Annual Report - St. Regis Parish


Annual Report - St. Regis Parish
St. Regis Parish
Annual Stewardship Report
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Message from the Pastor
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
I am happy to present this annual report to you, our parish family. Two of my operating principles in parish governance are transparency and accountability. Each year that I have been pastor
of St. Regis there has been some means to provide an annual report to you. This year we have
upgraded our annual report to give a more complete picture of all the good work done at our
parish and to better recognize and thank our many donors.
Good stewardship of our parish finances is important, and you will see an account of our
finances here. But, perhaps more importantly, this report will show how our parishioners are
using their God-given gifts to serve each other, the Church and the world.
Our Parish Council recently adopted a new parish mission statement.
St. Regis Catholic Parish strives to be a caring community of missionary disciples
of Jesus through worship, education, and service to all people.
In the pages that follow, you will see many examples of how we are living this mission, and you will see how your indispensable generosity assists us with accomplishing our mission. Your support reflects your gratitude to God for the many ways
He continues to touch your lives and the lives of your families and fellow parishioners. Recognizing the many ways our parishioners support our mission is an expression of my appreciation. Ultimately it is God who blesses your generosity!
The Changing Lives Together renovation project has been a tremendous achievement for our community in the last three
years. Though the project is still not complete, the feedback from parishioners and visitors has been overwhelmingly positive. The care of our facilities is a visible reflection of our caring community. It is a witness that we are a vibrant parish and
have committed ourselves to our mission for many decades to come.
If you are looking to be more involved in this wonderful community, view these pages and discover what touches your
heart. Where is God calling you to serve? Or perhaps, what service are we not proving that you would like to start?
Everything we do is for the greater glory of God. It is with deep gratitude to God that I reflect on our parish’s past year. It
is with great hope and joy that I look forward to this coming year and many more good years for St. Regis.
God bless you!
Msgr. Chuck Kosanke
On June 1, 2014 we broke ground on our new parish facilities. On June 8, 2014 we began
celebrating Mass at Marian High School, and throughout the year used our school gym,
the Father Shields Club Room and the Brother Rice gym. Like the Holy Family, who celebrated the birth of Jesus away from their own home, we celebrated Christmas, Easter,
First Communion, Confirmation and many Masses and funerals away from our parish
family’s home, our beloved church.
After a year of roaming, we finally came home to our beautiful new church on June 14, 2015. Our Mass of Thanksgiving
and Renewal was the highlight of the year and a joyful celebration. Nearly 1,000 people attended.
It was a long, hard year of construction, with all the headaches, inconveniences and frustrations that go along with construction. We are deeply grateful to our parishioners for their patience during our year of construction. We are especially grateful to the hundreds of parishioners who gave their financial support to the project. Your generosity will be visibly acknowledged on banners that will soon hang in our new gathering space.
St. Regis Parish is especially thankful to Robert Zafarana, who volunteered countless hours of his time to serve as project
manager. He continues to volunteer his time as we move forward with construction of our chapel.
Before construction: the church on
Holy Thursday
The pews coming out.
Dismantling the organ and reredos.
The reredos scaffolding is erected.
The plywood supports for the
cherry paneling are built.
The glass for the gathering space
is installed.
The new tile flooring is installed.
The drywall for the gathering space
is installed.
The skylight over the altar is fixed.
The pews are installed.
Msgr. Chuck and Robert
Zafarana on June 14, 2015
Mass of Thanksgiving and Renewal
Baptism: We Rejoice in New Life in Christ!
With joy we celebrated 16 infant baptisms this past year…16
new children of God! Baptism comes from the Greek word
baptizein which means to plunge or to immerse. Symbolically the child is plunged into water to be buried with Christ
and to rise out of the water as a new creation, regenerated
and renewed by the Holy Spirit. The child is also anointed as
priest to worship God, as prophet to witness the Faith, and
as king to pastor and serve others. The child is clothed in a
white garment to symbolize putting on Christ, the spotless
Lamb. He/she is also given a candle (the light of Christ) as a
reminder to walk as a child of light with the flame of faith
burning brightly in his/her heart.
Infant baptisms may only be performed with the consent and
request of the parents. The parents therefore assume the
responsibility to educate and train the child in the practice of
the Faith and to obey God’s commandments to love God
and neighbor. Hence, the parents are required to participate
in baptismal preparation in order to better understand what
it means to be a faithful disciple of Jesus, to worship and
serve the Lord, our God.
RCIA: Growing in Relationship
with Jesus and His Church
On Holy Saturday, the holiest of nights, at the Easter Vigil
we celebrated two new members of the Church. Brendan
Kandow was fully initiated, receiving the sacraments of
Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist, and Tracee Tewilliager made a Profession of Faith and received the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. Come Holy Spirit,
and fill the hearts of these two children of God with the
fire of your love!
The Belotte family and godparents on the day of Sydney’s baptism, June 28. 2015.
Funerals: Celebrating New Life…Eternal Life
In the waters of baptism he/she died with Christ and rose
with him to new life. May he/she now share with Him eternal glory. Such are the words that are spoken at the begin-
ning of each funeral liturgy. During the 2014/2015 year we
celebrated 20 funerals; some were celebrated at St. Owen,
some at Holy Name, and some at St. Hugo. We were grateful to our neighboring parishes for opening their doors to us
while we were without a church.
This year, 55 young people received the fullness of the gifts
of the Holy Spirit through the sacrament of Confirmation.
Students completed more than 750 hours of Christian service
to the community and parish to learn that being a disciple of
Jesus has 2 parts: worship and service. Due to our renovations, we were blessed to hold our Confirmation Mass at the
Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
First Communion
This year, 64 children received Jesus in the Eucharist for
the first time. They learned that prayer and knowing Jesus
in the Eucharist makes us holy and faith-filled. May God’s
grace bless these children as they continue on their path
toward discipleship and the Sacrament of Confirmation.
St. Regis Catholic School
Our 2014-15 school year was a great success. Our total enrollment was 458 students in grades preschool through eight. We
are blessed with a wonderful teaching team, excellent staff and a strong community of involved parents.
EARLY CHILDHOOD - Preschool - 2nd Grade
Early childhood is comprised of preschool through second grade.
The focus is on social, emotional, physical and academic development. Our students participate in a variety of activities that enhance
all developmental areas. Parents contribute to the learning process by
participating in classroom activities and field trips.
ELEMENTARY - Grades 3 - 5
Our elementary consists of grades three through five. We had two
classes for third and fourth grade and three classrooms for fifth grade.
The focus is no longer on learning to read but reading to learn.
The goal is to provide instruction that is meaningful, engaging and differentiated to be able to meet the needs of all students. Our faculty
utilizes whole and small group instruction, to speak to the multiple
learning styles of our student body.
ACADEMY - Grades 6 - 8
The pillars of our Academy are faith, academics, leadership and
service. Our goal for all St. Regis students is to provide a learning
environment where spiritual development complements intellectual development. We continually strive to ensure that the element
of faith is integrated into every instruction plan in every program
to demonstrate its relationship to the world of human culture. Our
Academy students leave St. Regis well-prepared for high school
both as students and as young men and women of faith.
St. Regis Catholic School integrates technology throughout our curriculum. Students learn the basic operations and concepts of how to use technology as a learning tool. Students in grades 5 - 8 have an opportunity to participate in our Bring Your Own Device program, where teachers work with students on using their
devices as a learning tools (to enhance study skills, complete assignments, create projects, etc.). We are a
Microsoft 365 school, where all students have access to the Microsoft 365 programs to use at school and at
home. This aids in teacher-to-student and student-to-student collaboration.
Microsoft 365 Team
This newly created team of five teachers and two administrators works on school-wide technology integration initiatives. This team was invited to teach this summer at the Microsoft 365 Education Symposium.
It is difficult to sum up all the wonderful programs and events that our school offers during the course of one academic year. A few of
the highlights from 2014-15 include:
Science Olympiad
8th Grade Trip to Washington, D.C.
The 2015 Black & White Gala
6th Grade Leadership Camp
Science with the Engineers
3rd Grade American Hero Speeches
Student Council Elections
National Junior Honor Society Induction
Christian Service Projects
4th Grade Folklore Speeches
Battle of the Books
St. Regis Show Choir Competitions
2nd Grade Presidents Speeches
Christmas Concert
Raider Athletics
In 2014 we said farewell to long-time Athletic Director Tom Fletcher (he remains at
St. Regis as a teacher in our Academy) and welcomed new AD Roseann Donaldson
and Assistant AD Annette Askounis. Raider Athletics hosts nearly 300 athletes who
compete in ten CYO and intramural sports. In October our girls cross country team
won the CYO championship. In May our boys and girls track teams won CYO championships. All of our teams consistently perform well and are led by a group of dedicated coaches.
6th Grade Declamation Contest
Science Day
5th Grade Saint Speeches
Kindergarten Thanksgiving Play
Rose and Candle Ceremony
Parish Pastoral Council: Advising the Pastor
Liturgical Ministers: Serving God and the Parish
The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC), an advisory body to Msgr.
Chuck, met most months throughout the year. Members
took time out for a retreat day on a Saturday in January
during which they reviewed the parish mission statement
and reflected on the strengths and weaknesses of our parish
and the opportunities and threats that lie before us as we try
to live our mission. The Council also began discussion regarding development of a strategic plan for the parish for
the next three years.
Throughout the year parishioners faithfully served on various teams: liturgical environment, sacristans, greeters, ushers, lectors, altar servers, musicians, choir, extraordinary
ministers of Holy Communion, and even parking lot attendants. While we were out of the church the pew care
team was on break. The liturgical environment team
worked extra hard all year, especially at Christmas and
Easter, to give two worship spaces (our gym and Marian’s
auditorium or Brother Rice’s gym) a more church-like feel
with flowers, banners, and other special touches. We are
grateful to all who lent a hand to help with packing, setting
up, and unpacking for Mass each week, including the custodial staff (and sometimes parishioners) who had to set up
the 300+ chairs in the gym each Saturday. We are also
grateful to our youth and families who served as parking
lot attendants for Christmas (in the pouring rain) and Easter. You made a difference for all who came to worship
with us!
Our Wake Service ministers lovingly brought prayers and
comfort to families who were mourning the loss of a loved
one. Those who have been commissioned to carry Communion to the homebound spent many hours throughout
the year visiting and praying with the residents of Sunrise
North, Sunrise South, Evergreen Health and Rehabilitation
Center, and St. Anne’s Mead, as well as with homebound
Women of St. Regis
The Women of St. Regis (WSR) is a parish organization
whose purpose is to bring women of our parish together for
fellowship and service. WSR hosts many spiritual, social,
charitable and fundraising events throughout the year. WSR
provides a great opportunity to do God’s work while also
making new friends within the parish.
The highlights of the WSR year included the October 2014
Fashion Show and Dinner, the December 2014 Advent by
Candlelight and the Lenten Retreat. Hundreds of women
participated in these wonderful events and many more.
The 2nd annual Regis Run was held in June 2015 and was
sponsored by the St. Brigid Circle of the WSR. More than
400 runners and walkers participated.
Carol Grombala and Liz Siver at the co-presidents of WSR.
Parish Music Ministry
Parish Music Ministry includes people of all ages. The Parish Choir, which is the cornerstone of our ministry, encourages people high school aged and above to share their personal love of music through service to the Church and
community. A traditional choir experience, Parish Choir
enhances worship on Sunday at 10:00 Mass. Our Youth
Music programs cover elementary and high school ages.
Youth Choir seeks to develop young hearts for Christ
through musical expression. We also seek to create a contemporary praise and worship experience at the 5:30 p.m.
Sunday Mass. There are 30 singers and musicians who
share their talents as part of the St. Regis Music Ministry.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus experienced growth this year, broadening
its activities of service to the community and beyond. The work of the
Knights included works of charity
such as their annual Tootsie Roll sales
to benefit Angels’ Place and Special
Olympics, organizing parish participation in 40 Days for Life, Right to Life,
vocations awareness and many other
fraternal activities.
Other parish hospitality ministries
include our coffee and donuts and
our pancake breakfasts. The Knights
also played an important role in our
Mass of Thanksgiving and Renewal.
Christian Service
There were many workers in the vineyard this year as the St. Regis community continued to live out the gospel message through service to the people of God. Throughout the year our Christian service work experienced growth, expansion, and change.
The year began with our Summer Garden Luncheon series, one of our hospitality ministries. Each luncheon began with Mass in the
FSCR. A great meal followed with attendees bringing some of their signature potluck dishes to share. With belly’s full, singing and
dancing rounded out these afternoons of fun and friendship.
Our parish young people hosted a day camp for 75 kids from Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Detroit
with the Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity. Forty of our youth and their families participated.
Our January outing to the Detroit Institute of Arts provided another opportunity for fellowship for some
of our senior parishioners. Taking a bus provided by the DIA, participants enjoyed a welcome reception
along with an orientation of the museum before exploring their favorite areas of the museum on their own.
Many of our parishioners are older in age and find it challenging to leave their homes even to go to Mass.
Consequently, in fall the of 2014 the St. Regis Transportation Ministry was initiated. Nine parishioners volunteer once every other month to drive elderly members of our community to church. Although the focus
is to bring parishioners to Christ, the ministry also tries to help these parishioners in dire circumstances with
transportation to their medical appointments or even to do some shopping.
Responding to the Catholic principal of the preferential option for the poor, the parish continues to expand the ministries which provide opportunities to live out the corporal works of
mercy. Working with St. Vincent DePaul St. Regis hosted and filled two clothing pods during
the month of October.
In November, the entire community came together to provide food and turkeys to St. Leo
Soup Kitchen. In a spirit of competition, homerooms vied to receive the honor of collecting the
most food. Their efforts along with the food provided by the many generous parishioners of
our parish helped to fill the entire garage with boxes of food. Several of our students and their
parents took part of their Thanksgiving Day to personally deliver the food to the soup kitchen.
The annual Christmas Giving Tree ministry was again a
huge success with more than 1300 gifts donated to ten
great organizations that serve the poor and the marginalized in the greater metropolitan area. For some St. Regis volunteers, their holiday is only complete when they experience the joy and thanksgiving expressed by the recipients of their love
when the gifts are delivered. The knowledge that a child has warm clothing for the winter or a
family will have food on the table helps to make Christ’s message of love a meaningful part of
their lives. Beneficiaries include St. Benedict, St. Cecilia, St. Gregory the Great, St. Aloysius, St.
Vincent and Sarah Fisher Center, Michigan Council of Catholic Women - Newborn Baby Layettes program, Rose Hill, St. Patrick, St. Christine and Mary’s Children Family Center.
Another holiday favorite was the annual St. Anne Healing Mass hosted by the St. Theresa Circle of the Women of St. Regis. Following a healing Mass at St. Anne in Detroit, a beautiful luncheon is provided to the residents of this
historic inner city parish.
Being out of our church didn’t stop our ongoing canned food collection from continuing. Food was delivered weekly to the parish
offices where it was then brought to the Ladies of Charity of St. Vincent DePaul Food pantry. Thanks to the generosity of so many
parishioners, St. Regis was able to begin providing some food to the Church of the Transfiguration – Franciscan Outreach Program as
Support of our veterans and military personnel remained a priority with special commemorations throughout the year. Two of our
Lenten Giving ministries, The Fallen and Wounded Fund and participation in Americans Thank Our Troops, a food collection for
those serving in war zones helped our parish honor those who bravely defend our freedoms. In addition, our Lenten Giving supported
the Ladies of Charity of St. Vincent DePaul and Mother and Unborn Baby Care.
Stephen Ministers, a ministry which provides compassionate, confidential, Christ-centered emotional and spiritual care to people who are hurting experienced some new energy and growth.
The ministry grew to 11 care-receivers and 17 care-givers. Stephen Ministers also bring Communion to many home-bound parishioners and two local nursing homes.
2015 marked the 30th time St. Regis has hosted the guests of the South Oakland Shelter. Volunteers of all ages participated. The week-long program was once again a great success because
of the many volunteers who donated their time, talent, and treasure.
In addition to these many works of charity, the parish provided financial and spiritual support
to some ministries both at home and abroad. The day-to-day burden was lightened because of
the helping hands of our Bulletin Stuffers and Counters. A day of prayer for the Christians in
the Middle East was held. A special collection was taken up for SPANCO, a ministry founded
by a St. Regis parishioner, which has changed the lives of many in the poor villages of Ghana.
Parish Mission: The Healing Power of Christ
Religious Education
The evenings of February 23-25 were filled with prayer-and expectant faith as we gathered for our Parish Mission. Led by Fr. Greg
Bramlage of the Missionaries of the New Evangelization, the evenings were filled with praise and worship before the Blessed Sacrament, as well as with individual prayers for healing. Our neighboring
parish, Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, graciously opened its doors to
us for the Mission since St. Regis was under construction. Attendance varied between approximately 130 and 200 each night of the
We hosted 85 children and 10 catechists in our weekly Monday Religious Education classes; 25 children and 17 families in
our online Monthly Family Religious Education programs and
more than 30 students attended Sunday School each week
during 10:00 Mass. Dozens of children attended Liturgy of the
Word with Children at our 10:00 Mass each week. Students
learned about prayer and discipleship, meeting Jesus in the
sacraments and going out to the community in service.
Bible Study: Growing in
God’s Word
Tuesday mornings and evenings were busy in the parish
office during the past year as
parishioners and friends came
each week to grow in their
faith and in their relationship
with Jesus. Up to 26 people attended each session. Many parishioners, from seasoned Bible studiers to those who were new to Bible
Study, participated in our fall study, The Letter to the Ephesians,
our winter study, A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother, and our
very powerful spring study on Conversion – Following the Call of
Christian Meditation: Opening Mind and Heart to God
Vacation Bible School
St. Regis VBS hosted 65 students, 32 teen volunteers and 8
adult volunteers for a great week in August. We sang, learned
bible stories, tried out imagination games to test the ideas
about faith, and made a lot of new friends.
Christian Meditation met most Tuesday evenings and Wednesday
mornings during the past year, offering parishioners and friends the
opportunity to quiet their minds and allow the Holy Spirit to move
within. Members experienced an inner peace as they practiced this
silent form of prayer.
Vocations: Promoting God’s Plan for Each Person
The Vocations Committee sponsored its annual Desert Meal in February 2015. Seminarians attended and shared about their pilgrimage
to the Holy Land. Guests enjoyed Middle Eastern fare made by Gina
Oraha, and enjoyed visiting with one another and with the seminarians. The dinner was attended by 84 parishioners and friends.
Legion of Mary
Alpha @ St. Regis
St. Regis hosted the Alpha course in September and January for
about 100 parish members with 18 facilitators trained by Alpha for
Catholics national director, Deacon Steve Mitchell. Alpha is an opportunity for adults to gather, learn and share thoughts and ideas
about faith. Participants said their lives were changed with a new
faith perspective.
Men’s Fellowship
The St. Regis Men’s Catholic Fellowship meets on Mondays from
mid-Sept. to mid-June to gather in prayer, in reading of the lectionary scripture and in shared faith to strengthen relationships with
God and one another. There are typically 12 men at each meeting.
The St. Regis Legion of
Mary had its first meeting
on May 19, 2014 and was
officially approved by the
Detroit Regia of Legion of
Mary in August, 2014. It
focuses on spreading a
devotion to Our Lady, participating in the spiritual works of
mercy, and supporting other parish-based organizations. Our
nine member team, aside from praying weekly for the renewal of the parish, distributed communion and led the Rosary at
nursing homes, participated in the Archdiocesan Rosary Rally,
served as parking lot attendants for Christmas Eve and Easter
Masses, and worked on evangelization.
Financial Report
Fiscal Year July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Offertory and Christmas
Other Collections
Other Income
Christian Formation
Total Income
Church Staff
General Expenses
Christian Formation
Repairs and Maintenance
Capital Expenditures
Non-Parish Disbursements
Total Expenses
Changing Lives Together
As of June 30, 2015
Total Pledged
Total Paid
Balance on Pledged
Number of Pledges
Average Pledge
Catholic Services Appeal
Thank You
St. Regis Parish is delighted to acknowledge the many wonderful benefactors whose names appear on the
following pages. We are humbled by the generous support our parish receives. We realize that that there
are many individuals who support St. Regis in many ways through their volunteer efforts. We are a
stronger parish because of the good will of so many. Thank you to all who support the mission of our
Donors to Offertory and Christmas Funds
Vincent and Sandra Abatemarco
Sathab Abbo
Eugene and Nidaa Abdal
Marianne H. Abdoo
John and Jill Abelarde
Jean Abraham
Jason and Zena Abro
Michael and Lora Adam
George and Margaret Adams
Anne M. Adams
Paul and Helen Adesko
Tina Aguirre
Patrick and Sandra Ainslie
Kelly J. Akers
James and Karen Akouri
John and Ruth Albrecht
Ghassan and Jennifer Alkamano
Michael and Christine Allen
Duane and Susan Almeter
Mark Ambrose
Saber and Jeanine Ammori
Enoud Ammori
Dr. Concepcion Ancog
William and Angela Anders
Patricia S. Anderson
Assunda Andrews
Norman Ankers
Marjorie Arrey
John C. Ashe
Dean and Annette Askounis
Buddy Atchoo
Karla Atchoo
Frances M. Atkinson
Terry Atkinson
Joseph Atto
Blaise and Ethel Audet
Stephen Babcock
Stephen F. Badalament
Louis F. Badalament
Therese M. Badalament
Mary E. Bagazinski
Amir and Krista Bajoka
Ronald and Lisa Bajorek
Ron and Betty Baker
Esther J. Baker
Christopher and Lindsay Baker
Michael and Denise Ball
Kary and Maria Ball
Layth and Noreen Barash
Michael and Suzanne Barczak
Bryan and Amy Barnosky
Todd and Carla Bartlett
Mary Bartush Jones
Scott and Tracey Batey
Nancy A. Batlemento
Luke Wuotinen and Laura Baucus
A. Louise Bazil
Thomas E. Bazil
Mark Beaton and Alison Gleeson
Joy Beauchamp-Comsa and Charles Comsa
Demetrios and Carolyn Becharas
Gisela Becker
Gerald F. Becker
Brian and Sara Bell
David and Sarah Bello
Jimmy and Mitchell Belotte
William and Karmyn Benton
Terry and Sarah Benyo
Gary and Carolyn Berg
Norman and Barbara Berg
Mark and Kellie Berg
Norbert and Virginia Bergmann
Stephen and Mary Bergmann
Judith Berkheimer
James and Sharon Beshke
Ada M. Bessaga
Jim and Margaret Biehl
Anne M. Bielman
Christopher and Anita Bien
Beth A. Bihl
Diane Bilicki
David Billings
David and Dale Birchler
Mary J. Birchler
Jeffrey and Lisa Birkett
Edward and Loretta Biskup
Jeffery and Lorna Bismack
Susan M. Bixler
David and R. Elizabeth Black
Dorothy Blair
Orlando and Sharon Blanco
Henry and Peggy Bodiya
Louis Bogart
Ralph and Peggy Bonanata
Daniel and Patricia Bonbrisco
Edward and Marlen Borio
Edward Borio
Brent and Margaret Borio
Adam and Lee Bosek
John and Gretchen Bourbeau
Christopher and Brigette Bouschet
Joseph and Allyson Boyle
Maurice and Mary Brackenbury
Thomas and Margaret Brady
Lisa Brady
Michael and Lisa Brennan
Michael and Darlene Brennan
James and Dorothy Brenner
Richard and Erin Brockhaus
Mark and Deborah Brolley
James and Margery Brooks
Obert Burch and Kathleen Brooks
Daniel and Catherine Brooks
Jeffrey and Kathryn Brown
Michael and Karen Brown
Russell and Donna Brown
David and Alyson Brown
Robert Brown
Michael and Alyson Brown
William and Carolyn Brownfield
Michael and Patricia Brozek
Kristen A. Brunhofer-Sheehy
Corey and Johanna Bryce
David and Sarah Bubb
Lawrence and Rosemarie Bujarski
Annette Bujarski
Stephen and Lisa Burch
Robert and Monica Burgess
Maureen Burkhardt
Mr. Robert Burkhardt
Robert and Billie Busch
Neal and Nancy Buschmohle
Marjorie Buszta
Joseph and Susan Butkovich
Thomas and Kathleen Butkovich
Derek and Christa Byrd
Shawn and Linda Byrnes
Sally Bzdok
Anthony and Gretchen Caccamo
Jaime and Ascencion Calaguas
Moneta Caliston
Colin and Amy Callaghan
John and Ellie Callaghan
William and Marjeanne Camp
Margaret M. Campbell
Marizza A. Carino
Ren Carlton
Leslie A. Carranza
John and Margaret Carroll
Mark and Amy Carroll
James and Perry Carroll
Howard and Edyta Carter
Brian and Margaret Casey
Donald Cavanaugh
Wayne and Adoracion Chang
Leonard Charla and Elizabeth DuMouchelle
Stephen and Yuko Chickonoski
John and Therese Chioini
Charles and Julie Chisholm
Thomas and Mary Chisholm
Carol A. Chisholm
Paul and Denise Choukourian
Joseph Ciesinski
Andrew Ciupak
Jacquelyn Ciupak
Angelo Ciurleo
James and Lisa Clark
Graham and Patricia Clements
Maxine A. Cloutier
Bradley and Leslie Ann Cochran
Sheila R. Coger
Mr. George Cole
Dorothy T. Cole
Barbara Cole
Bonnie Coleman
Robert Colladay
James and Julie Comer
Brian and Janae Condit
Charles and Sheila Conklin
Dan and Anne Connelly
Philip and Valerie Conway
Timothy and Maureen Conway
Gary E. Corbin
Thomas and Pamela Corden
Joann Corden
Andrew and Vladimira Corej
Curtis Cormier
Ashby and Nicole Corum
David and Lanie Cosgrove
Helen S. Costello
Eric Coules
John and Beth Crick
Christopher and Deborah Crossen
Ellen Crowley
Burke and Patti Cueny
Denise A. Cummings
Joseph and Brenda Cunningham
Christopher and Katherine Cupler
Jason and Lauryn Curis
Frank Czarniecki
Waleed and Athra Dakki
Anthony and Theresa Dalimonte
Ronald and Ruby Damasco
John and Christine Darby
Louise Darin
Ann Davis
James DeBene and Lynette Timlin-DeBene
Thomas and Marcy De Craene
Florence DeBono
Arthur and Biruta DeConinck
Pascual and Elsa Della Torre
Mark and Nesreen Denha
Kevin and Contessa Denha
Mr. John DePlanche
John and Mary Deters
Paul and Mary Ann Deters
Christopher and Julianne Devine
Margaret Devine
Michale Devine
James and Patricia Devlin
Clyde and Stacey Dick
Brenda Dickow
Michael DiPonio
Lucien and Dolores DiSalvo
Eugene and Georgia Dixon
John Dolan
Michael and Deborah Dolenga
Mary Doll
Therese Dominick
John and Roseann Donaldson
John and Sharon Donati
Louis and Mary Donato
Marcia J. Doppke
John and Debra Dorr
Joseph and Catherine Dovey
David and Marie Dowler
Timothy and Holly Drimby
Joseph and Judith Drobot
Timothy and Emily Drobot
Michael and Sarah DuBay
Francis and Karen Dudek
Gunnar and Maria Dudlar
Gregory and Maureen Duff
Anthony and Barbara Dulio
David and Adrianne Dulio
David and Margaret DuMouchel
John and Karen Duncan
John and Donna Dunn
Timothy R. Dunn and Cynthia J. Billings
Gary and Katherine Durak
Rogier and Charlene Durand
Patrick and Kathleen Durbin
Ronald and Agnes Dwyer
Shirley Dylewski
Mary A. Dziurlikowski
Robert and Suzanne Egan
Sean and Sewan Elia
Natiq and Sulafa Elia
Eric and Mary Emmons
Janet K. Enguehard
Lucille Entwistle
Richard and Alessandra Ercolani
Michael and Mary Eremia
Stanley and Helga Ernst
Shannon M. Erskine
William and Kristin Ervin
Douglas and Kathleen Esper
Mark and Ami Espinal
Dr. Martin and Dr. Laura Espinosa
John and Hanadi Esshaki
Robert and Jayne Esshaki
Jerome Estoye
John and Mary Sue Everly
Scott and Katherine Everly
Randal and Nancy Ewers
Betty Ewman
Joan Faber
Stephen K. Faber
Maureen Faes
Joseph and Amy Failla
Fadi Farraj
William Farrand and Lynne Hammaker
Paul and Kristen Farrar
Robert and Carolyn Fascetti
Matthew and Audrey Faust
Jared and Olivia Fedele
Emmett Feely
Robert and Pamela Ferguson
Fiorentino and Flavia Ferrari
Edward and Joan Figura
Douglas and Mara Filo
Eileen Finn
Andrew and Joanne Finnorn
Patricia Finucan
Philip and Barbara Fioravante
David and Elizabeth Fischer
John and Amy Fischer
Terence and Laura Fitzpatrick
John and Mary Fitzpatrick
Michael and Amy Fitzpatrick
Eugenia Florek
Patrick and Ann Marie Flynn
Rita Foley
James and Lisa Fontanesi
William and Therese Fortney
James and Rebecca Fox
Kirenza and Iman Francis
Anton and Ursula Franek
John and Kathleen Frasco
Charles and Michelle Frederick
Lawrence and Debbie Friedman
Julie S. Fries
Bradley and Kristin Frohn
Frank and Judith Frye
John and Kimberly Frye
Marvin and Cindy Fudalla
Pierre and Sally Fuger
W.J. Fullenkamp
John and Lisa Furton
Daniel Gadzinski
John Gallagher
Richard and Julie Ganfield
Harry and Wala Gappy
John and Joy Garber
Mark and Linda Garcia
Mark and Linda Garcia
Theresa Gardner
Robert and Mary Gariepy
Buena Gatasi
Daniel and Kathleen Gates
Josephine Gehringer
Augustine George
W.Michael George
Joseph and Margaret Gerber
Norma Giacoboni
Richard and Debra Gibbs
Richard Gibbs
James and Monica Gibson
Angelina S. Giffels
Don and Elizabeth Gill
Mike and Maureen Gill
Eileen T. Gilmartin
Lois A. Girardot
Mary M. Girardot
Alfred and Laurie Girardot
Clarence and Jane Gleeson
Julianne Gleeson
Helen T. Gleeson
Natalie S. Glime
Jeffrey and Jennifer Goforth
Carol Goldstein
Mary Gonne
S. Gerald Gorcyca
Nicholas and Shanna Gorga
Robert F. Grant
Anne S. Grant
Thomas and Lori Green
Earl S. Greenwood III
Scott and Diane Greyerbiehl
Ann E. Grier
Thomas and Nanette Grobbel
David and Mary Grobbel
Francis and Carol Grombala
Bret and Traci Gruley
Gilbert and Jennifer Gugni
Kevin and Janice Guidry
William and Lisa Gulker
Kevin and Gail Haffey
Lillian Hajjar
Janet K. Hall
Thomas Halling
Joyce A. Halling
Robert Halvorsen
Robert and Christina Hanania
David R. Handley
Edwin F. Hanke
Donald and Nadira Hannawa
Robert and Rana Harb
John and Natalie Harrington
Robert and Dolores Harris
Homer and Maureen Harrison
Mark and Joanne Harwood
Jeffrey and Janice Hausman
Jeffrey and Kimberly Hawes
Michael and Molly Hawkins
R.G. Hawkinson
Bradley Hay
Steven and Susan Hay
Florence B. Hayes
Andrew and Jennifer Hayes
Ryan and Katrina Hebert
Robert Hebert
Christopher and Karolyn Hebert
William and M Suzanne Hehs
Mary Jo Henry
Vincentia Hepp
William and Mary Herrick
Alan and Renee Herster
Frederick Heyner
Cesar and Aurelia Hidalgo
Marcus H. Higginbotham
Robert and Indira Higgins
Sean P. M. Higgins
Mark and Jean Hillman
Donald and Jennifer Hinkson
Neil and Eileen Hitz
Joseph Hlavaty
David Hocker
Mary Ann Hocker
Mark and Deborah Hoffman
Mary Hoffman
Robert and Lori Hogan
Edward and Annette Holder
John and Isabel Holland
Anthony and Paula Hopkins
Kevin and Ann Hornick
Charles and Ruth Houff
Raymond E. Howard
David and Catherine Howe
Richard and Linda Howting
Charles and Loretta Hrdlicka
Mary D. Hubbell
Kristine Huckabay
Thomas and Mary Hughes
Bryan and Patricia Hughes
Donald and Maureen Huldin
Pamela Hurt
Helen Hutchins
William and Pauline Illuminati
Joseph and Kristin Impastato
Osama and Rita Jabro
Eugene and Patricia Jacoby
Julian and Ban Jaddou
Robert and Mary Jaklevic
George and Vinolia Jalaba
Ismail and Batoul Jamoua
David and Elizabeth Janks
Constance Jaroh
Richard and Sandra Jeffries
Michael Sheh and Mrs Christina Jen
John and Jody Jennings
Michael and Kathleen Jenzen
Eugene and Barbara Johns
Karl and Frances Johnson
Wayne and Beth Jolly
Coleman and Marie-Christine Jones
Imad and Ban Jonna
Joseph and Tamara Jonna
Jeffrey and Joanne Jorissen
Mary Louise Joseph
Mary Joseph
Mary Ellen Judd
Gjoka and Jean Juncaj
John and Dominika Jurewicz
Larry and Roseanne Kaitner
Saad and Kristie Kalabat
Alex and Vera Kalaj
Duraid and Naver Kalasho
Martin and Heide Kamber
Raymond and Arlene Kaminski
Garrett and Pamela Kanehann
Yoon and Yang Kang
Vincent and Lisa Kaptur
Mark and Janel Karcher
Theodore and Patricia Karpowicz
Maria Karsanbhai
John Kary
Christopher and Joni Kase
Hani and Baghdad Kaskorkis
Karim Katba and Celine Kaldas
Dr. Ron and Danielle Kattoo
George and Barbara Kausler
John and Cynthia Kazanowski
Garrett and Kathleen Keais
James T. Kearney
Walter and Cyrena Keating
David and Elizabeth Keblaitis
Richard and Moira Keefer
John and Mary Keegan
Scott and Jane Keeter
John and Leila Kello
Carolyn Kelly
Arthur and Laura Kelsey
Michael and Amy Kemper
Thomas and Jodie Kennedy
Ted C. Kennedy
Peter and Sarah Kepic
Sal and Olivia Kesto
Mark and Julia Kettner
Inez Keutgen
Francis and Meg Kevane
Danny and Hamsa Kewson
Michael and Anne Khoury
Louis Kilgore
Kyung-doo Kim
Francis and Lucy King
Susan K. Kinloch
Michael and Kimberly Kinna
Andrew and Melissa Kisabeth
John and Nazik Kissinger
Michael and Jean Kizy
Robert and Louise Klein
James and Monica Klepp
Michael and Anne Klima
Jason and Mikah Klingensmith
Joseph Knollenberg
Stephen and Jill Knop
Ercument and Mona Kocak
Slawomir and Gabriela Kochanek
Gregory and Heather Kolwich
Daniel and Sonja Komendera
Paul and E. Martha Komives
Phillip and Erica Kommer
Julian and Peggy Kopacz
Msgr. Chuck Kosanke
Richard Koslowski and Pamela Stec
Harold and Susan Koss
Kostan and Eleni Kostopoulos
Walter and Maureen Kowal
Daniel and Margaret Kowal
Christopher and Sara Kowal
Melvin and Linda Koykka
Douglas and Tina Krizanic
Edward and Margaret Kronk
Kevin and Jennifer Krot
Eric and Christine Kruske
Edward and Linda Kruske
Wilma D. Kuhn
Michael and Meredith Kulka
Lawrence and Barbara Kunkler
Donald and Jeanne Kunz
John and Paulette Kuza
Mark Kwartowitz
Gary and Margot LaGuire
Joseph and Mary LaHood
Jeanne M. LaHood
Elaine Laichalk
Sanford and Cecilia Lakin
John and Mary Lamarche
Patricia Lampe
Jim and Marguerite Lampertius
Jon and Barbara Lane
John and Margaret Lane
Andrew Langlands
Dorothy Latson
Theodore LaVergne
Paula Law
Wayne and Norma Lawrie
Terry and Lynn Ledwidge
Thomas and Kathryn Lee
Robert and Donna Leland
Janis A. Lemon
William and Jennifer LePine
Anton and Linda Letica
Mary Letscher
Frank and Lorraine Lewandowski
Kevin and Joyce Lewis
John B. Lewis and Agatha Y. Obertynski
Georgette B. Lhyle
Karl and Suzanne Lieder
Robert and Margaret Liedke
Barbara Lievois
Christopher and Michelle Lievois
Kurt and Karen Lilley
Swan and Barbara Lindeblad
Pamela Lindner
Terry Lindner
Mildred A. Link
Marlene Linn
George and Mirriam Livingstone
Robert and Rosemary Loesch
Robert and Madeline Lokar
Maria Longley
John and Carol Loussia
Michael and Diane Lueck
Nicholas and Lindsay Luxon
Christopher and Ruth Lynch
Eleanor J. Lynn
Harry and Joan Lyon
Noel and Amy Lyon
Ella M. Lyons
Lillian L. Maben
Evelyn N. MacIntyre
Tod and Constance Mack
Joseph MacLean
Lawrence and Mary MacLean
Lawrence and Amy MacLean
Mary L. Maher
Mark R. Maisonnueve
Kenneth and Celestine Makowski
George and Lamaan Malick
Sahir and Hala Malki
Elizabeth A. Maloney
Robert and Colleen Manfred
Diane M. Mansoor
Ziad and Nadia Mansour
Megan and Michael Marderosian
Carol L. Markley
Anthony and Darlene Marougi
Ronald and Zvjezdana Martella
Raymond and Suzanne Martin
Christopher and Kelly Martin
Mary Jo Mason
Kevin and Stacey Mason
Marick and Sally Masters
Mark and Julie Masters
Vincent and Kathleen Mastrangelo
Beth Matter
Gene and Catharine Matti
Mary T. Mayer
Edward Mayer
Sharon Mayone
Richard and Catherine Mazur
Brian and Carrie McAndrews
Timothy and Janet McCafferty
Joseph and Susan McCarthy
Jack and Pat McCleary
Mary McClorey
Thomas McConnell
Paul and Mary Anne McCoy
Tlanda McDonald
Patrick and Kit McDonald
Sharon McDonald
Peter and Paula McDonnell
Sheila McElligott
John and Sally McGrath
Colleen McGraw
Daniel and Jennifer McHenry
Micheal and Rose McHugh
Thomas J. McHugh
Michael and Mary McKay
John McKendry
Howard McKenna
Helen McKenna
Justine McKnight
Roderick and Mary McLachlan
Thomas McMaster
Sean and Veronica McNally
Stephen and Jenifer McNulty
Daniel McNulty
Michelle McNulty
Michael and Katherine McRae
Charles and Josephine Melekian
Rafael E. Melendez and Maria Maddalena
Relli Silvani
Adolfo and Rebecca Melicor
Andrew and Cristy Melicor
James Meloche
Roy and Jeanne Meloeny
Darrin and Jacki Mertz
Christopher and Laura Meso
Terrence and Elizabeth Meter
Robert and Adeline Metzger
Kurt Metzler
Francisca Mgbodile
Hadeer and Ann Michael
Lawrence H. Michalak and Alison
Joseph and Ibby Michalik
Lawrence and Claire Michelini
Daniel and Pamela Michelini
Kathleen P. Mielock
Thomas and Holly Miller
Lynn and Kathryn Miller
Lillian Miller
Wynn and Joanne Miller
Steven and Lisa Miller
Alan and Roseanne Miller
Sharon Miller
Michael and Pamela Minelli
James and Loretta Mirro
Thomas and Janice Moening
David Mohr
Sheila S. Mohr
Thomas and Rebecca Moisides
Henry and Julia Mollicone
J. Michael and Carolyn Moore
Christopher and Colleen Moore
John and Marcia Morad
Virgilio and Ceres Morales
Michael and Brigette Moran
Michael and Patricia Moran
Michael and Marina Moriarty
Rita Morisette
Harry and Charlene Morris
James and Teresa Moskus
Bertram and Joan Mount
Bradford and Carrie Muller
Donald and Joyce Muno
Steven and Pamela Murdock
Ed and Donna Myles
Scott and Michele Myles
Thomas and Barbara Nagarah
George Najor
Jamal and Balsam Namou
Dino and Jennifer Nardicchio
Douglas Nelson
Bruce and Shirley Nelson
Robert and Allison Nelson
John and Tinney Newman
Elizabeth Newman
Suzanne L. Nichols
Donald and Kathleen Noble
Gregory and Tara Nodland
Phyllis A. Nolan
Barbara Norman
J. Douglas and Gwen North
Raymond and Celeste Nowacki
Mary S. Nowak
Michael and Anna Nuhn
Chidi and Ifechide Nwabueze
Ila O'Connor
Thomas and Patricia O'Leary
Samuel Obeng
Virginia C O'Brien
Eileen O'Brien Thees
Daniel and Margaret O'Connor
Justin and Shadha Oesterle
Michael and Karen O'Hara
Daniel and Veronica O'Hara
John P. O'Hara
Patrick and Mary Ann O'Leary
Rudy and Marlene Oliver
Chris and Indira Onwuzurike
Phid and Nkechi Onwuzurike
Badie and Gina Oraha
Gary and Bushra Oram
Michael and Amy Orlando
John and Carmen O'Shea
Mark Ousachi
Robert and Veronica Owczarski
Lisa Owens
James Owens
Mirella Panozzo
Carl and Laurie Papa
Patrick and Kristine Parke
Nancy H. Parke
Robert and Joan Parker
Amy Parker
Anthony and Veronica Parrottino
Timothy and Eve Parsons
Charles and Leisa Passarelli
Timothy Patrick
Stephen and Carol Paul
Thomas and Elizabeth Payne
Skip and Moe Pearson
Kenneth and Natalie Pellegrino
Scott and Cynthia Penrod
Luis and Joanne Perez
Therese M. Peron
Bradford and Kimberly Peters
Giuseppe Petrella
Marisa Petrella
Ruth Petrous
Natasha L. Petrous
Raymond and Clare Pety
Geraldine Pietrosante
Nicholas and Julie Pietrosante
Ronald and Teresa Pilibosian
D. and A. Pinkos
James W. Pitcher
Heather L. Pitcher
William and Roberta Platten
Francis and Susan Plummer
Garrett and Sarah Pniewski
Ted and Joan Podeszwa
Timothy and Alexandra Pollard
Vincent and Mary Lou Porrazzo
Jean Porter
Christopher and Tracey Porter
Benjamin K. Porter
David and Cynthia Price
Robert and Mary Clare Pulte
Thomas and Molly Pulte
Delphine B. Puscas
Lynda Queamante
Mary E. Quigley
Barbara F. Quinn
Roberto and Emilia Quizon
Guenther and Kristin Raab
Helaine Rabuck
Michael and Melody Ramey
Michael and JoAnne Randall
Jason and Toree Randall
Lorraine C. Reasoner
Leroy Rebar
Joseph and Nancy Recknagel
Rafael Rego
Elizabeth Reiha
Barbara Reilly
Gerald and Karen Reinhart
Rose Mary Ricelli
Paul and Susanne Richardson
Avery Riker
Matthew Riker
Sarah K. Riker
Joan C. Riley
Pasquele and Amy Rinaldo
Patrick and Meghan Rivard
Theresa Rizer
Ian and Renee Roberson
Douglas and Angie Roche
Douglas Roche, Sr.
Robert and Nancy Rogers
Najla Romain
Norbert and Aziza Roosen
Gordon and Maria Ross
Jennifer Rossbach
Marga Rottach
Michael and Rachel Roumaya
Thomas and Julie Rownd
William and Annette Royce
Lawrence and Norinne Rozman
Christopher and Janet Ruth
John and Bede Ryan
Paul and Sharon Saarinen
William and Margaret Sabbagh
Steven and Bridget Sagmani
Brett and Jessica Salmin
George Salloum
Tina L. Salloum
Mary J. Samberg
Luke and Dawn Samona
David and Susan Sanders
Jeff and Elizabeth Sands
Timothy Sante
Kenneth and Colline Sarafa
Allan and Rachel Sarkisian
Eleanor Sarzynski
Kenneth and Mary Sue Sarzynski
Michael and Elizabeth Sarzynski
William Schafer
Robert and Patrician Schlagheck
Robert J. Schlagheck
Gary and Patricia Schleif
Donald Schmaltz
Paul and Shannon Schmaltz
Winfried and Anita Schnitzler
Eric and Diane Schomer
John Schultz
Christopher and Janet Ruth
John and Bede Ryan
Paul and Sharon Saarinen
William and Margaret Sabbagh
Steven and Bridget Sagmani
Brett and Jessica Salamin
George Salloum
Tina L. Salloum
Bassam and Kimber Salman
Mary J. Samberg
Luke and Dawn Samona
David and Susan Sanders
William and Donna Sanders
Jeff and Elizabeth Sands
Timothy Sante
Kenneth and Coline Sarafa
Allan and Rachel Sarkisian
Eleanor Sarzynski
Kenneth and Mary Sue Sarzynski
Michael and Elizabeth Sarzynski
William Schafer
Robert and Patricia Schlagheck
Robert J. Schlagheck
Gary and Patricia Schleif
Donald Schmaltz
Paul and Shannon Schmaltz
Winfried and Anita Schnitzler
Eric and Diane Schomer
John Schultz
Marjorie Schultz
James and Kathleen Schwartz
Edward and Nancy Schwartz
Paul and Melissa Schwarzenberg
Waad and Laura Seba
Edwin and Carolyn Secord
Adam and Crysta Seneski
Joseph and Maria Serra
Peter and Janine Shaman
Burley Sharbaugh
Joan Shaughnessy
Ryan and Vanita Shaw
Todd and Anne Shaya
Shannon and Amber Shaya
Mofak Shayota
Christopher and Joanne Shea
Aden and Megan Shea
John Sheahan
Bill and Donna Sheehan
Joanne Sheehan
Joseph and Fadia Sheena
Roumel and Majida Sheena
Mary Lou Sheeran
Michael and Rebecca Shelby
Robert and Renee Shelide
John and Linda Shepherd
John and Susan Shovlin
Deborah C. Shuttie
Edward and Deborah Shuttie
Donald and Angela Sierpien
Charles and Rita Simpson
Mark and Jennie Simpson
Steven Simpson
Todd and Wendy Sims
G. Nicole Sinclair
Raid and Linda Sitto
Jeffery and Elizabeth Siver
John and Mary Slocum
David and Jeanine Smith
Beverly L. Smith
Peter and Alicia Smith
Tami L. Smith
Kenneth and Kathleen Snooks
Virginia Snyder
Scott and Melanie Sobas
Kyung H. Soh
Frances L. Solomon
Julius and Michelle Spognardi
William and Rose-Marie Spreitzer
William and Juliana Stackpoole
Jeffrey and Cassandra Steele
Lois Steffy
Chester and Maxine Stempien
Matthew and Margaret Stenger
Willis Stephens
Manfred and Alicia Steudle
Nancy S. Stewart
Ben and Ruth Stewart
William and Melissa Stewart
Barbara Stoffa
Scott Stone
Kathleen M. Strettar
Thomas and Kathleen Strobl
John Stroh
Kathleen Stroh
Thomas and Natalie Suhy
Paul and Phyllis Sullivan
Dennis and Patricia Sullivan
Mary L. Sullivan
Timothy and Anna Sullivan
Margaret A. Surabian
Lazarus and Connie Surabian
Jeffrey and Nikole Swiatkowski
Irvin and Doris Swider
Robert and Diane Swor
Louis and Ingrid Szura
Koh and Nobue Takemoto
James E. Tamm
Charles and Cheri Taunt
Erin Taylor
Sally Teppert
Paul and Bridgett Terrill
William and Majdolin Thomas
Thomas Tiernan
Jerome and Yvonne Timlin
Patrick and Nancy Timlin
Hilary and Mary Ann Timmis
Anthony and Brooke Toma
Steven and Susan Tomba
Marcia and Russell Tournay
James and Laurie Tousignant
Patricia Town
Liborio and Aurelia Tranchida
Charles and Sondra Travers
Richard Travis
C. Timothy and Denise Trenary
James E. Tripp
Joseph Troy
Paul and Kristin Tyll
George and Jane Ulrych
Joan Ureel
Obia and Maureen Uzorka
Ronald and Marylin Valesano
Dean and Judithann Valovich
Thomas and Lucinda Van Dusen
George and Carol Van Duyne, Jr.
Douglas and Bridget VanDagens
Ann L. Vanderlaan
Timothy and Jane VanDusen
Bruce and Margaret Van Voorhis
William and Heather Venner
Anida Venniro
Kelvyn and Carol Ventour
Inez Veraldi
Peter and Connie Vetowich
Daniel L. Villaire, Jr.
Iwona Villaire
Steven and Nicole Vincent
Daniel and Patricia Vivian
Kevin Vogler
Mary Von Koss
Milona Vostal
Joseph and Deborah Voyt
Ryan and Mary Vranesich
David and Marcia Wachowiak
Adam and Jennifer Waechter
Geoffrey D. Wallace
Mark and Janice Wallace
Steve and Brigitte Walmsley
Joseph and Deborah Walsh
Robert and Gladys Walsh
Charlotte C. Walsh
Richard and Carol Walter
Robert Walters
John and Theresa Wangler
Byron and Patricia Warner
Alan and Alicia Washeleski
Colin and Jill Watts
Vincent and Joan Webberly
William and Bridget Weber
Robert and Nancy Weed
Nicholas and Kristina Weier
Carl J. Weiss
Rodney and Mary Welsh
Michael and Kathleen Wendt
L. M. Wenger
John Westerheide
Jerome and Michele Wiater
William and Kathryn Wiechec
Julia A. Wiewiora
Joseph and Alice Wilberding
Tabb and Deanna Wile
Edward C. Wilkie
D. Williams
Lynn Williams-Roche
Christopher and Michelle Winowich
William and Rita Winter
Gloria V. Wise
Mary D. Wisniewski
Donald Wolak
Thomas and Sharon Woods
Millicent G Worrell
Floyd Wyczalek
Kenneth and Joan Wysocki
Christopher and Astrida Wzacny
William Salloum and Suhad Yaldo
Brian and Anwar Yaldoo
Troy and LaVonne Yaldoo
Laith and Mary Ann Yaldoo
Victor Yezbick
Sam and Christina Yono
Perry and Cynthia Yun
Robert and Lisa Zafarana
Nashwan and Holly Zaitouna
Henry and Gloria Zanardelli
Paul and Susan Zarek
Gablan and Renee Zawaideh
Michael and Laura Zeer
Colby T. Zemmin
Dianne B. Zielinski
Robert and Gayle Zimmerer
Catherine Zimmerman
Salah and Awham Zoma
James M. and Louise C. Roche Foundation
Grimaldi Foundation
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Fidelity Charitable
Christine M. Boumansour
Michael C. Boumansour
Christopher and Brigette Bouschet
James and Patricia Bowe
Joseph and Allyson Boyle
Maurice and Mary Brackenbury
Thomas and Margaret Brady
Michael and Lisa Brennan
Michael and Darlene Brennan
James and Dorothy Brenner
Richard and Erin Brockhaus
Mark and Debbie Brolley
James and Margery Brooks
Daniel and Catherine Brooks
Obert and Kathleen Burch
Jeffrey and Kathleen Brown
Michael and Karen Brown
David and Alyson Brown
Lisa Browne
Michael and Patricia Brozek
Kristen A. Brunhofer-Sheehy
Corey and Johanna Bryce
David and Sarah Bubb
Robert and Monica Burgess
Robert and Billie Busch
Marjorie Buszta
Thomas and Kathleen Butkovich
Joseph and Susan Butkovich
Angelo and Lauren Buttazzoni
Shawn and Linda Byrnes
Anthony and Gretchen Caccamo
Jaime and Ascencion Calaguas
Colin and Amy Callaghan
John and Ellie Callaghan
Patrick and Sandra Callahan
William and Marjeanne Camp
Margaret M. Campbell
Mark and Amy Carroll
John and Margaret Carroll
Howard and Edyta Carter
Brian and Margaret Casey
Roy and Therese Cataldo
Donald Cavanaugh
Wayne and Adoracion Chang
John and Therese Chioini
Paul and Denise Choukourian
Jacquelyn Ciupak
James and Lisa Clark
Bradley and Leslie Ann Cochran
Dorothy T. Cole
Brian and Janae Condit
Charles and Sheila Conklin
Philip and Valerie Conway
Timothy and Maureen Conway
Bob and Susan Corden
Andrew and Vladimira Corej
Thomas J. Cortiana
David and Lanie Cosgrove
Helen S. Costello
Burke and Patti Cueny
Denise A. Cummings
Joseph and Brenda Cunningham
Jason and Lauryn Curis
Anthony and Theresa Dalimonte
Donors to the Catholic Services Appeal
Vincent and Sandra Abatemarco
Sathab Abbo
Marianne H. Abdoo
John and Jill Abelarde
Nail and Sarah Abro
Michael and Renee Acho
Michael and Lora Adam
George and Margaret Adams
Anne M. Adams
Paul and Helen Adesko
Obioma and Chinyere Agomuch
Tina Aguirre
Patrick and Sandra Ainslie
Kelly J. Akers
James and Karen Akouri
Ghassan and Jennifer Alkamano
Michael and Christine Allen
Saber and Jeanine Ammori
Enoud Ammori
Concepcion Ancog
William and Angela Anders
David and Lori Anderson
Dean and Annette Askounis
Buddy Atchoo
Frances M. Atkinson
Joseph Atto
Blaise and Ethel Audet
Ronald and Lisa Bajorek
Christopher and Lindsay Baker
Esther J. Baker
Layth and Noreen Barash
Michael and Suzanne Barczak
Todd and Carla Bartlett
Mary Bartush Jones
Scott and Tracey Batey
Nancy A. Batlemento
Luke Wuotinen and Laura Baucus
Thomas E. Bazil
Demetrios and Carolyn Becharas
Brian and Sara Bell
David and Sarah Bello
William and Karmyn Benton
Gary and Carolyn Berg
Mark and Kellie Berg
Joseph and Nicola Bergin
Norbert and Virginia Bergmann
Stephen and Mary Bergmann
Judith Berkheimer
Timothy and Jo Berry
Ada M. Bessaga
Anne M. Bielman
Beth A. Bihl
Timothy Dunn and Cynthia Billings
Mary J. Birchler
David and Dale Birchler
Jeffrey and Lisa Birkett
Susan M. Bixler
Hank and Peggy Bodiya
Louis Bogart
Ralph and Peggy Bonanata
Daniel and Patricia Bonbrisco
Edward and Marlen Borio
Edward Borio
Adam and Lee Bosek
John and Christine Darby
Louise Darin
Ann Davis
David and Pamela Debono
Kevin and Contessa Denha
John and Mary Deters
Paul and Mary Ann Deters
Margaret Devine
Christopher and Julianne Devine
Clyde and Stacey Dick
Eugene and Georgia Dixon
John Dolan
Michael and Deborah Dolenga
John and Roseann Donaldson
Louis and Mary Margaret Donato
Marcia J. Doppke
Timothy and Holly Drimby
Timothy and Emily Drobot
Joseph and Judith Drobot
Michael and Sarah DuBay
Francis and Karen Dudek
Gunnar and Maria Dudlar
Gregory and Maureen
David and Margaret DuMouchel
John and Karen Duncan
James and Marcia Dunlop
John and Donna Dunn
Gary and Katherine Durak
Patrick and Kathleen Durbin
Ronald and Agnes Dwyer
Shirley Dylewski
Mary A. Dziurlikowski
Kevin and Catherine Edwards
Robert and Suzanne Egan
Michael Ramey and Melody Eide
Natiq and Sulafa Elia
Sean and Sewan Elia
Eric and Mary Emmons
Janet K. Enguehard
Lucille Entwistle
Richard and Alessandra Ercolani
Mark and Ami Espinal
Martin and Laura Espinosa
Robert and Jayne Esshaki
Scott and Katherine Everly
John and Mary Sue Everly
Joseph and Amy Failla
Robert and Rose Falberg
Fadi Farraj
William Farrand and Lynne Hammaker
Robert and Carolyn Fascetti
John and Camille Fath
Matthew G. Faust
Emmett Feely
Fiorentino and Flavia Ferrari
Edward and Joan Figura
Douglas and Mara Filo
Andrew and Joanne Finnorn
Philip and Barbara Fioravante
David and Elizabeth Fischer
John and Mary Fitzpatrick
Michael and Amy Fitzpatrick
Guy and Martha Flannery
Eugenia Florek
Patrick and Ann Marie Flynn
Joseph and Susan Fontanesi
William and Therese Fortney
James and Rebecca Fox
Kirenza and Iman Francis
Anton and Ursula Franek
John and Kathleen Frasco
Mark and Nancy Frey
Lawrence and Debbie Friedman
Julie S. Fries
Frank and Judith Frye
John and Lisa Furton
John Gallagher
John and Joy Garber
Theresa Gardner
Daniel and Kathleen Gates
Josephine Gehringer
Mark and Catherine Geraghty
Alice Gerback
Richard Gibbs
Jim and Mona Gibson
Angelina S. Giffels
Don and Elizabeth Gill
Michael and Maureen Gill
Lois A. Girardot
Charles E. Gleeson
Julianne Gleeson
Natalie S. Glime
Jeffrey and Jennifer Goforth
Carol Goldstein
Mary Gonne
Reid and Kari Gough
Thomas Grace
Thomas and Lori Green
Scott and Diane Greyerbiehl
David and Mary Grobbel
Bret and Traci Gruley
Gilbert and Jennifer Gugni
Saad and Suzan Gumma
Kevin and Gail Haffey
Lillian Hajjar
Janet K. Hall
Thomas Halling
Robert and Christina Hanania
George and Christi Hanzel
Robert and Rana Harb
Jeffrey and Janice Hausman
Jeffrey and Kimberly Hawes
Steven and Susan Hay
Andrew and Jennifer Hayes
Robert Hebert
William and M. Suzanne Hehs
Vincentia Hepp
Alan and Renee Herster
Cesar and Aurelia Hidalgo
Robert and Indira Higgins
Patrick Higgins
Sean and Colleen Higgins
Mark and Jean Hillman
James and Trudy Hoen
Robert and Barbara Hoey
Mark and Deborah Hoffman
Robert and Lori Hogan
John and Isabel Holland
Charles and Ruth Houff
David and Cathy Howe
Richard and Linda Howting
Charles and Loretta Hrdlicka
Charles and Haley Hrdlicka
Mary D. Hubbell
Kristine Huckabay
Thomas and Mary Hughes
Donald and Maureen Huldin
Donald and Maureen Huldin
Osama and Rita Jabro
Donald and Elizabeth Jacobites
Eugene and Patricia Jacoby
Julian and Ban Jaddou
Robert and Mary Jaklevic
Constance Jaroh
Richard and Sandra Jeffries
John and Jody Jennings
Eugene and Barbara Johns
Karl and Frances Johnson
Wayne and Beth Jolly
Coleman and Marie-Christine Jones
Albert and Grace Jonna
Joseph and Tamara Jonna
Imad and Ban Jonna
Jeffrey and Joanne Jorissen
Borce and Megan Josifovski
Mary Ellen Judd
David and Tracy Kachel
Larry and Roseanne Kaitner
Paul J. Kajy
Saad and Kristie Kalabat
Duraid and Naver Kalasho
John and Jameela Kallabat
Martin and Heide Kamber
Garrett and Pamela Kanehann
Mark and Janel Karcher
Theodore and Patricia Karpowicz
Christopher and Joni Kase
Ron and Danielle Kattoo
Patrick and Gardenia Kattoo
Robert and Sharon Kausler
Falih and Zeena Kazanji
Garrett and Kathleen Keais
David and Elizabeth Keblaitis
Richard and Moira Keefer
John and Mary Keegan
Scott Keeter and Jane Yatooma
Ted C. Kennedy
Carolyn M. Kennedy
Thomas and Jodie Kennedy
Peter and Sarah Kepic
Francis and Meg Kevane
Mazin and Nahda Khemmoro
Michael and Anne Khoury
Michael and Ruth Kiefer
Francis and Lucy King
John and Barbara King
Susan K. Kinloch
Michael and Kimberly Kinna
John and Nazik Kissinger
Ramzy and Susan Kizy
Kawwam Kizy
Robert and Louise Klein
Michael and Anne Klima
Jason and Mikah Klingensmith
Russell and Rose Klix
Ercument and Mona Kocak
Mary Kokeny
Gregory and Heather Kolwich
Daniel and Sonja Komendera
Paul and E. Martha Komives
Julian and Peggy Kopacz
Msgr. Chuck Kosanke
Richard Koslowski and Pamela Stec
Kostan and Eleni Kostopoulos
Daniel and Margaret Kowal
Walter and Maureen Kowal
Christopher and Sara Kowal
Douglas and Tina Krizanic
Edward and Margaret Kronk
Edward and Linda Kruske
Wilma D. Kuhn
Michael and Meredith Kulka
Donald and Jeanne Kunz
Roger and Kathleen LaDuke
Joseph and Mary LaHood
Elaine Laichalk
Sanford and Cecilia Lakin
John and Mary Lamarche
Patricia Lampe
John and Margaret Lane
John and Barbara Lane
Eric and Katherine Larson
Theodore LaVergne
Charles H. Lawton
Louis Lawrence
Terry and Lynn Ledwidge
Thomas and Kathryn Lee
Robert and Donna Leland
Janis A. Lemon
Anton and Linda Letica
Mary Letscher
Frank and Lorraine Lewandowski
Georgette B. Lhyle
Karl and Suzanne Lieder
Barbara Lievois
Chris and Michelle Lievois
Kurt and Karen Lilley
Terry Lindner
Marlene Linn
George and Mia Livingstone
Robert and Rosemary Loesch
Robert and Madeline Lokar
Maria Longley
Michael and Diane Lueck
Chris and Ruth Lynch
Harry and Joan Lyon
Noel and Amy Lyon
Evelyn N. MacIntyre
Lawrence and Amy MacLean
Lawrence and Mary MacLean
Mary L. Maher
Sahir and Hala Malki
Ziad and Nadia Mansour
Michael and Megan Marderosian
Alberto Mariano
Carol L. Markley
Anna Mart
Marick and Sally Masters
Vincent and Kathleen Mastrangelo
Gene and Catharine Matti
Mary T. Mayer
Christopher Mazur
Richard and Catherine Mazur
Timothy and Janet McCafferty
Christopher and Megan McCarthy
Joseph and Susan McCarthy
Thomas McConnell
Paul and Mary Anne McCoy
Tlanda McDonald
Jack and Sally McGrath
Micheal and Rose McHugh
Michael and Mary McKay
John and Sally McKendry
Howard McKenna
Roderick and Mary McLachlan
Thomas McMaster
Sean and Veronica McNally
Barbara McNally
Stephen and Jenifer McNulty
Daniel McNulty
Mary McPhee
Michael and Katherine McRae
Charles and Josephine Melekian
Rafael E. Melendez and Maria Maddalena
Relli Silvani
Adolfo and Rebecca Melicor
Andrew and Cristy Melicor
Darrin and Jacki Mertz
Terrence and Elizabeth Meter
Hadeer and Ann Michael
Lawrence H. Michalak and Alison Thorburn
Joseph and Ibby Michalik
Lawrence and Claire Michelini
Daniel and Pamela Michelini
Lynn and Kathryn Miller
Lillian Miller
Michael and Pamela Minelli
Jim and Loretta Mirro
Thomas and Janice Moening
Robert and Marcia Moglia
Sheila S. Mohr
Henry and Julia Mollicone
Richard and Patricia Molloy
Mary Molloy
Gerald and Mary Mooney
Christopher and Colleen Moore
J. Michael and Carolyn Moore
John and Marcia Morad
Virgilio and Ceres Morales
Michael and Patricia Moran
Mike and Brigette Moran
Michael and Marina Moriarty
Rita Morisette
Bradford and Carrie Muller
Donald and Joyce Muno
Steven and Pamel Murdock
Thomas and Ann Murray
Ed and Donna Myles
Basil and Hana Najar
Richard and Ann Namin
Dino and Jennifer Nardicchio
Aziz and Judy Naser
Robert and Allison Nelson
Bruce and Shirley Nelson
John and Tinney Newman
Suzanne L. Nichols
Donald and Kathleen Noble
Gregory and Tara Nodland
Phyllis A. Nolan
Barbara Norman
J. Douglas and Gwen North
Susan Norton
Michael and Anna Nuhn
Chidi and Ifechide Nwabueze
Virginia C O'Brien
Eileen O'Brien Thees
Michael and Karen O'Hara
Patrick and Mary Ann O'Leary
John and Carmen O'Shea
Michael and Patricia Olevnik
Chris and Indira Onwuzurike
Phid and Nkechi Onwuzurike
Badie and Gina Oraha
Gary and Bushra Oram
Randy and Hind Oram
Henry and Helen Orr
Mark Ousachi
Lisa Owens
James Owens
Carl and Laurie Papa
Mary Paquin
Anthony and Veronica Parrottino
Timothy and Eve Parsons
Chuck and Leisa Passarelli
Timothy Patrick
Stephen and Carol Paul
Thomas and Elizabeth Payne
Kenneth and Natalie Pellegrino
Scott and Cynthia Penrod
Luis and Joanne Perez
Domenica Petrella
Ruth Petrous
Carla A. Pettigrew
Raymond and Clare Pety
James W. Pitcher
Heather L. Pitcher
William and Roberta Platten
Ted and Joan Podeszwa
Timothy and Alexandra Pollard
Vincent and Mary Lou Porrazzo
Jean Porter
David and Cynthia Price
Robert and Mary Clare Pulte
Thomas and Molly Pulte
Mark and Julie Pulte
Delphine B. Puscas
William and Marilynn Quasney
Barbara F. Quinn
Roberto and Emilia Quizon
Guenther and Kristin Raab
Helaine Rabuck
Dolores K. Radtke
Michael and JoAnne Randall
Jason and Toree Randall
Joseph and Nancy Recknagel
Elizabeth Reiha
Barbara Reilly
Gerald and Karen Reinhart
Rose Mary Ricelli
Paul and Susanne Richardson
Matthew Riker
Pasquele and Amy Rinaldo
Patrick and Meghan Rivard
Theresa Rizer
Ian and Renee Roberson
Mark and Anne Roberts
Douglas Roche, Sr.
Robert and Nancy Rogers
Najla Romain
Norbert and Aziza Roosen
Michael and Rachel Roumaya
Thomas and Julie Rownd
William and Annette Royce
Lawrence and Norinne Rozman
Emilio Rusciano
Christopher and Janet Ruth
John and Bede Ryan
Paul and Sharon Saarinen
William Salloum and Suhad Yaldo
George and Lyla Salloum
Mary J. Samberg
David and Susan Sanders
Timothy Sante
Kenneth and Coline Sarafa
Allan and Rachel Sarkisian
Michael and Elizabeth Sarzynski
William Schafer
Gary and Patricia Schleif
Donald Schmaltz
Winfried and Anita Schnitzler
Eric and Diane Schomer
John Schultz
R. and Judith Schulz
James and Kathy Schwartz
Edward and Nancy Schwartz
Paul and Melissa Schwarzenberg
Waad and Laura Seba
Edwin and Carolyn Secord
Adam and Crysta Seneski
Peter and Janine Shaman
Burley Sharbaugh
Joan Shaughnessy
Todd and Anne Shaya
Roumel and Majida Sheena
Mary Lou Sheeran
Michael and Rebecca Shelby
Robert and Renee Shelide
Matthew Shouneyia
Mark and Jennie Simpson
Todd and Wendy Sims
Imad and Hayfa Sitto
Ray and Linda Sitto
John and Mary Slocum
David and Jeanine Smith
Tami L. Smith
David and Heather Sofran
Frances L. Solomon
Julius and Michelle Spognardi
William and Rose Spreitzer
William and Juliana Stackpoole
Jeffrey and Cassandra Steele
Lois Steffy
Matthew and Margaret Stenger
Manfred and Alicia Steudle
William and Melissa Stewart
Nancy S. Stewart
Barbara Stoffa
Kathleen M. Strettar
Kathleen Stroh
Alan Stuart
Mary L. Sullivan
Paul and Phyllis Sullivan
Patricia K. Sullivan
Margaret A. Surabian
Doris Swider
Louis and Ingrid Szura
Paul and Bridgett Terrill
William and Majdolin Thomas
Jerome and Yvonne Timlin
Patrick and Nancy Timlin
Steven and Susan Tomba
James and Laurie Tousignant
Patricia Town
Charles and Sondra Travers
Richard Travis
C. Timothy and Denise Trenary
Ronald and Marylin Valesano
Thomas and Lucinda Van Dusen
George and Carol Van Duyne, Jr.
Bruce and Margaret Van Voorhis
William and Heather Venner
Anida Venniro
Kelvyn and Carol Ventour
Inez Veraldi
Peter and Connie Vetowich
Iwona Villaire
Daniel L. Villaire, Jr.
Steven and Nicole Vincent
Mary Von Koss
Milona Vostal
Dave and Marcia Wachowiak
Adam and Jennifer Waechter
Mark and Janice Wallace
Robert and Gladys Walsh
Joseph and Deborah Walsh
Charlotte C. Walsh
Richard and Carol Walter
John and Theresa Wangler
Alan and Alicia Washeleski
Colin and Jill Watts
Vincent and Joan Webberly
Robert and Nancy Weed
Michael and Kathleen Wendt
Sis Wenger
John Westerheide
Ana Whitcroft
William and Kathryn Wiechec
Julia A. Wiewiora
Murray and Nan Wikol
Joseph and Alice Wilberding
Ian and Kathy Wild
Edward C. Wilkie
Rebecca and Richard Wiltgen
Christopher and Michelle Winowich
Bill and Rita Winter
Gloria V. Wise
Mary D. Wisniewski
Thomas and Sharon Woods
Millicent G Worrell
Kenneth and Joan Wysocki
Christopher and Astrida Wzacny
Steven and Ban Yaldo
Brian and Anwar Yaldoo
Laith and Mary Ann Yaldoo
Troy and LaVonne Yaldoo
Victor Yezbick
Sam and Christina Yono
Maryland L. Youhana
Perry and Cynthia Yun
Robert and Lisa Zafarana
Gablan and Renee Zawaideh
Michael and Laura Zeer
Colby T. Zemmin
Dianne B. Zielinski
Robert and Gayle Zimmerer
Catherine Zimmerman
Agnes T. Donati
Kenneth and Anne-Marie Fry
Garrett and Kathleen Keais
Carolyn M. Kennedy
Ted C. Kennedy
Susan K. Kinloch
Karen Manvel
Daniel McClorey
J. Michael and Carolyn Moore
Elizabeth Newman
Todd and Anne Shaya
Nancy S. Stewart
Regin Ustick
AJ Desmond & Sons Funeral Directors
Knights of Columbus
Joseph and Susan Butkovich
Johan and Margaret Carroll
Ann Davis
Mary Doll
Patrick and Kathleen Durbin
Shirley Dylewski
Lucille Entwistle
Eugenia Florek
Buena Gatasi
Josephine Gehringer
Angelina S. Giffels
Don and Elizabeth Gill
Scott and Diane Greyerbiehl
Ann E. Grier
Janet K. Hall
Thomas Halling
James and Trudy Hoen
Kristine Huckabay
Donald and Elizabeth Jacobites
Constance Jaroh
Mary Louise Joseph
Donald and Jeanne Kunz
Andrew Langlands
Mary Letscher
Barbara Lievois
Michael and Diane Lueck
Lillian L. Maben
Evelyn N. MacIntyre
Lawrence and Amy MacLean
Mary L. Maher
Sue Malleis
Maureen A. Marshall
Gene and Catharine Matti
Tlanda McDonald
Michael and Rose McHugh
Donors for Bequests and General Donations
James and Karen Akouri
Kristen A Brunhofer-Sheehy
Joseph and Susan Butkovich
Carmella Cappuccilli
Kristie L Cehanowicz
Donors to the Flower Fund
Frances M. Atkinson
Louis F. Badalament
Theresa Badalament
Esther J. Baker
Michael and Suzanne Barczak
Mary Bartush Jones
Nancy A Batlemento
Joyce M. Blazejewski
Edward and Marlen Borio
Edward Borio
Obert Burch and Kathleen Brooks
William and Carolyn Brownfield
Lillian Miller
James and Loretta Mirro
J. Michael and Carolyn Moore
John and Marcia Morad
Bradford and Carrie Muller
Phyllis A Nolan
Eileen O’Brien Thees
Michael and Patricia Olevnik
Carla A Pettrigrew
Raymond and Clare Pety
Timothy and Alexis Pollard
Dolores K. Radtke
Joseph and Nancy Recknagel
Douglas Roche, Sr.
George Salloum
William Schafer
Robert and Renee Shelide
David and Jeanine Smith
Kathleen M. Strettar
Kathleen Stroh
Paul and Phyllis Sullivan
Inez Varaldi
John and Theresa Wangler
Gloria V. Wise
Thomas and Sharon Woods
Millicent G. Worrell
Robert and Liza Zafarana
John and Mary Kemp
Robert and Cindy Kuzynski
Katie Leoni
Joanne R. Leoni
Diane Leoni
Larry Lyons
Edward and Deann Marek
Marisa Petrella
Diane L. Plafchan
Robert and Carol Plafchan
Lory Plafchan
Thomas and Kathleen Balch
Neal J. Robin
Gerard and Kathleen Saporito
Ryan and Amy Senk
Sarit Thorp
Joan Walsh
Dearborn Federation Teachers
John and Nazik Kissinger
Ramzy and Susan Kizy
Jason and Mikah Klingensmith
Ercument and Mona Kocak
Gregory and Heather Kolwich
Daniel and Margaret Kowal
Christopher and Sara Kowal
Michael and Meredith Kulka
John and Mary Lamarche
Thomas and Kathryn Lee
Pamela Lindner
Mary T. Liszewski
Lewis and Susan Lockwood
Patrick Lowman
Lawrence and Amy MacLean
Megan and Michael Marderosian
Vincent and Kathleen Mastrangelo
Louise McAra
Christopher and Jennifer McCuiston
Micheal and Rose McHugh
Sean and Veronica McNally
Darrin and Jacki Mertz
Hadeer and Ann Michael
Christopher and Colleen Moore
Michael and Marina Moriarty
Thomas and Ann Murray
John and Tinney Newman
Elizabeth Newman
Gregory and Tara Nodland
Kenneth and Natalie Pellegrino
Eric and Sara Peterson
Nicholas and Julie Pietrosante
Guenther and Kristin Raab
Peter Remington
Dennis and Anne Renaud
Pasquele and Amy Rinaldo
Patrick and Meghan Rivard
William and Annette Royce
Joseph Saad
Gerard and Kathleen Saporito
Kenneth and Coline Sarafa
Paul and Shannon Schmaltz
Eric and Diane Schomer
R. Stanley and Judith Schulz
Edward and Nancy Schwartz
Paul and Melissa Schwarzenberg
Christopher and Melanie Scott
Ryan and Amy Senk
Edward and Megan Shaffer
Peter and Janine Shaman
Todd and Anne Shaya
Aden and Megan Shea
Roumel and Majida Sheena
Robert and Renee Shelide
Mark and Jen Simpson
Raid and Linda Sitto
Jeffery and Elizabeth Siver
David and Jeanine Smith
Tami L. Smith
David and Heather Sofran
Julius and Michelle Spognardi
Matthew and Margaret Stenger
William and Melissa Stewart
Louis and Ingrid Szura
Bradley and Tracee Tewilliager
John and Christine Thibault
James and Lynette DeBene
Anthony and Brooke Toma
Paul and Kristin Tyll
Joan Ureel
William and Heather Venner
Daniel L. Villaire, Jr.
Iwona Villaire
Steven and Nicole Vincent
Joseph and Deborah Walsh
Tom and Sandi Wydra
Steven and Ban Yaldo
Troy and LaVonne Yaldoo
Laith and Mary Ann Yaldoo
Sam and Christina Yono
Ray and Ann Yousef
Gablan and Renee Zawaideh
Becharas Brothers Coffee Company
BlackEagle Partners
Doeren Mayhew Insurance
Empire Embroidery and Screenprinting
Fredrick Jewelers
Goldfish Swim School
Gray Chiropractic & Wellness Center
Hall & Hunter
JB Donaldson Company
Jonna Luxury Homes
Karcher Agency
LHC, Inc.
Marian High School
Market Square
Michigan Beer Growler Co.
Michigan Warriors Lacrosse
Mike Kinna State Farm Insurance Agency
Perfect Expressions
Salon Skye
Schwartz Holdings, LLC
The Remington Group
Wireless Vision, LLC
Donors to St. Regis Catholic School
Alicia Bachman
Kathleen K. Barker
Jeremy Brandt
Barbara Cataldo
John Cherney
Danielle Clements
Stephen Cybinski
Jennifer N. Daniels
John and Lynette Dzeroogean
Elizabeth A. Elias
John and Kay Foust
Kirenza and Iman Francis
Kathryn A. Geary
Salvatore and Mary Gianino
Joanne T. Hamo
Ann Hoyt
Peggy James
William and Kathy Jurewicz
St. Regis Catholic School Black & White Gala Attendees
Sathab Abbo
Michael and Renee Acho
George and Margaret Adams
James and Karen Akouri
Saber and Jeanine Ammori
Michael and Denise Ball
Layth and Noreen Barash
Scott and Tracey Batey
Luke Wuotinen and Laura Baucus
Demetrios and Carolyn Becharas
Brian and Sara Bell
Beth A. Bihl
Ed and Mary Blanch
Christopher and Brigette Bouschet
Richard and Erin Brockhaus
Daniel and Catherine Brooks
Jeffrey and Kathryn Brown
Russell and Donna Brown
David and Alyson Brown
Michael and Patricia Brozek
David and Sarah Bubb
Colin and Amy Callaghan
John and Ellie Callaghan
Mark and Amy Carroll
Paul and Denise Choukourian
James and Lisa Clark
Brian and Janae Condit
Michael and Lisa Cook
Bob and Susan Corden
David and Lanie Cosgrove
Jason and Lauryn Curis
John and Christine Darby
Kevin and Contessa Denha
Christopher and Julianne Devine
Lisa DiStefano
John and Roseann Donaldson
Michael and Sarah DuBay
Gunnar and Maria Dudlar
Sean and Sewan Elia
Richard and Alessandra Ercolai
Scott and Katherine Everly
William Farrand and Lynne Hammaker
Matthew and Audrey Faust
Patrick and Ann Marie Flynn
Kirenza and Iman Francis
Eric Gardner
Mike and Maureen Gill
Marina C. Gleeson
Nicholas and Shanna Gorga
Scott and Diane Greyerbiehl
David and Mary Grobbel
Bret and Traci Gruley
George and Christi Hanzel
Andrew and Jennifer Hayes
Katherine M. Herb
Robert and Indira Higgins
James and Trudy Hoen
Robert and Lori Hogan
Thomas and Mary Hughes
Bryan and Patricia Hughes
Anne Hughes
Brigid Jackson
Julian and Ban Jaddou
John and Jody Jennings
Joseph and Tamara Jonna
Larry and Roseanne Kaitner
Saad and Kristie Kalabat
Garrett and Pamela Kanehann
Mark and Janel Karcher
Christopher and Joni Kase
Patrick and Gardenia Kattoo
Robert and Sharon Kausler
Garrett and Kathleen Keais
David and Elizabeth Keblaitis
John and Leila Kello
Carolyn M. Kennedy
Thomas and Jodie Kennedy
Ted C. Kennedy
Peter and Sarah Kepic
Francis and Meg Kevane
Laura Keziah
Francis and Lucy King
Michael and Kimberly Kinna
Quinn and Alexis Kiriluk
Event Sponsors and Advertisers
Michael and Renee Acho
Brian and Sara Bell
Daniel and Catherine Brooks
Jeffrey and Kathry Brown
Michael and Patricia Brozek
Thomas and Mary Chisholm
James and Lisa Clark
Brian and Janae Condit
John and Roseanne Donaldson
Michael and Sarah DuBay
Nicholas and Shanna Gorga
Francis and Carol Grombala
Katherine M. Herb
Thomas and Mary Hughes
Carolyn M. Kennedy
Ted C. Kennedy
Patrick and Mary Anne O’Leary
Chris and Indira Onwuzurike
Patrick and Meghan Rivard
Christopher and Melanie Scott
Mark and Jen Simpson
Jeffrey and Elizabeth Siver
Tami L. Smith
Louis and Ingrid Szura
Adam and Jennifer Waechter
AJ Desmond & Sons Funeral Directors
Regis Run Supporters
Proceeds from the 2015 Regis Run benefited the St. Regis Tuition Angels Financial Aid Fund and the WIWD Foundation.
George and Margaret Adams
Marisol Aguilar
Nnenna Aguwa
Kelly J. Akers
Ghassan and Jennifer Alkamano
William and Angela Anders
Vincent Anwunah
Dean and Annette Askounis
Robert and Maryann Barnes
Scott and Tracey Batey
Luke Wuotinen and Laura Baucus
Demetrios and Carolyn Becharas
Brian and Sara Bell
William and Karmyn Benton
Terry and Sarah Benyo
Judith Berkheimer
Daniel Berry
Beth A. Bihl
Catherine Boston
Debbie Boussie
Jeffrey and Kathryn Brown
Michael and Patricia Brozek
Kristen A. Brunhofer-Sheehy
John and Ellie Callaghan
Mark and Amy Carroll
Charles and Julie Chisholm
James and Lisa Clark
James and Julie Comer
Brian and Janae Condit
Michael and Lisa Cook
Bob and Susan Corden
David and Lanie Cosgrove
David and Marchelle Costa
Therese Costello
James DeBene and Lynette Timlin-DeBene
Kevin and Contessa Denha
Paul and Mary Ann Deters
Christopher and Julianne Devine
Renee Dillard
Jahmal and Kimberly Dokes
John and Roseann Donaldson
Michael and Sarah DuBay
Richard and Alessandra Ercolani
Mark and Amy Espinal
Martin and Laura Espinosa
Scott and Katherine Everly
Fares F. Farraj
Edward and Joan Figura
Patrick and Ann Marie Flynn
Anne-Marie Fry
Eric Gardner
Daniel and Kathleen Gates
Mark and Catherine Geraghty
Mike and Maureen Gill
Marina C. Gleeson
Daniel Goralczyk
Nicholas and Shanna Gorga
Bret and Traci Gruley
George and Christi Hanzel
Katherine M. Herb
Julie Higgins
Robert and Lori Hogan
Jeremiah Hollis
Thomas and Mary Hughes
Brian and Miko Jeffries
Scott Jenney
Connor Jessup
Christopher and Joni Kase
Ron and Danielle Kattoo
Robert and Sharon Kausler
Garrett and Kathleen Keais
John and Leila Kello
Carolyn M. Kennedy
Thomas and Jodie Kennedy
Ted C. Kennedy
John and Nazik Kissinger
Jason and Mikah Klingensmith
Gregory and Heather Kolwich
Susan Kouvaris
Daniel and Margaret Kowal
Christopher and Sara Kowal
John and Mary Lamarche
Thomas and Kathryn Lee
Pamela Lindner
Terry Lindner
Mary T. Liszewski
Noel and Amy Lyon
Lisa M. Mancini
William Markley
Kevin and Stacey Mason
Sean Mattingly
Bryan McCaffrey
Christopher and Jennifer McCuiston
Stephen and Jenifer McNulty
Darrin and Jacki Mertz
Hadeer and Ann Michael
Lynn and Kathryn Miller
Gregory and Lisa Miracle
Christopher and Colleen Moore
Thomas and Ann Murray
Robert and Allison Nelson
John and Tinney Newman
Gregory and Tara Nodland
J. Douglas and Gwen North
Chidi and Ifechide Nwabueze
Chris and Indira Onwuzurike
Megan Parks
Eric and Sara Peterson
Nicholas and Julie Pietrosante
Paul and Susan Pilzner
Thomas and Molly Pulte
Guenther and Kristin Raab
Gerald and Karen Reinhart
Patrick and Meghan Rivard
Tina L. Salloum
Kenneth and Coline Sarafa
Paul and Shannon Schmaltz
Eric and Diane Schomer
R. and Judith Schulz
Paul and Melissa Schwarzenberg
Todd and Anne Shaya
Joanne Sheehan
Robert and Renee Shelide
Maria Silva
Jeffery and Elizabeth Siver
David and Jeanine Smith
Tami L. Smith
David and Heather Sofran
Matthew and Margaret Stenger
William and Melissa Stewart
Allie Still
Blaise Surhigh
Louis and Ingrid Szura
Harold and Suzanne Tesch
Bradley and Tracee Tewilliager
Susan Updike
William and Heather Venner
Iwona Villaire
Steven and Nicole Vincent
Adam and Jennifer Waechter
Colin and Jill Watts
Tabb and Deanna Wile
Edgar and Tracey Williams
Sam and Christina Yono
Ray and Ann Yousef
Gablan and Renee Zawaideh
Michigan Warriors Lacrosse
Kotz Sangster Wysocki P.C.
Hall & Hunter
Wireless Vision LLC
PM Environmental, Inc.
Black Eagle Partners, LLC
Farmbrook Dental Group, PC
Doeren Mayhew Insurance Group
Bank of American Charitable Foundation
Great Expressions Dental Center
John Dolan
Eric and Mary Emmons
Mary D. Hubbell
Richard and Sandra Jeffries
Coleman and Marie-Christine Jones
Jeffrey and Joanne Jorissen
Robert and Madeline Lokar
Roderick and Mary McLachlan
Lawrence H. Michalak and Alison Thorburn
Lillian Miller
Thomas and Janice Moening
Donald and Joyce Muno
Phyllis A. Nolan
Virginia C O'Brien
Therese M. Peron
Raymond and Clare Pety
Gary and Patricia Schleif
Ben and Ruth Stewart
Patricia Town
Mary Von Koss
William and Rita Winter
Charles and Sheila Conklin
Andrew and Vladimira Corej
Helen S. Costello
Michael DiPonio
John Dolan
John and Roseann Donaldson
Marcia J. Doppke
David and Margaret DuMouchel
John and Donna Dunn
Patrick and Kathleen Durbin
Ronald and Agnes Dwyer
Eric and Mary Emmons
John and Mary Sue Everly
Scott and Katherine Everly
Edward and Joan Figura
Andrew and Joanne Finnorn
Anton and Ursula Franek
Julie S. Fries
Frank and Judith Frye
John and Lisa Furton
Richard and Julie Ganfield
Buena Gatasi
Josephine Gehringer
James and Monica Gibson
Don and Elizabeth Gill
Anne S. Grant
Scott and Diane Greyerbiehl
Thomas Halling
Homer and Maureen Harrison
Jeffrey and Janice Hausman
Charles and Ruth Houff
Kristine Huckabay
Ismail and Batoul Jamoua
John and Leila Kello
Michael and Anne Klima
Richard Koslowski and Pamela Stec
Walter and Maureen Kowal
Elaine Laichalk
Jon and Barbara Lane
Paula Law
Frank and Lorraine Lewandowski
Karl and Suzanne Lieder
Barbara Lievois
George and Mirriam Livingstone
Robert and Madeline Lokar
Michael and Diane Lueck
Evelyn N. MacIntyre
Lawrence and Mary MacLean
Mary Jo Mason
Vincent and Kathleen Mastrangelo
Gene and Catharine Matti
John and Sally McGrath
Michael and Katherine McRae
Rafael E. Melendez and Maria Maddalena
Donors to St. Regis Catholic School Tuition Assistance
John and Kristin Impastato
Elizabeth Newman
Nicholas and Kristina Weier
Donors to Archdiocesan Collections
Peter’s Pence
Frances M. Atkinson
Louis F. Badalament
Therese M. Badalament
Maurice and Mary Brackenbury
James and Margery Brooks
Joseph and Susan Butkovich
Joseph and Brenda Cunningham
Michael DiPonio
Catholic Charities
George and Margaret Adams
Michael and Christine Allen
Frances M. Atkinson
Blaise and Ethel Audet
Esther J. Baker
Michael and Suzanne Barczak
A. Louise Bazil
Stephen and Mary Bergmann
Susan M. Bixler
Henry and Peggy Bodiya
Thomas and Margaret Brady
Michael and Lisa Brennan
James and Margery Brooks
Joseph and Susan Butkovich
John and Margaret Carroll
Donald Cavanaugh
Andrew Ciupak
Jacquelyn Ciupak
Relli Silvani
Terrence and Elizabeth Meter
Lynn and Kathryn Miller
Lillian Miller
James and Loretta Mirro
Thomas and Janice Moening
Henry and Julia Mollicone
John and Marcia Morad
Virgilio and Ceres Morales
Bradford and Carrie Muller
Phyllis A. Nolan
Eileen O'Brien Thees
Thomas and Elizabeth Payne
Kenneth and Natalie Pellegrino
Marisa Petrella
Raymond and Clare Pety
David and Cynthia Price
Elizabeth Reiha
Barbara Reilly
Gerald and Karen Reinhart
Rose Mary Ricelli
Diane Rieman
Douglas Roche, Sr.
Michael and Rachel Roumaya
Lawrence and Norinne Rozman
Brett and Jessica Salamin
George Salloum
Jeff and Elizabeth Sands
Winfried and Anita Schnitzler
Joan Shaughnessy
Bill and Donna Sheehan
Mary Lou Sheeran
Nancy S. Stewart
Paul and Phyllis Sullivan
Margaret Surabian
Margaret A. Surabian
Koh and Nobue Takemoto
Sally Teppert
William and Majdolin Thomas
Patricia Town
Charles and Sondra Travers
Mary Von Koss
Joseph and Deborah Walsh
John and Theresa Wangler
William and Kathryn Wiechec
Edward C. Wilkie
William and Rita Winter
Gloria V. Wise
Thomas and Sharon Woods
Millicent G Worrell
Frank and Judith Frye
Coleman and Marie-Christine Jones
Melvin and Linda Koykka
Frank and Lorraine Lewandowski
Robert and Madeline Lokar
John and Sally McGrath
Michael and Katherine McRae
Lawrence H. Michalak and Alison
Raymond and Clare Pety
Jeff and Elizabeth Sands
Patricia Town
Mark and Linda Garcia
Robert and Mary Gariepy
Buena Gatasi
James and Monica Gibson
Angelina S. Giffels
Natalie S. Glime
Thomas and Lori Green
Gilbert and Jennifer Gugni
Terry L. Guthrie
Homer and Maureen Harrison
Jeffrey and Janice Hausman
Robert Hebert
Frederick Heyner
Neil and Eileen Hitz
Anthony and Paula Hopkins
Kevin and Ann Hornick
Charles and Ruth Houff
Mary D. Hubbell
Kristine Huckabay
Ismail and Batoul Jamoua
Constance Jaroh
Richard and Sandra Jeffries
Coleman and Marie-Christine Jones
Arthur and Laura Kelsey
Albert and Elizabeth King
Michael and Anne Klima
Andrew Langlands
Frank and Lorraine Lewandowski
Kevin and Joyce Lewis
Karl and Suzanne Lieder
George and Mirriam Livingstone
Robert and Madeline Lokar
Brian Lokar
Michael and Diane Lueck
Evelyn N. MacIntyre
Lawrence and Mary MacLean
Mary Jo Mason
Marick and Sally Masters
Mary T. Mayer
John and Sally McGrath
Daniel and Jennifer McHenry
Roderick and Mary McLachlan
Daniel McNulty
Michael and Katherine McRae
Charles and Josephine Melekian
Rafael E. Melendez and Maria Maddalena
Relli Silvani
Terrence and Elizabeth Meter
Lawrence H. Michalak and Alison
James and Loretta Mirro
Thomas and Janice Moening
Christopher and Colleen Moore
Virgilio and Ceres Morales
Michael and Marina Moriarty
Thomas and Barbara Nagarah
Chidi and Ifechide Nwabueze
Chris and Indira Onwuzurike
Mary Paquin
Timothy and Eve Parsons
Timothy Patrick
Marisa Petrella
Ruth Petrous
Raymond and Clare Pety
Vincent and Mary Lou Porrazzo
Delphine B. Puscas
Barbara F. Quinn
Leroy Rebar
Elizabeth Reiha
Barbara Reilly
Amy Rich
Paul and Susanne Richardson
Marga Rottach
Michael and Rachel Roumaya
Christopher and Janet Ruth
Dominic and Eileen Sacca
William and Donna Sanders
John Schultz
Joan Shaughnessy
Jeffery and Elizabeth Siver
Therese M. Smith
Kenneth and Kathleen Snooks
Kaethe R. Stella
Manfred and Alicia Steudle
Kathleen M. Strettar
Paul and Phyllis Sullivan
Julia A. Surabian
Sally Teppert
William and Majdolin Thomas
Mary Von Koss
Robert and Gladys Walsh
Vincent and Joan Webberly
Jerome and Michele Wiater
Bridget Wiater
William and Kathryn Wiechec
Lynn Williams-Roche
Millicent G Worrell
Tom and Sandi Wydra
Robert and Lisa Zafarana
Henry and Gloria Zanardelli
Andrew and Joanne Finnorn
Jeffrey and Janice Hausman
Coleman and Marie-Christine Jones
Jon and Barbara Lane
Robert and Madeline Lokar
Michael and Katherine McRae
Elizabeth Reiha
Gerald and Karen Reinhart
Jeff and Elizabeth Sands
Mary Lou Sheeran
Edward C. Wilkie
Andrew and Joanne Finnorn
James and Monica Gibson
Alfred and Laurie Girardot
Janet K. Hall
Jeffrey and Janice Hausman
Richard and Sandra Jeffries
Coleman and Marie-Christine Jones
Michael and Anne Khoury
Walter and Maureen Kowal
Donald and Jeanne Kunz
Jon and Barbara Lane
Terry and Lynn Ledwidge
Frank and Lorraine Lewandowski
Robert and Madeline Lokar
Michael and Katherine McRae
Terrence and Elizabeth Meter
Lawrence H. Michalak and Alison
Donald and Joyce Muno
Ed and Donna Myles
John and Tinney Newman
Vincent and Mary Lou Porrazzo
Barbara F. Quinn
Elizabeth Reiha
Gerald and Karen Reinhart
Jeff and Elizabeth Sands
Joan Shaughnessy
Mary Lou Sheeran
Mary Von Koss
Richard and Carol Walter
Joseph and Alice Wilberding
Edward C. Wilkie
Thomas and Sharon Woods
Church in Eastern Europe
Frances M. Atkinson
Esther J. Baker
James and Margery Brooks
Joseph and Susan Butkovich
Eric and Mary Emmons
Mission Co-op
Tina Aguirre
Buddy Atchoo
Frances M. Atkinson
Blaise and Ethel Audet
Christopher and Lindsay Baker
David and Sarah Bello
Gary and Carolyn Berg
Judith Berkheimer
Timothy and Jo Berry
Louis Bogart
Ralph and Peggy Bonanata
Daniel and Patricia Bonbrisco
Adam and Lee Bosek
Maurice and Mary Brackenbury
James and Margery Brooks
Michael and Karen Brown
Joseph and Susan Butkovich
Shawn and Linda Byrnes
Andrew and Vladimira Corej
Wallace Creek
John Cueter
Joseph and Brenda Cunningham
Frank Czarniecki
John and Mary Deters
Brenda Dickow
John Dolan
Anthony and Barbara Dulio
Eric and Mary Emmons
Mark and Ami Espinal
Scott and Katherine Everly
William Farrand and Lynne Hammaker
Anton and Ursula Franek
Frank and Judith Frye
John and Lisa Furton
Catholic Relief Services
Edward and Marlen Borio
James and Margery Brooks
Obert and Kathleen Burch
John Dolan
Retired Religious
Blaise and Ethel Audet
Edward and Marlen Borio
James and Margery Brooks
Obert Burch and Kathleen Brooks
Joseph and Susan Butkovich
Joseph and Brenda Cunningham
John and Mary Deters
John Dolan
David and Margaret DuMouchel
Patrick and Kathleen Durbin
Eric and Mary Emmons
William Farrand and Lynne Hammaker
Priests’ Retirement
Blaise and Ethel Audet
Michael and Suzanne Barczak
Edward Borio
Maurice and Mary Brackenbury
James and Margery Brooks
Wayne and Adoracion Chang
Philip and Valerie Conway
Joseph and Brenda Cunningham
Lucien and Dolores DiSalvo
John Dolan
Shirley Dylewski
Andrew and Joanne Finnorn
Anton and Ursula Franek
John and Amy Frasco
Frank and Judith Frye
John and Joy Garber
James and Monica Gibson
Alfred and Laurie Girardot
Gilbert and Jennifer Gugni
Jeffrey and Janice Hausman
Charles and Ruth Houff
Coleman and Marie-Christine Jones
John and Barbara King
Douglas and Tina Krizanic
Jon and Barbara Lane
Terry and Lynn Ledwidge
Robert and Donna Leland
Karl and Suzanne Lieder
Robert and Madeline Lokar
Lawrence and Mary MacLean
Marick and Sally Masters
John and Sally McGrath
Michael and Katherine McRae
Charles and Josephine Melekian
Lawrence H. Michalak and Alison
Thomas and Janice Moening
Ed and Donna Myles
John and Tinney Newman
Phyllis A. Nolan
Badie and Gina Oraha
Elizabeth Reiha
Gerald and Karen Reinhart
Jeff and Elizabeth Sands
Joan Shaughnessy
Mary Lou Sheeran
Irvin and Doris Swider
William and Majdolin Thomas
Marcia and Russell Tournay
Patricia Town
Charles and Sondra Travers
William and Kathryn Wiechec
Joseph and Alice Wilberding
Gloria V. Wise
Thomas and Sharon Woods
Edward and Joan Figura
Andrew and Joanne Finnorn
Anton and Ursula Franek
Frank and Judith Frye
Josephine Gehringer
James and Monica Gibson
Angelina S. Giffels
Alfred and Laurie Girardot
Scott and Diane Greyerbiehl
Homer and Maureen Harrison
Jeffrey and Janice Hausman
Jeffrey and Kimberly Hawes
William and M Suzanne Hehs
Vincentia Hepp
Charles and Ruth Houff
Kristine Huckabay
Richard and Sandra Jeffries
Coleman and Marie-Christine Jones
Jeffrey and Joanne Jorissen
Michael and Anne Klima
Donald and Jeanne Kunz
Joseph and Mary LaHood
John and Margaret Lane
Robert and Donna Leland
Mary Letscher
Frank and Lorraine Lewandowski
Karl and Suzanne Lieder
George and Mirriam Livingstone
Robert and Madeline Lokar
Evelyn N. MacIntyre
Lawrence and Mary MacLean
Vincent and Kathleen Mastrangelo
Roderick and Mary McLachlan
Michael and Katherine McRae
Charles and Josephine Melekian
Rafael E. Melendez and Maria Maddalena
Relli Silvani
Terrence and Elizabeth Meter
Lillian Miller
Thomas and Janice Moening
David Mohr
Sheila S. Mohr
John and Marcia Morad
Virgilio and Ceres Morales
Michael and Marina Moriarty
Donald and Joyce Muno
Jamal and Balsam Namou
Phyllis A. Nolan
Thomas and Patricia O'Leary
Virginia C O'Brien
Robert and Veronica Owczarski
Anthony and Veronica Parrottino
Thomas and Elizabeth Payne
Therese M. Peron
Marisa Petrella
Raymond and Clare Pety
Heather L. Pitcher
Francis and Susan Plummer
Garrett and Sarah Pniewski
Vincent and Mary Lou Porrazzo
David and Cynthia Price
Elizabeth Reiha
Marga Rottach
Michael and Rachel Roumaya
William and Annette Royce
Lawrence and Norinne Rozman
Jeff and Elizabeth Sands
William Schafer
Gary and Patricia Schleif
Joan Shaughnessy
John and Mary Slocum
Ben and Ruth Stewart
Koh and Nobue Takemoto
William and Majdolin Thomas
Marcia and Russell Tournay
Patricia Town
George and Jane Ulrych
Dean and Judithann Valovich
Geoffrey D. Wallace
John and Theresa Wangler
Jerome and Michele Wiater
Joseph and Alice Wilberding
Edward C. Wilkie
William and Rita Winter
Gloria V. Wise
Mary D. Wisniewski
Robert and Lisa Zafarana
World Mission Sunday
Michael and Christine Allen
Saber and Jeanine Ammori
Assunda Andrews
Frances M. Atkinson
Stephen F. Badalament
Louis F. Badalament
Therese M. Badalament
Esther J. Baker
Christopher and Lindsay Baker
Joy Beauchamp-Comsa and Charles Comsa
Orlando and Sharon Blanco
Louis Bogart
Adam and Lee Bosek
Maurice and Mary Brackenbury
James and Margery Brooks
Stephen and Lisa Burch
Maureen Burkhardt
Joseph and Susan Butkovich
James and Perry Carroll
Wayne and Adoracion Chang
Jacquelyn Ciupak
Joseph and Brenda Cunningham
Ann Davis
Michael DiPonio
James and Marcia Dunlop
Ronald and Agnes Dwyer
Eric and Mary Emmons
John and Hanadi Esshaki
John and Mary Sue Everly
William Farrand and Lynne Hammaker
We are also very grateful to the many generous people who gave their
financial support to the Changing Lives Together renovation project.
Many of our donors are still fulfilling their multi-year pledges. Their
names will appear on banners that will soon hang in our new church
gathering space.
To all our donors, may God bless your generosity!
We would also like to thank our publisher, Diocesan Publications, who printed this report at no cost to the parish.
St. Regis Parish
3695 Lincoln Road Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48301-4055