INDIA SOLAR MAP 2015 Launch partner Premium sponsor Total utility scale solar capacity as of September 2015 (MW) CSP Central PV allocation State PV allocation Other PV Commissioned (Comm.) 219 4,678 MW JAMMU & KASHMIR 1,330 2,064 1,066 Projects under development (PUD) 862 8,707 MW 280 Tenders in progress (Tenders) 222 9 300 16 862 Comm. PUD 3,760 PUNJAB 29 UTTARAKHAND 150 266 5 5 Comm. 29 ASSAM PUD 55 65 910 19 3 5 3 153 8 55 150 Comm. PUD Tenders DELHI HARYANA 1 5 Comm. 146 565 300 195 224 Comm. 811 10 910 Comm. PUD Tenders 150 130 PUD 100 UTTAR PRADESH 112 14 395 100 Comm. PUD Tenders MEGHALAYA 250 370 PUD 127 1 150 Tenders 600 MW 2,700 MW 10 PUD 130 RAJASTHAN 10 670 10 395 2 2 BIHAR 50 35 474 4,060 MW 197 1,295 7,953 MADHYA PRADESH 250 Tenders JHARKHAND 18 2 16 Comm. 1,031 128 750 MW 700 MW WEST BENGAL 150 MW 7 7 Comm. 40 2 35 250 500 40 Comm. CHATTISGARH GUJARAT 863 250 Tenders ODISHA 136 1,000 MW 50 200 40 67 Comm. 10 PUD 500 Tenders 40 80 33 Comm. 35 PUD 971 246 50 35 930 111 200 MW TELANGANA 155 10 2,580 116 MAHARASHTRA 1,750 78 5 403 33 5 Comm. 76 5 Comm. 34 41 2,500 661 PUD 50 ANDHRA PRADESH 117 KARNATAKA 13 15 896 Comm. PUD 2,500 MW 1,600 MW 44 260 1,750 Comm. PUD Tenders 2,040 40 225 Risk profile of Distribution Companies (as per CRISIL, 2013) High Medium low 13 KERALA 13 188 11 Comm. TAMIL NADU Solar parks being developed by Solar Energy Corporation of India (Capacity) 26 2,000 Comm. PUD All figures in MW Cumulative market shares HITA R 4.5% TATA POWER SOLA LAN CO 3 .6% 15 .2% LI LIO 4.5% R4 .2% OL A ER S JINKO 4.6% BAER TA TA PO W SER SWELECT 0.6% VIKRAM 0. 7% APEX CLOTHING 0.7 % T L& AN A > 250 MW installed OLA LOWEST COST SOLAR POWER PRODUCER S ENE [email protected] MA DI GRID SCALE >50MW INDEPENDANT POWER PRODUCER Mr Tumul Dwivedi (Country Representative) H NA SM W CA D IN MO 5.5% AA RA 6.7 % % 3.4 % 5.9 0% 4. R 6.4% P OU GR Y T EC DA IR TO HA ED IR 1% RO 1. 1% OLA NCE D 1. % S LIA YO 1.1 % RE NJ LL 1.0 % PU O 1.0 % HER NI 0.9 ADA 0.9% IL&FS 0.9% LANCO Y 0.9% IRAN ENERG 0.9% K HINDRA 0.8% MA 0.8% SEMBCORP 0.8% MADHAV INFRA E RE 9. 3% CSUN IN CH % 3.3 3.6 % W .5% T3 EE AAR WI .1% IDER 8 SCHNE JU 3.4% X 2.6% FIG VEE EMM C EP REFE .4% 22 1.9% MA LPA 1.7 NI % AD 1.3 ITY % 1. AB T IRL 1. 1% ATA 1% RE A PO WE W NE AN W R EE P .2% 31 lf Se RAYS EXPERTS 2.4% BO N SU PPL E R UJAAS 2.2% 10.0% TRIN A .7% SHARP 2 2.0% HP AB CHI 7 .1% VIKRAM SOLAR 2.7% ENT B .3% 30 VE LA 1. 5 1.5 % IL % MS 1.5 OL % AR 1.8 % ENR ICH 1.9% HARSH A ABA KUS 2 .0% ME RA G4 .2% M SO PO IN WE FR R A 3.4 % ON NE DI S 5.4 %A 4. 6% HA 2.6 % S VIK AE F EM RU RA YS .6% 15 S IR .7% RS 5 OTHE 0.5% AR .6% SOL N 0 .7% IBCPHOTORIC 00.7%% T R .7 LEC IE 0 8% BE REM SCHR 0. .9% P BO WE S 0 .4% PO OL L 1 ON TR HE KS HEM B C T HANW 2.3% TO RR | +91 11 6654 4708 R LA SO CI 9% 2. 2.5% NTPC OS 2.7% E ER LI NCO AGE FRA SSEL IN NT 1. 3 CN 1.3 % NE P XP V1 % OW .3% ER 2.1 % YIN GLI 2.3% A MAH 3.4% TI PO HE ON E CM Both JA DU FR Thin film EI R Crystalline TM LA % 3.8 OTHERS 44.4% SU SO EPC contractors Inverter suppliers 7.6% OT HERS Module suppliers .1% OTHEROSL 10.4% REFUS P 0.5% SHABREA 0.5% T W 0.5% GRO 0.6% SUN TEK 8% . L 0 E % TA DEL NO 0.9 % 9 TER NS 0. 0% E SAN 1. M SIE TCON % 2.5 A C ST ZU RE Project developers BYD 0.5% 5% HAREONO 0. 0.5% SCHEUCAR 0.6% SOL A 0.6% SHAN % OV EINN EL 0.6 % WEBLAR 0.7.7% 0 O QS SUTTEN 0.8%% K SCH LDEL 0.8.0% BH CH 1 .0% E C 1 2% . NT RE L 1 .2% SU EL S 1 NW AA UJ 7.6% WELSPUN (for projects commissioned until August 2015) ST ER LIN G& WI LS ON 7 First Solar 5 ABB 1 Mahindra Susten - 11.00 2 Acme 5 Trina 4 SMA 5 S&W 4 10.00 8 Juwi - 6 Torrent 4 Emmvee 7 Helios 9 Vikram Solar - 7 Waneep - Tata Power Solar 1 Bonfiglioli 2 Harsha Abakus 7 8 Renew - Jinko 10 TBEA - Waaree - 9 Solairedirect - Vikram Solar - Delta - BHEL - 10 Hero - Chint 6 Sungrow 7 Emmvee 9 7.00 7.76 6.97 6.47 6.85 6.58 6.49 6.00 6.44 6.66 7.12 6.89 6.85 6.71 6.42 7.72 6.88 7.02 6.45 5.89 5.98 5.05 5.17 5.09 5.64 6.00 5.00 5.54 5.51 4.00 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 "Original tariffs in Andhra Pradesh have an escalation of 3% per year for 10 years. For the purpose of this analysis, levelised tariff has been calculated based on an EIRR of 16%.. Notes: "2014 rank has been calculated based on projects commissioned between Jan to Dec 2014. 2015 rank has been calculated for projects commissioned between Jan to Aug 2015 only. For ranking analysis of EPC contractors, own EPC has not been included." "-" signifies that the company was not in top 10 in 2014. ** Unlike most states that have a PPA tenure of 25 years, the tenure in Uttar Pradesh is 12 years. Year-wise share of thin film vs. crystalline modules (%) Pipeline for top 15 private project developers in India (MW) (as of September, 2015) 94 100% Share (%) 1,000 800 51 58 90 71 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% 70% 70% 60% 60% 49 50% 42 40% 30 30% 600 70 Year-wise share of Indian and imported modules (%) Share (%) 1,200 Capacity (MW) 7.67 7.49 7.74 Uttar Pradesh P3, 215 MW** 3 7.9 Punjab P2, 250 MW Schneider 7.94 7.81 8.01 Uttarakhand P1, 30 MW - 8.00 7.98 8.9 Telangana P1, 500 MW Waaree 8.6 8.05 Karnataka P3, 500 MW 2 8.5 Andhra Pradesh P2, 500 MW* Welspun 9.34 Uttar Pradesh P2, 300 MW** 5 9.33 8.74 NSM P2 B1 (Open), 375 MW L&T 9.00 NSM P2 B1 (DCR), 375 MW - 10 Karnataka P2, 50 MW TMEIC Rays Power Infra Chhattisgarh P1, 100 MW 2 4 9.44 Madhya Pradesh P2, 100 MW Renesola Hitachi 9.28 Andhra Pradesh P1 - Essel Infra 3 10.94 Uttar Pradesh P1, 200 MW** 4 Canadian Solar Fixed tariff RPSSGP 3 SunEdison Lowest winning bid Punjab P3, 500 MW Azure M/kWh 1 3 12.24 12.00 Telangana P2, 2000 MW Rank Increase/ 2014 Decrease Punjab P1, 200 MW Company Name Highest winning bid 12.45 Karnataka P1, 130 MW Rank Increase/ 2014 Decrease 12.54 Madhya Pradesh P1, 200 MW Company Name 13.00 Karnataka P1, 60 MW Rank Increase/ 2014 Decrease 17.91 18.00 NSM P1 B2, 350 MW Company Name EPC contractors Gujarat P2, 565 MW Rank Increase/ 2014 Decrease Company Name Inverter suppliers NSM P1 B1, 150 MW Rank 2015 Module suppliers Gujarat P1, 320 MW Project developers Winning bid range for solar tenders Madhya Pradesh P3, 300 MW Top 10 market leaders 28 10 6 42 50% 40% 60 Crystalline 2012 2013 2015 (until 31st August) 2014 59 35 26 19 13 26 22 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (until 31st August) India Thin film 49 39 0% 2011 60 40 10% 0% 2010 29 34 20% 10% 200 14 30% 29 20% 400 5 China Other countries Note Based on available data for 4,139 MW of modules used in commissioned projects in India. Pipeline Notes Mahindra Essel Infra Shapoorji Pallonji Suzlon Today Group Hindustan Power Projects Ltd. Skypower NTPC Mytrah Azure Renew SunEdison Adani Welspun Acme 0 1. BRIDGE TO INDIA has conducted an extensive data collection exercise and relied on multiple market sources to provide accurate, factual information as far as possible. However, we cannot guarantee completeness or accuracy of this information. 2. For almost all projects, the data available with BRIDGE TO INDIA has been cross-referenced with data provided by other market players. 3. Only grid connected projects above 1 MW have been considered. 4. For most of the analysis, we have relied on AC capacity numbers where available. 5. Market information for project developers: a. Market share for this category is based on available data for 4,459 MW of projects. b. Credit for the 50 MW Welspun-Mahagenco JV project has been given 50:50 to Mahagenco and Welspun respectively. Commissioned 7. Market information for module suppliers: a. Market share for this category is based on available data for only 4,139 MW of projects. b. The following companies were unreachable or have not confirmed the data: LDK, BHEL, CSun, BYD, Hareon, Webel, REC, Sunwell, Solar Frontier, Scheuco, Einnova, Shan Solar, Schutten, Suntech, Nexpower, Yingli. 8. Market information for inverter suppliers: a. Market share for this category is based on available data for only 3,890 MW of projects. b. The following companies were unreachable or have not confirmed the data: Bonfiglioli, Schneider, Siemens, Statcon, Santerno, Refusol, Sharp, Sungrow, Helios and Eltek. 6. Market information for third-party EPC contractors: a. Market share for this category is based on available data for only 4,046 MW of projects. b. In some cases, procurement responsibilities for some or all of the equipment may be excluded from the scope. Notes PPAs have not been signed in Telangana, Madhya Pradesh and Punjab. The capacity allocated to developers in these states is subject to final PPA signing. NTPC, NHPC, SECI and other public sector companies have not been considered for this analysis. c. In many projects, EPC contractor role is split between various parties. We have used multiple criteria for determining credits including final responsibility for commissioning and value of contracts. Sponsored taxonomy INVERTER SUPPLIERS Launch partner EPC CONTRACTORS Hitachi Hi-Rel Power Electronics Pvt. Ltd. B-52, Corporate House, Judges Bungalow Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad - 380 054, Gujarat, India Contact Person: Mr. Sanjay Bhalekar E: [email protected] [email protected] M: +91 8511134591 P: +91 79 66046200 F: +91 79 66046201 Vikram Solar Pvt. Ltd. "The Chambers" (8th Floor), 1865 Rajdanga Main Road, Kolkata - 700107 Contact Person: Mr Saugata Datta (President - Business Development) E: [email protected] [email protected] M: +91 33 24427299 SEMIKRON Electronics P. Ltd. Plot No. - EL-148, TTC Industrial Area, MIDC Electronic Zone, Mahape, Navi Mumbai - 400710, Maharashtra, India Contact Person: Mr. Padmanabha Kamath E: [email protected] P: +91 22 27628600 Jakson Engineers Limited A-43, Phase – II (Extension), Hosiery Complex, Noida – 201305 (UP) India Contact Person: Mr Parshant Kalra E: [email protected] M: +91 9871122307 P: +91 120 4526168 (direct line) +91 120 4302600 Premium sponsor INDIA SOLAR MAP 2015 PROJECT DEVELOPERS Commissioned SkyPower SkyPower New Delhi Office 4th Floor, Rectangle No.1 Behind Saket Sheraton Hotel Commercial Complex D4, Saket New Delhi - 110017, India SkyPower Global First Canadian Place 100 King Street West 30th Floor Toronto Ontario Canada M5X 1C9 Contact Person: Mr. Vikas Verma E: [email protected] 4,678MW ACME Cleantech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 152, Sector-44, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122002, India Contact Person: Mr. Manish Karna, Ms. Vijeta Chaudhary E: [email protected] [email protected] M: +91 8588010331, +91 9873481330 Make your presence felt in INDIA SOLAR ROOFTOP MAP 2016 Due for release at Intersolar Mumbai in November 2015 India Solar Rooftop Map is the only comprehensive publication covering the country’s rooftop solar segment. This all-in-one-map acts as a ready reckoner and contains vital market information that helps the industry analyse key trends and themes in one of the most high potential solar markets in the world. Various stakeholders retain and refer this map in order to understand the market developments and make sound strategic decisions. The map's print copy is distributed to over 12,000 market participants, including all key public officials and policy makers. The map is also available for online download through the year. Current installed capacity by segment and geography Project under development 8,707MW Tenders in progress 4,060MW About BRIDGE TO INDIA Our reports BRIDGE TO INDIA is the leading consulting and knowledge services provider in the Indian cleantech market. Our multi-functional experience expertise combined with comprehensive in-house research capability enables us to develop insightful and highly sought-after industry analyses. Our overarching goal is to provide customised cleantech solutions and enable innovative business models in India. India Solar Map Our services Strategy Consulting Trends in policies and business models and much more… For submitting project information Please share your project level data with us at [email protected]. We need data for rooftop projects where you have provided your products/services. The following five basic details are needed: customer name, system capacity, makes of modules and inverteers used, location and date of commissioning. For sponsorship and advertisement opportunities Please contact us at [email protected] Market environment White papers Market shares for module and inverter suppliers and EPC contractors Segment-wise market projections India Solar Handbook provides holistic assessment of the Indian solar market. Released every year at Intersolar Germany in July, it is a highly sought after publication in the industry. We work actively with all leading stakeholders including project developers and investors, energy customers, equipment suppliers, regulators, policy makers and development institutions. We have also helped a number of international top-tier cleantech companies in growing their business footprint in India by providing risk assessment and business partner selection services. Business strategy Key indicators on demand for solar power based on parity markets India Solar Handbook The India Solar Map is a simple, one-of-its-kind infographic that provides a quick snapshot of the Indian utility scale solar market. Referred to by more than 50,000 industry stakeholders, it contains vital market information and trends including state-wise installed project capacity, project tariffs and market shares of leading players. It is released every year in September at Renewable Energy India Expo. India Solar Rooftop Map Transaction Advisory Financial advisory Business restructuring Due diligence Unique understanding of the Indian cleantech market Market Intelligence Always up-to-date Industry access 360 degree view C-8/5, DLF Phase 1, Gurgaon - 122001 (HR) India Thought Leadership Reports BRIDGE TO INDIA regularly partners with influential market stakeholders to publish thought leadership reports. We identify emerging market themes and provide our analyses based on rigorous evaluation of the economic, technical, regulatory and policy fundamentals of cleantech sector in India. Recently, we have worked with Tata Power Solar, Greenpeace and Prayas. Head Office P +91 124 4204003 E [email protected] India Solar Rooftop Map is the country's most comprehensive publication on the rooftop solar segment, with a reach of over 25,000 domestic and international stakeholders. It contains vital market information and identifies key trends and themes in India's burgeoning solar rooftop segment. The India Solar Rooftop Map is released at Intersolar Mumbai in November every year. India Solar Future