Read - Wayzata Yacht Club


Read - Wayzata Yacht Club
The official Newsletter
of Wayzata Yacht Club,
Founded 1965
Spring 2008
Vol. 1., #1
In this issue
Articles written by members for members • Awards’ Banquet Recap • Land Rover Demo
2008 - Board of Directors
At Wayzata Yacht Club’s annual meeting
November 10, 2007, new board members were
elected to take the helm for the next sailing
season. Welcome to Paul Quast and Beth
Frampton as new directors this year.
A heartfelt thanks to all who give of their time
and brilliance to making a difference at the
club. Following are the members comprising
the Wayzata Yacht Club 2008 Board
of Directors:
Merry Beth Hovey
Dallas Johnson
Dutch Bull
Jonathan McDonagh
Scott Brigham
Rear Comm.
Ernest Brody
Committee Chairs
Bert Foster
Beth Frampton
George Hansen
Nicolie Hendrickson
Pat Maloney
Paul Quast
Ross Siemers
Donald Sundell
Tom Verburgt
The Board meets monthly. Club member
suggested agenda items may be emailed to the
Commodore at [email protected] for
inclusion at the next scheduled board meeting.
WYC members in full sail. Think Spring!
North U Winter Seminar
Special Award
By Merry Beth Hovey
The Fabulous Dave Perry will be again visiting
WYC for a winter seminar, but this year he's
coming to do the full knowledge
download. A full day, eight
hour, text book and dvd, sit
down seminar from North U.
From 9:00am to 5:00pm on
February 17th, we will meet at
the club. Cost is $150 for club
members ($175 otherwise) and $85 for crew
members enrolled with a skipper ($100 for
non-members). A text book and DVD are
included for Skippers.
Lunches are an
additional $10.
You will learn to apply
the latest racing rules
around the course and
integrate them into
Capt. Dave Perry
your tactics. Transform
packed start lines, crowed mark roundings,
upwind and downwind crossing situations
from challenges to opportunities.
See advertisement on page 2
The Commodore’s Special Award
was started by past commodore Bob
Slocum in 1980 to recognize help that
he received in the years of low water
at the yacht club. Selection: This
award is an adjunct to the Bail Bond
Trophy, to be awarded by the
commodore for special service to the
club. It is not necessarily awarded
every year, and is intended to be
reserved for special occasions where
an individual or group of individuals
performs in an outstanding fashion.
This year the 2007
Special Award is
being presented to
Larry AuBuchon for
Larry Aubuchon
his persuasive
arguments to Hennepin County in
saving WYC tens of thousands of
dollars in higher property taxes.
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The Weathermark
Page 2 - Spring 08
Special Awards Continued
Bail Bond Award
the remodeling of the WYC, the
following year. This is the 28th year
By Merry Beth Hovey
acquiring of the Rosekanz's
this award has been given. This
property and the re-alignment
year's award winner is most
of Hwy 16.
deserving, and the 2007 Andy
The Bail Bond Award was given
to the Wayzata Yacht Club in 1966
by an anonymous donor to be
Andy Crew Award
presented to our first Commodore,
By Mark Oppen
Walt Brantingham. The award is
called the Bail Bond Trophy because
the City of Wayzata issued a warrant
for Walt’s arrest for illegally mooring
his yacht at the WYC. Fortunately
Walt’s boat was moored in front of
his house. Walt, with the Club’s
attorney, sued for false arrest and
the City dropped the warrant.
Selection: The Bail Bond Trophy is to
be awarded by the Commodore to
the person who has demonstrated
the greatest love, spirit and care, for
the Wayzata Yacht Club. This trophy
Crewmember is Matt Johnson!
The Foster Trophy
By Bert Foster
The Andy Crew Award was
given to the Wayzata Yacht Club by
The Foster Trophy was donated
Ross Bishop in memory of his
in 2002 by Dale “Dirt Ball” Anderson
brother, Andy Yender. Andy died
to honor Bert Foster for his 30 years
crewing on Ross’s Etchels 22 in
of outstanding Race Management
Lake Michigan at the Chicago North
contribution to the WYC and in
American Championship. Selection:
future years it is to be awarded to
Traditionally, the Andy Crew Award
recognize other outstanding race
has been given to an outstanding
management contributors to the
crewmember and then that
WYC. Selection: The Foster Trophy
crewmember would get together a
is awarded by the Chairman of the
committee of previous “Andy”
winners to select the recipient for the
Special Awards continued on page 3
is not necessarily awarded every
year and is reserved for recognizing
individuals for extraordinary efforts.
This year the 2007 Bail Bond Trophy
is awarded to the entire Board of
Directors of the WAYZATA YACHT
CLUB. They are: Merry Beth Hovey,
Dallas Johnson, Jonathan
McDonagh, Scott Brigham, Ernest
Brody, Dutch Bull, Bert Foster,
George Hansen, Nicolie
Hendrickson, Pat Maloney, Ross
Siemers, Donald Sundell, Tom
Verburgt, and Travis Van Neste.
Additionally, included are Steve Bren
and Wayne Bren. This group of
individuals put in countless hours to
accomplish the following projects:
All club members will receive a $25 discount by going to, click on “Comments" or “Group Affiliations” or by
calling Beth Framptom, at 612.251.4925. When going on line, you will not see the discount until the enrollment is processed. You will
then receive an email confirming your final pricing. If a group of people sign up on one record, and they are club members, the
1st person signed up will receive a $25 discount. Each additional person will receive a $15 discount
The Weathermark
Page 3 - Spring 08
Special Awards Continued
WYC Race Committee to a person
is on the water at both clubs more
professionalism, skill, passion, and
who has made a great contribution
than anyone I know, one of the best
especially determination. I challenge
to the WYC’s Race Management. It
sailors on our lake, a life-long sailor,
anyone to find a better PRO
can be awarded to a person for
a past Collegiate Level Coach, and a
anywhere in the world. We are
years of service, to a young Race
perennial top finisher in the
fortunate to him on Lake
Officer for making great progress
Minnetonka Championship of
Minnetonka. He is an inspiration,
toward becoming a Principal Race
Champions. In the Past Several
and we thank him for all he does.
Officer, or to other deserving
Years, this individual has, fought
The 2007 Sportsmanship Award is
contributors to WYC’s race
cancer and prevailed, been
deservedly awarded to Blake
management. This trophy is not
diagnosed with MS and has
necessarily awarded every year but
managed it's debilitating effects
is reserved for recognizing
which significantly weaken the ability
outstanding individuals and their
to tolerate heat and humidity
contributions to race management.
causing fatigue. This affects him to
Doc Sam Award has been
With great appreciation and
the extent that he now wears a
donated in memory of Doctor Sam
gratitude from WYC and all its
cooling vest when on the water. As
Solhaug who died in 1996 and who
members, the 2007 Foster Trophy is
an added bonus, he has also
was a long time and original
awarded to Ernie Brody.
had...two Root Canals and a Hernia
member of the Wayzata Yacht Club.
Operation (which became infected).
Known to all as Doc Sam, he loved
In that time, this individual has....
sailing and would spend the majority
• Raised funds for MS research
of his free time from spring to fall
totaling approximately 100k over
sailing. He also enjoyed racing and
three years
had a persistence and "never quit"
The Sportsmanship Award was
• Has become the top MS Walk
attitude that was more important
donated to the Wayzata Yacht Club
fundraiser in the state.
than winning and that he instilled
in 1968 by Paul Geyer. Paul was an
• Twice participated in the Heaven
and encouraged in others. Selection:
active sailor in the club at that time,
Can Wait 24hour Cancer Survivor
Awarded annually to the sailor(s)
and created the award to recognize
regatta in Australia
selected by the WYC race
another sailor who he felt had “hung
• Finished top three in the
committee as one who has
in there” and competed under
Championship of Champions in
demonstrated Doc Sam's love of
circumstances that would have been
each of the last three years
sailing, love of racing and in
overwhelming for most people.
• PRO'ed major regattas including
particular his persistence and "never
Selection: This award has been
the largest E scow regatta, the
quit" attitude during races. This year
given for both a single act of
J22 North Americans, and the
the 2007 Doc Sam Award is
sportsmanship or on-going
420 North Americans.
awarded to Mark Weum for his
The Sportsmanship
By Dallas Johnson
sportsmanship behavior on and off
the racecourse. Our 2007 recipient
Doc Sam Award
endless mentoring of other sailors in
Blake Middleton treats his work with
the Capri 25 fleet.
The Weathermark
Page 4 - Spring 08
Special Awards Conclusion
Boat of the Year
Boat of the Year Trophy was
donated to the Wayzata Yacht Club
by Quiet World Sports in 1975. It is
to award both excellence in
achieving first place finishes and a
participation award for sailing many
races. It originally came from a time
when the yacht club only had a few
fleets, and at the end of the year
they took the two or three leading
skippers in each fleet and had a sailoff in Ensigns. As the club grew, it
became difficult to get borrowed
boats, so the sail-off was dropped
and instead was given to the boat
with the most first place finishes
during the season. Selection:
Starting in the 1993 season, the first
place finishes are weighted by the
number of participants for that fleet
in each race, and is awarded to the
boat that accumulates the most
points. The 2007 Boat of the Year
award was presented to Ernie
Worthley, PHRF I, Synergy, #763.
Capri 25’s blast off the line
By Sean Hendrickson
As another wonderful season comes to end,
so does the end of an era in a way. This year
might mark the beginning of a whole new
wave at the club, the days for partying ‘til the
wee hours of the morning might be gone,
well at least for some, the nights of taking a
last minute sail around the island with a
cooler full of beer and a boat full of party
people at midnight could be over! Dare I say?
For some this can only happen with some
preplanning and babysitters! Yep!
Babysitters. This season I witnessed
some things that I have never seen
at the club, a Jumpy Jumper and
Face Painter at the J/22 Districts,
can that be? Sitters busily chasing
after their flock of kiddies, moms
and dads playing tag with a pack
of ankle-biters after them, kids laying
on their tummies by the sea-wall creating
a feeding frenzy of blue gills and the
occasional magic GIANT carp that might
appear and of course every table at the club
sporting the latest fashion in diaper bags. The
club is changing, for some of us that met and
married at the club, now come the kiddies
and a whole new batch of responsibilities.
Kids are at the club in droves, we’ve got
college, high-school, grade-schoolers, toddlers
and infants, we’ve got it all covered and trust
me, I never thought I’d be the one writing
this article. But as time marches on so does
life. Kids at the club is an interesting spin,
mine thankfully love going out on the boat,
they know the names “Chilly Willy”, “Joe
Cool”, “Speed Buggy”, “Superman” –
“Kryptonite” is just too hard to say
sometimes, and of course their favorite
“Rocket Dog” with some bias. Going around
the island has a whole new meaning. Yeah the
cooler is full of beer, but it also has some
string cheese, go-gurt, Scooby snacks and of
course chocolate milk in sippie cups. When
you sail with the kids you’re never really sure
how long they are going to make it before the
“Melt Down”. Yes when tired kids lose it on
the boat. Mine like most love to lie in the
cockpit like a wet towel and howl for about
ten minutes. At one mark rounding this year
we were having a double melt down as both
my kids were losing it, my wife and I tried
not to laugh too hard when a fellow
J/22 yelled over “ Seamus, you’re
not having that bad of a race”.
As an only child growing up
sailing I don’t recall hearing
my parents saying “don’t tie
up your sister, we have to hoist
the chute soon” or “honey
please don’t tie all the sheets and
halyards together” and my favorite, “You
can’t call Scooby Doo on the VHF” and at
the end of it all to hear “Daddy did we win?”
makes it all worthwhile. Ahhh, the joys of
being a kid, the joys of sailing with kids. The
club is changing and so must we, but
hopefully if you had questions about whether
or not to go sailing with your kids is safe or a
good idea, just remember their life jackets
and teach “one hand for you, one hand for
the boat” and when things get tough for the
little ankle-biters send them below with a
sippie cup of chocolate milk to take a nap in
the spare spinnaker. It worked for me, and it
works for them. Thanks to my family Seamus, Caitalyn and Nicolie.
The Weathermark
Page 5 - Spring 08
No one was left on any
By Valerie Petit
spring. Congratulations
island to be found in
to all participants of the
Centerboard Class - We will, of
Shackleton Cup and the
course, give it to Wind Dance.
Organization Team is
looking forward to the
They managed to crack the ice open
next one.
to dock at Maynard’s, therefore
allowing Cyclone to sneak in
after her.
Editorial Note: Due to increasing
legalization and pamperification of
the Shackleton Cup, a new
Keelboat Class - The
event has been created
winner is Likely Split
called "The Last Keelboat
as she was the last
Out". Texana decidedly
out on the water, with
won the overall, single-
a real close second of
Cyclone. They both
finished the course as per
Race Instructions by making it to
handed and the family
2007 J-24 U Gotta Regatta
classes during several sails
completed after the conclusion of
the Shackleton Cup. We Rock!
Maynard’s and both
had damage.
There was a running aground that
broke the bottle of Baileys, sent
Winter Driving
Andy Spence-Parsons and Odell
Winter Adventure
Wayzata Yacht Club members are invited to
participate in a off-road winter driving event hosted
by Land Rover Minneapolis.
flying - they both could still show
proof of their injuries even a week
later. There was also a broken
rudder, but it seems the skipper of
that boat is so well organized he had
another one on board.
Wayzata Yacht Club
February 9th 2008 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM
Now Open at
394 and General Mills Blvd
Golden Valley
On Saturday, February 9th from 1:00 to 3:00 PM
at the Wayzata Yacht Club, members can discover
the capabilities of Land Rover SUVs on a specially
designed off-road driving course. Land Rover
Minneapolis will provide the vehicles and
knowledgeable instructors to help guide you through
the course.
To participate, please RSVP to Tim Fox at
[email protected]
Weather Permitting
The Weathermark
Page 6 - Spring 08
By Steve Bren
Has anyone out there ever noticed the
sheer numbers of couples produced by
the magic of sailing together at the
Wayzata Yacht Club?
Don’t scoff and grunt! In case you haven’t
noticed, it’s the dead of winter and Ice
boating is pretty much dead and there’s a
writer’s strike going on. So I had to come up
with something for the Spring WeatherMark.
Here is a story about Yacht Club hook-ups!
But these are enduring, stars in your eyes
stories…he is smitten by the way she handles
that line, grips that winch handle, or the way
she barks that order, or perhaps she was
caught up with the cut of his chin, looking
for that next shift in his pitted-out T-shirt,
the can of beer gripped tightly in his
hand…or his pecs, or cute butt, as he was
grinding away on a winch, or maybe because
he listened intently as she recounted the
excitement of her first race on Superior. This
is what happens when 300 plus guys and gals
are put in close proximity to
each other, doing
adventurous stuff,
sharing a common
interest, often with
either one not
having a lot of
clothes on, and
wind and waves and
liquor and beer
involved! Or at other
times looking like drowned
rats, and a sight that only a mother could
love! Or as my friend says: “These ARE my
dress clothes!” But hey! read on, and notice
many of these marriages are reaching their
10-year anniversary!! An exhaustive search
from sources lurking about the club turned
up no less than 20 marriages, caused by
racing sailboats together!
Here are some of their stories.
Doug and Sherrie Maxwell met 15 years ago,
and are both great people, with two fine kids.
Tim Oelschlager met Ann when she was
sailing with Chad Olness on The J/24 Lively
in `95, she said
she liked the
cut of his Jib.
They’ve been
married 10
years this April
with two great
dyed in the wool J/22 racers, along with
Nick’s best friend Johnny Peterson who met
Kristin, one of Doc Brennom’s beautiful
daughters, and through racing together fell in
love. And it came to pass that Johnny’s
nickname bit the dust, and became a
Which brings me to the two Foster ‘boys’.
Andy Foster met Beth while Beth was
cruising with Bert, who liked
her so much he said “I have two
great eligible sons, pick one!”
And later when Sharon Foster,
gave the green light, the scales
fell from Andy’s eyes, and they
are a beautiful couple with one
boy and another on the way.
(Andy’s babysitting method is
watching the Scow races on
Renee Nicole
Wednesday evenings with the
met Tom
Beware! Don't sail too close to the anchor
little critter in tow, on his old
Murphy in
rode that holds the mark.
Chris Craft.) And let’s not
1996 when
they went on a group sail on Marty Solhaug’s forget Willie Foster, who met Jennifer at a
Memorial service for our beloved Lynn
J/22 Whoa. While all the others were
swimming Tom and Renee stayed aboard and Hynes, a beautiful person and dedicated
sailor. Do you see a pattern here? He
got to know each other. A couple days later
proposed, and then wooed her as they were
Tom showed up out of the blue to help
posted in Germany with his company.
Renee work on her boat. She raced Ulysses
Germany is very romantic, as a new baby was
and Tom raced Zoom against each other,
dated six years and got married at the club in produced last summer.
2002, now happy with two kids. You
won’t find better crew anywhere.
Dave Onan, one of our recent past
Claudia liked Alex Gordon’s smile,
Commodores, met Trish McElroy in a
when they met off the Coast Of
whirlwind romance and now both reside very
England during Cowe’s Race Week
happily in Cornucopia, Wisconsin.
in 2003. He smiled and said, “This
isn’t even my best feature!” Renee
Bruce Hansen met Brighid Holman at the
called Alex and suggested he ask her
glittering Yacht Club banquet evening in
out. Four years, married and very soon 2000, and called her a couple weeks later. She
to add a little sailor to the clan.
must have liked Bruce’s “Chick Magnet”
chin, and his flashing eyes, as they are
Nick Anderson met Jill at a Scow regatta in
celebrating six years coming up. They sail
Wisconsin. They are celebrating their 10th
together, especially in Bayfield and get along
anniversary this April and have a cute little
boy. When asked what made him fall for Jill,
continued next page
Nick replied, “Because she’s hot!” Both are
The Weathermark
Page 7 - Spring 08
became a regular attendee at Bert's seminars.
Chicago. I was covered in Encounter tattoos
Bert was married to Sharon for 25 years, and
and exhausted and instantly thought Matt
after her passing in February ‘06 he was alone was amazing.
Nils Brennom and Michelle met at the Club
at his Deephaven house. He went to Florida
Although we didn't officially start dating
in `04 and are expecting their first minito
until the following year, my official story is
the May seminars. The Yacht Club was a
that it started that night in the gas station
great place to hang out. There were cool
parking lot - literally two ships passing in the
Here are some tales told by the Starry-eyed
night. In the summer of ‘98 Matt came to
sailors! Steve Helland explains how it all went
Mackinaw Island to pick me up after the
down: Shannon and I met at WYC in the
At one of these gatherings on Sunset's patio
Chicago/Mac and he proposed about an hour
summer of '03. I was crewing with S2
Bert ended up sitting next to Carmella.
after I hit shore. We were married on
"Religious Experience" on Thursday nights,
September 17, 1999
and one night we picked up Shannon at the
in Newport just
crew table. She stayed on as a regular and we
pursue his
before the Rolex Cup
got to know each other really well over the
and during/after
next year. After spending so much time
Hurricane Floyd. We
together, especially at S2 Champs in Sarnia,
pulled in with 007
Ontario in '04, I finally asked her out to
went along
and stayed with
dinner. Needless to say, we had no problem
for the ride.
Lindy. Family and our
staying best friends and got engaged the
- the Terry
following summer. We got married at the
Dan and TJ
Bayview Event Center, in May of 2006. We'd
Johnson, Lindy
decided to have some sort of sailing-themed
team in
Christoferson, Erica
wedding at the Bayview Event Center, and
Common, exciting interests bonds couples.
Fanberg and Tracey
after a few drinks with Todd Gustafson and
us. 007 went
Bob Peterson we came up with the idea of
history. They traveled and attended 16
on to win a 10th place spot and Matt and I
sailing right up to the dock onboard their
regattas together. Married on December 15,
will celebrate nine years together in 2008.
Tartan 27 "Rosie Ruiz" for the ceremony on
May 20th, 2006. Todd and Bob blew us away
Tammy Faiola and John Norton (Aussie
by wearing uniforms and decorating the
John) were married a month ago after falling
entire boat with flags and
for each other during the “Summer of
roses. They even had
Kindness” 2007. They had an amazing
champagne for us down
wedding in Dinkytown at the Kitty Cat
below while we sailed
driving back from Club. About 250 people attended, and the
around Excelsior Bay in
Mackinaw Island
Reverend Petey Craw officiated during the
the wind and rain
vows. Three bands performed and Caroline
(during the "pre-start"),
Young sang. Dugan’s bongo’s called everyone
which magically dried up
with Ingrid
together for the Ritual. Good luck you two!
just in time for the
Ralph Stillman and Crew enjoying a sunset
ceremony. Apparently, a
series race
Peterson. We
Well, there you have it, love abounds. Some
lot of people there didn't know the details of
other blissful hook-ups include John & Lisa
our entrance and were pretty surprised. We
Wisconsin in the middle of the night and as
Meccia, George and Marit Hansen, Peter
had a great time!
we looked across the highway at the gas
Sussman and Rita Brooks, Sean and Nicolie
Hendrickson, and on and on… I hope I
Here is Bert Foster’s explanation on how he
didn’t bore the heck out of you. We’ll
succumbed: Carmella first appeared at the
crew table at WYC in 2002, a new sailor who we got there, it was Sean Hendrickson (who I continue to explore the soft underbelly of
knew from high school days), Scott Rooke
Wayzata Yacht Club, in another article –
eagerly looked for any opportunity to learn
“Behind the scenes”.
more about sailing, racing, rules, etc. She
The Weathermark
Page 8 - Spring 08
By Craiggae Smith
WYC has so much going for it,
location, facilities, people, that few pause to
consider the club as one of the area's great
singles pick-up spots. This is not the place to
go looking for an "indoor girl," you'll find
adventurous, sun-tanned, athletic men and
women in swim suits. I've dated my share
and met more than one steady girlfriend.
After an unfortunate marriage to a non-sailor
finally ended, I thought I would try my luck
at WYC once again. My first memory of Beth
was her organizing a "women at the helm"
clinic. Gentlemen, take note, this is where
you offer your boat to be assigned half a
dozen avid female sailors. I met some nice
women and got a free Guest Instructor hat
out of the deal. Beth was coaching on
another boat, but I remembered her when
organizing a mid-winter movie jaunt to see
Master & Commander with Russell Crowe
staring as the swashbuckling Captain Jack
Aubrey aboard a British Man o' War during
the Napoleonic Wars. The blood and gore as
cannon ball turned oaken ship into splinters
realistically portrayed the miserable existence
of the common seaman and the crude
surgical skills of the day – okay, so I'm not a
great judge of date movies. I found Beth's
Anoka County phone number in my copy of
the WYC log and called her up. I never heard
back and assumed she was busy or
uninterested. Months later I received a rather
long email from Beth apologizing for never
returning my call. I hit the reply button and
wrote "no need to apologize; women ignore
me all the time.” No response. Months go by
and I get another email along the same lines.
I reply, "You already apologized, not that that
was necessary. You want to get a coffee
sometime?” Silence. A week later, I spot a
system formula. For the 2008
submission to the Capri 25 list server from
season, we are continuing the price
Beth. She was posting from a different
per foot method. Racing rates for
address than I had been corresponding with.
slips are $83/foot, non-racing rates
Turns out her custom domain had
been sending but could not
are $187/foot. Racing rate for
receive emails. I followed up
a buoy is $1,040 and the
using her work address and
non-racing buoy rate is
15 months later we were
engaged. And life's been
good. Beth was clear she
YOUR $100
wanted a boat where she
could trim all the sails in any
condition. Farwell Capri 25
fleet – it's been good to know you.
Move over J/22s – you got a fresh boat to
Additional cards are available for
beat up. Beth and I will be racing #444 under $100 each.
a new name.
To summarize:
1) Membership has its advantages – get your
copy of the log with everyone's phone
number and email.
‘2) Women's clinics are an excellent place to
meet like-minded gals.
Mooring invoices have been
sent by email and snail mail to those
mooring last season and some
interested in mooring during the
2008 sailing season. You may
continue to pay your mooring fees by
credit card at our secure site online!
However, if you pay on time by
check, you may take a 2-1/2%
discount of your total mooring fees.
Previously, mooring fees were
calculated by a complex point
Mooring fees are due and payable by
February 15, 2008. Please verify your
address, Yacht Type, Sail Number
and Yacht Name and advise of any
Contact us with any questions,
comments or changes at
[email protected] or update
your information online using the
fillable Acrobat .pdf form at
The Weathermark
Page 9 - Spring 08
Special Awards Continued
By Brian & Mary Prall
"Top Ten" reasons for winning "The
Last WYC Sailboat to Sink in Lake
Minnetonka" trophy.
(or reasons for sinking your sailboat)
1. We won a trophy “Code Blue”
2. I wanted a new cellphone – so I
had to buy a new Apple Iphone.
3. I got a new hat from Steve Bren.
(It matches the color of weeds at the
top of the mast.)
4. I wanted to borrow Quick Draw’s
secret “light air” fan. (I knew they
had one – just couldn’t prove it.)
5. Dick Hanson wanted to verify that
his life jacket worked.
6. All spiders & cobwebs are gone.
7. You can verify that your digital
camera flash drives do work after
being very wet. (The camera
8. You can catch fish. (I had a fishing
In addition to our Capri 25 "Ellie
out three crewmembers with winds
Jay", other boats on the trophy
still in the 35-50 knot range and
multiple lightning strikes very nearby.
Tsunami got me out a short time
2007 Capri 25
Catapult III
later. Tsunami also had some weeds
2004 J-24
atop their mast from being knocked
1996 Capri 25
Quick Draw
down, but their mast hadn't stuck in
1996 Lindenberg-22 Jaws
the bottom of the lake. Also, Blake
1994 S2 6.9
Owl's Well
Middleton's warnings left no doubt
1980 J-24
Tonka Toy
about the quickly developing storm
1987 S2 6.9
Wing-ing It
and the need for life jackets
- Thank You.
Reason No. 11: The Capri-25's are
now leading in this
category. (J-24's &
S2 6.9's are tied
for second.)
On a more serious
note, my crew and
I would like to
thank the skippers
and crews of Red
Dog and Tsunami
for rescuing us.
Red Dog pulled
license & the 3 bluegills were
9. You get to know your insurance
agent better.
When we started this e-mail service we auto registered everyone in the club logbook who had an
e-mail address. But now it's self-service and you're on your own to keep your current email
address registered. Don't forget to spread the word and remind your crew and new club
members to register! Registration is as easy as clicking the "E-mail Lists @ Register Here" icon
at then selecting the lists you would like to join and registering. Or go
directly to the Weathermark link:
10. I needed more time to figure out
how to pay for my daughter’s
wedding on September 1st.
WEATHERMARK is a regular publication for the members and friends of Wayzata Yacht Club. It
is usually published quarterly, with a Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter issue NOW published
digitally on the website at The WEATHERMARK depends on, and welcomes,
your contributions for its articles, updates on fleet and regatta news, classifieds, etc. To submit
news, stories, sailing experiences, cartoons, classifieds or offer suggestions contact Steve Bren
at 612-701-3230, [email protected] or [email protected].
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V i s i t w w w. W Y C . o r g - O r g a n i z e d , E d i t e d , a n d C a j o l e d b y S t e v e B re n 6 1 2 - 7 0 1 - 3 2 3 0