October 2005 - Charles Darwin University
October 2005 - Charles Darwin University
Charles Darwin University Graduation Program October 2005 Charles Darwin University October Graduation Ceremony 2005 The Chancellor, Mr Richard Ryan, AO, presiding Darwin Entertainment Centre Friday 14 October 2005 1 October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Charles Darwin University 2 Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2005 A Message from the Chancellor As Chancellor of Charles Darwin University it is an honour and a privilege to congratulate the graduands of 2005. Charles Darwin University was formed through the merging of institutions such as the Northern Territory University, Centralian College, the Northern Territory Rural College and Menzies School of Health Research. This state of the art institution has grown into a place of learning for more than 18,000 students. Charles Darwin University offers a fresh approach to education, with a wide range of study options, excellent standards of teaching and an engaging learning environment. This is a university that aims to inspire its students to acquire the skills and knowledge to change their worlds for their own good and the good of the community. As well as being a celebration of knowledge, graduation ceremonies allow students to share their pride and satisfaction in achieving their goals with their families, friends, and the University staff who have supported and encouraged them throughout their studies. Graduation is not a farewell to the Charles Darwin University. We look forward to welcoming back graduands as members of the Alumni or through continuing formal studies and to the many symposia, lectures, concerts and events at the University. Congratulations again to the Charles Darwin University graduates of 2005. We have no doubt we will be hearing of your continuing achievements in your work and the community in the future. Richard Ryan, AO Chancellor 3 October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Charles Darwin University A Message from the Vice-Chancellor Each of you, tonight’s graduates, has grown in knowledge, in competence and understanding during your time as students at Charles Darwin University. Each of you, by deploying these attributes to the greatest possible extent, will make a difference; a difference to your own future, the future of your families, your community, the Northern Territory and the global community. You will be part of a rapidly changing world, where the only certainty is the development of new knowledge and new ways of doing things – ongoing change is simply part of life. Change provides opportunities and I hope you will welcome change and successfully ride the waves that produce it. Remember Charles Darwin, the namesake of the Territory’s university once said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” The amount of information on any subject is growing at an ever-increasing rate. To move from being a novice and eventually to expert we all must continue to learn and to apply those learnings. We must keep on learning in new fields as our roles change or we slip back down the ladder to being a novice. I hope your time at Charles Darwin University has resulted in you having a love of learning for life and that you will be open to new ideas. As graduates of Charles Darwin University, you are becoming alumni of a University that sees its role as providing vibrant learning, life-changing experiences and graduating individuals with the foundation to be excellent thinkers, workers and citizens. It aims to equip its graduates with the generic skills to thrive in the complex world at large and to take on the particular challenges of the Northern Territory. I hope you have enjoyed your university experience. I hope you will continue to learn and that through your words and actions you will contribute to the development and reputation of the Charles Darwin University, a university that aspires to work with its alumni, wherever they may be, to provide an enriching experience for all its students, its alumni and the community at large. This evening is one of celebration; you have achieved a significant milestone and we are proud of you. All of us in the University join with your family and friends in saying “congratulations”. 4 Helen Garnett, PSM Vice-Chancellor Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2005 A Message from Your Student Union Graduation is a time for celebration, reflection and formal recognition of your achievements. A time to savour the applause and ceremony in front of your peers, friends and family. I hope you have enjoyed your time at Charles Darwin University. The Students’ Union thanks you for your contribution to the University community, for your participation and involvement and your dedication to complete your course paving the way as a model for future graduates. The Students’ Union hopes that your reflections on your time with us are fond memories. Your experiences as a student at Charles Darwin University were the direct result of students like yourself making a difference. We hope you will be good ambassadors of the Charles Darwin University and its faculties. The Students’ Union hopes the services we provided helped alleviate some of the pressures of university life and in some way impacted positively on your educational and social experience here at Charles Darwin University. Congratulations to all graduates on behalf of the Charles Darwin Students’ Union and we wish you all the best of luck in your future professional careers. Kent Rowe President Charles Darwin University– Students’ Union 5 October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Charles Darwin University Australian Federation of University Women Inc Northern Territory The Australian Federation of University Women (Northern Territory) Inc (AFUW-NT) provided assistance in gowning for the Graduation ceremony this evening. This is a fundraising activity providing scholarships for Northern Territory, and now East Timorese, women students. We presently offer three $1 000 scholarships annually in the Northern Territory – one each to an undergraduate, a postgraduate and one identified for an Indigenous woman student. We are pleased to announce this year two new scholarships for women studying at the Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosae, Dili. To fund these activities we plan to increase our membership base, seek the support of regular donors and continue to provide volunteers for CDU Graduation ceremonies. AFUW-NT is a member of the Federal Council of the Australian Federation of University Women Inc (AFUW Inc). AFUW Inc joined the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) in 1924. IFUW has NGO status with the United Nations, and is a voice for graduate women, promoting the advancement of women worldwide and their equality of opportunity through initiatives in education, welfare, friendship, the environment and peace. Membership in AFUW Inc is open to all women who hold an undergraduate degree or its equivalent from a University anywhere in the world. AFUW Inc welcomes all women graduates who support its purposes and objectives. Employment in a University or any other location is not a requirement. AFUW Inc has Standing Committees on education, youth, international issues, the environment and peace in which AFUW-NT participates and contributes. Annual membership is $40 (and $15.00 for students) and members receive a copy of Graduate Women, a national journal published six monthly. If you want to know more about AFUW-NT, visit these websites: AFUW-NT : www.afuw-nt.org.au/index.html AFUW Inc : www.afuw.org.au/welcome.htm IFUW: www.ifuw.org If you are interested in joining AFUW-NT please talk to us at the Graduation Ceremony visit our website, ring 8946 6355 (BH) or write to The Secretary, AFUW – NT, Box 714, PO Parap NT 0804, or email the President, Penny Wurm ([email protected]). 6 Penny Wurm President 2005 Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Charles Darwin University, Graduation Courtyard 14th October 2005 – 6.30pm Order of Proceedings The Academic Procession will enter with the Assembly standing Processional: Gaudeamus Igitur The National Anthem The Assembly will remain standing for the singing of the National Anthem (CDU Chamber and Musicianship Choir) Welcoming Address The Vice-Chancellor, Helen Garnett, PSM The Chancellor, Mr Richard Ryan, AO The Conferring of Degrees and Awards Law, Business and Arts Presented by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Business and Arts Professor Eugene Clark Institute of Advanced Studies Presented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research Professor Robert Wasson Musical Interlude Education Health and Science Presented by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Health and Science Professor Carole Kayrooz Technology Presented by the Dean of the Faculty of Technology Dr Steve Shanahan Occasional Address Carolyn Richards Graduand Response Eva McRae-Williams The Academic Procession will retire, the Assembly Standing Recessional: Rondeau 7 October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Charles Darwin University Faculty of Law, Business and Arts • Friday 14 October Doctor of Philosophy Charles Andrew Cameron Thesis title:Public Policy on Formal Education for Indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory The study examined policy failure in the second half of the twentieth century in educational outcomes for Indigenous Territorians. The premise was that cultural difference, between the public service providers and their Indigenous clients, was primarily responsible for that failure. The study applied policy theory and analysis to a succession of educational policy regimes in the Territory, locating these regimes in their historical context. The major issues were that, at the end of the twentieth century, Indigenous students’ overall achievement in formal education was unsatisfactory, distinctly below that of non-Indigenes, including non-native speakers of English, meeting neither providers’ goals nor clients’ expectations. The conclusions of the study are that, ultimately, educational outcomes, in any Indigenous community, remote, rural or urban, can only improve and be sustainable when given priority and sustained commitment by the local community that shares a common purpose with the education providers. Master of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Alexander Denis Buckley Master of Accounting Studies Amy-Louise Thompson Master of Arts Eva McRae-Williams David Steinberg Master of Business Administration in International Management Edward Dorbor Solo Master of Community Development and Management Daryl William Oehm Master of International Management Karen Anne Blanchfield Jacqueline Costanzo Deborah Efthymiades Maree Ellen Garrigan Barbara Ann Klessa Jacqueline Kole Eva Dina Lawler Koki Nishizuka Master of Professional Accounting Claire Louise De Belin 8 Master of Southeast Asian Studies Brett Andrew Woodcock Graduate Diploma in Business Studies Hu Chen Jayne Beau Gray Graduate Diploma in Indonesian Studies Elizabeth Mary Davey Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice Gemma Nicole Beggs Nashell Barbra Ireland Ian McMinn James Bernard Richards Graduate Diploma in Public Sector Executive Management William Howard Armstrong Philip John Blumberg Elizabeth Ann Bobos Patrick James Michael Burford Sandra Maree Cartwright Graham Robert Chadwick Shiree Melinda Collins Randall John Cook Susanne Elizabeth Fisher Lisa Hirschausen Julie Ann House Richard John Hunt Leonie Margaret Jones Anna Lisa King Jean Whiteway Loke Cindy Lee McGarry Georgina Diane Nutton Paula Elennor O’Brien Carol Ann Penglase Gregory John Robson Eric Vernon Smith Paul Edward Nyaningu Unsworth Graduate Certificate in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Kerryn Louise Atwell Julie Kay Brimblecombe Amanda Moira Donohoe Marilyn Rose Huddleston Michael MacNamara Graduate Certificate in Business Studies Rebecca Jane Caddy John Charles Netterfield Graduate Certificate in Collaborative and Multidisciplinary Research Richard Adrian Meister Juanita Marion Sherwood Master of Public Sector Executive Management Jean-Luc Revel Trevor Charles Saunders Bachelor of Business with First Class Honours Bronwyn Jean Rossingh Master of Visual Arts Therese Ann Ritchie Bachelor of Laws with Second Class Honours, Division A Jennifer Michelle Dennis Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Faculty of Law, Business and Arts • Friday 14 October Bachelor of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Ella McHenry Jenny Singleton Katy Ann Smith Bachelor of Arts Loretta Graham Steven Wade Kelly Tarquin Millard Bachelor of Visual Arts Christina Francoise Belihomji Kylie Dianne Bent Alyson Megan De Groot Marian Halliday Kathryn Phyllis Hillery Kate Lauren Johnson Cherie Liane Kummer Angeline Ross Phillip Henry Shields Bachelor of Business Eva Susanty Basyaruddin Rebecca Boone Karina Anne Brooks Tenille Cahill Leticia Charrington George Christakis Elizabeth Grace Clark Brooke Michelle Dunne Tony Halikos Cathy Carol Holmes Leslie Bruce Kibblewhite Cheuk Hung Lam Brendan Andrew Lee Piatarihi Paula-Ann Loffley Cameron James McNally Daniel Conor Merritt Catherine Elizabeth Mitchell Leanda Gayle Nissen Susan Jane Proft Rachael Helen Schaefer Marianne Sofocleous Sally Jo Thomson Maria Salvatris Peni Uran Associate Degree in Art and Design Glynis Lorel Lee Bachelor of Laws Joanna Siriporn Albert Laddawan Boon-Ngork Robert John Chamberlain Mark Vaughan Griffith Kathryn Samantha Martin Susan Jane Paltridge Ravi Kant Sharma Gene Devlin Truan Maria Salvatris Peni Uran Wendy-Rea Young Diploma of Business (Frontline Management) Zenaida Ballesteros Dahlia Docherty David William Ellis Matthew Darrell Majid Jeanette Margaret Nugent Wendy Lee Raymond Julia Ioulia Stefanidakis Steven John Stubbings Bachelor of Library and Information Management Liisa Hannele Elika Victoria Ryan Leigh Maree Walker Bachelor of Music Tina Buic Melanie Jill Reid Bachelor of Music Teaching Roger Sean Prowse Bachelor of Resource Management Luke John Mayo Associate Diploma of Music Catherine Royden Hudson Advanced Diploma of Community and Human Services Craig Maurice Phillip Seiler Diploma of Accounting Carolyn Gaye Allen Marygen Allen Julie Anne Dennis Julie Ann Peardon Diploma of Arts (Creative and Applied) Margot Elizabeth Howlett Caroline Lois Sharp Elizabeth Edna Wauchope Diploma of Business Kyaw Htet Naing Wenban Wang Diploma of Business (Human Resources) Gayle Maree Brealy David William Ellis Lisa-Jayne Grant Kaye Ann Griffin David Anthony O’Callaghan Kylie Leah Oates Helen Margaret Perry Kathryn Ann Ryan Diploma of Business (Marketing) Tanya Aylett Hardy Hobart Othman Gleissner Colleen Michelle O’Keeffe Nicolas Papanicola Gabrielle Michele Williams 9 October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Charles Darwin University Faculty of Law, Business and Arts • Friday 14 October Diploma of Business (Recordkeeping) Julie Elizabeth Twine Diploma of Library and Information Services Merrawyn Jane Rogers Leonie Mary Whiting Diploma of Music Industry (Technical Production) Aldo Edward William Cameirao Elka - Gerda Kerkhofs Duane Robert Preston Certificate IV in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery) Rosaline Manning Diploma of Resource Management Donald Keith Duggan Certificate IV in Hospitality (Supervision) Kumutha Muthiah Diploma of Textiles, Clothing and Footwear Grethe Guerin Certificate IV in Library and Information Services Merrawyn Jane Rogers Marion von Gerhardt Certificate IV in Administration (Project Officer) Alan Andrew Croker Certificate IV in Arts (Creative and Applied) Rhys Burnie Mariko Kodaka Cristina Pantazis Certificate IV in Business Paula Branford Daleen Joyce Colson Richard Phillip Drummond Donna Terese Lemon Jane Molloy Kelly Kathleen Norton Neil Edwin Michael Roberts Tarren Marie Roderique Jane Bernadette Smith Anne-Marie Smith Bryan Williams James Gareth Young Certificate IV in Business (Frontline Management) Donna Terese Lemon Certificate IV in Business (Human Resources) Renee Aline Bottrall Donna Terese Lemon Jill Litzman Neil Edwin Michael Roberts Cath Taylor Certificate IV in Business (Marketing) Gabrielle Michele Williams Certificate IV in Business Administration Maria Blesilda Jeffery Kathryn Michelle Smale Robyn Annette Smith 10 Certificate IV in Financial Services (Accounting) Clare Duncan Pauline Ann Mosbergen Lisa Kaye O’Donoghue Anne Louise Pearce Christine Anne Smith Kiriaki Jacqueline Tererakis Beryl June Warne Certificate IV in Business Management Renee Aline Bottrall Richard Phillip Drummond Donna Terese Lemon Neil Edwin Michael Roberts Jane Bernadette Smith Anne-Marie Smith Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Certificate IV in Public Housing (Tenancy) Thomas Girdler Certificate IV in Tourism (Guiding) William Patrick Rogers Certificate IV in Tourism (Sales and Marketing) Rohan Stanley Chin Certificate IV in Visual Arts and Contemporary Craft Annette Helen Jennings Cara Anne Ryan Certificate III in Arts (Creative and Applied) Ernestine Abbott Carolyn Jean Corbett Alicia Entata Tracey Lois Hatchard Lillian Impu Tina Malbunka Martha Wheeler Marjorie Wheeler Certificate III in Business Dorothy Danielle Green Kia Leeanne Hodgson Duane Thomas Liddy Julianne Livesey Susannah MacNaughton Margaret Helen Napier Cynthia Neal Lucy Norris Kelly Kathleen Norton Olga Alex Palombo Michael Pinos Monique Angilique Pirihi Jessica Quayle Charita Seymour Tracey Ellen Stark Robyn Anne-Marie Taylor Courtney Tudehope Cheryl Young Faculty of Law, Business and Arts • Friday 14 October Certificate III in Business Administration Vera May Draper Janet Meaney Cheryl Anne Wakeham Certificate III in Clothing Production Nick Louloudias Certificate III in Financial Services (Accounts Clerical) Karen Margaret Bail Lauren June Bell Vicki Louise Black Rosemary Myles Chalmers Elizabeth Ann Durnin Sharon Lee Everett Angelika Herrera Melissa Jayne Martin Tia Nguyen Rhys James Lorrimore Preston Suzanne Margaret Ruskin Deborah Lynn Smith Vilma Stinton Certificate III in Food Processing (Retail Baking - Combined) Margrett Bertha Bonsey Lindsay Knight Sandra Lee McQuade David Keith Morthorpe Dale Paech Sonja Paivinen Justin Rothwell Certificate III in Food Processing (Retail Baking - Bread) Troy Raymond Bartle Certificate III in Hairdressing Nicole Karen Boddington Melissa Elizabeth Mangan Debra Marie Rogers Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery) Christian Hodgins Cherie Ruth Holtze Manuel Papathomas Ackhasone Praseuth Evan Quin Coryn James Tambling Troy Aaron Tooker Certificate III in Hospitality (Operations) Wan Kam Cheong Rachael Ann Francis Michael Geppa Ritsuko Nakajima Debby Nasution Certificate III in Library and Information Services Anna Montgomery Merrawyn Jane Rogers Kelly Maree Shanahan Heather May Tangey Certificate III in Local Government (Governance and Administration) Alicia Kate Carroll Certificate III in Meetings and Events Donna Rose Bryan Hiroki Imamura Christina Michelle Watt Certificate III in Music Grahame Wesley Gauder Certificate III in Tourism (International Retail Travel Sales) Yohanna Louise Lindon Helen Zikos Certificate III in Tourism (Retail Travel Sales) Juliet Sikiviu Tuipulotu Certificate II in Business Melissa Ruth Ashby Jodie Bangarr Louisa Bayne Thomas Chapman Darren Scott Clarke Lianda Deans Leanne Joy Draper Moona El Masri Sarah Denise Gayford Esmina Jennifer Griesebner Daphne Virginia Johnson Kaylene Kenny Abdur-Rahman Khan Rebecca Jane King Nina Stephanie Lade Rebecca Charlene Lindner Natasha Jaike Maassenvandenbrink Shannon May Manning Andrew William Maunder Leah Nayinggul Luke Nganjmirra Jean Doreen Owino Johnathon Pearson Geraldine Reid Rita Winifreda Roberts Kelly Ann Shaughnessy Marcela Dee Sykora Sulastri Williams Priscilla Mary Williams Certificate II in Clothing Production (Complex or Multiple Processes) Zana Heap Huong Nguyen Certificate II in Clothing Production (Intermediate) Amalia Papathomas Kelly Lee Trembath Certificate II in Hairdressing Rebecca Jane Molloy 11 October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Charles Darwin University Faculty of Law, Business and Arts • Friday 14 October Certificate II in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations) Claudette Bunduck Freda Bunduck Emma Connellan Suzanne Dodd Aaron Alan Elmy Joanne Frances Filsell Dorothy Kintharri Henry Mu Bernadette Munar Barbara Narndu Damiscene Narndu Marjorie Nemarluk Priscilla Parmbuk Certificate II in Hospitality (Operations) Emmeline Irene Adams Renetta Ahwon Donna Banjo Chris John Berry Renee Joi Brant Jodie Louise Brown Trysten Veronica Burrows Antje Jane Chalmers Patricia May Cooper Alice Hatzimihail Lee Kenny Benjamin Peter Marshall Kate Suzanne Matthison Renee Elizabeth McDonnell Rebecca Jane Molloy Cliff Page Johneen Melissa Papertalk Sarah Katheryne Parker Jodie Peckham Jessica Lee Procak Carlie Richards Benita Mary Sankey Baden Thorne Hayley Sherilyn Tobin John-Royce Webb Peta Jayne Whyte Certificate II in Introductory Vocational Education Erin Hodgetts Shane Mitchelhill Ross Sinclair James Van Hattem Certificate II in Library and Information Services Helen Mary Banning Joanne Teresse Lavers Anna Montgomery Merrawyn Jane Rogers Lisa Ann Sullivan Heather May Tangey Lorrell Leanne Watt Certificate II in Music Industry (Foundation) Alex Markos 12 Certificate II in Retail Operations Shannon Allwright Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Certificate I in Business Julie Anne Zurvas Certificate I in Clothing Production Janelle Elizabeth Cowsill Megan Patricia Halvorson Matilda Kelly-Marie Studders Lisa-Marie Vassilakoglou Certificate I in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations) Jana Allan Declina Apuatimi Kurt Archer Christopher Raymond Arnold Courtney Anne Arthur Matthew Bremner Zipporah Bunduck Toby Cooper Valentine Dulla Annunciata Dumoo Timothy Adam Fairman Cerys Farrell Jane Graham Matthew James Hammond Lyn Harrison Melissa Holden Chanelle Huddleston Warrenne Idsenga Kristy Joe Angelina Joshua Kristopher Kalisnik Mary Kolumboort Isaac Kungul Cecilia Kurungaiyi Bernadette Kurungaiyi Joan Suzanne Lancaster Grace Lantjin Anna Lantjin Latoya Lawford Chris Marsh Marlene Miler Lenore Miller Sean Nadji Angus Wilfred Nagawalli Jacinta Narjic Georgette Nilco Gerard Majella O’Brien Stephen Ortner Georgina Parmbuk Antoinette Possum Joseph Ronald Renata Nerida Riley Kayleen Tchooga Bon Francis Timaepatua Antonio Tipiloura Lester Wasaga Megan White Certificate I in Hospitality (Operations) Rhys Tein Bloedorn Aaron Daniel Fleming Natalie Elizabeth Inglis Caitlin Marie Krohn Carla Martins Faculty of Law, Business and Arts • Friday 14 October Amanda Matthews Kane Mola Sara Jane Rilstone Wendy Russell Rebecca Talbot - Clarke Certificate I in Music Industry (Foundation) Matthew Brown Gavan Bush Jason Butcher Ella Cavallaro Clayton Minor Leslie Pearce Jason Phillipus Kate Rush Lyall Chase Williams Certificate I in Retail Operations Nyaree Louise Carter Timothy Raymond Dunn Michael John Graves Pia Louise Hoey Lia Johnson-Strike Holly Anne Neale Timothy David Quinney Benita Mary Sankey Certificate I in Tourism (Australian Indigenous Culture) Pauline Norma Ngalmudbi Cooper Johnathon Pearson 13 October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Charles Darwin University Institute of Advanced Studies • Friday 14 October Master of Public Health Sara Elizabeth Baggley Brenda Ford Hasin Sharmeen Kayli Janine Wayte Graduate Diploma in Public Health Heather Moyle Graduate Certificate in Public Health Melanie Rosamund Schwarz Mavis (May) Walker-Jeffreys Graduate Certificate in Tropical Wildlife Management Peter James Wood 14 Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 14 October Doctor of Philosophy Christopher Joseph Brady Yeni Aryati Mulyani Thesis title: Birds as indicators of rehabilitation success at Gove Bauxite Mine Thesis title: Reproductive ecology of tropical mangrovedwelling warblers: the roles of nest predation, brood parasitism and food limitation Mining has a high environmental impact over a relatively small area, and mining companies are now expected to rehabilitate mined land. Mining of the Alcan (formerly Nabalco) bauxite deposit near Gove, in North-eastern Arnhem Land, began in 1973, when Alcan also began their rehabilitation program. As part of the evaluation of this program, birds were surveyed over two years to assess their value as bio-indicators of rehabilitation success. The number of bird species richness and their abundance increased steadily with rehabilitation age until they closely resembled the open forest surrounding the mining lease. However, the species composition of the latter (burnt) forest differed somewhat from that of the oldest (unburnt) rehabilitation areas. The response of birds to the rehabilitation gradient differed from that of spiders and insects, but it is argued that birds provide a more “user-friendly” indicator group, which can be monitored easily by non-specialists. The aim of this PhD study was to compare breeding characteristics of two Gerygone (warbler) species found in mangroves with those of their temperate relatives. Over the last decade studies have shown that tropical songbirds differ significantly in many life history characteristics from those of the temperate region. In particular, tropical birds have longer breeding seasons, smaller clutches, slower growth, and higher nest mortality. These differences are most often attributed to greater losses of eggs and young to diverse predators, or to lower food availability, due to less marked thermal seasonality in the tropics. Extensive field observations, experiments and data modelling showed that nest predation, as well as nest parasitism by a small cuckoo, were important factors contributing to reproduction of one species, while abundance of small insects was more important for the other species. These findings suggest diverse avian life history responses to the monsoon tropics. Ian Mackintosh Hillock Claire Streten Thesis title: Rethinking colonial endeavour in relation to agricultural settlement in the Northern Territory, 1863 to 1945: a critical perspective Thesis title: Strawberry Lethal Yellows and Green Petal Diseases in Australia – Etiology and Genetic Diversity This thesis argues that a succession of colonial governments thwarted development in the Northern Territory by not allowing local autonomy to develop sufficiently so that local people could contribute in an appropriate and effective way to the establishment of permanent agricultural settlements. This helps to explain why colonial settlement was less successful in the Territory than in the rest of Australia. The mark is set within a wider framework of studies of colonial economic development, especially those sponsored through government intervention. Julie Margaret Martin Thesis title: The Distribution, Abundance and Trophic Ecology of the Fishes of Darwin Harbour Mangrove Habitats This study examined the role of mangroves in the distribution, abundance and trophic relationships of the fish of Darwin Harbour. This research shows that fish in Darwin Harbour clearly travel large distances into the mangrove forests to forage at high tide. Every available niche appeared to be exploited, from the seaward edge to one of the shallowest intertidal habitats. In addition, the mangrove forests in upstream tributaries supported high densities of larval and juvenile fish during the wet season. A number of economically important species were found as juveniles and the most abundant species are prey for recreationally important fish. Close trophic links between the mangroves themselves and fish in the harbour were observed. These links need to be taken into account in the future management of development in Darwin Harbour. Phytoplasmas are bacteria associated with many diseases in Australia including strawberry lethal yellows (SLY) and strawberry green petal (SGP), a very poorly understood group of organisms worldwide. The focus areas of this research were the major strawberry growing regions in Queensland and the Northern Territory where these diseases are of concern. This study was undertaken in close collaboration with strawberry growers and the Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (QDPI&F). Molecular tools were used to discover that diseased plants were infected with multiple phytoplasmas and a rickettsia-like-organism. 18 new host plant species for these disease organisms were discovered, providing an important insight into where the disease is maintained between cropping cycles. The study identified and described 26 new phytoplasmas genes; this work was published in the journal ‘Microbiology’. The molecular diagnostic tests used in this study are now used by QDPI&F as part of their nursery clean scheme. This PhD work was recognised in the finalist category of the 2005 Northern Territory Innovation Board Awards. Jacqueline Marie Widin Thesis title: The Internationalisation of education: project implementation and stakeholder interests This thesis examined two international projects in the field of English language education, drawing on project documents and interviews with twenty-five participants, including Australian managers, university lecturers, and teachers in the Asian countries involved. While the main concern of the thesis is with the benefit for participants from such projects, it also explores other discrepancies between project plans October Graduation Ceremony 2005 15 Charles Darwin University Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 14 October and operations. For example, the project documents acknowledge the languages and cultures of the Asian countries involved, and yet the actual project work takes for granted Australian cultural expectations and the use of English. Doctor of Teaching Karen Eva Jacobson Maria Marguerita Marriner Stephen William Maus Master of Applied Linguistics Andrew Abbott Jennifer Anne Banks Karen Margaret Dalton Diane Elizabeth Dekker Elizabeth Braun Foerster Donna Sheree MacIntosh Janelle Margaret Wenger Ju-Hong Yun Master of Education Desiree Marise Patricia Canning Mark Arthur Ionn Graduate Diploma in Geographic Information Billee McGinley Graduate Diploma in Primary Education Tracy May Ahearn Gillian Heather Banks Karen Margret Dalton Catherine Farmer Elise Lucy Fernon Anne-Maree Fewtrell Tamara Gallagher Kaye Maureen Legge Kristina Marie Marriner Fiona Margaret Oliver Christine June Simpson Robyn Elizabeth Tidswell Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education Fansi Hitanaya Nicholas Jack Renae Mia King Graduate Diploma in Tropical Environmental Management Eva Hruskova Graduate Certificate in Alcohol and Other Drug Studies Simone Linda O’Mealley Paul John Woodward Graduate Certificate in Australian Indigenous ESL Teaching Joy Sandefur Graduate Certificate in Education Bernadette Anne Eaton 16 Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Graduate Certificate in Special Education Marnie Joy Hopkins Graduate Certificate in Tropical Environmental Management Jennifer Anne Harlock Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours Graeme Michael Blake Christabelle Jean Cockin Bachelor of Science with Second Class Honours, Division A James Benjamin Lewis Bachelor of Behavioural Science Kelly Jane Andrews Emily Katherine Delves Chrystalla Maria Kazamias Roslyen Sara Messina Myfanwy Jayne Powell Sarah Jane Speed Gary John Turnbull Bachelor of Children’s Services Maryanne Alum Karen Margaret Barnes Kathryn Laverne Van Schaik Bachelor of Education Kelly Maree Brunt Janet Elizabeth Buncle Chantel Canning Letitia Phoebe Clark Jennifer Ruth Da Silva Cary Douglas Fuller Jennifer Ann Hackenberg Vicki Louise Hayes Rainee Herron Nicole Katherine Miller Tanya Lesley Thomson Janine Gia Toft Renee Marina White Bachelor of Environmental Science Sally Jacka Sharee Emily Pickrell Jared Sellwood Andrew Wood Bachelor of Health Studies Cherie Ann Huxley Bachelor of Nursing Marcia May Hall Sarida Kathleen Harrison Brigid-Christie Horne Lacey Maree Hongell Shirley-Ann McCoombes Roslyn Robinson Peta-Anne Margaret Thompson Martin Francis Wittenberg Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 14 October Bachelor of Psychology Eleni Skarlatos Diploma of Lands Parks and Wildlife Management Samantha Marnie Holder Bachelor of Science Gregory Betts Philip Tarl Denson Kym Eileen Eagle Christopher Holt Haylee Kate Robinson Tadek Michael Rudz Tony Silva Alexandra Jayne Williams Diploma of Occupational Health and Safety Desmond Phillip Biglin Brendan James Craker Wayne Francis Dries Rebecca Jane Gear Robert Arthur Hangan Bachelor of Teaching Kym Eileen Eagle Juanita Elizabeth McDonald Eleonore Simpson Georgia Tsikouris Shani Valerie Vass Bachelor of Vocational and Adult Education Heather Jane Windebank Advanced Diploma of Vocational and Adult Education Christobel Margaret Flavell Susan Jane Gerrand Marcia Patricia Thomas Diploma of Children’s Services Cheryl Leanne Anderson Christine Armstrong Robert Bonnar Christine Thelma Borserio Anne Juice Bryant Pamela Jane Dobie Debra May Higgins Beverley Hogan Tanya Palavi Emma Louise Swan Robyn Maree Walker Debbie Anne Wilkinson Emma Victoria Wood Diploma of Community Welfare Work Florent Alcidi Diploma of Conservation and Land Management William James Cumberland Brett Peter Devitt Roger Paul Matthews Robert Arthur Joseph Moloney Diploma of Horticulture (Arboriculture) Ronald Alexander Smith Diploma in Horticulture (Nursery) Andrew Douglas Spedding Diploma of Training and Assessment Systems Steven Michael Brown Rebecca Jane Burgess Nancy Louise Cowham Kerrie Horgan David John Ollerton Tania Jane Paul Kelly Perry Mosiana Heti Taufalele-Johns Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs Work Helen Margaret Applin Martina Therese Foley Barbara Kapser Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training Jaqueline Ann Adams Judith Ahern Adriana Albertini Vanaja Arakkal Katrina Bangay Kathryn Lynette Bannister Melissa Anne Belfanti Bronwyn Bidoli Glenn Bird Alistair Brice Patricia Rose Brogan Darren Stephen Brown Kim Theresa Brown Roy Bunnett Simon Paul Burgess Annette Margaret Burke Clint Ashley Calman Maria Luzia Gomes Casimiro Alan Carl Challis Helen Linda Clark Michael Jess Clark Wendy Jean Coleman Nadia Margaret Compagnon Glenn Vincent Constable Julia May Grace Cooper Sumaria Mary Corpus Ken Wayne Couzens Adrian Grant Creighton John Critchley Michael Crothers Mandy Jane Crow Karen Louise Cucilovic Michael Neil Cullen Vijay Daniels Trevor Lawrence Deane Lorraine Christina Docherty Larrissa Anne Donaldson Brett Andrew Dudley October Graduation Ceremony 2005 17 Charles Darwin University Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 14 October 18 Gerald William Dunbar Donald James Elphick Raina Hindmarsh Emerson Joanne Caroline Fox Sharon Fullarton Tony James Fuller Robert Geaney James Patrick Gentle Katherine Liza Maree Glass Judy May Goodwin-Roach Katherine Jane Gregory Colin Hanson Adrian Douglas Hendry Robin John Heslop John Brian Hogarth Janet Louise Howarth-Eaton Nerida Ann Hoyle John William Humphries Karyne Humphris Peter Geoffrey Jackman Jessica Kathryn Louise Jackson Robert Bruce James Kristen Michelle Jones Leonard Neale Joy Leah Kats Diane Maree Kearney Jennifer Kay Kirby Iain James Knight Dominic Jean Le Souef Stephen Richard Liebersbach Graham John Locke Susan Elizabeth Luxon John Keith Mader Zygmunt Madycki Semisi Kuli Malupo Christopher Simon Manuel Edward Castine McBride Gary Richard McCarthy Carolyn McDonald Virginia Lee Ann Morris Melodie Murphy Mark Patrick Murray Wendy Anne Naaykens Michelle Ann O’Keeffee Patricia Dawn Olsson Geoff Page Ian Harry Parkinson David Pettit Janzey Pratt David Reed Robert Alan Richards Stephen Christopher Roberts Peta-Maree Robertson John Rodden Candy Elizabeth Ross Annette Joan Royle Charles Joseph Rue Greg Ryan Maria May Ryan Ross Sydney Salau Colin Saukura Robert William Scrymgour Timothy Frederick Simpson Patrica Alison Slocum Susan Margaret Smiley Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Douglas Smith Graeme Smith Marty Kenneth Smith Robyn Annette Smith Lyndon Snelling Tracy Ann Spillman Tracy Sylvester Michelle Louise Symes Penelope Louise Tilley Nicole Marie Traves Peter William Tremain Fiona Joy Upstill Rutger Van Alpen De Veer David Van Der Tang Marion Von Gerhardt Margaret Ann Walton Malcolm Alexander Watts John Stuart Wharam Cal Stanley Williams Elizabeth Anne Williams David Edward Wise Nolan Woolley Yolande Lucinda Yep Temira Cara Young Jeanette Eileen Zaglas Luisa Maria Zappavigna Certificate IV in Community Services (Aged Care Work) Sally Ann Wagg Certificate IV in Community Services (Disability Work) Pamela Johnson Certificate IV in Community Services and Health (Enrolled Nurse) Janet Catherine Barton Annette Jane Davies Michael John O’Shea Certificate IV in Community Services Work Shani Carol Darby Glenda Ivy Davis Peter Cornelis Geel Kathryn Gale Germina Patricia Mary Gilbert Anne Margaret Huddleston Kirsten Jones Barbara Kapser Jade Trudi Rogers Giovanna (Gianna) Saputo Maria Belen Slocombe Lesley Ann Tonks Anne Lynette Van Boxtel Certificate IV in Conservation and Land Management Stephen Mark Berris Roger Paul Matthews Certificate IV in Education (Teacher Aide) Deborah Maria Welch Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 14 October Certificate IV in Education Support Bessy Kriss Neil Douglas May Denise Irene Ryan Certificate IV in Fitness Corrie John De Wit Tara Lorraine Lee Certificate IV in Occupational Health and Safety Brendan James Cracker Rebecca Jane Gear Phillip Michael Harrington Paul Michalik David Carl Poulsen Certificate IV in Sport (Development) Corrine Margaret Warhurst Certificate IV in Supporting Students With Additional Needs Jennifer Conti Suzanne Hornick Jennifer Kirby Yvonne Miles Kim Peta Ramdor Lilian Ann Richardson Martina Annette Watt Certificate IV in Youth Work Steven Arthur Barker Roderick Black Cheryl Anne Cahill Gillian Campbell Christopher Colbran Shani Carol Darby Glenda Ivy Davis Caroline Oriel Fawcett Peter Geel Patricia Mary Gilbert Barbara Kapser David Brian Morrow Melissa Kaye Rumball Jade Trudi Rogers Lesley Ann Tonks Anne Lynette Van Boxtel Certificate III in Aged Care Work Julie Ann Cummings Samone Diamond Puangpet Dymock Priscilda Hickman Rebecca Hudson Lucia Daniel Kiden Christine Ann McLachlan Teena Sue Stapledon Yvette Louise Stubbington Imke Van Meijel Certificate III in Agriculture (Beef Cattle Production) Catherine Julia Jane Whap Certificate III in Children’s Services Benilda Aralar Catherine Brown Claire Budgen Prudence D’Mello Joanne Evans Kathleen Anne Fejo Jarrah Ebony Hawksworth Kerry Anne Keys Sarah Anne King Lina Febria Lay Cirila Matthews Rebecca Ann McAlear Medy Capulong Milsom Tammy Lorrell Nai-Smith Alanna Louise Oppermann Corrina Faye Peckham Renee Louise Playford Joanne Vanessa Schmidtchen Anthea Kandapuma Step Karina Stephens Panagiota Theodorakopoulos Kate Simone Tucker Cherie Vance Lynette Claire Watson Natalie Woodcock Certificate III in Community Services (Community Work) Pornphen Karaket Sharon Rebecca May Lisa Pratt Arthur Verdun Turley Certificate III in Community Services Work Mica Laree Fleming Certificate III in Community Services (Disability Work) Romano Ongkiko Certificate III in Community Services (Youth Work) Susan Maree Bartlett Certificate III in Conservation and Land Management Tanya Marie Callanan Joseph Michael D’Arcy Stewart Sadler Grant John Alexander Randall Leilani Weathers Certificate III in Disability Work Emma Dawn Collins Maren Sofie Wiebelskircher Certificate III in Advanced English Proficiency (Second Language) Mawar Aslamiah Meseke Guya Benjamin Louis Morris Kristopher Emmanuel Lojang Nehemiah MacAbuhay Wely Ferderika Wood Doni Yuswanto October Graduation Ceremony 2005 19 Charles Darwin University Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 14 October Certificate III in Fitness Sasithorn Alford Matthew Louis Armstrong Juliet Elizabeth Bird Natalie Bueti Samuel Ian Chun-Linn Kerrie Maree Coey Litza Anne Cooper Glynn Davies Brian Richard Day Kaaryn Louise Jakobson Katrina Marie Laughton Julie Ann Leach Noelene Anne McCreadie Jason Grant McKay Susanne Karen Mills Veronica Monaghan Marnie Clare Schenk Christina Skarlatos Ngaire Stephenson Stephen Nicholas Williams Certificate III in Horticulture Amie Wilson Certificate III in Horticulture (Landscape) Matthew Diatschenko Certificate III in Horticulture (Turf Management) Aaron Grame Certificate III in Conservation and Land Management Brett Peter Devitt Certificate III in Laboratory Skills Estefania Copta Certificate III in Occupational Health and Safety Desmond Phillip Biglin Brendan James Craker Phillip Michael Harrington Paul Michalik David Carl Poulsen Gary Albert Gordon Staines Certificate III in Seafood Industry (Aquaculture) Sarah Jane Logue 20 Certificate III in Spoken and Written English John Aba Aba Justo Nyi Aung Esther Canmue Leilani Bulong Castillo Riana Dolok Saribu Linnette Eang Kanokwan Eldridge Jeany Feeney Preamjai Francis Ziling Haran Emmanuel Hamana Havugimana James Itto Dee Sobono Jabateh Thi Hoang Anh Pham Saengduean Pontong Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Certificate III in Youth Work Cheryl Anne Cahill Certificate II in Agriculture Bruce Anderson Richard Gavin Bate Sally Louise Conway Chelsea Elizabeth Creedy Phillip Godfrey Rachael Ellen Jamieson Neil Mathieson Mitchell Kent Mouritz Chelsea Maree Palmer Lee Rhodes Kahil Williams Kylie Williams Chris Young Certificate II in Agriculture (Beef Cattle Production) Mitchell John Thompson Certificate II in Asset Maintenance (Pest Management - Technical) Paul Jones Frederick Duncan McCoy Mark Anthony Rheuben Colin Lindsay Smith Certificate II in Community Services (Aged Care Work) Judith Alison Lowe Certificate II in Conservation and Land Management Stacey Lee Bulluss Kendrick Bush Sally Bernadette Dowdell Stewart Hodgson Timothy Martin Matthew James Shields Certificate II in Horticulture Daniel Grant Cocks David Andrew Greenway Certificate II in Horticulture (Nursery) Kathryn Margaret Stockwin Certificate II in Horticulture (Parks and Gardens) Peter Gilson Certificate II in Introductory Vocational Education Jason Bourchier Eunice Louise Watling Certificate II in Spoken and Written English Mohamedzen Aba Bor Aba Diga Supit Askorn Nina Atkins Vera Babic Uchaya Bachu Suphalak Bualoeng Domingas Butler Khim Chhuon Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 14 October Patimah Core Oi Fitton Feni Hawati Huyen Phuong Le Dorthe Leerberg Inna Lutwyche Valentina Manek Phuong Thi Yen Phan Grazyna Jolanta Pulczynska Sompit Taengtang Tuyet Tran Mercia Yetty-Dyer Qing Ru Zhou Certificate II in Sport and Recreation Malcolm Joel Canendo Certificate I in Conservation and Land Management Kenny Ahfat Ian Bil Bil Stanley Bilbil Andrew John Bolton Pauline Cooper Glen Michael Cronin Bob Daly Robert Gordon Nicholas Jorrock Henry Jorrock Jermaine Kenny Nigel Kilgariff Kevin Lansen Tyron Mardi Cyril Modikan Glen Morgan Russell Mundy Brendan Parry Camillus Parry Davis Parry Jason Parry Keith Parry Jessica Scheibe Michael John Spiegel Leslie Tchemjini Bruno Wilson Tasman Yarrowin Certificate I in Horticulture Rilmurrmurr Dhamarranydji Pixie Njapandala Marika Wendy Marika Munrrkitj Marika Alison Yalwundi Marika Daylulu Marika Certificate I in Spoken and Written English Omer Ahmed Ping Bennett Balbina Akongo Jackson Rejoyce Joseph Keji Simon Lemi Kenyi Surat Phimbupha Yasnay Tamayo Aldama Mariam Yamin 21 October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Charles Darwin University Faculty of Technology • Friday 14 October Doctor of Philosophy Paul Leslie Chandler Thesis title: 2D and 3D Electromagnetic and Material Loss Analysis of an Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machine This study investigates various methods of optimising the design of axial flux permanent magnet machines. Axial flux permanent magnet machines are highly efficient electric motors, with efficiencies of around 95%. These motors are currently the design of choice for solar cars and electric and hybrid vehicles. Using finite element modelling techniques it was shown that the design of the machines can be further optimised, resulting in an efficiency gain of about 0.1%. Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Kenneth James Ralph Bachelor of Engineering with Third Class Honours Richard Oppusunggu Bachelor of Information Technology Joanna Siriporn Albert Jason Michael Chan Sam Allen Michael Hall Chad Lion Huy Tran Diploma of Information Technology (Network Engineering) Helmia Binti Ahmad Alkatiri Sean David Donnelly Francisco Kratschmer Warren David Smith En Wang Paula Joycelyn Wilson Prasert Yackoksung Diploma of Logistics Management Monika Magdalena Flaherty John Steven Grundler Ian Charles Trimboli Brian Voak Certificate IV in Driving Instruction Matthew Clarke Desleigh Rae Dunnett Volker Mischker Ian Robert Towns Peter William Tremain Noel Andrew Trembath Leslie Ernest Whittaker 22 Certificate IV in Information Technology (Client Support) Wyatt Seth Barnes Adrian Patrick Benstead Julie Alison Bevan Bede Carroll Herwin Dante Suellen Valerie Drinkwater Timothy Martin Bernard Jarvis Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Kieran Emery Johnson Daniel Wayne Lake Sakelarios Charlie Maglis Nancy McCann Adam Keith Perfrement Jane Elizabeth Rich Gavin James Still Nang Sri Phong Tip Christopher Westwood Certificate IV in Transport and Distribution (Warehousing and Storage) Brenton John Beck Roger Anthony Munro Certificate III in Automotive Andrew Gordon Coghlan Gavin Peter Donzow Darby Douglas Simon Gfeller Luke Travis Hohn Craig Andrew Gordon Johnston Christian Knights Robert Krikke Nicholas Lee Peter John Manning Peter John May David McAdam Jonathan Sauer Bede Bartholomew Skewes Mitchell Leigh Varney Ian Noel Warby Nickolas John Williams Certificate III in Automotive (Sales - Parts Interpreting) Bradley Fyfe Kassidi Arnold Lally Certificate III in Electrotechnology Refrigeration and Airconditioning Adam Crassweller Brendon Bea Laverty Jerome Luke Prime Reid Robinson Malcolm John Roney Certificate III in Electrotechnology Systems Electrician Setefano Havea Ahovelo John David Andrew Cameron Keogh Conboy Benjamin David Cooper Manolis Darkadakis Andrew Thomas Elkin Steven Derek Gorie Todd Jason Gross Shannon David Gutte Russell Arthur Hall Joel Gordon Harvey Ashley Keogh-Hunt Adam Nicholas Steven Michael Nicholls Jack Powick Faculty of Technology • Friday 14 October Daniel Stevens Malcolm Desmond Trattles Trevor Williams Gavan George Wright Certificate III in Engineering (Fabrication Trade) Michael Sam Clarkson Damien Cleak Adrian Leigh Kroonstuiver Warren Frederick William McCoy Gary John Moon Andrew Neate Matthew Wallace Parmenter Dean Andrew Renshaw Tom Shepherd Anthony John Thomas Darren James Watson Luke Edward Wilks Certificate III in General Construction (Carpentry) Ricky Clifford Spears Adam John Withers Certificate III in Engineering (Mechanical Trade) Benjamin James Sands Certificate III in Information Technology (General) Ryan Lewis Tregea Certificate III in Transport and Distribution (Administration) Michael Gates Ian Anderson Irvine Gary Morton Manuel Santos Joe Peter Sehrcke Robert Malcolm Thompson Certificate III in Transport and Distribution (Road Transport) Aaron Brown Mark Andrew Cappelluti Adam Clark-Shulver John Fridmanis Ronald James Gates Natasha Lee Graham Philip Stanley Harris Aaron Honner Andrew Houltham Kevin Humphrys John Ingham Nicolaas Vermeulen Paul Whiley Certificate III in Transport and Distribution (Warehousing and Storage) Wayne Ackland Douglas Ahlberg Thomas Ainuu Graeme Annett Sam Azzopardi David Bannerman Ian Barnes Mark Bates Kerin Beard Reuben Beckley Murray Bowers Caine Bracken Simon James Bradford Robert Brandt Kevin Britton Daniel Brown Wilfredo Callaghan Brendan Carlson Geoffrey Chandler Trevor Clark Lisa Collison Shane David Cork Harold Cornell Carlos Correia Robert Darcy Alan Davis John Digiandomenico Mark Donatucci Piero Donatucci David Driver Paul Figiel Joseph Grech Russell Gugger Daniel Peter Hall Scott Hardie Leslie Harrison Michael Hennigan Colin Heselwood Minh Hoang Anthony Holden Daniel Holland Russell Holmes Justin Huckstepp David Humpage Ramota Ierome Christopher Izatt Andrew Johnston Bradley Keen Gordon Kernot Alan King Peter Knight Andrew Lawrance Stephen Andrew Lawson Craig Linden Adam Lockyer Heng Ly John Lynch Junior Maiava Paul Marks James Martini Alan Menzies Darren Andrew Millen Elisaia Neti Andrew Newton Danilo Pamonag Richard Postuma Geoffrey Richards Peter Robertson Zenon Ryfinski Kim Sam Daniel Scherpenisse Steven Sharp Paul Spinney Michael Stankovski October Graduation Ceremony 2005 23 Charles Darwin University Faculty of Technology • Friday 14 October Charles Storrie Aldo Tatasciore Micka Tauliko Mark Terry Nathan Triffit David Turner Michael Turner Andrew Vasil Frank Ventura Wayne Wallace William Wayne Gregory Wearne Terry Robert Wood John Zarb Christopher Zarb Certificate II in Automotive Chad Anthony Fox Robert Tony Koimala Certificate II in Electrotechnology Remote Area Essential Services Max Junior Ah Fat Rexie Ali Anawawadidma David Edwin Anderson Neville John Andrews Jacob Bara Gavin John Bell Patrick Blair Simon Brown Edward Anthony Carter Adrian Cooper Rueben Shane Cooper Mathew Dharrgar Clinton Dixon Clint Anthony Fejo Dale Ben Griffin Gordon James Jackson Jima James Jeffrey Reginald Charles King Leigh Gordon Lawrence John Arthur Mason Norman Keith Merrin Michael Joel Mullins Robert Patrick O’Keefe Daniel Francis Sandy Peter Anthony Schwindt Joe Conrad Kris Tiati Graeme Robert Tierney Wayne Leslie Turland Certificate II in Engineering (Production) Devin Joe Cowham Aaron Daff Paul Kynigopoulos Certificate II in Entry Level Metals and Engineering Joshua Da Silva Bernardino Michael James Brown Christopher Royce Major Jack Ryan 24 Certificate II in Information Technology Aragorn William Maurice Baynes Aaron Graham Bunn Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Philippe Dupuy Denise Caroline Hunter Anchalee Kaewbuadee Alyssa Vera Malinao Martin Mostaard Susan Marie Neal Glomarie Ng John David Roodenrys Melinda Williams Dennis Yu Certificate II in Information Technology (Applications) Peta Ann Archer Monica Therese Bennion Louise Maree Czajkowski Jacqueline Ann Davern Janice Marjorie Domaschenz Lyndi Edwards Wendy Joy Fixter Daisy Siew Joon Forrest Naomi Gerardine Gardiner John Lawrence Gundersen Kristy Jean Jeffery Ryan James Mallard Peter John Mansell Genevieve Nawaluwa Odongo Jacinta Leigh Page Laqui Tualagi Papalii Shannon Michelle Rashleigh Kylie Maree Rautoka Benjamin Patrick Roberts Jarrad Shae Rowley Sara Ann Tornatora Kyaw Zin Win Rebecca Renee Winston Linda Anne Wu Joanne Karin Zeibig Certificate II in Transport and Distribution (Warehousing and Storage) Daniel Morgan Blake Allan Wegener Certificate I in Information Technology Gagree Bon Yannick Jacques Cocheu Marsha O’Reilly Linda Doreen Oakley Tracy Pickering Bianca Sabrina Simpson Bernadette Maria Simpson Certificate in Plumbing and Draining (Trade) Chris Keeping Thomas Gerald McCarthy Evangelos Samiotis Certificate in Plumbing, Draining and Gasfitting (Trade) Ronald Allen Baldock Trent Maxwell Prewett Off Shore Graduands • Friday 14 October Faculty of Technology Graduate Diploma in Information Technology Lam Kwong Yui Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Chen Chiu Sing Thomas Cheung Wing Mun Eddy Ying Tong Lee Faculty of Law, Business and Arts Master of Accounting Studies Yick Suk Han 25 October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Charles Darwin University Ceremony at Kolej TAFE Seremban Offshore • 16 October 2005 Diploma of Engineering (Electronics and Communications) Cheah Wai Loon Chen Tian Seong Chew Meng Hui Chong Chuin Chek Chong Futt Luan Chong Jian Shing Daniel Ng Chee Chuan Ganesan a/l Pajar Kunden Goh Kian Boon Hoo Wei Chen Jagathish a/l Retnasamy Koh Chin Tek Kumaravelan a/l Sivalingam Lai Chai Koon Lakshman a/l Ramachandran Lau Wan Hui Liew Chak Foong Mak Kar Hin Mohan a/l Thamilmani Prashantha Rao a/l Narisamario Sek Teck Kui Siow Kean Yoong Sri Jai Sivadasan a/l Balakrishnan Subramaniam Nadaraja Suresh a/l Govindasamy Tan Soon Hong Tee Lai Huei Tew Lay Peng Tey Chee Shin Yee Kim Yuong Diploma of Engineering (Mechanical) Cheok Chia Phern Foo Chow Fong Kau Pei Jing Kavindran a/l Sukumaran K.Janaraj a/l Krishnan Leong Wei Keen Loh Cha Kin Mohan a/l Avadiar Selvaraj Ng Choo Hin Ng Ka Woh Ng Kok Hun Prasath a/l Vedamurthi Pravin Kumar a/l Sreekaran Punian Selan a/l Supermeniyam See Yen Kuang Syukri Afrimansyah Bin M. Idris Thulasi Dass a/l Lokanathan Wong Chan Wai Wong Koon Seong 26 Diploma of Information Technology (Software Development) Amutha a/p Jeyaraj Belinda a/p Kolandasamy Claudia Colaco a/p Makol @ Michael Eau Yong Kien Kin Kalaimagal a/p Thamizhvanan Lee Kuan Soon Meygala a/p Gunasaigaran Parimala Devi a/p Lechchumanan Priya a/p Poonga Shia Wee Heng Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Suresh a/l Selvaraj Vasanthan a/l Subramaniyam Venkatramanan a/l Rathakrishnan Certificate IV in Engineering (Electronics and Communications) Cheah Wai Loon Chen Tian Seong Chew Meng Hui Chong Chuin Chek Chong Futt Luan Ganesan a/l Pajar Kunden Goh Kian Boon Hoo Wei Chen Jagathish a/l Retnasamy Koh Chin Tek Lai Chai Koon Lakshman a/l Ramachandran Lau Wan Hui Liew Chak Foong Mak Kar Hin Mohan a/l Thamilmani Prashantha Rao a/l Narisamario Sek Teck Kui Siow Kean Yoong Sri Jai Sivadasan a/l Balakrishnan Subramaniam Nadaraja Suresh a/l Govindasamy Tan Soon Hong Tee Lai Huei Tew Lay Peng Tey Chee Shin Yee Kim Yuong Certificate IV in Engineering (Mechanical) Cheok Chia Phern Foo Chow Fong Kau Pei Jing Kavindran a/l Sukumaran K.Janaraj a/l Krishnan Leong Wei Keen Loh Cha Kin Mohan a/l Avadiar Selvaraj Ng Choo Hin Ng Kok Hun Prasath a/l Vedamurthi Pravin Kumar a/l Sreekaran See Yen Kuang Thulasi Dass a/l Lokanathan Wong Chan Wai Wong Koon Seong Certificate IV in Information Technology Amutha a/p Jeyaraj Belinda a/p Kolandasamy Claudia Colaco a/p Makol @ Michael Eau Yong Kien Kin Kalaimagal a/p Thamizhvanan Lee Kuan Soon Meygala a/p Gunasaigaran Parimala Devi a/p Lechchumanan Priya a/p Poonga Shia Wee Heng Suresh a/l Selvaraj Vasanthan a/l Subramaniyam Venkatramanan a/l Rathakrishnan Autographs 27 October Graduation Ceremony 2005 Charles Darwin University Academic Dress DEGREE OF DOCTOR (other than the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy) • Festal gown of scarlet cloth of Cambridge doctoral pattern with 10cm facings and sleeve linings with the colour of the doctoral degree • Black velvet bonnet with silver cord and tassel • Hood of scarlet cloth lined with silk of the relevant award colour specified in Table 1 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY • Festal gown of scarlet cloth of Cambridge doctoral pattern faced with cream silk • Black velvet bonnet with cream cord and tassel • Hood fully lined with claret silk and edged with cream silk MASTERS DEGREES • Black gown of Cambridge masters pattern • Black trencher/mortar board with black tassel • Hood fully lined with the relevant award colour specified in Table 1 and edged with white silk GRADUATE DIPLOMAS AND CERTIFICATES DEGREE OF BACHELOR • Black gown of Cambridge bachelors pattern • Black trencher/mortar board with black tassel • Hood trimmed with the relevant award colour specified in Table 1 DIPLOMAS/ADVANCED DIPLOMAS/ASSOCIATE DEGREES • Black gown • No hood or trencher • Full length stole ASSOCIATE DIPLOMAS/CERTIFICATE IV • Black gown • No hood or trencher • Full length stole CERTIFICATES OTHER THAN CERTIFICATE IV • Black gown Table 1 Colours are allocated to groups of awards in areas which form a broad field of study, as follows: Field of Study Natural and Physical Sciences Information Technology Engineering and Related Technology Architecture and Building Colour Moss Green Cossack Green Purple Magenta Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies Peony Red Health Pale Green Education Management and Commerce Society and Culture Creative Arts Food Hospitality and Personal Services Peach Powder Blue Gold Lemon Light Royal Blue Mixed Field Programs Lavender Indigenous Education New Red Charles Darwin University Graduation Program October 2005