Mizpe Hayamim Hotel - Ecological Harmony Between Man and Nature


Mizpe Hayamim Hotel - Ecological Harmony Between Man and Nature
Mizpe Hayamim Hotel - Ecological Harmony
Between Man and Nature
Anita and Sami Hazan
Mizpe Hayamim, P.O.Box 27 Rosh Pina, 12000, Israel
Mizpe Hayamim, a view of two seas, was originally built over 30 years ago as a small
health treatment center. Since those early years, Mizpe Hayamim has evolved into an
environmental artistic vision, combining resort hotel, health spa, dairy farm, organic
garden, and private vineyard, an experience of harmony, simplicity and tranquility that
is unparalleled anywhere in Israel. Unique in concept and design, Mizpe Hayamim blends
the beauty of its serene architecture and alluring gardens with the breathtaking scenery
of the Golan Heights that rise above the Hula Valley and the Sea of Galilee below.
When you arrive at Mizpe Hayamim, you enter an enchanting realm of the senses, where
the colors of natural building stone blend easily with the captivating scents of lavender
and jasmine that grow along the secluded garden terraces. A place of rest and renewal,
where one hears only the sounds of the wind and the water and the gentle descent of
the moving wings of a black swan.
An oasis of calm ponds, herbal gardens and dairy herds, Mizpe Hayamim is dedicated
to the principle of living in harmony with nature where clean air, sunlight, pure water
and soil remain the main ingredients in the growing of our organic fruits and vegetables.
Totally free of pesticides, artificial growth hormones and chemical fertilizers, our produce,
eggs and dairy products are as natural and pure as the Earth itself.
Just like Baudelaire, the “sensitive” French poet of the late 19th century, Dr. Yaros too a physician, homeopath and avowed vegetarian who had emigrated from Berlin - may
have been moved at that decisive moment when, traveling from Zfat to Rosh Pina in
1923, he bade his driver to halt at a particular spot. Despite the driver’s astonished objection
that there was nothing to see there, Dr. Yaros immediately sensed the singularity of that
location as he clambered up the hill. At that moment, he was inspired with the idea of
building a sanatorium there for his patients. Forty years later - in the mid-sixties, in
spite of many setbacks, his dream finally came true. In 1966, together with his friend
Yehezkel Rosenberg, a Bauhaus architect from Tel-Aviv, he began to construct an estate,
which, in its simplicity, functionality and elegant straight lines, strongly radiated warmth
and comfort.
It was to become a place beneficial to the well-being of both body and soul, where the
basic principles of natural and healthy life are at the fore. Much has happened since
then in Mizpe Hayamim, which can loosely be translated as “Lakesview” (of the Sea of
Galilee and Lake Hula, which was dried up five decades ago). The sanatorium has developed
into a health and beauty hotel that meets the highest standards of luxury and service.
However, even today its philosophy is still determined by the Yaros-principles and the
genius loci, that provides the unique aura of this place. It continues to attract an ever
increasing number of guests, from both Israel and broad.
The Concept
Mizpe Hayamim is built on the Eastern slopes of Mount Cna’an, 570 meters above sea
level. The magnificent scenery of the Hula Valley, Lake of Galilee, Golan Heights and
the snowy slopes of Mount Hermon inspire the guests, who can choose from 82 individual
rooms all built from the natural stone and decorated in an original style, as well as several
suites, each featuring a different decoration.
In addition to the covered heated swimming pool and whirlpool baths, the spa facilities
are extraordinary and impressive in variety: the Jasmine House offers a private herbal
path and essential oils massage treatment. One can enjoy a four-hand holistic massage,
and the ultimate treatment of the spirit of Chi - interactive Chinese massage.
Mizpe Hayamim occupies almost 40 acres, with herds of cows, sheep, goats and flocks
of free-range chickens providing fresh milk and eggs each day from our own farm. Skilled
dairymen and cheese makers still know the secrets of producing the finest cheeses, milks
and yogurts. Delicious seasonal fruits, vegetables, home-made wines, freshly-baked bread,
cheese and fresh herbs are always available.
The specialty of the hotel is based on organic agriculture, which is cultivated according
to the ancient biblical methods: crops are spread in such a way that different fruit trees,
vegetables and herbs are grown together to avoid pests and diseases, and provide a variety
of wild mixture.
The farm runs on the Otarci system, using only natural fertilizer from the animal farm,
with no pesticides. The large variety of plants and the special combination attracts many
bird species, which can be seen and heard in the gardens the houses and the fruit and
vegetable farm.
From the fruit orchards and vegetable and herb gardens, fresh produce is picked daily
for the hotel kitchen, in consultation with the head chef and beverages manager, closing
the circle of both producing and using the widest possible variety of home-grown organic
produce to an extent reached by few if any places in the world. The hotel possesses a
dairy farm, where one can observe the entire process of cheese and yogurt making from
the organic milk supplied by the hotel’s cows and goats. The hotel also features an Art
Gallery, where paintings, sculpture and pottery are produced and exhibited, as well as
delicate hand-crafted original jewelry. Mizpe Hayamim is a member of the international
Relais & Chateaux organization, encompassing 452 sites in 47 countries. The organization’s
credo is based on the cultural values of France, expressed in five main principles: Character,
Above: The lobby of Mizpe Hayamim Hotel on a cold winter’s eve awaiting the arrival of guests to
listen to some piano music.
Below: Inside one of our 82 comfortable rooms.
Above: May 6 2001, The African Seminar participants studying the special concept of the organic
gardens at Mizpe Hayamim.
Below: One of the best observation points for bird migration, on the veranda facing the slopes of the
Hula Valley, Rift Valley. Bird feeding and drinking sites will be established here.
Above: A nest box for great tits (Parus major) attached to an ancient olive tree (left) and to a pine tree (right).
Below: One of many feeding stations scattered among the hotel gardens (right). The water flowing
around the gardens attracts many more birds. The logo of the hotel and emblem of Relais & Chateaux.
Charm, Cuisine, Calm, Courtesy. The organization’s members comprise small family
hotels and gourmet restaurants, located in unique sites and regions around the world,
including castles and palaces, that combine atmosphere, charm, individual service and
haute cuisine. In Israel there is only one additional member of this prestigious organization:
the American Colony hotel in East Jerusalem.
Flying With the Birds at Mizpe Hayamim
In summer 2000 we invited Dr. Yossi Leshem to present a lecture on his bird migration
projects in Israel. Yossi was greatly impressed by the beauty and the concept of the hotel,
and the character of the guests, who were seeking something with a different atmosphere
for their vacation. Yossi, who is the Director of the International Center for the Study
of Bird Migration at Latrun, suggested immediately after his visit that we broaden our
concept and develop the first hotel in Israel to offer a new concept: that of bird-watching
activities in the heart of the hotel, by erecting feeding and drinking stations as well as
nesting boxes for a variety of birds. He invited his colleague, Dan Alon, Director of the
SPNI Israel Ornithological Center (I.O.C) to join forces with us and “take off ” in a
large variety of joint activities of the hotel together with the center at Latrun and I.O.C.
• We are currently developing a network of feeders, nesting boxes and drinking places
for birds, so that our guests will be able to easily observe the large variety of birds
that visit the area.
• We plan to link our Internet site (www.mizpe-hayamim.com) to the Internet site of
www.birds.org.il and develop a network of remote cameras within the hotel grounds,
so that the guests will be able to enjoy real-time pictures from nests of great tits, barn
owls, lesser kestrels, etc.
• A corner with books, guides and a bird video library is now under construction.
• We invite our guests to join tours in the hotel area to enjoy the birds, even if they
have no previous experience as birders - such as observing the griffon vulture colony
at Gamla or enjoying the 20,000 wintering cranes in the Hula Valley between October
to March.
• We have now organized for the second year an entire month of activities for our guests,
“Flying With the Birds”, to which we invited the best bird lecturers in Israel. The
second year was organized in cooperation with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
and swiftly became a real success story.
• It is important to mention that Mizpe Hayamim is located on the slopes of the Rift
Valley, where hundreds of thousands of storks, pelicans and birds of prey can be spotted
flying over during their migration, twice a year.
We were honored to host the “African Seminar” guests on May 6, 2001, and we hope
all of them enjoyed their stay and study of the high potential of developing a hotel concept
combining different subjects, such as organic agriculture and birdwatching for the benefit
of both birds and people. We believe that our new innovative multidisciplinary activities
will be imitated in Africa as well as elsewhere throughout the world.