Multi-Retailer Program for
Multi-Retailer Program for
2016 Awarding Ideas That Work SHOPPER MARKETING / FINALISTS & WINNERS In partnership with: ® Effie is a registered trademark / service mark of Effie Worldwide, Inc. Proudly sponsored by: WINNERS The North American Shopper Marketing Effie Awards honor the most effective shopper marketing efforts of the year. An annual program, the competition attracts case studies from the most effective shopper marketing efforts from manufacturers and retailers in the United States and Canada. After two rounds of rigorous judging, those selected as winners represent cases that best demonstrated how they effectively solved a shopper marketing challenge, connected with their shoppers, influenced them along the path to purchase, and inspired them to become a buyer. Award levels – gold, silver and bronze – will be announced and presented at the Path to Purchase Institute’s Shopper Marketing Summit Awards Celebration on March 16, 2016. Congratulations to this year’s winners. * Indicates lead agency AWARENESS/TRIAL CATEGORY/AISLE REINVENTION Cottonelle Pampers UnderJams Olay Go Commando Underjams at Walmart Overcomes Bedwetting Olay Shelf Reinvention at Walmart Kimberly-Clark Corp. Procter & Gamble Procter & Gamble Geometry Global* VML Ketchum Mindshare Trisect Saatchi & Saatchi X* Saatchi & Saatchi X* MULTI-BRAND/MANUFACTURER SHOPPER SOLUTION MULTI-RETAILER PROGRAM Multiple including Hellmann’s, Green Giant, Campbell’s and Hunt’s Walmart OREO Publix The Best Meals Happen At Home Chosen by Kids Play with OREO Unilever Walmart Mondelez International Team Unilever Shopper* Lunchbox Weber Shandwick Starcom MediaVest Group* Shopper Events The Martin Agency OneKreate Quick Test Geometry Global* HelloWorld, Inc. Triad Retail Media MOjO Marketing, Inc. NEW PRODUCT/SERVICE INTRODUCTION SEASONAL/EVENT Dove, Dove Men+Care, Degree, Axe FLONASE Allergy Relief Milk-Bone, Pup-Peroni, Milo’s Kitchen Unilever Dry Spray Antiperspirant Launch FLONASE Allergy Relief Over-the-Counter Launch Big Heart Pet Brands Seasonal Platform Activation Chosen by Kids Unilever GlaxoSmithKline Big Heart Pet Brands Walmart Team Unilever Shopper* Lunchbox Epsilon* Geometry Global Brand Union FCB/RED* Starcom MediaVest Group* Shopper Events The Martin Agency OneKreate Quick Test Walmart In partnership with: 2 2016 EFFIE AWARDS / SHOPPER MARKETING Proudly sponsored by: SEASONAL/EVENT SINGLE-RETAILER PROGRAM DRUGSTORES SHOPPER EXPERIENCE SOUR PATCH KIDS & SLURPEE Walmart Dove, Vaseline, Simple Fight Hunger. Spark Change. CVS Love Your Skin SOUR PATCH Watermelon SLURPEE Campaign CVS Love Your Skin Walmart Unilever Mondelez International 7-Eleven, Inc. Unilever Saatchi & Saatchi* The Mars Agency Brand Networks Starcom MediaVest Group Tiny Horse Team Unilever Shopper* Shopper2Buyer Lunchbox Barrows Phoenix Creative Co.* T3 Ketchum TPN Camelot Strategic Marketing & Media Team Unilever Shopper* Shopper2Buyer Lunchbox Barrows SINGLE-RETAILER PROGRAM DRUGSTORES Dove, Vaseline, Simple SINGLE-RETAILER PROGRAM - MASS MERCHANTS Procter & Gamble Alcon Amopé Pedi Perfect™ Depend Walgreens Healthy Home Solutions Alcon’s Howard and the Amazing Eye Exam “Love Your Feet”: Amopé Pedi Perfect™ launch at Target Real Women of Depend ® Procter & Gamble Alcon RB Leo Burnett/Arc* Leo Burnett/Arc* Starcom MediaVest Group IN Marketing Services* SINGLE-RETAILER PROGRAM MASS MERCHANTS Nestlé Frozen Scale: DiGiorno, Tombstone, Stouffer’s, Hot Pockets, Nestlé Ice Cream Fight Hunger. Spark Change. Dollar General Frozen Merchandising Campaign Saatchi & Saatchi* The Mars Agency Brand Networks Starcom MediaVest Group Tiny Horse Geometry Global* Organic, Inc. Marina Maher Communications LLC Mindshare SINGLE-RETAILER PROGRAM - OTHER Walmart Walmart Kimberly-Clark Corp. Nestlé USA Geometry Global* In partnership with: 3 2016 EFFIE AWARDS / SHOPPER MARKETING Proudly sponsored by: FINALISTS Effie Awards finalists are selected based on scores after a rigorous first round of judging. Making the shortlist of finalists is a significant achievement. Finalist status indicates that a case is among the most effective examples of integrated efforts that were specifically designed to engage the shopper and guide his or her purchase process towards a desired end result. Additionally, all finalists and winners will receive points toward the Effie Effectiveness Index – the annual worldwide ranking of marketing communications effectiveness for agencies, advertisers, and brands. Annual rankings in North America are announced in June. Congratulations to this year’s finalists. * Indicates lead agency AWARENESS & TRIAL LOYALTY Always Lean Cuisine Cox Communications #LIKEAGIRL Super Bowl Activation Lean Cuisine Feed Her Food Mood Surprising customers with a personalized experience Procter & Gamble Nestlé USA Cox Communications Leo Burnett/Arc* Geometry Global* FCB Chicago* SundaySky BullsEye Marketing Systems, LLC RR Donnelley LOYALTY OREO OREO Albertsons “Stop & Play with OREO” Play with OREO Mondelez International Mondelez International MULTI-RETAILER PROGRAM Dove, Dove Men+Care, Degree, Axe Unilever Dry Spray Antiperspirant Launch Unilever Geometry Global* HelloWorld, Inc. Geometry Global* HelloWorld, Inc. Triad Retail Media MOjO Marketing, Inc. Team Unilever Shopper* Lunchbox NEW PRODUCT/SERVICE INTRODUCTION SEASONAL/EVENT COVERGIRL Walmart Alcon Procter & Gamble COVERGIRL Full Lash Bloom Walmart Pickup and Delivery Alcon’s Howard and the Amazing Eye Exam Your Year #StartsHere: Walgreens and People’s Choice Awards Partnership Procter & Gamble Walmart Alcon Procter & Gamble Grey New York* The Mars Agency* Miller Zell Leo Burnett/Arc* Starcom MediaVest Group Leo Burnett/Arc* United Artists Media Group* Blue Chip Marketing Worldwide In partnership with: 4 2016 EFFIE AWARDS / SHOPPER MARKETING Proudly sponsored by: SEASONAL/EVENT SHOPPER EXPERIENCE Sabra Scotts Chobani ‘Four Course 4th’ My Lawn. Your Yard’s New Best Friend. Chobani “Create. Mix. Enjoy.” Sabra Dipping Co. The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company Chobani, LLC Colangelo* Fiksu* Revolocity Photon Infotech The Mars Agency* Delicious Contents SINGLE-RETAILER PROGRAM - MASS MERCHANTS SINGLE-RETAILER PROGRAM OTHER SINGLE-RETAILER PROGRAM SUPERMARKETS Snack Pack Walmart Procter & Gamble Strategic Milk Alliance Walmart Snack Pack Mix-Ins Food Fighters P&G and Dollar General The Fast Way to Save Milk Coloring Contest ConAgra Foods Walmart Procter & Gamble Strategic Milk Alliance Catapult Marketing* Collective Bias Electus* Starcom MediaVest Group Tiny Horse The Martin Agency The Integer Group* Retail Now LLC TracyLocke Canada* In partnership with: 5 2016 EFFIE AWARDS / SHOPPER MARKETING Proudly sponsored by: FINAL ROUND JURY KEITH ALBRIGHT SHARON LOVE Global Shopper Leader CEO 3M TPN CHARLIE ANDERSON MICHAEL LOVEGROVE CEO President & CCO Shoptology TracyLocke WENDY JEAN BENNETT TINA MANIKAS Director, Channel & Customer Marketing President Tyson Foods FCB/RED TOM DOLAN LIZ MAYER SVP, Enterprise Solutions Senior Manager, Shopper Marketing MaxPoint J.M. Smucker Company PATRICK FITZMAURICE LIZ METZ Managing Director, Senior Director, Shopper Engagement Professional Development Kimberly-Clark Path to Purchase Institute JOHN MOUNT CHAD GRENIER VP, Retail Channel Strategy & Marketing EVP, Retail Marketing Services Coca-Cola Refreshments Hunter Straker ANDY MURRAY JACQUES HAGOPIAN Chief Customer Officer Brand Director Asda Procter & Gamble MIKE PALEY AMY HAHN EVP, Shopper Marketing SVP, Marketing The Marketing Arm Ahold USA KARUNA RAWAL CARL HARTMAN EVP, Business Director CEO, North America Leo Burnett/Arc Geometry Global ROB RIVENBURGH JESSICA HENDRIX CEO, North America President, USA The Mars Agency Saatchi & Saatchi X BARRY ROBERTS PETER HOYT Director, Retail Shopper Solutions Executive Director & CEO Colgate-Palmolive Path to Purchase Institute BILL SCHOBER JOE LAMPERTIUS Managing Director & Editorial Director CEO, Global Shopper Marketing Path to Purchase Institute Grey In partnership with: 6 2016 EFFIE AWARDS / SHOPPER MARKETING Proudly sponsored by: ROUND ONE JURY Steve Abdo SVP Catapult Aimee Coulter Senior Account Director Mortenson Safar Kim Sue Hayes Director, Shopper & Customer Engagement Bayer Consumer Healthcare Mauriahh Beezley Associate Creative Director Saatchi & Saatchi X Liz Crawford SVP, Strategy & Insights Match Marketing Group Jessica Hendrix President Saatchi & Saatchi X Paige Berrigan Professional Development Path to Purchase Institute Dino de Leon SVP, Head of Creative Shoptology Terese Herbig Managing Director, Member Development Path to Purchase Institute Suzanna Bierwirth SVP, Group Creative Director FCB Chicago Leslie Donovan EVP, Shopper Marketing IN Marketing Services Hayes Hereau Director, Strategic Planning The Mars Agency Kelly Boatright Director, Shopper Marketing The Coca-Cola Company Jillian Dugger Senior Manager, Shopper Marketing GlaxoSmithKline Peter Hoyt Executive Director & CEO Path to Purchase Institute Tom Boccuzzi SVP, Account Management Geometry Global Chris Emery SVP, Group Account Director Arc Worldwide Christine Jacobson Senior Shopper Strategist Grey Peter Breen Managing Director, Special Content Path to Purchase Institute Lisa Fasana VP, Account Management Marketing Werks Jeremy Brown Director, Shopper Marketing Alcon Ken Featherston EVP, Planning & Strategy Geometry Global Sherry Kerrigan Shopper Marketing Manager, Target/Strategic Grocery RB Shaun Brown SVP, CPG & Digital Shopper Lead Momentum Worldwide Rita Finley Director, Category & Shopper Insights World Kitchen LLC Jackie Burks Principal Pivot Point Marketing James Fraser General Manager Hunter Straker Kristen Buss VP, Strategy Hunter Straker Gary Friedlander Partner Collaborative Marketing Group Inc. Summer Butler Director, Shopper Marketing Integration The Coca-Cola Company Matthew Gidley Managing Director, Chicago Momentum Worldwide Heather Campain Director, Category Insights & Shopper Marketing Johnson & Johnson Ally Gill VP, Shopper Marketing TPN April Carlisle SVP, Global Shopper Marketing Arc Worldwide Jackie Clifton Director, PepsiCo Shopper Marketing, Walmart Customer Team PepsiCo Timothy Cory Associate Creative Director SapientNitro Justine Greenwald Executive Creative Director Geometry Global Patrick Hare Director, Member Development Path to Purchase Institute Elizabeth Harris EVP, Strategy Director Arc Worldwide Tekisha Harvey Director, Shopper Marketing ConAgra Foods 7 2016 EFFIE AWARDS / SHOPPER MARKETING Matt Knust VP, Shopper Marketing MaxPoint Nick Kraska Director, Digital Products FCB/RED Joe Lagattuta Executive Creative Director Lunchbox Leslie Lee Director, Shopper Marketing Corporate Platforms ConAgra Foods Michael Lewis Director, Shopper Foresights PepsiCo Patrycja Malinowska Associate Director of Content Path to Purchase Institute Steve McGowan Director, Shopper Marketing Mondelez International Kelly McKeever Jones Senior Director, Shopper Marketing ConAgra Foods In partnership with: Proudly sponsored by: ROUND ONE JURY Joy Mead Associate Director, Grocery Channel Procter & Gamble Neal Ryan Director, Shopper Marketing Albertsons Edward Wallon Executive Director, Commercial Strategy Colangelo Holly Meloy SVP, Managing Director Marketing Werks Shelly Sawyer VP, Multicultural Geometry Global Shawn Millerick Head of Marketing, U.S. OTC Alcon Katie Schiavone Director, Strategic Initiatives, PepsiCo North America Nutrition Sales PepsiCo Allison Welker EVP, Client Services IN Marketing Services / Edge Marketing Services Tim Moore SVP, Group Creative Director Ryan Partnership Pam Morrisroe Managing Director Geometry Global Laura Moser SVP, Shopper Marketing Practice Lead, North America Momentum Worldwide Phil White SVP, Strategic Planning Geometry Global Heidi Schoeneck Executive Creative Director Geometry Global Kim Yansen Director, Field Shopper Marketing Mondelez International Jeff Skolnik EVP, General Manager Blue Chip Marketing Worldwide Amie Stanley Co-Principal Pivot Point Marketing Brendan Nash SVP, Creative Director Arc Worldwide Heather Storms Director, Shopper Marketing Pfizer Consumer Healthcare Jennifer Olliges VP, Director, Consumer Shopper Integration Momentum Worldwide Dana Stotts SVP, Group Management Director FCB/RED Christy O’Pella SVP, Senior MD, Client Development TPN Pat Taflinger VP, Media Blue Chip Marketing Worldwide Mike Paley EVP, Shopper Marketing The Marketing Arm Van Taylor Director, Cross Brand/Portfolio Marketing & Shopper Marketing The Scotts Miracle Gro Company Brad Panarese Marketing Manager Saputo Holly Pavlika SVP, Marketing & Content Collective Bias Garrett Plepel President Collaborative Marketing Group Inc. Cheryl Policastro Director, Shopper Marketing RB Julie Quick Head of Insights & Strategy Shoptology Bryant Ross SVP Geometry Global Leigh Temple Account Director Grey Matthew Tilley Senior Director, Shopper Marketing & Enterprise Marketing MaxPoint Michael Tilley Associate Director, Shopper Marketing & Strategic Partnerships Mondelez International Leslee Urhahn SVP, Shopper Marketing IN Marketing Services Peter Viento Executive Creative Director, Shopper Marketing Grey Julie Rothweiler VP, Account Director Arc Worldwide 8 2016 EFFIE AWARDS / SHOPPER MARKETING In partnership with: Proudly sponsored by:
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