R13_ECVET Credits Awarding Model
R13_ECVET Credits Awarding Model
Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Project title: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM WP6 - Pilot test on the enforcement of the Memorandum of Understanding MoU ECVET for the professional figures in health tourism COMMON EUROPEAN MODEL FOR ECVET CREDITS AWARDING to award the ECVET credits related to verified learning outcomes registered and transcribed applying Europass Certificate Supplement, in compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding - MoU ECVET for the new European common qualifications “Cosmetician”, “Health Tourism Manager”, and “Fitness/Wellness Assistant”, with the related individual signed Learning Agreements, and with the National and/or Regional rules on transparency and recognition of competences and qualifications in force in territories concerned by Pilot Test Model definition date: July 2014 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM (National and/or Regional rules on transparency and recognition of competences and qualifications in force in territories concerned by Pilot Test: in Hungary: 2013. évi LXXVII. törvény a felnőttképzésről, 2011. évi CLXXXVII. törvény a szakképzésről, 59/2013. (XII. 13.) NGM rendelet a felnőttképzési szakmai programkövetelmények nyilvántartásba vételének követelményeiről és eljárási rendjéről, valamint a szakmai végzettség megszerzésének igazolásáról, 393/2013. (XI. 12.) Korm. rendelet a felnőttképzési tevékenység folytatásához szükséges engedélyezési eljárásra és követelményrendszerre, a felnőttképzést folytató intézmények nyilvántartásának vezetésére, valamint a felnőttképzést folytató intézmények ellenőrzésére vonatkozó részletes szabályokról, 315/2013. (VIII.28.) Korm. rendeletet a komplex vizsgáztatás szabályairól; in Italy - Umbria Region, at national level Legislative Decree 13 of 16 January 2013, at regional level DGR 1429 / 2007 of Umbria Region and its later modifications and integrations; in Belgium: Décret Communauté française du 22 octobre 2003 : MB 1.12.2003 (French Community Decree of October 22, 2003), Décret Région wallonne du 13 novembre 2003 : MB 23.01.2004 (Walloon Decree of 13 November 2003), Décret Cocof du 7 novembre 2003 : MB 03.05.2004 (Cocof Decree of 7 November 2003); in Romania: Legea educaţiei naţionale nr. 1/2011 cu modificările si completările ulterioare, Legea nr 167/2013 pentru modificarea şi completarea OG nr. 129/2000 privind formarea profesională a adulţilor, precum şi actele normative subsecvente OG 129/2000, “Procedurii de evaluare şi certificare a competenţelor profesionale obţinute pe alte căi decât cele formale”, aprobată prin Ordinul ministrului educaţiei şi cercetării şi al ministrului muncii, solidarităţii sociale şi familiei nr. 4543/468/2004, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare; in Slovakia: Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 282/2009 Coll. on Secondary Schools, Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 318/2008 Coll. on Completion of Study at Secondary Schools, Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 326/2008 Coll. on Types and Appropriate Characteristics of Certificates and Other Documents including the Ways of their Registration and Storage) Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 2 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM GRANTED THAT The project “ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM” is a multilateral intervention for transfer of innovation (ToI) underway within the sub-programme Leonardo da Vinci of EU Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-13. The project is financed within the priority “ECVET for transparency and recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications (LEO-TraInno-11)” of the Leonardo da Vinci ToI projects, and as such it is aimed to apply the European tools and frameworks EQF and ECVET to people operating in health tourism sector, particularly through the establishment of a Memorandum of Understanding ECVET for the European qualifications “Cosmetician”, “Fitness-wellness assistant”, and “Health-tourism Manager” defining these qualification fields in terms of learning outcomes, mapping them onto the EQF via national qualifications frameworks and systems, designing qualifications in transferable units of learning outcomes with allocation of credit points, and by means of its enforcement (Learning Agreements, Credits Awarding, Transfer, Validation and Accumulation) through related VET programmes with flexible devices for validation, transfer and recognition of learning outcomes achieved in formal, informal and non-formal contexts. The development and recognition of citizens′ knowledge, skills and competence are crucial for their personal and professional development and for competitiveness, employment and social cohesion in the Community. Applying ECVET Credit Awarding Model facilitates mobility for workers and learners. The project has as an object to facilitate the participation in borderless lifelong learning for all, and transfer, recognition and accumulation of assessed learning outcomes achieved in formal, non-formal and informal contexts of individuals who are aiming to achieve a qualification. This will improve the general understanding of citizens′ learning outcomes and their transparency, transnational mobility and portability across and within Member States in a borderless lifelong learning area. The Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding in Health Tourism is focusing on achieving transparency and recognition of Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 3 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM learning outcomes of the following sectoral professions: Cosmetician, Health-tourism Manager and Fitness-wellness Assistant. It is applicable for all learning outcomes which are in principle achievable through a variety of education and learning paths and then be transferred and recognised. This ECVET Credits Awarding facilitates the development of flexible and individualised pathways and also the recognition of those learning outcomes which are acquired through non-formal and informal learning. ECVET Credits Awarding: Awarding to the involved employees/entrepreneurs/trainees (“Candidates”), by the concerned VET providers/Professional skills assessment centres as recognition of those learning outcomes which are acquired through non-formal and informal learning, a Competence Profile Certificate. In order to qualify for the professional qualification “Cosmetician” / “Fitness-wellness assistant” / “Health-tourism Manager” candidate needs to participate in training to acquire the missing competences. Awarding to the involved employees/entrepreneurs/trainees (“Candidates”), by the concerned VET providers/Professional skills assessment centres at the end of the training process the ECVET credits related to verified learning outcomes, also utilising Europass Certificate Supplement; Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 4 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Annex 1. – Cosmetician VET provider/Professional skills assessment centre (Name) (Location) (Contact) No. of assessment file: COMPETENCE PROFILE CERTIFICATE Professional qualification: Cosmetician Qualification code: EQF/NQF level (if applicable): Name…………………………………….. ID card number:…………………………….. Address:……………………………….street ……no…………..……city….. postal code …………….. country telephone number: ……………….. email: …………….….…..@.......................................... ………………………… (name of VET provider/Skills assessment centre) has assessed the learning outcomes of the candidate and the performance achieved is the following: No. Learning outcomes of activity areas Assessment result pass fail 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Editing eyelashes and eyebrows Facial hair discoloration, removal, depilation Skin care due to its type Massage Fat reduction, strengthening muscles and subcutaneous tissue treatments 6. Depilation 7. Hand massage 8. Pre make-up care 9. Decorative make-up 10. European occupational safety and health directives and its annexes, and local requirements 11. Cleaning or keeping clean certain work surfaces 12. Cosmetic counselling 13. Registering 14. Business and economic in a business enterprises Comments: Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 5 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Based on the above assessment Candidate acquired … credit points. In order to qualify for the professional qualification “Cosmetician” candidate needs to participate at training to acquire the missing competences in the following activity areas: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Date: Assessor’s signature Read and understood: ………………………… Date: Candidate’s signature Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 6 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Annex 1.1 – Cosmetician Units of Learning Outcomes Activities 1. Editing eyelashes and eyebrows Learning Outcomes Units Related ECVET credit points •understand how to prepare the treatment and the importance of adapting theoretical and practical knowledge in the procedure •be able to carry out the procedure •be able to carry out the procedure •be able to carry out the procedure 2. Facial hair discoloration, removal, depilation •understand how to prepare the treatment and the importance of adapting theoretical and practical knowledge in the procedure •be able to dilute peroxide •be able to carry out the procedure 3. 4. 5. 6. Skin care due to its type Massage Fat reduction, strengthening muscles and subcutaneous tissue treatments Depilation •be able to describe skin assessment methods and equipment •be able to describe assessment criteria •to be able to assess the skin and diagnose its condition •to explain the terms tonus, turgor and why it is important in the procedure •be able to carry out the steaming procedure •understand the importance of steaming •be able to carry out the cleansing procedure •understand the importance of cleansing •understand the effects of the treatment and the importance of adapting theoretical and practical knowledge in the procedure •be able to use the equipment and products appropriately •be able to carry out the treatment •be able to carry out the treatment •understand the effects of the treatment and the importance of adapting theoretical and practical knowledge in the procedure •be able to use the equipment and products appropriately •understand how to prepare the treatment and the importance of adapting theoretical and practical 2 3 3 3 2 5 4 6 3 5 8 1 3 2 3 6 2 Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 7 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Activities Learning Outcomes Units Related ECVET credit points knowledge in the procedure •be able to carry out the procedure 7. Hand massage 8. Pre make-up care 9. Decorative make-up 10. European occupational safety and health directives and its annexes, and local requirements 11. Cleaning or keeping clean certain work surfaces •be able to carry out the after care procedure •understand how to prepare the treatment and the importance of adapting theoretical and practical knowledge in the procedure •be able to use the equipment and products appropriately •understand the effects of the treatment and the importance of adapting theoretical and practical knowledge in the procedure •be able to carry out the treatment •be able to use the equipment and products appropriately to provide pre make - up care •be able to create the make -up with characteristic features that suit the client's skin, style and needs •be able to use the equipment and products •be able to create the make -up with characteristic features that suit the client's skin, style and needs •be able to use the equipment and products •be able to create camouflage make -up with characteristic features that suit the client's skin, style and needs •be able to use the equipment and products •be able to copy make-up looks and match it with the style of the client •be able to create the make -up with characteristic features that suit the client's skin, style and needs •be able to use the equipment and products •able to identify, contain and eliminate the specific occupational and safety hazards •able to elevate the issues on the proper level the occurred incidents and safety risks •ability to check that health and safety instructions are followed 3 3 4 3 2 5 5 6 3 5 2 3 Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 8 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Activities 12. Cosmetic counselling Learning Outcomes Units Related ECVET credit points •be able to give advices and information that suit the client's needs 3 13. Registering • be able to create/run a functioning registry of client's files, equipment, tools, materials, products and economical documentation 1 1 1 1 14. Business and economic • be able to use EBC*L competencies in practice in a business enterprises 2 Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 9 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Annex 2. – Fitness-wellness assistant VET provider/Professional skills assessment centre (Name) (Location) (Contact) No. of assessment file: COMPETENCE PROFILE CERTIFICATE Professional qualification: Fitness-wellness assistant Qualification code: EQF/NQF level (if applicable): Name…………………………………….. ID card number:…………………………….. Address:……………………………….street ……no…………..……city….. postal code …………….. country telephone number: ……………….. email: …………….….…..@.......................................... ………………………… (name of VET provider/Skills assessment centre) has assessed the learning outcomes of the candidate and the performance achieved is the following: No. Learning outcomes of activity areas Assessment result pass fail 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Customer service – provision of information Referral of fitness, wellness and medical wellness services Sales activities and health-bar operations Data entry, management and safety Report management Preparation of written and printed material for internal communication purposes 7. Hygiene – cleaning and maintaining cleanliness 8. CPR and first aid assistance 9. European and local occupational safety regulation 10. Business and economics Comments: Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 10 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Based on the above assessment Candidate acquired … credit points. In order to qualify for the professional qualification “Fitness-wellness assistant” candidate needs to participate at training to acquire the missing competences in the following activity areas: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Date: Assessor’s signature Read and understood: ………………………… Date: Candidate’s signature Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 11 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Annex 2.1 – Fitness-wellness assistant Units of Learning Outcomes 1. Activities Learning Outcomes Units Related ECVET credit points Provide information Customer service - understands the dynamics of interpersonal communication - understands and utilizes excellent customer service requirements - understands the fitness equipment operations - knows the fitness equipment' purpose, operation methods and points of hazard - knows the general wellness services, their aim, the processes and treatments outcomes - knows the fitness and wellness products aim, method of utilization, operations - able to inform guests on facility related matters and up-to-date information - able to complete alone the process of pre-screening via questionnaire - able to input data into the computer system for further evaluation -able to communicate the adverse information to the guests - able to direct guests for further screening, or to a specialist within the facility - able to perform the evacuation process when necessary - able to utilize the telephone system perfectly and timely - able to perform excellent and targeted telephone conversations attracting guests to the facility - able to compose, write and execute e-mails or letters in her competence level -able to offer appropriate services for guests meeting their needs in a professional manner - able to communicate with colleagues and subcontractors aiming the total customer satisfaction of the guests - able to raise the upcoming issue on a higher level when necessary - utilizes the operations human resources structure to complete the tasks able to offer appropriate services for guests meeting their needs in a professional manner - able to communicate in professional manner in case of any problems aroused - able to find long term preventive solutions for the 2 2 2 2 2 2 Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 12 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Activities Learning Outcomes Units Related ECVET credit points problems aroused 2. 3. Referral of Fitness, Wellness and MedicalWellness Services Sales activities and health-bar operations able to carry out the physical assessment in a correct manner according to the procedures- understands the importance of the assessment and the importance of adapting theoretical and practical knowledge in the procedure - able to carry out the motivational assessment in a correct manner according to the procedures - understands the importance of the assessment and the importance of adapting theoretical and practical knowledge in the procedure - able to carry out the fitness services referral in a correct manner according to the procedures - understands the importance of adapting theoretical and practical knowledge in the procedure - able to carry out the wellness services and products referral in a correct manner according to the procedures - understands the importance of adapting theoretical and practical knowledge in the procedure - able to carry out the medical wellness services and products referral in a correct manner according to the procedures - understands the importance of adapting theoretical and practical knowledge in the procedure - able to carry out the cleaning methods according to the procedures and HACCP requirements - able to manage the inventory and continuously monitor the status of it - able to make regular inventory reports - able to identify clients' needs for specific nutrition requirements - able to recommend nutrition supplements reliably and accurately - able to detect and identify food allergy conditions - able to professionally execute sales operations for merchandise and facility fitness, wellness and medical wellness services - able to execute sales transactions for membership purchasing, renewal in a professional manner - able to propose the actual offers to the clients and sale the services products offered - able to motivate the clients for membership renewal, product or service purchasing 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 13 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Activities 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Data entry Data management and safety Report management Preparation of written and printed material for internal communication purposes Cleaning and keeping organized, neat and clean the work surfaces. CPR and First aid assistance 10. European occupational safety and health directives and its annexes, and local requirements 11. Business and economic in a business enterprises Learning Outcomes Units Related ECVET credit points - able to apply the cross selling procedures during the daily operations and sales activities - able to utilize on high-level the computer systems and office applications - ability to utilize the CRM and database applications - able to assess and maintain the workplace cleanliness standards - able to sustain an environmentally friendly operation of the facility - able to manage and manipulate raw data for internal reporting purposes - able to generate reports on key performance indicators on regular basis - able to operate the e-mail systems and perform the necessary correspondence - able to apply the business writing techniques on the job - able to operate the word processing software and perform the necessary correspondence - able to apply the business writing techniques on the job - able to operate the word graphic software and perform the necessary design tasks - able to apply the creative promotion techniques on the job - able to check that health and safety instructions are followed - adaptation of the required hygiene and safety practices within service area - able to maintain an environmentally friendly waste management during operations - able to perform BLS and CPR techniques in case of emergency - able to initiate the emergency phone calls - ability to utilize the semi- or fully automatic defibrillator - able to identify, contain and eliminate the specific occupational and safety hazards - able to elevate the issues on the proper level the occurred incidents and safety risks 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 4 6 2 - able to use EBC*L competencies in practice 2 Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 14 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Annex 3. – Health-tourism manager VET provider/Professional skills assessment centre (Name) (Location) (Contact) No. of assessment file: COMPETENCE PROFILE CERTIFICATE Professional qualification: Health-tourism manager Qualification code: EQF/NQF level (if applicable): Name…………………………………….. ID card number:…………………………….. Address:……………………………….street ……no…………..……city….. postal code …………….. country telephone number: ……………….. email: …………….….…..@.......................................... ………………………… (name of VET provider/Skills assessment centre) has assessed the learning outcomes of the candidate and the performance achieved is the following: No. Learning outcomes of activity areas Assessment result pass fail 1. Middle management tasks in institutions providing health tourism services 2. Business and economic in a business enterprise 3. Planning, organizing the health tourism job groups 4. Human Resource Management 5 Analyze and evaluate the operation of the business 6. Carry out quality control activities 7. Marketing, sales activities 8. PR activities 9. Provide information - Customer service 10. Prepare health tourism program packages 11. Administration 12. European occupational safety and health directives and its annexes, and local requirements 13. Supervise labour safety and medical regulations Comments: Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 15 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Based on the above assessment Candidate acquired … credit points. In order to qualify for the professional qualification “Health-tourism manager” candidate needs to participate at training to acquire the missing competences in the following activity areas: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Date: Assessor’s signature Read and understood: ………………………… Date: Candidate’s signature Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 16 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Annex 3.1 – Health-tourism manager Units of Learning Outcomes 1. Activities Learning Outcomes Units Related ECVET credit points Middle management tasks in institutions providing health tourism services Able to manage a business enterprise of health tourism independently Able to prepare a mature strategic plan of a health tourism institution Able to prepare a mature business strategy and a financial plan of a health tourism institution Able to work out Bylaws/Organizational and operational rules of a health tourism institution independently Able to supervise the cashflow of a business enterprise Able to carry out activities related to asset management 2. 3. 4. Business and economic Able to use EBC*L competencies in practice in a business enterprises Planning, organizing Able to organize the workflow effectively the health tourism job groups Able to handle and forward confidential information according to the regulations Able to cooperate in a team, able to work together with the members of the health tourism team and sales department Able to supervise the day-to-day work of the health tourism assistants Able to maintain good connections inside a health tourism institution Able to motivate a health tourism team, assistants and sales department Human Able to prepare a mature human resource plan Resource Management Able to organize a process of selecting workforce Able to prepare contracts of employments independently Able to prepare job descriptions of employments independently Able to carry out activities in connection with payroll management Able to prepare the compensation packages of the employees 5 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 17 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Activities Learning Outcomes Units Related ECVET credit points Able to prepare performance reviews Able to organize and lead educations and trainings. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Analyze and evaluate the operation of the business Able to understand and work statistical analysis with Carry out quality control activities Marketing, sales activities Able to carry out quality control activities PR activities Provide information Customer service 10. Prepare health tourism program packages Able to organize and take part in monitoring activities Able to prepare a marketing plan of a health tourism institution Able to prepare a sales strategy of a health tourism institution Able to conduct market research (with relevant actors of health tourism) Able to organize and supervise marketing acvities of a health tourism institution independently Able to monitor and check whether the sales targets are reached Able to organize and supervise PR activities of a health tourism institution independently Able to publish the official opinion of the institution independently Able to maintain good connections outside a health tourism institution Able to represent the health tourism institution efficiently (vis a vis business partners) Able to take part on health tourism meeting and prepare the necessary documents, protocols, drafts and memos about it Able to provide information about the services offered by the health tourism institution and achieve customers satisfaction Able to respond to guest inquiries in person, online and on phone Able to prepare tenders and corresponding documents Able to ask relevant quotations, collate, analyze and select the best offers Able to prepare a realistic calculation 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 4 2 4 2 4 4 1 4 3 3 2 2 Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 18 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Activities 11. Administration 12. European occupational safety and health directives and its annexes, and local requirements 13. Supervise labour safety and medical regulations Learning Outcomes Units Related ECVET credit points Able to prepare health tourism program packages for the customers Able to generate reports and statistics and conclude from these Able to carry out data management and safety of an institution Able to prepare leaflets, billboard and information materials Able to check the documents and incoming & outgoing invoices Able to identify, contain and eliminate the specific occupational and safety hazards Able to elevate the issues on the proper level the occurred incidents and safety risks Able to check if the technical regulations are upheld Able to check if the safety regulations are upheld Able to check if the medical regulations are upheld 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 19 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM COUNTRY: HUNGARY ALAPELVEK Az “ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM” egy olyan Innovációtranszfer projekt, mely az Európai Unió Leonardo da Vinci, 2007-2013-as időszakára vonatkozó egész életen át tartó tanulás programjának részét képezi. A projekt finanszírozása a Leonardo da Vinci Tol projektek 2012-es felhívásának 5. prioritású "ECVET a képesítések és tanulási eredmények átláthatóságáért és elismeréséért" (LEOTraInno-11) keretén belül történik, és mint ilyen, az európai EQF és az ECVET eszközök és keretrendszerek alkalmazását célozza annak érdekében, hogy bevezesse az egészségturisztikai szektorban érintett szakmai profilok – különös tekintettel a „Kozmetikus”, „Fitness-wellness asszisztens” és „Egészségturisztikai szervező, értékesítő” szakmákra kialakított ECVET Együttműködési Megállapodásban foglaltak (MoU ECVET) - számára a tanulási eredmények és képesítések átláthatóságát és egész Európára érvényes elismerését. Mindezt különös tekintettel a képesítések leírására a tanulási eredmények átvihető egységeiben a hozzárendelt kreditpontokkal, alkalmazva a végrehajtást elősegítő eszközöket (Tanulási Megállapodások, Kreditek odaítélése, átvitele, érvényesítése és gyűjtése). A szakmai képesítések megtervezése olyan rugalmas megoldásokat kínál, amelyek lehetővé teszik a formális, informális és non-formális környezetben elsajátított tanulási eredmények érvényesítését, átvitelét és elismerését. Az európai állampolgárok tudásának, készségének és kompetenciáinak fejlesztése és elismerése kulcsfontosságú eleme személyes, szakmai fejlődésüknek, továbbá versenyképességük növelésének. Az európai Közösségben betöltött feladatát tekintve pedig a foglalkoztatás és a társadalmi kohézió előmozdításában tölt be nélkülözhetetlen szerepet a tudás, készségek és kompetenciák elismerése. Az ECVET kreditek odaítélésére vonatkozó modell (ECVET Credit Awarding Model) alkalmazása pedig elősegíti a munkavállalók és tanulók mobilitását Európa szerte. A projekt további célja, hogy mindenki számára megkönnyítse a részvételt az egész életen át tartó tanuláshoz való hozzáférésben, valamint, hogy megkönnyítse a formális, non-formális Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 20 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM és informális környezetben már megszerzett és értékelt tanulási eredmények átvitelét, elismerését és összegyűjtését azon egyének számára, akik célja megszerezni egy képesítést. Ez javítja a polgárok tanulási eredményeinek megértését, valamint mindezek átláthatóságát, nemzetek közötti mobilitásba és átvihetőségbe illesztését az Unió tagállamain belül, a gátak nélküli egész életen át tartó tanulás területén. Az ECVET kreditek odaítélésére vonatkozó közös európai model a következő ágazati szakmák átláthatóságára és tanulási eredményeinek elismerésére fókuszál: „Kozmetikus”, „Fitness-wellness asszisztens” valamint „Egészségturisztikai szervező, értékesítő”. Mindez alkalmazható valamennyi tanulási eredményre, melyek különféle oktatási és tanulási úton keresztül kerültek elsajátításra, és amelyek ezt követően átvihetők és elismerhetők. Jelen modell az ECVET kreditek odaítéléséről megkönnyíti az egyénre szabott tanulási utak rugalmasságának, valamint az általa non-formális és informális úton már megszerzett tanulási eredményeinek elismerését és annak fejlesztését. ECVET Kreditek odaítélése: Kompetencia Profil Tanúsítvány odaítélése a bevont munkavállalók/vállalkozók/gyakornokok (röviden “Jelentkezők”) számára, melyet az érintett szakképzési szolgáltatók/ kompetencia értékelő központ ad ki az egyén nonformális és informális úton előzetesen megszerzett tanulási eredményeinek elismeréseként. Ahhoz, hogy a jelentkező megszerezhesse a vonatkozó szakmai képesítést - „Kozmetikus”, „Fitness-wellness asszisztens” illetve „Egészségturisztikai szervező, értékesítő” – képzésen szükséges részt vennie a még hiányzó kompetenciáinak megszerzése érdekében. Az ECVET Kreditek odaítélése: az igazolt tanulási eredményekre vonatkozó ECVET kreditek odaítélése a bevont gyakornokok/munkavállalók/egyéni vállalkozók (röviden: “Jelentkezők”) számára, az érintett szakképzési szolgáltatók által a képzési folyamat végén, Europass Bizonyítvány kiegészítő felhasználásával. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 21 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 1. Melléklet – Kozmetikus Szakképzést nyújtó intézmény/Kompetencia értékelő központ (Név) (Cím) (Kapcsolat) Értékelő lap száma: KOMPETENCIA PROFIL TANÚSÍTVÁNY Szakmai képesítés: Kozmetikus Azonosító szám: EKKR/MKKR szint (ha alkalmazható): Név…………………………………….. Szem.ig.sz:…………………………….. Lakcím:………………………………. ország ………. irányítószám …………..…….…város …..………………………. utca…………….. házszám Telefonszám: ……………….. email: …………….….…..@.......................................... ………………………… (Szakképzést nyújtó intézmény/Kompetencia értékelő központ neve) értékelte jelentkező tanulási eredményeit, melynek megfelelően teljesítménye a következő: Szám A tanulási eredmények tevékenységi területei Eredmény értékelése Megfelelt Nem felelt meg 1. Szempilla- és szemöldök igazítás 2. Arcszőrzet (bajusz és piheszőrök) szőkítése, gyantázása, szőrtelenítése 3. Bőrápolás típusnak megfelelően 4. Masszázs 5 Zsírégetés, fogyasztás, tónusfokozás és bőr alatti kezelések (anticellulit) 6. Epilálás, gyantázás, szőrtelenítés 7. Kézmasszázs 8. Alapozás (smink előkészítés) 9. Dekoratív sminkelés 10. A munkahelyi egészségre és biztonságra vonatkozó európai direktívák és azok mellékletei, valamint a helyi követelmények 11. Higiéniai előírások betartása (takarítás vagy a munkafelület tisztán tartása) 12. Kozmetikai tanácsadás 13. Nyilvántartásba vétel, regisztráció,dokumentáció 14. Üzlet és gazdaság egy üzleti vállalkozásban Megjegyzés: Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 22 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Fenti értékelés alapján Jelentkező ...... kreditpontot szerzett. Annak érdekében, hogy jogosult legyen a “Kozmetikus” szakmai képesítésre, jelentkezőnek az alábbi tevékenységi területre vonatkozó képzésen szükséges részt vennie a még hiányzó kompetenciáinak megszerzéséért: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Értékelő aláírása Dátum: Elolvasta és egyetért: ………………………… Jelentkező aláírása Dátum: Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 23 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 2. Melléklet – Fitness-wellness asszisztens Szakképzést nyújtó intézmény/Kompetencia értékelő központ (Név) (Cím) (Kapcsolat) Értékelő lap száma: KOMPETENCIA PROFIL TANÚSÍTVÁNY Szakmai képesítés: Fitness-wellness asszisztens Azonosító szám: EKKR/MKKR szint (ha alkalmazható): Név…………………………………….. Szem.ig.sz:…………………………….. Lakcím:………………………………. ország ………. irányítószám …………..…….…város …..………………………. utca…………….. házszám Telefonszám: ……………….. email: …………….….…..@.......................................... ………………………… (Szakképzést nyújtó intézmény/Kompetencia értékelő központ neve) értékelte jelentkező tanulási eredményeit, melynek megfelelően teljesítménye a következő: Szám A tanulási eredmények tevékenységi területei Eredmény értékelése Megfelelt Nem felelt meg 1. Információnyújtás - Vevőszolgálat 2. Fitness, wellness és orvosi-wellness szolgáltatásokról tájékoztatás 3. Értékesítési tevékenységek és egészségbüféüzemeltetés 4. Adatrögzítés 5. Adatkezelés és biztonság 6. Jelentések kezelése 7. Belső kommunikációs célú írott és nyomtatott kiadványok készítése 8. Munkaterületek tisztán és rendezetten tartása, takarítás, rendtartás 9. Újraélesztési (BLS) és elsősegélynyújtás 10. A munkahelyi egészségre és biztonságra vonatkozó európai direktívák és azok mellékletei, valamint a helyi követelmények 11. Üzlet és gazdaság egy üzleti vállalkozásban Megjegyzés: Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 24 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Fenti értékelés alapján Jelentkező ...... kreditpontot szerzett. Annak érdekében, hogy jogosult legyen a “Fitness-wellness asszisztens” szakmai képesítésre, jelentkezőnek az alábbi tevékenységi területre vonatkozó képzésen szükséges részt vennie a még hiányzó kompetenciáinak megszerzéséért: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Értékelő aláírása Dátum: Elolvasta és egyetért: ………………………… Jelentkező aláírása Dátum: Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 25 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 3. Melléklet – Egészségturisztikai szervező, értékesítő Szakképzést nyújtó intézmény/Kompetencia értékelő központ (Név) (Cím) (Kapcsolat) Értékelő lap száma: KOMPETENCIA PROFIL TANÚSÍTVÁNY Szakmai képesítés: Egészségturisztikai szervező, értékesítő Azonosító szám: EKKR/MKKR szint (ha alkalmazható): Név…………………………………….. Szem.ig.sz:…………………………….. Lakcím:………………………………. ország ………. irányítószám …………..…….…város …..………………………. utca…………….. házszám Telefonszám: ……………….. email: …………….….…..@.......................................... ………………………… (Szakképzést nyújtó intézmény/Kompetencia értékelő központ neve) értékelte jelentkező tanulási eredményeit, melynek megfelelően teljesítménye a következő: Szám 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. A tanulási eredmények tevékenységi területei Eredmény értékelése Megfelelt Nem felelt meg Középszintű menedzsment feladatok egészségturisztikai szolgáltatásokat nyújtó intézményekben Üzlet és gazdaság egy üzleti vállalkozásban Az egészségturisztikai munkacsoportok tervezése, szervezése Emberierőforrás-menedzsment Az üzlet működésének elemzése és értékelése Minőségellenőrzési tevékenység elvégzése Marketing, eladási tevékenységek PR tevékenység Információnyújtás - Vevőszolgálat Egészségturisztikai programcsomagok elkészítése Adminisztráció A munkahelyi egészségre és biztonságra vonatkozó európai direktívák és azok mellékletei, valamint a helyi követelmények Munkahelyi biztonság és egészségügyi szabályozások Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 26 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM felügyelete Megjegyzés: Fenti értékelés alapján Jelentkező ...... kreditpontot szerzett. Annak érdekében, hogy jogosult legyen a “Egészségturisztikai szervező, értékesítő” szakmai képesítésre, jelentkezőnek az alábbi tevékenységi területre vonatkozó képzésen szükséges részt vennie a még hiányzó kompetenciáinak megszerzéséért: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Értékelő aláírása Dátum: Elolvasta és egyetért: ………………………… Jelentkező aláírása Dátum: Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 27 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Államilag elismert OKJ (Országos Képzési Jegyzék) szakképesítést adó bizonyítvány minta Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 28 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Egyéb szakmai képesítést adó tanúsítvány minta 1. melléklet az 59/2013. (XII. 13.) NGM rendelethez Száma: ……/…….év TANÚSÍTVÁNY ... részére, (anyja születési neve: …………………………….. születési helye: …………………., ideje: …… év, ………….hó, ……nap) aki a .............szám alatt nyilvántartott…………………………………………..felnőttképzést folytató intézményben a ………azonosító szám alatt a Magyar Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara nyilvántartásában szereplő, …………………………………………………………………….megnevezésű felnőttképzési szakmai programkövetelmény alapján szervezett, EGÉSZSÉGTURISZTIKAI SZERVEZŐ, ÉRTÉKESÍTŐ megnevezésű szakmai képzésen részt vett, és a szakmai képzés követelményeit sikeresen teljesítette. A tanúsítvány a(z) Egészségturisztikai szervező, értékesítő megnevezésű szakmai végzettség megszerzését igazolja. A szakmai végzettséggel legjellemzőbben ellátható szakmai tevékenység, munkaterület:……………………………………. Kelt: …………………………., 20.….év,……….hó, …….napján a felnőttképzést folytató intézmény vezetője p.h. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 29 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Europass minták az államilag elismert szakképesítésekre vonatkozóan EUROPASS CERTIFICATE-SUPPLEMENT (*) 1. TITLE OF THE CERTIFICATE (HU) 51-813-04 Fitness-wellness asszisztens 2. TRANSLATED TITLE OF THE CERTIFICATE (EN) Fitness & wellness assistant (THIS TRANSLATION HAS NO LEGAL STATUS) 3. PROFILE OF SKILLS AND COMPETENCES A typical holder of the certificate is able to: - sell products distributed by the department; - apply sales incentive and marketing communication techniques; - provide professional information about services; - explain and enforce rules on facility operation; - prepare information materials; - conduct cash flow as required by law; - respect for privacy (e.g. data protection); - perform administrative duties related to customer traffic; - offers cafeteria services; - work for the aesthetic, clean and tidy environment of the facility; - participate in solving any emerging technical and personal issues; - ensure efficient information flow between facility employees, managers and guests. 4. RANGE OF OCCUPATIONS ACCESSIBLE TO THE HOLDER OF THE CERTIFICATE 4222 Receptionist Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 30 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM (*) Explanatory notes: This document is designed to provide additional information about the specified certificate and does not serve as a legal certificate of vocational qualification. The format of the description is based on the following documents: Council Resolution 93/C 49/01 of 3 December 1992 on the transparency of qualifications; Council Resolution 96/C 224/04 of 15 July 1996 on the transparency of vocational training certificates, and Recommendation 2001/613/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 July 2001 on mobility within the Community for students, persons undergoing training, volunteers, teachers and trainers.More information on transparency is available at: http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/ ©European Communities 2002© Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 31 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 5. OFFICIAL BASIS OF THE CERTIFICATE Name and status of the institute issuing the certificate Level of the certificate (national or international) Level of vocational qualification according to the National Qualification Register: 51 upper secondary partial vocational qualifications, which require the completion of the secondary school leaving exam and may be obtained in non-formal education. ISCED2011 code: Name and status of the national/regional authority providing accreditation/recognition of the certificate Ministry of Human Resources Grading scale / Pass requirements Five -grade: 5 excellent 4 good 3 satisfactory 2 pass 1 fail 4 NQF level: EQF level: Certificate number Serial number: 123456 Results achieved at the examination and their proportion expressed in percentage in the complex mark Examination Certificate issue date: 2014.07.28 name of the exam task type grade proportion in evaluation expressed in percentages Practical Customer service examination Result achieved at the complex vocational examination, expressed in grades Access to next level of education/training To higher education 5 100.0 5 International agreements Memorandum of Understanding - MoU ECVET for the European Qualification in the Healths Tourism Sector signed in March 2014. (http://www.ecvet-healthtourism.eu/) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO0505823 Other information concerning the vocational training process Legal basis Act CLXXXVII of 2011 on Vocational Training Decree 37/2013 (V. 28.) EMMI of the Minister of Human Resources on the professional and examination criteria of vocational qualifications. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 32 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 6. OFFICIALLY RECOGNISED WAYS OF ACQUIRING THE CERTIFICATE Description of vocational education Percentage of total programme Duration and training received % (hours/weeks/months/years) School-/training centre-based Theory: 40 % Practice: 60 % Workplace-based Accredited prior learning Total duration of the education/training leading to the certificate 300 hours Entry requirements: - Secondary school leaving examination Vocational requirement modules: 10337-12 Customer service in fitness and wellness facilities This certificate supplement was prepared on the basis of the instruction for filling in the Certificate Supplement published on the homepages of the National Reference Point and the National Europass Centre. National Reference Point – National Labour Office - Vocational Education and Adult Training Directorate: http://nrk.nive.hu Head of Examination Organiser: SEAL Issue date: 2014.07.28 Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 33 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM EUROPASS BIZONYÍTVÁNY-KIEGÉSZÍTŐ (*) 1. A SZAKKÉPESÍTÉS MEGNEVEZÉSE 51-813-04 Fitness-wellness asszisztens 2. A SZAKKÉPESÍTÉS MEGNEVEZÉSÉNEK FORDÍTÁSA Fitness & wellness assistant (A MEGNEVEZÉS FORDÍTÁSA TÁJÉKOZTATÓ JELLEGŰ) 2. A KÉSZSÉGEK ÉS KOMPETENCIÁK LEÍRÁSA A szakember képes: - a részleg által forgalmazott termékeket árusítani; - eladást ösztönző, marketingkommunikációs technikákat alkalmazni; - a szolgáltatásokról szakszerű tájékoztatást adni; - a létesítményműködéssel kapcsolatos szabályokat közvetíteni és betartatni; - információs anyagokat készíteni; - a pénzforgalmat jogszerűen lebonyolítani; - a személyiségjogokat (pl. adatvédelem) tiszteletben tartani; - az ügyfélforgalommal járó adminisztratív feladatokat ellátni; - büfészolgáltatást nyújtani; - a létesítmény esztétikus, tiszta és rendezett környezetéért tevékenykedni; - a felmerülő műszaki és személyes problémák megoldásában közreműködni - a létesítmény dolgozói, vezetői és a vendégek közötti hatékony információáramlást biztosítani 4. A BIZONYÍTVÁNY TULAJDONOSA ÁLTAL BETÖLTHETO FOGLALKOZÁSOK KÖRE 4222 Recepciós (*) Megjegyzések: Jelen dokumentum célja, hogy kiegészítő információkat nyújtson az adott bizonyítványról, önmagában nem szolgál a szakképesítés érvényes bizonyítványaként. Az űrlap formátumának alapját a következő dokumentumok adják: „93/C 49/01 of 3 December 1992 on the transparency of qualifications” (93/C 49/01 számú 1992. dec. 3-ai Tanácsi Határozat a szakképesítések átlát-hatóságáról), „Council Resolution 96/C 224/04 of 15 July 1996 on the transparency of vocational training certificates”(96/C 224/04 számú, 1996. július 15-ei Tanácsi Állásfoglalás a szakképzési bizonyítványok átláthatóságáról), „Recommendation 2001/613/EC of the European Parliament and of the Coun-cil of 10 July 2001 on mobility within the Community for students, persons undergoing training, volunteers, teachers and trainers” (2001/613/EC számú 2001. július 10-ei Európai Parlamenti és Tanácsi Ajánlás a tanulók, gyakorlati képzésben résztvevő személyek, önkéntesek, tanárok és képzők, oktatók közösségen belüli Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 34 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM mobilitására). Az átláthatóságról további információk érhetok el: http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/ ©European Communities 2002© 5. A BIZONYÍTVÁNY HIVATALOS ALAPJA A bizonyítványt kiállító szerv neve és státusza A bizonyítvány szintje (nemzeti vagy nemzetközi) OKJ szakképesítési szint: 51 felső középfokú részszakképesítés, amely érettségi végzettséghez kötött és iskolarendszeren kívüli szakképzésben szerezhető meg ISCED2011 kód: 4 MKKR szint: EKKR szint: A bizonyítvány sorozatjele : PT K A bizonyítvány elismeréséért felelős nemzeti hatóság neve és státusza Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma Osztályzási skála/Vizsgakövetelmények Ötfokú: 5 jeles 4 jó 3 közepes 2 elégtelen 1 elégséges A vizsgatevékenységeken elért eredmények és százalékos arányuk a komplex érdemjegyben vizsga típusa vizsgafeladat megnevezése ügyfélszolgálat sorszáma: 123456 gyakorlati A bizonyítvány kiállításának idopontja : 2014.07.28 Továbblépés az oktatás következő szintjére Felsőoktatásba A komplex szakmai vizsgán elért eredmény osztályzattal érdemjegy értékelési súlyarány 5 100.0 5 Nemzetközi megállapodások ECVET Együttműködési megállapodás az egészségturisztikai szektorban megszerezhető európai képesítésekhez, aláírva 2014. márciusban. (http://www.ecvet-healthtourism.eu/) Projekt száma: 2012-1-HU1-LEO0505823 Szakképzés folyamatára vonatkozó egyéb információ Jogi alap 2011. évi CLXXXVII. törvény a szakképzésről 37/2013. (V. 28.) EMMI rendelet az emberi erőforrások minisztere ágazatába tartozó szakképesítések szakmai és vizsgakövetelményeiről. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 35 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 6. A BIZONYÍTVÁNY MEGSZERZÉSÉNEK HIVATALOSAN ELISMERT MÓDJAI A szakmai elméleti és gyakorlati A teljes program százalékában Időtartam oktatás leírása % (órák/hetek/hónapok/évek) Iskolai/képző központ alapú Elmélet: 40 % Gyakorlat: 60 % Munkahelyi alapú Akkreditált előzetes képzettség Teljes képzési idő 300 óra Belépési követelmények: - érettségi vizsga Szakmai követelmény modulok: 10337-12 Ügyfélszolgálat a fitness-wellness létesítményekben Jelen bizonyítvány kiegészítő a Nemzeti Referencia Központ és a Nemzeti Europass Központ honlapjain közzétett kitöltési útmutató alapján került elkészítésre. Nemzeti Referencia Központ – NMH SZFI: http://nrk.nive.hu A vizsgaszervező vezetője: Kiállítás dátuma: 2014.07.28 P. H. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 36 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM EUROPASS CERTIFICATE-SUPPLEMENT (*) 5. TITLE OF THE CERTIFICATE (HU) 55-815-02 Kozmetikus 6. TRANSLATED TITLE OF THE CERTIFICATE (EN) Beautician (THIS TRANSLATION HAS NO LEGAL STATUS) 7. PROFILE OF SKILLS AND COMPETENCES A typical holder of the certificate is able to: - perform basic and additional operations manually or using a machine; - diagnose, compile a treatment plan, treat cosmetic defects treatable by a beautician; - glossing up for an extended period, providing counselling for home skin care; - perform special face and body treatment, provide counselling for home skin care; - learn about the latest developments of the trade and participate in regular continuing education; - work with professional cosmetic products, know their core and active ingredients and select the appropriate product for the specific skin type and the disorder. 8. RANGE OF OCCUPATIONS ACCESSIBLE TO THE HOLDER OF THE CERTIFICATE 5212 Beautician (*) Explanatory notes: This document is designed to provide additional information about the specified certificate and does not serve as a legal certificate of vocational qualification. The format of the description is based on the following documents: Council Resolution 93/C 49/01 of 3 December 1992 on the transparency of qualifications; Council Resolution 96/C 224/04 of 15 July 1996 on the transparency of vocational training certificates, and Recommendation 2001/613/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 July 2001 on mobility within the Community for students, persons undergoing training, volunteers, teachers and trainers. More information on transparency is available at: http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/ ©European Communities 2002© Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 37 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 5. OFFICIAL BASIS OF THE CERTIFICATE Name and status of the institute issuing the certificate Level of the certificate (national or international) Level of vocational qualification according to the National Qualification Register: 51 upper secondary partial vocational qualifications, which require the completion of the secondary school leaving exam and may be obtained in nonformal education. ISCED2011 code: Name and status of the national/regional authority providing accreditation/recognition of the certificate Ministry for National Economy Grading scale / Pass requirements Five -grade: 5 excellent 4 good 3 satisfactory 2 pass 1 fail 4 NQF level: EQF level: Certificate number Serial number: 123456 Results achieved at the examination and their proportion expressed in percentage in the complex mark Examination Certificate issue date: 2014.10.07 name of the exam task type proportion in evaluation expressed in percentages Central written examination Oral examination Complex theoretical tasks Complex oral exam tasks Practical examination Diagnosing an unfamiliar model and preparing a treatment plan Practical Using basic electrocosmetic examination devices generally used in the cosmetics industry Practical Treatment of own model examination based on centrally issued sample treatment plan Practical Preparing a permanent makeexamination up on plastic/or special face and/or body treatment on own model Result achieved at the complex vocational examination, expressed in grades Access to next level of education/training grade 5 20.0 5 25.0 5 20.0 5 10.0 5 15.0 5 10.0 5 International agreements Memorandum of Understanding - MoU ECVET for the European Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 38 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM To higher education Qualification in the Healths Tourism Sector signed in March 2014. (http://www.ecvet-healthtourism.eu/) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Other information concerning the vocational training process Legal basis Act CLXXXVII of 2011 on Vocational Training Professional and examination requirements as specified in Decree No. 12/2013 (III. 28.) NGM of the Minister for National Economy. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 39 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 7. OFFICIALLY RECOGNISED WAYS OF ACQUIRING THE CERTIFICATE Description of vocational education Percentage of total programme Duration and training received % (hours/weeks/months/years) School-/training centre-based Theory: 20 % Practice: 80 % Workplace-based Accredited prior learning Total duration of the education/training leading to the certificate 360 hours Entry requirements: - 52 815 02 Practising Beautician Vocational requirement modules: 11246-12 Skin types and disorders 11247-12 Treatments using electrocosmetic devices 11248-12 Special cosmetic procedures National Reference Point – National Labour Office - Vocational Education and Adult Training Directorate: http://nrk.nive.hu Head of Examination Organiser: SEAL Issue date: 2014.10.07 Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 40 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM EUROPASS BIZONYÍTVÁNY-KIEGÉSZÍTŐ (*) 3. A SZAKKÉPESÍTÉS MEGNEVEZÉSE 55-815-02 Kozmetikus 2. A SZAKKÉPESÍTÉS MEGNEVEZÉSÉNEK FORDÍTÁSA Beautician (A MEGNEVEZÉS FORDÍTÁSA TÁJÉKOZTATÓ JELLEGŰ) 4. A KÉSZSÉGEK ÉS KOMPETENCIÁK LEÍRÁSA A szakember képes: - kozmetikai alap és kiegészítő műveleteket végezni, manuális és gépi módszerekkel; - diagnosztizálni, kezelési tervet összeállítani, kozmetikus által kezelhető kozmetikai hibákat kezelni; - kendőzni tartósan, tanácsot adni az otthoni bőrápolással kapcsolatban; - speciális arc és testkezelést végezni, tanácsot adni az otthoni bőrápolással kapcsolatban; - megismeri a legújabb szakmai újdonságokat, rendszeresen továbbképzéseken részt venni; - professzionális kozmetikumokkal dolgozni, azok alap-, és hatóanyagait ismerni, és kiválasztani a bőrtípusnak, és az általa kezelhető rendellenességnek megfelelő készítményt. 4. A BIZONYÍTVÁNY TULAJDONOSA ÁLTAL BETÖLTHETO FOGLALKOZÁSOK KÖRE 5212 Kozmetikus (*) Megjegyzések: Jelen dokumentum célja, hogy kiegészítő információkat nyújtson az adott bizonyítványról, önmagában nem szolgál a szakképesítés érvényes bizonyítványaként. Az űrlap formátumának alapját a következő dokumentumok adják: „93/C 49/01 of 3 December 1992 on the transparency of qualifications” (93/C 49/01 számú 1992. dec. 3-ai Tanácsi Határozat a szakképesítések átlát-hatóságáról), „Council Resolution 96/C 224/04 of 15 July 1996 on the transparency of vocational training certificates”(96/C 224/04 számú, 1996. július 15-ei Tanácsi Állásfoglalás a szakképzési bizonyítványok átláthatóságáról), „Recommendation 2001/613/EC of the European Parliament and of the Coun-cil of 10 July 2001 on mobility within the Community for students, persons undergoing training, volunteers, teachers and trainers” (2001/613/EC számú 2001. július 10-ei Európai Parlamenti és Tanácsi Ajánlás a tanulók, gyakorlati képzésben résztvevő személyek, önkéntesek, tanárok és képzők, oktatók közösségen belüli mobilitására). Az átláthatóságról további információk érhetok el: http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/ ©European Communities 2002© 5. A BIZONYÍTVÁNY HIVATALOS ALAPJA Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 41 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM A bizonyítvány elismeréséért felelős nemzeti hatóság neve és státusza Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium A bizonyítványt kiállító szerv neve és státusza A bizonyítvány szintje Osztályzási skála/Vizsgakövetelmények (nemzeti vagy Ötfokú: 5 jeles nemzetközi) OKJ szakképesítési 4 jó szint: 55 emeltszint 3 közepes szakképesítés-ráépülés, 2 elégtelen amely elsősorban iskolai rendszer szakképzésben 1 elégséges megszerezhető, érettségi végzettséghez kötött szakképesítésre épül ISCED2011 kód: 4 MKKR szint: EKKR szint: A vizsgatevékenységeken elért eredmények és százalékos A bizonyítvány sorozatjele : PT K arányuk a komplex érdemjegyben sorszáma: 123456 vizsga típusa A bizonyítvány kiállításának időpontja: 2014.10.07 Központi írásbeli Szóbeli vizsgafeladat megnevezése érdemjegy értékelési súlyarány 5 20.0 5 25.00 Komplex elméleti feladatsor Komplex szóbeli tételsor Gyakorlati Idegen modell diagnosztizálása és kezelési terv készítése Gyakorlati Kozmetikában alkalmazott elektrokozmetikai alap-készülékek használata Gyakorlati Saját modell kezelése a központilag kiadott kezelési terv minta alapján Gyakorlati Tartós sminkkészítés plasztikon/vagy speciális arc és/vagy testkezelés saját modellen A komplex szakmai vizsgán elért eredmény osztályzattal Továbblépés az oktatás következő szintjére Felsőoktatásba 5 20.0 5 10.0 5 5 15.0 10.0 5 Nemzetközi megállapodások ECVET Együttműködési megállapodás az egészségturisztikai szektorban megszerezhető európai képesítésekhez, aláírva 2014. márciusban. (http://www.ecvet-healthtourism.eu/) Projekt száma: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Szakképzés folyamatára vonatkozó egyéb információ Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 42 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Jogi alap 2011. évi CLXXXVII. törvény a szakképzésről 12/2013. (III. 28.) NGM rendeletben kiadott szakmai és vizsgakövetelmény. 6. A BIZONYÍTVÁNY MEGSZERZÉSÉNEK HIVATALOSAN ELISMERT MÓDJAI A szakmai elméleti és gyakorlati A teljes program százalékában Időtartam oktatás leírása % (órák/hetek/hónapok/évek) Iskolai/képző központ alapú Elmélet: 20 % Gyakorlat: 80 % Munkahelyi alapú Akkreditált előzetes képzettség Teljes képzési idő 360 óra Belépési követelmények: - 52 815 02 Gyakorló kozmetikus Szakmai követelmény modulok: 11246-12 Bortípusok és rendellenességek 11247-12 Elektrokozmetikai készülékekkel végzett kezelések 11248-12 Speciális kozmetikai eljárások Jelen bizonyítvány kiegészítő a Nemzeti Referencia Központ és a Nemzeti Europass Központ honlapjain közzétett kitöltési útmutató alapján került elkészítésre. Nemzeti Referencia Központ – NMH SZFI: http://nrk.nive.hu A vizsgaszervező vezetője: Kiállítás dátuma: 2014.10.07 P. H. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 43 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM COUNTRY : ITALY - UMBRIA REGION The following Umbrian models are defined by regional DGR 1429/2007 and later modifications and integrations PREMESSO CHE Il progetto “ECVET - Health Tourism” è un intervento multilaterale per il Trasferimento dell’Innovazione (ToI) avviato nell’ambito del sottoprogramma Leonardo da Vinci del Programma UE di Apprendimento Permanente 2007-13. Il progetto è finanziato nell’ambito della priorità “ECVET per la trasparenza e il riconoscimento dei risultati di apprendimento e delle qualifiche (LEO-TraInno-11)” dei progetti ToI Leonardo da Vinci, e in quanto tale è finalizzato all’applicazione di strumenti e quadri di riferimento europei quali l’EQF (quadro europeo delle qualifiche) e l’ECVET ai soggetti operanti nel settore del turismo della salute, in particolare attraverso la sottoscrizione di un Protocollo d’Intesa ECVET per le nuove qualifiche europee di “Massaggiatore”, “Collaboratore nel settore benessere” e “Responsabile nel settore del Turismo della salute” e che definisce tale ambito di qualifica in termini di risultati di apprendimento, lo classifica rispetto all’EQF attraverso quadri e sistemi nazionali, elaborando le qualifiche in unità trasferibili di risultati di apprendimento con l’attribuzione di punti credito e mediante la sua applicazione (Contratti di apprendimento, Attribuzione, Trasferimento, Validazione e Accumulo dei Crediti) attraverso programmi VET (Istruzione e Formazione Professionale) che si avvalgono di dispositivi flessibili per la validazione, il trasferimento e il riconoscimento dei risultati di apprendimento raggiunti in contesti formali, informali e non formali. Lo sviluppo e il riconoscimento delle conoscenze, abilità e competenze dei cittadini sono fondamentali per il loro sviluppo personale e professionale e per la competitività, l'occupazione e la coesione sociale nella Comunità. L'applicazione del modello di attribuzione dei crediti ECVET facilita la mobilità di lavoratori e tirocinanti. Il progetto ha per oggetto di favorire la partecipazione all’apprendimento permanente senza confine per tutti, e il trasferimento, il riconoscimento e la raccolta dei risultati di apprendimento ottenuti in contesti formali, non formali e informali delle persone interessate ad acquisire una qualifica. Ciò consentirà di migliorare la generale comprensione Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 44 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM dei risultati di apprendimento dei cittadini e la loro trasparenza, mobilità transnazionale e portabilità tra gli Stati membri e in un’area di apprendimento permanente senza frontiere. Il Modello comune europeo per il riconoscimento dei crediti ECVET nel Turismo della Salute è focalizzato sul’assicurare la trasparenza e il riconoscimento dei risultati di apprendimento is focusing on achieving transparency and recognition of learning outcomes delle seguenti professioni relative al settore: Estetista, Responsabile nel settore del Turismo della Salute e Collaboratore nel settore Benessere. È applicabile a tutti i risultati di apprendimento acquisiti attraverso vari percorsi di istruzione e di apprendimento e successivamente trasferiti e riconosciuti. Questo riconoscimento dei crediti ECVET facilita lo sviluppo di percorsi flessibili e individualizzati e il riconoscimento dei risultati di apprendimento conseguiti attraverso l'apprendimento non formale e informale. Riconoscimento dei Crediti ECVET: Assegnazione ai lavoratori/imprenditori/tirocinanti coinvolti (candidati), da parte degli interessati centri di formazione /centri di valutazione delle competenze professionali quale riconoscimento dei risultati di apprendimento conseguiti in modo non formale e informale, un Certificato delle Competenze del Profilo. Per ottenere la qualifica professionale di “Estetista” / “Collaboratore nel settore benessere” / “Responsabile nel settore del Turismo della Salute” il candidato deve partecipare alla formazione per acquisire le competenze mancanti. Assegnazione ai lavoratori/imprenditori/tirocinanti coinvolti (candidati), da parte degli interessati centri di formazione /centri di valutazione delle competenze professionali, al termine del processo di formazione i crediti ECVET relativi ai risultati di apprendimento verificati, anche utilizzando il Supplemento al Certificato Europass ; Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 45 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Annex 1. – Estetista Il soggetto attuatore VET Nome Indirizzo Contatti No. file di valutazione: CERTIFICATO DELLE COMPETENZE DEL PROFILO Qualifica professionale: Estetista Codice qualifica: Livello EQF/NQF(se applicabile): Nome…………………………………….. Numero documento di identità:…………………………….. Indirizzo:……………………………….Via ……n.…………..……Città….. CAP …………….. Paese Telefono: ……………….. email: …………….….…..@.......................................... ………………………… (nome del soggetto attuatore VET ) ha valutato i risultati di apprendimento del candidato e il risultato realizzato è il seguente: No. Risultati di apprendimento delle aree di attività Risultato della valutazione superato fallito 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Cura/sistemazione di ciglia e sopracciglia Decolorazione dei peli facciali, rimozione, depilazione Cura della pelle in base alla tipologia Massaggio Riduzione del grasso, rafforzamento dei muscoli e trattamenti del tessuto sottocutaneo 6. Depilazione 7. Massaggio della mano 8. Cura della preparazione al trucco 9. Trucco 10. Direttive europee sulla sicurezza e salute sul lavoro e suoi allegati, e requisiti locali 11. Pulizia e mantenimento della pulizia dei piani di lavoro 12. Consulenza cosmetica 13. Registrazione 14. Affari ed aspetti economici di un’impresa Commenti: Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 46 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Sulla base della valutazione di cui sopra il candidato acquisisce ..… punti di credito. Per ottenere la qualifica professionale di “Estetista” il candidato deve partecipare alla formazione per acquisire le competenze mancanti nelle seguenti aree di attività: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Data: Firma dell’incaricato Letto e compreso: ………………………… Data: Firma del candidato Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 47 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Annex 2. – Collaboratore nel settore Benessere Il soggetto attuatore VET Nome: Indirizzo: Contatti: No. file di valutazione: CERTIFICATO DELLE COMPETENZE DEL PROFILO Qualifica professionale: Collaboratore nel settore Benessere Codice qualifica: Livello EQF/NQF (se applicabile): Nome…………………………………….. Numero documento di identità:…………………………….. Indirizzo:……………………………….Via ……n.…………..……citta….. CAP …………….. Paese Telefono: ……………….. email: …………….….…..@.......................................... ………………………… (nome del soggetto attuatore VET ) ha valutato i risultati di apprendimento del candidato e il risultato realizzato è il seguente: No. Risultati di apprendimento delle aree di attività Risultato della valutazione Superato Fallito Fornire informazioni – servizio clienti 1. Riferire sui servizi di fitness, benessere e benessere 2. medico Attività di vendita e operazioni al bancone benessere 3. Inserimento dei dati, gestione e sicurezza 4. Relazione sulla gestione 5. Preparazione del materiale scritto e stampato per la 6. comunicazione interna Pulizia e mantenimento dell’ordine, cura e pulizia delle 7. superfici di lavoro Rianimazione cardiopolmonare e assistenza di primo 8. soccorso Direttive europee sulla sicurezza e salute sul lavoro e suoi 9. allegati, e requisiti locali 10. Affari ed aspetti economici di un’impresa Comments: Sulla base della valutazione di cui sopra il candidato acquisisce ..… punti di credito. Per ottenere la qualifica professionale di “Collaboratore nel settore benessere” il candidato Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 48 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM deve partecipare alla formazione per acquisire le competenze mancanti nelle seguenti aree di attività: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Data: Firma dell’incaricato Letto e compreso: ………………………… Data: Firma del candidato Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 49 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Annex 3. – Responsabile nel settore del Turismo della Salute Il soggetto attuatore VET Nome Indirizzo Contatti No. file di valutazione: CERTIFICATO DELLE COMPETENZE DEL PROFILO Qualifica Professionale: Responsabile nel settore del Turismo della Salute Codice qualifica: Livello EQF/NQF (se applicabile): Nome………………………….. Numero Documento di Identità:…………………………….. Indirizzo:……………………………….Via ……n…………..……Città….. CAP …………….. Paese Telefono: ……………….. email: …………….….…..@.......................................... ………………………… (nome del soggetto attuatore) ha valutato i risultati di apprendimento del candidato e il risultato realizzato è il seguente: No. Risultati di apprendimento delle aree di attività Risultato della valutazione Superato Fallito Attività intermedie di gestione in istituzioni che forniscono servizi per il turismo della salute Affari ed aspetti economici di un’impresa 2. Pianificare, organizzare i gruppi di lavoro nel settore del 3. turismo della salute Gestione delle risorse umane 4. Analizzare e valutare l’andamento degli affari 5 Svolgere attività di controllo della Qualità 6. Attività di marketing e di vendita 7. Attività di Pubbliche Relazioni 8. Fornire informazioni – servizio clienti 9. 10. Preparare pacchetti di programmi di turismo della salute 11. Amministrazione 12. Direttive europee sulla sicurezza e salute sul lavoro e suoi allegati, e requisiti locali 13. Supervisione della sicurezza del lavoro e delle normative mediche Comments: 1. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 50 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Sulla base della valutazione di cui sopra il candidato acquisisce ..… punti di credito. Per ottenere la qualifica professionale di “Responsabile nel settore del Turismo della Salute” il candidato necessita di partecipare alla formazione per acquisire le mancanti competenze nelle seguenti aree di attività: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Data: Firma dell’incaricato Letto e compreso: ………………………… Data: Firma del candidato Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 51 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 2. Format tipo di curriculum vitae rivolto al riconoscimento dei crediti formativi Curriculum Vitae rivolto al riconoscimento di crediti formativi a supporto della richiesta avanzata a: _________________________________ in data: ________ 1. Coordinate individuali Cognome e Nome: Codice fiscale: Titolo di studio1: Condizione attuale2: Professione3: Indicare il titolo di studio più alto posseduto e riconosciuto in Italia. Tale evidenza va comunque riportata e dettagliato tra le evidenze biografiche alla sezione 2.2.1 – “Percorsi educativi e formativi”. Nel caso in cui il titolo di studio non sia riconosciuto in Italia, indicarlo come referenza esclusivamente nella sezione 2.2.1 2 Indicare la propria condizione occupazionale, con riferimento a: disoccupato “soggetto privo di lavoro”; occupato “soggetto che sta svolgendo un lavoro”; studente “soggetto privo di lavoro e che si trova in modo strutturato e prevalente all’interno di sistemi di istruzione e formazione”. 3Indicare la professione attuale o, se disoccupato, l'ultima esercitata. 1 Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 52 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 2. Evidenze biografiche significative 2.1 Percorsi di istruzione e formazione4 Periodo di svolgimento effettivo5: dal ____ al ____ Denominazione del percorso6: Nome del soggetto presso cui è stato svolto7: Sede del soggetto presso cui è stato svolto8 Titolo/certificazione/attestazione conseguita9: Votazione o giudizio conseguito10: Durata complessiva del percorso svolto11: Principali contenuti oggetto dello studio svolto12: Presenza di stage/tirocinio13: Ente/azienda ospitante lo stage/il tirocinio14: (da ripetersi per ogni percorso svolto) 4Indicare tutti i percorsi di istruzione e formazione, le esperienze formative svolte (c.d. “esperienze formali”), in ordine cronologico inverso (la più recente va posta per prima). Vanno inclusi anche i percorsi in essere o non completati e le attività di stage e tirocinio (p.e. “tirocinio estivo di orientamento”). I contratti di formazione e lavoro e di apprendistato vanno indicati alla successiva sezione 2.2 “Esperienze lavorative”. 5Indicare quando opportuno mese ed anno di inizio e termine della partecipazione effettiva al percorso di istruzione o formazione. 6Ad esempio: Diploma in “...”; Laurea in “...”, “Corso di formazione professionale “...”, Tirocinio rivolto alla qualifica di “...”; etc. Il titolo va indicato facendo riferimento al percorso formativo, al di là del risultato effettivamente ottenuto. 7Ad esempio: Istituto professionale “...”; Istituto Tecnico “...”, Università degli Studi di “...”, Agenzia formativa “...”, Impresa “...”, nel caso di svolgimento di tirocinio; etc. 8Comune e, se utile, indirizzo del soggetto indicato al rigo precedente. 9Indicare in modo coerente al percorso (p.e. titolo, attestato di frequenza, di specializzazione, di qualifica; dichiarazione di competenze; ...). In caso di percorso non completato indicare le eventuali attestazioni intermedie, ove esistenti. 10Se presente, specificare indicando il rapporto numeratore/denominatore (p.e. 58/60; 98/110) o il giudizio sintetico (Sufficiente, Buono, ...). 11Indicare facendo riferimento alla frequenza effettiva ed utilizzando l'unità di misura (mesi, giorni, ore, ...) più coerente e maggiormente indicativa in termini di impegno effettivo (p.e. 3 anni; 400 ore; 2 semestri; ...). 12Indicare in modo sintetico i principali contenuti del percorso svolto, facendo riferimento agli insegnamenti in esso impartiti (p.e. “materie”; “esami”; “moduli”; contenuti del lavoro svolto, nel caso dei tirocini, ...). 13Indicare se nel percorso formativo era compreso anche lo svolgimento di un tirocinio e, opzionalmente, fornire indicazioni sulla sua durata effettiva. Omettere la risposta nel caso in cui l'esperienza formativa sia costituita esclusivamente da tirocinio (le cui informazioni vanno indicate nei precedenti righi). 14Indicare solo se si è utilizzato il rigo precedente. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 53 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 2.2 Esperienze lavorative15 Periodo del rapporto di lavoro: data di inizio __ / __ / ____ data di cessazione __ / __ / ____ Tipo di rapporto 16: Settore economico: Principali attività e ruoli svolti 17: Nome del datore di lavoro18: Indirizzo del datore di lavoro: (da ripetersi per ogni esperienza svolta) 2.3 Attività non professionali giudicate significative in termini di apprendimento19 Periodo20: anno di inizio ____ anno di termine ____ Settore di riferimento: Posizione ricoperta: Principali attività svolte: Nome dell'ente: Indirizzo dell'ente: (da ripetersi per ogni esperienza svolta) 2.4 Altre conoscenze e competenze ritenute utili ai fini del riconoscimento dei crediti richiesti21 15Inserire tutte le esperienze lavorative (c.d. “esperienze non formali”), in ordine cronologico inverso (mettendo per prima quella più recente). Si intendono qui per esperienze di lavoro quelle caratterizzate da un qualunque contratto di prestazione. 16 Indicare la tipologia di contratto di lavoro, rispetto alla sua durata (tempo determinato/indeterminato), all’impegno temporale (tempo pieno/parziale), al tipo di rapporto (dipendente/parasubordinato/autonomo). Fornire ove utile informazioni sul contratto collettivo di lavoro applicato (se applicabile) e sul livello di inquadramento. 17Indicare le principali attività svolte e i ruoli ricoperti. 18Indicare le coordinate del datore, in modo da consentire una eventuale verifica diretta. Nel caso di svolgimento di prestazioni professionali per diversi (e numerosi) clienti, indicare tale condizione, fornendo informazioni che favoriscano l'eventuale verifica diretta. Nel caso di lavoro svolto con contratto di somministrazione (interinale) indicare sia l’agenzia sia l’impresa presso cui si è svolta la prestazione. 19Indicare in ordine cronologico inverso le esperienze di vita personale e di relazione sociale (c.d. “esperienze informali”) ritenute significative, includendo anche le attività di servizio civile (D.Lgs. 77/02), volontariato (L. 266/91) e le attività che, pur avendo un contenuto professionale, non sono equiparabili ad una prestazione lavorativa in quanto prive di un riferimento contrattuale. 20Indicare almeno l’anno di inizio e di eventuale termine. 21Se ritenuto utile inserire altre conoscenze e competenze (p.e. artistiche, sportive, ...) prendendo a riferimento il CV Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 54 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 3. Ulteriori attestazioni ed abilitazioni22 Possesso di patente di guida23 Possesso di abilitazioni24 4. Elementi esposti nel CV a giustificazione dei crediti richiesti Ai fini del riconoscimento dei crediti formativi, indico alla Commissione di valutazione le referenze biografiche esposte nel presente Curriculum Vitae che, a mio giudizio, concorrono a dimostrare il possesso dei requisiti richiesti, fermo restando il mio diritto di integrarle e riformularle nel corso del procedimento, anche sulla base degli esiti della matrice di trasparenza degli apprendimenti. Credito richiesto25 Referenze del presente CV a supporto26 __ Il presente Curriculum Vitæ è aggiornato alla data del __ / __ / ____ 27 Il sottoscritto, consapevole della nullità del procedimento di riconoscimento dei crediti formativi in caso di falsa o mendace dichiarazione, dichiara sotto la sua responsabilità che tutte le informazioni fornite alle sezioni 1, 2 e 4 del presente Curriculum Vitae sono vere, assumendosi l'impegno di fornire – ove richiesto – le evidenze necessarie alla loro verifica da parte dei competenti soggetti. Il sottoscritto esprime infine il proprio consenso affinché i dati personali forniti possano essere trattati nel rispetto del D.Lgs. 196/2003 e successive modificazioni, per gli adempimenti connessi alla gestione del procedimento di riconoscimento dei crediti avviato in data __________ per l'attività formativa _________________________, con il soggetto attuatore _________________________. Firma in originale28 Europeo (Europass). se di interesse per il procedimento di riconoscimento dei crediti, le eventuali abilitazioni possedute, indicando se dotate di valore pubblico e l’anno di conseguimento. Il termine abilitazione si riferisce a tutte le attestazioni formali che riconoscono la possibilità per l'individuo di svolgere una determinata attività (p.e. patente di guida, licenza di caccia, iscrizione al REC, iscrizione ad un albo professionale). 23Campo non obbligatorio. Indicare tipologia, classe (A, B, C, D, E, F) ed eventuali specificità. 24Campo non obbligatorio. 25Indicare il credito formativo, in modo conforme alla richiesta di riconoscimento avanzata. 26Fare riferimento in modo sintetico alle referenze già oggetto delle precedenti sezioni 2, 3 e 4 del Curriculum Vitae (p.e. indicando la loro numerazione, o altro elemento non ambiguo di identificazione). 27La data di aggiornamento del CV non deve essere antecedente a quella di richiesta di crediti formativi. 28Nel caso in cui il richiedente sia minorenne, la sottoscrizione deve avvenire anche da parte di un genitore o di chi 22Riportare, Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 55 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 2.3 Documento di messa in trasparenza degli apprendimenti Documento di messa in trasparenza degli apprendimenti 1. Dati del procedimento Riconoscimento dei crediti avviato da (nome e cognome) ________________________________ in data ______ con riferimento all'azione formativa ____________________________________ svolta dall’ente _________________________________________________________________ Crediti richiesti [ ] di ammissione [ ] di frequenza Sessioni di messa in trasparenza svolte Data 29Si Risorse professionali impegnate29 ne fa le veci. rammenta l’obbligo di impegno diretto di almeno una risorsa dotata delle competenze certificate di cui all’art. 15 della DGR 1429 del 3/09/2007 Ai fini rendicontuali fa fede esclusivamente il registro di prestazione controfirmato dal beneficiario, così come disposto dalle norme di gestione applicabili. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 56 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Matrice tipo di messa in trasparenza degli apprendimenti acquisiti : credito di ammissione Esperienze esposte nel curriculum vitae Esperienza31 Prerequisiti di ammissione richiesti Requisito30 Requisito Requisito ... Testo di trasparenza32 Esiti generali del colloquio svolto33 Eventuali osservazioni del tutor di credito34: Eventuali ulteriori annotazioni: Luogo e Data Firma35 Il richiedente Firma Il tutor di credito 30Le singole colonne vanno intestate a cura del soggetto attuatore, prima dell'utilizzo dello strumento, con le singole caratteristiche dei prerequisiti indicati in sede di progettazione per il credito di ammissione. Definire il numero delle colonne in base alle effettive esigenze. 31Fare riferimento in modo sintetico alle singole esperienze già esposte nel CV, in modo da permettere l'agevole reperimento degli elementi informativi utili alla loro caratterizzazione. 32Redigere il testo di messa in trasparenza seguendo le indicazioni metodologiche e redazionali contenute nella “Linea guida per la gestione del processo di riconoscimento dei crediti formativi” a cura della Regione dell’Umbria. 33Redigere il testo sintetico rivolto a mettere in evidenza il livello complessivo delle risorse cognitive e di conoscenza messe in trasparenza attraverso il colloquio, seguendo le indicazioni metodologiche e redazionali contenute nella “Linea guida per la gestione del processo di riconoscimento dei crediti formativi” 34Il campo è da utilizzare nel caso in cui non vi sia accordo fra il beneficiario e la risorsa professionale del soggetto attuatore che ha svolto la messa in trasparenza degli apprendimenti, indicando gli elementi critici. 35Da apporre da parte del richiedente e del tutor di credito al termine del percorso di messa in trasparenza. Nel caso in cui il richiedente sia minorenne, la sottoscrizione deve avvenire anche da parte di un genitore o di chi ne fa le veci. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 57 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Matrice tipo di messa in trasparenza degli apprendimenti acquisiti : credito di frequenza Esperienze esposte nel curriculum vitae Esperienza37 Crediti di frequenza richiesti Unità/Modulo36 Unità/Modulo Unità/Modulo ... Testo di trasparenza38 Eventuali osservazioni del tutor di credito39: Eventuali ulteriori annotazioni: Luogo e Data Firma40 Il richiedente Firma Il tutor di credito 36Le singole colonne vanno intestate a cura del soggetto attuatore, prima dell'utilizzo dello strumento, sulla base dei contenuti della richiesta di credito avanzata dal richiedente. Definire il numero delle colonne in base alle effettive esigenze. 37Fare riferimento in modo sintetico alle singole esperienze già esposte nel CV, in modo da permettere l'agevole reperimento degli elementi informativi utili alla loro caratterizzazione. 38Redigere il testo di messa in trasparenza seguendo le indicazioni metodologiche e redazionali contenute nella “Linea guida per la gestione del processo di riconoscimento dei crediti formativi” a cura della Regione dell’Umbria. 39Il campo è da utilizzare nel caso in cui non vi sia accordo fra il beneficiario e la risorsa professionale del soggetto attuatore che ha svolto la messa in trasparenza degli apprendimenti, indicando gli elementi critici. 40Da apporre da parte del richiedente e del tutor di credito al termine del percorso di messa in trasparenza. Nel caso in cui il richiedente sia minorenne, la sottoscrizione deve avvenire anche da parte di un genitore o di chi ne fa le veci. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 58 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 2.4 Verbale tipo della commissione di valutazione degli apprendimenti In data _____, la Commissione di valutazione degli apprendimenti a fini di riconoscimento dei crediti formativi richiesti da (nome e cognome) __________________________________________ con riferimento all'azione formativa_______________________________________________ svolta dall’ente __________________________________________________________________ costituita da: Nome e Cognome Ente di appartenenza Ruolo41 a conclusione della fase di valutazione degli apprendimenti effettuata sulla base42: della documentazione presentata dal richiedente in sede di richiesta e di procedimento; della matrice di messa in trasparenza degli apprendimenti; delle audizioni diretta svolte in data ____; _____; _____; dell'effettuazione della prova svolta in data _____; (in alternativa, ove del caso) preso atto della mancata risposta del candidato alla/o (richiesta di integrazione/svolgimento di audizione/effettuazione di prova) nei termini fissati, formula la seguente ipotesi di43: riconoscimento integrale dei seguenti crediti richiesti: Credito proposto Motivazione di riconoscimento44 41Indicare il ruolo che motiva l’appartenenza alla Commissione (p.e. responsabile dell’attività formativa; “tutor di credito”; esperto in ...; rappresentante dell’ente/dell’istituzione scolastica ...; auditor della Regione/Provincia; ...). 42Riportare nel verbale le opzioni pertinenti, adattando i testi proposti alle effettive esigenze. 43Selezionare e specificare gli item tipo sulla base degli esiti della valutazione svolta. 44Riportare in modo sintetico la motivazione, con riferimento agli esiti del processo di valutazione svolto dalla Commissione Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 59 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Credito proposto riconoscimento con debito dei seguenti crediti richiesti: Credito proposto Debito assegnato45 Motivazione di riconoscimento riconoscimento di dispensa, con obbligo di prova dei seguenti crediti richiesti: Credito proposto Motivazione di riconoscimento44 Prova di valutazione 46 Motivazione di riconoscimento non riconoscimento dei seguenti crediti richiesti: Credito Motivazione di non riconoscimento47 Note48 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Firme dei membri della Commissione 45indicare i contenuti oggetto di approfondimento e valutazione di apprendimento, nell'ambito del progetto formativo individualizzato 46indicare sinteticamente la prova prevista al termine del segmento/unità/modulo di cui si riconosce la dispensa di frequenza. 47Riportare in modo sintetico la motivazione, con riferimento agli esiti del processo di valutazione svolto dalla Commissione 48Richiamare le eventuali disparità di giudizio emerse nei lavori della Commissione, come gli altri elementi utili ai fini della tracciabilità del procedimento. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 60 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 2.5 Format-tipo di redazione del progetto formativo individualizzato (loghi previsti dalla normativa vigente) Con riferimento alla richiesta di riconoscimento dei crediti formativi avanzata da (cognome e nome del richiedente) in data (data della richiesta) per l'attività formativa (denominazione e codice identificativo), il soggetto attuatore (nome del soggetto) comunica – a seguito di autorizzazione amministrativa da parte della (Regione/Provincia di ...) del (data e numero di protocollo) – gli esiti del procedimento49: I seguenti crediti sono riconosciuti integralmente: Credito richiesto I seguenti crediti sono riconosciuti accompagnati da debito formativo, con l'obbligo del richiedente di rispetto di quanto previsto dal Progetto Formativo Individualizzato: Credito richiesto Debito formativo assegnato51 Motivazione di riconoscimento I seguenti crediti sono riconosciuti limitatamente alla dispensa di frequenza, con l'obbligo del richiedente di sottoporsi a prova di valutazione: Credito richiesto Motivazione di riconoscimento50 Prova di valutazione 52 Motivazione di riconoscimento I seguenti crediti richiesti non sono stati riconosciuti: Credito richiesto Motivazione di non riconoscimento53 49Utilizzare le opzioni di interesse la motivazione di cui al verbale di esito della valutazione degli apprendimenti. 51Riportare i contenuti oggetto di approfondimento e valutazione degli apprendimenti. 52Riportare la prova prevista al termine del segmento/unità/modulo di cui si riconosce la dispensa di frequenza. 53Riportare in modo sintetico la motivazione di cui al verbale di esito della valutazione degli apprendimenti. 50Riportare Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 61 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Accettazione dei crediti riconosciuti e del Progetto Formativo Individualizzato Io sottoscritto (cognome e nome), preso atto degli esiti del procedimento di riconoscimento dei crediti di cui al punto A) del presente documento54: accetto i crediti riconosciuti e mi impegno, pena la decadenza dai benefici derivanti dal riconoscimento, a svolgere il progetto formativo individualizzato nei termini sotto indicati indicare in esteso i contenuti e le modalità attuative del Progetto Formativo Individualizzato relativamente ai crediti accettati, con particolare riferimento a: impegni assunti dal soggetto attuatore l'attività formativa (numero di ore di docenza individualizzata; tutorship dedicata; ...); impegni assunti dal beneficiario (obblighi di frequenza, prova, ...). rinuncio all’esercizio dei seguenti crediti riconosciuti, consapevole di perdere in modo irrevocabile il diritto di55 (accesso al corso; riduzione della sua frequenza). Luogo e data di sottoscrizione Il responsabile dell’ente (firma in originale) Il richiedente i crediti (firma in originale) 54utilizzare 55indicare le/e opzione/i tipo di interesse. la/e opzione/i di interesse. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 62 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Italia Europass certificate supplement* 1. TITLE OF THE CERTIFICATE (EN)** Professional Qualification of COSMETICIAN 2. TRANSLATION OF THE CERTIFICATE TTLE (IT) ESTETISTA 3. PROFILE OF SKILLS AND COMPETENCES (EN) To be awarded this certificate the holder will have demonstrated formally through a process of assessment, administered both on and off the job, an ability: To practise a profession as employed or self-employed worker To manage the professional activity of Cosmetician To define the offer beauty/cosmetic services To manage the business and marketing activities related to activity of Cosmetician to make Edit eyelashes and eyebrows to make Facial hair discoloration, removal, depilation to make Skin care due to its type Cleaning or keeping clean certain work surfaces to make Massage to make Fat reduction, strengthening muscles and subcutaneous tissue treatments to make Depilation to make Hand massage to make Pre make-up care to make Cosmetic counselling To know and observe European occupational safety and health directives and its annexes, and local requirements to create and keep functioning registry of client's files, equipment, tools, materials, products and economical documentation To manage relationships with the customer / beneficiary To communicate in official national/regional language 3. PROFILO DI ABILITÀ E COMPETENZE (IT) Per ottenere il presente certificato, il titolare dello stesso dovrà aver dimostrato formalmente attraverso un processo di valutazione, svolto sia sul posto di lavoro che al di fuori dello stesso, di essere in possesso delle seguenti capacità: esercitare una professione in qualità di lavoratore dipendente o di lavoratore autonomo gestire l’attività professionale di Estetista definire l’offerta di servizi estetici gestire le attività d’impresa e di marketing connesse alla professione di Estetista realizzare la cura/sistemazione di ciglia e sopracciglia realizzare la decolorazione dei peli facciali, rimozione, depilazione realizzare la cura della pelle in base alla tipologia Pulizia e mantenimento della pulizia dei piani di lavoro realizzare il massaggio realizzare la riduzione del grasso, rafforzamento dei muscoli e trattamenti del tessuto sottocutaneo realizzare depilazioni realizzare il massaggio della mano realizzare la cura della preparazione al trucco dare consulenza cosmetica conoscere e osservare le direttive europee sulla sicurezza e salute sul lavoro e suoi allegati, e requisiti locali realizzare e mantenere un funzionale registro dei clienti, delle strumentazioni, materiali, prodotti e documentazione amministrativa gestire i rapporti con i clienti Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 63 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM comunicare nella lingua ufficiale regionale/nazionale 4. RANGE OF OCCUPATIONS ACCESSIBLE TO THE HOLDER OF THE CERTIFICATE (EN) The Cosmetician works with a high degree of autonomy and responsibility, exercising the profession as employed or in an independent manner.The activity of the Cosmetician is spread throughout the year and the working hours are during the day. His workload is greater near the week-end and in particular times of the year (Christmas and summer). A predisposition to physical contact is essential as the good part of aesthetic treatments provides for the manipulation and the contact with the body of the customer. The cosmetician works in autonomy recognizing cosmetics and application techniques to be used for the aesthetic treatment of the body. 4. AMBITO OCCUPAZIONALE ACCESSIBILE AL PORTATORE DEL CERTIFICATO (IT) L’Estetista lavora con un alto grado di autonomia e responsabilità, esercitando la professione sia come dipendente che come lavoratore autonomo. La sua attività si sviluppa lungo tutto l’arco dell’anno e l’orario di lavoro è diurno. Il suo carico di lavoro è maggiore in prossimità del fine settimana ed in particolari periodi dell’anno (periodo natalizio ed in prossimità dell’estate). E’ imprescindibile una predisposizione al contatto fisico in quanto la buona parte dei trattamenti estetici prevede la manipolazione e il contatto con il corpo del cliente. L’estetista opera in autonomia riconoscendo i prodotti cosmetici e le tecniche di applicazione da impiegare per il trattamento estetico del corpo. 5. OFFICIAL BASIS OF THE CERTIFICATE : ITALY – UMBRIA REGION (EN) Name and status of the body awarding the certificate Organisation / Training Agency : Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa Strada S. Lucia 8 06125 Perugia Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa is a training agency with Umbria Region accreditation Name and status of the national/regional authority providing accreditation/recognition of the certificate Regione Umbria Via M. Angeloni 61, 06100 Perugia (IT) Umbria Region has exclusive legislative competence, established by Art. 117 of Italian Constitution, on vocational education and training (VET). Level of the certificate (national or international) Grading scale / Pass requirements European level: Level EQF … Learning outcomes units are formally awarded if skills and knowledge assessments were passed. For each learning outcomes unit all essential criteria must be demonstrated to pass skills assessments (“Standard minimo” established by Umbria Region with DGR 1429/2007 - Credits Directive - and later modifications and integrations) Access to next level of education/training International agreements Further levels of Vocational Training Qualification Memorandum of Understanding - MoU ECVET for professional qualification of Cosmetician, signed in Dunajská Streda the 11st April 2014 (www.ecvethealthtourism.eu) Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 64 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Legal Basis Italian National Law 845/1978 and later modifications and integrations Italian National Legislative Decree 13 of 16 January 2013 Agreements in VET matter between Italian State and Regions Umbria Region Credits Directive DGR 1429 of 3rd September 2007, and later modifications and integrations 5. BASE UFFICIALE DEL CERTIFICATO : ITALIA – REGIONE UMBRIA (IT) Nome e status dell’organismo che rilascia il certificato Nome e status dell’autorità nazionale/regionale responsabile del rilascio del certificato Organizzazione / Agenzia formativa : Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa Strada S. Lucia 8 06125 Perugia Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa è un’agenzia formativa accreditata dalla Regione Umbria Regione Umbria Via M. Angeloni 61, 06100 Perugia (IT) Livello (nazionale o internazionale) del certificato Sistema di votazione/condizioni di ammissione Livello europeo : Livello EQF ... Le unità di risultati di apprendimento sono formalmente riconosciute se le abilità e le conoscenze associate vengono verificate. Per ogni unità di risultati di apprendimento devono essere dimostrati tutti i criteri essenziali per superare la valutazione delle capacità (“Standard minimo” stabilito dalla Regione Umbria con la DGR 1429/2007 - Direttiva Crediti - e successive modifiche e integrazioni) Accesso al livello successive d’istruzione/formazione Accordi internazionali Livelli successivi di qualificazione professionale Protocollo di Intesa ECVET per la qualificazione professionale di Estetista, sottoscritto l’ 11 Aprile 2014 a Dunajská Streda (www.ecvethealthtourism.eu) La Regione Umbria ha competenza legislativa esclusiva, ai sensi dell’Art. 117 della Costituzione italiana, in materia di istruzione e formazione professionale (IFP) Base giuridica Legge nazionale italiana 845/1978 Decreto Legislativo nazionale italiano n. 13 del 16 Gennaio 2013 Accordi della Conferenza delle Regioni e della Conferenza Stato-Regioni in material di IFP DGR 1429 del 3 Settembre 2007 della Regione Umbria - Direttiva Crediti – e s.m.i. 6. OFFICIALLY RECOGNISED WAYS OF ACQUIRING THE CERTIFICATE (EN) Percentage of total programme (%) Duration (years/weeks/days/hours) School/Training Centres based Vocational Education and Training type To be determined for each person in function of the assessment of already acquired learning outcomes To be determined for each person in function of the assessment of already acquired learning outcomes Workplace based To be determined for each person in function of the assessment of already acquired learning outcomes To be determined for each person in function of the assessment of already acquired learning outcomes Accredited prior learning On the basis of already acquired learning outcomes Total duration of the education/training leading to the certificate 1 year Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 65 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Entry Requirements: Secondary school certificate Additional information available at: http:www.ecvet-healthtourism.eu National Reference Points: http://www.europass.gov.tr/referencepoint.html 6. MODALITÀ RICONOSCIUTE UFFICIALMENTE PER L’OTTENIMENTO DEL CERTIFICATO (IT) Tipo di istruzione/formazione professionale Percentuale del programma totale (%) Durata (anni/settimane/giorni/ore) Scuola / Centro di formazione Da determinare per ogni persona in funzione della valutazione dei risultati di apprendimento già acquisiti Da determinare per ogni persona in funzione della valutazione dei risultati di apprendimento già acquisiti Ambiente di lavoro Da determinare per ogni persona in funzione della valutazione dei risultati di apprendimento già acquisiti Da determinare per ogni persona in funzione della valutazione dei risultati di apprendimento già acquisiti Precedenti apprendimenti accreditati In base ai risultati di apprendimento già acquisiti Durata totale dell’istruzione/formazione che ha condotto al certificato 1 anno Livello iniziale richiesto Diploma di scuola secondaria Ulteriori informazioni disponibili presso http:www.ecvet-healthtourism.eu Punto nazionale di riferimento http://www.europass.gov.tr/referencepoint.html * Explanatory note: This document is designed to provide additional information about the specified certificate and does not have any legal status in itself. The format of the description is based on the following texts: Council Resolution 93/C 49/01 of 3 December 1992 on the transparency of qualifications, Council Resolution 96/C 224/04 of 15 July 1996 on the transparency of vocational training certificates, and Recommendation 2001/613/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 July 2001 on mobility within the Community for students, persons undergoing training, volunteers, teachers and trainers. More information on transparency is available at: www.cedefop.eu.int/transparency © European Communities 2002 ** Expalanatory note: This document, according to the ECVET EU principles, is aimed to the transparency not only of the whole qualification but also of the single learning outcomes unit/s already evaluated and recognised at national/regional level Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 66 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Italia Europass certificate supplement* 1. TITLE OF THE CERTIFICATE (EN)** Professional Qualification of Fitness-Wellness Assistant 2. TRANSLATION OF THE CERTIFICATE TITLE (IT) Collaboratore nel Settore Benessere 3. PROFILE OF SKILLS AND COMPETENCES (EN) To be awarded this certificate the holder will have demonstrated formally through a process of assessment, administered both on and off the job, an ability: To practise a profession as employed or self-employed worker To manage the professional activity of Fitness-Wellness Assistant To manage relationships with the customer / beneficiary To provide information To refer of fitness, wellness and medical wellness services To manage sales activities and health-bar operations Data entry, management and safety To prepare report management To prepare written and printed material for internal communication purposes To clean and maintain order and cleanliness To make CPR and first aid assistance To know and observe European occupational safety and health directives and its annexes, and local requirements To manage the business and marketing activities related to Fitness-Wellness Assistant To communicate in official national/regional language 3. PROFILO DI ABILITÀ E COMPETENZE (IT) Per ottenere il presente certificato, il titolare dello stesso dovrà aver dimostrato formalmente attraverso un processo di valutazione, svolto sia sul posto di lavoro che al di fuori dello stesso, di essere in possesso delle seguenti capacità: esercitare una professione in qualità di lavoratore dipendente o di lavoratore autonomo gestire l’attività professionale di Collaboratore nel settore Benessere gestire i rapporti con i clienti fornire informazioni Riferire sui servizi di fitness, benessere e benessere medico gestire attività di vendita e operazioni al bancone benessere Inserimento dei dati, gestione e sicurezza preparare relazioni sulla gestione preparare materiale scritto e stampato per la comunicazione interna Mantenere la pulizia, l’ordine e la cura delle superfici di lavoro Praticare la rianimazione cardiopolmonare e l’assistenza di primo soccorso conoscere e osservare le direttive europee sulla sicurezza e salute sul lavoro e suoi allegati, e requisiti locali gestire le attività d’impresa e di marketing connesse alla professione di Collaboratore nel Settore Benessere comunicare nella lingua ufficiale regionale/nazionale 4. RANGE OF OCCUPATIONS ACCESSIBLE TO THE HOLDER OF THE CERTIFICATE (EN) Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 67 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM The Fitness-Wellness Assistant works with high level of autonomy, exercising the profession as employed, in institution operating in the field of health tourism, or in an independent manner. His/her activity is spread throughout the year and the working hours are during the day. The Fitness-Wellness Assistant work is characterized by close contact with the client: he/she must be able to provide information and advice about fitness and wellness services. 4. AMBITO OCCUPAZIONALE ACCESSIBILE AL PORTATORE DEL CERTIFICATO (IT) Il Collaboratore nel settore Benessere lavora con un buon grado di autonomia, esercitando la professione sia come dipendente, all’interno di strutture che operano nel settore del Turismo della salute, che in maniera autonoma. La sua attività si sviluppa lungo tutto l’arco dell’anno e l’orario di lavoro è diurno. La sua attività è caratterizzata da uno stretto contatto con il cliente: deve essere in grado di fornire informazioni e consigli sui servizi di fitness e benessere. 5. OFFICIAL BASIS OF THE CERTIFICATE : ITALY – UMBRIA REGION (EN) Name and status of the body awarding the certificate Organisation / Training Agency : Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa Strada S. Lucia 8 06125 Perugia Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa is a training agency with Umbria Region accreditation Name and status of the national/regional authority providing accreditation/recognition of the certificate Regione Umbria Via M. Angeloni 61, 06100 Perugia (IT) Umbria Region has exclusive legislative competence, established by Art. 117 of Italian Constitution, on vocational education and training (VET). Level of the certificate (national or international) Grading scale / Pass requirements European level: Level EQF … Learning outcomes units are formally awarded if skills and knowledge assessments were passed. For each learning outcomes unit all essential criteria must be demonstrated to pass skills assessments (“Standard minimo” established by Umbria Region with DGR 1429/2007 - Credits Directive - and later modifications and integrations) Access to next level of education/training International agreements Further levels of Vocational Training Qualification Memorandum of Understanding - MoU ECVET for professional qualification of Fitness-Wellness Assistant, signed in Dunajská Streda the 11st April 2014 (www.ecvet-healthtourism.eu) Legal Basis Italian National Law 845/1978 and later modifications and integrations Italian National Legislative Decree 13 of 16 January 2013 Agreements in VET matter between Italian State and Regions Umbria Region Credits Directive DGR 1429 of 3rd September 2007, and later modifications and integrations 5. BASE UFFICIALE DEL CERTIFICATO : ITALIA – REGIONE UMBRIA (IT) Nome e status dell’organismo che rilascia il certificato Nome e status dell’autorità nazionale/regionale responsabile del rilascio del certificato Organizzazione / Agenzia formativa : Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa Strada S. Lucia 8 06125 Perugia Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa è un’agenzia formativa accreditata dalla Regione Regione Umbria Via M. Angeloni 61, 06100 Perugia (IT) La Regione Umbria ha competenza legislativa esclusiva, ai sensi dell’Art. 117 della Costituzione italiana, in materia di istruzione e formazione professionale (IFP) Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 68 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Umbria Livello (nazionale o internazionale) del certificato Sistema di votazione/condizioni di ammissione Livello europeo : Livello EQF ... Le unità di risultati di apprendimento sono formalmente riconosciute se le abilità e le conoscenze associate vengono verificate. Per ogni unità di risultati di apprendimento devono essere dimostrati tutti i criteri essenziali per superare la valutazione delle capacità (“Standard minimo” stabilito dalla Regione Umbria con la DGR 1429/2007 - Direttiva Crediti - e successive modifiche e integrazioni) Accesso al livello successive d’istruzione/formazione Accordi internazionali Livelli successivi di qualificazione professionale Protocollo di Intesa ECVET per la qualificazione professionale di Collaboratore nel Settore Benessere sottoscritto l’ 11 Aprile 2014 a Dunajská Streda (www.ecvet-healthtourism.eu) Base giuridica Legge nazionale italiana 845/1978 Decreto Legislativo nazionale italiano n. 13 del 16 Gennaio 2013 Accordi della Conferenza delle Regioni e della Conferenza Stato-Regioni in material di IFP DGR 1429 del 3 Settembre 2007 della Regione Umbria - Direttiva Crediti – e s.m.i. 6. OFFICIALLY RECOGNISED WAYS OF ACQUIRING THE CERTIFICATE (EN) Vocational Education and Training type Percentage of total programme (%) Duration (years/weeks/days/hours) School/Training Centres based To be determined for each person in function of the assessment of already acquired learning outcomes To be determined for each person in function of the assessment of already acquired learning outcomes Workplace based To be determined for each person in function of the assessment of already acquired learning outcomes To be determined for each person in function of the assessment of already acquired learning outcomes Accredited prior learning On the basis of already acquired learning outcomes Total duration of the education/training leading to the certificate 1 year Entry Requirements: Secondary school certificate Additional information available at: http:www.ecvet-healthtourism.eu National Reference Points: http://www.europass.gov.tr/referencepoint.html 6. MODALITÀ RICONOSCIUTE UFFICIALMENTE PER L’OTTENIMENTO DEL CERTIFICATO (IT) Tipo di istruzione/formazione professionale Percentuale del programma totale (%) Durata (anni/settimane/giorni/ore) Scuola / Centro di formazione Da determinare per ogni persona in funzione della valutazione dei risultati di apprendimento già acquisiti Da determinare per ogni persona in funzione della valutazione dei risultati di apprendimento già acquisiti Ambiente di lavoro Da determinare per ogni persona in funzione della valutazione dei risultati di apprendimento Da determinare per ogni persona in funzione della valutazione dei risultati di apprendimento Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 69 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM già acquisiti Precedenti apprendimenti accreditati già acquisiti In base ai risultati di apprendimento già acquisiti Durata totale dell’istruzione/formazione che ha condotto al certificato 1 anno Livello iniziale richiesto Diploma di scuola secondaria Ulteriori informazioni disponibili presso http:www.ecvet-healthtourism.eu Punto nazionale di riferimento http://www.europass.gov.tr/referencepoint.html * Explanatory note: This document is designed to provide additional information about the specified certificate and does not have any legal status in itself. The format of the description is based on the following texts: Council Resolution 93/C 49/01 of 3 December 1992 on the transparency of qualifications, Council Resolution 96/C 224/04 of 15 July 1996 on the transparency of vocational training certificates, and Recommendation 2001/613/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 July 2001 on mobility within the Community for students, persons undergoing training, volunteers, teachers and trainers. More information on transparency is available at: www.cedefop.eu.int/transparency © European Communities 2002 ** Expalanatory note: This document, according to the ECVET EU principles, is aimed to the transparency not only of the whole qualification but also of the single learning outcomes unit/s already evaluated and recognised at national/regional level Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 70 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Europass certificate supplement* 1. TITLE OF THE CERTIFICATE (EN)** Professional Qualification of Health-Tourism manager 2. TRANSLATION OF THE CERTIFICATE TTLE (IT) Responsabile nel settore del Turismo della Salute 3. PROFILE OF SKILLS AND COMPETENCES (EN) To be awarded this certificate the holder will have demonstrated formally through a process of assessment, administered both on and off the job, an ability: To practise a profession as employed or self-employed worker To manage the professional activity of Health-tourism manager To manage middle management tasks in institutions providing health tourism services To manage the business and marketing activities related to business enterprise To plan and organise the health tourism job groups To manage Human Resource To analyze and evaluate the operation of the business To carry out quality control activities To manage the business, marketing and sales activities To manage PR activities To provide information and manage Customer service To prepare health tourism program packages To manage administrative activities To know and observe European occupational safety and health directives and its annexes, and local requirements To know and promote labour safety and medical regulations To communicate in official national/regional language 3. PROFILO DI ABILITÀ E COMPETENZE (IT) Per ottenere il presente certificato, il titolare dello stesso dovrà aver dimostrato formalmente attraverso un processo di valutazione, svolto sia sul posto di lavoro che al di fuori dello stesso, di essere in possesso delle seguenti capacità: esercitare una professione in qualità di lavoratore dipendente o di lavoratore autonomo gestire l’attività professionale di Responsabile nel Settore del Turismo della Salute gestire le attività intermedie di gestione in strutture che forniscono servizi per il turismo della salute gestire le attività d’impresa e di marketing connesse all’attività di Responsabile nel settore del Turismo dela Salute pianificare e organizzare i gruppi di lavoro nel settore del turismo della salute gestire le risorse umane analizzare e valutare l’andamento degli affari svolgere attività di controllo della qualità gestire gli affari, il marketing e le attività di vendita gestire attività di pubbliche relazioni fornire informazioni e gestire servizi ai clienti preparare pacchetti di programmi di turismo della salute gestire le attività amministrative conoscere e osservare le direttive europee sulla sicurezza e salute sul lavoro e suoi allegati, e requisiti locali conoscere e promuovere il rispetto delle norme in materia sicurezza sul lavoro e in campo medico comunicare nella lingua ufficiale regionale/nazionale Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 71 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 4. RANGE OF OCCUPATIONS ACCESSIBLE TO THE HOLDER OF THE CERTIFICATE (EN) The Health Tourism Manager operates, with high levels of autonomy and responsibility, within health tourism institutions, exercising the profession as employed or in an independent manner (if holder of the structure). His/her activity is spread throughout the year and the working hours are during the day. The activities are several: providing information, managing PR activities and Human Resource, organising the health tourism job groups, provision health tourism program packages, managing administrative activities. 4. AMBITO OCCUPAZIONALE ACCESSIBILE AL PORTATORE DEL CERTIFICATO (IT) Il Responsabile nel settore del Turismo della Salute opera, con elevati livelli di autonomia e responsabilità, nell’ambito di strutture operanti nel turismo della salute, esercitando la professione come lavoratore dipendente o lavoratore autonomo (se proprietario della struttura). La sua attività si sviluppa lungo tutto l’arco dell’anno e l’orario di lavoro è diurno. Le attività sono varie: fornire informazioni, la gestione delle attività di PR e delle risorse umane, l'organizzazione di gruppi di lavoro del turismo della salute, preparazione di pacchetti di programmi del turismo della salute, gestione delle attività amministrative. 5. OFFICIAL BASIS OF THE CERTIFICATE : ITALY – UMBRIA REGION (EN) Name and status of the body awarding the certificate Organisation / Training Agency : Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa Strada S. Lucia 8 06125 Perugia Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa is a training agency with Umbria Region accreditation Name and status of the national/regional authority providing accreditation/recognition of the certificate Regione Umbria Via M. Angeloni 61, 06100 Perugia (IT) Umbria Region has exclusive legislative competence, established by Art. 117 of Italian Constitution, on vocational education and training (VET). Level of the certificate (national or international) Grading scale / Pass requirements European level: Level EQF … Learning outcomes units are formally awarded if skills and knowledge assessments were passed. For each learning outcomes unit all essential criteria must be demonstrated to pass skills assessments (“Standard minimo” established by Umbria Region with DGR 1429/2007 - Credits Directive - and later modifications and integrations) Access to next level of education/training International agreements Further levels of Vocational Training Qualification Memorandum of Understanding - MoU ECVET for professional qualification of Health Tourism Manager, signed in Dunajská Streda the 11st April 2014 (www.ecvet-healthtourism.eu) Legal Basis Italian National Law 845/1978 and later modifications and integrations Italian National Legislative Decree 13 of 16 January 2013 Agreements in VET matter between Italian State and Regions Umbria Region Credits Directive DGR 1429 of 3rd September 2007, and later modifications and integrations 5. BASE UFFICIALE DEL CERTIFICATO : ITALIA – REGIONE UMBRIA (IT) Nome e status dell’organismo che rilascia il certificato Nome e status dell’autorità nazionale/regionale responsabile del rilascio del certificato Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 72 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Organizzazione / Agenzia formativa : Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa Strada S. Lucia 8 06125 Perugia Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa è un’agenzia formativa accreditata dalla Regione Umbria Regione Umbria Via M. Angeloni 61, 06100 Perugia (IT) Livello (nazionale o internazionale) del certificato Sistema di votazione/condizioni di ammissione Livello europeo : Livello EQF ... Le unità di risultati di apprendimento sono formalmente riconosciute se le abilità e le conoscenze associate vengono verificate. Per ogni unità di risultati di apprendimento devono essere dimostrati tutti i criteri essenziali per superare la valutazione delle capacità (“Standard minimo” stabilito dalla Regione Umbria con la DGR 1429/2007 - Direttiva Crediti - e successive modifiche e integrazioni) Accesso al livello successive d’istruzione/formazione Accordi internazionali Livelli successivi di qualificazione professionale Protocollo di Intesa ECVET per la qualificazione professionale di Responsabile nel settore del Turismo della Salute, sottoscritto l’ 11 Aprile a Dunajská Streda (www.ecvet-healthtourism.eu) La Regione Umbria ha competenza legislativa esclusiva, ai sensi dell’Art. 117 della Costituzione italiana, in materia di istruzione e formazione professionale (IFP) Base giuridica Legge nazionale italiana 845/1978 Decreto Legislativo nazionale italiano n. 13 del 16 Gennaio 2013 Accordi della Conferenza delle Regioni e della Conferenza Stato-Regioni in material di IFP DGR 1429 del 3 Settembre 2007 della Regione Umbria - Direttiva Crediti – e s.m.i. 6. OFFICIALLY RECOGNISED WAYS OF ACQUIRING THE CERTIFICATE (EN) Vocational Education and Training type Percentage of total programme (%) Duration (years/weeks/days/hours) School/Training Centres based To be determined for each person in function of the assessment of already acquired learning outcomes To be determined for each person in function of the assessment of already acquired learning outcomes Workplace based To be determined for each person in function of the assessment of already acquired learning outcomes To be determined for each person in function of the assessment of already acquired learning outcomes Accredited prior learning On the basis of already acquired learning outcomes Total duration of the education/training leading to the certificate 1 year Entry Requirements: Secondary school certificate Additional information available at: http:www.ecvet-healthtourism.eu National Reference Points: http://www.europass.gov.tr/referencepoint.html 6. MODALITÀ RICONOSCIUTE UFFICIALMENTE PER L’OTTENIMENTO DEL CERTIFICATO (IT) Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 73 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Percentuale del programma totale (%) Durata (anni/settimane/giorni/ore) Scuola / Centro di formazione Tipo di istruzione/formazione professionale Da determinare per ogni persona in funzione della valutazione dei risultati di apprendimento già acquisiti Da determinare per ogni persona in funzione della valutazione dei risultati di apprendimento già acquisiti Ambiente di lavoro Da determinare per ogni persona in funzione della valutazione dei risultati di apprendimento già acquisiti Da determinare per ogni persona in funzione della valutazione dei risultati di apprendimento già acquisiti Precedenti apprendimenti accreditati In base ai risultati di apprendimento già acquisiti Durata totale dell’istruzione/formazione che ha condotto al certificato 1 anno Livello iniziale richiesto Diploma di scuola secondaria Ulteriori informazioni disponibili presso http:www.ecvet-healthtourism.eu Punto nazionale di riferimento http://www.europass.gov.tr/referencepoint.html * Explanatory note: This document is designed to provide additional information about the specified certificate and does not have any legal status in itself. The format of the description is based on the following texts: Council Resolution 93/C 49/01 of 3 December 1992 on the transparency of qualifications, Council Resolution 96/C 224/04 of 15 July 1996 on the transparency of vocational training certificates, and Recommendation 2001/613/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 July 2001 on mobility within the Community for students, persons undergoing training, volunteers, teachers and trainers. More information on transparency is available at: www.cedefop.eu.int/transparency © European Communities 2002 ** Expalanatory note: This document, according to the ECVET EU principles, is aimed to the transparency not only of the whole qualification but also of the single learning outcomes unit/s already evaluated and recognised at national/regional level Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 74 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM COUNTRY : BELGIUM EN ADMETTANT QUE : Le projet "ECVET - TOURISME DE SANTÉ» est un processus multilatéral pour le transfert de l'innovation (TOI) en cours dans le sous-programme Leonardo da Vinci de Lifelong Learning Programme UE 2007-13. Le projet est financé dans le "ECVET pour la transparence et la reconnaissance des acquis et des qualifications (LEO-TraInno-11) apprentissage" priorité des projets Leonardo da Vinci ToI, et comme tel, il a le but de appliquer les outils européens et cadres de EQV et ECVET pour les personnes opérant dans le secteur du tourisme de santé, notamment à travers la mise en place d'un protocole d'entente ECVET pour la qualifications européennes "Cosméticien", "assistant fitness-bien-être", et "gestionnaire du tourisme de santé" définition de ces champs de qualification en termes de résultats d'apprentissage. Il définit le champ des qualifications en termes d’apprentissage, la répertorie avec le EQF au travers des cadres et systèmes nationaux de certification, conçoit des certifications en unités transférables d'acquis avec l’attribution des points de crédit, et par le biais de son application (accords d'apprentissage, attribution des crédits, transfert de validation et d’accumulation), à travers des programmes de formation professionnelle VET liés à des dispositifs flexibles pour la validation, le transfert et la reconnaissance des acquis d'apprentissage obtenus dans des contextes formel, informel et non-formel. Le développement et la reconnaissance des savoirs, aptitudes et compétences des citoyens sont essentiels pour leur développement personnel et professionnel et pour la compétitivité, l'emploi et la cohésion sociale dans la Communauté. En appliquant ECVET Modèle de Attribution de Crédit on facilite la mobilité des travailleurs et des apprenants. Le projet vise a faciliter la participation à l'apprentissage tout au long de frontières pour tous, et le transfert, la reconnaissance et l'accumulation des acquis d'apprentissage évalués obtenus dans le contexte formel, non-formel et informel de personnes qui sont désireuses d'obtenir une qualification. Cela permettra d'améliorer la compréhension générale des Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 75 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM acquis d'apprentissage des citoyens et de leur transparence, leur mobilité transnationale et la portabilité entre et au sein des États membres dans un domaine de l'apprentissage tout au long de frontières. Le modèle européen commun pour les crédits ECVET attribution dans le tourisme de santé se concentre sur la réalisation de la transparence et la reconnaissance des résultats d'apprentissage des professions sectorielles suivantes: Soins cosmétiques, gestionnaire, tourisme de la santé et du bien-être. Il est applicable à tous les acquis qui sont en principe réalisable grâce à une variété de parcours de formation et d'apprentissage, puis transférés et reconnus. Cette ECVET Crédits Remise facilite le développement de parcours flexibles et personnalisés ainsi que la reconnaissance de ces résultats d'apprentissage qui sont acquises par l'apprentissage non formel et informel. Attribution de credits ECVET: L'attribution aux employeurs / entrepreneurs / stagiaires («candidats»), par les fournisseurs de VET / centre d'évaluation des compétences que la reconnaissance de ces résultats d'apprentissage qui sont acquises par l'apprentissage non formel et informel, un certificat de compétence de profil. Afin de se préparer pour la qualification professionnelle "Cosméticien" / "assistant remise en forme bien-être" / candidat "Gestionnaire santé-tourisme" il doit participer à une formation pour acquérir les compétences manquantes. L'attribution aux employeurs / entrepreneurs / stagiaires concernés (les «candidats»), par les fournisseurs VET / centre d'évaluation des compétences à la fin de processus de formation, les crédits ECVET liés aux résultats d'apprentissage vérifiés, en utilisant également le Supplément descriptif du certificat Europass. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 76 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Annex 1. – Cosméticien Fournisseurs VET /centre d'évaluation des compétences (Nom) (Lieu) (Contact) No. De dossier d’évaluation: COMPETENCE PROFILE CERTIFICATE Professional qualification: Cosméticien Qualification code: EQF/NQF level (si l’est en vigueur): Nome…………………………………….. Numéro de carte d'identité:…………………………….. Adresse:……………………………….Rue……n°…………..……Ville….. Code Postal …………….. Pays Numéro de téléphone: ………………… Email: …………….….…..@............................... (Nom du VET providers / compétences centre d'évaluation) a évalué les résultats d'apprentissage du candidat et la performance réalisée est la suivante:………………………… No. Résultats d’apprentissage des secteurs d’activités Résultat de l'évaluation passé échoué 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Modification des cils et des sourcils Décoloration des poils, enlèvement et épilation faciale Soins de la peau par rapport au type de peau Massage Réduction des matières grasses, renforcement des muscles et des soins de tissu sous-cutané Epilation 6. Massage à main 7. Soins pré-maquillage 8. Maquillage décoratif 9. 10. Directives européennes professionnelles de sécurité et de santé et de ses annexes, et des besoins locaux 11. Nettoyage ou maintenance de la propreté des certaines surfaces de travail 12. Conseils de beauté 13. Enregistrement 14. Gestion d’affaires et comptabilité dans l’entreprise Comments: Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 77 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Sur la base de l'évaluation ci-dessus le candidat acquis ... points de crédit. Au fin de se préparer pour la qualification professionnelle de "Cosméticien” le candidat doit participer à une formation pour acquérir les compétences manquantes dans les domaines d'activité suivants: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Date: Signature de l'évaluateur Lu et entendu: ………………………… Date: Signature du candidat Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 78 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Annex 2. – Assistant Fitness-bienêtre Fournisseurs VET /centre d'évaluation des compétences (Nom) (Lieu) (Contact) No. De dossier d’évaluation: CERTIFICAT DE COMPETENCE DU PROFIL Qualification professionnelle: Assistant Fitness-bienêtre Code de qualification: EQF/NQF level (s’il est en vigueur): Nome…………………………………….. Numéro de carte d'identité:…………………………….. Adresse:……………………………….Rue……n°…………..……Ville….. Code Postal …………….. Pays Numéro de téléphone: ………………… Email: (Nom du VET providers / compétences centre d'évaluation) a évalué les résultats d'apprentissage du candidat et la performance réalisée est la suivante:………………………… No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Comments: Résultats d’apprentissage des secteurs des activités Fournir des informations - Service à la clientèle Références de fitness, bien-être et des services de bien-être médical Activités de vente et opérations de soins de bar Gestion des données et sécurité Rapport de gestion Préparation des documents écrits et imprimés pour la communication interne Nettoyage ou maintenance de la propreté des certaines surfaces de travail Résultat de l'évaluation passé échoué RCP et assistance de premier secours Réglementation européen et local de la sécurité du travail Gestion d’affaires et comptabilité dans l’entreprise Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 79 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Sur la base de l'évaluation ci-dessus le candidat acquis ... points de crédit. Au fin de se préparer pour la qualification professionnelle de "Assistant Fitness-bienêtre” le candidat doit participer à une formation pour acquérir les compétences manquantes dans les domaines d'activité suivants: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Date: Signature de l'évaluateur Lu et entendu: ………………………… Date: Signature du candidat Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 80 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Annex 3. – Health-tourism manager Fournisseurs VET /centre d'évaluation des compétences (Nom) (Lieu) (Contact) No. De dossier d’évaluation: COMPETENCE PROFIL CERTIFICAT Qualification professionnelle: Health-tourism manager Code de qualification: EQF/NQF level (s’il est en vigueur): Nome…………………………………….. Numéro de carte d'identité:…………………………….. Adresse:……………………………….Rue……n°…………..……Ville….. Code Postal …………….. Pays Numéro de téléphone: ………………… Email: (nom du VET providers / compétences centre d'évaluation) a évalué les résultats d'apprentissage du candidat et la performance réalisée est la suivante:………………………… No. Résultats d’apprentissage des secteurs d’activités Résultat de l'évaluation passé passé Fonctions de gestion moyenne dans les établissements de santé offrant des services touristiques Gestion d’affaires et comptabilité dans l’entreprise 2. Planifier, organiser des groupes de travail du tourisme de 3. santé Gestion des ressources humaines 4. Analyser et évaluer le fonctionnement de l'entreprise 5 Réaliser des activités de contrôle de la qualité 6. Activités de marketing et de vente 7. Activités des relations publiques 8. Fournir de l'information - Service à la clientèle 9. 10. Préparer des paquets des programmes de tourisme de santé 11. Administration 12. Directives européennes professionnelles de sécurité et de santé et de ses annexes, et aux besoins locaux 13. Surveiller la sécurité du travail et les règlements médicaux Comments: 1. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 81 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Based on the above assessment Candidate acquired … credit points. In order to qualify for the professional qualification “Health-tourism manager” candidate needs to participate at training to acquire the missing competences in the following activity areas: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Date: Assessor’s signature Read and understood: ………………………… Date: Candidate’s signature Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 82 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 83 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 1. Intitulé du certificat Certificat d’apprentissage Q47 Esthéticien 1) dans la langue d’origine 2. Traduction de l’intitulé du certificat Beautician Schoonheidsspecialist (NL) Kosmetiker (DE) Beautician (EN) (1) Le cas échéant. Cette traduction est dépourvue de toute valeur légale. 3. Eléments de compétences acquis L'esthéticien/l'esthéticienne assume la réalisation des différents services qui sont offerts en institut de beauté, à savoir, les différents soins de beauté (épilation, manucure, soin des pieds, du visage et du corps, massages, maquillage) en respectant les règles d’hygiène et de sécurité. Il/Elle doit être capable de vendre des services, des produits de soins ou de maquillage et pour cela de développer des compétences communicationnelles. L’esthéticien/esthéticienne doit en outre cerner clairement les limites de sa profession et agir en conséquence. Le titulaire du certificat est capable de : - Gérer la clientèle (rendez-vous, accueil, conseil et tenue du dossier client) - Assurer l’hygiène et la sécurité (de son institut, de ses clients et de soi-même) - Épiler - Effectuer un soin visage, corps (gommage, enveloppement et traitement électrique), du buste et du contour des yeux - Maquiller (dont maquillage semi-permanent) - Effectuer un soin des mains et un soin de beauté des pieds (dont la pose de vernis) - Teinter les cils et les sourcils ; décolorer la pilosité du visage et du corps - Permanenter les cils et poser de faux cils - Effectuer un massage esthétique du corps, du visage et du décolleté - Effectuer un soin paraffine - Respecter la législation et la déontologie professionnelle - Assurer les aspects commerciaux (vente de produits complémentaires, gestion de la zone de vente et encaissement 4. Secteurs d’activité et/ou types d’emplois accessibles par le détenteur du certificat Les compétences professionnelles du titulaire sont reconnues pour l’obtention de l’accès à la profession Travail en institut de beauté, possibilité de travail à domicile. Travail en centres et espaces de bien-être et de remise en forme. Travail en hôpitaux, homes pour personnes âgées, maternité,... Travail en tant qu’associé à un salon de coiffure, parfumerie, hôtels, centres de vacances, de loisirs, aéroport et cabines debeauté en pharmacie. (1) Rubrique facultative (*) Note explicative Ce document vise à compléter l’information figurant sur le certificat/titre/diplôme. Le supplément descriptif du certificat n’a aucune valeur légale. Le format adopté est conforme à la Résolution 93/C 49/01 du Conseil du 3 décembre 1992 concernant la transparence des qualifications, à la Résolution 96/C 224/04 du Conseil du 15 juillet 1996 sur la transparence des certificats de formation professionnelle, ainsi qu’à la Recommandation 2001/613/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 10 juillet 2001 relative à la mobilité dans la Communauté des étudiants, des personnes en formation, des volontaires, des enseignants et des formateurs. Pour plus d’information, visitez le site http://europass.cedefop.eu.int © Communautés européennes 2002 Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 84 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM 5. Base officielle du certificat Nom et statut de l’organisme certificateur Nom et statut de l’autorité nationale/régionale responsable du référent du certificat Ministère de la Communauté française de Belgique Boulevard Léopold II, 44 1080 Bruxelles Belgique IFAPME Commission communautaire (organisme d’intérêt public) française Place Albert Ier, 31 Service Formation PME 6000 Charleroi Rue des Palais 42 Belgique 1030 Bruxelles Tél : 071/ 23 22 22 Belgique Fax : 071/23 22 23 02/800.80.00 www.ifapme.be www.cocof.irisnet.be Niveau (national ou international) du certificat Système de notation / conditions d’octroi 50 % pour les cours A (cours de connaissances générales) et B (cours de pratique professionnelle) 60 % pour l’examen C (épreuve intégrée) Accords internationaux Accord de reconnaissance mutuelle entre la Belgique et le Luxembourg Accès au niveau suivant d’éducation/de formation Accès aux formations de chef d’entreprise du réseau de l’IFAPME / SFPME Base légale - Arrêtés du Collège de la Commission communautaire française et du Gouvernement wallon relatifs aux cours de formation dans la Formation permanente pour les Classes moyennes et les petites et moyennes entreprises, 20 juillet & 31 août 2000 - Arrêtés du Collège de la Commission communautaire française et du Gouvernement wallon relatifs à l’évaluation continue et aux examens dans la Formation permanente pour les Classes moyennes et les petites et moyennes entreprises, 20 juillet & 31 août 2000 - Arrêté du Gouvernement wallon fixant les conditions d’agrément des contrats d’apprentissage dans la Formation permanente pour les Classes moyennes et les petites et moyennes entreprises du 16 juillet 1998 - Arrêté du Collège de la Commission communautaire française fixant les conditions d’agrément des contrats d’apprentissage dans la Formation permanente pour les Classes moyennes et les petites et moyennes entreprises, 17 juillet 1998 - Décret portant assentiment à l’accord de coopération-cadre relatif à la formation en alternance, conclu à Bruxelles entre la Communauté française, la Région wallonne et la Commission communautaire française du 15 janvier 2009 - Certificat d’apprentissage homologué par la Communauté française 6. Modes d’accès au certificat officiellement reconnus Description de l’enseignement / Part du volume total de formation professionnel(le) suivi(e) l’enseignement / formation (%) École/centre de formation 20 % Apprentissage en contexte professionnel 80 % Apprentissage non formel validé (auto formation, formation à distancesemi structurée…) néant Durée totale de l’enseignement / de la formation conduisant au certificat Durée (heures/semaines/mois/années) 1ère année : 360 heures de cours 2ème année : 250 heures de cours 3ème année : 296 heures de cours Régime 38 heures /semaine, heures de cours incluses néant 3 ans Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 85 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Niveau d’entrée requis - avoir atteint l'âge de 15 ans. - avoir suivi au moins les deux premières années de l'enseignement secondaire. Ces deux années d'enseignement doivent avoir été suivies jusqu'à la fin mais ne doivent pas nécessairement être réussies: ces deux années doivent être successives (une première et une seconde), il ne peut s'agir d'une première redoublée. Toutefois, les apprentis contractants qui proviennent de l'enseignement secondaire professionnel doivent avoir réussi la 2ème professionnelle ou avoir satisfait à l’obligation scolaire et réussi un examen d'entrée organisé par le réseau IFAPME / SFPME. Information complémentaire Les formations organisées par l’IFAPME / SFPME mettent l’accent sur l’alternance avec une partie importante de la formation se déroulant en entreprise. www.europass.cedefop.europa.eu Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 86 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM COUNTRY : ROMANIA GARANTAT CĂ, Proiectul multilateral ‘’ECVET – TURISM DE SĂNĂTATE " de transfer de inovație (MP TOI), care este în curs de desfășurare în cadrul programului sectorial Leonardo da Vinci din cadrul Programului de învățare pe tot parcursul vieții al UE 2007-13. A fost conceput pentru a atinge obiectivele generale menționate mai sus în special cu referire la sectorul turismului de sănătate, concentrându-se pe punerea în transparența și recunoașterea competențelor a următoarelor calificări profesionale sectoriale: cosmetician, manager de turism de sănătate şi asistent Fitness / wellness. Proiectul este finanțat în cadrul prioritar 5 " ECVET pentru transparența și recunoașterea rezultatelor învățării și calificărilor " ( LEO - TraInno - 11 ) a proiectelor numite Leonardo da Vinci MP ToI 2012, și , ca atare, are drept scop să aplice instrumentele europene și cadrele EQF și ECVET pentru a pune în transparență și a recunoaşte în Europa rezultatele învățării și calificările profesionale interesate din sectorul turismului de sănătate , în special prin instituirea unui memorandum de înțelegere ECVET, care definește domeniul de calificare în termenii rezultatelor învățării , trasate în EQF prin intermediul unor cadre și sisteme naționale de calificări , proiectarea calificărilor în unități transferabile ale rezultatelor învățării prin alocarea de credite , precum și prin aplicarea acesteia ( contracte de studiu , credite de acordare, transfer de validare și acumulare ) prin programe de educație și formare profesională legate de instrumente flexibile de validare , transfer și recunoaștere a rezultatelor învățării dobândite în contexte formale, non-formale si informale de învățare , de asemenea, integrarea și multiplicarea acestor rezultate . Dezvoltarea și recunoașterea cunoștințelor, abilităților și competențelor cetățenilor sunt fundamentale pentru dezvoltarea lor personală și profesională și pentru competitivitate, ocuparea forței de muncă și coeziunea socială în cadrul comunității. Aplicarea ECVET – Modelul de Atribuire ale Creditelor facilitează mobilitatea lucrătorilor și cursanților. Proiectul are ca obiect să faciliteze participarea la învățarea depe tot parcursul vieții fără frontiere, și transfer, recunoașterii și acumulării rezultatelor învățării evaluate dobândite în contexte formale, non-formale și informale ale persoanelor care doresc să obțină o calificare. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 87 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Acesta va îmbunătăți înțelegerea generală a rezultatelor învățării cetățenilor, transparența acestora, mobilitatea transnațională și transferabilitatea între și în statele membre, într-un spațiu al învățării pe tot parcursul vieții. Modelul European Comun pentru Atribuirea Cretitelor ECVET în Turismul de Sănătate se concentreaza asupra asigurarea transparenței și recunoașterea rezultatelor învățării de următoarele profesii sectoriale: cosmetician, manager în turismul de sănătate si asistent fitness-wellness. Acesta este aplicabil tuturor rezultatelor învățării, care sunt, în principiu, realizate printr-o varietate de căi de educaționale și de învățare și pot fi apoi transferate și recunoscute. Acestă ECVET Atribuirea Creditelor facilitează dezvoltarea unor rute flexibile și individualizate și, de asemenea, recunoașterea rezultatelor învățării dobândite prin învățarea non-formală și informală. ECVET Atribuirea Creditelor: atribuirea contractelor pentru angajaților / antreprenori / cursanți implicate ("Candidații"), de centrele de evaluare a furnizorilor de formare profesională în cauză / competențe profesionale ca și recunoașterea a rezultatelor învățării dobândite prin învățarea non-formală și informală, un Certificat de Competență. Pentru a se califica la calificare profesională "cosmetician" / "asistent fitness-wellness" / " Manager în turismul de sănătate" trebuie să participe la pregătire pentru dobândi competențele dorite. atribuirea contractelor pentru angajaților / antreprenori / cursanți implicate ("Candidații"), de către furnizorii de educație și de formare profesională / centre de evaluare a competențelor profesionale implicate la sfarsitul procesului de formare, creditele ECVET legate de rezultatele învățării verificate, folosind, de asemenea, Suplimentul pentru Certificatul Europass; Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 88 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Anexa 1 - cosmetician Furnizor de VET / centru de evaluare a competentelor profesionale (Nume) (Locație) (Contact) Nr de fișier evaluare: CERTIFICAT DE COMPETENȚĂ Calificare profesională: Cosmetician Codul calificării: Nivel EQF/NQF (dacă este cazul): Nume………………………………………………. seria buletin:……………………………………………… Adresa:……………………………….strada ……nr…………..……city………………cod poștal………. …………….. țara…………………………………. număr telefon: ……………….. email: …………….….…..@.......................................... ………………………… (numele furnizorului VET / centru de evaluare a competentelor) a evaluat rezultatele de învățare și performanțele realizate ale candidatului care sunt următoarele: Nr. Rezultatele ale domeniilor de activitate Rezultatul evaluării Admis Respins 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Editarea genelor și a sprâncenelor Decolorarea parului facial, îndepărtarea, depilare Îngrijirea pielii, datorită tipul acesteia Masaj Reducerea grăsimii, consolidarea muschilor și tratamente al țesutului subcutanat Epilare 6. Masaj manual 7. 8. Îngijirea înainte make-up 9. Make-up decorativ 10. Directivelor europene de securitate și sănătate la locul de muncă și anexele sale, precum și cerințele locale 11. Curățarea sau menținerea unor suprafețe de lucru curate 12. Consiliere cosmetice 13. Înregistrarea 14. Afacerea și economică într-o întreprinderile de afaceri Comentarii: Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 89 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Pe baza evaluări de mai sus candidatul a achizitionat ... puncte de credit. Pentru a califica ca și “Cosmetician" candidatul are nevoie de a participa la pregătire de formare profesională pentru a dobândi competențele care lipsesc, în următoarele domenii de activitate: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Data: Semnătura evaluatorului Citit și înțeles: ………………………… Data: Semnătura candidatului Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 90 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Anexa 2 – Asistent fitness-wellness Furnizor de VET / centru de evaluare a competentelor profesionale (Nume) (Locație) (Contact) Nr de fișier evaluare: CERTIFICAT DE COMPETENȚĂ Calificare profesională: Asistent fitness-wellness Codul calificării: Nivel EQF/NQF (dacă este cazul): Nume………………………………………………. seria buletin:……………………………………………… Adresa:……………………………….strada ……nr…………..……city………………cod poștal………. …………….. țara…………………………………. număr telefon: ……………….. email: …………….….…..@.......................................... ………………………… (numele furnizorului VET / centru de evaluare a competentelor) a evaluat rezultatele de învățare și performanțele realizate ale candidatului care sunt următoarele: Nr. Rezultatele ale domeniilor de activitate Rezultatul evaluării Admis Respins Serviciul clienți - furnizarea informațiilor Referral de fitness, wellness și servicii de wellness medicale Activități de vânzări și operațiuni a barului de sanatate 3. Introducere a datelor management și securitate 4. Raport de gestiune 5. 6. Pregătirea a materialelor scrise și tipărite cu scopuri de comunicare interna Igiena - curățarea și întreținerea 7. CPR și asistență de prim ajutor 8. Reglementare europene și locale de siguranță la locul de 9. muncă 10. Afaceri și economie Comentarii: 1. 2. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 91 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Pe baza evaluări de mai sus candidatul a achizitionat ... puncte de credit. Pentru a califica ca și “Asistent fitness-wellness " candidatul are nevoie de a participa la pregătire de formare profesională pentru a dobândi competențele care lipsesc, în următoarele domenii de activitate: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Data: Semnătura evaluatorului Citit și înțeles: ………………………… Data: Semnătura candidatului Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 92 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Anexa 3 – Manager în turismul de sănătate Furnizor de VET / centru de evaluare a competentelor profesionale (Nume) (Locație) (Contact) Nr de fișier evaluare: CERTIFICAT DE COMPETENȚĂ Calificare profesională: Manager în turismul de sănătate Codul calificării: Nivel EQF/NQF (dacă este cazul): Nume………………………………………………. seria buletin:……………………………………………… Adresa:……………………………….strada ……nr…………..……city………………cod poștal………. …………….. țara…………………………………. număr telefon: ……………….. email: …………….….…..@.......................................... ………………………… (numele furnizorului VET / centru de evaluare a competentelor) a evaluat rezultatele de învățare și performanțele realizate ale candidatului care sunt următoarele: Nr. Rezultatele ale domeniilor de activitate Rezultatul evaluării Admis Respins 1. Sarcinile de management medie în instituțiile care oferă servicii de turism de sănătate Afaceri și economice într-o întreprindere de afaceri 2. Planificarea, organizarea turismului de sanatate grupurile 3. de locuri de muncă Managementul Resurselor Umane 4. Analizeze și să evalueze desfășurarea activității 5 Efectueze activități de control al calității 6. Activitati de vanzari și marketing 7. Activitati de PR 8. Furnizarea informațiilor - Serviciul Clienți 9. 10. Pregătește pachete de programe turistice sănătate 11. Administrarea 12. Directivelor europene de securitate și sănătate la locul de muncă și anexele sale, precum și cerințele locale 13. Supravegherea protecția muncii și a normelor medicale Comentarii: Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 93 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Pe baza evaluări de mai sus candidatul a achizitionat ... puncte de credit. Pentru a califica ca și “Manager în turismul de sănătate " candidatul are nevoie de a participa la pregătire de formare profesională pentru a dobândi competențele care lipsesc, în următoarele domenii de activitate: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Data: Semnătura evaluatorului Citit și înțeles: ………………………… Data: Semnătura candidatului ………………………… Date: Candidate’s signature Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 94 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 95 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Pag.1 ROMANIA National Skills Authority Assessment and Certification Centre Vocational Skills Certificate Series D. No: 04487 Mr./Mrs…………………………………………………………….born on……………………………….year……………..month…………………day……………… ……………..personal numerical code………………………………………has been assessed according to the vocational standard/ vocational training standard no…………………………………….for the job/qualification of…………………………………….by the assessor………………………………………………………. Hereby declared competent in the skill units mentioned on the back of the page. Head of Assessment and certification centre, Secretary, Issued on…………………………no…………………………………. Valid according to the vocational standard/vocational training standard. Issued in accordance with Government Ordinance no.129/2000 on adult vocational training, republished with subsequent amendments. Pag.2 NATIONAL QUALIFICATION AUTHORITY VOCATIONAL STANDARD/ VOCATIONAL TRAINING STANDARD no………………………………………………………. Occupation/ qualification…………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………. No. Skill unit Date of assessment Assessor code and signature Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 96 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Certificat – a gyakorlati képzés teljesítéséről és eredményéről (lásd a 39., 40, 41 - t) Anexa nr. 2 CERTIFICAT DE PREGĂTIRE PRACTICĂ 1. ACEST CERTIFICAT SE ACORDĂ: Nume (1) Prenume CNP (2) Adresa (număr, stradă, cod poştal, oraş, ţară) (3) Fotografie (4) Data naşterii Cetăţenia (5) Semnătura titularului (6) zz ll (7) aaaa 2. ACEST CERTIFICAT SE ELIBEREAZĂ DE CĂTRE: Denumirea instituţiei emitente (unitatea de învăţământ de unde provine elevul) (8) Numărul certificatului Data eliberării (9) (10) zz ll aaaa 3. INSTITUŢIILE PARTENERE ORGANIZATORUL DE PRACTICĂ (unitatea de învăţământ de unde provine elevul) Denumire şi adresa Ştampila şi semnătura (se menţionează în clar numele şi prenumele reprezentantului legal şi funcţia acestuia) (11) (12) Numele şi prenumele cadrului didactic responsabil cu îndrumarea elevului pe perioada stagiului (13) Titlu / funcţie (14) Telefon E-mail (15) (16) PARTENERUL DE PRACTICĂ (operatorul economic/instituţia publică unde s-a desfăşurat stagiul de practică) Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 97 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Denumire şi adresa Ştampila şi semnătura (se menţionează în clar numele şi prenumele reprezentantului legal şi funcţia acestuia) (17) (18) Numele şi prenumele tutorelui - persoanei responsabile cu îndrumarea elevului pe perioada stagiului Titlu / funcţie (19) (20) Telefon E-mail (21) (22) NB : Acest tabel nu este valabil fără ştampilele celor două instituţii partenere şi / sau semnăturile celor două persoane de referinţă. 4. DESCRIEREA STAGIULUI DE PRACTICĂ Obiectivul stagiului de practică (23) Iniţiativa/proiectul în cadrul căreia se derulează stagiul de practică (se completează numai dacă este cazul) (24) Calificarea corespunzătoare programului de formare profesională în cadrul căruia se derulează stagiul şi nivelul de calificare (25) Programul comunitar sau de mobilitate implicat (se completează numai dacă este cazul) (26) (27) Durata stagiului Din zz ll (28) Până în aaaa zz ll aaaa 5 DESCRIEREA ACTIVITĂŢILOR DESFĂŞURATE ŞI A REZULTATELOR ÎNVĂŢĂRII DOBÂNDITE DE ELEV PE PERIOADA STAGIULUI Activităţi / sarcini efectuate de elev (29) Rezultatele învăţării dobândite de elev (se adaugă rânduri suplimentare dacă este necesar) Unitatea de competenţe şi modulul de pregătire Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 98 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM (30) Competenţe (31) Alte cunoştinţe, deprinderi şi competenţe dobândite de elev (altele decât cele prevăzute în Standardul de Pregătire Profesională) (32) Evaluarea cunoştinţelor, deprinderilor şi competenţelor dobândite de elev (se precizează tipul evaluării şi calificativul sau nota obţinută de elev) (33) Data Semnătura tutorelui (34) zz ll aaaa (35 ) Semnătura cadrului didactic (36) Semnătura titularului (elev) (37) NB: Acest tabel nu este valabil fără semnătura tutorelui şi cadrului didactic responsabili cu îndumarea elevului pe perioada stagiului şi a titularului certificatului. Pentru descrierea cunoştinţelor, deprinderilor şi competenţelor dobândite se inserează rânduri suplimentare, dacă este necesar. 6. ÎNREGISTRAREA REZULTATELOR ÎNVĂŢĂRII ŞI A CREDITELOR ACORDATE (38) Se completează de către unitatea de învăţământ unde este înscris elevul Numărul matricol al elevului (39) Unitatea de competenţe (1) (40) Competenţele (2) (41) Credite acordate (3) Adăugaţi sau eliminaţi rânduri dacă este necesar Numele şi prenumele cadrului didactic responsabil cu recunoaşterea rezultatelor învăţării (42) Semnătura (43) Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 99 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Data validării (44) Directorul unităţii de învăţământ (45) zz lll Ştampila (46) aaaa Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 100 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM COUNTRY : SLOVAKIA UZNANIE Projekt "ECVET – ZDRAVOTNÝ TURIZMUS" je spolu so subprogramom Leonardo da Vinci multilaterálnou intervenciou pre transfer inovácií (Tol) v rámci Programu celoživotného vzdelávania Európskej únie. Projekt je financovaný v rámci priority "ECVET pre prehľadnosť a uznanie vzdelávacích výsledkov a kvalifikácií (LEO-Tralnno-11)" v rozsahu projektov Tol programu Leonardo da Vinci. Cieľom projektu je aplikovať európske nástroje a rámce EQF a ECVET pre ľudí pracujúcich v sektore zdravotného turizmu. To možno dosiahnuť pomocou vytvorenia Memoranda porozumenia ECVET (MP) pre európske kvalifikácie ako "kozmetička", "asistent pre fitnes a wellness" a "manažér pre zdravotný turizmus", ďalej definíciou týchto kvalifikácií v rámci vzdelávacích výsledkov, ich pridaním do EQF prostredníctvom národných kvalifikačných rámcov a systémov, vytvorením prenosných jednotiek vzdelávacích výsledkov a pridelených kreditov, ako aj pomocou ich presadenia (vzdelávacie dohody, udelenie kreditov, transfer, validácia a akumulácia) cez príslušné VET programy s flexibilnými nástrojmi pre validáciu, transfer a uznanie vzdelávacích výsledkov získaných vo formálnych, neformálnych a non-formálnych kontextoch. Rozvoj a uznanie vedomostí, zručností a kompetencií občanov sú nevyhnutné pre osobný a profesionálny rast, konkurencieschopnosť, zamestnanie a sociálnu súdržnosť spoločnosti. Aplikácia modelu udeľovania ECVET kreditov uľahčuje mobilitu pracovníkov a študentov. Projekt má za cieľ každému umožniť celoživotné vzdelávanie, ako aj jednotlivcom snažiacim sa získať kvalifikáciu umožniť uznať, preniesť a akumulovať získané vzdelávacie výsledky vo formálnych, neformálnych a non-formálnych kontextoch. Týmto spôsobom sa zlepší všeobecné porozumenie vzdelávacím výsledkom, ich prehľadnosť, nadnárodná mobilita a prenosnosť v členských štátoch v oblasti celoživotného vzdelávania. Spoločný európsky model pre udeľovanie kreditov ECVET v zdravotnom turizme sa sústreďuje na dosiahnutie prehľadnosti a uznania vzdelávacích výsledkov sektorových profesií ako "kozmetička", "manažér pre zdravotný turizmus" a "asistent pre fitnes a wellness". Tento model možno Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 101 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM použiť na všetky vzdelávacie výsledky, ktoré sú v princípe dosiahnuteľné rôznymi vzdelávacími a študijnými spôsobmi a následne prenosné a uznané. Udeľovanie kreditov ECVET umožňuje rozvoj flexibilných a individualizovaných spôsobov a uznanie vzdelávacích výsledkov získaných non-formálnym a neformálnym vzdelávaním. Udeľovanie kreditov ECVET: Poskytovatelia VET / odborné strediská pre posudzovanie profesijných zručností udelia zainteresovaným zamestnancom / podnikateľom / praktikantom (kandidátom) Certifikát profilu kompetencie ako uznanie vzdelávacích výsledkov nadobudnutých non-formálnym a neformálnym vzdelávaním. Aby sa kandidát kvalifikoval na profesiu "kozmetičky" / "asistenta pre fitnes a wellness" / "manažéra pre zdravotný turizmus", musí sa zúčastniť školenia, ktorým získa chýbajúce kompetencie. Poskytovatelia VET / odborné strediská pre posudzovanie profesijných zručností udelia zainteresovaným zamestnancom / podnikateľom / praktikantom (kandidátom) na konci vzdelávacie procesu za uznané vzdelávacie výsledky ECVET kredity. Urobia tak so zohľadnením Europas - doplnku k osvedčeniu. Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 102 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Príloha 1 – Kozmetička Poskytovateľ VET / Odborné stredisko pre posudzovanie profesijných zručností (Názov) (Miesto) (Kontakt) Číslo posudku: CERTIFIKÁT PROFILU KOMPETENCIE Kvalifikácia: Kozmetička Kvalifikačný kód: Úroveň EQF/NQF (v prípade potreby): Meno …………………………………….. Číslo OP:…………………………….. Adresa:……………………………….ulica ……č.d…………..……mesto…................... PSČ............. …………….. krajina Tel. č.: ……………….. email: …………….….…..@.......................................... ………………………… (názov poskytovateľa VET / odborného strediska pre posudzovanie profesijných zručností) posúdil vzdelávacie výsledky a výkony kandidáta nasledovne: Č. Oblasti činnosti vzdelávacích výsledkov Výsledky hodnotenia prospel neprospel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Úprava mihalníc a obočia Odfarbenie, odstraňovanie, depilácia ochlpenia tváre Ošetrenia pokožky podľa typu pleti Masáž Redukcia tuku, posilňovanie svalstva a ošetrenie podkožného tkaniva 6. Depilácia 7. Masáž ruky 8. Ošetrenie pleti pred nanesením make-upu 9. Dekoratívne líčenie 10. Európske smernice pre bezpečnosť práce a ich dodatky, miestne požiadavky 11. Čistenie a údržba pracovných povrchov 12. Kozmetické poradenstvo 13. Registrácia 14. Obchod a ekonomika v podnikaní Pripomienky: Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 103 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Na základe hodnotenia získal kandidát ...... kreditov. Aby kandidát nadobudol kvalifikáciu "Kozmetička", musí sa zúčastniť školení, čím získa chýbajúce kompetencie v nasledovných oblastiach činnosti: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Dátum: Podpis hodnotiaceho Svojím podpisom potvrdzujem, že som si vyššie informácie prečítal a porozumel im: ………………………....… Dátum: Podpis kandidáta Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 104 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Príloha 2 – Asistent pre fitnes a wellness Poskytovateľ VET / Odborné stredisko pre posudzovanie profesijných zručností (Názov) (Miesto) (Kontakt) Číslo posudku: CERTIFIKÁT PROFILU KOMPETENCIE Kvalifikácia: Asistent pre fitnes a wellness Kvalifikačný kód: Úroveň EQF/NQF (v prípade potreby): Meno …………………………………….. Číslo OP:…………………………….. Adresa:……………………………….ulica ……č.d…………..……mesto…................... PSČ............. …………….. krajina Tel. č.: ……………….. email: …………….….…..@.......................................... ………………………… (názov poskytovateľa VET / odborného strediska pre posudzovanie profesijných zručností) posúdil vzdelávacie výsledky a výkony kandidáta nasledovne: Č. Oblasti činnosti vzdelávacích výsledkov Výsledky hodnotenia prospel neprospel 1. 2. Zákaznícka služba – poskytovanie informácií Odporúčania služieb fitnes, wellness a služieb zdravotného wellnessu 3. Aktivity predaja a prevádzkovanie baru zdravia 4. Vklad údajov, manažment a bezpečnosť 5. Správy o hospodárení 6. Príprava materiálov pre interné komunikačné účely 7. Hygiena – upratovanie a udržiavanie čistoty 8. KPR a prvá pomoc 9. Európske a miestne predpisy bezpečnosti pri práci 10. Obchod a ekonomika Pripomienky: Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 105 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Na základe hodnotenia získal kandidát ...... kreditov. Aby kandidát nadobudol kvalifikáciu "Asistent pre fitnes a wellness", musí sa zúčastniť školení, čím získa chýbajúce kompetencie v nasledovných oblastiach činnosti: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Dátum: Podpis hodnotiaceho Svojím podpisom potvrdzujem, že som si vyššie informácie prečítal a porozumel im: ……………………....…… Dátum: Podpis kandidáta Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 106 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Príloha 3 – Manažér pre zdravotný turizmus Poskytovateľ VET / Centrum hodnotenia profesionálnych zručností (Názov) (Miesto) (Kontakt) Číslo posudku: CERTIFIKÁT PROFILU KOMPETENCIE Kvalifikácia: Manažér pre zdravotný turizmus Kvalifikačný kód: Úroveň EQF/NQF (v prípade potreby): Meno …………………………………….. Číslo OP:…………………………….. Adresa:……………………………….ulica ……č.d…………..……mesto…................... PSČ............. …………….. krajina Tel. č.: ……………….. email: …………….….…..@.......................................... ………………………… (názov poskytovateľa VET / odborného strediska pre posudzovanie profesijných zručností) posúdil vzdelávacie výsledky a výkony kandidáta nasledovne: Č. Oblasti činnosti vzdelávacích výsledkov Výsledky hodnotenia prospel neprospel 1. Úlohy stredného manažmentu v podnikoch poskytujúcich služby zdravotného turizmu 2. Obchod a ekonomika v podnikaní 3. Plánovanie a organizovanie pracovných skupín zdravotného turizmu 4. Manažment ľudských zdrojov 5 Analýza a hodnotenie prevádzky podniku 6. Vykonávanie aktivít kontroly kvality 7. Marketing, aktivity predaja 8. PR aktivity 9. Poskytovanie informácií – Zákaznícka služba 10. Príprava programových balíkov zdravotného turizmu 11. Administrácia 12. Európske smernice pre bezpečnosť práce a ich dodatky, miestne požiadavky 13. Dohľad nad bezpečnosťou pri práci a zdravotné predpisy Pripomienky: Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 107 WP6 Pilot test - Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding (R13) Project No.: 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 Acronym: ECVET – HEALTH TOURISM Na základe hodnotenia získal kandidát ...... kreditov. Aby kandidát nadobudol kvalifikáciu "Manažér pre zdravotný turizmus", musí sa zúčastniť školení, čím získa chýbajúce kompetencie v nasledovných oblastiach činnosti: 1. 2. 3. . . …………………………… Dátum: Podpis hodnotiaceho Svojím podpisom potvrdzujem, že som si vyššie informácie prečítal a porozumel im: ………………………….... Dátum: Podpis kandidáta Project No. 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05823 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 108