pegawai Latihan Vokasional Institut Kemahiran Tinggi Belia Negara, Ghemong 16. En. Masor Bin Mohd Noor Pen. Pegawai Latihan Vokasional Pusat Latihan Pengajar & Kemahiran Lanjutan (CIAST) 17. En. Hashim Bin Salleh Pen. Pegawai Latihan Vokasional Pusat Latihan Pengajar & Kemahiran Lanjutan (CIAST) 18. En. Ahmad Bin Hj. Abdullah Pen. Pegawai Latihan Vokasional Pusat Latihan Pengajar & Kemahiran Lanjutan (CIAST) 19. Hj. Tukimin Bin Solehan Pen. Pegawai Latihan Vokasional Pusat Latihan Pengajar & Kemahiran Lanjutan (CIAST) 20. En William Lim Pen. Pegawai Latihan Vokasional Pusat Latihan Pembangunan Belia, Sarawak FASILITATOR 1. Pn. Khadijah Binti Mohd Noor Penyelaras Latihan Tertinggi (NOSS) MLVK 2. En. Kamal Azhar Bin Ibrahim Penyelaras Latihan Tertinggi (NOSS) MLVK COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR DEVELOPING STANDARD PRACTISE & STANDARD CONTENT OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING INSTRUCTOR (VERIFICATION & PROOF READING) 1. En. Mallow Bin Butha Project & Marketing Manager Adskill Sdn Bhd 2. Tn. Hj. Yahya Bin Hj. Ahmad Timbalan Pengarah IKRAM Latihan Sdn Bhd 3. En. Baharudin Bin Haji Abdullah Pengarah Eksekutif Pusat Pembangunan Kemahiran Sarawak (PPKS) 4. Dr. Abdul Aziz B. Azimullah Principle Training Consultant Entrepreneurs Development Institute 5. En. Ranjit Singh A.M.N Managing Director AIT (Advanced Industrial Training) Management Consultant 6. En. Awaldin Bin Mohd Arief Pengurus Naden Technical System 7. Hj. Idris Mohamad Pengurus MENSILIN Sdn Bhd 8. PM Dr. Ahmad Bin Othman Dekan Fakulti Pengurusan Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussien Onn 9. En Ahmad Bin Sulaiman Pegawai Latihan Vokasional Institut Kemahiran Tinggi Belia Negara, Sepang 10. En Chureimi Bin Sairi Pegawai Latihan Vokasional Institut Kemahiran Tinggi Belia Negara, Dusun Tua 11. En. Mansor Bin Mohd Noor Pen. Pegawai Latihan Vokasional Pusat Latihan Pengajar & Kemahiran Lanjutan (CIAST) 12. En. Hashim Bin Salleh Pen. Pegawai Latihan Vokasional Pusat Latihan Pengajar & Kemahiran Lanjutan (CIAST) 13. Hj. Tukimin Bin Solehan Pen. Pegawai Latihan Vokasional Pusat Latihan Pengajar & Kemahiran Lanjutan (CIAST) FASILITATOR 1. Pn. Khadijah Binti Mohd Noor Penyelaras Latihan Tertinggi (NOSS) MLVK 2. En. Kamal Azhar Bin Ibrahim Penyelaras Latihan Tertinggi (NOSS) MLVK CARTA PROFIL PEKERJAAN (JOB PROFILE CHART) JOB PROFILE FOR : 1) VOCATIONAL TRANING OFFICER – LEVEL3 DESIGN TRAINING COURSE 01 DEVELOP TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES 02 CONDUCT TRAINING 03 Conduct job analysis 01.01 L3 Prepare teaching and learning resources 02.01 L3 Prepare for training presentation 03.01 L3 PERFORM SUPERVISION, MENTORING, COACHING AND COUNSELING IN TRAINING 04 Facilitate training / learning session IMPLEMENT COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING (CBT) Plan Competency Based Training (CBT) 05 ORGANIZE ASSESSMENT 06 04.01 05.01 L3 L3 Plan assessment session 06.01 L3 Develop course outline 01.02 L3 Prepare session plan 02.02 L3 Deliver presentation 03.02 L3 Motivate trainee 04.02 L3 Organize Competency Based Training (CBT) delivery 05.02 L3 Conduct knowledge assessment 06.02 L3 Develop course of study 01.03 L3 Prepare training aid 02.03 L3 Evaluate training delivery 03.03 L3 Mentor trainee 04.03 L3 L3 Conduct performance assessment 06.03 01.04 L3 Prepare knowledge assessment documents 02.04 L3 L3 Prepare training schedule 01.05 L3 Develop written instructional material 01.06 L3 Prepare performance assessment document 02.05 L3 Assess the effectiveness of training session 03.04 L3 Coach trainee Develop Competency Based Training (CBT) teaching and learning processes 05.03 Conduct instructional analysis 04.04 Supervise Trainee L3 Conduct Competency Based Training (CBT) 05.04 L3 Evaluate knowledge assessment result 06.04 L3 04.05 L3 Counsel Trainee 04.06 L3 Evaluate Competency Based Training (CBT) 05.05 L3 Evaluate performance Analyze assessment assessment result result 06.05 L3 06.06 L3 MANAGE TRAINING FACILITIES 07 IMPLEMENT TO CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES 08 PERFORM ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS 09 Prepare teaching and learning facilities 07.01 L3 Plan co-curriculum activities 08.01 L3 Administer work place safety and health 09.01 L3 Maintain training facilities Maintain housekeeping 07.02 L3 Organize co-curriculum activities 08.02 L3 Administer work place security 09.02 L3 07.03 L3 Conduct co-curriculum activities 08.03 L3 Prepare indemnity requirements 09.03 L3 Conduct extra mural activities 08.04 L3 Prepare reports 09.04 L3 Prepare Tools Equipments and Training Materials 09.05 L3 Implement rules and regulations 09.06 L3 Prepare purchase requisitions 09.07 L3 Replenish consumable items 09.08 L3 PROFIL TUGASAN OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRANING OFFICER DUTY NO. 01 DUTY: DESIGN TRAINING COURSE TASK NO. 01.01 TASK: CONDUCT JOB ANALYSIS LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : CONDUCT JOB ANALYSIS USING INDUSTRY EXPERT, FACILITIES AND RESOURCES SUCH AS AUDIO VISUAL AIDS, MEETING FACILITIES ETC. SO THAT JOB TITLE AND EXPERT IDENTIFIED, WORKSHOP SESSIONS ARRANGED AND FACILITATED AND DATA/ INFORMATION COMPILED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify job title ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Occupational Analysis 1.2 Needs analysis 1.3 Methods of identifying job titles Ability to:1.1 Interpret Occupational Analysis 1.2 Determine the demand of the job 1.3 Apply methods of identifying job titles Attitude & Safety:1.1 Pro-active 1.2 Decisive 1.3 Resourceful 1.4 Reliable 1.5 Authentic 2. Identify experts Knowledge of:2.1 Job specifications 2.2 Terms of reference 2.3 Procedures of appointing experts Ability to:2.1 Describe job specifications 2.2 Comply to terms of reference 2.3 Comply to procedures Attitude & Safety:2.1 Pro-active 2.2 Decisive 2.3 Resourceful 2.4 Reliable 2.5 Meticulous TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - List of Industrial expert - Meeting & workshop facilities - Audio Visual Aids - Logistic - Stationery SUB-TASK/STEP 3. Arrange job analysis session ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:3.1 Job analysis session requirements 3.2 Identification of venue 3.3 Scheduling of session 3.4 Availability of budget allocation for the session 3.5 Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) Ability to:3.1 Identify Job analysis session requirements 3.2 Identify venue 3.3 Schedule session 3.4 Determine availability of budget allocation for the session 3.5 Comply Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Attitude & Safety:3.1 Pro-active 3.2 Decisive 3.3 Resourceful 3.4 Reliable 3.5 Meticulous 4. Facilitate job analysis session Knowledge of:4.1 Facilitation technique 4.2 Session objectives 4.3 Methodology of job analysis Ability to:4.1 Apply facilitation technique 4.2 Convey session objectives 4.3 Comply to the methodology of job analysis Attitude & Safety:4.1 Pro-active 4.2 Decisive 4.3 Resourceful 4.4 Reliable 4.5 Meticulous 4.6 Observant 4.7 Perseverance TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS SUB TASK/STEP 5. Compile job analysis outcomes ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:5.1 Recording job analysis outcomes 5.2 Techniques of recording job analysis outcomes Ability to:5.1 Record job analysis outcomes 5.2 Apply techniques of recording job analysis outcomes Attitude & Safety:5.1 Pro-active 5.2 Decisive 5.3 Resourceful 5.4 Reliable 5.5 Meticulous 5.6 Data confidentiality and security TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRANING OFFICER DUTY NO. 01 DUTY: DESIGN TRAINING COURSE TASK NO. 01.02 TASK : DEVELOP COURSE OUTLINE LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : DEVELOP COURSE OUTLINE USING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM, MANUFACTURERS OPERATING INSTRUCTION, INVENTORY LIST, NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL SKILL STANDARDS (NOSS), ETC SO THAT COURSE REQUIREMENTS, TOPICS AND ACTIVITIES, RESOURCES IDENTIFIED AND DATA/INFORMATION DOCUMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify course requirements ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Course goals/objectives 1.2 Learning outcomes 1.3 Scope of coverage 1.4 Course contents 1.5 Delivery approach 1.6 Assessment strategies 1.7 Teaching and learning resources requirement 1.8 Certification Ability to:1.1 Determine course goals/objective 1.2 Determine learning outcomes 1.3 Determine scope of coverage 1.4 Interpret course contents requirements 1.5.Determine delivery approach 1.6 Determine assessment strategies 1.7 Determine teaching and learning resources requirement 1.8 Determine types of awards for certification Attitude & Safety:1.1 Pro-active 1.2 Decisive 1.3 Resourceful 1.4 Reliable 1.5 Meticulous TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Management Information System - Standard Operating Procedure - Manufacturers Operating Instruction - Inventory list - Audio Visual Aids - References - National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) SUB-TASK/STEP 2. Identify topics and activities ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:2.1 Course contents 2.1 Classifying course contents 2.3 Sequencing of classified course contents 2.4 Determining topics and activities Ability to:2.1 Interpret course contents 2.2 Classify course contents 2.3 Sequence classified course contents 2.4 Determine topics and activities Attitude & Safety:2.1 Pro-active 2.2 Decisive 2.3 Resourceful 2.4 Reliable 2.5 Meticulous 3. Identify resources Knowledge of:3.1 Teaching and learning resources 3.2 Availability, capability and relevancy of teaching and learning resources 3.3 Duration of training for each topics and activities Ability to:3.1 Determine teaching and learning resources 3.2 Determine availability, capability and relevancy of teaching and learning resources 3.3 Determine duration of training for each topics and activities Attitude & Safety:3.1 Pro-active 3.2 Decisive 3.3 Resourceful 3.4 Reliable 3.5 Meticulous TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS SUB-TASK/STEP 4. Document data/ information ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:4.1 Formatting data / information 4.2 Data contents 4.3 Standard Operating Procedures 4.4 Management Information System Ability to:4.1 Format data / information 4.2 Transfer data into format 4.3 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 4.4 Utilise management Information System Attitude & Safety:4.1 Pro-active 4.2 Decisive 4.3 Resourceful 4.4 Reliable 4.5 Meticulous 4.6 Confidentiality and security TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRANING OFFICER DUTY NO. 01 DUTY: DESIGN TRAINING COURSE TASK NO. 01.03 TASK : DEVELOP COURSE OF STUDY (COS) LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : DEVELOP COURSE OF STUDY USING NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL SKILL STANDARDS (NOSS), COURSE OUTLINE, MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM, REFERENCES, ETC SO THAT NOSS AND COURSE OUTLINE STUDIED, TASKS CLUSTERED AND SEQUENCED, COMPONENTS OF COURSE OF STUDY ITEMISED AND DOCUMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. 2. Study National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) and Course Outline Cluster tasks ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) content 1.2 Course Outline TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) Ability to:1.1 Interpret National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) 1.2 Interpret Course Outline - Course outline - Management Information System Attitude & Safety:1.1 Pro-active 1.2 Decisive 1.3 Resourceful 1.4 Reliable 1.5 Meticulous - References - ETC Knowledge of:2.1 Criteria for clustering 2.2 Guide line for clustering 2.3 Procedure of clustering Ability to:2.1 Apply Criteria for Clustering 2.2 Comply to Guide line for clustering 2.3 Follow Procedure of clustering Attitude & Safety:2.1 Pro-active 2.2 Decisive 2.3 Resourceful 2.4 Reliable 2.5 Meticulous SUB-TASK/STEP 3. Sequence tasks and its clusters. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:3.1 Criteria for sequencing 3.2 Guide line for sequencing 3.3 Procedure for sequencing Ability to:3.1 Criteria for sequencing 3.2 Guide line for sequencing 3.3 Procedure for sequencing Attitude & Safety:3.1 Pro-active 3.2 Decisive 3.3 Resourceful 3.4 Reliable 3.5 Meticulous 4. Itemise components of Course of Study Knowledge of:4.1 Component of Course Study 4.2 Determining component of Course of Study (topic, duration, activity, mode of delivery, assessment, etc) Ability to:4.1 Determine component of Course Study 4.2 Determine component of Course of Study (topic, duration, activity, mode of delivery, assessment, etc) Attitude & Safety:4.1 Pro-active 4.2 Decisive 4.3 Resourceful 4.4 Reliable 4.5 Meticulous 5. Document component Course of Study Knowledge of:5.1 Techniques of documenting 5.2 Formatting of Course of Study 5.3 Components of Course of Study 5.4 Management Information System Ability to:5.1 Apply techniques of documenting 5.2 Format Course of Study 5.3 Transfer component into format 5.4 Utilise Management Information System Attitude & Safety:5.1 Pro-active 5.2 Decisive 5.3 Resourceful 5.4 Reliable 5.5 Meticulous TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRANING OFFICER DUTY NO. 01 DUTY: DESIGN TRAINING COURSE TASK NO. 01.04 TASK : CONDUCT INSTRUCTION ANALYSIS LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : CONDUCT INSTRUCTIONAL ANALYSIS USING NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL SKILL STANDARDS (NOSS), COURSE OUTLINE, COURSE OF STUDY, REFERENCES ETC. SO THAT INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES IDENTIFIED AND SEQUENCED, TITLES FOR LEARNING PACKAGES PROVIDED AND DOCUMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. 2. Identify Instructional Objectives Sequence Instructional Objectives ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Instructional Objectives 1.2 Methods used to derive Instructional Objectives 1.3 Techniques used to derive Instructional Objectives TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) Ability to:1.1 Determine Instructional Objectives 1.2 Determine methods to derive Instructional objectives 1.3 Apply techniques to derive Instructional Objectives - Course outline - Course of Study - AVA Attitude & Safety:1.1 Pro-active 1.2 Resourceful 1.3 Decisive 1.4 Meticulous 1.5 Reliable 1.6 Valid - Stationeries - References - Etc Knowledge of:2.1 Importance of sequencing Instructional Objectives 2.2 Methods used in sequencing Instructional Objectives 2.3 Techniques used in sequencing Instructional Objectives Ability to:2.1 Determine the importance of sequencing Instructional Objectives 2.2 Comply to methods in sequencing Instructional Objectives 2.3 Apply techniques in sequencing Instructional Objectives SUB-TASK/STEP 3. Provide learning packages title ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:3.1 Instructional steps 3.2 Sequencing of steps 3.3 Structuring of steps 3.4 Stipulation of titles 3.5 Verification of titles Ability to:3.1 Determine Instructional steps 3.2 Sequences the steps 3.3 Structure the steps 3.4 Stipulate titles 4.5 Verify the suitability of titles Attitude & Safety:3.1 Pro-active 3.2 Resourceful 3.3 Decisive 3.4 Meticulous 3.5 Reliable 3.6 Rational 4. Document steps into sequence Knowledge of:4.1 Identifying documents that need to be documented 4.2 Organising documents in sequence 4.3 Methods used for documenting 4.4 Techniques used for documenting Ability to:4.1 Identify documents that need to be documented 4.2 Organise documents in sequence 4.3 Identify methods used for documenting 4.4 Apply techniques used for documenting Attitude & Safety:4.1 Pro-active 4.2 Resourceful 4.3 Decisive 4.4 Meticulous 4.5 Reliable 4.6 Rational TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRANING OFFICER DUTY NO. 01 DUTY: DESIGN TRAINING COURSE TASK NO. 01.05 TASK : PREPARE TRAINING SCHEDULE LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : PREPARE TRAINING SCHEDULE USING COURSE OF STUDY, COURSE OUTLINE, TRAINING FACILITIES INVENTORY LIST, TRAINING PROGRAM/ INFORMATION, ETC SO THAT COURSE OF STUDY AND COURSE OUTLINE REVIEWED, RESOURCE PERSON AND FACILITIES IDENTIFIED, TOPICS, CONTENT AND TRAINING DURATION ALLOCATED AND TRAINING SCHEDULE PRODUCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Review Course of Study and Course outline ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Source of Course of Study and Course outline 1.2 Course of Study and Course outline 1.3 Course of Study content and Course outline Ability to:1.1 Access Course of Study and Course outline 1.2 Identify Course of Study and Course outline 1.3 Interpret Course of Study content and Course outline TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Standard Operating Procedures - Course of Study - Course outline - Training Facilities Attitude & Safety:1.1 Pro-active 1.2 Resourceful 1.3 Meticulous 2. Identify resource person and facilities - Inventory list - Resource person’s profile Knowledge of:2.1 Availability of resource persons and facilities 2.2 Capability of resource persons 2.3 Relevancy of facilities 2.4 Organization chart - Management Information System Ability to:2.1 Determine availability of resource persons & facilities 2.2 Determine capability of resource persons 2.3 Determine relevancy of facilities 2.4 Determine responsibilities - References Attitude & Safety:2.1 Pro-active 2.2 Decisive 2.3 Rational 2.4 Impartial 2.5 Resourceful - Training Program data / information - Etc SUB-TASK/STEP 3. Allocate topic, content and training duration ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:3.1 Course of Study 3.2 Topics of training program 3.3 Content of the topics 3.4 Delivery mode 3.5 Duration of training 3.6 Facilities and resources 3.7 Availability and capability of resource persons 3.8 Segregation of topics 3.9 Distribution of topic to resource persons Ability to:3.1 Interpret Course of Study 3.2 Determine Topics of training program 3.3 Scope of the topics 3.4 Determine Delivery mode 3.5 Estimate Duration of training 3.6 Determine Facilities and resources 3.7 Determine Availability and capability of resource persons 3.8 Segregation of topics 3.9 Distribute of topic to resource persons Attitude & Safety:3.1 Creative 3.2 Reliable 3.3 Pro-active 3.4 Resourceful 3.5 Decisive 3.6 Accountable 3.8 Rational 4. Produce training schedule Knowledge of:4.1 Formatting of schedule 4.2 Content of training schedule 4.3 Management Information System 4.4 Standard Operating Procedures Ability to:4.1 Format schedule 4.2 Transfer Content of format 4.3 Utilise Management Information System 4.4 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures Attitude & Safety:4.1 Pro-active 4.2 Resourceful 4.3 Creative 4.4 Innovative 4.5 Reliable TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRANING OFFICER DUTY NO. 01 DUTY: DESIGN TRAINING COURSE TASK NO. 01.06 TASK : DEVELOP WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL (WIM) LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : DEVELOP WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL USING COURSE OF STUDY, REFERENCE MATERIALS, ETC. SO THAT COURSE OF STUDY REVIEWED, WRITTEN INSTRUCTION MATERIALS TO BE DEVELOPED IDENTIFIED AND PRODUCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Review Course of Study ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS Knowledge of:1.1 Source of Course of Study and Course outline - Course of Study Ability to:1.1 Interpret Course of Study content requirements. - Standard Operating Procedures Attitude & Safety:1.1 Pro-active 1.2 Meticulous 1.3 Resourceful - Guidelines - Reference materials - Stationeries 2. Identify Written Instructional Material to be developed Knowledge of:2.1 Various Instructional Materials 2.2 Purpose of Written Instructional Materials 2.3 Advantages of Written Instructional Materials 2.4 References and resources Ability to:2.1 Determine various Instructional Materials 2.2 Determine purpose of Written Instructional Materials 2.3 Determine advantages of Written Instructional Materials 2.4 Determine references and resources Attitude & Safety:2.1 Pro-active 2.2 Innovative 2.3 Creative 2.3 Resourceful 2.4 Decisive - Managements Information System - Inventory list SUB-TASK/STEP 3. Produce Written Instructional Materials ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:3.1 Methods of developing Written Instructional Materials (WIM) 3.2Techniques of developing Written Instructional Materials (WIM) 3.3 Written Instructional Material (WIM) 3.4 Content of Written Instructional Material (WIM) 3.5 Formatting of Written Instructional Materials (WIM) 3.6 Elements of Written Instructional Materials (WIM) 3.7 Standards Operating Procedures Ability to:3.1 Comply to methods of developing Written Instructional Materials (WIM) 3.2 Apply techniques of developing Written Instructional Materials (WIM) 3.3 Format Written Instructional Material (WIM) 3.4 Determine content of Written Instructional Material (WIM) 3.5 Formatting of Written Instructional Materials (WIM) 3.6 Determine elements of Written Instructional Materials (WIM) 3.7 Comply to standards Operating Procedures Attitude & Safety:3.1 Resourceful 3.2 Pro-active 3.3 Innovative 3.4 Creative 3.5 Decisive TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRANING OFFICER DUTY NO. 02 DUTY: DEVELOP TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES TASK NO. 02.01 TASK : PREPARE TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : PREPARE TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES USING TRAINING SCHEDULE, COURSE OF STUDY, MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM, OPERATING MANUAL ETC. SO THAT THE TOPICS TO BE DELIVERED, TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES TO BE DEVELOPED IDENTIFIED AND TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES PRODUCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify topics to be delivered ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Topics to be developed 1.2 Course of Study 1.3 Elements of Course of Study Ability to:1.1 Interpret contents of topics to be developed 1.2 Interpret Course of Study 1.3 Interpret Elements of Course of Study Attitude & Safety:1.1 Pro-active 1.2 Decisive 1.3 Resourceful 1.4 Reliable 1.5 Authentic 2. Identify teaching and learning resources to be developed. Knowledge of:2.1 Job specifications 2.2 Terms of reference 2.3 Procedures of appointing experts Ability to:2.1 Determine suitability types of Teaching and Learning resources. 2.2 Determine application of the Teaching and Learning resources 2.3 Determine availability, capability and relevancy of resources TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Training schedule (time table) - Course of Study - List of equipment - Projector - Audio Visual Aid - Computer - Simulator (mock-up) - List of learning resources - Hand-out - Learning modules - Learning guides - Operating manuals SUB-TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS Attitude & Safety:2.1 Pro-active 2.2 Decisive 2.3 Resourceful 2.4 Reliable 2.5 Meticulous 3. Produce teaching and learning resources Knowledge of:3.1 Teaching and Learning resources 3.2 Methods of producing Teaching and Learning resources 3.3 Techniques of producing Teaching and Learning resources 3.4 Management Information System Ability to:3.1 Interpret Teaching and Learning resources 3.2 Comply to method of producing Teaching and Learning resources 3.3 Apply techniques of producing Teaching and Learning resources 3.4 Utilize Management Information System Attitude & Safety:3.1 Pro-active 3.2 Decisive 3.3 Resourceful 3.4 Reliable 3.5 Meticulous 3.6 Confidentiality and Security - List of teaching resources - White board - Charts - Screens - List of training facilities - Classrooms - Lecture halls - Workshops OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRANING OFFICER DUTY NO. 02 DUTY: DEVELOP TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES TASK NO. 02.02 TASK : PREPARE SESSION PLAN LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : PREPARE SESSION PLAN USING AVAILABLE LEARNING RESOURCES, NOSS, TRAINING CONTENT, TRAINING SCHEDULE, COURSE OF STUDY, ETC. SO THAT TOPICS ARE IDENTIFIED, INFORMATION AND ACTIVITIES COMPILED, LEARNING OUTCOME STATED, INTRODUCTION TO SESSION PLAN IDENTIFIED, BODY OF SESSION PLAN STIPULATED CONCLUSION PROVIDED AND SESSION PLAN PRODUCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify topics to be delivered. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Application of training schedule 1.2 Application of Course of Study 1.3 Determination of topics from the Course of Study 1.4 Delivering of topics Ability to:1.1 Interpret the training schedule 1.2 Interpret the applications of the Course of Study 1.3 Select topics 1.4 Determine process of delivering the topics Attitude & Safety:1.1 Reliable 1.2 Meticulous 1.3 Resourceful 2. Compile information and activities Knowledge of:2.1 Information to be delivered 2.2 Identification activities 2.3 Sourcing information 2.4 Addressing of activities Ability to:2.1 Acquire information to be delivered 2.2 Identify activities 2.3 Source information 2.4 Address activities TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - NOSS - Course of Study - Training content - Training schedule - Projector - Audio Visual Aid - Computer - Overhead Projector - Mock-up - Learning resources - Learning modules - Learning guides SUB-TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS Attitude & Safety:2.1 Reliable 2.2 Valid 2.3 Fair 2.4 Concern 2.5 Decisive 2.6 Meticulous 2.7 Contemporary 3. State learning outcome Knowledge of:3.1 Identification of Learning Outcome 3.2 Determining Learning Outcome 3.3 Scope of coverage Ability to:3.1 Identify Learning outcome 3.2 Determine learning outcome 3.3 Determine scope of coverage Attitude & Safety:3.1 Reliable 3.2 Valid 3.3 Rational 3.4 Meticulous 3.5 Decisive 4. Identify introduction to the session plan Knowledge of:4.1 Objective of introduction 4.2 Content of introduction 4.3 Techniques used to prepare introduction 4.4 Methods used to prepare introduction Ability to:4.1 Create students attention 4.2 Link lesson to prior topic 4.3 Determine the desired objectives 4.4 Determine intended structured delivery approach Attitude & Safety:4.1 Accountable 4.2 Reliable 4.3 Valid 4.4 Fair 4.5 Meticulous 4.6 Decisive 4.7 Innovative - Operating Manuals - Teaching resources - White board - Charts - Screens - Training facilities - Classrooms - Laboratory/workshop s SUB-TASK/STEP 5. Stipulate contents of body of session plan ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:5.1 Contents of body 5.2 Scope of coverage 5.3 Formatting body of session plan 5.4 Intended style of delivery Ability to:5.1 Identify contents of body 5.2 Determine scope of coverage 5.3 Format body of session plan 5.4 Identify style of delivery Attitude & Safety:5.1 Accountable 5.2 Reliable 5.3 Valid 5.4 Fair 5.5 Meticulous 5.6 Decisive 5.7 Innovative 6. Provide Conclusion Knowledge of :6.1 Recapping of key points 6.2 Getting feedback 6.3 Responding to candidates questions 6.4 Summarizing the session Ability to:6.1 Recap of key points 6.2 Get feedback 6.3 Respond to candidates questions 6.4 Summarize the session Attitude & Safety:6.1 Accountable 6.2 Reliable 6.3 Valid 6.4 Fair 6.5 Meticulous 6.6 Decisive 6.7 Innovative TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS SUB-TASK/STEP 7. Produce session plan ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of :7.1 Formatting format session plan 7.2 Content of session plan 7.3 Management Information System 7.4 Standard Operating Procedures Ability to:7.1 Format session plan 7.2 Prepare content of session plan 7.3 Utilize Management Information System 7.4 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures Attitude & Safety:7.1 Accountable 7.2 Reliable 7.3 Valid 7.4 Fair 7.5 Meticulous 7.6 Decisive 7.7 Innovative TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRANING OFFICER DUTY NO. 02 DUTY: DEVELOP TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES. TASK NO. 02.03 TASK : PREPARE TRAINING AIDS LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : PREPARE TRAINING AID USING SESSION PLAN, INVENTORY LIST OF EQUIPMENT, INSTRUCTION MANUALS, LIST OF TEACHING RESOURCES, ETC. SO THAT TRAINING AIDS SELECTED AND SET-UP IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENT, MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Select training aids ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Session plan 1.2 Topics requirement to be delivered 1.3 Types of training aids and their applications 1.4 Availability and relevancy of training aids 1.5 Effectiveness of training aids 1.6 Handling of training aids Ability to:1.1 Interpret session plan 1.2 Topics requirement to be delivered 1.3 Determine types of training aids and their applications 1.4 Determine availability and relevancy of training aids 1.5 Determine effectiveness of training aids 1.6 Determine handling of training aids Attitude & Safety:1.1 Pro-active 1.2 Decisive 1.3 Resourceful 1.4 Reliable 1.5 Meticulous 2. Set-up training aids Knowledge of:2.1 Methods of setting up 2.2 Technique of setting up 2.3 Training aids Instruction manual 2.4 Standard Operating Procedures Ability to:2.1 Comply to methods of setting up 2.2 Apply technique of setting up 2.3 Interpret training aids Instruction manual 2.4 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Session plan - Inventory list of equipment - Instruction manuals - List of teaching resources - White board - Charts - Screens - List of facilities - Classrooms - Lecture halls - Workshops - Stationery OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRANING OFFICER DUTY NO. 02 DUTY: DEVELOP TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES TASK NO. 02.04 TASK : PREPARE KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT DOCUMENTS LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : PREPARE KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT DOCUMENTS USING NOSS, LEARNING RESOURCES, COURSE OF STUDY, REFERENCE MATERIAL ETC. SO THAT TOPICS TO BE ASSESSED REVIEWED, KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT NEEDS IDENTIFIED, ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS CONSTRUCTED AND DOCUMENTS PRODUCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Review topics to be assessed ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Topics to be assessed 1.2 National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) Ability to:1.1 Interpret topics to be assessed 1.2 Interpret National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) Attitude & Safety:1.1 Reliable 1.2 Resourceful 1.3 Meticulous 2. Sequence Instructional Objectives Knowledge of:2.1 Learning objectives 2.2 Purpose of the assessment 2.3 Qualification of candidate 2.4 Duration of assessment Ability to:2.1 Determine the learning objectives 2.2 Determine the purpose of the assessment 2.4 Determine the qualification of candidate 2.5 Determine the duration of assessment Attitude & Safety:2.1 Reliable 2.2 Resourceful 2.3 Meticulous TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) - Learning resources - Course of Study - Reference material - Management Information System SUB-TASK/STEP 3. Construct knowledge assessment questions ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:3.1 Method of construction of knowledge assessment questions 3.2 Techniques of construction of knowledge assessment questions 3.3 Criteria of construction of knowledge assessment questions 3.4 Reliability, validity, sufficiency and fairness of knowledge assessment questions Ability to:3.1 Comply to method of construction of knowledge assessment questions 3.2 Apply techniques of construction of knowledge assessment questions 3.3 Apply criteria of construction of knowledge assessment questions 3.4 Ensure reliability, validity, sufficiency and fairness of knowledge assessment questions Attitude & Safety:3.1 Reliable 3.2 Integrity 3.3 Fair 3.4 Resourceful 4. Produce knowledge assessment documents Knowledge of:4.1 Methods of producing knowledge assessment documents 4.2 Techniques of producing knowledge assessment documents 4.3 Management Information Systems 4.4 Standard Operating Procedures Ability to:4.1 Comply to methods of producing knowledge assessment documents 4.2 Apply to techniques of producing knowledge assessment documents 4.3 Utilize management Information Systems 4.4 Comply with Standard Operating Procedures Attitude & Safety:4.1 Reliable 4.2 Trustworthy 4.3 Fair 4.4 Consistent 4.5 Meticulous 4.6 Responsible 4.7 Accountable TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRANING OFFICER DUTY NO. 02 DUTY: DEVELOP TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES TASK NO. 02.05 TASK : PREPARE RERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT DOCUEMNTS LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : PREPARE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT DOCUMENTS USING NOSS, LEARNING RESOURCES, COURSE OF STUDY, REFERENCE MATERIAL, RESOURCES, ETC. SO THAT TOPICS TO BE ASSESSED REVIEWED, PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT NEEDS IDENTIFIED, ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS CONSTRUCTED AND DOCUMENTS PRODUCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Review topics to be assessed 2. Identify resource person and facilities ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS Knowledge of:1.1 Topic to be assessed 1.2 National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) - National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) Ability to:1.1 Interpret topic to be assessed 1.2 Interpret National Occupational Skill Standards - Learning resources Attitude & Safety:1.1 Reliable 1.2 Resourceful 1.3 Meticulous - Course of Study - Reference material Knowledge of:2.1 Learning objectives 2.2 Purpose of the assessment 2.3 Qualification of candidate 2.4 Duration of assessment 2.5 Availability, capability and reliability of resources (Machine, equipment and Tools) - Management Information System - Resources (Machine, Equipment and Tools) Ability to:2.1 Determine the learning objectives 2.2 Determine the purpose of the assessment 2.3 Determine the qualification of candidate 2.4 Determine the duration of assessment 2.5 Ensure availability, capability and reliability of resources (Machine, equipment and Tools) Attitude & Safety:2.1 Reliable 2.2 Resourceful 2.3 Meticulous 3. SUB-TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Construct performance assessment questions Knowledge of:3.1 Method of construction of knowledge assessment questions’ 3.2 Techniques of construction of knowledge assessment questions 3.3 Criteria of construction of knowledge assessment questions 3.4 Reliability, validity, sufficiency and fairness of knowledge assessment questions Ability to:3.1 Comply with method of construction of knowledge assessment questions’ 3.2 Apply techniques of construction of knowledge assessment questions 3.3 Apply criteria of construction of knowledge assessment questions 3.4 Ensure reliability, validity, sufficiency and fairness of knowledge assessment questions Attitude & Safety:3.1 Reliable 3.2 Integrity 3.3 Fair 3.4 Resourceful 4. Produce performance assessment documents Knowledge of:4.1 Methods of producing performance assessment documents 4.2 Techniques of producing performance assessment documents 4.3 Management Information Systems 4.4 Standard Operation Procedures Ability to:4.1 Comply to methods of producing performance assessment documents 4.2 Apply of techniques of producing performance assessment documents 4.3 Utilize management Information Systems 4.4 Comply to Standard Operation Procedures Attitude & Safety:4.1 Reliable 4.2 Trustworthy 4.3 Fair 4.4 Consistent 4.5 Meticulous 4.6 Responsible 4.7 Accountable TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 03 DUTY: CONDUCT TRAINING TASK NO. 03.01 TASK : PERPARE FOR TRAINING PRESENTATION LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : PREPARE FOR TRAINING PRESENTATION USING SESSION PLAN, TRAINING RESOURCES, TRAINING AID, ETC. SO THAT SESSION PLAN FOR PRESENTATION SELECTED AND REVIEWED, TRAINING RESOURCES SOURCED, VENUE ARRANGE AND TRAINING REQUIREMENTS SETUP IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS, INSTRUCTION MANUAL AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Select session plan for presentation 2. Review session plan ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Content of session plan 1.2 Candidate TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Session plan Ability to :1.1 Interpret content of session plan 1.2 Identify candidate - Training resources - Instruction manual Attitude & Safety:1.1 Meticulous 1.2 Responsible 1.3 Pro-active / Self-driven - Training aids - List of candidate - Venue (Facilities) - Standards Operating Procedure Knowledge of:2.1 Content of session plan 2.2 Target group Ability to :2.1 Interpret content of session plan 2.2 Identify target group Attitude & Safety:2.1 Meticulous 2.2 Creative 2.3 Responsible 2.4 Pro-active / Self-driven SUB TASK/STEP 3. Source training material, aids, resources and facilities ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:3.1 Sources of training materials, training aids, training resources and training of facilities 3.2 Standard Operating Procedure Ability to :3.1 Access sources of training materials, training aids, training resources and training of facilities 3.2 Comply to Standard Operating Procedure Attitude & Safety:3.1 Responsible 3.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 4. Arrange training venue Knowledge of:4.1 Training venue (classroom, workshop, lab, etc) 4.2 Learning environment 4.3 Safety requirement 4.4 Standard Operating Procedure Ability to :4.1 Identify Training venue 4.2 Create conducive learning environment 4.3 Comply to safety requirement 4.4 Comply to Standard Operating Procedure Attitude & Safety:4.1 Responsible 4.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 4.3 Creative 4.4 Patient 5. Setup training requirements Knowledge of:5.1 Type of training 5.2 Methodology of delivery 5.3 Techniques of delivery 5.4 Method of setting up for training requirement 5.5 Standards Operating Procedure Ability to :5.1 Identify type of training 5.2 Determine methodology of delivery 5.3 Determine techniques of delivery 5.4 Comply to method of setting up for training requirement 5.5 Comply with Standards Operating Procedure Attitude & Safety:5.1 Responsible 5.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 5.3 Creative 5.4 Resourceful TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 03 DUTY: CONDUCT TRAINING TASK NO. 03.02 TASK : DELIVER PRESENTATION LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : DELIVER PRESENTATION USING SESSION PLAN, TRAINING AIDS, TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES ETC. SO THAT SESSION INTRODUCED, PRESENTED AND CONCLUDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS, INSTRUCTION MANUAL AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Introduce session ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Methods of introducing session 1.2 Techniques of introducing session Ability to :1.1 Comply of methods of introducing session 1.2 Apply techniques of introducing session Attitude & Safety:1.1 Creative 1.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 1.3 Humorous 1.4 Enthusiastic 2. Present session Knowledge of:2.1 Safety requirements 2.2 Methods of presentation 2.3 Technique of presentation 2.4 Handling of training aids 2.5 Learning and training resources Ability to :2.1 Adhere to safety requirements 2.2 Comply to methods of presentation 2.3 Apply technique of presentation 2.4 Handle training aids 2.5 Utilize learning and training resources Attitude & Safety:2.1 Creative 2.2 Responsible 2.3 Pro-active / Self-driven TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Instruction manual - Training aids - Session plan - Teaching and Learning resources - Reference material - Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) SUB TASK/STEP 3. Source training material, aids, resources and facilities ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:3.1 Method of concluding session 3.2 Techniques of concluding session 3.3 Techniques gathering feedback Ability to :3.1 Comply to method of concluding session 3.2 Apply techniques of concluding session 3.3 Apply techniques gathering feedback Attitude & Safety:3.1 Creative 3.2 Responsible 3.3 Pro-active / Self-driven TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 03 DUTY: CONDUCT TRAINING TASK NO. 03.03 TASK : EVALUATE TRAINING DELIVERY LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : EVALUATE TRAINING DELIVERY USING MANAGEMENTS INFORMATION SYSTEM AND PRESENTATION TEMPLATES SO THAT TRAINING DELIVERY FEEDBACK REVIEWED, STRENGTH AND WEAKNESS IDENTIFIED AND EVALUATION REPORT PRODUCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PRESCRIBED STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS. SUB-TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS Presentation templates 1. Review training feedback Knowledge of:1.1 Sources of feedback 1.2 Techniques of reviewing training feedback Ability to :1.1 Sources of feedback 1.2 Apply techniques of reviewing training feedback Attitude & Safety:1.1 Creative 1.2 Decisive 1.3 Open minded 2. Identify strength and weakness of training delivery Knowledge of:2.1 Training objectives 2.2 Methods of identifying strength and weakness 2.3 Technique of identifying strength and weakness Ability to :2.1 Comply with training objectives 2.2 Comply to methods of identifying strength and weakness 2.3 Apply technique of identifying strength and weakness Attitude & Safety:2.1 Creative 2.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 2.3 Decisive 2.4 Meticulous 2.5 Reliable 2.6 Impartial Standard Operating Procedure Managements Information System SUB TASK/STEP 3. Produce training delivery evaluation report ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:3.1 Types of report 3.2 Methods of preparing report 3.3 Techniques of preparing report Ability to :3.1 Identify types of report 3.2 Select methods of preparing report 3.3 Apply techniques of preparing report Attitude & Safety:3.1 Meticulous 3.2 Fair 3.3 Analytical 3.4 Decisive TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 03 DUTY: CONDUCT TRAINING TASK NO. 03.04 TASK : ASSESS EFFECTIVENESS OF TRAINING SESSION LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify objective(s) of the training session PERFORMANCE STANDARD : ASSESS EFFECTIVENESS OF TRAINING SESSIONS USING NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL SKILL STANDARDS (NOSS), COURSE OF STUDY, LIST OF TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES, MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM, TRAINER PROFILE, CANDIDATE PROFILE ETC. SO THAT OBJECTIVE(S) OF THE TRAINING SESSION IDENTIFIED, FEEDBACK GATHERED, CHECKED AND FINDINGS CONCLUDED IN ACCORDANCE TO JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 NOSS requirements 1.2 Course of Study 1.3 Content of Training 1.4 Teaching and learning resources 1.5 Trainers and Candidates profiles 1.6 Delivery approach 1.7 Assessment strategy 1.8 Safety requirements 1.9 Objectives of the training sessions 1.10 Standard Operating Procedures 1.11 Training duration and environment Ability to :1.1 Interpret NOSS requirements 1.2 Interpret course of Study 1.3 Determine training contents 1.4 Determine suitability of teaching and learning resources 1.5 Acquire trainers and candidates profiles 1.6 Determine relevancy of delivery approach 1.7 Determine relevancy assessment strategy 1.8 Adhere to safety requirements 1.9 Determine objectives of the training sessions 1.10 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 1.11 Determine relevancy and suitability of training duration and environment Attitude & Safety:1.1 Creative 1.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 1.3 Decisive 1.4 Meticulous 1.5 Reliable 1.6 Impartial TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) - Course of Study - Training out line - Program schedule - Standard Operating Procedures - Report - Software - List of teaching and learning resources - Management Information System - Trainers profile - Candidate profile SUB TASK/STEP 2. Gather Feedback ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:2.1 Various source of feedback 2.2 Method of gathering feedback 2.3 Technique of gathering feedback 2.4 Management Information System Ability to :2.1 Determine various source of feedback 2.2 Source feedback 2.3 Select method of gathering feedback 2.4 Apply technique of gathering feedback 2.5 Utilize management Information System Attitude & Safety:2.1 Creative 2.2 Decisive 2.3 Honest 2.4 Resourceful 2.5 Responsible 2.6 Impartial 2.7 Diplomatic 2.8 Confidentiality 2.9 Meticulous 3. Check feedback against the objective(s) Knowledge of:3.1 Objectives of training sessions 3.2 Feedback 3.3 Comparative study Ability to :3.1 Interpret objectives of training sessions 3.2 Responsible to feedback 3.3 Apply comparative study techniques Attitude & Safety:3.1 Creative 3.2 Decisive 3.3 Honest 3.4 Resourceful 3.5 Responsible 3.6 Impartial 3.8 Diplomatic 3.9 Confidentiality 3.10 Meticulous TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS SUB TASK/STEP 4. Conclude finding(s) ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:4.1 Formatting assessment results 4.2 Documenting findings 4.3 Reporting findings 4.4 Management Information System Ability to :4.1 Format assessment results 4.2 Document findings 4.3 Report findings 4.4 Utilize Management Information System Attitude & Safety:4.1 Creative 4.2 Decisive 4.3 Honest 4.4 Resourceful 4.5 Responsible 4.6 Impartial 4.7 Diplomatic 4.8 Confidentiality 4.9 Meticulous TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 04 DUTY: PERFORM SUPERVISION MENTORING, COACHING AND COUNSELING IN TRAINING TASK NO. 04.01 TASK : FACILITATE TRAINING / LEARNING LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : FACILITATE TRAINING / LEARNING SESSION USING TOOL, CANDIDATES PROFILE, TRAINING / LEARNING RESOURCES, REFERENCES (BOOK, PAMPHLETS, ETC), RECORDS OF PRIOR LEARNING, ETC. SO THAT TRAINING / LEARNING NEEDS IDENTIFIED, FACILITATION PREPARED AND EXECUTED IN ACCORDANCE JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify training / learning needs ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Training / learning needs 1.2 Training / learning objectives 1.3 Candidate profile 1.4 Candidates record of prior learning in the subject matter 1.5 Teaching and learning resources 1.6 Awareness of safety requirements 1.7 Standard Operating Procedures Ability to:1.1 Determine training / learning needs 1.2 Determine training / learning objectives 1.3 Acquire candidate profile 1.4 Acquire candidates record of prior learning in the subject matter 1.5 Determine teaching and learning resources 1.6 Be aware of safety requirements 1.7 Determine Standard Operating Procedures Attitude and Safety:1.1 Creative 1.2 Ethical 1.3 Pro-active / Self-driven 1.4 Open minded 1.5 Not prejudice 1.6 Impartial 2. Prepare facilitation Knowledge of:2.1 Human characters / behavior in training / learning 2.2 Learning styles 2.3 Training / learning needs 2.4 Methods of facilitating 2.5 Techniques of facilitating 2.6 Handling of teaching / learning resources TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Candidate profile - Training / learning resources - Reference (book, pamphlets, etc) - Records of prior learning AVA - Facilities (A place where to facilitate) - Candidate progress chart - Candidate performance report - Program schedule - Standard Operating Procedures SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Ability to:2.1 Determine human characters / behavior in training / learning 2.2 Determine learning styles 2.3 Determine training / learning needs 2.4 Select methods of facilitating 2.5 Determine techniques of facilitating 2.6 Determine teaching / learning resources Attitude and Safety:2.1 Creative 2.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 2.3 Innovative 2.4 Resourceful 2.5 Open minded 3. Execute Facilitation Knowledge of:3.1 Human characters / behavior in training / learning 3.2 Candidate learning styles 3.3 Training / learning needs 3.4 Methods of facilitating 3.5 Techniques of facilitating 3.6 Teaching / learning resources Ability to:3.1 Accommodate human characters / behavior in training / learning 3.2 Address candidates’ learning styles 3.3 Fulfill training / learning needs 3.4 Comply methods of facilitating 3.4 Apply techniques of facilitating 3.5 Handle teaching / learning resources Attitude and Safety:3.1 Creative 3.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 3.3 Innovative 3.4 Resourceful 3.5 Open minded 3.6 Impartial 3.7 Ethical 3.8 Responsible 3.9 Visionary 3.10 Observance 3.11 Responsive TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 04 DUTY: PERFORM SUPERVISION MENTORING, COACHING AND COUNSELING IN TRAINING TASK NO. 04.02 TASK : MOTIVATE TRAINEE LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : MOTIVATE TRAINEE USING CONDUCIVE FACILITIES, MOTIVATIONAL RESOURCES SUCH AS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COURSEWARE AND SOFTWARE, PAMPHLETS, AUDIO VISUAL AIDS, ETC. SO THAT THE CANDIDATE TO BE MOTIVATED IDENTIFIED, ATTENTION CREATED, INTEREST DEVELOPED AND DESIRED EXPECTATION MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE TO MOTIVATIONAL REQUIREMENTS. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify candidates to be motivated ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Candidates need to be motivated 1.2 Motivational needs 1.3 Motivational objectives Ability to:1.1 Categorize candidates need to be motivated 1.2 Determine motivational needs 1.3 Determine motivational objectives Attitude and Safety:1.1 Ethical 1.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 1.3 Open minded 1.4 Not prejudice 1.5 Impartial 1.6 Meticulous 1.6 Empathy 2. Create attention Knowledge of:2.1 Purpose of motivation 2.2 Human characters / behavior 2.3 Reasons for creating attention 2.4 Methods of creating attention 2.5 Techniques use for creating attention Ability to:2.1 Address purpose of motivation 2.2 Accommodate human characters / behavior 2.3 Determine reason for creating attention 2.4 Comply to the methods of creating attention 2.5 Apply techniques use for creating attention TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Conducive facilities - Motivational resources - Pamphlets - AVA - Films - IT Courseware and Software - Etc. SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Persuasive 2.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 2.3 Open minded 2.4 Not prejudice 2.5 Impartial 2.6 Meticulous 2.7 Empathy 2.8 Observance 2.9 Responsive 2.10 Enthusiastic 3. Develop interest Knowledge of:3.1 Hierarchy of human needs 3.2 Candidates individual differences 3.3 Techniques of acquiring feedback 3.4 Interactive communication 3.5 Approach of developing interest Ability to :3.1 Identify human needs 3.2 Address candidate’s individual differences 3.3 Apply techniques of acquiring feedback 3.4 Exercise interactive communication 3.5 Apply approach of developing interest Attitude and Safety:3.1 Persuasive 3.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 3.3 Open minded 3.4 Not prejudice 3.5 Impartial 3.6 Meticulous 3.7 Empathy 3.8 Observance 3.9 Responsive 3.10 Enthusiastic 4. Maintain motivational expectation Knowledge of:4.1 Human characters / behavior 4.2 Continuous encouragement 4.3 Motivational resources 4.4 Appreciation and compliment TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Ability to:4.1 Identify human characters / behavior 4.2 Encourage continuously 4.3 Optimize motivational resources 4.4 Appreciate and compliment achievement Attitude and Safety:4.1 Impartial 4.2 Analytical 4.3 Observance 4.4 Resourceful 4.5 Sincerity 4.6 Trustworthy 4.7 Openness TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 04 DUTY: PERFORM SUPERVISION MENTORING, COACHING AND COUNSELING IN TRAINING TASK NO. 04.03 TASK : MENTOR TRAINEE LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : MENTORING TRAINEE USING TOOL SUCH AS NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL SKILL STANDARDS (NOSS), COURSE OF STUDY, PROGRAM SCHEDULE, CANDIDATE PROFILE, ETC. SO THAT CANDIDATE TO BE MENTORED IDENTIFIED, METHOD OF MENTORING SELECTED AND MENTORING PROCESSES IMPLEMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MENTORING REQUIREMENTS AND CANDIDATE NEEDS. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify candidates to be mentored ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Candidates need to be mentored 1.2 Mentoring objectives 1.3 Candidate profile 1.4 Standard Operating Procedures Ability to:1.1 Categorize candidates need to be mentored 1.2 Determine objectives 1.3 Determine candidate profile 1.4 Comply Standard Operating Procedures Attitude and Safety:1.1 Creative 1.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 1.3 Open minded 1.4 Not prejudice 1.5 Impartial 2. Select method of mentoring Knowledge of:2.1 Human characters / behavior 2.2 Candidate individual differences 2.3 Methods of mentoring 2.4 Techniques of mentoring 2.5 Resource for mentoring Ability to:2.1 Determine human characters / behavior 2.2 Determine candidate individual differences 2.3 Determine methods of mentoring 2.4 Determine techniques of mentoring 2.5 Obtain resource for mentoring TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) - Course of Study - Program schedule - Candidate profile - Trainers profile - Mentoring tools - References (book, pamphlets, etc) - Previous candidate history - AVA - Facilities (A place where to facilitate) - Candidate progress chart - Candidate past performance report SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Creative 2.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 2.3 Innovative 2.4 Resourceful 2.5 Open minded 2.6 Meticulous 3. Implement Mentoring Process Knowledge of:3.1 Human characters / behavior 3.2 Candidate individual needs 3.3 Methods of mentoring 3.4 Techniques of mentoring 3.5 Resources for mentoring Ability to :3.1 Accommodate human characters / behavior 3.2 Satisfy candidate individual needs 3.3 Comply with methods of mentoring 3.4 Apply techniques of mentoring 3.5 Use resources for mentoring Attitude and Safety:3.1 Creative 3.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 3.3 Innovative 3.4 Resourceful 3.5 Open minded 3.6 Meticulous TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 04 DUTY: PERFORM SUPERVISION MENTORING, COACHING AND COUNSELING IN TRAINING TASK NO. 04.04 TASK : COACH TRAINEE LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : COACH TRAINEE USING NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL SKILL STANDARDS (NOSS), COURSE OF STUDY, PROGRAM SCHEDULE, CANDIDATE PROFILE, ETC. SO THAT CANDIDATE TO BE COACHED IDENTIFIED, METHOD OF COACHING SELECTED AND COACHING PROCESSES IMPLEMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH COACHING REQUIREMENTS AND CANDIDATE NEEDS. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify candidates to be coached ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Candidates need to be coached 1.2 Coaching objectives 1.3 Candidate profile 1.4 Standard Operating Procedures Ability to:1.1 Categorize candidates need to be coached 1.2 Determine objectives 1.3 Determine candidate profile 1.4 Comply Standard Operating Procedures Attitude and Safety:1.1 Creative 1.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 1.3 Open minded 1.4 Not prejudice 1.5 Impartial 2. Select method of coaching Knowledge of:2.1 Human characters / behavior 2.2 Candidate individual differences 2.3 Methods of coaching 2.4 Techniques of coaching 2.5 Resource for coaching Ability to:2.1 Determine human characters / behavior 2.2 Determine candidate individual differences 2.3 Determine methods of coaching 2.4 Determine techniques of coaching 2.5 Obtain resource for coaching TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) - Course of Study - Program schedule - Candidate profile - Trainers profile - Coaching resources - References (book, pamphlets, etc) - Previous candidate history - Audio Visual Aids (AVA) - Facilities (A place where to facilitate) - Candidate progress chart - Candidate past performance report SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Creative 2.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 2.3 Innovative 2.4 Resourceful 2.5 Open minded 2.6 Meticulous 3. Implement Coaching Process Knowledge of:3.1 Human characters / behavior 3.2 Candidate individual needs 3.3 Methods of coaching 3.4 Techniques of coaching 3.5 Resources for coaching Ability to :3.1 Accommodate human characters / behavior 3.2 Satisfy candidate individual needs 3.3 Comply with methods of coaching 3.4 Apply techniques of coaching 3.5 Utilize resources for coaching Attitude and Safety:3.1 Creative 3.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 3.3 Innovative 3.4 Resourceful 3.5 Open minded 3.6 Meticulous TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 04 DUTY: PERFORM SUPERVISION MENTORING, COACHING AND COUNSELING IN TRAINING TASK NO. 04.05 TASK : SUPERVISE TRAINEE LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : SUPERVISE TRAINEE USING NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL SKILL STANDARDS (NOSS), COURSE OF STUDY, PROGRAM SCHEDULE, CANDIDATE PROFILE, ETC. SO THAT CANDIDATE TO BE SUPERVISED IDENTIFIED, METHOD OF SUPERVISION SELECTED AND SUPERVISION PROCESSES IMPLEMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUPERVISION REQUIREMENTS AND CANDIDATE NEEDS. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify candidates to be supervised ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Candidates need to be supervised 1.2 Supervision objectives 1.3 Candidate profile 1.4 Standard Operating Procedures Ability to:1.1 Categorize candidates need to be supervised 1.2 Determine objectives 1.3 Determine candidate profile 1.4 Comply Standard Operating Procedures Attitude and Safety:1.1 Creative 1.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 1.3 Open minded 1.4 Not prejudice 1.5 Impartial 2. Select method of supervision Knowledge of:2.1 Human characters / behavior 2.2 Candidate individual differences 2.3 Methods of supervision 2.4 Techniques of supervision 2.5 Resources for supervision Ability to:2.1 Determine human characters / behavior 2.2 Determine candidate individual differences 2.3 Determine methods of supervision 2.4 Determine techniques of supervision 2.5 Obtain resources for supervision TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) - Course of Study - Program schedule - Candidate profile - Trainers profile - Coaching resources - Supervision resources References (book, pamphlets, etc) - Previous candidate history - Audio Visual Aids (AVA) - Facilities (A place where to facilitate) - Candidate progress chart - Candidate past performance report SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Creative 2.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 2.3 Innovative 2.4 Resourceful 2.5 Open minded 2.6 Meticulous 3. Implement Supervision Process Knowledge of:3.1 Human characters / behavior 3.2 Candidate individual needs 3.3 Methods of supervision 3.4 Techniques of supervision 3.5 Resources for supervision Ability to :3.1 Accommodate human characters / behavior 3.2 Satisfy candidate individual needs 3.3 Comply with methods of supervision 3.4 Apply techniques of supervision 3.5 Utilize resources for supervision Attitude and Safety:3.1 Creative 3.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 3.3 Innovative 3.4 Resourceful 3.5 Open minded 3.6 Meticulous TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 04 DUTY: PERFORM SUPERVISION MENTORING, COACHING AND COUNSELING IN TRAINING TASK NO. 04.06 TASK : COUNSEL TRAINEE LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : COUNSEL TRAINEE USING NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL SKILL STANDARDS (NOSS), COURSE OF STUDY, PROGRAM SCHEDULE, CANDIDATE PROFILE, ETC. SO THAT CANDIDATE TO BE COUNSELED IDENTIFIED, METHOD OF COUNSELING SELECTED AND COUNSELING PROCESSES IMPLEMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNSELING REQUIREMENTS AND CANDIDATE NEEDS. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify candidates to be counseled ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Candidates need to be counseled 1.2 Counseling objectives 1.3 Candidate profile 1.4 Standard Operating Procedures Ability to:1.1 Categorize candidates need to be counseled 1.2 Determine objectives 1.3 Determine candidate profile 1.4 Comply Standard Operating Procedures Attitude and Safety:1.1 Creative 1.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 1.3 Open minded 1.4 Not prejudice 1.5 Impartial 2. Select method of counseling Knowledge of:2.1 Human characters / behavior 2.2 Candidate individual differences 2.3 Methods of counseling 2.4 Techniques of counseling 2.5 Resources for counseling Ability to:2.1 Determine human characters / behavior 2.2 Determine candidate individual differences 2.3 Determine methods of counseling 2.4 Determine techniques of counseling 2.5 Obtain resources for counseling TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) - Course of Study - Program schedule - Candidate profile - Trainers profile - Counseling tools - References (book, pamphlets, etc) - Previous candidate history - Audio Visual Aids (AVA) - Facilities (A place where to facilitate) - Candidate progress chart - Candidate past performance report SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Creative 2.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 2.3 Innovative 2.4 Resourceful 2.5 Open minded 2.6 Meticulous 3. Implement Counseling Process Knowledge of:3.1 Human characters / behavior 3.2 Candidate individual needs 3.3 Methods of counseling 3.4 Techniques of counseling 3.5 Resources for counseling Ability to :3.1 Accommodate human characters / behavior 3.2 Satisfy candidate individual needs 3.3 Comply with methods of counseling 3.4 Apply techniques of counseling 3.5 Utilize resources for counseling Attitude and Safety:3.1 Creative 3.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 3.3 Innovative 3.4 Resourceful 3.5 Open minded 3.6 Meticulous TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 05 DUTY: IMPLEMENT COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING TASK NO. 05.01 TASK: PLAN COMPETNECY BASED TRAINING (CBT) LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : PLAN COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING (CBT) USING NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL SKILL STANDARDS (NOSS), PROGRAM OUTLINE, COURSE OF STUDY, REFERENCES, MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM, ETC. SO THAT CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK, OUTCOME, STEPS ASSESSMENT APPROACH AND LEARNING PROCESS ARE ESTABLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Establish conceptual framework of Competency Based Training ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Concepts and framework for Competency Based Training 1.2 Determining the concepts and framework of Competency Based Training 1.3 Formulating the concepts and framework of Competency Based Training Ability to:1.1 Conceptualize and framework for Competency Based Training 1.2 Determine the concepts and framework of Competency Based Training 1.3 Formulate the concepts and framework of Competency Based Training Attitude and Safety:1.1 Meticulous 1.2 Pro-active 1.3 Far sighted 1.4 Reliable 1.5 Sincere 1.6 Resourceful 2. Establish outcomes Knowledge of:2.1 Determining purpose of outcomes 2.2 Determining the methods of establishing outcome 2.3 Determining the techniques of establishing outcomes Ability to:2.1 Determine purpose of outcomes 2.2 Determine the methods of establishing outcome 2.3 Determine the techniques of establishing outcomes TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) - Program outline - Training Program - Course of study - Standard Operating Procedures - Management Information System - References SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Meticulous 2.2 Pro-active 2.3 Far sighted 2.4 Reliable 2.5 Sincere 2.6 Resourceful 3. Establish steps from outcomes Knowledge of:3.1 Breaking outcomes into steps 3.2 Method of breaking outcomes into steps 3.3 Applying technique to determine steps Ability to:3.1 Break outcomes into steps 3.2 Apply methods of breaking outcomes into steps 3.3 Select technique to determine steps Attitude and Safety:3.1 Meticulous 3.2 Pro-active 3.3 Far sighted 3.4 Reliable 3.5 Sincere 3.6 Resourceful 4. Establish assessment approach Knowledge of:4.1 Assessment suitable for Competency 4.2 Identifying methods of assessment for Competency Based Training 4.3 Selecting techniques to assess Competency Based Training delivery Ability to:4.1 Identify assessment suitable for Competency 4.2 Identify methods of assessment for Competency Based Training 4.3 Select techniques to assess Competency Based Training delivery Attitude and Safety:4.1 Meticulous 4.2 Pro-active 4.3 Far sighted 4.4 Reliable 4.5 Sincere 4.6 Resourceful TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS SUB TASK/STEP 5. Establish learning process ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:5.1 Identifying learning process for Competency Based Training 5.2 Methodology suitable for learning process in Competency Based Training 5.3 Listing training process steps in sequence Ability to:5.1 Identify learning process for Competency Based Training 5.2 Identify methodology suitable for learning process in Competency Based Training 5.3 List training process steps in sequence Attitude and Safety:5.1 Meticulous 5.2 Pro-active 5.3 Far sighted 5.4 Reliable 5.5 Sincere 5.6 Resourceful TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 05 DUTY: IMPLEMENT COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING TASK NO. 05.02 TASK : ORGANIZE COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING (CBT) DELIVERY LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : ORGANIZE COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING DELIVERY USING TRAINING PROGRAM, COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING REFERENCES, MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM, RESOURCE PERSON PROFILE ORGANIZATION CHART / STRUCTURE ETC. SO THAT TRAINING PROGRAM IDENTIFIED, LIST OF TRAINING ACTIVITIES & SCHEDULE PRODUCED AND DELIVERY ARRANGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES AND COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Obtain conceptual framework Competency Based Training ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Determining conceptual framework 1.2 Concept of Competency Based Training 1.3 Principles of Competency Based Training 1.4 Characteristic of Competency based Training 1.5 Various training approaches Ability to:1.1 Determine conceptual framework 1.2 Determine concept of Competency Based Training 1.3 Identify principles of Competency Based Training 1.4 Identify characteristic of Competency based Training 1.5 Identify various training approaches Attitude and Safety:1.1 Meticulous 1.2 Pro-active 1.3 Far sighted 1.4 Reliable 1.5 Sincere 1.6 Resourceful 2. Study the conceptual framework Knowledge of:1.1 Conceptualizing framework 1.2 Methods of conceptualizing 1.3 Techniques used Ability to:1.1 Conceptualize framework 1.2 Identify methods of conceptualizing 1.3 Identify techniques used TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Training Program - CBT references - Standard Operating Procedures - Management Information System - Resource person profile - Organization chart / structure - Etc. SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Meticulous 2.2 Pro-active 2.3 Far sighted 2.4 Reliable 2.5 Sincere 2.6 Resourceful 3. Obtain outcome Knowledge of:3.1 Determining outcomes 3.2 Methods of determining outcomes 3.3 Technique applied for obtaining outcomes Ability to:3.1 Determine outcomes 3.2 Identify methods of determining outcomes 3.3 Identify technique applied for obtaining outcomes Attitude and Safety:3.1 Meticulous 3.2 Pro-active 3.3 Far sighted 3.4 Reliable 3.5 Sincere 3.6 Resourceful 4. Obtain steps Knowledge of:4.1 Determining steps 4.2 Methods of determining steps 4.3 Techniques applied for obtaining steps Ability to:4.1 Determine steps 4.2 Identify methods of determining steps 4.3 Identify techniques applied for obtaining steps Attitude and Safety:4.1 Meticulous 4.2 Pro-active 4.3 Far sighted 4.4 Reliable 4.5 Sincere 4.6 Resourceful 5. Obtain assessment approach Knowledge of:5.1 Determining assessment approach 5.2 Methods of determining assessment approach 5.3 Techniques applied for obtaining assessment approach TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Ability to:5.1 Determine assessment approach 5.2 Identify methods of determining assessment approach 5.3 Identify techniques applied for obtaining assessment approach Attitude and Safety:5.1 Meticulous 5.2 Pro-active 5.3 Far sighted 5.4 Reliable 5.5 Sincere 5.6 Resourceful 6. Obtain the identified learning process Knowledge of:6.1 Determining learning processes 6.2 Methods of selecting learning process 6.3 Techniques applied for obtaining learning processes Ability to:6.1 Determine learning processes 6.2 Identify methods of selecting learning process 6.3 Identify techniques applied for obtaining learning processes Attitude and Safety:6.1 Meticulous 6.2 Pro-active 6.3 Far sighted 6.4 Reliable 6.5 Sincere 6.6 Resourceful TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 05 DUTY: IMPLEMENT COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING TASK NO. 05.03 TASK : DEVELOP COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING (CBT) TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : DEVELOP COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING (CBT) TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS USING TRAINING PROGRAM, CBT REFERENCES, MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM, MODEL OF CBT TOTAL SYSTEM ETC. SO THAT ELEMENTS OF CBT PROGRAM TRAINING FACILITIES, DELIVERY APPROACH, ASSESSMENT STRATEGY IDENTIFIED AND CBT MODEL OF TEACHING & LEARNING PROCESS PRODUCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CBT REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify elements of Competency Based Training (CBT) program ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Conceptual framework of Competency Based Education (CBE) 1.2 Elements of CBT program 1.3 Principle of CBT 1.4 Characteristic of CBT 1.5 Differences between CBT and conventional program Ability to:1.1 Determine conceptual framework of Competency Based Education (CBE) 1.2 Determine elements of CBT program 1.3 Interpret principle of CBT 1.4 Determine characteristic of CBT 1.5 Differentiate between CBT and conventional program Attitude and Safety:1.1 Creative 1.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 1.3 Open minded 1.4 Not prejudice 1.5 Rationale 1.6 Meticulous 2. Identify training facilities for CBT Knowledge of:2.1 Training program requirements 2.2 Training facilities required 2.3 Learning / training resources 2.4 Tools, equipment and materials TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Training Program - CBT references - Standard Operating Procedures - Management Information System - Model of CBT total system - Inventory list of training facilities SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Ability to:2.1 Determine training program requirements 2.2 Determine training facilities required 2.3 Determine learning / training resources 2.4 Determine tools, equipment and materials Attitude and Safety:2.1 Creative 2.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 2.3 Open minded 2.4 Not prejudice 2.5 Rationale 2.6 Meticulous 3. Identify CBT Delivery approach Knowledge of:3.1 Principles of CBT 3.2 Characteristic of CBT 3.3 CBT approach of teaching / learning 3.4 CBT teaching & learning tools Ability to:3.1 Comply with CBT Principles 3.2 Fulfill characteristic of CBT requirements 3.3 Determine CBT approach of teaching / learning 3.4 Determine CBT teaching & learning tools Attitude and Safety:3.1 Meticulous 3.2 Observance 3.3 Resourceful 3.4 Creative 3.5 Innovative 4. Identify assessment strategy Knowledge of:4.1 Principle of CBT on assessment 4.2 Method and strategy use for CBT assessment 4.3 CBT assessment tools 4.4 Preparation for CBT assessment Ability to:4.1 Comply to principle of CBT on assessment 4.2 Comply to method and strategy use for CBT assessment 4.3 Determine CBT assessment tools 4.4 Determine requirements for preparation of CBT assessment Attitude and Safety:4.1 Meticulous 4.2 Observance 4.3 Resourceful 4.4 Creative 4.5 Innovative TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS SUB TASK/STEP 5. Produce CBT model of teaching & learning process ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:5.1 Principle of CBT 5.2 Characteristic of CBT approach 5.3 Concept of CBT 5.4 Advantages and disadvantages of CBT 5.5 CBT total system approach 5.6 CBT teaching & learning methodology Ability to:5.1 Apply CBT principles 5.2 Integrate CBT characteristic in its approach 5.3 Apply CBT concept 5.4 Optimize CBT advantages and disadvantages 5.5 Comply with CBT total system approach 5.6 Comply with CBT teaching & learning methodology Attitude and Safety:5.1 Analytical 5.2 Observance 5.3 Resourceful 5.4 Rational 5.5 Accountable 5.6 Creative 5.7 Innovative 5.8 Reliable 5.9 Decisive 5.10 Clarity 5.11 Objective focus TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 05 DUTY: IMPLEMENT COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING TASK NO. 05.04 TASK : CONDUCT COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING(CBT) LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : CONDUCT COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING (CBT) USING TRAINING PROGRAM, CBT REFERENCES, TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES, DELIVERY AND ASSESSMENT ETC. SO THAT TOPIC TO BE DELIVERED IDENTIFIED, FACILITIES ARRANGED AND TRAINING DELIVERY IMPLEMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CBT REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify topic to be delivered ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Objective of training 1.2 Course of Study 1.3 Topics to be delivered 1.4 Resources required for delivery 1.5 Training schedule Ability to:1.1 Determine objective of training 1.2 Interpret course of Study 1.3 Determine topics to be delivered 1.4 Determine resources required for delivery 1.5 Interpret training schedule Attitude and Safety:1.1 Creative 1.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 1.3 Open minded 1.4 Not prejudice 1.5 Rationale 1.6 Meticulous 2. Arrange training facilities Knowledge of:2.1 National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) 2.2 Course of Study 2.3 Training facilities 2.4 Teaching and learning resources 2.5 Training schedule 2.6 CBT mode of delivery 2.7 Target group pre requisite TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Training Program - National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) - Course of Study - Training Schedule - Teaching and learning resources - Delivery and assessment tools - CBT references - Standard Operating Procedures - Management Information System SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Ability to:2.1 Accommodate NOSS requirements 2.2 Interpret course of Study 2.3 Obtain training facilities 2.4 Obtain teaching and learning resources 2.5 Follow training schedule 2.6 Suit CBT mode of delivery 2.7 Accommodate Target group pre requisite Attitude and Safety:2.1 Creative 2.2 Pro-active / Self-driven 2.3 Open minded 2.4 Rationale 2.5 Meticulous 3. Implement training delivery Knowledge of:3.1 Principles of CBT 3.2 Characteristic of CBT 3.3 CBT approach of delivery 3.4 CBT method of assessment 3.5 CBT delivery and assessment tools Ability to:3.1 Comply with CBT principles 3.2 Fulfill characteristic of CBT 3.3 Comply to CBT approach of delivery 3.4 Comply to CBT method of assessment 3.5 Utilize CBT delivery and assessment tools Attitude and Safety:3.1 Meticulous 3.2 Observance 3.3 Resourceful 3.4 Creative 3.5 Innovative 3.5 Impartial TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 05 DUTY: IMPLEMENT COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING TASK NO. 05.05 TASK : EVALUATE COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING(CBT) LEVEL L3 PERFORMANCE STANDARD : EVALUATE COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING (CBT) USING NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL SKILL STANDARDS (NOSS), COURSE OF STUDY, TRAINING PROGRAM, TRAINING SCHEDULE, TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES, DELIVERY AND ASSESSMENT TOOLS, ETC. SO THAT FEEDBACK ON TRAINING COMPLIED, CHECKED AND FINDINGS CONCLUDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Compile feedback on training ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Various sources of feedback 1.2 Gathering feedback 1.3 Management Information System Ability to:1.1 Determine various sources of feedback 1.2 Gather feedback 1.3 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:1.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 1.2 Open minded 1.3 Not prejudice 1.4 Rationale 1.5 Meticulous 1.6 Confidentially 1.7 Decisive 2. Check feedback Knowledge of:2.1 Objective of the program 2.2 Course of Study 2.3 Comparative study between feedback and expectation 2.4 Strength and weaknesses of program Ability to:2.1 Determine objective of the program 2.2 Determine course of Study 2.3 Compare study between feedback and expectation 2.4 Determine strength and weaknesses of program TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) - Course of Study - Training Program - Training Schedule - Teaching and learning resources - Delivery and assessment tools - CBT references - Standard Operating Procedures - Evaluation tools - Trainers Profile - Trainees Profile - Inventory list of training facilities SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 2.2 Open minded 2.3 Not prejudice 2.4 Rationale 2.5 Meticulous 2.6 Confidentially 2.7 Decisive 3. Conclude findings Knowledge of:3.1 Formatting evaluation results 3.2 Documenting findings 3.3 Reporting findings 3.4 Management Information System Ability to:3.5 Format evaluation results 3.6 Document findings 3.7 Report findings 3.8 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:3.1 Creative 3.2 Decisive 3.3 Honest 3.4 Resourceful 3.5 Responsible 3.6 Impartial 3.7 Diplomatic 3.8 Confidentiality 3.9 Meticulous TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 06 DUTY: ORGANIZE ASSESSMENT TASK NO. 06.01 TASK: PLAN ASSESSMENT SESSION LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Select assessment methodology PERFORMANCE STANDARD : PLAN ASSESSMENT SESSION USING NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL SKILL STANDARDS (NOSS), COURSE OF STUDY, TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES, REFERENCES GUIDE FOR ASSESSMENT ETC. SO THAT ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY SELECTED, ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ACQUIRED, ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS VERIFIED AND ASSESSMENT PLAN PRODUCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Objective of assessment 1.2 Types of assessment 1.3 Various method of assessment 1.4 Technique used for assessment 1.5 Strategy used for assessment Ability to:1.1 Identify objective of assessment 1.2 Determine types of assessment 1.3 Identify various method of assessment 1.4 Identify assessment technique 1.5 Determine strategy used for assessment Attitude and Safety:1.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 1.2 Open minded 1.3 Not prejudiced 1.4 Rationale 1.5 Meticulous 1.6 Decisive 2. Acquire assessment information Knowledge of:2.1 Objective of assessment 2.2 Types of assessment (advantages/ disadvantages) 2.3 Various methods of assessment 2.4 Techniques used for assessment TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) - Course of Study - Teaching and learning resources - References guide for assessment - Standard Operating Procedures - Assessment material - Training schedule - Training program - Management Information System - Inventory list of training facilities - Etc. Ability to:2.1 Identify objective of assessment 2.2 Determine types of assessment (advantages/ disadvantages) 2.3 Identify methods of assessment 2.4 Identify assessment techniques SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 2.2 Open minded 2.3 Not prejudiced 2.4 Rationale 2.5 Meticulous 2.6 Decisive 3. Verify assessment requirements Knowledge of:3.1 Assessment materials 3.2 Validity, reliability and sufficiency of assessment material 3.3 Verification process/method 3.4 Technique of verification assessment requirements Ability to:3.1 Interpret assessment materials 3.2 Determine validity, reliability and sufficiency of assessment material 3.3 Comply to verification process/method 3.4 Apply technique of verification assessment requirements Attitude and Safety:3.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 3.2 Open minded 3.3 Not prejudiced 3.4 Rationale 3.5 Meticulous 3.6 Decisive 3.7 Resourceful & Reliable 4. Produce assessment plan Knowledge of:4.1 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) 4.2 Formatting of assessment plan 4.3 Content assessment plan 4.4 Management Information System 4.5 Documenting assessment plan Ability to:4.1 Comply to standard Operating Procedures (SOP) 4.2 Format assessment plan 4.3 Determine content assessment plan 4.4 Utilize management Information System 4.5 Document assessment plan Attitude and Safety:4.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 4.2 Open minded 4.3 Not prejudiced 4.4 Rationale 4.5 Meticulous 4.6 Decisive 4.7 Resourceful & Reliable TOOLS, EQUIPMENT / MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 06 DUTY: ORGANIZE ASSESSMENT TASK NO. 06.02 TASK : CONDUCT KNOWLLEDGE ASSESSMENT LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Ascertain knowledge assessment materials PERFORMANCE STANDARD : CONDUCT KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT USING ASSESSMENT RULES AND REGULATION, ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES, ASSESSMENT MATERIAL, ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE, LIST OF CANDIDATES, ETC. SO THAT KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT MATERIALS ASCERTAINED, CANDIDATES BRIEFED, ASSESSMENT MATERIAL DISTRIBUTED, ASSESSMENT SESSION INVIGILATED, ASSESSMENT MATERIAL / SCRIPT COLLECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Assessment objective 1.2 Type of knowledge assessment 1.3 Method of assessment 1.4 Scope of coverage 1.4 Assessment schedule Ability to:1.1 Determine assessment objective 1.2 Determine type of knowledge assessment 1.3 Determine method of assessment 1.4 Determine scope of coverage 1.5 Interpret assessment schedule Attitude and Safety:1.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 1.2 Rationale 1.3 Meticulous 1.4 Decisive 1.5 Reliable 1.6 Responsible 1.7 Accountable 2. Brief candidates Knowledge of:2.1 Assessment procedures 2.2 Assessment rules and regulation 2.3 Responsibilities of candidate 2.4 Responsibilities of invigilator . Ability to:2.1 Explain assessment procedures 2.2 State assessment rules and regulation 2.3 Explain responsibilities of candidate 2.4 Exercise invigilator responsibilities TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Standard Operating Procedures - Assessment rules and regulation - Assessment procedures - Assessment material - Assessment schedule - List of Candidates - PA System - Timing device - Etc. SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 2.2 Rationale 2.3 Meticulous 2.4 Decisive 2.5 Reliable 2.6 Responsible 2.7 Accountable 3. Distribute assessment material Knowledge of:3.1 Type of assessment material 3.2 Distribution procedure Ability to:3.1 Determine type of assessment material 3.2 Follow distribution procedure Attitude and Safety:3.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 3.2 Rationale 3.3 Meticulous 3.4 Decisive 3.5 Reliable 3.6 Responsible & Accountable 3.7 Honest 3.8 Firm 3.9 Vigilant 4. Invigilate assessment session Knowledge of:4.1 Invigilating procedures 4.2 Invigilating rules and regulation Ability to:4.1 Follow invigilating procedures 4.2 Follow invigilating rules and regulation Attitude and Safety:4.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 4.2 Rationale 4.3 Meticulous 4.4 Decisive 4.5 Reliable 4.6 Responsible & Accountable 4.7 Honest 4.8 Firm 4.9 Vigilant TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS SUB TASK/STEP 5. Collect assessment material / script ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:5.1 Collecting procedures 5.2 Security of collected material / script Ability to:5.1 Follow procedures in collecting 5.2 Secure collected material / script Attitude and Safety:5.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 5.2 Rationale 5.3 Meticulous 5.4 Decisive 5.5 Reliable 5.6 Responsible & Accountable 5.7 Honest 5.8 Firm 5.9 Vigilant TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 06 DUTY: ORGANIZE ASSESSMENT TASK NO. 06.03 TASK : CONDUCT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Ascertain performance assessment materials PERFORMANCE STANDARD : CONDUCT KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT USING ASSESSMENT RULES AND REGULATION, ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES, ASSESSMENT MATERIAL, ASSESSMENT FACILITIES, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT, ETC. SO THAT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT MATERIALS ASCERTAINED, CANDIDATE BRIEFED, ASSESSMENT MATERIAL DISTRIBUTED, CANDIDATE PERFORMANCE OBSERVED AND FINAL OUTCOME / PRODUCT ASSESSED, RESULT COMPILED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Assessment objective 1.2 Type of performance assessment 1.3 Method of assessment 1.4 Scope of coverage 1.5 Assessment schedule Ability to:1.1 Determine assessment objective 1.2 Determine type of performance assessment 1.3 Determine method of assessment 1.4 Determine scope of coverage 1.5 Interpret assessment schedule Attitude and Safety:1.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 1.2 Rationale 1.3 Meticulous 1.4 Decisive 1.5 Reliable 1.6 Responsible & Accountable TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Standard Operating Procedures - Assessment rules and regulation - Assessment procedures - Assessment material - Assessment facilities - Tools and equipment - Assessment schedule - List of Candidates - Assessment check list 2. Brief candidates Knowledge of:2.1 Assessment procedures 2.2 Assessment rules and regulation 2.3 Responsibilities of candidate 2.4 Responsibilities of invigilator / assessor 2.5 Safety rules and regulations - Timing device - Etc. SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Ability to:2.1 Explain assessment procedures 2.2 State assessment rules and regulation 2.3 Explain responsibilities of candidate 2.4 Exercise invigilator / assessor responsibilities 2.5 Emphasize safety rules and regulations Attitude and Safety:2.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 2.2 Rationale 2.3 Meticulous 2.4 Decisive 2.5 Reliable 2.6 Responsible 2.7 Accountable 3. Distribute assessment material Knowledge of:3.1 Type of assessment material 3.2 Distribution procedure Ability to:3.1 Determine type of assessment material 3.2 Follow distribution procedure Attitude and Safety:3.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 3.2 Rationale 3.3 Meticulous 3.4 Decisive 3.5 Reliable 3.6 Responsible 3.7 Accountable 4. Observe candidates performance Knowledge of:4.1 Performance requirement 4.2 Performance criteria 4.3 Performance procedures and techniques 4.4 Safety requirements Ability to:4.1 Determine performance requirement 4.2 Observe performance criteria 4.3 Adhere to procedures and techniques 4.4 Comply to safety requirements Attitude and Safety:4.1 Observance 4.2 Sensitive 4.3 Consistent 4.4 Impartial 4.5 Meticulous TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS SUB TASK/STEP 5. Assess candidates performance ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:5.1 Assessment requirements 5.2 Assessment criteria 5.3 Assessment checklist 5.4 Method of assessment Ability to:5.1 Fulfill assessment requirements 5.2 Ensure assessment to set benchmark / criteria 5.3 Complete assessment checklist 5.4 Comply method of assessment Attitude and Safety:5.1 Observance 5.2 Sensitive 5.3 Consistent 5.4 Impartial 5.5 Accountable & Responsible 6. Assess performance outcome / product Knowledge of:6.1 Assessment tools / checklist 6.2 Factors to consider in assessing 6.3 Assessment techniques Ability to:6.1 Utilize assessment tools / checklist 6.2 Apply assessing factors 6.3 Apply assessment techniques Attitude and Safety:6.1 Observance 6.2 Sensitive 6.3 Consistent 6.4 Impartial 6.5 Accountable 6.6 Meticulous 7. Comply final result Knowledge of:7.1 Documenting assessment results 7.2 Management Information System Ability to:7.1 Document assessment results 7.2 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:7.1 Impartial 7.2 Accountable 7.3 Meticulous 7.4 Responsible 7.5 Clarity 7.6 Transparency TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 06 DUTY: ORGANIZE ASSESSMENT TASK NO. 06.04 TASK : EVALUATE KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT RESULT LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Acquire knowledge assessment results PERFORMANCE STANDARD : EVALUATE KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT RESULTS USING ASSESSMENT RULES AND REGULATION, ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES, ASSESSMENT MATERIAL, ASSESSMENT FACILITIES, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT, ETC. SO THAT KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT RESULTS ACQUIRED, TABULATED AND FINDING CONCLUDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Source of knowledge assessment results 1.2 Purpose of acquiring assessment results 1.3 Techniques used for gathering results Ability to:1.1 Source knowledge assessment results 1.2 Determine purpose of acquiring assessment results 1.3 Apply techniques used for gathering results TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Standard Operating Procedures - Assessment rules and regulation - Assessment procedures - Assessment material Attitude and Safety:1.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 1.2 Rationale 1.3 Meticulous 1.4 Decisive 1.5 Reliable 1.6 Responsible 1.7 Accountable - Assessment facilities - Tools and equipment - Assessment schedule - List of Candidates 2. Tabulate results Knowledge of:2.1 Method of tabulating results 2.2 Documenting results - Assessment check list - Etc. Ability to:2.1 Comply to method of tabulating results 2.2 Document results SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 2.2 Rationale 2.3 Meticulous 2.4 Decisive 2.5 Reliable 2.6 Responsible 2.7 Accountable 2.8 Meticulous 2.9 Decisive 2.10 Creative 2.11 Analytical 3. Distribute assessment material Knowledge of:3.1 Interpretation of results 3.2 Summarizing of findings 3.3 Management information system Ability to:3.1 Interpret results 3.2 Summarize findings 3.3 Utilizes Management information system Attitude and Safety:3.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 3.2 Rationale 3.3 Meticulous 3.4 Decisive 3.5 Reliable 3.6 Responsible 3.7 Accountable 3.8 Meticulous 3.9 Decisive 3.10 Creative 3.11 Analytical TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 06 DUTY: ORGANIZE ASSESSMENT TASK NO. 06.05 TASK : EVALUATE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT RESULT LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Acquire performance assessment results PERFORMANCE STANDARD : EVALUATE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT RESULTS USING ASSESSMENT RULES AND REGULATION, ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES, ASSESSMENT MATERIAL, ASSESSMENT FACILITIES, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT, ETC. SO THAT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT RESULTS ACQUIRED, TABULATED AND FINDING CONCLUDED ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Source of performance assessment results 1.2 Purpose of acquiring assessment results 1.3 Techniques used for gathering results Ability to:1.1 Source performance assessment results 1.2 Determine purpose of acquiring assessment results 1.3 Apply techniques used for gathering results TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Standard Operating Procedures - Assessment rules and regulation - Assessment procedures - Assessment material Attitude and Safety:1.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 1.2 Rationale 1.3 Meticulous 1.4 Decisive 1.5 Reliable 1.6 Responsible 1.7 Accountable - Assessment facilities - Tools and equipment - Assessment schedule - List of Candidates 2. Tabulate results Knowledge of:2.1 Method of tabulating results 2.2 Documenting results - Assessment check list - Etc. Ability to:2.1 Comply to method of tabulating results 2.2 Document results SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 2.2 Rationale 2.3 Meticulous 2.4 Decisive 2.5 Reliable 2.6 Responsible 2.7 Accountable 2.8 Meticulous 2.9 Decisive 2.10 Creative 2.11 Analytical 3. Conclude finding Knowledge of:3.1 Interpretation of results 3.2 Summarizing of findings 3.3 Management information system Ability to:3.1 Interpret results 3.2 Summarize findings 3.3 Utilizes Management information system Attitude and Safety:3.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 3.2 Rationale 3.3 Meticulous 3.4 Decisive 3.5 Reliable 3.6 Responsible 3.7 Accountable 3.8 Meticulous 3.9 Decisive 3.10 Creative 3.11 Analytical TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 06 DUTY: ORGANIZE ASSESSMENT TASK NO. 06.06 TASK : ANALYZE ASSESSMENT RESULT LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Acquire evaluation results PERFORMANCE STANDARD : ANALYZE ASSESSMENT RESULTS USING NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL SKILL STANDARDS (NOSS), COURSE OF STUDY, PROGRAM SCHEDULES, TRAINERS PROFILE ETC. SO THAT EVALUATION RESULTS ACQUIRED AND STUDIED, FINDING CONCLUDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Source of evaluation results 1.2 Type of evidence required 1.3 Management Information System Ability to:1.1 Source evaluation results 1.2 Determine type of evidence required 1.3 Utilize Management Information System TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - NOSS - Course of Study - Program Schedule - Trainers Profile - Trainees Profile Attitude and Safety:1.1 Analytical 1.2 Decisive 1.3 Fair 1.4 Reliable 1.5 Responsible 1.6 Accountable 1.7 Authentic 1.8 Resourceful 2. Tabulate results Knowledge of:1.1 Interpretation of results 1.2 Validity, reliability and sufficiency of evidence 1.3 Management Information System Ability to:1.1 Interpret results 1.2 Determine validity, reliability and sufficiency of evidence 1.3 Utilize Management Information System - Inventory List of Training Facilities - Knowledge Assessment Result - Performance Assessment Result - Standard Operating Procedures - Etc. SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Analytical 2.2 Decisive 2.3 Fair 2.4 Reliable 2.5 Responsible 2.6 Accountable 2.7 Authentic 2.8 Resourceful 3. Conclude findings Knowledge of:3.1 Interpretation of results 3.2 Summarizing of findings 3.3 Management Information System Ability to:3.1 Interpret results 3.2 Summarize findings 3.3 Utilizes Management information system Attitude and Safety:3.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 3.2 Rationale 3.3 Meticulous 3.4 Decisive 3.5 Reliable 3.6 Responsible 3.7 Accountable 3.8 Meticulous 3.9 Decisive 3.10 Creative 3.11 Analytical TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 07 DUTY: MANAGE TRAINING FACILITIES TASK NO. 07.01 TASK : PREPARE TEACHING AND LEARNING FACILITIES LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify training programmed PERFORMANCE STANDARD : PREPARE TEACHING AND LEARNING FACILITIES USING TRAINING FACILITIES, LAYOUT PLAN, USER MANUAL, AUDIO VISUAL AIDS, COURSEWARE & SOFTWARE, ETC. SO THAT THE TRAINING PROGRAM IDENTIFIED, TEACHING AND TRAINING FACILITIES AVAILABILITY CHECKED AND SET-UP IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB AND MANUAL SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Type of training activities 1.2 Types of equipment / infrastructure 1.3 Delivery approach 1.4 Learning environment Ability to:1.1 Determine type of training activities 1.2 Determine types of equipment / infrastructure 1.3 Determine delivery approach 1.4 Determine learning environment Attitude and Safety:1.1 Creative 1.2 Self-driven 1.3 Resourceful 1.4 Reliable 2. Check availability of training facilities Knowledge of:2.1 Training facilities 2.2 Inventory list teaching / learning facilities 2.3 Manual specifications Ability to:2.1 Determine availability, suitability, reliability and sufficiency of training facilities 2.2 Determine inventory list teaching / learning facilities 2.3 Interpret manual specifications TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Training facilities - Standard Operating Procedure - Service & safety manual - User manual - Audio Visual Aids (AVA) - Courseware and Software SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Creative 2.2 Self-driven 2.3 Resourceful 2.4 Reliable 2.5 Meticulous 2.6 Safety conscious 3. Set-up the training & teaching facilities Knowledge of:3.1 Standard Operating Procedure 3.2 Safety requirements 3.3 Layout plan according to regulations 3.4 Type of equipment to be used Ability to:3.1 Comply to standard Operating Procedure 3.2 Adhere to safety requirements 3.3 Accommodate to layout plan as per regulations 3.4 Select equipment to be used Attitude and Safety:3.1 Creative 3.2 Self-driven 3.3 Resourceful 3.4 Reliable 3.5 Meticulous 3.6 Safety conscious TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 07 DUTY: MANAGE TRAINING FACILITIES TASK NO. 07.02 TASK : MAINTAIN TRAINING FACILITIES LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify training facilities to be maintained PERFORMANCE STANDARD : MAINTAIN TRAINING FACILITIES USING MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE, TRAINING FACILITIES MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS, MAINTENANCE CHART, INVENTORY LIST OF FACILITIES, LOG BOOK, ETC. SO THAT TRAINING FACILITIES TO BE MAINTAINED IDENTIFIED, INSPECTED AND CONDITIONS REPORTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Training facilities to be maintained 1.2 Training facilities maintenance schedule 1.3 Standard Operation Procedure Ability to:1.1 Determine training facilities to be maintained 1.2 Interpret training facilities maintenance schedule 1.3 Comply to Standard Operation Procedure Attitude and Safety:1.1 Creative 1.2 Self-driven 1.3 Resourceful 1.4 Reliable TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Training facilities - Maintenance Procedure - Maintenance schedule - Training facilities manual specifications - Maintenance chart - Inventory list of facilities 2. Inspect training facilities to be maintained Knowledge of:2.1 Maintenance procedure 2.2 Training facilities manual specifications 2.3 Inspection techniques Ability to:2.1 Follow maintenance procedure 2.2 Comply with training facilities manual specifications 2.3 Apply inspection techniques 3. Report training facilities conditions Knowledge of :3.1 Training facilities conditions 3.2 Format of reporting 3.3 Procedures of reporting - Log book SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Ability to:3.1 Specify training facilities conditions 3.2 Formulate report 3.3 Follow procedures of reporting Attitude and Safety:3.1 Analytical 3.2 Precise 3.3 Clarity 3.4 Honest 3.5 Responsible TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 07 DUTY: MANAGE TRAINING FACILITIES TASK NO. 07.03 TASK : MAINTAIN HOUSEKEEPING LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify housekeeping scope PERFORMANCE STANDARD : MAINTAIN HOUSEKEEPING USING HOUSEKEEPING PROCEDURES, SCHEDULE, CHECKLIST, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS ETC. SO THAT HOUSEKEEPING SCOPE OF FACILITIES IDENTIFIED HOUSEKEEPING SCHEDULE PRODUCED, HOUSEKEEPING PROCEDURES IMPLEMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATIONS REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Definition of housekeeping 1.2 Housekeeping requirements (tools, equipments and materials) 1.3 Coding, symbol and signage 1.4 Housekeeping of training area (workshop, classroom, laboratory, etc.) Ability to:1.1 Define of housekeeping 1.2 Determine tools, equipments and materials for housekeeping 1.3 Interpret color code, symbols and signage 1.4 Determine training area for housekeeping (workshop, classroom, laboratory, etc.) Attitude and Safety:1.1 Pro-active 1.2 Innovative 1.3 Selective 1.4 Rationale 1.5 Observant 1.6 Responsible 2. Produce housekeeping schedule of training facilities Knowledge of :2.1 Housekeeping procedures (5S Practices) 2.2 Housekeeping schedule 2.3 Documenting housekeeping schedule Ability to:2.1 Practice housekeeping procedures (5S Practices) 2.2 Chart out housekeeping schedule 2.3 Document housekeeping schedule TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Training facilities - Housekeeping schedule - Housekeeping equipment and materials - Housekeeping Procedures (5S) - Housekeeping Checklist / Log Book - Layout Plan SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Pro-active 2.2 Innovative 2.3 Selective 2.4 Rational 2.5 Observant 2.6 Responsible 3. Implement housekeeping procedures Knowledge of :3.1 Housekeeping requirements 3.2 Housekeeping procedures 3.3 Coding, symbol and signage 3.4 Housekeeping area (workshop, classroom, laboratory, etc.) Ability to:3.1 Fulfill housekeeping requirements 3.2 Adhere to housekeeping procedures 3.3 Apply coding, symbol and signage of housekeeping 3.4 Determine housekeeping area (workshop, classroom, laboratory, etc.) Attitude and Safety:3.1 Pro-active 3.2 Innovative 3.3 Selective 3.4 Rational 3.5 Observant 3.6 Responsible TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 08 DUTY: IMPLEMENT CO-CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES TASK NO. 08.01 TASK : PLAN CO-CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify co-curriculum activities PERFORMANCE STANDARD : PLAN CO-CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES USING COURSE OF STUDY, PROGRAM SCHEDULE, TRAINERS PROFILE, TRAINEES PROFILE, ETC. SO THAT COCURRICULUM ACTIVITIES IDENTIFIED, PROPOSED AND PLAN PRODUCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Type of co-curriculum activities 1.2 Co-curriculum objectives 1.3 Management Information System Ability of :1.1 Determine type of co-curriculum activities 1.2 Determine co-curriculum objectives 1.3 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:1.1 Proactive 1.2 Far sighted 1.3 Resourceful 1.4 Decisive 1.5 Responsible 1.6 Accountable 1.7 Reliable 2. Propose co-curriculum activities Knowledge of:2.1 Co-curriculum program content 2.2 Type of activities 2.3 Facilities requirement 2.4 Availability of budget 2.5 Standard Operating Procedures 2.6 Management Information System Ability of :2.1 Interpret program content 2.2 Determine types of activities 2.3 Determine facilities 2.4 Determine availability of budget 2.5 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 2.6 Utilize Management Information System TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Course of Study - Program schedule - Trainers profile - Trainees profile - Co-curriculum program - Provider list - Standard Operating Procedures - Management Information System SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Proactive 2.2 Far sighted 2.3 Resourceful 2.4 Decisive 2.5 Responsible 2.6 Accountable 2.7 Reliable 3. Produce co-curriculum activities plan Knowledge of:3.1 Formatting of information 3.2 Documenting of information 3.3 Standard Operating Procedures 3.4 Management Information System Ability to:3.1 Format information 3.2 Document information 3.3 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 3.4 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:3.1 Proactive 3.2 Far sighted 3.3 Resourceful 3.4 Decisive 3.5 Responsible 3.6 Accountable 3.7 Reliable TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 08 DUTY: IMPLEMENT CO-CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES TASK NO. 08.02 TASK : ORGANIZE CO-CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Study co-curriculum activities plan PERFORMANCE STANDARD : Organize co-curriculum activities using Course of Study, co-curriculum activity plan, trainees profile, trainees profile, Organization chart, etc. so that co-curriculum activity plan studied, co-curriculum activity arranged, allocated and responsibilities delegated in accordance with job specification requirements and Standard Operating Procedure. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Sourcing of information 1.2 Co-curriculum activities plan 1.3 Standard Operating Procedures 1.4 Management Information System Ability of :1.1 Source information 1.2 Interpret co-curriculum activities plan 1.3 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 1.4 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:1.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 1.2 Rationale 1.3 Decisive 1.4 Reliable 1.5 Responsible 1.6 Accountable 1.7 Meticulous 1.8 Creative 2. Arrange co-curriculum activities as planned Knowledge of:2.1 Acquiring approval 2.2 Preparing Co-curriculum activity 2.3 Standard Operating Procedures 2.4 Management Information System Ability of :2.1 Acquire approval 2.2 Prepare Co-curriculum activity 2.3 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 2.4 Utilize Management Information System TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Course of Study - Program schedule - Co-curriculum activity plan - Trainers profile - Trainees profile - Organization chart - Co-curriculum program - Provider list - Standard Operating Procedures - Management Information System SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 2.2 Rationale 2.3 Decisive 2.4 Reliable 2.5 Responsible 2.6 Accountable 2.7 Meticulous 2.8 Creative 3. Allocate co-curriculum activities Knowledge of:3.1 Activities to be carried out 3.2 Suitability of facilitators 3.3 Scheduling of activity 3.4 Standard Operating Procedures 3.5 Management Information System Ability to:3.1 Determine activities to be carried out 3.2 Determine facilitators 3.3 Determine scheduling of activity 3.4 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 3.5 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:3.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 3.2 Rationale 3.3 Decisive 3.4 Reliable 3.5 Responsible 3.6 Accountable 3.7 Meticulous 3.8 Creative 4. Delegate responsibilities Knowledge of:4.1 Segregation of responsibility 4.2 Notification of responsibility 4.3 Profile of resource person 4.4 Organization chart / structure Ability of :4.1 Segregate responsibility 4.2 Notify responsibility 4.3 Determine profile of resource person 4.4 Identify scope of resource person responsibility Attitude and Safety:4.1 Analytical 4.2 Resourceful 4.3 Rationale 4.4 Accountable 4.5 Impartial TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 08 DUTY: IMPLEMENT CO-CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES TASK NO. 08.03 TASK : CONDUCT CO-CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Study co-curriculum activity schedule and responsibility PERFORMANCE STANDARD : CONDUCT CO-CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES USING CO-CURRICULUM ACTIVITY SCHEDULE, SCOPE OF RESPONSIBILITY, ORGANIZATION CHART ETC. SO THAT CO-CURRICULUM ACTIVITY SCHEDULE AND RESPONSIBILITY IS STUDIED, AVAILABILITY OF RESOURCES CHECKED, CO-CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES FOR IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGED AND IMPLEMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Interpretation of schedule 1.2 Determination of responsibility 1.3 Standard Operating Procedures 1.4 Management Information Systems Ability of :1.1 Interpret schedule 1.2 Determine responsibility 1.3 Comply Standard Operating Procedures 1.4 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:1.1 Meticulous 1.2 Pro-active 1.3 Far sighted 1.4 Decisive 1.5 Responsible 1.6 Accountable 1.7 Reliable 2. Check availability of resources Knowledge of:2.1 Objective the co-curriculum activity 2.2 Activities to be carried out 2.3 Duration, venue and schedule of activities Ability of :2.1 Determine compliance of co-curriculum activity to objectives 2.2 Suitability of activities 2.3 Determine duration, venue and schedule of activities TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Co-curriculum activity schedule - Standard Operating Procedures - Scope of responsibility - Organization Chart - List of co-curriculum resources - Facilitators profile - Trainee profile SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Meticulous 2.2 Pro-active 2.3 Far sighted 2.4 Decisive 2.5 Responsible 2.6 Accountable 2.7 Reliable 3. Arrange co-curriculum activity for implementation Knowledge of:3.1 Acquiring approval 3.2 Preparing co-curriculum activity 3.3 Standard Operating Procedures 3.4 Management Information System Ability to:3.1 Acquire approval 3.2 Prepare co-curriculum activity 3.3 Comply Standard Operating Procedures 3.4 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:3.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 3.2 Rationale 3.3 Decisive 3.4 Reliable 3.5 Responsible 3.6 Accountable 3.7 Meticulous 3.8 Creative 4. Implement cocurriculum activities Knowledge of:4.1 Co-curriculum activities 4.2 Procedures of implementing co-curriculum activities 4.3 Monitoring co-curriculum activities 4.4 Standard Operating Procedures 4.5 Management Information System Ability of :4.1 Observe co-curriculum activities 4.2 Adhere to procedures of implementing co-curriculum activities 4.3 Monitor co-curriculum activities 4.4 Comply Standard Operating Procedures 4.5 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:4.1 Meticulous 4.2 Observance 4.3 Resourceful 4.4 Creative 4.5 Innovative 4.6 Pro-active 4.7 Decisive TOOLS, EQUIPMENT / MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 08 DUTY: IMPLEMENT CO-CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES TASK NO. 08.04 TASK : CONDUCT EXTRA MURAL ACTIVITIES LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Study extra mural activity schedule and responsibility PERFORMANCE STANDARD : CONDUCT EXTRA MURAL ACTIVITIES USING EXTRA MURAL ACTIVITY SCHEDULE, SCOPE OF RESPONSIBILITY, ORGANIZATION CHART ETC. SO THAT EXTRA MURAL ACTIVITY SCHEDULE AND RESPONSIBILITY IS STUDIED, AVAILABILITY OF RESOURCES CHECKED, EXTRA MURAL ACTIVITIES FOR IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGED AND IMPLEMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge of:1.1 Interpretation of schedule 1.2 Determination of responsibility 1.3 Standard Operating Procedures 1.4 Management Information Systems Ability of :1.1 Interpret schedule 1.2 Determine responsibility 1.3 Comply Standard Operating Procedures 1.4 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:1.1 Meticulous 1.2 Pro-active 1.3 Far sighted 1.4 Decisive 1.5 Responsible 1.6 Accountable 1.7 Reliable 2. Check availability of resources Knowledge of:2.1 Objective the extra mural activity 2.2 Activities to be carried out 2.3 Duration, venue and schedule of activities Ability of :2.1 Determine compliance of extra mural activity to objectives 2.2 Suitability of activities 2.3 Determine duration, venue and schedule of activities TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Extra mural activity schedule - Standard Operating Procedures - Scope of responsibility - Organization Chart - List of extra mural resources - Facilitators profile - Trainees profile SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Meticulous 2.2 Pro-active 2.3 Far sighted 2.4 Decisive 2.5 Responsible 2.6 Accountable 2.7 Reliable 3. Arrange extra mural activity for implementation Knowledge of:3.1 Acquiring approval 3.2 Extra mural activity 3.3 Standard Operating Procedures 3.4 Management Information System Ability to:3.1 Acquire approval 3.2 Schedule extra mural activity 3.3 Comply Standard Operating Procedures 3.4 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:3.1 Pro-active / Self-driven 3.2 Rationale 3.3 Decisive 3.4 Reliable 3.5 Responsible 3.6 Accountable 3.7 Meticulous 3.8 Creative 4. Implement extra mural activities Knowledge of:4.1 Extra mural activities 4.2 Procedures of implementing extra mural activities 4.3 Monitoring extra mural activities 4.4 Standard Operating Procedures 4.5 Management Information System Ability of :4.1 Observe extra mural activities 4.2 Adhere to procedures of implementing extra mural activities 4.3 Monitor extra mural activities 4.4 Comply Standard Operating Procedures 4.5 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:4.1 Meticulous 4.2 Observance 4.3 Resourceful 4.4 Creative 4.5 Innovative 4.6 Pro-active 4.7 Decisive TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 09 DUTY: PERFORM ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTION TASK NO. 09.01 TASK: ADMINISTER WORKPLACE SAFETY AND HEALTH LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify safety and health requirements in workplace PERFORMANCE STANDARD : ADMINISTER WORKPLACE SAFETY AND HEALTH BE USING OSHA REFERENCES, SAFETY EQUIPMENT, CODE OF PRACTICE, LAY-OUT PLAN, SAFETY RULES AND REGULATIONS, CODING, SYMBOLS, SIGNAGE AND POSTERS, FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENTS, FIRST AID BOX / KIT, MANUAL SPECIFICATION ETC. SO THAT SAFETY AND HEALTH REQUIREMENTS IN WORKPLACE IDENTIFIED, SAFETY AND HEALTH CODE OF PRACTICE AND REGULATIONS OBTAINED AND PRACTICED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge on:1.1 Safety and health requirements (equipments and personnel) 1.2 Lay-out of training areas 1.3 Coding, symbol signage and posters requirements 1.4 Types of safety and health equipment 1.5 Emergency assistance 1.6 Safe training environment (lighting, ventilation, good housekeeping, etc) 1.7 Safety equipment and facilities (Fire fighting) 1.8 First Aid Ability to:1.1 Interpret safety and health requirements (equipments and personnel) 1.2 Interpret lay-out of training areas 1.3 Interpret coding, symbol signage and posters requirements 1.4 Determine types of safety and health equipment 1.5 Determine emergency assistance 1.6 Determine safe training environment (lighting, ventilation, good housekeeping, etc) 1.7 Determine safety equipment and facilities (Fire fighting) 1.8 Determine relevant first Aid Attitude and Safety:1.1 Meticulous 1.2 Conscientious 1.3 Responsible 1.4 Reliable 1.5 Accountable 1.6 Resourceful TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - OSHA references - Safety equipment - Code of practice - Lay-out plan - Safety rules and regulations - Coding, symbols, signage and posters - Fire Fighting equipments - First aid box / kit - Manual specification - Standard Operating Procedures - Managements Information System - Organization chart SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) 2. Obtain safety and health code of practice and regulations Knowledge of:2.1 Various types of safety and health code of practice and regulations 2.2 Availability of relevant safety and health code of practice documents 2.3 Sourcing information on safety and health code of practice and regulations 2.4 Placement and referencing Ability to:2.1 Interpret various types of safety and health code of practice and regulations 2.2 Determine availability of relevant safety and health code of practice documents 2.3 Source information on safety and health code of practice and regulations 2.4 Place referencing Attitude and Safety:2.1 Reliable 2.2 Accessible 2.3 Creditable 2.4 Responsible 2.5 Accountable 2.6 Resourceful 2.7 Pro-active 3. Practice code of safety and health Knowledge of:3.1 Code of safety and health requirements 3.2 Requirement for applying code of safety and health 3.3 Various method of applying code of safety and health Ability to:3.1 Adhere safety and health requirements 3.2 Comply to requirement for applying code of safety and health 3.3 Comply to method of applying code of safety and health Attitude and Safety:3.1 Reliable 3.2 Accessible 3.3 Creditable 3.4 Responsible 3.5 Accountable 3.6 Resourceful 3.7 Pro-active TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 09 DUTY: PERFORM ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTION TASK NO. 09.02 TASK: ADMINISTER WORKPLACE SECURITY LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify workplace security requirements PERFORMANCE STANDARD : ADMINISTER WORKPLACE SECURITY USING RULES AND REGULATIONS, ETC. SO THAT WORKPLACE SECURITY REQUIREMENTS IDENTIFIED, OBTAINED, APPLIED AND MONITORED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge on:1.1 Types of security requirements 1.2 Important of enforcing suitable security requirements 1.3 Rules and regulations pertaining to security requirements TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Rules and regulations - Checklist - Code of Practice Ability to:1.1 Determine types of security requirements 1.2 Determine types of security regulations need to be enforced 1.3 Determine the rules and regulations pertaining to security requirements Attitude and Safety:1.1 Meticulous 1.2 Responsible 1.3 Reliable 1.4 Accountable 1.5 Pro-active 2. Obtain security rules and regulations Knowledge of:2.1 Types of security rules and regulations and their applications 2.2 Rules and regulations pertaining to specific security requirements 2.3 Sourcing of rules and regulations documents pertaining to security Ability to:2.1 Determine the availability of various types of security rules and regulations requirements 2.2 Determine rules and regulations pertaining to specific security requirements 2.3 Source documents pertaining to security - Signage - Posters - Safe box - Inventory - Alarm SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Reliable 2.2 Responsible 2.3 Accountable 2.4 Meticulous 3. Apply security code of practice Knowledge of:3.1 Types of security codes suitable for training environment 3.2 Importance of awareness to security requirements 3.3 Technique of application of security code of practice Ability to:3.1 Determine the types of security codes suitable for training environment 3.2 Convey awareness on security requirements 3.3 Implement technique of application of security code of practice Attitude and Safety:3.1 Reliable 3.2 Authentic 3.3 Meticulous 3.4 Responsible 3.5 Accountable 3.6 Fair 4. Monitor the implementation of security requirements Knowledge of:4.1 Security monitoring requirements 4.2 Technique of monitoring security 4.3 Implementation of security requirement 4.4 Security checklist Ability to:4.1 Determine security monitoring requirements 4.2 Apply technique of monitoring security 4.3 Implement security procedures 4.4 List guideline for security monitoring Attitude and Safety:4.1 Accountable 4.2 Reliable 4.3 Meticulous 4.4 Responsible 4.5 Resourceful TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 09 DUTY: PERFORM ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTION TASK NO. 09.03 TASK: PREPARE INDEMNITY REQUIREMENTS LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify indemnity requirements PERFORMANCE STANDARD : PREPARE INDEMNITY REQUIREMENTS USING COURSE OF STUDY, INDEMNITY DOCUMENT, MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM, ETC. SO THAT INDEMNITY REQUIREMENTS IDENTIFIED, INDEMNITY REQUISITION DOCUMENT COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge on:1.1 Indemnity requirements 1.2 Types of indemnity forms 1.3 Scope of coverage of indemnity 1.4 Standard Operating Procedures 1.5 Management Information System Ability to:1.1 Determine indemnity requirements 1.2 Determine types of indemnity forms 1.3 Determine scope of coverage of indemnity 1.4 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 1.5 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:1.1 Meticulous 1.2 Responsible 1.3 Reliable 1.4 Accountable 2. Complete indemnity requirements Knowledge of:2.1 Acquiring indemnity document 2.2 Application of indemnity form 2.3 Content of the indemnity document 2.4 Fulfilling indemnity document requirements 2.5 Standard Operating Procedures 2.6 Management Information System Ability to:2.1 Acquire indemnity document 2.2 Determine the application of indemnity 2.3 Determine content of the indemnity document 2.4 Fulfill indemnity document requirements 2.5 Comply Standard Operating Procedures 2.6 Utilize Management Information System TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Course of Study - Indemnity document - Standard Operating Procedures - Management Information System SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Meticulous 2.2 Responsible 2.3 Reliable 2.4 Accountable 3. Submit completed indemnity requisition document for approval Knowledge of:3.1 Verifying indemnity contents 3.2 Approving procedures 3.3 Standard Operating Procedures 3.4 Management Information System Ability to:3.1 Verify indemnity contents 3.2 Comply to approving procedures 3.3 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 3.4 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:3.1 Reliable 3.2 Responsible 3.3 Reasonable 3.4 Meticulous TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 09 DUTY: PERFORM ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTION TASK NO. 09.04 TASK: PREPARE REPORTS LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify type of reports PERFORMANCE STANDARD : PREPARE REPORTS USING COURSE OF STUDY, MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM, ETC. SO THAT TYPES OF REPORT IDENTIFIED, REPORT PREPARED AND SUBMITTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge on:1.1 Type and application of reports 1.2 Requirement of reports 1.3 Formatting of reports Ability to:1.1 Determine type and application of reports 1.2 Determine requirement of reports 1.3 Determine format of reports TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Course of Study - Standard Operating Procedures - Management Information System - Facts Attitude and Safety:1.1 Meticulous 1.2 Responsible 1.3 Reliable 1.4 Accountable 1.5 Impartial - Evidence - Guideline - Computer - Printer 2. Prepare reports Knowledge on:2.1 Determining the objective of reports 2.2 Compilation of data / information 2.3 Documenting report 2.4 Identifying references, facts and evidences 2.5 Verifying content of report 2.6 Production of report 2.7 Confidentiality requirements Ability to:2.1 Determine the objective of reports 2.2 Compile of data / information 2.3 Document report 2.4 Identify references, facts and evidences 2.5 Verify content of report 2.6 Produce report 2.7 Maintain confidentiality of report - Stationery SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Reliable 2.2 Responsible 2.3 Accountable 2.4 Meticulous 2.5 Impartial 2.6 Confidentiality 3. Submit reports Knowledge of:3.1 Submission procedures 3.2 Standard Operating Procedures 3.3 Management Information System Ability to:3.1 Adhere to submission procedures 3.2 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 3.3 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:3.1 Reliable 3.2 Responsible 3.3 Accountable 3.4 Meticulous 3.5 Impartial 3.6 Confidentiality TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 09 DUTY: PERFORM ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTION TASK NO. 09.05 TASK: PREPARE TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS (TEM) LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify tool, equipment and materials required PERFORMANCE STANDARD : PREPARE TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS USING COURSE OF STUDY, TRAINING VENUE, TRAINING SCHEDULE, INVENTORY LIST OF TRAINING FACILITIES ETC. SO THAT TOOL, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS REQUIRED ARE IDENTIFIED, AVAILABILITY, SUITABILITY AND FUNCTIONALITY / SERVICEABILITY OF TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS CHECKED AND TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS FOR TRAINING REQUIREMENTS ACQUIRED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS, MANUAL SPECIFICATION AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge on:1.1 Task need to be performed to prescribed standard 1.2 Activities related to tasks need to be perform 1.3 Requirements tools, equipment and materials to achieve activities 1.4 Important of having inventory for tools, equipment and materials Ability to:1.1 Determine task need to be performed to prescribed standard 1.2 Determine activities related to tasks need to be perform 1.3 Determine requirements tools, equipment and materials to achieve activities 1.4 Determine the importance of having an inventory for tools, equipment and materials Attitude and Safety:1.1 Meticulous 1.2 Reliable 1.3 Responsible 1.4 Accountable TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Course of Study - Training venue - Training schedule - Inventory list of training facilities - Manual specification - Requisition form - Organization chart - Standard Operating Procedures - Management Information System SUB TASK/STEP 2. Check availability suitability and functionality / serviceability of tools, equipment and materials ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge on:2.1 Availability, suitability and functionality / serviceability of tools, equipment and materials 2.2 Method / procedures of checking availability, suitability and functionality / serviceability of tools, equipment and materials required for the activities 2.3 Technique of checking Availability, suitability and functionality / serviceability of tools, equipment and materials required for the activities 2.4 Inventory list of training facilities 2.5 Manual specification 2.6 Standard Operating Procedures 2.7 Management Information System Ability to:2.1 Determine availability, suitability and functionality / serviceability of tools, equipment and materials 2.2 Comply to method / procedures of checking availability, suitability and functionality / serviceability of tools, equipment and materials required for the activities 2.3 Apply technique of checking Availability, suitability and functionality / serviceability of tools, equipment and materials required for the activities 2.4 Utilize inventory list of training facilities 2.5 Interpret manual specification 2.6 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 2.7 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:2.1 Reliable 2.2 Responsible 2.3 Accountable 2.4 Meticulous 3. Acquire tools, equipment and materials for training requirement Knowledge of:3.1 Tools, equipment and materials required 3.2 Method / procedures of requisition of tools, equipment and materials 3.3 Standard Operating Procedures 3.4 Organization chart 3.5 Management Information System Ability to:3.1 Specify tools, equipment and materials required 3.2 Determine method / procedures of requisition of tools, equipment and materials 3.3 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 3.4 Interpret organization chart 3.5 Utilize Management Information System TOOLS, EQUIPMENT / MATERIALS SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:3.1 Reliable 3.2 Responsible 3.3 Accountable 3.4 Fair 3.5 Meticulous TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 09 DUTY: PERFORM ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTION TASK NO. 09.06 TASK: IMPLEMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify various rules and regulations to be implemented PERFORMANCE STANDARD : IMPLEMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS USING RULES AND REGULATIONS, DEPARTMENTAL / ORGANIZATION STANDING ORDERS, ENFORCEMENT GUIDELINES, ORGANIZATIONAL CHART, ETC. SO THAT VARIOUS RULES AND REGULATIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED ARE IDENTIFIED, IMPLEMENTATION CHECKED AND MONITORED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS, MANUAL SPECIFICATION AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge on:1.1 Various rules and regulations to be implemented 1.2 Reasons for adhering to rules and regulations 1.3 Scope of responsibility for adhering to rules and regulations Ability to:1.1 Determine various rules and regulations to be implemented 1.2 Justify reasons for adhering to rules and regulations 1.3 Determine scope of responsibility for adhering to rules and regulations Attitude and Safety:1.1 Impartial 1.2 Reliable 1.3 Accountable 1.4 Responsible 2. Check availability suitability and functionality / serviceability of tools, equipment and materials Knowledge on:2.1 Various rules and regulations to be implemented 2.2 Scope of responsibility for adhering to rules and regulations 2.3 Method / procedures of checking implementation of various rules and regulations Ability to:2.1 Determine implementation of various rules and regulations 2.2 Determine scope of responsibility 2.3 Comply to method / procedures of checking implementation of various rules and regulations TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Rules and regulations - Standing order - Enforcement guidelines - Standard Operating Procedures - Organizational chart Trainers profile - Management Information System SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Impartial 2.2 Reliable 2.3 Accountable 2.4 Responsible 2.5 Resourceful 2.6 Pro-active 3. Monitor implementation of rules and regulations Knowledge on:3.1 Various rules and regulations to be implemented 3.2 Scope of responsibility for adhering to rules and regulations 3.3 Method / procedures of monitoring implementation of various rules and regulations Ability to:3.1 Determine implementation of various rules and regulations 3.2 Determine scope of responsibility 3.3 Comply to method / procedures of monitoring implementation of various rules and regulations Attitude and Safety:3.1 Impartial 3.2 Reliable 3.3 Accountable 3.4 Responsible 3.5 Resourceful 3.6 Pro-active TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 09 DUTY: PERFORM ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTION TASK NO. 09.07 TASK: PREPARE PURCHASE REQUISITIONS LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify items to be purchased PERFORMANCE STANDARD : PREPARE PURCHASE REQUISITION USING LIST OF SUPPLIERS INFORMATION, CATALOGUE, PURCHASING RULES AND REGULATIONS, DEPARTMENT / ORGANIZATION STANDING ORDER, ETC. SO THAT ITEMS TO BE PURCHASE IDENTIFIED, QUOTATION OBTAINED AND PURCHASE ORDER PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS, MANUAL SPECIFICATION AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge on:1.1 Items to be purchased 1.2 Specification of items to be purchased 1.3 Standard Operating Procedures 1.4 Management Information System Ability to:1.1 Determine items to be purchased 1.2 Specify items to be purchased 1.3 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 1.4 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:1.1 Trustworthy 1.2 Reliable 1.3 Accountable 1.4 Responsible 1.5 Meticulous 2. Obtain quotation from suppliers Knowledge on:2.1 List of suppliers information 2.2 Sourcing of suppliers 2.3 Standard Operating Procedures 2.4 Management Information System Ability to:2.1 Acquire list of suppliers information 2.2 Source of suppliers 2.3 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 2.4 Utilize Management Information System TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - List of suppliers information - Catalogue Purchasing rules and regulations - Department / organization standing order - Purchasing documentation SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Trustworthy 2.2 Reliable 2.3 Accountable 2.4 Responsible 2.5 Meticulous 3. Place purchase order Knowledge on:3.1 Purchasing procedures 3.2 Documentation of purchase order 3.3 Submission of purchase order to authority 3.4 Standard Operating Procedures 3.5 Management Information System Ability to:3.1 Determine purchasing procedures 3.2 Document purchase order 3.3 Submit of purchase order to authority 3.4 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 3.5 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:3.1 Trustworthy 3.2 Reliable 3.3 Accountable 3.4 Responsible 3.5 Meticulous TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS OCCUPATION : VOCATIONAL TRAINING OFFICER DUTY NO. 09 DUTY: PERFORM ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTION TASK NO. 09.08 TASK: REPLINISH CONSUMABLES ITEMS LEVEL L3 SUB-TASK/STEP 1. Identify consumable items to be replenished PERFORMANCE STANDARD : REPLENISH CONSUMABLES ITEMS USING RULES AND REGULATIONS, LIST OF CONSUMABLE ITEMS, DEPARTMENT / ORGANIZATION STANDING ORDER, INVENTORY OF ITEMS, ETC. SO THAT CONSUMABLE ITEMS TO BE REPLENISHED IDENTIFIED, REQUESTED AND ACQUIRED IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Knowledge on:1.1 Consumable items to be replenished 1.2 Specification of consumable items to be replenished 1.3 Standard Operating Procedures 1.4 Management Information System Ability to:1.1 Determine consumable items to be replenished 1.2 Specify consumable items to be replenished 1.3 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 1.4 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:1.1 Reliable 1.2 Accountable 1.3 Responsible 1.4 Resourceful 1.5 Pro-active 1.6 Meticulous 2. Request items to be replenished Knowledge on:2.1 Consumable items to be replenished 2.2 Specification of consumable item to be replenished 2.3 Standard Operating Procedures 2.4 Management Information System Ability to:2.1 Determine consumable items to be replenished 2.2 Specify of consumable item to be replenished 2.3 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 2.4 Utilize Management Information System TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS - Rules and regulations - List of consumable items - Standing department / organization orders - Inventory of items - Requisition forms - Standard Operating Procedures - Management Information System - Organization chart SUB TASK/STEP ENABLING REQUIREMENT (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Safety) Attitude and Safety:2.1 Reliable 2.2 Accountable 2.3 Responsible 2.4 Resourceful 2.5 Pro-active 2.6 Meticulous 3. Acquire items Knowledge on:3.1 Acquiring procedures 3.2 Checking procedures 3.3 Recording of acquired items 3.4 Storage of acquired items 3.5 Standard Operating Procedures 3.6 Management Information System Ability to:3.1 Comply to acquiring procedures 3.2 Comply to checking procedures 3.3 Record acquired items 3.4 Store acquired items 3.5 Comply to Standard Operating Procedures 3.6 Utilize Management Information System Attitude and Safety:3.1 Reliable 3.2 Accountable 3.3 Responsible 3.4 Resourceful 3.5 Pro-active 3.6 Meticulous TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS