FINAL REPORT NO.67 Phase 3 Iwi Consultation
FINAL REPORT NO.67 Phase 3 Iwi Consultation
FINAL REPORT NO.67 Phase 3 Iwi Consultation Prepared for Tauranga City Council Private Bag 12022 Tauranga June 2007 42066678/PHASE 3 IWI CONSULTATION REPORT J:\Jobs\42066678\6000 Reports\AEE Appendices Final Aug 07\Report No.67\Cover.doc Southern Pipeline – Proposed Methodology for consultation with Tangata Whenua 1.0 Introduction The following proposed methodology is for consultation with Tangata Whenua affected by the preferred route of the Southern Pipeline (Western Route). The consultation will be lead by Tauranga City Council staff and supported by URS and Boffa Miskell personnel. The methodology seeks to clarify the following matters: o o o o o Who are the affected Tangata Whenua groups and individuals? What level of consultation needs to be delivered? Identify potential dates, venues, and staff/Councillors/consultants required for the meetings Identify issues from CIA’s and previous consultation Identify further work to be completed 2.0 Iwi and Hapu affected by Western Route (across land) Tauranga City Council hapu interest maps were consulted. Six hapu and two iwi are affected by the route across land. These are listed below with their interest area. Ngati Ruahine Ngai Tamarawaho Ngai Te Ahi Maleme St, Waimapu River Valley, to 15th Ave Waimapu River, Maleme St to Railway Bridge Waimapu River Ngati Tapu Ngai Tukairangi Ngapotiki The Strand, Matapihi Matapihi Te Maunga Ngaiterangi Ngati Ranginui Matapihi to Te Maunga Maleme St to railway bridge 3.0 Iwi and hapu affected by Western Route (across harbour) There are numerous iwi and hapu who can claim to have some interest in the Tauranga harbour. For this project it is proposed to consult with the two predominant iwi authorities, Ngati Ranginui and Ngaiterangi and hapu resident on each side of the harbour crossing. The information from the CIA of Ngati He and others that is related to the Tauranga harbour should be considered in further investigations of the preferred route. Ngai Tamarawaho Ngati Tapu Ngai Tukairangi Ngaiterangi Ngati Ranginui 4.0 Potentially affected Maori landowners There are a number of multiply-owned Maori blocks potentially affected by the route. At the western end of Matapihi Road proposed construction activities, harbour crossing options and temporary occupation may be required. It is considered appropriate to conduct direct consultation with these landowners/land trusts. Some work needs to be conducted to confirm the Maori landowners/land trusts along the western end of Matapihi Road. This consultation will be conducted with other affected land owner consultation 5.0 Level of Consultation It is envisaged that the face to face consultation with iwi and hapu will occur in four phases. The first and second phase will be conducted in parallel. An address to the Tangata Whenua Collective confirming the route and process for consultation and assessment of effects will be supported by individual and/or collective meetings with the affected Tangata Whenua groups. Meetings with Councillors will be confirmed during this phase. The third phase involves meetings between Tangata Whenua and Councillors (PSG), these being the formal consultation between the governance of the project and Tangata Whenua. The final phase will be follow up meetings as required by issues raised during phase 3. Ngai Tamarawaho and Ngati Ruahine did not prepare a cultural impact assessment during earlier consultation due to capacity issues. A workshop is proposed as an alternative method to capture and record their main issues. Phase 1 Phase 2 Confirm route and consultation process with Tangata Whenua Collective Meet face to face with hapu and iwi representatives to confirm level of engagement, confirm the issues to address, confirm the dates for meetings with Councillors Workshop with Tamarawaho/Ruahine Debrief for Councillors 25th May 2006 Barry Somers 16 May - early June 2006 Barry Somers Kiri Waldegrave Antoine Coffin Before July meetings Barry Somers Antoine Coffin Kiri Waldegrave Barry Somers Antoine Coffin Martin or Belinda Councillors Barry Somers Kiri Waldegrave Antoine Coffin Martin or Belinda Ngai Phase 3 Meetings with Councillors and iwi and hapu representatives July 2006 Phase 4 Follow up meetings as required July 2006 Prepared by Antoine Coffin (BML) and Kiri Waldegrave (TCC) Date: May 16, 2006 Minutes of Meeting with Ngai Te Ahi SOUTHERN PIPELINE Held on 27 June 2006 at 3pm at Boffa Miskell Offices, Tauranga Present Te Pio Kawe Huikakahu (Brian) Kawe Distribution Ngai Te Ahi Resource Management Committee Ngai Te Ahi Resource Management Committee Ngati Ranginui Iwi Society Janice Kawe Barry Somers Antoine Coffin Tauranga City Council Boffa Miskell ltd All above plus Martin Evans Belinda Petersen Kiri Waldegrave URS URS TCC Item Karakia timatanga: Antoine Coffin Action Item 1 Overview of Preferred Route Barry provided an overview of the preferred route of Southern Pipeline. Provided copy of powerpoint presentation Note Item 2 Surplus Soil Barry Somers identified surplus soil from excavations needs to be dispose. Brain Kawe suggested the sports fields at Huria. Barry Somers raised concerns regarding the weight of soil on sewer mains under the sports fields. Matter to be considered further Follow up Item 3 Options for crossing the harbour Barry Somers outlined three options from crossing the harbour including horizontal directional drilling (HDD), pipeline bridge and submarine trench. Preliminary sketches of bridge structures shown. Benefits and disadvantages explained for each option. Ngai Te Ahi had no preferred option. Note Item 4 Further participation BM A[project no] [document no] [date] Page 1 Antoine Coffin explained that Ngai Te Ahi interests identified on TCC maps around Waimapu Stream. Whilst the pipeline will not cross the Waimapu want to make sure Ngai Te Ahi have an opportunity to raise any issues now and identify level of participation in process. Ngai Te Ahi happy for Ngai Tamarawaho to be the lead Tangata Whenua group and contact for route between Maleme St and harbour. If the route or works are required near the Waimapu River (for any reason) or outside the road corridor at the maleme end of town, Ngai Te Ahi will be informed and further consultation considered. Karakia whakamutunga: Antoine Coffin Details of next meeting: not required Minuted by: Antoine Coffin BM A[project no] [document no] [date] Page 2 Minutes of Meeting with Ngati Tapu SOUTHERN PIPELINE – DRILLING CONSENT Held on 13th July 2006 at 1pm-2.30pm at Boffa Miskell Offices, Tauranga Present Apologies Distribution Puhirake Ihaka Maru Tapsell Antoine Coffin Barry Somers Ngati Tapu Ngati Tapu Boffa Miskell ltd TCC All above plus Martin Evans Belinda Petersen Kiri Waldegrave Margaret Cobeldick URS URS TCC URS Item Item 1 Overview of new Application for consent Antoine provided description of new consent required for drilling on Tauranga harbour between Matapihi and Te Papa, due to a new method being used to get to sites inaccessible using large barge. Used map to show bore holes and methods – BH10-14 using terrier at low tide during daylight hours, BH1-3 using option 1 (a 20X9m barge with little equipment, resting on seabed, filled with water, water pumped out, liaison with EBOP and harbour master) and option 2 (swamp pads to access drilling spot, EBOP compliance officer on site), BH15 & BH16 using embankment for access with digger. Action Note Item 2 Comments from Ngati Tapu (except where identified) Ngati Tapu want to designate areas for disposal of material, when no longer required. Possibly near the Waikari Marae and near the foreshore adjacent to the site of bore holes. Follow up Ngati Tapu do not want to see material from Matapihi leave Matapihi. This has already been stated at previous meetings. Ngati Tapu want to monitor works if option 2 used as the area is very sensitive – tuangi (cockle) and titiko (mud snail present). Monitoring to be conducted during arrival, setup, and operations. (Antoine) highlighted areas where ecology present from preliminary ecological report - eel grass, tuangi. No sure if BH2 will be reached by barge, and probably not BH1. Ngati Tapu do not want to see ‘ripping’ of the seabed. This would be unacceptable to get there by ‘dragging’ the barge. The 20X9m barge may crush the sediments and sealife. Would like to monitor arrival of barge for BH3, BH2, and BH1. This would require some notice. BM T05044/1_004 7/13/2006 Page 1 Ngati Tapu want a monitoring agreement between themselves and TCC. A formal agreement like those of Ngai Tamarawaho. If anything happens i.e. barge timing is out and are not at the bore hole site, they must stop. Do not want to compromise. Really want the contractors to take care when putting down swamp pads. (Puhirake) Any concerns for 4 days for terrier – Yes, okay, no problem, (Maru) fine with this, no objection. Need to confirm when these are happening. Need to talk to Ngai Tamarawaho re: terrier sites Ngati Tapu want a copy of the results and a summary of analysis of samples There is a possibility to resolve impacts of rail bridge. This could involve a concept plan for where the sand and excavation material will go. This can be done after the drilling project has been completed. When we get to the business of consents for the pipeline, we want a formal agreement for further consultation, discussions, towards the details of how we are going to do things, a formal contractual agreement. Need to discuss how the hapu representatives are resourced to participate in project from this point on including this consent. Option 1 is preferred. Refer to monitoring. Details of next meeting: not required 2 copies of application and map provided to Ngati Tapu Minuted by: Antoine Coffin BM T05044/1_004 7/13/2006 13 July 2006 Page 2 Minutes of Meeting with Ngai Tukairangi SOUTHERN PIPELINE – DRILLING CONSENT Held on 13 July 2006 at 3pm-3.35 at Boffa Miskell Offices, Tauranga Present Apologies Distribution Neil Te Kani Antoine Coffin Barry Somers Ngai Tukairangi Boffa Miskell ltd Tauranga City Council All above plus Martin Evans Belinda Petersen Kiri Waldegrave Margaret Cobeldick URS URS TCC URS Item Action Item 1 Overview of new Application for consent Antoine provided description of new consent required for drilling on Tauranga harbour between Matapihi and Te Papa, due to a new method being used to get to sites inaccessible using large barge. Used map to show bore holes and methods – – BH10-14 using terrier at low tide during daylight hours, BH1-3 using option 1 (a 20X9m barge with little equipment, resting on seabed, filled with water, water pumped out, liaison with EBOP and harbour master) and option 2 (swamp pads to access drilling spot, digger, EBOP compliance officer on site), BH15 & BH16 using embankment for access with digger. Note Provided summary of preliminary ecological assessment Item 2 Comments from Tukairangi (unless stated otherwise) There are rock oysters along the southern side of rail embankment. These are regularly plundered. Follow up The proposal seems okay, perfectly fine. We want to be down on the first day if option 2 is used. We want copies of the results of core samples and a summary. Barry Somers to notify Neil Te Kani by phone of when works will start. Want TCC to advise locals, a courtesy call to local residents (end of Matapihi Road) that works will be conducted. Contact Susan Fisher and Mike. They live nearby. What is the noise like. Can you use baffles or sound measures if it is loud. This is during the day not night. (Antoine) Yes, machines are noisy, works are conducted during the day. If too noisy sound measures can be implemented. BM T05044/1_005 7/13/2006 Page 1 Details of next meeting: not required Minuted by: Antoine Coffin BM T05044/1_005 13 July 2006 7/13/2006 Page 2 Minutes of Meeting with Ngai Tamarawaho SOUTHERN PIPELINE – DRILLING CONSENT Held on 14 July, 2006, 11am at Peterahema Marae, Tauranga Present Peri Kohu Antoine Coffin Ngai Tamarawaho Boffa Miskell ltd Apologies Barry Somers Tauranga City Council Distribution All above plus Martin Evans Belinda Petersen Kiri Waldegrave Margaret Cobeldick URS URS TCC URS Item Action Item 1 Overview of new Application for consent Antoine provided description of new consent required for drilling on Tauranga harbour between Matapihi and Te Papa, due to a new method being used to get to sites inaccessible using large barge. Used map to show bore holes and methods – BH10-14 using terrier at low tide during daylight hours. Note Item 2 Comments from Ngai Tamarawaho (unless stated otherwise) Follow up Ngai Tamarawaho are aware of the application from previous discussions and had no problem with it, other than we knew that the barge would not be able to reach those sites. The machine will be able to do the work during the tide and daylight? (Antoine) Yes. I understand the work for each bore hole will take one tidal movement. The machine can move out otherwise. Would like to get copies of the results, and a person to present the results to us in a suitable language. We are wanting to know more about that area. The presentation (CIA) went okay at the council but have not received a response yet. Details of next meeting: not required Provided 1 copy of application and maps Minuted by: BM T05044/1_006 Antoine Coffin 14 July 2006 7/14/2006 Page 1 Hui a Matapihi SOUTHERN PIPELINE Held on Tuesday 5th September 2006 at Waikari Marae. A meeting was held at Waikari marae to update the iwi and hapu affected by the southern pipeline on progress to confirm a preferred route. The presentation (powerpoint) was lead by Barry Somers (Project Manager, TCC). The hui also focussed on options for the cross harbour section between the Strand and southern end of Matapihi Road near the existing railway bridge. A large gathering of hapu and iwi members were present. Present Puhirake Ihaka Riri Ellis Toa Faulkner Neil Te Kani Maru Tapsell Huikakahu (Brian) Kawe Brian Dickson Mary Dillon Bill Faulkner Martin Evans Antoine Coffin Barry Somers Mererina Murray Kiri Waldegrave About 30 others Distribution All above plus Martin Evans Belinda Petersen Kiri Waldegrave Ngati Tapu /PSG Ngai Tukairangi Ngati Kuku Ngai Tukairangi PSG Ngati Ranginui Ngaiterangi TCC TCC URS Boffa Miskell ltd TCC TCC TCC Ngai Tukairangi/Ngati Tapu/Ngati Kuku URS URS TCC Item Item 1 Mihi Whakatau / Karakia: Bill Dickson Action Item 2 Mihi – Puhirake Ihaka Item 3 Mihi – Antoine Coffin Item 4 Introductions Mary Dillon, Bill Faulkner, Barry Somers, Martin Evans Item 5 Presentation Barry Somers Item 6 Patai: Will the pipeline affect private property (other than paper road)? – No private land affected. BM T05044-007 5 September 2006 Page 1 Patai: What is the option of going to Chapel Street? Not good to me. Down Aerodrome Road? Patai: Why don’t we build a new plant at Pyes Pa and send to the Kaimai? The water that is treated must go somewhere! Patai: Maori communities have suffered the brunt of land taking for community benefits. Economic (arguments) imperatives do not benefit us. We don’t share in that economic growth. Patai: Other economic things have been xxx, can we see the detail of the planned route. Patai: If we can agree on the route, can we have access? We want it all, rural, access to wastewater, future proof the papakainga. Patai: Paper roads belong to the owners next door. HDD DVD Show for presentation Item 7 Presentation ctd Patai: If proposal went ahead would you look at reclaiming the land for us? (Barry) We would look at a hard rip-rap wall and back-fill. Patai: Many have reservations about the pipeline. Need to take an informative ear about what the Matapihi residents want. Patai: Have you looked at following railway track, or using shoreline? (Barry) Yes, but shoreline is difficult, and On-Track very difficult. (Martin) Rail corridor is narrow at points, and need to check the pipeline regularly (with trains coming down the track). Presentation ctd – submarine route Patai: The causeway has a big effect on sediments. (Martin) The causeway has driven the channel to the west side of the channel. Patai: What is this report called – Hydro – Dynamic Assessment. BM T05044-007 5 September 2006 Page 2 Patai: Must be the same at the harbour bridge. Scouring. Patai: Are you able to tell us where the HDD comes up – from strand or 1st Ave to bottom of Matapihi Road Presentation ctd – bridge option Patai: Issues with a bridge providing access for all. Patai: Will you use the bridge for cars? (Barry) No, not for cars. Patai: Any korero about a collaborative project. (Barry) No. Patai: Make a promise for no vehicles, won’t be upgraded for cars in 25 years (Puhirake). (Bill Faulkner) It won’t take it, there will be no access at each end. (Martin) The bridge will only go part of the way to the causeway. Patai: I am dead against this option. It leads to a bigger one. I use the example of the marina. I will register in reference to the korero that we need to see what we get. Patai: We have always been restricted to build due to land available, water supply, wastewater restrictions. We are looking at getting some benefits, looking at bargaining. Patai: There wasn’t any acknowledgement about Matapihi, it’s all about the Southern Tauranga. If we accept the carrot, it may be okay for firefighting, you’ve got to give us something. Patai: (Puhirake) We need to look at all the things that would balance the ledger. We have had hui to discuss the whenua development and where the Southern Pipeline fits. If we don’t get it right (100 years wait). Patai: If the pipe goes through then Matapihi will be subdivided in ten years. Presentation ctd: Bridge Patai: (Riri) Visual impact, carrying wastewater from The Strand to Matapihi. A reminder of the wastewater of other BM T05044-007 5 September 2006 Page 3 travelling through our rohe (embarrasement) Presentation – Memorial to Strand Soil disposal Spelling mistakes – ‘ Hungahungatoroa Marae’ is the correct spelling Presentation ctd: CIAs Water supply Wastewater – pumping stations at points Marae papakainga (between Hunga and Waikari) and one opp to Mahiwahine Future Development – SmartGrowth Reserve upgrade Access for construction Paper road Works programme Patai: What is the reality of the pump stations, how big are they, what do they look like? Patai: Will others want to connect. We don’t want to see it in suburbia. Patai: The shareholders would not be averse to subdividing. If they do it, then the rest of Matapihi is sunk. (Mary Dillon) We have protected Matapihi as rural. Need to find the right balance. (Bill Faulkner) Can restrict diameter of pipes. Patai: What is the capacity of injection points – 1 or 2. (Barry) Not defined yet. (Bill) Can control diameter of pipe. Patai: (Toa) Done CIA for Ngati Kuku for Ohuki blocks. In favour of pipeline but subject to a few points. - we all get connection - if no connection, no support for pipeline - untitled land (reclamation) – belongs to Ngati Tapu - needs to be registered - urupa entrance, Council said it was owned it was their land, proved that it was Maori land - sort out untitled land on other side of bridge, paper road. Patai: (Ngareta) Support Ngati Tapu development but why do we have to take the ‘shit’ of others. Tauriko and Pyes Pa people are not taking our ‘shit’ but BM T05044-007 5 September 2006 Page 4 we are. Our position is not improving. Every piece of land that we can use, hold on to, housing for our people, but also keep the subdivision out. We don’t want to be like our young people at Maungatapu and Hairini who pay $300,000 for a home. Who are the representatives? Patai: (Neil) There are no plans for subdivision on Orchard Trust land. We are planning to have some hui to discuss where Matapihi will be going 50 years from now. Patai: Best one is over a bridge, so it can be fixed. The shellfish might be affected and we don’t know about it (the under option). We can have a local person to monitor the pipe. Let us sort it out, we can get round the table and talk. The pipeline could be the way to address the things we want. Our time may have come. Patai: Want to remain green but want water and wastewater. Patai: (Huikakahu) Standing for Ngati Ranginui, but I’m Ngati Tapu and Ngai Tamarawaho as well. Need to influence them to understand. Patai: (Toa) The best news I’ve heard – water and wastewater. Where there is a will there is a way. Patai: (Riri) UAGC rates not appropriate for papakainga. (Barry) Bill Options for cross-harbour Too early to confirm. Mihi whakamutunga Puhirake Closing mihi Karakia whakamutunga BM T05044-007 5 September 2006 Page 5 Minutes of Meeting – Hui a Hapu (Ngai Tukairangi at Hungahungatoroa) SOUTHERN PIPELINE Held on 18th October 2006 at 6:00pm at Hungahungatoroa Marae, Matapihi. Present Neil Te Kani Mahaki Ellis Toa Faulkner Waraki Paki Wiremu Hiamoe Ngaroimata Tiare Timutimu Walter Dickson Penetaka Dickson Lincoln Smith H Te Kari Eruera Henry Lani Horo Hayden Henry Lani Henry Riri Ellis Iwarau Farrell Rui Williams Reina Dickson Del Judy Paki Kuku Wawatu Taku Paki Makehu Te Kari Joe Briggs Greg Milne Kihi Ngatai Maria Ngatai Ruahine Dickson Tony Carlyle Barry Somers Martin Evans Mary Dillon Terry Milloy Jessica Keren Paekau Mererina Murray Kiri Waldegrave Antoine Coffin Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi Ngai Tukairangi TCC Project Manager URS TCC Project Steering Group TCC Project Steering Group URS TCC TCC TCC Boffa Miskell Distribution Barry Somers Martin Evans Mary Dillon Terry Milloy Jessica TCC Project Manager URS TCC Project Steering Group TCC Project Steering Group URS BM T05044_008 25-10-2006 Page 1 Keren Paekau Mererina Murray Kiri Waldegrave Antoine Coffin Neil Te Kani TCC TCC TCC Boffa Miskell Ngai Tukairangi Item Action Mihi/Karakia: Neil Te Kani, Lincoln Smith, Mahaki Ellis Item 1 action Penetaka Dickson What is the expectation of this hui? We have had other hui. Neil Te Kani This is a consultation hui. Item 2 Presentation action Barry Somers: Introduced himself and others on the table. Project Manager URS & Councillors Powerpoint presentation Paki: Is this the route? Is it where you would like it to go? Terry: This is the preferred route for the pipeline Presentation Cont’d: New Things: New sub-option cross harbour likely to be submarine Restricted coastal activity cross harbour o Cross harbour options ⇒ 6 options o Noise issues – machinery / steel sleeves ringing on HDD o Leakage / Breakage detection and risk management Memorial Park to the Strand Walkway Soil Disposal: - Used in community - Greerton Park, Hungahungatoroa Marae, end Matapihi Road, Waikari Marae, Te Maunga Matapihi: - Community Tangata Whenua reps - CIA’s defined cultural concerns - Water supply incomplete - Waste water availability - not to rural zone - papakaiga marae zones connected - Reserve upgrade - Access for construction - Paper road – possible vesting back to Maori owners with easement - With waste water there is potential for residential development - Need to plan for the future 50-100 years Questions: - Meetings have been ongoing; bottomlines from CIA read-out (Neil Te Kani) BM T05044_008 25-10-2006 Page 2 - What’s the Hapu’s preferred option? (asked of Neil) - haven’t got a view yet - It’s urgent to others, not us. What about the houses along the road? It’s the same as before. - Don’t tell me about rural, don’t hide behind urban just tell me straight up - We were wined and dined by former mayors - The harbour has changed - We will fight for what we have got and fight for what we want - If we decide we want a pipeline, the Council better look at putting us on. If you do that we can fill-in septic tanks - Are you also meaning fire fighting water? Mary Dillon: - Need to acknowledge previous baggage - Matapihi was shafted - Issue of water is a long-standing issue - Smart Growth (Dec 2007) undertaking consultation with Matapihi (read-out) - Eddie Durie defence of Matapihi and work of Turi Te Kani - Maybe we have got to a stage where Matapihi, particularly the Maori community stating what they want - Will look at HMP, consultation then d-plan changes - A m/plan is requested to manage urban growth Neil Te Kani: - Going down the path for developing a m/plan with Antoine Coffin - Wont make a decision tonight Mahaki Ellis: - A m/plan is what we are looking at. N Tukairangi Trust manages land on behalf of owners. - Kiwifruit is changing, need to look to other economic uses and homes for families - Water came through, we had a verbal agreement to provide water - Rural and urban:- we cant connect to it. Leakage goes into harbour - We don’t want to continue with septic take - Consultations will show that we want connection to sewage and water - Our Trust will manage huge blocks of land so don’t see urban growth Hayden: - Section 33 transfers to iwi authority - Things expressed in CIA & AEE - Putting things in Tangaroa puts a impact on us - HMP must be recognised by Council - 12 months is a long time to sort things out - Sediments in oysters - Acces to opportunities - Who pays those? - Requires discussion, hui-a-tan - Live opposite Te Maunga; see a lot of crap coming out of the Te Maunga ponds Charlie Timutimu - Will there be a Matapihi community hui? - So the Council does not divide and conquer - Pipeline coming here and across the railway - Why don’t you follow the railway line rather then cross the paper road? BM T05044_008 25-10-2006 Page 3 - You haven’t go an F- carry on pipeline to the bridge and down Hewlett’s road, take it back to route B. - Cultural impact, that bridge has made a huge impact on shellfish – Titiko. We have to go to the airport and hardly get any titoki over there - What is it going to do to patiki, titiko and Rangataua - Nga Papaka o Rangataua, Ka parupru te kai Barry Somers: - Cant have individual homes converting as home will explode - 50 options, we did look at railway line and harbour bridge Martin Evans: - Railway goes in and out of cuttings - Varies in width - Maintenance is difficult - Access in the future is difficult Bess: - Through the reserve at Te Mania - There are three homes - The bank is eroding, collapsing - Old marae is wahi tapu (Te Mania) Barry: - It will go under the road - Orchard site is there - Te Mania Pa site there Matin: - We will do work if required to fix bank - The area will be better than now Barry: - Te Mania ponds will be reduced - And mechanical plant bigger Hayden: - Avian botchalism Neil: - What is Ngati Tapu concerns? Barry: st nd - HDD 1 , submarine / bridge 2 - Water is their priority industry fire fighting - Get Matapihi water as part of pipeline Lincoln: - Did a video with archaeologists (Ken Phillips, David P) - Two areas are a no-no down below - These places have not been recorded - Why haven't these places been shown? Maria: - Plans have been prepared for the Mount and have been received - We have always made the decisions - It’s sad we don’t all have water. It’s a heath & safety issue. All the korero has been good. When we tyalk about waste water and water it’s a health and safety issue Neil: 2002 Survey – Ken Phillip & Dave Phizailea Barry: - We may come across sites under the road we will have a [……] with hapu, for monitoring of works Riri: - TCC and NZAA work – were not reported back to hapu BM T05044_008 25-10-2006 Page 4 Toa: - Cant agree more with Mary Dillon that we must find our own destination - Legal issue regarding paper road. Wants a separate meeting - Council have not given the access to residentials - I have a hole to fill in - Council have not given access to residents - Road access opposite arapu – consultant’s report does not take into account Tauranga Raupatu Report - Would like a look at legal opinions of paper road – Commissioner has to give an Order in Council to transfer Maori land to Council - I can, we can put a stop to it. I can go to Maori Land Court to prove it is Maori land Brian Dickson: - Read in paper about rising population Penetaka: - Attracted here for climate, harbour - Would like to look at QBL for harbour why this route was chosen - Any route across the harbour poses a serious threat to health - Any leaks, breakages, into harbour, posses a threat to our kaimoana - Would like to see comparison for cross harbour options Neil Te Kani: rd - The history of pipeline like Hairini has burst, this year, the 3 time it has happened - I doesn’t give us much confidence - There is ‘raw sewage’ not treated sewage Barry: - Acknowledge concern Penetaka: - Chapel Street closed our pipi beds - Look to the past to learn for the future - One spill is one too many Mary Dillon: - The 2 big issues: - Crossing eh Harbour - Matapihi Riri: - Accreted land? Barry: - Natural land farmed from harbour Riri: th - Anxious about November 7 date - There is a need to fill a gap - How do we come to a decision on option - Can we have someone commissioned to give us a report Barry Somers: - 2011 timeframe - We must go through AEE & comment processes - 5 months to get comments / AEE - We will have public meetings once we have a preferred route Toa: - Pakeha homes got sewage. Maori get nothing BM T05044_008 25-10-2006 Page 5 Carlo Ellis - I was with archaeologist. Can answer questions - Are these required like we do - I think you are pushing it to get through Matapihi - Rates make it impossible for our people to live here Terry: - This is probably the preferred route - It is at the consultation stage - I’ve listened to quite a few hui - Not much done - The ball is in your court - You have a chance to turn hui into dui (do e) Greg: - Preservation of the harbour must be paramount - Thank you to the Council - Need N. Tapu and N. Tukairangi together to talk to Barry - In 2011 we will have paru in the harbour Neil Te Kani: - We have always wanted to have a collaborative approach, but N. Tapu wants to go alone TimuTimu: - What’s a paper road Barry: - It hasn’t been built Cooks: - Thanks for your presentation - For me it’s a flat ‘No’ - For Matapihi we have a committee, we go for permits and get turned down Tao: - Unless we get water and wastewater to every house, it’s ‘No’ Lincoln: - We can do our own, we have the authority Joe: - The current pedestrian / cycle on bridges is frightening. Our mokos - I want 20 within bridges Riri: - We don’t have information to make decisions Martin: - LGA does not recognise risk - We have added - We should be able to answer specific questions Neil Te Kani: - Workshops; meetings; Close formal part now Riri: - Are we having another meeting? Barry / Neil / Riri: - Yes! Lincoln: - Karahia Whakamuhigo BM T05044_008 25-10-2006 Page 6 Details of next meeting: to be confirmed Minuted by: BM T05044_008 Antoine Coffin 25-10-2006 Page 7 Minutes of Meeting with Ngai Tamarawaho SOUTHERN PIPELINE – K Valley Options Held on 6 November, 2006, 10am at Huria Marae, Tauranga Present Distribution Peri Kohu Ngai Tamarawaho Des Tata Antoine Coffin Barry Somers Kiri Waldegrave All above plus Martin Evans Belinda Petersen Ngai Tamarawaho Boffa Miskell ltd Tauranga City Council Tauranga City Council URS URS Item Karakia: Peri Kohu Action Item 1 Proposals Barry Somers updated hapu reps on progress to make a decision on various routes. K valley is an option that is being looked at. There are two options in K Valley. These are near existing expressway and the other is on the eastern side of the river. This later option involves construction of a road for construction and service access and probably “rebending of the river” as per previous consent conditions. Note Test pits have revealed very soft material. On the eastern side of the Valley, this route would require a road for service access. The other option would be side the existing road corridor, in the embankment. Ngai Tamarawaho not opposed to Route K options. Would need to work through issues. Support dependant on outcomes. The eastern option would likely require rebending of river as part of the project. Ngai Tamarawaho will look at producing a cultural assessment assessment for the routes within the Kopurererua Valley. The pipeline in the Kopurererua valley will be buried. There would possible be bridges across the river (4) for the eastern option in K Valley. Des asked what the chances of undergrounding the powerline were. Barry replied, not much due to cost and these costs would be Trustpowers. BM T05044/1_006 7/14/2006 Page 1 Peri appreciated being informed of what is going on. Barry to liaise with Ngai Tamarawaho. Item 2 Memorial to Strand Barry provided an update on the Memorial to The Strand option. This option would be considered with both Devonport/Fraser or K valley options. Follow up Peri support the concept of walkways around the harbour edge. Item 3 Harbour Crossing Workshops have been conducted to look at the options. The option most likely to be selected is the submarine pipeline to the south of existing rail bridge. The Memorial Park to Matapihi submarine route is unlikely due to the long term environmental effects. Modelling has shown the trench in the main channel will self heal. There is 20,000 cubic metres of material travelling under rail bridge annually. There previous attempts to fill holes in the Waikareao estuary with none being successful. A sign has been put up saying it is dangerous. Item 4 From here Wait for preferred route from workshop on 23rd November. If Route K selected then commission a CIA. Ngai Tamarawaho will work through any issues. December approvals will be followed by preparation of AEE for resource consents. Ngai Tamarawaho want the block of land down the water front no matter what route is chosen. Barry discussed possible options being investigated. These were okay with Peri. Barry to liaise with Peri and Sylvia Item 5 Omokoroa Pipeline Peri raised the issue about Omokoroa pipeline coming through the rohe of Ngai Tamarawaho and not being consulted. Item 6 Field Barry has visited the fields at Maharaia Park. The No.2 field is probably not appropriate for fill as the tide is clearly infiltrating the soils. This area was a former wetland. The area was very spongy and wet. It would only be a summer field for sport. Up to 1 metre of material would be required. With significant works there is no guarantee that the field would be useable. Any works BM T05044/1_006 7/14/2006 Page 2 may also cause problems with drainage of the No.1 field resulting in flooding. Item 7 Payments Peri questioned the amount being paid for the CIA. Also questioned the inclusion of consultation in the report preparation. Barry to follow up. Details of next meeting: to be confirmed by Barry Somers following 23rd November Council workshop Provided 1 copy of summary report for K Valley options Minuted by: BM T05044/1_006 Antoine Coffin 6 November 2006 7/14/2006 Page 3 Project Southern Pipeline Title of Meeting Southern Pipeline Hui Meeting Number Venue Date Hungahungatoroa Marae Present Ngai Tukairangi Neil Te Kani Chair Houoterangi Dickson Ngawa Hall Mahaki Ellis Kihi Ngatai Maria Ngatai Joe Briggs Penetaka Dickson Anthony Fisher Taku Paki Hemi Rolleston Norman Te Kani Martha Te Kani NgaretaTimutimu Awhina Thatcher Jack Thatcher Ratahi Cross Hine-Marie Burton Arahina Dickson Kataraina Paraire Kuku Wawatai Toa Faulkner Geoff Kuka Dickson Iwarau Farrell Miriam Dickson Riri Ellis Hayden Henry Time 21 January 07 TCC Barry Somers Christine Jones Item No. Item Description 1. Hui opened with karakia and mihi by Kaumatua Houoterangi Dickson Water supply and SmartGrowth Christine Jones (CJ) explained Councils formal position on extending water supply, paper road and soil disposal. Position made available to those in attendance The issues and opportunities relating to the water supply options were discussed in detail. The need for 2. 2.1 2.2 1300 to 1530 Action By When Action By Whom 2.3 2.4 2.5 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 4. 4.1 4.2 4. management plans were explained Letter requested to confirm ownership of paper road 30/1/07 Issues of unkept past promises by Mt Borough Council, lost opportunities through land loss and Matapihi being used for utilities that didn’t benefit Matapihi were aired. CJ suggested Ngai Tukairangi formally respond to Council offer Southern Pipeline Barry Sommers (BS) suggested it was timely to start separating water supply and development from Southern Pipeline. BS advised hui of Councils formal recommendation BS advise of late decision to upgrade rail bridge subject to funding. Hemi Rolleston advise hui of Ngati Tapu’s position BS gave a brief outline of the timeframe, key was 30/1/07 completion in 2010. NTK requested copy of a broad timeframe for the SP project. Joe Briggs raised concerns of access over bridge during construction Alternative options were raised and discussed. BS confirmed this was clearly the best options for Tauranga’s wastewater management. BS confirmed the Southern Pipeline could be laid along Matapihi road almost as of right, but TCC prefer to work in partnership with hapu. BS confirmed the harbour crossing were the most difficult consents to obtain. Hui thanked CJ and BS for attending and participating. Two resolutions were passed by the hui relating to the Southern Pipeline and development of management plans. Resolutions The following resolutions were approved by majority vote That Ngai Tukairangi Hapu clearly oppose Councils preferred Southern Pipeline route which crosses Tauranga Harbour and proceeds through Matapihi That Ngai Tukairangi Hapu supports the development of a land use plan for Matapihi which will help to define the growth and infrastructure needs of Matapihi Hui closed with karakia BS NTK BS URS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES MINUTES OF MEETING Meeting Number Phase 3-9 Project Number ( T05044 Title of meeting Date Time Southern Pipeline – Cross harbour options and foreshore walkway. 22-03-2007 9:00am Meeting with Ngati Ranginui Iwi Inc. Society Present CC Barry Somers Antoine Coffin Huikakahu Kawe Tony Bodger Martin Evans Belinda Petersen Kiri Waldegrave Apologies none Item No. 1 Item Description Action By When Action By Whom Barry outlined 2 cross harbour options – walkway attachment to existing railway bridge and submarine pipeline • Barry discussed the details of the options including construction of a causeway • The railway attachment will involve piers, walkway, new piles, 2 year construction period, 150 tonne crane, temporary bridges for works • There will be effects on harbour from piling over 2 years • Pedestrian access maintained during construction • 14 people died during 15 years. There is a list of names (dated 1955) • the upgrade will costs about $25million. A tripartite agreement is being sought (OnTrack, TCC, Government) Barry to provide a letter listing those who have died on bridge dated Dec 1955. Friday 28th March Barry Barry outlined options for getting to railway including a foreshore walkway and a Devonport road route. • Beach replenishment possible however will be conducted as a separate project • Major traffic impact on Devonport Road • Looking at creating a brand new seawall • Artesian water is 2.5 metres below surface • Northern parts of bay cannot hold sand (without groins) • It will be a high quality walkway Page 1 of 2 J:\JOBS\42066678\6000 REPORTS\AEE APPENDICES FINAL JUN07\REPORT 62\T05044_011_MEETINGWITHNGATIRANG Revised 05/10/01 URS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES MINUTES OF MEETING Item No. Item Description • Action By When Action By Whom The walkway will need to join the bridge near the Harbourside restaurant • Disposal Sites for excess soil • Greerton Park, 17th Avenue by Historic Village, down below Te Mania Pa at Matapihi, Waikari Marae foreshore • Others being considered are Hungahungatoroa sports club filed (but it may have been a saw dust dump and contaminated) • Airport landfill as a back-up Questions Who will make the biggest noise? People adjacent to foreshore What about Maharaia Reserve at Judea? It has seawater induction and subject to flooding Can you provide a copy of those who died on Matapihi railway bridge? Barry to provide. Ngati Ranginui would like an update on the responses from the hapu following consultation. Responses Ngati Ranginui would support the walkway. Heavy Devonport Rd traffic affects Ngati Ranginui people too. Walkway needs to reflect cultural references Current railway is responsible for a lot of noise Ngati Ranginui will support walkway however need to make sure we are on the same page with Ngati Tapu and Ngai Tamarawaho. Information provided: • 2 newsletter updates Authorised by (Chair) Name of Chair Date 22-032007 Page 2 of 2 J:\JOBS\42066678\6000 REPORTS\AEE APPENDICES FINAL JUN07\REPORT 62\T05044_011_MEETINGWITHNGATIRANG Revised 05/10/01 URS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES MINUTES OF MEETING Meeting Number Phase 3-10 Project Number ( T05044 Title of meeting Date Time Southern Pipeline – Cross harbour options and foreshore walkway. 22-03-2007 10:30am Meeting with Te Runanga o Ngaiterangi Present CC Barry Somers (TCC) Antoine Coffin (BML) Brian Dickson (CEO, Te Runanga o Ngaiterangi) Tony Bodger (TCC) Martin Evans Belinda Petersen Kiri Waldegrave Apologies none Item No. 1 Item Description Action By When Action By Whom Barry outlined 2 cross harbour options – walkway attachment to existing railway bridge and submarine pipeline • Railway option is preferred at the present time • Barry discussed the details of the options including construction of a 12metre wide causeway • Brain Dickson’s grandfather worked on the bridge • Land ownership at each end of the bridge • Will link to walkways on The Strand and from Memorial Park • Details of piles shown, artistic impression of walkway over bridge • The railway attachment will involve piers, walkway, new piles, 2 year construction period, 150 tonne crane, temporary bridges for works 7-10 metres wide on 600 piles • 2 years to build $20-30million • Conducting modelling at the moment • Pedestrian access maintained during construction • Truck turnaround at the Matapihi end of railway track to avoid using mudflats – access from matapihi Road • Ecological surveys identify small tuangi but they are leaving the area • A tripartite agreement is being sought (OnTrack, TCC, Government) • Works will be conducted on Maori Reserve to protect it from erosion Page 1 of 3 J:\JOBS\42066678\6000 REPORTS\AEE APPENDICES FINAL JUN07\REPORT 62\T05044_012_MEETINGWITHNGAITERAN Revised 05/10/01 URS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES MINUTES OF MEETING Item No. Item Description • Action By When Action By Whom The consent issues include debris, refuelling, materials for causeway. Matapihi School site open day for project Disposal Sites for excess soil • Greerton Park, 17th Avenue by Historic Village, down below Te Mania Pa at Matapihi, Waikari Marae foreshore • Others being considered are Hungahungatoroa sports club filed (but it may have been a saw dust dump and contaminated) • Airport landfill as a back-up Questions Who gets ownership of causeway reclamation? Land will be leased for 50 years from the Crown, no title given Is the Matapihi option the preferred option? Yes What are the benefits to Matapihi? Fix water supply, possible access to wastewater, brockering win/wins on the ground. Can we catch up again regarding the walkway? Yes, Antoine to organise. 6th April Antoine 6th April Barry What is the cost of the submarine option? $20million, but no partners Responses The iwi will support views of hapu, however represent views of other affected hapu If cross harbour options proceed, Ngaiterangi want to be involved right at the start. We are opposed to cross harbour works due to potential breaks and the effects on the kaimaona. The railway attachment is the best option, shorter length, bridge is secure. Ngaiterangi want to make sure the bridge is to a high standard. Favour bridge to any other option It would be good to update the people on the cross harbour options. Can you send 80-100 copies of pipeline newsletter over to Ngaiterangi Offices Page 2 of 3 J:\JOBS\42066678\6000 REPORTS\AEE APPENDICES FINAL JUN07\REPORT 62\T05044_012_MEETINGWITHNGAITERAN Revised 05/10/01 URS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES MINUTES OF MEETING Information provided: • 2 newsletter updates • final report No.23 and options report • images and maps Authorised by (Chair) Name of Chair Date 22-032007 Page 3 of 3 J:\JOBS\42066678\6000 REPORTS\AEE APPENDICES FINAL JUN07\REPORT 62\T05044_012_MEETINGWITHNGAITERAN Revised 05/10/01 URS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES MINUTES OF MEETING Meeting Number Phase 3-13 Project Number T05044 Title of meeting Date Time Southern Pipeline – Cross harbour options and foreshore walkway. 2-April-2007 10:30am Meeting with Te Runanga o Ngai Tamarawaho Present CC Barry Somers -TCC Antoine Coffin – Boffa Miskell Des Tata – Te Runanga o Ngai Tamarawaho Peri Kohu – Te Runanga o Ngai Tamarawaho Martin Evans - URS Belinda Petersen - URS Kiri Waldegrave - TCC Sylvia Willison – Te Runanga o Ngai Tamarawaho Apologies Tony Bodgers Item No. Item Description Raised By Whom 1. Barry Somers provided an update on the project for a cross harbour option BS and the walkway. 2. Rauhea Brown, kaumatua of Ngai Tamarawaho opened track and rail BS bridge – great-grand uncle. Local Maori and community paid for half (14 had died in 15 years before walkway completed) 3. Many have died during the operation of the railway bridge. Get copy of AC letter with list of those killed to Des 4. N. Tamarawaho will pay the first dollar for new walkway 5. N. Tamarawaho claim ownership of untitled land next to the Harbourside Peri Restaurant. 6. TCC looking at creating road reserve and esplanade reserve out of untitled BS reclamation at end of Strand Extension 7. Not N. Tamarawaho’s intention to impede, but TCC work will further Peri alienate Maori from their land, this will be seen as a slap in the face. 8. Stephen Town is looking for a site, possibly another block on waterfront. BS Talking with Kaumatua. BS to follow up land options with Stephen Town 9. There is an attitude of having block in public ownership. We want to PK discuss this at the table rather than anywhere else. We have bent over backwards for the town Peri 10. Private landowners are claiming more rights than our traditional rights. PK 11. BS tabled details of piers, walkway, temporary bridges with a crane on it. Page 1 of 3 BS J:\JOBS\42066678\6000 REPORTS\AEE APPENDICES FINAL JUN07\REPORT 62\T05044_013_MEETINGWITHNGAITAMAR Revised 05/10/01 URS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES MINUTES OF MEETING Item No. Raised By Whom Item Description Temp bridge in place for 2 years, 7 – 10 metres wide. Matapihi road will be access for bridge construction. Widened causeway needed to provide for pipeline and walkway. Photo shown of Grey river example of temporary staging for bridge 12. How much is this project costing? $25 – $30 m project. BS 13. Residents opposed to walkway “tell them to get stuffed” PK 14. The walkway network will open up harbour to public BS 15. Ngai Tamarawaho prefer current method of coming to talk, face to face PK 16. Newsletters provided, can add more to mail out list BS 17. Tony Bodger will come again to talk about foreshore walkway specifically. 18. Asked if any further questions? AC 19. Untitled land ownership a concern PK 20. Combined benefits of looking at bridge, boardwalk and pipeline, rather BS than separate. 21. Fill disposal sites at Greerton Park and on Matapihi. No. 2 field at BS Maharaia Reserve, Judea not suitable due to levels of water 22. Aware of cemetery in 18th Ave, will require services of N. Tamarawaho before excavation. Note Ngai Tamarawaho prefer Monday and Tuesdays for meetings. Minutes to Sylvia CC Things to do • BS to talk to Stephen Town re: untitled land • AC to send list of killed and injured to Des • Tony Bodger to come out and talk to walkway proposals. • Page 2 of 3 J:\JOBS\42066678\6000 REPORTS\AEE APPENDICES FINAL JUN07\REPORT 62\T05044_013_MEETINGWITHNGAITAMAR Revised 05/10/01 URS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES MINUTES OF MEETING Information provided: • 2 newsletter updates • final report No.23 and options report • images and maps Confirmed by Name of Chair Date Page 3 of 3 J:\JOBS\42066678\6000 REPORTS\AEE APPENDICES FINAL JUN07\REPORT 62\T05044_013_MEETINGWITHNGAITAMAR Revised 05/10/01 URS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES MINUTES OF MEETING Meeting Number Phase 3-14 Project Number T05044 Title of meeting Date Time Southern Pipeline – Foreshore Walkway Project Memorial to The Strand 17-April-2007 10:30am Meeting with Present CC Antoine Coffin – Boffa Miskell Peri Kohu – Te Runanga o Ngai Tamarawaho De Tata – Te Runanga o Ngai Tamarawaho Tony Bodger Martin Evans - URS Belinda Petersen - URS Kiri Waldegrave - TCC Sylvia Willison – Te Runanga o Ngai Tamarawaho Apologies Item No. Item Description Raised By Whom 1. Antoine provided context of this meeting within the Pipeline project and AC previous meetings. 2. Tony B gave background to walkway project, 5th Avenue. 3. Pathway along front of adjoining properties. Walkway and pipeline, seawall. Mattress on seabed, riprap, barriers for construction. 4. Undertaking consultation with residents. Strong opposition at the moment. 5. Preliminary concept drawings stage, no detailed plans yet. 6. Peri – should be connected – Memorial to The Strand and harbour bridge. PK Walkways have other benefits. We approved it initially. We support a walkway now. Has there been crime (associated with walkway) here at Judea – we have local element. Not associated with walkway. No problem here. 7. We would have to support the walkway. 8. Would you be interested in design and concept development – TB? TB We would like a Maori name on the walkway and local history brought back to the area 9. Harbourside to The Strand. Replace the walkway that is there but not sure TB of location – options replace existing, new, alternatives under railway. TB PK This makes sense. We are involved on Waterfront Committee. We have PK supported this occurring. Page 1 of 2 J:\Jobs\42066678\6000 Reports\AEE Appendices Final Jun07\Report 62\T05044_014_meetingwithngaitamarawaho_20070417.doc\2 Revised 05/10/01 URS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES MINUTES OF MEETING Item No. Raised By Whom Item Description 10. At Memorial Park – beach replenishment to Arundel Street. No problem with that. Will it stay there (DT) not sure if it will stay there? If it can work, it’s a plus – PK / DT. 11. Not long ago it was a sandy beach. We remember it. Need to look at PK tides and impacts of Sulphur Point and harbour works. 12. I have looked at Hamilton to provide a community destination. TB PK 13. Need to be careful the walkway doesn’t take over the beach. Need some longevity in these ideas, because we forget what we were PK trying to achieve. There have always been activities here – camping, recreation, circus etc. The beach should be the focus, not just the fountain. 14. Reserves at 2nd and 4th Avenues – access to walkway – Not a problem. PK / DT 15. Looking at end of Elizabeth St – potential for cultural reflection. Possible gateway. 16. Native vegetation to be planted at back of walkway project footprint. 17. Keep in contact on progress of projects. PK Information provided: Confirmed by Name of Chair Date Page 2 of 2 J:\Jobs\42066678\6000 Reports\AEE Appendices Final Jun07\Report 62\T05044_014_meetingwithngaitamarawaho_20070417.doc\2 Revised 05/10/01 Ngai Tukairangi hui – Southern Pipeline Date: 28 April 2007 Venue; Hungahungatoroa Marae Present: Neil Te Kani chairman Mahaki Ellis Kihi Ngatai Kuku Wawatai Joe Briggs Ngareta Charlie Toa Faulkner 6 Others Barry Somers Campbell Larking Kiri Waldegrave 1. Mahaki started hui with Karakia. 2. Barry went through the presentation (see attached). 3. Opposition to the pipeline was expressed. There are other options available those should be used. Want to keep Matapihi rural. Ngai Tukairangi have made contributions such as water through and foot paths. Was Matapihi considered because of cost cutting? 4. It was clarified that this was an information sharing exercise. 5. Barry highlighted QBLA was used, questions were asked around how robust QBLA was on cultural issues? 6. Is it going to link to Omokoroa pipeline? 7. Assertion by hapu that crossing the harbour was the wrong option. 8. If the Matapihi preferred route wasn’t an option, what is the back up? Barry Somers explained going through Matapihi again was the back up. 9. Joe highlighted that the decision to come through Matapihi has been made, but if the hapu were honest, they want to build, and have access to wastewater, they don’t want septic tanks leaking into the harbour. 10. Questions around pipe sizing, consultation with other land owners were raised. 11. There was clarification around what connection to the pipeline means, and how at the current time it would be economically viable. 12. Need assurance from council that once the management plan is done, the Yjunctions(?) can be put in. 13. Neil clarified that he only does what the hapu mandates him to do. 14. Questions around mandating TW Collective. Why no-one from Ngai Tukairangi turned up to speak to the mayor and elected members about the Southern Pipeline at the last TW/TCC Standing Committee. Why didn’t the chair ask, why Ngai Tukairangi weren’t there? 15. Urupa fencing, wheelies, drinking water; is there something that can be done about this? This was raised when the footpaths went through. Council said it would do it(?) but didn’t. There is a problem with trust (goodwill) and Council. TCC Ref: 1432069 16. It was asserted that the Marae and school must be reticulated. 17. Land use plan can influence what can happen here. 18. Harbour crossing is the key for some hapu members. This debate needs to happen before the debate about what is happening here in Matapihi. 19. Will council look after the Resource Consent for the use of soil surplus on the field? Barry went through the process of doing this, including covering off the existing saw dust dump, and related toxins in the soil. 20. Question around cultural issues to do with moving soil. 21. Questions around the mandate of HPT and how they determined that Matapihi was archaeologically significant. 22. Fall back position for soil disposal is the airport but TCC preference is the rugby field so it stays in the community. Kihi Ngatai expressed that shifting it to Aerodrome is unacceptable. Need to keep it in the area. 23. Concern was expressed around the walkway opening up Matapihi to the wider community, that is the widening of the bridge walkway and memorial to Strand walkway. More imposition on the Matapihi community. Concern that Mataphi will become a thoroughfare. This is a very strong view. 24. Has the new harbour link been considered for crossing? B.S. explained the situation. 25. Issue that the Southern Pipeline isn’t about Matapihi, it’s about the harbour crossing. This is a very strong point. Barry discussed the memorial to strand walkway, explained Ngai Tamarawaho and Tangata Whenua collective support the walkway. 26. Integrated transport strategy should have been discussed with Matapihi residents - linked walkways came as a surprise to the hapu. 27. Questions around whether other hapu positions will minimise Ngai Tukairangi position, e.g. Ngati Tapu and Ngai Tamarawaho. Note to Campbell: Indicator that plan needs to be Matapihi wide, to avoid scepticism. Ngai Tukairangi expressed discomfort at TCC doing the comprehensive plan. 28. When will resource consents be processed and when will this be approved? Under urgency could see TCC having resource consent by April 2008. How long will hapu management take? 29. Ngaiterangi land continues to be imposed upon. Ngaiterangi need to be more active in promoting this. How does the Southern pipeline benefit the residents of Matapihi? Council aren’t saying no to wastewater reticulation. The Southern Pipeline provides an opportunity for the future i.e. development and to bring your people back. Also the historic water issue is being addressed. Matapihi is what it is because it has been starved of services. 30. Why can’t the causeway and bridge walkway stay the same width? 31. How often will the service vehicle be using the bridge? TCC Ref: 1432069 32. Campbell Larking, Recreation Planner introduced the purpose of the landuse management plan (as outlined in Smartgrowth). The action states that Council will work with Matapihi residents, trustees and landowners to consider three broad options for the peninsula, being: • • • Retain the rural character with limited papakainga housing; Mixture of rural character and conventional urban development; Comprehensive conventional urban development. Campbell Larking is the project manager, and will supported by a number of key Council staff in working with the Matapihi Community to develop the Landuse Plan. At this time, there is no set process for undertaking the landuse plan however Campbell identified that it would be beneficial if Matapihi Residents 'owned' the development of the Plan and worked with Council to identify an appropriate process to deliver the project. The project is set to begin on the 1st July 2007 and run through to December 2007, however initial work on scoping the project and identifying key parties and developing a robust process has begun. It was identified that Antoine Coffin (Boffa Miskell) was working on a hapu management plan (initial stages) for Ngai Tukairangi and that Campbell needed to liaise and work with Antoine as the two projects had similar outcomes. The end result would be a future directions paper outlining aspirations/opportunities of Matapihi residents against the realities of infrastructure and costs to make this aspirations a reality. Campbell was asked whether Iwi would fully own the process and outcomes and Campbell explained that the end result would need to be in accordance with Smartgrowth and robust RMA outcomes, then end result (if adopted by Council) would lead to changes to the District Plan which may enable outcomes like papakainga housing zones or the like. It would also be used to cost out and plan for appropriate infrastructure to aid in delivering the outcomes. Parties, landowners and hapu would need to work together to develop the process and define the future land use form. Campbell would be liaising with Neil Te Kani and others to begin this process/initial discussions over the next month or so. Actions: Barry to follow up and provide answers to the following: - to write to Ngai Tukairangi about soil disposal and urupa fence/signs - Advise transportation of reaction to transportation strategy - Determine frequency of service vehicles on bridge. TCC Ref: 1432069 TCC Ref: 1432069 TCC Ref: 1432069 TCC Ref: 1432069 TCC Ref: 1432069 URS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES MINUTES OF MEETING Meeting Number Phase 3-16 Project Number T05044/07 Title of meeting Date Time Southern Pipeline – Foreshore Walkway Project Memorial to The Strand 7 May 2007 10:00am Meeting with Ngai Tamarawaho at Huria Marae. Present CC Peri Kohu – Te Runanga o Ngai Tamarawaho Des Tata – Te Runanga o Ngai Tamarawaho Antoine Coffin – Boffa Miskell Brian Hodge - URS Martin Evans - URS Kiri Waldegrave – TCC Tony Bodger - TCC Sylvia Willison – Te Runanga o Ngai Tamarawaho Apologies Tony Bodger Item No. Item Description Peri Kohu opened with a karakia 1. Raised By Whom PK Antoine Coffin gave an overview of previous consultations and a wish to TB make sure their were no suprises. Outlined previous 2 options for the walkway/pipeline and that now the preference was for a pipeline on the surface of the beach with fill material over the top and a high quality walkway on top. 2. Brian Hodge gave an explanation of the detailed plans using the walkway BH concept drawings and engineering options. 3. Height of walkway would be close to height of adjoining properties, BH sometimes lower and sometimes higher. The rip-rap may be smooth or rough, depending on a number of factors including strength of wave action, sea lettuce, costs, etc. The walkway structure may be concrete or timber. 4. We rely on engineers to do the right thing. 5. We are more interested in the cultural content. The signage, PK interpretation, information sharing. We won’t to make the walk interesting. People will be able to see things and learn. The bollards with traditional designs on them. Simple but effective. We would like gateways at memorial Park, the southern end and at this end (railway). Happy for engineers to do their thing. 6. Ngai Tamarawaho would like to meet with the person responsible for PK making this walkway happen. (Tony Bodger) We wish to work through the cultural input before Council makes a decision on the outcome. PK Page 1 of 2 J:\Jobs\42066678\6000 Reports\AEE Appendices Final Jun07\Report 62\T05044_016_meetingwithngaitamarawaho_20070507.doc\2 Revised 05/10/01 URS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES MINUTES OF MEETING Item No. 7. Raised By Whom Item Description Brian Hodge provided a quick overview of the walkway project between TB the Strand and Harbourside restaurant. This included going under embankment to link to existing footpath and upgrading walkways. Peri identified a number of pa and sites of significance along the coast, at the location of the old supermarket (pa) and Arundel St. 8. Provided A3 drawings for their information. TB 9. Peri Kohu expressed a preference for the timber walkway, rather than PK concrete. Peri closed with a karakia Information provided: Confirmed by Name of Chair Date Page 2 of 2 J:\Jobs\42066678\6000 Reports\AEE Appendices Final Jun07\Report 62\T05044_016_meetingwithngaitamarawaho_20070507.doc\2 Revised 05/10/01