Teens via YouTube (PL)
Teens via YouTube (PL)
POLISH TEENAGERS via ___= Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› 3,6 mln Unique 16-24 users monthly in Poland 75% 81% of Population of Internet Users 40% 71% of Population of Internet Users Megapanel 12.2013 / AGB 12.2013 / GUS 2013 15 mln! unique users monthly in Poland Megapanel 12.2013 / AGB 12.2013 / GUS 2013 1 billion! unique users monthly globally 14% of Population 36%* of Internet Users Google Internal Sources, Global Internet Usage Sources: Megapanel Gemius/PBI 12.2013, AGB, 12.2013, GUS 2013 * Global Internet Usage Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› 100 hours of video uploaded every minute 6 billion hours of video watched monthly YouTube is #1 in reaching 18-34 year-old compared to all cable networks Nielsen March 2014 Source: Google Internal Sources, Global Data 2013 Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› [All 16-24]: YOUTUBE vs. TV REACH Source: AGB, Megapanel, /2013 gru 13 lis 13 paź 13 wrz 13 sie 13 lip 13 cze 13 paź 12 wrz 12 sie 12 lip 12 cze 12 maj 12 kwi 12 mar 12 lut 12 00 YouTube maj 13 TV 9 75000 sty 12 kwi 13 19 50000 mar 13 lut 13 29 25000 sty 13 gru 12 39 00000 lis 12 Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› [All 16-24]: YOUTUBE is #1 “TV CHANNEL” 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 Source: AGB,, 04/2014 Google Confidential and Proprietary Eska TV Polsat2 TVP Polonia TV6 TVP Info TTV TV Puls TV4 TVN7 Polsat TVP2 TVP1 TVN YouTube 0 ‹#› They listen, they play and they laugh Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› TEEN’S YOUTUBE WATCHTIME IS ALL ABOUT… MUSIC 52% + GAMING 25% Including Urban Music (41%) = 77% % of WATCHTIME on top 30 Polish Channels among 16-19 years olds Measured by total views, Q4 2013 - Q1 2014 Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› TOP 30 YOUTH CHANNELS [All16-19] CONTENT 52% MUSIC 11 / 30 TOP CHANNELS 11% 25% + GAMING 10 / 30 TOP CHANNELS + HUMOUR 5/ 30 TOP CHANNELS 12% + ALL OTHERS 4/ 30 TOP CHANNELS inc.URBAN 41% 9 / 30 TOP CHANNELS Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› BUT WHEN ASKED…IT LOOKS MORE COMPLEX TOP REASONS FOR USING YOUTUBE Entertainment Learn / Keep up-to-date Social / Sharing TOP CATEGORIES 91% 62% 54% Music videos Short films Film previews/trailers “How-to/DIY” Personal or home videos Live music Food/cooking Technology/electronics Documentaries Comedy Source: YouTube Global: Poland Audience Study, IPSOS 2013, All YouTube Audience - Teens and Young Adults = 47% 6700% 61% 39% 3600% 3600% 3500% 3000% 2500% 2400% 2400% Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› TOP 10 YOUTH (All16-19) CHANNELS PROSTOtv steprecordspl AbstrachujeTV UrbanRecTv matemaks 5SposobowNa reZiPlayGamesAgain KaliGanjaMafia IsAmUxPompa ThePolishPenguinPL HIP HOP HIP HOP HUMOR HIP HOP EDU HUMOR GAMING HIP HOP GAMING GAMING Source: Google Internal Sources, 16-19, Q4 2013 - Q1 2014 Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› TOP CHANNELS #1 #2 ! 18-24 > 50% of Audience ! ~13 M (18-24) views monthly ! Official channel of a major !The ! independent hip hop and urban music record label - Prosto. It gathers top Polish Hip Hop Artists (Sokół, Hi Fi Banda). The place where new signles are first released. #3 steprecords 18-24 > 50% of Audience ! ~12 M (18-24) views monthly 18-24 > 50% of Audience ! 4 M (18-24) views monthly A Polish Hip Hop record label with ! with many artists associated within: Pih, Chada, Hukos, Kajman, Onar, Wojtas, Pelson, Włodi, Młody M, Cira, Praktis, Okoliczny Element, Jarecki i BRK, Fabuła, Jopel i Komar, etc A humorous channel interpreting the surrounding reality in its own, specific way Google Internal Sources: Q1 2014, monthly data ! Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› URBAN MUSIC CONTENT Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› DEMOGRAPHICS: URBAN MUSIC CONTENT Youth 13 – 24 years olds consume 65% of Total Polish Urban Music Content Source: Google Internal Data Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› HOW THEY SEARCH FOR URBAN MUSIC CONTENT TOP URBAN MUSIC SEARCHES 140 00000 OSTR 112 50000 MINAJ EMINEM 85 00000 VERBA PIH PALUCH PALUCH DONATAN HEMP GRU BEZ STRACHU GRUBSON SŁOŃ PEZET ZBUKU NICKI 57 50000 TEDE NA SZCZYCIE PEJA DON GURALESKO CHADA JAK NIE MY TO KTO BRUNO MARS 30 00000 JAN 2013 FEB 2013 MAR 2013 APR 2013 MAY 2013 JUN 2013 JUL 2013 Source: Google Internal Search Data, You Tube Searches Q1 2014 AUG 2013 SEP 2013 OCT 2013 NOV 2013 DEC 2013 JAN 2014 FEB 2014 MAR 2014 Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› GROWING MOBILE YOUTUBE CONSUMPTION URBAN MUSIC SEARCH DYNAMICS MOBILE&TABLET COMPRISED 15% OF SEARCHES IN Q1 2014 Source: You Tube Searches, Google Internal Search Data Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› GAMING CONTENT Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› DEMOGRAPHICS: GAMING Teens 13 – 24 years olds consume 67% of Total Polish Gaming Content Source: Google Internal Sources Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› HOW THEY SEARCH FOR GAMING ON YOUTUBE: TOP GAMING SEARCHES 60000 45000 30000 15000 DANNY GAMINGC KOMPUTERY DO GIER PC 2014 DUBSTEP FOR GAMING GX7 BEST MUSIC FOR GAMING GAMER MINIMINI GAMING PC EVOLUTION ALIEN THEME AWOLUTION 00 JAN 2013 FEB 2013 MAR 2013 APR 2013 MAY 2013 JUN 2013 JUL 2013 AUG 2013 SEP 2013 OCT 2013 NOV 2013 DEC 2013 JAN 2014 FEB 2014 MAR 2014 ! SOURCE: Google Internal, You Tube searches in Poland by category:gaming, Jan 2013 – Mar 2014 Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› HUMOR CONTENT in 1 year: 840k Subscribers 48M Views Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› HELP ME CONTENT ~36M Views “only” ~30k Subscribers Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› Moreover, they comment, vote, share … Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› … and wear what they believe in Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› APPENDIX Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› Source: AGB, Megapanel, 04/2014 YouTube users kreskoweczki.pl filmykino.pl vine.co patrz.pl Grupa Interia.pl - Wideo Incremental smog.pl tja.pl chomikujfilmy.tv weeb.tv spryciarze.pl TVP VOD vimeo.com anyfiles.pl dailymotion.com ipla.tv tvnplayer.pl wrzuta.pl WP Serwisy wideo Onet VOD youtube.com YOUTUBE & OTHER VODs IN POLAND 16,000,000 12,000,000 8,000,000 4,000,000 0 Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› YOUTUBE & OTHER VODs IN POLAND Real users of YouTube and video&VOD sites 15485143 9811066 youtube.com Source: AGB, Megapanel, 04/2014 Other video & VOD in total Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#› YouTube users are slightly younger, online daily and more active than non-users 47% 79% are between 18 and 34 years old are online daily 2.7x more likely to watch movies in theaters 2.6x more likely to attend live events more likely to dine out in restaurants 2.3x Source: YouTube Global Audience Study, IPSOS 2013 Google Confidential and Proprietary ‹#›