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macromedia ® COURSEBUILDER for DREAMWEAVER ™ Using CourseBuilder ™ macromedia Trademarks Afterburner, AppletAce, Attain, Attain Enterprise Learning System, Attain Essentials, Attain Objects for Dreamweaver, Authorware, Authorware Attain, Authorware Interactive Studio, Authorware Star, Authorware Synergy, Backstage, Backstage Designer, Backstage Desktop Studio, Backstage Enterprise Studio, Backstage Internet Studio, Design in Motion, Director, Director Multimedia Studio, Doc Around the Clock, Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver Attain, Drumbeat, Drumbeat 2000, Extreme 3D, Fireworks, Flash, Fontographer, FreeHand, FreeHand Graphics Studio, Generator, Generator Developer's Studio, Generator Dynamic Graphics Server, Knowledge Objects, Knowledge Stream, Knowledge Track, Lingo, Live Effects, Macromedia, Macromedia M Logo & Design, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Xres, Macromind, Macromind Action, MAGIC, Mediamaker, Object Authoring, Power Applets, Priority Access, Roundtrip HTML, Scriptlets, SoundEdit, ShockRave, Shockmachine, Shockwave, Shockwave Remote, Shockwave Internet Studio, Showcase, Tools to Power Your Ideas, Universal Media, Virtuoso, Web Design 101, Whirlwind and Xtra are trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. and may be registered in the United States or in other jurisdictions including internationally. 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Part Number ZCB30M100 Acknowledgments Project Management: Sheila McGinn Writing: Kim Diezel Production: Chris Basmajian First Edition: December1999 Macromedia, Inc. 600 Townsend St. San Francisco, CA 94103 2 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 What you can do with CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver . . . . . . . . . . . .12 System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Installing CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Learning CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 New user’s checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 What’s new in CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 CHAPTER 1 CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial . . . . . . . . 21 Tutorial overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Set up site structure for the tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Define a local site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Create an explore CourseBuilder Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Define the hot areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Create user feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Create a drag-and-drop interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Create drag-and-drop pairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Create user feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Create a multiple-choice quiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Create user feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Create a Multiple-choice interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Define the multiple-choice interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Define the choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Define the action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 Test the interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 3 CHAPTER 2 CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver basics. . . . . . . . . . 67 CourseBuilder Interaction compatibility with browsers . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 What’s new—step-by-step procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Converting from previous versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 What to put on the web server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 CHAPTER 3 Multiple-Choice CourseBuilder Interactions. . . . . . 79 Multiple-choice interaction overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 The multiple-choice templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 The multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interaction tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interactions— step-by-step procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 True/false questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Creating a true/false question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86 Replacing “True” and “False” with different words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 Multiple-choice questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 Creating a multiple-choice question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 Graphic multiple-choice questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 Using images instead of text as choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 All-that-apply questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94 Creating an all-that-apply question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 Changing the order of the choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 Adding or deleting a choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 Naming a choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 Adding an image to a text choice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 4 Contents CHAPTER 4 Drag-and-Drop CourseBuilder Interactions . . . . . . 99 Drag-and-drop interaction overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 The drag-and-drop templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 The drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 Drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interactions— step-by-step procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 One-to-one matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 One-to-one matching, either way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 One-to-many matching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108 One-to-many matching, either way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 Creating a matching exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110 The “Build your own” template. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112 Building your own matching exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 Two-step procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116 Two-step procedure with a distractor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117 Creating a procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118 Building your own procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120 Replacing placeholder graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122 Naming a drag-and-drop element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123 Adding and deleting drag-and-drop elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124 Adding and deleting drag-and-drop pairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 A target’s active area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126 Setting how an element behaves when dropped. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 Making an element a drag element or a target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128 CHAPTER 5 Explore CourseBuilder Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Explore interactions overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129 The explore templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130 The explore CourseBuilder Interaction tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131 Explore CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures. . . . . . .133 Random exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135 Creating a random exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136 Structured exploration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138 Creating a structured exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139 Replacing placeholder graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141 Naming a hot area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141 Adding text to a hot area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142 Adding and deleting hot areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142 Contents 5 CHAPTER 6 Text Entry CourseBuilder Interactions . . . . . . . . . . 143 Text entry interaction overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143 The text entry templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144 The text entry CourseBuilder Interaction tabs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145 Text entry CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures. . . . .147 Single-line text entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149 Multiple-line text entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Creating a text entry field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151 Adding default text to a field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 Naming a response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 Adding and deleting responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154 Checking for correct capitalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154 Checking for an exact match . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155 Checking for key words or phrases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155 Checking for unanticipated responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 CHAPTER 7 Enhancements and Customization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Enhancing and customizing CourseBuilder Interactions . . . . . . . . . . .157 Editing CourseBuilder Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 Cutting, copying, pasting, and clearing interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 Customizing feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159 Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field . . . . . . .160 Limiting the number of tries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 Putting a time limit on an interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163 Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163 Changing the name of the Submit button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164 Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165 Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166 Setting preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167 Authorware integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167 Using the Insert Authorware object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168 Managing CourseBuilder Interaction templates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169 Working with Gallery files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170 6 Contents CHAPTER 8 CourseBuilder Interaction Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Button CourseBuilder Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173 The button templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174 The button CourseBuilder Interaction tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175 Button CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures . . . . . . .176 Toggle switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177 Push buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .178 Creating a button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179 Choosing a look for a button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182 Highlighting a button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182 Changing the initial state of a button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183 Changing the type of button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183 Adding custom button graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184 Timer CourseBuilder Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 The timer templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 The timer CourseBuilder Interaction tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186 Timer CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures. . . . . . . .187 Timers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .189 Creating a timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .190 Timers with a warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .192 Creating a timer with a warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193 Setting a timer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .195 Setting a trigger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .195 Choosing a look for a timer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .196 Naming a trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .196 Adding and deleting triggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .197 Judging a response before the first trigger is reached . . . . . . . . . . . . . .198 Adding custom timer graphics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .198 Slider CourseBuilder Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200 The slider templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200 The slider CourseBuilder Interaction tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201 Slider CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures . . . . . . . .202 Range sliders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204 Creating a range slider. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205 Point sliders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207 Creating a point slider. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .208 Choosing a look for a slider. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210 Setting a slider’s start and end values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210 Setting a range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211 Contents 7 Naming a range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211 Adding and deleting ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212 Adding custom slider graphics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213 CHAPTER 9 Action Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Action Manager CourseBuilder Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215 Action Manager CourseBuilder Interactions— step-by-step procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215 Action Manager pop-up menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .217 Adding a segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218 Adding a condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .219 Creating expressions for a condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221 Adding an action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224 Renaming a segment, condition, or action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224 Expanding and collapsing a segment or condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225 Promoting and demoting a condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225 Editing a segment, condition, or action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225 Cutting, copying, and pasting a segment, condition, or action . . . . . .226 Where to create actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226 Learning-specific actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227 Setting interaction properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .238 CourseBuilder Interaction properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .240 Setting Action Manager properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247 Setting the JavaScript property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248 Adding a custom behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249 Action Manager CourseBuilder Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249 The Action Manager template. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250 The Action Manager CourseBuilder Interaction tabs. . . . . . . . . . . . . .250 8 Contents CHAPTER 10 Scoring and Data Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Tracking user performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .251 Scoring and data tracking—step-by-step procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252 Marking a response right or wrong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254 Scoring a response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255 Displaying feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .256 Locating the CourseBuilder Interaction identifier in HTML Source code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .257 Scoring multiple interactions on the same HTML page . . . . . . . . . . .257 Scoring multiple interactions on different HTML pages . . . . . . . . . . .259 Tracking the time remaining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .264 Tracking the number of tries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .265 JavaScript variables for tracking performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .265 Recording performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .266 Using Knowledge Track. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .267 Using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver with Lotus Pathware. . . . . . . .269 Connecting with databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .272 Creating the data source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .273 Collecting data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .274 Transferring data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276 Recording data using Cold Fusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .278 Recording data using ASP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279 Recording data with other transport methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .280 Contents 9 CHAPTER 11 CourseBuilder Interaction Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 General options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .281 Tracking tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .287 Choices options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .287 Drag-and-drop element options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289 Pairs options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289 Hot areas options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .291 Responses options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .292 Triggers options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .293 Ranges options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .294 Action Manager segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .295 Check Time segment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296 Correctness segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296 Check Tries segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296 Multiple-choice segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .297 One-to-one matching segments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .297 One-to-one matching (either way) segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .297 One-to-many matching segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .298 “Build your own” template segments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .298 Two-step procedure segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .299 Explore segments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300 Toggle-switch segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300 Pushbutton segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .301 Text entry segments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .301 Timer segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .301 Timer with warning segment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .302 Range slider segment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .302 Point slider segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .303 INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 10 Contents INTRODUCTION Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Macromedia CourseBuilder is an extension application to Dreamweaver for creating Web-based learning content and interactive Web pages. CourseBuilder extends Dreamweaver with a set of easy to use templates and tools that simplify and accelerate the development of online learning content. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver is the first visual authoring tool developed specifically for creating Web-based learning. Learning interactions created with CourseBuilder are 100% Web-native, enabling cross-platform and cross-browser delivery without plug-ins or applets. All CourseBuilder Interactions require at least a version 3 browser. Because of the capabilities of the browsers, some interactions—drag-and-drop, explore, timer, and slider—work only with version 4 browsers. (See “CourseBuilder Interaction compatibility with browsers” on page 73.) 11 What you can do with CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver helps you quickly design compelling learning interactions with step-by-step assistance. In minutes, you can: Create true/false, multiple-choice, and all-that-apply quizzes See “Multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures” on page 83 Create drag-and-drop matching exercises See “Drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures” on page 104 Create explore interactions See “Explore CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures” on page 133 Create text-entry interactions See “Text entry CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures” on page 147 Create buttons, timers, and sliders See “Button CourseBuilder Interactions— step-by-step procedures” on page 176 See “Timer CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures” on page 187 See “Slider CourseBuilder Interactions— step-by-step procedures” on page 202 CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver lets you define a complete Web-based learning interaction. Choose which type of interaction you want to create from the CourseBuilder Interactions Gallery (see “CourseBuilder Interaction Gallery” on page 71). You can edit the content of a CourseBuilder Interaction, so you don’t have to start from scratch if you want to make changes. You can extend the CourseBuilder Interaction’s built-in functionality by creating your own interaction templates. CourseBuilder includes both traditional learning interactions (multiple choice, drag and drop, explore, text entry) and learning interactions that function much like desktop controls (buttons, timers, and sliders). You can combine CourseBuilder Interactions—for example, you can include a timer object with a drag-and-drop object that records how long the user takes to complete the dragand-drop interaction. You can use an Action Manager CourseBuilder Interaction to control conditions and actions for any or all other CourseBuilder Interactions on the page. 12 Introduction System requirements The following hardware and software is required to run CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. For Microsoft Windows™: An Intel Pentium® 133-MHz or equivalent processor running Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT version 4.0 or later. 32 MB of random-access memory (RAM) plus 30 MB of available disk space. A color monitor capable of 800 x 600 pixel resolution. A CD-ROM drive. For the Macintosh®: A Power Macintosh, running Mac OS 8.1 or later. 32 MB of RAM with virtual memory set to 64 MB, plus 30 MB of available disk space. A color monitor capable of 800 x 600 pixel resolution. A CD-ROM drive. Installing CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Follow these steps to install CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver on either a Windows or a Macintosh computer. To install CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver: 1 Insert the CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver CD into the computer’s CD-ROM drive. 2 Choose from the following options: In Windows, choose Start > Run. Click Browse and choose the Setup.exe file on the CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver CD. Click OK in the Run dialog box to begin the installation. On the Macintosh, double-click the CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Installer icon. 3 Follow the on-screen instructions. 4 If prompted, restart your computer. Getting Started 13 Learning CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver The CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver package contains a variety of resources to help you learn the program quickly and become proficient in creating your own Web page interactions. These resources include online HTML help pages that appear in your browser, a tutorial, and a printed book. In addition, the CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Web site is updated regularly. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Help The CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver HTML help pages provide comprehensive information about all CourseBuilder Interaction features. These browsers are strongly recommended for viewing CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Help: In Windows: Netscape Navigator 4 and later or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 and later On the Macintosh: Netscape Navigator 4 and later If you use a 3 browser, all the content is still accessible, but some features (such as Search) will not work. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Help makes extensive use of JavaScript. Make sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser. If you plan to use the search feature, make sure that Java is enabled as well. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Help includes the following components: enables you to see all information organized by subject. Click top-level entries to view subtopics. The table of contents like a traditional printed index, can be used to find important terms and go to related topics. The index, allows you to find any character string in all topic text. The search feature requires a version 4 browser with Java enabled. Search Note: After clicking Search, a Java security window may appear, asking for permission to read files on your hard disk. You must grant this permission for the search to work. The applet does not write anything to your hard disk, nor does it read any files outside the HTML help pages. To search for a phrase, simply type the phrase in the text field. To search for files that contain two keywords (for example, text and entry), separate the search terms with a plus (+) sign. 14 Introduction Context-sensitive help provides a Help button in each dialog box, or a question mark icon in inspectors, windows, and palettes, that opens a relevant help topic. provides buttons you can click to move through topics. The Previous and Next buttons move to the previous or next topic in a section (following the topic order listed in the table of contents). The Help navigation bar CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver tutorial The CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver tutorial is the best place to start if you don’t have very much experience in developing Web-based learning interactions. By working through the tutorial, you’ll learn how to create learning interactions with some of CourseBuilder’s most useful and powerful features. The tutorial is in both CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Help and the Using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver book. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver user’s guide (printed book) The Using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver book provides a printed alternative to CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Help. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Support Center The CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Support Center Web site is updated regularly with the latest information on CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver, plus advice from expert users, information on advanced topics, examples, tips, and updates. Check the Web site often for the latest news on CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver and how to get the most out of the program at Getting Started 15 New user’s checklist CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver is a sophisticated tool that’s both powerful and easy to use. You’ll learn the basics quickly. Other things will take you more time to master. This checklist will help you find the resources you need to learn everything you need to know about using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. Work through the tutorial. Read this book. Using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver is the ideal place to find the concepts behind using CourseBuilder Interactions. Don’t overlook the lists of step-bystep procedures. They give you an overview of all the things you can do and tell you where to find detailed instructions. The material in this book is available online throughout CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Help. Choose Help > Using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. The CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Help Pages are always the quickest way to find the answers to your questions. Use the index to search for the topic you’re interested in. Visit the CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Support Center. It’s a rich source of information about CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver that includes articles by expert users on new features and common problems, regular installments of new Show Me examples, and information about books and Web sites, user groups and events, and tools and services you may need. Click the What’s New button at the top of the Help Pages browser or visit Join the DWARE list. The DWARE discussion list is an online forum for discussing CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. This list is maintained, not by Macromedia, but by CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver developers worldwide. It’s a great way to share your problems with and learn from expert users from around the globe. To subscribe to the DWARE discussion list, send the following message to [email protected]: SUBSCRIBE DWA Your_First_Name Your_Last_Name For example, SUBSCRIBE DWA Chris Chen You can remove your name from the list any time by sending a SIGNOFF DWA command to [email protected]. Check the CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver TechNotes when you have a problem. 16 Introduction If you’re having a problem, chances are that Technical Support has already solved the problem for someone else.Check the CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Discussion Group. If you’re having a problem, and you can’t find the answer in the TechNotes, check the CourseBuilder Discussion Group. The discussion group is part of the CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Support Center. Visit support/coursebuilder. Join a user group. Other developers can help you over a lot of hurdles. The best place to meet them is at a user group. For a list of user groups, visit support/coursebuilder. Getting Started 17 What’s new in CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver is the new name for the product originally called Dreamweaver Attain or Attain Objects for Dreamweaver. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver is fully compatible with Dreamweaver 3 allowing you to expand on the flexibility and power of Dreamweaver as you create interactive learning content. If you’ve worked with Attain Objects for Dreamweaver, most of the changes you see will be interface changes related to the new product name and enhanced integration with Dreamweaver 3. If you’ve worked with Dreamweaver Attain, you’ll see more significant changes and new features: saving custom CourseBuilder Interactions to the Gallery, creating Pathware framesets, and copying support files have all been streamlined. Behind the scenes, CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver creates and manages code differently, resulting in more compact HTML and eliminating code duplication. Interface enhancements allow you to easily select an interaction to make edits to, copy, or cut. See CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver basics. CourseBuilder Interaction icons has been added to identify CourseBuilder Interactions. When you select a CourseBuilder Interaction, <interaction> appears in the tag selector. See CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver basics. The new <interaction> tag contains a list of all the CourseBuilder Interactions on the page and an Edit button, which you can use to reopen the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box to make changes to a selected interaction. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158. A custom Property inspector for CourseBuilder Interactions Improved functionality let you make changes in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box appear immediately in the Document window. Live updating allows you to see information as you enter it and changes as you make them. Live updates now undoes each single change rather than all of the changes you make to one CourseBuilder Interaction. Often, the change you’re undoing may not be apparent. For example, if you change the answer of a multiple-choice question from true to false, and then undo it, you won’t see any change in the Document window. The Undo Command is now prompted. When you add a CourseBuilder Interaction from the Object palette, you’ll be prompted to copy the support files to the folder that contains your document. Support files refers to the scripts and images CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver adds to a page as it builds the CourseBuilder Interaction. See “Copying support files” on page 68. Copying support files 18 Introduction Customizing CourseBuilder Interactions places a CourseBuilder Interaction in its own layer, thereby simplifying Netscape layer issues and allowing absolute placement of the interaction on the page. Inserting the interaction into its own layer also facilitates the use of various actions, such as Show-Hide layers. This feature is available only in version 4 browser interactions. See “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166. The Insert in Layer option is now possible. You can edit the order of the items listed on the Actions pop-up menu to fit the way you work. See “Action Manager pop-up menu” on page 217. Customizing the Actions pop-up menu is now easier because the list of behaviors in the Action Manager is now dynamically generated. Copy custom behaviors to the folder Dreamweaver\Configuration\Behaviors\Actions, and they will be visible both at the bottom of the Action Manager pop-up menu and in the Behavior window the next time you launch CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. For information about custom behaviors, see “Adding a custom behavior” on page 249. Adding custom behaviors Action Manager changes are now dialog boxes instead of tabs. The Segment, Condition, or Action Editor appears when you add a segment, condition, or action or when you click the Edit button to edit one, thereby eliminating the confusion caused by switching between tabs to edit information. Segment, Condition, and Action Editors Edit and Rename buttons are now available in the Action Manager tab: The Edit button reopens the dialog box for a selected segment, condition, or action, making it easier for you to make edits. See “Editing a segment, condition, or action” on page 225. The Rename button allows you to rename elements in the Action Manager. See “Renaming a segment, condition, or action” on page 224. Help buttons now appear on every tab in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. Getting Started 19 Menu changes CourseBuilder Interaction commands can now be found on one of two menus— the Insert menu and the Modify menu. in the Insert menu displays the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, from which you can insert a CourseBuilder Interaction into your document. The Insert CourseBuilder Interaction command New Modify commands The CourseBuilder Interaction commands in the Modify menu display a submenu of commands to specifically use with CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver: The Edit Interaction command brings up the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box from which you can edit a CourseBuilder Interaction. The Add CourseBuilder Interaction to Gallery command saves custom CourseBuilder Interactions for easy, reusable access in the CourseBuilder Interaction Gallery. See “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169. The Create Tracking Frameset and Create Pathware Frameset commands allow you to create the frameset and results files needed for tracking student performance either in Lotus Pathware or in another computer-managed instruction (CMI) tracking system. See “Using Knowledge Track” on page 267. The Copy Support Files command copies the support files (scripts and images) to the same folder in which CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver document has been saved. Without the support files, a CourseBuilder Interaction may not work or may not be able to find the images it needs. The Convert From Previous Version command converts pages made with the previous version of Dreamweaver Attain so that they can be edited in CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. See “Converting from previous versions” on page 75. Improved integration The Insert Authorware button lets you place a Web-packaged Authorware piece on a Web page. See “Using the Insert Authorware object” on page 168. 20 Introduction 1 CHAPTER 1 CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tutorial overview This tutorial shows you how to use CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver to create three types of learning interactions. As you develop a web-based sales training module for sales representatives of, a fictitious company, you’ll create an explore interaction (where a user clicks areas on a page to gain more information about an object), a multiple-choice interaction (where a user selects a correct response from a set of choices), and a drag-and-drop interaction (where a user demonstrates knowledge by dragging one object on the screen to another object on the screen). You need Netscape Navigator 4 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4—or a later version of either browser—to view the pages you create in this tutorial. Along the way you’ll learn how to perform the following tasks: Copy support files to a local site folder Insert CourseBuilder Interactions in a document Use the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box to select an interaction template Customize CourseBuilder Interaction templates Use the Action Manager to attach actions to an interaction Edit CourseBuilder Interactions Test an interaction 21 Preview the completed Discover Toys interaction Take a look at the completed CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver files to get an idea of what you’re working toward. In the folder in which you installed CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver, open the folder named cb_tutorial. Then locate the folder named discover_comp, and double-click the file named discover_nav.htm. The discover_nav page opens in your browser, click the buttons on this page to navigate to other pages of the site. Try all of the possible combinations of correct and incorrect responses on the quiz pages to see how the interactions work. Click Refresh or Reload in the browser to restart an interaction. Close the browser when you’re finished looking at the files. How the tutorial files are arranged The cb_tutorial folder contains both the completed and partially completed HTML files used in this tutorial. The completed files are in the discover_comp folder. Images and other associated files for the completed files are in folders within the discover_comp folder. The partially completed files—which you’ll be working on—are in the cb_discover folder. (The complete path to the discover_comp folder will vary, depending on where you have CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver installed.) Each file has a meaningful name—for example, the HTML file for the completed module’s navigation page is named discover_nav.htm.The partially completed files have names similar to their counterparts in the complete site, except they begin with cb_; the partially completed version of discover_nav.htm, for example, is called cb_nav.htm. Set up site structure for the tutorial Before you start the tutorial, create a new folder into which you’ll transfer the CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver tutorial files. If you completed the Dreamweaver tutorial and already created a Sites folder, skip step 1. 22 Chapter 1 1 At the root level of your local disk, create a new folder and name it Sites—for example, C:\Sites (Windows) or Hard Drive:Sites (Macintosh). 2 From the Dreamweaver\CourseBuilder\Tutorial folder, copy the entire cb_tutorial folder to the Sites folder. Define a local site Set up a local site to develop a file structure for your site. A local site contains all the files used within a specified site, such as HTML files, images, scripts, and other asset files. For this tutorial, you’ll specify the cb_tutorial folder as the local site folder. 1 Launch CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. A blank document opens. 2 Choose Site > New Site. 3 In the Site Definition dialog box, make sure Local Info is selected in the Category list. 4 In the Site Name field, type my_course. 5 Click the folder icon to the right of the Local Root Folder field, navigate to the Sites\cb_tutorial folder, and then click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh). The Local Root Folder field updates to display the path to the local site. Note: The complete path to the cb_tutorial folder may vary, depending on where you have created your Sites folder. 6 Click OK. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 23 7 Click Create when asked if you’d like to create a cache file for the site. Caching the files in the cb_tutorial folder creates a record of existing files so Dreamweaver can quickly update links when you move, rename, or delete a file. The Site window now displays a list of the folders and files in the local site my_course. The list also acts as a file manager, allowing you to copy, paste, delete, move, and open files just as you would in the file finder or explorer on your own computer. 8 Leave the Site window open. 9 Click the Document window to make it active. Create an explore CourseBuilder Interaction CourseBuilder Interactions cannot be added to an unsaved document. You can either start with a new document, then save it, or you can open an existing document. In this tutorial, you’ll add CourseBuilder Interactions to existing partially completed pages which contain the same elements—a background image and a training department banner. Now, you’ll create an explore interaction. In this interaction users click pictures of the toy products to learn about them. Open the file to which you’ll add an explore CourseBuilder Interaction. 24 Chapter 1 1 Choose File > Open. 2 In the dialog box that appears, navigate to Sites/cb_tutorial/cb_discover, then select cb_explore.htm, and click Select (Windows) or Open (Macintosh) to open the file. Copy support files CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver requires support files that contain images and scripts; the support files enable CourseBuilder Interactions to function. You’ll copy support files to the cb_discover folder. 1 Choose Modify > CourseBuilder > Copy Support Files. A message appears advising where the support files will be copied. 2 Click OK to create the necessary folders and to copy the files. The files are copied to the cb_discover folder. Insert a CourseBuilder Interaction 1 If the Object palette isn’t already open, choose Window > Objects to open it. 2 In the Document window, click in the middle of the document to place the insertion point after existing page elements. 3 In the Object palette’s Common panel, click the CourseBuilder Interaction icon to open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. CourseBuilder Interaction icon CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 25 Select the type of interaction 1 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, under Target, 4.0+ Browsers should already be selected. If it is not, select it. 2 Select Explore in the Category list. The icons in the Gallery represent the explore CourseBuilder Interactions that function in version 4 and later browsers. 3 Click the icon for the Explore_Areas template. Define the hot areas You don’t need to change the default settings that are in the General tab, so you’ll begin by specifying the hot area elements of the explore interaction—graphic images of the toys the users will click. 26 Chapter 1 Add graphics for the hot areas 1 Start by clicking the Hot Areas tab. In the Hot Areas list, Hot Area1 is already selected. 2 In the Image field, click Browse. Then, in the Select Appearance dialog box, navigate to the cb_graphics folder and select toy_racer.gif. Then click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh) to display the image. Add three more hot area graphics 1 In the Hot Areas list, select HotArea2. 2 In the Image field, click Browse. Then, in the Select Appearance dialog box, navigate to the cb_graphics folder and select toy_coldfusion.gif. Then click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh) to display the image. 3 In the Hot Areas list, select HotArea3. 4 In the Image field, click Browse. Then, in the Select Appearance dialog box, navigate to the cb_graphics folder and select toy_satellite.gif. Then click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh) to display the image. 5 In the Hot Areas list, select HotArea4. 6 In the Image field, click Browse. Then in the Select Appearance dialog box, navigate to the cb_graphics folder and select toy_waverider.gif. Then click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh) to display the image. 7 Click OK to close the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. 8 Save your file. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 27 Arrange the hot areas in the document Next, you’ll remove the text instructions on the page, and move the hot area layers to make room for a new layer that you’ll use to provide feedback to users. 1 In the Document window, select the text “Click on a hot area” at the top of the screen, then press Backspace (Windows) or Delete (Macintosh) to delete it. 2 In the Document window, click the border of a hot area layer to select the layer. Handles appear around a selected layer: Layer tab Layer handle 3 Click the layer tab, on the upper left corner, then drag the layer where you want to position it. Move each hot area, as necessary, to position the layers like this: 4 28 Chapter 1 Save your changes. Add a layer for user feedback Next, you’ll create a layer where both instructions to the user and the product information will appear in the page. 1 Click the Layer icon on the Object palette. Image icon Layer icon 2 Move the pointer to the Document window, then drag to draw a layer in the right side of the document. 3 Click the border of the layer to select it. Then, in the Property inspector’s LayerID field, replace the default text “Layer1” by typing ProductInfo. 4 In the Document window, click in the middle of the ProductInfo layer to set the insertion point in the layer. 5 In the Object palette, click the Image icon to insert an image in the layer. The Select Image Source dialog box appears. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 29 6 In the dialog box, navigate to the cb_graphics folder, select text_any.jpg, and click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh) to insert the image in the layer. The user instructions appear in the layer in the Document window. Editing a CourseBuilder Interaction The elements are set up; however, you still need to define what happens when a user clicks one of the hot areas. To ensure that your interactions function correctly, always make changes to the elements of a CourseBuilder Interaction in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. Reopen the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. 1 In the Document window, do one of the following to select the CourseBuilder Interaction: Click the CourseBuilder Interaction icon in the Document window. Click any of the hot area layers, then click <interaction> in the tag selector. 2 30 Chapter 1 In the Property inspector, click Edit to open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. Create user feedback When users clicks a hot area, they should learn about the product they selected. You’ll set up a swap image to switch the image displayed in the ProductInfo layer with an image that contains information about the product that was clicked. Use the Action Manager to define what happens when a specific hot area is clicked. You’ll remove the default Popup Message action feedback and add a Swap Image action for each hot area. View the Action Manager tab Start by clicking the Action Manager tab. The Action Manager tab displays default segments and conditions based on the type of interaction selected. Segments preceded by a plus sign (+) are collapsed. To view the conditions and actions of a selected collapsed segment, click Expand in the Action Manager tab. Action flows from the top of the list down until a defined condition is met—for example, if a user clicks Hot Area 1. When a defined condition is met, action flows to the next item within that segment—for example, if Hot Area 1 is clicked, a Popup Message would be displayed. Although segments are automatically added in the Action Manager to check the time limit and tries limit, the actions for these segments aren’t triggered unless you select these options in the General tab. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 31 Add a swap image action for racer product information 1 In the Action Manager list under “if Hot Area1 Selected,” select Popup Message, then click Cut. 2 Select “if Hot Area1 Selected,” then in the Actions pop-up menu choose Swap Image, and click Add. The Swap Image dialog box appears: In the Swap Image dialog box, “unnamed <img>” is selected. This is the image you inserted in the ProductInfo layer. You’ll swap this image for an image that describes the image in Hot Area 1, the racer. 32 Chapter 1 3 In the “Set Source to” field, click Browse. 4 In the Select Image Source dialog box that appears, select text_racer.jpg, then click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh) to display the image. 5 Click OK to close the dialog box. Add a swap image action for Cold Fusion product information Replace the user instruction text with text describing the Cold Fusion Kit. 1 In the Action Manager list under “if Hot Area2 Selected,” select Popup Message, then click Cut. 2 Select “if Hot Area2 Selected,” then in the Actions pop-up menu choose Swap Image, and click Add. The Swap Image dialog box appears. In the Swap Image dialog box’s Images list, “image ‘Image1’ in layer ‘ProductInfo’” is already selected, and the image is set to display text_racer.jpg. You’ll set the image to display the correct text for Hot Area 2, the Cold Fusion product. 3 In the “Set Source to” field, click Browse. 4 In the Select Image Source dialog box, select text_coldfusion.jpg, then click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh) to display the image. 5 Click OK to close the dialog box. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 33 Add a swap image action for satellite product information Replace the user instruction text with text describing the satellite. 1 In the Action Manager list under “if Hot Area3 Selected,” select Popup Message, then click Cut. 2 Select “if Hot Area3 Selected,” then in the Actions pop-up menu choose Swap Image, and click Add. 3 In the Swap Image dialog box’s Images list, “image ‘Image1’ in layer ‘ProductInfo’” is already selected. Click Browse next to the “Set Source to” field to select the replacement image. 4 In the Select Image Source dialog box, select text_satellite.jpg, then click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh) to display the image. 5 Click OK to close the dialog box. Add a swap image action for wave-rider product information Now, you’ll replace the user instruction text with text describing the wave-rider helmet. 34 Chapter 1 1 In the Action Manager list under “if Hot Area4 Selected,” select Popup Message, then click Cut. 2 Select “if Hot Area4 Selected,” then in the Actions pop-up menu choose Swap Image, and click Add. 3 In the Swap Image dialog box’s Images list, “image ‘Image1’ in layer ‘ProductInfo’” is already selected. Click Browse next to the “Set Source to” field to select the replacement image. 4 In the Select Image Source dialog box, select text_waverider.jpg, then click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh) to display the image. 5 Click OK to close the dialog box. 6 Click OK to close the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. Create a link to the next page Link this page to the next interaction page, the drag-and-drop quiz. 1 In the Object palette’s Common panel, click the Layer icon, then move the pointer to the page, and drag to draw a layer in the space beneath the ProductInfo layer. 2 Click the layer to select it, then move the layer if you need to position it. Use the layer tab on the upper left corner of the layer to position the layer: 3 Click in the layer to place the insertion point in the layer. In the Object palette, click the Image icon to insert an image in the layer. 4 In the Select Image Source dialog box, open the cb_graphics folder (if it’s not already open), select Arrow_Sharp_Right.gif, and click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh). An arrow appears in the layer. 5 In the Property inspector, click the folder icon next to the Link field. Then, in the Select File dialog box, navigate to the cb_discover folder, select cb_drag_drop.htm, and click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh) to select the file to open when the arrow is clicked. 6 Click the border of the layer to select it, then use one of the handles to resize the layer to the size of the graphic. 7 Save your document. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 35 Test the explore interaction Test the page to see how the interaction works. 1 Choose File > Preview in Browser, and choose the browser you want to use. The browser launches and displays the page. 2 Click each of the products and make sure the correct information appears. 3 Click the arrow to see if it goes to the “Know your target audience” page. Create a drag-and-drop interaction Now you’ll create a drag-and-drop matching quiz. Users will test their knowledge of the products by dragging a toy to the target audience for which the toy is designed. Insert a CourseBuilder Interaction 1 Choose File > Open. In the dialog box that appears, navigate to cb_drag_drop.htm, and click Select (Windows) or Open (Macintosh) to open the file. 2 If the Object palette isn’t already open, choose Window > Objects to open it. 3 In the Document window, click in the middle of the document to place the insertion point after existing page elements. 4 In the Object palette’s Common panel, click the CourseBuilder Interaction icon. The CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box appears. 36 Chapter 1 Select the type of interaction 1 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, under Target, select 4.0+ Browsers if it isn’t already selected. 2 Select Drag and Drop in the Category list. 3 Click the icon for the many-to-many matching template. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 37 Define the General tab options Use the tabs in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box to define this interaction. As you select options in the tabs, you specify how the CourseBuilder Interaction will perform. The default settings of the CourseBuilder Interactions are designed for ease of use. You’ll find that most of the options you’d select for your interactions are the options that are set as the current defaults. You’ll only need to change a few settings to customize the information for courses, surveys, or quizzes you’re creating. Use the options of the General tab to define how the interaction responds when a user interacts with it. 1 Click the General tab. 2 Under Judge Interaction, select “when the user drops a drag element.” This option causes feedback to display every time the user moves a toy image to a target audience image—rather than waiting until the user has tried to match every toy with a target audience. 3 Under Reset, accept the default setting “Create a Reset button for this Interaction.” 4 Under Reaction, select “Snap back if incorrect.” This returns the toy to its original position if the user drags it to the wrong target audience. 38 Chapter 1 5 Under Reaction, accept the default setting “Snap back if not dropped on target.” This returns the toy to its original position if the user drags it somewhere other than a target area. 6 Under Layer, select “Insert this Interaction in a layer” to place the question text in a layer, making it easy for you to position the text in the document. (Each of the drag-and-drop images is already in an individual layer.) Your General tab should be set as the shown here: CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 39 Create drag-and-drop pairs Now you’ll add the drag and drop elements to the interaction. You’ll add three drag images and three target images. Drag-and-drop matching exercises are made up of pairs of drag and target objects. For example, the satellite is a drag object. Its target object is an image of its target audience: kids with big imaginations. In this step, you replace the drag-and-drop template’s placeholder graphics with the images you want to use for the drag and target objects. Add drag images 1 Click the Elements tab. Drag1 is already selected in the Elements list. 40 Chapter 1 2 In the Name field, type satellite. 3 Click the Browse button next to the Image File box. In the cb_graphics folder, select toy_satellite_mini.gif, then click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh) to display the image for this drag object. 4 In the Elements list, select Drag2; then in the Name field, type waverider. 5 Click the Browse button. In the cb_graphics folder, select toy_waverider_mini.gif, then click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh) to display the image for this drag object. 6 In the Elements list, select Drag3; then in the Name field, type racer. 7 Click the Browse button. In the cb_graphics folder, select toy_racer_mini.gif, then click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh) to display the image for this drag object. Add target images Next, add the target images that match the drag objects: 1 In the Elements list, select Target1; then in the Name field, type satellitematch. 2 Click the Browse button. In the cb_graphics folder, select kids_climbing.jpg, then click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh). 3 In the Elements list, select Target2; then in the Name field, type waveridermatch. 4 Click the Browse button. In the cb_graphics folder, select kids_bike.jpg, then click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh). 5 In the Elements list, select Target3; then in the Name field, type racermatch. 6 Click the Browse button. In the cb_graphics folder, select kids_soccer.jpg, then click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh). Your screen should look like this. 7 Click OK to close the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 41 Position the images in the document Now you’ll arrange the layers in the Document window to set up the interaction. 1 In the Document window, select a layer by clicking its border. 2 Use the layer tab to drag the layers in your document to match this screen layout. 3 In the Document window, use the pointer to select the default text “Drag the objects on the left to the correct targets on the right, then press the ‘Submit’ button to check the answer.” Replace the text by typing Ready to sell? Drag each toy to its target customer. 42 Chapter 1 Set snap to settings You’ve already set what happens when a match is incorrect: the toy snaps back to its original position. But what happens when the match is correct? Where does the toy land? In this step, you’ll precisely set the position of the toy when the toy is dragged to the correct target audience. You need to set up the snap behavior of the correct pairs only; the incorrect pairs are already set. 1 Click one of the images in the drag-and-drop interaction, then click <interaction> in the tag selector, and click Edit in the Property inspector. 2 Click the Pairs tab. Notice that because you set matches for the Drag1 and Target1 elements, the matching pairs are already set up: satellite and satellitematch are a correct match, but satellite and waveridermatch are an incorrect match. 3 Select the “satellite:satellitematch” pair if it isn’t already selected. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 43 4 Under Snap To, select “pixels down,” and in the pixel down field type 70. Then “select pixels to right of the target element’s upper left corner,” and in this field type 30. Your screen should look like this. When a match occurs, the drag element will move to these precise positions in the target element. 44 Chapter 1 5 Select the “waverider:waveridermatch” pair. 6 Under Snap To, select “pixels down,” and in the “pixels down” field type 70. Then select “pixels to the right of the target element’s upper left corner,” and in this field type 30. 7 Select the “racer:racermatch” pair. 8 Under Snap To, select “pixels down,” and in the “pixels down” field type 70. Then select “pixels to the right of the target element’s upper left corner,” and in this field type 30. Create user feedback Users get feedback only if they make a match that’s correct. If a match is wrong, the toy snaps back to its original position so the user can try again. The entire interaction is correct only when the user gets all three matches correct. For this interaction there are two different types of feedback: one when a match is correct, one when the entire interaction is correct. Set feedback for a correct response The “if Correct” condition controls what happens when the entire interaction is correct. 1 Click the Action Manager tab. 2 Select the Popup Message action under “if Correct,” and click Edit. The Popup Message dialog box appears. 3 In the dialog box’s Message field, change the default text, “Correct,” by typing You’re ready to sell! 4 Click OK to close the dialog box. Delete default feedback for an incorrect or unknown response You won’t set the next condition, “else if Incorrect,” because you aren’t providing feedback to users when they make an incorrect match. Additionally, you won’t set a response for “else if Unknown Response,” because it’s impossible for users to respond in a way that you can’t identify. 1 Select “else if Incorrect,” and click Cut. 2 Select “else if Unknown Response,” and click Cut. The conditions and their associated Popup Message actions are automatically cut. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 45 Add correct match feedback Now you’ll add another condition to provide users with feedback when they make a correct match while in the process of completing the interaction. Until the entire interaction is complete with the “all correct and none incorrect” condition met, correct matches receive this feedback. 1 In the Action Manager list, select the Popup Message action below “if Correct,” choose Else from the Actions pop-up menu, and click Add. Else is added to the Action Manager list. 2 With “-- else” selected, choose Popup Message in the Actions pop-up menu, and click Add. The Popup Message dialog box appears. 46 Chapter 1 3 In the Message field, type That’s right!. 4 Click OK to close the dialog box. 5 Click OK to close the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. 6 Choose File > Save to save your document. Create a link to the next interaction Link this page to the final page of your course, the multiple-choice quiz. 1 In the Object palette, click the Layer icon, then move the pointer to the Document window, and drag the pointer to draw a layer in the lower right area of the document. 2 Select the layer, then position it using the layer tab to position the layer. 3 Click in the layer. In the Object palette, click the Image icon to insert an image in the layer. 4 In the Select Image Source dialog box, navigate to the cb_graphics folder, select Arrow_Sharp_Right.gif, and click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh). An arrow appears in the layer. 5 In the Property inspector, click the folder icon next to the Link field to select the file to open when the arrow is clicked. 6 In the Select File dialog box, in the cb_discover folder, select cb_mc.htm, and click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh). 7 Click the border of the layer to select it, then use one of the layer handles to resize it to fit the graphic. Test the drag-and-drop interaction Test the page to see how it works: 1 Choose File > Save, then choose File > Preview in Browser. The browser launches and displays the page. 2 Drag the toys to the descriptions. These are the correct matches: Satellite and “Kids 12 to 14 with big imaginations” Wave-rider helmet and “Kids 8 to 14 who bike to school” Racer and “Preteen boys looking for a testosterone rush” When you drag a toy to the wrong target, it should snap back to its original position. When you drag a toy to the right target, a message should appear saying, “That’s right!” When you match all the toys with their correct targets, a message should appear saying, “You’re ready to sell!” CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 47 Create a multiple-choice quiz In this part of the tutorial you’ll create a multiple-choice quiz. When the user selects from a list of choices, feedback is provided based on the user’s correct or incorrect response. Insert a CourseBuilder Interaction 1 Choose File > Open. In the dialog box that appears, navigate to the cb_discover folder and then to cb_mc.htm, and click Select (Windows) or Open (Macintosh) to open the document. 2 If the Object palette isn’t already open, choose Window > Objects to open it. 3 In the Document window, click in the middle of the document to place the insertion point after existing page elements. 4 In the Object palette’s Common panel, click the CourseBuilder Interaction icon to open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. Select the type of interaction 48 Chapter 1 1 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, under Target, select 4.0+ Browsers if it isn’t already selected. 2 Select Multiple Choice in the Category list. 3 Click the icon for the graphic multiple-choice template. Define the multiple-choice interaction 1 Click the General tab. 2 In the Question Text field, delete the default text. 3 Under Judge Interaction, select “when the user clicks a choice,” if it isn’t already selected. 4 In Correct When, accept the default setting Any Correct and None Incorrect. 5 In Tries Are and Time Is, accept the default settings, Unlimited. 6 Verify that the Reset option is not selected. 7 Select “Insert this Interaction in a layer,” to place the CourseBuilder Interaction in a layer so you can easily position it in the document. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 49 Define the correct choice Use the Choices tab to define the interaction choices and to define whether a choice is correct or incorrect. 1 Click the Choices tab. In the Choices list, choice1 is already selected and marked as correct. 2 Under Choice Options, in the Name field, change the default text “choice1” by typing waverider. 3 Delete the text in the Text field. 4 In the Image File field, click Browse. 5 In the Select Appearance dialog box, navigate to the cb_graphics folder, then select toy_waverider_mini.gif, and click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh). The Choices tab updates. 50 Chapter 1 Define incorrect choices Now you’ll set images for the other incorrect interaction choices. 1 In the Choices list, select choice2. Notice that “Choice Is” is marked incorrect. 2 Under Choice Options, in the Name field, change the default text “choice2” by typing coldfusion. 3 Delete the text in the Text field. 4 In the Image File field, click Browse. Then, in the Select Appearance dialog box, navigate to the cb_graphics folder, select toy_coldfusion_mini.gif, and click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh). 5 In the Choices list, select choice3. 6 Under Choice Options, in the Name field, change the default text “choice3” by typing racer. 7 Delete the text in the Text field. 8 In the Image File field, click Browse. Then, in the Select Appearance dialog box, navigate to the cb_graphics folder, select toy_racer_mini.gif, and click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh). 9 In the Choices list, select choice4. 10 Under Choice Options, in the Name field, change the default text “choice4” by typing satellite. 11 Delete the text in the Text field. 12 In the Image File field, click Browse. Then, in the Select Appearance dialog box, navigate to the cb_graphics folder, select toy_satellite_mini.gif, and click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh). 13 Click OK to close the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 51 Create a layer for user feedback In the document, you’ll position the layer containing the interaction choices, then create a layer in the document where both the quiz question and the user feedback will appear. 52 Chapter 1 1 In the Document window, click the border of the interaction layer to select the layer. 2 Click the layer tab then drag the layer until your document looks similar to the screen below. 3 In the Object palette, click the Layer icon. Then move the pointer to the Document window, and in the area to the left of the choices, drag the pointer to draw a layer. 4 With the layer selected, in the Property inspector’s LayerID field, replace the default text “Layer1” by typing Feedback. 5 In the Document window, click in the Feedback layer to position the insertion point in the layer, then in the Object palette, click the Image icon to insert an image in the layer. 6 In the Select Image Source dialog box, navigate to the cb_graphics folder, and select text_mc_question.jpg, and click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh). 7 With the image selected, in the Property inspector’s Image field, name the image feedback 8 Move the layer if you need to so it doesn’t overlap the layer containing the choices. Create user feedback When users make a choice, you’ll give them feedback using the same technique you used to display product information earlier: you’ll have the Action Manager swap the image of the question with an image containing the feedback. Set up feedback for a correct response 1 Click anywhere in the layer containing the choices. Then, in the tag selector click <interaction>, and in the Property inspector click Edit to open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. 2 Click the Action Manager tab. 3 In the Action Manager list under “if Correct,” select Popup Message, and click Cut. 4 In the Action Manager list reselect “if Correct,” then choose Swap Image from the Actions pop-up menu, and click Add. The Swap Image dialog box appears. 5 In the Images list, select “image in the Feedback layer,” then click Browse. 6 In the Select Image Source dialog box, navigate to the cb_graphics folder, select text_feedback_correct.jpg, and click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh). 7 Click OK to close the Swap Image dialog box. Set up feedback for wrong response Next, you’ll set the feedback for an incorrect choice. 1 In the Action Manager list under “else if Incorrect,” select Popup Message, then click Cut. 2 In the Action Manager list re-select “else if Incorrect,” then choose Swap Image from the Actions pop-up menu, and click Add. The Swap Image dialog box appears. 3 In the Images list, select “image in the Feedback layer,” then click Browse. 4 In the Select Image Source dialog box, navigate to the cb_graphics folder, and select text_feedback_incorrect.jpg, and click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh). 5 Click OK to close the Swap Image dialog box. 6 Click OK to close the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 53 Test the interaction Now test the page to see how it works. 1 Choose File > Save, then press F12 to preview the page in a browser. 2 When the document opens try the interaction: Click the first button, and you receive feedback that your choice is right. Click the other three buttons, and you receive feedback that your choice is wrong. 54 Chapter 1 Create a Multiple-choice interaction You’re now ready to create a navigation page from which users can select how they want to navigate your site. They can choose to learn about the products, test their knowledge of the products, or take a sales incentives quiz. Now you’ll see another way to use a multiple-choice interaction. Open the file to which you’ll add a multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interaction. 1 Choose File > Open. 2 In the Open dialog box, navigate to the cb_discover folder, then select the file named cb_nav.htm, and click Open. Insert a CourseBuilder Interaction 1 If the Object palette isn’t already open, choose Window > Objects to open it. 2 In the Document window, click in the middle of the document to place the insertion point after existing page elements. You can’t see the invisible markers in the document because they are obscured by the banner image. 3 In the Object palette’s Common panel, click the CourseBuilder Interaction icon. The CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box appears displaying the Gallery tab. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 55 Select the type of interaction Use the options in the Gallery tab to select an interaction template. You can choose a target browser to see a list of interactions that will work on the specified browser version and you can use the Category list to select an interaction type. The icons in the Gallery show which templates are available for a selected interaction type. 1 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, under Target, select 4.0+ Browsers if it isn’t already selected. 2 In the Category list, select Multiple Choice. The icons in the Gallery represent the multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interactions that will function in version 4 and later browsers. 3 Click the icon for the graphic multiple-choice with radio buttons template. Notice that as you place the pointer over the template icons, the template’s name appears in the blank space below the Gallery. The CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box displays additional tabs next to the Gallery tab. Use these tabs to define the properties, elements, and actions of the interaction. The framework of the multiple-choice template is visible in the Document window. To see the CourseBuilder Interaction in the Document window, drag the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box down or to the right, if necessary. 56 Chapter 1 Define the multiple-choice interaction Select options on the General tab to define general properties that apply to the overall multiple-choice interaction. 1 Click the General tab. 2 In the Question Text field, replace the text “Put your question text here” by typing: Here’s the latest on our new line of toys - specs, prices, and this quarter’s sales incentives. Explore first, then test your knowledge with a couple of quizzes. Click a button to choose: The text instantly updates in the Document window when you click another field on this tab. 3 Under Judge Interaction, accept the default setting, “when the user clicks a choice.” This option dictates that the interaction is instantly judged when a user makes a selection. 4 In Correct When, accept the default setting, Any Correct and None Incorrect. 5 In Tries Are and Time Is, accept the default settings, Unlimited. You aren’t limiting the number of tries, nor the amount of time the user has to respond correctly to the question in this interaction. 6 Verify that the Reset option is not selected. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 57 7 58 Chapter 1 Select “Insert this Interaction in a layer” to place the CourseBuilder Interaction in a layer so you can easily position it in the document. Define the choices Use the Choices tab to define the user’s choices in the interaction. You’ll name each choice so you can easily identify them in other tabs, add text to create the user’s choices, and define how each choice is judged. 1 Start by clicking the Choices tab. In the Choices list, “choice1(correct)” is already selected. 2 In the Name field, replace the default text “choice1” by typing Explore. 3 In the Text field, replace the default text “Text for choice1” by typing Explore the new products. This is the text the user sees on the screen. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 59 4 In the Choice Is pop-up menu, select Not Judged. This interaction guides navigation, so a user’s choice isn’t correct or incorrect. 5 In the Choices list, click “choice2” to select it. Notice that the Name field changes; it now matches the selected choice in the Choices list. 60 Chapter 1 6 In the Name field, replace the default text “choice2” by typing DD. 7 In the Text field, replace the default text “Text for choice2” by typing Know your target customer. 8 In the Choice Is pop-up menu, select Not Judged. 9 In the Choices list, click “choice3” to select it. 10 In the Name field, replace the default text “choice3” by typing MC. 11 In the Text field, replace the default text “Text for choice3” by typing What’s in it for you. 12 In the Choice Is pop-up menu, select Not Judged. 13 In the Choices list, select “choice4” then click Delete to remove this choice from the interaction. Define the action Complete the interaction by defining the action that CourseBuilder executes in response to the user’s choices. You’ll link each choice with a file to open when clicked. Use the Action Manager to set up a Go To URL action for each choice. If a user selects choice 1, the explore activity page is displayed If a user selects choice 2, the drag-and-drop quiz page is displayed If a user selects choice 3, the multiple-choice quiz page is displayed While defining this interaction, you’ll change the default settings of the segments, conditions, and actions to customize the feedback. Select the Action Manager tab Start by clicking the Action Manager tab. The Action Manager tab displays three segments: Segment: Check Time Segment: Correctness Segment: Check Tries Although segments are automatically set up for a time limit and tries limit, they aren’t triggered unless you select the time or tries limit options in the General tab. Actions to provide users with feedback are already set for each default Action Manager segment. You’ll change the default settings of the segments, conditions, and actions to customize the feedback for your interaction. Segments preceded by a plus sign (+) are collapsed. To view the conditions and actions of collapsed segments, click Expand on the Action Manager tab. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 61 Edit the segments You’ll change the default segment name to a name that identifies what the segment does. 1 In the Action Manager list, select Segment:Correctness to select this segment. 2 Click Edit. The Segment Editor appears. 62 Chapter 1 3 In the Segment Name field, replace the default text, by typing Navigation. 4 Click OK to close the dialog box. Define the explore condition 1 In the Action Manager list, select the “if Correct” condition. 2 Click Edit. The Condition Editor appears. 3 In the Condition Name field, type Explore selected to indicate which condition is represented. 4 In the rightmost Interaction pop-up menu, which currently shows <none>, select Button “Explore.” 5 In the bottommost Type pop-up menu, make sure True is selected. 6 Click OK to close the dialog box. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 63 Add a Go To URL action Now add the action that takes the user to the correct URL when this choice is selected. First you’ll delete the existing Popup Message action, then you’ll add a Go To URL action. 1 In the Action Manager list, under “if Explore selected,” select Popup Message. 2 Click Cut to delete this action from the Action Manager list. 3 In the Action Manager, select “if Explore selected.” 4 In the Action Manager pop-up menu, choose Go To URL, then click Add. The Go To URL dialog box appears. 5 In the URL field, click Browse. 6 In the dialog box that appears, navigate to the cb_discover folder, then to cb_explore.htm, and click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh) to select the file to open when the choice is clicked. The URL field updates. 7 Click OK to close the dialog box. Define the drag-and-drop condition 64 Chapter 1 1 In the Action Manager list, select the “else if Incorrect” condition. 2 Click Edit to open the Condition Editor. 3 In the Condition Name field, type Drag and Drop selected to indicate which condition is represented. 4 In the rightmost Interaction pop-up menu, select Button “DD.” 5 In the bottommost Type pop-up menu, make sure True is selected. 6 Click OK to close the dialog box. Add a Go To URL action Add the action which takes the user to the drag-and-drop quiz when this choice is selected. Delete the existing Popup Message action, then add a Go To URL action. 1 In the Action Manager list, under “else if Drag and Drop selected,” select Popup Message. 2 Click Cut to delete this action from the Action Manager list. 3 In the Action Manager, select “else if Drag and Drop selected.” 4 In the Action Manager pop-up menu, choose Go To URL, then click Add. 5 In the Go To URL dialog box, in the URL field, click Browse. Then, in the dialog box that appears, navigate to cb_drag_drop.htm in the tutorial folder, and click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh) to select the file to open when the choice is clicked. 6 Click OK to close the dialog box. Define the multiple-choice condition 1 In the Action Manager list select the “else if Unknown Response” condition. 2 Click Edit to open the Condition Editor. 3 In the Condition Name field, type Multiple Choice selected to indicate which condition is represented. 4 In the rightmost Interaction pop-up menu, select Button “MC.” 5 In the bottommost Type pop-up menu, make sure True is selected. 6 Click OK to close the dialog box. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Tutorial 65 Add a Go To URL action Add the action that takes the user to the multiple-choice quiz page when Choice 3 is selected. Delete the existing Popup Message action, then add a Go To URL action. 1 In the Action Manager list, under “else if Multiple Choice selected,” select Popup Message. 2 Click Cut to delete this action from the Action Manager list. 3 In the Action Manager, select “else if Multiple Choice selected.” 4 In the Action Manager pop-up menu, choose Go To URL, then click Add. 5 In the Go To URL dialog box, in the URL field click Browse. Then in the dialog box that appears, navigate to cb_mc.htm in the cb_discover folder, and click Select (Windows) or Choose (Macintosh) to select the file to open when the choice is clicked. 6 Click OK to close the dialog box, then click OK to close the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. 7 Choose File > Save to save your document. Position the interaction in the document You may need to change the size and position of the layer that contains the multiple-choice interaction object. 1 Click the border of the layer to select it. 2 Then do the following to resize or move the layer: Use the layer tab (on the upper left corner) to drag the layer to the desired location. Drag any of the layer handles to resize the layer. 3 Save your changes. Test the interaction 1 Choose File > Preview in Browser. Your browser opens and displays the interaction. 2 Click each of the buttons to test your site. The other interaction pages you created appear. 3 66 Chapter 1 Close your browser when you are done testing your site. 2 CHAPTER 2 CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overview of CourseBuilderBasics Whether you are familiar with using Dreamweaver or new to Dreamweaver, you can easily get started using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver includes an easy to use interface which helps you to create webbased learning interactions. About the CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver work area After installing CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver you may not notice much difference between Dreamweaver and CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. As with Dreamweaver, begin by creating a local site for your CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver documents. For information about creating a local site, see the “Sites and Documents” chapter in the Using Dreamweaver book. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver’s functionality is initiated when you insert a CourseBuilder Interaction in a document. As you get started with CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver you’ll notice the following work area components and commands. 67 Copying support files Use the Copy Support Files command to copy CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver support files to the local site folder you’ve established for your site. Using this command adds two folders to your site structure; the Scripts folder, a folder that contains JavaScript files, and the Images folder, a folder which contains graphics elements such as placeholder images, button images, slider images, and timer images. CourseBuilder Interactions require these script and image support files in order to function correctly. Note: If your current file structure contains a folder named Images, CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver will copy the image support files into that folder. If you want to keep CourseBuilder support files separate from your graphic files, you may want to rename your graphics file prior to copying the support files. To copy support files, do one of the following: 1 You must have a saved document open. Do one of the following: Open a new document, then save it to your local site folder. Open an existing document from within your local site folder. 2 Choose Modify > CourseBuilder > Copy Support Files. 3 Select the options you want, then click OK. The Copy Support Files command always copies the script files. There are two options for copying the image files: copies the image files from the Dreamweaver\CourseBuilder folder to the folder where the document is located. Copy images overwrites the image files in the folder where the document is located with the image files in the Dreamweaver\CourseBuilder folder. Only files with names matching those in the Dreamweaver\CourseBuilder folder are replaced. New files you’ve added to the folder are left untouched. Files from the Dreamweaver\CourseBuilder folder that you’ve renamed are also left untouched. Overwrite existing image files Note: It is important that you also transfer CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver support files to your web server when publishing your web site. You can use the Dreamweaver Site window to copy HTML pages and dependent files. CourseBuilder support files, however, aren’t seen as dependent files and are not automatically copied to a remote server. (See also “What to put on the web server” on page 76.) 68 Chapter 2 The CourseBuilder Interaction icon on the palette The CourseBuilder Interaction icon appears on the Object palette’s Common panel. CourseBuilder Interaction icon The CourseBuilder Interaction icon in the document After inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction in a document, the CourseBuilder Interaction icon appears in the document. Use the CourseBuilder Interaction icon to select a CourseBuilder Interaction when you want to cut, copy, clear, or edit a CourseBuilder Interaction. The CourseBuilder Interaction icon remains visible even when View > Invisible Elements is turned off. The interaction tag When a CourseBuilder Interaction is selected, the interaction tag, <interaction>, appears in the tag selector. If you can’t locate the CourseBuilder Interaction icon in a document (it may be obscured by other elements in a document, such as a layer), use the interaction tag to select the CourseBuilder Interaction. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver basics 69 The CourseBuilder Interaction Property inspector When an interaction is selected, the CourseBuilder Interaction Property inspector is displayed. Use the CourseBuilder Interaction Property inspector to make edits to a selected CourseBuilder Interaction. lists each CourseBuilder Interaction in the document. Use the pop-up menu to select an interaction to edit. Name places a CourseBuilder Interaction into its own layer. See “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166. Layer displays the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. Click Edit to make changes to the settings for the selected Interaction. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158. Edit Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction You must save the document before inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction. If you attempt to insert a CourseBuilder Interaction prior to saving the document, you are prompted to save your document. To insert a CourseBuilder Interaction: In the Document window, position the insertion point where you want the Interaction to appear, then use one of the following methods to open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box: Click the CourseBuilder Interaction icon in the Object palette. Drag the CourseBuilder Interaction icon from the Object palette to the document. Choose Insert > CourseBuilder Interaction. The CourseBuilder Interaction Gallery appears. 70 Chapter 2 CourseBuilder Interaction Gallery The CourseBuilder Interaction Gallery lists the categories of Interactions and displays an icon representing each of the Interaction templates. Use the Target option in the upper left corner to display only the templates that work in the browser version you’re targeting. See “CourseBuilder Interaction compatibility with browsers” on page 73 for an overview of compatibility issues. Create custom templates and add them to the Gallery (see “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169). Add new categories to the Interactions list to accommodate new classes of custom templates. For information about the templates and what you can do with them, see: Multiple-choice Interactions “The multiple-choice templates” on page 80 “Multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures” on page 83 Drag-and-drop Interactions “The drag-and-drop templates” on page 100 “Drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures” on page 104 Explore Interactions “The explore templates” on page 130 “Explore CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures” on page 133 CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver basics 71 Button Interactions “The button templates” on page 174 “Button CourseBuilder Interactions— step-by-step procedures” on page 176 Text entry Interactions “The text entry templates” on page 144 “Text entry CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures” on page 147 Timer Interactions “The timer templates” on page 185 “Timer CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures” on page 187 Slider Interactions “The slider templates” on page 200 “Slider CourseBuilder Interactions— step-by-step procedures” on page 202 Action Manager Interactions “Action Manager CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures” on page 215 72 Chapter 2 CourseBuilder Interaction compatibility with browsers Different browsers—and different versions of the same browser—have different capabilities. Browser limitations can limit what you can do with a CourseBuilder Interaction. The following table provides an overview of what you can expect of the Interaction templates when they run in Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. Template Netscape 3 Netscape 4 Internet Explorer 3 (Win) Multiple choice with form elements OK*; radio buttons aren’t cleared by Reset; both radio buttons and check boxes can be selected even when disabled OK*; radio buttons aren’t cleared by Reset; both radio buttons and check boxes can be selected even when disabled OK*; radio buttons OK aren’t cleared by Reset; both radio buttons and check boxes can be selected even when disabled Multiple choice with graphic elements OK; transparency in images may cause redraw problems OK Fails without error Drag and drop Fails without error OK*; cannot insert in Fails without error a layer OK* Explore Fails without error OK*; cannot insert in Fails without error a layer OK* Button OK; transparency in images may cause redraw problems OK Fails without error OK Text entry OK*; accepts text entry even when disabled OK* OK*; accepts text entry even when disabled OK Timer May have only one running on each page May have only one running on each page Fails without error OK Slider Fails without error* Only one per page*; Fails without error* layers after the slider won’t function correctly; setting background color on the slider layer causes a failure without error OK* OK OK Action Manager OK * OK Internet Explorer 4 OK Not grayed when disabled CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver basics 73 What’s new—step-by-step procedures What you can do Convert Knowledge Objects created in “Converting from previous versions” on an earlier version of Dreamweaver page 75 Attain to Attain Objects 74 Chapter 2 Select the CourseBuilder Interaction icon to edit an interaction “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 Copy the script and image files an Interaction needs to the folder where it’s located “Copying support files” on page 68 Insert a CourseBuilder Interaction in a layer “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Edit a segment, condition, or action “Editing a segment, condition, or action” on page 225 Rename a segment, condition, or action “Renaming a segment, condition, or action” on page 224 Cut, copy, paste, or clear an entire CourseBuilder Interaction “Cutting, copying, pasting, and clearing interactions” on page 158 Change the order of the items on the Action Manager pop-up menu “Action Manager pop-up menu” on page 217 Add custom behavior to the Action Manager pop-up menu “Adding a custom behavior” on page 249 Add a custom object to the Gallery “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 Set up a page to track student performance “Creating the CMI activity” on page 269 Add a web-packaged Authorware piece to a page “Authorware integration” on page 167 Converting from previous versions Knowledge Objects you’ve created in Dreamweaver 1.2 Attain or in Attain Objects for Dreamweaver need to be converted before you can use them with CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. The Convert From Previous Versions command both converts a Knowledge Object to a CourseBuilder Interaction and creates a backup of the original HTML page it’s part of. The backup has the same file name as the original followed by the extension BAK (for example, the backup created for Myfile.htm is named Myfile.htm.bak). You can also convert a Knowledge Object on a page by selecting it, opening the Property inspector, and clicking the Convert button. To convert previous version files: 1 Copy all of the original Dreamweaver Attain files to a new folder and delete the Scripts folder. 2 Launch CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. 3 Open a document which was created in a previous version. Choose File > Open. 4 Choose Modify > CourseBuilder > Copy Support Files to copy CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver support files to the same folder as the document. 5 Choose Modify > CourseBuilder > Convert From Previous Versions to convert the document to CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. A message appears saying that the file has been converted. 6 Do one of the following: Click OK to close the message window. Click View Log to see the conversion log, which opens in a separate browser window; then close the browser window to return to your document. 7 Save the document. Note: You must open and convert each document in the folder which contains a previous version Knowledge Object in order to edit it using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver basics 75 What to put on the web server When you’re transferring your completed CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver documents to the web server, be sure to copy the following files: Images for buttons and timers (in the Images folder) Images called by the Swap Image action The Scripts folder Any custom scripts (JavaScript files) a page uses Other external media, such as sounds, web-packaged Authorware pieces, and so on Troubleshooting Here are some tips for avoiding problems when you’re working with CourseBuilder Interactions. Creating forms and form elements Form elements can’t be added to CourseBuilder Interactions. To build multiplechoice or text entry interactions, insert a CourseBuilder Interaction on the page, then add and name elements using the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. Creating layers Layers can’t be used as elements in a CourseBuilder Interaction. To build a dragand-drop or explore interaction, insert an interaction on the page, then add and name elements using the CourseBuilder Interaction interface. Naming elements Directly changing the names of CourseBuilder Interaction page elements causes problems. Page elements created using CourseBuilder are given unique names, such as “G01Question.” Rename page elements only in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. Cutting, copying, pasting, and clearing Use the Cut, Copy, Paste, and Clear commands on the Edit menu to edit CourseBuilder Interactions. Use the special Edit > Clear command to completely remove all HTML code related to a selected CourseBuilder Interaction. 76 Chapter 2 Placing CourseBuilder Interactions in layers Don’t drag or paste CourseBuilder Interactions into layers. To place an Interaction in a layer, select the Insert in Layer option, either in the Property inspector or on the General tab. Nesting and coloring layers Don’t nest layers or set the background color of a layer that contains an Interaction if you’re targeting Netscape browsers. Resizing hot area layers containing images In Netscape browsers, layers shrink to fit their content. To resize a hot area layer, resize the image first, then shrink the layer to the same size. When moving these layers, take care not to drag the images out of the layers. Inserting multiple CourseBuilder Interactions on a page Don’t nest CourseBuilder Interactions. Before inserting a new Interaction, make sure the insertion point isn’t inside an existing <interaction> tag. Behaviors and custom scripts Many page elements created by using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver contain custom scripts, which may show up in the Behavior inspector. Don’t delete or alter these scripts, and avoid adding other actions to these elements. To add actions, use the Action Manager. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver basics 77 78 Chapter 2 3 CHAPTER 3 Multiple-Choice CourseBuilder Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multiple-choice interaction overview Use multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interactions to create surveys, drill and practice learning activities, tests, and assessments. You can track quizzes to determine if further instruction might be necessary, and you can collate survey results. You can combine several multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interactions with an Action Manager CourseBuilder Interaction to track scores that a user receives for each of the multiple-choice interactions, and then total the scores for an entire test. You can also introduce feedback when a user chooses an incorrect answer. A multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interaction presents users with a group of images, text items, or both from which to choose; then it exhibits actions based on which items the user selects. 79 The multiple-choice templates You can choose from six multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interaction templates, and then use the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box to customize the interaction (including the number and source files of the graphics, radio buttons, and check boxes that the CourseBuilder Interaction contains): MultCh_TrueFalse true/false question. Contains a block of text followed by two radio buttons labeled True and False. For details about how the template works, see “True/false questions” on page 85. For information about using the template, see “Creating a true/false question” on page 86. MultCh_Radios multiple-choice question (radio buttons). Contains a block of text followed by four choices labeled with placeholder text. The choices are preceded by standard form radio buttons. For details about how the template works, see “Multiple-choice questions” on page 88. For information about using the template, see “Creating a multiple-choice question” on page 89. MultCh_ImageRadios multiple-choice question (graphic buttons), version 4 or later browsers only. Contains a block of text followed by four choices labeled with placeholder text. The choices are preceded by graphic buttons. For details about how the template works, see “Multiple-choice questions” on page 88. For information about using the template, see “Creating a multiple-choice question” on page 89. MultCh_ImageButton all-that-apply question (form check boxes). Contains a block of text followed by four choices labeled with placeholder text. The choices are preceded by standard form check boxes. For details about how the template works, see “All-that-apply questions” on page 94. For information about using the template, see “Creating an all-that-apply question” on page 95. MultCh_Checkboxes all-that-apply question (graphic check boxes), version 4 or later browsers only. Contains a block of text followed by four choices labeled with placeholder text. The choices are preceded by graphic check boxes. For details about how the template works, see “All-that-apply questions” on page 94. For information about using the template, see “Creating an all-that-apply question” on page 95. MultCh_ImageChkboxes graphic multiple-choice question (images), version 4 or later browsers only. Contains a block of text followed by four choices represented by placeholder graphics. For details about how the template works, see “Graphic multiple-choice questions” on page 91. For information about using the template, see “Using images instead of text as choices” on page 92. 80 Chapter 3 The multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interaction tabs General tab See “Multiple-choice General tab options” on page 283 for detailed information about the options on this tab. Here’s a brief overview of the options: is the unique name of the interaction. This name is used to identify a CourseBuilder Interaction in the Condition Editor and other dialog boxes. Interaction Name Question Text is the text of the question, statement, or instruction that precedes the choices. determines when CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver evaluates a user’s response. See “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163. Judge Interaction defines what qualifies as a correct response to the CourseBuilder Interaction. See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. Correct When sends information about a user’s performance to a computermanaged instruction system. See “Using Knowledge Track” on page 267. Knowledge Track limits the number of tries a user has to respond to the CourseBuilder Interaction. See “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162. Tries Are limits the amount of time a user has to respond to the interaction. See “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on page 163. Time Is creates a button that lets a user start over. See “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 165. Reset places the CourseBuilder Interaction in a layer. See “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166. Layer Tracking tab The Tracking tab appears only if you’ve selected the Knowledge Track option on the General tab. See “Tracking tab” on page 287. Multiple-Choice CourseBuilder Interactions 81 Choices tab See “Choices options” on page 287 for detailed information about the options on this tab. Here’s a brief overview of the options: lists all the choices in the CourseBuilder Interaction. Use the buttons to add, delete, and rearrange choices. See “Adding or deleting a choice” on page 97. Choices is the name of the selected choice. It appears only in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. See “Naming a choice” on page 98. Name is the text of the selected choice—the text that appears on the page. See “Replacing “True” and “False” with different words” on page 88, “Creating a multiple-choice question” on page 89, and “Creating an all-that-apply question” on page 95. Text is the name of an image file associated with the text of a choice. See “Adding an image to a text choice” on page 98. Don’t use this option for graphic buttons or check boxes or for graphics-only questions; use the Appearance option instead. Image File is the name of the image file for a graphic button or check box (see “Multiple-choice questions” on page 88 and “All-that-apply questions” on page 94) and in a graphics-only question (see “Using images instead of text as choices” on page 92). The template supplies a placeholder. Appearance determines whether a choice is right or wrong. See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. Choice Is Score is the value assigned to the choice. See “Scoring a response” on page 255. Action Manager tab The Action Manager tab contains code segments set up as if...then conditions that define how a CourseBuilder Interaction behaves if any of the following occurs: A user reaches a time limit that you’ve set on the General tab (see “Check Time segment” on page 296). A user’s response is correct, incorrect, or unknown (see “Correctness segment” on page 296). A user reaches the tries limit that you’ve set on the General tab (see “Check Tries segment” on page 296). 82 Chapter 3 Multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interactions— step-by-step procedures What you can do For instructions, see Create a true/false question “Creating a true/false question” on page 86 Replace “True” and “False” with “Yes” “Replacing “True” and “False” with and “No” or with words from another different words” on page 88 language Create multiple-choice questions “Creating a multiple-choice question” on page 89 Create multiple-choice questions that use images rather than words “Using images instead of text as choices” on page 92 Create all-that-apply questions “Creating an all-that-apply question” on page 95 Rearrange the order of the choices in a question “Changing the order of the choices” on page 96 Use more or fewer choices than a template provides “Adding or deleting a choice” on page 97 Give a choice a descriptive name “Naming a choice” on page 98 Use images to enhance the text of the “Adding an image to a text choice” on choices in a question page 98 Learn about the segments in the Action Manager that control how a CourseBuilder Interaction acts on a user’s response “Multiple-choice segments” on page 297 Make changes to a CourseBuilder Interaction “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 Cut, copy, and paste an entire CourseBuilder Interaction “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 Set which responses are right and which are wrong “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254 Customize the feedback that the CourseBuilder Interaction gives the user “Customizing feedback” on page 159 Display feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field rather than in a pop-up message “Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field” on page 160 Limit the number of times a user can try to respond correctly to an interaction “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 Multiple-Choice CourseBuilder Interactions 83 What you can do For instructions, see Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on respond correctly page 163 Set whether a CourseBuilder “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction Interaction evaluates a user’s response is judged” on page 163 as soon as the user responds, when the user clicks a Submit button, or when an event occurs Assign a CourseBuilder Interaction a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Send information about users’ “Tracking user performance” on page 251 performance to a computer-managed instruction system such as Lotus Pathware Give the Submit button a different name “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164 Let users start an exercise over “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 165 Add a custom CourseBuilder Interaction as a template “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 Place a CourseBuilder Interaction in a “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction layer so you can hide it, position it, or into a layer” on page 166 manipulate it in some other way 84 Chapter 3 True/false questions The true/false template contains a block of text (see Question Text on the General tab) followed by two radio buttons labeled True and False (see the Text option on the Choices tab). True is correct (see the Choice Is option on the Choices tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction judges a user’s response as soon as the user clicks a choice (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction displays feedback if the user answers correctly or incorrectly. It also displays feedback if the user doesn’t select either radio button. (See the Correctness segment in the Action Manager tab.) For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Creating a true/false question” on page 86. For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Choices options” on page 287 “Multiple-choice segments” on page 297 Multiple-Choice CourseBuilder Interactions 85 Creating a true/false question See “The multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interaction tabs” on page 81 for an overview of the tabs. To create a true/false question: 1 Insert a CourseBuilder Interaction in the document by doing one of the following: Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon in the Object palette. Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon, then drag it to the document window. Choose Insert > CourseBuilder Interaction. 2 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, select Multiple Choice from the Category list. 3 Select the true/false question icon. 4 Click the General tab. In the Question Text box, replace the default text with the text of your question. If the correct answer is True: Click OK. If the correct answer is False: 86 Chapter 3 1 Click the Choices tab. 2 In the Choices list at the top of the tab, select choice1 (which corresponds to true). Change the Choice Is setting at the bottom of the tab to Incorrect. 3 In the Choices list, select choice2 (which corresponds to false). Change the Choice Is setting at the bottom of the tab to Correct. 4 Click OK. Other things you can do What you can do For instructions, see Replace “True” and “False” with “Yes” “Replacing “True” and “False” with and “No” or with words from another different words” on page 88 language Give a choice a descriptive name “Naming a choice” on page 98 Add an image to each choice “Adding an image to a text choice” on page 98 Evaluate the answer when the user clicks a Submit button “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Give the Submit button a different name “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164 Assign an interaction a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Track a user’s performance in a computer-managed instruction system, such as Lotus Pathware “Tracking user performance” on page 251 Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 complete the interaction correctly Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on complete the interaction page 163 Change the feedback preprogrammed “Customizing feedback” on page 159 in the template Allow users to click a button to answer “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on the question again page 165 Place the question in a layer so you can hide it, position it, or manipulate it in some other way as a layer “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Save a custom true/false CourseBuilder “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template Interaction as a template to the Gallery” on page 169 Multiple-Choice CourseBuilder Interactions 87 Replacing “True” and “False” with different words 1 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Choices tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 In the Choices list at the top of the tab, select choice1. 3 In Choice Options, in the Text (optional) field, replace True with the text you want to use. 4 In the Choices list, select choice2. 5 In Choice Options, in the Text (optional) field, replace False with the text you want to use. 6 Click OK to close the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. Multiple-choice questions Multiple-choice (radio buttons) Multiple-choice (graphic buttons) For version 4 and later browsers The multiple-choice templates contain a block of text (see Question Text on the General tab) followed by four choices labeled with placeholder text (see the Text option on the Choices tab). In one multiple-choice template, the choices are preceded by standard form radio buttons. In the other template, they’re preceded by graphic buttons (see the Appearance option on the Choices tab). The first choice is correct (see the Choice Is option on the Choices tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction judges a user’s response as soon as the user clicks a choice (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction displays feedback if the user answers correctly or incorrectly. It also displays feedback if the user doesn’t select a radio button. (See the Correctness segment in the Action Manager tab.) For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Creating a multiple-choice question” on page 89. For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Choices options” on page 287 “Multiple-choice segments” on page 297 88 Chapter 3 Creating a multiple-choice question Multiple-choice questions with graphic buttons work only in version 4 or later browsers. (You can also use them in Netscape Navigator 3 if the images contain no transparent pixels.) See “The multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interaction tabs” on page 81 for an overview of the tabs. To create a multiple-choice question: 1 Insert a CourseBuilder Interaction in the document by doing one of the following: Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon in the Object palette. Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon, then drag it to the document window. Choose Insert > CourseBuilder Interaction. 2 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, select Multiple Choice from the Category list, then select the icon for the multiple-choice template you want to use. Multiple-choice (radio buttons) Multiple-choice (graphic buttons) For version 4 and later browsers 3 Click the General tab. In the Question Text box, replace the default text with the text of your question. 4 Click the Choices tab. In the Choices list at the top of the tab, select the first choice, and type the text of the correct answer in the Text field (you can change the order of the answers later). Repeat for each of the wrong answers. If the answers are neither right nor wrong, see “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. If you want to delete default choices or add additional choices, see “Adding or deleting a choice” on page 97. 5 Arrange the order of the answers. See “Changing the order of the choices” on page 96. 6 Click OK to close the dialog box. Multiple-Choice CourseBuilder Interactions 89 Other things you can do What you can do For instructions, see Give a choice a descriptive name “Naming a choice” on page 98 Add an image to each choice “Adding an image to a text choice” on page 98 Evaluate the answer when the user clicks a Submit button “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163 Give the Submit button a different name “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164 Change which choice is correct “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254 Assign an interaction a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Track a user’s performance in a computer-managed instruction system, such as Lotus Pathware “Tracking user performance” on page 251 Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 complete the interaction correctly Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on complete the interaction page 163 Change the feedback preprogrammed “Customizing feedback” on page 159 in the template Allow users to click a button to answer “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on the question again page 165 90 Chapter 3 Place the question in a layer so you can hide it, position it, or manipulate it in some other way as a layer “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Save a custom multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interaction as a template “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 Graphic multiple-choice questions For version 4 and later browsers The graphic multiple-choice template contains a block of text (see Question Text on the General tab) followed by four choices represented by placeholder graphics (see the Appearance option on the Choices tab). The first choice is correct (see the Choice Is option on the Choices tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction judges a user’s response as soon as the user clicks a choice (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction displays feedback if the user answers correctly or incorrectly. It also displays feedback if the user doesn’t select anything. (See the Correctness segment in the Action Manager tab.) For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Using images instead of text as choices” on page 92. For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Choices options” on page 287 “Multiple-choice segments” on page 297 Multiple-Choice CourseBuilder Interactions 91 Using images instead of text as choices Graphic multiple-choice questions work only in version 4 or later browsers. (You can also use them in Netscape Navigator 3 if the images contain no transparent pixels.) See “The multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interaction tabs” on page 81 for an overview of the tabs. To create a graphic multiple-choice question: 1 Insert a CourseBuilder Interaction in the document by doing one of the following: Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon in the Object palette. Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon, then drag it to the document window. Choose Insert > CourseBuilder Interaction. 2 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, under Target, select 4.0 Browsers; then in the Category list select Multiple Choice to see the multiple-choice templates. 3 Select the graphic multiple-choice icon. 4 Click the General tab. In the Question Text box, replace the default text with the text of your question. 5 Click the Choices tab. In the Choices list at the top of the tab, select a choice to set an image for. 6 In the Appearance field click Browse and navigate to the image you want to display for the selected choice. Repeat for each of the other choices in the interaction. If the answers are neither right nor wrong, see “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. If you want to delete default choices or add additional ones, see “Adding or deleting a choice” on page 97. 7 Arrange the order of the answers. See “Changing the order of the choices” on page 96. 8 92 Chapter 3 Click OK to close the dialog box. Other things you can do What you can do For instructions, see Give a choice a descriptive name “Naming a choice” on page 98 Evaluate the answer when the user clicks a Submit button “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163 Give the Submit button a different name “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164 Change which choice is correct “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254 Assign an interaction a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Track a user’s performance in a computer-managed instruction system, such as Lotus Pathware “Tracking user performance” on page 251 Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 complete the interaction correctly Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on complete the interaction page 163 Change the feedback preprogrammed “Customizing feedback” on page 159 in the template Allow users to click a button to answer “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on the question again page 165 Place the question in a layer so you can hide it, position it, or manipulate it in some other way as a layer “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Save a custom question CourseBuilder “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template Interaction as a template to the Gallery” on page 169 Multiple-Choice CourseBuilder Interactions 93 All-that-apply questions All-that-apply (check boxes) All-that-apply (graphic check boxes) For version 4 and later browsers The all-that-apply templates contain a block of text (see Question Text on the General tab) followed by four choices labeled with placeholder text (see the Text option on the Choices tab). In one all-that-apply template, the choices are preceded by standard form check boxes. In the other template, they’re preceded by graphic check boxes (see the Appearance option on the Choices tab). The first two choices are correct (see the Choice Is option on the Choices tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction judges a user’s response when the user clicks a Submit button (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction has a Reset button that lets the user start over either before or after clicking the Submit button (see the Reset option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction displays feedback if the user answers correctly or incorrectly. It also displays feedback if the user responds in a way that can’t be evaluated (for example, if the user clicks the Submit button before selecting any choices). (See the Correctness segment in the Action Manager tab.) For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Creating an all-that-apply question” on page 95. For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Choices options” on page 287 “Multiple-choice segments” on page 297 94 Chapter 3 Creating an all-that-apply question All-that-apply questions with graphic check boxes work only in version 4 or later browsers. (You can also use them in Netscape Navigator 3 if the images contain no transparent pixels.) See “The multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interaction tabs” on page 81 for an overview of the tabs. To create an all-that-apply question: 1 Insert a CourseBuilder Interaction in the document by doing one of the following: Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon in the Object palette. Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon, then drag it to the document window. Choose Insert > CourseBuilder Interaction. 2 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, in the Category list select Multiple Choice, then select the icon for the all-that-apply template you want to use. All-that-apply (check boxes) All-that-apply (graphic check boxes) For version 4 and later browsers 3 Click the General tab. In the Question Text box, replace the default text with the text of your question. 4 Click the Choices tab. In the Choices list at the top of the tab, select the first choice, and type the text of the first correct answer in the Text field. Repeat for the second correct answer and for each of the wrong answers. If you want to change which choices are correct or incorrect, see “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. If the answers are neither right nor wrong, see “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. If you want to delete default choices or add additional ones, see “Adding or deleting a choice” on page 97. 5 Arrange the order of the answers. See “Changing the order of the choices” on page 96. 6 Click OK to close the dialog box. Multiple-Choice CourseBuilder Interactions 95 Other things you can do What you can do For instructions, see Give a choice a descriptive name “Naming a choice” on page 98 Add an image to each choice “Adding an image to a text choice” on page 98 Evaluate the answer when the user clicks a Submit button “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163 Give the Submit button a different name “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164 Assign an interaction a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Track a user’s performance in a computer-managed instruction system, such as Lotus Pathware “Tracking user performance” on page 251 Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 complete the interaction correctly Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on complete the interaction page 163 Change the feedback preprogrammed “Customizing feedback” on page 159 in the template Allow users to click a button to answer “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on the question again page 165 Place the question in a layer so you can hide it, position it, or manipulate it in some other way as a layer “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Save a custom all-that-apply CourseBuilder Interaction as a template “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 Changing the order of the choices 1 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Choices tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 96 Chapter 3 2 In the Choices list at the top of the tab, select the name of the choice you want to move. 3 Click Up or Down to change the order in which the choice displays in the interaction. Adding or deleting a choice Go to the Choices tab: In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Choices tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. To delete a choice: In the Choices list at the top of the tab, select the name of the choice you want to delete, then click Delete. To add a choice: 1 In the Choices list at the top of the tab, select the name of the choice whose properties are most like the one you want to add. 2 Click Add. The choice is duplicated. 3 Name the choice. See “Naming a choice” on page 98. 4 Change the properties that need changing. See “Multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures” on page 83. 5 Arrange the choice’s position in the Choices list. See “Changing the order of the choices” on page 96. Multiple-Choice CourseBuilder Interactions 97 Naming a choice The name of a choice is different from the text of the choice. The text of the choice is what appears on the page; it’s what the user sees. The name of the choice appears only in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. The templates assign default names (choice1, choice2, and so on) to each choice. Change the default names to something more descriptive to make the choices easier to work with. However, you should avoid naming choices in ways that describe whether a choice is correct or incorrect. Because clever users can look at the HTML, you don’t want them to be able to determine the answer based on the names of the choices. To change the name of a choice: 1 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Choices tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 In the Choices list at the top of the tab, select the name of the choice you want to change. 3 In the Name field, replace the default name with the name you want. The name can consist only of letters and numbers. Invalid characters, including spaces, are automatically deleted. Adding an image to a text choice Don’t confuse an image you add to a text choice with a graphic multiplechoice question. Adding an image to a text choice merely enhances it. If you want to create a multiple-choice question that’s essentially graphic and that needs no text, use the graphic multiple-choice question template (see “Graphic multiple-choice questions” on page 91). To add an image to a choice: 1 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Choices tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 In the Choices list at the top of the tab, select the name of the choice you want to add an image to. 3 In the Image File, click Browse, then navigate to the image you want to display for the choice. The “Place before text” option is selected by default. The image appears to the left of the text of the choice. To have the image appear to the right of the text of the choice: Deselect the “Place before text” option. 98 Chapter 3 4 CHAPTER 4 Drag-and-Drop CourseBuilder Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drag-and-drop interaction overview Drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interactions offer users hands-on learning in which they interact directly with a lesson by manipulating elements on-screen. Use the drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction to have students demonstrate that they’ve mastered complex relationships between objects. For example, have users assemble a piece of machinery from its parts or relate concepts spatially. You can include guidance to demonstrate the consequences of using a complex system incorrectly. Consider using feedback on incorrect or undesirable responses to guide students and explain flaws in logic. To give a drag-and-drop interaction depth and make it less predictable and more challenging, make sure that dragand-drop interactions are real enough to handle and give feedback on a wide variety of gestures. 99 The drag-and-drop templates You can choose from seven drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction templates, and then use the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box to customize the drag-anddrop interaction. Drag_ManyToMany one-to-one matching. Places three drag elements and three target elements on the page. Each target element is the correct match for only one drag element. For details about how the template works, see “One-to-one matching” on page 106. For information about using the template, see “Creating a matching exercise” on page 110. Drag_2wayManyToMany one-to-one matching (either way). Places six drag & target elements on the page. A drag & target element can be both a drag element and a target element. Each drag & target element is the correct match for only one other drag & target element. For details about how the template works, see “One-to-one matching, either way” on page 107. For information about using the template, see “Creating a matching exercise” on page 110. Drag_1ToMany one-to-many matching. Places one drag element and three target elements on the page. Only one of the target elements is the correct match for the drag element. For details about how the template works, see “One-to-many matching” on page 108. For information about using the template, see “Creating a matching exercise” on page 110. Drag_2way1ToMany one-to-many matching (either way). Places four drag & target elements on the page. Only one pair of drag & target elements constitute the correct match. For details about how the template works, see “One-to-many matching, either way” on page 109. For information about using the template, see “Creating a matching exercise” on page 110. Drag_2way1To1 the “Build your own” template. Places two drag & target elements on the page, each of which can be dragged and dropped onto the other. Use this template as the starting point for your own custom CourseBuilder Interaction. For details about how the template works, see “The “Build your own” template” on page 112. For information about using the template, see “Building your own matching exercise” on page 113. For information about using the template, see “Creating a matching exercise” on page 110. 100 Chapter 4 Drag_2StepInOrder two-step procedure. Places one drag element and two target elements on the page. The first drag element should be dropped on the first target element, and then on the other target element, in two separate steps. For details about how the template works, see “Two-step procedure” on page 116. For information about using the template, see “Creating a procedure” on page 118. Drag_2Steps1ToMany two-step procedure with distractor. Places one drag element and three target elements on the page. The first drag element should be dropped on one target element, and then on another target element, in two separate steps. The third target element is part of an incorrect drag-target pair; if the user drops the drag element onto the target, the interaction displays a feedback message to alert the user that the response was incorrect. For details about how the template works, see “Two-step procedure with a distractor” on page 117. For information about using the template, see “Creating a procedure” on page 118. Drag-and-Drop CourseBuilder Interactions 101 The drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction tabs General tab See “General options” on page 281 for detailed information about the options on this tab. Here’s a brief overview of the options: is the unique name of the interaction. It’s used to identify the interaction in the Condition Editor and other dialog boxes. Interaction Name determines when the CourseBuilder Interaction evaluates a user’s response. See “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163. Judge Interaction defines what qualifies as a correct response to the interaction. See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. Correct When sends information about a user’s performance to a computermanaged instruction system. See “Tracking user performance” on page 251. Knowledge Track limits the number of tries a user has to respond to the interaction. See “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162. Tries Are limits the amount of time a user has to respond to the interaction. See “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on page 163. Time Is creates a button that lets a user start over. See “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 165. Reset determines what happens to a drag element when a user drops it on or near a target. See “Setting how an element behaves when dropped” on page 127. Reaction places the interaction’s question text, Submit button, and Reset button in a layer. See “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166. Layer Tracking tab The Tracking tab appears only if you’ve selected the Knowledge Track option on the General tab. See “Tracking tab” on page 287. 102 Chapter 4 Elements tab See “Drag-and-drop element options” on page 289 for detailed information about the options on this tab. Here’s a brief overview of the options: lists all of the elements in the CourseBuilder Interaction. Use the buttons to add and delete elements. See “Adding and deleting drag-and-drop elements” on page 124. Elements Name is the name of the selected element. See “Naming a drag-and-drop element” on page 123. is the name of the image file used for the selected element. The template supplies a placeholder. See “Replacing placeholder graphics” on page 122. Image File defines the selected element as a drag element, a target element, or a drag & target element. See “Making an element a drag element or a target” on page 128. Element Is Pairs tab See “Pairs options” on page 289 for detailed information about the options on this tab. Here’s a brief overview of the options: Pairs lists combinations of drag & target elements as matching pairs. Use the buttons to add and delete pairs. See “Adding and deleting drag-and-drop pairs” on page 125. Snap If Within defines the active area around a target. See “Setting how an element behaves when dropped” on page 127. defines how an element behaves when it’s dropped on a target. See “Setting how an element behaves when dropped” on page 127. Snap To determines whether matching a pair is right or wrong. See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. Choice Is Score is the value assigned to the pair. See “Scoring a response” on page 255. Drag-and-Drop CourseBuilder Interactions 103 Action Manager tab The Action Manager tab contains code segments set up as if...then conditions that define how a CourseBuilder Interaction behaves under specific conditions: If a user reaches a time limit that you’ve set on the General tab (see “Check Time segment” on page 296) If a user’s response is correct, incorrect, or unknown (see “Correctness segment” on page 296) If a user reaches the number of tries that you’ve set on the General tab (see “Check Tries segment” on page 296) If a user drags a given drag element in a procedural exercise (see “Two-step procedure segments” on page 299) Drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interactions— step-by-step procedures What you can do For instructions, see Create a one-to-one or one-to-many matching exercise “Creating a matching exercise” on page 110 Create a custom matching exercise “Building your own matching exercise” on page 113 Save a custom CourseBuilder Interaction as a template “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 Create a step-by-step procedure “Creating a procedure” on page 118 Create a custom procedure “Building your own procedure” on page 120 Replace the placeholder graphics “Replacing placeholder graphics” on page 122 Give a drag or target element a descriptive name “Naming a drag-and-drop element” on page 123 Add or delete drag or target elements “Adding and deleting drag-and-drop from an interaction elements” on page 124 Add or delete drag & target pairs from “Adding and deleting drag-and-drop pairs” on an interaction page 125 104 Chapter 4 Set up what happens when a drag element hits or misses a target “Setting how an element behaves when dropped” on page 127 Make an element a drag element, a target, or both “Making an element a drag element or a target” on page 128 What you can do For instructions, see Learn what the segments on the Action Manager tab do “One-to-one matching segments” on page 297, “One-to-one matching (either way) segments” on page 297, “One-to-many matching segments” on page 298, ““Build your own” template segments” on page 298, “Two-step procedure segments” on page 299 Make changes to a CourseBuilder Interaction “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 Cut, copy, and paste an entire CourseBuilder Interaction “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 Set which responses are right and which are wrong “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254 Customize the feedback that the CourseBuilder Interaction gives the user “Customizing feedback” on page 159 Display feedback in a text field, layer, or frame rather than in a popup message “Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field” on page 160 Limit the number of times a user can try to respond correctly to an interaction “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on respond correctly page 163 Set whether a CourseBuilder “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction Interaction evaluates a user’s response is judged” on page 163 as soon as the user drops a drag element, when the user clicks a Submit button, or when an event occurs Assign an interaction a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Send information about users’ “Tracking user performance” on page 251 performance to a computer-managed instruction system, such as Pathware Give the Submit button a different name “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164 Let users start an exercise over “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 165 Place a CourseBuilder Interaction in a “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction layer so you can hide it, position it, or into a layer” on page 166 manipulate in some other way Drag-and-Drop CourseBuilder Interactions 105 One-to-one matching The one-to-one matching template contains three drag elements and three target elements (see the Elements tab). Each target element is the correct match for only one drag element (see the Pairs list on the Pairs tab). When a user drops a drag element anywhere within 75 pixels of the center of a target element, the center of the drag element snaps to the center of the target element (see the Snap If Within and Snap To options on the Pairs tab). If a user drops a drag element, but misses the target, the drag element snaps back to its original position (see the Reaction option on the General tab). Because this interaction contains several drag elements—rather than just one— the CourseBuilder Interaction is set up to judge a user’s response when the user clicks a Submit button (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). (When there’s a single drag element, it’s more efficient to have the CourseBuilder Interaction judge the interaction as soon as the user drops the element.) A user must match all three drag elements with their correct target elements for the CourseBuilder Interaction to judge the user’s response as correct (see the Correct When option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction has a Reset button that lets the user start over either before or after clicking the Submit button (see the Reset option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction displays feedback if the user answers correctly or incorrectly. It also displays feedback if the user responds in an unknown way (for example, if the user clicks the Submit button before matching any drag elements with a target). (See the Correctness segment in the Action Manager tab.) For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Creating a matching exercise” on page 110. For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Drag-and-drop element options” on page 289 “Pairs options” on page 289 “One-to-one matching segments” on page 297 (Action Manager tab) 106 Chapter 4 One-to-one matching, either way The one-to-one matching (either way) template contains six drag & target elements (see the Elements tab). A drag & target element can be both a drag element and a target element. Each drag & target element is the correct match for only one other drag & target element (see the Pairs list on the Pairs tab). When a user drops an element anywhere within 75 pixels of the center of another element, the center of the dropped element snaps to the center of the target element (see the Snap If Within and Snap To options on the Pairs tab). Because this interaction contains several drag-target pairs—rather than just one— the CourseBuilder Interaction is set up to judge a user’s response when the user clicks a Submit button (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). (When there’s a single drag-target pair, it’s more efficient to have the CourseBuilder Interaction judge the interaction as soon as the user drops the element.) A user must match all three pairs correctly for the CourseBuilder Interaction to judge the user’s response as correct (see the Correct When option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction has a Reset button that lets the user start over either before or after clicking the Submit button (see the Reset option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction displays feedback if the user answers correctly or incorrectly. It also displays feedback if the user responds in an unknown way (for example, if the user clicks the Submit button before matching any drag elements with a target). (See the Correctness segment in the Action Manager tab.) For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Creating a matching exercise” on page 110. For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Drag-and-drop element options” on page 289 “Pairs options” on page 289 “One-to-one matching (either way) segments” on page 297 (Action Manager tab) Drag-and-Drop CourseBuilder Interactions 107 One-to-many matching The one-to-many matching template contains one drag element and three target elements (see the Elements tab). Only one of the target elements is the correct match for the drag element (see the Pairs list on the Pairs tab). When a user drops the drag element anywhere within 75 pixels of the center of a target element, the center of the drag element snaps to the center of the target element (see the Snap If Within and Snap To options on the Pairs tab). If a user drops the drag element, but misses the target, the drag element snaps back to its original position (see the Reaction option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction judges the interaction as soon as the user drops the element (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction has a Reset button that lets the user start over (see the Reset option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction displays feedback if the user answers correctly or incorrectly. It also displays feedback if the user responds in a way that can’t be evaluated (see the Correctness segment on the Action Manager tab.) For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Creating a matching exercise” on page 110. For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Drag-and-drop element options” on page 289 “Pairs options” on page 289 “One-to-many matching segments” on page 298 (Action Manager tab) 108 Chapter 4 One-to-many matching, either way The one-to-many (either way) matching template contains four drag & target elements (see the Elements tab). A drag & target element can be both a drag element and a target element. Only one pair of drag & target elements is the correct match (see the Pairs list on the Pairs tab). When a user drops an element anywhere within 75 pixels of the center of a target element, the center of the dropped element snaps to the center of the target element (see the Snap If Within and Snap To options on the Pairs tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction judges the interaction as soon as the user drops an element (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction has a Reset button that lets the user start over (see the Reset option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction displays feedback if the user answers correctly or incorrectly. It also displays feedback if the user responds in an unknown way. (See the Correctness segment in the Action Manager tab.) For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Creating a matching exercise” on page 110. For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Drag-and-drop element options” on page 289 “Pairs options” on page 289 “One-to-many matching segments” on page 298 (Action Manager tab) Drag-and-Drop CourseBuilder Interactions 109 Creating a matching exercise Drag-and-drop matching exercises work only in version 4 and later browsers. See “The drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction tabs” on page 102 for an overview of the tabs. To create a matching exercise: 1 Insert a CourseBuilder Interaction in the document by doing one of the following: Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon in the Object palette. Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon, then drag it to the document window. Choose Insert > CourseBuilder Interaction. 2 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, under Target select 4.0+ Browsers; then in the Category list, select Drag and Drop. 3 In the template gallery, select the icon for the type of matching exercise you want to create. One-to-one matching. See “One-to-one matching” on page 106 for information about how the template works. One-to-one matching (either way). See “One-to-one matching, either way” on page 107 for information about how the template works. One-to-many matching. See “One-to-many matching” on page 108 for information about how the template works. One-to-many matching (either way). See “One-to-many matching, either way” on page 109 for information about how the template works. 4 Replace the placeholder graphics with the images you want to use. See “Replacing placeholder graphics” on page 122. 5 Click the Pairs tab, and set which pairs are correct and which are incorrect. See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. 110 Chapter 4 6 Click OK. 7 Replace the default text that appears above the interaction in the document. Change the positions of the layers if you need to rearrange the graphics. Other things you can do What you can do For instructions, see Give a drag-and-drop element a descriptive name “Naming a drag-and-drop element” on page 123 Add elements to the exercise “Adding and deleting drag-and-drop elements” on page 124 “Adding and deleting drag-and-drop pairs” on page 125 Make an element you’ve added a drag “Making an element a drag element or a element, a target element, or both target” on page 128 Change a drag element to a target element, or vice versa; or change either type of element to a drag & target element “Making an element a drag element or a target” on page 128 Delete elements from the exercise “Adding and deleting drag-and-drop elements” on page 124 “Adding and deleting drag-and-drop pairs” on page 125 Change the way an element behaves when it hits or misses its target “Setting how an element behaves when dropped” on page 127 Judge an interaction when a user “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction drops an element on a target, or judge is judged” on page 163 the interaction when the user clicks a Submit button Give the Submit button a different name “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164 Assign an interaction a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Track a user’s performance in a computer-managed instruction system, such as Pathware “Tracking user performance” on page 251 Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 complete the interaction correctly Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on complete the interaction page 163 Change the feedback preprogrammed “Customizing feedback” on page 159 in the template Allow users to click a button to start the interaction over “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 165 Place the entire interaction in a layer so you can hide it, position it, or manipulate it in some other way as a layer “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Drag-and-Drop CourseBuilder Interactions 111 What you can do For instructions, see Create a custom matching exercise “Building your own matching exercise” on page 113 Save a custom CourseBuilder Interaction as a template “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 The “Build your own” template The “Build your own” template is nothing more than a starting point that you can use to build your own drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction. You can use any of the templates as the starting point for a custom CourseBuilder Interaction. The virtue of this template is that it contains almost nothing, so you don’t need to spend time deleting elements you aren’t going to use. The “Build your own” template contains two drag & target elements (see the Elements tab). A drag & target element can be both a drag element and a target element. Neither method of matching the two elements—dragging the first to the second or dragging the second to the first—is considered correct or incorrect; both are unjudged (see the Pairs list on the Pairs tab). When a user drops either of the elements anywhere within 75 pixels of the center of the other, the center of the dropped element snaps to the center of the target element (see the Snap If Within and Snap To options on the Pairs tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction is set up to judge the interaction as soon as the user drops one of the elements (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction has a Reset button that lets the user start over after dragging one of the elements to the other (see the Reset option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction displays different feedback depending on whether the user drags the first element to the second or the second element to the first. (See the “Segment: DragTarget1 to DragTarget2 Feedback” and “Segment: DragTarget2 to DragTarget1 Feedback” segments in the Action Manager tab.) For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Building your own matching exercise” on page 113. 112 Chapter 4 For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Drag-and-drop element options” on page 289 “Pairs options” on page 289 ““Build your own” template segments” on page 298 (Action Manager tab) Building your own matching exercise The “Build your own” template works only in version 4 or later browsers. Make sure you understand how a matching exercise works: 1 See “The “Build your own” template” on page 112 for information about how it works. 2 See “The drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction tabs” on page 102 for an overview of the tabs. 3 Build something with the matching exercise templates. Study the results. Change the settings to see what happens. Make sure you understand how the Action Manager works. Add the template to the document: 1 Insert a CourseBuilder Interaction in the document by doing one of the following: Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon in the Object palette. Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon, then drag it to the document window. Choose Insert > CourseBuilder Interaction. 2 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, under Target, select 4.0+ Browsers; then in the Category list, select Drag and Drop. 3 In the template gallery, select the “Build your own” icon. Drag-and-Drop CourseBuilder Interactions 113 Check the settings on the General tab: 1 Click the General tab. 2 Select the Judge Interaction setting by doing one of the following: If you want a user’s response to be judged after dragging a single element to a target, select “when the user drops a drag element.” If you want to judge a user’s response after two or more elements are dragged to their targets, select “when the user clicks a button labeled Submit.” See “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163. See also “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164. 3 Decide what you want to happen when a user drops a drag element, and select the appropriate Reaction options. See “Setting how an element behaves when dropped” on page 127. 4 See “General options” on page 281 for details of the other options that are available. Add the elements you need: 1 Click the Elements tab. 2 Add the elements you need. See “Adding and deleting drag-and-drop elements” on page 124. 3 Replace the placeholder graphics with the images you want to use. See “Replacing placeholder graphics” on page 122. 4 Decide which elements you want to be drag elements, which you want to be target elements, and which, if any, you want to be both. See “Making an element a drag element or a target” on page 128. 114 Chapter 4 Set up the pairs of elements that match: 1 Click the Pairs tab. 2 Add all the pairs of elements that are valid matches. See “Adding and deleting drag-and-drop pairs” on page 125. 3 For each pair, set up the target’s active area and the position you want the drag element to snap to when it’s dropped. See “Setting how an element behaves when dropped” on page 127. 4 Mark each pair as correct, incorrect, or not judged. See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. 5 If you’re tracking performance, assign each pair a score. See “Scoring a response” on page 255. Set up the Action Manager: 1 Click the Action Manager tab. 2 Make sure you understand how the default segments in the Action Manager work. See ““Build your own” template segments” on page 298. 3 Think through how you want the interaction to work, and translate that behavior into conditions and actions. For information about adding segments, conditions, and actions, see: “Adding a segment” on page 218 “Adding a condition” on page 219 “Adding an action” on page 224 4 When you’re finished making changes, click OK. Finish and test the exercise: 1 Replace the default text that appears above the interaction in the document. Change the positions of the layers if you need to rearrange the graphics. 2 Test the exercise thoroughly to make sure it works as you want. See also “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169. Drag-and-Drop CourseBuilder Interactions 115 Two-step procedure The two-step procedure template contains one drag element and two target elements (see the Elements tab). When a user drops the drag element anywhere within 75 pixels of the center of either target element, the center of the drag element snaps to the center of the target element (see the Snap If Within and Snap To options on the Pairs tab). If a user drops the drag element, but misses the target, the drag element snaps back to its original position (see the Reaction option on the General tab). Because this interaction has two steps, the CourseBuilder Interaction is set up to judge the interaction as soon as the user drops the drag element on one of the targets (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). The user drags the drag element twice—once for each step—so that the CourseBuilder Interaction judges the interaction twice. Neither target element is considered a correct or incorrect match; both pairings are unjudged (see the Pairs list on the Pairs tab). The Action Manager, however, is set up to make sure that a user completes step 1 (matching the drag element with the first target element) before completing step 2 (matching the drag element with the second target element). The Action Manager displays the appropriate feedback at the end of each step, indicating whether the user performed the steps in the correct sequence. (See the Two-Step Matching segment in the Action Manager tab.) The CourseBuilder Interaction has a Reset button that lets the user start over during or after completing the procedure (see the Reset option on the General tab). For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Creating a procedure” on page 118. For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Drag-and-drop element options” on page 289 “Pairs options” on page 289 “Two-step procedure segments” on page 299 (Action Manager tab) 116 Chapter 4 Two-step procedure with a distractor The template for a two-step procedure with a distractor contains one drag element and three target elements (see the Elements tab). When a user drops the drag element anywhere within 75 pixels of the center of any of the target elements, the center of the drag element snaps to the center of the target element (see the Snap If Within and Snap To options on the Pairs tab). If a user drops the drag element, but misses the target, the drag element snaps back to its original position (see the Reaction option on the General tab). Because this interaction has two steps, the CourseBuilder Interaction is set up to judge the interaction as soon as the user drops the drag element on one of the targets (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction judges the interaction each time the user drops the drag element on a target. None of the target elements is considered a correct or incorrect match; all three pairings are unjudged (see the Pairs list on the Pairs tab). The Action Manager, however, is set up to make sure that a user completes step 1 (matching the drag element with the first target element) before completing step 2 (matching the drag element with the second target element). It also makes sure that the user drops the drag element on the correct target in step 2. The Action Manager displays the appropriate feedback at the end of each step, indicating whether the user performed the correct step and in the correct sequence. (See the Two-Step Matching and Drag1 to Target3 Feedback segments in the Action Manager tab.) The CourseBuilder Interaction has a Reset button that lets the user start over during or after completing the procedure (see the Reset option on the General tab). For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Creating a procedure” on page 118. For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Drag-and-drop element options” on page 289 “Pairs options” on page 289 “Two-step procedure segments” on page 299 (Action Manager tab) Drag-and-Drop CourseBuilder Interactions 117 Creating a procedure Drag-and-drop procedures work only in version 4 or later browsers. See “The drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction tabs” on page 102 for an overview of the tabs. To create a two-step procedure: 1 Insert a CourseBuilder Interaction in the document by doing one of the following: Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon in the Object palette. Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon, then drag it to the document window. Choose Insert > CourseBuilder Interaction. 2 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, under Target, select 4.0+ Browsers; then in the Category list, select Drag and Drop. 3 In the template gallery, select the icon for the type of procedure you want to create. Two-step procedure. See “Two-step procedure” on page 116 for information about how the template works. Two-step procedure with a distractor. See “Two-step procedure with a distractor” on page 117 for information about how the template works. 4 Replace the placeholder graphics with the images you want to use. See “Replacing placeholder graphics” on page 122. 5 Click OK. 6 Replace the default text that appears above the interaction in the document. Rearrange the positions of the graphics if you need to. Other things you can do 118 Chapter 4 What you can do For instructions, see Give a drag-and-drop element a descriptive name “Naming a drag-and-drop element” on page 123 Add elements to the exercise “Adding and deleting drag-and-drop elements” on page 124 “Adding and deleting drag-and-drop pairs” on page 125 What you can do For instructions, see Make an element you’ve added a drag “Making an element a drag element or a element, a target element, or both target” on page 128 Change a drag element to a target element, or vice versa; or change either type of element to a drag & target element “Making an element a drag element or a target” on page 128 Delete elements from the exercise “Adding and deleting drag-and-drop elements” on page 124 “Adding and deleting drag-and-drop pairs” on page 125 Change the way an element behaves when it hits or misses its target “Setting how an element behaves when dropped” on page 127 Judge an interaction when a user “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction drops an element on a target, or judge is judged” on page 163 the interaction when the user clicks a Submit button Give the Submit button a different name “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164 Set which responses are right and which are wrong “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254 Assign an interaction a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Track a user’s performance in a computer-managed instruction system, such as Pathware “Tracking user performance” on page 251 Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 complete the interaction correctly Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on complete the interaction page 163 Change the feedback preprogrammed “Customizing feedback” on page 159 in the template Allow users to click a button to start the interaction over “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 165 Place the entire interaction in a layer so you can hide it, position it, or manipulate it in some other way as a layer “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Drag-and-Drop CourseBuilder Interactions 119 Building your own procedure Drag-and-drop procedures work only on version 4 or later browsers. Make sure you understand how a procedure CourseBuilder Interaction works: 1 See “Two-step procedure” on page 116 and “Two-step procedure with a distractor” on page 117 for information about how the procedure templates work. 2 See “The drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction tabs” on page 102 for an overview of the tabs. 3 Build something with the procedure templates. Study the results. Change the settings to see what happens. Make sure you understand how the Action Manager works. Add a two-step procedure template to the document: 1 Insert a CourseBuilder Interaction in the document by doing one of the following: Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon in the Object palette. Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon, then drag it to the document window. Choose Insert > CourseBuilder Interaction. 2 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, under Target, select 4.0+ Browsers; then in the Category list, select Drag and Drop. 3 In the template gallery, select one of the procedure templates and use it as the starting point for your custom CourseBuilder Interaction. Two-step procedure 120 Chapter 4 Two-step procedure with a distractor Check the settings on the General tab: 1 Click the General tab. 2 Select a Judge Interaction setting by doing one of the following: If you want a user’s response to be judged after dragging a single element to a target, select “when the user drops a drag element.” If you want to judge a user’s response after dragging two or more elements to their targets, select “when the user clicks a button labeled Submit.” See “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163. See also “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164. 3 Decide what you want to happen when a user drops a drag element, and select the appropriate Reaction options. See “Setting how an element behaves when dropped” on page 127. Add the elements you need: 1 Click the Elements tab. 2 Add the elements you need. See “Adding and deleting drag-and-drop elements” on page 124. 3 Replace the placeholder graphics with the images you want to use. See “Replacing placeholder graphics” on page 122. 4 Decide which elements you want to be drag elements, which you want to be target elements, and which, if any, you want to be both. See “Making an element a drag element or a target” on page 128. Set up the pairs of elements that match: 1 Click the Pairs tab. 2 Add all the pairs of elements that are valid matches. See “Adding and deleting drag-and-drop pairs” on page 125. 3 For each pair, set up the target’s active area and the position you want the drag element to snap to when it’s dropped. See “Setting how an element behaves when dropped” on page 127. 4 Mark each pair as correct, incorrect, or not judged. See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. 5 If you’re tracking performance, assign each pair a score. See “Scoring a response” on page 255. Drag-and-Drop CourseBuilder Interactions 121 Set up the Action Manager: 1 Click the Action Manager tab. 2 Make sure you understand how the default segments in the Action Manager work. See “Two-step procedure segments” on page 299. 3 Think through how you want the interaction to work and translate that behavior into conditions and actions. For information about adding segments, conditions, and actions, see: “Adding a segment” on page 218 “Adding a condition” on page 219 “Adding an action” on page 224 4 When you’re finished making changes, click OK. Finish and test the procedure: 1 Replace the default text that appears above the interaction in the document. Rearrange the positions of the graphics if you need to. 2 Test the procedure thoroughly to make sure it works as you want. See also “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169. Replacing placeholder graphics To use the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box: 1 Click the Elements tab. 2 In the Elements list, select the element that’s associated with the placeholder graphic you want to replace. 3 Click the Browse button (next to the Image File field), and select the image file you want to use in place of the placeholder graphic. To replace placeholder graphics directly in a document: 122 Chapter 4 1 Double-click the placeholder graphic. 2 In the dialog box that appears, locate the image file you want to use and open it. Naming a drag-and-drop element The templates assign default names (drag1, target1, and so on) to each choice. Giving an element a more descriptive name makes it easier to work with. The name you give an element appears only in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. To change the name of an element: 1 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Elements tab. 2 In the Elements list at the top of the tab, select the name of the element you want to change. 3 In the Name field, replace the default name with the name you want. Names can contain only letters and numbers. Drag-and-Drop CourseBuilder Interactions 123 Adding and deleting drag-and-drop elements Go to the Elements tab: In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Elements tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. To delete an element: In the Elements list at the top of the tab, select the name of the element you want to delete; then click Delete. The element is deleted from the Elements list. References to the element are also deleted from the Pairs and Action Manager tabs. To add an element: 1 In the Elements list at the top of the tab, select the name of the element whose properties are most like the one you want to add. 2 Click Add. The element is duplicated. 3 Name the element. See “Naming a drag-and-drop element” on page 123. 4 Change the properties that need changing. See “Drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures” on page 104. 5 Add the pairs associated with the new element. See “Adding and deleting drag-and-drop pairs” on page 125. 124 Chapter 4 Adding and deleting drag-and-drop pairs Go to the Pairs tab: In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Pairs tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. To delete a pair: In the Pairs list at the top of the tab, select the name of the pair you want to delete; then click Delete. The pair is deleted from the Pairs list. The pair is also deleted (from the Action Manager tab) along with any feedback settings included for the pair. To add a pair: 1 Choose an existing pair to duplicate by doing one of the following: Select a pair in the Pairs pop-up menu. Select a pair in the Pairs list. 2 Click Add. A new pair is created which has the same pair options as the pair you selected. 3 Change any options that need changing. See: “Setting how an element behaves when dropped” on page 127 “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254 “Scoring a response” on page 255 4 Click OK to close the dialog box. Drag-and-Drop CourseBuilder Interactions 125 A target’s active area A target element has an active area surrounding it that determines whether an element dropped near it has hit the target. The Snap If Within setting on the Pairs tab determines how large the active area is (see “Pairs options” on page 289). The active area is a circle measured from the center of the layer the target element occupies. Because the target area is measured from the center of the layer, rather than the center of the graphic that represents the target element, the active area may not correspond exactly to the graphic if the layer and the graphic are different sizes. A drag element is considered to be inside the active area if the center of the layer the drag element occupies is inside the circle that defines the active area. (The position of the pointer doesn’t matter; it can be inside or outside the active area.) If the graphic that represents the drag element and the layer it occupies are different sizes, their centers won’t correspond. If the center of the drag graphic is inside the active area, but the center of the drag layer isn’t, then the drag element hasn’t hit the target. On the other hand, if the center of the drag layer is inside the active area, the drag element has hit the target—even if the center of the drag graphic is outside the active area. The active area of placeholder targets The layer that each placeholder target occupies is 96 pixels square. The active area of each placeholder target (set on the Pairs tab) has a radius of 75 pixels. That means the active area extends 27 pixels beyond the left, right, top, and bottom edges of the target layer. Remember, the active area is measured from the center of the target layer, not the center of the graphic that occupies the layer. If you replace the placeholder graphic with an image that’s larger or smaller, you may need to adjust both the size of the layer and the radius of the active area. 126 Chapter 4 Setting how an element behaves when dropped To set the size of a target’s active area: 1 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Pairs tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 In the Pairs tab, in the Snap If Within field, type the size (in pixels) of the circle that defines the target element’s active area. The CourseBuilder Interaction uses the number you type as the radius of the circle—the distance from the circle’s center to its edge. To set what happens when a dropped element misses the target: 1 Click the General tab. 2 Select a Reaction option: To return the drag element to its original position, select “Snap back if not dropped on target.” To leave the drag element where the user has dropped it, deselect “Snap back if not dropped on target.” To set what happens when an element is dropped on the wrong target: 1 Click the General tab. 2 Select a Reaction option: To return the drag element to its original position, select “Snap back if incorrect.” To snap the drag element to the target, deselect “Snap back if incorrect.” To set where the dropped element snaps: 1 Click the Pairs tab. 2 Select a Snap To option: To center the dropped element over the target or to align it with the target’s left, right, top, or bottom edge, select the first Snap To option and then select the setting you want from the pop-up menu. For more information, see “Pairs options” on page 289. To position the dropped element more precisely, select the second Snap To option and enter pixel values in the two fields. For more information, see “Pairs options” on page 289. Drag-and-Drop CourseBuilder Interactions 127 Making an element a drag element or a target To set an element as a drag or target element: 1 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Elements tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 In the Element Is pop-up menu, select: Drag Element to allow users to drag the element Target Element to make the element a target Both Drag and Target to allow users to drag the element and to allow the element to work as a target as well 128 Chapter 4 5 CHAPTER 5 Explore CourseBuilder Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Explore interactions overview Use the explore CourseBuilder Interaction to let users explore an on-screen object by clicking its hot areas. For example, students can explore hot areas with information on specific parts of a graphically represented object or concept. The explore CourseBuilder Interaction contains one or more clickable hot areas— HTML layers that initiate defined actions when clicked. The hot area layers can contain images or text, or remain empty and invisible. The explore CourseBuilder Interaction can also include a backdrop image file on which the hot area layers sit. 129 The explore templates You can choose from three explore CourseBuilder Interaction templates: Explore_Transparent random exploration (transparent). Use to create explore exercises of objects, processes, or concepts whose parts can be examined in any order. Contains a background image and five transparent hot areas. For details about how the template works, see “Random exploration” on page 135. For information about using the template, see “Creating a random exploration” on page 136. Explore_Random random exploration. Use to create explore exercises of objects, processes, or concepts whose parts can be examined in any order. Contains a background image and five hot areas containing placeholder graphics. For details about how the template works, see “Random exploration” on page 135. For information about using the template, see “Creating a random exploration” on page 136. Explore_Areas structured exploration. Use to create explore exercises of objects, processes, or concepts whose parts are best examined in a particular order. Contains four hot areas containing placeholder graphics. For details about how the template works, see “Structured exploration” on page 138. For information about using the template, see “Creating a structured exploration” on page 139. 130 Chapter 5 The explore CourseBuilder Interaction tabs General tab See “General options” on page 281 for detailed information about the options on this tab. Here’s a brief overview of the options: is the unique name of the interaction. It’s used to identify the CourseBuilder Interaction in the Condition Editor and other dialog boxes. Interaction Name determines when the CourseBuilder Interaction evaluates a user’s response. See “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163. Judge Interaction defines what qualifies as a correct response to the interaction. See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. Correct When sends information about a user’s performance to a computermanaged instruction system. See “Tracking user performance” on page 251. Knowledge Track limits the number of tries a user has to respond to the interaction. See “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162. Tries Are limits the amount of time a user has to respond to the interaction. See “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on page 163. Time Is creates a button that lets a user start over. See “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 165. Reset Background Image File is the name of the image used for the background. See “Replacing placeholder graphics” on page 141. places the CourseBuilder Interaction text and controls in a layer. See “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166. Layer Tracking tab The Tracking tab appears only if you’ve selected the Knowledge Track option on the General tab. See “Tracking tab” on page 287. Explore CourseBuilder Interactions 131 Hot Areas tab See “Hot areas options” on page 291 for detailed information about the options on this tab. Here’s a brief overview of the options: lists all of the hot areas in the CourseBuilder Interaction. Use the buttons to add and delete hot areas. See “Adding and deleting hot areas” on page 142. Hot Areas Name is the name of the selected hot area. See “Naming a hot area” on page 141. Text is text that’s displayed on the page with the selected hot area. See “Adding text to a hot area” on page 142. is the name of the image file that contains the selected hot area’s graphic. See “Replacing placeholder graphics” on page 141. Image Hot Area Is determines whether choosing a hot area is the right or wrong response. See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. is the value assigned to choosing the hot area. See “Scoring a response” on page 255. Score Action Manager tab The Action Manager tab contains code segments set up as if...then conditions that define how a CourseBuilder Interaction behaves under specific conditions: If a user reaches a time limit that you’ve set on the General tab (see “Check Time segment” on page 296) If a user clicks a given hot area (see “Explore segments” on page 300) If a user’s response is correct, incorrect, or unknown (see “Correctness segment” on page 296) If a user reaches the number of tries that you’ve set on the General tab (see “Check Tries segment” on page 296) 132 Chapter 5 Explore CourseBuilder Interactions—step-bystep procedures What you can do For instructions, see Create a random exploration “Creating a random exploration” on page 136 Create a structured exploration “Creating a structured exploration” on page 139 Save a custom CourseBuilder Interaction as a template “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 Replace the placeholder graphics “Replacing placeholder graphics” on page 141 Give a hot area a descriptive name “Naming a hot area” on page 141 Add or delete hot areas from an interaction “Adding and deleting hot areas” on page 142 Add text to a hot area “Adding text to a hot area” on page 142 Create invisible hot areas “Creating a random exploration” on page 136 Learn what the segments on the Action Manager tab do “Explore segments” on page 300 Make changes to a CourseBuilder Interaction “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 Cut, copy, and paste an entire CourseBuilder Interaction “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 Set which responses are right and which are wrong “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254 Customize the feedback that the CourseBuilder Interaction gives the user “Customizing feedback” on page 159 Display feedback in a text field, layer, or frame rather than in a pop-up message “Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field” on page 160 Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 complete the interaction correctly Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on respond correctly page 163 Set whether a CourseBuilder “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction Interaction evaluates a user’s response is judged” on page 163 as soon as the user clicks a hot area, when the user clicks a Submit button, or when some event occurs Assign an interaction a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Explore CourseBuilder Interactions 133 What you can do For instructions, see Send information about users’ “Tracking user performance” on page 251 performance to a computer-managed instruction system, such as Lotus Pathware Give the Submit button a different name “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164 Let users start an exercise over “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 165 Place a CourseBuilder Interaction in a “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction layer so you can hide it, position it, or into a layer” on page 166 manipulate it in some other way 134 Chapter 5 Random exploration Random exploration (transparent) For version 4 and later browsers Random exploration For version 4 and later browsers The two random exploration templates are ideal for interactions that allow users to explore the parts of objects, processes, or concepts in any order. The random exploration templates contain a background image (see Background Image File in the General tab options) and five hot areas containing placeholder graphics (see the Image option oin the Hot Areas tab). The placeholder graphics are transparent in one version of the template. All of the hot areas are not judged (see the Hot Area Is option on the Hot Areas tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction judges a user’s response every time the user clicks a hot area (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction displays feedback for each hot area a user clicks. (See the Hot Area Feedback segments in the Action Manager tab; see “Explore segments” on page 300 for details.) For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Creating a random exploration” on page 136. For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Hot areas options” on page 291 “Explore segments” on page 300 (Action Manager tab) Explore CourseBuilder Interactions 135 Creating a random exploration Explore interactions work only in version 4 or later browsers. (You can also use them in Netscape Navigator 3 if the images contain no transparent pixels.) See “The explore CourseBuilder Interaction tabs” on page 131 for an overview of the tabs. To create a random exploration: 1 Insert a CourseBuilder Interaction in the document by doing one of the following: Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon in the Object palette. Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon, then drag it to the document window. Choose Insert > CourseBuilder Interaction. 2 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, under Target, select 4.0+ Browsers; then in the Category list, select Explore. 3 In the template gallery, select the random exploration icon. Random exploration (transparent). For version 4 and later browsers. 4 Random exploration. For version 4 and later browsers Replace the placeholder graphics with the images you want to use. See “Replacing placeholder graphics” on page 141. 5 Add more hot areas, or delete hot areas you don’t need. See “Adding and deleting hot areas” on page 142. 136 Chapter 5 6 Click OK. 7 In the Dreamweaver document, align the hot area layers with the background image. 8 Replace the default instructions that appear above the images. Other things you can do What you can do For instructions, see Give a hot area a descriptive name “Naming a hot area” on page 141 Add text to a hot area “Adding text to a hot area” on page 142 Evaluate the answer when the user clicks a Submit button “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163 Give the Submit button a different name “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164 Set which responses are right and which are wrong “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254 Assign an interaction a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Track a user’s performance in a computer-managed instruction system, such as Lotus Pathware “Tracking user performance” on page 251 Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 complete the interaction correctly Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on complete the interaction page 163 Change the feedback preprogrammed “Customizing feedback” on page 159 in the template Allow users to click a button to answer “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on the question again page 165 Place the question in a layer so you can hide it, position it, or manipulate it in some other way as a layer “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Save a custom true/false question Coursebuilder Interaction as a template “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 Explore CourseBuilder Interactions 137 Structured exploration For version 4 and later browsers The structured exploration template is ideal for creating explorations of objects, processes, or concepts whose parts are best examined in a particular order. The structured exploration template contains four hot areas containing placeholder graphics (see the Image option on the Hot Areas tab). All of the hot areas are not judged (see the Hot Area Is option on the Choices tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction judges a user’s response every time the user clicks a hot area (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction displays feedback for each hot area a user clicks. (See the Hot Area Feedback segments in the Action Manager tab.) For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Creating a structured exploration” on page 139. For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Hot areas options” on page 291 “Explore segments” on page 300 (Action Manager tab) 138 Chapter 5 Creating a structured exploration Explore interactions work only in version 4 (or later) browsers. (You can also use them in Netscape Navigator 3 if the images contain no transparent pixels.) See “The explore CourseBuilder Interaction tabs” on page 131 for an overview of the tabs. To create a structured exploration: 1 Insert a CourseBuilder Interaction in the document by doing one of the following: Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon in the Object palette. Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon, then drag it to the document window. Choose Insert > CourseBuilder Interaction. 2 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, under Target, select 4.0+ Browsers; then in the Category list, select Explore. 3 In the template gallery, select the structured exploration icon. 4 Replace the placeholder graphics with the images you want to use. See “Replacing placeholder graphics” on page 141. 5 Click OK. 6 In the Dreamweaver document, align the hot area layers. 7 Replace the default instructions that appear above the images. Explore CourseBuilder Interactions 139 Other things you can do What you can do For instructions, see Give a hot area a descriptive name “Naming a hot area” on page 141 Add text to a hot area “Adding text to a hot area” on page 142 Evaluate the answer when the user clicks a Submit button “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163 Give the Submit button a different name “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164 Set which responses are right and which are wrong “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254 Assign an interaction a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Track a user’s performance in a computer-managed instruction system, such as Lotus Pathware “Tracking user performance” on page 251 Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 complete the interaction correctly Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on complete the interaction page 163 Change the feedback preprogrammed “Customizing feedback” on page 159 in the template Allow users to click a button to answer “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on the question again page 165 140 Chapter 5 Place the question in a layer so you can hide it, position it, or manipulate it in some other way as a layer “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Save a custom true/false question CourseBuilder Interaction as a template “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 Replacing placeholder graphics To replace the background image in an explore interaction: 1 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the General tab. 2 In the Background Image File field, click Browse, then navigate to and select the image file you want to use in place of the placeholder background graphic. To replace the hot area graphics in an explore interaction: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Hot Areas tab. 2 In the Hot Areas list, select the hot area that’s associated with the placeholder graphic you want to replace. 3 Click the Browse button (next to the Image field), and select the image file you want to use in place of the placeholder graphic. To replace any placeholder image directly in a document: 1 Double-click the placeholder graphic. 2 In the dialog box that appears, locate the image file you want to use and open it. Naming a hot area The templates assign default names (HotArea1, HotArea2, and so on) to each hot area. Giving a hot area a more descriptive name makes it easier to work with. The name you give a hot area appears only in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. To change the name of a hot area: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Hot Areas tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 In the Hot Areas list at the top of the tab, select the name of the hot area you want to change. 3 In the Name field, replace the default name with the name you want. Explore CourseBuilder Interactions 141 Adding text to a hot area Add text to a hot area to identify for users what the hot area represents. The text you add appears with the hot area on the page. To add text to a hot area: 1 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Hot Areas tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 In the Hot Areas list at the top of the tab, select the name of the hot area you want to add text to. 3 In the Text field, type the text you want to add. After you close the dialog box, use the commands on the Text menu to modify the appearance of the text. Adding and deleting hot areas Go to the Hot Areas tab: In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Hot Areas tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. To delete a hot area: In the Hot Areas list at the top of the tab, select the name of the hot area you want to delete; then click Delete. To add a hot area: 1 In the Hot Areas list at the top of the tab, select the name of the hot area whose properties are most like the one you want to add. 2 Click Add. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver duplicates the hot area. 3 Name the hot area. See “Naming a hot area” on page 141. 4 Change the properties that need changing. See “Explore CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures” on page 133. 5 Replace the placeholder image with the image you want to use. See “Replacing placeholder graphics” on page 141. 142 Chapter 5 6 CHAPTER 6 Text Entry CourseBuilder Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Text entry interaction overview These CourseBuilder Interactions gather brief text responses—either words or phrases—from the user. For example, you could use this CourseBuilder Interaction to create fill-in-the-blank exercises. You can also use a text entry CourseBuilder Interaction to have the student show mastery of subject matter. Text entry interactions are useful for determining whether students are retaining the information from a tutorial or presentation rather than just recalling a correct response from its remembered position. The text entry CourseBuilder Interaction displays a single- or multiple-line HTML text input box that accepts either plain or password-encrypted text. Text that the user types in the box is compared against characters or strings (called possible responses) defined for the CourseBuilder Interaction. When user input matches one of the defined strings, actions occur—depending on whether you have designated the string as correct, incorrect, or not judged. 143 The text entry templates You can choose from two text entry CourseBuilder Interaction templates, and then use the tabs on the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box to customize the text entry interaction: Text_Singleline single-line text entry. Places an empty text field on the page, along with a Submit button and a Reset button. For details about how the template works, see “Single-line text entries” on page 149. For information about using the template, see “Creating a text entry field” on page 151. Text_Multiline multiple-line text entry. Places an empty text area on the page. For details about how the template works, see “Multiple-line text entries” on page 150. For information about using the template, see “Creating a text entry field” on page 151. 144 Chapter 6 The text entry CourseBuilder Interaction tabs General tab See “General options” on page 281 for detailed information about the options on this tab. Here’s a brief overview of the options: is the unique name of the interaction. It’s used to identify the CourseBuilder Interaction in the Condition Editor and other dialog boxes. Interaction Name is default text that appears in the text entry field and that the user can replace. See “Adding default text to a field” on page 153. Initial Text determines when the CourseBuilder Interaction evaluates a user’s response. See “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163. Judge Interaction defines what qualifies as a correct response to the interaction. See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. Correct When sends information about a user’s performance to a computermanaged instruction system. See “Tracking user performance” on page 251. Knowledge Track limits the number of tries a user has to respond to the interaction. See “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162. Tries Are limits the amount of time a user has to respond to the interaction. See “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on page 163. Time Is creates a button that lets a user start over. See “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 165. Reset places the entire CourseBuilder Interaction in a layer. See “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166. Layer Tracking tab The Tracking tab appears only if you’ve selected the Knowledge Track option on the General tab. See “Tracking tab” on page 287. Text Entry CourseBuilder Interactions 145 Responses tab See “Responses options” on page 292 for detailed information about the options on this tab. Here’s a brief overview of the options: Possible Responses lists all of the responses the CourseBuilder Interaction is set up to evaluate individually. Use the buttons to add and delete responses. See “Adding and deleting responses” on page 154. Name is the name of the selected response. See “Naming a response” on page 153. is the text the CourseBuilder Interaction recognizes as a match for the current response. See “Creating a text entry field” on page 151 and “Checking for key words or phrases” on page 155. Must Contain requires that the user’s capitalization matches the capitalization in the Must Contain field. See “Checking for correct capitalization” on page 154. Case sensitive Exact match required recognizes a match only if the user types exactly—no more and no less than—what’s in the Must Contain field. If this setting is unselected, a match is recognized even if the user’s response isn’t exact but contains the text in the Must Contain field. See “Checking for an exact match” on page 155 and “Checking for key words or phrases” on page 155 for more information. determines whether a response is right or wrong. See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. Match Is Score is the value assigned to the response. See “Scoring a response” on page 255. Any Other Response Is determines whether any response other than those explicitly defined is right or wrong. See “Checking for unanticipated responses” on page 156. 146 Chapter 6 Action Manager tab The Action Manager tab contains logic segments set up as if...then conditions that define how a CourseBuilder Interaction behaves under specific conditions: If a user reaches a time limit that you’ve set on the General tab (see “Check Time segment” on page 296) If a user’s response is correct, incorrect, or unknown (see “Correctness segment” on page 296) If a user reaches the number of tries that you’ve set on the General tab (see “Check Tries segment” on page 296) Text entry CourseBuilder Interactions—stepby-step procedures What you can do For instructions, see Create a single- or multiple-line text entry field “Creating a text entry field” on page 151 Give a response a descriptive name “Naming a response” on page 153 Display preset text in the text field “Adding default text to a field” on page 153 Consider text a match only if it’s capitalized a certain way “Checking for correct capitalization” on page 154 Accept only an exact match as correct “Checking for an exact match” on page 155 Accept text containing a key word or phrase as a match “Checking for key words or phrases” on page 155 Handle entries that don’t match any of “Checking for unanticipated responses” on the possible responses you’ve defined page 156 Add or delete responses from an interaction “Adding and deleting responses” on page 154 Save a custom CourseBuilder Interaction as a template “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 Learn what the segments on the Action Manager tab do “Text entry segments” on page 301 Make changes to a CourseBuilder Interaction “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 Cut, copy, and paste an entire CourseBuilder Interaction “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 Set which responses are right and which are wrong “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254 Text Entry CourseBuilder Interactions 147 What you can do For instructions, see Customize the feedback that the CourseBuilder Interaction gives the user “Customizing feedback” on page 159 Display feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field rather than in a pop-up message “Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field” on page 160 Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 complete an interaction correctly Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on respond correctly page 163 Set whether a CourseBuilder “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction Interaction evaluates a user’s response is judged” on page 163 as soon as the user clicks outside the text field, when the user clicks a Submit button, or when some event occurs Assign an interaction a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Send information about users’ “Tracking user performance” on page 251 performance to a computer-managed instruction system, such as Pathware Give the Submit button a different name “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164 Let users start an exercise over “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 165 Place a CourseBuilder Interaction in a “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction layer so you can hide it, position it, or into a layer” on page 166 manipulate it in some other way 148 Chapter 6 Single-line text entries The single-line text entry template places a text field on the page, along with a Submit button and a Reset button. The template is set up with three possible responses (see the Possible Responses list on the Responses tab). The first response is correct; the other two responses are incorrect (see the Match Is option). Capitalization is ignored (see the Case Sensitive option), but otherwise the user must type exactly the text of the response for the CourseBuilder Interaction to consider the user’s response a match (see the Must Contain and the Exact Match Required options). Any response that doesn’t match one of the three possible responses isn’t judged (see the Any Other Response Is option). The CourseBuilder Interaction judges a user’s response when the user clicks the Submit button (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). A user can clear the field either before or after clicking the Submit button by clicking the Reset button (see the Reset option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction displays feedback if the user answers correctly or incorrectly. It also displays feedback if the user types something other than one of the three possible responses. See the Correctness segment in the Action Manager tab. For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Creating a text entry field” on page 151. For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Responses options” on page 292 “Text entry segments” on page 301 (Action Manager tab) Text Entry CourseBuilder Interactions 149 Multiple-line text entries The multiple-line text entry template places an empty text box on the page, along with a Submit button and a Reset button. The template is set up with three possible responses (see the Possible Responses list on the Responses tab). The first response is correct; the other two responses are incorrect (see the Match Is option). Capitalization is ignored (see the Case Sensitive option). The CourseBuilder Interaction considers the user’s response a match if it contains the text of one of the possible responses (see the Must Contain and the Exact Match Required options). Any response that doesn’t match one of the three possible responses isn’t judged (see the Any Other Response Is option). The CourseBuilder Interaction judges a user’s response when the user clicks the Submit button (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). A user can clear the field either before or after clicking the Submit button by clicking the Reset button (see the Reset option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction displays feedback if the user answers correctly or incorrectly. It also displays feedback if the user types something other than one of the three possible responses. See the Correctness segment in the Action Manager tab. For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Creating a text entry field” on page 151. For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Responses options” on page 292 “Text entry segments” on page 301 (Action Manager tab) 150 Chapter 6 Creating a text entry field See “The text entry CourseBuilder Interaction tabs” on page 145 for an overview of the tabs. To create a text entry field: 1 Insert a CourseBuilder Interaction in the document by doing one of the following: Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon in the Object palette. Click the Insert CourseBuilder Interaction icon, then drag it to the document window. Choose Insert > CourseBuilder Interaction 2 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, under Target, select 4.0+ Browsers; then in the Category list, select Text Entry. 3 In the template gallery, select the text entry icon you want to use. Single line 4 Multiple line Click the Responses tab. In the Possible Responses list at the top of the tab, select the first response, and type the text of the correct answer in the Must Contain field. Repeat for each of the wrong answers. If the answers are neither right nor wrong, see “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. If you want to delete default responses or add additional ones, see “Adding and deleting responses” on page 154. 5 Click OK. 6 Replace the placeholder text above the text field with a question or instructions. Text Entry CourseBuilder Interactions 151 Other things you can do What you can do For instructions, see Give a response a descriptive name “Naming a response” on page 153 Display default text in the text field “Adding default text to a field” on page 153 Consider text a match only if it’s capitalized a certain way “Checking for correct capitalization” on page 154 Accept only an exact match as correct “Checking for an exact match” on page 155 Accept text containing a key word or phrase as a match “Checking for key words or phrases” on page 155 Handle entries that don’t match any of “Checking for unanticipated responses” on the possible responses you’ve defined page 156 Judge a CourseBuilder Interaction “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction when a user tabs out of the field, or is judged” on page 163 judge it when the user clicks a Submit button Give the Submit button a different name “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164 Assign an interaction a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Track a user’s performance in a computer-managed instruction system, such as Pathware “Tracking user performance” on page 251 Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 answer correctly Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on answer correctly page 163 Change the feedback preprogrammed “Customizing feedback” on page 159 in the template Remove the Reset button “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 165 Place the entire CourseBuilder “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction Interaction in a layer so you can hide into a layer” on page 166 it, position it, or manipulate it in some other way as a layer Save a custom CourseBuilder Interaction as a template 152 Chapter 6 “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 Adding default text to a field If most users are going to supply the same information in a text field, provide that information as the default. Or give users an example of the format in which they should enter information. For example, display mm/dd/yyyy in a date field. To add default text to a field: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the General tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 In the Initial Text field, type the text you want the CourseBuilder Interaction to display in the text entry field. Naming a response The templates assign default names (Response1, Response2, and so on) to each possible response. The name of a response is different from the text you expect users to enter. The name of the choice appears only in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box; it’s merely a way of labeling a response to make it easier to work with. To change the name of a response: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Responses tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 In the Possible Responses list at the top of the tab, select the name of the response you want to change. 3 In the Name field, replace the default name with the name you want. Text Entry CourseBuilder Interactions 153 Adding and deleting responses Go to the Responses tab: Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Responses tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. To delete a response: In the Possible Responses list at the top of the tab, select the name of the response you want to delete, then click Delete. To add a response: 1 In the Possible Responses list at the top of the tab, select the name of the response whose properties are most like the one you want to add. 2 Click Add. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver duplicates the response. 3 Name the response. See “Naming a response” on page 153. 4 Change the properties that need changing. See “Text entry CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures” on page 147. Checking for correct capitalization Correct capitalization means that the text a user types is capitalized exactly as the text in the Must Contain field. To accept an entry as a match only if it’s capitalized correctly: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Responses tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 In the Possible Responses field, select the response you want to check for correct capitalization. 3 Select the Case Sensitive option. If you want to mark the response as correct, see “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. 154 Chapter 6 Checking for an exact match An exact match means that the text a user types must be the same as the text in the Must Contain field—the same spelling, same spacing, and same punctuation. Only the capitalization may vary. (To check for an exact match that’s also capitalized correctly, see “Checking for correct capitalization” on page 154.) To accept only an exact match: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Responses tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 In the Possible Responses field, select the response you want to accept only if it’s matched exactly. 3 Select the Exact Match Required option. If you want to mark the response as correct, see “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. Checking for key words or phrases You may not care exactly what users type as long as what they type contains key words and phrases. To accept text with key words and phrases as a match: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Responses tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 In the Must Contain field, type a key word or phrase. 3 Deselect the Exact Match Required option if it’s selected. If you want to mark the response as correct, see “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. 4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each word or phrase you want to accept. Text Entry CourseBuilder Interactions 155 Checking for unanticipated responses Some users may respond in ways you can’t anticipate. Expect the unanticipated, and set up the CourseBuilder Interaction to handle it. To handle unanticipated responses: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Responses tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 Select an Any Other Response Is setting for any text that fails to match one of the responses you’ve defined: Select Correct to treat unanticipated responses as correct. The CourseBuilder Interaction displays the feedback triggered by the “if Correct” condition in the Correctness segment. Select Incorrect to treat unanticipated responses as incorrect. The CourseBuilder Interaction displays the feedback triggered by the “else if Incorrect” condition in the Correctness segment. Select Unjudge to treat unanticipated responses as unknown. The CourseBuilder Interaction displays the feedback triggered by the “else if Unknown Response” condition in the Correctness segment. See “Correctness segment” on page 296 for more information. See also “Customizing feedback” on page 159. 156 Chapter 6 7 CHAPTER 7 Enhancements and Customization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enhancing and customizing CourseBuilder Interactions CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver offers many ways to enhance and customize web based learning interactions: Change the default feedback a CourseBuilder Interaction provides. Personalize feedback for each student. See “Customizing feedback” on page 159. Display feedback in a frame, layer, window status bar, or text field instead of in a pop-up message. See “Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field” on page 160. Limit the number of tries a user has to respond to an interaction correctly. See “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162. Limit the amount of time a user has to respond to an interaction correctly. See “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on page 163. Control the event that starts the evaluation of the Action Manager. See “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163. Give the Submit button a different label. See “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164. Add a button to a CourseBuilder Interaction so that a user can start the interaction over. See “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 165. Insert a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer. See “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166. Change the default scripts and images folder, the tries and time limits used in the templates, the default labels on Submit and Reset buttons, and other standard settings. See “Setting preferences” on page 167. 157 Add a web-packaged Authorware piece to a page. See “Authorware integration” on page 167. Save a CourseBuilder Interaction you’ve customized to the Gallery so you can use it as a template. See “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169. Editing CourseBuilder Interactions To make edits to a CourseBuilder Interaction: 1 Select the CourseBuilder Interaction icon in the document. 2 Click Edit in the Property inspector. (See also “What you can do with CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver” on page 12.) The CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box appears. 3 Make whatever changes you want to the CourseBuilder Interaction, then click OK. Cutting, copying, pasting, and clearing interactions Use the Cut, Copy, Paste and Clear commands located on the Edit menu to affect an entire CourseBuilder Interaction. To edit an entire CourseBuilder Interaction: Select the CourseBuilder Interaction icon in the document, then do one of the following: Choose Edit > Cut to cut a CourseBuilder Interaction from a document. Choose Edit > Copy to copy a CourseBuilder Interaction. Choose Edit > Paste to copy a CourseBuilder Interaction. If you copy the CourseBuilder Interaction into the same document, the name of the new interaction increments by one to avoid duplicating the name of the original interaction. Choose Edit > Clear to delete a CourseBuilder Interaction from a document as well as to delete any HTML source code associated to the interaction. 158 Chapter 7 Customizing feedback Many of the CourseBuilder Interaction templates have a correct response set by default. The feedback that appears when a user responds is also provided by default. If you set a tries limit or a time limit, the feedback that appears when the limit is reached is also provided by default. When you customize feedback, you can embed JavaScript variables in the text of the message to personalize the feedback for each student. See “JavaScript variables for tracking performance” on page 265. To change the default feedback for correct, incorrect, or unknown responses: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Action Manager tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 Go to the Correctness segment. See “Correctness segment” on page 296 for a description of the segment. 3 Under the “if Correct” condition, select Popup Message; then click Edit. 4 In the Popup Message dialog box, type the text you want to appear when a user’s response to the CourseBuilder Interaction is correct, and click OK. See also “Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field” on page 160. 5 Under the “else if Incorrect” condition, select Popup Message; then click Edit. 6 In the Popup Message dialog box, type the text you want to appear when a user’s response to the CourseBuilder Interaction is incorrect, and click OK. 7 Under the “else if Unknown Response” condition, select Popup Message; then click Edit. 8 In the Popup Message dialog box, type the text you want to appear when a user’s response to the CourseBuilder Interaction isn’t known, and click OK. Enhancements and Customization 159 To change the default feedback for a time or tries limit: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Action Manager tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 In the Check Time or Check Tries segment, select Popup Message, and click Edit. See “Check Time segment” on page 296 or “Check Tries segment” on page 296 for a description of the segment. 3 In the Popup Message dialog box, type the text you want to appear if a user reaches the tries limit, and click OK. See also “Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field” on page 160. Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field The default feedback provided by the templates appears in a pop-up message. You can also display feedback in a frame, a layer, a status bar, or a text field. Displaying feedback in a frame For information about creating frames, see the “Using Frames” chapter in the Using Dreamweaver book. To display text in a frame instead of a pop-up message: 160 Chapter 7 1 Create a frame to use for feedback. 2 In the Frame Property inspector, in the FrameName field, type a name for the frame. 3 Select the CourseBuilder Interaction for which you’re creating feedback. 4 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Action Manager tab. 5 In the Action Manager list, select the action you want the feedback to follow. 6 In the Action pop-up menu, choose Set Text of Frame, then click Add. 7 In the Set Text of Frame dialog box, in the Frame pop-up menu, choose the frame in which you want the text displayed. 8 In the New HTML field, type the feedback message you want displayed. 9 Click OK to close the dialog box. Displaying feedback in a layer For information about creating layers, see the “Using Layers” chapter in the Using Dreamweaver book. To display text in a layer instead of a pop-up message: 1 Create a frame to use for feedback. 2 Position the layer in the Document window. 3 In the Layer Property inspector, in the Layer ID field, type a name for the frame. 4 Select the CourseBuilder Interaction for which you’re creating feedback. 5 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Action Manager tab. 6 In the Action Manager list, select the action you want the feedback to follow. 7 In the Action pop-up menu, choose Set Text of Layer, then click Add. 8 In the Set Text of Layer dialog box, in the Layer pop-up menu, choose the frame in which you want the text displayed. 9 In the New HTML field, type the feedback message you want displayed. 10 Click OK to close the dialog box. Displaying feedback in a status bar To display text in a status bar instead of a pop-up message: 1 Select the CourseBuilder Interaction for which you’re creating feedback. 2 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Action Manager tab. 3 In the Action Manager list, select the action you want the feedback to follow. 4 In the Action pop-up menu, choose Set Text of Status Bar, then click Add. 5 In the Set Text of Status Bar dialog box, in the Message field, type the text of the feedback message you want to display. 6 Click OK to close the dialog box. Enhancements and Customization 161 Displaying feedback in a text field For information about creating forms, see the “Using Forms” chapter in the Using Dreamweaver book. To display text in a text field instead of a pop-up message: 1 Create a text field to use for feedback. 2 In the Text Field Property inspector, in the TextField field, type a name for the text field. 3 Select the CourseBuilder Interaction for which you’re creating feedback. 4 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Action Manager tab. 5 In the Action Manager list, select the action you want the feedback to follow. 6 In the Action pop-up menu, choose Set Text of Text Field, then click Add. 7 In the Set Text of Text Field dialog box, in the Text Field pop-up menu, choose the text field in which the feedback will be displayed. 8 In the New Text field, type the feedback message you want displayed. 9 Click OK to close the dialog box. Limiting the number of tries 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the General tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 In the Tries Are field, type the number of tries you want to allow users. The CourseBuilder Interaction template provides default feedback if a user reaches the number of tries you’ve set as the limit. To provide different feedback, see “Customizing feedback” on page 159. Edit the preferences file to set a new default tries limit for all the templates. See “Setting preferences” on page 167. 162 Chapter 7 Putting a time limit on an interaction 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the General tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 In the Time Is field, type the number of seconds you want to give users to respond to the interaction. The CourseBuilder Interaction template provides default feedback if time runs out before a user responds. To provide different feedback, see “Customizing feedback” on page 159. Edit the preferences file to set a new default time limit for all the templates. See “Setting preferences” on page 167. Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged Judge has two meanings in CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. One is the more obvious instructional meaning: evaluating whether a user’s response is right or wrong—or not judged at all. The other meaning is programmatic: judging an interaction means executing the code in the Action Manager. Judging an interaction may involve evaluating a student’s response as right or wrong, but it doesn’t have to. On the other hand, evaluating a student’s response can happen only when the CourseBuilder Interaction executes the code in the Action Manager. The Judge Interaction option on the General tab determines when the CourseBuilder Interaction executes the code in the Action Manager. The CourseBuilder Interaction may incidentally evaluate whether the user’s response is right or wrong, but only if there’s code in the Action Manager that causes something to happen based on whether the response was marked as right or wrong. (See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254 and “Correctness segment” on page 296.) You can choose one of three types of events to trigger the execution of the code in the Action Manager: for example, a user selects an answer in a multiple-choice question, or a user drags an element to a target. Such actions produce immediate results: as soon as a user selects an answer in a multiple-choice question, the CourseBuilder Interaction immediately executes the code in the Action Manager—perhaps to provide feedback, perhaps (for example, in an online survey) merely to record the answer and to go to the next question. A user action characteristic of the CourseBuilder Interaction: Enhancements and Customization 163 in an all-that-apply question or in a drag-anddrop matching exercise with several matching pairs, the CourseBuilder Interaction has no way of knowing when the user is finished responding except through a mechanism that’s not part of the interaction. Clicking a Submit button instructs the CourseBuilder Interaction to start executing the code in the Action Manager. A user clicking a Submit button: An event entirely outside the CourseBuilder Interaction: imagine a series of pages with a CourseBuilder Interaction on each page and a Next button that takes the user to the next page. Attached to the BODY tag of the page is a behavior consisting of an onUnload event and a Judge action. When a user clicks the Next button, it triggers the onUnload event, which in turn triggers the Judge action, which executes the code in the Action Manager. Setting a tries or time limit for an interaction is another way of choosing an event that can trigger the execution of the Action Manager. To set when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the General tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 Choose the appropriate setting for the Judge Interaction option: When the user clicks a button labeled Submit When the user performs an action characteristic of the interaction On a specific event Changing the name of the Submit button 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the General tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 Find the Judge Interaction section. The first option is “when the user clicks a button labeled Submit.” 3 Replace Submit with the text you want to appear on the button. Edit the preferences file to set a new default label for the Submit button in all of the templates. See “Setting preferences” on page 167. 164 Chapter 7 Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction Resetting clears any input a user has made during an interaction and returns all the properties of the interaction to their initial settings. Clicking a Reset button doesn’t, however, deselect any selected radio buttons in a multiple-choice interaction. Some CourseBuilder Interactions, such as all-that-apply questions, are set up by default to allow users to reset them. Edit the preferences file to change the label on the Reset button in all of the templates. See “Setting preferences” on page 167. To allow users to reset a CourseBuilder Interaction: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the General tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 Select the Reset option. To prevent users from resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the General tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 Deselect the Reset option. Enhancements and Customization 165 Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer The “Insert this Interaction in a layer” option on the General tab places a CourseBuilder Interaction in its own layer. Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer allows absolute placement of the CourseBuilder Interaction on the page and simplifies Netscape layer issues. You’re likely to encounter problems in Netscape Navigator 4 if you’re using layers. The main problem you’ll discover is that layers can’t be nested. If you nest layers, any other layers on the page won’t function. Netscape Navigator also has problems with tags that are required by CourseBuilder Interactions. The “Insert this Interaction in a layer” option inserts only the relevant HTML tags in a layer and avoids nesting layers. For drag-and-drop, explore, and slider CourseBuilder Interactions, which are already in layers, only the question text and controls are placed in the layer. After you select the “Insert this Interaction in a layer” option, you need to manually position all of the layers that are part of the CourseBuilder Interaction. If you want to show and hide the CourseBuilder Interaction, you also need to show and hide each of the layers that are part of it. Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into its own layer also facilitates the use of various actions, such as Show-Hide Layers. This feature works only in version 4 and later browsers. Multiple-choice, button, text entry, and timer CourseBuilder Interactions are placed in a layer in their entirety. Drag-and-drop, explore, and slider CourseBuilder Interactions already contain elements in layers. Only the text part of the CourseBuilder Interaction and the Submit and Reset buttons are placed in a layer. To insert a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer, do either of the following: Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the General tab, then select “Insert this Interaction in a layer.” See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. Select the CourseBuilder Interaction icon in the document, then select “Insert this Interaction in a layer” in the Property inspector. 166 Chapter 7 Setting preferences Edit Preferences.txt to set, among other things: The default names of the script and image folders The default tries and time limits used in all of the templates The default labels on Submit and Reset buttons For information about all of the defaults you can set, see Preferences.txt. This file is located in Dreamweaver\CourseBuilder\Config. Authorware integration The Authorware object for Dreamweaver allows you to incorporate Authorware pieces into web pages created with CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. Before you add an Authorware piece to a web page: 1 Package the piece for the web. For more information about creating and packaging Authorware pieces for the web, see Authorware Attain Help. 2 Configure your web server to serve web-packaged Authorware pieces. See Configuring Your Server for Web-packaged Pieces at http:// awconfigcontents.html/ for more information. For a step-by-step guide to adding an Authorware piece to a web page, see “Using the Insert Authorware object” on page 168. You can also set up your web page to automatically install the Authorware Web Player for the user’s browser. Users then don’t need to leave your web site to download the player. See Authorware Web Player AutoInstall at http:// a5autoin.html for more information. Enhancements and Customization 167 Using the Insert Authorware object 1 Save your document before you start. 2 In the Object palette, click the Authorware object. Authorware object 3 In the Insert Authorware dialog box, click Browse, then navigate to the map file for the web-packaged Authorware piece you want to insert. Authorware map files have the AAM file extension. 4 Click OK. A box representing the web-packaged Authorware piece is inserted into your document. 168 Chapter 7 5 Drag the corners of the box to resize the bounding rectangle for the webpackaged Authorware piece. 6 Choose File > Preview in Browser to run the web-packaged Authorware piece. Managing CourseBuilder Interaction templates Once you’ve customized a CourseBuilder Interaction, you can save it as a template. Your new templates will be available for you to select in the CourseBuilder Interaction Gallery. Adding templates to the CourseBuilder Interaction Gallery lets you easily generate multiple instances of a custom CourseBuilder Interaction without redefining an object from scratch each time. You can add your CourseBuilder Interaction template to an existing category of CourseBuilder Interactions or create new categories for organizing templates. Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery Once you’ve customized a CourseBuilder Interaction, use the Add Interaction To Gallery command to save the interaction as a template so you can use it again. Add the CourseBuilder Interaction template to an existing category of CourseBuilder Interactions, or create a new category. To save a CourseBuilder Interaction as a template: 1 In the Document window, select the CourseBuilder Interaction icon. 2 Choose Modify > CourseBuilder > Add Interaction To Gallery. 3 In the Add Interaction To Gallery dialog box, select or create a Gallery Category. saves the template in the category selected from the pop-up menu to the right. Select the appropriate category. Existing New saves the template in a new category. Use the field to give the category a name. 4 Select the lowest version browser that supports the template. 4.0 browsers displays the template in the 4.0 Gallery only. Select this option when the template uses features available only in version 4 or later browsers. 3.0 browsers displays the template in both the 3.0 and 4.0 browser views of the Gallery. Select this option when the template uses features available both in version 3 and version 4 browsers. 5 Name the template. replaces an existing template. Template files that are locked or that are set to “read only” can’t be replaced. Existing New 6 creates a template with a new name. Click Select Icon to select an icon for the template. The icon represents the template in the Gallery. To create a custom icon, see “Creating a custom icon for a template” on page 170. 7 Click OK. Enhancements and Customization 169 Creating a custom icon for a template Create custom icons to make customized CourseBuilder Interaction templates easier to identify in the Gallery. Use a graphics tool to develop a custom GIF image. The recommended size of the image is 80 x 80 pixels. (The image can be any size, but CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver stretches or shrinks it to 80 x 80 pixels.) Place the image in Dreamweaver\CourseBuilder\SupportFiles\Images. Working with Gallery files All of the CourseBuilder Interaction templates are located in category folders in Dreamweaver\CourseBuilder\Gallery. Each CourseBuilder Interaction category corresponds to an individual folder preceded by a number. The number determines the sequence in which the categories are displayed in the Category list in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. For example, the Multiple Choice category (folder name 010_MultipleChoice) precedes the Drag and Drop category (folder name 020_Drag and Drop). In each category folder are template files. The templates are also ordered numerically. Each template is composed of two files with the same file name: a template file with the extension AGT and the template icon with the extension GIF. Arrange the categories and templates in the CourseBuilder Interaction Gallery to reflect the way you use CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. To change category order in the Category list: 1 In the Gallery folder, locate the folder for the category you want to change. 2 Select the category folder, and change its number to reposition the interaction type in the Category list. Replace the number with a lower number to move the icon toward the top of the list or with a higher number to move it toward the bottom of the list. 170 Chapter 7 To change placement of a template in the Gallery: 1 Locate the appropriate CourseBuilder Interaction category folder in the Gallery folder. 2 Select the template’s GIF file, and change its number to reposition the template icon in the Gallery. Replace the number with a lower number to move the icon forward in the display or with a higher number to move the icon back in the display. 3 Select the template’s AGT file. 4 Replace the number with the same number you gave the template’s GIF file. To delete a template: 1 Locate the appropriate CourseBuilder Interaction category folder in the Gallery folder. 2 Select the template’s GIF file, and delete it. 3 Select the template’s AGT file, and delete it. Enhancements and Customization 171 172 Chapter 7 8 CHAPTER 8 CourseBuilder Interaction Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Button CourseBuilder Interactions Use button CourseBuilder Interactions as web page navigation controls or as part of a complex interaction, such as a simulation of airplane cockpit controls. (You can also use the multiple-choice templates to create certain types of button interactions; see The multiple-choice templates.) The button templates are easy to use, but unlike most of the other templates, the CourseBuilder Interaction they place on a page—simple push buttons or toggle switches—don’t do anything particularly useful by themselves. To use a button effectively, you need to set it up as a component of some larger interaction. Doing so requires an understanding of how an Action Manager works, the actions that are available in CourseBuilder Interactions, and what each action does. See Creating a button for more information. Several different button images are available for you to choose from. You can also use button images you’ve created (see Adding custom button graphics). 173 The button templates Choose either of two button templates. The template icons represent the function of each button, not its appearance. To choose the way a button looks, see Choosing a look for a button. Or use graphics you’ve created yourself (see Adding custom button graphics). Button_Toggle toggle switch. Remains in a given position once set. For details about how the template works, see Toggle switches. For information about using the template, see Creating a button. Button_Push push button. Returns to its deselected state right after it’s clicked. For details about how the template works, see Push buttons. For information about using the template, see Creating a button. 174 Chapter 8 The button CourseBuilder Interaction tabs General tab See General options for detailed information about the options on this tab. Here’s a brief overview of the options: is the unique name of the interaction. It’s used to identify the CourseBuilder Interaction in the Condition Editor and other dialog boxes. Interaction Name is the name of the image file used for the button graphic. See Choosing a look for a button. Appearance defines the button as a push button or a toggle button. See Changing the type of button. Type Highlight on mouse over highlights the button when the mouse is over it. See Highlighting a button. sets the state of the button before the user interacts with it. See Changing the initial state of a button. Initial State determines when the CourseBuilder Interaction evaluates a user’s response. See Managing CourseBuilder Interaction templates. Judge Interaction defines what qualifies as a correct response. See Marking a response right or wrong. Correct When Score is the value assigned to the button. See Scoring a response. sends information about a user’s performance to a computermanaged instruction system. See Tracking user performance. Knowledge Track limits the number of tries a user has to respond. See Limiting the number of tries. Tries Are limits the amount of time a user has to respond. See Putting a time limit on an interaction. Time Is places the button in a layer. See Managing CourseBuilder Interaction templates. Layer Tracking tab The Tracking tab appears only if you’ve selected the Knowledge Track option on the General tab. See Tracking tab. CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 175 Action Manager tab The Action Manager tab contains code segments set up as if...then conditions that define how a CourseBuilder Interaction behaves under specific conditions: If a user selects or deselects a toggle switch (see Toggle-switch segment) If a user clicks a push button (see Pushbutton segment) If a user reaches a time limit that you’ve set on the General tab (see Check Tries segment) If a user reaches the number of tries that you’ve set on the General tab (see Check Tries segment) Button CourseBuilder Interactions— step-by-step procedures What you can do For instructions, see Turn off the highlight that appears “Highlighting a button” on page 182 when a user positions the pointer over the button Change whether the button is selected “Changing the initial state of a button” on or deselected, and enabled or page 183 disabled, when it appears Change from a toggle switch to a “Changing the type of button” on page 183 push button or from a push button to a toggle switch Judge a CourseBuilder Interaction “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction when a user clicks the button, or when is judged” on page 163 some other event takes place Assign the button a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Select a different image for the button “Choosing a look for a button” on page 182 176 Chapter 8 Use custom graphics for a button “Adding custom button graphics” on page 184 Learn what the segments on the Action Manager tab do “Toggle-switch segment” on page 300 “Pushbutton segment” on page 301 Make changes to a CourseBuilder Interaction “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 Cut, copy, and paste an entire CourseBuilder Interaction “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 What you can do For instructions, see Customize the feedback that the CourseBuilder Interaction gives the user “Customizing feedback” on page 159 Display feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field rather than in a pop-up message “Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field” on page 160 Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 respond correctly to an interaction Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on respond correctly page 163 Send information about users’ “Tracking user performance” on page 251 performance to a computer-managed instruction system, such as Pathware Place a button in a layer so you can hide it, position it, or manipulate in some other way “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Save a custom button as a template “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 Toggle switches For version 4 and later browsers only A toggle switch—unlike a push button—remains in a given position once set. Switch it on, it remains on; switch it off, it remains off. The toggle switch template is set so it’s initially deselected, but enabled (see the Initial State option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction is set up to judge a user’s response as soon as the user clicks the button (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction displays feedback when the user clicks the button, displaying a pop-up message that says whether the button is currently selected or deselected. (See the Button Selected segment on the Action Manager tab; see Toggle-switch segment for details.) For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see Creating a button. For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Action Manager segments” on page 295 CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 177 Push buttons For version 4 and later browsers only A push button—unlike a toggle switch—returns to its deselected state right after it’s clicked. The push button template is set so it’s initially deselected, but enabled (see the Initial State option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction is set up to judge a user’s response as soon as the user clicks the button (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction displays feedback when the user clicks the button, displaying a pop-up message that says simply that the button has been pushed. (See the Button Selected segment in the Action Manager tab; see Pushbutton segment for details.) For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see Creating a button. For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Action Manager segments” on page 295 178 Chapter 8 Creating a button Buttons work only in version 4 and later browsers. (You can also use them in Netscape Navigator 3 if the button images contain no transparent pixels.) What a button does is determined by the actions you set up in the button CourseBuilder Interaction’s Action Manager. In the templates, selecting either state of a toggle switch or clicking a push button produces the same results: a Popup Message action displays a message telling the user either which state a toggle switch is in or simply that a button has been pushed. To change what a button does, replace the Popup Message action with a different action. You might replace the Popup Message action with an action that’s equally simple, such as Go To URL. If the button is part of a complex interaction—such as a simulation of airplane cockpit controls—you might replace the Popup Message action with a Judge Interaction action, which triggers the evaluation of an entire Action Manager. You might replace the Popup Message action with several actions or even with conditions that trigger different actions, depending on the current state of other parts of the interaction. The procedure that follows describes merely how to add a button to a page. Getting the button to work the way you want requires an understanding of how an Action Manager works, the actions that are available, and what each action does. For information about See The Action Manager “Action Manager CourseBuilder Interactions— step-by-step procedures” on page 215 Actions and what they do “Learning-specific actions” on page 227 Using the behavior actions that ship with Dreamweaver Deleting an existing action “Cutting, copying, and pasting a segment, condition, or action” on page 226 Adding a new action “Adding an action” on page 224 CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 179 To create a button: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. 2 Under Target, select 4.0 Browsers; then select Button from the Category list. 3 Select a button template. (The template icons represent the function of each button, not its appearance.) Toggle switch. See Toggle switches for information about how the template works. Push button. See Push buttons for information about how the template works. For detailed information about the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Action Manager segments” on page 295 4 Click the General tab. A thumbnail of the button appears in the upper right corner of the General tab. To choose a different look, see Choosing a look for a button. 5 180 Chapter 8 Click OK. Other things you can do What you can do For instructions, see Turn off the highlight that appears “Highlighting a button” on page 182 when a user positions the pointer over the button Change whether the button is selected “Changing the initial state of a button” on or deselected, and enabled or disabled page 183 when it appears Change from a toggle switch to a “Changing the type of button” on page 183 push button or from a push button to a toggle switch Use custom graphics for a button “Adding custom button graphics” on page 184 Judge an interaction when a user “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction clicks the button, or when some other into a layer” on page 166 event takes place Assign the button a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Send information about users’ “Tracking user performance” on page 251 performance to a computer-managed instruction system, such as Pathware Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 complete the interaction correctly Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on complete the interaction page 163 Change the feedback preprogrammed “Customizing feedback” on page 159 in the template Place the button in a layer so you can hide it, position it, or manipulate it in some other way as a layer “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Save a custom button as a template “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 181 Choosing a look for a button CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver comes with several looks you can choose from. You can also create your own button graphics (see Adding custom button graphics). To select a different look for a button: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the General tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 Select the look you want from the Appearance pop-up menu. If the image you want doesn’t appear on the list, click the Browse button to locate the image file. (See Adding custom button graphics for information about creating custom button graphics and where to put them.) A preview of the image appears to the right of the Browse button. Highlighting a button The option to highlight a button when a user positions the pointer over it is available only if a highlighted image exists. To highlight a button when the pointer is over it: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the General tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 Select the “Highlight on mouse over” option. To have no highlight when the pointer is over a button: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the General tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 182 Chapter 8 Deselect the “Highlight on mouse over” option. Changing the initial state of a button The initial state of buttons you create with the toggle switch and push button templates is deselected and enabled. To change the initial state of a button: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the General tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 Select the settings you want from the Initial State pop-up menus: Deselected the button is in its off (toggle switch) or up (push button) state. Selected the button is in its on (toggle switch) or down (push button) state. Enabled the button responds if clicked. the button can’t be clicked. (Use the Set Interaction Properties action to enable a button during an interaction; see “Setting interaction properties” on page 238.) Disabled Changing the type of button 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the General tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 Select the Type option you want: Push creates a push button. Toggle creates a toggle switch. CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 183 Adding custom button graphics A button object must contain at least two GIF images: the default button and a thumbnail. The thumbnail appears as a graphic preview in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. The thumbnail is displayed in a fixed area of 100 by 100 pixels and is resized to fill this area if the thumbnail is a different size. You can include other graphics to represent the button in its various states, giving the user a visual indication of what state the button is in and what action results from clicking it. (If you don’t include a highlighted image, you can’t select the “Highlight on mouse over” option.) Don’t confuse the button graphics with the icons that represent the button templates in the Gallery. See “Managing CourseBuilder Interaction templates” on page 169 for information on adding images associated with object templates. To create a custom button: 1 Use a graphics tool to create a GIF image for the default button and any additional graphics to represent the button in its various states. 2 Name the GIFs representing various button states as follows (appearancename is the label used in the Appearance pop-up menu): appearancename.gif The default button graphic, showing the button as enabled and deselected. appearancename_tnail.gif The 100 by 100 pixel thumbnail button graphic, displayed as a preview on the General tab. appearancename_hlt.gif The button graphic representing a highlighted button (how the button appears when the pointer is over it). appearancename_sel.gif The button graphic representing a selected button (how the button appears when “pushed down”). appearancename_dis.gif The button graphic representing a disabled button. appearancename_sel_hlt.gif The button graphic representing a toggle button when it’s both selected (“pushed down”) and highlighted (when the pointer is over it). appearancename_sel_dis.gif The button graphic representing a button when it’s both selected (“pushed down”) and disabled. 3 Save all of the button object GIFs in the following directory: \Dreamweaver\CourseBuilder\SupportFiles\Images\Buttons\ Before you use custom graphics in a CourseBuilder Interactions document, use the Copy Support Files command to copy the custom graphics to the folder where the CourseBuilder Interactions document is located. See “Copying support files” on page 68. 184 Chapter 8 Timer CourseBuilder Interaction A timer shows time passing as users complete an interaction. You can use the timer to keep users focused, motivate them (for example, by adding or removing scoring points as users progress through an interaction), or monitor their progress and notify them of whether they’ve achieved certain tasks within a time limit. Often, time is integral to whether a user has mastered a subject. For example, a paramedic must be able to identify the correct procedures for triage without trying to recall them from class or a textbook. The timer templates Choose from two timer CourseBuilder Interaction templates. The template icons represent the function of each timer, not its appearance. To choose the way a timer looks, see Choosing a look for a timer. Or use graphics you’ve created yourself (see Adding custom timer graphics). Timer_Forward1Trig timer. Gives users feedback after 30 seconds. For details about how the template works, see Timers. For information about using the template, see Creating a timer. Timer_Forward2Trigs timer with warning. Gives users feedback after 15 and 30 seconds. For details about how the template works, see Timers with a warning. For information about using the template, see Creating a timer with a warning. CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 185 The timer CourseBuilder Interaction tabs General tab See “General options” on page 281 for detailed information about the options on this tab. Here’s a brief overview of the options: is the unique name of the interaction. It’s used to identify the interaction in the Condition Editor and other dialog boxes. Interaction Name is the name of the image files used for the timer graphic. See “Choosing a look for a timer” on page 196. Appearance Duration is the total time on the timer. See “Setting a timer” on page 195. reverses the order in which the timer images are displayed (for example, the timer may appear to count down). See “Choosing a look for a timer” on page 196. Display images in reverse order determines when the CourseBuilder Interaction evaluates a user’s response. See “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163. Judge Interaction defines what qualifies as a correct response to the interaction. See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. Correct When sends information about a user’s performance to a computermanaged instruction system. See “Tracking user performance” on page 251. Knowledge Track limits the number of tries a user has to respond to the interaction. See “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162. Tries Are limits the amount of time a user has to respond to the interaction. See “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on page 163. Time Is creates a button that lets a user start over. See “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 165. Reset places the entire interaction in a layer. See “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166. Layer Tracking tab The Tracking tab appears only if you’ve selected the Knowledge Track option on the General tab. 186 Chapter 8 Triggers tab See “Triggers options” on page 293 for detailed information about the options on this tab. Here’s a brief overview of the options: lists all of the triggers in the CourseBuilder Interaction. Use the buttons to add and delete triggers. See “Adding and deleting triggers” on page 197. Triggers Name is the name of the selected trigger. See “Naming a trigger” on page 196. Trigger One After __ seconds sets the point at which the timer is triggered. See “Setting a trigger” on page 195. determines whether a user’s response is considered right or wrong if the timer reaches the current trigger. See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. Trigger Is Score is the value assigned to the trigger. See “Scoring a response” on page 255. determines whether a user’s response is considered right or wrong if the timer doesn’t reach the first trigger. See “Judging a response before the first trigger is reached” on page 198. Interaction Is __ before timer reaches first trigger Action Manager tab The Action Manager tab contains code segments set up as if...then conditions that define how a CourseBuilder Interaction behaves if the timer reaches a trigger you’ve set on the Triggers tab (see “Timer segment” on page 301 and “Timer with warning segment” on page 302). Timer CourseBuilder Interactions—step-bystep procedures What you can do For instructions, see Create a timer “Creating a timer” on page 190 Create a timer with a warning “Creating a timer with a warning” on page 193 Set the total time on a timer “Setting a timer” on page 195 Give a descriptive name to a trigger “Naming a trigger” on page 196 Add or delete a trigger “Adding and deleting triggers” on page 197 Set a trigger on a timer “Setting a trigger” on page 195 CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 187 What you can do For instructions, see Judge the interaction when the timer “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction reaches a trigger value, or when some into a layer” on page 166 other event takes place Set whether a user’s response is right or wrong depending on whether the timer has or hasn’t reached a trigger value “Judging a response before the first trigger is reached” on page 198 Assign the timer a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Select a different image for the timer “Choosing a look for a timer” on page 196 “Adding custom timer graphics” on page 198 Display a timer’s images in reverse “Choosing a look for a timer” on page 196 order (for example, to make the timer appear to be counting down) Use custom graphics for a timer “Adding custom timer graphics” on page 198 Learn what the segments on the Action Manager tab do “Timer segment” on page 301 “Timer with warning segment” on page 302 Make changes to a CourseBuilder Interaction “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 Cut, copy, paste, and clear an entire CourseBuilder Interaction “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 Customize the feedback that the CourseBuilder Interaction gives the user “Customizing feedback” on page 159 Display feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field rather than in a pop-up message “Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field” on page 160 Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 respond correctly to an interaction Send information about users’ “Tracking user performance” on page 251 performance to a computer-managed instruction system, such as Pathware 188 Chapter 8 Place the timer in a layer so you can hide it, position it, or manipulate it in some other way “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Set a new default time limit for the timer templates “Setting preferences” on page 167 Save a custom timer as a template “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 Timers For version 4 and later browsers only The timer template gives users feedback after 30 seconds (see the Duration option on the General tab and the Trigger Once After option on the Triggers tab). The template places the image of an hourglass on the page (see the Appearance option on the General tab). Both the trigger when the timer runs out of time and the period leading up to it are unjudged (see the Trigger Is and the “Interaction Is __ before timer reaches first trigger” options on the “Triggers options” on page 293). The CourseBuilder Interaction executes the Action Manager only if the timer reaches the trigger (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). If the timer reaches the trigger, the Action Manager displays a message in a pop-up window (see the Trigger1 Feedback segment on the Action Manager tab; see “Timer segment” on page 301 for details). The CourseBuilder Interaction has a Reset button that lets the user restart the timer either while it’s running or after it’s run out of time (see the Reset option on the General tab). For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Creating a timer” on page 190. For detailed information about all the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Triggers options” on page 293 “Action Manager segments” on page 295 CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 189 Creating a timer Timers work only in version 4 and later browsers. (You can also use them in Netscape Navigator 3 if the timer image contains no transparent pixels.) For an overview of the template, see “The timer templates” on page 185. To create a simple timer: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. 2 Under Target, select 4.0 Browsers; then select Timer from the Category list. 3 Select the timer template icon. (The template icon represents the function of the timer, not its appearance.) For detailed information about all of the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Triggers options” on page 293 “Action Manager segments” on page 295 4 Click the General tab. Use the Duration option to set the amount of time on the timer. A thumbnail of the timer appears in the upper right corner of the General tab. To choose a different look, see “Choosing a look for a timer” on page 196. 190 Chapter 8 5 Click the Triggers tab. Change the Trigger Once After setting to match the Duration setting. 6 Click OK. Other things you can do What you can do For instructions, see Give a trigger a descriptive name “Naming a trigger” on page 196 Add triggers to the timer “Adding and deleting triggers” on page 197 Delete triggers from the timer “Adding and deleting triggers” on page 197 Display a timer’s images in reverse “Adding and deleting triggers” on page 197 order (for example, to make the timer appear to be counting down) Use custom graphics for a timer “Adding custom timer graphics” on page 198 Judge a CourseBuilder Interaction when the timer reaches a target, or judge it when some other action occurs “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163 Judge a user’s response as right or wrong when the timer reaches a trigger “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254 Set whether a user’s response is “Judging a response before the first trigger right or wrong depending on whether is reached” on page 198 the timer has or hasn’t reached a trigger value Assign a trigger a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Track the results of the timer interaction in a computer-managed instruction system, such as Pathware “Tracking user performance” on page 251 Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 complete the interaction correctly Change the feedback preprogrammed “Customizing feedback” on page 159 in the template Remove the button that allows users to start the timer over “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 165 Place the timer in a layer so you can hide it, position it, or manipulate it in some other way as a layer “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Save a custom timer as a template “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 191 Timers with a warning For version 4 and later browsers only The timer with a warning template gives users feedback after 15 and 30 seconds (see the Duration setting on the General tab and the Trigger Once After setting on the Triggers tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction displays a horizontal gradient bar as the timer ticks off the seconds (see Appearance on the General tab). The period leading up to the warning trigger at 15 seconds, the warning trigger itself, and the final trigger at 30 seconds are all unjudged (the Trigger Is and the “Interaction Is __ before timer reaches first trigger” options on the General tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction executes the Action Manager only when the timer reaches a trigger (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). When the timer reaches a trigger, the Action Manager displays a message in a pop-up window (see the Trigger1 Feedback and Trigger2 Feedback segments on the Action Manager tab; see “Timer with warning segment” on page 302 for details). The CourseBuilder Interaction has a Reset button that lets the user restart the timer either while it’s running or after it’s run out of time (see the Reset option on the General tab). For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see Creating a timer with a warning. For detailed information about all of the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Triggers options” on page 293 “Action Manager segments” on page 295 192 Chapter 8 Creating a timer with a warning Timers work only in version 4 and later browsers. (You can also use them in Netscape Navigator 3 if the timer image contains no transparent pixels.) For an overview of the template, see “Timers with a warning” on page 192. To create a timer with a warning: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. 2 Under Target, select 4.0 Browsers; then select Timer from the Category list. 3 Select the icon for the timer with a warning template. (The template icon represents the function of the timer, not its appearance.) For detailed information about all of the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Triggers options” on page 293 “Action Manager segments” on page 295 4 Click the General tab. A thumbnail of the timer appears in the upper right corner of the General tab. To choose a different look, see “General options” on page 281 “Triggers options” on page 293 “Action Manager segments” on page 295. 5 Use the Duration option to set the amount of time on the timer. 6 Click the Triggers tab. In the Triggers list, select Trigger1 and set Trigger Once After to the time you want the warning to appear. 7 In the Triggers list, select Trigger2 and set Trigger Once After to match the Duration setting. To change the messages that appear when the timer reaches the triggers, use the Action Manager. See “Timer with warning segment” on page 302. 8 Click OK. CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 193 Other things you can do What you can do For instructions, see Give a trigger a descriptive name “Naming a trigger” on page 196 Add triggers to the timer “Adding and deleting triggers” on page 197 Delete triggers from the timer “Adding and deleting triggers” on page 197 Display a timer’s images in reverse “Choosing a look for a timer” on page 196 order (for example, to make the timer appear to be counting down) Use custom graphics for a timer “Adding custom timer graphics” on page 198 Judge a CourseBuilder Interaction when the timer reaches a target, or judge it when some other action occurs “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163 Judge a user’s response as right or wrong when the timer reaches a trigger “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254 Set whether a user’s response is “Judging a response before the first trigger right or wrong depending on whether is reached” on page 198 the timer has or hasn’t reached a trigger value Assign a trigger a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Track the results of the timer interaction in a computer-managed instruction system, such as Pathware “Tracking user performance” on page 251 Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 complete the interaction correctly Change the feedback preprogrammed “Customizing feedback” on page 159 in the template 194 Chapter 8 Remove the button that allows users to start the timer over “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163 Place the timer in a layer so you can hide it, position it, or manipulate it in some other way as a layer “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Save a custom timer as a template “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 Setting a timer To change the total time set on a timer: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the General tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 In the Duration field, type the number of seconds you want the timer to run. Setting a trigger 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Triggers tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 In the Triggers list, select the name of the trigger you want to set. 3 Set Trigger Once After to the time you want the trigger to occur. 4 If you want to judge a user’s response as correct or incorrect when the timer reaches the trigger, set the Trigger Is option. See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. 5 If you want to change the feedback that appears when the timer reaches the trigger, use the Action Manager. See “Customizing feedback” on page 159. CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 195 Choosing a look for a timer CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver comes with several looks you can choose from. You can also create your own timer graphics (see “Adding custom timer graphics” on page 198). You can have the CourseBuilder Interaction display the timer images in reverse order (to create, for example, the effect of a timer counting down rather than up). To select a different look for a timer: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the General tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 Select the look you want from the Appearance pop-up menu. If the image you want doesn’t appear on the list, click the Browse button to locate the image file. (See “Adding custom timer graphics” on page 198 for information about creating custom timer graphics and where to put them.) A preview of the image appears to the right of the Browse button. To display the timer images in reverse order, select the “Display images in reverse order” option. Naming a trigger The templates assign default names (Trigger1, Trigger2, and so on) to each trigger. Giving a trigger a more descriptive name (such as “Warning”) makes it easier to work with. The name you give a trigger appears only in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. To change the name of a trigger: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Triggers tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 196 Chapter 8 2 In the Triggers list at the top of the tab, select the name of the trigger you want to change. 3 In the Name field, replace the default name with the name you want. Adding and deleting triggers Go to the Triggers tab: Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Triggers tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. To delete a trigger: In the Triggers list at the top of the tab, select the name of the trigger you want to delete; then click Delete. To add a trigger: 1 In the Triggers list at the top of the tab, select the name of the trigger whose properties are most like the one you want to add. 2 Click Add. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver duplicates the trigger. 3 Name the trigger. See “Naming a trigger” on page 196. 4 Change the properties that need changing. See “Timer CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 185. CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 197 Judging a response before the first trigger is reached If a user responds to an interaction before the timer reaches the first trigger, you may want to mark the response as right or wrong. If you want to assign a score to such a response, create a trigger that happens as soon as the timer starts and assign it the score for the response. To judge a response before a trigger is reached: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Triggers tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 Choose a setting for the “Interaction Is __ before timer reaches first timer” option. To assign a score to a response before a timer is reached: 1 In the Triggers list at the top of the tab, select the first trigger; then click Add. 2 Type a name for the new trigger in the Name field. 3 Set Trigger Once After to 1 second. 4 Set Trigger Is to Correct or Incorrect. 5 Enter the value you want in the Score field. Adding custom timer graphics Each timer object is made up of a series of GIF images. What the user sees as a single timer is actually a series of graphics, each representing a different point in time, displayed one after the other to give the illusion of elapsing time. In addition to the timer images, a timer object includes a thumbnail. The thumbnail appears as a graphic preview in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. The thumbnail is displayed in a fixed area of 100 by 100 pixels and is resized to fill this area if the thumbnail is a different size. Don’t confuse the timer graphics with the GIFs that represent the CourseBuilder Interaction template files in the Gallery. See “Managing CourseBuilder Interaction templates” on page 169 for information on adding images associated with object templates. 198 Chapter 8 To create a custom timer: 1 Use a graphics tool to create the GIF images that represent the timer. For example, if your timer counts for 30 seconds, the object can include 30 GIFs (each representing one elapsed second), 15 GIFs (each representing two elapsed seconds), or any other number of GIFs representing equal divisions of the time interval. 2 Name the GIF images in numerical order. The GIF images replace each other in order. For example, gradient_01.gif is swapped for gradient_02.gif, which is then swapped for gradient_03.gif, and so on, until the time limit is reached and all GIFs have been displayed. Use the following file name format: appearancename_##.gif Appearancename ## is the label used on the Appearance pop-up menu. designates the position the graphic occupies in the swap order. For example, the file name gradient_01.gif would be the first graphic displayed for a timer object listed on the Appearance pop-up menu as gradient. 3 Save the timer GIFs in the directory: \Dreamweaver\CourseBuilder\SupportFiles\Images\Timers\ 4 Create a 100 by 100 pixel GIF for the thumbnail and name it appearancename_tnail.gif. is the same root name used for the thumbnail’s corresponding timer graphics. Appearancename 5 Save the thumbnail graphic in the same directory as the other timer object graphics: \Dreamweaver\CourseBuilder\SupportFiles\Images\Timers\ Before you use custom graphics in a CourseBuilder Interactions document, use the Copy Support Files command to copy the custom graphics to the folder where the CourseBuilder Interactions document is located. See “Copying support files” on page 68. CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 199 Slider CourseBuilder Interaction A slider gives users a way to select a choice or range of choices on a linear scale of values. You can use a slider to represent a control, such as a dimmer switch in a home or an airplane’s flap lever. You can set up a slider to select a broad range—for example, a temperature or pH range—or a discrete value—for example, a page, topic, chapter, or exercise. The slider templates Choose either of two slider templates. The template icons represent the function of each slider, not its appearance. To choose the way a slider looks, see “Choosing a look for a slider” on page 210. Or use graphics you’ve created yourself (see “Adding custom slider graphics” on page 213). Slider_2Ranges range slider. Has an overall range of 0 to 100, and two active ranges: one from 0 to 49, the other from 50 to 100. For details about how the template works, see Range sliders. For information about using the template, see Creating a range slider. Slider_Correct Range point slider. Has an overall range of 0 to 100, and three active ranges: the first from 0 to 48, the second from 49 to 51, and the third from 52 to 100. For details about how the template works, see Point sliders. For information about using the template, see Creating a point slider. 200 Chapter 8 The slider CourseBuilder Interaction tabs General tab See “General options” on page 281 for detailed information about the options on this tab. Here’s a brief overview of the options: is the unique name of the interaction. It’s used to identify the interaction in the Condition Editor and other dialog boxes. Interaction Name is the name of the image files used for the slider graphic. See “Choosing a look for a slider” on page 210. Appearance Range defines the upper and lower limits of the slider. See “Setting a slider’s start and end values” on page 210. Initial Value sets the initial position of the slider thumb. See “Setting a slider’s start and end values” on page 210. determines when the CourseBuilder Interaction evaluates a user’s response. See “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163. Judge Interaction defines what qualifies as a correct response to the interaction. See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. Correct When sends information about a user’s performance to a computermanaged instruction system. See “Tracking user performance” on page 251. Knowledge Track limits the number of tries a user has to respond to the interaction. See “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162. Tries Are limits the amount of time a user has to respond to the interaction. See “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on page 163. Time Is creates a button that lets a user start over. See “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 165. Reset places the slider in a layer. See “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166. Layer Tracking tab The Tracking tab appears only if you’ve selected the Knowledge Track option on the General tab. CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 201 Ranges tab See Ranges options for detailed information about the options on this tab. Here’s a brief overview of the options: Ranges lists all of the active ranges on the slider. Use the buttons to add and delete ranges. See “Adding and deleting ranges” on page 212. Name is the name of the selected range. See “Naming a range” on page 211. Range defines the limits of the current range. See “Setting a range” on page 211. determines whether a range is right or wrong. See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. Choice Is Score is the value assigned to a range. See “Scoring a response” on page 255. Action Manager tab The Action Manager tab contains code segments set up as if...then conditions that define how a CourseBuilder Interaction behaves under specific conditions: If a user reaches a time limit that you’ve set on the General tab (see “Check Time segment” on page 296) If a user drags the slider thumb to an active range on the slider (see “Range slider segment” on page 302 and “Point slider segment” on page 303) If a user reaches the number of tries that you’ve set on the General tab (see “Check Tries segment” on page 296) Slider CourseBuilder Interactions— step-by-step procedures 202 Chapter 8 What you can do For instructions, see Create a slider with ranges “Creating a range slider” on page 205 Create a slider with a discrete point “Creating a point slider” on page 208 Set the overall range of a slider “Setting a slider’s start and end values” on page 210 Set a range on a slider “Setting a range” on page 211 Give a range a descriptive name “Naming a range” on page 211 Add or delete a range “Adding and deleting ranges” on page 212 What you can do For instructions, see Judge a CourseBuilder Interaction “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction when a user releases the slider thumb is judged” on page 163 or clicks a Submit button, or when some other event takes place Assign a range a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Select a different image for a slider “Choosing a look for a slider” on page 210 Use custom graphics for a slider “Adding custom slider graphics” on page 213 Learn what the segments on the Action Manager tab do “Range slider segment” on page 302 “Point slider segment” on page 303 Give the Submit button a different name “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164 Make changes to a CourseBuilder Interaction “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 Cut, copy, paste, and clear an entire CourseBuilder Interaction “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 Customize the feedback that the CourseBuilder Interaction gives the user “Customizing feedback” on page 159 Display feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field rather than in a pop-up message “Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field” on page 160 Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 respond correctly to an interaction Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on respond correctly page 163 Send information about users’ “Tracking user performance” on page 251 performance to a computer-managed instruction system, such as Pathware Place a slider interaction in a layer so you can hide it, position it, or manipulate it in some other way “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Save a custom slider as a template “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 203 Range sliders For version 4 and later browsers only The range slider template places an image of a slider on the page. The slider has an overall range of 0 to 100 (see the Range option on the General tab). There are two active ranges providing feedback: one from 0 to 49, the other from 50 to 100 (see the Ranges tab). Both ranges are not judged (see the Range Is option on the Ranges tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction executes the Action Manager when the user releases the slider thumb (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). The feedback for each of the ranges is different (see the Range1 Feedback and the Range2 Feedback segments on the Action Manager tab; see “Range slider segment” on page 302 for details). The CourseBuilder Interaction has a Reset button that lets the user reset the slider after releasing the slider thumb (see the Reset option on the General tab). For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Creating a range slider” on page 205. For detailed information about all of the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Ranges options” on page 294 “Action Manager segments” on page 295 204 Chapter 8 Creating a range slider Sliders work only in version 4 and later browsers. For an overview of the template, see “Range sliders” on page 204. To create a range slider: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. 2 Under Target, select 4.0 Browsers; then select Slider from the Category list. 3 Select the range slider template icon. (The template icon represents the function of the slider, not its appearance.) For detailed information about all of the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Ranges options” on page 294 “Action Manager segments” on page 295 4 Click the General tab. Set the slider’s start and end values in the Range fields. 5 Set the initial position of the slider thumb in the Initial field. A thumbnail of the timer appears in the upper right corner of the General tab. To choose a different look, see “Choosing a look for a slider” on page 210. 6 Click the Ranges tab. In the Ranges list, select Range1 and set the start and end values of the range in the Range fields. Do the same for Range2. To change the messages that appear when the slider’s thumb is in a given range, use the Action Manager. See “Range slider segment” on page 302. 7 Click OK. CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 205 Other things you can do What you can do For instructions, see Give a range a descriptive name “Naming a range” on page 211 Add a range to the slider “Adding and deleting ranges” on page 212 Delete a range from the slider “Adding and deleting ranges” on page 212 Use custom graphics for a slider “Adding custom slider graphics” on page 213 Judge a CourseBuilder Interaction when the user releases the slider thumb or clicks a Submit button, or judge it when some other action occurs “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163 Judge the range a user chooses as right or wrong “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254 Assign a range a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Send information about users’ “Tracking user performance” on page 251 performance to a computer-managed instruction system, such as Pathware Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 complete the interaction correctly Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on respond correctly page 163 Change the feedback preprogrammed “Customizing feedback” on page 159 in the template 206 Chapter 8 Display feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field rather than in a pop-up message “Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field” on page 160 Remove the button that allows users to reset the slider “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 165 Place the slider interaction in a layer so you can hide it, position it, or manipulate it in some other way as a layer “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Give the Submit button a different name “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164 Save a custom slider as a template “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 Point sliders For version 4 and later browsers only The point slider template places an image of a vertical gray slider on the page. The slider has an overall range of 0 to 100 (see the Range option on the General tab). There are three active ranges providing feedback: the first from 0 to 48, the second from 49 to 51, and the third from 52 to 100 (see the Range option on the Ranges tab). The “point” thus actually covers three units, from 49 to 51. Only the single-point range (from 49 to 51) is correct; the other two ranges are incorrect. (See the Range Is option on the Ranges tab). The CourseBuilder Interaction executes the Action Manager when the user releases the slider thumb (see the Judge Interaction option on the General tab). The feedback for each of the ranges is different (see the Range1 Feedback, the Range3 Feedback, and the Correctness segments on the Action Manager tab; see “Point slider segment” on page 303 and “Correctness segment” on page 296 for details). The CourseBuilder Interaction has a Reset button that lets the user reset the slider after releasing the slider thumb (see the Reset option on the General tab). For a step-by-step guide to using this template, see “Creating a point slider” on page 208. For detailed information about all the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Ranges options” on page 294 “Action Manager segments” on page 295 CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 207 Creating a point slider Sliders work only in version 4 and later browsers. (You can also use them in Netscape Navigator 3 if the slider images contain no transparent pixels.) For an overview of the template, see “Point sliders” on page 207. To create a timer with a warning: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. 2 Under Target, select 4.0 Browsers; then select Slider from the Category list. 3 Select the point slider template icon. (The template icon represents the function of the slider, not its appearance.) For detailed information about all of the options on the tabs, see: “General options” on page 281 “Ranges options” on page 294 “Action Manager segments” on page 295 4 Click the General tab. Set the slider’s start and end values in the Range fields. 5 Set the initial position of the slider thumb in the Initial field. A thumbnail of the timer appears in the upper right corner of the General tab. To choose a different look, see “Choosing a look for a slider” on page 210. 6 Click the Ranges tab. In the Ranges list, select Range1 and set the start and end values of the range in the Range fields. Do the same for Range2 and Range3. Remember that Range2 is correct; Range1 and Range3 are incorrect. To change the messages that appear when the slider’s thumb is in a given range, use the Action Manager. See “Point slider segment” on page 303 and “Correctness segment” on page 296. 7 208 Chapter 8 Click OK. Other things you can do What you can do For instructions, see Give a range a descriptive name “Naming a range” on page 211 Add a range to the slider “Adding and deleting ranges” on page 212 Delete a range from the slider “Adding and deleting ranges” on page 212 Use custom graphics for a slider “Adding custom slider graphics” on page 213 Judge a CourseBuilder Interaction when the user releases the slider thumb or clicks a submit button, or judge it when some other action occurs “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163 Judge the range a user chooses as right or wrong “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254 Assign a range a value as part of a test “Scoring a response” on page 255 Send information about users’ “Tracking user performance” on page 251 performance to a computer-managed instruction system, such as Pathware Limit the number of tries a user has to “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162 complete the interaction correctly Limit the amount of time a user has to “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on respond correctly page 163 Change the feedback preprogrammed “Customizing feedback” on page 159 in the template Display feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field rather than in a pop-up message “Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field” on page 160 Remove the button that allows users to reset the slider “Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction” on page 165 Place the slider interaction in a layer so you can hide it, position it, or manipulate it in some other way as a layer “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166 Give the Submit button a different name “Changing the name of the Submit button” on page 164 Save a custom slider as a template “Adding a CourseBuilder Interaction template to the Gallery” on page 169 CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 209 Choosing a look for a slider CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver comes with several looks you can choose from. You can also create your own slider graphics (see “Adding custom slider graphics” on page 213). To select a different look for a slider: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the General tab. 2 Select the look you want from the Appearance pop-up menu. Each look is designed to operate either horizontally or vertically, indicated by hor or vert in the file name. If the image you want doesn’t appear on the list, click the Browse button to locate the image file. (See “Adding custom slider graphics” on page 213 for information about creating custom slider graphics and where to put them.) A preview of the image appears to the right of the Browse button. Setting a slider’s start and end values A slider’s start and end values determine the overall range that appears on the slider. The default settings are 0 and 100. The slider’s thumb, by default, appears at 0. To set the overall range of a slider: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the General tab. 2 In the Range fields, type the slider’s start and end values. Enter decimal numbers to display decimal values on the slider (for example, 1.0 to 2.5). The range can be low to high (1 to 10) or high to low (10 to 1). Enter both negative and positive numbers (-10 to 10). Positive numbers may be ten digits long; negative numbers, nine digits. To set the initial position of the slider’s thumb, type the value that corresponds to the position in the Initial field. The value can be no less than nor greater than the values in the Range fields. 210 Chapter 8 Setting a range 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Ranges tab. 2 In the Ranges list, select the name of the range you want to set. 3 In the Range fields, type the start and end values of the range. 4 If you want to judge a user’s response as correct or incorrect when the slider’s thumb is in the range, set the Range Is option. See “Marking a response right or wrong” on page 254. If you want to assign a correct or incorrect answer a value as part of a test, see “Scoring a response” on page 255. 5 If you want to change the feedback that appears when the slider’s thumb is in the range, use the Action Manager. See “Customizing feedback” on page 159. Naming a range The templates assign default names (Range1, Range2, and so on) to each range. Giving a range a more descriptive name makes it easier to work with. The name you give a range appears only in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. To change the name of a range: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Ranges tab. 2 In the Ranges list at the top of the tab, select the name of the range you want to change. 3 In the Name field, replace the default name with the name you want. CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 211 Adding and deleting ranges Go to the Ranges tab: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, 2 Then, click the Ranges tab. See Editing CourseBuilder Interactions if you need help. To delete a range: 1 In the Ranges list at the top of the tab, select the name of the range you want to delete. 2 Then, click Delete. To add a range: 1 In the Range list at the top of the tab, select the name of the range whose properties are most like the one you want to add. 2 Click Add. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver duplicates the range. 3 Name the range. See “Naming a range” on page 211. 4 Change the properties that need changing. See “Slider CourseBuilder Interactions— step-by-step procedures” on page 202. 212 Chapter 8 Adding custom slider graphics Each slider contains two GIF images: one each for the thumb and the track. A slider also includes a thumbnail. The thumbnail appears as a graphic preview in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. The thumbnail is displayed in a fixed area of 100 by 100 pixels and is resized to fill this area if the thumbnail is a different size. Don’t confuse the slider graphics with the GIFs that represent the CourseBuilder Interaction template files in the Gallery. See “Managing CourseBuilder Interaction templates” on page 169 for information on adding images associated with object templates. To create a custom slider: 1 Create or select the three GIF images for the slider thumb and track. 2 Name the GIFs, using the following file name format: appearancename_[hor/ver]_[thm/trk].gif Appearancename Hor is the label used in the Appearance pop-up menu. or ver indicates that the slider is horizontal or vertical. Thm (thumb) and trk (track) designate the function of the graphic. For example, the file name modern_ver_thm.gif is the thumb of a vertical slider whose appearance is modern. 3 Save the GIF images in the following directory: \Dreamweaver\CourseBuilder\SupportFiles\Images\Sliders\ 4 Create a 100 by 100 pixel GIF for the thumbnail and name it: appearancename_tnail.gif is the same root name used for the thumbnail’s corresponding slider graphics. Appearancename 5 Save the thumbnail graphic in the same directory as the other slider object graphics: \Dreamweaver\CourseBuilder\SupportFiles\Images\Sliders\ Before you use custom graphics in a CourseBuilder Interactions document, use the Copy Support Files command to copy the custom graphics to the folder where the CourseBuilder Interactions document is located. See “Copying support files” on page 68. CourseBuilder Interaction Controls 213 214 Chapter 8 9 CHAPTER 9 Action Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Action Manager CourseBuilder Interactions The Action Manager tab lists all of the conditions and actions that apply to a CourseBuilder Interaction. These conditions and actions, organized into segments, define how a CourseBuilder Interaction interacts with the user at run time. Use the Action Manager tab to create new segments, define new conditions, and set the properties of actions in the list. See also: “Action Manager CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures” on page 215 Action Manager CourseBuilder Interactions— step-by-step procedures What you can do For instructions, see Add a segment, condition, or action “Adding a segment” on page 218 “Adding a condition” on page 219 “Adding an action” on page 224 Track changes in the state of an interaction “Adding a segment” on page 218 Edit a segment, condition, or action “Editing a segment, condition, or action” on page 225 Cut, copy, or paste a segment, condition, or action “Cutting, copying, and pasting a segment, condition, or action” on page 226 215 What you can do For instructions, see Rename a segment, condition, or action “Renaming a segment, condition, or action” on page 224 Create expressions for a condition “Creating expressions for a condition” on page 221 Change the level of a condition “Promoting and demoting a condition” on page 225 Show or hide parts of the Action Manager list “Expanding and collapsing a segment or condition” on page 225 Enable the Knowledge Track options “Knowledge Track actions” on page 234 Send information about an interaction “Send Score” on page 238 to a CMI application, such as Pathware “Send Lesson Status” on page 236 “Send Lesson Time” on page 237 “Send Objective Info” on page 237 “Send Interaction Info” on page 235 Set up a Judge Interaction action “Judge Interaction” on page 227 Set interaction and element properties “Setting interaction properties” on page 238 Reset an interaction or its elements “Reset Interaction” on page 228 Replace the contents of a frame, layer, “Set Text of Frame” on page 231 or text field “Set Text of Layer” on page 232 “Set Text of Text Field” on page 233 Display a JavaScript dialog box “Popup Message” on page 230 Set an Action Manager property “Setting Action Manager properties” on page 247 Set the JavaScript property “Setting the JavaScript property” on page 248 Edit the order of items on the Action “Action Manager pop-up menu” on page 217 Manager pop-up menu to make items you use often more accessible Add a custom behavior 216 Chapter 9 “Adding a custom behavior” on page 249 Action Manager pop-up menu The items in the Action Manager pop-up menu are grouped into six categories, divided by dashed lines. You can edit the order of the items in the menu and the names of the segments in the ActionMenu.htm file. For example, you can move the items you use most often to the top of the list. The first category contains the built-in Action Manager items. This is the one section in the list that you cannot change and is not part of the ActionMenu.htm file. Segment Condition Else Stop The second category contains CourseBuilder actions. Judge Interaction Reset Interaction Set Interaction Properties The third category contains behaviors that ship with Dreamweaver. Call JavaScript Change Property Check Browser Check Plugin Control Shockwave or Flash Control Sound Drag Layer Display Status Message Go To URL Open Browser Window Popup Message Preload Images Show-Hide Layers Swap Image Swap Image Restore Validate Form Action Manager 217 The fourth category contains feedback actions. Set Text of Frame Set Text of Layer Set Text of Status Bar Set Text of Text Field The fifth category contains Timeline actions Go To Timeline Frame Play Timeline Stop Timeline The sixth category contains the Knowledge Track actions. Send Interaction Info Send Lesson Status Send Lesson Time Send Objective Info Send Score Any items not defined in ActionMenu.htm appear in the final category. To rearrange the Action Manager pop-up menu items: 1 Open the file ActionMenu.htm located in Dreamweaver\CourseBuilder\Config. 2 Edit the items to reflect the naming and order you prefer. 3 Save your changes to the file. Adding a segment Conditions and actions in a CourseBuilder Interaction are grouped into segments. In addition to providing an organizational framework for the conditions and actions in a CourseBuilder Interaction, a segment defines when the conditions and actions it contains are evaluated during the CourseBuilder Interaction execution. Some segments are pre-set for a CourseBuilder Interaction, based on the CourseBuilder Interaction template you are using; you can edit these segments or add new ones to the interaction, as needed. Use the Edit button to change the name of a segment and define when the conditions it contains are evaluated. 218 Chapter 9 To create a new segment: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Action Manager tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 Select the segment, condition, or action the new segment will follow. If the new segment is to appear first in the list, click the first segment in the list and use the up arrow to reposition the segment after you’ve created it. 3 Choose Segment from the pop-up menu and click Add. The Segment Editor opens. 4 In the Segment Name field, type a unique name for the segment. 5 Select a Segment Evaluation option, then click OK. The Segment Evaluation options work like this: When the Action Manager judges a CourseBuilder Interaction, it always evaluates segments set to Always evaluate from the beginning starting with the first line in the segment. The first time the Action Manager encounters a segment set to State transition, it starts evaluating the conditions in the segment from the first line in the segment. Upon encountering a condition that is not met, the Action Manager skips to the next segment. The next time the Action Manager judges the CourseBuilder Interaction, it skips any conditions in the segment that have previously been met and then resumes checking the remaining conditions in that segment from that point forward. Adding a condition Conditions in a CourseBuilder Interaction define when the object provides feedback during an interaction—when an expression is true, the condition is met and any actions within the condition are executed. Most of the CourseBuilder Interaction templates contain pre-set conditions. Based on the type of template you are using, you will see a variety of preconfigured conditions. You can edit, delete, or add conditions as needed. Action Manager 219 The Action Manager evaluates conditions in the order they appear, from top to bottom; the order in which you list conditions therefore determines the order in which the Action Manager executes the actions at run time. You can always move a condition up or down in the list by selecting it and clicking the Up or Down arrows. Use the Condition Editor to create custom conditions and edit existing conditions. The content of the Condition Editor varies, depending on the nature of the items you are comparing to each other in the condition. To create a new condition: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Action Manager tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 Select the segment, condition, or action the new condition will follow. 3 Choose Condition from the pop-up menu and click Add. The Condition Editor opens. The Condition Editor options change, depending on your selections in each field. 4 In the Condition Name field, type a name for the condition. If you don’t specify a name, CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver will name it using the expression as the name. 5 Define the expressions that determine if the condition is met. For more information on defining expressions, see “Creating expressions for a condition” on page 221. 6 220 Chapter 9 Click OK. Creating expressions for a condition An expression is a logical statement that compares a property of an interaction or object with another object, interaction, or value. All expressions are formatted as “x comparison y”. Conditions can contain more than one expression. You can string expressions together to make a condition more specific—for instance, you can create a single condition that checks whether the user clicked an object and, at the same time, makes sure that the user has enough tries remaining when clicking that choice. Near the top of the Condition Editor is an Expressions list. The Expressions list displays statements that must be true for the condition to be met. All of the fields underneath the Expressions list define pieces of an expression.The fields above the “equals/does not equal” pop-up menu define the first half of an expression, while the fields below the pop-up menu define how the first half of the expression must be evaluated. Action Manager 221 To create an expression: 1 In the Type field, select what type of object is being compared. The available types include Interaction, Action Manager, Document Tag, or JavaScript. See “Type field settings” on page 223. 2 If you’ve selected Document Tag as the type, you’ll next choose the name of the object you want to compare. If you’ve selected one of the other types, you’ll next choose the name of the CourseBuilder Interaction you want to compare. 3 In the Property pop-up menu, select the property that the expression compares for the object. 4 In the “equals/does not equal” pop-up menu, select the type of comparison the expression makes. The choices available in this pop-up menu change based on your selections in the Type and Property pop-up menus. 5 Select the type for the second half of the expression. As in the first part of the expression, the types you can select from vary with the object. They include Interaction, Action Manager, Document Tag, JavaScript, Select, True/False, Number, and Text. See “Type field settings” on page 223. 6 Based on the type you’ve selected for the second half of the expression, choose the object, interaction, property, or value that the expression compares. If you are joining two or more expressions together, use the And/Or pop-up menu in the lower right corner. Select And if both expressions must be true. Select Or if either expression can be true. 7 222 Chapter 9 Click OK. Type field settings The Type field settings in the Condition Editor work like this: compares interactive elements of a CourseBuilder Interaction. The first of the two Interaction pop-up menus determines the interaction, and the second pop-up menu specifies which element in that interaction (a drag item or drop target, a hot area, a choice in a multiple-choice interaction, and so forth) the expression evaluates. Interaction compares entire segments of a CourseBuilder Interaction. The first of the two Interaction pop-up menus determines the interaction, and the second pop-up menu specifies which segment in that interaction to evaluate. Action Manager compares a tag in the HTML source code for the page. The first of the two Interaction pop-up menus determines the type of HTML tag in the condition, and the second pop-up menu specifies the specific HTML tag to evaluate. Document Tag provides a field in which to type your custom JavaScript code or condition. JavaScript determines whether the interaction, segment, or HTML tag in the first half of the expression is true (met) or false (unmet). True/False compares the property in the first half of the expression with the value you enter in the Number field. Number compares the property in the first half of the expression with the string you enter in the Text field. Text Select compares the property in the first half of the expression with a value of Not Judged, Correct, or Incorrect. Action Manager 223 Adding an action Actions make things happen. When you add an action, you must define specifically what it acts upon—a Control Sound action, for example, must have an associated audio file, and a Go To URL action must have an associated URL to take the user to. To add a new action: 1 Open the CourseBuilder dialog box, then click the Action Manager tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 Select the segment, condition, or action the new action will follow. 3 Choose the new action from the pop-up menu and click Add. An editor window appears. The editor for each action varies, depending on the properties of the action. See “Learning-specific actions” on page 227 for details, or click the Help button in the editor window for more information on each action. 4 Define the properties of the action. 5 Click OK. Renaming a segment, condition, or action 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Action Manager tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 Select the segment, condition, or action in the Action Manager list. 3 Click the Rename button. The Name Editor appears. 4 224 Chapter 9 Edit the name, then click OK. Expanding and collapsing a segment or condition A segment, condition, or else statement that’s preceded by a plus sign (+) has nested conditions or actions that are hidden. A segment, condition, or else statement that’s preceded by a dash (--) is fully expanded. To show the hidden statements in a collapsed segment, condition, or else statement, select the statement or condition; then click the Expand button. To hide the statements nested under a segment, condition, or else statement, select the statement or condition; then click the Collapse button. Promoting and demoting a condition When adding a condition, it can stand alone or be part of another condition. It is possible for one condition to be nested inside another, so that the first condition must be true before the nested condition is evaluated. It is also possible for a condition to be an else...if condition. As an else...if condition, if the first condition is false the else...if condition is evaluated. If the first condition is true, the else...if condition is not evaluated. Changing the relationship between conditions is called promoting or demoting a condition. To promote a condition, select the condition; then click the left arrow button. To demote a condition, select the condition; then click the right arrow button. Editing a segment, condition, or action 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, then click the Action Manager tab. See “Editing CourseBuilder Interactions” on page 158 if you need help. 2 Select the segment, condition, or action you want to edit; then click the Edit button. 3 Edit the segment, condition, or action. The options in the editor windows vary: Segment Editor window: see “Adding a segment” on page 218. Condition Editor window: Action Editor windows: 4 see “Adding a condition” on page 219. see “Learning-specific actions” on page 227. Click OK. Action Manager 225 Cutting, copying, and pasting a segment, condition, or action Use the Cut, Copy, and Paste buttons at the top of the Action Manager tab to cut, copy, and paste a segment, condition, or action. If you select a segment, CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver automatically includes everything inside that segment when you cut, copy, or paste. If you select a condition, CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver automatically includes everything inside that condition—including nested conditions—when you cut, copy, or paste. Where to create actions The actions you apply to CourseBuilder Interactions can be actions that ship with Dreamweaver as well as the learning-specific actions that ship with CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. Use either the Dreamweaver Behavior inspector or the Action Manager tab of the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box to create actions for CourseBuilder Interactions. Whether you use the Behavior inspector or the Action Manager tab determines when an action is called: If you use the Behavior inspector to define actions, the actions exist entirely outside the CourseBuilder Interaction—even if they apply to CourseBuilder Interactions on the page. Actions are called from an event in HTML or JavaScript. If you use the Action Manager tab to define actions, the actions exist entirely inside a CourseBuilder Interaction. Actions are called from the Action Manager. Use the Behavior inspector to execute actions on any event on an HTML page, including some events that affect a specific CourseBuilder Interaction. For example, you could set the Control Sound action to execute on the onFocus event as soon as a user clicks inside the text entry field of a text entry CourseBuilder Interaction. Use the Action Manager tab to execute actions that occur on specific events defined within a CourseBuilder Interaction—when a specific drag item is dropped on a specific target within a drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction, for example. The Action Manager tab can include both independent actions (which occur whenever the object is judged, regardless of the state the object is in) and condition-dependent actions (which occur only when certain conditions set for the object are met). The Action Manager tab can also be used to set conditions and actions for more than one interaction—or for an entire page; see “Action Manager CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures” on page 215. 226 Chapter 9 Learning-specific actions A behavior is a combination of events and actions. When you create a behavior, you specify an event that triggers an action. You can associate several actions with a single event. You can use the following learning-specific actions to expand the capabilities of CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver: Judge Interaction, Reset Interaction, Set Interaction Properties, Set Text of Frame, Set Text of Layer, Set Text of Text Field, Send Interaction Info, Send Lesson Status, Send Lesson Time, Send Objective Info, and Send Score. Actions can be triggered in several ways: When the user clicks a button When the user clicks a choice By an event in the Action Manager By an event on a timeline Judge Interaction The Judge Interaction action evaluates the list of statements in the Action Manager tab for the CourseBuilder Interaction and can execute actions based on the results. The Judge Interaction action allows you to choose which interaction or event triggers the Action Manager, thereby channeling the flow of control. To add a Judge Interaction action: 1 Attach a behavior to a CourseBuilder Interaction or add an action to the Action Manager. See “Adding an action” on page 224 in the Using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver book. 2 In the Judge Interaction dialog box, choose the CourseBuilder Interaction that you want to judge from the Interaction pop-up menu. You can set up the button to judge several CourseBuilder Interactions by adding additional Judge Interaction actions and specifying each intended interaction. Action Manager 227 Reset Interaction The Reset Interaction action clears user input during the interaction. This action primarily controls the visual elements of the interaction. Use the Reset Interaction action to reset elements of drag-and-drop interactions, as well as swapped layers. This action can apply to: The entire object interaction Elements within an object interaction or individual drag-and-drop elements Action Manager segments that track state transitions Reset Interaction doesn’t reenable items that have been disabled. To reenable an item, use the Set Interaction Properties action in the Action Manager. Radio buttons are an exception to the Reset Interaction action: they aren’t cleared. To add a Reset Interaction action: 1 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the General tab. 2 In the General tab, deselect “Create a Reset button for this Interaction.” 3 In the Action Manager tab, select the segment, condition, or action you want the Reset Interaction action to follow. 4 Select Reset Interaction from the pop-up menu, and click Add. 5 In the Reset Interaction dialog box, select Entire Interaction from the Reset pop-up menu. 6 In the Interaction pop-up menu, select the CourseBuilder Interaction you want to reset. To reset interaction elements: Only the drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interactions have elements that you can reset individually. 228 Chapter 9 1 On the General tab, deselect “Create a Reset button for this Interaction.” 2 On the Action Manager tab, select the segment, condition, or action you want the Reset Interaction action to follow. 3 Select Reset Interaction from the pop-up menu, and click Add. 4 In the Reset Interaction dialog box, in the Reset pop-up , select “Elements only.” 5 From the Interaction pop-up menu, select the CourseBuilder Interaction that contains the elements you want to reset. 6 Choose an element from the Element pop-up menu. 7 Click OK to close the Reset Interaction dialog box. To reset the Action Manager: You can reset the entire Action Manager or individual segments that track state transitions. 1 On the Action Manager tab, select the segment, condition, or action you want the Reset Interaction action to follow. 2 Select Reset Interaction from the pop-up menu, and click Add. 3 In the Reset Interaction dialog box, in the Reset pop-up menu, select “Action Manager only.” 4 From the Interaction pop-up menu, select the CourseBuilder Interaction that contains the Action Manager you want to reset. 5 Choose a segment from the Segment pop-up menu. 6 Click OK to close the Reset Interaction dialog box. Set Interaction Properties The Set Interaction Properties action is the key to fine-tuning your interaction, allowing you to dynamically change properties you’ve already set in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. There are three types of properties: Interaction, Action Manager, and JavaScript. For information about each of the properties and how to use them, see “Setting interaction properties” on page 238. Action Manager 229 Popup Message The Popup Message action displays a JavaScript alert dialog box with the message you specify. Because JavaScript alert dialog boxes have only one button (OK), use this action to provide information, not to present the user with a choice. You can embed any valid JavaScript function call, property, global variable, or other expression in the text. To embed a JavaScript expression, place it inside braces ({}). To display a brace as part of the text, precede it with a backslash, like this: \{. Example You got {G01.totalCorrect} out of {G01.possCorrect}. Your score is {G01.score}! The URL for this page is {window.location}, and today is {new Date()}. For more information on CourseBuilder Interaction variables, see “JavaScript variables for tracking performance” on page 265. To add a Popup Message action: 230 Chapter 9 1 In the CourseBuilder document, select the CourseBuilder Interaction for which you are creating the feedback. 2 In the CourseBuilder Interaction Property inspector, click Edit. 3 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Action Manager tab. 4 Select the segment, condition, or action that the Popup Message action will follow. 5 Choose Popup Message from the Action Manager pop-up menu, then click Add. 6 In the Popup Message dialog box, enter a message in the Message field; then click OK. Set Text of Frame The Set Text of Frame action replaces the content and formatting of a frame with the content you specify. The content can include any valid HTML. Use this action to dynamically display information. Although the Set Text of Frame action replaces the formatting of a frame, you can select Preserve Background Color to preserve the page background and text color attributes. You can embed any valid JavaScript function call, property, global variable, or other expression in the text. To embed a JavaScript expression, place it inside braces ({}). To display a brace as part of the text, precede it with a backslash, like this: \{. Example You got {G01.totalCorrect} out of {G01.possCorrect}. Your score is {G01.score}! The URL for this page is {window.location}, and today is {new Date()}. For more information on CourseBuilder Interaction variables, see “JavaScript variables for tracking performance” on page 265. Create a frameset: 1 Do one of the following to create a frameset: Choose Modify > Frameset > Split Frame Left, Right, Up, or Down. In the Object palette, in the Frames panel, select a predefined frameset. 2 Name the frame so you can identify it as the frame to set text to. To add a Set Text of Frame action: 1 In the CourseBuilder document, select the CourseBuilder Interaction for which you are creating the feedback. 2 In the CourseBuilder Interaction Property inspector, click Edit. 3 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Action Manager tab. 4 Select the segment, condition, or action the Set Text of Frame action will follow. 5 Choose Set Text of Frame from the Action Manager pop-up menu, then click Add. 6 In the Set Text of Frame dialog box, in the Target pop-up menu, select the target frame. 7 Click the Get Current HTML button to copy the frame HTML content and formatting. 8 Enter a message in the New HTML field, then click OK. Action Manager 231 Set Text of Layer The Set Text of Layer action replaces the content and formatting of a layer with the content you specify. The content can include any valid HTML. Set Text of Layer replaces the content and formatting of the layer, but retains layer attributes, including color. Format the content by including HTML tags in the text field. You can embed any valid JavaScript function call, property, global variable, or other expression in the text. To embed a JavaScript expression, place it inside braces ({}). To display a brace as part of the text, precede it with a backslash, like this: \{. Example You got {G01.totalCorrect} out of {G01.possCorrect}. Your score is {G01.score}! The URL for this page is {window.location}, and today is {new Date()}. For more information on CourseBuilder Interaction variables, see “JavaScript variables for tracking performance” on page 265. Create a layer: 1 Choose Insert > Layer. For more information on creating layers, see “Creating layers” in the Using Dreamweaver book. 2 Decide which layer to write to. To add a Set Text of Layer action: 232 Chapter 9 1 In the CourseBuilder document, select the CourseBuilder Interaction for which you are creating the feedback. 2 In the CourseBuilder Interaction Property inspector, click Edit. 3 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Action Manager tab. 4 Select the segment, condition, or action that the Set Text of Layer action will follow. 5 Choose Set Text of Layer from the Action Manager pop-up menu, then click Add. 6 In the Set Text of Layer dialog box, select the target layer from the Layer menu. 7 Enter a message in the New HTML field, then click OK. Set Text of Text Field The Set Text of Text Field action replaces the content of a form text field with the content you specify. Use this action to dynamically display information. You can embed any valid JavaScript function call, property, global variable, or other expression in the text. To embed a JavaScript expression, place it inside braces ({}). To display a brace as part of the text, precede it with a backslash, like this: \{. Example You got {G01.totalCorrect} out of {G01.possCorrect}. Your score is {G01.score}! The URL for this page is {window.location}, and today is {new Date()}. For more information on CourseBuilder Interaction variables, see “JavaScript variables for tracking performance” on page 265. Create a named text field: 1 Choose Insert > Form Object > Text Field. For more information, see “Creating forms” in the Using Dreamweaver book. 2 Name the text field. To add a Set Text of Text Field action: 1 In the CourseBuilder document, select the CourseBuilder Interaction for which you are creating the feedback. 2 In the CourseBuilder Interaction Property inspector, click Edit. 3 In the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, click the Action Manager tab. 4 Select the segment, condition, or action that the Set Text of Text Field action will follow. 5 Choose Set Text of Text Field from the Action Manager pop-up menu, then click Add. 6 In the Set Text of Text Field dialog box, in the Text Field pop-up menu, select the text field you want the text to display in. 7 In the New Text field, type the text you want displayed, then click OK to close the Set Text of Text Field dialog box. Action Manager 233 Knowledge Track actions The actions associated with Knowledge Track can be linked with an event in the browser or a condition or command in the Action Manager. The following steps are important to enable the Knowledge Track actions. 1 In the General tab of the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, select Knowledge Track. The Tracking tab appears to the right of the General tab. 2 Click the Tracking tab and define the interaction ID, objective ID, and weight for the entire object interaction. Interaction ID assigns a unique value to the interaction. This value can be accessed through JavaScript or the CMI system. assigns an objective ID to the CourseBuilder Interaction. Each CourseBuilder Interaction can be tied to a specific learning objective as defined by the content author. Objective ID defines the relative importance of the CourseBuilder Interaction’s scoring within the overall group of interactions of which it is part. The CMI server uses the weight to calculate a score for the entire course. When using Pathware, Pathware ignores this setting and uses the weight setting from the Pathmaker file. Weight Knowledge Track doesn’t record an actual score for individual object interactions. Use the “Send Score” on page 238 action in the Action Manager to define how objects (or groups of objects) are scored. Selecting the Knowledge Track option sends the user response information to the server—including correct responses defined for the object, the user’s actual response and whether or not it was correct, and when and how long it took the user to complete the interaction. For more information about using Knowledge Track actions, see “Tracking user performance” on page 251. 234 Chapter 9 Send Interaction Info Send Interaction Info passes information about a single CourseBuilder Interaction to a CMI application. Send Interaction Info customizes the information sent by the default tracking. To add a Send Interaction Info action: 1 Click the Action Manager tab. 2 Select the statement that you want to trigger the Send Interaction Info action. 3 Select Send Interaction Info from the Action Manager pop-up menu, and click Add. The Send Interaction Info dialog box appears. 4 Type in optional Interaction and Objective IDs. 5 Choose an Interaction type from the Interaction Type pop-up menu. 6 Type the appropriate information in the following fields: List Correct Responses, List Student Responses, List Results, Weight, and Latency. 7 Click OK. Action Manager 235 Send Lesson Status Send Lesson Status passes information about the status of a lesson, or group of interactions, to a CMI application. To add a Send Lesson Status action: 1 Click the Action Manager tab. 2 Select the statement that you want to trigger the Send Lesson Status action. 3 Select Send Lesson Status from the Action Manager pop-up menu, and click Add. 4 In the Send Lesson Status dialog box, choose the lesson status from the Lesson Status pop-up menu. Choices in the Lesson Status pop-up menu are as follows: Passed means the user has achieved whatever parameters have been established as passing. Completed means the user has finished the activity. means the has not achieved whatever parameters have been established as passing. Failed Incomplete means the user has started but not finished the activity. means the user has accessed the pages but not necessarily completed the activity. Browsed Not attempted 5 236 Chapter 9 Click OK. means the user has not accessed the pages of the activity. Send Lesson Time Send Lesson Time passes information about how long the user took to complete a lesson, or group of interactions, to a CMI application. To add a Send Lesson Time action: 1 Click the Action Manager tab. 2 Select the statement that you want to trigger the Send Lesson Time action. 3 Select Send Lesson Time from the Action Manager pop-up menu, and click Add. 4 In the Send Lesson Time dialog box, choose the CourseBuilder Interaction for which you are sending the score from the Interaction pop-up list. To override the lesson time that was previously associated with the element, choose <custom> from the Interaction pop-up list and type a new lesson time in the Lesson Time field. 5 Click OK. Send Objective Info Send Objective Info passes information about the object or lesson objective, as defined in the Tracking tab of the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box, to a CMI application. See “Tracking tab” on page 287. To add a Send Objective Info action: 1 Click the Action Manager tab. 2 Select the statement that you want to trigger the Send Objective Info action. 3 Select Send Objective Info from the Action Manager pop-up menu and click Add. 4 In the Send Objective Info dialog box, choose the CourseBuilder Interaction for which you are sending the objective ID from the Interaction pop-up menu. To override the objective ID, score, and lesson status that you previously associated with the element on the Tracking tab: Choose <custom> from the Interaction pop-up menu and type a new objective ID in the Objective ID field. Type an objective score in the Score field. Choose an objective lesson status from the Lesson Status pop-up menu. 5 Click OK to close the Send Objective Info dialog box. Action Manager 237 Send Score Send Score passes information about the user’s score for a single CourseBuilder Interaction or for a lesson (a group of CourseBuilder Interactions) to a CMI application. To add a Send Score action: 1 Click the Action Manager tab. 2 Select the statement that you want to trigger the Send Score action. 3 Select Send Score from the Action Manager pop-up menu, and click Add. 4 In the Send Score dialog box, choose the CourseBuilder Interaction for which you’re sending the score from the Interaction pop-up menu. To override the score you previously associated with the element in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box’s score field, choose <custom> from the Interaction pop-up list and type a new score in the Score field. 5 Click OK. Setting interaction properties The Set Interaction Properties action is the key to fine-tuning your interaction, allowing you to dynamically change properties you’ve already set in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. Using the Set Interaction Properties action, you can override a previously set property to respond to a certain condition. For example, use the Set Interaction Properties action with the Disabled property to disable a question after the time limit expires. You can set up the Set Interaction Properties action to be triggered: When the user clicks a button When the user clicks a choice When playback reaches a specific frame on the timeline By an event you specify in the Action Manager There are three types of properties: Interaction, Action Manager, and JavaScript. CourseBuilder Interaction properties can affect the entire interaction, such as resetting the score, or they can affect a single element of the interaction, such as resetting correctness. Action Manager properties affect the entire Action Manager or specified segments. The JavaScript property allows you to write JavaScript expressions—or just to examine the underlying JavaScript. 238 Chapter 9 Setting properties of CourseBuilder Interactions To choose the CourseBuilder Interaction and the property you want to set: 1 Attach a behavior to an object or add an action to the Action Manager. See the “Using Behaviors” in the Using Dreamweaver book, or “Adding an action” in the Using Coursebuilder for Dreamweaver book. 2 In the Set Interaction Properties dialog box, from the Set pop-up menu, choose Interaction. 3 From the Interaction pop-up menu, choose the CourseBuilder Interaction you want to set a property for: If you’re setting a property for the entire interaction, choose <none> from the menu to the right. If you’re setting a property for an element of the interaction, choose the element from the menu to the right. 4 From the Property pop-up menu, choose the property you want to set. See “CourseBuilder Interaction properties” on page 240. Set the property: To set a Boolean property using a constant: Choose True/False from the Type pop-up menu; then choose True or False from the Value pop-up menu. To set a numeric property using a constant: Choose Number from the Type pop-up menu; then enter a number in the Number field. To set a text property using a constant: Choose Text from the Type pop-up menu; then enter a text string in the Text field. To set a property using JavaScript: Choose JavaScript from the Type pop-up menu; then enter an expression in the JavaScript field. To set the Correct State property: Choose Select from the Type pop-up menu; then choose Not Judged, Correct, or Incorrect from the Value pop-up menu. Action Manager 239 CourseBuilder Interaction properties You can apply many interaction properties either to an entire interaction or to an individual element of an interaction. Some properties, however, apply only to interaction elements. Properties limited to elements are noted below. Alignment Type Description Select list Where, in relation to the target, the drag object snaps. Choose from: center, left, right, top, bottom, or top left. Drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction element property only. All That Apply Type Description Boolean TRUE. The user needs to select all of the correct answers for the CourseBuilder Interaction to be judged correct. FALSE. The user can select any correct answer for the CourseBuilder Interaction to be judged correct. The CourseBuilder Interaction must be reset or interacted with before the Correctness property of the CourseBuilder Interaction will reflect this setting. Allow Multiple Selections Type Description Boolean TRUE. Can select multiple choices in the CourseBuilder Interaction. FALSE. Can only select one choice in a given try. Allow Multiple Selections has no effect on radio buttons. Correctness Type Description 240 Chapter 9 Select list Choose correct, incorrect, or not judged to indicate how the Action Manager evaluates a choice. Setting Correctness will not update Possible Correct or Total Elements. You must update them manually and reset the CourseBuilder Interaction. CourseBuilder Interaction element property only. Correct State Type Description Select list Sets the correct state of the entire CourseBuilder Interaction, overriding individual judging. The Correct State property is reset every time the CourseBuilder Interaction is touched, and so the set property is valid only with the current flow of action. Disabled Type Description Boolean TRUE. The choice designated is disabled. FALSE. The choice designated is enabled. Expected Value Type Description Select list, True/False, Text, Number The Expected Value is compared to the Value property that a user enters to determine if this choice is designated as selected. For example in a text entry CourseBuilder Interaction, if the Expected Value is the text string “Red” and the value that the user input is “Red,” then Selected is true. CourseBuilder Interaction element property only. Initial Value Type Description Select list, True/False, Text, Number The Initial Value indicates what the choice value is set to before the user makes a choice. If you change the value, you must reset the CourseBuilder Interaction before the change is reflected in the element. CourseBuilder Interaction element property only. Is Toggle Type Description Boolean TRUE. The button element works like a toggle switch. FALSE. The button element works like a push button. Button CourseBuilder Interaction element property only. Action Manager 241 Judge On Selection Type Description Boolean TRUE. Triggers the Action Manager to evaluate the conditions when the item is selected. FALSE. Allows some other event to trigger the evaluation of the conditions in the Action Manager. Knowledge Track Type Description Boolean TRUE. Sends tracking information to a computer-managed instruction (CMI) application. You must select the Knowledge Track option on the General tab in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box for this to work. FALSE. Disables the sending of itemization data to the CMI application. Actions that send progress data, such as Send Score, can still send data. Known Response Type Description Boolean TRUE. A response has been selected. FALSE. A response has not been selected. The Known Response property is reset when the user selects a choice. Match Case Type Description Boolean TRUE. The text entry input must match the case of the expected answer to be judged correct. FALSE. The text entry input doesn’t need to match the case of the expected answer to be judged correct. You must reset the CourseBuilder Interaction or the CourseBuilder Interaction must be touched for this to take effect. Text entry CourseBuilder Interaction element property only. 242 Chapter 9 Match Entire Word Type Description Boolean TRUE. The text entry input must match the entire word of the expected answer to be judged correct. FALSE. The text entry input does not need to match the entire word of the expected answer to be judged correct. You must reset the CourseBuilder Interaction or the CourseBuilder Interaction must be touched for this to take effect. Text entry CourseBuilder Interaction element property only. Original X Position Type Description Numeric The original x-axis position of the drag element. This is the x position the drag element is set to if it’s reset. Drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction element property only. Original Y Position Type Description Numeric The original y-axis position of the drag element. This is the y position the drag element is set to if it’s reset. Drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction element property only. Possible Correct Type Description Numeric The number of possible correct choices for the CourseBuilder Interaction. If you’ve set the All That Apply property to true, changing the Possible Correct property affects whether a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged correct or incorrect. You must reset the CourseBuilder Interaction or the CourseBuilder Interaction must be touched for this to take effect. Possible Incorrect Type Description Numeric The number of possible incorrect choices for the CourseBuilder Interaction. Changing the Possible Incorrect property doesn’t affect the judging of a CourseBuilder Interaction. Action Manager 243 Score Type Description Numeric The designated numeric score for the CourseBuilder Interaction. A possible use for the Score action is granting bonus points to a CourseBuilder Interaction under certain conditions. The Score property resets when the user makes a selection. Selected Type Description Boolean TRUE. The element is selected. FALSE. The element is unselected. CourseBuilder Interaction element property only. Snap Back on Incorrect Type Description Boolean TRUE. The drag element snaps back to the starting point when an incorrect target is hit. FALSE. The drag element doesn’t snap to the starting point when an incorrect target is hit. The Action Manager is not evaluated when the drag element snaps back. Dragand-drop CourseBuilder Interaction element property only. Snap Back on Miss Type Description Boolean TRUE. The drag element snaps back to the starting point if no target is hit. FALSE. The drag element doesn’t snap back to the starting point if no target is hit. The Action Manager is not evaluated when the drag element snaps back. Dragand-drop CourseBuilder Interaction element property only. Snaps to Type Description Boolean TRUE. The drag object snaps to the target object. FALSE. The drag object does not snap to the target object. Drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction pair property only. 244 Chapter 9 Time Type Description Numeric The time, measured in seconds, that the user spends in the CourseBuilder Interaction. Time Limit Type Description Numeric The number of seconds allocated as the time limit of a CourseBuilder Interaction. Tolerance Type Description Numeric The area around a target, measured in pixels, that causes the drag object to snap to the target object. Use the Tolerance property to increase or decrease the drop area of a drag-and-drop interaction. Drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction pair property only. Total Correct Type Description Numeric The total number of correct choices for a CourseBuilder Interaction. This property is reset when the user selects a choice. Total Elements Type Description Numeric The total number of elements in a CourseBuilder Interaction. For example, the number of choices in a multiple-choice question. Total Incorrect Type Description Numeric The total number of incorrect choices for a CourseBuilder Interaction. This property is reset when the user selects a choice. Tracking Interaction ID Type Description Text The tracking interaction ID for the interaction. Action Manager 245 Tracking Objective ID Type Description Text The tracking objective ID for the interaction. Tracking Question Type Type Description Text The tracking question type for the interaction. Tracking Weight Type Description Numeric The tracking weight for the interaction. Tries Type Description Numeric The number of tries the user has taken in the interaction. Remember, a try is equivalent to a single evaluation of the Action Manager. Tries Limit Type Description Numeric The number of times a user can try the interaction. Use the Tries Limit property to allow users to try the interaction more than one time under certain conditions. This property is reset when the user selects a choice. Unknown Correctness Type Description Select list The default correctness value the Action Manager uses if the user doesn’t select any response for the interaction. Once the page is loaded, changing this property has no effect until the interaction is reset. Value Type Description 246 Chapter 9 Select list Sets the value for the specified element. For example, in a text field, the value is the text; for a multiple-choice element, it’s true or false depending on whether the choice has been selected or not; and for a timer, it’s the current time displayed. CourseBuilder Interaction element property only. X Offset Type Description Numeric The number of pixels added to or subtracted from the drag-and-drop snap-to location. Use X Offset to fine-tune the alignment of the snap-to location. Dragand-drop CourseBuilder Interaction pair property only. Y Offset Type Description Numeric The number of pixels added to or subtracted from the drag-and-drop snap-to location. Use Y Offset to fine-tune the alignment of the snap-to location. Dragand-drop CourseBuilder Interaction pair property only. Setting Action Manager properties Action Manager properties can apply to the entire interaction or to any of the segments in an interaction. To set an Action Manager property: 1 Attach a Set Interaction Properties behavior to an object or add an action to the Action Manager. See “Using Behaviors” in the Using Dreamweaver book, or “Adding an action” on page 224 in the Using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver book. 2 In the Set Interaction Properties dialog box, from the Set pop-up menu, choose Interaction. 3 From the Interaction pop-up menu, choose the CourseBuilder Interaction you want to set a property for. From the pop-up menu to the right, choose <none> to affect the entire Action Manager or select one of the segments from the Segment pop-up menu. 4 From the Property pop-up menu, choose one of the two following properties. Action Manager 247 Current Node Type Description Select list The starting evaluation point for state transition segments: Reset places the current node at the start of the segment. places the current node at the end of the segment, so that the segment will no longer be evaluated. Done The other option is to set Current Node to a specific condition name. This resets the evaluation of a state transition segment to a higher node. For example, to create a condition that checks if a user has made a mistake, add an action that would give the user some feedback and then set the current node back to the condition. The segment is then ready to check if the user makes that same error again. Disabled Type Description Boolean TRUE. The Action Manager or segment is disabled. FALSE. The Action Manager or segment is enabled. Setting the JavaScript property Use the JavaScript property field to customize the setting of a property in a way that’s not possible in the standard CourseBuilder Interactions user interface. The information that appears in the JavaScript field corresponds with the actions and behaviors that have been set. This field is a good way to understand the scripting behind the actions and behaviors that CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver creates. To set the JavaScript property: 1 Attach a CourseBuilder Interaction property behavior to an object or add an action to the Action Manager. See “Using Behaviors” in the Using Dreamweaver book, or “Adding an action” on page 224 in the Using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver book. 248 Chapter 9 2 In the Set Interaction Properties dialog box, choose JavaScript from the Set pop-up menu. 3 Enter a JavaScript expression in the field provided. Adding a custom behavior The list of behaviors in the Action Manager is dynamically generated, making it easy to use custom behaviors. To add a custom behavior: 1 Create your custom behavior. 2 Copy the JavaScript and HTML files to Dreamweaver\Configuration\Behaviors\Actions. The new behavior appears at the bottom of the Action Manager pop-up menu and in the Behavior window. Action Manager CourseBuilder Interactions The Action Manager object stores information from and controls all or a group of CourseBuilder Interactions on a page. Unlike other CourseBuilder Interactions, the Action Manager object does not have its own interactivity and is invisible to users. Use an Action Manager CourseBuilder Interaction to collect results from a set of multiple-choice questions, summarize these results, and send a score back to a tracking system. You can use Action Manager CourseBuilder Interactions to take advantage of existing interactions on a page while creating a wide variety of system actions. You can also use several Action Manager CourseBuilder Interactions on a page and have each object behave differently. For example, one Action Manager CourseBuilder Interaction could set properties on interactions and trigger actions that make the page act as if it were a tutorial. After those actions executed, the Action Manager CourseBuilder Interaction could enable another Action Manager CourseBuilder Interaction on the same page to control the interactions on the page to simulate the correct responses to that tutorial. A third Action Manager CourseBuilder Interaction could enable the second Action Manager CourseBuilder Interaction to control the simulation while the third CourseBuilder Interaction collected results and sent those results to a CMI system. An Action Manager object’s segments can apply to any or all CourseBuilder Interactions on that HTML page. Don’t confuse the Action Manager CourseBuilder Interaction, which defines the actions of multiple CourseBuilder Interactions on a single HTML page, with the Action Manager tab, which defines the conditions and actions for a single CourseBuilder Interaction. Action Manager 249 The Action Manager template Click the Action Manager template icon, and then use the tabs of the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box to customize the Action Manager: ActionMgr manages a group of object interactions on a page but does not appear on-screen. The Action Manager CourseBuilder Interaction tabs General tab See “General options” on page 281 for detailed information about the options on this tab. Here’s a brief overview of the options: is the unique name of the interaction. It’s used to identify the CourseBuilder Interaction in the Condition Editor and other dialog boxes. Interaction Name determines when CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver evaluates a user’s response. See “Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged” on page 163. Judge Interaction sends information about a user’s performance to a computermanaged instruction system. See “Tracking user performance” on page 251. Knowledge Track limits the number of tries a user has to respond to the interaction. See “Limiting the number of tries” on page 162. Tries Are limits the amount of time a user has to respond to the interaction. See “Putting a time limit on an interaction” on page 163. Time Is places the entire CourseBuilder Interaction in a layer. See “Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer” on page 166. Layer Tracking tab The Tracking tab appears only if you’ve selected the Knowledge Track option on the General tab. Action Manager tab The Action Manager tab is where you add code segments that define how the CourseBuilder Interaction behaves under specific conditions. 250 Chapter 9 10 CHAPTER 10 Scoring and Data Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tracking user performance Scoring and data tracking are key functions for evaluating how well users perform. Tracking users’ performance has several benefits: Provides feedback to users as they work through the course Gets feedback from users while you’re developing and testing a piece On course completion, assesses how well users have done Uses performance information to design a more effective training piece CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver makes tracking performance easy. Use CourseBuilder Interaction settings to mark a response right or wrong, and to apply a score to a response. You can also use JavaScript with CourseBuilder Interaction variables to get dynamic information about the user’s interactions. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver’s Knowledge Track feature allows you to exchange standard student performance information with computer-managed instruction (CMI) systems like Lotus Pathware. Knowledge Track can keep track of: The number of right and wrong target responses a user has made The number of tries the user took to get the right answer The amount of time it took the user to respond to an interaction The amount of time the user spent in an interaction The amount of time remaining if there was a time limit on an interaction The score for an interaction 251 You can transfer information directly to CMI systems using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver’s Knowledge Track actions—or save the information in a database, such as Microsoft Access, SQL Server, or Oracle. Consider the following if you want to track and record the user’s performance: What activities do you need to track to assess a user’s performance? See Scoring and data tracking—step-by-step procedures. What level of performance is acceptable? See Scoring a response. How are you going to use the information you gather? Are you going to use it to provide feedback? Will you display the information on the screen to the user? See Displaying feedback. Where are you going to store performance information? On a local server? On a web server across the Internet? See Recording performance. Do you want to store the information you’ve gathered in a CMI system? See Using Knowledge Track. Do you want to store the information you’ve gathered in a database? See Connecting with databases. Scoring and data tracking—step-by-step procedures What you can do For instructions, see Limit the number of times a user can try to respond correctly to an interaction Limiting the number of tries Limit the amount of time a user has to Putting a time limit on an interaction respond correctly Set whether a CourseBuilder Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction Interaction evaluates a user’s response is judged as soon as the user drops a drag element, when the user clicks a Submit button, or when some event occurs Set which responses are right and which are wrong 252 Chapter 10 Marking a response right or wrong What you can do For instructions, see Assigning a score to an interaction Scoring a response Provide users with feedback about an interaction Displaying feedback Create a one-page self-assessment quiz Scoring multiple interactions on the same HTML page Create a multi-page self-assessment quiz Scoring multiple interactions on different HTML pages Track the time remaining in an interaction Tracking the time remaining Track the number of attempts that the Tracking the number of tries student used to make a correct response in an interaction Identify CourseBuilder Interaction in HTML source code Locating the CourseBuilder Interaction identifier in HTML Source code Track interaction data with JavaScript variables JavaScript variables for tracking performance Record interaction data Recording performance Send information about users’ Using Knowledge Track performance to a computer-managed Using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver with instruction system, such as Pathware Lotus Pathware Record interaction data to a database Connecting with databases Record interaction data using ODBC Using ODBC Collect data for recording to a serverside database Collecting data Transfer interaction data to a serverside database Transferring data Transfer interaction data using CGI Transferring data using CGI Record interaction data using Cold Fusion Recording data using Cold Fusion Record interaction data using ASP Recording data using ASP Record interaction data using other transport methods Recording data with other transport methods Scoring and Data Tracking 253 Marking a response right or wrong CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver elements have three judge values—Correct, Incorrect, or Not Judged. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver stores the responses and their values in a special set of system variables. This information is then available to provide feedback to users as they respond to the interaction, and to pass along to a CMI system. Select one of the following settings to mark a response: Correct marks a response right. Incorrect marks a response wrong. Not Judged marks a response as neither right nor wrong. To mark a response: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. See Editing CourseBuilder Interactions if you need help. 2 Select a setting for the response: Multiple-choice response: click the Choice tab, select an element in the Choices list, then select a setting from the Choice Is pop-up menu. Drag-and-drop response: click the Pairs tab, select a pair in the Pairs list, then select a setting from the Choice Is pop-up menu. Explore response: click the Hot Areas tab, select an area in the Hot Areas list, then select a setting from the Hot Area Is pop-up menu. Text-entry response: click the Responses tab, then select a response in the Possible Responses list, then select a setting from the Match Is pop-up menu. Unexpected text-entry response: click the Responses tab, then select a setting from the Any Other Response Is pop-up menu. click the Triggers tab, select a trigger in the Triggers list, then select a setting from the Trigger Is pop-up menu. Timer response: Slider response: click the Ranges tab, select a range in the Ranges list, then select a setting from the Range Is pop-up menu. 254 Chapter 10 3 Repeat steps with any other responses you want to mark. 4 Click OK. Scoring a response Use the Score option to add a score to each response in an interaction. Use positive values for correct responses, negative values for incorrect ones. Use higher values for more accurate answers, lower values for answers that are correct, but not complete. The CourseBuilder Interaction adds up the scores of responses in interactions— such as all-that-apply questions and drag-and-drop matching exercises—that have more than one correct answer. (The CourseBuilder Interaction doesn’t, however, produce a cumulative score if you give users more than one try to respond to an interaction correctly.) For information about scoring multiple interactions, see: Scoring multiple interactions on the same HTML page Scoring multiple interactions on different HTML pages For information about storing the results of a student’s performance, see Tracking user performance. To score a response: 1 Open the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. See Editing CourseBuilder Interactions if you need help. 2 Select the response: Multiple-choice response: click the Choice tab, then select an element in the Choices list. Drag-and-drop response: click the Pairs tab, then select a pair in the Pairs list. Explore response: click the Hot Areas tab, then select an area in the Hot Areas Button response: list. click the General tab. Text-entry response: click the Responses tab, then select a response in the Possible Responses list. Timer response: click the Triggers tab, then select a trigger in the Triggers list. Slider response: click the Ranges tab, then select a range in the Ranges list. 3 In the Score field, type the score for the response. 4 Repeat the steps with any other responses you want to score. 5 Click OK. Scoring and Data Tracking 255 Displaying feedback You can display feedback messages for the student by using the following feedback actions: Action Name What it does Popup Message Displays feedback in a pop-up dialog box. This is the default feedback setting for CourseBuilder Interactions. Set Text of Frame Displays feedback in a different frame on the web browser. Set Text of Layer Displays feedback in a layer on the page. Set Text of Text Field Displays feedback in a text field within a form on the page. Add interaction-specific information to feedback messages with JavaScript variables. Enclose the CourseBuilder Interaction’s unique ID and the variable in braces ({}). For example, you can use the following text with a Popup Message, Set Text of Frame, Set Text of Layer, or Set Text of Text Field action: You got {G01.score--} points in this exercise. The value of the CourseBuilder Interaction’s score variable replaces the text between the braces: You got 97 points in this exercise. See also: Learning-specific actions Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field Locating the CourseBuilder Interaction identifier in HTML Source code JavaScript variables for tracking performance 256 Chapter 10 Locating the CourseBuilder Interaction identifier in HTML Source code Every CourseBuilder Interaction on an HTML page has a unique identifier that begins with the letter G followed by a number. To see a CourseBuilder Interaction’s unique identifier: 1 Click the CourseBuilder Interaction icon on the page to select the object. 2 Choose Window > HTML to view the source for the page. The first highlighted line in the HTML window contains the selected CourseBuilder Interaction’s unique identifier. In this example, the CourseBuilder Interaction’s unique ID is G01 (that’s a zero after the letter G): object=”G01” See JavaScript variables for tracking performance for more information about CourseBuilder Interaction variables. Scoring multiple interactions on the same HTML page You can combine several CourseBuilder Interactions on the same HTML page to create a timed self-assessment quiz. Scoring multiple interactions on different HTML pages shows how to store information about multiple CourseBuilder Interactions when each CourseBuilder Interaction occupies its own HTML page. See CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Help for a Show Me example. The example is a short quiz on the metric system. The quiz tracks the student’s score for three different questions and presents the total in a text field 60 seconds after the HTML page is loaded. A quiz-timer CourseBuilder Interaction at the top of the page tracks the time remaining. As the student goes through each CourseBuilder Interaction quizquestion (three varieties are demonstrated here), each question interaction maintains its own score. When the countdown timer runs out, it notifies the student, retrieves scores from the individual CourseBuilder Interactions, and displays the total score at the top of the page. The example doesn’t send any data back to the web server or to any other destination. It’s possible to transfer the data tracked by the quiz. See Using Knowledge Track and Connecting with databases for more information on using server-side software to transfer and record data. Scoring and Data Tracking 257 Setting up the quiz Two example files (one for version 3 browsers and one for version 4 browsers) are in Dreamweaver\Show Me\One-Page Quiz. In the example file for version 4 browsers (one_page_quiz4.htm), a timer CourseBuilder Interaction at the top of the page tracks and shows the elapsed time. In the example file for version 3 browsers (one_page_quiz3.htm), an Action Manager CourseBuilder Interaction at the top of the page tracks the elapsed time for the quiz. A text field displays the student’s score when the time runs out. The first CourseBuilder Interaction on the page is set to trigger a set of actions after 60 seconds have elapsed. When that happens, the CourseBuilder Interaction’s Action Manager executes the following actions in this order: The Popup Message action displays an alert message telling the student that the time is up. The Judge Interaction action executes once for each CourseBuilder Interaction that appears after the timer. The Set Text of Text Field action displays the student’s score. The student’s score is the sum of the scores for the CourseBuilder Interactions on the page. The following text is used in the Set Text of Text Field action: {G02.score + G03.score + G04.score} If more than three CourseBuilder Interactions appear after the timer, you’d display the scores for those CourseBuilder Interactions in the same way: {G02.score + G03.score + G04.score+ G05.score+ G06.score} G01 is the quiz-timer CourseBuilder Interaction and isn’t scored. The CourseBuilder Interactions that appear after the quiz timer are set to be judged on a specific event. In this case, the event is triggered when the Action Manager for the quiz-timer CourseBuilder Interaction executes the Judge Interaction action. Add any number of CourseBuilder Interactions to your quiz page. The type of CourseBuilder Interactions that you choose determines how many will fit on one page. Although a single page can contain twenty true/false questions, it might only fit one or two drag-and-drop exercises. See Scoring multiple interactions on different HTML pages if you have more exercises than will fit on one page. See also Displaying feedback JavaScript variables for tracking performance Action Manager CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures 258 Chapter 10 Scoring multiple interactions on different HTML pages CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver is designed for compatibility with server-side software like Pathware and other computer-managed instruction (CMI) systems that follow AICC web standards. Such systems allow a great deal of functionality for deploying and tracking web-based applications. You can develop effective applications with CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver without CMI or other server-side software. The following example shows one way to use CourseBuilder Interactions with JavaScript to create a self-assessment quiz application that uses many CourseBuilder Interactions. See CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Help for a Show Me example. These examples don’t send data back to the web server or to any other destination. It’s possible to transfer the data tracked by the quiz. See Using Knowledge Track and Connecting with databases for more information on using server-side software to transfer and record data. Setting up the quiz Two example files (one for version 3 browsers and one for version 4 browsers) are in Dreamweaver\Show Me\Multiple-Page Quiz. The example is a short quiz on the metric system. Each of the four quiz-question HTML pages contains one CourseBuilder Interaction. The quiz tracks the student’s score, the number of tries, and the time spent for each question and presents the results in a page at the end of the quiz. The example demonstrates one way to temporarily store information about CourseBuilder Interactions when each CourseBuilder Interaction occupies its own HTML page. The example files for version 3 browsers (multi_page_quiz3.htm) and for version 4 browsers (multi_page_quiz4.htm) use a two-frame arrangement to provide an interaction frame and a navigation frame. The first frame is the interaction frame, which contains the HTML pages for the quiz exercises. The second frame is the combined navigation and tracking frame. The name of the interaction frame is main, and the name of the navigation frame is nav. For more information about creating and naming frames in Dreamweaver, see “Creating frames” in the Using Dreamweaver book. The JavaScript scripts in the navigation frame page track any number of quizquestion pages. As the student answers a question, the quiz-question CourseBuilder Interaction sends messages to the navigation frame scripts. You can duplicate the scripts shown in the example questions for each question page in your customized quiz. The final page of the interaction frame sequence is a scoring page, which renders the scores of individual questions in bar graph form. Scoring and Data Tracking 259 Setting up the navigation The navigation frame page for version 3 browsers (showme_nav3.htm) and for version 4 browsers (showme_nav4.htm) contains the JavaScript functions that track the progress of each CourseBuilder Interaction as the student goes from one question page to the next. The buttons for navigation are Restart, Previous, Next, and Finish. The navigation controls use the following JavaScript functions in the navigation frame page: goNext() goes to the next page of the quiz. goPrev() goes to the previous page of the quiz. goFirst() goes to the first page of the quiz. goLast() goes to the last page of the quiz. In the example for version 3 browsers, images are linked to the navigation functions. To link an image to a JavaScript function, select the image and type the function’s name in the Link field of the Property inspector using the following syntax: JavaScript:functionName() In the example for version 4 browsers, an explore CourseBuilder Interaction is used for the navigation controls. The Action Manager for this CourseBuilder Interaction uses the Call JavaScript action to execute the navigation functions. For information about using the Action Manager, see Action Manager CourseBuilder Interactions—step-by-step procedures. Setting up the tracking The navigation frame page for version 3 browsers (showme_nav3.htm) and for version 4 browsers (showme_nav4.htm) contains the JavaScript functions that track the contents of the interaction frame. Every HTML page displayed in the interaction frame is tracked as a quiz-page object. The quizPage function creates a new quiz-page object for every HTML page in your quiz and sets the values for the quiz-page URL, time elapsed, time limit allowed, number of tries, score, and completion status. 260 Chapter 10 The following JavaScript code tracks the data for the CourseBuilder Interactions displayed in the interaction frame: function quizPage(src,time, timeLimit, tries, score, completed) { this.src = src this.time = (!time) ? 0 : time this.timeLimit = (!timeLimit) ? 0 : timeLimit this.tries = (!tries) ? 0 : tries this.score = (!score) ? 0 : score this.completed = (!completed) ? false : completed } The next line creates an array to contain all of the quiz-page objects in the quiz: var quiz = new Array() Modify the following code section in the navigation frame page to accommodate all of the question pages, introductory pages, and summary pages. This is the only section that needs to be modified when you add quiz pages. Each line corresponds to an HTML page that is displayed in the interaction frame. The parameter for the quizPage function describes the URL of the interaction frame page. /* ---------------------------------------------------------------MODIFY THE CODE IN THE FOLLOWING SECTION. ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ quiz[0] = new quizPage("showme_overview.htm") quiz[1] = new quizPage("showme_question1.htm") quiz[2] = new quizPage("showme_question2.htm") quiz[3] = new quizPage("showme_question3.htm") quiz[4] = new quizPage("showme_question4.htm") quiz[5] = new quizPage("showme_summary4.htm") /* ----------------------------------------------------------------END CODE MODIFICATION SECTION -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ The first line is for the introductory page of the quiz: quiz[0] = new quizPage("showme_overview.htm") The next set of lines are for the quiz questions. When adding quiz questions, be sure to increment the index value in quiz[index]: quiz[1] = new quizPage("showme_question1.htm") quiz[2] = new quizPage("showme_question2.htm") quiz[3] = new quizPage("showme_question3.htm") quiz[4] = new quizPage("showme_question4.htm") The final line is for the final score page. If you add or remove quiz questions, be sure to set the index value in quiz[index]: quiz[5] = new quizPage("showme_summary4.htm") Two text fields in a hidden HTML form are used to store the information for the quiz-page objects. In the example files, the HTML form is named persistence and the text fields are named persist and tries. Scoring and Data Tracking 261 The following JavaScript functions in the navigation frame page are also used for tracking and don’t need to be modified: 262 Chapter 10 Function name Purpose initPage() Initializes the quiz pages in the event of a page reload. restoreQuizObjects(storage) Loads quiz page data from persistent storage using a text field for storage. saveQuizObjects() Saves quiz page data in persistent storage using a text field for storage. setTries(URL, tries) Sets the number of times that the student attempted to answer the quiz page. setAsDone(URL) Sets the quiz page as completed. setTimes(URL, time, timeLimit) Sets the amount of time that the student has spent viewing the quiz page. setScores(URL, score) Sets the score for the student’s response to the quiz page. resetObject(URL) Resets the tries and score property settings for a quiz page object. findPage(URL) Locates the quiz page object for a given quiz URL. Setting up the questions Create the quiz pages with CourseBuilder Interactions. The example uses four CourseBuilder Interactions on four separate HTML pages. Specify the correct answers, incorrect answers, and point values for each of the quiz questions using the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. Add two JavaScript functions to every HTML page that has a CourseBuilder Interaction. JavaScript should only be added to a page in the HTML view. Choose Window > HTML to open the HTML view. Paste the following JavaScript code into each quiz page: function initPage() { var navBar = parent.nav var thisQuizPage = navBar.findPage(document.URL) if (thisQuizPage.completed) { MM_setIntProps('G01.setDisabled(true);') } else { navBar.setTries(document.URL, 0) } } function updateQuiz() { parent.nav.setTries(document.URL, G01.tries); parent.nav.setTimes(document.URL, G01.time, G01.timeLimit); parent.nav.setScores(document.URL, G01.score); } The initPage function is called when the HTML page is loaded. Add the onLoad event to the HTML page’s BODY tag: <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onLoad="initPage( )"> The updateQuiz function sends the data for the quiz-page CourseBuilder Interaction to the navigation frame page. This function is used so that the student’s score, time elapsed, and tries attempted are not lost when the student goes to the next quiz page. The Action Manager for the CourseBuilder Interaction on the quiz page uses the Call JavaScript action to execute the updateQuiz function. The Call JavaScript action occurs when the CourseBuilder Interaction is judged as either correct or incorrect. For information about using the Action Manager, see Action Manager CourseBuilder Interactions—step-bystep procedures. Set the number of tries and time allowed for each CourseBuilder Interaction in the General tab of the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. The Knowledge Track feature is disabled because the quiz won’t be tracked with a server-side management system. Save your quiz pages in the same location as the navigation and interaction frame pages. Scoring and Data Tracking 263 Displaying the student’s progress The last page of the quiz for version 3 browsers (showme_summary3.htm) and for version 4 browsers (showme_summary4.htm) uses JavaScript code to display the student’s score, the attempts made, and the time spent in the quiz pages. You don’t need to modify any of the code in this page even if you add or remove quiz pages. A button on the page allows the student to repeat the quiz. If you change the name of the HTML file for the quiz, you will need to modify the following line: <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="yes" VALUE="Yes" onClick="parent.location.href = 'multi_page_quiz4.htm'"> The parent.location.href parameter is the name of the frameset file that contains the two frames. Add any number of quiz pages to your quiz, and the scoring page will automatically display the student’s progress for the entire quiz. The only section that you need to modify if you’re adding pages is described in Setting up the tracking. Be sure to paste the JavaScript code described in Setting up the questions into each of your quiz pages. Then you’re all set. Tracking the time remaining Use a timer CourseBuilder Interaction to show a visual image of the time remaining in a timed activity. You can also use an Action Manager CourseBuilder Interaction to track the time remaining without showing a visual display. See Scoring multiple interactions on the same HTML page for an example. See also JavaScript variables for tracking performance Using Knowledge Track Send Interaction Info Send Lesson Time 264 Chapter 10 Tracking the number of tries Set a fixed limit on the number of tries that a user is allowed to correctly respond to an interaction. Or use the tries JavaScript variable to track the number of attempts that the user has made. See JavaScript variables for tracking performance for more information. See also JavaScript variables for tracking performance Using Knowledge Track Send Interaction Info JavaScript variables for tracking performance The following JavaScript variables can be used for tracking the student’s performance and to provide feedback. The syntax for all the variables is: var myVar = G01.variablename For example: var myScore = G01.score + G02.score + G03.score + G04.score Display the value of these variables in feedback messages for the student by enclosing the CourseBuilder Interaction’s unique ID and the variable in braces ({}). For example, you can type the following text for the Popup Message, Set Text of Frame, Set Text of Layer, and Set Text of Text Field actions: You got {G01.totalCorrect} out of {G01.possCorrect}! See Learning-specific actions for more information about the feedback actions. Variable Name Purpose score Contains the numeric score for the interaction. totalCorrect Contains the total number of correct responses the user made in the interaction. totalIncorrect Contains the total number of incorrect responses the user made in the interaction. possCorrect Contains the total number of correct responses to the interaction. possIncorrect Contains the total number of incorrect responses to the interaction. correct Is true if the student completed the interaction correctly, false otherwise. Scoring and Data Tracking 265 Variable Name Purpose tries Contains the number of times the user matched a response in the interaction. triesLimit Contains the number of attempts that the user is allowed to enter a correct response in the interaction. time Contains the amount of time in HH:MM:SS format that has elapsed since the interaction was last judged. timeLimit Contains the amount of time in HH:MM:SS format that the user is allowed to enter a correct response in the interaction. trackIntId Contains the Interaction ID string entered in the Tracking tab of the CourseBuilder Interaction. trackObjectiveId Contains the Objective ID string entered in the Tracking tab of the CourseBuilder Interaction. trackQType Contains a string to identify the type of interaction. trackWeight Contains the Weight value entered in the Tracking tab of the CourseBuilder Interaction. Recording performance CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver automatically keeps track of information about a user’s performance. However, the CourseBuilder Interactions don’t store this information indefinitely, and they don’t save the information permanently before the student exits the HTML page. If you want to keep the information permanently, record it with a computermanaged instruction (CMI) system or server-side database. A web site created with CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver, when linked to a serverside database, becomes a powerful medium for generating customized interactive pages for anyone with a web browser. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver can be used to collect information about the site visitor’s interactions, and to transfer that information to the database for tracking and recording. 266 Chapter 10 Using Knowledge Track Select the Knowledge Track option on the General tab to use Knowledge Track. The Knowledge Track feature is designed to transfer data to a server running computer-managed instruction (CMI) software like Pathware that complies with the AICC standard (for information, visit the AICC web site at Pathware can be used with a number of different databases (see Using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver with Lotus Pathware). Knowledge Track has two components: The Tracking tab contains settings you use to specify interaction properties that are recorded by a CMI or database server application. See Tracking tab. create a parent HTML document with two frames. The top frame displays the HTML page that contains the CourseBuilder Interaction. A hidden bottom frame is used by the CMI system to communicate with the CourseBuilder Interaction. The Create Pathware Frameset and Create Tracking Frameset commands When you select Knowledge Track, the following information is automatically sent to the CMI server every time the CourseBuilder Interaction is judged: The current date (DD/MM/YYYY) The current time (HH:MM:SS) The string entered in the Interaction ID field of the Tracking tab The string entered in the Objective ID field of the Tracking tab The type of the interaction The correct answers for the CourseBuilder Interaction The answer given by the student Whether the student’s response was correct or incorrect The weight given to the question for scoring The time it took for the student to answer the question (HH:MM:SS) Scoring and Data Tracking 267 When Knowledge Track is enabled, you can also use the following tracking actions in a CourseBuilder Interaction’s Action Manager to communicate with the CMI system: Action What it does Send Score Sends the activity score to the CMI system Send Lesson Status Sets the activity’s status as passed, failed, completed, or started Send Lesson Time Sends the amount of time the student spent in the activity Send Objective Information Sends information about the activity’s specified objective Send Interaction Information Sends information about a specific interaction See also: Connecting with databases Knowledge Track actions 268 Chapter 10 Using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver with Lotus Pathware CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver is designed for compatibility with Pathware version 3.02 or higher. The Knowledge Track feature allows a CourseBuilder Interaction in an HTML page to communicate information back to the web/ computer-managed instruction (CMI) server that served the page. This information is specific to the current student and can include the score, status, and cumulative time for all visits to the activity. The CMI server can also be configured to track other information about students, courses, and activities. Creating the CMI activity 1 Launch CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. 2 Add one or more CourseBuilder Interactions to an HTML page to create an activity. Your HTML page may be one of many activities that make up a course as defined by the CMI system. 3 Specify the correct answers, incorrect answers, and point values for each of the activities using the appropriate interaction type tab—for example, Triggers tab for a trigger CourseBuilder Interaction, Pairs tab for a drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction. 4 On the General tab, set the number of tries and time allowed for each CourseBuilder Interaction. Select the Knowledge Track option to enable serverside tracking. You can associate the activity with a specific objective. Objectives are defined in the CMI system. The CMI system also creates a unique Objective ID number for the objective. In the Tracking tab, you can associate each CourseBuilder Interaction in your HTML page with a CMI objective by entering a unique Objective ID. 5 Choose Modify > CourseBuilder > Create Pathware Frameset. A Pathware Frameset creates a parent HTML document with two frames. The top frame displays the HTML page that contains the CourseBuilder Interaction. A hidden bottom frame is used by the CMI system to communicate with the CourseBuilder Interaction. 6 Copy your HTML files to the web/CMI server. For Microsoft IIS web servers, your files usually need to reside in a directory within C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\. Be sure to upload the scripts and images directories so that your HTML pages can find any dependent files they need. Scoring and Data Tracking 269 Defining the CMI course The following procedure is for Pathware version 3. See the Pathware Help Pages if you’re using a different version of Pathware. Add an activity: 1 Launch the Pathmaker application on the web/CMI server. 2 Choose File > New Document to create a new course. 3 Rename the Untitled module that will contain your activity. 4 Add an activity to the course by dragging an activity icon from the icon palette to the Course window. Define the content for the activity: 1 Double-click the activity icon to open the Activity Properties window. 2 Set the various properties and options for the activity: Type a name for the activity in the Title field. Type the absolute URL to your HTML file in the URL field. The HTML file should be the parent frameset HTML file described in Creating the CMI activity. For example: Select the Scored option to track the score for the activity. 3 Click OK to close the Activity Properties window. Save and export the Pathmaker file: 1 Choose File > Save to save the course as a Pathmaker (PTH) file. 2 Choose File > Export and export the course as a Pathmaker Internet (PTI) file. Use the same file name and location for the Pathmaker file and the Pathmaker Internet file as shown in this example: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Pathware\My_Course\Course_Name.PTH C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Pathware\My_Course\Course_Name.PTI 3 270 Chapter 10 Choose File > Exit to close the Pathmaker application. Configuring the CMI server The following procedure is for Pathware version 3. See the Pathware Help Pages if you’re using a different version of Pathware. 1 Launch the Pathware LAN application on the CMI/web server and log in as an administrator. 2 Click the Courses button. Click OK to display all of the available courses. 3 Set the various properties and options for the course: Type a unique course ID in the Number field. Type a name for the course in the Name field. Enter the local path to the PTH file that you created to define the course. Click the Browse button to specify the path to the file. Set the Kind, Difficulty, and Other options for the course by selecting from the available choices. Select the Allow Self-Enrollment option to allow students to enroll themselves in the course. If you don’t select this option, you will need to enroll students from the roster. 4 Click the Add button to add the course to the list of available courses. 5 Click the Quit button to exit Pathware. Taking the course The following procedure is for Pathware version 3. See Pathware Help if you’re using a different version of Pathware. Provide students with the following instructions for taking the course. Make sure you supply students with their user names and passwords. 1 Launch your web browser. 2 Type the URL for the CMI system. 3 Log in as a student. 4 Select the course from the list of available courses. If the course doesn’t appear on the list, click the Enroll button to self-enroll in the course. 5 Click the Start button to launch the activities in the course. Scoring and Data Tracking 271 Connecting with databases CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver sends data to a computer-managed instruction (CMI) system when Knowledge Track is enabled. Modify Knowledge Track features to collect data without using a CMI system like Pathware. Use software on the server to connect a database to the Internet. This type of software is often referred to as middleware because it functions in between the server and the client. Examples include Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) and Cold Fusion. See CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Help for a Show Me example. The following procedures describe the necessary steps to collect, transfer, and record data to a database located at a remote location on a network. The files you’ll need The following files are located in the \Dreamweaver\Show Me\Data Tracking folder: 272 Chapter 10 File Name Purpose data_tracking_frameset.htm Frameset document to hold the content and tracking frames data_tracking_login.htm Username and password entry page data_tracking_nav.htm Tracking page that contains an HTML form and JavaScript functions data_tracking_quiz.htm Main content page with CourseBuilder Interaction to track data_tracking_quiz.mdb Sample Microsoft Access database file data_tracking_quiz.asp Sample Active Server Pages file to record tracked data on the server data_tracking_quiz.cfm Sample Cold Fusion file to record tracked data on the server scripts Scripts folder and contents to copy to your server Creating the data source The data source is the combination of the database file and the path to it. Regardless of the database software used, the database only accepts data in an expected format. For example, if you’re collecting and transferring the student’s name, password, and score, then your database file needs to have a table with a matching set of fields to store that information. A path to the database file, with read and write access, needs to be available to the web server. The example files include a Microsoft Access database file named data_tracking_quiz.mdb that you can use to try the example on your web server. To use the example database file: The following procedure is for a Windows-based web server. If you have a different server computer, consult the documentation for your database software to learn how data sources are defined and accessed. 1 Copy the example files to your server. See The files you’ll need for more information. 2 Open the ODBC control panel on the web server. 3 Click the System DSN tab. 4 Click Add, and select Microsoft Access Driver from the dialog box. 5 Click Finish to close the dialog box. 6 Click Select, and browse to the data_tracking_quiz.mdb file. 7 Type dwaquiz in the Data Source Name field, then click OK. Using ODBC Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a widely accepted standard for database access. It uses Structured Query Language (SQL) as its database access language. Many database software products on the market today support ODBC. Active Server Pages (ASP), Cold Fusion, and a number of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) programs support database queries through ODBC and SQL. Choosing a database and middleware that supports ODBC allows you to change your database software at a later date without modifying the data collection or transfer methods. You can even use the same ODBC data source with Macromedia Generator to display customized graphics driven by the user’s interactions. (For information about Generator, visit the Generator web site at Scoring and Data Tracking 273 Collecting data If you’re not using a computer-managed instruction (CMI) system with CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver, you need to collect the data that you want to track before it can be transferred and recorded in a server-side database. There are an infinite number of ways to connect a database to a web site. It’s not possible to cover all the possible hardware, software, and network combinations. The information provided here should be used as a starting point when setting up on your particular server and database. The examples used may apply to a specific database and server configuration. With some modifications, you can adapt the example code for any database that can accept data submitted by an HTML form. You will need to consult the documentation for your particular web server and database software. Depending on your configuration, you may also need an understanding of programming languages like Perl, Visual Basic, and SQL. Identifying the student CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver doesn’t track the student’s identity. A CMI system normally handles the task of user authentication. In the absence of a CMI system, you can ask for the student’s name and password, and send this information back to the server for validation. The data_tracking_login.htm file uses a form to collect the student’s name and password, which is then tracked in an HTML form in a different frame. The data_tracking_login.htm file also specifies the first page that the student sees after logging in. 274 Chapter 10 Using an HTML form to collect and transfer data In the example, an HTML form in the data_tracking_nav.htm file is used to collect student data. The first line in the form’s HTML defines how the data in the form will be processed. The action property should be set to the ASP file, Cold Fusion file, or URL that is executed when the form is submitted. The form’s method and name properties should not be changed. <form action=" " method="POST" name="command"> <input type="hidden" name="username"> <input type="hidden" name="password"> <input type="hidden" name="score"> </form> The data_tracking_nav.htm file also contains three JavaScript functions that track the student’s name, password, and score: function recordUsername(name) function recordPassword(pwd) function recordScore(score) All three functions are similar—each function sets values in the HTML form named command. The recordScore function uses the following statement to submit the contents of the command form to the server: document.command.submit( ); Modifying the command form The following example shows how changing the form’s action property in the data_tracking_nav.htm file defines how the data is sent. <form action="mailto:[email protected]?subject=test results" enctype ="multipart/formdata" method="POST" name="command"> When the form is submitted, the form’s contents are sent in an e-mail message to [email protected] without CGI or other server-side software. See Transferring data for different ways to transfer data back to the server—including ASP, ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), Cold Fusion, CGI, and others. It is also possible to save data on the user’s hard disk. Keep in mind that you don’t have general access to the local hard disk for storage through JavaScript and HTML. You will need to use a plug-in, ActiveX control, or other software that will allow you to write to the local hard disk. The next two lines in the form are invisible hidden fields that are used to track the student’s identity: <input type="hidden" name="username"> <input type="hidden" name="password"> The next line defines a hidden field to hold score information about the CourseBuilder Interaction on the main content frame. <input type="hidden" name="score"> You can define other fields to track in the command form. You need to modify the scripts in the data_tracking_nav.htm file to track the fields that you define. Scoring and Data Tracking 275 Transferring data The example collects data with an HTML form that uses the POST method to send the data over a network. You can change the network transport by modifying the form’s action. When using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver to transfer data to a server, you’re limited by the number of open connections your database and network support, as well as the amount of free memory on the database server. You can balance the load on the server by carefully planning the way users will interact with your application. Don’t track everything the user does simply because you can. Combine mastery tests that require server-side tracking with self-assessment modules that don’t. See Scoring multiple interactions on the same HTML page and Scoring multiple interactions on different HTML pages for more information about creating self-assessment quizzes using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver. Reduce the number of database queries by using one CourseBuilder Interaction to collect data for multiple CourseBuilder Interactions. See the next topic for an example. Transferring data for multiple CourseBuilder Interactions This example tracks the total score for a quiz. The quiz contains four CourseBuilder Interactions. The first CourseBuilder Interaction is a timer for the quiz. An example of this type of quiz is described in Scoring multiple interactions on the same HTML page. This JavaScript function in the data_tracking_quiz.htm file tallies the scores for the CourseBuilder Interactions: function tallyScore() { var total = 0; // that’s a zero after the letter G total = G02.score + G03.score + G04.score; // G01 is the timer and is not scored. document.forms[“QuizScore”].scorefield.value = total; // display the score parent.nav.recordScore( total); // track the score in a separate frame } The tallyScore function tallies the score for the quiz. The recordScore function in the tracking frame assigns that value to the score field in the command form in the data_tracking_nav.file. The form is then submitted to the server. For more information on creating a command form, see Using an HTML form to collect and transfer data. 276 Chapter 10 Transferring data using CGI A web server normally transfers an HTML page or other file to the browser when it gets a request from a browser. CGI (Common Gateway Interface) is a standard means for a custom program on the web server to respond to a request from a browser. Modifying the command form shows one way to send the contents of the command form via e-mail using the mailto action. Unfortunately, the mailto action doesn’t behave consistently across different browsers. Visit the CGI Collection web site at and the CGI Resource web site at for CGI scripts you can use and for information about developing your own scripts. The first line in the command form in the data_tracking_nav.htm file defines how the data in the form is processed. The action property should be set to the CGI script or URL that is executed when the form is submitted. <form action="mailform.cgi" method="POST" name="command"> Note how you can change the transport method used to transfer data by simply modifying the form’s action. There are thousands of CGI programs available for different web servers. You can create powerful applications with CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver by experimenting with the CGI scripts that are available for your particular server. Scoring and Data Tracking 277 Recording data using Cold Fusion The example can be modified to transfer data to the Cold Fusion Application Server. You can use Cold Fusion objects and the Cold Fusion Application Server to extend CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver with dynamic data publishing, dynamic e-mail, and other interactive features. Cold Fusion Application Server is a platform for building and deploying dynamic web sites and applications that eliminates the need to create complicated CGI scripts. It works with any major web server on Windows or Solaris. For information about the Cold Fusion Application Server, visit the Allaire web site at This command form is modified in the data_tracking_nav.htm file: <form action="data_tracking_quiz.cfm" method="POST" name="command"> <input type="hidden" name="username"> <input type="hidden" name="password"> <input type="hidden" name="score"> </form> The first line specifies the action that happens when the form is submitted: <form action="data_tracking_quiz.cfm" method="POST" name="command"> The data_tracking_quiz.cfm file contains the Cold Fusion instructions to insert the form data to the database on the server: <CFQUERY DATASOURCE="dwaquiz" NAME=""> INSERT INTO Quiz1 (username, password, score) VALUES ('#Form.username#', '#Form.password#', '#Form.score#') </CFQUERY> Only the username, password, and score are passed back to the server to minimize the number of transactions that the server needs to execute. Cold Fusion takes care of inserting the form values into the username, password, and score fields in a database table named Quiz1. The Quiz1 table is defined in the data source named dwaquiz. The data source is the combination of the database and the path to it. See Creating the data source for more information. 278 Chapter 10 Recording data using ASP Microsoft IIS 3.0 and Active Server Pages (ASP) allow web applications to interact with ODBC-compliant databases. The methods required to use ASP for tracking CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver are similar to using the Cold Fusion Application Server. Cold Fusion uses CFM files to interface with the database. The basic differences are that an ASP file contains the database instructions and the command form’s action is set to the ASP file: <form action="data_tracking_quiz.asp" method="POST" name="command"> The data_tracking_quiz.asp file contains the following instructions to initialize a connection to the database. The ASP file opens a connection to a data source named dwaquiz. The data source is defined using the ODBC control panel on the server computer. <% If IsObject(Session("dwaquiz_conn")) Then Set conn = Session("dwaquiz_conn") Else Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") "dwaquiz","","" Set Session("dwaquiz_conn") = conn End If %> The data_tracking_quiz.asp file also contains the following instructions to insert the command form values into the username, password, and score fields in a database table named Quiz1. The Quiz1 table is defined in the data source named dwaquiz. This example uses the same database used in the Cold Fusion example. <% username = Request.Form("username") password = Request.Form("password") score = Request.Form("score") sqlstr= "INSERT INTO [Quiz1] " sqlstr= sqlstr & "(username, password, score)" sqlstr= sqlstr & "VALUES " sqlstr= sqlstr & "('" & username & "','" & password & "','" & score & "'" & ")" Set rs = conn.execute(sqlstr) Set rs = nothing %> Note that inserting values into the database is done with the same SQL INSERT command used with Cold Fusion. ASP retrieves values from the command form with the following syntax: value=Request.Form("fieldName") The SQL command is held in a string variable named sqlstr. ASP executes the SQL command when it encounters this statement: conn.execute(sqlstr) For more information about ASP, visit the Active Server Pages web site at Scoring and Data Tracking 279 Recording data with other transport methods By modifying the action of the command form in the data_tracking _nav.htm file (see Using an HTML form to collect and transfer data), you can transfer CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver data with any web transport that accepts form data. Examples of such transports include Internet Database Connector (IDC), ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), and many others. With careful planning, you can isolate the database from the transport used to add, delete, and update records. 280 Chapter 10 11 CHAPTER 11 CourseBuilder Interaction Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General options The general options described in this section are common to all CourseBuilder Interactions (except where noted). Other options appear on the General tab only for specific types of CourseBuilder Interactions. If the option you’re looking for isn’t described here, see: Multiple-choice General tab options Drag-and-drop General tab options Explore General tab options Button General tab options Text entry General tab options Timer General tab options Slider General tab options is the CourseBuilder Interaction’s unique name. It identifies the CourseBuilder Interaction in the Condition Editor and other dialog boxes. Interaction Name 281 specifies when the CourseBuilder Interaction begins to evaluate the conditions in the Action Manager. Judge Interaction When the user clicks a button labeled ____: adds an HTML form button to the page. The CourseBuilder Interaction starts the evaluation when that button is clicked (doesn’t appear for the button CourseBuilder Interaction): See Changing the name of the Submit button. On a specific event (set using the Judge Interaction Behavior): starts the evaluation when some other action associated with the CourseBuilder Interaction occurs. Use either the Dreamweaver Behavior inspector or the Action Manager CourseBuilder Interaction to define the Judge Interaction action that initiates the evaluation (see Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged). defines what qualifies as a correct response to the entire interaction if more than one response is marked as correct within the interaction. Correct When Any Correct and None Incorrect causes CourseBuilder to judge a user’s response to the interaction as correct if the response corresponds to any of the correct answers (doesn’t appear for the Action Manager or button CourseBuilder Interaction). All Correct and None Incorrect causes CourseBuilder to judge a user’s response to the interaction as correct only if the response corresponds to all of the correct answers (doesn’t appear for the Action Manager or button CourseBuilder Interaction). Knowledge Track: Send results to a management system if present passes information about user input to an external computer-managed instruction (CMI) application, if you have one installed. When you check this option, a Tracking tab appears after the General tab for you to enter more information about scoring for the CourseBuilder Interaction. See Using Knowledge Track. determines the number of tries a user has to complete the interaction. Use the Action Manager to define or edit the actions that occur when the user exhausts the number of tries. See Limiting the number of tries. For a description of the Check Tries segment in the Action Manager, see Check Tries segment. Tries Are determines the amount of time in seconds that the user has to complete the interaction. Use the Action Manager to define or edit the actions that occur when time runs out (doesn’t appear for the button CourseBuilder Interaction). See Putting a time limit on an interaction. For a description of the Check Time segment in the Action Manager, see Check Time segment. See also Timer CourseBuilder Interaction. Time Is 282 Chapter 11 adds an HTML form button to the CourseBuilder Interaction to clear user input during the interaction. Clicking the Reset button or refreshing the page in the browser window doesn’t, however, deselect any selected radio buttons in a multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interaction (doesn’t appear for the button CourseBuilder Interaction). See Resetting a CourseBuilder Interaction. Reset: Create a Reset button for this Interaction Layer: Insert this Interaction in a layer places a CourseBuilder Interaction in its own layer, thereby simplifying Netscape layer issues and allowing for absolute placement of the CourseBuilder Interaction on the page. This feature works only in version 4 and later browsers. See Inserting a CourseBuilder Interaction into a layer. Multiple-choice General tab options When you create or edit a multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interaction, these additional options appear on the General tab: appears on the page to introduce or explain the choices. Customize this text in the Dreamweaver document. Question Text See: Creating a true/false question Creating a multiple-choice question Using images instead of text as choices Creating an all-that-apply question Judge Interaction: when the user clicks a choice starts the evaluation as soon as the user clicks one of the items in the multiple-choice interaction. See Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged. CourseBuilder Interaction Options 283 Drag-and-drop General tab options When you create or edit a drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction, these additional options appear on the General tab: starts the evaluation as soon as the user drops an element onto a target. See Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged. Judge Interaction: when the user drops a drag element determines what happens to a drag element when a user drops it on or near a target. Reaction Snap back if incorrect returns the drag element to its original position if the user drops it on an incorrect target. Snap back if not dropped on target returns the drag element to its original position if the user doesn’t drop it on any of the possible target elements. The CourseBuilder Interaction doesn’t evaluate the Action Manager, even if you’ve selected “when the user drops a drag element” as the Judge Interaction setting. See Setting how an element behaves when dropped. Explore General tab options When you create or edit an explore CourseBuilder Interaction, these additional options appear on the General tab: Judge Interaction: when the user clicks a hot area starts the evaluation whenever the user clicks one of the CourseBuilder Interaction’s hot areas. See Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged. is the file name of an image behind the hot areas. See Replacing placeholder graphics. Backdrop Image File 284 Chapter 11 Button General tab options When you create or edit a button CourseBuilder Interaction, these additional options appear on the General tab: selects the look of the button. See Choosing a look for a button; see also Adding custom button graphics for information about adding new graphics to the list. Appearance Type: Push/Toggle determines whether the button CourseBuilder Interaction contains a push button or a toggle switch. See Changing the type of button. Highlight on mouse over highlights the button graphic when the user passes the pointer over it. See Highlighting a button. Initial State: Deselected/Selected/Enabled/Disabled describes the default state of the button—its state before the user takes any action. See Changing the initial state of a button. starts the evaluation whenever the user clicks the button. See Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged. Judge Interaction: when the user clicks the button defines the interaction as correct (or not judged), depending on whether the button is up or down. Correct When: Up/Down/Not Judged assigns a score to clicking the button correctly. The score is passed to a management system for tracking, or called and displayed through custom JavaScript. See Using Knowledge Track. Score Text entry General tab options When you create or edit a text entry CourseBuilder Interaction, these additional options appear on the General tab: Initial Text places editable default text in the CourseBuilder Interaction’s text entry field. See Adding default text to a field. starts the evaluation whenever the insertion point leaves the HTML text input box. See Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged. Judge Interaction: when the user clicks or tabs out of the text entry field CourseBuilder Interaction Options 285 Timer General tab options When you create or edit a timer CourseBuilder Interaction, these additional options appear on the General tab: Appearance selects the look of the timer CourseBuilder Interaction. See Choosing a look for a timer; see also Adding custom timer graphics for information about adding new graphics to the list. Duration: __ seconds sets the amount of time on the timer. See Setting a timer. displays the series of images that make up the timer in reverse order (for example, to create the effect of a timer counting down). Display images in reverse order starts the evaluation whenever the timer reaches a trigger you’ve set in the Triggers options Judge Interaction: when any trigger condition is met Slider General tab options When you create or edit a slider CourseBuilder Interaction, these additional options appear on the General tab: selects the look of the slider. See Choosing a look for a slider; see also Adding custom slider graphics for information about adding new graphics to the list. Appearance defines the beginning and end values of the slider. Enter decimal numbers to display decimal values on the slider (for example, 1.0 to 2.5). The range can be low to high (1 to 10) or high to low (10 to 1). Enter both negative and positive numbers (-10 to 10). Positive numbers can be ten digits long; negative numbers, nine digits. See Setting a slider’s start and end values. Range sets the position of the slider’s thumb, where it remains until the user moves it. Initial Value starts the evaluation as soon as the user stops dragging the thumb of the slider. See Setting when a CourseBuilder Interaction is judged. Judge Interaction: when the slider thumb has been released 286 Chapter 11 Tracking tab The settings on the Tracking tab specify interaction properties that may be recorded by a CMI or database server application. Use JavaScript variables to check the current value of these properties (see JavaScript variables for tracking performance). Interaction ID identifies the interaction in the CMI system. identifies a specific objective that the interaction is related to in the CMI system. Objective ID Weight is an optional setting to indicate the relative importance of the interaction. CMI systems may use the value of this property for scoring and grading students. See Tracking user performance. Choices options The Choices tab, which appears whenever you create or edit a multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interaction, defines the individual choices in a multiple-choice interaction and any properties that apply to them. Choices lists the choices in the CourseBuilder Interaction, along with information about how the choice is to be judged. Add creates a new entry in the Choice list. Delete removes the selected entry from the Choice list. See Adding or deleting a choice. Up reorders the list, moving a choice up to a different location on the page. Down reorders the list, moving a choice down to a different location on the page. See Changing the order of the choices. identifies the selected choice. The name of a choice is different from the text of the choice. The text of a choice is what appears on the page; it’s what the user sees. The name of the choice appears only in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box. The name is case sensitive and can’t be reused for another choice. All characters must be alphanumeric, and the name cannot contain spaces. See Naming a choice. Name adds the text you type in the field to the selected choice. Customize the text in the Dreamweaver document. Text CourseBuilder Interaction Options 287 See: Replacing “True” and “False” with different words Creating a multiple-choice question Creating an all-that-apply question Image File adds an image to the selected choice. See Adding an image to a text choice. Place before text puts the image in front of all text when the current choice appears on the page. This option applies only to the selected choice and must be individually reapplied to other choices in the CourseBuilder Interaction. defines either the graphic images used as the choices in multiplechoice CourseBuilder Interactions containing only graphics, or defines the graphic buttons and check boxes used in place of form radio buttons and check boxes. These images are active: users can click them. Any graphic files defined in the Image File field are displayed with the choice but aren’t active. Appearance See: Using images instead of text as choices Creating a multiple-choice question Creating an all-that-apply question defines the current choice as correct, incorrect, or not judged. How the choice is judged determines the type of feedback the user receives when clicking that choice. See Marking a response right or wrong and Customizing feedback. Choice Is: Correct/Incorrect/Not Judged Score assigns a score to the choice. The score is passed to a management system for tracking, or called and displayed through custom JavaScript. See Using Knowledge Track. 288 Chapter 11 Drag-and-drop element options The Elements tab, which appears whenever you create or edit a drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction, defines the individual drag elements and target elements in an interaction and any properties that apply to them. contains an entry for each of the drag-and-drop elements in the CourseBuilder Interaction, along with information about whether those elements are drag elements, target elements, or both drag and target elements. Elements Add creates a new entry in the Elements list. Delete removes the selected entry from the list. If you add an element to the Elements list, you need to assign the element to a drag & target pair on the Pairs tab. See Adding and deleting drag-and-drop elements. labels the current element. The name is case sensitive and cannot be reused for another element. All characters must be alphanumeric, and the name cannot contain spaces. See Naming a drag-and-drop element. Name defines the image files used for the current drag-and-drop element. See Replacing placeholder graphics. Image File defines what role the current drag-and-drop element plays. A drag element is the element that the user moves; a target element is the element that the drag element is dropped on; and an element that is both drag and target can be both dragged to and dropped on by other elements. See Making an element a drag element or a target. Element Is: Drag Element/Target Element/Both Drag and Target Pairs options The Pairs tab, which is visible whenever you create or edit a drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction, defines the CourseBuilder Interaction’s drag & target pairs and any properties that apply to them. Pairs contains an entry for each of the drag & target pairs you’ve defined, along with information about how the pair is to be judged. The pop-up menu above the list lists all of the possible drag & target pairs that don’t yet appear on the Pairs list. adds the drag & target pair you’ve selected for the pop-up menu to the Pairs list. Add Delete Removes the selected entry from the list. moves a drag element to the nearest possible target (regardless of how that drag & target pair is judged) if the user drops the drag element within the specified number of pixels of the target. The pixel value must be between 0 and 9999. See Setting how an element behaves when dropped. Snap If Within __ pixels of the target element’s center CourseBuilder Interaction Options 289 aligns the drag element with the target element as shown in the following illustration. Alignment is based on the centers and edges of the layers that the drag and target elements occupy, not on the centers and edges of the drag and target graphics. If a graphic and the layer it occupies are of different sizes, their centers and edges might not correspond. See Setting how an element behaves when dropped. Snap To: Center/Left/Right/Top/Bottom of target element Snap To: __ pixels down, __ pixels to right of target element’s upper left corner aligns the upper left corners of the layers that contain the drag and target elements, offsetting the corners by the values you enter (as shown in the illustration). 290 Chapter 11 The pixel values must be between -999 and 9999. Alignment is based on the corners of the layers that the drag and target elements occupy, not on the corners of the drag and target graphics. If a graphic and the layer it occupies are of different sizes, their corners might not correspond. See Setting how an element behaves when dropped. defines the selected drag & target pair as correct, incorrect, or not judged. How the pair is judged determines the type of feedback the user receives when dropping the selected drag element onto the selected target. See Marking a response right or wrong and Customizing feedback. Choice Is: Correct/Incorrect/Not Judged assigns a score to the pair. The score is passed to a management system for tracking, or called and displayed through custom JavaScript. See Using Knowledge Track. Score Hot areas options The Hot Areas tab, which appears whenever you create or edit an explore CourseBuilder Interaction, defines the individual hot area layers in an explore interaction and any properties that apply to them. contains entries for each of the hot area layers in the CourseBuilder Interaction, along with information about how the hot area is to be judged. Hot Areas Add creates a new entry in the list of hot areas. Delete removes the selected entry from the list of hot areas. See Adding and deleting hot areas. labels the current hot area layer. The name is case sensitive and cannot be reused for another hot area. All characters must be alphanumeric, and the name cannot contain spaces. See Naming a hot area. Name adds the text to the current hot area layer. Customize the text in the Dreamweaver workspace. See Adding text to a hot area. Text Image adds an image to the current hot area layer. See Naming a hot area. defines the current hot area layer as correct, incorrect, or not judged. How the hot area is judged determines the type of feedback the user receives when clicking that hot area. See Marking a response right or wrong and Customizing feedback. Hot Area Is: Correct/Incorrect/Not Judged assigns a score to the hot area. The score is passed to a management system for tracking or called and displayed through custom JavaScript. See Using Knowledge Track. Score CourseBuilder Interaction Options 291 Responses options The Responses tab, which appears whenever you create or edit a text entry CourseBuilder Interaction, defines strings of text (called possible responses) for user input to be compared to, as well as any properties that apply to those strings. Possible responses can be either correct or incorrect—they’re simply strings of text you expect users to enter. Possible Responses contains an entry for each text string you expect users to enter. It also contains, for each entry, information about how user input is judged if it matches the current response. Add creates a new entry in the list of possible responses. Delete removes the selected entry from the list of possible responses. Name labels the current response. The name of a response is different from the text you expect users to enter. The name of the choice appears only in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box; it’s merely a way of labeling a response to make it easier to work with. The name is case sensitive and cannot be reused for another response. All characters must be alphanumeric, and the name cannot contain spaces. See Naming a response. defines the character or string of characters that you expect users to enter. The user’s actual input is compared to the character or string. If it matches, it’s judged based on whether you have defined the text response as correct, incorrect, or not judged. See Checking for an exact match and Checking for key words or phrases. Must Contain checks to make sure the user’s input is capitalized exactly as the string in the Must Contain field. See Checking for correct capitalization. Case Sensitive Exact Match Required considers the user’s input a match only if the text the user has entered is the same as the text in the Must Contain field in every way—the same spelling, same spacing, and same punctuation. Only the capitalization can vary. If this option is unselected, the CourseBuilder Interaction considers the user’s input a match if the text in the Must Contain field appears somewhere in the text the user has typed. See Checking for an exact match. Match Is: Correct/Incorrect/Not Judged defines user input, if it matches the current possible response character or string, as correct, incorrect, or not judged. How the character or string is judged determines the type of feedback the user receives when entering that text. See Marking a response right or wrong and Customizing feedback. assigns a score to the response. The score is passed to a management system for tracking or called and displayed through custom JavaScript. See Using Knowledge Track. Score Any Other Response Is: Correct/Incorrect/Not Judged defines any user input that doesn’t match any of the possible responses as correct, incorrect, or not judged. This option applies to the text entry CourseBuilder Interaction as a whole. See Checking for unanticipated responses. 292 Chapter 11 Triggers options The Triggers tab, which appears whenever you create or edit a timer CourseBuilder Interaction, defines the trigger values on a timer and any properties that apply to them. lists each trigger in the CourseBuilder Interaction, along with information about how the trigger is to be judged. Triggers Add creates a new entry in the list of triggers. Delete removes the selected entry from the list of triggers. See Adding and deleting triggers. labels the current trigger. The name is case sensitive and cannot be reused for another trigger. All of the characters must be alphanumeric, and the name cannot contain spaces. See Naming a trigger. Name Trigger Once After __ seconds sets the time at which the timer is triggered. See Setting a trigger. defines the current trigger, when reached, as correct, incorrect, or not judged. How the trigger is judged determines the type of feedback generated when the timer reaches the trigger. See Marking a response right or wrong and Customizing feedback. Trigger Is: Correct/Incorrect/Not Judged assigns a score to the current trigger. The score is passed to a management system for tracking or called and displayed through custom JavaScript. See Using Knowledge Track. Score Interaction Is: Correct/Incorrect/Not Judged before timer reaches first trigger defines a user’s response, if it occurs before the timer reaches the first trigger, as correct, incorrect, or not judged. This option applies to the timer CourseBuilder Interaction as a whole. See Judging a response before the first trigger is reached. CourseBuilder Interaction Options 293 Ranges options The Ranges tab, which appears whenever you create or edit a slider CourseBuilder Interaction, defines the slider’s ranges and any properties that apply to them. contains an entry for each range in the CourseBuilder Interaction, along with information about how the range is to be judged. Ranges Add creates a new entry in the list of ranges. Delete removes the selected entry from the list of ranges. See Adding and deleting ranges. Name labels the current range. The name is case sensitive and cannot be reused for another range, once defined. All characters must be alphanumeric, and the name cannot contain spaces. See Naming a range. sets the values that define a range. The start and end values that you enter are included in the range. See Setting a range. Range __ to __ units defines the current range, when reached, as correct, incorrect, or not judged. How the range is judged determines the type of feedback generated when the user moves the slider thumb within the range you’ve defined. See Marking a response right or wrong and Customizing feedback. Range Is: Correct/Incorrect/Not Judged assigns a score to the current range. The score is passed to a management system for tracking or called and displayed through custom JavaScript. See Using Knowledge Track. Score 294 Chapter 11 Action Manager segments Each template has a set of segments in the Action Manager that determine what happens when the CourseBuilder Interaction evaluates a user’s response. The point at which the CourseBuilder Interaction executes the Action Manager is determined by the Judge Interaction setting on the General tab (see General options). Judge, in fact, doesn’t necessarily mean evaluate the student’s performance; its literal meaning is simply execute the code in the Action Manager. For a detailed description of the Action Manager segments used in a particular template, see: Check Time segment Correctness segment Multiple-choice segments One-to-one matching segments One-to-one matching (either way) segments One-to-many matching segments “Build your own” template segments Two-step procedure segments Explore segments Toggle-switch segment Pushbutton segment Text entry segments Timer segment Timer with warning segment Range slider segment Point slider segment CourseBuilder Interaction Options 295 Check Time segment The Check Time segment is a standard segment that’s part of all the templates. It contains one condition—”if Time At Limit”—that compares the Time At Limit property with the Time Is setting on the General tab. If the “if Time At Limit” condition is true, it triggers a Popup Message action (which lets the user know time has run out) and a Set Properties action (which disables the interaction). By default, the time setting in the General tab is set to Unlimited. To set a time limit, see Putting a time limit on an interaction. To change the default feedback displayed by the Popup Message action, see Customizing feedback. See also Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field. Correctness segment The Correctness segment is a standard segment that’s part of almost all the templates. It checks three conditions for the interaction. First, the “if Correct” condition tests to see if the response by the user is correct, by checking the Correct State property to see if it’s correct. If that condition isn’t true, the second condition, “else if Incorrect,” checks to see if the Correct State property is “Incorrect.” The third condition, “else if Unknown Response,” tests to see if the Known Response property is “False.” Simply stated, the conditions ask the questions: Did the user answer correctly? Did the user answer incorrectly? Did the user respond at all? In each case, a Popup Message action displays a message that tells users whether their response was correct, incorrect, or unknown. To change the default feedback displayed by a Popup Message action, see Customizing feedback. See also Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field. Check Tries segment The Check Tries segment is a standard segment that’s part of all the templates. It compares the Tries At Limit property with the Tries Are setting on the General tab to see if they are equal. If the “if Tries At Limit” condition is true, it triggers a Popup Message action (which lets the user know there are no tries left) and a Set Properties action (which disables the interaction). By default, the tries setting in the General tab is set to Unlimited. To set a time limit, see Limiting the number of tries. To change the default feedback displayed by the Popup Message action, see Customizing feedback. See also Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field. 296 Chapter 11 Multiple-choice segments The Action Managers in the true/false, multiple-choice, graphic multiple-choice, and all-that-apply templates all use the same three standard segments. See: Check Time segment Correctness segment Check Tries segment For information about the templates, see The multiple-choice templates. One-to-one matching segments The Action Manager in the drag-and-drop one-to-one matching template uses the three standard segments. See: Check Time segment Correctness segment Check Tries segment For information about the template, see One-to-one matching. One-to-one matching (either way) segments The Action Manager in the drag-and-drop one-to-one matching (either way) template uses two of the three standard segments. See: Check Time segment Check Tries segment The Correctness segment is slightly different from the standard Correctness segment. It checks three conditions for the interaction. First, the “if Unknown Response” tests to see if the Known Response property is false. If that condition isn’t true (that is, if the response is known), the second condition, “else if Total Correct equals 3,” checks to see if the Total Correct property for the interaction is equal to 3, the number of possible correct matches. If the condition is true, a Popup Message action displays a message letting users know how many correct items they selected. If, however, the condition is false, the third condition, “else if incorrect,” tests to see if the Total Correct property doesn’t equal 3. If that condition is true—that is, if the user didn’t get all three answers correct—it triggers a Popup Message action that uses embedded JavaScript variables to tell the user how many choices out of the total possible were correct. To change the default feedback displayed by a Popup Message action, see Customizing feedback. See also Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field. For information about the template, see One-to-one matching, either way. CourseBuilder Interaction Options 297 One-to-many matching segments The Action Managers in both drag-and-drop one-to-many matching templates use the three standard segments. See: Check Time segment Correctness segment Check Tries segment For information about the templates, see One-to-many matching and One-tomany matching, either way. “Build your own” template segments The Action Manager in the “Build your own” template uses the three standard segments. See: Check Time segment Correctness segment Check Tries segment It also includes two special feedback segments: In the “DragTarget1 to DragTarget2 Feedback” segment, if the condition “if DragTarget1 to DragTarget2 Selected” is true—that is, if a user has dropped DragTarget1 on DragTarget2—it triggers a Popup Message action that displays a message stating simply that the user has hit DragTarget 2. The “DragTarget2 to DragTarget1 Feedback” segment provides exactly the same type of feedback. If the condition “if DragTarget2 to DragTarget1 Selected” is true, it triggers a Popup Message action that displays a message stating simply that the user has hit DragTarget1. To change the default feedback displayed by a Popup Message action, see Customizing feedback. See also Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field. For information about the template, see The “Build your own” template. 298 Chapter 11 Two-step procedure segments The Action Manager in both two-step procedure templates uses two of the three standard segments. See: Check Time segment Check Tries segment is set up to track state transitions, which means that once a condition in the segment is true, the CourseBuilder Interaction skips the condition the next time it evaluates the statements in the Action Manager. On the other hand, if a condition is false, the CourseBuilder Interaction returns directly to it the next time it evaluates the segment. The Two-Step Matching segment In the Two-Step Matching segment, the first condition, “if Step1 – Drag1 to Target1 Selected,” checks to see if the user dropped the drag element on the first target by checking that the Selected property for the drag element and the first target element pair is true. If so, the condition triggers a Popup Message action that displays a message stating that the user completed the first step. If the first condition is true, there’s another condition nested within the first, “if Step2 – Drag1 to Target2 Selected,” that the Action Manager tests. The condition checks to see if the user dropped the drag element on the second target by checking that the Selected property for the drag element and the second target element pair is true. If so, the condition triggers a Popup Message action that displays a message stating that the user successfully completed the interaction. If the user missed the first step—say the user drops the drag element on the second target as the first step—the “else if Step1 Missed” condition is true. That condition triggers a Popup Message action that displays a message stating that the user must match the first target before the second. It then triggers a Reset action that resets the state transition of the previous segment so the user can try again. The “else if Step1 Missed” condition is true only if the user hasn’t already dropped the drag element on the first target. Once the user drops the drag element on the first target, the state transition takes effect. When the user drops the drag element on the second target, the CourseBuilder Interaction executes the Action Manager a second time, and goes directly to the second condition, “if Step2 – Drag1 to Target2 Selected,” when it evaluates the Two-Step Matching segment. The Drag1 to Target3 Feedback segment, which is part of the two-step procedure with a distractor segment, contains one condition, “if Drag1 to Target3 Selected,” which checks to see if the user dropped the drag element on Target3. If the condition is true, it triggers a Popup Message action that displays a message saying the user took an incorrect step. To change the default feedback displayed by a Popup Message action, see Customizing feedback. See also Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field. For information about the templates, see Two-step procedure and Two-step procedure with a distractor. CourseBuilder Interaction Options 299 Explore segments The Action Managers in the explore templates use the three standard segments. See: Check Time segment Correctness segment Check Tries segment The Action Managers also contain a series of feedback segments. The Hot Area Feedback segments are all similar: each is associated with a different hot area on the page. If the user selects a hot area, the condition “if Hot Area Selected” in its associated segment is true. The condition triggers a Popup Message action that displays the number of the area the user selected. To change the default feedback displayed by a Popup Message action, see Customizing feedback. See also Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field. For information about the templates, see Random exploration and Structured exploration. Toggle-switch segment The Action Manager in the toggle-switch template uses two of the three standard segments. See: Check Time segment Check Tries segment It also includes a special feedback segment: In the Button Selected segment, the first condition, “if Selected,” checks to see if the Selected property is true for the button. If it is, it triggers a Popup Message action that displays a pop-up message telling users they’ve selected the button. Otherwise, the “else if Deselected” condition checks to see if the Selected property is false. If it is, the condition triggers a Popup Message action that displays a popup message telling users they’ve deselected the button. To change the default feedback displayed by a Popup Message action, see Customizing feedback. See also Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field. For information about the template, see Toggle switches. 300 Chapter 11 Pushbutton segment The Action Manager in the push button template uses two of the three standard segments. See: Check Time segment Check Tries segment It also includes a special feedback segment: In the Button Feedback segment, the CourseBuilder Interaction executes the Popup Message action any time it evaluates the Action Manager. Any time users click the button, a pop-up message appears telling them they’ve clicked the button. To change the default feedback displayed by a Popup Message action, see Customizing feedback. See also Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field. For information about the template, see Push buttons. Text entry segments The Action Managers in the text entry templates all use the same three standard segments. See: Check Time segment Correctness segment Check Tries segment For information about the templates, see Single-line text entries and Multiple-line text entries. Timer segment The Action Manager in the timer template has a single special feedback segment: The Trigger1 Feedback segment has a condition, “if Trigger1 Selected,” that becomes true when the timer runs out. The trigger in the template is set to 30 seconds (see Setting a trigger). To change the default feedback displayed by a Popup Message action, see Customizing feedback. See also Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field. For information about the template, see Timers. CourseBuilder Interaction Options 301 Timer with warning segment The Action Manager in the timer with a warning template has two special feedback segments: The Trigger1 Feedback segment (the segment for the warning trigger) has a condition, “if Trigger1 Selected,” that becomes true when the timer runs out. The trigger in the template is set to 30 seconds (see Setting a trigger). The “if Trigger2 Selected” condition in the second segment, Trigger2 Feedback, becomes true at 30 seconds. Because both of the segments are state transitions, the first segment is evaluated until the condition is true, after 15 seconds. When that condition is true, the CourseBuilder Interaction skips the first segment when it evaluates the Action Manager and goes directly to the second segment. To change the default feedback displayed by a Popup Message action, see Customizing feedback. See also Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field. For information about the template, see Timers with a warning. Range slider segment The Action Manager in range slider templates uses two of the three standard segments. See: Check Time segment Check Tries segment It also includes two special feedback segments: The “if Range1 Selected” condition in the Range1 Feedback segment is true when the user drags the slider’s thumb into this range. The “if Range2 Selected” condition in the next segment, Range2 Feedback, is true when the user slides the thumb to the other end of the range. The Popup Message action for both conditions displays messages that indicate what range the user selected. Because both triggers are not judged, there is no correctness or incorrectness. To change the default feedback displayed by a Popup Message action, see Customizing feedback. See also Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field. For information about the template, see Range sliders. 302 Chapter 11 Point slider segment The Action Manager in the point slider template uses the three standard segments. See: Check Time segment Correctness segment Check Tries segment It also includes two special feedback segments: The “if Range1 Selected” condition in the Range1 Feedback segment is true when the user drags the slider’s thumb into its range. The condition triggers a Popup Message action that displays a message saying that the position of the slider is too low. The next segment, Range3 Feedback, contains another condition, “if Range3 Selected,” that’s true when the user slides the thumb to the high end of the range. The condition triggers a Popup Message action that displays a message stating that the position is too high. If the user moves the slider to the correct range, the “if Correct” condition in the Correctness segment is true, triggering the Popup Message action there. To change the default feedback displayed by a Popup Message action, see Customizing feedback. See also Displaying feedback in a frame, layer, status bar, or text field. For information about the template, see Point sliders. CourseBuilder Interaction Options 303 304 Chapter 11 INDEX A Action Manager 215 adding custom behaviors in 249 CourseBuilder Interaction 249 feedback action in 218 Knowledge Track action in 218 pop-up menu, rearranging items on 218 properties in Current Node 248 Disabled 248 JavaScript 248 segments Build Your Own Template 298 Check Time 296 Check Tries 296 Correctness 296 Explore 300 introduction 295 Multiple-choice 297 One-to-Many Matching 298 One-to-One Matching 297 One-to-One Matching (either way) 297 Point Slider 303 Push-button 301 Range Slider 302 Text Entry 301 Timer 301 Timer with Warning 302 Toggle-switch 300 Two-step Procedure 299 setting properties 247 template Action Manager tab 250 General tab 250 Tracking tab 250 Action Manager CourseBuilder Interaction, dialog box tabs 250 Action Manager tab explore 132 in Action Manager template 250 in button template 176 in slider template 202 in text entry template 147 in timer template 187 introduction 215 step-by-step procedures 215 actions copying 226 cutting 226 editing 225 feedback 218 Knowledge Track 218 Interaction ID 234 Objective ID 234 Send Interaction Information 235 Send Lesson Status 236 Send Lesson Time 237 Send Objective Info 237 Send Score 238 Weight 234 learning-specific introduction 227 Judge Interaction 227 PopupMessage 230 Reset Interaction 228 Set Interaction Properties 229 Set Text of Frame 231 Set Text of Layer 232 Set Text of Text Field 233 pasting 226 renaming 224 where to create 226 305 adding action 224 choice 97 CourseBuilder Interaction to document 70 custom behavior 249 custom button graphics 184 custom slider graphics 213 custom timer graphics 198 default text to field 153 drag-and-drop element 124 drag-and-drop pair 125 image to text choice 98 new condition 219 new segment 218 response name 154 slider range 212 text to hot area 142 trigger 197 AGT files 170 all-that-apply question 94 appearance button 182 slider 210 timers 196 ASP data recording using 279 Authorware objects, inserting 168 Authorware Web Player integration 167 B browser considerations button, when creating 179 custom template, when building 113 interaction, when savings as template 169 matching exercise, when creating 110 multiple-choice question, when creating 89 point slider, when creating 208 procedure template, when building your own 120 procedure, when creating 118 push button and 178 random exploration, when creating 136 range slider 204 range slider, when creating 205 structured exploration, when creating 139 timer template 192 timer with a warning, when creating 193 timer, when creating 190 toggle switch 177 306 Index button CourseBuilder Interaction Action Manager tab in 176 adding custom graphics in 184 changing appearance of 182 changing initial state of 183 changing type of 183 creating button with 179 General tab in 175 GIF files in 184 highlighting 182 introduction 173 pixel specifications 184 push button template 178 step-by-step procedures 176 templates 174 toggle switch template 177 Tracking tab in 175 C capitalization, checking for 154 changing button appearance 182 button type 183 choices 97 name of a drag-and-drop element 123 order of category list 170 order of choices 97 response name 153 slider appearance 210 submit button name 164 trigger name 196 Check Time segment 296 Check Tries segment 296 checking capitalization 154 exact text match 155 keywords and phrases 155 unanticipated response 156 checklist, new user’s 16 Cold Fusion data recording using 278 collapsing segment in Action Manager 225 computer-managed instruction configuring server for 271 connect ingwith database 272 creating activity 269 defining course 270 required database files for 272 Condition Editor, setting Type field 223 conditions adding 219 adding action to 224 collapsing 225 Condition Editor 222 copying 226 creating expression for 221 creating new 220 cutting 226 demoting 225 editing 225 expanding 225 pasting 226 promoting 225 renaming 224 converting previous version files 75 copying support files 18 Correctness segment 296 CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Support Center 15 CourseBuilder Interaction Action Manager 249 adding a template 169 adding to document 70 adding to Gallery 169 Condition Editor 222 drag-and-drop 99 icon 69 identifying in HTML 257 template gallery 71 templates, overview of 71 text entry 143 tracking, displaying feedback response 256 Type field setting 223 CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box drag-and-drop 102 slider 201 text entry 145 timer 186 CourseBuilder Interaction tab 82 CourseBuilder Interaction See also button CourseBuilder Interaction See also customizing CourseBuilder Interaction See also explore CourseBuilder Interaction See also multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interaction See also segments See also slider CourseBuilder Interaction See also text entry CourseBuilder Interaction See also timer CourseBuilder Interaction CourseBuilder Interactions browser compatibility 73 explore 131 creating 136 all-that-apply question 95 button 179 custom icon for template 170 custom timer 199 expression for condition 221 matching exercise 110 multiple-choice question 89 new condition 220 new segment 219 point slider 208 range slider 205 text entry field 151 timer 190 timer with a warning 193 true/false question 86 Current Node property 248 customizing Action Manager pop-up menu 217 customizing CourseBuilder Interaction adding to Gallery 169 Authorware Web Player integration 167 changing category order 170 changing submit button name 164 changing template order in Gallery 171 clearing 158 copying 158 creating icon for template 170 cutting 158 feedback 159 Gallery file 170 limiting interaction by time 163 limiting number of tries 162 removing 158 resetting 165 setting preferences 167 Index 307 D data collection ASP, recording data using 279 Cold Fusion, recording data using 278 identifying student for 274 introduction 274 modifying HTML form, using 275 transferring data 276 transferring data using CGI 277 transport methods 280 data tracking 251 databases ASP, record data 279 Cold Fusion, recording data using 278 collectingdata 274 connecting to 272 creating data source for 273 identifying student 274 modifying HTML form, using 275 ODCB, using 273 required files for 272 transferring data 276 transferring data using CGI 277 transport methods 280 deleting choice 97 drag-and-drop element 124 drag-and-drop pair 125 hot areas 142 response name 154 slider range 212 trigger 197 demoting condition 225 discussion groups 17 displaying feedback 256 drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction Action Manager tab 104 adding drag-and-drop pair in 125 adding element in 124 building custom template 112 building your own procedure template 120 changing element name in 123 creating matching exercise 110 deleting drag-and-drop pair in 125 deleting element in 124 dialog box tabs 102 Elements tab in 103 308 Index drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction (continued) introduction 99 naming element in 123 one-to-many matching 108 one-to-many matching, either way 109 one-to-one matching 106 one-to-one matching, either way 107 Pairs tab 103 replacing placeholder graphics in 122 setting drag element in 128 setting element behavior when dropped 127 target element active area 126 Tracking tab 102 two-step procedure template 116 two-step procedure with distractor template 117 DWARE discussion list, subscribing to 16 E editing actions 225 conditions 225 segments 225 elements changing name 123 drag-and-drop 124 setting to drag 128 target active area 126 exact text match, checking for 155 expanding segment 225 exploration, random 135 exploration, structured 139 explore CourseBuilder Interaction Action Manager tab 132 adding hot area in 142 adding text to hot area 142 deleting hot area in 142 dialog box tabs 131 General tab in 131 Hot Areas tab in 132 introduction 129 naming hot area in 141 random exploration 135, 136 replacing placeholder graphics 141 step-by-step procedures 133 structured exploration 138, 139 templates 130 Tracking tab 131 F feedback actions 218 file AGT extension 170 GIF 184 G Gallery files AGT file extension 170 changing category order 170 changing template order 171 working with 170 General tab 81 Action Manager 250 button in 175 explore in 131 slider in 201 text entry in 145 timer in 186 GIF files 184 graphics custom button 184 custom slider 213 custom timer 198 GIF files 184 multiple-choice question 91 pixel requirement 184 H hot areas adding 142 adding text 142 changing name of 141 deleting 142 HTML identifier, CourseBuilder Interaction 257 I icons, creating custom 170 Index, Help 14 installing Dreamweaver 13 integration, Authorware Web Player 167 Interaction ID 234 interactions sample quiz for multiple interactions on different HTML page 259 sample quiz for scoring on same HTML page 258 tracking correct response 254 incorrect response 254 JavaScript variables 265 Knowledge Track 267 Lotus Pathware 269 marking a response right or wrong 254 not judged response 254 recording performance 266 scoring multiple interactions on different HTML page 259 scoring multiple interactions on same HTML page 257 scoring response 255 tracking number of tries 265 tracking remaining time 264 tracking performance, introduction 251 J JavaScript performance tracking 265 performance variables 265 properties 248 Judge Interaction action 227 K keywords and phrases, checking for 155 Knowledge Track 218 Interaction ID 234 Objective ID 234 Send Interaction Information 235 Send Lesson Status 236 Send Lesson Time 237 Send Objective Info 237 Send Score 238 using 267 Weight 234 Index 309 L learning-specific actions introduction 227 Judge Interaction 227 Popup Message 230 Reset Interaction 228 Set Interaction Properties 229 Set Text of Frame 231 Set Text of Layer 232 Set Text of Text Field 233 limiting tries number of tries 162 time allowed 163 Lotus Pathware 269 Cold Fusion, recording data using 278, 279 collecting data 274 configuring CMI server for 271 connect ing with database 272 creating CMI activity 269 creating data source for 273 defining CMI course 270 identifying student for 274 modifying HTML form using 275 ODCB, using 273 required database files for 272 taking the course 271 transferring data 276 transferring data using CGI 277 transport methods 280 M multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interaction 79 Action Manager tab in 82 adding image to text choice in 98 all-that-apply question 94 changing order of choices in 96 Choices tab 82 creating all-that-apply question in 95 creating multiple-choice question 89 creating true/false question 86 dialog box tabs 82 General tab 81 graphic multiple-choice question 91 multiple-choice question 88 naming choice 98 replacing “True” and “False” with different words 88 step-by-step procedures 83 templates 80 Tracking tab 81 True/False question 85 N Name Editor 224 naming drag-and-drop element 123 hot area 141 response 153 slider range 211 O Objective ID 234 ODCB 273 options Choices tab 287 drag-and-drop interactions 284 Elements tab 289 General tab 281 Hot Areas tab 291 Pairs tab 289 Ranges tab 294 Responses tab 292 Tracking tab 287 Triggers tab 293 overview of CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver 11 310 Index P performance record 266 variables 265 placeholder graphics replacing any placeholder image 141 replacing background image 141 replacing hot area graphics 141 Popup Message action 230 problems See Troubleshooting procedures See step-by-step procedures promoting condition 225 properties 247 Action Manager, adding custom behavior 249 CourseBuilder Interaction Alignment 240 All That Apply 240 Allow Multiple Selections 240 Correct State 241 Correctness 240 Disabled 241 Expected Value 241 Initial Value 241 Is Toggle 241 Judge On Selection 242 Knowledge Track 242 Known Response 242 Match Case 242 Match Entire Word 243 Original X Position 243 Original Y Position 243 Possible Correct 243 Possible Incorrect 243 Score 244 Selected 244 Snap Back on Incorrect 244 Snap Back on Miss 244 Snaps to 244 Time 245 Time Limit 245 Tolerence 245 Total Correct 245 Total Elements 245 Total Incorrect 245 Tracking Interaction ID 245 Tracking Objective ID 246 Tracking Question Type 246 CourseBuilder Interaction (continued) Tracking Weight 246 Tries 246 Tries Limit 246 Unknown Correctness 246 Value 246 X Offset 247 Y Offset 247 properties in Action Manager Current Node 248 Disabled 248 JavaScript 248 Q quiz sample, scoring multiple interactions on different HTML page displaying student progress 264 introduction 259 setting navigation 260 setting questions 263 setting tracking 260 sample, scoring on same HTML page, introduction 258 R random exploration creating 136 introduction 135 Ranges slider tab 202 replacing “True” and “False” with different words 88 placeholder graphics directly in a document 122 using the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box 122 Reset Interaction action 228 resetting an CourseBuilder Interaction, adding button 165 Index 311 response, user correct 254 incorrect 254 limiting time for 163 limiting tries 162 not judged 254 scoring 255 unanticipated 156 Responses tab 146 S scoring correct response 254 CourseBuilder Interaction HTML identifier 257 data tracking 251 displaying feedback 256 incorrect response 254 marking a response right or wrong 254 multiple interactions on different HTML page 259 multiple interactions on same HTML page 257 not judged response 254 scoring response 255 Send Score 238 tracking user performance 251 weight 234 scoring and tracking data, step-by-step procedures 252 Search, Help 14 segments adding 218 Build Your Own Template 298 Check Time 296 Check Tries 296 collapsing 225 copying 226 Correctness 296 creating new 219 cutting 226 editing 225 expanding 225 Multiple-choice 297 One-to-Many Matching 298 One-to-One Matching 297 One-to-One Matching (either way) 297 pasting 226 Point Slider 303 Push-button 301 312 Index segments (continued) Range Slider 302 renaming 224 Text Entry 301 Timer 301 Timer with Warning 302 Toggle-switch 300 Two-step Procedure 299 Send Interaction Information 235 Send Lesson Status 236 Send Lesson Time 237 Send Objective Infomation 237 Send Score 238 Set Interaction Properties action 229 Set Text of Frame action 231 Set Text of Layer action 232 Set Text of Text Field action 233 setting preferences 167 slider end value 210 slider range 211 slider start value 210 timer 195 trigger 195 slider 213 slider CourseBuilder Interaction Action Manager tab in 202 adding custom graphics in 213 adding range to 212 changing appearance in 210 creating point slider using 208 creating range slider using 205 deleting range in 212 dialog box tabs 201 General tab in 201 introduction 200 naming range in 211 pixel specifications 213 point slider template 207 range slider template 204 Ranges tab in 202 setting end value in 210 setting range in 211 setting start value in 210 step-by-step procedures 202 templates 200 Tracking tab 201 step-by-step procedures Action Manager 215 button interactions 176 drag-and-drop CourseBuilder Interaction 104 explore interactions 133 multiple-choice CourseBuilder Interaction 83 scoring and tracking data 252 slider interactions 202 text entry CourseBuilder Interaction 147 timer interactions 187 what’s new 74 structured exploration creating 139 introduction 138 Support Center 16 support files 68 system requirements Macintosh 13 Windows 13 T Table of Contents, Help 14 tabs Action Manager Action Manager tab 250 General tab 250 Tracking tab 250 button Action Manager tab 176 General tab 175 Tracking tab 175 drag-and-drop Action Manager tab 104 Elements tab 103 Pairs tab 103 Tracking tab 102, 131 explore Action Manager 132 CourseBuilder Interaction 131 Hot Areas 132 multiple-choice Action Manager tab 82 Choices tab 82 General tab 81 Tracking tab 81 options Choices 287 Elements 289 Hot Areas 291 Pairs 289 Ranges 294 Responses 292 Tracking 287 Triggers 293 slider Action Manager tab 202 General tab 201 Ranges tab 202 Tracking tab 201 text entry Action Manager tab 147 General tab 145 Responses tab 146 Tracking tab 145 timer Action Manager tab 187 General tab 186 Tracking tab 186 Triggers tab 187 tracking Action Manager 250 button 175 slider 201 text entry 145 timer 186 tag selector, CourseBuilder Interaction in 69 target element active area 126 technical support 17 template gallery, adding interactions to 170 templates Action Manager 250 building your own procedure template 120 button creating 179 introduction 174 push button 178 toggle switch 177 Index 313 drag-and-drop one-to-many matching 108 one-to-many matching, either way 109 one-to-one matching 106 one-to-one matching, either way 107 two-step procedure 116 two-step procedure with distractor 117 explore random exploration 135 structured exploration 138 for building custom drag-and-drop 112 multiple-choice check all-that-apply question 94 graphic multiple-choice 91 introduction 80 True/False question 85 multiple-choice question 89 slider introduction 200 point slider 207 range slider 204 text entry introduction 144 multiple-line text entry 150 single-line text entry 149 timer introduction 185 simple timer 189 simple timer template 192 text display options frame 160 layer 161 text field 161, 162 text entry CourseBuilder Interaction Action Manager tab 147 adding default text to field 153 adding response name 154 changing response name 153 checking capitalization 154 checking for exact match 155 checking for keywords and phrases 155 checking for unanticipated response 156 CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box 145 creating text entry field 151 deleting response name 154 General tab 145 multiple-line text entry template 150 314 Index naming response 153 Responses tab 146 single-line text entry template 149 step-by-step procedures 147 templates 144 Tracking tab 145 timer CourseBuilder Interaction Action Manager tab 187 adding custom graphics 198 adding trigger 197 appearance 196 assigning score before timer is reached 198 changing trigger name 196 creating timer 190 creating timer with a warning 193 custom timer 199 deleting trigger 197 dialog box tabs 186 General tab 186 introduction 185 judging response before first trigger 198 naming trigger 196 pixel specifications 198 setting timer 195 setting trigger 195 step-by-step procedures 187 templates 185 timer template 189 timer with a warning template 192 Tracking tab 186 Triggers tab 187 tracking data, See scoring Tracking tab 81, 201 transferring data 276 transferring data using CGI 277 transport methods, recording data with 280 trigger adding 197 changing name 196 deleting 197 judging response before first 198 naming 196 setting 195 True/False question, replacing with different words 88 tutorial, introductory 21 Type field setting 223 U unanticipated response, checking for 156 URLs, Authorware integration 167 user groups 17 Using CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver book 15 using Lotus Pathware, See Lotus Pathware V variables for performance tracking 265 W Web Player, See Authorware Web Player web server, required files 76 Weight 234 Index 315