PVD program - pvd istanbul 2016
PVD program - pvd istanbul 2016
Istanbul CONSORTIUM CHAPTER Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Project Group Intercontinental Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Meeting April 15 -16, 2016 RadissonBlu Şişli, İstanbul “Multidisciplinary bridges over troubled water in Pulmonary Vascular Medicine” www.tsc-pvdistanbul2016.org Intercontinental Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Meeting April 15-16, 2016 RadissonBlu Hotel Şişli, İstanbul European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology "The event (or CDROM/ CME Text/ Internet Course) “Intercontinental Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Meeting” is accredited by the European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology (EBAC) for “12” hours of External CME credits. Each participant should claim only those hours of credit that have actually been spent in the educational activity. EBAC works according to the quality standards of the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME), which is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS).” www.tsc-pvdistanbul2016.org -2- Intercontinental Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Meeting April 15-16, 2016 RadissonBlu Hotel Şişli, İstanbul CONTENTS Board and Committees ......................................................................................................................... 4 Faculty............................................................................................................................................... 5 Program at a Glance............................................................................................................................. 6 Scientific Program April 15, 2016.................................................................................................................................... 7 April 16, 2016.................................................................................................................................. 11 Electronic Poster Presentations ............................................................................................................. 15 -3- Intercontinental Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Meeting April 15-16, 2016 RadissonBlu Hotel Şişli, İstanbul BOARD AND COMMITTEES Board of Directors of TSC President Lale Tokgözoğlu President-Elect Mahmut Şahin Vice President Engin Bozkurt Secretary General Adnan Abacı Secretary Enver Atalar Treasurer Mehmet Sıddık Ülgen Members Sinan Aydoğdu Merih Kutlu Necla Özer PULMONARY VASCULAR DISEASE PROJECT GROUP BOARD Chair Cihangir Kaymaz Coordinator on Behalf of the Board Lale Tokgözoğlu Members Mehmet Akbulut Bahri Akdeniz Enbiya Aksakal Zuhal Arıtürk Atılgan Gülten Aydoğdu Taçoy Mesut Demir Necip Ermiş Sümeyye Güllülü Hasan Güngör Burçak Kılıçkıran Avcı Ergün Barış Kaya Mehmet Güngör Kaya Meral Kayıkçıoğlu M. Serdar Küçükoğlu Murat Meriç Bülent Mutlu Sanem Nalbantgil Gülay Özkeçeci Tamer Sayın Omaç Tüfekçioğlu Murat Yüce -4- Intercontinental Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Meeting April 15-16, 2016 RadissonBlu Hotel Şişli, İstanbul FACULTY Adil Polat Ahmet Ekmekçi Ahmet Kara Ahmet Rüçhan Akar Ali Akdoğan Ali Oto Ali Yeğinsu Asiye Güleşen Bahri Akdeniz Bedrettin Yıldızeli Berrin Bağcı Ceyhan Betül Erer Bilgin Timuralp Bülent Mutlu Cem Alhan Cemal Asım Kutlu Cemil İzgi Cevat Yakut Cevdet Erdöl Cihangir Kaymaz Çağatay Engin Çağlar Çuhadaroğlu Çetin Erol David Jenkins Deepa Gopalan Dilek Çiçek Dilek Özkan Dilek Sezgin Dursun Alehan Eckhard Mayer Emine Türkmen Erdal Taşcı Erdoğan Çetinkaya Ergün Barış Kaya Farid Rashidi Feyza Evirgen Fisun Şenuzun Gökçen Orhan Gül Dabak Gülay Özkeçeci Gülten Taçoy Hakan Günen Harrison Farber Hasan Güngör Hasan Sunar Huriye Aslaner İbrahim Halil Tanboga İbrahim Sarı İlknur Kiraz Kaan Kırali Kanat Özışık Lale Tokgözoğlu Levent Oğuzkurt Leyla Elif Sade Mahmut Şahin Nazzareno Galie Mehmet Akbulut Mehmet Balkanay Mehmet Birhan Yılmaz Mehmet Kayrak Mehmet Özkan Mehmet Yanartaş Menno Huisman Meral Kayıkçıoğlu Merih Kalamanoğlu Balcı Mert Dumantepe Mesut Demir Michael Madani Murat Meriç Murat Rabuş Murat Sargın Mustafa Kılıçkap Nazmiye Çorbacıoğlu Nazzareno Galie Necip Ermiş Nertila Poçi Nesrin Moğulkoç Nick Kim Oğuzhan Okutan Omaç Tüfekçioğlu Ömer Kozan Ömer Şenbaklavacı Pavel Jansa Raed Suleiman -5- Ramazan Akdemir Rezayat Parvizi Saide Aytekin Savaş Özsu Selen Yurdakul Serap Aykut Aka Serap Özer Serdar Kula Serdar Küçükoğlu Serpil Gezer Taş Süha Küçükaksu Sümeyye Güllülü Şemsettin Kete Tahsin Güneysu Takeshi Ogo Tamer Sayın Taner Gören Tolga Yaylalı Ümit Kervan Vedat Aytekin Yasemin Yıldırım Yüksel Çavuşoğlu Zargham Hossein Ahmadi Zehra Gölbaşı Zuhal Arıtürk Atılgan Lunch 12:00 13:00 18:30 18:00 17:30 17:00 16:30 16:00 15:30 15:00 14:30 14:00 13:30 Opening Ceremony Meet the trialists with PH Series from Turkey Break Ex Oriente Lux: New solutions in Pulmonary Hypertension and Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension ? Break Multimodality Imaging in Pulmonary Vascular Diseases (PVD) Right heart catheterization and vasoreactivity challenge: New standarts and current definitions 12:30 Break Decision-making in challenging cases with Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension Lunch Phlebologic perspective: Percutaneous treatment of acute and chronic deep venous thrombosis (DVT) Break Current status in Meet the Legends: diagnosis, risk assessment International Perspective for Pulmonary Endarterecand treatment of acute tomy (PEA) in Chronic pulmonary embolism (PE) Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension 11:30 11:00 10:30 10:00 09:30 Lunch Session : New frontiers in Group 3 PH 09:00 09:00 Break Practical aspects of intravenous prostacyclin treatment Breakfast Session HALL A HALL B April 16, 2016 Friday Break Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension as a potentially curable disease Lunch Honorary Lecture Nazzareno Galie Current status in other forms of PH 18:30 18:00 17:00 Highlights of the meeting Break US and European experience in the management of the severe Pulmonary 17:30 Hypertension 16:30 16:00 15:30 15:00 14:30 14:00 13:30 13:00 12:30 12:00 11:30 Mechanical Circulatory Support devices (MCSDs) at a glance What do two new 09:30 guidelines tell us: ESC/ERS Management of listing for Pulmonary Hypertension heart and/or lung 10:00 guidelines and ACC/AHA transplantation pediatric PH guidelines 10:30 Break Break 11:00 08:30 08:30 HALL C 08:00 HALL B April 15, 2016 Friday 08:00 HALL A Rational Pharmaceutical Usage Essentials of current nursing cardiac management in heart failure and Pulmonary Hypertension (II) Break Essentials of current nursing cardiac management in heart failure and Pulmonary Hypertension (I) HALL C Intercontinental Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Meeting April 15-16, 2016 RadissonBlu Hotel Şişli, İstanbul SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM April 15, 2016 Friday 09:30-11:15 HALL A 09:55-10:15 10:20-10:40 10:45-11:05 Current status in diagnosis, risk assessment and treatment of acute pulmonary embolism (PE) Moderators: Çetin Erol, Mustafa Kılıçkap Discussants: Mert Dumantepe, Özgür Yaşar Akbal Predisposing conditions and diagnostic work-up for suspected PE Ergün Barış Kaya ESC 2014 PE Guidelines and risk-based new treatment algorithms Nertila Poçi Antithrombotic and thrombolytic treatments in acute PE Menno Huisman Percutaneous treatment of acute PE Cihangir Kaymaz 11:15-11:45 Break 09:30-09:50 11:45 -12:30 Moderators: Ömer Kozan, Tamer Sayın Discussants: Zuhal Arıtürk Atılgan, Ahmet Ekmekçi Right heart catheterization and vasoreactivity challenge: New standarts and current definitions 12:30-13:30 Lunch 13:30 -15:35 Multimodality Imaging in Pulmonary Vascular Diseases (PVD) Moderators: Mehmet Özkan, Saide Aytekin Discussants: Zehra Gölbaşı, Dilek Çiçek 13:30-13:50 Essentials of Cardiac MRI 13:55-14:15 MRI Assessment of right ventricular function and pulmonary circulation 14:20-14:40 Mutislice computed tomography (CT) in PVD 14:45-15:05 Differentiation between acute PE and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) by multimodality imaging 15:10-15:30 Beyond the conventional echo assessment in PVD: Right ventricular deformation and volumetric imaging 15:35-16:00 Pavel Jansa Cemil İzgi Deepa Gopalan Tahsin Güneysu Deepa Gopalan Leyla Elif Sade Break Discussions are planned after each lecture -7- Intercontinental Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Meeting April 15-16, 2016 RadissonBlu Hotel Şişli, İstanbul SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM April 15, 2016 Friday HALL A 16:00-17:00 Ex Oriente Lux: New solutions in Pulmonary Hypertension and Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension ? Moderators: Taner Gören, Mesut Demir Discussants: Enbiya Aksakal, Mehmet Mustafa Can 16:00 -16:20 Tips and tricks of balloon pulmonary angioplasty in Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension 16:30 -16:45 Case examples from Osaka BPA experience Takeshi Ogo Takeshi Ogo 16:45-17:15 Break 17:15-18:15 Meet the trialists with PH Series from Turkey Moderators: Bilgin Timuralp, Ergün Barış Kaya Discussants: Nazzareno Galie, Pavel Jansa, Harrison Farber THALES Serdar Küçükoğlu SIMURG Bülent Mutlu EUPHRATES İbrahim Halil Tanboga 17:15-17:30 17:35-17:50 17:55-18:10 18:30 Opening Ceremony Theme of meeting: Multidisciplinary bridges over troubled water in pulmonary vascular diseases Perspective of Turkish Society of Cardiology National projections from Turkish Ministery of Health Cihangir Kaymaz Mahmut Şahin Cevdet Erdöl Discussions are planned after each lecture -8- Intercontinental Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Meeting April 15-16, 2016 RadissonBlu Hotel Şişli, İstanbul SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM April 15, 2016 Friday 09:30-11:30 HALL B 11:00-11:20 Meet the Legends: International Perspective for Pulmonary Endarterectomy (PEA) in Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension Moderator: Cevat Yakut, Bedrettin Yıldızeli Discussants: Hasan Sunar, Ümit Kervan, Gökçen Orhan Pulmonary endarterectomy: Quo Vadis Michael Madani UK experience in Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension Surgery David Jenkins German Experience in Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension surgery and hybride approach Eckhard Mayer Turkish experience in PEA Bedrettin Yıldızeli 11:20-11:45 Break 11:45 -13:00 Phlebologic perspective: Percutaneous treatment of acute and chronic deep venous thrombosis (DVT) Moderators: Ramazan Akdemir, Vedat Aytekin Discussants: Adil Polat, Kanat Özışık Catheter directed thrombolyis in acute DVT Novel percutaneous treatments in chronic venous obstructions Case reports (I): Venous stent placement for venous obstructions Case reports (II): Venous stent placement for venous obstructions 09:30-09:50 10:00-10:20 10:30-10:50 11:45-12:05 12:10-12:30 12:35 -12:45 12:45-12:55 13:00-13:30 Mert Dumantepe Levent Oğuzkurt Mert Dumantepe Levent Oğuzkurt Lunch Discussions are planned after each lecture -9- Intercontinental Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Meeting April 15-16, 2016 RadissonBlu Hotel Şişli, İstanbul SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM April 15, 2016 Friday 13:30 -15:50 13:30-13:45 13:50-14:05 14:10-14:25 14:30-14:45 14:50-15:05 15:10-15:25 15:30-15:45 HALL B Decision-making in challenging cases with Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension Moderators: Bedrettin Yıldızeli, Zargham Hossein Ahmadi Discussants: Murat Sargın, Mehmet Yanartaş, Serpil Gezer New recommendations for referral and assessment of the operability in Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension Eckhard Mayer Pulmonary endarterectomy in Masihdaneshvari Pulmonary Center Zargham Hossein Ahmadi Pulmonary endarterectomy in Shahid Madani Heart Center Rezayat Parvizi Case presentations I Bedrettin Yıldızeli Case presentations II Mehmet Yanartaş Case presentations III Serpil Gezer Taş Case presentations IV Gökçen Orhan April 15, 2016 Friday 11:30-13:10 11:30-11:50 11:55-12:15 12:20-12:40 12:45-13:05 HALL C Lunch Session : New frontiers in Group 3 PH Moderators: Nesrin Moğulkoç, Oğuzhan Okutan Discussants: Erdoğan Çetinkaya, Berrin Bağcı Ceyhan, Savaş Özsu Interstitial Fibrosis and Pulmonary Hypertension Nesrin Moğulkoç COPD and Pulmonary Hypertension Hakan Günen OSAS and Pulmonary Hypertension Çağlar Çuhadaroğlu Intensive care management in severely ill patients with group 3 Pulmonary Hypertension Gül Dabak Discussions are planned after each lecture -10- Intercontinental Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Meeting April 15-16, 2016 RadissonBlu Hotel Şişli, İstanbul SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM April 16, 2016 Saturday 08:15 -08:45 HALL A Breakfast Session Moderators: Bahri Akdeniz, Selen Yurdakul Discussants: Betül Erer, Gülay Özkeçeci, Murat Meriç Practical aspects of intravenous prostacyclin treatment Harrison Farber 08:45-09:00 Break 09:00-10:40 10:15-10:35 What do two new guidelines tell us: ESC/ERS Pulmonary Hypertension guidelines and ACC/AHA pediatric PH guidelines Moderators: Sümeyye Güllülü, Serdar Kula Discussants: Tolga Yaylalı, Mehmet Kayrak Background of the new guidelines: Paradigm shift in the prediction of the treatment benefit Harrison Farber Diagnostic algorithms, classifications and prognostic assessment in ESC / ERS 2015 Pulmonary Hypertension guidelines Bülent Mutlu New treatment recommendations and controversies in ESC / ERS 2015 PH guidelines Cihangir Kaymaz ACC /AHA 2015 Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension Guidelines Dursun Alehan 10:40-11:00 Break 11:00-12:40 Current status in other forms of PH Moderators: Mehmet Akbulut, Raed Suleiman Discussants: İbrahim Halil Tanboğa, Gülten Taçoy Group 2 Pulmonary Hypertension with or without precapillary component Pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with congenital heart disease Pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with connective tissue diseases Group 3 Pulmonary Hypertension 09:00-09:20 09:25-09:45 09:50-10:10 11:00-11:20 11:25-11:45 11:50-12:10 12:15-12:35 Mehmet Birhan Yılmaz Meral Kayıkçıoğlu Ali Akdoğan Nesrin Moğulkoç Discussions are planned after each lecture -11- Intercontinental Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Meeting April 15-16, 2016 RadissonBlu Hotel Şişli, İstanbul SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM April 16, 2016 Saturday 12:45-13:30 HALL A Honorary Lecture Moderators: Lale Tokgözoğlu, Mahmut Şahin From kingdom of the near-dead to new horizons in Pulmonary Hypertension 13:30-14:30 Lunch 14:30-16:10 Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension as a potentially curable disease Moderators: Ali Oto, Farid Rashidi Discussants: Bahri Akdeniz, Necip Ermiş From diagnosis to targeted treatments in patients with CTEPH San Diego surgical experience: Targeting the excellence in pulmonary endarterectomy Japanese experience in balloon pulmonary angioplasty Balloon pulmonary angioplasty as hybride or stand-alone approach in CTEPH 14:30-14:50 14:55- 15:15 15:20-15:40 15:45-16:05 16:05-16:30 Break 16:30-18:15 17:20-17:40 17:45-18:05 US and European experience in the management of the severe Pulmonary Hypertension Moderator: Omaç Tüfekçioğlu Discussants: Merih Kalamanoğlu Balcı, Hasan Güngör REVEAL Registry; US perspective for risk assessment and intensive treatment PROPEL Registry; European practice in parenteral prostacyclin treatments ECMO / Bridge to lung transplantation Lung transplantation for pulmonary hypertension 18:05-18:15 Break 18:15-18:35 Highlights of the meeting 16:30-16:50 16:55-17:15 Nazzareno Galie Nick Kim Michael Madani Takeshi Ogo Nick Kim Harrison Farber Pavel Jansa Ömer Şenbaklavacı Erdal Taşçı Serdar Küçükoğlu & Bedrettin Yıldızeli Discussions are planned after each lecture -12- Intercontinental Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Meeting April 15-16, 2016 RadissonBlu Hotel Şişli, İstanbul SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM April 16, 2016 Saturday 09:00-10:40 HALL B 09:50-10:10 10:15-10:35 Management of listing for heart and/or lung transplantation Moderators: Serap Aykut Aka, Yüksel Çavuşoğlu Discussants: Erdal Taşcı, Ali Yeğinsu, Mehmet Balkanay Ten-year Odyssey of ISHLT listing criteria for heart transplantation ISHLT 2015 consensus document for selection of lung transplanatation candidates Current status of heart transplantation in Turkey Current status of lung transplantation in Turkey 10:35-11:00 Break 11:00-12:45 Mechanical Circulatory Support devices (MCSDs) at a glance Moderators: Cem Alhan, Süha Küçükaksu Discussants: İbrahim Sarı, Murat Rabuş Patient selection and optimization for MCSD implantation Intraoperative considerations and immediate post-operative care Inpatient management during the early post-operative phase and long-term outpatient care Where we stand in Turkey: An unmet need for utilization of MCSDs ? 09:00-09:20 09:25-09:45 11:00-11:20 11:25-11:45 11:50-12:10 12:15-12:35 Ahmet Rüçhan Akar Ömer Şenbaklavacı Kaan Kırali Cemal Asım Kutlu Gökçen Orhan Ümit Kervan Murat Sargın Çağatay Engin Discussions are planned after each lecture -13- Intercontinental Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Meeting April 15-16, 2016 RadissonBlu Hotel Şişli, İstanbul SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM April 16, 2016 Saturday 09:00-10:15 HALL C 09:25-09:45 09:50-10:10 Essentials of current nursing cardiac management in heart failure and Pulmonary Hypertension (I) Moderators: Fisun Şenuzun, Asiye Güleşen Discussants: Dilek Özkan, Şemsettin Kete ISHLT 2015 Consensus statement on the current nursing practice in heart and lung transplantation Fisun Şenuzun Basic concepts of the cardiopulmonary hemodynamics Feyza Evirgen Prostanoid therapies in pulmonary hypertension Dilek Sezgin 10:10-10:30 Break 10:30-11:45 Essentials of current nursing cardiac management in heart failure and Pulmonary Hypertension (II) Moderators: Serap Özer, Ahmet Kara Discussants: Huriye Aslaner, Emine Türkmen Assisted ventilation in respiratory insufficiency İlknur Kiraz Paliative care in heart failure and Pulmonary Hypertension Yasemin Yıldırım Quality of life and depression scores in patients with Pulmonary Hypertension Nazmiye Çorbacıoğlu 09:00-09:20 10:30-10:50 10:55-11:15 11:20-11:40 17:00-17:40 Rational Utilization of Drugs Cihangir Kaymaz Discussions are planned after each lecture -14- Intercontinental Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Meeting April 15-16, 2016 RadissonBlu Hotel Şişli, İstanbul ELECTRONIC POSTER PRESENTATIONS PP-01 Ssuccessful placement of catheter-directed ultrasound-accelerated thrombolysis catheter (ekos®) by using coronary chronic total technic in a patient with massive pulmonary embolism after failed systemic thrombolysis Saim Sağ, Kerem Köz, Sümeyye Güllülü, Osman Akın Serdar, Ali Aydınlar Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kardiyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Bursa,Türkiye PP-02 Sharp-edge of pulmonary arterial hypertension-eisenmenger syndrome: Multisystem disease Sena Sert Şanlıurfa Akçakale Devlet Hastanesi PP-03 Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) secondary to aortocaval fistula, case report Çiğdem İleri1, Zekeriya Doğan1, Bülent Mutlu2, 1Marmara Üniv. Tıp Fak., İstanbul, 2Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, İstanbul PP-04 Pulmoner hipertansiyonun nadir bir nedeni: Pulmoner alveolar mikrolitiazis Asuman Bicer,1Feyzullah Beşli,1Halil Altiparmak,1Dilek Sen Dokumacı, 1Zekeriya Kaya,1Recep Demirbag,1Harran Üniv. Tıp Fak., Şanlıurfa PP-05 Pulmonary arterial hypertension in a patient with kartagener syndrome: Coincidence or cause? Mustafa Kürşat Tigen, Zekeriya Dogan, İbrahim Sarı 1Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, İstanbul PP-06 Eisenmenger syndrome with large patent ductus arteriosus in adulthood Zekeriya Dogan, Çiğdem İleri, Bülent Mutlu 1Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi,İstanbul PP-07 A delayed diagnosis of an unusual type of isolated partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection Mürsel Şahin, Cihan Örem, Ayşe Hoşoğlu, Polat Koşucu, Ömer Gedikli 1Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Farabi Hastanesi, Trabzon PP-08 A successful ceserean delivery in an Eisenmenger patient who was under long-term bosentan treatment Hacer Ceren Tokgöz İstanbul Kartal Koşuyolu Yüksek İhtisas Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi PP-09 A young female with langerhans cell histiocytosis related pulmonary hypertension Hakgor A., Akbal OY., Bayram Z.,Yıldız CE., Kaymaz C. Kartal Koşuyolu Yüksek İhtisas Eğitim Ve Araştırma Hastanesi PP-10 A female patient with Persistant pulmonary hypertension after pulmonary thromboendarterectomy and dramatic response to PAH specific therapy Yıldız CE., Akbal OY., Bayram Z., Dogan C., Hakgor A., Safak A., Kaymaz C. Kartal Koşuyolu Yüksek İhtisas Eğitim Ve Araştırma Hastanesi PP-11 Ostial coronary artery compression in patients with pulmonary artery aneurysm Akbal O.Y., Hakgör A, Yılmaz F., Yildiz C.E., Şafak A., Balaban I., Kaymaz C., Kartal Kosuyolu Yüksek Ihtisas Egitim Ve Arastırma Hastanesi -15- SCIENTIFIC SECRETARIAT Nish İstanbul A Blok Kat: 8 No: 47-48 Çobançeşme, Sanayi Cd. 11, Yenibosna, Bahçelievler 34196 İSTANBUL T : +90 212 221 17 30 / 38 - F : +90 212 221 17 54 [email protected] - www.tkd.org.tr ORGANIZATION SECRETARIAT Invictus Turizm Kongre ve Organizasyon Hizmetleri LTD. ŞTİ. 19 Mayıs Mahallesi Halaskargazi Cad. Teyyareci Cemal Sok. Recai Bey Apt. No:3/1 Şişli , İSTANBUL Tel : 0 212 230 78 68 Faks : 0 212 234 78 68 e-posta : [email protected] www.tsc-pvdistanbul2016.org
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